• Image Source
    #history #titanic #someeofficial #cent #archon #hive #ecency
    It was a cold September morning in 1985 when a team of scientists, led by Dr. Robert Ballard, set sail on a groundbreaking expedition. Their mission was to locate and document the final resting place of the RMS Titanic, the legendary ocean liner that had tragically sunk on its maiden voyage in 1912. The Titanic had long captured the imagination of the world, and finding its wreckage would be a significant feat of underwater exploration.
    Equipped with advanced sonar technology and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), the team embarked on an arduous journey to the North Atlantic Ocean. Their search area spanned hundreds of square miles, where the Titanic was believed to have sunk after striking an iceberg. The challenge was immense, as they were faced with vast depths, treacherous conditions, and the unknown.
    Days turned into weeks as the team tirelessly scanned the ocean floor, mapping the seabed and meticulously examining sonar readings. It was a painstaking process of elimination, ruling out false targets and navigating through the darkness of the deep sea. The team faced setbacks, battling rough weather and technical difficulties, but their determination to unravel history's greatest maritime tragedy never wavered.
    Then, on September 1, 1985, a breakthrough occurred. As the sonar scan swept across the seabed, a promising image materialized on the screens. It was a large object, distinct and recognizable. The excitement on board was palpable, and the team knew they were on the brink of a historic discovery.
    With cautious anticipation, the ROVs were deployed to descend into the depths and investigate the mysterious object. Cameras mounted on the ROVs transmitted live footage back to the research vessel, and as the screens flickered to life, an astonishing sight unfolded before their eyes. The Titanic, or what remained of it, emerged from the darkness—an eerie silhouette resting on the ocean floor.
    The scene was both haunting and awe-inspiring. The once grand vessel now lay in fragments, its steel hull rusted and decaying. The ship's iconic bow and stern sections, separated by over a third of a mile, revealed the magnitude of the Titanic's catastrophic demise. Debris scattered across the seabed—lifeboats, furniture, and personal belongings—offered a haunting glimpse into the lives of those aboard.
    Over subsequent weeks and months, the team meticulously documented the wreckage, capturing detailed photographs and video footage of the Titanic's remains. The discoveries were not limited to the ship's exterior; they also explored the interior spaces, revealing the remnants of luxurious cabins, grand staircases, and other poignant reminders of the lives lost.
    The findings from this groundbreaking expedition provided valuable insights into the Titanic's final moments and shed light on the circumstances surrounding its sinking. The discoveries also fueled public fascination, leading to renewed interest in the story of the Titanic and the lives forever changed by the tragedy.
    The search for the Titanic was not just an expedition to locate a ship; it was a quest to unravel a piece of history. The dedication and perseverance of the team led to one of the most remarkable discoveries of the 20th century, immortalizing the Titanic in our collective memory and providing a deeper understanding of this iconic shipwreck.
    Today, the legacy of the Titanic lives on, reminding us of the fragility of human endeavors and the profound impact of tragic events. The discovery of the Titanic stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of exploration, the relentless pursuit of knowledge, and the ability of humanity to uncover and preserve the stories of the past.
