• Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online
    Authored by Alex Newman via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while cracking down on what it describes as “false information” and “conspiracy theories,” sparking alarm among free-speech advocates and top U.S. lawmakers.

    (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock)

    In its 59-page report released this month, the U.N. Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) outlined a series of “concrete measures which must be implemented by all stakeholders: governments, regulatory authorities, civil society, and the platforms themselves.”

    This approach includes the imposition of global policies, through institutions such as governments and businesses, designed to stop the spread of various forms of speech while promoting objectives such as “cultural diversity” and “gender equality.”

    In particular, the U.N. agency aims to create an “Internet of Trust” by targeting what it calls “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech,” and “conspiracy theories.”

    Examples of expression flagged to be stopped or restricted include concerns about elections, public health measures, and advocacy that could constitute “incitement to discrimination.”

    Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, testifies remotely during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on "Censorship, Suppression, and the 2020 Election," in Washington on Nov. 17, 2020. (Bill Clark-Pool/Getty Images)

    Critics are warning that allegations of “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories” have increasingly been used by powerful forces in government and Big Tech to silence true information and even core political speech.

    Just this month, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee released a report blasting the “pseudoscience of disinformation.”

    Among other concerns, the committee found this “pseudoscience” has been “weaponized” by what lawmakers refer to as the “Censorship Industrial Complex.”

    The goal: silence constitutionally-protected political speech, mostly by conservatives.

    "The pseudoscience of disinformation is now—and has always been—nothing more than a political ruse most frequently targeted at communities and individuals holding views contrary to the prevailing narratives,” states the congressional report, "The Weaponization of ‘Disinformation’ Pseudo-Experts and Bureaucrats."

    Indeed, many of the policies called for by UNESCO have already been implemented by U.S.-based digital platforms, often at the behest of the Biden administration, the latest congressional report makes clear.

    Deputy Director of UNESCO Xing Qu (2nd R) views some ancient manuscripts on March 31, 2021. (MICHELE CATTANI/AFP via Getty Images)

    On Capitol Hill, lawmakers nevertheless expressed alarm about the new UNESCO plan.

    “I have repeatedly and publicly criticized the Biden administration’s misguided decision to rejoin UNESCO, putting U.S. taxpayers on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars,” House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) told The Epoch Times regarding the social-media plan.

    Calling UNESCO a “deeply flawed entity,” Mr. McCaul said he is especially concerned that the organization “promotes the interests of authoritarian regimes—including the Chinese Communist Party.”

    Indeed, UNESCO, like many other U.N. agencies, includes multiple members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in its leadership ranks, such as Deputy Director-General Xing Qu, The Epoch Times has reported.

    The CCP has repeatedly made clear that even while working in international organizations, CCP members are expected to follow communist party orders.

    Lawmakers on the House Appropriations Subcommittee dealing with international organizations are currently working to cut or reduce funding to various U.N. agencies that lawmakers say are using U.S. taxpayer money improperly.

    Already, the U.S. government has twice exited UNESCO—under the Reagan and the Trump administrations—due to concerns about what the administrations described as extremism, hostility to American values, and other problems.

    The Biden administration rejoined earlier this year over the objections of lawmakers, The Epoch Times reported.

    An aerial view of a sculpture at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on July 25, 2023. President Joe Biden rejoined the United States into UNESCO after President Donald Trump exited the agency in 2018. (BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images)

    The UNESCO Plan

    While being marketed as a plan to uphold free expression, the new UNESCO regulatory regime calls for international censorship by “independent” regulators who are “shielded from political and economic interests.”

    "National, regional, and global governance systems should be able to cooperate and share practices … in addressing content that could be permissibly restricted under international human rights law and standards,” the report explains.

    Unlike the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibiting any governmental infringement on the right to free speech or free press, UNESCO points to various international “human rights” instruments that it says should determine what speech to infringe on.

    These agreements include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which states that restricting freedom of expression must be provided for by law and must also serve a “legitimate aim.”

    In a recent review of the United States, a U.N. human-rights committee called for changes to the U.S. Constitution and demanded that the U.S. government do more to stop and punish “hate speech” in order to comply with the ICCPR.

    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), joined by members of the Asian Pacific American Caucus, speaks on the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on May 18, 2021. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

    Another key U.N. instrument is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states explicitly in Article 29 that “rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

    In short, the U.N. view of “freedom of expression” is radically different from that enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

    The UNESCO report says that once content that should be restricted is found, social-media platforms must take measures, ranging from using algorithm suppression (shadow banning) and warning users about the content, to de-monetizing and even removing it.

    Any digital platforms found to not be “dealing with content that could be permissibly restricted under international human rights law” should “be held accountable” with “enforcement measures,” the report states.

    UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, a former French culture minister with the Socialist Party, cited risks to society to justify the global plan.

    "Digital technology has enabled immense progress on freedom of speech,” she said in a statement. “But social media platforms have also accelerated and amplified the spread of false information and hate speech, posing major risks to societal cohesion, peace, and stability.

    “To protect access to information, we must regulate these platforms without delay, while at the same time protecting freedom of expression and human rights," said Azoulay, who took over the U.N. agency from longtime Bulgarian Communist Party leader Irina Bokova.

    In the forward to the new report, headlined “Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms,” Azoulay says that stopping certain forms of speech and at the same time preserving “freedom of expression” is “not a contradiction.”

    Citing a survey commissioned by UNESCO itself, the U.N. agency also said most people around the world support its agenda.

    According to UNESCO, the report and the guidelines were developed through a process of consultation including more than 1,500 submissions and over 10,000 comments from “stakeholders” such as governments, businesses, and non-profit organizations.

    UNESCO said it will work with governments and companies to implement the regulatory regime around the world.

    “UNESCO is by not (sic) proposing to regulate digital platforms,” a spokesman for UNESCO, who asked not to be named, told The Epoch Times in a statement.

    “We are, however, conscious that dozens of governments around the world are already drafting legislation to do so, some of which is not in line with international human rights standards, and may even jeopardize freedom of expression.

    “Similarly, the platforms themselves are already making millions of human and automated decisions a day with respect to the moderation and curation of content, based upon their own policies,” the spokesman said.

    The European Union, which already places severe limitations on free expression online, has already provided funding for implementation worldwide, UNESCO added.

    The Biden administration told The Epoch Times that it wasn't involved in creating the plan.

    “We will reserve comment until we finish carefully studying the plan,” the State Department said in an email.

    Free Speech Concern Grows

    Concerns over the implications for freedom of speech and free expression online are mounting as awareness of the UNESCO plan spreads.

    Sarah McLaughlin, a senior scholar at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), expressed alarm.

    "FIRE appreciates that UNESCO’s new action plan for social media recognizes the value of transparency and the need for protecting freedom of expression, but remains deeply concerned about efforts to regulate online ‘disinformation’ and ‘hate speech,’” Ms. McLaughlin told The Epoch Times.

    Read more here...

    Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online Authored by Alex Newman via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while cracking down on what it describes as “false information” and “conspiracy theories,” sparking alarm among free-speech advocates and top U.S. lawmakers. (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock) In its 59-page report released this month, the U.N. Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) outlined a series of “concrete measures which must be implemented by all stakeholders: governments, regulatory authorities, civil society, and the platforms themselves.” This approach includes the imposition of global policies, through institutions such as governments and businesses, designed to stop the spread of various forms of speech while promoting objectives such as “cultural diversity” and “gender equality.” In particular, the U.N. agency aims to create an “Internet of Trust” by targeting what it calls “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech,” and “conspiracy theories.” Examples of expression flagged to be stopped or restricted include concerns about elections, public health measures, and advocacy that could constitute “incitement to discrimination.” Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, testifies remotely during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on "Censorship, Suppression, and the 2020 Election," in Washington on Nov. 17, 2020. (Bill Clark-Pool/Getty Images) Critics are warning that allegations of “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories” have increasingly been used by powerful forces in government and Big Tech to silence true information and even core political speech. Just this month, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee released a report blasting the “pseudoscience of disinformation.” Among other concerns, the committee found this “pseudoscience” has been “weaponized” by what lawmakers refer to as the “Censorship Industrial Complex.” The goal: silence constitutionally-protected political speech, mostly by conservatives. "The pseudoscience of disinformation is now—and has always been—nothing more than a political ruse most frequently targeted at communities and individuals holding views contrary to the prevailing narratives,” states the congressional report, "The Weaponization of ‘Disinformation’ Pseudo-Experts and Bureaucrats." Indeed, many of the policies called for by UNESCO have already been implemented by U.S.-based digital platforms, often at the behest of the Biden administration, the latest congressional report makes clear. Deputy Director of UNESCO Xing Qu (2nd R) views some ancient manuscripts on March 31, 2021. (MICHELE CATTANI/AFP via Getty Images) On Capitol Hill, lawmakers nevertheless expressed alarm about the new UNESCO plan. “I have repeatedly and publicly criticized the Biden administration’s misguided decision to rejoin UNESCO, putting U.S. taxpayers on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars,” House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) told The Epoch Times regarding the social-media plan. Calling UNESCO a “deeply flawed entity,” Mr. McCaul said he is especially concerned that the organization “promotes the interests of authoritarian regimes—including the Chinese Communist Party.” Indeed, UNESCO, like many other U.N. agencies, includes multiple members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in its leadership ranks, such as Deputy Director-General Xing Qu, The Epoch Times has reported. The CCP has repeatedly made clear that even while working in international organizations, CCP members are expected to follow communist party orders. Lawmakers on the House Appropriations Subcommittee dealing with international organizations are currently working to cut or reduce funding to various U.N. agencies that lawmakers say are using U.S. taxpayer money improperly. Already, the U.S. government has twice exited UNESCO—under the Reagan and the Trump administrations—due to concerns about what the administrations described as extremism, hostility to American values, and other problems. The Biden administration rejoined earlier this year over the objections of lawmakers, The Epoch Times reported. An aerial view of a sculpture at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on July 25, 2023. President Joe Biden rejoined the United States into UNESCO after President Donald Trump exited the agency in 2018. (BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images) The UNESCO Plan While being marketed as a plan to uphold free expression, the new UNESCO regulatory regime calls for international censorship by “independent” regulators who are “shielded from political and economic interests.” "National, regional, and global governance systems should be able to cooperate and share practices … in addressing content that could be permissibly restricted under international human rights law and standards,” the report explains. Unlike the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibiting any governmental infringement on the right to free speech or free press, UNESCO points to various international “human rights” instruments that it says should determine what speech to infringe on. These agreements include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which states that restricting freedom of expression must be provided for by law and must also serve a “legitimate aim.” In a recent review of the United States, a U.N. human-rights committee called for changes to the U.S. Constitution and demanded that the U.S. government do more to stop and punish “hate speech” in order to comply with the ICCPR. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), joined by members of the Asian Pacific American Caucus, speaks on the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on May 18, 2021. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images) Another key U.N. instrument is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states explicitly in Article 29 that “rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.” In short, the U.N. view of “freedom of expression” is radically different from that enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. The UNESCO report says that once content that should be restricted is found, social-media platforms must take measures, ranging from using algorithm suppression (shadow banning) and warning users about the content, to de-monetizing and even removing it. Any digital platforms found to not be “dealing with content that could be permissibly restricted under international human rights law” should “be held accountable” with “enforcement measures,” the report states. UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, a former French culture minister with the Socialist Party, cited risks to society to justify the global plan. "Digital technology has enabled immense progress on freedom of speech,” she said in a statement. “But social media platforms have also accelerated and amplified the spread of false information and hate speech, posing major risks to societal cohesion, peace, and stability. “To protect access to information, we must regulate these platforms without delay, while at the same time protecting freedom of expression and human rights," said Azoulay, who took over the U.N. agency from longtime Bulgarian Communist Party leader Irina Bokova. In the forward to the new report, headlined “Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms,” Azoulay says that stopping certain forms of speech and at the same time preserving “freedom of expression” is “not a contradiction.” Citing a survey commissioned by UNESCO itself, the U.N. agency also said most people around the world support its agenda. According to UNESCO, the report and the guidelines were developed through a process of consultation including more than 1,500 submissions and over 10,000 comments from “stakeholders” such as governments, businesses, and non-profit organizations. UNESCO said it will work with governments and companies to implement the regulatory regime around the world. “UNESCO is by not (sic) proposing to regulate digital platforms,” a spokesman for UNESCO, who asked not to be named, told The Epoch Times in a statement. “We are, however, conscious that dozens of governments around the world are already drafting legislation to do so, some of which is not in line with international human rights standards, and may even jeopardize freedom of expression. “Similarly, the platforms themselves are already making millions of human and automated decisions a day with respect to the moderation and curation of content, based upon their own policies,” the spokesman said. The European Union, which already places severe limitations on free expression online, has already provided funding for implementation worldwide, UNESCO added. The Biden administration told The Epoch Times that it wasn't involved in creating the plan. “We will reserve comment until we finish carefully studying the plan,” the State Department said in an email. Free Speech Concern Grows Concerns over the implications for freedom of speech and free expression online are mounting as awareness of the UNESCO plan spreads. Sarah McLaughlin, a senior scholar at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), expressed alarm. "FIRE appreciates that UNESCO’s new action plan for social media recognizes the value of transparency and the need for protecting freedom of expression, but remains deeply concerned about efforts to regulate online ‘disinformation’ and ‘hate speech,’” Ms. McLaughlin told The Epoch Times. Read more here... https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/inside-un-plan-control-speech-online
    Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online
    The UN is escalating its war against 'conspiracy theories' and 'misinformation' by creating an 'internet of trust.'
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 17094 Views
  • Hello Actifiters.
    I miss days of higher activity count, please self bring back those days........
    So grateful to God for the gift of life.
    Yes this is me celebrating life and reporting my actifit for Monday 19th, June 2023.
    As usual I woke up around 6:05am, with clear weather ????
    I was humming to a song as I happily did my normal routine house chores and few online activities.
    Just in the middle of everything, it started raining ????
    Is not as if I don't like rain, I do.
    They brings out that greeny vegetation, sweeps the streets and guitar clean.
    But I could do with not much of it right?
    Anyways, this triggered a long rest at home.

    The weather cleared and little funny sun came up in the mid afternoon.

    I felt lazy to go out, just stepped out not far from home.
    Didn't know why my mood was swinging.
    Well, I was opportuned to have a long chat with friends.
    To be honest, it made me feel much better.
    I ended the day with completing aliveandthriving curation, and I finished up a write up on my Korean drama episode by episode review but couldn't post it.
    I published it this morning.
    Let's go again today ????
    Wishing you all a marvelous day.
    I really appreciate having you in my blog.
    Much love from me to you ???????? This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 19/06/2023 4156 Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking
    ----------- REFERENT URL ---------------
    Hello Actifiters. I miss days of higher activity count, please self bring back those days........ So grateful to God for the gift of life. Yes this is me celebrating life and reporting my actifit for Monday 19th, June 2023. As usual I woke up around 6:05am, with clear weather ???? I was humming to a song as I happily did my normal routine house chores and few online activities. Just in the middle of everything, it started raining ???? Is not as if I don't like rain, I do. They brings out that greeny vegetation, sweeps the streets and guitar clean. But I could do with not much of it right? Anyways, this triggered a long rest at home. The weather cleared and little funny sun came up in the mid afternoon. I felt lazy to go out, just stepped out not far from home. Didn't know why my mood was swinging. Well, I was opportuned to have a long chat with friends. To be honest, it made me feel much better. I ended the day with completing aliveandthriving curation, and I finished up a write up on my Korean drama episode by episode review but couldn't post it. I published it this morning. Let's go again today ???? Wishing you all a marvelous day. I really appreciate having you in my blog. Much love from me to you ???????? This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 19/06/2023 4156 Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking ----------- REFERENT URL --------------- https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXv9QWiAYiLCSr3sKxVzUJVrgin3ZZWM2CExEo3fd5GUS/sep3.png https://actifit.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ACTIVITYDATE.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmRgAoqi4vUVymaro8hXdRraNX6LHkXhMRBZxEo5vVWXDN/ACTIVITYCOUNT.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZ6ZT8VaEpaDzB16qZzK8omffbWUpEpe4BkJkMXmN3xrF/ACTIVITYTYPE.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmNp6YwAm2qwquALZw8PdcovDorwaBSFuxQ38TrYziGT6b/A-20.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmQqfpSmcQtfrHAtzfBtVccXwUL9vKNgZJ2j93m8WNjizw/l5.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmbWy8KzKT1UvCvznUTaFPw6wBUcyLtBT5XL9wdbB7Hfmn/l6.png https://bit.ly/actifit-app https://bit.ly/actifit-ios
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 13310 Views
  • Hello Amigos.
    It is with great joy that I humbly welcome you to my blog and my actifit report for Wednesday 14th June, 2023.
    I started my day by being so grateful to God for waking me by 6:10am.
    The day was not cloudy, so I washed few clothes after doing my normal routine house chores.

    Then I went for a walk while I took random photos.

    This location is beginning to be my new found place to walk in the morning.

