• TikTok Chinese Trojan Horse Run By Former CIA
    February 10th, 2024
    TikTok is once again under public scrutiny. The video-sharing platform is the subject of a Senate hearing into child safety online.

    Republican Senators were quick to paint it as a nefarious Chinese plot to take down America. But apart from some blatantly racist questions, Senator Tom Cotton asked its Singaporean CEO Shou Zi Chew. A much bigger issue with TikTok is being swept under the rug that MintPress has previously investigated: that it is increasingly controlled by the US national security state.

    Since 2020, TikTok has spent more than $1.5 billion moving its data and security operations to Texas, where it has partnered with CIA-cutout company Oracle. It has also hired dozens, if not hundreds, of US national security state officials to control and oversee its trust and safety, security, and content moderation departments, giving these former spooks and spies extensive control over how the platform functions and what the world sees in our feeds.



    TikTok Chinese Trojan Horse Run By Former CIA February 10th, 2024 TikTok is once again under public scrutiny. The video-sharing platform is the subject of a Senate hearing into child safety online. Republican Senators were quick to paint it as a nefarious Chinese plot to take down America. But apart from some blatantly racist questions, Senator Tom Cotton asked its Singaporean CEO Shou Zi Chew. A much bigger issue with TikTok is being swept under the rug that MintPress has previously investigated: that it is increasingly controlled by the US national security state. Since 2020, TikTok has spent more than $1.5 billion moving its data and security operations to Texas, where it has partnered with CIA-cutout company Oracle. It has also hired dozens, if not hundreds, of US national security state officials to control and oversee its trust and safety, security, and content moderation departments, giving these former spooks and spies extensive control over how the platform functions and what the world sees in our feeds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98uh5INMijY https://www.mintpressnews.com/tiktok-chinese-trojan-horse-run-former-cia/286780/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98uh5INMijY
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 4518 مشاهدة
  • TikTok Chinese Trojan Horse Run By Former CIA
    February 10th, 2024
    TikTok is once again under public scrutiny. The video-sharing platform is the subject of a Senate hearing into child safety online.

    Republican Senators were quick to paint it as a nefarious Chinese plot to take down America. But apart from some blatantly racist questions, Senator Tom Cotton asked its Singaporean CEO Shou Zi Chew. A much bigger issue with TikTok is being swept under the rug that MintPress has previously investigated: that it is increasingly controlled by the US national security state.

    Since 2020, TikTok has spent more than $1.5 billion moving its data and security operations to Texas, where it has partnered with CIA-cutout company Oracle. It has also hired dozens, if not hundreds, of US national security state officials to control and oversee its trust and safety, security, and content moderation departments, giving these former spooks and spies extensive control over how the platform functions and what the world sees in our feeds.


    TikTok Chinese Trojan Horse Run By Former CIA February 10th, 2024 TikTok is once again under public scrutiny. The video-sharing platform is the subject of a Senate hearing into child safety online. Republican Senators were quick to paint it as a nefarious Chinese plot to take down America. But apart from some blatantly racist questions, Senator Tom Cotton asked its Singaporean CEO Shou Zi Chew. A much bigger issue with TikTok is being swept under the rug that MintPress has previously investigated: that it is increasingly controlled by the US national security state. Since 2020, TikTok has spent more than $1.5 billion moving its data and security operations to Texas, where it has partnered with CIA-cutout company Oracle. It has also hired dozens, if not hundreds, of US national security state officials to control and oversee its trust and safety, security, and content moderation departments, giving these former spooks and spies extensive control over how the platform functions and what the world sees in our feeds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98uh5INMijY https://www.mintpressnews.com/tiktok-chinese-trojan-horse-run-former-cia/286780/
    TikTok Chinese Trojan Horse Run By Former CIA
    TikTok is once again under public scrutiny, but a much bigger issue is being swept under the rug: that it is increasingly controlled by the US national security state.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 4360 مشاهدة
  • How British ‘charities’ are aiding Israeli genocide in Gaza
    Thursday, 01 February 2024 7:54 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 01 February 2024 8:33 AM ]
    By David Miller

    The genocide in Gaza is being perpetrated by the so-called ‘Israel Defense Forces’. The whole world is appalled. Yet, in the UK, there are organizations raising money to support the genocidal occupation forces.

    The Association for Israel’s Soldiers is based in occupied Palestine and claims to be the sole avenue through which donations can be made directly to IDF soldiers and IDF units. These donations come from Zionists in Palestine as well as from the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, France and the UK.

    The UK Friends of the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel Soldiers (AWIS) is a registered charity that is obliged by law to show public benefit. Its charitable objects include relief of need and suffering, advancement of education and provision of facilities for recreation of the occupation forces.

    It does this by providing Mobile Synagogues, recreational facilities for injured genocidaires, free holidays, free student scholarships, mobile Gym and rest and recreation facilities. Among the benefits are swimming pools including the one promoted in a video on Facebook in May last year. In the video, AWIS says they “created a swimming pool in the heart of the desert for the training base of the artillery corps.” Meanwhile, drinking water for Gaza has been cut off for more than three months.

    Each year, AWIS also puts on an “enlistment festival” for 30,000 recruits to the genocidal occupation forces.

    Guidance published by the Charity Commission states that it is a legal requirement that “any detriment or harm that results from [charitable purposes] must not outweigh the benefit.” Perhaps supporting genocide outweighs those purposes?

    Among the Trustees of the charity is Colonel Richard Kemp, a former British soldier said to have hateful views on Islam and Muslims. In December, the BBC was criticized for interviewing Kemp without reference to his role as a UK-AWIS trustee. In one recent interview with a pro-Israel blog, Kemp was quoted as describing the killing of civilians in Gaza as “necessary”.

    Another trustee is Josh Swidler, who is in the financial industry at a firm called Teamshares. Emphasizing the link between Zionists and Islamophobia, it turns out that Swidler was formerly one of the two directors of Henry Jackson Society Inc., the US fundraising arm of the Islamophobic British think tank.

    Research for Palestine Declassified, where I am the producer, has traced around twenty British charities that have donated to UK AWIS over the last twenty years. When we examined them we found that they tend to donate to a variety of Zionist causes. In particular, we looked to see which of the recipients directly supported the occupation forces, the so-called “Israel Defense Forces”, illegal settlements, Jewish supremacist sects, or Islamophobic think tanks. These four categories are a sort of Zionist funding bingo. Our research is presented in a table on our investigative Wiki database Powerbase under the title: “UK AWIS - supporters”. The data points there also link to profiles of each of the charities on the Powerbase website as well as the principal individuals involved and how they made their money. The list of charities is as follows:

    A. M. Charitable Trust
    C H (1980) Charitable Trust
    David and Ruth Lewis Family Charitable Trust
    Denise Cohen Charitable Trust
    G. R. P. Charitable Trust
    Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation
    Jack Goldhill Charitable Trust
    Lawson Beckman Charitable Trust
    Loftus Charitable Trust
    Family Foundations Trust
    R and S Cohen Foundation
    Rosenblatt Family Charitable Trust
    Stanley and Zea Lewis Family Foundation
    The J E Joseph Charitable Trust
    The Locker Foundation
    The Maurice Hatter Foundation
    The Peltz Trust (Dissolved June 2023)
    The Phillips and Rubens Charitable Trust
    The Phillips Family Charitable Trust
    Wigoder Family Foundation
    Of the twenty charities we have named which donate to AWIS, five in total have a “full house” sending money to at least one of each of the four categories of funding. We discuss these here at greater length.

    Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation which was created by Gerald Ronson, the convicted fraudster who runs Rontec, a company that operates over 250 BP and Esso service stations in the UK. These should be an urgent target for the BDS movement.
    Ronson also set up the Community Security Trust that runs point of the Zionist regime in the UK, spies on anti-Zionist Jews and deliberately confuses anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in line with the policies of the Zionist regime. Ronson has collaborated with Mossad for decades, through the CST (created in 1994) and before that its predecessor, the Group Relations Educational Trust. One of the charitable objects of the CST is that it will ‘promote research’ and ‘promote public education about’ extremism. In practice, however, Ronson promotes extremism via his family foundation. Among recipients of funding, in addition to AWIS, are:

    The extreme Chabad sect, which Ronson has been supporting for over 40 years.
    The Jewish National Fund and the Jerusalem Foundation, both of which are engaged in supporting ethnic cleansing and illegal settlement activity in Palestine.
    Islamophobic think tanks Civitas and Policy Exchange.
    These donations are further evidence that Ronson in practice supports extremism and genocide, rather than opposing them.

    Loftus Charitable Trust, set up by the Loftus family, which made its money from the watchmaking firm Accurist. The family sold the firm to Sekonda in 2014. As well as AWIS, it also funds the extremist Zionist sect Chabad Lubavitch and the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society. An interesting sign of the small and connected world of the Zionist business class is that the owner of Time Products, the parent of Sekonda to which the Loftus family sold Accurist, is one Marcus Margulies. His family foundation also funds illegal settlements via the Jerusalem Foundation, to which it gave £2.25 million in 2021. The Loftus Trust also gives to a long list of genocidal Zionist groups including the Community Security Trust, Jewish Leadership Council, Mitzvah Day, Stand With Us, UK Friends of IDC (the only private university in ‘Israel’), UKLFI Charitable Trust (which supports the lawfare group UK Lawyers for Israel), Union of Jewish Students, United Jewish Israel Appeal, Zionist Federation
    David and Ruth Lewis Family Charitable Trust, set up by the Lewis family which owns the River Island clothing chain. The charity also funds Islamophobic think tank, Policy Exchange and illegal settlements via the Jerusalem Foundation and the Jewish National Fund. In addition, the trust funds a range of extremist Zionist groups including Campaign Against Antisemitism, Community Security Trust, Jewish Leadership Council, Palestinian Media Watch, One Voice Europe, and United Jewish Israel Appeal.
    The Family Foundations Trust, set up by the UK property investor Richard Mintz. The charity has funded UK AWIS and another charity supporting the IDF – Beit Halochem, which we will discuss below. It has also funded the extremist sect Chabad-Lubavitch, the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society, and the Community Security Trust. Richard’s son and charity trustee Joshua co-founded the website Friend-a-Soldier, an online platform where soldiers can become ‘digital ambassadors’ for the occupation forces.
    Phillips & Rubens Charitable Trust, set up in 1969 by the accountant Michael Phillips and his wife Ruth. Phillips was at that time a partner in the accountancy firm Hacker, Rubens, Phillips & Young, which he ran with the late Stuart Young. Stuart Young would later be appointed chairman of the BBC by Margaret Thatcher, and was the brother of David (later Lord) Young who at one time chaired the board of trustees of The Peter Cruddas Foundation, which has funded the anti-Muslim think tank Policy Exchange. Lord Young and Michael Phillips were also both trustees of the Stuart Young Foundation along with the solicitor Martin Paisner, who is also a trustee of the Phillips & Rubens Charitable Trust and a large number of other Zionist and/or conservative foundations. The charity has donated to the occupation forces via AWIS from as early as 2009. It has also donated to British ORT, an “education” grouping that trains staff both in Israeli arms firms and in the occupation forces in “Israel”. It supports illegal settlements and ethnic cleansing in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) via the Jerusalem Foundation and Yad Sarah, and supports the Jewish supremacist Lubavitch Foundation and the following Islamophobic think tanks: Centre for Social Cohesion, Civitas, Henry Jackson Society. Naturally, it also supports a range of (Zionist) Synagogues (e.g. United Synagogue) and lobby groups including the United Jewish Israel Appeal and the Union of Jewish Students.
    UK AWIS is already under investigation by the UK charity regulator the Charity Commission. The investigation should widen to include the nexus of genocide-supporting charities revealed here. They should be shut down by the Charity Commission.

    In addition to AWIS, Zionist occupation forces are provided with millions in funding every year by other charities. These charities are almost wholly unknown.

    Palestine Declassified has unearthed new details on one of these charities called Beit Halochem. It is dedicated to raising money for what it calls ‘our’ heroes who have ‘fought’ to ‘protect the state of Israel’ – meaning members of the genocidal occupation forces currently engaged in mass killings in Gaza and throughout Palestine.

    Charitable objectives of the charity include the relief of ‘Adverse physical and mental effects suffered by individuals in Israel’. It doesn’t say so, explicitly, but it’s clear that the individuals noted do not include Palestinian civilians. As Beit Halochem says, its name ‘literally means “House of Warriors”.’

    This racism in the application of its ‘public benefit’ is one reason why this charity should be shut down by the UK Charity Commission.

    Another is that it violates the harm principle – the harm of supporting genocide clearly outweighs the benefit of rehabilitation of injured genocidaires.

    The Chairman of the charity is Andrew Wolfson, of the hugely wealthy Wolfson family. The family is best known for its ownership of the Next retail empire. Here is a picture of him with the genocidal president of ‘Israel’, Isaac Herzog, and the extremist advocate of the settler movement, the ambassador to London Tzipi Hotevely.

    The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust is named after his grandfather who died in 1970. Other trustees include his brother (Lord) Simon Wolfson, the Chief Executive of Next plc, and (Lord) Jon Mendelsohn, a key Israel lobby actor. The charity has donated over £600,000 to Beit Halochem since 2018.

    The charity also helps to encourage racism against Muslims by funding Islamophobic think tanks such as Civitas and Policy Exchange. It also funds the Jerusalem Foundation which is directly engaged in settlement activity and ethnic cleansing in East Al-Quds.

    Research for Palestine Declassified reveals that Beit Halochem receives funds and support from a range of other Zionist family foundations including the aforementioned Denise Cohen Charitable Trust, Family Foundations Trust, Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation, Loftus Charitable Trust, and The Locker Foundation, all of which also fund UK AWIS. Other charities involved include The Pears Family Charitable Foundation, Exilarch’s Foundation and Bluston Charitable Settlement. Here are some details on each of these three charities:

    The Pears Family Charitable Foundation is run by the Pears brothers once voted the worst landlord in the UK by viewers of a BBC consumer program. Their charity also funds Islamophobic think tank Civitas and Policy Exchange, the Zionist Council of Christians and Jews, the Jewish Leadership Council, the Union of Jewish Students, the United Jewish Israel Appeal, and normalizing charities including Mitzvah Day UK, Solutions Not Sides, The Abraham Fund Initiatives. It has also funded the extreme ultra-Zionist Chabad sect, recently in the news for the illegally dug tunnels underneath their global HQ in New York.
    The Exilarch’s Foundation is run by David Dangoor, the property magnate who runs property firm Monopro which registered £121.9m assets in 2017-18. His foundation also funds the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society and ethnic cleansing in East al-Quds, via the Jerusalem Foundation as well as the Community Security Trust, the Faith and Belief Forum, the Tony Blair Institute, the Union of Jewish Students, the pro-Israel Jewish Leadership Council and the United Jewish Israel Appeal, the largest Zionist charity in the country.
    Bluston Charitable Settlement is run by Anna Josse, who co-runs private equity firm Regent Capital having established and run the Zionist foundation the New Israel Fund UK in the 1990s. She also helps to run Prism the Gift Fund which is a charity that operates and acts for a range of Zionist and other charities. Josse is a Manchester University graduate (after a stunt at a seminary in Israel) and former JSoc chair. She also worked at the Social Market Foundation think-tank. In addition to funding genocide via Beit Halochem, Bluston funds ethnic cleansing via the Jerusalem Foundation in occupied al-Quds and the Jewish National Fund.
    Among the testimonials on the Beit Halochem UK website is one from Ian Austin, the extreme Zionist and former Labour MP who has displayed a profile picture on X referring to Gaza with the words “Let Israel finish the job”.

