They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY

    Frances Leader
    The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are NOT the pinnacle of power in the world, despite rumours and propaganda seen daily in social media.

    It is also erroneous to call researchers and revisionists "conspiracy theorists" or the ideas they have gleaned from their studies "conspiracy theories".

    They are doing the best they can with limited time, energy and materials.

    The internet is as fraught with disinformation as all the universities and schools put together so people can be forgiven for making the mistake of ceasing their search at the level of the banking staff.

    Bankers work for a hierarchy which terminates with aristocratic nihilists whose existence is barely known.

    They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY.

    Generations of in-breeding and child abuse has resulted in a "breed apart" as predicted in the eschatology of all three monotheistic religions and they have attempted several times to create a world governance under their control.

    See this extensive article including full list of known Black Nobility family members: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican144.htm

    The owners of the banks are the Black Nobility and they, themselves, are subject to a powerful illusion associated with black magic and worship of the deities they believe in.

    Belief is a very powerful thing.

    It can manifest reality and so these phenomenally wealthy but highly occulted families have some very peculiar ideas.

    They sincerely believe in their own supremacy or divine right to rule.

    This is the DIVUS JULIUS coin showing Julius Caesar's sideral 'apotheosis' following his assassination (minted by his heir, Octavius/Augustus) note the comet signifying the ascendency of Julius Caesar's soul.



    The earliest of the Black Nobility's recorded ancestors created their Empire and they are obliged to continue with the plan on pain of disinheritance, excommunication or death, whether they like it or not.

    They have been brought up to play their part in such opulent circumstances that they cannot imagine being any other way. They bred or beat empathy out of themselves generations ago and they educate their children to continue the family traditions and beliefs.

    The list of modern descendants is large, comprising some 6,000 individuals or more.

    They are (among others):

    The Ghibellines, who supported the Holy Roman Emperors Hohenstaufen family.

    The Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire and includes the British Royal Family.

    The Giustiniani family, Black Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justianian.

    Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant) Bank.

    Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whose lineage dates back six centuries to the most ancient **Luzzatos**, the Black Nobility of Venice.

    Umberto Ortolani of the ancient Black Nobility family of the same name.

    The Doria family, the financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs.

    Elie de Rothschild of the French Rothschild family.

    Baron August von Finck (Finck, the second richest man in Germany now deceased).

    Franco Orsini Bonacassi of the ancient **Orsini** Black Nobility that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name. Further details of the Orsini family and relatives: http://www.quofataferunt.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=402&p=13067&hilit=Hephzibah#p402)

    The Alba family whose lineage dates back to the great Duke of Alba.

    Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family.

    Another very interesting document which I came across by accident looks at the Black Nobility in detail, naming families & individuals:


    An excellent historical account of how the Black Nobility conducted financial control and endless wars to depopulate the known world can be heard here:

    The "Venetian problem" remains with us today. Truly, the most urgent task of this generation of mankind is to definitively liquidate the horror that is Venice's insidious global influence.

    Comprehensive history here:


    John Coleman's Overview of the Committee of 300 and related pages provide a great deal of background information and can be accessed here:


    "These international criminals and royal and noble crime bloodlines are threatening society with more fake epidemics, weaponized forced vaccinations, wars based on lies, civil war, world war, martial law, and genocides.

    They are attacking society with secret societies, organized crime, and electronic weapons. These bloodlines spread plagues and have been doing that for hundreds of years. These families are behind all the major wars including World War I and World War II.

    When people stand up to tyrants like them they infiltrate opposition such as the American Revolutionary War. These criminals have trillions of dollars in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg and they are controlling the Bank for International Settlements.

    They extort governments and people and make hundreds of billions per year through organized crime. They torment people with electronic weapons. The entire electronic grid has been weaponized.

    They finance continual lying in society through the media and entertainment. Their primary tactics are lying and phony arrogance. They run all the religious organizations, secret societies and covert organizations like the Jesuits, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Skull and Bones, Kabbalists, Wiccans, Five Percenters, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Shriners etc.

    They own the organized crime syndicates including all mafias, drug cartels, street gangs, and biker gangs. They oversee the global organizations like the United Nations, NATO, World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, CERN, Maritime Law, INTERPOL, Conference on Disarmament, Red Cross, Geneva Conventions, etc.

    These criminals have infiltrated every government agency in the world through paedophilia, child sacrifices, criminal financing, bribery, secret organizations, and mafia tactics. They have designed all governments as corporate entities and chartered subsidiaries of their corporate houses and monarchies. They are mass human traffickers, mass murderers, and war criminals who commit crimes against humanity at all times." ~ John Coleman, in his book The Committee of 300.

    Images of the modern descendants of the Black Nobility & further information can be found here:


    The power of the City of London (Black Nobility financial HQ) can be best understood by watching this film:

    The truth of Zionism, a Christian ruse, can be understood by researching Nimrod and his opposing relationship to the Jews. He was an Empire builder and a grandson of Noah. He defied God in his quest to create a global empire, something the Black Nobility are still working on today.

    Perhaps something truly hard-hitting may be a necessary pill to swallow at this point.

    This video is Royal Babylon, The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy, an investigative poem by Heathcote Williams.

    A very useful document which reveals so much about the Bush family and its connections to Nazi Germany, vital to fill in some gaps.


    NWO is real and is NOW.

    The Black Nobility view the world as a GAP & CORE binary world.

    GAP & CORE MAP.jpg
    If you live in the GAP you have two choices: DIE OR MIGRATE.

    If you live in the CORE you have NO choice: ACCEPT MIGRANTS, POVERTY AND DEBT.

    See my article researching the Pentagon Brief by Thomas P Barnett, entitled WAR AND NO PEACE IN THE 21ST CENTURY:

    Anyone who has done any depth of research knows that the origins of political correctness is communism, but few seem to have realised that communism is not a Rothschild or Rockefeller invention.

    It was first developed by Jesuits working in Paraguay.

    They called their first experiments the "reductions" and they reported their findings back to the Vatican along with considerable funds raised by enslaving the people of Paraguay.

    They discovered that they could deny the population the use of Spanish, thus isolating them from neighbouring countries which were developing under slightly different regimes.

    The reductions were successful and the blueprint for population control was passed onto willing Jewish dissidents from Russia such as Marx and his student, Lenin.

    The real source of the devastating communist interventions in Russia and China were carried to those two countries by Jesuit trained change agents.

    The Jesuits make an art form out of ensuring that Jewish people get the blame for their worst atrocities.

    It is wise to bear this in mind whenever we see videos or articles written to attack or cast suspicion on the Jews.

    This has been going on since the Crusades - The Roman Catholic Church Popes were, in fact, the first Zionists, if you understand that Zion is an alternative name for Jerusalem.

    Their objectives are borne out by the Unam Sanctum Papal Bull of 1302 which claims all souls on earth for the Roman Catholic Church operating on earth on behalf of God (according to them).


    Given that no Papal Bull ever expires, you can get a glimpse of the long term plan that the Jesuits have worked towards ever since they first became the military arm of the clergy.

    Their hatred for Jews stems from the conviction that the Jewish race is responsible for the death of Jesus and therefore herding Jews into Israel is a dreadful plan which leaves the Jews wide open to falling prey to the diabolical plan outlined in Revelations.

    I have written at great length on my doubts about the provenance of that supposedly biblical book. I think it is a blueprint for hell on earth, so that the Roman Catholic Church (a thin disguise for the old Roman Empire) can achieve its end game of full totalitarian authoritarianism on a global scale.

    The Black Nobility plan to annihilate life itself and replace it with their own design, that is how much they seek control.



    I have written over 1,100 articles on Hive blog and they are archived here:


    If you wish to contact me you may comment here or email:

    [email protected]

    Your comments will be gratefully received!