    Image Source #history #titanic #someeofficial #cent #archon #hive #ecency It was a cold September morning in 1985 when a team of scientists, led by Dr. Robert Ballard, set sail on a groundbreaking expedition. Their mission was to locate and document the final resting place of the RMS Titanic, the legendary ocean liner that had tragically sunk on its maiden voyage in 1912. The Titanic had long captured the imagination of the world, and finding its wreckage would be a significant feat of underwater exploration. Equipped with advanced sonar technology and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), the team embarked on an arduous journey to the North Atlantic Ocean. Their search area spanned hundreds of square miles, where the Titanic was believed to have sunk after striking an iceberg. The challenge was immense, as they were faced with vast depths, treacherous conditions, and the unknown. Days turned into weeks as the team tirelessly scanned the ocean floor, mapping the seabed and meticulously examining sonar readings. It was a painstaking process of elimination, ruling out false targets and navigating through the darkness of the deep sea. The team faced setbacks, battling rough weather and technical difficulties, but their determination to unravel history's greatest maritime tragedy never wavered. Then, on September 1, 1985, a breakthrough occurred. As the sonar scan swept across the seabed, a promising image materialized on the screens. It was a large object, distinct and recognizable. The excitement on board was palpable, and the team knew they were on the brink of a historic discovery. With cautious anticipation, the ROVs were deployed to descend into the depths and investigate the mysterious object. Cameras mounted on the ROVs transmitted live footage back to the research vessel, and as the screens flickered to life, an astonishing sight unfolded before their eyes. The Titanic, or what remained of it, emerged from the darkness—an eerie silhouette resting on the ocean floor. The scene was both haunting and awe-inspiring. The once grand vessel now lay in fragments, its steel hull rusted and decaying. The ship's iconic bow and stern sections, separated by over a third of a mile, revealed the magnitude of the Titanic's catastrophic demise. Debris scattered across the seabed—lifeboats, furniture, and personal belongings—offered a haunting glimpse into the lives of those aboard. Over subsequent weeks and months, the team meticulously documented the wreckage, capturing detailed photographs and video footage of the Titanic's remains. The discoveries were not limited to the ship's exterior; they also explored the interior spaces, revealing the remnants of luxurious cabins, grand staircases, and other poignant reminders of the lives lost. The findings from this groundbreaking expedition provided valuable insights into the Titanic's final moments and shed light on the circumstances surrounding its sinking. The discoveries also fueled public fascination, leading to renewed interest in the story of the Titanic and the lives forever changed by the tragedy. The search for the Titanic was not just an expedition to locate a ship; it was a quest to unravel a piece of history. The dedication and perseverance of the team led to one of the most remarkable discoveries of the 20th century, immortalizing the Titanic in our collective memory and providing a deeper understanding of this iconic shipwreck. Today, the legacy of the Titanic lives on, reminding us of the fragility of human endeavors and the profound impact of tragic events. The discovery of the Titanic stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of exploration, the relentless pursuit of knowledge, and the ability of humanity to uncover and preserve the stories of the past.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 19842 Views
  • I want to thank all of you who have pointed these projects out to me. I am going to add every tribe tag of these projects for this post. There is only one project that i have not bought yet, but some how ended up in my wallet. That project is VYB. I have no idea what this is and if that should be my next purchase. I still have goals of increasing the amounts i own in other projects i own as well. I will add the VYB hashtag as well in hopes that someone in their tribe enlightens me about that project.. I also need all of you to continue telling about these great projects on Hive that are building for the future with super low marketcaps and great utility. Please let me know which projects i should add to this list in the comment section..
    In anycase. The following are the projects i have purchased thus far.













