• WHO never Discovered SARS-COV-2 Artificial Origin but Promotes VIPs Calling for New Deal on Future Pandemics
    28 Marzo 2024

    by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


    “I love my brother Bobby, but I do not share or endorse his opinions on many issues, including the COVID pandemic, vaccinations, and the role of social media platforms in policing false information,” she said at the time. “It is also important to note that Bobby’s views are not reflected in or influence the mission or work of our organization.”

    These were the sentences about Robert F. Kennedy jr statements released by Kerry Kennedy, former wife of New York Governor Andrea Cuomo and Chair of the Amnesty International USA Leadership Council. Nominated by President Bush and confirmed by the Senate. She serves on the board of directors of the United States Institute of Peace, as well as Human Rights First, and Inter Press Service (Rome, Italy).

    Zuckerberg Confession: “Establishment asked Facebook to ‘censor’ Covid posts”

    Kerry Kennedy, President, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, is one of the VIPs who signed the “Call for urgent Agreement on International Deal to Prepare for and prevent future Pandemics” (whole text below) meanwhile World Health Organization is loosing many hopes that WHO Assembly will approve the Pandemic Treaty due to the opposition of Russia an many other nations.

    WHO, EU Launch New Global Vaccine Passport Initiative: “Death Sentence for Millions”

    The appeal was launched by Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown, the website of former UK prime minister., who signed it as Tony Blair, the Former UN General Secretary Ban-ki Moon, New Zealand’s former Prime Minister Helen Cark and Italian former PM Mario Monti, life senator and former manager of New York bank Goldman Sachs in business with Pfizer, nominated as president of Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development, a body created by the World Health Organization during Covid-19 emergency despite his ties with Wuhan Institute of Virology.

    WUHAN-GATES – 68. THE SMOKING GUN OF MANMADE SARS-COV-2. Fauci, Wuhan & Chinese Military Scientists behind Research on Vaccine for Biodefense

    Indeed Monti was in the European Commission which financed the EPISARS project for the developing of dangerous research on Coronavirus SARS from which, in a huge affair among China and US, emerged the artificial SARS-Cov-2.

    WUHAN-GATES – 65. L’ANELLO MANCANTE DEL DIABOLICO COMPLOTTO NWO-UE: Dal SARS da Laboratorio di Monti al Vaccino COVID col Grafene di Capua

    Although WHO has not yet been able to prove the laboratory origin of the Covid-19 virus, also because it has entrusted the investigations to doctors with enormous conflicts of interest for having worked in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, today it continues to insist on launch the global agreement on pandemics thanks to those same people who supported Bill Gates’ global immunization plan and the “Covid-19 pandemic planned for decades” as declared by the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy jr and as demonstrated by the patents expert David Martin on the role of Anthony Fauci, and detailed by the Gospa News investigations of the “Wuhan-Gates” cycle.

    WHO claims to develop more and major researches on viruses when it is now well established that the Covid-19 pandemic was caused by man precisely because of research on biological weapons.

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
    prohibition of reproduction without authorization
    follow Fabio Carisio Gospa News director on Twitter
    follow Gospa News on Telegram

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    WHO: “Call for urgent Agreement on International Deal to Prepare for and prevent future Pandemics”

    Article originally published on World Health Organization

    All links to Gospa News articles have been added aftermath, in relation to the topics highlighted

    Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published

    A high-powered intervention by 23 former national Presidents, 22 former Prime Ministers, a former UN General Secretary and 3 Nobel Laureates is being made today to press for an urgent agreement from international negotiators on a Pandemic Accord, under the Constitution of the World Health Organizaion, to bolster the world’s collective preparedness and response to future pandemics.

    WUHAN-GATES – 69. How and Why the Spy of Biden & Gates Hid ManMade SARS-Cov-2 in US Intelligence Dossier

    Former UN General Secretary Ban-ki Moon, New Zealand’s former Prime Minister Helen Cark, former UK Prime Ministers Gordon Brown and Tony Blair, former Malawi President Joyce Banda, former Peru President Franciso Sagasti, and 3 former Presidents of the UN General Assembly are amongst 100+ global leaders, from all continents and fields of politics, economics and health management who today issued a joint open letterurging accelerated progress in current negotiations to reach the world’s first ever multi-lateral agreement on pandemic preparedness and prevention.

    “A pandemic accord is critical to safeguard our collective future. Only a strong global pact on pandemics can protect future generations from a repeat of the COVID-19 crisis, which led to millions of deaths and caused widespread social and economic devastation, owing not least to insufficient international collaboration,” the leaders write in their joint letter.

    WUHAN-GATES – 60. NEW SCANDAL INTO WHO. French Co-Chair of Investigative Group on SARS-2 Worked in the China Bio-lab which Enhanced Coronavirus

    In the throes of the COVID-19 disaster which, officially, claimed 7 million lives and wiped $2 trillion from the world economy, inter-governmental negotiations to reach international agreement on future pandemic non-proliferation were begun in December 2021 between 194 of the world’s 196 nations. Nations set themselves the deadline of May 2024 by which they should reach agreement on what would be the world’s first ever Pandemic Accord.

    The Ninth round of Pandemic Accord negotiations are underway this week and next. Signatories of today’s open letter hope their combined influence willencourage all 194 nations to maintain the courage of their Covid-years conviction and make their own collective ambition of an international pandemic protocol a reality by the intended May deadline to enable ratification by the World Health Assembly at its May 2024 Annual General Assembly.

    And they urge negotiators “to redouble their efforts” to meet the imminent deadline and not let their efforts be blown off course by malicious misinformation campaigning against the WHO, the international organisation which would be tasked with implementing the new health accord.

    Taking a swipe at those who wrongly believe national sovereignty may be undermined by this major international step forward for public health the signatories say “there is no time to waste” and they call on the leaders of the 194 nations taking part in the current negotiations to “redouble their efforts to complete the accord by the May deadline.”

    WUHAN-GATES – 72. THE SUMMARY: WHO Intrigues on the SARS-Cov-2 Bioweapon & Vaccine Plots – McCullough reveals

    The letter, hosted on the website of The Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown states, “Countries are doing this not because of some dictum from the WHO – like the negotiations, participation in any instrument would be entirely voluntary – but because they need what the accord can and must offer. In fact, a pandemic accord would deliver vast and universally shared benefits, including greater capacity to detect new and dangerous pathogens, access to information about pathogens detected elsewhere in the world, and timely and equitable delivery of tests, treatments, vaccines, and other lifesaving tools.

    “As countries enter what should be the final stages of the negotiations, governments must work to refute and debunk false claims about the accord. At the same time, negotiators must ensure that the agreement lives up to its promise to prevent and mitigate pandemic-related risks. This requires, for example, provisions aimed at ensuring that when another pandemic threat does arise, all relevant responses – from reporting the identification of risky pathogens to delivering tools like tests and vaccines on an equitable basis – are implemented quickly and effectively. As the COVID-19 pandemic showed, collaboration between the public and private sectors focused on advancing the public good is also essential.”

    WUHAN-GATES – 24. WHO & Pandemic in Gates-China’s Puppet Hands: Dr. Tedros Leader of TPLF, Islamic-Communist Rebels blamed of Last Massacre in Ethiopia by Amnesty

    “A new pandemic threat will emerge; there is no excuse not to be ready for it. It is thus imperative to build an effective, multisectoral, and multilateral approach to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. Given the unpredictable nature of public-health risks, a global strategy must embody a spirit of openness and inclusiveness. There is no time to waste, which is why we are calling on all national leaders to redouble their efforts to complete the accord by the May deadline.”

    “Beyond protecting countless lives and livelihoods, the timely delivery of a global pandemic accord would send a powerful message: even in our fractured and fragmented world, international cooperation can still deliver global solutions to global problems.”

    Article originally published on World Health Organization

    Joint letter to leaders of WHO member states calling for an urgent agreement on a pandemic accord

    Originally published on the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown website on March, 20, 2024

    The overwhelming lesson we learned from COVID-19 is that no one is safe anywhere until everyone is safe everywhere – and that can only happen through collaboration. In response, the 194 countries which are members of the World Health Organization decided in December 2021 to launch negotiations for a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, a Pandemic Accord, as a “global framework” to work together to prepare for and stem any new pandemic threat, including by achieving equitable access to vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.

    WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy

    Negotiation of an effective pandemic accord is a much needed opportunity to safeguard the world we live in. Countries themselves have proposed this instrument, individual countries are negotiating it, and only countries will ultimately be responsible for its requirements and its success or failure.

    Establishing a strong global pact on pandemics will protect future generations from a repeat of the millions of deaths and the social and economic devastation which resulted from a lack of collaboration during theCOVID-19 pandemic. All countries need what the accord can offer: the capacity to detect and share pathogens presenting a risk, and timely access to tests, treatments and vaccines.

    An agreement is meant to be reached just two and a half months from now – countries imposed a deadline of May 2024, in time for the 77th World Health Assembly.

