• The Truth About Disease No One's Talking About
    It's simple and straightforward, we know what causes them all and that means we can fix them

    Dr. Syed Haider
    A simple line drawing showing a devilish baby sitting on one side of a scale and an angelic cherub sitting on the other side. The devilish baby has little horns, a mischievous smile, and a tiny pitchfork. The angelic cherub has a halo, wings, and a sweet expression. The scale is balanced, and the background is blank. The drawing uses light, thin lines to suggest details, with most of the area taken up by empty white space.
    This is the truth about health and disease.

    Most people either don’t understand where disease really comes from and how to get rid of it, or they’ve never really thought through what they do believe about it.

    Once you think it through you may find that what you thought you understood or believed is not actually rational. Or maybe your approach to it is isn’t.

    People aren’t always rational, and that’s fine as long as they know it.

    But in the case of disease the powers that be have purposely obfuscated the truth for profit.

    The truth itself isn’t profitable.

    Now some people will already know what I’m going to spell out here, but in my experience they still don’t always apply that knowledge in practice, and the reason seems to be that they haven’t fully understood all the implications, and maybe they are still missing pieces of the full picture.

    In any event it pays to examine the subject, especially since it’s so near and dear to us.

    The one who reads through this and still persists in opposition to the principles outlined, without providing any rational argument against them, yet citing “authorities” and “science” as their support, seems to me similar to those distant ancestors who believed illness stemmed from evil spirits, and as their support cited the “authorities” and “science” of their own time.

    A very minimal black and white line drawing of a newspaper cartoon showing a sick patient lying in a hospital bed in the background. In the foreground, an older doctor is speaking with two younger doctors about the patient. The drawing has only the suggestion of shapes with very light, thin lines and no large black areas. The background is completely white, with faint lines indicating the characters and setting. The cartoon has a light-hearted, humorous tone typical of newspaper comics.

    Scientism isn’t actually science.

    Calling it science doesn’t make it science.

    The science supports what I’m going to outline here, and yet the implications of the clear, well-established and not that new science are ignored for profit and will continue to be ignored for profit as long as most people remain unaware of it.

    So to get on with it: illness and health just come down to a balance between “toxins” and “nutrients”.

    That’s because we live in a rational universe governed by knowable causes and effects.

    More toxins, less nutrients: you get sick.

    Shift the balance back far enough and eventually you get better.

    That’s because the human body is designed to heal automatically when something isn’t preventing it and when it has the requisite building blocks at hand.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Cut yourself and you heal, you don’t have to apply healing cream to make yourself heal, you just do.

    We used to think this didn’t apply to every tissue, like the heart or the brain were exceptions, and then we realized they can also heal and regrow, it just takes longer and may require more effort (with nerves the principle “use it or lose it” changes after an injury to: keep trying to use it or never regain it).

    But if you keep cutting yourself in the same spot every day, you’ll never heal no matter how much Neosporin you slather on.

    Cutting doesn’t sound like a toxin, so we should define what is meant by a toxin and a nutrient, at least for the purposes of this discussion, where I’m trying to categorize everything at a high level into two opposing buckets.

    So what I mean by “toxin” is anything that opposes health and by “nutrient” anything that supports it.

    What are all those toxins and nutrients?

    How can we go about determining what they might be?

    A useful framework for thinking about the question begins with considering that the optimal environment for the human body that should lead to a healthy state of being is the natural environment of this planet.

    The environment the body is designed for, whether by natural evolution or intelligent design, or whatever your preferred world view might be.

    If a space alien came from a distant planet with an entirely different environment what is the likelihood they would be healthy on earth or any other random rock in the universe? Obviously they are optimized for the environment they originated in.

    The idea that something within that environment is by its very nature toxic to them would seem absurd.

    Yet people here on earth think that the sun itself is toxic. Some dermatologists recommend applying sunscreen even if you’re just going from your house to the car, or your car to the office.

    We know some humans live in physical and social environments closer to the optimal and are therefore much healthier on average. They are outdoors more, exposed to fewer industrial chemicals, eat cleaner, more natural foods. When they move to unnatural environments that foster disease, their health and the health of their offspring deteriorates.

    Just like a fish in a dirty fishbowl will be less healthy than one in a clean fishbowl which will be less healthy than one in the ocean it was designed to inhabit, the same goes for human beings.

    Improvement and moving concept with a goldfish jumping from a dirty aquarium to a clean one
    So we don’t have statin deficiencies, we have environment deficiencies.

    Most people would agree with a lot of what’s been said so far, excepting the sun perhaps, since it’s been so thoroughly pounded into us that it causes cancer, which brings me to my next point.

    What makes this topic more complicated is that there are many toxins and nutrients that people don’t usually consider to be such, because they’ve been profoundly miseducated about the way the world works, because there was a time when science had not yet uncovered the mechanistic means by which all these things benefit and harm, so in our eternal hubris we assumed our ancestors were idiots and we knew better.

    Now we actually do know better - than many of those in our parents and grandparents generations who thought they knew better than the people who came before who really did know better all along - but old lies die hard: one funeral at a time. And new truths are hard won, by slow awakenings, one doc at a time.

    So, along with sunlight lets uncover some more misunderstood or even unknown toxins and nutrients.

    On the “toxin” side: nocebo effects can come from your thoughts and beliefs. Negative emotions can physically harm you.

    These aren’t fantasies, they are physical realities, because the mind affects the brain affects the body and it’s been proven time and again by real scientists, if you don’t believe it you just have to go read up on it, because not knowing it can kill you, or at least keep you very sick for a very long time.

    There are also many other toxins that most don’t consider like pervasive heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, and various other chemicals, artificial light exposure, other non native electromagnetic field (nnEMF) exposures, etc (all of which can be avoided to some extent and in the case of those harbored within us, gotten rid of to a great enough degree that your body is no longer significantly harmed by them).

    Image of It's the fluorescents.
    On the “nutrient” side these are frequently disregarded: sun, relaxation, just turning off, real intimacy and a lot of it, deep sleep, grounding, timing of food, positive thoughts and emotions, nature in all its glory (eg “forest bathing”), fresh air, clean and perhaps even “structured” water, etc.

    If people do become aware of these and become convinced they might have some benefit or harm in them, they still think to themselves: yeah, but how much can it really matter to me after all?

    How much can it possibly move the needle?

    The answer is surprising: seemingly insignificant things can sometimes make all the difference.

    When a woman eats most of her calories can dramatically affect her risk of PCOS and it’s severity.

    If she has bigger breakfasts and smaller dinners it lowers insulin resistance, raises ovulation frequency, and lowers testosterone levels.

    A team of scientists from University of Aberdeen has found ways of controlling people's meals to compare the impact of a large breakfast or a large dinner.
    How much intimacy you have in your life can mean the difference between having a heart attack or not (up to half the incidence of heart disease might be linked to intimacy alone).

    How many intimate relationships you have is the number one predictor of how long you live.

    Oh, yeah let’s not forget the much maligned sun.

    AKA the glorious fusion-reactor-in-the-sky-energy-source for all life on this planet.

    If the sun winked out everything, everywhere would die.

    How much sun exposure a population has predicts all manner of health outcomes from diabetes to cancer to obesity to heart disease and more.

    Not that more sun makes you sicker.

    The more sun the better.

    And it’s not vitamin D levels that make the difference, because profit driven supplement manufacturers made sure to get that hypothesis tested and it failed - i.e. supplementing vitamin D didn’t achieve the profound effects seen in populations that have high vitamin D due to sun exposure (sure, maybe they didn’t take enough, or took too much, but that’s one of the basic problems with supplementation - it bypasses the bodies feedback loops and can cause it’s own problems too - eg I’ve seen multiple patients who over supplemented D and ended up with immune dysfunction up to and including new autoimmune disease, even though autoimmune disease is thought to be caused by low D, that low D may actually be a helpful maneuver by the body due to the disease itself and evidence does not show improvement of autoimmunity with D supplementation, rather evidence suggests that supplementation worsens it!).


    The point is that it’s definitely not just vitamin D that’s important in populations with high D, because in nature when you get vitamin D you get so much more than just vitamin D at the same time.

    It is sunlight sufficiency that’s important, because sunlight that isn’t filtered by modern window glass (that blocks crucial invisible wavelengths) has dramatic biological effects beyond just raising vitamin D: it lowers blood viscosity, dramatically improves mitochondrial activity and health, improves sleep timing and depth, improves the gut microbiome, raises the right hormones at the right times, activates certain otherwise dormant hormonal pathways, and much more, probably including many things we still don’t fully understand.


    And there are many more idiosyncratic relationships between seemingly insignificant lifestyle choices and your health that can be highly specific to you and not most other people.

    But, the good new is that 95% or more of what you need to focus on is well known and basically generic to everyone.

    So, if this is all rational and logical and doable, why don’t people believe it will work?

    Why even after reading this will people still not do anything different?

    Because they have heard the message every day of their lives in so many ways from so many people that the cause of disease is some deep mystery.

    The old Nazi propaganda secret that’s not so secret any more: a big enough lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.

    How many news articles have you seen in your life that bemoan the lack of understanding of xyz disease? What causes it? How to treat it? Scientists just don’t know!

    We must spend more money researching it!


    That’s just a big fat lie: the truth is the only thing the establishment doesn’t know is how best to monetize it, which is the sole purpose of every dollar of government-funded, industry-directed research.

    We know what causes illness and health.

    There are only so many things that populate a very short list that can possibly account for both.

    PS. The basics are simple, but things do get complicated rather quickly, especially when people go to doctors who misinterpret their symptoms and labs as something “wrong” rather than as maneuvers around a bad situation that are usually benefitting the patient.

    Patients are given wrongheaded “solutions” instead of addressing root causes and in many instances just helping the body in its attempt to overcome those root causes.

    The body fighting off root causes is usually seen as a disease in itself.

    One of the best examples of this being a viral infection - all the symptoms are due to your own immune system getting rid of the virus - suppressing those symptoms just lets the virus get a stronger foothold inside you.

    Many of the symptoms we consider illnesses are similar attempts by the body to root out something that’s gotten in.

    Resolving complex multilayered problems involving many previous wrong moves is like this:

    Imagine a brash upstart chess player who has a couple years of study and gampelay under their belt goes to Central Park and sti down to play with one of the scruffy looking beggars. He thinks how hard can this be and bets big on the outcome. Quickly he realizes he has been taken for a fool and is far outmatched. The longer he plays the worse it gets. At some point he bows out and brings in a really skilled replacement to help him. The farther along the game is, the harder it will be for the skilled replacement to correct the situation.

    In reality almost every doctor is playing checkers, not realizing their actually in a game of chess.

    If you’re ready to let a grandmaster take over the board, the best in the world is Hakim Shabaz.

    I’m not prone to hyperbole so when I say he is in a league of his own I mean it.

    Practically speaking that will sometimes mean that what he recommends seems weird, but cell phones would have seemed weird 300 years ago, it doesn’t mean they don’t work, it just means we’re too far behind to understand what’s going on.

    Either do the work to understand enough to believe deeply that the approach will work, or take a leap of faith.

    Either way just do it.

