• You Are on an SSRI
    Yes, you. All of you. No, it's not what you think, it's not the food or water or air. It's worse than that because it's completely hidden from awareness and yet it's everywhere.

    Dr. Syed Haider
    The townspeople thought it was a werewolf...
    The term "lunatic" comes from "luna," the Latin word for moon.

    Historically, it was believed that the full moon could cause temporary madness or just erratic behavior in people, particularly women (yes, history is sexist). This idea extended to folklore, where the full moon was thought to have supernatural influences on humans, leading to transformations into werewolves (or other “were” animals depending on continent and local species availability, so werelion, weretiger, werehyena, etc).

    Pliny the Elder was a Roman philosopher who suggested that the Full Moon caused more dew to form, which he believed led to increased moisture in the brain and subsequent madness.

    A British judge in the 1700s noted that a "lunatic" was someone whose mental state fluctuated with the phases of the moon.

    Ancient medical systems widely acknowledge the moon's influence on human health and behavior. Ancient Chinese Medicine associates the moon with feminine Yin energy, affecting the balance of Yin and Yang, and times treatments to the lunar cycle. Ayurveda links the moon's phases to the body's doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), the full moon is thought to increase Kapha, while the new moon is said to increase Vata, so Ayurveda recommended specific diets and fasting on certain lunar days. Greek Unani medicine emphasizes the moon's impact on bodily fluids and advises timing treatments with lunar phases. In Western traditions, both Hippocratic and medieval medicine believed the moon affected disease progression and recovery, often consulting lunar charts for optimal treatment timing​.

    FulDoes the Full Moon have an effect on humans?
    However modern studies investigating a correlation between lunar phases and psychiatric admissions haven’t shown any significant link.

    Research by scientists at the University of Washington, Yale University, and the National University of Quilmes in Argentina did find that sleep patterns oscillate with the 29.5-day lunar cycle. They observed that people tend to go to bed later and sleep less on nights preceding a full moon, an effect more pronounced in rural indigenous communities with limited or no access to artificial light, though also noted in industrial societies, so there is some biological link to moon cycles nowadays that may have something to do with light, it’s just not that pronounced.

    If the effects so widely noted throughout the ancient world were in whole or in part mediated by changes in the brightness of the moonlight during different phases of the lunar cycle, then the previously noted link on behavior may have been overcome by the modern prevalence of artificial light at night (ALAN).

    North Korea vs South Korea at night
    Not a lot of silver linings in North Korea, but they definitely don’t need to worry about light pollution.
    Support for this comes from indigenous cultures without artificial light, where the menstrual cycle is often observed to synchronize with the lunar cycle. Traditionally, it was noted that women menstruate during the new moon and ovulate during the full moon.

    Menstruation in traditional cultures was associated with introspection, renewal, and rest. This phase was often linked to lower energy levels and the desire or need for seclusion and reflection.

    The full moon on the other hand was associated with ovulation, characterized by higher energy levels, increased fertility, and a peak in creativity.

    Research shows a link between blue light and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) production during the follicular phase directly preceding ovulation.

    During ovulation, Luteinizing Hormone, Estrogen and FSH all rise.

    Blue light can increase the levels of all of these hormones, so exposure to brighter blue light during the full moon could certainly predispose women to ovulation at that time.

    But far more persuasive than that little sexist aside into women’s monthly mood swings, is historical and contemporary research that indicates that the prevalence of artificial lighting has had significant impacts on mental health, potentially supporting the concept of moon madness. Studies have found that excessive exposure to artificial light at night can disrupt circadian hormonal rhythms, leading to increased risks of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and PTSD.

    A study published in Nature Mental Health involving over 85,000 participants revealed that those exposed to high levels of nighttime light experienced a 30% increase in depression risk.

    This effect was found to be consistent across various demographics (finally! not sexist at all!) and living environments, reinforcing the idea that artificial light exposure at night is a significant risk factor for mental health disorders​.

    It helps to put this all into perspective and understand why it actually happens.

    You’re on an SSRI and it’s too much light at night

    In the morning you’re meant to naturally be exposed to sunlight, which should stimulate the production of various daytime hormones including serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, cortisol, insulin, testosterone, estrogen, etc.

    Now, serotonin is the precursor to melatonin, a nighttime hormone. But actual production of melatonin from serotonin is only stimulated by darkness.

    If we leave the lights on after sunset we’ll produce less melatonin that night, which means we won’t metabolize some of the serotonin floating around into melatonin. Which means we’ll have more serotonin than we need left over.

    And what if we take some melatonin to help get to sleep since the light prevented us from making enough?

    The same thing will happen, but it will be worse. Because in that case we’ll need to convert even less serotonin into melatonin.

    And even if the excess serotonin were metabolized away, light itself directly stimulates serotonin production (along with all the other hormones I mentioned earlier).

    What happens if serotonin levels rise higher than they should?

    It’s like being on an SSRI, which stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. What an SSRI does is prevent serotonin from being recycled by neurons after it’s released, so it leaves more serotonin inside of synapses in the brain. Basically there’s more serotonin left hanging around, just like we see with extended blue light exposure at night, when we do not recycle or convert enough serotonin into melatonin (and at the same time we stimulate even more production, so it’s actually even worse than an SSRI).

    What does high serotonin do?

    Chronically elevated serotonin will lead to increased cortisol production, prolactin excess, and disrupted levels of thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, oxytocin, and insulin (what it doesn’t do is help prevent or treat any psychiatric disease despite the decades of marketing to the contrary - see many excellent exposes like The Emperor’s New Drugs).

    The Emperor's New Drugs: Exploding the Antidepressant Myth
    Let’s trace out the further implications of just the first of those effects of higher serotonin: chronically elevated cortisol will lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, hypertension, heart disease, low immune function, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, mood disorders, cognitive impairment, reproductive hormone imbalances, skin and hair problems, and digestive upset. It does this by affecting the levels of insulin, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, growth hormone, prolactin, adrenaline, leptin and ghrelin.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    And we could keep going down each of these pathways documenting how each disruption spreads outward in every worsening butterfly effects, all due to a simple seemingly harmless decision to turn the lights on after dark.

    Now imagine what happens to all your other hormones and neurotransmitters that are also supposed to be influenced by circadian cycles like dopamine, insulin, cortisol, growth hormone, testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, aldosterone, leptin, ghrelin and glucagon.

    These are the dials of your immunity, metabolism, motivation, focus, sex drive, blood pressure, recovery, blood sugar, appetite regulation, and more.

    Dopamine excess is associated with psychiatric diseases like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, as well as being linked to addictions like gambling, alcohol and drugs (and social media).

    The hormones that are supposed to be high during the daytime hours will be over expressed by a longer “day” when you leave the lights on after sunset. Then organs that make them will be chronically overtaxed.

    Now imagine doing that for years, decades, your whole life.

    No wonder people burn out.

    Then the opposite situation may eventually occur: deficiencies of serotonin, dopamine, cortisol, adrenaline, etc.

    Low mood, depression, chronic fatigue, etc.

    We aren’t designed for artificial lights at night. They make us fat, exhausted, sick and crazy in a thousand ways.

    Turn off the lights and let the lunacy subside.

