• Moscow vs the WHO: This time for real?
    Probably not. But maybe?

    Edward Slavsquat
    Last week, Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov wrote some very rude things about the World Health Organization on his Telegram channel. RIA Novosti then published these very uncouth comments. What does this mean?

    Does this mean that Moscow’s obscenely abusive relationship with the WHO is finally coming to an end? There’s been several false alarms over the past two years but maybe this time it’s not fake news spread by Aussie Cossack? Maybe this time it’s different?

    Maybe. Anything is possible. Let’s have a look together.

    source: ria.ru
    Take the wheel, RIA Novosti:

    “The WHO is an organization that should be feared. It can plunge the world into panic in the blink of an eye—there is no control over it. Its connections with the most active supporters of the ‘thinning’ of humanity are shrouded in darkness,” Pushkov wrote.

    The senator noted that all WHO failures are “covered up through powerful PR.”

    “As it turned out, the WHO management paid influencers for presenting the ugly work of the WHO during Covid in a favorable light,” says Pushkov.


    Before I type another sentence, allow me to state the following: I agree with everything Pushkov wrote on Telegram and it’s very cool that RIA Novosti used its state media platform to disseminate his hate speech against Dr. Tedros (The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, every NATO state, and other weirdos and sworn enemies of humanity who fund the WHO’s ruthless campaign of global health murder).

    But Pushkov is also a senior-ranking member of Russia’s upper house of parliament, which means that if he really thinks the World Health Organization poses an existential threat to Russia, he could always … I dunno … introduce legislation calling for Moscow’s immediate withdrawal? Or at least politely commission a report about why Moscow should leave the WHO post-haste? These are things he could definitely do, or at least recommend, as a Senator.

    Telegram rants are fun but is Pushkov a Russian Senator or a manlet blogger? Because “complaining on Telegram about Russia’s WHO membership” is something Edward Slavsquat would do; one would hope that a powerful alpha male Senator would be able to do more than that?

    source: The Best Telegram Channel Ever You Should Definitely Subscribe Right Now
    All of these questions are irrelevant, actually, because Pushkov doesn’t oppose health terrorism; he just resents the fact that Moscow isn’t getting a bigger piece of the WHO’s health terrorism pie.

    For example: Here is another fiery Telegram post from Pushkov dated March 14, 2021:

    The “safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine” against the backdrop of deaths and thrombosis—is this what they are trying to convince people of? Half of Europe has stopped using it, there is a scandal in the European Commission, and the company gets off with standard excuses.

    source: Telegram
    Pushkov’s solution to this public health scandal? Europe should use Sputnik V, an experimental genetic slurry developed in collaboration with AstraZeneca, which, coincidentally, is also linked to thrombosis and blood clots.

    source: news.ru
    Here’s something else to consider: As Pushkov was writing Telegram tirades against AstraZeneca’s safety record in March 2021, Russian pharmaceutical company R-Pharm was producing AstraZeneca’s “vaccine” and exporting it abroad. This business arrangement continued until September 2022, when R-Pharm suspended production of the British-Swedish clot-shot due to “lack of demand”:

    source: tass.ru

    Furthermore, the Russian government partnered with AstraZeneca to create the Ultimate Clot-Shot, and has repeatedly defended the “safety and efficacy” of the British-Swedish slurry:

    source: interfax-russia.ru
    “The British media and government need to do a better job of protecting the reputation of AstraZeneca's safe and effective vaccine, which competitors are constantly attacking through the media with facts taken out of context,” the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which financed Sputnik V, and partnered with AstraZeneca, and is also headed by a WEF Young Global Leader, said in October 2021. Yeah, leave AstraZeneca alone you monsters!

    Russia pushes for AstraZeneca/Sputnik V cocktail

    Russia pushes for AstraZeneca/Sputnik V cocktail
    Pushkov is not against forcing unproven, barely tested genetic slurries on the world’s population. No, he is perfectly fine with that. He just wants Russia’s unproven, barely tested genetic slurry to have a bigger market share.