    There are also tributes from the Board of Deputies, the Chief Rabbi and even Israel’s settler-supporting genocidal ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotevely.

    Overall, Beit Halochem is devoted to supporting the genocidal Israel occupation forces in Gaza in what appears to be breaches of UK charity law.

    We will pass the evidence we have unearthed to the UK Charity Commission.


    How British ‘charities’ are aiding Israeli genocide in Gaza Thursday, 01 February 2024 7:54 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 01 February 2024 8:33 AM ] By David Miller The genocide in Gaza is being perpetrated by the so-called ‘Israel Defense Forces’. The whole world is appalled. Yet, in the UK, there are organizations raising money to support the genocidal occupation forces. The Association for Israel’s Soldiers is based in occupied Palestine and claims to be the sole avenue through which donations can be made directly to IDF soldiers and IDF units. These donations come from Zionists in Palestine as well as from the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, France and the UK. The UK Friends of the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel Soldiers (AWIS) is a registered charity that is obliged by law to show public benefit. Its charitable objects include relief of need and suffering, advancement of education and provision of facilities for recreation of the occupation forces. It does this by providing Mobile Synagogues, recreational facilities for injured genocidaires, free holidays, free student scholarships, mobile Gym and rest and recreation facilities. Among the benefits are swimming pools including the one promoted in a video on Facebook in May last year. In the video, AWIS says they “created a swimming pool in the heart of the desert for the training base of the artillery corps.” Meanwhile, drinking water for Gaza has been cut off for more than three months. Each year, AWIS also puts on an “enlistment festival” for 30,000 recruits to the genocidal occupation forces. Guidance published by the Charity Commission states that it is a legal requirement that “any detriment or harm that results from [charitable purposes] must not outweigh the benefit.” Perhaps supporting genocide outweighs those purposes? Among the Trustees of the charity is Colonel Richard Kemp, a former British soldier said to have hateful views on Islam and Muslims. In December, the BBC was criticized for interviewing Kemp without reference to his role as a UK-AWIS trustee. In one recent interview with a pro-Israel blog, Kemp was quoted as describing the killing of civilians in Gaza as “necessary”. Another trustee is Josh Swidler, who is in the financial industry at a firm called Teamshares. Emphasizing the link between Zionists and Islamophobia, it turns out that Swidler was formerly one of the two directors of Henry Jackson Society Inc., the US fundraising arm of the Islamophobic British think tank. Research for Palestine Declassified, where I am the producer, has traced around twenty British charities that have donated to UK AWIS over the last twenty years. When we examined them we found that they tend to donate to a variety of Zionist causes. In particular, we looked to see which of the recipients directly supported the occupation forces, the so-called “Israel Defense Forces”, illegal settlements, Jewish supremacist sects, or Islamophobic think tanks. These four categories are a sort of Zionist funding bingo. Our research is presented in a table on our investigative Wiki database Powerbase under the title: “UK AWIS - supporters”. The data points there also link to profiles of each of the charities on the Powerbase website as well as the principal individuals involved and how they made their money. The list of charities is as follows: A. M. Charitable Trust C H (1980) Charitable Trust David and Ruth Lewis Family Charitable Trust Denise Cohen Charitable Trust G. R. P. Charitable Trust Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation Jack Goldhill Charitable Trust Lawson Beckman Charitable Trust Loftus Charitable Trust Family Foundations Trust R and S Cohen Foundation Rosenblatt Family Charitable Trust Stanley and Zea Lewis Family Foundation The J E Joseph Charitable Trust The Locker Foundation The Maurice Hatter Foundation The Peltz Trust (Dissolved June 2023) The Phillips and Rubens Charitable Trust The Phillips Family Charitable Trust Wigoder Family Foundation Of the twenty charities we have named which donate to AWIS, five in total have a “full house” sending money to at least one of each of the four categories of funding. We discuss these here at greater length. Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation which was created by Gerald Ronson, the convicted fraudster who runs Rontec, a company that operates over 250 BP and Esso service stations in the UK. These should be an urgent target for the BDS movement. Ronson also set up the Community Security Trust that runs point of the Zionist regime in the UK, spies on anti-Zionist Jews and deliberately confuses anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in line with the policies of the Zionist regime. Ronson has collaborated with Mossad for decades, through the CST (created in 1994) and before that its predecessor, the Group Relations Educational Trust. One of the charitable objects of the CST is that it will ‘promote research’ and ‘promote public education about’ extremism. In practice, however, Ronson promotes extremism via his family foundation. Among recipients of funding, in addition to AWIS, are: The extreme Chabad sect, which Ronson has been supporting for over 40 years. The Jewish National Fund and the Jerusalem Foundation, both of which are engaged in supporting ethnic cleansing and illegal settlement activity in Palestine. Islamophobic think tanks Civitas and Policy Exchange. These donations are further evidence that Ronson in practice supports extremism and genocide, rather than opposing them. Loftus Charitable Trust, set up by the Loftus family, which made its money from the watchmaking firm Accurist. The family sold the firm to Sekonda in 2014. As well as AWIS, it also funds the extremist Zionist sect Chabad Lubavitch and the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society. An interesting sign of the small and connected world of the Zionist business class is that the owner of Time Products, the parent of Sekonda to which the Loftus family sold Accurist, is one Marcus Margulies. His family foundation also funds illegal settlements via the Jerusalem Foundation, to which it gave £2.25 million in 2021. The Loftus Trust also gives to a long list of genocidal Zionist groups including the Community Security Trust, Jewish Leadership Council, Mitzvah Day, Stand With Us, UK Friends of IDC (the only private university in ‘Israel’), UKLFI Charitable Trust (which supports the lawfare group UK Lawyers for Israel), Union of Jewish Students, United Jewish Israel Appeal, Zionist Federation David and Ruth Lewis Family Charitable Trust, set up by the Lewis family which owns the River Island clothing chain. The charity also funds Islamophobic think tank, Policy Exchange and illegal settlements via the Jerusalem Foundation and the Jewish National Fund. In addition, the trust funds a range of extremist Zionist groups including Campaign Against Antisemitism, Community Security Trust, Jewish Leadership Council, Palestinian Media Watch, One Voice Europe, and United Jewish Israel Appeal. The Family Foundations Trust, set up by the UK property investor Richard Mintz. The charity has funded UK AWIS and another charity supporting the IDF – Beit Halochem, which we will discuss below. It has also funded the extremist sect Chabad-Lubavitch, the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society, and the Community Security Trust. Richard’s son and charity trustee Joshua co-founded the website Friend-a-Soldier, an online platform where soldiers can become ‘digital ambassadors’ for the occupation forces. Phillips & Rubens Charitable Trust, set up in 1969 by the accountant Michael Phillips and his wife Ruth. Phillips was at that time a partner in the accountancy firm Hacker, Rubens, Phillips & Young, which he ran with the late Stuart Young. Stuart Young would later be appointed chairman of the BBC by Margaret Thatcher, and was the brother of David (later Lord) Young who at one time chaired the board of trustees of The Peter Cruddas Foundation, which has funded the anti-Muslim think tank Policy Exchange. Lord Young and Michael Phillips were also both trustees of the Stuart Young Foundation along with the solicitor Martin Paisner, who is also a trustee of the Phillips & Rubens Charitable Trust and a large number of other Zionist and/or conservative foundations. The charity has donated to the occupation forces via AWIS from as early as 2009. It has also donated to British ORT, an “education” grouping that trains staff both in Israeli arms firms and in the occupation forces in “Israel”. It supports illegal settlements and ethnic cleansing in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) via the Jerusalem Foundation and Yad Sarah, and supports the Jewish supremacist Lubavitch Foundation and the following Islamophobic think tanks: Centre for Social Cohesion, Civitas, Henry Jackson Society. Naturally, it also supports a range of (Zionist) Synagogues (e.g. United Synagogue) and lobby groups including the United Jewish Israel Appeal and the Union of Jewish Students. UK AWIS is already under investigation by the UK charity regulator the Charity Commission. The investigation should widen to include the nexus of genocide-supporting charities revealed here. They should be shut down by the Charity Commission. In addition to AWIS, Zionist occupation forces are provided with millions in funding every year by other charities. These charities are almost wholly unknown. Palestine Declassified has unearthed new details on one of these charities called Beit Halochem. It is dedicated to raising money for what it calls ‘our’ heroes who have ‘fought’ to ‘protect the state of Israel’ – meaning members of the genocidal occupation forces currently engaged in mass killings in Gaza and throughout Palestine. Charitable objectives of the charity include the relief of ‘Adverse physical and mental effects suffered by individuals in Israel’. It doesn’t say so, explicitly, but it’s clear that the individuals noted do not include Palestinian civilians. As Beit Halochem says, its name ‘literally means “House of Warriors”.’ This racism in the application of its ‘public benefit’ is one reason why this charity should be shut down by the UK Charity Commission. Another is that it violates the harm principle – the harm of supporting genocide clearly outweighs the benefit of rehabilitation of injured genocidaires. The Chairman of the charity is Andrew Wolfson, of the hugely wealthy Wolfson family. The family is best known for its ownership of the Next retail empire. Here is a picture of him with the genocidal president of ‘Israel’, Isaac Herzog, and the extremist advocate of the settler movement, the ambassador to London Tzipi Hotevely. The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust is named after his grandfather who died in 1970. Other trustees include his brother (Lord) Simon Wolfson, the Chief Executive of Next plc, and (Lord) Jon Mendelsohn, a key Israel lobby actor. The charity has donated over £600,000 to Beit Halochem since 2018. The charity also helps to encourage racism against Muslims by funding Islamophobic think tanks such as Civitas and Policy Exchange. It also funds the Jerusalem Foundation which is directly engaged in settlement activity and ethnic cleansing in East Al-Quds. Research for Palestine Declassified reveals that Beit Halochem receives funds and support from a range of other Zionist family foundations including the aforementioned Denise Cohen Charitable Trust, Family Foundations Trust, Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation, Loftus Charitable Trust, and The Locker Foundation, all of which also fund UK AWIS. Other charities involved include The Pears Family Charitable Foundation, Exilarch’s Foundation and Bluston Charitable Settlement. Here are some details on each of these three charities: The Pears Family Charitable Foundation is run by the Pears brothers once voted the worst landlord in the UK by viewers of a BBC consumer program. Their charity also funds Islamophobic think tank Civitas and Policy Exchange, the Zionist Council of Christians and Jews, the Jewish Leadership Council, the Union of Jewish Students, the United Jewish Israel Appeal, and normalizing charities including Mitzvah Day UK, Solutions Not Sides, The Abraham Fund Initiatives. It has also funded the extreme ultra-Zionist Chabad sect, recently in the news for the illegally dug tunnels underneath their global HQ in New York. The Exilarch’s Foundation is run by David Dangoor, the property magnate who runs property firm Monopro which registered £121.9m assets in 2017-18. His foundation also funds the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society and ethnic cleansing in East al-Quds, via the Jerusalem Foundation as well as the Community Security Trust, the Faith and Belief Forum, the Tony Blair Institute, the Union of Jewish Students, the pro-Israel Jewish Leadership Council and the United Jewish Israel Appeal, the largest Zionist charity in the country. Bluston Charitable Settlement is run by Anna Josse, who co-runs private equity firm Regent Capital having established and run the Zionist foundation the New Israel Fund UK in the 1990s. She also helps to run Prism the Gift Fund which is a charity that operates and acts for a range of Zionist and other charities. Josse is a Manchester University graduate (after a stunt at a seminary in Israel) and former JSoc chair. She also worked at the Social Market Foundation think-tank. In addition to funding genocide via Beit Halochem, Bluston funds ethnic cleansing via the Jerusalem Foundation in occupied al-Quds and the Jewish National Fund. Among the testimonials on the Beit Halochem UK website is one from Ian Austin, the extreme Zionist and former Labour MP who has displayed a profile picture on X referring to Gaza with the words “Let Israel finish the job”. There are also tributes from the Board of Deputies, the Chief Rabbi and even Israel’s settler-supporting genocidal ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotevely. Overall, Beit Halochem is devoted to supporting the genocidal Israel occupation forces in Gaza in what appears to be breaches of UK charity law. We will pass the evidence we have unearthed to the UK Charity Commission. https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/02/01/719268/How-British-charities-aiding-Israeli-genocide-Gaza https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/how-british-charities-are-aiding.html
    How British ‘charities’ are aiding Israeli genocide in Gaza
    The genocide in Gaza is being perpetrated by the so called ‘Israel Defense Forces’. The whole world is appalled. Yet, in the UK, there are organizations raising money to support the genocidal occupation forces.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 28499 مشاهدة
  • CIA Retrieved ‘Intact’ UFOs – Daily Mail

