• BREAKING: A man in uniform and who described himself as an active duty member of the US military self-immolates outsides the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC in protest of the genocide in Gaza.

    The man has reportedly said, "I will be no longer complicit in genocide."

    Via @Chilliebeanz on X
    BREAKING: A man in uniform and who described himself as an active duty member of the US military self-immolates outsides the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC in protest of the genocide in Gaza. The man has reportedly said, "I will be no longer complicit in genocide." Via @Chilliebeanz on X
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1307 Views
  • https://x.com/chilliebeanz/status/1744848960659845393?s=46&t=wKg-ZXV94UavVhVcD_fLmw
    0 Comments 0 Shares 584 Views
  • https://www.newsadvertisment.com/2023/12/sturm-der-liebe-eine-erfolgsgeschichte.html
    Sturm der Liebe: Eine Erfolgsgeschichte
    News advertisment is information, about current events, and all the news in the world's, news here you know, and we know,
    0 Comments 0 Shares 682 Views
  • ===
    Der Medizinische Behandlungsverband hatte Anfang Dezember 70.000 Arztpraxen angeschrieben und vor der Coronavirus-Impfung gewarnt.

    Die Presse, das Paul Ehrlich Institut, die Politik usw. behaupten, dass die Warnung unzutreffende und irreführende Informationen verbreiten würde...und dass zum Beispiel auch keine Quellen angegeben worden seien.

    Wenn die Kritiker den Brief jedoch ordentlich gelesen hätten, dann hätten diese auch die hinterlegten Quellangaben gefunden.

    Gegen diese Vorwürfe wehrt sich der MBV jetzt und fordert aktuell per Offenem Brief um Unterlassung und Richtigstellung der Behauptungen des PEI. Auch stellt er weitere wichtige Fragen an das PEI.

    Der Druck wird größer und ich bin schon mal neugierig, ob da ordentliche Antworten kommen oder ob die Politik...lieber Hausdurchsuchungen...und andere Widerlichkeiten gegen den MBV durchführt.

    Den Link auf Telegram kann man auch ohne Telegramkennung anschauen und den Brief und weitere Infos über die bereitgestellten Links selber nachlesen.

    Das Thema Verunreinigung der C-Spritzen ist auch in Österreich angekommen. Es gibt auch dort erste, deutlich kritische Stimmen.
    bzw. hier
    siehe auch
    Alle Telegram-Links kann man (derzeit) auch auf ohne Telegram-Zugang direkt in jedem herkömmlichen Browser anschauen.

    Den o.a. unter === stehenden Text habe ich in einem Internetforum gefunden, ohne Gewähr, bitte selbst nachprüfen und ggf. weiterverbreiten, danke!
    === Der Medizinische Behandlungsverband hatte Anfang Dezember 70.000 Arztpraxen angeschrieben und vor der Coronavirus-Impfung gewarnt. Die Presse, das Paul Ehrlich Institut, die Politik usw. behaupten, dass die Warnung unzutreffende und irreführende Informationen verbreiten würde...und dass zum Beispiel auch keine Quellen angegeben worden seien. Wenn die Kritiker den Brief jedoch ordentlich gelesen hätten, dann hätten diese auch die hinterlegten Quellangaben gefunden. Gegen diese Vorwürfe wehrt sich der MBV jetzt und fordert aktuell per Offenem Brief um Unterlassung und Richtigstellung der Behauptungen des PEI. Auch stellt er weitere wichtige Fragen an das PEI. Der Druck wird größer und ich bin schon mal neugierig, ob da ordentliche Antworten kommen oder ob die Politik...lieber Hausdurchsuchungen...und andere Widerlichkeiten gegen den MBV durchführt. Den Link auf Telegram kann man auch ohne Telegramkennung anschauen und den Brief und weitere Infos über die bereitgestellten Links selber nachlesen. https://t.me/RA_Ludwig/8476 Nachtrag: Das Thema Verunreinigung der C-Spritzen ist auch in Österreich angekommen. Es gibt auch dort erste, deutlich kritische Stimmen. Quellen: https://twitter.com/GGIund2G/status/1735694334815621568 bzw. hier https://t.me/rabbitresearch/13148 siehe auch https://www.restart-democracy.org/2023/12/05/medizinischer-behandlungsverbund-mbv-warnt-hausaerzte-vor-dna-kontamination-der-covid-19-mrna-impfstoffe/ Alle Telegram-Links kann man (derzeit) auch auf ohne Telegram-Zugang direkt in jedem herkömmlichen Browser anschauen. === Den o.a. unter === stehenden Text habe ich in einem Internetforum gefunden, ohne Gewähr, bitte selbst nachprüfen und ggf. weiterverbreiten, danke!
    RA Ludwig - Querdenkeranwalt
    🟦 Der MBV kontert die Falschmeldung des PEI Die Warnung des MBV an 76.000 Ärzte, dass die DNA-Verunreinigungen der "Impfstoffe" ein ernstes Sicherheitsrisiko darstellen, wurde in einem Schreiben des PEI pauschal als Falschmeldung abgebügelt. Der MBV kontert nun mit einem offenen Brief und fordert das PEI auf, seine Falschinformationen zu unterlassen. ➡️ Offener Brief an das PEI - KLICK! ➡️ Quellen und weitere Informationen ➡️ Zusammenfassung - die MBV Warnung, Medien-Reaktionen, das Schreiben des PEI und die Reaktion des MBV Wichtige Links: HOME | Telegram | Twitter | Video-Liberty
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4364 Views
  • My Latest: Oct. 7 is to Radical Zionists As Covid was to Davos Elite: Convenient to a Pre-Existing Depopulation Agenda


