• The story of Yazan Kafarneh, the boy who starved to death in Gaza
    Tareq S. HajjajMarch 25, 2024
    Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee' Abu Naqirah)
    Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee’ Abu Naqirah)
    This is not a photo of a mummy or an embalmed body retrieved from one of Gaza’s ancient cemeteries. This is a photo of Yazan Kafarneh, a child who died of severe malnutrition during Israel’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

    Yazan’s family now lives in the Rab’a School in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in Rafah City. His father, Sharif Kafarneh, along with his mother, Marwa, and his three younger brothers, had fled Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza early on in the war.

    Yazan Kafarneh died at the age of nine, the eldest of four brothers — Mouin, 6, Ramzi, 4, and Muhammad, born during the war in a shelter four months ago.


    Watch now: ANGELA DAVIS on Witnessing Palestine with Frank Barat
    Living in conditions not fit for human habitation, the grieving family had witnessed Yazan’s death before their eyes. It didn’t happen all at once but unfolded gradually over time, his frail body wasting away one day after another until there was nothing left of Yazan but skin and bones.

    Sharif was unable to do anything for his son. He died due to a congenital illness that required a special dietary regimen to keep him healthy. Israel’s systematic prevention of food from reaching the civilian population in Gaza meant that severe malnutrition — suffered by most children in the besieged enclave — in the case of Yazan meant death.

    “We first left from Beit Hanoun to Jabalia refugee camp,” Sharif told Mondoweiss. “Then the occupation called us again and warned us against staying where we were. So we left for Gaza City. Then, the occupation forced us to flee further south, and we did.”

    Yazan Kafarneh's parents and three brothers in their shelter in Rafah. (Photo: Tareq Hajjaj/Mondoweiss)
    Sharif Kafarneh’ (left), his wife Marwa (right), and their three surviving sons (center) in their shelter in Rafah. (Photo: Tareq Hajjaj/Mondoweiss)
    “If it weren’t for Yazan, I would have never left my home,” Sharif maintained. “Yazan required special care and nutrition.”

    Yazan suffered from a congenital form of muscular atrophy that made movement and speech difficult, but Sharif said that it never caused him much grief in his nine short years before the war.

    “He just had advanced nutritional needs,” Sharif explained. “But getting that food for him was never an issue before the war.”

    It was a point of pride for Sharif that he, a taxi driver, had never left his child wanting or deprived.

    “That changed in the war. The specific foods that he needed were cut off,” he said. “For instance, Yazan had to have milk and bananas for dinner every day. He can’t go a day without it, and sometimes he can have only bananas. This is what the doctors told us.”

    “After the war, I couldn’t get a single banana,” Sharif continued. “And for lunch, he had to have boiled vegetables and fruits that were pureed in a blender. We had no electricity for the blender, and there were no fruits or vegetables anymore.”

    As for breakfast, Yazan’s regimen demanded that he eat eggs. “Of course, there aren’t any more eggs in Rafah City,” Sharif said. “No fruits, no vegetables, no eggs, no bananas, nothing.”

    “But our child’s needs were never a problem for us,” Sharif rushed to add. “We loved taking care of him. He was the spoiled child of the family, and his younger brothers loved him and took care of him, too. God gave me a living so I could take care of him.”

    Due to his special needs, charitable societies used to visit Yazan’s home in Beit Hanoun before the war, providing various treatments such as physical therapy and speech therapy. All in all, Yazan had a functional, happy childhood.

    ‘He got thinner and thinner’

    The family continued to take care of Yazan throughout the war. They tried to make do with what they could find, trying as much as possible to find alternatives to the foods Yazan required. “I replaced bananas with halawa [a tahini-based confection], and I replaced eggs with bread soaked in tea,” Sharif said. “But these foods did not contain the nutrients that Yazan needed.”

    In addition to his nutritional needs, Yazan had specific medicines to take. Sharif used to bring him brain and muscle stimulants that helped him stay alive and mobile, allowing him to move around and crawl throughout their home. Those medicines ran out during the second week of the war.

    With the lack of nutrition and medication, his health took a turn for the worse. “I noticed him getting sick, and his body was becoming emaciated,” Sharif recounts. “He got thinner and thinner.”

    His family took him to al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah, where his health continued to deteriorate over the course of eleven days.

    “Even after we took him to the hospital, they couldn’t do anything for him,” Sharif continued. “All they were able to give him were IV fluids, and when his situation got worse, the hospital staff placed a feeding tube in his nose.”

    “My son required a tube with a 14-unit measurement, but all the hospital had was an 8-unit,” he added.

    When asked what was the most important factor that led to the deterioration of his son’s condition, Sharif said that it was the environment he lived in. “Before the war, he was in the right environment. After, everything was wrong. He was in his own home, but then he was uprooted to a shelter in Rafah.”

    “The situation we’re living in isn’t fit for humans, let alone a sick child,” Sharif explained. “In the camps, people would light fires to keep themselves warm, but the smoke would cause Yazan to cough and suffocate, and we weren’t able to tell them to turn their fires off because everyone was so cold.”

    Dr. Muhammad al-Sabe’, a pediatric surgeon in Rafah who works at the al-Awda, al-Najjar, and al-Kuwaiti hospitals, took a special interest in Yazan’s case.

    “The harsh conditions Yazan had to endure, including malnutrition, were the main factors contributing to the deterioration of his health and his ultimate death,” Dr. al-Sabe’ told Mondoweiss. “This is a genetic and congenital illness, and it requires special care every day, including specific proteins, IV medicines, and daily physical therapy, which isn’t available at Rafah.”

    “If things don’t change, if they stay the way they are, we’re going to witness mass death among children.”
    Dr. Muhammad al-Sabe’normal
    Dr. al-Sabe’ said that most foods administered to patients who cannot feed themselves through feeding tubes are unavailable in Gaza. “The occupation prevents these specific foods and medicines from coming in,” he explained. “Including a medicine called Ensure.”

    Ensure is a special nutritional supplement used in medical settings for what is called “enteral nutrition” — feeding patients through a nasal tube.

    “Special treatment for patients, especially children, is nonexistent,” Dr. al-Sabe’ added. “We don’t even have diapers, let alone baby formula and nutritional supplements.”

    “If things don’t change, if they stay the way they are, we’re going to witness mass death among children,” he stressed. “If any child doesn’t receive nutrition for an entire week, that child will eventually die. And even if malnourished children are eventually provided with nutrition, they will likely suffer lifelong health consequences.”

    “If medicine is cut off from children who need it for one week, this will also likely lead to their death,” he continued.

    Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee' Abu Naqirah)
    Images of Yazan Kafarneh’s emaciated body circulated widely on social media. (Photo: Rabee’ Abu Naqirah)
    Children disproportionately affected by famine

    According to a UNICEF humanitarian situation report on March 22, 2.23 million people in Gaza suffer at least from “acute food insecurity,” while half of that population (1.1 million people) suffers from “catastrophic food insecurity,” meaning that “famine is imminent for half of the population.”

    An earlier report in December 2023 had already concluded that all children in Gaza under five years old (estimated to be 335,000 children) are “at high risk of severe malnutrition and preventable death.” UNICEF’s most recent March 22 report estimates that the famine threshold for “acute food insecurity” has already been “far exceeded,” while it is highly likely that the famine threshold for “acute malnutrition” has also been exceeded. Moreover, UNICEF said that the Famine Review Committee predicted that famine would manifest in Gaza anywhere between March and May of this year.

    Dr. al-Sabe’ stresses that such dire conditions disproportionately affect children, who have advanced nutritional needs compared to adults.

    “Their bodies are weak, and they don’t have large stores of muscle and fat,” he explained. “Even one day of no food for a young child will lead to consequences that are difficult to control in the future.”

