• Stuck Between a Rock and the ER
    Dealing with kidney stone emergencies requires a different approach than that which resolves the chronic underlying causes

    Dr. Syed Haider

    We usually advocate for careful, measured medical solutions. We rail against the tendency to try to “hack” biology, because biology can’t be hacked without hacking it to bits.

    And yet, sometimes you just have to cut the Gordian knot, because there’s a difference between emergency care and chronic care.

    In emergencies you’re willing to do things that you might never do outside of them because in every situation you have to weigh the risks and benefits. When you have time on your side you can take it easy and do things the right way, without little or no risk at all. When you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place like the ER you often have to make concessions because the ER can mean even risker treatments and procedures that are often quite expensive as well.

    Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful to pass, and sometimes they won’t pass at all if they’re too large. No matter how much painkiller you receive it may not do much at all when the spasmodic pains hit. And using the strongest opiate painkillers like morphine can worsen spasms of the ureter so patients are usually started on high dose ibuprofen, perhaps alpha blockers like tamsulosin to reduce spasms, and plenty of fluids to help flush the kidney stone out.

    Kidney Stones (Nephrolithiasis) - Symptoms and Causes
    If that doesn’t work then some types and sizes of stones can be broken up by a shockwave (lithotripsy) procedure, others require retrieval via a freaky endoscopic procedure call ureteroscopy, and still others may require a full on open surgery. 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2000 ureterscopy procedures will result in severe complications like avulsion of the ureter, requiring extensive surgical repair. Of course any major surgical procedure can involve complications, but for most people the biggest complication will be to their pocketbooks. With insurance you’re looking at $1000s in copays and without insurance 10s of $1000s. Finally and perhaps worst of all is the amount of time it takes to finally get relief from the stone. It could be many hours in the ER just waiting for the procedure to be arranged.

    In this and other similar situations it’s always good to have a plan B, or even a plan A that you can institute yourself.

    We’ve seen incredible results from two simple approaches to acute kidney stones. The first can be done by nearly anyone at any time and you just need a bunch of lemons and water. The second is more specialized and is the herb Chanca Piedra, which might be good to keep on hand if stones are a recurrent problem.

    Lemons are well known to help prevent the two mosts common types of kidney stones - calcium oxalate and uric acid, they’ve been mentioned by the Harvard Health website and many dialed-in urologists will let you know about lemon juice for prevention. Lemon juice has citric acid, which becomes citrate when excreted in the urine. This reduces acidity of the urine which can dissolve uric acid stones. The citrate also binds calcium ions to prevent calcium oxalate formation.

    It is not usually considered likely for citrate from lemonade or any other source to be able to shrink a calcium oxalate stone once it forms, but it seems like it should be possible. And we have to understand that even shaving off a tiny bit of an impacted stone can mean the difference between surgery and spontaneously passing it.

    Now at the surface of a calcium oxalate stone in the urine there would always be some flux of calcium ions either joining the stone or leaving it. The tendency towards one or the other would be influenced by how many calcium ions are dissolved in the urine. With the addition of citrate which binds and removes calcium ions from the urine, more calcium would be released from the calcium oxalate stone, thereby leading to progressive shrinkage of the stone. Perhaps a biochemist can chime in with a predicted rate of dissolution, but lets see what we can come up with.

    The likelihood of a stone passing naturally depends on its size (diameter):

    1 mm: 87% chance of passing

    2–4 mm: 76% chance of passing

    5–7 mm: 60% chance of passing

    7–9 mm: 48% chance of passing

    Larger than 9 mm: 25% chance of passing

    Kidney stones Memes and Images - Imgur
    Based on the weight of calcium oxalate and assuming a spherical stone shape, the following are the typical weights of various diameter stones:

    Small Stones (1-5 mm):

    Volume range: 0.5 mm³ to 65.45 mm³

    Weight range: Approximately 1 mg to 137 mg.

    Medium Stones (5-10 mm):

    Volume range: 65.45 mm³ to 523.6 mm³

    Weight range: Approximately 137 mg to 1100 mg.

    Large Stones (10-15 mm):

    Volume range: 523.6 mm³ to 1767 mm³

    Weight range: Approximately 1100 mg to 3710 mg.

    So if we can somehow manage to dissolve gram ranges of calcium oxalate we would have a very good chance of partially or completely dissolving any stone stuck in the ureter.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    1. Amount of Citrate in Lemon Juice

    Citrate Content: Lemon juice is a rich source of citrate. On average, one lemon (about 48 grams of lemon juice) contains approximately 1.44 grams of citrate.

    Daily Intake: If someone were to drink the juice of 16 lemons in day (8 glasses of 500ml with 2 lemons in each), this would provide approximately 23 grams of citrate.

    2. Citrate Absorption and Excretion

    Absorption and Metabolism: After ingestion, citrate is absorbed in the intestines, and a portion is metabolized in the body, while the remainder is excreted in the urine. The efficiency of absorption and excretion can vary, but it’s generally estimated that about 20-40% of ingested citrate is excreted unchanged in the urine.

    Urinary Citrate Increase: If we assume a 30% excretion rate, consuming 5.76 grams of citrate would result in approximately 7 grams of citrate entering the urine.

    3. Citrate Binding to Calcium

    Calcium Binding: Citrate binds to calcium in the urine, forming soluble calcium-citrate complexes. The effectiveness of this binding depends on the concentration of calcium and citrate in the urine.

    Binding Capacity: Each mole of citrate can theoretically bind one mole of calcium (even though citrate is trivalent, often only one binding site is involved in a stable complex in biological conditions). The binding of calcium by citrate is pH-dependent, with better binding at higher urinary pH (above 6.5), and citrate itself tends to raise the pH of urine. If we estimate that 7 grams of citrate could bind to a proportional amount of calcium (assuming typical urinary conditions), it could potentially bind up to around 1500 mg of calcium (since citrate and calcium have different molar weights).

    4. Impact on Calcium Oxalate Stones

    Impact on Stone Size: This should significantly reduce the stone size because 1500 mg of calcium represents about 5400 mg of calcium oxalate (the oxalate contributes its own weight when combined to calcium in the stone) and 5400mg is more than the weight of even most very large ureteral stones.

    Homemade Lemonade
    It seems from the above that drinking plenty of lemon juice could have an outsized impact on any stone stuck in the ureter or anywhere else, and even on much larger stones stuck in the kidneys. Perhaps unsurprisingly many people have reported anecdotally that drinking lots of lemon juice when they develop any type of kidney stone has helped dissolve it.

    In light of the calculations and reports it’s possible that lemon juice shrinks stones via the above laid out acetate in the urine mechanism (assuming there are no mistaken assumptions, like how fast the stone releases calcium at its surface), or that there is some other active principle in lemon juice that shrinks stones or stimulates relaxation of the ureters to allow them to pass, or that there is a placebo effect, or that people tend to be able to stomach more lemonade than they can plain water, and it’s just the relatively increased urine output that helps the situation.

    In any event if I had a stone I would drink as much lemonade as I could to see if I could get rid of it, despite every publicly searchable source swearing it wouldn’t help because I tend to believe other people’s experience over biased researchers and scientists. If I weren’t quite so confident I might drink the lemonade on the way to the ER, and while waiting for a urologist to show up - if it worked, great, if not, no harm, no foul.

    Chanca Piedra, Spanish for the “Stone Breaker”

    The other kidney stone remedy has more research to back it up than lemon juice does, though you’ll usually have to go out of your way to find it instead of just visiting your local grocery store. Chanca Piedra is an Amazonian herb that is well known in local lore to both help prevent and treat kidney stones. Similar to lemon juice it increases citrate secretion into the urine which will bind calcium. It increases the secretion of magnesium, which also inhibits calcium oxalate formation. It also has known diuretic (increased urine flow), antispasmodic, antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects that may all contribute to fast and pain-free stone passage.


    Now, no treatment of acute painful stones that land you in the ER would be complete without touching on gallstones. There’s sure to be a way to treat these, but unfortunately we’re not as certain of a one size fits all remedy for this (let us know what you’ve got). I would caution against removing the gallbladder though, as it’s a crucial organ for proper digestion and for maintaining proper hormonal balance since bile is directly involved in fat digestion, including cholesterol, which is the precursor of all hormones. It’s also required for the digestion and absorption of the important fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Of course bile will continue to be produced even without a gallbladder, but its synchronized, well-timed release during the process of digestion will be impaired.

    Gallbladder Disease in Children - HealthyChildren.org
    Removing the gallbladder can also contribute to estrogen excess, since extra estrogen is partly dumped into the gut via the bile and when not normally depleted may contribute to many common modern diseases such as:


    Heart Disease




    Thyroid Dysfunction


    Uterine Fibroids

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)


    Many people have already had their gallbladders removed, but they do keep producing bile and the situation can still be balanced out by optimizing lifestyle factors and oftentimes a psuedo-gallbladder will even reform due to dilation of the remaining bile ducts, which allows larger boluses of bile to be injected into the gut when called for, similar to what would happen with a normal gallbladder.

    Coffee Enemas and Gallstones

    Various enemas have been used since ancient times by every ancient medical system. Coffee enemas were first documented in the early 20th century. They were reportedly used by soldiers in WWI for pain control. They were popluarized by Max Gerson in the 1930s as an alternative therapy for liver and gallbladder flushing and support and in the alternative treatment of cancer. The best type for this purpose is organic, green, unroasted, heavy metal and mold free coffee.

    This is how coffee enemas may help with gallstones:


    Whither Caffeine? The difference between a coffee enema and simply drinking the coffee lies in where the coffee and caffeine ends up. When you drink coffee the caffeine is primarily absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, and enters the systemic circulation traveling throughout the body before going to the liver to be metabolized out of the bloodstream. However with an enema the coffee and caffeine are primarily absorbed into the portal vein which feed straight into the liver. Here the effects of coffee will be concentrated, and coffee will also be metabolised and removed from the blood, rather than traveling on to the rest of the body. Research confirms that blood levels of caffeine are 2.5X lower after a coffee enema, compared to drinking the same quantity of coffee, and this is important because caffeines effect on the brain and rest of the body is not usually conducive to healing from chronic illness.

    Stimulation of Bile Flow:

    Bile Production & Flow: Caffeinated coffee specifically has been shown to stimulate the production of bile by the liver and promote its flow through the bile ducts by stimulating the contraction of the gallbladder. Enhanced bile flow can theoretically help prevent the formation of gallstones by keeping bile less concentrated and reducing the likelihood of cholesterol crystallization. It should also help break up or flush out stones already present since stagnation of bile is a risk factor for stone formation.

    Bile Duct Dilation: It’s possible coffee enemas cause dilation of the bile ducts, which could facilitate the passage of small stones or sludge, though this effect is not well-documented.

    Lemon Juice and Gallstones

    Not the first thing we think of for gallstones, but since we used it for kidney stones, lets check it out here as well. Traditionally it has been used and is usually taken with olive oil for gallstones.

    Bile Production and Flow:

    Lemon juice is high in citric acid, which stimulates bile production. Bile is essential for the digestion and emulsification of fats, and an increase in bile flow might help prevent the formation of gallstones and help break them down, particularly cholesterol stones. The antioxidant vitamin C in lemon juice could help support liver function including bile production.

    Chanca Piedra and Gallstones

    Again since we mentioned it for kidney stones it’s worth looking at here as well.

    Hepatoprotective and Choleretic Effects:

    Chanca Piedra has been traditionally used for various liver and gallbladder conditions. Some studies have indicated that it has hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) properties and may increase bile secretion (choleretic effect) which could help dissolve and flush out stones.

    Potential Stone Dissolution:

    Like its use in kidney stones, Chanca Piedra is believed by some to have poorly characterized litholytic (stone-dissolving) properties. While most of the evidence for this comes from studies on kidney stones, there is some traditional use and anecdotal evidence suggesting it might also be helpful for gallstones.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Other Herbs for Gallstones

    There are many herbal remedies for gallbladder issues, but they’re beyond the scope of this article and should be recommended by a practitioner who analyzes the patient’s specific situation.

    Bile Acids for Gallstones

    Not considered an acute remedy, but more long term, is the supplementation of bile acids that are found in normal bile, but may be “deficient” in someone with gallstones. Ursodeoxycholic acid is often used. It helps remove cholesterol from the bile and dissolves cholesterol gallstones over time. There is a pharmaceutical version and you can also get animal sourced bile acid supplements. Should only be considered as an adjunct to real deep resolution.

    Bonus: Third “Rock”

    There’s one acute condition you’re unlikely to get treated in the ER and that’s a severe toothache, because dentists don’t usually visit ERs. This can be as painful as any other pathology and even strong painkillers have a hard time blunting it. The ER is likely to give you an antibiotic and a painkiller and then refer you to a dentist. If you’re lucky they’ll inject a temporary nerve block that will probably wear off in a few hours. All this for a price that may be in the thousands of dollars and can involve a lot of time in excruciating pain waiting to be seen.

    The single most effective and fastest treatment for any toothache, including an abscessed tooth is to bite on a fresh clove of garlic with the painful tooth. Pain is typically gone within a couple minutes. Though the garlic juice released can cause some brief burning in your mouth it’s well worth it. Garlic combines a nerve block and antibiotic in one. I have personally witnessed the effects which can last for 12-24 hours. It can be repeated as needed and can completely resolve not only the pain but even the underlying infection itself, reversing swelling, warmth, tenderness and temperature sensitivity within a day or two.

    The primary side effect aside from the mucosal burning from the juice is nuclear breath and distorted taste.

    Something that is much less smelly than garlic may work as well and that’s black cloves. You can try biting on 1-5 cloves with the affected tooth and often achieve the same effect, but if not you can always graduate to the garlic.

    Some people hate the dentist so much they go on to live with cloves in their mouth, allowing them to continue ignoring the underlying problem of dental disease caused by dietary and other lifestyle indiscretions. This is of course a recipe for eventual disaster.

    Like all the short term solutions, it’s not meant to be used as a long term bandaid. Anecdotally it is possible to actually heal teeth and avoid dentistry, but it does take dedication and significant lifestyle change. As with any disease process the approach is essentially to remove toxins and chronic pathogens which many people like have growin in the roots of multiple teeth - eg press your gums looking for any tender spots. Along with removing the harm we have to support the teeth with the right lifestyle choices and diet. Then we just have to wait long enough for these changes to take effect.

    Acute Care vs Chronic

    Some people figure out how to mitigate their acute kidney or gallstone issues, and then they turn that into their chronic care plan. There are many cases of patients who once they figure out that lemon juice will prevent further attacks simply drink lemonade daily and think no more of it.

    The problem of course is that this doesn’t address the root cause of the problem.

    It’s like having a leak in from the second floor bathroom and just painting over it, or when it gets worse just repairing the area that was leaked and making it waterproof.

    Sooner or later the water will just go somewhere else and spring another leak.

    The same happens in your body. The first symptom is just an early warning sign. It’s like the canary in the coal mine. When that canary died, the miners hightailed it out of there before they dropped dead too. The toxic gas dropped the little bird at much lower concentrations than it did the big miners, but once the gas started leaking they knew it would just keep building up until it got them too.

    The same in your kidney or liver/gallbladder. There is some mixture of causes: toxins/pathogens and nutrient/nourishment deficiencies that is harming your organ. Left unaddressed it will keep harming your organ even if you neutralize its ability to create stones.

    You’ve kept yourself comfortable by shutting up your early warning system. It’s like theres an enemy attacking and you were annoyed by the air raid sirens so you just shut them off and ignored the developing situation.

    So what do you do instead?

    Knowing the cause means knowing the solution.

    In traditional medical thought the kidneys were linked to fear and willpower. Kidney disease or dysfunction was associated with deep-seated fears, insecurities, and a lack of resolve and resilience.

    The gallbladder was seen as the organ responsible for decision-making, courage, and the capacity to act, so gallbladder issues were often linked to indecisiveness, trouble standing up for oneself, or suppressed anger/feelings.

    The body often gives you a sign by compensating for lack of one thing by overdoing another. There is a common psychological thread linking the emotional aspects of both organs related to willpower and decisiveness. In both cases there may be a kind of pathological softness, in other words an inability to be firm. And this excessive softness may eventually be balanced by the hardness manifested in the stones that may form in one or the other organ.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Two Peas in a Pod

    Kidney diseases usually happen in those who have prolonged internal or external conflicts with spouses, partners or other people close to them.

    The kidneys are a paired organ, and its been said by the ancients they represent two people gazing at each other intently, or one person looking deeply at their own reflection in a mirror. This symbolism underscores the traditional view of the kidneys' connection to one's partner and oneself. It suggests that one can either view their partner as an extension of themselves or as a separate entity. When individuals begin to see their partner as an outsider rather than a reflection of themselves, it disrupts their unity and causes significant stress, leading to disconnection. Ideally, a husband and wife should function as a single entity, in perfect harmony, like one soul inhabiting two bodies. This reflects the traditional ideal of marriage.

    Another layer to this is seeing other people and the rest of the creation as one’s own reflection also. This is a spiritual perspective that engenders radical responsibility for everything that happens in life, including what is done to one by other people.

    The idea is that the Divine Will is the only Actor in the Universe and from the perspective of each individual, everything that happens is due to Divine Providence. The purpose of existence is to better know oneself and perfect oneself to better know the Divine and draw closer to that Reality. In order for that to happen the Universe and everything in it must reflect each individuals failings, so everything that happens and everything anyone does to one is meant to illuminate ones own imperfections so they can be worked upon.

    From this perspective individuals don’t blame others, but only blame themselves for whatever happens to them. It is an empowering perspective, rather than one of victimhood.

    So the kidneys actually represent more than just a person’s relationship with their closest partner or companion, but actually reflect their relationship with themselves. This relationship with onesself is simply most evident in the relationship with those closest to one, but it extends to the entire universe. So even a lack of harmony with nature, particularly the light encoded circadian rhythms, can also have a significant negative impact on kidney health.

    It should therefore come as no surprise that in Classical Chinese medical thought, the kidneys are considered the seat of wisdom, because it takes great insight to see one's partner and others and the entire universe all as a reflections of oneself - or in other words a Divine Act meant to illuminate your self to you. Considering the slings and arrows of fortune as “the other” entails a rejection ones own true nature, which is what is being reflected back at one. Deeply accepting oneself means accepting ones own responsibility for everything in life and improving it.

    In our experience, patients with kidney issues, invariably, upon a thorough exploration of their lives, reveal some form of conscious or subconscious conflict with others. While these conflicts may not always be immediately visible, they can manifest in various subtle ways. A skilled physician needs to listen attentively to every detail of the patient's description of their condition and life experiences to identify these underlying conflicts. If patients faile to recognize and address these conflicts, and if they don’t accept guidance to resolve them, we can only offer temporary patchwork solutions rather than truly restoring kidney vitality and providing deep healing.

    There may be exceptions where kidney damage results from toxic protein shakes, bodybuilding supplements, excessive intake of processed meats, or poor sleep habits (conneccted to circadian rhythms). However, even in these cases, outright kidney damage typically occurs only if the kidneys' underlying vitality has already been undermined by internal relationship conflicts, and those should always be assumed to be present, since who doesn’t have them to some degree or other?

    Trickle Down vs Bottom Up

    It may seem fantastical to some, but this higher level is where the weakness in organs usually originates. After organs have been weakened chronically by the energetic deficiency that manifests from an underlying psychological issue, the problem will manifest physically as typical nutrient deficiencies and toxin/pathogen build up in that organ.

    It is possible to mitigate these problems from higher up, at the level of the psyche, or lower down at the level of the physical body, but for a real deep resolution you often have to work on both, because they are both interconnected and interdependent. They are just manifestations of a single whole.

    Unfortunately it’s not possible to describe a generic physical or emotional protocol for every case of kidney or gallbladder disease, but the general approach will be the same because it’s founded in the basic principles of human health and disease: we are one interconnected whole, our body responds to our thoughts and emotions. Chronic harmful thoughts and emotions create chronic bodily dysfunction which manifests as deficiencies and toxicities.

    It may appear to some people that their dysfunction was obviously due to a purely physical insult, like a parasite, other microbe, or a vaccine or other injury, or chronic stress or other toxicity. However these same causes affect innumerable other people who don’t end up with kidney or gallbladder issues like stones. Who gets what in response to common toxins in the environment depends on which organs are constitutionally weak. Constitutional weakness can have a genetic element as well, which predisposes someone to certain psychological issues. But this can still be fixed. Genes aren’t your destiny, their just the first draft script you've been given to edit as you see fit.

    Graduating to the level of taking radical responsiblity for yourself will allow any disease to be healed. This is the most satisfying path because it’s a journey of spiritual progress which gets at the reason for your entire existence, which is to better know the Divine, by better knowing your own failings and correcting them bit by bit. The more you grow the closer you become and the more subtle your failings become that you continue to uncover. Everything that happens is just a reflection of you, taken by the Divine and cast back at you to get you to wake up and change.

