• The Four Horsemen of Gaza’s Apocalypse. Chris Hedges
    Joe Biden relies on advisors who view the world through the prism of the West’s civilizing mission to the “lesser breeds” of the earth to formulate his policies towards Israel and the Middle East.

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    New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


    Joe Biden’s inner circle of strategists for the Middle East — Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Brett McGurk — have little understanding of the Muslim world and a deep animus towards Islamic resistance movements. They see Europe, the United States and Israel as involved in a clash of civilizations between the enlightened West and a barbaric Middle East. They believe that violence can bend Palestinians and other Arabs to their will. They champion the overwhelming firepower of the U.S. and Israeli military as the key to regional stability — an illusion that fuels the flames of regional war and perpetuates the genocide in Gaza.

    In short, these four men are grossly incompetent. They join the club of other clueless leaders, such as those who waltzed into the suicidal slaughter of World War One, waded into the quagmire of Vietnam or who orchestrated the series of recent military debacles in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. They are endowed with the presumptive power vested in the Executive Branch to bypass Congress, to provide weapons to Israel and carry out military strikes in Yemen and Iraq. This inner circle of true believers dismiss the more nuanced and informed counsels in the State Department and the intelligence communities, who view the refusal of the Biden administration to pressure Israel to halt the ongoing genocide as ill-advised and dangerous.

    Biden has always been an ardent militarist — he was calling for war with Iraq five years before the U.S. invaded. He built his political career by catering to the distaste of the white middle class for the popular movements, including the anti-war and civil rights movements, that convulsed the country in the 1960s and 1970s. He is a Republican masquerading as a Democrat. He joined Southern segregationists to oppose bringing Black students into Whites-only schools. He opposed federal funding for abortions and supported a constitutional amendment allowing states to restrict abortions. He attacked President George H. W. Bush in 1989 for being too soft in the “war on drugs.” He was one of the architects of the 1994 crime bill and a raft of other draconian laws that more than doubled the U.S. prison population, militarized the police and pushed through drug laws that saw people incarcerated for life without parole. He supported the North American Free Trade Agreement, the greatest betrayal of the working class since the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act. He has always been a strident defender of Israel, bragging that he did more fundraisers for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) than any other Senator.

    “As many of you heard me say before, were there no Israel, America would have to invent one. We’d have to invent one because… you protect our interests like we protect yours,” Biden said in 2015, to an audience that included the Israeli ambassador, at the 67th Annual Israeli Independence Day Celebration in Washington D.C. During the same speech he said, “The truth of the matter is we need you. The world needs you. Imagine what it would say about humanity and the future of the 21st century if Israel were not sustained, vibrant and free.”

    The year before Biden gave a gushing eulogy for Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli prime minister and general who was implicated in massacres of Palestinians, Lebanese and others in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon — as well as Egyptian prisoners of war — going back to the 1950s. He described Sharon as “part of one of the most remarkable founding generations in the history not of this nation, but of any nation.”

    While repudiating Donald Trump and his administration, Biden has not reversed Trump’s abrogation of the Iran nuclear deal negotiated by Barack Obama, or Trump’s sanctions against Iran. He has embraced Trump’s close ties with Saudi Arabia, including the rehabilitation of Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman, following the assassination of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2017 in the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. He has not intervened to curb Israeli attacks on Palestinians and settlement expansion in the West Bank. He did not reverse Trump’s moving of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, although the embassy includes land Israel illegally colonized after invading the West Bank and Gaza in 1967.

    As a seven-term senator of Delaware, Biden received more financial support from pro-Israel donors than any other senator, since 1990. Biden retains this record despite the fact that his senatorial career ended in 2009, when he became Obama’s vice president. Biden explains his commitment to Israel as “personal” and “political.”

    He has parroted back Israeli propaganda — including fabrications about beheaded babies and widespread rape of Israeli women by Hamas fighters — and asked Congress to provide $14 billion in additional aid to Israel since the Oct. 7 attack. He has twice bypassed Congress to supply Israel with thousands of bombs and munitions, including at least 100 2,000-pound bombs, used in the scorched earth campaign in Gaza.

    Israel has killed or seriously wounded close to 90,000 Palestinians in Gaza, almost one in every 20 inhabitants. It has destroyed or damaged over 60 percent of the housing. The “safe areas,” to which some 2 million Gazans were instructed to flee in southern Gaza, have been bombed, with thousands of casualties. Palestinians in Gaza now make up 80 percent of all the people facing famine or catastrophic hunger worldwide, according to the U.N. Every person in Gaza is hungry. A quarter of the population are starving and struggling to find food and drinkable water. Famine is imminent. The 335,000 children under the age of five are at high risk of malnutrition. Some 50,000 pregnant women lack healthcare and adequate nutrition.

    And it could all end if the U.S. chose to intervene.

    “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the U.S.,” retired Israeli Major General Yitzhak Brick told the Jewish News Syndicate. “The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability… Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.”

    Blinken was Biden’s principal foreign policy adviser when Biden was the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee. He, along with Biden, lobbied for the invasion of Iraq. When he was Obama’s deputy national security advisor, he advocated the 2011 overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. He opposed withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria. He worked on the disastrous Biden Plan to partition Iraq along ethnic lines.

    “Within the Obama White House, Blinken played an influential role in the imposition of sanctions against Russia over the 2014 invasion of Crimea and eastern Ukraine, and subsequently led ultimately unsuccessful calls for the U.S. to arm Ukraine,” according to the Atlantic Council, NATO’s unofficial think tank.

    Image: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Oct. 12, 2023. – Secretary Antony Blinken on X

    When Blinken landed in Israel following the attacks by Hamas and other resistance groups on Oct. 7, he announced at a press conference with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

    “I come before you not only as the United States Secretary of State, but also as a Jew.”

    He attempted, on Israel’s behalf, to lobby Arab leaders to accept the 2.3 million Palestinian refugees Israel intends to ethnically cleanse from Gaza, a request that evoked outrage among Arab leaders.

    Sullivan, Biden’s national security advisor, and McGurk, are consummate opportunists, Machiavellian bureaucrats who cater to the reigning centers of power, including the Israel lobby.

    Sullivan was the chief architect of Hillary Clinton’s Asia pivot. He backed the corporate and investor rights Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, which was sold as helping the U.S. contain China. Trump ultimately killed the trade agreement in the face of mass opposition from the U.S. public. His focus is thwarting a rising China, including through the expansion of the U.S. military.

    While not focused on the Middle East, Sullivan is a foreign policy hawk who has a knee jerk embrace of force to shape the world to U.S. demands. He embraces military Keynesianism, arguing that massive government spending on the weapons industry benefits the domestic economy.

    In a 7,000-word essay for Foreign Affairs magazine published five days before the Oct. 7 attacks, which left some 1,200 Israelis dead, Sullivan exposed his lack of understanding of the dynamics of the Middle East.

    Screenshot from The New York Times

    “Although the Middle East remains beset with perennial challenges,” he writes in the original version of the essay, “the region is quieter than it has been for decades,” adding that in the face of “serious” frictions, “we have de-escalated crises in Gaza.”

    Sullivan ignores Palestinian aspirations and Washington’s rhetorical backing for a two-state solution in the article, hastily rewritten in the online version after the Oct. 7 attacks. He writes in his original piece:

    At a meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, last year, the president set forth his policy for the Middle East in an address to the leaders of members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan. His approach returns discipline to US policy. It emphasizes deterring aggression, de-escalating conflicts, and integrating the region through joint infrastructure projects and new partnerships, including between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

    McGurk, the deputy assistant to President Biden and the coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa at the White House National Security Council, was a chief architect of Bush’s “surge” in Iraq, which accelerated the bloodletting. He worked as a legal advisor to the Coalition Provisional Authority and the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad. He then became Trump’s anti-ISIS czar.

    He does not speak Arabic — none of the four men does — and came to Iraq with no knowledge of its history, peoples or culture. Nevertheless, he helped draft Iraq’s interim constitution and oversaw the legal transition from the Coalition Provisional Authority to an Interim Iraqi Government led by Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. McGurk was an early backer of Nouri al-Maliki, who was Iraq’s prime minister between 2006 and 2014. Al-Maliki built a Shi’ite-controlled sectarian state that deeply alienated Sunni Arabs and Kurds. In 2005, McGurk transferred to the National Security Council (NSC), where he served as director for Iraq, and later as special assistant to the president and senior director for Iraq and Afghanistan. He served on the NSC staff from 2005 to 2009. In 2015, he was appointed as Obama’s Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL. He was retained by Trump until his resignation in Dec. 2018.

    An article in April 2021 titled “Brett McGurk: A Hero of Our Times,” in New Lines Magazine by former BBC foreign correspondent Paul Wood, paints a scathing portrait of McGurk. Wood writes:

    A senior Western diplomat who served in Baghdad told me that McGurk had been an absolute disaster for Iraq. “He is a consummate operator in Washington, but I saw no sign that he was interested in Iraqis or Iraq as a place full of real people. It was simply a bureaucratic and political challenge for him.” One critic who was in Baghdad with McGurk called him Machiavelli reincarnated. “It’s intellect plus ambition plus the utter ruthlessness to rise no matter the cost.”


    A U.S. diplomat who was in the embassy when McGurk arrived found his steady advance astonishing. “Brett only meets people who speak English. … There are like four people in the government who speak English. And somehow he’s now the person who should decide the fate of Iraq? How did this happen?”

    Even those who didn’t like McGurk had to admit that he had a formidable intellect — and was a hard worker. He was also a gifted writer, no surprise as he had clerked for Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist. His rise mirrored that of an Iraqi politician named Nouri al-Maliki, one careerist helping the other. That is McGurk’s tragedy — and Iraq’s.


    McGurk’s critics say his lack of Arabic meant he missed the vicious, sectarian undertones of what al-Maliki was saying in meetings right from the start. Translators censored or failed to keep up. Like many Americans in Iraq, McGurk was deaf to what was happening around him.

    Al-Maliki was the consequence of two mistakes by the U.S. How much McGurk had to do with them remains in dispute. The first mistake was the “80 Percent Solution” for ruling Iraq. The Sunni Arabs were mounting a bloody insurgency, but they were just 20% of the population. The theory was that you could run Iraq with the Kurds and the Shiites. The second error was to identify the Shiites with hardline, religious parties backed by Iran. Al-Maliki, a member of the religious Da’wa Party, was the beneficiary of this.

    In a piece in HuffPost in May 2022 by Akbar Shahid Ahmed, titled “Biden’s Top Middle East Advisor ‘Torched the House and Showed Up With a Firehose,’” McGurk is described by a colleague, who asked not to be named, as “the most talented bureaucrat they’ve ever seen, with the worst foreign policy judgment they’ve ever seen.”

    McGurk, like others in the Biden administration, is bizarrely focused on what comes after Israel’s genocidal campaign, rather than trying to halt it. McGurk proposed denying humanitarian aid and refusing to implement a pause in the fighting in Gaza until all the Israeli hostages were freed. Biden and his three closest policy advisors have called for the Palestinian Authority — an Israeli puppet regime that is reviled by most Palestinians — to take control of Gaza once Israel finishes leveling it. They have called on Israel — since Oct. 7 — to take steps towards a two-state solution, a plan rejected in an humiliating public rebuke to the the Biden White House by Netanyahu.

    The Biden White House spends more time talking to the Israelis and Saudis, who are being lobbied to normalize relations with Israel and help rebuild Gaza, than the Palestinians, who are at best, an afterthought. It believes the key to ending Palestinian resistance is found in Riyadh, summed up in a top-secret document peddled by McGurk called the “Jerusalem-Jeddah Pact,” the HuffPost reported. It is unable or unwilling to curb Israel’s bloodlust, which included missile strikes in a residential neighborhood in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday that killed five military advisors from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and a drone attack in South Lebanon on Sunday, which killed two senior members of Hezbollah. These Israeli provocations will not go unanswered, evidenced by the ballistic missiles and rockets launched on Sunday by militants in western Iraq that targeted U.S. personnel stationed at the al-Assad Airbase.

    The Alice-in-Wonderland idea that once the slaughter in Gaza ends a diplomatic pact between Israel and Saudi Arabia will be the key to regional stability is stupefying. Israel’s genocide, and Washington’s complicity, is shredding U.S. credibility and influence, especially in the Global South and the Muslim world. It ensures another generation of enraged Palestinians — whose families have been obliterated and whose homes have been destroyed — seeking vengeance.

    The policies embraced by the Biden administration not only blithely ignore the realities in the Arab world, but the realities of an extremist Israeli state that, with Congress bought and paid for by the Israel lobby, couldn’t care less what the Biden White House dreams up. Israel has no intention of creating a viable Palestinian state. Its goal is the ethnic cleansing of the 2.3 million Palestinians from Gaza and the annexation of Gaza by Israel. And when Israel is done with Gaza, it will turn on the West Bank, where Israeli raids now occur on an almost nightly basis and where thousands have been arrested and detained without charge since Oct. 7.

    Those running the show in the Biden White House are chasing after rainbows. The march of folly led by these four blind mice perpetuates the cataclysmic suffering of the Palestinians, stokes a regional war and presages another tragic and self-defeating chapter in the two decades of U.S. military fiascos in the Middle East.


    Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.

