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  • Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust
    By obscuring and falsifying the lessons of the Holocaust we perpetuate the evil that defined it.

    Chris Hedges

    Never Again and Again and Again - by Mr. Fish

    Israel’s lebensraum master plan for Gaza, borrowed from the Nazi’s depopulation of Jewish ghettos, is clear. Destroy infrastrutrue, medical facilities and sanitation, including access to clean water. Block shipments of food and fuel. Unleash indiscriminate industrial violence to kill and wound hundreds a day. Let starvation — the U.N. estimates that more than half a million people are already starving — and epidemics of infectious diseases, along with the daily massacres and the displacement of Palestinians from their homes, turn Gaza into a mortuary. The Palestinians are being forced to choose between death from bombs, disease, exposure or starvation or being driven from their homeland.

    There will soon reach a point where death will be so ubiquitous that deportation - for those who want to live - will be the only option.

    Danny Danon, Israel's former Ambassador to the U.N. and a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Israel’s Kan Bet radio that he has been contacted by “countries in Latin America and Africa that are willing to absorb refugees from the Gaza Strip.” “We have to make it easier for Gazans to leave for other countries,” he said. “I'm talking about voluntary migration by Palestinians who want to leave.”

    The problem for now “is countries that are willing to absorb them, and we're working on this,” Netanyahu told Likud Knesset members.

    In the Warsaw Ghetto, the Germans handed out three kilograms of bread and one kilogram of marmalade to anyone who “voluntarily” registered for deportation. “There were times when hundreds of people had to wait in line for several hours to be ‘deported,’” Marek Edelman, one of the commanders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, writes in “The Ghetto Fights.” “The number of people anxious to obtain three kilograms of bread was such that the transports, now leaving twice daily with 12,000 people, could not accommodate them all.”

    The Nazis shipped their victims to death camps. The Israelis will ship their victims to squalid refugee camps in countries outside of Israel. Israeli leaders are also cynically advertising the proposed ethnic cleansing as voluntary and a humanitarian gesture to solve the catastrophe they created.

    This is the plan. No one, especially the Biden administration, intends to stop it.

    The most disturbing lesson I learned while covering armed conflicts for two decades is that we all have the capacity, with little prodding, to become willing executioners. The line between the victim and the victimizer is razor thin. The dark lusts of racial and ethnic supremacy, of vengeance and hate, of the eradication of those we condemn as embodying evil, are poisons that are not circumscribed by race, nationality, ethnicity or religion. We can all become Nazis. It takes very little. And if we do not stand in eternal vigilance over evil — our evil — we become, like those carrying out the mass killing in Gaza, monsters.

    The cries of those expiring under the rubble in Gaza are the cries of the boys and men executed by the Bosnian Serbs at Srebrenica, the over 1.5 million Cambodians killed by the Khmer Rouge, the thousands of Tutsi families burned alive in churches and the tens of thousands of Jews executed by the Einsatzgruppen at Babi Yar in Ukraine. The Holocaust is not an historical relic. It lives, lurking in the shadows, waiting to ignite its vicious contagion.

    We were warned. Raul Hilberg. Primo Levi. Bruno Bettelheim. Hannah Arendt. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They understood the dark recesses of the human spirit. But this truth is bitter and hard to confront. We prefer the myth. We prefer to see in our own kind, our own race, our own ethnicity, our own nation, our own religion, superior virtues. We prefer to sanctify our hatred. Some of those who bore witness to this awful truth, including Levi, Bettelheim, Jean Améry, the author of “At the Mind's Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and Its Realities,” and Tadeusz Borowski, who wrote “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen,” committed suicide. The German playwright and revolutionary Ernst Toller, unable to rouse an indifferent world to assist victims and refugees from the Spanish Civil War, hanged himself in 1939 in a room at the Mayflower Hotel in New York City. On his hotel desk were photos of dead Spanish children.

    “Most people have no imagination,” Toller writes. “If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so. What separated a German mother from a French mother? Slogans which deafened us so that we could not hear the truth.”

    Primo Levi railed against the false, morally uplifting narrative of the Holocaust that culminates in the creation of the state of Israel — a narrative embraced by the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. The contemporary history of the Third Reich, he writes, could be “reread as a war against memory, an Orwellian falsification of memory, falsification of reality, negation of reality.” He wonders if “we who have returned” have “been able to understand and make others understand our experience.”

    Levi saw us reflected in Chaim Rumkowski, the Nazi collaborator and tyrannical leader of the Łódź Ghetto. Rumkowski sold out his fellow Jews for privilege and power, although he was sent to Auschwitz on the final transport where Jewish Sonderkommando — prisoners forced to help herd victims into the gas chambers and dispose of their bodies — in an act of vengeance reportedly beat him to death outside a crematorium.

