Today Devotional Massage:
Being Fed in Unlikely Ways
Sometimes God meets us in ways that are unexpected—and maybe even unconventional. When Elijah was alone in the wilderness, God cared for him in a way that was considered taboo or impossible at that time. Ravens were unclean birds, so receiving food directly from their mouths would have seemed strange for Elijah. He might have wondered if it was even okay to receive help from something that was considered off limits. But God can potentially use anything to bring restoration, whether it’s ravens or songs on a radio.
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Thanks and God bless you more.
#prayerofthanks #thankgod #goodnessofgod #loveofgod #godislove #god #church #bible #christian #belief #faith #jesus #faithworksfriday #christianlife #christianliving #christianfaith #christianinspiration
#christianmotivation #christianity #christianquotes #keepthefaith #jesusheals #christianhealing #christianblogger #beliefingod #faithinaction #beliefinjesus #faithinjesus #godlovesyou #thewordofgod #christianprayer
#meditantespodcast #meditantes #podcast #meditação #meditation
stephan.daub nicodemus.morfaw peter.gregory neil.miles.1 nestoras.kiosoglou ionel.cernatescu
lesley.badcock lewis.wade stephen.blubaugh yira.gonzalez Mackemacchiato accountsvalorantigv Achilihu6823 andy88890 nikolairusev Hunt.Renno sandra.renda
Being Fed in Unlikely Ways
Sometimes God meets us in ways that are unexpected—and maybe even unconventional. When Elijah was alone in the wilderness, God cared for him in a way that was considered taboo or impossible at that time. Ravens were unclean birds, so receiving food directly from their mouths would have seemed strange for Elijah. He might have wondered if it was even okay to receive help from something that was considered off limits. But God can potentially use anything to bring restoration, whether it’s ravens or songs on a radio.
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Thanks and God bless you more.
#prayerofthanks #thankgod #goodnessofgod #loveofgod #godislove #god #church #bible #christian #belief #faith #jesus #faithworksfriday #christianlife #christianliving #christianfaith #christianinspiration
#christianmotivation #christianity #christianquotes #keepthefaith #jesusheals #christianhealing #christianblogger #beliefingod #faithinaction #beliefinjesus #faithinjesus #godlovesyou #thewordofgod #christianprayer
#meditantespodcast #meditantes #podcast #meditação #meditation
stephan.daub nicodemus.morfaw peter.gregory neil.miles.1 nestoras.kiosoglou ionel.cernatescu
lesley.badcock lewis.wade stephen.blubaugh yira.gonzalez Mackemacchiato accountsvalorantigv Achilihu6823 andy88890 nikolairusev Hunt.Renno sandra.renda
Today Devotional Massage:
Being Fed in Unlikely Ways
Sometimes God meets us in ways that are unexpected—and maybe even unconventional. When Elijah was alone in the wilderness, God cared for him in a way that was considered taboo or impossible at that time. Ravens were unclean birds, so receiving food directly from their mouths would have seemed strange for Elijah. He might have wondered if it was even okay to receive help from something that was considered off limits. But God can potentially use anything to bring restoration, whether it’s ravens or songs on a radio.
Read complete massage via above link
Thanks and God bless you more.
#prayerofthanks #thankgod #goodnessofgod #loveofgod #godislove #god #church #bible #christian #belief #faith #jesus #faithworksfriday #christianlife #christianliving #christianfaith #christianinspiration
#christianmotivation #christianity #christianquotes #keepthefaith #jesusheals #christianhealing #christianblogger #beliefingod #faithinaction #beliefinjesus #faithinjesus #godlovesyou #thewordofgod #christianprayer
#meditantespodcast #meditantes #podcast #meditação #meditation
[stephan.daub] [nicodemus.morfaw] [peter.gregory] [neil.miles.1] [nestoras.kiosoglou] [ionel.cernatescu]
[lesley.badcock] [lewis.wade] [stephen.blubaugh] [yira.gonzalez] [Mackemacchiato] [accountsvalorantigv] [Achilihu6823] [andy88890] [nikolairusev] [Hunt.Renno] [sandra.renda] []