• Cristina Ortiz - Orangutan treats his wound with a medicinal plant:


    #MedicinalPlant #AkarKuning #FibraureaTinctoria #Liana #WoundTreatment #WoundDressing #Wound #Healing #Antipyretic #Analgesic #SumatranOrangutan #Orangutan #Rakus #Intelligence #CognitiveScience #Psychology #Medicine #AnimalBiology #Biology
    Cristina Ortiz - Orangutan treats his wound with a medicinal plant: https://earthsky.org/earth/orangutan-treats-a-wound-with-medicinal-plant/ #MedicinalPlant #AkarKuning #FibraureaTinctoria #Liana #WoundTreatment #WoundDressing #Wound #Healing #Antipyretic #Analgesic #SumatranOrangutan #Orangutan #Rakus #Intelligence #CognitiveScience #Psychology #Medicine #AnimalBiology #Biology
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  • WEDNESDAY: Big Pharma, the Psychiatric Mafia & Why Patients Dont Get Well

    6 March at 8 pm UTC / GMT:
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    According to psychotherapist Jerry Marzinski, not all our thoughts are our own, and the ‘psychiatric mafia’ have been underhandedly brainwashing us for decades. In a world of social engineering, Jerry says it’s important to know who is sponsoring your thoughts.

    In this enlightening conversation, Jerry will share what he refers to as the ‘demonology of psychology’ and the true history of mental illness. You'll learn the truth about medication and the so-called ‘voices in your head’, including the 23 voice patterns.

    Be prepared to have your understanding of modern psychology turned on its head.

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    Hope to see you there!

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    Follow: @WCH_org
    WEDNESDAY: Big Pharma, the Psychiatric Mafia & Why Patients Dont Get Well 6 March at 8 pm UTC / GMT: Register here ⬇️ worldcouncilforhealth.org/mindhealth According to psychotherapist Jerry Marzinski, not all our thoughts are our own, and the ‘psychiatric mafia’ have been underhandedly brainwashing us for decades. In a world of social engineering, Jerry says it’s important to know who is sponsoring your thoughts. In this enlightening conversation, Jerry will share what he refers to as the ‘demonology of psychology’ and the true history of mental illness. You'll learn the truth about medication and the so-called ‘voices in your head’, including the 23 voice patterns. Be prepared to have your understanding of modern psychology turned on its head. Time zone guide: 12 pm PST 3 pm EST 8 pm UTC / GMT 10 pm CAT 5 am JST (7 March) 9 am NZDT (7 March) Hope to see you there! 🙂 We'll also be live on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook & Gettr. Follow: ➡️@WCH_org 📧 NEWSLETTER | 🌳 LINKTREE 🌐 WorldCouncilforHealth.org
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  • The Rothschild Deep State Cabal Is Imploding
    Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorFebruary 23, 2024


    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

    Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, 1776

    That same momentous year that kicked off the American Revolution, 1776 was also the year that ex-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria founded his Illuminati Order, sponsored by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as House of Rothschild patriarch in nearby Frankfurt, Germany. And it was America’s third US President Thomas Jefferson, who refused renewal of the Rothschild controlled First Bank of America’s charter in 1811. The American Revolution may have been fought for independence from King George’s British monarchy, but not independence from the Rothschild central banking cartel, whose controlling 70% foreign interests in First Bank of America indebted America’s earliest citizens. At the end of George Washington’s eight years as first US president, in 1791 the federalist Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton installed for the Rothschilds their First Bank of America.

    Not renewing its charter, Jefferson kicked the Rothschild owned bank out of the US, which became the basis for America’s first war as a sovereign independent country, once again facing the same British enemy in the War of 1812. This war fought over financial independence from Britain’s City of London, only caused young America to drown further in war debt, as Nathan Rothschild backing both sides to every conflict he creates was determined to bankrupt the US to force it into recolonization. Despite the hard-fought American military victory, by 1815 with the US war debt nearly tripled at $119.2 million in the red, America financially was already a major debtor nation owing the infamous bloodline banking dynasty. That same year, making a colossal fortune over the Battle of Waterloo outcome by pre-rigging his investment, the gloating crook Nathan Rothschild proclaimed:

    I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.

    Sadly, America’s War of 1812 struggle for financial independence from the Rothschild controllers was lost. A brief excerpt from my Pedophilia & Empire series, Book 3, chapter one on the Rothschild family:

    In 1816 with yet a Second Bank of the United States foisted on American citizens for the next 20 years, in effect, Rothschild was simply seizing his predatory ownership of the United States. And once again, private control over the US money supply tacking on parasitic interest went into the coffers of as many as 1000 foreign investors, with [Nathan’s younger brother] Baron James de Rothschild in Paris holding the controlling shares.

    When the Second Bank of America’s charter was up for renewal 20 years later in 1836, that year Nathan Rothschild died. But France’s James de Rothschild assuming control over both the London and Paris banking branches, battled playing dirty as usual for charter renewal. He met his match as the resolute, feisty President Andrew Jackson was up for the challenge, declaring war on the House of Rothschild:

    You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by eternal God, I will rout you out.

    President Jackson’s turn to oppose the centralized moneychangers ultimately proved successful, kicking the Rothschilds out of America yet again, and the second British dynasty US takeover was again foiled, at least temporarily. However, the year prior in 1835, amidst the battle over the US private central bank, Jackson barely dodged a bullet to literally escape an assassination attempt attributed to Rothschild wrath. From 1836 to 1913, the US was largely free of the treacherous Rothschild leeches from Europe, signifying America’s longest period of foremost economic growth and prosperity in its entire history.

    Having acquired central banking control over Europe and through Nathan Rothschild’s ownership of the Bank of England by early 19th century, the British East India Company monopoly over international trade, including both the drug and slave trade, spanned the globe from Africa, the Indian and Pacific Oceans to North America and Europe, the flourishing international banking cartel consolidated its growing global money lending power over every commercial trade on every continent. But one vast sprawling nation covering two continents over the centuries resisted and eluded the Rothschild clutches. As a result, Russia was repeatedly targeted, as its ruling Romanov monarchy managed to successfully evade the Rothschild predatory conquest, but not without murderous retribution. From author Eustice Mullens’ New World Order:

    After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschilds turned all their hatred against the Romanovs. In 1825, they poisoned Alexander I; in 1855, they poisoned Nicholas I. Other assassinations followed, culminating on the night of November 6, 1917, when a dozen Red Guards drove a truck up to the Imperial Bank Building in Moscow. They loaded the Imperial jewel collection and $700 million gold, loot totaling more than a billion dollars. The new regime also confiscated the 150 million acres in Russia personally owned by the Czar.

    In addition to a century of assassinating Romanov czars by poison, when Czar Alexander II came to the aid of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, which by many accounts attribute Russian support to preserving the Union, the vindictive Rothschild cartel as primary backer of the Confederacy, vowed eternal revenge against the Russia and its royal family. The Rothschilds et al’s war at all cost against Russia today in Ukraine is merely this same long legacy’s outcome.

    Just prior to the Rothschilds’ planned First World War in 1914, a few months earlier in late 1913, they deceptively snuck through Congress their Federal Reserve Act on December 23rd, after most members had already left on Christmas break. The Jekyll Island rendezvous of the Fed Reserve architects included Paul Warburg, the German born chief central banking Rothschild agent moved to the US, ending up the second Vice Fed chairman. Continuity of one thought mind pervades the Warburg clan as Paul’s son James Paul Warburg before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1950 emphatically declared:

    We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.

    Thus, the third Rothschild central private bank in America was established to take permanent full usury-debtor system control over the US money supply, through bribery of Washington’s political puppet class, and the American people through their engineered debtor system. 1913 also saw the passage of the Federal Income Tax Act, illegally squeezing tax dollars to rip off hardworking US citizens just to pay off debt interests from all the bankers’ war loans. This vicious control cycle is how Khazarian mafia swindlers have cunningly operated since their identity snatching days of their ancient Khazar kingdom over a millennium ago.

    The Rothschild central banking controllers hired one of their own, distant cousin Karl Marx to write his Marxist Communist Manifesto in 1848. And it was the Rothschild cartel money along with Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff in America that financed his fellow Jews’ Bolshevik Revolution and their plotted murder and theft of Russian Czar Nicholas II’s family in 1917. And that billion plus of stolen Russian gold is said to have wound up stored in Rothschild’s underground chambers at City of London’s Bank of England. A centuries long pattern of covert deception, murder, war, corruption and insatiable appetite for greed and increasing power characterize all that is behind today’s still operating Khazarian mafia bankster dynasty rooted in ancient Khazar more than a millennium ago. Closer to this century historically, one world government tyranny and depopulation eugenics have both reflected the elites’ obsession.

    Rothschild crimes funded all three of the most bloodthirsty dictators in all of human history. The 1917 Russian Revolution spawned the rise of the Lenin-Stalin Communist Soviet Union democide, killing 66 million mostly Christian Russians. Then, since the early 1930s, in addition to Bush, Rothschild and Rockefeller bloodlines also funded the rise of Adolph Hitler. His alleged sacrifice of 6 million Jews in WWII was used coldheartedly as Zionist bargaining chips for the non-Hebrew Ashkenazim false claim of “Israelite birthright” to a homeland in Palestine, promised to Lord Lionel Rothschild in the 1917 Balfour Declaration. Three decades later, the pledge was fulfilled with the establishment of the Jewish State. Despite a non-Hebrew heritage, Ashkenazi [non]Jews that trace back originally to nomadic Turkic tribes, comprise 90% of today’s Israeli population.

    The Balfour Declaration also made another pledge:

    …Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.

    The Jewish State since its 1948 inception, that’s the last three quarters of a century now, has brutally pushed out the true Semite Arabs living in Palestine, their rightful ancient homeland, yet they’ve been systematically destroyed by Israel’s official genocidal apartheid policy. This fact is neither anti-Semitic nor what should be allowed or tolerated by rest of the world, yet with impunity, it has for far too long. This shameful reality is largely due to the Zionist House of Rothschild’s influence and control over Israel.

    Also in the 1930s, the Rothschilds groomed and backed yet another notorious Yale educated dictator Mao Zedong, also covertly supporting his democide against 65 million of his own sacrificed fellow Chinese. Over the centuries, you can recognize a pattern, that these Luciferian bloodline controllers led by the likes of the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties, have had ample practice committing genocides, financing the rise to power of all three dictators responsible for the deadliest genocides in all of history on this planet… that is, until the current unprecedented genocide against today’s human race.

    In 1933 the globalists of the day attempted the first major coup against the United States government in a failed attempt to overthrew the Franklin Delano Roosevelt, singlehandedly prevented by the Medal of Honor and most decorated war hero US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler. His intervention stopped the plotted criminal takeover, exposing it publicly in the press in 1934 as well as in his book. And though his courageous actions successfully averted the treasonous subversion committed by some of America’s wealthiest, most powerful conspiratorial traitors as captains of industry, bankers and politicians, among them heir to the Singer Sewing fortune Robert Sterling Clark and George HW Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, during WWII as a Union Banking Corp. director, Bush’s company was linked to financing, aiding and abetting the US Nazi enemy Adolph Hitler, yet his shockingly treasonous past was covered up and he was sent to the US Senate from Connecticut. Of course, the Bush-Clinton crime families are notorious for getting away with multiple felonies of high treason. Pedophile George Bush senior was implicated in America’s largest publicly exposed child sex trafficking network, tagged the “Franklin scandal” involving Nebraska children some from Catholic Boys Town directly trafficked to the White House during the Reagan-Bush administrations.

    While the Bush crime family are Satanists, their fellow Satanist arrested in this scandal coverup was fall guy Lawrence E. King, though the entire operation was quickly swept under the carpet as ringleader King aided by the likes of Satanist Lt. Col. Michael Aquino hotel drop-off of a cash filled suitcase to King. Like Epstein, Lawrence King was also handed a sweetheart deal with next to no jailtime considering his ungodly crimes. Of course, Aquino always walked free despite being linked to multiple pedo-scandals, protected by his military status high up in America’s MK mind control operation, identified by a number of child victims at the Presidio daycare scandal as well as implicated by Cathy O’Brien as a MK-ultra top programmer. America’s highest-profile pedophile-child sex trafficker is supposedly deceased, Jeffrey Epstein, while his gal pal partner-in-crime Guislaine Maxwell serves her 20-year sentence in a Florida federal penitentiary.

    Whereas the Franklin scandal incriminates the Bush crime family, both the Epstein-Maxwell operation and Pizzagate scandal expose the Rothschild, Clinton, Podesta, Obama, Biden crime families, including Donald Trump touting what “a terrific guy” Epstein was to 2004 New York Magazine, adding how he loves “the young ones,” wink, wink. The fact is, America’s uniparty is infested with hundreds of compromised famous pedophiles and gatekeeping enablers still walking free, despite the tons of cameras capturing the crimes as evidence. Outside of King, Epstein and Maxwell, zero arrests and prosecutions of any prominent guilty pedo-criminals including British, Belgian, and Dutch royalty, prime ministers and presidents, as well as billionaire criminals like Bill Gates, hundreds, perhaps thousands of these blackmailed VIP politicians, judges, police chiefs, generals, CEOs, bankers and entertainers, all guilty of horrific child sex abuse crimes have yet to face their unholiest of unholy karma.

    Multiple chapters in Pedophilia & Empire Book 4 unravel the US pedo-scourge and other scandals throughout the world in the other books. The New World Order, secret societies and the global pedophilia network generating enormous black ops revenue involving colossal amounts of money laundering by all Rothschild private central banks, are explicitly intertwined and fully documented in the five volume series with access to all 50 plus chapters here.

    Because so much accelerated shocking truth is coming out weekly, with a one in 6 billion chance of so many disastrous chemical spill derailments all at once, manmade earthquakes punishing nations aligned with Russia, all are only further incriminating the bloodline controllers and their puppet minions at the highest echelons of Western power. The reason why the Ukraine war is so huge right now, carrying so much at stake, is because the entire New World Order’s one world government scheme is riding on the bloodline controllers’ defeat by Russia in Ukraine as their longtime “devil’s playground” hub gets further exposed to the global public. With all these bloodline criminals vis-à-vis the Rothschild dynasty atop this predatory food chain, busily bribing, blackmailing, and silencing facts and truthtellers through any and all means necessary, it’s to ensure that their psychopathic club of elites remains unreachable and immune from all prosecution and long overdue justice. They know more than enough criminal evidence is out there in the public domain to convict these genocidal killers for their unending crimes and they know that We the People are closing in on them. And because of this, the monstrous beasts are willing to unleash nuclear Armageddon. We are living through epic times, and though millions have already perished and perhaps billions more will follow, in this war between good and evil, we have them on the run, rushing like cockroaches for the cover of darkness. But armed and united by the truth, justice will be done.

