Stockholm Syndrome Extinction Olympics
What more evidence do you want?
Fritz Freud
A Message / Question to all Christians:
Why do you protect the Jews when the Jews so blatantly mock your Religion?
When you protect those who openly mock you and punish you for your believe... you are either masochistic or stupid... or you love being punished... in which case sent me a mail... I happily invite you into my dungeon...
I love a bit of kink.
And I know you do too... or else you wouldn't protect the Jews who so openly mock you!
Sarah Silverman says "I would kill Christ again"
Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response to being held captive or abused... and Christians show all the hallmarks of this psychological dependency.
Not just that but they drink Jesus blood and eat Jesus body... ritual cannibalism.
They love Jesus so much... they eat him...
Seriously... If you like being slaves... if you like being abused... come to me... I give you what you want...
I bind you on the cross and give you a bit of Jesus... if you know what I mean.
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The Trans Olympic ceremony was a blatant open your arse and lets fuck you in the faces of any sportsman or any Christian for that matter.
None of the perverted performers would win an uphill egg race with a rolling egg.
What is more is the complete fuck you by the Jewish controlled Media that tells you that you haven't seen what you have seen even if you seen what you saw... seesaw...
It is Mind control because Christians are basically Mind controlled slaves...
Move on... nothing to see... Freemason 101...
Viewers of the Olympics opening ceremony thought they’d spotted a major wardrobe malfunction as a performer’s testicle appeared to be on show.
To have a "wardrobe malfunction" one needs to be dressed.
Papa Smurf smurfed his dick buttnaked and with intent
This wasn't an accident... this was a deliberate MK Ultra Mind control ceremony.
Furthermore they used Da Vinci's last supper to force the sexual perversions of the Jewish Occult upon the faces of the idiots who watched that shit.
It is telling that one can decipher the Original Da Vinci picture (and they use this method in many pictures) by taking it into Photoshop doubling it into a second layer flipping it vertically with 50% opacity.
Voila the Da Vinci code.
You will find many hidden Images not just in that but in many other pictures.
In the last supper in particular you find UFO's... Jesus and his sister's baby and two Aliens sitting on the table.
The 12 disciples of Jesus were not just random people but his family.
And Jesus had a child with his sister Mary Magdalene... continuing the Royal Bloodline of which Mohammad came from and the Rothschild / Windsor Royal Family.
Ghee... I wonder if Jesus had donkey ears like Charlie the King.
His mother was a clear Alien.
And in Da vinci's picture of the Battle of Anghiari you see that people are smiling and crawling away from the battle.
At the same time the fighters can be seen with some kind of Alien demons attached to their heads.
It is the same problem creators like today who create problems and make us fight each other so their power increases.
Instead of fighting each other we should come together and kick their arses into oblivion.
The Olympic Games in ancient times were games in which everyone was invited...
Wars stopped during that time.
It was a time to put differences behind and reconnect.
So where is Russia?
Sports shouldn't be political we all been taught.
Sportsmanship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, and with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. A "sore loser" refers to one who does not take defeat well, whereas a "good sport" means being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser".
Not in Macron's Trans Olympics... which makes sense because he is a Rothschild married to a trans man.
I think it is clear that Brigitte Macron is a man and I believe Candace Owens is 100% right...
Not just that but Mike Obama is a man too.
And Jacinda Ardern?
Yep me thinks too.
You know when Kraftwerk wrote "Trans Europe Express"... I don't think they had this in mind.
The only reason Macron promotes Transsexuals is because he is married to one.
The Stockholm syndromists of Christian slaves love it.. and they cheer their own dimise.
Step in line... believe what they tell you to believe... open your arse and let them fuck you...
One cross each.
And I'm not even speaking about the two Biden's here...
IMO Biden is dead.
Braindead anyway.
They play shitfuckery with your mind.
My advice... don't believe anything.
Then there is the QR code aka Digital Auschwitz ID in preparation of the next Jewish Holocaust the Jews plan for all of Humanity.
Which as I look at it is the same as the Auschwitz Tattoo.
In the concentration camps in Nazi Germany the inmates were given a number... this number was tattooed onto the skin.
The QR code is just the same... an Identification number.
This Identification led to a Database in Auschwitz and now.
In Auschwitz this Database was maintained by a Hollerith Punch card System.
Paris is now in a lockdown state and you can't go anywhere without being checked.
I don't even have a phone... so how would I get an Auschwitz ID?
Today it is a Digital System that contains every information about you... and with everything I mean everything.
And at the center of this are Jews and Jewish Companies and IDF Unit8200.
Genetic Data Storage
Queensland Premier’s father runs genetic data storage company
Annastacia Palaszczuk's father Henry Palaszczuk is the head of a gene-data storage and sequencing organisation, shining further light on ulterior motives for COVID-19 testing.
Facial Recognition
Clearview AI's facial-recognition technology resulted in mass surveillance of Canadians and violated federal and provincial laws governing personal information.
Clearview AI's technology allows for the collection of huge numbers of images from various sources that can help police forces, financial institutions and other clients identify people.
Clearview AI is a Unit8200 IDF Mossad operation
Voice recognition
What do you thing Google does with Alexa or Apple with siri?
Or Microsoft?
Creating a Database of your voice.