    As Covid was from NIH, Hamas was spawned from Israel. Like Covid, there was a delayed response to the threat. Like Covid, the fear and panic Oct 7. resulted in was conducive to a pre-existing agenda

    Hamas was Spawned by the Mossad and IDF, Just as Covid was From the NIH and Wuhan

    Not only did the IDF and Mossad fail to intercept the attack despite indicating intel, But the response was a disaster. Evidence indicates after arriving, IDF Fired on Hamas and Israelis alike.

    In the wake of October 7th, many critical thinkers and so called conspiracy theorists began to ask questions like, “How did the world’s premier intelligence agency get taken by surprise by hamas paragliders flying over the most heavily surveilled border in the world?”

    Indeed, Israeli intelligence shouldn’t have been caught off guard as bad as they seemed to be, as Israel had plenty of warnings the attack was coming, including from its own intelligence analysts, not to mention Egyptian intelligence.

    And it wasn’t just the fact that the respected armed forces and intelligence agency of the country was apparently caught by surprise, but the response itself was equally embarrassing, leaving many Israelis furiously dissatisfied with Netanyahu’s government.

    This article will move on to cover the evidence that points to a possible intelligence stand-down that allowed the attack happen, and explore the motive for why Israeli leadership might have allowed the attack to happen - the central theme of this article

    This article will also explore evidence that the IDF fired on Israeli citizens on Oct 7th - the casualties of which would be blamed on Hamas of course…But for now, this article will start at the beginning of where this story is concerned, when Israel began its policy of supporting Hamas.

    Israel Supported and Funded Hamas to Divide Palestinian State, 'Be able to Treat Gaza as a Hostile State"

    ...It was a classic case of divide and conquer.

    In 2010 it was revealed through Wikileaks that the former Israeli Military Intelligence chief said in 2007 Israel would be ‘happy’ if Hamas takes over in Gaza. Days later, Hamas violently took over Gaza....

    Don't many any mistake... it wasn’t just in the 1970’s that Israel propped up Hamas, and the policy didn’t stop in the early 2000’s either… you can go back to as recently as 2020, "The Israeli government was begging Arab governments to continue funding Hamas."

    Qatar is to Mossad as the Wuhan Lab was to NIH — A Foreign Proxy to Funnel money into Shady Shit They Shouldn’t be Overtly be Funneling Money Into

    2/24/2020 — Haaretz: Mossad Chief Visited Doha, Urged Qatar to Continue Hamas Financial Aid

    "Israeli visit disclosed by Avigdor Lieberman, who says Mossad chief and Israeli military commander were sent on the mission by Netanyahu"

    ... None other than Mr. Netanyahu himself had send the Mossad chief and an Israeli Military Commander to “beg the Qataris to keep funneling money into Hamas.”

    Keep in mind, the entire objective of this long-standing policy of Israel supporting Hamas, both overtly and covertly, boils down to Israel wanting to disrupt and prevent Palestinian Statehood.

