• Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Vit C and Sodium Bicarb. But don't worry your cancer is safe because the FDA would never allow it.

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Cancer Treatment Options | Houston Methodist
    Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from the East Palestine Ohio train wreck, which may spread quite widely along the eastern seaboard, are particularly at risk of developing cancer in the coming months and years from the ingition of the vinyl chloride cargo and it’s toxic breakdown products, especially dioxins.

    This post is not meant to be an exhaustive treatise on the prevention and treatment of cancer, but only to explain as simply as possible the scientific theory behind Adam Gaertner’s anti-cancer protocol, which combines 4 simple and cheap therapies that have been separately used and studied for a wide variety of human cancers with mixed results, but together have powerful synergistic effects that may, it is hoped, effectively eliminate any cancer. And at the end his simple 3 week protocol is included.

    Before we begin I also have to say that I have seen many people beat end stage cancer using drastic elimination diets and a modifed Gerson juicing protocol. And of course I have known many who decided on chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Both paths are extremely difficult and require a lot of commitment and sacrifice. Perhaps the following protocol can help more people more easily overcome cancer.

    And after cancer is beaten, it pays to address the root causes because those who overcome cancer are often prone to an even more aggressive recurrence, especially if they persist in the unhealthy exposures and lifestyle habits that triggered it in the first place.


    All tissues are made up of individual cellular building blocks that work together to accomplish a joint function. For example liver cells are like millions of workmen that all together make up the liver. Normally tissues maintain just the right amount of helpful worker cells. As old cells die off, new ones take their place.

    Cancers arise from cells in normal tissues that start to grow uncontrollably - the old workmen don't want to die and instead find a way to become immortal. They also don't want to work anymore and begin using up resources like the nutrients and oxygen coming into the tissue via the blood. These immortal cells also multiply very quickly and if left unchecked can destroy the normal cells and then the entire organ ceases to function. Not only that but they also enter the bloodstream and travel to other distant organs and take up new residence and continue to multiply out of control.

    Just as there are a tiny percentage of psychopaths and criminals in every society, who attempt to murder others and appropriate all the resources for themselves, there are cancer cells in everyone's bodies all the time that would like nothing better than to take over.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    And just as nations utilize a police force and military to maintain the peace, our bodies utilize specialized immune system processes and immune cells to keep the cancer cells in check - to continuously search them out and put them to death.

    However, when these defenses fail due to exposure to various carcinogens or simply old age, cancerous cells can gain a foothold and destroy us.


    Intracellular Cytosolic Immunity

    Think of a cell like a 3D sphere. Inside the sphere there is another smaller sphere, which is the nucleus and holds the genetic material or DNA. Everything outside the nucleus is called the cytoplasm.

    Steph's Nature and Science
    Each individual cell has an internal immune system, called the cytosolic immune system that will monitor the cells health, and if the cell becomes cancerous will kill it in a process of cellular suicide termed apoptosis.

    You can imagine this as a person's conscience.

    Think of a horror movie scenario where someone becomes bitten by a mindless zombie and begins to change into a zombie themselves, feeling the first stirrings of hunger for the blood of those around them. Knowing they are doomed and wanting to preserve the lives of their loved ones they commit suicide rather than becoming a monster.

    In this way our own first line of defense against cancer is a system of internal checks and balances that will lead to cellular suicide or apoptosis.

    The checks and balances are a system of pro-suicide (pro-apoptotic) and anti-suicide (anti-apoptotic) pathways: p53 tumor suppressor gene, G1/S checkpoint, Hippo, TGF-β, Wnt signaling, Notch signaling, and PI3K/AKT signaling.

    Within these extremely complex pathways made up of numerous interacting chemical messengers there are just a small handful of signals that can lead to cellular death: caspases, apoptosis inducing factor (AIF), endonucleases, granzymes, BH3-interacting domain death agonist (Bid), Death receptor 5 (DR5), Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD).

    A vast majority of cancers arise due to mutations affecting these critical cytosolic immunity pathways.

    So the conscience of the cell, its own internal checks and balances, become distorted and do not trigger suicide as they should when the cell begins transforming into a cancer cell.

    2 Zombie Stocks Coming Back from the Dead | Nasdaq
    The mutations work by producing malformed proteins that do not do their usual job of triggering cellular suicide.

    Usually malformed proteins would themselves be destroyed by the intracellular “chaperone” and “proteasome” systems - these are both meant to protect our cells from mutations.

    The reason this does not happen in the case of most cancers is that most cancers also stimulate an internal process that makes them more resistant to the chaperone and proteasome systems - by way of the production of heat shock protein 90 (hsp90).


    Doctors Sue FDA For Prohibiting Use Of Ivermectin To Treat Covid
    Ivermectin, the horse and cow and human drug, has traditionally been used as an antiparasitic (e.g. scabies), but also has antiviral and anti-inflammatory activities. It binds to hsp90 and other heat shock proteins blocking their ability to stabilize mutated checkpoint proteins. It likewise suppresses a number of the anti-apoptotic pathway especially TGF-β, as well as increasing the expression of p53 tumor suppressor gene pro-apoptotic pathway.

    So in effect ivermectin helps the cancer cell reestablish the ability to detect that it is cancerous and thereby trigger an internal process of suicide.

    Unfortunately not every cancer utilizes the pathways ivermectin targets.

    And as a result of the relatively rapid replication rate of cancerous cells, and the evolutionary imperative to survive, additional mutations are often present across the tumor mass. As a result, ivermectin may be effective against only 90% of a given tumor mass; however, if the 90% is killed in this way, the remaining 10% will, by default, not be able to be corrected, leading to relapse, with the remainder becoming harder to treat - as the 10% left over multiplies and becomes the entire 100% of tumor.

    Extracellular Natural Killer Cell Immunity

    Immense Immunology Insight: Girl, if we were lymphocytes... You'd be a ...
    Another arm of the immune system that protects against cancer is outside the cancer cell itself. We can think of this like the police force that keeps an eye out for dangerous cancer cells.

    Our internal police force uses markers to identify healthy cells and unhealthy cells as well as foreign intruders like bacteria and viruses.

    The markers our immune system uses for identification are called antigens - little bits of cells.

    Most of our immune cells are trained to recognize foreign particles that do not belong and destroy them - like crazy immigration agent death squads.

    But the Natural Killer (NK) cells are trained to check for what is supposed to be present - self-antigens - markers that indicate normal cells, kind of like ID cards.

    In policing terms: NK cells wander the streets and demand everyone's papers, regardless of any evidence of a crime, and immediately execute anyone who cannot prove they belong.

    "Ihre Papiere, bitte!" (Episode 48) | #FSCK 'Em All!
    The rapid rate of replication of cancerous cells places them under heavy evolutionary pressure; those cells that do not express self-antigens will be targeted and destroyed by the NK cells, whereas those that do may not be - so some cancer cells develop the ability to forge their own papers and pass themselves off as normal law abiding residents, rather than dangerous alien invaders.

    Those wily ones will multiply while the others die off, and eventually the entire tumor mass is comprised of cells that can trick the NK cells into leaving them alone by presenting proper identification, even though they will still be presenting other signs of being foreign - like devil horns growing out of their heads - “it’s just part of my mardi gras outfit officer”.

    While this is very bad news it does open up an avenue of treatment via T cell activation.

    T cell Immunity

    CD 4 T cells are also called helper T cells, they aid other immune cells via the release of cytokine messengers. CD 8 T cells are also called cytotoxic T cells. Cyto for cell, toxic for toxic - i.e. they kill cancer cells.

    T cells like NK cells detect self antigens and will ignore those that present them, but they also look for non self antigens (like those devil horns) as well as an additional costimulatory signal to trigger their death squad role.

    It’s like they not only check your papers, but they check to make sure those horns are actually real and they make you pass a lie detector test. If they find real horns and sense signs of stress during the lie detector test they have enough evidence to declare you guilty and execute you.

    Geek Comic for November 17th - You can Beat the Lie Detector Test Because…
    If they just find the horns, but no signs of stress, they let you go on your way.

    Cancer cells can’t avoid making weird mutated horn-like proteins, but they can figure out how to pass the lie detector test by muting their stress signals.

