• https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/03/04/blood-money-two-of-the-biggest-funders-of-the-radical-transgender-movement-in-the-u-s-are-china-linked-billionaires/
    ‘Blood Money’: Two of the Biggest Funders of the Radical Transgender Movement in the U.S. Are China-Linked Billionaires
    Pro-Beijing groups financially backed by two China-linked billionaires are pushing the radical transgender movement in the United States, Peter Schweizer reveals in his new book.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 780 Vue
  • What the Sustainable Development Goals really mean for humanity

    -PART 2 OF 2

    1. Zero Poverty
    UBI's, Centralised Banking, IMF / World Bank, CBDC's

    2. Zero Hunger
    Fake Meat, GMO's, Eat Insects

    3. Good Health/Well-being
    Mass Injections, "Vaccine Passports" , Codex Alimentarius, Masks, State monitoring, Limit or eliminate access to natural remedies

    4. Good Education
    State controlled propaganda from birth. Ignorance of basic information to support independence from the system

    5. Gender Equality
    Transgenderism, Population Control, Breakdown of the family

    6. Clean Water and Sanitation
    State control of water supply and chemicals added (e.g. fluoride)

    7. Affordable and Clean Energy
    SMART grid, SMART metres, Peak Pricing, Electric Cars, raising gas/ energy prices, Green Taxes

    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
    Mega-corporations, Crash Economies, Control of means of production , Destroy small businesses-PART 4

    9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
    Restrictions on travel,closure of airports, 15 min cities

    10. Reduce Inequality within and between countries
    Crash economies, CBDC'S, UBI

    11. Safe + Sustainable Human Settlements + Cities
    15 mins cities, ULEZ, Big Brother surveillance, Digital ID's, 5g

    12. Responsible Consumption and Production
    Limits on consumption (including via CBDC's), Taxes

    13. Stop Climate Change
    Climate Lockdowns, carbon taxes, control via CBDC'S, control on travel

    14. Sustainable Use of Life Below Water
    Control of oceans + mineral rights, GMO'S

    15. Sustainable Use of Life On Land
    Control of land + mineral rights, GMO'S

    16. Peace, Justice, Inclusion and Strong Institutions
    Remove rights of individual, use of CBDC's, "Online Safety Bills", Hate Speech Laws, Social isolation

    17. Global Partnerships
    Remove national sovereignty, WEF, Civil Society, Corporatocracy, NGO's
    What the Sustainable Development Goals really mean for humanity -PART 2 OF 2 1. Zero Poverty UBI's, Centralised Banking, IMF / World Bank, CBDC's 2. Zero Hunger Fake Meat, GMO's, Eat Insects 3. Good Health/Well-being Mass Injections, "Vaccine Passports" , Codex Alimentarius, Masks, State monitoring, Limit or eliminate access to natural remedies 4. Good Education State controlled propaganda from birth. Ignorance of basic information to support independence from the system 5. Gender Equality Transgenderism, Population Control, Breakdown of the family 6. Clean Water and Sanitation State control of water supply and chemicals added (e.g. fluoride) 7. Affordable and Clean Energy SMART grid, SMART metres, Peak Pricing, Electric Cars, raising gas/ energy prices, Green Taxes 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth Mega-corporations, Crash Economies, Control of means of production , Destroy small businesses-PART 4 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Restrictions on travel,closure of airports, 15 min cities 10. Reduce Inequality within and between countries Crash economies, CBDC'S, UBI 11. Safe + Sustainable Human Settlements + Cities 15 mins cities, ULEZ, Big Brother surveillance, Digital ID's, 5g 12. Responsible Consumption and Production Limits on consumption (including via CBDC's), Taxes 13. Stop Climate Change Climate Lockdowns, carbon taxes, control via CBDC'S, control on travel 14. Sustainable Use of Life Below Water Control of oceans + mineral rights, GMO'S 15. Sustainable Use of Life On Land Control of land + mineral rights, GMO'S 16. Peace, Justice, Inclusion and Strong Institutions Remove rights of individual, use of CBDC's, "Online Safety Bills", Hate Speech Laws, Social isolation 17. Global Partnerships Remove national sovereignty, WEF, Civil Society, Corporatocracy, NGO's
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 14648 Vue
  • Lawsuit over Alabama's transgender care ban for minors can proceed as judge denies federal request for a stay

    The Alabama ban makes it a felony for doctors to treat people under 19 with puberty blockers or hormones to help affirm a new gender identity


    JoinComment & Stay Informed!
    Making Telegram News Great Again!
    Lawsuit over Alabama's transgender care ban for minors can proceed as judge denies federal request for a stay The Alabama ban makes it a felony for doctors to treat people under 19 with puberty blockers or hormones to help affirm a new gender identity https://news.knowledia.com/US/en/articles/lawsuit-over-alabama-s-transgender-care-ban-for-minors-can-proceed-as-2bb583329408f2f33609c226a0f9b6e8516b762d ⬇️Join⬇️Comment & Stay Informed! @RealDeplorablesLetsGoBrandon⬅️ Making Telegram News Great Again! ✅
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2051 Vue
  • Can You Feel The Earth Shaking?
    Normals Are Stepping Up All Over the World. Everything is Shifting. The Evidence follows:

    elizabeth nickson

    Did you hear the roar on the streets when Milei won Argentina? It built and built, and then everyone was out on the streets shouting, from windows, inside shops, houses. It is the future, all over the world. The Netherlands on Friday. Same same. Universal rejoicing.

    Absurdistan does a solid line in doom, but our firmly held first principle is that every single one of us should be two or three times as rich, with massively increased scope and ability to do the things we want to do. Defeating the criminal cartel that runs Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Government, Big Tech and Big Charity will light up the galaxy if not the universe. And….this. Especially this:

    Unlike almost everyone in the media, Absurdistan knows regulation is the principal reason we are hornswoggled serfs. Even Trump’s team was surprised at the economic boom that came from his mild de-regulation; they thought tax relief was the key. It was important, none of us should be paying more than 25% in taxes, if that, but the regulation! You have no earthly idea how fiendish it has become until you start a business or require permission to create anything in the material world. Few journalists ever do that, the most they do is join a bank in “communications”, design an app or website, do PR, or ‘consult’. They are virtually, to a man or woman, children in the real world. So no one reports on the most brutal crippler of every man, woman and child on earth. Equally, virtually no writer I read has any grasp on the ingenuity, the creativity, the strength of the ordinary man. They all seem to think we need guidance from them, which is laughable. They have screwed up everything so utterly, we teeter daily on the edge of fiscal catastrophe


    Bloomberg reports on Milei victory
    When Vivek Ramaswamy proposed instantly firing 50% of federal bureaucrats on Day One, I stood on my office chair and cheered.

    When Javier Milei tore strips of paper representing government ministries off the whiteboard, I had to go out and run around the house a few times.

    sheer heaven
    Africa is not limited by anything but confiscatory corrupt government, as asserted by Magatte Wade in her new book. Wade should be running things in Africa, which is polluted by commies, plutocrats, crooked multinationals, ravening bureaucrats, corrupt politicians and the brutalist green movement. The Chinese would stun the world if they could get rid of the vicious predatory communist regime that enslaves every man, woman and child. And not in the sense that they are “taking over”.

    The mop-up will take decades. But unpicking the bad regs and shooing the bad legislators off to permanent exile, prosecuting the army of government thieves, and creating a multi-polar world, will be more absorbing than our endless self-cherishing, self-indulgence. Have we not all shopped enough? We have powerful enemies, but they are fully aware of how destructive they have been, their guilt written on their exhausted pouchy faces.

    Trump is a symptom, not a cause

    People fighting the Borg wish for leaders but this is not a movement that requires leadership by anyone but each and every one of us. Trump is a symptom, not a cause. This is multi-headed, like Medusa, representing tens, hundreds of millions of individuals saying NO. Real politicians like Mike Johnson, Geert Wilders, Pierre Poilievre, Javier Milei, and Danielle Smith are listening to us and stepping up.

