• Eliminating knee pain involves a combination of lifestyle changes, exercises, and possibly medical interventions. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you achieve "ageless knees":

    Maintain a Healthy Weight: Extra weight puts additional strain on your knees. Losing weight can significantly reduce knee pain and prevent further damage.

    Stay Active: Low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, and walking can strengthen the muscles around your knees without putting too much stress on them. Strengthening these muscles can provide better support and stability for your knees.

    Stretch and Flexibility Exercises: Incorporate stretching exercises to improve flexibility in your hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. This helps in reducing stiffness and increasing the range of motion in your knees.

    Strengthening Exercises: Focus on strengthening exercises for the muscles around your knees, including quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. This can help stabilize the knee joint and reduce pain.

    Proper Footwear: Wear supportive and comfortable shoes that provide adequate cushioning and stability. Good footwear can reduce stress on your knees, especially during physical activities.

    Correct Posture: Maintain proper posture while sitting, standing, and walking to prevent unnecessary strain on your knees. Avoid activities or positions that put excessive pressure on your knees.

    Avoid High-Impact Activities: Minimize activities that involve repetitive high-impact movements, such as running on hard surfaces or jumping, as these can exacerbate knee pain.

    Use Knee Braces or Supports: Consider using knee braces or supports during physical activities to provide additional stability and reduce strain on your knees.

    Warm-up Before Exercise: Always warm up before starting any physical activity to prepare your muscles and joints for movement. This can help prevent injuries and reduce knee pain.

    Cold Therapy: Apply ice packs to your knees after physical activity or when experiencing pain to reduce inflammation and numb the area, providing temporary relief.

    Maintain Proper Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to support overall joint health. Consider incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

    Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your joints well-lubricated and prevent dehydration, which can exacerbate knee pain.

    Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals. If you experience pain or discomfort during any activity, stop and rest. Pushing through pain can lead to further injury.

    Consult a Healthcare Professional: If knee pain persists or worsens despite home remedies and lifestyle changes, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include physical therapy, medications, injections, or surgery in severe cases.

    Remember, consistency is key when it comes to managing knee pain. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine and be patient with your progress. Click to Read More: https://tinyurl.com/2w7xnxut
    #jointpain #kneepain #agelessknees #fitness #exercise
    Eliminating knee pain involves a combination of lifestyle changes, exercises, and possibly medical interventions. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you achieve "ageless knees": Maintain a Healthy Weight: Extra weight puts additional strain on your knees. Losing weight can significantly reduce knee pain and prevent further damage. Stay Active: Low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, and walking can strengthen the muscles around your knees without putting too much stress on them. Strengthening these muscles can provide better support and stability for your knees. Stretch and Flexibility Exercises: Incorporate stretching exercises to improve flexibility in your hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. This helps in reducing stiffness and increasing the range of motion in your knees. Strengthening Exercises: Focus on strengthening exercises for the muscles around your knees, including quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. This can help stabilize the knee joint and reduce pain. Proper Footwear: Wear supportive and comfortable shoes that provide adequate cushioning and stability. Good footwear can reduce stress on your knees, especially during physical activities. Correct Posture: Maintain proper posture while sitting, standing, and walking to prevent unnecessary strain on your knees. Avoid activities or positions that put excessive pressure on your knees. Avoid High-Impact Activities: Minimize activities that involve repetitive high-impact movements, such as running on hard surfaces or jumping, as these can exacerbate knee pain. Use Knee Braces or Supports: Consider using knee braces or supports during physical activities to provide additional stability and reduce strain on your knees. Warm-up Before Exercise: Always warm up before starting any physical activity to prepare your muscles and joints for movement. This can help prevent injuries and reduce knee pain. Cold Therapy: Apply ice packs to your knees after physical activity or when experiencing pain to reduce inflammation and numb the area, providing temporary relief. Maintain Proper Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to support overall joint health. Consider incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your joints well-lubricated and prevent dehydration, which can exacerbate knee pain. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals. If you experience pain or discomfort during any activity, stop and rest. Pushing through pain can lead to further injury. Consult a Healthcare Professional: If knee pain persists or worsens despite home remedies and lifestyle changes, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include physical therapy, medications, injections, or surgery in severe cases. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to managing knee pain. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine and be patient with your progress. Click to Read More: https://tinyurl.com/2w7xnxut #jointpain #kneepain #agelessknees #fitness #exercise
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 11558 Visualizações
  • The Climate Scam Revealed by COP28

    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).
    To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

    Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.