    Featured image: Blood Brothers – by Mr. Fish via Chris Hedges

    The Four Horsemen of Gaza’s Apocalypse. Chris Hedges Joe Biden relies on advisors who view the world through the prism of the West’s civilizing mission to the “lesser breeds” of the earth to formulate his policies towards Israel and the Middle East. All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth” *** Joe Biden’s inner circle of strategists for the Middle East — Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Brett McGurk — have little understanding of the Muslim world and a deep animus towards Islamic resistance movements. They see Europe, the United States and Israel as involved in a clash of civilizations between the enlightened West and a barbaric Middle East. They believe that violence can bend Palestinians and other Arabs to their will. They champion the overwhelming firepower of the U.S. and Israeli military as the key to regional stability — an illusion that fuels the flames of regional war and perpetuates the genocide in Gaza. In short, these four men are grossly incompetent. They join the club of other clueless leaders, such as those who waltzed into the suicidal slaughter of World War One, waded into the quagmire of Vietnam or who orchestrated the series of recent military debacles in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. They are endowed with the presumptive power vested in the Executive Branch to bypass Congress, to provide weapons to Israel and carry out military strikes in Yemen and Iraq. This inner circle of true believers dismiss the more nuanced and informed counsels in the State Department and the intelligence communities, who view the refusal of the Biden administration to pressure Israel to halt the ongoing genocide as ill-advised and dangerous. Biden has always been an ardent militarist — he was calling for war with Iraq five years before the U.S. invaded. He built his political career by catering to the distaste of the white middle class for the popular movements, including the anti-war and civil rights movements, that convulsed the country in the 1960s and 1970s. He is a Republican masquerading as a Democrat. He joined Southern segregationists to oppose bringing Black students into Whites-only schools. He opposed federal funding for abortions and supported a constitutional amendment allowing states to restrict abortions. He attacked President George H. W. Bush in 1989 for being too soft in the “war on drugs.” He was one of the architects of the 1994 crime bill and a raft of other draconian laws that more than doubled the U.S. prison population, militarized the police and pushed through drug laws that saw people incarcerated for life without parole. He supported the North American Free Trade Agreement, the greatest betrayal of the working class since the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act. He has always been a strident defender of Israel, bragging that he did more fundraisers for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) than any other Senator. “As many of you heard me say before, were there no Israel, America would have to invent one. We’d have to invent one because… you protect our interests like we protect yours,” Biden said in 2015, to an audience that included the Israeli ambassador, at the 67th Annual Israeli Independence Day Celebration in Washington D.C. During the same speech he said, “The truth of the matter is we need you. The world needs you. Imagine what it would say about humanity and the future of the 21st century if Israel were not sustained, vibrant and free.” The year before Biden gave a gushing eulogy for Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli prime minister and general who was implicated in massacres of Palestinians, Lebanese and others in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon — as well as Egyptian prisoners of war — going back to the 1950s. He described Sharon as “part of one of the most remarkable founding generations in the history not of this nation, but of any nation.” While repudiating Donald Trump and his administration, Biden has not reversed Trump’s abrogation of the Iran nuclear deal negotiated by Barack Obama, or Trump’s sanctions against Iran. He has embraced Trump’s close ties with Saudi Arabia, including the rehabilitation of Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman, following the assassination of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2017 in the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. He has not intervened to curb Israeli attacks on Palestinians and settlement expansion in the West Bank. He did not reverse Trump’s moving of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, although the embassy includes land Israel illegally colonized after invading the West Bank and Gaza in 1967. As a seven-term senator of Delaware, Biden received more financial support from pro-Israel donors than any other senator, since 1990. Biden retains this record despite the fact that his senatorial career ended in 2009, when he became Obama’s vice president. Biden explains his commitment to Israel as “personal” and “political.” He has parroted back Israeli propaganda — including fabrications about beheaded babies and widespread rape of Israeli women by Hamas fighters — and asked Congress to provide $14 billion in additional aid to Israel since the Oct. 7 attack. He has twice bypassed Congress to supply Israel with thousands of bombs and munitions, including at least 100 2,000-pound bombs, used in the scorched earth campaign in Gaza. Israel has killed or seriously wounded close to 90,000 Palestinians in Gaza, almost one in every 20 inhabitants. It has destroyed or damaged over 60 percent of the housing. The “safe areas,” to which some 2 million Gazans were instructed to flee in southern Gaza, have been bombed, with thousands of casualties. Palestinians in Gaza now make up 80 percent of all the people facing famine or catastrophic hunger worldwide, according to the U.N. Every person in Gaza is hungry. A quarter of the population are starving and struggling to find food and drinkable water. Famine is imminent. The 335,000 children under the age of five are at high risk of malnutrition. Some 50,000 pregnant women lack healthcare and adequate nutrition. And it could all end if the U.S. chose to intervene. “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the U.S.,” retired Israeli Major General Yitzhak Brick told the Jewish News Syndicate. “The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability… Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.” Blinken was Biden’s principal foreign policy adviser when Biden was the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee. He, along with Biden, lobbied for the invasion of Iraq. When he was Obama’s deputy national security advisor, he advocated the 2011 overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. He opposed withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria. He worked on the disastrous Biden Plan to partition Iraq along ethnic lines. “Within the Obama White House, Blinken played an influential role in the imposition of sanctions against Russia over the 2014 invasion of Crimea and eastern Ukraine, and subsequently led ultimately unsuccessful calls for the U.S. to arm Ukraine,” according to the Atlantic Council, NATO’s unofficial think tank. Image: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Oct. 12, 2023. – Secretary Antony Blinken on X When Blinken landed in Israel following the attacks by Hamas and other resistance groups on Oct. 7, he announced at a press conference with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “I come before you not only as the United States Secretary of State, but also as a Jew.” He attempted, on Israel’s behalf, to lobby Arab leaders to accept the 2.3 million Palestinian refugees Israel intends to ethnically cleanse from Gaza, a request that evoked outrage among Arab leaders. Sullivan, Biden’s national security advisor, and McGurk, are consummate opportunists, Machiavellian bureaucrats who cater to the reigning centers of power, including the Israel lobby. Sullivan was the chief architect of Hillary Clinton’s Asia pivot. He backed the corporate and investor rights Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, which was sold as helping the U.S. contain China. Trump ultimately killed the trade agreement in the face of mass opposition from the U.S. public. His focus is thwarting a rising China, including through the expansion of the U.S. military. While not focused on the Middle East, Sullivan is a foreign policy hawk who has a knee jerk embrace of force to shape the world to U.S. demands. He embraces military Keynesianism, arguing that massive government spending on the weapons industry benefits the domestic economy. In a 7,000-word essay for Foreign Affairs magazine published five days before the Oct. 7 attacks, which left some 1,200 Israelis dead, Sullivan exposed his lack of understanding of the dynamics of the Middle East. Screenshot from The New York Times “Although the Middle East remains beset with perennial challenges,” he writes in the original version of the essay, “the region is quieter than it has been for decades,” adding that in the face of “serious” frictions, “we have de-escalated crises in Gaza.” Sullivan ignores Palestinian aspirations and Washington’s rhetorical backing for a two-state solution in the article, hastily rewritten in the online version after the Oct. 7 attacks. He writes in his original piece: At a meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, last year, the president set forth his policy for the Middle East in an address to the leaders of members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan. His approach returns discipline to US policy. It emphasizes deterring aggression, de-escalating conflicts, and integrating the region through joint infrastructure projects and new partnerships, including between Israel and its Arab neighbors. McGurk, the deputy assistant to President Biden and the coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa at the White House National Security Council, was a chief architect of Bush’s “surge” in Iraq, which accelerated the bloodletting. He worked as a legal advisor to the Coalition Provisional Authority and the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad. He then became Trump’s anti-ISIS czar. He does not speak Arabic — none of the four men does — and came to Iraq with no knowledge of its history, peoples or culture. Nevertheless, he helped draft Iraq’s interim constitution and oversaw the legal transition from the Coalition Provisional Authority to an Interim Iraqi Government led by Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. McGurk was an early backer of Nouri al-Maliki, who was Iraq’s prime minister between 2006 and 2014. Al-Maliki built a Shi’ite-controlled sectarian state that deeply alienated Sunni Arabs and Kurds. In 2005, McGurk transferred to the National Security Council (NSC), where he served as director for Iraq, and later as special assistant to the president and senior director for Iraq and Afghanistan. He served on the NSC staff from 2005 to 2009. In 2015, he was appointed as Obama’s Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL. He was retained by Trump until his resignation in Dec. 2018. An article in April 2021 titled “Brett McGurk: A Hero of Our Times,” in New Lines Magazine by former BBC foreign correspondent Paul Wood, paints a scathing portrait of McGurk. Wood writes: A senior Western diplomat who served in Baghdad told me that McGurk had been an absolute disaster for Iraq. “He is a consummate operator in Washington, but I saw no sign that he was interested in Iraqis or Iraq as a place full of real people. It was simply a bureaucratic and political challenge for him.” One critic who was in Baghdad with McGurk called him Machiavelli reincarnated. “It’s intellect plus ambition plus the utter ruthlessness to rise no matter the cost.” [….] A U.S. diplomat who was in the embassy when McGurk arrived found his steady advance astonishing. “Brett only meets people who speak English. … There are like four people in the government who speak English. And somehow he’s now the person who should decide the fate of Iraq? How did this happen?” Even those who didn’t like McGurk had to admit that he had a formidable intellect — and was a hard worker. He was also a gifted writer, no surprise as he had clerked for Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist. His rise mirrored that of an Iraqi politician named Nouri al-Maliki, one careerist helping the other. That is McGurk’s tragedy — and Iraq’s. [….] McGurk’s critics say his lack of Arabic meant he missed the vicious, sectarian undertones of what al-Maliki was saying in meetings right from the start. Translators censored or failed to keep up. Like many Americans in Iraq, McGurk was deaf to what was happening around him. Al-Maliki was the consequence of two mistakes by the U.S. How much McGurk had to do with them remains in dispute. The first mistake was the “80 Percent Solution” for ruling Iraq. The Sunni Arabs were mounting a bloody insurgency, but they were just 20% of the population. The theory was that you could run Iraq with the Kurds and the Shiites. The second error was to identify the Shiites with hardline, religious parties backed by Iran. Al-Maliki, a member of the religious Da’wa Party, was the beneficiary of this. In a piece in HuffPost in May 2022 by Akbar Shahid Ahmed, titled “Biden’s Top Middle East Advisor ‘Torched the House and Showed Up With a Firehose,’” McGurk is described by a colleague, who asked not to be named, as “the most talented bureaucrat they’ve ever seen, with the worst foreign policy judgment they’ve ever seen.” McGurk, like others in the Biden administration, is bizarrely focused on what comes after Israel’s genocidal campaign, rather than trying to halt it. McGurk proposed denying humanitarian aid and refusing to implement a pause in the fighting in Gaza until all the Israeli hostages were freed. Biden and his three closest policy advisors have called for the Palestinian Authority — an Israeli puppet regime that is reviled by most Palestinians — to take control of Gaza once Israel finishes leveling it. They have called on Israel — since Oct. 7 — to take steps towards a two-state solution, a plan rejected in an humiliating public rebuke to the the Biden White House by Netanyahu. The Biden White House spends more time talking to the Israelis and Saudis, who are being lobbied to normalize relations with Israel and help rebuild Gaza, than the Palestinians, who are at best, an afterthought. It believes the key to ending Palestinian resistance is found in Riyadh, summed up in a top-secret document peddled by McGurk called the “Jerusalem-Jeddah Pact,” the HuffPost reported. It is unable or unwilling to curb Israel’s bloodlust, which included missile strikes in a residential neighborhood in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday that killed five military advisors from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and a drone attack in South Lebanon on Sunday, which killed two senior members of Hezbollah. These Israeli provocations will not go unanswered, evidenced by the ballistic missiles and rockets launched on Sunday by militants in western Iraq that targeted U.S. personnel stationed at the al-Assad Airbase. The Alice-in-Wonderland idea that once the slaughter in Gaza ends a diplomatic pact between Israel and Saudi Arabia will be the key to regional stability is stupefying. Israel’s genocide, and Washington’s complicity, is shredding U.S. credibility and influence, especially in the Global South and the Muslim world. It ensures another generation of enraged Palestinians — whose families have been obliterated and whose homes have been destroyed — seeking vengeance. The policies embraced by the Biden administration not only blithely ignore the realities in the Arab world, but the realities of an extremist Israeli state that, with Congress bought and paid for by the Israel lobby, couldn’t care less what the Biden White House dreams up. Israel has no intention of creating a viable Palestinian state. Its goal is the ethnic cleansing of the 2.3 million Palestinians from Gaza and the annexation of Gaza by Israel. And when Israel is done with Gaza, it will turn on the West Bank, where Israeli raids now occur on an almost nightly basis and where thousands have been arrested and detained without charge since Oct. 7. Those running the show in the Biden White House are chasing after rainbows. The march of folly led by these four blind mice perpetuates the cataclysmic suffering of the Palestinians, stokes a regional war and presages another tragic and self-defeating chapter in the two decades of U.S. military fiascos in the Middle East. * Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. Featured image: Blood Brothers – by Mr. Fish via Chris Hedges https://www.globalresearch.ca/four-horsemen-gaza-apocalypse/5847199
    The Four Horsemen of Gaza’s Apocalypse. Chris Hedges
    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel …
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  • Moderna’s influence over the US and UK governments is more than most realise
    Rhoda WilsonJanuary 3, 2024
    The sheer sprawl, corruption, influence and involvement of Moderna in politics and the wider medical industry is staggering. It is difficult to convey and harder to comprehend, The Underdog writes.

    Months before a pandemic was declared in 2020, World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and CEO of Moderna Stéphane Bancel told his staff that there was going to be a pandemic and Moderna would need to manufacture a billion doses of vaccine the “next year,” being 2021.

    How did Bancel know?

    A recent article written by The Underdog may provide some insight which lays out his/her findings relating to Moderna infiltrating the USA and UK governments as well as academia.

    The Underdog is a non de plume for someone who self-describes as a citizen journalist and publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘The Daily Beagle’.

    In the USA, Moderna took control of the FDA and Operation Warp Speed, and influenced NIH and BARDA, The Underdog says. Adding that Moderna controls the UK government through Installed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

    As well as governments, The Underdog surmises that Moderna has compromised academics in universities in the USA and Canada.

    For previous articles we’ve published that relate to and complement The Underdog’s article, please see ‘Rishi Sunak, Thélème and Moderna’ and various other articles HERE.

    Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

    Murderous Moderna’s Infiltration of Politics

    By The Underdog

    Murder, They Wrote

    Let us clarify murderous: a peer-reviewed study found that myocarditis in under 40-year-old males was higher in those who had taken all vaccines, and those who had taken a second dose of mRNA-1273, the Moderna covid injection.

    It was so bad that Sweden, Norway, and Finland suspended the use of the Moderna vaccine in young people, as noted in the British Medical Journal (“BMJ”).

    As previously known, the US National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) and their corrupt cohorts attempted to censor evidence that myocarditis has a fatality rate of 50% within 5 years. So it isn’t unreasonable to assert Moderna has in all likelihood murdered at least 50% of those with myocarditis caused by the Moderna injections; of which will include children.

    Like in an attempt to discourage people from getting the poisonous shots without declaring that they’re harmful and recalling them, Moderna recently jacked up the price of their injections to $130. A reminder Moderna produced injections that contained stainless steel contaminants.

    It cost only $2.85 to manufacture and despite this, the US government paid $15 to $26 a dose. Why?

    Moderna Have Infiltrated the Government

    Seems pretty incredulous, but no.

    Moderna Is Part of WEF

    Stéphane Bancel was “elected” 2009 Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum (“WEF”).

    Bancel was founding chief executive officer for Moderna and joined Flagship Pioneering in 2013.

    Noubar Afeyan, co-founder of Moderna and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, “received a Technology Pioneer 2012 award from the World Economic Forum”.

    Noubar also “served as Chairman of the Global Agenda Council on Chemicals, Advanced Materials and Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum as well as being a member of the Meta-Council on Emerging Technologies.”

    Moderna Took Control of Operation Warp Speed

    Moncef Slaoui, owning 82,508 Moderna shares on 21 February 2020, stepped down from Moderna, divested his stake, and went on to lead Operation Warp Speed. As it just so happened, the US government spent over $4 billion on Moderna, twice as much as any other pharmaceutical company:

    During this time of taking fat wads of government cash, Moderna also received heavy investment from hedge funds in September 2020.

    Moderna Influenced NIH, BARDA

    The NIH in December 2020 bragged how they worked with Moderna in a partnership, along with BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) and NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) Vaccine Research Centre to develop the myocarditis inducing mRNA-1273 injection:

    Factoring in that the NIH deleted evidence of the myocarditis fatality rate implicating firms such as Moderna and the NIH itself, this shouldn’t be surprising.

    Moderna ultimately got into a fight with NIH over mRNA patents, with Moderna insisting they did everything. Current NIH director Francis Collins remarked the NIH played “a major role in the development of the vaccine,” in which Moderna received approximately $10 billion in government funding.

    Moderna paid the NIH their bribe patent money, to the tune of $400 million, just under half a billion, but held dispute over another patent. To try to appease the NIH, Moderna offered co-ownership of the vaccine patent with NIH.

    Curiously, an NIH employee, Philip Leder, worked on mRNA research decades before NIH’s agreement with Moderna. They conveniently died in 2020.

    Moderna Took Control of the FDA

    Stephan Hahn
    Stephen Hahn, former FDA Commissioner who insisted he’d fast-track the covid-19 injections, left the FDA to go join Flagship Pioneering after approving the injections. He claimed Donald Trump told him “to authorise a covid-19 vaccine or go.”

    Flagship Pioneering are a venture capital firm that financed and kickstarted Moderna. The CEO of Flagship Pioneering, Noubar Afeyan, also co-founded Moderna. So, they’re essentially one and the same.

    Moderna LLC was the successor in interest to Moderna Therapeutics, Inc., a Delaware corporation incorporated in 2009 as Newco LS18, Inc. by Flagship Pioneering.

    SEC EDGAR filing on Moderna LLCnone
    One of the founding investors of Moderna, Bob Langer, also previously worked on the FDA’s advisory board according to his own biography, serving as both a member and later the chairman:

    It is likely Bob retained contacts within the FDA even after leaving.

    Moderna Control the UK Government

    This isn’t hyperbole. We wish it were.

    The UK government signed a memorandum of understanding with Flagship Pioneering:

    This includes a spin-off company called Quotient Therapeutics:

    The UK government also formed an unusually aggressive and expansive 10-year contract with Moderna, worth at least £1 billion for a “new vaccine centre” – despite the fact these are genetic modification injections.

    This was agreed during Rishi Sunak’s tenure as Prime Minister.

    Moderna de facto Control the Prime Minister

    The investment will benefit current unelected pharmaceutical bureaucrat Rishi Sunak, who is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (read as: Moderna have influence of the UK government).

    Unelected Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
    Rishi was also formerly Chancellor of the Exchequer (read as: controlled the UK government purse strings) back in 2020, and allocated even more funds to the vaccine industry during that time. He bragged how it was a “success.” For his bank account, we surmise.

    How will he benefit? Rishi Sunak co-founded a firm called Thélème Partners LLP (aka. Thélème) back in 2009, registered in the Cayman Islands, along with co-founder and former French Navy Patrick Degorce, after they previously met at The Children’s Investment Fund (“TCIF”). TCIF was run by billionaire Chris Hohn.

    Rishi Sunak appointed Thélème partner John Sheridan as an advisor to government during his time as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

    Thélème started with an initial investment fund of £536m, and were early backers of Moderna. Thélème co-founder Degorce invested in Moderna over a decade ago, meaning their rise was also Rishi Sunak’s rise.

    Thélème are Moderna’s single largest hedge fund investor, despite Thélème cutting their exposure by 11%. On 30 September 2023, Thélème disclosed ownership of 6,897,612 shares of Moderna, Inc. (US:MRNA) valued at $712,454,343 USD, more than half a billion.

    The name Thélème is likely based upon the French ‘Abbaye de Thélème’, an idea invented by French monk Rabelais, who gives his vision of an “ideal and utopian abbey.”

    The “Thelemites of the Abbey” follow “do what thou wilt”. Occultist Aleister Crowley declared a so-called “Theleme religion” whose central belief was “do what thou wilt”, even remarking “There is no law beyond do what thou wilt.”

    Unsurprisingly, Moderna plant Rishi Sunak did whatever he wanted and declined to say that he did not profit from the Moderna injections. He claims to have left the firm in 2013 and that his finances are in a so-called “blind trust,” along with 10 other ministers. There’s no legal definition of a “blind trust” so this is pure theatre.

    Given he’s the original founder of Thélème, he no doubt has shares and investments and still stands to profit from Moderna’s success, explaining why he gave Flagship Pioneering favourable treatment and Moderna a 10-year contract on a plate. This is the same Rishi who tried to “break banks” during the 2008 collapse.

    On another note…

    Moderna Have Compromised Academia

    Bear in mind academic institutions are involved in peer-reviewed processes, clinical research and more, so this has wider, damning ramifications. Moderna were formed within the heart of academia.

    Moderna Have Control In MIT

    Noubar Afeyan
    Noubar Afeyan, CEO of Flagship Pioneering, studied at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). He was recently installed in MIT Corporation’s board of trustees.

    The purpose of the trust? (Emphasis added):

    […] to see that the Institute adheres to the purposes for which it was chartered and that its integrity and financial resources are preserved for future generations as well as for current purposes. […]

    “About the Corporation”, MIT Corporation pagenone
    Control of the finances. And integrity.

    During the founding period of Moderna, Noubar Afeyan joined the likes of MIT Bob Langer. Langer, since investing in Moderna, has now become a billionaire as a result.

    MIT Mandates the Covid-19 Injection, That MIT Based Modern Just Happens to Sell

    Profitably for MIT-inspired Moderna, during Moderna’s rise, MIT adopted a vaccine mandate, one where MIT reported there were still covid-19 cases anyway and that they weren’t mild:

    They huffed the copium and tried to argue there were no Omicron-related hospitalisations (Omicron is deemed the mildest of the covid-19 set), but conveniently omitted Alpha, Delta, and the others, implying there were other variant hospitalisations (read as: The injections they mandated for profits, didn’t work).