    “An adult male may go a week without food before signs of malnutrition begin to show,” he continued. “Not so with children. Their muscle mass increases whenever they eat, which in turn leads to a greater need for nutrients.”

    The lack of nutrients means that children will grow weak, the pediatric surgeon said, and that they will quickly begin to exhibit symptoms such as fatigue, sleepiness, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, sunken eyes, and joint pains. For the same reason, Dr. al-Sabe maintained, children also respond to treatment fairly quickly — but “on the condition that they have not experienced malnutrition for more than a week.”

    After one week, reversing the effects of malnutrition becomes much more difficult. Al-Sabe’ asserts that children’s digestive tracts will slow down, they might begin to suffer from kidney failure, and their bellies can swell with fluids.

    That is what is particularly devastating for Gaza — over 335,000 children have undergone varying degrees of extreme malnutrition for months on end. The consequences are difficult to fathom on a population-wide level and for future generations. As of the time of writing, over 30 children have already died due to malnutrition in northern Gaza, but the real number is likely much higher given the lack of reporting in many areas in the north.

    ‘He didn’t need a miracle to save him’

    Yazan’s mother, Marwa Kafarneh, could barely contain her tears as she spoke of her son.

    “He was a normal boy despite his illness,” she told Mondoweiss. “He played with his brothers. He crawled and moved about, and he could open closets and use the phone, and he would watch things on it for hours.”

    “He could have lived a long life, a normal life,” she continued. “His father would have brought him everything that he needed. He wouldn’t have had to feel hungry for even a single day.”

    When she saw that the images of her son’s emaciated body had gone viral on social media, Marwa said that she preferred death over looking at the photos. “My eldest son died in front of my eyes, in front of all of our eyes,” she said. “We weren’t able to save him. And he didn’t need a miracle to save him either. All he needed was the food that we’ve always been able to provide for him.”

    Reflecting as she cried, she added: “But finding that food in Gaza today takes nothing less than a miracle.”

    Tareq S. Hajjaj
    Tareq S. Hajjaj is the Mondoweiss Gaza Correspondent and a member of the Palestinian Writers Union. He studied English Literature at Al-Azhar University in Gaza. He started his career in journalism in 2015, working as a news writer and translator for the local newspaper Donia al-Watan. He has reported for Elbadi, Middle East Eye, and Al-Monitor. Follow him on Twitter at @Tareqshajjaj.

    BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever.

    Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses.

    Support our journalists with a donation today.

    The story of Yazan Kafarneh, the boy who starved to death in Gaza Tareq S. HajjajMarch 25, 2024 Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee' Abu Naqirah) Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee’ Abu Naqirah) This is not a photo of a mummy or an embalmed body retrieved from one of Gaza’s ancient cemeteries. This is a photo of Yazan Kafarneh, a child who died of severe malnutrition during Israel’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip. Yazan’s family now lives in the Rab’a School in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in Rafah City. His father, Sharif Kafarneh, along with his mother, Marwa, and his three younger brothers, had fled Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza early on in the war. Yazan Kafarneh died at the age of nine, the eldest of four brothers — Mouin, 6, Ramzi, 4, and Muhammad, born during the war in a shelter four months ago. Advertisement Watch now: ANGELA DAVIS on Witnessing Palestine with Frank Barat Living in conditions not fit for human habitation, the grieving family had witnessed Yazan’s death before their eyes. It didn’t happen all at once but unfolded gradually over time, his frail body wasting away one day after another until there was nothing left of Yazan but skin and bones. Sharif was unable to do anything for his son. He died due to a congenital illness that required a special dietary regimen to keep him healthy. Israel’s systematic prevention of food from reaching the civilian population in Gaza meant that severe malnutrition — suffered by most children in the besieged enclave — in the case of Yazan meant death. “We first left from Beit Hanoun to Jabalia refugee camp,” Sharif told Mondoweiss. “Then the occupation called us again and warned us against staying where we were. So we left for Gaza City. Then, the occupation forced us to flee further south, and we did.” Yazan Kafarneh's parents and three brothers in their shelter in Rafah. (Photo: Tareq Hajjaj/Mondoweiss) Sharif Kafarneh’ (left), his wife Marwa (right), and their three surviving sons (center) in their shelter in Rafah. (Photo: Tareq Hajjaj/Mondoweiss) “If it weren’t for Yazan, I would have never left my home,” Sharif maintained. “Yazan required special care and nutrition.” Yazan suffered from a congenital form of muscular atrophy that made movement and speech difficult, but Sharif said that it never caused him much grief in his nine short years before the war. “He just had advanced nutritional needs,” Sharif explained. “But getting that food for him was never an issue before the war.” It was a point of pride for Sharif that he, a taxi driver, had never left his child wanting or deprived. “That changed in the war. The specific foods that he needed were cut off,” he said. “For instance, Yazan had to have milk and bananas for dinner every day. He can’t go a day without it, and sometimes he can have only bananas. This is what the doctors told us.” “After the war, I couldn’t get a single banana,” Sharif continued. “And for lunch, he had to have boiled vegetables and fruits that were pureed in a blender. We had no electricity for the blender, and there were no fruits or vegetables anymore.” As for breakfast, Yazan’s regimen demanded that he eat eggs. “Of course, there aren’t any more eggs in Rafah City,” Sharif said. “No fruits, no vegetables, no eggs, no bananas, nothing.” “But our child’s needs were never a problem for us,” Sharif rushed to add. “We loved taking care of him. He was the spoiled child of the family, and his younger brothers loved him and took care of him, too. God gave me a living so I could take care of him.” Due to his special needs, charitable societies used to visit Yazan’s home in Beit Hanoun before the war, providing various treatments such as physical therapy and speech therapy. All in all, Yazan had a functional, happy childhood. ‘He got thinner and thinner’ The family continued to take care of Yazan throughout the war. They tried to make do with what they could find, trying as much as possible to find alternatives to the foods Yazan required. “I replaced bananas with halawa [a tahini-based confection], and I replaced eggs with bread soaked in tea,” Sharif said. “But these foods did not contain the nutrients that Yazan needed.” In addition to his nutritional needs, Yazan had specific medicines to take. Sharif used to bring him brain and muscle stimulants that helped him stay alive and mobile, allowing him to move around and crawl throughout their home. Those medicines ran out during the second week of the war. With the lack of nutrition and medication, his health took a turn for the worse. “I noticed him getting sick, and his body was becoming emaciated,” Sharif recounts. “He got thinner and thinner.” His family took him to al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah, where his health continued to deteriorate over the course of eleven days. “Even after we took him to the hospital, they couldn’t do anything for him,” Sharif continued. “All they were able to give him were IV fluids, and when his situation got worse, the hospital staff placed a feeding tube in his nose.” “My son required a tube with a 14-unit measurement, but all the hospital had was an 8-unit,” he added. When asked what was the most important factor that led to the deterioration of his son’s condition, Sharif said that it was the environment he lived in. “Before the war, he was in the right environment. After, everything was wrong. He was in his own home, but then he was uprooted to a shelter in Rafah.” “The situation we’re living in isn’t fit for humans, let alone a sick child,” Sharif explained. “In the camps, people would light fires to keep themselves warm, but the smoke would cause Yazan to cough and suffocate, and we weren’t able to tell them to turn their fires off because everyone was so cold.” Dr. Muhammad al-Sabe’, a pediatric surgeon in Rafah who works at the al-Awda, al-Najjar, and al-Kuwaiti hospitals, took a special interest in Yazan’s case. “The harsh conditions Yazan had to endure, including malnutrition, were the main factors contributing to the deterioration of his health and his ultimate death,” Dr. al-Sabe’ told Mondoweiss. “This is a genetic and congenital illness, and it requires special care every day, including specific proteins, IV medicines, and daily physical therapy, which isn’t available at Rafah.” “If things don’t change, if they stay the way they are, we’re going to witness mass death among children.” Dr. Muhammad al-Sabe’normal Dr. al-Sabe’ said that most foods administered to patients who cannot feed themselves through feeding tubes are unavailable in Gaza. “The occupation prevents these specific foods and medicines from coming in,” he explained. “Including a medicine called Ensure.” Ensure is a special nutritional supplement used in medical settings for what is called “enteral nutrition” — feeding patients through a nasal tube. “Special treatment for patients, especially children, is nonexistent,” Dr. al-Sabe’ added. “We don’t even have diapers, let alone baby formula and nutritional supplements.” “If things don’t change, if they stay the way they are, we’re going to witness mass death among children,” he stressed. “If any child doesn’t receive nutrition for an entire week, that child will eventually die. And even if malnourished children are eventually provided with nutrition, they will likely suffer lifelong health consequences.” “If medicine is cut off from children who need it for one week, this will also likely lead to their death,” he continued. Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee' Abu Naqirah) Images of Yazan Kafarneh’s emaciated body circulated widely on social media. (Photo: Rabee’ Abu Naqirah) Children disproportionately affected by famine According to a UNICEF humanitarian situation report on March 22, 2.23 million people in Gaza suffer at least from “acute food insecurity,” while half of that population (1.1 million people) suffers from “catastrophic food insecurity,” meaning that “famine is imminent for half of the population.” An earlier report in December 2023 had already concluded that all children in Gaza under five years old (estimated to be 335,000 children) are “at high risk of severe malnutrition and preventable death.” UNICEF’s most recent March 22 report estimates that the famine threshold for “acute food insecurity” has already been “far exceeded,” while it is highly likely that the famine threshold for “acute malnutrition” has also been exceeded. Moreover, UNICEF said that the Famine Review Committee predicted that famine would manifest in Gaza anywhere between March and May of this year. Dr. al-Sabe’ stresses that such dire conditions disproportionately affect children, who have advanced nutritional needs compared to adults. “Their bodies are weak, and they don’t have large stores of muscle and fat,” he explained. “Even one day of no food for a young child will lead to consequences that are difficult to control in the future.” “An adult male may go a week without food before signs of malnutrition begin to show,” he continued. “Not so with children. Their muscle mass increases whenever they eat, which in turn leads to a greater need for nutrients.” The lack of nutrients means that children will grow weak, the pediatric surgeon said, and that they will quickly begin to exhibit symptoms such as fatigue, sleepiness, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, sunken eyes, and joint pains. For the same reason, Dr. al-Sabe maintained, children also respond to treatment fairly quickly — but “on the condition that they have not experienced malnutrition for more than a week.” After one week, reversing the effects of malnutrition becomes much more difficult. Al-Sabe’ asserts that children’s digestive tracts will slow down, they might begin to suffer from kidney failure, and their bellies can swell with fluids. That is what is particularly devastating for Gaza — over 335,000 children have undergone varying degrees of extreme malnutrition for months on end. The consequences are difficult to fathom on a population-wide level and for future generations. As of the time of writing, over 30 children have already died due to malnutrition in northern Gaza, but the real number is likely much higher given the lack of reporting in many areas in the north. ‘He didn’t need a miracle to save him’ Yazan’s mother, Marwa Kafarneh, could barely contain her tears as she spoke of her son. “He was a normal boy despite his illness,” she told Mondoweiss. “He played with his brothers. He crawled and moved about, and he could open closets and use the phone, and he would watch things on it for hours.” “He could have lived a long life, a normal life,” she continued. “His father would have brought him everything that he needed. He wouldn’t have had to feel hungry for even a single day.” When she saw that the images of her son’s emaciated body had gone viral on social media, Marwa said that she preferred death over looking at the photos. “My eldest son died in front of my eyes, in front of all of our eyes,” she said. “We weren’t able to save him. And he didn’t need a miracle to save him either. All he needed was the food that we’ve always been able to provide for him.” Reflecting as she cried, she added: “But finding that food in Gaza today takes nothing less than a miracle.” Tareq S. Hajjaj Tareq S. Hajjaj is the Mondoweiss Gaza Correspondent and a member of the Palestinian Writers Union. He studied English Literature at Al-Azhar University in Gaza. He started his career in journalism in 2015, working as a news writer and translator for the local newspaper Donia al-Watan. He has reported for Elbadi, Middle East Eye, and Al-Monitor. Follow him on Twitter at @Tareqshajjaj. BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever. Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses. Support our journalists with a donation today. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/03/the-story-of-yazan-kafarneh-the-boy-who-starved-to-death-in-gaza/
    The story of Yazan Kafarneh, the boy who starved to death in Gaza
    9-year-old Yazan Kafarneh died of a congenital illness turned deadly by severe malnutrition under Israel’s genocidal siege. “He didn’t need a miracle to save him,” cries his mother. “All he needed was the food we’ve always been able to provide him.”
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  • Destroying Super Immunity & Getting Rid of That Annoying Cough
    Dr. Syed Haider

