• The Rothschild Deep State Cabal Is Imploding
    Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorFebruary 23, 2024


    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

    Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, 1776

    That same momentous year that kicked off the American Revolution, 1776 was also the year that ex-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria founded his Illuminati Order, sponsored by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as House of Rothschild patriarch in nearby Frankfurt, Germany. And it was America’s third US President Thomas Jefferson, who refused renewal of the Rothschild controlled First Bank of America’s charter in 1811. The American Revolution may have been fought for independence from King George’s British monarchy, but not independence from the Rothschild central banking cartel, whose controlling 70% foreign interests in First Bank of America indebted America’s earliest citizens. At the end of George Washington’s eight years as first US president, in 1791 the federalist Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton installed for the Rothschilds their First Bank of America.

    Not renewing its charter, Jefferson kicked the Rothschild owned bank out of the US, which became the basis for America’s first war as a sovereign independent country, once again facing the same British enemy in the War of 1812. This war fought over financial independence from Britain’s City of London, only caused young America to drown further in war debt, as Nathan Rothschild backing both sides to every conflict he creates was determined to bankrupt the US to force it into recolonization. Despite the hard-fought American military victory, by 1815 with the US war debt nearly tripled at $119.2 million in the red, America financially was already a major debtor nation owing the infamous bloodline banking dynasty. That same year, making a colossal fortune over the Battle of Waterloo outcome by pre-rigging his investment, the gloating crook Nathan Rothschild proclaimed:

    I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.

    Sadly, America’s War of 1812 struggle for financial independence from the Rothschild controllers was lost. A brief excerpt from my Pedophilia & Empire series, Book 3, chapter one on the Rothschild family:

    In 1816 with yet a Second Bank of the United States foisted on American citizens for the next 20 years, in effect, Rothschild was simply seizing his predatory ownership of the United States. And once again, private control over the US money supply tacking on parasitic interest went into the coffers of as many as 1000 foreign investors, with [Nathan’s younger brother] Baron James de Rothschild in Paris holding the controlling shares.

    When the Second Bank of America’s charter was up for renewal 20 years later in 1836, that year Nathan Rothschild died. But France’s James de Rothschild assuming control over both the London and Paris banking branches, battled playing dirty as usual for charter renewal. He met his match as the resolute, feisty President Andrew Jackson was up for the challenge, declaring war on the House of Rothschild:

    You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by eternal God, I will rout you out.

    President Jackson’s turn to oppose the centralized moneychangers ultimately proved successful, kicking the Rothschilds out of America yet again, and the second British dynasty US takeover was again foiled, at least temporarily. However, the year prior in 1835, amidst the battle over the US private central bank, Jackson barely dodged a bullet to literally escape an assassination attempt attributed to Rothschild wrath. From 1836 to 1913, the US was largely free of the treacherous Rothschild leeches from Europe, signifying America’s longest period of foremost economic growth and prosperity in its entire history.

    Having acquired central banking control over Europe and through Nathan Rothschild’s ownership of the Bank of England by early 19th century, the British East India Company monopoly over international trade, including both the drug and slave trade, spanned the globe from Africa, the Indian and Pacific Oceans to North America and Europe, the flourishing international banking cartel consolidated its growing global money lending power over every commercial trade on every continent. But one vast sprawling nation covering two continents over the centuries resisted and eluded the Rothschild clutches. As a result, Russia was repeatedly targeted, as its ruling Romanov monarchy managed to successfully evade the Rothschild predatory conquest, but not without murderous retribution. From author Eustice Mullens’ New World Order:

    After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschilds turned all their hatred against the Romanovs. In 1825, they poisoned Alexander I; in 1855, they poisoned Nicholas I. Other assassinations followed, culminating on the night of November 6, 1917, when a dozen Red Guards drove a truck up to the Imperial Bank Building in Moscow. They loaded the Imperial jewel collection and $700 million gold, loot totaling more than a billion dollars. The new regime also confiscated the 150 million acres in Russia personally owned by the Czar.

    In addition to a century of assassinating Romanov czars by poison, when Czar Alexander II came to the aid of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, which by many accounts attribute Russian support to preserving the Union, the vindictive Rothschild cartel as primary backer of the Confederacy, vowed eternal revenge against the Russia and its royal family. The Rothschilds et al’s war at all cost against Russia today in Ukraine is merely this same long legacy’s outcome.

    Just prior to the Rothschilds’ planned First World War in 1914, a few months earlier in late 1913, they deceptively snuck through Congress their Federal Reserve Act on December 23rd, after most members had already left on Christmas break. The Jekyll Island rendezvous of the Fed Reserve architects included Paul Warburg, the German born chief central banking Rothschild agent moved to the US, ending up the second Vice Fed chairman. Continuity of one thought mind pervades the Warburg clan as Paul’s son James Paul Warburg before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1950 emphatically declared:

    We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.

    Thus, the third Rothschild central private bank in America was established to take permanent full usury-debtor system control over the US money supply, through bribery of Washington’s political puppet class, and the American people through their engineered debtor system. 1913 also saw the passage of the Federal Income Tax Act, illegally squeezing tax dollars to rip off hardworking US citizens just to pay off debt interests from all the bankers’ war loans. This vicious control cycle is how Khazarian mafia swindlers have cunningly operated since their identity snatching days of their ancient Khazar kingdom over a millennium ago.

    The Rothschild central banking controllers hired one of their own, distant cousin Karl Marx to write his Marxist Communist Manifesto in 1848. And it was the Rothschild cartel money along with Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff in America that financed his fellow Jews’ Bolshevik Revolution and their plotted murder and theft of Russian Czar Nicholas II’s family in 1917. And that billion plus of stolen Russian gold is said to have wound up stored in Rothschild’s underground chambers at City of London’s Bank of England. A centuries long pattern of covert deception, murder, war, corruption and insatiable appetite for greed and increasing power characterize all that is behind today’s still operating Khazarian mafia bankster dynasty rooted in ancient Khazar more than a millennium ago. Closer to this century historically, one world government tyranny and depopulation eugenics have both reflected the elites’ obsession.

    Rothschild crimes funded all three of the most bloodthirsty dictators in all of human history. The 1917 Russian Revolution spawned the rise of the Lenin-Stalin Communist Soviet Union democide, killing 66 million mostly Christian Russians. Then, since the early 1930s, in addition to Bush, Rothschild and Rockefeller bloodlines also funded the rise of Adolph Hitler. His alleged sacrifice of 6 million Jews in WWII was used coldheartedly as Zionist bargaining chips for the non-Hebrew Ashkenazim false claim of “Israelite birthright” to a homeland in Palestine, promised to Lord Lionel Rothschild in the 1917 Balfour Declaration. Three decades later, the pledge was fulfilled with the establishment of the Jewish State. Despite a non-Hebrew heritage, Ashkenazi [non]Jews that trace back originally to nomadic Turkic tribes, comprise 90% of today’s Israeli population.

    The Balfour Declaration also made another pledge:

    …Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.

    The Jewish State since its 1948 inception, that’s the last three quarters of a century now, has brutally pushed out the true Semite Arabs living in Palestine, their rightful ancient homeland, yet they’ve been systematically destroyed by Israel’s official genocidal apartheid policy. This fact is neither anti-Semitic nor what should be allowed or tolerated by rest of the world, yet with impunity, it has for far too long. This shameful reality is largely due to the Zionist House of Rothschild’s influence and control over Israel.

    Also in the 1930s, the Rothschilds groomed and backed yet another notorious Yale educated dictator Mao Zedong, also covertly supporting his democide against 65 million of his own sacrificed fellow Chinese. Over the centuries, you can recognize a pattern, that these Luciferian bloodline controllers led by the likes of the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties, have had ample practice committing genocides, financing the rise to power of all three dictators responsible for the deadliest genocides in all of history on this planet… that is, until the current unprecedented genocide against today’s human race.

    In 1933 the globalists of the day attempted the first major coup against the United States government in a failed attempt to overthrew the Franklin Delano Roosevelt, singlehandedly prevented by the Medal of Honor and most decorated war hero US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler. His intervention stopped the plotted criminal takeover, exposing it publicly in the press in 1934 as well as in his book. And though his courageous actions successfully averted the treasonous subversion committed by some of America’s wealthiest, most powerful conspiratorial traitors as captains of industry, bankers and politicians, among them heir to the Singer Sewing fortune Robert Sterling Clark and George HW Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, during WWII as a Union Banking Corp. director, Bush’s company was linked to financing, aiding and abetting the US Nazi enemy Adolph Hitler, yet his shockingly treasonous past was covered up and he was sent to the US Senate from Connecticut. Of course, the Bush-Clinton crime families are notorious for getting away with multiple felonies of high treason. Pedophile George Bush senior was implicated in America’s largest publicly exposed child sex trafficking network, tagged the “Franklin scandal” involving Nebraska children some from Catholic Boys Town directly trafficked to the White House during the Reagan-Bush administrations.

    While the Bush crime family are Satanists, their fellow Satanist arrested in this scandal coverup was fall guy Lawrence E. King, though the entire operation was quickly swept under the carpet as ringleader King aided by the likes of Satanist Lt. Col. Michael Aquino hotel drop-off of a cash filled suitcase to King. Like Epstein, Lawrence King was also handed a sweetheart deal with next to no jailtime considering his ungodly crimes. Of course, Aquino always walked free despite being linked to multiple pedo-scandals, protected by his military status high up in America’s MK mind control operation, identified by a number of child victims at the Presidio daycare scandal as well as implicated by Cathy O’Brien as a MK-ultra top programmer. America’s highest-profile pedophile-child sex trafficker is supposedly deceased, Jeffrey Epstein, while his gal pal partner-in-crime Guislaine Maxwell serves her 20-year sentence in a Florida federal penitentiary.

    Whereas the Franklin scandal incriminates the Bush crime family, both the Epstein-Maxwell operation and Pizzagate scandal expose the Rothschild, Clinton, Podesta, Obama, Biden crime families, including Donald Trump touting what “a terrific guy” Epstein was to 2004 New York Magazine, adding how he loves “the young ones,” wink, wink. The fact is, America’s uniparty is infested with hundreds of compromised famous pedophiles and gatekeeping enablers still walking free, despite the tons of cameras capturing the crimes as evidence. Outside of King, Epstein and Maxwell, zero arrests and prosecutions of any prominent guilty pedo-criminals including British, Belgian, and Dutch royalty, prime ministers and presidents, as well as billionaire criminals like Bill Gates, hundreds, perhaps thousands of these blackmailed VIP politicians, judges, police chiefs, generals, CEOs, bankers and entertainers, all guilty of horrific child sex abuse crimes have yet to face their unholiest of unholy karma.

    Multiple chapters in Pedophilia & Empire Book 4 unravel the US pedo-scourge and other scandals throughout the world in the other books. The New World Order, secret societies and the global pedophilia network generating enormous black ops revenue involving colossal amounts of money laundering by all Rothschild private central banks, are explicitly intertwined and fully documented in the five volume series with access to all 50 plus chapters here.

    Because so much accelerated shocking truth is coming out weekly, with a one in 6 billion chance of so many disastrous chemical spill derailments all at once, manmade earthquakes punishing nations aligned with Russia, all are only further incriminating the bloodline controllers and their puppet minions at the highest echelons of Western power. The reason why the Ukraine war is so huge right now, carrying so much at stake, is because the entire New World Order’s one world government scheme is riding on the bloodline controllers’ defeat by Russia in Ukraine as their longtime “devil’s playground” hub gets further exposed to the global public. With all these bloodline criminals vis-à-vis the Rothschild dynasty atop this predatory food chain, busily bribing, blackmailing, and silencing facts and truthtellers through any and all means necessary, it’s to ensure that their psychopathic club of elites remains unreachable and immune from all prosecution and long overdue justice. They know more than enough criminal evidence is out there in the public domain to convict these genocidal killers for their unending crimes and they know that We the People are closing in on them. And because of this, the monstrous beasts are willing to unleash nuclear Armageddon. We are living through epic times, and though millions have already perished and perhaps billions more will follow, in this war between good and evil, we have them on the run, rushing like cockroaches for the cover of darkness. But armed and united by the truth, justice will be done.

    As a consequence of the covert subversive overthrow of the United States government taking place in recent years, both the complete absence of rule of law and rampant treasonous failure to uphold the US Constitution, currently has Americans and people around the world waking up in righteous anger by the thousands every single day. Our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson bestowed fundamental rights of liberty and freedom to every citizen, granting us clear-cut legal justification and guidelines to, in his words, “abolish” the illegitimate treasonous regime occupying Washington today. Taking into account the US government’s repeated terrorist acts constituting democide against its own American citizenry as well as having committed acts of war against US closest allies like Germany via the Nord Stream sabotage, the Biden regime’s intent to destroy both America and West must be opposed immediately.

