• What a great night ????
    #babyboy #friends #wynn
    What a great night ???? #babyboy #friends #wynn
    2 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 999 مشاهدة
  • newbookday (admittedly, from the library)
    After reading a few Westerns and watching a few movies l got a little bit interested in the Comanches.
    Went for a quick look at a highly rated non academic (that is never an option when you start to look into a subject) book and stumbled upon this: "Empire of the summer moon" by S. C. Gwynne. #reading
    newbookday (admittedly, from the library) After reading a few Westerns and watching a few movies l got a little bit interested in the Comanches. Went for a quick look at a highly rated non academic (that is never an option when you start to look into a subject) book and stumbled upon this: "Empire of the summer moon" by S. C. Gwynne. #reading
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 540 مشاهدة
  • Wynn dessert
    Wynn dessert
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 475 مشاهدة
  • Lets test SoMee and Hive's free speech... I am 100% fine with transgender adults becoming a man or a woman. What I am not okay with is having to conform to pronouns of they/them/it/w/e. If you look like a man, ill call you a man/he/him. If you look like a woman, Ill call you a woman/her/she. I am not going to go around and ask WHAT pronoun would you prefer when speaking to someone for the first time. In fact, pushing that type of mentality could be dangerous with the wrong person, id rather apologize for misgendering if corrected. That doesn't make me a biggot or anti-transgender.
    Yet, the ADL feels that misgendering someone with the wrong pronoun can "make them feel awkward, uncomfortable or unsafe." My question is what about the rest of us who feel uncomfortable, awkward and unsafe using them or having to be forced to ask someone what pronoun they identify as?
    Personally, I don't care what sex/gender you choose to be or who you are sleeping with, as long as you are a good person. But don't force your pronoun bs on me.
    I am not going to play guessing games on what gender you want to be when I speak to you. That's such self centered bs to think that others should change the way they address every person in this world just to make sure you and a few other people are happy. If you correct me, that's fine. But if you tell me to refer to you as It/they/them being "non-binary". I am going to tell you to refer to me as thee/lord/king.
    There is no such thing as a "non-binary" person gender wise. Sorry, but you either have a penis or a vagina which makes you male or female. That's your true gender identity not your feelngs. Also the deeper problem with all this is women are being invalidated because now men who identify as women are allowed to join their sports competitions. Despite still having all the physical characteristics of a man. You might be able to change your sexual organs, but you can't change your genetic make up that you were BORN with.
    There are only two genders MAN and WOMAN and as this author in the below artcle notes they shouldn't mean much. Although, I disagree with her on the point about, "Announcing yourself as a “she”, “he” or “they” would appear to buy into the notion that a “he” is completely different from a “she." A he is completely different from a she... For starters one has a penis, the other has a vagina and breasts for feeding a baby. Second, like it or not a man has more muscle mass then a woman that's a biological fact and isn't misogynistic at all. On the flip side studies have proven women are more logical and analyitically minded.
    "Wouldn’t it be better if we just worked towards a future where “he” and “she” weren’t weighted with so much meaning? What if we worked to break those limitations down instead?"
    However, you don't see people who are gay want to be called gay/homosexual and their name. So why do some transgender people want to force pronouns on everyone else as their gender? More so giving these select group of people power is turning into a shit show. Now, we are seeing fights over the use of women being pregnant using the words "breast feeding." They are seriously arguing this is inclusive and it should be chest feeding instead. That's not all though, there are some crazy idiots that feel women and men shouldn't have separate bathrooms.
    Hopefully I don't have to tell you how dangerous that is and how that puts women at risk for being raped. But here's another potential danger and a story that actually happened affected by pronouns. A biological woman identified as a man and died due to being unknowingly pregnant.
    “In 2019, the New England Journal of Medicine reported the case of a 32-year-old transgender man who went to an ER complaining of abdominal pain. While the patient disclosed he was transgender, his medical records did not. He was simply a man. The triage nurse determined that the patient, who was obese, was in pain because he’d stopped taking a medication meant to relieve hypertension. This was no emergency, she decided. She was wrong: The patient was, in fact, pregnant and in labor. By the time hospital staff realized that, it was too late. The baby was dead. And the patient, despite his own shock at being pregnant, was shattered.”
    Another example, how about a man with a penis exposing himself to women and young girls in a female spa? That too has happened and I guess the women are just supposed to ignore his penis because he identifies as a woman, right? This could also be applied to a man going into a woman's bathroom because he identifies as female too.
    None of this is right and lets stop pretending that pronouns aren't normalizing dangerous behaviors, mindsets and invalidating biological women. You can be transgender and get a sex change that's fine. But you should only be referenced by the sexual organs that you have and you shouldn't be able to join the opposite sexes' sports. Also we should stop pretending that someone can be non-binary and gender non-conforming. Sorry, you can't decide to not have sexual organs. Your sexual organs define your gender and there is absolutely no such thing as gender identity this is a made up fallacy. Honestly, this should be classified as a mental illness. If someone identified themselves as a wolf or an inanimate object such as a door they would be thrown in the looney bin so why isn' t the same done? Shots fired.
