• CMNnews -- Your Credible Medical News Network -- Update 27th February 2024
    From Global sources -- Updated Twice Weekly -- CMNNEWS -- We roam the planet for the best Medical News Stories






    Supreme Court bombshell: Queensland’s mandatory Covid vaccine orders ‘unlawful’

    Excerpts: Dozens of police and health workers have won a mammoth legal battle over mandatory Covid vaccination orders.

    Vanda Carson court reporter Courier Mail Newspaper Queensland, Australia

    2 min read

    In a 115-page decision handed down by Justice Glenn Martin on Tuesday he declared police commissioner Katarina Carroll’s direction for mandatory Covid-19 vaccination issued in December 2021 was unlawful under the Human Rights Act and banned her from taking any steps to enforce the direction.

    He also ruled that a similar order by John Wakefield, the director general of Queensland Health’s equivalent vaccination policy “is of no effect” and Mr Wakefield be blocked from forcing paramedics to have the injection.

    The workers did not have to be vaccinated while their legal fight was underway.

    Ms Carroll and Mr Wakefield are also banned from disciplining any of the paramedics and police officers.

    “I am not satisfied that the (police) Commissioner has demonstrated that she gave proper consideration to the human rights that might have been affected by her decisions,” Justice Martin said in relation to the police staff.

    “I do not accept that the Commissioner had … considered whether the decision would be compatible with human rights,” he noted in his 115-page decision.

    “By failing to give proper consideration, the making of each of those decisions was unlawful.

    “Despite the revocation of the QPS Directions, a finding of unlawfulness is still available.”

    Link: https://www.couriermail.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-qld/supreme-court-bombshell-qlds-mandatory-covid-vaccine-orders-unlawful/news-story/4dcc6ca18dae261249fd7988642192fb

    Share CMNNews -- The Credible Medical News Network

    Update Article: Supreme Court bombshell: Qld’s mandatory Covid vaccine orders ‘unlawful’

    Excerpts: Dozens of police and health workers including paramedics have won a mammoth legal battle over mandatory ­vaccination orders after the Supreme Court declared they were unlawful.

    A spokeswoman for the Nurses’ Professional Association of Queensland (NPAQ) said the Supreme Court ruling “ highlighted how Queensland Health has violated thousands of healthcare workers’ rights”.

    The association highlighted that during a workforce crisis there were members who were stood due to the vaccine mandate who are dying to return to work.

    “We have nurses and midwives sitting at home during a workforce crisis and the healthcare system’s unlawful decisions are directly to blame,” the spokeswoman said.

    “NPAQ is currently liaising with our legal team to explore legal avenues for our members in light of today’s Supreme Court outcome.”


    COVID-19 vaccine mandates 'unlawful' for emergency services, court finds

    The court on Tuesday delivered its judgments in three lawsuits brought by 86 parties against Queensland Police Service and Queensland Ambulance Service for their directions to workers issued in 2021 and 2022.

    The court found Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll failed to give proper consideration to human rights relevant to the decision to issue the vaccine mandate.

    “The court also found the directions limited the human rights of workers because they were required to undergo a medical procedure without full consent ….”

    Australian Senate finally acknowledge excess deaths are concerning : Letter from Australian Senator Ralph Babet



    “Explosive allegations against top Government officials in the UK Government update. As Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen prepares to present evidence of potential criminal conduct involving Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his cabinet to London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley, we explore the mindset of others who might be implicated in alleged widespread wrongdoing, including potential mass genocide and profiteering. Will they now do the right thing and blow the lid on whats really been going on! If the gatekeepers in our Security Services and Police are compromised or complicit in what is arguably the greatest potential crime against humanity of all time then all bets are off as to what happens next.”







    Dr. David Martin Reveals Who Is Pulling the Strings Behind the World Health Organization

    Who are “THEY”? “We have to name the names” in the worst miscarriage of medical science in history. Is it the World Health Organization? Dr. David Martin says Tedros is just a puppet with a “giant stick up his ass, which is what’s making his mouth move…

    18 days ago · 446 likes · 136 comments · The Vigilant Fox



    “Exclusive Breaking News: Evidence to be presented that criminal activity has been committed by the very top of Government in the UK. Rishi Sunak British Prime Minister may face a criminal investigation and face potential criminal charges of the most egregious kind. British MP Andrew Bridgen has written to Mark Rowley Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and the most senior of Police officers to have a three hour meeting where experts and whistle blowers will lay out the evidence where potential criminal activity has been conducted by the very top of Government and the civil service in the UK Parliament has been deliberately misled over the vaccine contracts. This matter may be taken to Parliamentary standards in addition to the presentation of evidence to the Police and the Security services. "heads of governments around the world and others below them have engaged in what is tantamount to treason against the public" Office of National Statistics (ONS) figures on Excess Deaths are being covered up. "there is a huge coverup going on" In August 2019 a member of the security services stated that there was a pandemic coming and not to take any of the vaccines. Bill gates and Rishi Sunak invested heavily into the Pharma companies like Pfizer and Moderna prior to the pandemic. Did they have insider knowledge about what was being planned in a coming pandemic! 75% of congressmen and woman in the United States have investments in Big Pharma. A Pfizer executive stated that a senator could be bought for $10,000. The journalists are complicit in the cover up. Main Stream Media are bought and paid for. A court case has been launched against the former health secretary Matt Hancock for defamation against Andrew Bridgen and this will take place in the Royal Court of Justice.”






    “British PM and #WEF2030Agenda devotee #Sunak invested $500 million of his private funds into Moderna through a company called Thelema Partners in a notorious tax haven in the Caymen Islands. Afterwards he stated in parliament that the vaccine was "safe and effective" while then going on to roll out further permissions for Moderna to set up further vaccine producing interests within the UK. Did he use his position as Prime Minister to make massive personal profits while knowingly or even unknowingly causing harm to the British people and has he broken the National Security Act which states "if you're working in secret for a foreign power to use or abuse your knowledge in a way that causes harm to our citizens you will be a criminal." Former Head of MI6 Sir Alex Younger.”

    2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World


    To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion



    #141 - Dr Charles Hoffe, A Persecuted Ethical Doctor Or Dangerous Misinformation Spreader?

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK About this conversation - Dr Charles Hoffe is a family doctor who lives and works in British Columbia, Canada. He has worked in general practice and emer…

    14 days ago · 34 likes · 5 comments · Doc Malik

    New Zealand COVID-19 Vaccine Victims Documentary: "Silent No More" (June 2023)

    VIDEO - New Zealand COVID-19 Vaccine Victims Documentary: "Silent No More" (June 2023)

    VIDEO - New Zealand COVID-19 Vaccine Victims Documentary: "Silent No More" (June 2023…

    14 days ago · 122 likes · 57 comments · Dr. William Makis MD



    Kaboom! — Renowned Neurologist and Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Health Science Centre Lead Prof. Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha Exposes Vaccine-Linked White Clots on Thailand's Popular TV3

    "We've just seen this in the last 2 years... but we didn’t see this before the vaccines. The doctor noticed this between two years to one year ago, in about 50% of the patients,"

    Kaboom! Renowned Neurologist and Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Health Science Centre Lead Prof. Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha Exposes Vaccine-Linked White Clots on Thailand's Popular TV3

    It’s taking a long time folks, but the worms are crawling out of the cans, and corrupt institutions and politicians are scrambling to seal them back in! Perhaps due to a significant decrease in mRNA vaccine sales influencing pharmaceutical companies…

    18 days ago · 103 likes · 30 comments · Aussie17


    As Dr. Kory points out, “COVID “vaccines” are gene therapy products as defined in the FDA’s 2015 document on Gene Product Shedding Studies and all other gene therapy products on the market list shedding as a risk in their [package] insert (Luxterna, Roctavian, Zolgensma) and shed from 7 days to 6 months.”

    phillip.altman’s Substack

    mRNA VACCINE SHEDDING OF SPIKE PROTEIN There has been considerable concern about the potential for the vaccinated to shed Spike Protein to the unvaccinated. See Dr. Piere Kory’s Substack of 20 Feb. CLICK HERE to view. As Dr. Kory points out, “COVID “vaccines” are gene therapy products as defined in the FDA’s…

    Read more

    18 days ago · 64 likes · 9 comments · phillip.altman


    “Google Isn’t Just Trying to Rewrite History. It’s at the Centre of a Worldwide Web of Censorship”



    Steve Kirsch Tags the COVID Jab as the ‘Most Dangerous Vaccine of All Time’ The VAERS system has identified 770 safety signals related to the COVID-19 vaccine.

    “That is mind-blowing. That is not a three-alarm fire. That is a 770-alarm fire.” So, what did the CDC do? “They said nothing.”



    Kevin McKernan testifies about how the FDA and Regulators, funded by those who profit from the deception in a great conflict of interest, put the human genome at risk by downplaying the risk of DNA integration.

    Crimes Against Humanity Case Phase 1 Starts At The Same Time We Learn That Covid "Vaccine" DNA Integration Into Ovaries Chromosomes 19 & 12 Is Now Confirmed! Lying Health Ministers, CDC, W.H.O. OH MY!

    This video needs to go viral! SHARE! IoJ is filing an injunction to stop the shots pronto based on the evidence in this Substack article. Our Donation Drive is now open!!! We can win this! Everyone’s going down dammit. This is just unacceptable. The human genome, heritage of humanity is at risk from the WHO and regulators cow towing to Big Pharma’s covi…

    Read more

    13 days ago · 84 likes · 34 comments · Interest of Justice


    Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

    Microplastics - aka Nanotechnological Self Assembly Polymers - Are Everywhere - Poisoning Our Biosphere, Food Supply And Humans

    The use of the word microplastics is once again to normalize the self assembly polymers that have been sprayed via illegal Geoengineering and bioengineering operations to transform our biosphere according to the transhumanist agenda. This is literally killing our planet, killing all life and humanity. This microplastics cover story is to explain why the…

    Read more

    5 months ago · 141 likes · 53 comments · Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD


    VIDEO - New Zealand Vax Propaganda & subsequent Sudden Deaths "Get the jab, get the treats" (Oct.16, 2021 Super Saturday Vaxathon)

    VIDEO - New Zealand Vax Propaganda & Sudden Deaths "Get the jab, get the treats" (Source: Coronavirus Plushie) Get the jab, get the treats . . . Incentivizing Kiwis to get jabbed by offering them cash prizes, food, free tickets for the rugby, and other kinds of 'treats', was a big part of the 16 Oct, 2021 'Super Saturday Vaxathon…

    19 days ago · 101 likes · 65 comments · Dr. William Makis MD

    99 million patient records and they concluded that the benefits outweigh the risks!?!? We respectfully disagree.

    A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals concludes that the benefits of COVID outweigh the risks. My colleagues and I disagree.

    99 million patient records and they concluded that the benefits outweigh the risks!?!? We respectfully disagree.

    Executive summary A new study of over 99 million vaccinated people has been highly promoted in the press with headlines like “Covid Vaccines Linked To Small Increase In Heart And Brain Disorders, Study Finds—But Risk From Infection Is Far Higher.” I’m going to convince you that this is bullshit…

    Read more

    18 days ago · 525 likes · 334 comments · Steve Kirsch

    “All of the harms from the COVID-19 injectable products were predictable, and preventable”

    There are no 'desired proteins' with regard to the modified spike mRNA

    “All of the harms from the COVID-19 injectable products were predictable, and preventable.” Jessica Rose, PhD A Nature publication by Mulroney et al. entitled N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting was published on December 6, 2023. The authors showed that N1-methylpseudouridine affects the fidelity of mRNA translation via ri…

    Read more

    3 months ago · 272 likes · 67 comments · Jessica Rose

    Health Canada Hid Their Concerns About Impurities In COVID-19 Shots From Canadians

    COVID Chronicles

    Health Canada Hid Their Concerns About Impurities In COVID-19 Shots From Canadians

    The Epoch Times, a media outlet that is not state-funded, released an article yesterday that was updated today. Everyone around the world should read it. You can find it here. The journalist, Noé Chartier, did an excellent job writing a well-balanced, objective, and factual account. I do not have much to add…

    Read more

    15 days ago · 370 likes · 104 comments · Dr. Byram W. Bridle

    Subscribe to CMNNews - The Credible Medical News Network

    News From Around the Globe -- Updated Twice Weekly

    Disclaimer: All content is presented for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Under no circumstances should it be mistaken for professional advice, nor is it at all intended to be taken as such. The contents simply reflect current newsworthy items that are freely available. It is subject to error and change without notice.The presence of a link to a website does not indicate approval or endorsement of that web site or any services, products, or opinions that may be offered by them.

    Neither CMNnews nor any of its principals or contributors are under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein.

    Although the information contained is derived from sources which are believed to be reliable, they cannot be guaranteed.

    Disclosure: We accept no advertising or compensation, and have no material connection to any products, brands, topics or companies mentioned anywhere on the site.

    Fair Use Notice: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues of social significance. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

    Share CMNNews -- The Credible Medical News Network

    Thank you for reading CMNNews -- The Credible Medical News Network. This post is public so feel free to share it.



