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  • The most famous broadcaster in America is Oprah Winfrey. She announced her retirement, and they held a festival honoring her in a football stadium, but the surprise was to discover that she had sponsored 65,000 poor people for a quarter of a century without anyone knowing...

    Many of them attended the stadium and 450 people came out with candles... !
    Five of them were professors at Harvard University who gave a short sermon summarizing it: “If it were not for Oprah, we would now be in a different place than this...”!!!

    One person changes the lives of 65,000 people? And in secret?

    Humanity is not a religion, but rather a rank that some people reach.

    Over to Nigerian millionaires and billionaires. Build human capacities instead of competing in building castles and buying exotic vehicles which will become old models in a few years.
    Be an epitome of humanity. Sponsor children of the poor to school
    The most famous broadcaster in America is Oprah Winfrey. She announced her retirement, and they held a festival honoring her in a football stadium, but the surprise was to discover that she had sponsored 65,000 poor people for a quarter of a century without anyone knowing... Many of them attended the stadium and 450 people came out with candles... ! Five of them were professors at Harvard University who gave a short sermon summarizing it: “If it were not for Oprah, we would now be in a different place than this...”!!! One person changes the lives of 65,000 people? And in secret? Humanity is not a religion, but rather a rank that some people reach. "Socrates". Over to Nigerian millionaires and billionaires. Build human capacities instead of competing in building castles and buying exotic vehicles which will become old models in a few years. Be an epitome of humanity. Sponsor children of the poor to school
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 659 Просмотры


    We are no longer differentiating.

    Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. (Isa 1: 4)


    Despite many answers, James actually made it easier for us;
    Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. (Jas 4: 17)

    What is sin? We have very many answers given to this question in the modern world, but the Bible gives one: SIN IS THE BREAKING OF GOD'S LAW. SIN IS SAYING NO TO GOD, AND SAYING YES TO ONE'S OWN DESIRE.

    This rebellious spirit is nothing new in the world. It came about when the first humans, Adam and Eve, rejected God’s wisdom in place of their own. The presence of sin, as described in the Bible, is the only thing that can explain why the world is full of pain and suffering. Only God’s WORD explains why all sin against God and against one another. The world cannot repair the damage of sin; it cannot make right what humanity has done.

    The only true hope for this sinful world is found in God’s gracious sending of Christ Jesus. The whole Bible looks forward to the time when God will make everything right again in the person of His Son, Christ Jesus. Now,the question we should ask us is this,“do I believe in what God has done? Have I turned from my sin and trusted in Christ Jesus” Christ Jesus is the only One who can redeem from sin and the wrath of God.


    The prophet Isaiah wrote to the people of Israel because they were in trouble due to their sin.(Just as us today)

    The message of the prophets and the Bible is a call to repentance and faith.
    Isaiah calls the people (YOU AND ME),a "sinful nation" and "laden with iniquity" to show them their sin.
    Sin makes people forsake God, despise Him, and go backward to corruption.
    People think sin leads to freedom but it leads to corruption and making God an enemy.
    The world thinks it's progressing but without God it's going backward to corruption.
    Sin spreads from individuals to corrupt communities, societies, and nations.
    God still speaks to call people to repentance, faith, and salvation.



    I can't force you nor you me. It's Only an appeal that our chances of escape is getting narrower by the day.
    20. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
    21. Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
    22. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
    23. And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: (Rom 1: 20-24)

    We should be grateful to God for a chance of escape (2Pt.3:7-14) Amen!
    THAT I MAY KNOW HIM![PHP.3:10] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 NOW, LET'S TALK ABOUT*SIN !*(ISA.1:4 PERSPECTIVE) 🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️ We are no longer differentiating. Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. (Isa 1: 4) WHAT IS*SIN* Despite many answers, James actually made it easier for us; Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. (Jas 4: 17) What is sin? We have very many answers given to this question in the modern world, but the Bible gives one: SIN IS THE BREAKING OF GOD'S LAW. SIN IS SAYING NO TO GOD, AND SAYING YES TO ONE'S OWN DESIRE. This rebellious spirit is nothing new in the world. It came about when the first humans, Adam and Eve, rejected God’s wisdom in place of their own. The presence of sin, as described in the Bible, is the only thing that can explain why the world is full of pain and suffering. Only God’s WORD explains why all sin against God and against one another. The world cannot repair the damage of sin; it cannot make right what humanity has done. The only true hope for this sinful world is found in God’s gracious sending of Christ Jesus. The whole Bible looks forward to the time when God will make everything right again in the person of His Son, Christ Jesus. Now,the question we should ask us is this,“do I believe in what God has done? Have I turned from my sin and trusted in Christ Jesus” Christ Jesus is the only One who can redeem from sin and the wrath of God. THIS BRIEF ANALOGY OF SIN IS BASED ON PROPHET ISAIAH'S MESSAGE TO YOU AND ME(NOT JUST ISRAEL, AFTER ALL,WE CLAIM ISRAEL BY ADOPTION)! The prophet Isaiah wrote to the people of Israel because they were in trouble due to their sin.(Just as us today) The message of the prophets and the Bible is a call to repentance and faith. SIN is MAN'S WRONG RELATIONSHIP AND ATTITUDE TOWARD GOD THAT LEADS TO TROUBLE. Isaiah calls the people (YOU AND ME),a "sinful nation" and "laden with iniquity" to show them their sin. Sin makes people forsake God, despise Him, and go backward to corruption. People think sin leads to freedom but it leads to corruption and making God an enemy. The world thinks it's progressing but without God it's going backward to corruption. Sin spreads from individuals to corrupt communities, societies, and nations. God still speaks to call people to repentance, faith, and salvation. THOUGH MAN'S SIN IS GREAT, GOD'S GRACE, LOVE, AND SALVATION ARE GREATER FOR THOSE WHO REPENT. Now ,are we willing to grab this UNCOMMON AND UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FROM A RIGHTEOUS GOD AND JUDGE WHO DOESN'T DISCRIMINATE, AS THE CLOCK TICKS TO ITS FINAL SECOND? I can't force you nor you me. It's Only an appeal that our chances of escape is getting narrower by the day. Are we yet going or continue to believe in the luciferic induced lies of unyielded scientists,belly pastors,liberal ministers,etc,ALL BECAUSE OF WHAT REBELLIOUS MAN UNDER HIS MASTER'S TUTELAGE IS DOING IN THE WORLD TO PROVE THERE'S NO OTHER HEAVEN ELSEWHERE BY THE WONDERS IN ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE(EVEN ON WHEELS),THE KNOWLEDGE THEY CLAIM TO HAVE,THAT THEY DON'T KNOW THAT IT'S GOD'S WAY OF ALLOWING THEM TO LIVE OUT THEIR ILLUSIONS; 20. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21. Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23. And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: (Rom 1: 20-24) We should be grateful to God for a chance of escape (2Pt.3:7-14) Amen🙇🙏!
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  • https://allnewsadvertisment-website.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-first-budget-of-more-than-18.html
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    I want to state again that most of us that are committed to the fight against the wrongs in church and society, aren't saints nor perfect. LIKE I'VE ALWAYS SAID ABOUT MYSELF,I MAY BE WORSE THAN YOU READING ME. The only difference perhaps is the determination to do the right thing, and also not to be a hindrance to sincere truth seekers.