    As a consequence of the covert subversive overthrow of the United States government taking place in recent years, both the complete absence of rule of law and rampant treasonous failure to uphold the US Constitution, currently has Americans and people around the world waking up in righteous anger by the thousands every single day. Our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson bestowed fundamental rights of liberty and freedom to every citizen, granting us clear-cut legal justification and guidelines to, in his words, “abolish” the illegitimate treasonous regime occupying Washington today. Taking into account the US government’s repeated terrorist acts constituting democide against its own American citizenry as well as having committed acts of war against US closest allies like Germany via the Nord Stream sabotage, the Biden regime’s intent to destroy both America and West must be opposed immediately.

    A growing majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance as imposter president, more so than any previous president in US modern history during the entire 78 years of presidential poll ratings. After the US Supreme Court declined the Brunson case out of Utah last month for a second time this year, the longshot effort to hold the vast majority of Congress accountable for illegally ratifying a fraudulent, rigged 2020 election has been thwarted. All three branches of government – the executive, legislative and judiciary, have systemically failed Americans by repeatedly violating the US Constitution in clear breech of their sworn oaths to uphold and defend. All three branches have committed treason for destroying our nation through reckless, willful crimes endangering both the American as well as global population, targeted for extermination by the elites. Nuremberg 2.0 needs to immediately be invoked for mass tribunal trials of multitudes of genocidal traitors determined to impose their diabolical, exposed depopulation agenda on humanity.

    The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the president that vowed to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces,” reduce the power of the Federal Reserve and avert a decade long costly war in Vietnam, set the stage for the Deep State to fester and thrive ever since November 22, 1963. Every US president ever since has been a mere puppet for bloodline controllers to rape the earth and humanity in the name of the military industrial security Big Pharma complex. In this century the Khazarian mafia infested and controlled international criminal cabal manufactured their “new Pearl Harbor” 9/11, an Israeli-neocon grand Satanic blood sacrifice after the prewritten Patriot Act straight out of the dialectical “problem, reaction, solution” con-game playbook intended to strip away all Americans’ constitutional rights, a lose-lose our less freedom for less security and win-win for the Satanists, thinly disguised as collateral damage behind their fabricated war on terror against Muslim terrorists they create, train and finance as fake proxy war US enemies, supplementing their ongoing “war on drugs” to destroy African American families for the prison security complex, then when convenient again switch the revolving “enemy” back to the Russians and Chinese in Cold War #2 to drive humanity off the Armageddon cliff with today’s nuclear World War III countdown.

    And now along with the threat of a mushroom cloud, their enemy target today expands to a genocidal war against the entire human species with their fake pandemic/killer jab’s malevolent agenda to destroy national sovereignty via the United Nations’ World Health Organization, subversively imposing more fake or deadly health emergencies possessing an unlimited bioweapon arsenal bringing more draconian lockdowns, more killer mandates, along with their 15-minute smart cities control grid prison enslavement, planetwide mass surveillance, Chinese modeled social credit scores freezing dissidents’ bank accounts requiring digital ID approval and cashless World Bank Digital Currency, all part of their “Great Reset.”

    The globalists’ wet dream is our never-ending nightmare of absolute myopic control over the culled down, beaten down, traumatized, lobotomized population of jabbed, DNA altered, group hived, AI mind-controlled cyborg survivors. This is our bleak Lucifer controlled future if we remain weak, passive, defeated and ignorant. Activism is growing in a planetwide movement protesting against the Ukraine debacle along with the price inflation, smart cities and World Economic Forum’s enslavement. Legal challenges against the technocratic tyranny, the genocide, the wokist insanity. Our enemy is on notice and no doubt will be unleashing more false flags and WMDs at us, but the momentum of growing resistance and opposition is mobilizing for the long war.

    Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

    The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global Research, lewrockwell.com and currently https://jameshfetzer.org. As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge is available free at https://pedoempire.org/contents/. Joachim also hosts the Revolution Radio weekly broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed,” every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).


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    The Rothschild Deep State Cabal Is Imploding Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorFebruary 23, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, 1776 That same momentous year that kicked off the American Revolution, 1776 was also the year that ex-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria founded his Illuminati Order, sponsored by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as House of Rothschild patriarch in nearby Frankfurt, Germany. And it was America’s third US President Thomas Jefferson, who refused renewal of the Rothschild controlled First Bank of America’s charter in 1811. The American Revolution may have been fought for independence from King George’s British monarchy, but not independence from the Rothschild central banking cartel, whose controlling 70% foreign interests in First Bank of America indebted America’s earliest citizens. At the end of George Washington’s eight years as first US president, in 1791 the federalist Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton installed for the Rothschilds their First Bank of America. Not renewing its charter, Jefferson kicked the Rothschild owned bank out of the US, which became the basis for America’s first war as a sovereign independent country, once again facing the same British enemy in the War of 1812. This war fought over financial independence from Britain’s City of London, only caused young America to drown further in war debt, as Nathan Rothschild backing both sides to every conflict he creates was determined to bankrupt the US to force it into recolonization. Despite the hard-fought American military victory, by 1815 with the US war debt nearly tripled at $119.2 million in the red, America financially was already a major debtor nation owing the infamous bloodline banking dynasty. That same year, making a colossal fortune over the Battle of Waterloo outcome by pre-rigging his investment, the gloating crook Nathan Rothschild proclaimed: I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply. Sadly, America’s War of 1812 struggle for financial independence from the Rothschild controllers was lost. A brief excerpt from my Pedophilia & Empire series, Book 3, chapter one on the Rothschild family: In 1816 with yet a Second Bank of the United States foisted on American citizens for the next 20 years, in effect, Rothschild was simply seizing his predatory ownership of the United States. And once again, private control over the US money supply tacking on parasitic interest went into the coffers of as many as 1000 foreign investors, with [Nathan’s younger brother] Baron James de Rothschild in Paris holding the controlling shares. When the Second Bank of America’s charter was up for renewal 20 years later in 1836, that year Nathan Rothschild died. But France’s James de Rothschild assuming control over both the London and Paris banking branches, battled playing dirty as usual for charter renewal. He met his match as the resolute, feisty President Andrew Jackson was up for the challenge, declaring war on the House of Rothschild: You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by eternal God, I will rout you out. President Jackson’s turn to oppose the centralized moneychangers ultimately proved successful, kicking the Rothschilds out of America yet again, and the second British dynasty US takeover was again foiled, at least temporarily. However, the year prior in 1835, amidst the battle over the US private central bank, Jackson barely dodged a bullet to literally escape an assassination attempt attributed to Rothschild wrath. From 1836 to 1913, the US was largely free of the treacherous Rothschild leeches from Europe, signifying America’s longest period of foremost economic growth and prosperity in its entire history. Having acquired central banking control over Europe and through Nathan Rothschild’s ownership of the Bank of England by early 19th century, the British East India Company monopoly over international trade, including both the drug and slave trade, spanned the globe from Africa, the Indian and Pacific Oceans to North America and Europe, the flourishing international banking cartel consolidated its growing global money lending power over every commercial trade on every continent. But one vast sprawling nation covering two continents over the centuries resisted and eluded the Rothschild clutches. As a result, Russia was repeatedly targeted, as its ruling Romanov monarchy managed to successfully evade the Rothschild predatory conquest, but not without murderous retribution. From author Eustice Mullens’ New World Order: After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschilds turned all their hatred against the Romanovs. In 1825, they poisoned Alexander I; in 1855, they poisoned Nicholas I. Other assassinations followed, culminating on the night of November 6, 1917, when a dozen Red Guards drove a truck up to the Imperial Bank Building in Moscow. They loaded the Imperial jewel collection and $700 million gold, loot totaling more than a billion dollars. The new regime also confiscated the 150 million acres in Russia personally owned by the Czar. In addition to a century of assassinating Romanov czars by poison, when Czar Alexander II came to the aid of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, which by many accounts attribute Russian support to preserving the Union, the vindictive Rothschild cartel as primary backer of the Confederacy, vowed eternal revenge against the Russia and its royal family. The Rothschilds et al’s war at all cost against Russia today in Ukraine is merely this same long legacy’s outcome. Just prior to the Rothschilds’ planned First World War in 1914, a few months earlier in late 1913, they deceptively snuck through Congress their Federal Reserve Act on December 23rd, after most members had already left on Christmas break. The Jekyll Island rendezvous of the Fed Reserve architects included Paul Warburg, the German born chief central banking Rothschild agent moved to the US, ending up the second Vice Fed chairman. Continuity of one thought mind pervades the Warburg clan as Paul’s son James Paul Warburg before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1950 emphatically declared: We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest. Thus, the third Rothschild central private bank in America was established to take permanent full usury-debtor system control over the US money supply, through bribery of Washington’s political puppet class, and the American people through their engineered debtor system. 1913 also saw the passage of the Federal Income Tax Act, illegally squeezing tax dollars to rip off hardworking US citizens just to pay off debt interests from all the bankers’ war loans. This vicious control cycle is how Khazarian mafia swindlers have cunningly operated since their identity snatching days of their ancient Khazar kingdom over a millennium ago. The Rothschild central banking controllers hired one of their own, distant cousin Karl Marx to write his Marxist Communist Manifesto in 1848. And it was the Rothschild cartel money along with Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff in America that financed his fellow Jews’ Bolshevik Revolution and their plotted murder and theft of Russian Czar Nicholas II’s family in 1917. And that billion plus of stolen Russian gold is said to have wound up stored in Rothschild’s underground chambers at City of London’s Bank of England. A centuries long pattern of covert deception, murder, war, corruption and insatiable appetite for greed and increasing power characterize all that is behind today’s still operating Khazarian mafia bankster dynasty rooted in ancient Khazar more than a millennium ago. Closer to this century historically, one world government tyranny and depopulation eugenics have both reflected the elites’ obsession. Rothschild crimes funded all three of the most bloodthirsty dictators in all of human history. The 1917 Russian Revolution spawned the rise of the Lenin-Stalin Communist Soviet Union democide, killing 66 million mostly Christian Russians. Then, since the early 1930s, in addition to Bush, Rothschild and Rockefeller bloodlines also funded the rise of Adolph Hitler. His alleged sacrifice of 6 million Jews in WWII was used coldheartedly as Zionist bargaining chips for the non-Hebrew Ashkenazim false claim of “Israelite birthright” to a homeland in Palestine, promised to Lord Lionel Rothschild in the 1917 Balfour Declaration. Three decades later, the pledge was fulfilled with the establishment of the Jewish State. Despite a non-Hebrew heritage, Ashkenazi [non]Jews that trace back originally to nomadic Turkic tribes, comprise 90% of today’s Israeli population. The Balfour Declaration also made another pledge: …Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine. The Jewish State since its 1948 inception, that’s the last three quarters of a century now, has brutally pushed out the true Semite Arabs living in Palestine, their rightful ancient homeland, yet they’ve been systematically destroyed by Israel’s official genocidal apartheid policy. This fact is neither anti-Semitic nor what should be allowed or tolerated by rest of the world, yet with impunity, it has for far too long. This shameful reality is largely due to the Zionist House of Rothschild’s influence and control over Israel. Also in the 1930s, the Rothschilds groomed and backed yet another notorious Yale educated dictator Mao Zedong, also covertly supporting his democide against 65 million of his own sacrificed fellow Chinese. Over the centuries, you can recognize a pattern, that these Luciferian bloodline controllers led by the likes of the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties, have had ample practice committing genocides, financing the rise to power of all three dictators responsible for the deadliest genocides in all of history on this planet… that is, until the current unprecedented genocide against today’s human race. In 1933 the globalists of the day attempted the first major coup against the United States government in a failed attempt to overthrew the Franklin Delano Roosevelt, singlehandedly prevented by the Medal of Honor and most decorated war hero US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler. His intervention stopped the plotted criminal takeover, exposing it publicly in the press in 1934 as well as in his book. And though his courageous actions successfully averted the treasonous subversion committed by some of America’s wealthiest, most powerful conspiratorial traitors as captains of industry, bankers and politicians, among them heir to the Singer Sewing fortune Robert Sterling Clark and George HW Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, during WWII as a Union Banking Corp. director, Bush’s company was linked to financing, aiding and abetting the US Nazi enemy Adolph Hitler, yet his shockingly treasonous past was covered up and he was sent to the US Senate from Connecticut. Of course, the Bush-Clinton crime families are notorious for getting away with multiple felonies of high treason. Pedophile George Bush senior was implicated in America’s largest publicly exposed child sex trafficking network, tagged the “Franklin scandal” involving Nebraska children some from Catholic Boys Town directly trafficked to the White House during the Reagan-Bush administrations. While the Bush crime family are Satanists, their fellow Satanist arrested in this scandal coverup was fall guy Lawrence E. King, though the entire operation was quickly swept under the carpet as ringleader King aided by the likes of Satanist Lt. Col. Michael Aquino hotel drop-off of a cash filled suitcase to King. Like Epstein, Lawrence King was also handed a sweetheart deal with next to no jailtime considering his ungodly crimes. Of course, Aquino always walked free despite being linked to multiple pedo-scandals, protected by his military status high up in America’s MK mind control operation, identified by a number of child victims at the Presidio daycare scandal as well as implicated by Cathy O’Brien as a MK-ultra top programmer. America’s highest-profile pedophile-child sex trafficker is supposedly deceased, Jeffrey Epstein, while his gal pal partner-in-crime Guislaine Maxwell serves her 20-year sentence in a Florida federal penitentiary. Whereas the Franklin scandal incriminates the Bush crime family, both the Epstein-Maxwell operation and Pizzagate scandal expose the Rothschild, Clinton, Podesta, Obama, Biden crime families, including Donald Trump touting what “a terrific guy” Epstein was to 2004 New York Magazine, adding how he loves “the young ones,” wink, wink. The fact is, America’s uniparty is infested with hundreds of compromised famous pedophiles and gatekeeping enablers still walking free, despite the tons of cameras capturing the crimes as evidence. Outside of King, Epstein and Maxwell, zero arrests and prosecutions of any prominent guilty pedo-criminals including British, Belgian, and Dutch royalty, prime ministers and presidents, as well as billionaire criminals like Bill Gates, hundreds, perhaps thousands of these blackmailed VIP politicians, judges, police chiefs, generals, CEOs, bankers and entertainers, all guilty of horrific child sex abuse crimes have yet to face their unholiest of unholy karma. Multiple chapters in Pedophilia & Empire Book 4 unravel the US pedo-scourge and other scandals throughout the world in the other books. The New World Order, secret societies and the global pedophilia network generating enormous black ops revenue involving colossal amounts of money laundering by all Rothschild private central banks, are explicitly intertwined and fully documented in the five volume series with access to all 50 plus chapters here. Because so much accelerated shocking truth is coming out weekly, with a one in 6 billion chance of so many disastrous chemical spill derailments all at once, manmade earthquakes punishing nations aligned with Russia, all are only further incriminating the bloodline controllers and their puppet minions at the highest echelons of Western power. The reason why the Ukraine war is so huge right now, carrying so much at stake, is because the entire New World Order’s one world government scheme is riding on the bloodline controllers’ defeat by Russia in Ukraine as their longtime “devil’s playground” hub gets further exposed to the global public. With all these bloodline criminals vis-à-vis the Rothschild dynasty atop this predatory food chain, busily bribing, blackmailing, and silencing facts and truthtellers through any and all means necessary, it’s to ensure that their psychopathic club of elites remains unreachable and immune from all prosecution and long overdue justice. They know more than enough criminal evidence is out there in the public domain to convict these genocidal killers for their unending crimes and they know that We the People are closing in on them. And because of this, the monstrous beasts are willing to unleash nuclear Armageddon. We are living through epic times, and though millions have already perished and perhaps billions more will follow, in this war between good and evil, we have them on the run, rushing like cockroaches for the cover of darkness. But armed and united by the truth, justice will be done. As a consequence of the covert subversive overthrow of the United States government taking place in recent years, both the complete absence of rule of law and rampant treasonous failure to uphold the US Constitution, currently has Americans and people around the world waking up in righteous anger by the thousands every single day. Our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson bestowed fundamental rights of liberty and freedom to every citizen, granting us clear-cut legal justification and guidelines to, in his words, “abolish” the illegitimate treasonous regime occupying Washington today. Taking into account the US government’s repeated terrorist acts constituting democide against its own American citizenry as well as having committed acts of war against US closest allies like Germany via the Nord Stream sabotage, the Biden regime’s intent to destroy both America and West must be opposed immediately. A growing majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance as imposter president, more so than any previous president in US modern history during the entire 78 years of presidential poll ratings. After the US Supreme Court declined the Brunson case out of Utah last month for a second time this year, the longshot effort to hold the vast majority of Congress accountable for illegally ratifying a fraudulent, rigged 2020 election has been thwarted. All three branches of government – the executive, legislative and judiciary, have systemically failed Americans by repeatedly violating the US Constitution in clear breech of their sworn oaths to uphold and defend. All three branches have committed treason for destroying our nation through reckless, willful crimes endangering both the American as well as global population, targeted for extermination by the elites. Nuremberg 2.0 needs to immediately be invoked for mass tribunal trials of multitudes of genocidal traitors determined to impose their diabolical, exposed depopulation agenda on humanity. The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the president that vowed to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces,” reduce the power of the Federal Reserve and avert a decade long costly war in Vietnam, set the stage for the Deep State to fester and thrive ever since November 22, 1963. Every US president ever since has been a mere puppet for bloodline controllers to rape the earth and humanity in the name of the military industrial security Big Pharma complex. In this century the Khazarian mafia infested and controlled international criminal cabal manufactured their “new Pearl Harbor” 9/11, an Israeli-neocon grand Satanic blood sacrifice after the prewritten Patriot Act straight out of the dialectical “problem, reaction, solution” con-game playbook intended to strip away all Americans’ constitutional rights, a lose-lose our less freedom for less security and win-win for the Satanists, thinly disguised as collateral damage behind their fabricated war on terror against Muslim terrorists they create, train and finance as fake proxy war US enemies, supplementing their ongoing “war on drugs” to destroy African American families for the prison security complex, then when convenient again switch the revolving “enemy” back to the Russians and Chinese in Cold War #2 to drive humanity off the Armageddon cliff with today’s nuclear World War III countdown. And now along with the threat of a mushroom cloud, their enemy target today expands to a genocidal war against the entire human species with their fake pandemic/killer jab’s malevolent agenda to destroy national sovereignty via the United Nations’ World Health Organization, subversively imposing more fake or deadly health emergencies possessing an unlimited bioweapon arsenal bringing more draconian lockdowns, more killer mandates, along with their 15-minute smart cities control grid prison enslavement, planetwide mass surveillance, Chinese modeled social credit scores freezing dissidents’ bank accounts requiring digital ID approval and cashless World Bank Digital Currency, all part of their “Great Reset.” The globalists’ wet dream is our never-ending nightmare of absolute myopic control over the culled down, beaten down, traumatized, lobotomized population of jabbed, DNA altered, group hived, AI mind-controlled cyborg survivors. This is our bleak Lucifer controlled future if we remain weak, passive, defeated and ignorant. Activism is growing in a planetwide movement protesting against the Ukraine debacle along with the price inflation, smart cities and World Economic Forum’s enslavement. Legal challenges against the technocratic tyranny, the genocide, the wokist insanity. Our enemy is on notice and no doubt will be unleashing more false flags and WMDs at us, but the momentum of growing resistance and opposition is mobilizing for the long war. Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system. The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global Research, lewrockwell.com and currently https://jameshfetzer.org. As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge is available free at https://pedoempire.org/contents/. Joachim also hosts the Revolution Radio weekly broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed,” every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!). ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/02/the-rothschild-deep-state-cabal-is-imploding/
    The Rothschild Deep State Cabal Is Imploding
    That same momentous year that kicked off the American Revolution, 1776 was also the year that ex-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria founded his Illuminati Order, sponsored by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as House of Rothschild patriarch in nearby Frankfurt, Germany.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 54592 Views
  • Jim Hᴏft - Florida Deputy Resigns After Mistaking Acorn for Gunshot and Opening Fire on Own Patrol Car with Suspect Inside:


    #OkaloosaCounty #Florida #SuppressedAssaultAcorn #AssaultAcorn #DefundThePolice #PoliceBrutality #PublicEndangerment #TunnelVision #MindControl #Psychology
    Jim Hᴏft - Florida Deputy Resigns After Mistaking Acorn for Gunshot and Opening Fire on Own Patrol Car with Suspect Inside: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/florida-deputy-resigns-after-mistaking-acorn-gunshot-opening/ #OkaloosaCounty #Florida #SuppressedAssaultAcorn #AssaultAcorn #DefundThePolice #PoliceBrutality #PublicEndangerment #TunnelVision #MindControl #Psychology
    Florida Deputy Resigns After Mistaking Acorn for Gunshot and Opening Fire on Own Patrol Car with Suspect Inside: "Shot's Fired... I'm Hit!" (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
    A deputy from the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office, identified as Jesse Hernandez, has resigned following an internal investigation into an officer-involved shooting incident that took place on November 12 in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 3676 Views
  • Private Cancer Care And Jabs Get A Royal Promotion - UK Column News - 14th February 2024

    - Sky News (YouTube): King Charles expresses 'heartfelt thanks' to public in first message since cancer diagnosis
    - Guardian: Surge in UK cancer patients going private revealed as King Charles starts treatment
    - Tony Blair Institute for Global Change: Why the UK Government Must Act Urgently to Become a Global Leader in Cutting-Edge Cancer Treatment
    - 5 News (YouTube 2023): BioNTech to start cancer vaccine trials in the UK from September
    - WEF (2022): FIRST Cancer Care: Leveraging Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies for cancer care
    - The World Economic Forum: What is the UN Summit of the Future in 2024?
    - Cancer Research UK: Early Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer Roadmap
    - Queen Mary University of London: Cancer Behavioural Science Group
    - UCL: Behavioural Science and Early Diagnosis of Cancer Group
    - University College London: Christian Von Wagner Profile
    “Prof Christian von Wagner is Programme lead of the UCL MSc Health psychology and has a long standing research interest in behavioural approaches early diagnosis of colorectal cancer”
    - King's College London: Cancer Behavioural Science Unit
    - The House of Commons Library: Cancer statistics for England
    - UK Column Article (2022): NHS Long Term Plan and Mental Health Implementation Plan: Phoenix or dinosaur?
    - GOV.UK: Children and Young People Cancer Taskforce launched to save lives

    Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-14th-february-2024
    Private Cancer Care And Jabs Get A Royal Promotion - UK Column News - 14th February 2024 - Sky News (YouTube): King Charles expresses 'heartfelt thanks' to public in first message since cancer diagnosis - Guardian: Surge in UK cancer patients going private revealed as King Charles starts treatment - Tony Blair Institute for Global Change: Why the UK Government Must Act Urgently to Become a Global Leader in Cutting-Edge Cancer Treatment - 5 News (YouTube 2023): BioNTech to start cancer vaccine trials in the UK from September - WEF (2022): FIRST Cancer Care: Leveraging Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies for cancer care - The World Economic Forum: What is the UN Summit of the Future in 2024? - Cancer Research UK: Early Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer Roadmap - Queen Mary University of London: Cancer Behavioural Science Group - UCL: Behavioural Science and Early Diagnosis of Cancer Group - University College London: Christian Von Wagner Profile “Prof Christian von Wagner is Programme lead of the UCL MSc Health psychology and has a long standing research interest in behavioural approaches early diagnosis of colorectal cancer” - King's College London: Cancer Behavioural Science Unit - The House of Commons Library: Cancer statistics for England - UK Column Article (2022): NHS Long Term Plan and Mental Health Implementation Plan: Phoenix or dinosaur? - GOV.UK: Children and Young People Cancer Taskforce launched to save lives Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-14th-february-2024
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  • War on Gaza: Israeli Sniper Kills Renowned Palestinian Psychologist Fadel Abu Hein
    Tributes are pouring in to renowned Al-Aqsa University academic who focused on trauma arising from conflict

    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).

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    New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


    Tributes are pouring in to Palestinian academic Fadel Abu Hein, a professor and psychologist at Gaza’s Al-Aqsa University, after he was killed by an Israeli sniper on 23 January.

    Abu Hein’s death comes as Israeli forces encircled the Khan Younis area of Gaza, which is home to Al-Aqsa University.

    The university has been damaged in Israeli attacks, but displaced Palestinians continue to shelter there, amid Israeli demands that they leave.

    Abu Hein, who was in Khan Younis when he was killed, was considered an expert in treating trauma and mental health conditions resulting from years of war.

    His students and those familiar with his work left a series of tributes to him after learning about his death.

    “Fadel Abu Hein has been interviewed over the years about his role in his community, you should read his words, recognise his academic work. My heart breaks for the life he has endured, the dignity he displayed and his unnecessary death, huge loss to the people of Gaza,” one academic posted on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

    “So sad to lose a fellow academic… psychology professor Fadel Abu Hein continued much needed expertise, research, and community activities in the field of trauma and its impact on mental health of Palestinians, especially children in Gaza,” said another.

    Abu Hein’s work involved travelling to Europe and the US as part of academic conferences and meetings.

    Israel has killed at least 94 other academics in its war on the besieged enclave. A total of at least 25,000 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict so far, the vast majority of them civilians.

    Abu Hein was a professor of psychology at Al-Aqsa University for over 20 years, and had published several journals and research articles in his field.

    He was also the director of the Community Training Centre for Crisis Management (CTCM) in Gaza.

    In an interview with The Guardian in 2005, Fadel said that Palestinian children had become “indifferent to death” following the Second Intifada.

    “In the long term, the trauma will grow with the child and becomes part of the personality,” he added, saying that children had become traumatised by Israeli shooting, night raids, demolitions and other people’s stress.

    No Access for Ambulances

    Abu Hein was reportedly arrested by Israeli forces in 2003 during an incursion which resulted in 13 Palestinians being killed, including his three brothers.

    A report in the New York Times from the same year said that he pleaded not guilty to charges of weapons possession and incitement, after he was detained.

    His family home was later razed to the ground by Israel.

    The Center for Human Rights said Abu Hein had been subjected to sleep deprivation and was forced to remain in painful positions for extended periods of time during his interrogation.

    One of Abu Hein’s academic focuses was working to overcome the stigma around mental health issues, especially among men.

    He said that continuous conflict had a “disastrous effect” on the psyche of Gaza’s children and that common long-term trauma symptoms included panic, lack of confidence and no sense of safety, which made them more introverted or more aggressive towards others.

    “It is difficult to provide psychological treatment [for the children] because Gaza lives in a changing reality from time to time,” he said in an interview in 2022.

    Khan Younis, where Abu Hein died, is the latest focus of Israel’s devastating campaign in Gaza, which has left much of the northern area of the territory uninhabitable.

    Since the war began, Palestinians have been forced to move from one area to another as Israel looks to uproot Hamas from Gaza.

    As snipers and tanks settled into positions in Khan Younis on Tuesday, ambulances were left unable to reach the wounded.


    Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.