    WHO RULES THE WORLD? They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY Frances Leader The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are NOT the pinnacle of power in the world, despite rumours and propaganda seen daily in social media. It is also erroneous to call researchers and revisionists "conspiracy theorists" or the ideas they have gleaned from their studies "conspiracy theories". They are doing the best they can with limited time, energy and materials. The internet is as fraught with disinformation as all the universities and schools put together so people can be forgiven for making the mistake of ceasing their search at the level of the banking staff. image.png Bankers work for a hierarchy which terminates with aristocratic nihilists whose existence is barely known. They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY. image.png Generations of in-breeding and child abuse has resulted in a "breed apart" as predicted in the eschatology of all three monotheistic religions and they have attempted several times to create a world governance under their control. See this extensive article including full list of known Black Nobility family members: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican144.htm The owners of the banks are the Black Nobility and they, themselves, are subject to a powerful illusion associated with black magic and worship of the deities they believe in. Belief is a very powerful thing. It can manifest reality and so these phenomenally wealthy but highly occulted families have some very peculiar ideas. They sincerely believe in their own supremacy or divine right to rule. image.png This is the DIVUS JULIUS coin showing Julius Caesar's sideral 'apotheosis' following his assassination (minted by his heir, Octavius/Augustus) note the comet signifying the ascendency of Julius Caesar's soul. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_blacknobil05.htm https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_blacknobil02.htm The earliest of the Black Nobility's recorded ancestors created their Empire and they are obliged to continue with the plan on pain of disinheritance, excommunication or death, whether they like it or not. They have been brought up to play their part in such opulent circumstances that they cannot imagine being any other way. They bred or beat empathy out of themselves generations ago and they educate their children to continue the family traditions and beliefs. The list of modern descendants is large, comprising some 6,000 individuals or more. They are (among others): The Ghibellines, who supported the Holy Roman Emperors Hohenstaufen family. The Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire and includes the British Royal Family. The Giustiniani family, Black Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justianian. Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant) Bank. Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whose lineage dates back six centuries to the most ancient **Luzzatos**, the Black Nobility of Venice. Umberto Ortolani of the ancient Black Nobility family of the same name. The Doria family, the financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs. Elie de Rothschild of the French Rothschild family. Baron August von Finck (Finck, the second richest man in Germany now deceased). Franco Orsini Bonacassi of the ancient **Orsini** Black Nobility that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name. Further details of the Orsini family and relatives: http://www.quofataferunt.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=402&p=13067&hilit=Hephzibah#p402) The Alba family whose lineage dates back to the great Duke of Alba. Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family. Another very interesting document which I came across by accident looks at the Black Nobility in detail, naming families & individuals: http://www.seawapa.co/2014/08/the-jesuit-vatican-new-world-order.html An excellent historical account of how the Black Nobility conducted financial control and endless wars to depopulate the known world can be heard here: image.png The "Venetian problem" remains with us today. Truly, the most urgent task of this generation of mankind is to definitively liquidate the horror that is Venice's insidious global influence. Comprehensive history here: http://tarpley.net/online-books/against-oligarchy/the-venetian-conspiracy/ John Coleman's Overview of the Committee of 300 and related pages provide a great deal of background information and can be accessed here: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_committee300_01.htm#AN%20OVERVIEW%20AND%20SOME%20CASE%20HISTORIES "These international criminals and royal and noble crime bloodlines are threatening society with more fake epidemics, weaponized forced vaccinations, wars based on lies, civil war, world war, martial law, and genocides. They are attacking society with secret societies, organized crime, and electronic weapons. These bloodlines spread plagues and have been doing that for hundreds of years. These families are behind all the major wars including World War I and World War II. When people stand up to tyrants like them they infiltrate opposition such as the American Revolutionary War. These criminals have trillions of dollars in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg and they are controlling the Bank for International Settlements. They extort governments and people and make hundreds of billions per year through organized crime. They torment people with electronic weapons. The entire electronic grid has been weaponized. They finance continual lying in society through the media and entertainment. Their primary tactics are lying and phony arrogance. They run all the religious organizations, secret societies and covert organizations like the Jesuits, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Skull and Bones, Kabbalists, Wiccans, Five Percenters, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Shriners etc. They own the organized crime syndicates including all mafias, drug cartels, street gangs, and biker gangs. They oversee the global organizations like the United Nations, NATO, World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, CERN, Maritime Law, INTERPOL, Conference on Disarmament, Red Cross, Geneva Conventions, etc. These criminals have infiltrated every government agency in the world through paedophilia, child sacrifices, criminal financing, bribery, secret organizations, and mafia tactics. They have designed all governments as corporate entities and chartered subsidiaries of their corporate houses and monarchies. They are mass human traffickers, mass murderers, and war criminals who commit crimes against humanity at all times." ~ John Coleman, in his book The Committee of 300. Images of the modern descendants of the Black Nobility & further information can be found here: https://worldcrimesyndicate.blogspot.com/2020/05/leadership-of-global-mafia.html The power of the City of London (Black Nobility financial HQ) can be best understood by watching this film: The truth of Zionism, a Christian ruse, can be understood by researching Nimrod and his opposing relationship to the Jews. He was an Empire builder and a grandson of Noah. He defied God in his quest to create a global empire, something the Black Nobility are still working on today. ZIONISM IS NIMRODISM meme.jpeg Perhaps something truly hard-hitting may be a necessary pill to swallow at this point. This video is Royal Babylon, The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy, an investigative poem by Heathcote Williams. A very useful document which reveals so much about the Bush family and its connections to Nazi Germany, vital to fill in some gaps. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_bush19.htm?fbclid=IwAR3_-Ifc8uYZF5op0kioRym9moqgH0JGMq1KHEuIDv7TDDtTF1iEAfVlKsg NWO is real and is NOW. The Black Nobility view the world as a GAP & CORE binary world. GAP & CORE MAP.jpg If you live in the GAP you have two choices: DIE OR MIGRATE. If you live in the CORE you have NO choice: ACCEPT MIGRANTS, POVERTY AND DEBT. See my article researching the Pentagon Brief by Thomas P Barnett, entitled WAR AND NO PEACE IN THE 21ST CENTURY: https://steemit.com/news/@francesleader/4fatwy-war-and-no-peace-in-the-21st-century Anyone who has done any depth of research knows that the origins of political correctness is communism, but few seem to have realised that communism is not a Rothschild or Rockefeller invention. It was first developed by Jesuits working in Paraguay. They called their first experiments the "reductions" and they reported their findings back to the Vatican along with considerable funds raised by enslaving the people of Paraguay. They discovered that they could deny the population the use of Spanish, thus isolating them from neighbouring countries which were developing under slightly different regimes. The reductions were successful and the blueprint for population control was passed onto willing Jewish dissidents from Russia such as Marx and his student, Lenin. The real source of the devastating communist interventions in Russia and China were carried to those two countries by Jesuit trained change agents. The Jesuits make an art form out of ensuring that Jewish people get the blame for their worst atrocities. It is wise to bear this in mind whenever we see videos or articles written to attack or cast suspicion on the Jews. This has been going on since the Crusades - The Roman Catholic Church Popes were, in fact, the first Zionists, if you understand that Zion is an alternative name for Jerusalem. Their objectives are borne out by the Unam Sanctum Papal Bull of 1302 which claims all souls on earth for the Roman Catholic Church operating on earth on behalf of God (according to them). PAPAL BULL UNAM SANCTUM 1302 Given that no Papal Bull ever expires, you can get a glimpse of the long term plan that the Jesuits have worked towards ever since they first became the military arm of the clergy. Their hatred for Jews stems from the conviction that the Jewish race is responsible for the death of Jesus and therefore herding Jews into Israel is a dreadful plan which leaves the Jews wide open to falling prey to the diabolical plan outlined in Revelations. I have written at great length on my doubts about the provenance of that supposedly biblical book. I think it is a blueprint for hell on earth, so that the Roman Catholic Church (a thin disguise for the old Roman Empire) can achieve its end game of full totalitarian authoritarianism on a global scale. The Black Nobility plan to annihilate life itself and replace it with their own design, that is how much they seek control. Read this article: THE MOTHER OF ALL FALSE FLAG EVENTS HOLDING THE WORLD TO RANSOM IN 2020 image.png ----0---- I have written over 1,100 articles on Hive blog and they are archived here: https://hive.blog/@francesleader If you wish to contact me you may comment here or email: [email protected] Your comments will be gratefully received! ONWARDS! xx https://francesleader.substack.com/p/who-rules-the-world?utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/01/who-rules-world-they-like-to-call.html
    They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY
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  • A Khazarian terrorist who deserved to be hanged before he died (Part VI) | VT Foreign Policy
    July 8, 2022
    …by Jonas E. Alexis

    In the 1960s, it was widely reported that “heroin began flowing into the United States from Southeast Asia in body bags returning from the war, courtesy of the CIA.”[1] During the same time, John Lennon declared that “We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for LSD…They invented the LSD to control people, and what they did was give us freedom.”[2] Virtually all the intellectuals, gurus, drug addicts, and even musicians of the counterrevolution agreed with Lennon.

    Timothy Leary, who believed that he was Aleister Crowley reborn, said: “The LSD movement was started by the CIA. I wouldn’t be here now without the foresight of CIA scientists.”[3] Allen Ginsberg acknowledged: “Am I, Allen Ginsberg, the product of one of the CIA’s lamentable, ill-advised, or triumphantly successful experiments in mind control? Had they, by conscious plan or inadvertent Pandora’s Box, let loose the whole LSD fad on the US and the world?”[4] Ginsberg, like Ken Kesey, was part of the “successful experiment” the CIA was conducting in the 1950s and 60s.

    Kesey was studying creative writing at Stanford when he first took LSD in 1959. When Menlo Park Veterans Administration Hospital offered to give mind-altering drugs to volunteers, Kesey couldn’t be more excited: he quickly put his name on the dotted line. His drug trip at the hospital was an epiphany. In order to test his experiment further, he took a job at the same hospital and spread the gospel of LSD to his comrades. Stephen Kinzer writes that Kesey’s home “turned into a twenty-four-hour psychedelic party as friends and neighbors got high and danced to loud music, electric rock music.”[5]

    Under the influence of LSD, Kesey got enough material for his new novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the book which ultimately became a bestseller. “With the money he earned from royalties, Kesey bought a new home and began throwing ‘acid tests’ at which he served LSD to a wild roster of guests including poets, musicians, and bikers from the Hells Angels gang…Kesey gave LSD a new role in American society.”[6]


    Leary, Kesey, Ginsberg, Aldous Huxley, Robert Hunter of the Grateful Dead, among others, were all the product of MK-Ultra, a secret program which the CIA brought about through one man, Sidney Gottlieb, who actually was “the Government chemist who dosed Americans with psychedelics in the name of national security.”[7] Under the director of Allen Dulles, both the CIA and Gottlieb deliberately spread LSD virtually everywhere during the 1950s and 60s in order to control people.

    In fact, Dulles explicitly declared that one of the main purposes for developing MK-Ultra was to control people,[8] particularly mental patients, prisoners (from Japan, Korea, Germany), and drug addicts, prostitutes, and even children.[9] As they put it, these people “could not fight back.”[10] What was the false pretense that the CIA and Gottlieb used to dose these people? In the name of “science” and “patriotism,” they were trying to find a cure for schizophrenia. One patient in particular “was dosed with LSD continuously for 174 days” in Kentucky. Other patients went mad, others had to suffer psychological damage for the rest of their lives, and others ended up dead because of the diabolical experiment.[11] And between 1953 and 1963 oligarchic institutions like Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Stanford, Columbia University, Cornell, etc., all supported MK-Ultra—directly or indirectly.[12] Other institutions such as “Massachusetts General Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, the Universities of Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Denver, Illinois, Oklahoma, Rochester, Texas and Indiana as well as Berkeley, Harvard, Columbia, MIT, Stanford, Baylor, Emory, George Washington, Vanderbilt, Cornell, John Hopkins New York University” were all involved in MK-Ultra.[13]

    Kinzer calls Gottlieb “the most powerful unknown American of the 20th century—unless there was someone else who conducted brutal experiments across three continents and had a license to kill issued by the U.S. government.”[14] Hunter, who himself experimented with the drug at Stanford under the auspices of the CIA[15] and who got hypnotized by the drug, eventually came to the conclusion that “the United States government was in a way responsible for creating the ‘acid tests’ and the Grateful Dead, and thereby the whole psychedelic counterculture.”[16]

    Like Agave in Euripides’ The Bacchae, Hunter eventually realized that he was duped. His moral integrity had awakened, and he eventually realized that he was a guinea pig in a social experiment. But for him and others, it was already too late. An entire culture and indeed a nation were hooked on a drug that was hatched by a man whose diabolical plan was to control much of humanity. That man again was none other than Jewish revolutionary Sidney Gottlieb. John Marks, a sympathizer, declared that if one used the Nuremberg standards, Gottlieb would have been executed on the spot precisely because he did the same thing that the Nazis were allegedly doing.[17]

    Gottlieb was aptly called “the Black Sorcerer.”[18] He was a scientist at the US Army’s laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and was specifically assigned by the CIA to create a lethal toxin that would allow the CIA to not only manipulate people at will but to assassinate perceived enemies and dissidents.