    Noubar Afeyan and MIT’s Bob Langer are also joined by investor Derrick Rossi (Harvard), after they learn they can reprogram human cells and reverse them back into pluripotent stem cells based on Harvard Derrick Rossi’s research. Notice it involves using mRNA to change human cells (read as: Modify their DNA).

    Rossi is head of the Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology. Current Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel also studied at Harvard.

    Rossi approached Harvard faculty member Timothy Springer asking him to invest in Moderna, which he did so. In April 2021, Timothy Springer was declared a billionaire by Cord Magazine. Back patting their own, Timothy Springer went on to receive a Lasker award, and a Robert Koch prize.

    The Koch brothers also finances MIT Bob Langer’s lab:

    In a surprise to no-one, Harvard also mandated the injection from which they stand to profit.

    This included for Harvard staff, flushing out anyone critical of the financial abuses by the vaccine industry.

    Bearing in mind the majority of Moderna directed Operation Warp Speed financing went to Moderna, the majority of the injections that would have been available would have also been primarily Moderna, guaranteeing their selfish, harmful, murderous profit

    Remember: Those below the age of 40 are adversely affected by myocarditis, and the majority of students on campus would be below that age; 50% fatality rate within 5 years for myocarditis.

    University of Toronto, As Well – Maybe Even the Canadian Government?

    The Academia orgy was apparently not big enough, and the University of Toronto wanted some, giving Derrick Rossi an “honorary degree”.

    University of Toronto are particularly interesting because they’re one of a handful of “kingmaker universities” in Canada.

    When investigating Acuitas Therapeutics, The Daily Beagle remarked:

    The only University with more Canadian Prime Ministers is University of Toronto, with Arthur Meighen, W.L. Mackenzie King, Lester B. Pearson, and Paul Martin.

    It is very likely a lot of ministers for the Canadian government also come from the University of Toronto. So, the University of Toronto’s corrupt love-in with Moderna implies Moderna also has influence over the Canadian government.

    And in surprise to no-one, the University of Toronto also anti-competitively mandated the emergency authorisation injections:

    You know, the same injections Health Canada admitted contained plasmid DNA, the same kind Moderna used in partnership with Aldevron.

    What is it with academic universities mandating the injections from which they stand to benefit financially?

    Moderna are in Bed with Multiple Major Pharmaceutical Companies

    To give you an idea how deep this shell game goes, did you know that AstraZeneca are one of the key initial investors in Moderna and a major shareholder? So it doesn’t matter to them if their AstraZeneca injection becomes the fall guy for mRNA shots – they profit either way!

    And guess what they focused on? Heart disease and cancer (any time you see the word ‘oncology’, think cancer).

    Moderna Clearly Expects a Lot of Cancer

    Moderna went batshit and agreed a lot of partnerships with major pharmaceutical firms and fired up a lot of oncology (cancer) related spin-offs.

    Even in their own timeline, they spun-off ‘Onkaido Therapeutics’ to research cancer, partnered with Merck to advocate “personalised” cancer vaccines, and then produced mRNA injections, mRNA-4157, for tumours.

    They also launched ‘Caperna LLC’, again focusing on personalised cancer vaccines.

    Flagship Pioneering (Moderna) Gets into Bed with Pfizer

    Moderna love-in Flagship Pioneering got into bed with Pfizer to do a $100 million drug discovery jaunt in July 2023. What type of drugs, they mysteriously didn’t say. Pfizer said their breakthroughs would “change patients’ lives”. They didn’t say for the better.

    This isn’t forgetting that earlier in 2023 Pfizer bought out Seagan for a whopping $43 billion in order to develop cancer drugs.

    Flagship Pioneering (Moderna) Gets into Bed With Novo Nordisk

    The target? Heart disease and “rare diseases” (it’s only “rare”):

    Established in 2022, after it was found the Moderna injections cause myocarditis. Convenient.

    The Daily Beagle Smells a Rat – Merck Again

    Despite being rightly lambasted for making a harmful, murderous product and taking a beating with stocks and shares, on about 12 December 2023, Moderna started to mysteriously climb, and The Daily Beagle smelled a rat.

    And a rat it was. On the 14 December Moderna and Merck bragged their little jaunt into personalised cancer vaccines – vaguely worded as “a powerful new cancer therapy” – was “in the works.” We wonder if it’s as “safe and effective” as the myocarditis inducing covid-19 injections.

    What a great way to profit. Introduce DNA with transfection agents that cause insertational mutagensis (read as: Cause foreign DNA to enter your DNA and cause cancer), then profit from the resulting spike in cancer cases.

    Cancer, Cancer Everywhere

    Moderna’s entire theme seems to be primarily cancer focused. Besides the partnerships with AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Merck, Novo Nordisk, Aldevron, NIH and more, it turns out Moderna is even more focused on cancer (somehow).

    Take former FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn, for example, the man who betrayed the American public for a cushy job at Flagship Pioneering:

    He specialises in oncology (cancer), having been part of the National Cancer Institute, American Association for Cancer Research, and American Society for Radiation Oncology. Conveniently this also means Moderna has influence over cancer research (read as: No investigating any Moderna-related causes of cancer).

    University of Texas Cancer Corruption

    In another tangled web of cancer-related corruption, MD Anderson Cancer Centre are owned by the Koch brothers. Koch financed the likes of Moderna’s Bob Langer’s lab and gave Moderna investor Timothy Springer a monetary award.

    MD Anderson Cancer Centre, were involved in controversy when the President, Ronald DePinho, was found to own stocks in Aveo Oncology, a company whose drugs University of Texas would be assessing in clinical trial, at none other than… the MD Anderson Cancer Centre.

    We bet it is exciting … for your bank account.

    Unsurprisingly, the corrupt University of Texas investigated itself and found itself innocent, using the meaningless term “blind trust” with zero transparency on the arrangement. University of Texas wheeled out the usual nonsense that financial conflicts of interest were somehow in the patients’ best interests.

    Surely they mean the best interests of the investors, University of Texas itself! And what safeguards? You kept the stocks and the clinical trial.

    Any Cure for The Cancer That Is Corruption?

    Apparently not.

    Even now, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel is somehow selling off 40,000 shares a pop via automatic sells, without somehow reducing the total number of shares he holds (???):

    Apparently Moderna can just print itself as many shares for profit as it wants, on account of how many departments and institutions it controls.

    Oh, and to top it off, Moderna are even in bed with charities. Oxfam America (you know, of Oxfam child rapists fame) filed a SEC complaint that Moderna had committed fraud and misled investors (read as: Oxfam America is an investor in Moderna).

    Tip of the Iceberg

    Phew, that’s a lot to go over. No doubt there’s more, however we’ll be cutting it here for now as it is a lot to go over. It is surprising how much influence and control Moderna have consolidated in such a short space of time, and no doubt corruption is rife abounds elsewhere too.

    Moderna’s influence over the US and UK governments is more than most realise Rhoda WilsonJanuary 3, 2024 The sheer sprawl, corruption, influence and involvement of Moderna in politics and the wider medical industry is staggering. It is difficult to convey and harder to comprehend, The Underdog writes. Months before a pandemic was declared in 2020, World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and CEO of Moderna Stéphane Bancel told his staff that there was going to be a pandemic and Moderna would need to manufacture a billion doses of vaccine the “next year,” being 2021. How did Bancel know? A recent article written by The Underdog may provide some insight which lays out his/her findings relating to Moderna infiltrating the USA and UK governments as well as academia. The Underdog is a non de plume for someone who self-describes as a citizen journalist and publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘The Daily Beagle’. In the USA, Moderna took control of the FDA and Operation Warp Speed, and influenced NIH and BARDA, The Underdog says. Adding that Moderna controls the UK government through Installed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. As well as governments, The Underdog surmises that Moderna has compromised academics in universities in the USA and Canada. For previous articles we’ve published that relate to and complement The Underdog’s article, please see ‘Rishi Sunak, Thélème and Moderna’ and various other articles HERE. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… Murderous Moderna’s Infiltration of Politics By The Underdog Murder, They Wrote Let us clarify murderous: a peer-reviewed study found that myocarditis in under 40-year-old males was higher in those who had taken all vaccines, and those who had taken a second dose of mRNA-1273, the Moderna covid injection. It was so bad that Sweden, Norway, and Finland suspended the use of the Moderna vaccine in young people, as noted in the British Medical Journal (“BMJ”). As previously known, the US National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) and their corrupt cohorts attempted to censor evidence that myocarditis has a fatality rate of 50% within 5 years. So it isn’t unreasonable to assert Moderna has in all likelihood murdered at least 50% of those with myocarditis caused by the Moderna injections; of which will include children. Like in an attempt to discourage people from getting the poisonous shots without declaring that they’re harmful and recalling them, Moderna recently jacked up the price of their injections to $130. A reminder Moderna produced injections that contained stainless steel contaminants. It cost only $2.85 to manufacture and despite this, the US government paid $15 to $26 a dose. Why? Moderna Have Infiltrated the Government Seems pretty incredulous, but no. Moderna Is Part of WEF Stéphane Bancel was “elected” 2009 Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum (“WEF”). Bancel was founding chief executive officer for Moderna and joined Flagship Pioneering in 2013. Noubar Afeyan, co-founder of Moderna and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, “received a Technology Pioneer 2012 award from the World Economic Forum”. Noubar also “served as Chairman of the Global Agenda Council on Chemicals, Advanced Materials and Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum as well as being a member of the Meta-Council on Emerging Technologies.” Moderna Took Control of Operation Warp Speed Moncef Slaoui, owning 82,508 Moderna shares on 21 February 2020, stepped down from Moderna, divested his stake, and went on to lead Operation Warp Speed. As it just so happened, the US government spent over $4 billion on Moderna, twice as much as any other pharmaceutical company: During this time of taking fat wads of government cash, Moderna also received heavy investment from hedge funds in September 2020. Moderna Influenced NIH, BARDA The NIH in December 2020 bragged how they worked with Moderna in a partnership, along with BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) and NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) Vaccine Research Centre to develop the myocarditis inducing mRNA-1273 injection: Factoring in that the NIH deleted evidence of the myocarditis fatality rate implicating firms such as Moderna and the NIH itself, this shouldn’t be surprising. Moderna ultimately got into a fight with NIH over mRNA patents, with Moderna insisting they did everything. Current NIH director Francis Collins remarked the NIH played “a major role in the development of the vaccine,” in which Moderna received approximately $10 billion in government funding. Moderna paid the NIH their bribe patent money, to the tune of $400 million, just under half a billion, but held dispute over another patent. To try to appease the NIH, Moderna offered co-ownership of the vaccine patent with NIH. Curiously, an NIH employee, Philip Leder, worked on mRNA research decades before NIH’s agreement with Moderna. They conveniently died in 2020. Moderna Took Control of the FDA Stephan Hahn Stephen Hahn, former FDA Commissioner who insisted he’d fast-track the covid-19 injections, left the FDA to go join Flagship Pioneering after approving the injections. He claimed Donald Trump told him “to authorise a covid-19 vaccine or go.” Flagship Pioneering are a venture capital firm that financed and kickstarted Moderna. The CEO of Flagship Pioneering, Noubar Afeyan, also co-founded Moderna. So, they’re essentially one and the same. Moderna LLC was the successor in interest to Moderna Therapeutics, Inc., a Delaware corporation incorporated in 2009 as Newco LS18, Inc. by Flagship Pioneering. SEC EDGAR filing on Moderna LLCnone One of the founding investors of Moderna, Bob Langer, also previously worked on the FDA’s advisory board according to his own biography, serving as both a member and later the chairman: It is likely Bob retained contacts within the FDA even after leaving. Moderna Control the UK Government This isn’t hyperbole. We wish it were. The UK government signed a memorandum of understanding with Flagship Pioneering: This includes a spin-off company called Quotient Therapeutics: The UK government also formed an unusually aggressive and expansive 10-year contract with Moderna, worth at least £1 billion for a “new vaccine centre” – despite the fact these are genetic modification injections. This was agreed during Rishi Sunak’s tenure as Prime Minister. Moderna de facto Control the Prime Minister The investment will benefit current unelected pharmaceutical bureaucrat Rishi Sunak, who is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (read as: Moderna have influence of the UK government). Unelected Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Rishi was also formerly Chancellor of the Exchequer (read as: controlled the UK government purse strings) back in 2020, and allocated even more funds to the vaccine industry during that time. He bragged how it was a “success.” For his bank account, we surmise. How will he benefit? Rishi Sunak co-founded a firm called Thélème Partners LLP (aka. Thélème) back in 2009, registered in the Cayman Islands, along with co-founder and former French Navy Patrick Degorce, after they previously met at The Children’s Investment Fund (“TCIF”). TCIF was run by billionaire Chris Hohn. Rishi Sunak appointed Thélème partner John Sheridan as an advisor to government during his time as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Thélème started with an initial investment fund of £536m, and were early backers of Moderna. Thélème co-founder Degorce invested in Moderna over a decade ago, meaning their rise was also Rishi Sunak’s rise. Thélème are Moderna’s single largest hedge fund investor, despite Thélème cutting their exposure by 11%. On 30 September 2023, Thélème disclosed ownership of 6,897,612 shares of Moderna, Inc. (US:MRNA) valued at $712,454,343 USD, more than half a billion. The name Thélème is likely based upon the French ‘Abbaye de Thélème’, an idea invented by French monk Rabelais, who gives his vision of an “ideal and utopian abbey.” The “Thelemites of the Abbey” follow “do what thou wilt”. Occultist Aleister Crowley declared a so-called “Theleme religion” whose central belief was “do what thou wilt”, even remarking “There is no law beyond do what thou wilt.” Unsurprisingly, Moderna plant Rishi Sunak did whatever he wanted and declined to say that he did not profit from the Moderna injections. He claims to have left the firm in 2013 and that his finances are in a so-called “blind trust,” along with 10 other ministers. There’s no legal definition of a “blind trust” so this is pure theatre. Given he’s the original founder of Thélème, he no doubt has shares and investments and still stands to profit from Moderna’s success, explaining why he gave Flagship Pioneering favourable treatment and Moderna a 10-year contract on a plate. This is the same Rishi who tried to “break banks” during the 2008 collapse. On another note… Moderna Have Compromised Academia Bear in mind academic institutions are involved in peer-reviewed processes, clinical research and more, so this has wider, damning ramifications. Moderna were formed within the heart of academia. Moderna Have Control In MIT Noubar Afeyan Noubar Afeyan, CEO of Flagship Pioneering, studied at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). He was recently installed in MIT Corporation’s board of trustees. The purpose of the trust? (Emphasis added): […] to see that the Institute adheres to the purposes for which it was chartered and that its integrity and financial resources are preserved for future generations as well as for current purposes. […] “About the Corporation”, MIT Corporation pagenone Control of the finances. And integrity. During the founding period of Moderna, Noubar Afeyan joined the likes of MIT Bob Langer. Langer, since investing in Moderna, has now become a billionaire as a result. MIT Mandates the Covid-19 Injection, That MIT Based Modern Just Happens to Sell Profitably for MIT-inspired Moderna, during Moderna’s rise, MIT adopted a vaccine mandate, one where MIT reported there were still covid-19 cases anyway and that they weren’t mild: They huffed the copium and tried to argue there were no Omicron-related hospitalisations (Omicron is deemed the mildest of the covid-19 set), but conveniently omitted Alpha, Delta, and the others, implying there were other variant hospitalisations (read as: The injections they mandated for profits, didn’t work). Noubar Afeyan and MIT’s Bob Langer are also joined by investor Derrick Rossi (Harvard), after they learn they can reprogram human cells and reverse them back into pluripotent stem cells based on Harvard Derrick Rossi’s research. Notice it involves using mRNA to change human cells (read as: Modify their DNA). Rossi is head of the Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology. Current Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel also studied at Harvard. Rossi approached Harvard faculty member Timothy Springer asking him to invest in Moderna, which he did so. In April 2021, Timothy Springer was declared a billionaire by Cord Magazine. Back patting their own, Timothy Springer went on to receive a Lasker award, and a Robert Koch prize. The Koch brothers also finances MIT Bob Langer’s lab: In a surprise to no-one, Harvard also mandated the injection from which they stand to profit. This included for Harvard staff, flushing out anyone critical of the financial abuses by the vaccine industry. Bearing in mind the majority of Moderna directed Operation Warp Speed financing went to Moderna, the majority of the injections that would have been available would have also been primarily Moderna, guaranteeing their selfish, harmful, murderous profit Remember: Those below the age of 40 are adversely affected by myocarditis, and the majority of students on campus would be below that age; 50% fatality rate within 5 years for myocarditis. University of Toronto, As Well – Maybe Even the Canadian Government? The Academia orgy was apparently not big enough, and the University of Toronto wanted some, giving Derrick Rossi an “honorary degree”. University of Toronto are particularly interesting because they’re one of a handful of “kingmaker universities” in Canada. When investigating Acuitas Therapeutics, The Daily Beagle remarked: The only University with more Canadian Prime Ministers is University of Toronto, with Arthur Meighen, W.L. Mackenzie King, Lester B. Pearson, and Paul Martin. It is very likely a lot of ministers for the Canadian government also come from the University of Toronto. So, the University of Toronto’s corrupt love-in with Moderna implies Moderna also has influence over the Canadian government. And in surprise to no-one, the University of Toronto also anti-competitively mandated the emergency authorisation injections: You know, the same injections Health Canada admitted contained plasmid DNA, the same kind Moderna used in partnership with Aldevron. What is it with academic universities mandating the injections from which they stand to benefit financially? Moderna are in Bed with Multiple Major Pharmaceutical Companies To give you an idea how deep this shell game goes, did you know that AstraZeneca are one of the key initial investors in Moderna and a major shareholder? So it doesn’t matter to them if their AstraZeneca injection becomes the fall guy for mRNA shots – they profit either way! And guess what they focused on? Heart disease and cancer (any time you see the word ‘oncology’, think cancer). Moderna Clearly Expects a Lot of Cancer Moderna went batshit and agreed a lot of partnerships with major pharmaceutical firms and fired up a lot of oncology (cancer) related spin-offs. Even in their own timeline, they spun-off ‘Onkaido Therapeutics’ to research cancer, partnered with Merck to advocate “personalised” cancer vaccines, and then produced mRNA injections, mRNA-4157, for tumours. They also launched ‘Caperna LLC’, again focusing on personalised cancer vaccines. Flagship Pioneering (Moderna) Gets into Bed with Pfizer Moderna love-in Flagship Pioneering got into bed with Pfizer to do a $100 million drug discovery jaunt in July 2023. What type of drugs, they mysteriously didn’t say. Pfizer said their breakthroughs would “change patients’ lives”. They didn’t say for the better. This isn’t forgetting that earlier in 2023 Pfizer bought out Seagan for a whopping $43 billion in order to develop cancer drugs. Flagship Pioneering (Moderna) Gets into Bed With Novo Nordisk The target? Heart disease and “rare diseases” (it’s only “rare”): Established in 2022, after it was found the Moderna injections cause myocarditis. Convenient. The Daily Beagle Smells a Rat – Merck Again Despite being rightly lambasted for making a harmful, murderous product and taking a beating with stocks and shares, on about 12 December 2023, Moderna started to mysteriously climb, and The Daily Beagle smelled a rat. And a rat it was. On the 14 December Moderna and Merck bragged their little jaunt into personalised cancer vaccines – vaguely worded as “a powerful new cancer therapy” – was “in the works.” We wonder if it’s as “safe and effective” as the myocarditis inducing covid-19 injections. What a great way to profit. Introduce DNA with transfection agents that cause insertational mutagensis (read as: Cause foreign DNA to enter your DNA and cause cancer), then profit from the resulting spike in cancer cases. Cancer, Cancer Everywhere Moderna’s entire theme seems to be primarily cancer focused. Besides the partnerships with AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Merck, Novo Nordisk, Aldevron, NIH and more, it turns out Moderna is even more focused on cancer (somehow). Take former FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn, for example, the man who betrayed the American public for a cushy job at Flagship Pioneering: He specialises in oncology (cancer), having been part of the National Cancer Institute, American Association for Cancer Research, and American Society for Radiation Oncology. Conveniently this also means Moderna has influence over cancer research (read as: No investigating any Moderna-related causes of cancer). University of Texas Cancer Corruption In another tangled web of cancer-related corruption, MD Anderson Cancer Centre are owned by the Koch brothers. Koch financed the likes of Moderna’s Bob Langer’s lab and gave Moderna investor Timothy Springer a monetary award. MD Anderson Cancer Centre, were involved in controversy when the President, Ronald DePinho, was found to own stocks in Aveo Oncology, a company whose drugs University of Texas would be assessing in clinical trial, at none other than… the MD Anderson Cancer Centre. We bet it is exciting … for your bank account. Unsurprisingly, the corrupt University of Texas investigated itself and found itself innocent, using the meaningless term “blind trust” with zero transparency on the arrangement. University of Texas wheeled out the usual nonsense that financial conflicts of interest were somehow in the patients’ best interests. Surely they mean the best interests of the investors, University of Texas itself! And what safeguards? You kept the stocks and the clinical trial. Any Cure for The Cancer That Is Corruption? Apparently not. Even now, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel is somehow selling off 40,000 shares a pop via automatic sells, without somehow reducing the total number of shares he holds (???): Apparently Moderna can just print itself as many shares for profit as it wants, on account of how many departments and institutions it controls. Oh, and to top it off, Moderna are even in bed with charities. Oxfam America (you know, of Oxfam child rapists fame) filed a SEC complaint that Moderna had committed fraud and misled investors (read as: Oxfam America is an investor in Moderna). Tip of the Iceberg Phew, that’s a lot to go over. No doubt there’s more, however we’ll be cutting it here for now as it is a lot to go over. It is surprising how much influence and control Moderna have consolidated in such a short space of time, and no doubt corruption is rife abounds elsewhere too. https://expose-news.com/2024/01/03/modernas-influence-over-the-us-and-uk
    Moderna’s influence over the US and UK governments is more than most realise
    The sheer sprawl, corruption, influence and involvement of Moderna in politics and the wider medical industry is staggering. It is difficult to convey and harder to comprehend, The Underdog writes.…
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  • Mark Dankof to Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Jewish Coalition: Jesus is Coming Soon, and Boy, is He Pissed
    Mark DankofDecember 24, 2023