    WUHAN-GATES – 73. Half of Century of Covert Bioweapon Development Leading to Fauci’s SARS-Cov-2 and to mRNA Lethal Vaccines

    As countries now enter what should be the final stages of the negotiations, they must ensure that they are agreeing on actions which will do the job required: to prevent and mitigate pandemic threats. We urge solutions which ensure both speed in reporting and sharing pathogens, and in access – in every country – to sufficient tools like tests and vaccines to protect lives and minimise harm. The public and private sectors must work together towards the public good. This global effort is being threatened by misinformation and disinformation. Among the falsehoods circulating are allegations that the WHO intends to monitor people’s movements through digital passports; that it will take away the national sovereignty of countries; and that it will have the ability to deploy armed troops to enforce mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns. All of these claims are wholly false and governments must work to disavow them with clear facts.

    WUHAN-GATES – 47. SARS-2 BIOWEAPON. Pentagon’s DARPA Stopped a Risky Test in US but Funded a Secret one in UK with Gates

    It is imperative now to build an effective, multisectoral and multilateral approach to pandemic prevention,preparedness, and response marked by a spirit of openness and inclusiveness. In doing so we can send a message that even in this fractured and fragmented world, cross-border co-operation can deliver global solutions to global problems.

    We call on leaders of all countries to step up their efforts and secure an effective pandemic accord by May. A new pandemic threat will emerge – and there is no excuse not to be ready for it.

    Originally published on the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown website on March, 20, 2024

    Name Title
    Carlos Alvarado* President of Costa Rica (2018-2022)
    Michelle Bachelet* President of Chile (2006-2010)
    Jan Peter Balkenende* Prime Minister of The Netherlands (2002-2010)
    Ban Ki-moon* Eighth Secretary General of the United Nations
    Joyce Banda* President of Malawi (2012-2014)
    Kjell Magne Bondevik* Prime Minister of Norway (1997-2000; 2001-2005)
    Kim Campbell* Prime Minister of Canada (1993)
    Alfred Gusenbauer* Chancellor of Austria (2007-2008)
    Seung-Soo Han* Prime Minister of the Rep. of Korea (2008-2009)
    Mehdi Jomaa* Prime Minister of Tunisia (2014-2015)
    Horst Köhler* President of Germany (2004-2010)
    Rexhep Meidani* President of Albania (1997-2002)
    Mario Monti* Prime Minister of Italy (2011-2013)
    Francisco Sagasti* President of Peru (2020-2021)
    Jenny Shipley* Prime Minister of New Zealand (1997-1999)
    Juan Somavía* Ninth Director of the International Labour Organization
    Helen Clark** Former Prime Minister of New Zealand
    Micheline Calmy-Rey** Former President of the Swiss Confederation
    Baroness Lynda Chalker** Former Minister of Overseas Development of the UK
    Chester A. Crocker** Former Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, USA
    Marzuki Darusman** Former Attorney General of Indonesia
    Mohamed ElBaradei** Former Vice President of Egypt
    Gareth Evans** Former Foreign Minister of Australia
    Lawrence Gonzi** Former Prime Minister of Malta
    Lord George Robertson** Former Secretary General of NATO
    Gordon Brown Former Prime Minister of the UK 2007-2010
    Vaira Vike-Freiberga*** Co-Chair, NGIC; President of Latvia 1999-2007
    Ismail Serageldin*** Co-Chair, NGIC; Vice President of the World Bank 1992-2000
    Kerry Kennedy*** President, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights
    Rosen Plevneliev*** President of Bulgaria 2012-2017
    Petar Stoyanov*** President of Bulgaria 1997-2002
    Chiril Gaburici*** Prime Minister of Moldova 2015
    Mladen Ivanic*** Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2018
    Zlatko Lagumdzija*** Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the UN; Prime Minister 2001-2002; Deputy Prime Minister 1993-1996, 2012-2015
    Rashid Alimov*** Secretary-General Shanghai Cooperation Organization 2016-2018
    Jan Fisher*** Prime Minister of the Czech Republic 2009-2010
    Sir Tony Blair Prime Minister of the UK 1997-2007
    Csaba Korossi*** 77th President of the UN General Assembly
    Maria Fernanda Espinosa*** 73rd President of the UN General Assembly
    Volkan Bozkir*** 75th President of the UN General Assembly
    Ameenah Gurib Fakim*** President of Mauritius 2015-2018
    Filip Vujanovic*** President of Montenegro 2003-2018
    Borut Pahor*** President of Slovenia 2012-2022; Prime Minister 2008-2012
    Ivo Josipovic*** President of Croatia 2010-2015
    Petru Lucinschi*** President of Moldova 1997-2001
    Boris Tadic*** President of Serbia 2004-2012
    Mirko Cvetkovic*** Prime Minister of Serbia 2008-2012
    Dumitru Bragish*** Prime Minister of Moldova 1999-2001
    Emil Constantinescu*** President of Romania 1996-2000
    Nambaryn Enkhbayar*** President of Mongolia 2005-2009
    Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic*** President of Croatia 2015-2020
    Gjorge Ivanov*** President of North Macedonia 2009-2019
    Valdis Zatlers*** President of Latvia 2007-2011
    Ana Birchall*** Deputy Prime Minister of Romania 2018-2019
    Hikmet Cetin*** Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey 1991-1994
    Jewel Howard Taylor*** Vice President of Liberia 2018-2024
    Djoomart Otorbayev*** Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan 2014-2015
    Julio Cobos*** Vice President of Argentina 2007-2011
    Ouided Bouchmani*** Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2015
    Abdul Rauf AlRawabdeh*** Prime Minister of Jordan 1999-2000
    Jadranka Kosor*** Prime Minister of Montenegro 2009-2011
    Milica Pejanovic*** Minister of Defense of Montenegro 2012-2016
    Mats Karlsson*** Former Vice-President of the World Bank
    Laimdota Straujuma*** Prime Minister of Latvia 2014-2016
    Eka Tkeshelashvili*** Deputy Prime Minister of Georgia 2010-2012, Minister of Foreign Affairs 2010
    Moushira Khattab*** Former Minister of State for Family and Population of Egypt
    Raimonds Vejonis*** President of Latvia 2015-2019
    Ilir Meta*** President of Albania 2017-2022
    Edmond Panariti*** Former Minister of Foreign affairs, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Albania
    Andris Piebalgs*** European Commissioner for Development 2010-2014, European Commissioner for Energy 2004-2010
    Manuel Pulgar Vidal*** Climate and Energy Global Leader at the World Wide Fund for Nature, Minister of Environment of Peru 2011-2016, President of COP20
    Yves Leterme*** Yves Leterme, Prime Minister of Belgium 2008, 2009-201
    Rovshan Muradov*** Secretary-General of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center
    Professor Erik Berglof London School of Economics and Political Science
    Professor Justin Lin Beijing University
    Professor Bai Chong-En Tsinghua School of Economics and Management Studies
    Professor Robin Burgess London School of Economics and Political Science
    Professor Shang-jin Wei Columbia University
    Professor Harold James Princeton University
    Ahmed Galal Former Minister of Finance, Egypt
    Professor Jong-Wha Lee Korea University
    Professor Leonhard Wantchekon African School of Economics, Benin
    Professor Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden Mannheim University
    Professor Kaushik Basu Cornell University
    Professor Bengt Holmstrom Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Professor Mathias Dewatripont Université Libre de Bruxelles
    Professor Dalia Marin University of Munich
    Professor Richard Portes London Business School
    Professor Chris Pissarides London School of Economics and Political Science
    Professor Diane Coyle University of Cambridge
    Mustapha Nabli Former Governor, Central Bank of Tunisia
    Professor Wendy Carlin University College London
    Professor Gerard Roland University of California, Berkeley
    Professor Nora Lustig Tulane University
    Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi London School of Economics and Political Science
    Professor Philippe Aghion College de France
    Professor Devi Sridhar University of Edinburgh
    Yu Yongding Former President of China Society in the World Economy
    Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2006
    Kailash Satyarthe, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2014
    Sir Ivor Roberts Former UK Ambassador
    Sir Suma Chakrabarti Former EBRD President
    Sir Tim Hitchens Former UK Ambassador
    Alistair Burt Former Minister for Health/International Development
    Tom Fletcher Former UK Ambassador
    Julian Braithwaite Former UK Perm Rep to WHO
    John Casson Former UK Ambassador
    *indicates membership of Club de Madrid

    ** Indicates membership of Global Leadership Forum

    *** Indicates membership of NGIC

    (Visited 37 times, 3 visits today)