    The way to bypass that is by subjecting them to so much stress that their ability to mute the signs of stress breaks down, and at the same time triggering more foreign proteins and stopping proliferation would also be helpful, which brings us to the other 3 therapies.

    Fenbendazole, Sodium Bicarbonate & Vitamin C


    Panacur Granules 22.2% [Fenbendazole] (1 lb)
    Humans are not listed on the side panel
    Fenbendazole is not FDA approved for use in humans, but is commonly used as an antiparasitic medication in animals, and has been studied in some human cancer studies, where it appears to be safe. It has multiple effects against cancer cells. Most significantly, it can lead to the influence the MAPK pathway to activate cellular suicide or apoptosis.

    It destabilizes cellular protein structures called microtubules that are essential to cell division.

    It also disrupts cancer cell energy production by blocking the breakdown of sugar (glycolysis) which is like crude oil for cells and also blocking the ability of mitochondria, the energy refining factories of cells from using the crude oil to produce the cellular equivalent of electricity, i.e. ATP - the universal bioenergy molecule.

    This collection of actions may not be applicable for all cancers, however a sizable proportion are affected; as such metabolic disruption occurs which then leads to production of cellular stress signals.

    An important manifestation of this is CD80, a costimulatory signal that in combination with T Cell Receptor binding to a foreign antigen, activates CD8 T-cells; alternatively if the antigen is self, it will inhibit them, as well as activate dormant NK cells in the area.


    So what’s happening here is if the cancer cell has non self antigens (those devil horns) the stress signals (failed lie detector test) will activate CD8 cytotoxic T cells to kill it.

    If however the cancer cell shows a normal self antigen to the T cell along with the stress signals, the T cell will stand down but the same stress signals may still activate nearby NK cells.

    Thereby some of the tumor cells will be destroyed releasing many new antigens into the area, both self and non self. These new antigens will be recognized by nearby immune cells and train them to better detect the remaining tumor cells. This triggers a far more robust immune activation and ends up in effectively nuking the area - destroying all remaining tumor as well as some friendlies and innocent bystanders mixed up in the fray.

    Sodium Bicarbonate

    Alkaline Diet for Cancer : Comprehensive Nutrional Guide to Cure and ...
    The mechanism of sodium bicarbonate action is easy to understand, based on the Warburg effect: decreasing acidity (increasing the pH or alkalinity) outside the cancer cells impairs their ability to maintain a highly alkaline environment within themselves. That alters cancer cells' metabolism, prompting similar immune system reactions as previously discussed and igniting further cascades.

    Unfortunately, if sodium bicarbonate is used without other agents from the protocol, tumors promptly become resistant and cancer-fighting benefits decrease to mere prolongation of life expectancy instead of complete elimination.

    Vitamin C

    Best Linus Pauling Cancer Vitamin C - Your Best Life
    When ascorbic acid is used in large quantities, along with the reduced form dehydroascorbate (DHA), it induces intense oxidative stress within cancerous cells; if that stress is insufficient to destroy the cell outright, it triggers the release of numerous cytokines, including our friend CD80, which initiates the cascade described above involving CD8 cytotoxic T cells.

    Not all forms of cancer are responsive to this pathway and sodium bicarbonate is capable of directly counteracting it.

    As a potent immunomodulator vitamin C even has the potential to disrupt the inflammatory response involved in targeting a significant-sized tumor.

    So it’s important to carefully balance the two options, and not use both simultaneously. The alkalization brought about by sodium bicarbonate won't last for particularly long; therefore, employing one after another in alternating fashion will likely provide more benefits than using just one of them at a time.

    In a Nutshell

    The following are four therapeutic pathways that, when used together, cause cancerous cells to undergo both apoptosis and loss of immune evasion features so the immune system can identify and attack them.

    Ivermectin inhibits mutant checkpoint and cascade transduction proteins, particularly PI3K, reduces TAM anti-apoptotic signaling, and increases expression of the tumor suppressor p53 by binding to the hsp90 protein.

    In addition to modulating the MAPK pathway, fenbendazole destabilizes microtubules, inhibits glycolytic metabolism, inhibits mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, and reduces anti-apoptotic PD-L1 expression feedback loops.

    Through alkalization of the cytosolic tumor environment, sodium bicarbonate induces metabolic stress.

    Vitamin C triggers oxidative stress and cytokine production.

    In this method, cytosolic apoptosis signaling cascades are promoted, and effector CD8 and NK cells are infiltrated into a tumor mass through adaptive recognition of foreign antigens and inhibition of anti-apoptotic pathways in order to achieve complete remission through both self-destruct signaling pathways as well as inflammatory immune destruction of cancerous cells.

    The Proposed Protocol

    Unlike most traditional cytotoxic cancer therapies that destroy both cancer cells as well as regular cells and especially the body's immune system cells, this protocol stimulates the body's own innate and adaptive immune system to fight off cancer.

    NLRP3 and STING enhance immune attack on cancer | Cancer Biology
    This protocol should not be used in combination with most mainstream cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, due to their ability to impair the immune system that the protocol depends on.

    It is likely to be most potent at the early stages of disease; further progress of the condition will prolong duration of treatment needed.

    A healthy immune system takes time to ramp up the necessary response, so the protocol is based on the time required for each drug to take effect, safety data, bioavailability, and elimination time.

    Day 1:

    Ivermectin: 1 mg/kg by mouth

    Fenbendazole: 1000mg by mouth

    Sodium Bicarbonate: 1 tsp morning and evening dissolved in 1 quart of water

    Day 2:

    Ascorbic acid: 50 mg/kg by mouth, two doses, 8 hours apart or 20g IV, once

    Day 3:

    Repeat Day 1

    Day 4:

    Repeat Day 2

    Days 5 to 10:

    Fenbendazole, 200mg by mouth daily

    Alternate sodium bicarbonate and ascorbic acid every other day beginning with sodium bicarb on day 5, then vitamin C on day 6, etc.

    Day 11:

    Ivermectin: 1 mg/kg by mouth

    Fenbendazole: 1000 mg by mouth

    Sodium Bicarbonate: 1 tsp morning and evening dissolved in 1 quart of water

    Days 12 to 20:

    Sodium Bicarbonate: 1 tsp morning and evening dissolved in 1 quart of water

    Day 20:

    Imaging: Check progress. Significant reduction or complete elimination of tumor mass should have occurred by this time, if not repeat the protocol.

    At this time the US FDA has not approved this protocol for study or for use in humans.

    It is unlikely that any pharmaceutical company will spend the millions of dollars it would take to prove this protocol in large randomized controlled trials because none of the four therapeutics are under patent and therefore cannot be effectively monetized.

    Even if some billionaire decided to back this protocol, Big Pharma would move heaven and earth to prove it doesn’t work as they did with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID.

    Let me know below if you know of anyone who has utilized these 4 therapeutics together.

    And finally beating cancer inside us is a great first step to healing our world, but next we need to beat the cancerous psychopaths who are destroying our societies. If not we will go the way of Rome and a new civilization will rise from our ashes.

    I believe in the Judeo Christian ethic of working hard and giving back without big government. My online clinic, mygotodoc.com, exemplifies that by charging a fee that is well worth the service, but also offering free medical answers and (asynchronous) care for anyone that needs it.

    The same applies at my free online Summit Long COVID Reset, exclusive weekly content, including live Q&As and much more released on my video subscription platform, and in my course, Phoenix for Healing Long Haul and Lean Vitality - all are available for a fee or for free by request.

    So thank you to everyone who finds this written content valuable and supports it by being a paid subscriber (even though there are currently no paid subscriber benefits aside from a warm fuzzy feeling that you did something good). You are helping enable the significant amount of time and effort it takes to write. If you have the means also please consider donating to help support the care of those cannot afford it at mygotodoc.com/donation.

    If you are a free subscriber thanks for being here, and please also consider supporting my efforts in any way you can, but especially by sharing my posts widely.