    Consult The Hakim

    The Truth About Disease No One's Talking About It's simple and straightforward, we know what causes them all and that means we can fix them Dr. Syed Haider A simple line drawing showing a devilish baby sitting on one side of a scale and an angelic cherub sitting on the other side. The devilish baby has little horns, a mischievous smile, and a tiny pitchfork. The angelic cherub has a halo, wings, and a sweet expression. The scale is balanced, and the background is blank. The drawing uses light, thin lines to suggest details, with most of the area taken up by empty white space. This is the truth about health and disease. Most people either don’t understand where disease really comes from and how to get rid of it, or they’ve never really thought through what they do believe about it. Once you think it through you may find that what you thought you understood or believed is not actually rational. Or maybe your approach to it is isn’t. People aren’t always rational, and that’s fine as long as they know it. But in the case of disease the powers that be have purposely obfuscated the truth for profit. The truth itself isn’t profitable. Now some people will already know what I’m going to spell out here, but in my experience they still don’t always apply that knowledge in practice, and the reason seems to be that they haven’t fully understood all the implications, and maybe they are still missing pieces of the full picture. In any event it pays to examine the subject, especially since it’s so near and dear to us. The one who reads through this and still persists in opposition to the principles outlined, without providing any rational argument against them, yet citing “authorities” and “science” as their support, seems to me similar to those distant ancestors who believed illness stemmed from evil spirits, and as their support cited the “authorities” and “science” of their own time. A very minimal black and white line drawing of a newspaper cartoon showing a sick patient lying in a hospital bed in the background. In the foreground, an older doctor is speaking with two younger doctors about the patient. The drawing has only the suggestion of shapes with very light, thin lines and no large black areas. The background is completely white, with faint lines indicating the characters and setting. The cartoon has a light-hearted, humorous tone typical of newspaper comics. THERE COULD BE ANY NUMBER OF CAUSES FOR THIS CONDITION, PERHAPS HE BROKE A MIRROR, OR WALKED UNDER A LADDER, OR SPILLED SOME SALT… Scientism isn’t actually science. Calling it science doesn’t make it science. The science supports what I’m going to outline here, and yet the implications of the clear, well-established and not that new science are ignored for profit and will continue to be ignored for profit as long as most people remain unaware of it. So to get on with it: illness and health just come down to a balance between “toxins” and “nutrients”. That’s because we live in a rational universe governed by knowable causes and effects. More toxins, less nutrients: you get sick. Shift the balance back far enough and eventually you get better. That’s because the human body is designed to heal automatically when something isn’t preventing it and when it has the requisite building blocks at hand. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Cut yourself and you heal, you don’t have to apply healing cream to make yourself heal, you just do. We used to think this didn’t apply to every tissue, like the heart or the brain were exceptions, and then we realized they can also heal and regrow, it just takes longer and may require more effort (with nerves the principle “use it or lose it” changes after an injury to: keep trying to use it or never regain it). But if you keep cutting yourself in the same spot every day, you’ll never heal no matter how much Neosporin you slather on. Cutting doesn’t sound like a toxin, so we should define what is meant by a toxin and a nutrient, at least for the purposes of this discussion, where I’m trying to categorize everything at a high level into two opposing buckets. So what I mean by “toxin” is anything that opposes health and by “nutrient” anything that supports it. What are all those toxins and nutrients? How can we go about determining what they might be? A useful framework for thinking about the question begins with considering that the optimal environment for the human body that should lead to a healthy state of being is the natural environment of this planet. The environment the body is designed for, whether by natural evolution or intelligent design, or whatever your preferred world view might be. If a space alien came from a distant planet with an entirely different environment what is the likelihood they would be healthy on earth or any other random rock in the universe? Obviously they are optimized for the environment they originated in. The idea that something within that environment is by its very nature toxic to them would seem absurd. Yet people here on earth think that the sun itself is toxic. Some dermatologists recommend applying sunscreen even if you’re just going from your house to the car, or your car to the office. We know some humans live in physical and social environments closer to the optimal and are therefore much healthier on average. They are outdoors more, exposed to fewer industrial chemicals, eat cleaner, more natural foods. When they move to unnatural environments that foster disease, their health and the health of their offspring deteriorates. Just like a fish in a dirty fishbowl will be less healthy than one in a clean fishbowl which will be less healthy than one in the ocean it was designed to inhabit, the same goes for human beings. Improvement and moving concept with a goldfish jumping from a dirty aquarium to a clean one I AM SO OVER THIS DIRTY FISHBOWL. HEALTHY ME HERE I COME. So we don’t have statin deficiencies, we have environment deficiencies. Most people would agree with a lot of what’s been said so far, excepting the sun perhaps, since it’s been so thoroughly pounded into us that it causes cancer, which brings me to my next point. What makes this topic more complicated is that there are many toxins and nutrients that people don’t usually consider to be such, because they’ve been profoundly miseducated about the way the world works, because there was a time when science had not yet uncovered the mechanistic means by which all these things benefit and harm, so in our eternal hubris we assumed our ancestors were idiots and we knew better. Now we actually do know better - than many of those in our parents and grandparents generations who thought they knew better than the people who came before who really did know better all along - but old lies die hard: one funeral at a time. And new truths are hard won, by slow awakenings, one doc at a time. So, along with sunlight lets uncover some more misunderstood or even unknown toxins and nutrients. On the “toxin” side: nocebo effects can come from your thoughts and beliefs. Negative emotions can physically harm you. These aren’t fantasies, they are physical realities, because the mind affects the brain affects the body and it’s been proven time and again by real scientists, if you don’t believe it you just have to go read up on it, because not knowing it can kill you, or at least keep you very sick for a very long time. There are also many other toxins that most don’t consider like pervasive heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, and various other chemicals, artificial light exposure, other non native electromagnetic field (nnEMF) exposures, etc (all of which can be avoided to some extent and in the case of those harbored within us, gotten rid of to a great enough degree that your body is no longer significantly harmed by them). Image of It's the fluorescents. On the “nutrient” side these are frequently disregarded: sun, relaxation, just turning off, real intimacy and a lot of it, deep sleep, grounding, timing of food, positive thoughts and emotions, nature in all its glory (eg “forest bathing”), fresh air, clean and perhaps even “structured” water, etc. If people do become aware of these and become convinced they might have some benefit or harm in them, they still think to themselves: yeah, but how much can it really matter to me after all? How much can it possibly move the needle? The answer is surprising: seemingly insignificant things can sometimes make all the difference. When a woman eats most of her calories can dramatically affect her risk of PCOS and it’s severity. If she has bigger breakfasts and smaller dinners it lowers insulin resistance, raises ovulation frequency, and lowers testosterone levels. A team of scientists from University of Aberdeen has found ways of controlling people's meals to compare the impact of a large breakfast or a large dinner. How much intimacy you have in your life can mean the difference between having a heart attack or not (up to half the incidence of heart disease might be linked to intimacy alone). How many intimate relationships you have is the number one predictor of how long you live. Oh, yeah let’s not forget the much maligned sun. AKA the glorious fusion-reactor-in-the-sky-energy-source for all life on this planet. If the sun winked out everything, everywhere would die. How much sun exposure a population has predicts all manner of health outcomes from diabetes to cancer to obesity to heart disease and more. Not that more sun makes you sicker. The more sun the better. And it’s not vitamin D levels that make the difference, because profit driven supplement manufacturers made sure to get that hypothesis tested and it failed - i.e. supplementing vitamin D didn’t achieve the profound effects seen in populations that have high vitamin D due to sun exposure (sure, maybe they didn’t take enough, or took too much, but that’s one of the basic problems with supplementation - it bypasses the bodies feedback loops and can cause it’s own problems too - eg I’ve seen multiple patients who over supplemented D and ended up with immune dysfunction up to and including new autoimmune disease, even though autoimmune disease is thought to be caused by low D, that low D may actually be a helpful maneuver by the body due to the disease itself and evidence does not show improvement of autoimmunity with D supplementation, rather evidence suggests that supplementation worsens it!). Share The point is that it’s definitely not just vitamin D that’s important in populations with high D, because in nature when you get vitamin D you get so much more than just vitamin D at the same time. It is sunlight sufficiency that’s important, because sunlight that isn’t filtered by modern window glass (that blocks crucial invisible wavelengths) has dramatic biological effects beyond just raising vitamin D: it lowers blood viscosity, dramatically improves mitochondrial activity and health, improves sleep timing and depth, improves the gut microbiome, raises the right hormones at the right times, activates certain otherwise dormant hormonal pathways, and much more, probably including many things we still don’t fully understand. YOU NEED ANYTHING? TEA, COFFEE … VITAMIN D? And there are many more idiosyncratic relationships between seemingly insignificant lifestyle choices and your health that can be highly specific to you and not most other people. But, the good new is that 95% or more of what you need to focus on is well known and basically generic to everyone. So, if this is all rational and logical and doable, why don’t people believe it will work? Why even after reading this will people still not do anything different? Because they have heard the message every day of their lives in so many ways from so many people that the cause of disease is some deep mystery. The old Nazi propaganda secret that’s not so secret any more: a big enough lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. How many news articles have you seen in your life that bemoan the lack of understanding of xyz disease? What causes it? How to treat it? Scientists just don’t know! We must spend more money researching it! GEORGE, RUMOR HAS IT THAT YOU’RE CLOSING IN ON A CURE FOR CANCER, AND I WANTED TO REMIND YOU THAT OUR RESEARCH FUNDING SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITS THAT! AS ALWAYS THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE TO THE COMPANY AND OUR SHAREHOLDERS. That’s just a big fat lie: the truth is the only thing the establishment doesn’t know is how best to monetize it, which is the sole purpose of every dollar of government-funded, industry-directed research. We know what causes illness and health. There are only so many things that populate a very short list that can possibly account for both. PS. The basics are simple, but things do get complicated rather quickly, especially when people go to doctors who misinterpret their symptoms and labs as something “wrong” rather than as maneuvers around a bad situation that are usually benefitting the patient. Patients are given wrongheaded “solutions” instead of addressing root causes and in many instances just helping the body in its attempt to overcome those root causes. The body fighting off root causes is usually seen as a disease in itself. One of the best examples of this being a viral infection - all the symptoms are due to your own immune system getting rid of the virus - suppressing those symptoms just lets the virus get a stronger foothold inside you. Many of the symptoms we consider illnesses are similar attempts by the body to root out something that’s gotten in. Resolving complex multilayered problems involving many previous wrong moves is like this: Imagine a brash upstart chess player who has a couple years of study and gampelay under their belt goes to Central Park and sti down to play with one of the scruffy looking beggars. He thinks how hard can this be and bets big on the outcome. Quickly he realizes he has been taken for a fool and is far outmatched. The longer he plays the worse it gets. At some point he bows out and brings in a really skilled replacement to help him. The farther along the game is, the harder it will be for the skilled replacement to correct the situation. In reality almost every doctor is playing checkers, not realizing their actually in a game of chess. If you’re ready to let a grandmaster take over the board, the best in the world is Hakim Shabaz. I’m not prone to hyperbole so when I say he is in a league of his own I mean it. Practically speaking that will sometimes mean that what he recommends seems weird, but cell phones would have seemed weird 300 years ago, it doesn’t mean they don’t work, it just means we’re too far behind to understand what’s going on. Either do the work to understand enough to believe deeply that the approach will work, or take a leap of faith. Either way just do it. Consult The Hakim https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/the-truth-about-disease-no-ones-talking
    The Truth About Disease No One's Talking About
    It's simple and straightforward, we know what causes them all and that means we can fix them
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  • The story of Yazan Kafarneh, the boy who starved to death in Gaza
    Tareq S. HajjajMarch 25, 2024
    Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee' Abu Naqirah)
    Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee’ Abu Naqirah)
    This is not a photo of a mummy or an embalmed body retrieved from one of Gaza’s ancient cemeteries. This is a photo of Yazan Kafarneh, a child who died of severe malnutrition during Israel’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

    Yazan’s family now lives in the Rab’a School in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in Rafah City. His father, Sharif Kafarneh, along with his mother, Marwa, and his three younger brothers, had fled Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza early on in the war.

