• A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons
    Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

    Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades. This publication was done by her colleague, Dr. Colodzin and presented at the Health Freedom USA War Council 2010 meeting. It describes an important timeline of development of advanced nanomaterials. It also describes Dr. Staningers study on samples from 24 individuals that were sent to 4 different toxicology labs and found the filaments were not biologic, but were silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates weapons grade nanomaterials. Please note that polymethacrylates are stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent, and researchers like Dr Geanina Hagima have found large quantities of Silicone in the COVID 19 vials. These chemical characterizations are important clues as to the overlap of COVID19 bioweapon and the historical advanced nanomaterials called Morgellon’s.

    GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control

    BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima

    The paper was named


    by Benjamin Colodzin, Ph.D. I inserted some of the slides that were used for the original presentation. All of this research is important background information for our understanding of the current advanced nanomaterials warfare waged with the COVID19 bioweapons.

    Abstract: We are no longer children with an innocent hearts, who have read the story of Chicken Little and how the sky was falling. Well, the new Chicken Little who, graduated from Chicken Little 101 of the world knows that it is true – the sky is falling filled with not only just molecules of the air we breathe, but aerial emissions, smog, G.E.M.S., smart dust, smart motes, RDIF ID tags, and other debris. It is being sprayed day and night making “X’s, O’s, A’s and other grids in the sky over our global nations cities whether for weather modification, vector control, and/or aerial mass inoculations. Hear this - Chicken Little’s’ - of the world it is time for us to grow up and not be like the wooden boy Pinocchio. We must become real thinking scholars. All of us, who realize that any continuous exposure from even the simplistic contrails of a plane flying over head for long periods of time, will cause you to breathe “bad air,” that will eventually cause lung damage. It does not matter if it is carbon particles or nano composites laced with modified waterborne polyurethane (Styrofoam) mixed with modified food starch as an aerial dispersant. It can only make shiny white sticky goo in any healthy lung of an athlete, child, animal or even Chicken Little himself. This paper will outline and address aerial spraying through a time line that depicts the aerial emission events and ends with fellow human being’s thoughts on a simple form of consciousness for those who deploy aerial pollutive materials into our environment’s air, land and water ways.

    These were clinical samples from Morgellon’s victims

    And historic microscopic analysis of Chemtrail ingredients.


    1949: The first use of aerial spray operations under State and Federal mandates for vector control (insects, virus, etc.) beginning under the Geneva Act for Chemical and Biological Weapons of 1949.

    1949 – Present: Many subsequent amendments to the above Act, and parallel U.S. Acts including the 2001 Patriot Act, 2001 Space Preservation Act, and the 2005 Weather Modification Research and Technology Act, have expanded the authority to conduct aerial spray operations over U.S. territory for a wide variety of purposes.

    1954-1975: “Vietnam Era” U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia leads to military research, development, and deployment of aerial spray operations for a wide variety of military objectives on the largest scale yet seen, with the application of Agents Orange, Blue, White, Pink and Purple, etc., to millions of acres of Southeast Asian territory.

    1974: U.S. Navy Secretary, acting for U.S. Government, patents a highly efficient powder contrail dispersing technology for emitting from high and low altitude aircraft.

    1984: The U.S. documentary film SECRET AGENT, brings to U.S. audiences video footage of aerial spray operations in Vietnam and the United States, and interviews it includes with Vietnam veterans and their families about health consequences for people on the ground.

    1988: Then-Vice President George H.W. Bush allegedly gives secret orders to the CIA to revive the long-dormant MK-ULTRA mind control division, which had supposedly been ordered shut down by Congress in 1963. This division will reportedly be involved with human-implantable chip technologies, according to allegations made by Dave Larson in 2009 (see Larson in the 2009 Timeline).

    1989: The Treaty of Open Skies (TOS) is initiated by George H.W. Bush. This proposal will allow foreign pilots flying on United Nations aircraft to legally overfly U.S. territory; presumably to verify military data as per START international agreements.

    1992: The Open Skies Treaty (TOS) is signed in Helsinki (signed for USA by Secretary of Defense, James Baker).

    1992-93: TOS is supported by Clinton Administration

    1993: TOS is officially ratified by the U.S. Senate.

    2000: The Official Department of the Air Force response to queries about chemtrails reads in part: “the term “chemtrail” is a hoax that began circulating approximately three years ago which asserts the government is involved in a joint federal program of covert spraying of the public . . . There is no such thing as a “chemtrail” – the natural contrails are safe and are a natural phenomenon. They pose no health hazard of any kind.”

    January 2000-July 2001: Clifford Carnicom receives the first official refusal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for his request to analyze sample(s) collected underneath an aerial spray operation (“Fibrous Substance Sample”; refusal letter requires 18 month response time form date of request.

    March 2001: Retired U.S. Army General Al Cuppett, a former insider of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, blows whistle to U.S. military Central Command about the presence of Russian (and possibly foreign national) pilots that are using United nations aircraft for their spray operations, conducted through aerial spray operations above the U.S. mainland.

    Cuppett alleges this activity dates back to 1993, when the Treaty on Open Skies was officially ratified by the U.S.

    January 2002: TOS is officially in force after Russia and Belarus complete their ratification processes.

    2001-2006: Samples are collected on the ground underneath aerial spray operations and analyzed by numerous civilian investigators in the USA (Idaho, GA, and other locations), The samples reveal a wide variety of heavy metals, toxic chemical compounds, bioengineered fungi, and other biological active materials in the samples collected.

    Note: The difference between a contrail and chemtrail is the time limit. Chemtrails last for long periods of time in the atmosphere/skies.

    2004: First reports of an anomalous disease dubbed “Morgellons disease,” begin to surface. It is named “Morgellons” because its reported symptoms of fibers protruding from the skin are supposedly similar to symptoms reported in the 1600’s by a French physician named Morgellon. No one seems able to accurately diagnose what causes this mystery disease.

    2004-2006: the U.S. Center for Disease Control says that patients reporting these symptoms are most likely suffering from “delusional parasitosis,” and recommends people suffering with Morgellons to be referred to an psychiatrist for mental evaluation. CDC maintains this posture for four years in the face of mounting criticism and contrary evidence.

    2005: The Weather Modification Research and Technology Act further legitimizes and expands rationale for aerial spray operation above the U.S. mainland. Thus, the Act includes regulatory statutes for vector control and mass aerial immunizations in addition to weather modification dispersion of specific chemical “chad materials.”

    2006: Samples of fibers and other materials are removed and collected from 24 particpants, located in various global locations. All 24 participants are reported to have anomalous Morgellons-like symptoms. The samples were sent to Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (Integrative Health Systems, LLC), and analyzed by four (4) independent laboratories.

    Initial findings determine that the fibers are silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates. The findings also reveal no biological substances are present. Subsequent findings from these and additional samples taken from individuals within a wide geographical area of distribution all indicate the presence of advanced nano materials (extremely small manufactured materials). The nano materials are found to contain elements of patented weapons-grade nano materials. These weapons grade nano technologies are found in fibers removed from lesions in humans, as well as in fibrous “cotton candy” like material collected on the ground and observed floating down through the sky after aerial spraying operation in Texas, USA.

    2006-2008: Center for Disease Control continues to equate “Morgellons disease: with delusional parasitosis, and continues to recommend treatment by a psychiatrist.

    2007: Allegations – not confirmed – of a new federal policy allowing vaccine makers immunity from prosecution for damages from aerial spray operations conducting vaccine research on American public without permission (under guise of pathogen/biological countermeasures Homeland Security program).

    2007: “Under these (federal) acts and the current testing for pathogen countermeasures, the general public may be exposed to these countermeasures without permission for USDA Vector Control, Domestic Preparedness, and Weapons of Mass Destruction countermeasures.” (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger)

    2008: Argonne Labs Midwest Center for Structural Genomics describes a protein structure they nickname “dragon protein” for its resemblance to a dragon’s head (molecular branding). A similar shape to this “dragon’s head” is revealed in the micrographs of fibers removed form lesions in patients with Morgellon’s symptoms (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s, private photomicrograph collection 2006 to present).

    2008: The CDC changes its policy about Morgellons syndrome. It stops defining this syndrome as a sign of likely “delusional parasitosis,” and defines it as a condition of unknown origin, possibly associated with Lyme’s disease. CDC announces it is forming a working study group for Morgellons, not due to report to the public until end of 2010 or longer.

    January 2009: (Science Daily) nanoscale Origami from DNA. Harvard University scientist reports “We can now build a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Functional devices should be possible.”

    (Actually, somebody already has built a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Eight years earlier in ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2000, 12 No. 24. December 15, “Silica Nanotubes and Nanofiber Array,” Dr. Wang describes various silicon based nano tubes that are used in nanotechnology. These are very, very small machines, to small to be seen with the naked eye, which can self assemble into larger machines. Currently these machines are being utilized in SencilTM technology by USC and licensed to Hewlett Packard and other companies. Note the shapes of Nano – Claw, Chinese Lantern, and tongued silicon tubes. These shapes are significant for all Chicken Little students because the same or similar shapes have been observed in micro photographs of materials removed form humans with anomalous Morgellons-like conditions.

    January 2009 – present: Obama Administration continues aforementioned policies of previous administrations. The consciousness that deploys aerial spraying operations against the American population does not seem to be much affected by the change in administration.

    March 2009: Dave Larson, former CIA biomedical technology program contractor, alleges that implantable biomedical devices have been deployed domestically for surveillance and torture under secret program reinstated by George H.W. Bush in 1988 and running unchecked and unreported to Congress through March 2009. Also alleges that government polices on the ‘war on terror” and detention were crafted specifically to avoid criminal prosecution for illegal use of these technologies against Americans.

    June 2009: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) develops a text on the Guidelines for Advanced Nano Materials Exposure and Toxicology. It states that the document and toxicological risk assessments on advanced nano materials will be completed in 2013.

    June 2009: (6/11/2009) director-General Dr. Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization made the declaration of a Phase 6 “Pandemic emergency” regarding the spread of H1N1 Influenza.

    June 2009: Studies by College of Environmental Science and engineering, Ocean University, Qingdao, China show that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interaction with proteins and enzymes, demonstrating these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. These results confirm the findings of Dr. Hildegarde Staninger in USA:

    Wang, Z., Shao, J., Li, Fl, Gao, D., and B. Xing. “Absorption and Inhalation of Acetylcholinesterse by Different Nanoparticles.” College of Environmental Science and engineering. Ocean University of China. Qingdao, China. Chemical Sensitivity Network.

    © June 19, 2009. Recent studies conducted by the College of Environmental Sciences and engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China (Z. Wang, et. al.) have shown that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interactions with proteins and enzymes.

    Acetylcholinestease (AchE) is a key enzyme present in the blood, brain, and nervous system. Zang et al report significant results of absorption and inhibition of AChE by specific nanoparticle, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and single-walled carbon nanotubes, showing that these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity.

    July 2009: CIA Director Panetta briefs Congress about a secret CIA program never disclosed regarding surveillance and torture, running allegedly “from 2001 until the present.” Congressional investigation may or may not be forthcoming.

    September 2009: Reuters reported Verichip was given two exclusive patents for biosensors that detect viruses. They will be used as implantable virus detection systems in humans, and will combine with Verichips implantable human radio frequency device to track humans. The scope of this effort is made clear by the University of California – Industry Homeland Security Network notice 9/3/2009 about biological countermeasures, available at http://www.ucdiscoverygrang.org/homelandsecurity/hsmissionAreas/Biological.htm which says that smart dust sensors for removal of surveillance and detection of a variety of chemical and biological agents are the focus of programs at a variety of American institutions.


    “SMART DUST” is a generic name for systems that combine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and advanced communications systems (microelectomechanical sensors, or MEMS) for a variety of purposes. The online dictionary Wikipedia as of 2009 defines “smart dust” as “hypothetical” (it’s just an idea, we don’t have it yet).

    And yet, on its website, the company DUST NETWORKS writes: Dust Networks, the leader in standards-based intelligent wireless sensor networking (WSN), provides ultra low-power, highly reliable embedded systems to the world’s leading sensor manufacturers – market visionaries who recognize that “smart dust” embedded inside their sensors is the star of a paradigm shift in their market.

    The independent documentary film maker TANKER ENEMY has made a number of short You- Tube videos describing smart dust and showing its deployment over populated areas, including

    “Smart Dust in the Drinking Water, “ http://ww.youtube.com/v/ouQCSZ8MY2s&hl=it_IT&fs=1&ap=%252fmt%3D18%22%3E%C/ param%3Cparam

    “Smart Dust is Already in Our Environment,” http://tankerenemy.blogspot.com/2009/11/exposure-to-aerial-emissions-of-nano.html and ‘hildegarde staninger interview, parts one, two, and three (Out There TV) http://www.youtube.com/watc?v=JchfWlqbVxw&featrue-=related

    If that isn’t sufficiently convincing as to the reality of smart dust in our current and future lives, you can also check out Major Scott Dickson, U.S. Air Force, in his April 2007 Blue Horizon Paper a the Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College: ENABELING BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE: THE FORM, FUNCTION, AND FUTURE OF SMART DUST.


    “SMART DUST” is way past the “hypothetical” stage. It is increasingly a hidden facet of modern life.

    September 2009: Dr. Staninger, in presentation to the National Registry of Environmental Professionals of her findings regarding advanced nano materials and their observations in humans, warn: “Mankind is at the initiation point of determining the toxicological mechanisms from exposure to advanced nano microbic materials.”

    October 2009: History Channel presents a documentary entitled “Weather Weapons.” The documentary describes chemtrails and aerial spraying operations since World War II.

    December 2009: Morgellons Research Foundation, main steam information clearinghouse; for Morgellons patients, lists more than fifteen thousand humans reporting Morgellons symptoms in its database. In an online radio interview (2006), Dr. Hildegarde Staninger reported an estimate of 60,000 symptom bearers in the USA, 100,000 world wide. Databases in Italy have estimated their population to have 5 per day new case, thus 1,825 new cases per year since 2006.


    In the past decade the WHO, in order to boost funds at its disposal entered into what it calls “public private partnerships.” Instead of receiving its funds solely from member United Nations governments as its original purpose had been, WHO today receives almost double its normal UN budget in the form of grants and financial support form private industry. The industry? The very drug and vaccine makers who benefit from decisions like the June 2009 H1N1 Pandemic emergency declaration.

    December 2009: Preparation for the Winter Solstice 2009, Return of the Light:

    Early efforts underway to develop countermeasures hold real promise. It may really become possible to deactivate and/or mitigate this new modern assault upon our freedom to evolve our bioelectric and genetic capacities without the presence of un-invited parasitic-like machines in our bodies. Ultra-modern and ancient natural healing methods are being applied in far scattered corners of the earth, as we the people begin to realize this is actually happening NOW in many parts of the planet. Our bodies are reacting to it, and it is beginning to look like we may all live downstream of this “stuff” already.

    None of these space age technologies that are the new whiz-bang toys of aerial spray operations are essentially evil. They each have wonderful life-enhancing applications for which they could be used. It is only a matter of true intent and counter intent. We just need them to be programmed and regulated by a consciousness that values LIFE, that’s ALL.

    May the Return of the Light – bring purification to even the darkest corners of human consciousness.

    May we of the nations, tribes, and families find leaders who don’t want to remain silent and profess ignorance when the people are sprayed without permission; may we the people find the courage to defend our future generations, even if at a cost of one family at a time against this war upon the most beautiful creation in all the galaxies – LIFE.

    Ben Colodzin December 2009


    1. Staninger, Hildegarde. Far Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP)

    2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025

    © October 18, 2006 (www.staningerreport.com)

    2. Staninger, Hildegarde. Protecting Yourself from Electromagnetic Fields in the Home, Workplace and Environment. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP)

    2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 ©

    October 18, 2006. (www.staningerreport.com)

    3. Staninger, Hildegarde. Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2007 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. NREP,

    P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © September 6, 2007. (www.staningerreport.com)

    4. www.rense.com Morgellon’s Radio Shows # 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 (Chem Trail &

    Morgellons © 2006 and 2007

    Radio Interviews of Jeff Rense with Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Rahim Karjoo, Dr. Edward Spencer, and Dr. Michael Castle and Morgellon’s Individuals.

    5. www.sciechimiche.com RAI Television show Rebus discussing Chem Trails, Morgellons, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s research and other related discoveries © 2007.

    6. www.cliffordcornicom.com Collection of Special Topic Research Projects and Papers on Chem Trails, Weather Modification and other related topics. © 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009

    7. http://www.luxefaire.com/devilvision/appxhtml/BappendixparticulatesB.html

    Appendix B: First Navy Particulate Patent, Barium Definition, HAARP and Con Trails

    (Chem Trails). US Application Number: US19774000490610 August 12, 1975 / July 22, 1974. Applicant: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. US Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Further referenced patents: US1619183* 3/1927 Bradner et. al; US2045865* 6/1936 Morely; US259188* 4/1952 Willcox: US3531310* 9/1970 Goodspeed et al. Production of Improved Metal Oxide Pigment; and USR0015771 * 2/1924 Savage (* some details unavailable).

    8. US Patent 4,686,605 Eastland, Bernard J. Assignee: APTI, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA) January 10, 1985. Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and /or magnetosphere (HAARP).

    9. www.flyaria.com/documents/html/mission/crres/cr.htm NASA Press Kit (CRRES Press Kit) Combined Release and Radiation Effect Satellite (CRRES), NASA, Atlas I (Atlas/Centar- 69) Launch Vehicle. © July 1990




    11. http://us.mc826.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&... Dr. R. Michael Castle. The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth ~An Environmental Impact Overview~ updated 11/12/2007

    12 http://www.bariumblues.com/haarp_dangers.htm HAARP, Chemtrails, and New War Technologies by Carol Sterritt. © 12/2/2008.