    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Vit C and Sodium Bicarb. But don't worry your cancer is safe because the FDA would never allow it. Dr. Syed Haider Cancer Treatment Options | Houston Methodist Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from the East Palestine Ohio train wreck, which may spread quite widely along the eastern seaboard, are particularly at risk of developing cancer in the coming months and years from the ingition of the vinyl chloride cargo and it’s toxic breakdown products, especially dioxins. This post is not meant to be an exhaustive treatise on the prevention and treatment of cancer, but only to explain as simply as possible the scientific theory behind Adam Gaertner’s anti-cancer protocol, which combines 4 simple and cheap therapies that have been separately used and studied for a wide variety of human cancers with mixed results, but together have powerful synergistic effects that may, it is hoped, effectively eliminate any cancer. And at the end his simple 3 week protocol is included. Before we begin I also have to say that I have seen many people beat end stage cancer using drastic elimination diets and a modifed Gerson juicing protocol. And of course I have known many who decided on chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Both paths are extremely difficult and require a lot of commitment and sacrifice. Perhaps the following protocol can help more people more easily overcome cancer. And after cancer is beaten, it pays to address the root causes because those who overcome cancer are often prone to an even more aggressive recurrence, especially if they persist in the unhealthy exposures and lifestyle habits that triggered it in the first place. WHAT IS CANCER? All tissues are made up of individual cellular building blocks that work together to accomplish a joint function. For example liver cells are like millions of workmen that all together make up the liver. Normally tissues maintain just the right amount of helpful worker cells. As old cells die off, new ones take their place. Cancers arise from cells in normal tissues that start to grow uncontrollably - the old workmen don't want to die and instead find a way to become immortal. They also don't want to work anymore and begin using up resources like the nutrients and oxygen coming into the tissue via the blood. These immortal cells also multiply very quickly and if left unchecked can destroy the normal cells and then the entire organ ceases to function. Not only that but they also enter the bloodstream and travel to other distant organs and take up new residence and continue to multiply out of control. Just as there are a tiny percentage of psychopaths and criminals in every society, who attempt to murder others and appropriate all the resources for themselves, there are cancer cells in everyone's bodies all the time that would like nothing better than to take over. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share And just as nations utilize a police force and military to maintain the peace, our bodies utilize specialized immune system processes and immune cells to keep the cancer cells in check - to continuously search them out and put them to death. However, when these defenses fail due to exposure to various carcinogens or simply old age, cancerous cells can gain a foothold and destroy us. DEFENSES AGAINST CANCER Intracellular Cytosolic Immunity Think of a cell like a 3D sphere. Inside the sphere there is another smaller sphere, which is the nucleus and holds the genetic material or DNA. Everything outside the nucleus is called the cytoplasm. Steph's Nature and Science Each individual cell has an internal immune system, called the cytosolic immune system that will monitor the cells health, and if the cell becomes cancerous will kill it in a process of cellular suicide termed apoptosis. You can imagine this as a person's conscience. Think of a horror movie scenario where someone becomes bitten by a mindless zombie and begins to change into a zombie themselves, feeling the first stirrings of hunger for the blood of those around them. Knowing they are doomed and wanting to preserve the lives of their loved ones they commit suicide rather than becoming a monster. In this way our own first line of defense against cancer is a system of internal checks and balances that will lead to cellular suicide or apoptosis. The checks and balances are a system of pro-suicide (pro-apoptotic) and anti-suicide (anti-apoptotic) pathways: p53 tumor suppressor gene, G1/S checkpoint, Hippo, TGF-β, Wnt signaling, Notch signaling, and PI3K/AKT signaling. Within these extremely complex pathways made up of numerous interacting chemical messengers there are just a small handful of signals that can lead to cellular death: caspases, apoptosis inducing factor (AIF), endonucleases, granzymes, BH3-interacting domain death agonist (Bid), Death receptor 5 (DR5), Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD). A vast majority of cancers arise due to mutations affecting these critical cytosolic immunity pathways. So the conscience of the cell, its own internal checks and balances, become distorted and do not trigger suicide as they should when the cell begins transforming into a cancer cell. 2 Zombie Stocks Coming Back from the Dead | Nasdaq The mutations work by producing malformed proteins that do not do their usual job of triggering cellular suicide. Usually malformed proteins would themselves be destroyed by the intracellular “chaperone” and “proteasome” systems - these are both meant to protect our cells from mutations. The reason this does not happen in the case of most cancers is that most cancers also stimulate an internal process that makes them more resistant to the chaperone and proteasome systems - by way of the production of heat shock protein 90 (hsp90). Ivermectin Doctors Sue FDA For Prohibiting Use Of Ivermectin To Treat Covid Ivermectin, the horse and cow and human drug, has traditionally been used as an antiparasitic (e.g. scabies), but also has antiviral and anti-inflammatory activities. It binds to hsp90 and other heat shock proteins blocking their ability to stabilize mutated checkpoint proteins. It likewise suppresses a number of the anti-apoptotic pathway especially TGF-β, as well as increasing the expression of p53 tumor suppressor gene pro-apoptotic pathway. So in effect ivermectin helps the cancer cell reestablish the ability to detect that it is cancerous and thereby trigger an internal process of suicide. Unfortunately not every cancer utilizes the pathways ivermectin targets. And as a result of the relatively rapid replication rate of cancerous cells, and the evolutionary imperative to survive, additional mutations are often present across the tumor mass. As a result, ivermectin may be effective against only 90% of a given tumor mass; however, if the 90% is killed in this way, the remaining 10% will, by default, not be able to be corrected, leading to relapse, with the remainder becoming harder to treat - as the 10% left over multiplies and becomes the entire 100% of tumor. Extracellular Natural Killer Cell Immunity Immense Immunology Insight: Girl, if we were lymphocytes... You'd be a ... Another arm of the immune system that protects against cancer is outside the cancer cell itself. We can think of this like the police force that keeps an eye out for dangerous cancer cells. Our internal police force uses markers to identify healthy cells and unhealthy cells as well as foreign intruders like bacteria and viruses. The markers our immune system uses for identification are called antigens - little bits of cells. Most of our immune cells are trained to recognize foreign particles that do not belong and destroy them - like crazy immigration agent death squads. But the Natural Killer (NK) cells are trained to check for what is supposed to be present - self-antigens - markers that indicate normal cells, kind of like ID cards. In policing terms: NK cells wander the streets and demand everyone's papers, regardless of any evidence of a crime, and immediately execute anyone who cannot prove they belong. "Ihre Papiere, bitte!" (Episode 48) | #FSCK 'Em All! The rapid rate of replication of cancerous cells places them under heavy evolutionary pressure; those cells that do not express self-antigens will be targeted and destroyed by the NK cells, whereas those that do may not be - so some cancer cells develop the ability to forge their own papers and pass themselves off as normal law abiding residents, rather than dangerous alien invaders. Those wily ones will multiply while the others die off, and eventually the entire tumor mass is comprised of cells that can trick the NK cells into leaving them alone by presenting proper identification, even though they will still be presenting other signs of being foreign - like devil horns growing out of their heads - “it’s just part of my mardi gras outfit officer”. While this is very bad news it does open up an avenue of treatment via T cell activation. T cell Immunity CD 4 T cells are also called helper T cells, they aid other immune cells via the release of cytokine messengers. CD 8 T cells are also called cytotoxic T cells. Cyto for cell, toxic for toxic - i.e. they kill cancer cells. T cells like NK cells detect self antigens and will ignore those that present them, but they also look for non self antigens (like those devil horns) as well as an additional costimulatory signal to trigger their death squad role. It’s like they not only check your papers, but they check to make sure those horns are actually real and they make you pass a lie detector test. If they find real horns and sense signs of stress during the lie detector test they have enough evidence to declare you guilty and execute you. Geek Comic for November 17th - You can Beat