    As COP28 draws to an end, it may be the moment to uncover the enormous scam these COPs are, have been and will be – if the fraud is maintained into the uncertain future.

    For those who do not know by now, COP stands for Conference of the Parties; 28 means it is the 28th Conference of the Parties, referring to the United Nations Climate Change Conferences, held every year in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

    The present COP28 is hosted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is taking place in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023.

    The COPs started with the (in)famous Earth Summit in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. That is when the multi-trillion-dollar scam began. Actually, the precursor of this fraud is the Club of Rome’s report “Limits to Growth” which remains the blueprint for much of UN Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.

    COPs are a worldwide swindle stretching over all 193 UN member countries, in a similar way as did the COVID con that began at midnight on 31 December 2019 – and marked the beginning of UN Agenda 2030, alias the WEF’s Great Reset.

    In case you do not know, the World Economic Forum (WEF), a mere NGO registered in a lush suburb in Geneva, Switzerland, and the world body called the United Nations, have entered into an agreement in 2019, under which their agendas are paired and are supposed to be implemented hand-in-hand.

    The UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset are 2 in 1, a set of monstrous plans to massively reduce the world population, robotize and digitize the survivors for total control and use the multi-faceted man-made geoengineering technology to induce “climate change”.

    This brings us back to the topic at hand – a scam of unheard proportions, keeping still to this day some 90-plus percent of the world population spell-bound and indoctrinated by a monumental lie cast upon humanity for total control and enslavement by a small, utterly sick, insanely wealthy, and powerful “Big Money” elite.

    The President of COP28 is UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber, also CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), which is fully state-owned by UAE. It is the world’s 12th largest oil company by production. In 2021, the company had an oil production capacity exceeding 4 million bpd (barrels per day) with plans to increase to 5 million bpd by 2030.


    The entrance to COP28 with the flags of all nations (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

    COP28 UAE is taking place from 30 November to 12 December 2023 at Expo City, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

    In addition, Sultan Al Jaber is also a member of the Abu Dhabi Supreme Council for Financial and Economic Affairs. He is chairman of the Emirates Development Bank and of the board of trustees of the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence.

    ADNOC prides itself for taking transformative steps to make today’s energy cleaner while investing in “clean energies of tomorrow.”

    As a byline for the climate consciousness that precedes such events as COP28, a few weeks before the start of COP28, ADNOC announced the award of contracts for a huge natural gas production project. The company will invest in the Hail and Ghasha offshore gas fields off the coast of the Emirates. The two contracts are worth a total of $16.9 billion.

    A joint venture between the Abu Dhabi National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC) and two Italian companies are responsible for the infrastructure on the mainland. So much for Europe’s official climate fanatism.

    The plan is to produce almost 42.5 million cubic meters of gas by 2030. The project is the first in the world that aims to be “climate neutral”, according to ADNOC.

    Question – what is “climate neutral” by producing more than 40 million cubic meters of gas? Climate neutrality is a mere slogan that has been injected under the skin of the common people, so they must not think anymore. The thinking has been done for them. “Climate Neutral” equals all is good.

    Let’s face it, Sultan Al Jabar is not leading COP28 to phase out the use of hydrocarbon energy, as the climate freaks may dream. Of course not.

    So, let us give all climate fanatics – including those who glue themselves on the highways and on airport runways in Europe and in the US of A in protest against fossil fuel-driven cars and planes – a picture of what reality has in store for them.

    Imagine, COP28, pretty much like COP27, held in Sharm El Sheikh Egypt in November 2022, is attended by some 70,000 people, or “participants”. Thousands are from NGOs and businesses who are using the event for networking. About 2,000 of them – maybe more – are lobbyists for oil companies or governments, or corporations, depending on fossil fuels for their economies, production and for their future.

    They are not lobbying for phasing out the world’s most important source of energy. About 85% of all energy used in the world stems from hydrocarbons.

    These lobbyists are in Dubai at the COP28 to make oil and gas deals for profit.