    13. http://amphibiaweb.org/declines/ChemCon.html Chemical Contaminants © May 14, 2008

    14. http.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Storm_Fury. Project Storm Fury US Navy © 1961-1983

    15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?Project_Cirrus. Project Cirrus US Navy and US Army Signal Corps, Office of Naval Research and US Air Force, and US Weather Bureau

    Chicken Little 101 (002)

    279KB ∙ PDF file


    A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades. This publication was done by her colleague, Dr. Colodzin and presented at the Health Freedom USA War Council 2010 meeting. It describes an important timeline of development of advanced nanomaterials. It also describes Dr. Staningers study on samples from 24 individuals that were sent to 4 different toxicology labs and found the filaments were not biologic, but were silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates weapons grade nanomaterials. Please note that polymethacrylates are stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent, and researchers like Dr Geanina Hagima have found large quantities of Silicone in the COVID 19 vials. These chemical characterizations are important clues as to the overlap of COVID19 bioweapon and the historical advanced nanomaterials called Morgellon’s. GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima The paper was named CHICKEN LITTLE 101: A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING AND THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THOSE WHO ARE DEPLOYING IT. by Benjamin Colodzin, Ph.D. I inserted some of the slides that were used for the original presentation. All of this research is important background information for our understanding of the current advanced nanomaterials warfare waged with the COVID19 bioweapons. Abstract: We are no longer children with an innocent hearts, who have read the story of Chicken Little and how the sky was falling. Well, the new Chicken Little who, graduated from Chicken Little 101 of the world knows that it is true – the sky is falling filled with not only just molecules of the air we breathe, but aerial emissions, smog, G.E.M.S., smart dust, smart motes, RDIF ID tags, and other debris. It is being sprayed day and night making “X’s, O’s, A’s and other grids in the sky over our global nations cities whether for weather modification, vector control, and/or aerial mass inoculations. Hear this - Chicken Little’s’ - of the world it is time for us to grow up and not be like the wooden boy Pinocchio. We must become real thinking scholars. All of us, who realize that any continuous exposure from even the simplistic contrails of a plane flying over head for long periods of time, will cause you to breathe “bad air,” that will eventually cause lung damage. It does not matter if it is carbon particles or nano composites laced with modified waterborne polyurethane (Styrofoam) mixed with modified food starch as an aerial dispersant. It can only make shiny white sticky goo in any healthy lung of an athlete, child, animal or even Chicken Little himself. This paper will outline and address aerial spraying through a time line that depicts the aerial emission events and ends with fellow human being’s thoughts on a simple form of consciousness for those who deploy aerial pollutive materials into our environment’s air, land and water ways. These were clinical samples from Morgellon’s victims And historic microscopic analysis of Chemtrail ingredients. A HISTORICAL TIME LINE OF AERIAL SPRAYING IN AND BY THE USA HOME OF THE RED, WHITE & BLUE and UNCLE SAM 1949: The first use of aerial spray operations under State and Federal mandates for vector control (insects, virus, etc.) beginning under the Geneva Act for Chemical and Biological Weapons of 1949. 1949 – Present: Many subsequent amendments to the above Act, and parallel U.S. Acts including the 2001 Patriot Act, 2001 Space Preservation Act, and the 2005 Weather Modification Research and Technology Act, have expanded the authority to conduct aerial spray operations over U.S. territory for a wide variety of purposes. 1954-1975: “Vietnam Era” U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia leads to military research, development, and deployment of aerial spray operations for a wide variety of military objectives on the largest scale yet seen, with the application of Agents Orange, Blue, White, Pink and Purple, etc., to millions of acres of Southeast Asian territory. 1974: U.S. Navy Secretary, acting for U.S. Government, patents a highly efficient powder contrail dispersing technology for emitting from high and low altitude aircraft. 1984: The U.S. documentary film SECRET AGENT, brings to U.S. audiences video footage of aerial spray operations in Vietnam and the United States, and interviews it includes with Vietnam veterans and their families about health consequences for people on the ground. 1988: Then-Vice President George H.W. Bush allegedly gives secret orders to the CIA to revive the long-dormant MK-ULTRA mind control division, which had supposedly been ordered shut down by Congress in 1963. This division will reportedly be involved with human-implantable chip technologies, according to allegations made by Dave Larson in 2009 (see Larson in the 2009 Timeline). 1989: The Treaty of Open Skies (TOS) is initiated by George H.W. Bush. This proposal will allow foreign pilots flying on United Nations aircraft to legally overfly U.S. territory; presumably to verify military data as per START international agreements. 1992: The Open Skies Treaty (TOS) is signed in Helsinki (signed for USA by Secretary of Defense, James Baker). 1992-93: TOS is supported by Clinton Administration 1993: TOS is officially ratified by the U.S. Senate. 2000: The Official Department of the Air Force response to queries about chemtrails reads in part: “the term “chemtrail” is a hoax that began circulating approximately three years ago which asserts the government is involved in a joint federal program of covert spraying of the public . . . There is no such thing as a “chemtrail” – the natural contrails are safe and are a natural phenomenon. They pose no health hazard of any kind.” January 2000-July 2001: Clifford Carnicom receives the first official refusal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for his request to analyze sample(s) collected underneath an aerial spray operation (“Fibrous Substance Sample”; refusal letter requires 18 month response time form date of request. March 2001: Retired U.S. Army General Al Cuppett, a former insider of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, blows whistle to U.S. military Central Command about the presence of Russian (and possibly foreign national) pilots that are using United nations aircraft for their spray operations, conducted through aerial spray operations above the U.S. mainland. Cuppett alleges this activity dates back to 1993, when the Treaty on Open Skies was officially ratified by the U.S. January 2002: TOS is officially in force after Russia and Belarus complete their ratification processes. 2001-2006: Samples are collected on the ground underneath aerial spray operations and analyzed by numerous civilian investigators in the USA (Idaho, GA, and other locations), The samples reveal a wide variety of heavy metals, toxic chemical compounds, bioengineered fungi, and other biological active materials in the samples collected. Note: The difference between a contrail and chemtrail is the time limit. Chemtrails last for long periods of time in the atmosphere/skies. 2004: First reports of an anomalous disease dubbed “Morgellons disease,” begin to surface. It is named “Morgellons” because its reported symptoms of fibers protruding from the skin are supposedly similar to symptoms reported in the 1600’s by a French physician named Morgellon. No one seems able to accurately diagnose what causes this mystery disease. 2004-2006: the U.S. Center for Disease Control says that patients reporting these symptoms are most likely suffering from “delusional parasitosis,” and recommends people suffering with Morgellons to be referred to an psychiatrist for mental evaluation. CDC maintains this posture for four years in the face of mounting criticism and contrary evidence. 2005: The Weather Modification Research and Technology Act further legitimizes and expands rationale for aerial spray operation above the U.S. mainland. Thus, the Act includes regulatory statutes for vector control and mass aerial immunizations in addition to weather modification dispersion of specific chemical “chad materials.” 2006: Samples of fibers and other materials are removed and collected from 24 particpants, located in various global locations. All 24 participants are reported to have anomalous Morgellons-like symptoms. The samples were sent to Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (Integrative Health Systems, LLC), and analyzed by four (4) independent laboratories. Initial findings determine that the fibers are silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates. The findings also reveal no biological substances are present. Subsequent findings from these and additional samples taken from individuals within a wide geographical area of distribution all indicate the presence of advanced nano materials (extremely small manufactured materials). The nano materials are found to contain elements of patented weapons-grade nano materials. These weapons grade nano technologies are found in fibers removed from lesions in humans, as well as in fibrous “cotton candy” like material collected on the ground and observed floating down through the sky after aerial spraying operation in Texas, USA. 2006-2008: Center for Disease Control continues to equate “Morgellons disease: with delusional parasitosis, and continues to recommend treatment by a psychiatrist. 2007: Allegations – not confirmed – of a new federal policy allowing vaccine makers immunity from prosecution for damages from aerial spray operations conducting vaccine research on American public without permission (under guise of pathogen/biological countermeasures Homeland Security program). 2007: “Under these (federal) acts and the current testing for pathogen countermeasures, the general public may be exposed to these countermeasures without permission for USDA Vector Control, Domestic Preparedness, and Weapons of Mass Destruction countermeasures.” (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger) 2008: Argonne Labs Midwest Center for Structural Genomics describes a protein structure they nickname “dragon protein” for its resemblance to a dragon’s head (molecular branding). A similar shape to this “dragon’s head” is revealed in the micrographs of fibers removed form lesions in patients with Morgellon’s symptoms (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s, private photomicrograph collection 2006 to present). 2008: The CDC changes its policy about Morgellons syndrome. It stops defining this syndrome as a sign of likely “delusional parasitosis,” and defines it as a condition of unknown origin, possibly associated with Lyme’s disease. CDC announces it is forming a working study group for Morgellons, not due to report to the public until end of 2010 or longer. January 2009: (Science Daily) nanoscale Origami from DNA. Harvard University scientist reports “We can now build a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Functional devices should be possible.” (Actually, somebody already has built a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Eight years earlier in ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2000, 12 No. 24. December 15, “Silica Nanotubes and Nanofiber Array,” Dr. Wang describes various silicon based nano tubes that are used in nanotechnology. These are very, very small machines, to small to be seen with the naked eye, which can self assemble into larger machines. Currently these machines are being utilized in SencilTM technology by USC and licensed to Hewlett Packard and other companies. Note the shapes of Nano – Claw, Chinese Lantern, and tongued silicon tubes. These shapes are significant for all Chicken Little students because the same or similar shapes have been observed in micro photographs of materials removed form humans with anomalous Morgellons-like conditions. January 2009 – present: Obama Administration continues aforementioned policies of previous administrations. The consciousness that deploys aerial spraying operations against the American population does not seem to be much affected by the change in administration. March 2009: Dave Larson, former CIA biomedical technology program contractor, alleges that implantable biomedical devices have been deployed domestically for surveillance and torture under secret program reinstated by George H.W. Bush in 1988 and running unchecked and unreported to Congress through March 2009. Also alleges that government polices on the ‘war on terror” and detention were crafted specifically to avoid criminal prosecution for illegal use of these technologies against Americans. June 2009: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) develops a text on the Guidelines for Advanced Nano Materials Exposure and Toxicology. It states that the document and toxicological risk assessments on advanced nano materials will be completed in 2013. June 2009: (6/11/2009) director-General Dr. Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization made the declaration of a Phase 6 “Pandemic emergency” regarding the spread of H1N1 Influenza. June 2009: Studies by College of Environmental Science and engineering, Ocean University, Qingdao, China show that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interaction with proteins and enzymes, demonstrating these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. These results confirm the findings of Dr. Hildegarde Staninger in USA: Wang, Z., Shao, J., Li, Fl, Gao, D., and B. Xing. “Absorption and Inhalation of Acetylcholinesterse by Different Nanoparticles.” College of Environmental Science and engineering. Ocean University of China. Qingdao, China. Chemical Sensitivity Network. © June 19, 2009. Recent studies conducted by the College of Environmental Sciences and engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China (Z. Wang, et. al.) have shown that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interactions with proteins and enzymes. Acetylcholinestease (AchE) is a key enzyme present in the blood, brain, and nervous system. Zang et al report significant results of absorption and inhibition of AChE by specific nanoparticle, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and single-walled carbon nanotubes, showing that these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. July 2009: CIA Director Panetta briefs Congress about a secret CIA program never disclosed regarding surveillance and torture, running allegedly “from 2001 until the present.” Congressional investigation may or may not be forthcoming. September 2009: Reuters reported Verichip was given two exclusive patents for biosensors that detect viruses. They will be used as implantable virus detection systems in humans, and will combine with Verichips implantable human radio frequency device to track humans. The scope of this effort is made clear by the University of California – Industry Homeland Security Network notice 9/3/2009 about biological countermeasures, available at http://www.ucdiscoverygrang.org/homelandsecurity/hsmissionAreas/Biological.htm which says that smart dust sensors for removal of surveillance and detection of a variety of chemical and biological agents are the focus of programs at a variety of American institutions. “WHAT EXACTLY IS SMART DUST?” “SMART DUST” is a generic name for systems that combine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and advanced communications systems (microelectomechanical sensors, or MEMS) for a variety of purposes. The online dictionary Wikipedia as of 2009 defines “smart dust” as “hypothetical” (it’s just an idea, we don’t have it yet). And yet, on its website, the company DUST NETWORKS writes: Dust Networks, the leader in standards-based intelligent wireless sensor networking (WSN), provides ultra low-power, highly reliable embedded systems to the world’s leading sensor manufacturers – market visionaries who recognize that “smart dust” embedded inside their sensors is the star of a paradigm shift in their market. The independent documentary film maker TANKER ENEMY has made a number of short You- Tube videos describing smart dust and showing its deployment over populated areas, including “Smart Dust in the Drinking Water, “ http://ww.youtube.com/v/ouQCSZ8MY2s&hl=it_IT&fs=1&ap=%252fmt%3D18%22%3E%C/ param%3Cparam “Smart Dust is Already in Our Environment,” http://tankerenemy.blogspot.com/2009/11/exposure-to-aerial-emissions-of-nano.html and ‘hildegarde staninger interview, parts one, two, and three (Out There TV) http://www.youtube.com/watc?v=JchfWlqbVxw&featrue-=related If that isn’t sufficiently convincing as to the reality of smart dust in our current and future lives, you can also check out Major Scott Dickson, U.S. Air Force, in his April 2007 Blue Horizon Paper a the Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College: ENABELING BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE: THE FORM, FUNCTION, AND FUTURE OF SMART DUST. http://au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/est/bh_dickson.pdf “SMART DUST” is way past the “hypothetical” stage. It is increasingly a hidden facet of modern life. September 2009: Dr. Staninger, in presentation to the National Registry of Environmental Professionals of her findings regarding advanced nano materials and their observations in humans, warn: “Mankind is at the initiation point of determining the toxicological mechanisms from exposure to advanced nano microbic materials.” October 2009: History Channel presents a documentary entitled “Weather Weapons.” The documentary describes chemtrails and aerial spraying operations since World War II. December 2009: Morgellons Research Foundation, main steam information clearinghouse; for Morgellons patients, lists more than fifteen thousand humans reporting Morgellons symptoms in its database. In an online radio interview (2006), Dr. Hildegarde Staninger reported an estimate of 60,000 symptom bearers in the USA, 100,000 world wide. Databases in Italy have estimated their population to have 5 per day new case, thus 1,825 new cases per year since 2006. December 2009: MEGA CORRUPTION SCANDAL AT THE WHO. In the past decade the WHO, in order to boost funds at its disposal entered into what it calls “public private partnerships.” Instead of receiving its funds solely from member United Nations governments as its original purpose had been, WHO today receives almost double its normal UN budget in the form of grants and financial support form private industry. The industry? The very drug and vaccine makers who benefit from decisions like the June 2009 H1N1 Pandemic emergency declaration. December 2009: Preparation for the Winter Solstice 2009, Return of the Light: Early efforts underway to develop countermeasures hold real promise. It may really become possible to deactivate and/or mitigate this new modern assault upon our freedom to evolve our bioelectric and genetic capacities without the presence of un-invited parasitic-like machines in our bodies. Ultra-modern and ancient natural healing methods are being applied in far scattered corners of the earth, as we the people begin to realize this is actually happening NOW in many parts of the planet. Our bodies are reacting to it, and it is beginning to look like we may all live downstream of this “stuff” already. None of these space age technologies that are the new whiz-bang toys of aerial spray operations are essentially evil. They each have wonderful life-enhancing applications for which they could be used. It is only a matter of true intent and counter intent. We just need them to be programmed and regulated by a consciousness that values LIFE, that’s ALL. May the Return of the Light – bring purification to even the darkest corners of human consciousness. May we of the nations, tribes, and families find leaders who don’t want to remain silent and profess ignorance when the people are sprayed without permission; may we the people find the courage to defend our future generations, even if at a cost of one family at a time against this war upon the most beautiful creation in all the galaxies – LIFE. Ben Colodzin December 2009 REFERENCES 1. Staninger, Hildegarde. Far Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © October 18, 2006 (www.staningerreport.com) 2. Staninger, Hildegarde. Protecting Yourself from Electromagnetic Fields in the Home, Workplace and Environment. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © October 18, 2006. (www.staningerreport.com) 3. Staninger, Hildegarde. Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2007 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © September 6, 2007. (www.staningerreport.com) 4. www.rense.com Morgellon’s Radio Shows # 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 (Chem Trail & Morgellons © 2006 and 2007 Radio Interviews of Jeff Rense with Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Rahim Karjoo, Dr. Edward Spencer, and Dr. Michael Castle and Morgellon’s Individuals. 5. www.sciechimiche.com RAI Television show Rebus discussing Chem Trails, Morgellons, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s research and other related discoveries © 2007. 6. www.cliffordcornicom.com Collection of Special Topic Research Projects and Papers on Chem Trails, Weather Modification and other related topics. © 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 7. http://www.luxefaire.com/devilvision/appxhtml/BappendixparticulatesB.html Appendix B: First Navy Particulate Patent, Barium Definition, HAARP and Con Trails (Chem Trails). US Application Number: US19774000490610 August 12, 1975 / July 22, 1974. Applicant: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. US Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Further referenced patents: US1619183* 3/1927 Bradner et. al; US2045865* 6/1936 Morely; US259188* 4/1952 Willcox: US3531310* 9/1970 Goodspeed et al. Production of Improved Metal Oxide Pigment; and USR0015771 * 2/1924 Savage (* some details unavailable). 8. US Patent 4,686,605 Eastland, Bernard J. Assignee: APTI, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA) January 10, 1985. Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and /or magnetosphere (HAARP). 9. www.flyaria.com/documents/html/mission/crres/cr.htm NASA Press Kit (CRRES Press Kit) Combined Release and Radiation Effect Satellite (CRRES), NASA, Atlas I (Atlas/Centar- 69) Launch Vehicle. © July 1990 10. http://lookupabove.tripod.com 2007 CHEMTRAILS OVER AMERICA 11. http://us.mc826.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&... Dr. R. Michael Castle. The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth ~An Environmental Impact Overview~ updated 11/12/2007 12 http://www.bariumblues.com/haarp_dangers.htm HAARP, Chemtrails, and New War Technologies by Carol Sterritt. © 12/2/2008. 13. http://amphibiaweb.org/declines/ChemCon.html Chemical Contaminants © May 14, 2008 14. http.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Storm_Fury. Project Storm Fury US Navy © 1961-1983 15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?Project_Cirrus. Project Cirrus US Navy and US Army Signal Corps, Office of Naval Research and US Air Force, and US Weather Bureau Chicken Little 101 (002) 279KB ∙ PDF file Download https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/a-brief-primer-on-the-history-of?triedRedirect=true
    A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons
    Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades.
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  • Yes, American-made bombs killed Hezbollah leader Nasrallah (and thousands more) – Day 358
    [email protected] September 30, 2024 ecocide, farming in gaza, Gaza, genocide, Jared Kushner, Lebanon, pope francis, us weapons to israel
    Palestinians living in makeshift tents in the Hamad area of Khan Younis, Gaza migrate with their belongings following Israel’s evacuation warning on August 16, 2024 [Doaa Albaz – Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    Compilation of news reports – IAK staff

    Israel killed at least 28 people in the Gaza Strip Sunday.