    A “secretive” office of the US spy agency has reportedly recovered nine “non-human craft”

    American spies have managed to recover at least nine potentially alien vehicles, two of them “completely intact,” the Daily Mail reported on Tuesday, citing three anonymous sources.

    The sources, supposedly briefed on top secret operations, told the UK outlet that the main player in the retrievals has been the Office of Global Access (OGA), a branch of the CIA Science and Technology Directorate established in 2003.

    “There’s at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones,” one of the sources said. “It has to do with the physical condition they’re in. If it crashes, there’s a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact.”

    The CIA has a system to detect unidentified flying objects (UFO) “while they’re still cloaked” and helps special US military units salvage the wreckage if “non-human craft” land, crash, or are brought down, the source added.

    Another anonymous source described the OGA’s role as “basically a facilitator” for US operatives to access areas where they would normally not be allowed.

    “They are very clever at being able to get anywhere in the world they want to,” the second source said.

    Most of OGA’s operations involve “stray nuclear wea
    pons, downed satellites or adversaries’ technology,” according to the Mail, but some missions have involved retrieval of UFOs – or as the US government now prefers to call them, “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (UAP).

    #ufos #aliens
    CIA Retrieved ‘Intact’ UFOs – Daily Mail A “secretive” office of the US spy agency has reportedly recovered nine “non-human craft” American spies have managed to recover at least nine potentially alien vehicles, two of them “completely intact,” the Daily Mail reported on Tuesday, citing three anonymous sources. The sources, supposedly briefed on top secret operations, told the UK outlet that the main player in the retrievals has been the Office of Global Access (OGA), a branch of the CIA Science and Technology Directorate established in 2003. “There’s at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones,” one of the sources said. “It has to do with the physical condition they’re in. If it crashes, there’s a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact.” The CIA has a system to detect unidentified flying objects (UFO) “while they’re still cloaked” and helps special US military units salvage the wreckage if “non-human craft” land, crash, or are brought down, the source added. Another anonymous source described the OGA’s role as “basically a facilitator” for US operatives to access areas where they would normally not be allowed. “They are very clever at being able to get anywhere in the world they want to,” the second source said. Most of OGA’s operations involve “stray nuclear wea pons, downed satellites or adversaries’ technology,” according to the Mail, but some missions have involved retrieval of UFOs – or as the US government now prefers to call them, “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (UAP). https://www.rt.com/news/588160-ufo-retrieved-cia-whistleblowers/ #ufos #aliens
    CIA retrieved ‘intact’ UFOs – Daily Mail
    The agency’s Office of Global Access (OGA) has allegedly recovered at least two undamaged “non-human craft” and seven more wrecks
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  • Deadly alliance: Why has the CIA decided to allow US media to confirm its involvement in Ukraine’s brutal assassination campaign?
    The scale of US intelligence support for Kiev’s murderous operations has been brought to light at a very interesting moment

    By Chay Bowes, journalist and geopolitical analyst, MA in Strategic Studies, RT correspondent

    Deadly alliance: Why has the CIA decided to allow US media to confirm its involvement in Ukraine’s brutal assassination campaign?
    As Ukraine slips quietly from the top of the Western media’s news agenda, fascinating insights into the granular nature of the CIA’s involvement in Kiev’s assassination program are being revealed. By the very same outlets that had previously suggested Ukraine was on a solo run with its slew of extrajudicial killings and terror attacks.