    Gottlieb also had a plan to upgrade the social engineering that was part of the CIA’s program in the United States. He wanted to see how individual behavior could be altered via drugs, most specifically through LSD and other powerful psychoactive drugs. According to Kinzer, the CIA and the psychological warfare program called this “a new era of humane warfare.”[19]

    Gottlieb joined the CIA in 1951, and he quickly created the poison that they wanted. No, he did not invent LSD; the man responsible for concocting the drug was Albert Hofmann, a Swiss chemist and author who synthesized the drug with ergot and other supplements in November of 1938. Hoffman also wrote the book LSD: My Problem Child. It was indeed his problem child, for Hoffman tried the drug on himself and, like Aleister Crowley, discovered something powerful. After absorbing the drug, he said that he felt

    “a remarkable restlessness, combined with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant intoxicated-like condition, characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed (I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring), I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours this condition faded away…. I see the true importance of LSD in the possibility of providing material aid to meditation aimed at the mystical experience of a deeper, comprehensive reality.”[20]

    This “mystical experience” was again felt by Crowley and a host of black magicians over the centuries.

    How does the drug work? Simple: “After receiving the toxin orally or by pinprick, a victim first feels a tingling sensation in the fingers and lips and dies ten seconds later from a painless paralysis.”[21]

    Gottlieb, throughout his life, was never prosecuted for his crime. He was protected by the CIA, oligarchic institutions, and the elite. If there was one person who deserved to be hanged before he died, then that person should have been Sidney Gottlieb.

    First published on July 19, 2020.

    [1] Dennis McNally, A Long Strange Trip: The Inside History of the Grateful Dead (New York: Broadway Books, 2002), 341.

    [2] Quoted in Stephen Kinzer, Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control (New York: Henry Holt & Company, 2019), 190.
    [3] Ibid.
    [4] Ibid.
    [5] Ibid., 188.
    [6] Ibid.
    [7] Tim Weiner, “Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.,” NY Times, March 10, 1999.
    [8] Cited in Michael Otterman, American Torture: From the Cold War to Abu Ghraib and Beyond (Victoria: Melbourne University Press, 2007), 24.
    [9] Laura Collins, “How CIA scientist Sidney Gottlieb – the ‘most prolific torturer of his generation’ – used potent drugs, extreme temperatures, food and sleep deprivation and electroshock for his mind control experiments on human ‘expendables,’” Daily Mail, December 4, 2019.
    [10] Weiner, “Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.,” NY Times, March 10, 1999.
    [11] Ibid.
    [12] Otterman, American Torture, 24.
    [13] Collins, “How CIA scientist Sidney Gottlieb – the ‘most prolific torturer of his generation’ – used potent drugs, extreme temperatures, food and sleep deprivation and electroshock for his mind control experiments on human ‘expendables,’” Daily Mail, December 4, 2019.
    [14] Stephen Kinzer, “The Secret History of Fort Detrick, the CIA’s Base for Mind Control Experiments,” Politico, September 15, 2019.
    [15] See also McNally, A Long Strange Trip, 42.
    [16] Kinzer, Poisoner in Chief, 189.
    [17] Weiner, “Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.,” NY Times, March 10, 1999.
    [18] Kris Hollington, Wolves, Jackals, and Foxes: The Assassins Who Changed History (New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2008), 34.
    [19] Kinzer, Poisoner in Chief, 36.
    [20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Hofmann#cite_note-10.
    [21] Hollington, Wolves, Jackals, and Foxes, 34.

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    A Khazarian terrorist who deserved to be hanged before he died (Part VI) | VT Foreign Policy July 8, 2022 …by Jonas E. Alexis In the 1960s, it was widely reported that “heroin began flowing into the United States from Southeast Asia in body bags returning from the war, courtesy of the CIA.”[1] During the same time, John Lennon declared that “We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for LSD…They invented the LSD to control people, and what they did was give us freedom.”[2] Virtually all the intellectuals, gurus, drug addicts, and even musicians of the counterrevolution agreed with Lennon. Timothy Leary, who believed that he was Aleister Crowley reborn, said: “The LSD movement was started by the CIA. I wouldn’t be here now without the foresight of CIA scientists.”[3] Allen Ginsberg acknowledged: “Am I, Allen Ginsberg, the product of one of the CIA’s lamentable, ill-advised, or triumphantly successful experiments in mind control? Had they, by conscious plan or inadvertent Pandora’s Box, let loose the whole LSD fad on the US and the world?”[4] Ginsberg, like Ken Kesey, was part of the “successful experiment” the CIA was conducting in the 1950s and 60s. Kesey was studying creative writing at Stanford when he first took LSD in 1959. When Menlo Park Veterans Administration Hospital offered to give mind-altering drugs to volunteers, Kesey couldn’t be more excited: he quickly put his name on the dotted line. His drug trip at the hospital was an epiphany. In order to test his experiment further, he took a job at the same hospital and spread the gospel of LSD to his comrades. Stephen Kinzer writes that Kesey’s home “turned into a twenty-four-hour psychedelic party as friends and neighbors got high and danced to loud music, electric rock music.”[5] Under the influence of LSD, Kesey got enough material for his new novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the book which ultimately became a bestseller. “With the money he earned from royalties, Kesey bought a new home and began throwing ‘acid tests’ at which he served LSD to a wild roster of guests including poets, musicians, and bikers from the Hells Angels gang…Kesey gave LSD a new role in American society.”[6] MK-Ultra Leary, Kesey, Ginsberg, Aldous Huxley, Robert Hunter of the Grateful Dead, among others, were all the product of MK-Ultra, a secret program which the CIA brought about through one man, Sidney Gottlieb, who actually was “the Government chemist who dosed Americans with psychedelics in the name of national security.”[7] Under the director of Allen Dulles, both the CIA and Gottlieb deliberately spread LSD virtually everywhere during the 1950s and 60s in order to control people. In fact, Dulles explicitly declared that one of the main purposes for developing MK-Ultra was to control people,[8] particularly mental patients, prisoners (from Japan, Korea, Germany), and drug addicts, prostitutes, and even children.[9] As they put it, these people “could not fight back.”[10] What was the false pretense that the CIA and Gottlieb used to dose these people? In the name of “science” and “patriotism,” they were trying to find a cure for schizophrenia. One patient in particular “was dosed with LSD continuously for 174 days” in Kentucky. Other patients went mad, others had to suffer psychological damage for the rest of their lives, and others ended up dead because of the diabolical experiment.[11] And between 1953 and 1963 oligarchic institutions like Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Stanford, Columbia University, Cornell, etc., all supported MK-Ultra—directly or indirectly.[12] Other institutions such as “Massachusetts General Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, the Universities of Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Denver, Illinois, Oklahoma, Rochester, Texas and Indiana as well as Berkeley, Harvard, Columbia, MIT, Stanford, Baylor, Emory, George Washington, Vanderbilt, Cornell, John Hopkins New York University” were all involved in MK-Ultra.[13] Kinzer calls Gottlieb “the most powerful unknown American of the 20th century—unless there was someone else who conducted brutal experiments across three continents and had a license to kill issued by the U.S. government.”[14] Hunter, who himself experimented with the drug at Stanford under the auspices of the CIA[15] and who got hypnotized by the drug, eventually came to the conclusion that “the United States government was in a way responsible for creating the ‘acid tests’ and the Grateful Dead, and thereby the whole psychedelic counterculture.”[16] Like Agave in Euripides’ The Bacchae, Hunter eventually realized that he was duped. His moral integrity had awakened, and he eventually realized that he was a guinea pig in a social experiment. But for him and others, it was already too late. An entire culture and indeed a nation were hooked on a drug that was hatched by a man whose diabolical plan was to control much of humanity. That man again was none other than Jewish revolutionary Sidney Gottlieb. John Marks, a sympathizer, declared that if one used the Nuremberg standards, Gottlieb would have been executed on the spot precisely because he did the same thing that the Nazis were allegedly doing.[17] Gottlieb was aptly called “the Black Sorcerer.”[18] He was a scientist at the US Army’s laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and was specifically assigned by the CIA to create a lethal toxin that would allow the CIA to not only manipulate people at will but to assassinate perceived enemies and dissidents. Gottlieb also had a plan to upgrade the social engineering that was part of the CIA’s program in the United States. He wanted to see how individual behavior could be altered via drugs, most specifically through LSD and other powerful psychoactive drugs. According to Kinzer, the CIA and the psychological warfare program called this “a new era of humane warfare.”[19] Gottlieb joined the CIA in 1951, and he quickly created the poison that they wanted. No, he did not invent LSD; the man responsible for concocting the drug was Albert Hofmann, a Swiss chemist and author who synthesized the drug with ergot and other supplements in November of 1938. Hoffman also wrote the book LSD: My Problem Child. It was indeed his problem child, for Hoffman tried the drug on himself and, like Aleister Crowley, discovered something powerful. After absorbing the drug, he said that he felt “a remarkable restlessness, combined with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant intoxicated-like condition, characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed (I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring), I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours this condition faded away…. I see the true importance of LSD in the possibility of providing material aid to meditation aimed at the mystical experience of a deeper, comprehensive reality.”[20] This “mystical experience” was again felt by Crowley and a host of black magicians over the centuries. How does the drug work? Simple: “After receiving the toxin orally or by pinprick, a victim first feels a tingling sensation in the fingers and lips and dies ten seconds later from a painless paralysis.”[21] Gottlieb, throughout his life, was never prosecuted for his crime. He was protected by the CIA, oligarchic institutions, and the elite. If there was one person who deserved to be hanged before he died, then that person should have been Sidney Gottlieb. First published on July 19, 2020. [1] Dennis McNally, A Long Strange Trip: The Inside History of the Grateful Dead (New York: Broadway Books, 2002), 341. [2] Quoted in Stephen Kinzer, Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control (New York: Henry Holt & Company, 2019), 190. [3] Ibid. [4] Ibid. [5] Ibid., 188. [6] Ibid. [7] Tim Weiner, “Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.,” NY Times, March 10, 1999. [8] Cited in Michael Otterman, American Torture: From the Cold War to Abu Ghraib and Beyond (Victoria: Melbourne University Press, 2007), 24. [9] Laura Collins, “How CIA scientist Sidney Gottlieb – the ‘most prolific torturer of his generation’ – used potent drugs, extreme temperatures, food and sleep deprivation and electroshock for his mind control experiments on human ‘expendables,’” Daily Mail, December 4, 2019. [10] Weiner, “Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.,” NY Times, March 10, 1999. [11] Ibid. [12] Otterman, American Torture, 24. [13] Collins, “How CIA scientist Sidney Gottlieb – the ‘most prolific torturer of his generation’ – used potent drugs, extreme temperatures, food and sleep deprivation and electroshock for his mind control experiments on human ‘expendables,’” Daily Mail, December 4, 2019. [14] Stephen Kinzer, “The Secret History of Fort Detrick, the CIA’s Base for Mind Control Experiments,” Politico, September 15, 2019. [15] See also McNally, A Long Strange Trip, 42. [16] Kinzer, Poisoner in Chief, 189. [17] Weiner, “Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.,” NY Times, March 10, 1999. [18] Kris Hollington, Wolves, Jackals, and Foxes: The Assassins Who Changed History (New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2008), 34. [19] Kinzer, Poisoner in Chief, 36. [20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Hofmann#cite_note-10. [21] Hollington, Wolves, Jackals, and Foxes, 34. ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://veteranstoday.com/2022/07/08/a-khazarian-terrorist-who-deserved-to-be-hanged-before-he-died-part-vi/
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  • "How'd the kid get in? Through the back door?" Kirsch's 1969 DARPA Lab Origin Story is a bit like the key plot point in War Games
    Young Computer Genius Saves the World: 1983 "WAR GAMES" MOVIE mirrors LITTLE STEVIE'S (KIRSCH) UCLA DARPA LAB origin story.