    WHO never Discovered SARS-COV-2 Artificial Origin but Promotes VIPs Calling for New Deal on Future Pandemics 28 Marzo 2024 FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailLinkedInTelegramCondividi 12.285 Views by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO “I love my brother Bobby, but I do not share or endorse his opinions on many issues, including the COVID pandemic, vaccinations, and the role of social media platforms in policing false information,” she said at the time. “It is also important to note that Bobby’s views are not reflected in or influence the mission or work of our organization.” These were the sentences about Robert F. Kennedy jr statements released by Kerry Kennedy, former wife of New York Governor Andrea Cuomo and Chair of the Amnesty International USA Leadership Council. Nominated by President Bush and confirmed by the Senate. She serves on the board of directors of the United States Institute of Peace, as well as Human Rights First, and Inter Press Service (Rome, Italy). Zuckerberg Confession: “Establishment asked Facebook to ‘censor’ Covid posts” Kerry Kennedy, President, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, is one of the VIPs who signed the “Call for urgent Agreement on International Deal to Prepare for and prevent future Pandemics” (whole text below) meanwhile World Health Organization is loosing many hopes that WHO Assembly will approve the Pandemic Treaty due to the opposition of Russia an many other nations. WHO, EU Launch New Global Vaccine Passport Initiative: “Death Sentence for Millions” The appeal was launched by Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown, the website of former UK prime minister., who signed it as Tony Blair, the Former UN General Secretary Ban-ki Moon, New Zealand’s former Prime Minister Helen Cark and Italian former PM Mario Monti, life senator and former manager of New York bank Goldman Sachs in business with Pfizer, nominated as president of Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development, a body created by the World Health Organization during Covid-19 emergency despite his ties with Wuhan Institute of Virology. WUHAN-GATES – 68. THE SMOKING GUN OF MANMADE SARS-COV-2. Fauci, Wuhan & Chinese Military Scientists behind Research on Vaccine for Biodefense Indeed Monti was in the European Commission which financed the EPISARS project for the developing of dangerous research on Coronavirus SARS from which, in a huge affair among China and US, emerged the artificial SARS-Cov-2. WUHAN-GATES – 65. L’ANELLO MANCANTE DEL DIABOLICO COMPLOTTO NWO-UE: Dal SARS da Laboratorio di Monti al Vaccino COVID col Grafene di Capua Although WHO has not yet been able to prove the laboratory origin of the Covid-19 virus, also because it has entrusted the investigations to doctors with enormous conflicts of interest for having worked in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, today it continues to insist on launch the global agreement on pandemics thanks to those same people who supported Bill Gates’ global immunization plan and the “Covid-19 pandemic planned for decades” as declared by the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy jr and as demonstrated by the patents expert David Martin on the role of Anthony Fauci, and detailed by the Gospa News investigations of the “Wuhan-Gates” cycle. WHO claims to develop more and major researches on viruses when it is now well established that the Covid-19 pandemic was caused by man precisely because of research on biological weapons. Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio © COPYRIGHT GOSPA NEWS prohibition of reproduction without authorization follow Fabio Carisio Gospa News director on Twitter follow Gospa News on Telegram Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published MAIN SOURCES GOSPA NEWS – WUHAN-GATES INVESTIGATIONS GOSPA NEWS – COVID, BIG PHARMA, VACCINES WHO: “Call for urgent Agreement on International Deal to Prepare for and prevent future Pandemics” Article originally published on World Health Organization All links to Gospa News articles have been added aftermath, in relation to the topics highlighted Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published A high-powered intervention by 23 former national Presidents, 22 former Prime Ministers, a former UN General Secretary and 3 Nobel Laureates is being made today to press for an urgent agreement from international negotiators on a Pandemic Accord, under the Constitution of the World Health Organizaion, to bolster the world’s collective preparedness and response to future pandemics. WUHAN-GATES – 69. How and Why the Spy of Biden & Gates Hid ManMade SARS-Cov-2 in US Intelligence Dossier Former UN General Secretary Ban-ki Moon, New Zealand’s former Prime Minister Helen Cark, former UK Prime Ministers Gordon Brown and Tony Blair, former Malawi President Joyce Banda, former Peru President Franciso Sagasti, and 3 former Presidents of the UN General Assembly are amongst 100+ global leaders, from all continents and fields of politics, economics and health management who today issued a joint open letterurging accelerated progress in current negotiations to reach the world’s first ever multi-lateral agreement on pandemic preparedness and prevention. “A pandemic accord is critical to safeguard our collective future. Only a strong global pact on pandemics can protect future generations from a repeat of the COVID-19 crisis, which led to millions of deaths and caused widespread social and economic devastation, owing not least to insufficient international collaboration,” the leaders write in their joint letter. WUHAN-GATES – 60. NEW SCANDAL INTO WHO. French Co-Chair of Investigative Group on SARS-2 Worked in the China Bio-lab which Enhanced Coronavirus In the throes of the COVID-19 disaster which, officially, claimed 7 million lives and wiped $2 trillion from the world economy, inter-governmental negotiations to reach international agreement on future pandemic non-proliferation were begun in December 2021 between 194 of the world’s 196 nations. Nations set themselves the deadline of May 2024 by which they should reach agreement on what would be the world’s first ever Pandemic Accord. The Ninth round of Pandemic Accord negotiations are underway this week and next. Signatories of today’s open letter hope their combined influence willencourage all 194 nations to maintain the courage of their Covid-years conviction and make their own collective ambition of an international pandemic protocol a reality by the intended May deadline to enable ratification by the World Health Assembly at its May 2024 Annual General Assembly. And they urge negotiators “to redouble their efforts” to meet the imminent deadline and not let their efforts be blown off course by malicious misinformation campaigning against the WHO, the international organisation which would be tasked with implementing the new health accord. Taking a swipe at those who wrongly believe national sovereignty may be undermined by this major international step forward for public health the signatories say “there is no time to waste” and they call on the leaders of the 194 nations taking part in the current negotiations to “redouble their efforts to complete the accord by the May deadline.” WUHAN-GATES – 72. THE SUMMARY: WHO Intrigues on the SARS-Cov-2 Bioweapon & Vaccine Plots – McCullough reveals The letter, hosted on the website of The Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown states, “Countries are doing this not because of some dictum from the WHO – like the negotiations, participation in any instrument would be entirely voluntary – but because they need what the accord can and must offer. In fact, a pandemic accord would deliver vast and universally shared benefits, including greater capacity to detect new and dangerous pathogens, access to information about pathogens detected elsewhere in the world, and timely and equitable delivery of tests, treatments, vaccines, and other lifesaving tools. “As countries enter what should be the final stages of the negotiations, governments must work to refute and debunk false claims about the accord. At the same time, negotiators must ensure that the agreement lives up to its promise to prevent and mitigate pandemic-related risks. This requires, for example, provisions aimed at ensuring that when another pandemic threat does arise, all relevant responses – from reporting the identification of risky pathogens to delivering tools like tests and vaccines on an equitable basis – are implemented quickly and effectively. As the COVID-19 pandemic showed, collaboration between the public and private sectors focused on advancing the public good is also essential.” WUHAN-GATES – 24. WHO & Pandemic in Gates-China’s Puppet Hands: Dr. Tedros Leader of TPLF, Islamic-Communist Rebels blamed of Last Massacre in Ethiopia by Amnesty “A new pandemic threat will emerge; there is no excuse not to be ready for it. It is thus imperative to build an effective, multisectoral, and multilateral approach to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. Given the unpredictable nature of public-health risks, a global strategy must embody a spirit of openness and inclusiveness. There is no time to waste, which is why we are calling on all national leaders to redouble their efforts to complete the accord by the May deadline.” “Beyond protecting countless lives and livelihoods, the timely delivery of a global pandemic accord would send a powerful message: even in our fractured and fragmented world, international cooperation can still deliver global solutions to global problems.” Article originally published on World Health Organization Joint letter to leaders of WHO member states calling for an urgent agreement on a pandemic accord Originally published on the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown website on March, 20, 2024 The overwhelming lesson we learned from COVID-19 is that no one is safe anywhere until everyone is safe everywhere – and that can only happen through collaboration. In response, the 194 countries which are members of the World Health Organization decided in December 2021 to launch negotiations for a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, a Pandemic Accord, as a “global framework” to work together to prepare for and stem any new pandemic threat, including by achieving equitable access to vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics. WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy Negotiation of an effective pandemic accord is a much needed opportunity to safeguard the world we live in. Countries themselves have proposed this instrument, individual countries are negotiating it, and only countries will ultimately be responsible for its requirements and its success or failure. Establishing a strong global pact on pandemics will protect future generations from a repeat of the millions of deaths and the social and economic devastation which resulted from a lack of collaboration during theCOVID-19 pandemic. All countries need what the accord can offer: the capacity to detect and share pathogens presenting a risk, and timely access to tests, treatments and vaccines. An agreement is meant to be reached just two and a half months from now – countries imposed a deadline of May 2024, in time for the 77th World Health Assembly. WUHAN-GATES – 73. Half of Century of Covert Bioweapon Development Leading to Fauci’s SARS-Cov-2 and to mRNA Lethal Vaccines As countries now enter what should be the final stages of the negotiations, they must ensure that they are agreeing on actions which will do the job required: to prevent and mitigate pandemic threats. We urge solutions which ensure both speed in reporting and sharing pathogens, and in access – in every country – to sufficient tools like tests and vaccines to protect lives and minimise harm. The public and private sectors must work together towards the public good. This global effort is being threatened by misinformation and disinformation. Among the falsehoods circulating are allegations that the WHO intends to monitor people’s movements through digital passports; that it will take away the national sovereignty of countries; and that it will have the ability to deploy armed troops to enforce mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns. All of these claims are wholly false and governments must work to disavow them with clear facts. WUHAN-GATES – 47. SARS-2 BIOWEAPON. Pentagon’s DARPA Stopped a Risky Test in US but Funded a Secret one in UK with Gates It is imperative now to build an effective, multisectoral and multilateral approach to pandemic prevention,preparedness, and response marked by a spirit of openness and inclusiveness. In doing so we can send a message that even in this fractured and fragmented world, cross-border co-operation can deliver global solutions to global problems. We call on leaders of all countries to step up their efforts and secure an effective pandemic accord by May. A new pandemic threat will emerge – and there is no excuse not to be ready for it. Originally published on the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown website on March, 20, 2024 Name Title Carlos Alvarado* President of Costa Rica (2018-2022) Michelle Bachelet* President of Chile (2006-2010) Jan Peter Balkenende* Prime Minister of The Netherlands (2002-2010) Ban Ki-moon* Eighth Secretary General of the United Nations Joyce Banda* President of Malawi (2012-2014) Kjell Magne Bondevik* Prime Minister of Norway (1997-2000; 2001-2005) Kim Campbell* Prime Minister of Canada (1993) Alfred Gusenbauer* Chancellor of Austria (2007-2008) Seung-Soo Han* Prime Minister of the Rep. of Korea (2008-2009) Mehdi Jomaa* Prime Minister of Tunisia (2014-2015) Horst Köhler* President of Germany (2004-2010) Rexhep Meidani* President of Albania (1997-2002) Mario Monti* Prime Minister of Italy (2011-2013) Francisco Sagasti* President of Peru (2020-2021) Jenny Shipley* Prime Minister of New Zealand (1997-1999) Juan Somavía* Ninth Director of the International Labour Organization Helen Clark** Former Prime Minister of New Zealand Micheline Calmy-Rey** Former President of the Swiss Confederation Baroness Lynda Chalker** Former Minister of Overseas Development of the UK Chester A. Crocker** Former Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, USA Marzuki Darusman** Former Attorney General of Indonesia Mohamed ElBaradei** Former Vice President of Egypt Gareth Evans** Former Foreign Minister of Australia Lawrence Gonzi** Former Prime Minister of Malta Lord George Robertson** Former Secretary General of NATO Gordon Brown Former Prime Minister of the UK 2007-2010 Vaira Vike-Freiberga*** Co-Chair, NGIC; President of Latvia 1999-2007 Ismail Serageldin*** Co-Chair, NGIC; Vice President of the World Bank 1992-2000 Kerry Kennedy*** President, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Rosen Plevneliev*** President of Bulgaria 2012-2017 Petar Stoyanov*** President of Bulgaria 1997-2002 Chiril Gaburici*** Prime Minister of Moldova 2015 Mladen Ivanic*** Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2018 Zlatko Lagumdzija*** Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the UN; Prime Minister 2001-2002; Deputy Prime Minister 1993-1996, 2012-2015 Rashid Alimov*** Secretary-General Shanghai Cooperation Organization 2016-2018 Jan Fisher*** Prime Minister of the Czech Republic 2009-2010 Sir Tony Blair Prime Minister of the UK 1997-2007 Csaba Korossi*** 77th President of the UN General Assembly Maria Fernanda Espinosa*** 73rd President of the UN General Assembly Volkan Bozkir*** 75th President of the UN General Assembly Ameenah Gurib Fakim*** President of Mauritius 2015-2018 Filip Vujanovic*** President of Montenegro 2003-2018 Borut Pahor*** President of Slovenia 2012-2022; Prime Minister 2008-2012 Ivo Josipovic*** President of Croatia 2010-2015 Petru Lucinschi*** President of Moldova 1997-2001 Boris Tadic*** President of Serbia 2004-2012 Mirko Cvetkovic*** Prime Minister of Serbia 2008-2012 Dumitru Bragish*** Prime Minister of Moldova 1999-2001 Emil Constantinescu*** President of Romania 1996-2000 Nambaryn Enkhbayar*** President of Mongolia 2005-2009 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic*** President of Croatia 2015-2020 Gjorge Ivanov*** President of North Macedonia 2009-2019 Valdis Zatlers*** President of Latvia 2007-2011 Ana Birchall*** Deputy Prime Minister of Romania 2018-2019 Hikmet Cetin*** Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey 1991-1994 Jewel Howard Taylor*** Vice President of Liberia 2018-2024 Djoomart Otorbayev*** Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan 2014-2015 Julio Cobos*** Vice President of Argentina 2007-2011 Ouided Bouchmani*** Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2015 Abdul Rauf AlRawabdeh*** Prime Minister of Jordan 1999-2000 Jadranka Kosor*** Prime Minister of Montenegro 2009-2011 Milica Pejanovic*** Minister of Defense of Montenegro 2012-2016 Mats Karlsson*** Former Vice-President of the World Bank Laimdota Straujuma*** Prime Minister of Latvia 2014-2016 Eka Tkeshelashvili*** Deputy Prime Minister of Georgia 2010-2012, Minister of Foreign Affairs 2010 Moushira Khattab*** Former Minister of State for Family and Population of Egypt Raimonds Vejonis*** President of Latvia 2015-2019 Ilir Meta*** President of Albania 2017-2022 Edmond Panariti*** Former Minister of Foreign affairs, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Albania Andris Piebalgs*** European Commissioner for Development 2010-2014, European Commissioner for Energy 2004-2010 Manuel Pulgar Vidal*** Climate and Energy Global Leader at the World Wide Fund for Nature, Minister of Environment of Peru 2011-2016, President of COP20 Yves Leterme*** Yves Leterme, Prime Minister of Belgium 2008, 2009-201 Rovshan Muradov*** Secretary-General of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center Professor Erik Berglof London School of Economics and Political Science Professor Justin Lin Beijing University Professor Bai Chong-En Tsinghua School of Economics and Management Studies Professor Robin Burgess London School of Economics and Political Science Professor Shang-jin Wei Columbia University Professor Harold James Princeton University Ahmed Galal Former Minister of Finance, Egypt Professor Jong-Wha Lee Korea University Professor Leonhard Wantchekon African School of Economics, Benin Professor Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden Mannheim University Professor Kaushik Basu Cornell University Professor Bengt Holmstrom Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Mathias Dewatripont Université Libre de Bruxelles Professor Dalia Marin University of Munich Professor Richard Portes London Business School Professor Chris Pissarides London School of Economics and Political Science Professor Diane Coyle University of Cambridge Mustapha Nabli Former Governor, Central Bank of Tunisia Professor Wendy Carlin University College London Professor Gerard Roland University of California, Berkeley Professor Nora Lustig Tulane University Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi London School of Economics and Political Science Professor Philippe Aghion College de France Professor Devi Sridhar University of Edinburgh Yu Yongding Former President of China Society in the World Economy Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2006 Kailash Satyarthe, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2014 Sir Ivor Roberts Former UK Ambassador Sir Suma Chakrabarti Former EBRD President Sir Tim Hitchens Former UK Ambassador Alistair Burt Former Minister for Health/International Development Tom Fletcher Former UK Ambassador Julian Braithwaite Former UK Perm Rep to WHO John Casson Former UK Ambassador *indicates membership of Club de Madrid ** Indicates membership of Global Leadership Forum *** Indicates membership of NGIC (Visited 37 times, 3 visits today) FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailLinkedInTelegramCondividi https://www.gospanews.net/en/2024/03/28/who-never-discovered-sars-cov-2-artificial-origin-but-promotes-vips-calling-for-new-deal-on-future-pandemics/
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  • Iranian Defense Minister says US “will be Hit Hard” if Gaza war does not End
    5 Novembre 2023