Additionally we have Fingerprints Medical Data and more...
Sam Altman scans your eyeballs.
Eye recognition
Facebook Instagram and so on have all your browsing data so they know your political views your sexual orientation and so on.
All of this will eventually if it isn't already flow into one database of everything controlled by Israel and the IDF Unit8200.
Just like the Nazis.
And all of this can be opened with an ID Number... the Auschwitz ID.
And they are using the Paris Trans Olympics to introduce this Auschwitz ID.
Something I predicted they would.
AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold
AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold
Before I expose the Government Lies and tell you how the Government will take every right from you I shall give you their PoV so you understand their vicious lies.
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This I wrote before
What is the IBM Digital Health Pass?
IBM® Digital Health Pass is designed to help businesses efficiently verify multiple types of COVID-19 health credentials for employees, customers, fans and travelers entering their site based on their own criteria.
COVID-19, Digital Health Pass offers an end-to-end vaccination and COVID-19 test verification solution that is compliant with employee privacy and trust.
The Digital Health Pass can help you check people’s COVID-19 health credentials before they enter your facility. The technology allows businesses to establish their entry criteria for test results or vaccination status and to verify many types of widely used health credentials.
This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz?
If you ask IBM... the answer is Yes!
What is more...
There is no limit for this Technology.
This technology applied is the same as the IBM numbers in Auschwitz.
This technology applied is the same as the chain around the slaves.
This technology applied is the same as a brand mark on a cattle.
This technology applied allows total control over all people with no limitation whatsoever.
This technology can and will be used for the following:
Facial Recognition
Financial Status
Travel Tracking
Political affiliation
Political Opposition Tracking
Political Viewpoints
Human Tracking
Physical Location Tracking
Time stamp Tracking
Association Tracking
Group Tracking
Sleep patterns
Consumption patterns
Social affiliation
Social patterns
Voting patterns
Thought control
Mind Control
What is more this Data then can be manipulated in any way the Government wants.
It makes us all prisoners to those who control this Technology.
It is a clear Violation of all Human Rights
I oppose the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID and all those who support it
I oppose the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID and all those who support it
To all Politicians & to whom it may concern
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So they introduce these IBM Auschwitz numbers used in Auschwitz by the Nazis and by IBM by stealth in Paris in the Olympics as I predicted.
And it is the Jews who are doing it.
They have no shame whatsoever.
What’s the deal with QR codes for the Paris 2024 Olympics?
Also known as a ‘Games Pass’, a QR code is needed for getting into various security perimeters which have been set up across the Olympic sites.
Who needs a QR code and why?
According to Sortir, all those who are going into the grey perimeter during the Opening Ceremony and the week before (from July 18) need a Games Pass. This includes everybody: workers, local residents and visitors. These zones have been set up for security purposes, so there won’t be any exceptions for attendees who don’t have a code.
I predicted they use the Olympics to bring in AI and there will be a Cyber attack.
And then there was crowdstrike.
This is a clear violation of Human Rights especially of the following.
1. All human beings are free and equal
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2. No discrimination
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth, or another status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional, or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs.
3. Right to life
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.
5. No torture and inhuman treatment
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
9. No unfair detainment
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile.
11. Innocent until proved guilty
Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to the law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offense on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed.
12. Right to privacy
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
13. Freedom to movement and residence
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
23. Right to work
Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
28. Freedom around the world
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
- C.S. Lewis
All of this is in line which what I predicted.
The current War in Ukraine the BLM the Antifa the Trans Agenda CRT Extinction Rebellion Green New Deal WEF... these are all remnants of what happened in Babylon at the tower of Babel.
It is the same Gods of old who miss-lead us to this day through the networks of the Occult and make us believe anything they say... they spell it out and we have to follow...
It is the same procedure as it ever was... build it up... and then destroy it.
So where are all the Aliens I hear you say... I can't see them I hear you say...
Of course you cannot see them...
They are pure energy like light itself and you only can see the reflection of light without that which has been absorbed by the object you see which your eyes interpret as color.
They created Religion in order to make us believe and if we believe God Jesus or Allah we believe anything and they sell us shit as gold.
Religion the meaning is the Legions of Amun Ra... the God of the Sun.
Anunaki are the Children of the sun because as a energy form of life you want to be in the place where the most energy emerges and that is the sun their home planet.
It is their heaven our Hell... they promise us we will burn in Hell.
Hell in German means light... so they promise us we will burn in the light.
Hell on earth is their Goal to burn this planet down and with it us because they cannot control us.
We are the creation that outgrew the creator and for that our creator wants us to burn in the light.
It is all about perception.
It is all about understanding.
But we never have been taught understanding only obedience and follow the leaders which like always lead us into self destruction.
Self sacrifice is what the Occult demands in order that we are destroyed by them.
Circumcision is a way to enhance mathematical ability in order to get an advance over the masses.
It also makes sexual predators out of what could have been humans... and Harvey weinstein Jeffry Eppstein Rachel Lavine they are all that and worse.
Circumcision Makes You Crazy.
And that is not just my opinion...
Here is an article by Forbes about that subject..
But this is intentional as they are predators and we are prey.
They are Gods over us and we are slaves.
They see us as numbers and not even human.