    Image: COP 28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Inaugural Plenary Address (Source)

    COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Inaugural Plenary Address

    This year more than ever. And Sultan Al Jabar will connect them to ADNOC dealmakers, as well as commercial managers of other large petrol and gas companies present at the COP28 – and previously at COP27, and previously at… well, you get the picture.

    Imagine, Since the Earth summit in 1992 in Rio, every year the same – just bigger – circus – while fossil fuel consumption rises.

    Now as then, of the world’s total energy consumption, about 85% stems from fossil fuels. There has been no change in hydrocarbon energy use in 30 years of pledging “good doing” and temperature and CO2 emissions reduction – and what-not nonsense.

    The number of lobbyists and the business deals grow — and the world’s public at large keeps slumbering away, and the number of COP participants grows every year.

    What level of CO2 emission would a 2-week summit attended by 70,000 people, many of them big shots and big spenders, generate? Probably thousands of tons – or more – of CO2.

    Just think of the air traffic for the participants, back and forth, many of the VIPs come in their private jets – not unlike the bigwigs going to the annual WEF meetings in Davos.

    Plus, the food and drink – production, transport, consumption, the air-conditioned comforts of the attendees’ hotel rooms – and much more. You got it.

    Or, has anybody dared to calculate the CO2 emissions of the currently active, lingering, and endless wars and conflicts around the globe? Driven, of course, by the dark forces behind the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), call it the hardly visible Financial-Military-IT-Media-Pharma (FMIMP) Complex?

    Talking about CO2 and other “greenhouse gases” emissions emanating from wars is a strictly forbidden topic for the COPs. Otherwise, you might endanger the huge profit concept of the FMIMP Complex.

    After all, they call the shots and pull the strings on the indoctrination and dumbing down of the people so they believe in climate change – which is so severe, it is said, that it affects life on earth within the span of a human life of about 80 years.

    To be sure, climate changes all the time. But by far the main driver of real climate change is the sun. Solar movements account for about 97% of Mother Earth’s climate. That was the case since the earth exists.

    Major climate changes may occur within 20,000 to 30,000 years with shorter cycles in between, but always at a pace, so that life on earth can adapt. That has been the history until now, and real science tells us, this history continues its course for the foreseeable billions of years left for Mother Earth.

    Take this – nobody pays the slightest attention to the CO2 and other “greenhouse gas” generating events like these GOPs and the Western-driven endless wars. But the Dutch government plans to force close up to 3,000 farms, one-third of Dutch farmland to become idle, because – literally – of farting cows and other agricultural prone methane emissions, purportedly affecting our climate.

    Tiny Holland, barely 42,000 km2 and about 18 million people, is the second largest agricultural goods exporter in the world, just after the United States. Might there be another Bill Gates agenda – misery and death by starvation – behind this ludicrous endeavor?

    Also worth mentioning may be this little innocent zoom anecdote just a few days ago, between Mary Robinson, former Irish President, and Sultan Al Jaber, the head of COP28.

    Ms. Robinson tells the Sultan,

    “We are in an absolute crisis that affects particularly women and children… as we have not yet committed to phasing out fossil fuels…. You, as the President of COP28, could now say with much credibility as you are the CEO of ADNOC …. “We must phase out fossil fuels and convert world economies into affordable, renewable, and clean energies. It will not happen overnight, but it is urgent. That’s what I would like to hear, your word “urgent”.”

    Sultan Al Jaber, with much patience, responds –

    “There is no science behind what you are asking me to do, which is phase out fossil fuels, oil, gas, coal… you are lying about it and you want me to lie about it on your behalf.”

    The ADNOC Chairman adds, that phasing out of coal, oil and gas would take the world ‘back into caves’. See video below.

    COP28 will end like all the previous COPs – no firm conclusions.

    The “agreements” of the Paris COP21 are still unfulfilled; they are talked about, but remain unfulfilled.

    Countries’ governments will continue thinking about the Paris agreements, and consider solutions, and present and debate them at the next COP, and the next…



    Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.

    Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

    Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


    The Climate Scam Revealed by COP28 All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. *** As COP28 draws to an end, it may be the moment to uncover the enormous scam these COPs are, have been and will be – if the fraud is maintained into the uncertain future. For those who do not know by now, COP stands for Conference of the Parties; 28 means it is the 28th Conference of the Parties, referring to the United Nations Climate Change Conferences, held every year in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The present COP28 is hosted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is taking place in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023. The COPs started with the (in)famous Earth Summit in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. That is when the multi-trillion-dollar scam began. Actually, the precursor of this fraud is the Club of Rome’s report “Limits to Growth” which remains the blueprint for much of UN Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. COPs are a worldwide swindle stretching over all 193 UN member countries, in a similar way as did the COVID con that began at midnight on 31 December 2019 – and marked the beginning of UN Agenda 2030, alias the WEF’s Great Reset. In case you do not know, the World Economic Forum (WEF), a mere NGO registered in a lush suburb in Geneva, Switzerland, and the world body called the United Nations, have entered into an agreement in 2019, under which their agendas are paired and are supposed to be implemented hand-in-hand. The UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset are 2 in 1, a set of monstrous plans to massively reduce the world population, robotize and digitize the survivors for total control and use the multi-faceted man-made geoengineering technology to induce “climate change”. This brings us back to the topic at hand – a scam of unheard proportions, keeping still to this day some 90-plus percent of the world population spell-bound and indoctrinated by a monumental lie cast upon humanity for total control and enslavement by a small, utterly sick, insanely wealthy, and powerful “Big Money” elite. The President of COP28 is UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber, also CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), which is fully state-owned by UAE. It is the world’s 12th largest oil company by production. In 2021, the company had an oil production capacity exceeding 4 million bpd (barrels per day) with plans to increase to 5 million bpd by 2030. undefined The entrance to COP28 with the flags of all nations (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0) COP28 UAE is taking place from 30 November to 12 December 2023 at Expo City, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. In addition, Sultan Al Jaber is also a member of the Abu Dhabi Supreme Council for Financial and Economic Affairs. He is chairman of the Emirates Development Bank and of the board of trustees of the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence. ADNOC prides itself for taking transformative steps to make today’s energy cleaner while investing in “clean energies of tomorrow.” As a byline for the climate consciousness that precedes such events as COP28, a few weeks before the start of COP28, ADNOC announced the award of contracts for a huge natural gas production project. The company will invest in the Hail and Ghasha offshore gas fields off the coast of the Emirates. The two contracts are worth a total of $16.9 billion. A joint venture between the Abu Dhabi National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC) and two Italian companies are responsible for the infrastructure on the mainland. So much for Europe’s official climate fanatism. The plan is to produce almost 42.5 million cubic meters of gas by 2030. The project is the first in the world that aims to be “climate neutral”, according to ADNOC. Question – what is “climate neutral” by producing more than 40 million cubic meters of gas? Climate neutrality is a mere slogan that has been injected under the skin of the common people, so they must not think anymore. The thinking has been done for them. “Climate Neutral” equals all is good. Let’s face it, Sultan Al Jabar is not leading COP28 to phase out the use of hydrocarbon energy, as the climate freaks may dream. Of course not. So, let us give all climate fanatics – including those who glue themselves on the highways and on airport runways in Europe and in the US of A in protest against fossil fuel-driven cars and planes – a picture of what reality has in store for them. Imagine, COP28, pretty much like COP27, held in Sharm El Sheikh Egypt in November 2022, is attended by some 70,000 people, or “participants”. Thousands are from NGOs and businesses who are using the event for networking. About 2,000 of them – maybe more – are lobbyists for oil companies or governments, or corporations, depending on fossil fuels for their economies, production and for their future. They are not lobbying for phasing out the world’s most important source of energy. About 85% of all energy used in the world stems from hydrocarbons. These lobbyists are in Dubai at the COP28 to make oil and gas deals for profit. Image: COP 28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Inaugural Plenary Address (Source) COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Inaugural Plenary Address This year more than ever. And Sultan Al Jabar will connect them to ADNOC dealmakers, as well as commercial managers of other large petrol and gas companies present at the COP28 – and previously at COP27, and previously at… well, you get the picture. Imagine, Since the Earth summit in 1992 in Rio, every year the same – just bigger – circus – while fossil fuel consumption rises. Now as then, of the world’s total energy consumption, about 85% stems from fossil fuels. There has been no change in hydrocarbon energy use in 30 years of pledging “good doing” and temperature and CO2 emissions reduction – and what-not nonsense. The number of lobbyists and the business deals grow — and the world’s public at large keeps slumbering away, and the number of COP participants grows every year. What level of CO2 emission would a 2-week summit attended by 70,000 people, many of them big shots and big spenders, generate? Probably thousands of tons – or more – of CO2. Just think of the air traffic for the participants, back and forth, many of the VIPs come in their private jets – not unlike the bigwigs going to the annual WEF meetings in Davos. Plus, the food and drink – production, transport, consumption, the air-conditioned comforts of the attendees’ hotel rooms – and much more. You got it. Or, has anybody dared to calculate the CO2 emissions of the currently active, lingering, and endless wars and conflicts around the globe? Driven, of course, by the dark forces behind the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), call it the hardly visible Financial-Military-IT-Media-Pharma (FMIMP) Complex? Talking about CO2 and other “greenhouse gases” emissions emanating from wars is a strictly forbidden topic for the COPs. Otherwise, you might endanger the huge profit concept of the FMIMP Complex. After all, they call the shots and pull the strings on the indoctrination and dumbing down of the people so they believe in climate change – which is so severe, it is said, that it affects life on earth within the span of a human life of about 80 years. To be sure, climate changes all the time. But by far the main driver of real climate change is the sun. Solar movements account for about 97% of Mother Earth’s climate. That was the case since the earth exists. Major climate changes may occur within 20,000 to 30,000 years with shorter cycles in between, but always at a pace, so that life on earth can adapt. That has been the history until now, and real science tells us, this history continues its course for the foreseeable billions of years left for Mother Earth. Take this – nobody pays the slightest attention to the CO2 and other “greenhouse gas” generating events like these GOPs and the Western-driven endless wars. But the Dutch government plans to force close up to 3,000 farms, one-third of Dutch farmland to become idle, because – literally – of farting cows and other agricultural prone methane emissions, purportedly affecting our climate. Tiny Holland, barely 42,000 km2 and about 18 million people, is the second largest agricultural goods exporter in the world, just after the United States. Might there be another Bill Gates agenda – misery and death by starvation – behind this ludicrous endeavor? Also worth mentioning may be this little innocent zoom anecdote just a few days ago, between Mary Robinson, former Irish President, and Sultan Al Jaber, the head of COP28. Ms. Robinson tells the Sultan, “We are in an absolute crisis that affects particularly women and children… as we have not yet committed to phasing out fossil fuels…. You, as the President of COP28, could now say with much credibility as you are the CEO of ADNOC …. “We must phase out fossil fuels and convert world economies into affordable, renewable, and clean energies. It will not happen overnight, but it is urgent. That’s what I would like to hear, your word “urgent”.” Sultan Al Jaber, with much patience, responds – “There is no science behind what you are asking me to do, which is phase out fossil fuels, oil, gas, coal… you are lying about it and you want me to lie about it on your behalf.” The ADNOC Chairman adds, that phasing out of coal, oil and gas would take the world ‘back into caves’. See video below. COP28 will end like all the previous COPs – no firm conclusions. The “agreements” of the Paris COP21 are still unfulfilled; they are talked about, but remain unfulfilled. Countries’ governments will continue thinking about the Paris agreements, and consider solutions, and present and debate them at the next COP, and the next… Amen. * Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020). Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. https://youtu.be/R3uQHT7PyNA https://www.globalresearch.ca/climate-scam-revealed-cop28/5842976
    The Climate Scam Revealed by COP28
    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel …
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  • After Israel & Ukraine, Kazakhstan Emerges As The New Battleground Between West And Russia & China
    November 4, 2023
    For more than a year, world powers focused attention on the Russia-Ukraine war. Hamas’ October 7 barbarian attack on Israel hurriedly shifted world attention from Ukraine to the Middle East. The pot continues to boil. However, the East European conflict seems to be losing the potential to become a flashpoint for WW III.

