• The #EMF Hazards Summit 2024 ends today!! Join now for FREE and learn from dozens of experts about how to protect your health from WiFi, #5G and other electronic pollution. Free bonuses available!
    The #EMF Hazards Summit 2024 ends today!! Join now for FREE and learn from dozens of experts about how to protect your health from WiFi, #5G and other electronic pollution. Free bonuses available! https://NGMdiainc.ontralink.com/t?orid=45&opid=18
    EMF Hazards Summit 2024 - The Hidden Epidemic of Electro-Sensitivity
    Learn the facts on EMFs and electro-sensitivity. Register for free.
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  • ☆Tadabbur Kalamullah 29 Syaaban 1445H☆

    یَـٰۤأَیُّهَا ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ كُتِبَ عَلَیۡكُمُ ٱلصِّیَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِینَ مِن قَبۡلِكُمۡ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَتَّقُونَ

    "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Kamu diwajibkan berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang yang dahulu daripada kamu, supaya kamu bertaqwa"  [Surah al-Baqarah 183]

    #Sebentar tadi telah diisytiharkan permulaan ibadah puasa bagi umat Islam di Malaysia bermula pada hari Selasa atau 1 Ramadhan 1445H bersamaan 12 Mac 2024.

    #Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadhan (Selamat datang bulan Ramadhan). Kedatangan bulan Ramadhan setiap tahun sememangnya dinanti-nantikan oleh mereka yang beriman yang mengetahui kelebihan dan kemuliaan yang terdapat pada bulan ini.

    #Orang-orang yang beriman tidak akan mensia-siakan kelebihan yang terdapat di dalam penghulu segala bulan ini walaupun sesaat. Mereka membuat pelbagai pengisian rohani yang dapat meningkatkan darjat keimanan mereka di sisi Allah swt. Janji-janji Allah swt yang sangat hebat melalui lisan RasulNya, nabi Muhammad saw, menyebabkan berlaku kerugian yang teramat sangat bagi mereka tidak merebut peluang keemasan di bulan Ramadan yang penuh dengan keberkatan ini.

    #Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang penuh rahmat yang tidak terdapat pada bulan-bulan lain. Apabila tibanya Ramadhan, Rasulullah saw menyampaikan berita gembira ini kepada para sahabat. Sabda Nabi saw:

    أَتَاكُمْ رَمَضَانُ شَهْرٌ مُبَارَكٌ فَرَضَ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ عَلَيْكُمْ صِيَامَهُ، تُفْتَحُ فِيهِ أَبْوَابُ السَّمَاءِ، وَتُغْلَقُ فِيهِ أَبْوَابُ الْجَحِيمِ، وَتُغَلُّ فِيهِ مَرَدَةُ الشَّيَاطِينِ. فَيْهِ لَيْلَةٌ أَبْوَابُ خَيْرٌ من ألف شهر. مَنْ حرمَ خَيْرَهَا فَقَدْ حرم

    "Telah datang kepada kamu bulan Ramadhan yang merupakan bulan yang diberkati. Allah telah memfardhukan ke atas kamu untuk berpuasa di dalamnya. Pada bulan ini dibuka pintu-pintu langit dan ditutup pintu-pintu neraka, serta dirantai syaitan-syaitan yang jahat. Pada bulan ini terdapat padanya satu malam yang lebih baik daripada 1000 bulan. Sesiapa yang terhalang dari mendapatkan kebaikan malam itu, sesungguhnya dia telah terhalang (dari rahmat Allah)" (Sunan an-Nasa’ie)

    #Imam Ibnu Rajab menjelaskan bahwa hadis ini menjadi isyarat bagi umat Islam agar menyambut bulan Ramadhan dengan penuh sukacita dan kegembiraan.

    #Berkata Syeikh Mulla Ali al-Qari rahimahullah:" Hadis ini merupakan asas (dalil atau dasar) bagi ucapan tahniah yang menjadi budaya pada awal bulan-bulan yang diberkati" (Lihat: Mirqat al-Mafatiḥ)

    #Maka, sebahagian ulamak mengatakan bahawa harus bagi kita untuk mengucapkan tahniah atas kedatangan Ramadhan, satu nikmat baharu yang dikurniakan oleh Allah kepada kita. Rezeki bertemu dengan Ramadhan adalah anugerah yang tidak ternilai.

    #Disamping itu, Rasulullah saw juga memberi teladan kepada para umatnya agar berdoa di saat telah melihat hilal (anak bulan) Ramadhan.

    #Imam an-Nawawi dalam kitab al-Majmu' menyebut hadis yang berisi doa Nabi saw saat menyambut bulan Ramadhan.

    انَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ كَانَ إِذَا رَأَى الْهِلالَ قَالَ : " اللَّهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ عَلَيْنَا بِالْيُمْنِ وَالإِيمَانِ وَالسَّلامَةِ وَالإِسْلامِ رَبِّي وَرَبُّكَ اللَّهُ

    Sesungguhnya Nabi saw ketika telah melihat hilal (Ramadhan), baginda berdoa:" Ya Allah jadikanlah hilal (bulan ini) bagi kami dengan membawa keberkatan, keimanan, keselamatan, dan keIslaman. Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu adalah Allah" (HR at-Tirmizi)

    #Oleh kerana ganjaran begitu banyak menanti di bulan Ramadhan, menyebabkan kedatangannya dinanti-nanti oleh orang-orang yang soleh, maka janganlah kita lepaskan peluang keemasan di bulan Ramadhan yang bakal tiba yang belum pasti untuk kita nikmati pada tahun-tahun yang mendatang.

    ♡Jom susun jadual ibadat kita sebaik mungkin dan jangan dibiarkan ia berlalu begitu sahaja walaupun sesaat sepertimana telah berlaku pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Ahlan wa Sahlan ya Ramadhan♡