    “We are all mirrored in Rumkowski,” Levi reminds us. “His ambiguity is ours, it is our second nature, we hybrids molded from clay and spirit. His fever is ours, the fever of Western civilization, that ‘descends into hell with trumpets and drums,’ and its miserable adornments are the distorting image of our symbols of social prestige.” We, like Rumkowski, “are so dazzled by power and prestige as to forget our essential fragility. Willingly or not we come to terms with power, forgetting that we are all in the ghetto, that the ghetto is walled in, that outside the ghetto reign the lords of death, and that close by the train is waiting.”

    Levi insists that the camps “could not be reduced to the two blocks of victims and persecutors.” He argues, “It is naive, absurd, and historically false to believe that an infernal system such as National Socialism sanctifies its victims; on the contrary; it degrades them, it makes them resemble itself.” He chronicles what he called the “gray zone” between corruption and collaboration. The world, he writes, is not black and white, “but a vast zone of gray consciences that stands between the great men of evil and the pure victims.” We all inhabit this gray zone. We all can be induced to become part of the apparatus of death for trivial reasons and paltry rewards. This is the terrifying truth of the Holocaust.

    It is hard not to be cynical about the plethora of university courses about the Holocaust given the censorship and banning of groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, imposed by university administrations. What is the point of studying the Holocaust if not to understand its fundamental lesson — when you have the capacity to stop genocide and you do not, you are culpable? It is hard not to be cynical about the “humanitarian interventionists” — Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Samantha Power — who talk in sanctimonious rhymes about the “Responsibility to Protect” but are silent about war crimes when speaking out would threaten their status and careers. None of the “humanitarian interventions” they championed, from Bosnia to Libya, come close to replicating the suffering and slaughter in Gaza. But there is a cost to defending Palestinians, a cost they do not intend to pay. There is nothing moral about denouncing slavery, the Holocaust or dictatorial regimes that oppose the United States. All it means is you champion the dominant narrative.

    The moral universe has been turned upside down. Those who oppose genocide are accused of advocating it. Those who carry out genocide are said to have the right to “defend” themselves. Vetoing ceasefires and providing 2,000-pound bombs to Israel that throw out metal fragments for thousands of feet is the road to peace. Refusing to negotiate with Hamas will free the hostages. Bombing hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, ambulances and refugee camps, along with killing three former Israeli hostages, stripped to the waist, waving an improvised white flag and calling out for help in Hebrew, are routine acts of war. Killing over 21,300 people, including more than 7,700 children, injuring over 55,000 and rendering nearly all of the 2.3 million people in Gaza homeless, is a way to “deradicalize” Palestinians. None of this makes sense, as protesters around the world realize.

    A new world is being born. It is a world where the old rules, more often honored in the breach than the observance, no longer matter. It is a world where vast bureaucratic structures and technologically advanced systems carry out in public view vast killing projects. The industrialized nations, weakened, fearful of global chaos, are sending an ominous message to the Global South and anyone who might think of revolt — we will kill you without restraint.

    One day, we will all be Palestinians.

    “I fear that we live in a world in which war and racism are ubiquitous, in which the powers of government mobilization and legitimization are powerful and increasing, in which a sense of personal responsibility is increasingly attenuated by specialization and bureaucratization, and in which the peer group exerts tremendous pressures on behavior and sets moral norms,” Christopher R. Browning writes in Ordinary Men, about a German reserve police battalion in World War Two that was ultimately responsible for the murder of 83,000 Jews. “In such a world, I fear, modern governments that wish to commit mass murder will seldom fail in their efforts for being unable to induce ‘ordinary men’ to become their ‘willing executioners.’”

    Evil is protean. It mutates. It finds new forms and new expressions. Germany orchestrated the murder of six million Jews, as well as over six million Gypsies, Poles, homosexuals, communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Freemasons, artists, journalists, Soviet prisoners of war, people with physical and intellectual disabilities and political opponents. It immediately set out after the war to expiate itself for its crimes. It deftly transferred its racism and demonization to Muslims, with racial supremacy remaining firmly rooted in the German psyche. At the same time, Germany and the U.S. rehabilitated thousands of former Nazis, especially from the intelligence services and the scientific community, and did little to prosecute those who directed Nazi war crimes. Germany today is Israel’s second largest arms supplier following the U.S.

    The supposed campaign against anti-Semitism, interpreted as any statement that is critical of the State of Israel or denounces the genocide, is in fact the championing of White Power. It is why the German state, which has effectively criminalized support for the Palestinians, and the most retrograde white supremists in the United States, justify the carnage. Germany’s long relationship with Israel, including paying over $90 billion since 1945 in reparations to Holocaust survivors and their heirs, is not about atonement, as the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé writes, but blackmail.

