• AltSignals: Làm sáng tỏ tương lai của token AI khi mối tương quan giữa Bitcoin và Nvidia tăng lên

    AltSignals đã thu hút các nhà đầu tư nhờ ứng dụng AI và cơ hội kiếm tiền.
    Mối tương quan mạnh mẽ giữa Bitcoin và NVIDIA đã làm nổi bật tầm ảnh hưởng của AI đối với tiền điện tử.
    Mã thông báo $ASI có tiềm năng gấp 50 lần và hơn thế nữa khi tương lai của giao dịch AI được làm sáng tỏ.
    Khi Bitcoin (BTC) đạt kỷ lục trên 73,000 USD, các nhà phân tích đã rất quan tâm đến mối quan hệ của nó với cổ phiếu AI Nvidia. Điều này xảy ra sau khi cả hai tài sản đều đạt mức cao kỷ lục, nhờ các nguyên tắc cơ bản tương ứng và sự lạc quan của ngành. Điều này xảy ra trong bối cảnh thị trường đang có một đợt điều chỉnh mạnh mẽ hiện là mạnh nhất trong hơn một năm. Trong khi đó, AltTín hiệu, một mã thông báo AI, đã có những bước tiến dài, thúc đẩy lĩnh vực tiền điện tử và AI đang phát triển nhanh chóng. Việc niêm yết tại Uniswap và CoinGecko đã củng cố tương lai của token khi mối tương quan giữa BTC và Nvidia lộ ra.

    Mối tương quan của Bitcoin với Nvidia tăng lên mức mạnh nhất
    Mối tương quan giữa Bitcoin và Nvidia đã được quan tâm miễn là giá của hai tài sản này biến động song song. Cả hai tài sản đều đã hạ nhiệt một chút sau khi đạt mức cao nhất mọi thời đại tương ứng. Điều đáng chú ý là mối tương quan 90 ngày và 52 tuần giữa hai tài sản đã vượt qua mức 0.80.

    Mối tương quan mạnh mẽ cho thấy Bitcoin và Nvidia di chuyển theo cách tương tự. Ngược lại, trong khi Giá Bitcoin tăng hơn 60% so với đầu năm, Nvidia đã tăng hơn 78%. Sự quan tâm ngày càng tăng đối với AI là nguyên nhân dẫn đến sự tăng giá của cổ phiếu Nvidia.

    Tuy nhiên, sự thay đổi của các sự kiện, mối tương quan giữa BTC và NVDA, đã dẫn đến “câu chuyện về AI” trong tiền điện tử. Điều này đã chứng kiến ​​nhiều loại tiền điện tử được liên kết với AI tăng giá trị, nâng cao vốn hóa thị trường của toàn bộ ngành. Các loại tiền điện tử chứng kiến ​​sự tăng giá đáng kể bao gồm WorldCoin (WLD), Render (RNDR) và Fetch. Ai (FET). Những mức tăng này bắt đầu sau khi Nvidia công bố kết quả và hướng dẫn quý 4, trong đó kích thích các thị trường.

    Khi sự phấn khích ngày càng tăng, AltSignals đã được các nhà đầu tư đang tìm kiếm cơ hội trong AI theo dõi chặt chẽ. Giờ đây, sự chú ý chuyển sang cách AltSignals điều hướng sứ mệnh cốt lõi của mình vào năm 2024 trong bối cảnh sự lạc quan ngày càng tăng.

    AltSignals: Mã thông báo AI cách mạng hóa thế giới giao dịch
    AltTín hiệu đã trở nên phổ biến nhờ trở thành trụ cột chính trong thế giới giao dịch. Không giống như những người tiền nhiệm AI của nó, mã thông báo này cung cấp sức mạnh cho cộng đồng các nhà giao dịch.

    Ra mắt vào năm 2017, AltSignals đã cung cấp tín hiệu giao dịch chất lượng với tỷ lệ thành công hơn 64%. Điều này đã chứng kiến ​​​​nền tảng này thu hút được lượng người theo dõi khổng lồ, tự hào với hơn 50,000 thành viên trên Telegram. AltSignals bao gồm nhiều công cụ tài chính khác nhau như cổ phiếu, ngoại hối, CFD và tiền điện tử. Dịch vụ tín hiệu đã đạt được thành công lớn trong việc giao dịch các tài sản như tài sản Binance Futures và Binance Spot.

    Để dự đoán về tương lai của giao dịch AI, AltSignals đã ra mắt dịch vụ giao dịch hỗ trợ AI,ActualizeAI. Dịch vụ tín hiệu sẽ được cung cấp bởi tiền điện tử $ASI. Nhóm đã nhanh chóng theo dõi sự phát triển của nền tảng AI kể từ đợt bán trước có lượng người đăng ký cao. Với AI, AltSignals kỳ vọng sẽ nâng cao chất lượng tín hiệu, tăng lợi nhuận cho các thành viên.

    AltSignals vẫn kiên định khi kỳ vọng ngày càng tăng. Những lần ra mắt lớn vào năm 2024 củng cố tương lai của mã thông báo trong bối cảnh AI đang phát triển mạnh mẽ. Dự kiến ​​năm nay sẽ có thị trường NFT và các mối quan hệ đối tác mới để thúc đẩy tăng trưởng. Cuối cùng, việc hiện thực hóa dự án AI sẽ thúc đẩy nhu cầu về $ASI và giá của nó.

    AltSignals có phải là một khoản đầu tư tốt không?
    AltSignals là cơ hội đầu tư giúp chủ sở hữu mã thông báo truy cập vào các tín hiệu giao dịch chất lượng. Điều này cho phép các nhà đầu tư kiếm tiền bằng cách tham gia vào thị trường tài chính toàn cầu và học hỏi từ các chuyên gia.