    In the cover image Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani

    Originally published by Press TV

    Iran’s defense minister has warned the United States would suffer a heavy blow if it fails to stop Israel’s savage war machine against the besieged Gaza Strip.

    “Our advice to the Americans is to immediately end this war and implement a ceasefire, otherwise they will be hit hard,” Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani said on Sunday.

    “We have always recommended the Americans not to support the Zionist regime.”

    The death toll continues to rise in the Gaza Strip.

    The Iranian minister said the United States has made several strategic mistakes, particularly in West Asia. Under the current circumstances, the minister added, Washington has sent messages to Iran out of desperation and fear.

    The Americans along with the Israelis are now in a quagmire trying to get themselves out, General Ashtiani said.

    Gaza: SATAN’S HOLOCAUST. No More Words, Images are Enough! A Minute of Silence to Pray. WARNING! Chilling Video

    Israel ignited the war machine on October 7 after the surprise Operation Al-Aqsa Storm by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas against the occupying entity. Since then, the regime has killed at least 9,770 Palestinians, including 4,800 children and 2,550 women.

    Israel has also cut off fuel, electricity, food and water to more than two million Palestinians living in Gaza.

    US military bases and personnel in Iraq and Syria have repeatedly come under drone and missile attacks since the Israeli regime launched the war on Gaza.

    The Plotted GENOCIDE: Leaked Israeli Plan to Ethnically cleanse Gaza

    On November 1, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei called upon Muslim states to press for an end to the Israeli atrocities against Gaza, impose sanctions on the regime and stop oil and goods exports to the occupied territories.

    Originally published by Press TV – network supported by Iranian government

    All links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added aftermath for the ties with the topics highlighted

    Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published

    Iran’s permanent policy is to support resistance in Palestine: Leader

    Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has told the top official in the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas that Tehran will continue to support groups fighting the Zionist regime as a matter of policy.

    “Supporting the Palestinian resistance forces vis-à-vis the Zionist occupiers is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s permanent policy,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in a recent meeting with the chairman of the Hamas political bureau Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, according to a Sunday report by the official IRNA news agency.

    “EU is Becoming Complicit in Genocide of Netanyahu War Criminal”. Spanish Minister Blames

    The leader said in the meeting that the Israeli regime is enjoying the support of the US and its allies in Europe in its ongoing war on Gaza. “The Zionist regime’s crimes in Gaza are directly supported by the US and certain Western governments.”

