• I want to thank all of you who have pointed these projects out to me. I am going to add every tribe tag of these projects for this post. There is only one project that i have not bought yet, but some how ended up in my wallet. That project is VYB. I have no idea what this is and if that should be my next purchase. I still have goals of increasing the amounts i own in other projects i own as well. I will add the VYB hashtag as well in hopes that someone in their tribe enlightens me about that project.. I also need all of you to continue telling about these great projects on Hive that are building for the future with super low marketcaps and great utility. Please let me know which projects i should add to this list in the comment section..
    In anycase. The following are the projects i have purchased thus far.













    I want to thank all of you who have pointed these projects out to me. I am going to add every tribe tag of these projects for this post. There is only one project that i have not bought yet, but some how ended up in my wallet. That project is VYB. I have no idea what this is and if that should be my next purchase. I still have goals of increasing the amounts i own in other projects i own as well. I will add the VYB hashtag as well in hopes that someone in their tribe enlightens me about that project.. I also need all of you to continue telling about these great projects on Hive that are building for the future with super low marketcaps and great utility. Please let me know which projects i should add to this list in the comment section.. In anycase. The following are the projects i have purchased thus far. SME LEO PoB Sports MEME CENTG CENT PEPE THGAMING BRK Mythical ARCHON
    4 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 9383 Visualizações

  • Image Source: https://www.escapeartist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/step0001.jpg
    Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has gained significant attention and popularity since its inception in 2009. However, its decentralized nature, volatility, and potential risks have led to debates about the possibility of governments considering the outlawing of Bitcoin. In this article, we will explore some potential reasons that could contribute to such a decision.
    Regulatory Challenges:
    One primary concern for governments is the lack of regulatory oversight in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin's decentralized nature allows for anonymous transactions and can potentially facilitate illicit activities such as money laundering, tax evasion, and illegal transactions. Despite efforts to establish regulations and anti-money laundering measures, the anonymity provided by Bitcoin still poses a challenge for authorities to monitor and control financial transactions effectively.
    Financial Stability and Consumer Protection:
    Bitcoin's extreme price volatility can disrupt financial stability and endanger consumer protection. The cryptocurrency's value has witnessed significant fluctuations, often driven by speculative trading, market manipulation, or unexpected events. Such volatility can negatively impact investors, businesses, and overall economic stability. Governments may see the need to protect their citizens from potential financial losses associated with participating in the volatile cryptocurrency market.
    Monetary Policy Control:
    Central banks maintain the responsibility of implementing monetary policy to manage national economies effectively. Bitcoin, being decentralized and beyond government control, poses a challenge to the central bank's ability to influence and regulate monetary systems. If Bitcoin gains widespread acceptance, it could potentially undermine a government's control over its own currency, leading to potential economic instability.
    Cybersecurity and Fraud:
    As with any digital platform, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are susceptible to hacking, fraud, and cyber attacks. Despite the implementation of robust security measures, cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets have experienced numerous high-profile breaches in recent years. These security vulnerabilities raise concerns regarding the protection of users' funds and the potential for criminal activities, which could further contribute to governments considering the outlawing of Bitcoin.
    Potential Loss of Tax Revenue:
    Governments rely on tax revenues to fund public services and infrastructure development. The anonymity associated with Bitcoin transactions presents challenges for tax authorities to identify and track taxable income. The potential widespread adoption of Bitcoin could lead to a substantial loss of tax revenue, making it difficult for governments to meet their financial obligations.