    A growing majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance as imposter president, more so than any previous president in US modern history during the entire 78 years of presidential poll ratings. After the US Supreme Court declined the Brunson case out of Utah last month for a second time this year, the longshot effort to hold the vast majority of Congress accountable for illegally ratifying a fraudulent, rigged 2020 election has been thwarted. All three branches of government – the executive, legislative and judiciary, have systemically failed Americans by repeatedly violating the US Constitution in clear breech of their sworn oaths to uphold and defend. All three branches have committed treason for destroying our nation through reckless, willful crimes endangering both the American as well as global population, targeted for extermination by the elites. Nuremberg 2.0 needs to immediately be invoked for mass tribunal trials of multitudes of genocidal traitors determined to impose their diabolical, exposed depopulation agenda on humanity.

    The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the president that vowed to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces,” reduce the power of the Federal Reserve and avert a decade long costly war in Vietnam, set the stage for the Deep State to fester and thrive ever since November 22, 1963. Every US president ever since has been a mere puppet for bloodline controllers to rape the earth and humanity in the name of the military industrial security Big Pharma complex. In this century the Khazarian mafia infested and controlled international criminal cabal manufactured their “new Pearl Harbor” 9/11, an Israeli-neocon grand Satanic blood sacrifice after the prewritten Patriot Act straight out of the dialectical “problem, reaction, solution” con-game playbook intended to strip away all Americans’ constitutional rights, a lose-lose our less freedom for less security and win-win for the Satanists, thinly disguised as collateral damage behind their fabricated war on terror against Muslim terrorists they create, train and finance as fake proxy war US enemies, supplementing their ongoing “war on drugs” to destroy African American families for the prison security complex, then when convenient again switch the revolving “enemy” back to the Russians and Chinese in Cold War #2 to drive humanity off the Armageddon cliff with today’s nuclear World War III countdown.

    And now along with the threat of a mushroom cloud, their enemy target today expands to a genocidal war against the entire human species with their fake pandemic/killer jab’s malevolent agenda to destroy national sovereignty via the United Nations’ World Health Organization, subversively imposing more fake or deadly health emergencies possessing an unlimited bioweapon arsenal bringing more draconian lockdowns, more killer mandates, along with their 15-minute smart cities control grid prison enslavement, planetwide mass surveillance, Chinese modeled social credit scores freezing dissidents’ bank accounts requiring digital ID approval and cashless World Bank Digital Currency, all part of their “Great Reset.”

    The globalists’ wet dream is our never-ending nightmare of absolute myopic control over the culled down, beaten down, traumatized, lobotomized population of jabbed, DNA altered, group hived, AI mind-controlled cyborg survivors. This is our bleak Lucifer controlled future if we remain weak, passive, defeated and ignorant. Activism is growing in a planetwide movement protesting against the Ukraine debacle along with the price inflation, smart cities and World Economic Forum’s enslavement. Legal challenges against the technocratic tyranny, the genocide, the wokist insanity. Our enemy is on notice and no doubt will be unleashing more false flags and WMDs at us, but the momentum of growing resistance and opposition is mobilizing for the long war.

    Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

    The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global Research, lewrockwell.com and currently https://jameshfetzer.org. As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge is available free at https://pedoempire.org/contents/. Joachim also hosts the Revolution Radio weekly broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed,” every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).


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    The Rothschild Deep State Cabal Is Imploding Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorFebruary 23, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, 1776 That same momentous year that kicked off the American Revolution, 1776 was also the year that ex-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria founded his Illuminati Order, sponsored by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as House of Rothschild patriarch in nearby Frankfurt, Germany. And it was America’s third US President Thomas Jefferson, who refused renewal of the Rothschild controlled First Bank of America’s charter in 1811. The American Revolution may have been fought for independence from King George’s British monarchy, but not independence from the Rothschild central banking cartel, whose controlling 70% foreign interests in First Bank of America indebted America’s earliest citizens. At the end of George Washington’s eight years as first US president, in 1791 the federalist Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton installed for the Rothschilds their First Bank of America. Not renewing its charter, Jefferson kicked the Rothschild owned bank out of the US, which became the basis for America’s first war as a sovereign independent country, once again facing the same British enemy in the War of 1812. This war fought over financial independence from Britain’s City of London, only caused young America to drown further in war debt, as Nathan Rothschild backing both sides to every conflict he creates was determined to bankrupt the US to force it into recolonization. Despite the hard-fought American military victory, by 1815 with the US war debt nearly tripled at $119.2 million in the red, America financially was already a major debtor nation owing the infamous bloodline banking dynasty. That same year, making a colossal fortune over the Battle of Waterloo outcome by pre-rigging his investment, the gloating crook Nathan Rothschild proclaimed: I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply. Sadly, America’s War of 1812 struggle for financial independence from the Rothschild controllers was lost. A brief excerpt from my Pedophilia & Empire series, Book 3, chapter one on the Rothschild family: In 1816 with yet a Second Bank of the United States foisted on American citizens for the next 20 years, in effect, Rothschild was simply seizing his predatory ownership of the United States. And once again, private control over the US money supply tacking on parasitic interest went into the coffers of as many as 1000 foreign investors, with [Nathan’s younger brother] Baron James de Rothschild in Paris holding the controlling shares. When the Second Bank of America’s charter was up for renewal 20 years later in 1836, that year Nathan Rothschild died. But France’s James de Rothschild assuming control over both the London and Paris banking branches, battled playing dirty as usual for charter renewal. He met his match as the resolute, feisty President Andrew Jackson was up for the challenge, declaring war on the House of Rothschild: You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by eternal God, I will rout you out. President Jackson’s turn to oppose the centralized moneychangers ultimately proved successful, kicking the Rothschilds out of America yet again, and the second British dynasty US takeover was again foiled, at least temporarily. However, the year prior in 1835, amidst the battle over the US private central bank, Jackson barely dodged a bullet to literally escape an assassination attempt attributed to Rothschild wrath. From 1836 to 1913, the US was largely free of the treacherous Rothschild leeches from Europe, signifying America’s longest period of foremost economic growth and prosperity in its entire history. Having acquired central banking control over Europe and through Nathan Rothschild’s ownership of the Bank of England by early 19th century, the British East India Company monopoly over international trade, including both the drug and slave trade, spanned the globe from Africa, the Indian and Pacific Oceans to North America and Europe, the flourishing international banking cartel consolidated its growing global money lending power over every commercial trade on every continent. But one vast sprawling nation covering two continents over the centuries resisted and eluded the Rothschild clutches. As a result, Russia was repeatedly targeted, as its ruling Romanov monarchy managed to successfully evade the Rothschild predatory conquest, but not without murderous retribution. From author Eustice Mullens’ New World Order: After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschilds turned all their hatred against the Romanovs. In 1825, they poisoned Alexander I; in 1855, they poisoned Nicholas I. Other assassinations followed, culminating on the night of November 6, 1917, when a dozen Red Guards drove a truck up to the Imperial Bank Building in Moscow. They loaded the Imperial jewel collection and $700 million gold, loot totaling more than a billion dollars. The new regime also confiscated the 150 million acres in Russia personally owned by the Czar. In addition to a century of assassinating Romanov czars by poison, when Czar Alexander II came to the aid of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, which by many accounts attribute Russian support to preserving the Union, the vindictive Rothschild cartel as primary backer of the Confederacy, vowed eternal revenge against the Russia and its royal family. The Rothschilds et al’s war at all cost against Russia today in Ukraine is merely this same long legacy’s outcome. Just prior to the Rothschilds’ planned First World War in 1914, a few months earlier in late 1913, they deceptively snuck through Congress their Federal Reserve Act on December 23rd, after most members had already left on Christmas break. The Jekyll Island rendezvous of the Fed Reserve architects included Paul Warburg, the German born chief central banking Rothschild agent moved to the US, ending up the second Vice Fed chairman. Continuity of one thought mind pervades the Warburg clan as Paul’s son James Paul Warburg before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1950 emphatically declared: We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest. Thus, the third Rothschild central private bank in America was established to take permanent full usury-debtor system control over the US money supply, through bribery of Washington’s political puppet class, and the American people through their engineered debtor system. 1913 also saw the passage of the Federal Income Tax Act, illegally squeezing tax dollars to rip off hardworking US citizens just to pay off debt interests from all the bankers’ war loans. This vicious control cycle is how Khazarian mafia swindlers have cunningly operated since their identity snatching days of their ancient Khazar kingdom over a millennium ago. The Rothschild central banking controllers hired one of their own, distant cousin Karl Marx to write his Marxist Communist Manifesto in 1848. And it was the Rothschild cartel money along with Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff in America that financed his fellow Jews’ Bolshevik Revolution and their plotted murder and theft of Russian Czar Nicholas II’s family in 1917. And that billion plus of stolen Russian gold is said to have wound up stored in Rothschild’s underground chambers at City of London’s Bank of England. A centuries long pattern of covert deception, murder, war, corruption and insatiable appetite for greed and increasing power characterize all that is behind today’s still operating Khazarian mafia bankster dynasty rooted in ancient Khazar more than a millennium ago. Closer to this century historically, one world government tyranny and depopulation eugenics have both reflected the elites’ obsession. Rothschild crimes funded all three of the most bloodthirsty dictators in all of human history. The 1917 Russian Revolution spawned the rise of the Lenin-Stalin Communist Soviet Union democide, killing 66 million mostly Christian Russians. Then, since the early 1930s, in addition to Bush, Rothschild and Rockefeller bloodlines also funded the rise of Adolph Hitler. His alleged sacrifice of 6 million Jews in WWII was used coldheartedly as Zionist bargaining chips for the non-Hebrew Ashkenazim false claim of “Israelite birthright” to a homeland in Palestine, promised to Lord Lionel Rothschild in the 1917 Balfour Declaration. Three decades later, the pledge was fulfilled with the establishment of the Jewish State. Despite a non-Hebrew heritage, Ashkenazi [non]Jews that trace back originally to nomadic Turkic tribes, comprise 90% of today’s Israeli population. The Balfour Declaration also made another pledge: …Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine. The Jewish State since its 1948 inception, that’s the last three quarters of a century now, has brutally pushed out the true Semite Arabs living in Palestine, their rightful ancient homeland, yet they’ve been systematically destroyed by Israel’s official genocidal apartheid policy. This fact is neither anti-Semitic nor what should be allowed or tolerated by rest of the world, yet with impunity, it has for far too long. This shameful reality is largely due to the Zionist House of Rothschild’s influence and control over Israel. Also in the 1930s, the Rothschilds groomed and backed yet another notorious Yale educated dictator Mao Zedong, also covertly supporting his democide against 65 million of his own sacrificed fellow Chinese. Over the centuries, you can recognize a pattern, that these Luciferian bloodline controllers led by the likes of the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties, have had ample practice committing genocides, financing the rise to power of all three dictators responsible for the deadliest genocides in all of history on this planet… that is, until the current unprecedented genocide against today’s human race. In 1933 the globalists of the day attempted the first major coup against the United States government in a failed attempt to overthrew the Franklin Delano Roosevelt, singlehandedly prevented by the Medal of Honor and most decorated war hero US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler. His intervention stopped the plotted criminal takeover, exposing it publicly in the press in 1934 as well as in his book. And though his courageous actions successfully averted the treasonous subversion committed by some of America’s wealthiest, most powerful conspiratorial traitors as captains of industry, bankers and politicians, among them heir to the Singer Sewing fortune Robert Sterling Clark and George HW Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, during WWII as a Union Banking Corp. director, Bush’s company was linked to financing, aiding and abetting the US Nazi enemy Adolph Hitler, yet his shockingly treasonous past was covered up and he was sent to the US Senate from Connecticut. Of course, the Bush-Clinton crime families are notorious for getting away with multiple felonies of high treason. Pedophile George Bush senior was implicated in America’s largest publicly exposed child sex trafficking network, tagged the “Franklin scandal” involving Nebraska children some from Catholic Boys Town directly trafficked to the White House during the Reagan-Bush administrations. While the Bush crime family are Satanists, their fellow Satanist arrested in this scandal coverup was fall guy Lawrence E. King, though the entire operation was quickly swept under the carpet as ringleader King aided by the likes of Satanist Lt. Col. Michael Aquino hotel drop-off of a cash filled suitcase to King. Like Epstein, Lawrence King was also handed a sweetheart deal with next to no jailtime considering his ungodly crimes. Of course, Aquino always walked free despite being linked to multiple pedo-scandals, protected by his military status high up in America’s MK mind control operation, identified by a number of child victims at the Presidio daycare scandal as well as implicated by Cathy O’Brien as a MK-ultra top programmer. America’s highest-profile pedophile-child sex trafficker is supposedly deceased, Jeffrey Epstein, while his gal pal partner-in-crime Guislaine Maxwell serves her 20-year sentence in a Florida federal penitentiary. Whereas the Franklin scandal incriminates the Bush crime family, both the Epstein-Maxwell operation and Pizzagate scandal expose the Rothschild, Clinton, Podesta, Obama, Biden crime families, including Donald Trump touting what “a terrific guy” Epstein was to 2004 New York Magazine, adding how he loves “the young ones,” wink, wink. The fact is, America’s uniparty is infested with hundreds of compromised famous pedophiles and gatekeeping enablers still walking free, despite the tons of cameras capturing the crimes as evidence. Outside of King, Epstein and Maxwell, zero arrests and prosecutions of any prominent guilty pedo-criminals including British, Belgian, and Dutch royalty, prime ministers and presidents, as well as billionaire criminals like Bill Gates, hundreds, perhaps thousands of these blackmailed VIP politicians, judges, police chiefs, generals, CEOs, bankers and entertainers, all guilty of horrific child sex abuse crimes have yet to face their unholiest of unholy karma. Multiple chapters in Pedophilia & Empire Book 4 unravel the US pedo-scourge and other scandals throughout the world in the other books. The New World Order, secret societies and the global pedophilia network generating enormous black ops revenue involving colossal amounts of money laundering by all Rothschild private central banks, are explicitly intertwined and fully documented in the five volume series with access to all 50 plus chapters here. Because so much accelerated shocking truth is coming out weekly, with a one in 6 billion chance of so many disastrous chemical spill derailments all at once, manmade earthquakes punishing nations aligned with Russia, all are only further incriminating the bloodline controllers and their puppet minions at the highest echelons of Western power. The reason why the Ukraine war is so huge right now, carrying so much at stake, is because the entire New World Order’s one world government scheme is riding on the bloodline controllers’ defeat by Russia in Ukraine as their longtime “devil’s playground” hub gets further exposed to the global public. With all these bloodline criminals vis-à-vis the Rothschild dynasty atop this predatory food chain, busily bribing, blackmailing, and silencing facts and truthtellers through any and all means necessary, it’s to ensure that their psychopathic club of elites remains unreachable and immune from all prosecution and long overdue justice. They know more than enough criminal evidence is out there in the public domain to convict these genocidal killers for their unending crimes and they know that We the People are closing in on them. And because of this, the monstrous beasts are willing to unleash nuclear Armageddon. We are living through epic times, and though millions have already perished and perhaps billions more will follow, in this war between good and evil, we have them on the run, rushing like cockroaches for the cover of darkness. But armed and united by the truth, justice will be done. As a consequence of the covert subversive overthrow of the United States government taking place in recent years, both the complete absence of rule of law and rampant treasonous failure to uphold the US Constitution, currently has Americans and people around the world waking up in righteous anger by the thousands every single day. Our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson bestowed fundamental rights of liberty and freedom to every citizen, granting us clear-cut legal justification and guidelines to, in his words, “abolish” the illegitimate treasonous regime occupying Washington today. Taking into account the US government’s repeated terrorist acts constituting democide against its own American citizenry as well as having committed acts of war against US closest allies like Germany via the Nord Stream sabotage, the Biden regime’s intent to destroy both America and West must be opposed immediately. A growing majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance as imposter president, more so than any previous president in US modern history during the entire 78 years of presidential poll ratings. After the US Supreme Court declined the Brunson case out of Utah last month for a second time this year, the longshot effort to hold the vast majority of Congress accountable for illegally ratifying a fraudulent, rigged 2020 election has been thwarted. All three branches of government – the executive, legislative and judiciary, have systemically failed Americans by repeatedly violating the US Constitution in clear breech of their sworn oaths to uphold and defend. All three branches have committed treason for destroying our nation through reckless, willful crimes endangering both the American as well as global population, targeted for extermination by the elites. Nuremberg 2.0 needs to immediately be invoked for mass tribunal trials of multitudes of genocidal traitors determined to impose their diabolical, exposed depopulation agenda on humanity. The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the president that vowed to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces,” reduce the power of the Federal Reserve and avert a decade long costly war in Vietnam, set the stage for the Deep State to fester and thrive ever since November 22, 1963. Every US president ever since has been a mere puppet for bloodline controllers to rape the earth and humanity in the name of the military industrial security Big Pharma complex. In this century the Khazarian mafia infested and controlled international criminal cabal manufactured their “new Pearl Harbor” 9/11, an Israeli-neocon grand Satanic blood sacrifice after the prewritten Patriot Act straight out of the dialectical “problem, reaction, solution” con-game playbook intended to strip away all Americans’ constitutional rights, a lose-lose our less freedom for less security and win-win for the Satanists, thinly disguised as collateral damage behind their fabricated war on terror against Muslim terrorists they create, train and finance as fake proxy war US enemies, supplementing their ongoing “war on drugs” to destroy African American families for the prison security complex, then when convenient again switch the revolving “enemy” back to the Russians and Chinese in Cold War #2 to drive humanity off the Armageddon cliff with today’s nuclear World War III countdown. And now along with the threat of a mushroom cloud, their enemy target today expands to a genocidal war against the entire human species with their fake pandemic/killer jab’s malevolent agenda to destroy national sovereignty via the United Nations’ World Health Organization, subversively imposing more fake or deadly health emergencies possessing an unlimited bioweapon arsenal bringing more draconian lockdowns, more killer mandates, along with their 15-minute smart cities control grid prison enslavement, planetwide mass surveillance, Chinese modeled social credit scores freezing dissidents’ bank accounts requiring digital ID approval and cashless World Bank Digital Currency, all part of their “Great Reset.” The globalists’ wet dream is our never-ending nightmare of absolute myopic control over the culled down, beaten down, traumatized, lobotomized population of jabbed, DNA altered, group hived, AI mind-controlled cyborg survivors. This is our bleak Lucifer controlled future if we remain weak, passive, defeated and ignorant. Activism is growing in a planetwide movement protesting against the Ukraine debacle along with the price inflation, smart cities and World Economic Forum’s enslavement. Legal challenges against the technocratic tyranny, the genocide, the wokist insanity. Our enemy is on notice and no doubt will be unleashing more false flags and WMDs at us, but the momentum of growing resistance and opposition is mobilizing for the long war. Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system. The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global Research, lewrockwell.com and currently https://jameshfetzer.org. As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge is available free at https://pedoempire.org/contents/. Joachim also hosts the Revolution Radio weekly broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed,” every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!). ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/02/the-rothschild-deep-state-cabal-is-imploding/
    The Rothschild Deep State Cabal Is Imploding
    That same momentous year that kicked off the American Revolution, 1776 was also the year that ex-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria founded his Illuminati Order, sponsored by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as House of Rothschild patriarch in nearby Frankfurt, Germany.
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  • What’s The Difference Between Jews and Zionists: No, No – Not the ‘New Nazis’ | VT Foreign Policy
    February 2, 2024