    Featured image: Doctor Fadel Abu Hein, a professor and psychologist at Gaza’s Al-Aqsa University, was killed on 23 January 2024 (Screengrab/X)

    Read here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/war-gaza-israeli-sniper-kills-renowned-palestinian-psychologist-fadel-abu-hein/5847518

    War on Gaza: Israeli Sniper Kills Renowned Palestinian Psychologist Fadel Abu Hein Tributes are pouring in to renowned Al-Aqsa University academic who focused on trauma arising from conflict All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth” *** Tributes are pouring in to Palestinian academic Fadel Abu Hein, a professor and psychologist at Gaza’s Al-Aqsa University, after he was killed by an Israeli sniper on 23 January. Abu Hein’s death comes as Israeli forces encircled the Khan Younis area of Gaza, which is home to Al-Aqsa University. The university has been damaged in Israeli attacks, but displaced Palestinians continue to shelter there, amid Israeli demands that they leave. Abu Hein, who was in Khan Younis when he was killed, was considered an expert in treating trauma and mental health conditions resulting from years of war. His students and those familiar with his work left a series of tributes to him after learning about his death. “Fadel Abu Hein has been interviewed over the years about his role in his community, you should read his words, recognise his academic work. My heart breaks for the life he has endured, the dignity he displayed and his unnecessary death, huge loss to the people of Gaza,” one academic posted on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. “So sad to lose a fellow academic… psychology professor Fadel Abu Hein continued much needed expertise, research, and community activities in the field of trauma and its impact on mental health of Palestinians, especially children in Gaza,” said another. Abu Hein’s work involved travelling to Europe and the US as part of academic conferences and meetings. Israel has killed at least 94 other academics in its war on the besieged enclave. A total of at least 25,000 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict so far, the vast majority of them civilians. Abu Hein was a professor of psychology at Al-Aqsa University for over 20 years, and had published several journals and research articles in his field. He was also the director of the Community Training Centre for Crisis Management (CTCM) in Gaza. In an interview with The Guardian in 2005, Fadel said that Palestinian children had become “indifferent to death” following the Second Intifada. “In the long term, the trauma will grow with the child and becomes part of the personality,” he added, saying that children had become traumatised by Israeli shooting, night raids, demolitions and other people’s stress. No Access for Ambulances Abu Hein was reportedly arrested by Israeli forces in 2003 during an incursion which resulted in 13 Palestinians being killed, including his three brothers. A report in the New York Times from the same year said that he pleaded not guilty to charges of weapons possession and incitement, after he was detained. His family home was later razed to the ground by Israel. The Center for Human Rights said Abu Hein had been subjected to sleep deprivation and was forced to remain in painful positions for extended periods of time during his interrogation. One of Abu Hein’s academic focuses was working to overcome the stigma around mental health issues, especially among men. He said that continuous conflict had a “disastrous effect” on the psyche of Gaza’s children and that common long-term trauma symptoms included panic, lack of confidence and no sense of safety, which made them more introverted or more aggressive towards others. “It is difficult to provide psychological treatment [for the children] because Gaza lives in a changing reality from time to time,” he said in an interview in 2022. Khan Younis, where Abu Hein died, is the latest focus of Israel’s devastating campaign in Gaza, which has left much of the northern area of the territory uninhabitable. Since the war began, Palestinians have been forced to move from one area to another as Israel looks to uproot Hamas from Gaza. As snipers and tanks settled into positions in Khan Younis on Tuesday, ambulances were left unable to reach the wounded. * Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. Featured image: Doctor Fadel Abu Hein, a professor and psychologist at Gaza’s Al-Aqsa University, was killed on 23 January 2024 (Screengrab/X) Read here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/war-gaza-israeli-sniper-kills-renowned-palestinian-psychologist-fadel-abu-hein/5847518 https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/01/war-on-gaza-israeli-sniper-kills.html
    War on Gaza: Israeli Sniper Kills Renowned Palestinian Psychologist Fadel Abu Hein
    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel …
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  • Wikipedia’s Smear Piece on WCH Represents a Badge of Honour
    The World Council for Health's message of health sovereignty is clearly a threat to the establishment.

    World Council for Health
    Written by World Council for Health Correspondent Alice Ashwell, PhD.

    They say that you pick up the most flack when you’re right over the target.

    Since the Covid phenomenon began, the degree of flack has become a navigational aid in the pursuit of Truth. Wikipedia’s hit piece on the World Council for Health (WCH) is evidence that their message of health sovereignty has become a threat to the establishment.

    Brainwashing goes global

    Ever more brazenly over the past four years, members of the ‘Great Reset Establishment’ have been involved in a process of what Psychoanalyst Dr Bruce Scott calls ‘menticide’, or brainwashing on a global scale. Through the unethical use of applied psychology, governments, corporations, and organisations around the world have been manipulating the masses into compliance with their globalist agenda.

    Whether the issue has been Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, economic meltdown, or climate hysteria, the outcome has been an environment of heightened fear and uncertainty. People seeking direction have been subjected to unprecedented levels of propaganda and censorship, which have added to the confusion by creating a ‘through-the-looking-glass’ world in which it feels like truths have become lies, and vice versa.

    If this content is important to you, please share it with your network.


    Wikipedia - no longer reliable

    One of the ‘trusted’ sources we have become accustomed to turning to when seeking information on a host of topics is Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. This online encyclopedia was established in 2001 with the aim of being a free, open, and neutral source of information that anyone could access and edit. The idea was that all sides of controversial issues would be welcomed and readers would be left to make up their own minds. But, as Wikipedia co-founder-turned-critic Larry Sanger complained in an interview with Glenn Greenwald in July 2023, “It didn’t work out that way.”

    Over time, the platform has moved away from its non-negotiable editorial policy that content should strive to reflect a ‘neutral point of view’ (NPOV). As Kristin Heflin described in her PhD thesis in 2010, this means that:

    … all Wikipedia content must represent―fairly, proportionately, and as far as possible without bias, all significant views that have been published by reliable sources. By insisting articles represent [―] all significant views without bias, the policy of striving for NPOV shares similarities with objectivity … (p. 89)

    In 2015, Heather Ford observed in her D. Phil. Thesis that Wikipedia was by that time offering “a skewed representation of the world that favours some groups at the expense of others” (p. 3). She continued:

    Instead of everyone having the same power to represent their views on Wikipedia, those who understand how to perform and speak according to Wikipedia's complex technical, symbolic and policy vocabulary tend to prevail over those who possess disciplinary knowledge about the subject being represented.

    This means that Wikipedia is able to decide which facts are stabilised or destabilised on its platform, according to the ideological positions of its editors. While Wikipedia originally provided the opportunity for people to publish without the need for gatekeepers or mediators, this is no longer the case. Especially since the Covid-19 event boosted the fortunes of the Censorship Industrial Complex, Wikipedians have become foot soldiers in the battle to scrub from the Internet information they consider to be mis-, dis-, or mal-information.

    Larry Sanger, in the interview mentioned above, described how he has watched Wikipedia’s neutrality evaporate over the years, shifting around 2005 to establishment views on topics like global warming and certain drugs, and starting to show bias against holistic medicine in the early 2010s. Its reliable sources of information are now left-of-centre media corporations such as CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times, while in their policies 80% of news sources on the right are deemed unreliable. Independent news outlets and self-published subject experts are also not able to edit a Wikipedia page. Before it is deemed acceptable, information needs to be filtered through a mainstream news source, which in turn is constrained by fact-checking services.

    Misrepresenting Covid dissidents

    The World Council for Health (WCH) is one of many organisations and individuals who have been defamed by Wikipedia since the advent of Covid-19. As discussed at the WCH’s 83rd General Assembly meeting in April 2023, this has been part of a much broader strategy to silence dissent with regard to the so-called pandemic and its protocols.

    WCH was established to challenge the official Covid response and its Wikipedia article was created in September 2022. The current Wikipedia entry is fairly close to the original version, although it has been edited a number of times. However, a number of Wikipedia pages created prior to Covid-19 have been completely amended since 2020, resulting in a ‘hero-to-zero’ fall from grace for people such as the author Dr Vernon Coleman (compare his October 2019 entry with the current article), and the early developer of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr Robert Malone, whose role in this invention has been deleted from the page on mRNA vaccines.

    Who’s fact-checking the fact-checkers? A trio of independent media creators—Derrick Broze, Jason Bassler & Joe Martino—reveal their eye-opening shared experience in dealing with fact-checkers and censorship dating back years before Covid-19 emerged.

    Scarcely worth commenting on … but we shall!

    Let’s take a look at the WCH Wikipedia article (accessed 18 December 2023) to see just how deeply flawed and factually incorrect it is.

    Firstly, the content – comprising just eight paragraphs – is entirely inadequate. Other than stating that the organisation “appears to have been formed in September 2021” [emphasis mine], and that it was “founded by Jennifer A. Hibberd and Tess Lawrie”, nothing substantive is mentioned about what WCH is or what it does, despite its goals, values, and initiatives being clearly represented on its website and social media channels.

    Secondly, most of the article attempts to smear WCH by association. The bulk of the content refers to people or organisations who are part of the broader health freedom network but neither WCH staff nor council members, including Robert F Kennedy Jr of Children’s Health Defense and esteemed cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra. Wikipedia maligns these experts for their efforts to cancel the rollout of the experimental Covid-19 gene therapies which, contrary to the protestations of the fact-checkers, have caused millions of deaths worldwide. Ironically, Wikipedia accuses Dr Malhotra of “cherry-picking” sources to substantiate his concerns about the jab, yet they themselves cherry-pick tangential content and questionable opinions from, with only two exceptions, rather dubious sources.

    So, thirdly, let’s have a look at the references Wikipedia uses to back up its potentially libelous statements.

    The reference to Kerr et. al (March 2022) is simply a brief Erratum, noting that some of the authors of the paper quoted were using ivermectin to treat patients, which one would expect as they were reporting on its efficacy.

    The flawed Cochrane Review by Popp et. al (2022) that criticised a systematic review by Bryant et. al (2021) on the use of ivermectin to prevent and treat Covid-19 was thoroughly debunked in a letter sent to them by Fordham and colleagues in September 2021, but this has not been acknowledged on Wikipedia. The Bryant et al review remains in the top 10 most read out of 23 million tracked scientific papers.

    Three references are to fact-checking sites: AAP FactCheck (Australia), AFP Fact Check (France), and Health Feedback (USA), which employ teams of people to prevent the dissemination of information that is not in line with the menticidal narratives of the Great Reset Establishment.

    Four of the nine sources come from two Vice magazine journalists, Anna Merlan and Tim Hume. Their articles are replete with worn-out terms such as right-wing, conspiracy theorist, Covid-denier, anti-vaxxer, and mis-/disinformation-peddler. They also predictably take issue with ivermectin, common law, and even the notion of sovereign citizens! The tone of the articles ranges from wryly dismissive to scathingly scornful, with words such as discredited, nonsense, completely false, misleading, and fringe peppering the text. They also delight in reporting cases of doctors and scientists who have been barred from their professions for refusing to deny their professional oaths and personal principles. Underlying the supercilious slurs, however, runs a definite current of concern that these ‘discredited conspiracy theorists’ who are promoting health, freedom, and human rights may actually be gaining traction.

    Larry Sanger reflects on how far Wikipedia has departed from its original commitment to neutrality by pointing out the features of biased reporting, all of which apply to the Wikipedia article on WCH:

    negative information is so predominant that readers can infer that the authors harbor great hatred, resentment, or strong disapproval of the subject (especially when the target has a popular following among many ordinary people);

    dismissive epithets and judgments are used in Wikipedia’s own voice; or

    what a person is legitimately famous for is omitted, dismissed, or misrepresented

    While WCH might wish to create a more accurate Wikipedia entry, this is not possible. According to the view source button, only registered users are allowed to edit this article. In other words, WCH has no right of reply.

    Wikipedia, like a child having a tantrum, refuses point-blank to engage with those people and ideas it just WILL NOT acknowledge.
    Is there a future for Wikipedia?

    Why anyone would bother to search Wikipedia for information about WCH, which has a perfectly informative website and Substack, is anyone’s guess. But the more Wikipedia produces atrocious articles like the one on WCH, the faster they will lose credibility among those who simply want information and do not have an ideological axe to grind.

    In fact, it is worth subjecting this article to a well-known credibility test developed by California State University, and appropriately named the CRAAP test!

    Its five components (plus comments on the WCH article) include:

    Currency: Is the source up-to-date? – No, for one thing, it does not mention WCH’s second conference in 2023. Although editing of the Wikipedia article continues, no up-to-date information has been added.

    Relevance: Is the source relevant to your research? – Not if one wants to know anything about WCH. But it has been very relevant to an investigation into the decline and fall of Wikipedia.

    Authority: Where is the source published? Who is the author? Are they considered reputable and trustworthy in their field? – Absolutely not. Wikipedia’s policy on Reliable Sources specifically discounts independent experts in favour of large news corporations, which are committed to promoting Establishment narratives.

    Accuracy: Is the source supported by evidence? Are the claims cited correctly? – Not at all. Please visit the WCH website to confirm this.

    Purpose: What was the motive behind publishing this source? – The only purpose appears to be to discredit WCH.

    At least in the case of the WCH article, Wikipedia’s credibility is clearly questionable. More broadly, Wikipedia co-founder, Larry Sanger, believes that the platform can no longer be trusted. Observing that it has become a useful propaganda mouthpiece for the Establishment, he mused: “If only one version of the facts is allowed, then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power.”

    Indeed, in recent years, Google has invested substantially in the Wikipedia Foundation, paying them to provide the “most accurate and up-to-date information” for its search engine. Google is now elevating Wikipedia articles in Internet searches, using their content to populate their ‘knowledge panels’, and inserting their articles under videos on YouTube (its subsidiary) in an effort “to fight misinformation and conspiracy theories.” In this way, the actual spreaders of misinformation flood the Internet with their post-truth propaganda, causing those who value Truth, Beauty, and Goodness to look elsewhere for information.

    What is particularly interesting, though, is that the Wikipedia edifice may be crumbling from within. Thanks to the transparency of the Wikimedia system, one is able to peer behind the curtain into the online discussions of the various editors working on a particular article. And here we discover dissention in the ranks. Recent discussions between Wikipedia editors working on the WCH article reveal anything but agreement regarding this flimsy hit-piece. For example, one editor asks why the article on WCH focuses on Dr Lawrie. The person then asks why Dr Lawrie’s qualifications, directorship, publication record, and over 4,000 citations are not mentioned (actually Dr Lawrie has over 5,000 citations and is ranked among the top 5% of Researchgate scientists), but only her prior role as an obstetrician. It is encouraging to read the following comment:

    Science is research and debate, not dogma; even in the case Lawrie could be wrong on some things, that doesnt's [sic.] make her a conspiracy theorist, but a good researcher. Suppression of scientific debate is not scientific method.

    Later, and for good reason, concerns are expressed about the use of Vice magazine as a ‘reliable source’ (RS).

    Anna Merlan, author of three of the Vice articles.

    WCH’s Wikipedia experience is the tip of a very large iceberg of censorship and suppression (Shi-Raz et al. 2023) that, especially over the past four years, has been threatening to sink those opposing Establishment narratives. Media and tech companies, including Wikipedia, Google, and the fact-checkers mentioned in this article, have played a central role in stifling debate and attempting to constrain narratives and minds. But, as Larry Sanger puts it, “people have natural BS detectors” and are not satisfied with condescending journalists or one flavour of opinion.

    Instead, as described by Shi-Raz et al., many people who are concerned about public health and committed to freedom of speech have not been deterred by the efforts of the Establishment. Instead, they have been motivated to create a world in parallel to the mainstream, using alternative channels of communication, establishing multi-disciplinary support networks, and developing alternative medical and health information systems such as, of course, the World Council for Health.

    And, recognising the decline of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger is in the process of creating what he calls the ‘Encyclosphere’, a massive network of online encyclopaedias covering a plethora of specialist and generalist areas of knowledge, that is set to literally put Wikipedia in its place as an equal among many others.

    So, while Wikipedia spends an inordinate amount of time, energy, and money on a business that not only lacks substance but is also mean-spirited and divisive, initiatives like WCH and the Encyclosphere shine like candles in the dark, illuminating a better way.


    If you find value in this Substack and have the means, please consider making a contribution to support the World Council for Health. Thank you.