    I tried to follow how I am led,and this time it's the ever popular subject of sin. But strangely enough, we are starting by separating between the main types of sin.

    The verified truth is that every sin earns death. Every sin makes the sinner guilty before God (Romans 6:23).

    However, the Bible does describe different types of sin. And theologians have divided these types of sins into involuntary and voluntary sins.

    Now,an involuntary sin is a sin that we commit because of the weakness of our flesh or because we are ignorant of a law that we are breaking. Simply put, these sins are not done deliberately.

    While,on the other hand, voluntary sin is done by those of us who know what we are doing is wrong, but we do it anyway. This type of sin is done intentionally.

    We may have to read Matthew 11:21-24; and John 19:11; on our own. But with two other scriptures we are going to establish the difference in a much simpler way:
    Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. (1Ti 1: 13)

    Here Paul agreed to his ignorance of the law that made him do what he did.

    For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, (Heb 10: 26)

    Here, Paul establish deliberate sin and its consequences. Though the scriptures make a point that ALL SINS ARE EQUAL,the same scriptures made a case for some sins easier to forgive than others.

    Involuntary sins: weakness or ignorance
    Since we all have a sinful nature, every action we take is tainted with sin. Isaiah said, “All our righteous acts are like filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). We often sin without realizing it. The psalmist says, “Who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults” (Psalm 19:12). Through our own weakness or ignorance of God’s law, we fall into this type of sin daily. Praise God that he rescues us by forgiving us through Jesus!

    Read Romans 7:15-25.

    Here the apostle Paul talks about how he struggled with this type of sin.

    Yet we will not be exonerated from these types without some consequences. This is because a true believer can steps to avoid sins of weakness or ignorance;
    There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (1Co 10: 13)

    But the dangers of deliberate sin is different.
    To know something is wrong and to do it anyway is dangerous, spiritually. The apostle Paul says, “If you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” (Romans 8:13).

    In an attempt to justify sinful behavior, some will say, “God hates the sin but loves the sinner.” Unfortunately, this is a confusion of law and gospel. The law says that God hates sin and the sinner (Psalm 5:5). We need to hear this message to lead us to repentance. The gospel says that God loves the world and me because of Christ Jesus (John 3:16). We need to hear this message when the law has done its work in our heart and convicted us of sin.

    Read Psalm 32:5 and Hebrews 10:26-31.

    Thus,there is no TRUTH in “God hates the sin but loves the sinner”;
    Read also Hab.1:13

    We are coming back to talk about sin proper.

    It should be our prayer never to cross God's boundaries,Amen!
    THAT I MAY KNOW HIM![PHP.3:10] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 DIFFERENTIATING SIN DOESN'T DECREASE NOR INCREASE OUR HOPE! 🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️ I want to state again that most of us that are committed to the fight against the wrongs in church and society, aren't saints nor perfect. LIKE I'VE ALWAYS SAID ABOUT MYSELF,I MAY BE WORSE THAN YOU READING ME. The only difference perhaps is the determination to do the right thing, and also not to be a hindrance to sincere truth seekers. I tried to follow how I am led,and this time it's the ever popular subject of sin. But strangely enough, we are starting by separating between the main types of sin. The verified truth is that every sin earns death. Every sin makes the sinner guilty before God (Romans 6:23). However, the Bible does describe different types of sin. And theologians have divided these types of sins into involuntary and voluntary sins. Now,an involuntary sin is a sin that we commit because of the weakness of our flesh or because we are ignorant of a law that we are breaking. Simply put, these sins are not done deliberately. While,on the other hand, voluntary sin is done by those of us who know what we are doing is wrong, but we do it anyway. This type of sin is done intentionally. We may have to read Matthew 11:21-24; and John 19:11; on our own. But with two other scriptures we are going to establish the difference in a much simpler way: Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. (1Ti 1: 13) Here Paul agreed to his ignorance of the law that made him do what he did. For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, (Heb 10: 26) Here, Paul establish deliberate sin and its consequences. Though the scriptures make a point that ALL SINS ARE EQUAL,the same scriptures made a case for some sins easier to forgive than others. Involuntary sins: weakness or ignorance Since we all have a sinful nature, every action we take is tainted with sin. Isaiah said, “All our righteous acts are like filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). We often sin without realizing it. The psalmist says, “Who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults” (Psalm 19:12). Through our own weakness or ignorance of God’s law, we fall into this type of sin daily. Praise God that he rescues us by forgiving us through Jesus! Read Romans 7:15-25. Here the apostle Paul talks about how he struggled with this type of sin. Yet we will not be exonerated from these types without some consequences. This is because a true believer can steps to avoid sins of weakness or ignorance; There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (1Co 10: 13) But the dangers of deliberate sin is different. To know something is wrong and to do it anyway is dangerous, spiritually. The apostle Paul says, “If you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” (Romans 8:13). In an attempt to justify sinful behavior, some will say, “God hates the sin but loves the sinner.” Unfortunately, this is a confusion of law and gospel. The law says that God hates sin and the sinner (Psalm 5:5). We need to hear this message to lead us to repentance. The gospel says that God loves the world and me because of Christ Jesus (John 3:16). We need to hear this message when the law has done its work in our heart and convicted us of sin. Read Psalm 32:5 and Hebrews 10:26-31. Thus,there is no TRUTH in “God hates the sin but loves the sinner”; Read also Hab.1:13 We are coming back to talk about sin proper. It should be our prayer never to cross God's boundaries,Amen🙇🙏!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1420 Просмотры