    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    What’s The Difference Between Jews and Zionists: No, No – Not the ‘New Nazis’


    Zahir Ebrahim

    January 17, 2009*

    Background Summary

    This is Part-3 of the series of articles on Israel-Palestine I composed especially for VT. Part-3 is my ongoing exposure of what’s taboo in Western press due to the fact that Israel is the new ruling state in the world. Ruling state has the following definition: a state that dictates to the world including through its surrogates and client states, but none can dictate to it; a ruling state does whatever it wants and its slavish clients and prostitute states support it in every way imaginable.

    Part-1 was: Israel’s Barbarianism – How can Israel get away with it? ( https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2023/11/press-release-israels-barbarianism );

    Part-2 was: 100 Years of Balfour Declaration and Continuing ( https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/01/100-years-of-balfour-declaration-and-continuing/ ).

    This third part was previously published in 2009 during Israel’s inhuman assault on Gaza… This latest incarnation assault on Gaza which began on Oct 7, 2023, is in continuation of the long held Zionist premeditated policy of Palestinian population transfer, ethnic cleansing, intermingled with genocidal impulses whenever the holy Jews can get away with it. This latest barbarian assault by Israel was based on the pretext that was an outright MIHOP (Made It Happen On Purpose), not a LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose), nor a “surprise attack” as Israel and her obliging Western surrogates have propagandized, duly echoed by their Uncle Toms and Aunty Thomases throughout the world’s mass media.

    I called it as such on October 8, 2023, the moment I heard about it in the news, in a series of private emails to some friends and journalists, including VT’s own venerable senior editor and my internet-confrere in common cause of justice of many years, Dr. Kevin Barrett, who wrote on VT on October 30, 2023: Why I Support Hamas – And you should too ( https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2023/10/why-i-support-hamas/ ).

    Not being a “Doctor” of anything, nor a college professor, as far as I perceive matters as a common man who can reason based on empiricism, and who is not given to presuppositions based on whim, dogma, tribal or religious and cultural affiliations, Hamas is complicit in, or actual part of, this MIHOP operation of Israel. In other words, Hamas was either made a useful idiot by Israel, or is still an asset of Israel just as it was at its inception. The Oct 7, 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas, was no more a surprise attack on Israel than Pearl Harbor was on the United States. It was a calculated premeditated creation of legal pretext for what followed. The difference only being MIHOP vs LIHOP. 9/11 too was a MIHOP operation by the United States to create legal pretext using a range of patsies and side shows. Israel did the same. Subsequently, more evidence that Israel may have even had other pecuniary motivations to attack Gaza have been revealed in an oped by Kevin Barrett himself on January 25, 2024, leaving his already dubious support of Hamas even more absurd and unexplainable as to how did Israel get Hamas to become its patsy to enable realize that motivation : Israel Committing Genocide to Steal Gaza’s Gas? – Al-Jazeera cites Western alternative media outlets Global Research and Mondoweiss (see https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/01/israel-committing-genocide-to-steal-gazas-gas/ ). Contrary to what Jews might think, not all goy are dumb ass.

    The hair-splitting by the goy of Jews being different from Zionists, is the stupidity of goy to not face up to empirical realism. The actual reality is even more perverse. The Jews and Zionism are in fact being used by the same oligarchic powers that used Militant Islam, before that Soviet Communism and Nazi Socialism, to create world wars and controlled conflict, pitting plebe human beings – the common rank and file – against each other under the sound of trumpets. This will be the topics of subsequent parts – all of which are already deeply researched essays in my books (see links for Part 1 & 2) – how the Jews themselves have been indoctrinated into becoming the useful idiots of Zionism, and just as diabolically harvested to construct a single one-world global empire of the oligarchy as other patsies. But as Zionist zombie mass murderers, useful idiots or not, they still cannot escape culpability any more than the Nazis could, nor Germany could, but only under victor’s justice. The honest conscionable Jew who distances himself / herself from the primacy of Israel and settler colonialism of Zionism are part of us goyem in principle as human beings first. The rest are enemies of humankind no different than any villainous mass murderers, including those aliased as Muslims under the imperial label of Militant Islam manufactured by empire as a Hegelian Dialectic (see my book: Hijacking The Holy Qur’an And Its Religion Islam – Muslims and Imperial Mobilization, 2nd Edition 2015, https://tinyurl.com/Islam2e ).

    The fact that the Jews of Israel under Zionism are indoctrinated trigger-pullers of oligarchic masters behind the scenes absolves neither them nor their godfathers who own Israel outright, from their genocidal crimes against humanity. Palestinians are just the canary in the coal mine. The same fate lies in store for all Untermensch on the planet in every country on the new road to The Great Reset that is birth-panging a new global dystopic world order to be administered from the New Ruling State of the world. Not by the Jews of Prophet Moses. But by the atheist
    satanic Khazarian financial Oligarchy with pretenses of being God’s Chosen People from the Abrahamic clan. Yeah, not a dumb goy! And neither should you be taken in by the ploy to make goy stupid and fight amongst ourselves. All that’s needed is a bit of commonsense and the ability to reason away from attractive authority figures. Not college degrees.

    2009 Article Begins

    In reference to the short article by Alan Hart “The New Nazis<https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://www.alanhart.net/the-new-nazis/>” in which he described the mechanics of a possible “Zionist Holocaust” upon the Palestinians, reaching the somewhat belated realization that it was high time that he called the Israelis by their real nom de guerre, “the New Nazis”, I would say he is sadly mistaken in his choice of labels. The Israeli Jews are not the New Nazis. It is convenient to associate them to something abhorrent but irrelevant. What relevance does Nazism have today? None whatsoever. But the more direct relevance to the Settling of the United States of America is not to be drawn – for that might be a wee bit too relevant and uncomfortable.

    President George W. Bush for once had truthfully blurted out the grotesque reality-space while on the 60th birthday-bash visit to Zionistan


    “Our two nations both faced great challenges when they were founded. And our two nations have both relied on the same principles to help us succeed.”