    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    I received confirmation today that the Republican Jewish Coalition and Kevin McCarthy received my cordial response to their email solicitation to join up with them and donate some Benjamins. ()

    The laughs begin below.

    Mark —

    Thank you for your message.

    Republican Jewish Coalition

    My message:

    November 29, 2023

    To: Republican Jewish Coalition

    50 F St NW

    Suite 100

    Washington, DC 20001

    United States of America

    Dear “Friends”:

    I received Kevin McCarthy’s email solicitation to join the Republican Jewish Coalition and to get the terrific bumper sticker for a minimum donation of only $15.

    As for “America’s Greatest Ally,” I’m personally not a fan of the Lavon Affair, the David Ben Gurion-Meyer Lansky link to the Kennedy Assassination, Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on June 8th, 1967 in Operation Cyanide, the NUMEC nuclear materials thefts in Apollo, Pennsylvania, the Pollard-Ben Ami-NSC/AIPAC spy cases among many others, the PROMIS Affair, Israel’s real role in 9-11, the Zionist/Neo-Conservative warmongering foreign policy of the United States, the Mossad’s Epstein-Maxwell Sex Trafficking and Blackmail ring, or wholesale Palestinian genocide.

    On the domestic side, I have no use for the wholesale assault on the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights being conducted by the Israeli Lobby and its assets in both of the major political parties, the mainstream news media, Zionist-dominated American social media, and the American National Security apparatus.

    As for me, as one who supports nation-state sovereignty for the United States, the European countries, Palestine, Iran, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, China, and everyone else, “My Greatest Ally” is Vladimir Putin. Nuland’s Zio-Coup in Kiev in February of 2014 is about to completely backfire. It is terrific to watch Zelensky, and the entire Zionist quest for GloboHomo go down the proverbial tube, along with everyone who has been bought off by it.

    And in conclusion, I have no use for the Republican Jewish Coalition, Kevin McCarthy, Mitt Romney, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, or a cast of thousands supporting wars for Israel and wars for World Government and GloboHomo that would have been unequivocally condemned by the Founding Fathers of this country.

    Photo Credit: Michael Patrick Walsh on Vkontakte and the Fan Page
    The latter would have described this lamentable state of affairs in two words: The first is Treason with a Capital T.

    The second is Disaster with a Capital D. Putin is mopping up the floor with Zelensky, and the Russian-Chinese-Iranian alliance will put GloboHomo out of business both militarily and through De-Dollarization of the global economy. The Zio-American Empire will be finished. What remains to be seen in the midst of the rubble is whether or not the Old American Republic can ever be recovered.

    The Counterfeit Cabal’s Flip Side of the Coin to Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Jewish Coalition.
    And the American public may finally figure out who the real culprits are in the subsequent destruction of their lives, their families, and their communities.

    And when Jesus returns, both He and they will really be Pissed.

    Mark Dankof

    San Antonio, Texas

    P.S. My copy of the New York Times today says Mr. McCarthy has until December 8th to decide if he will run for re-election. (Maybe Lindsey Graham can drum up some poll numbers for him.)

    Was the former 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle. He was an elected delegate to Texas State Republican Conventions in 1994 and 1996 and entered the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000 as the nominated candidate of the Constitution Party against Democratic candidate Thomas Carper and Republican incumbent William Roth.

    Mark is the host of The Dankof Report for the Republic Broadcasting Network and the London version of The Dankof Report heard on the first Tuesday of each month for ACH and broadcast by RBN, Rense Radio, Free Speech Radio, and EuroFolkRadio.


    We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed
    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

    About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy
    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.

    Mark Dankof to Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Jewish Coalition: Jesus is Coming Soon, and Boy, is He Pissed Mark DankofDecember 24, 2023 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. I received confirmation today that the Republican Jewish Coalition and Kevin McCarthy received my cordial response to their email solicitation to join up with them and donate some Benjamins. (🇮🇱🚽🤬🖕🤠) The laughs begin below. 😎😎😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Mark — Thank you for your message. Republican Jewish Coalition https://www.rjchq.org/ My message: November 29, 2023 To: Republican Jewish Coalition 50 F St NW Suite 100 Washington, DC 20001 United States of America Dear “Friends”: I received Kevin McCarthy’s email solicitation to join the Republican Jewish Coalition and to get the terrific bumper sticker for a minimum donation of only $15. As for “America’s Greatest Ally,” I’m personally not a fan of the Lavon Affair, the David Ben Gurion-Meyer Lansky link to the Kennedy Assassination, Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on June 8th, 1967 in Operation Cyanide, the NUMEC nuclear materials thefts in Apollo, Pennsylvania, the Pollard-Ben Ami-NSC/AIPAC spy cases among many others, the PROMIS Affair, Israel’s real role in 9-11, the Zionist/Neo-Conservative warmongering foreign policy of the United States, the Mossad’s Epstein-Maxwell Sex Trafficking and Blackmail ring, or wholesale Palestinian genocide. On the domestic side, I have no use for the wholesale assault on the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights being conducted by the Israeli Lobby and its assets in both of the major political parties, the mainstream news media, Zionist-dominated American social media, and the American National Security apparatus. As for me, as one who supports nation-state sovereignty for the United States, the European countries, Palestine, Iran, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, China, and everyone else, “My Greatest Ally” is Vladimir Putin. Nuland’s Zio-Coup in Kiev in February of 2014 is about to completely backfire. It is terrific to watch Zelensky, and the entire Zionist quest for GloboHomo go down the proverbial tube, along with everyone who has been bought off by it. And in conclusion, I have no use for the Republican Jewish Coalition, Kevin McCarthy, Mitt Romney, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, or a cast of thousands supporting wars for Israel and wars for World Government and GloboHomo that would have been unequivocally condemned by the Founding Fathers of this country. Photo Credit: Michael Patrick Walsh on Vkontakte and the Fan Page The latter would have described this lamentable state of affairs in two words: The first is Treason with a Capital T. The second is Disaster with a Capital D. Putin is mopping up the floor with Zelensky, and the Russian-Chinese-Iranian alliance will put GloboHomo out of business both militarily and through De-Dollarization of the global economy. The Zio-American Empire will be finished. What remains to be seen in the midst of the rubble is whether or not the Old American Republic can ever be recovered. The Counterfeit Cabal’s Flip Side of the Coin to Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Jewish Coalition. And the American public may finally figure out who the real culprits are in the subsequent destruction of their lives, their families, and their communities. And when Jesus returns, both He and they will really be Pissed. Mark Dankof San Antonio, Texas P.S. My copy of the New York Times today says Mr. McCarthy has until December 8th to decide if he will run for re-election. (Maybe Lindsey Graham can drum up some poll numbers for him.) Was the former 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle. He was an elected delegate to Texas State Republican Conventions in 1994 and 1996 and entered the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000 as the nominated candidate of the Constitution Party against Democratic candidate Thomas Carper and Republican incumbent William Roth. Mark is the host of The Dankof Report for the Republic Broadcasting Network and the London version of The Dankof Report heard on the first Tuesday of each month for ACH and broadcast by RBN, Rense Radio, Free Speech Radio, and EuroFolkRadio. ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2023/12/mark-dankof-to-kevin-mccarthy-and-the-republican-jewish-coalition-jesus-is-coming-soon-and-boy-is-he-pissed/
    Mark Dankof to Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Jewish Coalition: Jesus is Coming Soon, and Boy, is He Pissed
    I received confirmation today that the Republican Jewish Coalition and Kevin McCarthy received my cordial response to their email solicitation to join up with them and donate some Benjamins. (🇮🇱🚽🤬🖕🤠) The laughs begin below. 😎😎😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Mark -- Thank you for your message. Republican Jewish Coalition https://www.rjchq.org/ My message: November 29, 2023 To: Republican Jewish Coalition...
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 11927 Vue
  • Chance to win $750 cashapp giftcard giveaway.
    Giveaway ends this week Don't miss your chance to win a $750 Cashapp gift card


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    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 24787 Vue
  • 64 US Bank Branches File To Shut Down In A Single Week; Are You Affected?
    November 27, 2023
    By Naveen Athrappully

    Big banks such as PNC Bank and JPMorgan Chase have filed to close several branch offices in multiple states amid a troubling pattern of rising branch shutdowns in recent years.

    Between Nov. 12 and 18, several banks filed to close branch locations, with PNC Bank with the most filings, according to data from the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Pittsburgh-based PNC Bank filed for 19 branch closures—five in Pennsylvania, four in Illinois, three in Texas, two each in Alabama and New Jersey, and one each in Indiana, Ohio, and Florida.

    JPMorgan Chase followed closely with 18 filings—three in Ohio, two each in Connecticut and South Carolina, and one each in 11 states, including New York, Illinois, Florida, and Massachusetts.

    Citizens Bank came in third with eight branch closure filings—six in New York, and one each in Massachusetts and Delaware. Minneapolis-based U.S. Bank filed for seven closures—three in Tennessee and one each in Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Illinois.

    Bank of America made five filings—two in New York and one each in Texas, Massachusetts, and California.

    Citibank filed for two branch closures, and Sterling, Bremer, First National Bank of Hughes Springs, Windsor FS&LA, and Aroostook County FS&LA made one filing each.

    Altogether, banks filed to shut down 64 branches.

    The recent closures are part of a long-term branch shutdown trend that has been ongoing over the past several years. A report from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition shows that between 2017 and 2021, 9 percent of all bank branches shut down. The closure rate doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    According to data from S&P, there were 3,012 branch closures last year and 958 branch openings, leading to a net closure of 2,054 branches. This was the third consecutive year that net closings exceeded 2,000.

    One major factor that led to a surge in branch closures is the rise of digital banking, a trend that accelerated during the pandemic when people were stuck at their homes.

    A survey by the American Banking Association (ABA) conducted in September showed that 8 in 10 Americans used a mobile device to manage their bank accounts at least once in the previous month.

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    “Digital banking tools have made it more convenient and more secure than ever for consumers to manage their finances,” Brooke Ybarra, ABA’s senior vice president of innovation strategy, said, according to a Nov. 3 statement.

    Cost Saving, Negative Effects

    Going digital rather than expanding physical branch locations is also part of a cost-saving strategy for banking institutions. Opening a new site costs millions of dollars and several hundreds of thousands in annual recurring costs.

    Most of the operations done via a physical bank can now be done online. Digital transactions are cheaper than the costs incurred in transacting via bank tellers.

    On the flip side, the shutdown of bank branches can negatively affect customers, especially in small towns. Due to such closures, many towns have become “bank deserts,” where the nearest bank is more than 10 miles away.

    “When bank branches close, there are several adverse effects on the surrounding community. Small business lending and activity in the area declines. More people use alternative financial services that open them to unregulated and predatory financial practices. An important commercial tenant and employer are lost,” the National Community Reinvestment Coalition report said.

    “While consumers have embraced mobile and internet banking to one degree or another, they clarify that branches matter to them as well, and without branches nearby, they are more likely to be un- or under-banked.”

    A recent survey by Daily Mail found that 51 percent of Americans were either “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about the closure of bank branches.

    PNC Bank Closure

    PNC Bank registered the largest number of closure filings amid its heightened focus on cost-saving measures. During its second-quarter earnings call, CEO William S. Demchak said the bank is “going to have to take a hard look” at where it can “generate savings … without cutting the potential for growth.”

    At the time, Chief Financial Officer Robert Q. Reilly revealed that the institution was boosting the target of an expense reduction program by $50 million to $450 million. For next year, PNC Bank is targeting $725 million in expense cuts.

    PNC is the sixth-largest U.S. bank. The 19 branches that will be shut down are:

    202 N. Walnut St., Bath, Pennsylvania
    301 W. Trenton Ave., Morrisville, Pennsylvania
    14 N. Main St., Plains, Pennsylvania
    1969 E. 3rd St., Williamsport, Pennsylvania
    2 N. Mill St., New Castle, Pennsylvania
    321 Bel Air Blvd., Mobile, Alabama
    2811 Eastern Blvd., Montgomery, Alabama
    5650 S. Brainard Avenue, Countryside, Illinois
    2217 W. Market St., Bloomington, Illinois
    1949 E. Sangamon Ave., Springfield, Illinois
    505 West Liberty Street, Wauconda, Illinois
    8733 U.S. Highway 31 South, Indianapolis, Indiana
    528 Station Ave., Hadden Heights, New Jersey
    410 Main St., Orange, New Jersey
    115 E. Van Buren Ave., Harlingen, Texas
    407 S. Commerce St., Harlingen, Texas
    801 W. Kearney St., Mesquite, Texas
    1040 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, Ohio
    1140 N. Main St., Gainesville, Florida
    In June, PNC shut 47 branches, followed by 29 closures in August. A spokesperson told The U.S. Sun at the time that the bank intends to shut down 147 locations as it focuses more on online banking. The closures were expected to make 60 percent of PNC’s banking business exclusively online.

    A spokesperson from the bank told the Philadelphia Business Journal that the 19 bank closures will take place on Feb. 16.

    Last month, the bank reported a drop in third-quarter profits and declared cutting roughly 4 percent of its workforce. The layoffs, which began on Oct. 6, will be completed by the end of the fourth quarter. The job cuts are expected to bring down the bank’s yearly personnel expenses by roughly $325 million or 5 percent.