    While Bitcoin has attracted a vast user base and supporters who believe in its potential to revolutionize the financial system, several factors may lead governments to consider outlawing it. Regulatory challenges, concerns regarding financial stability and consumer protection, the potential loss of monetary policy control, cybersecurity risks, and the potential impact on tax revenues are some of the primary reasons that may drive governments towards such a decision. However, it's important to note that this article explores potential reasons and does not reflect the definitive outcome or consensus on the future of Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency landscape remains complex and subject to ongoing discussions and developments. #bitcoin #btc #someeofficial #waivio #thgaming #nftm #archon #hivelist
    Image Source: https://www.escapeartist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/step0001.jpg Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has gained significant attention and popularity since its inception in 2009. However, its decentralized nature, volatility, and potential risks have led to debates about the possibility of governments considering the outlawing of Bitcoin. In this article, we will explore some potential reasons that could contribute to such a decision. Regulatory Challenges: One primary concern for governments is the lack of regulatory oversight in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin's decentralized nature allows for anonymous transactions and can potentially facilitate illicit activities such as money laundering, tax evasion, and illegal transactions. Despite efforts to establish regulations and anti-money laundering measures, the anonymity provided by Bitcoin still poses a challenge for authorities to monitor and control financial transactions effectively. Financial Stability and Consumer Protection: Bitcoin's extreme price volatility can disrupt financial stability and endanger consumer protection. The cryptocurrency's value has witnessed significant fluctuations, often driven by speculative trading, market manipulation, or unexpected events. Such volatility can negatively impact investors, businesses, and overall economic stability. Governments may see the need to protect their citizens from potential financial losses associated with participating in the volatile cryptocurrency market. Monetary Policy Control: Central banks maintain the responsibility of implementing monetary policy to manage national economies effectively. Bitcoin, being decentralized and beyond government control, poses a challenge to the central bank's ability to influence and regulate monetary systems. If Bitcoin gains widespread acceptance, it could potentially undermine a government's control over its own currency, leading to potential economic instability. Cybersecurity and Fraud: As with any digital platform, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are susceptible to hacking, fraud, and cyber attacks. Despite the implementation of robust security measures, cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets have experienced numerous high-profile breaches in recent years. These security vulnerabilities raise concerns regarding the protection of users' funds and the potential for criminal activities, which could further contribute to governments considering the outlawing of Bitcoin. Potential Loss of Tax Revenue: Governments rely on tax revenues to fund public services and infrastructure development. The anonymity associated with Bitcoin transactions presents challenges for tax authorities to identify and track taxable income. The potential widespread adoption of Bitcoin could lead to a substantial loss of tax revenue, making it difficult for governments to meet their financial obligations. Conclusion: While Bitcoin has attracted a vast user base and supporters who believe in its potential to revolutionize the financial system, several factors may lead governments to consider outlawing it. Regulatory challenges, concerns regarding financial stability and consumer protection, the potential loss of monetary policy control, cybersecurity risks, and the potential impact on tax revenues are some of the primary reasons that may drive governments towards such a decision. However, it's important to note that this article explores potential reasons and does not reflect the definitive outcome or consensus on the future of Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency landscape remains complex and subject to ongoing discussions and developments. #bitcoin #btc #someeofficial #waivio #thgaming #nftm #archon #hivelist
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 13144 Visualizações

  • Image Source: https://d3lkc3n5th01x7.cloudfront.net#blockchain #thgaming #someeofficial #waiv #proofofbrain
    Blockchain technology has the potential to surpass the internet in terms of its transformative impact and widespread adoption. While the internet revolutionized communication and information sharing, blockchain introduces a new paradigm that revolutionizes trust, security, and decentralized transactions. Here are several reasons why blockchain has the potential to surpass the internet:
    Enhanced Security and Trust: One of the fundamental features of blockchain technology is its ability to create a highly secure and tamper-resistant network. Unlike the internet, which relies on centralized authorities and intermediaries to validate transactions and secure data, blockchain utilizes a decentralized network of nodes that collectively validate and record transactions in an immutable ledger. This distributed consensus mechanism eliminates the need for intermediaries, reduces the risk of fraud, and enhances trust among participants. As data breaches and online fraud continue to plague the internet, blockchain's inherent security features make it a compelling alternative.
    Decentralization and Empowerment: The internet brought about a centralized model where power and control are concentrated in the hands of a few large corporations. In contrast, blockchain enables decentralization by distributing control and decision-making among network participants. This decentralized nature has the potential to democratize various industries, such as finance, supply chain, and governance. Through blockchain-based platforms, individuals can directly interact and transact with one another, bypassing traditional gatekeepers and intermediaries. This empowerment of individuals and communities fosters innovation, reduces inequality, and challenges the centralized status quo.