    Ust naim
    Klik link ini untuk    

    ☆Tadabbur Kalamullah 29 Syaaban 1445H☆ یَـٰۤأَیُّهَا ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ كُتِبَ عَلَیۡكُمُ ٱلصِّیَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِینَ مِن قَبۡلِكُمۡ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَتَّقُونَ "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Kamu diwajibkan berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang yang dahulu daripada kamu, supaya kamu bertaqwa"  [Surah al-Baqarah 183] #Sebentar tadi telah diisytiharkan permulaan ibadah puasa bagi umat Islam di Malaysia bermula pada hari Selasa atau 1 Ramadhan 1445H bersamaan 12 Mac 2024. #Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadhan (Selamat datang bulan Ramadhan). Kedatangan bulan Ramadhan setiap tahun sememangnya dinanti-nantikan oleh mereka yang beriman yang mengetahui kelebihan dan kemuliaan yang terdapat pada bulan ini. #Orang-orang yang beriman tidak akan mensia-siakan kelebihan yang terdapat di dalam penghulu segala bulan ini walaupun sesaat. Mereka membuat pelbagai pengisian rohani yang dapat meningkatkan darjat keimanan mereka di sisi Allah swt. Janji-janji Allah swt yang sangat hebat melalui lisan RasulNya, nabi Muhammad saw, menyebabkan berlaku kerugian yang teramat sangat bagi mereka tidak merebut peluang keemasan di bulan Ramadan yang penuh dengan keberkatan ini. #Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang penuh rahmat yang tidak terdapat pada bulan-bulan lain. Apabila tibanya Ramadhan, Rasulullah saw menyampaikan berita gembira ini kepada para sahabat. Sabda Nabi saw: أَتَاكُمْ رَمَضَانُ شَهْرٌ مُبَارَكٌ فَرَضَ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ عَلَيْكُمْ صِيَامَهُ، تُفْتَحُ فِيهِ أَبْوَابُ السَّمَاءِ، وَتُغْلَقُ فِيهِ أَبْوَابُ الْجَحِيمِ، وَتُغَلُّ فِيهِ مَرَدَةُ الشَّيَاطِينِ. فَيْهِ لَيْلَةٌ أَبْوَابُ خَيْرٌ من ألف شهر. مَنْ حرمَ خَيْرَهَا فَقَدْ حرم "Telah datang kepada kamu bulan Ramadhan yang merupakan bulan yang diberkati. Allah telah memfardhukan ke atas kamu untuk berpuasa di dalamnya. Pada bulan ini dibuka pintu-pintu langit dan ditutup pintu-pintu neraka, serta dirantai syaitan-syaitan yang jahat. Pada bulan ini terdapat padanya satu malam yang lebih baik daripada 1000 bulan. Sesiapa yang terhalang dari mendapatkan kebaikan malam itu, sesungguhnya dia telah terhalang (dari rahmat Allah)" (Sunan an-Nasa’ie) #Imam Ibnu Rajab menjelaskan bahwa hadis ini menjadi isyarat bagi umat Islam agar menyambut bulan Ramadhan dengan penuh sukacita dan kegembiraan. #Berkata Syeikh Mulla Ali al-Qari rahimahullah:" Hadis ini merupakan asas (dalil atau dasar) bagi ucapan tahniah yang menjadi budaya pada awal bulan-bulan yang diberkati" (Lihat: Mirqat al-Mafatiḥ) #Maka, sebahagian ulamak mengatakan bahawa harus bagi kita untuk mengucapkan tahniah atas kedatangan Ramadhan, satu nikmat baharu yang dikurniakan oleh Allah kepada kita. Rezeki bertemu dengan Ramadhan adalah anugerah yang tidak ternilai. #Disamping itu, Rasulullah saw juga memberi teladan kepada para umatnya agar berdoa di saat telah melihat hilal (anak bulan) Ramadhan. #Imam an-Nawawi dalam kitab al-Majmu' menyebut hadis yang berisi doa Nabi saw saat menyambut bulan Ramadhan. انَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ كَانَ إِذَا رَأَى الْهِلالَ قَالَ : " اللَّهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ عَلَيْنَا بِالْيُمْنِ وَالإِيمَانِ وَالسَّلامَةِ وَالإِسْلامِ رَبِّي وَرَبُّكَ اللَّهُ Sesungguhnya Nabi saw ketika telah melihat hilal (Ramadhan), baginda berdoa:" Ya Allah jadikanlah hilal (bulan ini) bagi kami dengan membawa keberkatan, keimanan, keselamatan, dan keIslaman. Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu adalah Allah" (HR at-Tirmizi) #Oleh kerana ganjaran begitu banyak menanti di bulan Ramadhan, menyebabkan kedatangannya dinanti-nanti oleh orang-orang yang soleh, maka janganlah kita lepaskan peluang keemasan di bulan Ramadhan yang bakal tiba yang belum pasti untuk kita nikmati pada tahun-tahun yang mendatang. ♡Jom susun jadual ibadat kita sebaik mungkin dan jangan dibiarkan ia berlalu begitu sahaja walaupun sesaat sepertimana telah berlaku pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Ahlan wa Sahlan ya Ramadhan♡ 🐊Ust naim Klik link ini untuk     http://bit.ly/tadabburkalamullah Facebook:    https://m.facebook.com/tadabburkalamullah
    Tadabbur Kalamullah
    Oleh Ustaz Muhamad Naim Haji Hashim
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 4684 Visualizações
  • Verizon Turns Super Bowl Stadiums into Kill boxes..

    Can you say new pandemic?

    Just like Wuhan China Vegas and other high profile areas are implementing 5G Beamforming technology into their daily services.

    The Super Bowl is now utilizing 5G for communications between players and the coach.

    They also just installed 45 new 5G nodes all around the stadium turning the entire stadium into a literal cell tower.

    It’s so obvious that no one wants to believe it. They warned you with 4G when you’re near a cell tower, but now with 5G they don’t need to warn anyone, even though it’s stronger and more dangerous?

    More awareness needs to be spread and understood about EMF and RF.


    Subscribe: NESARA GESARA-SECRETS Private
    Verizon Turns Super Bowl Stadiums into Kill boxes.. Can you say new pandemic? Just like Wuhan China Vegas and other high profile areas are implementing 5G Beamforming technology into their daily services. The Super Bowl is now utilizing 5G for communications between players and the coach. They also just installed 45 new 5G nodes all around the stadium turning the entire stadium into a literal cell tower. It’s so obvious that no one wants to believe it. They warned you with 4G when you’re near a cell tower, but now with 5G they don’t need to warn anyone, even though it’s stronger and more dangerous? More awareness needs to be spread and understood about EMF and RF. https://www.thestreet.com/technology/allegiant-stadium-super-bowl-verizon-5g-network-rollout Subscribe: NESARA GESARA-SECRETS ✅ Private
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 3826 Visualizações 1
  • ENTRY #10 - Get a Grounding Sheet
    New opinion: grounding is super powerful.

    Schoolboy Macgregor
    Hi everyone, I’ve been given cause to return to the subject of grounding, on which I gave a short introduction in Entry #7, and reason to think that it’s more powerful than I first suspected.

    In Entry #3, where I presented a case for the use of tobacco in this fight, I reported that I had suffered from shedding related heart problems last year. Going through that wasn’t much fun but my issues eventually subsided and after being alright for about a year, they returned last week.