    You Are on an SSRI Yes, you. All of you. No, it's not what you think, it's not the food or water or air. It's worse than that because it's completely hidden from awareness and yet it's everywhere. Dr. Syed Haider The townspeople thought it was a werewolf... The term "lunatic" comes from "luna," the Latin word for moon. Historically, it was believed that the full moon could cause temporary madness or just erratic behavior in people, particularly women (yes, history is sexist). This idea extended to folklore, where the full moon was thought to have supernatural influences on humans, leading to transformations into werewolves (or other “were” animals depending on continent and local species availability, so werelion, weretiger, werehyena, etc). Pliny the Elder was a Roman philosopher who suggested that the Full Moon caused more dew to form, which he believed led to increased moisture in the brain and subsequent madness. A British judge in the 1700s noted that a "lunatic" was someone whose mental state fluctuated with the phases of the moon. Ancient medical systems widely acknowledge the moon's influence on human health and behavior. Ancient Chinese Medicine associates the moon with feminine Yin energy, affecting the balance of Yin and Yang, and times treatments to the lunar cycle. Ayurveda links the moon's phases to the body's doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), the full moon is thought to increase Kapha, while the new moon is said to increase Vata, so Ayurveda recommended specific diets and fasting on certain lunar days. Greek Unani medicine emphasizes the moon's impact on bodily fluids and advises timing treatments with lunar phases. In Western traditions, both Hippocratic and medieval medicine believed the moon affected disease progression and recovery, often consulting lunar charts for optimal treatment timing​. FulDoes the Full Moon have an effect on humans? However modern studies investigating a correlation between lunar phases and psychiatric admissions haven’t shown any significant link. Research by scientists at the University of Washington, Yale University, and the National University of Quilmes in Argentina did find that sleep patterns oscillate with the 29.5-day lunar cycle. They observed that people tend to go to bed later and sleep less on nights preceding a full moon, an effect more pronounced in rural indigenous communities with limited or no access to artificial light, though also noted in industrial societies, so there is some biological link to moon cycles nowadays that may have something to do with light, it’s just not that pronounced. If the effects so widely noted throughout the ancient world were in whole or in part mediated by changes in the brightness of the moonlight during different phases of the lunar cycle, then the previously noted link on behavior may have been overcome by the modern prevalence of artificial light at night (ALAN). North Korea vs South Korea at night Not a lot of silver linings in North Korea, but they definitely don’t need to worry about light pollution. Support for this comes from indigenous cultures without artificial light, where the menstrual cycle is often observed to synchronize with the lunar cycle. Traditionally, it was noted that women menstruate during the new moon and ovulate during the full moon. Menstruation in traditional cultures was associated with introspection, renewal, and rest. This phase was often linked to lower energy levels and the desire or need for seclusion and reflection. The full moon on the other hand was associated with ovulation, characterized by higher energy levels, increased fertility, and a peak in creativity. Research shows a link between blue light and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) production during the follicular phase directly preceding ovulation. During ovulation, Luteinizing Hormone, Estrogen and FSH all rise. Blue light can increase the levels of all of these hormones, so exposure to brighter blue light during the full moon could certainly predispose women to ovulation at that time. But far more persuasive than that little sexist aside into women’s monthly mood swings, is historical and contemporary research that indicates that the prevalence of artificial lighting has had significant impacts on mental health, potentially supporting the concept of moon madness. Studies have found that excessive exposure to artificial light at night can disrupt circadian hormonal rhythms, leading to increased risks of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. A study published in Nature Mental Health involving over 85,000 participants revealed that those exposed to high levels of nighttime light experienced a 30% increase in depression risk. This effect was found to be consistent across various demographics (finally! not sexist at all!) and living environments, reinforcing the idea that artificial light exposure at night is a significant risk factor for mental health disorders​. It helps to put this all into perspective and understand why it actually happens. You’re on an SSRI and it’s too much light at night In the morning you’re meant to naturally be exposed to sunlight, which should stimulate the production of various daytime hormones including serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, cortisol, insulin, testosterone, estrogen, etc. Now, serotonin is the precursor to melatonin, a nighttime hormone. But actual production of melatonin from serotonin is only stimulated by darkness. If we leave the lights on after sunset we’ll produce less melatonin that night, which means we won’t metabolize some of the serotonin floating around into melatonin. Which means we’ll have more serotonin than we need left over. And what if we take some melatonin to help get to sleep since the light prevented us from making enough? The same thing will happen, but it will be worse. Because in that case we’ll need to convert even less serotonin into melatonin. And even if the excess serotonin were metabolized away, light itself directly stimulates serotonin production (along with all the other hormones I mentioned earlier). What happens if serotonin levels rise higher than they should? It’s like being on an SSRI, which stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. What an SSRI does is prevent serotonin from being recycled by neurons after it’s released, so it leaves more serotonin inside of synapses in the brain. Basically there’s more serotonin left hanging around, just like we see with extended blue light exposure at night, when we do not recycle or convert enough serotonin into melatonin (and at the same time we stimulate even more production, so it’s actually even worse than an SSRI). What does high serotonin do? Chronically elevated serotonin will lead to increased cortisol production, prolactin excess, and disrupted levels of thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, oxytocin, and insulin (what it doesn’t do is help prevent or treat any psychiatric disease despite the decades of marketing to the contrary - see many excellent exposes like The Emperor’s New Drugs). The Emperor's New Drugs: Exploding the Antidepressant Myth Let’s trace out the further implications of just the first of those effects of higher serotonin: chronically elevated cortisol will lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, hypertension, heart disease, low immune function, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, mood disorders, cognitive impairment, reproductive hormone imbalances, skin and hair problems, and digestive upset. It does this by affecting the levels of insulin, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, growth hormone, prolactin, adrenaline, leptin and ghrelin. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share And we could keep going down each of these pathways documenting how each disruption spreads outward in every worsening butterfly effects, all due to a simple seemingly harmless decision to turn the lights on after dark. Now imagine what happens to all your other hormones and neurotransmitters that are also supposed to be influenced by circadian cycles like dopamine, insulin, cortisol, growth hormone, testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, aldosterone, leptin, ghrelin and glucagon. These are the dials of your immunity, metabolism, motivation, focus, sex drive, blood pressure, recovery, blood sugar, appetite regulation, and more. Dopamine excess is associated with psychiatric diseases like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, as well as being linked to addictions like gambling, alcohol and drugs (and social media). The hormones that are supposed to be high during the daytime hours will be over expressed by a longer “day” when you leave the lights on after sunset. Then organs that make them will be chronically overtaxed. Now imagine doing that for years, decades, your whole life. No wonder people burn out. Then the opposite situation may eventually occur: deficiencies of serotonin, dopamine, cortisol, adrenaline, etc. Low mood, depression, chronic fatigue, etc. We aren’t designed for artificial lights at night. They make us fat, exhausted, sick and crazy in a thousand ways. Turn off the lights and let the lunacy subside. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/youve-been-on-an-ssri-your-entire
    You Are on an SSRI
    Yes, you. All of you. No, it's not what you think, it's not the food or water or air. It's worse than that because it's completely hidden from awareness and yet it's everywhere.
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  • Congress applauded the genocide in Gaza, but Netanyahu’s speech showed the political consensus on Israel is over
    Mitchell PlitnickJuly 28, 2024
    File photo: Benjamin Netanyahu concludes his third address before a joint meeting of Congress in March 2015. Netanyahu gave his fourth address before Congress on July 24, 2024. (Official Photo by Caleb Smith)
    File photo: Benjamin Netanyahu concludes his third address before a joint meeting of Congress in March 2015. Netanyahu gave his fourth address before Congress on July 24, 2024. (Official Photo by Caleb Smith)
    In one of the most shameful displays in Congress’ history, Israeli Prime Minister delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.

    The speech was heavy on militarism, racism, and lies so brazen that even the mainstream American media caught some of them. Netanyahu paraded one Muslim and one Ethiopian IDF soldier, bragging about how many Palestinians they killed in a shallow effort to refute the idea that Israel is a racist, apartheid state.

    He lied about Israel targeting Palestinian civilians, which it has done to an unprecedented degree; about the ratio of civilians to combatants killed in Gaza; and the death toll in Rafah. These were all obscenities, a display of genocide denial in the halls of Congress on par with the worst deniers of the Holocaust. Even worse, this denial was done by the murderer himself, while still committing the heinous crimes, and the lies were greeted with standing ovations and cheers from the members of Congress on hand to witness this.

    Netanyahu even dug up long-debunked lies about October 7, stories of babies burned alive, and babies killed while hiding in an attic. These have been debunked by Israeli sources, but that didn’t stop Netanyahu from repeating them to a welcoming crowd of Islamophobes and anti-Palestinian racists in Washington.

    As expected, he also claimed the large numbers of protesters outside his speech were financed by Iran, bolstered by the false and wholly unsubstantiated recent testimony from the U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines.

    Netanyahu’s speech was meant to bolster congressional support for the genocide in Gaza, and to bring jingoistic, militaristic reinforcement to the notion that Israel is fighting the front line of America’s battle against Muslim barbarism. The racism oozed from his every word and was greeted with overwhelming warmth and appreciation from Republicans and the Democratic hawks in attendance.

    But beyond the bombast, there was little substance to the speech, which held nothing new, just the same old talking points, falsehoods, and basic racism. It was, in the end, a reflection of the event itself: an attempt at grandstanding by the Christian Nationalist Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, which Democratic leaders, in their typical cowardice, refused to stand up to.

    Netanyahu’s goals

    The substance of the speech, though, was not really the point for Netanyahu. He had two main goals with this appearance. One was to shore up American support, mostly from Republicans, but as much as possible from both sides of the aisle. The second was for Israelis to see the way he was feted in Congress.

    On the first score, he was reasonably successful, with some of the most loathsome Democrats like John Fetterman, Kyrsten Sinema, and Steny Hoyer front and center with their Republican colleagues in their zealous support of a war criminal. While half the congressional Democratic caucus boycotted the speech (Rashida Tlaib attended holding a sign that said “war criminal” on one side and “guilty of genocide” on the other), Netanyahu expected this, and couldn’t have asked for more than the support he largely got from those Democrats who were in attendance.

    That’s enough congressional support for Netanyahu to ensure that Congress will continue to open the checkbook for Israel’s military and its genocidal actions.

    But on the second goal, he didn’t score as well.

    Israelis will notice that not only did the president of the Senate, Kamala Harris, skip the event, but Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, while he did attend, also declined to preside over the affair, which would have meant sitting right behind Netanyahu, with the camera on him every second. That was an image he didn’t want. Schumer was replaced by Senator Ben Cardin, the outgoing Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who is not seeking reelection.

    Many believe that bipartisan support has been Israel’s greatest strategic asset. It’s no longer a consensus, and it is moving farther in a partisan direction. That can only be good news for advocates for Palestinian rights.
    Netanyahu tried to speak of bipartisanship, but what he demonstrated to his constituents in Israel was that he has severely damaged the bipartisan support that his predecessors, not to mention the American pro-Israel lobbying groups, worked tirelessly for decades to maintain.