    I want to thank all of you who have pointed these projects out to me. I am going to add every tribe tag of these projects for this post. There is only one project that i have not bought yet, but some how ended up in my wallet. That project is VYB. I have no idea what this is and if that should be my next purchase. I still have goals of increasing the amounts i own in other projects i own as well. I will add the VYB hashtag as well in hopes that someone in their tribe enlightens me about that project.. I also need all of you to continue telling about these great projects on Hive that are building for the future with super low marketcaps and great utility. Please let me know which projects i should add to this list in the comment section.. In anycase. The following are the projects i have purchased thus far. SME LEO PoB Sports MEME CENTG CENT PEPE THGAMING BRK Mythical ARCHON
    4 Reacties 0 aandelen 9227 Views

  • Image Source: https://www.escapeartist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/step0001.jpg
    Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has gained significant attention and popularity since its inception in 2009. However, its decentralized nature, volatility, and potential risks have led to debates about the possibility of governments considering the outlawing of Bitcoin. In this article, we will explore some potential reasons that could contribute to such a decision.
    Regulatory Challenges:
    One primary concern for governments is the lack of regulatory oversight in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin's decentralized nature allows for anonymous transactions and can potentially facilitate illicit activities such as money laundering, tax evasion, and illegal transactions. Despite efforts to establish regulations and anti-money laundering measures, the anonymity provided by Bitcoin still poses a challenge for authorities to monitor and control financial transactions effectively.
    Financial Stability and Consumer Protection:
    Bitcoin's extreme price volatility can disrupt financial stability and endanger consumer protection. The cryptocurrency's value has witnessed significant fluctuations, often driven by speculative trading, market manipulation, or unexpected events. Such volatility can negatively impact investors, businesses, and overall economic stability. Governments may see the need to protect their citizens from potential financial losses associated with participating in the volatile cryptocurrency market.
    Monetary Policy Control:
    Central banks maintain the responsibility of implementing monetary policy to manage national economies effectively. Bitcoin, being decentralized and beyond government control, poses a challenge to the central bank's ability to influence and regulate monetary systems. If Bitcoin gains widespread acceptance, it could potentially undermine a government's control over its own currency, leading to potential economic instability.
    Cybersecurity and Fraud:
    As with any digital platform, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are susceptible to hacking, fraud, and cyber attacks. Despite the implementation of robust security measures, cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets have experienced numerous high-profile breaches in recent years. These security vulnerabilities raise concerns regarding the protection of users' funds and the potential for criminal activities, which could further contribute to governments considering the outlawing of Bitcoin.
    Potential Loss of Tax Revenue:
    Governments rely on tax revenues to fund public services and infrastructure development. The anonymity associated with Bitcoin transactions presents challenges for tax authorities to identify and track taxable income. The potential widespread adoption of Bitcoin could lead to a substantial loss of tax revenue, making it difficult for governments to meet their financial obligations.
    While Bitcoin has attracted a vast user base and supporters who believe in its potential to revolutionize the financial system, several factors may lead governments to consider outlawing it. Regulatory challenges, concerns regarding financial stability and consumer protection, the potential loss of monetary policy control, cybersecurity risks, and the potential impact on tax revenues are some of the primary reasons that may drive governments towards such a decision. However, it's important to note that this article explores potential reasons and does not reflect the definitive outcome or consensus on the future of Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency landscape remains complex and subject to ongoing discussions and developments. #bitcoin #btc #someeofficial #waivio #thgaming #nftm #archon #hivelist
    Image Source: https://www.escapeartist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/step0001.jpg Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has gained significant attention and popularity since its inception in 2009. However, its decentralized nature, volatility, and potential risks have led to debates about the possibility of governments considering the outlawing of Bitcoin. In this article, we will explore some potential reasons that could contribute to such a decision. Regulatory Challenges: One primary concern for governments is the lack of regulatory oversight in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin's decentralized nature allows for anonymous transactions and can potentially facilitate illicit activities such as money laundering, tax evasion, and illegal transactions. Despite efforts to establish regulations and anti-money laundering measures, the anonymity provided by Bitcoin still poses a challenge for authorities to monitor and control financial transactions effectively. Financial Stability and Consumer Protection: Bitcoin's extreme price volatility can disrupt financial stability and endanger consumer protection. The cryptocurrency's value has witnessed significant fluctuations, often driven by speculative trading, market manipulation, or unexpected events. Such volatility can negatively impact investors, businesses, and overall economic stability. Governments may see the need to protect their citizens from potential financial losses associated with participating in the volatile cryptocurrency market. Monetary Policy Control: Central banks maintain the responsibility of implementing monetary policy to manage national economies effectively. Bitcoin, being decentralized and beyond government control, poses a challenge to the central bank's ability to influence and regulate monetary systems. If Bitcoin gains widespread acceptance, it could potentially undermine a government's control over its own currency, leading to potential economic instability. Cybersecurity and Fraud: As with any digital platform, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are susceptible to hacking, fraud, and cyber attacks. Despite the implementation of robust security measures, cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets have experienced numerous high-profile breaches in recent years. These security vulnerabilities raise concerns regarding the protection of users' funds and the potential for criminal activities, which could further contribute to governments considering the outlawing of Bitcoin. Potential Loss of Tax Revenue: Governments rely on tax revenues to fund public services and infrastructure development. The anonymity associated with Bitcoin transactions presents challenges for tax authorities to identify and track taxable income. The potential widespread adoption of Bitcoin could lead to a substantial loss of tax revenue, making it difficult for governments to meet their financial obligations. Conclusion: While Bitcoin has attracted a vast user base and supporters who believe in its potential to revolutionize the financial system, several factors may lead governments to consider outlawing it. Regulatory challenges, concerns regarding financial stability and consumer protection, the potential loss of monetary policy control, cybersecurity risks, and the potential impact on tax revenues are some of the primary reasons that may drive governments towards such a decision. However, it's important to note that this article explores potential reasons and does not reflect the definitive outcome or consensus on the future of Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency landscape remains complex and subject to ongoing discussions and developments. #bitcoin #btc #someeofficial #waivio #thgaming #nftm #archon #hivelist
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 12865 Views
  • #1. My all time favorite and largest hold is SME, and with good reason. SoMee is one of the most underrated decetralized social media platforms out there. SoMee keeps their Community Updated Daily, Consistently and often in their Telegram channel here: https://t.me/Someeofficials