    14 Pakistan Soldiers Ambushed In Gwadar; Afghan Asylum Seekers’ Plight Could Further Ignite The Nation, Sour Ties With Taliban

    In the aftermath of the Russian-Ukrainian logjam, the Central Asian region is gradually emerging, an area where the energy and strategic interests of world powers are likely to culminate in a deep and prolonged era of commercial rivalry and maybe even confrontation.

    The former Soviet Union considered the Republic of Kazakhstan of much importance when it conducted nuclear tests in Semiplatansk-2. It had caused severe environmental disaster to the republic. It was important not only for its vast land mass but also for its rich mineral resources like uranium and hydrocarbon deposits.

    In 1991, Kazakhstan declared its independence from the Soviet Union, albeit reluctantly. President Nursultan Nazarbayev was concerned about the spread of cancer to the local population because of nuclear testing radiation.

    He got engaged in rapid denuclearization with help from the United States. Over the years, Kazakhstan cooperated with Russia in returning all 1,400 active nuclear warheads as it took a leading role in declaring the Central Asian nuclear-weapon-free zone. In 2017, Kazakhstan voted for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and ratified it in 2021.

    Kazakh Uranium

    With 12 percent of the world’s uranium resources and production of about 21,00 tU in 2021, Kazakhstan became the world’s leading uranium producer, with almost 28 percent of world production.

    In 2019, Kazakhstan produced 43% of the world’s uranium. Samruk Kazyna initially managed the Kazakh nuclear wealth fund. In 2018, it was taken over by Kazatomprom, with 15% of its shares placed on the Astana International Exchange and the Lonon Stock Exchange.

    International Collaboration

    Newly formed Kazatomprom has created links with Russia, China, and Japan and holds a significant share in the international company Westinghouse. It was sold in 2017. Canadian and French companies are granted licenses for uranium mining and other aspects of the fuel cycle.

    An MOU signed between the nuclear agencies of Kazakstan and Russia in 2014 stipulated the construction of a nuclear power plant using VVER reactors with a capacity of up to 1200 Mw. In the summer of 2012 and then in early 2013, an agreement was signed between the National Nuclear Centre (NNC of Kazakhstan) and Japanese Power Atomic Company (JPAC) relating to the design, construction, and cooperation of the Kazakhstan high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTR).

    China’s uranium supply agreement between Kazatomprom and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group (CGNPC) was first signed in 2006, followed by subsequent agreements. The latest, signed in 2021, meant China would receive uranium concentrate.

    In 2009, Kazatomprom signed an agreement with Nuclear Power Corporation India Limited to supply 2100 tonnes of uranium to India with the condition that they undertake a feasibility study on building Indian PHWR reactors in Kazakhstan. Then, in 2015, in an agreement with the Indian Department of Atomic Energy, Kazatomprom committed to supply 5,000 tU to India from 2015 to 2019.

    Kazakhstan has uranium supply agreements with the US, South Korea, Iran, and Canada, as well as some private MNCs. This brief overview of Kazakhstan’s international nuclear program shows its importance and relevance to the world powers and their strategies for the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

    France Takes The Lead

    Among the European countries, France has taken the lead in upgrading the uranium deal with Kazakhstan. French President Emmanuel Macron visited Kazakhstan on November 1.

    He is likely to visit Uzbekistan also after concluding his talks with President Kassym-Jomrat Tokayev. The visit highlights the region’s increasing importance to Europe’s supply of nuclear and fossil fuels.

    Journalists are speculating about the purpose of the French President’s visit to the Central Asian Republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Analysts are disposed to link the visit to the military coup in the West African country of Niger. France is concerned that the coup would jeopardize Nigerian uranium supplies to France’s vital nuclear industry.

    With the Ukrainian war, Russia’s oil exports to the EU have fallen owing to sanctions imposed on Moscow. Kazakhstan has emerged as the third-largest petroleum supplier to the EU. France traditionally imported most of its uranium from mines operated by the French companies in Niger.

    France relies on nuclear energy to produce more than 60 percent of its electricity requirement. Kazakhstan expects France to transfer the technical know-how to develop its domestic nuclear power and supply trained engineers.

    Under this arrangement, the French-owned EDF is building Kazakhstan’s first nuclear power plant. French universities are likely to establish branches in Kazakhstan.

    Emmanuel Macron
    Emmanuel Macron
    Russia’s Cooling Relations With CARs

    Of late, political analysts have noticed irritants surfacing in Russian-Central Asian relations. Russian influence dominated Central Asia for over a century, beginning with the “Great Game” of Lord Curzon.