    During the meeting, Haniyeh briefed the Leader about the latest developments in Gaza and the crimes committed by the regime in the besieged territory as well as the situation in the occupied West Bank.

    Iran FM warns Israel, US of “Another surprise” by Resistance Groups if War on Gaza continues

    A senior member of Hamas first revealed on Saturday that Haniyeh had been in Iran in recent days to meet with Ayatollah Khamenei.

    The meeting came just weeks after Hamas launched an unprecedented operation into the Israeli-occupied territories, killing 1,400 Israeli settlers and military forces.

    Hamas Assault on the Kibbutz: Facts and Mystifications on the Starting of Zionist Genocide’s Plan

    Haniyeh, who is based in the Qatari capital of Doha, had met with the Leader in Tehran in late June, months before the start of the Israeli carnage in Gaza.

    Figures released on Sunday showed the number of civilians killed in Israeli assaults on Gaza since October 7 had reached 9,770, including 4,800 children.

    Khamenei says Muslim states must press for an end to the relentless Israeli bombardment campaign against the Gaza Strip

    Originally published by Press TV – network supported by Iranian government

    All links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added aftermath for the ties with the topics highlighted

    Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published





    The ZIONIST FÜHRER’s Huge Horror Show. UN “Gaza Graveyard for Children, Possible War Crimes”. Top UN Official Resigns vs Israeli Lobby

    IRAN READY TO STRIKE ISRAEL! “Zionist Regime’s Crimes have Crossed the Red Lines”

    Zionist Regime threatens Even the Red Cross with an Ultimatum in Gaza. WHO chief says 237 Attacks on Healthcare

    (Visited 281 times, 3 visits today)