    At least four Palestinians were killed and several others injured in an Israeli airstrike on the Umm al-Fahm School in the town of Beit Lahia, which serves to shelter displaced civilians in the northern Gaza Strip.
    The Lebanese health ministry has reported that Israeli air strikes on Sunday killed at least 109 individuals and left 364 others wounded across the country.

    An entire family of 17 members was wiped out by an Israeli airstrike on Sunday in the town of Zboud, in the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, Lebanese media said.
    In Yemen, at least four people were killed and 49 others injured in Israeli airstrikes on the western city of Al Hudaydah on Sunday, the Houthi group said.

    Around 17,000 children killed in Israeli war on Gaza, Palestinian authorities say

    Anadolu Agency reports:

    Around 17,000 Palestinian children have been killed in Israel’s ongoing war on the Gaza Strip since last October, according to local authorities on Sunday.

    “Around 25,973 Palestinian children now live in Gaza without one or both parents due to the Israeli aggression,” Ismail al-Thawabta, who heads Gaza’s government media office, told Anadolu.

    He said at least 16,859 children, including 171 infants, have been killed in Israeli attacks since Oct. 7, 2023.

    The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has repeatedly warned that “Gaza’s children have endured unimaginable horrors” under relentless Israeli attacks.

    A child holds a doll among the rubble of a heavily damaged house as nine people, including three children, were killed in an attack by the Israeli army on the house of Akram al-Najjar, a lecturer at University of Jerusalem in the Jabalia Refugee Camp in Jabalia, Gaza, on September 11, 2024. Mahmoud ssa / Anadolu via Getty Images
    A child holds a doll among the rubble of a heavily damaged house as nine people, including three children, were killed in an attack by the Israeli army on the house of Akram al-Najjar, a lecturer at University of Jerusalem in the Jabalia Refugee Camp in Jabalia, Gaza, on September 11, 2024.
    Mahmoud ssa / Anadolu via Getty Images (photo)
    Gaza: Israel’s destruction of agricultural land is expression of its insistence on committing genocide

    Euro Med Monitor reports:

    Israel has once again destroyed hundreds of dunams of agricultural land, depriving Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip of agricultural land and resources vital to survival, all in support of its illegal blockade of the Strip and tight restrictions on the entry of food supplies for almost a full year. This is an expression of Israel’s insistence on committing genocide against Palestinians in the enclave.

    Israel has forced over 75% of agricultural land in the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian people’s hands, either by isolating it in preparation for illegally annexing it to its military “buffer zone” or by bulldozing or otherwise damaging it, thereby destroying the Strip’s supply of fruits, vegetables, and meat.

    This destruction is part of a larger Israeli plan that dates back to last October. Under this plan, Israeli forces have worked to eliminate almost 80% of the agricultural land in the Gaza Strip from use by Palestinians. Israel has done this either by isolating it in preparation for its forcible annexation to the so-called “buffer zone” or by bulldozing or destroying it by other means, such as bombardment—all of which are in violation of international law.

    According to the Euro-Med Monitor field team, Israeli forces stormed the area of Al-Shimaa in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza, early on Tuesday morning (25 September 2024). Accompanied by military bulldozers, the forces began their bulldozing operations, destroying more than 500 dunums of newly replanted agricultural land, which was supposed to sustain the needs of the people living in northern Gaza, who are subject to an arbitrary siege and systematic starvation by Israel.

    The Israeli destruction of these agricultural lands, the majority of which were filled with eggplants, reflects Israel’s insistence on preventing the Palestinian people from depending on the region’s agricultural food basket during a period when sufficient supplies of vegetables and other foods are being kept out of the northern Gaza Strip. This has led to a severe famine, to the point where a significant portion of the people in the north have been forced to eat tree leaves and bake ground-up animal feed instead of flour.

    (Read the full report here.)

    Palestinian security in Gaza says spying devices found in displacement camps

    Middle East Monitor reports:

    The Palestinian security services in Gaza have in recent days seized Israeli spying equipment planted in a shelter for displaced families in the southern Gaza Strip, a Palestinian resistance media platform reported on its Telegram channel yesterday.

    The platform quoted a security officer as saying that “the [Israeli] occupation intelligence had disguised the seized spying devices with different shapes, so they appear as part of the surrounding and natural environment including in the form of a rock.”

    The officer suggested the Israeli intelligence planted the spying devices via Quadcopter drones, calling on everyone “not to tamper with any suspicious devices and to contact the security officers immediately.”

    Tent camp near Al-Aqsa Hospital that was hit by a deadly Israeli air attack [Abdallah FS Alattar/Anadolu]
    Tent camp near Al-Aqsa Hospital that was hit by a recent deadly Israeli air attack [Abdallah FS Alattar/Anadolu] (photo)
    From Gaza to Lebanon: Israel’s Bombing Campaign Backed by Media Propaganda

    MintPress News reports:

    Western corporate media outlets, including the BBC, CNN, and The New York Times, have been working overtime to justify Israel’s recent assault on Lebanon, which claimed the lives of approximately 600 people in a single day. These reports have repeatedly claimed that the Israeli strikes were targeting “Hezbollah positions,” an assertion that has been widely echoed without substantial scrutiny.

    Israel’s large-scale onslaught against civilian areas throughout Lebanon, which began on Monday, was covered by Western corporate media as “strikes on Hezbollah.”

    CNN’s story on the first day of the assault, after around 500 people had been killed across Lebanon, was titled, “Israeli Strikes Targeting Hezbollah Kill Hundreds Across Lebanon.” The New York Times set up a live events feed labeled “Israel Strikes Hezbollah Targets in Lebanon.” Even Reuters and the Associated Press, two of the most reputable Western news providers, framed the events as an escalation from “both sides,” covering Israel’s attack on Hezbollah.

    A Reuters article published Tuesday opens with a telling lede: “An Israeli airstrike on Beirut killed a senior Hezbollah commander on Tuesday as cross-border rocket attacks by both sides increased fears of a full-fledged war in the Middle East, and Lebanon said only Washington could help end the fighting.”

    Israel has made no secret of the fact that it is targeting civilians, as demonstrated by its release of a CGI video showing mockups of Lebanese villages, where missiles are allegedly stored in homes. Despite this, much of the Western media has yet to acknowledge these admissions.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dispelled any remaining doubt when he delivered a message in English to the people of Lebanon in which he claimed, “Hezbollah has been using you as human shields.” He further stated, “They’ve placed rockets in your living rooms” and “missiles in your garage.”

    (Read the full analysis here.)

    Garbage situation in Gaza is catastrophic

    Various agencies report:

    UNRWA, the United Nations group serving Palestinian refugees, says: Mountains of garbage are piling up in Gaza middle areas as sewage leaks onto streets. Families have no choice but to live beside the accumulated waste, exposed to the reek and the threat of a looming health disaster. Sanitary and living conditions across Gaza are inhumane.

    According to ReliefWeb, the waste management system in Gaza, already limited before the war, has now completely collapsed as collection vehicles have been destroyed and access to official landfills is refused by the Israeli military.

    Waste attracts rodents and insects resulting in the spread of infectious diseases such as cholera or skin diseases, while waste burning, a disposal method that locals use to manage the current emergency, worsens air pollution which in turn can result in further respiratory problems. People, many of whom are children, scavenging waste for food and sustenance, face additional risks from hazardous materials, which include medical waste and industrial chemicals.

    There are also growing indications that conflict pollution is risked with the spread of antimicrobial resistance, a development that can deepen the medical health crisis.

    Large waste dumps are also a threat to the soil and groundwater, as leachate, a toxic mix that spills from the waste, seeps into the land and affects groundwater, while in the long-term, increased methane release from landfills contributes to an increase of greenhouse gas emissions.

    Mountains of garbage in Gaza
    Mountains of garbage in Gaza (photo)
    Mountains of garbage in Gaza
    Mountains of garbage in Gaza (photo)
    Lebanon says around 1 million people displaced due to Israeli attacks

    Anadolu Agency reports:

    Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said Sunday that around one million people have been displaced due to Israeli attacks, marking the largest wave of displacement in the country’s history.

    “Lebanon is experiencing the largest wave of displacement in its history,” he told a press conference following a meeting of the government’s emergency committee in Beirut.

    “Our priority is to stop the ongoing Israeli aggression through continued diplomatic efforts. We have no other choice,” he noted.

    Mikati also reaffirmed Lebanon’s commitment to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which calls for a cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah.

    Thousands of Lebanese and Syrian people fled to Syria, many through the al-Masnaa border crossing between Lebanon and Syria, 45 km from the Syrian capital Damascus
    Tens of thousands of Lebanese and Syrian people fled to Syria, many through the al-Masnaa border crossing between Lebanon and Syria, 45 km from the Syrian capital Damascus (photo)
    Israel’s state comptroller accuses army of obstructing investigations into Oct. 7 failures

    Anadolu Agency reports:

    Israeli State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman accused the military on Sunday of hindering investigations into the failures that led to the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.

    “No external body has shown objectivity in examining the failures,” Englman said during a conference by Israeli media outlets The Jerusalem Post, Maariv and Walla.

    He said his office is conducting a series of investigations related to the failures that led to the Oct. 7 attack.

    “We are nearing completion of this report, but to finalize it, we need to meet with three individuals in the military,” Englman added.

    He emphasized that Army Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi believes that the State Comptroller’s office should not intervene in military issues, declaring him “wrong.”

    The State Comptroller’s office is Israel’s central institution for overseeing various state agencies to ensure public financial accountability.

    View of the damage after Israeli forces targeted the Ibn al-Haytham School east of Gaza City. [Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu]
    View of the damage after Israeli forces targeted the Ibn al-Haytham School east of Gaza City, mid September. [Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu] (photo)
    US senator confirms Israel used US one ton bombs in Nasrallah strike

    Reuters reports:

    The bomb that Israel used to kill Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut last week was an American-made guided weapon, a U.S. senator said on Sunday.

    Mark Kelly, chair of the Senate Armed Services Airland Subcommittee, said Israel used a 2,000-lb (900-kg) Mark 84 series bomb, during an interview with NBC. His statement marks the first U.S. indication of what weapon had been used.

    “We see more use of guided munitions, JDAMs, and we continue to provide those weapons,” Kelly said, using an abbreviation that stands for Joint Direct Attack Munitions. “That 2,000-pound bomb that was used, that’s a Mark 84 series bomb, to take out Nasrallah,” he said.

    The Israeli military said on Saturday it had eliminated Nasrallah in a strike on the group’s central command headquarters in Beirut’s southern suburbs.

    The Israeli military has declined to comment on what weapons were used in the attack. The Pentagon was not immediately available for comment.

    JDAMs convert a standard unguided bomb using fins and a GPS guidance system into a guided weapon.

    AL JAZEERA ADDS: Israel media says about 85 so-called “bunker-buster” bombs were used in the attack on Hasan Nasrallah.

    Also known as “ground penetration munition”, these missiles burrow deep into the ground before they detonate.

    They have the power to destroy underground facilities and reinforced concrete buildings.

    The crater left by the IDF's strike on Nasrallah's underground bunker in Dahieh, Beirut | Photo: Arab media
    The crater left by the IDF’s strike on Nasrallah’s underground bunker in Dahieh, Beirut | Photo: Arab media (photo)
    Washington’s failure to condemn Israel’s pager terrorism “can only be called racist”

    Ralph Nader writes in Common Dreams:

    Furtively booby-trapping a consumer product like a pager or two-way radio opens a new phase of warfare. This savagery prompted Leon Panetta, former director of the CIA and former secretary of defense, in an interview on the CBS “Sunday Morning” news show to charge Israel with “terrorism.” No prominent national security figure has ever assailed Israel this way. Herewith his words:

    The ability to be able to place an explosive in technology that is very prevalent these days. And turn it into a war of terror. Really, a war of terror. This is something new.

    I don’t think there’s any question that it’s a form of terrorism…This is going right into the supply chain, right into the supply chain. And when you have terror going into the supply chain, it makes people ask the question, what the hell is next?

    Panetta would never have uttered these words without the concurrence of the CIA and the Department of Defense. Still no consequences for Netanyahu by the U.S. government.

    Netanyahu has made the push button a trigger for mayhem and murder—acts of large-scale terrorism. He and his predecessors have always characterized offensive acts violating the laws of war as “acceptable” defensive tactics.

    The supine Congress and White House regularly rubber-stamp their violations of several U.S. laws on behalf of the Israeli government. (See the letter sent to John Kirby on September 12, 2024).

    Consider the aftermath. No denunciation by U.S. President Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, or Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

    Alarmingly, there were no editorials in the following week criticizing Netanyahu in The Washington Post and The New York Times.

    Imagine if Hezbollah did this to Israeli society. The devaluation of Palestinian and Lebanese lives can only be called racist.

    U.S. blowback analysts are apprehensive about the spread of Israeli-style “red button” explosives and the ingenious, and ever-cheaper armed drones. They see such technologies as potential threats within the U.S.

    Such is the peril of nations whose leaders wage constant profitable, preventable wars and decline to wage muscular peace with comparable determination.

    Ambulances are being dispatched to the area in Beirut, Lebanon while security forces take precautions after at least eight people, including a child, were killed in a mass explosion of wireless communication devices known as pagers on September 17, 2024 [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency]
    Ambulances are being dispatched to the area in Beirut, Lebanon while security forces take precautions after at least eight people, including a child, were killed in a mass explosion of pagers on September 17, 2024 [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    Pope says Israel’s bombings in Lebanon, Gaza ‘immoral’

    Anadolu Agency reports:

    On Sunday, the pope was asked about Israel’s targeted killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Friday’s strike on Beirut, which led to many casualties and reduced several buildings to rubble.

    “Every day I call the parish of Gaza. More than 600 people are there, inside the parish and the college, and they tell me about the things that are happening, including the cruelties that are occurring there,” he told journalists.

    “[D]efense must always be proportionate to the attack,” he added.

    “When there is something disproportionate, a domineering tendency that goes beyond morality is evident,” the pope said.

    “A country that, with its forces, does these things—I’m talking about any country—that does these things in such a “superlative” way, these are immoral actions,” he added.

    “Even in war, there is morality to be safe-guarded. War is immoral, but the rules of war indicate some morality. But when this is not respected, you can see—as we say in Argentina—the “bad blood” of these things.”

    Jared Kushner says Israel must ‘finish the job’ in Lebanon

    Al Jazeera reports:

    Jared Kushner, who served as a senior adviser during former US President Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House, has said calling for a ceasefire in Lebanon is “wrong”.

    In a post on X, Kushner said Israel “cannot afford now to not finish the job” and dismantle Hezbollah completely.“They will never get another chance. After the brilliant, rapid-fire tactical successes of the pagers, radios, and targeting of leadership, Hezbollah’s massive weapon cache is unguarded and unmanned,” said Kushner, who is also the Republican candidate’s son-in-law.
    He added that the “right move” for the US is to allow Israel to “finish the job. It’s long overdue”.

    In March, Kushner sparked controversy when he publicly praised the “very valuable potential” of “waterfront property” in Gaza, in comments that gave a window into what Trump’s policy on Palestine could be during his second term.

    During Trump’s presidency, Kushner played a major role in negotiating the “Abraham Accords”: normalization deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. Palestinians slammed the agreements as “a stab in the back of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people”.

    At one point, Trump’s son-in-law described Gaza as having no historical context – “It was the result of a war – you had tribes that went different places and then Gaza became a thing.”

    Before leading in the creation of Trump’s so-called Deal of the Century, Kushner claimed his expertise on the subject came from reading 25 books about Palestine.

    Russian foreign minister urges Israel to abandon ‘essentially terrorist methods of settling political scores’

    Anadolu Agency reports:

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov urged Israel on Saturday to abandon “essentially terrorist methods of settling political scores” as he commented on the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

    Lavrov said at a news conference in New York that he had the impression that Israel is trying to provoke Iran and the Lebanese resistance group, Hezbollah, to push the US into direct involvement in the conflict in the Middle East.

    The Russian diplomat noted that Nasrallah’s murder was not the first provocative step by Israel. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in July in the Iranian capital of Tehran where he went to take part in the funeral of President Ebrahim Raisi. Before that, Israel attacked the Iranian diplomatic mission in the Syrian capital of Damascus.

    “Apparently, Israel wants to create a reason for the US to get involved in this war. And in order to create this reason, it has been provoking both Iran and Hezbollah. In this situation, Iranian leadership is behaving extremely responsibly,” he said. “I don’t think this is the right course, I am convinced that the bloodshed must be stopped.”

    Asked about Israel’s willingness to implement UN Security Council resolutions, Lavrov said: “I do not see Israel’s desire to carry out any peace plans.”

    Lebanese Red Cross teams conducted search and rescue operations in the rubble of collapsed buildings following an Israeli army attack in Nabatieh province of southern Lebanon, on September 27, 2024. [Ramiz Dallah – Anadolu Agency]
    Lebanese Red Cross teams conducted search and rescue operations in the rubble of collapsed buildings following an Israeli army attack in Nabatieh province of southern Lebanon, on September 27, 2024. [Ramiz Dallah – Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    Foreign Affairs: America Needs a New Strategy to Avert Even Greater Catastrophe in the Middle East

    Palestine Chronicle: ‘Only the People Save the People’ – Spain Goes on General Strike against Genocide in Gaza

    Anadolu Agency: Germany to deny citizenship to those using pro-Palestinian slogan on social media

    Anadolu Agency: Thousands rally across Australia calling for cease-fire in Gaza, Lebanon


    Palestinian death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 29, 2024: at least 42,334* (41,615 in Gaza* – 11,308 women (30%), 16,859 children as of September 5. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 719 in the West Bank (~148 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 49,032 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 300,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 25 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition (at least 37 of them children)**.
    About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced.
    Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – September 29: at least 102,059 (including at least 96,359 in Gaza and 5,700 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 29, 2024: ~1,457 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 293*** military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 25 military and civilians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel) and~10,000 injured.

    The death toll in Lebanon since October 8, 2023 is 1,640 (104 children, 194 women) and 8,408 injuries. More recently, since September 16, 1,030 have been killed, 6,352 have been injured., with 6,352 injuries, the Lebanese Health Ministry said on Saturday, September 28.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries of Israelis on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.