    Ngoài ra, các sản phẩm đầu tư thường xuyên đã tạo ra cơn sốt trong cộng đồng AltSignals. Ví dụ, nó khoanh vùng chương trình đã chứng kiến ​​hơn 28.9 triệu token được lấy từ 30 triệu token được cung cấp. Các nhà đầu tư đã bị thu hút bởi lợi nhuận lên tới 25% khi đặt cọc mã thông báo chỉ trong ba tháng. Do đó, FOMO đã được xây dựng từ các cơ hội thu nhập thụ động của nền tảng.

    $ASI các nhà đầu tư cũng bị thu hút bởi tiềm năng của mã thông báo, trong đó các nhà phân tích tin tưởng vào sứ mệnh AI của nó. Khi mức độ phổ biến của AI ngày càng tăng, $ASI sẽ tăng giá trị, tạo ra lợi nhuận cho những người ủng hộ nó. Do đó, mã thông báo đã được đánh dấu với mức tăng tiềm năng gấp 50 lần.
    AltSignals: Làm sáng tỏ tương lai của token AI khi mối tương quan giữa Bitcoin và Nvidia tăng lên AltSignals đã thu hút các nhà đầu tư nhờ ứng dụng AI và cơ hội kiếm tiền. Mối tương quan mạnh mẽ giữa Bitcoin và NVIDIA đã làm nổi bật tầm ảnh hưởng của AI đối với tiền điện tử. Mã thông báo $ASI có tiềm năng gấp 50 lần và hơn thế nữa khi tương lai của giao dịch AI được làm sáng tỏ. Khi Bitcoin (BTC) đạt kỷ lục trên 73,000 USD, các nhà phân tích đã rất quan tâm đến mối quan hệ của nó với cổ phiếu AI Nvidia. Điều này xảy ra sau khi cả hai tài sản đều đạt mức cao kỷ lục, nhờ các nguyên tắc cơ bản tương ứng và sự lạc quan của ngành. Điều này xảy ra trong bối cảnh thị trường đang có một đợt điều chỉnh mạnh mẽ hiện là mạnh nhất trong hơn một năm. Trong khi đó, AltTín hiệu, một mã thông báo AI, đã có những bước tiến dài, thúc đẩy lĩnh vực tiền điện tử và AI đang phát triển nhanh chóng. Việc niêm yết tại Uniswap và CoinGecko đã củng cố tương lai của token khi mối tương quan giữa BTC và Nvidia lộ ra. Mối tương quan của Bitcoin với Nvidia tăng lên mức mạnh nhất Mối tương quan giữa Bitcoin và Nvidia đã được quan tâm miễn là giá của hai tài sản này biến động song song. Cả hai tài sản đều đã hạ nhiệt một chút sau khi đạt mức cao nhất mọi thời đại tương ứng. Điều đáng chú ý là mối tương quan 90 ngày và 52 tuần giữa hai tài sản đã vượt qua mức 0.80. Mối tương quan mạnh mẽ cho thấy Bitcoin và Nvidia di chuyển theo cách tương tự. Ngược lại, trong khi Giá Bitcoin tăng hơn 60% so với đầu năm, Nvidia đã tăng hơn 78%. Sự quan tâm ngày càng tăng đối với AI là nguyên nhân dẫn đến sự tăng giá của cổ phiếu Nvidia. Tuy nhiên, sự thay đổi của các sự kiện, mối tương quan giữa BTC và NVDA, đã dẫn đến “câu chuyện về AI” trong tiền điện tử. Điều này đã chứng kiến ​​nhiều loại tiền điện tử được liên kết với AI tăng giá trị, nâng cao vốn hóa thị trường của toàn bộ ngành. Các loại tiền điện tử chứng kiến ​​sự tăng giá đáng kể bao gồm WorldCoin (WLD), Render (RNDR) và Fetch. Ai (FET). Những mức tăng này bắt đầu sau khi Nvidia công bố kết quả và hướng dẫn quý 4, trong đó kích thích các thị trường. Khi sự phấn khích ngày càng tăng, AltSignals đã được các nhà đầu tư đang tìm kiếm cơ hội trong AI theo dõi chặt chẽ. Giờ đây, sự chú ý chuyển sang cách AltSignals điều hướng sứ mệnh cốt lõi của mình vào năm 2024 trong bối cảnh sự lạc quan ngày càng tăng. AltSignals: Mã thông báo AI cách mạng hóa thế giới giao dịch AltTín hiệu đã trở nên phổ biến nhờ trở thành trụ cột chính trong thế giới giao dịch. Không giống như những người tiền nhiệm AI của nó, mã thông báo này cung cấp sức mạnh cho cộng đồng các nhà giao dịch. Ra mắt vào năm 2017, AltSignals đã cung cấp tín hiệu giao dịch chất lượng với tỷ lệ thành công hơn 64%. Điều này đã chứng kiến ​​​​nền tảng này thu hút được lượng người theo dõi khổng lồ, tự hào với hơn 50,000 thành viên trên Telegram. AltSignals bao gồm nhiều công cụ tài chính khác nhau như cổ phiếu, ngoại hối, CFD và tiền điện tử. Dịch vụ tín hiệu đã đạt được thành công lớn trong việc giao dịch các tài sản như tài sản Binance Futures và Binance Spot. Để dự đoán về tương lai của giao dịch AI, AltSignals đã ra mắt dịch vụ giao dịch hỗ trợ AI,ActualizeAI. Dịch vụ tín hiệu sẽ được cung cấp bởi tiền điện tử $ASI. Nhóm đã nhanh chóng theo dõi sự phát triển của nền tảng AI kể từ đợt bán trước có lượng người đăng ký cao. Với AI, AltSignals kỳ vọng sẽ nâng cao chất lượng tín hiệu, tăng lợi nhuận cho các thành viên. AltSignals vẫn kiên định khi kỳ vọng ngày càng tăng. Những lần ra mắt lớn vào năm 2024 củng cố tương lai của mã thông báo trong bối cảnh AI đang phát triển mạnh mẽ. Dự kiến ​​năm nay sẽ có thị trường NFT và các mối quan hệ đối tác mới để thúc đẩy tăng trưởng. Cuối cùng, việc hiện thực hóa dự án AI sẽ thúc đẩy nhu cầu về $ASI và giá của nó. AltSignals có phải là một khoản đầu tư tốt không? AltSignals là cơ hội đầu tư giúp chủ sở hữu mã thông báo truy cập vào các tín hiệu giao dịch chất lượng. Điều này cho phép các nhà đầu tư kiếm tiền bằng cách tham gia vào thị trường tài chính toàn cầu và học hỏi từ các chuyên gia. Ngoài ra, các sản phẩm đầu tư thường xuyên đã tạo ra cơn sốt trong cộng đồng AltSignals. Ví dụ, nó khoanh vùng chương trình đã chứng kiến ​​hơn 28.9 triệu token được lấy từ 30 triệu token được cung cấp. Các nhà đầu tư đã bị thu hút bởi lợi nhuận lên tới 25% khi đặt cọc mã thông báo chỉ trong ba tháng. Do đó, FOMO đã được xây dựng từ các cơ hội thu nhập thụ động của nền tảng. $ASI các nhà đầu tư cũng bị thu hút bởi tiềm năng của mã thông báo, trong đó các nhà phân tích tin tưởng vào sứ mệnh AI của nó. Khi mức độ phổ biến của AI ngày càng tăng, $ASI sẽ tăng giá trị, tạo ra lợi nhuận cho những người ủng hộ nó. Do đó, mã thông báo đã được đánh dấu với mức tăng tiềm năng gấp 50 lần.
    2 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 4453 Views
  • AltSignals: Unravelling AI token future as Bitcoin and Nvidia correlation grows