    Above Phone De-Googled Private Communications: SHOP
    The bank also forecasts that its net interest income—the difference between the interest it receives on loans and the interest it pays on deposits—will shrink by 1 to 2 percent from current levels in quarter four. During the third quarter, net interest income had declined by 3 percent.

    “They (PNC Bank) recognize that there is definitely a headwind to the growth and their net interest income, mainly due to the higher deposit rates and higher funding costs,” Timothy Coffey, an analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott, told Reuters.

    “And so they’re trying to alleviate some of that headwind by doing what they can to cut their own non-interest expenses as a way to maintain their earnings.”

    Source: The Epoch Times via ZeroHedge

    Naveen Athrappully is a news reporter covering business and world events at The Epoch Times.

    Image: Pixabay

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    Subscribe to Activist Post for truth, peace, and freedom news. Follow us on SoMee, Telegram, HIVE, Minds, MeWe, Twitter – X, Gab, and What Really Happened.

    Provide, Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today.

    64 US Bank Branches File To Shut Down In A Single Week; Are You Affected? November 27, 2023 By Naveen Athrappully Big banks such as PNC Bank and JPMorgan Chase have filed to close several branch offices in multiple states amid a troubling pattern of rising branch shutdowns in recent years. Between Nov. 12 and 18, several banks filed to close branch locations, with PNC Bank with the most filings, according to data from the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Pittsburgh-based PNC Bank filed for 19 branch closures—five in Pennsylvania, four in Illinois, three in Texas, two each in Alabama and New Jersey, and one each in Indiana, Ohio, and Florida. JPMorgan Chase followed closely with 18 filings—three in Ohio, two each in Connecticut and South Carolina, and one each in 11 states, including New York, Illinois, Florida, and Massachusetts. Citizens Bank came in third with eight branch closure filings—six in New York, and one each in Massachusetts and Delaware. Minneapolis-based U.S. Bank filed for seven closures—three in Tennessee and one each in Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Illinois. Bank of America made five filings—two in New York and one each in Texas, Massachusetts, and California. Citibank filed for two branch closures, and Sterling, Bremer, First National Bank of Hughes Springs, Windsor FS&LA, and Aroostook County FS&LA made one filing each. Altogether, banks filed to shut down 64 branches. The recent closures are part of a long-term branch shutdown trend that has been ongoing over the past several years. A report from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition shows that between 2017 and 2021, 9 percent of all bank branches shut down. The closure rate doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to data from S&P, there were 3,012 branch closures last year and 958 branch openings, leading to a net closure of 2,054 branches. This was the third consecutive year that net closings exceeded 2,000. One major factor that led to a surge in branch closures is the rise of digital banking, a trend that accelerated during the pandemic when people were stuck at their homes. A survey by the American Banking Association (ABA) conducted in September showed that 8 in 10 Americans used a mobile device to manage their bank accounts at least once in the previous month. Activist Post is Google-Free — We Need Your Support Contribute Just $1 Per Month at Patreon or SubscribeStar “Digital banking tools have made it more convenient and more secure than ever for consumers to manage their finances,” Brooke Ybarra, ABA’s senior vice president of innovation strategy, said, according to a Nov. 3 statement. Cost Saving, Negative Effects Going digital rather than expanding physical branch locations is also part of a cost-saving strategy for banking institutions. Opening a new site costs millions of dollars and several hundreds of thousands in annual recurring costs. Most of the operations done via a physical bank can now be done online. Digital transactions are cheaper than the costs incurred in transacting via bank tellers. On the flip side, the shutdown of bank branches can negatively affect customers, especially in small towns. Due to such closures, many towns have become “bank deserts,” where the nearest bank is more than 10 miles away. “When bank branches close, there are several adverse effects on the surrounding community. Small business lending and activity in the area declines. More people use alternative financial services that open them to unregulated and predatory financial practices. An important commercial tenant and employer are lost,” the National Community Reinvestment Coalition report said. “While consumers have embraced mobile and internet banking to one degree or another, they clarify that branches matter to them as well, and without branches nearby, they are more likely to be un- or under-banked.” A recent survey by Daily Mail found that 51 percent of Americans were either “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about the closure of bank branches. PNC Bank Closure PNC Bank registered the largest number of closure filings amid its heightened focus on cost-saving measures. During its second-quarter earnings call, CEO William S. Demchak said the bank is “going to have to take a hard look” at where it can “generate savings … without cutting the potential for growth.” At the time, Chief Financial Officer Robert Q. Reilly revealed that the institution was boosting the target of an expense reduction program by $50 million to $450 million. For next year, PNC Bank is targeting $725 million in expense cuts. PNC is the sixth-largest U.S. bank. The 19 branches that will be shut down are: 202 N. Walnut St., Bath, Pennsylvania 301 W. Trenton Ave., Morrisville, Pennsylvania 14 N. Main St., Plains, Pennsylvania 1969 E. 3rd St., Williamsport, Pennsylvania 2 N. Mill St., New Castle, Pennsylvania 321 Bel Air Blvd., Mobile, Alabama 2811 Eastern Blvd., Montgomery, Alabama 5650 S. Brainard Avenue, Countryside, Illinois 2217 W. Market St., Bloomington, Illinois 1949 E. Sangamon Ave., Springfield, Illinois 505 West Liberty Street, Wauconda, Illinois 8733 U.S. Highway 31 South, Indianapolis, Indiana 528 Station Ave., Hadden Heights, New Jersey 410 Main St., Orange, New Jersey 115 E. Van Buren Ave., Harlingen, Texas 407 S. Commerce St., Harlingen, Texas 801 W. Kearney St., Mesquite, Texas 1040 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, Ohio 1140 N. Main St., Gainesville, Florida In June, PNC shut 47 branches, followed by 29 closures in August. A spokesperson told The U.S. Sun at the time that the bank intends to shut down 147 locations as it focuses more on online banking. The closures were expected to make 60 percent of PNC’s banking business exclusively online. A spokesperson from the bank told the Philadelphia Business Journal that the 19 bank closures will take place on Feb. 16. Last month, the bank reported a drop in third-quarter profits and declared cutting roughly 4 percent of its workforce. The layoffs, which began on Oct. 6, will be completed by the end of the fourth quarter. The job cuts are expected to bring down the bank’s yearly personnel expenses by roughly $325 million or 5 percent. Above Phone De-Googled Private Communications: SHOP The bank also forecasts that its net interest income—the difference between the interest it receives on loans and the interest it pays on deposits—will shrink by 1 to 2 percent from current levels in quarter four. During the third quarter, net interest income had declined by 3 percent. “They (PNC Bank) recognize that there is definitely a headwind to the growth and their net interest income, mainly due to the higher deposit rates and higher funding costs,” Timothy Coffey, an analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott, told Reuters. “And so they’re trying to alleviate some of that headwind by doing what they can to cut their own non-interest expenses as a way to maintain their earnings.” Source: The Epoch Times via ZeroHedge Naveen Athrappully is a news reporter covering business and world events at The Epoch Times. Image: Pixabay Or support us at SubscribeStar Donate cryptocurrency HERE Subscribe to Activist Post for truth, peace, and freedom news. Follow us on SoMee, Telegram, HIVE, Minds, MeWe, Twitter – X, Gab, and What Really Happened. Provide, Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today. https://www.activistpost.com/2023/11/64-us-bank-branches-file-to-shut-down-in-a-single-week-are-you-affected.html
    64 US Bank Branches File To Shut Down In A Single Week; Are You Affected? - Activist Post
    Multiple states continue a troubling pattern of rising branch shutdowns in recent years.
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 14888 Vue
  • His brown pets are turning on him

    BREAKING: Hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters are reportedly marching towards President Joe Biden's Delaware home as they accuse him of genocide.

    "President Biden, you can't hide! We charge you with genocide!"
    His brown pets are turning on him BREAKING: Hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters are reportedly marching towards President Joe Biden's Delaware home as they accuse him of genocide. "President Biden, you can't hide! We charge you with genocide!"
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1275 Vue 1
  • ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 37: Al-Shifa Hospital no longer functioning as Israeli ground troops surround the hospital
    Thousands of lives are at risk as Al-Shifa Hospital becomes non-operational, with ICUs and incubators shutting down due to lack of fuel, and medical staff and patients trapped waiting to die. Israeli forces continue to shell hospitals in north Gaza.

    Mustafa Abu SneinehNovember 12, 2023
    Israeli troops conducting ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip, November 10, 2023. (Photo: © Chen Junqing/Xinhua via ZUMA Press/APA Images)
    Israeli troops conducting ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip, November 10, 2023. (Photo: © Chen Junqing/Xinhua via ZUMA Press/APA Images)

    11,078 killed*, including 4,506 children, and 27,490 wounded in Gaza
    184 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
    Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,200
    *The casualty numbers from Gaza have not been updated in at least 2 days, as the “collapse of services and communications” has made it nearly impossible for the health ministry to document and update the numbers

    Key Developments

    Israeli heavy fire targeting Al-Shifa trapped thousands of people who were displaced, wounded, sick, and medical staff inside it, without electricity, food, water, or fuel.
    Al-Jazeera reported that Israeli forces are located approximately 700 meters from the Al-Shifa hospital’s gates, and firing, and armed clashes could be heard in the distance.
    WHO: “There are reports that some people who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded and even killed.”
    Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely after running out of fuel to generate electricity.
    Doctors at al-Ahli Arab Hospital say it is now the last functioning hospital in Gaza City and the northern areas and that it is “overwhelmed” with casualties.
    Israeli forces are surrounding the medical quarter in the center of Gaza City, where three major hospitals are located, including Al-Nasr Medical Complex, Al-Rantisi, and St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital.
    Israel said 43 soldiers were killed since October 28, and Hamas released footage of targeting tanks in Gaza.
    Hamas’s Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson said that fighters documented the destruction, completely or partially, of 160 Israeli military vehicles, which includes tanks, bulldozers and personnel carriers.
    The Israeli army said that it killed 150 Hamas fighters last week during battles in the Al-Shati refugee camp northwest of Gaza City, and claimed that it captured a station of Hamas’s Badr unit.
    Thousands protest worldwide while Israel carries on arrest campaign in the occupied West Bank.
    Al-Shifa Hospital ‘completely out of service’: Patients dying, bodies piling up outside

    Following days of relentless attacks from the air and land on northern Gaza’s hospitals, the healthcare system in the north has seen a near-complete collapse, with only one hospital, the previously-bombed Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, remaining functional.

    Gaza’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa Hospital, is“completely out of service”, Gaza’s health ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra told Al Jazeera. Several people, including at least two premature infants and five ICU patients, have already died due to a lack of oxygen, medical supplies, and the inability of doctors and medical staff to perform life-saving surgeries as a result of power outages and no fuel.

    The Ramallah-based Palestinian Ministry of Health spokesperson Mai al-Kaila released a statement on Sunday detailing the desperate conditions at the Al-Shifa hospital.

    “The Israeli occupation army does not evacuate hospitals, but rather throws the wounded and sick into the street to certain death,” al-Khaila said, referring to reports and eyewitness testimony that Israeli forces were shooting at people inside the hospitals, as well as those attempting to evacuate.

    “This is not an evacuation, but an expulsion at gunpoint,” she said.

    Among the patients dying or facing imminent death, al-Kaila said, are children and adults on kidney dialysis who “die in their homes without receiving dialysis sessions.”

    Al-Kaila confirmed the death of 12 patients inside the Al-Shifa Medical Complex so far. She added that all 3,000 cancer patients who were being treated at the Al-Rantisi and Al-Turki Hospital in Gaza “have now been left to die” after they were forcibly expelled from the hospitals due to Israeli bombardment.

    “All pregnant women and those with dangerous pregnancies are at risk, as women do not find anyone to provide them with treatment and medical services in Gaza. Every woman about to give birth will not find anyone to provide her with any medical service,” Al-Kaila went on to say.

    Early on in Israel’s bombardment, medical officials reported that there were an estimated 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza, including around 5,000 expecting mothers due to deliver at any moment. Over the weeks, several reports have emerged of pregnant women among those killed by Israeli airstrikes, causing doctors to have to cut out their unborn fetuses in an attempt to save the babies.

    In addition to sick patients in the hospital who can’t be treated, as well as chronically ill patients being left to die, hundreds of Palestinians who are becoming wounded and sick as a result of Israeli bombardment cannot reach the hospital itself. Over the past month of Israeli bombardment, Gaza’s infrastructure, including roads around hospitals, have been decimated, making it nearly impossible for ambulances to move to and from the hospital to reach bombed-out buildings and the wounded.

    Additionally, medical staff inside the hospital cannot physically move inside the hospital, as Israeli drones and ground forces “fire at everyone who moves inside the complex.” Doctors and staff, as well as the sick and displaced, have little to no food, while water has been completely cut off in the complex.

    Medical waste is piling up inside the departments, while the hospital’s blood reserves have spoiled due to power outages, meaning that needy patients can no longer receive life-saving blood transfusions.

    Outside the hospital, bodies of Palestinian martyrs are piling up, with medical teams unable to reach them safely without coming under Israeli fire.

    According to al-Kail, the bodies have begun to decompose in the hospital courtyard. She added that stray dogs have “mauled” some of the bodies.

    Wafa news agency’s correspondent reported Sunday that dozens of martyrs’ bodies were still lying in the hospital’s courtyard and the surrounding area. Paramedics could not reach them due to the intensity of Israeli fire, and since 9 p.m. local time on Saturday, up until 9 a.m. on Sunday, no ambulances were seen leaving or arriving at Al-Shifa Hospital.

    Patients, medical staff unable to evacuate al-Shifa

    Al-Shifa Hospital saw a mass exodus of Palestinians over the weekend, including patients, their families, some medical staff, and thousands of Palestinians who were seeking shelter at the hospital.

    It remained unclear exactly how many people, including patients, medical staff, and internally displaced persons, remained inside the hospital, but several reports put that number around several thousand.

    Mondoweiss’ Gaza Correspondent Tareq Hajjaj, who is currently in Khan Yunis, reported that the majority of the tens of thousands of people who were inside Al-Shifa hospital fled over the weekend. Those who have remained have found it an impossible task to leave due to constant Israeli shelling in the area.

    On Sunday morning, Israel targeted the water wells of Al-Shifa and shot at 40 people when they tried to flee the premises, Al-Jazeera reported.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) released a statement saying it was left in the dark about the conditions of Al-Shifa after losing communications with contacts inside the medical facility.

    “As horrifying reports of the hospital facing repeated attacks continue to emerge, we assume our contacts joined tens of thousands of displaced people and are fleeing the area,” WHO said.

    “There are reports that some people who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded and even killed,” it added.

    Gaza ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra told Al Jazeera on Sunday that it was “absolutely impossible to evacuate those wounded.”

    Al-Qudra said the only safe way to evacuate the 650 patients at al-Shifa would be to Egypt, not to southern Gaza, as the hospitals there are overwhelmed and are also under imminent threat of shutting down due to fuel shortages.

    According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, among the patients still at Al-Shifa are nearly 60 patients in ICUs, dozens of premature babies in incubators, and more than 500 patients in the dialysis department.

    Calling for an immediate ceasefire, the WHO said: “Patients seeking health care should never be exposed to fear, and health workers who have taken an oath to treat them should never be forced to risk their own lives to provide care.”

    Over the past month, Israel has bombed the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital several times, killing and injuring hundreds of people and damaging the solar panels on the roof, which added to the brunt of operating the facility amid a lack of fuel to generate electricity.

    In recent days, Israeli forces encircled Al-Shifa from southwest of Gaza City, turning it into a “combat zone.” Al-Jazeera reported that Israeli forces are located approximately 700 meters from the hospital’s gates. The medical staff could hear Israeli military vehicles and armed clashes in the distance.

    Al-Shifa became the heartbeat of rescue and paramedic efforts during the Israeli war on Gaza, a refuge for thousands of Palestinians, and a platform for health and government officials to update the media about casualty figures and the latest developments in the Gaza Strip.

    Israel is attempting to capture Al-Shifa after nearly destroying all major government offices, in addition to some press offices, in the first days of the war. It claims that Hamas’s main command center lies underneath it, which Palestinians deny and which Israel has yet to provide concrete evidence of.

    Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely

    On Sunday morning, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) announced that Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely after running out of fuel to generate electricity.

    Israeli tanks and ground troops were 20 meters away from Al-Quds Hospital on Saturday, one of the many medical facilities in Gaza that had been threatened by Israeli forces several times since October 7.

    PRCS said earlier that infants at Al-Quds Hospital “are facing dehydration due to a shortage of breast milk alternatives.” There are 14,000 displaced people sheltering in Al-Quds Hospital, which is treating almost 500 patients, according to Wafa.

    Israeli forces are surrounding the medical quarter in the center of Gaza City, where three major hospitals are located, including Al-Nasr Medical Complex, Al-Rantisi, and St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital.

    At least 198 medical staff and 36 Civil Defense staff have been killed and 130 injured since Israel began its war on the Gaza Strip. Nearly 60 ambulances have also been damaged, while 53 have gone completely out of service.

    Israeli forces shell UN agency headquarters as thousands of Palestinians take shelter

    On Sunday morning, Israeli forces shelled the compound of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), where thousands of Palestinians are sheltering in Gaza City, in the northern Gaza Strip.

    UNDP said that it was “deeply distressed” upon hearing the development. It vacated its staff from the location on 13 October.

    “The shelling has reportedly resulted in a significant number of deaths and injuries,” the UNDP said in a statement. Wafa reported that at least five were killed till Sunday afternoon.

    An eyewitness told Al-Jazeera Arabic on Sunday that people are in panic and terrified after they thought they were sheltering in a safe ground protected by the UN.

    On November 6, thousands of people rushed into the UNDP’s compound to seek shelter following Israel’s ground invasion north of the Gaza Valley areas on October 28.