the Lie Detector Test Because… If they just find the horns, but no signs of stress, they let you go on your way. Cancer cells can’t avoid making weird mutated horn-like proteins, but they can figure out how to pass the lie detector test by muting their stress signals. The way to bypass that is by subjecting them to so much stress that their ability to mute the signs of stress breaks down, and at the same time triggering more foreign proteins and stopping proliferation would also be helpful, which brings us to the other 3 therapies. Fenbendazole, Sodium Bicarbonate & Vitamin C Fenbendazole Panacur Granules 22.2% [Fenbendazole] (1 lb) Humans are not listed on the side panel Fenbendazole is not FDA approved for use in humans, but is commonly used as an antiparasitic medication in animals, and has been studied in some human cancer studies, where it appears to be safe. It has multiple effects against cancer cells. Most significantly, it can lead to the influence the MAPK pathway to activate cellular suicide or apoptosis. It destabilizes cellular protein structures called microtubules that are essential to cell division. It also disrupts cancer cell energy production by blocking the breakdown of sugar (glycolysis) which is like crude oil for cells and also blocking the ability of mitochondria, the energy refining factories of cells from using the crude oil to produce the cellular equivalent of electricity, i.e. ATP - the universal bioenergy molecule. This collection of actions may not be applicable for all cancers, however a sizable proportion are affected; as such metabolic disruption occurs which then leads to production of cellular stress signals. An important manifestation of this is CD80, a costimulatory signal that in combination with T Cell Receptor binding to a foreign antigen, activates CD8 T-cells; alternatively if the antigen is self, it will inhibit them, as well as activate dormant NK cells in the area. Share So what’s happening here is if the cancer cell has non self antigens (those devil horns) the stress signals (failed lie detector test) will activate CD8 cytotoxic T cells to kill it. If however the cancer cell shows a normal self antigen to the T cell along with the stress signals, the T cell will stand down but the same stress signals may still activate nearby NK cells. Thereby some of the tumor cells will be destroyed releasing many new antigens into the area, both self and non self. These new antigens will be recognized by nearby immune cells and train them to better detect the remaining tumor cells. This triggers a far more robust immune activation and ends up in effectively nuking the area - destroying all remaining tumor as well as some friendlies and innocent bystanders mixed up in the fray. Sodium Bicarbonate Alkaline Diet for Cancer : Comprehensive Nutrional Guide to Cure and ... The mechanism of sodium bicarbonate action is easy to understand, based on the Warburg effect: decreasing acidity (increasing the pH or alkalinity) outside the cancer cells impairs their ability to maintain a highly alkaline environment within themselves. That alters cancer cells' metabolism, prompting similar immune system reactions as previously discussed and igniting further cascades. Unfortunately, if sodium bicarbonate is used without other agents from the protocol, tumors promptly become resistant and cancer-fighting benefits decrease to mere prolongation of life expectancy instead of complete elimination. Vitamin C Best Linus Pauling Cancer Vitamin C - Your Best Life When ascorbic acid is used in large quantities, along with the reduced form dehydroascorbate (DHA), it induces intense oxidative stress within cancerous cells; if that stress is insufficient to destroy the cell outright, it triggers the release of numerous cytokines, including our friend CD80, which initiates the cascade described above involving CD8 cytotoxic T cells. Not all forms of cancer are responsive to this pathway and sodium bicarbonate is capable of directly counteracting it. As a potent immunomodulator vitamin C even has the potential to disrupt the inflammatory response involved in targeting a significant-sized tumor. So it’s important to carefully balance the two options, and not use both simultaneously. The alkalization brought about by sodium bicarbonate won't last for particularly long; therefore, employing one after another in alternating fashion will likely provide more benefits than using just one of them at a time. In a Nutshell The following are four therapeutic pathways that, when used together, cause cancerous cells to undergo both apoptosis and loss of immune evasion features so the immune system can identify and attack them. Ivermectin inhibits mutant checkpoint and cascade transduction proteins, particularly PI3K, reduces TAM anti-apoptotic signaling, and increases expression of the tumor suppressor p53 by binding to the hsp90 protein. In addition to modulating the MAPK pathway, fenbendazole destabilizes microtubules, inhibits glycolytic metabolism, inhibits mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, and reduces anti-apoptotic PD-L1 expression feedback loops. Through alkalization of the cytosolic tumor environment, sodium bicarbonate induces metabolic stress. Vitamin C triggers oxidative stress and cytokine production. In this method, cytosolic apoptosis signaling cascades are promoted, and effector CD8 and NK cells are infiltrated into a tumor mass through adaptive recognition of foreign antigens and inhibition of anti-apoptotic pathways in order to achieve complete remission through both self-destruct signaling pathways as well as inflammatory immune destruction of cancerous cells. The Proposed Protocol Unlike most traditional cytotoxic cancer therapies that destroy both cancer cells as well as regular cells and especially the body's immune system cells, this protocol stimulates the body's own innate and adaptive immune system to fight off cancer. NLRP3 and STING enhance immune attack on cancer | Cancer Biology This protocol should not be used in combination with most mainstream cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, due to their ability to impair the immune system that the protocol depends on. It is likely to be most potent at the early stages of disease; further progress of the condition will prolong duration of treatment needed. A healthy immune system takes time to ramp up the necessary response, so the protocol is based on the time required for each drug to take effect, safety data, bioavailability, and elimination time. Day 1: Ivermectin: 1 mg/kg by mouth Fenbendazole: 1000mg by mouth Sodium Bicarbonate: 1 tsp morning and evening dissolved in 1 quart of water Day 2: Ascorbic acid: 50 mg/kg by mouth, two doses, 8 hours apart or 20g IV, once Day 3: Repeat Day 1 Day 4: Repeat Day 2 Days 5 to 10: Fenbendazole, 200mg by mouth daily Alternate sodium bicarbonate and ascorbic acid every other day beginning with sodium bicarb on day 5, then vitamin C on day 6, etc. Day 11: Ivermectin: 1 mg/kg by mouth Fenbendazole: 1000 mg by mouth Sodium Bicarbonate: 1 tsp morning and evening dissolved in 1 quart of water Days 12 to 20: Sodium Bicarbonate: 1 tsp morning and evening dissolved in 1 quart of water Day 20: Imaging: Check progress. Significant reduction or complete elimination of tumor mass should have occurred by this time, if not repeat the protocol. At this time the US FDA has not approved this protocol for study or for use in humans. It is unlikely that any pharmaceutical company will spend the millions of dollars it would take to prove this protocol in large randomized controlled trials because none of the four therapeutics are under patent and therefore cannot be effectively monetized. Even if some billionaire decided to back this protocol, Big Pharma would move heaven and earth to prove it doesn’t work as they did with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID. Let me know below if you know of anyone who has utilized these 4 therapeutics together. And finally beating cancer inside us is a great first step to healing our world, but next we need to beat the cancerous psychopaths who are destroying our societies. If not we will go the way of Rome and a new civilization will rise from our ashes. I believe in the Judeo Christian ethic of working hard and giving back without big government. My online clinic, mygotodoc.com, exemplifies that by charging a fee that is well worth the service, but also offering free medical answers and (asynchronous) care for anyone that needs it. The same applies at my free online Summit Long COVID Reset, exclusive weekly content, including live Q&As and much more released on my video subscription platform, and in my course, Phoenix for Healing Long Haul and Lean Vitality - all are available for a fee or for free by request. So thank you to everyone who finds this written content valuable and supports it by being a paid subscriber (even though there are currently no paid subscriber benefits aside from a warm fuzzy feeling that you did something good). You are helping enable the significant amount of time and effort it takes to write. If you have the means also please consider donating to help support the care of those cannot afford it at mygotodoc.com/donation. If you are a free subscriber thanks for being here, and please also consider supporting my efforts in any way you can, but especially by sharing my posts widely. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/can-2-cheap-meds-1-vitamin-and-baking
    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Vit C and Sodium Bicarb. But don't worry your cancer is safe because the FDA would never allow it.
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  • Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital
    This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol.

