• Sonu's Diabetes Secret is a proven resource that claims to help users balance high glucose levels in their bloodstream:

    "Sonu’s Secret" by Karen Richardson is an online guide that offers a strategy to manage diabetes effectively. It suggests using specific foods and spices known to lower blood glucose. The guide explains that processed sugar and excessive protein can raise insulin levels, while some natural supplements do not affect blood glucose like certain drugs do. It emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet and balanced nutrition in controlling or reversing diabetes.

    Type-2 diabetes is a global health challenge without a known cure, but "Sonu’s Diabetes Secret" provides remedies to alleviate or potentially reverse the condition. The program advises that exercise, rather than diet alone, is crucial for those who are insulin-resistant.

    What is Sonu’s Diabetes Secret?

    There are many resources to help you become healthy or reduce blood glucose levels, which is so critical that frequent exercise is required to pursue your health goals. Prescription medicines are okay as long as you continue to use them. Antidiabetic treatments are substances that assist in preventing glucose from becoming problematic in your bloodstream once it is already there.

    In addition to all the other symptoms, people with diabetes must also contend with decreased energy, lowered immunity, and organ damage, as well as additional side effects, including high cholesterol and blood pressure. You might follow a restrictive diet or try being a little more careful. Furthermore, controlling your blood sugar through a very restrictive diet is only effective for short periods of time.

    Eventually, your body will break down. When there is little insulin produced or none at all, you’ll be forced back on medication. Then, the reality that all such ineffectual solutions are costly has to be mentioned as well. Together with the medicine, supplies can cost you up to $1,200 a month if you have a copay. At $1,200 each month, you’re spending over $14,000 each year.

    Increased blood glucose levels can happen due to many reasons. For instance, eating too much-processed sugar or a lot of protein in the diet can cause blood glucose levels to rise. Some medications such as tranquillisers or painkillers could also alter blood sugar levels.

    Fortunately, different techniques exist to help victims of high blood sugar levels reduce the condition naturally, without using drugs. Most importantly, diet and nutrition play a crucial part in managing diabetes.

    Sonu’s Diabetes Secret is an online program that claims to prevent diabetes and help those who are already affected lower their blood glucose levels. The program is available as a product bundle with a proven plan that claims to deliver great results.

    The program is easy to read and follow to help users lower their blood sugar, high blood pressure, and cholesterol levels without taking any medication. Importantly, it delivers no side effects. The program delivers Sonu’s Diabetes Masterclass, which is significantly simpler to follow, especially for those who are already engaged in exercise.

    According to the program, people need to attempt doing some kind of regular exercise if they want to reduce their blood sugar levels or simply stay healthy. Those who take drugs to control diabetes should consult with their healthcare providers about any extra medication that they may use, especially if they are on blood glucose-lowering medication.

    Sonu's Diabetes Secret Benefits

    Encourages Action: The program helps you decide to lower your blood sugar. You’ll learn to eat a healthy, balanced diet and drink at least 64 oz of water every day.

    Diabetes-Preventing Foods: It shows you what foods to eat to help prevent diabetes, especially when you exercise daily.

    Exercise and Wellbeing: The program offers many alternative exercises and techniques to reduce anxiety and improve overall wellbeing.

    Affordable Recipes: The e-book provides many recipes using cheap ingredients that most people already have. This helps you meet your daily dietary needs.

    Quick and Easy Recipes: The recipes are simple to follow and take only a few minutes to prepare.

    Vegetarian Options: The recipes include vegetarian foods like brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread, barley, legumes, fresh vegetables, nuts, fruits, and seeds.

    The world is facing a crisis with the rapid increase of critical ailments. Sonu’s Diabetes Secret is an acknowledging solution that states the usage of nine ingredients sources of highly beneficial nutrients to efficaciously lower the blood sugar levels and its common symptoms.

    Strategized by Karen Richardson, this solution is a mix of Science and ancient traditions to provide practical results. The official website avails quick purchase of the solution bundle at an affordable price with additional bonuses. Science states that it is possible to reverse diabetes. Sonu's Diabetes Secret provides the easiest way to do it.

    Sonu’s Diabetes Secret program is designed to help users make life-changing decisions to help manage their blood sugar levels. Importantly, it allows them to do this while breaking away from medications and lifestyle restrictions that have kept them in chains.

    Start lowering your blood sugar and improving your wellbeing with easy...READ MORE: https://tinyurl.com/495wcvzs

    #Diabetessecret #bloodsugarlevel #carbsandsugar #insulin

    Sonu's Diabetes Secret is a proven resource that claims to help users balance high glucose levels in their bloodstream: "Sonu’s Secret" by Karen Richardson is an online guide that offers a strategy to manage diabetes effectively. It suggests using specific foods and spices known to lower blood glucose. The guide explains that processed sugar and excessive protein can raise insulin levels, while some natural supplements do not affect blood glucose like certain drugs do. It emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet and balanced nutrition in controlling or reversing diabetes. Type-2 diabetes is a global health challenge without a known cure, but "Sonu’s Diabetes Secret" provides remedies to alleviate or potentially reverse the condition. The program advises that exercise, rather than diet alone, is crucial for those who are insulin-resistant. What is Sonu’s Diabetes Secret? There are many resources to help you become healthy or reduce blood glucose levels, which is so critical that frequent exercise is required to pursue your health goals. Prescription medicines are okay as long as you continue to use them. Antidiabetic treatments are substances that assist in preventing glucose from becoming problematic in your bloodstream once it is already there. In addition to all the other symptoms, people with diabetes must also contend with decreased energy, lowered immunity, and organ damage, as well as additional side effects, including high cholesterol and blood pressure. You might follow a restrictive diet or try being a little more careful. Furthermore, controlling your blood sugar through a very restrictive diet is only effective for short periods of time. Eventually, your body will break down. When there is little insulin produced or none at all, you’ll be forced back on medication. Then, the reality that all such ineffectual solutions are costly has to be mentioned as well. Together with the medicine, supplies can cost you up to $1,200 a month if you have a copay. At $1,200 each month, you’re spending over $14,000 each year. Increased blood glucose levels can happen due to many reasons. For instance, eating too much-processed sugar or a lot of protein in the diet can cause blood glucose levels to rise. Some medications such as tranquillisers or painkillers could also alter blood sugar levels. Fortunately, different techniques exist to help victims of high blood sugar levels reduce the condition naturally, without using drugs. Most importantly, diet and nutrition play a crucial part in managing diabetes. Sonu’s Diabetes Secret is an online program that claims to prevent diabetes and help those who are already affected lower their blood glucose levels. The program is available as a product bundle with a proven plan that claims to deliver great results. The program is easy to read and follow to help users lower their blood sugar, high blood pressure, and cholesterol levels without taking any medication. Importantly, it delivers no side effects. The program delivers Sonu’s Diabetes Masterclass, which is significantly simpler to follow, especially for those who are already engaged in exercise. According to the program, people need to attempt doing some kind of regular exercise if they want to reduce their blood sugar levels or simply stay healthy. Those who take drugs to control diabetes should consult with their healthcare providers about any extra medication that they may use, especially if they are on blood glucose-lowering medication. Sonu's Diabetes Secret Benefits Encourages Action: The program helps you decide to lower your blood sugar. You’ll learn to eat a healthy, balanced diet and drink at least 64 oz of water every day. Diabetes-Preventing Foods: It shows you what foods to eat to help prevent diabetes, especially when you exercise daily. Exercise and Wellbeing: The program offers many alternative exercises and techniques to reduce anxiety and improve overall wellbeing. Affordable Recipes: The e-book provides many recipes using cheap ingredients that most people already have. This helps you meet your daily dietary needs. Quick and Easy Recipes: The recipes are simple to follow and take only a few minutes to prepare. Vegetarian Options: The recipes include vegetarian foods like brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread, barley, legumes, fresh vegetables, nuts, fruits, and seeds. Conclusion: The world is facing a crisis with the rapid increase of critical ailments. Sonu’s Diabetes Secret is an acknowledging solution that states the usage of nine ingredients sources of highly beneficial nutrients to efficaciously lower the blood sugar levels and its common symptoms. Strategized by Karen Richardson, this solution is a mix of Science and ancient traditions to provide practical results. The official website avails quick purchase of the solution bundle at an affordable price with additional bonuses. Science states that it is possible to reverse diabetes. Sonu's Diabetes Secret provides the easiest way to do it. Sonu’s Diabetes Secret program is designed to help users make life-changing decisions to help manage their blood sugar levels. Importantly, it allows them to do this while breaking away from medications and lifestyle restrictions that have kept them in chains. Start lowering your blood sugar and improving your wellbeing with easy...READ MORE: https://tinyurl.com/495wcvzs #Diabetessecret #bloodsugarlevel #carbsandsugar #insulin
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 4636 Ansichten


    I was reading a message written about 17 years ago,and I came across something that made me wonder if it's true!

    Could it be that when one generation allows God’s house to become empty the next generation pays the price? Could it be that we are in danger of losing our children to the world because we have neglected to show them the power of God at work in and through the Church? These are heavy questions. And I don’t mean to come on too strong this evening, but let us take a good solid look at ourselves.

    The thing is most of us are now into the third generation as Christians. Most of us, my age, can remember our great-grandparents, our grandparents, and our parents. If you are saved and in the church now, it is probably because you had some strong Christian roots that were handed down from your great-grandparents to your grand-parents, to your parents. In other words, you have a background of folk who knew the Lord as their Saviour

    They were people of sacrifice and prayer. They cherished the Touch of God. Many of them blazed the trails. They laid the groundwork for the revival... the fire that consumed both the old and the young of that generation.

    In that sense,we of today, should be weeping, for we owe a great debt to those old soldiers, but the question for us is: “What’s happened to the fire and the sacrifice, and the prayer in us? What will we be leaving for the generation of young men and young women who are coming after us, who are watching what we do and how we act, and what we say, and how we treat one another, and that is if CHRIST JESUS TARRIES?

    Today, we have so allowed the enemy to frustrate the church and individual families that altars that were sacred have been abandoned. Pastors have gone haywire as God's Work became a financial investment. A money making venture. It NEVER was like this, with the likes of the late archbishop Idahosa that championed prosperity teachings. HOLINESS WAS AND SHOULD STILL BE AN UNCOMPROMISED VIRTUE. Holiness shouldn't be relegated to the background because of prosperity. God NEVER said anywhere in His Word that we would be beggars,as long as we maintain our absolute loyalty to Him. And that *loyalty* means obedience.

    Observing our evangelical Zion, I note that we are infected with a debilitating virus that was once confined to those living in the world. Our humour reflects what we watch on television. Consequently, we are growing increasingly coarse and sarcastic in responding to those about us. We defend ourselves in such a way that it appears that we no longer recognise the enemy. We seem to believe that anyone who does not agree with us deserves our scorn, or even our rage. James addresses the tendency of Christians to bring into the new life attitudes which should have been left in the world. We will do well to review his words and learn how to root out rot in our lives;
    19. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
    20. For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
    21. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. (Jas 1: 19-21)

    Holiness is a concept that is seemingly absent from contemporary religious life. The holiness that is accepted among the saints(including pastors)appears artificial...a pale, insipid imitation of the real thing.
    Our piety is outward; we substitute religious observance for true holiness. The great tragedy of contemporary evangelicals is that we have what has been described as peg-leg religion...we have to strap it on every morning. And we do know that the devil is behind all this and making good use of the opportunity too.

    Please allow me to point out some of the observations I make concerning the absence of holiness.

    There was a day(a time)when modesty in dress and demeanour was a mark of a young woman’s or a young man’s Christian walk. I know that our grandmothers were somewhat fanatical about their dress, but somehow young women today, to say nothing of many older women, are indistinguishable from the world in their dress sense,(just to belong)!

    Perhaps we have forgotten the apostolic admonition that declares, “I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarrelling; likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works” [1 Timothy 2:8-10]. The Apostle specifically addresses women’s dress, as that is an apparent problem.

    But today,right from kindergarten, parents now dress their children in skimpy worldly attire,all in the name of modernism. When these kids grow up like this, what do we expect from them? And I am talking specifically about supposedly Christian parents...whom should be role models.

    It doesn't end with dress sense and expression.Neither of these observations immediately addresses the lack of gentleness, the absence of civility, or the apparent delight in harbouring hostility that now appears to mark the lives of many of the professed saints of God. We have seen them fight themselves on the electronic,print and even more on social media. Each with their own group of supporters prepared for any kind of showdown. These supporters/followers worship their pastors and not God. The word of their pastors is usually the truth. God help you if you speak evil of their *daddy* in their presence.

    In part, this condition exists and is tolerated, perhaps even fostered, because churches are run like business and congregants generally have a consumer mentality concerning church. Church leaders are too often selected, not on the basis of godliness, but because of their stature in the community, because of their business acumen, according to the size of their portfolio, or by other such criteria that are valued in the world. Congregants are loath to commit themselves to a congregation, and churches are reluctant to hold members accountable to the standards clearly set forth in the Word of God. Attendance at a service is more highly prized than is commitment and submission to the Body of Christ. As result of substituting our own values for godly values, we seldom witness church bodies that are regenerate. What we do witness are churches that are run like business with application of the latest psychological techniques to continue to “grow” the church.

    Pastors are chosen to be administrators instead of being shepherds charged with the ministry of the Word, protecting the flock, oversight of the church, pastoring the people and providing an example in godliness. Consequently, congregations are often ignorant of the Word and of the will of God, and they are frequently unruly in their deportment and conduct. However, Christians usually feel good about themselves, primarily because they are not held accountable for their behaviour and because they see their own behaviour as good as or better than that of the pastor.

    What a tragedy!!! And the devil is gloating over the disaster...but not for long will he gloat, because IT'S BIBLE PROPHECY PLAYING OUT. The most important thing is to be caught on the right side;
    3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
    4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2Ti 4: 3-4)
    But on which side do we wish to be found...the Lord's side or the devil's side?