    The SoMee Devs are top of the line Devs like i haven't seen in many other platforms. The Devs are squashing bugs and adding features to the site daily. They have German Actors and Actresses in the Platform, along with Influencers and famous people. They are and also have been featured in the Nasdaq,

    Source: https://youtu.be/4cTfRImSOhQ

    Further Sources: https://youtu.be/Tf1YENqydJ8

    #2. PoB: Yes, this project really called my attention because of its similarities to Bitcoin, Limited supply at 21 million like Bitcoin and a halving every four years of rewards very similar to Bitcoin. I love the PoB platform which i have enjoyed even more than Leofinance as it is super user friendly, and you can stake tokens from many project through their platform. I have close to 11K PoB now and am looking to continue accumulating at these prices.

    #3. MemeHive: I am very thankful to the MemeHive Community for teaching me the proper way of Mememing by sourcing images and Memes properly. For this i have accumulated close to 1 Million Meme tokens. From using their layer 2, i noticed that they have a very close relationship with the Lolz currency. The future looks bright for something like this, coupled with Pepe and other Meme coins on the Hive Network! Much props to that team.

    #4. Leofinance: Although i was really enjoying this platform. Lately it is falling from grace, at least as a Social Media Platform for me. I love their Dex and strongly believe it is the best and most comprehensive DEX i have ever used. In fact, nothing comes even remotely close to their DEX. Their. Token is taking off yes, and i bet there are good reasons for that.

    #5. Pepe Token: Yes, i have posted about this one before. I will cover this one much much more, as more and more features are implemented. This one has the potential of being far superior than the Ethereum version regardless of whether it makes you rich in the short term or not.

    #6. Archon: I really intended to buy a lot more of this one but was disappointed that i could not find any platform at all for this. I can't view anything on this, and i can't even use their app on Hive Keychain nor Hivesigner. Hence, i cannot test anything. The only place i can find to stake this oddly enough was on the PoB Web-App. I was going to get 15K of this one for now but changed my mind because i am not really happy with this one at the moment. I tried posting with their tribe tag in order to get answers, and for nine hours no one answered. So, i deleted my post...