    I annoy even myself when I repeat this, but I come from a family that has been in ‘the New World’ since 1630: Puritans, Revolutionaries, infrastructure builders, town fathers and mothers. I own ten thousand pages of their records and can tell you at concrete level assurance, that one of cities they founded, Vancouver, would not be riven by Asian criminal cartels washing most of the drug money in North America through our real estate and casinos, if my great aunt and uncle were alive. They, that generation and those before, didn’t run their cities via government, they ran it through civil society, their churches and charities and cultural clubs and they told government what to do. What they decided upon, collectively, became law. Law wasn’t made by witless, inexperienced, childless men and women who move from college straight to government, it was made by those who engaged with life fully. On their block, in their neighborhood, in their city. They knew where every sparrow fell. And, by the way, my family married into Indian bands and were officers on the Underground Railroad. Everything academia and publishing tells you about the founding is arrant propaganda meant to strip you of self-respect and power.

    Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, threw away engagement and our current enslavement, our stasis, our stuck-ness, is the result. Not really our fault. We were brainwashed and mind controlled by military level psy-ops, run out of the CIA, the Tavistock Clinic and the cursed Club of Rome. Reclaiming that power is our responsibility going forward. It is the future. No one gets to go back to sleep. I wrote about our collective brainwashing extensively in August. Here is one piece:

    They Break Every Family, Every Town, Every Country

    They Break Every Family, Every Town, Every Country
    This is the second in an August series about the Head of the Snake, an examination of the cabal that is behind the Great Reset, the Covid and Global Warming hoaxes, and every profit-bonanza war of the last thirty, if not 500 years, but especially Ukraine. They call themselves by a proliferation of names: the Olympians, the Elect, Bilderbergers, the 300, demi-gods, the Black Nobility, other silly secret names that must not be spoken. They are secret because their intent is evil. They practice the occult – foolish and irresponsible – they are “Masons” of the crazy branch, a cult that operates entirely in the dark and entirely for themselves. They are as power-hungry as Hillary Clinton and far more corrupt than she or Biden or his dreadful son. They have been around for a thousand years, laughably tracing their bloodlines back to Sumer and the Pharaohs and they think that is important. In fact, who they are is Hunter Biden, he is their id, the visual manifestation of their disgusting de…

    Read full story

    Herewith a roundup of our recent victories in no particular order of importance. Many (not all) are courtesy of kevinfernandes82 on Instagram, who does yeoman work aggregating daily the many wins by populists across the world; I heartily recommend a follow to fight off despair.

    I am only describing the wins of the past ten days, and I edited out dozens. Each win represents hundreds to thousands to millions of people who stood up and took back their power.


    Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom won a groundbreaking victory this week.

    Libertarian Javier Milei won in Argentina, promising to strip government of many ministries.

    All of Spain on the streets calling for end to Socialism. Retired Generals call for coup to get rid of socialist Prime Minister


    Danielle Smith declares that the Trudeau Liberals are a lawless government and it’s time to assert the constitution

    Bloc Quebecois calls for abolition of Governor General’s office as expenses soar 11%. This office is King Charles’s grift and a mechanism of British Round Table control. Crown land is our land, not his.

    The restaurant that kicked out GOP Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she worked for Trump closes its doors.

    CEO of DeSantis super PAC resigns.

    The Conservative Party of Canada has not polled this high since the 1950’s. It outpolls the Liberals and NDP among under 30’s.

    Rudy Giuliani states that Zelensky has photographs of Hunter Biden that could bring down the Democratic Party and has been using them to blackmail Biden.

    A Republican has just beat a Democrat in the Mayoral race in Charleston, South Carolina for the first time since 1877.

    Farmers in France spray government buildings with cow manure to protest increases in charges and taxes.

    Former Black Voices for Trump wins against left-wing Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, as a Fulton County judge rejects a bid to lock him up over his social media posts

    4th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down part of Maryland’s laws regulating handguns.

    Putin blames the U.N.: “Due to the sabotage of U.N. decisions which clearly provide for the creation and peaceful coexistence of two independent and sovereign states, more than one generation of Palestinians has been brought up in an atmosphere of injustice.”

    Italian court convicts 207 people in Mafia maxi-trial.

    U.S. Speaker Mike Johnson releases 40,000 hours of security footage of January 6th.

    Trump has considerably more support among young voters than Joe Biden according to a new NBC poll.

    Ex-Massachusetts senator facing 28 federal charges in connection with COVID fraud investigation.

    Asian-American residents of Brighton Park Chicago are furious about illegal migrants coming to their neighbourhood. 87% voted for Biden.

    One hundred police called out after protest surrounds Trudeau at restaurant. “You have blood on your hands”, call protestors referring to the vaccine mandates.

    German constitutional court strikes down plan of left-green-liberal government: rules they may not use 60B euros intended for Covid, for climate and energy measures.

    The Crown dropped charges against a pizza parlour owner for not closing down his restaurant during covid. The hearing lasted ten minutes and the verdict greeted with cheers.

    The Irish riot after an Algerian migrant injures three children. WEFer immigration policy is on the chopping block in every country.

    The Grotesque Sexualization of the Culture is Winding Down

    Biden Pentagon official overseeing the department managing elementary schools has been arrested in a human trafficking sting in Georgia.

    Prime Minister-Elect Javier Miles and Sound of Freedom Producer Eduardo Verastegui just signed and agreement to end all human trafficking operations in Argentina.

    Andrew Cuomo sued for sexual harassment by former executive assistant.

    GOP donor Harlan Crow’s brother is accused of financing a 100-person sex trafficking ring.

    Bad Boy Label President sued for sexual assault, negligence.

    TikTok, X and Meta CEOs to face Congressional Hearing Over Child Sexual Exploitation.

    Cuba Gooding Jr hit with two civil suits related to NYC sexual assaults

    American Idol coach, and Interscope Records founder, Jimmy Iovine sued over sexual misconduct and abuse.

    NYC Mayor Eric Adams accused of sexual assault in 1993 in new legal filing

    Jeremy Fox sued for sexual assault in NYC restaurant.

    Axl Rose sued over sexual assault by former Penthouse model.

    Julia Ormond sues Harvey Weinstein, CAA and Disney for sexual battery and enabling sexual assault.

    Model claims photographer Terry Richardson raped her, sold it as art.

    Jeffrey Epstein’s multimillionaire friend accused of sexually harassing stepdaughter.

    The ex-mayor of College Park, Maryland has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for possession and distribution of child sexual abuse material. Democrat, White House guest pled guilty to 100 counts.

    Authorities allege Binance allowed bad actors to freely transact on the platform, enabling everything from child sex abuse to terrorist financing. Binance CEO steps down, Binance pays $4.3B in fines.

    A federal judge in California certified a class action lawsuit against Pornhub/MindGeek/Aylo on behalf of tens of thousands of child victims abused for profit.

    “I’m at a loss”. Trudeau governments experts upset by foot-dragging over online harms law. Trudeau is widely believed to participate in violent sexual activities.

    P Diddy settles with Cassie over abuse and trafficking, but not before his reputation is destroyed. Two more women charge choking and rape.

    Saskatchewan Party MLA charged with soliciting sexual services kicked out of government caucus.

    Stacey Abram’s brother-in-law arrested for attacking 16-year-old, human trafficking in Tampa.

    Peter Nygard convicted on four counts of sexual assault.

    World Health Organization paid sexual abuse victims in the Congo $250US each.

    John Podesta’s friend, who debunked Pizzagate, arrested for raping toddlers.


    CBC admits to making multiple censorship appeals to social media platforms, so many that they say they ‘couldn’t really analyze each one correctly’.

    Big Box stores ditching self-checkout citing theft and customer preference.

    Conservatives reject Canada-Ukraine trade bill.

    The International Cricket Council bans transgender women from women’s cricket.

    Bell Media tells CRTC its priorities are backwards during Online Streaming Act hearing.

    Javier Milei announces the closure of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Equality in 21 days.

    The Director of the University of Alberta’s sexual violence center has been removed from her position after she endorsed an open letter that denied allegations of rape and sexual violence by Hamas terrorists during the October massacre.