    The core-principle being, the outright elimination of indigenous peoples, wherein, “the very same army that had recently conquered and occupied the Southern states – led by Generals Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan – mass murdered Indian men, women, and children during the winters, when families would be together, with massive Gatling gun and artillery fire. In a letter to his son a year before he died (1889), Sherman expressed his regret that his armies did not murder every last Indian in North America.”

    The Pious self-righteous Jews of Israel, atheist or orthodox, don’t intend to make the ‘Sherman mistake’ in Palestine! They have noted it time and again that “We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel … Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.”

    But the Jews’ narrative of Holocaust is what remains the most profound and sacred obsession of the ‘civilized’ West – a perennial “mystery whose parallel may only be the one of Sinai when something was revealed.”. And for their detractors, it is merely the New Nazism – when the tortuous reality is located in Washington, in London, in the Pentagon, in EU, and in the massive control of world’s financial systems through the international banksters that is held in the hands of world Jewry!

    So isn’t it rather convenient not to draw upon any of these associations and linkages of support for Israel which is what, in fact, props up that pariah state in Palestine? I must admit I am sometimes guilty of sugar-coating the Zionists as the ‘New Nazis’ myself. But that’s an emotional response based on years of watching Hollywood World War II movies where such labeling of a suitably demonized foe simply falls into the consciousness for associating anything grotesque. A more intellectually honest and empirically accurate depiction of Zionism however, and its power base among the world Jewry, renders an entirely new meaning to the now hackneyed term ‘banality of evil’. The support network of Israel is systemic enough, and its aspirations endemic enough, to make Hannah Arendth turn in her grave.

    The second glossing over by Alan Hart is in his expression of fear of the Zionist Holocaust upon the Palestinians, where he unwittingly absolves the world Jewry of their direct involvement with Israel: “unless enough Israelis and the Jews of the world are prepared to acknowledge that a terrible wrong was done to the Palestinians by Zionism (the few) in the name of all Jews.”
    That statement has no basis in reality. It is not just “Zionism (the few) in the name of all Jews”, but the direct and active participation of most of world Jewry in the Israel project.
    Here are two short excerpts from two very different perspectives. They explain the afore-stated point much better than I can today, emotionally drained that I am watching the systematic and deliberate killing of children, women, men, and anything that lives, in Gaza which conjures up the image of the gatling-gun set loose upon the defenseless native American Indians by Sherman.
    The first excerpt is from the 1996 memoirs of Brigadier Syed A. I. Tirmazi, SI (M), Director of ISI, Pakistan, titled ‘Profiles of Intelligence’, Chapter 3, pages 45-46. Under the subsection titled “Why did the ISI not intervene to save Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto if they knew he was being murdered”, the top spymaster of Pakistan during ZAB’s and his executioner General Zia ul Haq’s era, writes (and do pay particular attention to the last paragraph, emphasis mine):

    Begin Excerpt (Profiles of Intelligence)

    … It would be fair to ask what we [the ISI] did to counter the US machinations? Well we did not, and could not do any thing beyond reporting to the highest authority in the country. There are reasons for our inaction:

    One, neither the ISI nor the IB is designed or equipped to counter the machinations of a Super Power.

    Two, an important factor is our own price. A lot has been said and written by some of our American friends about the price of a Pakistani. Dr. Andrew V. Corry, US Counsel General at Lahore, once said, “Price of a Pakistani oscillates between a free trip to the US and a bottle of whisky.” He may not be too far wrong. We did observe some highly placed Pakistanis selling their conscience, prestige, dignity and self-respect for a small price.

    Three, in order to bring the taking of appropriate counter measures within the ambit of ISI functions, a revolutionary reorientation of minds at the national level and of the systems and institutions at the State level becomes imperative. Are we, as a nation, and as we stand today, morally capable of bringing about such a change in our attitudes and our thinking? I believe we are not. I also believe that the day we acquire the capability, it will mark the end of all our problems, troubles and misfortunes. We will learn to manage out affairs ourselves.

    Four, probably, the most formidable hurdle in the way to our self-respect and self-reliance is the breed of salable ‘elite’ among us. Specimens of this breed are available in all models and also in abundance. They are active in many deceptive and diversionary forms to ‘strike a deal’ at the cost of our vital national interests. Is there a remedy for this cancerous growth?

    Five, many of our countrymen would not cooperate with the C.I. men. My study on the Israeli Intelligence revealed that, apart from other elements, a major factor for their successes has been the cooperation that a Mossad man gets from the Jews. It claimed that a Jew, in any corner of the world, whenever approached by an Israeli Intelligence agent, would provide him with maximum help and assistance. (pages 45-46)

    End Excerpt

    The second excerpt is from the recent book of a former Israeli Jew who served with the IDF, turned Christian pacifist, Israel Adam Shamir. He writes in the Introduction of his book “Masters of Discourse”, an eloquent politically incorrect exposition of the relationship of the world Jewry to Israel. I had previously quoted from that book in my “Open Letter to Palestinian Intellectuals<https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2008/06/letter-to-palestinian-intellectuals.html>”, and here is the excerpt from that letter:

    Begin Excerpt (Open Letter to Palestinian Intellectuals by Project Humanbeingsfirst)

    This is also why the exponents of Israel entirely control the global discourse on Israel-Palestine throughout the world, even among the ruling elite in the Muslim nations, not to mention among the Palestinian ruling elite itself, none of which reflects either any deep comprehension of the manifest reality on the ground, or the aspirations of the Palestinian masses. These are the Masters of Discourse, and a far more formidable foe across the world’s Jewry than the Palestinians seem to apprehend – as they continually losingly engage the foot soldiers among their antagonists and not the real power-wielders!

    Israel Shamir notes in the English Introduction to his new book


    the following veritable truth which must by now be self-evident to all who are able to comprehend the power of the concept of “Der Judenstaadt” on the global Jewish psyche which carries upon its bent backs, the weight of three thousand years of history


    (also Jewish History, Jewish Religion


    The new Jewish elite did not fully identify with Russia but carried out a separate policy. It had a fateful effect in 1991, when over 50 % of the Jews (as opposed to 13 % of the Russians) supported the pro-Western coup of President Yeltsin. In 1995, 81% of the Jews voted for pro-Western parties, and only 3% for the Communists (as opposed to 46% of Russians), according to the publication by the Jewish sociologist Dr. Ryvkina in her book, Jews in Post-Soviet Russia (1996).

    In ever-expanding America, the Jews did not have to kill or remove the native elites; they became its important part, controlling discourse and wielding considerable financial clout. They still do not identify with the goyish America: they force the Congress and the Administration to send billions of dollars to their Israeli offshoot, they forced the US to break Iraq to pieces, and now they are trying to let America fight their war in Iran, though it brings disaster to America. They do discriminate against other Americans; otherwise 60% of the leading positions in the media would not become Jewish.

    Jews of France do not identify with France, either. “Their identification with Israel is so strong, it overshadows their ties to the country they live in,” writes Daniel Ben Simon in Haaretz. This dual loyalty was made very clear to me by a Jewish doctor in Nice. “If the choice is between Israel and France, there’s no question I feel closer to Israel,” he said, without a moment’s hesitation. He was born and bred in France; he went to medical school in France; his patients are French; he speaks French with his wife and children. But in the depths of his heart, he feels a greater affinity with the Jewish state.

    In Palestine, the Jews have no compassion for the natives. They travel by segregated roads, study in segregated schools, while a Jew consumes ten times more water resources than a goy, and has an income seven times higher. Thus, the Jewish separateness remains a fact of life for many Jewish communities.

    While the Palestinian intellectual and revolutionary need not adopt the discourse of European anti-Semitism – cousins as they are of their oppressors – they do need to comprehend the immense psychological and sociological power of that discourse, and the power of the world Jewry in sustaining the Jewish State because of it. The significance of this statement is made evident by the fact that this discourse prevailed upon not only the very Evangelical Christian American President George W. Bush, but also the Christian Prime Minister of Germany, Angela Merkel, the Christian Prime Minister of France, Nicholas Sarkozy**, the Roman Catholic Christian Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, and the Christian Prime Minister of Britain, Gordon Brown, along with the Queen of England, representing the world’s most powerful Christian coalition of Western Hegemons, to pay homage to Jewish Zionistan on May 15, 2008


    None showed up, even in false courtesy, to offer their feeble condolences for the Nakba to what remains of the Palestinian Reservations!

    End Excerpt

    And this state of affairs was finally admitted to by the Palestinian journalist based in Ramallah, Khalid Amayreh. Writing from Ramallah for the Palestinian Information Center, he was finally forced to acknowledge the grotesque reality of this Jewish power in his article “When it comes to Israel , Europe is hypocritical, submissive and obsequious


    Excerpting from the same Open Letter to Palestinian Intellectuals, where I had quoted Khalid Amayreh:

    Begin Excerpt

    In comparison to the madman in the White House, Europe may look less bellicose, less confrontational and less unreasonable in its overall approach to contentious international issues. However, when the issue is the Palestinian plight, the US and Europe look very much like tweedledee and tweedledum.

    In recent months and years, European leaders from Germany’s Merkel, to France’s Sarkozy, to Britain’s Brown and Italy’s Berlusconi were shamelessly pandering to Israeli savagery to the extent of embracing relentless Israeli criminality against the Palestinian people , including the ongoing genocidal ethnic cleansing in the occupied Palestinian territories, particularly in the Gaza Strip.

    True, the European tone of speech often sounds less odious especially when compared with the unmitigated saber-rattling coming from Washington. But, in the final analysis, the outcome in both cases is similar. In fact, the US and Europe collaborate and even collude to effect the same unethical goals often by playing the old game of Mutt and Jeff (good cop and bad cop), with their persecuted victims, whether in Palestine, Sudan or Iran.

    End Excerpt

    The points being made here are admittedly nuanced and subtle, but crucial and fundamental nevertheless in correctly identifying the monster that feeds on Blood-Sacrifice of the Palestinians. The Zionists are not following in the footsteps of the Nazis, although they are certainly using many of the Nazi tactics. They are following in the veritable footsteps of the United States of America, and are religiously principled in their not making the ‘Sherman mistake’. This is empirically so blatantly obvious that even the conscionable among the Israeli Jews reluctantly admit it. The late Tanya Reinhart, professor of linguistics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, noted in her 2002 book “How to end the war of 1948

    https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://www.amazon.com/Israel-Palestine-How-End-1948/dp/1583225382 :

    “The state of Israel founded in 1948 following a war which the Israelis call the War of Independence, and the Palestinians call the Nakba – the catastrophe. A haunted, persecuted people sought to find a shelter and a state for itself, and did so at a horrible price to another people. During the war of 1948, more than half of the Palestinian population at the time – 1,380,000 people – were driven off their homeland by the Israeli army. Though Israel officially claimed that a majority of refugees fled and were not expelled, it still refused to allow them to return, as a UN resolution demanded shortly after 1948 war. Thus, the Israeli land was obtained through ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants. This is not a process unfamiliar in history. Israel’s actions remain incomparable to the massive ethnic cleansing of Native Americans by the settlers and government of the United states.”

    The world Jewry is in on the game of conquest, in many different guises, with many different incantations of power, and with full spectrum political and financial support. The biggest support to Israel comes from the United States Congress and the Federal Government, financially, politically, militarily, as well as legally. Just witness this mind numbing Antiboycott Compliance


    bureau especially constructed for Israel’s sake. It states:

    “The Bureau is charged with administering and enforcing the Antiboycott Laws under the Export Administration Act. Those laws discourage, and in some circumstances, prohibit U.S. companies from furthering or supporting the boycott of Israel sponsored by the Arab League, and certain Moslem countries, including complying with certain requests for information designed to verify compliance with the boycott. Compliance with such requests may be prohibited by the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and may be reportable to the Bureau.”

    So what is this red herring of calling Israelis “The New Nazis”, without also calling its parent the Fourth Reich? Further evidence of sophisticated and rather devilish support of Israel may be gleaned in Project Humanbeingsfirst’s report “The endless trial of red herrings

    https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2007/03/endless-red-herrings.html “.

    The day the World Jewry asserts that they will live equitably in a single-state with the indigenous Palestinians, with restoration of full right of return to the displaced and their progeny, and fair compensation for pain and suffering that is due all the native populations of Palestine and their progeny for cataclysmic upheaval inflicted upon them since the first World Jewish Congress meeting in Basle Switzerland in 1896, then that very fine day, the Shoah of the Palestinians will miraculously end.

    Such a fair and just articulation of demand is more than the mere recognition of great wrongs being done the Palestinians. It is of no less measure, both quantitatively as well as qualitatively, than what the Jews have themselves extracted with their specialized and incomprehensible Holocaust narrative from the world.

    Let the Palestinian people not be sold short by those who claim to support them – even if they be Palestinian themselves! Their ruling elite has already sold the beleaguered people down the drain of ineptitude and corruption. Let their friends, unwittingly, not do the same.