    A shortness of the breath came over me one night. I noticed that my pulse had become much lower, and coldness in the body and extremities soon onset. My heart, which also felt cold, was beset by a tightness and spasming as though it was trying to shift some form of blockage, and I felt like I needed to fight to retain consciousness. I thought I might be able to jumpstart myself by going for a walk, but that didn’t work and the winter chill fast pushed me back inside.

    Here we go again, I thought. If I make it out I’m back to the medicines, back to macrodosing the sauna, and back in the woods, but since I’m already using tobacco - I can’t smoke my way out like the last time.

    But then, two mornings later, I was completely fine. Having braced myself for a long struggle, everything was back to normal. That was weird - last year this lasted for weeks. Managing to sleep helped, and the day following the relapse I’d been to the sauna, feeling better for it but with the issue undefeated. But how come I’m better all of a sudden? That evening the answer hit me - the night prior I had slept grounded.

    After looking into grounding I got one of these mattress sheets that earth when plugged into an electrical socket. Initially I wasn’t hugely confident in its effectiveness. I didn’t register much difference in the quality of my sleep, and didn’t know if the reason I felt more relaxed when I lied on it wasn’t a placebo. Furthermore, you’re meant to check that the socket you plug it into is grounded - and since I didn’t do this, I couldn’t say that any sensation I felt wasn’t the result of me being wired into the mains. So generally, I gave the sheet a miss.

    The night that these problems returned I didn’t use the sheet. But the following night, as opposed to covering it with a bed sheet, I slept directly atop it for the first time. And miraculously, I woke up in a state of blessed normality.

    A potential stifling effect of the overlaying bed sheet, or that I lacked problems for the sheet to fix when I first used it, may both have been the cause of my doubts. But it’s suffice to say that my doubts are gone, and that the socket works just fine. What I had felt initially wasn’t a result of being plugged into the grid overnight but rather, being plugged into the earth.

    Lying on it now, I can feel my blood vessels relax and open up, my breath become deeper, and tension drain from the body. Bits of you start to tingle and there’s a pleasant sensation to relax into as the body is nourished by electrons.

    How, precisely, my symptoms came to manifest - I don’t know. And how many of grounding’s array of healing properties were responsible for sorting me out - I also can’t say. It is, however, the case that blood becomes less viscous in a grounded state, whereby the red blood cells are coated with electrons, and charged such that they repel one another, causing the blood to thin and become easier for the heart to pump. That, I imagine, probably had a lot to do with it.

    Red blood cells before and after grounding. Source.
    Other effects of grounding include but are not limited to: the arrest of excess inflammation, excess electrical charge removal, free radical neutralisation, a ‘calming impact on brain electrical activity’, ‘muscle tension normalisation’, and, as I suspect, improvement to bodily pH levels.

    Grounding’s similarity to ASEA Redox Molecules

    I’ve noticed that the effects of grounding are striking in their similarity to those of ASEA Redox Molecules, the bedrock supplement to Dr Ariyana Love’s detox protocol.

    Over and over, when I see the studied effects of ASEA, I think grounding. EMF mitigation, reduced blood viscosity, mitochondrial support, the fact that it helps with autism. This could of course be two medicines, as it were, sharing the same effects, but the clue is in the name.

    ‘Redox’ is short for ‘reduction-oxidation’. Reduction-oxidation, if I understand this correctly, being the reactions whereby molecules are either ‘oxidised’, where they lose electrons, or are ‘reduced’, where they gain them (yeah it’s confusing). For us, we’re after the reduction side of the story. Electrons are good for us and we need them. That’s what grounding does, and by the sounds of it, what ASEA does as well.

    Though this ASEA stuff works (laboratory and testimonial evidence abound), it’s brutally expensive for most people. If you’re about to die - you don’t care how much it costs, but it does cost enough to price out many who would purchase it, and enough to repel the unconvinced. If it were the case that ASEA could be supplemented, or even replaced by grounding, then that would be a huge move forward for the accessibility of detox.

    Get a grounding sheet!

    I thought to write this article to relay the message that grounding sheets work, and that I believe them to be more powerful than you might think. It went a bit off piste with the ASEA stuff - further questions will have to be investigated here, for instance - if the effects are the same, what amount of grounding is equal to what dose of ASEA?

    But, putting that to one side for now, go and get a grounding sheet!

    The one I have is made by the company ‘Rowland Earthing’ - and it may or may not work when used with a bedsheet.

    And in other news, subscriber payments are now liveDonations are like rocket fuel for this publication. As well as being extremely motivating, each one brings me closer to the threshold where I’ll be able to go full time into this project. If you’re able to support me, I would be very grateful

    But if you’re on a budget, get the grounding sheet first.


    I’m going to have to check that all at some point, but I’m pretty sure it’s on the right lines.

    Here's one of my clients sharing his testimony with Grounding technology, a clear example of combining nature with technology for a healing effect.