    “The ongoing tragedy of death and injury to civilians ensnared in this conflict is unacceptable and must stop. Civilians, civilian infrastructure, and the inviolability of UN facilities, must be respected and protected at all times,” the statement added.

    In the past 24 hours, Israel warplanes and tanks bombed neighborhoods of Sheikh Radwan, Tal Al-Hawa, Al-Karama Towers, Al-Maqousi, Sheikh Ejleen, Al-Rimal, and Al-Nasr of Gaza City.

    At least eight people were killed and 20 injured on Sunday morning in a bombing of the Al-Najar family house in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

    Wafa reported that the Hamdan family’s house in the Al-Sabra neighborhood was hit by a missile strike on Sunday morning.

    In Deir al-Balah, three people were killed and dozens injured when the house of Abdullah al-Adini was bombed.

    Israel says 43 soldiers killed, Hamas releases footage targeting tanks in Gaza

    The Israeli army announced on Saturday the death of five soldiers, raising the number of its casualties to 43 since it launched the ground invasion of Gaza on October 28.

    The army said in a statement that the deceased soldiers were from an “elite reserve force.” Ynet reported that four were killed in Beit Hanoun by an explosion at an entrance to a booby-trapped tunnel.

    Beit Hanoun, north of Gaza City, is one of the areas that is seeing intense clashes between Israeli forces and resistance fighters. The triangle of Al-Twam, Al-Karameh Towers, and Al-Mukhabarat Towers, north of Gaza City, are also battlegrounds.

    On Saturday, Hamas’s Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson said that fighters documented the destruction, completely or partially, of 160 Israeli military vehicles, which includes tanks, bulldozers, and personnel carriers.

    The Israeli army said that it killed 150 Hamas fighters last week during battles in the Al-Shati refugee camp northwest of Gaza City and claimed that it captured a station of Hamas’s Badr unit.

    Since October 28, Israeli and foreign journalists embedded in the Israeli forces have had to submit video footage to the army to be checked and censored before being used.

    On Sunday, Qassam Brigades announced that it destroyed two tanks south of Gaza City with 105mm Al-Yaseen shells.

    Hamas released a compilation of videos in the past few days, showing fighters firing shells at Israeli military tanks stationed amid the rubble and destruction in Gaza.

    On Sunday, the Israeli army radio said that a shell was fired from Lebanon into the Galilee, and Israeli warplanes bombed “terrorist infrastructure” in Syria following a shelling into the occupied Golan Heights on Saturday.

    Thousands protest worldwide while Israel carries on arrest campaign in occupied West Bank

    Hundreds of thousands of people marched in Europe’s major cities and in the U.S., calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and showing their support and solidarity with the Palestinians.

    Pro-Palestine protests rallied near U.S. President Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, as frustration grew at his administration’s failure to call for a ceasefire and the unwavering support of Israel.

    Protestors shouted: “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide! We charge you with genocide!”

    In London, at least 300,000 protestors marched from Hyde Park to the U.S. embassy near Vauxhall Bridge, though reports from organizers estimated the crowds reached up to 800,000 people, saying it was one of the largest marches in British history. The UK government had attempted to pressure the Metropolitan Police to cancel the protest as it coincided with Armistice Day, or Veterans Day as it is known in the U.S.

    However, the Met Police gave a green light for the march as its route was away from the Cenotaph, where the occasion of Armistice Day is commemorated. The two-minute silence was followed by clashes between Met police and far-right activists who attempted to break into the excluded zone to reach and confront the pro-Palestine march.

    “This group were largely football hooligans from across the UK and spent most of the day attacking or threatening officers who were seeking to prevent them being able to confront the main march,” the Met Police said in a statement.

    The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, tweeted on Saturday that “the relentless bombardment of hospitals and civilians in Gaza is intolerable. It’s against international humanitarian law – it must stop and stop now.”

    Other protests took place in Paris, Rotterdam, Cape Town, Paris, and Brussels, among other cities.

    Arrests continue in the West Bank

    In the occupied West Bank, Israel has continued its mass arrest campaign.

    On Sunday, at least 25 people were arrested from towns and cities in the Tulkarm, Nablus, Ramallah, Hebron, and Jerusalem districts. Wafa published a list of the names of the detainees in the past 24 hours.

    Montaser Muhammad Amin Saif, 34, succumbed to his wounds on Sunday morning after he was shot and then arrested during an Israeli raid of Burqa village, north of Nablus. His house was vandalized by soldiers, Wafa said.

    The Commission for the Affairs of Ex-Prisoners said that Saif’s killing was an “execution crime.”

    “The act of assassinating and executing the freed prisoner Saif is part persecuting freed prisoners, attacking them and their families, and part of a policy of systematic abuse against them, targeting their stability, whether by arrest or killing,” the commission said.

    Wafa reported that Israeli forces raided several houses in Burqa and blew up the car of Mahmoud Hajjah, a resident of the village, after arresting him. Shadi Abu Omar, a leader in the Fatah movement, and Omar Shabib were also arrested and their houses raided.

    Since October 7, Israel has arrested 2,470 Palestinians in the West Bank and killed 184 people.

    The occupied West Bank has also remained under near complete lockdown since the start of the Israeli military operation, with Palestinian towns and villages cut off from each other by Israeli checkpoints and barriers.

    Before you go – we need your support

    At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever.

    Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses.

    Support our journalists with a donation today.

    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 37: Al-Shifa Hospital no longer functioning as Israeli ground troops surround the hospital Thousands of lives are at risk as Al-Shifa Hospital becomes non-operational, with ICUs and incubators shutting down due to lack of fuel, and medical staff and patients trapped waiting to die. Israeli forces continue to shell hospitals in north Gaza. Mustafa Abu SneinehNovember 12, 2023 Israeli troops conducting ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip, November 10, 2023. (Photo: © Chen Junqing/Xinhua via ZUMA Press/APA Images) Israeli troops conducting ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip, November 10, 2023. (Photo: © Chen Junqing/Xinhua via ZUMA Press/APA Images) Casualties 11,078 killed*, including 4,506 children, and 27,490 wounded in Gaza 184 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,200 *The casualty numbers from Gaza have not been updated in at least 2 days, as the “collapse of services and communications” has made it nearly impossible for the health ministry to document and update the numbers Key Developments Israeli heavy fire targeting Al-Shifa trapped thousands of people who were displaced, wounded, sick, and medical staff inside it, without electricity, food, water, or fuel. Al-Jazeera reported that Israeli forces are located approximately 700 meters from the Al-Shifa hospital’s gates, and firing, and armed clashes could be heard in the distance. WHO: “There are reports that some people who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded and even killed.” Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely after running out of fuel to generate electricity. Doctors at al-Ahli Arab Hospital say it is now the last functioning hospital in Gaza City and the northern areas and that it is “overwhelmed” with casualties. Israeli forces are surrounding the medical quarter in the center of Gaza City, where three major hospitals are located, including Al-Nasr Medical Complex, Al-Rantisi, and St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital. Israel said 43 soldiers were killed since October 28, and Hamas released footage of targeting tanks in Gaza. Hamas’s Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson said that fighters documented the destruction, completely or partially, of 160 Israeli military vehicles, which includes tanks, bulldozers and personnel carriers. The Israeli army said that it killed 150 Hamas fighters last week during battles in the Al-Shati refugee camp northwest of Gaza City, and claimed that it captured a station of Hamas’s Badr unit. Thousands protest worldwide while Israel carries on arrest campaign in the occupied West Bank. Al-Shifa Hospital ‘completely out of service’: Patients dying, bodies piling up outside Following days of relentless attacks from the air and land on northern Gaza’s hospitals, the healthcare system in the north has seen a near-complete collapse, with only one hospital, the previously-bombed Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, remaining functional. Gaza’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa Hospital, is“completely out of service”, Gaza’s health ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra told Al Jazeera. Several people, including at least two premature infants and five ICU patients, have already died due to a lack of oxygen, medical supplies, and the inability of doctors and medical staff to perform life-saving surgeries as a result of power outages and no fuel. The Ramallah-based Palestinian Ministry of Health spokesperson Mai al-Kaila released a statement on Sunday detailing the desperate conditions at the Al-Shifa hospital. “The Israeli occupation army does not evacuate hospitals, but rather throws the wounded and sick into the street to certain death,” al-Khaila said, referring to reports and eyewitness testimony that Israeli forces were shooting at people inside the hospitals, as well as those attempting to evacuate. “This is not an evacuation, but an expulsion at gunpoint,” she said. Among the patients dying or facing imminent death, al-Kaila said, are children and adults on kidney dialysis who “die in their homes without receiving dialysis sessions.” Al-Kaila confirmed the death of 12 patients inside the Al-Shifa Medical Complex so far. She added that all 3,000 cancer patients who were being treated at the Al-Rantisi and Al-Turki Hospital in Gaza “have now been left to die” after they were forcibly expelled from the hospitals due to Israeli bombardment. “All pregnant women and those with dangerous pregnancies are at risk, as women do not find anyone to provide them with treatment and medical services in Gaza. Every woman about to give birth will not find anyone to provide her with any medical service,” Al-Kaila went on to say. Early on in Israel’s bombardment, medical officials reported that there were an estimated 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza, including around 5,000 expecting mothers due to deliver at any moment. Over the weeks, several reports have emerged of pregnant women among those killed by Israeli airstrikes, causing doctors to have to cut out their unborn fetuses in an attempt to save the babies. In addition to sick patients in the hospital who can’t be treated, as well as chronically ill patients being left to die, hundreds of Palestinians who are becoming wounded and sick as a result of Israeli bombardment cannot reach the hospital itself. Over the past month of Israeli bombardment, Gaza’s infrastructure, including roads around hospitals, have been decimated, making it nearly impossible for ambulances to move to and from the hospital to reach bombed-out buildings and the wounded. Additionally, medical staff inside the hospital cannot physically move inside the hospital, as Israeli drones and ground forces “fire at everyone who moves inside the complex.” Doctors and staff, as well as the sick and displaced, have little to no food, while water has been completely cut off in the complex. Medical waste is piling up inside the departments, while the hospital’s blood reserves have spoiled due to power outages, meaning that needy patients can no longer receive life-saving blood transfusions. Outside the hospital, bodies of Palestinian martyrs are piling up, with medical teams unable to reach them safely without coming under Israeli fire. According to al-Kail, the bodies have begun to decompose in the hospital courtyard. She added that stray dogs have “mauled” some of the bodies. Wafa news agency’s correspondent reported Sunday that dozens of martyrs’ bodies were still lying in the hospital’s courtyard and the surrounding area. Paramedics could not reach them due to the intensity of Israeli fire, and since 9 p.m. local time on Saturday, up until 9 a.m. on Sunday, no ambulances were seen leaving or arriving at Al-Shifa Hospital. Patients, medical staff unable to evacuate al-Shifa Al-Shifa Hospital saw a mass exodus of Palestinians over the weekend, including patients, their families, some medical staff, and thousands of Palestinians who were seeking shelter at the hospital. It remained unclear exactly how many people, including patients, medical staff, and internally displaced persons, remained inside the hospital, but several reports put that number around several thousand. Mondoweiss’ Gaza Correspondent Tareq Hajjaj, who is currently in Khan Yunis, reported that the majority of the tens of thousands of people who were inside Al-Shifa hospital fled over the weekend. Those who have remained have found it an impossible task to leave due to constant Israeli shelling in the area. On Sunday morning, Israel targeted the water wells of Al-Shifa and shot at 40 people when they tried to flee the premises, Al-Jazeera reported. The World Health Organization (WHO) released a statement saying it was left in the dark about the conditions of Al-Shifa after losing communications with contacts inside the medical facility. “As horrifying reports of the hospital facing repeated attacks continue to emerge, we assume our contacts joined tens of thousands of displaced people and are fleeing the area,” WHO said. “There are reports that some people who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded and even killed,” it added. Gaza ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra told Al Jazeera on Sunday that it was “absolutely impossible to evacuate those wounded.” Al-Qudra said the only safe way to evacuate the 650 patients at al-Shifa would be to Egypt, not to southern Gaza, as the hospitals there are overwhelmed and are also under imminent threat of shutting down due to fuel shortages. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, among the patients still at Al-Shifa are nearly 60 patients in ICUs, dozens of premature babies in incubators, and more than 500 patients in the dialysis department. Calling for an immediate ceasefire, the WHO said: “Patients seeking health care should never be exposed to fear, and health workers who have taken an oath to treat them should never be forced to risk their own lives to provide care.” Over the past month, Israel has bombed the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital several times, killing and injuring hundreds of people and damaging the solar panels on the roof, which added to the brunt of operating the facility amid a lack of fuel to generate electricity. In recent days, Israeli forces encircled Al-Shifa from southwest of Gaza City, turning it into a “combat zone.” Al-Jazeera reported that Israeli forces are located approximately 700 meters from the hospital’s gates. The medical staff could hear Israeli military vehicles and armed clashes in the distance. Al-Shifa became the heartbeat of rescue and paramedic efforts during the Israeli war on Gaza, a refuge for thousands of Palestinians, and a platform for health and government officials to update the media about casualty figures and the latest developments in the Gaza Strip. Israel is attempting to capture Al-Shifa after nearly destroying all major government offices, in addition to some press offices, in the first days of the war. It claims that Hamas’s main command center lies underneath it, which Palestinians deny and which Israel has yet to provide concrete evidence of. Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely On Sunday morning, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) announced that Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely after running out of fuel to generate electricity. Israeli tanks and ground troops were 20 meters away from Al-Quds Hospital on Saturday, one of the many medical facilities in Gaza that had been threatened by Israeli forces several times since October 7. PRCS said earlier that infants at Al-Quds Hospital “are facing dehydration due to a shortage of breast milk alternatives.” There are 14,000 displaced people sheltering in Al-Quds Hospital, which is treating almost 500 patients, according to Wafa. Israeli forces are surrounding the medical quarter in the center of Gaza City, where three major hospitals are located, including Al-Nasr Medical Complex, Al-Rantisi, and St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital. At least 198 medical staff and 36 Civil Defense staff have been killed and 130 injured since Israel began its war on the Gaza Strip. Nearly 60 ambulances have also been damaged, while 53 have gone completely out of service. Israeli forces shell UN agency headquarters as thousands of Palestinians take shelter On Sunday morning, Israeli forces shelled the compound of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), where thousands of Palestinians are sheltering in Gaza City, in the northern Gaza Strip. UNDP said that it was “deeply distressed” upon hearing the development. It vacated its staff from the location on 13 October. “The shelling has reportedly resulted in a significant number of deaths and injuries,” the UNDP said in a statement. Wafa reported that at least five were killed till Sunday afternoon. An eyewitness told Al-Jazeera Arabic on Sunday that people are in panic and terrified after they thought they were sheltering in a safe ground protected by the UN. On November 6, thousands of people rushed into the UNDP’s compound to seek shelter following Israel’s ground invasion north of the Gaza Valley areas on October 28. “The ongoing tragedy of death and injury to civilians ensnared in this conflict is unacceptable and must stop. Civilians, civilian infrastructure, and the inviolability of UN facilities, must be respected and protected at all times,” the statement added. In the past 24 hours, Israel warplanes and tanks bombed neighborhoods of Sheikh Radwan, Tal Al-Hawa, Al-Karama Towers, Al-Maqousi, Sheikh Ejleen, Al-Rimal, and Al-Nasr of Gaza City. At least eight people were killed and 20 injured on Sunday morning in a bombing of the Al-Najar family house in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip. Wafa reported that the Hamdan family’s house in the Al-Sabra neighborhood was hit by a missile strike on Sunday morning. In Deir al-Balah, three people were killed and dozens injured when the house of Abdullah al-Adini was bombed. Israel says 43 soldiers killed, Hamas releases footage targeting tanks in Gaza The Israeli army announced on Saturday the death of five soldiers, raising the number of its casualties to 43 since it launched the ground invasion of Gaza on October 28. The army said in a statement that the deceased soldiers were from an “elite reserve force.” Ynet reported that four were killed in Beit Hanoun by an explosion at an entrance to a booby-trapped tunnel. Beit Hanoun, north of Gaza City, is one of the areas that is seeing intense clashes between Israeli forces and resistance fighters. The triangle of Al-Twam, Al-Karameh Towers, and Al-Mukhabarat Towers, north of Gaza City, are also battlegrounds. On Saturday, Hamas’s Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson said that fighters documented the destruction, completely or partially, of 160 Israeli military vehicles, which includes tanks, bulldozers, and personnel carriers. The Israeli army said that it killed 150 Hamas fighters last week during battles in the Al-Shati refugee camp northwest of Gaza City and claimed that it captured a station of Hamas’s Badr unit. Since October 28, Israeli and foreign journalists embedded in the Israeli forces have had to submit video footage to the army to be checked and censored before being used. On Sunday, Qassam Brigades announced that it destroyed two tanks south of Gaza City with 105mm Al-Yaseen shells. Hamas released a compilation of videos in the past few days, showing fighters firing shells at Israeli military tanks stationed amid the rubble and destruction in Gaza. On Sunday, the Israeli army radio said that a shell was fired from Lebanon into the Galilee, and Israeli warplanes bombed “terrorist infrastructure” in Syria following a shelling into the occupied Golan Heights on Saturday. Thousands protest worldwide while Israel carries on arrest campaign in occupied West Bank Hundreds of thousands of people marched in Europe’s major cities and in the U.S., calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and showing their support and solidarity with the Palestinians. Pro-Palestine protests rallied near U.S. President Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, as frustration grew at his administration’s failure to call for a ceasefire and the unwavering support of Israel. Protestors shouted: “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide! We charge you with genocide!” In London, at least 300,000 protestors marched from Hyde Park to the U.S. embassy near Vauxhall Bridge, though reports from organizers estimated the crowds reached up to 800,000 people, saying it was one of the largest marches in British history. The UK government had attempted to pressure the Metropolitan Police to cancel the protest as it coincided with Armistice Day, or Veterans Day as it is known in the U.S. However, the Met Police gave a green light for the march as its route was away from the Cenotaph, where the occasion of Armistice Day is commemorated. The two-minute silence was followed by clashes between Met police and far-right activists who attempted to break into the excluded zone to reach and confront the pro-Palestine march. “This group were largely football hooligans from across the UK and spent most of the day attacking or threatening officers who were seeking to prevent them being able to confront the main march,” the Met Police said in a statement. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, tweeted on Saturday that “the relentless bombardment of hospitals and civilians in Gaza is intolerable. It’s against international humanitarian law – it must stop and stop now.” Other protests took place in Paris, Rotterdam, Cape Town, Paris, and Brussels, among other cities. Arrests continue in the West Bank In the occupied West Bank, Israel has continued its mass arrest campaign. On Sunday, at least 25 people were arrested from towns and cities in the Tulkarm, Nablus, Ramallah, Hebron, and Jerusalem districts. Wafa published a list of the names of the detainees in the past 24 hours. Montaser Muhammad Amin Saif, 34, succumbed to his wounds on Sunday morning after he was shot and then arrested during an Israeli raid of Burqa village, north of Nablus. His house was vandalized by soldiers, Wafa said. The Commission for the Affairs of Ex-Prisoners said that Saif’s killing was an “execution crime.” “The act of assassinating and executing the freed prisoner Saif is part persecuting freed prisoners, attacking them and their families, and part of a policy of systematic abuse against them, targeting their stability, whether by arrest or killing,” the commission said. Wafa reported that Israeli forces raided several houses in Burqa and blew up the car of Mahmoud Hajjah, a resident of the village, after arresting him. Shadi Abu Omar, a leader in the Fatah movement, and Omar Shabib were also arrested and their houses raided. Since October 7, Israel has arrested 2,470 Palestinians in the West Bank and killed 184 people. The occupied West Bank has also remained under near complete lockdown since the start of the Israeli military operation, with Palestinian towns and villages cut off from each other by Israeli checkpoints and barriers. Before you go – we need your support At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever. Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses. Support our journalists with a donation today. https://mondoweiss.net/2023/11/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-37-al-shifa-hospital-no-longer-functioning-as-israeli-ground-troops-surround-the-hospital/
    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 37: Al-Shifa Hospital no longer functioning as Israeli ground troops surround the hospital
    Thousands of lives are at risk as Al-Shifa Hospital becomes non-operational, with ICUs and incubators shutting down due to lack of fuel, and medical staff and patients trapped waiting to die. Israeli forces continue to shell hospitals in north Gaza.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 9115 Vue
  • ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 37: Al-Shifa Hospital no longer functioning as Israeli ground troops surround the hospital
    Thousands of lives are at risk as Al-Shifa Hospital becomes non-operational, with ICUs and incubators shutting down due to lack of fuel, and medical staff and patients trapped waiting to die. Israeli forces continue to shell hospitals in north Gaza.