    **Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    ***The figure does not include the reportedly 53 Israeli soldiers – nearly 16% of the total Israeli military deaths – killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org

    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    You can’t arm a genocidal state into moderation. So why does the West keep trying?
    How Does Israel Justify Mass Killings? It Starts in the Schools.
    From the Americas to Gaza: Spreading disease has long been used by colonizers to commit genocide
    Contrived charges of antisemitism are the new ‘Red Scare’
    How Israel’s quadcopters traumatize, maim and kill Palestinians in Gaza
    Israeli society’s dehumanization of Palestinians is now absolute
    The unpublished genocide diaries of Refaat Alareer
    An arms embargo on Israel is not a radical idea — it’s the law
    Israel is redrawing the West Bank, cutting into a prospective Palestinian state
    Gaza breakdown: 20 times Israel used US arms in likely war crimes
    U.S. universities spent the summer strategizing to suppress student activism. Here is their plan.
    ‘Words like Slaughter:’ A comparative study of The New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza
    Cracks in the Dome: Israel’s security mirage
    Israel Suddenly Has A Problem With Attacks On Population Centers
    Americans are always the last to know…about Israel’s crimes
    Does Any Other Country besides Israel have the Right to Defend Itself?
    ‘Raped by female soldiers’: Palestinian in leaked Sde Teiman photo speaks out
    Alison Weir trending on social media – what the buzz is about
    Israeli media’s coverage of the rape of Palestinian detainees shows support for sexual violence in service of genocide
    Inside Israel’s torture, rape, and dehumanization centers
    I’m a pediatrician. The scars I saw on Gaza’s children will take generations to heal.
    What Harris’s Jewish outreach director said at a private DNC afterparty
    ‘Strong record of supporting the U.S.-Israel relationship’: a look at Tim Walz’s votes on Palestine as a member of Congress
    Nearly Two-Thirds of All Campaign Funds for Cori Bush Challenger Came From AIPAC
    Israeli army probe covered up “friendly fire” killings on October 7
    Are US officials’ investments of public funds in Israeli bonds ethical? How much is too much?
    Honoring the memory of a Gazan Olympic hero: Majed Abu Maraheel

    Yes, American-made bombs killed Hezbollah leader Nasrallah (and thousands more) – Day 358 [email protected] September 30, 2024 ecocide, farming in gaza, Gaza, genocide, Jared Kushner, Lebanon, pope francis, us weapons to israel Palestinians living in makeshift tents in the Hamad area of Khan Younis, Gaza migrate with their belongings following Israel’s evacuation warning on August 16, 2024 [Doaa Albaz – Anadolu Agency] (photo) Compilation of news reports – IAK staff Israel killed at least 28 people in the Gaza Strip Sunday. At least four Palestinians were killed and several others injured in an Israeli airstrike on the Umm al-Fahm School in the town of Beit Lahia, which serves to shelter displaced civilians in the northern Gaza Strip. The Lebanese health ministry has reported that Israeli air strikes on Sunday killed at least 109 individuals and left 364 others wounded across the country. An entire family of 17 members was wiped out by an Israeli airstrike on Sunday in the town of Zboud, in the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, Lebanese media said. In Yemen, at least four people were killed and 49 others injured in Israeli airstrikes on the western city of Al Hudaydah on Sunday, the Houthi group said. Around 17,000 children killed in Israeli war on Gaza, Palestinian authorities say Anadolu Agency reports: Around 17,000 Palestinian children have been killed in Israel’s ongoing war on the Gaza Strip since last October, according to local authorities on Sunday. “Around 25,973 Palestinian children now live in Gaza without one or both parents due to the Israeli aggression,” Ismail al-Thawabta, who heads Gaza’s government media office, told Anadolu. He said at least 16,859 children, including 171 infants, have been killed in Israeli attacks since Oct. 7, 2023. The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has repeatedly warned that “Gaza’s children have endured unimaginable horrors” under relentless Israeli attacks. A child holds a doll among the rubble of a heavily damaged house as nine people, including three children, were killed in an attack by the Israeli army on the house of Akram al-Najjar, a lecturer at University of Jerusalem in the Jabalia Refugee Camp in Jabalia, Gaza, on September 11, 2024. Mahmoud ssa / Anadolu via Getty Images A child holds a doll among the rubble of a heavily damaged house as nine people, including three children, were killed in an attack by the Israeli army on the house of Akram al-Najjar, a lecturer at University of Jerusalem in the Jabalia Refugee Camp in Jabalia, Gaza, on September 11, 2024. Mahmoud ssa / Anadolu via Getty Images (photo) Gaza: Israel’s destruction of agricultural land is expression of its insistence on committing genocide Euro Med Monitor reports: Israel has once again destroyed hundreds of dunams of agricultural land, depriving Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip of agricultural land and resources vital to survival, all in support of its illegal blockade of the Strip and tight restrictions on the entry of food supplies for almost a full year. This is an expression of Israel’s insistence on committing genocide against Palestinians in the enclave. Israel has forced over 75% of agricultural land in the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian people’s hands, either by isolating it in preparation for illegally annexing it to its military “buffer zone” or by bulldozing or otherwise damaging it, thereby destroying the Strip’s supply of fruits, vegetables, and meat. This destruction is part of a larger Israeli plan that dates back to last October. Under this plan, Israeli forces have worked to eliminate almost 80% of the agricultural land in the Gaza Strip from use by Palestinians. Israel has done this either by isolating it in preparation for its forcible annexation to the so-called “buffer zone” or by bulldozing or destroying it by other means, such as bombardment—all of which are in violation of international law. According to the Euro-Med Monitor field team, Israeli forces stormed the area of Al-Shimaa in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza, early on Tuesday morning (25 September 2024). Accompanied by military bulldozers, the forces began their bulldozing operations, destroying more than 500 dunums of newly replanted agricultural land, which was supposed to sustain the needs of the people living in northern Gaza, who are subject to an arbitrary siege and systematic starvation by Israel. The Israeli destruction of these agricultural lands, the majority of which were filled with eggplants, reflects Israel’s insistence on preventing the Palestinian people from depending on the region’s agricultural food basket during a period when sufficient supplies of vegetables and other foods are being kept out of the northern Gaza Strip. This has led to a severe famine, to the point where a significant portion of the people in the north have been forced to eat tree leaves and bake ground-up animal feed instead of flour. (Read the full report here.) Palestinian security in Gaza says spying devices found in displacement camps Middle East Monitor reports: The Palestinian security services in Gaza have in recent days seized Israeli spying equipment planted in a shelter for displaced families in the southern Gaza Strip, a Palestinian resistance media platform reported on its Telegram channel yesterday. The platform quoted a security officer as saying that “the [Israeli] occupation intelligence had disguised the seized spying devices with different shapes, so they appear as part of the surrounding and natural environment including in the form of a rock.” The officer suggested the Israeli intelligence planted the spying devices via Quadcopter drones, calling on everyone “not to tamper with any suspicious devices and to contact the security officers immediately.” Tent camp near Al-Aqsa Hospital that was hit by a deadly Israeli air attack [Abdallah FS Alattar/Anadolu] Tent camp near Al-Aqsa Hospital that was hit by a recent deadly Israeli air attack [Abdallah FS Alattar/Anadolu] (photo) From Gaza to Lebanon: Israel’s Bombing Campaign Backed by Media Propaganda MintPress News reports: Western corporate media outlets, including the BBC, CNN, and The New York Times, have been working overtime to justify Israel’s recent assault on Lebanon, which claimed the lives of approximately 600 people in a single day. These reports have repeatedly claimed that the Israeli strikes were targeting “Hezbollah positions,” an assertion that has been widely echoed without substantial scrutiny. Israel’s large-scale onslaught against civilian areas throughout Lebanon, which began on Monday, was covered by Western corporate media as “strikes on Hezbollah.” CNN’s story on the first day of the assault, after around 500 people had been killed across Lebanon, was titled, “Israeli Strikes Targeting Hezbollah Kill Hundreds Across Lebanon.” The New York Times set up a live events feed labeled “Israel Strikes Hezbollah Targets in Lebanon.” Even Reuters and the Associated Press, two of the most reputable Western news providers, framed the events as an escalation from “both sides,” covering Israel’s attack on Hezbollah. A Reuters article published Tuesday opens with a telling lede: “An Israeli airstrike on Beirut killed a senior Hezbollah commander on Tuesday as cross-border rocket attacks by both sides increased fears of a full-fledged war in the Middle East, and Lebanon said only Washington could help end the fighting.” Israel has made no secret of the fact that it is targeting civilians, as demonstrated by its release of a CGI video showing mockups of Lebanese villages, where missiles are allegedly stored in homes. Despite this, much of the Western media has yet to acknowledge these admissions. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dispelled any remaining doubt when he delivered a message in English to the people of Lebanon in which he claimed, “Hezbollah has been using you as human shields.” He further stated, “They’ve placed rockets in your living rooms” and “missiles in your garage.” (Read the full analysis here.) Garbage situation in Gaza is catastrophic Various agencies report: UNRWA, the United Nations group serving Palestinian refugees, says: Mountains of garbage are piling up in Gaza middle areas as sewage leaks onto streets. Families have no choice but to live beside the accumulated waste, exposed to the reek and the threat of a looming health disaster. Sanitary and living conditions across Gaza are inhumane. According to ReliefWeb, the waste management system in Gaza, already limited before the war, has now completely collapsed as collection vehicles have been destroyed and access to official landfills is refused by the Israeli military. Waste attracts rodents and insects resulting in the spread of infectious diseases such as cholera or skin diseases, while waste burning, a disposal method that locals use to manage the current emergency, worsens air pollution which in turn can result in further respiratory problems. People, many of whom are children, scavenging waste for food and sustenance, face additional risks from hazardous materials, which include medical waste and industrial chemicals. There are also growing indications that conflict pollution is risked with the spread of antimicrobial resistance, a development that can deepen the medical health crisis. Large waste dumps are also a threat to the soil and groundwater, as leachate, a toxic mix that spills from the waste, seeps into the land and affects groundwater, while in the long-term, increased methane release from landfills contributes to an increase of greenhouse gas emissions. Mountains of garbage in Gaza Mountains of garbage in Gaza (photo) Mountains of garbage in Gaza Mountains of garbage in Gaza (photo) Lebanon says around 1 million people displaced due to Israeli attacks Anadolu Agency reports: Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said Sunday that around one million people have been displaced due to Israeli attacks, marking the largest wave of displacement in the country’s history. “Lebanon is experiencing the largest wave of displacement in its history,” he told a press conference following a meeting of the government’s emergency committee in Beirut. “Our priority is to stop the ongoing Israeli aggression through continued diplomatic efforts. We have no other choice,” he noted. Mikati also reaffirmed Lebanon’s commitment to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which calls for a cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah. Thousands of Lebanese and Syrian people fled to Syria, many through the al-Masnaa border crossing between Lebanon and Syria, 45 km from the Syrian capital Damascus Tens of thousands of Lebanese and Syrian people fled to Syria, many through the al-Masnaa border crossing between Lebanon and Syria, 45 km from the Syrian capital Damascus (photo) Israel’s state comptroller accuses army of obstructing investigations into Oct. 7 failures Anadolu Agency reports: Israeli State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman accused the military on Sunday of hindering investigations into the failures that led to the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. “No external body has shown objectivity in examining the failures,” Englman said during a conference by Israeli media outlets The Jerusalem Post, Maariv and Walla. He said his office is conducting a series of investigations related to the failures that led to the Oct. 7 attack. “We are nearing completion of this report, but to finalize it, we need to meet with three individuals in the military,” Englman added. He emphasized that Army Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi believes that the State Comptroller’s office should not intervene in military issues, declaring him “wrong.” The State Comptroller’s office is Israel’s central institution for overseeing various state agencies to ensure public financial accountability. View of the damage after Israeli forces targeted the Ibn al-Haytham School east of Gaza City. [Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu] View of the damage after Israeli forces targeted the Ibn al-Haytham School east of Gaza City, mid September. [Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu] (photo) US senator confirms Israel used US one ton bombs in Nasrallah strike Reuters reports: The bomb that Israel used to kill Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut last week was an American-made guided weapon, a U.S. senator said on Sunday. Mark Kelly, chair of the Senate Armed Services Airland Subcommittee, said Israel used a 2,000-lb (900-kg) Mark 84 series bomb, during an interview with NBC. His statement marks the first U.S. indication of what weapon had been used. “We see more use of guided munitions, JDAMs, and we continue to provide those weapons,” Kelly said, using an abbreviation that stands for Joint Direct Attack Munitions. “That 2,000-pound bomb that was used, that’s a Mark 84 series bomb, to take out Nasrallah,” he said. The Israeli military said on Saturday it had eliminated Nasrallah in a strike on the group’s central command headquarters in Beirut’s southern suburbs. The Israeli military has declined to comment on what weapons were used in the attack. The Pentagon was not immediately available for comment. JDAMs convert a standard unguided bomb using fins and a GPS guidance system into a guided weapon. AL JAZEERA ADDS: Israel media says about 85 so-called “bunker-buster” bombs were used in the attack on Hasan Nasrallah. Also known as “ground penetration munition”, these missiles burrow deep into the ground before they detonate. They have the power to destroy underground facilities and reinforced concrete buildings. The crater left by the IDF's strike on Nasrallah's underground bunker in Dahieh, Beirut | Photo: Arab media The crater left by the IDF’s strike on Nasrallah’s underground bunker in Dahieh, Beirut | Photo: Arab media (photo) Washington’s failure to condemn Israel’s pager terrorism “can only be called racist” Ralph Nader writes in Common Dreams: Furtively booby-trapping a consumer product like a pager or two-way radio opens a new phase of warfare. This savagery prompted Leon Panetta, former director of the CIA and former secretary of defense, in an interview on the CBS “Sunday Morning” news show to charge Israel with “terrorism.” No prominent national security figure has ever assailed Israel this way. Herewith his words: The ability to be able to place an explosive in technology that is very prevalent these days. And turn it into a war of terror. Really, a war of terror. This is something new. I don’t think there’s any question that it’s a form of terrorism…This is going right into the supply chain, right into the supply chain. And when you have terror going into the supply chain, it makes people ask the question, what the hell is next? Panetta would never have uttered these words without the concurrence of the CIA and the Department of Defense. Still no consequences for Netanyahu by the U.S. government. Netanyahu has made the push button a trigger for mayhem and murder—acts of large-scale terrorism. He and his predecessors have always characterized offensive acts violating the laws of war as “acceptable” defensive tactics. The supine Congress and White House regularly rubber-stamp their violations of several U.S. laws on behalf of the Israeli government. (See the letter sent to John Kirby on September 12, 2024). Consider the aftermath. No denunciation by U.S. President Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, or Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. Alarmingly, there were no editorials in the following week criticizing Netanyahu in The Washington Post and The New York Times. Imagine if Hezbollah did this to Israeli society. The devaluation of Palestinian and Lebanese lives can only be called racist. U.S. blowback analysts are apprehensive about the spread of Israeli-style “red button” explosives and the ingenious, and ever-cheaper armed drones. They see such technologies as potential threats within the U.S. Such is the peril of nations whose leaders wage constant profitable, preventable wars and decline to wage muscular peace with comparable determination. Ambulances are being dispatched to the area in Beirut, Lebanon while security forces take precautions after at least eight people, including a child, were killed in a mass explosion of wireless communication devices known as pagers on September 17, 2024 [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency] Ambulances are being dispatched to the area in Beirut, Lebanon while security forces take precautions after at least eight people, including a child, were killed in a mass explosion of pagers on September 17, 2024 [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency] (photo) Pope says Israel’s bombings in Lebanon, Gaza ‘immoral’ Anadolu Agency reports: On Sunday, the pope was asked about Israel’s targeted killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Friday’s strike on Beirut, which led to many casualties and reduced several buildings to rubble. “Every day I call the parish of Gaza. More than 600 people are there, inside the parish and the college, and they tell me about the things that are happening, including the cruelties that are occurring there,” he told journalists. “[D]efense must always be proportionate to the attack,” he added. “When there is something disproportionate, a domineering tendency that goes beyond morality is evident,” the pope said. “A country that, with its forces, does these things—I’m talking about any country—that does these things in such a “superlative” way, these are immoral actions,” he added. “Even in war, there is morality to be safe-guarded. War is immoral, but the rules of war indicate some morality. But when this is not respected, you can see—as we say in Argentina—the “bad blood” of these things.” Jared Kushner says Israel must ‘finish the job’ in Lebanon Al Jazeera reports: Jared Kushner, who served as a senior adviser during former US President Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House, has said calling for a ceasefire in Lebanon is “wrong”. In a post on X, Kushner said Israel “cannot afford now to not finish the job” and dismantle Hezbollah completely.“They will never get another chance. After the brilliant, rapid-fire tactical successes of the pagers, radios, and targeting of leadership, Hezbollah’s massive weapon cache is unguarded and unmanned,” said Kushner, who is also the Republican candidate’s son-in-law. He added that the “right move” for the US is to allow Israel to “finish the job. It’s long overdue”. In March, Kushner sparked controversy when he publicly praised the “very valuable potential” of “waterfront property” in Gaza, in comments that gave a window into what Trump’s policy on Palestine could be during his second term. During Trump’s presidency, Kushner played a major role in negotiating the “Abraham Accords”: normalization deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. Palestinians slammed the agreements as “a stab in the back of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people”. At one point, Trump’s son-in-law described Gaza as having no historical context – “It was the result of a war – you had tribes that went different places and then Gaza became a thing.” Before leading in the creation of Trump’s so-called Deal of the Century, Kushner claimed his expertise on the subject came from reading 25 books about Palestine. Russian foreign minister urges Israel to abandon ‘essentially terrorist methods of settling political scores’ Anadolu Agency reports: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov urged Israel on Saturday to abandon “essentially terrorist methods of settling political scores” as he commented on the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Lavrov said at a news conference in New York that he had the impression that Israel is trying to provoke Iran and the Lebanese resistance group, Hezbollah, to push the US into direct involvement in the conflict in the Middle East. The Russian diplomat noted that Nasrallah’s murder was not the first provocative step by Israel. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in July in the Iranian capital of Tehran where he went to take part in the funeral of President Ebrahim Raisi. Before that, Israel attacked the Iranian diplomatic mission in the Syrian capital of Damascus. “Apparently, Israel wants to create a reason for the US to get involved in this war. And in order to create this reason, it has been provoking both Iran and Hezbollah. In this situation, Iranian leadership is behaving extremely responsibly,” he said. “I don’t think this is the right course, I am convinced that the bloodshed must be stopped.” Asked about Israel’s willingness to implement UN Security Council resolutions, Lavrov said: “I do not see Israel’s desire to carry out any peace plans.” Lebanese Red Cross teams conducted search and rescue operations in the rubble of collapsed buildings following an Israeli army attack in Nabatieh province of southern Lebanon, on September 27, 2024. [Ramiz Dallah – Anadolu Agency] Lebanese Red Cross teams conducted search and rescue operations in the rubble of collapsed buildings following an Israeli army attack in Nabatieh province of southern Lebanon, on September 27, 2024. [Ramiz Dallah – Anadolu Agency] (photo) IMEMC Daily Reports. Foreign Affairs: America Needs a New Strategy to Avert Even Greater Catastrophe in the Middle East Palestine Chronicle: ‘Only the People Save the People’ – Spain Goes on General Strike against Genocide in Gaza Anadolu Agency: Germany to deny citizenship to those using pro-Palestinian slogan on social media Anadolu Agency: Thousands rally across Australia calling for cease-fire in Gaza, Lebanon STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – SEPTEMBER 29: Palestinian death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 29, 2024: at least 42,334* (41,615 in Gaza* – 11,308 women (30%), 16,859 children as of September 5. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 719 in the West Bank (~148 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 49,032 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 300,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 25 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition (at least 37 of them children)**. About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced. Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – September 29: at least 102,059 (including at least 96,359 in Gaza and 5,700 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 29, 2024: ~1,457 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 293*** military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 25 military and civilians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel) and~10,000 injured. The death toll in Lebanon since October 8, 2023 is 1,640 (104 children, 194 women) and 8,408 injuries. More recently, since September 16, 1,030 have been killed, 6,352 have been injured., with 6,352 injuries, the Lebanese Health Ministry said on Saturday, September 28. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries of Israelis on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so. **Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. ***The figure does not include the reportedly 53 Israeli soldiers – nearly 16% of the total Israeli military deaths – killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) You can’t arm a genocidal state into moderation. So why does the West keep trying? How Does Israel Justify Mass Killings? It Starts in the Schools. From the Americas to Gaza: Spreading disease has long been used by colonizers to commit genocide Contrived charges of antisemitism are the new ‘Red Scare’ How Israel’s quadcopters traumatize, maim and kill Palestinians in Gaza Israeli society’s dehumanization of Palestinians is now absolute The unpublished genocide diaries of Refaat Alareer An arms embargo on Israel is not a radical idea — it’s the law Israel is redrawing the West Bank, cutting into a prospective Palestinian state Gaza breakdown: 20 times Israel used US arms in likely war crimes U.S. universities spent the summer strategizing to suppress student activism. Here is their plan. ‘Words like Slaughter:’ A comparative study of The New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza Cracks in the Dome: Israel’s security mirage Israel Suddenly Has A Problem With Attacks On Population Centers Americans are always the last to know…about Israel’s crimes Does Any Other Country besides Israel have the Right to Defend Itself? ‘Raped by female soldiers’: Palestinian in leaked Sde Teiman photo speaks out Alison Weir trending on social media – what the buzz is about Israeli media’s coverage of the rape of Palestinian detainees shows support for sexual violence in service of genocide Inside Israel’s torture, rape, and dehumanization centers I’m a pediatrician. The scars I saw on Gaza’s children will take generations to heal. What Harris’s Jewish outreach director said at a private DNC afterparty ‘Strong record of supporting the U.S.-Israel relationship’: a look at Tim Walz’s votes on Palestine as a member of Congress Nearly Two-Thirds of All Campaign Funds for Cori Bush Challenger Came From AIPAC Israeli army probe covered up “friendly fire” killings on October 7 Are US officials’ investments of public funds in Israeli bonds ethical? How much is too much? Honoring the memory of a Gazan Olympic hero: Majed Abu Maraheel https://israelpalestinenews.org/yes-american-made-bombs-killed-hezbollah-leader-nasrallah-and-thousands-more-day-358/
    Yes, American-made bombs killed Hezbollah leader Nasrallah (and thousands more) – Day 358
    Western media and US-made bombs facilitate Israel's genocide in Gaza, crisis in Lebanon; Pope Francis, Jared Kushner weigh in; more
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  • Republican Bill Eliminates Covid ‘Vaccine’ Maker Protections to Unleash Wave of Lawsuits
    Frank BergmanSeptember 28, 2024 - 12:23 pm