    “The argument for a Jewish state as compensation for the Holocaust was a powerful argument, so powerful that nobody listened to the outright rejection of the U.N. solution by the overwhelming majority of the people of Palestine,” Pappé writes. “What comes out clearly is a European wish to atone. The basic and natural rights of the Palestinians should be sidelined, dwarfed and forgotten altogether for the sake of the forgiveness that Europe was seeking from the newly formed Jewish state. It was much easier to rectify the Nazi evil vis-à -vis a Zionist movement than facing the Jews of the world in general. It was less complex and, more importantly, it did not involve facing the victims of the Holocaust themselves, but rather a state that claimed to represent them. The price for this more convenient atonement was robbing the Palestinians of every basic and natural right they had and allowing the Zionist movement to ethnically cleanse them without fear of any rebuke or condemnation.”

    The Holocaust was weaponized from almost the moment Israel was founded. It was bastardized to serve the apartheid state. If we forget the lessons of the Holocaust, we forget who we are and what we are capable of becoming. We seek our moral worth in the past, rather than the present. We condemn others, including the Palestinians, to an endless cycle of slaughter. We become the evil we abhor. We consecrate the horror.


    Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust By obscuring and falsifying the lessons of the Holocaust we perpetuate the evil that defined it. Chris Hedges Never Again and Again and Again - by Mr. Fish Israel’s lebensraum master plan for Gaza, borrowed from the Nazi’s depopulation of Jewish ghettos, is clear. Destroy infrastrutrue, medical facilities and sanitation, including access to clean water. Block shipments of food and fuel. Unleash indiscriminate industrial violence to kill and wound hundreds a day. Let starvation — the U.N. estimates that more than half a million people are already starving — and epidemics of infectious diseases, along with the daily massacres and the displacement of Palestinians from their homes, turn Gaza into a mortuary. The Palestinians are being forced to choose between death from bombs, disease, exposure or starvation or being driven from their homeland. There will soon reach a point where death will be so ubiquitous that deportation - for those who want to live - will be the only option. Danny Danon, Israel's former Ambassador to the U.N. and a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Israel’s Kan Bet radio that he has been contacted by “countries in Latin America and Africa that are willing to absorb refugees from the Gaza Strip.” “We have to make it easier for Gazans to leave for other countries,” he said. “I'm talking about voluntary migration by Palestinians who want to leave.” The problem for now “is countries that are willing to absorb them, and we're working on this,” Netanyahu told Likud Knesset members. In the Warsaw Ghetto, the Germans handed out three kilograms of bread and one kilogram of marmalade to anyone who “voluntarily” registered for deportation. “There were times when hundreds of people had to wait in line for several hours to be ‘deported,’” Marek Edelman, one of the commanders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, writes in “The Ghetto Fights.” “The number of people anxious to obtain three kilograms of bread was such that the transports, now leaving twice daily with 12,000 people, could not accommodate them all.” The Nazis shipped their victims to death camps. The Israelis will ship their victims to squalid refugee camps in countries outside of Israel. Israeli leaders are also cynically advertising the proposed ethnic cleansing as voluntary and a humanitarian gesture to solve the catastrophe they created. This is the plan. No one, especially the Biden administration, intends to stop it. The most disturbing lesson I learned while covering armed conflicts for two decades is that we all have the capacity, with little prodding, to become willing executioners. The line between the victim and the victimizer is razor thin. The dark lusts of racial and ethnic supremacy, of vengeance and hate, of the eradication of those we condemn as embodying evil, are poisons that are not circumscribed by race, nationality, ethnicity or religion. We can all become Nazis. It takes very little. And if we do not stand in eternal vigilance over evil — our evil — we become, like those carrying out the mass killing in Gaza, monsters. The cries of those expiring under the rubble in Gaza are the cries of the boys and men executed by the Bosnian Serbs at Srebrenica, the over 1.5 million Cambodians killed by the Khmer Rouge, the thousands of Tutsi families burned alive in churches and the tens of thousands of Jews executed by the Einsatzgruppen at Babi Yar in Ukraine. The Holocaust is not an historical relic. It lives, lurking in the shadows, waiting to ignite its vicious contagion. We were warned. Raul Hilberg. Primo Levi. Bruno Bettelheim. Hannah Arendt. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They understood the dark recesses of the human spirit. But this truth is bitter and hard to confront. We prefer the myth. We prefer to see in our own kind, our own race, our own ethnicity, our own nation, our own religion, superior virtues. We prefer to sanctify our hatred. Some of those who bore witness to this awful truth, including Levi, Bettelheim, Jean Améry, the author of “At the Mind's Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and Its Realities,” and Tadeusz Borowski, who wrote “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen,” committed suicide. The German playwright and revolutionary Ernst Toller, unable to rouse an indifferent world to assist victims and refugees from the Spanish Civil War, hanged himself in 1939 in a room at the Mayflower Hotel in New York City. On his hotel desk were photos of dead Spanish children. “Most people have no imagination,” Toller writes. “If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so. What separated a German mother from a French mother? Slogans which deafened us so that we could not hear the truth.” Primo Levi railed against the false, morally uplifting narrative of the Holocaust that culminates in the creation of the state of Israel — a narrative embraced by the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. The contemporary history of the Third Reich, he writes, could be “reread as a war against memory, an Orwellian falsification of memory, falsification of reality, negation of reality.” He wonders if “we who have returned” have “been able to understand and make others understand our experience.” Levi saw us reflected in Chaim Rumkowski, the Nazi collaborator and tyrannical leader of the Łódź Ghetto. Rumkowski sold out his fellow Jews for privilege and power, although he was sent to Auschwitz on the final transport where Jewish Sonderkommando — prisoners forced to help herd victims into the gas chambers and dispose of their bodies — in an act of vengeance reportedly beat him to death outside a crematorium. “We are all mirrored in Rumkowski,” Levi reminds us. “His ambiguity is ours, it is our second nature, we hybrids molded from clay and spirit. His fever is ours, the fever of Western civilization, that ‘descends into hell with trumpets and drums,’ and its miserable adornments are the distorting image of our symbols of social prestige.” We, like Rumkowski, “are so dazzled by power and prestige as to forget our essential fragility. Willingly or not we come to terms with power, forgetting that we are all in the ghetto, that the ghetto is walled in, that outside the ghetto reign the lords of death, and that close by the train is waiting.” Levi insists that the camps “could not be reduced to the two blocks of victims and persecutors.” He argues, “It is naive, absurd, and historically false to believe that an infernal system such as National Socialism sanctifies its victims; on the contrary; it degrades them, it makes them resemble itself.” He chronicles what he called the “gray zone” between corruption and collaboration. The world, he writes, is not black and white, “but a vast zone of gray consciences that stands between the great men of evil and the pure victims.” We all inhabit this gray zone. We all can be induced to become part of the apparatus of death for trivial reasons and paltry rewards. This is the terrifying truth of the Holocaust. It is hard not to be cynical about the plethora of university courses about the Holocaust given the censorship and banning of groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, imposed by university administrations. What is the point of studying the Holocaust if not to understand its fundamental lesson — when you have the capacity to stop genocide and you do not, you are culpable? It is hard not to be cynical about the “humanitarian interventionists” — Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Samantha Power — who talk in sanctimonious rhymes about the “Responsibility to Protect” but are silent about war crimes when speaking out would threaten their status and careers. None of the “humanitarian interventions” they championed, from Bosnia to Libya, come close to replicating the suffering and slaughter in Gaza. But there is a cost to defending Palestinians, a cost they do not intend to pay. There is nothing moral about denouncing slavery, the Holocaust or dictatorial regimes that oppose the United States. All it means is you champion the dominant narrative. The moral universe has been turned upside down. Those who oppose genocide are accused of advocating it. Those who carry out genocide are said to have the right to “defend” themselves. Vetoing ceasefires and providing 2,000-pound bombs to Israel that throw out metal fragments for thousands of feet is the road to peace. Refusing to negotiate with Hamas will free the hostages. Bombing hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, ambulances and refugee camps, along with killing three former Israeli hostages, stripped to the waist, waving an improvised white flag and calling out for help in Hebrew, are routine acts of war. Killing over 21,300 people, including more than 7,700 children, injuring over 55,000 and rendering nearly all of the 2.3 million people in Gaza homeless, is a way to “deradicalize” Palestinians. None of this makes sense, as protesters around the world realize. A new world is being born. It is a world where the old rules, more often honored in the breach than the observance, no longer matter. It is a world where vast bureaucratic structures and technologically advanced systems carry out in public view vast killing projects. The industrialized nations, weakened, fearful of global chaos, are sending an ominous message to the Global South and anyone who might think of revolt — we will kill you without restraint. One day, we will all be Palestinians. “I fear that we live in a world in which war and racism are ubiquitous, in which the powers of government mobilization and legitimization are powerful and increasing, in which a sense of personal responsibility is increasingly attenuated by specialization and bureaucratization, and in which the peer group exerts tremendous pressures on behavior and sets moral norms,” Christopher R. Browning writes in Ordinary Men, about a German reserve police battalion in World War Two that was ultimately responsible for the murder of 83,000 Jews. “In such a world, I fear, modern governments that wish to commit mass murder will seldom fail in their efforts for being unable to induce ‘ordinary men’ to become their ‘willing executioners.’” Evil is protean. It