    Elon Musk is donating all X Corp revenue from advertising and subscriptions associated with the war in Gaza to hospitals in Israel and the Red Cross/Crescent in Gaza.

    Morning Joe admits Ukraine has lost the war against Russia.

    Fauci admits Covid vaccine causes myocarditis in young men.

    China welcomes Arab and Muslim foreign ministers for talks on ending war in Gaza.

    X surpasses Instagram and Facebook by a significant margin in driving traffic through Google.

    Elon Musk and X file lawsuit against Media Matters. Penalties both civil and criminal.

    Ken Paxton of Texas opens investigation into Media Matters for fraud.

    Truth Social filed defamation lawsuit against twenty media companies.

    Canadians have stopped caring about climate change.

    Texas Attorney General Paxton has sued Pfizer.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene questions whether Nancy Pelosi orchestrated January 6th.

    Trump releases doctor letter touting health and weight loss on Biden’s birthday.

    The Iowa Board of Regents has voted to abolish DEI in all State Universities.

    Rumble under ‘major DDoS attack after CEO pledged to join Elon Musk to fight woke censorship.

    An official UK inquiry panel reports that Boris Johnson was bamboozled by Covid data.

    Sam Altman of OpenAI fired. Reinstated and two women board members let go.

    Sam Bankman Fried convicted. Faces decades in prison.

    Italy bans production and sale of lab grown meat.

    Trans Activist company behind Miss Universe has filed for bankruptcy.

    A female boxer in Canada withdrew from a championship match after learning she was set to fight a trans-identified male.


    As I reported here last week, Net-Zero and ESG are on their deathbed in every country but the most insane.

    CNBC fires staff dedicated to covering climate change.

    19 Republican Attorneys General are going after the big banks for closing accounts and discriminating against customers over political/religious beliefs

    Trudeau’s billion-dollar Green Slush Fund’s head resigns, after it is discovered she funnelled $200K to her own company.

    Hong Kong bankers have lots of free time and anxiety as global dealmaking sinks.

    Bank of Canada’s Macklem says interest rates may be high enough to tame inflation.

    Bank of Canada reports that Canadians don’t need digital currency and don’t want it.

    SEC Commissioner says “there’s no reason for us to stand in the way of a Spot Bitcoin ETF.

    Russia, the most sanctioned country in the world will end the year with a $75 Billion profit. The US, the most indebted country in the world, will end 2023 with a lost of $@ Trillion.

    Luxury houses tied to China’s Evergrande chairman seized by creditor. Chairman placed under police surveillance.

    Argentine stock market up 20% after Milei’s election

    South Africa to chair BRICS extraordinary joint meeting on the situation in Gaza.

    Mortgage rates decline for the first time in two years.

    Inflation declines in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. to lowest in two years.

    Dutch Central Bank has prepared for a new Gold Standard.

    Republicans building case against Antony Fauci. New emails show Fauci adviser suggesting he destroyed records.

    Jim Jordan issues subpoena to Bank of America for sharing customer’s private financial information with the FBI.

    Australian clamps down on migrants with criminal convictions.

    BLM activist Jayden X found guilty on all seven counts for his actions on January 6th.

    Decline in local U.S. news outlets is accelerating.

    Canada Media Fund admits subsidizing newspapers and news channels didn’t stop decline.

    Ghost busses uncovered filled with FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters on January 6th.

    Pfizer stock hits three year low, down 50% from 2021.

    Disney loses $40B from DeSantis pulling special treatment.

    Voter Fraud

    A federal judge in Georgia has ordered a trial for the case against Dominion machines.

    Trump declares he will bring everything to light, including the 2020 election fraud, concluding we need same day voting and paper ballots.

    Kim Phuong Taylor found guilty of 51 counts related to voter fraud in the election of her husband, Jeremy Taylor

    Fulton County, Georgia acknowledges that 3,600 ballots from the 2020 election audit were duplicated. Discrepancy turned over the the GA Attorney General for investigation.

    Obama-appointed federal judge just ruled against voting machines in Georgia.

    Maricopa County Elections Department has admitted they improperly certified the voting machines that failed on Election Day. Sixty percent of the machines failed.

    Trump: “We have so much evidence of election fraud, and I look forward to introducing it in my trials.”

    Colorado judge keeps Trump on 2024 primary ballot as latest 14th Amendment case falters.

    South Carolina implements Voter ID.

    Meta allows ads saying 2020 election was rigged on Facebook and Instagram.

    Stacey Abrams’ voting organization, overseen by Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock (who stole his seat), is facing serious allegations of financial fraud.

    Arizona Governor Katies Hobbs’ Election Task Force concluded that then-Secretary of State Hobbs engaged in election interference in 2022 by preventing Arizonans from voting while running her own election for governor.

    Wisconsin legislature has passed two constitutional amendment proposals that seek to prohibit noncitizen voting and the use of private money (ZuckBucks) to conduct elections.

    ZuckerBucks banned in 32 states.

    All this in fewer than ten days. The future should be blinding you right about now.


    Much of the mainstream news/propaganda is designed to oppress, depress and disempower you. Even independent journalism falls into despair all too often. I fight that with every fibre of my ability. I disagree. I do not think we are lost. I don’t think there is a new dark age ahead. I think quite the opposite.

    Again, I am grateful for all the subscriptions, paid and otherwise last week. “Put a chick in it” was enormously popular. When you like, subscribe and pay, I know where to go next with my writing. Thank you especially for the founding memberships and the people who send money via PayPal, and $20 bills from Thailand - you make a huge difference. Again, I keep my prices low so if you are not rich, you can afford to support me and others. If you are rich, consider a founding membership…cheaper in the long run!