    We still have more on this coming by His Grace and Mercy, Amen !
    THAT I MAY KNOW HIM![PHP.3:10] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 MERE CRITICISM CAN'T ROOT OUT THE DECAY FROM THE CHURCH TODAY! 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 I was reading a message written about 17 years ago,and I came across something that made me wonder if it's true! Could it be that when one generation allows God’s house to become empty the next generation pays the price? Could it be that we are in danger of losing our children to the world because we have neglected to show them the power of God at work in and through the Church? These are heavy questions. And I don’t mean to come on too strong this evening, but let us take a good solid look at ourselves. The thing is most of us are now into the third generation as Christians. Most of us, my age, can remember our great-grandparents, our grandparents, and our parents. If you are saved and in the church now, it is probably because you had some strong Christian roots that were handed down from your great-grandparents to your grand-parents, to your parents. In other words, you have a background of folk who knew the Lord as their Saviour They were people of sacrifice and prayer. They cherished the Touch of God. Many of them blazed the trails. They laid the groundwork for the revival... the fire that consumed both the old and the young of that generation. In that sense,we of today, should be weeping, for we owe a great debt to those old soldiers, but the question for us is: “What’s happened to the fire and the sacrifice, and the prayer in us? What will we be leaving for the generation of young men and young women who are coming after us, who are watching what we do and how we act, and what we say, and how we treat one another, and that is if CHRIST JESUS TARRIES? Today, we have so allowed the enemy to frustrate the church and individual families that altars that were sacred have been abandoned. Pastors have gone haywire as God's Work became a financial investment. A money making venture. It NEVER was like this, with the likes of the late archbishop Idahosa that championed prosperity teachings. HOLINESS WAS AND SHOULD STILL BE AN UNCOMPROMISED VIRTUE. Holiness shouldn't be relegated to the background because of prosperity. God NEVER said anywhere in His Word that we would be beggars,as long as we maintain our absolute loyalty to Him. And that *loyalty* means obedience. Observing our evangelical Zion, I note that we are infected with a debilitating virus that was once confined to those living in the world. Our humour reflects what we watch on television. Consequently, we are growing increasingly coarse and sarcastic in responding to those about us. We defend ourselves in such a way that it appears that we no longer recognise the enemy. We seem to believe that anyone who does not agree with us deserves our scorn, or even our rage. James addresses the tendency of Christians to bring into the new life attitudes which should have been left in the world. We will do well to review his words and learn how to root out rot in our lives; 19. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 20. For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. 21. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. (Jas 1: 19-21) Holiness is a concept that is seemingly absent from contemporary religious life. The holiness that is accepted among the saints(including pastors)appears artificial...a pale, insipid imitation of the real thing. Our piety is outward; we substitute religious observance for true holiness. The great tragedy of contemporary evangelicals is that we have what has been described as peg-leg religion...we have to strap it on every morning. And we do know that the devil is behind all this and making good use of the opportunity too. Please allow me to point out some of the observations I make concerning the absence of holiness. There was a day(a time)when modesty in dress and demeanour was a mark of a young woman’s or a young man’s Christian walk. I know that our grandmothers were somewhat fanatical about their dress, but somehow young women today, to say nothing of many older women, are indistinguishable from the world in their dress sense,(just to belong)! Perhaps we have forgotten the apostolic admonition that declares, “I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarrelling; likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works” [1 Timothy 2:8-10]. The Apostle specifically addresses women’s dress, as that is an apparent problem. But today,right from kindergarten, parents now dress their children in skimpy worldly attire,all in the name of modernism. When these kids grow up like this, what do we expect from them? And I am talking specifically about supposedly Christian parents...whom should be role models. It doesn't end with dress sense and expression.Neither of these observations immediately addresses the lack of gentleness, the absence of civility, or the apparent delight in harbouring hostility that now appears to mark the lives of many of the professed saints of God. We have seen them fight themselves on the electronic,print and even more on social media. Each with their own group of supporters prepared for any kind of showdown. These supporters/followers worship their pastors and not God. The word of their pastors is usually the truth. God help you if you speak evil of their *daddy* in their presence. In part, this condition exists and is tolerated, perhaps even fostered, because churches are run like business and congregants generally have a consumer mentality concerning church. Church leaders are too often selected, not on the basis of godliness, but because of their stature in the community, because of their business acumen, according to the size of their portfolio, or by other such criteria that are valued in the world. Congregants are loath to commit themselves to a congregation, and churches are reluctant to hold members accountable to the standards clearly set forth in the Word of God. Attendance at a service is more highly prized than is commitment and submission to the Body of Christ. As result of substituting our own values for godly values, we seldom witness church bodies that are regenerate. What we do witness are churches that are run like business with application of the latest psychological techniques to continue to “grow” the church. Pastors are chosen to be administrators instead of being shepherds charged with the ministry of the Word, protecting the flock, oversight of the church, pastoring the people and providing an example in godliness. Consequently, congregations are often ignorant of the Word and of the will of God, and they are frequently unruly in their deportment and conduct. However, Christians usually feel good about themselves, primarily because they are not held accountable for their behaviour and because they see their own behaviour as good as or better than that of the pastor. What a tragedy!!! And the devil is gloating over the disaster...but not for long will he gloat, because IT'S BIBLE PROPHECY PLAYING OUT. The most important thing is to be caught on the right side; 3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2Ti 4: 3-4) But on which side do we wish to be found...the Lord's side or the devil's side? We still have more on this coming by His Grace and Mercy, Amen 🙇🙏!
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 5731 Ansichten
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    Pride as a subject is not new to anyone... believer or unbeliever alike. *I am sorry I cannot say sorry* is a product of pride.
    There's HEALTHY PRIDE, for example ;
    And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. (Gen 1: 31)

    And there's also UNHEALTHY PRIDE which constitutes almost the entire human race because of of its bitter originator,whose ONLY ASSIGNMENT IN LIFE,is to destroy God's Good Works,you and I being his main targets;

    13. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isa 14: 13-14)

    This is the reason for the wrath God displays when dealing with the worldly proud. He spares no mercy until HE brings them to their knees(you and I included).
    We have to be very careful because of satans craftiness that makes SOME OF US THAT ARE ACTUALLY PROUD TO THINK WE ARE HUMBLE. We shouldn't toy with God's Warning;

    11. The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.
    12. For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: (Isa 2: 11-12)

    A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. (Pro 29: 23)

    But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. (Jas 4: 6)

    We should check our lives daily for traces of unhealthy pride and deal with them. THERE'S NONE HARDLY FREE OF THIS DISEASE, BUT,IF WE ARE WILLING, GOD'S WORD WILL ALWAYS CURE IT FOR US.

    Behold,some examples from the Bible.

    The pride of Lucifer cost him heaven
    The pride of Herod cost him his life
    The pride of ‘Nezzar cost him Babylon
    The pride of Moses cost him Cannan

    The pride of Peter cost him courage
    The pride of Judas cost him repentance
    The pride of disciples cost them alertness
    The pride of Israelites cost them freedom

    The pride of Goliath cost his life
    The pride of Jezebel cost her life
    Pride of Manasseh cost his freedom
    The pride of Haman destroyed him

    May God's Grace and Mercy keep us humbled, Amen !
    JUST A MINUTE PLEASE 🙏[THE PREACHER'S CORNER] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 PRIDE AS A DESTROYER...A CHARACTER LOATHED SO MUCH BY GOD ! 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 Pride as a subject is not new to anyone... believer or unbeliever alike. *I am sorry I cannot say sorry* is a product of pride. There's HEALTHY PRIDE, for example ; And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. (Gen 1: 31) And there's also UNHEALTHY PRIDE which constitutes almost the entire human race because of of its bitter originator,whose ONLY ASSIGNMENT IN LIFE,is to destroy God's Good Works,you and I being his main targets; 13. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isa 14: 13-14) This is the reason for the wrath God displays when dealing with the worldly proud. He spares no mercy until HE brings them to their knees(you and I included). We have to be very careful because of satans craftiness that makes SOME OF US THAT ARE ACTUALLY PROUD TO THINK WE ARE HUMBLE. We shouldn't toy with God's Warning; 11. The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. 12. For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: (Isa 2: 11-12) A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. (Pro 29: 23) But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. (Jas 4: 6) We should check our lives daily for traces of unhealthy pride and deal with them. THERE'S NONE HARDLY FREE OF THIS DISEASE, BUT,IF WE ARE WILLING, GOD'S WORD WILL ALWAYS CURE IT FOR US. Behold,some examples from the Bible. 👇 The pride of Lucifer cost him heaven The pride of Herod cost him his life The pride of ‘Nezzar cost him Babylon The pride of Moses cost him Cannan The pride of Peter cost him courage The pride of Judas cost him repentance The pride of disciples cost them alertness The pride of Israelites cost them freedom The pride of Goliath cost his life The pride of Jezebel cost her life Pride of Manasseh cost his freedom The pride of Haman destroyed him May God's Grace and Mercy keep us humbled, Amen🙇🙏 !
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  • Khoản Đầu Tư Giữa AltSignals Và Fetch Cái Nào Tốt Hơn?
    Khi các nhà đầu tư khám phá sự hợp nhất thú vị giữa trí tuệ nhân tạo và tiền điện tử, hai dự án thú vị là AltSignals và Fetch đang thu hút sự chú ý của thị trường với tư cách là những dự án hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực tiền điện tử AI mới này.
    Cả hai nền tảng đều tận dụng AI để cung cấp các giải pháp sáng tạo trên blockchain, nhưng chúng thực hiện điều đó theo những cách khác nhau rõ rệt. Các nhà phân tích hiện đang so sánh hai loại tiền điện tử AI tiên phong này, khám phá những đặc điểm độc đáo và tiềm năng đầu tư của chúng. Điều này giúp xác định đâu là lựa chọn tốt nhất cho các danh mục đầu tư mong muốn đạt được lợi nhuận tốt nhất vào năm 2024.
    AltSignals là gì?
    AltSignals đại diện cho sự đổi mới trong lĩnh vực tín hiệu giao dịch, tự khẳng định mình là người dẫn đầu đáng tin cậy kể từ năm 2017. Nền tảng này đã liên tục cung cấp các tín hiệu giao dịch đáng tin cậy, chất lượng cao cho cộng đồng người đăng ký lớn, đạt tỷ lệ thành công trung bình đáng chú ý là 64% trên hàng nghìn người. của các tín hiệu. Thành công của nền tảng này phần lớn dựa vào chỉ báo độc quyền của AltAlgo™, Nó là một công cụ tiên tiến đóng vai trò quyết định cho đến nay.
    Với sáng kiến táo bạo nhằm vượt qua các ranh giới của thông tin giao dịch, AltSignals thực hiện bước tiếp theo với việc giới thiệu ActualizeAI. Nền tảng cải tiến được hỗ trợ bởi AI này cam kết cách mạng hóa tín hiệu giao dịch bằng cách tích hợp các công nghệ tiên tiến như học máy, xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên (NLP) và phân tích dự đoán. Mục tiêu cuối cùng là tăng tỷ lệ thành công của nền tảng lên hơn 80%, củng cố vị thế dẫn đầu thị trường của AltSignals. ActualizeAI đại diện cho một tiến bộ đáng kể, nhằm cung cấp những hiểu biết sâu sắc có thể hành động theo thời gian thực, phát triển và cải thiện thông qua việc liên tục học hỏi và tiếp xúc với dữ liệu thị trường, tạo nên sự khác biệt trong không gian tiền điện tử AI.
    AltSignals hoạt động như thế nào?
    Điểm mấu chốt của AltSignals là quá trình chuyển đổi từ AltAlgo™ đã được chứng minh sang ActualizeAI tiên tiến hơn. Thay đổi này đánh dấu sự cải thiện đáng kể về khả năng phân tích và giải thích xu hướng thị trường của nền tảng. ActualizeAI sử dụng sự kết hợp giữa học máy, xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên (NLP) và phân tích dự đoán, cho phép nó xử lý lượng dữ liệu khổng lồ và cung cấp các tín hiệu giao dịch có sắc thái và chính xác hơn.
    Việc giới thiệu ICO mã thông báo ASI là một động thái chiến lược nhằm tài trợ và thúc đẩy sự phát triển của ActualizeAI. Những người nắm giữ mã thông báo ASI sở hữu 10.000 mã thông báo trở lên có thể tận hưởng nhiều lợi ích khác nhau trong nền tảng, bao gồm chỉ báo chia tỷ lệ AltScalpPRO, bản dùng thử miễn phí 10 ngày của chỉ báo AltAlgo™ và các tín hiệu Phiên bản giới hạn của ActualizeAI. Khi các nhà giao dịch nắm giữ 25.000 token trở lên, họ cũng có quyền truy cập hạn chế vào các tính năng tự động giao dịch, cũng như giảm giá cho các dự án AI trong tương lai của nền tảng và quyền truy cập vào các sự kiện bán trước độc quyền.
    Những người nắm giữ 50.000 token trở lên sẽ nhận được quyền truy cập trọn đời vào ActualizeAI và việc cung cấp tín hiệu giao dịch toàn diện của nó, cũng như tư cách thành viên trọn đời của Câu lạc bộ Thành viên AI , quyền truy cập vào các tính năng hệ sinh thái nâng cao từ AltSignals. Mức đầu tư này bao gồm các lợi ích bổ sung như danh sách theo dõi không giới hạn, quyền truy cập đầy đủ vào AutoTrading, quyền truy cập vào AltAlgo và hơn thế nữa.
    Tất cả những người nắm giữ mã thông báo ASI cũng có tiếng nói trong việc quản lý nền tảng và cách tiếp cận dân chủ này cho phép cộng đồng, vốn đã có hơn 50.000 thành viên, đóng góp vào định hướng và sự phát triển của nền tảng. Việc bổ nhiệm Sebastian Diaconu làm Giám đốc Sản phẩm, một chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực giao dịch và tiền điện tử, nêu bật cam kết của AltSignals đối với chương mới này. Sự tham gia thường xuyên của Diaconu với cộng đồng, thông qua các phiên họp và cập nhật Câu hỏi thường gặp, đảm bảo tính minh bạch và thúc đẩy mối liên kết bền chặt giữa nền tảng và người dùng.
    Trong Câu hỏi thường gặp gần đây vào ngày 8 tháng 12, Diaconu đã chia sẻ thông tin về giao diện người dùng của sản phẩm được cập nhật và thảo luận về cách công nghệ ActualizeAI mới sẽ tích hợp với dịch vụ tín hiệu hiện có, thể hiện sự cống hiến của AltSignals cho sự đổi mới và sự tương tác của người dùng.
    Dự đoán giá ASI: 1 USD có thực tế cho năm 2024 không?
    Triển vọng về token ASI của AltSignals cho năm 2024 đang ngày càng thu hút nhiều sự chú ý từ cộng đồng tiền điện tử. Các nhà phân tích trong ngành đang nói về tiềm năng của ASI đạt mốc 1 USD, một tuyên bố được đưa ra nhờ nền tảng vững chắc và lộ trình chiến lược của nhóm AltSignals. Sự lạc quan này được củng cố bởi sự kiện giảm một nửa Bitcoin được mong đợi, một yếu tố được biết là thúc đẩy thị trường tiền điện tử , đặc biệt là hỗ trợ các mã thông báo giai đoạn đầu và tiềm năng cao như ASI.
    Sự nhiệt tình ngày càng tăng xung quanh ASI là điều dễ hiểu. Thành tích ấn tượng của nó trong giai đoạn bán trước tiền điện tử, đã huy động được 1,6 triệu đô la đáng kinh ngạc chỉ trong 9 tháng, là minh chứng cho thấy có bao nhiêu người trong ngành đang nhận ra tiềm năng đáng kinh ngạc của mã thông báo ASI, đặc biệt nếu nó được coi là có sẵn với mức giá chiết khấu chỉ $0,01875 .
    Fetch là gì?
    Fetch là một nền tảng blockchain mang tính cách mạng được thiết kế để khai thác sức mạnh của trí tuệ nhân tạo nhằm tự động hóa và cải thiện các công việc cũng như giao dịch hàng ngày. Trọng tâm của Fetch là khái niệm phân cấp, trong đó nền tảng sử dụng “cặp song sinh kỹ thuật số”. Đây là những bot được điều khiển bằng AI đại diện cho người dùng thực hiện các nhiệm vụ như đặt chuyến bay hoặc thực hiện các giao dịch DeFi một cách tự động. Các bot này tương tác với những người khác trên mạng, thay mặt người dùng tìm hiểu và giao dịch, đơn giản hóa và tối ưu hóa trải nghiệm người dùng trong nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau.
    Dự đoán giá FET
    Khi nói đến tiền điện tử gốc của Fetch.ai, FET, tương lai có vẻ tươi sáng. Khái niệm sử dụng AI để tự động hóa trong blockchain đã thu hút sự chú ý của các nhà đầu tư và với mức giá hiện tại khoảng 0,57 USD và vốn hóa thị trường khoảng 500 triệu USD, nhiều người tin rằng FET có thể tăng gấp 3-4 lần vào năm 2024. Điều này sẽ mang lại lợi nhuận vững chắc cho các nhà đầu tư.
    ASI và FET: Khoản đầu tư tốt nhất cho năm 2024 là gì?
    Năm 2023 là một năm biểu tượng cho ngành công nghiệp AI, được dự đoán sẽ tăng từ 241,8 tỷ USD lên 740 tỷ USD vào năm 2030 . Khi chúng ta đến năm 2024, tiềm năng đầu tư của tiền điện tử AI, chẳng hạn như ASI của AltSignals và FET của Fetch, đang tăng lên, mỗi loại đều mang lại những đổi mới riêng. FET của Fetch.ai cung cấp một cách tiếp cận sáng tạo cho các giải pháp tự động và dựa trên AI, nêu bật tiềm năng của nó trong không gian blockchain ngày càng phát triển và mang lại khả năng mang lại lợi nhuận khiêm tốn nhưng chắc chắn.
    Tuy nhiên, tin đồn thực sự xoay quanh mã thông báo ASI của AltSignals. Với công nghệ AI tiên tiến trong tín hiệu giao dịch và sự trợ giúp được mong đợi từ việc giảm một nửa Bitcoin, ASI nổi bật như một cơ hội đầu tư đặc biệt hấp dẫn. Nó thể hiện sự kết hợp giữa công nghệ và tầm nhìn xa về thị trường, định vị nó có tiềm năng tăng trưởng đáng kể trong năm tới.
    Đối với các nhà đầu tư sẵn sàng nắm bắt cơ hội trong thị trường tiền điện tử năng động, ASI mang đến sự kết hợp vượt trội giữa sự đổi mới và tiềm năng, khiến nó trở thành một lựa chọn không thể thiếu. Cánh cửa cơ hội đang thu hẹp lại, đã đến lúc phải hành động. ASI không chỉ đại diện cho một khoản đầu tư mà còn có ý nghĩa về tương lai của AI trong giao dịch. Năm 2024 có thể là một năm mang tính cách mạng đối với những người nắm giữ ASI.