    I spent my afternoon indoors and getting some few task online done.
    The weather changed though, it showed all signs of rain.
    In the evening I went out to get few things I needed for dinner meal.
    When I came back I watched a Nigerian movie titled prophet suddenly with my friends.
    After debating and arguing about the movie.
    I finished up with aliveandthriving curation before calling it a day.
    Have a wonderful day you all ????
    I really appreciate your stopping by my blog. This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 14/06/2023 5239 Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking
    ----------- REFERENT URL ---------------
    Hello Amigos. It is with great joy that I humbly welcome you to my blog and my actifit report for Wednesday 14th June, 2023. I started my day by being so grateful to God for waking me by 6:10am. The day was not cloudy, so I washed few clothes after doing my normal routine house chores. Then I went for a walk while I took random photos. This location is beginning to be my new found place to walk in the morning. I spent my afternoon indoors and getting some few task online done. The weather changed though, it showed all signs of rain. In the evening I went out to get few things I needed for dinner meal. When I came back I watched a Nigerian movie titled prophet suddenly with my friends. After debating and arguing about the movie. I finished up with aliveandthriving curation before calling it a day. Have a wonderful day you all ???? I really appreciate your stopping by my blog. This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 14/06/2023 5239 Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking ----------- REFERENT URL --------------- https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXv9QWiAYiLCSr3sKxVzUJVrgin3ZZWM2CExEo3fd5GUS/sep3.png https://actifit.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ACTIVITYDATE.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmRgAoqi4vUVymaro8hXdRraNX6LHkXhMRBZxEo5vVWXDN/ACTIVITYCOUNT.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZ6ZT8VaEpaDzB16qZzK8omffbWUpEpe4BkJkMXmN3xrF/ACTIVITYTYPE.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmNp6YwAm2qwquALZw8PdcovDorwaBSFuxQ38TrYziGT6b/A-20.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmQqfpSmcQtfrHAtzfBtVccXwUL9vKNgZJ2j93m8WNjizw/l5.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmbWy8KzKT1UvCvznUTaFPw6wBUcyLtBT5XL9wdbB7Hfmn/l6.png https://bit.ly/actifit-app https://bit.ly/actifit-ios
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 5828 Views
  • Since the day I joined Hive, I've learned a lot of new stuff. That was in August 2021. I was startled to read taskmaster4450's article about the exponential age because I had never seen such a viewpoint before. It appears as though the author is from another planet.
    Then, from August 2021 to February 2022, I wandered around Hive without realizing the fantastic possibility that this emerging blockchain was offering. Things didn't start making sense until March 2022.
    Beginning that month, my learning process on Hive has increased significantly. You know learning and applying new ideas isn’t easy, especially for an aging man like me. They say it’s really difficult to teach an old dog new tricks.
    Nevertheless, I had several first-time experiences since that month. I think that’s the first and major transition that shaped the way how I grew in my understanding of Hive.
    Participating in LEO Power Up Day (LPUD), buying CUB, joining listnerds.com and @bradleyarrow’s curation trail, and writing about CENT are the new things I learned since that month. That was one year and three months ago.
    The LeoThreads widespread adoption effort launched on May 1 is at a different stage of development from the growth I mentioned above. The image that comes to mind is a price increase brought on by a significant trend.
    ![pexels-anna-nekrashevich-6802042-Price Spike.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/EqdA2yMujkK1KVPcJdt4Bu4X5UWZsMVvL1bQgbM7oFKpNTnwBj8FJN2f1J3Wyk7cBSV.jpg)
    [Photo Credit
    My Hive activity has undergone a significant transformation after the release of LeoThreads on https://leofinance.io/ version 2 (Note: I am at a loss for words to characterize the current condition of LeoFinance). The first thing I now do every day is check the threads. Before, it wasn't like this. Naturally, there are drawbacks to this, such as a tendency to overlook important Hive events like HIVE Power Up Day and writing lengthy content.
    Before the launch of LeoThreads, I have been describing myself as a “treader” though I didn’t make an official announcement about it on social media. My definition of a treader is inspired by a combination of three ideas: walking cautiously, trading, and reading. For non-native English speakers, these two words: “treader” and “threader” might sound the same.
    The latter refers to microblogging and I love it because its content is not confined to a single category; it is open to all types of content. As such, threads make engagement spontaneous and online learning more easily digestible.
    Reasons Why I am Bullish on LEO
    Serving as an alternative to a centralized microblogging platform like Twitter is a good start but not enough.
    The 10,000 USD prize pool that will be distributed within five days from now somehow made the Leo community excited. However, such excitement is short-term if not matched with a long-term vision of the growth and sustainability of the Leo projects.
    Except for the above reasons I mentioned such as microblogging providing an avenue for instant conversation and digestible content, as a Web3 alternative, and the 10,000 USD incentive, the additional reasons why I am bullish on LEO are as follows:
    Last 05 May, I wrote what I believe to be the benefits of making threads. I mentioned there how I agreed with this idea that the bigger transactions on the chain work to the advantage of the Hive network, the Leo tribe, and our tokens.
    Another reason is related to ad revenue. If the income from advertising will be returned to the LEO token, in such a scenario, all LEO holders win.
    A third reason would be LeoThreads operating as a communication hub for all the tribes within the Hive network. As such, threads can be an avenue for your content to find a wider audience.
    Still, another reason is the potential for micro-earnings. We cannot underestimate the power of small things. All big changes in one way or another started with small steps.
    Closely connected to crypto earning, I think if the recent idea suggested by @taskmaster4450 about the collateralization of the LEO assets will be considered for implementation, we have a solid reason to be exceedingly excited about the future of our platform. Given the fact that the world is in bad need of quality collateral as TM repeatedly argues, I think the LeoFinance can enter that space to fill up such a demand.
    Above all, I enjoy the fun of threading in connecting to other Hivers, lions, and other tribes. To conclude this post, I agree with @meitanteikudo’s poetical description of threads:

    a joyful playground, a joyous meeting where everyone’s voice is heard, a friendly tour guide, a vibrant marketplace of perspectives, and even radiant stars that shine brightly in the LeoFinance galaxy.