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    Wikipedia’s Smear Piece on WCH Represents a Badge of Honour The World Council for Health's message of health sovereignty is clearly a threat to the establishment. World Council for Health Written by World Council for Health Correspondent Alice Ashwell, PhD. They say that you pick up the most flack when you’re right over the target. Since the Covid phenomenon began, the degree of flack has become a navigational aid in the pursuit of Truth. Wikipedia’s hit piece on the World Council for Health (WCH) is evidence that their message of health sovereignty has become a threat to the establishment. Brainwashing goes global Ever more brazenly over the past four years, members of the ‘Great Reset Establishment’ have been involved in a process of what Psychoanalyst Dr Bruce Scott calls ‘menticide’, or brainwashing on a global scale. Through the unethical use of applied psychology, governments, corporations, and organisations around the world have been manipulating the masses into compliance with their globalist agenda. Whether the issue has been Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, economic meltdown, or climate hysteria, the outcome has been an environment of heightened fear and uncertainty. People seeking direction have been subjected to unprecedented levels of propaganda and censorship, which have added to the confusion by creating a ‘through-the-looking-glass’ world in which it feels like truths have become lies, and vice versa. If this content is important to you, please share it with your network. Share Wikipedia - no longer reliable One of the ‘trusted’ sources we have become accustomed to turning to when seeking information on a host of topics is Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. This online encyclopedia was established in 2001 with the aim of being a free, open, and neutral source of information that anyone could access and edit. The idea was that all sides of controversial issues would be welcomed and readers would be left to make up their own minds. But, as Wikipedia co-founder-turned-critic Larry Sanger complained in an interview with Glenn Greenwald in July 2023, “It didn’t work out that way.” Over time, the platform has moved away from its non-negotiable editorial policy that content should strive to reflect a ‘neutral point of view’ (NPOV). As Kristin Heflin described in her PhD thesis in 2010, this means that: … all Wikipedia content must represent―fairly, proportionately, and as far as possible without bias, all significant views that have been published by reliable sources. By insisting articles represent [―] all significant views without bias, the policy of striving for NPOV shares similarities with objectivity … (p. 89) In 2015, Heather Ford observed in her D. Phil. Thesis that Wikipedia was by that time offering “a skewed representation of the world that favours some groups at the expense of others” (p. 3). She continued: Instead of everyone having the same power to represent their views on Wikipedia, those who understand how to perform and speak according to Wikipedia's complex technical, symbolic and policy vocabulary tend to prevail over those who possess disciplinary knowledge about the subject being represented. This means that Wikipedia is able to decide which facts are stabilised or destabilised on its platform, according to the ideological positions of its editors. While Wikipedia originally provided the opportunity for people to publish without the need for gatekeepers or mediators, this is no longer the case. Especially since the Covid-19 event boosted the fortunes of the Censorship Industrial Complex, Wikipedians have become foot soldiers in the battle to scrub from the Internet information they consider to be mis-, dis-, or mal-information. Larry Sanger, in the interview mentioned above, described how he has watched Wikipedia’s neutrality evaporate over the years, shifting around 2005 to establishment views on topics like global warming and certain drugs, and starting to show bias against holistic medicine in the early 2010s. Its reliable sources of information are now left-of-centre media corporations such as CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times, while in their policies 80% of news sources on the right are deemed unreliable. Independent news outlets and self-published subject experts are also not able to edit a Wikipedia page. Before it is deemed acceptable, information needs to be filtered through a mainstream news source, which in turn is constrained by fact-checking services. Misrepresenting Covid dissidents The World Council for Health (WCH) is one of many organisations and individuals who have been defamed by Wikipedia since the advent of Covid-19. As discussed at the WCH’s 83rd General Assembly meeting in April 2023, this has been part of a much broader strategy to silence dissent with regard to the so-called pandemic and its protocols. WCH was established to challenge the official Covid response and its Wikipedia article was created in September 2022. The current Wikipedia entry is fairly close to the original version, although it has been edited a number of times. However, a number of Wikipedia pages created prior to Covid-19 have been completely amended since 2020, resulting in a ‘hero-to-zero’ fall from grace for people such as the author Dr Vernon Coleman (compare his October 2019 entry with the current article), and the early developer of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr Robert Malone, whose role in this invention has been deleted from the page on mRNA vaccines. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/fact-checkers-independent-media/ Who’s fact-checking the fact-checkers? A trio of independent media creators—Derrick Broze, Jason Bassler & Joe Martino—reveal their eye-opening shared experience in dealing with fact-checkers and censorship dating back years before Covid-19 emerged. Scarcely worth commenting on … but we shall! Let’s take a look at the WCH Wikipedia article (accessed 18 December 2023) to see just how deeply flawed and factually incorrect it is. Firstly, the content – comprising just eight paragraphs – is entirely inadequate. Other than stating that the organisation “appears to have been formed in September 2021” [emphasis mine], and that it was “founded by Jennifer A. Hibberd and Tess Lawrie”, nothing substantive is mentioned about what WCH is or what it does, despite its goals, values, and initiatives being clearly represented on its website and social media channels. Secondly, most of the article attempts to smear WCH by association. The bulk of the content refers to people or organisations who are part of the broader health freedom network but neither WCH staff nor council members, including Robert F Kennedy Jr of Children’s Health Defense and esteemed cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra. Wikipedia maligns these experts for their efforts to cancel the rollout of the experimental Covid-19 gene therapies which, contrary to the protestations of the fact-checkers, have caused millions of deaths worldwide. Ironically, Wikipedia accuses Dr Malhotra of “cherry-picking” sources to substantiate his concerns about the jab, yet they themselves cherry-pick tangential content and questionable opinions from, with only two exceptions, rather dubious sources. So, thirdly, let’s have a look at the references Wikipedia uses to back up its potentially libelous statements. The reference to Kerr et. al (March 2022) is simply a brief Erratum, noting that some of the authors of the paper quoted were using ivermectin to treat patients, which one would expect as they were reporting on its efficacy. The flawed Cochrane Review by Popp et. al (2022) that criticised a systematic review by Bryant et. al (2021) on the use of ivermectin to prevent and treat Covid-19 was thoroughly debunked in a letter sent to them by Fordham and colleagues in September 2021, but this has not been acknowledged on Wikipedia. The Bryant et al review remains in the top 10 most read out of 23 million tracked scientific papers. Three references are to fact-checking sites: AAP FactCheck (Australia), AFP Fact Check (France), and Health Feedback (USA), which employ teams of people to prevent the dissemination of information that is not in line with the menticidal narratives of the Great Reset Establishment. Four of the nine sources come from two Vice magazine journalists, Anna Merlan and Tim Hume. Their articles are replete with worn-out terms such as right-wing, conspiracy theorist, Covid-denier, anti-vaxxer, and mis-/disinformation-peddler. They also predictably take issue with ivermectin, common law, and even the notion of sovereign citizens! The tone of the articles ranges from wryly dismissive to scathingly scornful, with words such as discredited, nonsense, completely false, misleading, and fringe peppering the text. They also delight in reporting cases of doctors and scientists who have been barred from their professions for refusing to deny their professional oaths and personal principles. Underlying the supercilious slurs, however, runs a definite current of concern that these ‘discredited conspiracy theorists’ who are promoting health, freedom, and human rights may actually be gaining traction. Larry Sanger reflects on how far Wikipedia has departed from its original commitment to neutrality by pointing out the features of biased reporting, all of which apply to the Wikipedia article on WCH: negative information is so predominant that readers can infer that the authors harbor great hatred, resentment, or strong disapproval of the subject (especially when the target has a popular following among many ordinary people); dismissive epithets and judgments are used in Wikipedia’s own voice; or what a person is legitimately famous for is omitted, dismissed, or misrepresented While WCH might wish to create a more accurate Wikipedia entry, this is not possible. According to the view source button, only registered users are allowed to edit this article. In other words, WCH has no right of reply. Wikipedia, like a child having a tantrum, refuses point-blank to engage with those people and ideas it just WILL NOT acknowledge. Is there a future for Wikipedia? Why anyone would bother to search Wikipedia for information about WCH, which has a perfectly informative website and Substack, is anyone’s guess. But the more Wikipedia produces atrocious articles like the one on WCH, the faster they will lose credibility among those who simply want information and do not have an ideological axe to grind. In fact, it is worth subjecting this article to a well-known credibility test developed by California State University, and appropriately named the CRAAP test! Its five components (plus comments on the WCH article) include: Currency: Is the source up-to-date? – No, for one thing, it does not mention WCH’s second conference in 2023. Although editing of the Wikipedia article continues, no up-to-date information has been added. Relevance: Is the source relevant to your research? – Not if one wants to know anything about WCH. But it has been very relevant to an investigation into the decline and fall of Wikipedia. Authority: Where is the source published? Who is the author? Are they considered reputable and trustworthy in their field? – Absolutely not. Wikipedia’s policy on Reliable Sources specifically discounts independent experts in favour of large news corporations, which are committed to promoting Establishment narratives. Accuracy: Is the source supported by evidence? Are the claims cited correctly? – Not at all. Please visit the WCH website to confirm this. Purpose: What was the motive behind publishing this source? – The only purpose appears to be to discredit WCH. At least in the case of the WCH article, Wikipedia’s credibility is clearly questionable. More broadly, Wikipedia co-founder, Larry Sanger, believes that the platform can no longer be trusted. Observing that it has become a useful propaganda mouthpiece for the Establishment, he mused: “If only one version of the facts is allowed, then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power.” Indeed, in recent years, Google has invested substantially in the Wikipedia Foundation, paying them to provide the “most accurate and up-to-date information” for its search engine. Google is now elevating Wikipedia articles in Internet searches, using their content to populate their ‘knowledge panels’, and inserting their articles under videos on YouTube (its subsidiary) in an effort “to fight misinformation and conspiracy theories.” In this way, the actual spreaders of misinformation flood the Internet with their post-truth propaganda, causing those who value Truth, Beauty, and Goodness to look elsewhere for information. What is particularly interesting, though, is that the Wikipedia edifice may be crumbling from within. Thanks to the transparency of the Wikimedia system, one is able to peer behind the curtain into the online discussions of the various editors working on a particular article. And here we discover dissention in the ranks. Recent discussions between Wikipedia editors working on the WCH article reveal anything but agreement regarding this flimsy hit-piece. For example, one editor asks why the article on WCH focuses on Dr Lawrie. The person then asks why Dr Lawrie’s qualifications, directorship, publication record, and over 4,000 citations are not mentioned (actually Dr Lawrie has over 5,000 citations and is ranked among the top 5% of Researchgate scientists), but only her prior role as an obstetrician. It is encouraging to read the following comment: Science is research and debate, not dogma; even in the case Lawrie could be wrong on some things, that doesnt's [sic.] make her a conspiracy theorist, but a good researcher. Suppression of scientific debate is not scientific method. Later, and for good reason, concerns are expressed about the use of Vice magazine as a ‘reliable source’ (RS). Anna Merlan, author of three of the Vice articles. Conclusion WCH’s Wikipedia experience is the tip of a very large iceberg of censorship and suppression (Shi-Raz et al. 2023) that, especially over the past four years, has been threatening to sink those opposing Establishment narratives. Media and tech companies, including Wikipedia, Google, and the fact-checkers mentioned in this article, have played a central role in stifling debate and attempting to constrain narratives and minds. But, as Larry Sanger puts it, “people have natural BS detectors” and are not satisfied with condescending journalists or one flavour of opinion. Instead, as described by Shi-Raz et al., many people who are concerned about public health and committed to freedom of speech have not been deterred by the efforts of the Establishment. Instead, they have been motivated to create a world in parallel to the mainstream, using alternative channels of communication, establishing multi-disciplinary support networks, and developing alternative medical and health information systems such as, of course, the World Council for Health. And, recognising the decline of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger is in the process of creating what he calls the ‘Encyclosphere’, a massive network of online encyclopaedias covering a plethora of specialist and generalist areas of knowledge, that is set to literally put Wikipedia in its place as an equal among many others. So, while Wikipedia spends an inordinate amount of time, energy, and money on a business that not only lacks substance but is also mean-spirited and divisive, initiatives like WCH and the Encyclosphere shine like candles in the dark, illuminating a better way. Share If you find value in this Substack and have the means, please consider making a contribution to support the World Council for Health. Thank you. Upgrade to Paid Subscription Refer a friend Donate Subscriptions Give Direct to WCH https://worldcouncilforhealth.substack.com/p/wikipedia-smear-piece-wch?utm_medium=ios
    Wikipedia’s Smear Piece on WCH Represents a Badge of Honour
    The World Council for Health's message of health sovereignty is clearly a threat to the establishment.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 19257 Views
  • Why Does the Govt Want Us Dead?
    Alternative Health and HealingJuly 28, 2020

    Article by Jason Christoff

    Although this is a very sharp and harsh question to headline any article, it is a question that has to be asked. Why are most (if not all) of our trusted institutions colluding to kill or injure us? Why? For the average person who lives inside our very cozy media and government illusion, it’s often a question that their minds won’t even allow them to ponder. The average person’s fear of reality ends up being a maximum-security psychic prison in most cases. This same fear inhibits the average person from processing what’s obviously happening in our world today. The fear I allude to, which inhibits many people from coming into full contact with their very harsh and painful reality, has to do with a massive Grand Canyon sized contradiction gap between what the general public was taught (by conventional media and within government schools) and what’s literally happening right in front of our very eyes.

    Most people today are mentally paralyzed from reacting to their own destruction. Many just can’t muster a logical reaction to the culling/injuring of their loved ones and the destruction of their entire culture….simply because they were taught for decades that “the government would never do that! That’s just a conspiracy theory!“. Here’s what should be a very obvious NEWSFLASH, the governments around the world are in fact doing that. On top of that, much worse is coming from these governments if “we the people” don’t start thinking, acting and talking like fully functional mature adults very soon. May I remind everyone that democide, which is a word that means “death by government“, has tallied well over 250 million kills in the last 100 years alone. Governments do indeed kill their own citizens and there are concrete reasons for those state sanctioned murders. I’ll explain the primary reason why governments kill their own citizens, a little further down in this article. You won’t like the answer but I’m going to tell you anyway, so maybe at some point the public could possibly muster a logical and rational reaction to their state sponsored (propaganda driven) euthanasia.

    Government is also just a word. Government doesn’t exist in real time. Let me explain. If you can’t have tea or make an appointment with something, it doesn’t exist. Go ahead, go into a government building and tell them you would like to make an appointment with government. Tell a government staffer that you would like to talk directly to government. The staffers in the government building will offer you a meeting with a person whose name isn’t “government”. It’s like going to church and wanted to talk to God, you only get a representative of God, an intermediary, a go-between. The point here is that we’re being euthanized and crippled by evil people hiding behind an illusionary facade purposely named government, because in our bizzarro world……humans appear perfectly OK with being killed by something that doesn’t exist, compared to being killed by a regular person. If a regular person murders even one citizen, the public seems to collectively understand that a crime has been committed. If an organization called government (run by real people) murders millions of other people, many humans seem OK with all of it, as most appear generally unable to mount a logical response to state sanctioned murder. These blind spots in the human psyche make most humans sitting ducks when the state initiates one of its historical butchering rampages. Just such a butchering rampage started in March 2020 and of course it’s still ongoing.