    AltSignals has attracted investors with its AI application and earnings opportunities.
    A strong correlation between Bitcoin and NVIDIA has highlighted the influence of AI on crypto.
    $ASI token has 50x and more potential as the future of AI trading unravels.
    As Bitcoin (BTC) hit a record above $73,000, analysts have been keen on its relationship with AI stock Nvidia. This is after both assets hit record highs, helped by their respective fundamentals and sector optimism. This happens amid a robust correction that is now the strongest in over a year. Meanwhile, AltSignals, an AI token, has been making strides, riding the rapidly growing crypto and AI sector. Listings at Uniswap and CoinGecko have cemented the token’s future as BTC and Nvidia’s correlation unfolds.

    Bitcoin’s correlation with Nvidia grows to the strongest
    The correlation between Bitcoin and Nvidia has been of interest as long as the two asset prices move in tandem. Both assets have cooled off slightly after hitting their respective all-time highs. What has been remarkable is that the 90-day and 52-week correlation between the two assets has crossed 0.80.

    The strong correlation suggests that Bitcoin and Nvidia move in a similar fashion. Conversely, while Bitcoin price is up more than 60% YTD, Nvidia has gained over 78%. A surging interest in AI has been responsible for the gains in Nvidia stock.

    Nonetheless, the twist of events, BTC and NVDA correlation, has brought about the “AI narrative” in crypto. This has seen many AI-linked cryptocurrencies surge in value, boosting the entire sector’s market cap. Cryptocurrencies that saw significant pumps included WorldCoin (WLD), Render (RNDR) and Fetch. Ai (FET). These gains started after Nvidia issued its Q4 results and guidance, which excited the markets.

    As the excitement builds, AltSignals has been keenly watched by investors looking for opportunities in AI. Attention now turns to how AltSignals navigates its core mission in 2024 amid growing optimism.

    AltSignals: An AI token revolutionising the trading world
    AltSignals has gained popularity owing to being a key pillar in the trading world. Unlike its AI predecessors, this token powers a community of traders.

    Launched in 2017, AltSignals has been offering quality trading signals with more than 64% success rates. This has seen the platform amass a huge following, boasting over 50,000 members on Telegram. AltSignals covers various financial instruments such as stocks, forex, CFDs, and cryptocurrencies. The signal service has seen huge success in trading assets such as Binance Futures and Binance Spot assets.

    In anticipation of the future of AI trading, AltSignals launched an AI-enabled trading service, ActualizeAI. The signal service will be powered by the cryptocurrency, $ASI. The team has fast-tracked the development of the AI platform since its highly-subscribed presale. With AI, AltSignals expects to increase the quality of its signals, increasing the profitability for its members.

    AltSignals has remained steadfast as expectations build. Big launches in 2024 cement the token’s future amid the AI frenzy. Expected this year include an NFT marketplace and new partnerships to foster growth. Ultimately, the actualisation of the AI project will fuel the demand for $ASI and its price.

    Is AltSignals a good investment?
    AltSignals is an investment opportunity that gives token holders access to quality trading signals. This allows investors to earn by participating in the global financial market and learning from the experts.

    Besides, regular investment products have generated a frenzy within the AltSignals community. For example, its staking program saw more than 28.9 million tokens grabbed from 30 million tokens offered. Investors were attracted to up to 25% returns for staking the token for just three months. Consequently, FOMO has been building from the platform’s passive income opportunities.