    Grace and peace!
    What is LeoFinance?
    What is Hive?
    Since the day I joined Hive, I've learned a lot of new stuff. That was in August 2021. I was startled to read taskmaster4450's article about the exponential age because I had never seen such a viewpoint before. It appears as though the author is from another planet. Then, from August 2021 to February 2022, I wandered around Hive without realizing the fantastic possibility that this emerging blockchain was offering. Things didn't start making sense until March 2022. Beginning that month, my learning process on Hive has increased significantly. You know learning and applying new ideas isn’t easy, especially for an aging man like me. They say it’s really difficult to teach an old dog new tricks. Nevertheless, I had several first-time experiences since that month. I think that’s the first and major transition that shaped the way how I grew in my understanding of Hive. Participating in LEO Power Up Day (LPUD), buying CUB, joining listnerds.com and @bradleyarrow’s curation trail, and writing about CENT are the new things I learned since that month. That was one year and three months ago. The LeoThreads widespread adoption effort launched on May 1 is at a different stage of development from the growth I mentioned above. The image that comes to mind is a price increase brought on by a significant trend. ![pexels-anna-nekrashevich-6802042-Price Spike.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/EqdA2yMujkK1KVPcJdt4Bu4X5UWZsMVvL1bQgbM7oFKpNTnwBj8FJN2f1J3Wyk7cBSV.jpg) [Photo Credit ](https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-person-holding-smartphone-6802042/) My Hive activity has undergone a significant transformation after the release of LeoThreads on https://leofinance.io/ version 2 (Note: I am at a loss for words to characterize the current condition of LeoFinance). The first thing I now do every day is check the threads. Before, it wasn't like this. Naturally, there are drawbacks to this, such as a tendency to overlook important Hive events like HIVE Power Up Day and writing lengthy content. Before the launch of LeoThreads, I have been describing myself as a “treader” though I didn’t make an official announcement about it on social media. My definition of a treader is inspired by a combination of three ideas: walking cautiously, trading, and reading. For non-native English speakers, these two words: “treader” and “threader” might sound the same. The latter refers to microblogging and I love it because its content is not confined to a single category; it is open to all types of content. As such, threads make engagement spontaneous and online learning more easily digestible. Reasons Why I am Bullish on LEO Serving as an alternative to a centralized microblogging platform like Twitter is a good start but not enough. The 10,000 USD prize pool that will be distributed within five days from now somehow made the Leo community excited. However, such excitement is short-term if not matched with a long-term vision of the growth and sustainability of the Leo projects. Except for the above reasons I mentioned such as microblogging providing an avenue for instant conversation and digestible content, as a Web3 alternative, and the 10,000 USD incentive, the additional reasons why I am bullish on LEO are as follows: Last 05 May, I wrote what I believe to be the benefits of making threads. I mentioned there how I agreed with this idea that the bigger transactions on the chain work to the advantage of the Hive network, the Leo tribe, and our tokens. Another reason is related to ad revenue. If the income from advertising will be returned to the LEO token, in such a scenario, all LEO holders win. A third reason would be LeoThreads operating as a communication hub for all the tribes within the Hive network. As such, threads can be an avenue for your content to find a wider audience. Still, another reason is the potential for micro-earnings. We cannot underestimate the power of small things. All big changes in one way or another started with small steps. Closely connected to crypto earning, I think if the recent idea suggested by @taskmaster4450 about the collateralization of the LEO assets will be considered for implementation, we have a solid reason to be exceedingly excited about the future of our platform. Given the fact that the world is in bad need of quality collateral as TM repeatedly argues, I think the LeoFinance can enter that space to fill up such a demand. Above all, I enjoy the fun of threading in connecting to other Hivers, lions, and other tribes. To conclude this post, I agree with @meitanteikudo’s poetical description of threads: a joyful playground, a joyous meeting where everyone’s voice is heard, a friendly tour guide, a vibrant marketplace of perspectives, and even radiant stars that shine brightly in the LeoFinance galaxy. Grace and peace! What is LeoFinance? What is Hive?
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 15186 Views
  • ![05-pexels-daniel-torobekov-4886378-Dolphin.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/241QGmkyQF1N2foof3Es76McihbTVJNnYQx5DkDm8ViV3CLp2Km2QNfvYLEttVMgA9G5q.jpg)
    [Photo Credit](Photo%20by%20Daniel%20Torobekov:%20https:/www.pexels.com/photo/lonely-dolphin-in-blue-water-4886378/)
    On my 56th birthday, I decided to write a post about my Dolphin goal. This birthday post is an article aimed at small players, particularly Hivers from developing nations. Specifically, this is for Minnows out there just like me who decided to reach Dolphin status in years to come.
    My current HP is 2,103. A Dolphin has a minimum HP of 5,616. I need 3,513 more HP for my account to grow from a Minnow into a Dolphin.
    How long will it take for a $35.70 monthly savings to accomplish such a goal? And besides, that savings do not only go to HIVE power, but also to LEO and other Hive Engine tokens like SPS, WOO, and GLX. Though relying on such an amount will take a longer period, that’s one of the ways for me to hit my target.
    Insights from @arcange’s Graph
    Yesterday, I saw the graph below:
    ![Hive Accounts-24 April 2023.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23xf6xYsu3YEcgPe6N81Q4RaNVarUdh2kchcBFSjBigNWr7AtYqsFH62tmEzZHFcHesTX.png)
    As you can observe, out of 8,957 Minnows, 4,328 have been active so far for the last thirty days. That’s less than 50%. It shows that for the whole month, more Minnows are not posting, commenting, or upvoting.
    Turning our attention to Dolphins, the data shows a more encouraging result. The number of active accounts is more than twice the size of inactive accounts. Simply observing the different fish categories based on the size of HP, we can say that the higher the status, the more activity we can see.
    To make the data above more comprehensible, I transferred them into a table:

    Account Level
    Total Number of Accounts






    I am glad to be included among the 4,329 Minnows that remain active on the chain for the whole month. That is a very small number. There is still a huge space for growth in the Hive network in terms of HIVE Power (HP). How I wish to see myself transition into the Dolphin category and be included in that 1,152 active accounts.
    If the current rate of the growth of my account will be my reference, it means that it will take more or less three years for me to complete my Dolphin goal. Of course, I do not include other variables that might affect the direction of my account such as the volatility of HIVE’s market price and other unexpected incidents and threats.
    To reach 2,103 HP, took me one year and eight months. 1,440 of them are author rewards and 114 are curation rewards. The remaining 549, I used my savings to buy from the market.
    Unfortunately, I observe that due to changes in the schedule of my work, my author rewards started to decline these past few months for a lack of time to create content. And not only that, an Hiver particularly a small account owner has to accept the fact that big votes are beyond our control. Since this is the case, I am now thinking of focusing my attention on curation rewards. But for them to become significant, I need to find a way to boost my HIVE Power (HP) and I think except for my monthly savings and curation activity, I can utilize the Hive Engine tokens I own to focus on increasing my HIVE Power (HP).
    Hive Engine Tokens Update
    Checking my current token list, I am thinking about how can my Hive Engine tokens help me achieve my Dolphin goal. I think I have to make some adjustments.
    About CTP, I am having second thoughts. My original goal was to achieve 30,000 staked CTP on listnerds.com. However, after experiencing some difficulty both in staking CTP and in receiving staking rewards on listnerds.com, I decided to shift my attention to HIVE. I think I will stop with the 26,350 CTP Power.

    As for other Hive Engine tokens, you can see the progress in the table below. I made my last report more than a month ago.