    Anyway, no one could accuse Moscow of being unsportsmanlike during the Race to Protect Public Health. Putin even wished the CEO of AstraZeneca “success not only in the Russian market, but also in global markets.”

    source: tass.ru
    Curiously, I can’t find a single comment from Pushkov—on Telegram or while pontificating in the Senate chambers—about the fact that Russia hopped into bed with AstraZeneca, or that Sputnik V is a crude AstraZeneca clone whose clinical trial data has been classified by the Russian Health Ministry as a “trade secret”. Not a single word about any of this—very weird.

    It’s nice that Pushkov was so concerned about the safety and well-being of EU citizens subjected to AstraZeneca’s untested genetic sludge, but why weren’t the same safety standards applied to his assessment of Sputnik V? If you’re a Russian Senator, shouldn’t you be focusing your energies on protecting the health of Russians? It’s charming that Pushkov took time out of his busy Russian senator schedule to worry about Westerners being exposed to thrombosis, but what about Russians being needlessly exposed to thrombosis? Oh right, anyone who talked about that was threatened with arrest or losing their right to practice medicine. I don’t know why Moscow and the Collective West are arch-enemies—they’re so similar.

    Sputnik V is an unlawful experiment, patient advocacy group says

    Sputnik V is an unlawful experiment, patient advocacy group says
    Here’s another illustrative example of Pushkov public health worldview: When Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba called Sputnik V a “hybrid weapon” in December 2020, Pushkov responded by saying that Kiev was murdering its own citizens by not allowing them to get injected with Russia’s safe and effective AstraZeneca clone:

    source: lenta.ru
    Do you see the problem here?

    It’s great that Pushkov is so critical of Western clot-shots. But if he is unable to extend this criticism to Russian clot-shots—which are nearly identical to Western clot-shots—then it’s not clear how Russians benefit from their senator’s based-and-red-pilled takedowns of AstraZeneca (which the Russian government partnered with and repeatedly defended, even as people were dropping dead from horrific post-vaccination AstraZeneca side effects).

    So, returning to Pushkov’s hatred of the WHO: Is he advocating for public health policies that don’t rely on unproven genetic injections? Or is he just annoyed that Moscow’s unproven genetic injection—which is identical to the Collective West’s unproven genetic injections—isn’t being injected into more arms?

    Meanwhile, Moscow continues to enjoy friendly relations with the WHO—and there is literally zero evidence of the federal government even toying with the idea of withdrawing from this awful organization. Zero. None. If you have such evidence, please, please email me and share it. I’m serious.

    Hey, look: There is even an Important Russian Government Medical Authority-Expert who serves on the WHO’s One Health (lol) committee-thing:

    He studied in London, of course:

    source: who.int
    Is Pushkov fighting the space lizards or is he promoting a false clot-shot dichotomy? Are we trapped in a Hegelian clot-shot dialectic, in which the thesis (AstraZeneca) locks horns with the antithesis (Sputnik V), a clot-shot battle that resolves in clot-shot synthesis (they are literally the same clot-shot)?

    And what is even the point of opposing the WHO if you support the worst policies promoted by the WHO? It’s just sort of weird.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is…





    Last week, Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov wrote some very rude things about the World Health Organization on his Telegram channel. RIA Novosti then published these very uncouth comments. What does this mean?