    Source of Image: My Account's Stats
    #1. My all time favorite and largest hold is SME, and with good reason. SoMee is one of the most underrated decetralized social media platforms out there. SoMee keeps their Community Updated Daily, Consistently and often in their Telegram channel here: https://t.me/Someeofficials The SoMee Devs are top of the line Devs like i haven't seen in many other platforms. The Devs are squashing bugs and adding features to the site daily. They have German Actors and Actresses in the Platform, along with Influencers and famous people. They are and also have been featured in the Nasdaq, Source: https://youtu.be/4cTfRImSOhQ https://youtu.be/x1hIntXParc https://youtu.be/hFJ13GPxZhs Further Sources: https://youtu.be/Tf1YENqydJ8 https://youtu.be/pIHWY17P1ZU https://youtu.be/S8XNi0WJy90 #2. PoB: Yes, this project really called my attention because of its similarities to Bitcoin, Limited supply at 21 million like Bitcoin and a halving every four years of rewards very similar to Bitcoin. I love the PoB platform which i have enjoyed even more than Leofinance as it is super user friendly, and you can stake tokens from many project through their platform. I have close to 11K PoB now and am looking to continue accumulating at these prices. #3. MemeHive: I am very thankful to the MemeHive Community for teaching me the proper way of Mememing by sourcing images and Memes properly. For this i have accumulated close to 1 Million Meme tokens. From using their layer 2, i noticed that they have a very close relationship with the Lolz currency. The future looks bright for something like this, coupled with Pepe and other Meme coins on the Hive Network! Much props to that team. #4. Leofinance: Although i was really enjoying this platform. Lately it is falling from grace, at least as a Social Media Platform for me. I love their Dex and strongly believe it is the best and most comprehensive DEX i have ever used. In fact, nothing comes even remotely close to their DEX. Their. Token is taking off yes, and i bet there are good reasons for that. #5. Pepe Token: Yes, i have posted about this one before. I will cover this one much much more, as more and more features are implemented. This one has the potential of being far superior than the Ethereum version regardless of whether it makes you rich in the short term or not. #6. Archon: I really intended to buy a lot more of this one but was disappointed that i could not find any platform at all for this. I can't view anything on this, and i can't even use their app on Hive Keychain nor Hivesigner. Hence, i cannot test anything. The only place i can find to stake this oddly enough was on the PoB Web-App. I was going to get 15K of this one for now but changed my mind because i am not really happy with this one at the moment. I tried posting with their tribe tag in order to get answers, and for nine hours no one answered. So, i deleted my post... Source of Image: My Account's Stats ![](https://images.ecency.com/DQmb7x2y5MPKGdTGLz11vhNU7az8XmYFWi6CHkWT6VNxomX/screenshot_20230517_171433_1_.png)
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 12905 Views

  • Image Source: https://image.cnbcfm.com/api/v1/image/
    Ethereum and Bitcoin are two different cryptocurrencies, and while they share some similarities, they also have some significant differences. Ethereum is often considered to be more flexible and versatile than Bitcoin, as it was designed to be a platform for decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts.
    In recent years, Ethereum has gained popularity, and its market capitalization has grown significantly. As of May 12, 2023, Ethereum's market capitalization is around $1.2 trillion, while Bitcoin's market capitalization is around $1.0 trillion. However, market capitalization alone does not necessarily indicate which cryptocurrency is "better" or will overtake the other.
    Both Ethereum and Bitcoin have different use cases and target different audiences. Bitcoin is often seen as a store of value and a hedge against inflation, while Ethereum is more focused on powering decentralized applications and smart contracts. While Ethereum has been making strides in terms of adoption and development, Bitcoin has a much more established and recognized brand.
    It is possible that Ethereum may overtake Bitcoin in the future, but it is also possible that Bitcoin will remain the dominant cryptocurrency. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and unpredictable, and many factors could influence the future of these cryptocurrencies. Ultimately, it is up to individual investors to research and evaluate the potential of each cryptocurrency and make their own informed decisions. #bitcoin #ethereum #cent #someeofficial #archon #v #ecency
    Image Source: https://image.cnbcfm.com/api/v1/image/ Ethereum and Bitcoin are two different cryptocurrencies, and while they share some similarities, they also have some significant differences. Ethereum is often considered to be more flexible and versatile than Bitcoin, as it was designed to be a platform for decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. In recent years, Ethereum has gained popularity, and its market capitalization has grown significantly. As of May 12, 2023, Ethereum's market capitalization is around $1.2 trillion, while Bitcoin's market capitalization is around $1.0 trillion. However, market capitalization alone does not necessarily indicate which cryptocurrency is "better" or will overtake the other. Both Ethereum and Bitcoin have different use cases and target different audiences. Bitcoin is often seen as a store of value and a hedge against inflation, while Ethereum is more focused on powering decentralized applications and smart contracts. While Ethereum has been making strides in terms of adoption and development, Bitcoin has a much more established and recognized brand. It is possible that Ethereum may overtake Bitcoin in the future, but it is also possible that Bitcoin will remain the dominant cryptocurrency. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and unpredictable, and many factors could influence the future of these cryptocurrencies. Ultimately, it is up to individual investors to research and evaluate the potential of each cryptocurrency and make their own informed decisions. #bitcoin #ethereum #cent #someeofficial #archon #v #ecency
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 3278 Views
  • https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-05-10-omega-3-fatty-acids-key-healthy-brain-function.html #somee #neoxian #archon #sme
    https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-05-10-omega-3-fatty-acids-key-healthy-brain-function.html #somee #neoxian #archon #sme
    Study: Omega-3 fatty acids key to maintaining healthy brain function
    Aging can be a scary part of life because it comes with an increased risk of health problems, such as Alzheimer's disease. Although aging is inevitable, you can prevent many diseases and keep your brain healthy by exercising regularly and eating a well-balanced diet to ensure proper nutrition.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2696 Views
  • Today we attended the Commonwealth Leaders Meeting hosted by Baroness Patricia Scotland, the Commonwealth Secretary-General at Marlborough House.