    $ASI investors are also attracted to the token’s potential, with analysts believing in its AI mission. As the popularity of AI grows, $ASI will increase in value, generating returns to its backers. Consequently, the token has been earmarked with a potential 50x gain.
    AltSignals: Unravelling AI token future as Bitcoin and Nvidia correlation grows AltSignals has attracted investors with its AI application and earnings opportunities. A strong correlation between Bitcoin and NVIDIA has highlighted the influence of AI on crypto. $ASI token has 50x and more potential as the future of AI trading unravels. As Bitcoin (BTC) hit a record above $73,000, analysts have been keen on its relationship with AI stock Nvidia. This is after both assets hit record highs, helped by their respective fundamentals and sector optimism. This happens amid a robust correction that is now the strongest in over a year. Meanwhile, AltSignals, an AI token, has been making strides, riding the rapidly growing crypto and AI sector. Listings at Uniswap and CoinGecko have cemented the token’s future as BTC and Nvidia’s correlation unfolds. Bitcoin’s correlation with Nvidia grows to the strongest The correlation between Bitcoin and Nvidia has been of interest as long as the two asset prices move in tandem. Both assets have cooled off slightly after hitting their respective all-time highs. What has been remarkable is that the 90-day and 52-week correlation between the two assets has crossed 0.80. The strong correlation suggests that Bitcoin and Nvidia move in a similar fashion. Conversely, while Bitcoin price is up more than 60% YTD, Nvidia has gained over 78%. A surging interest in AI has been responsible for the gains in Nvidia stock. Nonetheless, the twist of events, BTC and NVDA correlation, has brought about the “AI narrative” in crypto. This has seen many AI-linked cryptocurrencies surge in value, boosting the entire sector’s market cap. Cryptocurrencies that saw significant pumps included WorldCoin (WLD), Render (RNDR) and Fetch. Ai (FET). These gains started after Nvidia issued its Q4 results and guidance, which excited the markets. As the excitement builds, AltSignals has been keenly watched by investors looking for opportunities in AI. Attention now turns to how AltSignals navigates its core mission in 2024 amid growing optimism. AltSignals: An AI token revolutionising the trading world AltSignals has gained popularity owing to being a key pillar in the trading world. Unlike its AI predecessors, this token powers a community of traders. Launched in 2017, AltSignals has been offering quality trading signals with more than 64% success rates. This has seen the platform amass a huge following, boasting over 50,000 members on Telegram. AltSignals covers various financial instruments such as stocks, forex, CFDs, and cryptocurrencies. The signal service has seen huge success in trading assets such as Binance Futures and Binance Spot assets. In anticipation of the future of AI trading, AltSignals launched an AI-enabled trading service, ActualizeAI. The signal service will be powered by the cryptocurrency, $ASI. The team has fast-tracked the development of the AI platform since its highly-subscribed presale. With AI, AltSignals expects to increase the quality of its signals, increasing the profitability for its members. AltSignals has remained steadfast as expectations build. Big launches in 2024 cement the token’s future amid the AI frenzy. Expected this year include an NFT marketplace and new partnerships to foster growth. Ultimately, the actualisation of the AI project will fuel the demand for $ASI and its price. Is AltSignals a good investment? AltSignals is an investment opportunity that gives token holders access to quality trading signals. This allows investors to earn by participating in the global financial market and learning from the experts. Besides, regular investment products have generated a frenzy within the AltSignals community. For example, its staking program saw more than 28.9 million tokens grabbed from 30 million tokens offered. Investors were attracted to up to 25% returns for staking the token for just three months. Consequently, FOMO has been building from the platform’s passive income opportunities. $ASI investors are also attracted to the token’s potential, with analysts believing in its AI mission. As the popularity of AI grows, $ASI will increase in value, generating returns to its backers. Consequently, the token has been earmarked with a potential 50x gain.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 12212 Views
  • Check out new project intro video for Bands Crypto here.
    https://t.me/bandscrypto join the group for more info.
    This project is on Ethereum and can use Uniswap to buy.
    #crypto #ethereum #bitcoin #defi #fiat
    Check out new project intro video for Bands Crypto here. https://youtu.be/mbJd78v_Iiw?si=M_LEIi05MHk-jHJn https://t.me/bandscrypto join the group for more info. This project is on Ethereum and can use Uniswap to buy. #crypto #ethereum #bitcoin #defi #fiat
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 3669 Views
  • AltSignals (ASI) outlook amid expert’s “huge” Bitcoin (BTC) prediction

    AltSignals (ASI) recently listed on crypto DEX platform Uniswap.
    Analysts have shared major predictions for Bitcoin (BTC) as price hovers near $51k.
    As Bitcoin bulls struggle to hold prices above $51k, a crypto analyst has shared a potential bearish flip that could see BTC price trade to $48k. Here’s the price outlook for AltSignals.

    BTC price to $48k? Analyst points to on-chain metric
    Bitcoin price rose to above $53k on February 20, hitting the highest level since December 2021. While the bellwether cryptocurrency’s market cap remains above the $1 trillion mark hit this month, prices have revisited the $50.6k level on multiple occasions.

    A crypto analyst has shared a Bitcoin price prediction suggesting BTC could dip to lows of $48k. On-chain and data analytics platform CryptoQuant shared the analyst’s view on X on Monday.

    Per the prediction, the 30-day moving average of Bitcoin’s short term Holder SORP metric shows it’s near the selling zone for short-term investors. The technical chart also shows BTC trading below the resistance, with a breakdown likely to push prices to the $48k area.

    On the other hand, crypto analyst Ali says Bitcoin could retest the $53k level and target $60.5k amid its megaphone pattern formed on the daily chart.

    What could this mean for the altcoin market, for AltSignals price? Largely, declines for Bitcoin have seen the broader market react lower.

    Likewise, a mega rally has often injected new upside momentum in altcoins, likely to be led by ETH as spot Ethereum ETF excitement builds up. A recent report showed 84% of crypto investors see Bitcoin hitting a new all-time high in 2024.

    AltSignals: Trading signals enhanced by AI
    AltSignals has consistently returned win rates averaging 64%. Traders have benefitted from thousands of signals across stocks, crypto and forex among other markets.

    With business on the upside since its debut in 2017, this trading signals platform is now getting ready for the next chapter of growth. It seeks to capitalize on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) boom by integrating a new AI stack dubbed ActualizeAI.

    The platform aims to increase its algorithm’s average win rate from 64% to over 80%.

    Elsewhere, the AltSignals roadmap includes the licensing of ActualizeAI and launch of Actualize Pass NFT marketplace. There are also plans to partner with other platforms to enhance adoption.

    The native token is ASI, which offers holders access to the AI ecosystem.

    AltSignals price prediction: Will ASI token explode 2024?
    The ASI token recently listed on the decentralized exchange (DEX) platform Uniswap, having successfully navigated its presale that closed in December last year.