mutates. It finds new forms and new expressions. Germany orchestrated the murder of six million Jews, as well as over six million Gypsies, Poles, homosexuals, communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Freemasons, artists, journalists, Soviet prisoners of war, people with physical and intellectual disabilities and political opponents. It immediately set out after the war to expiate itself for its crimes. It deftly transferred its racism and demonization to Muslims, with racial supremacy remaining firmly rooted in the German psyche. At the same time, Germany and the U.S. rehabilitated thousands of former Nazis, especially from the intelligence services and the scientific community, and did little to prosecute those who directed Nazi war crimes. Germany today is Israel’s second largest arms supplier following the U.S. The supposed campaign against anti-Semitism, interpreted as any statement that is critical of the State of Israel or denounces the genocide, is in fact the championing of White Power. It is why the German state, which has effectively criminalized support for the Palestinians, and the most retrograde white supremists in the United States, justify the carnage. Germany’s long relationship with Israel, including paying over $90 billion since 1945 in reparations to Holocaust survivors and their heirs, is not about atonement, as the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé writes, but blackmail. “The argument for a Jewish state as compensation for the Holocaust was a powerful argument, so powerful that nobody listened to the outright rejection of the U.N. solution by the overwhelming majority of the people of Palestine,” Pappé writes. “What comes out clearly is a European wish to atone. The basic and natural rights of the Palestinians should be sidelined, dwarfed and forgotten altogether for the sake of the forgiveness that Europe was seeking from the newly formed Jewish state. It was much easier to rectify the Nazi evil vis-à -vis a Zionist movement than facing the Jews of the world in general. It was less complex and, more importantly, it did not involve facing the victims of the Holocaust themselves, but rather a state that claimed to represent them. The price for this more convenient atonement was robbing the Palestinians of every basic and natural right they had and allowing the Zionist movement to ethnically cleanse them without fear of any rebuke or condemnation.” The Holocaust was weaponized from almost the moment Israel was founded. It was bastardized to serve the apartheid state. If we forget the lessons of the Holocaust, we forget who we are and what we are capable of becoming. We seek our moral worth in the past, rather than the present. We condemn others, including the Palestinians, to an endless cycle of slaughter. We become the evil we abhor. We consecrate the horror. 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    Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust
    By obscuring and falsifying the lessons of the Holocaust we perpetuate the evil that defined it.
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    Learn Spanish in a fun and engaging way by immersing yourself in Spanish culture. We offer a variety of cultural immersion activities to help you learn about and experience Spanish culture firsthand. This includes things like cooking classes, salsa lessons, and museum tours. If you need more personalized attention, we also offer one-on-one tutoring with a native Spanish speaker. This is a great way to improve your speaking and listening skills. Visit Our Webstie Today- https://cultureandlanguagecenter.com/
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    Within the confines of the Ayala Museum, Juan Luna's masterpiece 'Hymen oh Hymenee' skillfully encapsulates the very essence of love and unity in matrimony. The canvas itself becomes a vibrant testament to the sacred connection shared by two souls.
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    Tent City Narmada is a unique and adventurous camping experience by the Narmada River. Located in the picturesque state of Gujarat, Tent City Narmada offers guests the opportunity to experience the beauty of nature and the rich culture of the region. Tent City Narmada is also a great place to learn about the Narmada River, one of the most sacred rivers in India. Guests can visit the Narmada Museum, which showcases the rich history and culture of the region. If you are looking for a unique and adventurous camping experience, Tent City Narmada is the perfect place for you.
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    Tent City Narmada: The Perfect Place to Connect with Yourself and the Natural World Tent City Narmada is a unique and adventurous camping experience by the Narmada River. Located in the picturesque state of Gujarat, Tent City Narmada offers guests the opportunity to experience the beauty of nature and the rich culture of the region. Tent City Narmada is also a great place to learn about the Narmada River, one of the most sacred rivers in India. Guests can visit the Narmada Museum, which showcases the rich history and culture of the region. If you are looking for a unique and adventurous camping experience, Tent City Narmada is the perfect place for you. #TentCityNarmada #NarmadaTentCity #StatueOfUnityTourPackages #StatueofUnity #StatueofUnityTentCity https://thenarmadatentcity.com/
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  • The Battle On The River Neretva - Battle For The Wounded WWII
    On the way between Sarajevo and Mostar, in the city of Jablanica we visited a unique museum and locality.
    It is called Museum of the Battle for the Wounded at Neretva and is a reminder on one of the most famous battles in World War II. It was also one of the most unlikely victories as well as the trickiest war maneuvers!