    Token Increase
    % Growth
    2023 Goal








    I achieve more than 50% of my SPS goal. Once the 10,000 goal has been achieved, all SPS staking rewards will go to HIVE.
    The same thing to LEO, once I achieve the CUB status with 5,000 LEO Power, all LEO that I will earn will go to HIVE.
    Same as SPS, I am more than halfway through my 1M SME goal. Once I reach that, all SME rewards will go to HIVE.
    As already mentioned, my CTP stake is enough. All CTP rewards from now on will go to HIVE.
    As for WOO, my goal is 100,000. Once done, all WOO will be converted to HIVE.
    Lastly, I am impressed with GLX's performance. It grew by 88.81%. Once I achieve that 10,000 goal, all GLX rewards will go to HIVE.
    And so that's my plan to achieve my Dolphin status. I will use my monthly savings; will focus on curation activity, and, I will utilize Hive Engine tokens to grow my HIVE Power (HP).
    Thanks for your time!
    Grace and peace!
    What is Hive
    What is LeoFinance?
    ![05-pexels-daniel-torobekov-4886378-Dolphin.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/241QGmkyQF1N2foof3Es76McihbTVJNnYQx5DkDm8ViV3CLp2Km2QNfvYLEttVMgA9G5q.jpg) [Photo Credit](Photo%20by%20Daniel%20Torobekov:%20https:/www.pexels.com/photo/lonely-dolphin-in-blue-water-4886378/) On my 56th birthday, I decided to write a post about my Dolphin goal. This birthday post is an article aimed at small players, particularly Hivers from developing nations. Specifically, this is for Minnows out there just like me who decided to reach Dolphin status in years to come. My current HP is 2,103. A Dolphin has a minimum HP of 5,616. I need 3,513 more HP for my account to grow from a Minnow into a Dolphin. How long will it take for a $35.70 monthly savings to accomplish such a goal? And besides, that savings do not only go to HIVE power, but also to LEO and other Hive Engine tokens like SPS, WOO, and GLX. Though relying on such an amount will take a longer period, that’s one of the ways for me to hit my target. Insights from @arcange’s Graph Yesterday, I saw the graph below: ![Hive Accounts-24 April 2023.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23xf6xYsu3YEcgPe6N81Q4RaNVarUdh2kchcBFSjBigNWr7AtYqsFH62tmEzZHFcHesTX.png) [Source](https://peakd.com/hive-133987/@arcange/hive-statistics-20230422-en) As you can observe, out of 8,957 Minnows, 4,328 have been active so far for the last thirty days. That’s less than 50%. It shows that for the whole month, more Minnows are not posting, commenting, or upvoting. Turning our attention to Dolphins, the data shows a more encouraging result. The number of active accounts is more than twice the size of inactive accounts. Simply observing the different fish categories based on the size of HP, we can say that the higher the status, the more activity we can see. To make the data above more comprehensible, I transferred them into a table: Account Level Total Number of Accounts Inactive Active Plankton 2.43M 2.16M 279,060 Minnow 8,957 4,629 4,328 Dolphin 1,666 514 1,152 Orca 260 55 205 Whale 36 9 27 I am glad to be included among the 4,329 Minnows that remain active on the chain for the whole month. That is a very small number. There is still a huge space for growth in the Hive network in terms of HIVE Power (HP). How I wish to see myself transition into the Dolphin category and be included in that 1,152 active accounts. If the current rate of the growth of my account will be my reference, it means that it will take more or less three years for me to complete my Dolphin goal. Of course, I do not include other variables that might affect the direction of my account such as the volatility of HIVE’s market price and other unexpected incidents and threats. To reach 2,103 HP, took me one year and eight months. 1,440 of them are author rewards and 114 are curation rewards. The remaining 549, I used my savings to buy from the market. Unfortunately, I observe that due to changes in the schedule of my work, my author rewards started to decline these past few months for a lack of time to create content. And not only that, an Hiver particularly a small account owner has to accept the fact that big votes are beyond our control. Since this is the case, I am now thinking of focusing my attention on curation rewards. But for them to become significant, I need to find a way to boost my HIVE Power (HP) and I think except for my monthly savings and curation activity, I can utilize the Hive Engine tokens I own to focus on increasing my HIVE Power (HP). Hive Engine Tokens Update Checking my current token list, I am thinking about how can my Hive Engine tokens help me achieve my Dolphin goal. I think I have to make some adjustments. About CTP, I am having second thoughts. My original goal was to achieve 30,000 staked CTP on listnerds.com. However, after experiencing some difficulty both in staking CTP and in receiving staking rewards on listnerds.com, I decided to shift my attention to HIVE. I think I will stop with the 26,350 CTP Power. As for other Hive Engine tokens, you can see the progress in the table below. I made my last report more than a month ago. Names Previous Current Token Increase % Growth 2023 Goal HP 1,901 2,103 202 10.62% 5,000 SPS 4,047 5,146 1,099 27.15% 10,000 LEO 2,006 2,606 600 29.91% 5,000 SME 420,092 529,427 109,335 26.02% 2,000,000 CTP 26,302 32,601 6,299 23.94% 60,000 WOO 32,081 45,730 13,649 42.54% 100,000 GLX 624.94 1,180 555.06 88.81% 10,000 I achieve more than 50% of my SPS goal. Once the 10,000 goal has been achieved, all SPS staking rewards will go to HIVE. The same thing to LEO, once I achieve the CUB status with 5,000 LEO Power, all LEO that I will earn will go to HIVE. Same as SPS, I am more than halfway through my 1M SME goal. Once I reach that, all SME rewards will go to HIVE. As already mentioned, my CTP stake is enough. All CTP rewards from now on will go to HIVE. As for WOO, my goal is 100,000. Once done, all WOO will be converted to HIVE. Lastly, I am impressed with GLX's performance. It grew by 88.81%. Once I achieve that 10,000 goal, all GLX rewards will go to HIVE. And so that's my plan to achieve my Dolphin status. I will use my monthly savings; will focus on curation activity, and, I will utilize Hive Engine tokens to grow my HIVE Power (HP). Thanks for your time! Grace and peace! What is Hive What is LeoFinance?
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 5960 Views
  • ![IMG_20230407_155601~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmdAQNUwri2FRF6xv3MntZuzNZFEmz5c6JDkYTShRar5Mz/IMG_20230407_155601~2.jpg)
    One of the initiatives I took recently about my art is trying something different (not necessarily new). Iv once made animal based portraits recurrently and shared them too about three years ago. But I hardly got feedbacks, engagements or even curation and so I quitted, sticking with my portraits.
    Some two days ago when I shared the drawing of that puppy,I added that I saw an artist share it. Well, the same goes for this...
    The outlines....
    **Thanks for the visit friends.**
    ![IMG_20230407_155601~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmdAQNUwri2FRF6xv3MntZuzNZFEmz5c6JDkYTShRar5Mz/IMG_20230407_155601~2.jpg) ___ ___ One of the initiatives I took recently about my art is trying something different (not necessarily new). Iv once made animal based portraits recurrently and shared them too about three years ago. But I hardly got feedbacks, engagements or even curation and so I quitted, sticking with my portraits. ___ Some two days ago when I shared the drawing of that puppy,I added that I saw an artist share it. Well, the same goes for this... ___ ___ ![IMG_20230407_155601~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmdAQNUwri2FRF6xv3MntZuzNZFEmz5c6JDkYTShRar5Mz/IMG_20230407_155601~2.jpg) ___ ___ ___ ___ The outlines.... ![IMG_20230407_153334~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmYGJFKGPXXPjRceaTukRDp7zYLyw5tLS87oBkbCHqEezP/IMG_20230407_153334~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230407_153846~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmS3ptYzayCGC2TTsfHoGzrSE74FAcp6sWfjZJuFcY5Ktn/IMG_20230407_153846~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230407_154802~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmT5fLb7S2vNGZUjVPTsJCrCyZshrke2zd4maVxqWb5RJt/IMG_20230407_154802~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230407_155506~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmTzu8mikupprUBaHDy651P1DYGfgWsLtcmrB18Vm9SZKb/IMG_20230407_155506~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230407_155601~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmdAQNUwri2FRF6xv3MntZuzNZFEmz5c6JDkYTShRar5Mz/IMG_20230407_155601~2.jpg) ___ ___ **Thanks for the visit friends.**
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 3865 Views
  • I feel more stressed out now in my current job compared to my four years of working hard in South Korea. Primarily, this is because our tasks are not well-defined and it seems more are being added as days pass.
    Expectations are not clear. Institutional communication is a constant struggle. It appears that people are not used to following protocol. This creates a lot of confusion.
    This situation prevents me from creating content on Hive during my spare time. I find it difficult to concentrate on my thoughts. Despite giving my best, I still find many things left undone. In times like that, I tend to look for diversion. I don’t want to shorten my life in this kind of institutional culture that has been built up for years.
    This morning, reading one of @taskmaster4450’s articles about the idea of Hive as a digital real estate and combining it with the question about how can I earn a curation reward of 1 HP per day, this somehow triggers my mind to write.
    I think these two thoughts are connected. Since curation rewards play a significant role in the growth of one’s HIVE Power and in growing one’s “digital real estate,” it is proper to ask this question:

    If Hive offers us access to digital real estate ownership, what should be our proper response?