    Among other reasons, the Ukrainian war has almost served as a watershed in these relations. Russian influence is diminishing. Military cooperation between the two entities has ended, and Russia’s world power status has been scrutinized.

    The etiquette observed by the Central Asian Republics should not be mistaken. Only recently, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov denounced attempts to “pull neighbors, friends and allies away from Moscow.”

    Parallel Imports

    Aside from a prospect of cooling relations between Moscow and Central Asian capitals, a new development is noted that does not support the health of Kazakhstan-EU bonhomie.

    Warnings from the US and EU emanate that Russia is bypassing sanctions as it is importing goods from the West via Central Asian Republics. Among the imports are DJI drones and Western-built microchips, imported via Russian-owned subsidiaries in Kazakhstan.

    Russia uses these in the war against Ukraine. Given depleting war supplies from the US and the West and Putin’s intention of stretching the war against Ukraine indefinitely, President Zelensky of Ukraine feels the inevitable.


    China has invested in more than 100 BRI projects in Central Asia. France or the EU cannot match China’s financial clout. Maybe Macron hopes to wean away some of the CARs from Russia, but the question remains whether France and the EU can dislodge China from the Central Asian commercial arena.

    The more important question is whether France will be willing to transact uranium business with Kazakstan on the latter’s terms. France is not a country that would trivialize her international commitments of extraordinary sensitivity.