    Western media has routinely ignored the brutal exploits of Kiev’s successor to the KGB, the SBU. When they are reported upon, instead of calling out the illegal killing of journalists and activists, the press seeks to frame them as masterful operations of a band of freedom fighters administering tough justice to the “enemies of Ukraine.” A key element of that narrative was that while the US, British, and French intelligence services worked closely with the SBU, they didn’t have any direct control of its actions, particularly when those actions involved assassinating unarmed civilians. However, a recently published article in the Washington Post has now revealed that the CIA had, and continues to have, a central role in the group's most disturbing activities.

    Zelensky’s terror team: Why the West looks the other way when Ukraine’s secret murder squad kills journalists and activists READ MORE: Zelensky’s terror team: Why the West looks the other way when Ukraine’s secret murder squad kills journalists and activists
    A Washington Post article “Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia” outlines a labyrinthine relationship between the two intelligence agencies, and while the CIA still maintains it doesn’t sanction particular operations, the details revealed in the telling article suggest that this is nothing more than the usual stock disclaimer which accompanies most of Langley's covert operations. The article is based on interviews with “more than two dozen current and former Ukrainian, US and Western intelligence and security officials” and its revelations are both shocking and fascinating.

    One of the first claims it makes is that the relationship between the Ukrainian SBU and the CIA has been developing for decades with the latter working to “develop” Ukraine’s abilities to carry out sabotage and “operations” since at least 2014. The CIA has also been providing detailed intelligence, equipment and training to the SBU during that period and continues to spend “tens of millions” of dollars developing its capabilities. The sources quoted also confirm that the CIA even designed and built a new headquarters for the SBU in Kiev and currently share “levels of information and intelligence unthinkable” prior to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine.

    According to the Washington Post, the CIA also now maintains a significant presence in Kiev, not only in terms of men and materiel but also information flow, all of which suggests that despite maintaining an overt distance, the CIA is in fact intimately involved in all aspects of SBU operations including the planning and execution of operations outside the state.

    One such operation, and probably the most infamous carried out by the SBU since February 2022, was the assassination of Daria Dugina, daughter of prominent Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. The Washington Post article goes into great detail to outline the complexity of the “operation” performed by the SBU that resulted in the death of the unarmed 23-year-old non-combatant in a car bombing outside Moscow in August 2022. It tells of the use of a pet carrier to transport explosives into Russia, and of the surveillance of the deceased woman’s home by the assassin, who then fled across the border soon after the horrendous killing, which was cynically referred to by the SBU as a “liquidation.”

    The granular details outlined in the article suggest sources either within the CIA or SBU have now confirmed that their relationship, once presented as purely advisory and business-like, is in fact a deep and long-standing partnership. The article goes on to confirm the SBU’s involvement in several other targeted murders on Russian territory, including the assassination of Vladlen Tatarsky with a bomb in a crowded St. Petersburg cafe and the murder of ex-submarine commander Stanislav Rzhitsky, who was shot in the back while jogging unarmed in a park in Krasnodar.

    The revealing article also refers to “uneasiness” in Kiev and Washington regarding the SBU’s penchant for this kind of assassination, noting concern that they could tarnish Ukraine’s image abroad especially among donor countries who recently admitted that without their help Ukraine would collapse within weeks.

    What is most interesting about this piece is probably not its confirmation that the CIA is intimately involved in the operations of the SBU, what’s most fascinating is why a newspaper widely recognized as itself having an intimate relationship with the CIA has suddenly decided to basically confirm what many analysts already knew when it comes to Langley and the SBU.

    Yesterday’s man: Why Ukraine’s Zelensky is in danger of being left behind by the US READ MORE: Yesterday’s man: Why Ukraine’s Zelensky is in danger of being left behind by the US
    The Washington Post’s revelation comes not only in the aftermath of the bloody Hamas incursion into Israel and the subsequent Israeli assault on Gaza but also as international attention, and more importantly, appetite to support Kiev, wanes. This shift in attention, not only in the media but also potentially in the scale of aid, bodes poorly for President Vladimir Zelensky's regime, as it faces increasing domestic pressures and war-weary neighbors.

    Couple this with the oncoming winter and the view looks increasingly grim for Zelensky even before mentioning Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive and recent Russian battlefield gains. It now also looks inevitable that Ukraine will find itself playing second fiddle to an emerging political and potentially military crisis in the Middle East while competing for the vital US aid that keeps the Kiev regime afloat. Crucially, all of these woes offer a beleaguered NATO an opportunity to apply pressure on Zelensky to seek peace, potentially solving an increasingly difficult puzzle for Kiev’s backers as they head towards elections that will be decided by populations ever more vocal in their disdain for the conflict.

    So as Kiev’s woes compound and the world’s gaze shifts towards Gaza, it seems the truth about the West’s intimate relationship with the SBU is now being pulled out of the closet, not by a whistleblower or dissenting investigative journalist, but by a stalwart of the US intelligence community, the Washington Post. The question we should all be asking is why? How does this benefit or promote a Western 'victory' in Ukraine? The answer may well be that it’s not a victory that these revelations are supposed to facilitate. It’s more likely that it’s part of a strategy of edging Kiev towards accepting the undeniable reality that the entire US project in Ukraine is set to fail, and for Zelensky to seek accommodation before there’s nothing left to negotiate with.

    The task now is to end it as painlessly as possible for NATO and Kiev’s exhausted backers, and to move on to the next crusade, leaving a devastated and dysfunctional Ukraine to be consigned to the growing graveyard of bloody US foreign policy misadventures.