    As the AI narrative strengthens and crypto markets expand, AltSignals (ASI) looks primed to be one of the top investing opportunities in the market. In the short term, a dip across the market may see ASI token struggle too.

    If the market rallies as anticipated amid Bitcoin’s halving and other tailwinds, the value of ASI could rise significantly. The potential for the AltSignals’ price to 100x is there given the likely demand for ActualizeAI.
    AltSignals (ASI) outlook amid expert’s “huge” Bitcoin (BTC) prediction AltSignals (ASI) recently listed on crypto DEX platform Uniswap. Analysts have shared major predictions for Bitcoin (BTC) as price hovers near $51k. As Bitcoin bulls struggle to hold prices above $51k, a crypto analyst has shared a potential bearish flip that could see BTC price trade to $48k. Here’s the price outlook for AltSignals. BTC price to $48k? Analyst points to on-chain metric Bitcoin price rose to above $53k on February 20, hitting the highest level since December 2021. While the bellwether cryptocurrency’s market cap remains above the $1 trillion mark hit this month, prices have revisited the $50.6k level on multiple occasions. A crypto analyst has shared a Bitcoin price prediction suggesting BTC could dip to lows of $48k. On-chain and data analytics platform CryptoQuant shared the analyst’s view on X on Monday. Per the prediction, the 30-day moving average of Bitcoin’s short term Holder SORP metric shows it’s near the selling zone for short-term investors. The technical chart also shows BTC trading below the resistance, with a breakdown likely to push prices to the $48k area. On the other hand, crypto analyst Ali says Bitcoin could retest the $53k level and target $60.5k amid its megaphone pattern formed on the daily chart. What could this mean for the altcoin market, for AltSignals price? Largely, declines for Bitcoin have seen the broader market react lower. Likewise, a mega rally has often injected new upside momentum in altcoins, likely to be led by ETH as spot Ethereum ETF excitement builds up. A recent report showed 84% of crypto investors see Bitcoin hitting a new all-time high in 2024. AltSignals: Trading signals enhanced by AI AltSignals has consistently returned win rates averaging 64%. Traders have benefitted from thousands of signals across stocks, crypto and forex among other markets. With business on the upside since its debut in 2017, this trading signals platform is now getting ready for the next chapter of growth. It seeks to capitalize on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) boom by integrating a new AI stack dubbed ActualizeAI. The platform aims to increase its algorithm’s average win rate from 64% to over 80%. Elsewhere, the AltSignals roadmap includes the licensing of ActualizeAI and launch of Actualize Pass NFT marketplace. There are also plans to partner with other platforms to enhance adoption. The native token is ASI, which offers holders access to the AI ecosystem. AltSignals price prediction: Will ASI token explode 2024? The ASI token recently listed on the decentralized exchange (DEX) platform Uniswap, having successfully navigated its presale that closed in December last year. As the AI narrative strengthens and crypto markets expand, AltSignals (ASI) looks primed to be one of the top investing opportunities in the market. In the short term, a dip across the market may see ASI token struggle too. If the market rallies as anticipated amid Bitcoin’s halving and other tailwinds, the value of ASI could rise significantly. The potential for the AltSignals’ price to 100x is there given the likely demand for ActualizeAI. https://token.altsignals.io/
    AltSignals Presale - Invest In The AI Revolution With The ASI Token
    Become a part of AltSignals new AI development ActualizeAI, and join the fastest growing AI project in crypt
    1 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 14663 Views
  • Meme coins can be such a great tool when it comes to boosting a platform performance and activity pepe meme token drives traffic to uniswap an ethereum based swapping network chain with more users flocking the platform and seeking for meme coins that would increase their portfolio.

    #awesme #somee #crypto #social #meme

    [Image source](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr96CoVuWNR/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==)
    Meme coins can be such a great tool when it comes to boosting a platform performance and activity pepe meme token drives traffic to uniswap an ethereum based swapping network chain with more users flocking the platform and seeking for meme coins that would increase their portfolio. #awesme #somee #crypto #social #meme [Image source](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr96CoVuWNR/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==)
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2606 Views
  • Uniswap (UNI) Technical Analysis | Uniswap Vital Levels To Keep An Eye On | Uniswap Price Analysis | Crypto Mash | #CryptoMash #CryptoMashNews #CryptoNews #CryptocurrencyNews #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #ViralNews #TrendingNews #Viral #Trending https://youtu.be/F1dw9xzUFqY
    Uniswap (UNI) Technical Analysis | Uniswap Vital Levels To Keep An Eye On | Uniswap Price Analysis | Crypto Mash | #CryptoMash #CryptoMashNews #CryptoNews #CryptocurrencyNews #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #ViralNews #TrendingNews #Viral #Trending https://youtu.be/F1dw9xzUFqY
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 527 Views
  • How do crypto projects make money? ????
    â €
    Blockchain projects have become a radically new "business model" that has enormous potential to change any industry. And for the investors attracted to the projects, it is the potential that will later be realized in the form of profit that is an important factor when investing funds. The question arises: thanks to what do cryptoprojects generate income?

    ➡️ Mechanism for receiving and distributing blockchain funds (using Ethereum as an example):
    Ethereum, like most other blockchains, consists of a network of validators, smart contracts, and users. When a user interacts with the network, they pay a transaction fee, also known as a "gas fee." A fee, a certain portion of which is "burned off" and another portion is given to the validators.

    ➡️ Common metrics for most projects when calculating the financial part:

    Fees (gas fees): these are fees that users pay for using a protocol or network (gas fees in Ethereum, transaction fees in Uniswap, etc.). The fees are distributed as follows:

    - A portion is given to validators who help run the network (validators on Ethereum, liquidity providers on Uniswap, etc.).
    - Some of the money goes back to the token holders (often through token burns).
    - Another type of expense is the creation of new tokens, which are created and paid to validators or miners.

    But if we look at projects like CEX/DEX, the list of revenue sources can add:
    - listing fees;
    - withdrawal fees;
    - market making possibilities.