    Can You Feel The Earth Shaking? Normals Are Stepping Up All Over the World. Everything is Shifting. The Evidence follows: elizabeth nickson Did you hear the roar on the streets when Milei won Argentina? It built and built, and then everyone was out on the streets shouting, from windows, inside shops, houses. It is the future, all over the world. The Netherlands on Friday. Same same. Universal rejoicing. Absurdistan does a solid line in doom, but our firmly held first principle is that every single one of us should be two or three times as rich, with massively increased scope and ability to do the things we want to do. Defeating the criminal cartel that runs Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Government, Big Tech and Big Charity will light up the galaxy if not the universe. And….this. Especially this: Unlike almost everyone in the media, Absurdistan knows regulation is the principal reason we are hornswoggled serfs. Even Trump’s team was surprised at the economic boom that came from his mild de-regulation; they thought tax relief was the key. It was important, none of us should be paying more than 25% in taxes, if that, but the regulation! You have no earthly idea how fiendish it has become until you start a business or require permission to create anything in the material world. Few journalists ever do that, the most they do is join a bank in “communications”, design an app or website, do PR, or ‘consult’. They are virtually, to a man or woman, children in the real world. So no one reports on the most brutal crippler of every man, woman and child on earth. Equally, virtually no writer I read has any grasp on the ingenuity, the creativity, the strength of the ordinary man. They all seem to think we need guidance from them, which is laughable. They have screwed up everything so utterly, we teeter daily on the edge of fiscal catastrophe . Bloomberg reports on Milei victory When Vivek Ramaswamy proposed instantly firing 50% of federal bureaucrats on Day One, I stood on my office chair and cheered. When Javier Milei tore strips of paper representing government ministries off the whiteboard, I had to go out and run around the house a few times. sheer heaven Africa is not limited by anything but confiscatory corrupt government, as asserted by Magatte Wade in her new book. Wade should be running things in Africa, which is polluted by commies, plutocrats, crooked multinationals, ravening bureaucrats, corrupt politicians and the brutalist green movement. The Chinese would stun the world if they could get rid of the vicious predatory communist regime that enslaves every man, woman and child. And not in the sense that they are “taking over”. The mop-up will take decades. But unpicking the bad regs and shooing the bad legislators off to permanent exile, prosecuting the army of government thieves, and creating a multi-polar world, will be more absorbing than our endless self-cherishing, self-indulgence. Have we not all shopped enough? We have powerful enemies, but they are fully aware of how destructive they have been, their guilt written on their exhausted pouchy faces. Trump is a symptom, not a cause People fighting the Borg wish for leaders but this is not a movement that requires leadership by anyone but each and every one of us. Trump is a symptom, not a cause. This is multi-headed, like Medusa, representing tens, hundreds of millions of individuals saying NO. Real politicians like Mike Johnson, Geert Wilders, Pierre Poilievre, Javier Milei, and Danielle Smith are listening to us and stepping up. I annoy even myself when I repeat this, but I come from a family that has been in ‘the New World’ since 1630: Puritans, Revolutionaries, infrastructure builders, town fathers and mothers. I own ten thousand pages of their records and can tell you at concrete level assurance, that one of cities they founded, Vancouver, would not be riven by Asian criminal cartels washing most of the drug money in North America through our real estate and casinos, if my great aunt and uncle were alive. They, that generation and those before, didn’t run their cities via government, they ran it through civil society, their churches and charities and cultural clubs and they told government what to do. What they decided upon, collectively, became law. Law wasn’t made by witless, inexperienced, childless men and women who move from college straight to government, it was made by those who engaged with life fully. On their block, in their neighborhood, in their city. They knew where every sparrow fell. And, by the way, my family married into Indian bands and were officers on the Underground Railroad. Everything academia and publishing tells you about the founding is arrant propaganda meant to strip you of self-respect and power. Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, threw away engagement and our current enslavement, our stasis, our stuck-ness, is the result. Not really our fault. We were brainwashed and mind controlled by military level psy-ops, run out of the CIA, the Tavistock Clinic and the cursed Club of Rome. Reclaiming that power is our responsibility going forward. It is the future. No one gets to go back to sleep. I wrote about our collective brainwashing extensively in August. Here is one piece: They Break Every Family, Every Town, Every Country They Break Every Family, Every Town, Every Country This is the second in an August series about the Head of the Snake, an examination of the cabal that is behind the Great Reset, the Covid and Global Warming hoaxes, and every profit-bonanza war of the last thirty, if not 500 years, but especially Ukraine. They call themselves by a proliferation of names: the Olympians, the Elect, Bilderbergers, the 300, demi-gods, the Black Nobility, other silly secret names that must not be spoken. They are secret because their intent is evil. They practice the occult – foolish and irresponsible – they are “Masons” of the crazy branch, a cult that operates entirely in the dark and entirely for themselves. They are as power-hungry as Hillary Clinton and far more corrupt than she or Biden or his dreadful son. They have been around for a thousand years, laughably tracing their bloodlines back to Sumer and the Pharaohs and they think that is important. In fact, who they are is Hunter Biden, he is their id, the visual manifestation of their disgusting de… Read full story Herewith a roundup of our recent victories in no particular order of importance. Many (not all) are courtesy of kevinfernandes82 on Instagram, who does yeoman work aggregating daily the many wins by populists across the world; I heartily recommend a follow to fight off despair. I am only describing the wins of the past ten days, and I edited out dozens. Each win represents hundreds to thousands to millions of people who stood up and took back their power. Politics Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom won a groundbreaking victory this week. Libertarian Javier Milei won in Argentina, promising to strip government of many ministries. All of Spain on the streets calling for end to Socialism. Retired Generals call for coup to get rid of socialist Prime Minister . Danielle Smith declares that the Trudeau Liberals are a lawless government and it’s time to assert the constitution Bloc Quebecois calls for abolition of Governor General’s office as expenses soar 11%. This office is King Charles’s grift and a mechanism of British Round Table control. Crown land is our land, not his. The restaurant that kicked out GOP Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she worked for Trump closes its doors. CEO of DeSantis super PAC resigns. The Conservative Party of Canada has not polled this high since the 1950’s. It outpolls the Liberals and NDP among under 30’s. Rudy Giuliani states that Zelensky has photographs of Hunter Biden that could bring down the Democratic Party and has been using them to blackmail Biden. A Republican has just beat a Democrat in the Mayoral race in Charleston, South Carolina for the first time since 1877. Farmers in France spray government buildings with cow manure to protest increases in charges and taxes. Former Black Voices for Trump wins against left-wing Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, as a Fulton County judge rejects a bid to lock him up over his social media posts 4th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down part of Maryland’s laws regulating handguns. Putin blames the U.N.: “Due to the sabotage of U.N. decisions which clearly provide for the creation and peaceful coexistence of two independent and sovereign states, more than one generation of Palestinians has been brought up in an atmosphere of injustice.” Italian court convicts 207 people in Mafia maxi-trial. U.S. Speaker Mike Johnson releases 40,000 hours of security footage of January 6th. Trump has considerably more support among young voters than Joe Biden according to a new NBC poll. Ex-Massachusetts senator facing 28 federal charges in connection with COVID fraud investigation. Asian-American residents of Brighton Park Chicago are furious about illegal migrants coming to their neighbourhood. 87% voted for Biden. One hundred police called out after protest surrounds Trudeau at restaurant. “You have blood on your hands”, call protestors referring to the vaccine mandates. German constitutional court strikes down plan of left-green-liberal government: rules they may not use 60B euros intended for Covid, for climate and energy measures. The Crown dropped charges against a pizza parlour owner for not closing down his restaurant during covid. The hearing lasted ten minutes and the verdict greeted with cheers. The Irish riot after an Algerian migrant injures three children. WEFer immigration policy is on the chopping block in every country. The Grotesque Sexualization of the Culture is Winding Down Biden Pentagon official overseeing the department managing elementary schools has been arrested in a human trafficking sting in Georgia. Prime Minister-Elect Javier Miles and Sound of Freedom Producer Eduardo Verastegui just signed and agreement to end all human trafficking operations in Argentina. Andrew Cuomo sued for sexual harassment by former executive assistant. GOP donor Harlan Crow’s brother is accused of financing a 100-person sex trafficking ring. Bad Boy Label President sued for sexual assault, negligence. TikTok, X and Meta CEOs to face Congressional Hearing Over Child Sexual Exploitation. Cuba Gooding Jr hit with two civil suits related to NYC sexual assaults American Idol coach, and Interscope Records founder, Jimmy Iovine sued over sexual misconduct and abuse. NYC Mayor Eric Adams accused of sexual assault in 1993 in new legal filing Jeremy Fox sued for sexual assault in NYC restaurant. Axl Rose sued over