• Eliminating knee pain involves a combination of lifestyle changes, exercises, and possibly medical interventions. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you achieve "ageless knees":

    Maintain a Healthy Weight: Extra weight puts additional strain on your knees. Losing weight can significantly reduce knee pain and prevent further damage.

    Stay Active: Low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, and walking can strengthen the muscles around your knees without putting too much stress on them. Strengthening these muscles can provide better support and stability for your knees.

    Stretch and Flexibility Exercises: Incorporate stretching exercises to improve flexibility in your hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. This helps in reducing stiffness and increasing the range of motion in your knees.

    Strengthening Exercises: Focus on strengthening exercises for the muscles around your knees, including quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. This can help stabilize the knee joint and reduce pain.

    Proper Footwear: Wear supportive and comfortable shoes that provide adequate cushioning and stability. Good footwear can reduce stress on your knees, especially during physical activities.

    Correct Posture: Maintain proper posture while sitting, standing, and walking to prevent unnecessary strain on your knees. Avoid activities or positions that put excessive pressure on your knees.

    Avoid High-Impact Activities: Minimize activities that involve repetitive high-impact movements, such as running on hard surfaces or jumping, as these can exacerbate knee pain.

    Use Knee Braces or Supports: Consider using knee braces or supports during physical activities to provide additional stability and reduce strain on your knees.

    Warm-up Before Exercise: Always warm up before starting any physical activity to prepare your muscles and joints for movement. This can help prevent injuries and reduce knee pain.

    Cold Therapy: Apply ice packs to your knees after physical activity or when experiencing pain to reduce inflammation and numb the area, providing temporary relief.

    Maintain Proper Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to support overall joint health. Consider incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

    Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your joints well-lubricated and prevent dehydration, which can exacerbate knee pain.

    Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals. If you experience pain or discomfort during any activity, stop and rest. Pushing through pain can lead to further injury.

    Consult a Healthcare Professional: If knee pain persists or worsens despite home remedies and lifestyle changes, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include physical therapy, medications, injections, or surgery in severe cases.

    Remember, consistency is key when it comes to managing knee pain. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine and be patient with your progress. Click to Read More: https://tinyurl.com/2w7xnxut
    #jointpain #kneepain #agelessknees #fitness #exercise
    Eliminating knee pain involves a combination of lifestyle changes, exercises, and possibly medical interventions. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you achieve "ageless knees": Maintain a Healthy Weight: Extra weight puts additional strain on your knees. Losing weight can significantly reduce knee pain and prevent further damage. Stay Active: Low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, and walking can strengthen the muscles around your knees without putting too much stress on them. Strengthening these muscles can provide better support and stability for your knees. Stretch and Flexibility Exercises: Incorporate stretching exercises to improve flexibility in your hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. This helps in reducing stiffness and increasing the range of motion in your knees. Strengthening Exercises: Focus on strengthening exercises for the muscles around your knees, including quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. This can help stabilize the knee joint and reduce pain. Proper Footwear: Wear supportive and comfortable shoes that provide adequate cushioning and stability. Good footwear can reduce stress on your knees, especially during physical activities. Correct Posture: Maintain proper posture while sitting, standing, and walking to prevent unnecessary strain on your knees. Avoid activities or positions that put excessive pressure on your knees. Avoid High-Impact Activities: Minimize activities that involve repetitive high-impact movements, such as running on hard surfaces or jumping, as these can exacerbate knee pain. Use Knee Braces or Supports: Consider using knee braces or supports during physical activities to provide additional stability and reduce strain on your knees. Warm-up Before Exercise: Always warm up before starting any physical activity to prepare your muscles and joints for movement. This can help prevent injuries and reduce knee pain. Cold Therapy: Apply ice packs to your knees after physical activity or when experiencing pain to reduce inflammation and numb the area, providing temporary relief. Maintain Proper Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to support overall joint health. Consider incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your joints well-lubricated and prevent dehydration, which can exacerbate knee pain. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals. If you experience pain or discomfort during any activity, stop and rest. Pushing through pain can lead to further injury. Consult a Healthcare Professional: If knee pain persists or worsens despite home remedies and lifestyle changes, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include physical therapy, medications, injections, or surgery in severe cases. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to managing knee pain. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine and be patient with your progress. Click to Read More: https://tinyurl.com/2w7xnxut #jointpain #kneepain #agelessknees #fitness #exercise
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 9056 مشاهدة
  • Tubist Dr. Steph Frye-Clark from East Tennessee State University performed the works of Chanell Crichlow, Hope Salmonson, and Eris DeJarnett at The U.S. Army Band 2024 Tuba-Euphonium Workshop. #EastTennessee #ETSUMusicFamily #ETSU #ArtInAppalachia #Tuba #TEW2024 #TEW #Music
    Tubist Dr. Steph Frye-Clark from East Tennessee State University performed the works of Chanell Crichlow, Hope Salmonson, and Eris DeJarnett at The U.S. Army Band 2024 Tuba-Euphonium Workshop. #EastTennessee #ETSUMusicFamily #ETSU #ArtInAppalachia #Tuba #TEW2024 #TEW #Music
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1229 مشاهدة
  • The foodtech startup Revo Foods in September became the first company to sell 3D-printed vegan salmon filets in select grocery stores in Vienna, Austria, and opened an online shop that ships the product to most European countries this month.
    The foodtech startup Revo Foods in September became the first company to sell 3D-printed vegan salmon filets in select grocery stores in Vienna, Austria, and opened an online shop that ships the product to most European countries this month. 🤮🤮🤮 https://www.businessinsider.com/3d-printed-vegan-salmon-hits-european-market-2023-10
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 3181 مشاهدة
  • The Ultimate Keto Meal Plan