    Immutable and Transparent Records: Blockchain's distributed ledger technology ensures transparency and immutability of records. Every transaction or piece of data added to the blockchain is recorded permanently and cannot be altered without the consensus of the network. This feature eliminates the need for trust in centralized authorities, as anyone can independently verify the integrity of the blockchain's history. Such transparency and immutability can have far-reaching implications for industries that require auditability, such as supply chain management, healthcare, and voting systems. By providing an indisputable and traceable record of events, blockchain technology enhances accountability and reduces fraud.
    Smart Contracts and Automation: Blockchain's programmable capabilities, particularly through smart contracts, enable the automation of complex transactions and agreements. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with predefined rules and conditions embedded in the blockchain. They eliminate the need for intermediaries and automate the enforcement of agreements, thereby reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and minimizing human error. This automation potential has vast implications across various sectors, including finance, real estate, intellectual property, and supply chain management. By streamlining processes and increasing efficiency, blockchain's smart contracts can reshape industries and drive substantial economic benefits.
    Tokenization and New Economies: Blockchain technology facilitates the tokenization of real-world assets, enabling the representation of physical or digital assets as tokens on the blockchain. This tokenization unlocks the potential for creating new economies and markets. It enables fractional ownership, liquidity, and seamless transferability of assets that were previously illiquid or inaccessible. Tokenization has the potential to revolutionize finance, art, real estate, and even personal data ownership. By enabling the creation of decentralized marketplaces and new economic models, blockchain technology can disrupt traditional industries and foster innovation.
    While the internet has transformed the world, blockchain technology presents a paradigm shift that can surpass its impact. With enhanced security, decentralization, transparency, automation, and the potential for new economies, blockchain has the power to reshape industries, empower individuals, and foster trust in ways that the internet alone cannot achieve. As blockchain continues to evolve and find applications in various sectors, its transformative potential is becoming increasingly evident, making it a strong contender to surpass the internet in terms of its overall impact.
    Image Source: https://d3lkc3n5th01x7.cloudfront.net#blockchain #thgaming #someeofficial #waiv #proofofbrain Blockchain technology has the potential to surpass the internet in terms of its transformative impact and widespread adoption. While the internet revolutionized communication and information sharing, blockchain introduces a new paradigm that revolutionizes trust, security, and decentralized transactions. Here are several reasons why blockchain has the potential to surpass the internet: Enhanced Security and Trust: One of the fundamental features of blockchain technology is its ability to create a highly secure and tamper-resistant network. Unlike the internet, which relies on centralized authorities and intermediaries to validate transactions and secure data, blockchain utilizes a decentralized network of nodes that collectively validate and record transactions in an immutable ledger. This distributed consensus mechanism eliminates the need for intermediaries, reduces the risk of fraud, and enhances trust among participants. As data breaches and online fraud continue to plague the internet, blockchain's inherent security features make it a compelling alternative. Decentralization and Empowerment: The internet brought about a centralized model where power and control are concentrated in the hands of a few large corporations. In contrast, blockchain enables decentralization by distributing control and decision-making among network participants. This decentralized nature has the potential to democratize various industries, such as finance, supply chain, and governance. Through blockchain-based platforms, individuals can directly interact and transact with one another, bypassing traditional gatekeepers and intermediaries. This empowerment of individuals and communities fosters innovation, reduces inequality, and