    Mustafa Abu SneinehNovember 12, 2023
    Israeli troops conducting ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip, November 10, 2023. (Photo: © Chen Junqing/Xinhua via ZUMA Press/APA Images)
    Israeli troops conducting ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip, November 10, 2023. (Photo: © Chen Junqing/Xinhua via ZUMA Press/APA Images)

    11,078 killed*, including 4,506 children, and 27,490 wounded in Gaza
    184 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
    Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,200
    *The casualty numbers from Gaza have not been updated in at least 2 days, as the “collapse of services and communications” has made it nearly impossible for the health ministry to document and update the numbers

    Key Developments

    Israeli heavy fire targeting Al-Shifa trapped thousands of people who were displaced, wounded, sick, and medical staff inside it, without electricity, food, water, or fuel.
    Al-Jazeera reported that Israeli forces are located approximately 700 meters from the Al-Shifa hospital’s gates, and firing, and armed clashes could be heard in the distance.
    WHO: “There are reports that some people who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded and even killed.”
    Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely after running out of fuel to generate electricity.
    Doctors at al-Ahli Arab Hospital say it is now the last functioning hospital in Gaza City and the northern areas and that it is “overwhelmed” with casualties.
    Israeli forces are surrounding the medical quarter in the center of Gaza City, where three major hospitals are located, including Al-Nasr Medical Complex, Al-Rantisi, and St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital.
    Israel said 43 soldiers were killed since October 28, and Hamas released footage of targeting tanks in Gaza.
    Hamas’s Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson said that fighters documented the destruction, completely or partially, of 160 Israeli military vehicles, which includes tanks, bulldozers and personnel carriers.
    The Israeli army said that it killed 150 Hamas fighters last week during battles in the Al-Shati refugee camp northwest of Gaza City, and claimed that it captured a station of Hamas’s Badr unit.
    Thousands protest worldwide while Israel carries on arrest campaign in the occupied West Bank.
    Al-Shifa Hospital ‘completely out of service’: Patients dying, bodies piling up outside

    Following days of relentless attacks from the air and land on northern Gaza’s hospitals, the healthcare system in the north has seen a near-complete collapse, with only one hospital, the previously-bombed Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, remaining functional.

    Gaza’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa Hospital, is“completely out of service”, Gaza’s health ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra told Al Jazeera. Several people, including at least two premature infants and five ICU patients, have already died due to a lack of oxygen, medical supplies, and the inability of doctors and medical staff to perform life-saving surgeries as a result of power outages and no fuel.

    The Ramallah-based Palestinian Ministry of Health spokesperson Mai al-Kaila released a statement on Sunday detailing the desperate conditions at the Al-Shifa hospital.

    “The Israeli occupation army does not evacuate hospitals, but rather throws the wounded and sick into the street to certain death,” al-Khaila said, referring to reports and eyewitness testimony that Israeli forces were shooting at people inside the hospitals, as well as those attempting to evacuate.

    “This is not an evacuation, but an expulsion at gunpoint,” she said.

    Among the patients dying or facing imminent death, al-Kaila said, are children and adults on kidney dialysis who “die in their homes without receiving dialysis sessions.”

    Al-Kaila confirmed the death of 12 patients inside the Al-Shifa Medical Complex so far. She added that all 3,000 cancer patients who were being treated at the Al-Rantisi and Al-Turki Hospital in Gaza “have now been left to die” after they were forcibly expelled from the hospitals due to Israeli bombardment.

    “All pregnant women and those with dangerous pregnancies are at risk, as women do not find anyone to provide them with treatment and medical services in Gaza. Every woman about to give birth will not find anyone to provide her with any medical service,” Al-Kaila went on to say.

    Early on in Israel’s bombardment, medical officials reported that there were an estimated 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza, including around 5,000 expecting mothers due to deliver at any moment. Over the weeks, several reports have emerged of pregnant women among those killed by Israeli airstrikes, causing doctors to have to cut out their unborn fetuses in an attempt to save the babies.

    In addition to sick patients in the hospital who can’t be treated, as well as chronically ill patients being left to die, hundreds of Palestinians who are becoming wounded and sick as a result of Israeli bombardment cannot reach the hospital itself. Over the past month of Israeli bombardment, Gaza’s infrastructure, including roads around hospitals, have been decimated, making it nearly impossible for ambulances to move to and from the hospital to reach bombed-out buildings and the wounded.

    Additionally, medical staff inside the hospital cannot physically move inside the hospital, as Israeli drones and ground forces “fire at everyone who moves inside the complex.” Doctors and staff, as well as the sick and displaced, have little to no food, while water has been completely cut off in the complex.

    Medical waste is piling up inside the departments, while the hospital’s blood reserves have spoiled due to power outages, meaning that needy patients can no longer receive life-saving blood transfusions.

    Outside the hospital, bodies of Palestinian martyrs are piling up, with medical teams unable to reach them safely without coming under Israeli fire.

    According to al-Kail, the bodies have begun to decompose in the hospital courtyard. She added that stray dogs have “mauled” some of the bodies.

    Wafa news agency’s correspondent reported Sunday that dozens of martyrs’ bodies were still lying in the hospital’s courtyard and the surrounding area. Paramedics could not reach them due to the intensity of Israeli fire, and since 9 p.m. local time on Saturday, up until 9 a.m. on Sunday, no ambulances were seen leaving or arriving at Al-Shifa Hospital.

    Patients, medical staff unable to evacuate al-Shifa

    Al-Shifa Hospital saw a mass exodus of Palestinians over the weekend, including patients, their families, some medical staff, and thousands of Palestinians who were seeking shelter at the hospital.

    It remained unclear exactly how many people, including patients, medical staff, and internally displaced persons, remained inside the hospital, but several reports put that number around several thousand.

    Mondoweiss’ Gaza Correspondent Tareq Hajjaj, who is currently in Khan Yunis, reported that the majority of the tens of thousands of people who were inside Al-Shifa hospital fled over the weekend. Those who have remained have found it an impossible task to leave due to constant Israeli shelling in the area.

    On Sunday morning, Israel targeted the water wells of Al-Shifa and shot at 40 people when they tried to flee the premises, Al-Jazeera reported.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) released a statement saying it was left in the dark about the conditions of Al-Shifa after losing communications with contacts inside the medical facility.

    “As horrifying reports of the hospital facing repeated attacks continue to emerge, we assume our contacts joined tens of thousands of displaced people and are fleeing the area,” WHO said.

    “There are reports that some people who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded and even killed,” it added.

    Gaza ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra told Al Jazeera on Sunday that it was “absolutely impossible to evacuate those wounded.”

    Al-Qudra said the only safe way to evacuate the 650 patients at al-Shifa would be to Egypt, not to southern Gaza, as the hospitals there are overwhelmed and are also under imminent threat of shutting down due to fuel shortages.

    According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, among the patients still at Al-Shifa are nearly 60 patients in ICUs, dozens of premature babies in incubators, and more than 500 patients in the dialysis department.

    Calling for an immediate ceasefire, the WHO said: “Patients seeking health care should never be exposed to fear, and health workers who have taken an oath to treat them should never be forced to risk their own lives to provide care.”

    Over the past month, Israel has bombed the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital several times, killing and injuring hundreds of people and damaging the solar panels on the roof, which added to the brunt of operating the facility amid a lack of fuel to generate electricity.

    In recent days, Israeli forces encircled Al-Shifa from southwest of Gaza City, turning it into a “combat zone.” Al-Jazeera reported that Israeli forces are located approximately 700 meters from the hospital’s gates. The medical staff could hear Israeli military vehicles and armed clashes in the distance.

    Al-Shifa became the heartbeat of rescue and paramedic efforts during the Israeli war on Gaza, a refuge for thousands of Palestinians, and a platform for health and government officials to update the media about casualty figures and the latest developments in the Gaza Strip.

    Israel is attempting to capture Al-Shifa after nearly destroying all major government offices, in addition to some press offices, in the first days of the war. It claims that Hamas’s main command center lies underneath it, which Palestinians deny and which Israel has yet to provide concrete evidence of.

    Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely

    On Sunday morning, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) announced that Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely after running out of fuel to generate electricity.

    Israeli tanks and ground troops were 20 meters away from Al-Quds Hospital on Saturday, one of the many medical facilities in Gaza that had been threatened by Israeli forces several times since October 7.

    PRCS said earlier that infants at Al-Quds Hospital “are facing dehydration due to a shortage of breast milk alternatives.” There are 14,000 displaced people sheltering in Al-Quds Hospital, which is treating almost 500 patients, according to Wafa.

    Israeli forces are surrounding the medical quarter in the center of Gaza City, where three major hospitals are located, including Al-Nasr Medical Complex, Al-Rantisi, and St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital.

    At least 198 medical staff and 36 Civil Defense staff have been killed and 130 injured since Israel began its war on the Gaza Strip. Nearly 60 ambulances have also been damaged, while 53 have gone completely out of service.

    Israeli forces shell UN agency headquarters as thousands of Palestinians take shelter

    On Sunday morning, Israeli forces shelled the compound of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), where thousands of Palestinians are sheltering in Gaza City, in the northern Gaza Strip.

    UNDP said that it was “deeply distressed” upon hearing the development. It vacated its staff from the location on 13 October.

    “The shelling has reportedly resulted in a significant number of deaths and injuries,” the UNDP said in a statement. Wafa reported that at least five were killed till Sunday afternoon.

    An eyewitness told Al-Jazeera Arabic on Sunday that people are in panic and terrified after they thought they were sheltering in a safe ground protected by the UN.

    On November 6, thousands of people rushed into the UNDP’s compound to seek shelter following Israel’s ground invasion north of the Gaza Valley areas on October 28.

    “The ongoing tragedy of death and injury to civilians ensnared in this conflict is unacceptable and must stop. Civilians, civilian infrastructure, and the inviolability of UN facilities, must be respected and protected at all times,” the statement added.

    In the past 24 hours, Israel warplanes and tanks bombed neighborhoods of Sheikh Radwan, Tal Al-Hawa, Al-Karama Towers, Al-Maqousi, Sheikh Ejleen, Al-Rimal, and Al-Nasr of Gaza City.

    At least eight people were killed and 20 injured on Sunday morning in a bombing of the Al-Najar family house in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

    Wafa reported that the Hamdan family’s house in the Al-Sabra neighborhood was hit by a missile strike on Sunday morning.

    In Deir al-Balah, three people were killed and dozens injured when the house of Abdullah al-Adini was bombed.

    Israel says 43 soldiers killed, Hamas releases footage targeting tanks in Gaza

    The Israeli army announced on Saturday the death of five soldiers, raising the number of its casualties to 43 since it launched the ground invasion of Gaza on October 28.

    The army said in a statement that the deceased soldiers were from an “elite reserve force.” Ynet reported that four were killed in Beit Hanoun by an explosion at an entrance to a booby-trapped tunnel.

    Beit Hanoun, north of Gaza City, is one of the areas that is seeing intense clashes between Israeli forces and resistance fighters. The triangle of Al-Twam, Al-Karameh Towers, and Al-Mukhabarat Towers, north of Gaza City, are also battlegrounds.

    On Saturday, Hamas’s Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson said that fighters documented the destruction, completely or partially, of 160 Israeli military vehicles, which includes tanks, bulldozers, and personnel carriers.

    The Israeli army said that it killed 150 Hamas fighters last week during battles in the Al-Shati refugee camp northwest of Gaza City and claimed that it captured a station of Hamas’s Badr unit.

    Since October 28, Israeli and foreign journalists embedded in the Israeli forces have had to submit video footage to the army to be checked and censored before being used.

    On Sunday, Qassam Brigades announced that it destroyed two tanks south of Gaza City with 105mm Al-Yaseen shells.

    Hamas released a compilation of videos in the past few days, showing fighters firing shells at Israeli military tanks stationed amid the rubble and destruction in Gaza.

    On Sunday, the Israeli army radio said that a shell was fired from Lebanon into the Galilee, and Israeli warplanes bombed “terrorist infrastructure” in Syria following a shelling into the occupied Golan Heights on Saturday.

    Thousands protest worldwide while Israel carries on arrest campaign in occupied West Bank

    Hundreds of thousands of people marched in Europe’s major cities and in the U.S., calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and showing their support and solidarity with the Palestinians.

    Pro-Palestine protests rallied near U.S. President Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, as frustration grew at his administration’s failure to call for a ceasefire and the unwavering support of Israel.

    Protestors shouted: “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide! We charge you with genocide!”

    In London, at least 300,000 protestors marched from Hyde Park to the U.S. embassy near Vauxhall Bridge, though reports from organizers estimated the crowds reached up to 800,000 people, saying it was one of the largest marches in British history. The UK government had attempted to pressure the Metropolitan Police to cancel the protest as it coincided with Armistice Day, or Veterans Day as it is known in the U.S.

    However, the Met Police gave a green light for the march as its route was away from the Cenotaph, where the occasion of Armistice Day is commemorated. The two-minute silence was followed by clashes between Met police and far-right activists who attempted to break into the excluded zone to reach and confront the pro-Palestine march.

    “This group were largely football hooligans from across the UK and spent most of the day attacking or threatening officers who were seeking to prevent them being able to confront the main march,” the Met Police said in a statement.

    The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, tweeted on Saturday that “the relentless bombardment of hospitals and civilians in Gaza is intolerable. It’s against international humanitarian law – it must stop and stop now.”

    Other protests took place in Paris, Rotterdam, Cape Town, Paris, and Brussels, among other cities.

    Arrests continue in the West Bank

    In the occupied West Bank, Israel has continued its mass arrest campaign.

    On Sunday, at least 25 people were arrested from towns and cities in the Tulkarm, Nablus, Ramallah, Hebron, and Jerusalem districts. Wafa published a list of the names of the detainees in the past 24 hours.

    Montaser Muhammad Amin Saif, 34, succumbed to his wounds on Sunday morning after he was shot and then arrested during an Israeli raid of Burqa village, north of Nablus. His house was vandalized by soldiers, Wafa said.

    The Commission for the Affairs of Ex-Prisoners said that Saif’s killing was an “execution crime.”

    “The act of assassinating and executing the freed prisoner Saif is part persecuting freed prisoners, attacking them and their families, and part of a policy of systematic abuse against them, targeting their stability, whether by arrest or killing,” the commission said.

    Wafa reported that Israeli forces raided several houses in Burqa and blew up the car of Mahmoud Hajjah, a resident of the village, after arresting him. Shadi Abu Omar, a leader in the Fatah movement, and Omar Shabib were also arrested and their houses raided.

    Since October 7, Israel has arrested 2,470 Palestinians in the West Bank and killed 184 people.

    The occupied West Bank has also remained under near complete lockdown since the start of the Israeli military operation, with Palestinian towns and villages cut off from each other by Israeli checkpoints and barriers.