    CMNnews -- Your Credible Medical News Network -- Update 27th February 2024 From Global sources -- Updated Twice Weekly -- CMNNEWS -- We roam the planet for the best Medical News Stories CMNnews THE DOCTORS MONKEY NOT SEE — MONKEY NOT HEAR — MONKEY NOT SPEAK HISTORIC AUSTRALIAN SUPREME COURT DECISION STATE GOVERNMENT FOUND “ACTED UNLAWFULLY” IN REGARD TO VACCINE MANDATES ON POLICE AND AMBULANCE WORKERS Supreme Court bombshell: Queensland’s mandatory Covid vaccine orders ‘unlawful’ Excerpts: Dozens of police and health workers have won a mammoth legal battle over mandatory Covid vaccination orders. Vanda Carson court reporter Courier Mail Newspaper Queensland, Australia 2 min read In a 115-page decision handed down by Justice Glenn Martin on Tuesday he declared police commissioner Katarina Carroll’s direction for mandatory Covid-19 vaccination issued in December 2021 was unlawful under the Human Rights Act and banned her from taking any steps to enforce the direction. He also ruled that a similar order by John Wakefield, the director general of Queensland Health’s equivalent vaccination policy “is of no effect” and Mr Wakefield be blocked from forcing paramedics to have the injection. The workers did not have to be vaccinated while their legal fight was underway. Ms Carroll and Mr Wakefield are also banned from disciplining any of the paramedics and police officers. “I am not satisfied that the (police) Commissioner has demonstrated that she gave proper consideration to the human rights that might have been affected by her decisions,” Justice Martin said in relation to the police staff. “I do not accept that the Commissioner had … considered whether the decision would be compatible with human rights,” he noted in his 115-page decision. “By failing to give proper consideration, the making of each of those decisions was unlawful. “Despite the revocation of the QPS Directions, a finding of unlawfulness is still available.” Link: https://www.couriermail.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-qld/supreme-court-bombshell-qlds-mandatory-covid-vaccine-orders-unlawful/news-story/4dcc6ca18dae261249fd7988642192fb Share CMNNews -- The Credible Medical News Network Update Article: Supreme Court bombshell: Qld’s mandatory Covid vaccine orders ‘unlawful’ Excerpts: Dozens of police and health workers including paramedics have won a mammoth legal battle over mandatory ­vaccination orders after the Supreme Court declared they were unlawful. A spokeswoman for the Nurses’ Professional Association of Queensland (NPAQ) said the Supreme Court ruling “ highlighted how Queensland Health has violated thousands of healthcare workers’ rights”. The association highlighted that during a workforce crisis there were members who were stood due to the vaccine mandate who are dying to return to work. “We have nurses and midwives sitting at home during a workforce crisis and the healthcare system’s unlawful decisions are directly to blame,” the spokeswoman said. “NPAQ is currently liaising with our legal team to explore legal avenues for our members in light of today’s Supreme Court outcome.” https://www.couriermail.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-qld/supreme-court-bombshell-qlds-mandatory-covid-vaccine-orders-unlawful/news-story/4dcc6ca18dae261249fd7988642192fb COVID-19 vaccine mandates 'unlawful' for emergency services, court finds The court on Tuesday delivered its judgments in three lawsuits brought by 86 parties against Queensland Police Service and Queensland Ambulance Service for their directions to workers issued in 2021 and 2022. The court found Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll failed to give proper consideration to human rights relevant to the decision to issue the vaccine mandate. “The court also found the directions limited the human rights of workers because they were required to undergo a medical procedure without full consent ….” Australian Senate finally acknowledge excess deaths are concerning : Letter from Australian Senator Ralph Babet SENATOR RALPH BABET — IS THIS THE GREATEST SENATE DECISION IN HISTORY? TWO MINUTE VIDEO JIM FERGUSON – “THIS IS GENOCIDE – MURDER OF MILLIONS AND POSSIBLY BILLIONS OF PEOPLE” – “THE PRIME MINISTER COULD BE INVOLVED” -- “THESE ARE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY” “Explosive allegations against top Government officials in the UK Government update. As Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen prepares to present evidence of potential criminal conduct involving Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his cabinet to London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley, we explore the mindset of others who might be implicated in alleged widespread wrongdoing, including potential mass genocide and profiteering. Will they now do the right thing and blow the lid on whats really been going on! If the gatekeepers in our Security Services and Police are compromised or complicit in what is arguably the greatest potential crime against humanity of all time then all bets are off as to what happens next.” https://twitter.com/i/status/1761505188056072263 DR DAVID MARTIN EXPLAINS WHO THEY ARE AND HOW THEY ARE DOING THIS TO US “THEY WERE CONVICTED OF ANTI-TRUST CRIMES” “THIS IS A CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY” “WHO IS MOVING THE STICK – WELLCOME, GATES AND ROCKEFELLER” “THIS IS A VIOLATION OF SWISS LAW” Dr. David Martin Reveals Who Is Pulling the Strings Behind the World Health Organization Who are “THEY”? “We have to name the names” in the worst miscarriage of medical science in history. Is it the World Health Organization? Dr. David Martin says Tedros is just a puppet with a “giant stick up his ass, which is what’s making his mouth move… 18 days ago · 446 likes · 136 comments · The Vigilant Fox BILL GATES DONATION TO WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION JIM FERGUSON INTERVIEWS ANDREW BRIDGEN -- “Exclusive Breaking News: Evidence to be presented that criminal activity has been committed by the very top of Government in the UK. Rishi Sunak British Prime Minister may face a criminal investigation and face potential criminal charges of the most egregious kind. British MP Andrew Bridgen has written to Mark Rowley Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and the most senior of Police officers to have a three hour meeting where experts and whistle blowers will lay out the evidence where potential criminal activity has been conducted by the very top of Government and the civil service in the UK Parliament has been deliberately misled over the vaccine contracts. This matter may be taken to Parliamentary standards in addition to the presentation of evidence to the Police and the Security services. "heads of governments around the world and others below them have engaged in what is tantamount to treason against the public" Office of National Statistics (ONS) figures on Excess Deaths are being covered up. "there is a huge coverup going on" In August 2019 a member of the security services stated that there was a pandemic coming and not to take any of the vaccines. Bill gates and Rishi Sunak invested heavily into the Pharma companies like Pfizer and Moderna prior to the pandemic. Did they have insider knowledge about what was being planned in a coming pandemic! 75% of congressmen and woman in the United States have investments in Big Pharma. A Pfizer executive stated that a senator could be bought for $10,000. The journalists are complicit in the cover up. Main Stream Media are bought and paid for. A court case has been launched against the former health secretary Matt Hancock for defamation against Andrew Bridgen and this will take place in the Royal Court of Justice.” https://twitter.com/i/status/1761393940874293335 THESE EVIL PEOPLE ARE COMING AFTER OUR PETS – YOUR DOGS AND CATS – A SECURITY CHIEF WARNED “DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE” – “THE PRIME MINISTER OF THE UK, RISHI SUNAK, INVESTED HALF A BILLION DOLLARS INTO MODERNA TWO TO THREE YEARS BEFORE COVID OCCURRED” – “HE MUST HAVE HAD PRIOR KNOWLEDGE” https://rumble.com/v4ew676-these-evil-monsters-are-coming-after-our-pets.html JIM FERGUSON ON TWITTER @JimFergusonUK “British PM and #WEF2030Agenda devotee #Sunak invested $500 million of his private funds into Moderna through a company called Thelema Partners in a notorious tax haven in the Caymen Islands. Afterwards he stated in parliament that the vaccine was "safe and effective" while then going on to roll out further permissions for Moderna to set up further vaccine producing interests within the UK. Did he use his position as Prime Minister to make massive personal profits while knowingly or even unknowingly causing harm to the British people and has he broken the National Security Act which states "if you're working in secret for a foreign power to use or abuse your knowledge in a way that causes harm to our citizens you will be a criminal." Former Head of MI6 Sir Alex Younger.” 2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/02/19/2024-is-the-last-year-of-free-speech-and-democracy-in-the-western-world/ To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion https://alt-market.us/to-understand-the-globalists-we-must-understand-their-psychopathic-religion/ TWO BRAVE AND COURAGEOUS DOCTORS #141 - Dr Charles Hoffe, A Persecuted Ethical Doctor Or Dangerous Misinformation Spreader? FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK About this conversation - Dr Charles Hoffe is a family doctor who lives and works in British Columbia, Canada. He has worked in general practice and emer… 14 days ago · 34 likes · 5 comments · Doc Malik New Zealand COVID-19 Vaccine Victims Documentary: "Silent No More" (June 2023) VIDEO - New Zealand COVID-19 Vaccine Victims Documentary: "Silent No More" (June 2023) VIDEO - New Zealand COVID-19 Vaccine Victims Documentary: "Silent No More" (June 2023… 14 days ago · 122 likes · 57 comments · Dr. William Makis MD LIST OF LAWYERS NOW AVAILABLE FOR LAWSUITS ON COVID VACCINE INJURY https://deeprootsathome.com/list-of-attorneys-worldwide-now-available-for-lawsuits/ Kaboom! — Renowned Neurologist and Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Health Science Centre Lead Prof. Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha Exposes Vaccine-Linked White Clots on Thailand's Popular TV3 "We've just seen this in the last 2 years... but we didn’t see this before the vaccines. The doctor noticed this between two years to one year ago, in about 50% of the patients," Kaboom! Renowned Neurologist and Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Health Science Centre Lead Prof. Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha Exposes Vaccine-Linked White Clots on Thailand's Popular TV3 It’s taking a long time folks, but the worms are crawling out of the cans, and corrupt institutions and politicians are scrambling to seal them back in! Perhaps due to a significant decrease in mRNA vaccine sales influencing pharmaceutical companies… 18 days ago · 103 likes · 30 comments · Aussie17 mRNA VACCINE SHEDDING OF SPIKE PROTEIN As Dr. Kory points out, “COVID “vaccines” are gene therapy products as defined in the FDA’s 2015 document on Gene Product Shedding Studies and all other gene therapy products on the market list shedding as a risk in their [package] insert (Luxterna, Roctavian, Zolgensma) and shed from 7 days to 6 months.” phillip.altman’s Substack mRNA VACCINE SHEDDING OF SPIKE PROTEIN There has been considerable concern about the potential for the vaccinated to shed Spike Protein to the unvaccinated. See Dr. Piere Kory’s Substack of 20 Feb. CLICK HERE to view. As Dr. Kory points out, “COVID “vaccines” are gene therapy products as defined in the FDA’s… Read more 18 days ago · 64 likes · 9 comments · phillip.altman WORLDWIDE CENSORSHIP IS UNDER WAY – “Google Isn’t Just Trying to Rewrite History. It’s at the Centre of a Worldwide Web of Censorship” https://dailysceptic.org/2024/02/25/google-isnt-just-trying-to-rewrite-history-its-at-the-centre-of-a-worldwide-web-of-censorship/ TUCKER CARLSON INTERVIEW – JUST 6 MINUTES Steve Kirsch Tags the COVID Jab as the ‘Most Dangerous Vaccine of All Time’ The VAERS system has identified 770 safety signals related to the COVID-19 vaccine. “That is mind-blowing. That is not a three-alarm fire. That is a 770-alarm fire.” So, what did the CDC do? “They said nothing.” https://twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1761369027685793810 FOREIGN DNA SHOULD NOT BE IN THE VACCINES – IT CAN ENTER THE DNA IN THE NUCLEUS OF EACH CELL Kevin McKernan testifies about how the FDA and Regulators, funded by those who profit from the deception in a great conflict of interest, put the human genome at risk by downplaying the risk of DNA integration. Crimes Against Humanity Case Phase 1 Starts At The Same Time We Learn That Covid "Vaccine" DNA Integration Into Ovaries Chromosomes 19 & 12 Is Now Confirmed! Lying Health Ministers, CDC, W.H.O. OH MY! This video needs to go viral! SHARE! IoJ is filing an injunction to stop the shots pronto based on the evidence in this Substack article. Our Donation Drive is now open!!! We can win this! Everyone’s going down dammit. This is just unacceptable. The human genome, heritage of humanity is at risk from the WHO and regulators cow towing to Big Pharma’s covi… Read more 13 days ago · 84 likes · 34 comments · Interest of Justice MICROPLASTICS – WHAT ARE THEY? Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Microplastics - aka Nanotechnological Self Assembly Polymers - Are Everywhere - Poisoning Our Biosphere, Food Supply And Humans The use of the word microplastics is once again to normalize the self assembly polymers that have been sprayed via illegal Geoengineering and bioengineering operations to transform our biosphere according to the transhumanist agenda. This is literally killing our planet, killing all life and humanity. This microplastics cover story is to explain why the… Read more 5 months ago · 141 likes · 53 comments · Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD TRICKS AND TREATS FOR A COVID JAB IN NEW ZEALAND VIDEO - New Zealand Vax Propaganda & subsequent Sudden Deaths "Get the jab, get the treats" (Oct.16, 2021 Super Saturday Vaxathon) VIDEO - New Zealand Vax Propaganda & Sudden Deaths "Get the jab, get the treats" (Source: Coronavirus Plushie) Get the jab, get the treats . . . Incentivizing Kiwis to get jabbed by offering them cash prizes, food, free tickets for the rugby, and other kinds of 'treats', was a big part of the 16 Oct, 2021 'Super Saturday Vaxathon… 19 days ago · 101 likes · 65 comments · Dr. William Makis MD 99 million patient records and they concluded that the benefits outweigh the risks!?!? We respectfully disagree. A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals concludes that the benefits of COVID outweigh the risks. My colleagues and I disagree. 99 million patient records and they concluded that the benefits outweigh the risks!?!? We respectfully disagree. Executive summary A new study of over 99 million vaccinated people has been highly promoted in the press with headlines like “Covid Vaccines Linked To Small Increase In Heart And Brain Disorders, Study Finds—But Risk From Infection Is Far Higher.” I’m going to convince you that this is bullshit… Read more 18 days ago · 525 likes · 334 comments · Steve Kirsch “All of the harms from the COVID-19 injectable products were predictable, and preventable” There are no 'desired proteins' with regard to the modified spike mRNA “All of the harms from the COVID-19 injectable products were predictable, and preventable.” Jessica Rose, PhD A Nature publication by Mulroney et al. entitled N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting was published on December 6, 2023. The authors showed that N1-methylpseudouridine affects the fidelity of mRNA translation via ri… Read more 3 months ago · 272 likes · 67 comments · Jessica Rose Health Canada Hid Their Concerns About Impurities In COVID-19 Shots From Canadians COVID Chronicles Health Canada Hid Their Concerns About Impurities In COVID-19 Shots From Canadians The Epoch Times, a media outlet that is not state-funded, released an article yesterday that was updated today. Everyone around the world should read it. You can find it here. The journalist, Noé Chartier, did an excellent job writing a well-balanced, objective, and factual account. I do not have much to add… Read more 15 days ago · 370 likes · 104 comments · Dr. Byram W. Bridle Subscribe to CMNNews - The Credible Medical News Network News From Around the Globe -- Updated Twice Weekly Disclaimer: All content is presented for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Under no circumstances should it be mistaken for professional advice, nor is it at all intended to be taken as such. The contents simply reflect current newsworthy items that are freely available. It is subject to error and change without notice.The presence of a link to a website does not indicate approval or endorsement of that web site or any services, products, or opinions that may be offered by them. Neither CMNnews nor any of its principals or contributors are under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. Although the information contained is derived from sources which are believed to be reliable, they cannot be guaranteed. Disclosure: We accept no advertising or compensation, and have no material connection to any products, brands, topics or companies mentioned anywhere on the site. Fair Use Notice: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. 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  • The WEF’s Obsession with AI and Brain Chipping. “We” Can Create an AI System “Where we Don’t even Need Democratic Elections” Klaus Schwab

    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).

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    New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


    Remember Klaus Schwab’s interview of 2016 with a Swiss French TV moderator, in which Schwab said something to the extent, “Imagine by 2025 we may all have a chip implanted somewhere in our body or brain, and we may be able to communicate with each other without a telephone, even without using our voice…”? Klaus Schwab calls it a fusion between the physical, digital, and biological world.

    He also talks about having personalized “butlers” in the form of robots, that are not just slaves, but rather assistants, as they function with Artificial Intelligence (AI), and will learn from us….

    Schwab’s obsession with the Fourth Industrial Revolution – the full digitization of everything, seems to be boundless. See this full 2016 interview (video 28 min.), with the chipped humans beginning at 00:02:30.

    This is all moving towards globalization and a One World Government, for which a drastically reduced world population is of the order. This remains the WEF’s number ONE objective, as per The Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030. Klaus Schwab’s dream of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, AI, and digitization of everything are just instruments to get there faster.

    Another tool was covid and the bio-weapons “vaccines”, and perhaps the WEF Davos24 propagated new virus “X” – not yet existing, but roaming somewhere out there (Gates, Tedros WHO) and, ludicrously, “vaxxes” are already being developed – and a foremost instrument for this globalist genocide is the tremendous climate hoax.

    The climate lie has been in the making, at least since the Club of Rome’s devastating Report of “Limits to Growth” which is still the blueprint for much of what is going on today, including population reduction. Under climate change every eugenist dream may be realized. If we, the People, let them.

    The Club of Rome, a Rockefeller invention, is also headquartered in Switzerland (Winterthur), as are the WEF, WHO, GAVI (the vaccination-pharma alliance) and – the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), also called the Central Bank of all Central Banks. All with full diplomatic immunity and tax-free. A coincidence?

    Klaus Schwab’s interview with Swiss TV was on 10 January 2016, just before the WEF Davos16, the 46th WEF, carried out under the theme “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

    Eight years later, the 54th WEF Davos24 which just ended 6 days ago, bore the title “Rebuilding Trust”. At the outset, one might be tempted believing the WEF realizes it is falling in ever deeper disarray with people around the world, including big business and previously proud WEF adherents, and indeed, needs to rebuilt trust.