    Hãy truy cập Trang Web AltSignals: https://bit.ly/MarketAnalysisASI

    Khoản Đầu Tư Giữa AltSignals Và Fetch Cái Nào Tốt Hơn? Khi các nhà đầu tư khám phá sự hợp nhất thú vị giữa trí tuệ nhân tạo và tiền điện tử, hai dự án thú vị là AltSignals và Fetch đang thu hút sự chú ý của thị trường với tư cách là những dự án hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực tiền điện tử AI mới này. Cả hai nền tảng đều tận dụng AI để cung cấp các giải pháp sáng tạo trên blockchain, nhưng chúng thực hiện điều đó theo những cách khác nhau rõ rệt. Các nhà phân tích hiện đang so sánh hai loại tiền điện tử AI tiên phong này, khám phá những đặc điểm độc đáo và tiềm năng đầu tư của chúng. Điều này giúp xác định đâu là lựa chọn tốt nhất cho các danh mục đầu tư mong muốn đạt được lợi nhuận tốt nhất vào năm 2024. AltSignals là gì? AltSignals đại diện cho sự đổi mới trong lĩnh vực tín hiệu giao dịch, tự khẳng định mình là người dẫn đầu đáng tin cậy kể từ năm 2017. Nền tảng này đã liên tục cung cấp các tín hiệu giao dịch đáng tin cậy, chất lượng cao cho cộng đồng người đăng ký lớn, đạt tỷ lệ thành công trung bình đáng chú ý là 64% trên hàng nghìn người. của các tín hiệu. Thành công của nền tảng này phần lớn dựa vào chỉ báo độc quyền của AltAlgo™, Nó là một công cụ tiên tiến đóng vai trò quyết định cho đến nay. Với sáng kiến táo bạo nhằm vượt qua các ranh giới của thông tin giao dịch, AltSignals thực hiện bước tiếp theo với việc giới thiệu ActualizeAI. Nền tảng cải tiến được hỗ trợ bởi AI này cam kết cách mạng hóa tín hiệu giao dịch bằng cách tích hợp các công nghệ tiên tiến như học máy, xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên (NLP) và phân tích dự đoán. Mục tiêu cuối cùng là tăng tỷ lệ thành công của nền tảng lên hơn 80%, củng cố vị thế dẫn đầu thị trường của AltSignals. ActualizeAI đại diện cho một tiến bộ đáng kể, nhằm cung cấp những hiểu biết sâu sắc có thể hành động theo thời gian thực, phát triển và cải thiện thông qua việc liên tục học hỏi và tiếp xúc với dữ liệu thị trường, tạo nên sự khác biệt trong không gian tiền điện tử AI. AltSignals hoạt động như thế nào? Điểm mấu chốt của AltSignals là quá trình chuyển đổi từ AltAlgo™ đã được chứng minh sang ActualizeAI tiên tiến hơn. Thay đổi này đánh dấu sự cải thiện đáng kể về khả năng phân tích và giải thích xu hướng thị trường của nền tảng. ActualizeAI sử dụng sự kết hợp giữa học máy, xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên (NLP) và phân tích dự đoán, cho phép nó xử lý lượng dữ liệu khổng lồ và cung cấp các tín hiệu giao dịch có sắc thái và chính xác hơn. Việc giới thiệu ICO mã thông báo ASI là một động thái chiến lược nhằm tài trợ và thúc đẩy sự phát triển của ActualizeAI. Những người nắm giữ mã thông báo ASI sở hữu 10.000 mã thông báo trở lên có thể tận hưởng nhiều lợi ích khác nhau trong nền tảng, bao gồm chỉ báo chia tỷ lệ AltScalpPRO, bản dùng thử miễn phí 10 ngày của chỉ báo AltAlgo™ và các tín hiệu Phiên bản giới hạn của ActualizeAI. Khi các nhà giao dịch nắm giữ 25.000 token trở lên, họ cũng có quyền truy cập hạn chế vào các tính năng tự động giao dịch, cũng như giảm giá cho các dự án AI trong tương lai của nền tảng và quyền truy cập vào các sự kiện bán trước độc quyền. Những người nắm giữ 50.000 token trở lên sẽ nhận được quyền truy cập trọn đời vào ActualizeAI và việc cung cấp tín hiệu giao dịch toàn diện của nó, cũng như tư cách thành viên trọn đời của Câu lạc bộ Thành viên AI , quyền truy cập vào các tính năng hệ sinh thái nâng cao từ AltSignals. Mức đầu tư này bao gồm các lợi ích bổ sung như danh sách theo dõi không giới hạn, quyền truy cập đầy đủ vào AutoTrading, quyền truy cập vào AltAlgo và hơn thế nữa. Tất cả những người nắm giữ mã thông báo ASI cũng có tiếng nói trong việc quản lý nền tảng và cách tiếp cận dân chủ này cho phép cộng đồng, vốn đã có hơn 50.000 thành viên, đóng góp vào định hướng và sự phát triển của nền tảng. Việc bổ nhiệm Sebastian Diaconu làm Giám đốc Sản phẩm, một chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực giao dịch và tiền điện tử, nêu bật cam kết của AltSignals đối với chương mới này. Sự tham gia thường xuyên của Diaconu với cộng đồng, thông qua các phiên họp và cập nhật Câu hỏi thường gặp, đảm bảo tính minh bạch và thúc đẩy mối liên kết bền chặt giữa nền tảng và người dùng. Trong Câu hỏi thường gặp gần đây vào ngày 8 tháng 12, Diaconu đã chia sẻ thông tin về giao diện người dùng của sản phẩm được cập nhật và thảo luận về cách công nghệ ActualizeAI mới sẽ tích hợp với dịch vụ tín hiệu hiện có, thể hiện sự cống hiến của AltSignals cho sự đổi mới và sự tương tác của người dùng. Dự đoán giá ASI: 1 USD có thực tế cho năm 2024 không? Triển vọng về token ASI của AltSignals cho năm 2024 đang ngày càng thu hút nhiều sự chú ý từ cộng đồng tiền điện tử. Các nhà phân tích trong ngành đang nói về tiềm năng của ASI đạt mốc 1 USD, một tuyên bố được đưa ra nhờ nền tảng vững chắc và lộ trình chiến lược của nhóm AltSignals. Sự lạc quan này được củng cố bởi sự kiện giảm một nửa Bitcoin được mong đợi, một yếu tố được biết là thúc đẩy thị trường tiền điện tử , đặc biệt là hỗ trợ các mã thông báo giai đoạn đầu và tiềm năng cao như ASI. Sự nhiệt tình ngày càng tăng xung quanh ASI là điều dễ hiểu. Thành tích ấn tượng của nó trong giai đoạn bán trước tiền điện tử, đã huy động được 1,6 triệu đô la đáng kinh ngạc chỉ trong 9 tháng, là minh chứng cho thấy có bao nhiêu người trong ngành đang nhận ra tiềm năng đáng kinh ngạc của mã thông báo ASI, đặc biệt nếu nó được coi là có sẵn với mức giá chiết khấu chỉ $0,01875 . Fetch là gì? Fetch là một nền tảng blockchain mang tính cách mạng được thiết kế để khai thác sức mạnh của trí tuệ nhân tạo nhằm tự động hóa và cải thiện các công việc cũng như giao dịch hàng ngày. Trọng tâm của Fetch là khái niệm phân cấp, trong đó nền tảng sử dụng “cặp song sinh kỹ thuật số”. Đây là những bot được điều khiển bằng AI đại diện cho người dùng thực hiện các nhiệm vụ như đặt chuyến bay hoặc thực hiện các giao dịch DeFi một cách tự động. Các bot này tương tác với những người khác trên mạng, thay mặt người dùng tìm hiểu và giao dịch, đơn giản hóa và tối ưu hóa trải nghiệm người dùng trong nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau. Dự đoán giá FET Khi nói đến tiền điện tử gốc của Fetch.ai, FET, tương lai có vẻ tươi sáng. Khái niệm sử dụng AI để tự động hóa trong blockchain đã thu hút sự chú ý của các nhà đầu tư và với mức giá hiện tại khoảng 0,57 USD và vốn hóa thị trường khoảng 500 triệu USD, nhiều người tin rằng FET có thể tăng gấp 3-4 lần vào năm 2024. Điều này sẽ mang lại lợi nhuận vững chắc cho các nhà đầu tư. ASI và FET: Khoản đầu tư tốt nhất cho năm 2024 là gì? Năm 2023 là một năm biểu tượng cho ngành công nghiệp AI, được dự đoán sẽ tăng từ 241,8 tỷ USD lên 740 tỷ USD vào năm 2030 . Khi chúng ta đến năm 2024, tiềm năng đầu tư của tiền điện tử AI, chẳng hạn như ASI của AltSignals và FET của Fetch, đang tăng lên, mỗi loại đều mang lại những đổi mới riêng. FET của Fetch.ai cung cấp một cách tiếp cận sáng tạo cho các giải pháp tự động và dựa trên AI, nêu bật tiềm năng của nó trong không gian blockchain ngày càng phát triển và mang lại khả năng mang lại lợi nhuận khiêm tốn nhưng chắc chắn. Tuy nhiên, tin đồn thực sự xoay quanh mã thông báo ASI của AltSignals. Với công nghệ AI tiên tiến trong tín hiệu giao dịch và sự trợ giúp được mong đợi từ việc giảm một nửa Bitcoin, ASI nổi bật như một cơ hội đầu tư đặc biệt hấp dẫn. Nó thể hiện sự kết hợp giữa công nghệ và tầm nhìn xa về thị trường, định vị nó có tiềm năng tăng trưởng đáng kể trong năm tới. Đối với các nhà đầu tư sẵn sàng nắm bắt cơ hội trong thị trường tiền điện tử năng động, ASI mang đến sự kết hợp vượt trội giữa sự đổi mới và tiềm năng, khiến nó trở thành một lựa chọn không thể thiếu. Cánh cửa cơ hội đang thu hẹp lại, đã đến lúc phải hành động. ASI không chỉ đại diện cho một khoản đầu tư mà còn có ý nghĩa về tương lai của AI trong giao dịch. Năm 2024 có thể là một năm mang tính cách mạng đối với những người nắm giữ ASI. Hãy truy cập Trang Web AltSignals: https://bit.ly/MarketAnalysisASI
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  • The Fed's "Doomsday Book" Has Been Revealed
    The Corbett Report

    by James Corbett
    May 26, 2024

    Back in 2011, shareholders of insurance giant American International Group (AIG) filed a $40 billion class action lawsuit against the US government over the terms of its controversial bailout of AIG during the 2008 financial crisis.

    In 2014, the trial case came to focus on an intriguing oddity. In cross-examination, the plaintiffs learned of a set of documents that the New York Fed—the heart of America's Federal Reserve central bank and the primary wheeler-dealer in the chaotic days of the global financial collapse—dramatically refers to as its "Doomsday Book."

    This book, it was discovered, contained the various legal opinions and memoranda that the Fed used to determine what power it has to manipulate the financial system in the event of a large-scale crisis. And, it seemed, there was a good chance that the central broke its own rules with all its bailout shenanigans and financial sleight-of-hand during the 2008 collapse.

    However, the plaintiffs' reasonable request to see the book and examine these supposed emergency powers was immediately rebuffed by the Fed. New York Fed lawyer John S. Kiernan, for example, was adamant that the Fed would not open up the book for the court. "Of the tens of thousands of documents that we have produced in this case, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has sought to retain confidentiality because of the internal sensitivity of only this one," he told the United States Court of Federal Claims.

    The court was eventually able to pry the relevant documents out of the Fed's clutches, but the Doomsday Book has remained under court seal for years . . . until now.

    Late last year, an enterprising researcher managed to get his hands on a copy of the elusive book. And what that book contains should shock you (if you're paying attention).

    What Is The Doomsday Book?

    The very first thing to note about the "Doomsday Book" is that you can now read it for yourself! . . . kind of. I'll get into that qualification in a bit. But first, I do recommend you download the publicly available content for yourself. You can download it as a PDF file from The Wall Street Journal website HERE.

    And, since Corbett Reporteers might not like to give WSJ their traffic (and because these types of files have a pesky habit of disappearing down the internet rabbit hole), I've also gone ahead and preserved a copy on my server HERE! (You're welcome!) Still, you never know when/if/how information online will go missing or become inaccessible, so don't dither. Download it now, while you can!

    Alright, now that you have a copy saved locally, here's the first question: what is the doomsday book, exactly?

    The short answer—taken from an article announcing its release last December—is that the doomsday book is "an internal document used to guide the Federal Reserve’s actions during emergencies."