    As the Commonwealth's 56 member states, we renewed our commitment to strengthen our family and assure its future by investing in our collective 2.65 billion citizens through increased intra-trade and investment.

    Good evening and God bless you all.

    Hakainde Hichilema
    President of the Republic of Zambia ???????? #someeofficial #hivememe #waivio #cinetv #deutsch #archon #alive #leo #neoxian #lolz #pop #oneup #cpt
    Today we attended the Commonwealth Leaders Meeting hosted by Baroness Patricia Scotland, the Commonwealth Secretary-General at Marlborough House. As the Commonwealth's 56 member states, we renewed our commitment to strengthen our family and assure its future by investing in our collective 2.65 billion citizens through increased intra-trade and investment. Good evening and God bless you all. Hakainde Hichilema President of the Republic of Zambia ???????? #someeofficial #hivememe #waivio #cinetv #deutsch #archon #alive #leo #neoxian #lolz #pop #oneup #cpt
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 6315 Views
  • ???? SoMee AMA Reminder ????

    The excitement builds as the time for the Community AMA comes closer. Here's the details:

    Date: April 29, 2023 (Saturday)
    Time: 10:30am PST
    Conductor: CEO christopherkramer.10

    Link to join:


    Also > ✨ This Time Last Year ✨

    SoMee closed the Republic raise at $264k+ with 569 investors. Although the expected results was much high, due to technical issues on Republic that couldn't be met, but all in all it was a successful and achievable raise and showed the investors interest in SoMee.

    I remember working along side the Marketing Manager of that time for weeks on creating the various Tier levels, the idea of Blue, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, $SME giveaway, NFT, Merch, Meet the CEO. It was a great project to work on for SoMee.Social within the deadline, whilst managing the TG forum. Her, bejodohmen and I had great creative ideas, ethics and content created for marketing, several zoom meetings, best was being part of a meeting with the legend of Advertisement and Marketing 'Late Allen Kay' who appreciated the efforts, gave encouraging words and created the Slogan "SoMee - It Pays To Be Social".

    Hard work, efforts and innovation must always be recognised, rewarded and appreciated as they are the foundation and pillar to Success

    See you all in today's SoMee AMA! Be part of something Amazing ????

    Image Source: republic.com/somee

    - Madam.A

    #someeofficial #hive #leofinance #proofofbrain #republic #archon #cent #waiv #ctp #bee
    ???? SoMee AMA Reminder ???? The excitement builds as the time for the Community AMA comes closer. Here's the details: Date: April 29, 2023 (Saturday) Time: 10:30am PST Conductor: CEO [christopherkramer.10] Link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WAeMpSxsRd6vX4U1v_sRgA Also > ✨ This Time Last Year ✨ SoMee closed the Republic raise at $264k+ with 569 investors. Although the expected results was much high, due to technical issues on Republic that couldn't be met, but all in all it was a successful and achievable raise and showed the investors interest in SoMee. I remember working along side the Marketing Manager of that time for weeks on creating the various Tier levels, the idea of Blue, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, $SME giveaway, NFT, Merch, Meet the CEO. It was a great project to work on for SoMee.Social within the deadline, whilst managing the TG forum. Her, [bejodohmen] and I had great creative ideas, ethics and content created for marketing, several zoom meetings, best was being part of a meeting with the legend of Advertisement and Marketing 'Late Allen Kay' who appreciated the efforts, gave encouraging words and created the Slogan "SoMee - It Pays To Be Social". Hard work, efforts and innovation must always be recognised, rewarded and appreciated as they are the foundation and pillar to Success See you all in today's SoMee AMA! Be part of something Amazing ???? Image Source: republic.com/somee - Madam.A #someeofficial #hive #leofinance #proofofbrain #republic #archon #cent #waiv #ctp #bee
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 6595 Views
  • Greywarden > I have lately been getting Cent, Archon and Waiv passive income. I wonder if it is only from staking or users that have upvoted me for using the tribe tags. I haven't really bought these tokens, and everything I've noticed i had received I've staked once i became more familiar with Hive which is pretty recent.
    I really like Hive Network. I feel like i was living in a bubble only using https://somee.social/.. I encourage people only using one product to try other things on Hive as well. There are lots of really cool projects on Hive.