    The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

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    Deadly alliance: Why has the CIA decided to allow US media to confirm its involvement in Ukraine’s brutal assassination campaign? The scale of US intelligence support for Kiev’s murderous operations has been brought to light at a very interesting moment By Chay Bowes, journalist and geopolitical analyst, MA in Strategic Studies, RT correspondent Deadly alliance: Why has the CIA decided to allow US media to confirm its involvement in Ukraine’s brutal assassination campaign? As Ukraine slips quietly from the top of the Western media’s news agenda, fascinating insights into the granular nature of the CIA’s involvement in Kiev’s assassination program are being revealed. By the very same outlets that had previously suggested Ukraine was on a solo run with its slew of extrajudicial killings and terror attacks. Western media has routinely ignored the brutal exploits of Kiev’s successor to the KGB, the SBU. When they are reported upon, instead of calling out the illegal killing of journalists and activists, the press seeks to frame them as masterful operations of a band of freedom fighters administering tough justice to the “enemies of Ukraine.” A key element of that narrative was that while the US, British, and French intelligence services worked closely with the SBU, they didn’t have any direct control of its actions, particularly when those actions involved assassinating unarmed civilians. However, a recently published article in the Washington Post has now revealed that the CIA had, and continues to have, a central role in the group's most disturbing activities. Zelensky’s terror team: Why the West looks the other way when Ukraine’s secret murder squad kills journalists and activists READ MORE: Zelensky’s terror team: Why the West looks the other way when Ukraine’s secret murder squad kills journalists and activists A Washington Post article “Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia” outlines a labyrinthine relationship between the two intelligence agencies, and while the CIA still maintains it doesn’t sanction particular operations, the details revealed in the telling article suggest that this is nothing more than the usual stock disclaimer which accompanies most of Langley's covert operations. The article is based on interviews with “more than two dozen current and former Ukrainian, US and Western intelligence and security officials” and its revelations are both shocking and fascinating. One of the first claims it makes is that the relationship between the Ukrainian SBU and the CIA has been developing for decades with the latter working to “develop” Ukraine’s abilities to carry out sabotage and “operations” since at least 2014. The CIA has also been providing detailed intelligence, equipment and training to the SBU during that period and continues to spend “tens of millions” of dollars developing its capabilities. The sources quoted also confirm that the CIA even designed and built a new headquarters for the SBU in Kiev and currently share “levels of information and intelligence unthinkable” prior to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. According to the Washington Post, the CIA also now maintains a significant presence in Kiev, not only in terms of men and materiel but also information flow, all of which suggests that despite maintaining an overt distance, the CIA is in fact intimately involved in all aspects of SBU operations including the planning and execution of operations outside the state. One such operation, and probably the most infamous carried out by the SBU since February 2022, was the assassination of Daria Dugina, daughter of prominent Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. The Washington Post article goes into great detail to outline the complexity of the “operation” performed by the SBU that resulted in the death of the unarmed 23-year-old non-combatant in a car bombing outside Moscow in August 2022. It tells of the use of a pet carrier to transport explosives into Russia, and of the surveillance of the deceased woman’s home by the assassin, who then fled across the border soon after the horrendous killing, which was cynically referred to by the SBU as a “liquidation.” The granular details outlined in the article suggest sources either within the CIA or SBU have now confirmed that their relationship, once presented as purely advisory and business-like, is in fact a deep and long-standing partnership. The article goes on to confirm the SBU’s involvement in several other targeted murders on Russian territory, including the assassination of Vladlen Tatarsky with a bomb in a crowded St. Petersburg cafe and the murder of ex-submarine commander Stanislav Rzhitsky, who was shot in the back while jogging unarmed in a park in Krasnodar. The revealing article also refers to “uneasiness” in Kiev and Washington regarding the SBU’s penchant for this kind of assassination, noting concern that they could tarnish Ukraine’s image abroad especially among donor countries who recently admitted that without their help Ukraine would collapse within weeks. What is most interesting about this piece is probably not its confirmation that the CIA is intimately involved in the operations of the SBU, what’s most fascinating is why a newspaper widely recognized as itself having an intimate relationship with the CIA has suddenly decided to basically confirm what many analysts already knew when it comes to Langley and the SBU. Yesterday’s man: Why Ukraine’s Zelensky is in danger of being left behind by the US READ MORE: Yesterday’s man: Why Ukraine’s Zelensky is in danger of being left behind by the US The Washington Post’s revelation comes not only in the aftermath of the bloody Hamas incursion into Israel and the subsequent Israeli assault on Gaza but also as international attention, and more importantly, appetite to support Kiev, wanes. This shift in attention, not only in the media but also potentially in the scale of aid, bodes poorly for President Vladimir Zelensky's regime, as it faces increasing domestic pressures and war-weary neighbors. Couple this with the oncoming winter and the view looks increasingly grim for Zelensky even before mentioning Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive and recent Russian battlefield gains. It now also looks inevitable that Ukraine will find itself playing second fiddle to an emerging political and potentially military crisis in the Middle East while competing for the vital US aid that keeps the Kiev regime afloat. Crucially, all of these woes offer a beleaguered NATO an opportunity to apply pressure on Zelensky to seek peace, potentially solving an increasingly difficult puzzle for Kiev’s backers as they head towards elections that will be decided by populations ever more vocal in their disdain for the conflict. So as Kiev’s woes compound and the world’s gaze shifts towards Gaza, it seems the truth about the West’s intimate relationship with the SBU is now being pulled out of the closet, not by a whistleblower or dissenting investigative journalist, but by a stalwart of the US intelligence community, the Washington Post. The question we should all be asking is why? How does this benefit or promote a Western 'victory' in Ukraine? The answer may well be that it’s not a victory that these revelations are supposed to facilitate. It’s more likely that it’s part of a strategy of edging Kiev towards accepting the undeniable reality that the entire US project in Ukraine is set to fail, and for Zelensky to seek accommodation before there’s nothing left to negotiate with. The task now is to end it as painlessly as possible for NATO and Kiev’s exhausted backers, and to move on to the next crusade, leaving a devastated and dysfunctional Ukraine to be consigned to the growing graveyard of bloody US foreign policy misadventures. The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT. You can share this story on social media: RT
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  • James joins Hrvoje Moric on his TNT radio show to discuss forum spies, the digital gulag, the latest steps toward WWIII and what we can be doing to prepare for the days ahead.
    James joins Hrvoje Moric on his TNT radio show to discuss forum spies, the digital gulag, the latest steps toward WWIII and what we can be doing to prepare for the days ahead.
    James Corbett Discusses the Digital Gulag on TNT Radio - Activist Post
    Join James Corbett and Hrvoje Morić for this wide-ranging 30-minute discussion...
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 894 مشاهدة
  • Sri Krishna (Historical Story)