    The longer answer is that the Doomsday Book is not a book at all. Instead, it's a collection of documents, legal opinions and memoranda that have been assembled and maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) over the course of decades. It was first compiled in the 1990s and has been revised four times, thus creating five versions of the "book" (that we know of). The latest version is Version 5.0 and it includes extensive revisions to various memoranda and opinions—revisions that were made to reflect the legal and regulatory changes wrought by the 2010 Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (see the "Note on Legal Evolution" on page 46 of the PDF document).

    According to the Prefatory Matters section of the latest revision (page 44 of the PDF document):

    The Doomsday Book is intended to help lawyers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York aid their clients in crisis management. It was originally distributed to a limited set of lawyers and select senior staff members. This has changed with time, as more lawyers are drawn into crisis management. Now, all FRBNY lawyers receive a copy of the Doomsday Book.

    The same passage also explains that the book "is not intended as an 'off-the-shelf' solution to any particular crisis" but as a "playbook" of general advice that may require modification depending on the circumstances.

    So, the next question to be answered is . . .

    How Did The Doomsday Book Get Released?

    As indicated above, the Doomsday Book first came to the public's attention during the 2014 Starr International Co. v. United States trial, in which AIG shareholders were suing the government over the Fed's questionable bailout practices. (If you need a primer on that trial to bring you up to speed, you're in luck! I wrote an article about the case and its startling conclusion in these very pages nine years ago!)

    During the trial, Timothy Geithner—who was president of the FRBNY during the global financial collapse—not only confirmed the existence of the book, but admitted that he relied on it to guide his actions in the crisis. “It’s kind of a big, fat binder,” he told the court, adding that “we did occasionally go back and consult it as things were eroding around us. . . . It was a reference material that described precedent and authority.”

    And, as also noted above, although the plaintiffs' lawyers were able to get their hands on a copy of the book's index, the Fed successfully petitioned the court to keep the documents under court seal. Some quotations from the book were read into the court record during testimony, but, aside from that, no specific information on the documents was forthcoming.

    Enter Emre Kuvvet. He's a Professor of Finance at Nova Southeastern University who, recognizing the importance of this elusive emergency operations document, filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the book . . . and was promptly rejected. Not one to give up so easily, Kuvvet then filed a simple Freedom of Information request with the FRBNY and—"for reasons unknown to me," as Kuvvet wryly observes—was duly provided the 122-page document that you just downloaded.

    Now, in order to understand why the FRBNY's compliance with this request is so unusual, you have to understand the difference between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System—the twelve-member panel appointed by the US president and confirmed by the US Senate to oversee the Federal Reserve System—and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York—the most powerful of the twelve regional banks that are responsible for the banking operations of the Federal Reserve System.

    If you need a refresher on the deliberately confusing structure of the United States' "decentralized central bank," might I humbly suggest that you watch (or re-watch) Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve? If and when you do so, you will see for yourself the moment when Federal Reserve Board Senior Counsel Yvonne Mizusawa argues in court that the Federal Reserve Regional Banks (not the Board) are private banks and thus not "persons under FOIA."

    In other words, the Federal Reserve argues that the records of the Fed's regional banks—including their legal opinions, memoranda, internal records and, of course, the New York Fed's coveted Doomsday Book—are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. However, no doubt concerned with the optics created by an un-FOIA-able central bank, the FRBNY has a "Freedom of Information Requests" page on its website in which it boasts that "the New York Fed is committed to complying with the spirit of FOIA and has had a Freedom of Information Policy or related practice for decades."

    In other words, the New York Fed does not believe itself to be legally obligated to give up any of its precious documents . . . but it might occasionally choose to do so if you ask nicely. Accordingly, the FRBNY provided Kuvvet with versions 4.1 (2006) and 5.0 (2012) of the book's index. He then set to work writing an extensive article about the documents, "What Is in the Federal Reserve’s Doomsday Book?" (paywalled content), which was published in the Spring 2024 edition of The Independent Review.

    The title of Kuvvet's article raises another very good question, namely . . .

    What Is In The Doomsday Book?

    Remember when I said you can download the book for yourself . . . kind of? Well, here's the rub: the 122-page PDF document that was released in 2022 and is now available for download is not the full collection of documents. Rather, what has been released is an introduction to the book.

    Spread out over more than 100 pages, this introduction includes an extensive index of the contents of the full book; a listing of the titles and dates of the various agreements, memos and opinions that form the full collection; the Fed's own internal notes explaining what the collection is; an explanation of what the various sections of the book contain; and even an especially revealing explanatory passage containing the frank admission that "the powers of a Federal Reserve Bank are far greater than is commonly supposed" (page 33).

    The latest version of the Doomsday Book introduction reveals that the book consists of three volumes:

    Volume I – Pre-2008 Legal Documents

    Volume II – Post-2008 Legal Documents

    Volume III – Memoranda

    For a complete listing of what documents are contained in each volume and what subject each document covers, you can browse through the confusing and repetitive PDF document or you can read Kuvvet's article for a more logical (if still ponderous) listing.

    The introduction to Version 4.1, however, does helpfully break down the legal memoranda in the book into broad categories of memo:

    "Powers Opinions," which "discuss the legal authority of Federal Reserve Banks to provide various kinds of emergency services and facilities that they are not in the habit of providing under ordinary circumstances";

    "History and Policy," documenting the history of the Federal Reserve's policy decisions and previous emergency actions;

    "Operational Issues," which "discuss legal aspects of operational issues, and are probably mostly of interest to attorneys";

    "Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law Issues," dealing with the legal risk of lending to bankrupt or insolvent firms;

    "International Issues," dealing with the cross-border operations the Fed might employ during international crises;


    As for the agreements, memoranda and opinions themselves, there are some incredibly interesting documents listed that no doubt contain many valuable nuggets of information about the Fed's internal processes.

    For the policy wonks and financial eggheads in the crowd, the agreements contained in the book provide a wealth of data on what the Fed believes it is empowered to do during times of crisis. As Kuvvet notes in his "What Is in the Federal Reserve’s Doomsday Book?" article, for instance:

    In the Section 13(13) Lending Agreement subsection, the FRBNY states that the section 13(13) lending authority can be useful for nonbank government securities dealers. The FRBNY believes that Federal Reserve Banks are authorized to accept ineligible collateral to supplement eligible collateral.

    Conspiracy realists, meanwhile, will no doubt be intrigued by the "Chronology of Events at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York After the World Trade Center Attack" in the "History and Policy" section of the book. According to the Fed's own description on page 35 of the PDF, the document "begins with the morning of September 11, 2001 and concludes with the full resumption of operations on September 24" and "discusses all significant events: financial, operational and humanitarian."

    So, how does the New York Fed's internal history of the 9/11 false flag differ from the public version—"The Federal Reserve's Response to the Sept. 11 Attacks"—on the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' website? Does it include information on the puzzling monetary events taking place in the lead-up to those attacks—events that include the largest June-August spike in the currency component of the M1 money supply in half a century? Does it hold the clue to the Die Hard 3-esque gold heist that may or may not have taken place in New York on the day of the attacks?

    Good questions!

    Unfortunately, until such time as some intrepid reporter, professor of finance or Corbett Reporteer jumps through the hoops of the New York Fed's Freedom of Information Requests process and pries this specific document—or any of the other documents listed in the Doomsday Book index—from the bankster's clutches, we won't know for sure. After all, we only have the titles of these documents and a cursory description of them from the Doomsday Book's index.

    All of this leads us to the most important question . . .

    What Does It Mean?

    The first-order takeaway from the Doomsday Book is that the Fed apparently believes that it has the authority to do quite a bit more in the event of an emergency than has been specifically authorized by the Federal Reserve Act.

    For a line-by-line, blow-by-blow analysis of these presumed powers and the Fed's arguments surrounding them, I highly suggest reading Kuvvet's article. In it, you will learn, for instance, that the Fed believes it has the authority to bail out cities during "emergency situations" . . . whatever those are.

    Surprisingly, the FRBNY states that section 13(3) lending authority extends to municipalities, and that there is an additional independent section 14(b)(1)17 lending authority for municipalities. Thus, the FRBNY considers that it has the legal authority to rescue municipalities in emergency situations. The Doomsday Book does not define what those “emergency situations” are.

    Even more remarkably, the Fed also reserves the power to receive "equity kickers"—that is, take an ownership stake in a company and presumably even take over a company entirely—when engaged in emergency lending. This is the power that was under scrutiny during the aforementioned AIG shareholder lawsuit, Starr International Co. v. United States, and it raises the specter of the Fed taking over and potentially running companies or even vast swaths of the economy in the face of a truly catastrophic economic collapse.

    Per Kuvvet:

    Lenders receive equity kickers frequently to compensate for risk. The FRBNY received an equity kicker in the AIG loan. The FRBNY considers that the scope of the power to receive an equity kicker remains uncertain, particularly whether the National Bank Act restrictions on equity kickers apply to Reserve Banks. The memorandum titled “Equity Kickers and Reserve Bank Loans” contends that they do not. Lenders sometimes employ guarantees appurtenant to financial transactions, and often employ guarantees in workout contexts. The memoranda titled “AIG Loan Restructuring-Reserve Bank Powers” and “Authority of Reserve Banks to Issue Guarantees on Behalf of Depository Institutions” explore the limits of the guarantee power.

    But perhaps the most brazen statement of the Fed's self-proclaimed emergency power comes in the section on "Powers Opinions" on page 33 of the Doomsday Book PDF.

    The powers opinions discuss the legal authority of Federal Reserve Banks to provide various kinds of emergency services and facilities that they are not in the habit of providing under ordinary circumstances. [. . .] A constant theme runs through them all: the powers of a Federal Reserve Bank are far greater than is commonly supposed.

    This is perhaps the most succinct statement of the banksters' arrogance that have ever been set to paper. In other words, the Fed's own internal document is gloating that the Fed reserves itself powers that the public do not know about and presumably would not approve of if they did. This does not trouble the Fed or its legal counsel in the slightest.

    So, what are we to make of this galling arrogance?

    Writing in The Hill, op-ed contributor Doug Branch—whose bio notes that he served as Deputy Staff Director of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) and Deputy Chief of Staff to a Financial Services Subcommittee Chairman in the US government—predictably opines that what is needed is for the government to step in and rein in the Fed, passing legislation to "unambiguously authorize" those emergency powers that the Fed claims and that Congress deems necessary. Congress should also, in Branch's opinion "reserve the right to disapprove [of a Fed emergency power] through an after-action process."

    Although Branch's answer sounds perfectly straightforward and reasonable—reasonable to statists who believe in The Most Dangerous Superstition, at least—it fails to grasp an extremely basic fact, one that governs all such "emergency powers" and "states of exception." Namely, the fact that power—especially emergency power—is a thing that is demonstrated, not codified.

    Case in point: the Starr International Co. v. United States case in which the Doomsday Book's existence was first revealed. If you read my 2015 article on that case, you'll know that case's insane conclusion. The court ultimately ruled that the Fed had indeed overstepped its powers in the course of the AIG bailout . . . but imposed no penalty and awarded the prosecution nothing.

    Based upon the foregoing, the Court concludes that the Credit Agreement Shareholder Class shall prevail on liability due to the Government’s illegal exaction, but shall recover zero damages, and that the Reverse Stock Split Shareholder Class shall not prevail on liability or damages.

    Naturally, the Fed took this decision as vindication that it had acted legally.

    The Federal Reserve strongly believes that its actions in the AIG rescue during the height of the financial crisis in 2008 were legal, proper and effective. The court's decision today in Starr International Company, Inc. v. the United States recognizes that AIG's shareholders are not entitled to compensation for that decision, and that the Federal Reserve's extension of credit to AIG prevented losses to millions of policyholders, small businesses, and American workers who would have been harmed by AIG's collapse during the financial crisis. The terms of the credit were appropriately tough to protect taxpayers from the risks the rescue loan presented when it was made.

    This is how power operates. It acts—illegally if need be—and the judge comes along afterward to clean up the mess.

    The fact that the Fed's powers have not been delineated down to the nth degree is a feature of the system that the banksters have created, not a bug, as Doug Branch suggests. The banksters who own and run the Fed and who control Congress through blackmail, bribery and extortion are not going to make the mistake of stating exactly what powers they do and don't possess. And they're certainly not going to allow such limitations on their powers to be codified into law. Instead, they will act as power always acts: unilaterally, unapologetically, and without asking for permission.

    Sorry (not sorry) to burst your bubble, Mr. Branch, and all those other "common sense" thinkers who believe that government is the answer to the problem that was created by the (bankster-controlled) government, but there is no tinkering around the edges here. No amount of legislation is going to make the entire corrupt Federal Reserve System into anything other than the bankster cartel that it was designed to be.

    No, we do not need to "rein in" the Fed or set up yet another government committee to try to codify its powers. We need to abolish the Fed itself and bring about a separation of money and state altogether. That is the real takeaway from the Fed Doomsday Book.

    For enterprising researchers out there, I look forward to hearing about your own exploration of these documents and your own adventures with the FRBNY's "Freedom of Information Request" process.

    The cockroaches always scurry from the light, so let's see if we can shine some more of it on this whole sordid mess.

    Like this type of essay? Then you’ll love The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter, which contains my weekly editorial as well as recommended reading, viewing and listening. If you’re a Corbett Report member, you can sign in to corbettreport.com and read the newsletter today.

    Not a member yet? Sign up today to access the newsletter and support this work.