    The battle is simply called „The Battle on the river Neretva“. The museum is located in the center of the city, next to a blown-up bridge, which is a symbol of this battle. The bridge represents its most important exhibit and it is very special for people from this city. It reminds them of the heroic battle and the victory that they, their fathers and grandfathers, have won.

    „The Battle on the river Neretva “, also known under a German code name „Fall Weiss“, was the strategic plan of The Axis forces against the Yugoslav partisan movement on today’s territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    The attacks began on January 20th, 1943, and partisans were largely outnumbered in it. The Axis forces had 127 000 soldiers, strong artillery, tanks, and 15 warplanes, comparing to partisan’s 18 000 soldiers. Axis’ strong attacks started in north-western Bosnia and part of today’s Croatia, and partisans were forced to retreat. They pulled back all the way to south-east, to the river Neretva. On their way, they carried almost 4 000 wounded soldiers with them! That’s why this battle is often called „The most human battle in WW II“. Even now, if you visit Jablanica, you will see the sign „We cannot leave the wounded“, words of the president of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito.

    After Tito’s orders, partisans destroyed all the bridges behind them. When everyone expected partisans will head north, and not east across Neretva, Tito ordered destroying the railway bridge in Jablanica. Which they did, and while the train was crossing it! That was a bold and tricky decision, which nobody expected, especially The Axis forces. They deployed all their troops up north, in the valley of river Vrbas, waiting for partisans.

    After blowing up the bridge, a new and improvised wooden bridge was built in only 19 hours, and it was a salvation for partisans and the wounded, after which they headed to mountain Prenj. You can still find a war memorial on Prenj dedicated to partisans who climbed this beautiful but cruel mountain. This hard battle ended on March 31st, with partisans coming out of it as winners. It went out in history as one of the most difficult battles of WWII and victories against all the odds.

    The most expensive film ever made in Yugoslavia
    On the place of the blown-up bridge, Germans built another one in August 1943. The bridge was blown up again for the purposes of making a film „Battle at the river Neretva“.
    One of the most prominent actors of that time starred in the film, like Yul Brynner, Orson Welles, Franco Nero, and others. It was nominated for Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.
    Pablo Picasso made one of the posters, making it one of the two he made in his entire career! Being a huge fan of Yugoslavian cinematography, he didn’t want to take any money, but only a case of best Yugoslav wines.

    The film was the most expensive in ex Yugoslavia. It costed between 4,5 and 12 million $, today’s equivalent of 70 million $! 350 million people from over the world saw the film. It also had over 10 000 extras, slightly less than Kubrick’s „Spartak“.
    Now back to the museum! On the 12th of November 1978, Josip Broz Tito opened it himself, on occasion of making the 35th anniversary of the battle on Neretva.

    Today, the overall surface of the museum is 3312 square meters. Inside you can find a lot of interesting things, from photos from that period, original documents, 3D objects, brigade flags and much more. Besides the exhibition of “Battle on Neretva,” you can also find exhibits of the 4th corps of Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Jablanica ethnic house. Also, in museum, you can find a city library with more than 10.000 books.
    Near the museum, you will also see a life-size replica of old locomotive series 73, used in railway bridge explosion.

    The Battle On The River Neretva - Battle For The Wounded WWII On the way between Sarajevo and Mostar, in the city of Jablanica we visited a unique museum and locality. It is called Museum of the Battle for the Wounded at Neretva and is a reminder on one of the most famous battles in World War II. It was also one of the most unlikely victories as well as the trickiest war maneuvers! The battle is simply called „The Battle on the river Neretva“. The museum is located in the center of the city, next to a blown-up bridge, which is a symbol of this battle. The bridge represents its most important exhibit and it is very special for people from this city. It reminds them of the heroic battle and the victory that they, their fathers and grandfathers, have won. „The Battle on the river Neretva “, also known under a German code name „Fall Weiss“, was the strategic plan of The Axis forces against the Yugoslav partisan movement on today’s territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The attacks began on January 20th, 1943, and partisans were largely outnumbered in it. The Axis forces had 127 000 soldiers, strong artillery, tanks, and 15 warplanes, comparing to partisan’s 18 000 soldiers. Axis’ strong attacks started in north-western Bosnia and part of today’s Croatia, and partisans were forced to retreat. They pulled back all the way to south-east, to the river Neretva. On their way, they carried almost 4 000 wounded soldiers with them! That’s why this battle is often called „The most human battle in WW II“. Even now, if you visit Jablanica, you will see the sign „We cannot leave the wounded“, words of the president of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito. After Tito’s orders, partisans destroyed all the bridges behind them. When everyone expected partisans will head north, and not east across Neretva, Tito ordered destroying the railway bridge in Jablanica. Which they did, and while the train was crossing it! That was a bold and tricky decision, which nobody expected, especially The Axis forces. They deployed all their troops up north, in the valley of river Vrbas, waiting for partisans. After blowing up the bridge, a new and improvised wooden bridge was built in only 19 hours, and it was a salvation for partisans and the wounded, after which they headed to mountain Prenj. You can still find a war memorial on Prenj dedicated to partisans who climbed this beautiful but cruel mountain. This hard battle ended on March 31st, with partisans coming out of it as winners. It went out in history as one of the most difficult battles of WWII and victories against all the odds. The most expensive film ever made in Yugoslavia On the place of the blown-up bridge, Germans built another one in August 1943. The bridge was blown up again for the purposes of making a film „Battle at the river Neretva“. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0064091/ One of the most prominent actors of that time starred in the film, like Yul Brynner, Orson Welles, Franco Nero, and others. It was nominated for Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Pablo Picasso made one of the posters, making it one of the two he made in his entire career! Being a huge fan of Yugoslavian cinematography, he didn’t want to take any money, but only a case of best Yugoslav wines. The film was the most expensive in ex Yugoslavia. It costed between 4,5 and 12 million $, today’s equivalent of 70 million $! 350 million people from over the world saw the film. It also had over 10 000 extras, slightly less than Kubrick’s „Spartak“. Now back to the museum! On the 12th of November 1978, Josip Broz Tito opened it himself, on occasion of making the 35th anniversary of the battle on Neretva. Today, the overall surface of the museum is 3312 square meters. Inside you can find a lot of interesting things, from photos from that period, original documents, 3D objects, brigade flags and much more. Besides the exhibition of “Battle on Neretva,” you can also find exhibits of the 4th corps of Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Jablanica ethnic house. Also, in museum, you can find a city library with more than 10.000 books. Near the museum, you will also see a life-size replica of old locomotive series 73, used in railway bridge explosion.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 6220 Vue