    The ketogenic diet, or keto for short, has gained immense popularity for its ability to help individuals shed excess weight by encouraging the body to burn fat for fuel. Central to the success of the keto lifestyle is a well-structured meal plan that keeps carbohydrates at bay while embracing healthy fats and moderate protein. Here's a guide to the ultimate keto meal plan to help you navigate this low-carb, high-fat journey.


    Kickstart your day with a keto-friendly breakfast that is both satisfying and nourishing. Consider scrambled eggs cooked in butter, topped with avocado slices and a sprinkle of feta cheese. This protein and fat-rich breakfast will keep you satiated, helping to curb mid-morning cravings.


    For a midday meal that aligns with the keto principles, opt for a hearty salad featuring leafy greens, grilled chicken or salmon, and an assortment of low-carb vegetables like cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. Enhance the flavor with a generous drizzle of olive oil or avocado dressing for a dose of healthy fats.


    Incorporate keto-friendly snacks to keep energy levels stable between meals. Nuts, such as almonds or macadamias, are an excellent choice, providing healthy fats and a satisfying crunch. Cheese slices or celery sticks paired with guacamole are also convenient and delicious options to keep hunger at bay.


    A well-rounded dinner is crucial for sustaining the ketogenic lifestyle. Opt for a protein-rich dish like grilled steak or baked salmon, accompanied by a side of non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli or asparagus. Cooking with olive oil or butter ensures an ample supply of healthy fats to maintain ketosis.


    Indulge your sweet tooth without derailing your keto journey. Consider a dessert made with keto-friendly sweeteners such as stevia or erythritol. A simple yet satisfying option is dark chocolate dipped in nut butter or a creamy avocado chocolate mousse.


    Stay hydrated with water, herbal teas, and black coffee. Be cautious with fruit juices and conventional sodas, as they often contain high levels of hidden sugars. If you're craving a creamy option, choose unsweetened almond or coconut milk.

    Tips for Success:

    Monitor Macros: Keep a close eye on your macronutrient intake, aiming for a daily distribution of approximately 70-75% fat, 20-25% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates.

    Plan and Prep: Planning and preparing meals in advance can help you stay on track and avoid impulsive food choices.

    Choose Quality Fats: Opt for healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, and nuts to ensure your body receives essential nutrients.

    Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. The keto diet encourages mindful eating, so eat when hungry and stop when satisfied.

    Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when following the keto lifestyle. Stick to the plan, and over time, your body will adapt to burning fat for energy.

    In conclusion, the ultimate keto meal plan emphasizes a balance of healthy fats, moderate protein, and minimal carbohydrates. By incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods, staying hydrated, and being mindful of macronutrient ratios, you can enjoy the benefits of the ketogenic diet while savoring delicious and satisfying meals.
    Join the keto community, share your experiences, and find inspiration from others on the same journey. Whether you're looking to lose weight, boost energy, or improve overall health, the keto lifestyle could be the key to unlocking your full potential.-- https://shrinkme.info/UZsJe