    There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success.

    In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks).

    Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing.

    This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants.

    The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic).

    But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul.

    People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs.

    Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic.

    We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit.

    Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons
    In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones.

    The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep.

    Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out.

    And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface.

    This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness.

    You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward.

    To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction.

    Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge.

    If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it.

    This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity.

    And these are the tests we have available to screen for it:

    The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test.

    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more.

    The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more.

    Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work.

    A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis.

    The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive.

    Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question.

    In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion.

    It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below.

    If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed.

    If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back.

    Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment.


    The Microclot Test

    figure 3
    Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes.

    Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity.

    The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all.

    This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity.

    D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream.

    Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest.

    For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting.

    figure 4
    The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients.

    The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements.

    Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration.

    So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment.

    If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available.

    DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023.

    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel

    This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more.

    Tests Included in the Panel:

    Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time.

    Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury.

    Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP:

    The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol.

    Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment.

    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?

    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from …

    Read full story

    Complete Blood Count (CBC)

    Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized.

    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

    Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising.

    Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP.

    D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this.

    Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

    Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog
    Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding.

    hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis.

    Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis.

    Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure.

    Electrocardiogram (EKG)

    EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation
    Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed.

    Echocardiogram (ECHO)

    Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart.

    Chest X-ray

    Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc.

    Whole Body MRI

    The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI
    Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm).

    Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel.

    And that’s a wrap!

    Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes.


    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms. Dr. Syed Haider Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol. There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success. In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks). Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing. This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants. The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic). But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul. People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs. Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic. We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit. Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons source In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones. The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep. Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out. And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface. This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness. You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward. To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction. Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge. If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it. This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity. And these are the tests we have available to screen for it: The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more. The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more. Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work. source A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis. The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive. Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question. In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion. It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below. If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed. If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back. Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment. Share The Microclot Test figure 3 source Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes. Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity. The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all. This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity. D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream. Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest. For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting. figure 4 source The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients. The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements. Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration. So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment. If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available. DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more. Tests Included in the Panel: Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time. Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury. Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP: The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol. Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment. Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from … Read full story Complete Blood Count (CBC) Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising. Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP. D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding. hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis. Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis. Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure. Electrocardiogram (EKG) EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed. Echocardiogram (ECHO) Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart. Chest X-ray source Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc. Whole Body MRI The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm). Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel. And that’s a wrap! Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity https://telegra.ph/Screening-for-Silent-Spike-Toxicity-01-07
    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
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  • Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
    Dr. Syed Haider
    Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital
    This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol.
    There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success.
    In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks).
    Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing.
    This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants.
    The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic).
    But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul.
    People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs.
    Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic.
    We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit.
    Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons
    In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones.
    The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep.
    Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force.
    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.
    Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out.
    And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface.
    This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness.
    You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward.
    To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction.
    Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge.
    If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it.
    This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity.
    And these are the tests we have available to screen for it:
    The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test.
    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more.
    The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more.
    Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work.
    A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis.
    The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive.
    Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question.
    In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion.
    It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below.
    If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed.
    If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back.
    Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment.
    The Microclot Test
    figure 3
    Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes.
    Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity.
    The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all.
    This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity.
    D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream.
    Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest.
    For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting.
    figure 4
    The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients.
    The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements.
    Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration.
    So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment.
    If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available.
    DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023.
    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel
    This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more.
    Tests Included in the Panel:
    Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time.
    Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury.
    Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP:
    The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol.
    Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment.
    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from …
    Read full story
    Complete Blood Count (CBC)
    Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized.
    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
    Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising.
    Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP.
    D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this.
    Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
    Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog
    Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding.
    hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis.
    Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis.
    Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure.
    Electrocardiogram (EKG)
    EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation
    Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed.
    Echocardiogram (ECHO)
    Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart.
    Chest X-ray
    Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc.
    Whole Body MRI
    The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI
    Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm).
    Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel.
    And that’s a wrap!
    Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes.

    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms. Dr. Syed Haider Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol. There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success. In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks). Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing. This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants. The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic). But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul. People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs. Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic. We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit. Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons source In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones. The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep. Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out. And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface. This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness. You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward. To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction. Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge. If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it. This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity. And these are the tests we have available to screen for it: The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more. The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more. Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work. source A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis. The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive. Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question. In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion. It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below. If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed. If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back. Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment. Share The Microclot Test figure 3 source Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes. Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity. The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all. This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity. D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream. Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest. For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting. figure 4 source The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients. The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements. Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration. So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment. If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available. DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more. Tests Included in the Panel: Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time. Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury. Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP: The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol. Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment. Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from … Read full story Complete Blood Count (CBC) Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising. Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP. D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding. hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis. Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis. Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure. Electrocardiogram (EKG) EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed. Echocardiogram (ECHO) Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart. Chest X-ray source Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc. Whole Body MRI The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm). Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel. And that’s a wrap! Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/01/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity.html
    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
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  • Santa Facts and NFT.

    1. The world's largest gathering of Santa Clauses occurs annually in Copenhagen, Denmark, where thousands of people dressed as Santa participate in the Santa Claus World Congress.

    2. The idea of Santa having a workshop at the North Pole is often attributed to the 1823 poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas," which popularized many aspects of the modern Santa Claus myth.

    3. The Guinness World Record for the largest Santa Claus parade is held by Richmond, Virginia, with thousands of participants dressed as Santa.

    4. In Finland, where Santa is known as Joulupukki, a tradition called "Joulupukki TV" allows children to interact with Santa via a live television broadcast.

    5. The first department store Santa Claus appeared in 1890 at a store in Massachusetts, where James Edgar donned a Santa suit to attract shoppers.

    6. The concept of a Naughty or Nice list has been around for centuries, but its modern interpretation as a way to monitor children's behavior and determine gifts is relatively recent.

    7. In Australia, where Christmas falls during the Southern Hemisphere's summer, Santa is sometimes depicted wearing "board shorts" instead of his traditional suit.

    8. The Dutch celebrate "Sinterklaas" on December 5th, where Sinterklaas arrives by boat, accompanied by his helpers, and distributes gifts to children.

    9. The legend of Santa Claus has been adapted in various ways, including female versions like "Mrs. Claus" and different cultural iterations, such as "Grandfather Frost" in Russia.

    10. The town of North Pole in Alaska receives thousands of letters addressed to Santa Claus each year, and volunteers known as "Santa's elves" respond to as many as possible.

    Santa NFT:

    #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter #holidays #santa #facts
    Santa Facts and NFT. 1. The world's largest gathering of Santa Clauses occurs annually in Copenhagen, Denmark, where thousands of people dressed as Santa participate in the Santa Claus World Congress. 2. The idea of Santa having a workshop at the North Pole is often attributed to the 1823 poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas," which popularized many aspects of the modern Santa Claus myth. 3. The Guinness World Record for the largest Santa Claus parade is held by Richmond, Virginia, with thousands of participants dressed as Santa. 4. In Finland, where Santa is known as Joulupukki, a tradition called "Joulupukki TV" allows children to interact with Santa via a live television broadcast. 5. The first department store Santa Claus appeared in 1890 at a store in Massachusetts, where James Edgar donned a Santa suit to attract shoppers. 6. The concept of a Naughty or Nice list has been around for centuries, but its modern interpretation as a way to monitor children's behavior and determine gifts is relatively recent. 7. In Australia, where Christmas falls during the Southern Hemisphere's summer, Santa is sometimes depicted wearing "board shorts" instead of his traditional suit. 8. The Dutch celebrate "Sinterklaas" on December 5th, where Sinterklaas arrives by boat, accompanied by his helpers, and distributes gifts to children. 9. The legend of Santa Claus has been adapted in various ways, including female versions like "Mrs. Claus" and different cultural iterations, such as "Grandfather Frost" in Russia. 10. The town of North Pole in Alaska receives thousands of letters addressed to Santa Claus each year, and volunteers known as "Santa's elves" respond to as many as possible. Santa NFT: https://bit.ly/3NHZ55T #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter #holidays #santa #facts
    NFT by Nft_craftt
    Santa NFT. #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter #holidays #santa #facts...
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  • https://open.substack.com/pub/aearnur/p/in-ukraine-the-western-powers-have

    Never before has western society been so heavily propagandised as now. The effort of the western powers to maintain their dominance has overwhelmed all previously held ethical standards.


    They did everything possible to convince everyone that Ukraine was in the right, the aggrieved party, victim of an unprovoked attack by an evil adversary whose intent was wholly malicious. No stone was left unturned in this campaign of unrelenting falsehood and purposeful misrepresentation.

    Ukraine’s president was portrayed as a modern day Churchill when in fact he was no more than his recent history showed him to be, a second-rate actor and third-rate comedian. Those thousands in Ukraine who bore swastika tattoos we were told to ignore as ‘mostly harmless’ when in fact a significant number of them had already been convicted of crimes including murder, abduction and rape.