    Thank you.

    * Footnote: Excerpts from this article first appeared as comment on January 18, 2009 on former Pakistani-Canadian journalist Abidullah Jan’s famous (now defunct) dictatorshipwatch.com:



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    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

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    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.



    What’s The Difference Between Jews and Zionists: No, No – Not the ‘New Nazis’ | VT Foreign Policy February 2, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. What’s The Difference Between Jews and Zionists: No, No – Not the ‘New Nazis’ https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://print-humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2009/01/no-no-not-new-nazis-by-zahir-ebrahim.html Zahir Ebrahim January 17, 2009* Background Summary This is Part-3 of the series of articles on Israel-Palestine I composed especially for VT. Part-3 is my ongoing exposure of what’s taboo in Western press due to the fact that Israel is the new ruling state in the world. Ruling state has the following definition: a state that dictates to the world including through its surrogates and client states, but none can dictate to it; a ruling state does whatever it wants and its slavish clients and prostitute states support it in every way imaginable. Part-1 was: Israel’s Barbarianism – How can Israel get away with it? ( https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2023/11/press-release-israels-barbarianism ); Part-2 was: 100 Years of Balfour Declaration and Continuing ( https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/01/100-years-of-balfour-declaration-and-continuing/ ). This third part was previously published in 2009 during Israel’s inhuman assault on Gaza… This latest incarnation assault on Gaza which began on Oct 7, 2023, is in continuation of the long held Zionist premeditated policy of Palestinian population transfer, ethnic cleansing, intermingled with genocidal impulses whenever the holy Jews can get away with it. This latest barbarian assault by Israel was based on the pretext that was an outright MIHOP (Made It Happen On Purpose), not a LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose), nor a “surprise attack” as Israel and her obliging Western surrogates have propagandized, duly echoed by their Uncle Toms and Aunty Thomases throughout the world’s mass media. I called it as such on October 8, 2023, the moment I heard about it in the news, in a series of private emails to some friends and journalists, including VT’s own venerable senior editor and my internet-confrere in common cause of justice of many years, Dr. Kevin Barrett, who wrote on VT on October 30, 2023: Why I Support Hamas – And you should too ( https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2023/10/why-i-support-hamas/ ). Not being a “Doctor” of anything, nor a college professor, as far as I perceive matters as a common man who can reason based on empiricism, and who is not given to presuppositions based on whim, dogma, tribal or religious and cultural affiliations, Hamas is complicit in, or actual part of, this MIHOP operation of Israel. In other words, Hamas was either made a useful idiot by Israel, or is still an asset of Israel just as it was at its inception. The Oct 7, 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas, was no more a surprise attack on Israel than Pearl Harbor was on the United States. It was a calculated premeditated creation of legal pretext for what followed. The difference only being MIHOP vs LIHOP. 9/11 too was a MIHOP operation by the United States to create legal pretext using a range of patsies and side shows. Israel did the same. Subsequently, more evidence that Israel may have even had other pecuniary motivations to attack Gaza have been revealed in an oped by Kevin Barrett himself on January 25, 2024, leaving his already dubious support of Hamas even more absurd and unexplainable as to how did Israel get Hamas to become its patsy to enable realize that motivation : Israel Committing Genocide to Steal Gaza’s Gas? – Al-Jazeera cites Western alternative media outlets Global Research and Mondoweiss (see https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/01/israel-committing-genocide-to-steal-gazas-gas/ ). Contrary to what Jews might think, not all goy are dumb ass. The hair-splitting by the goy of Jews being different from Zionists, is the stupidity of goy to not face up to empirical realism. The actual reality is even more perverse. The Jews and Zionism are in fact being used by the same oligarchic powers that used Militant Islam, before that Soviet Communism and Nazi Socialism, to create world wars and controlled conflict, pitting plebe human beings – the common rank and file – against each other under the sound of trumpets. This will be the topics of subsequent parts – all of which are already deeply researched essays in my books (see links for Part 1 & 2) – how the Jews themselves have been indoctrinated into becoming the useful idiots of Zionism, and just as diabolically harvested to construct a single one-world global empire of the oligarchy as other patsies. But as Zionist zombie mass murderers, useful idiots or not, they still cannot escape culpability any more than the Nazis could, nor Germany could, but only under victor’s justice. The honest conscionable Jew who distances himself / herself from the primacy of Israel and settler colonialism of Zionism are part of us goyem in principle as human beings first. The rest are enemies of humankind no different than any villainous mass murderers, including those aliased as Muslims under the imperial label of Militant Islam manufactured by empire as a Hegelian Dialectic (see my book: Hijacking The Holy Qur’an And Its Religion Islam – Muslims and Imperial Mobilization, 2nd Edition 2015, https://tinyurl.com/Islam2e ). The fact that the Jews of Israel under Zionism are indoctrinated trigger-pullers of oligarchic masters behind the scenes absolves neither them nor their godfathers who own Israel outright, from their genocidal crimes against humanity. Palestinians are just the canary in the coal mine. The same fate lies in store for all Untermensch on the planet in every country on the new road to The Great Reset that is birth-panging a new global dystopic world order to be administered from the New Ruling State of the world. Not by the Jews of Prophet Moses. But by the atheist satanic Khazarian financial Oligarchy with pretenses of being God’s Chosen People from the Abrahamic clan. Yeah, not a dumb goy! And neither should you be taken in by the ploy to make goy stupid and fight amongst ourselves. All that’s needed is a bit of commonsense and the ability to reason away from attractive authority figures. Not college degrees. 2009 Article Begins In reference to the short article by Alan Hart “The New Nazis<https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://www.alanhart.net/the-new-nazis/>” in which he described the mechanics of a possible “Zionist Holocaust” upon the Palestinians, reaching the somewhat belated realization that it was high time that he called the Israelis by their real nom de guerre, “the New Nazis”, I would say he is sadly mistaken in his choice of labels. The Israeli Jews are not the New Nazis. It is convenient to associate them to something abhorrent but irrelevant. What relevance does Nazism have today? None whatsoever. But the more direct relevance to the Settling of the United States of America is not to be drawn – for that might be a wee bit too relevant and uncomfortable. President George W. Bush for once had truthfully blurted out the grotesque reality-space while on the 60th birthday-bash visit to Zionistan https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2008/05/celebrating-israels-60th-birthday.html “Our two nations both faced great challenges when they were founded. And our two nations have both relied on the same principles to help us succeed.” The core-principle being, the outright elimination of indigenous peoples, wherein, “the very same army that had recently conquered and occupied the Southern states – led by Generals Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan – mass murdered Indian men, women, and children during the winters, when families would be together, with massive Gatling gun and artillery fire. In a letter to his son a year before he died (1889), Sherman expressed his regret that his armies did not murder every last Indian in North America.” The Pious self-righteous Jews of Israel, atheist or orthodox, don’t intend to make the ‘Sherman mistake’ in Palestine! They have noted it time and again that “We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel … Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.” But the Jews’ narrative of Holocaust is what remains the most profound and sacred obsession of the ‘civilized’ West – a perennial “mystery whose parallel may only be the one of Sinai when something was revealed.”. And for their detractors, it is merely the New Nazism – when the tortuous reality is located in Washington, in London, in the Pentagon, in EU, and in the massive control of world’s financial systems through the international banksters that is held in the hands of world Jewry! So isn’t it rather convenient not to draw upon any of these associations and linkages of support for Israel which is what, in fact, props up that pariah state in Palestine? I must admit I am sometimes guilty of sugar-coating the Zionists as the ‘New Nazis’ myself. But that’s an emotional response based on years of watching Hollywood World War II movies where such labeling of a suitably demonized foe simply falls into the consciousness for associating anything grotesque. A more intellectually honest and empirically accurate depiction of Zionism however, and its power base among the world Jewry, renders an entirely new meaning to the now hackneyed term ‘banality of evil’. The support network of Israel is systemic enough, and its aspirations endemic enough, to make Hannah Arendth turn in her grave. The second glossing over by Alan Hart is in his expression of fear of the Zionist Holocaust upon the Palestinians, where he unwittingly absolves the world Jewry of their direct involvement with Israel: “unless enough Israelis and the Jews of the world are prepared to acknowledge that a terrible wrong was done to the Palestinians by Zionism (the few) in the name of all Jews.” That statement has no basis in reality. It is not just “Zionism (the few) in the name of all Jews”, but the direct and active participation of most of world Jewry in the Israel project. Here are two short excerpts from two very different perspectives. They explain the afore-stated point much better than I can today, emotionally drained that I am watching the systematic and deliberate killing of children, women, men, and anything that lives, in Gaza which conjures up the image of the gatling-gun set loose upon the defenseless native American Indians by Sherman. The first excerpt is from the 1996 memoirs of Brigadier Syed A. I. Tirmazi, SI (M), Director of ISI, Pakistan, titled ‘Profiles of Intelligence’, Chapter 3, pages 45-46. Under the subsection titled “Why did the ISI not intervene to save Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto if they knew he was being murdered”, the top spymaster of Pakistan during ZAB’s and his executioner General Zia ul Haq’s era, writes (and do pay particular attention to the last paragraph, emphasis mine): Begin Excerpt (Profiles of Intelligence) … It would be fair to ask what we [the ISI] did to counter the US machinations? Well we did not, and could not do any thing beyond reporting to the highest authority in the country. There are reasons for our inaction: One, neither the ISI nor the IB is designed or equipped to counter the machinations of a Super Power. Two, an important factor is our own price. A lot has been said and written by some of our American friends about the price of a Pakistani. Dr. Andrew V. Corry, US Counsel General at Lahore, once said, “Price of a Pakistani oscillates between a free trip to the US and a bottle of whisky.” He may not be too far wrong. We did observe some highly placed Pakistanis selling their conscience, prestige, dignity and self-respect for a small price. Three, in order to bring the taking of appropriate counter measures within the ambit of ISI functions, a revolutionary reorientation of minds at the national level and of the systems and institutions at the State level becomes imperative. Are we, as a nation, and as we stand today, morally capable of bringing about such a change in our attitudes and our thinking? I believe we are not. I also believe that the day we acquire the capability, it will mark the end of all our problems, troubles and misfortunes. We will learn to manage out affairs ourselves. Four, probably, the most formidable hurdle in the way to our self-respect and self-reliance is the breed of salable ‘elite’ among us. Specimens of this breed are available in all models and also in abundance. They are active in many deceptive and diversionary forms to ‘strike a deal’ at the cost of our vital national interests. Is there a remedy for this cancerous growth? Five, many of our countrymen would not cooperate with the C.I. men. My study on the Israeli Intelligence revealed that, apart from other elements, a major factor for their successes has been the cooperation that a Mossad man gets from the Jews. It claimed that a Jew, in any corner of the world, whenever approached by an Israeli Intelligence agent, would provide him with maximum help and assistance. (pages 45-46) End Excerpt The second excerpt is from the recent book of a former Israeli Jew who served with the IDF, turned Christian pacifist, Israel Adam Shamir. He writes in the Introduction of his book “Masters of Discourse”, an eloquent politically incorrect exposition of the relationship of the world Jewry to Israel. I had previously quoted from that book in my “Open Letter to Palestinian Intellectuals<https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2008/06/letter-to-palestinian-intellectuals.html>”, and here is the excerpt from that letter: Begin Excerpt (Open Letter to Palestinian Intellectuals by Project Humanbeingsfirst) This is also why the exponents of Israel entirely control the global discourse on Israel-Palestine throughout the world, even among the ruling elite in the Muslim nations, not to mention among the Palestinian ruling elite itself, none of which reflects either any deep comprehension of the manifest reality on the ground, or the aspirations of the Palestinian masses. These are the Masters of Discourse, and a far more formidable foe across the world’s Jewry than the Palestinians seem to apprehend – as they continually losingly engage the foot soldiers among their antagonists and not the real power-wielders! Israel Shamir notes in the English Introduction to his new book https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://www.amazon.com/Masters-Discourse-Israel-Shamir/dp/1419692437 the following veritable truth which must by now be self-evident to all who are able to comprehend the power of the concept of “Der Judenstaadt” on the global Jewish psyche which carries upon its bent backs, the weight of three thousand years of history https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=avh6dkSop0EC&dq=Israel+Shahak&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=Lu84cAhe0q&sig=Z2SGKxTq0rxAlKDwnFsSA-eLR7U (also Jewish History, Jewish Religion https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://www.amazon.com/Jewish-History-Religion-Thousand-Eastern/dp/0745308198>): The new Jewish elite did not fully identify with Russia but carried out a separate policy. It had a fateful effect in 1991, when over 50 % of the Jews (as opposed to 13 % of the Russians) supported the pro-Western coup of President Yeltsin. In 1995, 81% of the Jews voted for pro-Western parties, and only 3% for the Communists (as opposed to 46% of Russians), according to the publication by the Jewish sociologist Dr. Ryvkina in her book, Jews in Post-Soviet Russia (1996). In ever-expanding America, the Jews did not have to kill or remove the native elites; they became its important part, controlling discourse and wielding considerable financial clout. They still do not identify with the goyish America: they force the Congress and the Administration to send billions of dollars to their Israeli offshoot, they forced the US to break Iraq to pieces, and now they are trying to let America fight their war in Iran, though it brings disaster to America. They do discriminate against other Americans; otherwise 60% of the leading positions in the media would not become Jewish. Jews of France do not identify with France, either. “Their identification with Israel is so strong, it overshadows their ties to the country they live in,” writes Daniel Ben Simon in Haaretz. This dual loyalty was made very clear to me by a Jewish doctor in Nice. “If the choice is between Israel and France, there’s no question I feel closer to Israel,” he said, without a moment’s hesitation. He was born and bred in France; he went to medical school in France; his patients are French; he speaks French with his wife and children. But in the depths of his heart, he feels a greater affinity with the Jewish state. In Palestine, the Jews have no compassion for the natives. They travel by segregated roads, study in segregated schools, while a Jew consumes ten times more water resources than a goy, and has an income seven times higher. Thus, the Jewish separateness remains a fact of life for many Jewish communities. While the Palestinian intellectual and revolutionary need not adopt the discourse of European anti-Semitism – cousins as they are of their oppressors – they do need to comprehend the immense psychological and sociological power of that discourse, and the power of the world Jewry in sustaining the Jewish State because of it. The significance of this statement is made evident by the fact that this discourse prevailed upon not only the very Evangelical Christian American President George W. Bush, but also the Christian Prime Minister of Germany, Angela Merkel, the Christian Prime Minister of France, Nicholas Sarkozy**, the Roman Catholic Christian Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, and the Christian Prime Minister of Britain, Gordon Brown, along with the Queen of England, representing the world’s most powerful Christian coalition of Western Hegemons, to pay homage to Jewish Zionistan on May 15, 2008 https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3540751,00.html. None showed up, even in false courtesy, to offer their feeble condolences for the Nakba to what remains of the Palestinian Reservations! End Excerpt And this state of affairs was finally admitted to by the Palestinian journalist based in Ramallah, Khalid Amayreh. Writing from Ramallah for the Palestinian Information Center, he was finally forced to acknowledge the grotesque reality of this Jewish power in his article “When it comes to Israel , Europe is hypocritical, submissive and obsequious https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://tinyurl.com/4n3rxb. Excerpting from the same Open Letter to Palestinian Intellectuals, where I had quoted Khalid Amayreh: Begin Excerpt In comparison to the madman in the White House, Europe may look less bellicose, less confrontational and less unreasonable in its overall approach to contentious international issues. However, when the issue is the Palestinian plight, the US and Europe look very much like tweedledee and tweedledum. In recent months and years, European leaders from Germany’s Merkel, to France’s Sarkozy, to Britain’s Brown and Italy’s Berlusconi were shamelessly pandering to Israeli savagery to the extent of embracing relentless Israeli criminality against the Palestinian people , including the ongoing genocidal ethnic cleansing in the occupied Palestinian territories, particularly in the Gaza Strip. True, the European tone of speech often sounds less odious especially when compared with the unmitigated saber-rattling coming from Washington. But, in the final analysis, the outcome in both cases is similar. In fact, the US and Europe collaborate and even collude to effect the same unethical goals often by playing the old game of Mutt and Jeff (good cop and bad cop), with their persecuted victims, whether in Palestine, Sudan or Iran. End Excerpt The points being made here are admittedly nuanced and subtle, but crucial and fundamental nevertheless in correctly identifying the monster that feeds on Blood-Sacrifice of the Palestinians. The Zionists are not following in the footsteps of the Nazis, although they are certainly using many of the Nazi tactics. They are following in the veritable footsteps of the United States of America, and are religiously principled in their not making the ‘Sherman mistake’. This is empirically so blatantly obvious that even the conscionable among the Israeli Jews reluctantly admit it. The late Tanya Reinhart, professor of linguistics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, noted in her 2002 book “How to end the war of 1948 https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://www.amazon.com/Israel-Palestine-How-End-1948/dp/1583225382 : “The state of Israel founded in 1948 following a war which the Israelis call the War of Independence, and the Palestinians call the Nakba – the catastrophe. A haunted, persecuted people sought to find a shelter and a state for itself, and did so at a horrible price to another people. During the war of 1948, more than half of the Palestinian population at the time – 1,380,000 people – were driven off their homeland by the Israeli army. Though Israel officially claimed that a majority of refugees fled and were not expelled, it still refused to allow them to return, as a UN resolution demanded shortly after 1948 war. Thus, the Israeli land was obtained through ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants. This is not a process unfamiliar in history. Israel’s actions remain incomparable to the massive ethnic cleansing of Native Americans by the settlers and government of the United states.” The world Jewry is in on the game of conquest, in many different guises, with many different incantations of power, and with full spectrum political and financial support. The biggest support to Israel comes from the United States Congress and the Federal Government, financially, politically, militarily, as well as legally. Just witness this mind numbing Antiboycott Compliance https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://www.bis.doc.gov/complianceandenforcement/antiboycottcompliance.htm bureau especially constructed for Israel’s sake. It states: “The Bureau is charged with administering and enforcing the Antiboycott Laws under the Export Administration Act. Those laws discourage, and in some circumstances, prohibit U.S. companies from furthering or supporting the boycott of Israel sponsored by the Arab League, and certain Moslem countries, including complying with certain requests for information designed to verify compliance with the boycott. Compliance with such requests may be prohibited by the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and may be reportable to the Bureau.” So what is this red herring of calling Israelis “The New Nazis”, without also calling its parent the Fourth Reich? Further evidence of sophisticated and rather devilish support of Israel may be gleaned in Project Humanbeingsfirst’s report “The endless trial of red herrings https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2007/03/endless-red-herrings.html “. The day the World Jewry asserts that they will live equitably in a single-state with the indigenous Palestinians, with restoration of full right of return to the displaced and their progeny, and fair compensation for pain and suffering that is due all the native populations of Palestine and their progeny for cataclysmic upheaval inflicted upon them since the first World Jewish Congress meeting in Basle Switzerland in 1896, then that very fine day, the Shoah of the Palestinians will miraculously end. Such a fair and just articulation of demand is more than the mere recognition of great wrongs being done the Palestinians. It is of no less measure, both quantitatively as well as qualitatively, than what the Jews have themselves extracted with their specialized and incomprehensible Holocaust narrative from the world. Let the Palestinian people not be sold short by those who claim to support them – even if they be Palestinian themselves! Their ruling elite has already sold the beleaguered people down the drain of ineptitude and corruption. Let their friends, unwittingly, not do the same. Thank you. * Footnote: Excerpts from this article first appeared as comment on January 18, 2009 on former Pakistani-Canadian journalist Abidullah Jan’s famous (now defunct) dictatorshipwatch.com: https://sites.google.com/site/humanbeingsfirst/download-pdf/cacheof-the-undeniable-nazism-and-holocaust-in-our-age-dw-abidullahjan-zahir-comment-january182009.pdf<https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/https://sites.google.com/site/humanbeingsfirst/download-pdf/cacheof-the-undeniable-nazism-and-holocaust-in-our-age-dw-abidullahjan-zahir-comment-january182009.pdf> ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/02/whats-the-difference-between-jews-and-zionists-no-no-not-the-new-nazis/ https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/whats-difference-between-jews-and.html https://telegra.ph/Whats-The-Difference-Between-Jews-and-Zionists-No-No--Not-the-New-Nazis--VT-Foreign-Policy-03-10
    What’s The Difference Between Jews and Zionists: No, No – Not the ‘New Nazis’
    What's The Difference Between Jews and Zionists: No, No – Not the 'New Nazis' https://web.archive.org/web/20191206190948/http://print-humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2009/01/no-no-not-new-nazis-by-zahir-ebrahim.html Zahir Ebrahim January 17, 2009* Background Summary This is Part-3 of the series of articles on Israel-Palestine I composed especially for VT. Part-3 is my ongoing exposure of what's taboo in Western press due to the fact that Israel...
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  • Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital
    This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol.