    Bhojvanshi king Ugrasen used to rule in Mathura. His aggressor son Kansa removed him from the throne and himself became the king of Mathura. Once there was King Kansa who was the brother of Devaki. He was going to drop his sister Devaki at her in-laws house when on the way he fell asleep due to fatigue. He started going to his sister's in-laws house while sleeping in the chariot. Suddenly he had a dream. It was told in that dream that the eighth son born from the womb of your sister i.e. Devaki, whom you are happily taking to her in-laws house, will kill you. Kansh woke up from his sleep in panic. After Kansh tells about his dream. He asked Vasudev (Devaki's husband) to kill him. Then Devaki pleaded with Kansa and said that I myself will bring my child and hand it over to you, what will be the benefit of killing your brother-in-law who is innocent. Kansa obeyed Devaki and put Vasudev and Devaki in prison in Mathura. After some time in the prison, Devaki and Vasudev were blessed with a child. As soon as Kansa came to know about this, he came to the prison and killed that child. Similarly, Kansa killed the seven sons of Devaki and Vasudev one by one. When the turn of the eighth child came, the guard was doubled in the prison. Many soldiers were posted in the prison. But that day the deployed soldiers fell into a deep sleep due to fatigue and lack of sleep. Eighth son was born. It was raining heavily that day. Vasudev ji left after keeping baby Shri Krishna in the soup. Crossing the Yamuna, they reached Nanda's house in Vrindavan. Vasudev slowly opened the door and placed his son near Nanda and Yashoda. They were both asleep. Taking Nanda's daughter in his hands, Vasudev apologized to Nanda and Yashoda and started going towards Mathura. After a few hours he reached the Mathura jail. The soldiers were still sleeping. That daughter started crying as soon as she reached the jail. The soldiers were awakened by the sound of loud cries. As soon as Kansa got the news that Devaki had given birth to a child, he immediately came to the prison. Kansa snatched him and threw him brutally killed. Kansh is now free from fear. It's morning Nanda and Yashoda were very sad not to find their daughter and searched everywhere with their people for many days. But he could not find his daughter. Tired, he stopped the search and adopted that son. Whom he named Krishna, Slowly time passed and Shri Krishna grew up. Shri Krishna started playing his flute while creating Raas Leela with the Gopis in Gokul. All the residents of Gokul, animals and birds etc. would be very happy to hear the tune of his flute and they would love this sound very much. Shri Krishna along with his friends used to eat butter from other people's houses. Because of which the women of the village went to Yashoda with a complaint about Krishna. Shri Krishna used to love Radha in Gokul. Shri Krishna's anonymous stay was coming to an end. That's why Shri Krishna and Balram were sent to Ujjain for education. In Ujjain both the brothers started receiving education and diksha in the hermitage of Rishi Sandipani. In the same ashram, Shri Krishna befriended Sudama They were close friends. The discussions of their friendship were far and wide. Along with education, they came back after getting the knowledge of weapons. One day, through spies, Kansa came to know about the survival of the eighth son. On the other hand, Krishna also came to know that his real parents were imprisoned in Mathura. Kansa sent many soldiers to kill Krishna, but Krishna and the people of Gokul came together and killed those soldiers. Saddened by the failure of the soldiers every time, Kansa himself set out to kill Shri Krishna. There was a war between the two and Shri Krishna killed Kansa and again made Ugrasen the king of Mathura. Shri Krishna went to Dwarka after reconciling with his parents in Gokul. He established the city of Dwarka there and became the king of Dwarkanagari. There is a town named Amjhera in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh. There was the kingdom of King Bhishmak at that time. He had five sons and a very beautiful daughter. Her name was Rukmini. She had dedicated herself to Shri Krishna. When she came to know from her friends that her marriage has been fixed. Then Rukmani sent a message to Shri Krishna through the hands of an old Brahmin. As soon as this message was received by Shri Krishna, he immediately left from there. Shri Krishna came and kidnapped Rukmini and brought her to Dwarkapuri. Shishupala also came following Shri Krishna whose marriage was fixed with Rukmini. A fierce battle took place in Dwarikapuri with the army of both the brothers Shri Krishna and Balram and Shishupala's army. In which Shishupala's army was destroyed. The marriage of Shri Krishna and Rukmini was done with great pomp and ceremony. Rukmani's status was at the top among all the queens of Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna also became the charioteer of the archer Arjuna's chariot in the war of Mahabharata. Shri Krishna had given many teachings to Arjuna during the war, which proved very helpful for Arjuna to fight the war. These teachings were the teachings of Gita which were told by Shri Krishna. This sermon is still famous by the name of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta. Lord Shri Krishna had ensured the result of this war without raising the weapon in this war. In this war of Mahabharata, by winning religion over unrighteousness, the Pandavas had destroyed the entire Kaurava dynasty including the unrighteous Duryodhana. Duryodhana's mother Gandhari believed Lord Krishna to be the reason for the death of her sons and the destruction of the Kaurava dynasty. That's why after the end of this war, when Lord Krishna went to console Gandhari, then Gandhari, distraught with the grief of her sons, got angry and cursed Shri Krishna that the way my Kaurava dynasty was destroyed by fighting among themselves, In the same way your Yaduvansh will also be destroyed. After this Shri Krishna came to the city of Dwarka. Even after about 35 years of Mahabharata war, Dwarka was very peaceful and happy. Gradually the sons of Shri Krishna became very powerful and in this way the whole Yadu dynasty had become very powerful. It is said that once Samba, the son of Shri Krishna, insulted the sage Durvasa by being influenced by fickleness. After which Durvasa Rishi got angry and cursed Samba for the destruction of Yaduvansh. Along with being powerful, now sin and crime had increased a lot in Dwarka. Shri Krishna was very sad to see such an atmosphere in his happy Dwarka. He suggested his subjects to get rid of their sins by going to the banks of river Prabhas, after which everyone went to the banks of river Prabhas, but due to the curse of Durvasa Rishi, everyone there got drunk and started arguing with each other. Engaged. Their debate took the form of a civil war which destroyed the entire Yaduvansh. According to the Bhagavata Purana, it is believed that Shri Krishna was very distressed to see the destruction of his dynasty. It was because of his agony that he started living in the forest. One day when he was resting under a peepal tree in the forest in yoga nidra, a hunter named Jara mistook his leg for a deer and hit him with a poisoned arrow. This arrow fired by Jara pierced the sole of Shri Krishna's feet. Due to this piercing of the poisoned arrow, Shri Krishna died and after a few days the city of Dwarka, inhabited by Shri Krishna, also got immersed in the sea.
    Sri Krishna (Historical Story) Bhojvanshi king Ugrasen used to rule in Mathura. His aggressor son Kansa removed him from the throne and himself became the king of Mathura. Once there was King Kansa who was the brother of Devaki. He was going to drop his sister Devaki at her in-laws house when on the way he fell asleep due to fatigue. He started going to his sister's in-laws house while sleeping in the chariot. Suddenly he had a dream. It was told in that dream that the eighth son born from the womb of your sister i.e. Devaki, whom you are happily taking to her in-laws house, will kill you. Kansh woke up from his sleep in panic. After Kansh tells about his dream. He asked Vasudev (Devaki's husband) to kill him. Then Devaki pleaded with Kansa and said that I myself will bring my child and hand it over to you, what will be the benefit of killing your brother-in-law who is innocent. Kansa obeyed Devaki and put Vasudev and Devaki in prison in Mathura. After some time in the prison, Devaki and Vasudev were blessed with a child. As soon as Kansa came to know about this, he came to the prison and killed that child. Similarly, Kansa killed the seven sons of Devaki and Vasudev one by one. When the turn of the eighth child came, the guard was doubled in the prison. Many soldiers were posted in the prison. But that day the deployed soldiers fell into a deep sleep due to fatigue and lack of sleep. Eighth son was born. It was raining heavily that day. Vasudev ji left after keeping baby Shri Krishna in the soup. Crossing the Yamuna, they reached Nanda's house in Vrindavan. Vasudev slowly opened the door and placed his son near Nanda and Yashoda. They were both asleep. Taking Nanda's daughter in his hands, Vasudev apologized to Nanda and Yashoda and started going towards Mathura. After a few hours he reached the Mathura jail. The soldiers were still sleeping. That daughter started crying as soon as she reached the jail. The soldiers were awakened by the sound of loud cries. As soon as Kansa got the news that Devaki had given birth to a child, he immediately came to the prison. Kansa snatched him and threw him brutally killed. Kansh is now free from fear. It's morning Nanda and Yashoda were very sad not to find their daughter and searched everywhere with their people for many days. But he could not find his daughter. Tired, he stopped the search and adopted that son. Whom he named Krishna, Slowly time passed and Shri Krishna grew up. Shri Krishna started playing his flute while creating Raas Leela with the Gopis in Gokul. All the residents of Gokul, animals and birds etc. would be very happy to hear the tune of his flute and they would love this sound very much. Shri Krishna along with his friends used to eat butter from other people's houses. Because of which the women of the village went to Yashoda with a complaint about Krishna. Shri Krishna used to love Radha in Gokul. Shri Krishna's anonymous stay was coming to an end. That's why Shri Krishna and Balram were sent to Ujjain for education. In Ujjain both the brothers started receiving education and diksha in the hermitage of Rishi Sandipani. In the same ashram, Shri Krishna befriended Sudama They were close friends. The discussions of their friendship were far and wide. Along with education, they came back after getting the knowledge of weapons. One day, through spies, Kansa came to know about the survival of the eighth son. On the other hand, Krishna also came to know that his real parents were imprisoned in Mathura. Kansa sent many soldiers to kill Krishna, but Krishna and the people of Gokul came together