    The Fed's "Doomsday Book" Has Been Revealed The Corbett Report by James Corbett corbettreport.com May 26, 2024 Back in 2011, shareholders of insurance giant American International Group (AIG) filed a $40 billion class action lawsuit against the US government over the terms of its controversial bailout of AIG during the 2008 financial crisis. In 2014, the trial case came to focus on an intriguing oddity. In cross-examination, the plaintiffs learned of a set of documents that the New York Fed—the heart of America's Federal Reserve central bank and the primary wheeler-dealer in the chaotic days of the global financial collapse—dramatically refers to as its "Doomsday Book." This book, it was discovered, contained the various legal opinions and memoranda that the Fed used to determine what power it has to manipulate the financial system in the event of a large-scale crisis. And, it seemed, there was a good chance that the central broke its own rules with all its bailout shenanigans and financial sleight-of-hand during the 2008 collapse. However, the plaintiffs' reasonable request to see the book and examine these supposed emergency powers was immediately rebuffed by the Fed. New York Fed lawyer John S. Kiernan, for example, was adamant that the Fed would not open up the book for the court. "Of the tens of thousands of documents that we have produced in this case, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has sought to retain confidentiality because of the internal sensitivity of only this one," he told the United States Court of Federal Claims. The court was eventually able to pry the relevant documents out of the Fed's clutches, but the Doomsday Book has remained under court seal for years . . . until now. Late last year, an enterprising researcher managed to get his hands on a copy of the elusive book. And what that book contains should shock you (if you're paying attention). What Is The Doomsday Book? The very first thing to note about the "Doomsday Book" is that you can now read it for yourself! . . . kind of. I'll get into that qualification in a bit. But first, I do recommend you download the publicly available content for yourself. You can download it as a PDF file from The Wall Street Journal website HERE. And, since Corbett Reporteers might not like to give WSJ their traffic (and because these types of files have a pesky habit of disappearing down the internet rabbit hole), I've also gone ahead and preserved a copy on my server HERE! (You're welcome!) Still, you never know when/if/how information online will go missing or become inaccessible, so don't dither. Download it now, while you can! Alright, now that you have a copy saved locally, here's the first question: what is the doomsday book, exactly? The short answer—taken from an article announcing its release last December—is that the doomsday book is "an internal document used to guide the Federal Reserve’s actions during emergencies." The longer answer is that the Doomsday Book is not a book at all. Instead, it's a collection of documents, legal opinions and memoranda that have been assembled and maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) over the course of decades. It was first compiled in the 1990s and has been revised four times, thus creating five versions of the "book" (that we know of). The latest version is Version 5.0 and it includes extensive revisions to various memoranda and opinions—revisions that were made to reflect the legal and regulatory changes wrought by the 2010 Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (see the "Note on Legal Evolution" on page 46 of the PDF document). According to the Prefatory Matters section of the latest revision (page 44 of the PDF document): The Doomsday Book is intended to help lawyers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York aid their clients in crisis management. It was originally distributed to a limited set of lawyers and select senior staff members. This has changed with time, as more lawyers are drawn into crisis management. Now, all FRBNY lawyers receive a copy of the Doomsday Book. The same passage also explains that the book "is not intended as an 'off-the-shelf' solution to any particular crisis" but as a "playbook" of general advice that may require modification depending on the circumstances. So, the next question to be answered is . . . How Did The Doomsday Book Get Released? As indicated above, the Doomsday Book first came to the public's attention during the 2014 Starr International Co. v. United States trial, in which AIG shareholders were suing the government over the Fed's questionable bailout practices. (If you need a primer on that trial to bring you up to speed, you're in luck! I wrote an article about the case and its startling conclusion in these very pages nine years ago!) During the trial, Timothy Geithner—who was president of the FRBNY during the global financial collapse—not only confirmed the existence of the book, but admitted that he relied on it to guide his actions in the crisis. “It’s kind of a big, fat binder,” he told the court, adding that “we did occasionally go back and consult it as things were eroding around us. . . . It was a reference material that described precedent and authority.” And, as also noted above, although the plaintiffs' lawyers were able to get their hands on a copy of the book's index, the Fed successfully petitioned the court to keep the documents under court seal. Some quotations from the book were read into the court record during testimony, but, aside from that, no specific information on the documents was forthcoming. Enter Emre Kuvvet. He's a Professor of Finance at Nova Southeastern University who, recognizing the importance of this elusive emergency operations document, filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the book . . . and was promptly rejected. Not one to give up so easily, Kuvvet then filed a simple Freedom of Information request with the FRBNY and—"for reasons unknown to me," as Kuvvet wryly observes—was duly provided the 122-page document that you just downloaded. Now, in order to understand why the FRBNY's compliance with this request is so unusual, you have to understand the difference between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System—the twelve-member panel appointed by the US president and confirmed by the US Senate to oversee the Federal Reserve System—and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York—the most powerful of the twelve regional banks that are responsible for the banking operations of the Federal Reserve System. If you need a refresher on the deliberately confusing structure of the United States' "decentralized central bank," might I humbly suggest that you watch (or re-watch) Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve? If and when you do so, you will see for yourself the moment when Federal Reserve Board Senior Counsel Yvonne Mizusawa argues in court that the Federal Reserve Regional Banks (not the Board) are private banks and thus not "persons under FOIA." In other words, the Federal Reserve argues that the records of the Fed's regional banks—including their legal opinions, memoranda, internal records and, of course, the New York Fed's coveted Doomsday Book—are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. However, no doubt concerned with the optics created by an un-FOIA-able central bank, the FRBNY has a "Freedom of Information Requests" page on its website in which it boasts that "the New York Fed is committed to complying with the spirit of FOIA and has had a Freedom of Information Policy or related practice for decades." In other words, the New York Fed does not believe itself to be legally obligated to give up any of its precious documents . . . but it might occasionally choose to do so if you ask nicely. Accordingly, the FRBNY provided Kuvvet with versions 4.1 (2006) and 5.0 (2012) of the book's index. He then set to work writing an extensive article about the documents, "What Is in the Federal Reserve’s Doomsday Book?" (paywalled content), which was published in the Spring 2024 edition of The Independent Review. The title of Kuvvet's article raises another very good question, namely . . . What Is In The Doomsday Book? Remember when I said you can download the book for yourself . . . kind of? Well, here's the rub: the 122-page PDF document that was released in 2022 and is now available for download is not the full collection of documents. Rather, what has been released is an introduction to the book. Spread out over more than 100 pages, this introduction includes an extensive index of the contents of the full book; a listing of the titles and dates of the various agreements, memos and opinions that form the full collection; the Fed's own internal notes explaining what the collection is; an explanation of what the various sections of the book contain; and even an especially revealing explanatory passage containing the frank admission that "the powers of a Federal Reserve Bank are far greater than is commonly supposed" (page 33). The latest version of the Doomsday Book introduction reveals that the book consists of three volumes: Volume I – Pre-2008 Legal Documents Volume II – Post-2008 Legal Documents Volume III – Memoranda For a complete listing of what documents are contained in each volume and what subject each document covers, you can browse through the confusing and repetitive PDF document or you can read Kuvvet's article for a more logical (if still ponderous) listing. The introduction to Version 4.1, however, does helpfully break down the legal memoranda in the book into broad categories of memo: "Powers Opinions," which "discuss the legal authority of Federal Reserve Banks to provide various kinds of emergency services and facilities that they are not in the habit of providing under ordinary circumstances"; "History and Policy," documenting the history of the Federal Reserve's policy decisions and previous emergency actions; "Operational Issues," which "discuss legal aspects of operational issues, and are probably mostly of interest to attorneys"; "Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law Issues," dealing with the legal risk of lending to bankrupt or insolvent firms; "International Issues," dealing with the cross-border operations the Fed might employ during international crises; Etc. As for the agreements, memoranda and opinions themselves, there are some incredibly interesting documents listed that no doubt contain many valuable nuggets of information about the Fed's internal processes. For the policy wonks and financial eggheads in the crowd, the agreements contained in the book provide a wealth of data on what the Fed believes it is empowered to do during times of crisis. As Kuvvet notes in his "What Is in the Federal Reserve’s Doomsday Book?" article, for instance: In the Section 13(13) Lending Agreement subsection, the FRBNY states that the section 13(13) lending authority can be useful for nonbank government securities dealers. The FRBNY believes that Federal Reserve Banks are authorized to accept ineligible collateral to supplement eligible collateral. Conspiracy realists, meanwhile, will no doubt be intrigued by the "Chronology of Events at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York After the World Trade Center Attack" in the "History and Policy" section of the book. According to the Fed's own description on page 35 of the PDF, the document "begins with the morning of September 11, 2001 and concludes with the full resumption of operations on September 24" and "discusses all significant events: financial, operational and humanitarian." So, how does the New York Fed's internal history of the 9/11 false flag differ from the public version—"The Federal Reserve's Response to the Sept. 11 Attacks"—on the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' website? Does it include information on the puzzling monetary events taking place in the lead-up to those attacks—events that include the largest June-August spike in the currency component of the M1 money supply in half a century? Does it hold the clue to the Die Hard 3-esque gold heist that may or may not have taken place in New York on the day of the attacks? Good questions! Unfortunately, until such time as some intrepid reporter, professor of finance or Corbett Reporteer jumps through the hoops of the New York Fed's Freedom of Information Requests process and pries this specific document—or any of the other documents listed in the Doomsday Book index—from the bankster's clutches, we won't know for sure. After all, we only have the titles of these documents and a cursory description of them from the Doomsday Book's index. All of this leads us to the most important question . . . What Does It Mean? The first-order takeaway from the Doomsday Book is that the Fed apparently believes that it has the authority to do quite a bit more in the event of an emergency than has been specifically authorized by the Federal Reserve Act. For a line-by-line, blow-by-blow analysis of these presumed powers and the Fed's arguments surrounding them, I highly suggest reading Kuvvet's article. In it, you will learn, for instance, that the Fed believes it has the authority to bail out cities during "emergency situations" . . . whatever those are. Surprisingly, the FRBNY states that section 13(3) lending authority extends to municipalities, and that there is an additional independent section 14(b)(1)17 lending authority for municipalities. Thus, the FRBNY considers that it has the legal authority to rescue municipalities in emergency situations. The Doomsday Book does not define what those “emergency situations” are. Even more remarkably, the Fed also reserves the power to receive "equity kickers"—that is, take an ownership stake in a company and presumably even take over a company entirely—when engaged in emergency lending. This is the power that was under scrutiny during the aforementioned AIG shareholder lawsuit, Starr International Co. v. United States, and it raises the specter of the Fed taking over and potentially running companies or even vast swaths of the economy in the face of a truly catastrophic economic collapse. Per Kuvvet: Lenders receive equity kickers frequently to compensate for risk. The FRBNY received an equity kicker in the AIG loan. The FRBNY considers that the scope of the power to receive an equity kicker remains uncertain, particularly whether the National Bank Act restrictions on equity kickers apply to Reserve Banks. The memorandum titled “Equity Kickers and Reserve Bank Loans” contends that they do not. Lenders sometimes employ guarantees appurtenant to financial transactions, and often employ guarantees in workout contexts. The memoranda titled “AIG Loan Restructuring-Reserve Bank Powers” and “Authority of Reserve Banks to Issue Guarantees on Behalf of Depository Institutions” explore the limits of the guarantee power. But perhaps the most brazen statement of the Fed's self-proclaimed emergency power comes in the section on "Powers Opinions" on page 33 of the Doomsday Book PDF. The powers opinions discuss the legal authority of Federal Reserve Banks to provide various kinds of emergency services and facilities that they are not in the habit of providing under ordinary circumstances. [. . .] A constant theme runs through them all: the powers of a Federal Reserve Bank are far greater than is commonly supposed. This is perhaps the most succinct statement of the banksters' arrogance that have ever been set to paper. In other words, the Fed's own internal document is gloating that the Fed reserves itself powers that the public do not know about and presumably would not approve of if they did. This does not trouble the Fed or its legal counsel in the slightest. So, what are we to make of this galling arrogance? Writing in The Hill, op-ed contributor Doug Branch—whose bio notes that he served as Deputy Staff Director of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) and Deputy Chief of Staff to a Financial Services Subcommittee Chairman in the US government—predictably opines that what is needed is for the government to step in and rein in the Fed, passing legislation to "unambiguously authorize" those emergency powers that the Fed claims and that Congress deems necessary. Congress should also, in Branch's opinion "reserve the right to disapprove [of a Fed emergency power] through an after-action process." Although Branch's answer sounds perfectly straightforward and reasonable—reasonable to statists who believe in The Most Dangerous Superstition, at least—it fails to grasp an extremely basic fact, one that governs all such "emergency powers" and "states of exception." Namely, the fact that power—especially emergency power—is a thing that is demonstrated, not codified. Case in point: the Starr International Co. v. United States case in which the Doomsday Book's existence was first revealed. If you read my 2015 article on that case, you'll know that case's insane conclusion. The court ultimately ruled that the Fed had indeed overstepped its powers in the course of the AIG bailout . . . but imposed no penalty and awarded the prosecution nothing. Based upon the foregoing, the Court concludes that the Credit Agreement Shareholder Class shall prevail on liability due to the Government’s illegal exaction, but shall recover zero damages, and that the Reverse Stock Split Shareholder Class shall not prevail on liability or damages. Naturally, the Fed took this decision as vindication that it had acted legally. The Federal Reserve strongly believes that its actions in the AIG rescue during the height of the financial crisis in 2008 were legal, proper and effective. The court's decision today in Starr International Company, Inc. v. the United States recognizes that AIG's shareholders are not entitled to compensation for that decision, and that the Federal Reserve's extension of credit to AIG prevented losses to millions of policyholders, small businesses, and American workers who would have been harmed by AIG's collapse during the financial crisis. The terms of the credit were appropriately tough to protect taxpayers from the risks the rescue loan presented when it was made. This is how power operates. It acts—illegally if need be—and the judge comes along afterward to clean up the mess. The fact that the Fed's powers have not been delineated down to the nth degree is a feature of the system that the banksters have created, not a bug, as Doug Branch suggests. The banksters who own and run the Fed and who control Congress through blackmail, bribery and extortion are not going to make the mistake of stating exactly what powers they do and don't possess. And they're certainly not going to allow such limitations on their powers to be codified into law. Instead, they will act as power always acts: unilaterally, unapologetically, and without asking for permission. Sorry (not sorry) to burst your bubble, Mr. Branch, and all those other "common sense" thinkers who believe that government is the answer to the problem that was created by the (bankster-controlled) government, but there is no tinkering around the edges here. No amount of legislation is going to make the entire corrupt Federal Reserve System into anything other than the bankster cartel that it was designed to be. No, we do not need to "rein in" the Fed or set up yet another government committee to try to codify its powers. We need to abolish the Fed itself and bring about a separation of money and state altogether. That is the real takeaway from the Fed Doomsday Book. For enterprising researchers out there, I look forward to hearing about your own exploration of these documents and your own adventures with the FRBNY's "Freedom of Information Request" process. The cockroaches always scurry from the light, so let's see if we can shine some more of it on this whole sordid mess. Like this type of essay? Then you’ll love The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter, which contains my weekly editorial as well as recommended reading, viewing and listening. If you’re a Corbett Report member, you can sign in to corbettreport.com and read the newsletter today. Not a member yet? Sign up today to access the newsletter and support this work. https://open.substack.com/pub/corbettreport/p/the-feds-doomsday-book-has-been-revealed?r=29hg4d&utm_medium=ios
    The Fed's "Doomsday Book" Has Been Revealed
    by James Corbett corbettreport.com May 26, 2024 Back in 2011, shareholders of insurance giant American International Group (AIG) filed a $40 billion class action lawsuit against the US government over the terms of its controversial bailout of AIG during the 2008 financial crisis.
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  • Employee Sues Hospital That Fired Her for Reporting COVID Vaccine Injuries to VAERS
    A physician’s assistant is suing a New York hospital system, alleging it violated the federal False Claims Act by failing to complete mandatory reporting to VAERS of injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

    deborah conrad, covid vaccines, vaers logo on tablet

    by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
    May 22, 2024

    deborah conrad, covid vaccines, vaers logo on tablet
    A physician’s assistant is suing a New York hospital system, alleging it violated the federal False Claims Act by failing to complete mandatory reporting of injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccine to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

    Deborah Conrad worked at United Memorial Medical Center, part of Rochester Regional Health (RRH), until October 2021, when she said she was fired for reporting vaccine-related adverse events.

    Conrad filed the lawsuit in May 2023, but the complaint wasn’t unsealed and made publicly available until February, TrialSiteNews reported last week.

    She is seeking job reinstatement and back pay for herself and civil penalties on behalf of the U.S. government.

    Most importantly, Conrad told The Defender, she hopes the lawsuit will lead to changes in how vaccine adverse events are reported.

    “How can anybody trust the vaccine program when medical professionals are not adhering to the reporting requirements of the one system we have in place that is meant to assure us that these things are safe?” she asked.

    “I want policy change. I don’t care about the money, the vindication. I want to be able to trust the health system,” Conrad said.

    Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers can file a lawsuit on behalf of the federal government against an entity they allege profited from taxpayer funds by defrauding the government.

    False Claims Act cases are initially sealed while the government investigates the cases and determines whether it will intervene and take the case on itself, or allow the whistleblower to proceed with the action.