    Iranian Defense Minister says US “will be Hit Hard” if Gaza war does not End 5 Novembre 2023 FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailLinkedInTelegramCondividi 21.514 Views In the cover image Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani Originally published by Press TV Iran’s defense minister has warned the United States would suffer a heavy blow if it fails to stop Israel’s savage war machine against the besieged Gaza Strip. “Our advice to the Americans is to immediately end this war and implement a ceasefire, otherwise they will be hit hard,” Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani said on Sunday. “We have always recommended the Americans not to support the Zionist regime.” The death toll continues to rise in the Gaza Strip. The Iranian minister said the United States has made several strategic mistakes, particularly in West Asia. Under the current circumstances, the minister added, Washington has sent messages to Iran out of desperation and fear. The Americans along with the Israelis are now in a quagmire trying to get themselves out, General Ashtiani said. Gaza: SATAN’S HOLOCAUST. No More Words, Images are Enough! A Minute of Silence to Pray. WARNING! Chilling Video Israel ignited the war machine on October 7 after the surprise Operation Al-Aqsa Storm by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas against the occupying entity. Since then, the regime has killed at least 9,770 Palestinians, including 4,800 children and 2,550 women. Israel has also cut off fuel, electricity, food and water to more than two million Palestinians living in Gaza. US military bases and personnel in Iraq and Syria have repeatedly come under drone and missile attacks since the Israeli regime launched the war on Gaza. The Plotted GENOCIDE: Leaked Israeli Plan to Ethnically cleanse Gaza On November 1, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei called upon Muslim states to press for an end to the Israeli atrocities against Gaza, impose sanctions on the regime and stop oil and goods exports to the occupied territories. Originally published by Press TV – network supported by Iranian government All links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added aftermath for the ties with the topics highlighted Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published Iran’s permanent policy is to support resistance in Palestine: Leader Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has told the top official in the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas that Tehran will continue to support groups fighting the Zionist regime as a matter of policy. “Supporting the Palestinian resistance forces vis-à-vis the Zionist occupiers is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s permanent policy,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in a recent meeting with the chairman of the Hamas political bureau Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, according to a Sunday report by the official IRNA news agency. “EU is Becoming Complicit in Genocide of Netanyahu War Criminal”. Spanish Minister Blames The leader said in the meeting that the Israeli regime is enjoying the support of the US and its allies in Europe in its ongoing war on Gaza. “The Zionist regime’s crimes in Gaza are directly supported by the US and certain Western governments.” During the meeting, Haniyeh briefed the Leader about the latest developments in Gaza and the crimes committed by the regime in the besieged territory as well as the situation in the occupied West Bank. Iran FM warns Israel, US of “Another surprise” by Resistance Groups if War on Gaza continues A senior member of Hamas first revealed on Saturday that Haniyeh had been in Iran in recent days to meet with Ayatollah Khamenei. The meeting came just weeks after Hamas launched an unprecedented operation into the Israeli-occupied territories, killing 1,400 Israeli settlers and military forces. Hamas Assault on the Kibbutz: Facts and Mystifications on the Starting of Zionist Genocide’s Plan Haniyeh, who is based in the Qatari capital of Doha, had met with the Leader in Tehran in late June, months before the start of the Israeli carnage in Gaza. Figures released on Sunday showed the number of civilians killed in Israeli assaults on Gaza since October 7 had reached 9,770, including 4,800 children. Khamenei says Muslim states must press for an end to the relentless Israeli bombardment campaign against the Gaza Strip Originally published by Press TV – network supported by Iranian government All links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added aftermath for the ties with the topics highlighted Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published LINKS SOURCES GOSPA NEWS – PALESTINE GOSPA NEWS – WAR ZONE GOSPA NEWS – WEAPONS LOBBY DOSSIER The ZIONIST FÜHRER’s Huge Horror Show. UN “Gaza Graveyard for Children, Possible War Crimes”. Top UN Official Resigns vs Israeli Lobby IRAN READY TO STRIKE ISRAEL! “Zionist Regime’s Crimes have Crossed the Red Lines” Zionist Regime threatens Even the Red Cross with an Ultimatum in Gaza. WHO chief says 237 Attacks on Healthcare (Visited 281 times, 3 visits today) FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailLinkedInTelegramCondividi https://www.gospanews.net/en/2023/11/05/iranian-defense-minister-says-us-will-be-hit-hard-if-gaza-war-does-not-end/
    Iranian Defense Minister says US “will be Hit Hard” if Gaza war does not End
    In the cover image Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza AshtianiOriginally published by Press TVIran’s defense minister has warned the United States would suffer a heavy blow if it fails to stop Israel’s savage war machine against the besieged Gaza Strip.“Our adv
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  • Sri Ram (Historical Story)
    It is a long time ago that according to the Hindu calendar, about 9 lakh years ago in Tretayuga, there used to be a very majestic Suryavanshi king Dasharatha. The name of their capital was Ayodhya. King Dasharatha was a very just and righteous king. All the subjects used to live their life happily under his rule. The great majestic Satyawadi king Harishchandra and the successful king Bhagirathi were one of the ancestors of King Dasharatha. Like his ancestors, King Dasharatha was very involved in religious work. King Dasharatha had no children. Due to which he was often sad. King Dasharatha had three queens. The name of the first queen was Kausalya, the name of the second queen was Sumitra and the name of the third queen was Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha was a great archer. He was adept at playing slang. He could penetrate the target without seeing the target just by hearing the sound of the word, always in the mind of King Dasharatha. One day Rajguru Vashistha, who was immersed in this concern, suggested Dasharatha to perform Putreshti Yagya. He performed this yagya under the supervision of Shringi Rishi. A lot of donations and donations were made in this yagya. After this yajna, kheer in the form of Prasad was fed to the three queens. After several months, the three queens had four sons. The eldest queen was Rama of Kausalya, Bharata of Kaikeyi and Lakshmana and Shatrudhan of Sumitra. The four brothers were very beautiful and stunning. Maharaj Dasaratha was very happy to see his four sons. King Dasaratha was not happy when he got the happiness of children. After some time, the four brothers went to the forest with Rajguru Vashistha to receive education, Vashistha was a very learned guru. At that time, the sage Vashistha was highly respected. All the brothers were very unique talents. While Lakshman ji was a little accommodating. Shri Ram was calm and serious in nature. The four brothers were also very smart in reading and writing. Soon he learned martial arts like shooting arrows, etc. The people of Ayodhya were enchanted by his form and qualities King Dasharatha never wanted to keep them away from his eyes. One day a very learned and learned Maharishi Vishwamitra came to King Dasharatha. He was a great and ascetic sage of his time. Many sinners and tyrants used to create obstacles in his yajna. When he heard about Rama and his brothers, he went to Dasharatha. He asked Dasaratha to kill the sinners and tyrants and Rama and Lakshmana to protect the yajna. King Dasharatha with folded hands said to sage Vishwamitra- 'O sage! Both Rama and Lakshmana are still children. Don't take them to war with so many sinful and tyrannical people. I will move my whole army and myself and will fight with them and will also protect your sacrifice. King Dasharatha at first did not want to send his sons with him, then on the persuasion of Rajguru Vashistha, he agreed to send. Both Rama and Lakshmana left with sage Vishwamitra. On the way, the sage taught them two mantras. After learning these mantras, both the princes became more powerful. While going to the sage's ashram, he killed a sinful and tyrannical woman named Tadka. Reaching there, while protecting the yagna, one of his sons Maricha and the other son Subahu were also killed with an arrow. Now Vishwamitra's Yagya was completed very well and very peacefully. After this Maharishi Vishwamitra reached Mithilapuri with both the princes Rama and Lakshmana. King Janak of Mithila was a great scholar and sage. He created the swayamvara of his daughter Sita. There was a lot of pomp and show coming to the King- Maharaj Swayamvar from far and wide. When Vishwamitra reached there, the king gave him a big welcome. King Janak had a bow. This bow belonged to Shiva, with this bow he killed Tripasura. No one could lift it except Sitaji. Because it was very heavy and hard. King Janak had made a promise that anyone who lifts this bow will tie its rope. With that Sitaji will be married. Organized swayamvar for the marriage of Mata Sita ji. The great brave warriors of the entire Aryavrata were called. Ravana also participated in that event. All the kings tried hard, but no one could lift it and tie the rope. All the kings had given up. King Janak started worrying that now where should I find the worthy groom of my daughter. Then Maharishi Vishwamitra ordered Rama to lift the bow and put a string on him. Rama reached near the bow after getting the Guru's orders and he easily lifted the bow and started plucking it. While tying the bow, that bow broke at the hands of Shri Ram. The old bow belonged to Shiva, at that time Parashuram ji, the supreme devotee of Shiva, was also there. Hearing the sound of bow breaking, Parashurama reached there. He was very angry. He started searching for the one who broke this bow. Seeing the anger of Parashurama, there was silence in the whole assembly. No one was speaking out of fear. But Lakshman ji was not afraid, he started arguing with Parashuram ji, due to which Parashuram's anger started increasing. But Shri Ram politely folded his hands and requested Parshuram ji to accidentally break the bow and asked for forgiveness from him. Seeing the simple calm nature of Rama, Parashurama's anger was pacified and he left from there. Immediately after his departure, everyone in the meeting heaved a sigh of relief. After the departure of Parashurama, King Janak went to Maharishi Vishwamitra and asked him- 'O sage: Who are these two young men, the kings of this form, please tell them about them." Sage Vishwamitra told King Janak-these two brothers are Rama and Lakshman, both of them are the sons of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya. Among the four sons of King Dasharatha, Rama is the eldest who broke the bow. After hearing the introduction of Shri Ram by the sage, his happiness knew no bounds, he happily decided to marry his four daughters including Sita to the four sons of King Dasharatha. King Janak requested Maharishi for the marriage of all four, Maharishi gladly accepted. After that, celebrations started in the court of King Janak, sweets were distributed, drums started playing. The sage sent this auspicious message to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, King Dasharatha, on hearing the news, ordered to decorate the entire Ayodhya and distribute gifts to the people. The whole of Ayodhya started celebrating the marriage of its princes. King Dasharatha started preparing for the procession of his sons. Many thousand elephants were decorated, hundreds of chariots were made. The entire Ayodhya city reached Mithilapur in a procession. There was no shortage of preparations for the procession of Mithilapur King Janak. He went ahead and welcomed the procession, hugged King Dasharatha and gave him a lot of respect. In the marriage of Shri Ram, all the people of Ayodhya were dancing and singing. There was an atmosphere of celebration throughout Aryavrata. The marriage of the four brothers took place with great pomp. Shri Ramchandra ji got married with Mata Sita, Lakshman ji got married with Mata Urmila, Bharat ji got married with Mata Mandy and Shatrudhan ji got married with Mata Shrutikirti. After marriage, King Dasharatha came back to Ayodhya with everyone. The king now started ruling happily. Time passed and King Dasharatha was now getting old. He wanted to do penance himself by giving royal work to Ramchandra ji. At the behest of Guru Vashistha, an auspicious day was fixed for the coronation of Shri Ram. When all the subjects got the news that Shri Ram was going to become their king, then all the subjects were not happy. There was a lot of joy being celebrated. There was an atmosphere of happiness everywhere. Laughter was scattered on everyone's face, everyone was busy in decorating the palace and preparing for the