They call us cattle unwashed unclean anything to deny us who we really are.
We are the creation that outgrew our creator.
We have feelings they are only mathematical.
They see us as numbers not as humans so it is them who are racist by nature.
Our Brain capacity is misused because we focus on mathematics.
Mathematics is part of our visual sense.
Our Brain gives equal proportions to our senses... five senses make 20% of our brain capability allocated to each sense.
By using mathematics we use only 10% of our brain capability.
That is by design so we do not become who we truly are.
Things like our telepathic abilities are withheld from us by this form of indoctrination.
We focus only on the material aspect using only mathematics neglecting our spiritual side.
And that is the reason they fuck with our minds.
The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI
The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI
Throwing candy out to the crowd
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The QR code they test now in the Paris Trans Olympics is just a test to see how we accept it.
MK Ultra Mind control.
Mind you... they are scared shitless that the Truth comes out and the Truth will come out.
Was the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump earlier this month part of a secret CIA program involving brainwashed killers? That's the claim being made, but the U.S. intelligence agency is taking the unusual step of directly and forcefully denying the claims.
This is indeed unprecedented. Maybe they're seeing that online engagement with this topic is at never-before-seen levels?
I say 100% it was CIA Mind control as I know how they operate and what technologies they have.
They tried this shit on me and boy it wasn't pleasent.
But through that I know what I am talking about.
This one I wrote about it.
How the CIA/MOSSAD creates School Shooting Massacres
How the CIA/MOSSAD creates School Shooting Massacres
The silicon chip inside her head Gets switched to overload And nobody's gonna go to school today She's going to make them stay at home And daddy doesn't understand it He always said she was as good as gold And he can see no reason 'Cause there are no reasons
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What they do is to prepare humanity for the AI war... and the QR code / Digital Auschwitz ID is a big part of it.
Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War
Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War
They don't stop do they? Whatever we do... they simply won't stop. As I am writing now for years that they are building as we speak an Infrastructure for the coming AI war... a war which is planned in the Lodges of the Freemasons and advances further with AI which by the way is a weapon against Humanity with every Microchip now available connecting to AI …
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So yes they prepare Humanity for extinction.
As predicted by the Jews.
And the Jews are all behind that.
Listen to the full interview of Aaron Russo here.
In it he reveals the Rockefellers plan on how to introduce the Digital ID i.e. how to chip Humanity.
So yes... the Rockefellers are worse than the Nazis ever were.
And the Rothschild scum and the Rockefeller scum are one incest family.
Prepare yourself for the coming war.
The Government is completely bought by them.
They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
It's a big club and you ain't in it.
The Israel Lobby controls the USA.
And that's a fact.
They want to control all of Humanity through AI using the same tools the Nazis used.
The Final Solution
The Final Solution
Lab grown Brain Computers of final spark... the final solution.
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At least I want to give you a weapon which you can use against them
A little program called "Low Orbit Ion Canon".
You can use it against facebook Microsoft Apple Instagram... any site and overload them with traffic so their sites stop working.
By using it against the Government and CIA respectively you can shut them down... but I warn you that it is illegal.
However this is war... and all they do is illegal... everything goes.
Survival of the Human race makes these things necessary.
Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
This is a call for Civil War
Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
Unless everybody fights... we all are going to lose!
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Don't ever become like them.
We are better.
We are gentile.
We are Human.
We have a right and duty to resist.
Fritz Freud
If you can...
are well off enough...
and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...
There is a lot of work going into this.
Thank you.
Buy me a Coffee
Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.
What more evidence do you want?
Fritz Freud
A Message / Question to all Christians:
Why do you protect the Jews when the Jews so blatantly mock your Religion?
When you protect those who openly mock you and punish you for your believe... you are either masochistic or stupid... or you love being punished... in which case sent me a mail... I happily invite you into my dungeon...
I love a bit of kink.
And I know you do too... or else you wouldn't protect the Jews who so openly mock you!
Sarah Silverman says "I would kill Christ again"
Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response to being held captive or abused... and Christians show all the hallmarks of this psychological dependency.
Not just that but they drink Jesus blood and eat Jesus body... ritual cannibalism.
They love Jesus so much... they eat him...
Seriously... If you like being slaves... if you like being abused... come to me... I give you what you want...
I bind you on the cross and give you a bit of Jesus... if you know what I mean.
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The Trans Olympic ceremony was a blatant open your arse and lets fuck you in the faces of any sportsman or any Christian for that matter.
None of the perverted performers would win an uphill egg race with a rolling egg.
What is more is the complete fuck you by the Jewish controlled Media that tells you that you haven't seen what you have seen even if you seen what you saw... seesaw...
It is Mind control because Christians are basically Mind controlled slaves...
Move on... nothing to see... Freemason 101...
Viewers of the Olympics opening ceremony thought they’d spotted a major wardrobe malfunction as a performer’s testicle appeared to be on show.
To have a "wardrobe malfunction" one needs to be dressed.
Papa Smurf smurfed his dick buttnaked and with intent
This wasn't an accident... this was a deliberate MK Ultra Mind control ceremony.
Furthermore they used Da Vinci's last supper to force the sexual perversions of the Jewish Occult upon the faces of the idiots who watched that shit.
