• Many Say They Want Peace When What They Really Want Is Obedience: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
    Caitlin JohnstoneWednesday 24 Jan 24
    Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):

    Everyone says they want peace, but they mean different things by this. To an anti-imperialist, peace means the end of violence, oppression and exploitation. To a Zionist, peace means Palestinians lie down and accept their fate and neighboring nations cease disobeying Israel. To a supporter of the US empire, peace means all nations around the world submit to US unipolar hegemony. Many say they want peace when what they really want is tyranny.

    If “peace” to you means other populations bow down and submit to your will, then it makes perfect sense for you to believe that your wars are being waged to attain peace, because those wars are being used to violently bludgeon those populations into obedience. If your definition of peace means the cessation of all violence and abuse, then you will support ceasefires, peace negotiations, diplomacy, the de-escalation of tensions, the cessation of imperialist extraction, and the end of apartheid and injustice.

    Pay less attention to people’s words about wanting “peace” and focus instead on what actions they are supporting to accomplish that end. This will show you the truth about what they really want.


    Someone asked “Can we all agree that our world would be better without a Hamas?”

    This is the sort of question that can only make sense to you if you view Hamas as some kind of invasive alien presence that was imposed upon Palestine from the outside instead of a natural emergence from the material circumstances that have been forced upon Palestinians. If you’ve got a group of people being sufficiently oppressed and violently persecuted by the ruling power, you’re going to start seeing violent opposition to that ruling power as sure as you’ll see blood arise from a wound.

    If Hamas had been completely eliminated a decade ago, there would be a Palestinian group organizing violence against the state of Israel today under that or some other name. If Hamas is completely eliminated tomorrow, there will be a Palestinian group organizing violence against the state of Israel in a matter of years (assuming there are any Palestinians left when this is all over, of course). If a man starts strangling me, at some point I’m going to try to gouge his eyes and crush his testicles. That’s just what happens when humans find themselves under a sufficient amount of existential pressure.

    Asking if the world would be better without Hamas is as nonsensical as asking if Alaska would be better without coats. The presence of coats in Alaska is the natural consequence of the material conditions in that region, and as long as those material conditions persist for the population of Alaska then there will necessarily be coats.

    Don’t ask if the world would be better without a Hamas, ask if the world would be better without the conditions which make a Hamas inevitable.

    Biden has started a new US war in Yemen while backing a genocide in Gaza, both of which are fully supported by the party which supposedly opposes him. But by all means go ahead and spend the rest of the year fixating on the US presidential race.

    Know how you can tell it no longer matters who the US president is? They stopped getting assassinated.

    The Biden administration’s justifications for its acts of war in Yemen are premised on the absurd assumption that the world economy should march on completely uninhibited during an active genocide.

    Supporting the world’s most powerful government bombing the poorest country in the middle east for trying to stop a genocide is the most sycophantic bootlicking you can possibly cram into a single political opinion.


    Israel isn’t relentlessly murderous and abusive because it’s run by Jews, it’s relentlessly murderous and abusive because that’s the only way to maintain an ethnostate that was abruptly dropped on top of an already existing civilization. This would be true if it’d been a Mormon state or a Romani state.

    Take any already existing country with its own ethnic and religious makeup and its own relationships with surrounding countries and drop a brand new artificial ethnostate on top of it with a deluge of immigrants who are designated special and above the people in that region, and you’re going to get a ton of violence. You’re also going to see the dominant group espouse supremacist ideological beliefs to justify why it’s fine for them to be placed above the other group and receive better treatment by the state. These things would happen regardless of what those respective ethnic and religious makeups happen to be.

    How can we be sure of this? Because we’ve seen it happen time and time again in other settler-colonialist projects throughout history which had nothing to do with Jews or Muslims.

    It’s not about Jews and Judaism, it’s about the nature and character of the ethnostate which got placed overtop a pre-existing civilization in the 1940s. The religions and ethnicities are interchangeable with pretty much any other in terms of how much violence would be necessary to institute and maintain such a state.

    People who say they oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza but don’t forcefully oppose Biden’s facilitation of Israel’s actions in Gaza do not actually oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza.

    There’s a type of uninformed comment I keep seeing, usually from Americans, that goes something like this: “What do I care about Israel and Hamas? It’s none of our business and we should stay out of it.”

    This comment is born of the misunderstanding that people want the US to meddle in middle eastern affairs to stop the slaughter in Gaza, which is a notion many Americans reflexively oppose these days because they have learned that US “humanitarian interventions” in that region are consistently disastrous and often very costly.