    Nothing could be further from the truth. The very topics discussed at the WEF’s plenaries “Climate Change”, the coming of a new yet unknown disease “X” that is “already somewhere out there”, and the cult-like admiration of an ever more perfected AI – did not do much for “Rebuilding Trust”.

    Especially when looking at some secluded sessions, with a limited audience, where Klaus Schwab’s obsession with micro-chips implants, AI – and mindreading, come to the fore.

    Those are certainly some of the most terrifying moments of the WEF Davos24. For example, when he talks with Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google and former President of Alphabet, Google’s parent company. A net worth of US$ 118 billion (2024) makes Mr. Brin the world’s 9th richest person (Forbes).

    Klaus Schwab purports to fantasize:

    “Imagine we are sitting here ten years from now and have an implant in our brain, and I can immediately feel, because we all are having implants, I can measure your brain waves, and I can immediately tell you how the people react to your answers… is that imaginable?”

    Sergey Brin looks rather stunned by the question, visibly uncomfortable, does not know what to say, then rolling his eyes, then sort of embarrassed throwing his arms in the air and hesitantly saying …”I think that is imaginable…” It is a show for the circus.

    And it is reminiscent of Klaus Schwab’s 2016 Interview with Swiss French TV.


    The WEF’s founder and chairman then takes his obsession a step further, suggesting,

    “We can create a system where we don’t even need democratic elections, because we can predict how you are going to be thinking and feeling….”

    Never mind that democratic elections are a thing of the far past. In the last twenty or so years there was hardly any election around the world that was not somehow manipulated by the Masters of the Universe… even in the homeland of the Masters and self-styled emperors.

    Interestingly, Schwab always refers to We, as in WE control you, your thoughts, your feelings, we put you in a “predictive” mode.

    What Mr. Schwab never says, though, it is strongly implicit, is that the “We’s” in control of the electronically geared brain waves will influence your thinking the way We want it to be.

    See below a 5 min video-clip for the full Terrifying Moments of crazy “predictive planning”. Because it is a cult ritual, Klaus Schwab – and others of his dark-age ilk, predicting, telling, and warning the people of what they are planning to do with us, We, the People, is a MUST, for them to be successful.

    In another WEF Davos24 session, somebody asked – “What can we do to avoid that the wrong President is being elected?”

    There were no names named, but it was obvious that the commentor was referring to Donald Trump, an anti-globalist, who would take the US in a landslide, If FAIR elections were held today.

    We are currently in the western world living under a Cult dictatorship, and most of us have not even noticed yet. Impregnated by thousands of years-old cult-thinking, dark actions will be successful only, if they are told in one way or another to the people who will be affected.

    Often it is done in disguise, or in a way of fantasizing, or by movies (Hollywood is part of the Cult Culture), so that people take it in stride and will not revolt. When it hits them, it is too late.

    The obsession of implanted chips and AI ruling our everyday lives, robots replacing humans in the labor markets, has been going on for a long time. The indoctrination or social engineering as one of the principal mind manipulation agencies, the UK-based Tavistock Institute calls it, has been carried out in perfection. Tavistock is likely working together, with Hollywood, taking the pulse in events like WEF-Davos, UN General Assembly and many more international, as well as local events, learning about people’s reactions and impulses.

    That is why today it is so difficult to see the hoax, for example, the climate farce and even recognize having been duped. Admitting to oneself and to others having fallen for the lie or mind manipulation is the most difficult hurdle to overcome – and to wake up. The social engineers know it.

    We are living in cognitive dissonance in a dystopian environment, where everything goes and becomes “normal”. We are far beyond George Orwell’s 1984 – where war is peace, and hatred is love.

    At the WEF Davos24, somebody was quoted as saying “We have to Bomb our Way to Peace”. Sorry, the reference is no longer available. It has become victim to “fact-checkers” eliminating “false information”.

    We MUST be aware and alert to what is going on around us. While they are scaremongering in Brussels about the coming implementation of Digital ID which would be linked to everything personal, health records, vaxx-records, bank records, and ultimately to the all controlling programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). When that happens, and we let it happen by neglect – then, we are cooked.

    The Digital ID, a misnomer because it is not just an ID, in a form of disguise, is being built up in reverse. In Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe, people are being coerced into QR-code / smartphone e-banking which is the first step to controlling money, what you are buying and where you are buying or making any monetary transaction, because you are being tracked through the smartphone. The QR-code collects all the data.

    The banking tyranny is already here. If you want to continue using your bank account, you must abide by the financial system’s rules. Nothing to do with laws – it is the rules-based order.

    The QR-code can hold an almost illimited amount of personal data, as well as data related to where and for what you spend your money – eventually knowing more about you, than you know yourself.

    Let us be alert and aware and ready to build an alternative monetary and banking system, one run by the People and for the People. It is no longer left or right. We MUST fight Globalism.


    Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.

    Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

    Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

    Featured image is from The Libertarian Institute


    The WEF’s Obsession with AI and Brain Chipping. “We” Can Create an AI System “Where we Don’t even Need Democratic Elections” Klaus Schwab All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth” *** Remember Klaus Schwab’s interview of 2016 with a Swiss French TV moderator, in which Schwab said something to the extent, “Imagine by 2025 we may all have a chip implanted somewhere in our body or brain, and we may be able to communicate with each other without a telephone, even without using our voice…”? Klaus Schwab calls it a fusion between the physical, digital, and biological world. He also talks about having personalized “butlers” in the form of robots, that are not just slaves, but rather assistants, as they function with Artificial Intelligence (AI), and will learn from us…. Schwab’s obsession with the Fourth Industrial Revolution – the full digitization of everything, seems to be boundless. See this full 2016 interview (video 28 min.), with the chipped humans beginning at 00:02:30. This is all moving towards globalization and a One World Government, for which a drastically reduced world population is of the order. This remains the WEF’s number ONE objective, as per The Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030. Klaus Schwab’s dream of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, AI, and digitization of everything are just instruments to get there faster. Another tool was covid and the bio-weapons “vaccines”, and perhaps the WEF Davos24 propagated new virus “X” – not yet existing, but roaming somewhere out there (Gates, Tedros WHO) and, ludicrously, “vaxxes” are already being developed – and a foremost instrument for this globalist genocide is the tremendous climate hoax. The climate lie has been in the making, at least since the Club of Rome’s devastating Report of “Limits to Growth” which is still the blueprint for much of what is going on today, including population reduction. Under climate change every eugenist dream may be realized. If we, the People, let them. The Club of Rome, a Rockefeller invention, is also headquartered in Switzerland (Winterthur), as are the WEF, WHO, GAVI (the vaccination-pharma alliance) and – the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), also called the Central Bank of all Central Banks. All with full diplomatic immunity and tax-free. A coincidence? Klaus Schwab’s interview with Swiss TV was on 10 January 2016, just before the WEF Davos16, the 46th WEF, carried out under the theme “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. Eight years later, the 54th WEF Davos24 which just ended 6 days ago, bore the title “Rebuilding Trust”. At the outset, one might be tempted believing the WEF realizes it is falling in ever deeper disarray with people around the world, including big business and previously proud WEF adherents, and indeed, needs to rebuilt trust. Nothing could be further from the truth. The very topics discussed at the WEF’s plenaries “Climate Change”, the coming of a new yet unknown disease “X” that is “already somewhere out there”, and the cult-like admiration of an ever more perfected AI – did not do much for “Rebuilding Trust”. Especially when looking at some secluded sessions, with a limited audience, where Klaus Schwab’s obsession with micro-chips implants, AI – and mindreading, come to the fore. Those are certainly some of the most terrifying moments of the WEF Davos24. For example, when he talks with Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google and former President of Alphabet, Google’s parent company. A net worth of US$ 118 billion (2024) makes Mr. Brin the world’s 9th richest person (Forbes). Klaus Schwab purports to fantasize: “Imagine we are sitting here ten years from now and have an implant in our brain, and I can immediately feel, because we all are having implants, I can measure your brain waves, and I can immediately tell you how the people react to your answers… is that imaginable?” Sergey Brin looks rather stunned by the question, visibly uncomfortable, does not know what to say, then rolling his eyes, then sort of embarrassed throwing his arms in the air and hesitantly saying …”I think that is imaginable…” It is a show for the circus. And it is reminiscent of Klaus Schwab’s 2016 Interview with Swiss French TV. * The WEF’s founder and chairman then takes his obsession a step further, suggesting, “We can create a system where we don’t even need democratic elections, because we can predict how you are going to be thinking and feeling….” Never mind that democratic elections are a thing of the far past. In the last twenty or so years there was hardly any election around the world that was not somehow manipulated by the Masters of the Universe… even in the homeland of the Masters and self-styled emperors. Interestingly, Schwab always refers to We, as in WE control you, your thoughts, your feelings, we put you in a “predictive” mode. What Mr. Schwab never says, though, it is strongly implicit, is that the “We’s” in control of the electronically geared brain waves will influence your thinking the way We want it to be. See below a 5 min video-clip for the full Terrifying Moments of crazy “predictive planning”. Because it is a cult ritual, Klaus Schwab – and others of his dark-age ilk, predicting, telling, and warning the people of what they are planning to do with us, We, the People, is a MUST, for them to be successful. In another WEF Davos24 session, somebody asked – “What can we do to avoid that the wrong President is being elected?” There were no names named, but it was obvious that the commentor was referring to Donald Trump, an anti-globalist, who would take the US in a landslide, If FAIR elections were held today. We are currently in the western world living under a Cult dictatorship, and most of us have not even noticed yet. Impregnated by thousands of years-old cult-thinking, dark actions will be successful only, if they are told in one way or another to the people who will be affected. Often it is done in disguise, or in a way of fantasizing, or by movies (Hollywood is part of the Cult Culture), so that people take it in stride and will not revolt. When it hits them, it is too late. The obsession of implanted chips and AI ruling our everyday lives, robots replacing humans in the labor markets, has been going on for a long time. The indoctrination or social engineering as one of the principal mind manipulation agencies, the UK-based Tavistock Institute calls it, has been carried out in perfection. Tavistock is likely working together, with Hollywood, taking the pulse in events like WEF-Davos, UN General Assembly and many more international, as well as local events, learning about people’s reactions and impulses. That is why today it is so difficult to see the hoax, for example, the climate farce and even recognize having been duped. Admitting to oneself and to others having fallen for the lie or mind manipulation is the most difficult hurdle to overcome – and to wake up. The social engineers know it. We are living in cognitive dissonance in a dystopian environment, where everything goes and becomes “normal”. We are far beyond George Orwell’s 1984 – where war is peace, and hatred is love. At the WEF Davos24, somebody was quoted as saying “We have to Bomb our Way to Peace”. Sorry, the reference is no longer available. It has become victim to “fact-checkers” eliminating “false information”. We MUST be aware and alert to what is going on around us. While they are scaremongering in Brussels about the coming implementation of Digital ID which would be linked to everything personal, health records, vaxx-records, bank records, and ultimately to the all controlling programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). When that happens, and we let it happen by neglect – then, we are cooked. The Digital ID, a misnomer because it is not just an ID, in a form of disguise, is being built up in reverse. In Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe, people are being coerced into QR-code / smartphone e-banking which is the first step to controlling money, what you are buying and where you are buying or making any monetary transaction, because you are being tracked through the smartphone. The QR-code collects all the data. The banking tyranny is already here. If you want to continue using your bank account, you must abide by the financial system’s rules. Nothing to do with laws – it is the rules-based order. The QR-code can hold an almost illimited amount of personal data, as well as data related to where and for what you spend your money – eventually knowing more about you, than you know yourself. Let us be alert and aware and ready to build an alternative monetary and banking system, one run by the People and for the People. It is no longer left or right. We MUST fight Globalism. * Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020). Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. Featured image is from The Libertarian Institute https://www.globalresearch.ca/wef-obsession-ai-brain-chipping/5847563 https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-wefs-obsession-with-ai-and-brain.html
    The WEF’s Obsession with AI and Brain Chipping. "We" Can Create an AI System "Where we Don’t even Need Democratic Elections" Klaus Schwab
    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel …
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  • WEF Admits Disease X Will Be Leaked in 2025
    Sean Adl-Tabatabai
    Fact checked
    January 23, 2024 30 Comments
    WEF admits Disease X will be unleashed in 2025.
    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has declared that ‘Disease X’ will be unleashed onto the public by the year 2025 – and the consequences will be devastating for humanity.

    Last week, global elites met at the WEF Davos summit where the key topic of discussion was “Preparing for Disease X,”1 a hypothetical new deadly pandemic predicted to emerge in 2025 and kill 20 times more people than COVID-19.2 As reported by the Mirror:3


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    “The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of a potential Disease X since 2017, a term indicating an unknown pathogen that could cause a serious international epidemic …

    Public speakers at the ‘Preparing for Disease X’ event next Wednesday [January 17, 2024] include Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, Brazilian minister of health Nisia Trindade Lima, and Michel Demaré, chair of the board at AstraZeneca.

    In their first post-pandemic meeting held in November 2022, the WHO brought over 300 scientists to consider which of over 25 virus families and bacteria could potentially create another pandemic.

    The list the team came up with included: the Ebola virus, the Marburg virus disease, Covid-19, SARS, and the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Others included lassa fever, nipah and henipaviral diseases, zift Valley fever, and zika — as well as the unknown pathogen that would cause ‘Disease X.’”

    Mercola.com reports: I’ve interviewed Meryl Nass about how the WHO is trying to take over aspects of everyone’s lives. She just published an important piece over the weekend, Why Is Davos So Interested in Disease? about how the WEF and the WHO have become partners to terrify the world.

    Alexis Baden-Mayer, Esq., political director for the Organic Consumers Association, did some digging into the participants of this WEF event, and the two things they all have in common are 1) dumping the AstraZeneca COVID shot on the developing world (primarily India and Brazil) after rich countries rejected it due to its admitted blood clotting risk, and 2) pushing for the implementation of medical AI systems that will eliminate doctors along with patient choice and privacy.

    Practice Runs or Responsible Planning?

    In a January 11, 2024, tweet, Fox News analyst and former assistant secretary for public affairs for the U.S. Treasury Department, Monica Crowley, wrote:4

    “From the same people who brought you COVID-19 now comes Disease X: Next week in Davos, the unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum will hold a panel on a future pandemic 20x deadlier than COVID …

    Just in time for the election, a new contagion to allow them to implement a new WHO treaty, lock down again, restrict free speech and destroy more freedoms. Sound far-fetched? So did what happened in 2020. When your enemies tell you what they’re planning and what they’re planning FOR, believe them. And get ready.”

    Dr. Stuart Ray, vice chair of medicine for data integrity and analytics at Johns Hopkins’ Department of Medicine, dismissed such warnings, telling Fortune magazine5 that “Coordination of public health response is not conspiracy, it’s simply responsible planning.”

    I’d be willing to believe him if it wasn’t for a now-obvious trend: Whatever the globalists claim will happen actually does happen at a remarkable frequency, and their prognostic capabilities become easier to explain when you consider that most lethal pandemics have been caused by manmade viruses, the products of gain-of-function research. It’s pretty easy to predict a new viral outbreak if you have said virus waiting in the wings.

    With that in mind, recent research from China certainly raises concern, to say the least. According to a January 3, 2024, preprint,6 a SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus — described as a “cell culture-adapted mutant” called GX_P2V that was first cultured in 2017 — was found to kill 100% of the humanized mice (ACE2-transgenic mice) infected with it.7


    The primary cause of death was brain inflammation. According to the authors, “this is the first report showing that a SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus can cause 100% mortality in hACE2 mice, suggesting a risk for GX_P2V to spill over into humans.”