    In 2019 The Jerusalem Post published the article: “Netanyahu: Money to Hamas Part of Strategy to Keep Palestinians Divided”

    ...This history... most certainly plays a big role in why recent polls show that four out of five Israelis blame Netanyahu for the attack.

    Like Covid - Early Warning Signs Missed, Delayed Interception and Response to Threat

    For starters, Hamas was warning in August of an 'all-out war'...

    ...Israeli Intelligence and leadership had more indications behind the scenes of an imminent attack.

    ...Israeli Leadership Didn’t just Ignore Hamas’ Threats of All-Out War, or Egyptian Intelligence’s Warnings of an Imminent Attack, but Warnings From Within its Own Ranks Were Ignored..

    sraeli soldiers and analysts have stepped forward to explain that for months they were warning superiors and passing intelligence up the chain of command indicating an imminent attack..

    Indeed, many Israelis (most of whom have served in the IDF as mandatory) have begun to suspect October 7th was a false-flag, or “inside job”. This doesn’t mean Israel planned the attack, could and likely was merely an intelligence stand-down that allowed the attack to take place before responding....

    Now that we’ve established the context being that Hamas was propped up by Israel, starting in the 70’s, continuing up to Netanyahu, who whole heartedly embraced the idea in an agenda to deprive the Palestinians statehood….

    We can probably acknowledge, or at least consider, the basic reality that Israel does not want Palestine to achieve statehood because Israel wants Palestinian land for itself, for the Israeli state. And this is where it becomes awfully convenient for Israeli leadership who want to expand territory to have an attack as a pretext. After all, this has allowed them to expand previously (being attacked).

    ...3 weeks after the attack, a document written on Oct. 13th was leaked to the press, which described Israeli plans to drive the entire population of Gaza into the Sinai desert and force Egypt to adopt them…permanently with no chance to return. A second Nakba.

    🔗SOURCE ➡️ TheMcgWire (https://themcgwire.substack.com/p/oct-7-is-to-radical-zionists-as-covid )