    ➡️ What kind of product do blockchains create?

    The product of any blockchain is the individual blocks in which transaction data is stored. If you want to complete a transaction, you need to buy space on the next block in the chain.

    Let's take bitcoin as an example. Bitcoin has a memory capacity of 1 MB per block. There are 500 to 2,000 transactions per block, with a minimum storage size of 258 bytes. And in order to make a bitcoin transaction, you buy a block in its blockchain.

    ➡️ Ethereum, on the other hand, has smaller blocks - up to 80 KB. Depending on its complexity, its block can store from 2 to 200 transactions. Ethereum is much faster: in 10 minutes it carries out 4 MB of transactions, while Bitcoin has only 1 MB. More transactions per hour = more revenue (i.e. commissions).

    ????In our new infographic you can see the ranking of projects by the amount of fees.
    How do crypto projects make money? ???? ⠀ Blockchain projects have become a radically new "business model" that has enormous potential to change any industry. And for the investors attracted to the projects, it is the potential that will later be realized in the form of profit that is an important factor when investing funds. The question arises: thanks to what do cryptoprojects generate income? ➡️ Mechanism for receiving and distributing blockchain funds (using Ethereum as an example): Ethereum, like most other blockchains, consists of a network of validators, smart contracts, and users. When a user interacts with the network, they pay a transaction fee, also known as a "gas fee." A fee, a certain portion of which is "burned off" and another portion is given to the validators. ➡️ Common metrics for most projects when calculating the financial part: Fees (gas fees): these are fees that users pay for using a protocol or network (gas fees in Ethereum, transaction fees in Uniswap, etc.). The fees are distributed as follows: - A portion is given to validators who help run the network (validators on Ethereum, liquidity providers on Uniswap, etc.). - Some of the money goes back to the token holders (often through token burns). - Another type of expense is the creation of new tokens, which are created and paid to validators or miners. But if we look at projects like CEX/DEX, the list of revenue sources can add: - listing fees; - withdrawal fees; - market making possibilities. ➡️ What kind of product do blockchains create? The product of any blockchain is the individual blocks in which transaction data is stored. If you want to complete a transaction, you need to buy space on the next block in the chain. Let's take bitcoin as an example. Bitcoin has a memory capacity of 1 MB per block. There are 500 to 2,000 transactions per block, with a minimum storage size of 258 bytes. And in order to make a bitcoin transaction, you buy a block in its blockchain. ➡️ Ethereum, on the other hand, has smaller blocks - up to 80 KB. Depending on its complexity, its block can store from 2 to 200 transactions. Ethereum is much faster: in 10 minutes it carries out 4 MB of transactions, while Bitcoin has only 1 MB. More transactions per hour = more revenue (i.e. commissions). ????In our new infographic you can see the ranking of projects by the amount of fees.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2015 Views
  • https://Dejitarukin.com is a new 1 super low mc currently with lots of bots tracking LP injections and Buys into other projects using the .eth address they own instead of wallet address. DYOR longer review coming on YT. Dejitaru is paired with Eth and swapped on Uniswap.
    https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYyhQsEN/ and https://t.me/dejitarukin Group.
    #dejitarukin #injectiontracker #nfts #somee #sme
    https://Dejitarukin.com is a new 1 super low mc currently with lots of bots tracking LP injections and Buys into other projects using the .eth address they own instead of wallet address. DYOR longer review coming on YT. Dejitaru is paired with Eth and swapped on Uniswap. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYyhQsEN/ and https://t.me/dejitarukin Group. #dejitarukin #injectiontracker #nfts #somee #sme
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 4004 Views
  • Here is my YT Short on Half Shiba, the first ever token paired with Shiba Inu itself. This is a smart buy if you own Shiba Inu also. Buy Shiba Inu and swap for Half Shiba on Uniswap.
    https://halfshiba.site for more information
    #shibainu #halfshiba #ethereum #somee #crypto
    Here is my YT Short on Half Shiba, the first ever token paired with Shiba Inu itself. This is a smart buy if you own Shiba Inu also. Buy Shiba Inu and swap for Half Shiba on Uniswap. https://halfshiba.site for more information https://youtube.com/shorts/cZi_g2aGgXg #shibainu #halfshiba #ethereum #somee #crypto
    Half Shiba Inu
    Half Shiba Inu is one of the first tokens to be paired with $SHIB LP. To utilize $SHIB token and prevent bots and snipers.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1433 Views
  • Uniswap Giveaway News | Fake Uniswap Giveaway Scam Alert | Warning Against Fake Uniswap Giveaway | Crypto Mash | #CryptoMash #CryptoMashNews #CryptoNews #CryptocurrencyNews #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #ViralNews #TrendingNews #Viral #Trending https://youtube.com/shorts/XpUe2Kv3FSM
    Uniswap Giveaway News | Fake Uniswap Giveaway Scam Alert | Warning Against Fake Uniswap Giveaway | Crypto Mash | #CryptoMash #CryptoMashNews #CryptoNews #CryptocurrencyNews #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #ViralNews #TrendingNews #Viral #Trending https://youtube.com/shorts/XpUe2Kv3FSM
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 479 Views
  • ????#SoMeeCollabAMA????

    Today's AMA was hosted by Cryptokingdom78 along with christopherkramer.10 (SoMee CEO). Bigduke also made an appearance who has 505k TikTok followers and 54.7k YouTube subs

    ????AMA Summary:

    It all started with.....

    ????Chris, Cryptokingdom and (Naim) *Najo* MMKK discussed concerns of censorship on other Socials

    ????Chris spoke about the start of One Name Global and it's named token ONG at the time. How SoMee came into existence from the 10 names to choose from and as voted by the Community

    ????When asked to know the difference between a Personal account and the benefits of having a Page or Group, Chris explains how to navigate and create either and his recommendations based on the requirement

    ????Do you earn SOMEE or do you earn a dollar amount when you post?