    There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success.

    In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks).

    Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing.

    This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants.

    The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic).

    But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul.

    People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs.

    Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic.

    We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit.

    Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons
    In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones.

    The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep.

    Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out.

    And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface.

    This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness.

    You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward.

    To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction.

    Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge.

    If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it.

    This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity.

    And these are the tests we have available to screen for it:

    The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test.

    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more.

    The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more.

    Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work.

    A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis.

    The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive.

    Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question.

    In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion.

    It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below.

    If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed.

    If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back.

    Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment.


    The Microclot Test

    figure 3
    Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes.

    Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity.

    The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all.

    This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity.

    D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream.

    Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest.

    For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting.

    figure 4
    The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients.

    The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements.

    Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration.

    So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment.

    If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available.

    DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023.

    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel

    This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more.

    Tests Included in the Panel:

    Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time.

    Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury.

    Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP:

    The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol.

    Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment.

    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?

    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from …

    Read full story

    Complete Blood Count (CBC)

    Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized.

    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

    Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising.

    Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP.

    D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this.

    Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

    Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog
    Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding.

    hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis.

    Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis.

    Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure.

    Electrocardiogram (EKG)

    EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation
    Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed.

    Echocardiogram (ECHO)

    Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart.

    Chest X-ray

    Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc.

    Whole Body MRI

    The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI
    Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm).

    Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel.

    And that’s a wrap!

    Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes.


    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms. Dr. Syed Haider Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol. There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success. In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks). Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing. This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants. The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic). But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul. People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs. Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic. We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit. Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons source In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones. The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep. Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out. And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface. This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness. You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward. To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction. Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge. If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it. This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity. And these are the tests we have available to screen for it: The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more. The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more. Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work. source A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis. The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive. Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question. In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion. It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below. If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed. If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back. Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment. Share The Microclot Test figure 3 source Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes. Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity. The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all. This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity. D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream. Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest. For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting. figure 4 source The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients. The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements. Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration. So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment. If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available. DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more. Tests Included in the Panel: Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time. Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury. Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP: The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol. Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment. Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from … Read full story Complete Blood Count (CBC) Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising. Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP. D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding. hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis. Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis. Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure. Electrocardiogram (EKG) EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed. Echocardiogram (ECHO) Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart. Chest X-ray source Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc. Whole Body MRI The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm). Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel. And that’s a wrap! Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity https://telegra.ph/Screening-for-Silent-Spike-Toxicity-01-07
    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
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    Kevin Barrett, Senior EditorJanuary 28, 2024


    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    Video link

    Originally Published October 1, 2023 right here on VTForeignPolicy.com

    The new False Flag Weekly News with Brett Redmayne-Titley references many conspiracy theories (ungood!) and even some anti-Semitic conspiracy theories (double-plus ungood!!) Many such theories, which might be more neutrally termed “non-mainstream interpretations,” represent attempts to make sense of one or more aspects of what Brett’s book’s subtitle terms “A World Gone Mad.”

    Are we mad if we try to make sense of a mad world? That is what a well-funded sector of the consent manufacturing industry insists.

    There is no easier way for a mediocre academic intellect to rake in grant money than by jumping on the anti-conspiracy-theory bandwagon. This scholarly cottage industry begins its Soviet-style “disabling” of dissidents a.k.a. conspiracy theorists by claiming that we believe things like “COVID was a bioweapon and the response was an unfreedom drill” or “mRNA vaccines have not been proven safe and effective, nor have many other vaccines for that matter” or “US election outcomes are sometimes rigged” or “the Biden Administration blew up Nordstream” or “the JFK assassination and 9/11 were coups” or “the government is either covering up UFOs or running a huge disinfo program” or “Zionist Jews are heavily overrepresented in media and finance and work together to advance their own interests” and so on because those beliefs are so warm and fuzzy and comforting.

    How’s that?! Well, according to the anti-conspiracy industry, the fact that stuff just happens, without rhyme or reason, terrifies us conspiracy theorists into spurious dot-connecting. In other words, we conspiracy theorists comfort ourselves by imposing meaning on a meaningless universe. For example, Joseph Uscinski his book American Conspiracy Theories (read my review) argues that conspiracy theories “offer a sense of control and order in a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable.” The fact that mainstreamers cling to vastly more comforting (if less well-supported) interpretations, and that if all we wanted was comfort we too would take the blue pill, somehow does not register with the likes of Uscinski.