    ENTRY #10 - Get a Grounding Sheet New opinion: grounding is super powerful. Schoolboy Macgregor Hi everyone, I’ve been given cause to return to the subject of grounding, on which I gave a short introduction in Entry #7, and reason to think that it’s more powerful than I first suspected. In Entry #3, where I presented a case for the use of tobacco in this fight, I reported that I had suffered from shedding related heart problems last year. Going through that wasn’t much fun but my issues eventually subsided and after being alright for about a year, they returned last week. A shortness of the breath came over me one night. I noticed that my pulse had become much lower, and coldness in the body and extremities soon onset. My heart, which also felt cold, was beset by a tightness and spasming as though it was trying to shift some form of blockage, and I felt like I needed to fight to retain consciousness. I thought I might be able to jumpstart myself by going for a walk, but that didn’t work and the winter chill fast pushed me back inside. Here we go again, I thought. If I make it out I’m back to the medicines, back to macrodosing the sauna, and back in the woods, but since I’m already using tobacco - I can’t smoke my way out like the last time. But then, two mornings later, I was completely fine. Having braced myself for a long struggle, everything was back to normal. That was weird - last year this lasted for weeks. Managing to sleep helped, and the day following the relapse I’d been to the sauna, feeling better for it but with the issue undefeated. But how come I’m better all of a sudden? That evening the answer hit me - the night prior I had slept grounded. After looking into grounding I got one of these mattress sheets that earth when plugged into an electrical socket. Initially I wasn’t hugely confident in its effectiveness. I didn’t register much difference in the quality of my sleep, and didn’t know if the reason I felt more relaxed when I lied on it wasn’t a placebo. Furthermore, you’re meant to check that the socket you plug it into is grounded - and since I didn’t do this, I couldn’t say that any sensation I felt wasn’t the result of me being wired into the mains. So generally, I gave the sheet a miss. The night that these problems returned I didn’t use the sheet. But the following night, as opposed to covering it with a bed sheet, I slept directly atop it for the first time. And miraculously, I woke up in a state of blessed normality. A potential stifling effect of the overlaying bed sheet, or that I lacked problems for the sheet to fix when I first used it, may both have been the cause of my doubts. But it’s suffice to say that my doubts are gone, and that the socket works just fine. What I had felt initially wasn’t a result of being plugged into the grid overnight but rather, being plugged into the earth. Lying on it now, I can feel my blood vessels relax and open up, my breath become deeper, and tension drain from the body. Bits of you start to tingle and there’s a pleasant sensation to relax into as the body is nourished by electrons. How, precisely, my symptoms came to manifest - I don’t know. And how many of grounding’s array of healing properties were responsible for sorting me out - I also can’t say. It is, however, the case that blood becomes less viscous in a grounded state, whereby the red blood cells are coated with electrons, and charged such that they repel one another, causing the blood to thin and become easier for the heart to pump. That, I imagine, probably had a lot to do with it. Red blood cells before and after grounding. Source. Other effects of grounding include but are not limited to: the arrest of excess inflammation, excess electrical charge removal, free radical neutralisation, a ‘calming impact on brain electrical activity’, ‘muscle tension normalisation’, and, as I suspect, improvement to bodily pH levels. Grounding’s similarity to ASEA Redox Molecules I’ve noticed that the effects of grounding are striking in their similarity to those of ASEA Redox Molecules, the bedrock supplement to Dr Ariyana Love’s detox protocol. Over and over, when I see the studied effects of ASEA, I think grounding. EMF mitigation, reduced blood viscosity, mitochondrial support, the fact that it helps with autism. This could of course be two medicines, as it were, sharing the same effects, but the clue is in the name. ‘Redox’ is short for ‘reduction-oxidation’. Reduction-oxidation, if I understand this correctly, being the reactions whereby molecules are either ‘oxidised’, where they lose electrons, or are ‘reduced’, where they gain them (yeah it’s confusing). For us, we’re after the reduction side of the story. Electrons are good for us and we need them. That’s what grounding does, and by the sounds of it, what ASEA does as well. Though this ASEA stuff works (laboratory and testimonial evidence abound), it’s brutally expensive for most people. If you’re about to die - you don’t care how much it costs, but it does cost enough to price out many who would purchase it, and enough to repel the unconvinced. If it were the case that ASEA could be supplemented, or even replaced by grounding, then that would be a huge move forward for the accessibility of detox. Get a grounding sheet! I thought to write this article to relay the message that grounding sheets work, and that I believe them to be more powerful than you might think. It went a bit off piste with the ASEA stuff - further questions will have to be investigated here, for instance - if the effects are the same, what amount of grounding is equal to what dose of ASEA? But, putting that to one side for now, go and get a grounding sheet! The one I have is made by the company ‘Rowland Earthing’ - and it may or may not work when used with a bedsheet. And in other news, subscriber payments are now live❗Donations are like rocket fuel for this publication. As well as being extremely motivating, each one brings me closer to the threshold where I’ll be able to go full time into this project. If you’re able to support me, I would be very grateful 🙏😌 But if you’re on a budget, get the grounding sheet first. Share THIS SUBSTACK IS ABOUT COVID VACCINE DETOX 1 2 3 4 I’m going to have to check that all at some point, but I’m pretty sure it’s on the right lines. Here's one of my clients sharing his testimony with Grounding technology, a clear example of combining nature with technology for a healing effect. https://open.substack.com/pub/covidvaccinedetox/p/entry-10-get-a-grounding-sheet?r=1s7u2n&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/entry-10-get-grounding-sheet-new.html
    ENTRY #10 - Get a Grounding Sheet
    New opinion: grounding is super powerful.
    1 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 15889 Visualizações
  • “Radio frequency radiation is a Class 1 Carcinogen”

    During Covid Lockdowns only “essential” jobs were carried out - apparently the erection of thousands of 5G Towers all over the country were then ‘essential’.

    We’ve all seen clips of people measuring high levels of EMF near towers, tress & bushes dying in close proximity & a steady decline in birds & bee populations.

    Excess deaths & cancers continue to rise in ALL countries.

    The fact you can’t have a serious conversation about the risks of these towers without being labelled a ‘tin foil whatever’ should tell you all you need to know.

    Disease X anyone?

    Subscribe: Edward Snowden Private.
    “Radio frequency radiation is a Class 1 Carcinogen” During Covid Lockdowns only “essential” jobs were carried out - apparently the erection of thousands of 5G Towers all over the country were then ‘essential’. We’ve all seen clips of people measuring high levels of EMF near towers, tress & bushes dying in close proximity & a steady decline in birds & bee populations. Excess deaths & cancers continue to rise in ALL countries. The fact you can’t have a serious conversation about the risks of these towers without being labelled a ‘tin foil whatever’ should tell you all you need to know. Disease X anyone? Subscribe: Edward Snowden✅ Private.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 4107 Visualizações 0
  • Dr. Lee Vliet - Marburg Is Possible With 5G, EMF, & COVID Injection Contents

    Dr. Lee Vliet joins Maria Zeee to discuss the possibility of the globalists releasing Marburg through a combination of 5G, EMF and the contents of the COVID injections inside of people. They discuss the current known 5G connections to various symptoms and how people can prepare.

    Watch Full Interview

    Dr. Lee Vliet - Marburg Is Possible With 5G, EMF, & COVID Injection Contents Dr. Lee Vliet joins Maria Zeee to discuss the possibility of the globalists releasing Marburg through a combination of 5G, EMF and the contents of the COVID injections inside of people. They discuss the current known 5G connections to various symptoms and how people can prepare. ➡️ Watch Full Interview ⏯
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  • Mystery Pneumonia AKA White Lung Syndrome: What's Going On?
    More questions than answers for now, but it could be a mix of VAIDS and Vitamin A deficiency, and the unlikely edge case remains that the Middle Kingdom is giving us the middle finger yet again.

    Dr. Syed Haider

    Nothing will stop these kids from acing their exams, not even white lung disease
    China has been hit with a “mystery pneumonia”, AKA “white lung disease”, except they insist it’s not really a mystery pneumonia at all, it’s just the usual suspects like mycoplasma, Flu, RSV, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and yes, COVID-19.

    Or perhaps the word mystery refers to the mystery of why there is such a large outbreak of it this year?

    The prevalent explanations are an “immune debt” due to lockdowns overlaid on a multi-year cyclic upturn in mycoplasma infections.