    I am on my knees begging those reading these messages not to grow angry,mad,or feel they have a better knowledge. Any knowledge outside the Bible is satanology.

    Remember yesterday, we agreed;
    Paul had a reason when he taught that, THAT I DON'T SET GRACE ASIDE....IN OTHER WORDS, GRACE ALONE WON'T DO IT ALL.

    Now today again, I tell us this;


    I am not writing this because I see myself as better than anyone. I MAKE BOLD TO DECLARE THAT I AM WORSE...MUCH WORSE THAN SOME READING THIS. BUT WE MUST RELY ON GOD TO GET US OUT OF OUR OWN MESS !


    First, why the world needs the grace of God: That is the wrath of God. Why does the world need grace? Because of the coming wrath.
    Secondly, the only way the grace of God comes to the world is through the CROSS of CHRIST JESUS.
    Third, how the world sets aside the grace of God, especially through SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS.
    Fourth,how the grace of God makes sinners righteous in HIS sight, first by justification and second through the Spirit-filled life.


    Secularly, a lord is a man of high office or ranking...a nobleman.
    This means he is a person who has the power of authority over others, like a monarch or master. Someone every other person is BOUND to OBEY.

    It's not different when it comes to Christ Jesus, because in His Case, HE IS THE LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS...this makes it more important for us to Obey Him!
    9. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
    10. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
    11. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Php 2: 9-11)

    Indeed,we should be grateful to Him that He isn't a Feudal Lord.
    Thus,very many of us think that because of Grace,we need not Obey, that as SAVIOUR,HE WILL SAVE US IN WHATEVER CONDITION...STOP BEING DECEIVED SIR.
    1. What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2. God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? (Rom 6: 1-2)

    Christ Jesus needs our obedience for Him to save us,for He NEVER fights a fight of blame...you can check Jude 9.


    Any pastor that still makes prosperity and liberty of grace the focal point of his message or sermons is not helping you.

    We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. (2Co 6: 1)

    O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? (Gal 3: 1)


    TOWARDS THE PERFECT MAN![JAMES 1:4] 👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉 IF CHRIST JESUS MUST BE OUR SAVIOUR, WE MUST ALSO ALLOW HIM TO BE OUR LORD... OTHERWISE, FORGET IT. [PART THREE] 🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️ I am on my knees begging those reading these messages not to grow angry,mad,or feel they have a better knowledge. Any knowledge outside the Bible is satanology. Remember yesterday, we agreed; Paul had a reason when he taught that, THAT I DON'T SET GRACE ASIDE....IN OTHER WORDS, GRACE ALONE WON'T DO IT ALL. Now today again, I tell us this; GRACE IS THE DETERMINATION, THE SUBTLE DETERMINATION IN THE HEART OF GOD, TO DO US GOOD, WE WHO DESERVED TO BE PUNISHED ETERNALLY." I am not writing this because I see myself as better than anyone. I MAKE BOLD TO DECLARE THAT I AM WORSE...MUCH WORSE THAN SOME READING THIS. BUT WE MUST RELY ON GOD TO GET US OUT OF OUR OWN MESS ! BUT PLEASE,BEAR IN MIND WHY WE NEED CHRIST JESUS AS OUR LORD ! 👉First, why the world needs the grace of God: That is the wrath of God. Why does the world need grace? Because of the coming wrath. 👉Secondly, the only way the grace of God comes to the world is through the CROSS of CHRIST JESUS. 👉Third, how the world sets aside the grace of God, especially through SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS. 👉Fourth,how the grace of God makes sinners righteous in HIS sight, first by justification and second through the Spirit-filled life. WE KNOW WHO A SAVIOUR IS. BUT ,WHO IS A LORD. Secularly, a lord is a man of high office or ranking...a nobleman. This means he is a person who has the power of authority over others, like a monarch or master. Someone every other person is BOUND to OBEY. It's not different when it comes to Christ Jesus, because in His Case, HE IS THE LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS...this makes it more important for us to Obey Him! 9. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Php 2: 9-11) Indeed,we should be grateful to Him that He isn't a Feudal Lord. Thus,very many of us think that because of Grace,we need not Obey, that as SAVIOUR,HE WILL SAVE US IN WHATEVER CONDITION...STOP BEING DECEIVED SIR. PAUL WROTE THE WORD *GRACE* ABOUT 86 TIMES IN THE EPISTLES,BUT BE NEVER SET ASIDE GRACE AS BEING ENOUGH; 1. What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2. God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? (Rom 6: 1-2) 👉 INDEED, BEFORE WE NEED CHRIST JESUS AS SAVIOUR, WE NEED HIM FIRST AS *LORD*( MY VIEW). Christ Jesus needs our obedience for Him to save us,for He NEVER fights a fight of blame...you can check Jude 9. In the raging inferno currently consuming the globe INDICATING HIS WRATH AGAINST OUR GENERATION (THE LAODECEAN CHURCH....THE LAST OF THE SEVEN CHURCHES) WE DESPERATELY NEED CHRIST JESUS' GRACE. Any pastor that still makes prosperity and liberty of grace the focal point of his message or sermons is not helping you. REMEMBER,GOD DOESN'T FIGHT A FIGHT OF BLAME. IF AFTER KNOWING THE UNDILUTED WORD OF GOD AND TASTED OF IT, BUT YET DELIBERATELY CONTINUE IN SIN, WHEN HIS WRATH DESCENDS ON THE ENTIRE...HIS GRACE WILL NOT HAVE AN IMPACT ON YOU. THAT'S WHY PAUL WARNED TWICE; We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. (2Co 6: 1) O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? (Gal 3: 1) We haven't yet ended this discourse.MY PERSONAL PAIN(MOSTLY THE BURDEN FROM OUR FATHER) has made it such a matter that every Christian brethren should take up...OUR CHURCHES ARE FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH THOSE WHO ONLY WANTS CHRIST AS SAVIOUR, BUT NOT AS LORD. LET'S SERVE HIM FIRST AS *LORD* AND WE SHALL BE SURPRISED WHAT HE WILL DO AS *SAVIOUR !* TO BE CONTINUED🙏🙇!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1377 Просмотры