    Many believe that bipartisan support has been Israel’s greatest strategic asset. It’s no longer a consensus, and it is moving farther in a partisan direction. That can only be good news for advocates for Palestinian rights.

    Moreover, while Netanyahu spoke in grandiose terms about Israel’s military might and how he intends to bring the Israeli hostages home, Israelis will surely notice that he didn’t mention diplomacy or a hostage release deal even once. Since that is what has freed almost all of the hostages that have been returned, he was telling the Israeli public that he is still refusing to back down from his insistence that they be freed by military means, which has killed more Israeli hostages than it has rescued. That is now an overwhelmingly unpopular stance in Israel, so much so that even Netanyahu’s own hostage negotiating team is denouncing him for blocking a deal.

    What next for Democrats?

    After his speech, Netanyahu met separately on Thursday with both Joe Biden and the presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris. Biden had little to say, leaving the spotlight to Harris, and the White House readout of his meeting with Netanyahu matched the substance of Harris’ public statement about their meeting.

    However, the tone Harris struck was slightly different from Biden’s. She spoke at more length and with more conviction about the “suffering in Gaza” than Biden ever has. She also said she told Netanyahu that the ceasefire deal must be completed, but made no claim, as both Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have both repeatedly and falsely done, that it is Hamas that is holding up the deal.

    Still, Harris spoke about the suffering in Gaza as if the United States had nothing to do with causing it. She recycled the tired and disingenuous line of “how Israel defends itself matters,” but spoke of conditions in Gaza as if they had come about with no outside agency, without Israel committing massive war crimes, and taking no responsibility for the fact that the United States provided most of the weaponry and all of the political protection for those crimes.

    Israeli officials blasted Harris for even the mild rebuke she offered, accusing her in Orwellian fashion of somehow making it harder to close a deal to release Israeli hostages with her words. This is a standard Israeli step, and Harris responded to it by asking, “What are they talking about?” just as Biden did when Netanyahu accused him, even more absurdly, of failing to arm them sufficiently.

    Harris gave no indication that she is prepared to take steps, once in office, to pressure Israel to stop its behavior, which the International Court of Justice just confirmed is criminal. Netanyahu certainly noted that, and the jab at Harris from his team over her minor rebuke was simply him testing her, seeing how she would respond.

    Chuck Schumer refusing to preside over Netanyahu’s speech, but still attending and sitting in the front row sent its own message. Schumer, who is as passionate a supporter of Israel as any in Congress, is well aware that Netanyahu has done unprecedented damage to Israel’s standing in the world, and even in the United States.

    For Schumer, Netanyahu and his association with the Israeli far-right, embodied in figures like Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, is the problem. He supports figures like Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid, despite the fact that Gantz recently voted for a Knesset statement opposing an end to Israel’s occupation and apartheid. Lapid and his party refused to vote against that bill, abstaining instead by leaving the room.

    Schumer is not ignorant of these realities. He is one of the main catalysts behind the Democratic strategy to isolate Netanyahu as the problem while refusing to acknowledge the structural issues in Israel and Israeli society that give rise and strength to the far right and which, themselves, sustain and strengthen the apartheid system and the occupation.

    At this point, it seems that this is the wing of the party that Harris will draw her policy from, while paying lip service to the more progressive wing.

    GOP balancing act

    On the Republican side, there is less nuance, but it would be a mistake to think there is complete unity.

    Donald Trump’s meeting with Netanyahu was more private, but Trump’s statements show some of what he is balancing. He criticized Harris for what he called an “insulting” meeting with Netanyahu. This was likely a reference to her remarks after that meeting, as Israeli officials said the meeting itself went smoothly.

    Trump has repeatedly spoken about the need for Israel to finish the job quickly. This reflects several of Trump’s views.

    The most important is the cheapness of Palestinian life, as he is clearly expressing a desire for a massive Israeli wave of strikes that flattens and destroys Gaza once and for all. That also reflects the desires and views of his Evangelical base, which sees Israel as entitled to claim all of the Holy Land and that any counter claims are claims against the will of God and must be forcefully and uncompromisingly confronted.

    But Trump also wants this over because of the strands within the Republican party that insist on ending large-scale financial support to foreign allies, even Israel. They may not oppose annual aid to Israel, but the much larger amounts that have gone to Israel are less popular. This wing of the party focuses mainly on aid to Ukraine, but the isolationists in the Republican party make up a significant minority of Trump’s base, and they oppose foreign aid completely.

    Trump doesn’t want aid to Israel to become an issue within his party, as it might if massively expanded American support continues into 2025, and he is in the White House in January.

    But outside of that point, Trump is keen to portray Republicans as pro-Israel and Democrats as anti-Israel. Netanyahu, who certainly wants to see Trump win in November, seems willing to cooperate in that endeavor, albeit less openly.

    Most sensible Israel advocates don’t agree with that approach, but many of the more conservative Jewish Zionists and virtually all of the Christian Zionists are not prepared to compromise on Israel’s right to wage war, kill, and destroy wholesale in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and beyond. This has already crippled Israel’s traditional bipartisan appeal, and if it continues, there will be more and more opportunities for advocacy for Palestinian rights in the Democratic Party.