    A new Republican bill seeks to eliminate the protections afforded to vaccine manufacturers that prevent them from being sued for killing and injuring citizens with Covid mRNA shots.

    The legislation was proposed by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ).

    Gosar’s bill seeks to “amend the Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers and for other purposes.”

    Under the bill, all vaccine makers’ waiver of liability would end in a sweeping proposed legal change in the form of a rejection of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act.

    The legislation is titled, “End the Vaccine Carveout Act.”

    Gosar, a major supporter of President Donald Trump, represents a vast strip of heavily rural western Arizona that reaches the fringe western edges of the Phoenix suburbs.

    The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

    The NCVIA was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on November 14, 1986.

    The NCVIA’s goals were to:

    Ensure a stable supply of vaccines
    Stabilize vaccine costs
    Provide a cost-effective way to resolve vaccine injury claims
    Protect vaccine manufacturers from financial liability
    The VICP is a no-fault alternative to the traditional U.S. legal system for resolving vaccine injury claims.

    Individuals who believe they were injured by a covered vaccine can file a petition with the VICP.

    The VICP’s process involves the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters.

    The system provides compensation for medical care, rehabilitation, counseling, vocational training, pain and suffering, and diminished earning capacity.

    If a vaccine-related death occurs, surviving family members receive $250,000.

    The program is funded through the collection of a 75-cent excise tax on vaccine manufacturers for every dose of those vaccines that Congress includes in the program before they are allowed to pursue a civil action for an amount greater than $1,000.

    The VICP was created after lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and healthcare providers threatened to reduce vaccination rates and cause vaccine shortages.

    So, under this current law, persons injured from a vaccine must first seek and either accept or reject compensation from the VICP.

    Gosar’s package of documentation associated with the bill includes research into why the current laws create too many victims, compromised science, state-backed profit grabs, and more.

    Many people adversely affected by vaccines have no options.

    In civil cases outside of the VICP, for example, a plaintiff cannot earn compensation for certain “unavoidable” injuries.

    Additionally, any case that rests “solely” on a manufacturer’s “failure to provide direct warnings to the injured party” will simply be tossed out by the judge.

    Or on the contrary, a plaintiff must prove that the vaccine manufacturer either committed “fraud,” or intentionally withheld “information relating to the safety or efficacy of vaccines.”

    If a pharmaceutical company “failed to exercise due care” in following federal law regulating vaccines, the claim must be backed up “by clear and convincing evidence.”

    The current legislation from a consumer protection lens creates a nearly impossible bar to surpass for many classes of plaintiffs and places limitations on those who do suffer from injury or loss of life of a loved one, for example.

    Problematically, Gosar’s bill notes that “There is an unfortunate lack of science regarding the safety of vaccines.”

    For this claim of a lack of science behind the vaccines, Gosar’s bill includes a citation to The Institute of Medicine (IOM), renamed the National Academy of Medicine (NAM).

    NAM is a nonprofit composed of top medical and health professionals that was founded to assist the U.S. government.

    The organization published a report in 2011 entitled “Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality.”

    According to the bill’s supporting documentation, “Although federal agencies insist that vaccines are safe, there is an unfortunate dearth of science relating to studies exonerating vaccines from causing dangerous side effects.”

    Gosar’s bill calls on lawmakers to “end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers.”

    If passed, certain sections of the current law would be amended.

    It would allow full litigation for damages against pharmaceutical companies manufacturing vaccines.

    As a result, Covid vaccine manufacturers would face a wave of lawsuits from those injured by mRNA shots and the families of those who were killed by the shots.

    READ MORE – Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases

    Republican Bill Eliminates Covid ‘Vaccine’ Maker Protections to Unleash Wave of Lawsuits Frank BergmanSeptember 28, 2024 - 12:23 pm A new Republican bill seeks to eliminate the protections afforded to vaccine manufacturers that prevent them from being sued for killing and injuring citizens with Covid mRNA shots. The legislation was proposed by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ). Gosar’s bill seeks to “amend the Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers and for other purposes.” Under the bill, all vaccine makers’ waiver of liability would end in a sweeping proposed legal change in the form of a rejection of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act. The legislation is titled, “End the Vaccine Carveout Act.” Gosar, a major supporter of President Donald Trump, represents a vast strip of heavily rural western Arizona that reaches the fringe western edges of the Phoenix suburbs. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The NCVIA was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on November 14, 1986. The NCVIA’s goals were to: Ensure a stable supply of vaccines Stabilize vaccine costs Provide a cost-effective way to resolve vaccine injury claims Protect vaccine manufacturers from financial liability The VICP is a no-fault alternative to the traditional U.S. legal system for resolving vaccine injury claims. Individuals who believe they were injured by a covered vaccine can file a petition with the VICP. The VICP’s process involves the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters. The system provides compensation for medical care, rehabilitation, counseling, vocational training, pain and suffering, and diminished earning capacity. If a vaccine-related death occurs, surviving family members receive $250,000. The program is funded through the collection of a 75-cent excise tax on vaccine manufacturers for every dose of those vaccines that Congress includes in the program before they are allowed to pursue a civil action for an amount greater than $1,000. The VICP was created after lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and healthcare providers threatened to reduce vaccination rates and cause vaccine shortages. So, under this current law, persons injured from a vaccine must first seek and either accept or reject compensation from the VICP. Gosar’s package of documentation associated with the bill includes research into why the current laws create too many victims, compromised science, state-backed profit grabs, and more. Many people adversely affected by vaccines have no options. In civil cases outside of the VICP, for example, a plaintiff cannot earn compensation for certain “unavoidable” injuries. Additionally, any case that rests “solely” on a manufacturer’s “failure to provide direct warnings to the injured party” will simply be tossed out by the judge. Or on the contrary, a plaintiff must prove that the vaccine manufacturer either committed “fraud,” or intentionally withheld “information relating to the safety or efficacy of vaccines.” If a pharmaceutical company “failed to exercise due care” in following federal law regulating vaccines, the claim must be backed up “by clear and convincing evidence.” The current legislation from a consumer protection lens creates a nearly impossible bar to surpass for many classes of plaintiffs and places limitations on those who do suffer from injury or loss of life of a loved one, for example. Problematically, Gosar’s bill notes that “There is an unfortunate lack of science regarding the safety of vaccines.” For this claim of a lack of science behind the vaccines, Gosar’s bill includes a citation to The Institute of Medicine (IOM), renamed the National Academy of Medicine (NAM). NAM is a nonprofit composed of top medical and health professionals that was founded to assist the U.S. government. The organization published a report in 2011 entitled “Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality.” According to the bill’s supporting documentation, “Although federal agencies insist that vaccines are safe, there is an unfortunate dearth of science relating to studies exonerating vaccines from causing dangerous side effects.” Gosar’s bill calls on lawmakers to “end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers.” If passed, certain sections of the current law would be amended. It would allow full litigation for damages against pharmaceutical companies manufacturing vaccines. As a result, Covid vaccine manufacturers would face a wave of lawsuits from those injured by mRNA shots and the families of those who were killed by the shots. READ MORE – Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases https://slaynews.com/news/republican-bill-eliminates-covid-vaccine-maker-protections-unleash-wave-lawsuits/
    Republican Bill Eliminates Covid 'Vaccine' Maker Protections to Unleash Wave of Lawsuits - Slay News
    A new Republican bill seeks to eliminate the protections afforded to vaccine manufacturers that prevent them from being sued for killing and injuring citizens with Covid mRNA shots.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1993 Views
  • Israel’s defiance on full display; Biden admin commences hand-wringing – Day 356
    [email protected] September 28, 2024 blinken, google, Hezbollah, humanitarian aid to gaza, nasrallah, Netanyahu, un general assembly walks out, West Bank

    The Israeli military conducts an airstrike on the Dahieh area located south of Beirut, Lebanon, resulting in plumes of smoke rising from the site on September 28, 2024. [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency]
    The Israeli military conducts an airstrike on the Dahiyeh area located south of Beirut, Lebanon, resulting in plumes of smoke rising from the site on September 28, 2024. [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    Mass Walkout as ‘Global Pariah’ Netanyahu Addresses UN General Assembly

    Common Dreams reports:

    A large number of diplomats and other officials walked out of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City on Friday as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared to defend his nation’s slaughter of more than 41,000 people in the Gaza Strip during the past year and over 700 in Lebanon this week.

    Journalists and critics of the “global pariah” shared photos and videos of people filing out of the hall before Netanyahu’s address—which came just a day after 25 anti-genocide protesters were arrested for blocking his motorcade in Manhattan.

    While there was some audience applause from the sparsely populated room on Friday, Al Jazeera Arabic’s Rami Ayari explained that “the people you hear cheering the PM during the speech are in the gallery who he brought for that purpose.”

    Netanyahu began his Friday address by taking aim at the world leaders who throughout the week have condemned the recent escalation against Hezbollah in Lebanon as well as the past year of Israeli forces bombing and starving Palestinians in Gaza.

    “I didn’t intend to come here this year. My country is at war fighting for its life,” Netanyahu said. “But, after I heard the lies and slanders leveled at my country by many of the speakers standing at this podium, I decided to come here and set the record straight.”

    Armed with more of his infamous maps of the Middle East, the right-wing leader went on to claim that “Israel seeks peace,” while also pledging to wage war on Hamas-governed Gaza until “total victory” and telling “the tyrants of Tehran” that “if you strike us, we will strike you.”

    Noting that Netanyahu also spoke of “savage enemies who seek to destroy our common civilization,” James Zogby, co-founder and president of the Arab American Institute, said: “Words spoken by the man who has been charged with genocide and crimes against humanity. This is a disgrace. Abusing the General Assembly platform to lie and incite.”

    JEWISH NEWS SYNDICATE (JNS) ADDS: Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. envoy to the global body, and Robert Wood, the political special affairs ambassador who tends to take her place at the Security Council, did not appear to be in the room.

    An excerpt from Netanyahu’s defiant speech to the UN – to a largely empty chamber, except for the guest area, which was filled with Israel supporters:

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also declared,

    I say to you, until Israel – until the Jewish state – is treated like other nations, until this anti-Semitic swamp is drained, the UN will be viewed by fair-minded people everywhere as nothing more than a contemptuous farce.

    Popularity of Netanyahu’s Likud party grows as Israel pounds Lebanon: Survey

    Al Jazeera reports:

    A poll conducted by Israeli daily Maariv shows that Israel’s deadly attacks on Lebanon have significantly boosted the popularity of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party.

    If elections were held today, Likud would lead with 25 seats in the Knesset, compared with 19 for its main rival, the opposition National Unity party led by Benny Gantz, the survey showed.

    This is the first time since the war on Gaza began last year that Likud has gained such an advantage, the newspaper said.

    Blinken faces calls to resign after lying to Congress to cover for Israel’s genocide

    Middle East Monitor reports:

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is facing mounting pressure to resign after a report earlier this week uncovered that he misled Congress about Israel’s obstruction of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

    The 62-year-old, who is a staunch Zionist, is said to have misled the American people to maintain US weapons flow to Israel despite fears that the apartheid state is committing genocide in Gaza.

    The report details how Blinken contradicted findings from his own department’s experts and USAID in a May report to Congress, stating that Israel was not “prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of US humanitarian assistance” to Gaza.

    It’s believed that Blinken misled the government because US law prohibits the supply of arms to countries blocking American humanitarian aid.

    Israel is a small country lacking the means to manufacture weapons at a rate required to execute regular wars and preserve its so-called deterrence capacity.

    Israel’s ability to carry out a year-long assault on Gaza would be severely hampered without the constant supply of weapons from the US and its western allies.

    (Read the full article here.)

    RECOMMENDED READING: “Laws Of War” Biden-Blinken Style

    US to ‘adjust’ its military force posture in Middle East

    Al Jazeera reports:

    President Joe Biden directed the Pentagon to “assess and adjust as necessary US force posture” in the Middle East, the White House says, following repeated Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut collapsed at least six residential towers in the heavily populated Dahiyeh area.

    “He has directed the Pentagon to assess and adjust as necessary US force posture in the region to enhance deterrence, ensure force protection, and support the full range of US objectives,” the White House said in a statement.

    Secretary of State Blinken said Friday, “I want to be clear that anyone using this moment to target American personnel, American interests in the region – the United States will take every measure to defend our people.”

    MILITARY TIMES ADDS: The U.S. has kept an increased military presence in the Middle East throughout much of the past year, with about 40,000 forces, at least a dozen warships and four Air Force fighter jet squadrons spread across the region both to protect allies and to serve as a deterrent against attacks, several U.S. officials said.

    US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, equipped with F-35C fighters to the Middle East last month.
    US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, equipped with F-35C fighters to the Middle East last month. (photo)
    West Bank: Israeli forces destroy food warehouse during raid

    WAFA reports:

    A convoy of Israeli military vehicles stormed the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya in the early hours of Friday morning.

    Israeli forces toured the city’s Kafr Saba neighborhood, where they raided a workshop and a food warehouse, destroying the contents of the latter.

    Destruction following a raid by Israeli forces in Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank, oPT. [East Jerusalem YMCA/ Save the Children]
    Destruction following a raid by Israeli forces in Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank, oPT. [East Jerusalem YMCA/ Save the Children] (photo)
    Israel accused of breaking global labor law by withholding Palestinian worker pay

    The Guardian reports:

    Ten trade unions have accused Israel of breaching international labor law by holding back pay and benefits from more than 200,000 Palestinian workers since 7 October.

    The Israeli government stands accused of “blatant” violations of the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) protection of wages convention, tipping many Palestinians into extreme poverty.

    Workers from Gaza and the West Bank, employed in Israel, did not receive payment for work completed prior to last October 7th, and have received no wages since, according to the complaint.

    A complaint filed on Friday aims to recover the wages of Palestinian workers who previously worked in Israel.

    Israel revoked work permits for about 13,000 Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip to work legally in Israel following the Hamas attack on 7 October, according to the complaint, leaving those workers with unpaid wages from September and October. Those wages would have normally been paid on 9 October.

    An additional nearly 200,000 Palestinian workers from the West Bank employed in Israel have not been permitted to enter Israel, and have received no termination notices, according to the brief, which argues they are owed wages stipulated by their employment contracts for their previous work and subsequent months.

    The unions allege that Israel is violating the ILO’s protection of wages convention, which has been ratified by a hundred member states, including Israel in 1959…

    (Read the full article here.)

    RECOMMENDED READING: Israeli industrial zones exploit Palestinian workers, steal Palestinian land

    Scene from Jenin refugee camp
    Scene from Jenin refugee camp (screengrab)
    US’ Blinken urges diplomacy as Israel intensifies attacks in Lebanon

    Anadolu Agency reports:

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday called for path to diplomacy as Israel intensified its strikes in Lebanon, warning both Israel and Hezbollah to “stop firing”.