    But that isn’t what’s being called for. What’s being called for is for the US to STOP intervening in Israel and Gaza — to END an intervention that is ALREADY taking place. The US has been pouring billions of dollars of weaponry into Israel every year for many years now, and has sent a whole lot more since October 7 to assist the Israeli butchery that’s been happening in Gaza. If the US ceased supporting Israel’s violence in Gaza, that violence would necessarily be forced to end.

    As a retired Israeli major general named Yitzhak Brick told the Jewish News Syndicate in November, “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the US. The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability… Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.”

    If you don’t want your government engaging in foreign conflicts and intervening in foreign affairs, then you should oppose the US-backed massacres in Gaza, because that’s exactly what it is. The anti-interventionist position for an American to have is to demand that the Biden administration stop actively facilitating this mass atrocity.

    Many Say They Want Peace When What They Really Want Is Obedience: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Caitlin JohnstoneWednesday 24 Jan 24 Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Everyone says they want peace, but they mean different things by this. To an anti-imperialist, peace means the end of violence, oppression and exploitation. To a Zionist, peace means Palestinians lie down and accept their fate and neighboring nations cease disobeying Israel. To a supporter of the US empire, peace means all nations around the world submit to US unipolar hegemony. Many say they want peace when what they really want is tyranny. If “peace” to you means other populations bow down and submit to your will, then it makes perfect sense for you to believe that your wars are being waged to attain peace, because those wars are being used to violently bludgeon those populations into obedience. If your definition of peace means the cessation of all violence and abuse, then you will support ceasefires, peace negotiations, diplomacy, the de-escalation of tensions, the cessation of imperialist extraction, and the end of apartheid and injustice. Pay less attention to people’s words about wanting “peace” and focus instead on what actions they are supporting to accomplish that end. This will show you the truth about what they really want. ❖ https://x.com/caitoz/status/1748455323126632957?s=20 ❖ Someone asked “Can we all agree that our world would be better without a Hamas?” This is the sort of question that can only make sense to you if you view Hamas as some kind of invasive alien presence that was imposed upon Palestine from the outside instead of a natural emergence from the material circumstances that have been forced upon Palestinians. If you’ve got a group of people being sufficiently oppressed and violently persecuted by the ruling power, you’re going to start seeing violent opposition to that ruling power as sure as you’ll see blood arise from a wound. If Hamas had been completely eliminated a decade ago, there would be a Palestinian group organizing violence against the state of Israel today under that or some other name. If Hamas is completely eliminated tomorrow, there will be a Palestinian group organizing violence against the state of Israel in a matter of years (assuming there are any Palestinians left when this is all over, of course). If a man starts strangling me, at some point I’m going to try to gouge his eyes and crush his testicles. That’s just what happens when humans find themselves under a sufficient amount of existential pressure. Asking if the world would be better without Hamas is as nonsensical as asking if Alaska would be better without coats. The presence of coats in Alaska is the natural consequence of the material conditions in that region, and as long as those material conditions persist for the population of Alaska then there will necessarily be coats. Don’t ask if the world would be better without a Hamas, ask if the world would be better without the conditions which make a Hamas inevitable. ❖ Biden has started a new US war in Yemen while backing a genocide in Gaza, both of which are fully supported by the party which supposedly opposes him. But by all means go ahead and spend the rest of the year fixating on the US presidential race. ❖ Know how you can tell it no longer matters who the US president is? They stopped getting assassinated. ❖ The Biden administration’s justifications for its acts of war in Yemen are premised on the absurd assumption that the world economy should march on completely uninhibited during an active genocide. ❖ Supporting the world’s most powerful government bombing the poorest country in the middle east for trying to stop a genocide is the most sycophantic bootlicking you can possibly cram into a single political opinion. ❖ https://x.com/caitoz/status/1748478825602953304?s=20 ❖ Israel isn’t relentlessly murderous and abusive because it’s run by Jews, it’s relentlessly murderous and abusive because that’s the only way to maintain an ethnostate that was abruptly dropped on top of an already existing civilization. This would be true if it’d been a Mormon state or a Romani state. Take any already existing country with its own ethnic and religious makeup and its own relationships with surrounding countries and drop a brand new artificial ethnostate on top of it with a deluge of immigrants who are designated special and above the people in that region, and you’re going to get a ton of violence. You’re also going to see the dominant group espouse supremacist ideological beliefs to justify why it’s fine for them to be placed above the other group and receive better treatment by the state. These things would happen regardless of what those respective ethnic and religious makeups happen to be. How can we be sure of this? Because we’ve seen it happen time and time again in other settler-colonialist projects throughout history which had nothing to do with Jews or Muslims. It’s not about Jews and Judaism, it’s about the nature and character of the ethnostate which got placed overtop a pre-existing civilization in the 1940s. The religions and ethnicities are interchangeable with pretty much any other in terms of how much violence would be necessary to institute and maintain such a state. ❖ People who say they oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza but don’t forcefully oppose Biden’s facilitation of Israel’s actions in Gaza do not actually oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza. ❖ There’s a type of uninformed comment I keep seeing, usually from Americans, that goes something like this: “What do I care about Israel and Hamas? It’s none of our business and we should stay out of it.” This comment is born of the misunderstanding that people want the US to meddle in middle eastern affairs to stop the slaughter in Gaza, which is a notion many Americans reflexively oppose these days because they have learned that US “humanitarian interventions” in that region are consistently disastrous and often very costly. But that isn’t what’s being called for. What’s being called for is for the US to STOP intervening in Israel and Gaza — to END an intervention that is ALREADY taking place. The US has been pouring billions of dollars of weaponry into Israel every year for many years now, and has sent a whole lot more since October 7 to assist the Israeli butchery that’s been happening in Gaza. If the US ceased supporting Israel’s violence in Gaza, that violence would necessarily be forced to end. As a retired Israeli major general named Yitzhak Brick told the Jewish News Syndicate in November, “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the US. The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability… Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.” If you don’t want your government engaging in foreign conflicts and intervening in foreign affairs, then you should oppose the US-backed massacres in Gaza, because that’s exactly what it is. The anti-interventionist position for an American to have is to demand that the Biden administration stop actively facilitating this mass atrocity. https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/many-say-they-want-peace-when-what
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 10474 Visualizações
  • Many Say They Want Peace When What They Really Want Is Obedience: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
    Caitlin JohnstoneWednesday 24 Jan 24
    Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):