    Moscow vs the WHO: This time for real? Probably not. But maybe? Edward Slavsquat Last week, Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov wrote some very rude things about the World Health Organization on his Telegram channel. RIA Novosti then published these very uncouth comments. What does this mean? Does this mean that Moscow’s obscenely abusive relationship with the WHO is finally coming to an end? There’s been several false alarms over the past two years but maybe this time it’s not fake news spread by Aussie Cossack? Maybe this time it’s different? Maybe. Anything is possible. Let’s have a look together. source: ria.ru Take the wheel, RIA Novosti: “The WHO is an organization that should be feared. It can plunge the world into panic in the blink of an eye—there is no control over it. Its connections with the most active supporters of the ‘thinning’ of humanity are shrouded in darkness,” Pushkov wrote. The senator noted that all WHO failures are “covered up through powerful PR.” “As it turned out, the WHO management paid influencers for presenting the ugly work of the WHO during Covid in a favorable light,” says Pushkov. Dang. Before I type another sentence, allow me to state the following: I agree with everything Pushkov wrote on Telegram and it’s very cool that RIA Novosti used its state media platform to disseminate his hate speech against Dr. Tedros (The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, every NATO state, and other weirdos and sworn enemies of humanity who fund the WHO’s ruthless campaign of global health murder). But Pushkov is also a senior-ranking member of Russia’s upper house of parliament, which means that if he really thinks the World Health Organization poses an existential threat to Russia, he could always … I dunno … introduce legislation calling for Moscow’s immediate withdrawal? Or at least politely commission a report about why Moscow should leave the WHO post-haste? These are things he could definitely do, or at least recommend, as a Senator. Telegram rants are fun but is Pushkov a Russian Senator or a manlet blogger? Because “complaining on Telegram about Russia’s WHO membership” is something Edward Slavsquat would do; one would hope that a powerful alpha male Senator would be able to do more than that? source: The Best Telegram Channel Ever You Should Definitely Subscribe Right Now All of these questions are irrelevant, actually, because Pushkov doesn’t oppose health terrorism; he just resents the fact that Moscow isn’t getting a bigger piece of the WHO’s health terrorism pie. For example: Here is another fiery Telegram post from Pushkov dated March 14, 2021: The “safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine” against the backdrop of deaths and thrombosis—is this what they are trying to convince people of? Half of Europe has stopped using it, there is a scandal in the European Commission, and the company gets off with standard excuses. source: Telegram Pushkov’s solution to this public health scandal? Europe should use Sputnik V, an experimental genetic slurry developed in collaboration with AstraZeneca, which, coincidentally, is also linked to thrombosis and blood clots. source: news.ru Here’s something else to consider: As Pushkov was writing Telegram tirades against AstraZeneca’s safety record in March 2021, Russian pharmaceutical company R-Pharm was producing AstraZeneca’s “vaccine” and exporting it abroad. This business arrangement continued until September 2022, when R-Pharm suspended production of the British-Swedish clot-shot due to “lack of demand”: source: tass.ru YOUR EYES ARE NOT DECEIVING YOU: RUSSIA WAS PRODUCING ASTRAZENECA’S GENETIC THROMBOSIS GOO UNTIL SEPTEMBER 2022. Furthermore, the Russian government partnered with AstraZeneca to create the Ultimate Clot-Shot, and has repeatedly defended the “safety and efficacy” of the British-Swedish slurry: source: interfax-russia.ru “The British media and government need to do a better job of protecting the reputation of AstraZeneca's safe and effective vaccine, which competitors are constantly attacking through the media with facts taken out of context,” the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which financed Sputnik V, and partnered with AstraZeneca, and is also headed by a WEF Young Global Leader, said in October 2021. Yeah, leave AstraZeneca alone you monsters! Russia pushes for AstraZeneca/Sputnik V cocktail Russia pushes for AstraZeneca/Sputnik V cocktail Pushkov is not against forcing unproven, barely tested genetic slurries on the world’s population. No, he is perfectly fine with that. He just wants Russia’s unproven, barely tested genetic slurry to have a bigger market share. Anyway, no one could accuse Moscow of being unsportsmanlike during the Race to Protect Public Health. Putin even wished the CEO of AstraZeneca “success not only in the Russian market, but also in global markets.” source: tass.ru Curiously, I can’t find a single comment from Pushkov—on Telegram or while pontificating in the Senate chambers—about the fact that Russia hopped into bed with AstraZeneca, or that Sputnik V is a crude AstraZeneca clone whose clinical trial data has been classified by the Russian Health Ministry as a “trade secret”. Not a single word about any of this—very weird. It’s nice that Pushkov was so concerned about the safety and well-being of EU citizens subjected to AstraZeneca’s untested genetic sludge, but why weren’t the same safety standards applied to his assessment of Sputnik V? If you’re a Russian Senator, shouldn’t you be focusing your energies on protecting the health of Russians? It’s charming that Pushkov took time out of his busy Russian senator schedule to worry about Westerners being exposed to thrombosis, but what about Russians being needlessly exposed to thrombosis? Oh right, anyone who talked about that was threatened with arrest or losing their right to practice medicine. I don’t know why Moscow and the Collective West are arch-enemies—they’re so similar. Sputnik V is an unlawful experiment, patient advocacy group says Sputnik V is an unlawful experiment, patient advocacy group says Here’s another illustrative example of Pushkov public health worldview: When Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba called Sputnik V a “hybrid weapon” in December 2020, Pushkov responded by saying that Kiev was murdering its own citizens by not allowing them to get injected with Russia’s safe and effective AstraZeneca clone: source: lenta.ru Do you see the problem here? It’s great that Pushkov is so critical of Western clot-shots. But if he is unable to extend this criticism to Russian clot-shots—which are nearly identical to Western clot-shots—then it’s not clear how Russians benefit from their senator’s based-and-red-pilled takedowns of AstraZeneca (which the Russian government partnered with and repeatedly defended, even as people were dropping dead from horrific post-vaccination AstraZeneca side effects). So, returning to Pushkov’s hatred of the WHO: Is he advocating for public health policies that don’t rely on unproven genetic injections? Or is he just annoyed that Moscow’s unproven genetic injection—which is identical to the Collective West’s unproven genetic injections—isn’t being injected into more arms? Meanwhile, Moscow continues to enjoy friendly relations with the WHO—and there is literally zero evidence of the federal government even toying with the idea of withdrawing from this awful organization. Zero. None. If you have such evidence, please, please email me and share it. I’m serious. Hey, look: There is even an Important Russian Government Medical Authority-Expert who serves on the WHO’s One Health (lol) committee-thing: He studied in London, of course: source: who.int Is Pushkov fighting the space lizards or is he promoting a false clot-shot dichotomy? Are we trapped in a Hegelian clot-shot dialectic, in which the thesis (AstraZeneca) locks horns with the antithesis (Sputnik V), a clot-shot battle that resolves in clot-shot synthesis (they are literally the same clot-shot)? And what is even the point of opposing the WHO if you support the worst policies promoted by the WHO? It’s just sort of weird. I guess what I’m trying to say is… PUPPIES THEY OPENED THEIR EYES, FINALLY. THEY ARE NOT BLIND. THAT’S GOOD MOSTLY THEY JUST DO THIS, THOUGH UNTIL NEXT TIME. Last week, Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov wrote some very rude things about the World Health Organization on his Telegram channel. RIA Novosti then published these very uncouth comments. What does this mean? https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/moscow-vs-the-who-this-time-for-real https://telegra.ph/Moscow-vs-the-WHO-This-time-for-real-04-02
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 27136 Views
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    Full Video:https://shorten.is/XV_Ht