    Congress applauded the genocide in Gaza, but Netanyahu’s speech showed the political consensus on Israel is over Mitchell PlitnickJuly 28, 2024 File photo: Benjamin Netanyahu concludes his third address before a joint meeting of Congress in March 2015. Netanyahu gave his fourth address before Congress on July 24, 2024. (Official Photo by Caleb Smith) File photo: Benjamin Netanyahu concludes his third address before a joint meeting of Congress in March 2015. Netanyahu gave his fourth address before Congress on July 24, 2024. (Official Photo by Caleb Smith) In one of the most shameful displays in Congress’ history, Israeli Prime Minister delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. The speech was heavy on militarism, racism, and lies so brazen that even the mainstream American media caught some of them. Netanyahu paraded one Muslim and one Ethiopian IDF soldier, bragging about how many Palestinians they killed in a shallow effort to refute the idea that Israel is a racist, apartheid state. He lied about Israel targeting Palestinian civilians, which it has done to an unprecedented degree; about the ratio of civilians to combatants killed in Gaza; and the death toll in Rafah. These were all obscenities, a display of genocide denial in the halls of Congress on par with the worst deniers of the Holocaust. Even worse, this denial was done by the murderer himself, while still committing the heinous crimes, and the lies were greeted with standing ovations and cheers from the members of Congress on hand to witness this. Netanyahu even dug up long-debunked lies about October 7, stories of babies burned alive, and babies killed while hiding in an attic. These have been debunked by Israeli sources, but that didn’t stop Netanyahu from repeating them to a welcoming crowd of Islamophobes and anti-Palestinian racists in Washington. As expected, he also claimed the large numbers of protesters outside his speech were financed by Iran, bolstered by the false and wholly unsubstantiated recent testimony from the U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. Netanyahu’s speech was meant to bolster congressional support for the genocide in Gaza, and to bring jingoistic, militaristic reinforcement to the notion that Israel is fighting the front line of America’s battle against Muslim barbarism. The racism oozed from his every word and was greeted with overwhelming warmth and appreciation from Republicans and the Democratic hawks in attendance. But beyond the bombast, there was little substance to the speech, which held nothing new, just the same old talking points, falsehoods, and basic racism. It was, in the end, a reflection of the event itself: an attempt at grandstanding by the Christian Nationalist Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, which Democratic leaders, in their typical cowardice, refused to stand up to. Netanyahu’s goals The substance of the speech, though, was not really the point for Netanyahu. He had two main goals with this appearance. One was to shore up American support, mostly from Republicans, but as much as possible from both sides of the aisle. The second was for Israelis to see the way he was feted in Congress. On the first score, he was reasonably successful, with some of the most loathsome Democrats like John Fetterman, Kyrsten Sinema, and Steny Hoyer front and center with their Republican colleagues in their zealous support of a war criminal. While half the congressional Democratic caucus boycotted the speech (Rashida Tlaib attended holding a sign that said “war criminal” on one side and “guilty of genocide” on the other), Netanyahu expected this, and couldn’t have asked for more than the support he largely got from those Democrats who were in attendance. That’s enough congressional support for Netanyahu to ensure that Congress will continue to open the checkbook for Israel’s military and its genocidal actions. But on the second goal, he didn’t score as well. Israelis will notice that not only did the president of the Senate, Kamala Harris, skip the event, but Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, while he did attend, also declined to preside over the affair, which would have meant sitting right behind Netanyahu, with the camera on him every second. That was an image he didn’t want. Schumer was replaced by Senator Ben Cardin, the outgoing Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who is not seeking reelection. Many believe that bipartisan support has been Israel’s greatest strategic asset. It’s no longer a consensus, and it is moving farther in a partisan direction. That can only be good news for advocates for Palestinian rights. Netanyahu tried to speak of bipartisanship, but what he demonstrated to his constituents in Israel was that he has severely damaged the bipartisan support that his predecessors, not to mention the American pro-Israel lobbying groups, worked tirelessly for decades to maintain. Many believe that bipartisan support has been Israel’s greatest strategic asset. It’s no longer a consensus, and it is moving farther in a partisan direction. That can only be good news for advocates for Palestinian rights. Moreover, while Netanyahu spoke in grandiose terms about Israel’s military might and how he intends to bring the Israeli hostages home, Israelis will surely notice that he didn’t mention diplomacy or a hostage release deal even once. Since that is what has freed almost all of the hostages that have been returned, he was telling the Israeli public that he is still refusing to back down from his insistence that they be freed by military means, which has killed more Israeli hostages than it has rescued. That is now an overwhelmingly unpopular stance in Israel, so much so that even Netanyahu’s own hostage negotiating team is denouncing him for blocking a deal. What next for Democrats? After his speech, Netanyahu met separately on Thursday with both Joe Biden and the presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris. Biden had little to say, leaving the spotlight to Harris, and the White House readout of his meeting with Netanyahu matched the substance of Harris’ public statement about their meeting. However, the tone Harris struck was slightly different from Biden’s. She spoke at more length and with more conviction about the “suffering in Gaza” than Biden ever has. She also said she told Netanyahu that the ceasefire deal must be completed, but made no claim, as both Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have both repeatedly and falsely done, that it is Hamas that is holding up the deal. Still, Harris spoke about the suffering in Gaza as if the United States had nothing to do with causing it. She recycled the tired and disingenuous line of “how Israel defends itself matters,” but spoke of conditions in Gaza as if they had come about with no outside agency, without Israel committing massive war crimes, and taking no responsibility for the fact that the United States provided most of the weaponry and all of the political protection for those crimes. Israeli officials blasted Harris for even the mild rebuke she offered, accusing her in Orwellian fashion of somehow making it harder to close a deal to release Israeli hostages with her words. This is a standard Israeli step, and Harris responded to it by asking, “What are they talking about?” just as Biden did when Netanyahu accused him, even more absurdly, of failing to arm them sufficiently. Harris gave no indication that she is prepared to take steps, once in office, to pressure Israel to stop its behavior, which the International Court of Justice just confirmed is criminal. Netanyahu certainly noted that, and the jab at Harris from his team over her minor rebuke was simply him testing her, seeing how she would respond. Chuck Schumer refusing to preside over Netanyahu’s speech, but still attending and sitting in the front row sent its own message. Schumer, who is as passionate a supporter of Israel as any in Congress, is well aware that Netanyahu has done unprecedented damage to Israel’s standing in the world, and even in the United States. For Schumer, Netanyahu and his association with the Israeli far-right, embodied in figures like Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, is the problem. He supports figures like Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid, despite the fact that Gantz recently voted for a Knesset statement opposing an end to Israel’s occupation and apartheid. Lapid and his party refused to vote against that bill, abstaining instead by leaving the room. Schumer is not ignorant of these realities. He is one of the main catalysts behind the Democratic strategy to isolate Netanyahu as the problem while refusing to acknowledge the structural issues in Israel and Israeli society that give rise and strength to the far right and which, themselves, sustain and strengthen the apartheid system and the occupation. At this point, it seems that this is the wing of the party that Harris will draw her policy from, while paying lip service to the more progressive wing. GOP balancing act On the Republican side, there is less nuance, but it would be a mistake to think there is complete unity. Donald Trump’s meeting with Netanyahu was more private, but Trump’s statements show some of what he is balancing. He criticized Harris for what he called an “insulting” meeting with Netanyahu. This was likely a reference to her remarks after that meeting, as Israeli officials said the meeting itself went smoothly. Trump has repeatedly spoken about the need for Israel to finish the job quickly. This reflects several of Trump’s views. The most important is the cheapness of Palestinian life, as he is clearly expressing a desire for a massive Israeli wave of strikes that flattens and destroys Gaza once and for all. That also reflects the desires and views of his Evangelical base, which sees Israel as entitled to claim all of the Holy Land and that any counter claims are claims against the will of God and must be forcefully and uncompromisingly confronted. But Trump also wants this over because of the strands within the Republican party that insist on ending large-scale financial support to foreign allies, even Israel. They may not oppose annual aid to Israel, but the much larger amounts that have gone to Israel are less popular. This wing of the party focuses mainly on aid to Ukraine, but the isolationists in the Republican party make up a significant minority of Trump’s base, and they oppose foreign aid completely. Trump doesn’t want aid to Israel to become an issue within his party, as it might if massively expanded American support continues into 2025, and he is in the White House in January. But outside of that point, Trump is keen to portray Republicans as pro-Israel and Democrats as anti-Israel. Netanyahu, who certainly wants to see Trump win in November, seems willing to cooperate in that endeavor, albeit less openly. Most sensible Israel advocates don’t agree with that approach, but many of the more conservative Jewish Zionists and virtually all of the Christian Zionists are not prepared to compromise on Israel’s right to wage war, kill, and destroy wholesale in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and beyond. This has already crippled Israel’s traditional bipartisan appeal, and if it continues, there will be more and more opportunities for advocacy for Palestinian rights in the Democratic Party. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/07/congress-applauded-the-genocide-in-gaza-but-netanyahus-speech-showed-the-political-consensus-on-israel-is-over/ https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/07/congress-applauded-genocide-in-gaza-but.html
    Congress applauded the genocide in Gaza, but Netanyahu’s speech showed the political consensus on Israel is over
    Benjamin Netanyahu’s call for continued support for the Gaza genocide may have received rapturous applause from Congress, but the speech revealed uncertain political terrain for Israel among both Democrats and Republicans.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8282 Views

    I'm sorry I have been unable to conclude our study on *LIE*
    It's been really so difficult for me these past days, phone wise.

    I had to cross carpet,just to say a word or so on this our habitual politicking with God's Name.

    While I'm not totally game to God's servant, "C.H. Surgeon's" cessationist belief, I YET ADMIRE AND HONESTLY COVET HIS METHODICALLY SIMPLE HANDLING OF GOD'S WORD.

    I use this medium to appeal to christians to read the Scriptures for themselves and continue reading the Scriptures with the principle of allowing the inspired Word to speak to them. There's a compulsory need to draw understanding and meaning from what God has said in His Word; compare Scripture with Scripture and draw spiritual understanding of God's Word.

    This was what Spurgeon was so good at, and it delivered him from the yoke of building his ministry on "God told me" revelations outside the Word of God. Incidentally, the "God told me or the Holy Spirit is revealing to me" stories are what brought about the false teachings of Pentecostal/ Charismatic churches today.

    While I firmly believe that God still Speaks to His faithfuls, it must be noted that,"THIS DIVINELY BLESSED PRIVILEGE" has been dragged in the mud by charlatans in the ministry who are making merchandise out of God and His Name...a very dangerous trend that has taken over sermons in churches today.

    An entire Sunday service,not to talk of midweek meetings like all nights and other programs are spent on "Thus saith the Lord" and prophecy jamboree...some of these prophets have grown so bold and confident that they declare (without qualms),*WHEN I SEE YOU,I PROPHESY,AND WHEN I PROPHESY ,YOU TESTIFY* From this,you can deduce that it isn't God anymore but self.

    Today,a pastor would mount the pulpit,read one Scriptural verse,and the rest is ministration and so-called prophetic deliverance galore. No one bothers to ask WHY THE SAME DELIVERANCE IS WROTH UPON THE SAME PERSON ON EACH SERVICE DAY...OR WHICH PROPHECIES CAME TO PASS. You see,most of the prophecies are actually PREDICTIONS based on available indices...JUST LIKE ONE TODAY,IN MY COUNTRY IS PROPHESYING HARDSHIP AHEAD FOR US...A SITUATION THAT'S ALREADY SAPPING THE WILL TO LIVE FROM US...I GUESS THAT'S PROPHECY...NO WAY.

    Painfully, because of the activities of these rogues in cassocks or suits and ties, wary persons oftentimes miss out when confronted with genuine revelations from the Throne of Grace.



    Read the Bible, and read one or two of Spurgeon's sermons or books and see for yourself how he faithfully handled the Scriptures, with absolutely nothing of "God told me", YET, HARDLY HAS ANY MAN'S TEACHING OF GOD'S WORD (FROM THE 19TH CENTURY TILL DATE) BEEN BY GOD,TO HAVE A PROFOUND REACH AND IMPACT LIKE C.H.S...HE DIDN'T NEED "GOD TOLD ME"...ALL HE NEEDED WAS HUMBLY SUBMITTING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT'S TUTELAGE.

    Come to think of it,which of the Old and New Testament prophets and pastors operated in the mode present day prophets are indulging in?
    False prophecies and recycled deliverance sessions have buried SOUND DOCTRINES in a very great percentage of our churches at present. Indeed,modern prophets and pastors have thrown decorum to the wind and embark shamelessly on once abhorred practices in our worship centres.

    Let's return back God's Word... let's return back to our mandate of teaching us how to be saved and remain saved...enough of this commercial prophecy stuff...it only satisfies the flesh in it's current format,but God's Word will point you to salvation.