    What we do know is that children are primarily affected and it has spread beyond China to many other countries, and possibly even the US now. But there does not seem to be a spike in deaths at this point.

    Beyond the immune debt and cycle theories, what else could be driving this?

    Well the elephant in the room is VAIDS, as well as Long COVID AIDS, which unfortunately is also a thing.

    But another lesser known possibility is relative vitamin A deficiency.

    Yes, Vitamin A, not Vitamin D.

    Vitamin A is important for immunity, especially from mycoplasma. It’s a fat soluble vitamin and what makes this an even more likely culprit in many cases is that so many people have been heavily supplementing with Vitamin D for the last 3 years, and Vitamin D supplementation can lead to deficiencies of Vitamins A, E and K, since all 4 of these fat soluble vitamins compete for absorption.

    So the cure of the last pandemic could have set some people up for this outbreak.

    The most common supplement regimen during and after COVID was Vitamin C, D, Zinc and Quercetin.

    The other nutritional imbalance that this regimen can trigger is a deficiency of copper due to prolonged Zinc suppelementation.

    Signs of copper deficiency also include immunodeficiency evidenced by low white blood cell count and thyroid problems, anemia, weak bones, irregular heartbeat, and loss of pigment from the skin.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    However mild deficiencies might not have any warning signs beyond increased susceptibility to illness and trouble with recovery.

    For this reason I’m working on a new supplement to balance the effects of our popular IMMUNITY [vitamins] supplement. We already included vitamin K2 in that one, to help balance the effect of D3 intake on calcium absorption, but this new one will have Vitamins A and E as well as copper and a few other ingredients like selenium, necessary for the optimal immune balance required for prevention, treatment of acute illness and recovery from long haul/vax injuries.

    Until then I would recommend most people who are supplementing with D3 on an ongoing basis to take the same dose of Vitamin A in retinol form, so if it’s 5000 IU D3, I would usually take 5000 IU of retinol as well. Vitamin E in the form of mixed tocopherols 20 IU and the K2 form of Vitamin K 100mcg per day. To balance 50 mg of zinc you probably need about 4-8 mg of copper per day. Oyster max is a powdered oyster supplement that has both zinc and copper in it.

    Optimally you would use lab testing along with a nutrient calculator to determine how. much of each micronutrient you get from your diet, and then just dial up your nutritional intake as required, or add supplemental doses based on nutritional deficiencies.

    At mygotodoc we offer comprehensive nutritional testing panels to help optimize nutrition, because the building blocks of health are at their most basic just two: nourishment and detoxification, of course those two words belie a lot of complexity.

    For example nourishment doesn’t just include food and vitamins, it also includes sunlight in the day, darkness at night, relaxation and rest, grounding, fulfilling relationships, happy thoughts, gratitude, etc.

    And detoxification doesn’t just include spike protein and heavy metals, but also plastics, industrial chemicals, chronic infections/infestations, non natural EMFs, light at night, anger and other toxic emotions, negative thoughts, harmful relationships, addictions, etc.

    Optimizing just some of these can often give your body enough strength and energy to overcome the others being suboptimal.

    Overall we need balance in life and the story of imbalanced micronutrients just serves to highlight the importance of balance in all things.

    In modern industrial societies we tend towards action over inactivity, but in truth we need both for optimal health and productivity.

    Muscles only get built during rest, not during exercise, which breaks them down to stimulate rebuilding.

    Similarly spending all our time in our heads processing the firehose of incoming information leaves us no time to chew it and digest it and make the most of it.

    Give yourself some down time to just do nothing, so that when you go back to doing something you do it better than you would have otherwise.

    This is why many cultures encourage timeouts during the day to pray or meditate instead of packing every waking moment with activity and information.

    We’re currently also undergoing an uptick in COVID infections around the world, but not an increase in severity.

    Geert Van Den Boscche’s warnings of a coming supervariant targeting the vaxed have not yet materialized

    At the same time many in the medical freedom community are hyperaware of the current happenings around the world because they expect round two of COVID or some other bioweapon along with lockdowns heading into the 2024 presidential election year.

    If this were going to happen this is when it would get started, because it takes some time to really get going.

    I hope we don’t fall for the same thing all over again, but it may just be a matter of time and the last one may have just been a dry run for the real power grab.

    No more pandemics | Bill Gates
    The next pandemic we’ve been warned is definitely coming has been termed “Disease X” by Gates and company, a placeholder name for some as yet unknown bug that could be far worse than COVID, i.e. an actual threat to human life on a scale similar to the Black Plague or the 1918 Spanish Flu.

    If something of that magnitude and severity were to be unleashed on humanity many would forget their righteous indignation over COVID lockdowns and demand stringent measures including quarantine camps and forced treatment - it sounds impossible, yet this has just become law in the state of New York.

    New Yorkers can be forcibly extracted from their homes and interred in quarantine camps.

    The Supreme Court actually ruled over a 100 years ago that compulsory vaccination was constitutional (and now the definition of vaccine extends to gene therapies).

    We’ll have to see what the future holds, but whatever it is, there is likely to be a cheap off-label treatment and if all else fails sunlight is the best disinfectant (i.e. get outside and get some sun).

    Ivermectin works for a number of viruses including RSV and Flu, and it even has activity against mycoplasma pneumonia.

    Other common meds are exceedingly helpful as well like doxycycline, which is why our Disaster-Pak prescriptions are as popular as ivermectin.

    We work with patients to prescribe an array of meds as comprehensive as possible. We have options that may work against Ebola and Marburg, as well as a whole host of other bioweapons and run of the mill infections.

    We prescribe the right doses and the right quantities, which I haven’t seen anywhere else. Usually patients who go somewhere else end up coming to us when they actually get sick, because they didn’t get anywhere near enough ivermectin or whatever else from another provider, who isn’t familiar with the latest dosing protocols.

    I’m also working on a vitamin C supplement, because in my experience high dose oral vitamin C is the single most effective treatment of any infection. A recent post on Vitamin C was one of my most popular ever:

    Is High Dose Vitamin C a PanaCea?

    Is High Dose Vitamin C a PanaCea?
    Sometimes you come across something that is so life changing you wonder how you made it through your entire life without knowing about it. Then you find out that many others already knew about it for decades and have been trying to spread the word to no avail, because there are multi billion dollar corporations that just can’t and won’t allow it.

    Read full story

    Unlike most Vitamin C supplements that come from GMO cornstarch and may have trace amounts of mold, mine will have 1000mg of non GMO tapioca sourced Vitamin C in a veggie cap (same as the C in our IMMUNITY [vitamins] supplement), which I find to be the most convenient form for rapidly consuming 30-50,000 mg of Vitamin C in a single dose (2-4 capsules at a time with a sip of water until you’re done).