    Stuck Between a Rock and the ER Dealing with kidney stone emergencies requires a different approach than that which resolves the chronic underlying causes Dr. Syed Haider We usually advocate for careful, measured medical solutions. We rail against the tendency to try to “hack” biology, because biology can’t be hacked without hacking it to bits. And yet, sometimes you just have to cut the Gordian knot, because there’s a difference between emergency care and chronic care. In emergencies you’re willing to do things that you might never do outside of them because in every situation you have to weigh the risks and benefits. When you have time on your side you can take it easy and do things the right way, without little or no risk at all. When you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place like the ER you often have to make concessions because the ER can mean even risker treatments and procedures that are often quite expensive as well. Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful to pass, and sometimes they won’t pass at all if they’re too large. No matter how much painkiller you receive it may not do much at all when the spasmodic pains hit. And using the strongest opiate painkillers like morphine can worsen spasms of the ureter so patients are usually started on high dose ibuprofen, perhaps alpha blockers like tamsulosin to reduce spasms, and plenty of fluids to help flush the kidney stone out. Kidney Stones (Nephrolithiasis) - Symptoms and Causes If that doesn’t work then some types and sizes of stones can be broken up by a shockwave (lithotripsy) procedure, others require retrieval via a freaky endoscopic procedure call ureteroscopy, and still others may require a full on open surgery. 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2000 ureterscopy procedures will result in severe complications like avulsion of the ureter, requiring extensive surgical repair. Of course any major surgical procedure can involve complications, but for most people the biggest complication will be to their pocketbooks. With insurance you’re looking at $1000s in copays and without insurance 10s of $1000s. Finally and perhaps worst of all is the amount of time it takes to finally get relief from the stone. It could be many hours in the ER just waiting for the procedure to be arranged. In this and other similar situations it’s always good to have a plan B, or even a plan A that you can institute yourself. We’ve seen incredible results from two simple approaches to acute kidney stones. The first can be done by nearly anyone at any time and you just need a bunch of lemons and water. The second is more specialized and is the herb Chanca Piedra, which might be good to keep on hand if stones are a recurrent problem. Lemons are well known to help prevent the two mosts common types of kidney stones - calcium oxalate and uric acid, they’ve been mentioned by the Harvard Health website and many dialed-in urologists will let you know about lemon juice for prevention. Lemon juice has citric acid, which becomes citrate when excreted in the urine. This reduces acidity of the urine which can dissolve uric acid stones. The citrate also binds calcium ions to prevent calcium oxalate formation. It is not usually considered likely for citrate from lemonade or any other source to be able to shrink a calcium oxalate stone once it forms, but it seems like it should be possible. And we have to understand that even shaving off a tiny bit of an impacted stone can mean the difference between surgery and spontaneously passing it. Now at the surface of a calcium oxalate stone in the urine there would always be some flux of calcium ions either joining the stone or leaving it. The tendency towards one or the other would be influenced by how many calcium ions are dissolved in the urine. With the addition of citrate which binds and removes calcium ions from the urine, more calcium would be released from the calcium oxalate stone, thereby leading to progressive shrinkage of the stone. Perhaps a biochemist can chime in with a predicted rate of dissolution, but lets see what we can come up with. The likelihood of a stone passing naturally depends on its size (diameter): 1 mm: 87% chance of passing 2–4 mm: 76% chance of passing 5–7 mm: 60% chance of passing 7–9 mm: 48% chance of passing Larger than 9 mm: 25% chance of passing Kidney stones Memes and Images - Imgur Based on the weight of calcium oxalate and assuming a spherical stone shape, the following are the typical weights of various diameter stones: Small Stones (1-5 mm): Volume range: 0.5 mm³ to 65.45 mm³ Weight range: Approximately 1 mg to 137 mg. Medium Stones (5-10 mm): Volume range: 65.45 mm³ to 523.6 mm³ Weight range: Approximately 137 mg to 1100 mg. Large Stones (10-15 mm): Volume range: 523.6 mm³ to 1767 mm³ Weight range: Approximately 1100 mg to 3710 mg. So if we can somehow manage to dissolve gram ranges of calcium oxalate we would have a very good chance of partially or completely dissolving any stone stuck in the ureter. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share 1. Amount of Citrate in Lemon Juice Citrate Content: Lemon juice is a rich source of citrate. On average, one lemon (about 48 grams of lemon juice) contains approximately 1.44 grams of citrate. Daily Intake: If someone were to drink the juice of 16 lemons in day (8 glasses of 500ml with 2 lemons in each), this would provide approximately 23 grams of citrate. 2. Citrate Absorption and Excretion Absorption and Metabolism: After ingestion, citrate is absorbed in the intestines, and a portion is metabolized in the body, while the remainder is excreted in the urine. The efficiency of absorption and excretion can vary, but it’s generally estimated that about 20-40% of ingested citrate is excreted unchanged in the urine. Urinary Citrate Increase: If we assume a 30% excretion rate, consuming 5.76 grams of citrate would result in approximately 7 grams of citrate entering the urine. 3. Citrate Binding to Calcium Calcium Binding: Citrate binds to calcium in the urine, forming soluble calcium-citrate complexes. The effectiveness of this binding depends on the concentration of calcium and citrate in the urine. Binding Capacity: Each mole of citrate can theoretically bind one mole of calcium (even though citrate is trivalent, often only one binding site is involved in a stable complex in biological conditions). The binding of calcium by citrate is pH-dependent, with better binding at higher urinary pH (above 6.5), and citrate itself tends to raise the pH of urine. If we estimate that 7 grams of citrate could bind to a proportional amount of calcium (assuming typical urinary conditions), it could potentially bind up to around 1500 mg of calcium (since citrate and calcium have different molar weights). 4. Impact on Calcium Oxalate Stones Impact on Stone Size: This should significantly reduce the stone size because 1500 mg of calcium represents about 5400 mg of calcium oxalate (the oxalate contributes its own weight when combined to calcium in the stone) and 5400mg is more than the weight of even most very large ureteral stones. Homemade Lemonade It seems from the above that drinking plenty of lemon juice could have an outsized impact on any stone stuck in the ureter or anywhere else, and even on much larger stones stuck in the kidneys. Perhaps unsurprisingly many people have reported anecdotally that drinking lots of lemon juice when they develop any type of kidney stone has helped dissolve it. In light of the calculations and reports it’s possible that lemon juice shrinks stones via the above laid out acetate in the urine mechanism (assuming there are no mistaken assumptions, like how fast the stone releases calcium at its surface), or that there is some other active principle in lemon juice that shrinks stones or stimulates relaxation of the ureters to allow them to pass, or that there is a placebo effect, or that people tend to be able to stomach more lemonade than they can plain water, and it’s just the relatively increased urine output that helps the situation. In any event if I had a stone I would drink as much lemonade as I could to see if I could get rid of it, despite every publicly searchable source swearing it wouldn’t help because I tend to believe other people’s experience over biased researchers and scientists. If I weren’t quite so confident I might drink the lemonade on the way to the ER, and while waiting for a urologist to show up - if it worked, great, if not, no harm, no foul. Chanca Piedra, Spanish for the “Stone Breaker” The other kidney stone remedy has more research to back it up than lemon juice does, though you’ll usually have to go out of your way to find it instead of just visiting your local grocery store. Chanca Piedra is an Amazonian herb that is well known in local lore to both help prevent and treat kidney stones. Similar to lemon juice it increases citrate secretion into the urine which will bind calcium. It increases the secretion of magnesium, which also inhibits calcium oxalate formation. It also has known diuretic (increased urine flow), antispasmodic, antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects that may all contribute to fast and pain-free stone passage. Gallstones Now, no treatment of acute painful stones that land you in the ER would be complete without touching on gallstones. There’s sure to be a way to treat these, but unfortunately we’re not as certain of a one size fits all remedy for this (let us know what you’ve got). I would caution against removing the gallbladder though, as it’s a crucial organ for proper digestion and for maintaining proper hormonal balance since bile is directly involved in fat digestion, including cholesterol, which is the precursor of all hormones. It’s also required for the digestion and absorption of the important fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Of course bile will continue to be produced even without a gallbladder, but its synchronized, well-timed release during the process of digestion will be impaired. Gallbladder Disease in Children - HealthyChildren.org Removing the gallbladder can also contribute to estrogen excess, since extra estrogen is partly dumped into the gut via the bile and when not normally depleted may contribute to many common modern diseases such as: Obesity Heart Disease Diabetes Strokes Cancer Thyroid Dysfunction Endometriosis Uterine Fibroids Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Osteoporosis Many people have already had their gallbladders removed, but they do keep producing bile and the situation can still be balanced out by optimizing lifestyle factors and oftentimes a psuedo-gallbladder will even reform due to dilation of the remaining bile ducts, which allows larger boluses of bile to be injected into the gut when called for, similar to what would happen with a normal gallbladder. Coffee Enemas and Gallstones Various enemas have been used since ancient times by every ancient medical system. Coffee enemas were first documented in the early 20th century. They were reportedly used by soldiers in WWI for pain control. They were popluarized by Max Gerson in the 1930s as an alternative therapy for liver and gallbladder flushing and support and in the alternative treatment of cancer. The best type for this purpose is organic, green, unroasted, heavy metal and mold free coffee. This is how coffee enemas may help with gallstones: Absorption: Whither Caffeine? The difference between a coffee enema and simply drinking the coffee lies in where the coffee and caffeine ends up. When you drink coffee the caffeine is primarily absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, and enters the systemic circulation traveling throughout the body before going to the liver to be metabolized out of the bloodstream. However with an enema the coffee and caffeine are primarily absorbed into the portal vein which feed straight into the liver. Here the effects of coffee will be concentrated, and coffee will also be metabolised and removed from the blood, rather than traveling on to the rest of the body. Research confirms that blood levels of caffeine are 2.5X lower after a coffee enema, compared to drinking the same quantity of coffee, and this is important because caffeines effect on the brain and rest of the body is not usually conducive to healing from chronic illness. Stimulation of Bile Flow: Bile Production & Flow: Caffeinated coffee specifically has been shown to stimulate the production of bile by the liver and promote its flow through the bile ducts by stimulating the contraction of the gallbladder. Enhanced bile flow can theoretically help prevent the formation of gallstones by keeping bile less concentrated and reducing the likelihood of cholesterol crystallization. It should also help break up or flush out stones already present since stagnation of bile is a risk factor for stone formation. Bile Duct Dilation: It’s possible coffee enemas cause dilation of the bile ducts, which could facilitate the passage of small stones or sludge, though this effect is not well-documented. Lemon Juice and Gallstones Not the first thing we think of for gallstones, but since we used it for kidney stones, lets check it out here as well. Traditionally it has been used and is usually taken with olive oil for gallstones. Bile Production and Flow: Lemon juice is high in citric acid, which stimulates bile production. Bile is essential for the digestion and emulsification of fats, and an increase in bile flow might help prevent the formation of gallstones and help break them down, particularly cholesterol stones. The antioxidant vitamin C in lemon juice could help support liver function including bile production. Chanca Piedra and Gallstones Again since we mentioned it for kidney stones it’s worth looking at here as well. Hepatoprotective and Choleretic Effects: Chanca Piedra has been traditionally used for various liver and gallbladder conditions. Some studies have indicated that it has hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) properties and may increase bile secretion (choleretic effect) which could help dissolve and flush out stones. Potential Stone Dissolution: Like its use in kidney stones, Chanca Piedra is believed by some to have poorly characterized litholytic (stone-dissolving) properties. While most of the evidence for this comes from studies on kidney stones, there is some traditional use and anecdotal evidence suggesting it might also be helpful for gallstones. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Other Herbs for Gallstones There are many herbal remedies for gallbladder issues, but they’re beyond the scope of this article and should be recommended by a practitioner who analyzes the patient’s specific situation. Bile Acids for Gallstones Not considered an acute remedy, but more long term, is the supplementation of bile acids that are found in normal bile, but may be “deficient” in someone with gallstones. Ursodeoxycholic acid is often used. It helps remove cholesterol from the bile and dissolves cholesterol gallstones over time. There is a pharmaceutical version and you can also get animal sourced bile acid supplements. Should only be considered as an adjunct to real deep resolution. Bonus: Third “Rock” There’s one acute condition you’re unlikely to get treated in the ER and that’s a severe toothache, because dentists don’t usually visit ERs. This can be as painful as any other pathology and even strong painkillers have a hard time blunting it. The ER is likely to give you an antibiotic and a painkiller and then refer you to a dentist. If you’re lucky they’ll inject a temporary nerve block that will probably wear off in a few hours. All this for a price that may be in the thousands of dollars and can involve a lot of time in excruciating pain waiting to be seen. The single most effective and fastest treatment for any toothache, including an abscessed tooth is to bite on a fresh clove of garlic with the painful tooth. Pain is typically gone within a couple minutes. Though the garlic juice released can cause some brief burning in your mouth it’s well worth it. Garlic combines a nerve block and antibiotic in one. I have personally witnessed the effects which can last for 12-24 hours. It can be repeated as needed and can completely resolve not only the pain but even the underlying infection itself, reversing swelling, warmth, tenderness and temperature sensitivity within a day or two. The primary side effect aside from the mucosal burning from the juice is nuclear breath and distorted taste. Something that is much less smelly than garlic may work as well and that’s black cloves. You can try biting on 1-5 cloves with the affected tooth and often achieve the same effect, but if not you can always graduate to the garlic. Some people hate the dentist so much they go on to live with cloves in their mouth, allowing them to continue ignoring the underlying problem of dental disease caused by dietary and other lifestyle indiscretions. This is of course a recipe for eventual disaster. Like all the short term solutions, it’s not meant to be used as a long term bandaid. Anecdotally it is possible to actually heal teeth and avoid dentistry, but it does take dedication and significant lifestyle change. As with any disease process the approach is essentially to remove toxins and chronic pathogens which many people like have growin in the roots of multiple teeth - eg press your gums looking for any tender spots. Along with removing the harm we have to support the teeth with the right lifestyle choices and diet. Then we just have to wait long enough for these changes to take effect. Acute Care vs Chronic Some people figure out how to mitigate their acute kidney or gallstone issues, and then they turn that into their chronic care plan. There are many cases of patients who once they figure out that lemon juice will prevent further attacks simply drink lemonade daily and think no more of it. The problem of course is that this doesn’t address the root cause of the problem. It’s like having a leak in from the second floor bathroom and just painting over it, or when it gets worse just repairing the area that was leaked and making it waterproof. Sooner or later the water will just go somewhere else and spring another leak. The same happens in your body. The first symptom is just an early warning sign. It’s like the canary in the coal mine. When that canary died, the miners hightailed it out of there before they dropped dead too. The toxic gas dropped the little bird at much lower concentrations than it did the big miners, but once the gas started leaking they knew it would just keep building up until it got them too. The same in your kidney or liver/gallbladder. There is some mixture of causes: toxins/pathogens and nutrient/nourishment deficiencies that is harming your organ. Left unaddressed it will keep harming your organ even if you neutralize its ability to create stones. You’ve kept yourself comfortable by shutting up your early warning system. It’s like theres an enemy attacking and you were annoyed by the air raid sirens so you just shut them off and ignored the developing situation. So what do you do instead? Knowing the cause means knowing the solution. In traditional medical thought the kidneys were linked to fear and willpower. Kidney disease or dysfunction was associated with deep-seated fears, insecurities, and a lack of resolve and resilience. The gallbladder was seen as the organ responsible for decision-making, courage, and the capacity to act, so gallbladder issues were often linked to indecisiveness, trouble standing up for oneself, or suppressed anger/feelings. The body often gives you a sign by compensating for lack of one thing by overdoing another. There is a common psychological thread linking the emotional aspects of both organs related to willpower and decisiveness. In both cases there may be a kind of pathological softness, in other words an inability to be firm. And this excessive softness may eventually be balanced by the hardness manifested in the stones that may form in one or the other organ. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Two Peas in a Pod Kidney diseases usually happen in those who have prolonged internal or external conflicts with spouses, partners or other people close to them. The kidneys are a paired organ, and its been said by the ancients they represent two people gazing at each other intently, or one person looking deeply at their own reflection in a mirror. This symbolism underscores the traditional view of the kidneys' connection to one's partner and oneself. It suggests that one can either view their partner as an extension of themselves or as a separate entity. When individuals begin to see their partner as an outsider rather than a reflection of themselves, it disrupts their unity and causes significant stress, leading to disconnection. Ideally, a husband and wife should function as a single entity, in perfect harmony, like one soul inhabiting two bodies. This reflects the traditional ideal of marriage. Another layer to this is seeing other people and the rest of the creation as one’s own reflection also. This is a spiritual perspective that engenders radical responsibility for everything that happens in life, including what is done to one by other people. The idea is that the Divine Will is the only Actor in the Universe and from the perspective of each individual, everything that happens is due to Divine Providence. The purpose of existence is to better know oneself and perfect oneself to better know the Divine and draw closer to that Reality. In order for that to happen the Universe and everything in it must reflect each individuals failings, so everything that happens and everything anyone does to one is meant to illuminate ones own imperfections so they can be worked upon. From this perspective individuals don’t blame others, but only blame themselves for whatever happens to them. It is an empowering perspective, rather than one of victimhood. So the kidneys actually represent more than just a person’s relationship with their closest partner or companion, but actually reflect their relationship with themselves. This relationship with onesself is simply most evident in the relationship with those closest to one, but it extends to the entire universe. So even a lack of harmony with nature, particularly the light encoded circadian rhythms, can also have a significant negative impact on kidney health. It should therefore come as no surprise that in Classical Chinese medical thought, the kidneys are considered the seat of wisdom, because it takes great insight to see one's partner and others and the entire universe all as a reflections of oneself - or in other words a Divine Act meant to illuminate your self to you. Considering the slings and arrows of fortune as “the other” entails a rejection ones own true nature, which is what is being reflected back at one. Deeply accepting oneself means accepting ones own responsibility for everything in life and improving it. In our experience, patients with kidney issues, invariably, upon a thorough exploration of their lives, reveal some form of conscious or subconscious conflict with others. While these conflicts may not always be immediately visible, they can manifest in various subtle ways. A skilled physician needs to listen attentively to every detail of the patient's description of their condition and life experiences to identify these underlying conflicts. If patients faile to recognize and address these conflicts, and if they don’t accept guidance to resolve them, we can only offer temporary patchwork solutions rather than truly restoring kidney vitality and providing deep healing. There may be exceptions where kidney damage results from toxic protein shakes, bodybuilding supplements, excessive intake of processed meats, or poor sleep habits (conneccted to circadian rhythms). However, even in these cases, outright kidney damage typically occurs only if the kidneys' underlying vitality has already been undermined by internal relationship conflicts, and those should always be assumed to be present, since who doesn’t have them to some degree or other? Trickle Down vs Bottom Up It may seem fantastical to some, but this higher level is where the weakness in organs usually originates. After organs have been weakened chronically by the energetic deficiency that manifests from an underlying psychological issue, the problem will manifest physically as typical nutrient deficiencies and toxin/pathogen build up in that organ. It is possible to mitigate these problems from higher up, at the level of the psyche, or lower down at the level of the physical body, but for a real deep resolution you often have to work on both, because they are both interconnected and interdependent. They are just manifestations of a single whole. Unfortunately it’s not possible to describe a generic physical or emotional protocol for every case of kidney or gallbladder disease, but the general approach will be the same because it’s founded in the basic principles of human health and disease: we are one interconnected whole, our body responds to our thoughts and emotions. Chronic harmful thoughts and emotions create chronic bodily dysfunction which manifests as deficiencies and toxicities. It may appear to some people that their dysfunction was obviously due to a purely physical insult, like a parasite, other microbe, or a vaccine or other injury, or chronic stress or other toxicity. However these same causes affect innumerable other people who don’t end up with kidney or gallbladder issues like stones. Who gets what in response to common toxins in the environment depends on which organs are constitutionally weak. Constitutional weakness can have a genetic element as well, which predisposes someone to certain psychological issues. But this can still be fixed. Genes aren’t your destiny, their just the first draft script you've been given to edit as you see fit. Graduating to the level of taking radical responsiblity for yourself will allow any disease to be healed. This is the most satisfying path because it’s a journey of spiritual progress which gets at the reason for your entire existence, which is to better know the Divine, by better knowing your own failings and correcting them bit by bit. The more you grow the closer you become and the more subtle your failings become that you continue to uncover. Everything that happens is just a reflection of you, taken by the Divine and cast back at you to get you to wake up and change. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/stuck-between-a-rock-and-the-er
    Stuck Between a Rock and the ER
    Dealing with kidney stone emergencies requires a different approach than that which resolves the chronic underlying causes
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  • Reminder: All My Work May Be Freely Used By Any Platform Or Individual

    Listen to a reading by Tim Foley:

    I am just here re-issuing my periodic reminder that everything I write, paint, tweet, record, or otherwise publish may be used in any way by any platform or individual who wishes to do so, with or without attribution, for any reason at all, free of charge.

    I encourage all platforms to make abundant use of my work. If there are folks out there who struggle to produce daily content, feel free to copy my work onto your platform to help build your audience. This includes my written content, video content, audio content, visual art, and anything else you see from me and my husband Tim Foley (the American voice in all the recordings).

    Individuals are free to copy and use my work as they please, which can be a great way of generating viral content. I’ve seen people on platforms like TikTok get may times more views than I ever got on the same content just by sharing something I made or reading an article aloud to a different sector of the algorithm than I have access to. Use as much of my work as you want.

    Just use it; there’s no need to ask first.

    Anyone who wants to translate my work and share it on their own platforms has my standing permission to do so.

    Anyone who wants to adapt my words or ideas or only use part of something I wrote has my standing permission to do so.

    Anyone who wants to profit from my work by turning it into books, merchandise or subscriber publications has my standing permission to do so.

    I sincerely don’t care about attribution. Sometimes a good message is better received if it’s heard from someone else. My name is not without its baggage of preconceptions and biases, so if you think something I said could be better received by removing my name from it and sharing it as your own or as an unattributed meme, please do so.