challenges the centralized status quo. Immutable and Transparent Records: Blockchain's distributed ledger technology ensures transparency and immutability of records. Every transaction or piece of data added to the blockchain is recorded permanently and cannot be altered without the consensus of the network. This feature eliminates the need for trust in centralized authorities, as anyone can independently verify the integrity of the blockchain's history. Such transparency and immutability can have far-reaching implications for industries that require auditability, such as supply chain management, healthcare, and voting systems. By providing an indisputable and traceable record of events, blockchain technology enhances accountability and reduces fraud. Smart Contracts and Automation: Blockchain's programmable capabilities, particularly through smart contracts, enable the automation of complex transactions and agreements. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with predefined rules and conditions embedded in the blockchain. They eliminate the need for intermediaries and automate the enforcement of agreements, thereby reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and minimizing human error. This automation potential has vast implications across various sectors, including finance, real estate, intellectual property, and supply chain management. By streamlining processes and increasing efficiency, blockchain's smart contracts can reshape industries and drive substantial economic benefits. Tokenization and New Economies: Blockchain technology facilitates the tokenization of real-world assets, enabling the representation of physical or digital assets as tokens on the blockchain. This tokenization unlocks the potential for creating new economies and markets. It enables fractional ownership, liquidity, and seamless transferability of assets that were previously illiquid or inaccessible. Tokenization has the potential to revolutionize finance, art, real estate, and even personal data ownership. By enabling the creation of decentralized marketplaces and new economic models, blockchain technology can disrupt traditional industries and foster innovation. While the internet has transformed the world, blockchain technology presents a paradigm shift that can surpass its impact. With enhanced security, decentralization, transparency, automation, and the potential for new economies, blockchain has the power to reshape industries, empower individuals, and foster trust in ways that the internet alone cannot achieve. As blockchain continues to evolve and find applications in various sectors, its transformative potential is becoming increasingly evident, making it a strong contender to surpass the internet in terms of its overall impact.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 14800 Visualizações
  • EOS Rewards The current season just concluded and I received two CL packs as rewards. When I opened the second pack, two legendary cards appeared. That's rare!
    splinterlands #someeofficial #thgaming #pgm https://storageapi.fleek.co/nathansenn-team-bucket/dbuzz-images/dbuzz-image-1682864408664.png   https://storageapi.fleek.co/nathansenn-team-bucket/dbuzz-images/dbuzz-image-1682864429106.png Posted via D.Buzz
    ----------- REFERENT URL ---------------
    EOS Rewards The current season just concluded and I received two CL packs as rewards. When I opened the second pack, two legendary cards appeared. That's rare! splinterlands #someeofficial #thgaming #pgm https://storageapi.fleek.co/nathansenn-team-bucket/dbuzz-images/dbuzz-image-1682864408664.png   https://storageapi.fleek.co/nathansenn-team-bucket/dbuzz-images/dbuzz-image-1682864429106.png Posted via D.Buzz ----------- REFERENT URL --------------- https://d.buzz
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3687 Visualizações
  • Jini Guise: A New Legendary Card The brawl has just been completed. With the merits I have, I bought two Gladius packs. As I opened the first pack, a new legendary card with 1,000 CP has been added to me. #splinterlands #someeofficial #thgaming #pgm https://storageapi.fleek.co/nathansenn-team-bucket/dbuzz-images/dbuzz-image-1682134212018.png Posted via D.Buzz
    ----------- REFERENT URL ---------------
    Jini Guise: A New Legendary Card The brawl has just been completed. With the merits I have, I bought two Gladius packs. As I opened the first pack, a new legendary card with 1,000 CP has been added to me. #splinterlands #someeofficial #thgaming #pgm https://storageapi.fleek.co/nathansenn-team-bucket/dbuzz-images/dbuzz-image-1682134212018.png Posted via D.Buzz ----------- REFERENT URL --------------- https://d.buzz