    A continual array of crimes were attributed to the Russian authorities and their military. Intentional attacks on civilians when the entire Russian campaign was designed to minimise harm to them. It was said that Russia wished to occupy Ukraine in its entirety when the stated goal of Russia was to ensure the safety from harm only of the Russian-speaking majority in Ukraine’s south-east.

    Russia was accused of an atrocity in the Ukrainian town of Bucha when all the evidence showed that those killed had been those who had taken assistance from the Russian army and had been killed by Ukrainian special forces after being identified as such by neighbours.

    The killing of sheltering civilians in Mariuopol’s oldest theatre by blowing it up was immediately attributed to Russia when again, all existing evidence points to it being carried out by those who hate both Russia and the Russian=speaking majority of the city. A missile attack on a large group of civilians waiting at Kramatorsk train station hoping to leave the city to safety was also attributed to Russia when it was clearly not the case.

    The vital aspect of the conflict in Ukraine to understand is the hatred with which Ukrainians living in western Ukraine who speak Ukrainian hold those who live in the east of Ukraine and who speak Russian. That hatred makes them capable of anything that will inflict pain, injury and mortal wounds on those people and in addition lie about the attribution of their acts to harm the reputation of Russia.

    The long campaign against Vladimir Putin where the greatest number of falsehoods have been told stems back, not to the year 2000 when he was elected president of Russia but to the year 2007 when it first became clear to the political elites of the western world that he would not be their willing subject as they had thought until that year. It was in Munich in February of 2007 that he stated very clearly in an address to them that Russia would plough its own furrow and not be dictated to by any one nation or group of nations. He became public enemy number one for the western powers at this precise point and has remained so ever since. From that point on he has been portrayed falsely as the Devil Incarnate and a new Hitler.

    The misrepresentation of Putin, of Russian intent and activity across every sphere of endeavour, not only within Ukraine continues as a daily routine for every western political and media elite.

    When, in the initial years after the Maidan insurrection in Kiev, the Russian-speaking majority in south-eastern Ukraine were shelled remorselessly by the Ukrainian army and its neo-Nazi militia helpers, the impression was always given in western media that their victims were as a result of actions by Russia. This was either clearly inferred or stated baldly as fact. Those who wished to verify the truth had no access to it via any mainstream news entity in the West. Those few who had the interest, who took the time and made the effort soon discovered the extent to which the true facts were being concealed in the West and too, to what degree western audiences were being grievously misled.

    The misleading of western audiences regarding events in Ukraine has been constant since the turn of events began there in 2014. A totally one-sided campaign of misinformation has been conducted in the West, a campaign which continues to this day. Only in the last few days in this month of February 2023 the BBC showed film of devastated homes in the south-eastern Ukrainian city of Odessa. The vital context of this destruction that was left unvoiced was that this destruction including the crater in the residential street was caused not by Russian missiles but by sub-standard Ukrainian air-defence missiles that had misfired.

    The Ukraine war has exemplified in gruesome and disgusting detail the old adage that the first victim of war is the truth. Propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, psychological operations and every other scurrilous device under the sun has been used to wage yet another war of choice by the West, this time at the enormous and utterly tragic expense of the Ukrainian people.

    Russia made every possible effort to avoid this war. From 2014 when hostilities began after the Ukrainian army began attacking the people of the Donbass region of south-eastern Ukraine Russia has sought to map a route to peace. The Minsk process designed to forward this goal proved in vain due to the disingenuous and malicious approach by the western powers to it. They sought, through it, to make successive Ukrainian regimes even more militarily powerful with the eventual aim of waging even more war.

    Only a month after Russia was forced by innumerable actions by the West to achieve the aims of protecting the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass region and of itself from a malevolent Ukrainian regime via its becoming a NATO state on its border, Russia initiated peace negotiations. These bore fruit in March 2022 when significant progress was announced from Istanbul where the talks between the two sides where being held. Russia removed its troops from around the capital Kiev, sent there with the goal not of conquest but of bringing the regime there to its senses and to negotiate a peaceful outcome. This avenue toward a peaceful resolution of all areas of concern was swiftly blocked via a visit to Kiev by then British prime minister Boris Johnson. This one act condemned upwards of half a million Ukrainians to their deaths and the potential destruction of Ukraine as a viable state.

    Now, after all the misrepresentations, the fabrications, the constant propaganda, fables and bare-faced lies concerning Ukraine, Russia and both their presidents the truth is now beginning to emerge. The western powers are beginning to be perceived as they should be, as a combined malign influence, not only in Ukraine of course but broadly across the world and specifically at the moment in the Middle East where their past influence ought to have warned western populations of how little they could be trusted anywhere.

    What has occurred in Ukraine is an unmitigated disaster for the people there. It was an outcome never once desired by Russia and one that Russia strove with every will in the world for the best part of a decade to avoid. However, the aims of the western powers, to weaken and ultimately break up the Russian Federation through the tool of continual war in Ukraine, overruled all hopes of finding a way through to a peaceful resolution of Russia’s clear concerns regarding its safety and that of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine.

    Western elite entities engaged in a continual campaign of presenting barriers to conflict resolution, of creating never-ending pressure undermining attempts by Russia to find a peaceful way through to its national security, and finally in an unrelenting campaign of distortion which has been continually fed to western populations right up to the present day.