    “The most important thing to do through diplomacy is to try first to stop firing in both directions, and then to use the time that we would have in such a ceasefire to see if we can reach a broader diplomatic agreement,” Blinken told reporters at a news conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York.

    “The path to diplomacy may seem difficult to see at this moment, but it is there, and in our judgment, is necessary, and we will continue to work intensely with all parties to urge them to choose that course,” he said.

    NOTE: Blinken’s both-sides-ism sidesteps the facts: Israel has been responsible for about 82 percent of the cross-border attacks.

    Google Was Set to Host an Israeli Military Conference. When We Asked About It, the Event Disappeared.

    The Intercept reports:

    The Israel Defense Tech Conference, aimed at tech companies working with the Israeli military, was scheduled for November at the Google for Startups campus in Tel Aviv.

    The event, according to a listing posted on the event management app Luma, was pitched at “founders, investors and innovators” looking to network and learn more about the defense tech space.

    It was co-sponsored by Google; Fusion Venture Capital; Genesis, a startup accelerator; and the Israeli military’s research and development arm, known as the Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D, or Ma’fat).

    Google was not only listed as the physical host of the event and one of its sponsors, but the event listing also included a notice that attendees “approve of sharing [their] details with the organizers (Fusion & Google)” as part of signing up.

    When The Intercept contacted Google and the other companies and venture capital firms on the event page, the event page disappeared. Google spokesperson Andréa Willis told The Intercept in an email, “Google is not associated with this event.”

    Willis did not respond when asked how this could be possible if Google is hosting and co-sponsoring the event, or why the event page went down. None of the other companies or venture capital firms on the event page responded to requests for comment.

    After months of sustained protests against Google’s relationship with Israel, the company appears to be trying to muddy that relationship, at least in the public eye, while continuing its collaboration with the Israeli military…

    (Read the full investigation here.)

    israeli espionage against the US hits 366 billion
    Israeli espionage against the US is hurting the US economy – and has been for years. (photo)

    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    Anadolu Agency: OPINION – Israel needs to face trial for organ trafficking: Claims and confessions

    Middle East Eye: The BBC is weaponizing its Lebanon reporting to help disguise Israel’s crimes


    Palestinian death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 27, 2024: at least 42,304* (41,586 in Gaza* – 11,308 women (30%), 16,715 children as of September 5. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 718 in the West Bank (~148 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 49,032 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 300,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 23 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition (at least 37 of them children)**.
    About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced.
    Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – September 27: at least 101,910 (including at least 96,210 in Gaza and 5,700 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 27, 2024: ~1,457 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 293*** military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 25 military and civilians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel) and~10,000 injured.

    The death toll from Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon since Oct. 8 has reached 1,540 including women and children, with some 5,410 injured, a Lebanese official said Wednesday. The number of displaced individuals registered in approved shelters is 77,100. The actual number of displaced people has likely surpassed 250,000.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries of Israelis on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.

    **Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    ***More than 40 of the deaths listed above were Israeli soldiers killed by Hezbollah in fighting at the Israel-Lebanon border. The figure does not include the reportedly 53 Israeli soldiers – nearly 16% of the total Israeli military deaths – killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org

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    Honoring the memory of a Gazan Olympic hero: Majed Abu Maraheel

    Israel’s defiance on full display; Biden admin commences hand-wringing – Day 356 [email protected] September 28, 2024 blinken, google, Hezbollah, humanitarian aid to gaza, nasrallah, Netanyahu, un general assembly walks out, West Bank The Israeli military conducts an airstrike on the Dahieh area located south of Beirut, Lebanon, resulting in plumes of smoke rising from the site on September 28, 2024. [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency] The Israeli military conducts an airstrike on the Dahiyeh area located south of Beirut, Lebanon, resulting in plumes of smoke rising from the site on September 28, 2024. [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency] (photo) Mass Walkout as ‘Global Pariah’ Netanyahu Addresses UN General Assembly Common Dreams reports: A large number of diplomats and other officials walked out of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City on Friday as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared to defend his nation’s slaughter of more than 41,000 people in the Gaza Strip during the past year and over 700 in Lebanon this week. Journalists and critics of the “global pariah” shared photos and videos of people filing out of the hall before Netanyahu’s address—which came just a day after 25 anti-genocide protesters were arrested for blocking his motorcade in Manhattan. While there was some audience applause from the sparsely populated room on Friday, Al Jazeera Arabic’s Rami Ayari explained that “the people you hear cheering the PM during the speech are in the gallery who he brought for that purpose.” Netanyahu began his Friday address by taking aim at the world leaders who throughout the week have condemned the recent escalation against Hezbollah in Lebanon as well as the past year of Israeli forces bombing and starving Palestinians in Gaza. “I didn’t intend to come here this year. My country is at war fighting for its life,” Netanyahu said. “But, after I heard the lies and slanders leveled at my country by many of the speakers standing at this podium, I decided to come here and set the record straight.” Armed with more of his infamous maps of the Middle East, the right-wing leader went on to claim that “Israel seeks peace,” while also pledging to wage war on Hamas-governed Gaza until “total victory” and telling “the tyrants of Tehran” that “if you strike us, we will strike you.” Noting that Netanyahu also spoke of “savage enemies who seek to destroy our common civilization,” James Zogby, co-founder and president of the Arab American Institute, said: “Words spoken by the man who has been charged with genocide and crimes against humanity. This is a disgrace. Abusing the General Assembly platform to lie and incite.” JEWISH NEWS SYNDICATE (JNS) ADDS: Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. envoy to the global body, and Robert Wood, the political special affairs ambassador who tends to take her place at the Security Council, did not appear to be in the room. An excerpt from Netanyahu’s defiant speech to the UN – to a largely empty chamber, except for the guest area, which was filled with Israel supporters: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also declared, I say to you, until Israel – until the Jewish state – is treated like other nations, until this anti-Semitic swamp is drained, the UN will be viewed by fair-minded people everywhere as nothing more than a contemptuous farce. Popularity of Netanyahu’s Likud party grows as Israel pounds Lebanon: Survey Al Jazeera reports: A poll conducted by Israeli daily Maariv shows that Israel’s deadly attacks on Lebanon have significantly boosted the popularity of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party. If elections were held today, Likud would lead with 25 seats in the Knesset, compared with 19 for its main rival, the opposition National Unity party led by Benny Gantz, the survey showed. This is the first time since the war on Gaza began last year that Likud has gained such an advantage, the newspaper said. Blinken faces calls to resign after lying to Congress to cover for Israel’s genocide Middle East Monitor reports: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is facing mounting pressure to resign after a report earlier this week uncovered that he misled Congress about Israel’s obstruction of humanitarian aid to Gaza. The 62-year-old, who is a staunch Zionist, is said to have misled the American people to maintain US weapons flow to Israel despite fears that the apartheid state is committing genocide in Gaza. The report details how Blinken contradicted findings from his own department’s experts and USAID in a May report to Congress, stating that Israel was not “prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of US humanitarian assistance” to Gaza. It’s believed that Blinken misled the government because US law prohibits the supply of arms to countries blocking American humanitarian aid. Israel is a small country lacking the means to manufacture weapons at a rate required to execute regular wars and preserve its so-called deterrence capacity. Israel’s ability to carry out a year-long assault on Gaza would be severely hampered without the constant supply of weapons from the US and its western allies. (Read the full article here.) RECOMMENDED READING: “Laws Of War” Biden-Blinken Style US to ‘adjust’ its military force posture in Middle East Al Jazeera reports: President Joe Biden directed the Pentagon to “assess and adjust as necessary US force posture” in the Middle East, the White House says, following repeated Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut collapsed at least six residential towers in the heavily populated Dahiyeh area. “He has directed the Pentagon to assess and adjust as necessary US force posture in the region to enhance deterrence, ensure force protection, and support the full range of US objectives,” the White House said in a statement. Secretary of State Blinken said Friday, “I want to be clear that anyone using this moment to target American personnel, American interests in the region – the United States will take every measure to defend our people.” MILITARY TIMES ADDS: The U.S. has kept an increased military presence in the Middle East throughout much of the past year, with about 40,000 forces, at least a dozen warships and four Air Force fighter jet squadrons spread across the region both to protect allies and to serve as a deterrent against attacks, several U.S. officials said. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, equipped with F-35C fighters to the Middle East last month. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, equipped with F-35C fighters to the Middle East last month. (photo) West Bank: Israeli forces destroy food warehouse during raid WAFA reports: A convoy of Israeli military vehicles stormed the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya in the early hours of Friday morning. Israeli forces toured the city’s Kafr Saba neighborhood, where they raided a workshop and a food warehouse, destroying the contents of the latter. Destruction following a raid by Israeli forces in Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank, oPT. [East Jerusalem YMCA/ Save the Children] Destruction following a raid by Israeli forces in Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank, oPT. [East Jerusalem YMCA/ Save the Children] (photo) Israel accused of breaking global labor law by withholding Palestinian worker pay The Guardian reports: Ten trade unions have accused Israel of breaching international labor law by holding back pay and benefits from more than 200,000 Palestinian workers since 7 October. The Israeli government stands accused of “blatant” violations of the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) protection of wages convention, tipping many Palestinians into extreme poverty. Workers from Gaza and the West Bank, employed in Israel, did not receive payment for work completed prior to last October 7th, and have received no wages since, according to the complaint. A complaint filed on Friday aims to recover the wages of Palestinian workers who previously worked in Israel. Israel revoked work permits for about 13,000 Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip to work legally in Israel following the Hamas attack on 7 October, according to the complaint, leaving those workers with unpaid wages from September and October. Those wages would have normally been paid on 9 October. An additional nearly 200,000 Palestinian workers from the West Bank employed in Israel have not been permitted to enter Israel, and have received no termination notices, according to the brief, which argues they are owed wages stipulated by their employment contracts for their previous work and subsequent months. The unions allege that Israel is violating the ILO’s protection of wages convention, which has been ratified by a hundred member states, including Israel in 1959… (Read the full article here.) RECOMMENDED READING: Israeli industrial zones exploit Palestinian workers, steal Palestinian land Scene from Jenin refugee camp Scene from Jenin refugee camp (screengrab) US’ Blinken urges diplomacy as Israel intensifies attacks in Lebanon Anadolu Agency reports: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday called for path to diplomacy as Israel intensified its strikes in Lebanon, warning both Israel and Hezbollah to “stop firing”. “The most important thing to do through diplomacy is to try first to stop firing in both directions, and then to use the time that we would have in such a ceasefire to see if we can reach a broader diplomatic agreement,” Blinken told reporters at a news conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. “The path to diplomacy may seem difficult to see at this moment, but it is there, and in our judgment, is necessary, and we will continue to work intensely with all parties to urge them to choose that course,” he said. NOTE: Blinken’s both-sides-ism sidesteps the facts: Israel has been responsible for about 82 percent of the cross-border attacks. Google Was Set to Host an Israeli Military Conference. When We Asked About It, the Event Disappeared. The Intercept reports: The Israel Defense Tech Conference, aimed at tech companies working with the Israeli military, was scheduled for November at the Google for Startups campus in Tel Aviv. The event, according to a listing posted on the event management app Luma, was pitched at “founders, investors and innovators” looking to network and learn more about the defense tech space. It was co-sponsored by Google; Fusion Venture Capital; Genesis, a startup accelerator; and the Israeli military’s research and development arm, known as the Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D, or Ma’fat). Google was not only listed as the physical host of the event and one of its sponsors, but the event listing also included a notice that attendees “approve of sharing [their] details with the organizers (Fusion & Google)” as part of signing up. When The Intercept contacted Google and the other companies and venture capital firms on the event page, the event page disappeared. Google spokesperson Andréa Willis told The Intercept in an email, “Google is not associated with this event.” Willis did not respond when asked how this could be possible if Google is hosting and co-sponsoring the event, or why the event page went down. None of the other companies or venture capital firms on the event page responded to requests for comment. After months of sustained protests against Google’s relationship with Israel, the company appears to be trying to muddy that relationship, at least in the public eye, while continuing its collaboration with the Israeli military… (Read the full investigation here.) israeli espionage against the US hits 366 billion Israeli espionage against the US is hurting the US economy – and has been for years. (photo) MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. Anadolu Agency: OPINION – Israel needs to face trial for organ trafficking: Claims and confessions Middle East Eye: The BBC is weaponizing its Lebanon reporting to help disguise Israel’s crimes STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – SEPTEMBER 27: Palestinian death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 27, 2024: at least 42,304* (41,586 in Gaza* – 11,308 women (30%), 16,715 children as of September 5. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 718 in the West Bank (~148 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 49,032 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 300,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 23 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition (at least 37 of them children)**. About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced. Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – September 27: at least 101,910 (including at least 96,210 in Gaza and 5,700 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 27, 2024: ~1,457 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 293*** military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 25 military and civilians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel) and~10,000 injured. The death toll from Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon since Oct. 8 has reached 1,540 including women and children, with some 5,410 injured, a Lebanese official said Wednesday. The number of displaced individuals registered in approved shelters is 77,100. The actual number of displaced people has likely surpassed 250,000. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries of Israelis on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so. **Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. ***More than 40 of the deaths listed above were Israeli soldiers killed by Hezbollah in fighting at the Israel-Lebanon border. The figure does not include the reportedly 53 Israeli soldiers – nearly 16% of the total Israeli military deaths – killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) You can’t arm a genocidal state into moderation. So why does the West keep trying? How Does Israel Justify Mass Killings? It Starts in the Schools. From the Americas to Gaza: Spreading disease has long been used by colonizers to commit genocide Contrived charges of antisemitism are the new ‘Red Scare’ How Israel’s quadcopters traumatize, maim and kill Palestinians in Gaza Israeli society’s dehumanization of Palestinians is now absolute The unpublished genocide diaries of Refaat Alareer An arms embargo on Israel is not a radical idea — it’s the law Israel is redrawing the West Bank, cutting into a prospective Palestinian state Gaza breakdown: 20 times Israel used US arms in likely war crimes U.S. universities spent the summer strategizing to suppress student activism. Here is their plan. ‘Words like Slaughter:’ A comparative study of The New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza Cracks in the Dome: Israel’s security mirage Israel Suddenly Has A Problem With Attacks On Population Centers Americans are always the last to know…about Israel’s crimes Does Any Other Country besides Israel have the Right to Defend Itself? ‘Raped by female soldiers’: Palestinian in leaked Sde Teiman photo speaks out Alison Weir trending on social media – what the buzz is about Israeli media’s coverage of the rape of Palestinian detainees shows support for sexual violence in service of genocide Inside Israel’s torture, rape, and dehumanization centers I’m a pediatrician. The scars I saw on Gaza’s children will take generations to heal. What Harris’s Jewish outreach director said at a private DNC afterparty ‘Strong record of supporting the U.S.-Israel relationship’: a look at Tim Walz’s votes on Palestine as a member of Congress Nearly Two-Thirds of All Campaign Funds for Cori Bush Challenger Came From AIPAC Israeli army probe covered up “friendly fire” killings on October 7 Are US officials’ investments of public funds in Israeli bonds ethical? How much is too much? Honoring the memory of a Gazan Olympic hero: Majed Abu Maraheel https://israelpalestinenews.org/israel-defiance-full-display-biden-admin-commences-hand-wringing-day-356/
    Israel's defiance on full display; Biden admin commences hand-wringing – Day 356
    Mass walkout in UN as "global pariah" Netanyahu takes the stage; calls for Sec'y Blinken's resignation after he lied to Congress for Israel
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  • I Quit Eating White Flour & Threw Out All My "Vitamins" - Here's What Happened (Part 1)
    After I learned synthetic vitamins are poison, the United Nations is behind the Food Fortification program (which drugs the food supply with vitamins) and, like viruses, vitamins have never been properly isolated because they too are a Big Pharma scheme to sell us health made in a laboratory, I began taking a hard look at what I was eating.

    At this point in my life I had completely quit taking all supplements and I thought I was eating healthy, but upon closer inspection, I was alarmed to discover my entire diet was being synthetically vitaminized and poisoned. Literally everything was tainted, right down to my Paradise Green dehydrated peas…

    From my bag of rice to my afternoon kombucha drinks, all of the products in my pantry had chemicals slipped in to places least expected - they drugged the peas for f*cks sake! DEHYDRATED PEAS!

    Many months later, I was in the process of writing The Vitamin Swindle Part 1: The White Bread Scandal, when I learned rats that get into white flour mills won’t touch the flour. The more I researched, the more disturbed I became, specifically regarding white flour and the history of it. I learned about a massive conspiracy between the flour mills, the American Medical Association, Big Pharma and the US government. Long story short, they knew white flour was causing major health issues and they knew living off of it was the cause of “Beriberi”, yet they went out of their way to assure the public it was a great, nutritious product that people should eat for their health.


    You see, because white flour, like rice flour, has vitamins dumped in at the mills via the UN “fortification” and “enrichment” program, it is nearly impossible to eat products containing this flour and avoid also consuming synthetic vitamins: (17 second video)

    So, although I had quit consuming bottled supplements, I was still consuming the same vitamins via the food supply. But after the rat discovery, without hesitation, I axed white flour from my diet. Let me tell you, while not taking vitamins was easy (and saved me money too!), not eating white flour was incredibly difficult because I had to relearn how to eat and, being that I loathed cooking, I didn’t know what to do. I was so used to buying premade health food that I felt lost; everything I was purchasing had white flour (or synthetic vitamins) in it somewhere. With zero kitchen skills, my meals became a head of broccoli with natural butter and Real Salt or diced cucumber with garlic, feta and extra virgin olive oil or a plate of sliced tomatoes and lots of baked potatoes. Here’s an example of my dinner:

    The first five-or-so nights of being white-flour-free, I sweat like crazy while I slept and my sweat smelled ghastly. It was a strange odor I had never smelled before. I can’t quite explain it, perhaps something like plastic burning in a hot dumpster that is full of roadkill and rotten dairy. It was so foul that I had to run my bedding to the washing machine every morning for nearly a week. No matter how much I showered I could still smell this awful stench for the first couple days.


    I woke up one morning and discovered my underwear were stretched out. I grabbed a different pair and those didn’t fit either. What the heck? Did the washer ruin my clothes? When I pulled on my work pants, those didn’t fit either! I realized I had lost weight - a lot of it. I hurried to the closet to grab my belt, threw it around my wait and slid the buckle right past my usual connection hole. I had lost so much weight in 14 days that I downsized one belt hole! I was quite puzzled because I lost this weight by doing nothing other than quitting white flour; no gym and 0 exercise because I traded that time for writing Substack articles for you.