    History and Origins of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset/New World Order Cabal
    Unfortunately, all your friends who work for the government are IN FACT getting paid to destroy themselves, destroy their communities, destroy their culture, destroy their own kids and destroy their countries. I explain clearly why all government staffers are the most dangerous people on the planet inside this new article. Democides are never executed by the people at the top, who hide behind the fabricated government facade and name plate. It’s the government staffers who have carried out the democides throughout all of recorded history. Today is no different. If a government staffer will inject poison into themselves to keep getting a paycheck, they’ll certainly inject poison into you, in order to keep getting that same paycheck. There’s no psychology degree required to make this connection in logic. For a government staffer to keep getting paid, the destruction of the public and the government corruption must continue. Government school produces graduates who are unable to care for themselves independently, in the most important ways….so blind obedience to evil (or anyone else handing out the orders) is already baked in the cake.

    All government staffers are indeed executing the evil orders that they’re given from on high. In the end what’s happening on our streets is enough to make Satan himself giggle with envy. Government workers are being financially compensated to destroy themselves and their own countries because they believe “the government would never do that.” These government workers can’t react because they’re completely dependent on the state stealing money from the general public and handing it over to them (known as piracy and sharing the booty of the heist)…..in order that the government staffers execute their evil orders.

    The Deagel Report Predicts Massive Depopulation By 2025
    We also have the general public getting destroyed, who stand there paralyzed, watching their own voluntary slow paced soft kill genocide unfold……..because they also can’t reconcile reality with their conditioned programming that “the government would never do that.” As the government staffers are paid to kill and injure their neighbors, those government staffers are always thinking “the government would never do that.” As the general public are getting euthanized by the government staffers, the average citizen is also thinking “the government would never do that.” The government staffers are killing and injuring. The public are being murdered and injured yet both parties can’t believe it’s happening, so it’s like a mass hypnosis show gone wild. In all reality, it is a mass hypnosis show gone wild. The entire COVID agenda is based on mass hypnosis.

    Trying to explain this to a mind controlled and hypnotized population is like trying to staple water to a tree. You can try but failure is usually guaranteed to occur somewhere along the way. As the brainwashed North Americans are culling each other for rent, food and entertainment credits (AKA money) you simply hear them yelling from inside the cull zones, “TRUMP!”, “BIDEN!”, “BLACK FRIDAY!” “INCLUSION!”, “GENDER!”, “WE NEED MORE GOVERNMENT TO FIX GOVERNMENT!”, “CNN!”, ‘TUCKER CARLSON!”, “WHO WON THE SPORTS BALL GAME!”, CANADA’S THE FREEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!”, “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!!” etc., etc. You could strangle these people with a cordless phone, really you could. The democide has never been so easy.

    In fact, this democide is actually democide 2.0, as I’ve pointed out numerous times in past articles. In democide 2.0, the people are psychologically manipulated to destroy themselves, poison themselves, euthanize themselves, poison their own children, censor anyone telling the truth, insult anyone telling the truth, celebrate the people paid to murder them, adore the institutions paid to murder them, plus wait patiently in line for their dose of poison. No one was born this stupid of course, the people organizing this cull made sure to make the public this stupid, in order to lubricate the cull. Yes, all this was planned long in advance. Tricking people to kill, euthanize and democide themselves (before the enemy even presents itself inside our borders) is called 5th Generation Warfare. What’s even more shocking is that the higher your grades in government school, the more likely you were to parrot the lies of known liars and fall for the COVID scam that started in March 2020….. according to Dr. Mattias Desmet.

    As for the Grand Canyon sized gap between what the public was taught by media/government and what’s really happening on the ground today (which freezes the public in their collective shoes) let’s just look at one example. We were all taught through government schooling and lamestream media that each country was separate and that each country was run by separate interests, unique to the people inside each different country. What happened from 2020 forward proved, without any shadow of a doubt, that not only was this widely held belief FALSE but each supposed separate government was heavily invested in similar policies that aimed to destroy its citizenry on every level imaginable.

    Lock downs were used worldwide to destroy the public financially, as the big corporations were permitted to stay open as 25% of all small businesses were wiped off the map. More for the ruling 1%, less for you…..leading to none for you if you don’t wake up. Lock downs were used to destroy the public emotionally, as suicide rates are now the highest in recorded history. Bottle shops, narcotic outlets in Canada (where they now sell cocaine, heroin and fentanyl to the public legally in BC), junk food corner stores and fast-food restaurants were deemed essential during a health crisis, in order to destroy the public physically……and of course the exercise outlets, massage therapists and any health improvement hub were shut down. All for your health and safety of course. All the cocaine, death jabs and bankrupt fitness clubs make you much safer and much healthier. Everyone knows that. The public were destroyed spiritually through church closures and vicious attacks on church leaders. It’s all so obvious…yet you actually need to have at least one living brain cell left on duty, which at this point many don’t possess unfortunately.

    Fauci’s Hospital Covid Protocols are Killing THOUSANDS
    And it’s not like anyone tried to warn us for decades in advance, right? We’ve had an absolute Macy’s Day parade of whistleblowers, trying to warn the comfort coma collective that something wasn’t right and that trouble was brewing. We had Yuri Besmenov who tried to warn us 50 years ago. We had Jordan Maxwell. We had Dr. John Coleman. We had G Edward Griffin. We had Dr. Richard Day and Dr. Lawrence Dunegan. We had Bill Cooper. We had Eustace Mullins. We had Ronald Bernard. We’ve had Alan Watt. We’ve even had Jesus talking about the banksters long ago but today the church leaders are getting paid (though corrupt channels like the Faith Based Initiative in the US) to tell their followers to remove their brains and take their shots of poison. How many wake-up calls does humanity really need to start connecting the dots here, especially when the dots are the size of the moon and the sun. God at this point is doing a 24 hour a day face palm, especially when people are waiting patiently inline to inject poison into themselves, thinking that the poison will make them healthier and thinking that poisoning themselves will make their bodies work better. Poison can’t make you healthy. Poison doesn’t work like that. Remember the bible’s warning about Pharmakia? Remember? Remember the phrase, “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince people he didn’t exist“?

    The Fall of the Cabal ~ Original 10 Part Series and the Sequel
    So again the big question………why are they trying to injure and/or kill me? The answer to this question is simple and it won’t take too long to explain. It’s about theft. You’re dealing with a multi-generational crime syndicate who has set this entire hypno-brainwashing death centric stage production up, in order to steal your assets. All your assets. Their plan is also simple. If you die and you have a will, your assets go to your kids or other beneficiaries. If your kids or beneficiaries are killed and they don’t have anyone to bequeath those assets to, those assets go to the state. The state is this ancient multi-generation crime syndicate. Below is a chart regarding all the different ways they’re using to either kill you right now or the ways they will use to try and kill you in the future. Each square represents a power play (by this death cult), which will end with you getting denied what you need to live, if you happen to refuse the genocide injection of the day. Death or death? What’s your choice? Door #1 (death) or door #2 (death)? Are you ready to stop drinking wine, eating junk food and watching a screen yet? Do you think you’re ready to react yet? This cult will also do everything they can to bankrupt your country, in order to place your country into receivership to the banking cartel. At the point, the banking cartel (them again, dressed as bankers) get to repossess all your assets in a nationwide bankruptcy trustee agreement. If they kill everyone in your family line, they get all your stuff. If they purposely bankrupt the country, they also get all your stuff. It may be time to start paying closer attention to the con men on TV in $3000 suits.

    The group doing this has done this before and you can read more about this group in this article and many more articles on my website. That is why you’re born into a world where some people are billionaires, and your family has nothing. This cycle is a repeating cycle. Grow the humans on the human honey farms, let those indoctrinated and brainwashed humans produce the honey (money and assets), steal that honey, murder the bees (us, the humans… as to get rid of any witlessness) and start the human bee farming operation all over again with a brand new crop of humans who are mind controlled and brainwashed into accepting this massive spider web of lies, deception, piracy and open satanism.

    The solution is simple. Humans are the only farmed animals on this planet who can jump the fence and remove their farmers by force. This is the solution.

    TONS of World News Info and Monthly Newsletters Posted Here: www.RealTruthRealNews.com

    Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies, Protocols and Products: www.DiamondzDetox.com

    Alternative Remedies For the Common Cold and Flu: CLICK HERE

    Ivermectin/Fenbendazole – Cancer Treatment/Cure: https://tinyurl.com/4f2u958k

    RealTruthRealNews on Rumble www.rumble.com/Diamondz

    My Telegram Channel: https://t.me/RealTruthRealNews

    Check Out This COOL T-Shirt and Many More Like It HERE

    Check out my High Quality Immune Boosting and Wellness Products HERE

    Alternative Health Blog: www.DiamondzUltimateHealth.com
    My Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies and Protocols Website: www.DiamondzDetox.com

    Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends “Spike Support” With Nattokinase to Dissolve the Spike Protein From the Covid Jab, You Can Find it Here: Spike Support

    Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Budesonide and Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com

    Order Fenbendazole Here: FenBen Labs

    Dr. Zev Zelenko’s Products Include “Z-Detox” For Covid Vaccine Protection – “Z-Flu” Protection Against Colds and Flu and “Z-Shield” which helps defend against dormant viruses. All Products Can Be Found Here: https://tinyurl.com/yc8zhusw

    “Clean Slate” by ROOT Brands Provides a Full Body Detox Cleanse and Healing From Damage Caused By the Covid Vaccine Ingredients:
    ROOT Brands CEO Christina Rahm Explains Her Incredible Products in This Video: https://tinyurl.com/bddyekfu.