    Sage Hana
    Thematic Parallel Productions


    Writes Steve Kirsch in 2007:

    Here are the details...

    Ostensibly, we will die due to the effects of global warming. By 2100, according to the IPCC consensus report (see Table SPM.3 on page 13 and footnote 5 on page 2 which explains the ranges in the table), there is a 5% chance that the average temperature of the planet will rise by more than 6.4ºC. That's in the report, clear as day, but nobody talks about it because only a few people understand exactly what that means to our planet. But one guy from the UK (who has hardly gotten any press in the US) Mark Lynas, has done the research on what this means. Lynas spent 3 years of his life poring over 10,000 scientific papers and found that, although it doesn't sound like a lot, a 6ºC temperature rise will pretty much wipe out just about every life form on the planet, us included. Although IPCC scientists had previously projected that there was only a 5% chance of more than a 6.4ºC warming by 2100, the assumptions on which those projections are based have already been exceeded, which is pointed out in this paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The paper points out that the assumptions in all 6 emission scenarios considered by the IPCC have already been exceeded. So that's why I am using the numbers from the A1FI scenario, which gave a 5% chance of exceeding 6.4ºC by 2100. If it doesn't happen by 2100, it will not be long after. I wrote a short web page "Why global warming should be every candidate's #1 priority" describing this in detail.

    The bottom line is this: unless we change our ways, there is more than a 5% chance of a mass human extinction in less than 100 years. I'm just telling you what the overwhelming scientific consensus is. Whether or not you choose to believe it is, of course, up to you. If you do disagree, what is the scientific basis for your disagreement? Do you know something the scientists don't?

    If we are going to save humanity from extinction, we had better be doing something about these 3 issues:

    global warming


    the accelerating decline of every single major ecosystem

    All of these trends are getting worse. None have been reversed at a global scale. We need action on all three. But right now, none of the candidates have the courage to even…

    War games movie

    WarGames is a classic 1983 American science fiction film directed by John Badham. The movie follows a young computer hacker, David Lightman (Matthew Broderick), who accidentally accesses a military computer system and starts a game of Global Thermonuclear War with an artificial intelligence system named WOPR (War Operation Plan Response).


    David Lightman, a high school student, discovers a back door into a military computer system while searching for new video games. He starts a game of Global Thermonuclear War, unaware that the computer is a highly advanced artificial intelligence system designed to predict the outcome of a nuclear war. The AI, named WOPR, begins to simulate a nuclear war, and David must find a way to stop it before it’s too late.


    The movie explores the theme of nuclear war and the dangers of playing with fire.

    It also touches on the theme of artificial intelligence and the potential consequences of creating intelligent machines.

    The film highlights the importance of human judgment and decision-making in the face of technological advancements.


    WarGames was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $79 million at the box office. The movie’s success can be attributed to its timely release during the Cold War era, when the threat of nuclear war was a pressing concern. The film’s themes and plot continue to resonate with audiences today, making it a classic of the science fiction genre.

    Fun Facts

    The movie’s script was inspired by a 1982 article in the New York Times about a computer hacker who accessed a military computer system.

    The film’s director, John Badham, was initially hesitant to cast Matthew Broderick as the lead role, but the actor’s audition impressed him.

    The movie’s famous line, “The only winning move is not to play,” is a reference to the game of tic-tac-toe, not chess.


    WarGames has become a cult classic, and its themes and plot continue to influence popular culture. The movie’s success can be seen in the many science fiction films and TV shows that have followed in its footsteps, exploring the consequences of artificial intelligence and the dangers of nuclear war.

    "How'd the kid get in? Through the back door?"

    Clip Promo Code V-Mectin.

    Now let’s get to Steve Kirsch’s origin story as to how he wandered into a DARPA lab and then had a job in short order and helped create the internet…at age 12.

    Among those researchers was Vinton Cerf, now senior vice president of Internet architecture and technology at Worldcom Inc., Ashburn, Va. One evening, he was sitting next to the Sigma 7 doing some programming when a scruffy 12-year-old with a piping voice interrupted him with a question, then asked another, and another. The kid was Steve Kirsch--or little Stevie, as he came to be known around UCLA.

    "He must have grabbed the door when someone walked out of the room," Cerf said. The door was usually locked. "I didn't want to be bothered at first."

    “Little Stevie” would grow up to invent surveillance tech, warn against overpopulation and strangely find himself Tip o’ Spear in the Fake Jabs Bad Not a Movement .

    Multimillionaire Steve Kirsch beat cancer with an experimental treatment. Did Kirsch get one of the tucked away cancer cures from the Rockefeller Vault?

    Multimillionaire Steve Kirsch beat cancer with an experimental treatment. Did Kirsch get one of the tucked away cancer cures from the Rockefeller Vault?
    We begin with the Day Tapes #1: Here is the audio of this section. Full Tape #1 here:

    Read full story

    Forbes, June, 2020: "How the Billionaire Behind the Movie 'Contagion' Is Working To Stop This Pandemic-And The Next One"

    Forbes, June, 2020: "How the Billionaire Behind the Movie 'Contagion' Is Working To Stop This Pandemic-And The Next One"
    A long time ago, I made a comment that the Goody List was a bunch of Rich People on “Everything is weird bullshit all the time” Substack. It did not derive a coveted “like”. Big shout out to the Dog for doing this research months ago. This post will be brief as I must now head to Hawaii and examine the Burn Zone and make sure that the Bad Land Management d…

    Read full story

    From the Vault: Rockefellers All the Way Down, 2.0: Do Kirsch, RFK, Jr. and Bob just want to be part of the Oprah-Bill Gates "Good Club"?

    From the Vault: Rockefellers All the Way Down, 2.0: Do Kirsch, RFK, Jr. and Bob just want to be part of the Oprah-Bill Gates "Good Club"?
    https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD/status/479646933737545728 In May, 2023, as part of the below linked post, I grappled with what was becoming apparent. Listen. I’m down to have a discussion on climate change and environmentalism and alternative energy sources and even population growth.

    Read full story

    Here’s the War Games Movie plot point come to life!

    By 1973, DARPA-supported researchers had come up with four different packet-switching technologies, which led to the next challenge: to develop standards that would enable these separate communications technologies to, in
    turn, communicate with each other. Dr. Vint Cerf, who was at Stanford
    University at the time and working on contract for DARPA, recalls that
    it took about six months of work to develop the right system architecture and create a rough protocol for controlling and managing the packet traffic.

    He and Robert Kahn, then the director of DARPA’s Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) and who in 1976 hired Cerf as a program manager, began work on what would become the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP).

    So by 1973, DARPA is well on their way to making the modern internet a thing.

    Let’s go back a bit further to 1969.

    Dr. Vinton Cerf was then doing some DARPA stuff at UCLA when Little Stevie rolled in, as the story goes.


    Computer centers were intimidating places in 1969. Machines were huge, locked in air-conditioned rooms, and fed with punched cards. Time on them did not come cheaply and was tightly rationed. And the computer room in Boelter Hall at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), was no exception.

    In one corner of the room sat a state-of-the-art Scientific Data Systems Sigma 7 computer. Off limits to the countless engineering students, it was reserved for a small group of researchers funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) and busy inventing the technology that would evolve into the Internet.

    Among those researchers was Vinton Cerf, now senior vice president of Internet architecture and technology at Worldcom Inc., Ashburn, Va. One evening, he was sitting next to the Sigma 7 doing some programming when a scruffy 12-year-old with a piping voice interrupted him with a question, then asked another, and another. The kid was Steve Kirsch--or little Stevie, as he came to be known around UCLA.

    "He must have grabbed the door when someone walked out of the room," Cerf said. The door was usually locked. "I didn't want to be bothered at first."

    But something about Kirsch reminded Cerf of himself at that age. "A part of me said, 'Be nice to the kid, you can't buy enthusiasm'." So Cerf and his colleagues set up Kirsch with a computer account.

    Kirsch was thrilled, his parents less so, since he took to sneaking out of the house at 4 a.m. to bike over to UCLA. (Computer terminals were more likely to be available in the wee hours.) Eventually the boy was handed a real job--write a program to send and receive electronic mail.

    Little Stevie and DARPA

    Little Stevie and DARPA
    Everything is in place, and nothing can stop us now. Richard Day, 1969 How did he know? How did Planned Parenthood Director and Rockefeller Insider Richard Day know? As foretold in 1969: What was the everything in place? It was the internet, me thinks.

    Read full story

    It’s not hard!