    $SME became our primary token. We are giving you tokens to the dollar value. There is only a certain amount given a day

    ????CryptoKingdom being shocked yet surprised shared how someone posted a picture of their breakfast and earned 10 bucks and they have 37 people following

    ????Asked by (Naim) *Najo* MMKK: Have you thought of tipping or that sort?

    The beautiful thing is it's not a tipping system. You don't have to take money out of ur own pocket. If u are powered up you curation reward

    ????What are you guys doing to keep up with the bots created to hijack the earnings on your platform?

    It's already protected by Hive, not only do they have Hive watchers, but they also make it in a way it makes it very difficult to bot. We have a method to detect them. It's already well protect against the bot -Chris

    ????Recommending to make things easy: You control your keys you control your wallet. I would recommend to download Hive keychain. It makes it super easy like you would like metamask

    ????Best way to interact?

    By posting everyday, upvoting everyday. You have 10 likes a day at a 100% voting power

    ????Where will I see the actual resource credits I have?

    And type in your user name

    Talking On Other Streams Of Income:

    ????Talking about Ad Share: Once we have reached 3-5 million, we will release the Ad Share Market Place. It's another earning stream. G-Boost, Global Boost is what it's called

    ????NFT special folder - give your audience the choice to buy from the newsfeed. Platform takes 2% of the cut. Another earning stream

    ????In the future when the delegations are gone, you can delegate to others. Makes you the future delegators

    ????Click the referral link from the dashboard. It's paid by PayPal or Stripe. If your on a package, on Hive it's called resource credits so that you can post, to continue to generate a passive income. That's how hive does it to protect the eco system. Those who want to cash out can on Uniswap

    ???? SoMee's Impact:

    We have case studies where we have created life changing impact:

    Roxy in Venezuela was earning $600 in the first month. Where she was able to pay for her daughters education. She could earn and cash out with life changing experience. This was pre covid during depression phase

    ???? New To Come:

    SoMee University- The team are working on it with the help of Community members, in the next week or two we will release it

    ????️Powerful words:

    "We are all about the power of choice" -Chris

    "With million hits on YouTube compared, it's 100x times difference on SoMee" -CryptoKingdom

    "I'm excited to see how this grows when we have millions and millions of users. As we grow people will earn more and fully tap in the daily reward pool" -Chris

    "It's a great aspect we are going to be Social First" -Chris

    A Few Facts And Numbers Shared By Chris:

    ????People are logging in 8.6 times a day. Spending 9 mins per session

    ????Doing a SoMee calculator with CryptoKingdom. If he has 1.1 million Friends/Followers on SoMee with a $1500 Collaborator Power Package
    *Estimated earnings: 4 million and 25 thousand a year

    Finally, Chris asked CryptoKingdom - What are you doing currently?

    Squid network first. It's the first DAP on Ethereum. I can plug in SOME token, that will give a buy pressure if they chose SOMEE which gives you two rewards. Squid and SOMEE.

    The AMA that went on for 3.5 hours, it would be difficult to Summarise such a lengthy AMA so a few Q&A, Quotes and brief details are listed. Be sure to hear the full recording once shared by the team to get the full insight and extended details.

    Thank you for your continuous support, upvotes, feedback and request for the SoMee AMA Summary. Glad it's become popular and highly appreciated and requested by our Community over the years ????

    #SoMeeOfficial #SoMeeSocial #SurpriseAMA #Collab #CommunityInfo #StayInformed #SoMee #CryptoKingdom
    ????#SoMeeCollabAMA???? Today's AMA was hosted by [Cryptokingdom78] along with [christopherkramer.10] (SoMee CEO). Bigduke also made an appearance who has 505k TikTok followers and 54.7k YouTube subs ????AMA Summary: It all started with..... ????Chris, Cryptokingdom and (Naim) *Najo* MMKK discussed concerns of censorship on other Socials ????Chris spoke about the start of One Name Global and it's named token ONG at the time. How SoMee came into existence from the 10 names to choose from and as voted by the Community ????When asked to know the difference between a Personal account and the benefits of having a Page or Group, Chris explains how to navigate and create either and his recommendations based on the requirement ????Do you earn SOMEE or do you earn a dollar amount when you post? $SME became our primary token. We are giving you tokens to the dollar value. There is only a certain amount given a day ????CryptoKingdom being shocked yet surprised shared how someone posted a picture of their breakfast and earned 10 bucks and they have 37 people following ????Asked by (Naim) *Najo* MMKK: Have you thought of tipping or that sort? The beautiful thing is it's not a tipping system. You don't have to take money out of ur own pocket. If u are powered up you curation reward ????What are you guys doing to keep up with the bots created to hijack the earnings on your platform? It's already protected by Hive, not only do they have Hive watchers, but they also make it in a way it makes it very difficult to bot. We have a method to detect them. It's already well protect against the bot -Chris ????Recommending to make things easy: You control your keys you control your wallet. I would recommend to download Hive keychain. It makes it super easy like you would like metamask ????Best way to interact? By posting everyday, upvoting everyday. You have 10 likes a day at a 100% voting power ????Where will I see the actual resource credits I have? hive.ausbit.dev And type in your user name Talking On Other Streams Of Income: ????Talking about Ad Share: Once we have reached 3-5 million, we will release the Ad Share Market Place. It's another earning stream. G-Boost, Global Boost is what it's called ????NFT special folder - give your audience the choice to buy from the newsfeed. Platform takes 2% of the cut. Another earning stream ????In the future when the delegations are gone, you can delegate to others. Makes you the future delegators ????Click the referral link from the dashboard. It's paid by PayPal or Stripe. If your on a package, on Hive it's called resource credits so that you can post, to continue to generate a passive income. That's how hive does it to protect the eco system. Those who want to cash out can on Uniswap ???? SoMee's Impact: We have case studies where we have created life changing impact: Roxy in Venezuela was earning $600 in the first month. Where she was able to pay for her daughters education. She could earn and cash out with life changing experience. This was pre covid during depression phase ???? New To Come: SoMee University- The team are working on it with the help of Community members, in the next week or two we will release it ????️Powerful words: "We are all about the power of choice" -Chris "With million hits on YouTube compared, it's 100x times difference on SoMee" -CryptoKingdom "I'm excited to see how this grows when we have millions and millions of users. As we grow people will earn more and fully tap in the daily reward pool" -Chris "It's a great aspect we are going to be Social First" -Chris A Few Facts And Numbers Shared By Chris: ????People are logging in 8.6 times a day. Spending 9 mins per session ????Doing a SoMee calculator with CryptoKingdom. If he has 1.1 million Friends/Followers on SoMee with a $1500 Collaborator Power Package *Estimated earnings: 4 million and 25 thousand a year Finally, Chris asked CryptoKingdom - What are you doing currently? Squid network first. It's the first DAP on Ethereum. I can plug in SOME token, that will give a buy pressure if they chose SOMEE which gives you two rewards. Squid and SOMEE. Squidnetwork.online The AMA that went on for 3.5 hours, it would be difficult to Summarise such a lengthy AMA so a few Q&A, Quotes and brief details are listed. Be sure to hear the full recording once shared by the team to get the full insight and extended details. Thank you for your continuous support, upvotes, feedback and request for the SoMee AMA Summary. Glad it's become popular and highly appreciated and requested by our Community over the years ???? #SoMeeOfficial #SoMeeSocial #SurpriseAMA #Collab #CommunityInfo #StayInformed #SoMee #CryptoKingdom
    4 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 9266 Views