    It is far more disturbing to try to make sense of the madness all around us than to ignore it, deny it, roll with it, or explain it away by embracing mainstream narratives. Conspiracy theorizing is a dirty, disturbing job, but somebody’s gotta do it. So let’s go all-out and see if we can string together a bunch of this week’s False Flag Weekly News stories into some sort of grand unified theory making at least a minimum of sense about where the world is going and why.

    Demography, Destiny, and Degeneracy

    We’ll begin with a story that came out too late to make this week’s list: Eugene Kusmiak’s “Population Explosion or Population Collapse?” Kusmiak’s point is that the world is entering a state of demographic contraction, but it won’t last forever. Why not? People who are culturally/genetically predisposed to having few or no children if given the chance, now have the chance, thanks to advanced birth control. So they are weeding their genes and memes out of humanity’s garden, leaving the world to those who continue having large families (and their descendants who will also tend to have large families). That minority will soon become a majority, and population growth will resume.

    That’s all very interesting, you say. So how can we turn this into a grand conspiracy theory, preferably an anti-Semitic one?*

    Let’s start by considering the relationship between Zionism, Western sexual degeneracy, and demographics. Take Thomas Donnelly, PNAC’s token goy and lead author of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, the September 2000 document calling for a “New Pearl Harbor.” Thomas Donnelly became “Giselle Donnelly” in 2018.

    The image of ultra-Zionist PNAC’s 9/11-forecasting spokesperson, who also happens to be the group’s Shabbos goy, cutting “his” militarist balls off and becoming a (sterile) “her” is, shall we say, pregnant with symbolism. After all, America’s media and academic elites seem to want straight white males to abjure their erstwhile role as paterfamilias and either (A) cut off their balls literally and join the tranny revolution, or (B) embrace sexual degeneracy and hedonism and devote themselves to a frivolous life of fun-and-games, without the burden of children and the projection of male authority children so desperately crave and need. The polemical war on patriarchy and the role of fathers, alongside the feminist war on motherhood, suggests that the propaganda apparatus doesn’t want people, especially white/Western people, to reproduce.

    But contrary to the claims of white nationalists, it doesn’t want Muslims to reproduce, either. And that is where 9/11 comes in. The spectacularly telegenic 2001 false flag attack on New York and Washington was basically one gigantic anti-Islam public relation stunt. The 9/11 wars reduced the global Muslim population by around 30 million, according to Australian expert Dr. Gideon Polya. But far more demographically important was 9/11’s effect on Muslims’ religious élan, or what Ibn Khaldun called asabiyyah. Before 9/11, the mood of the global Muslim umma was confident, even triumphalist. The psychological effect of 9/11’s equating Islamic religiosity with “terrorism” not only took the wind out of the sails of Islamic political movements, but also contributed to slowing Muslim birthrates, which have collapsed spectacularly since the late 1990s. (9/11 injected Muslim communities with an “anti-extremism” meme that made intense religiosity uncool rather than cool, presumably leading to less intense-religiosity-driven family formation and reproduction.)

    Thomas Friedman has repeatedly employed neocon doublespeak—sometimes with remarkable vulgarity—to crow about the success of his tribe’s 9/11 false flag. Friedman has hinted that 9/11 was necessary to puncture the rising Muslim élan of the 1990s, which he and others saw as an existential threat to Israel.

    So “they” don’t want Muslims to inherit the earth. And “they” don’t want Americans and Westerners in general to inherit the earth either. “They” have used 9/11 and the promotion of sexual degeneracy and hedonism to help knock down the birth rates, and the asabiyyah, of those groups.

    So who do “they” want to inherit the earth?

    Here’s were we get into a classic “anti-Semitic conspiracy trope”—one that I don’t believe, I hasten to add, but am willing to entertain. That is the notion, asserted with various degrees of certainty by some of my radio guests, that the real purpose of the Ukraine war is to exterminate the Slavs who currently occupy the real Jewish homeland in Ukraine so that Jews can return to rule that homeland. Call it the Zionist Kaganate of Khazaria. Naturally Neo-Khazaria would be ruled by Kagans, with the Grand Kagan role going to Robert and his Kaganite Queen, Vicki Nudelman.

    When I first heard this theory from legendary NASA whistleblower Richard Cook, I thought it ridiculous. When are the Zionists planning to leave Israel? Not any time soon, that’s for sure. And are there even enough of them to fill Khazaria/Ukraine? Israel has such a hard time finding actual Jews to make aliyah that it has to import millions of fake Jews, most of the Russian. If they’re trying to kill off the Slavs and fill Khazaria with Jews, where are all those Jews going to come from?

    Enough Jews to Fill Khazaria

    In “Population Explosion or Population Collapse?” Eugene Kusmiak hints at an answer. He points out that Israel is on the upswing of a population boom thanks almost entirely to the exploding ultra-religious orthodox Jewish population. In this “ultra-religious ultra-fertile minority becomes the majority” effect, he says, Israel is far ahead of the rest of the world. Long before the West and the Muslims and the Rest finally reach the point of population rebound, Israel’s (and to some extent New Jersey’s) ultra-orthodox Jews will have been exponentially exploding their populations for decades. So with the Slavs removed by war and demoralization alongside vodka, porn, and other forms of hedonism, and with tens or (before long) hundreds of millions of Orthodox Jews looking for places to live, maybe Ukraine really could become a “big Israel.”

    This “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory” is not unproblematic. If the Kagans and their ilk covet their ancient homeland of Khazaria, and plan to move there, why are they poisoning the place with DU and strewing it with landmines? More pertinently, do ultra-secular barely-breeding ashkenazim like the Kagans and the rest of the Western/Zionist Straussian elite really love their hyperreligious and largely sephardic ultra-orthodox coreligionists so much that they will go to such extraordinary lengths to help them inherit the earth, or at least as much of it as possible?

    I don’t know. But I do know that there really is a ”Jewish plot to take over the world.” It’s called eschatology. Whereas Islamic and Christian eschatologies are universalist and center on that universal prophet of love and brotherhood, Jesus, Jewish eschatology posits their messiah as a military conqueror who will subjugate the non-Jewish nations or goyim to the Jews. The Jews’ return to Israel, according to the mainstream traditional Jewish perspective, is part of this end-times process by which Yahweh will finally compensate the Jews for millennia of persecution by making them the world rulers and the goyim their slaves.

    Benjamin Netanyahu’s father Benzion Netanyahu, like the rest of Zionism’s brain trust, was, as his New York Times obituary put it, “a secular Jew who was deeply committed to the Jewish people and the State of Israel.” What The New York Times didn’t say was that Netanyahu Sr., though an atheist, was nonetheless deeply committed to the traditional eschatological project of conquering the world for the Jews and subjugating the goyim. Netanyahu Sr.’s biography of Abarbanel celebrates that great rabbi, who proposed tricking the Muslims and the Christians into killing each other off in an apocalyptic war so the Jews could inherit the earth, as a forerunner of modern atheistic Zionist realpolitik.

    It’s conceivable that rabidly Zionist atheist Jews like Thomas Friedman and the Kagans and the Netanyahus are attracted to, or even participating in, the traditional Jewish eschatological project. If so, crashing the demography of rival groups, while celebrating and encouraging the demographic explosion of hyperreligious Orthodox Jews, even while secretly despising them as untermenschen, would be a strategy one might expect them to pursue.

    *I like anti-Semitic conspiracy theories not because I have anything against Jews—I don’t—but because those are the only kind that ever get me noticed by the ADL. And in the alternative media, earning an ADL fatwa is like winning the Pulitzer Prize.

    Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.

    He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN).

    He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.

    Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.

    Archived Articles (2004-2016)



    We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed
    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

    About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy
    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.

    One Conspiracy Theory to Rule Them All! Kevin Barrett, Senior EditorJanuary 28, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Video link Originally Published October 1, 2023 right here on VTForeignPolicy.com The new False Flag Weekly News with Brett Redmayne-Titley references many conspiracy theories (ungood!) and even some anti-Semitic conspiracy theories (double-plus ungood!!) Many such theories, which might be more neutrally termed “non-mainstream interpretations,” represent attempts to make sense of one or more aspects of what Brett’s book’s subtitle terms “A World Gone Mad.” Are we mad if we try to make sense of a mad world? That is what a well-funded sector of the consent manufacturing industry insists. There is no easier way for a mediocre academic intellect to rake in grant money than by jumping on the anti-conspiracy-theory bandwagon. This scholarly cottage industry begins its Soviet-style “disabling” of dissidents a.k.a. conspiracy theorists by claiming that we believe things like “COVID was a bioweapon and the response was an unfreedom drill” or “mRNA vaccines have not been proven safe and effective, nor have many other vaccines for that matter” or “US election outcomes are sometimes rigged” or “the Biden Administration blew up Nordstream” or “the JFK assassination and 9/11 were coups” or “the government is either covering up UFOs or running a huge disinfo program” or “Zionist Jews are heavily overrepresented in media and finance and work together to advance their own interests” and so on because those beliefs are so warm and fuzzy and comforting. How’s that?! Well, according to the anti-conspiracy industry, the fact that stuff just happens, without rhyme or reason, terrifies us conspiracy theorists into spurious dot-connecting. In other words, we conspiracy theorists comfort ourselves by imposing meaning on a meaningless universe. For example, Joseph Uscinski his book American Conspiracy Theories (read my review) argues that conspiracy theories “offer a sense of control and order in a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable.” The fact that mainstreamers cling to vastly more comforting (if less well-supported) interpretations, and that if all we wanted was comfort we too would take the blue pill, somehow does not register with the likes of Uscinski. It is far more disturbing to try to make sense of the madness all around us than to ignore it, deny it, roll with it, or explain it away by embracing mainstream narratives. Conspiracy theorizing is a dirty, disturbing job, but somebody’s gotta do it. So let’s go all-out and see if we can string together a bunch of this week’s False Flag Weekly News stories into some sort of grand unified theory making at least a minimum of sense about where the world is going and why. Demography, Destiny, and Degeneracy We’ll begin with a story that came out too late to make this week’s list: Eugene Kusmiak’s “Population Explosion or Population Collapse?” Kusmiak’s point is that the world is entering a state of demographic contraction, but it won’t last forever. Why not? People who are culturally/genetically predisposed to having few or no children if given the chance, now have the chance, thanks to advanced birth control. So they are weeding their genes and memes out of humanity’s garden, leaving the world to those who continue having large families (and their descendants who will also tend to have large families). That minority will soon become a majority, and population growth will resume. That’s all very interesting, you say. So how can we turn this into a grand conspiracy theory, preferably an anti-Semitic one?* Let’s start by considering the relationship between Zionism, Western sexual degeneracy, and demographics. Take Thomas Donnelly, PNAC’s token goy and lead author of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, the September 2000 document calling for a “New Pearl Harbor.” Thomas Donnelly became “Giselle Donnelly” in 2018. The image of ultra-Zionist PNAC’s 9/11-forecasting spokesperson, who also happens to be the group’s Shabbos goy, cutting “his” militarist balls off and becoming a (sterile) “her” is, shall we say, pregnant with symbolism. After all, America’s media and academic elites seem to want straight white males to abjure their erstwhile role as paterfamilias and either (A) cut off their balls literally and join the tranny revolution, or (B) embrace sexual degeneracy and hedonism and devote themselves to a frivolous life of fun-and-games, without the burden of children and the projection of male authority children so desperately crave and need. The polemical war on patriarchy and the role of fathers, alongside the feminist war on motherhood, suggests that the propaganda apparatus doesn’t want people, especially white/Western people, to reproduce. But contrary to the claims of white nationalists, it doesn’t want Muslims to reproduce, either. And that is where 9/11 comes in. The spectacularly telegenic 2001 false flag attack on New York and Washington was basically one gigantic anti-Islam public relation stunt. The 9/11 wars reduced the global Muslim population by around 30 million, according to Australian expert Dr. Gideon Polya. But far more demographically important was 9/11’s effect on Muslims’ religious élan, or what Ibn Khaldun called asabiyyah. Before 9/11, the mood of the global Muslim umma was confident, even triumphalist. The psychological effect of 9/11’s equating Islamic religiosity with “terrorism” not only took the wind out of the sails of Islamic political movements, but also contributed to slowing Muslim birthrates, which have collapsed spectacularly since the late 1990s. (9/11 injected Muslim communities with an “anti-extremism” meme that made intense religiosity uncool rather than cool, presumably leading to less intense-religiosity-driven family formation and reproduction.) Thomas Friedman has repeatedly employed neocon doublespeak—sometimes with remarkable vulgarity—to crow about the success of his tribe’s 9/11 false flag. Friedman has hinted that 9/11 was necessary to puncture the rising Muslim élan of the 1990s, which he and others saw as an existential threat to Israel. So “they” don’t want Muslims to inherit the earth. And “they” don’t want Americans and Westerners in general to inherit the earth either. “They” have used 9/11 and the promotion of sexual degeneracy and hedonism to help knock down the birth rates, and the asabiyyah, of those groups. So who do “they” want to inherit the earth? Here’s were we get into a classic “anti-Semitic conspiracy trope”—one that I don’t believe, I hasten to add, but am willing to entertain. That is the notion, asserted with various degrees of certainty by some of my radio guests, that the real purpose of the Ukraine war is to exterminate the Slavs who currently occupy the real Jewish homeland in Ukraine so that Jews can return to rule that homeland. Call it the Zionist Kaganate of Khazaria. Naturally Neo-Khazaria would be ruled by Kagans, with the Grand Kagan role going to Robert and his Kaganite Queen, Vicki Nudelman. When I first heard this theory from legendary NASA whistleblower Richard Cook, I thought it ridiculous. When are the Zionists planning to leave Israel? Not any time soon, that’s for sure. And are there even enough of them to fill Khazaria/Ukraine? Israel has such a hard time finding actual Jews to make aliyah that it has to import millions of fake Jews, most of the Russian. If they’re trying to kill off the Slavs and fill Khazaria with Jews, where are all those Jews going to come from? Enough Jews to Fill Khazaria In “Population Explosion or Population Collapse?” Eugene Kusmiak hints at an answer. He points out that Israel is on the upswing of a population boom thanks almost entirely to the exploding ultra-religious orthodox Jewish population. In this “ultra-religious ultra-fertile minority becomes the majority” effect, he says, Israel is far ahead of the rest of the world. Long before the West and the Muslims and the Rest finally reach the point of population rebound, Israel’s (and to some extent New Jersey’s) ultra-orthodox Jews will have been exponentially exploding their populations for decades. So with the Slavs removed by war and demoralization alongside vodka, porn, and other forms of hedonism, and with tens or (before long) hundreds of millions of Orthodox Jews looking for places to live, maybe Ukraine really could become a “big Israel.” This “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory” is not unproblematic. If the Kagans and their ilk covet their ancient homeland of Khazaria, and plan to move there, why are they poisoning the place with DU and strewing it with landmines? More pertinently, do ultra-secular barely-breeding ashkenazim like the Kagans and the rest of the Western/Zionist Straussian elite really love their hyperreligious and largely sephardic ultra-orthodox coreligionists so much that they will go to such extraordinary lengths to help them inherit the earth, or at least as much of it as possible? I don’t know. But I do know that there really is a ”Jewish plot to take over the world.” It’s called eschatology. Whereas Islamic and Christian eschatologies are universalist and center on that universal prophet of love and brotherhood, Jesus, Jewish eschatology posits their messiah as a military conqueror who will subjugate the non-Jewish nations or goyim to the Jews. The Jews’ return to Israel, according to the mainstream traditional Jewish perspective, is part of this end-times process by which Yahweh will finally compensate the Jews for millennia of persecution by making them the world rulers and the goyim their slaves. Benjamin Netanyahu’s father Benzion Netanyahu, like the rest of Zionism’s brain trust, was, as his New York Times obituary put it, “a secular Jew who was deeply committed to the Jewish people and the State of Israel.” What The New York Times didn’t say was that Netanyahu Sr., though an atheist, was nonetheless deeply committed to the traditional eschatological project of conquering the world for the Jews and subjugating the goyim. Netanyahu Sr.’s biography of Abarbanel celebrates that great rabbi, who proposed tricking the Muslims and the Christians into killing each other off in an apocalyptic war so the Jews could inherit the earth, as a forerunner of modern atheistic Zionist realpolitik. It’s conceivable that rabidly Zionist atheist Jews like Thomas Friedman and the Kagans and the Netanyahus are attracted to, or even participating in, the traditional Jewish eschatological project. If so, crashing the demography of rival groups, while celebrating and encouraging the demographic explosion of hyperreligious Orthodox Jews, even while secretly despising them as untermenschen, would be a strategy one might expect them to pursue. *I like anti-Semitic conspiracy theories not because I have anything against Jews—I don’t—but because those are the only kind that ever get me noticed by the ADL. And in the alternative media, earning an ADL fatwa is like winning the Pulitzer Prize. Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN). He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host. Archived Articles (2004-2016) www.truthjihad.com ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/01/one-conspiracy-theory-to-rule-them-all/
    One Conspiracy Theory to Rule Them All!
    The image of ultra-Zionist PNAC’s 9/11-forecasting spokesperson, who also happens to be the group’s Shabbos goy, cutting “his” militarist balls off and becoming a (sterile) “her” is, shall we say, pregnant with symbolism.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 21307 Visualizações
    Monday, Feb.12 - 2pm-4:30pm