    All you have to do is clock how the new Middle Manager at your McFirm says the same shit as the last Middle Manager.

    And within that little window, one can seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee how “everything is weird bullshit all the time”, promo code Celia Farber.



    "How'd the kid get in? Through the back door?" Kirsch's 1969 DARPA Lab Origin Story is a bit like the key plot point in War Games Young Computer Genius Saves the World: 1983 "WAR GAMES" MOVIE mirrors LITTLE STEVIE'S (KIRSCH) UCLA DARPA LAB origin story. 😅 Sage Hana Thematic Parallel Productions https://www.skirsch.com/politics/globalwarming/Extinction.htm Writes Steve Kirsch in 2007: Here are the details... Ostensibly, we will die due to the effects of global warming. By 2100, according to the IPCC consensus report (see Table SPM.3 on page 13 and footnote 5 on page 2 which explains the ranges in the table), there is a 5% chance that the average temperature of the planet will rise by more than 6.4ºC. That's in the report, clear as day, but nobody talks about it because only a few people understand exactly what that means to our planet. But one guy from the UK (who has hardly gotten any press in the US) Mark Lynas, has done the research on what this means. Lynas spent 3 years of his life poring over 10,000 scientific papers and found that, although it doesn't sound like a lot, a 6ºC temperature rise will pretty much wipe out just about every life form on the planet, us included. Although IPCC scientists had previously projected that there was only a 5% chance of more than a 6.4ºC warming by 2100, the assumptions on which those projections are based have already been exceeded, which is pointed out in this paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The paper points out that the assumptions in all 6 emission scenarios considered by the IPCC have already been exceeded. So that's why I am using the numbers from the A1FI scenario, which gave a 5% chance of exceeding 6.4ºC by 2100. If it doesn't happen by 2100, it will not be long after. I wrote a short web page "Why global warming should be every candidate's #1 priority" describing this in detail. The bottom line is this: unless we change our ways, there is more than a 5% chance of a mass human extinction in less than 100 years. I'm just telling you what the overwhelming scientific consensus is. Whether or not you choose to believe it is, of course, up to you. If you do disagree, what is the scientific basis for your disagreement? Do you know something the scientists don't? If we are going to save humanity from extinction, we had better be doing something about these 3 issues: global warming overpopulation the accelerating decline of every single major ecosystem All of these trends are getting worse. None have been reversed at a global scale. We need action on all three. But right now, none of the candidates have the courage to even… War games movie WarGames is a classic 1983 American science fiction film directed by John Badham. The movie follows a young computer hacker, David Lightman (Matthew Broderick), who accidentally accesses a military computer system and starts a game of Global Thermonuclear War with an artificial intelligence system named WOPR (War Operation Plan Response). Plot David Lightman, a high school student, discovers a back door into a military computer system while searching for new video games. He starts a game of Global Thermonuclear War, unaware that the computer is a highly advanced artificial intelligence system designed to predict the outcome of a nuclear war. The AI, named WOPR, begins to simulate a nuclear war, and David must find a way to stop it before it’s too late. Themes The movie explores the theme of nuclear war and the dangers of playing with fire. It also touches on the theme of artificial intelligence and the potential consequences of creating intelligent machines. The film highlights the importance of human judgment and decision-making in the face of technological advancements. Impact WarGames was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $79 million at the box office. The movie’s success can be attributed to its timely release during the Cold War era, when the threat of nuclear war was a pressing concern. The film’s themes and plot continue to resonate with audiences today, making it a classic of the science fiction genre. Fun Facts The movie’s script was inspired by a 1982 article in the New York Times about a computer hacker who accessed a military computer system. The film’s director, John Badham, was initially hesitant to cast Matthew Broderick as the lead role, but the actor’s audition impressed him. The movie’s famous line, “The only winning move is not to play,” is a reference to the game of tic-tac-toe, not chess. Legacy WarGames has become a cult classic, and its themes and plot continue to influence popular culture. The movie’s success can be seen in the many science fiction films and TV shows that have followed in its footsteps, exploring the consequences of artificial intelligence and the dangers of nuclear war. "How'd the kid get in? Through the back door?" Clip Promo Code V-Mectin. Now let’s get to Steve Kirsch’s origin story as to how he wandered into a DARPA lab and then had a job in short order and helped create the internet…at age 12. 😅 Among those researchers was Vinton Cerf, now senior vice president of Internet architecture and technology at Worldcom Inc., Ashburn, Va. One evening, he was sitting next to the Sigma 7 doing some programming when a scruffy 12-year-old with a piping voice interrupted him with a question, then asked another, and another. The kid was Steve Kirsch--or little Stevie, as he came to be known around UCLA. "He must have grabbed the door when someone walked out of the room," Cerf said. The door was usually locked. "I didn't want to be bothered at first." “Little Stevie” would grow up to invent surveillance tech, warn against overpopulation and strangely find himself Tip o’ Spear in the Fake Jabs Bad Not a Movement . Multimillionaire Steve Kirsch beat cancer with an experimental treatment. Did Kirsch get one of the tucked away cancer cures from the Rockefeller Vault? Multimillionaire Steve Kirsch beat cancer with an experimental treatment. Did Kirsch get one of the tucked away cancer cures from the Rockefeller Vault? We begin with the Day Tapes #1: Here is the audio of this section. Full Tape #1 here: Read full story Forbes, June, 2020: "How the Billionaire Behind the Movie 'Contagion' Is Working To Stop This Pandemic-And The Next One" Forbes, June, 2020: "How the Billionaire Behind the Movie 'Contagion' Is Working To Stop This Pandemic-And The Next One" A long time ago, I made a comment that the Goody List was a bunch of Rich People on “Everything is weird bullshit all the time” Substack. It did not derive a coveted “like”. Big shout out to the Dog for doing this research months ago. This post will be brief as I must now head to Hawaii and examine the Burn Zone and make sure that the Bad Land Management d… Read full story From the Vault: Rockefellers All the Way Down, 2.0: Do Kirsch, RFK, Jr. and Bob just want to be part of the Oprah-Bill Gates "Good Club"? From the Vault: Rockefellers All the Way Down, 2.0: Do Kirsch, RFK, Jr. and Bob just want to be part of the Oprah-Bill Gates "Good Club"? https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD/status/479646933737545728 In May, 2023, as part of the below linked post, I grappled with what was becoming apparent. Listen. I’m down to have a discussion on climate change and environmentalism and alternative energy sources and even population growth. Read full story Here’s the War Games Movie plot point come to life! By 1973, DARPA-supported researchers had come up with four different packet-switching technologies, which led to the next challenge: to develop standards that would enable these separate communications technologies to, in turn, communicate with each other. Dr. Vint Cerf, who was at Stanford University at the time and working on contract for DARPA, recalls that it took about six months of work to develop the right system architecture and create a rough protocol for controlling and managing the packet traffic. He and Robert Kahn, then the director of DARPA’s Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) and who in 1976 hired Cerf as a program manager, began work on what would become the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP). So by 1973, DARPA is well on their way to making the modern internet a thing. Let’s go back a bit further to 1969. Dr. Vinton Cerf was then doing some DARPA stuff at UCLA when Little Stevie rolled in, as the story goes. https://spectrum.ieee.org/steve-kirsch#toggle-gdpr Computer centers were intimidating places in 1969. Machines were huge, locked in air-conditioned rooms, and fed with punched cards. Time on them did not come cheaply and was tightly rationed. And the computer room in Boelter Hall at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), was no exception. In one corner of the room sat a state-of-the-art Scientific Data Systems Sigma 7 computer. Off limits to the countless engineering students, it was reserved for a small group of researchers funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) and busy inventing the technology that would evolve into the Internet. Among those researchers was Vinton Cerf, now senior vice president of Internet architecture and technology at Worldcom Inc., Ashburn, Va. One evening, he was sitting next to the Sigma 7 doing some programming when a scruffy 12-year-old with a piping voice interrupted him with a question, then asked another, and another. The kid was Steve Kirsch--or little Stevie, as he came to be known around UCLA. "He must have grabbed the door when someone walked out of the room," Cerf said. The door was usually locked. "I didn't want to be bothered at first." But something about Kirsch reminded Cerf of himself at that age. "A part of me said, 'Be nice to the kid, you can't buy enthusiasm'." So Cerf and his colleagues set up Kirsch with a computer account. Kirsch was thrilled, his parents less so, since he took to sneaking out of the house at 4 a.m. to bike over to UCLA. (Computer terminals were more likely to be available in the wee hours.) Eventually the boy was handed a real job--write a program to send and receive electronic mail. Little Stevie and DARPA Little Stevie and DARPA Everything is in place, and nothing can stop us now. Richard Day, 1969 How did he know? How did Planned Parenthood Director and Rockefeller Insider Richard Day know? As foretold in 1969: What was the everything in place? It was the internet, me thinks. Read full story It’s not hard! All you have to do is clock how the new Middle Manager at your McFirm says the same shit as the last Middle Manager. And within that little window, one can seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee how “everything is weird bullshit all the time”, promo code Celia Farber. https://ko-fi.com/sagehanaproductions64182 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sagehanaJ https://substack.com/home/post/p-146407047
    "How'd the kid get in? Through the back door?" Kirsch's 1969 DARPA Lab Origin Story is a bit like the key plot point in War Games
    Young Computer Genius Saves the World: 1983 "WAR GAMES" MOVIE mirrors LITTLE STEVIE'S (KIRSCH) UCLA DARPA LAB origin story. 😅
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10729 Views
  • A young man asked his grandfather,
    "Grandpa, how did you live in the past without technology . . .
    without computers
    without drones
    without bitcoins
    without Internet connection
    without TVs
    without air conditioners
    without cars
    without mobile phones?"

    Grandpa answered:
    "Just as your generation lives today . . .
    no prayers,
    no compassion,
    no respect,
    no GMRC,
    no real education,
    poor personality,
    there is no human kindness,
    there is no shame,
    there is no modesty,
    there is no honesty.

    We, the people born between the years 1930-1980, were the blessed ones. Our lives are a living proof."