sexual assault by former Penthouse model. Julia Ormond sues Harvey Weinstein, CAA and Disney for sexual battery and enabling sexual assault. Model claims photographer Terry Richardson raped her, sold it as art. Jeffrey Epstein’s multimillionaire friend accused of sexually harassing stepdaughter. The ex-mayor of College Park, Maryland has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for possession and distribution of child sexual abuse material. Democrat, White House guest pled guilty to 100 counts. Authorities allege Binance allowed bad actors to freely transact on the platform, enabling everything from child sex abuse to terrorist financing. Binance CEO steps down, Binance pays $4.3B in fines. A federal judge in California certified a class action lawsuit against Pornhub/MindGeek/Aylo on behalf of tens of thousands of child victims abused for profit. “I’m at a loss”. Trudeau governments experts upset by foot-dragging over online harms law. Trudeau is widely believed to participate in violent sexual activities. P Diddy settles with Cassie over abuse and trafficking, but not before his reputation is destroyed. Two more women charge choking and rape. Saskatchewan Party MLA charged with soliciting sexual services kicked out of government caucus. Stacey Abram’s brother-in-law arrested for attacking 16-year-old, human trafficking in Tampa. Peter Nygard convicted on four counts of sexual assault. World Health Organization paid sexual abuse victims in the Congo $250US each. John Podesta’s friend, who debunked Pizzagate, arrested for raping toddlers. Media/culture CBC admits to making multiple censorship appeals to social media platforms, so many that they say they ‘couldn’t really analyze each one correctly’. Big Box stores ditching self-checkout citing theft and customer preference. Conservatives reject Canada-Ukraine trade bill. The International Cricket Council bans transgender women from women’s cricket. Bell Media tells CRTC its priorities are backwards during Online Streaming Act hearing. Javier Milei announces the closure of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Equality in 21 days. The Director of the University of Alberta’s sexual violence center has been removed from her position after she endorsed an open letter that denied allegations of rape and sexual violence by Hamas terrorists during the October massacre. Elon Musk is donating all X Corp revenue from advertising and subscriptions associated with the war in Gaza to hospitals in Israel and the Red Cross/Crescent in Gaza. Morning Joe admits Ukraine has lost the war against Russia. Fauci admits Covid vaccine causes myocarditis in young men. China welcomes Arab and Muslim foreign ministers for talks on ending war in Gaza. X surpasses Instagram and Facebook by a significant margin in driving traffic through Google. Elon Musk and X file lawsuit against Media Matters. Penalties both civil and criminal. Ken Paxton of Texas opens investigation into Media Matters for fraud. Truth Social filed defamation lawsuit against twenty media companies. Canadians have stopped caring about climate change. Texas Attorney General Paxton has sued Pfizer. Marjorie Taylor Greene questions whether Nancy Pelosi orchestrated January 6th. Trump releases doctor letter touting health and weight loss on Biden’s birthday. The Iowa Board of Regents has voted to abolish DEI in all State Universities. Rumble under ‘major DDoS attack after CEO pledged to join Elon Musk to fight woke censorship. An official UK inquiry panel reports that Boris Johnson was bamboozled by Covid data. Sam Altman of OpenAI fired. Reinstated and two women board members let go. Sam Bankman Fried convicted. Faces decades in prison. Italy bans production and sale of lab grown meat. Trans Activist company behind Miss Universe has filed for bankruptcy. A female boxer in Canada withdrew from a championship match after learning she was set to fight a trans-identified male. Financial As I reported here last week, Net-Zero and ESG are on their deathbed in every country but the most insane. CNBC fires staff dedicated to covering climate change. 19 Republican Attorneys General are going after the big banks for closing accounts and discriminating against customers over political/religious beliefs Trudeau’s billion-dollar Green Slush Fund’s head resigns, after it is discovered she funnelled $200K to her own company. Hong Kong bankers have lots of free time and anxiety as global dealmaking sinks. Bank of Canada’s Macklem says interest rates may be high enough to tame inflation. Bank of Canada reports that Canadians don’t need digital currency and don’t want it. SEC Commissioner says “there’s no reason for us to stand in the way of a Spot Bitcoin ETF. Russia, the most sanctioned country in the world will end the year with a $75 Billion profit. The US, the most indebted country in the world, will end 2023 with a lost of $@ Trillion. Luxury houses tied to China’s Evergrande chairman seized by creditor. Chairman placed under police surveillance. Argentine stock market up 20% after Milei’s election South Africa to chair BRICS extraordinary joint meeting on the situation in Gaza. Mortgage rates decline for the first time in two years. Inflation declines in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. to lowest in two years. Dutch Central Bank has prepared for a new Gold Standard. Republicans building case against Antony Fauci. New emails show Fauci adviser suggesting he destroyed records. Jim Jordan issues subpoena to Bank of America for sharing customer’s private financial information with the FBI. Australian clamps down on migrants with criminal convictions. BLM activist Jayden X found guilty on all seven counts for his actions on January 6th. Decline in local U.S. news outlets is accelerating. Canada Media Fund admits subsidizing newspapers and news channels didn’t stop decline. Ghost busses uncovered filled with FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters on January 6th. Pfizer stock hits three year low, down 50% from 2021. Disney loses $40B from DeSantis pulling special treatment. Voter Fraud A federal judge in Georgia has ordered a trial for the case against Dominion machines. Trump declares he will bring everything to light, including the 2020 election fraud, concluding we need same day voting and paper ballots. Kim Phuong Taylor found guilty of 51 counts related to voter fraud in the election of her husband, Jeremy Taylor Fulton County, Georgia acknowledges that 3,600 ballots from the 2020 election audit were duplicated. Discrepancy turned over the the GA Attorney General for investigation. Obama-appointed federal judge just ruled against voting machines in Georgia. Maricopa County Elections Department has admitted they improperly certified the voting machines that failed on Election Day. Sixty percent of the machines failed. Trump: “We have so much evidence of election fraud, and I look forward to introducing it in my trials.” Colorado judge keeps Trump on 2024 primary ballot as latest 14th Amendment case falters. South Carolina implements Voter ID. Meta allows ads saying 2020 election was rigged on Facebook and Instagram. Stacey Abrams’ voting organization, overseen by Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock (who stole his seat), is facing serious allegations of financial fraud. Arizona Governor Katies Hobbs’ Election Task Force concluded that then-Secretary of State Hobbs engaged in election interference in 2022 by preventing Arizonans from voting while running her own election for governor. Wisconsin legislature has passed two constitutional amendment proposals that seek to prohibit noncitizen voting and the use of private money (ZuckBucks) to conduct elections. ZuckerBucks banned in 32 states. All this in fewer than ten days. The future should be blinding you right about now. \ Much of the mainstream news/propaganda is designed to oppress, depress and disempower you. Even independent journalism falls into despair all too often. I fight that with every fibre of my ability. I disagree. I do not think we are lost. I don’t think there is a new dark age ahead. I think quite the opposite. Again, I am grateful for all the subscriptions, paid and otherwise last week. “Put a chick in it” was enormously popular. When you like, subscribe and pay, I know where to go next with my writing. Thank you especially for the founding memberships and the people who send money via PayPal, and $20 bills from Thailand - you make a huge difference. Again, I keep my prices low so if you are not rich, you can afford to support me and others. If you are rich, consider a founding membership…cheaper in the long run! https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/can-you-feel-the-earth-shaking?utm_medium=ios
    Can You Feel The Earth Shaking?
    Normals Are Stepping Up All Over the World. Everything is Shifting. The Evidence follows:
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 61485 Vue
  • Transgender people can be baptized Catholic, serve as godparents, Vatican says https://www.reuters.com/world/transsexuals-can-be-baptized-catholic-serve-godparents-vatican-says-2023-11-08/
    Transgender people can be baptized Catholic, serve as godparents, Vatican says https://www.reuters.com/world/transsexuals-can-be-baptized-catholic-serve-godparents-vatican-says-2023-11-08/
    Transgender people can be baptized Catholic, serve as godparents, Vatican says
    Transgender people can be godparents at Roman Catholic baptisms, witnesses at religious weddings and receive baptism themselves, the Vatican's doctrinal office said on Wednesday.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 574 Vue
  • Transgender believers can be baptised in the Catholic Church, if it would not cause scandal or “confusion”, the Vatican said Wednesday, clarifying a sensitive area of doctrine.
    Transgender believers can be baptised in the Catholic Church, if it would not cause scandal or “confusion”, the Vatican said Wednesday, clarifying a sensitive area of doctrine. https://insiderpaper.com/vatican-says-transgender-catholics-can-be-baptised/
    Vatican says transgender Catholics can be baptised - Insider Paper
    Transgender believers can be baptised in the Catholic Church, if it would not cause scandal or “confusion”, the Vatican said Wednesday, clarifying a sensitive area of doctrine. The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, tasked with promulgating and defending matters of Catholic faith, also raised no objections to baptism for the children of same-sex […]
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1179 Vue
  • Greywarden > As stated on my previous post, the source for this ridiculous Meme is found here: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1331942-virgin-vs-chad.

