Today Devotional Massage:
Have you ever watched a seagull or a tern that seems to just hang in the air over the waves? The wind may be blustering and the waters roaring, but the bird still soars calmly over the rough ocean.
That image of hovering over turbulent waters is how the Bible first describes the Spirit of God. The word for “hovering” indicates a high degree of care, even concern, in its action, and it is unmistakably linked to the behavior of protective birds that brood over their nests, guarding and keeping their clutch warm and safe as it develops. The Holy Spirit, in his protective love, hovers over the surface of the unformed deep.
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Thanks and God bless you more.
#prayerofthanks #thankgod #goodnessofgod #loveofgod #godislove #god #church #bible #christian #belief #faith #jesus #faithworksfriday #christianlife #christianliving #christianfaith #christianinspiration
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#meditantespodcast #meditantes #podcast #meditação #meditation
stephan.daub nicodemus.morfaw peter.gregory neil.miles.1 nestoras.kiosoglou ionel.cernatescu
lesley.badcock lewis.wade stephen.blubaugh yira.gonzalez Mackemacchiato accountsvalorantigv Achilihu6823 andy88890 nikolairusev Hunt.Renno sandra.renda
Have you ever watched a seagull or a tern that seems to just hang in the air over the waves? The wind may be blustering and the waters roaring, but the bird still soars calmly over the rough ocean.
That image of hovering over turbulent waters is how the Bible first describes the Spirit of God. The word for “hovering” indicates a high degree of care, even concern, in its action, and it is unmistakably linked to the behavior of protective birds that brood over their nests, guarding and keeping their clutch warm and safe as it develops. The Holy Spirit, in his protective love, hovers over the surface of the unformed deep.
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Thanks and God bless you more.
#prayerofthanks #thankgod #goodnessofgod #loveofgod #godislove #god #church #bible #christian #belief #faith #jesus #faithworksfriday #christianlife #christianliving #christianfaith #christianinspiration
#christianmotivation #christianity #christianquotes #keepthefaith #jesusheals #christianhealing #christianblogger #beliefingod #faithinaction #beliefinjesus #faithinjesus #godlovesyou #thewordofgod #christianprayer
#meditantespodcast #meditantes #podcast #meditação #meditation
stephan.daub nicodemus.morfaw peter.gregory neil.miles.1 nestoras.kiosoglou ionel.cernatescu
lesley.badcock lewis.wade stephen.blubaugh yira.gonzalez Mackemacchiato accountsvalorantigv Achilihu6823 andy88890 nikolairusev Hunt.Renno sandra.renda
Today Devotional Massage:
Have you ever watched a seagull or a tern that seems to just hang in the air over the waves? The wind may be blustering and the waters roaring, but the bird still soars calmly over the rough ocean.
That image of hovering over turbulent waters is how the Bible first describes the Spirit of God. The word for “hovering” indicates a high degree of care, even concern, in its action, and it is unmistakably linked to the behavior of protective birds that brood over their nests, guarding and keeping their clutch warm and safe as it develops. The Holy Spirit, in his protective love, hovers over the surface of the unformed deep.
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Thanks and God bless you more.
#prayerofthanks #thankgod #goodnessofgod #loveofgod #godislove #god #church #bible #christian #belief #faith #jesus #faithworksfriday #christianlife #christianliving #christianfaith #christianinspiration
#christianmotivation #christianity #christianquotes #keepthefaith #jesusheals #christianhealing #christianblogger #beliefingod #faithinaction #beliefinjesus #faithinjesus #godlovesyou #thewordofgod #christianprayer
#meditantespodcast #meditantes #podcast #meditação #meditation
[stephan.daub] [nicodemus.morfaw] [peter.gregory] [neil.miles.1] [nestoras.kiosoglou] [ionel.cernatescu]
[lesley.badcock] [lewis.wade] [stephen.blubaugh] [yira.gonzalez] [Mackemacchiato] [accountsvalorantigv] [Achilihu6823] [andy88890] [nikolairusev] [Hunt.Renno] [sandra.renda] []