    Follow us on Twitter

    #israel #hamas #news #palestine #gaza
    My Latest: Oct. 7 is to Radical Zionists As Covid was to Davos Elite: Convenient to a Pre-Existing Depopulation Agenda https://themcgwire.substack.com/p/oct-7-is-to-radical-zionists-as-covid As Covid was from NIH, Hamas was spawned from Israel. Like Covid, there was a delayed response to the threat. Like Covid, the fear and panic Oct 7. resulted in was conducive to a pre-existing agenda Hamas was Spawned by the Mossad and IDF, Just as Covid was From the NIH and Wuhan Not only did the IDF and Mossad fail to intercept the attack despite indicating intel, But the response was a disaster. Evidence indicates after arriving, IDF Fired on Hamas and Israelis alike. In the wake of October 7th, many critical thinkers and so called conspiracy theorists began to ask questions like, “How did the world’s premier intelligence agency get taken by surprise by hamas paragliders flying over the most heavily surveilled border in the world?” Indeed, Israeli intelligence shouldn’t have been caught off guard as bad as they seemed to be, as Israel had plenty of warnings the attack was coming, including from its own intelligence analysts, not to mention Egyptian intelligence. And it wasn’t just the fact that the respected armed forces and intelligence agency of the country was apparently caught by surprise, but the response itself was equally embarrassing, leaving many Israelis furiously dissatisfied with Netanyahu’s government. This article will move on to cover the evidence that points to a possible intelligence stand-down that allowed the attack happen, and explore the motive for why Israeli leadership might have allowed the attack to happen - the central theme of this article This article will also explore evidence that the IDF fired on Israeli citizens on Oct 7th - the casualties of which would be blamed on Hamas of course…But for now, this article will start at the beginning of where this story is concerned, when Israel began its policy of supporting Hamas. Israel Supported and Funded Hamas to Divide Palestinian State, 'Be able to Treat Gaza as a Hostile State" ...It was a classic case of divide and conquer. In 2010 it was revealed through Wikileaks that the former Israeli Military Intelligence chief said in 2007 Israel would be ‘happy’ if Hamas takes over in Gaza. Days later, Hamas violently took over Gaza.... Don't many any mistake... it wasn’t just in the 1970’s that Israel propped up Hamas, and the policy didn’t stop in the early 2000’s either… you can go back to as recently as 2020, "The Israeli government was begging Arab governments to continue funding Hamas." Qatar is to Mossad as the Wuhan Lab was to NIH — A Foreign Proxy to Funnel money into Shady Shit They Shouldn’t be Overtly be Funneling Money Into 2/24/2020 — Haaretz: Mossad Chief Visited Doha, Urged Qatar to Continue Hamas Financial Aid "Israeli visit disclosed by Avigdor Lieberman, who says Mossad chief and Israeli military commander were sent on the mission by Netanyahu" ... None other than Mr. Netanyahu himself had send the Mossad chief and an Israeli Military Commander to “beg the Qataris to keep funneling money into Hamas.” Keep in mind, the entire objective of this long-standing policy of Israel supporting Hamas, both overtly and covertly, boils down to Israel wanting to disrupt and prevent Palestinian Statehood. In 2019 The Jerusalem Post published the article: “Netanyahu: Money to Hamas Part of Strategy to Keep Palestinians Divided” ...This history... most certainly plays a big role in why recent polls show that four out of five Israelis blame Netanyahu for the attack. Like Covid - Early Warning Signs Missed, Delayed Interception and Response to Threat For starters, Hamas was warning in August of an 'all-out war'... ...Israeli Intelligence and leadership had more indications behind the scenes of an imminent attack. ...Israeli Leadership Didn’t just Ignore Hamas’ Threats of All-Out War, or Egyptian Intelligence’s Warnings of an Imminent Attack, but Warnings From Within its Own Ranks Were Ignored.. sraeli soldiers and analysts have stepped forward to explain that for months they were warning superiors and passing intelligence up the chain of command indicating an imminent attack.. Indeed, many Israelis (most of whom have served in the IDF as mandatory) have begun to suspect October 7th was a false-flag, or “inside job”. This doesn’t mean Israel planned the attack, could and likely was merely an intelligence stand-down that allowed the attack to take place before responding.... Now that we’ve established the context being that Hamas was propped up by Israel, starting in the 70’s, continuing up to Netanyahu, who whole heartedly embraced the idea in an agenda to deprive the Palestinians statehood…. We can probably acknowledge, or at least consider, the basic reality that Israel does not want Palestine to achieve statehood because Israel wants Palestinian land for itself, for the Israeli state. And this is where it becomes awfully convenient for Israeli leadership who want to expand territory to have an attack as a pretext. After all, this has allowed them to expand previously (being attacked). ...3 weeks after the attack, a document written on Oct. 13th was leaked to the press, which described Israeli plans to drive the entire population of Gaza into the Sinai desert and force Egypt to adopt them…permanently with no chance to return. A second Nakba. 🔗SOURCE ➡️ TheMcgWire (https://themcgwire.substack.com/p/oct-7-is-to-radical-zionists-as-covid ) Follow us on Twitter (http://twitter.com/PsyopDaily) #israel #hamas #news #palestine #gaza
    TheMcGwire | Substack
    Documenting The Dystopia. Click to read TheMcGwire, a Substack publication. Launched a year ago.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 8454 Views
  • Österreich, Eilmeldung betreffend Impfpflicht abschaffen-Volksbegehren
    Liebe Freunde der ECHTEN-Demokratie!

    Bei den beiden Volksbegehren
    wird es sehr, sehr knapp.
    Impfpflichtgesetz abschaffen hat derzeit 97.611 Unterstützungserklärungen
    Covid-Strafen-Rückzahlung hat derzeit 98.940 Unterstützungserklärungen
    (12.11.2023 06:00 Uhr)

    Das Ziel sind 100.000 Unterstützungserklärungen bis Montag, 20:00 Uhr.
    Dann kommen wir mit diesen Themen ins Parlament !!!
    Bitte jeder noch ein paar Unterstützer jetzt mobilisieren.

    Wir machen am Montag eine Straßenaktion in Wien. Für 12.00 - 16:30 Uhr suchen wir noch Aktivisten. Bitte bei mir melden: 0676-403 90 90. Danke.