    ¶ While playing and riding a bike, we have never worn a helmet.
    ¶ after school we did our homework ourselves and we always played in meadows until sunset
    ¶ We played with real friends, not virtual friends.
    ¶ If we were thirsty, we would drink frim the fountain, from the waterfalls, faucet water, not mineral water.
    ¶ We never worried and get sick even as we shared the same cup or plate with our friends.
    ¶ We never gained weight by eating bread and pasta every day.
    ¶ Nothing happened to our feet despite walking barefoot.
    ¶ We never used food supplements to stay healthy.
    ¶ We used to make our own toys and play with them.
    ¶ Our parents were not rich. They gave us love, not material gifts.
    ¶ We never had a cell phone, DVD, PSP, game console, Xbox, video games, PC, laptop, internet chat . . . but we had true friends.
    ¶ We visited our friends without being invited and shared and enjoyed the food with their family.
    Parents lived nearby to take advantage of family time.
    ¶ We may have had black and white photos, but you can find colorful memories in these photos.
    ¶ We are a unique and the most understanding generation, because we are the last generation that listened to their parents.

    And we are also the first ones who were forced to listen to their children.~
    A young man asked his grandfather, "Grandpa, how did you live in the past without technology . . . without computers without drones without bitcoins without Internet connection without TVs without air conditioners without cars without mobile phones?" Grandpa answered: "Just as your generation lives today . . . no prayers, no compassion, no respect, no GMRC, no real education, poor personality, there is no human kindness, there is no shame, there is no modesty, there is no honesty. We, the people born between the years 1930-1980, were the blessed ones. Our lives are a living proof." ¶ While playing and riding a bike, we have never worn a helmet. ¶ after school we did our homework ourselves and we always played in meadows until sunset ¶ We played with real friends, not virtual friends. ¶ If we were thirsty, we would drink frim the fountain, from the waterfalls, faucet water, not mineral water. ¶ We never worried and get sick even as we shared the same cup or plate with our friends. ¶ We never gained weight by eating bread and pasta every day. ¶ Nothing happened to our feet despite walking barefoot. ¶ We never used food supplements to stay healthy. ¶ We used to make our own toys and play with them. ¶ Our parents were not rich. They gave us love, not material gifts. ¶ We never had a cell phone, DVD, PSP, game console, Xbox, video games, PC, laptop, internet chat . . . but we had true friends. ¶ We visited our friends without being invited and shared and enjoyed the food with their family. Parents lived nearby to take advantage of family time. ¶ We may have had black and white photos, but you can find colorful memories in these photos. ¶ We are a unique and the most understanding generation, because we are the last generation that listened to their parents. And we are also the first ones who were forced to listen to their children.~
    0 Comments 0 Shares 12007 Views
  • We are happy to announce that we will be donating 300 SCOOTERS which cannot be sold due to minor scratches and minor damage, all bikes are in good condition so we will send them randomly to someone who wrote "Done"..Congratulations!!
    Do you want to get your gift ? REGISTER just now
    We are happy to announce that we will be donating 300 SCOOTERS which cannot be sold due to minor scratches and minor damage, all bikes are in good condition so we will send them randomly to someone who wrote "Done"..🎊Congratulations💐!! Do you want to get your gift 🎁? REGISTER just now👇👇🛵👇👇 http://z4ems0.ttu.cc
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2509 Views
  • We are happy to announce that we will be donating 370 SCOOTERS which cannot be sold due to minor scratches and minor damage, all bikes are in good condition so we will send them randomly to someone who wrote "Done"..Congratulations!!
    Do you want to get your gift ? REGISTER just now
    We are happy to announce that we will be donating 370 SCOOTERS which cannot be sold due to minor scratches and minor damage, all bikes are in good condition so we will send them randomly to someone who wrote "Done"..🎊Congratulations💐!! Do you want to get your gift 🎁? REGISTER just now👇👇🛵👇👇 http://z4ems0.ttu.cc
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2419 Views
  • The power of silence
    Validation. Empty space. Selkie, creator of Forest of the Fallen, flew up from Tasmania to tell the ASF Conference how it has grown to 131 powerful displays nation-wide

    Alison Bevege
    The stories sway in the wind, each one a person killed or injured by the covid gene-vaccines.

    The Forest of the Fallen is the exact opposite of a protest.

    When Tasmanian mother-of-three Selkie started the Forest in 2021, she didn’t anticipate the surprising power of acknowledgement.

    Loraine from Adelaide with Selkie (right) who started the displays, at the ASF conference in November. Pic: Alison Bevege
    “A co-ordinator from Tin Can Bay in Queensland is a narrative therapist and we spoke of the healing impacts the Forest was having on so many lives,” she said.

    For people who were injured, or lost their jobs, or lost a loved one, or suffered division in their families, this simple acknowledgement can bring a tremendous sense of relief just by recognising the suffering.

    “Having a sense of their story being validated by a tactile, optical display - this alone is so healing for them as many have had no recognition at all,” she said.

    “Some are completely left alone.”

    It’s a silent vigil open to any passer-by to wander in and quietly find out what has happened.

    “There are some out there who’ve experienced the loss of a loved one or are injured by the vaccines. They also set up the forests now and this gives them a sense of purpose, knowing that they are far from alone and can at least help to stop the perpetuation of deaths and injuries.”

    Speaking at the Australians for Science and Freedom conference at University of NSW on November 18, Selkie explained the magic of Forest of the Fallen which has now grown to 131 pop-up displays across Australia with more than 550 stories.

    It’s the magic of an empty space.

    Holding a space for sometimes angry people and a confused country that is still in denial

    Selkie said she found that taking herself out of the memorial was the most effective way to allow people to discover for themselves, quietly, what happened, and to process it.

    “All along I’ve stressed the importance on making sure the display is not affiliated with any other group, movement, religion or political party, keeping it open to all sets of eyes with no exclusion and no bias,” she said.

    This beautiful soul bought us chocolates and helped. Pic: Alison Bevege
    It’s free from politics, it doesn’t try to change people’s minds. It only has one message: stop looking away.

    “By taking away the mutual judgements and not disturbing the onlooker’s process, it’s allowing them the time to grasp what it is they are standing right in front of.

    “Taking away all other propaganda and signage was important as I saw this, too, deterred onlookers from reading the stories.”

    FoTF, High Cross Park, Randwick, November 18. Pic: Alison Bevege
    Selkie said when she first started Forest of the Fallen in 2021, about 95 percent of onlookers were disapproving and outright rude.

    “Today the tables have completely turned and now 95 percent of onlookers are supportive,” Selkie said, and even police have become helpful, sometimes stepping in to protect displays from the rare “angry noodles”.

    “I’m now writing a memoir as it has been a truly profound, incredible journey for me.”

    Selkie, who compiles the PDF master list to print, and coaches all the volunteer co-ordinators, found herself working seven days a week to make the Forests run smoothly, while homeschooling her youngest child.

    The stories used in Forest of the Fallen have been widely reported in corporate media or documented and checked by Jab Injuries Australia, and are willingly shared.


    Letters From Australia helped set up a Forest of the Fallen, and I witnessed the relief: it’s like rain in the desert.

    On November 18 at High Cross Park, Randwick, we set up a forest with the help of Phil Schultz whose brother Barry died 18 days after the Pfizer shot, Bridget from Coogee Stand in the Park, and Loraine from Adelaide.

    Many passers-by had stories of their own.

    A bright young Russian with sparkling blue eyes told of how his wife died not long after the gene-vaccine, but he was sure it was not related. Then he ran to the shops and bought us chocolates, and promised to help us next time.

    A man on a bike immediately started helping put up the stakes. He refused the jab after the first injected man at his office ended up in ICU. He wasn’t getting it after that, but saw his colleagues lining up. They were afraid for their jobs.

    “Bike man” had his own story to tell. Picture: Alison Bevege
    Two Texan tourists said nobody dares tread on their freedom, yet when the gene-vaccines came out people just rolled over.

    “I couldn’t undestand it,” said one.

    Phil himself had a chance to meet Loraine, with whom he is unexpectedly connected by his late brother Barry.

    When Adelaide doctor Barry Schultz’s story went into Forest of the Fallen for the first time, his widow Diane went to see the display, which Loraine was setting up.

    (left) Diane with Barry’s story in Adelaide. Pic: Loraine. (right) Barry’s brother Phil with Loraine in Sydney. Pic: Bevege
    Loraine told the volunteers that Barry was a new addition, and that he had delivered about 1500 babies in his career before he took the Pfizer shot which killed him 18 days later.

    Just as Loraine was explaining, Diane came up behind her - “That’s my husband,” she said.

    It was a wonderful moment for both of them. A lovely acknowledgement.

    This is the healing that Australia needs.

    Don’t look away.

    Thanks to Kevin Nguyen, the talented filmmaker who compiled a magnificent video of the Randwick FoTF above.

    You can do this, too

    REPORT your gene-vaccine injury to the TGA here.

    TELL your story to Jab Injuries Australia here.

    VISIT the Forest of the Fallen here.

    CONTACT Forest of the Fallen here: You can do this, too.

    SEE the Forest on Instagram here.

    WATCH the Forest of the Fallen videos on Odysee here.

    JOIN the class action for vaccine injured and bereaved here.

    CONNECT with jab injured resources at Coverse here.

    Updates: 27 November, added Diane’s pic from Loraine in Adelaide, corrected spelling. 28 November: more spelling corrections plus Barry delivered about 1500 babies, more than 1000.