    My goal here is to just get as much helpful information and as many helpful ideas out there as possible, in whatever way they can be heard. It doesn’t matter to me where they are heard or who is perceived as having said them first.

    Seriously, go nuts. Try it out and see what works for you.

    Have fun!


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    Bitcoin donations: 1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2

    Reminder: All My Work May Be Freely Used By Any Platform Or Individual Listen to a reading by Tim Foley: I am just here re-issuing my periodic reminder that everything I write, paint, tweet, record, or otherwise publish may be used in any way by any platform or individual who wishes to do so, with or without attribution, for any reason at all, free of charge. I encourage all platforms to make abundant use of my work. If there are folks out there who struggle to produce daily content, feel free to copy my work onto your platform to help build your audience. This includes my written content, video content, audio content, visual art, and anything else you see from me and my husband Tim Foley (the American voice in all the recordings). Individuals are free to copy and use my work as they please, which can be a great way of generating viral content. I’ve seen people on platforms like TikTok get may times more views than I ever got on the same content just by sharing something I made or reading an article aloud to a different sector of the algorithm than I have access to. Use as much of my work as you want. Just use it; there’s no need to ask first. Anyone who wants to translate my work and share it on their own platforms has my standing permission to do so. Anyone who wants to adapt my words or ideas or only use part of something I wrote has my standing permission to do so. Anyone who wants to profit from my work by turning it into books, merchandise or subscriber publications has my standing permission to do so. I sincerely don’t care about attribution. Sometimes a good message is better received if it’s heard from someone else. My name is not without its baggage of preconceptions and biases, so if you think something I said could be better received by removing my name from it and sharing it as your own or as an unattributed meme, please do so. My goal here is to just get as much helpful information and as many helpful ideas out there as possible, in whatever way they can be heard. It doesn’t matter to me where they are heard or who is perceived as having said them first. Seriously, go nuts. Try it out and see what works for you. Have fun! _____________ My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece here are some options where you can toss some money into my tip jar if you want to. Go here to find video versions of my articles. If you’d prefer to listen to audio of these articles, you can subscribe to them on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud or YouTube. Go here to buy paperback editions of my writings from month to month. All my work is free to bootleg and use in any way, shape or form; republish it, translate it, use it on merchandise; whatever you want. The best way to make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. All works co-authored with my husband Tim Foley. Bitcoin donations: 1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2 https://substack.com/@caitlinjohnstone/p-147690151
    Caitlin Johnstone | Substack
    Daily writings about the end of illusions.
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    They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY

    Frances Leader
    The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are NOT the pinnacle of power in the world, despite rumours and propaganda seen daily in social media.

    It is also erroneous to call researchers and revisionists "conspiracy theorists" or the ideas they have gleaned from their studies "conspiracy theories".

    They are doing the best they can with limited time, energy and materials.

    The internet is as fraught with disinformation as all the universities and schools put together so people can be forgiven for making the mistake of ceasing their search at the level of the banking staff.

    Bankers work for a hierarchy which terminates with aristocratic nihilists whose existence is barely known.

    They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY.

    Generations of in-breeding and child abuse has resulted in a "breed apart" as predicted in the eschatology of all three monotheistic religions and they have attempted several times to create a world governance under their control.

    See this extensive article including full list of known Black Nobility family members: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican144.htm

    The owners of the banks are the Black Nobility and they, themselves, are subject to a powerful illusion associated with black magic and worship of the deities they believe in.

    Belief is a very powerful thing.

    It can manifest reality and so these phenomenally wealthy but highly occulted families have some very peculiar ideas.

    They sincerely believe in their own supremacy or divine right to rule.

    This is the DIVUS JULIUS coin showing Julius Caesar's sideral 'apotheosis' following his assassination (minted by his heir, Octavius/Augustus) note the comet signifying the ascendency of Julius Caesar's soul.



    The earliest of the Black Nobility's recorded ancestors created their Empire and they are obliged to continue with the plan on pain of disinheritance, excommunication or death, whether they like it or not.

    They have been brought up to play their part in such opulent circumstances that they cannot imagine being any other way. They bred or beat empathy out of themselves generations ago and they educate their children to continue the family traditions and beliefs.

    The list of modern descendants is large, comprising some 6,000 individuals or more.

    They are (among others):

    The Ghibellines, who supported the Holy Roman Emperors Hohenstaufen family.

    The Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire and includes the British Royal Family.

    The Giustiniani family, Black Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justianian.

    Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant) Bank.

    Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whose lineage dates back six centuries to the most ancient **Luzzatos**, the Black Nobility of Venice.

    Umberto Ortolani of the ancient Black Nobility family of the same name.

    The Doria family, the financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs.

    Elie de Rothschild of the French Rothschild family.

    Baron August von Finck (Finck, the second richest man in Germany now deceased).

    Franco Orsini Bonacassi of the ancient **Orsini** Black Nobility that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name. Further details of the Orsini family and relatives: http://www.quofataferunt.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=402&p=13067&hilit=Hephzibah#p402)

    The Alba family whose lineage dates back to the great Duke of Alba.

    Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family.

    Another very interesting document which I came across by accident looks at the Black Nobility in detail, naming families & individuals:


    An excellent historical account of how the Black Nobility conducted financial control and endless wars to depopulate the known world can be heard here:

    The "Venetian problem" remains with us today. Truly, the most urgent task of this generation of mankind is to definitively liquidate the horror that is Venice's insidious global influence.

    Comprehensive history here:


    John Coleman's Overview of the Committee of 300 and related pages provide a great deal of background information and can be accessed here:


    "These international criminals and royal and noble crime bloodlines are threatening society with more fake epidemics, weaponized forced vaccinations, wars based on lies, civil war, world war, martial law, and genocides.

    They are attacking society with secret societies, organized crime, and electronic weapons. These bloodlines spread plagues and have been doing that for hundreds of years. These families are behind all the major wars including World War I and World War II.

    When people stand up to tyrants like them they infiltrate opposition such as the American Revolutionary War. These criminals have trillions of dollars in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg and they are controlling the Bank for International Settlements.

    They extort governments and people and make hundreds of billions per year through organized crime. They torment people with electronic weapons. The entire electronic grid has been weaponized.

    They finance continual lying in society through the media and entertainment. Their primary tactics are lying and phony arrogance. They run all the religious organizations, secret societies and covert organizations like the Jesuits, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Skull and Bones, Kabbalists, Wiccans, Five Percenters, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Shriners etc.

    They own the organized crime syndicates including all mafias, drug cartels, street gangs, and biker gangs. They oversee the global organizations like the United Nations, NATO, World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, CERN, Maritime Law, INTERPOL, Conference on Disarmament, Red Cross, Geneva Conventions, etc.

    These criminals have infiltrated every government agency in the world through paedophilia, child sacrifices, criminal financing, bribery, secret organizations, and mafia tactics. They have designed all governments as corporate entities and chartered subsidiaries of their corporate houses and monarchies. They are mass human traffickers, mass murderers, and war criminals who commit crimes against humanity at all times." ~ John Coleman, in his book The Committee of 300.

    Images of the modern descendants of the Black Nobility & further information can be found here:


    The power of the City of London (Black Nobility financial HQ) can be best understood by watching this film:

    The truth of Zionism, a Christian ruse, can be understood by researching Nimrod and his opposing relationship to the Jews. He was an Empire builder and a grandson of Noah. He defied God in his quest to create a global empire, something the Black Nobility are still working on today.

    Perhaps something truly hard-hitting may be a necessary pill to swallow at this point.

    This video is Royal Babylon, The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy, an investigative poem by Heathcote Williams.

    A very useful document which reveals so much about the Bush family and its connections to Nazi Germany, vital to fill in some gaps.


    NWO is real and is NOW.

    The Black Nobility view the world as a GAP & CORE binary world.

    GAP & CORE MAP.jpg
    If you live in the GAP you have two choices: DIE OR MIGRATE.

    If you live in the CORE you have NO choice: ACCEPT MIGRANTS, POVERTY AND DEBT.

    See my article researching the Pentagon Brief by Thomas P Barnett, entitled WAR AND NO PEACE IN THE 21ST CENTURY:

    Anyone who has done any depth of research knows that the origins of political correctness is communism, but few seem to have realised that communism is not a Rothschild or Rockefeller invention.

    It was first developed by Jesuits working in Paraguay.

    They called their first experiments the "reductions" and they reported their findings back to the Vatican along with considerable funds raised by enslaving the people of Paraguay.

    They discovered that they could deny the population the use of Spanish, thus isolating them from neighbouring countries which were developing under slightly different regimes.

    The reductions were successful and the blueprint for population control was passed onto willing Jewish dissidents from Russia such as Marx and his student, Lenin.

    The real source of the devastating communist interventions in Russia and China were carried to those two countries by Jesuit trained change agents.

    The Jesuits make an art form out of ensuring that Jewish people get the blame for their worst atrocities.

    It is wise to bear this in mind whenever we see videos or articles written to attack or cast suspicion on the Jews.

    This has been going on since the Crusades - The Roman Catholic Church Popes were, in fact, the first Zionists, if you understand that Zion is an alternative name for Jerusalem.

    Their objectives are borne out by the Unam Sanctum Papal Bull of 1302 which claims all souls on earth for the Roman Catholic Church operating on earth on behalf of God (according to them).


    Given that no Papal Bull ever expires, you can get a glimpse of the long term plan that the Jesuits have worked towards ever since they first became the military arm of the clergy.

    Their hatred for Jews stems from the conviction that the Jewish race is responsible for the death of Jesus and therefore herding Jews into Israel is a dreadful plan which leaves the Jews wide open to falling prey to the diabolical plan outlined in Revelations.

    I have written at great length on my doubts about the provenance of that supposedly biblical book. I think it is a blueprint for hell on earth, so that the Roman Catholic Church (a thin disguise for the old Roman Empire) can achieve its end game of full totalitarian authoritarianism on a global scale.

    The Black Nobility plan to annihilate life itself and replace it with their own design, that is how much they seek control.



    I have written over 1,100 articles on Hive blog and they are archived here:


    If you wish to contact me you may comment here or email:

    [email protected]

    Your comments will be gratefully received!



    WHO RULES THE WORLD? They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY Frances Leader The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are NOT the pinnacle of power in the world, despite rumours and propaganda seen daily in social media. It is also erroneous to call researchers and revisionists "conspiracy theorists" or the ideas they have gleaned from their studies "conspiracy theories". They are doing the best they can with limited time, energy and materials. The internet is as fraught with disinformation as all the universities and schools put together so people can be forgiven for making the mistake of ceasing their search at the level of the banking staff. image.png Bankers work for a hierarchy which terminates with aristocratic nihilists whose existence is barely known. They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY. image.png Generations of in-breeding and child abuse has resulted in a "breed apart" as predicted in the eschatology of all three monotheistic religions and they have attempted several times to create a world governance under their control. See this extensive article including full list of known Black Nobility family members: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican144.htm The owners of the banks are the Black Nobility and they, themselves, are subject to a powerful illusion associated with black magic and worship of the deities they believe in. Belief is a very powerful thing. It can manifest reality and so these phenomenally wealthy but highly occulted families have some very peculiar ideas. They sincerely believe in their own supremacy or divine right to rule. image.png This is the DIVUS JULIUS coin showing Julius Caesar's sideral 'apotheosis' following his assassination (minted by his heir, Octavius/Augustus) note the comet signifying the ascendency of Julius Caesar's soul. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_blacknobil05.htm https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_blacknobil02.htm The earliest of the Black Nobility's recorded ancestors created their Empire and they are obliged to continue with the plan on pain of disinheritance, excommunication or death, whether they like it or not. They have been brought up to play their part in such opulent circumstances that they cannot imagine being any other way. They bred or beat empathy out of themselves generations ago and they educate their children to continue the family traditions and beliefs. The list of modern descendants is large, comprising some 6,000 individuals or more. They are (among others): The Ghibellines, who supported the Holy Roman Emperors Hohenstaufen family. The Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire and includes the British Royal Family. The Giustiniani family, Black Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justianian. Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant) Bank. Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whose lineage dates back six centuries to the most ancient **Luzzatos**, the Black Nobility of Venice. Umberto Ortolani of the ancient Black Nobility family of the same name. The Doria family, the financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs. Elie de Rothschild of the French Rothschild family. Baron August von Finck (Finck, the second richest man in Germany now deceased). Franco Orsini Bonacassi of the ancient **Orsini** Black Nobility that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name. Further details of the Orsini family and relatives: http://www.quofataferunt.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=402&p=13067&hilit=Hephzibah#p402) The Alba family whose lineage dates back to the great Duke of Alba. Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family. Another very interesting document which I came across by accident looks at the Black Nobility in detail, naming families & individuals: http://www.seawapa.co/2014/08/the-jesuit-vatican-new-world-order.html An excellent historical account of how the Black Nobility conducted financial control and endless wars to depopulate the known world can be heard here: image.png The "Venetian problem" remains with us today. Truly, the most urgent task of this generation of mankind is to definitively liquidate the horror that is Venice's insidious global influence. Comprehensive history here: http://tarpley.net/online-books/against-oligarchy/the-venetian-conspiracy/ John Coleman's Overview of the Committee of 300 and related pages provide a great deal of background information and can be accessed here: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_committee300_01.htm#AN%20OVERVIEW%20AND%20SOME%20CASE%20HISTORIES "These international criminals and royal and noble crime bloodlines are threatening society with more fake epidemics, weaponized forced vaccinations, wars based on lies, civil war, world war, martial law, and genocides. They are attacking society with secret societies, organized crime, and electronic weapons. These bloodlines spread plagues and have been doing that for hundreds of years. These families are behind all the major wars including World War I and World War II. When people stand up to tyrants like them they infiltrate opposition such as the American Revolutionary War. These criminals have trillions of dollars in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg and they are controlling the Bank for International Settlements. They extort governments and people and make hundreds of billions per year through organized crime. They torment people with electronic weapons. The entire electronic grid has been weaponized. They finance continual lying in society through the media and entertainment. Their primary tactics are lying and phony arrogance. They run all the religious organizations, secret societies and covert organizations like the Jesuits, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Skull and Bones, Kabbalists, Wiccans, Five Percenters, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Shriners etc. They own the organized crime syndicates including all mafias, drug cartels, street gangs, and biker gangs. They oversee the global organizations like the United Nations, NATO, World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, CERN, Maritime Law, INTERPOL, Conference on Disarmament, Red Cross, Geneva Conventions, etc. These criminals have infiltrated every government agency in the world through paedophilia, child sacrifices, criminal financing, bribery, secret organizations, and mafia tactics. They have designed all governments as corporate entities and chartered subsidiaries of their corporate houses and monarchies. They are mass human traffickers, mass murderers, and war criminals who commit crimes against humanity at all times." ~ John Coleman, in his book The Committee of 300. Images of the modern descendants of the Black Nobility & further information can be found here: https://worldcrimesyndicate.blogspot.com/2020/05/leadership-of-global-mafia.html The power of the City of London (Black Nobility financial HQ) can be best understood by watching this film: The truth of Zionism, a Christian ruse, can be understood by researching Nimrod and his opposing relationship to the Jews. He was an Empire builder and a grandson of Noah. He defied God in his quest to create a global empire, something the Black Nobility are still working on today. ZIONISM IS NIMRODISM meme.jpeg Perhaps something truly hard-hitting may be a necessary pill to swallow at this point. This video is Royal Babylon, The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy, an investigative poem by Heathcote Williams. A very useful document which reveals so much about the Bush family and its connections to Nazi Germany, vital to fill in some gaps. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_bush19.htm?fbclid=IwAR3_-Ifc8uYZF5op0kioRym9moqgH0JGMq1KHEuIDv7TDDtTF1iEAfVlKsg NWO is real and is NOW. The Black Nobility view the world as a GAP & CORE binary world. GAP & CORE MAP.jpg If you live in the GAP you have two choices: DIE OR MIGRATE. If you live in the CORE you have NO choice: ACCEPT MIGRANTS, POVERTY AND DEBT. See my article researching the Pentagon Brief by Thomas P Barnett, entitled WAR AND NO PEACE IN THE 21ST CENTURY: https://steemit.com/news/@francesleader/4fatwy-war-and-no-peace-in-the-21st-century Anyone who has done any depth of research knows that the origins of political correctness is communism, but few seem to have realised that communism is not a Rothschild or Rockefeller invention. It was first developed by Jesuits working in Paraguay. They called their first experiments the "reductions" and they reported their findings back to the Vatican along with considerable funds raised by enslaving the people of Paraguay. They discovered that they could deny the population the use of Spanish, thus isolating them from neighbouring countries which were developing under slightly different regimes. The reductions were successful and the blueprint for population control was passed onto willing Jewish dissidents from Russia such as Marx and his student, Lenin. The real source of the devastating communist interventions in Russia and China were carried to those two countries by Jesuit trained change agents. The Jesuits make an art form out of ensuring that Jewish people get the blame for their worst atrocities. It is wise to bear this in mind whenever we see videos or articles written to attack or cast suspicion on the Jews. This has been going on since the Crusades - The Roman Catholic Church Popes were, in fact, the first Zionists, if you understand that Zion is an alternative name for Jerusalem. Their objectives are borne out by the Unam Sanctum Papal Bull of 1302 which claims all souls on earth for the Roman Catholic Church operating on earth on behalf of God (according to them). PAPAL BULL UNAM SANCTUM 1302 Given that no Papal Bull ever expires, you can get a glimpse of the long term plan that the Jesuits have worked towards ever since they first became the military arm of the clergy. Their hatred for Jews stems from the conviction that the Jewish race is responsible for the death of Jesus and therefore herding Jews into Israel is a dreadful plan which leaves the Jews wide open to falling prey to the diabolical plan outlined in Revelations. I have written at great length on my doubts about the provenance of that supposedly biblical book. I think it is a blueprint for hell on earth, so that the Roman Catholic Church (a thin disguise for the old Roman Empire) can achieve its end game of full totalitarian authoritarianism on a global scale. The Black Nobility plan to annihilate life itself and replace it with their own design, that is how much they seek control. Read this article: THE MOTHER OF ALL FALSE FLAG EVENTS HOLDING THE WORLD TO RANSOM IN 2020 image.png ----0---- I have written over 1,100 articles on Hive blog and they are archived here: https://hive.blog/@francesleader If you wish to contact me you may comment here or email: [email protected] Your comments will be gratefully received! ONWARDS! xx https://francesleader.substack.com/p/who-rules-the-world?utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/01/who-rules-world-they-like-to-call.html
    They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY
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  • When Khazarian Mafia Occupied Ukraine as Base for Worldwide Zionist Revival
    Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorMarch 20, 2023

    Vladimir Skachko

    On the eve of March 16, 2023, when “Latvian Legionnaires’ Memorial Day” is usually celebrated in Riga and processions of former legionnaires and Latvian nationalists are held in memory of the fallen soldiers of the Latvian SS Volunteer Legion, the FSB of Russia published new data on the atrocities of these “national heroes”

    The data is bloody: from December 5 to 9, 1944, soldiers of the Ventspils field gendarmerie and the 2nd company of the 19th grenadier division of the Latvian SS Legion killed 160 civilians, including 22 children, in the village of Zleka, in western Latvia, on charges of cooperation with the partisans. In total, 22 farms, which were burned down, fell under the punitive operation.

    SS men of all countries unite

    However, both the march and the processions in Riga took place under the protection of the local police, who detained the only person who protested against the excesses of the descendants of the SS – the deputy of the Jelgava City Duma Andrei Pagor, who stood on the square with a poster on which he wrote in Latvian the same as FSB in Russian: “

    Latvian legionnaires of the Waffen-SS swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. The Latvian Legion massacred 160 civilians in the village of Zleka in the Kurzeme region .

    And the second feature is that among the Latvian SS men, yellow-blue flags of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian neo-Nazis were densely mixed. In Ukraine, similar marches of veterans of the SS division “Galicia” were also held in memory of her. Loyalty to Adolf Hitler and unites both Ukrainian and Latvian SS men and their followers.

    Vladimir Skachko – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/05/2019
    March 5, 2019, 15:34

    Vladimir Skachko: who is he

    Well-known Ukrainian journalist, publicist, political analyst

    And one more and, perhaps, today the most important and relevant feature of all such events everywhere in the world, but especially in Europe – in its post-socialist and post-Soviet parts – is that less and less organizers of actions are interested in the nationality of their participants.

    Because again a new basis for association and activity has been declared – in fact, zoological Russophobia, hardened and well-established, subconsciously argued, hatred of Russia. This became the cement for uniting all Russophobes of various nationalities.

    The pinnacle of this phenomenon was the appearance in Ukraine of the so-called — excuse me, but you can’t erase the words from this political song — Jewish Bandera: people of Jewish nationality who, for opportunistic reasons, “forgot” that Nazi Nazism was the cause and main drive belt of the Holocaust — the destruction of 6 million Jews during the years of World War II.

    First, the oligarch, a Jew by nationality, Igor Kolomoisky , declared himself a Jew of Bandera, who, by all accounts, “made” the president, also a Jew, Vladimir Zelensky. Then Zelensky spat on the blood of his fellow tribesmen, on historical memory and on the memory of his own grandfather, who fought against Nazism in the Red Army. And then everyone else followed them – nimble and just as unscrupulous.