    However, if this virus mutated as a result of passaging through cell cultures, then it’s not likely to emerge in the wild. It’s another unnatural lab creation, so rather than saying it may spill over from pangolins to humans, it would be more accurate to admit that it may pose a (rather serious) risk to humans were a lab escape to occur.

    COVID Dress Rehearsals

    In 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario.8 Importantly, the exercise stressed “communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures that could plausibly emerge” in a pandemic scenario.

    Then, in October 2019, less than three months before the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201.

    The name itself suggests it may have been a continuation of the SPARS Pandemic exercise. College courses are numbered based on their prerequisites. A 101 course does not require any prior knowledge whereas 201 courses require prior familiarity with the topic at hand.

    As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, Event 201 involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, and the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was, again, how to control information and keep “misinformation” in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies.

    Social media censorship played a prominent role in the Event 201 plan, and in the real-world events of 2020 through the present, accurate information about vaccine development, production and injury has indeed been effectively suppressed around the world, thanks to social media companies and Google’s censoring of opposing viewpoints.

    In March 2021, an outbreak of “an unusual strain of monkeypox virus” was simulated.9 In late July the following year, the WHO director-general declared that a multi-country outbreak of monkeypox constituted a public health emergency of international concern,10 against his own advisory group.

    ‘Catastrophic Contagion’ Exercise

    Considering both of these simulations, SPARS (“Event 101”?) and Event 201, foreshadowed what eventually occurred in real life during COVID, when Gates hosts yet another pandemic exercise, it’s worth paying attention to the details.

    October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the WHO cohosted “a global challenge exercise” dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,”11,12 involving a fictional pathogen called “severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025” (SEERS-25).

    Enterovirus D6813 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it’s also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes in one or more extremities.

    Enteroviruses A71 and A6 are known to cause hand, foot and mouth disease,14 while poliovirus, the prototypical enterovirus, causes polio (poliomyelitis), a potentially life-threatening type of paralysis that primarily affects children under age 5. So, the virus they modeled in this simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse.

    Vaccine Drug Trials Begin for Deadly Nipah Virus

    One known virus that bears some resemblance to the fictional SEERS-25 is the Nipah virus. This virus has a kill rate of about 75%,15 and survivors oftentimes face long-term neurological issues stemming from the infection. Nipah is also said to affect children to a greater degree than adults.16

    Incidentally, human trials for a vaccine against the deadly Nipah virus were recently launched.17 Volunteers received their first shots in early January 2024. The experimental injection uses the same viral vector technology used to produce AstraZeneca’s COVID shot.

    The trial is reportedly being carried out by the University of Oxford in an undisclosed area where Nipah is actively infecting victims. (India seems to be indicated, as an outbreak in Kerala killed two people and hospitalized three in September 2023.18)

    The disease is thought to spread via interaction with infected animals such as goats, pigs, cats and horses. It may also spread via tainted blood products and food. Symptoms can emerge anywhere from a few days after exposure to as long as 45 days.

    Initial symptoms include fever, headache and respiratory illness, which can rapidly progress to encephalitis (brain swelling), seizures and coma within just a couple of days. According to the WHO, pigs are known to be “highly contagious” during the incubation period, and it’s possible that humans may be as well, although that has yet to be confirmed.

    Training African Leaders to Go Along With the Narrative

    Tellingly, the Catastrophic Contagion exercise focused on getting leadership in African countries involved and trained in following the script. African nations went “off script” more often than others during the COVID pandemic, and didn’t follow in the footsteps of developed nations when it came to pushing the jabs.

    As a result, vaccine makers now face the problem of having a huge control group, as the COVID jab uptake on the African continent was only 6%,19 yet it fared far better than developed nations in terms of COVID-19 infections and related deaths.20

    The Catastrophic Contagion exercise predicts SEERS-25 will kill 20 million people worldwide, including 15 million children, and many who survive the infection will be left with paralysis and/or brain damage. In other words, the “cue” given is that the next pandemic may target children rather than the elderly, as was the case with COVID-19.

    Vaccine Against Unknown ‘X’ Pathogen Is Already in the Works

    In August 2023, a new vaccine research facility was set up in Wiltshire, England, fully staffed with more 200 scientists, to begin work on a vaccine against the unknown “Disease X.” As reported by Metro:21

    “It took 362 days to develop the Covid-19 vaccine. But the Vaccine Development and Evaluation Centre team wants to reduce that time to 100 days. Scientists at the facility will develop a range of prototype vaccines and tests.

    The new lab is a part of a global effort to respond to global health threats. The UK and other G7 countries signed up to the ‘100 Days Mission’ in 2021. The government has invested £65 million into the lab.

    Professor Dame Jenny Harries, the head of the UK Health Security Agency, said the new facility would ‘ensure that we prepare so that if we have a new Disease X, a new pathogen, we have as much of that work in advance as possible.’”

    In the U.S., Congress also introduced the “Disease X Act of 2023” (H.R.383222) back in June 2023. The bill calls for the establishment of a BARDA program to develop “medical countermeasures for viral threats with pandemic potential.” The bill was referred to the Subcommittee on Health in early June 2023 but has not yet been passed.

    The Disease X Act amends a section of the Public Health Service Act with two new clauses that call for “the identification and development of platform manufacturing technologies needed for advanced development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures for viral families which have significant potential to cause a pandemic,” and “advanced research and development of flexible medical countermeasures against priority respiratory virus families and other respiratory viral pathogens with a significant potential to cause a pandemic, with both pathogen-specific and pathogen-agnostic approaches …”

    Needless to say, since it’s impossible to customize vaccines using the conventional method of growing viruses in eggs or some other cell media in 100 days, it seems inevitable that all these efforts are about the expansion of gene-based technologies. This, despite the fact that the mRNA technology used for the COVID jabs has proven to be disastrous from a safety standpoint, and ineffective to boot.

    Why Manufactured Pandemics Will Continue

    At this point, it’s quite clear that “biosecurity” is the chosen means by which the globalist cabal intends to seize power over the world. The WHO is working on securing sole power over pandemic response globally through its international pandemic treaty which, if implemented, will eradicate the sovereignty of all member nations.

    The WHO’s pandemic treaty is the gateway to a global, top-down totalitarian regime, a one world government. Ultimately, the WHO intends to dictate all health care. But to secure that power, they will need more pandemics. COVID-19 alone was not enough to get everyone onboard with a centralized pandemic response unit, and they probably knew that from the start.

    So, the reason we can be sure there will be additional pandemics, whether manufactured using either fear and hype alone or an actual bioweapon created for this very purpose, is because the takeover plan, aka The Great Reset, is based on the premise that we need global biosecurity surveillance and centralized response.

    Biosecurity, in turn, is the justification for an international vaccine passport, which the G20 has signed on to, and that passport will also be your digital identification. That digital ID, then, will be tied to your social credit score, personal carbon footprint tracker, medical records, educational records, work records, social media presence, purchase records, your bank accounts and a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC).

    Once all these pieces are fully connected, you’ll be in a digital prison, and the ruling cabal — whether officially a one world government by then or not — will have total control over your life from cradle to grave.

    We’re Already Suffering Under a Pseudo-One World Government

    We actually already have a pseudo-one world government, in the form of Bill Gates’ nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). They are making health care decisions that should be left to individual nations and/or states, and they’re making decisions that will line their own pockets, regardless of what happens to the public health-wise.

    They coordinate and synchronize pandemic communication during simulated practice runs, and then, when the real-world situation emerges that fits the bill, the preplanned script is played out more or less verbatim.

    Between the G20 declaration to implement an international vaccine passport under the auspice of the WHO, and the WHO’s pandemic treaty, everything is lined up to take control of the next pandemic, and in so doing, further securing the foundation for a one world government.

    As discussed in my 2021 article, “COVID-19 Dress Rehearsals and Proof of the Plan,” the pandemic measures rolled out for COVID-19 were the culmination of decades of careful planning to radically and permanently alter the governance and social structures of the world.

    The medical system has been used in the past to drive forward a New World Order agenda — now rebranded as “The Great Reset” — and it’s now being used to implement the final stages of that longstanding plan. COVID-19 was a real-world practice run, and showed just how effectively a pandemic can be used to shift the balance of power, and strip the global population of its wealth and individual freedoms.

    So, there’s no doubt in my mind that additional pandemics will be declared, because they’re the means to the globalists’ ends. To prevent this global coup, we need everyone to speak and share the truth to the point that you’re able. Only then will our voices outnumber the voices of the propaganda machine.

    Door To Freedom (doortofreedom.org), an organization founded by Dr. Meryl Nass, has a poster that explains how the pandemic treaty and International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments will change life as we know it and strip us of every vestige of freedom. Please download this poster and share it with everyone you know. Also put it up on public billboards and places where communities share information.

    Not only a healthy way to eat but also the most sustainable, eating nose to tail provides you with some of the most nutritionally dense sources of valuable minerals and fat-soluble vitamins from organ meats. Help balance the nutritional shortcomings of muscle meats with Grass Fed Beef Organ Complex, offering five of the most valuable organs — liver, heart, kidney, pancreas and spleen — from roaming, healthy New Zealand cows with year-round access to grasslands.

    1, 21 Metro January 15, 2024
    2, 3 Mirror January 13, 2024
    4 Twitter/X Monica Crowley January 11, 2024
    5 Fortune January 12, 2024
    6 ResearchGate January 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.01.03.574008
    7 MSN January 15, 2024
    8 SPARS Pandemic Scenario
    9 NTI Paper November 2021
    10 UN News July 23, 2022
    11 Catastrophic Contagion
    12 Catastrophic Contagion Videos
    13 CDC Enterovirus D68
    14 CDC Enteroviruses
    15 Forbes September 15, 2023
    16 Intractable & Rare Diseases Research February 2019; 8(1): 1-8
    17 Forbes January 11, 2024
    18 BBC September 14, 2023
    19 First Post November 19, 2021
    20 Yahoo News November 19, 2021
    22 HR 3832 The Disease X Act of 2023