    God gave us important clues on identifying self made prophets;

    When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him. (Deu 18: 22)

    9. The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him. 10. Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck, and brake it. 11. And Hananiah spake in the presence of all the people, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Even so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from the neck of all nations within the space of two full years. And the prophet Jeremiah went his way. (Jer 28: 9-11)

    Go and tell Hananiah, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Thou hast broken the yokes of wood; but thou shalt make for them yokes of iron. (Jer 28: 13)

    15. Then said the prophet Jeremiah unto Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah; The LORD hath not sent thee; but thou makest this people to trust in a lie. 16. Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will cast thee from off the face of the earth: this year thou shalt die, because thou hast taught rebellion against the LORD. 17. So Hananiah the prophet died the same year in the seventh month. (Jer 28: 15-17)

    The most fearful part of the whole affair is what God said in His Word that, BOTH FALSE PROPHETS AND THOSE WHO PATRONIZE THEM HAVE THE SAME PUNISHMENT.

    God,our Father, please deliver us from the evil machinations of the devil,!
    WAS IT REALLY GOD THAT TOLD YOU? 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 I'm sorry I have been unable to conclude our study on *LIE* It's been really so difficult for me these past days, phone wise. I had to cross carpet,just to say a word or so on this our habitual politicking with God's Name. While I'm not totally game to God's servant, "C.H. Surgeon's" cessationist belief, I YET ADMIRE AND HONESTLY COVET HIS METHODICALLY SIMPLE HANDLING OF GOD'S WORD. I use this medium to appeal to christians to read the Scriptures for themselves and continue reading the Scriptures with the principle of allowing the inspired Word to speak to them. There's a compulsory need to draw understanding and meaning from what God has said in His Word; compare Scripture with Scripture and draw spiritual understanding of God's Word. This was what Spurgeon was so good at, and it delivered him from the yoke of building his ministry on "God told me" revelations outside the Word of God. Incidentally, the "God told me or the Holy Spirit is revealing to me" stories are what brought about the false teachings of Pentecostal/ Charismatic churches today. While I firmly believe that God still Speaks to His faithfuls, it must be noted that,"THIS DIVINELY BLESSED PRIVILEGE" has been dragged in the mud by charlatans in the ministry who are making merchandise out of God and His Name...a very dangerous trend that has taken over sermons in churches today. An entire Sunday service,not to talk of midweek meetings like all nights and other programs are spent on "Thus saith the Lord" and prophecy jamboree...some of these prophets have grown so bold and confident that they declare (without qualms),*WHEN I SEE YOU,I PROPHESY,AND WHEN I PROPHESY ,YOU TESTIFY* From this,you can deduce that it isn't God anymore but self. Today,a pastor would mount the pulpit,read one Scriptural verse,and the rest is ministration and so-called prophetic deliverance galore. No one bothers to ask WHY THE SAME DELIVERANCE IS WROTH UPON THE SAME PERSON ON EACH SERVICE DAY...OR WHICH PROPHECIES CAME TO PASS. You see,most of the prophecies are actually PREDICTIONS based on available indices...JUST LIKE ONE TODAY,IN MY COUNTRY IS PROPHESYING HARDSHIP AHEAD FOR US...A SITUATION THAT'S ALREADY SAPPING THE WILL TO LIVE FROM US...I GUESS THAT'S PROPHECY...NO WAY. Painfully, because of the activities of these rogues in cassocks or suits and ties, wary persons oftentimes miss out when confronted with genuine revelations from the Throne of Grace. This is why OUR EMPHASIS SHOULDN'T BE ON *THUS SAITH THE LORD* BUT RATHER ON GOD'S WORD. Listen to this,*GOD'S WORD ON ITS OWN IS "PROPHECY, HEALER AND DELIVERER" WHEN STUDIED WITH REVERENCE AND OBEDIENCE !* Read the Bible, and read one or two of Spurgeon's sermons or books and see for yourself how he faithfully handled the Scriptures, with absolutely nothing of "God told me", YET, HARDLY HAS ANY MAN'S TEACHING OF GOD'S WORD (FROM THE 19TH CENTURY TILL DATE) BEEN BY GOD,TO HAVE A PROFOUND REACH AND IMPACT LIKE C.H.S...HE DIDN'T NEED "GOD TOLD ME"...ALL HE NEEDED WAS HUMBLY SUBMITTING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT'S TUTELAGE. Come to think of it,which of the Old and New Testament prophets and pastors operated in the mode present day prophets are indulging in? False prophecies and recycled deliverance sessions have buried SOUND DOCTRINES in a very great percentage of our churches at present. Indeed,modern prophets and pastors have thrown decorum to the wind and embark shamelessly on once abhorred practices in our worship centres. Let's return back God's Word... let's return back to our mandate of teaching us how to be saved and remain saved...enough of this commercial prophecy stuff...it only satisfies the flesh in it's current format,but God's Word will point you to salvation. God gave us important clues on identifying self made prophets; When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him. (Deu 18: 22) 9. The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him. 10. Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck, and brake it. 11. And Hananiah spake in the presence of all the people, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Even so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from the neck of all nations within the space of two full years. And the prophet Jeremiah went his way. (Jer 28: 9-11) Go and tell Hananiah, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Thou hast broken the yokes of wood; but thou shalt make for them yokes of iron. (Jer 28: 13) 15. Then said the prophet Jeremiah unto Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah; The LORD hath not sent thee; but thou makest this people to trust in a lie. 16. Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will cast thee from off the face of the earth: this year thou shalt die, because thou hast taught rebellion against the LORD. 17. So Hananiah the prophet died the same year in the seventh month. (Jer 28: 15-17) The most fearful part of the whole affair is what God said in His Word that, BOTH FALSE PROPHETS AND THOSE WHO PATRONIZE THEM HAVE THE SAME PUNISHMENT. God,our Father, please deliver us from the evil machinations of the devil,🙇🙏🌹!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6316 Views
  • ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 79: Bethlehem cancels Christmas celebrations as Israel continues to bomb Gaza
    Mustafa Abu SneinehDecember 24, 2023
    Palestinians survey the rubble of destroyed buildings following an Israeli bombardment in Deir El-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, on December 24, 2023. (Photo: Naaman Omar/APA Images)
    Palestinians survey the rubble of destroyed buildings following an Israeli bombardment in Deir El-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, on December 24, 2023. (Photo: Naaman Omar/APA Images)

    20,258+ killed* and at least 53,688 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
    303 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
    Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147.
    485 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 1,831 injured.
    *This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on December 23. Due to breakdowns in communication networks within the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health in Gaza has been unable to regularly and accurately update its tolls since mid-November. Some rights groups put the death toll number closer to 28,000 when accounting for those presumed dead.

    Key Developments

    U.S. President Joe Biden does not ask Israeli government for ceasefire in Gaza Strip in phone call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
    Israeli forces withdraw from Palestine roundabout in Gaza City after completely flattening and destroying premises surrounding it.
    Palestinian rescue teams recover bodies of 40 people in central Gaza killed in Israeli bombings on Friday.
    Israeli military announces 14 soldiers killed in armed battles with Palestinian fighters in Gaza Strip over weekend.
    An Israeli minister says war will continue in Gaza Strip even if Hamas releases all captives.
    Israeli forces systemically destroys residential neighborhoods to create buffer zone in north and east of Gaza Strip after Palestinian fighters kill several Israeli soldiers.
    Israel plans to create buffer zone by occupying 14 km-long border area with Egypt to separate Gaza from Sinai Peninsula, and take direct control of Rafah Crossing.
    Hamas’ Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades fear five captives were killed in Israeli bombardment after it lost contact with group in charge of them.
    Israeli miliary announces arrest of 700 Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza Strip since late October.
    Euro-Med says “evidence mounts of widespread violations of mass arrests, forced disappearances, torture, ill-treatment and even killings” of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
    Joe Biden does not ask Israel for ceasefire in Gaza Strip

    The U.S. President Joe Biden confirmed that he did not ask the Israeli government for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in a phone call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday.

    “I had a long talk with Netanyahu today [Saturday] and it was a private conversation,” Biden told reporters, answering a question that he “did not ask for a ceasefire”.

    Biden’s statement follows a vote in the UN Security Council on a resolution calling for allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza but stopped short of pushing a halt to Israel’s hostilities.

    To avoid a U.S. veto, UNSC members postponed the vote several times to tone down the language. Although the U.S. abstained, the resolution was described as “toothless” and “meaningless” as it allowed Israel’s to continue bombing the Gaza Strip.

    “The president emphasized the critical need to protect the civilian population including those supporting the humanitarian aid operation, and the importance of allowing civilians to move safely away from areas of ongoing fighting,” a White House statement said on Saturday.

    Displaced Palestinians are taking shelter in a UNRWA-affiliated Deir al-Balah school after fleeing their homes due to Israeli strikes, on December 23, 2023. (Photo: Omar Ashtawy/APA Images)
    Displaced Palestinians are taking shelter in a UNRWA-affiliated Deir al-Balah school after fleeing their homes due to Israeli strikes, on December 23, 2023. (Photo: Omar Ashtawy/APA Images)
    Israel pulls out forces from Gaza leaving immense damage

    On Sunday morning, Israeli forces stormed Al-Rafi’i school in Jabalia in north Gaza and arrested several people who were sheltering in the building while warplanes bombed the Jabalia refugee camp, Wafa news agency reported.