    The government decided not to intervene in the case. It is now unsealed and moving forward with Conrad as the “relator,” who gives evidence to the court on behalf of the U.S. government.

    She told The Defender the evidence she is submitting to the court is substantial — she meticulously saved every email, patient file and recorded conversations with supervisors and other hospital staff.

    United Memorial Medical Center, like all institutions in the U.S. that administered the COVID-19 vaccines, signed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Agreement, according to the complaint.

    Hand in glove holding vaccine
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    The agreement stipulated that organizations providing the shots and received compensation for doing so from the federal government were required to “report moderate and adverse events following vaccination” to VAERS.

    By not doing so, Warner Mendenhall, the attorney representing Conrad, told The Defender, they were out of compliance with the agreement. And, he added, the agreement clearly stipulates that non-compliance violates the False Claims Act.

    The hospital not only failed to report cases, it blocked Conrad from submitting approximately 170 reports of serious adverse events to VAERS between May 27 and Oct. 6, 2021, Conrad said.

    The hospital system also failed to report over 12,000 adverse events, the complaint alleges.

    Mendenhall said they estimated that number based on the number of people vaccinated at one of the healthcare facilities or another nearby clinic who then presented at the hospital for treatment for an injury that was likely linked to the vaccine.

    The complaint contains several examples of such cases.

    On behalf of the U.S., Conrad is seeking damages that fall into what Mendenhall described as “three buckets.”

    First, he said, each entity was paid an administrative fee — approximately $40 — for each injection. The suit seeks a refund of that money to the government for the thousands of shots administered.

    Next, for every failure to report, there is a mandatory penalty of at least $20,000. For 12,000 cases, that would total more than $240,000,000.

    Finally, the “third bucket” of damages would be the cost of the treatment that people had to pay for their vaccine injuries. By failing to meet their obligations as a vaccine provider, he said the hospital failed to provide people with the proper necessary treatment they ought to be entitled to and those costs should be reimbursed.

    If Conrad prevails in court, the hospital will go bankrupt — but that isn’t the intent, Mendenhall said.

    “We don’t want to bankrupt community hospitals,” he said. “That’s not what we are about. We want them to do their job, to do what they are supposed to do and file the reports,” he said. “And we want Deb Conrad rehired to run the program.”

    Conrad is suing only one hospital system, but there are roughly 2,800 systems in the country, Mendenhall said. “As far as I know, not a single one of them met their obligations under the vaccination program participation agreement. And they all signed it.”

    The False Claims Act, “is a way for us as a people, if we want to hold these providers accountable for their wrongdoing, we actually can do it,” Mendenhall told Trial Site News. “There’s a very clear pathway here. It’s outlined here, and they all agreed to it.”

    Ray Flores, senior outside counsel for Children’s Health Defense, told The Defender the case represented a “bold effort to hold those who allegedly defrauded the people of the United States accountable.”

    In detailing the ways the hospital precluded providers from reporting to VAERS, “the allegations in the complaint solve part of the mystery of why only 1% of vaccine injuries are reported,” he said.

    Mendenhall also represents Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson, who sued the drugmaker under the False Claims Act.

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    Conrad: ‘I kept getting gaslit and made fun of and told I was crazy’

    When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Conrad had been a physician assistant for nearly 20 years. She spent most of that time as a hospitalist, working in inpatient medicine and the intensive care unit in the same hospital.

    At United Memorial, she was director of Advanced Practice Providers, sat on the medical executive board, saw patients and was the first non-physician to receive the Physician Excellence award.

    When the COVID-19 vaccine came out, her whole life changed, Conrad said. As she had done throughout her career, she reported to the hospital the safety issues and new trends in illness that she was seeing, such as elderly vaccinated people hospitalized for COVID-19 or young people with blood clots.

    In researching whether providers in other places were witnessing the same issues, Conrad discovered VAERS — which she said she and her colleagues had never been told about, despite claims later made by the hospital — and began reporting cases.

    She volunteered to take on this reporting role for the hospital, reporting all of the adverse events that came into the facility.

    As the number of adverse events grew, the reporting became too onerous, so Conrad asked the hospital to develop a plan to efficiently complete the reports, to protect patients and to remain in compliance.

    Instead, the hospital informed her it would be auditing her work.

    The hospital accused Conrad of over-reporting and being “antivaxxy.” This was a problem, the hospital informed her in an email included in the complaint, because “we are very much advocating for patients to receive the vaccine.”

    She was forbidden from filing reports for any patient she was not directly caring for, even though her leadership role meant she oversaw all patients, Conrad said.

    If she had other concerns, they said she could register them in the hospital’s internal email system, “Safe Connect,” which she did. However, those reports weren’t going anywhere.

    Concerned the events weren’t being reported and that the hospital was out of compliance with the agreement it had signed, Conrad began reaching out to the CDC, the FDA, the New York State Department of Health and the hospital accreditation board.

    Rather than receiving support, Conrad said:

    “I kept getting gaslit and made fun of and told I was crazy.

    “Then I got called into a meeting and they threatened to report me to the state for spreading misinformation, saying that basically doing VAERS reports and talking to patients about their potential side effects is misinformation, and that I was spreading vaccine hesitancy, and that’s not allowed.

    “And they said if it continued they were going to report me to have basically my license taken away. Wow. So at that point, I knew I was in real trouble.”

    She contacted a lawyer and went public with her experience on The Highwire and in The New York Times. She also started a GoFundMe campaign, anticipating her possible firing.

    The hospital threatened to report her to the New York State Society of Physician Assistants for spreading vaccine misinformation. Just a few months earlier, the same organization had nominated Conrad for a seat on the New York State Office of Professional Medical Conduct.

    In what Conrad called “direct retaliation,” on Oct. 6, 2021, she was publicly surrounded at her workstation by human resources staff and escorted to a room where she was interrogated about her public comments.

    “They basically told me, are you going to leave quietly or are we going to walk you out?” she said.

    Conrad said the firing was very public and humiliating, which she thought was meant to scare others. “As a result of me being publicly fired, it’s my understanding that now no one [at the hospital] is reporting to VAERS,” she said.

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    Providers aren’t trained to use VAERS

    The VAERS system is the primary public reporting system for flagging vaccine safety issues. For members of the public, it’s a voluntary system. However, healthcare professionals are required to report certain events.

    Yet, Conrad said, she never learned about VAERS in her medical training and the hospital never offered training for the system. She said they never mentioned the system to staff until she complained publicly.

    “We come out of school knowing every side effect for every drug known to man, because they have no liability shield, but we are never taught there could be anything wrong with vaccines,” she said.

    “We didn’t even know there’s a reporting system. Why is that? Why do we have a liability shield for vaccines if they’re so safe? Why would we need it when we don’t have it for drugs that we know are not always safe? None of it makes sense,” she added.

    Conrad said this “flawed” and “fraudulent” system is responsible for the rise in “vaccine hesitancy.” “They blame people like me for this hesitancy,” she said, “but they are the ones who created the issue by not enforcing” safety and injury reporting.

    Instead, she said, the public health agencies normalized previously unthinkable ideas, such as it’s normal for vaccines to make people sick, or that reused cloth masks would protect from infectious disease and much more.

    Healthcare is about safety, she said. “First, do no harm. That’s the oath I took when I graduated. But they’re using the doctors to harm patients unknowingly and not teaching them about the safety mechanisms we put in place.”

    Conrad said she hopes the lawsuit will help change that. Now that it is unsealed, she said, “We’re able to go back out there and start talking about things because the public cannot forget. We cannot forget what has been done. Otherwise it’ll happen again.”

    Mendenhall said he expects a response from the hospital system next week. He predicts they will submit a motion to dismiss, which he intends to contest.

    “This is the first case of its kind,” he said. “I predict we will succeed in defending any motion to dismiss because Deb did such a good job with the evidence and her story is very compelling.”

    Employee Sues Hospital That Fired Her for Reporting COVID Vaccine Injuries to VAERS • Children's Health Defense

    Employee Sues Hospital That Fired Her for Reporting COVID Vaccine Injuries to VAERS A physician’s assistant is suing a New York hospital system, alleging it violated the federal False Claims Act by failing to complete mandatory reporting to VAERS of injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. deborah conrad, covid vaccines, vaers logo on tablet COVID by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. May 22, 2024 deborah conrad, covid vaccines, vaers logo on tablet A physician’s assistant is suing a New York hospital system, alleging it violated the federal False Claims Act by failing to complete mandatory reporting of injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccine to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Deborah Conrad worked at United Memorial Medical Center, part of Rochester Regional Health (RRH), until October 2021, when she said she was fired for reporting vaccine-related adverse events. Conrad filed the lawsuit in May 2023, but the complaint wasn’t unsealed and made publicly available until February, TrialSiteNews reported last week. She is seeking job reinstatement and back pay for herself and civil penalties on behalf of the U.S. government. Most importantly, Conrad told The Defender, she hopes the lawsuit will lead to changes in how vaccine adverse events are reported. “How can anybody trust the vaccine program when medical professionals are not adhering to the reporting requirements of the one system we have in place that is meant to assure us that these things are safe?” she asked. “I want policy change. I don’t care about the money, the vindication. I want to be able to trust the health system,” Conrad said. Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers can file a lawsuit on behalf of the federal government against an entity they allege profited from taxpayer funds by defrauding the government. False Claims Act cases are initially sealed while the government investigates the cases and determines whether it will intervene and take the case on itself, or allow the whistleblower to proceed with the action. The government decided not to intervene in the case. It is now unsealed and moving forward with Conrad as the “relator,” who gives evidence to the court on behalf of the U.S. government. She told The Defender the evidence she is submitting to the court is substantial — she meticulously saved every email, patient file and recorded conversations with supervisors and other hospital staff. United Memorial Medical Center, like all institutions in the U.S. that administered the COVID-19 vaccines, signed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Agreement, according to the complaint. Hand in glove holding vaccine The Vaccine Safety Project Learn More The agreement stipulated that organizations providing the shots and received compensation for doing so from the federal government were required to “report moderate and adverse events following vaccination” to VAERS. By not doing so, Warner Mendenhall, the attorney representing Conrad, told The Defender, they were out of compliance with the agreement. And, he added, the agreement clearly stipulates that non-compliance violates the False Claims Act. The hospital not only failed to report cases, it blocked Conrad from submitting approximately 170 reports of serious adverse events to VAERS between May 27 and Oct. 6, 2021, Conrad said. The hospital system also failed to report over 12,000 adverse events, the complaint alleges. Mendenhall said they estimated that number based on the number of people vaccinated at one of the healthcare facilities or another nearby clinic who then presented at the hospital for treatment for an injury that was likely linked to the vaccine. The complaint contains several examples of such cases. On behalf of the U.S., Conrad is seeking damages that fall into what Mendenhall described as “three buckets.” First, he said, each entity was paid an administrative fee — approximately $40 — for each injection. The suit seeks a refund of that money to the government for the thousands of shots administered. Next, for every failure to report, there is a mandatory penalty of at least $20,000. For 12,000 cases, that would total more than $240,000,000. Finally, the “third bucket” of damages would be the cost of the treatment that people had to pay for their vaccine injuries. By failing to meet their obligations as a vaccine provider, he said the hospital failed to provide people with the proper necessary treatment they ought to be entitled to and those costs should be reimbursed. If Conrad prevails in court, the hospital will go bankrupt — but that isn’t the intent, Mendenhall said. “We don’t want to bankrupt community hospitals,” he said. “That’s not what we are about. We want them to do their job, to do what they are supposed to do and file the reports,” he said. “And we want Deb Conrad rehired to run the program.” Conrad is suing only one hospital system, but there are roughly 2,800 systems in the country, Mendenhall said. “As far as I know, not a single one of them met their obligations under the vaccination program participation agreement. And they all signed it.” The False Claims Act, “is a way for us as a people, if we want to hold these providers accountable for their wrongdoing, we actually can do it,” Mendenhall told Trial Site News. “There’s a very clear pathway here. It’s outlined here, and they all agreed to it.” Ray Flores, senior outside counsel for Children’s Health Defense, told The Defender the case represented a “bold effort to hold those who allegedly defrauded the people of the United States accountable.” In detailing the ways the hospital precluded providers from reporting to VAERS, “the allegations in the complaint solve part of the mystery of why only 1% of vaccine injuries are reported,” he said. Mendenhall also represents Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson, who sued the drugmaker under the False Claims Act. Do you have a news tip? We want to hear from you! Contact Us Conrad: ‘I kept getting gaslit and made fun of and told I was crazy’ When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Conrad had been a physician assistant for nearly 20 years. She spent most of that time as a hospitalist, working in inpatient medicine and the intensive care unit in the same hospital. At United Memorial, she was director of Advanced Practice Providers, sat on the medical executive board, saw patients and was the first non-physician to receive the Physician Excellence award. When the COVID-19 vaccine came out, her whole life changed, Conrad said. As she had done throughout her career, she reported to the hospital the safety issues and new trends in illness that she was seeing, such as elderly vaccinated people hospitalized for COVID-19 or young people with blood clots. In researching whether providers in other places were witnessing the same issues, Conrad discovered VAERS — which she said she and her colleagues had never been told about, despite claims later made by the hospital — and began reporting cases. She volunteered to take on this reporting role for the hospital, reporting all of the adverse events that came into the facility. As the number of adverse events grew, the reporting became too onerous, so Conrad asked the hospital to develop a plan to efficiently complete the reports, to protect patients and to remain in compliance. Instead, the hospital informed her it would be auditing her work. The hospital accused Conrad of over-reporting and being “antivaxxy.” This was a problem, the hospital informed her in an email included in the complaint, because “we are very much advocating for patients to receive the vaccine.” She was forbidden from filing reports for any patient she was not directly caring for, even though her leadership role meant she oversaw all patients, Conrad said. If she had other concerns, they said she could register them in the hospital’s internal email system, “Safe Connect,” which she did. However, those reports weren’t going anywhere. Concerned the events weren’t being reported and that the hospital was out of compliance with the agreement it had signed, Conrad began reaching out to the CDC, the FDA, the New York State Department of Health and the hospital accreditation board. Rather than receiving support, Conrad said: “I kept getting gaslit and made fun of and told I was crazy. “Then I got called into a meeting and they threatened to report me to the state for spreading misinformation, saying that basically doing VAERS reports and talking to patients about their potential side effects is misinformation, and that I was spreading vaccine hesitancy, and that’s not allowed. “And they said if it continued they were going to report me to have basically my license taken away. Wow. So at that point, I knew I was in real trouble.” She contacted a lawyer and went public with her experience on The Highwire and in The New York Times. She also started a GoFundMe campaign, anticipating her possible firing. The hospital threatened to report her to the New York State Society of Physician Assistants for spreading vaccine misinformation. Just a few months earlier, the same organization had nominated Conrad for a seat on the New York State Office of Professional Medical Conduct. In what Conrad called “direct retaliation,” on Oct. 6, 2021, she was publicly surrounded at her workstation by human resources staff and escorted to a room where she was interrogated about her public comments. “They basically told me, are you going to leave quietly or are we going to walk you out?” she said. Conrad said the firing was very public and humiliating, which she thought was meant to scare others. “As a result of me being publicly fired, it’s my understanding that now no one [at the hospital] is reporting to VAERS,” she said. This article was funded by critical thinkers like you. The Defender is 100% reader-supported. No corporate sponsors. No paywalls. Our writers and editors rely on you to fund stories like this that mainstream media won’t write. Please Donate Today Providers aren’t trained to use VAERS The VAERS system is the primary public reporting system for flagging vaccine safety issues. For members of the public, it’s a voluntary system. However, healthcare professionals are required to report certain events. Yet, Conrad said, she never learned about VAERS in her medical training and the hospital never offered training for the system. She said they never mentioned the system to staff until she complained publicly. “We come out of school knowing every side effect for every drug known to man, because they have no liability shield, but we are never taught there could be anything wrong with vaccines,” she said. “We didn’t even know there’s a reporting system. Why is that? Why do we have a liability shield for vaccines if they’re so safe? Why would we need it when we don’t have it for drugs that we know are not always safe? None of it makes sense,” she added. Conrad said this “flawed” and “fraudulent” system is responsible for the rise in “vaccine hesitancy.” “They blame people like me for this hesitancy,” she said, “but they are the ones who created the issue by not enforcing” safety and injury reporting. Instead, she said, the public health agencies normalized previously unthinkable ideas, such as it’s normal for vaccines to make people sick, or that reused cloth masks would protect from infectious disease and much more. Healthcare is about safety, she said. “First, do no harm. That’s the oath I took when I graduated. But they’re using the doctors to harm patients unknowingly and not teaching them about the safety mechanisms we put in place.” Conrad said she hopes the lawsuit will help change that. Now that it is unsealed, she said, “We’re able to go back out there and start talking about things because the public cannot forget. We cannot forget what has been done. Otherwise it’ll happen again.” Mendenhall said he expects a response from the hospital system next week. He predicts they will submit a motion to dismiss, which he intends to contest. “This is the first case of its kind,” he said. “I predict we will succeed in defending any motion to dismiss because Deb did such a good job with the evidence and her story is very compelling.” Employee Sues Hospital That Fired Her for Reporting COVID Vaccine Injuries to VAERS • Children's Health Defense https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/deborah-conrad-sues-hospital-fired-reporting-covid-vaccine-injuries-vaers/
    Employee Sues Hospital That Fired Her for Reporting COVID Vaccine Injuries to VAERS
    A physician’s assistant is suing a New York hospital system, alleging it violated the federal False Claims Act by failing to complete mandatory reporting to VAERS of injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccine.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 22670 Ansichten
  • Having an amazing in #Slovenia seeing #family & #friends. Took an overnight trip to #Pula in #Croatia to see some ancient #Roman ruins and made a return trip through #Koper. Simply stunning!!!