    I also noticed my facial skin looked more youthful. The bags under my eyes nearly vanished. I told my spouse I think I have the energy of a 20 year old, *wink, wink*.

    WEEK #3

    By the third week I lost another 10-or-so pounds, now my shirts looked a full size too large. But that’s not all, another huge change occurred. During this week I began becoming naturally tired in the evenings. Writing articles until 9pm then watching a documentary until 10:30-11pm no longer worked for me. I was tired at 8, asleep by 9 and up at 3am so I could get in a few hours of writing before work. This may sound like a really insane time to wake up, but I love it. My mind is so clear, I am so focused and the world is so peaceful. I think my best content and research is what I am producing at this early hour.

    Strangely, even though I was waking up so early then spending three hours working before I go into work, I had energy the entire day. Additionally, my mood had become overall more optimistic about everything in life. I began hacking away at the list of sh*t I have been putting off forever. (Responding to Substack direct messages is on that list. Only 580 more messages to go…)

    WEEK #4

    By the fourth week, my love handles vanished. I pinched my love handle area and could only pinch an inch of skin between my fingers. My stomach began to flatten. I even noticed my face looked thinner and the droop in my chin that I blamed on age disappeared. My shoulders began looking defined again and that sure wasn’t from spending 12 hours a day on a pc. Then something really wild happened…

    MONTH 1

    Around the end of the month, I realized my taste buds completely changed. Everything I loved (especially potato chips and dip, Lord I loved me some cheddar & sour cream chips with French onion dip), became disgusting. After being flour-and-chemical-free for over four weeks, Tostitos tortilla chips were inedible because the chemicals in them burned the sh*t out of my gums. Fast food, even my beloved Taco Bell, tasted f*cking terrible - so disgusting that, for the first time ever, I threw it out after two bites. When my spouse, who is not on board with my diet, ordered a pizza, I took one bite then instead made another baked potato.

    It was at this time that foods containing chemicals or GMOs began killing my stomach. I dreaded dinner at my parents house because I knew I would be dealing with hours of pain. I was forced to cut restaurants our of my life because, even when I selected the best options, I was still forced to endure hours of torture afterward. (btw, I learned we should never be consuming products like Pepto Bismol, instead eat some nutmeg. It works fast too!)

    But it gets crazier - I started craving produce. For the first time in my life (I’m in my mid-40s), I wanted bananas and I would think to myself, “some cauliflower sounds good today”. I craved a baked potato without cheese - just real butter, real salt, real pepper and herbs (and organic sour cream because I’m no saint). Even more mind-blowing, cheese, as a whole, stopped being a necessity and food tasted great without it. In fact, I began tasting a plastic-type flavor in shredded cheese (even cheese my better-half shreds from full blocks), which was pretty repulsive so I no longer used cheese unless it was goat or sheep.

    Then, things got even stranger. I was able to somehow tune in with what my body wanted and my body wanted less meat and more beans. I know, it’s wild, right? I never in my life wanted beans unless it was a can refried bean dip for a bag of Doritos. I began to truly enjoy black beans which I previously hated. [If you hate cooking, the best canned bean manufacturer in the world is Siete. They are who singlehandedly got me to love black beans. Siete has products that allow an anti-cook to enjoy Mexican food and still eat clean without compromising taste. Their products are probably at wherever you shop, plus they are sold on Amazon.com, in Costco, etc. Here’s their site, SieteFoods.com and here’s their black beans:]

    Another unexpected change occurred around this time: my entire adult life, I have classified myself as running hot. It drove the spouse nuts because I would want to sleep with the window cracked, even in the winter. During the peak of summer I would sleep in the basement because the house was too hot, even with the AC on blast… but this all ended.

    MONTH #2

    At the beginning of the second month, I estimate I lost around 40 pounds! I didn’t realize I had that much to lose because I am an overall slimmer person and if you would have asked me how overweight I was, I would have said, “I guess I could lose 10 or 15 pounds.”. I lost so much weight that people started asking if I’ve been hitting the gym. When I replied, “Nope, just quit white flour and vitamins”, they looked at me like I was a lunatic, but that was ok.

    I now looked like I was wearing my father’s clothing, so I had to get new everything in a full size smaller.

    Then, one more crazy thing happened… and, for me, this was one of the most unexpected changes of all…

    I stopped drinking my beloved whiskey, not because I wanted to, no sir, I love whiskey. I stopped drinking it because I came home from work one day, walked to my whiskey shelf, picked up a bottle of Blanton’s and, as soon as I removed the cork, I realized I just didn’t want it. This is a feeling I had never experienced in my life. I began drinking when I was 15 years old and had drank ever since. When life felt at its worst, I would buy multiple bottles of whiskey at a time. In fact, I was buying so much that the liquor store would save empty case boxes for me so they were easier to carry to my vehicle.

    So, on this specific day, as I stood at my whiskey shelf, when I didn’t want to fill up my glass, it was as if my mind misfunctioned. As bizarre as this sounds, I tried to talk myself into having just one glass. My odd conversation with myself ended with the decision to not pour the whiskey and instead drink something else but to come back in an hour and fill the glass up. … an hour later, it still didn’t sound good. I was baffled.

    That was the first night in my adult life that I went to bed voluntarily choosing not to drink alcohol… and feeling GREAT! I wondered if I would feel horrible withdrawals come morning, but the withdrawals never came. I bounced out of bed, ready to seize the day. And when I got home from work on day #2, drinking again didn’t sound good.

    MONTH #3

    By the third month, my life had completely changed. I was a new person mentally and physically. I felt like I was the best version of myself that I could be. Like a superhero, my senses were all heightened and I became even more aware of things I had been missing around me. Let me give you an important example:

    Being that my spouse and young adult children are not participating in my diet, they eat all the processed garbage. Vegetables and fruit tastes terrible to them because their taste buds have adapted to the white flour diet. I will be writing more on this topic soon, so do it if you haven’t already:

    Anyway, I noticed that, when they wake up in the mornings they are physically fine however, within 30 minutes of them consuming breakfast (white flour and chemicals) they begin to develop a slight cough; a single cough or a throat-clearing that repeats approximately every 15 to 20 minutes after the consumption of these products. I observed the identical occurrence with my coworkers.

    I also noticed, after lunch (a second dose of the same toxins), in addition to the random cough, my older son will start slightly sniffling like allergies. At my job, my associate who stops at Panera Bread each morning for a muffin and a coke, needs allergy medication by noon. In the spring and summer she blames pollen, and when the identical symptoms occur in the fall and winter she blames dust. I had never really put 2 + 2 together... “allergies”…

    Throughout the first five months, I had a total of maybe 3 drinks, and the wildest part was that I cut myself off after a single drink because it just didn’t taste good. Even my top shelf whiskey, Heaven’s Door Bootleg Series, just didn’t do it for me.

    The one evening I was peer pressured into excessively drinking (buddy’s 40th birthday party), I didn’t enjoy it at all and woke up the next day feeling like hell. This further reinforced that I didn’t want to consume alcohol anymore.


    After a half year of being in the best health of my adult life (even better health than when I was bodybuilding because I was poison-free this time around), I had to go out of town for five days. On the upside, I got to stay at a resort. On the downside, I quickly realized there was absolutely nothing for me to eat that didn’t involve white flour, additives or vitamins. I arrived at the resort at 10pm and the only available food was pizza, white bread sandwiches with processed meat and cheese, fried chicken strips with white flour breading, and so on. I went to bed with my stomach growling.

    The next morning I awoke naturally at 3am, long before the resort breakfast area was open. I got out my laptop and tried to focus on writing while my stomach screamed. At 7am, when the breakfast bar opened, I raced to it, only to discover white flour bagels with processed cream cheese and chemical margarine packets, Dole fruit cups in heavy syrup, Quaker Oat single serve oatmeal with sugar and vitamins, Tropicana fortified orange juice served alongside fortified milk, and Quaker chocolate granola bars. Then there were also seven bananas. I grabbed a plate, took all seven and beelined back to my room.

    When lunch came, to my dismay, there were no non-tainted food options, and this is when my nosedive began…

    I selected the beer batter fried fish sandwich which seemed to be the least of all evils. I asked for no bun or toppings, just give me the breaded fish on a plate. Trying to remove the batter from the fish proved unsuccessful. It tasted horrible but I needed something in my stomach.

    That evening I had time to relax in tropical paradise. I found a good chair to watch the geoengineering over the ocean, it was painfully obvious they were in the process of making Hurricane Debby. While staring at planes spraying the sky and watching frequency being deployed to push the spray in one direction while the natural clouds were moving the opposite direction, the waitress convinced me to try their dark rum pina coladas which, as she stated, were indeed delicious. In fact, they were so delicious that I ordered two more. Thankfully they were also filling, so I didn’t go to bed hungry.

    The following day was a repeat of the prior. I stole all of the bananas, ate fish covered in white flour then fried in horrible oil, then enjoyed a half dozen high-fructose-corn-syrup-and-chemicals pina coladas for dinner. Later that evening, with clouded judgement, I decide to give those fried chicken strips a try. I even ordered chemical ranch dressing to go with them… then got a shot of whiskey, my first shot of whiskey since getting clean. Before bed I watched the electrical storm over the Atlantic: (11 second video)

    The third morning I did not naturally wake up at 3am, I instead slept in until after 7. When I got to the breakfast bar, the bananas weren’t available so I chose the fake oatmeal packet. I had this day off work so, come 10am, I was poolside being served dark rum pina coladas. There were now two clearly-defined layers of clouds, quickly moving in opposite directions, and the media was beginning to run their Debby fear campaign. That evening I ordered the pizza and it tasted great.

    Come morning #4, I didn’t want bananas, I instead opted for waffles with fake butter and cheap syrup. Lunch was a processed meat sandwich. Dinner was a burger with French fries dipped in ranch (I’m not a ketchup person, give me ranch or mayo). And this is where the unexpected happens…

    I also had the fifth day off work and again overslept by many hours. When I woke up I put on my shorts and noticed my stomach hanging over them. It wasn’t just a little bloated, it was bulged out substantially. I looked at my body in the mirror and I looked like I had gained at least 15 pounds! Dismayed but determined to enjoy my day, I repeated the day prior.

    All the way home, in the airports and on the planes, I ate trash and drank. Upon getting back to Michigan, I looked and felt like a different person. I was pudgy, tired, short-tempered, unmotivated, and I had a craving for fried foods, pizza and alcohol. Nothing sounded better than a bag of Lay’s and a can of Frito’s Jalapeno Cheddar Cheese Dip.

    That evening I had some of the fast food my spouse and kids picked up for dinner and I finally poured that Blanton’s I passed on many months prior.

    My first morning back home, I debated stopping at McDonalds on the way into work because a Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit sounded incredible, but I refrained only because my motivation had been so stripped that even stopping to get fast food sounded like too much work.

    The next week was incredibly difficult because my taste buds had completely shifted and all of the clean foods I had purchased tasted bad but all of the processed foods were mouth-watering. My mind was telling me to make a baked potato or slice up cucumbers but my body was telling me “do that tomorrow, for now order Uber Eats.” . After around 12-days of mental war, the cravings ended and I was back on track. It took several weeks for the bloating and water-weight gain to reside completely.


    It has now been around 10 months and I am back to my high school athlete weight. I have zero desire to eat processed food or white flour because it tastes so bad again.

    I had to get new apparel a second time because, even with the full size smaller clothing, I again looked like I was swimming in someone else’s shirts.

    In full transparency, not drinking alcohol resulted in a new coffee addiction. Yes, I am completely aware it is bad. In further full transparency, I still enjoy my cigars, but I’ll work on this as time progresses, one thing at a time, my friends. And in a final moment of transparency, I classify a single drink every couple months as “not being an alcohol drinker” and I see nothing wrong with this.


    Perplexed by how quickly I fell off the rails and was overtaken by old habits, I couldn’t help but want to learn more about my whole experience, so I began looking deeper into white flour. The very first thing I discovered was that my weight loss and positive changes, especially to sleeping patterns, were nothing special, in fact, it’s the norm if you cut white flour from your diet. Here’s other people, before and after quitting flour, and their amazing transformations within only 30 or 60 days:

    What Yuh Know - 60 DAYS NO SUGAR, NO FLOUR, NO SOFT... | Facebook
    Down 55 pounds with no sugar, no flour - weight loss journey with Bright Line Eating
    8 Practical Tips for Weight Loss
    I Gave Up Sugar and Flour! Here's What I Eat Instead | Little Miss Fearless
    Many of these people went completely gluten free and some axed sugar too but I did not. I still consume some bread, just not white flour bread, and I still consume sugar in the form of agave nectar and coconut sugar. If you stop consuming white flour products and vitamins, you will automatically cut the vast majority of sugar out of your diet.

    Gluten Free Diet That Changed My Life - YouTube
    Gluten Free Diet Before And After Weight Loss Results Transformation
    Look at the difference in these people and think of how many health problems they eliminated:

    Why I Gave Up Dairy & Gluten - 85 Pounds Down - Before and After Weight Loss Transformation Pictures - YouTube
    Now think of this: If this man went to the doctor for his annual checkup, the doctor would tell him he needs medication for something(s), then write him a prescription(s), when all along, he just needed to stop eating white flour:

    No wheat and dairy for 60 days before and after photos...
    How a Whole-Food Diet Transformed This Fitness Pro - Forks Over Knives
    My Story | Fork and Beans
    Not only did these people add years, if not decades, to their lives, but look at the difference in their facial expressions. Nobody is happy being overweight.

    Progress) 90 lbs down this morning following a whole food plant based diet, no exercise. The last time I weighed this little I was was 12 or 13. It's been a process,
    And it wasn’t just weight loss, people report their Eczema vanishing without any need for Big Pharma products:

    I've been able to take my eczema down 95% eating gluten free, minimizing eggs sugar and dairy intake! For me moisturizer was not possible and aggravated my skin. I take lots of
    And many saw noticeable changes after only a week in the form of their skin looking brighter and cleaner and facial wrinkles lessening or vanishing.

    I began pondering white flour more. Remember how, at the beginning of this article, I explained there was this crazy conspiracy involving the government and the American Medical Association to make sure we consume this flour? I didn’t understand why the AMA was so hellbent on getting this inside of us. They wanted us to eat this so bad that they were willing to destroy their reputation over it. It seems hard to believe that this was just related to bribery or blackmail. It felt like their had to be more to the story.

    Deeper reflection lead me to wonder, what if the chemicals in white flour products can f*ck with our brains? Could it be possible that these ingredients can literally hijack our thought process and mind control us? That would indeed explain why I fell off the wagon and lost all sense of judgement in only a couple days of consuming the flour. But claiming this food might have the ability to mentally change us is a pretty wild hypothesis which would require a lot of deep digging and dot-connecting, but if that is indeed what is going on here, holy sh*t, that is massive.

    As I began to dive deep into old documents, records, videos and scientific paperwork, I became utterly shocked at what I was uncovering… NEXT READ: WHITE FLOUR IS A LITERAL DRUG, but first, if you appreciate my time, energy and devotion to bringing you content, please consider hooking me up with a whiskey coffee or a lil donation:

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    White Flour IS A DRUG! It's an OPIOID! The Most EVIL Food Yet?

    White Flour IS A DRUG! It's an OPIOID! The Most EVIL Food Yet?
    It is hard to wrap your mind around how utterly insane this is - we are all being fed an opioid drug, all day long, every day. “What do opioids do?”, you ask. Answer: Other than producing short-lived feelings of happiness followed by a crash and providing temporary pain relief…

    Read full story


    Vitamin D is Rat Poison

    Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again

    Vitamin B is Made From Cyanide and is a Carcinogen


    Vitamin C is Associated with the Eugenics Movement

    Omega-3’s are Soy and Carcinogens: Fish Oil Poison

    The Time “Vitamin B” Contaminated a City

    The Natural Vitamin SCAM: Eating Byproduct Waste

    HOW VITAMINS ARE MADE - Trust Me, It’s NOT What You Think

    BUSTED! Videos Inside Vitamin Manufacturers

    Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1

    The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2

    The Vitamin Swindle: White Bread Scandal (The Truth about Vitamin B and Beriberi) PART 1

    Daily Intake Level Insanity

    Poisoning Pregnant Mothers: Deadly Prenatal Vitamins

    Soil Has Been Depleted of Nutrients! Creating MYTHS to Sell Supplements

    The VITAMIN ISOLATION PSYOP: Vitamins ARE Viruses! The Nail in the Coffin of Supplements - Here's What Vitamins LOOK LIKE...