    Volksbegehren: Eintragungswoche 6. - 13. Nov. 2023
    Folgende 3 Volksbegehren wird man unterschreiben können:
    . Gerechtigkeit den Pflegekräften!
    . COVID-Strafen-Rückzahlungsvolksbegehren
    . Impfpflichtgesetz abschaffen - Volksbegehren (auch KEINE Umgehung mittels WHO, EU-Verordnungen oder EpidemieG!!!)
    (=> Die letzteren beiden Volksbegehren sind von mir. Mehr Infos dazu => http://www.volksbegehren-oesterreich.at/ )
    Mehr Infos zu allen Volksbegehren auf
    => https://www.bmi.gv.at/411/

    Die Vorlage eines amtlichen Lichtbildausweises ist dabei erforderlich.

    Sie brauchen KEINEN Termin & KEINE Maske.

    Die Öffnungszeiten der Ämter der großen Städte
    in der Eintragungswoche von 6.11. - 13.11.2023 sind:

    Stadt Montag Dienst Mittwo Donner Freitag Sam. Son. Montag
    Wien 8-20 8-18 8-18 8-20 8-18 8-13 8-13 8-19
    Graz 7-20 7-16 7-16 7-16 7-16 8-13 8-13 7-20
    Linz 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 --- --- 8-16
    Salzburg 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 --- --- 8-20
    Innsbruck 7:30-15 7:30-15 7:30-15 7:30-15 7:30-12 --- --- 7:30-12
    Klagenfurt 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-20 8-16 --- --- 8-16
    Villach 8-16 8-20 8-16 8-16 8-16 --- --- 8-16
    Wels 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-20 --- --- 8-16
    St. Pölten 7.30-16 7.30-18 7.30-16 7.30-16 7.30-13 --- --- 7.30-16

    Mittels Handysignatur können Sie im Eintragungszeitraum jederzeit bis am Mo., 13.11.2023 um 20:00 Uhr unterschreiben.
    => https://citizen.bmi.gv.at/at.gv.bmi.fnsweb-p/vbg/checked/VolksbegehrenBuerger

    Das Ziel von allen Volksbegehren ist es, über 100.000 Unterstützungs-erklärungen zu schaffen und damit das Thema ins Parlament zu bringen. Dann diskutieren die 5 Parlamentsparteien darüber und finden manchmal (leider viel zu selten) sogar eine gemeinsame Lösung zu den Anliegen der Bürger!!!


    Das Rundschreiben können Sie gerne im Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis,
    auf facebook, telegram, twitter, wo auch immer weiterverteilen. Danke.