    Yazan Kafarneh died at the age of nine, the eldest of four brothers — Mouin, 6, Ramzi, 4, and Muhammad, born during the war in a shelter four months ago.


    Watch now: ANGELA DAVIS on Witnessing Palestine with Frank Barat
    Living in conditions not fit for human habitation, the grieving family had witnessed Yazan’s death before their eyes. It didn’t happen all at once but unfolded gradually over time, his frail body wasting away one day after another until there was nothing left of Yazan but skin and bones.

    Sharif was unable to do anything for his son. He died due to a congenital illness that required a special dietary regimen to keep him healthy. Israel’s systematic prevention of food from reaching the civilian population in Gaza meant that severe malnutrition — suffered by most children in the besieged enclave — in the case of Yazan meant death.

    “We first left from Beit Hanoun to Jabalia refugee camp,” Sharif told Mondoweiss. “Then the occupation called us again and warned us against staying where we were. So we left for Gaza City. Then, the occupation forced us to flee further south, and we did.”

    Yazan Kafarneh's parents and three brothers in their shelter in Rafah. (Photo: Tareq Hajjaj/Mondoweiss)
    Sharif Kafarneh’ (left), his wife Marwa (right), and their three surviving sons (center) in their shelter in Rafah. (Photo: Tareq Hajjaj/Mondoweiss)
    “If it weren’t for Yazan, I would have never left my home,” Sharif maintained. “Yazan required special care and nutrition.”

    Yazan suffered from a congenital form of muscular atrophy that made movement and speech difficult, but Sharif said that it never caused him much grief in his nine short years before the war.

    “He just had advanced nutritional needs,” Sharif explained. “But getting that food for him was never an issue before the war.”

    It was a point of pride for Sharif that he, a taxi driver, had never left his child wanting or deprived.

    “That changed in the war. The specific foods that he needed were cut off,” he said. “For instance, Yazan had to have milk and bananas for dinner every day. He can’t go a day without it, and sometimes he can have only bananas. This is what the doctors told us.”

    “After the war, I couldn’t get a single banana,” Sharif continued. “And for lunch, he had to have boiled vegetables and fruits that were pureed in a blender. We had no electricity for the blender, and there were no fruits or vegetables anymore.”

    As for breakfast, Yazan’s regimen demanded that he eat eggs. “Of course, there aren’t any more eggs in Rafah City,” Sharif said. “No fruits, no vegetables, no eggs, no bananas, nothing.”

    “But our child’s needs were never a problem for us,” Sharif rushed to add. “We loved taking care of him. He was the spoiled child of the family, and his younger brothers loved him and took care of him, too. God gave me a living so I could take care of him.”

    Due to his special needs, charitable societies used to visit Yazan’s home in Beit Hanoun before the war, providing various treatments such as physical therapy and speech therapy. All in all, Yazan had a functional, happy childhood.

    ‘He got thinner and thinner’

    The family continued to take care of Yazan throughout the war. They tried to make do with what they could find, trying as much as possible to find alternatives to the foods Yazan required. “I replaced bananas with halawa [a tahini-based confection], and I replaced eggs with bread soaked in tea,” Sharif said. “But these foods did not contain the nutrients that Yazan needed.”

    In addition to his nutritional needs, Yazan had specific medicines to take. Sharif used to bring him brain and muscle stimulants that helped him stay alive and mobile, allowing him to move around and crawl throughout their home. Those medicines ran out during the second week of the war.

    With the lack of nutrition and medication, his health took a turn for the worse. “I noticed him getting sick, and his body was becoming emaciated,” Sharif recounts. “He got thinner and thinner.”

    His family took him to al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah, where his health continued to deteriorate over the course of eleven days.

    “Even after we took him to the hospital, they couldn’t do anything for him,” Sharif continued. “All they were able to give him were IV fluids, and when his situation got worse, the hospital staff placed a feeding tube in his nose.”

    “My son required a tube with a 14-unit measurement, but all the hospital had was an 8-unit,” he added.

    When asked what was the most important factor that led to the deterioration of his son’s condition, Sharif said that it was the environment he lived in. “Before the war, he was in the right environment. After, everything was wrong. He was in his own home, but then he was uprooted to a shelter in Rafah.”

    “The situation we’re living in isn’t fit for humans, let alone a sick child,” Sharif explained. “In the camps, people would light fires to keep themselves warm, but the smoke would cause Yazan to cough and suffocate, and we weren’t able to tell them to turn their fires off because everyone was so cold.”

    Dr. Muhammad al-Sabe’, a pediatric surgeon in Rafah who works at the al-Awda, al-Najjar, and al-Kuwaiti hospitals, took a special interest in Yazan’s case.

    “The harsh conditions Yazan had to endure, including malnutrition, were the main factors contributing to the deterioration of his health and his ultimate death,” Dr. al-Sabe’ told Mondoweiss. “This is a genetic and congenital illness, and it requires special care every day, including specific proteins, IV medicines, and daily physical therapy, which isn’t available at Rafah.”

    “If things don’t change, if they stay the way they are, we’re going to witness mass death among children.”
    Dr. Muhammad al-Sabe’normal
    Dr. al-Sabe’ said that most foods administered to patients who cannot feed themselves through feeding tubes are unavailable in Gaza. “The occupation prevents these specific foods and medicines from coming in,” he explained. “Including a medicine called Ensure.”

    Ensure is a special nutritional supplement used in medical settings for what is called “enteral nutrition” — feeding patients through a nasal tube.

    “Special treatment for patients, especially children, is nonexistent,” Dr. al-Sabe’ added. “We don’t even have diapers, let alone baby formula and nutritional supplements.”

    “If things don’t change, if they stay the way they are, we’re going to witness mass death among children,” he stressed. “If any child doesn’t receive nutrition for an entire week, that child will eventually die. And even if malnourished children are eventually provided with nutrition, they will likely suffer lifelong health consequences.”

    “If medicine is cut off from children who need it for one week, this will also likely lead to their death,” he continued.

    Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee' Abu Naqirah)
    Images of Yazan Kafarneh’s emaciated body circulated widely on social media. (Photo: Rabee’ Abu Naqirah)
    Children disproportionately affected by famine

    According to a UNICEF humanitarian situation report on March 22, 2.23 million people in Gaza suffer at least from “acute food insecurity,” while half of that population (1.1 million people) suffers from “catastrophic food insecurity,” meaning that “famine is imminent for half of the population.”

    An earlier report in December 2023 had already concluded that all children in Gaza under five years old (estimated to be 335,000 children) are “at high risk of severe malnutrition and preventable death.” UNICEF’s most recent March 22 report estimates that the famine threshold for “acute food insecurity” has already been “far exceeded,” while it is highly likely that the famine threshold for “acute malnutrition” has also been exceeded. Moreover, UNICEF said that the Famine Review Committee predicted that famine would manifest in Gaza anywhere between March and May of this year.

    Dr. al-Sabe’ stresses that such dire conditions disproportionately affect children, who have advanced nutritional needs compared to adults.

    “Their bodies are weak, and they don’t have large stores of muscle and fat,” he explained. “Even one day of no food for a young child will lead to consequences that are difficult to control in the future.”

    “An adult male may go a week without food before signs of malnutrition begin to show,” he continued. “Not so with children. Their muscle mass increases whenever they eat, which in turn leads to a greater need for nutrients.”

    The lack of nutrients means that children will grow weak, the pediatric surgeon said, and that they will quickly begin to exhibit symptoms such as fatigue, sleepiness, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, sunken eyes, and joint pains. For the same reason, Dr. al-Sabe maintained, children also respond to treatment fairly quickly — but “on the condition that they have not experienced malnutrition for more than a week.”

    After one week, reversing the effects of malnutrition becomes much more difficult. Al-Sabe’ asserts that children’s digestive tracts will slow down, they might begin to suffer from kidney failure, and their bellies can swell with fluids.

    That is what is particularly devastating for Gaza — over 335,000 children have undergone varying degrees of extreme malnutrition for months on end. The consequences are difficult to fathom on a population-wide level and for future generations. As of the time of writing, over 30 children have already died due to malnutrition in northern Gaza, but the real number is likely much higher given the lack of reporting in many areas in the north.

    ‘He didn’t need a miracle to save him’

    Yazan’s mother, Marwa Kafarneh, could barely contain her tears as she spoke of her son.

    “He was a normal boy despite his illness,” she told Mondoweiss. “He played with his brothers. He crawled and moved about, and he could open closets and use the phone, and he would watch things on it for hours.”

    “He could have lived a long life, a normal life,” she continued. “His father would have brought him everything that he needed. He wouldn’t have had to feel hungry for even a single day.”

    When she saw that the images of her son’s emaciated body had gone viral on social media, Marwa said that she preferred death over looking at the photos. “My eldest son died in front of my eyes, in front of all of our eyes,” she said. “We weren’t able to save him. And he didn’t need a miracle to save him either. All he needed was the food that we’ve always been able to provide for him.”

    Reflecting as she cried, she added: “But finding that food in Gaza today takes nothing less than a miracle.”

    Tareq S. Hajjaj
    Tareq S. Hajjaj is the Mondoweiss Gaza Correspondent and a member of the Palestinian Writers Union. He studied English Literature at Al-Azhar University in Gaza. He started his career in journalism in 2015, working as a news writer and translator for the local newspaper Donia al-Watan. He has reported for Elbadi, Middle East Eye, and Al-Monitor. Follow him on Twitter at @Tareqshajjaj.

    BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever.

    Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses.

    Support our journalists with a donation today.