    Everyone says they want peace, but they mean different things by this. To an anti-imperialist, peace means the end of violence, oppression and exploitation. To a Zionist, peace means Palestinians lie down and accept their fate and neighboring nations cease disobeying Israel. To a supporter of the US empire, peace means all nations around the world submit to US unipolar hegemony. Many say they want peace when what they really want is tyranny.

    If “peace” to you means other populations bow down and submit to your will, then it makes perfect sense for you to believe that your wars are being waged to attain peace, because those wars are being used to violently bludgeon those populations into obedience. If your definition of peace means the cessation of all violence and abuse, then you will support ceasefires, peace negotiations, diplomacy, the de-escalation of tensions, the cessation of imperialist extraction, and the end of apartheid and injustice.

    Pay less attention to people’s words about wanting “peace” and focus instead on what actions they are supporting to accomplish that end. This will show you the truth about what they really want.


    Someone asked “Can we all agree that our world would be better without a Hamas?”

    This is the sort of question that can only make sense to you if you view Hamas as some kind of invasive alien presence that was imposed upon Palestine from the outside instead of a natural emergence from the material circumstances that have been forced upon Palestinians. If you’ve got a group of people being sufficiently oppressed and violently persecuted by the ruling power, you’re going to start seeing violent opposition to that ruling power as sure as you’ll see blood arise from a wound.

    If Hamas had been completely eliminated a decade ago, there would be a Palestinian group organizing violence against the state of Israel today under that or some other name. If Hamas is completely eliminated tomorrow, there will be a Palestinian group organizing violence against the state of Israel in a matter of years (assuming there are any Palestinians left when this is all over, of course). If a man starts strangling me, at some point I’m going to try to gouge his eyes and crush his testicles. That’s just what happens when humans find themselves under a sufficient amount of existential pressure.

    Asking if the world would be better without Hamas is as nonsensical as asking if Alaska would be better without coats. The presence of coats in Alaska is the natural consequence of the material conditions in that region, and as long as those material conditions persist for the population of Alaska then there will necessarily be coats.

    Don’t ask if the world would be better without a Hamas, ask if the world would be better without the conditions which make a Hamas inevitable.

    Biden has started a new US war in Yemen while backing a genocide in Gaza, both of which are fully supported by the party which supposedly opposes him. But by all means go ahead and spend the rest of the year fixating on the US presidential race.