It is telling that one can decipher the Original Da Vinci picture (and they use this method in many pictures) by taking it into Photoshop doubling it into a second layer flipping it vertically with 50% opacity.
Voila the Da Vinci code.
You will find many hidden Images not just in that but in many other pictures.
In the last supper in particular you find UFO's... Jesus and his sister's baby and two Aliens sitting on the table.
The 12 disciples of Jesus were not just random people but his family.
And Jesus had a child with his sister Mary Magdalene... continuing the Royal Bloodline of which Mohammad came from and the Rothschild / Windsor Royal Family.
Ghee... I wonder if Jesus had donkey ears like Charlie the King.
His mother was a clear Alien.
And in Da vinci's picture of the Battle of Anghiari you see that people are smiling and crawling away from the battle.
At the same time the fighters can be seen with some kind of Alien demons attached to their heads.
It is the same problem creators like today who create problems and make us fight each other so their power increases.
Instead of fighting each other we should come together and kick their arses into oblivion.
The Olympic Games in ancient times were games in which everyone was invited...
Wars stopped during that time.
It was a time to put differences behind and reconnect.
So where is Russia?
Sports shouldn't be political we all been taught.
Sportsmanship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, and with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. A "sore loser" refers to one who does not take defeat well, whereas a "good sport" means being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser".
Not in Macron's Trans Olympics... which makes sense because he is a Rothschild married to a trans man.
I think it is clear that Brigitte Macron is a man and I believe Candace Owens is 100% right...
Not just that but Mike Obama is a man too.
And Jacinda Ardern?
Yep me thinks too.
You know when Kraftwerk wrote "Trans Europe Express"... I don't think they had this in mind.
The only reason Macron promotes Transsexuals is because he is married to one.
The Stockholm syndromists of Christian slaves love it.. and they cheer their own dimise.
Step in line... believe what they tell you to believe... open your arse and let them fuck you...
One cross each.
And I'm not even speaking about the two Biden's here...
IMO Biden is dead.
Braindead anyway.
They play shitfuckery with your mind.
My advice... don't believe anything.
Then there is the QR code aka Digital Auschwitz ID in preparation of the next Jewish Holocaust the Jews plan for all of Humanity.
Which as I look at it is the same as the Auschwitz Tattoo.
In the concentration camps in Nazi Germany the inmates were given a number... this number was tattooed onto the skin.
The QR code is just the same... an Identification number.
This Identification led to a Database in Auschwitz and now.
In Auschwitz this Database was maintained by a Hollerith Punch card System.
Paris is now in a lockdown state and you can't go anywhere without being checked.
I don't even have a phone... so how would I get an Auschwitz ID?
Today it is a Digital System that contains every information about you... and with everything I mean everything.
And at the center of this are Jews and Jewish Companies and IDF Unit8200.
Genetic Data Storage
Queensland Premier’s father runs genetic data storage company
Annastacia Palaszczuk's father Henry Palaszczuk is the head of a gene-data storage and sequencing organisation, shining further light on ulterior motives for COVID-19 testing.
Facial Recognition
Clearview AI's facial-recognition technology resulted in mass surveillance of Canadians and violated federal and provincial laws governing personal information.
Clearview AI's technology allows for the collection of huge numbers of images from various sources that can help police forces, financial institutions and other clients identify people.
Clearview AI is a Unit8200 IDF Mossad operation
Voice recognition
What do you thing Google does with Alexa or Apple with siri?
Or Microsoft?
Creating a Database of your voice.
Additionally we have Fingerprints Medical Data and more...
Sam Altman scans your eyeballs.
Eye recognition
Facebook Instagram and so on have all your browsing data so they know your political views your sexual orientation and so on.
All of this will eventually if it isn't already flow into one database of everything controlled by Israel and the IDF Unit8200.
Just like the Nazis.
And all of this can be opened with an ID Number... the Auschwitz ID.
And they are using the Paris Trans Olympics to introduce this Auschwitz ID.
Something I predicted they would.
AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold
AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold
Before I expose the Government Lies and tell you how the Government will take every right from you I shall give you their PoV so you understand their vicious lies.
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This I wrote before
What is the IBM Digital Health Pass?
IBM® Digital Health Pass is designed to help businesses efficiently verify multiple types of COVID-19 health credentials for employees, customers, fans and travelers entering their site based on their own criteria.
COVID-19, Digital Health Pass offers an end-to-end vaccination and COVID-19 test verification solution that is compliant with employee privacy and trust.
The Digital Health Pass can help you check people’s COVID-19 health credentials before they enter your facility. The technology allows businesses to establish their entry criteria for test results or vaccination status and to verify many types of widely used health credentials.
This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz?
If you ask IBM... the answer is Yes!
What is more...
There is no limit for this Technology.
This technology applied is the same as the IBM numbers in Auschwitz.
This technology applied is the same as the chain around the slaves.
This technology applied is the same as a brand mark on a cattle.
This technology applied allows total control over all people with no limitation whatsoever.
This technology can and will be used for the following:
Facial Recognition
Financial Status
Travel Tracking
Political affiliation
Political Opposition Tracking
Political Viewpoints
Human Tracking
Physical Location Tracking
Time stamp Tracking
Association Tracking
Group Tracking
Sleep patterns
Consumption patterns
Social affiliation
Social patterns
Voting patterns
Thought control
Mind Control
What is more this Data then can be manipulated in any way the Government wants.