    WEF Admits Disease X Will Be Leaked in 2025 Sean Adl-Tabatabai Fact checked January 23, 2024 30 Comments WEF admits Disease X will be unleashed in 2025. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has declared that ‘Disease X’ will be unleashed onto the public by the year 2025 – and the consequences will be devastating for humanity. Last week, global elites met at the WEF Davos summit where the key topic of discussion was “Preparing for Disease X,”1 a hypothetical new deadly pandemic predicted to emerge in 2025 and kill 20 times more people than COVID-19.2 As reported by the Mirror:3 BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use “The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of a potential Disease X since 2017, a term indicating an unknown pathogen that could cause a serious international epidemic … Public speakers at the ‘Preparing for Disease X’ event next Wednesday [January 17, 2024] include Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, Brazilian minister of health Nisia Trindade Lima, and Michel Demaré, chair of the board at AstraZeneca. In their first post-pandemic meeting held in November 2022, the WHO brought over 300 scientists to consider which of over 25 virus families and bacteria could potentially create another pandemic. The list the team came up with included: the Ebola virus, the Marburg virus disease, Covid-19, SARS, and the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Others included lassa fever, nipah and henipaviral diseases, zift Valley fever, and zika — as well as the unknown pathogen that would cause ‘Disease X.’” Mercola.com reports: I’ve interviewed Meryl Nass about how the WHO is trying to take over aspects of everyone’s lives. She just published an important piece over the weekend, Why Is Davos So Interested in Disease? about how the WEF and the WHO have become partners to terrify the world. Alexis Baden-Mayer, Esq., political director for the Organic Consumers Association, did some digging into the participants of this WEF event, and the two things they all have in common are 1) dumping the AstraZeneca COVID shot on the developing world (primarily India and Brazil) after rich countries rejected it due to its admitted blood clotting risk, and 2) pushing for the implementation of medical AI systems that will eliminate doctors along with patient choice and privacy. Practice Runs or Responsible Planning? In a January 11, 2024, tweet, Fox News analyst and former assistant secretary for public affairs for the U.S. Treasury Department, Monica Crowley, wrote:4 “From the same people who brought you COVID-19 now comes Disease X: Next week in Davos, the unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum will hold a panel on a future pandemic 20x deadlier than COVID … Just in time for the election, a new contagion to allow them to implement a new WHO treaty, lock down again, restrict free speech and destroy more freedoms. Sound far-fetched? So did what happened in 2020. When your enemies tell you what they’re planning and what they’re planning FOR, believe them. And get ready.” Dr. Stuart Ray, vice chair of medicine for data integrity and analytics at Johns Hopkins’ Department of Medicine, dismissed such warnings, telling Fortune magazine5 that “Coordination of public health response is not conspiracy, it’s simply responsible planning.” I’d be willing to believe him if it wasn’t for a now-obvious trend: Whatever the globalists claim will happen actually does happen at a remarkable frequency, and their prognostic capabilities become easier to explain when you consider that most lethal pandemics have been caused by manmade viruses, the products of gain-of-function research. It’s pretty easy to predict a new viral outbreak if you have said virus waiting in the wings. With that in mind, recent research from China certainly raises concern, to say the least. According to a January 3, 2024, preprint,6 a SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus — described as a “cell culture-adapted mutant” called GX_P2V that was first cultured in 2017 — was found to kill 100% of the humanized mice (ACE2-transgenic mice) infected with it.7 JOIN THE FIGHT: BECOME A CITIZEN JOURNALIST TODAY! The primary cause of death was brain inflammation. According to the authors, “this is the first report showing that a SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus can cause 100% mortality in hACE2 mice, suggesting a risk for GX_P2V to spill over into humans.” However, if this virus mutated as a result of passaging through cell cultures, then it’s not likely to emerge in the wild. It’s another unnatural lab creation, so rather than saying it may spill over from pangolins to humans, it would be more accurate to admit that it may pose a (rather serious) risk to humans were a lab escape to occur. COVID Dress Rehearsals In 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario.8 Importantly, the exercise stressed “communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures that could plausibly emerge” in a pandemic scenario. Then, in October 2019, less than three months before the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201. The name itself suggests it may have been a continuation of the SPARS Pandemic exercise. College courses are numbered based on their prerequisites. A 101 course does not require any prior knowledge whereas 201 courses require prior familiarity with the topic at hand. As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, Event 201 involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, and the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was, again, how to control information and keep “misinformation” in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies. Social media censorship played a prominent role in the Event 201 plan, and in the real-world events of 2020 through the present, accurate information about vaccine development, production and injury has indeed been effectively suppressed around the world, thanks to social media companies and Google’s censoring of opposing viewpoints. In March 2021, an outbreak of “an unusual strain of monkeypox virus” was simulated.9 In late July the following year, the WHO director-general declared that a multi-country outbreak of monkeypox constituted a public health emergency of international concern,10 against his own advisory group. ‘Catastrophic Contagion’ Exercise Considering both of these simulations, SPARS (“Event 101”?) and Event 201, foreshadowed what eventually occurred in real life during COVID, when Gates hosts yet another pandemic exercise, it’s worth paying attention to the details. October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the WHO cohosted “a global challenge exercise” dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,”11,12 involving a fictional pathogen called “severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025” (SEERS-25). Enterovirus D6813 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it’s also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes in one or more extremities. Enteroviruses A71 and A6 are known to cause hand, foot and mouth disease,14 while poliovirus, the prototypical enterovirus, causes polio (poliomyelitis), a potentially life-threatening type of paralysis that primarily affects children under age 5. So, the virus they modeled in this simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse. Vaccine Drug Trials Begin for Deadly Nipah Virus One known virus that bears some resemblance to the fictional SEERS-25 is the Nipah virus. This virus has a kill rate of about 75%,15 and survivors oftentimes face long-term neurological issues stemming from the infection. Nipah is also said to affect children to a greater degree than adults.16 Incidentally, human trials for a vaccine against the deadly Nipah virus were recently launched.17 Volunteers received their first shots in early January 2024. The experimental injection uses the same viral vector technology used to produce AstraZeneca’s COVID shot. The trial is reportedly being carried out by the University of Oxford in an undisclosed area where Nipah is actively infecting victims. (India seems to be indicated, as an outbreak in Kerala killed two people and hospitalized three in September 2023.18) The disease is thought to spread via interaction with infected animals such as goats, pigs, cats and horses. It may also spread via tainted blood products and food. Symptoms can emerge anywhere from a few days after exposure to as long as 45 days. Initial symptoms include fever, headache and respiratory illness, which can rapidly progress to encephalitis (brain swelling), seizures and coma within just a couple of days. According to the WHO, pigs are known to be “highly contagious” during the incubation period, and it’s possible that humans may be as well, although that has yet to be confirmed. Training African Leaders to Go Along With the Narrative Tellingly, the Catastrophic Contagion exercise focused on getting leadership in African countries involved and trained in following the script. African nations went “off script” more often than others during the COVID pandemic, and didn’t follow in the footsteps of developed nations when it came to pushing the jabs. As a result, vaccine makers now face the problem of having a huge control group, as the COVID jab uptake on the African continent was only 6%,19 yet it fared far better than developed nations in terms of COVID-19 infections and related deaths.20 The Catastrophic Contagion exercise predicts SEERS-25 will kill 20 million people worldwide, including 15 million children, and many who survive the infection will be left with paralysis and/or brain damage. In other words, the “cue” given is that the next pandemic may target children rather than the elderly, as was the case with COVID-19. Vaccine Against Unknown ‘X’ Pathogen Is Already in the Works In August 2023, a new vaccine research facility was set up in Wiltshire, England, fully staffed with more 200 scientists, to begin work on a vaccine against the unknown “Disease X.” As reported by Metro:21 “It took 362 days to develop the Covid-19 vaccine. But the Vaccine Development and Evaluation Centre team wants to reduce that time to 100 days. Scientists at the facility will develop a range of prototype vaccines and tests. The new lab is a part of a global effort to respond to global health threats. The UK and other G7 countries signed up to the ‘100 Days Mission’ in 2021. The government has invested £65 million into the lab. Professor Dame Jenny Harries, the head of the UK Health Security Agency, said the new facility would ‘ensure that we prepare so that if we have a new Disease X, a new pathogen, we have as much of that work in advance as possible.’” In the U.S., Congress also introduced the “Disease X Act of 2023” (H.R.383222) back in June 2023. The bill calls for the establishment of a BARDA program to develop “medical countermeasures for viral threats with pandemic potential.” The bill was referred to the Subcommittee on Health in early June 2023 but has not yet been passed. The Disease X Act amends a section of the Public Health Service Act with two new clauses that call for “the identification and development of platform manufacturing technologies needed for advanced development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures for viral families which have significant potential to cause a pandemic,” and “advanced research and development of flexible medical countermeasures against priority respiratory virus families and other respiratory viral pathogens with a significant potential to cause a pandemic, with both pathogen-specific and pathogen-agnostic approaches …” Needless to say, since it’s impossible to customize vaccines using the conventional method of growing viruses in eggs or some other cell media in 100 days, it seems inevitable that all these efforts are about the expansion of gene-based technologies. This, despite the fact that the mRNA technology used for the COVID jabs has proven to be disastrous from a safety standpoint, and ineffective to boot. Why Manufactured Pandemics Will Continue At this point, it’s quite clear that “biosecurity” is the chosen means by which the globalist cabal intends to seize power over the world. The WHO is working on securing sole power over pandemic response globally through its international pandemic treaty which, if implemented, will eradicate the sovereignty of all member nations. The WHO’s pandemic treaty is the gateway to a global, top-down totalitarian regime, a one world government. Ultimately, the WHO intends to dictate all health care. But to secure that power, they will need more pandemics. COVID-19 alone was not enough to get everyone onboard with a centralized pandemic response unit, and they probably knew that from the start. So, the reason we can be sure there will be additional pandemics, whether manufactured using either fear and hype alone or an actual bioweapon created for this very purpose, is because the takeover plan, aka The Great Reset, is based on the premise that we need global biosecurity surveillance and centralized response. Biosecurity, in turn, is the justification for an international vaccine passport, which the G20 has signed on to, and that passport will also be your digital identification. That digital ID, then, will be tied to your social credit score, personal carbon footprint tracker, medical records, educational records, work records, social media presence, purchase records, your bank accounts and a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC). Once all these pieces are fully connected, you’ll be in a digital prison, and the ruling cabal — whether officially a one world government by then or not — will have total control over your life from cradle to grave. We’re Already Suffering Under a Pseudo-One World Government We actually already have a pseudo-one world government, in the form of Bill Gates’ nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). They are making health care decisions that should be left to individual nations and/or states, and they’re making decisions that will line their own pockets, regardless of what happens to the public health-wise. They coordinate and synchronize pandemic communication during simulated practice runs, and then, when the real-world situation emerges that fits the bill, the preplanned script is played out more or less verbatim. Between the G20 declaration to implement an international vaccine passport under the auspice of the WHO, and the WHO’s pandemic treaty, everything is lined up to take control of the next pandemic, and in so doing, further securing the foundation for a one world government. As discussed in my 2021 article, “COVID-19 Dress Rehearsals and Proof of the Plan,” the pandemic measures rolled out for COVID-19 were the culmination of decades of careful planning to radically and permanently alter the governance and social structures of the world. The medical system has been used in the past to drive forward a New World Order agenda — now rebranded as “The Great Reset” — and it’s now being used to implement the final stages of that longstanding plan. COVID-19 was a real-world practice run, and showed just how effectively a pandemic can be used to shift the balance of power, and strip the global population of its wealth and individual freedoms. So, there’s no doubt in my mind that additional pandemics will be declared, because they’re the means to the globalists’ ends. To prevent this global coup, we need everyone to speak and share the truth to the point that you’re able. Only then will our voices outnumber the voices of the propaganda machine. Door To Freedom (doortofreedom.org), an organization founded by Dr. Meryl Nass, has a poster that explains how the pandemic treaty and International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments will change life as we know it and strip us of every vestige of freedom. Please download this poster and share it with everyone you know. Also put it up on public billboards and places where communities share information. Not only a healthy way to eat but also the most sustainable, eating nose to tail provides you with some of the most nutritionally dense sources of valuable minerals and fat-soluble vitamins from organ meats. Help balance the nutritional shortcomings of muscle meats with Grass Fed Beef Organ Complex, offering five of the most valuable organs — liver, heart, kidney, pancreas and spleen — from roaming, healthy New Zealand cows with year-round access to grasslands. 1, 21 Metro January 15, 2024 2, 3 Mirror January 13, 2024 4 Twitter/X Monica Crowley January 11, 2024 5 Fortune January 12, 2024 6 ResearchGate January 2024 DOI: 10.1101/2024.01.03.574008 7 MSN January 15, 2024 8 SPARS Pandemic Scenario 9 NTI Paper November 2021 10 UN News July 23, 2022 11 Catastrophic Contagion 12 Catastrophic Contagion Videos 13 CDC Enterovirus D68 14 CDC Enteroviruses 15 Forbes September 15, 2023 16 Intractable & Rare Diseases Research February 2019; 8(1): 1-8 17 Forbes January 11, 2024 18 BBC September 14, 2023 19 First Post November 19, 2021 20 Yahoo News November 19, 2021 22 HR 3832 The Disease X Act of 2023 https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/wef-admits-disease-x-will-be-leaked-in-2025/
    WEF Admits Disease X Will Be Leaked in 2025
    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has declared that 'Disease X' will be unleashed onto the public by the year 2025 - and the consequences will be devastating for humanity.
    0 Commenti 1 condivisioni 22388 Views
    PART 111

    Since the responsiveness of reproductive #CreativePower isn’t limited to any local condition of #mind, his habitual #meditation & #MentalPicture set his #ideas free to roam in #infinitude.

    They attracted to themselves other ideas of kindred #nature.

    Therefore it wasn’t necessary for #Tysen to wait & see his ideas & #desires fulfilled, especially considering his insignificant savings from his 3 shillings a day, to #irrigate the land.
    🧠USING YOUR MENTAL ENERGY ✅PART 111 Since the responsiveness of reproductive #CreativePower isn’t limited to any local condition of #mind, his habitual #meditation & #MentalPicture set his #ideas free to roam in #infinitude. They attracted to themselves other ideas of kindred #nature. Therefore it wasn’t necessary for #Tysen to wait & see his ideas & #desires fulfilled, especially considering his insignificant savings from his 3 shillings a day, to #irrigate the land.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2888 Views
  • Crack into Health: The Egg-ceptional Power of Nutrient-Packed Goodness in Your Healthy Diet
    In the pursuit of a wholesome and nourishing diet, one food item stands out as a true powerhouse – the humble egg. Packed with essential nutrients, eggs play a vital role in promoting overall health. In this article, we'll delve into the myriad benefits of incorporating eggs into your daily diet and explore the nutrient-rich goodness that makes them a stellar choice for those committed to well-rounded wellness.

    The Nutrient Punch:

    Eggs are a nutritional marvel, delivering a perfect blend of high-quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals. One large egg contains about 6 grams of protein, making it an excellent source for those looking to build and repair body tissues. What's more, eggs are rich in essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein crucial for optimal health.

    But the nutritional perks of eggs don't stop there. Eggs are a goldmine of vitamins, with significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy skin and vision, while vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve function and the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin D, often dubbed the "sunshine vitamin," plays a pivotal role in bone health and immune system function.

    Minerals like iron, phosphorus, and selenium further contribute to the nutritional value of eggs. Iron is essential for preventing anemia, phosphorus supports bone health, and selenium acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage.

    The Perfect Egg for a Healthy Diet:

    Not all eggs are created equal, and opting for the right kind can amplify the health benefits. Free-range or pasture-raised eggs, where hens roam outdoors and have a more varied diet, are often considered superior in nutritional content compared to conventionally produced eggs. These eggs typically have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health.

    Egg-citing Ways to Include Eggs in Your Diet:

    Now that we've established the nutritional prowess of eggs, let's explore some creative and delicious ways to incorporate them into your daily meals:

    Breakfast Brilliance: Rise and Shine with Eggs

    Start your day with a protein-packed breakfast by enjoying eggs in various forms – whether it's a classic omelet loaded with colorful vegetables or a simple poached egg served over whole-grain toast.

    Salads with a Sunny Side: Egg-quisite Greens

    Elevate your salads by adding a boiled or poached egg on top. The creamy yolk serves as a delectable dressing, adding both flavor and nutritional value to your greens.

    Egg-straordinary Snacking: Hard-Boiled Delights

    Hard-boiled eggs make for convenient and portable snacks. Simply sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper for a satisfying midday pick-me-up that won't compromise your health goals.

    Dinner Delights: Eggs in Every Bite

    Incorporate eggs into your dinner routine with dishes like vegetable stir-fry topped with a fried egg or a protein-rich frittata filled with your favorite veggies.


    In conclusion, the egg is a nutritional powerhouse that deserves its place in a balanced and healthy diet. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, eggs contribute to overall well-being and can be enjoyed in a variety of delicious ways. So, crack into the goodness of eggs and embrace a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle today. Your body will thank you for it!

    CLICK HERE-- https://subratajajabar.systeme.io/customketo

    Crack into Health: The Egg-ceptional Power of Nutrient-Packed Goodness in Your Healthy Diet In the pursuit of a wholesome and nourishing diet, one food item stands out as a true powerhouse – the humble egg. Packed with essential nutrients, eggs play a vital role in promoting overall health. In this article, we'll delve into the myriad benefits of incorporating eggs into your daily diet and explore the nutrient-rich goodness that makes them a stellar choice for those committed to well-rounded wellness. The Nutrient Punch: Eggs are a nutritional marvel, delivering a perfect blend of high-quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals. One large egg contains about 6 grams of protein, making it an excellent source for those looking to build and repair body tissues. What's more, eggs are rich in essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein crucial for optimal health. But the nutritional perks of eggs don't stop there. Eggs are a goldmine of vitamins, with significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy skin and vision, while vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve function and the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin D, often dubbed the "sunshine vitamin," plays a pivotal role in bone health and immune system function. Minerals like iron, phosphorus, and selenium further contribute to the nutritional value of eggs. Iron is essential for preventing anemia, phosphorus supports bone health, and selenium acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage. The Perfect Egg for a Healthy Diet: Not all eggs are created equal, and opting for the right kind can amplify the health benefits. Free-range or pasture-raised eggs, where hens roam outdoors and have a more varied diet, are often considered superior in nutritional content compared to conventionally produced eggs. These eggs typically have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health. Egg-citing Ways to Include Eggs in Your Diet: Now that we've established the nutritional prowess of eggs, let's explore some creative and delicious ways to incorporate them into your daily meals: Breakfast Brilliance: Rise and Shine with Eggs Start your day with a protein-packed breakfast by enjoying eggs in various forms – whether it's a classic omelet loaded with colorful vegetables or a simple poached egg served over whole-grain toast. Salads with a Sunny Side: Egg-quisite Greens Elevate your salads by adding a boiled or poached egg on top. The creamy yolk serves as a delectable dressing, adding both flavor and nutritional value to your greens. Egg-straordinary Snacking: Hard-Boiled Delights Hard-boiled eggs make for convenient and portable snacks. Simply sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper for a satisfying midday pick-me-up that won't compromise your health goals. Dinner Delights: Eggs in Every Bite Incorporate eggs into your dinner routine with dishes like vegetable stir-fry topped with a fried egg or a protein-rich frittata filled with your favorite veggies. Conclusion: In conclusion, the egg is a nutritional powerhouse that deserves its place in a balanced and healthy diet. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, eggs contribute to overall well-being and can be enjoyed in a variety of delicious ways. So, crack into the goodness of eggs and embrace a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle today. Your body will thank you for it! CLICK HERE-- https://subratajajabar.systeme.io/customketo
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 14915 Views
  • Traveling is all about exploring new places and having unforgettable experiences. Some of the most memorable moments can come from those heart-pumping, adrenaline-fueled adventures. So, we want to know, what's the most daring and adventurous activity you've ever done while traveling? Whether it's bungee jumping off a cliff, swimming with sharks, or hiking through rugged terrain, we want to hear about the moments that made you feel alive and left you with a sense of accomplishment.