    Russophobia was born from anti-Semitism

    And it started: Ukraine began to rapidly take shape in a Russophobic aggressive state. And the events of the end of May 2021 in the village of Novy Pikov, Vinnytsia region, should have shocked the rest of Ukraine. There, apparently, in search of wealth, a mass grave of 1,200 Jews was desecrated: graves were dug up and the entire territory was strewn with the remains of buried people. And all this happened near the memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.

    But nothing shocked anyone anywhere. The police traditionally opened a criminal case, which will end in nothing: no one will look for anyone and, therefore, will not find anyone. And the case will be covered with dust in the archive, like thousands of other similar cases.

    This event did not excite the central authorities of Ukraine, headed by Zelensky, who had previously said that he was proud of this. Zelensky left the next desecration of the graves of fellow tribesmen without attention and reaction, by which, as the mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klitschko once gracefully noted , he finally “painted himself in the colors that he painted.” That is, he finally and irrevocably ranked himself among the shameful and shameful tribe of Ukrainian “Jewish Bandera”. People of Jewish nationality or Jewish origin who have entered the service of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi and xenophobic state in its essence, in which one titular nation is designated as the main one – Ukrainians. And everyone else should wave them. Forgetting about their origin, roots, history.

    Foreign journalists at work in the Kherson region – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/17/2023
    March 17, 15:33

    “The Pentagon wanted to drive the Russians into concentration camps.” The truth about Ukraine from Western journalists

    Most Western media take an openly anti-Russian position on the conflict in Ukraine. But there are independent American and European journalists who prefer to see everything with their own eyes and tell about it.

    Connoisseurs of xenophobic idiocy argue that the word “Jewish Bandera” is a monstrous know-how not of “square” Ukraine, but of the Soviet one. And it appeared for the first time in 1981 in the main Ukrainian satirical magazine Peretz, where they fought hard against Zionism and terribly criticized it for allegedly merging with Western money in anti-Soviet ecstasy with Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism, the symbol of which by that time had already become Stepan Bandera, leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)*, who was killed in 1959.

    The product of the coup d’étatI won’t argue with that. But in the modern history of Ukraine, this concept again became relevant and shameful immediately after the 2014 coup d’état in Dnepropetrovsk, where it was. O. President of Ukraine

    Oleksandr Turchynov , who earned the nickname “Bloody Pastor” for starting a civil war in Donbass, appointed the already mentioned oligarch Kolomoisky as governor. So that he, therefore, for his money and at any cost, put an end to the “Russian world” and “anti-Maidan” there. And for this he gave him the entire Dnepropetrovsk region, one of the richest regions of the Ukrainian southeast. In the same way that Turchynov appointed the Donetsk oligarch Sergei Taruta (the “owner of Donbass” and the richest man in Ukraine

    Rinat Akhmetov ) to “pacify the Donbass”, apparently, refused such an “honor”, ​​because he was going to “milk” both of them – both Ukraine and the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR).

    Kolomoisky coped with the tasks. And the Russian world crushed in the bud, and not only the Dnepropetrovsk region, but also the most “delicious” objects in a couple of neighboring regions crushed under itself. But he became famous for the fact that with him appeared T-shirts with the print of “Jewbander” and the image of the Jewish menorah menorah. And this despite the fact that Kolomoisky is not just a Jew by nationality. By that time, he had rebuilt the House of Culture in Dnepropetrovsk into one of the largest synagogues in the world, was the President of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community of Dnepropetrovsk, was the head and member until 2011 of the European Council of Jewish Communities, President of the European Jewish Union (EJU) .In other words, “Jewish banditry” as one of the most widespread xenophobia in Ukraine under Kolomoisky reached its peak and became an integral part of state policy. Moreover, it has become one of the most widespread Internet memes, disgracing Ukraine.

    Ukrainian phenomenon – Jewish anti-SemitismThe special and vile cynicism of this phenomenon is that, on the one hand, a huge number of current Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs who have become the architects of the current economic model of Ukraine are of Jewish origin. In addition to Zelensky, the presence of close Jewish relatives by the name of Valtsman was “accused” of his predecessor, the fifth president, Petro Poroshenko. Jewish origin was found in all three “heroes of the Maidan”, who, as it were, became the personification of the state revolution-2014.

    At the same Klitschko, who became the mayor of Kiev, it was the Ukrainians who saved the Jewish grandmother Tamara Etinzon during the Holocaust . Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who became prime minister, was attributed to the ancient Jewish family Bakaev. And even the leader of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party, Oleg Tyagnibok, who lost the most fighters on the Maidan, was found to have Jewish grandparents named Frotman. And they even arrogantly claimed that he himself became such an ardent Nazi in retaliation for the fact that his family had not been released to Israel at one time.

    A couple of years ago, President Zelensky was declared a “mortal war for the land” by the leader of the Batkivshchyna party Yulia Tymoshenko , twice the former prime minister of Ukraine, which is called the “Ukrainian coast”. And if there are different opinions about her “Ukrainianness”, to put it mildly, then in terms of forgetting her Jewish origin and ignoring the memory of her ancestors, it is Tymoshenko who can give Zelensky a head start.If the current President Zelensky, betraying Victory Day on May 9 and refusing the Great Patriotic War, simply betrayed his grandfather Semyon Zelensky, who fought under the command of “Marshal of Victory” Georgy Zhukov, whose memory is defiled

    and nullified in Ukraine, then Tymoshenko did it even earlier. When, as prime minister, she didn’t lift a finger to clean up a mass grave on the height of Bezymyannaya near the village of Karan (now Flotskoye) near Sevastopol in the then-Ukrainian-controlled Crimea.

    And her grandfather, senior lieutenant Abram Kapitelman, commander of a communications platoon of the 1st rifle battalion of the 777th rifle regiment of the 227th Temryuk rifle division, who died on May 8, 1944, was buried there, and three days before that he was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War II degree. This is how the grave was and remained during the premiership of Tymoshenko after the military unit on whose territory it was located was closed.

    And of course, the Vinnitsa region and Vinnitsa itself are striking, where anti-Semitism takes on perhaps the ugliest forms. Vinnitsa Jews became victims of both Jewish pogroms during the time of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (URN) Symon Petlyura , and Hitler’s Holocaust during World War II. And in Vinnitsa, on the site of the Jewish ghetto and the executions of Jews, the local “Zelenbud” was smashed, the “Anti-Fascist” planting seedlings wrote about this and drew attention to the fact that one of the first monuments to the pogromist Petliura appeared in Vinnitsa. And the city at that time (and in general 16 years out of 30 in independent Ukraine) was led by Jewish mayors – Dmitry Dvorkis (1992-2000) and Volodymyr Groysman (2006-2014), who later became the Prime Minister of Ukraine under Poroshenko, and now he is trying to back into big politics.

    And there is another side of the “Jewish Bandera”: having betrayed their memory and stepped over the blood of their relatives and fellow tribesmen, they went to the service of those who today are ready to build and are building their policy and their “Ukrainian Ukraine” on xenophobia and national intolerance. Under the slogans “Ukraine for Ukrainians” and “Ukraine First”. This is modern Ukrainian neo-Nazism.

    With Hitler in the head

    And their spiritual forerunners are Bandera – the most rabid zoological, if you like, clinical nationalists. On June 30, 2021, “progressive”, that is, Maidan Ukraine, celebrated the “80th anniversary of the restoration of the Ukrainian state”, which happened with the permission of the Nazis and lasted, it seems, only 8 days. Because the Nazis created their eponymous “Reich Commissariat” (in the east), “District Galicia” (in the west) on the territory of Ukraine, and generally gave the south to allied Romania.

    But the Bandera nationalists continued to imitate the “rozbudov of Ukraine”, serving Hitler and preparing to cleanse the country of “foreigners”. Everyone. On OUN leaflets of that time it was written: “People! Know! Moscow, Poland, Magyars, Jews – these are all your enemies. Destroy them!” And the “restorer” and as the “Prime Minister of the Ukrainian state” Yaroslav Stetsko wrote and said: “Moscow and the Jews are the main enemies of Ukraine and the bearers of disintegrating Bolshevik international ideas … Considering Moscow the main and decisive enemy, which powerfully kept Ukraine in captivity, nevertheless I assess less as harmful and hostile the fate of the Jews, who help Moscow to enslave Ukraine. Therefore, I stand on the position of the destruction of the Jews and the expediency of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of extremination (destruction) of the Jews, excluding their assimilation.

    It is the spiritual and political heirs and bearers of similar ideas that today serve the modern Jew Bandera. And to this we can only add that not only people of Jewish origin went into the service of neo-Nazis. And it was not in vain that I focused my attention on Kolomoisky. It was under him that a peculiar Ukrainian “international of ethno-Bandera” began to form – people of different nationalities and ethnicity, who went into Ukrainian neo-Nazis and neo-fascists and became “Katsap Bandera”, “Chechen-Bandera”, “Tatar-Bandera”, “Georgian- or Armenian-Bandera”, “Belarus-Bandera” etc.

    Under Kolomoisky, in the Dnipropetrovsk region and throughout the southeast, huge wonderful advertising banners “$10,000 for a Muscovite” appeared, which were supposedly going to be paid by Privatbank, owned by the oligarch. And the ethnic Russian, an ally of the oligarch Boris Filatov put forward one of the main slogans of the fight against the “Russian world”:

    “We must give the scum any promises, guarantees and make any concessions. And hang them … You need to hang them later! And on the Maidan, the Armenian Sergei Nigoyan and Belarusian Mikhail Zhiznevsky were the first to die .

    A feature of the current situation, as already mentioned, is that traditional anti-Semitism and other national xenophobia are being replaced by Russophobia, which has come to the fore. They made a gigantic “Anti-Russia” out of Ukraine and paid with the money of sponsors, first of all, for hatred of Russia and everything Russian. And then they provoked a war with Russia, which launched a special military operation (SVO) to protect the population of two regions of Donbass from extermination. And now, for the opportunity to shine in front of the authorities in Kyiv and their sponsors, to swim in the cash flows, to bask in the career rays of the ethno-Banderites and fuss. That the Crimean Tatar

    Aider Muzhdabaev is now furious with neo-Nazi hatred for everything Russian, that the Georgian Mikho Saakashvili played in the same positions, Americans and other “Vikings”. And how many ordinary ethno-Banderites, who, for the money of the oligarchs, and now at the expense of the countries of the collective West, were contracted to “pacify the Donbass” in punitive volunteer battalions, and now fight in the NVO, and do not count. Who is there just not – from Russians and Chechens to the French, Poles and Americans.

    Ethno-Banderites on the payroll

    The main problem of Ukraine with these ethno-Banderites is not only that they cynically betrayed their blood and stepped over the blood of their fellow tribesmen. By their support for Ukrainian neo-Nazis, they create the appearance and illusion that there is no neo-Nazism and other xenophobia in Ukraine: what kind of anti-Semitism or neo-Nazism is it if their president is a Jew. But the ethno-Bandera people do not want to understand that a tough attempt is being made in Ukraine to build a mono-ethnic state, rigidly oriented and sharpened against Russia. It was for this purpose that Zelensky’s law on the indigenous peoples of Ukraine was adopted, which recognize the Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks and Karaites. Russians, at best, were told by Zelensky himself: if they feel Russian, they should leave for Russia. Although the Russians have lived on this land for centuries, since the time of Kievan Rus,

    But today it is impossible to resist this ethno-Banderism in Ukraine. Because the authorities use, openly or tacitly support anti-Semitism, Russophobia, any other xenophobia and ethnic strife. As well as their carriers. They need them in order to:- to mobilize the people “to fight” against the “fifth column” inside the country and “Putin’s Mordor” on the outer contour;- to use interethnic strife and interethnic quarrels as a good and reliable distraction from the social and even political struggle against the authorities. Like, how can you fight the same Zelensky, if “the motherland is in danger.”

    Order for Bandera of all varieties

    And of course, another of the main reasons for ethno-Banderism in Ukraine is an external order for it from sponsors and external curators. Neo-Nazi Ukraine under the rule of ethno-Banderists is a trouble-free tool, an anti-Russian battering ram, a foothold or a training ground. In the same way as before, with the revival of neo-Nazism there and its support in the West, the republics of the Soviet Baltic States covered by Russophobia turned out to be.

    And the pragmatic West can be understood. They are ready to fight with Russia by proxy to the last, both Ukrainians and ethno-Banderists, who are ready for anything for money. Here the West also uses such international stupid gratuitousness.

    Dmitry Yarosh – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/03/2023
    March 3, 07:52

    Russophobia as a profession. What is neo-Nazi leader Dmitry Yarosh doing today?

    Nine years ago, in March 2014, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Nazis for the first time called for terrorist acts in the Crimea, on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for blowing up gas and oil pipelines running through the territory of Ukraine.

    And not only in Ukraine. Russia has its own Achilles’ heel in this regard – called spiritual Vlasovites, if you like, ethnovlasovites, people who are ready to fight with their own homeland to the end, until it is destroyed.And the West has already begun to bring down this audience into a flock. Last year, with a difference of almost a month in May-June, two maps appeared with a plan for dividing Russia into nation-states, which were presented by these very ethnovlasovites.

    First, on May 8, 2022 in Warsaw at a conference called the Forum of the Free Peoples of Russia (FSNR), at which a new idea and a new task were loudly announced – the dismantling of modern Russia into independent national republics under the guise of decolonization. Then in Prague on July 24, 2022, the second round of the FSNR was held, where a map of the free states of “post-Russia” was presented under the title “Decolonization and reconstruction of Russia” and the slogan “Time for indigenous peoples and regions to regain their independence and sovereignty”.

    Conclusion for growth

    It was overseen by the U.S. Government Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, a supposedly independent body of the U.S. federal government that for 45 years monitored compliance with the Helsinki Accords and promoted comprehensive security through the promotion of human rights, democracy, and economic, environmental, and military cooperation in the OSCE region from 57 countries.

    This commission has its own map of the collapse of Russia. And its new task is to unite all ethno-Banderites on the basis of hatred for Russia and frenzied Russophobia into a single coordinating structure. Something like the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), which was destroying the USSR in 1946-1996. Judging by the efforts, ABN 2.0 should now appear – only an anti-Russian bloc of peoples that would unite everyone who wants the death of Russia and is ready to participate in this for money.

    This is what it all comes down to. And it will come if Russia puts aside its victory in the NWO, which is the only one to sober up this public and cool its feverish Russophobic delirium.

    * An organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.