    Mag. Robert Marschall
    Österreich, Eilmeldung betreffend Impfpflicht abschaffen-Volksbegehren ==== Liebe Freunde der ECHTEN-Demokratie! Bei den beiden Volksbegehren https://www.bmi.gv.at/411/Volksbegehren_der_XX_Gesetzgebungsperiode/Impfpflichtgesetz_abschaffen/start.aspx https://www.bmi.gv.at/411/Volksbegehren_der_XX_Gesetzgebungsperiode/COVID-Strafen-Rueckzahlungsvolksbegehren/start.aspx wird es sehr, sehr knapp. Impfpflichtgesetz abschaffen hat derzeit 97.611 Unterstützungserklärungen Covid-Strafen-Rückzahlung hat derzeit 98.940 Unterstützungserklärungen (12.11.2023 06:00 Uhr) Das Ziel sind 100.000 Unterstützungserklärungen bis Montag, 20:00 Uhr. Dann kommen wir mit diesen Themen ins Parlament !!! Bitte jeder noch ein paar Unterstützer jetzt mobilisieren. Wir machen am Montag eine Straßenaktion in Wien. Für 12.00 - 16:30 Uhr suchen wir noch Aktivisten. Bitte bei mir melden: 0676-403 90 90. Danke. Volksbegehren: Eintragungswoche 6. - 13. Nov. 2023 Folgende 3 Volksbegehren wird man unterschreiben können: . Gerechtigkeit den Pflegekräften! . COVID-Strafen-Rückzahlungsvolksbegehren . Impfpflichtgesetz abschaffen - Volksbegehren (auch KEINE Umgehung mittels WHO, EU-Verordnungen oder EpidemieG!!!) (=> Die letzteren beiden Volksbegehren sind von mir. Mehr Infos dazu => http://www.volksbegehren-oesterreich.at/ ) Mehr Infos zu allen Volksbegehren auf => https://www.bmi.gv.at/411/ Die Vorlage eines amtlichen Lichtbildausweises ist dabei erforderlich. Sie brauchen KEINEN Termin & KEINE Maske. Die Öffnungszeiten der Ämter der großen Städte in der Eintragungswoche von 6.11. - 13.11.2023 sind: Stadt Montag Dienst Mittwo Donner Freitag Sam. Son. Montag Wien 8-20 8-18 8-18 8-20 8-18 8-13 8-13 8-19 Graz 7-20 7-16 7-16 7-16 7-16 8-13 8-13 7-20 Linz 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 --- --- 8-16 Salzburg 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 --- --- 8-20 Innsbruck 7:30-15 7:30-15 7:30-15 7:30-15 7:30-12 --- --- 7:30-12 Klagenfurt 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-20 8-16 --- --- 8-16 Villach 8-16 8-20 8-16 8-16 8-16 --- --- 8-16 Wels 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-20 --- --- 8-16 St. Pölten 7.30-16 7.30-18 7.30-16 7.30-16 7.30-13 --- --- 7.30-16 Mittels Handysignatur können Sie im Eintragungszeitraum jederzeit bis am Mo., 13.11.2023 um 20:00 Uhr unterschreiben. => https://citizen.bmi.gv.at/at.gv.bmi.fnsweb-p/vbg/checked/VolksbegehrenBuerger Das Ziel von allen Volksbegehren ist es, über 100.000 Unterstützungs-erklärungen zu schaffen und damit das Thema ins Parlament zu bringen. Dann diskutieren die 5 Parlamentsparteien darüber und finden manchmal (leider viel zu selten) sogar eine gemeinsame Lösung zu den Anliegen der Bürger!!! --- Das Rundschreiben können Sie gerne im Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis, auf facebook, telegram, twitter, wo auch immer weiterverteilen. Danke. Mag. Robert Marschall
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3833 Views
  • The year 2012.

    My brother-in-laws ask me if I want to go eat honey with them.
    They are 10 and 12 years old.

    I say yes and they lead me into the forest.
    I am 25 with a Bachelor degree in Biology.
    Yet as I follow them, trusting their knowledge of their forest, it dawns on me that I know nothing of this world.
    My knowledge of ecology and animal behaviour would not keep me alive in these woods.
    My brother-in-laws do not even know how to read and write, yet here they are guiding me through the forest to food and I know instinctively that I have to trust what they are doing.
    I have so much respect for them in this moment, and until today. And I have such little respect for who I am. For how little I know of the nature I wish to protect.
    They find the bees, climb the tree and extract the honey, while asking me to stand back for my own safety. 10 year old boys.
    While I am feeling useless I enjoy watching them. Enjoy experiencing this. Having my mind blown up and all the things I thought I knew scattered into tiny little pieces that I already look forward to putting back together in a different way.
    In a better way.

    We have one Earth but within this Earth exist many different worlds.
    In the world of the Maasai, the Maasai hold the knowledge and noone from the outside knows anything better than they do.
    This is true for all indigenous communities.
    Our education is not their education.
    Our knowledge is not their knowledge.
    Our definitions are not their definitions.
    Our good is not necessarily their good and neither is our evil.

    It is the most important thing I learned from the Maasai.
    Sit and observe, understand and respect.
    And never judge.