    High Grade Zeolite for Detox: https://tinyurl.com/53uxv89j

    Chlorine Dioxide (MMS): https://tinyurl.com/43kdtmr3

    The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. We expressly disclaim responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site. We do not endorse specifically any test, treatment, or procedure mentioned on the site.
    Why Does the Govt Want Us Dead? Alternative Health and HealingJuly 28, 2020 Article by Jason Christoff Although this is a very sharp and harsh question to headline any article, it is a question that has to be asked. Why are most (if not all) of our trusted institutions colluding to kill or injure us? Why? For the average person who lives inside our very cozy media and government illusion, it’s often a question that their minds won’t even allow them to ponder. The average person’s fear of reality ends up being a maximum-security psychic prison in most cases. This same fear inhibits the average person from processing what’s obviously happening in our world today. The fear I allude to, which inhibits many people from coming into full contact with their very harsh and painful reality, has to do with a massive Grand Canyon sized contradiction gap between what the general public was taught (by conventional media and within government schools) and what’s literally happening right in front of our very eyes. Most people today are mentally paralyzed from reacting to their own destruction. Many just can’t muster a logical reaction to the culling/injuring of their loved ones and the destruction of their entire culture….simply because they were taught for decades that “the government would never do that! That’s just a conspiracy theory!“. Here’s what should be a very obvious NEWSFLASH, the governments around the world are in fact doing that. On top of that, much worse is coming from these governments if “we the people” don’t start thinking, acting and talking like fully functional mature adults very soon. May I remind everyone that democide, which is a word that means “death by government“, has tallied well over 250 million kills in the last 100 years alone. Governments do indeed kill their own citizens and there are concrete reasons for those state sanctioned murders. I’ll explain the primary reason why governments kill their own citizens, a little further down in this article. You won’t like the answer but I’m going to tell you anyway, so maybe at some point the public could possibly muster a logical and rational reaction to their state sponsored (propaganda driven) euthanasia. Government is also just a word. Government doesn’t exist in real time. Let me explain. If you can’t have tea or make an appointment with something, it doesn’t exist. Go ahead, go into a government building and tell them you would like to make an appointment with government. Tell a government staffer that you would like to talk directly to government. The staffers in the government building will offer you a meeting with a person whose name isn’t “government”. It’s like going to church and wanted to talk to God, you only get a representative of God, an intermediary, a go-between. The point here is that we’re being euthanized and crippled by evil people hiding behind an illusionary facade purposely named government, because in our bizzarro world……humans appear perfectly OK with being killed by something that doesn’t exist, compared to being killed by a regular person. If a regular person murders even one citizen, the public seems to collectively understand that a crime has been committed. If an organization called government (run by real people) murders millions of other people, many humans seem OK with all of it, as most appear generally unable to mount a logical response to state sanctioned murder. These blind spots in the human psyche make most humans sitting ducks when the state initiates one of its historical butchering rampages. Just such a butchering rampage started in March 2020 and of course it’s still ongoing. History and Origins of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset/New World Order Cabal Unfortunately, all your friends who work for the government are IN FACT getting paid to destroy themselves, destroy their communities, destroy their culture, destroy their own kids and destroy their countries. I explain clearly why all government staffers are the most dangerous people on the planet inside this new article. Democides are never executed by the people at the top, who hide behind the fabricated government facade and name plate. It’s the government staffers who have carried out the democides throughout all of recorded history. Today is no different. If a government staffer will inject poison into themselves to keep getting a paycheck, they’ll certainly inject poison into you, in order to keep getting that same paycheck. There’s no psychology degree required to make this connection in logic. For a government staffer to keep getting paid, the destruction of the public and the government corruption must continue. Government school produces graduates who are unable to care for themselves independently, in the most important ways….so blind obedience to evil (or anyone else handing out the orders) is already baked in the cake. All government staffers are indeed executing the evil orders that they’re given from on high. In the end what’s happening on our streets is enough to make Satan himself giggle with envy. Government workers are being financially compensated to destroy themselves and their own countries because they believe “the government would never do that.” These government workers can’t react because they’re completely dependent on the state stealing money from the general public and handing it over to them (known as piracy and sharing the booty of the heist)…..in order that the government staffers execute their evil orders. The Deagel Report Predicts Massive Depopulation By 2025 We also have the general public getting destroyed, who stand there paralyzed, watching their own voluntary slow paced soft kill genocide unfold……..because they also can’t reconcile reality with their conditioned programming that “the government would never do that.” As the government staffers are paid to kill and injure their neighbors, those government staffers are always thinking “the government would never do that.” As the general public are getting euthanized by the government staffers, the average citizen is also thinking “the government would never do that.” The government staffers are killing and injuring. The public are being murdered and injured yet both parties can’t believe it’s happening, so it’s like a mass hypnosis show gone wild. In all reality, it is a mass hypnosis show gone wild. The entire COVID agenda is based on mass hypnosis. Trying to explain this to a mind controlled and hypnotized population is like trying to staple water to a tree. You can try but failure is usually guaranteed to occur somewhere along the way. As the brainwashed North Americans are culling each other for rent, food and entertainment credits (AKA money) you simply hear them yelling from inside the cull zones, “TRUMP!”, “BIDEN!”, “BLACK FRIDAY!” “INCLUSION!”, “GENDER!”, “WE NEED MORE GOVERNMENT TO FIX GOVERNMENT!”, “CNN!”, ‘TUCKER CARLSON!”, “WHO WON THE SPORTS BALL GAME!”, CANADA’S THE FREEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!”, “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!!” etc., etc. You could strangle these people with a cordless phone, really you could. The democide has never been so easy. In fact, this democide is actually democide 2.0, as I’ve pointed out numerous times in past articles. In democide 2.0, the people are psychologically manipulated to destroy themselves, poison themselves, euthanize themselves, poison their own children, censor anyone telling the truth, insult anyone telling the truth, celebrate the people paid to murder them, adore the institutions paid to murder them, plus wait patiently in line for their dose of poison. No one was born this stupid of course, the people organizing this cull made sure to make the public this stupid, in order to lubricate the cull. Yes, all this was planned long in advance. Tricking people to kill, euthanize and democide themselves (before the enemy even presents itself inside our borders) is called 5th Generation Warfare. What’s even more shocking is that the higher your grades in government school, the more likely you were to parrot the lies of known liars and fall for the COVID scam that started in March 2020….. according to Dr. Mattias Desmet. As for the Grand Canyon sized gap between what the public was taught by media/government and what’s really happening on the ground today (which freezes the public in their collective shoes) let’s just look at one example. We were all taught through government schooling and lamestream media that each country was separate and that each country was run by separate interests, unique to the people inside each different country. What happened from 2020 forward proved, without any shadow of a doubt, that not only was this widely held belief FALSE but each supposed separate government was heavily invested in similar policies that aimed to destroy its citizenry on every level imaginable. Lock downs were used worldwide to destroy the public financially, as the big corporations were permitted to stay open as 25% of all small businesses were wiped off the map. More for the ruling 1%, less for you…..leading to none for you if you don’t wake up. Lock downs were used to destroy the public emotionally, as suicide rates are now the highest in recorded history. Bottle shops, narcotic outlets in Canada (where they now sell cocaine, heroin and fentanyl to the public legally in BC), junk food corner stores and fast-food restaurants were deemed essential during a health crisis, in order to destroy the public physically……and of course the exercise outlets, massage therapists and any health improvement hub were shut down. All for your health and safety of course. All the cocaine, death jabs and bankrupt fitness clubs make you much safer and much healthier. Everyone knows that. The public were destroyed spiritually through church closures and vicious attacks on church leaders. It’s all so obvious…yet you actually need to have at least one living brain cell left on duty, which at this point many don’t possess unfortunately. Fauci’s Hospital Covid Protocols are Killing THOUSANDS And it’s not like anyone tried to warn us for decades in advance, right? We’ve had an absolute Macy’s Day parade of whistleblowers, trying to warn the comfort coma collective that something wasn’t right and that trouble was brewing. We had Yuri Besmenov who tried to warn us 50 years ago. We had Jordan Maxwell. We had Dr. John Coleman. We had G Edward Griffin. We had Dr. Richard Day and Dr. Lawrence Dunegan. We had Bill Cooper. We had Eustace Mullins. We had Ronald Bernard. We’ve had Alan Watt. We’ve even had Jesus talking about the banksters long ago but today the church leaders are getting paid (though corrupt channels like the Faith Based Initiative in the US) to tell their followers to remove their brains and take their shots of poison. How many wake-up calls does humanity really need to start connecting the dots here, especially when the dots are the size of the moon and the sun. God at this point is doing a 24 hour a day face palm, especially when people are waiting patiently inline to inject poison into themselves, thinking that the poison will make them healthier and thinking that poisoning themselves will make their bodies work better. Poison can’t make you healthy. Poison doesn’t work like that. Remember the bible’s warning about Pharmakia? Remember? Remember the phrase, “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince people he didn’t exist“? The Fall of the Cabal ~ Original 10 Part Series and the Sequel So again the big question………why are they trying to injure and/or kill me? The answer to this question is simple and it won’t take too long to explain. It’s about theft. You’re dealing with a multi-generational crime syndicate who has set this entire hypno-brainwashing death centric stage production up, in order to steal your assets. All your assets. Their plan is also simple. If you die and you have a will, your assets go to your kids or other beneficiaries. If your kids or beneficiaries are killed and they don’t have anyone to bequeath those assets to, those assets go to the state. The state is this ancient multi-generation crime syndicate. Below is a chart regarding all the different ways they’re using to either kill you right now or the ways they will use to try and kill you in the future. Each square represents a power play (by this death cult), which will end with you getting denied what you need to live, if you happen to refuse the genocide injection of the day. Death or death? What’s your choice? Door #1 (death) or door #2 (death)? Are you ready to stop drinking wine, eating junk food and watching a screen yet? Do you think you’re ready to react yet? This cult will also do everything they can to bankrupt your country, in order to place your country into receivership to the banking cartel. At the point, the banking cartel (them again, dressed as bankers) get to repossess all your assets in a nationwide bankruptcy trustee agreement. If they kill everyone in your family line, they get all your stuff. If they purposely bankrupt the country, they also get all your stuff. It may be time to start paying closer attention to the con men on TV in $3000 suits. The group doing this has done this before and you can read more about this group in this article and many more articles on my website. That is why you’re born into a world where some people are billionaires, and your family has nothing. This cycle is a repeating cycle. Grow the humans on the human honey farms, let those indoctrinated and brainwashed humans produce the honey (money and assets), steal that honey, murder the bees (us, the humans… as to get rid of any witlessness) and start the human bee farming operation all over again with a brand new crop of humans who are mind controlled and brainwashed into accepting this massive spider web of lies, deception, piracy and open satanism. The solution is simple. Humans are the only farmed animals on this planet who can jump the fence and remove their farmers by force. This is the solution. TONS of World News Info and Monthly Newsletters Posted Here: www.RealTruthRealNews.com Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies, Protocols and Products: www.DiamondzDetox.com Alternative Remedies For the Common Cold and Flu: CLICK HERE Ivermectin/Fenbendazole – Cancer Treatment/Cure: https://tinyurl.com/4f2u958k RealTruthRealNews on Rumble www.rumble.com/Diamondz My Telegram Channel: https://t.me/RealTruthRealNews Check Out This COOL T-Shirt and Many More Like It HERE Check out my High Quality Immune Boosting and Wellness Products HERE Alternative Health Blog: www.DiamondzUltimateHealth.com 🛑 My Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies and Protocols Website: www.DiamondzDetox.com 🛑 Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends “Spike Support” With Nattokinase to Dissolve the Spike Protein From the Covid Jab, You Can Find it Here: Spike Support 🛑 Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Budesonide and Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com 🛑 Order Fenbendazole Here: FenBen Labs 🛑 Dr. Zev Zelenko’s Products Include “Z-Detox” For Covid Vaccine Protection – “Z-Flu” Protection Against Colds and Flu and “Z-Shield” which helps defend against dormant viruses. All Products Can Be Found Here: https://tinyurl.com/yc8zhusw 🛑 “Clean Slate” by ROOT Brands Provides a Full Body Detox Cleanse and Healing From Damage Caused By the Covid Vaccine Ingredients: https://therootbrands.com/bodywisecbd ROOT Brands CEO Christina Rahm Explains Her Incredible Products in This Video: https://tinyurl.com/bddyekfu. 🛑 High Grade Zeolite for Detox: https://tinyurl.com/53uxv89j 🛑 Chlorine Dioxide (MMS): https://tinyurl.com/43kdtmr3 The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. We expressly disclaim responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site. We do not endorse specifically any test, treatment, or procedure mentioned on the site.
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    Information the Government, Fake News and Social Media Don't Want You to See
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  • Trusting Allah in Difficult Times
    For Muslims, the Quran and Sunnah provide solace and guidance during difficult times. Islam teaches that life is a temporary test, where hardships strengthen faith, expiate sins, and help individuals become their best selves.

    Trusting Allah in Difficult Times

    In this journey of life, we often encounter trying times that test our strength, patience, and faith. When faced with adversity, finding strength and solace is something that many of us seek, and for us Muslims, the Quran and Sunnah serve as sources of comfort and guidance.

    Islam presents us with a perspective that views this world as a temporal abode, where Allah tests His servants only to raise one’s level of faith when it wavers, to expiate their sins and to bring out the best version of themselves. It is important that Muslims draw on these resources within the rich tapestry of Islamic teachings in the face of adversity.

    1. Remember That Allah Does Not Burden a Soul Beyond Its Capacity

    Allah s.w.t. says in the Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 286:

    لَا يُكَلِّفُ ٱللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا ۚ لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَعَلَيْهَا مَا ٱكْتَسَبَتْ ۗ

    “Allah does not require of any soul more than what it can afford. All good will be for its own benefit, and all evil will be to its own loss.”

    This verse highlights the belief that Allah does not inflict nor impose a burden on a soul beyond its capacity and serves as a poignant reminder that His wisdom surpasses our comprehension and that the trials and obstacles we encounter are indefinitely tailored to our capabilities.

    2. Keep in Mind that Allah Alone is Sufficient for Us, and He is the Best Protector

    There is another profound Quranic verse that encapsulates and captures the essence of faith, dependence, and submission to God’s divine will. Muslims facing the trials and tribulations of life can turn to this potent verse nestled in Surah Ali-’Imran as a source of comfort and wise counsel.

    Allah s.w.t. mentions in the Quran:

    ٱلَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّ ٱلنَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُوا۟ لَكُمْ فَٱخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَـٰنًا وَقَالُوا۟ حَسْبُنَا ٱللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ ٱلْوَكِيلُ

    “Those who were warned, “Your enemies have mobilised their forces against you, so fear them: the warning only made them grow stronger in faith, and they replied, “Allah (alone) is sufficient (as an aid) for us and (He) is the best Protector.”

    (Surah Ali-’Imran, 3:173)

    It was recorded in Sahih Al-Bukhari that Ibn ‘Abbas explains that the verse refers to the early Muslims who faced immense opposition from their opponent. Despite being warned that a massive army had gathered against them, their faith and trust in Allah s.w.t. only grew stronger. This rooted faith stemmed from their deep understanding of Allah’s power and omniscience.

    Ibn Kathir also emphasised this concept of reliance on Allah s.w.t. and explained that the verse highlights the inherent strength and resilience that faith can bestow upon individuals. When faced with intimidation and threats, the true believers’ faith remains unshakable, and their trust in Allah s.w.t. is unwavering. Our Prophet Ibrahim a.s. also uttered the same words, “Allah (alone) is sufficient (as an aid) for us and (He) is the best Protector” and placed complete reliance on Allah s.w.t. when he was about to be thrown into a fire pit. As a result, he found coolness and tranquillity amidst the blazing fire.

    Thus, these faith-inspiring words signify a deep acknowledgement that placing trust in Allah s.w.t. is the key to enduring and overcoming challenges and uncertainties, and it serves as a reminder to the believers that no matter the circumstances one is in, Allah’s care and provision are boundless. He is The Bestower and The Withholder of Mercy, and He, alone, is The Remover of harm and affliction.

    The recurring utterance of “حَسْبُنَا ٱللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ ٱلْوَكِيلُ” reflects not only a verbal expression of trust in Allah but also serves as a profound embodiment of Islamic teachings. The phrase adds a layer of spiritual resilience as it invites one to maintain a positive outlook, trusting that Allah’s plan is ultimately for the best, even if the immediate circumstances may seem otherwise.

    what does Allah say about hard times

    Palestinians search a house after an Israeli air strike, in the city of Rafah, southern of the Gaza Strip, on October 15 2023.

    This is evident in various media coverage of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, where their reliance on Allah s.w.t. (Tawakkal) and admirable patience (Sabr) serve as noteworthy and compelling examples for Muslims around the world. From those who had to pull their own family members out of the rubbles themselves, to the grandfather who forcefully opened the eyes of his granddaughter to take one final look at her face and to the thousands of innocent children whose childhoods are being robbed from them – all of them echoed with a little to no hesitation: Hasbunallah Wa Ni’mal-Wakil.

    Their resilience becomes a source of inspiration, urging us to introspect and embody similar outlooks and coping mechanisms in our own lives.

    Read: Navigating The Crisis In Gaza: A Guide by the Asatizah Youth Network

    3. Be Patient

    Another virtue within the teachings of Islam is the virtue of patience (Sabr), and it is held in high regard, constituting an integral element of faith. To be patient is not merely about tolerating adversity and equating it to complacency and resignation but rather about embracing it as an opportunity for advancement and strengthening one’s connection with Allah s.w.t. Patience in Islam is a dynamic and active principle that involves having to endure challenges in life with resilience and complete reliance on Allah s.w.t. while simultaneously engaging in constructive efforts to overcome them.

    Allah s.w.t. says in the Quran:

    وَاسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلَاةِ ۚ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ إِلَّا عَلَى الْخَاشِعِينَ

    "O believers! Seek comfort in patience and prayer. Allah is truly with those who are patient."

    (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:153)

    Read: Quranic Verses About Patience

    4. Understand that Everything that Happens to a Believer is Good

    The Prophet s.a.w. also said in a hadith:

    مَا يُصِيبُ الْمُسْلِمَ مِنْ نَصَبٍ وَلاَ وَصَبٍ وَلاَ هَمٍّ وَلاَ حُزْنٍ وَلاَ أَذًى وَلاَ غَمٍّ حَتَّى الشَّوْكَةِ يُشَاكُهَا، إِلاَّ كَفَّرَ اللَّهُ بِهَا مِنْ خَطَايَاهُ

    "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness nor hurt nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."

    (Sahih Bukhari)

    Every event in a believer’s life, even if it seems unfavourable, is ultimately considered good. Thus, as a true believer in times of prosperity, gratitude should blossom, and during periods of hardship, patience should take root. Such steadfast resilience, akin to ‘beautiful patience,’ was exemplified by our Prophets, who faced numerous challenges throughout their lives.

    The Treaty Of Hudaybiyah is a key example; when faced with resistance to perform pilgrimage in Makkah, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. chose patience and proceeded to engage in negotiations. The resulting treaty may have seemed unfavourable at the time. However, it exemplified patience and trust in Allah’s will and decree, which eventually led to long-term peace and success for the Muslims.