    [Photo Credit](https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-and-red-house-surrounded-by-trees-at-night-1612351/)
    Finding an answer to the above question can provide me a guide in growing my HIVE Power (HP) particularly if I can break down the answer into specific steps. It could serve as a HIVE Power Personal Plan (HPPP).
    Not only me, I think many in developing nations will find such a question very relevant. Most of us don’t have the privilege of owning a real piece of land. Even owning our own house is a dream that for many of us is beyond our reach.
    Of course, I don’t have the numbers to back up this claim. This is simply my common observation among my acquaintances. Very few of us own our houses.
    I imagine my father in the 1970s who is just a security guard but he can support a family of five. Unlike today, even though both my wife and I are working, we still struggle to own a house. Except for buying books in the past, I don’t have any vices and I live a very frugal life. And yet after working for almost close to a four-decade and in four-year time, I will be reaching my senior years, and yet until now, I still struggle financially to provide for my family.
    Of course, I have no one to blame. And other unavoidable circumstances in life prevent me to achieve such a dream in my 40s. One of them is marital trouble. Another is a lack of financial IQ. All I know for the first 23 years of my working life is to earn and spend.
    Saving and investing are not part of my financial discipline. Even after learning financial literacy in 2009, that’s 14 years ago, still, the dream of financial freedom seems so far away.
    I consider stumbling upon Hive at the height of the pandemic and the lockdown in August 2021 providential. Though it took me more or less seven months to wonder what Hive is all about, in March of 2022, thanks again to taskmaster that after reading his article about Hive as a compounding machine via layer two tokens, things started to make sense.
    I love analogies. It makes the human mind think in concrete terms by relating abstract ideas to things we are familiar with. Describing Hive as a digital real estate is one of them. It challenges me to think of specific steps to grow such a digital asset.
    Grace and peace!
    What is LeoFinance?
    What is Hive?
    I feel more stressed out now in my current job compared to my four years of working hard in South Korea. Primarily, this is because our tasks are not well-defined and it seems more are being added as days pass. Expectations are not clear. Institutional communication is a constant struggle. It appears that people are not used to following protocol. This creates a lot of confusion. This situation prevents me from creating content on Hive during my spare time. I find it difficult to concentrate on my thoughts. Despite giving my best, I still find many things left undone. In times like that, I tend to look for diversion. I don’t want to shorten my life in this kind of institutional culture that has been built up for years. This morning, reading one of @taskmaster4450’s articles about the idea of Hive as a digital real estate and combining it with the question about how can I earn a curation reward of 1 HP per day, this somehow triggers my mind to write. I think these two thoughts are connected. Since curation rewards play a significant role in the growth of one’s HIVE Power and in growing one’s “digital real estate,” it is proper to ask this question: If Hive offers us access to digital real estate ownership, what should be our proper response? [Photo Credit](https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-and-red-house-surrounded-by-trees-at-night-1612351/) Finding an answer to the above question can provide me a guide in growing my HIVE Power (HP) particularly if I can break down the answer into specific steps. It could serve as a HIVE Power Personal Plan (HPPP). Not only me, I think many in developing nations will find such a question very relevant. Most of us don’t have the privilege of owning a real piece of land. Even owning our own house is a dream that for many of us is beyond our reach. Of course, I don’t have the numbers to back up this claim. This is simply my common observation among my acquaintances. Very few of us own our houses. I imagine my father in the 1970s who is just a security guard but he can support a family of five. Unlike today, even though both my wife and I are working, we still struggle to own a house. Except for buying books in the past, I don’t have any vices and I live a very frugal life. And yet after working for almost close to a four-decade and in four-year time, I will be reaching my senior years, and yet until now, I still struggle financially to provide for my family. Of course, I have no one to blame. And other unavoidable circumstances in life prevent me to achieve such a dream in my 40s. One of them is marital trouble. Another is a lack of financial IQ. All I know for the first 23 years of my working life is to earn and spend. Saving and investing are not part of my financial discipline. Even after learning financial literacy in 2009, that’s 14 years ago, still, the dream of financial freedom seems so far away. I consider stumbling upon Hive at the height of the pandemic and the lockdown in August 2021 providential. Though it took me more or less seven months to wonder what Hive is all about, in March of 2022, thanks again to taskmaster that after reading his article about Hive as a compounding machine via layer two tokens, things started to make sense. I love analogies. It makes the human mind think in concrete terms by relating abstract ideas to things we are familiar with. Describing Hive as a digital real estate is one of them. It challenges me to think of specific steps to grow such a digital asset. Grace and peace! What is LeoFinance? What is Hive?
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 3077 Views
  • ![PUD-April.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23uFHFfkCuikwV2tm7KuQj3FZF4WGU4XfWVjS6BX4wgNcsZTcryK2YnEkA4xMQsUT8u2L.png)
    Today, I powered up 10 HIVE eight hours earlier than last month. Thanks to my brother-in-law for fixing the time zone on my laptop.
    The month of April is also my birth month. I consider today's HIVE PUD significant for this will mark my 56th birthday.
    As I shared in my last post, my HIVE accumulation dropped significantly starting the month of February due to my failure to participate in Splinterlands' two weekly posting activities. Missing these activities, I estimate that I am missing at least 150 additional HIVE. Because of such failure, achieving my 2,000 HP goal has been delayed. I thought it will take me until today to reach the 2,000 mark.
    11th January was the last entry I made for Splinterlands. I hope that before reaching the third month on the 11th of April, I could find time to write just even one post. That will add at least 10 more HIVE to my wallet.
    And so despite the decline in my HIVE accumulation, I was able to reach 2,000 HIVE Power last 29 March. That to me was a milestone. I am wondering now how long will it take for me to reach the third thousand.
    Earlier, while checking Hive Now, it was my first time observing this graph:
    ![HIVE Now.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23wMstermr3fYg17Hfjb4YhBPd7Rnhb2U67eVUqC1AsQj13eyLwzXDjhzMNkR7j4G9PCG.png)
    Though my curation rewards are small, I find this tool very helpful in monitoring my HP growth. Through this app, I could see the value of my voting power and at what time of the day. This made me curious to check which votes of mine gave me the higher HP. And to my surprise, it was my upvoting of micro-posts published by a few members of the SoMee tribe.
    Another tool I find helpful to monitor my HP growth is hivestats.io:
    ![Hive Stats.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/Eo1xJxVZfxCGQLPcHQEXJybDe71X83iAmfsuwS5FbAMDVe2Ap5d4nQ6VVX9QER8A6kj.png)
    By just checking the graph, you can immediately see if you have done your part in powering up HIVE both in PUM and PUD. So the above chart is my current status as a result of powering up 10 HIVE earlier.
    And then I received a notification from @hivebuzz:
    ![PUD Notification.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/EoeLkh219GKJXesbwtK4z1KkbRgjaqM193qaAFwRj4jLxNXATGrB8N59jM4KdH1pxcp.png)
    As for the outcome of my participation in HIVE Power Up Month (PUM), I am still waiting for confirmation. I am not sure if I hit all the days in March or if there is any day that I missed powering up HIVE.
    Anyhow, as for the update of my account, the chart below shows my slow but steady growth in HIVE Power:

    Starting HP
    Ending HP
    HP Growth
    % Growth
    Cumulative % Growth

    01 January

    01 February

    01 March

    01 April

    So in today's PUD, my HP growth in terms of percentage is a little bit higher than last month from 6.29% to 9.50%. My cumulative growth so far for this year is now at 62.58% starting with 1,240 HP last 01 January and ending with 2,016 today.
    My short-term goal now is to reach 3,000 HIVE Power onward to that Dolphin goal.
    Wishing all Hivers a bullish 2023 and more HIVE Power to all who are participating in today's HIVE PUD!
    Grace and peace!
    What is Hive?
    What is LeoFinance?
    ![PUD-April.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23uFHFfkCuikwV2tm7KuQj3FZF4WGU4XfWVjS6BX4wgNcsZTcryK2YnEkA4xMQsUT8u2L.png) Today, I powered up 10 HIVE eight hours earlier than last month. Thanks to my brother-in-law for fixing the time zone on my laptop. The month of April is also my birth month. I consider today's HIVE PUD significant for this will mark my 56th birthday. As I shared in my last post, my HIVE accumulation dropped significantly starting the month of February due to my failure to participate in Splinterlands' two weekly posting activities. Missing these activities, I estimate that I am missing at least 150 additional HIVE. Because of such failure, achieving my 2,000 HP goal has been delayed. I thought it will take me until today to reach the 2,000 mark. 11th January was the last entry I made for Splinterlands. I hope that before reaching the third month on the 11th of April, I could find time to write just even one post. That will add at least 10 more HIVE to my wallet. And so despite the decline in my HIVE accumulation, I was able to reach 2,000 HIVE Power last 29 March. That to me was a milestone. I am wondering now how long will it take for me to reach the third thousand. Earlier, while checking Hive Now, it was my first time observing this graph: ![HIVE Now.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23wMstermr3fYg17Hfjb4YhBPd7Rnhb2U67eVUqC1AsQj13eyLwzXDjhzMNkR7j4G9PCG.png) Though my curation rewards are small, I find this tool very helpful in monitoring my HP growth. Through this app, I could see the value of my voting power and at what time of the day. This made me curious to check which votes of mine gave me the higher HP. And to my surprise, it was my upvoting of micro-posts published by a few members of the SoMee tribe. Another tool I find helpful to monitor my HP growth is hivestats.io: ![Hive Stats.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/Eo1xJxVZfxCGQLPcHQEXJybDe71X83iAmfsuwS5FbAMDVe2Ap5d4nQ6VVX9QER8A6kj.png) By just checking the graph, you can immediately see if you have done your part in powering up HIVE both in PUM and PUD. So the above chart is my current status as a result of powering up 10 HIVE earlier. And then I received a notification from @hivebuzz: ![PUD Notification.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/EoeLkh219GKJXesbwtK4z1KkbRgjaqM193qaAFwRj4jLxNXATGrB8N59jM4KdH1pxcp.png) As for the outcome of my participation in HIVE Power Up Month (PUM), I am still waiting for confirmation. I am not sure if I hit all the days in March or if there is any day that I missed powering up HIVE. Anyhow, as for the update of my account, the chart below shows my slow but steady growth in HIVE Power: Date Starting HP Ending HP HP Growth % Growth Cumulative % Growth 01 January 1,240 1,518 278 22.41% 22.41% 01 February 1,518 1,732 214 14.09% 39.67% 01 March 1,732 1,841 109 6.29% 48.46% 01 April 1,841 2,016 175 9.50% 62.58% So in today's PUD, my HP growth in terms of percentage is a little bit higher than last month from 6.29% to 9.50%. My cumulative growth so far for this year is now at 62.58% starting with 1,240 HP last 01 January and ending with 2,016 today. My short-term goal now is to reach 3,000 HIVE Power onward to that Dolphin goal. Wishing all Hivers a bullish 2023 and more HIVE Power to all who are participating in today's HIVE PUD! Grace and peace! What is Hive? What is LeoFinance?
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 3466 Views
  • Thanks, SoMee.social for the upvotes. I just realized this morning by checking on the Hive Now app that my curation activity on SoMee is giving me higher curation HP than in other tribes on Hive.



    Thanks, SoMee.social for the upvotes. I just realized this morning by checking on the Hive Now app that my curation activity on SoMee is giving me higher curation HP than in other tribes on Hive. https://somee.blog/@rzc24-nftbbg/powering-up-hive-on-my-birth-month #someeofficial
    Powering Up Hive on My Birth Month | PeakD
    A story of my HIVE PUD participation on the first day of April 2023.... by rzc24-nftbbg
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 2390 Views
  • Greetings SoMee Family
    Today let's talk about SoMee Social and all you need to know. Please don't skip this post.

    1. What is SoMee Social and how it works?

    SoMee Social is a social media platform that pays users To create & curate content. It's like Facebook or Twitter but instead of just liking or sharing content you can earn money by posting quality content that other users like.

    the platform operates on a decentralized system which means there's no Central authority controlling the platform. Instead, users who hold SME tokens are responsible for managing and maintaining the platform. SME is a digital currency used to power the platform and users can earn SME by creating and curating quality content.