    Know how you can tell it no longer matters who the US president is? They stopped getting assassinated.

    The Biden administration’s justifications for its acts of war in Yemen are premised on the absurd assumption that the world economy should march on completely uninhibited during an active genocide.

    Supporting the world’s most powerful government bombing the poorest country in the middle east for trying to stop a genocide is the most sycophantic bootlicking you can possibly cram into a single political opinion.


    Israel isn’t relentlessly murderous and abusive because it’s run by Jews, it’s relentlessly murderous and abusive because that’s the only way to maintain an ethnostate that was abruptly dropped on top of an already existing civilization. This would be true if it’d been a Mormon state or a Romani state.

    Take any already existing country with its own ethnic and religious makeup and its own relationships with surrounding countries and drop a brand new artificial ethnostate on top of it with a deluge of immigrants who are designated special and above the people in that region, and you’re going to get a ton of violence. You’re also going to see the dominant group espouse supremacist ideological beliefs to justify why it’s fine for them to be placed above the other group and receive better treatment by the state. These things would happen regardless of what those respective ethnic and religious makeups happen to be.

    How can we be sure of this? Because we’ve seen it happen time and time again in other settler-colonialist projects throughout history which had nothing to do with Jews or Muslims.

    It’s not about Jews and Judaism, it’s about the nature and character of the ethnostate which got placed overtop a pre-existing civilization in the 1940s. The religions and ethnicities are interchangeable with pretty much any other in terms of how much violence would be necessary to institute and maintain such a state.

    People who say they oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza but don’t forcefully oppose Biden’s facilitation of Israel’s actions in Gaza do not actually oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza.

    There’s a type of uninformed comment I keep seeing, usually from Americans, that goes something like this: “What do I care about Israel and Hamas? It’s none of our business and we should stay out of it.”

    This comment is born of the misunderstanding that people want the US to meddle in middle eastern affairs to stop the slaughter in Gaza, which is a notion many Americans reflexively oppose these days because they have learned that US “humanitarian interventions” in that region are consistently disastrous and often very costly.

    But that isn’t what’s being called for. What’s being called for is for the US to STOP intervening in Israel and Gaza — to END an intervention that is ALREADY taking place. The US has been pouring billions of dollars of weaponry into Israel every year for many years now, and has sent a whole lot more since October 7 to assist the Israeli butchery that’s been happening in Gaza. If the US ceased supporting Israel’s violence in Gaza, that violence would necessarily be forced to end.

    As a retired Israeli major general named Yitzhak Brick told the Jewish News Syndicate in November, “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the US. The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability… Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.”

    If you don’t want your government engaging in foreign conflicts and intervening in foreign affairs, then you should oppose the US-backed massacres in Gaza, because that’s exactly what it is. The anti-interventionist position for an American to have is to demand that the Biden administration stop actively facilitating this mass atrocity.