    150 years from now, none of us reading this post today will be alive. 70 percent to 100 percent of everything we are fighting over right now will be totally forgotten. Underline the word, TOTALLY.

    If we go back memory lane to 150 years before us, that will be 1872, and none of those that carried the world on their heads then are alive today. Almost all of us reading this will find it difficult to picture anybody's face from that era.

    Pause for a while and imagine how some of them betrayed their relatives and sold them as slaves for a piece of mirror. Some killed family members just for a piece of land or tubers of yam or cowries or for a pinch of salt. Where is the yam, cowries, mirror, or salt that they were using to brag? It may sound funny to us now, but that is how silly we humans are sometimes, especially when it comes to money, power, or trying to be relevant!

    Even when you claim the internet age will preserve your memory, take Michael Jackson as an example. Michael Jackson died in 2009, just 13 years ago. Imagine the influence Michael Jackson had all over the world when he was alive. How many young people of today remember him with awe, that is if they even know him? In 150 years to come, his name, when mentioned, will not ring any bell to a lot of people.

    Let us take life easy, nobody will get out of this world alive. . . The land you are fighting and ready to kill for, somebody left that land, the person is dead, rotten, and forgotten. That will also be your fate. In 150 years to come, none of the vehicles or phones we are using today to brag will be relevant. Biko, take life easy!

    Let love lead. Let’s be genuinely happy for each other. No malice, no backbiting. No jealousy. No comparison. Life is not a competition. At the end of the day, we will all transit to the other side. It is just a question of who gets there first, but surely we will all go there someday.

    Note :@everyone The photo is of an art installation created by Ghanaian artist Kwame Akoto-Bamfo in 2010, displayed at that time, I believe from the video, at the National Museum of Peace and Justice in good ole Alabama. Link to video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC0ZPCJveO4
    #somee #ctp #hivelist #sme #pob
    LOVE OVER ALL 150 years from now, none of us reading this post today will be alive. 70 percent to 100 percent of everything we are fighting over right now will be totally forgotten. Underline the word, TOTALLY. If we go back memory lane to 150 years before us, that will be 1872, and none of those that carried the world on their heads then are alive today. Almost all of us reading this will find it difficult to picture anybody's face from that era. Pause for a while and imagine how some of them betrayed their relatives and sold them as slaves for a piece of mirror. Some killed family members just for a piece of land or tubers of yam or cowries or for a pinch of salt. Where is the yam, cowries, mirror, or salt that they were using to brag? It may sound funny to us now, but that is how silly we humans are sometimes, especially when it comes to money, power, or trying to be relevant! Even when you claim the internet age will preserve your memory, take Michael Jackson as an example. Michael Jackson died in 2009, just 13 years ago. Imagine the influence Michael Jackson had all over the world when he was alive. How many young people of today remember him with awe, that is if they even know him? In 150 years to come, his name, when mentioned, will not ring any bell to a lot of people. Let us take life easy, nobody will get out of this world alive. . . The land you are fighting and ready to kill for, somebody left that land, the person is dead, rotten, and forgotten. That will also be your fate. In 150 years to come, none of the vehicles or phones we are using today to brag will be relevant. Biko, take life easy! Let love lead. Let’s be genuinely happy for each other. No malice, no backbiting. No jealousy. No comparison. Life is not a competition. At the end of the day, we will all transit to the other side. It is just a question of who gets there first, but surely we will all go there someday. Note :@everyone The photo is of an art installation created by Ghanaian artist Kwame Akoto-Bamfo in 2010, displayed at that time, I believe from the video, at the National Museum of Peace and Justice in good ole Alabama. Link to video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC0ZPCJveO4 #somee #ctp #hivelist #sme #pob
    2 Commentaires 0 Parts 3528 Vue
  • The mummified remains of King Thutmose IV (Menkheperure)

    New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty

    The king is now at rest in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.

    The mummy of Thutmose IV was found within the mummy cache of KV35 in 1898 by Victor Loret. The body of the king was moved in antiquity by ancient priests for safety reasons. The king was originally buried within his own tomb (KV43), which was discovered by Howard Carter in 1903.