    Read: 4 Things to Know about The Story of Hudaibiyah

    5. Comprehend Allah’s Attributes

    how to trust Allah

    That said, it is almost impossible to trust and rely entirely on Allah s.w.t. without knowledge of who He is. To truly know Allah is to delve into an understanding and acknowledgement of His Divine names and attributes, such as Al-Hafiz (The Guardian), Al-’Azim (The Most Great) and Al-Qadir (The All-Powerful). Comprehending these attributes fosters a more rooted sense of trust in Allah s.w.t. and His plans and distinguishes anxiety and worries about the unknown.

    Therefore, the deeper our awareness of The Almighty, the stronger our certainty in Him, our love towards Him and consequently, the greater our reliance on Him – this is the essence of Tawakkul. In return, it will help us put everything, whether good or bad, into the proper perspective.


    Al-Quran Ibn Kathir Tafsir| Alim.org. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.alim.org/quran/tafsir/ibn-kathir/surah/3/169/

    Bonab, B. G., & Koohsar, A. A. H. (2011, January 1). Reliance on God as a Core Construct of Islamic Psychology. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Retrieved December 3, 2023, from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.10.043

    Parrott, J. (2020, March 23). When Our Worlds Are Shaken: Finding Strength in ‘Beautiful Patience.’ Retrieved December 3, 2023, from https://nyuscholars.nyu.edu/en/publications/when-our-worlds-are-shaken-finding-strength-in-beautiful-patience

    Riyad as-Salihin 76 - The Book of Miscellany - كتاب المقدمات - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:76

    Tahir. (2020, April 2). In Hardship and in Ease: How to Rely on God | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. Retrieved December 3, 2023, from https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/in-hardship-and-in-ease-how-to-rely-on-god

    What Does Tawakkul Mean? (2020, June 3). Retrieved from https://muslim.sg/articles/tawakkul-meaning

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    Trusting Allah in Difficult Times For Muslims, the Quran and Sunnah provide solace and guidance during difficult times. Islam teaches that life is a temporary test, where hardships strengthen faith, expiate sins, and help individuals become their best selves. Trusting Allah in Difficult Times In this journey of life, we often encounter trying times that test our strength, patience, and faith. When faced with adversity, finding strength and solace is something that many of us seek, and for us Muslims, the Quran and Sunnah serve as sources of comfort and guidance. Islam presents us with a perspective that views this world as a temporal abode, where Allah tests His servants only to raise one’s level of faith when it wavers, to expiate their sins and to bring out the best version of themselves. It is important that Muslims draw on these resources within the rich tapestry of Islamic teachings in the face of adversity. 1. Remember That Allah Does Not Burden a Soul Beyond Its Capacity Allah s.w.t. says in the Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 286: لَا يُكَلِّفُ ٱللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا ۚ لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَعَلَيْهَا مَا ٱكْتَسَبَتْ ۗ “Allah does not require of any soul more than what it can afford. All good will be for its own benefit, and all evil will be to its own loss.” This verse highlights the belief that Allah does not inflict nor impose a burden on a soul beyond its capacity and serves as a poignant reminder that His wisdom surpasses our comprehension and that the trials and obstacles we encounter are indefinitely tailored to our capabilities. 2. Keep in Mind that Allah Alone is Sufficient for Us, and He is the Best Protector There is another profound Quranic verse that encapsulates and captures the essence of faith, dependence, and submission to God’s divine will. Muslims facing the trials and tribulations of life can turn to this potent verse nestled in Surah Ali-’Imran as a source of comfort and wise counsel. Allah s.w.t. mentions in the Quran: ٱلَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّ ٱلنَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُوا۟ لَكُمْ فَٱخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَـٰنًا وَقَالُوا۟ حَسْبُنَا ٱللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ ٱلْوَكِيلُ “Those who were warned, “Your enemies have mobilised their forces against you, so fear them: the warning only made them grow stronger in faith, and they replied, “Allah (alone) is sufficient (as an aid) for us and (He) is the best Protector.” (Surah Ali-’Imran, 3:173) It was recorded in Sahih Al-Bukhari that Ibn ‘Abbas explains that the verse refers to the early Muslims who faced immense opposition from their opponent. Despite being warned that a massive army had gathered against them, their faith and trust in Allah s.w.t. only grew stronger. This rooted faith stemmed from their deep understanding of Allah’s power and omniscience. Ibn Kathir also emphasised this concept of reliance on Allah s.w.t. and explained that the verse highlights the inherent strength and resilience that faith can bestow upon individuals. When faced with intimidation and threats, the true believers’ faith remains unshakable, and their trust in Allah s.w.t. is unwavering. Our Prophet Ibrahim a.s. also uttered the same words, “Allah (alone) is sufficient (as an aid) for us and (He) is the best Protector” and placed complete reliance on Allah s.w.t. when he was about to be thrown into a fire pit. As a result, he found coolness and tranquillity amidst the blazing fire. Thus, these faith-inspiring words signify a deep acknowledgement that placing trust in Allah s.w.t. is the key to enduring and overcoming challenges and uncertainties, and it serves as a reminder to the believers that no matter the circumstances one is in, Allah’s care and provision are boundless. He is The Bestower and The Withholder of Mercy, and He, alone, is The Remover of harm and affliction. The recurring utterance of “حَسْبُنَا ٱللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ ٱلْوَكِيلُ” reflects not only a verbal expression of trust in Allah but also serves as a profound embodiment of Islamic teachings. The phrase adds a layer of spiritual resilience as it invites one to maintain a positive outlook, trusting that Allah’s plan is ultimately for the best, even if the immediate circumstances may seem otherwise. what does Allah say about hard times Palestinians search a house after an Israeli air strike, in the city of Rafah, southern of the Gaza Strip, on October 15 2023. This is evident in various media coverage of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, where their reliance on Allah s.w.t. (Tawakkal) and admirable patience (Sabr) serve as noteworthy and compelling examples for Muslims around the world. From those who had to pull their own family members out of the rubbles themselves, to the grandfather who forcefully opened the eyes of his granddaughter to take one final look at her face and to the thousands of innocent children whose childhoods are being robbed from them – all of them echoed with a little to no hesitation: Hasbunallah Wa Ni’mal-Wakil. Their resilience becomes a source of inspiration, urging us to introspect and embody similar outlooks and coping mechanisms in our own lives. Read: Navigating The Crisis In Gaza: A Guide by the Asatizah Youth Network 3. Be Patient Another virtue within the teachings of Islam is the virtue of patience (Sabr), and it is held in high regard, constituting an integral element of faith. To be patient is not merely about tolerating adversity and equating it to complacency and resignation but rather about embracing it as an opportunity for advancement and strengthening one’s connection with Allah s.w.t. Patience in Islam is a dynamic and active principle that involves having to endure challenges in life with resilience and complete reliance on Allah s.w.t. while simultaneously engaging in constructive efforts to overcome them. Allah s.w.t. says in the Quran: وَاسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلَاةِ ۚ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ إِلَّا عَلَى الْخَاشِعِينَ "O believers! Seek comfort in patience and prayer. Allah is truly with those who are patient." (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:153) Read: Quranic Verses About Patience 4. Understand that Everything that Happens to a Believer is Good The Prophet s.a.w. also said in a hadith: مَا يُصِيبُ الْمُسْلِمَ مِنْ نَصَبٍ وَلاَ وَصَبٍ وَلاَ هَمٍّ وَلاَ حُزْنٍ وَلاَ أَذًى وَلاَ غَمٍّ حَتَّى الشَّوْكَةِ يُشَاكُهَا، إِلاَّ كَفَّرَ اللَّهُ بِهَا مِنْ خَطَايَاهُ "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness nor hurt nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that." (Sahih Bukhari) Every event in a believer’s life, even if it seems unfavourable, is ultimately considered good. Thus, as a true believer in times of prosperity, gratitude should blossom, and during periods of hardship, patience should take root. Such steadfast resilience, akin to ‘beautiful patience,’ was exemplified by our Prophets, who faced numerous challenges throughout their lives. The Treaty Of Hudaybiyah is a key example; when faced with resistance to perform pilgrimage in Makkah, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. chose patience and proceeded to engage in negotiations. The resulting treaty may have seemed unfavourable at the time. However, it exemplified patience and trust in Allah’s will and decree, which eventually led to long-term peace and success for the Muslims. Read: 4 Things to Know about The Story of Hudaibiyah 5. Comprehend Allah’s Attributes how to trust Allah That said, it is almost impossible to trust and rely entirely on Allah s.w.t. without knowledge of who He is. To truly know Allah is to delve into an understanding and acknowledgement of His Divine names and attributes, such as Al-Hafiz (The Guardian), Al-’Azim (The Most Great) and Al-Qadir (The All-Powerful). Comprehending these attributes fosters a more rooted sense of trust in Allah s.w.t. and His plans and distinguishes anxiety and worries about the unknown. Therefore, the deeper our awareness of The Almighty, the stronger our certainty in Him, our love towards Him and consequently, the greater our reliance on Him – this is the essence of Tawakkul. In return, it will help us put everything, whether good or bad, into the proper perspective. References: Al-Quran Ibn Kathir Tafsir| Alim.org. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.alim.org/quran/tafsir/ibn-kathir/surah/3/169/ Bonab, B. G., & Koohsar, A. A. H. (2011, January 1). Reliance on God as a Core Construct of Islamic Psychology. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Retrieved December 3, 2023, from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.10.043 Parrott, J. (2020, March 23). When Our Worlds Are Shaken: Finding Strength in ‘Beautiful Patience.’ Retrieved December 3, 2023, from https://nyuscholars.nyu.edu/en/publications/when-our-worlds-are-shaken-finding-strength-in-beautiful-patience Riyad as-Salihin 76 - The Book of Miscellany - كتاب المقدمات - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:76 Tahir. (2020, April 2). In Hardship and in Ease: How to Rely on God | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. Retrieved December 3, 2023, from https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/in-hardship-and-in-ease-how-to-rely-on-god What Does Tawakkul Mean? (2020, June 3). Retrieved from https://muslim.sg/articles/tawakkul-meaning Listen to our Podcasts! https://muslim.sg/articles/trusting-allah-in-difficult-times
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  • The University of Cincinnati’s Anthony Chemero, a professor of philosophy and psychology explains that while #AI is indeed intelligent, it simply cannot be intelligent in the way that humans are, even though “it can lie and BS like its maker.”
    The University of Cincinnati’s Anthony Chemero, a professor of philosophy and psychology explains that while #AI is indeed intelligent, it simply cannot be intelligent in the way that humans are, even though “it can lie and BS like its maker.”
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  • In a world obsessed with success, happiness, and the pursuit of financial abundance, the concept of a "Money Mind Hack" promises an effortless path to unlocking prosperity. The idea is tantalizing, and the allure of tapping into a hidden reservoir of wealth has captured the imagination of many. But does such a secret really exist, or is it just another alluring mirage? In this review, we delve into the enigma of the "Money Mind Hack" to separate fact from fiction and explore its potential impact on our lives.

    The Promise:

    The proponents of the Money Mind Hack theory claim that by aligning our thoughts and beliefs with a specific set of principles, we can attract money, success, and happiness effortlessly. It suggests that the key lies in reprogramming our subconscious mind to eliminate limiting beliefs and foster a positive and abundance-oriented mindset.

    Exploring the Techniques:

    Various techniques are purported to facilitate this transformation. Visualization exercises, positive affirmations, and gratitude practices are often recommended as tools to reshape one's mental landscape. Advocates argue that by consistently applying these techniques, individuals can shift their focus from scarcity to abundance, thereby attracting financial prosperity into their lives.

    Real-Life Success Stories:

    Anecdotes abound of individuals who claim to have experienced a significant positive shift in their lives after embracing the Money Mind Hack principles. Stories of newfound success, unexpected windfalls, and improved well-being circulate within the community of believers. While these narratives are compelling, skeptics argue that personal anecdotes alone do not constitute empirical evidence.

    Scientific Basis:

    Critics of the Money Mind Hack theory often demand a scientific foundation for its claims. Proponents point to the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience to support the idea that altering thought patterns can indeed influence behavior and outcomes. However, the scientific community remains divided on the extent to which these principles can be applied to manifest financial success specifically.

    The Role of Action:

    One key aspect often emphasized in the Money Mind Hack philosophy is the role of inspired action. While the theory suggests that a positive mindset can attract opportunities, critics argue that success also requires practical effort, strategic planning, and hard work. The debate centers on whether the Money Mind Hack is a shortcut to success or a complementary approach to traditional goal-setting and achievement.

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    In a world obsessed with success, happiness, and the pursuit of financial abundance, the concept of a "Money Mind Hack" promises an effortless path to unlocking prosperity. The idea is tantalizing, and the allure of tapping into a hidden reservoir of wealth has captured the imagination of many. But does such a secret really exist, or is it just another alluring mirage? In this review, we delve into the enigma of the "Money Mind Hack" to separate fact from fiction and explore its potential impact on our lives. The Promise: The proponents of the Money Mind Hack theory claim that by aligning our thoughts and beliefs with a specific set of principles, we can attract money, success, and happiness effortlessly. It suggests that the key lies in reprogramming our subconscious mind to eliminate limiting beliefs and foster a positive and abundance-oriented mindset. Exploring the Techniques: Various techniques are purported to facilitate this transformation. Visualization exercises, positive affirmations, and gratitude practices are often recommended as tools to reshape one's mental landscape. Advocates argue that by consistently applying these techniques, individuals can shift their focus from scarcity to abundance, thereby attracting financial prosperity into their lives. Real-Life Success Stories: Anecdotes abound of individuals who claim to have experienced a significant positive shift in their lives after embracing the Money Mind Hack principles. Stories of newfound success, unexpected windfalls, and improved well-being circulate within the community of believers. While these narratives are compelling, skeptics argue that personal anecdotes alone do not constitute empirical evidence. Scientific Basis: Critics of the Money Mind Hack theory often demand a scientific foundation for its claims. Proponents point to the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience to support the idea that altering thought patterns can indeed influence behavior and outcomes. However, the scientific community remains divided on the extent to which these principles can be applied to manifest financial success specifically. The Role of Action: One key aspect often emphasized in the Money Mind Hack philosophy is the role of inspired action. While the theory suggests that a positive mindset can attract opportunities, critics argue that success also requires practical effort, strategic planning, and hard work. The debate centers on whether the Money Mind Hack is a shortcut to success or a complementary approach to traditional goal-setting and achievement. CLICK HERE--https://sites.google.com/view/moneyhack23/home
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