    The Ultimate Keto Meal Plan The ketogenic diet, or keto for short, has gained immense popularity for its ability to help individuals shed excess weight by encouraging the body to burn fat for fuel. Central to the success of the keto lifestyle is a well-structured meal plan that keeps carbohydrates at bay while embracing healthy fats and moderate protein. Here's a guide to the ultimate keto meal plan to help you navigate this low-carb, high-fat journey. Breakfast: Kickstart your day with a keto-friendly breakfast that is both satisfying and nourishing. Consider scrambled eggs cooked in butter, topped with avocado slices and a sprinkle of feta cheese. This protein and fat-rich breakfast will keep you satiated, helping to curb mid-morning cravings. Lunch: For a midday meal that aligns with the keto principles, opt for a hearty salad featuring leafy greens, grilled chicken or salmon, and an assortment of low-carb vegetables like cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. Enhance the flavor with a generous drizzle of olive oil or avocado dressing for a dose of healthy fats. Snacks: Incorporate keto-friendly snacks to keep energy levels stable between meals. Nuts, such as almonds or macadamias, are an excellent choice, providing healthy fats and a satisfying crunch. Cheese slices or celery sticks paired with guacamole are also convenient and delicious options to keep hunger at bay. Dinner: A well-rounded dinner is crucial for sustaining the ketogenic lifestyle. Opt for a protein-rich dish like grilled steak or baked salmon, accompanied by a side of non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli or asparagus. Cooking with olive oil or butter ensures an ample supply of healthy fats to maintain ketosis. Dessert: Indulge your sweet tooth without derailing your keto journey. Consider a dessert made with keto-friendly sweeteners such as stevia or erythritol. A simple yet satisfying option is dark chocolate dipped in nut butter or a creamy avocado chocolate mousse. Beverages: Stay hydrated with water, herbal teas, and black coffee. Be cautious with fruit juices and conventional sodas, as they often contain high levels of hidden sugars. If you're craving a creamy option, choose unsweetened almond or coconut milk. Tips for Success: Monitor Macros: Keep a close eye on your macronutrient intake, aiming for a daily distribution of approximately 70-75% fat, 20-25% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates. Plan and Prep: Planning and preparing meals in advance can help you stay on track and avoid impulsive food choices. Choose Quality Fats: Opt for healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, and nuts to ensure your body receives essential nutrients. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. The keto diet encourages mindful eating, so eat when hungry and stop when satisfied. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when following the keto lifestyle. Stick to the plan, and over time, your body will adapt to burning fat for energy. In conclusion, the ultimate keto meal plan emphasizes a balance of healthy fats, moderate protein, and minimal carbohydrates. By incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods, staying hydrated, and being mindful of macronutrient ratios, you can enjoy the benefits of the ketogenic diet while savoring delicious and satisfying meals. Join the keto community, share your experiences, and find inspiration from others on the same journey. Whether you're looking to lose weight, boost energy, or improve overall health, the keto lifestyle could be the key to unlocking your full potential.-- https://shrinkme.info/UZsJe
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 17335 مشاهدة
  • Apparently salmon farms are controversial worldwide. Fortunately, Icelandic protesters now have Bjork and Rosalia to thank for making a musical stink about it and donating proceeds to help continue the fight.
    Apparently salmon farms are controversial worldwide. Fortunately, Icelandic protesters now have Bjork and Rosalia to thank for making a musical stink about it and donating proceeds to help continue the fight.
    Award Winning Artist Releases Single to Raise Funds to Fight Salmon Farming - Activist Post
    Iceland's most famous star has put out a song to help raise funds to fight salmon farming in her home country.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1229 مشاهدة
  • Today we were here in Ketchikan, Alaska one of the ports of call of our cruise ship. This port of call is one of the famous and Iconic places in Alaska especially known for its best supplies of King crab and Salmon.
    We arrived here in Ketchikan approximately 7am wherein I managed to go ashore at 2Pm after my duty and we had a general drill mandated by IMO (International Maritime Organization).
    This place is always raining, and it is very seldom you will experience clear sky. so I walked around and check if there were any changes since the last time I was here. The first stop I went to is the store of Harley Davidson, where I checked what they have and if they have something that I am looking for a "Leather Jacket", but unfortunately they dont have it. They have only baseball caps and T-Shirts only.
    after I went to the store in Harley Davidson, while raining I decided to dine in one of the asian restaurant, which is very popular to all seafarers who misses their traditional food.
    so I decided as well to dine in and update my software in my laptop
    so I spent approximately an hour here and ordered a Pad Thai a favorite of mine.
    I will be definitely be back to this place. so the overview of this place was so amazing, along the way back to the ship I found this statue besides our ship
    but ofcourse unfortunately we need to go back to the ship as soon as possible to avoid getting late at work and i dont want to be on trouble.j
    and this is the upper view of Ketchikan from the ship upper deck
    Today we were here in Ketchikan, Alaska one of the ports of call of our cruise ship. This port of call is one of the famous and Iconic places in Alaska especially known for its best supplies of King crab and Salmon. We arrived here in Ketchikan approximately 7am wherein I managed to go ashore at 2Pm after my duty and we had a general drill mandated by IMO (International Maritime Organization). This place is always raining, and it is very seldom you will experience clear sky. so I walked around and check if there were any changes since the last time I was here. The first stop I went to is the store of Harley Davidson, where I checked what they have and if they have something that I am looking for a "Leather Jacket", but unfortunately they dont have it. They have only baseball caps and T-Shirts only. after I went to the store in Harley Davidson, while raining I decided to dine in one of the asian restaurant, which is very popular to all seafarers who misses their traditional food. so I decided as well to dine in and update my software in my laptop so I spent approximately an hour here and ordered a Pad Thai a favorite of mine. I will be definitely be back to this place. so the overview of this place was so amazing, along the way back to the ship I found this statue besides our ship but ofcourse unfortunately we need to go back to the ship as soon as possible to avoid getting late at work and i dont want to be on trouble.j and this is the upper view of Ketchikan from the ship upper deck
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 5747 مشاهدة
  • Went on a great 4.5 mike firest hike today. Found some nice spring wildflowers.
    The pink 5 petal flower is the first “salmon berry” bloom I’ve seen. It will make delicious orange berries later in summer.
    The purple orchid is a “lady slipper”