    Before you go – we need your support

    At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever.

    Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses.

    Support our journalists with a donation today.

    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 37: Al-Shifa Hospital no longer functioning as Israeli ground troops surround the hospital Thousands of lives are at risk as Al-Shifa Hospital becomes non-operational, with ICUs and incubators shutting down due to lack of fuel, and medical staff and patients trapped waiting to die. Israeli forces continue to shell hospitals in north Gaza. Mustafa Abu SneinehNovember 12, 2023 Israeli troops conducting ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip, November 10, 2023. (Photo: © Chen Junqing/Xinhua via ZUMA Press/APA Images) Israeli troops conducting ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip, November 10, 2023. (Photo: © Chen Junqing/Xinhua via ZUMA Press/APA Images) Casualties 11,078 killed*, including 4,506 children, and 27,490 wounded in Gaza 184 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,200 *The casualty numbers from Gaza have not been updated in at least 2 days, as the “collapse of services and communications” has made it nearly impossible for the health ministry to document and update the numbers Key Developments Israeli heavy fire targeting Al-Shifa trapped thousands of people who were displaced, wounded, sick, and medical staff inside it, without electricity, food, water, or fuel. Al-Jazeera reported that Israeli forces are located approximately 700 meters from the Al-Shifa hospital’s gates, and firing, and armed clashes could be heard in the distance. WHO: “There are reports that some people who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded and even killed.” Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely after running out of fuel to generate electricity. Doctors at al-Ahli Arab Hospital say it is now the last functioning hospital in Gaza City and the northern areas and that it is “overwhelmed” with casualties. Israeli forces are surrounding the medical quarter in the center of Gaza City, where three major hospitals are located, including Al-Nasr Medical Complex, Al-Rantisi, and St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital. Israel said 43 soldiers were killed since October 28, and Hamas released footage of targeting tanks in Gaza. Hamas’s Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson said that fighters documented the destruction, completely or partially, of 160 Israeli military vehicles, which includes tanks, bulldozers and personnel carriers. The Israeli army said that it killed 150 Hamas fighters last week during battles in the Al-Shati refugee camp northwest of Gaza City, and claimed that it captured a station of Hamas’s Badr unit. Thousands protest worldwide while Israel carries on arrest campaign in the occupied West Bank. Al-Shifa Hospital ‘completely out of service’: Patients dying, bodies piling up outside Following days of relentless attacks from the air and land on northern Gaza’s hospitals, the healthcare system in the north has seen a near-complete collapse, with only one hospital, the previously-bombed Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, remaining functional. Gaza’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa Hospital, is“completely out of service”, Gaza’s health ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra told Al Jazeera. Several people, including at least two premature infants and five ICU patients, have already died due to a lack of oxygen, medical supplies, and the inability of doctors and medical staff to perform life-saving surgeries as a result of power outages and no fuel. The Ramallah-based Palestinian Ministry of Health spokesperson Mai al-Kaila released a statement on Sunday detailing the desperate conditions at the Al-Shifa hospital. “The Israeli occupation army does not evacuate hospitals, but rather throws the wounded and sick into the street to certain death,” al-Khaila said, referring to reports and eyewitness testimony that Israeli forces were shooting at people inside the hospitals, as well as those attempting to evacuate. “This is not an evacuation, but an expulsion at gunpoint,” she said. Among the patients dying or facing imminent death, al-Kaila said, are children and adults on kidney dialysis who “die in their homes without receiving dialysis sessions.” Al-Kaila confirmed the death of 12 patients inside the Al-Shifa Medical Complex so far. She added that all 3,000 cancer patients who were being treated at the Al-Rantisi and Al-Turki Hospital in Gaza “have now been left to die” after they were forcibly expelled from the hospitals due to Israeli bombardment. “All pregnant women and those with dangerous pregnancies are at risk, as women do not find anyone to provide them with treatment and medical services in Gaza. Every woman about to give birth will not find anyone to provide her with any medical service,” Al-Kaila went on to say. Early on in Israel’s bombardment, medical officials reported that there were an estimated 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza, including around 5,000 expecting mothers due to deliver at any moment. Over the weeks, several reports have emerged of pregnant women among those killed by Israeli airstrikes, causing doctors to have to cut out their unborn fetuses in an attempt to save the babies. In addition to sick patients in the hospital who can’t be treated, as well as chronically ill patients being left to die, hundreds of Palestinians who are becoming wounded and sick as a result of Israeli bombardment cannot reach the hospital itself. Over the past month of Israeli bombardment, Gaza’s infrastructure, including roads around hospitals, have been decimated, making it nearly impossible for ambulances to move to and from the hospital to reach bombed-out buildings and the wounded. Additionally, medical staff inside the hospital cannot physically move inside the hospital, as Israeli drones and ground forces “fire at everyone who moves inside the complex.” Doctors and staff, as well as the sick and displaced, have little to no food, while water has been completely cut off in the complex. Medical waste is piling up inside the departments, while the hospital’s blood reserves have spoiled due to power outages, meaning that needy patients can no longer receive life-saving blood transfusions. Outside the hospital, bodies of Palestinian martyrs are piling up, with medical teams unable to reach them safely without coming under Israeli fire. According to al-Kail, the bodies have begun to decompose in the hospital courtyard. She added that stray dogs have “mauled” some of the bodies. Wafa news agency’s correspondent reported Sunday that dozens of martyrs’ bodies were still lying in the hospital’s courtyard and the surrounding area. Paramedics could not reach them due to the intensity of Israeli fire, and since 9 p.m. local time on Saturday, up until 9 a.m. on Sunday, no ambulances were seen leaving or arriving at Al-Shifa Hospital. Patients, medical staff unable to evacuate al-Shifa Al-Shifa Hospital saw a mass exodus of Palestinians over the weekend, including patients, their families, some medical staff, and thousands of Palestinians who were seeking shelter at the hospital. It remained unclear exactly how many people, including patients, medical staff, and internally displaced persons, remained inside the hospital, but several reports put that number around several thousand. Mondoweiss’ Gaza Correspondent Tareq Hajjaj, who is currently in Khan Yunis, reported that the majority of the tens of thousands of people who were inside Al-Shifa hospital fled over the weekend. Those who have remained have found it an impossible task to leave due to constant Israeli shelling in the area. On Sunday morning, Israel targeted the water wells of Al-Shifa and shot at 40 people when they tried to flee the premises, Al-Jazeera reported. The World Health Organization (WHO) released a statement saying it was left in the dark about the conditions of Al-Shifa after losing communications with contacts inside the medical facility. “As horrifying reports of the hospital facing repeated attacks continue to emerge, we assume our contacts joined tens of thousands of displaced people and are fleeing the area,” WHO said. “There are reports that some people who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded and even killed,” it added. Gaza ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra told Al Jazeera on Sunday that it was “absolutely impossible to evacuate those wounded.” Al-Qudra said the only safe way to evacuate the 650 patients at al-Shifa would be to Egypt, not to southern Gaza, as the hospitals there are overwhelmed and are also under imminent threat of shutting down due to fuel shortages. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, among the patients still at Al-Shifa are nearly 60 patients in ICUs, dozens of premature babies in incubators, and more than 500 patients in the dialysis department. Calling for an immediate ceasefire, the WHO said: “Patients seeking health care should never be exposed to fear, and health workers who have taken an oath to treat them should never be forced to risk their own lives to provide care.” Over the past month, Israel has bombed the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital several times, killing and injuring hundreds of people and damaging the solar panels on the roof, which added to the brunt of operating the facility amid a lack of fuel to generate electricity. In recent days, Israeli forces encircled Al-Shifa from southwest of Gaza City, turning it into a “combat zone.” Al-Jazeera reported that Israeli forces are located approximately 700 meters from the hospital’s gates. The medical staff could hear Israeli military vehicles and armed clashes in the distance. Al-Shifa became the heartbeat of rescue and paramedic efforts during the Israeli war on Gaza, a refuge for thousands of Palestinians, and a platform for health and government officials to update the media about casualty figures and the latest developments in the Gaza Strip. Israel is attempting to capture Al-Shifa after nearly destroying all major government offices, in addition to some press offices, in the first days of the war. It claims that Hamas’s main command center lies underneath it, which Palestinians deny and which Israel has yet to provide concrete evidence of. Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely On Sunday morning, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) announced that Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City stopped working completely after running out of fuel to generate electricity. Israeli tanks and ground troops were 20 meters away from Al-Quds Hospital on Saturday, one of the many medical facilities in Gaza that had been threatened by Israeli forces several times since October 7. PRCS said earlier that infants at Al-Quds Hospital “are facing dehydration due to a shortage of breast milk alternatives.” There are 14,000 displaced people sheltering in Al-Quds Hospital, which is treating almost 500 patients, according to Wafa. Israeli forces are surrounding the medical quarter in the center of Gaza City, where three major hospitals are located, including Al-Nasr Medical Complex, Al-Rantisi, and St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital. At least 198 medical staff and 36 Civil Defense staff have been killed and 130 injured since Israel began its war on the Gaza Strip. Nearly 60 ambulances have also been damaged, while 53 have gone completely out of service. Israeli forces shell UN agency headquarters as thousands of Palestinians take shelter On Sunday morning, Israeli forces shelled the compound of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), where thousands of Palestinians are sheltering in Gaza City, in the northern Gaza Strip. UNDP said that it was “deeply distressed” upon hearing the development. It vacated its staff from the location on 13 October. “The shelling has reportedly resulted in a significant number of deaths and injuries,” the UNDP said in a statement. Wafa reported that at least five were killed till Sunday afternoon. An eyewitness told Al-Jazeera Arabic on Sunday that people are in panic and terrified after they thought they were sheltering in a safe ground protected by the UN. On November 6, thousands of people rushed into the UNDP’s compound to seek shelter following Israel’s ground invasion north of the Gaza Valley areas on October 28. “The ongoing tragedy of death and injury to civilians ensnared in this conflict is unacceptable and must stop. Civilians, civilian infrastructure, and the inviolability of UN facilities, must be respected and protected at all times,” the statement added. In the past 24 hours, Israel warplanes and tanks bombed neighborhoods of Sheikh Radwan, Tal Al-Hawa, Al-Karama Towers, Al-Maqousi, Sheikh Ejleen, Al-Rimal, and Al-Nasr of Gaza City. At least eight people were killed and 20 injured on Sunday morning in a bombing of the Al-Najar family house in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip. Wafa reported that the Hamdan family’s house in the Al-Sabra neighborhood was hit by a missile strike on Sunday morning. In Deir al-Balah, three people were killed and dozens injured when the house of Abdullah al-Adini was bombed. Israel says 43 soldiers killed, Hamas releases footage targeting tanks in Gaza The Israeli army announced on Saturday the death of five soldiers, raising the number of its casualties to 43 since it launched the ground invasion of Gaza on October 28. The army said in a statement that the deceased soldiers were from an “elite reserve force.” Ynet reported that four were killed in Beit Hanoun by an explosion at an entrance to a booby-trapped tunnel. Beit Hanoun, north of Gaza City, is one of the areas that is seeing intense clashes between Israeli forces and resistance fighters. The triangle of Al-Twam, Al-Karameh Towers, and Al-Mukhabarat Towers, north of Gaza City, are also battlegrounds. On Saturday, Hamas’s Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson said that fighters documented the destruction, completely or partially, of 160 Israeli military vehicles, which includes tanks, bulldozers, and personnel carriers. The Israeli army said that it killed 150 Hamas fighters last week during battles in the Al-Shati refugee camp northwest of Gaza City and claimed that it captured a station of Hamas’s Badr unit. Since October 28, Israeli and foreign journalists embedded in the Israeli forces have had to submit video footage to the army to be checked and censored before being used. On Sunday, Qassam Brigades announced that it destroyed two tanks south of Gaza City with 105mm Al-Yaseen shells. Hamas released a compilation of videos in the past few days, showing fighters firing shells at Israeli military tanks stationed amid the rubble and destruction in Gaza. On Sunday, the Israeli army radio said that a shell was fired from Lebanon into the Galilee, and Israeli warplanes bombed “terrorist infrastructure” in Syria following a shelling into the occupied Golan Heights on Saturday. Thousands protest worldwide while Israel carries on arrest campaign in occupied West Bank Hundreds of thousands of people marched in Europe’s major cities and in the U.S., calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and showing their support and solidarity with the Palestinians. Pro-Palestine protests rallied near U.S. President Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, as frustration grew at his administration’s failure to call for a ceasefire and the unwavering support of Israel. Protestors shouted: “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide! We charge you with genocide!” In London, at least 300,000 protestors marched from Hyde Park to the U.S. embassy near Vauxhall Bridge, though reports from organizers estimated the crowds reached up to 800,000 people, saying it was one of the largest marches in British history. The UK government had attempted to pressure the Metropolitan Police to cancel the protest as it coincided with Armistice Day, or Veterans Day as it is known in the U.S. However, the Met Police gave a green light for the march as its route was away from the Cenotaph, where the occasion of Armistice Day is commemorated. The two-minute silence was followed by clashes between Met police and far-right activists who attempted to break into the excluded zone to reach and confront the pro-Palestine march. “This group were largely football hooligans from across the UK and spent most of the day attacking or threatening officers who were seeking to prevent them being able to confront the main march,” the Met Police said in a statement. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, tweeted on Saturday that “the relentless bombardment of hospitals and civilians in Gaza is intolerable. It’s against international humanitarian law – it must stop and stop now.” Other protests took place in Paris, Rotterdam, Cape Town, Paris, and Brussels, among other cities. Arrests continue in the West Bank In the occupied West Bank, Israel has continued its mass arrest campaign. On Sunday, at least 25 people were arrested from towns and cities in the Tulkarm, Nablus, Ramallah, Hebron, and Jerusalem districts. Wafa published a list of the names of the detainees in the past 24 hours. Montaser Muhammad Amin Saif, 34, succumbed to his wounds on Sunday morning after he was shot and then arrested during an Israeli raid of Burqa village, north of Nablus. His house was vandalized by soldiers, Wafa said. The Commission for the Affairs of Ex-Prisoners said that Saif’s killing was an “execution crime.” “The act of assassinating and executing the freed prisoner Saif is part persecuting freed prisoners, attacking them and their families, and part of a policy of systematic abuse against them, targeting their stability, whether by arrest or killing,” the commission said. Wafa reported that Israeli forces raided several houses in Burqa and blew up the car of Mahmoud Hajjah, a resident of the village, after arresting him. Shadi Abu Omar, a leader in the Fatah movement, and Omar Shabib were also arrested and their houses raided. Since October 7, Israel has arrested 2,470 Palestinians in the West Bank and killed 184 people. The occupied West Bank has also remained under near complete lockdown since the start of the Israeli military operation, with Palestinian towns and villages cut off from each other by Israeli checkpoints and barriers. Before you go – we need your support At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever. Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses. Support our journalists with a donation today. https://mondoweiss.net/2023/11/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-37-al-shifa-hospital-no-longer-functioning-as-israeli-ground-troops-surround-the-hospital/
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  • Why Was Hunter Paying Joe Biden $50,000 in Monthly Rent for the House Where Classified Documents Were Found?

    No one should be surprised to hear that, according to the New York Post, first son Hunter Biden lived in the home “off and on” following his May 2017 divorce.

    The Twitter post below, from Post columnist Miranda Devine, shows a copy of a background check application that Hunter completed in July 2018. He listed the Wilmington home as his current address at the time and also claimed to own it.

    More curious still, Hunter Biden claimed he paid $49,910 in monthly rent. Strange, huh?

    Last Monday, CBS News reported that classified documents from President Joe Biden’s vice presidency had been found inside (https://t.me/g3news/12085) a closet in an office at the Penn Biden Center, a Washington think tank with offices Biden used after the Obama administration ended in 2017.

    On Wednesday evening, it was reported that a second batch (https://t.me/g3news/12233) of classified material had been discovered in a separate undisclosed location, which was later revealed to be in the locked garage of Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home.

    Finally, at least one additional classified document turned up inside the residence.


    ????Source: Western Journal


    Follow: t.me/g3news
    Why Was Hunter Paying Joe Biden $50,000 in Monthly Rent for the House Where Classified Documents Were Found? No one should be surprised to hear that, according to the New York Post, first son Hunter Biden lived in the home “off and on” following his May 2017 divorce. The Twitter post below, from Post columnist Miranda Devine, shows a copy of a background check application that Hunter completed in July 2018. He listed the Wilmington home as his current address at the time and also claimed to own it. More curious still, Hunter Biden claimed he paid $49,910 in monthly rent. Strange, huh? Last Monday, CBS News reported that classified documents from President Joe Biden’s vice presidency had been found inside (https://t.me/g3news/12085) a closet in an office at the Penn Biden Center, a Washington think tank with offices Biden used after the Obama administration ended in 2017. On Wednesday evening, it was reported that a second batch (https://t.me/g3news/12233) of classified material had been discovered in a separate undisclosed location, which was later revealed to be in the locked garage of Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home. Finally, at least one additional classified document turned up inside the residence. (https://twitter.com/mirandadevine/status/1613576887728496640) ????Source: Western Journal (https://www.westernjournal.com/hunter-paying-joe-biden-50000-monthly-rent-house-classified-documents-found) Follow: t.me/g3news
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  • It just took lefties media a little bit over three years to admit Hunter Biden’s crack and pedo party…
    Just as bad by the Delaware Prosecutor and the failed justice system. https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/hunter-biden-joe-biden-u-s/2023/01/12/id/1104099/
    It just took lefties media a little bit over three years to admit Hunter Biden’s crack and pedo party… Just as bad by the Delaware Prosecutor and the failed justice system. https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/hunter-biden-joe-biden-u-s/2023/01/12/id/1104099/
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