    After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple.

    Genre: Comedy, Romance

    Actor: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Mia Artemis

    Director: Will Gluck

    Country: United States

    Anyone But You Full Video:https://shorten.is/XV_Ht After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple. Genre: Comedy, Romance Actor: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Mia Artemis Director: Will Gluck Country: United States #RomanticComedy #FakeRelationship #DestinationWedding #LoveDownUnder #UnexpectedReunion #SydneySweeney #GlenPowell #MiaArtemis #WillGluck #USFilm #HilariousRomance #ChemistryOnScreen #WeddingShenanigans #RelationshipGoals #FeelGoodMovie #AmericanCinema #LaughOutLoud #Heartwarming #SummerRomance #LoveIsInTheAir
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    Full Video:https://shorten.is/XV_Ht

    After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple.

    Genre: Comedy, Romance

    Actor: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Mia Artemis

    Director: Will Gluck

    Country: United States

    Anyone But You Full Video:https://shorten.is/XV_Ht After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple. Genre: Comedy, Romance Actor: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Mia Artemis Director: Will Gluck Country: United States #RomanticComedy #FakeRelationship #DestinationWedding #LoveDownUnder #UnexpectedReunion #SydneySweeney #GlenPowell #MiaArtemis #WillGluck #USFilm #HilariousRomance #ChemistryOnScreen #WeddingShenanigans #RelationshipGoals #FeelGoodMovie #AmericanCinema #LaughOutLoud #Heartwarming #SummerRomance #LoveIsInTheAir
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  • Anyone But You

    Full Video:https://shorten.is/XV_Ht

    After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple.