    Greywarden > I have lately been getting Cent, Archon and Waiv passive income. I wonder if it is only from staking or users that have upvoted me for using the tribe tags. I haven't really bought these tokens, and everything I've noticed i had received I've staked once i became more familiar with Hive which is pretty recent. I really like Hive Network. I feel like i was living in a bubble only using https://somee.social/.. I encourage people only using one product to try other things on Hive as well. There are lots of really cool projects on Hive.
    13 Reacties 0 aandelen 2998 Views
  • https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2023/04/24/first-mover-asia-whats-next-after-bitcoins-retreat/ #cryptonews #bitcoin #ethereum #someeofficial #archon #leo #somee #pesos
    https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2023/04/24/first-mover-asia-whats-next-after-bitcoins-retreat/ #cryptonews #bitcoin #ethereum #someeofficial #archon #leo #somee #pesos
    First Mover Asia: What's Next After Bitcoin's Retreat
    ALSO: CoinDesk columnist David Morris writes that Taylor Swift's avoided the embarrassment of striking a business deal with embattled crypto exchange FTX by reportedly asking the type of common-sense questions that should be part of any business negotiation.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2972 Views
  • Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father, in the attic where he hid with his family during WWII. Amsterdam, 1958. (Photo by Ben van Meerendonk).

    Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father, in the attic where he hid with his family during WWII. Amsterdam, 1958. (Photo by Ben van Meerendonk). #history  #ww2  #europe  #sme  #someeofficial  #proofofbrain  #archon 
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2377 Views
  • #meme #fun #lolz #vyb #somee #sme #archon
    #meme #fun #lolz #vyb #somee #sme #archon
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1616 Views
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/04/rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-defends-alleged-pentagon-leaker-who-told-the-truth-about-troops-being-on-the-ground-in-ukraine/ #pentagon #ukraine #someeofficial #infowars #archon #waiv
    https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/04/rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-defends-alleged-pentagon-leaker-who-told-the-truth-about-troops-being-on-the-ground-in-ukraine/ #pentagon #ukraine #someeofficial #infowars #archon #waiv
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2232 Views
  • Neskhon (“She Belongs to Khons [Khonsu, the Egyptian God of the Moon]”), was a noble woman in the 21st Dynasty of ancient Egypt who died around 969 B.C.

    Neskohn was a fairly young woman at the time of her death and was married to Pinudjem II, a high Priest of Amun at Thebes.
    At the time of her unwrapping, when surveying her mummy, Neskohn’s figure; plumpness of her physique and well-endowed bust seemed to indicate pregnancy or motherhood to archaeologists, and to this day it is widely believed she was either pregnant or had died during childbirth.
    #history #somee #cent #archon
    Neskhon (“She Belongs to Khons [Khonsu, the Egyptian God of the Moon]”), was a noble woman in the 21st Dynasty of ancient Egypt who died around 969 B.C. Neskohn was a fairly young woman at the time of her death and was married to Pinudjem II, a high Priest of Amun at Thebes. At the time of her unwrapping, when surveying her mummy, Neskohn’s figure; plumpness of her physique and well-endowed bust seemed to indicate pregnancy or motherhood to archaeologists, and to this day it is widely believed she was either pregnant or had died during childbirth. #history #somee #cent #archon
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 4902 Views