    https://open.substack.com/pub/aearnur/p/in-ukraine-the-western-powers-have IN UKRAINE THE WESTERN POWERS HAVE CREATED A POISONOUS WEB OF LIES Never before has western society been so heavily propagandised as now. The effort of the western powers to maintain their dominance has overwhelmed all previously held ethical standards. Aearnur They did everything possible to convince everyone that Ukraine was in the right, the aggrieved party, victim of an unprovoked attack by an evil adversary whose intent was wholly malicious. No stone was left unturned in this campaign of unrelenting falsehood and purposeful misrepresentation. Ukraine’s president was portrayed as a modern day Churchill when in fact he was no more than his recent history showed him to be, a second-rate actor and third-rate comedian. Those thousands in Ukraine who bore swastika tattoos we were told to ignore as ‘mostly harmless’ when in fact a significant number of them had already been convicted of crimes including murder, abduction and rape. A continual array of crimes were attributed to the Russian authorities and their military. Intentional attacks on civilians when the entire Russian campaign was designed to minimise harm to them. It was said that Russia wished to occupy Ukraine in its entirety when the stated goal of Russia was to ensure the safety from harm only of the Russian-speaking majority in Ukraine’s south-east. Russia was accused of an atrocity in the Ukrainian town of Bucha when all the evidence showed that those killed had been those who had taken assistance from the Russian army and had been killed by Ukrainian special forces after being identified as such by neighbours. The killing of sheltering civilians in Mariuopol’s oldest theatre by blowing it up was immediately attributed to Russia when again, all existing evidence points to it being carried out by those who hate both Russia and the Russian=speaking majority of the city. A missile attack on a large group of civilians waiting at Kramatorsk train station hoping to leave the city to safety was also attributed to Russia when it was clearly not the case. The vital aspect of the conflict in Ukraine to understand is the hatred with which Ukrainians living in western Ukraine who speak Ukrainian hold those who live in the east of Ukraine and who speak Russian. That hatred makes them capable of anything that will inflict pain, injury and mortal wounds on those people and in addition lie about the attribution of their acts to harm the reputation of Russia. The long campaign against Vladimir Putin where the greatest number of falsehoods have been told stems back, not to the year 2000 when he was elected president of Russia but to the year 2007 when it first became clear to the political elites of the western world that he would not be their willing subject as they had thought until that year. It was in Munich in February of 2007 that he stated very clearly in an address to them that Russia would plough its own furrow and not be dictated to by any one nation or group of nations. He became public enemy number one for the western powers at this precise point and has remained so ever since. From that point on he has been portrayed falsely as the Devil Incarnate and a new Hitler. The misrepresentation of Putin, of Russian intent and activity across every sphere of endeavour, not only within Ukraine continues as a daily routine for every western political and media elite. When, in the initial years after the Maidan insurrection in Kiev, the Russian-speaking majority in south-eastern Ukraine were shelled remorselessly by the Ukrainian army and its neo-Nazi militia helpers, the impression was always given in western media that their victims were as a result of actions by Russia. This was either clearly inferred or stated baldly as fact. Those who wished to verify the truth had no access to it via any mainstream news entity in the West. Those few who had the interest, who took the time and made the effort soon discovered the extent to which the true facts were being concealed in the West and too, to what degree western audiences were being grievously misled. The misleading of western audiences regarding events in Ukraine has been constant since the turn of events began there in 2014. A totally one-sided campaign of misinformation has been conducted in the West, a campaign which continues to this day. Only in the last few days in this month of February 2023 the BBC showed film of devastated homes in the south-eastern Ukrainian city of Odessa. The vital context of this destruction that was left unvoiced was that this destruction including the crater in the residential street was caused not by Russian missiles but by sub-standard Ukrainian air-defence missiles that had misfired. The Ukraine war has exemplified in gruesome and disgusting detail the old adage that the first victim of war is the truth. Propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, psychological operations and every other scurrilous device under the sun has been used to wage yet another war of choice by the West, this time at the enormous and utterly tragic expense of the Ukrainian people. Russia made every possible effort to avoid this war. From 2014 when hostilities began after the Ukrainian army began attacking the people of the Donbass region of south-eastern Ukraine Russia has sought to map a route to peace. The Minsk process designed to forward this goal proved in vain due to the disingenuous and malicious approach by the western powers to it. They sought, through it, to make successive Ukrainian regimes even more militarily powerful with the eventual aim of waging even more war. Only a month after Russia was forced by innumerable actions by the West to achieve the aims of protecting the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass region and of itself from a malevolent Ukrainian regime via its becoming a NATO state on its border, Russia initiated peace negotiations. These bore fruit in March 2022 when significant progress was announced from Istanbul where the talks between the two sides where being held. Russia removed its troops from around the capital Kiev, sent there with the goal not of conquest but of bringing the regime there to its senses and to negotiate a peaceful outcome. This avenue toward a peaceful resolution of all areas of concern was swiftly blocked via a visit to Kiev by then British prime minister Boris Johnson. This one act condemned upwards of half a million Ukrainians to their deaths and the potential destruction of Ukraine as a viable state. Now, after all the misrepresentations, the fabrications, the constant propaganda, fables and bare-faced lies concerning Ukraine, Russia and both their presidents the truth is now beginning to emerge. The western powers are beginning to be perceived as they should be, as a combined malign influence, not only in Ukraine of course but broadly across the world and specifically at the moment in the Middle East where their past influence ought to have warned western populations of how little they could be trusted anywhere. What has occurred in Ukraine is an unmitigated disaster for the people there. It was an outcome never once desired by Russia and one that Russia strove with every will in the world for the best part of a decade to avoid. However, the aims of the western powers, to weaken and ultimately break up the Russian Federation through the tool of continual war in Ukraine, overruled all hopes of finding a way through to a peaceful resolution of Russia’s clear concerns regarding its safety and that of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. Western elite entities engaged in a continual campaign of presenting barriers to conflict resolution, of creating never-ending pressure undermining attempts by Russia to find a peaceful way through to its national security, and finally in an unrelenting campaign of distortion which has been continually fed to western populations right up to the present day.
    Never before has western society been so heavily propagandised as now. The effort of the western powers to maintain their dominance has overwhelmed all previously held ethical standards.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7232 Views
  • Watched this race. Have seen this scenario before. Jumbo Visma degrading the opposition. I'm happy for Laporte as he is a great helper and he totally deserves to have the classic behind his name.

    Very generous of Van Aert to let his team mate win because he was the strongest rider today.

    (source: https://www.cyclingnews.com/races/gent-wevelgem-2023/elite-men/live-report/)
    Watched this race. Have seen this scenario before. Jumbo Visma degrading the opposition. I'm happy for Laporte as he is a great helper and he totally deserves to have the classic behind his name. Very generous of Van Aert to let his team mate win because he was the strongest rider today. (source: https://www.cyclingnews.com/races/gent-wevelgem-2023/elite-men/live-report/)
    As it happened: Jumbo-Visma dominant again at Gent-Wevelgem
    Laporte, Van Aert take a 1-2 after 260km of rainy racing across the cobbles and hills of Flanders
    0 Comments 0 Shares 830 Views
  • Today since it’s Sunday, I had the chance to cook alongside my son. In the kitchen, he was the primary helper. He is curious about the foods I prepare and the methods I use, and it is wonderful to know that he is eager to learn. Perhaps he will continue to eat healthily while he is living by myself at the University next year, preparing his own meals rather than relying on ready - to - eat that are loaded with processed ingredients, sugars, and other unhealthy elements. I honestly hope so. ????
    Today we prepared "Turkey Meatloaf with roasted sweet potato, eggplant, and zucchini.
    How did your Sunday go so far?

    We are currently living to enjoy a peaceful evening #familystroll.
    Happy #Saturday everyone! ????
    #SomeeEvolution #Somee #OriginalContentOnly #RelaxingDay #Recharging #SundayFamilyDay
    Today since it’s Sunday, I had the chance to cook alongside my son. In the kitchen, he was the primary helper. He is curious about the foods I prepare and the methods I use, and it is wonderful to know that he is eager to learn. Perhaps he will continue to eat healthily while he is living by myself at the University next year, preparing his own meals rather than relying on ready - to - eat that are loaded with processed ingredients, sugars, and other unhealthy elements. I honestly hope so. ???? Today we prepared "Turkey Meatloaf with roasted sweet potato, eggplant, and zucchini. How did your Sunday go so far? We are currently living to enjoy a peaceful evening #familystroll. Happy #Saturday everyone! ???? #SomeeEvolution #Somee #OriginalContentOnly #RelaxingDay #Recharging #SundayFamilyDay
    2 Comments 0 Shares 5954 Views
  • @https://www.digistore24.com/redir/413700/Mary_YHWH/

    Experiencing low energy?

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    Our products are designed to support healthy testosterone production and metabolism in men; from boosting physical performance to supporting general wellness.

    With this product, you'll find the perfect balance of vitamins and minerals to maximize your energy levels and stay active throughout the day.

    All are made of rare ingredients.  This is our best seller masculine supplement. We must stop selling for recollect products for you almost a year. You can't wait for it. Can you imagine of being as strong as lions, the forests King. So here you are!

    So go ahead and fuel your body with the power of this supplement!

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    @https://www.digistore24.com/redir/413700/Mary_YHWH/ Experiencing low energy? This nutritional capsule is your go-to for optimal male nutrition. Our comprehensive range of supplements provides you with the necessary ingredients for a healthier life and increased energy. Our products are designed to support healthy testosterone production and metabolism in men; from boosting physical performance to supporting general wellness. With this product, you'll find the perfect balance of vitamins and minerals to maximize your energy levels and stay active throughout the day. All are made of rare ingredients.  This is our best seller masculine supplement. We must stop selling for recollect products for you almost a year. You can't wait for it. Can you imagine of being as strong as lions, the forests King. So here you are! So go ahead and fuel your body with the power of this supplement! #exerciseroutine #eatclean #masculine #must #healthy #helper #geniuspill #nutrients #active #healthandfitness  #exercisemotivation #healthfood #healthadvocate #intags #nutrientsovercalories #gettinghealthy #nutrientsforskin #activekids #eatinghealthy #cleaneats #exercises #health #activerest #healthandwellness #exerciseismedicine #healthandwellbeing #cleaneating #active
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8643 Views
  • A Fish Story

    A fisherman had been struggling to get a good catch, so he needed to find a new fishing ground to get enough to bring to market plus feed his family.  He heard there was a woman who was very connected to all the local fishing towns and heard she was often willing to help those in need.  So, he went in search and finally found her late as she was eating her dinner.


    I am so sorry to bother you, but I am in need of finding a new fishing ground, and I heard you might be able to help.


    I know many fishermen and will enquire.  Come back here tomorrow at the same time.

    The next day the fisherman returned after another morning fishing but with little results.