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    When Khazarian Mafia Occupied Ukraine as Base for Worldwide Zionist Revival Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorMarch 20, 2023 Vladimir Skachko On the eve of March 16, 2023, when “Latvian Legionnaires’ Memorial Day” is usually celebrated in Riga and processions of former legionnaires and Latvian nationalists are held in memory of the fallen soldiers of the Latvian SS Volunteer Legion, the FSB of Russia published new data on the atrocities of these “national heroes” The data is bloody: from December 5 to 9, 1944, soldiers of the Ventspils field gendarmerie and the 2nd company of the 19th grenadier division of the Latvian SS Legion killed 160 civilians, including 22 children, in the village of Zleka, in western Latvia, on charges of cooperation with the partisans. In total, 22 farms, which were burned down, fell under the punitive operation. SS men of all countries unite However, both the march and the processions in Riga took place under the protection of the local police, who detained the only person who protested against the excesses of the descendants of the SS – the deputy of the Jelgava City Duma Andrei Pagor, who stood on the square with a poster on which he wrote in Latvian the same as FSB in Russian: “ Latvian legionnaires of the Waffen-SS swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. The Latvian Legion massacred 160 civilians in the village of Zleka in the Kurzeme region . And the second feature is that among the Latvian SS men, yellow-blue flags of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian neo-Nazis were densely mixed. In Ukraine, similar marches of veterans of the SS division “Galicia” were also held in memory of her. Loyalty to Adolf Hitler and unites both Ukrainian and Latvian SS men and their followers. Vladimir Skachko – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/05/2019 March 5, 2019, 15:34 Vladimir Skachko: who is he Well-known Ukrainian journalist, publicist, political analyst And one more and, perhaps, today the most important and relevant feature of all such events everywhere in the world, but especially in Europe – in its post-socialist and post-Soviet parts – is that less and less organizers of actions are interested in the nationality of their participants. Because again a new basis for association and activity has been declared – in fact, zoological Russophobia, hardened and well-established, subconsciously argued, hatred of Russia. This became the cement for uniting all Russophobes of various nationalities. The pinnacle of this phenomenon was the appearance in Ukraine of the so-called — excuse me, but you can’t erase the words from this political song — Jewish Bandera: people of Jewish nationality who, for opportunistic reasons, “forgot” that Nazi Nazism was the cause and main drive belt of the Holocaust — the destruction of 6 million Jews during the years of World War II. First, the oligarch, a Jew by nationality, Igor Kolomoisky , declared himself a Jew of Bandera, who, by all accounts, “made” the president, also a Jew, Vladimir Zelensky. Then Zelensky spat on the blood of his fellow tribesmen, on historical memory and on the memory of his own grandfather, who fought against Nazism in the Red Army. And then everyone else followed them – nimble and just as unscrupulous. Russophobia was born from anti-Semitism And it started: Ukraine began to rapidly take shape in a Russophobic aggressive state. And the events of the end of May 2021 in the village of Novy Pikov, Vinnytsia region, should have shocked the rest of Ukraine. There, apparently, in search of wealth, a mass grave of 1,200 Jews was desecrated: graves were dug up and the entire territory was strewn with the remains of buried people. And all this happened near the memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. But nothing shocked anyone anywhere. The police traditionally opened a criminal case, which will end in nothing: no one will look for anyone and, therefore, will not find anyone. And the case will be covered with dust in the archive, like thousands of other similar cases. This event did not excite the central authorities of Ukraine, headed by Zelensky, who had previously said that he was proud of this. Zelensky left the next desecration of the graves of fellow tribesmen without attention and reaction, by which, as the mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klitschko once gracefully noted , he finally “painted himself in the colors that he painted.” That is, he finally and irrevocably ranked himself among the shameful and shameful tribe of Ukrainian “Jewish Bandera”. People of Jewish nationality or Jewish origin who have entered the service of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi and xenophobic state in its essence, in which one titular nation is designated as the main one – Ukrainians. And everyone else should wave them. Forgetting about their origin, roots, history. Foreign journalists at work in the Kherson region – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/17/2023 March 17, 15:33 “The Pentagon wanted to drive the Russians into concentration camps.” The truth about Ukraine from Western journalists Most Western media take an openly anti-Russian position on the conflict in Ukraine. But there are independent American and European journalists who prefer to see everything with their own eyes and tell about it. Connoisseurs of xenophobic idiocy argue that the word “Jewish Bandera” is a monstrous know-how not of “square” Ukraine, but of the Soviet one. And it appeared for the first time in 1981 in the main Ukrainian satirical magazine Peretz, where they fought hard against Zionism and terribly criticized it for allegedly merging with Western money in anti-Soviet ecstasy with Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism, the symbol of which by that time had already become Stepan Bandera, leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)*, who was killed in 1959. The product of the coup d’étatI won’t argue with that. But in the modern history of Ukraine, this concept again became relevant and shameful immediately after the 2014 coup d’état in Dnepropetrovsk, where it was. O. President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov , who earned the nickname “Bloody Pastor” for starting a civil war in Donbass, appointed the already mentioned oligarch Kolomoisky as governor. So that he, therefore, for his money and at any cost, put an end to the “Russian world” and “anti-Maidan” there. And for this he gave him the entire Dnepropetrovsk region, one of the richest regions of the Ukrainian southeast. In the same way that Turchynov appointed the Donetsk oligarch Sergei Taruta (the “owner of Donbass” and the richest man in Ukraine Rinat Akhmetov ) to “pacify the Donbass”, apparently, refused such an “honor”, ​​because he was going to “milk” both of them – both Ukraine and the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR). Kolomoisky coped with the tasks. And the Russian world crushed in the bud, and not only the Dnepropetrovsk region, but also the most “delicious” objects in a couple of neighboring regions crushed under itself. But he became famous for the fact that with him appeared T-shirts with the print of “Jewbander” and the image of the Jewish menorah menorah. And this despite the fact that Kolomoisky is not just a Jew by nationality. By that time, he had rebuilt the House of Culture in Dnepropetrovsk into one of the largest synagogues in the world, was the President of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community of Dnepropetrovsk, was the head and member until 2011 of the European Council of Jewish Communities, President of the European Jewish Union (EJU) .In other words, “Jewish banditry” as one of the most widespread xenophobia in Ukraine under Kolomoisky reached its peak and became an integral part of state policy. Moreover, it has become one of the most widespread Internet memes, disgracing Ukraine. Ukrainian phenomenon – Jewish anti-SemitismThe special and vile cynicism of this phenomenon is that, on the one hand, a huge number of current Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs who have become the architects of the current economic model of Ukraine are of Jewish origin. In addition to Zelensky, the presence of close Jewish relatives by the name of Valtsman was “accused” of his predecessor, the fifth president, Petro Poroshenko. Jewish origin was found in all three “heroes of the Maidan”, who, as it were, became the personification of the state revolution-2014. At the same Klitschko, who became the mayor of Kiev, it was the Ukrainians who saved the Jewish grandmother Tamara Etinzon during the Holocaust . Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who became prime minister, was attributed to the ancient Jewish family Bakaev. And even the leader of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party, Oleg Tyagnibok, who lost the most fighters on the Maidan, was found to have Jewish grandparents named Frotman. And they even arrogantly claimed that he himself became such an ardent Nazi in retaliation for the fact that his family had not been released to Israel at one time. A couple of years ago, President Zelensky was declared a “mortal war for the land” by the leader of the Batkivshchyna party Yulia Tymoshenko , twice the former prime minister of Ukraine, which is called the “Ukrainian coast”. And if there are different opinions about her “Ukrainianness”, to put it mildly, then in terms of forgetting her Jewish origin and ignoring the memory of her ancestors, it is Tymoshenko who can give Zelensky a head start.If the current President Zelensky, betraying Victory Day on May 9 and refusing the Great Patriotic War, simply betrayed his grandfather Semyon Zelensky, who fought under the command of “Marshal of Victory” Georgy Zhukov, whose memory is defiled and nullified in Ukraine, then Tymoshenko did it even earlier. When, as prime minister, she didn’t lift a finger to clean up a mass grave on the height of Bezymyannaya near the village of Karan (now Flotskoye) near Sevastopol in the then-Ukrainian-controlled Crimea. And her grandfather, senior lieutenant Abram Kapitelman, commander of a communications platoon of the 1st rifle battalion of the 777th rifle regiment of the 227th Temryuk rifle division, who died on May 8, 1944, was buried there, and three days before that he was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War II degree. This is how the grave was and remained during the premiership of Tymoshenko after the military unit on whose territory it was located was closed. And of course, the Vinnitsa region and Vinnitsa itself are striking, where anti-Semitism takes on perhaps the ugliest forms. Vinnitsa Jews became victims of both Jewish pogroms during the time of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (URN) Symon Petlyura , and Hitler’s Holocaust during World War II. And in Vinnitsa, on the site of the Jewish ghetto and the executions of Jews, the local “Zelenbud” was smashed, the “Anti-Fascist” planting seedlings wrote about this and drew attention to the fact that one of the first monuments to the pogromist Petliura appeared in Vinnitsa. And the city at that time (and in general 16 years out of 30 in independent Ukraine) was led by Jewish mayors – Dmitry Dvorkis (1992-2000) and Volodymyr Groysman (2006-2014), who later became the Prime Minister of Ukraine under Poroshenko, and now he is trying to back into big politics. And there is another side of the “Jewish Bandera”: having betrayed their memory and stepped over the blood of their relatives and fellow tribesmen, they went to the service of those who today are ready to build and are building their policy and their “Ukrainian Ukraine” on xenophobia and national intolerance. Under the slogans “Ukraine for Ukrainians” and “Ukraine First”. This is modern Ukrainian neo-Nazism. With Hitler in the head And their spiritual forerunners are Bandera – the most rabid zoological, if you like, clinical nationalists. On June 30, 2021, “progressive”, that is, Maidan Ukraine, celebrated the “80th anniversary of the restoration of the Ukrainian state”, which happened with the permission of the Nazis and lasted, it seems, only 8 days. Because the Nazis created their eponymous “Reich Commissariat” (in the east), “District Galicia” (in the west) on the territory of Ukraine, and generally gave the south to allied Romania. But the Bandera nationalists continued to imitate the “rozbudov of Ukraine”, serving Hitler and preparing to cleanse the country of “foreigners”. Everyone. On OUN leaflets of that time it was written: “People! Know! Moscow, Poland, Magyars, Jews – these are all your enemies. Destroy them!” And the “restorer” and as the “Prime Minister of the Ukrainian state” Yaroslav Stetsko wrote and said: “Moscow and the Jews are the main enemies of Ukraine and the bearers of disintegrating Bolshevik international ideas … Considering Moscow the main and decisive enemy, which powerfully kept Ukraine in captivity, nevertheless I assess less as harmful and hostile the fate of the Jews, who help Moscow to enslave Ukraine. Therefore, I stand on the position of the destruction of the Jews and the expediency of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of extremination (destruction) of the Jews, excluding their assimilation. It is the spiritual and political heirs and bearers of similar ideas that today serve the modern Jew Bandera. And to this we can only add that not only people of Jewish origin went into the service of neo-Nazis. And it was not in vain that I focused my attention on Kolomoisky. It was under him that a peculiar Ukrainian “international of ethno-Bandera” began to form – people of different nationalities and ethnicity, who went into Ukrainian neo-Nazis and neo-fascists and became “Katsap Bandera”, “Chechen-Bandera”, “Tatar-Bandera”, “Georgian- or Armenian-Bandera”, “Belarus-Bandera” etc. Under Kolomoisky, in the Dnipropetrovsk region and throughout the southeast, huge wonderful advertising banners “$10,000 for a Muscovite” appeared, which were supposedly going to be paid by Privatbank, owned by the oligarch. And the ethnic Russian, an ally of the oligarch Boris Filatov put forward one of the main slogans of the fight against the “Russian world”: “We must give the scum any promises, guarantees and make any concessions. And hang them … You need to hang them later! And on the Maidan, the Armenian Sergei Nigoyan and Belarusian Mikhail Zhiznevsky were the first to die . A feature of the current situation, as already mentioned, is that traditional anti-Semitism and other national xenophobia are being replaced by Russophobia, which has come to the fore. They made a gigantic “Anti-Russia” out of Ukraine and paid with the money of sponsors, first of all, for hatred of Russia and everything Russian. And then they provoked a war with Russia, which launched a special military operation (SVO) to protect the population of two regions of Donbass from extermination. And now, for the opportunity to shine in front of the authorities in Kyiv and their sponsors, to swim in the cash flows, to bask in the career rays of the ethno-Banderites and fuss. That the Crimean Tatar Aider Muzhdabaev is now furious with neo-Nazi hatred for everything Russian, that the Georgian Mikho Saakashvili played in the same positions, Americans and other “Vikings”. And how many ordinary ethno-Banderites, who, for the money of the oligarchs, and now at the expense of the countries of the collective West, were contracted to “pacify the Donbass” in punitive volunteer battalions, and now fight in the NVO, and do not count. Who is there just not – from Russians and Chechens to the French, Poles and Americans. Ethno-Banderites on the payroll The main problem of Ukraine with these ethno-Banderites is not only that they cynically betrayed their blood and stepped over the blood of their fellow tribesmen. By their support for Ukrainian neo-Nazis, they create the appearance and illusion that there is no neo-Nazism and other xenophobia in Ukraine: what kind of anti-Semitism or neo-Nazism is it if their president is a Jew. But the ethno-Bandera people do not want to understand that a tough attempt is being made in Ukraine to build a mono-ethnic state, rigidly oriented and sharpened against Russia. It was for this purpose that Zelensky’s law on the indigenous peoples of Ukraine was adopted, which recognize the Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks and Karaites. Russians, at best, were told by Zelensky himself: if they feel Russian, they should leave for Russia. Although the Russians have lived on this land for centuries, since the time of Kievan Rus, But today it is impossible to resist this ethno-Banderism in Ukraine. Because the authorities use, openly or tacitly support anti-Semitism, Russophobia, any other xenophobia and ethnic strife. As well as their carriers. They need them in order to:- to mobilize the people “to fight” against the “fifth column” inside the country and “Putin’s Mordor” on the outer contour;- to use interethnic strife and interethnic quarrels as a good and reliable distraction from the social and even political struggle against the authorities. Like, how can you fight the same Zelensky, if “the motherland is in danger.” Order for Bandera of all varieties And of course, another of the main reasons for ethno-Banderism in Ukraine is an external order for it from sponsors and external curators. Neo-Nazi Ukraine under the rule of ethno-Banderists is a trouble-free tool, an anti-Russian battering ram, a foothold or a training ground. In the same way as before, with the revival of neo-Nazism there and its support in the West, the republics of the Soviet Baltic States covered by Russophobia turned out to be. And the pragmatic West can be understood. They are ready to fight with Russia by proxy to the last, both Ukrainians and ethno-Banderists, who are ready for anything for money. Here the West also uses such international stupid gratuitousness. Dmitry Yarosh – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/03/2023 March 3, 07:52 Russophobia as a profession. What is neo-Nazi leader Dmitry Yarosh doing today? Nine years ago, in March 2014, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Nazis for the first time called for terrorist acts in the Crimea, on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for blowing up gas and oil pipelines running through the territory of Ukraine. And not only in Ukraine. Russia has its own Achilles’ heel in this regard – called spiritual Vlasovites, if you like, ethnovlasovites, people who are ready to fight with their own homeland to the end, until it is destroyed.And the West has already begun to bring down this audience into a flock. Last year, with a difference of almost a month in May-June, two maps appeared with a plan for dividing Russia into nation-states, which were presented by these very ethnovlasovites. First, on May 8, 2022 in Warsaw at a conference called the Forum of the Free Peoples of Russia (FSNR), at which a new idea and a new task were loudly announced – the dismantling of modern Russia into independent national republics under the guise of decolonization. Then in Prague on July 24, 2022, the second round of the FSNR was held, where a map of the free states of “post-Russia” was presented under the title “Decolonization and reconstruction of Russia” and the slogan “Time for indigenous peoples and regions to regain their independence and sovereignty”. Conclusion for growth It was overseen by the U.S. Government Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, a supposedly independent body of the U.S. federal government that for 45 years monitored compliance with the Helsinki Accords and promoted comprehensive security through the promotion of human rights, democracy, and economic, environmental, and military cooperation in the OSCE region from 57 countries. This commission has its own map of the collapse of Russia. And its new task is to unite all ethno-Banderites on the basis of hatred for Russia and frenzied Russophobia into a single coordinating structure. Something like the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), which was destroying the USSR in 1946-1996. Judging by the efforts, ABN 2.0 should now appear – only an anti-Russian bloc of peoples that would unite everyone who wants the death of Russia and is ready to participate in this for money. This is what it all comes down to. And it will come if Russia puts aside its victory in the NWO, which is the only one to sober up this public and cool its feverish Russophobic delirium. * An organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation. https://ukraina.ru/20230320/1044542744.html ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://veteranstoday.com/2023/03/20/the-khazarian-mafia-took-ukraine-in-2014-as-a-base-for-a-worldwide-zionist-revival/
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  • Jewish Supremacy: Mein Kampf in Reverse
    Stated by Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon, former Chief of Staff of the IDF, who also served as Israel’s Defence Minister

    Karl Sanchez

    I thought of titling this, Zionists: Nazis With Nukes, but that isn’t the kicker delivered by Alastair Crooke’s SCF essay, “The 1948 Irgun re-born?”, and in this morning’s chat with Judge Napolitano, “Alastair Crooke : Willful Western Blindness Over Israel.”

    An alarming number of incidents perpetrated by the Zionists have occurred beginning with Netanyahu’s War Talk to the US Congress not quite two weeks ago. All will be reviewed by Crooke in his writing and chat, so I won’t replicate them here. There’s also been a very important development as Russia’s been shipping sophisticated EW and other gear to Iran for at least a week, and Shoigu is now in Tehran to sign the newest Strategic Alliance Treaty between Russia and Iran that was put on hold because of President Raisi’s death and the election of President Masoud Pezeshkian. That will likely be done today. Simplicius provides some details as to recent Russian actions about half-way through this essay. While today at The Cradle is an analytical essay that agrees with my thinking about what will transpire at some point, which I’ll reproduce below after Crooke’s essay. Again, it’s easier to comprehend Crooke’s chat with Judge Napolitano by reading his essay first the going to the chat. And yes, there’s another article I’ll be publishing dealing with what’s happening within the EU.

    But before getting to Crooke’s essay, a brief note about the newest version of Black Monday for speculators. Here’s the opening to Sputnik’s article on the subject, “Why Did the Global Stock Market Crash And Who is to Blame?”:

    The combination of "political mismanagement of debt, politicized fact-spinning, and resulting inflation" - all very real risks - have been factors contributing to serious market volatility, as the recent global market plummet has shown, Paul Goncharoff, a veteran financial analyst, told Sputnik. [Emphasis Original]

    The emphasized “reasons” have been present for years but no massive selloff happened. The signs were visible for many months, primarily the instability of the Western banking system and its vulnerability to raised/rising interest rates after years of “free money” via the Zero Interest Rate Policy—ZIRP—instituted by many central banks, particularly Japan’s, where that’s been policy for many years. Within the Outlaw US Empire, the crisis is in commercial real estate, which was once a very low risk sector for bank loans, that’s been unended since Covid and the move to telecommuting, and we’ve already seen why banks are under treat from rising interest rates that’s caused the market value of bonds drop steeply causing some banks to go under due to bank runs by big depositors aware of such balance sheet frailty. Given such instability, almost any reason can be given for the selloff and is, but the main underlying reasons remain under the rug for the time being. Yes, much more could and ought to be said, but that’s all for now as we’ll now turn to one of the factors underlying the instability is the Zionist Genocide and its actions: Crooke’s essay:

    The signposts are there for all to read: The West – in deliberately overlooking such explicit markers – cannot then complain, or escape, the ensuing consequences.

    No, the ‘tin ear’ is not some new western derangement – a unique mass collapse of sanity – that we are living through. It is something worse: a return to a dogmatic, authoritarian version of truth which dissident physicist Eric Weinstein complains has (in the West) also destroyed true science – ignoring and silencing its most important dissident voices, whilst amply rewarding Science’s frauds.

    Consider: Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed the U.S. Congress on 24 July saying, in an unrelieved Manichaean mode, that the West is facing an “axis of evil” (Iran and allies), which the U.S. must join in destroying. It was a call to participate in civilisational war.

    His invitation was celebrated with 58 standing ovations from U.S. legislators.

    Netanyahu returned home to a disaster in the Druze community on the Golan. Missile fragments had struck, killing and wounding many children playing football (the exact circumstances are still not clear). Western rationality however is perfectly capable to deduce firstly, that Majdal Shams lies in Occupied Syria; secondly, that the Druze community there remains overwhelmingly Syrian (rejecting Israeli citizenship) and largely pro-Syrian. And that they are neither Jews nor Israelis. The West seemingly cannot however, adduce the further very obvious conclusion: Why on earth would Hizbullah intentionally attack a Syrian community on Syrian land that largely is sympathetic to the Resistance?

    They wouldn’t. Yet these obvious facts are completely ignored by a rationality that, as Weinstein suggests, actively prefers fraud to truth. Spokesman Kirby said Hizbullah had attacked children in northern Israel.

    Israel’s Defence minister repeatedly says: “We don’t want war”. Western leaders parrot the same meme: No-one wants war. ‘We are fully confident that Israel’s response will be constrained and limited to military targets’. The White House: “In our view, there is no reason for some dramatic escalation in southern Lebanon and there is still time and space for diplomacy”.

    So what then occurs? Two major assassinations: one in Beirut and the other in Tehran (i.e. to a guest on Iranian sovereign territory). Western leaders express their ‘concern’. The Hamas target in Tehran, Ismail Haniyeh, as the Qatari PM noted, was the key Gaza hostage negotiator.

    This too will be overlooked, though Netanyahu’s intent to weave together Hamas, Hizbullah and Iran into a single ‘axis of evil’ cloth – thus speaking to his Join-Session of Congress thesis – must be evident even to a blinkered Washington.

    Recall the new ‘equation’ that followed the assassination of a senior IRGC official in the Iranian Consulate in April 2024: Henceforth Iran will respond directly – and directly from Iran. Washington says it does not want war with Iran, yet the latter explicitly was what Netanyahu advocated. Did the legislators miss his point?

    For nearly ten months, Israel has been unable to stabilize the situation along the northern border and allow for the return of displaced Israelis to their homes. Even if the Beirut strike doesn’t lead to wider war, restoring a negotiated stability on the Lebanese border is now beyond reach – as is too, a Gaza hostage deal. “How can mediation succeed when one party assassinates the negotiator on the other side”, Qatari PM al-Thani ruefully observed.

    So too ‘overlooked’ in the West, will be that which happened in Israel on the same day the assassinations later took place: Right-wing vigilantes descended from their settlements, storming two military IDF bases. The anarchic scenes of mass break-ins, fomented by several members of the ruling coalition, some of whom took part in the forcible entries, sparked angry condemnation from Defence Minister Gallant.

    The invasions were supported by one minister and several Knesset members seeking to free reservists that are suspected of aggravated abuse and forcible sodomy against a Palestinian detainee. According to a security source, the injured detainee was taken to a hospital with severe injuries, including to an intimate body part which left him unable to walk.

    “The spectacle of military police officers coming to arrest our best heroes at Sde Teiman is nothing less than shameful”, said Ben Gvir, whose ministry controls the Israel Police and Israel Prison Service, said of the storming of the IDF post.

    Yet the wider picture as related by Yossi Melman is:

    “What is happening on the part of the nationalistic messianic Right with the backing, winking or silence of ministers and MKs of the Right is a “putsch”. The youth coming down from the hills of the ‘State of Judah’ to act with the same violent methods – used against the Palestinians – (but now) are being used against the state of Israel. MK Limor Son Har-Malech (Otzma Yehudit) said: “The people of Israel will fight against enemies from outside and enemies who try to destroy us at home” [those such as the Advocate General seeking to investigate the torture being practiced Sde Teiman]. The concept of the knife in the back and the betrayal at home echoes the voices in Germany after WWII”. [Should be WW1.]

    Again, overlooked but not in the news: The situation at Sde Teiman was widely-known and said to be “more horrific than anything we’ve heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo”. A UN report has detailed how Palestinians arbitrarily detained faced torture and mistreatment. The vigilantes from the settlements nevertheless described those committing the anal rape as “heroes” – and cast the IDF investigators as fifth columnists. Reports suggest that the perpetrators at Sde Teiman enjoy high level protection.

    This account of systematic torture followed earlier revelations that the Israeli army had marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system, called Lavender, with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties.

    In the same vein, Right wing Cabinet ministers celebrated the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on social media Wednesday morning, as: “This is the right way to purge the world of this filth”, Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu, a member of National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir’s far-right Otzma Yehudit party, tweeted:

    “No more imaginary ‘peace’/surrender agreements, no more mercy for these dead men walking. The iron fist that will strike them is the one that will bring quiet and a modicum of comfort, and strengthen our ability to live in peace with those who seek peace. Haniyeh’s death makes the world a slightly better place”.

    What then is this ‘truth’ that the West ignores and silences reality, whilst amplifying its narrative frauds? It is that the Israel which they presume to understand is now something very different. And that it has an epistemology at odds with mechanistic rationalism.

    An eschatological Right-wing cult now holds the majority in cabinet – and wields a vigilante militia ready to attack the military establishment, and the Israeli state. No one was arrested for the attack and take-over of the two bases. They do not dare.

    Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon, former Chief of Staff of the IDF, who also served as Israel’s Defence Minister, had this to say in a video interview on the forces taking over in Israel:

    “When you talk about Smotrich and Ben Gvir: They have a Rabbi. His name is Dov Lior. He is the Rabbi of the Jewish Underground, who intended to blow up the Dome of the Rock – and before that the buses in Jerusalem. Why? In order to hurry up the ‘Last War’. Do you [not] hear them talking in terms of the Last War; or of Smotrich’s concept of ‘subjugation’? Read the article he published in Shiloh in 2017. First of all, this concept rests on Jewish supremacy: Mein Kampf in reverse”.

    “My hair stands on end when I say that – as he said it. I learned and grew up in the house of Holocaust survivors and ‘never again’. It is Mein Kampf in reverse: Jewish supremacy: and therefore [Smotrich] says: “My wife won’t go into a room with an Arab”. It is anchored in ideology. And then actually what he aspires to – as soon as possible – is to go to a big war. A war of Gog and Magog. How do you start the flames? A massacre like the [1994] Cave of the Patriarchs? Baruch Goldstein is a student of this Rabbi. Ben Gvir has hung up Goldstein’s picture [in his house]”.

    “This is what goes into the decision-making process in the Israeli government”.

    Rabbi Dov Lior has been described by Netanyahu as the “élite unit that leads Israel”, because of his influence and control over the settler forces. The 1948 Irgun, drawing heavily on the Mizrahim, is being reborn?

    Isn’t it time that the western ruling structures raised their eyes from their reverie, and read the runes that manifest all around them? Some serious players don’t think as you westerners do; they seek Gog and Magog (the prophecy that “the children of Israel” will be victorious in the battle of Armageddon). That is what you risk. [Bolded Italics My Emphasis.]

    (For the record, Ya’alon’s cited words above would usually be bolded, but I wanted it to be made clear that Crooke was emphasizing them too.)

    A mostly hidden factor affecting what will ensue is the Zionists open alignment with the Ukrainian Nazis and their use of terrorism and haw that’s greatly affected the Zionists’s relations with Russia, which as I’ve explained before has a constitutional duty to defend Russians wherever they reside, which is why Russia has such a close relationship with Occupied Palestine. But such protection has limits, and the Russian government is well aware of the deterioration in relations. With that in mind and Russia’s (and China’s) alliance with Iran, besides the EW system I would think perhaps S-500 systems specifically to prevent any nuclear capable jet from getting within striking distance of Iran. However, I doubt any offensive weapons will be provided as Iran has plenty of its own. And in Moscow, ongoing talks at the MFA with regional ambassadors is virtually nonstop: Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Syria got public recognition via MFA’s website, but other backchannel conversations surely occurred. Today Putin met with the heads of Russia’s Legislature to talk about the last parliamentary session that just concluded; but when the cameras were off, I’m certain what Russia’s doing and might do further was discussed. The last formal meeting of Russia’s Security Council was on 2 August.

