• Please Read~ Once the Masses Come, How Do We Make Sure They Stay? We the SoMee Community Are the Key to User Retention.

    One of the key aspects of #decentralization is that there's no one person in charge. All the users have an ability at many different levels to get involved and make a difference. So, while I see that the #SoMeeCompany is concentrating mostly on site #development and #onboarding some big names, it leaves open some critical areas that need attention. It is in these areas where we as a #community not only can, but really need to step up to ensure SoMee becomes a success.

    What happens when the Company successfully onboards a huge #influencer (as they call them), the influencer recommends #SoMee and a bunch of new users sign up? The bulk of our success is going to be the numbers these influencers bring here, not the influencers themselves. So, #onboarding some big names is just the smallest step on the ladder to success. We'll need to find a way to retain these new users.

    The beauty of gamified #BlockchainSocials where you earn through likes, those likes are highly sought after. That means we can use our attention through #interaction and our #stake through likes to make sure new users feel seen, heard and appreciated once they get started. They'll also need help to get started and we can offer them a hand.

    On Hive this is done through #CurationAccounts, where community minded users keep their eyes out for new or underappreciated accounts producing quality content and going out of their way to help them find an audience, build a stake and make them feel appreciated. Having joined Hive when it was Steemit back in 2016, I've watch these #Communities start out and grow.

    They've become an essential part of #Hive, because they not only work, but are highly effective. I would like to ask for your help to bring some of these tried-and-true ways to retain the users who come in, so that user accounts don't simply grow, but that the number of #ActiveUsers increase much faster than they would if it were just the Wild Wild West out there.

    For my first act I created a new #Group called Hello SoMee. The purpose of this group is to be a place where anyone, but especially new users can post an #introduction and get support from the #community right out of the gate. For this to happen we need to get as many current SoMeetians to join as possible.

    Joining a group is the equivalent of friending another user, so the posts show up in our #Homefeeds. Then we need to keep our eyes peeled for #NewUsers, so we can direct them there, where there will be instructions for creating an effective introduction, with the hopes that their first post will not only be successful, but up to a specific standard as well.

    I ask everyone to please follow the link to or find the Hello SoMee group to join up and even share this post. When you see a new account adding their profile picture and/or account banner, hit the love emoji on their post and give them a nudge towards the group.

    Simply dropping the link and letting them know this is the place they want to be if they would like to grow and earn right off the bat. Thank you and I look forward to working everyone on SoMee. Its success depends on us, so we need to get things ready for when the big numbers arrive.

    The Banner and avatar are temporary. If this project goes anywhere, I'll probably hold a design contest for more representative ones. Also, I truly did try to keep this short, but just couldn't. I'm a lover of details and wanted to get the full thought across.


    #someeofficial #AweSoMee #someeoriginals
    Please Read~ Once the Masses Come, How Do We Make Sure They Stay? We the SoMee Community Are the Key to User Retention. One of the key aspects of #decentralization is that there's no one person in charge. All the users have an ability at many different levels to get involved and make a difference. So, while I see that the #SoMeeCompany is concentrating mostly on site #development and #onboarding some big names, it leaves open some critical areas that need attention. It is in these areas where we as a #community not only can, but really need to step up to ensure SoMee becomes a success. What happens when the Company successfully onboards a huge #influencer (as they call them), the influencer recommends #SoMee and a bunch of new users sign up? The bulk of our success is going to be the numbers these influencers bring here, not the influencers themselves. So, #onboarding some big names is just the smallest step on the ladder to success. We'll need to find a way to retain these new users. The beauty of gamified #BlockchainSocials where you earn through likes, those likes are highly sought after. That means we can use our attention through #interaction and our #stake through likes to make sure new users feel seen, heard and appreciated once they get started. They'll also need help to get started and we can offer them a hand. On Hive this is done through #CurationAccounts, where community minded users keep their eyes out for new or underappreciated accounts producing quality content and going out of their way to help them find an audience, build a stake and make them feel appreciated. Having joined Hive when it was Steemit back in 2016, I've watch these #Communities start out and grow. They've become an essential part of #Hive, because they not only work, but are highly effective. I would like to ask for your help to bring some of these tried-and-true ways to retain the users who come in, so that user accounts don't simply grow, but that the number of #ActiveUsers increase much faster than they would if it were just the Wild Wild West out there. For my first act I created a new #Group called Hello SoMee. The purpose of this group is to be a place where anyone, but especially new users can post an #introduction and get support from the #community right out of the gate. For this to happen we need to get as many current SoMeetians to join as possible. Joining a group is the equivalent of friending another user, so the posts show up in our #Homefeeds. Then we need to keep our eyes peeled for #NewUsers, so we can direct them there, where there will be instructions for creating an effective introduction, with the hopes that their first post will not only be successful, but up to a specific standard as well. I ask everyone to please follow the link to or find the Hello SoMee group to join up and even share this post. When you see a new account adding their profile picture and/or account banner, hit the love emoji on their post and give them a nudge towards the group. Simply dropping the link and letting them know this is the place they want to be if they would like to grow and earn right off the bat. Thank you and I look forward to working everyone on SoMee. Its success depends on us, so we need to get things ready for when the big numbers arrive. The Banner and avatar are temporary. If this project goes anywhere, I'll probably hold a design contest for more representative ones. Also, I truly did try to keep this short, but just couldn't. I'm a lover of details and wanted to get the full thought across. https://somee.social/groups/hellosomee #someeofficial #AweSoMee #someeoriginals
    Hello SoMee
    Please introduce yourself to the community. Sell yourself, rather than just giving us a short one-liner and add an image. A quality image improves the aesthetics of your content 1000%. Let us know how you found out about SoMee. Then tell us a little about yourself and the content you'll be...
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