    Israeli forces withdrew from some areas in north Gaza on Friday leaving immense damage to roads and buildings. Al-Jazeera reported that Palestine roundabout was completely flattened after Israeli forces bombed and bulldozed the premises surrounding it.

    The roundabout in the middle of Gaza City was a site where Hamas fighters handed over some Israeli captives as part of the hostage exchange with Israel in November. Palestinian families coming back to visit their houses in the nearby Al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City after a month of Israeli control, were horrified by the destruction.

    Israeli forces also heavily bombed the Al-Jarn area in Jabalia on Saturday, destroying a number of houses and killing dozens of Palestinians while they were asleep in their flats. Wafa reported that ambulances could not reach the injured due to air strikes and debris scattered in the area.

    As of Saturday evening, dozens of Palestinians remained under the rubble in Jabalia. Israeli forces also withdrew from Tel Al-Zaatar in north Gaza, leaving mayhem and destruction of dozens of buildings in the neighborhood.

    On Saturday, Palestinian rescue teams recovered the bodies of 40 people in central Gaza who were killed in Israeli bombings on Friday. Israeli air strikes bombed several areas in Deir Al-Balah in the past 24 hours.

    In Rafah’s Canada refugee camp, Israeli air strikes bombed the home of Abu Al-Awf family. One Palestinian was killed and four injured in an Israeli bombing of the Al-Nabris family house in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip. The Palestine Red Crescent Society said that Amir Rami Odeh, 13, and another Palestinian were killed by an Israeli drone while they were at the Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis.

    Wafa reported that Israeli warplanes bombed Ma’an area in Khan Younis, killing two people, and targeted several Palestinians near the Abu Hamid roundabout in the center of Khan Younis, killing at least three.

    On Saturday evening, Gaza’s Ministry of Health said that at least 20,258 martyrs were killed and 53,688 were injured in Israeli bombardment since October 7.

    Israeli minister vows continue war even if all captives released

    The Israeli military announced that 14 soldiers were killed in armed battles with Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip over the weekend.

    Avi Dichter, the Israeli Minister of Agriculture, said that Israeli forces should keep bombing Gaza from land, air, and sea as there was no “fair play” in this war.

    He said that Israel has two main goals: the return of almost 130 hostages in the Gaza Strip and destroying Hamas. However, he added that even in the case of releasing all captives, the Israeli military would continue the war.

    “The main goal is the return of the abductees, without the return of the abductees this war will not end,” Dichter said in an interview on Channel 14.

    “But if tomorrow the abductees return, the war will not end till achieving the goals,” he added.

    Israeli forces have been systemically destroying residential neighborhoods in north Gaza in Al-Shujaiya, Al-Rimal, and Beit Hanoun to create a buffer zone in the north and east of the Gaza Strip after Palestinian fighters killed several Israeli soldiers in urban battles in these areas.

    On Saturday evening, Israeli forces also attempted to invade the border area between the Gaza Strip and Egypt from Karm Abu Salem Crossing. Israel is planning to create a buffer zone by occupying a 14 km-long stretch, a move which could inflame ties with Egypt, in order to separate Gaza from the Sinai Peninsula and take direct control of the Rafah Crossing.

    On Saturday, Hamas’ Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades fired rockets on the Israeli town of Ashkelon and said it feared that five Israeli captives were killed in Israeli bombardment after it lost contact with the group in charge of them.

    Hamas military spokesperson Abu Ubaida said that among them are the three hostages who pleaded last week with the Israeli government to release them and not let them “grow old” in captivity.

    “You have to release us from here. It does not matter at what cost. We don’t want to be casualties as a direct result of the IDF’s military airstrikes. Release us with no conditions,” one of the captives said in a video message released by Hamas last week.

    The resistance movement also announced on Saturday that it recycled two Israeli missiles that did not explode and used them to blow up five Israeli tanks in Jabalia, north of Gaza.

    In 2020, Hamas’ divers retrieved ammunition from the British warship HMS M15, which was sunk in 1917 by Germany near the Gaza coast, in hopes of using its munitions to arm rockets and produce explosives, though reports said the century-old ammunitions were unusable.

    Hamas also said that it targeted four Israeli jeeps in an ambush in Juhr Al-Diek, east of Gaza City, one of the first areas Israeli forces invaded in late October.

    The Israeli military announced that it arrested 700 Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants in the Gaza Strip since late October. Yoav Gallant issued a warning to Hamas’ leader, Yahya Al-Sinwar, over the weekend, saying that he could hear Israeli vehicles approaching.

    “One thing is clear, Yahya Sinwar now hears the IDF tractors above him, the air force bombs and the IDF’s actions. He will soon meet the barrels of our guns,” Gallant said.

    In total, 485 Israeli soldiers and officers were killed since the October 7 attack launched by Palestinian fighters on settlements and military bases near the Gaza Strip. According to official military figures, 152 Israeli soldiers have been killed since the land invasion began in late October.

    Palestinians light a candle near a statue showing a figure symbolizing the child Jesus lying amid the rubble in a cave, before Christmas at the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Bethlehem, on December 08, 2023. (Photo: Mamoun Wazwaz/APA Images)
    Palestinians light a candle near a statue showing a figure symbolizing the child Jesus lying amid the rubble in a cave, before Christmas at the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Bethlehem, on December 08, 2023. (Photo: Mamoun Wazwaz/APA Images)
    “The whole world is celebrating Christmas, but not Bethlehem”

    Since October 7, Israeli forces arrested 4,695 Palestinians from towns and villages of the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, according to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club.

    The club said that Aziz Dweik, the former Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker, is suffering from severe health conditions in the notorious Negev desert prison.

    Dweik 75, from occupied Jerusalem, was arrested on October 17. The Club added that Dweik suffers from “anemia and a lack of hemoglobin due to diabetes” and that he previously “underwent two catheterization operations and fragmentation of kidney stones.”

    His family has not been able to visit him since he was arrested and sentenced to six months of arbitrary administrative detention without charge or trial.

    On Saturday, the Geneva-based Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor urged UN bodies to immediately form “an international delegation to visit Israeli prisons and detention camps, where more than 8,000 Palestinian detainees are currently held.”

    Euro-Med added that “evidence mounts of widespread violations of mass arrests, forced disappearances, torture, ill-treatment and even killings” of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jail.

    It said that it estimates that Israeli authorities are currently detaining 1,200 to 1,400 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip.

    “After their arrest, detainees have been subjected to systematic abuse such as being stripped of their clothes, handcuffed, blindfolded, severely beaten, harassed, sexually assaulted, deprived of sleep food, water, and basic hygiene, and degraded in front of cameras,” it said in a letter.

    Several horrific videos of hundreds of Palestinian civilians detained in the Gaza Strip have emerged in the past week, most of them filmed by Israeli forces as part of “psychological war” effort.

    Euro-Med added that “the number of Palestinians detained in administrative detention… has reached an unprecedented level, while the fate and whereabouts of many of them remain unknown.”

    Meanwhile, Israeli forces stormed several cities in the occupied West Bank, including Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm, as well as the cities of Nablus and Hebron.

    In the birthplace of Jesus, lights were not lit as celebrations of Christmas were effectively cancelled in Bethlehem in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

    Instead of a decorated tree in Manger Square opposite the Church of Nativity, the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Tourism organized an artwork piece called “Nativity under the Rubble” to symbolize the agony and destruction in Gaza.

    “This is a message to the whole world that the whole world is celebrating Christmas, but not Bethlehem. Bethlehem this year is celebrating Christmas in a different way with a message to the whole world that Palestine is suffering,” Rula Maaya, the Palestinian Minister of Tourism, said.

    Munther Isaac, the pastor of the Lutheran church, said: “This is the reality of Christmas for Palestinian children. If Jesus was born today, he’d be born under the rubble of Gaza.”

    Before you go - We need your help. Mainstream media’s wilful complicity in the genocide of Palestinian people is a reminder of just how vital our work at Mondoweiss is. This article and our extensive coverage since October 7 have been made possible by readers like you who donate to keep our reporting free and independent.

    With your support, we will continue covering the ongoing events in Gaza and across Palestine, as well as amplifying the Palestine movement worldwide. Together, we will make sure to keep reporting Palestinian stories, even when the rest of the world looks away.

    Support our critical work with a donation today.