    - Koper - Koper, Slovenia - 2024

    - Pula - Pula, #Croatia

    Just a couple #shorts I put together - hope you enjoy!!!
    Having an amazing in #Slovenia seeing #family & #friends. Took an overnight trip to #Pula in #Croatia to see some ancient #Roman ruins and made a return trip through #Koper. Simply stunning!!! - Koper - Koper, Slovenia - 2024 https://youtube.com/shorts/q2t4sLlsIzw?feature=share - Pula - Pula, #Croatia https://youtube.com/shorts/wZPo3FPJcZs?feature=share Just a couple #shorts I put together - hope you enjoy!!!
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 5660 Ansichten
  • Having an amazing in #Slovenia seeing #family & #friends. Took an overnight trip to #Pula in #Croatia to see some ancient #Roman ruins and made a return trip through #Koper. Simply stunning!!!

    - Koper - Koper, Slovenia - 2024

    - Pula - Pula, #Croatia

    Just a couple #shorts I put together - hope you enjoy!!!
    Having an amazing in #Slovenia seeing #family & #friends. Took an overnight trip to #Pula in #Croatia to see some ancient #Roman ruins and made a return trip through #Koper. Simply stunning!!! - Koper - Koper, Slovenia - 2024 https://youtube.com/shorts/q2t4sLlsIzw?feature=share - Pula - Pula, #Croatia https://youtube.com/shorts/wZPo3FPJcZs?feature=share Just a couple #shorts I put together - hope you enjoy!!!
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 5566 Ansichten
  • Spent a wonderful day with family in #Pula, Croatia. Went to see some amazing #ancient Roman ruins!! So amazing to see!
    Spent a wonderful day with family in #Pula, Croatia. Went to see some amazing #ancient Roman ruins!! So amazing to see! https://youtube.com/shorts/wZPo3FPJcZs?si=xZIjMfn5e353pEHy
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2898 Ansichten
  • The WAVE Wallet, a $SUI blockchain wallet accessible via Telegram, has introduced token mining for $OCEAN tokens.

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    Take advantage of this opportunity to earn tokens through simple actions.
    The WAVE Wallet, a $SUI blockchain wallet accessible via Telegram, has introduced token mining for $OCEAN tokens. How to Mine $OCEAN Tokens: 1. Join the Telegram bot: https://t.me/waveonsuibot/walletapp?startapp=1277144 2. Create a SUI wallet and record your seed phrase. 3. Navigate to the Ocean Game tab on the main page. 4. Periodically log in to your wallet to collect tokens. 5. Complete missions to cover transaction fees and invite friends. 6. Send $SUI to your wallet to pay transaction fees and receive $OCEAN tokens. Enhancing Token Mining: • Boat: Enables continuous mining for longer periods. • Aqua Cat: Increases the hourly token mining rate. Upcoming Features: • Integration with WavePad launchpad wallet. • Introduction of ports. • Launch of Wave Trading Bot. • Release of the wallet for iOS, Android, and Chrome. Take advantage of this opportunity to earn tokens through simple actions.
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    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 6466 Ansichten
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1169 Ansichten
  • Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics
    Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

    Morphology and composition of incrustants in different conditions. (a) Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of bare-polystyrene (PS, 1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates formed in tap water at different temperatures (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 40 mL, 25–100 oC); (b) SEM images of bare-PS (1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates in different water hardness upon boiling (60–300 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); (c) SEM images of bare-PS and incrustant coprecipitates in different PS concentrations (1 μm, 0–5 mg L–1) upon boiling of tap water (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); and (d) SEM images and (e) X-ray diffraction patterns of bare-, carboxyl-, and amino-PS and incrustant coprecipitates upon boiling of tap water (1 and 0.1 μm, 1 mg L–1, 180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC).


    This is a hopeful article explaining the methodology to decontaminate drinking water. This is very important because we do know that all bottled water is contaminated. You can read that study here:

    Study Shows A Quarter Million Nanoparticle Polymers Per Liter In Water Bottles - Same Polymers Found As In Moderna Patent For Covid 19 Shots, Morgellons Filaments, Blood & Rubbery Clots

    The abstract states:

    Tap water nano/microplastics (NMPs) escaping from centralized water treatment systems are of increasing global concern, because they pose potential health risk to humans via water consumption. Drinking boiled water, an ancient tradition in some Asian countries, is supposedly beneficial for human health, as boiling can remove some chemicals and most biological substances. However, it remains unclear whether boiling is effective in removing NMPs in tap water. Herein we present evidence that polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs can coprecipitate with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) incrustants in tap water upon boiling. Boiling hard water (>120 mg L–1 of CaCO3) can remove at least 80% of polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs size between 0.1 and 150 μm. Elevated temperatures promote CaCO3 nucleation on NMPs, resulting in the encapsulation and aggregation of NMPs within CaCO3 incrustants. This simple boiling-water strategy can “decontaminate” NMPs from household tap water and has the potential for harmlessly alleviating human intake of NMPs through water consumption.

    Here is the ACS article:

    Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics

    Here is the sciencedaily write up:

    Want fewer microplastics in your tap water? Try boiling it first

    Contamination of water supplies with nano- and microplastics (NMPs), which can be as small as one thousandth of a millimeter in diameter or as large as 5 millimeters, has become increasingly common. The effects of these particles on human health are still under investigation, though current studies suggest that ingesting them could affect the gut microbiome. Some advanced drinking water filtration systems capture NMPs, but simple, inexpensive methods are needed to substantially help reduce human plastic consumption. So, Zhanjun Li, Eddy Zeng and colleagues wanted to see whether boiling could be an effective method to help remove NMPs from both hard and soft tap water.

    The researchers collected samples of hard tap water from Guangzhou, China, and spiked them with different amounts of NMPs. Samples were boiled for five minutes and allowed to cool. Then, the team measured the free-floating plastic content. Boiling hard water, which is rich in minerals, will naturally form a chalky substance known as limescale, or calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Results from these experiments indicated that as the water temperature increased, CaCO3 formed incrustants, or crystalline structures, which encapsulated the plastic particles. Zeng says that over time, these incrustants would build up like typical limescale, at which point they could be scrubbed away to remove the NMPs. He suggests any remaining incrustants floating in the water could be removed by pouring it through a simple filter such as a coffee filter.

    In the tests, the encapsulation effect was more pronounced in harder water -- in a sample containing 300 milligrams of CaCO3 per liter of water, up to 90% of free-floating MNPs were removed after boiling. However, even in soft water samples (less than 60 milligrams CaCO3 per liter), boiling still removed around 25% of NMPs. The researchers say that this work could provide a simple, yet effective, method to reduce NMP consumption.

    From the paper supplemental information

    Results. Boiling hard water can remove most PS, PE, and PP MPs, and PS, PE, and PP MPs precipitation efficiencies were 95 ± 4%, 81 ± 3%, and 90 ± 3%, respectively, at 100 oC. Increasing temperature accelerated the formation of incrustants on spherical, fragmented, and fibrous MP surfaces. MPs continued to be encapsulated by newly formed incrustants (Figure S2) and finally precipitated under gravity, confirming that spherical PS, fragmented PE, and fibrous PP MPs are able to coprecipitate with incrustants in tap water upon boiling. In concluding, the results with NPs in the main text were also applicable to MPs.

    Here are the polymer plastics found in drinking water throughout the world:

    Thank you to Karen Kingston, who brought this article to my attention.


    Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Morphology and composition of incrustants in different conditions. (a) Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of bare-polystyrene (PS, 1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates formed in tap water at different temperatures (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 40 mL, 25–100 oC); (b) SEM images of bare-PS (1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates in different water hardness upon boiling (60–300 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); (c) SEM images of bare-PS and incrustant coprecipitates in different PS concentrations (1 μm, 0–5 mg L–1) upon boiling of tap water (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); and (d) SEM images and (e) X-ray diffraction patterns of bare-, carboxyl-, and amino-PS and incrustant coprecipitates upon boiling of tap water (1 and 0.1 μm, 1 mg L–1, 180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC). ____________________________________________________________________________ This is a hopeful article explaining the methodology to decontaminate drinking water. This is very important because we do know that all bottled water is contaminated. You can read that study here: Study Shows A Quarter Million Nanoparticle Polymers Per Liter In Water Bottles - Same Polymers Found As In Moderna Patent For Covid 19 Shots, Morgellons Filaments, Blood & Rubbery Clots The abstract states: Tap water nano/microplastics (NMPs) escaping from centralized water treatment systems are of increasing global concern, because they pose potential health risk to humans via water consumption. Drinking boiled water, an ancient tradition in some Asian countries, is supposedly beneficial for human health, as boiling can remove some chemicals and most biological substances. However, it remains unclear whether boiling is effective in removing NMPs in tap water. Herein we present evidence that polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs can coprecipitate with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) incrustants in tap water upon boiling. Boiling hard water (>120 mg L–1 of CaCO3) can remove at least 80% of polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs size between 0.1 and 150 μm. Elevated temperatures promote CaCO3 nucleation on NMPs, resulting in the encapsulation and aggregation of NMPs within CaCO3 incrustants. This simple boiling-water strategy can “decontaminate” NMPs from household tap water and has the potential for harmlessly alleviating human intake of NMPs through water consumption. Here is the ACS article: Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics Here is the sciencedaily write up: Want fewer microplastics in your tap water? Try boiling it first Contamination of water supplies with nano- and microplastics (NMPs), which can be as small as one thousandth of a millimeter in diameter or as large as 5 millimeters, has become increasingly common. The effects of these particles on human health are still under investigation, though current studies suggest that ingesting them could affect the gut microbiome. Some advanced drinking water filtration systems capture NMPs, but simple, inexpensive methods are needed to substantially help reduce human plastic consumption. So, Zhanjun Li, Eddy Zeng and colleagues wanted to see whether boiling could be an effective method to help remove NMPs from both hard and soft tap water. The researchers collected samples of hard tap water from Guangzhou, China, and spiked them with different amounts of NMPs. Samples were boiled for five minutes and allowed to cool. Then, the team measured the free-floating plastic content. Boiling hard water, which is rich in minerals, will naturally form a chalky substance known as limescale, or calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Results from these experiments indicated that as the water temperature increased, CaCO3 formed incrustants, or crystalline structures, which encapsulated the plastic particles. Zeng says that over time, these incrustants would build up like typical limescale, at which point they could be scrubbed away to remove the NMPs. He suggests any remaining incrustants floating in the water could be removed by pouring it through a simple filter such as a coffee filter. In the tests, the encapsulation effect was more pronounced in harder water -- in a sample containing 300 milligrams of CaCO3 per liter of water, up to 90% of free-floating MNPs were removed after boiling. However, even in soft water samples (less than 60 milligrams CaCO3 per liter), boiling still removed around 25% of NMPs. The researchers say that this work could provide a simple, yet effective, method to reduce NMP consumption. From the paper supplemental information Results. Boiling hard water can remove most PS, PE, and PP MPs, and PS, PE, and PP MPs precipitation efficiencies were 95 ± 4%, 81 ± 3%, and 90 ± 3%, respectively, at 100 oC. Increasing temperature accelerated the formation of incrustants on spherical, fragmented, and fibrous MP surfaces. MPs continued to be encapsulated by newly formed incrustants (Figure S2) and finally precipitated under gravity, confirming that spherical PS, fragmented PE, and fibrous PP MPs are able to coprecipitate with incrustants in tap water upon boiling. In concluding, the results with NPs in the main text were also applicable to MPs. Here are the polymer plastics found in drinking water throughout the world: Thank you to Karen Kingston, who brought this article to my attention. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/drinking-boiled-tap-water-reduces https://telegra.ph/Drinking-Boiled-Tap-Water-Reduces-Human-Intake-of-Nanoplastics-and-Microplastics-04-02
    Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics
    Morphology and composition of incrustants in different conditions. (a) Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of bare-polystyrene (PS, 1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates formed in tap water at different temperatures (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 40 mL, 25–100 oC); (b) SEM images of bare-PS (1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates in different water hardness upon boiling (60–300 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); (c) SEM images of bare-PS and incrustant coprecipitates in different PS concentrations (1 μm, 0–5 mg L–1) upon boiling of tap water (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); and (d) SEM images and (e) X-ray diffraction patterns of bare-, carboxyl-, and amino-PS and incrustant coprecipitates upon boiling of tap water (1 and 0.1 μm, 1 mg L–1, 180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC).
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 18230 Ansichten
  • More Proof mRNA Shots Edit Human Genome
    New Study Again Shows LINE-1 "Junk DNA" Does The Dirty Work

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Could the mRNA shots edit germline DNA?
    Honest scientists have always been worried about retrointegration of foreign mRNA from “vaccine” shots into our own cellular DNA.