    I made it through multiple upper respiratory illnesses affecting my wife and kids over the last year without getting sick myself.

    The biggest difference maker seemed to be spending a lot of time outdoors in sunny Puerto Rico.

    It’s not just about the vitamin D that you get in the afternoons, it’s also about the lack of blue light toxicity you get the rest of the day from glass filtered indoor sunlight (or artificial lights).

    Blue light in the visible spectrum needs to be balanced by the naturally present infrared and UV spectrum in natural sunlight. Unfortunately both are blocked by typical window glass.

    Anyway, my long run of seemingly bulletproof immunity came to an inglorious end when I finally succumbed to what had been plaguing my nuclear family for a couple weeks: it began with a tickle in my throat, then progressed to a mild sore throat, stuffy and runny nose, bad a cough, and fatigue. It was rough going for a day or two. Hard to sleep with all the coughing.

    My post mortem analysis of what went wrong: I visited family overseas, where they live in an apartment full of artificial light and not much direct sun. I did my best to get outside, but couldnt do it anywhere near as much as I used to at home. Then (perhaps more or less important?) I started including once a week “stress test days” (nee cheat days) on my carnivore diet. That turned into a general laxity during my regular carnivore diet days, including eating out and being exposed to ubiquitous seed oils.

    Then one day I was enjoying my meat dish at a local restaurant and decided spur of the moment (always a mistake) to try the side dish I would have normally skipped. Unfortunately it was probably the worst possible side I could have indulged in: a nightshade veggie bomb comprising tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and various kinds of peppers.

    Nightshade vegetables are notoriously toxic (despite mainstream claims that the toxins are neutralized by cooking), especially for those with a history of autoimmune disease, or leaky gut. They are also problematic for anyone with a history of allergic disorders or MCAS. It doesn’t help that traditional methods of picking and preparation that minimized the toxicity for otherwise healthy people are no longer followed.

    Pin on Hold the tomato
    Almost immediately after consuming this side dish I started to feel that first tickle in my throat and it was a slow downhill roll from there. Took 2-3 days, during which I had enough of a chance to head it off with some high dose vitamin C, but I’m one of those people who usually prefers to let nature take its course (maybe don’t do this in our current environment of repeated COVID infections, with all the problems they can bring).

    Once the illness got started I began to notice very clearly that what I ate had an almost immediate impact on how I felt. I think it probably required the sensitization of having been strictly carnivore for weeks beforehand.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    I could tell when I ate high histamine fruits or vegetables that my symptoms would worsen significantly, I might get an instant headache, stuffy nose, worsening cough, fatigue, dizziness, and even occasional anger outbursts that had plagued me before the carnivore experiment.

    All these can be due to histamine intolerance. When you’re sick or already exposed to something that lowers your histamine tolerance, adding histamine-containing foods or those that tend to liberate histamine is just added fuel for the fire.