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  • My NFT art for the day: 'Space Konquerors' #nft #art #metaverse #gaming #thgaming #pob #waivio
    My NFT art for the day: 'Space Konquerors' #nft #art #metaverse #gaming #thgaming #pob #waivio
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2928 Visualizações
  • My NFT artwork today: 'Warriorz' #nft #metaverse #gaming #thgaming #awesme #somee #fun #waiv #pob
    My NFT artwork today: 'Warriorz' #nft #metaverse #gaming #thgaming #awesme #somee #fun #waiv #pob
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1891 Visualizações
  • Well that's a damn good yield and you can do them on your apt balcony easy enough.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1BWxDEu0P0 #meme #somee #sme #pob #cent #waiv #thgaming #foodie
    Well that's a damn good yield and you can do them on your apt balcony easy enough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1BWxDEu0P0 #meme #somee #sme #pob #cent #waiv #thgaming #foodie
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1886 Visualizações
  • https://u.today/bone-shibaswap-bone-to-surprise-the-world-tomorrow-heres-whats-happening #cryptonews #hivelist #someeofficial #pesos #thgaming #neoxian
    https://u.today/bone-shibaswap-bone-to-surprise-the-world-tomorrow-heres-whats-happening #cryptonews #hivelist #someeofficial #pesos #thgaming #neoxian
    Bone ShibaSwap (BONE) to 'Surprise the World' Tomorrow, Here's What's Happening
    BONE token is going to put its project for Shibarium up for presale
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1898 Visualizações
  • https://cryptonews.net/news/legal/20638633/ #bitcoin #thailand #cryptocurrency #someeofficial #waiv #leo #thgaming
    https://cryptonews.net/news/legal/20638633/ #bitcoin #thailand #cryptocurrency #someeofficial #waiv #leo #thgaming
    Mixed Signals for Crypto in Thailand Despite Tax Breaks
    On Feb. 7, Reuters reported that the Thai Finance Ministry will waive corporate income tax and value-added tax for firms that conduct initial coin offerings (ICOs) for investment. According
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1872 Visualizações
  • Exciting in the gaming world. https://cryptometaversealert.com/ex-goldman-sachs-analyst-launches-undead-blocks/ #gamefi #gaming #somee #nft #cent #thgaming #battle #dec
    Exciting in the gaming world. https://cryptometaversealert.com/ex-goldman-sachs-analyst-launches-undead-blocks/ #gamefi #gaming #somee #nft #cent #thgaming #battle #dec
    Ex-Goldman Sachs Analyst Launches 'Undead Blocks' on Immutable X: A Fun and Addictive Blockchain-based Game
    Play 'Undead Blocks,' the new social game launched by ex-Goldman Sachs analyst on Immutable X. Kill zombies, earn ZBUX tokens, and redeem them for Ethereum or IMX tokens.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3255 Visualizações
  • My Splinterlands Dragons Battle Challenge! Dragons are just glorified dinosaurs! ????
    https://www.publish0x.com/mind-puzzle/my-splinterlands-dragons-battle-challenge-dragons-are-just-g-xddwgqd?a=pmbk1p5ezJ #sps #spt #dec #someeofficial #thgaming #nft #battle #cent
    My Splinterlands Dragons Battle Challenge! Dragons are just glorified dinosaurs! ???? https://www.publish0x.com/mind-puzzle/my-splinterlands-dragons-battle-challenge-dragons-are-just-g-xddwgqd?a=pmbk1p5ezJ #sps #spt #dec #someeofficial #thgaming #nft #battle #cent
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  • Why you should not worry about RFID tracking. https://open.lbry.com/@NaomiBrockwell:4/RFID:ad #rfid #somee #sme #pob #vyb #palnet #infowars #thgaming
    Why you should not worry about RFID tracking. https://open.lbry.com/@NaomiBrockwell:4/RFID:ad #rfid #somee #sme #pob #vyb #palnet #infowars #thgaming
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  • #farming #billgates #wef #somee #awesme #cent #leo #meme #thgaming
    #farming #billgates #wef #somee #awesme #cent #leo #meme #thgaming
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2549 Visualizações
  • Wow! Double shaking! Two legendary Gladius Cards!

    Fire Gladiator Fina Voxom = 1,000 CP
    Dragon Gladiator Larissa Kerato = 1,000 CP





    Wow! Double shaking! Two legendary Gladius Cards! Fire Gladiator Fina Voxom = 1,000 CP and Dragon Gladiator Larissa Kerato = 1,000 CP #splinterlands #oneup #someeofficial #pgm #thgaming
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1740 Visualizações
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