    IMO, little more needs to be written by me about the Zionist’s Nazi nature, that Zionist ideology has always been Hitleresque—and before Hitler. Not well known or understood because the facts were immediately buried is that Occupied Palestine is a Terrorist State from its outset—it was made possible by terrorists who then became the leading members of what’s always been a Terrorist State when it comes to the treatment of those it was supposed to SHARE Palestine. The Outlaw US Empire saved Nazism in Western Ukraine and brought thousands of Nazis to the Western Hemisphere in the years after WW2, plus it sanitized Japanese Fascists and put them in charge of Korea and Taiwan. The Empire and its UK assistant—despite the latter bearing the brunt of Zionist Terrorism—facilitated what is essentially a Nazi state in West Asia for the control of the region’s hydrocarbon wealth. IMO, given its overt behavior and what we know of its covert behavior, we must conclude the Outlaw US Empire is also a Nazi-like organization well concealed by “Friendly Fascism,” but constantly showing its true face by its actions, and especially its primary doctrines: The Wolfowitz Doctrine and its mate Full Spectrum Dominance, where all are to be subjugated—EXCEPT—the Zionists. Their Genocide is rewarded with 58 standing ovations in the Empire’s Congress. That ought to tell the Global Majority exactly what the Outlaw US Empire is and what must be done with it—there can be no compromise with Nazism, just as there can be no compromise with Zionism as they are one and the same. Will Judge Napolitano and his crew of guests agree with my conclusion? And what about the Gym’s readers? What further evidence is required?

    And now for The Cradle article, “Resistance Axis: a calculated, simultaneous strike on Israel:”

    West Asia stands on a knife’s edge as the region’s Axis of Resistance prepares to retaliate against a series of recent Israeli assassinations and aggressions.

    Iran, Hezbollah, and Yemen’s Ansarallah-aligned armed forces have vowed to make the occupation state pay a heavy price following the targeted killing of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and Hezbollah senior commander Fuad Shukr in southern Beirut.

    Additionally, Israel bombed the Hodeidah port in Yemen following Sanaa’s successful ‘Yafa’ drone operation in Tel Aviv on 19 July.

    An official from the Lebanese resistance has informed The Cradle that “The response will come at once from Iran, Hezbollah, and Yemen,” adding that the goal was to “inflict a painful blow to Israel which may not be achieved should separate retaliations be pursued.”

    Executing the ‘Unity of Fronts’

    Retaliation is all but certain and could happen within hours, according to senior US officials. A report yesterday by Axios claims that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken informed his G7 counterparts that the response could begin as early as within the next 24 hours.

    Just yesterday, Ali al-Qahoum, a member of the political bureau of Ansarallah, emphasized that the response to Israel will not just come from Tehran:

    We affirm our commitment to the battle, steadfastness, awareness, honor, and pride in standing with Palestine, the cause of the nation.

    The critical question now is the scope and severity of the retaliation. Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah has promised a painful yet calculated blow to Tel Aviv. During Shukr’s funeral procession, Nasrallah warned that Israel had crossed the line, promising “a real and well-calculated response” – distinct from the cross-border operations Hezbollah has conducted against Israel since 8 October.

    Flattening the Iron Dome

    Other well-informed sources agree that the response could be coordinated, suggesting that retaliation from multiple fronts simultaneously is likely. They tell The Cradle that such an approach could take Israel’s primary air defense system, the Iron Dome, out of commission by preventing it from rapidly rearming. They believe this is achievable given Hezbollah’s capacity to launch a significant barrage of missiles and given Lebanon’s geographical proximity to potential Israeli targets.

    These assessments appear to be consistent with those made by US officials who have warned that the Iron Dome could be overwhelmed by Hezbollah’s missile and drone arsenal should a full-scale war erupt.

    Senior US military officials, meanwhile, have gone on the record cautioning that Washington would probably be unable to provide Tel Aviv with sufficient protection even in a single front, full-scale war with Hezbollah. US Joint Chief of Staff Charles Brown said as much in his remarks to the press in late June.

    From our perspective, based on where our forces are, the short-range between Lebanon and Israel, it’s harder for us to be able to support them [Israel] in the same way we did in April [with Operation Truthful Promise].

    Unwilling US support for Tel Aviv

    Although much has been said about the US and its allies successfully thwarting Iran’s response to the Israeli attack on its consulate last April, it is noteworthy that all targeted Israeli military bases were hit during the Iranian retaliatory strikes. Operation Truthful Promise was intended more as a message, indicating that Tehran would no longer tolerate Israeli aggression against its interests.

    US military reinforcements in the region may help intercept missiles and drones coming from Lebanon, while vassal state Jordan could also play a part as it did during Iran’s retaliatory strikes. However, this also makes US military assets and those of its partners legitimate targets for the Resistance Axis.

    As former Pentagon analyst Michael Maloof explains to The Cradle:

    Hezbollah would likely target US warships in the region that would take part in intercepting missiles directed at Israeli targets.

    “As in 2006, I envision US involvement focused more on evacuating many of the 86,000 Americans now in Lebanon who would want to leave,” adds Maloof.

    Washington’s top military officials also appear firmly opposed to being drawn into an active offensive role should a wider war erupt with Hezbollah, let alone a dreaded multi-front war. This stance is supported by statements from US Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Brown, indicating the Pentagon’s limited willingness to protect the occupation state.

    Note that Washington’s pledges to defend Israel have made no mention of potential offensive action, reflecting an American desire to avoid a wider war. Experts doubt the US will become heavily involved in any full-scale war, supported by public statements underscoring the importance of avoiding regional escalation – and voiced more privately, the desire to keep US military targets safe from retaliatory strikes.

    Military risk and political calculations

    As Brown said at the time, Washington’s main message is:

    To think about the second order of effect of any type of operation into Lebanon, and how that might play out and how it impacts not just the region, but how it impacts our forces in regions as well.

    The general – the most senior ranking US military official and the senior military advisor to the White House – was delivering a message that carries special significance amidst the recent developments.

    By stating that an Israeli-initiated war on Lebanon put US troops at risk, Brown was essentially saying that a wider regional war was not seen as helping US interests by the Pentagon’s top brass.

    Given these statements, it remains possible – though far from guaranteed – that the outgoing Biden administration may rein in Israel regardless of how painful a blow is delivered to it by the Axis of Resistance.

    The upcoming US election in November is another factor that may prevent a regional conflagration. “The US getting more militarily involved with Israel,” warns Maloof, “would lead to riots in the streets of Chicago at the Democratic Convention later this month.”

    These realities suggest a scenario where Washington might force Tel Aviv to absorb the Axis of Resistance’s retaliation, however severe it may be. [Bolded Italics My Emphasis]

    The Outlaw US Empire’s political signals differ from what its military is saying. We know key weapons stocks are low for both Zionists and the Empire. The new complement of USN assets will boost what can be done from the sea until they become depleted and need to retire for their own safety. Also, after last April’s attack by Iran, Jordanian bases are now targets. Any USN vessel inside Persian Gulf that uses it AD systems to defend the Zionists will become a target; so, if the Empire doesn’t want a wider war it will need to remove such assets. Anticipation of the defense scheme affects the plan of attack.

    The above map shows where the main actors are placed in the region. A multilayered, multi-vectored, synchronously timed attack from the four actors would be difficult to plan but even harder to defend against for there are an almost endless number of possibilities. One major question mark is, What will the Saudi’s do? Another, What will the Iraqis allow? In the latter, will there be active combat between Iraqi and Imperial forces that attempt to defend the Zionists that might grow into an attempt to forcibly eject all illegal Imperial forces? Yes, there’re many what ifs involved in the equation. And the last question: How long will the assault last? I’m prepared for it to last several days, to the point where all AD assets are used, and all Zionist and Imperial targets are exposed. Another question; What does Iran consider a legitimate target? The Knesset with all its Zionazis? The Ministry of Defense most certainly. What about known radical “settler” sites that IMO cannot be considered civilian? When what Crooke has revealed in his many essays and chats, the whole space of Occupied Palestine ought to be considered a target since its filled with Zionist/Nazi Genocidalists who differ none from Hitlerite Nazi Germans, or is that painting with too wide a brush?

    And a Zionist attempt to nuke Iran must also be taken very seriously, which the Russian’s most certainly have. Medvedev’s conclusion that the only way to end this is via a major war is likely correct since as I’ve argued force will be required to make the Zionists obey Humanity’s Laws. Is there a way to keep that from occurring, or is it destined since the evil has proclaimed itself to be non-human, superior to all other beings because it was somehow chosen? As was stated, Mein Kampf all over again.

    Like what you’ve been reading at Karlof1’s Substack? Then please consider subscribing and choosing to make a monthly/yearly pledge to enable my efforts in this challenging realm. Thank You!

    Jewish Supremacy: Mein Kampf in Reverse Stated by Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon, former Chief of Staff of the IDF, who also served as Israel’s Defence Minister Karl Sanchez I thought of titling this, Zionists: Nazis With Nukes, but that isn’t the kicker delivered by Alastair Crooke’s SCF essay, “The 1948 Irgun re-born?”, and in this morning’s chat with Judge Napolitano, “Alastair Crooke : Willful Western Blindness Over Israel.” An alarming number of incidents perpetrated by the Zionists have occurred beginning with Netanyahu’s War Talk to the US Congress not quite two weeks ago. All will be reviewed by Crooke in his writing and chat, so I won’t replicate them here. There’s also been a very important development as Russia’s been shipping sophisticated EW and other gear to Iran for at least a week, and Shoigu is now in Tehran to sign the newest Strategic Alliance Treaty between Russia and Iran that was put on hold because of President Raisi’s death and the election of President Masoud Pezeshkian. That will likely be done today. Simplicius provides some details as to recent Russian actions about half-way through this essay. While today at The Cradle is an analytical essay that agrees with my thinking about what will transpire at some point, which I’ll reproduce below after Crooke’s essay. Again, it’s easier to comprehend Crooke’s chat with Judge Napolitano by reading his essay first the going to the chat. And yes, there’s another article I’ll be publishing dealing with what’s happening within the EU. But before getting to Crooke’s essay, a brief note about the newest version of Black Monday for speculators. Here’s the opening to Sputnik’s article on the subject, “Why Did the Global Stock Market Crash And Who is to Blame?”: The combination of "political mismanagement of debt, politicized fact-spinning, and resulting inflation" - all very real risks - have been factors contributing to serious market volatility, as the recent global market plummet has shown, Paul Goncharoff, a veteran financial analyst, told Sputnik. [Emphasis Original] The emphasized “reasons” have been present for years but no massive selloff happened. The signs were visible for many months, primarily the instability of the Western banking system and its vulnerability to raised/rising interest rates after years of “free money” via the Zero Interest Rate Policy—ZIRP—instituted by many central banks, particularly Japan’s, where that’s been policy for many years. Within the Outlaw US Empire, the crisis is in commercial real estate, which was once a very low risk sector for bank loans, that’s been unended since Covid and the move to telecommuting, and we’ve already seen why banks are under treat from rising interest rates that’s caused the market value of bonds drop steeply causing some banks to go under due to bank runs by big depositors aware of such balance sheet frailty. Given such instability, almost any reason can be given for the selloff and is, but the main underlying reasons remain under the rug for the time being. Yes, much more could and ought to be said, but that’s all for now as we’ll now turn to one of the factors underlying the instability is the Zionist Genocide and its actions: Crooke’s essay: The signposts are there for all to read: The West – in deliberately overlooking such explicit markers – cannot then complain, or escape, the ensuing consequences. No, the ‘tin ear’ is not some new western derangement – a unique mass collapse of sanity – that we are living through. It is something worse: a return to a dogmatic, authoritarian version of truth which dissident physicist Eric Weinstein complains has (in the West) also destroyed true science – ignoring and silencing its most important dissident voices, whilst amply rewarding Science’s frauds. Consider: Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed the U.S. Congress on 24 July saying, in an unrelieved Manichaean mode, that the West is facing an “axis of evil” (Iran and allies), which the U.S. must join in destroying. It was a call to participate in civilisational war. His invitation was celebrated with 58 standing ovations from U.S. legislators. Netanyahu returned home to a disaster in the Druze community on the Golan. Missile fragments had struck, killing and wounding many children playing football (the exact circumstances are still not clear). Western rationality however is perfectly capable to deduce firstly, that Majdal Shams lies in Occupied Syria; secondly, that the Druze community there remains overwhelmingly Syrian (rejecting Israeli citizenship) and largely pro-Syrian. And that they are neither Jews nor Israelis. The West seemingly cannot however, adduce the further very obvious conclusion: Why on earth would Hizbullah intentionally attack a Syrian community on Syrian land that largely is sympathetic to the Resistance? They wouldn’t. Yet these obvious facts are completely ignored by a rationality that, as Weinstein suggests, actively prefers fraud to truth. Spokesman Kirby said Hizbullah had attacked children in northern Israel. Israel’s Defence minister repeatedly says: “We don’t want war”. Western leaders parrot the same meme: No-one wants war. ‘We are fully confident that Israel’s response will be constrained and limited to military targets’. The White House: “In our view, there is no reason for some dramatic escalation in southern Lebanon and there is still time and space for diplomacy”. So what then occurs? Two major assassinations: one in Beirut and the other in Tehran (i.e. to a guest on Iranian sovereign territory). Western leaders express their ‘concern’. The Hamas target in Tehran, Ismail Haniyeh, as the Qatari PM noted, was the key Gaza hostage negotiator. This too will be overlooked, though Netanyahu’s intent to weave together Hamas, Hizbullah and Iran into a single ‘axis of evil’ cloth – thus speaking to his Join-Session of Congress thesis – must be evident even to a blinkered Washington. Recall the new ‘equation’ that followed the assassination of a senior IRGC official in the Iranian Consulate in April 2024: Henceforth Iran will respond directly – and directly from Iran. Washington says it does not want war with Iran, yet the latter explicitly was what Netanyahu advocated. Did the legislators miss his point? For nearly ten months, Israel has been unable to stabilize the situation along the northern border and allow for the return of displaced Israelis to their homes. Even if the Beirut strike doesn’t lead to wider war, restoring a negotiated stability on the Lebanese border is now beyond reach – as is too, a Gaza hostage deal. “How can mediation succeed when one party assassinates the negotiator on the other side”, Qatari PM al-Thani ruefully observed. So too ‘overlooked’ in the West, will be that which happened in Israel on the same day the assassinations later took place: Right-wing vigilantes descended from their settlements, storming two military IDF bases. The anarchic scenes of mass break-ins, fomented by several members of the ruling coalition, some of whom took part in the forcible entries, sparked angry condemnation from Defence Minister Gallant. The invasions were supported by one minister and several Knesset members seeking to free reservists that are suspected of aggravated abuse and forcible sodomy against a Palestinian detainee. According to a security source, the injured detainee was taken to a hospital with severe injuries, including to an intimate body part which left him unable to walk. “The spectacle of military police officers coming to arrest our best heroes at Sde Teiman is nothing less than shameful”, said Ben Gvir, whose ministry controls the Israel Police and Israel Prison Service, said of the storming of the IDF post. Yet the wider picture as related by Yossi Melman is: “What is happening on the part of the nationalistic messianic Right with the backing, winking or silence of ministers and MKs of the Right is a “putsch”. The youth coming down from the hills of the ‘State of Judah’ to act with the same violent methods – used against the Palestinians – (but now) are being used against the state of Israel. MK Limor Son Har-Malech (Otzma Yehudit) said: “The people of Israel will fight against enemies from outside and enemies who try to destroy us at home” [those such as the Advocate General seeking to investigate the torture being practiced Sde Teiman]. The concept of the knife in the back and the betrayal at home echoes the voices in Germany after WWII”. [Should be WW1.] Again, overlooked but not in the news: The situation at Sde Teiman was widely-known and said to be “more horrific than anything we’ve heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo”. A UN report has detailed how Palestinians arbitrarily detained faced torture and mistreatment. The vigilantes from the settlements nevertheless described those committing the anal rape as “heroes” – and cast the IDF investigators as fifth columnists. Reports suggest that the perpetrators at Sde Teiman enjoy high level protection. This account of systematic torture followed earlier revelations that the Israeli army had marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system, called Lavender, with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties. In the same vein, Right wing Cabinet ministers celebrated the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on social media Wednesday morning, as: “This is the right way to purge the world of this filth”, Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu, a member of National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir’s far-right Otzma Yehudit party, tweeted: “No more imaginary ‘peace’/surrender agreements, no more mercy for these dead men walking. The iron fist that will strike them is the one that will bring quiet and a modicum of comfort, and strengthen our ability to live in peace with those who seek peace. Haniyeh’s death makes the world a slightly better place”. What then is this ‘truth’ that the West ignores and silences reality, whilst amplifying its narrative frauds? It is that the Israel which they presume to understand is now something very different. And that it has an epistemology at odds with mechanistic rationalism. An eschatological Right-wing cult now holds the majority in cabinet – and wields a vigilante militia ready to attack the military establishment, and the Israeli state. No one was arrested for the attack and take-over of the two bases. They do not dare. Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon, former Chief of Staff of the IDF, who also served as Israel’s Defence Minister, had this to say in a video interview on the forces taking over in Israel: “When you talk about Smotrich and Ben Gvir: They have a Rabbi. His name is Dov Lior. He is the Rabbi of the Jewish Underground, who intended to blow up the Dome of the Rock – and before that the buses in Jerusalem. Why? In order to hurry up the ‘Last War’. Do you [not] hear them talking in terms of the Last War; or of Smotrich’s concept of ‘subjugation’? Read the article he published in Shiloh in 2017. First of all, this concept rests on Jewish supremacy: Mein Kampf in reverse”. “My hair stands on end when I say that – as he said it. I learned and grew up in the house of Holocaust survivors and ‘never again’. It is Mein Kampf in reverse: Jewish supremacy: and therefore [Smotrich] says: “My wife won’t go into a room with an Arab”. It is anchored in ideology. And then actually what he aspires to – as soon as possible – is to go to a big war. A war of Gog and Magog. How do you start the flames? A massacre like the [1994] Cave of the Patriarchs? Baruch Goldstein is a student of this Rabbi. Ben Gvir has hung up Goldstein’s picture [in his house]”. “This is what goes into the decision-making process in the Israeli government”. Rabbi Dov Lior has been described by Netanyahu as the “élite unit that leads Israel”, because of his influence and control over the settler forces. The 1948 Irgun, drawing heavily on the Mizrahim, is being reborn? Isn’t it time that the western ruling structures raised their eyes from their reverie, and read the runes that manifest all around them? Some serious players don’t think as you westerners do; they seek Gog and Magog (the prophecy that “the children of Israel” will be victorious in the battle of Armageddon). That is what you risk. [Bolded Italics My Emphasis.] (For the record, Ya’alon’s cited words above would usually be bolded, but I wanted it to be made clear that Crooke was emphasizing them too.) A mostly hidden factor affecting what will ensue is the Zionists open alignment with the Ukrainian Nazis and their use of terrorism and haw that’s greatly affected the Zionists’s relations with Russia, which as I’ve explained before has a constitutional duty to defend Russians wherever they reside, which is why Russia has such a close relationship with Occupied Palestine. But such protection has limits, and the Russian government is well aware of the deterioration in relations. With that in mind and Russia’s (and China’s) alliance with Iran, besides the EW system I would think perhaps S-500 systems specifically to prevent any nuclear capable jet from getting within striking distance of Iran. However, I doubt any offensive weapons will be provided as Iran has plenty of its own. And in Moscow, ongoing talks at the MFA with regional ambassadors is virtually nonstop: Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Syria got public recognition via MFA’s website, but other backchannel conversations surely occurred. Today Putin met with the heads of Russia’s Legislature to talk about the last parliamentary session that just concluded; but when the cameras were off, I’m certain what Russia’s doing and might do further was discussed. The last formal meeting of Russia’s Security Council was on 2 August. IMO, little more needs to be written by me about the Zionist’s Nazi nature, that Zionist ideology has always been Hitleresque—and before Hitler. Not well known or understood because the facts were immediately buried is that Occupied Palestine is a Terrorist State from its outset—it was made possible by terrorists who then became the leading members of what’s always been a Terrorist State when it comes to the treatment of those it was supposed to SHARE Palestine. The Outlaw US Empire saved Nazism in Western Ukraine and brought thousands of Nazis to the Western Hemisphere in the years after WW2, plus it sanitized Japanese Fascists and put them in charge of Korea and Taiwan. The Empire and its UK assistant—despite the latter bearing the brunt of Zionist Terrorism—facilitated what is essentially a Nazi state in West Asia for the control of the region’s hydrocarbon wealth. IMO, given its overt behavior and what we know of its covert behavior, we must conclude the Outlaw US Empire is also a Nazi-like organization well concealed by “Friendly Fascism,” but constantly showing its true face by its actions, and especially its primary doctrines: The Wolfowitz Doctrine and its mate Full Spectrum Dominance, where all are to be subjugated—EXCEPT—the Zionists. Their Genocide is rewarded with 58 standing ovations in the Empire’s Congress. That ought to tell the Global Majority exactly what the Outlaw US Empire is and what must be done with it—there can be no compromise with Nazism, just as there can be no compromise with Zionism as they are one and the same. Will Judge Napolitano and his crew of guests agree with my conclusion? And what about the Gym’s readers? What further evidence is required? And now for The Cradle article, “Resistance Axis: a calculated, simultaneous strike on Israel:” West Asia stands on a knife’s edge as the region’s Axis of Resistance prepares to retaliate against a series of recent Israeli assassinations and aggressions. Iran, Hezbollah, and Yemen’s Ansarallah-aligned armed forces have vowed to make the occupation state pay a heavy price following the targeted killing of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and Hezbollah senior commander Fuad Shukr in southern Beirut. Additionally, Israel bombed the Hodeidah port in Yemen following Sanaa’s successful ‘Yafa’ drone operation in Tel Aviv on 19 July. An official from the Lebanese resistance has informed The Cradle that “The response will come at once from Iran, Hezbollah, and Yemen,” adding that the goal was to “inflict a painful blow to Israel which may not be achieved should separate retaliations be pursued.” Executing the ‘Unity of Fronts’ Retaliation is all but certain and could happen within hours, according to senior US officials. A report yesterday by Axios claims that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken informed his G7 counterparts that the response could begin as early as within the next 24 hours. Just yesterday, Ali al-Qahoum, a member of the political bureau of Ansarallah, emphasized that the response to Israel will not just come from Tehran: We affirm our commitment to the battle, steadfastness, awareness, honor, and pride in standing with Palestine, the cause of the nation. The critical question now is the scope and severity of the retaliation. Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah has promised a painful yet calculated blow to Tel Aviv. During Shukr’s funeral procession, Nasrallah warned that Israel had crossed the line, promising “a real and well-calculated response” – distinct from the cross-border operations Hezbollah has conducted against Israel since 8 October. Flattening the Iron Dome Other well-informed sources agree that the response could be coordinated, suggesting that retaliation from multiple fronts simultaneously is likely. They tell The Cradle that such an approach could take Israel’s primary air defense system, the Iron Dome, out of commission by preventing it from rapidly rearming. They believe this is achievable given Hezbollah’s capacity to launch a significant barrage of missiles and given Lebanon’s geographical proximity to potential Israeli targets. These assessments appear to be consistent with those made by US officials who have warned that the Iron Dome could be overwhelmed by Hezbollah’s missile and drone arsenal should a full-scale war erupt. Senior US military officials, meanwhile, have gone on the record cautioning that Washington would probably be unable to provide Tel Aviv with sufficient protection even in a single front, full-scale war with Hezbollah. US Joint Chief of Staff Charles Brown said as much in his remarks to the press in late June. From our perspective, based on where our forces are, the short-range between Lebanon and Israel, it’s harder for us to be able to support them [Israel] in the same way we did in April [with Operation Truthful Promise]. Unwilling US support for Tel Aviv Although much has been said about the US and its allies successfully thwarting Iran’s response to the Israeli attack on its consulate last April, it is noteworthy that all targeted Israeli military bases were hit during the Iranian retaliatory strikes. Operation Truthful Promise was intended more as a message, indicating that Tehran would no longer tolerate Israeli aggression against its interests. US military reinforcements in the region may help intercept missiles and drones coming from Lebanon, while vassal state Jordan could also play a part as it did during Iran’s retaliatory strikes. However, this also makes US military assets and those of its partners legitimate targets for the Resistance Axis. As former Pentagon analyst Michael Maloof explains to The Cradle: Hezbollah would likely target US warships in the region that would take part in intercepting missiles directed at Israeli targets. “As in 2006, I envision US involvement focused more on evacuating many of the 86,000 Americans now in Lebanon who would want to leave,” adds Maloof. Washington’s top military officials also appear firmly opposed to being drawn into an active offensive role should a wider war erupt with Hezbollah, let alone a dreaded multi-front war. This stance is supported by statements from US Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Brown, indicating the Pentagon’s limited willingness to protect the occupation state. Note that Washington’s pledges to defend Israel have made no mention of potential offensive action, reflecting an American desire to avoid a wider war. Experts doubt the US will become heavily involved in any full-scale war, supported by public statements underscoring the importance of avoiding regional escalation – and voiced more privately, the desire to keep US military targets safe from retaliatory strikes. Military risk and political calculations As Brown said at the time, Washington’s main message is: To think about the second order of effect of any type of operation into Lebanon, and how that might play out and how it impacts not just the region, but how it impacts our forces in regions as well. The general – the most senior ranking US military official and the senior military advisor to the White House – was delivering a message that carries special significance amidst the recent developments. By stating that an Israeli-initiated war on Lebanon put US troops at risk, Brown was essentially saying that a wider regional war was not seen as helping US interests by the Pentagon’s top brass. Given these statements, it remains possible – though far from guaranteed – that the outgoing Biden administration may rein in Israel regardless of how painful a blow is delivered to it by the Axis of Resistance. The upcoming US election in November is another factor that may prevent a regional conflagration. “The US getting more militarily involved with Israel,” warns Maloof, “would lead to riots in the streets of Chicago at the Democratic Convention later this month.” These realities suggest a scenario where Washington might force Tel Aviv to absorb the Axis of Resistance’s retaliation, however severe it may be. [Bolded Italics My Emphasis] The Outlaw US Empire’s political signals differ from what its military is saying. We know key weapons stocks are low for both Zionists and the Empire. The new complement of USN assets will boost what can be done from the sea until they become depleted and need to retire for their own safety. Also, after last April’s attack by Iran, Jordanian bases are now targets. Any USN vessel inside Persian Gulf that uses it AD systems to defend the Zionists will become a target; so, if the Empire doesn’t want a wider war it will need to remove such assets. Anticipation of the defense scheme affects the plan of attack. The above map shows where the main actors are placed in the region. A multilayered, multi-vectored, synchronously timed attack from the four actors would be difficult to plan but even harder to defend against for there are an almost endless number of possibilities. One major question mark is, What will the Saudi’s do? Another, What will the Iraqis allow? In the latter, will there be active combat between Iraqi and Imperial forces that attempt to defend the Zionists that might grow into an attempt to forcibly eject all illegal Imperial forces? Yes, there’re many what ifs involved in the equation. And the last question: How long will the assault last? I’m prepared for it to last several days, to the point where all AD assets are used, and all Zionist and Imperial targets are exposed. Another question; What does Iran consider a legitimate target? The Knesset with all its Zionazis? The Ministry of Defense most certainly. What about known radical “settler” sites that IMO cannot be considered civilian? When what Crooke has revealed in his many essays and chats, the whole space of Occupied Palestine ought to be considered a target since its filled with Zionist/Nazi Genocidalists who differ none from Hitlerite Nazi Germans, or is that painting with too wide a brush? And a Zionist attempt to nuke Iran must also be taken very seriously, which the Russian’s most certainly have. Medvedev’s conclusion that the only way to end this is via a major war is likely correct since as I’ve argued force will be required to make the Zionists obey Humanity’s Laws. Is there a way to keep that from occurring, or is it destined since the evil has proclaimed itself to be non-human, superior to all other beings because it was somehow chosen? As was stated, Mein Kampf all over again. * * * Like what you’ve been reading at Karlof1’s Substack? Then please consider subscribing and choosing to make a monthly/yearly pledge to enable my efforts in this challenging realm. Thank You! https://substack.com/home/post/p-147378290
    Jewish Supremacy: Mein Kampf in Reverse
    Stated by Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon, former Chief of Staff of the IDF, who also served as Israel’s Defence Minister
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  • Master Market Moves with AltSignals!
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    Master Market Moves with AltSignals! When the market is consolidating and you just can't sit on your hands, we have a tip for you! 🚀 Join our AltSignals for the ride and let's conquer the market peaks and valleys together! 🌄 Use CLUSTER and AltScalpPRO, our fancy tools that are absolutely FREE for AltAlgo Lifetime VIPs, and go scalping those spicy meme coins! 🌶️ Join us: https://bit.ly/MarketAnalysisASI Remember, when the market is snoozing, we're making profits! 💰 Join us for the ride and let's conquer the market peaks and valleys together! 🌟
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  • ☆Tadabbur Kalamullah 7 Muharram 1446H☆

    ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَتَطۡمَىِٕنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكۡرِ ٱللَّهِۗ أَلَا بِذِكۡرِ ٱللَّهِ تَطۡمَىِٕنُّ ٱلۡقُلُوبُ

    "(Iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah". Ketahuilah dengan "zikrullah" itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia" [Surah Ar-Raʿd 28]
    Zikrullah melahirkan rasa tenang dan tenteram di dalam diri seseorang. Ini yang difirmankan oleh Allah swt dalam kalamNya.

    Dan saat ini betapa kita memerlukan kepada ketenangan dan ketenteraman dalam kehidupan kita, khususnya pada zaman ini, dengan kesibukan hidup di negara moden, sering kali kita mendengarkan keluhan sebahagian individu tentang tuntutan dan tekanan urusan dunia.
    Zikrullah ialah kita berada di dalam keadaan sentiasa mengingati Allah. Hakikat Zikrullah secara luas dan sempurna hanya dapat kita capai dengan kita berusaha mentaati Allah pada setiap masa kerana seseorang itu apabila ia taat kepada Allah itu bermakna ia ingat kepada Allah.

    Dalam satu riwayat Nabi saw bersabda:

    أَلَا أُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِخَيْرِ أَعْمَالِكُمْ وَأَزْكَاهَا عِنْدَ مَلِيكِكُمْ وَأَرْفَعِهَا فِي دَرَجَاتِكُمْ وَخَيْرٍ لَكُمْ مِنْ إِعْطَاءِ الذَّهَبِ وَالْوَرِقِ وَخَيْرٍ لَكُمْ مِنْ أَنْ تَلْقَوْا عَدُوَّكُمْ فَتَضْرِبُوا أَعْنَاقَهُمْ وَيَضْرِبُوا أَعْنَاقَكُمْ قَالُوا وَذَلِكَ مَا هُوَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ قَالَ ذِكْرُ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ

    "Mahukah kamu untuk aku khabarkan kepada kamu tentang amalan kamu yang paling baik, paling bersih di sisi Tuhan kamu, paling mengangkat darjat kamu, lebih baik untuk kamu daripada membelanjakan emas dan perak, lebih baik untuk kamu daripada kamu berdepan dengan musuh kamu lalu kamu memenggal leher mereka dan mereka pula memenggal leher kamu? Mereka (para sahabat) menjawab: "Apa dia wahai Rasulullah". Baginda bersabda "Zikrullah" (Musnad Ahmad)
    Zikir merupakan asas utama dalam perjalanan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dan mencapai keredhaanNya. Kedekatan diri dengan Allah swt tercapai menerusi penyucian hati dan penyuci bagi hati itu ialah zikrullah.
    Konsep zikrullah menjangkau makna yang lebih besar daripada sekadar membasahi lidah dengan lafaz zikir dan doa. Ia merupakan sebuah konsep menyeluruh yang mencorak kehidupan dan peribadi seorang Muslim.

    Maksud zikrullah yang lebih luas, sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh Syeikh 'Abdur Razzaq bin 'Abdul Muhsin al-Badr ialah:

    "Termasuk perkara yang mesti difahami oleh seorang muslim, bahawa Zikrullah Taala tidak dikhususkan hanya kepada majlis-majlis yang disebut di dalamnya nama Allah dengan bertasbih, bertakbir, bertahmid dan seumpamanya. Bahkan ia merangkumi apa-apa majlis yang disebut di dalamnya perintah dan tegahan Allah, halal dan haram, apa yang disukai dan diredhai oleh Allah. Bahkan barangkali zikir seperti ini adalah lebih bermanfaat dari zikir yang hanya semata-mata menyebut nama Allah. Ini kerana mengetahui halal dan haram adalah kewajipan dalam beberapa berkara ke atas setiap muslim. Adapun zikrullah dengan lisan, kebanyakannya adalah sunat, kadang-kala ia menjadi wajib seperti zikir di dalam solat fardhu. Adapun mengetahui perintah Allah, apa-apa yang disukai, diredhaiNya dan apa-apa yang tidak disukaiNya adalah menjadi kewajipan ke atas setiap orang yang perlu mengetahuinya.

    #Kerana itu, Sayidina Ibn Mas'ud r.a, apabila beliau menyebut hadis Nabi saw: "Taman-taman syurga itu adalah halaqah-halaqah zikir". Beliau berkata: "Adapun aku tidak memaksudkan al-Qussas (penceramah-penceramah yang menyebut kisah pengajaran), akan tetapi (aku maksudkan) halaqah-halaqah fiqh".

    ♡Apa sahaja amal soleh yang mengingatkan kita pada Allah, itulah zikrullah. Dengan zikrullah hati menjadi tenang, damai, bahagia dan tenteram♡

    Ust naim
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    ☆Tadabbur Kalamullah 7 Muharram 1446H☆ ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَتَطۡمَىِٕنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكۡرِ ٱللَّهِۗ أَلَا بِذِكۡرِ ٱللَّهِ تَطۡمَىِٕنُّ ٱلۡقُلُوبُ "(Iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah". Ketahuilah dengan "zikrullah" itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia" [Surah Ar-Raʿd 28] Zikrullah melahirkan rasa tenang dan tenteram di dalam diri seseorang. Ini yang difirmankan oleh Allah swt dalam kalamNya. Dan saat ini betapa kita memerlukan kepada ketenangan dan ketenteraman dalam kehidupan kita, khususnya pada zaman ini, dengan kesibukan hidup di negara moden, sering kali kita mendengarkan keluhan sebahagian individu tentang tuntutan dan tekanan urusan dunia. Zikrullah ialah kita berada di dalam keadaan sentiasa mengingati Allah. Hakikat Zikrullah secara luas dan sempurna hanya dapat kita capai dengan kita berusaha mentaati Allah pada setiap masa kerana seseorang itu apabila ia taat kepada Allah itu bermakna ia ingat kepada Allah. Dalam satu riwayat Nabi saw bersabda: أَلَا أُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِخَيْرِ أَعْمَالِكُمْ وَأَزْكَاهَا عِنْدَ مَلِيكِكُمْ وَأَرْفَعِهَا فِي دَرَجَاتِكُمْ وَخَيْرٍ لَكُمْ مِنْ إِعْطَاءِ الذَّهَبِ وَالْوَرِقِ وَخَيْرٍ لَكُمْ مِنْ أَنْ تَلْقَوْا عَدُوَّكُمْ فَتَضْرِبُوا أَعْنَاقَهُمْ وَيَضْرِبُوا أَعْنَاقَكُمْ قَالُوا وَذَلِكَ مَا هُوَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ قَالَ ذِكْرُ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ "Mahukah kamu untuk aku khabarkan kepada kamu tentang amalan kamu yang paling baik, paling bersih di sisi Tuhan kamu, paling mengangkat darjat kamu, lebih baik untuk kamu daripada membelanjakan emas dan perak, lebih baik untuk kamu daripada kamu berdepan dengan musuh kamu lalu kamu memenggal leher mereka dan mereka pula memenggal leher kamu? Mereka (para sahabat) menjawab: "Apa dia wahai Rasulullah". Baginda bersabda "Zikrullah" (Musnad Ahmad) Zikir merupakan asas utama dalam perjalanan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dan mencapai keredhaanNya. Kedekatan diri dengan Allah swt tercapai menerusi penyucian hati dan penyuci bagi hati itu ialah zikrullah. Konsep zikrullah menjangkau makna yang lebih besar daripada sekadar membasahi lidah dengan lafaz zikir dan doa. Ia merupakan sebuah konsep menyeluruh yang mencorak kehidupan dan peribadi seorang Muslim. Maksud zikrullah yang lebih luas, sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh Syeikh 'Abdur Razzaq bin 'Abdul Muhsin al-Badr ialah: "Termasuk perkara yang mesti difahami oleh seorang muslim, bahawa Zikrullah Taala tidak dikhususkan hanya kepada majlis-majlis yang disebut di dalamnya nama Allah dengan bertasbih, bertakbir, bertahmid dan seumpamanya. Bahkan ia merangkumi apa-apa majlis yang disebut di dalamnya perintah dan tegahan Allah, halal dan haram, apa yang disukai dan diredhai oleh Allah. Bahkan barangkali zikir seperti ini adalah lebih bermanfaat dari zikir yang hanya semata-mata menyebut nama Allah. Ini kerana mengetahui halal dan haram adalah kewajipan dalam beberapa berkara ke atas setiap muslim. Adapun zikrullah dengan lisan, kebanyakannya adalah sunat, kadang-kala ia menjadi wajib seperti zikir di dalam solat fardhu. Adapun mengetahui perintah Allah, apa-apa yang disukai, diredhaiNya dan apa-apa yang tidak disukaiNya adalah menjadi kewajipan ke atas setiap orang yang perlu mengetahuinya. #Kerana itu, Sayidina Ibn Mas'ud r.a, apabila beliau menyebut hadis Nabi saw: "Taman-taman syurga itu adalah halaqah-halaqah zikir". Beliau berkata: "Adapun aku tidak memaksudkan al-Qussas (penceramah-penceramah yang menyebut kisah pengajaran), akan tetapi (aku maksudkan) halaqah-halaqah fiqh". ♡Apa sahaja amal soleh yang mengingatkan kita pada Allah, itulah zikrullah. Dengan zikrullah hati menjadi tenang, damai, bahagia dan tenteram♡ 🐊Ust naim Klik link ini untuk     http://bit.ly/tadabburkalamullah Facebook:    https://m.facebook.com/tadabburkalamullah https://t.me/tadabburkalamullah/3457
    Tadabbur Kalamullah
    ☆Tadabbur Kalamullah 7 Muharram 1446H☆ ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَتَطۡمَىِٕنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكۡرِ ٱللَّهِۗ أَلَا بِذِكۡرِ ٱللَّهِ تَطۡمَىِٕنُّ ٱلۡقُلُوبُ "(Iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah". Ketahuilah dengan "zikrullah" itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia" [Surah Ar-Raʿd 28] #Zikrullah melahirkan rasa tenang dan tenteram di dalam diri seseorang. Ini yang difirmankan oleh Allah swt dalam kalamNya. #Dan saat ini betapa kita memerlukan kepada ketenangan dan ketenteraman dalam kehidupan kita, khususnya pada zaman ini, dengan kesibukan hidup di negara moden, sering kali kita mendengarkan keluhan sebahagian individu tentang tuntutan dan tekanan urusan dunia. #Zikrullah ialah kita berada di dalam keadaan sentiasa mengingati Allah. Hakikat Zikrullah secara luas dan sempurna hanya dapat kita capai dengan kita berusaha mentaati Allah pada setiap masa kerana seseorang itu apabila ia taat kepada Allah itu bermakna ia ingat kepada Allah. #Dalam satu riwayat Nabi saw bersabda: أَلَا أُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِخَيْرِ أَعْمَالِكُمْ وَأَزْكَاهَا عِنْدَ مَلِيكِكُمْ وَأَرْفَعِهَا فِي دَرَجَاتِكُمْ وَخَيْرٍ لَكُمْ مِنْ إِعْطَاءِ الذَّهَبِ وَالْوَرِقِ وَخَيْرٍ لَكُمْ مِنْ أَنْ تَلْقَوْا عَدُوَّكُمْ فَتَضْرِبُوا أَعْنَاقَهُمْ وَيَضْرِبُوا أَعْنَاقَكُمْ قَالُوا وَذَلِكَ مَا هُوَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ قَالَ ذِكْرُ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ "Mahukah kamu untuk aku khabarkan kepada kamu tentang amalan kamu yang paling baik, paling bersih di sisi Tuhan kamu, paling mengangkat darjat kamu, lebih baik untuk kamu daripada membelanjakan emas dan perak, lebih baik untuk kamu daripada kamu berdepan dengan musuh kamu lalu kamu memenggal leher mereka dan mereka pula memenggal leher kamu? Mereka (para sahabat) menjawab: "Apa dia wahai Rasulullah". Baginda bersabda "Zikrullah" (Musnad Ahmad) #Zikir merupakan asas utama dalam perjalanan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dan mencapai keredhaanNya. Kedekatan diri dengan Allah swt tercapai menerusi penyucian hati dan penyuci bagi hati itu ialah zikrullah. #Konsep zikrullah menjangkau makna yang lebih besar daripada sekadar membasahi lidah dengan lafaz zikir dan doa. Ia merupakan sebuah konsep menyeluruh yang mencorak kehidupan dan peribadi seorang Muslim. #Maksud zikrullah yang lebih luas, sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh Syeikh 'Abdur Razzaq bin 'Abdul Muhsin al-Badr ialah: "Termasuk perkara yang mesti difahami oleh seorang muslim, bahawa Zikrullah Taala tidak dikhususkan hanya kepada majlis-majlis yang disebut di dalamnya nama Allah dengan bertasbih, bertakbir, bertahmid dan seumpamanya. Bahkan ia merangkumi apa-apa majlis yang disebut di dalamnya perintah dan tegahan Allah, halal dan haram, apa yang disukai dan diredhai oleh Allah. Bahkan barangkali zikir seperti ini adalah lebih bermanfaat dari zikir yang hanya semata-mata menyebut nama Allah. Ini kerana mengetahui halal dan haram adalah kewajipan dalam beberapa berkara ke atas setiap muslim. Adapun zikrullah dengan lisan, kebanyakannya adalah sunat, kadang-kala ia menjadi wajib seperti zikir di dalam solat fardhu. Adapun mengetahui perintah Allah, apa-apa yang disukai, diredhaiNya dan apa-apa yang tidak disukaiNya adalah menjadi kewajipan ke atas setiap orang yang perlu mengetahuinya. #Kerana itu, Sayidina Ibn Mas'ud r.a, apabila beliau menyebut hadis Nabi saw: "Taman-taman syurga itu adalah halaqah-halaqah zikir". Beliau berkata: "Adapun aku tidak memaksudkan al-Qussas (penceramah-penceramah yang menyebut kisah pengajaran), akan tetapi (aku maksudkan) halaqah-halaqah fiqh". ♡Apa sahaja amal soleh yang mengingatkan kita pada Allah, itulah zikrullah. Dengan zikrullah hati menjadi tenang, damai, bahagia dan tenteram♡ 🐊Ust naim Klik link ini untuk http://bit.ly/tadabburkalamullah Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/tadabburkalamullah
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  • How to Fake Pandemics - Part 2. I Do Not Believe Science, and Neither Should You.
    Remember the good old 2011, when a "killer" engineered Avian Flu virus was made in a Dutch lab? That was a fake, too.