    Histamine Intolerance Doctor Gilbert AZ
    Anyway this has been going around (not surprising since it is winter). Some people get bad diarrhea, for others it’s the cough that’s the worst.

    If you treat this early in the first day or two you can usually cut it short within the first week. If not then many people end up being somewhat under the weather for a couple weeks and the unlucky ones have lingering symptoms for many weeks. It’s not necessarily anything new, it happened before COVID too. Now people are hyperaware of it, and for good reason, because the current iterations are often due to the COVID bioweapon which damages every organ system.

    Whether or not COVID was diagnosed you can usually treat a cough heavy post viral syndrome with key lifestyle changes like avoiding airway irritants (eg use an air filter) low or even no carb (but first try a good quality medicinal honey 1-3 teaspoons dissolved in warm water 1-3 times a day), avoiding trigger foods, plenty of direct sunlight, good sleep; supplements from mygotostack.com like vitamin C, D, zinc, quercetin, turmeric, nigella sativa; and prescription meds from mygotodoc.com like: ivermectin and LDN (we can’t prescribe codeine for cough online since its a controlled substance).

    Other effective treatments include IV vitamin C, IV ozone, HBOT, or what’s easier and nearly as effective: a home oxygen concentrator a couple hours a day,

    However one of the best and most underappreciated ways to get rid of a lingering non productive (dry) cough is simple breathwork.

    That’s because it’s not always just a persistent infection or inflammation that leads to a persistent cough, it may be that, but it is also often a disordered breathing pattern that can develop after just a couple days of illness. This pattern becomes imprinted on the nervous system and can be hard to shake. The longer you leave it unaddressed the longer it may continue. The more you cough the more likely you are to keep coughing, and the less you cough the more likely you are to stop coughing.

    Now, when most people think of breathwork they think of deep breathing exercises. But deep breathing is usually a trigger for a coughing fit rather than any kind of solution (during my long COVID illness I also found it can also worsen anxiety).

    The real fix for a persistent cough (and anxiety) due to a disordered nervous system is often in breathing less, while becoming aware of the impending urge to cough and trying to head it off and suppress it.

    Practitioners of the Buteyko breathing method have a great exercise for stopping a persistent dry cough.


    When you feel the urge to cough you press your hand over your mouth, swallow and hold your breath for 5 seconds while telling yourself you don’t need to cough. Then start breathing slow and shallow through the nose, keeping your hand over your mouth. Imagine the air going in one nostril and out the other in a circle (obviously this is not actually happening it just helps keep the breathing light and not irritating to the throat, partly a psychological phenomenon).

    Do this whenever you feel the urge to cough during the day, and you’ll see that it often works rather well and makes you more aware of what triggers the coughing. Unless there is something more serious going on (don’t nocebo yourself, just assume there is not) it usually only takes 1-3 days of this to retrain your nervous system and end the cough for good.

    You can also check out other Buteyko and pranayama yoga breathing methods (like alternate nostril breathing) for stopping a cough on YouTube:

    If there is residual inflammation, often manifested by a post nasal drip irritating the throat leading to coughing fits (easy to test if you have this, just lie down flat and see if you start coughing, or get worse, within a minute or so), it’s also important to avoid trigger foods that raise histamine or lead your own body to release histamine.

    Some common ones include: the nightshades I mentioned (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, all peppers), bananas, strawberries, mangoes, citrus fruits, avocado, chocolate, dairy, preserved or canned meats and fish, leftover meat and fish, lentils, beans, alcohol, tea, coffee and there may be some that are individual specific (think of any foods that in small or large quantities have caused you problems in the past).

    If you don’t go low or no carb, then also avoid grains until better as they tend to be pro inflammatory.

    Fish oil supplements have a short term anti-inflammatory effect that may lead to a longer term proinflammatory outcome. I’m not clear on all the science and implications here, but you can check out Chris Masterjohn’s work on the topic. Generally speaking it seems to be fine to eat fatty fish for the Omega 3s, but most people should probably avoid the high dose supplementation currently recommended by some groups.

    Another key lifestyle measure that works great for the post nasal drip is lifting your head at night using 2-3 pillows (or a wedge pillow - also helps with chronic reflux), and even propping yourself up against the headboard or wall behind your bed. Might be uncomfortable at first, but it’s better than a night of hacking up your lungs.

    Manage Acid Reflux & more: EZsleep Wedge| EQUANIMO
    I’ve also used pieces of chewed and softened licorice root to help cover up the irritating sensation of a post nasal drip while sleeping.

    Using a neti pot a few times a day may also help with this, and you can add things like turmeric, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, or just go with the usual salt water flush.

    If there is a persistent infection then more drastic measures will be needed including the IV methods mentioned above, and you can consider nebulization of peroxide.

    Promising studies have been done on more exotic methods of relieving a cough such as nebulizing honey, drinking a mixture of honey and coffee syrup dissolved in water, and inhaling a very dilute mixture of capsaicin (from cayenne peppers - which can help with both cough and post nasal drop, and other than snorting or otherwise breathing it in, you can also mix it with honey or water and take it orally as an antihistamine).

    Finally, the most powerful herb I know of for insomnia and anxiety is the sedative-hypnotic mulungu bark, and it is also effective in treating various kinds of coughs.

    Let me know below if you’ve gotten sick this winter, and what you swear by to get better, especially what works for a prolonged dry nagging cough.