    The white lily is a “fawn lily”

    The yellow flower is a common dandelion, but l liked the petal pattern.

    After a fun day of photo bombing some if my flower photos it was time for kona to relax and stretch out on our lawn once we got home. I may do the same.
    Went on a great 4.5 mike firest hike today. Found some nice spring wildflowers. The pink 5 petal flower is the first “salmon berry” bloom I’ve seen. It will make delicious orange berries later in summer. The purple orchid is a “lady slipper” The white lily is a “fawn lily” The yellow flower is a common dandelion, but l liked the petal pattern. After a fun day of photo bombing some if my flower photos it was time for kona to relax and stretch out on our lawn once we got home. I may do the same.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 2499 مشاهدة
  • I'm going with a little salmon tonight...<br />
    <br />
    How does that look?<br/>[I'm going with a little salmon tonight...
    How does that look?](https://somee.social/posts/691647)
    I'm going with a little salmon tonight...<br /> <br /> How does that look?<br/>[I'm going with a little salmon tonight... How does that look?](https://somee.social/posts/691647)
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 564 مشاهدة
  • Salmon tonight?

    Sounds yummy ☺
    Salmon tonight? Sounds yummy ☺
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1185 مشاهدة
  • This is the front yard of a great friend of mine. He lives outside of Newport, Oregon in the middle of the woods.

    He took this video of salmon spawning a few weeks ago
    This is the front yard of a great friend of mine. He lives outside of Newport, Oregon in the middle of the woods. He took this video of salmon spawning a few weeks ago
    3 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1080 مشاهدة 204
  • Eating just one portion of freshwater fish — such as a catfish, trout, or salmon — could expose people to a tremendous amount of harmful chemical compounds, a new study warns. #PFAS
    Eating just one portion of freshwater fish — such as a catfish, trout, or salmon — could expose people to a tremendous amount of harmful chemical compounds, a new study warns. #PFAS
    Just One Serving of Freshwater Fish Exposes Eaters to Month’s Worth of Forever Chemicals
    Researchers with the Environmental Working Group discovered high levels of “forever chemicals” in fish caught in U.S. lakes and rivers.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1588 مشاهدة
  • Just ate this (sea) salmon.

    I didn't buy it but l think it came from Norway. Here in Finland we screwed up their living environment so we mostly have to import them ????
    Just ate this (sea) salmon. I didn't buy it but l think it came from Norway. Here in Finland we screwed up their living environment so we mostly have to import them ????
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 953 مشاهدة
  • Bacon Wrapped Salmon Bites with Cowboy Charcoal!

    Cubing up some salmon, we are going to wrap in bacon and smoke over hot Cowboy Charcoal for a nice treat. Season with your favorite BBQ seasoning, then baste with honey until nicely crusted. Finish off with a sweet but spicy Firecracker Sauce and you are in heaven!
    @Over The Fire Cooking por Derek Wolf con Cowboy Charcoal.
    Bacon Wrapped Salmon Bites with Cowboy Charcoal! Cubing up some salmon, we are going to wrap in bacon and smoke over hot Cowboy Charcoal for a nice treat. Season with your favorite BBQ seasoning, then baste with honey until nicely crusted. Finish off with a sweet but spicy Firecracker Sauce and you are in heaven! @Over The Fire Cooking por Derek Wolf con Cowboy Charcoal.
    1 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1255 مشاهدة 65
  • At the organic store they were giving away sushi samples. I asked for the salmon sushi. They said it's "vegan " salmon. What the heck is vegan salmon lol
    At the organic store they were giving away sushi samples. I asked for the salmon sushi. They said it's "vegan " salmon. What the heck is vegan salmon lol
    2 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 807 مشاهدة
  • Salmon is love!!!
    Salmon is love!!!
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 510 مشاهدة
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