    Back to our mystery pneumonia outbreak: I know why people are extra cautious given what we went through with COVID-19. Some people really did get very sick, and others ended up with debilitating long haul syndromes. China has not historically been exactly forthcoming with information on outbreaks early on.

    Social media and news reports said that 800 bed hospitals were overwhelmed with 5000-7000 patients per day, but the authorities on a call with the WHO denied that.

    This could just be a whole lot of nothing and one of the risks going forward is allowing the health authorities to turn regular or even really bad flu seasons into enough reason lock us down and take away all our rights.

    We should not want to entirely rid the world of infectious diseases even if we could, because we need to tune up our immune systems from time to time in order to prevent chronic illness.

    The same immune system that stays in shape fighting off a mild to moderate cold or flu every year, also fights off cancer cells and heart disease.


    I came cross a study once (that I can’t find - drop it in the comments if you know it) showing that 4 or more viral illnesses like chickenpox and measles as a child was associated with a 90% lower risk of heart disease as an older adult.

    So we need to keep our immune system in shape with occasional viral and bacterial infections, even though some small percentage of people will die from them.

    This sounds worse than it is though, because those people who die, would have died from something else anyway.

    COVID deaths in the elderly might have been pulled forward a year or two, which is terrible for each person who knew those who died, but fighting the natural way of things with technology can lead to far more harm than good.

    The real population “vaccines” are the infectious diseases themselves, not Big Pharma shots or government lockdowns.

    Artificially interfering with what nature demands just shuffles deaths around a bit, or God-forbid actually increases them.

    The upshot to all this is: don’t get scared, get prepared.


    Mystery Pneumonia AKA White Lung Syndrome: What's Going On? More questions than answers for now, but it could be a mix of VAIDS and Vitamin A deficiency, and the unlikely edge case remains that the Middle Kingdom is giving us the middle finger yet again. Dr. Syed Haider Nothing will stop these kids from acing their exams, not even white lung disease China has been hit with a “mystery pneumonia”, AKA “white lung disease”, except they insist it’s not really a mystery pneumonia at all, it’s just the usual suspects like mycoplasma, Flu, RSV, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and yes, COVID-19. Or perhaps the word mystery refers to the mystery of why there is such a large outbreak of it this year? The prevalent explanations are an “immune debt” due to lockdowns overlaid on a multi-year cyclic upturn in mycoplasma infections. What we do know is that children are primarily affected and it has spread beyond China to many other countries, and possibly even the US now. But there does not seem to be a spike in deaths at this point. Beyond the immune debt and cycle theories, what else could be driving this? Well the elephant in the room is VAIDS, as well as Long COVID AIDS, which unfortunately is also a thing. But another lesser known possibility is relative vitamin A deficiency. Yes, Vitamin A, not Vitamin D. Vitamin A is important for immunity, especially from mycoplasma. It’s a fat soluble vitamin and what makes this an even more likely culprit in many cases is that so many people have been heavily supplementing with Vitamin D for the last 3 years, and Vitamin D supplementation can lead to deficiencies of Vitamins A, E and K, since all 4 of these fat soluble vitamins compete for absorption. So the cure of the last pandemic could have set some people up for this outbreak. The most common supplement regimen during and after COVID was Vitamin C, D, Zinc and Quercetin. The other nutritional imbalance that this regimen can trigger is a deficiency of copper due to prolonged Zinc suppelementation. Signs of copper deficiency also include immunodeficiency evidenced by low white blood cell count and thyroid problems, anemia, weak bones, irregular heartbeat, and loss of pigment from the skin. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share However mild deficiencies might not have any warning signs beyond increased susceptibility to illness and trouble with recovery. For this reason I’m working on a new supplement to balance the effects of our popular IMMUNITY [vitamins] supplement. We already included vitamin K2 in that one, to help balance the effect of D3 intake on calcium absorption, but this new one will have Vitamins A and E as well as copper and a few other ingredients like selenium, necessary for the optimal immune balance required for prevention, treatment of acute illness and recovery from long haul/vax injuries. Until then I would recommend most people who are supplementing with D3 on an ongoing basis to take the same dose of Vitamin A in retinol form, so if it’s 5000 IU D3, I would usually take 5000 IU of retinol as well. Vitamin E in the form of mixed tocopherols 20 IU and the K2 form of Vitamin K 100mcg per day. To balance 50 mg of zinc you probably need about 4-8 mg of copper per day. Oyster max is a powdered oyster supplement that has both zinc and copper in it. Optimally you would use lab testing along with a nutrient calculator to determine how. much of each micronutrient you get from your diet, and then just dial up your nutritional intake as required, or add supplemental doses based on nutritional deficiencies. At mygotodoc we offer comprehensive nutritional testing panels to help optimize nutrition, because the building blocks of health are at their most basic just two: nourishment and detoxification, of course those two words belie a lot of complexity. For example nourishment doesn’t just include food and vitamins, it also includes sunlight in the day, darkness at night, relaxation and rest, grounding, fulfilling relationships, happy thoughts, gratitude, etc. And detoxification doesn’t just include spike protein and heavy metals, but also plastics, industrial chemicals, chronic infections/infestations, non natural EMFs, light at night, anger and other toxic emotions, negative thoughts, harmful relationships, addictions, etc. Optimizing just some of these can often give your body enough strength and energy to overcome the others being suboptimal. Overall we need balance in life and the story of imbalanced micronutrients just serves to highlight the importance of balance in all things. In modern industrial societies we tend towards action over inactivity, but in truth we need both for optimal health and productivity. Muscles only get built during rest, not during exercise, which breaks them down to stimulate rebuilding. Similarly spending all our time in our heads processing the firehose of incoming information leaves us no time to chew it and digest it and make the most of it. Give yourself some down time to just do nothing, so that when you go back to doing something you do it better than you would have otherwise. This is why many cultures encourage timeouts during the day to pray or meditate instead of packing every waking moment with activity and information. We’re currently also undergoing an uptick in COVID infections around the world, but not an increase in severity. Geert Van Den Boscche’s warnings of a coming supervariant targeting the vaxed have not yet materialized At the same time many in the medical freedom community are hyperaware of the current happenings around the world because they expect round two of COVID or some other bioweapon along with lockdowns heading into the 2024 presidential election year. If this were going to happen this is when it would get started, because it takes some time to really get going. I hope we don’t fall for the same thing all over again, but it may just be a matter of time and the last one may have just been a dry run for the real power grab. No more pandemics | Bill Gates The next pandemic we’ve been warned is definitely coming has been termed “Disease X” by Gates and company, a placeholder name for some as yet unknown bug that could be far worse than COVID, i.e. an actual threat to human life on a scale similar to the Black Plague or the 1918 Spanish Flu. If something of that magnitude and severity were to be unleashed on humanity many would forget their righteous indignation over COVID lockdowns and demand stringent measures including quarantine camps and forced treatment - it sounds impossible, yet this has just become law in the state of New York. New Yorkers can be forcibly extracted from their homes and interred in quarantine camps. The Supreme Court actually ruled over a 100 years ago that compulsory vaccination was constitutional (and now the definition of vaccine extends to gene therapies). We’ll have to see what the future holds, but whatever it is, there is likely to be a cheap off-label treatment and if all else fails sunlight is the best disinfectant (i.e. get outside and get some sun). Ivermectin works for a number of viruses including RSV and Flu, and it even has activity against mycoplasma pneumonia. Other common meds are exceedingly helpful as well like doxycycline, which is why our Disaster-Pak prescriptions are as popular as ivermectin. We work with patients to prescribe an array of meds as comprehensive as possible. We have options that may work against Ebola and Marburg, as well as a whole host of other bioweapons and run of the mill infections. We prescribe the right doses and the right quantities, which I haven’t seen anywhere else. Usually patients who go somewhere else end up coming to us when they actually get sick, because they didn’t get anywhere near enough ivermectin or whatever else from another provider, who isn’t familiar with the latest dosing protocols. I’m also working on a vitamin C supplement, because in my experience high dose oral vitamin C is the single most effective treatment of any infection. A recent post on Vitamin C was one of my most popular ever: Is High Dose Vitamin C a PanaCea? Is High Dose Vitamin C a PanaCea? Sometimes you come across something that is so life changing you wonder how you made it through your entire life without knowing about it. Then you find out that many others already knew about it for decades and have been trying to spread the word to no avail, because there are multi billion dollar corporations that just can’t and won’t allow it. Read full story Unlike most Vitamin C supplements that come from GMO cornstarch and may have trace amounts of mold, mine will have 1000mg of non GMO tapioca sourced Vitamin C in a veggie cap (same as the C in our IMMUNITY [vitamins] supplement), which I find to be the most convenient form for rapidly consuming 30-50,000 mg of Vitamin C in a single dose (2-4 capsules at a time with a sip of water until you’re done). Back to our mystery pneumonia outbreak: I know why people are extra cautious given what we went through with COVID-19. Some people really did get very sick, and others ended up with debilitating long haul syndromes. China has not historically been exactly forthcoming with information on outbreaks early on. Social media and news reports said that 800 bed hospitals were overwhelmed with 5000-7000 patients per day, but the authorities on a call with the WHO denied that. This could just be a whole lot of nothing and one of the risks going forward is allowing the health authorities to turn regular or even really bad flu seasons into enough reason lock us down and take away all our rights. We should not want to entirely rid the world of infectious diseases even if we could, because we need to tune up our immune systems from time to time in order to prevent chronic illness. The same immune system that stays in shape fighting off a mild to moderate cold or flu every year, also fights off cancer cells and heart disease. Share I came cross a study once (that I can’t find - drop it in the comments if you know it) showing that 4 or more viral illnesses like chickenpox and measles as a child was associated with a 90% lower risk of heart disease as an older adult. So we need to keep our immune system in shape with occasional viral and bacterial infections, even though some small percentage of people will die from them. This sounds worse than it is though, because those people who die, would have died from something else anyway. COVID deaths in the elderly might have been pulled forward a year or two, which is terrible for each person who knew those who died, but fighting the natural way of things with technology can lead to far more harm than good. The real population “vaccines” are the infectious diseases themselves, not Big Pharma shots or government lockdowns. Artificially interfering with what nature demands just shuffles deaths around a bit, or God-forbid actually increases them. The upshot to all this is: don’t get scared, get prepared. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/mystery-pneumonia-aka-white-lung https://telegra.ph/Mystery-Pneumonia-AKA-White-Lung-Syndrome-Whats-Going-On-03-10
    Mystery Pneumonia AKA White Lung Syndrome: What's Going On?
    More questions than answers for now, but it could be a mix of VAIDS and Vitamin A deficiency, and the unlikely edge case remains that the Middle Kingdom is giving us the middle finger yet again.
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 20458 Visualizações
  • Grounding is awesome
    Protect yourself from EMF, 5G and Wifi radiations with a tested and proven product the best in the market:


    Grounding is awesome Protect yourself from EMF, 5G and Wifi radiations with a tested and proven product the best in the market: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651 https://rumble.com/v3zrbyk-grounding-is-awesome.html
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3235 Visualizações
  • Grounding is awesome: https://rumble.com/v3zrbyk-grounding-is-awesome.html
    Protect yourself from EMF, 5G and Wifi radiations with a tested and proven product the best in the market: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651/
    Join the healing group: https://t.me/HerbalismHealing
    Grounding is awesome: https://rumble.com/v3zrbyk-grounding-is-awesome.html Protect yourself from EMF, 5G and Wifi radiations with a tested and proven product the best in the market: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651/ Join the healing group: https://t.me/HerbalismHealing
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3819 Visualizações 2
  • Penubuhan sekolah vernakular sah, boleh tutur bahasa Mandarin, Tamil
    Sinar Harian
    Sinar Harian
    November 23, 2023 02:45 MYT

    Penubuhan sekolah vernakular sah, boleh tutur bahasa Mandarin, Tamil
    Mahkamah Rayuan pada Khamis memutuskan penubuhan sekolah vernakular adalah sah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan. - Gambar fail

    PUTRAJAYA : Mahkamah Rayuan di sini pada Khamis memutuskan penubuhan sekolah vernakular yang menggunakan bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil sebagai bahasa pengantar adalah sah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

    Panel tiga hakim diketuai Datuk Supang Lian yang bersidang bersama Datuk M Gunalan dan Datuk Azizul Azmi Adnan sebulat suara memutuskan demikian selepas menolak rayuan difailkan empat pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO).

    Mereka ialah Ikatan Guru-Guru Muslim Malaysia (i-Guru), Majlis Pembangunan Pendidikan Islam (Mappim), Gabungan Persatuan Penulis Malaysia (Gapena) dan Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma).

    Pada Disember 2019, lima NGO iaitu Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS), Mappim, Gapena dan Isma memfailkan saman terhadap 13 pihak antaranya kerajaan Malaysia, kumpulan pendidik Cina Dong Zong dan Jiao Zong, Persatuan Thamizhar Malaysia serta Persatuan Tamilar Thurunal (Perak).