    Grafton Elliot Smith (1871-1937), upon examining the body of the king, concluded that the king was very ill at the time of death and had seemingly suffered with an illness for a while, sadly describing Thutmose IV as "extremely emaciated".

    Many decades later in 2012, the Imperial College London examined the body of the late king, and along with knowledge of some of Thutmose's family dying young (such as his great-grandson Tutankhamun and his two still born daughters), the surgeon examining the king theorized that Thutmose and other members of the family may have possibly suffered with Temporal lobe epilepsy.

    Some scholars think that this idea could explain the king's famous Dream Stela, where he describes the Sphinx of Giza as talking to him, as those with Temporal lobe epilepsy do suffer with visions. This idea however is a theory at the present and is not an ultimate conclusion. And it must be noted that the reason for the dream stela could have been propagandist, or simply Thutmose certifying his status as a divine ruler...such as Hatshepsut's writing of her divine birth at Deir el-Bahari. Or... it could have been something the king truly believed occurred to him, without the modern idea that he had an illness causing such a thing.

    The king's body measures at 1.64m (5 ft 4.8 in), however, due to his disembodied feet, he was likely taller in life. He was relatively young, with Smith putting his age at death at approximately 28, although more modern scholars suggest mid 30s, perhaps. He has both ears pierced and what appears to be a smile with teeth showing. Most notable is his hair, which is entirely natural, long and parted in the middle, the colour is reddish brown. #history #somee #sme #infowars #cent
    The mummified remains of King Thutmose IV (Menkheperure) New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty The king is now at rest in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization. The mummy of Thutmose IV was found within the mummy cache of KV35 in 1898 by Victor Loret. The body of the king was moved in antiquity by ancient priests for safety reasons. The king was originally buried within his own tomb (KV43), which was discovered by Howard Carter in 1903. Grafton Elliot Smith (1871-1937), upon examining the body of the king, concluded that the king was very ill at the time of death and had seemingly suffered with an illness for a while, sadly describing Thutmose IV as "extremely emaciated". Many decades later in 2012, the Imperial College London examined the body of the late king, and along with knowledge of some of Thutmose's family dying young (such as his great-grandson Tutankhamun and his two still born daughters), the surgeon examining the king theorized that Thutmose and other members of the family may have possibly suffered with Temporal lobe epilepsy. Some scholars think that this idea could explain the king's famous Dream Stela, where he describes the Sphinx of Giza as talking to him, as those with Temporal lobe epilepsy do suffer with visions. This idea however is a theory at the present and is not an ultimate conclusion. And it must be noted that the reason for the dream stela could have been propagandist, or simply Thutmose certifying his status as a divine ruler...such as Hatshepsut's writing of her divine birth at Deir el-Bahari. Or... it could have been something the king truly believed occurred to him, without the modern idea that he had an illness causing such a thing. The king's body measures at 1.64m (5 ft 4.8 in), however, due to his disembodied feet, he was likely taller in life. He was relatively young, with Smith putting his age at death at approximately 28, although more modern scholars suggest mid 30s, perhaps. He has both ears pierced and what appears to be a smile with teeth showing. Most notable is his hair, which is entirely natural, long and parted in the middle, the colour is reddish brown. #history #somee #sme #infowars #cent
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 4419 Vue
  • Panoramic view, the ruins of Charleston, S.C., Roman Catholic Cathedral in the distance

    c. 1860s

    via LOC, no known restrictions

    Panoramic view, the ruins of Charleston, S.C., Roman Catholic Cathedral in the distance c. 1860s via LOC, no known restrictions https://heartfelthistory.com/store/charleston-an-album-from-the-collection-of-the-charleston-museum/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2271 Vue
  • Ray Kroc’s first McDonald’s franchise restaurant opened on April 15, 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois.

    The restaurant is now a museum.

    Image by Carol Highsmith via LOC, no known restrictions
    Ray Kroc’s first McDonald’s franchise restaurant opened on April 15, 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois. The restaurant is now a museum. Image by Carol Highsmith via LOC, no known restrictions
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2305 Vue
  • Photo of FDR at his retreat in Warm Springs, Georgia taken just a few days before his death on April 12, 1945.

    Image from FDR Presidential Library and Museum, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
    Photo of FDR at his retreat in Warm Springs, Georgia taken just a few days before his death on April 12, 1945. Image from FDR Presidential Library and Museum, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2429 Vue
  • One of the 4000-year-old well-preserved wagons unearthed in the Lchashen village in the vicinity of Lake Sevan. Made of oak, they are the oldest known wagons in the world. Now on display at the History Museum of Armenia #history #museum #cine #waiv #someeofficial #ctp
    One of the 4000-year-old well-preserved wagons unearthed in the Lchashen village in the vicinity of Lake Sevan. Made of oak, they are the oldest known wagons in the world. Now on display at the History Museum of Armenia #history #museum #cine #waiv #someeofficial #ctp
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1891 Vue