    Destroying Super Immunity & Getting Rid of That Annoying Cough Dr. Syed Haider I made it through multiple upper respiratory illnesses affecting my wife and kids over the last year without getting sick myself. The biggest difference maker seemed to be spending a lot of time outdoors in sunny Puerto Rico. It’s not just about the vitamin D that you get in the afternoons, it’s also about the lack of blue light toxicity you get the rest of the day from glass filtered indoor sunlight (or artificial lights). Blue light in the visible spectrum needs to be balanced by the naturally present infrared and UV spectrum in natural sunlight. Unfortunately both are blocked by typical window glass. Anyway, my long run of seemingly bulletproof immunity came to an inglorious end when I finally succumbed to what had been plaguing my nuclear family for a couple weeks: it began with a tickle in my throat, then progressed to a mild sore throat, stuffy and runny nose, bad a cough, and fatigue. It was rough going for a day or two. Hard to sleep with all the coughing. My post mortem analysis of what went wrong: I visited family overseas, where they live in an apartment full of artificial light and not much direct sun. I did my best to get outside, but couldnt do it anywhere near as much as I used to at home. Then (perhaps more or less important?) I started including once a week “stress test days” (nee cheat days) on my carnivore diet. That turned into a general laxity during my regular carnivore diet days, including eating out and being exposed to ubiquitous seed oils. Then one day I was enjoying my meat dish at a local restaurant and decided spur of the moment (always a mistake) to try the side dish I would have normally skipped. Unfortunately it was probably the worst possible side I could have indulged in: a nightshade veggie bomb comprising tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and various kinds of peppers. Nightshade vegetables are notoriously toxic (despite mainstream claims that the toxins are neutralized by cooking), especially for those with a history of autoimmune disease, or leaky gut. They are also problematic for anyone with a history of allergic disorders or MCAS. It doesn’t help that traditional methods of picking and preparation that minimized the toxicity for otherwise healthy people are no longer followed. Pin on Hold the tomato Almost immediately after consuming this side dish I started to feel that first tickle in my throat and it was a slow downhill roll from there. Took 2-3 days, during which I had enough of a chance to head it off with some high dose vitamin C, but I’m one of those people who usually prefers to let nature take its course (maybe don’t do this in our current environment of repeated COVID infections, with all the problems they can bring). Once the illness got started I began to notice very clearly that what I ate had an almost immediate impact on how I felt. I think it probably required the sensitization of having been strictly carnivore for weeks beforehand. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share I could tell when I ate high histamine fruits or vegetables that my symptoms would worsen significantly, I might get an instant headache, stuffy nose, worsening cough, fatigue, dizziness, and even occasional anger outbursts that had plagued me before the carnivore experiment. All these can be due to histamine intolerance. When you’re sick or already exposed to something that lowers your histamine tolerance, adding histamine-containing foods or those that tend to liberate histamine is just added fuel for the fire. Histamine Intolerance Doctor Gilbert AZ Anyway this has been going around (not surprising since it is winter). Some people get bad diarrhea, for others it’s the cough that’s the worst. If you treat this early in the first day or two you can usually cut it short within the first week. If not then many people end up being somewhat under the weather for a couple weeks and the unlucky ones have lingering symptoms for many weeks. It’s not necessarily anything new, it happened before COVID too. Now people are hyperaware of it, and for good reason, because the current iterations are often due to the COVID bioweapon which damages every organ system. Whether or not COVID was diagnosed you can usually treat a cough heavy post viral syndrome with key lifestyle changes like avoiding airway irritants (eg use an air filter) low or even no carb (but first try a good quality medicinal honey 1-3 teaspoons dissolved in warm water 1-3 times a day), avoiding trigger foods, plenty of direct sunlight, good sleep; supplements from mygotostack.com like vitamin C, D, zinc, quercetin, turmeric, nigella sativa; and prescription meds from mygotodoc.com like: ivermectin and LDN (we can’t prescribe codeine for cough online since its a controlled substance). Other effective treatments include IV vitamin C, IV ozone, HBOT, or what’s easier and nearly as effective: a home oxygen concentrator a couple hours a day, However one of the best and most underappreciated ways to get rid of a lingering non productive (dry) cough is simple breathwork. That’s because it’s not always just a persistent infection or inflammation that leads to a persistent cough, it may be that, but it is also often a disordered breathing pattern that can develop after just a couple days of illness. This pattern becomes imprinted on the nervous system and can be hard to shake. The longer you leave it unaddressed the longer it may continue. The more you cough the more likely you are to keep coughing, and the less you cough the more likely you are to stop coughing. Now, when most people think of breathwork they think of deep breathing exercises. But deep breathing is usually a trigger for a coughing fit rather than any kind of solution (during my long COVID illness I also found it can also worsen anxiety). The real fix for a persistent cough (and anxiety) due to a disordered nervous system is often in breathing less, while becoming aware of the impending urge to cough and trying to head it off and suppress it. Practitioners of the Buteyko breathing method have a great exercise for stopping a persistent dry cough. Share When you feel the urge to cough you press your hand over your mouth, swallow and hold your breath for 5 seconds while telling yourself you don’t need to cough. Then start breathing slow and shallow through the nose, keeping your hand over your mouth. Imagine the air going in one nostril and out the other in a circle (obviously this is not actually happening it just helps keep the breathing light and not irritating to the throat, partly a psychological phenomenon). Do this whenever you feel the urge to cough during the day, and you’ll see that it often works rather well and makes you more aware of what triggers the coughing. Unless there is something more serious going on (don’t nocebo yourself, just assume there is not) it usually only takes 1-3 days of this to retrain your nervous system and end the cough for good. You can also check out other Buteyko and pranayama yoga breathing methods (like alternate nostril breathing) for stopping a cough on YouTube: If there is residual inflammation, often manifested by a post nasal drip irritating the throat leading to coughing fits (easy to test if you have this, just lie down flat and see if you start coughing, or get worse, within a minute or so), it’s also important to avoid trigger foods that raise histamine or lead your own body to release histamine. Some common ones include: the nightshades I mentioned (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, all peppers), bananas, strawberries, mangoes, citrus fruits, avocado, chocolate, dairy, preserved or canned meats and fish, leftover meat and fish, lentils, beans, alcohol, tea, coffee and there may be some that are individual specific (think of any foods that in small or large quantities have caused you problems in the past). If you don’t go low or no carb, then also avoid grains until better as they tend to be pro inflammatory. Fish oil supplements have a short term anti-inflammatory effect that may lead to a longer term proinflammatory outcome. I’m not clear on all the science and implications here, but you can check out Chris Masterjohn’s work on the topic. Generally speaking it seems to be fine to eat fatty fish for the Omega 3s, but most people should probably avoid the high dose supplementation currently recommended by some groups. Another key lifestyle measure that works great for the post nasal drip is lifting your head at night using 2-3 pillows (or a wedge pillow - also helps with chronic reflux), and even propping yourself up against the headboard or wall behind your bed. Might be uncomfortable at first, but it’s better than a night of hacking up your lungs. Manage Acid Reflux & more: EZsleep Wedge| EQUANIMO I’ve also used pieces of chewed and softened licorice root to help cover up the irritating sensation of a post nasal drip while sleeping. Using a neti pot a few times a day may also help with this, and you can add things like turmeric, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, or just go with the usual salt water flush. If there is a persistent infection then more drastic measures will be needed including the IV methods mentioned above, and you can consider nebulization of peroxide. Promising studies have been done on more exotic methods of relieving a cough such as nebulizing honey, drinking a mixture of honey and coffee syrup dissolved in water, and inhaling a very dilute mixture of capsaicin (from cayenne peppers - which can help with both cough and post nasal drop, and other than snorting or otherwise breathing it in, you can also mix it with honey or water and take it orally as an antihistamine). Finally, the most powerful herb I know of for insomnia and anxiety is the sedative-hypnotic mulungu bark, and it is also effective in treating various kinds of coughs. Let me know below if you’ve gotten sick this winter, and what you swear by to get better, especially what works for a prolonged dry nagging cough. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/destroying-super-immunity-and-getting 👉https://telegra.ph/Destroying-Super-Immunity--Getting-Rid-of-That-Annoying-Cough-03-20
    Destroying Super Immunity & Getting Rid of That Annoying Cough
    I made it through multiple upper respiratory illnesses affecting my wife and kids over the last year without getting sick myself. The biggest difference maker seemed to be spending a lot of time outdoors in sunny Puerto Rico. It’s not just about the vitamin D that you get in the afternoons, it’s also about the lack of blue light toxicity you get the rest of the day from glass filtered indoor sunlight (or artificial lights).
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 19011 Vue
  • Interesting information - poor translation - but still useful guidelines:

    No one should die of cancer, says Dr. Gupta.
    (1) The first step is to stop eating sugar, when there is no sugar in the body, cancer cells die naturally.
    (2) The second step is a glass of lemon juice mixed with a glass of hot water and after about 1 month the cancer cells shrink, drinking hot lemon juice can prevent cancer. Just don't put any sugar in it. Hot lemonade is more beneficial than cold lemonade. A study from the University of Maryland found that natural medicines are 1,000 times better than chemicals.
    (3) The third step to reducing the risk of cancer is by consuming 3 tablespoons of organic coconut oil in the morning and night.

    You can use both treatments to prevent diabetes. Ignorance is not an excuse; I've been sharing this info for over 5 years. Tell those around you
    Yellow and purple potatoes prevent cancer.

    01. Eating and drinking can often increase the risk of stomach cancer.

    02. Never eat more than 4 eggs a week.

    03. Eating chicken's back (thighs etc.) may cause stomach cancer.

    04. Never eat fruit after a meal. We must eat the fruit before we eat.

    05. Do not drink tea during menstruation.

    06 We should consume less soya milk.

    07. On an empty stomach (hungry stomach) to eat tomato

    08. To have a glass of water every morning before meals to prevent fatigue.

    09. Never eat 3 hours before bedtime.

    10 of them. Avoiding water can lead to diabetes and high blood pressure. The main basis of nutrition should be high consumption of water.