    Lets test SoMee and Hive's free speech... I am 100% fine with transgender adults becoming a man or a woman. What I am not okay with is having to conform to pronouns of they/them/it/w/e. If you look like a man, ill call you a man/he/him. If you look like a woman, Ill call you a woman/her/she. I am not going to go around and ask WHAT pronoun would you prefer when speaking to someone for the first time. In fact, pushing that type of mentality could be dangerous with the wrong person, id rather apologize for misgendering if corrected. That doesn't make me a biggot or anti-transgender. Yet, the ADL feels that misgendering someone with the wrong pronoun can "make them feel awkward, uncomfortable or unsafe." My question is what about the rest of us who feel uncomfortable, awkward and unsafe using them or having to be forced to ask someone what pronoun they identify as? Personally, I don't care what sex/gender you choose to be or who you are sleeping with, as long as you are a good person. But don't force your pronoun bs on me. I am not going to play guessing games on what gender you want to be when I speak to you. That's such self centered bs to think that others should change the way they address every person in this world just to make sure you and a few other people are happy. If you correct me, that's fine. But if you tell me to refer to you as It/they/them being "non-binary". I am going to tell you to refer to me as thee/lord/king. There is no such thing as a "non-binary" person gender wise. Sorry, but you either have a penis or a vagina which makes you male or female. That's your true gender identity not your feelngs. Also the deeper problem with all this is women are being invalidated because now men who identify as women are allowed to join their sports competitions. Despite still having all the physical characteristics of a man. You might be able to change your sexual organs, but you can't change your genetic make up that you were BORN with. There are only two genders MAN and WOMAN and as this author in the below artcle notes they shouldn't mean much. Although, I disagree with her on the point about, "Announcing yourself as a “she”, “he” or “they” would appear to buy into the notion that a “he” is completely different from a “she." A he is completely different from a she... For starters one has a penis, the other has a vagina and breasts for feeding a baby. Second, like it or not a man has more muscle mass then a woman that's a biological fact and isn't misogynistic at all. On the flip side studies have proven women are more logical and analyitically minded. "Wouldn’t it be better if we just worked towards a future where “he” and “she” weren’t weighted with so much meaning? What if we worked to break those limitations down instead?" However, you don't see people who are gay want to be called gay/homosexual and their name. So why do some transgender people want to force pronouns on everyone else as their gender? More so giving these select group of people power is turning into a shit show. Now, we are seeing fights over the use of women being pregnant using the words "breast feeding." They are seriously arguing this is inclusive and it should be chest feeding instead. That's not all though, there are some crazy idiots that feel women and men shouldn't have separate bathrooms. Hopefully I don't have to tell you how dangerous that is and how that puts women at risk for being raped. But here's another potential danger and a story that actually happened affected by pronouns. A biological woman identified as a man and died due to being unknowingly pregnant. “In 2019, the New England Journal of Medicine reported the case of a 32-year-old transgender man who went to an ER complaining of abdominal pain. While the patient disclosed he was transgender, his medical records did not. He was simply a man. The triage nurse determined that the patient, who was obese, was in pain because he’d stopped taking a medication meant to relieve hypertension. This was no emergency, she decided. She was wrong: The patient was, in fact, pregnant and in labor. By the time hospital staff realized that, it was too late. The baby was dead. And the patient, despite his own shock at being pregnant, was shattered.” Another example, how about a man with a penis exposing himself to women and young girls in a female spa? That too has happened and I guess the women are just supposed to ignore his penis because he identifies as a woman, right? This could also be applied to a man going into a woman's bathroom because he identifies as female too. None of this is right and lets stop pretending that pronouns aren't normalizing dangerous behaviors, mindsets and invalidating biological women. You can be transgender and get a sex change that's fine. But you should only be referenced by the sexual organs that you have and you shouldn't be able to join the opposite sexes' sports. Also we should stop pretending that someone can be non-binary and gender non-conforming. Sorry, you can't decide to not have sexual organs. Your sexual organs define your gender and there is absolutely no such thing as gender identity this is a made up fallacy. Honestly, this should be classified as a mental illness. If someone identified themselves as a wolf or an inanimate object such as a door they would be thrown in the looney bin so why isn' t the same done? Shots fired. Sources: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/sep/13/pronouns-gender-he-she-they-natalie-wynn-contrapoints https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1811491 https://thepostmillennial.com/exclusive-mom-reveals-naked-hot-tub-daughter https://www.feministcurrent.com/2021/07/28/the-problem-with-preferred-pronouns/
    3 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1548 مشاهدة
  • One year ago yesterday advertising icon Allen Kay The Advertising Company, Inc / Iconic Branding / Allen Kay created an amazing ad campaign for SoMee.Social and now one year later, we are sad to say goodbye to our beloved friend, and mentor whose ideas had such a tremendous impact around the world. Thank you Allen Kay for sharing your genius, creativity, quick wit, generosity, and artistic excellence with us mere mortals! And for creating so many memorable stories that will live on in our hearts and minds forever. Debbie Lofgren Virgin Wynn Resorts Wynn Las Vegas Metropolitan Transportation Authority Stuart Weitzman Humana AB Vonage CNN Comedy Central Xerox Wilmington Trust Dubey & Schaldenbrand Celebrity Cruises, Inc. Super Bowl National Football League (NFL) The Clio Awards #advertising #iconic
    One year ago yesterday advertising icon Allen Kay The Advertising Company, Inc / Iconic Branding / Allen Kay created an amazing ad campaign for SoMee.Social and now one year later, we are sad to say goodbye to our beloved friend, and mentor whose ideas had such a tremendous impact around the world. Thank you Allen Kay for sharing your genius, creativity, quick wit, generosity, and artistic excellence with us mere mortals! And for creating so many memorable stories that will live on in our hearts and minds forever. Debbie Lofgren Virgin Wynn Resorts Wynn Las Vegas Metropolitan Transportation Authority Stuart Weitzman Humana AB Vonage CNN Comedy Central Xerox Wilmington Trust Dubey & Schaldenbrand Celebrity Cruises, Inc. Super Bowl National Football League (NFL) The Clio Awards #advertising #iconic
    4 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 2993 مشاهدة