    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 79: Bethlehem cancels Christmas celebrations as Israel continues to bomb Gaza Mustafa Abu SneinehDecember 24, 2023 Palestinians survey the rubble of destroyed buildings following an Israeli bombardment in Deir El-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, on December 24, 2023. (Photo: Naaman Omar/APA Images) Palestinians survey the rubble of destroyed buildings following an Israeli bombardment in Deir El-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, on December 24, 2023. (Photo: Naaman Omar/APA Images) Casualties 20,258+ killed* and at least 53,688 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 303 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147. 485 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 1,831 injured. *This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on December 23. Due to breakdowns in communication networks within the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health in Gaza has been unable to regularly and accurately update its tolls since mid-November. Some rights groups put the death toll number closer to 28,000 when accounting for those presumed dead. Key Developments U.S. President Joe Biden does not ask Israeli government for ceasefire in Gaza Strip in phone call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israeli forces withdraw from Palestine roundabout in Gaza City after completely flattening and destroying premises surrounding it. Palestinian rescue teams recover bodies of 40 people in central Gaza killed in Israeli bombings on Friday. Israeli military announces 14 soldiers killed in armed battles with Palestinian fighters in Gaza Strip over weekend. An Israeli minister says war will continue in Gaza Strip even if Hamas releases all captives. Israeli forces systemically destroys residential neighborhoods to create buffer zone in north and east of Gaza Strip after Palestinian fighters kill several Israeli soldiers. Israel plans to create buffer zone by occupying 14 km-long border area with Egypt to separate Gaza from Sinai Peninsula, and take direct control of Rafah Crossing. Hamas’ Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades fear five captives were killed in Israeli bombardment after it lost contact with group in charge of them. Israeli miliary announces arrest of 700 Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza Strip since late October. Euro-Med says “evidence mounts of widespread violations of mass arrests, forced disappearances, torture, ill-treatment and even killings” of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Joe Biden does not ask Israel for ceasefire in Gaza Strip The U.S. President Joe Biden confirmed that he did not ask the Israeli government for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in a phone call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday. “I had a long talk with Netanyahu today [Saturday] and it was a private conversation,” Biden told reporters, answering a question that he “did not ask for a ceasefire”. Biden’s statement follows a vote in the UN Security Council on a resolution calling for allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza but stopped short of pushing a halt to Israel’s hostilities. To avoid a U.S. veto, UNSC members postponed the vote several times to tone down the language. Although the U.S. abstained, the resolution was described as “toothless” and “meaningless” as it allowed Israel’s to continue bombing the Gaza Strip. “The president emphasized the critical need to protect the civilian population including those supporting the humanitarian aid operation, and the importance of allowing civilians to move safely away from areas of ongoing fighting,” a White House statement said on Saturday. Displaced Palestinians are taking shelter in a UNRWA-affiliated Deir al-Balah school after fleeing their homes due to Israeli strikes, on December 23, 2023. (Photo: Omar Ashtawy/APA Images) Displaced Palestinians are taking shelter in a UNRWA-affiliated Deir al-Balah school after fleeing their homes due to Israeli strikes, on December 23, 2023. (Photo: Omar Ashtawy/APA Images) Israel pulls out forces from Gaza leaving immense damage On Sunday morning, Israeli forces stormed Al-Rafi’i school in Jabalia in north Gaza and arrested several people who were sheltering in the building while warplanes bombed the Jabalia refugee camp, Wafa news agency reported. Israeli forces withdrew from some areas in north Gaza on Friday leaving immense damage to roads and buildings. Al-Jazeera reported that Palestine roundabout was completely flattened after Israeli forces bombed and bulldozed the premises surrounding it. The roundabout in the middle of Gaza City was a site where Hamas fighters handed over some Israeli captives as part of the hostage exchange with Israel in November. Palestinian families coming back to visit their houses in the nearby Al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City after a month of Israeli control, were horrified by the destruction. Israeli forces also heavily bombed the Al-Jarn area in Jabalia on Saturday, destroying a number of houses and killing dozens of Palestinians while they were asleep in their flats. Wafa reported that ambulances could not reach the injured due to air strikes and debris scattered in the area. As of Saturday evening, dozens of Palestinians remained under the rubble in Jabalia. Israeli forces also withdrew from Tel Al-Zaatar in north Gaza, leaving mayhem and destruction of dozens of buildings in the neighborhood. On Saturday, Palestinian rescue teams recovered the bodies of 40 people in central Gaza who were killed in Israeli bombings on Friday. Israeli air strikes bombed several areas in Deir Al-Balah in the past 24 hours. In Rafah’s Canada refugee camp, Israeli air strikes bombed the home of Abu Al-Awf family. One Palestinian was killed and four injured in an Israeli bombing of the Al-Nabris family house in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip. The Palestine Red Crescent Society said that Amir Rami Odeh, 13, and another Palestinian were killed by an Israeli drone while they were at the Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis. Wafa reported that Israeli warplanes bombed Ma’an area in Khan Younis, killing two people, and targeted several Palestinians near the Abu Hamid roundabout in the center of Khan Younis, killing at least three. On Saturday evening, Gaza’s Ministry of Health said that at least 20,258 martyrs were killed and 53,688 were injured in Israeli bombardment since October 7. Israeli minister vows continue war even if all captives released The Israeli military announced that 14 soldiers were killed in armed battles with Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip over the weekend. Avi Dichter, the Israeli Minister of Agriculture, said that Israeli forces should keep bombing Gaza from land, air, and sea as there was no “fair play” in this war. He said that Israel has two main goals: the return of almost 130 hostages in the Gaza Strip and destroying Hamas. However, he added that even in the case of releasing all captives, the Israeli military would continue the war. “The main goal is the return of the abductees, without the return of the abductees this war will not end,” Dichter said in an interview on Channel 14. “But if tomorrow the abductees return, the war will not end till achieving the goals,” he added. Israeli forces have been systemically destroying residential neighborhoods in north Gaza in Al-Shujaiya, Al-Rimal, and Beit Hanoun to create a buffer zone in the north and east of the Gaza Strip after Palestinian fighters killed several Israeli soldiers in urban battles in these areas. On Saturday evening, Israeli forces also attempted to invade the border area between the Gaza Strip and Egypt from Karm Abu Salem Crossing. Israel is planning to create a buffer zone by occupying a 14 km-long stretch, a move which could inflame ties with Egypt, in order to separate Gaza from the Sinai Peninsula and take direct control of the Rafah Crossing. On Saturday, Hamas’ Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades fired rockets on the Israeli town of Ashkelon and said it feared that five Israeli captives were killed in Israeli bombardment after it lost contact with the group in charge of them. Hamas military spokesperson Abu Ubaida said that among them are the three hostages who pleaded last week with the Israeli government to release them and not let them “grow old” in captivity. “You have to release us from here. It does not matter at what cost. We don’t want to be casualties as a direct result of the IDF’s military airstrikes. Release us with no conditions,” one of the captives said in a video message released by Hamas last week. The resistance movement also announced on Saturday that it recycled two Israeli missiles that did not explode and used them to blow up five Israeli tanks in Jabalia, north of Gaza. In 2020, Hamas’ divers retrieved ammunition from the British warship HMS M15, which was sunk in 1917 by Germany near the Gaza coast, in hopes of using its munitions to arm rockets and produce explosives, though reports said the century-old ammunitions were unusable. Hamas also said that it targeted four Israeli jeeps in an ambush in Juhr Al-Diek, east of Gaza City, one of the first areas Israeli forces invaded in late October. The Israeli military announced that it arrested 700 Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants in the Gaza Strip since late October. Yoav Gallant issued a warning to Hamas’ leader, Yahya Al-Sinwar, over the weekend, saying that he could hear Israeli vehicles approaching. “One thing is clear, Yahya Sinwar now hears the IDF tractors above him, the air force bombs and the IDF’s actions. He will soon meet the barrels of our guns,” Gallant said. In total, 485 Israeli soldiers and officers were killed since the October 7 attack launched by Palestinian fighters on settlements and military bases near the Gaza Strip. According to official military figures, 152 Israeli soldiers have been killed since the land invasion began in late October. Palestinians light a candle near a statue showing a figure symbolizing the child Jesus lying amid the rubble in a cave, before Christmas at the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Bethlehem, on December 08, 2023. (Photo: Mamoun Wazwaz/APA Images) Palestinians light a candle near a statue showing a figure symbolizing the child Jesus lying amid the rubble in a cave, before Christmas at the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Bethlehem, on December 08, 2023. (Photo: Mamoun Wazwaz/APA Images) “The whole world is celebrating Christmas, but not Bethlehem” Since October 7, Israeli forces arrested 4,695 Palestinians from towns and villages of the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, according to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club. The club said that Aziz Dweik, the former Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker, is suffering from severe health conditions in the notorious Negev desert prison. Dweik 75, from occupied Jerusalem, was arrested on October 17. The Club added that Dweik suffers from “anemia and a lack of hemoglobin due to diabetes” and that he previously “underwent two catheterization operations and fragmentation of kidney stones.” His family has not been able to visit him since he was arrested and sentenced to six months of arbitrary administrative detention without charge or trial. On Saturday, the Geneva-based Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor urged UN bodies to immediately form “an international delegation to visit Israeli prisons and detention camps, where more than 8,000 Palestinian detainees are currently held.” Euro-Med added that “evidence mounts of widespread violations of mass arrests, forced disappearances, torture, ill-treatment and even killings” of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jail. It said that it estimates that Israeli authorities are currently detaining 1,200 to 1,400 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. “After their arrest, detainees have been subjected to systematic abuse such as being stripped of their clothes, handcuffed, blindfolded, severely beaten, harassed, sexually assaulted, deprived of sleep food, water, and basic hygiene, and degraded in front of cameras,” it said in a letter. Several horrific videos of hundreds of Palestinian civilians detained in the Gaza Strip have emerged in the past week, most of them filmed by Israeli forces as part of “psychological war” effort. Euro-Med added that “the number of Palestinians detained in administrative detention… has reached an unprecedented level, while the fate and whereabouts of many of them remain unknown.” Meanwhile, Israeli forces stormed several cities in the occupied West Bank, including Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm, as well as the cities of Nablus and Hebron. In the birthplace of Jesus, lights were not lit as celebrations of Christmas were effectively cancelled in Bethlehem in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Instead of a decorated tree in Manger Square opposite the Church of Nativity, the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Tourism organized an artwork piece called “Nativity under the Rubble” to symbolize the agony and destruction in Gaza. “This is a message to the whole world that the whole world is celebrating Christmas, but not Bethlehem. Bethlehem this year is celebrating Christmas in a different way with a message to the whole world that Palestine is suffering,” Rula Maaya, the Palestinian Minister of Tourism, said. Munther Isaac, the pastor of the Lutheran church, said: “This is the reality of Christmas for Palestinian children. If Jesus was born today, he’d be born under the rubble of Gaza.” Before you go - We need your help. Mainstream media’s wilful complicity in the genocide of Palestinian people is a reminder of just how vital our work at Mondoweiss is. This article and our extensive coverage since October 7 have been made possible by readers like you who donate to keep our reporting free and independent. With your support, we will continue covering the ongoing events in Gaza and across Palestine, as well as amplifying the Palestine movement worldwide. Together, we will make sure to keep reporting Palestinian stories, even when the rest of the world looks away. Support our critical work with a donation today. https://mondoweiss.net/2023/12/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-79-bethlehem-cancels-christmas-celebrations-as-israel-continues-to-bomb-gaza/
    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 79: Bethlehem cancels Christmas celebrations as Israel continues to bomb Gaza
    Palestinian pastor Munther Issac says “If Jesus was born today, he’d be born under the rubble of Gaza” as Israeli forces flattens entire neighborhoods to create buffer zones in north, east, and south of the Gaza Strip.
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  • Century Carry On 35 Lightweight Infant Car Seat, Splash . KEEP IT LIGHT: This ultra-lightweight infant car seat weighs in at just under 7 lb
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    REAR-FACING FOR LITTLES FROM 4-35 LB: Just the right size for your baby bear #baby item.
    Century Carry On 35 Lightweight Infant Car Seat, Splash . KEEP IT LIGHT: This ultra-lightweight infant car seat weighs in at just under 7 lb HAPPY PLANET COLLECTION: Fabrics made with recycled materials as part of our Do More promise to Recycle, Reimagine, and Give Back REAR-FACING FOR LITTLES FROM 4-35 LB: Just the right size for your baby bear #baby item. Link:https://amzn.to/3QQ6cex
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    #diy #recycling #offgrider #pob #cent #aliveandthriving #someeoriginals
    Rainy and windy day, but beautiful nonetheless. Struggling a bit with building the greenhouse with recycled and torn plastics but it's coming. It might be easier to buy a plastic (it's cheap too) but then we continue draining this planet's vitality and producing endless trash. Hard mission to let go of the system's comfort but I'm no quitter! #diy #recycling #offgrider #pob #cent #aliveandthriving #someeoriginals
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    So... Jeska, Dylan and I did his homework #thelastminute after their #cardiffweekaway and my #weekofnightshifts. Which one do you think Dylan and I did and which one is Jeska's and Dylan's? Can you Identify what animals are they??? We appreciate how the school teaches children at a young age to recycle materials and turn it into simple #artworks. #Recycle #JEDCreations #JEDiaries
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    The daily grind, gathering forest materials and preparing them for construction. First goal is to get a greenhouse asap because the little hot tent I is already too small. I hope not to need to buy plastic and just recycle and weave old ones, but I'm against time so we'll see what happens.
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  • Building a Chicken coop shanty! We trade for fresh eggs with our neighbor but want to have more, so I took it upon myself to built a coop out of whatever recycled materials I can come up with. The pallets are on a sub frame, and will allow for easy washing out of the poop. I'm using old 2x2 for a simple frame that will be clad with boards from more pallets as we have a big, free supply. We have to bury the chicken wire in the ground encasing the whole enclosure because the mongoose will get in and seat all the eggs. Can't wait to eat them when it finally happens, MMMM!