coronation. Among all these faces there was such a face on which the feeling of sorrow and revenge was clearly visible. That face was none other than that of Queen Kaikeyi's maid Manthara. Manthara did not like being the king of Shri Ram ji, she wanted to see Bharat ji as the king. She was sad and went to Queen Kaikeyi Maharani Kaikeyi was overjoyed with the decision of Sri Rama's coronation and was taking stock of the preparations for the festival. Seeing Manthara's hanging face, he got angry at first but Manthara acted very cleverly. He said that I am a little sad for myself, I am sad for the concern of your son Prince Bharat. Hearing the name of Bharat, the queen said, what is the concern, speak clearly. Manthara took Queen Kaikey) in private and taught her many unconventional things. He cleverly awakened the son's attachment in Kaikey's mind and persuaded Bharata to demand the kingship, reminding King Dasharatha of accepting any two demands before marriage. During a battle before the marriage of King Dasharatha and Queen Kaikeyi, Kaikeyi saved the life of King Dasharatha. Princess Kaikeyi was beautiful, King Dasharatha requested her to marry, Queen Kaikey) asked for two promises, King Dasharatha agreed and both were married. Coming to Manthara's words, the queen made her face sad, untied her hair and slept in Kop Bhavan crying. This matter reached to King Dasharatha, the king immediately reached the queen's palace. He was very sad to see such condition. He loved Kaikeyi very much He asked. "O cakey! Why are you sad, everyone look how happy you are after all, tell me what you need. I will bring the sari after searching the world, don't you feel sad, tell me what do you want? Queen Kaikeyi reminded her of the two promises given by the king before the marriage and she demanded 12 years of exile to Shri Ram as the first demand and Bharata as the king in the second demand. On hearing the demand of Queen Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha's heart sat down. He started getting disturbed by sorrow, somehow managing himself, he said to Kaikeyi - O Kaikeyi, how can you be so cruel? Don't ask my dear son to go to the forest, I am ready to give whatever you ask in return. I cannot live even a moment without seeing Rama, it is time to rule, why are you giving terrible tortures of the forest King Dasharatha tried to persuade Kaikeyi a lot but Kaikeyi remained adamant on his demand. 'Raghukul's ritual has always gone, but the word does not go'. Shri Ram never violated the dignity of the clan, he came to know about his father's promise. Along with this, two demands of Mata Kaikeyi were also reported. He soon decided that his father's promise could not be broken because of him and he decided to go to the forest. Shri Ram went to Mata Kaikeyi in his palace and pleaded with folded hands. O mother! You should not feel sad at all, I will soon leave for exile. If my younger brother Bharata becomes the king, then I will also be very happy, you give up your sorrow. Saying this, Shri Ramchandra along with Mata Sita and Lakshman ji went on exile for 12 years. King Dasharatha was weeping bitterly in the separation of Rama. His heart became very sad. With King Dasharatha, there was mourning in the entire city of Ayodhya. On hearing about the exile of their beloved prince and his wife, the people also started crying, as if calamity had broken out in the whole of Ayodhya, the birds twitter and the flowers stopped blooming. The people of Ayodhya also started going after the exile, dear prince, Shri Ram explained a lot to them but no one listened, then Ram left everyone sleeping alone and crossed the Sarayu river with Lakshmana and Sita, Bharat ji was not in Ayodhya when he went to the forest, he had gone to his maternal grandfather's house. Here Dashrath Maharaj's condition was deteriorating, his life was blown away by crying in his son's fascination. When King Dasharatha died, he did not have any sons with him. Later, the curse given by the parents of Shravan Kumar to King Dasharatha came to fruition. After the departure of Ramchandra ji, Bharat ji was called from his maternal grandfather's house. Till then King Dasharatha's body was kept safe in some oil by scientific method. Bharat ji returned to Ayodhya. When he came to know about the whole story, he was sad and also called his mother Kaikeyi very badly. After the death of King Dasharatha, the queen also repented a lot on her demand. Bharat ji soon performed the proper cremation of his father Dasharatha. After this Bharat ji went to the forest to bring back Ramchandra ji. Bharat ji had also taken the army of Ayodhya with him to the forest, due to which doubts arose in Lakshman j's mind that he was coming to fight with Bhaiya Shri so that he would kill Shri Ram and take the kingdom of Ayodhya forever, and remain king for life. Lakshman ji took up his bow and arrow and started preparing to fight with India and started asking Shri Ram to prepare as well. Lakshman ji became very angry, he was going to take the vow to kill Bharat, when Shri Ram explained to Lakshman ji and said that Bharat is not like that, if I make a gesture now, he can give you the whole kingdom. Then he withheld his promise. Shri Ram was right, Bharat had come to call them back not to fight, but Shri Ram refused to go back. Even after many requests of Bharat ji, Ram ji did not agree. In the end, Bharata came back to Ayodhya with his foot-padukas and started running the kingdom by placing these padukas on the throne. After some time, Shri Ram, along with Lakshmana and Sita reached the forest named Dandakaranya. There the great mighty Ravana, Shurpanakha was fascinated by the form of Shri Ram. She wanted to get married with Shri Ram. He proposed her marriage in front of Shri Ram. Shri Ram said-'I am married, see that my younger brother is Lakshman, he is also very beautiful, why don't you go to him. Saying so, Shri Ram sent him to Lakshman ji. She went to Lakshman ji. He got very angry at Sarpanakha, far from getting married, Lakshman ji cut off his nose. His face became very ugly. His entire nose was cut off. With such courage, she went to her brother and narrated the whole story. Telling about the beauty of Sita, Shurpanakha awakened the infatuation in the heart of Ravana. Ravana started making preparations to get the beautiful woman by force. He found out the whereabouts of Rama and Lakshmana. He had a pet deer named Marich. Which was more beautiful than other deer Left that deer near his hermitage. The deer started roaming around Shri Ram's ashram. Sita ji was fascinated by seeing the gold-coloured deer and started urging Shri Ram to get hold of that golden deer Ramji could not refuse Mata Sita. Shri Ram asked Mata Sita to stay inside the hut and be alert and followed the deer with Lakshmana and went in search of him. In the end, on the day of Dussehra in the month of Kuwar, Shri Ramchandraji killed Ravana, Sitaji came back. Shri Ram became very happy to meet Sita, along with him the whole army started celebrating. Now fourteen years were about to end. Ram Chandra ji gave the kingdom of Lanka to Vibhishana, after that he returned to Ayodhya. Hanuman ji, Sugriva ji etc. had also come with him. Even today this day is celebrated as Diwali festival. Now the coronation of Lord Shri Ram took place with full pomp. Once again, the preparations for the coronation of Shri Ram started going on in full swing in the whole of India. Everyone wanted to see their favorite prince becoming the king soon. He wanted to fulfill his unfinished dream. After all, that auspicious moment has come and the historic coronation of Shri Ram took place, Shri Ram sat on the throne with Mata Sita and started performing his religion with great skill and serving the people. In his kingdom, human beings are human beings, all living beings, animals, birds, trees and plants were all ecstatic. all used to live happily. In the Ram Charit Manas, Tulsi Das Maharajji, while describing the kingdom of Rama, says that in the kingdom of Rama, the sun used to give as much heat as the body could easily bear The rain was only as much as the crops and animals could bear. The trees were laden with fruits. Many different types of flowers were spreading different fragrances. One day Shri Ram decided to go among the public to understand the well being of his subjects closely. No one should recognize him, so he changed his disguise. While roaming in Shri Ram Nagar, under a tree where some people were already there, they stopped near them. There, the words of a washerman made Shri Ram very sad and forced him to take a tough decision again. That washerman questioned Mother Sita, which made Shri Ram sad. He came back to the palace and took a tough decision to send Mother Sita to Valmiki's ashram for the satisfaction of his subjects. Mother Sita ji had to stay in Valmiki Ashram due to public shame. In this ashram, Mother Sita gave birth to two stunning sons, whose names were Lav and Kush. Both of them were disciples of Maharishi Valmiki and became proficient and brave in knowledge of Vedas and war. Ramchandra performed the Ashwamedha Yajna. At this time Sitaji was called back and again on the demand of the subjects, she was asked to give a test of fire, due to this Mother Sita was again very sad and, taking an oath of her purity, pleaded with God in her mind to burst the earth and in the event of an earthquake Because the earth was torn apart proving Mother Sita the most holy and Mother Sita got absorbed in the earth forever and ever. Lord Shri Ram was very sad, he became alone forever, after some time Shri Ram also left his body in Saryu and took water samadhi. Luv and Kush were very brave, later they became kings and started ruling.
    Sri Ram (Historical Story) It is a long time ago that according to the Hindu calendar, about 9 lakh years ago in Tretayuga, there used to be a very majestic Suryavanshi king Dasharatha. The name of their capital was Ayodhya. King Dasharatha was a very just and righteous king. All the subjects used to live their life happily under his rule. The great majestic Satyawadi king Harishchandra and the successful king Bhagirathi were one of the ancestors of King Dasharatha. Like his ancestors, King Dasharatha was very involved in religious work. King Dasharatha had no children. Due to which he was often sad. King Dasharatha had three queens. The name of the first queen was Kausalya, the name of the second queen was Sumitra and the name of the third queen was Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha was a great archer. He was adept at playing slang. He could penetrate the target without seeing the target just by hearing the sound of the word, always in the mind of King Dasharatha. One day Rajguru Vashistha, who was immersed in this concern, suggested Dasharatha to perform Putreshti Yagya. He performed this yagya under the supervision of Shringi Rishi. A lot of donations and donations were made in this yagya. After this yajna, kheer in the form of Prasad was fed to the three queens. After several months, the three queens had four sons. The eldest queen was Rama of Kausalya, Bharata of Kaikeyi and Lakshmana and Shatrudhan of Sumitra. The four brothers were very beautiful and stunning. Maharaj Dasaratha was very happy to see his four sons. King Dasaratha was not happy when he got the happiness of children. After some time, the four brothers went to the forest with Rajguru Vashistha to receive education, Vashistha was a very learned guru. At that time, the sage Vashistha was highly respected. All the brothers were very unique talents. While Lakshman ji was a little accommodating. Shri Ram was calm and serious in nature. The four brothers were also very smart in reading and writing. Soon he learned martial arts like shooting arrows, etc. The people of Ayodhya were enchanted by his form and qualities King Dasharatha never wanted to keep them away from his eyes. One day a very learned and learned Maharishi Vishwamitra came to King Dasharatha. He was a great and ascetic sage of his time. Many sinners and tyrants used to create obstacles in his yajna. When he heard about Rama and his brothers, he went to Dasharatha. He asked Dasaratha to kill the sinners and tyrants and Rama and Lakshmana to protect the yajna. King Dasharatha with folded hands said to sage Vishwamitra- 'O sage! Both Rama and Lakshmana are still children. Don't take them to war with so many sinful and tyrannical people. I will move my whole army and myself and will fight with them and will also protect your sacrifice. King Dasharatha at first did not want to send his sons with him, then on the persuasion of Rajguru Vashistha, he agreed to send. Both Rama and Lakshmana left with sage Vishwamitra. On the way, the sage taught them two mantras. After learning these mantras, both the princes became more powerful. While going to the sage's ashram, he killed a sinful and tyrannical woman named Tadka. Reaching there, while protecting the yagna, one of his sons Maricha and the other son Subahu were also killed with an arrow. Now Vishwamitra's Yagya was completed very well and very peacefully. After this Maharishi Vishwamitra reached Mithilapuri with both the princes Rama and Lakshmana. King Janak of Mithila was a great scholar and sage. He created the swayamvara of his daughter Sita. There was a lot of pomp and show coming to the King- Maharaj Swayamvar from far and wide. When Vishwamitra reached there, the king gave him a big welcome. King Janak had a bow. This bow belonged to Shiva, with this bow he killed Tripasura. No one could lift it except Sitaji. Because it was very heavy and hard. King Janak had made a promise that anyone who lifts this