It makes us all prisoners to those who control this Technology.
It is a clear Violation of all Human Rights
I oppose the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID and all those who support it
I oppose the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID and all those who support it
To all Politicians & to whom it may concern
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So they introduce these IBM Auschwitz numbers used in Auschwitz by the Nazis and by IBM by stealth in Paris in the Olympics as I predicted.
And it is the Jews who are doing it.
They have no shame whatsoever.
What’s the deal with QR codes for the Paris 2024 Olympics?
Also known as a ‘Games Pass’, a QR code is needed for getting into various security perimeters which have been set up across the Olympic sites.
Who needs a QR code and why?
According to Sortir, all those who are going into the grey perimeter during the Opening Ceremony and the week before (from July 18) need a Games Pass. This includes everybody: workers, local residents and visitors. These zones have been set up for security purposes, so there won’t be any exceptions for attendees who don’t have a code.
I predicted they use the Olympics to bring in AI and there will be a Cyber attack.
And then there was crowdstrike.
This is a clear violation of Human Rights especially of the following.
1. All human beings are free and equal
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2. No discrimination
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth, or another status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional, or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs.
3. Right to life
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.
5. No torture and inhuman treatment
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
9. No unfair detainment
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile.
11. Innocent until proved guilty
Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to the law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offense on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed.
12. Right to privacy
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
13. Freedom to movement and residence
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
23. Right to work
Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
28. Freedom around the world
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
- C.S. Lewis
All of this is in line which what I predicted.
The current War in Ukraine the BLM the Antifa the Trans Agenda CRT Extinction Rebellion Green New Deal WEF... these are all remnants of what happened in Babylon at the tower of Babel.
It is the same Gods of old who miss-lead us to this day through the networks of the Occult and make us believe anything they say... they spell it out and we have to follow...
It is the same procedure as it ever was... build it up... and then destroy it.
So where are all the Aliens I hear you say... I can't see them I hear you say...
Of course you cannot see them...
They are pure energy like light itself and you only can see the reflection of light without that which has been absorbed by the object you see which your eyes interpret as color.
They created Religion in order to make us believe and if we believe God Jesus or Allah we believe anything and they sell us shit as gold.
Religion the meaning is the Legions of Amun Ra... the God of the Sun.
Anunaki are the Children of the sun because as a energy form of life you want to be in the place where the most energy emerges and that is the sun their home planet.
It is their heaven our Hell... they promise us we will burn in Hell.
Hell in German means light... so they promise us we will burn in the light.
Hell on earth is their Goal to burn this planet down and with it us because they cannot control us.
We are the creation that outgrew the creator and for that our creator wants us to burn in the light.
It is all about perception.
It is all about understanding.
But we never have been taught understanding only obedience and follow the leaders which like always lead us into self destruction.
Self sacrifice is what the Occult demands in order that we are destroyed by them.
Circumcision is a way to enhance mathematical ability in order to get an advance over the masses.
It also makes sexual predators out of what could have been humans... and Harvey weinstein Jeffry Eppstein Rachel Lavine they are all that and worse.
Circumcision Makes You Crazy.
And that is not just my opinion...
Here is an article by Forbes about that subject..
But this is intentional as they are predators and we are prey.
They are Gods over us and we are slaves.
They see us as numbers and not even human.
They call us cattle unwashed unclean anything to deny us who we really are.
We are the creation that outgrew our creator.
We have feelings they are only mathematical.
They see us as numbers not as humans so it is them who are racist by nature.
Our Brain capacity is misused because we focus on mathematics.
Mathematics is part of our visual sense.
Our Brain gives equal proportions to our senses... five senses make 20% of our brain capability allocated to each sense.
By using mathematics we use only 10% of our brain capability.
That is by design so we do not become who we truly are.
Things like our telepathic abilities are withheld from us by this form of indoctrination.
We focus only on the material aspect using only mathematics neglecting our spiritual side.
And that is the reason they fuck with our minds.
The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI
The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI
Throwing candy out to the crowd
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The QR code they test now in the Paris Trans Olympics is just a test to see how we accept it.
MK Ultra Mind control.
Mind you... they are scared shitless that the Truth comes out and the Truth will come out.
Was the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump earlier this month part of a secret CIA program involving brainwashed killers? That's the claim being made, but the U.S. intelligence agency is taking the unusual step of directly and forcefully denying the claims.
This is indeed unprecedented. Maybe they're seeing that online engagement with this topic is at never-before-seen levels?
I say 100% it was CIA Mind control as I know how they operate and what technologies they have.
They tried this shit on me and boy it wasn't pleasent.
But through that I know what I am talking about.
This one I wrote about it.
How the CIA/MOSSAD creates School Shooting Massacres
How the CIA/MOSSAD creates School Shooting Massacres
The silicon chip inside her head Gets switched to overload And nobody's gonna go to school today She's going to make them stay at home And daddy doesn't understand it He always said she was as good as gold And he can see no reason 'Cause there are no reasons
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What they do is to prepare humanity for the AI war... and the QR code / Digital Auschwitz ID is a big part of it.
Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War
Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War
They don't stop do they? Whatever we do... they simply won't stop. As I am writing now for years that they are building as we speak an Infrastructure for the coming AI war... a war which is planned in the Lodges of the Freemasons and advances further with AI which by the way is a weapon against Humanity with every Microchip now available connecting to AI …
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So yes they prepare Humanity for extinction.
As predicted by the Jews.
And the Jews are all behind that.
Listen to the full interview of Aaron Russo here.
In it he reveals the Rockefellers plan on how to introduce the Digital ID i.e. how to chip Humanity.
So yes... the Rockefellers are worse than the Nazis ever were.
And the Rothschild scum and the Rockefeller scum are one incest family.
Prepare yourself for the coming war.
The Government is completely bought by them.
They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
It's a big club and you ain't in it.
The Israel Lobby controls the USA.
And that's a fact.
They want to control all of Humanity through AI using the same tools the Nazis used.
The Final Solution
The Final Solution
Lab grown Brain Computers of final spark... the final solution.
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At least I want to give you a weapon which you can use against them
A little program called "Low Orbit Ion Canon".
You can use it against facebook Microsoft Apple Instagram... any site and overload them with traffic so their sites stop working.
By using it against the Government and CIA respectively you can shut them down... but I warn you that it is illegal.
However this is war... and all they do is illegal... everything goes.
Survival of the Human race makes these things necessary.
Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
This is a call for Civil War
Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
Unless everybody fights... we all are going to lose!
Read full story
Don't ever become like them.
We are better.
We are gentile.
We are Human.
We have a right and duty to resist.
Fritz Freud
If you can...
are well off enough...
and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...
There is a lot of work going into this.
Thank you.
Buy me a Coffee
Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.
Stockholm Syndrome Extinction Olympics
What more evidence do you want?
Fritz Freud
A Message / Question to all Christians:
Why do you protect the Jews when the Jews so blatantly mock your Religion?
When you protect those who openly mock you and punish you for your believe... you are either masochistic or stupid... or you love being punished... in which case sent me a mail... I happily invite you into my dungeon...
I love a bit of kink.
And I know you do too... or else you wouldn't protect the Jews who so openly mock you!
Sarah Silverman says "I would kill Christ again"
Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response to being held captive or abused... and Christians show all the hallmarks of this psychological dependency.
Not just that but they drink Jesus blood and eat Jesus body... ritual cannibalism.
They love Jesus so much... they eat him...
Seriously... If you like being slaves... if you like being abused... come to me... I give you what you want...
I bind you on the cross and give you a bit of Jesus... if you know what I mean.
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The Trans Olympic ceremony was a blatant open your arse and lets fuck you in the faces of any sportsman or any Christian for that matter.
None of the perverted performers would win an uphill egg race with a rolling egg.
What is more is the complete fuck you by the Jewish controlled Media that tells you that you haven't seen what you have seen even if you seen what you saw... seesaw...
It is Mind control because Christians are basically Mind controlled slaves...
Move on... nothing to see... Freemason 101...
Viewers of the Olympics opening ceremony thought they’d spotted a major wardrobe malfunction as a performer’s testicle appeared to be on show.
To have a "wardrobe malfunction" one needs to be dressed.
Papa Smurf smurfed his dick buttnaked and with intent
This wasn't an accident... this was a deliberate MK Ultra Mind control ceremony.
Furthermore they used Da Vinci's last supper to force the sexual perversions of the Jewish Occult upon the faces of the idiots who watched that shit.
It is telling that one can decipher the Original Da Vinci picture (and they use this method in many pictures) by taking it into Photoshop doubling it into a second layer flipping it vertically with 50% opacity.
Voila the Da Vinci code.
You will find many hidden Images not just in that but in many other pictures.
In the last supper in particular you find UFO's... Jesus and his sister's baby and two Aliens sitting on the table.
The 12 disciples of Jesus were not just random people but his family.
And Jesus had a child with his sister Mary Magdalene... continuing the Royal Bloodline of which Mohammad came from and the Rothschild / Windsor Royal Family.
Ghee... I wonder if Jesus had donkey ears like Charlie the King.
His mother was a clear Alien.
And in Da vinci's picture of the Battle of Anghiari you see that people are smiling and crawling away from the battle.
At the same time the fighters can be seen with some kind of Alien demons attached to their heads.
It is the same problem creators like today who create problems and make us fight each other so their power increases.
Instead of fighting each other we should come together and kick their arses into oblivion.
The Olympic Games in ancient times were games in which everyone was invited...
Wars stopped during that time.
It was a time to put differences behind and reconnect.
So where is Russia?
Sports shouldn't be political we all been taught.
Sportsmanship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, and with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. A "sore loser" refers to one who does not take defeat well, whereas a "good sport" means being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser".
Not in Macron's Trans Olympics... which makes sense because he is a Rothschild married to a trans man.
I think it is clear that Brigitte Macron is a man and I believe Candace Owens is 100% right...
Not just that but Mike Obama is a man too.
And Jacinda Ardern?
Yep me thinks too.
You know when Kraftwerk wrote "Trans Europe Express"... I don't think they had this in mind.
The only reason Macron promotes Transsexuals is because he is married to one.