    Yesterday, our intentions are to focus on the true problem the Church of Christ Jesus is experiencing. Every committed believer would want to know. And it's not actually what we may be imagining.

    Frankly,if the it's same for you,we gotten ourselves into two groups...those of there who only want Christ Jesus as Savior but not Lord. THAT'S THE REAL PROBLEM IN THE CHURCH.

    And I promised talking o a lot about the first group and probably why they are okay crossing over like that.

    The first is that this world is facing a future raging inferno of immeasurable heat, of infinite power, and eternal duration, this coming inferno is the just wrath of God against sin. It is a fire that will destroy this entire world in judgment and will consume the enemies of God in hell. Secondly, Christ, Jesus Christ is God's only provision for escape from this coming wrath. Christ's death on the cross is the only way that sinners can be saved from this fire. Thirdly, just as those people had no way to save themselves from the raging inferno, we cannot save ourselves from the coming wrath. Our works cannot make us righteous in the sight of God.

    Oh, how the WORLD HATES and FIGHTS these THREE ASSERTIONS, all three of them. The world says, "THERE is no COMING WRATH of GOD" or "God, if HE DOES EXISTS, LOVES EVERYONE and will RESCUE EVERYONE FROM HELL, would not send anyone to hell, IT'S UNWORTHY of GOD to DISPLAY ANGER OR WRATH," those kinds of things.

    Others in te world says that Christ Jesus is not the only way to heaven and that it's ARROGANT for us as Christians to claim that HE is, that HE is the only way to heaven. Third, the world says that we actually can pay for our sins by our good works, righteousness in God's sight can be obtained by observing some kind of law or pattern of morality.

    Now, these assertions that I've made here are hated and opposed by many in the world today, but these assertions that I've made are taught powerfully in the text that we are going to be looking into....Galatians 2:21 and then Galatians 3:10-14. I kept as my jump off point, as I was meditating on this, Galatians 2:21. It's a text that captivated my mind and my imagination and my thoughts for much longer than I thought it would be. Galatians 2:21 says, "I DO NOT SET ASIDE THE GRACE OF GOD, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, THEN CHRIST JESUS DIED FOR NOTHING."

    So I concentrated on the phrase, the GRACE OF GOD, in Galatians 2:21. We're in the middle here in Galatians, of Paul's train of thought as he's explaining the Gospel of salvation through faith in Christ. The grace of God, then in Galatians 2:21, is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the GRACIOUS PROVISION on that GOD has MADE for US.

    They give me an understanding of Christ Jesus as the only SAVIOUR that there is from the wrath of God. I'm going to make three assertions in this teaching, and the world hates all three of them.
    The first is that this world is facing a future raging inferno of immeasurable heat, of infinite power, and eternal duration, this coming inferno is the just wrath of God against sin. It is a fire that will destroy this entire world in judgment and will consume the enemies of God in hell.
    Secondly, Christ, Jesus is God's only provision for escape from this coming wrath. Christ Jesus's death on the Cross is the only way that sinners can be saved from this fire.
    Thirdly, just as those people had no way to save themselves from the raging inferno,taking place all over the world, we cannot save ourselves from the coming wrath. Our works cannot make us righteous in the sight of God. Just as there was no way for those tragic incidences for the affected people to climb down to safety, there is no way for us to use the law of God to climb up to safety.

    Oh, how the world hates and fights these three assertions, all three of them. The world says, "There is no coming wrath of God" or "God, if He exists, loves everyone and will rescue everyone from hell, would not send anyone to hell, it's unworthy of God to display anger or wrath," those kinds of things. The world says that Christ is not the only way to heaven and that it's arrogant for us as Christians to claim that he is, that he is the only way to heaven. Third, the world says that we actually can pay for our sins by our good works, righteousness in God's sight can be obtained by observing some kind of law or pattern of morality.

    I meditated on what the GRACE of GOD SAVES us FROM. It saves us MAINLY from the CURSE of GOD, THE WRATH of GOD. I concentrate on the significance of Christ Jesus becoming a curse for us in Galatians 3:13. I ZEROED in on the IDEA of SETTING ASIDE the GRACE of GOD. HE SAYS, "I do not SET ASIDE the GRACE of GOD." The word 'set aside' means to nullify, to render as nothing. I just like the translation 'set aside,' I think it's the best translation. How the human race tries to avoid the CROSS of CHRIST JESUS in various ways, especially by gaining righteousness through the law. I zero in on the logic of the verse, that righteousness cannot be gained any other way. That if righteousness could be gained in some other way, THEN Christ JESUS DIED FOR NOTHING. This is the doctrine of the exclusivity of Christ and of the Gospel.