    #1. The Chad wants Corporations to be Overthrown.

    Answer: Corporations are State Controlled Socialist Organizations. The Chad seems to be against State controlled monopolies (such as Corporations), which Marx himself was in favor of.

    #2. The Chad does not believe in Hierarchies according to the Marxist author.

    Answer: If this were actually true that the Chad does not believe in hierarchies, then that would mean the Chad is not a Communist, but an Anarcho Capitalist. Anarcho Communism is an Oxymoron as you cannot have Anarchism which is Anti-Government and Communism Which is Pro State Simultaneously. Simply put, the author of this Meme does not know what he is talking about.

    #3. The Chad Covers his face because his actions are all that matters, not his identity according to the Marxist Author.

    Response: Well, we have seen many Obedient Socialist Statist Covering their faces per the orders of the Public Sector State Hierarchy.

    #4. The Chad Believes in the Liberation of Women from oppressive gender roles according to the Marxist author.

    Answer: Oppressive Gender Roles can only play out in an economy that is collectively owned or controlled. Such as male born transgender individuals in women sports ect. This right there classifies as oppressive gender roles, and this is just one example of the Stupidities Marxist are pushing for. Traditional Gender Roles are not at all oppressive. Traditional Gender Roles are actual facts and correlate properly with the individual's gender.

    #5. The Chad comes from poverty and has experienced oppression

    Answer: Not to many victims of oppression come out of poverty by using oppression as an excuse for not being able to come out of oppression. In fact, the fact that the Chad comes out of oppression in the first place is because he isn't even really oppressed. If he were oppressed, and he had no opportunities to grow because of his gender, race or whatever. He would never come out of oppression nor poverty because the system is rigged against him.

    #6. The Chad wants everything Publicized according to the Marxist author.

    Answer: And there you have it ladies and gentlemen. The author just spilled out the beans with the above. If the Chad really is an Anarchist, then he wouldn't want everything publicized as that only empowers the Public Sector Hierarchy. The Marxist said in point #2 of his ridiculous Meme, that the Chad does not believe in Hierarchies. This right here is a contradiction, as Public Sector Control of the means of production is Socialism, and by definition it is Hierarchical, and is completely unrelated to Anarchism.

    #7. The Chad wants money abolished according to the Marxist author.

    Answer: Money's Abolishment is exactly what the Public Sector State Hierarchy wants in order to control the Private Individual. So, the Chad is not exactly against Hierarchies now is he? He is not a real Anarchist, but only one in name i guess.

    #8. The Chad could easily get laid if he wanted to, but chooses to fight Capitalism and Fascism according to the Marxist author.

    Answer: The Chad only fights Capitalism because he is against the individual, and does indeed believe in Hierarchies. This is the Chad's real problem with Capitalism. Fascism is not another word for Capitalism as the Marxist Pseudo Definiton says. Fascism is Syndicalism with a Philosophy of Actualism. Fascism is Trade Unionism and it is a complete opposite of Capitalism.

    #9. I skipped a few of them because I've already addressed similar stupidities.

    On this one the Chad says property is theft.

    Answer: This doesn't make much sense. I do understand if the Marxist is trying to say that Private Property Rights is theft, as the Marxist do believe that the Government should have ownership of all properties, not the individual. So much for not believing in Hierarchies SMH.

    #10. The Chad ignored Bitcoin because its another Capitalist ploy.

    Answer: Good for the Marxist. I am glad the Crypto Market is a Capitalist Market and close to impossible to control. I am glad the Public State Hierarchies of the World cannot control it. I am glad the Crypto Market is an enemy of Socialism, for Socialism is an enemy of the Individual, and individuals do exist and not to be blamed by association for the crimes of another individual just because he/she belongs to the same ethnic group as the criminal.
    Greywarden > As stated on my previous post, the source for this ridiculous Meme is found here: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1331942-virgin-vs-chad. #1. The Chad wants Corporations to be Overthrown. Answer: Corporations are State Controlled Socialist Organizations. The Chad seems to be against State controlled monopolies (such as Corporations), which Marx himself was in favor of. #2. The Chad does not believe in Hierarchies according to the Marxist author. Answer: If this were actually true that the Chad does not believe in hierarchies, then that would mean the Chad is not a Communist, but an Anarcho Capitalist. Anarcho Communism is an Oxymoron as you cannot have Anarchism which is Anti-Government and Communism Which is Pro State Simultaneously. Simply put, the author of this Meme does not know what he is talking about. #3. The Chad Covers his face because his actions are all that matters, not his identity according to the Marxist Author. Response: Well, we have seen many Obedient Socialist Statist Covering their faces per the orders of the Public Sector State Hierarchy. #4. The Chad Believes in the Liberation of Women from oppressive gender roles according to the Marxist author. Answer: Oppressive Gender Roles can only play out in an economy that is collectively owned or controlled. Such as male born transgender individuals in women sports ect. This right there classifies as oppressive gender roles, and this is just one example of the Stupidities Marxist are pushing for. Traditional Gender Roles are not at all oppressive. Traditional Gender Roles are actual facts and correlate properly with the individual's gender. #5. The Chad comes from poverty and has experienced oppression Answer: Not to many victims of oppression come out of poverty by using oppression as an excuse for not being able to come out of oppression. In fact, the fact that the Chad comes out of oppression in the first place is because he isn't even really oppressed. If he were oppressed, and he had no opportunities to grow because of his gender, race or whatever. He would never come out of oppression nor poverty because the system is rigged against him. #6. The Chad wants everything Publicized according to the Marxist author. Answer: And there you have it ladies and gentlemen. The author just spilled out the beans with the above. If the Chad really is an Anarchist, then he wouldn't want everything publicized as that only empowers the Public Sector Hierarchy. The Marxist said in point #2 of his ridiculous Meme, that the Chad does not believe in Hierarchies. This right here is a contradiction, as Public Sector Control of the means of production is Socialism, and by definition it is Hierarchical, and is completely unrelated to Anarchism. #7. The Chad wants money abolished according to the Marxist author. Answer: Money's Abolishment is exactly what the Public Sector State Hierarchy wants in order to control the Private Individual. So, the Chad is not exactly against Hierarchies now is he? He is not a real Anarchist, but only one in name i guess. #8. The Chad could easily get laid if he wanted to, but chooses to fight Capitalism and Fascism according to the Marxist author. Answer: The Chad only fights Capitalism because he is against the individual, and does indeed believe in Hierarchies. This is the Chad's real problem with Capitalism. Fascism is not another word for Capitalism as the Marxist Pseudo Definiton says. Fascism is Syndicalism with a Philosophy of Actualism. Fascism is Trade Unionism and it is a complete opposite of Capitalism. #9. I skipped a few of them because I've already addressed similar stupidities. On this one the Chad says property is theft. Answer: This doesn't make much sense. I do understand if the Marxist is trying to say that Private Property Rights is theft, as the Marxist do believe that the Government should have ownership of all properties, not the individual. So much for not believing in Hierarchies SMH. #10. The Chad ignored Bitcoin because its another Capitalist ploy. Answer: Good for the Marxist. I am glad the Crypto Market is a Capitalist Market and close to impossible to control. I am glad the Public State Hierarchies of the World cannot control it. I am glad the Crypto Market is an enemy of Socialism, for Socialism is an enemy of the Individual, and individuals do exist and not to be blamed by association for the crimes of another individual just because he/she belongs to the same ethnic group as the criminal.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 5136 Vue
  • The United States Government overreach is becoming worse and worse with every passing day. Our freedoms are diminishing and everyone is worried about cutting branches rather than removing the problem from its root. The reason why people are cutting branches is because the mainstream media has a vested interest in defending the Government through repetious lies and propaganda. The individual is believing these lies and even standing with the Government's doctrines which is to get the individual to agree that he/she must give up their freedoms and bow down to the Collective Public Sector State.

    It is interpreted that Republicans are Capitalist and are on the Right of the Political Spectrum. This is false, as Republicans just like the Democrats are fighting for more and more State Control, and both are stranguling the Economy through Socialist Measures. What we are seeing in the U.S is a leftist Civil War between the Socialist Republicans VS the Marxist Democrats.

    The only difference between these two Socialist parties is that one of them wants complete ownership of the economy (The Democrats), and the other one does not want complete ownership of the Economy, but as much State Control as possible (The Republicans). Both of these Parties are Statist Socialist Parties and they are both Leftist Parties. Both of these parties belong on the left of the Political Spectrum not on the Right. If you can't comprehend something this simple. That explains the reason why you are still cutting branches rather than dealing with the root of the actual problem.

    You may ask me how did i reach that conclusion? It is very simple. State Control of the Means of Production is Socialism, and Capitalism is Anti State by definition. The Republicans are all for regulating the Economy and thus they strangle the Economy identically to any other branch of Socialist that exists. The Democrats are a little different in how they socialise the means of production. What the Democrats are trying to do is something similar to the Doctrines of Marx and Hitler.