    Four months after the mainnet launched on June 1, 2022, Ultron's layer-1 blockchain system took the industry by storm.

    ????The technology built by experts
    - Team of 40+ senior developers coming from Polkadot/Fantom/Ethereum ecosystems
    - Team has developed the first and only Layer-1 blockchain with its own native applications (whole Eco-System)
    - 1.8M transactions in just 120 days

    ????Let's take a look at the Ultron impact:
    - over 200M market cap
    - 900% growth from starting price 0.01$ to 0.09$

    ????Listed on:
    - ULTRONSWAP (native dex)
    - centralised exchanges coming soon

    ????Tracked by:
    - DEFILLAMA (20th place among 150 chains by TVL - Staking ????????)

    ????Recognized by:

    The future multibillion project of Ultron Foundation has partnered with MAVIE affiliate agency to enrich its utility and bring more value to its supporters. MaVie is the Double-impact ingredient in the ecosystem.

    Don't miss the next big thing from the fastest growing layer-1 in the world!

    Please Watch The Com. Plan

    English Complan

    To Register
    Just Click the Link



    Or Pm Me direct❤❤❤
    ????THE ULTRON IMPACT???? Four months after the mainnet launched on June 1, 2022, Ultron's layer-1 blockchain system took the industry by storm. ????The technology built by experts - Team of 40+ senior developers coming from Polkadot/Fantom/Ethereum ecosystems - Team has developed the first and only Layer-1 blockchain with its own native applications (whole Eco-System) - 1.8M transactions in just 120 days ????Let's take a look at the Ultron impact: - over 200M market cap - 900% growth from starting price 0.01$ to 0.09$ ????Listed on: - UNISWAP - PANCAKESWAP - ULTRONSWAP (native dex) - centralised exchanges coming soon ????Tracked by: - COINMARKETCAP https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ultron/ - COINGECKO https://www.coingecko.com/sl/coins/ultron - CHAINLIST https://chainlist.org/chain/1231 - DEFILLAMA (20th place among 150 chains by TVL - Staking ????????) https://defillama.com/chains ????Recognized by: - BINANCE https://www.binance.com/en/price/ultron - COINBASE https://www.coinbase.com/price/ultron - MESSARI https://messari.io/asset/ultron ????The DOUBLE IMPACT The future multibillion project of Ultron Foundation has partnered with MAVIE affiliate agency to enrich its utility and bring more value to its supporters. MaVie is the Double-impact ingredient in the ecosystem. Don't miss the next big thing from the fastest growing layer-1 in the world! Please Watch The Com. Plan ???????????????????????? https://youtu.be/k_jE2JfhRIQ English Complan ???????????????????? https://youtu.be/WLdhdgStmwE To Register Just Click the Link ???????????????????????? https://www.backoffice.mavie.global/ambassador/VstxJ3wECDt7wCpLbMHo8/134073 Or https://www.backoffice.mavie.global/ambassador/6KSXF7KBdgzU_c86yDEIz/133861 Or Pm Me direct❤❤❤
    ULTRON price today, ULX to USD live, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCap
    Get the latest ULTRON price, ULX market cap, trading pairs, charts and data today from the world’s number one cryptocurrency price-tracking website
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 4678 Views
  • I have feeling that uniswap V3 season is coming!
    Posted using SoMee
    I have feeling that uniswap V3 season is coming! Posted using SoMee
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 192 Views
  • By Cellframe Platform > The updated tokenomics assumes revenue not only from the provision of services but also from liquidity. Additional rewards are also coming from the long-term LP-holding. We have changed the reward ratios to bring more liquidity to the UniSwap and Pancake pools. To make sure it doesn’t affect the volume of rewards for master node holders, we’ve invented a mechanism to issue mCELL tokens so that master node holders can choose whether to stake a single CELL, or pair it with ETH, BNB or stablecoins — either way, they will get their mCELL to process transactions and provide services (and earn on it too).
    By Cellframe Platform > The updated tokenomics assumes revenue not only from the provision of services but also from liquidity. Additional rewards are also coming from the long-term LP-holding. We have changed the reward ratios to bring more liquidity to the UniSwap and Pancake pools. To make sure it doesn’t affect the volume of rewards for master node holders, we’ve invented a mechanism to issue mCELL tokens so that master node holders can choose whether to stake a single CELL, or pair it with ETH, BNB or stablecoins — either way, they will get their mCELL to process transactions and provide services (and earn on it too).
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 819 Views