    Genre: Comedy, Romance

    Actor: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Mia Artemis

    Director: Will Gluck

    Country: United States

    Anyone But You Full Video:https://shorten.is/XV_Ht After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple. Genre: Comedy, Romance Actor: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Mia Artemis Director: Will Gluck Country: United States #RomanticComedy #FakeRelationship #DestinationWedding #LoveDownUnder #UnexpectedReunion #SydneySweeney #GlenPowell #MiaArtemis #WillGluck #USFilm #HilariousRomance #ChemistryOnScreen #WeddingShenanigans #RelationshipGoals #FeelGoodMovie #AmericanCinema #LaughOutLoud #Heartwarming #SummerRomance #LoveIsInTheAir
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  • Anyone But You

    Full Video:https://shorten.is/XV_Ht

    After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple.

    Genre: Comedy, Romance

    Actor: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Mia Artemis

    Director: Will Gluck

    Country: United States

    Anyone But You Full Video:https://shorten.is/XV_Ht After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple. Genre: Comedy, Romance Actor: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Mia Artemis Director: Will Gluck Country: United States #RomanticComedy #FakeRelationship #DestinationWedding #LoveDownUnder #UnexpectedReunion #SydneySweeney #GlenPowell #MiaArtemis #WillGluck #USFilm #HilariousRomance #ChemistryOnScreen #WeddingShenanigans #RelationshipGoals #FeelGoodMovie #AmericanCinema #LaughOutLoud #Heartwarming #SummerRomance #LoveIsInTheAir
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 9150 Views
  • Anyone But You

    Full Video:https://shorten.is/XV_Ht

    After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple.

    Genre: Comedy, Romance

    Actor: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Mia Artemis

    Director: Will Gluck

    Country: United States
    Anyone But You Full Video:https://shorten.is/XV_Ht After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple. Genre: Comedy, Romance Actor: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, Mia Artemis Director: Will Gluck Country: United States
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  • Day 6 of <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Tagmee">#Tagmee</a> Challenge by JED!<br />
    <br />
    <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Sweet">#Sweet</a> or <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Savoury">#Savoury</a><br />
    <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Salty">#Salty</a> or <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Sour">#Sour</a><br />
    <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Bitter">#Bitter</a> or <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Fiery">#Fiery</a><br />
    Whatever your tastebuds desire!<br />
    <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Tagmee">#Tagmee</a> your <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/FoodCravings">#FoodCravings</a><br />
    <br />
    Good luck everyone!<br/>[Day 6 of #Tagmee Challenge by JED!
    Sweet or #Savoury
    Salty or #Sour
    Bitter or #Fiery
    ----------- REFERENT URL ---------------
    Day 6 of <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Tagmee">#Tagmee</a> Challenge by JED!<br /> <br /> <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Sweet">#Sweet</a> or <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Savoury">#Savoury</a><br /> <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Salty">#Salty</a> or <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Sour">#Sour</a><br /> <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Bitter">#Bitter</a> or <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Fiery">#Fiery</a><br /> Whatever your tastebuds desire!<br /> <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Tagmee">#Tagmee</a> your <a href="https://somee.social/search/hashtag/FoodCravings">#FoodCravings</a><br /> <br /> Good luck everyone!<br/>[Day 6 of #Tagmee Challenge by JED! Sweet or #Savoury Salty or #Sour Bitter or #Fiery W](https://somee.social/posts/672790) ----------- REFERENT URL --------------- https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Tagmee https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Sweet https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Savoury https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Salty https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Sour https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Bitter https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Fiery https://somee.social/search/hashtag/Tagmee https://somee.social/search/hashtag/FoodCravings
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 6150 Views
  • This was great little free camping spot AlphaHippie found last Spring when we went out on a multi-state roadtrip to go #Morel hunting. It ended up being too early, even though we went South to find them. We didn't care if we found any or not, because it was just about getting out of the city after a pretty cold winter.

    This is within the #FieryForksConservationArea in #Missouri along the #NianguaRiver. There is a camping area with some back-in and pull through spots, but since the place was mostly empty we pulled up here along the river portage area for kayakers. With the lack of green, you can tell it was early Spring.

    I can't wait until #MorelHunting season is on the horizon again.