    In fact, the Democrats have a lot of similarities with Lenin's Socialism (Marxism = Class Socialism), and Hitler's Socialism (National Socialism = Race Socialism). We see the Democrats want a Revolution of the Proletarians like Marx, which is the Class Collective Ideology. We also see the Democrats want a Race Socialism which is for a Race Collective to Control the Economy which also includes violent revolution, and support for Racist Groups such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa and some of the Fake Hebrew Israelite Movements are examples of this. The Democrats also want to collectivise the Genders. That is, to put enmity between men and women. They want a war of genders pretending that they are doing it so women have equal rights, which is far from the case. The gender wars also includes the transgender abusers wanting to compete with women in women sports. The Deomocrats are attempting to socialise this group collective as well and have them control the means of production.

    The Democrats are a Mix between National Socialist (Race Socialist), and Marxist Socialist (Class Socialist), with additional Elements like Gender as add-ons. They want worker control of the means of production (Marxism). But they also want race control of the means of production (National Socialism). As well as Gender Control of the means of Production (Feminism).

    The tricky part is to understand that both parties are Socialist Statist. As Mussolini said, everything in the State, nothing outside the State and nothing against the State. The Republicans very similar to the Italian Fascist, are all about the Nation.

    Yes, the Republicans love to call themselves (Nationalists). This is a secret word to coverup their Socialism. But we can easily unmask this right here. A Nation by definition is a Society. So, what exactly is the difference between a Nationalist and a Socialist? Absolutely nothing! There is no difference between Nationalism and Socialims. They are one and the same. Is there any difference between Nationalizing the means of produciton or Socializing the means of produciton? There aren't any differences of course. Just like there was no difference when Hitler spoke about Nationalizing the Masses and Socializing the People. He meant exactly the same thing. Nationalism is Socialism and Socialism is Nationalism. They are exactly the same thing. And Republicans trying to hide behind the use of this term rightfully need to be called out.
    The United States Government overreach is becoming worse and worse with every passing day. Our freedoms are diminishing and everyone is worried about cutting branches rather than removing the problem from its root. The reason why people are cutting branches is because the mainstream media has a vested interest in defending the Government through repetious lies and propaganda. The individual is believing these lies and even standing with the Government's doctrines which is to get the individual to agree that he/she must give up their freedoms and bow down to the Collective Public Sector State. It is interpreted that Republicans are Capitalist and are on the Right of the Political Spectrum. This is false, as Republicans just like the Democrats are fighting for more and more State Control, and both are stranguling the Economy through Socialist Measures. What we are seeing in the U.S is a leftist Civil War between the Socialist Republicans VS the Marxist Democrats. The only difference between these two Socialist parties is that one of them wants complete ownership of the economy (The Democrats), and the other one does not want complete ownership of the Economy, but as much State Control as possible (The Republicans). Both of these Parties are Statist Socialist Parties and they are both Leftist Parties. Both of these parties belong on the left of the Political Spectrum not on the Right. If you can't comprehend something this simple. That explains the reason why you are still cutting branches rather than dealing with the root of the actual problem. You may ask me how did i reach that conclusion? It is very simple. State Control of the Means of Production is Socialism, and Capitalism is Anti State by definition. The Republicans are all for regulating the Economy and thus they strangle the Economy identically to any other branch of Socialist that exists. The Democrats are a little different in how they socialise the means of production. What the Democrats are trying to do is something similar to the Doctrines of Marx and Hitler. In fact, the Democrats have a lot of similarities with Lenin's Socialism (Marxism = Class Socialism), and Hitler's Socialism (National Socialism = Race Socialism). We see the Democrats want a Revolution of the Proletarians like Marx, which is the Class Collective Ideology. We also see the Democrats want a Race Socialism which is for a Race Collective to Control the Economy which also includes violent revolution, and support for Racist Groups such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa and some of the Fake Hebrew Israelite Movements are examples of this. The Democrats also want to collectivise the Genders. That is, to put enmity between men and women. They want a war of genders pretending that they are doing it so women have equal rights, which is far from the case. The gender wars also includes the transgender abusers wanting to compete with women in women sports. The Deomocrats are attempting to socialise this group collective as well and have them control the means of production. The Democrats are a Mix between National Socialist (Race Socialist), and Marxist Socialist (Class Socialist), with additional Elements like Gender as add-ons. They want worker control of the means of production (Marxism). But they also want race control of the means of production (National Socialism). As well as Gender Control of the means of Production (Feminism). The tricky part is to understand that both parties are Socialist Statist. As Mussolini said, everything in the State, nothing outside the State and nothing against the State. The Republicans very similar to the Italian Fascist, are all about the Nation. Yes, the Republicans love to call themselves (Nationalists). This is a secret word to coverup their Socialism. But we can easily unmask this right here. A Nation by definition is a Society. So, what exactly is the difference between a Nationalist and a Socialist? Absolutely nothing! There is no difference between Nationalism and Socialims. They are one and the same. Is there any difference between Nationalizing the means of produciton or Socializing the means of produciton? There aren't any differences of course. Just like there was no difference when Hitler spoke about Nationalizing the Masses and Socializing the People. He meant exactly the same thing. Nationalism is Socialism and Socialism is Nationalism. They are exactly the same thing. And Republicans trying to hide behind the use of this term rightfully need to be called out.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 3418 Vue
  • Behind the Backlash Against Bud Light’s Transgender Influencer.

    After Dylan Mulvaney promoted the beer on Instagram, well-known conservatives called for a boycott. Two executives at Anheuser-Busch, the beer’s maker, are taking a leave of absence.
    Behind the Backlash Against Bud Light’s Transgender Influencer. After Dylan Mulvaney promoted the beer on Instagram, well-known conservatives called for a boycott. Two executives at Anheuser-Busch, the beer’s maker, are taking a leave of absence. https://www.nytimes.com/article/bud-light-boycott.html
    Behind the Backlash Against Bud Light’s Transgender Influencer
    After Dylan Mulvaney promoted the beer on Instagram, well-known conservatives called for a boycott. Two executives at Anheuser-Busch, the beer’s maker, are taking a leave of absence.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1668 Vue
  • The Vancouver Police Department is investigating after activist Chris Elston, also known as "Billboard Chris," says he was assaulted Friday at a trans-rights rally.