    Sasha Latypova
    Recently we reviewed the basic process of faking pandemics as explained by James Giordano, a DOD showman pretending to be a neuroscientist - How to Fake Pandemics Part 1:

    Also, we examined new “bioengineered and totally lethal, I swear” pangolin-mouse clickbait:

    The Little Known Weird Trick: You Can Train the Sheep to Scare Themselves.

    Read full story

    Today, we are going to review some ancient fake news stories, 2011 vintage, simply to assure ourselves that yes, they always planned to fake pandemics and created falsified “scientific research” for this purpose. The same characters are on the scene doing the same thing, and raking-in sweet “pandemic preparedness” cash!

    Breaking synthetic biology news from 2011: OMG lethal and spreadable avian flu virus made by a nerdy but slightly dangerous looking PhD in his lab!!! Highly contagious killer flu was created by a Dutch lab!!!

    <p>Ron Fouchier, researcher behind the science</p>
    This smiling charlatan is Ron Fouchier, more recently involved in SARS-Cov2 cover-up. Remember this email exchange?

    Xitter thread and video here

    Ron started his illustrious career in pandemic propaganda by spinning fake studies about engineered deadly avian flu virus, i.e. a science fear porn genre guaranteed to start media frenzy. The objective of the faked scientific research was to make the public (and most experts) believe that “scientists” really know how to make viruses in the lab that are both contagious and spreadable, and if this “dangerous” research “leaks”, even just once!! OMG, the implications are literally world ending. Many, even in the so-called “freedom movement” today subscribe to this sci-fi notion.

    Let’s remind ourselves, yet again, that these wonders of synthetic biology leak from labs about 200 times a year based on CDC reports (every other day!) and never start a pandemic unless it is ANNOUNCED by the government in total unison with other governments of the world. I will write more about this later.

    It is worth repeating again that it is impossible to make anything “alive”, nor anything self spreading over large distances, and highly lethal toxins are not really deployable at scale. Unless we are talking about agent Orange. I don’t mean Trump. I mean chemical weapons, prohibited from research, manufacture and deployment by international conventions since the 1960’s. Of course this prohibitions accomplished nothing but increased spending on these same weapons being researched and developed at MIT (Langer) and Harvard (Lieber), hundreds of other academic institutions, DARPA, DTRA, BARDA, CDC, NIH. All you have to do is rename them into “bio”, pretend it’s for “health”, include key words like “drug delivery”, “cancer mechanisms”, “infectious disease prevention”, “monitoring” etc, get grants from NIH and you are off to the races!

    Back to the fraudster Ron Fouchier. TLDR version: He published a couple of papers claiming he made a new killer version of the avian flu virus and demonstrated ferret-to-ferret transmission. The Erasmus Medical Center where he worked participated in the fake news generation by strongly implying in a press release that human transmission was possible as well. After a few months of bruhaha around his research in media, he made a U-turn and walked backwards into the bushes a-la Homer Simpson:

    the simpsons is hiding behind some bushes
    Longer version: on February 29, 2012, he participated on a panel at the American Society of Microbiology, where he issued “clarifications”, amounting to almost entirely opposite statements to what had been previously claimed by him, his research institution and breathless media running with the “scary invisible engineered doom” story. Quoting from this blog that has a lot of details on this story (but not all links are active):

    He said his bioengineered H5N1 strain spread among ferrets but not easily. And he said most of the ferrets that caught the virus via aerosol transmission barely got sick, and none of them died.

    In his presentation, Fouchier showed charts indicating that the 2009 swine flu (H1N1) virus spreads much more efficiently in ferrets than his mutant H5N1 strain. He referred to “misperceptions” in the media that the mutated virus “would spread like wildfire,” stating that in fact the efficiency of spread “cannot be deduced from our experiments.”

    “To then extrapolate that this virus would spread like wildfire in humans,” he said, “is really, really far-fetched at this stage.”

    As for lethality, he said:

    “The second misconception is that the virus would be highly lethal if this would ever come out [of the lab]. But also here there is some facts to explain…. Now the [lab-mutated] virus that we have used does cause disease when we put it in the nose at very high titers…. But if we now look after aerosol transmission, we actually see no disease, no severe disease at all, in any of the seven animals that received virus by aerosol.”

    Fouchier summarized both points unambiguously in the Q&A:

    “These [lab-mutated] viruses do not kill ferrets if they are sneezed upon…. If anything, our data suggest that this virus spreads poorly.”

    In summary, for several months both Ron Fouchier and Erasmus were encouraging the spread of rumors of a very dangerous bioengineering research, with disastrous potential for people, that can be “easily made by a rogue PhD in the lab” (where did I hear this recently, hm??) Even when asked by journalists and researchers who saw the results and saw that there was no possible transmission to humans (that was fake news in Erasmus PR), neither him nor Erasmus were willing to change the narrative. After February 2012, however, they essentially retracted their previous statements. It’s as if they were directed to maintain the fake news story long enough for it to become “imprinted” in everyone’s mind and in enough literature of all kinds. Directed by whom? That should be an easy guess for my audience, as we follow the money and the trail inevitably leads to the Pandemic Preparedness Racket at the Pentagon and its affiliates, of which Erasmus is one of the key centers.

    Was there any fallout for what should have been a scientific scandal? Not at all. Ron Fouchier is currently at the same place - Erasmus, extremely distinguished and decorated with all sorts of prestigious awards. This avian flu story and related publications are omitted from his wikipedia page.

    The story about Ron the charlatan and his little fakes is old news, but it has very important parallels to the current “post pandemic” spin of the biodefense narratives. You see, it wasn’t enough to just put the fake “killer engineered virus” story in the press. It would have died out quickly. Some highly advanced professional information campaign maneuvers were performed.

    We are talking about the all-important Controversy play! The heated debate where two sides vigorously tear each other’s hair out and wail and moan on TV, in the news, all over the internet. Where we have the Mainstream and the Resistance. And where both positions are thoroughly stupid, because the set of possible answers is many more than the two being screamed on every TV set, but you can’t say that because you will be screamed down by both sides. Like, for example, was it a zoonotic jump or did it leak from a dangerous Wuhan “biolab”? The Controversy play in propaganda campaigns is capitalizing on the human tendency to be lazy and seek simple answers while aligning with societal power structures, and then form “teams” that progress into warring “cults”. If you haven’t read “Gulliver Travels” describing the great schism between Big-Endians and Small-Endians, I suggest you do. It is also a great reading material for your kids.

    In the Fouchier’s Dutch “biolab” case:

    The discovery has prompted fears within the US Government that the knowledge will fall into the hands of terrorists wanting to use it as a bio-weapon of mass destruction.

    Some scientists are questioning whether the research should ever have been undertaken in a university laboratory, instead of at a military facility.

    The US Government is now taking advice on whether the information is too dangerous to be published.

    The narrative carefully placed into the media was: “OMG, what if this dangerous research gets into wrong hands! Should we censor his publication? Should we ban all dangerous biolabs?” The media narrative immediately created a walled space of acceptable binary positions: should this dangerous research be 1)banned or 2)not. In reality the possible answer space includes a very obvious solution - let him play with his voodoo dolls all he wants, he didn’t make anything dangerous. He lied about his results, and should be fired! Acceptable answers include ridicule and memes. The answer set should also include - how do we prevent so much lying in science and media?

    Since this avian flu fraud billions of dollars have been spent on the propaganda of biodefense and mythology of “pandemic preparedness”. There are few people in the world that are aware that this is based on sci-fi and falsified research. Reality, after all is not what is, it’s what you believe. The majority of people seem to be unable to forming unique, independent thoughts and get through their lives by repeating the words they hear from others. This includes large swaths of those who are nominally considered intelligent, but are simply good at repeating the smart-sounding words, kiss up to their superiors and get diplomas. The sad reality is that repetition of nonsense, myths, sci-fi and outright lies - if done in sufficient daily volume - is all that’s needed to form the “reality” in the heads of the masses, no matter how absurd. The past 4 years are a testament to this.

    Art for today: maser copy after Lawrence Alma-Tadema.

    How to Fake Pandemics - Part 2. I Do Not Believe Science, and Neither Should You. Remember the good old 2011, when a "killer" engineered Avian Flu virus was made in a Dutch lab? That was a fake, too. Sasha Latypova Recently we reviewed the basic process of faking pandemics as explained by James Giordano, a DOD showman pretending to be a neuroscientist - How to Fake Pandemics Part 1: Also, we examined new “bioengineered and totally lethal, I swear” pangolin-mouse clickbait: The Little Known Weird Trick: You Can Train the Sheep to Scare Themselves. Read full story Today, we are going to review some ancient fake news stories, 2011 vintage, simply to assure ourselves that yes, they always planned to fake pandemics and created falsified “scientific research” for this purpose. The same characters are on the scene doing the same thing, and raking-in sweet “pandemic preparedness” cash! Breaking synthetic biology news from 2011: OMG lethal and spreadable avian flu virus made by a nerdy but slightly dangerous looking PhD in his lab!!! Highly contagious killer flu was created by a Dutch lab!!! <p>Ron Fouchier, researcher behind the science</p> This smiling charlatan is Ron Fouchier, more recently involved in SARS-Cov2 cover-up. Remember this email exchange? Image Xitter thread and video here Ron started his illustrious career in pandemic propaganda by spinning fake studies about engineered deadly avian flu virus, i.e. a science fear porn genre guaranteed to start media frenzy. The objective of the faked scientific research was to make the public (and most experts) believe that “scientists” really know how to make viruses in the lab that are both contagious and spreadable, and if this “dangerous” research “leaks”, even just once!! OMG, the implications are literally world ending. Many, even in the so-called “freedom movement” today subscribe to this sci-fi notion. Let’s remind ourselves, yet again, that these wonders of synthetic biology leak from labs about 200 times a year based on CDC reports (every other day!) and never start a pandemic unless it is ANNOUNCED by the government in total unison with other governments of the world. I will write more about this later. It is worth repeating again that it is impossible to make anything “alive”, nor anything self spreading over large distances, and highly lethal toxins are not really deployable at scale. Unless we are talking about agent Orange. I don’t mean Trump. I mean chemical weapons, prohibited from research, manufacture and deployment by international conventions since the 1960’s. Of course this prohibitions accomplished nothing but increased spending on these same weapons being researched and developed at MIT (Langer) and Harvard (Lieber), hundreds of other academic institutions, DARPA, DTRA, BARDA, CDC, NIH. All you have to do is rename them into “bio”, pretend it’s for “health”, include key words like “drug delivery”, “cancer mechanisms”, “infectious disease prevention”, “monitoring” etc, get grants from NIH and you are off to the races! Back to the fraudster Ron Fouchier. TLDR version: He published a couple of papers claiming he made a new killer version of the avian flu virus and demonstrated ferret-to-ferret transmission. The Erasmus Medical Center where he worked participated in the fake news generation by strongly implying in a press release that human transmission was possible as well. After a few months of bruhaha around his research in media, he made a U-turn and walked backwards into the bushes a-la Homer Simpson: the simpsons is hiding behind some bushes Longer version: on February 29, 2012, he participated on a panel at the American Society of Microbiology, where he issued “clarifications”, amounting to almost entirely opposite statements to what had been previously claimed by him, his research institution and breathless media running with the “scary invisible engineered doom” story. Quoting from this blog that has a lot of details on this story (but not all links are active): He said his bioengineered H5N1 strain spread among ferrets but not easily. And he said most of the ferrets that caught the virus via aerosol transmission barely got sick, and none of them died. In his presentation, Fouchier showed charts indicating that the 2009 swine flu (H1N1) virus spreads much more efficiently in ferrets than his mutant H5N1 strain. He referred to “misperceptions” in the media that the mutated virus “would spread like wildfire,” stating that in fact the efficiency of spread “cannot be deduced from our experiments.” “To then extrapolate that this virus would spread like wildfire in humans,” he said, “is really, really far-fetched at this stage.” As for lethality, he said: “The second misconception is that the virus would be highly lethal if this would ever come out [of the lab]. But also here there is some facts to explain…. Now the [lab-mutated] virus that we have used does cause disease when we put it in the nose at very high titers…. But if we now look after aerosol transmission, we actually see no disease, no severe disease at all, in any of the seven animals that received virus by aerosol.” Fouchier summarized both points unambiguously in the Q&A: “These [lab-mutated] viruses do not kill ferrets if they are sneezed upon…. If anything, our data suggest that this virus spreads poorly.” In summary, for several months both Ron Fouchier and Erasmus were encouraging the spread of rumors of a very dangerous bioengineering research, with disastrous potential for people, that can be “easily made by a rogue PhD in the lab” (where did I hear this recently, hm??) Even when asked by journalists and researchers who saw the results and saw that there was no possible transmission to humans (that was fake news in Erasmus PR), neither him nor Erasmus were willing to change the narrative. After February 2012, however, they essentially retracted their previous statements. It’s as if they were directed to maintain the fake news story long enough for it to become “imprinted” in everyone’s mind and in enough literature of all kinds. Directed by whom? That should be an easy guess for my audience, as we follow the money and the trail inevitably leads to the Pandemic Preparedness Racket at the Pentagon and its affiliates, of which Erasmus is one of the key centers. Was there any fallout for what should have been a scientific scandal? Not at all. Ron Fouchier is currently at the same place - Erasmus, extremely distinguished and decorated with all sorts of prestigious awards. This avian flu story and related publications are omitted from his wikipedia page. The story about Ron the charlatan and his little fakes is old news, but it has very important parallels to the current “post pandemic” spin of the biodefense narratives. You see, it wasn’t enough to just put the fake “killer engineered virus” story in the press. It would have died out quickly. Some highly advanced professional information campaign maneuvers were performed. We are talking about the all-important Controversy play! The heated debate where two sides vigorously tear each other’s hair out and wail and moan on TV, in the news, all over the internet. Where we have the Mainstream and the Resistance. And where both positions are thoroughly stupid, because the set of possible answers is many more than the two being screamed on every TV set, but you can’t say that because you will be screamed down by both sides. Like, for example, was it a zoonotic jump or did it leak from a dangerous Wuhan “biolab”? The Controversy play in propaganda campaigns is capitalizing on the human tendency to be lazy and seek simple answers while aligning with societal power structures, and then form “teams” that progress into warring “cults”. If you haven’t read “Gulliver Travels” describing the great schism between Big-Endians and Small-Endians, I suggest you do. It is also a great reading material for your kids. In the Fouchier’s Dutch “biolab” case: The discovery has prompted fears within the US Government that the knowledge will fall into the hands of terrorists wanting to use it as a bio-weapon of mass destruction. Some scientists are questioning whether the research should ever have been undertaken in a university laboratory, instead of at a military facility. The US Government is now taking advice on whether the information is too dangerous to be published. The narrative carefully placed into the media was: “OMG, what if this dangerous research gets into wrong hands! Should we censor his publication? Should we ban all dangerous biolabs?” The media narrative immediately created a walled space of acceptable binary positions: should this dangerous research be 1)banned or 2)not. In reality the possible answer space includes a very obvious solution - let him play with his voodoo dolls all he wants, he didn’t make anything dangerous. He lied about his results, and should be fired! Acceptable answers include ridicule and memes. The answer set should also include - how do we prevent so much lying in science and media? Since this avian flu fraud billions of dollars have been spent on the propaganda of biodefense and mythology of “pandemic preparedness”. There are few people in the world that are aware that this is based on sci-fi and falsified research. Reality, after all is not what is, it’s what you believe. The majority of people seem to be unable to forming unique, independent thoughts and get through their lives by repeating the words they hear from others. This includes large swaths of those who are nominally considered intelligent, but are simply good at repeating the smart-sounding words, kiss up to their superiors and get diplomas. The sad reality is that repetition of nonsense, myths, sci-fi and outright lies - if done in sufficient daily volume - is all that’s needed to form the “reality” in the heads of the masses, no matter how absurd. The past 4 years are a testament to this. Art for today: maser copy after Lawrence Alma-Tadema. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/how-to-fake-pandemics-part-2-i-do
    How to Fake Pandemics - Part 2. I Do Not Believe Science, and Neither Should You.
    Remember the good old 2011, when a "killer" engineered Avian Flu virus was made in a Dutch lab? That was a fake, too.
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  • When I used the meme of a long nail stuck on a tree as my STORY PORTAL,about two weeks ago, I knew I got many wondering what it means. Well, it's the title of a Christian movie.
    When the Lady speaking was still a young lass, and stubborn, her father would in her presence hit one nail on a tree, until there were so many nails on the tree.
    And he explained to her that every nail is a sin and that it means she is Christ Jesus unlimited pain. And then after she repented and became a good girl,her father pulled on the nails out, but the holes remained.

    And when asked, her father told her that for every forgiven sin there's always a scar left. And when was about to leave to the city for her acting career,her father took her back to that and hammered a much longer nail on the tree,to remind her of the consequences of sin.

    But on acquiring fame as an actress,she forgot God,and went into drugs and life became ruined. It was then she remembered home. Thank God for her father who has been monitoring her stardom and battle with drugs. He received her warmly and continued from where he stopped years ago and was restored. The devil in form of her manager came to get her back to the city. SHE BLUNTLY REFUSED THE OFFER OF GLAMOUR AND FAME.

    After the speech she made here, she went to the tree and removed the long nail from the tree...she has totally surrendered.

    When I used the meme of a long nail stuck on a tree as my STORY PORTAL,about two weeks ago, I knew I got many wondering what it means. Well, it's the title of a Christian movie. When the Lady speaking was still a young lass, and stubborn, her father would in her presence hit one nail on a tree, until there were so many nails on the tree. And he explained to her that every nail is a sin and that it means she is Christ Jesus unlimited pain. And then after she repented and became a good girl,her father pulled on the nails out, but the holes remained. And when asked, her father told her that for every forgiven sin there's always a scar left. And when was about to leave to the city for her acting career,her father took her back to that and hammered a much longer nail on the tree,to remind her of the consequences of sin. But on acquiring fame as an actress,she forgot God,and went into drugs and life became ruined. It was then she remembered home. Thank God for her father who has been monitoring her stardom and battle with drugs. He received her warmly and continued from where he stopped years ago and was restored. The devil in form of her manager came to get her back to the city. SHE BLUNTLY REFUSED THE OFFER OF GLAMOUR AND FAME. After the speech she made here, she went to the tree and removed the long nail from the tree...she has totally surrendered. THERE ARE SO MANY OF SUCH *NAILS* IN OUR LIVES WE NEED TO REMOVE. MAY GOD HELP US, AMEN 🙇🙏!
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  • AltSignals: Dẫn đầu trong cuộc đua tiền điện tử
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    - Tính năng: Thuật toán AltAlgo™ và câu lạc bộ TradingView riêng
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    Tham gia cuộc cách mạng và trở thành một phần trong tương lai giao dịch với AltSignals!
    AltSignals: Dẫn đầu trong cuộc đua tiền điện tử 🚀 Trong nền kinh tế kỹ thuật số nhộn nhịp, nhiều dự án tiền điện tử như BitcoinDogs, BitBot, Memeinator, Chancer và Chimpzee đang tranh giành sự chú ý của nhà đầu tư. Nhưng AltSignals đang tạo nên làn sóng và nổi bật giữa đám đông! 🌊 Tại sao AltSignals nổi bật 🌟 - Thành lập: 2017 - Dịch vụ: Tín hiệu giao dịch tiền điện tử hàng đầu - Mã thông báo: ASI - Tính năng: Thuật toán AltAlgo™ và câu lạc bộ TradingView riêng 📈 - Danh tiếng: Stellar, được biết đến với sự hỗ trợ hàng đầu và chiến lược giao dịch tiên tiến Ưu điểm chính 💡 - Phương pháp tiếp cận toàn diện: Giáo dục, công nghệ và chuyên môn cho tất cả các nhà giao dịch - Chỉ báo AltAlgo™: Kết hợp 15 chỉ báo thành một, để robot làm việc giúp bạn 🤖 - Cộng đồng: Nhóm trò chuyện thành viên trọn đời với hơn 200 người dùng - Tiện lợi: Cảnh báo trên di động nên bạn không cần phải theo dõi biểu đồ cả ngày 📱 - Gói đăng ký: Hàng tháng, Hàng quý (Tiết kiệm 15%), Hàng năm (Tiết kiệm 34%) Tham gia AltSignals 🌐 Nâng cao trò chơi giao dịch của bạn với quyền truy cập độc quyền vào các tín hiệu nâng cao và cộng đồng hỗ trợ. Mặc dù BlockDAG có thể có những cải tiến về mặt kỹ thuật nhưng AltSignals lại cung cấp một cách tiếp cận toàn diện, thân thiện với người dùng, hoàn hảo cho cả người mới bắt đầu và người giao dịch dày dạn kinh nghiệm. 🌟 Tham gia cuộc cách mạng và trở thành một phần trong tương lai giao dịch với AltSignals! 🚀 https://bit.ly/MarketAnalysisASI
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