    I am happy you returned, and I did get some info.  Here is a crude map with a good location to fish.  The man who drew this said it is hard to get to because of treacherous rocks, and it’s a little far but he said it can be worth it.


    Thank you so much, and if there is anything I can do to show my gratitude.  I have almost no money, but my wife & little daughter could bake you a cake or a pie.


    That is not necessary, I will come by for my fish

    The man took the map, prepared for a long tough journey, and set off to the new fishing grounds.  It was long and difficult, but he did come back with a good catch to sell for necessities and a little for his family to eat.  When he was cleaning up near the end of the market, the lady came over to him. 


    So how did it work out, did you catch some fish


    Yes, it was a long hard journey but I got enough for essentials, bait, some new fishing supplies and to feed my family.


    That is great, I just stopped by to pick up my half of the fish.

    The fisherman did not show his surprise.  He just slowly raised his weathered eyes and looked at the woman for a long time measuring her and his words before he spoke.


    I am deeply appreciative of the information I so desperately needed.  I truly do want to pay you back in some way.  If you had gone with me to help me through the treacherous rocks, or helped me throw out the nets, or waited patiently with your rod for a bite, or even had helped me find a bigger boat,  a helper, even just assisted me here in the market today.  I would probably want to share half of what I caught with you.  Yes, you had the contact who knew of the fishing grounds and made the map.  Maybe he deserves some fish.  I heard about you then sought you out and I came back the next day.  Again, so grateful! Then it was I who got up before dawn to start off on a very treacherous and long journey following the map.  All the while thinking that this map might not even be good.  Fishermen rarely give up a good fishing ground.  Once through the rocks, I had to use my years of knowledge as a fisherman to select the most likely spot to fish.  It was I who had to prepare the bait and cast out the line.  Then while waiting cast out a net far out on the other side of the boat.  I had to be patient and watchful for the signs of fish on the line.  After many hours, I then had to calculate when to begin heading home so as not to get caught in tides and get bashed against the rocks and still make it back by dark.  Upon getting back, tired from a long day,  I had to secure the boat and ready it to go out again tomorrow.  Then my sweet wife and our young daughter helped me clean the fish and prepare them for sale at the market here today.  I am sorry, I don’t have much, but I am grateful.  I want to be fair to the one who gave me this location.  It was hard to get to, but worth it.  My family and I picked out the best and tastiest fish of my catch just to say thank you. My daughter has wrapped it specially for you.  And I will save the best and tastiest fish from every catch as long as I fish there because I want you to know I am grateful.  That is what I can offer.

    The lady listened the entire time as the fisherman talked of his long day looking off to the horizon as he retraced the steps of his journey, then looking towards his simple boat on the beach.  Then looking tenderly to his little family.  But as he spoke, he did not see her eyes soften and glisten.  You see, she had helped so many before and they had so often taken the information were rarely ever grateful.  She had decided she was going to test the fisherman by asking for half of the catch, but as he spoke, he deeply touched her with his gratitude and humility.  So, he had easily passed her test and she graciously accepted the wrapped fish. 

    For years & years after the fishermen and his family greeted her after every catch with the best and tastiest fish wrapped just for her.  They became dear friends because of the gratitude of just one fish!

    Inspired by a story idea by @CurtisAllison and written by Chad Murdock
    A Fish Story A fisherman had been struggling to get a good catch, so he needed to find a new fishing ground to get enough to bring to market plus feed his family.  He heard there was a woman who was very connected to all the local fishing towns and heard she was often willing to help those in need.  So, he went in search and finally found her late as she was eating her dinner. Fisher I am so sorry to bother you, but I am in need of finding a new fishing ground, and I heard you might be able to help. Lady I know many fishermen and will enquire.  Come back here tomorrow at the same time. The next day the fisherman returned after another morning fishing but with little results. Lady I am happy you returned, and I did get some info.  Here is a crude map with a good location to fish.  The man who drew this said it is hard to get to because of treacherous rocks, and it’s a little far but he said it can be worth it. Fisher Thank you so much, and if there is anything I can do to show my gratitude.  I have almost no money, but my wife & little daughter could bake you a cake or a pie. Lady That is not necessary, I will come by for my fish The man took the map, prepared for a long tough journey, and set off to the new fishing grounds.  It was long and difficult, but he did come back with a good catch to sell for necessities and a little for his family to eat.  When he was cleaning up near the end of the market, the lady came over to him.  Lady So how did it work out, did you catch some fish Fisher Yes, it was a long hard journey but I got enough for essentials, bait, some new fishing supplies and to feed my family. Lady That is great, I just stopped by to pick up my half of the fish. The fisherman did not show his surprise.  He just slowly raised his weathered eyes and looked at the woman for a long time measuring her and his words before he spoke. Fisher I am deeply appreciative of the information I so desperately needed.  I truly do want to pay you back in some way.  If you had gone with me to help me through the treacherous rocks, or helped me throw out the nets, or waited patiently with your rod for a bite, or even had helped me find a bigger boat,  a helper, even just assisted me here in the market today.  I would probably want to share half of what I caught with you.  Yes, you had the contact who knew of the fishing grounds and made the map.  Maybe he deserves some fish.  I heard about you then sought you out and I came back the next day.  Again, so grateful! Then it was I who got up before dawn to start off on a very treacherous and long journey following the map.  All the while thinking that this map might not even be good.  Fishermen rarely give up a good fishing ground.  Once through the rocks, I had to use my years of knowledge as a fisherman to select the most likely spot to fish.  It was I who had to prepare the bait and cast out the line.  Then while waiting cast out a net far out on the other side of the boat.  I had to be patient and watchful for the signs of fish on the line.  After many hours, I then had to calculate when to begin heading home so as not to get caught in tides and get bashed against the rocks and still make it back by dark.  Upon getting back, tired from a long day,  I had to secure the boat and ready it to go out again tomorrow.  Then my sweet wife and our young daughter helped me clean the fish and prepare them for sale at the market here today.  I am sorry, I don’t have much, but I am grateful.  I want to be fair to the one who gave me this location.  It was hard to get to, but worth it.  My family and I picked out the best and tastiest fish of my catch just to say thank you. My daughter has wrapped it specially for you.  And I will save the best and tastiest fish from every catch as long as I fish there because I want you to know I am grateful.  That is what I can offer. The lady listened the entire time as the fisherman talked of his long day looking off to the horizon as he retraced the steps of his journey, then looking towards his simple boat on the beach.  Then looking tenderly to his little family.  But as he spoke, he did not see her eyes soften and glisten.  You see, she had helped so many before and they had so often taken the information were rarely ever grateful.  She had decided she was going to test the fisherman by asking for half of the catch, but as he spoke, he deeply touched her with his gratitude and humility.  So, he had easily passed her test and she graciously accepted the wrapped fish.  For years & years after the fishermen and his family greeted her after every catch with the best and tastiest fish wrapped just for her.  They became dear friends because of the gratitude of just one fish! [Curtis] Inspired by a story idea by @CurtisAllison and written by Chad Murdock
    5 Comments 0 Shares 2008 Views
  • The helper of the diveshop here is making a huge Buttplug for the bamboo stabilizers that holds the boat in balance in the big waves :)
    The helper of the diveshop here is making a huge Buttplug for the bamboo stabilizers that holds the boat in balance in the big waves :)
    0 Comments 0 Shares 796 Views 83
  • What a crazy day. Loading hay with my helpers.????
    What a crazy day. Loading hay with my helpers.????
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1674 Views
  • Well I never can get the kids to help with loading the dishwasher. So I have enlisted a new helper in McDougal. He is fascinated with the dishwasher. Loves be up there everytime we load the dishwasher.
    Well I never can get the kids to help with loading the dishwasher. So I have enlisted a new helper in McDougal. He is fascinated with the dishwasher. Loves be up there everytime we load the dishwasher.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 468 Views
  • ..., i will never forget what my hubby and all the other soldiers and helpers are doing DAY BY DAY !!! #thx @[[57376][user]] @[[20470][user]]

    ..., i will never forget what my hubby and all the other soldiers and helpers are doing DAY BY DAY !!! #thx @[[57376][user]] @[[20470][user]]
    0 Comments 0 Shares 662 Views