    11. Eat toast or oven baked toast.

    12. Put the phone away at bedtime.

    13. Drink 10 glasses of water a day to prevent bladder cancer.

    14. Drink more water during the day except at night

    15 of them. Drinking more than 2 cups of coffee a day can cause insomnia and stomach problems.

    16. Need to burn less fat. Digestion lasts between 5-7 hours, which makes you feel more tired.

    17. Eat less after 5:00 pm

    18. Bananas, grapes, spinach, squash, peaches make you feel happier.

    19. Sleeping less than 8 hours a day affects brain function. Half an hour afternoon break makes you look younger.

    20 of them. Boiled tomatoes have better healing properties than raw tomatoes.

    21. Hot lemon juice destroys cancer cells. Warm lemon juice improves our quality of life and allows us to live longer.

    Add 2-3 lemon slices to warm water to get our daily drink.

    Lemon leaves a bitter smell in warm water, which is the best ingredient to kill cancer cells.

    Cold lemon juice only has vitamin C, it prevents hypertension.

    Hot lemon juice prevents the development of cancerous tumors.

    Clinical tests have shown that hot lemon juice works.
    Treatment with this type of lemon not only eliminates evil cells, but does not affect healthy cells.
    To be continued .... Citric acid and lemon, lemon juice, lower blood pressure and prevent deep vein thrombosis. Reduces blood clots by regulating circulation - don't forget to share it with others after reading this article!
    Interesting information - poor translation - but still useful guidelines: No one should die of cancer, says Dr. Gupta. (1) The first step is to stop eating sugar, when there is no sugar in the body, cancer cells die naturally. (2) The second step is a glass of lemon juice mixed with a glass of hot water and after about 1 month the cancer cells shrink, drinking hot lemon juice can prevent cancer. Just don't put any sugar in it. Hot lemonade is more beneficial than cold lemonade. A study from the University of Maryland found that natural medicines are 1,000 times better than chemicals. (3) The third step to reducing the risk of cancer is by consuming 3 tablespoons of organic coconut oil in the morning and night. You can use both treatments to prevent diabetes. Ignorance is not an excuse; I've been sharing this info for over 5 years. Tell those around you Yellow and purple potatoes prevent cancer. 01. Eating and drinking can often increase the risk of stomach cancer. 02. Never eat more than 4 eggs a week. 03. Eating chicken's back (thighs etc.) may cause stomach cancer. 04. Never eat fruit after a meal. We must eat the fruit before we eat. 05. Do not drink tea during menstruation. 06 We should consume less soya milk. 07. On an empty stomach (hungry stomach) to eat tomato 08. To have a glass of water every morning before meals to prevent fatigue. 09. Never eat 3 hours before bedtime. 10 of them. Avoiding water can lead to diabetes and high blood pressure. The main basis of nutrition should be high consumption of water. 11. Eat toast or oven baked toast. 12. Put the phone away at bedtime. 13. Drink 10 glasses of water a day to prevent bladder cancer. 14. Drink more water during the day except at night 15 of them. Drinking more than 2 cups of coffee a day can cause insomnia and stomach problems. 16. Need to burn less fat. Digestion lasts between 5-7 hours, which makes you feel more tired. 17. Eat less after 5:00 pm 18. Bananas, grapes, spinach, squash, peaches make you feel happier. 19. Sleeping less than 8 hours a day affects brain function. Half an hour afternoon break makes you look younger. 20 of them. Boiled tomatoes have better healing properties than raw tomatoes. 21. Hot lemon juice destroys cancer cells. Warm lemon juice improves our quality of life and allows us to live longer. Add 2-3 lemon slices to warm water to get our daily drink. Lemon leaves a bitter smell in warm water, which is the best ingredient to kill cancer cells. Cold lemon juice only has vitamin C, it prevents hypertension. Hot lemon juice prevents the development of cancerous tumors. Clinical tests have shown that hot lemon juice works. Treatment with this type of lemon not only eliminates evil cells, but does not affect healthy cells. To be continued .... Citric acid and lemon, lemon juice, lower blood pressure and prevent deep vein thrombosis. Reduces blood clots by regulating circulation - don't forget to share it with others after reading this article!
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 7158 Vue
  • I am having a hard time believing how many pounds I've effectively taken off in a very short time. I use to weigh 235 pounds. In two months i took off 20 pounds and was at 215 pounds. One month later i was fluctuating from 200 pounds to 204. My brother in law and my father told me i had plateu. They told me i needed to incorporate excercise routines to lose more weight. I didn't incorporate any excercise routine at all.

    This is the fourth month of my diet and i got on the scale again because i feel even lighter, and more of the stomach fat is gone. I now weigh 192.4 pounds. I have shed off another 12 pounds without any excercise at all. I haven't been at 192 pounds since the year 2015. My wife says i even look younger now.
    In the past, i had lots of excuses as to why i gained so much weight. I had aggressive foot and ankle reconstruction surgeries on both of my feet in the year 2016. I was out of work for close to a year because of this. Also, that same year i had knee reconstruction of my ACL. I definitely gained lots of weight. But no where near 235 pounds in 2016.

    I wasn't really sure what contributed to my weight gain. I thought it might have been my return to taking my SSRI medication early 2014, as i went from 139 pounds to like 170 late 2014. Still, 170 wasn't bad at all. But later, after the surgery and close to a year of inactivity, i jumped from the 180's range to the 190's range and even closer to 200 pounds.

    I got off the SSRI Medication i was taking and went to a different type of medication similar to SSRIS, not because of weight gain though. The doctor told me SSRIS contribute to serious weight gain. However, i had to go back to the SSRI medication because the other Medication wasn't working for me at all. After years of having my situation 100% controlled by the SSRI medication i take. I have decided to never stop nor change the SSRI medication for anything else as it has gotten the job done.

    So, years past and i grew to become an extremely heavy fat monster who probably peaked at 240 pounds Max. I felt like i couldn't hardly even jump, even though i did not blame that on the fat but on previous foot and ankle surgeries i had. I couldn't have a normal night of sleep because i would choke and lose my breath. I learned from my wife to sleep on my side. I could sleep fine on my side without choking and not being able to breath. After so many years of being extremely fat, and my wife being unhappy with my situation and knowing that i didn't even try to do anything about it. One day, my sister sent us a video to watch. This video had to do with the scam food pyramid of the FDA. To make an extremely long story short, as the video was extremely long. For you to lose weight and become healthier, you have to flip the FDA food Pyramid B.S diet scam.