    The story of Yazan Kafarneh, the boy who starved to death in Gaza Tareq S. HajjajMarch 25, 2024 Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee' Abu Naqirah) Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee’ Abu Naqirah) This is not a photo of a mummy or an embalmed body retrieved from one of Gaza’s ancient cemeteries. This is a photo of Yazan Kafarneh, a child who died of severe malnutrition during Israel’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip. Yazan’s family now lives in the Rab’a School in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in Rafah City. His father, Sharif Kafarneh, along with his mother, Marwa, and his three younger brothers, had fled Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza early on in the war. Yazan Kafarneh died at the age of nine, the eldest of four brothers — Mouin, 6, Ramzi, 4, and Muhammad, born during the war in a shelter four months ago. Advertisement Watch now: ANGELA DAVIS on Witnessing Palestine with Frank Barat Living in conditions not fit for human habitation, the grieving family had witnessed Yazan’s death before their eyes. It didn’t happen all at once but unfolded gradually over time, his frail body wasting away one day after another until there was nothing left of Yazan but skin and bones. Sharif was unable to do anything for his son. He died due to a congenital illness that required a special dietary regimen to keep him healthy. Israel’s systematic prevention of food from reaching the civilian population in Gaza meant that severe malnutrition — suffered by most children in the besieged enclave — in the case of Yazan meant death. “We first left from Beit Hanoun to Jabalia refugee camp,” Sharif told Mondoweiss. “Then the occupation called us again and warned us against staying where we were. So we left for Gaza City. Then, the occupation forced us to flee further south, and we did.” Yazan Kafarneh's parents and three brothers in their shelter in Rafah. (Photo: Tareq Hajjaj/Mondoweiss) Sharif Kafarneh’ (left), his wife Marwa (right), and their three surviving sons (center) in their shelter in Rafah. (Photo: Tareq Hajjaj/Mondoweiss) “If it weren’t for Yazan, I would have never left my home,” Sharif maintained. “Yazan required special care and nutrition.” Yazan suffered from a congenital form of muscular atrophy that made movement and speech difficult, but Sharif said that it never caused him much grief in his nine short years before the war. “He just had advanced nutritional needs,” Sharif explained. “But getting that food for him was never an issue before the war.” It was a point of pride for Sharif that he, a taxi driver, had never left his child wanting or deprived. “That changed in the war. The specific foods that he needed were cut off,” he said. “For instance, Yazan had to have milk and bananas for dinner every day. He can’t go a day without it, and sometimes he can have only bananas. This is what the doctors told us.” “After the war, I couldn’t get a single banana,” Sharif continued. “And for lunch, he had to have boiled vegetables and fruits that were pureed in a blender. We had no electricity for the blender, and there were no fruits or vegetables anymore.” As for breakfast, Yazan’s regimen demanded that he eat eggs. “Of course, there aren’t any more eggs in Rafah City,” Sharif said. “No fruits, no vegetables, no eggs, no bananas, nothing.” “But our child’s needs were never a problem for us,” Sharif rushed to add. “We loved taking care of him. He was the spoiled child of the family, and his younger brothers loved him and took care of him, too. God gave me a living so I could take care of him.” Due to his special needs, charitable societies used to visit Yazan’s home in Beit Hanoun before the war, providing various treatments such as physical therapy and speech therapy. All in all, Yazan had a functional, happy childhood. ‘He got thinner and thinner’ The family continued to take care of Yazan throughout the war. They tried to make do with what they could find, trying as much as possible to find alternatives to the foods Yazan required. “I replaced bananas with halawa [a tahini-based confection], and I replaced eggs with bread soaked in tea,” Sharif said. “But these foods did not contain the nutrients that Yazan needed.” In addition to his nutritional needs, Yazan had specific medicines to take. Sharif used to bring him brain and muscle stimulants that helped him stay alive and mobile, allowing him to move around and crawl throughout their home. Those medicines ran out during the second week of the war. With the lack of nutrition and medication, his health took a turn for the worse. “I noticed him getting sick, and his body was becoming emaciated,” Sharif recounts. “He got thinner and thinner.” His family took him to al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah, where his health continued to deteriorate over the course of eleven days. “Even after we took him to the hospital, they couldn’t do anything for him,” Sharif continued. “All they were able to give him were IV fluids, and when his situation got worse, the hospital staff placed a feeding tube in his nose.” “My son required a tube with a 14-unit measurement, but all the hospital had was an 8-unit,” he added. When asked what was the most important factor that led to the deterioration of his son’s condition, Sharif said that it was the environment he lived in. “Before the war, he was in the right environment. After, everything was wrong. He was in his own home, but then he was uprooted to a shelter in Rafah.” “The situation we’re living in isn’t fit for humans, let alone a sick child,” Sharif explained. “In the camps, people would light fires to keep themselves warm, but the smoke would cause Yazan to cough and suffocate, and we weren’t able to tell them to turn their fires off because everyone was so cold.” Dr. Muhammad al-Sabe’, a pediatric surgeon in Rafah who works at the al-Awda, al-Najjar, and al-Kuwaiti hospitals, took a special interest in Yazan’s case. “The harsh conditions Yazan had to endure, including malnutrition, were the main factors contributing to the deterioration of his health and his ultimate death,” Dr. al-Sabe’ told Mondoweiss. “This is a genetic and congenital illness, and it requires special care every day, including specific proteins, IV medicines, and daily physical therapy, which isn’t available at Rafah.” “If things don’t change, if they stay the way they are, we’re going to witness mass death among children.” Dr. Muhammad al-Sabe’normal Dr. al-Sabe’ said that most foods administered to patients who cannot feed themselves through feeding tubes are unavailable in Gaza. “The occupation prevents these specific foods and medicines from coming in,” he explained. “Including a medicine called Ensure.” Ensure is a special nutritional supplement used in medical settings for what is called “enteral nutrition” — feeding patients through a nasal tube. “Special treatment for patients, especially children, is nonexistent,” Dr. al-Sabe’ added. “We don’t even have diapers, let alone baby formula and nutritional supplements.” “If things don’t change, if they stay the way they are, we’re going to witness mass death among children,” he stressed. “If any child doesn’t receive nutrition for an entire week, that child will eventually die. And even if malnourished children are eventually provided with nutrition, they will likely suffer lifelong health consequences.” “If medicine is cut off from children who need it for one week, this will also likely lead to their death,” he continued. Yazan Kafarneh after dying of starvation. (Photo: Rabee' Abu Naqirah) Images of Yazan Kafarneh’s emaciated body circulated widely on social media. (Photo: Rabee’ Abu Naqirah) Children disproportionately affected by famine According to a UNICEF humanitarian situation report on March 22, 2.23 million people in Gaza suffer at least from “acute food insecurity,” while half of that population (1.1 million people) suffers from “catastrophic food insecurity,” meaning that “famine is imminent for half of the population.” An earlier report in December 2023 had already concluded that all children in Gaza under five years old (estimated to be 335,000 children) are “at high risk of severe malnutrition and preventable death.” UNICEF’s most recent March 22 report estimates that the famine threshold for “acute food insecurity” has already been “far exceeded,” while it is highly likely that the famine threshold for “acute malnutrition” has also been exceeded. Moreover, UNICEF said that the Famine Review Committee predicted that famine would manifest in Gaza anywhere between March and May of this year. Dr. al-Sabe’ stresses that such dire conditions disproportionately affect children, who have advanced nutritional needs compared to adults. “Their bodies are weak, and they don’t have large stores of muscle and fat,” he explained. “Even one day of no food for a young child will lead to consequences that are difficult to control in the future.” “An adult male may go a week without food before signs of malnutrition begin to show,” he continued. “Not so with children. Their muscle mass increases whenever they eat, which in turn leads to a greater need for nutrients.” The lack of nutrients means that children will grow weak, the pediatric surgeon said, and that they will quickly begin to exhibit symptoms such as fatigue, sleepiness, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, sunken eyes, and joint pains. For the same reason, Dr. al-Sabe maintained, children also respond to treatment fairly quickly — but “on the condition that they have not experienced malnutrition for more than a week.” After one week, reversing the effects of malnutrition becomes much more difficult. Al-Sabe’ asserts that children’s digestive tracts will slow down, they might begin to suffer from kidney failure, and their bellies can swell with fluids. That is what is particularly devastating for Gaza — over 335,000 children have undergone varying degrees of extreme malnutrition for months on end. The consequences are difficult to fathom on a population-wide level and for future generations. As of the time of writing, over 30 children have already died due to malnutrition in northern Gaza, but the real number is likely much higher given the lack of reporting in many areas in the north. ‘He didn’t need a miracle to save him’ Yazan’s mother, Marwa Kafarneh, could barely contain her tears as she spoke of her son. “He was a normal boy despite his illness,” she told Mondoweiss. “He played with his brothers. He crawled and moved about, and he could open closets and use the phone, and he would watch things on it for hours.” “He could have lived a long life, a normal life,” she continued. “His father would have brought him everything that he needed. He wouldn’t have had to feel hungry for even a single day.” When she saw that the images of her son’s emaciated body had gone viral on social media, Marwa said that she preferred death over looking at the photos. “My eldest son died in front of my eyes, in front of all of our eyes,” she said. “We weren’t able to save him. And he didn’t need a miracle to save him either. All he needed was the food that we’ve always been able to provide for him.” Reflecting as she cried, she added: “But finding that food in Gaza today takes nothing less than a miracle.” Tareq S. Hajjaj Tareq S. Hajjaj is the Mondoweiss Gaza Correspondent and a member of the Palestinian Writers Union. He studied English Literature at Al-Azhar University in Gaza. He started his career in journalism in 2015, working as a news writer and translator for the local newspaper Donia al-Watan. He has reported for Elbadi, Middle East Eye, and Al-Monitor. Follow him on Twitter at @Tareqshajjaj. BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever. Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses. Support our journalists with a donation today. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/03/the-story-of-yazan-kafarneh-the-boy-who-starved-to-death-in-gaza/
    The story of Yazan Kafarneh, the boy who starved to death in Gaza
    9-year-old Yazan Kafarneh died of a congenital illness turned deadly by severe malnutrition under Israel’s genocidal siege. “He didn’t need a miracle to save him,” cries his mother. “All he needed was the food we’ve always been able to provide him.”
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  • What a War Requires
    Yes, It's About Resources

    Dr Naomi Wolf

    Dear Readers, Dear Extended Family

    I am grateful that this Substack — which, if you read the comment section, is also one that is a home or meeting-place for many of the most interesting and idealistic people on the Internet — has 83,500 plus subscribers. That is almost the subscriber base of The New Republic. It had 737,000 plus views in the last 30 days — 249,000 plus more than the month prior. That is more views than the number of the audience of CNN.

    Every reader is equally precious to me. But you all count on me — you tell me this — to do all I can to affect national and even global outcomes. From the messages I receive, leaders from all walks of life do indeed read this Substack — and so it is having some impact on the public discussion and perhaps even on public outcomes.

    But this Substack has only a few more than 4000 paid subscribers.

    Why does this matter, more than to my personal finances?

    As you know, I believe — I think at this point it is incontrovertible - that a war is being waged upon us, one that will soon become a “hot war.” My husband Brian O’Shea, who cohosts the podcast “Unrestricted Invasion” with JJ Carrell, is documenting the positioning of military-age or gangland-age illegal-immigrant young men, in barracks-type situations in strategic points around the country. This week he went undercover to a budget hotel in Massachusetts, where security and the hotel staff sought to prevent him from filming what was happening inside in relation to scores of illegal incomers. He was subsequently followed by a maroon sedan that pulled up right as he was leaving the hotel; the drivers proceeded to wait til he was his car, and then followed him across three different exits til he shook them off.

    Brian was also confronted by security, and then followed, earlier this year, when he went to document a facility in Brooklyn, Floyd Bennett Field, an area with over 1000 flat acres of land, where illegal immigrants are being housed in military-style facilities. Illegal immigrants are being housed at Chicago’s O’Hare airport, a sensitive strategic location for a possible attack on America, if there ever was one. Illegal immigrants, disproportionately fighting-age men, are being housed for months in hotels in midtown Manhattan, all basic expenses paid and with cleaning services.

    As they say, wake up and smell the coffee. This is not a domestic policy issue any longer — ie, what are these illegal immigrants getting that your legal immigrant parents or grandparents, your enslaved great-grandparents, did not get? To anyone who has ever been in a combat area, this set of situations depicts what is obviously a military or terrorist set of staging areas. Or, to be conservative, this set of landscapes has all the hallmarks of depicting military or terrorist staging areas.

    Meanwhile, the whips are being brought down on the shoulders of the last standing dissidents in the United States and globally. A Canadian court ordered psychologist and commentator Jordan Peterson to be forced into a re-education program. Literal Marxism. Ethical physician Dr Kulvinder Kaur Gill, who was critical of the mRNA injections, has been hit with a $1 million dollar fine after her libel suit in defense of her reputation, failed. She was forced to mobilize an online donations campaign in order not to lose her house. Under the guise of a credit review, as he points out, researcher and inventor of the mRNA vaccine Dr Robert Malone has been hit with a letter from payment processor Stripe, demanding his bank records. He was told that it will cost $100,000 to fight it. Other dissident voices on Substack, including conservative voices, are being hit in similar ways.