    This fear should have been allayed by rigorous genotoxicity safety studies before the mRNA shots where rolled out, but those studies were waived by the Big Pharma controlled FDA (with the DoD behind the scenes pulling all the strings).

    Previous research showed that this could theoretically occur in a human liver cancer cell line inside a controlled laboratory setting utilizing our own bodies reverse transcriptase enzymes that are upregulated in cancer cells.

    Naysayers still argued that this situation was impossible or at least extremely unlikely to occur in our bodies.

    Unfortunately there is now further proof that this really does occur, either right away after vaccination, or if not, then it’s even more likely to occur once a vaccinated individual catches COVID-19, as long as vaccinal mRNA remains present in the body (so far we know it remains in circulation for weeks and in the lymph nodes for months - likely far longer, since all the studies had to be stopped, presumably due to lack of funding, or out of fear of creating unpublishable papers since the news wasn’t looking good).

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    A new paper by Zhang et al, just released on Feb 13, 2023 proves that at artificially high concentrations in a lab setting, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can retrointegrate into our genome.

    Thankfully during natural infection such high levels of viral RNA do not typically occur, but … (you knew there had to be a “but”)

    … such high levels are induced by mRNA vaccination.

    So what the paper may actually prove in the roundabout way of most modern research (required for publication to ever happen in todays politically charged Big Pharma controlled publishing environment) is that the mRNA in the shots is in fact likely to retrointegrate into our cellular DNA.

    To dig into the details we need to start with a quick basic bio refresher:

    Understanding Genetics
    Nearly every cell in our bodies carries a full copy of our genetic code, or genome (the exceptions are red blood cells that have no genome, and sperm and egg cells that have half a genome since they are meant to combine with half of someone else's genome).

    Our genome is made up of individual genes encoded by DNA and bundled together into 46 chromosomes that are stored in a central compartment of our cells called the nucleus.

    In order to “read" the DNA code and convert it into the structure that makes up our bodies, it is first translated by a “reader” protein that writes it out into a new free floating molecule called mRNA for messenger RNA (the mRNA shots carry this messenger RNA, not modified RNA as some people think).

    The mRNA, unlike the DNA is not stuck inside the chromosome and it can exit the nucleus, going into the larger compartment called the cytoplasm of the cell, where its message is “read” and translated into an amino acid sequence that folds itself into a protein (either a body protein, or in the case of the shots the spike protein, or in the case of an RNA virus infection like SARS-CoV-2, all the proteins of the virus).

    Now going back to the nucleus: some of the individual DNA encoded genes can move around within their chromosomes and have therefore been described as "jumping genes" or technically speaking: transposable elements (TEs).

    Jumping genes!
    Some of these jumping genes (Class 1 TEs) use a copy and paste mechanism and others (Class 2 TEs), like the one in the cartoon depiction above, use a cut and paste mechanism.

    The Class 1 TEs (AKA retrotransposons) that use the copy and paste mechanism do so by translating their DNA into RNA and then converting the RNA back into DNA and inserting it somewhere else in the genome.

    The Class 1 TEs or retrotransposons, include within themselves the genetic code necessary to create their own protein enzyme to convert the DNA back into RNA, which is termed reverse transcriptase.

    Fun fact: retroviruses like HIV can be considered a special subtype of retrotransposon that can not only reinsert inside the same cell, but also travel to other cells “infecting” them and reverse transcribing into their genomes.

    In humans the only active jumping genes are from CLASS 1 TEs/retrotransposons and are called LINE-1 retrotransposons (LINE stands for Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements).

    LINE-1 retrotransposons were once considered to be junk DNA, they are usually inactivated, but can be turned on in aging cells, cancer cells, virus infected cells and in general in any cell subjected to significant stress.

    Junk DNA, which makes up 98.5% of our genome, is still little understood. It may help regulate the activity of the other 1.5% of the genome that does code for proteins, is likely involved in genome evolution, and has been implicated in disease states like cancer, autism and dozens of genetic diseases.

    So, what’s been shown in this new paper by Zhang et al, is that a lab clone of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, when present in very high levels, does turn on LINE-1, which means it also turns on the LINE-1 reverse transcriptase enzyme, which it then makes use of to reverse transcribe itself into our DNA.

    But even worse: genome sequencing found the viral genetic code transcribed into our DNA not only in cells where LINE-1 was actively turned on, or overexpressed above baseline, but even in cells where it was not.

    Is Sangamo's Gene-Editing Approach a Bust? | The Motley Fool
    Then, instead of studying the LNPs and spike protein RNA used in the shots, the researchers (who valued their careers) used a different mechanism of delivering low levels of nucleocapsid RNA into the cells in the lab to see if they also up regulated LINE-1 expression and were integrated into the cellular DNA.

    Turns out this handicapped experiment did not up regulate LINE-1, or get taken up in detectable quantities by healthy cells, though it did lead to genomic uptake in cells that already had LINE-1 upregulated - which again happens in aging cells, cancer cells, virus infected cells or simply in cells under stress (perhaps from LNP and spike protein induced inflammation?).

    The study authors addressed the discrepancy in retrointegration between the viral clone and their handicapped version of an mRNA shot by theorizing there were:

    "...several possible explanations for the differences in the levels of retrotransposition in infected and transfected cells: (i) The relative abundance of viral RNA is almost 2 orders of magnitude higher in infected than in transfected cells which would increase the probability of association with LINE1 proteins; (ii) virus infection, but not viral mRNA transfection, can induce endogenous LINE1 expression; (iii) multiple factors during SARS-CoV-2 infection can inhibit the antiviral/anti-retrotransposition function of stress granules (48–53), which could increase retrotransposition.”

    The first theory is the most concerning.

    Based on what we know from a 2020 study by Xie et al that showed the very high levels of intracellular viral RNA achieved by infectious clones, we can extrapolate that in the current study by Zhang et al the concentration of mRNA achieved by the SARS-CoV-2 viral clone was likely about 1000X greater than the low levels typically found during a natural infection.

    In fact the levels of mRNA in each cell achieved by the viral clone in the current study are actually far more likely to be achieved by transfection into cells of LNPs in the shots carrying spike protein mRNA than they are during a natural infection.

    Life finds a way. - Reaction GIFs
    So if the authors first theory is correct, that the difference in retrointegration rates simply depends on the intracellular concentration of foreign RNA, then retrointegration is very likely to occur due to exposure to mRNA in the shots, and it is likely to dramatically increase in case someone who has received the shot later becomes infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus - since we know it upregulates LINE-1 expression, or if they are put under other stressors including the development of cancer, or by the stress of long COVID, chronic vaccine injury, autoimmune disease, autonomic dysfunction, POTS, MCAS, etc - all of which are also sadly enough triggered by the shot.

    This is less likely to happen in germ cell DNA - our sperm and egg cells - and lets hope it doesn’t happen, since we already know that the shots likely do transmit altered immunity from mother to child, if they also pass on the mRNA coding the spike protein itself then huge swaths of humanity may be forever genetically altered.

    Heres hoping the label “junk DNA” actually applies in this case…

    But, if you’ve been vaccinated: don’t worry!

    At mygotodoc we routinely reverse vaccine injuries and sincerely believe every disease has a cure.

    Fear is more likely to kill you than the shot (but do stop getting the boosters), and I mean that literally: fear destroys the immune system.

    A healthy immune system can keep any illness in check even if from a retrointegrated virus or viral mRNA fragment.

    There are a lot of unknowns, but don’t let that scare you. Take your health into your own hands and start making positive changes today.


    More Proof mRNA Shots Edit Human Genome New Study Again Shows LINE-1 "Junk DNA" Does The Dirty Work Dr. Syed Haider Could the mRNA shots edit germline DNA? Honest scientists have always been worried about retrointegration of foreign mRNA from “vaccine” shots into our own cellular DNA. This fear should have been allayed by rigorous genotoxicity safety studies before the mRNA shots where rolled out, but those studies were waived by the Big Pharma controlled FDA (with the DoD behind the scenes pulling all the strings). Previous research showed that this could theoretically occur in a human liver cancer cell line inside a controlled laboratory setting utilizing our own bodies reverse transcriptase enzymes that are upregulated in cancer cells. Naysayers still argued that this situation was impossible or at least extremely unlikely to occur in our bodies. Unfortunately there is now further proof that this really does occur, either right away after vaccination, or if not, then it’s even more likely to occur once a vaccinated individual catches COVID-19, as long as vaccinal mRNA remains present in the body (so far we know it remains in circulation for weeks and in the lymph nodes for months - likely far longer, since all the studies had to be stopped, presumably due to lack of funding, or out of fear of creating unpublishable papers since the news wasn’t looking good). Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share A new paper by Zhang et al, just released on Feb 13, 2023 proves that at artificially high concentrations in a lab setting, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can retrointegrate into our genome. Thankfully during natural infection such high levels of viral RNA do not typically occur, but … (you knew there had to be a “but”) … such high levels are induced by mRNA vaccination. So what the paper may actually prove in the roundabout way of most modern research (required for publication to ever happen in todays politically charged Big Pharma controlled publishing environment) is that the mRNA in the shots is in fact likely to retrointegrate into our cellular DNA. To dig into the details we need to start with a quick basic bio refresher: Understanding Genetics Nearly every cell in our bodies carries a full copy of our genetic code, or genome (the exceptions are red blood cells that have no genome, and sperm and egg cells that have half a genome since they are meant to combine with half of someone else's genome). Our genome is made up of individual genes encoded by DNA and bundled together into 46 chromosomes that are stored in a central compartment of our cells called the nucleus. In order to “read" the DNA code and convert it into the structure that makes up our bodies, it is first translated by a “reader” protein that writes it out into a new free floating molecule called mRNA for messenger RNA (the mRNA shots carry this messenger RNA, not modified RNA as some people think). The mRNA, unlike the DNA is not stuck inside the chromosome and it can exit the nucleus, going into the larger compartment called the cytoplasm of the cell, where its message is “read” and translated into an amino acid sequence that folds itself into a protein (either a body protein, or in the case of the shots the spike protein, or in the case of an RNA virus infection like SARS-CoV-2, all the proteins of the virus). Now going back to the nucleus: some of the individual DNA encoded genes can move around within their chromosomes and have therefore been described as "jumping genes" or technically speaking: transposable elements (TEs). Jumping genes! Some of these jumping genes (Class 1 TEs) use a copy and paste mechanism and others (Class 2 TEs), like the one in the cartoon depiction above, use a cut and paste mechanism. The Class 1 TEs (AKA retrotransposons) that use the copy and paste mechanism do so by translating their DNA into RNA and then converting the RNA back into DNA and inserting it somewhere else in the genome. The Class 1 TEs or retrotransposons, include within themselves the genetic code necessary to create their own protein enzyme to convert the DNA back into RNA, which is termed reverse transcriptase. Fun fact: retroviruses like HIV can be considered a special subtype of retrotransposon that can not only reinsert inside the same cell, but also travel to other cells “infecting” them and reverse transcribing into their genomes. In humans the only active jumping genes are from CLASS 1 TEs/retrotransposons and are called LINE-1 retrotransposons (LINE stands for Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements). LINE-1 retrotransposons were once considered to be junk DNA, they are usually inactivated, but can be turned on in aging cells, cancer cells, virus infected cells and in general in any cell subjected to significant stress. Junk DNA, which makes up 98.5% of our genome, is still little understood. It may help regulate the activity of the other 1.5% of the genome that does code for proteins, is likely involved in genome evolution, and has been implicated in disease states like cancer, autism and dozens of genetic diseases. So, what’s been shown in this new paper by Zhang et al, is that a lab clone of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, when present in very high levels, does turn on LINE-1, which means it also turns on the LINE-1 reverse transcriptase enzyme, which it then makes use of to reverse transcribe itself into our DNA. But even worse: genome sequencing found the viral genetic code transcribed into our DNA not only in cells where LINE-1 was actively turned on, or overexpressed above baseline, but even in cells where it was not. Is Sangamo's Gene-Editing Approach a Bust? | The Motley Fool Then, instead of studying the LNPs and spike protein RNA used in the shots, the researchers (who valued their careers) used a different mechanism of delivering low levels of nucleocapsid RNA into the cells in the lab to see if they also up regulated LINE-1 expression and were integrated into the cellular DNA. Turns out this handicapped experiment did not up regulate LINE-1, or get taken up in detectable quantities by healthy cells, though it did lead to genomic uptake in cells that already had LINE-1 upregulated - which again happens in aging cells, cancer cells, virus infected cells or simply in cells under stress (perhaps from LNP and spike protein induced inflammation?). The study authors addressed the discrepancy in retrointegration between the viral clone and their handicapped version of an mRNA shot by theorizing there were: "...several possible explanations for the differences in the levels of retrotransposition in infected and transfected cells: (i) The relative abundance of viral RNA is almost 2 orders of magnitude higher in infected than in transfected cells which would increase the probability of association with LINE1 proteins; (ii) virus infection, but not viral mRNA transfection, can induce endogenous LINE1 expression; (iii) multiple factors during SARS-CoV-2 infection can inhibit the antiviral/anti-retrotransposition function of stress granules (48–53), which could increase retrotransposition.” The first theory is the most concerning. Based on what we know from a 2020 study by Xie et al that showed the very high levels of intracellular viral RNA achieved by infectious clones, we can extrapolate that in the current study by Zhang et al the concentration of mRNA achieved by the SARS-CoV-2 viral clone was likely about 1000X greater than the low levels typically found during a natural infection. In fact the levels of mRNA in each cell achieved by the viral clone in the current study are actually far more likely to be achieved by transfection into cells of LNPs in the shots carrying spike protein mRNA than they are during a natural infection. Life finds a way. - Reaction GIFs So if the authors first theory is correct, that the difference in retrointegration rates simply depends on the intracellular concentration of foreign RNA, then retrointegration is very likely to occur due to exposure to mRNA in the shots, and it is likely to dramatically increase in case someone who has received the shot later becomes infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus - since we know it upregulates LINE-1 expression, or if they are put under other stressors including the development of cancer, or by the stress of long COVID, chronic vaccine injury, autoimmune disease, autonomic dysfunction, POTS, MCAS, etc - all of which are also sadly enough triggered by the shot. This is less likely to happen in germ cell DNA - our sperm and egg cells - and lets hope it doesn’t happen, since we already know that the shots likely do transmit altered immunity from mother to child, if they also pass on the mRNA coding the spike protein itself then huge swaths of humanity may be forever genetically altered. Heres hoping the label “junk DNA” actually applies in this case… But, if you’ve been vaccinated: don’t worry! At mygotodoc we routinely reverse vaccine injuries and sincerely believe every disease has a cure. Fear is more likely to kill you than the shot (but do stop getting the boosters), and I mean that literally: fear destroys the immune system. A healthy immune system can keep any illness in check even if from a retrointegrated virus or viral mRNA fragment. There are a lot of unknowns, but don’t let that scare you. Take your health into your own hands and start making positive changes today. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/more-proof-mrna-shots-edit-human https://telegra.ph/More-Proof-mRNA-Shots-Edit-Human-Genome-09-17-2
    More Proof mRNA Shots Edit Human Genome
    New Study Again Shows LINE-1 "Junk DNA" Does The Dirty Work
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