    Are you planning about Tanzania safari? Never look further than www.afrozonekingdomsafaris.com

    #adventure #traveladdict #travelwithkids #travelwithfamily #travelwithtoddlers #travelgram #travelmore #roamtheplanet #nakedplanet #natgeo100contest #keepexploring #explore #travelworld #mytravelgram #hikingtheglobe #theglobewanderer #instatravel #instacool #lonelyplanet #travelphotography #serengeti #tarangirenationalpark #lakemanyara #visittanzania #ourplanetdaily #earthoffical #igtravel #getlost #discoverearth #optoutside
    Traveling is all about exploring new places and having unforgettable experiences. Some of the most memorable moments can come from those heart-pumping, adrenaline-fueled adventures. So, we want to know, what's the most daring and adventurous activity you've ever done while traveling? Whether it's bungee jumping off a cliff, swimming with sharks, or hiking through rugged terrain, we want to hear about the moments that made you feel alive and left you with a sense of accomplishment. Are you planning about Tanzania safari? Never look further than www.afrozonekingdomsafaris.com #adventure #traveladdict #travelwithkids #travelwithfamily #travelwithtoddlers #travelgram #travelmore #roamtheplanet #nakedplanet #natgeo100contest #keepexploring #explore #travelworld #mytravelgram #hikingtheglobe #theglobewanderer #instatravel #instacool #lonelyplanet #travelphotography #serengeti #tarangirenationalpark #lakemanyara #visittanzania #ourplanetdaily #earthoffical #igtravel #getlost #discoverearth #optoutside . ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 21896 Views
  • Sri Ram (Historical Story)
    It is a long time ago that according to the Hindu calendar, about 9 lakh years ago in Tretayuga, there used to be a very majestic Suryavanshi king Dasharatha. The name of their capital was Ayodhya. King Dasharatha was a very just and righteous king. All the subjects used to live their life happily under his rule. The great majestic Satyawadi king Harishchandra and the successful king Bhagirathi were one of the ancestors of King Dasharatha. Like his ancestors, King Dasharatha was very involved in religious work. King Dasharatha had no children. Due to which he was often sad. King Dasharatha had three queens. The name of the first queen was Kausalya, the name of the second queen was Sumitra and the name of the third queen was Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha was a great archer. He was adept at playing slang. He could penetrate the target without seeing the target just by hearing the sound of the word, always in the mind of King Dasharatha. One day Rajguru Vashistha, who was immersed in this concern, suggested Dasharatha to perform Putreshti Yagya. He performed this yagya under the supervision of Shringi Rishi. A lot of donations and donations were made in this yagya. After this yajna, kheer in the form of Prasad was fed to the three queens. After several months, the three queens had four sons. The eldest queen was Rama of Kausalya, Bharata of Kaikeyi and Lakshmana and Shatrudhan of Sumitra. The four brothers were very beautiful and stunning. Maharaj Dasaratha was very happy to see his four sons. King Dasaratha was not happy when he got the happiness of children. After some time, the four brothers went to the forest with Rajguru Vashistha to receive education, Vashistha was a very learned guru. At that time, the sage Vashistha was highly respected. All the brothers were very unique talents. While Lakshman ji was a little accommodating. Shri Ram was calm and serious in nature. The four brothers were also very smart in reading and writing. Soon he learned martial arts like shooting arrows, etc. The people of Ayodhya were enchanted by his form and qualities King Dasharatha never wanted to keep them away from his eyes. One day a very learned and learned Maharishi Vishwamitra came to King Dasharatha. He was a great and ascetic sage of his time. Many sinners and tyrants used to create obstacles in his yajna. When he heard about Rama and his brothers, he went to Dasharatha. He asked Dasaratha to kill the sinners and tyrants and Rama and Lakshmana to protect the yajna. King Dasharatha with folded hands said to sage Vishwamitra- 'O sage! Both Rama and Lakshmana are still children. Don't take them to war with so many sinful and tyrannical people. I will move my whole army and myself and will fight with them and will also protect your sacrifice. King Dasharatha at first did not want to send his sons with him, then on the persuasion of Rajguru Vashistha, he agreed to send. Both Rama and Lakshmana left with sage Vishwamitra. On the way, the sage taught them two mantras. After learning these mantras, both the princes became more powerful. While going to the sage's ashram, he killed a sinful and tyrannical woman named Tadka. Reaching there, while protecting the yagna, one of his sons Maricha and the other son Subahu were also killed with an arrow. Now Vishwamitra's Yagya was completed very well and very peacefully. After this Maharishi Vishwamitra reached Mithilapuri with both the princes Rama and Lakshmana. King Janak of Mithila was a great scholar and sage. He created the swayamvara of his daughter Sita. There was a lot of pomp and show coming to the King- Maharaj Swayamvar from far and wide. When Vishwamitra reached there, the king gave him a big welcome. King Janak had a bow. This bow belonged to Shiva, with this bow he killed Tripasura. No one could lift it except Sitaji. Because it was very heavy and hard. King Janak had made a promise that anyone who lifts this bow will tie its rope. With that Sitaji will be married. Organized swayamvar for the marriage of Mata Sita ji. The great brave warriors of the entire Aryavrata were called. Ravana also participated in that event. All the kings tried hard, but no one could lift it and tie the rope. All the kings had given up. King Janak started worrying that now where should I find the worthy groom of my daughter. Then Maharishi Vishwamitra ordered Rama to lift the bow and put a string on him. Rama reached near the bow after getting the Guru's orders and he easily lifted the bow and started plucking it. While tying the bow, that bow broke at the hands of Shri Ram. The old bow belonged to Shiva, at that time Parashuram ji, the supreme devotee of Shiva, was also there. Hearing the sound of bow breaking, Parashurama reached there. He was very angry. He started searching for the one who broke this bow. Seeing the anger of Parashurama, there was silence in the whole assembly. No one was speaking out of fear. But Lakshman ji was not afraid, he started arguing with Parashuram ji, due to which Parashuram's anger started increasing. But Shri Ram politely folded his hands and requested Parshuram ji to accidentally break the bow and asked for forgiveness from him. Seeing the simple calm nature of Rama, Parashurama's anger was pacified and he left from there. Immediately after his departure, everyone in the meeting heaved a sigh of relief. After the departure of Parashurama, King Janak went to Maharishi Vishwamitra and asked him- 'O sage: Who are these two young men, the kings of this form, please tell them about them." Sage Vishwamitra told King Janak-these two brothers are Rama and Lakshman, both of them are the sons of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya. Among the four sons of King Dasharatha, Rama is the eldest who broke the bow. After hearing the introduction of Shri Ram by the sage, his happiness knew no bounds, he happily decided to marry his four daughters including Sita to the four sons of King Dasharatha. King Janak requested Maharishi for the marriage of all four, Maharishi gladly accepted. After that, celebrations started in the court of King Janak, sweets were distributed, drums started playing. The sage sent this auspicious message to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, King Dasharatha, on hearing the news, ordered to decorate the entire Ayodhya and distribute gifts to the people. The whole of Ayodhya started celebrating the marriage of its princes. King Dasharatha started preparing for the procession of his sons. Many thousand elephants were decorated, hundreds of chariots were made. The entire Ayodhya city reached Mithilapur in a procession. There was no shortage of preparations for the procession of Mithilapur King Janak. He went ahead and welcomed the procession, hugged King Dasharatha and gave him a lot of respect. In the marriage of Shri Ram, all the people of Ayodhya were dancing and singing. There was an atmosphere of celebration throughout Aryavrata. The marriage of the four brothers took place with great pomp. Shri Ramchandra ji got married with Mata Sita, Lakshman ji got married with Mata Urmila, Bharat ji got married with Mata Mandy and Shatrudhan ji got married with Mata Shrutikirti. After marriage, King Dasharatha came back to Ayodhya with everyone. The king now started ruling happily. Time passed and King Dasharatha was now getting old. He wanted to do penance himself by giving royal work to Ramchandra ji. At the behest of Guru Vashistha, an auspicious day was fixed for the coronation of Shri Ram. When all the subjects got the news that Shri Ram was going to become their king, then all the subjects were not happy. There was a lot of joy being celebrated. There was an atmosphere of happiness everywhere. Laughter was scattered on everyone's face, everyone was busy in decorating the palace and preparing for the coronation. Among all these faces there was such a face on which the feeling of sorrow and revenge was clearly visible. That face was none other than that of Queen Kaikeyi's maid Manthara. Manthara did not like being the king of Shri Ram ji, she wanted to see Bharat ji as the king. She was sad and went to Queen Kaikeyi Maharani Kaikeyi was overjoyed with the decision of Sri Rama's coronation and was taking stock of the preparations for the festival. Seeing Manthara's hanging face, he got angry at first but Manthara acted very cleverly. He said that I am a little sad for myself, I am sad for the concern of your son Prince Bharat. Hearing the name of Bharat, the queen said, what is the concern, speak clearly. Manthara took Queen Kaikey) in private and taught her many unconventional things. He cleverly awakened the son's attachment in Kaikey's mind and persuaded Bharata to demand the kingship, reminding King Dasharatha of accepting any two demands before marriage. During a battle before the marriage of King Dasharatha and Queen Kaikeyi, Kaikeyi saved the life of King Dasharatha. Princess Kaikeyi was beautiful, King Dasharatha requested her to marry, Queen Kaikey) asked for two promises, King Dasharatha agreed and both were married. Coming to Manthara's words, the queen made her face sad, untied her hair and slept in Kop Bhavan crying. This matter reached to King Dasharatha, the king immediately reached the queen's palace. He was very sad to see such condition. He loved Kaikeyi very much He asked. "O cakey! Why are you sad, everyone look how happy you are after all, tell me what you need. I will bring the sari after searching the world, don't you feel sad, tell me what do you want? Queen Kaikeyi reminded her of the two promises given by the king before the marriage and she demanded 12 years of exile to Shri Ram as the first demand and Bharata as the king in the second demand. On hearing the demand of Queen Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha's heart sat down. He started getting disturbed by sorrow, somehow managing himself, he said to Kaikeyi - O Kaikeyi, how can you be so cruel? Don't ask my dear son to go to the forest, I am ready to give whatever you ask in return. I cannot live even a moment without seeing Rama, it is time to rule, why are you giving terrible tortures of the forest King Dasharatha tried to persuade Kaikeyi a lot but Kaikeyi remained adamant on his demand. 'Raghukul's ritual has always gone, but the word does not go'. Shri Ram never violated the dignity of the clan, he came to know about his father's promise. Along with this, two demands of Mata Kaikeyi were also reported. He soon decided that his father's promise could not be broken because of him and he decided to go to the forest. Shri Ram went to Mata Kaikeyi in his palace and pleaded with folded hands. O mother! You should not feel sad at all, I will soon leave for exile. If my younger brother Bharata becomes the king, then I will also be very happy, you give up your sorrow. Saying this, Shri Ramchandra along with Mata Sita and Lakshman ji went on exile for 12 years. King Dasharatha was weeping bitterly in the separation of Rama. His heart became very sad. With King Dasharatha, there was mourning in the entire city of Ayodhya. On hearing about the exile of their beloved prince and his wife, the people also started crying, as if calamity had broken out in the whole of Ayodhya, the birds twitter and the flowers stopped blooming. The people of Ayodhya also started going after the exile, dear prince, Shri Ram explained a lot to them but no one listened, then Ram left everyone sleeping alone and crossed the Sarayu river with Lakshmana and Sita, Bharat ji was not in Ayodhya when he went to the forest, he had gone to his maternal grandfather's house. Here Dashrath Maharaj's condition was deteriorating, his life was blown away by crying in his son's fascination. When King Dasharatha died, he did not have any sons with him. Later, the curse given by the parents of Shravan Kumar to King Dasharatha came to fruition. After the departure of Ramchandra ji, Bharat ji was called from his maternal grandfather's house. Till then King Dasharatha's body was kept safe in some oil by scientific method. Bharat ji returned to Ayodhya. When he came to know about the whole story, he was sad and also called his mother Kaikeyi very badly. After the death of King Dasharatha, the queen also repented a lot on her demand. Bharat ji soon performed the proper cremation of his father Dasharatha. After this Bharat ji went to the forest to bring back Ramchandra ji. Bharat ji had also taken the army of Ayodhya with him to the forest, due to which doubts arose in Lakshman j's mind that he was coming to fight with Bhaiya Shri so that he would kill Shri Ram and take the kingdom of Ayodhya forever, and remain king for life. Lakshman ji took up his bow and arrow and started preparing to fight with India and started asking Shri Ram to prepare as well. Lakshman ji became very angry, he was going to take the vow to kill Bharat, when Shri Ram explained to Lakshman ji and said that Bharat is not like that, if I make a gesture now, he can give you the whole kingdom. Then he withheld his promise. Shri Ram was right, Bharat had come to call them back not to fight, but Shri Ram refused to go back. Even after many requests of Bharat ji, Ram ji did not agree. In the end, Bharata came back to Ayodhya with his foot-padukas and started running the kingdom by placing these padukas on the throne. After some time, Shri Ram, along with Lakshmana and Sita reached the forest named Dandakaranya. There the great mighty Ravana, Shurpanakha was fascinated by the form of Shri Ram. She wanted to get married with Shri Ram. He proposed her marriage in front of Shri Ram. Shri Ram said-'I am married, see that my younger brother is Lakshman, he is also very beautiful, why don't you go to him. Saying so, Shri Ram sent him to Lakshman ji. She went to Lakshman ji. He got very angry at Sarpanakha, far from getting married, Lakshman ji cut off his nose. His face became very ugly. His entire nose was cut off. With such courage, she went to her brother and narrated the whole story. Telling about the beauty of Sita, Shurpanakha awakened the infatuation in the heart of Ravana. Ravana started making preparations to get the beautiful woman by force. He found out the whereabouts of Rama and Lakshmana. He had a pet deer named Marich. Which was more beautiful than other deer Left that deer near his hermitage. The deer started roaming around Shri Ram's ashram. Sita ji was fascinated by seeing the gold-coloured deer and started urging Shri Ram to get hold of that golden deer Ramji could not refuse Mata Sita. Shri Ram asked Mata Sita to stay inside the hut and be alert and followed the deer with Lakshmana and went in search of him. In the end, on the day of Dussehra in the month of Kuwar, Shri Ramchandraji killed Ravana, Sitaji came back. Shri Ram became very happy to meet Sita, along with him the whole army started celebrating. Now fourteen years were about to end. Ram Chandra ji gave the kingdom of Lanka to Vibhishana, after that he returned to Ayodhya. Hanuman ji, Sugriva ji etc. had also come with him. Even today this day is celebrated as Diwali festival. Now the coronation of Lord Shri Ram took place with full pomp. Once again, the preparations for the coronation of Shri Ram started going on in full swing in the whole of India. Everyone wanted to see their favorite prince becoming the king soon. He wanted to fulfill his unfinished dream. After all, that auspicious moment has come and the historic coronation of Shri Ram took place, Shri Ram sat on the throne with Mata Sita and started performing his religion with great skill and serving the people. In his kingdom, human beings are human beings, all living beings, animals, birds, trees and plants were all ecstatic. all used to live happily. In the Ram Charit Manas, Tulsi Das Maharajji, while describing the kingdom of Rama, says that in the kingdom of Rama, the sun used to give as much heat as the body could easily bear The rain was only as much as the crops and animals could bear. The trees were laden with fruits. Many different types of flowers were spreading different fragrances. One day Shri Ram decided to go among the public to understand the well being of his subjects closely. No one should recognize him, so he changed his disguise. While roaming in Shri Ram Nagar, under a tree where some people were already there, they stopped near them. There, the words of a washerman made Shri Ram very sad and forced him to take a tough decision again. That washerman questioned Mother Sita, which made Shri Ram sad. He came back to the palace and took a tough decision to send Mother Sita to Valmiki's ashram for the satisfaction of his subjects. Mother Sita ji had to stay in Valmiki Ashram due to public shame. In this ashram, Mother Sita gave birth to two stunning sons, whose names were Lav and Kush. Both of them were disciples of Maharishi Valmiki and became proficient and brave in knowledge of Vedas and war. Ramchandra performed the Ashwamedha Yajna. At this time Sitaji was called back and again on the demand of the subjects, she was asked to give a test of fire, due to this Mother Sita was again very sad and, taking an oath of her purity, pleaded with God in her mind to burst the earth and in the event of an earthquake Because the earth was torn apart proving Mother Sita the most holy and Mother Sita got absorbed in the earth forever and ever. Lord Shri Ram was very sad, he became alone forever, after some time Shri Ram also left his body in Saryu and took water samadhi. Luv and Kush were very brave, later they became kings and started ruling.