    Governor Hochul declared that National Guard would take on some civil policing roles in New York State, and she is appealing the court decision that prevented her from opening quarantine camps that could detain New Yorkers without trial or even without infection, indefinitely. If she prevails, and if the WHO treaty that declares WHO “pandemic” requirements superior to national or state law prevails in May, the National Guard (or the WHO’s own mercenaries) could show up at any New Yorker’s house, and this is the state where I live; and compel him or her to be transported to a detention facility, and that would be that.

    Why am I presenting all of this to you? Because things are getting very scary and we need your help.

    This Substack does not just provide personal income for me. It is the source of funds to meet costs for the independent news and opinion site DailyClout.io and for BillCam when our demands exceed our resources.

    Gloria Steinem says to look at your checkbook to see if you are walking your talk morally, and my checkbook speaks volumes. I had hoped by the age of 61, after decades of training for my profession, honing my craft as a writer, and fighting for humanity and for humane values, that I would be able to look at my checkbook records and see mostly expenses for travel, with other records perhaps of dinners in some lovely restaurants, an occasional nice dress or two, and funds devoted to caring for elderly relatives.

    But my primary expenditure is not for any of that. Most of the money I earn goes to scrambling to meet the extraordinary and unpredictable costs that running a war from the trenches of DailyClout can involve, and many of these high costs arise unpredictably. Remember, too, that those who use their own resources to oppose and harass us and me personally, include one of the biggest companies in the world, not to mention the United States government, including its justice arm — and state governments. One of our legal letters is against the Justice Department. One of our lawsuits is against the Biden administration, including the CDC.

    Though we are doing impressively well as a startup helmed by three people, and punching far above our weight, we have, as you know, bills that can top six figures for the various lawsuits we are waging on your behalf.

    To keep a dissident news startup — one that also crafts draft bills and passes them, as nonprofits cannot do, which activity involves traversing a minefield of FEC restrictions — so scrupulously kosher that it can’t be brought down by government tripwires, is itself a legal bill for tens of thousands.

    Though we are a lean machine, our technical costs are substantial. Our API, the feed from which our legislative technology that lets you see, share and act on any bill, costs thousands of dollars per quarter. Our developers have created tools — the latest being the extraordinary game changer LegiSector, at https://www.legisector.com (due to suppression, you need to cut and paste the whole url in order to see it) — that sweep away all obfuscation from state and federal legislation, and allow you to pass, share or stop bills from the ease of your own desktop, or even from your handheld. This is also a tens of thousands of dollars a year commitment. As we push to launch this revolutionary tool, Google appears to be suppressing it so thoroughly that it is difficult for us to let the world know that everything has changed now, as interviewers who have covered this tool are telling me, when it comes to legislative transparency. We need a marketing campaign in the tens of thousands to break through this censorship by another one of the biggest companies on Earth.

    It is my sleepless nights, no one else’s, that are involved in trying to figure out how.

    Then there are the fights to protect the reputation that allows me to lead this company and its mission and tools, forward; I was forced to spend tens of thousands on a lawsuit against Twitter for suppressing my (accurate, important) warnings about harms to women from the mRNA injections. My co-plaintiff? President Donald Trump. (Sadly I do not have the resources for legal representation, that my co-plaintiff does.)

    The point of all of the above is that staying credible, meaning fighting the constant government- and nonprofit-sponsored attacks on the credibility of my and my company’s reputations; staying on the right side of all government regulations, so that no harm can come to me or the company; fighting in the courts so that a precedent can be set to protect all Americans from the government leaning on private companies to destroy them — fighting Google’s algorithms with creative workarounds; fighting laws that constantly seek to imprison or bankrupt us — all of this, at times, as you know because I have shared it with you before, can take a terrible financial and psychic/energetic toll.

    It is tempting to just walk away and, to paraphrase Voltaire, “cultivate my own garden.”

    But to stay in these trenches and achieve it at all, all that so many of you tell me you are counting on, requires a robust and reliable stream of resources if we are to stay alive in this culture of lies and erasures.

    Think about the lives we have saved. Maybe yours or your loved ones. Think about whether anyone else’s technology lets you see and act on any state or Federal bill, or protect your investments; with both BillCam and LegiSector offering free searches.

    Think about whether anyone else is soliciting citizens’ input on draft model bills, hiring lawyers, drafting and passing them, in the way we do. Remember, nonprofits can give you a tax deduction, but they cannot lobby. They must stop short of actual political action with legislation and legislators. The fact that we aren’t a nonprofit allows us to lobby and draft and pass bills — a superpower — but makes it much harder for us to raise donation funding.

    Think about this Substack, for that matter. Did my writing help to balance and reassure you in this nightmarish struggle? Did it inform you of important issues that could affect your family? Did you find community and spiritual strength here?

    What would your world be like without my voice, or without DailyClout’s voice and tools and advocacy?

    There would be a lot more darkness, and you and your family’s position and knowledge base would be weakened. I do not think that is too strong a statement.

    If you want these voices and institutions to keep fighting this war, mine but also others’, there is no alternative but to support them with, dare I say it, your actual money.

    I know that many people cannot afford $8 a month. But many of the 83,000 subscribers who are now free, could afford to upgrade to the status of paid subscriber. And the difference between 4 per cent of my readers being paid subscribers and eight per cent being paid subscribers, is the difference between a precarious and easily extinguished position on the battlefield, versus a more secure one that can continue winning victory after victory for you.

    And I will tell you, speaking both as a writer and on behalf of a dissident company, without your financial support it is not only materially unsustainable to fight on, but emotionally unsustainable, as the battles grow more serious and more costly. Without your help, over time, the strain of trying to figure out, during many months, how to pay our lawyers, as well as our API invoices and our developers and our travel to statehouses to lobby for freedom for you, will simply become too great.

    We need your help in spiritual and emotional as well as in material ways.

    You should support us not as a charity but because our our approach works. Because of our draft Five Freedoms bill, which passed in 33 states in 2021, you do not have vaccine passports in the US, and kids went back to school earlier than they might have done. Our Election Integrity bill, which you all shared, has cosponsors in Wyoming, was introduced and defeated in Maine (but a successor has been tapped to re-introduce it in the Fall), and three other states, Michigan, Alabama and North Dakota, have citizens and legislators acting to push it forward. The Pfizer Papers comes out in May. The manuscript, which Amy Kelly and I edited, is 500 pages long. We edited 96 reports from the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Team, who in turn had reviewed 450,000 pages of internal Pfizer documents. They revealed the greatest crime against humanity in history in exhaustive detail, affecting people and governments worldwide. Their work is cited or used without citation by dozens of other freedom advocates, and legislators. And booster uptake is now down to 4%; Pfizer’s profits ground to pre-2016 levels.

    We saved, together, with your help, what may turn out to be millions of lives and countless unborn babies.

    But to continue, I need your help; seriously; now just now but into the future.

    If you can afford, it, and if the above is meaningful to you at all, do please upgrade your subscription from free to paid.

    The war is here, and you need warriors fighting for you, who are not barefoot in the snow, but who have warm clothing, and weapons, and ammunition.