The Stockholm syndromists of Christian slaves love it.. and they cheer their own dimise.
Step in line... believe what they tell you to believe... open your arse and let them fuck you...
One cross each.
And I'm not even speaking about the two Biden's here...
IMO Biden is dead.
Braindead anyway.
They play shitfuckery with your mind.
My advice... don't believe anything.
Then there is the QR code aka Digital Auschwitz ID in preparation of the next Jewish Holocaust the Jews plan for all of Humanity.
Which as I look at it is the same as the Auschwitz Tattoo.
In the concentration camps in Nazi Germany the inmates were given a number... this number was tattooed onto the skin.
The QR code is just the same... an Identification number.
This Identification led to a Database in Auschwitz and now.
In Auschwitz this Database was maintained by a Hollerith Punch card System.
Paris is now in a lockdown state and you can't go anywhere without being checked.
I don't even have a phone... so how would I get an Auschwitz ID?
Today it is a Digital System that contains every information about you... and with everything I mean everything.
And at the center of this are Jews and Jewish Companies and IDF Unit8200.
Genetic Data Storage
Queensland Premier’s father runs genetic data storage company
Annastacia Palaszczuk's father Henry Palaszczuk is the head of a gene-data storage and sequencing organisation, shining further light on ulterior motives for COVID-19 testing.
Facial Recognition
Clearview AI's facial-recognition technology resulted in mass surveillance of Canadians and violated federal and provincial laws governing personal information.
Clearview AI's technology allows for the collection of huge numbers of images from various sources that can help police forces, financial institutions and other clients identify people.
Clearview AI is a Unit8200 IDF Mossad operation
Voice recognition
What do you thing Google does with Alexa or Apple with siri?
Or Microsoft?
Creating a Database of your voice.
Additionally we have Fingerprints Medical Data and more...
Sam Altman scans your eyeballs.
Eye recognition
Facebook Instagram and so on have all your browsing data so they know your political views your sexual orientation and so on.
All of this will eventually if it isn't already flow into one database of everything controlled by Israel and the IDF Unit8200.
Just like the Nazis.
And all of this can be opened with an ID Number... the Auschwitz ID.
And they are using the Paris Trans Olympics to introduce this Auschwitz ID.
Something I predicted they would.
AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold
AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold
Before I expose the Government Lies and tell you how the Government will take every right from you I shall give you their PoV so you understand their vicious lies.
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This I wrote before
What is the IBM Digital Health Pass?
IBM® Digital Health Pass is designed to help businesses efficiently verify multiple types of COVID-19 health credentials for employees, customers, fans and travelers entering their site based on their own criteria.
COVID-19, Digital Health Pass offers an end-to-end vaccination and COVID-19 test verification solution that is compliant with employee privacy and trust.
The Digital Health Pass can help you check people’s COVID-19 health credentials before they enter your facility. The technology allows businesses to establish their entry criteria for test results or vaccination status and to verify many types of widely used health credentials.
This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz?
If you ask IBM... the answer is Yes!
What is more...
There is no limit for this Technology.
This technology applied is the same as the IBM numbers in Auschwitz.
This technology applied is the same as the chain around the slaves.
This technology applied is the same as a brand mark on a cattle.
This technology applied allows total control over all people with no limitation whatsoever.
This technology can and will be used for the following:
Facial Recognition
Financial Status
Travel Tracking
Political affiliation
Political Opposition Tracking
Political Viewpoints
Human Tracking
Physical Location Tracking
Time stamp Tracking
Association Tracking
Group Tracking
Sleep patterns
Consumption patterns
Social affiliation
Social patterns
Voting patterns
Thought control
Mind Control
What is more this Data then can be manipulated in any way the Government wants.
It makes us all prisoners to those who control this Technology.
It is a clear Violation of all Human Rights
I oppose the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID and all those who support it
I oppose the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID and all those who support it
To all Politicians & to whom it may concern
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So they introduce these IBM Auschwitz numbers used in Auschwitz by the Nazis and by IBM by stealth in Paris in the Olympics as I predicted.
And it is the Jews who are doing it.
They have no shame whatsoever.
What’s the deal with QR codes for the Paris 2024 Olympics?
Also known as a ‘Games Pass’, a QR code is needed for getting into various security perimeters which have been set up across the Olympic sites.
Who needs a QR code and why?
According to Sortir, all those who are going into the grey perimeter during the Opening Ceremony and the week before (from July 18) need a Games Pass. This includes everybody: workers, local residents and visitors. These zones have been set up for security purposes, so there won’t be any exceptions for attendees who don’t have a code.
I predicted they use the Olympics to bring in AI and there will be a Cyber attack.
And then there was crowdstrike.
This is a clear violation of Human Rights especially of the following.
1. All human beings are free and equal
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2. No discrimination
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth, or another status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional, or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs.
3. Right to life
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.
5. No torture and inhuman treatment
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
9. No unfair detainment
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile.
11. Innocent until proved guilty
Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to the law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offense on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed.
12. Right to privacy
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
13. Freedom to movement and residence
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
23. Right to work
Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
28. Freedom around the world
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
- C.S. Lewis
All of this is in line which what I predicted.