    Leaders of these churches with a cult like followership have made SALVATION,A ONE WAY AFFAIR......accept Christ Jesus,as your Savior and He will take care of the rest... prosperity, removal of anyone you feel is blocking your way forward....AND THE MOST DANGEROUS PATH....THE LIBERTY OF DOING CERTAIN THINGS THAT WE SHOULDN'T BE DOING BUT THAT WE FEEL GRACE WILL TAKE OF. AND LIKE I SAID IN THE INTRODUCTION, ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED IS A PROMINENT DOCTRNE IN THIS SET OF TEACHINGS.

    Paul had a reason when he taught that, THAT I DON'T SET GRACE ASIDE....IN OTHER WORDS, GRACE ALONE WON'T DO IT ALL.

    TOWARDS THE PERFECT MAN![JAMES 1:4] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 THE REAL TRAGEDY IN THE CHURCH TODAY ISN'T SATAN. LET'S FIND OUT! (PT.2) 🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️ Yesterday, our intentions are to focus on the true problem the Church of Christ Jesus is experiencing. Every committed believer would want to know. And it's not actually what we may be imagining. Frankly,if the it's same for you,we gotten ourselves into two groups...those of there who only want Christ Jesus as Savior but not Lord. THAT'S THE REAL PROBLEM IN THE CHURCH. And I promised talking o a lot about the first group and probably why they are okay crossing over like that. The first is that this world is facing a future raging inferno of immeasurable heat, of infinite power, and eternal duration, this coming inferno is the just wrath of God against sin. It is a fire that will destroy this entire world in judgment and will consume the enemies of God in hell. Secondly, Christ, Jesus Christ is God's only provision for escape from this coming wrath. Christ's death on the cross is the only way that sinners can be saved from this fire. Thirdly, just as those people had no way to save themselves from the raging inferno, we cannot save ourselves from the coming wrath. Our works cannot make us righteous in the sight of God. Oh, how the WORLD HATES and FIGHTS these THREE ASSERTIONS, all three of them. The world says, "THERE is no COMING WRATH of GOD" or "God, if HE DOES EXISTS, LOVES EVERYONE and will RESCUE EVERYONE FROM HELL, would not send anyone to hell, IT'S UNWORTHY of GOD to DISPLAY ANGER OR WRATH," those kinds of things. Others in te world says that Christ Jesus is not the only way to heaven and that it's ARROGANT for us as Christians to claim that HE is, that HE is the only way to heaven. Third, the world says that we actually can pay for our sins by our good works, righteousness in God's sight can be obtained by observing some kind of law or pattern of morality. Now, these assertions that I've made here are hated and opposed by many in the world today, but these assertions that I've made are taught powerfully in the text that we are going to be looking into....Galatians 2:21 and then Galatians 3:10-14. I kept as my jump off point, as I was meditating on this, Galatians 2:21. It's a text that captivated my mind and my imagination and my thoughts for much longer than I thought it would be. Galatians 2:21 says, "I DO NOT SET ASIDE THE GRACE OF GOD, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, THEN CHRIST JESUS DIED FOR NOTHING." So I concentrated on the phrase, the GRACE OF GOD, in Galatians 2:21. We're in the middle here in Galatians, of Paul's train of thought as he's explaining the Gospel of salvation through faith in Christ. The grace of God, then in Galatians 2:21, is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the GRACIOUS PROVISION on that GOD has MADE for US. They give me an understanding of Christ Jesus as the only SAVIOUR that there is from the wrath of God. I'm going to make three assertions in this teaching, and the world hates all three of them. 👉The first is that this world is facing a future raging inferno of immeasurable heat, of infinite power, and eternal duration, this coming inferno is the just wrath of God against sin. It is a fire that will destroy this entire world in judgment and will consume the enemies of God in hell. 👉Secondly, Christ, Jesus is God's only provision for escape from this coming wrath. Christ Jesus's death on the Cross is the only way that sinners can be saved from this fire. 👉Thirdly, just as those people had no way to save themselves from the raging inferno,taking place all over the world, we cannot save ourselves from the coming wrath. Our works cannot make us righteous in the sight of God. Just as there was no way for those tragic incidences for the affected people to climb down to safety, there is no way for us to use the law of God to climb up to safety. Oh, how the world hates and fights these three assertions, all three of them. The world says, "There is no coming wrath of God" or "God, if He exists, loves everyone and will rescue everyone from hell, would not send anyone to hell, it's unworthy of God to display anger or wrath," those kinds of things. The world says that Christ is not the only way to heaven and that it's arrogant for us as Christians to claim that he is, that he is the only way to heaven. Third, the world says that we actually can pay for our sins by our good works, righteousness in God's sight can be obtained by observing some kind of law or pattern of morality. I meditated on what the GRACE of GOD SAVES us FROM. It saves us MAINLY from the CURSE of GOD, THE WRATH of GOD. I concentrate on the significance of Christ Jesus becoming a curse for us in Galatians 3:13. I ZEROED in on the IDEA of SETTING ASIDE the GRACE of GOD. HE SAYS, "I do not SET ASIDE the GRACE of GOD." The word 'set aside' means to nullify, to render as nothing. I just like the translation 'set aside,' I think it's the best translation. How the human race tries to avoid the CROSS of CHRIST JESUS in various ways, especially by gaining righteousness through the law. I zero in on the logic of the verse, that righteousness cannot be gained any other way. That if righteousness could be gained in some other way, THEN Christ JESUS DIED FOR NOTHING. This is the doctrine of the exclusivity of Christ and of the Gospel. NOW, THIS IS THE VERY TRAGEDY IN VERY MANY UNQUANTIFIABLE NUMBERS OF OUR CHURCHES TODAY. Leaders of these churches with a cult like followership have made SALVATION,A ONE WAY AFFAIR......accept Christ Jesus,as your Savior and He will take care of the rest... prosperity, removal of anyone you feel is blocking your way forward....AND THE MOST DANGEROUS PATH....THE LIBERTY OF DOING CERTAIN THINGS THAT WE SHOULDN'T BE DOING BUT THAT WE FEEL GRACE WILL TAKE OF. AND LIKE I SAID IN THE INTRODUCTION, ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED IS A PROMINENT DOCTRNE IN THIS SET OF TEACHINGS. Paul had a reason when he taught that, THAT I DON'T SET GRACE ASIDE....IN OTHER WORDS, GRACE ALONE WON'T DO IT ALL. When by His Grace and Mercy we return,WE SHALL LOOK INTO THE NECESSITY OF ACCEPTING CHRIST JESUS AS *,OUR LORD ALSO,. TILL THEN,MAY WE BE FILLED WITH THE PEACE AND GRACE OF GOD 🥳🙏
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  • Discover the royal #heritage of #India with #Rajasthan #Tour Packages 2024, starting at just Rs. 7999. #Dive into the land of kings and palaces, where every corner tells a story of valor and grandeur. #Explore Jaipur's majestic forts, #Udaipur's romantic lakes, and #Jodhpur's blue-hued streets. Wander through the golden sands of #Jaisalmer and the vibrant bazaars of #Pushkar. Each package offers #comfortable accommodations, guided tours, and unforgettable experiences, ensuring a seamless and enriching #holiday. Whether you seek adventure, history, or #culture, #RajasthanTour Packages provide an #affordable gateway to India's most regal state. Book your holiday trip now for an unforgettable #journey into Rajasthan's timeless splendor.