    Many Say They Want Peace When What They Really Want Is Obedience: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Caitlin JohnstoneWednesday 24 Jan 24 Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Everyone says they want peace, but they mean different things by this. To an anti-imperialist, peace means the end of violence, oppression and exploitation. To a Zionist, peace means Palestinians lie down and accept their fate and neighboring nations cease disobeying Israel. To a supporter of the US empire, peace means all nations around the world submit to US unipolar hegemony. Many say they want peace when what they really want is tyranny. If “peace” to you means other populations bow down and submit to your will, then it makes perfect sense for you to believe that your wars are being waged to attain peace, because those wars are being used to violently bludgeon those populations into obedience. If your definition of peace means the cessation of all violence and abuse, then you will support ceasefires, peace negotiations, diplomacy, the de-escalation of tensions, the cessation of imperialist extraction, and the end of apartheid and injustice. Pay less attention to people’s words about wanting “peace” and focus instead on what actions they are supporting to accomplish that end. This will show you the truth about what they really want. ❖ https://x.com/caitoz/status/1748455323126632957?s=20 ❖ Someone asked “Can we all agree that our world would be better without a Hamas?” This is the sort of question that can only make sense to you if you view Hamas as some kind of invasive alien presence that was imposed upon Palestine from the outside instead of a natural emergence from the material circumstances that have been forced upon Palestinians. If you’ve got a group of people being sufficiently oppressed and violently persecuted by the ruling power, you’re going to start seeing violent opposition to that ruling power as sure as you’ll see blood arise from a wound. If Hamas had been completely eliminated a decade ago, there would be a Palestinian group organizing violence against the state of Israel today under that or some other name. If Hamas is completely eliminated tomorrow, there will be a Palestinian group organizing violence against the state of Israel in a matter of years (assuming there are any Palestinians left when this is all over, of course). If a man starts strangling me, at some point I’m going to try to gouge his eyes and crush his testicles. That’s just what happens when humans find themselves under a sufficient amount of existential pressure. Asking if the world would be better without Hamas is as nonsensical as asking if Alaska would be better without coats. The presence of coats in Alaska is the natural consequence of the material conditions in that region, and as long as those material conditions persist for the population of Alaska then there will necessarily be coats. Don’t ask if the world would be better without a Hamas, ask if the world would be better without the conditions which make a Hamas inevitable. ❖ Biden has started a new US war in Yemen while backing a genocide in Gaza, both of which are fully supported by the party which supposedly opposes him. But by all means go ahead and spend the rest of the year fixating on the US presidential race. ❖ Know how you can tell it no longer matters who the US president is? They stopped getting assassinated. ❖ The Biden administration’s justifications for its acts of war in Yemen are premised on the absurd assumption that the world economy should march on completely uninhibited during an active genocide. ❖ Supporting the world’s most powerful government bombing the poorest country in the middle east for trying to stop a genocide is the most sycophantic bootlicking you can possibly cram into a single political opinion. ❖ https://x.com/caitoz/status/1748478825602953304?s=20 ❖ Israel isn’t relentlessly murderous and abusive because it’s run by Jews, it’s relentlessly murderous and abusive because that’s the only way to maintain an ethnostate that was abruptly dropped on top of an already existing civilization. This would be true if it’d been a Mormon state or a Romani state. Take any already existing country with its own ethnic and religious makeup and its own relationships with surrounding countries and drop a brand new artificial ethnostate on top of it with a deluge of immigrants who are designated special and above the people in that region, and you’re going to get a ton of violence. You’re also going to see the dominant group espouse supremacist ideological beliefs to justify why it’s fine for them to be placed above the other group and receive better treatment by the state. These things would happen regardless of what those respective ethnic and religious makeups happen to be. How can we be sure of this? Because we’ve seen it happen time and time again in other settler-colonialist projects throughout history which had nothing to do with Jews or Muslims. It’s not about Jews and Judaism, it’s about the nature and character of the ethnostate which got placed overtop a pre-existing civilization in the 1940s. The religions and ethnicities are interchangeable with pretty much any other in terms of how much violence would be necessary to institute and maintain such a state. ❖ People who say they oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza but don’t forcefully oppose Biden’s facilitation of Israel’s actions in Gaza do not actually oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza. ❖ There’s a type of uninformed comment I keep seeing, usually from Americans, that goes something like this: “What do I care about Israel and Hamas? It’s none of our business and we should stay out of it.” This comment is born of the misunderstanding that people want the US to meddle in middle eastern affairs to stop the slaughter in Gaza, which is a notion many Americans reflexively oppose these days because they have learned that US “humanitarian interventions” in that region are consistently disastrous and often very costly. But that isn’t what’s being called for. What’s being called for is for the US to STOP intervening in Israel and Gaza — to END an intervention that is ALREADY taking place. The US has been pouring billions of dollars of weaponry into Israel every year for many years now, and has sent a whole lot more since October 7 to assist the Israeli butchery that’s been happening in Gaza. If the US ceased supporting Israel’s violence in Gaza, that violence would necessarily be forced to end. As a retired Israeli major general named Yitzhak Brick told the Jewish News Syndicate in November, “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the US. The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability… Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.” If you don’t want your government engaging in foreign conflicts and intervening in foreign affairs, then you should oppose the US-backed massacres in Gaza, because that’s exactly what it is. The anti-interventionist position for an American to have is to demand that the Biden administration stop actively facilitating this mass atrocity. https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/many-say-they-want-peace-when-what https://thealtworld.com/caitlin_johnston/many-say-they-want-peace-when-what-they-really-want-is-obedience
    Many Say They Want Peace When What They Really Want Is Obedience: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix - TheAltWorld
    "Don’t ask if the world would be better without a Hamas, ask if the world would be better without the conditions which make a Hamas inevitable."
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 9962 Visualizações
  • Santa Facts and NFT.