    The Platform rewards users with cryptocurrency when they create or curate content that other users like. The more upvotes you get the more rewards you earn. this creates An Engaged community of users who are passionate About sharing their knowledge & expertise With a global audience.

    Users can create content in various formats such as blog posts videos & images. they can also engage with each other's content by commenting sharing and liking. this creates a lively community where users can connect with each other & share their interests.

    2. What Is SME token And How Does SoMee Social Make Its Money?

    SoMee Social is a unique social media platform that allows users to create & curate content while earning rewards in the form of a digital cryptocurrency called SME. the SME Token is used as a means of payment on the platform and it is earned by users Who contribute to The Community by creating and curating high-quality content.

    The platform Operates On a Decentralized blockchain network Which ensures transparency & security in all transactions. this means that users can trust that their content and their earnings are secure & protected.

    one of the key features of SME is its proof of brain Algorithm which reward user for their content creation & curation activities. This means that the more valuable and popular the content is the more SME token the user earns. This creates a system that incentivizes high-quality content creation and curation and encourages users to contribute to the community.

    3. Can I invest in SoMee (SME) token?

    As an analyst, I believe Whether or not SME Token is a good investment depends on a person's individual risk tolerance & investment goals. As with all cryptocurrencies Investing in SMEs involves risks such as price Volatility & regulatory uncertainty.

    However, the SoMee Platform has a strong community and a unique value proposition that sets it apart from other social media platforms. This could potentially drive the growth and adoption of the platform which in turn may increase demand for SME and raise its value over time.

    So, I suggest that you invest in SMEs, buy, and hodl(hold) it's heading to the moon sooner than expected
    I hope you learned a lot, and spread the good news. See you tomorrow.

    #SME #someeofficial #SoMee #crypto #AweSME #learning #token #coins
    Greetings SoMee Family Today let's talk about SoMee Social and all you need to know. Please don't skip this post. 1. What is SoMee Social and how it works? SoMee Social is a social media platform that pays users To create & curate content. It's like Facebook or Twitter but instead of just liking or sharing content you can earn money by posting quality content that other users like. the platform operates on a decentralized system which means there's no Central authority controlling the platform. Instead, users who hold SME tokens are responsible for managing and maintaining the platform. SME is a digital currency used to power the platform and users can earn SME by creating and curating quality content. The Platform rewards users with cryptocurrency when they create or curate content that other users like. The more upvotes you get the more rewards you earn. this creates An Engaged community of users who are passionate About sharing their knowledge & expertise With a global audience. Users can create content in various formats such as blog posts videos & images. they can also engage with each other's content by commenting sharing and liking. this creates a lively community where users can connect with each other & share their interests. 2. What Is SME token And How Does SoMee Social Make Its Money? SoMee Social is a unique social media platform that allows users to create & curate content while earning rewards in the form of a digital cryptocurrency called SME. the SME Token is used as a means of payment on the platform and it is earned by users Who contribute to The Community by creating and curating high-quality content. The platform Operates On a Decentralized blockchain network Which ensures transparency & security in all transactions. this means that users can trust that their content and their earnings are secure & protected. one of the key features of SME is its proof of brain Algorithm which reward user for their content creation & curation activities. This means that the more valuable and popular the content is the more SME token the user earns. This creates a system that incentivizes high-quality content creation and curation and encourages users to contribute to the community. 3. Can I invest in SoMee (SME) token? As an analyst, I believe Whether or not SME Token is a good investment depends on a person's individual risk tolerance & investment goals. As with all cryptocurrencies Investing in SMEs involves risks such as price Volatility & regulatory uncertainty. However, the SoMee Platform has a strong community and a unique value proposition that sets it apart from other social media platforms. This could potentially drive the growth and adoption of the platform which in turn may increase demand for SME and raise its value over time. So, I suggest that you invest in SMEs, buy, and hodl(hold) it's heading to the moon sooner than expected I hope you learned a lot, and spread the good news. See you tomorrow. #SME #someeofficial #SoMee #crypto #AweSME #learning #token #coins
    3 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 4913 Views
  • ????#SoMeeCollabAMA????

    Today's AMA was hosted by Cryptokingdom78 along with christopherkramer.10 (SoMee CEO). Bigduke also made an appearance who has 505k TikTok followers and 54.7k YouTube subs

    ????AMA Summary:

    It all started with.....

    ????Chris, Cryptokingdom and (Naim) *Najo* MMKK discussed concerns of censorship on other Socials

    ????Chris spoke about the start of One Name Global and it's named token ONG at the time. How SoMee came into existence from the 10 names to choose from and as voted by the Community

    ????When asked to know the difference between a Personal account and the benefits of having a Page or Group, Chris explains how to navigate and create either and his recommendations based on the requirement

    ????Do you earn SOMEE or do you earn a dollar amount when you post?

    $SME became our primary token. We are giving you tokens to the dollar value. There is only a certain amount given a day

    ????CryptoKingdom being shocked yet surprised shared how someone posted a picture of their breakfast and earned 10 bucks and they have 37 people following

    ????Asked by (Naim) *Najo* MMKK: Have you thought of tipping or that sort?

    The beautiful thing is it's not a tipping system. You don't have to take money out of ur own pocket. If u are powered up you curation reward

    ????What are you guys doing to keep up with the bots created to hijack the earnings on your platform?

    It's already protected by Hive, not only do they have Hive watchers, but they also make it in a way it makes it very difficult to bot. We have a method to detect them. It's already well protect against the bot -Chris

    ????Recommending to make things easy: You control your keys you control your wallet. I would recommend to download Hive keychain. It makes it super easy like you would like metamask

    ????Best way to interact?

    By posting everyday, upvoting everyday. You have 10 likes a day at a 100% voting power

    ????Where will I see the actual resource credits I have?

    And type in your user name

    Talking On Other Streams Of Income:

    ????Talking about Ad Share: Once we have reached 3-5 million, we will release the Ad Share Market Place. It's another earning stream. G-Boost, Global Boost is what it's called

    ????NFT special folder - give your audience the choice to buy from the newsfeed. Platform takes 2% of the cut. Another earning stream

    ????In the future when the delegations are gone, you can delegate to others. Makes you the future delegators

    ????Click the referral link from the dashboard. It's paid by PayPal or Stripe. If your on a package, on Hive it's called resource credits so that you can post, to continue to generate a passive income. That's how hive does it to protect the eco system. Those who want to cash out can on Uniswap

    ???? SoMee's Impact:

    We have case studies where we have created life changing impact:

    Roxy in Venezuela was earning $600 in the first month. Where she was able to pay for her daughters education. She could earn and cash out with life changing experience. This was pre covid during depression phase

    ???? New To Come:

    SoMee University- The team are working on it with the help of Community members, in the next week or two we will release it

    ????️Powerful words:

    "We are all about the power of choice" -Chris

    "With million hits on YouTube compared, it's 100x times difference on SoMee" -CryptoKingdom

    "I'm excited to see how this grows when we have millions and millions of users. As we grow people will earn more and fully tap in the daily reward pool" -Chris

    "It's a great aspect we are going to be Social First" -Chris

    A Few Facts And Numbers Shared By Chris:

    ????People are logging in 8.6 times a day. Spending 9 mins per session

    ????Doing a SoMee calculator with CryptoKingdom. If he has 1.1 million Friends/Followers on SoMee with a $1500 Collaborator Power Package
    *Estimated earnings: 4 million and 25 thousand a year

    Finally, Chris asked CryptoKingdom - What are you doing currently?

    Squid network first. It's the first DAP on Ethereum. I can plug in SOME token, that will give a buy pressure if they chose SOMEE which gives you two rewards. Squid and SOMEE.

    The AMA that went on for 3.5 hours, it would be difficult to Summarise such a lengthy AMA so a few Q&A, Quotes and brief details are listed. Be sure to hear the full recording once shared by the team to get the full insight and extended details.

    Thank you for your continuous support, upvotes, feedback and request for the SoMee AMA Summary. Glad it's become popular and highly appreciated and requested by our Community over the years ????