    Discover the royal #heritage of #India with #Rajasthan #Tour Packages 2024, starting at just Rs. 7999. #Dive into the land of kings and palaces, where every corner tells a story of valor and grandeur. #Explore Jaipur's majestic forts, #Udaipur's romantic lakes, and #Jodhpur's blue-hued streets. Wander through the golden sands of #Jaisalmer and the vibrant bazaars of #Pushkar. Each package offers #comfortable accommodations, guided tours, and unforgettable experiences, ensuring a seamless and enriching #holiday. Whether you seek adventure, history, or #culture, #RajasthanTour Packages provide an #affordable gateway to India's most regal state. Book your holiday trip now for an unforgettable #journey into Rajasthan's timeless splendor.
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  • Discover the magic of India with #CustomizedTour Packages tailored to your preferences. #Plan your custom #trip to India, where every detail is designed to meet your interests and desires. Whether you're fascinated by the #historic splendor of #Rajasthan, the serene backwaters of Kerala, or the bustling energy of Mumbai, a #personalized itinerary ensures a unique and unforgettable experience. #Enjoy the freedom to choose your destinations, #accommodations, and activities, with expert guidance to enhance your #journey. From culinary adventures to cultural excursions, create memories that resonate with your personal travel style. Embrace the adventure of a lifetime with a custom tour of #India.
    Discover the magic of India with #CustomizedTour Packages tailored to your preferences. #Plan your custom #trip to India, where every detail is designed to meet your interests and desires. Whether you're fascinated by the #historic splendor of #Rajasthan, the serene backwaters of Kerala, or the bustling energy of Mumbai, a #personalized itinerary ensures a unique and unforgettable experience. #Enjoy the freedom to choose your destinations, #accommodations, and activities, with expert guidance to enhance your #journey. From culinary adventures to cultural excursions, create memories that resonate with your personal travel style. Embrace the adventure of a lifetime with a custom tour of #India.
    Customized Tour Packages, Plan Your Custom Trip to India
    Plan your custom trip to India with our customized tour packages option. Tailor your itinerary to explore India's diverse landscapes, rich heritage, and vibrant culture.4o
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  • Dig In and Thrive: A Review of "The Self-Sufficient Backyard"
    Dreaming of a more self-reliant lifestyle? Look no further than "The Self-Sufficient Backyard" by Ron and Johanna Melchiore. This insightful guidebook packs a wealth of knowledge into an easy-to-read format, empowering you to transform your backyard into a haven of homegrown goodness.
    Whether you're a seasoned homesteader or a curious newbie, this book offers something for everyone. Seasoned veterans will appreciate the Melchiores' 40 years of experience woven throughout. They share not just successes, but also the challenges they've faced, making the journey relatable and the advice realistic.
    For beginners, "The Self-Sufficient Backyard" is a goldmine. The book breaks down complex topics like gardening, food preservation, and even small-scale animal husbandry into manageable steps. Diagrams and clear instructions make it easy to visualize and implement the projects, even for those without prior experience.
    A refreshing aspect of this book is its focus on scalability. The Melchiores emphasize that self-sufficiency isn't limited to sprawling farms. Their tips and projects can be adapted to fit any backyard size, from a suburban plot to a city balcony. No matter your limitations, you can take steps towards a more independent and sustainable life.
    "The Self-Sufficient Backyard" goes beyond just practical skills. It encourages a mindful approach to living, emphasizing eco-friendly practices and a deep respect for the natural world. This holistic perspective makes the book not just a guide, but an inspiration for a more fulfilling and connected way of life.
    **Here are some of the book's highlights:**
    * **Over 100 DIY projects:** From constructing raised garden beds to creating your own seed bank, there's something for every skill level.
    * **Detailed guidance on:** Gardening, food preservation techniques (canning, drying, etc.), raising chickens and other small animals.
    * **Focus on eco-friendly practices:** Learn how to be self-sufficient while minimizing your environmental impact.
    * **Scalable for any backyard size:** Tips and tricks to maximize your space, no matter how big or small.
    * **Inspirational and informative:** A wealth of knowledge presented in an engaging and accessible way.
    Whether you're looking to grow your own vegetables, raise backyard chickens, or simply reduce your reliance on store-bought goods, "The Self-Sufficient Backyard" is the perfect companion on your journey towards a more self-reliant and rewarding lifestyle.
    Dig In and Thrive: A Review of "The Self-Sufficient Backyard" https://independentbackyard.com/my-book/#aff=Khan8045 Dreaming of a more self-reliant lifestyle? Look no further than "The Self-Sufficient Backyard" by Ron and Johanna Melchiore. This insightful guidebook packs a wealth of knowledge into an easy-to-read format, empowering you to transform your backyard into a haven of homegrown goodness. Whether you're a seasoned homesteader or a curious newbie, this book offers something for everyone. Seasoned veterans will appreciate the Melchiores' 40 years of experience woven throughout. They share not just successes, but also the challenges they've faced, making the journey relatable and the advice realistic. For beginners, "The Self-Sufficient Backyard" is a goldmine. The book breaks down complex topics like gardening, food preservation, and even small-scale animal husbandry into manageable steps. Diagrams and clear instructions make it easy to visualize and implement the projects, even for those without prior experience. A refreshing aspect of this book is its focus on scalability. The Melchiores emphasize that self-sufficiency isn't limited to sprawling farms. Their tips and projects can be adapted to fit any backyard size, from a suburban plot to a city balcony. No matter your limitations, you can take steps towards a more independent and sustainable life. "The Self-Sufficient Backyard" goes beyond just practical skills. It encourages a mindful approach to living, emphasizing eco-friendly practices and a deep respect for the natural world. This holistic perspective makes the book not just a guide, but an inspiration for a more fulfilling and connected way of life. **Here are some of the book's highlights:** * **Over 100 DIY projects:** From constructing raised garden beds to creating your own seed bank, there's something for every skill level. * **Detailed guidance on:** Gardening, food preservation techniques (canning, drying, etc.), raising chickens and other small animals. * **Focus on eco-friendly practices:** Learn how to be self-sufficient while minimizing your environmental impact. * **Scalable for any backyard size:** Tips and tricks to maximize your space, no matter how big or small. * **Inspirational and informative:** A wealth of knowledge presented in an engaging and accessible way. Whether you're looking to grow your own vegetables, raise backyard chickens, or simply reduce your reliance on store-bought goods, "The Self-Sufficient Backyard" is the perfect companion on your journey towards a more self-reliant and rewarding lifestyle.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 4188 Просмотры
  • The Back Pain Breakthrough: Secret to Instant Back Pain Relief:

    Back pain is a prevalent issue affecting millions of people worldwide. It can be a debilitating condition that impacts daily life, productivity, and overall well-being. While there are numerous treatments available, ranging from medications to surgery, many individuals are seeking natural and non-invasive methods for relief. One such method gaining popularity is "The Back Pain Breakthrough," a program that promises instant back pain relief through a series of targeted exercises and techniques. This article delves into the intricacies of The Back Pain Breakthrough, exploring its principles, effectiveness, and the science behind it.

    Understanding Back Pain:

    Before delving into the specifics of The Back Pain Breakthrough, it is crucial to understand the nature of back pain. Back pain can originate from various sources, including muscle strain, ligament sprain, herniated discs, and degenerative disc disease. Poor posture, sedentary lifestyles, and improper lifting techniques are common contributors. Traditional treatments often involve pain medications, physical therapy, and in severe cases, surgery. However, these treatments may not always address the root cause of the pain, leading to temporary relief rather than long-term solutions.

    The Genesis of The Back Pain Breakthrough:

    The Back Pain Breakthrough was developed by Dr. Steve Young, a renowned medical researcher, and back pain specialist. Dr. Young's approach is rooted in his extensive research and clinical experience, which led him to identify specific movements and postures that can alleviate back pain almost instantly. His program is designed to address the underlying causes of back pain rather than just masking the symptoms.

    Core Principles of The Back Pain Breakthrough:

    Targeted Spinal Release (TSR):
    The cornerstone of The Back Pain Breakthrough is the Targeted Spinal Release technique. TSR involves a series of gentle movements and stretches that focus on relieving pressure on the spine and decompressing the vertebrae. This method aims to restore proper alignment and improve the flexibility of the spine, which can significantly reduce pain.

    Muscle Imbalance Correction:
    Another critical aspect of the program is correcting muscle imbalances. Many people with back pain have uneven muscle strength and tension, which can pull the spine out of alignment. The exercises in The Back Pain Breakthrough are designed to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight ones, promoting a balanced and stable spine.

    Posture Improvement:
    Poor posture is a common culprit of back pain. The program includes guidance on improving posture, both while sitting and standing, to reduce strain on the back. By maintaining proper alignment, individuals can prevent future episodes of pain.

    Advantages of The Back Pain Breakthrough:

    Unlike surgery or invasive procedures, The Back Pain Breakthrough relies on natural movements and exercises, making it a safe option for most individuals.

    The program is relatively affordable compared to ongoing physical therapy sessions or surgical interventions. It offers a one-time investment for long-term relief.

    Users can perform the exercises at home, at their own pace, and without the need for special equipment. This makes it accessible to a wide audience.

    Holistic Approach:
    By addressing various factors contributing to back pain, including muscle imbalances, posture, and lifestyle, The Back Pain Breakthrough offers a comprehensive solution.

    The Back Pain Breakthrough offers a promising solution for individuals seeking natural and effective relief from back pain. By focusing on targeted spinal release, muscle balance, posture improvement, and lifestyle adjustments, the program addresses the root causes of pain and promotes long-term spinal health. While individual results may vary, the principles and techniques underlying the program are supported by scientific research and clinical experience. For those willing to commit to the exercises and make necessary lifestyle changes, The Back Pain Breakthrough could be the key to a pain-free life.