bow will tie its rope. With that Sitaji will be married. Organized swayamvar for the marriage of Mata Sita ji. The great brave warriors of the entire Aryavrata were called. Ravana also participated in that event. All the kings tried hard, but no one could lift it and tie the rope. All the kings had given up. King Janak started worrying that now where should I find the worthy groom of my daughter. Then Maharishi Vishwamitra ordered Rama to lift the bow and put a string on him. Rama reached near the bow after getting the Guru's orders and he easily lifted the bow and started plucking it. While tying the bow, that bow broke at the hands of Shri Ram. The old bow belonged to Shiva, at that time Parashuram ji, the supreme devotee of Shiva, was also there. Hearing the sound of bow breaking, Parashurama reached there. He was very angry. He started searching for the one who broke this bow. Seeing the anger of Parashurama, there was silence in the whole assembly. No one was speaking out of fear. But Lakshman ji was not afraid, he started arguing with Parashuram ji, due to which Parashuram's anger started increasing. But Shri Ram politely folded his hands and requested Parshuram ji to accidentally break the bow and asked for forgiveness from him. Seeing the simple calm nature of Rama, Parashurama's anger was pacified and he left from there. Immediately after his departure, everyone in the meeting heaved a sigh of relief. After the departure of Parashurama, King Janak went to Maharishi Vishwamitra and asked him- 'O sage: Who are these two young men, the kings of this form, please tell them about them." Sage Vishwamitra told King Janak-these two brothers are Rama and Lakshman, both of them are the sons of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya. Among the four sons of King Dasharatha, Rama is the eldest who broke the bow. After hearing the introduction of Shri Ram by the sage, his happiness knew no bounds, he happily decided to marry his four daughters including Sita to the four sons of King Dasharatha. King Janak requested Maharishi for the marriage of all four, Maharishi gladly accepted. After that, celebrations started in the court of King Janak, sweets were distributed, drums started playing. The sage sent this auspicious message to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, King Dasharatha, on hearing the news, ordered to decorate the entire Ayodhya and distribute gifts to the people. The whole of Ayodhya started celebrating the marriage of its princes. King Dasharatha started preparing for the procession of his sons. Many thousand elephants were decorated, hundreds of chariots were made. The entire Ayodhya city reached Mithilapur in a procession. There was no shortage of preparations for the procession of Mithilapur King Janak. He went ahead and welcomed the procession, hugged King Dasharatha and gave him a lot of respect. In the marriage of Shri Ram, all the people of Ayodhya were dancing and singing. There was an atmosphere of celebration throughout Aryavrata. The marriage of the four brothers took place with great pomp. Shri Ramchandra ji got married with Mata Sita, Lakshman ji got married with Mata Urmila, Bharat ji got married with Mata Mandy and Shatrudhan ji got married with Mata Shrutikirti. After marriage, King Dasharatha came back to Ayodhya with everyone. The king now started ruling happily. Time passed and King Dasharatha was now getting old. He wanted to do penance himself by giving royal work to Ramchandra ji. At the behest of Guru Vashistha, an auspicious day was fixed for the coronation of Shri Ram. When all the subjects got the news that Shri Ram was going to become their king, then all the subjects were not happy. There was a lot of joy being celebrated. There was an atmosphere of happiness everywhere. Laughter was scattered on everyone's face, everyone was busy in decorating the palace and preparing for the coronation. Among all these faces there was such a face on which the feeling of sorrow and revenge was clearly visible. That face was none other than that of Queen Kaikeyi's maid Manthara. Manthara did not like being the king of Shri Ram ji, she wanted to see Bharat ji as the king. She was sad and went to Queen Kaikeyi Maharani Kaikeyi was overjoyed with the decision of Sri Rama's coronation and was taking stock of the preparations for the festival. Seeing Manthara's hanging face, he got angry at first but Manthara acted very cleverly. He said that I am a little sad for myself, I am sad for the concern of your son Prince Bharat. Hearing the name of Bharat, the queen said, what is the concern, speak clearly. Manthara took Queen Kaikey) in private and taught her many unconventional things. He cleverly awakened the son's attachment in Kaikey's mind and persuaded Bharata to demand the kingship, reminding King Dasharatha of accepting any two demands before marriage. During a battle before the marriage of King Dasharatha and Queen Kaikeyi, Kaikeyi saved the life of King Dasharatha. Princess Kaikeyi was beautiful, King Dasharatha requested her to marry, Queen Kaikey) asked for two promises, King Dasharatha agreed and both were married. Coming to Manthara's words, the queen made her face sad, untied her hair and slept in Kop Bhavan crying. This matter reached to King Dasharatha, the king immediately reached the queen's palace. He was very sad to see such condition. He loved Kaikeyi very much He asked. "O cakey! Why are you sad, everyone look how happy you are after all, tell me what you need. I will bring the sari after searching the world, don't you feel sad, tell me what do you want? Queen Kaikeyi reminded her of the two promises given by the king before the marriage and she demanded 12 years of exile to Shri Ram as the first demand and Bharata as the king in the second demand. On hearing the demand of Queen Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha's heart sat down. He started getting disturbed by sorrow, somehow managing himself, he said to Kaikeyi - O Kaikeyi, how can you be so cruel? Don't ask my dear son to go to the forest, I am ready to give whatever you ask in return. I cannot live even a moment without seeing Rama, it is time to rule, why are you giving terrible tortures of the forest King Dasharatha tried to persuade Kaikeyi a lot but Kaikeyi remained adamant on his demand. 'Raghukul's ritual has always gone, but the word does not go'. Shri Ram never violated the dignity of the clan, he came to know about his father's promise. Along with this, two demands of Mata Kaikeyi were also reported. He soon decided that his father's promise could not be broken because of him and he decided to go to the forest. Shri Ram went to Mata Kaikeyi in his palace and pleaded with folded hands. O mother! You should not feel sad at all, I will soon leave for exile. If my younger brother Bharata becomes the king, then I will also be very happy, you give up your sorrow. Saying this, Shri Ramchandra along with Mata Sita and Lakshman ji went on exile for 12 years. King Dasharatha was weeping bitterly in the separation of Rama. His heart became very sad. With King Dasharatha, there was mourning in the entire city of Ayodhya. On hearing about the exile of their beloved prince and his wife, the people also started crying, as if calamity had broken out in the whole of Ayodhya, the birds twitter and the flowers stopped blooming. The people of Ayodhya also started going after the exile, dear prince, Shri Ram explained a lot to them but no one listened, then Ram left everyone sleeping alone and crossed the Sarayu river with Lakshmana and Sita, Bharat ji was not in Ayodhya when he went to the forest, he had gone to his maternal grandfather's house. Here Dashrath Maharaj's condition was deteriorating, his life was blown away by crying in his son's fascination. When King Dasharatha died, he did not have any sons with him. Later, the curse given by the parents of Shravan Kumar to King Dasharatha came to fruition. After the departure of Ramchandra ji, Bharat ji was called from his maternal grandfather's house. Till then King Dasharatha's body was kept safe in some oil by scientific method. Bharat ji returned to Ayodhya. When he came to know about the whole story, he was sad and also called his mother Kaikeyi very badly. After the death of King Dasharatha, the queen also repented a lot on her demand. Bharat ji soon performed the proper cremation of his father Dasharatha. After this Bharat ji went to the forest to bring back Ramchandra ji. Bharat ji had also taken the army of Ayodhya with him to the forest, due to which doubts arose in Lakshman j's mind that he was coming to fight with Bhaiya Shri so that he would kill Shri Ram and take the kingdom of Ayodhya forever, and remain king for life. Lakshman ji took up his bow and arrow and started preparing to fight with India and started asking Shri Ram to prepare as well. Lakshman ji became very angry, he was going to take the vow to kill Bharat, when Shri Ram explained to Lakshman ji and said that Bharat is not like that, if I make a gesture now, he can give you the whole kingdom. Then he withheld his promise. Shri Ram was right, Bharat had come to call them back not to fight, but Shri Ram refused to go back. Even after many requests of Bharat ji, Ram ji did not agree. In the end, Bharata came back to Ayodhya with his foot-padukas and started running the kingdom by placing these padukas on the throne. After some time, Shri Ram, along with Lakshmana and Sita reached the forest named Dandakaranya. There the great mighty Ravana, Shurpanakha was fascinated by the form of Shri Ram. She wanted to get married with Shri Ram. He proposed her marriage in front of Shri Ram. Shri Ram said-'I am married, see that my younger brother is Lakshman, he is also very beautiful, why don't you go to him. Saying so, Shri Ram sent him to Lakshman ji. She went to Lakshman ji. He got very angry at Sarpanakha, far from getting married, Lakshman ji cut off his nose. His face became very ugly. His entire nose was cut off. With such courage, she went to her brother and narrated the whole story. Telling about the beauty of Sita, Shurpanakha awakened the infatuation in the heart of Ravana. Ravana started making preparations to get the beautiful woman by force. He found out the whereabouts of Rama and Lakshmana. He had a pet deer named Marich. Which was more beautiful than other deer Left that deer near his hermitage. The deer started roaming around Shri Ram's ashram. Sita ji was fascinated by seeing the gold-coloured deer and started urging Shri Ram to get hold of that golden deer Ramji could not refuse Mata Sita. Shri Ram asked Mata Sita to stay inside the hut and be alert and followed the deer with Lakshmana and went in search of him. In the end, on the day of Dussehra in the month of Kuwar, Shri Ramchandraji killed Ravana, Sitaji came back. Shri Ram became very happy to meet Sita, along with him the whole army started celebrating. Now fourteen years were about to end. Ram Chandra ji gave the kingdom of Lanka to Vibhishana, after that he returned to Ayodhya. Hanuman ji, Sugriva ji etc. had also come with him. Even today this day is celebrated as Diwali festival. Now the coronation of Lord Shri Ram took place with full pomp. Once again, the preparations for the coronation of Shri Ram started going on in full swing in the whole of India. Everyone wanted to see their favorite prince becoming the king soon. He wanted to fulfill his unfinished dream. After all, that auspicious moment has come and the historic coronation of Shri Ram took place, Shri Ram sat on the throne with Mata Sita and started performing his religion with great skill and serving the people. In his kingdom, human beings are human beings, all living beings, animals, birds, trees and plants were all ecstatic. all used to live happily. In the Ram Charit Manas, Tulsi Das Maharajji, while describing the kingdom of Rama, says that in the kingdom of Rama, the sun used to give as much heat as the body could easily bear The rain was only as much as the crops and animals could bear. The trees were laden with fruits. Many different types of flowers were spreading different fragrances. One day Shri Ram decided to go among the public to understand the well being of his subjects closely. No one should recognize him, so he changed his disguise. While roaming in Shri Ram Nagar, under a tree where some people were already there, they stopped near them. There, the words of a washerman made Shri Ram very sad and forced him to take a tough decision again. That washerman questioned Mother Sita, which made Shri Ram sad. He came back to the palace and took a tough decision to send Mother Sita to Valmiki's ashram for the satisfaction of his subjects. Mother Sita ji had to stay in Valmiki Ashram due to public shame. In this ashram, Mother Sita gave birth to two stunning sons, whose names were Lav and Kush. Both of them were disciples of Maharishi Valmiki and became proficient and brave in knowledge of Vedas and war. Ramchandra performed the Ashwamedha Yajna. At this time Sitaji was called back and again on the demand of the subjects, she was asked to give a test of fire, due to this Mother Sita was again very sad and, taking an oath of her purity, pleaded with God in her mind to burst the earth and in the event of an earthquake Because the earth was torn apart proving Mother Sita the most holy and Mother Sita got absorbed in the earth forever and ever. Lord Shri Ram was very sad, he became alone forever, after some time Shri Ram also left his body in Saryu and took water samadhi. Luv and Kush were very brave, later they became kings and started ruling.
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