    "The most violent group in the western world are transgender activists," Elston tweeted Saturday.
    "Here I am getting assaulted in the presence of dozens of police who do nothing," Elston said. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trans-advocate-allegedly-assaults-activist-dad
    The Vancouver Police Department is investigating after activist Chris Elston, also known as "Billboard Chris," says he was assaulted Friday at a trans-rights rally. "The most violent group in the western world are transgender activists," Elston tweeted Saturday. "Here I am getting assaulted in the presence of dozens of police who do nothing," Elston said. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trans-advocate-allegedly-assaults-activist-dad
    VIDEO: Violent transgender activists allegedly assault dad
    The Vancouver Police Department is investigating after activist Chris Elston, also known as "Billboard Chris," says he was assaulted Friday at a trans-rights rally."The most violent group in the western world are transgender activists," Elston tweeted Saturday."Here I am getting assaulted in the pre...
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1716 Vue
  • https://thefederalist.com/2023/02/01/the-whole-transgender-industry-is-founded-on-two-faulty-studies/
    The Whole Transgender Industry Is Founded On 2 Faulty Studies
    Two studies that formed the foundation of the transgender industry in the U.S. should never have been accepted by the professional community.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 804 Vue
  • Lets test SoMee and Hive's free speech... I am 100% fine with transgender adults becoming a man or a woman. What I am not okay with is having to conform to pronouns of they/them/it/w/e. If you look like a man, ill call you a man/he/him. If you look like a woman, Ill call you a woman/her/she. I am not going to go around and ask WHAT pronoun would you prefer when speaking to someone for the first time. In fact, pushing that type of mentality could be dangerous with the wrong person, id rather apologize for misgendering if corrected. That doesn't make me a biggot or anti-transgender.
    Yet, the ADL feels that misgendering someone with the wrong pronoun can "make them feel awkward, uncomfortable or unsafe." My question is what about the rest of us who feel uncomfortable, awkward and unsafe using them or having to be forced to ask someone what pronoun they identify as?
    Personally, I don't care what sex/gender you choose to be or who you are sleeping with, as long as you are a good person. But don't force your pronoun bs on me.
    I am not going to play guessing games on what gender you want to be when I speak to you. That's such self centered bs to think that others should change the way they address every person in this world just to make sure you and a few other people are happy. If you correct me, that's fine. But if you tell me to refer to you as It/they/them being "non-binary". I am going to tell you to refer to me as thee/lord/king.
    There is no such thing as a "non-binary" person gender wise. Sorry, but you either have a penis or a vagina which makes you male or female. That's your true gender identity not your feelngs. Also the deeper problem with all this is women are being invalidated because now men who identify as women are allowed to join their sports competitions. Despite still having all the physical characteristics of a man. You might be able to change your sexual organs, but you can't change your genetic make up that you were BORN with.
    There are only two genders MAN and WOMAN and as this author in the below artcle notes they shouldn't mean much. Although, I disagree with her on the point about, "Announcing yourself as a “she”, “he” or “they” would appear to buy into the notion that a “he” is completely different from a “she." A he is completely different from a she... For starters one has a penis, the other has a vagina and breasts for feeding a baby. Second, like it or not a man has more muscle mass then a woman that's a biological fact and isn't misogynistic at all. On the flip side studies have proven women are more logical and analyitically minded.
    "Wouldn’t it be better if we just worked towards a future where “he” and “she” weren’t weighted with so much meaning? What if we worked to break those limitations down instead?"
    However, you don't see people who are gay want to be called gay/homosexual and their name. So why do some transgender people want to force pronouns on everyone else as their gender? More so giving these select group of people power is turning into a shit show. Now, we are seeing fights over the use of women being pregnant using the words "breast feeding." They are seriously arguing this is inclusive and it should be chest feeding instead. That's not all though, there are some crazy idiots that feel women and men shouldn't have separate bathrooms.
    Hopefully I don't have to tell you how dangerous that is and how that puts women at risk for being raped. But here's another potential danger and a story that actually happened affected by pronouns. A biological woman identified as a man and died due to being unknowingly pregnant.
    “In 2019, the New England Journal of Medicine reported the case of a 32-year-old transgender man who went to an ER complaining of abdominal pain. While the patient disclosed he was transgender, his medical records did not. He was simply a man. The triage nurse determined that the patient, who was obese, was in pain because he’d stopped taking a medication meant to relieve hypertension. This was no emergency, she decided. She was wrong: The patient was, in fact, pregnant and in labor. By the time hospital staff realized that, it was too late. The baby was dead. And the patient, despite his own shock at being pregnant, was shattered.”
    Another example, how about a man with a penis exposing himself to women and young girls in a female spa? That too has happened and I guess the women are just supposed to ignore his penis because he identifies as a woman, right? This could also be applied to a man going into a woman's bathroom because he identifies as female too.
    None of this is right and lets stop pretending that pronouns aren't normalizing dangerous behaviors, mindsets and invalidating biological women. You can be transgender and get a sex change that's fine. But you should only be referenced by the sexual organs that you have and you shouldn't be able to join the opposite sexes' sports. Also we should stop pretending that someone can be non-binary and gender non-conforming. Sorry, you can't decide to not have sexual organs. Your sexual organs define your gender and there is absolutely no such thing as gender identity this is a made up fallacy. Honestly, this should be classified as a mental illness. If someone identified themselves as a wolf or an inanimate object such as a door they would be thrown in the looney bin so why isn' t the same done? Shots fired.
    Lets test SoMee and Hive's free speech... I am 100% fine with transgender adults becoming a man or a woman. What I am not okay with is having to conform to pronouns of they/them/it/w/e. If you look like a man, ill call you a man/he/him. If you look like a woman, Ill call you a woman/her/she. I am not going to go around and ask WHAT pronoun would you prefer when speaking to someone for the first time. In fact, pushing that type of mentality could be dangerous with the wrong person, id rather apologize for misgendering if corrected. That doesn't make me a biggot or anti-transgender. Yet, the ADL feels that misgendering someone with the wrong pronoun can "make them feel awkward, uncomfortable or unsafe." My question is what about the rest of us who feel uncomfortable, awkward and unsafe using them or having to be forced to ask someone what pronoun they identify as? Personally, I don't care what sex/gender you choose to be or who you are sleeping with, as long as you are a good person. But don't force your pronoun bs on me. I am not going to play guessing games on what gender you want to be when I speak to you. That's such self centered bs to think that others should change the way they address every person in this world just to make sure you and a few other people are happy. If you correct me, that's fine. But if you tell me to refer to you as It/they/them being "non-binary". I am going to tell you to refer to me as thee/lord/king. There is no such thing as a "non-binary" person gender wise. Sorry, but you either have a penis or a vagina which makes you male or female. That's your true gender identity not your feelngs. Also the deeper problem with all this is women are being invalidated because now men who identify as women are allowed to join their sports competitions. Despite still having all the physical characteristics of a man. You might be able to change your sexual organs, but you can't change your genetic make up that you were BORN with. There are only two genders MAN and WOMAN and as this author in the below artcle notes they shouldn't mean much. Although, I disagree with her on the point about, "Announcing yourself as a “she”, “he” or “they” would appear to buy into the notion that a “he” is completely different from a “she." A he is completely different from a she... For starters one has a penis, the other has a vagina and breasts for feeding a baby. Second, like it or not a man has more muscle mass then a woman that's a biological fact and isn't misogynistic at all. On the flip side studies have proven women are more logical and analyitically minded. "Wouldn’t it be better if we just worked towards a future where “he” and “she” weren’t weighted with so much meaning? What if we worked to break those limitations down instead?" However, you don't see people who are gay want to be called gay/homosexual and their name. So why do some transgender people want to force pronouns on everyone else as their gender? More so giving these select group of people power is turning into a shit show. Now, we are seeing fights over the use of women being pregnant using the words "breast feeding." They are seriously arguing this is inclusive and it should be chest feeding instead. That's not all though, there are some crazy idiots that feel women and men shouldn't have separate bathrooms. Hopefully I don't have to tell you how dangerous that is and how that puts women at risk for being raped. But here's another potential danger and a story that actually happened affected by pronouns. A biological woman identified as a man and died due to being unknowingly pregnant. “In 2019, the New England Journal of Medicine reported the case of a 32-year-old transgender man who went to an ER complaining of abdominal pain. While the patient disclosed he was transgender, his medical records did not. He was simply a man. The triage nurse determined that the patient, who was obese, was in pain because he’d stopped taking a medication meant to relieve hypertension. This was no emergency, she decided. She was wrong: The patient was, in fact, pregnant and in labor. By the time hospital staff realized that, it was too late. The baby was dead. And the patient, despite his own shock at being pregnant, was shattered.” Another example, how about a man with a penis exposing himself to women and young girls in a female spa? That too has happened and I guess the women are just supposed to ignore his penis because he identifies as a woman, right? This could also be applied to a man going into a woman's bathroom because he identifies as female too. None of this is right and lets stop pretending that pronouns aren't normalizing dangerous behaviors, mindsets and invalidating biological women. You can be transgender and get a sex change that's fine. But you should only be referenced by the sexual organs that you have and you shouldn't be able to join the opposite sexes' sports. Also we should stop pretending that someone can be non-binary and gender non-conforming. Sorry, you can't decide to not have sexual organs. Your sexual organs define your gender and there is absolutely no such thing as gender identity this is a made up fallacy. Honestly, this should be classified as a mental illness. If someone identified themselves as a wolf or an inanimate object such as a door they would be thrown in the looney bin so why isn' t the same done? Shots fired. Sources: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/sep/13/pronouns-gender-he-she-they-natalie-wynn-contrapoints https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1811491 https://thepostmillennial.com/exclusive-mom-reveals-naked-hot-tub-daughter https://www.feministcurrent.com/2021/07/28/the-problem-with-preferred-pronouns/
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