    Take Control of Your Back Pain Today! : https://tinyurl.com/5n7p3mvx

    #backpain, #breakthrough, #painrelief, #postureimprovement, #muscleimbalance
    The Back Pain Breakthrough: Secret to Instant Back Pain Relief: Back pain is a prevalent issue affecting millions of people worldwide. It can be a debilitating condition that impacts daily life, productivity, and overall well-being. While there are numerous treatments available, ranging from medications to surgery, many individuals are seeking natural and non-invasive methods for relief. One such method gaining popularity is "The Back Pain Breakthrough," a program that promises instant back pain relief through a series of targeted exercises and techniques. This article delves into the intricacies of The Back Pain Breakthrough, exploring its principles, effectiveness, and the science behind it. Understanding Back Pain: Before delving into the specifics of The Back Pain Breakthrough, it is crucial to understand the nature of back pain. Back pain can originate from various sources, including muscle strain, ligament sprain, herniated discs, and degenerative disc disease. Poor posture, sedentary lifestyles, and improper lifting techniques are common contributors. Traditional treatments often involve pain medications, physical therapy, and in severe cases, surgery. However, these treatments may not always address the root cause of the pain, leading to temporary relief rather than long-term solutions. The Genesis of The Back Pain Breakthrough: The Back Pain Breakthrough was developed by Dr. Steve Young, a renowned medical researcher, and back pain specialist. Dr. Young's approach is rooted in his extensive research and clinical experience, which led him to identify specific movements and postures that can alleviate back pain almost instantly. His program is designed to address the underlying causes of back pain rather than just masking the symptoms. Core Principles of The Back Pain Breakthrough: Targeted Spinal Release (TSR): The cornerstone of The Back Pain Breakthrough is the Targeted Spinal Release technique. TSR involves a series of gentle movements and stretches that focus on relieving pressure on the spine and decompressing the vertebrae. This method aims to restore proper alignment and improve the flexibility of the spine, which can significantly reduce pain. Muscle Imbalance Correction: Another critical aspect of the program is correcting muscle imbalances. Many people with back pain have uneven muscle strength and tension, which can pull the spine out of alignment. The exercises in The Back Pain Breakthrough are designed to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight ones, promoting a balanced and stable spine. Posture Improvement: Poor posture is a common culprit of back pain. The program includes guidance on improving posture, both while sitting and standing, to reduce strain on the back. By maintaining proper alignment, individuals can prevent future episodes of pain. Advantages of The Back Pain Breakthrough: Non-Invasive: Unlike surgery or invasive procedures, The Back Pain Breakthrough relies on natural movements and exercises, making it a safe option for most individuals. Cost-Effective: The program is relatively affordable compared to ongoing physical therapy sessions or surgical interventions. It offers a one-time investment for long-term relief. Convenience: Users can perform the exercises at home, at their own pace, and without the need for special equipment. This makes it accessible to a wide audience. Holistic Approach: By addressing various factors contributing to back pain, including muscle imbalances, posture, and lifestyle, The Back Pain Breakthrough offers a comprehensive solution. The Back Pain Breakthrough offers a promising solution for individuals seeking natural and effective relief from back pain. By focusing on targeted spinal release, muscle balance, posture improvement, and lifestyle adjustments, the program addresses the root causes of pain and promotes long-term spinal health. While individual results may vary, the principles and techniques underlying the program are supported by scientific research and clinical experience. For those willing to commit to the exercises and make necessary lifestyle changes, The Back Pain Breakthrough could be the key to a pain-free life. Take Control of Your Back Pain Today! : https://tinyurl.com/5n7p3mvx #backpain, #breakthrough, #painrelief, #postureimprovement, #muscleimbalance
    1 Комментарии 0 Поделились 4264 Просмотры
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  • In a world grappling with climate change and sustainability challenges, energy efficiency has surged to the forefront of global priorities. This urgency is particularly relevant in the realm of commercial real estate, where buildings account for a significant portion of energy consumption. Thanks to technological advancements, primarily artificial intelligence (AI), there is now a beacon of hope for a greener, more energy-efficient future. Click here to read more: https://vertenergygroup.com/how-is-ai-revolutionizing-energy-efficiency-in-commercial-buildings/
    In a world grappling with climate change and sustainability challenges, energy efficiency has surged to the forefront of global priorities. This urgency is particularly relevant in the realm of commercial real estate, where buildings account for a significant portion of energy consumption. Thanks to technological advancements, primarily artificial intelligence (AI), there is now a beacon of hope for a greener, more energy-efficient future. Click here to read more: https://vertenergygroup.com/how-is-ai-revolutionizing-energy-efficiency-in-commercial-buildings/
    AI: The Future of Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings
    AI redefines energy efficiency in commercial buildings. Explore cutting-edge management systems that promise significant savings and eco-friendly operations.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1297 Просмотры
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    Are you looking for a way to generate passive income effortlessly? Do you want to leverage the power of viral content without spending countless hours creating it? Look no further than TubeTrivia AI. This powerful tool is designed to create engaging, addictive quiz videos that can drive massive traffic and commissions. In this review, we’ll dive deep into how TubeTrivia AI works, its features, and why it stands out in the crowded market of content creation tools. #TubeTriviaAI #PassiveIncome #QuizVideos #AIContentCreation #ViralVideos #AffiliateMarketing #OnlineIncome #ContentCreation #SocialMediaMarketing #YouTubeGrowth Read more:👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
    How to Generate Passive Income with TubeTrivia AI Review: A Step-by-Step Guide
    Learn how to generate passive income with TubeTrivia AI. Discover how this powerful tool creates viral quiz videos that drive massive traffic and commissions. Perfect for beginners and experts alike!
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