    Well, i did just that. Rather than going high carbs low fat as the scam FDA Pyramid reccomends. I am going high fats low carbs. This is not Keto, for i cannot do a diet that only consists of meat. I still eat fruits and vegetables. In fact, i eat an exaggerated amount of bananas and i only continue to lose weight. When my wife buys bananas i eat them all rather quickly. What i did completely remove from my diet was bread, rice and refined sugars, such as chocolate bars and drinks with lots of sugar ect. By doing this, i have taken off 43 pounds in 4 months. Some days i do eat as much as 7 eggs. I love sunny sideup eggs and it is a great source of protein. Eggs do a fantastic job of keeping me full. I also noticed with my current diet i don't have hunger crashes like what i had on the FDA scam carbs diet. I eat lots of fat and proteins, and i can go hours without feeling hungry, or being tempted by carbs and sugers. High Fat low Carb diet is way more satisfying than the High Carb low Fat FDA scam diet. This is only more evidence that State Control of the means of produciton is trash and must come to an abrupt end. Defund the FDA!
    I am having a hard time believing how many pounds I've effectively taken off in a very short time. I use to weigh 235 pounds. In two months i took off 20 pounds and was at 215 pounds. One month later i was fluctuating from 200 pounds to 204. My brother in law and my father told me i had plateu. They told me i needed to incorporate excercise routines to lose more weight. I didn't incorporate any excercise routine at all. This is the fourth month of my diet and i got on the scale again because i feel even lighter, and more of the stomach fat is gone. I now weigh 192.4 pounds. I have shed off another 12 pounds without any excercise at all. I haven't been at 192 pounds since the year 2015. My wife says i even look younger now. In the past, i had lots of excuses as to why i gained so much weight. I had aggressive foot and ankle reconstruction surgeries on both of my feet in the year 2016. I was out of work for close to a year because of this. Also, that same year i had knee reconstruction of my ACL. I definitely gained lots of weight. But no where near 235 pounds in 2016. I wasn't really sure what contributed to my weight gain. I thought it might have been my return to taking my SSRI medication early 2014, as i went from 139 pounds to like 170 late 2014. Still, 170 wasn't bad at all. But later, after the surgery and close to a year of inactivity, i jumped from the 180's range to the 190's range and even closer to 200 pounds. I got off the SSRI Medication i was taking and went to a different type of medication similar to SSRIS, not because of weight gain though. The doctor told me SSRIS contribute to serious weight gain. However, i had to go back to the SSRI medication because the other Medication wasn't working for me at all. After years of having my situation 100% controlled by the SSRI medication i take. I have decided to never stop nor change the SSRI medication for anything else as it has gotten the job done. So, years past and i grew to become an extremely heavy fat monster who probably peaked at 240 pounds Max. I felt like i couldn't hardly even jump, even though i did not blame that on the fat but on previous foot and ankle surgeries i had. I couldn't have a normal night of sleep because i would choke and lose my breath. I learned from my wife to sleep on my side. I could sleep fine on my side without choking and not being able to breath. After so many years of being extremely fat, and my wife being unhappy with my situation and knowing that i didn't even try to do anything about it. One day, my sister sent us a video to watch. This video had to do with the scam food pyramid of the FDA. To make an extremely long story short, as the video was extremely long. For you to lose weight and become healthier, you have to flip the FDA food Pyramid B.S diet scam. Well, i did just that. Rather than going high carbs low fat as the scam FDA Pyramid reccomends. I am going high fats low carbs. This is not Keto, for i cannot do a diet that only consists of meat. I still eat fruits and vegetables. In fact, i eat an exaggerated amount of bananas and i only continue to lose weight. When my wife buys bananas i eat them all rather quickly. What i did completely remove from my diet was bread, rice and refined sugars, such as chocolate bars and drinks with lots of sugar ect. By doing this, i have taken off 43 pounds in 4 months. Some days i do eat as much as 7 eggs. I love sunny sideup eggs and it is a great source of protein. Eggs do a fantastic job of keeping me full. I also noticed with my current diet i don't have hunger crashes like what i had on the FDA scam carbs diet. I eat lots of fat and proteins, and i can go hours without feeling hungry, or being tempted by carbs and sugers. High Fat low Carb diet is way more satisfying than the High Carb low Fat FDA scam diet. This is only more evidence that State Control of the means of produciton is trash and must come to an abrupt end. Defund the FDA!
    3 Commentaires 0 Parts 8430 Vue
  • American entertainer Eddie Cantor with two of his daughters Marjorie (middle) and Natalie (right) sitting on the hood of a car in the early 1920s.

    On April 13, 1922 Eddie Cantor introduced the hit song “Yes! We Have No Bananas” during the musical revue "Make It Snappy" at the Winter Garden Theatre on Broadway.

    Image via LOC, no known restrictions
    American entertainer Eddie Cantor with two of his daughters Marjorie (middle) and Natalie (right) sitting on the hood of a car in the early 1920s. On April 13, 1922 Eddie Cantor introduced the hit song “Yes! We Have No Bananas” during the musical revue "Make It Snappy" at the Winter Garden Theatre on Broadway. Image via LOC, no known restrictions
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2186 Vue
  • It's always great to start the day with a good workout and some healthy food to fuel up, but let's be real, sometimes we just need a little bit of humour to lighten up the mood.
    So, here's a funny take on the buckwheat crepes recipe:
    If you're feeling a little bit blue and need a pick-me-up, try making these buckwheat crepes! They're like the lovechild of pancakes and tortillas, but with a funky twist.

    You will need:
    400 ml (1 can) of coconut milk full fat, at room temperature
    4 large eggs
    1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
    300 g buckwheat flour
    The pulp of 2 large and ripe bananas, mashed (about 300 g)
    1 tsp orange zest, grated
    1 tsp vanilla bean powder
    1 tsp cinnamon powder
    + coconut oil for greasing the pan before each crepe

    First, mash some bananas until they're as smooth as a baby's bottom. Then, using an electric mixer, in a big bowl, mix the eggs with the salt until they form some bubbles, and add in in some coconut milk (1/3 of the whole can) and continue mixing until creamy. Add in the buckwheat flour and whisk until the batter becomes creamy and smooth. Ad the rest of the ingredients and continue whisking until all creamy and smooth. And don't forget the orange zest, vanilla powder, and a pinch of cinnamon, because we all know that's what makes the crepes sing.
    Now, here's the tricky part: you have to wait for the batter to rest in the fridge for at least half an hour. We know, it's hard to resist the temptation, but you can do it!
    Once the batter is ready, heat up a pan with some coconut oil and start making those crepes. Don't worry if they're not perfect, we're not here to judge. And if you're feeling fancy, you can add some sweet or savoury fillings, like cooked apple slices or even an avocado dip.
    But let's be honest, the best part of making these crepes is getting to tell your friends that you made them with without sugar and you used Himalayan salt. They'll think you're a fancy chef, and you can just smile and nod, knowing that it was all thanks to this recipe.
    So, go ahead and give it a try! Who knows, maybe these buckwheat crepes will become your new go-to breakfast, or maybe they'll just make you laugh. Either way, it's a win-win situation. ????