    What a War Requires Yes, It's About Resources Dr Naomi Wolf Dear Readers, Dear Extended Family I am grateful that this Substack — which, if you read the comment section, is also one that is a home or meeting-place for many of the most interesting and idealistic people on the Internet — has 83,500 plus subscribers. That is almost the subscriber base of The New Republic. It had 737,000 plus views in the last 30 days — 249,000 plus more than the month prior. That is more views than the number of the audience of CNN. Every reader is equally precious to me. But you all count on me — you tell me this — to do all I can to affect national and even global outcomes. From the messages I receive, leaders from all walks of life do indeed read this Substack — and so it is having some impact on the public discussion and perhaps even on public outcomes. But this Substack has only a few more than 4000 paid subscribers. Why does this matter, more than to my personal finances? As you know, I believe — I think at this point it is incontrovertible - that a war is being waged upon us, one that will soon become a “hot war.” My husband Brian O’Shea, who cohosts the podcast “Unrestricted Invasion” with JJ Carrell, is documenting the positioning of military-age or gangland-age illegal-immigrant young men, in barracks-type situations in strategic points around the country. This week he went undercover to a budget hotel in Massachusetts, where security and the hotel staff sought to prevent him from filming what was happening inside in relation to scores of illegal incomers. He was subsequently followed by a maroon sedan that pulled up right as he was leaving the hotel; the drivers proceeded to wait til he was his car, and then followed him across three different exits til he shook them off. Brian was also confronted by security, and then followed, earlier this year, when he went to document a facility in Brooklyn, Floyd Bennett Field, an area with over 1000 flat acres of land, where illegal immigrants are being housed in military-style facilities. Illegal immigrants are being housed at Chicago’s O’Hare airport, a sensitive strategic location for a possible attack on America, if there ever was one. Illegal immigrants, disproportionately fighting-age men, are being housed for months in hotels in midtown Manhattan, all basic expenses paid and with cleaning services. As they say, wake up and smell the coffee. This is not a domestic policy issue any longer — ie, what are these illegal immigrants getting that your legal immigrant parents or grandparents, your enslaved great-grandparents, did not get? To anyone who has ever been in a combat area, this set of situations depicts what is obviously a military or terrorist set of staging areas. Or, to be conservative, this set of landscapes has all the hallmarks of depicting military or terrorist staging areas. Meanwhile, the whips are being brought down on the shoulders of the last standing dissidents in the United States and globally. A Canadian court ordered psychologist and commentator Jordan Peterson to be forced into a re-education program. Literal Marxism. Ethical physician Dr Kulvinder Kaur Gill, who was critical of the mRNA injections, has been hit with a $1 million dollar fine after her libel suit in defense of her reputation, failed. She was forced to mobilize an online donations campaign in order not to lose her house. Under the guise of a credit review, as he points out, researcher and inventor of the mRNA vaccine Dr Robert Malone has been hit with a letter from payment processor Stripe, demanding his bank records. He was told that it will cost $100,000 to fight it. Other dissident voices on Substack, including conservative voices, are being hit in similar ways. Governor Hochul declared that National Guard would take on some civil policing roles in New York State, and she is appealing the court decision that prevented her from opening quarantine camps that could detain New Yorkers without trial or even without infection, indefinitely. If she prevails, and if the WHO treaty that declares WHO “pandemic” requirements superior to national or state law prevails in May, the National Guard (or the WHO’s own mercenaries) could show up at any New Yorker’s house, and this is the state where I live; and compel him or her to be transported to a detention facility, and that would be that. Why am I presenting all of this to you? Because things are getting very scary and we need your help. This Substack does not just provide personal income for me. It is the source of funds to meet costs for the independent news and opinion site DailyClout.io and for BillCam when our demands exceed our resources. Gloria Steinem says to look at your checkbook to see if you are walking your talk morally, and my checkbook speaks volumes. I had hoped by the age of 61, after decades of training for my profession, honing my craft as a writer, and fighting for humanity and for humane values, that I would be able to look at my checkbook records and see mostly expenses for travel, with other records perhaps of dinners in some lovely restaurants, an occasional nice dress or two, and funds devoted to caring for elderly relatives. But my primary expenditure is not for any of that. Most of the money I earn goes to scrambling to meet the extraordinary and unpredictable costs that running a war from the trenches of DailyClout can involve, and many of these high costs arise unpredictably. Remember, too, that those who use their own resources to oppose and harass us and me personally, include one of the biggest companies in the world, not to mention the United States government, including its justice arm — and state governments. One of our legal letters is against the Justice Department. One of our lawsuits is against the Biden administration, including the CDC. Though we are doing impressively well as a startup helmed by three people, and punching far above our weight, we have, as you know, bills that can top six figures for the various lawsuits we are waging on your behalf. To keep a dissident news startup — one that also crafts draft bills and passes them, as nonprofits cannot do, which activity involves traversing a minefield of FEC restrictions — so scrupulously kosher that it can’t be brought down by government tripwires, is itself a legal bill for tens of thousands. Though we are a lean machine, our technical costs are substantial. Our API, the feed from which our legislative technology that lets you see, share and act on any bill, costs thousands of dollars per quarter. Our developers have created tools — the latest being the extraordinary game changer LegiSector, at https://www.legisector.com (due to suppression, you need to cut and paste the whole url in order to see it) — that sweep away all obfuscation from state and federal legislation, and allow you to pass, share or stop bills from the ease of your own desktop, or even from your handheld. This is also a tens of thousands of dollars a year commitment. As we push to launch this revolutionary tool, Google appears to be suppressing it so thoroughly that it is difficult for us to let the world know that everything has changed now, as interviewers who have covered this tool are telling me, when it comes to legislative transparency. We need a marketing campaign in the tens of thousands to break through this censorship by another one of the biggest companies on Earth. It is my sleepless nights, no one else’s, that are involved in trying to figure out how. Then there are the fights to protect the reputation that allows me to lead this company and its mission and tools, forward; I was forced to spend tens of thousands on a lawsuit against Twitter for suppressing my (accurate, important) warnings about harms to women from the mRNA injections. My co-plaintiff? President Donald Trump. (Sadly I do not have the resources for legal representation, that my co-plaintiff does.) The point of all of the above is that staying credible, meaning fighting the constant government- and nonprofit-sponsored attacks on the credibility of my and my company’s reputations; staying on the right side of all government regulations, so that no harm can come to me or the company; fighting in the courts so that a precedent can be set to protect all Americans from the government leaning on private companies to destroy them — fighting Google’s algorithms with creative workarounds; fighting laws that constantly seek to imprison or bankrupt us — all of this, at times, as you know because I have shared it with you before, can take a terrible financial and psychic/energetic toll. It is tempting to just walk away and, to paraphrase Voltaire, “cultivate my own garden.” But to stay in these trenches and achieve it at all, all that so many of you tell me you are counting on, requires a robust and reliable stream of resources if we are to stay alive in this culture of lies and erasures. Think about the lives we have saved. Maybe yours or your loved ones. Think about whether anyone else’s technology lets you see and act on any state or Federal bill, or protect your investments; with both BillCam and LegiSector offering free searches. Think about whether anyone else is soliciting citizens’ input on draft model bills, hiring lawyers, drafting and passing them, in the way we do. Remember, nonprofits can give you a tax deduction, but they cannot lobby. They must stop short of actual political action with legislation and legislators. The fact that we aren’t a nonprofit allows us to lobby and draft and pass bills — a superpower — but makes it much harder for us to raise donation funding. Think about this Substack, for that matter. Did my writing help to balance and reassure you in this nightmarish struggle? Did it inform you of important issues that could affect your family? Did you find community and spiritual strength here? What would your world be like without my voice, or without DailyClout’s voice and tools and advocacy? There would be a lot more darkness, and you and your family’s position and knowledge base would be weakened. I do not think that is too strong a statement. If you want these voices and institutions to keep fighting this war, mine but also others’, there is no alternative but to support them with, dare I say it, your actual money. I know that many people cannot afford $8 a month. But many of the 83,000 subscribers who are now free, could afford to upgrade to the status of paid subscriber. And the difference between 4 per cent of my readers being paid subscribers and eight per cent being paid subscribers, is the difference between a precarious and easily extinguished position on the battlefield, versus a more secure one that can continue winning victory after victory for you. And I will tell you, speaking both as a writer and on behalf of a dissident company, without your financial support it is not only materially unsustainable to fight on, but emotionally unsustainable, as the battles grow more serious and more costly. Without your help, over time, the strain of trying to figure out, during many months, how to pay our lawyers, as well as our API invoices and our developers and our travel to statehouses to lobby for freedom for you, will simply become too great. We need your help in spiritual and emotional as well as in material ways. You should support us not as a charity but because our our approach works. Because of our draft Five Freedoms bill, which passed in 33 states in 2021, you do not have vaccine passports in the US, and kids went back to school earlier than they might have done. Our Election Integrity bill, which you all shared, has cosponsors in Wyoming, was introduced and defeated in Maine (but a successor has been tapped to re-introduce it in the Fall), and three other states, Michigan, Alabama and North Dakota, have citizens and legislators acting to push it forward. The Pfizer Papers comes out in May. The manuscript, which Amy Kelly and I edited, is 500 pages long. We edited 96 reports from the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Team, who in turn had reviewed 450,000 pages of internal Pfizer documents. They revealed the greatest crime against humanity in history in exhaustive detail, affecting people and governments worldwide. Their work is cited or used without citation by dozens of other freedom advocates, and legislators. And booster uptake is now down to 4%; Pfizer’s profits ground to pre-2016 levels. We saved, together, with your help, what may turn out to be millions of lives and countless unborn babies. But to continue, I need your help; seriously; now just now but into the future. If you can afford, it, and if the above is meaningful to you at all, do please upgrade your subscription from free to paid. The war is here, and you need warriors fighting for you, who are not barefoot in the snow, but who have warm clothing, and weapons, and ammunition. https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/what-a-war-requires
    1 Reacties 0 aandelen 35372 Views
  • From this article about the collapse of #Haiti (https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/haiti-cannibal-gang-eating-people-32281273), when it says, "Cannibalism is not widespread, but definitely an indication of the worsening situation. It definitely happens on a few occasions." It kind of reminds me of when CNN covers radical left-wing Antifa uprisings where they're burning police vehicles and throwing Molotov cocktails, and CNN says it's, "mostly peaceful."

    Now the #cannibalism is just "occasional."

    As in, hey, we mostly eat breakfast, lunch and dinner WITHOUT consuming human flesh, but from time to time, there's a human meat burger thrown into the mix, no big deal.


    When people in your city start EATING OTHER PEOPLE, it's a big deal. Major sh#t has gone wrong. Probably worth having an exfil plan at the ready.
    From this article about the collapse of #Haiti (https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/haiti-cannibal-gang-eating-people-32281273), when it says, "Cannibalism is not widespread, but definitely an indication of the worsening situation. It definitely happens on a few occasions." It kind of reminds me of when CNN covers radical left-wing Antifa uprisings where they're burning police vehicles and throwing Molotov cocktails, and CNN says it's, "mostly peaceful." Now the #cannibalism is just "occasional." As in, hey, we mostly eat breakfast, lunch and dinner WITHOUT consuming human flesh, but from time to time, there's a human meat burger thrown into the mix, no big deal. Whaaah? When people in your city start EATING OTHER PEOPLE, it's a big deal. Major sh#t has gone wrong. Probably worth having an exfil plan at the ready.
    The Daily Star: Home of Fun Stuff
    All the best news stories, sport & showbiz from the Daily Star, the top destination for big laughs.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 3477 Views
  • "A cleaner said they saw a TransCom security officer having dinner in the staff area at around 8pm when she suddenly collapsed and fainted on the floor.

    "An emergency ambulance was activated by staff at the bus interchange.

    "Around 45 minutes later at 9.40pm, the replacement staff arrived to cover her duty."

    "A cleaner said they saw a TransCom security officer having dinner in the staff area at around 8pm when she suddenly collapsed and fainted on the floor. "An emergency ambulance was activated by staff at the bus interchange. "Around 45 minutes later at 9.40pm, the replacement staff arrived to cover her duty." https://stomp.straitstimes.com/singapore-seen/worker-taken-to-hospital-after-collapsing-at-choa-chu-kang-bus-interchange
    Worker taken to hospital after 'collapsing' at Choa Chu Kang Bus Interchange
    A staff member at Choa Chu Kang Bus Interchange was taken to hospital on Feb 6. Read more at stomp.straitstimes.com
    0 Reacties 1 aandelen 1410 Views
  • Macron and his wife enjoyed a "sumptuous gala dinner"
    #MacronDestitution #France #AgriculteurEnColeres
    Macron and his wife enjoyed a "sumptuous gala dinner" #MacronDestitution #France #AgriculteurEnColeres
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2696 Views 0
  • Having breakfast early and avoiding late dinners can lower the risk of heart attacks or strokes, new research suggests. #health
    Having breakfast early and avoiding late dinners can lower the risk of heart attacks or strokes, new research suggests. #health
    Eating Breakfast and Dinner Earlier Could be Best Recipe for Healthier Life
    People who eat at 9 a.m. have a six-percent higher chance of developing cardiovascular disease than those who have breakfast at 8 a.m.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1851 Views
  • Townhouse for sale in Antequera, Málaga
    Impressive Manor House in the Heart of Antequera

    Fantastically preserved, this manor house is decorated with quality Andalusian-style furniture and high-quality materials. An authentic treasure in a privileged location, it's a real gem that maintains all its essence while being adapted to modern times. The house is sunny and bright in all rooms.

    Antequera enjoys the privileged position of being centrally located in Andalusia, offering easy access to all its capitals. Malaga airport is just 39 km away, with Córdoba and Granada each 100 km, and Seville 160 km. The property is set within the El Torcal Natural Park, an enclave declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO since 2016. Antequera, with a population of 41,000, thrives on olive tree and cereal cultivation, along with tourism boosted by the Torcal, the Dolmens, and its surroundings. This pleasant and quiet place also maintains rich traditions, including the Spring Fair, the August Fair, Holy Week, Christmas festivities, and more.

    This incredible house spans 400m2, distributed over 3 floors, plus a roof terrace and a laundry/ironing room.

    The ground floor comprises 2 large bedrooms, a fully equipped living-dining room-kitchen, 1 bathroom with a shower, and 1 patio. All areas are decorated with elegance and comfort in mind. The house also comes with an active tourist license.

    The first floor houses a magnificent living-dining room furnished in style, with access to a fantastic sunny patio perfect for enjoyable breakfasts or dinners. The very bright, fully equipped kitchen features a large window with views of the patio and includes a pantry. There's also a large bedroom with two French balconies, and a bathroom.

    A marble staircase leads up from the living room to the second floor, which consists of two double bedrooms with views of Antequera and two complete ensuite bathrooms. Also on this floor is a quiet space for reading, leisure, or work.

    Access to the roof terrace is via well-preserved hardwood stairs from the second floor, offering fantastic views of Antequera. This space also serves as an auxiliary bedroom and includes washing and ironing areas.

    The house is in perfect condition and features hot/cold air conditioning in all rooms, as well as a fireplace.


    This is an excellent investment, suitable both as a family home and for tourist use (B&B), with an already granted license for the ground floor.