    #maasai #massai #tansania #tanzania #Africa #afrika #travel #learn #perspective #unlearn #reisen #see #understand #indigenous #indigen #volk #liebe #love #anthropology #photography #bild #bücher #lesen #memoir #masaistory #Read #books #bookworm
    The year 2012. My brother-in-laws ask me if I want to go eat honey with them. They are 10 and 12 years old. I say yes and they lead me into the forest. I am 25 with a Bachelor degree in Biology. Yet as I follow them, trusting their knowledge of their forest, it dawns on me that I know nothing of this world. My knowledge of ecology and animal behaviour would not keep me alive in these woods. My brother-in-laws do not even know how to read and write, yet here they are guiding me through the forest to food and I know instinctively that I have to trust what they are doing. I have so much respect for them in this moment, and until today. And I have such little respect for who I am. For how little I know of the nature I wish to protect. They find the bees, climb the tree and extract the honey, while asking me to stand back for my own safety. 10 year old boys. While I am feeling useless I enjoy watching them. Enjoy experiencing this. Having my mind blown up and all the things I thought I knew scattered into tiny little pieces that I already look forward to putting back together in a different way. In a better way. We have one Earth but within this Earth exist many different worlds. In the world of the Maasai, the Maasai hold the knowledge and noone from the outside knows anything better than they do. This is true for all indigenous communities. Our education is not their education. Our knowledge is not their knowledge. Our definitions are not their definitions. Our good is not necessarily their good and neither is our evil. It is the most important thing I learned from the Maasai. Sit and observe, understand and respect. And never judge. #maasai #massai #tansania #tanzania #Africa #afrika #travel #learn #perspective #unlearn #reisen #see #understand #indigenous #indigen #volk #liebe #love #anthropology #photography #bild #bücher #lesen #memoir #masaistory #Read #books #bookworm
    0 Comments 0 Shares 13296 Views
  • As Lieber himself told the FBI shortly after his arrest, he “wasn’t completely transparent [with the Department of Defense (DOD)] by any stretch of the imagination.” This was an understatement.
    As Lieber himself told the FBI shortly after his arrest, he “wasn’t completely transparent [with the Department of Defense (DOD)] by any stretch of the imagination.” This was an understatement.
    Charles Lieber: From China Spy To Two Days Already Served - Activist Post
    Just two days in prison. The cost of treason is very low these days.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1053 Views
  • #divineforest #forest#forest_brillance#foggy_forest #fog #landscape #nature #outdoors#photography#raw_alltrees#raw_foggy
    #thuringia#Tranquility #tree_briliance #trees#vero #wald #wald_liebe #woods #woods_capture #woodland
    #divineforest #forest#forest_brillance#foggy_forest #fog #landscape #nature #outdoors#photography#raw_alltrees#raw_foggy #thuringia#Tranquility #tree_briliance #trees#vero #wald #wald_liebe #woods #woods_capture #woodland
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5575 Views
  • Bitte die Europäische Bürgerinitiative zum Schutz vor Mobilfunkstrahlung / Elektrosmog etc. unbedingt unterschreiben!!

    Bitte dies auch unbedingt WEITERLEITEN bzw. VERBREITEN, da die notwendigen Unterschriften nur noch bis zum 28.2.2023 gesammelt werden können!

    Hier eine Kernaussage dazu:
    Wir kritisieren, dass Mobilfunk ohne Technikfolgenabschätzung und ohne Anwendung des in der EU geltenden Vorsorgeprinzips ausgebaut wird. Im Grunde genommen stellt dies ein Realexperiment an
    Mensch und Umwelt dar.
    Die Appelle vieler Ärzte, Physiker, Biologen und anderer Experten blieben ungehört. Über 500 Studien, die biologische Wirkungen durch Mobilfunkstrahlung auf Menschen, Nutztiere, Wildtiere, Bienen und Insekten eindeutig nachgewiesen haben, werden durch die Mobilfunklobby diskreditiert und vom Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz schlichtweg ignoriert.
    Bitte die Europäische Bürgerinitiative zum Schutz vor Mobilfunkstrahlung / Elektrosmog etc. unbedingt unterschreiben!! https://signstop5g.eu/de Bitte dies auch unbedingt WEITERLEITEN bzw. VERBREITEN, da die notwendigen Unterschriften nur noch bis zum 28.2.2023 gesammelt werden können! Hier eine Kernaussage dazu: ================= Wir kritisieren, dass Mobilfunk ohne Technikfolgenabschätzung und ohne Anwendung des in der EU geltenden Vorsorgeprinzips ausgebaut wird. Im Grunde genommen stellt dies ein Realexperiment an Mensch und Umwelt dar. Die Appelle vieler Ärzte, Physiker, Biologen und anderer Experten blieben ungehört. Über 500 Studien, die biologische Wirkungen durch Mobilfunkstrahlung auf Menschen, Nutztiere, Wildtiere, Bienen und Insekten eindeutig nachgewiesen haben, werden durch die Mobilfunklobby diskreditiert und vom Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz schlichtweg ignoriert. ==================
    Bleib verbunden, aber geschützt
    Drahtlose Strahlung ist weder sicher noch gesund. Unser Ziel: Verbunden Bleiben, aber Geschützt.
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