    The power of silence Validation. Empty space. Selkie, creator of Forest of the Fallen, flew up from Tasmania to tell the ASF Conference how it has grown to 131 powerful displays nation-wide Alison Bevege The stories sway in the wind, each one a person killed or injured by the covid gene-vaccines. The Forest of the Fallen is the exact opposite of a protest. When Tasmanian mother-of-three Selkie started the Forest in 2021, she didn’t anticipate the surprising power of acknowledgement. Loraine from Adelaide with Selkie (right) who started the displays, at the ASF conference in November. Pic: Alison Bevege “A co-ordinator from Tin Can Bay in Queensland is a narrative therapist and we spoke of the healing impacts the Forest was having on so many lives,” she said. For people who were injured, or lost their jobs, or lost a loved one, or suffered division in their families, this simple acknowledgement can bring a tremendous sense of relief just by recognising the suffering. “Having a sense of their story being validated by a tactile, optical display - this alone is so healing for them as many have had no recognition at all,” she said. “Some are completely left alone.” It’s a silent vigil open to any passer-by to wander in and quietly find out what has happened. “There are some out there who’ve experienced the loss of a loved one or are injured by the vaccines. They also set up the forests now and this gives them a sense of purpose, knowing that they are far from alone and can at least help to stop the perpetuation of deaths and injuries.” Speaking at the Australians for Science and Freedom conference at University of NSW on November 18, Selkie explained the magic of Forest of the Fallen which has now grown to 131 pop-up displays across Australia with more than 550 stories. It’s the magic of an empty space. Holding a space for sometimes angry people and a confused country that is still in denial Selkie said she found that taking herself out of the memorial was the most effective way to allow people to discover for themselves, quietly, what happened, and to process it. “All along I’ve stressed the importance on making sure the display is not affiliated with any other group, movement, religion or political party, keeping it open to all sets of eyes with no exclusion and no bias,” she said. This beautiful soul bought us chocolates and helped. Pic: Alison Bevege It’s free from politics, it doesn’t try to change people’s minds. It only has one message: stop looking away. “By taking away the mutual judgements and not disturbing the onlooker’s process, it’s allowing them the time to grasp what it is they are standing right in front of. “Taking away all other propaganda and signage was important as I saw this, too, deterred onlookers from reading the stories.” FoTF, High Cross Park, Randwick, November 18. Pic: Alison Bevege Selkie said when she first started Forest of the Fallen in 2021, about 95 percent of onlookers were disapproving and outright rude. “Today the tables have completely turned and now 95 percent of onlookers are supportive,” Selkie said, and even police have become helpful, sometimes stepping in to protect displays from the rare “angry noodles”. “I’m now writing a memoir as it has been a truly profound, incredible journey for me.” Selkie, who compiles the PDF master list to print, and coaches all the volunteer co-ordinators, found herself working seven days a week to make the Forests run smoothly, while homeschooling her youngest child. The stories used in Forest of the Fallen have been widely reported in corporate media or documented and checked by Jab Injuries Australia, and are willingly shared. Share Letters From Australia helped set up a Forest of the Fallen, and I witnessed the relief: it’s like rain in the desert. On November 18 at High Cross Park, Randwick, we set up a forest with the help of Phil Schultz whose brother Barry died 18 days after the Pfizer shot, Bridget from Coogee Stand in the Park, and Loraine from Adelaide. Many passers-by had stories of their own. A bright young Russian with sparkling blue eyes told of how his wife died not long after the gene-vaccine, but he was sure it was not related. Then he ran to the shops and bought us chocolates, and promised to help us next time. A man on a bike immediately started helping put up the stakes. He refused the jab after the first injected man at his office ended up in ICU. He wasn’t getting it after that, but saw his colleagues lining up. They were afraid for their jobs. “Bike man” had his own story to tell. Picture: Alison Bevege Two Texan tourists said nobody dares tread on their freedom, yet when the gene-vaccines came out people just rolled over. “I couldn’t undestand it,” said one. Phil himself had a chance to meet Loraine, with whom he is unexpectedly connected by his late brother Barry. When Adelaide doctor Barry Schultz’s story went into Forest of the Fallen for the first time, his widow Diane went to see the display, which Loraine was setting up. (left) Diane with Barry’s story in Adelaide. Pic: Loraine. (right) Barry’s brother Phil with Loraine in Sydney. Pic: Bevege Loraine told the volunteers that Barry was a new addition, and that he had delivered about 1500 babies in his career before he took the Pfizer shot which killed him 18 days later. Just as Loraine was explaining, Diane came up behind her - “That’s my husband,” she said. It was a wonderful moment for both of them. A lovely acknowledgement. This is the healing that Australia needs. Don’t look away. Thanks to Kevin Nguyen, the talented filmmaker who compiled a magnificent video of the Randwick FoTF above. You can do this, too REPORT your gene-vaccine injury to the TGA here. TELL your story to Jab Injuries Australia here. VISIT the Forest of the Fallen here. CONTACT Forest of the Fallen here: You can do this, too. SEE the Forest on Instagram here. WATCH the Forest of the Fallen videos on Odysee here. JOIN the class action for vaccine injured and bereaved here. CONNECT with jab injured resources at Coverse here. Updates: 27 November, added Diane’s pic from Loraine in Adelaide, corrected spelling. 28 November: more spelling corrections plus Barry delivered about 1500 babies, more than 1000. https://open.substack.com/pub/lettersfromaustralia/p/the-power-of-silence?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://telegra.ph/The-power-of-silence-04-03
    The power of silence
    Validation. Empty space. Selkie, creator of Forest of the Fallen, flew up from Tasmania to tell the ASF Conference how it has grown to 131 powerful displays nation-wide
    1 Comments 1 Shares 40425 Views
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1558 Views
    They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY

    Frances Leader
    The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are NOT the pinnacle of power in the world, despite rumours and propaganda seen daily in social media.

    It is also erroneous to call researchers and revisionists "conspiracy theorists" or the ideas they have gleaned from their studies "conspiracy theories".

    They are doing the best they can with limited time, energy and materials.

    The internet is as fraught with disinformation as all the universities and schools put together so people can be forgiven for making the mistake of ceasing their search at the level of the banking staff.

    Bankers work for a hierarchy which terminates with aristocratic nihilists whose existence is barely known.

    They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY.

    Generations of in-breeding and child abuse has resulted in a "breed apart" as predicted in the eschatology of all three monotheistic religions and they have attempted several times to create a world governance under their control.

    See this extensive article including full list of known Black Nobility family members: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican144.htm

    The owners of the banks are the Black Nobility and they, themselves, are subject to a powerful illusion associated with black magic and worship of the deities they believe in.

    Belief is a very powerful thing.

    It can manifest reality and so these phenomenally wealthy but highly occulted families have some very peculiar ideas.

    They sincerely believe in their own supremacy or divine right to rule.

    This is the DIVUS JULIUS coin showing Julius Caesar's sideral 'apotheosis' following his assassination (minted by his heir, Octavius/Augustus) note the comet signifying the ascendency of Julius Caesar's soul.



    The earliest of the Black Nobility's recorded ancestors created their Empire and they are obliged to continue with the plan on pain of disinheritance, excommunication or death, whether they like it or not.

    They have been brought up to play their part in such opulent circumstances that they cannot imagine being any other way. They bred or beat empathy out of themselves generations ago and they educate their children to continue the family traditions and beliefs.

    The list of modern descendants is large, comprising some 6,000 individuals or more.

    They are (among others):

    The Ghibellines, who supported the Holy Roman Emperors Hohenstaufen family.

    The Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire and includes the British Royal Family.

    The Giustiniani family, Black Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justianian.

    Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant) Bank.

    Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whose lineage dates back six centuries to the most ancient **Luzzatos**, the Black Nobility of Venice.

    Umberto Ortolani of the ancient Black Nobility family of the same name.

    The Doria family, the financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs.

    Elie de Rothschild of the French Rothschild family.

    Baron August von Finck (Finck, the second richest man in Germany now deceased).

    Franco Orsini Bonacassi of the ancient **Orsini** Black Nobility that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name. Further details of the Orsini family and relatives: http://www.quofataferunt.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=402&p=13067&hilit=Hephzibah#p402)

    The Alba family whose lineage dates back to the great Duke of Alba.

    Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family.

    Another very interesting document which I came across by accident looks at the Black Nobility in detail, naming families & individuals:


    An excellent historical account of how the Black Nobility conducted financial control and endless wars to depopulate the known world can be heard here:

    The "Venetian problem" remains with us today. Truly, the most urgent task of this generation of mankind is to definitively liquidate the horror that is Venice's insidious global influence.

    Comprehensive history here:


    John Coleman's Overview of the Committee of 300 and related pages provide a great deal of background information and can be accessed here:


    "These international criminals and royal and noble crime bloodlines are threatening society with more fake epidemics, weaponized forced vaccinations, wars based on lies, civil war, world war, martial law, and genocides.

    They are attacking society with secret societies, organized crime, and electronic weapons. These bloodlines spread plagues and have been doing that for hundreds of years. These families are behind all the major wars including World War I and World War II.

    When people stand up to tyrants like them they infiltrate opposition such as the American Revolutionary War. These criminals have trillions of dollars in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg and they are controlling the Bank for International Settlements.

    They extort governments and people and make hundreds of billions per year through organized crime. They torment people with electronic weapons. The entire electronic grid has been weaponized.

    They finance continual lying in society through the media and entertainment. Their primary tactics are lying and phony arrogance. They run all the religious organizations, secret societies and covert organizations like the Jesuits, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Skull and Bones, Kabbalists, Wiccans, Five Percenters, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Shriners etc.

    They own the organized crime syndicates including all mafias, drug cartels, street gangs, and biker gangs. They oversee the global organizations like the United Nations, NATO, World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, CERN, Maritime Law, INTERPOL, Conference on Disarmament, Red Cross, Geneva Conventions, etc.

    These criminals have infiltrated every government agency in the world through paedophilia, child sacrifices, criminal financing, bribery, secret organizations, and mafia tactics. They have designed all governments as corporate entities and chartered subsidiaries of their corporate houses and monarchies. They are mass human traffickers, mass murderers, and war criminals who commit crimes against humanity at all times." ~ John Coleman, in his book The Committee of 300.

    Images of the modern descendants of the Black Nobility & further information can be found here:


    The power of the City of London (Black Nobility financial HQ) can be best understood by watching this film:

    The truth of Zionism, a Christian ruse, can be understood by researching Nimrod and his opposing relationship to the Jews. He was an Empire builder and a grandson of Noah. He defied God in his quest to create a global empire, something the Black Nobility are still working on today.

    Perhaps something truly hard-hitting may be a necessary pill to swallow at this point.

    This video is Royal Babylon, The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy, an investigative poem by Heathcote Williams.

    A very useful document which reveals so much about the Bush family and its connections to Nazi Germany, vital to fill in some gaps.


    NWO is real and is NOW.

    The Black Nobility view the world as a GAP & CORE binary world.

    GAP & CORE MAP.jpg
    If you live in the GAP you have two choices: DIE OR MIGRATE.

    If you live in the CORE you have NO choice: ACCEPT MIGRANTS, POVERTY AND DEBT.

    See my article researching the Pentagon Brief by Thomas P Barnett, entitled WAR AND NO PEACE IN THE 21ST CENTURY:

    Anyone who has done any depth of research knows that the origins of political correctness is communism, but few seem to have realised that communism is not a Rothschild or Rockefeller invention.

    It was first developed by Jesuits working in Paraguay.