    Price : 1.200000€

    Townhouse for sale in Antequera, Málaga Impressive Manor House in the Heart of Antequera Fantastically preserved, this manor house is decorated with quality Andalusian-style furniture and high-quality materials. An authentic treasure in a privileged location, it's a real gem that maintains all its essence while being adapted to modern times. The house is sunny and bright in all rooms. Antequera enjoys the privileged position of being centrally located in Andalusia, offering easy access to all its capitals. Malaga airport is just 39 km away, with Córdoba and Granada each 100 km, and Seville 160 km. The property is set within the El Torcal Natural Park, an enclave declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO since 2016. Antequera, with a population of 41,000, thrives on olive tree and cereal cultivation, along with tourism boosted by the Torcal, the Dolmens, and its surroundings. This pleasant and quiet place also maintains rich traditions, including the Spring Fair, the August Fair, Holy Week, Christmas festivities, and more. This incredible house spans 400m2, distributed over 3 floors, plus a roof terrace and a laundry/ironing room. The ground floor comprises 2 large bedrooms, a fully equipped living-dining room-kitchen, 1 bathroom with a shower, and 1 patio. All areas are decorated with elegance and comfort in mind. The house also comes with an active tourist license. The first floor houses a magnificent living-dining room furnished in style, with access to a fantastic sunny patio perfect for enjoyable breakfasts or dinners. The very bright, fully equipped kitchen features a large window with views of the patio and includes a pantry. There's also a large bedroom with two French balconies, and a bathroom. A marble staircase leads up from the living room to the second floor, which consists of two double bedrooms with views of Antequera and two complete ensuite bathrooms. Also on this floor is a quiet space for reading, leisure, or work. Access to the roof terrace is via well-preserved hardwood stairs from the second floor, offering fantastic views of Antequera. This space also serves as an auxiliary bedroom and includes washing and ironing areas. The house is in perfect condition and features hot/cold air conditioning in all rooms, as well as a fireplace. SOLD FURNISHED. This is an excellent investment, suitable both as a family home and for tourist use (B&B), with an already granted license for the ground floor. Price : 1.200000€ https://www.bluehorse.es/gb/terraced-house-in-antequera-with-views-gb1137136.html
    For sale Terraced House in Antequera
    Impressive Manor House in the Heart of Antequera Fantastically preserved, this manor house is decorated with quality Andalusian-style furniture and high-quality materials. An authentic treasure in a privileged location, it's a
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 13221 Views
  • ❗️Details of the Chinese Premier
    Xi Jinping dinner with America's top Globalist elites emerge.

    ⚡️Some of the the VIP guests:

    1. Tim Cook (Apple)
    2. Stephen Schwartzman (Blackstone)
    3. Larry Fink (BlackRock)
    4. Daniel O'Day (Gilead Sciences)
    5. Marit Janov (Mastercard)
    6. Stanley Diehl (Boeing)
    7. Rajesh Subramaniam (FedEx)
    8. Ray Dalio (Bridgewater Associates).

    🎙Follow @AussieCossack
    ❗️Details of the Chinese Premier Xi Jinping dinner with America's top Globalist elites emerge. ⚡️Some of the the VIP guests: 1. Tim Cook (Apple) 2. Stephen Schwartzman (Blackstone) 3. Larry Fink (BlackRock) 4. Daniel O'Day (Gilead Sciences) 5. Marit Janov (Mastercard) 6. Stanley Diehl (Boeing) 7. Rajesh Subramaniam (FedEx) 8. Ray Dalio (Bridgewater Associates). 🎙Follow @AussieCossack
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 3172 Views 0
  • Crack into Health: The Egg-ceptional Power of Nutrient-Packed Goodness in Your Healthy Diet
    In the pursuit of a wholesome and nourishing diet, one food item stands out as a true powerhouse – the humble egg. Packed with essential nutrients, eggs play a vital role in promoting overall health. In this article, we'll delve into the myriad benefits of incorporating eggs into your daily diet and explore the nutrient-rich goodness that makes them a stellar choice for those committed to well-rounded wellness.

    The Nutrient Punch:

    Eggs are a nutritional marvel, delivering a perfect blend of high-quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals. One large egg contains about 6 grams of protein, making it an excellent source for those looking to build and repair body tissues. What's more, eggs are rich in essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein crucial for optimal health.

    But the nutritional perks of eggs don't stop there. Eggs are a goldmine of vitamins, with significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy skin and vision, while vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve function and the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin D, often dubbed the "sunshine vitamin," plays a pivotal role in bone health and immune system function.

    Minerals like iron, phosphorus, and selenium further contribute to the nutritional value of eggs. Iron is essential for preventing anemia, phosphorus supports bone health, and selenium acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage.

    The Perfect Egg for a Healthy Diet:

    Not all eggs are created equal, and opting for the right kind can amplify the health benefits. Free-range or pasture-raised eggs, where hens roam outdoors and have a more varied diet, are often considered superior in nutritional content compared to conventionally produced eggs. These eggs typically have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health.

    Egg-citing Ways to Include Eggs in Your Diet:

    Now that we've established the nutritional prowess of eggs, let's explore some creative and delicious ways to incorporate them into your daily meals:

    Breakfast Brilliance: Rise and Shine with Eggs

    Start your day with a protein-packed breakfast by enjoying eggs in various forms – whether it's a classic omelet loaded with colorful vegetables or a simple poached egg served over whole-grain toast.

    Salads with a Sunny Side: Egg-quisite Greens

    Elevate your salads by adding a boiled or poached egg on top. The creamy yolk serves as a delectable dressing, adding both flavor and nutritional value to your greens.

    Egg-straordinary Snacking: Hard-Boiled Delights

    Hard-boiled eggs make for convenient and portable snacks. Simply sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper for a satisfying midday pick-me-up that won't compromise your health goals.

    Dinner Delights: Eggs in Every Bite

    Incorporate eggs into your dinner routine with dishes like vegetable stir-fry topped with a fried egg or a protein-rich frittata filled with your favorite veggies.


    In conclusion, the egg is a nutritional powerhouse that deserves its place in a balanced and healthy diet. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, eggs contribute to overall well-being and can be enjoyed in a variety of delicious ways. So, crack into the goodness of eggs and embrace a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle today. Your body will thank you for it!

    CLICK HERE-- https://subratajajabar.systeme.io/customketo

    Crack into Health: The Egg-ceptional Power of Nutrient-Packed Goodness in Your Healthy Diet In the pursuit of a wholesome and nourishing diet, one food item stands out as a true powerhouse – the humble egg. Packed with essential nutrients, eggs play a vital role in promoting overall health. In this article, we'll delve into the myriad benefits of incorporating eggs into your daily diet and explore the nutrient-rich goodness that makes them a stellar choice for those committed to well-rounded wellness. The Nutrient Punch: Eggs are a nutritional marvel, delivering a perfect blend of high-quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals. One large egg contains about 6 grams of protein, making it an excellent source for those looking to build and repair body tissues. What's more, eggs are rich in essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein crucial for optimal health. But the nutritional perks of eggs don't stop there. Eggs are a goldmine of vitamins, with significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy skin and vision, while vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve function and the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin D, often dubbed the "sunshine vitamin," plays a pivotal role in bone health and immune system function. Minerals like iron, phosphorus, and selenium further contribute to the nutritional value of eggs. Iron is essential for preventing anemia, phosphorus supports bone health, and selenium acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage. The Perfect Egg for a Healthy Diet: Not all eggs are created equal, and opting for the right kind can amplify the health benefits. Free-range or pasture-raised eggs, where hens roam outdoors and have a more varied diet, are often considered superior in nutritional content compared to conventionally produced eggs. These eggs typically have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health. Egg-citing Ways to Include Eggs in Your Diet: Now that we've established the nutritional prowess of eggs, let's explore some creative and delicious ways to incorporate them into your daily meals: Breakfast Brilliance: Rise and Shine with Eggs Start your day with a protein-packed breakfast by enjoying eggs in various forms – whether it's a classic omelet loaded with colorful vegetables or a simple poached egg served over whole-grain toast. Salads with a Sunny Side: Egg-quisite Greens Elevate your salads by adding a boiled or poached egg on top. The creamy yolk serves as a delectable dressing, adding both flavor and nutritional value to your greens. Egg-straordinary Snacking: Hard-Boiled Delights Hard-boiled eggs make for convenient and portable snacks. Simply sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper for a satisfying midday pick-me-up that won't compromise your health goals. Dinner Delights: Eggs in Every Bite Incorporate eggs into your dinner routine with dishes like vegetable stir-fry topped with a fried egg or a protein-rich frittata filled with your favorite veggies. Conclusion: In conclusion, the egg is a nutritional powerhouse that deserves its place in a balanced and healthy diet. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, eggs contribute to overall well-being and can be enjoyed in a variety of delicious ways. So, crack into the goodness of eggs and embrace a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle today. Your body will thank you for it! CLICK HERE-- https://subratajajabar.systeme.io/customketo
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 15947 Views
  • The Ultimate Keto Meal Plan

    The ketogenic diet, or keto for short, has gained immense popularity for its ability to help individuals shed excess weight by encouraging the body to burn fat for fuel. Central to the success of the keto lifestyle is a well-structured meal plan that keeps carbohydrates at bay while embracing healthy fats and moderate protein. Here's a guide to the ultimate keto meal plan to help you navigate this low-carb, high-fat journey.


    Kickstart your day with a keto-friendly breakfast that is both satisfying and nourishing. Consider scrambled eggs cooked in butter, topped with avocado slices and a sprinkle of feta cheese. This protein and fat-rich breakfast will keep you satiated, helping to curb mid-morning cravings.


    For a midday meal that aligns with the keto principles, opt for a hearty salad featuring leafy greens, grilled chicken or salmon, and an assortment of low-carb vegetables like cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. Enhance the flavor with a generous drizzle of olive oil or avocado dressing for a dose of healthy fats.


    Incorporate keto-friendly snacks to keep energy levels stable between meals. Nuts, such as almonds or macadamias, are an excellent choice, providing healthy fats and a satisfying crunch. Cheese slices or celery sticks paired with guacamole are also convenient and delicious options to keep hunger at bay.


    A well-rounded dinner is crucial for sustaining the ketogenic lifestyle. Opt for a protein-rich dish like grilled steak or baked salmon, accompanied by a side of non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli or asparagus. Cooking with olive oil or butter ensures an ample supply of healthy fats to maintain ketosis.


    Indulge your sweet tooth without derailing your keto journey. Consider a dessert made with keto-friendly sweeteners such as stevia or erythritol. A simple yet satisfying option is dark chocolate dipped in nut butter or a creamy avocado chocolate mousse.


    Stay hydrated with water, herbal teas, and black coffee. Be cautious with fruit juices and conventional sodas, as they often contain high levels of hidden sugars. If you're craving a creamy option, choose unsweetened almond or coconut milk.

    Tips for Success:

    Monitor Macros: Keep a close eye on your macronutrient intake, aiming for a daily distribution of approximately 70-75% fat, 20-25% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates.

    Plan and Prep: Planning and preparing meals in advance can help you stay on track and avoid impulsive food choices.

    Choose Quality Fats: Opt for healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, and nuts to ensure your body receives essential nutrients.

    Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. The keto diet encourages mindful eating, so eat when hungry and stop when satisfied.

    Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when following the keto lifestyle. Stick to the plan, and over time, your body will adapt to burning fat for energy.