    KN Pandita (Padma Shri) is the former director of the Center of Central Asian Studies at Kashmir University. Views Personal.
    Mail EurAsian Times at etdesk(at)eurasiantimes.com
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    After Israel & Ukraine, Kazakhstan Emerges As The New Battleground Between West And Russia & China November 4, 2023 For more than a year, world powers focused attention on the Russia-Ukraine war. Hamas’ October 7 barbarian attack on Israel hurriedly shifted world attention from Ukraine to the Middle East. The pot continues to boil. However, the East European conflict seems to be losing the potential to become a flashpoint for WW III. 14 Pakistan Soldiers Ambushed In Gwadar; Afghan Asylum Seekers’ Plight Could Further Ignite The Nation, Sour Ties With Taliban In the aftermath of the Russian-Ukrainian logjam, the Central Asian region is gradually emerging, an area where the energy and strategic interests of world powers are likely to culminate in a deep and prolonged era of commercial rivalry and maybe even confrontation. The former Soviet Union considered the Republic of Kazakhstan of much importance when it conducted nuclear tests in Semiplatansk-2. It had caused severe environmental disaster to the republic. It was important not only for its vast land mass but also for its rich mineral resources like uranium and hydrocarbon deposits. In 1991, Kazakhstan declared its independence from the Soviet Union, albeit reluctantly. President Nursultan Nazarbayev was concerned about the spread of cancer to the local population because of nuclear testing radiation. He got engaged in rapid denuclearization with help from the United States. Over the years, Kazakhstan cooperated with Russia in returning all 1,400 active nuclear warheads as it took a leading role in declaring the Central Asian nuclear-weapon-free zone. In 2017, Kazakhstan voted for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and ratified it in 2021. Kazakh Uranium With 12 percent of the world’s uranium resources and production of about 21,00 tU in 2021, Kazakhstan became the world’s leading uranium producer, with almost 28 percent of world production. In 2019, Kazakhstan produced 43% of the world’s uranium. Samruk Kazyna initially managed the Kazakh nuclear wealth fund. In 2018, it was taken over by Kazatomprom, with 15% of its shares placed on the Astana International Exchange and the Lonon Stock Exchange. International Collaboration Newly formed Kazatomprom has created links with Russia, China, and Japan and holds a significant share in the international company Westinghouse. It was sold in 2017. Canadian and French companies are granted licenses for uranium mining and other aspects of the fuel cycle. An MOU signed between the nuclear agencies of Kazakstan and Russia in 2014 stipulated the construction of a nuclear power plant using VVER reactors with a capacity of up to 1200 Mw. In the summer of 2012 and then in early 2013, an agreement was signed between the National Nuclear Centre (NNC of Kazakhstan) and Japanese Power Atomic Company (JPAC) relating to the design, construction, and cooperation of the Kazakhstan high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTR). China’s uranium supply agreement between Kazatomprom and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group (CGNPC) was first signed in 2006, followed by subsequent agreements. The latest, signed in 2021, meant China would receive uranium concentrate. In 2009, Kazatomprom signed an agreement with Nuclear Power Corporation India Limited to supply 2100 tonnes of uranium to India with the condition that they undertake a feasibility study on building Indian PHWR reactors in Kazakhstan. Then, in 2015, in an agreement with the Indian Department of Atomic Energy, Kazatomprom committed to supply 5,000 tU to India from 2015 to 2019. Kazakhstan has uranium supply agreements with the US, South Korea, Iran, and Canada, as well as some private MNCs. This brief overview of Kazakhstan’s international nuclear program shows its importance and relevance to the world powers and their strategies for the peaceful use of nuclear energy. France Takes The Lead Among the European countries, France has taken the lead in upgrading the uranium deal with Kazakhstan. French President Emmanuel Macron visited Kazakhstan on November 1. He is likely to visit Uzbekistan also after concluding his talks with President Kassym-Jomrat Tokayev. The visit highlights the region’s increasing importance to Europe’s supply of nuclear and fossil fuels. Journalists are speculating about the purpose of the French President’s visit to the Central Asian Republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Analysts are disposed to link the visit to the military coup in the West African country of Niger. France is concerned that the coup would jeopardize Nigerian uranium supplies to France’s vital nuclear industry. With the Ukrainian war, Russia’s oil exports to the EU have fallen owing to sanctions imposed on Moscow. Kazakhstan has emerged as the third-largest petroleum supplier to the EU. France traditionally imported most of its uranium from mines operated by the French companies in Niger. France relies on nuclear energy to produce more than 60 percent of its electricity requirement. Kazakhstan expects France to transfer the technical know-how to develop its domestic nuclear power and supply trained engineers. Under this arrangement, the French-owned EDF is building Kazakhstan’s first nuclear power plant. French universities are likely to establish branches in Kazakhstan. Emmanuel Macron Emmanuel Macron Russia’s Cooling Relations With CARs Of late, political analysts have noticed irritants surfacing in Russian-Central Asian relations. Russian influence dominated Central Asia for over a century, beginning with the “Great Game” of Lord Curzon. Among other reasons, the Ukrainian war has almost served as a watershed in these relations. Russian influence is diminishing. Military cooperation between the two entities has ended, and Russia’s world power status has been scrutinized. The etiquette observed by the Central Asian Republics should not be mistaken. Only recently, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov denounced attempts to “pull neighbors, friends and allies away from Moscow.” Parallel Imports Aside from a prospect of cooling relations between Moscow and Central Asian capitals, a new development is noted that does not support the health of Kazakhstan-EU bonhomie. Warnings from the US and EU emanate that Russia is bypassing sanctions as it is importing goods from the West via Central Asian Republics. Among the imports are DJI drones and Western-built microchips, imported via Russian-owned subsidiaries in Kazakhstan. Russia uses these in the war against Ukraine. Given depleting war supplies from the US and the West and Putin’s intention of stretching the war against Ukraine indefinitely, President Zelensky of Ukraine feels the inevitable. Conclusion China has invested in more than 100 BRI projects in Central Asia. France or the EU cannot match China’s financial clout. Maybe Macron hopes to wean away some of the CARs from Russia, but the question remains whether France and the EU can dislodge China from the Central Asian commercial arena. The more important question is whether France will be willing to transact uranium business with Kazakstan on the latter’s terms. France is not a country that would trivialize her international commitments of extraordinary sensitivity. KN Pandita (Padma Shri) is the former director of the Center of Central Asian Studies at Kashmir University. Views Personal. Mail EurAsian Times at etdesk(at)eurasiantimes.com Follow EurAsian Times on Google News https://www.eurasiantimes.com/after-israel-ukraine-kazakhstan-emerges-as-the-new-battleground/
    After Israel & Ukraine, Kazakhstan Emerges As The New Battleground Between West And Russia & China
    For more than a year, world powers focused attention on the Russia-Ukraine war. Hamas’ October 7 barbarian attack on Israel hurriedly shifted world attention from Ukraine to the Middle East. The pot continues to boil. However, the East European conflict seems to be losing the potential to become a flashpoint for WW III. 14 Pakistan […]
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