    I-Guru pula menamakan Menteri Pendidikan dan kerajaan Malaysia, memohon deklarasi bahawa Seksyen 17 serta Seksyen 28 Akta Pendidikan 1996 adalah tidak konsisten dengan Perkara 152 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, maka ia perlu dibatalkan.

    NGO-NGO itu mencabar keabsahan sekolah vernakular dan menyatakan penggunaan bahasa Mandarin serta Tamil sebagai bahasa perantaraan utama di sekolah vernakular adalah bercanggah dengan Perkara 152 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

    Majlis Bahasa Cina Malaysia, Persatuan Tamil Neri Malaysia, Gabungan Persatuan Bekas Pelajar Sekolah Tamil Malaysia, MCA dan Persekutuan Persatuan-Persatuan Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zong) telah dibenarkan mencelah dalam saman yang difailkan oleh I-Guru.

    Pada 29 Disember 2021, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Datuk Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali (kini Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan) menolak saman GPMS, Mappim, Gapena and Isma.

    Mohd Nazlan memutuskan bahawa kewujudan dan penubuhan sekolah vernakular serta penggunaan bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil di sekolah terbabit adalah sah serta berperlembagaan.

    Pada 29 Mei tahun lepas, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman, Abazafree Mohd Abbas (kini Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi) turut memutuskan bahawa kewujudan sekolah vernakular adalah sah dan berperlembagaan ketika beliau menolak saman I-Guru.

    Pada Disember 2021 dan Mei 2022, Mappim, Gapena, Isma dan I-Guru merayu terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur dan Kota Bharu yang menolak saman mereka.

    Bagaimanapun, hanya GPMS tidak memfailkan rayuan.

    Semasa hujahan prosiding rayuan itu, peguam kanan Persekutuan, Liew Horng Bin, mewakili Menteri Pendidikan dan kerajaan berhujah bahawa penggunaan bahasa lain sebagai bahasa pengantar di sekolah rendah vernakular tidak bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan kerana bahasa kebangsaan diajar sebagai mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah terbabit.

    Peguam, Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla, yang mewakili Mappim dan Gapena dalam hujahan balasnya berkata, disebabkan pendidikan merupakan urusan rasmi, maka penggunaan bahasa sebagai medium pengajaran wajiblah dalam bahasa Melayu.

    Katanya, Mohd Nazlan terkhilaf apabila memutuskan penggunaan bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil sebagai bahasa pengantar di sekolah vernakular adalah sah dan berperlembagaan. -

    Penubuhan sekolah vernakular sah, boleh tutur bahasa Mandarin, Tamil Sinar Harian Sinar Harian November 23, 2023 02:45 MYT Penubuhan sekolah vernakular sah, boleh tutur bahasa Mandarin, Tamil Mahkamah Rayuan pada Khamis memutuskan penubuhan sekolah vernakular adalah sah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan. - Gambar fail PUTRAJAYA : Mahkamah Rayuan di sini pada Khamis memutuskan penubuhan sekolah vernakular yang menggunakan bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil sebagai bahasa pengantar adalah sah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Panel tiga hakim diketuai Datuk Supang Lian yang bersidang bersama Datuk M Gunalan dan Datuk Azizul Azmi Adnan sebulat suara memutuskan demikian selepas menolak rayuan difailkan empat pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO). Mereka ialah Ikatan Guru-Guru Muslim Malaysia (i-Guru), Majlis Pembangunan Pendidikan Islam (Mappim), Gabungan Persatuan Penulis Malaysia (Gapena) dan Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma). Pada Disember 2019, lima NGO iaitu Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS), Mappim, Gapena dan Isma memfailkan saman terhadap 13 pihak antaranya kerajaan Malaysia, kumpulan pendidik Cina Dong Zong dan Jiao Zong, Persatuan Thamizhar Malaysia serta Persatuan Tamilar Thurunal (Perak). I-Guru pula menamakan Menteri Pendidikan dan kerajaan Malaysia, memohon deklarasi bahawa Seksyen 17 serta Seksyen 28 Akta Pendidikan 1996 adalah tidak konsisten dengan Perkara 152 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, maka ia perlu dibatalkan. NGO-NGO itu mencabar keabsahan sekolah vernakular dan menyatakan penggunaan bahasa Mandarin serta Tamil sebagai bahasa perantaraan utama di sekolah vernakular adalah bercanggah dengan Perkara 152 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Majlis Bahasa Cina Malaysia, Persatuan Tamil Neri Malaysia, Gabungan Persatuan Bekas Pelajar Sekolah Tamil Malaysia, MCA dan Persekutuan Persatuan-Persatuan Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zong) telah dibenarkan mencelah dalam saman yang difailkan oleh I-Guru. Pada 29 Disember 2021, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Datuk Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali (kini Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan) menolak saman GPMS, Mappim, Gapena and Isma. Mohd Nazlan memutuskan bahawa kewujudan dan penubuhan sekolah vernakular serta penggunaan bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil di sekolah terbabit adalah sah serta berperlembagaan. Pada 29 Mei tahun lepas, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman, Abazafree Mohd Abbas (kini Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi) turut memutuskan bahawa kewujudan sekolah vernakular adalah sah dan berperlembagaan ketika beliau menolak saman I-Guru. Pada Disember 2021 dan Mei 2022, Mappim, Gapena, Isma dan I-Guru merayu terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur dan Kota Bharu yang menolak saman mereka. Bagaimanapun, hanya GPMS tidak memfailkan rayuan. Semasa hujahan prosiding rayuan itu, peguam kanan Persekutuan, Liew Horng Bin, mewakili Menteri Pendidikan dan kerajaan berhujah bahawa penggunaan bahasa lain sebagai bahasa pengantar di sekolah rendah vernakular tidak bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan kerana bahasa kebangsaan diajar sebagai mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah terbabit. Peguam, Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla, yang mewakili Mappim dan Gapena dalam hujahan balasnya berkata, disebabkan pendidikan merupakan urusan rasmi, maka penggunaan bahasa sebagai medium pengajaran wajiblah dalam bahasa Melayu. Katanya, Mohd Nazlan terkhilaf apabila memutuskan penggunaan bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil sebagai bahasa pengantar di sekolah vernakular adalah sah dan berperlembagaan. - https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/penubuhan-sekolah-vernakular-sah-boleh-tutur-bahasa-mandarin-tamil-447164?amp=1
    Penubuhan sekolah vernakular sah, boleh tutur bahasa Mandarin, Tamil | Astro Awani
    Mahkamah Rayuan putuskan penubuhan sekolah vernakular yang menggunakan bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil sebagai bahasa pengantar sah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
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