    Sri Ram (Historical Story) It is a long time ago that according to the Hindu calendar, about 9 lakh years ago in Tretayuga, there used to be a very majestic Suryavanshi king Dasharatha. The name of their capital was Ayodhya. King Dasharatha was a very just and righteous king. All the subjects used to live their life happily under his rule. The great majestic Satyawadi king Harishchandra and the successful king Bhagirathi were one of the ancestors of King Dasharatha. Like his ancestors, King Dasharatha was very involved in religious work. King Dasharatha had no children. Due to which he was often sad. King Dasharatha had three queens. The name of the first queen was Kausalya, the name of the second queen was Sumitra and the name of the third queen was Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha was a great archer. He was adept at playing slang. He could penetrate the target without seeing the target just by hearing the sound of the word, always in the mind of King Dasharatha. One day Rajguru Vashistha, who was immersed in this concern, suggested Dasharatha to perform Putreshti Yagya. He performed this yagya under the supervision of Shringi Rishi. A lot of donations and donations were made in this yagya. After this yajna, kheer in the form of Prasad was fed to the three queens. After several months, the three queens had four sons. The eldest queen was Rama of Kausalya, Bharata of Kaikeyi and Lakshmana and Shatrudhan of Sumitra. The four brothers were very beautiful and stunning. Maharaj Dasaratha was very happy to see his four sons. King Dasaratha was not happy when he got the happiness of children. After some time, the four brothers went to the forest with Rajguru Vashistha to receive education, Vashistha was a very learned guru. At that time, the sage Vashistha was highly respected. All the brothers were very unique talents. While Lakshman ji was a little accommodating. Shri Ram was calm and serious in nature. The four brothers were also very smart in reading and writing. Soon he learned martial arts like shooting arrows, etc. The people of Ayodhya were enchanted by his form and qualities King Dasharatha never wanted to keep them away from his eyes. One day a very learned and learned Maharishi Vishwamitra came to King Dasharatha. He was a great and ascetic sage of his time. Many sinners and tyrants used to create obstacles in his yajna. When he heard about Rama and his brothers, he went to Dasharatha. He asked Dasaratha to kill the sinners and tyrants and Rama and Lakshmana to protect the yajna. King Dasharatha with folded hands said to sage Vishwamitra- 'O sage! Both Rama and Lakshmana are still children. Don't take them to war with so many sinful and tyrannical people. I will move my whole army and myself and will fight with them and will also protect your sacrifice. King Dasharatha at first did not want to send his sons with him, then on the persuasion of Rajguru Vashistha, he agreed to send. Both Rama and Lakshmana left with sage Vishwamitra. On the way, the sage taught them two mantras. After learning these mantras, both the princes became more powerful. While going to the sage's ashram, he killed a sinful and tyrannical woman named Tadka. Reaching there, while protecting the yagna, one of his sons Maricha and the other son Subahu were also killed with an arrow. Now Vishwamitra's Yagya was completed very well and very peacefully. After this Maharishi Vishwamitra reached Mithilapuri with both the princes Rama and Lakshmana. King Janak of Mithila was a great scholar and sage. He created the swayamvara of his daughter Sita. There was a lot of pomp and show coming to the King- Maharaj Swayamvar from far and wide. When Vishwamitra reached there, the king gave him a big welcome. King Janak had a bow. This bow belonged to Shiva, with this bow he killed Tripasura. No one could lift it except Sitaji. Because it was very heavy and hard. King Janak had made a promise that anyone who lifts this bow will tie its rope. With that Sitaji will be married. Organized swayamvar for the marriage of Mata Sita ji. The great brave warriors of the entire Aryavrata were called. Ravana also participated in that event. All the kings tried hard, but no one could lift it and tie the rope. All the kings had given up. King Janak started worrying that now where should I find the worthy groom of my daughter. Then Maharishi Vishwamitra ordered Rama to lift the bow and put a string on him. Rama reached near the bow after getting the Guru's orders and he easily lifted the bow and started plucking it. While tying the bow, that bow broke at the hands of Shri Ram. The old bow belonged to Shiva, at that time Parashuram ji, the supreme devotee of Shiva, was also there. Hearing the sound of bow breaking, Parashurama reached there. He was very angry. He started searching for the one who broke this bow. Seeing the anger of Parashurama, there was silence in the whole assembly. No one was speaking out of fear. But Lakshman ji was not afraid, he started arguing with Parashuram ji, due to which Parashuram's anger started increasing. But Shri Ram politely folded his hands and requested Parshuram ji to accidentally break the bow and asked for forgiveness from him. Seeing the simple calm nature of Rama, Parashurama's anger was pacified and he left from there. Immediately after his departure, everyone in the meeting heaved a sigh of relief. After the departure of Parashurama, King Janak went to Maharishi Vishwamitra and asked him- 'O sage: Who are these two young men, the kings of this form, please tell them about them." Sage Vishwamitra told King Janak-these two brothers are Rama and Lakshman, both of them are the sons of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya. Among the four sons of King Dasharatha, Rama is the eldest who broke the bow. After hearing the introduction of Shri Ram by the sage, his happiness knew no bounds, he happily decided to marry his four daughters including Sita to the four sons of King Dasharatha. King Janak requested Maharishi for the marriage of all four, Maharishi gladly accepted. After that, celebrations started in the court of King Janak, sweets were distributed, drums started playing. The sage sent this auspicious message to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, King Dasharatha, on hearing the news, ordered to decorate the entire Ayodhya and distribute gifts to the people. The whole of Ayodhya started celebrating the marriage of its princes. King Dasharatha started preparing for the procession of his sons. Many thousand elephants were decorated, hundreds of chariots were made. The entire Ayodhya city reached Mithilapur in a procession. There was no shortage of preparations for the procession of Mithilapur King Janak. He went ahead and welcomed the procession, hugged King Dasharatha and gave him a lot of respect. In the marriage of Shri Ram, all the people of Ayodhya were dancing and singing. There was an atmosphere of celebration throughout Aryavrata. The marriage of the four brothers took place with great pomp. Shri Ramchandra ji got married with Mata Sita, Lakshman ji got married with Mata Urmila, Bharat ji got married with Mata Mandy and Shatrudhan ji got married with Mata Shrutikirti. After marriage, King Dasharatha came back to Ayodhya with everyone. The king now started ruling happily. Time passed and King Dasharatha was now getting old. He wanted to do penance himself by giving royal work to Ramchandra ji. At the behest of Guru Vashistha, an auspicious day was fixed for the coronation of Shri Ram. When all the subjects got the news that Shri Ram was going to become their king, then all the subjects were not happy. There was a lot of joy being celebrated. There was an atmosphere of happiness everywhere. Laughter was scattered on everyone's face, everyone was busy in decorating the palace and preparing for the coronation. Among all these faces there was such a face on which the feeling of sorrow and revenge was clearly visible. That face was none other than that of Queen Kaikeyi's maid Manthara. Manthara did not like being the king of Shri Ram ji, she wanted to see Bharat ji as the king. She was sad and went to Queen Kaikeyi Maharani Kaikeyi was overjoyed with the decision of Sri Rama's coronation and was taking stock of the preparations for the festival. Seeing Manthara's hanging face, he got angry at first but Manthara acted very cleverly. He said that I am a little sad for myself, I am sad for the concern of your son Prince Bharat. Hearing the name of Bharat, the queen said, what is the concern, speak clearly. Manthara took Queen Kaikey) in private and taught her many unconventional things. He cleverly awakened the son's attachment in Kaikey's mind and persuaded Bharata to demand the kingship, reminding King Dasharatha of accepting any two demands before marriage. During a battle before the marriage of King Dasharatha and Queen Kaikeyi, Kaikeyi saved the life of King Dasharatha. Princess Kaikeyi was beautiful, King Dasharatha requested her to marry, Queen Kaikey) asked for two promises, King Dasharatha agreed and both were married. Coming to Manthara's words, the queen made her face sad, untied her hair and slept in Kop Bhavan crying. This matter reached to King Dasharatha, the king immediately reached the queen's palace. He was very sad to see such condition. He loved Kaikeyi very much He asked. "O cakey! Why are you sad, everyone look how happy you are after all, tell me what you need. I will bring the sari after searching the world, don't you feel sad, tell me what do you want? Queen Kaikeyi reminded her of the two promises given by the king before the marriage and she demanded 12 years of exile to Shri Ram as the first demand and Bharata as the king in the second demand. On hearing the demand of Queen Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha's heart sat down. He started getting disturbed by sorrow, somehow managing himself, he said to Kaikeyi - O Kaikeyi, how can you be so cruel? Don't ask my dear son to go to the forest, I am ready to give whatever you ask in return. I cannot live even a moment without seeing Rama, it is time to rule, why are you giving terrible tortures of the forest King Dasharatha tried to persuade Kaikeyi a lot but Kaikeyi remained adamant on his demand. 'Raghukul's ritual has always gone, but the word does not go'. Shri Ram never violated the dignity of the clan, he came to know about his father's promise. Along with this, two demands of Mata Kaikeyi were also reported. He soon decided that his father's promise could not be broken because of him and he decided to go to the forest. Shri Ram went to Mata Kaikeyi in his palace and pleaded with folded hands. O mother! You should not feel sad at all, I will soon leave for exile. If my younger brother Bharata becomes the king, then I will also be very happy, you give up your sorrow. Saying this, Shri Ramchandra along with Mata Sita and Lakshman ji went on exile for 12 years. King Dasharatha was weeping bitterly in the separation of Rama. His heart became very sad. With King Dasharatha, there was mourning in the entire city of Ayodhya. On hearing about the exile of their beloved prince and his wife, the people also started crying, as if calamity had broken out in the whole of Ayodhya, the birds twitter and the flowers stopped blooming. The people of Ayodhya also started going after the exile, dear prince, Shri Ram explained a lot to them but no one listened, then Ram left everyone sleeping alone and crossed the Sarayu river with Lakshmana and Sita, Bharat ji was not in Ayodhya when he went to the forest, he had gone to his maternal grandfather's house. Here Dashrath Maharaj's condition was deteriorating, his life was blown away by crying in his son's fascination. When King Dasharatha died, he did not have any sons with him. Later, the curse given by the parents of Shravan Kumar to King Dasharatha came to fruition. After the departure of Ramchandra ji, Bharat ji was called from his maternal grandfather's house. Till then King Dasharatha's body was kept safe in some oil by scientific method. Bharat ji returned to Ayodhya. When he came to know about the whole story, he was sad and also called his mother Kaikeyi very badly. After the death of King Dasharatha, the queen also repented a lot on her demand. Bharat ji soon performed the proper cremation of his father Dasharatha. After this Bharat ji went to the forest to bring back Ramchandra ji. Bharat ji had also taken the army of Ayodhya with him to the forest, due to which doubts arose in Lakshman j's mind that he was coming to fight with Bhaiya Shri so that he would kill Shri Ram and take the kingdom of Ayodhya forever, and remain king for life. Lakshman ji took up his bow and arrow and started preparing to fight with India and started asking Shri Ram to prepare as well. Lakshman ji became very angry, he was going to take the vow to kill Bharat, when Shri Ram explained to Lakshman ji and said that Bharat is not like that, if I make a gesture now, he can give you the whole kingdom. Then he withheld his promise. Shri Ram was right, Bharat had come to call them back not to fight, but Shri Ram refused to go back. Even after many requests of Bharat ji, Ram ji did not agree. In the end, Bharata came back to Ayodhya with his foot-padukas and started running the kingdom by placing these padukas on the throne. After some time, Shri Ram, along with Lakshmana and Sita reached the forest named Dandakaranya. There the great mighty Ravana, Shurpanakha was fascinated by the form of Shri Ram. She wanted to get married with Shri Ram. He proposed her marriage in front of Shri Ram. Shri Ram said-'I am married, see that my younger brother is Lakshman, he is also very beautiful, why don't you go to him. Saying so, Shri Ram sent him to Lakshman ji. She went to Lakshman ji. He got very angry at Sarpanakha, far from getting married, Lakshman ji cut off his nose. His face became very ugly. His entire nose was cut off. With such courage, she went to her brother and narrated the whole story. Telling about the beauty of Sita, Shurpanakha awakened the infatuation in the heart of Ravana. Ravana started making preparations to get the beautiful woman by force. He found out the whereabouts of Rama and Lakshmana. He had a pet deer named Marich. Which was more beautiful than other deer Left that deer near his hermitage. The deer started roaming around Shri Ram's ashram. Sita ji was fascinated by seeing the gold-coloured deer and started urging Shri Ram to get hold of that golden deer Ramji could not refuse Mata Sita. Shri Ram asked Mata Sita to stay inside the hut and be alert and followed the deer with Lakshmana and went in search of him. In the end, on the day of Dussehra in the month of Kuwar, Shri Ramchandraji killed Ravana, Sitaji came back. Shri Ram became very happy to meet Sita, along with him the whole army started celebrating. Now fourteen years were about to end. Ram Chandra ji gave the kingdom of Lanka to Vibhishana, after that he returned to Ayodhya. Hanuman ji, Sugriva ji etc. had also come with him. Even today this day is celebrated as Diwali festival. Now the coronation of Lord Shri Ram took place with full pomp. Once again, the preparations for the coronation of Shri Ram started going on in full swing in the whole of India. Everyone wanted to see their favorite prince becoming the king soon. He wanted to fulfill his unfinished dream. After all, that auspicious moment has come and the historic coronation of Shri Ram took place, Shri Ram sat on the throne with Mata Sita and started performing his religion with great skill and serving the people. In his kingdom, human beings are human beings, all living beings, animals, birds, trees and plants were all ecstatic. all used to live happily. In the Ram Charit Manas, Tulsi Das Maharajji, while describing the kingdom of Rama, says that in the kingdom of Rama, the sun used to give as much heat as the body could easily bear The rain was only as much as the crops and animals could bear. The trees were laden with fruits. Many different types of flowers were spreading different fragrances. One day Shri Ram decided to go among the public to understand the well being of his subjects closely. No one should recognize him, so he changed his disguise. While roaming in Shri Ram Nagar, under a tree where some people were already there, they stopped near them. There, the words of a washerman made Shri Ram very sad and forced him to take a tough decision again. That washerman questioned Mother Sita, which made Shri Ram sad. He came back to the palace and took a tough decision to send Mother Sita to Valmiki's ashram for the satisfaction of his subjects. Mother Sita ji had to stay in Valmiki Ashram due to public shame. In this ashram, Mother Sita gave birth to two stunning sons, whose names were Lav and Kush. Both of them were disciples of Maharishi Valmiki and became proficient and brave in knowledge of Vedas and war. Ramchandra performed the Ashwamedha Yajna. At this time Sitaji was called back and again on the demand of the subjects, she was asked to give a test of fire, due to this Mother Sita was again very sad and, taking an oath of her purity, pleaded with God in her mind to burst the earth and in the event of an earthquake Because the earth was torn apart proving Mother Sita the most holy and Mother Sita got absorbed in the earth forever and ever. Lord Shri Ram was very sad, he became alone forever, after some time Shri Ram also left his body in Saryu and took water samadhi. Luv and Kush were very brave, later they became kings and started ruling.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 12060 Views
    ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ????????