    1. The world's largest gathering of Santa Clauses occurs annually in Copenhagen, Denmark, where thousands of people dressed as Santa participate in the Santa Claus World Congress.

    2. The idea of Santa having a workshop at the North Pole is often attributed to the 1823 poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas," which popularized many aspects of the modern Santa Claus myth.

    3. The Guinness World Record for the largest Santa Claus parade is held by Richmond, Virginia, with thousands of participants dressed as Santa.

    4. In Finland, where Santa is known as Joulupukki, a tradition called "Joulupukki TV" allows children to interact with Santa via a live television broadcast.

    5. The first department store Santa Claus appeared in 1890 at a store in Massachusetts, where James Edgar donned a Santa suit to attract shoppers.

    6. The concept of a Naughty or Nice list has been around for centuries, but its modern interpretation as a way to monitor children's behavior and determine gifts is relatively recent.

    7. In Australia, where Christmas falls during the Southern Hemisphere's summer, Santa is sometimes depicted wearing "board shorts" instead of his traditional suit.

    8. The Dutch celebrate "Sinterklaas" on December 5th, where Sinterklaas arrives by boat, accompanied by his helpers, and distributes gifts to children.

    9. The legend of Santa Claus has been adapted in various ways, including female versions like "Mrs. Claus" and different cultural iterations, such as "Grandfather Frost" in Russia.

    10. The town of North Pole in Alaska receives thousands of letters addressed to Santa Claus each year, and volunteers known as "Santa's elves" respond to as many as possible.

    Santa NFT:

    #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter #holidays #santa #facts
    Santa Facts and NFT. 1. The world's largest gathering of Santa Clauses occurs annually in Copenhagen, Denmark, where thousands of people dressed as Santa participate in the Santa Claus World Congress. 2. The idea of Santa having a workshop at the North Pole is often attributed to the 1823 poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas," which popularized many aspects of the modern Santa Claus myth. 3. The Guinness World Record for the largest Santa Claus parade is held by Richmond, Virginia, with thousands of participants dressed as Santa. 4. In Finland, where Santa is known as Joulupukki, a tradition called "Joulupukki TV" allows children to interact with Santa via a live television broadcast. 5. The first department store Santa Claus appeared in 1890 at a store in Massachusetts, where James Edgar donned a Santa suit to attract shoppers. 6. The concept of a Naughty or Nice list has been around for centuries, but its modern interpretation as a way to monitor children's behavior and determine gifts is relatively recent. 7. In Australia, where Christmas falls during the Southern Hemisphere's summer, Santa is sometimes depicted wearing "board shorts" instead of his traditional suit. 8. The Dutch celebrate "Sinterklaas" on December 5th, where Sinterklaas arrives by boat, accompanied by his helpers, and distributes gifts to children. 9. The legend of Santa Claus has been adapted in various ways, including female versions like "Mrs. Claus" and different cultural iterations, such as "Grandfather Frost" in Russia. 10. The town of North Pole in Alaska receives thousands of letters addressed to Santa Claus each year, and volunteers known as "Santa's elves" respond to as many as possible. Santa NFT: https://bit.ly/3NHZ55T #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter #holidays #santa #facts
    NFT by Nft_craftt
    Santa NFT. #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter #holidays #santa #facts...
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 17851 Visualizações
  • Chance to win $750 cashapp giftcard giveaway.
    Giveaway ends this week Don't miss your chance to win a $750 Cashapp gift card