    Building a Chicken coop shanty! We trade for fresh eggs with our neighbor but want to have more, so I took it upon myself to built a coop out of whatever recycled materials I can come up with. The pallets are on a sub frame, and will allow for easy washing out of the poop. I'm using old 2x2 for a simple frame that will be clad with boards from more pallets as we have a big, free supply. We have to bury the chicken wire in the ground encasing the whole enclosure because the mongoose will get in and seat all the eggs. Can't wait to eat them when it finally happens, MMMM!
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  • Little "Barcelona" dellivets a beautiful summer day and the ladies looks f-f-fiiiine.
    Me, I'm having a full trailer going to the recycle center to throw an old kitchen away:p
    Little "Barcelona" dellivets a beautiful summer day and the ladies looks f-f-fiiiine. Me, I'm having a full trailer going to the recycle center to throw an old kitchen away:p
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  • Cool Hemp Facts ????
    That hemp is one of the world's oldest agricultural crops, first found in Asia in 8000 BC.
    It was mainly used for pottery and food.
    Hemp produces 4 times more paper per acre than trees and the paper is of archival quality.
    All parts of the hemp plant can be used; for building materials, plastics, cloth, bio-fuel, and paper to name a few.
    The first hemp crop planted in North America was in Port Royal, Acadia (present day Nova Scotia) in the 1606.
    In the 1700s American farmers were required by law to grow hemp as a staple crop.
    In the 1800s on behalf of the King of England, hemp seed was distributed free to Canadian farmers.
    Henry Ford built a car body made from hemp fiber, which is ten times stronger than steel.
    Hemp breathes in 4 times more carbon dioxide (CO2) than trees.
    Hemp paper can be recycled up to 8 times, compared to just 3 times for paper made from wood pulp.
    Hemp is used to remove toxins from the soil. Hemp was used in Chernobyl to remove the radio-active waste from the soil to make it safe again for farmers.
    Hempcrete is an eco friendly building material for buildings. It is water-proof, fire-proof, pest-resistant, completely recyclable, absorbs carbon dioxide, regulates temperature and humidity, breathable, resistant to cracking under movement (earthquake resistant), energy efficient and it gets stronger over time.
    Hemp is a low input crop, you don't need pesticides, herbicides, fungicides to make it grow. In fact, hemp is a competitive plant that will choke out the weeds! It requires less water than cotton to grow.
    From the 16th to 18th century and (up until the early 1900s), the fleets or tall ships used hemp to make the majority of all shipping sails, ropes, rigging, ladders, shrouds and nets. Hemp fibre mixed with tar was even used to fill the seams between the planks of a wooden hull to make the ships watertight.
    Painters Van Gogh, Rembrandt and Gainsborough painted their classic works on hemp canvases and used hemp based paint.
    hempparadox #hemp #hempoil #hemplife #hempproducts #cbdwithlove #welovewhatwedo #hempfacts
    Cool Hemp Facts ???? DID YOU KNOW: That hemp is one of the world's oldest agricultural crops, first found in Asia in 8000 BC. It was mainly used for pottery and food. DID YOU KNOW: Hemp produces 4 times more paper per acre than trees and the paper is of archival quality. DID YOU KNOW: All parts of the hemp plant can be used; for building materials, plastics, cloth, bio-fuel, and paper to name a few. DID YOU KNOW: The first hemp crop planted in North America was in Port Royal, Acadia (present day Nova Scotia) in the 1606. DID YOU KNOW: In the 1700s American farmers were required by law to grow hemp as a staple crop. DID YOU KNOW: In the 1800s on behalf of the King of England, hemp seed was distributed free to Canadian farmers. DID YOU KNOW: Henry Ford built a car body made from hemp fiber, which is ten times stronger than steel. DID YOU KNOW: Hemp breathes in 4 times more carbon dioxide (CO2) than trees. DID YOU KNOW: Hemp paper can be recycled up to 8 times, compared to just 3 times for paper made from wood pulp. DID YOU KNOW: Hemp is used to remove toxins from the soil. Hemp was used in Chernobyl to remove the radio-active waste from the soil to make it safe again for farmers. DID YOU KNOW: Hempcrete is an eco friendly building material for buildings. It is water-proof, fire-proof, pest-resistant, completely recyclable, absorbs carbon dioxide, regulates temperature and humidity, breathable, resistant to cracking under movement (earthquake resistant), energy efficient and it gets stronger over time. DID YOU KNOW: Hemp is a low input crop, you don't need pesticides, herbicides, fungicides to make it grow. In fact, hemp is a competitive plant that will choke out the weeds! It requires less water than cotton to grow. DID YOU KNOW: From the 16th to 18th century and (up until the early 1900s), the fleets or tall ships used hemp to make the majority of all shipping sails, ropes, rigging, ladders, shrouds and nets. Hemp fibre mixed with tar was even used to fill the seams between the planks of a wooden hull to make the ships watertight. DID YOU KNOW: Painters Van Gogh, Rembrandt and Gainsborough painted their classic works on hemp canvases and used hemp based paint. naturesmedicine hempparadox #hemp #hempoil #hemplife #hempproducts #cbdwithlove #welovewhatwedo #hempfacts
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