    In conclusion, the ultimate keto meal plan emphasizes a balance of healthy fats, moderate protein, and minimal carbohydrates. By incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods, staying hydrated, and being mindful of macronutrient ratios, you can enjoy the benefits of the ketogenic diet while savoring delicious and satisfying meals.
    Join the keto community, share your experiences, and find inspiration from others on the same journey. Whether you're looking to lose weight, boost energy, or improve overall health, the keto lifestyle could be the key to unlocking your full potential.-- https://shrinkme.info/UZsJe

    The Ultimate Keto Meal Plan The ketogenic diet, or keto for short, has gained immense popularity for its ability to help individuals shed excess weight by encouraging the body to burn fat for fuel. Central to the success of the keto lifestyle is a well-structured meal plan that keeps carbohydrates at bay while embracing healthy fats and moderate protein. Here's a guide to the ultimate keto meal plan to help you navigate this low-carb, high-fat journey. Breakfast: Kickstart your day with a keto-friendly breakfast that is both satisfying and nourishing. Consider scrambled eggs cooked in butter, topped with avocado slices and a sprinkle of feta cheese. This protein and fat-rich breakfast will keep you satiated, helping to curb mid-morning cravings. Lunch: For a midday meal that aligns with the keto principles, opt for a hearty salad featuring leafy greens, grilled chicken or salmon, and an assortment of low-carb vegetables like cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. Enhance the flavor with a generous drizzle of olive oil or avocado dressing for a dose of healthy fats. Snacks: Incorporate keto-friendly snacks to keep energy levels stable between meals. Nuts, such as almonds or macadamias, are an excellent choice, providing healthy fats and a satisfying crunch. Cheese slices or celery sticks paired with guacamole are also convenient and delicious options to keep hunger at bay. Dinner: A well-rounded dinner is crucial for sustaining the ketogenic lifestyle. Opt for a protein-rich dish like grilled steak or baked salmon, accompanied by a side of non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli or asparagus. Cooking with olive oil or butter ensures an ample supply of healthy fats to maintain ketosis. Dessert: Indulge your sweet tooth without derailing your keto journey. Consider a dessert made with keto-friendly sweeteners such as stevia or erythritol. A simple yet satisfying option is dark chocolate dipped in nut butter or a creamy avocado chocolate mousse. Beverages: Stay hydrated with water, herbal teas, and black coffee. Be cautious with fruit juices and conventional sodas, as they often contain high levels of hidden sugars. If you're craving a creamy option, choose unsweetened almond or coconut milk. Tips for Success: Monitor Macros: Keep a close eye on your macronutrient intake, aiming for a daily distribution of approximately 70-75% fat, 20-25% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates. Plan and Prep: Planning and preparing meals in advance can help you stay on track and avoid impulsive food choices. Choose Quality Fats: Opt for healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, and nuts to ensure your body receives essential nutrients. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. The keto diet encourages mindful eating, so eat when hungry and stop when satisfied. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when following the keto lifestyle. Stick to the plan, and over time, your body will adapt to burning fat for energy. In conclusion, the ultimate keto meal plan emphasizes a balance of healthy fats, moderate protein, and minimal carbohydrates. By incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods, staying hydrated, and being mindful of macronutrient ratios, you can enjoy the benefits of the ketogenic diet while savoring delicious and satisfying meals. Join the keto community, share your experiences, and find inspiration from others on the same journey. Whether you're looking to lose weight, boost energy, or improve overall health, the keto lifestyle could be the key to unlocking your full potential.-- https://shrinkme.info/UZsJe
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 19503 Views
  • Hello Amigos.
    All glory to God for making us all to see a new day.
    I didn't wake up as early as usual, funny how some meds side effects takes a toll on someone.
    It made me sleep more than usual.
    Luckily I was still able to do few things for myself.
    Funny, how my body feels weak but not my hands.
    That's a good one right?
    I was indoors until in the evening, and yes it rained but not much.
    I was already feeling heavy and I seriously needed some fresh air outside.

    It's Saturday, so people are always seen in the mini stadium either playing football or other activities.

    When I got there I didn't go any further, I just sat down outside the stadium and watched for some time.
    Actually I was resting, during the time I met a friend who engaged in a talk with me.
    Truth is he was actually the one talking while I listened, because like I said I was trying to gain strength.
    He was really a good story teller with a touch of comedian vibes.
    I enjoyed his company.
    I came back prepared and ate dinner, then took my meds.
    And that was it.
    Thank you very much for your good wishes.
    I will be much more better when I am done with the meds while fighting it's side effects ????
    Wishing you a blessed Sunday.
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 24/06/2023 3410 Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking
    ----------- REFERENT URL ---------------
    Hello Amigos. All glory to God for making us all to see a new day. I didn't wake up as early as usual, funny how some meds side effects takes a toll on someone. It made me sleep more than usual. Luckily I was still able to do few things for myself. Funny, how my body feels weak but not my hands. That's a good one right? I was indoors until in the evening, and yes it rained but not much. I was already feeling heavy and I seriously needed some fresh air outside. It's Saturday, so people are always seen in the mini stadium either playing football or other activities. When I got there I didn't go any further, I just sat down outside the stadium and watched for some time. Actually I was resting, during the time I met a friend who engaged in a talk with me. Truth is he was actually the one talking while I listened, because like I said I was trying to gain strength. He was really a good story teller with a touch of comedian vibes. I enjoyed his company. I came back prepared and ate dinner, then took my meds. And that was it. Thank you very much for your good wishes. I will be much more better when I am done with the meds while fighting it's side effects ???? Wishing you a blessed Sunday. This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 24/06/2023 3410 Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking ----------- REFERENT URL --------------- https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXv9QWiAYiLCSr3sKxVzUJVrgin3ZZWM2CExEo3fd5GUS/sep3.png https://actifit.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ACTIVITYDATE.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmRgAoqi4vUVymaro8hXdRraNX6LHkXhMRBZxEo5vVWXDN/ACTIVITYCOUNT.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZ6ZT8VaEpaDzB16qZzK8omffbWUpEpe4BkJkMXmN3xrF/ACTIVITYTYPE.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmNp6YwAm2qwquALZw8PdcovDorwaBSFuxQ38TrYziGT6b/A-20.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmQqfpSmcQtfrHAtzfBtVccXwUL9vKNgZJ2j93m8WNjizw/l5.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmbWy8KzKT1UvCvznUTaFPw6wBUcyLtBT5XL9wdbB7Hfmn/l6.png https://bit.ly/actifit-app https://bit.ly/actifit-ios
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 9763 Views
  • Hello everyone.
    Is always a great privilege to see a bright new day.
    Yes, it is with great joy and feeling thankful filled my heart when I woke up by 5:40am.
    I had already soaked my bedsheets last night, so I started washing it before any other thing.
    It was raining heavily, so I spread the bedsheets in a corridor.
    Then started up with other house chores, hoping that the rain will reduce or stop when I am done, so I could go for a walk.
    It didn't stop, as it continued raining until 11:35am.
    This gave room for sleep and hive engagement.
    I didn't go out again until in the evening.

    I prepared and went for mid week service, which started by 5pm.
    I reached church by 5:20pm.
    Well I didn't miss much, the preaching was about the word and the miraculous.

    Service was wonderful, I came back around some minutes after 7pm.
    I prepared and ate dinner, did few online activities.
    I ended my day with watching a Korean drama titled Good bad mother.
    Which I am getting to enjoy, I almost stopped watching the movie after watching the episode 1, which annoyed me.
    But I am really enjoying it now, hopefully I will see it to the end as I am currently in episode 6.
    That's it for my Thursday.
    Let's go again today ????
    Wishing you a blessed day.
    Thank you very much for checking out my actifit report. This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 15/06/2023 6178 Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking
    ----------- REFERENT URL ---------------
    Hello everyone. Is always a great privilege to see a bright new day. Yes, it is with great joy and feeling thankful filled my heart when I woke up by 5:40am. I had already soaked my bedsheets last night, so I started washing it before any other thing. It was raining heavily, so I spread the bedsheets in a corridor. Then started up with other house chores, hoping that the rain will reduce or stop when I am done, so I could go for a walk. It didn't stop, as it continued raining until 11:35am. This gave room for sleep and hive engagement. I didn't go out again until in the evening. I prepared and went for mid week service, which started by 5pm. I reached church by 5:20pm. Well I didn't miss much, the preaching was about the word and the miraculous. Service was wonderful, I came back around some minutes after 7pm. I prepared and ate dinner, did few online activities. I ended my day with watching a Korean drama titled Good bad mother. Which I am getting to enjoy, I almost stopped watching the movie after watching the episode 1, which annoyed me. But I am really enjoying it now, hopefully I will see it to the end as I am currently in episode 6. That's it for my Thursday. Let's go again today ???? Wishing you a blessed day. Thank you very much for checking out my actifit report. This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 15/06/2023 6178 Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking ----------- REFERENT URL --------------- https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXv9QWiAYiLCSr3sKxVzUJVrgin3ZZWM2CExEo3fd5GUS/sep3.png https://actifit.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ACTIVITYDATE.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmRgAoqi4vUVymaro8hXdRraNX6LHkXhMRBZxEo5vVWXDN/ACTIVITYCOUNT.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZ6ZT8VaEpaDzB16qZzK8omffbWUpEpe4BkJkMXmN3xrF/ACTIVITYTYPE.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmNp6YwAm2qwquALZw8PdcovDorwaBSFuxQ38TrYziGT6b/A-20.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmQqfpSmcQtfrHAtzfBtVccXwUL9vKNgZJ2j93m8WNjizw/l5.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmbWy8KzKT1UvCvznUTaFPw6wBUcyLtBT5XL9wdbB7Hfmn/l6.png https://bit.ly/actifit-app https://bit.ly/actifit-ios
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 5087 Views
  • Hello Amigos.
    It is with great joy that I humbly welcome you to my blog and my actifit report for Wednesday 14th June, 2023.
    I started my day by being so grateful to God for waking me by 6:10am.
    The day was not cloudy, so I washed few clothes after doing my normal routine house chores.

    Then I went for a walk while I took random photos.

    This location is beginning to be my new found place to walk in the morning.

    I spent my afternoon indoors and getting some few task online done.
    The weather changed though, it showed all signs of rain.
    In the evening I went out to get few things I needed for dinner meal.
    When I came back I watched a Nigerian movie titled prophet suddenly with my friends.
    After debating and arguing about the movie.
    I finished up with aliveandthriving curation before calling it a day.
    Have a wonderful day you all ????
    I really appreciate your stopping by my blog. This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 14/06/2023 5239 Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking
    ----------- REFERENT URL ---------------
    Hello Amigos. It is with great joy that I humbly welcome you to my blog and my actifit report for Wednesday 14th June, 2023. I started my day by being so grateful to God for waking me by 6:10am. The day was not cloudy, so I washed few clothes after doing my normal routine house chores. Then I went for a walk while I took random photos. This location is beginning to be my new found place to walk in the morning. I spent my afternoon indoors and getting some few task online done. The weather changed though, it showed all signs of rain. In the evening I went out to get few things I needed for dinner meal. When I came back I watched a Nigerian movie titled prophet suddenly with my friends. After debating and arguing about the movie. I finished up with aliveandthriving curation before calling it a day. Have a wonderful day you all ???? I really appreciate your stopping by my blog. This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 14/06/2023 5239 Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking ----------- REFERENT URL --------------- https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXv9QWiAYiLCSr3sKxVzUJVrgin3ZZWM2CExEo3fd5GUS/sep3.png https://actifit.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ACTIVITYDATE.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmRgAoqi4vUVymaro8hXdRraNX6LHkXhMRBZxEo5vVWXDN/ACTIVITYCOUNT.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZ6ZT8VaEpaDzB16qZzK8omffbWUpEpe4BkJkMXmN3xrF/ACTIVITYTYPE.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmNp6YwAm2qwquALZw8PdcovDorwaBSFuxQ38TrYziGT6b/A-20.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmQqfpSmcQtfrHAtzfBtVccXwUL9vKNgZJ2j93m8WNjizw/l5.png https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmbWy8KzKT1UvCvznUTaFPw6wBUcyLtBT5XL9wdbB7Hfmn/l6.png https://bit.ly/actifit-app https://bit.ly/actifit-ios
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 6482 Views