    #SoMeeOfficial #SoMeeSocial #SurpriseAMA #Collab #CommunityInfo #StayInformed #SoMee #CryptoKingdom
    ????#SoMeeCollabAMA???? Today's AMA was hosted by [Cryptokingdom78] along with [christopherkramer.10] (SoMee CEO). Bigduke also made an appearance who has 505k TikTok followers and 54.7k YouTube subs ????AMA Summary: It all started with..... ????Chris, Cryptokingdom and (Naim) *Najo* MMKK discussed concerns of censorship on other Socials ????Chris spoke about the start of One Name Global and it's named token ONG at the time. How SoMee came into existence from the 10 names to choose from and as voted by the Community ????When asked to know the difference between a Personal account and the benefits of having a Page or Group, Chris explains how to navigate and create either and his recommendations based on the requirement ????Do you earn SOMEE or do you earn a dollar amount when you post? $SME became our primary token. We are giving you tokens to the dollar value. There is only a certain amount given a day ????CryptoKingdom being shocked yet surprised shared how someone posted a picture of their breakfast and earned 10 bucks and they have 37 people following ????Asked by (Naim) *Najo* MMKK: Have you thought of tipping or that sort? The beautiful thing is it's not a tipping system. You don't have to take money out of ur own pocket. If u are powered up you curation reward ????What are you guys doing to keep up with the bots created to hijack the earnings on your platform? It's already protected by Hive, not only do they have Hive watchers, but they also make it in a way it makes it very difficult to bot. We have a method to detect them. It's already well protect against the bot -Chris ????Recommending to make things easy: You control your keys you control your wallet. I would recommend to download Hive keychain. It makes it super easy like you would like metamask ????Best way to interact? By posting everyday, upvoting everyday. You have 10 likes a day at a 100% voting power ????Where will I see the actual resource credits I have? hive.ausbit.dev And type in your user name Talking On Other Streams Of Income: ????Talking about Ad Share: Once we have reached 3-5 million, we will release the Ad Share Market Place. It's another earning stream. G-Boost, Global Boost is what it's called ????NFT special folder - give your audience the choice to buy from the newsfeed. Platform takes 2% of the cut. Another earning stream ????In the future when the delegations are gone, you can delegate to others. Makes you the future delegators ????Click the referral link from the dashboard. It's paid by PayPal or Stripe. If your on a package, on Hive it's called resource credits so that you can post, to continue to generate a passive income. That's how hive does it to protect the eco system. Those who want to cash out can on Uniswap ???? SoMee's Impact: We have case studies where we have created life changing impact: Roxy in Venezuela was earning $600 in the first month. Where she was able to pay for her daughters education. She could earn and cash out with life changing experience. This was pre covid during depression phase ???? New To Come: SoMee University- The team are working on it with the help of Community members, in the next week or two we will release it ????️Powerful words: "We are all about the power of choice" -Chris "With million hits on YouTube compared, it's 100x times difference on SoMee" -CryptoKingdom "I'm excited to see how this grows when we have millions and millions of users. As we grow people will earn more and fully tap in the daily reward pool" -Chris "It's a great aspect we are going to be Social First" -Chris A Few Facts And Numbers Shared By Chris: ????People are logging in 8.6 times a day. Spending 9 mins per session ????Doing a SoMee calculator with CryptoKingdom. If he has 1.1 million Friends/Followers on SoMee with a $1500 Collaborator Power Package *Estimated earnings: 4 million and 25 thousand a year Finally, Chris asked CryptoKingdom - What are you doing currently? Squid network first. It's the first DAP on Ethereum. I can plug in SOME token, that will give a buy pressure if they chose SOMEE which gives you two rewards. Squid and SOMEE. Squidnetwork.online The AMA that went on for 3.5 hours, it would be difficult to Summarise such a lengthy AMA so a few Q&A, Quotes and brief details are listed. Be sure to hear the full recording once shared by the team to get the full insight and extended details. Thank you for your continuous support, upvotes, feedback and request for the SoMee AMA Summary. Glad it's become popular and highly appreciated and requested by our Community over the years ???? #SoMeeOfficial #SoMeeSocial #SurpriseAMA #Collab #CommunityInfo #StayInformed #SoMee #CryptoKingdom
    4 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 9261 Views
  • Nice job Team, I am noticing the improved page loading speed. You are definitely getting things ironed out. More was done on #PostValues as well, which has been ongoing. This just goes to show how complex things in the background are. The latest #development #update is below. The week before last we had 102 new accounts created, but only 46 last week. Let's hope yesterday's AMA caught people's attention and piqued their curiosity, so account creation picks up this week. You can find the Forums section here;

    Don't forget that you can keep track of these topics by visiting the #Forums page regularly. I've went into detail about the #statistics that can be found here in my #SoMeeUserTips that I post to the @AwesmeTutorials page. Make sure to stop by and like the #Page, so that these #tips and #tutorials show up in your #HomeFeed. The page can be found here;



    Site Speed Adjustment: 

    Optimized several loading routes so that we are not having longer page loading time, and content loading time
    Twitter Twemojis were having issues, as MaxCDN shut down on 12/31/2022, so we had to move that to Cloudflare CDN, which helped speed up site loading as well

    Newsfeed Speed Adjustment

    We have modified our scripts to pull data from our cache table instead of directly from the blockchain for pricing information 
    This speeds up the loading of the news feed quite a bit (makes initial content paint only 1.3 seconds instead of 8)
    Data is updated whenever people pull pricing information by clicking on the $
    Data is updated when the backend services update all the pricing information on the schedule
    Data is updated roughly every 30 seconds when our caching service (REDIS) is invalidated

    Pricing Work

    We are still working on some pricing updates and will update you all once done. The goal is to respond almost live to updates from Hive Engine and Hive when external actions take place ;)
    process right now is almost done for hive/hive engine vote/comment/reply data, so will be testing when done

    Earnings Data Updated

    Earnings data on the wallet/earnings link will update to show your ACCOUNT earnings instead of AUTHOR earnings only; this should take into account both your curation and author rewards
    We are still working on fully sorting that grid, as it has to pull from two data sources and merge them, not an easy task given each column has different info ;P

    Newsletter Management

    Worked on adding users who opt into our newsletter from the homepage to our master newsletter list. 
    Once we send those out, you can start to manage your settings

    Sign In Redirects

    For Packages, and some other functions, if you are not signed in, it'll now redirect you back to those pages AFTER you sign in, which should help keep y'all on the right pages

    Thanks for your patience while we continue to work ;)

    #SoMee #someeofficial #someeoriginals #AweSoMee #Awesme #AwesmeTutorials #UserTips #SoMeeFeatures #SoMeeGrowth #WhatsGoinOn #features #UserMetrics #faq #help #SoMeeUpdates
    Nice job Team, I am noticing the improved page loading speed. You are definitely getting things ironed out. More was done on #PostValues as well, which has been ongoing. This just goes to show how complex things in the background are. The latest #development #update is below. The week before last we had 102 new accounts created, but only 46 last week. Let's hope yesterday's AMA caught people's attention and piqued their curiosity, so account creation picks up this week. You can find the Forums section here; https://somee.social/forums Don't forget that you can keep track of these topics by visiting the #Forums page regularly. I've went into detail about the #statistics that can be found here in my #SoMeeUserTips that I post to the @AwesmeTutorials page. Make sure to stop by and like the #Page, so that these #tips and #tutorials show up in your #HomeFeed. The page can be found here; https://somee.social/pages/AwesmeTutorials #DevelopmentUpdate 01/10/2023 Site Speed Adjustment:  Optimized several loading routes so that we are not having longer page loading time, and content loading time Twitter Twemojis were having issues, as MaxCDN shut down on 12/31/2022, so we had to move that to Cloudflare CDN, which helped speed up site loading as well Newsfeed Speed Adjustment We have modified our scripts to pull data from our cache table instead of directly from the blockchain for pricing information  This speeds up the loading of the news feed quite a bit (makes initial content paint only 1.3 seconds instead of 8) Data is updated whenever people pull pricing information by clicking on the $ Data is updated when the backend services update all the pricing information on the schedule Data is updated roughly every 30 seconds when our caching service (REDIS) is invalidated Pricing Work We are still working on some pricing updates and will update you all once done. The goal is to respond almost live to updates from Hive Engine and Hive when external actions take place ;) process right now is almost done for hive/hive engine vote/comment/reply data, so will be testing when done Earnings Data Updated Earnings data on the wallet/earnings link will update to show your ACCOUNT earnings instead of AUTHOR earnings only; this should take into account both your curation and author rewards We are still working on fully sorting that grid, as it has to pull from two data sources and merge them, not an easy task given each column has different info ;P Newsletter Management Worked on adding users who opt into our newsletter from the homepage to our master newsletter list.  Once we send those out, you can start to manage your settings Sign In Redirects For Packages, and some other functions, if you are not signed in, it'll now redirect you back to those pages AFTER you sign in, which should help keep y'all on the right pages Thanks for your patience while we continue to work ;) #SoMee #someeofficial #someeoriginals #AweSoMee #Awesme #AwesmeTutorials #UserTips #SoMeeFeatures #SoMeeGrowth #WhatsGoinOn #features #UserMetrics #faq #help #SoMeeUpdates
    SoMee Social - Forums
    The great place to discuss topics with other users
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 18488 Views