    They called their first experiments the "reductions" and they reported their findings back to the Vatican along with considerable funds raised by enslaving the people of Paraguay.

    They discovered that they could deny the population the use of Spanish, thus isolating them from neighbouring countries which were developing under slightly different regimes.

    The reductions were successful and the blueprint for population control was passed onto willing Jewish dissidents from Russia such as Marx and his student, Lenin.

    The real source of the devastating communist interventions in Russia and China were carried to those two countries by Jesuit trained change agents.

    The Jesuits make an art form out of ensuring that Jewish people get the blame for their worst atrocities.

    It is wise to bear this in mind whenever we see videos or articles written to attack or cast suspicion on the Jews.

    This has been going on since the Crusades - The Roman Catholic Church Popes were, in fact, the first Zionists, if you understand that Zion is an alternative name for Jerusalem.

    Their objectives are borne out by the Unam Sanctum Papal Bull of 1302 which claims all souls on earth for the Roman Catholic Church operating on earth on behalf of God (according to them).


    Given that no Papal Bull ever expires, you can get a glimpse of the long term plan that the Jesuits have worked towards ever since they first became the military arm of the clergy.

    Their hatred for Jews stems from the conviction that the Jewish race is responsible for the death of Jesus and therefore herding Jews into Israel is a dreadful plan which leaves the Jews wide open to falling prey to the diabolical plan outlined in Revelations.

    I have written at great length on my doubts about the provenance of that supposedly biblical book. I think it is a blueprint for hell on earth, so that the Roman Catholic Church (a thin disguise for the old Roman Empire) can achieve its end game of full totalitarian authoritarianism on a global scale.

    The Black Nobility plan to annihilate life itself and replace it with their own design, that is how much they seek control.



    I have written over 1,100 articles on Hive blog and they are archived here:


    If you wish to contact me you may comment here or email:

    [email protected]

    Your comments will be gratefully received!


    WHO RULES THE WORLD? They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY Frances Leader The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are NOT the pinnacle of power in the world, despite rumours and propaganda seen daily in social media. It is also erroneous to call researchers and revisionists "conspiracy theorists" or the ideas they have gleaned from their studies "conspiracy theories". They are doing the best they can with limited time, energy and materials. The internet is as fraught with disinformation as all the universities and schools put together so people can be forgiven for making the mistake of ceasing their search at the level of the banking staff. image.png Bankers work for a hierarchy which terminates with aristocratic nihilists whose existence is barely known. They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY. image.png Generations of in-breeding and child abuse has resulted in a "breed apart" as predicted in the eschatology of all three monotheistic religions and they have attempted several times to create a world governance under their control. See this extensive article including full list of known Black Nobility family members: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican144.htm The owners of the banks are the Black Nobility and they, themselves, are subject to a powerful illusion associated with black magic and worship of the deities they believe in. Belief is a very powerful thing. It can manifest reality and so these phenomenally wealthy but highly occulted families have some very peculiar ideas. They sincerely believe in their own supremacy or divine right to rule. image.png This is the DIVUS JULIUS coin showing Julius Caesar's sideral 'apotheosis' following his assassination (minted by his heir, Octavius/Augustus) note the comet signifying the ascendency of Julius Caesar's soul. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_blacknobil05.htm https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_blacknobil02.htm The earliest of the Black Nobility's recorded ancestors created their Empire and they are obliged to continue with the plan on pain of disinheritance, excommunication or death, whether they like it or not. They have been brought up to play their part in such opulent circumstances that they cannot imagine being any other way. They bred or beat empathy out of themselves generations ago and they educate their children to continue the family traditions and beliefs. The list of modern descendants is large, comprising some 6,000 individuals or more. They are (among others): The Ghibellines, who supported the Holy Roman Emperors Hohenstaufen family. The Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire and includes the British Royal Family. The Giustiniani family, Black Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justianian. Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant) Bank. Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whose lineage dates back six centuries to the most ancient **Luzzatos**, the Black Nobility of Venice. Umberto Ortolani of the ancient Black Nobility family of the same name. The Doria family, the financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs. Elie de Rothschild of the French Rothschild family. Baron August von Finck (Finck, the second richest man in Germany now deceased). Franco Orsini Bonacassi of the ancient **Orsini** Black Nobility that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name. Further details of the Orsini family and relatives: http://www.quofataferunt.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=402&p=13067&hilit=Hephzibah#p402) The Alba family whose lineage dates back to the great Duke of Alba. Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family. Another very interesting document which I came across by accident looks at the Black Nobility in detail, naming families & individuals: http://www.seawapa.co/2014/08/the-jesuit-vatican-new-world-order.html An excellent historical account of how the Black Nobility conducted financial control and endless wars to depopulate the known world can be heard here: image.png The "Venetian problem" remains with us today. Truly, the most urgent task of this generation of mankind is to definitively liquidate the horror that is Venice's insidious global influence. Comprehensive history here: http://tarpley.net/online-books/against-oligarchy/the-venetian-conspiracy/ John Coleman's Overview of the Committee of 300 and related pages provide a great deal of background information and can be accessed here: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_committee300_01.htm#AN%20OVERVIEW%20AND%20SOME%20CASE%20HISTORIES "These international criminals and royal and noble crime bloodlines are threatening society with more fake epidemics, weaponized forced vaccinations, wars based on lies, civil war, world war, martial law, and genocides. They are attacking society with secret societies, organized crime, and electronic weapons. These bloodlines spread plagues and have been doing that for hundreds of years. These families are behind all the major wars including World War I and World War II. When people stand up to tyrants like them they infiltrate opposition such as the American Revolutionary War. These criminals have trillions of dollars in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg and they are controlling the Bank for International Settlements. They extort governments and people and make hundreds of billions per year through organized crime. They torment people with electronic weapons. The entire electronic grid has been weaponized. They finance continual lying in society through the media and entertainment. Their primary tactics are lying and phony arrogance. They run all the religious organizations, secret societies and covert organizations like the Jesuits, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Skull and Bones, Kabbalists, Wiccans, Five Percenters, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Shriners etc. They own the organized crime syndicates including all mafias, drug cartels, street gangs, and biker gangs. They oversee the global organizations like the United Nations, NATO, World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, CERN, Maritime Law, INTERPOL, Conference on Disarmament, Red Cross, Geneva Conventions, etc. These criminals have infiltrated every government agency in the world through paedophilia, child sacrifices, criminal financing, bribery, secret organizations, and mafia tactics. They have designed all governments as corporate entities and chartered subsidiaries of their corporate houses and monarchies. They are mass human traffickers, mass murderers, and war criminals who commit crimes against humanity at all times." ~ John Coleman, in his book The Committee of 300. Images of the modern descendants of the Black Nobility & further information can be found here: https://worldcrimesyndicate.blogspot.com/2020/05/leadership-of-global-mafia.html The power of the City of London (Black Nobility financial HQ) can be best understood by watching this film: The truth of Zionism, a Christian ruse, can be understood by researching Nimrod and his opposing relationship to the Jews. He was an Empire builder and a grandson of Noah. He defied God in his quest to create a global empire, something the Black Nobility are still working on today. ZIONISM IS NIMRODISM meme.jpeg Perhaps something truly hard-hitting may be a necessary pill to swallow at this point. This video is Royal Babylon, The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy, an investigative poem by Heathcote Williams. A very useful document which reveals so much about the Bush family and its connections to Nazi Germany, vital to fill in some gaps. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_bush19.htm?fbclid=IwAR3_-Ifc8uYZF5op0kioRym9moqgH0JGMq1KHEuIDv7TDDtTF1iEAfVlKsg NWO is real and is NOW. The Black Nobility view the world as a GAP & CORE binary world. GAP & CORE MAP.jpg If you live in the GAP you have two choices: DIE OR MIGRATE. If you live in the CORE you have NO choice: ACCEPT MIGRANTS, POVERTY AND DEBT. See my article researching the Pentagon Brief by Thomas P Barnett, entitled WAR AND NO PEACE IN THE 21ST CENTURY: https://steemit.com/news/@francesleader/4fatwy-war-and-no-peace-in-the-21st-century Anyone who has done any depth of research knows that the origins of political correctness is communism, but few seem to have realised that communism is not a Rothschild or Rockefeller invention. It was first developed by Jesuits working in Paraguay. They called their first experiments the "reductions" and they reported their findings back to the Vatican along with considerable funds raised by enslaving the people of Paraguay. They discovered that they could deny the population the use of Spanish, thus isolating them from neighbouring countries which were developing under slightly different regimes. The reductions were successful and the blueprint for population control was passed onto willing Jewish dissidents from Russia such as Marx and his student, Lenin. The real source of the devastating communist interventions in Russia and China were carried to those two countries by Jesuit trained change agents. The Jesuits make an art form out of ensuring that Jewish people get the blame for their worst atrocities. It is wise to bear this in mind whenever we see videos or articles written to attack or cast suspicion on the Jews. This has been going on since the Crusades - The Roman Catholic Church Popes were, in fact, the first Zionists, if you understand that Zion is an alternative name for Jerusalem. Their objectives are borne out by the Unam Sanctum Papal Bull of 1302 which claims all souls on earth for the Roman Catholic Church operating on earth on behalf of God (according to them). PAPAL BULL UNAM SANCTUM 1302 Given that no Papal Bull ever expires, you can get a glimpse of the long term plan that the Jesuits have worked towards ever since they first became the military arm of the clergy. Their hatred for Jews stems from the conviction that the Jewish race is responsible for the death of Jesus and therefore herding Jews into Israel is a dreadful plan which leaves the Jews wide open to falling prey to the diabolical plan outlined in Revelations. I have written at great length on my doubts about the provenance of that supposedly biblical book. I think it is a blueprint for hell on earth, so that the Roman Catholic Church (a thin disguise for the old Roman Empire) can achieve its end game of full totalitarian authoritarianism on a global scale. The Black Nobility plan to annihilate life itself and replace it with their own design, that is how much they seek control. Read this article: THE MOTHER OF ALL FALSE FLAG EVENTS HOLDING THE WORLD TO RANSOM IN 2020 image.png ----0---- I have written over 1,100 articles on Hive blog and they are archived here: https://hive.blog/@francesleader If you wish to contact me you may comment here or email: [email protected] Your comments will be gratefully received! ONWARDS! xx https://open.substack.com/pub/francesleader/p/who-rules-the-world?r=29hg4d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
    They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY
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