    #Alabama #Alaska #Arizona #Arkansas #California #Colorado #Connecticut #Delaware #Florida #Georgia #Hawaii #Idaho #Illinois #Indiana #Iowa #Kansas #Kentucky #Louisiana #Maine #Maryland #Massachusett #Michigan #Minnesota #Mississippi #Missouri #Montana #Nebraska #Nevada #NewHampshire #NewJersey #NewMexico #NewYork #NorthCarolina #NorthDakota #Ohio #Oklahoma #Oregon #Pennsylvania #RhodeIsland #SouthCarolina #SouthDakota #Tennessee #Texas #Utah #Vermont #Virginia #Washington #WestVirginia #Wisconsin #Wyoming #usa #usafirst #usanews #usa2024 #usarmy #usatoday #usapeople #usajobs #usatravel #us #usapresident #x #newyork #newyorkcity #texas #washingtondc #joebiden #America
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    Chance to win $750 cashapp giftcard giveaway. Giveaway ends this week Don't miss your chance to win a $750 Cashapp gift card https://sites.google.com/view/cashapp01720/home #Alabama #Alaska #Arizona #Arkansas #California #Colorado #Connecticut #Delaware #Florida #Georgia #Hawaii #Idaho #Illinois #Indiana #Iowa #Kansas #Kentucky #Louisiana #Maine #Maryland #Massachusett #Michigan #Minnesota #Mississippi #Missouri #Montana #Nebraska #Nevada #NewHampshire #NewJersey #NewMexico #NewYork #NorthCarolina #NorthDakota #Ohio #Oklahoma #Oregon #Pennsylvania #RhodeIsland #SouthCarolina #SouthDakota #Tennessee #Texas #Utah #Vermont #Virginia #Washington #WestVirginia #Wisconsin #Wyoming #usa #usafirst #usanews #usa2024 #usarmy #usatoday #usapeople #usajobs #usatravel #us #usapresident #x #newyork #newyorkcity #texas #washingtondc #joebiden #America #UnitedStates #USAPride #AmericanDream #USATravel #USADiscoveries #USALife #USAHistory #USACulture #USAEvents #USAPolitics #USAEducation #USAStudents #USAHealth #USAPolice #USAFood
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 27645 Visualizações
  • This is one of our port of call "JUNEAU" upon our arrival here in Juneau at 1pm.

    dockside at the gangway*

    we arrive here late compare to other ports this port is one of the busiest place due to other cruise ships docked and anchored with us here, there are 4 cruise ships and one was anchored and cannot manage to dock alongside.

    After my duty in the morning I had a quick break again for a about 2 hours only I rushed going out with my co workers, along the way to our destination I saw the place where most of the crew are staying this is an Asian street food where Filipinos are who prepare / cook and sell food for all the crew onboard to different ships docked. They became so famous to all the seafarers.

    *known as "Bernadette"
    This street food serving rice meals or "lutong bahay" what we call in Tagalog a local language of Philippine people means home made dishes.

    as you can see this how close their place to our ship, it is a matter of a 3 minutes only. so for those crew have a contact number to this street food seller they can order and deliver the food only in front of the gangway.

    So after we check this area we went to a grocery store where we will buy our necessities onboard, and I saw thing catch my attention and bought it, a Yamaha cap MOnster edition.

    so we are almost going back to the ship for work we need to maximize our time and we cannot waste time. So I purchase something from the Ace Hardware I bought some office supplies and etc.

    When we have our lunch here after that we rushed going back to the ship, the time though not enough but there is still a next time. because we will keep doing this itinerary of Alaska for two months.