    1. Madagascar ???????? is the fourth largest island in the world.

    2. Madagascar ???????? has the largest coastline in Africa.

    3. South Africa ???????? is the only Country to have hosted FIFA World cup in Africa.

    4. Eswatini ???????? is a kingdom ruled by a Monarch.

    5. South Africa ???????? has the largest GDP in the region.

    6. South Africa ????????, cape Town city was ranked the best in 2019.

    7. Namibia ???????? has the largest desert in the region known as namib desert that meets The Atlantic Ocean.

    8. Lesotho ???????? is the only Landlocked country inside a country in Africa.

    9. In Madagascar ???????? All houses should face west

    10. Madagascar ???????? The head of the bed must face north

    11. People in Madagascar ???????? Never have a funeral on a Thursday.

    12. Nearly 40% of Botswana ???????? is made up of national parks and wildlife reserves which provide plenty of large areas for animals to roam.

    13. Botswana ???????? is home to the world's largest concentration of African elephants, of which the highest concentration is found in Chobe National Park.

    14. ???????? The world’s second-largest gem quality diamond was discovered in Botswana last year. It is the biggest diamond to be discovered in Botswana and the largest find in more than a century.

    15 Botswana ???????? holds a number of world records including the world’s largest salt pans, the world’s largest inland delta and the world’s shortest border.

    16. Half the people in Mozambique ???????? are under-17.More than half the women have their first child before they are 19.

    17. Mozambique ???????? is the only country with a single word name that includes all five vowels.

    18. Mozambique is the only country in the Commonwealth never to have been part of the British Empire.

    19. Termite hills in Zambia ???????? can grow as big as a small house. With room for a pony. The termite hills are the size of a house.

    20. In Zambia ???????? Victoria Falls is double the height of Niagara Falls
    Victoria Falls is 108 metres in height. It’s almost double the height of Niagara Falls in Canada.The traditional name for Victoria Falls is Mosi-oa-Tunya, Mosi-oa-tunya means the ‘Smoke that Thunders’ and, as you can imagine, Victoria Falls truly lives up to its name.

    21. In Zimbabwe ???????? There’s a massive man-made lake that sustains life to the country, Lake Kariba is the world’s biggest man-made lake and is used for commercial fishing operations and to supply electric hydropower to Zambia and Zimbabwe.

    22. In Zimbabwe ???????? The noise of the Victoria Falls can be heard as far as 40 kilometers away.

    23. Zimbabwe ???????? has five UNESCO World heritage sites; these are Khami Ruins, Great Zimbabwe Ruins, Victoria Falls, Mana Pools and Matobo Hills. Now that’s a good reason to come and visit. Find out more about these sites.

    24. Angola ????????, there are many Portuguese speakers in Angola than Portugal itself.
    25. Namibia ???????? is home to the world’s oldest desert.

    26. In Namibia ???????? The himba rive of Namibia is the most famous tribe in the region. The Himba tribe in the Kunene region of the country have strongly clung to their traditional ways and beliefs. They wear traditional clothes, eat traditional foods and even practice traditional religions. The women wear skirts and leave their upper body bare.

    27. In Malawi ???????? Lake Malawi contains the largest number of fish species of any lake in the world.

    28. South Africa ???????? has the best Healthcare in Africa that matches Europe and international standards.

    29. South Africa ???????? is the second leading tourist destination in Africa after Morocco.

    30. South Africa ???????? is the most popular country in Africa after Nigeria.

    31. South Africa ???????? Rovos Rail & Blue Trains Are Considered The Most Luxurious Trains In Africa

    32.South African ????????Table Mountain Is One Of The Oldest Mountains In The World & Has More Species Of Flowers Than Some Countries In Europe

    33. CapeTown South Africa ???????? Is Ranked Number 7 Most Beautiful City In The World.

    34. South Africa ???????? South Africa is the first country in the world to carry out a successful heart transplant in capetown.

    ???? A woman from the Zulu nation in Southern Africa

    Guys let's get our YouTube channel (YT: Historical Africa) to 80k subscribers. Kindly click on the link to subscribe https://youtube.com/c/HistoricalAfrica
    Sâ—‹UTHERN AFRICAN Câ—‹UNTRIES TOP FACTS ✅ ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? 1. Madagascar ???????? is the fourth largest island in the world. 2. Madagascar ???????? has the largest coastline in Africa. 3. South Africa ???????? is the only Country to have hosted FIFA World cup in Africa. 4. Eswatini ???????? is a kingdom ruled by a Monarch. 5. South Africa ???????? has the largest GDP in the region. 6. South Africa ????????, cape Town city was ranked the best in 2019. 7. Namibia ???????? has the largest desert in the region known as namib desert that meets The Atlantic Ocean. 8. Lesotho ???????? is the only Landlocked country inside a country in Africa. 9. In Madagascar ???????? All houses should face west 10. Madagascar ???????? The head of the bed must face north 11. People in Madagascar ???????? Never have a funeral on a Thursday. 12. Nearly 40% of Botswana ???????? is made up of national parks and wildlife reserves which provide plenty of large areas for animals to roam. 13. Botswana ???????? is home to the world's largest concentration of African elephants, of which the highest concentration is found in Chobe National Park. 14. ???????? The world’s second-largest gem quality diamond was discovered in Botswana last year. It is the biggest diamond to be discovered in Botswana and the largest find in more than a century. 15 Botswana ???????? holds a number of world records including the world’s largest salt pans, the world’s largest inland delta and the world’s shortest border. 16. Half the people in Mozambique ???????? are under-17.More than half the women have their first child before they are 19. 17. Mozambique ???????? is the only country with a single word name that includes all five vowels. 18. Mozambique is the only country in the Commonwealth never to have been part of the British Empire. 19. Termite hills in Zambia ???????? can grow as big as a small house. With room for a pony. The termite hills are the size of a house. 20. In Zambia ???????? Victoria Falls is double the height of Niagara Falls Victoria Falls is 108 metres in height. It’s almost double the height of Niagara Falls in Canada.The traditional name for Victoria Falls is Mosi-oa-Tunya, Mosi-oa-tunya means the ‘Smoke that Thunders’ and, as you can imagine, Victoria Falls truly lives up to its name. 21. In Zimbabwe ???????? There’s a massive man-made lake that sustains life to the country, Lake Kariba is the world’s biggest man-made lake and is used for commercial fishing operations and to supply electric hydropower to Zambia and Zimbabwe. 22. In Zimbabwe ???????? The noise of the Victoria Falls can be heard as far as 40 kilometers away. 23. Zimbabwe ???????? has five UNESCO World heritage sites; these are Khami Ruins, Great Zimbabwe Ruins, Victoria Falls, Mana Pools and Matobo Hills. Now that’s a good reason to come and visit. Find out more about these sites. 24. Angola ????????, there are many Portuguese speakers in Angola than Portugal itself. 25. Namibia ???????? is home to the world’s oldest desert. 26. In Namibia ???????? The himba rive of Namibia is the most famous tribe in the region. The Himba tribe in the Kunene region of the country have strongly clung to their traditional ways and beliefs. They wear traditional clothes, eat traditional foods and even practice traditional religions. The women wear skirts and leave their upper body bare. 27. In Malawi ???????? Lake Malawi contains the largest number of fish species of any lake in the world. 28. South Africa ???????? has the best Healthcare in Africa that matches Europe and international standards. 29. South Africa ???????? is the second leading tourist destination in Africa after Morocco. 30. South Africa ???????? is the most popular country in Africa after Nigeria. 31. South Africa ???????? Rovos Rail & Blue Trains Are Considered The Most Luxurious Trains In Africa 32.South African ????????Table Mountain Is One Of The Oldest Mountains In The World & Has More Species Of Flowers Than Some Countries In Europe 33. CapeTown South Africa ???????? Is Ranked Number 7 Most Beautiful City In The World. 34. South Africa ???????? South Africa is the first country in the world to carry out a successful heart transplant in capetown. ???? A woman from the Zulu nation in Southern Africa Guys let's get our YouTube channel (YT: Historical Africa) to 80k subscribers. Kindly click on the link to subscribe https://youtube.com/c/HistoricalAfrica
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 9589 Views
  • Now this is a real treat! Getting to meet and travel with MH & Andy from @expeditionrove and seeing Tango in person, this is just a reminder of what a strange and powerful tool the internet is! The best part of it is that we had @jana_from_alucab and @rolbos_overland_za in the @alucab Khaya showing us some real gems of the Cederberg! I think a couple nights to get acquainted at Kagga Kamma was just what we needed before we kicked off an unforgettable adventure!

    #Landrover #defender #defender110 #toyota #hilux #toyotahilux #alucabicarus #alucab #alucabkhaya #alucabcanopycamper #truckcamper #overlanding #offroad #camping #rooftoptentliving #rooftoptent #overlandlife #overland #roamoverlanding #iroam #bushtechcanopies #garminsa #beatyesterday
    Now this is a real treat! Getting to meet and travel with MH & Andy from @expeditionrove and seeing Tango in person, this is just a reminder of what a strange and powerful tool the internet is! The best part of it is that we had @jana_from_alucab and @rolbos_overland_za in the @alucab Khaya showing us some real gems of the Cederberg! I think a couple nights to get acquainted at Kagga Kamma was just what we needed before we kicked off an unforgettable adventure! #Landrover #defender #defender110 #toyota #hilux #toyotahilux #alucabicarus #alucab #alucabkhaya #alucabcanopycamper #truckcamper #overlanding #offroad #camping #rooftoptentliving #rooftoptent #overlandlife #overland #roamoverlanding #iroam #bushtechcanopies #garminsa #beatyesterday
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 11940 Views
  • Now this is a real treat! Getting to meet and travel with MH & Andy from @expeditionrove and seeing Tango in person, this is just a reminder of what a strange and powerful tool the internet is! The best part of it is that we had @jana_from_alucab and @rolbos_overland_za in the @alucab Khaya showing us some real gems of the Cederberg! I think a couple nights to get acquainted at Kagga Kamma was just what we needed before we kicked off an unforgettable adventure!

    #Landrover #defender #defender110 #toyota #hilux #toyotahilux #alucabicarus #alucab #alucabkhaya #alucabcanopycamper #truckcamper #overlanding #offroad #camping #rooftoptentliving #rooftoptent #overlandlife #overland #roamoverlanding #iroam #bushtechcanopies #garminsa #beatyesterday
    Now this is a real treat! Getting to meet and travel with MH & Andy from @expeditionrove and seeing Tango in person, this is just a reminder of what a strange and powerful tool the internet is! The best part of it is that we had @jana_from_alucab and @rolbos_overland_za in the @alucab Khaya showing us some real gems of the Cederberg! I think a couple nights to get acquainted at Kagga Kamma was just what we needed before we kicked off an unforgettable adventure! #Landrover #defender #defender110 #toyota #hilux #toyotahilux #alucabicarus #alucab #alucabkhaya #alucabcanopycamper #truckcamper #overlanding #offroad #camping #rooftoptentliving #rooftoptent #overlandlife #overland #roamoverlanding #iroam #bushtechcanopies #garminsa #beatyesterday
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 11757 Views
  • Spontaneous pictures are the best ???????? Have a Goodnight lovies ❤️
    #dubai #unitedarabemirates #atmospheredubai #photography #roamtheplanet
    Spontaneous pictures are the best ???????? Have a Goodnight lovies ❤️ #dubai #unitedarabemirates #atmospheredubai #photography #roamtheplanet
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3877 Views
  • Being a growing Adventure Tourism operator in a developing nation that few people want to visit is hard enough.

    Throw in worldwide travel bans and all manner of possible outcomes and this virus has made 2020 a fairly hard year so far.

    Our March and May tours have been postponed, but our August and Oct tours are still on, at this stage anyway, as who knows what will transpire in coming months. Fingers crossed

    We may all be living in a post-apocalyptic world in 6 months, riding modified 700cc two strokes.

    As civilization devolves into barbarity, the forces of good (on KTMs) will roam the wastelands of earth, hiding from the Government agents (on Yamaha's of course), helping small pockets of survivors escape from the Govts tyranny.

    Good will triumph over evil as it always does, but before we film the next Mad Max movie, “Viral Wasteland”, here are 26 reasons when things get better WHY YOU NEED TO BOOK A TOUR !!!

    PS – Follow Niugini Dirt Tours, for quicker access to stunning shots like these

    PNG '"The Land of the Unexpected"
    Being a growing Adventure Tourism operator in a developing nation that few people want to visit is hard enough. Throw in worldwide travel bans and all manner of possible outcomes and this virus has made 2020 a fairly hard year so far. Our March and May tours have been postponed, but our August and Oct tours are still on, at this stage anyway, as who knows what will transpire in coming months. Fingers crossed We may all be living in a post-apocalyptic world in 6 months, riding modified 700cc two strokes. As civilization devolves into barbarity, the forces of good (on KTMs) will roam the wastelands of earth, hiding from the Government agents (on Yamaha's of course), helping small pockets of survivors escape from the Govts tyranny. Good will triumph over evil as it always does, but before we film the next Mad Max movie, “Viral Wasteland”, here are 26 reasons when things get better WHY YOU NEED TO BOOK A TOUR !!! PS – Follow Niugini Dirt Tours, for quicker access to stunning shots like these www.niuginidirt.com PNG '"The Land of the Unexpected"
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  • Yellowstone Bear World
    Idaho's #1 wildlife attraction. A drive through wildlife park featuring North American wildlife including: rocky mountain elk, bison, white-tail deer, rocky mountain goats, moose and of course american black bear, grizzly bear and gray wolves. Wildlife are free roaming in natural habitats as your drive through in the comfort and safety of your personal vehicle or RV. Park also includes: bear cub exhibit, interactive petting zoo, fish feeding deck, amusement rides, cafe and gift shop. Guided tours and bear cub feeding experiences also available.Open daily Mid-May through Mid-0ctober.
    Yellowstone Bear World Idaho's #1 wildlife attraction. A drive through wildlife park featuring North American wildlife including: rocky mountain elk, bison, white-tail deer, rocky mountain goats, moose and of course american black bear, grizzly bear and gray wolves. Wildlife are free roaming in natural habitats as your drive through in the comfort and safety of your personal vehicle or RV. Park also includes: bear cub exhibit, interactive petting zoo, fish feeding deck, amusement rides, cafe and gift shop. Guided tours and bear cub feeding experiences also available.Open daily Mid-May through Mid-0ctober.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2464 Views 23
  • Many of us grew up in an environment where outdoor play was encouraged and children were allowed to roam. This was one of glorious things so many in Generation X experienced.
    Many of us grew up in an environment where outdoor play was encouraged and children were allowed to roam. This was one of glorious things so many in Generation X experienced.
    Child Services Tells Mother Her Kids Can't Play Outside by Themselves - Activist Post
    This is what happens when the state strays from the true purpose of the law.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 616 Views
  • Sunday afternoon to all. While roaming around in the market I saw multiple Mini Bottle Charms that I get attracted to. So, I picked one and bought it.
    Looks cute right?

    Posted using SoMee
    Sunday afternoon to all. While roaming around in the market I saw multiple Mini Bottle Charms that I get attracted to. So, I picked one and bought it. Looks cute right? Posted using SoMee
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