    Happy Monday to everyone and have a fantastic start to the week! ????
    #SomeeEvolution #Somee #Hive #OriginalContentOnly #MondayVibe #StartingTheWeek #Crepes #GymDay
    It's always great to start the day with a good workout and some healthy food to fuel up, but let's be real, sometimes we just need a little bit of humour to lighten up the mood. So, here's a funny take on the buckwheat crepes recipe: If you're feeling a little bit blue and need a pick-me-up, try making these buckwheat crepes! They're like the lovechild of pancakes and tortillas, but with a funky twist. You will need: 400 ml (1 can) of coconut milk full fat, at room temperature 4 large eggs 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt 300 g buckwheat flour The pulp of 2 large and ripe bananas, mashed (about 300 g) 1 tsp orange zest, grated 1 tsp vanilla bean powder 1 tsp cinnamon powder + coconut oil for greasing the pan before each crepe First, mash some bananas until they're as smooth as a baby's bottom. Then, using an electric mixer, in a big bowl, mix the eggs with the salt until they form some bubbles, and add in in some coconut milk (1/3 of the whole can) and continue mixing until creamy. Add in the buckwheat flour and whisk until the batter becomes creamy and smooth. Ad the rest of the ingredients and continue whisking until all creamy and smooth. And don't forget the orange zest, vanilla powder, and a pinch of cinnamon, because we all know that's what makes the crepes sing. Now, here's the tricky part: you have to wait for the batter to rest in the fridge for at least half an hour. We know, it's hard to resist the temptation, but you can do it! Once the batter is ready, heat up a pan with some coconut oil and start making those crepes. Don't worry if they're not perfect, we're not here to judge. And if you're feeling fancy, you can add some sweet or savoury fillings, like cooked apple slices or even an avocado dip. But let's be honest, the best part of making these crepes is getting to tell your friends that you made them with without sugar and you used Himalayan salt. They'll think you're a fancy chef, and you can just smile and nod, knowing that it was all thanks to this recipe. So, go ahead and give it a try! Who knows, maybe these buckwheat crepes will become your new go-to breakfast, or maybe they'll just make you laugh. Either way, it's a win-win situation. ???? Happy Monday to everyone and have a fantastic start to the week! ???? #SomeeEvolution #Somee #Hive #OriginalContentOnly #MondayVibe #StartingTheWeek #Crepes #GymDay
    5 Commentaires 0 Parts 6813 Vue
  • 15 Exemplos de atividades divertidas de matemática para crianças da terceira série:
    01 - Pratique as tabuadas: Faça jogos de memória com as tabuadas, crie cartões para combinar as respostas ou use jogos online para praticar.
    02 - Contagem em grupo: Junte grupos de objetos e peça para a criança contar quantos objetos há em cada grupo, ou quantos grupos há no total.
    03 - Adição e subtração: Use objetos físicos, como blocos ou fichas, para criar problemas de adição e subtração para que a criança possa resolver visualmente.
    04 - Frações divertidas: Use alimentos como pizza ou tortas para ilustrar frações e deixe a criança criar suas próprias frações.
    05 - Problemas com dinheiro: Deixe a criança praticar a adição e subtração de dinheiro, usando moedas e cédulas.
    06 - Medidas e pesos: Use fitas métricas ou balanças para deixar a criança experimentar com medidas e pesos.
    07 - Jogo de memória de frações: Crie um jogo de memória onde a criança precisa combinar a fração com sua representação visual.
    08 - Problemas de palavras: Use situações cotidianas para criar problemas de palavras para que a criança resolva, como calcular quantas maçãs serão necessárias para fazer um bolo.
    09 - Gráficos: Use gráficos simples, como gráficos de barras, para ajudar a criança a entender conceitos matemáticos.
    10 - Geometria: Use brinquedos como blocos de construção para ensinar conceitos de geometria, como formas e ângulos.
    11 - Jogos de lógica: Use jogos de lógica, como quebra-cabeças, para desenvolver o raciocínio lógico da criança.
    12 - Problemas de tempo: Faça problemas de tempo usando relógios e cronômetros para ensinar a criança a calcular intervalos de tempo.
    13 - Jogo de adição de dados: Crie um jogo onde a criança precisa lançar dados e somar os valores para avançar.
    14 - Problemas de multiplicação: Crie problemas de multiplicação usando números e objetos, como quantas bananas existem em 4 cachos de bananas.
    15 - Jogo de matemática: Crie um jogo de matemática usando cartões de perguntas e respostas ou um tabuleiro de jogo para a criança jogar com amigos ou familiares.
    #aprender #bonshábitos #cognitiva #criatividade #hoje #conhecimento #habilidades #relaxar #alepdias #somee #escrita #leitura #qualidade #música #descanso #agora #01deMarçode2023 #atividades #matemática #jogos
    15 Exemplos de atividades divertidas de matemática para crianças da terceira série: . 01 - Pratique as tabuadas: Faça jogos de memória com as tabuadas, crie cartões para combinar as respostas ou use jogos online para praticar. . 02 - Contagem em grupo: Junte grupos de objetos e peça para a criança contar quantos objetos há em cada grupo, ou quantos grupos há no total. . 03 - Adição e subtração: Use objetos físicos, como blocos ou fichas, para criar problemas de adição e subtração para que a criança possa resolver visualmente. . 04 - Frações divertidas: Use alimentos como pizza ou tortas para ilustrar frações e deixe a criança criar suas próprias frações. . 05 - Problemas com dinheiro: Deixe a criança praticar a adição e subtração de dinheiro, usando moedas e cédulas. . 06 - Medidas e pesos: Use fitas métricas ou balanças para deixar a criança experimentar com medidas e pesos. . 07 - Jogo de memória de frações: Crie um jogo de memória onde a criança precisa combinar a fração com sua representação visual. . 08 - Problemas de palavras: Use situações cotidianas para criar problemas de palavras para que a criança resolva, como calcular quantas maçãs serão necessárias para fazer um bolo. . 09 - Gráficos: Use gráficos simples, como gráficos de barras, para ajudar a criança a entender conceitos matemáticos. . 10 - Geometria: Use brinquedos como blocos de construção para ensinar conceitos de geometria, como formas e ângulos. . 11 - Jogos de lógica: Use jogos de lógica, como quebra-cabeças, para desenvolver o raciocínio lógico da criança. . 12 - Problemas de tempo: Faça problemas de tempo usando relógios e cronômetros para ensinar a criança a calcular intervalos de tempo. . 13 - Jogo de adição de dados: Crie um jogo onde a criança precisa lançar dados e somar os valores para avançar. . 14 - Problemas de multiplicação: Crie problemas de multiplicação usando números e objetos, como quantas bananas existem em 4 cachos de bananas. . 15 - Jogo de matemática: Crie um jogo de matemática usando cartões de perguntas e respostas ou um tabuleiro de jogo para a criança jogar com amigos ou familiares. . #aprender #bonshábitos #cognitiva #criatividade #hoje #conhecimento #habilidades #relaxar #alepdias #somee #escrita #leitura #qualidade #música #descanso #agora #01deMarçode2023 #atividades #matemática #jogos
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 7977 Vue
  • Some retailers in South Korea group their bananas together in different ripeness stages so you can consume them over a period of days without them fading. They are referred to as "one-day" bananas.
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  • Good morning my beautiful people, I hope you have a good breakfast, I prepared myself a snack, no tricks, they are oat flakes, bananas, eggs and cinnamon, very tasty, I invite you to prepare it.
    Good morning my beautiful people, I hope you have a good breakfast, I prepared myself a snack, no tricks, they are oat flakes, bananas, eggs and cinnamon, very tasty, I invite you to prepare it.
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  • Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s lead advisor at the Word Economic Forum, has announced that human beings are no better than “viruses or bananas” and the WEF has now reached the point where they can “hack humanity.”
    Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s lead advisor at the Word Economic Forum, has announced that human beings are no better than “viruses or bananas” and the WEF has now reached the point where they can “hack humanity.” https://newspunch.com/wef-humans-are-plague-ai-cure/
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  • Sunday Funday! Today was the perfect day to relax and spend some quality time with the fam and friends. We started off the morning with a delicious breakfast spread - bacon, eggs, and bananas pancakes.
    After dinner we went for a little stroll in town, since the rain stoped and the air quality was fantastic.
    All in all, it was a fantastic Sunday spent with loved ones, eating, chatting, walking and making plans for the future.

    Happy Sunday everyone! ????✨

    #SomeeEvolution #Somee #OriginalContentOnly #FamilyTime #SundayFunDay
    Sunday Funday! Today was the perfect day to relax and spend some quality time with the fam and friends. We started off the morning with a delicious breakfast spread - bacon, eggs, and bananas pancakes. After dinner we went for a little stroll in town, since the rain stoped and the air quality was fantastic. All in all, it was a fantastic Sunday spent with loved ones, eating, chatting, walking and making plans for the future. Happy Sunday everyone! ????✨ #SomeeEvolution #Somee #OriginalContentOnly #FamilyTime #SundayFunDay
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  • Time for a healthy smoothie to detox this body of mine
    Pineapple ???? bananas ???? , apples ???? with pineapple juice
    Delicious ???? don’t forget my pineapple on the side hmmmm ???????????? yep even Dylan likes the healthy way
    New hair New Me ????????????
    Time for a healthy smoothie to detox this body of mine Pineapple ???? bananas ???? , apples ???? with pineapple juice Delicious ???? don’t forget my pineapple on the side hmmmm ???????????? yep even Dylan likes the healthy way New hair New Me ????????????
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  • ????Monkeys goes-bananas-for-bananas ???? ???? #monkey #banana #joke
    ????Monkeys goes-bananas-for-bananas ???? ???? #monkey #banana #joke
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