The current War in Ukraine the BLM the Antifa the Trans Agenda CRT Extinction Rebellion Green New Deal WEF... these are all remnants of what happened in Babylon at the tower of Babel.
It is the same Gods of old who miss-lead us to this day through the networks of the Occult and make us believe anything they say... they spell it out and we have to follow...
It is the same procedure as it ever was... build it up... and then destroy it.
So where are all the Aliens I hear you say... I can't see them I hear you say...
Of course you cannot see them...
They are pure energy like light itself and you only can see the reflection of light without that which has been absorbed by the object you see which your eyes interpret as color.
They created Religion in order to make us believe and if we believe God Jesus or Allah we believe anything and they sell us shit as gold.
Religion the meaning is the Legions of Amun Ra... the God of the Sun.
Anunaki are the Children of the sun because as a energy form of life you want to be in the place where the most energy emerges and that is the sun their home planet.
It is their heaven our Hell... they promise us we will burn in Hell.
Hell in German means light... so they promise us we will burn in the light.
Hell on earth is their Goal to burn this planet down and with it us because they cannot control us.
We are the creation that outgrew the creator and for that our creator wants us to burn in the light.
It is all about perception.
It is all about understanding.
But we never have been taught understanding only obedience and follow the leaders which like always lead us into self destruction.
Self sacrifice is what the Occult demands in order that we are destroyed by them.
Circumcision is a way to enhance mathematical ability in order to get an advance over the masses.
It also makes sexual predators out of what could have been humans... and Harvey weinstein Jeffry Eppstein Rachel Lavine they are all that and worse.
Circumcision Makes You Crazy.
And that is not just my opinion...
Here is an article by Forbes about that subject..
But this is intentional as they are predators and we are prey.
They are Gods over us and we are slaves.
They see us as numbers and not even human.
They call us cattle unwashed unclean anything to deny us who we really are.
We are the creation that outgrew our creator.
We have feelings they are only mathematical.
They see us as numbers not as humans so it is them who are racist by nature.
Our Brain capacity is misused because we focus on mathematics.
Mathematics is part of our visual sense.
Our Brain gives equal proportions to our senses... five senses make 20% of our brain capability allocated to each sense.
By using mathematics we use only 10% of our brain capability.
That is by design so we do not become who we truly are.
Things like our telepathic abilities are withheld from us by this form of indoctrination.
We focus only on the material aspect using only mathematics neglecting our spiritual side.
And that is the reason they fuck with our minds.
The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI
The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI
Throwing candy out to the crowd
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The QR code they test now in the Paris Trans Olympics is just a test to see how we accept it.
MK Ultra Mind control.
Mind you... they are scared shitless that the Truth comes out and the Truth will come out.
Was the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump earlier this month part of a secret CIA program involving brainwashed killers? That's the claim being made, but the U.S. intelligence agency is taking the unusual step of directly and forcefully denying the claims.
This is indeed unprecedented. Maybe they're seeing that online engagement with this topic is at never-before-seen levels?
I say 100% it was CIA Mind control as I know how they operate and what technologies they have.
They tried this shit on me and boy it wasn't pleasent.
But through that I know what I am talking about.
This one I wrote about it.
How the CIA/MOSSAD creates School Shooting Massacres
How the CIA/MOSSAD creates School Shooting Massacres
The silicon chip inside her head Gets switched to overload And nobody's gonna go to school today She's going to make them stay at home And daddy doesn't understand it He always said she was as good as gold And he can see no reason 'Cause there are no reasons
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What they do is to prepare humanity for the AI war... and the QR code / Digital Auschwitz ID is a big part of it.
Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War
Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War
They don't stop do they? Whatever we do... they simply won't stop. As I am writing now for years that they are building as we speak an Infrastructure for the coming AI war... a war which is planned in the Lodges of the Freemasons and advances further with AI which by the way is a weapon against Humanity with every Microchip now available connecting to AI …
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So yes they prepare Humanity for extinction.
As predicted by the Jews.
And the Jews are all behind that.
Listen to the full interview of Aaron Russo here.
In it he reveals the Rockefellers plan on how to introduce the Digital ID i.e. how to chip Humanity.
So yes... the Rockefellers are worse than the Nazis ever were.
And the Rothschild scum and the Rockefeller scum are one incest family.
Prepare yourself for the coming war.
The Government is completely bought by them.
They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
It's a big club and you ain't in it.
The Israel Lobby controls the USA.
And that's a fact.
They want to control all of Humanity through AI using the same tools the Nazis used.
The Final Solution
The Final Solution
Lab grown Brain Computers of final spark... the final solution.
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At least I want to give you a weapon which you can use against them
A little program called "Low Orbit Ion Canon".
You can use it against facebook Microsoft Apple Instagram... any site and overload them with traffic so their sites stop working.
By using it against the Government and CIA respectively you can shut them down... but I warn you that it is illegal.
However this is war... and all they do is illegal... everything goes.
Survival of the Human race makes these things necessary.
Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
This is a call for Civil War
Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
Unless everybody fights... we all are going to lose!
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Don't ever become like them.
We are better.
We are gentile.
We are Human.
We have a right and duty to resist.
Fritz Freud
If you can...
are well off enough...
and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...
There is a lot of work going into this.
Thank you.
Buy me a Coffee
Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.