    going back to the ship
    This is one of our port of call "JUNEAU" upon our arrival here in Juneau at 1pm. dockside at the gangway* we arrive here late compare to other ports this port is one of the busiest place due to other cruise ships docked and anchored with us here, there are 4 cruise ships and one was anchored and cannot manage to dock alongside. After my duty in the morning I had a quick break again for a about 2 hours only I rushed going out with my co workers, along the way to our destination I saw the place where most of the crew are staying this is an Asian street food where Filipinos are who prepare / cook and sell food for all the crew onboard to different ships docked. They became so famous to all the seafarers. *known as "Bernadette" This street food serving rice meals or "lutong bahay" what we call in Tagalog a local language of Philippine people means home made dishes. as you can see this how close their place to our ship, it is a matter of a 3 minutes only. so for those crew have a contact number to this street food seller they can order and deliver the food only in front of the gangway. So after we check this area we went to a grocery store where we will buy our necessities onboard, and I saw thing catch my attention and bought it, a Yamaha cap MOnster edition. so we are almost going back to the ship for work we need to maximize our time and we cannot waste time. So I purchase something from the Ace Hardware I bought some office supplies and etc. When we have our lunch here after that we rushed going back to the ship, the time though not enough but there is still a next time. because we will keep doing this itinerary of Alaska for two months. going back to the ship
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  • Today we were here in Ketchikan, Alaska one of the ports of call of our cruise ship. This port of call is one of the famous and Iconic places in Alaska especially known for its best supplies of King crab and Salmon.
    We arrived here in Ketchikan approximately 7am wherein I managed to go ashore at 2Pm after my duty and we had a general drill mandated by IMO (International Maritime Organization).
    This place is always raining, and it is very seldom you will experience clear sky. so I walked around and check if there were any changes since the last time I was here. The first stop I went to is the store of Harley Davidson, where I checked what they have and if they have something that I am looking for a "Leather Jacket", but unfortunately they dont have it. They have only baseball caps and T-Shirts only.
    after I went to the store in Harley Davidson, while raining I decided to dine in one of the asian restaurant, which is very popular to all seafarers who misses their traditional food.
    so I decided as well to dine in and update my software in my laptop
    so I spent approximately an hour here and ordered a Pad Thai a favorite of mine.
    I will be definitely be back to this place. so the overview of this place was so amazing, along the way back to the ship I found this statue besides our ship
    but ofcourse unfortunately we need to go back to the ship as soon as possible to avoid getting late at work and i dont want to be on trouble.j
    and this is the upper view of Ketchikan from the ship upper deck
    Today we were here in Ketchikan, Alaska one of the ports of call of our cruise ship. This port of call is one of the famous and Iconic places in Alaska especially known for its best supplies of King crab and Salmon. We arrived here in Ketchikan approximately 7am wherein I managed to go ashore at 2Pm after my duty and we had a general drill mandated by IMO (International Maritime Organization). This place is always raining, and it is very seldom you will experience clear sky. so I walked around and check if there were any changes since the last time I was here. The first stop I went to is the store of Harley Davidson, where I checked what they have and if they have something that I am looking for a "Leather Jacket", but unfortunately they dont have it. They have only baseball caps and T-Shirts only. after I went to the store in Harley Davidson, while raining I decided to dine in one of the asian restaurant, which is very popular to all seafarers who misses their traditional food. so I decided as well to dine in and update my software in my laptop so I spent approximately an hour here and ordered a Pad Thai a favorite of mine. I will be definitely be back to this place. so the overview of this place was so amazing, along the way back to the ship I found this statue besides our ship but ofcourse unfortunately we need to go back to the ship as soon as possible to avoid getting late at work and i dont want to be on trouble.j and this is the upper view of Ketchikan from the ship upper deck
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  • This are Alaskan Beer we are promoting during the Alaskan Season. We have many choices for the guest to enjoy the beer. Six different types where in the most popular and in demand beer was the Alaskan Amber because of its boldness or full bodied in flavor. as you can see there is a mat where the descriptions are listed. It is amazing that local store or partner of Alaska partnered with the company to let our guest experience Alaskan spirit.

    #someeofficial #Somee #Someeoriginals
    This are Alaskan Beer we are promoting during the Alaskan Season. We have many choices for the guest to enjoy the beer. Six different types where in the most popular and in demand beer was the Alaskan Amber because of its boldness or full bodied in flavor. as you can see there is a mat where the descriptions are listed. It is amazing that local store or partner of Alaska partnered with the company to let our guest experience Alaskan spirit. #someeofficial #Somee #Someeoriginals
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    One of the Iconic Place in Alaska , THe Glacier bay. Such a wonderful and one a kind place you will dream of to experience. Dont ever miss out every opportunities coming to your path, savour each opportunities and get the most of it.

    Cool weather so freezing but worth it to go up to the deck, so overwhelming feeling to see such a beauty.

    #Alaska #Travel #Hive #SomeeOfficial #Nature #Lifeatsea #Someeseafarer #Photography
    THE GLACIER BAY in ALASKA One of the Iconic Place in Alaska , THe Glacier bay. Such a wonderful and one a kind place you will dream of to experience. Dont ever miss out every opportunities coming to your path, savour each opportunities and get the most of it. Cool weather so freezing but worth it to go up to the deck, so overwhelming feeling to see such a beauty. ????❄️☃️ #Alaska #Travel #Hive #SomeeOfficial #Nature #Lifeatsea #Someeseafarer #Photography
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  • Here we are again at ALASKA port of juneau, one of my favorite place. Starting today we are going to do the alaskan cruise for at least two months. So we need to get use to the cool weather here.

    #Juneau #Alaska #LifeatSea #SomeeSeafarer #SomeeOfficial #photgraphy
    Here we are again at ALASKA port of juneau, one of my favorite place. Starting today we are going to do the alaskan cruise for at least two months. So we need to get use to the cool weather here. #Juneau #Alaska #LifeatSea #SomeeSeafarer #SomeeOfficial #photgraphy
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  • Three miners underground, with pipes carrying steam to thaw frozen ground, Center Creek, Nome, Alaska, c. 1899-1909

    Three miners underground, with pipes carrying steam to thaw frozen ground, Center Creek, Nome, Alaska, c. 1899-1909 #leo  #someeofficial 
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1526 Visualizações