    What Ivermectin ACTUALLY is

    Hydroxychloroquine: POISON & Self Assembling Nanoparticles - The HCQ PSYOP & the Blood-Brain Barrier

    The 1969 Population Council’s Secret POPULATION CONTROL Operations: Drug the Water Supply, Destroy the Family, Reduce Fertility

    Or check out tons of other topics:

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    I Quit Eating White Flour & Threw Out All My "Vitamins" - Here's What Happened (Part 1) After I learned synthetic vitamins are poison, the United Nations is behind the Food Fortification program (which drugs the food supply with vitamins) and, like viruses, vitamins have never been properly isolated because they too are a Big Pharma scheme to sell us health made in a laboratory, I began taking a hard look at what I was eating. At this point in my life I had completely quit taking all supplements and I thought I was eating healthy, but upon closer inspection, I was alarmed to discover my entire diet was being synthetically vitaminized and poisoned. Literally everything was tainted, right down to my Paradise Green dehydrated peas… From my bag of rice to my afternoon kombucha drinks, all of the products in my pantry had chemicals slipped in to places least expected - they drugged the peas for f*cks sake! DEHYDRATED PEAS! Many months later, I was in the process of writing The Vitamin Swindle Part 1: The White Bread Scandal, when I learned rats that get into white flour mills won’t touch the flour. The more I researched, the more disturbed I became, specifically regarding white flour and the history of it. I learned about a massive conspiracy between the flour mills, the American Medical Association, Big Pharma and the US government. Long story short, they knew white flour was causing major health issues and they knew living off of it was the cause of “Beriberi”, yet they went out of their way to assure the public it was a great, nutritious product that people should eat for their health. REMOVAL OF WHITE FLOUR FROM MY DIET You see, because white flour, like rice flour, has vitamins dumped in at the mills via the UN “fortification” and “enrichment” program, it is nearly impossible to eat products containing this flour and avoid also consuming synthetic vitamins: (17 second video) So, although I had quit consuming bottled supplements, I was still consuming the same vitamins via the food supply. But after the rat discovery, without hesitation, I axed white flour from my diet. Let me tell you, while not taking vitamins was easy (and saved me money too!), not eating white flour was incredibly difficult because I had to relearn how to eat and, being that I loathed cooking, I didn’t know what to do. I was so used to buying premade health food that I felt lost; everything I was purchasing had white flour (or synthetic vitamins) in it somewhere. With zero kitchen skills, my meals became a head of broccoli with natural butter and Real Salt or diced cucumber with garlic, feta and extra virgin olive oil or a plate of sliced tomatoes and lots of baked potatoes. Here’s an example of my dinner: The first five-or-so nights of being white-flour-free, I sweat like crazy while I slept and my sweat smelled ghastly. It was a strange odor I had never smelled before. I can’t quite explain it, perhaps something like plastic burning in a hot dumpster that is full of roadkill and rotten dairy. It was so foul that I had to run my bedding to the washing machine every morning for nearly a week. No matter how much I showered I could still smell this awful stench for the first couple days. NO WHITE FLOUR, WEEK #2 I woke up one morning and discovered my underwear were stretched out. I grabbed a different pair and those didn’t fit either. What the heck? Did the washer ruin my clothes? When I pulled on my work pants, those didn’t fit either! I realized I had lost weight - a lot of it. I hurried to the closet to grab my belt, threw it around my wait and slid the buckle right past my usual connection hole. I had lost so much weight in 14 days that I downsized one belt hole! I was quite puzzled because I lost this weight by doing nothing other than quitting white flour; no gym and 0 exercise because I traded that time for writing Substack articles for you. I also noticed my facial skin looked more youthful. The bags under my eyes nearly vanished. I told my spouse I think I have the energy of a 20 year old, *wink, wink*. WEEK #3 By the third week I lost another 10-or-so pounds, now my shirts looked a full size too large. But that’s not all, another huge change occurred. During this week I began becoming naturally tired in the evenings. Writing articles until 9pm then watching a documentary until 10:30-11pm no longer worked for me. I was tired at 8, asleep by 9 and up at 3am so I could get in a few hours of writing before work. This may sound like a really insane time to wake up, but I love it. My mind is so clear, I am so focused and the world is so peaceful. I think my best content and research is what I am producing at this early hour. Strangely, even though I was waking up so early then spending three hours working before I go into work, I had energy the entire day. Additionally, my mood had become overall more optimistic about everything in life. I began hacking away at the list of sh*t I have been putting off forever. (Responding to Substack direct messages is on that list. Only 580 more messages to go…) WEEK #4 By the fourth week, my love handles vanished. I pinched my love handle area and could only pinch an inch of skin between my fingers. My stomach began to flatten. I even noticed my face looked thinner and the droop in my chin that I blamed on age disappeared. My shoulders began looking defined again and that sure wasn’t from spending 12 hours a day on a pc. Then something really wild happened… MONTH 1 Around the end of the month, I realized my taste buds completely changed. Everything I loved (especially potato chips and dip, Lord I loved me some cheddar & sour cream chips with French onion dip), became disgusting. After being flour-and-chemical-free for over four weeks, Tostitos tortilla chips were inedible because the chemicals in them burned the sh*t out of my gums. Fast food, even my beloved Taco Bell, tasted f*cking terrible - so disgusting that, for the first time ever, I threw it out after two bites. When my spouse, who is not on board with my diet, ordered a pizza, I took one bite then instead made another baked potato. It was at this time that foods containing chemicals or GMOs began killing my stomach. I dreaded dinner at my parents house because I knew I would be dealing with hours of pain. I was forced to cut restaurants our of my life because, even when I selected the best options, I was still forced to endure hours of torture afterward. (btw, I learned we should never be consuming products like Pepto Bismol, instead eat some nutmeg. It works fast too!) But it gets crazier - I started craving produce. For the first time in my life (I’m in my mid-40s), I wanted bananas and I would think to myself, “some cauliflower sounds good today”. I craved a baked potato without cheese - just real butter, real salt, real pepper and herbs (and organic sour cream because I’m no saint). Even more mind-blowing, cheese, as a whole, stopped being a necessity and food tasted great without it. In fact, I began tasting a plastic-type flavor in shredded cheese (even cheese my better-half shreds from full blocks), which was pretty repulsive so I no longer used cheese unless it was goat or sheep. Then, things got even stranger. I was able to somehow tune in with what my body wanted and my body wanted less meat and more beans. I know, it’s wild, right? I never in my life wanted beans unless it was a can refried bean dip for a bag of Doritos. I began to truly enjoy black beans which I previously hated. [If you hate cooking, the best canned bean manufacturer in the world is Siete. They are who singlehandedly got me to love black beans. Siete has products that allow an anti-cook to enjoy Mexican food and still eat clean without compromising taste. Their products are probably at wherever you shop, plus they are sold on Amazon.com, in Costco, etc. Here’s their site, SieteFoods.com and here’s their black beans:] Another unexpected change occurred around this time: my entire adult life, I have classified myself as running hot. It drove the spouse nuts because I would want to sleep with the window cracked, even in the winter. During the peak of summer I would sleep in the basement because the house was too hot, even with the AC on blast… but this all ended. MONTH #2 At the beginning of the second month, I estimate I lost around 40 pounds! I didn’t realize I had that much to lose because I am an overall slimmer person and if you would have asked me how overweight I was, I would have said, “I guess I could lose 10 or 15 pounds.”. I lost so much weight that people started asking if I’ve been hitting the gym. When I replied, “Nope, just quit white flour and vitamins”, they looked at me like I was a lunatic, but that was ok. I now looked like I was wearing my father’s clothing, so I had to get new everything in a full size smaller. Then, one more crazy thing happened… and, for me, this was one of the most unexpected changes of all… I stopped drinking my beloved whiskey, not because I wanted to, no sir, I love whiskey. I stopped drinking it because I came home from work one day, walked to my whiskey shelf, picked up a bottle of Blanton’s and, as soon as I removed the cork, I realized I just didn’t want it. This is a feeling I had never experienced in my life. I began drinking when I was 15 years old and had drank ever since. When life felt at its worst, I would buy multiple bottles of whiskey at a time. In fact, I was buying so much that the liquor store would save empty case boxes for me so they were easier to carry to my vehicle. So, on this specific day, as I stood at my whiskey shelf, when I didn’t want to fill up my glass, it was as if my mind misfunctioned. As bizarre as this sounds, I tried to talk myself into having just one glass. My odd conversation with myself ended with the decision to not pour the whiskey and instead drink something else but to come back in an hour and fill the glass up. … an hour later, it still didn’t sound good. I was baffled. That was the first night in my adult life that I went to bed voluntarily choosing not to drink alcohol… and feeling GREAT! I wondered if I would feel horrible withdrawals come morning, but the withdrawals never came. I bounced out of bed, ready to seize the day. And when I got home from work on day #2, drinking again didn’t sound good. MONTH #3 By the third month, my life had completely changed. I was a new person mentally and physically. I felt like I was the best version of myself that I could be. Like a superhero, my senses were all heightened and I became even more aware of things I had been missing around me. Let me give you an important example: Being that my spouse and young adult children are not participating in my diet, they eat all the processed garbage. Vegetables and fruit tastes terrible to them because their taste buds have adapted to the white flour diet. I will be writing more on this topic soon, so do it if you haven’t already: Anyway, I noticed that, when they wake up in the mornings they are physically fine however, within 30 minutes of them consuming breakfast (white flour and chemicals) they begin to develop a slight cough; a single cough or a throat-clearing that repeats approximately every 15 to 20 minutes after the consumption of these products. I observed the identical occurrence with my coworkers. I also noticed, after lunch (a second dose of the same toxins), in addition to the random cough, my older son will start slightly sniffling like allergies. At my job, my associate who stops at Panera Bread each morning for a muffin and a coke, needs allergy medication by noon. In the spring and summer she blames pollen, and when the identical symptoms occur in the fall and winter she blames dust. I had never really put 2 + 2 together... “allergies”… Throughout the first five months, I had a total of maybe 3 drinks, and the wildest part was that I cut myself off after a single drink because it just didn’t taste good. Even my top shelf whiskey, Heaven’s Door Bootleg Series, just didn’t do it for me. The one evening I was peer pressured into excessively drinking (buddy’s 40th birthday party), I didn’t enjoy it at all and woke up the next day feeling like hell. This further reinforced that I didn’t want to consume alcohol anymore. SIX MONTHS LATER: THE RELAPSE After a half year of being in the best health of my adult life (even better health than when I was bodybuilding because I was poison-free this time around), I had to go out of town for five days. On the upside, I got to stay at a resort. On the downside, I quickly realized there was absolutely nothing for me to eat that didn’t involve white flour, additives or vitamins. I arrived at the resort at 10pm and the only available food was pizza, white bread sandwiches with processed meat and cheese, fried chicken strips with white flour breading, and so on. I went to bed with my stomach growling. The next morning I awoke naturally at 3am, long before the resort breakfast area was open. I got out my laptop and tried to focus on writing while my stomach screamed. At 7am, when the breakfast bar opened, I raced to it, only to discover white flour bagels with processed cream cheese and chemical margarine packets, Dole fruit cups in heavy syrup, Quaker Oat single serve oatmeal with sugar and vitamins, Tropicana fortified orange juice served alongside fortified milk, and Quaker chocolate granola bars. Then there were also seven bananas. I grabbed a plate, took all seven and beelined back to my room. When lunch came, to my dismay, there were no non-tainted food options, and this is when my nosedive began… I selected the beer batter fried fish sandwich which seemed to be the least of all evils. I asked for no bun or toppings, just give me the breaded fish on a plate. Trying to remove the batter from the fish proved unsuccessful. It tasted horrible but I needed something in my stomach. That evening I had time to relax in tropical paradise. I found a good chair to watch the geoengineering over the ocean, it was painfully obvious they were in the process of making Hurricane Debby. While staring at planes spraying the sky and watching frequency being deployed to push the spray in one direction while the natural clouds were moving the opposite direction, the waitress convinced me to try their dark rum pina coladas which, as she stated, were indeed delicious. In fact, they were so delicious that I ordered two more. Thankfully they were also filling, so I didn’t go to bed hungry. The following day was a repeat of the prior. I stole all of the bananas, ate fish covered in white flour then fried in horrible oil, then enjoyed a half dozen high-fructose-corn-syrup-and-chemicals pina coladas for dinner. Later that evening, with clouded judgement, I decide to give those fried chicken strips a try. I even ordered chemical ranch dressing to go with them… then got a shot of whiskey, my first shot of whiskey since getting clean. Before bed I watched the electrical storm over the Atlantic: (11 second video) The third morning I did not naturally wake up at 3am, I instead slept in until after 7. When I got to the breakfast bar, the bananas weren’t available so I chose the fake oatmeal packet. I had this day off work so, come 10am, I was poolside being served dark rum pina coladas. There were now two clearly-defined layers of clouds, quickly moving in opposite directions, and the media was beginning to run their Debby fear campaign. That evening I ordered the pizza and it tasted great. Come morning #4, I didn’t want bananas, I instead opted for waffles with fake butter and cheap syrup. Lunch was a processed meat sandwich. Dinner was a burger with French fries dipped in ranch (I’m not a ketchup person, give me ranch or mayo). And this is where the unexpected happens… I also had the fifth day off work and again overslept by many hours. When I woke up I put on my shorts and noticed my stomach hanging over them. It wasn’t just a little bloated, it was bulged out substantially. I looked at my body in the mirror and I looked like I had gained at least 15 pounds! Dismayed but determined to enjoy my day, I repeated the day prior. All the way home, in the airports and on the planes, I ate trash and drank. Upon getting back to Michigan, I looked and felt like a different person. I was pudgy, tired, short-tempered, unmotivated, and I had a craving for fried foods, pizza and alcohol. Nothing sounded better than a bag of Lay’s and a can of Frito’s Jalapeno Cheddar Cheese Dip. That evening I had some of the fast food my spouse and kids picked up for dinner and I finally poured that Blanton’s I passed on many months prior. My first morning back home, I debated stopping at McDonalds on the way into work because a Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit sounded incredible, but I refrained only because my motivation had been so stripped that even stopping to get fast food sounded like too much work. The next week was incredibly difficult because my taste buds had completely shifted and all of the clean foods I had purchased tasted bad but all of the processed foods were mouth-watering. My mind was telling me to make a baked potato or slice up cucumbers but my body was telling me “do that tomorrow, for now order Uber Eats.” . After around 12-days of mental war, the cravings ended and I was back on track. It took several weeks for the bloating and water-weight gain to reside completely. 10 MONTHS LATER It has now been around 10 months and I am back to my high school athlete weight. I have zero desire to eat processed food or white flour because it tastes so bad again. I had to get new apparel a second time because, even with the full size smaller clothing, I again looked like I was swimming in someone else’s shirts. In full transparency, not drinking alcohol resulted in a new coffee addiction. Yes, I am completely aware it is bad. In further full transparency, I still enjoy my cigars, but I’ll work on this as time progresses, one thing at a time, my friends. And in a final moment of transparency, I classify a single drink every couple months as “not being an alcohol drinker” and I see nothing wrong with this. LAUNCHING THE INVESTIGATION INTO WHITE FLOUR Perplexed by how quickly I fell off the rails and was overtaken by old habits, I couldn’t help but want to learn more about my whole experience, so I began looking deeper into white flour. The very first thing I discovered was that my weight loss and positive changes, especially to sleeping patterns, were nothing special, in fact, it’s the norm if you cut white flour from your diet. Here’s other people, before and after quitting flour, and their amazing transformations within only 30 or 60 days: What Yuh Know - 60 DAYS NO SUGAR, NO FLOUR, NO SOFT... | Facebook Down 55 pounds with no sugar, no flour - weight loss journey with Bright Line Eating 8 Practical Tips for Weight Loss I Gave Up Sugar and Flour! Here's What I Eat Instead | Little Miss Fearless Many of these people went completely gluten free and some axed sugar too but I did not. I still consume some bread, just not white flour bread, and I still consume sugar in the form of agave nectar and coconut sugar. If you stop consuming white flour products and vitamins, you will automatically cut the vast majority of sugar out of your diet. Gluten Free Diet That Changed My Life - YouTube Gluten Free Diet Before And After Weight Loss Results Transformation Look at the difference in these people and think of how many health problems they eliminated: Why I Gave Up Dairy & Gluten - 85 Pounds Down - Before and After Weight Loss Transformation Pictures - YouTube Now think of this: If this man went to the doctor for his annual checkup, the doctor would tell him he needs medication for something(s), then write him a prescription(s), when all along, he just needed to stop eating white flour: No wheat and dairy for 60 days before and after photos... How a Whole-Food Diet Transformed This Fitness Pro - Forks Over Knives My Story | Fork and Beans Not only did these people add years, if not decades, to their lives, but look at the difference in their facial expressions. Nobody is happy being overweight. Progress) 90 lbs down this morning following a whole food plant based diet, no exercise. The last time I weighed this little I was was 12 or 13. It's been a process, And it wasn’t just weight loss, people report their Eczema vanishing without any need for Big Pharma products: I've been able to take my eczema down 95% eating gluten free, minimizing eggs sugar and dairy intake! For me moisturizer was not possible and aggravated my skin. I take lots of And many saw noticeable changes after only a week in the form of their skin looking brighter and cleaner and facial wrinkles lessening or vanishing. I began pondering white flour more. Remember how, at the beginning of this article, I explained there was this crazy conspiracy involving the government and the American Medical Association to make sure we consume this flour? I didn’t understand why the AMA was so hellbent on getting this inside of us. They wanted us to eat this so bad that they were willing to destroy their reputation over it. It seems hard to believe that this was just related to bribery or blackmail. It felt like their had to be more to the story. Deeper reflection lead me to wonder, what if the chemicals in white flour products can f*ck with our brains? Could it be possible that these ingredients can literally hijack our thought process and mind control us? That would indeed explain why I fell off the wagon and lost all sense of judgement in only a couple days of consuming the flour. But claiming this food might have the ability to mentally change us is a pretty wild hypothesis which would require a lot of deep digging and dot-connecting, but if that is indeed what is going on here, holy sh*t, that is massive. As I began to dive deep into old documents, records, videos and scientific paperwork, I became utterly shocked at what I was uncovering… NEXT READ: WHITE FLOUR IS A LITERAL DRUG, but first, if you appreciate my time, energy and devotion to bringing you content, please consider hooking me up with a whiskey coffee or a lil donation: Like My Work? Make a KoFi Donation Keep Me Writing! Buy Me a Coffee Share NEXT READ White Flour IS A DRUG! It's an OPIOID! The Most EVIL Food Yet? White Flour IS A DRUG! It's an OPIOID! The Most EVIL Food Yet? It is hard to wrap your mind around how utterly insane this is - we are all being fed an opioid drug, all day long, every day. “What do opioids do?”, you ask. Answer: Other than producing short-lived feelings of happiness followed by a crash and providing temporary pain relief… Read full story OR CHECK OUT MY SUPPLEMENT INVESTIGATIONS LIST Vitamin D is Rat Poison Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again Vitamin B is Made From Cyanide and is a Carcinogen Vitamin A: POPULATION CONTROL Vitamin C is Associated with the Eugenics Movement Omega-3’s are Soy and Carcinogens: Fish Oil Poison The Time “Vitamin B” Contaminated a City The Natural Vitamin SCAM: Eating Byproduct Waste HOW VITAMINS ARE MADE - Trust Me, It’s NOT What You Think BUSTED! Videos Inside Vitamin Manufacturers Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1 The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2 The Vitamin Swindle: White Bread Scandal (The Truth about Vitamin B and Beriberi) PART 1 Daily Intake Level Insanity Poisoning Pregnant Mothers: Deadly Prenatal Vitamins Soil Has Been Depleted of Nutrients! Creating MYTHS to Sell Supplements The VITAMIN ISOLATION PSYOP: Vitamins ARE Viruses! The Nail in the Coffin of Supplements - Here's What Vitamins LOOK LIKE... What Ivermectin ACTUALLY is Hydroxychloroquine: POISON & Self Assembling Nanoparticles - The HCQ PSYOP & the Blood-Brain Barrier The 1969 Population Council’s Secret POPULATION CONTROL Operations: Drug the Water Supply, Destroy the Family, Reduce Fertility Or check out tons of other topics: Keep Me Fighting! Make a KoFi Donation Buy Me a Coffee Share https://substack.com/@chemtrails/p-148841683
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