• Choose love over hate, kindness over cruelty. Small acts of generosity can make a big impact on someone's day. #SpreadLove #PayItForward ????
    Choose love over hate, kindness over cruelty. Small acts of generosity can make a big impact on someone's day. #SpreadLove #PayItForward ????
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  • Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates and;

    Let's always remember to take the time each day, not just on holidays to appreciate the loved ones in our lives. Also, remember that there are always those less fortunate than us and to keep them, known or not in our thoughts and prayers. We are lucky in the West to have a strong support system in place and even then, it's not always enough.

    I grieve the ones lost to this tragic storm, but celebrate those who sacrifice each and every day to tough through the storms, both literal and figuratively to make the lives of others a little better and more safe.


    #SoMee #blizzards #firstresponders #livessaved #BeTheChange #PayItForward #LendingAHand #Safety
    Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates and; Let's always remember to take the time each day, not just on holidays to appreciate the loved ones in our lives. Also, remember that there are always those less fortunate than us and to keep them, known or not in our thoughts and prayers. We are lucky in the West to have a strong support system in place and even then, it's not always enough. I grieve the ones lost to this tragic storm, but celebrate those who sacrifice each and every day to tough through the storms, both literal and figuratively to make the lives of others a little better and more safe. https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/nation/2022/12/23/thousands-trapped-on-pine-ridge-burn-clothes-for-warmth-in-wake-of-storm/69752694007/ #SoMee #blizzards #firstresponders #livessaved #BeTheChange #PayItForward #LendingAHand #Safety
    Thousands trapped on Pine Ridge burn clothes for warmth in wake of storm
    “We don’t have the proper equipment here to handle what’s been going on. We have drifts as high as some houses that stretch 60, 70 yards at a time.”
    2 Comments 0 Shares 10354 Views
  • The #PolarVortex has arrived, but the #FeralCats in the neighborhood have warm refuge from the cold. It's currently -8F with a Windchill of -35.

    In 2015, Tom(the elderly gentleman I care for) noticed a pregnant cat living in the neighbors shed. He started feeding her and eventually all the kittens as well when they came. As #winter started closing in he asked me to make a house for them, so they had a place to stay warm.

    They've lived here ever since and we even gave them a space heater to heat the #cathouse. There's been a couple more litters since then and we've brought a few of the kittens inside. The original momma cat and her first litter will have nothing to do with our house, but love the one I built for them.

    We welcome all #cats who drop by with #food and #warmth as long as they play nice with the others. I have had to chase a few off, which I don't like to do, but it's necessary.

    #SoMee #someeoriginals #originalcontent #diy #helpingothers #PayItForward #animals #nature #empathy #compassion
    The #PolarVortex has arrived, but the #FeralCats in the neighborhood have warm refuge from the cold. It's currently -8F with a Windchill of -35. In 2015, Tom(the elderly gentleman I care for) noticed a pregnant cat living in the neighbors shed. He started feeding her and eventually all the kittens as well when they came. As #winter started closing in he asked me to make a house for them, so they had a place to stay warm. They've lived here ever since and we even gave them a space heater to heat the #cathouse. There's been a couple more litters since then and we've brought a few of the kittens inside. The original momma cat and her first litter will have nothing to do with our house, but love the one I built for them. We welcome all #cats who drop by with #food and #warmth as long as they play nice with the others. I have had to chase a few off, which I don't like to do, but it's necessary. #SoMee #someeoriginals #originalcontent #diy #helpingothers #PayItForward #animals #nature #empathy #compassion
    2 Comments 0 Shares 6529 Views