    Here's the GPS Coordinates 38.08485, -92.96033

    #someeoriginals #originalcontent #RVing #roadtrippin #boondocking #camping #freecampsites #hiking #trail #travel #photography #myphoto #LandscapePhotography #nature #scenery #Awesme
    This was great little free camping spot [AlphaHippie] found last Spring when we went out on a multi-state roadtrip to go #Morel hunting. It ended up being too early, even though we went South to find them. We didn't care if we found any or not, because it was just about getting out of the city after a pretty cold winter. This is within the #FieryForksConservationArea in #Missouri along the #NianguaRiver. There is a camping area with some back-in and pull through spots, but since the place was mostly empty we pulled up here along the river portage area for kayakers. With the lack of green, you can tell it was early Spring. I can't wait until #MorelHunting season is on the horizon again. Here's the GPS Coordinates 38.08485, -92.96033 #someeoriginals #originalcontent #RVing #roadtrippin #boondocking #camping #freecampsites #hiking #trail #travel #photography #myphoto #LandscapePhotography #nature #scenery #Awesme
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  • Day 6 #TagMee Challenge by JED
    #PerfectPlace on Eating food with loveones
    #Sweet or #Savory
    #Saltu or # Sour
    #Bitter or #Fiery
    A home made food which love to ear for Filipinos during a simple celebration of a birthday. We gather to celebrate and enjoy eating together ????
    Day 6 #TagMee Challenge by JED #CryptoCouple_JED #PerfectPlace on Eating food with loveones #HomemadeFoood #Sweet or #Savory #Saltu or # Sour #Bitter or #Fiery #FoodCraving. A home made food which love to ear for Filipinos during a simple celebration of a birthday. We gather to celebrate and enjoy eating together ????
    0 Commentarios 2 Acciones 6829 Views
  • Day 6 #TagMee Challenge by JED

    French polinisian
    This is a perfect place to try different fruits “SWEET” as the views here in FRENCH POLINISIAN BORA-BORA , climate is hot .Different kinds savories or Fruits you can find here ,Can be “Salty” and “Bitter”
    This is one of the tourist attraction in the world
    And my favorite burger ever heheh THE ERNESTO BURGER under SAVOURY.
    Consist of
    Grilled gruyere cheese
    Buttered Jalapeno, Caramelized Kimchi, Pork belly patty, Crispy Bacon so yummy.
    #Sweet or #Savory
    #Salty or #Sour
    #Bitter or #Fiery
    Day 6 #TagMee Challenge by JED [CryptoCouple_JED] PERFECT PLACE ON BORA-BORA French polinisian This is a perfect place to try different fruits “SWEET” as the views here in FRENCH POLINISIAN BORA-BORA , climate is hot .Different kinds savories or Fruits you can find here ,Can be “Salty” and “Bitter” This is one of the tourist attraction in the world And my favorite burger ever heheh THE ERNESTO BURGER under SAVOURY. Consist of Grilled gruyere cheese Buttered Jalapeno, Caramelized Kimchi, Pork belly patty, Crispy Bacon so yummy. #Sweet or #Savory #Salty or #Sour #Bitter or #Fiery #FoodCraving #Nature #Travel #Tagmee
    0 Commentarios 2 Acciones 6501 Views
  • Day 6️⃣ of #Tagmee Challenge by JED!
    Lets go!!!
    Who's hungry?
    #Sweet or #Savoury
    #Salty or #Sour
    #Bitter or #Fiery
    Whatever your tastebuds desire!
    #Tagmee your #FoodCravings
    Good luck everyone!!
    Day 6️⃣ of #Tagmee Challenge by JED! Lets go!!! Who's hungry? #Sweet or #Savoury #Salty or #Sour #Bitter or #Fiery Whatever your tastebuds desire! #Tagmee your #FoodCravings Good luck everyone!!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 3719 Views
  • Day 6 #TagMee Challenge by JED
    #Sweet or #Savory
    #Salty or #Sour
    #Bitter or #Fiery

    Guys want to share this food a home made from us a small business name it. This is the best example of what your tastebuds desire or craving for ????
    Day 6 #TagMee Challenge by JED #Sweet or #Savory #Salty or #Sour #Bitter or #Fiery #FoodCraving Guys want to share this food a home made from us a small business name it. This is the best example of what your tastebuds desire or craving for ????
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