and killed those soldiers. Saddened by the failure of the soldiers every time, Kansa himself set out to kill Shri Krishna. There was a war between the two and Shri Krishna killed Kansa and again made Ugrasen the king of Mathura. Shri Krishna went to Dwarka after reconciling with his parents in Gokul. He established the city of Dwarka there and became the king of Dwarkanagari. There is a town named Amjhera in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh. There was the kingdom of King Bhishmak at that time. He had five sons and a very beautiful daughter. Her name was Rukmini. She had dedicated herself to Shri Krishna. When she came to know from her friends that her marriage has been fixed. Then Rukmani sent a message to Shri Krishna through the hands of an old Brahmin. As soon as this message was received by Shri Krishna, he immediately left from there. Shri Krishna came and kidnapped Rukmini and brought her to Dwarkapuri. Shishupala also came following Shri Krishna whose marriage was fixed with Rukmini. A fierce battle took place in Dwarikapuri with the army of both the brothers Shri Krishna and Balram and Shishupala's army. In which Shishupala's army was destroyed. The marriage of Shri Krishna and Rukmini was done with great pomp and ceremony. Rukmani's status was at the top among all the queens of Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna also became the charioteer of the archer Arjuna's chariot in the war of Mahabharata. Shri Krishna had given many teachings to Arjuna during the war, which proved very helpful for Arjuna to fight the war. These teachings were the teachings of Gita which were told by Shri Krishna. This sermon is still famous by the name of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta. Lord Shri Krishna had ensured the result of this war without raising the weapon in this war. In this war of Mahabharata, by winning religion over unrighteousness, the Pandavas had destroyed the entire Kaurava dynasty including the unrighteous Duryodhana. Duryodhana's mother Gandhari believed Lord Krishna to be the reason for the death of her sons and the destruction of the Kaurava dynasty. That's why after the end of this war, when Lord Krishna went to console Gandhari, then Gandhari, distraught with the grief of her sons, got angry and cursed Shri Krishna that the way my Kaurava dynasty was destroyed by fighting among themselves, In the same way your Yaduvansh will also be destroyed. After this Shri Krishna came to the city of Dwarka. Even after about 35 years of Mahabharata war, Dwarka was very peaceful and happy. Gradually the sons of Shri Krishna became very powerful and in this way the whole Yadu dynasty had become very powerful. It is said that once Samba, the son of Shri Krishna, insulted the sage Durvasa by being influenced by fickleness. After which Durvasa Rishi got angry and cursed Samba for the destruction of Yaduvansh. Along with being powerful, now sin and crime had increased a lot in Dwarka. Shri Krishna was very sad to see such an atmosphere in his happy Dwarka. He suggested his subjects to get rid of their sins by going to the banks of river Prabhas, after which everyone went to the banks of river Prabhas, but due to the curse of Durvasa Rishi, everyone there got drunk and started arguing with each other. Engaged. Their debate took the form of a civil war which destroyed the entire Yaduvansh. According to the Bhagavata Purana, it is believed that Shri Krishna was very distressed to see the destruction of his dynasty. It was because of his agony that he started living in the forest. One day when he was resting under a peepal tree in the forest in yoga nidra, a hunter named Jara mistook his leg for a deer and hit him with a poisoned arrow. This arrow fired by Jara pierced the sole of Shri Krishna's feet. Due to this piercing of the poisoned arrow, Shri Krishna died and after a few days the city of Dwarka, inhabited by Shri Krishna, also got immersed in the sea.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 5661 مشاهدة
  • …, I am so proud of my best friend - he got his new rank during his serving in Iraq
    #sfw #stabsfeldwebel #spies
    …, I am so proud of my best friend - he got his new rank during his serving in Iraq #sfw #stabsfeldwebel #spies
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1001 مشاهدة
  • Sucks when your in a house of multiple roomates and someones eating some of your food and you cant tell, and you know everyone knows which drawer you keep your food in. even tho i think i know who it is, cant just go eating other peoples in retribution on a suspicion. I did what spies do similar to leaving a hotel room in a political thriller, you leave it arranged so if someone messes with it, you know(like a flimsy piece of plastic behind a slice of deli meat thats supposed to be orientated a certain war, i know someones been eating it. But i cant do anything besides buy less food. I cant buy more food, because i cant afford it. i already buy less food than i would like to, budget is already the bottleneck, as im unemployed and my liquid cash is poverty tier and were in a bear market where i cant/wont sell at these prices if i can help it. i already eat miracolously little, usually just 1 meal a day and a snack or 2 outside of that, and my only protein source most days is that 1 full meal, and at that, its usually nothing crazy, just 4-8 slices of meat depending on my appetite. so its like when this person is eating my food(and im sure they already eat more than me as is), they are basically forcing me to stop buying what they keep eating from me (sliced meat and cheese and ranch and milk). Ive alrady stopped buying milk because i only got to drink half of my last gallon. My ranch i only got to use half of. lately my cheese and turkey or ham slices keep getting got, so now im just buying creamcheese because its cheaper. not gonna just go buy more of whats being stolen, its expensive enough when i get to consume all of it, but when I dont even get to eat it all, its just not fucking worth the drain of my liquid cash reserves. So i guess im back to living on eggs and nuts for protein, and for easy sandwhich fixings im buying cream cheese now(walmart great value, anything else is usually pretty expensive relative to cheap deli meat prices). But yeah, I hate having my food stolen, expecially when its consistent and it forces me to stop buying it for the sake of my wallet and stomach(i need that food I buy to reach my stomach, not someone elses). Fuck thieves
    Sucks when your in a house of multiple roomates and someones eating some of your food and you cant tell, and you know everyone knows which drawer you keep your food in. even tho i think i know who it is, cant just go eating other peoples in retribution on a suspicion. I did what spies do similar to leaving a hotel room in a political thriller, you leave it arranged so if someone messes with it, you know(like a flimsy piece of plastic behind a slice of deli meat thats supposed to be orientated a certain war, i know someones been eating it. But i cant do anything besides buy less food. I cant buy more food, because i cant afford it. i already buy less food than i would like to, budget is already the bottleneck, as im unemployed and my liquid cash is poverty tier and were in a bear market where i cant/wont sell at these prices if i can help it. i already eat miracolously little, usually just 1 meal a day and a snack or 2 outside of that, and my only protein source most days is that 1 full meal, and at that, its usually nothing crazy, just 4-8 slices of meat depending on my appetite. so its like when this person is eating my food(and im sure they already eat more than me as is), they are basically forcing me to stop buying what they keep eating from me (sliced meat and cheese and ranch and milk). Ive alrady stopped buying milk because i only got to drink half of my last gallon. My ranch i only got to use half of. lately my cheese and turkey or ham slices keep getting got, so now im just buying creamcheese because its cheaper. not gonna just go buy more of whats being stolen, its expensive enough when i get to consume all of it, but when I dont even get to eat it all, its just not fucking worth the drain of my liquid cash reserves. So i guess im back to living on eggs and nuts for protein, and for easy sandwhich fixings im buying cream cheese now(walmart great value, anything else is usually pretty expensive relative to cheap deli meat prices). But yeah, I hate having my food stolen, expecially when its consistent and it forces me to stop buying it for the sake of my wallet and stomach(i need that food I buy to reach my stomach, not someone elses). Fuck thieves
    5 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 987 مشاهدة
  • https://newspunch.com/wef-announce-recruitment-of-information-warriors-to-control-the-narrative-on-social-media/
    Do you think SoMee will be infiltrated by WEF anti-propaganda Spies? Will big tech like Apple and Google eventually be forced to remove the apps that allow free speech (conspiracies, according to WEF) appss host servers? Stay tuned for more diabolical shennanigans from the WEF, the party is just getting started!!
    https://newspunch.com/wef-announce-recruitment-of-information-warriors-to-control-the-narrative-on-social-media/ Do you think SoMee will be infiltrated by WEF anti-propaganda Spies? Will big tech like Apple and Google eventually be forced to remove the apps that allow free speech (conspiracies, according to WEF) appss host servers? Stay tuned for more diabolical shennanigans from the WEF, the party is just getting started!!
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 567 مشاهدة
  • Spies of Warsaw, 4 part series, pretty good, if you like WWII stories.
    Spies of Warsaw, 4 part series, pretty good, if you like WWII stories.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 265 مشاهدة