    Join us for a riveting, powerful, inspiring exchange of motivational insights that will stir you to support and create the changes we need for our Medical Freedom!

    Together We Stand!

    The Supreme Court has long recognized a person's constitutionally protected liberty interest in his or her own medical autonomy, especially when those interests are secured by state laws.

    Kelly Gallagher

    Kelly Gallagher is an Award-winning filmmaker, writer, poet, international health activist, and wellness/survival expert. Hailing from Network TV, this 5x cancer “thriver” powered by her 6th pacemaker, and a prosthetic heart valve has successfully navigated both conventional and alternative wellness protocols for almost 40 years.

    Del Bigtree

    Del Bigtree inspires thousands with his unique blend of investigation, scientific expertise and solutions. As the Emmy winning producer of "The Doctors" TV series and producer of the ground-breaking documentary, Vaxxed:From Cover-up to Catastrophe, he ignited a revolution against pharmaceutical tyranny around the world. Del’s internet TV news show, The HighWire reaches out to over 100 million views. His non-profit, the Informed Consent Action Network, (ICAN), is leading worldwide investigations into drug and vaccine fraud that have already resulted in multiple winning lawsuits against US Government agencies Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, CDC and FDA.

    Dr. Judy Mikovits

    Dr. Judy Mikovits has been called one of the most accomplished scientist of her generation. Her 1991 doctoral thesis revolutionized the treatment of HIV/AIDS.. In 2020 Dr. Mikovits started Dr Solution, a company focused, not only on education, but on providing solutions for prevention and treatment of autoimmune/auto-inflammatory diseases resulting from viral infection, drugs and environmental toxins.. Her heart and passion is to focus on natural products chemistry and plant based drug and nutritional therapeutic protocols. Dr Mikovits is a New York Times Best selling author of the books Plague, Plague of Corruption, Ending Plague and the Truth about the Masks.

    Dr. Mikovits is featured in both "Plandemic" films.

    Dr. Jeffrey Barke

    Dr. Jeffrey Barke is a board certified primary care physician in private practice for over 25 years. He has served as an Associate Clinical Professor at U.C. Irvine and a board member of the Orange County Medical Association. Dr. Barke is the author of COVID-19: A Physicians Take on the Exaggerated Fear of Corona Virus. He is a sought after speaker on the failure of government education and all things related to COVID-19. Dr. Barke is a proud founding member of America’s Frontline Doctor.He is also the co-host of the podcast: InformedDissentMedia.com

    Steve Kirsch

    Steve Kirsch is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, MIT graduate and philanthropist, as well the founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. He has been featured on 60 Minutes and profiled in Forbes. Kirsch has one of the most widely read Substacks in the world.

    Dr. Byran Ardis

    Dr. Bryan Ardis is a tireless researcher, seeking to weed out deception in health and medicine and provide truth through his personal research,“The Dr. Ardis” Podcast and his product formulations. In May of 2020, Dr. Ardis blew the whistle on the deadly, toxic and experimental drug, Remdesivir. Dr Ardis has been featured in many documentaries including, “Antidote” with Jason Shurka, “Watch the Water” and “Watch the Water 2”, with Stew Peters, “COVENOM-19” with Jonathan Otto, and “Propaganda Exposed” with the Bollinger’s. The Dr. Ardis Show has a mission statement which is, “Creating Doubt in Big Pharma, and Restoring Faith in Nature!” During the intentionally created supply chain issues of the fraudulent COVID pandemic, Dr. Ardis launched his own brand of all natural supplements called ArdisLabs.com. Whether by media interviews, speaking on stages, or testifying in state capital buildings, Dr. Ardis is on a mission to protect the health of innocent human beings worldwide, and help them make sense of their symptoms

    Dr. Robert O. Young has been recognized as one of the top clinical scientists in the world specializing in cellular nutrition, biochemistry and microbiology. Dr. Young has devoted his life to researching the true causes of "disease," subsequently developing "The New Biology™" to help people balance their life. He is the author of over 100 published peer-reviewed articles and author and co-author of many books. The pH Miracle series of books have sold over 10 million copies and are gaining a widespread following in over 159 countries. He is best known for his four book series, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and The pH Miracle for Cancer.

    Last year Dr. Young and his co-author Tom Ballantyne, Jr. published 3 new books, “Truth vs Deception – Liberty vs. Tyranny - Facts vs, Fiction - Science vs, Scientism, Part 1, 2 and 3 based on the premise that if we are to remain free, we must learn the truth on what is going on around us, and not just from the media, government, etc.

    While author's Dr. Robert Young and T. M. Ballantyne, Jr. (the "Truth Author," so-named by Dr. Young) will discuss the facts surrounding what Sasha Stone has called "Covidiocy," and its attendant "vaccines," along with the third book in the series, 'Let Freedom Ring', about child trafficking and its attendant evils, released in late October of 2023 (3 1/2 months ago), the underlying theme of the series is exactly what the title indicates: How to discern truth and avoid deception.

    As the goal of the conference is "to create a new world based on new paradigms in various areas of life," we will address how truth liberates us from the captivity of deception."

    "Given that the key to both health and happiness is right-thinking, we posit that only by recognizing and embracing actual truth can our thoughts achieve those ends. We maintain that the ultimate aim of our existence, both now and hereafter, is that we "might have joy."

    Authors Young and Ballantyne

    T. M. Ballantyne, Jr.



    Dawna Shuman, Lighthouse Public Relations

    [email protected]/Cell: 818-632-3297

    I wonder why I'm never invited to panels?

    THE MEDICAL FREEDOM SYMPOSIUM CONFERENCE at THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO Monday, Feb.12 - 2pm-4:30pm FORGING THE FUTURE TERRAIN OF WELLNESS Join us for a riveting, powerful, inspiring exchange of motivational insights that will stir you to support and create the changes we need for our Medical Freedom! Together We Stand! The Supreme Court has long recognized a person's constitutionally protected liberty interest in his or her own medical autonomy, especially when those interests are secured by state laws. Kelly Gallagher Kelly Gallagher is an Award-winning filmmaker, writer, poet, international health activist, and wellness/survival expert. Hailing from Network TV, this 5x cancer “thriver” powered by her 6th pacemaker, and a prosthetic heart valve has successfully navigated both conventional and alternative wellness protocols for almost 40 years. Del Bigtree Del Bigtree inspires thousands with his unique blend of investigation, scientific expertise and solutions. As the Emmy winning producer of "The Doctors" TV series and producer of the ground-breaking documentary, Vaxxed:From Cover-up to Catastrophe, he ignited a revolution against pharmaceutical tyranny around the world. Del’s internet TV news show, The HighWire reaches out to over 100 million views. His non-profit, the Informed Consent Action Network, (ICAN), is leading worldwide investigations into drug and vaccine fraud that have already resulted in multiple winning lawsuits against US Government agencies Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, CDC and FDA. Dr. Judy Mikovits Dr. Judy Mikovits has been called one of the most accomplished scientist of her generation. Her 1991 doctoral thesis revolutionized the treatment of HIV/AIDS.. In 2020 Dr. Mikovits started Dr Solution, a company focused, not only on education, but on providing solutions for prevention and treatment of autoimmune/auto-inflammatory diseases resulting from viral infection, drugs and environmental toxins.. Her heart and passion is to focus on natural products chemistry and plant based drug and nutritional therapeutic protocols. Dr Mikovits is a New York Times Best selling author of the books Plague, Plague of Corruption, Ending Plague and the Truth about the Masks. Dr. Mikovits is featured in both "Plandemic" films. Dr. Jeffrey Barke Dr. Jeffrey Barke is a board certified primary care physician in private practice for over 25 years. He has served as an Associate Clinical Professor at U.C. Irvine and a board member of the Orange County Medical Association. Dr. Barke is the author of COVID-19: A Physicians Take on the Exaggerated Fear of Corona Virus. He is a sought after speaker on the failure of government education and all things related to COVID-19. Dr. Barke is a proud founding member of America’s Frontline Doctor.He is also the co-host of the podcast: InformedDissentMedia.com Steve Kirsch Steve Kirsch is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, MIT graduate and philanthropist, as well the founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. He has been featured on 60 Minutes and profiled in Forbes. Kirsch has one of the most widely read Substacks in the world. Dr. Byran Ardis Dr. Bryan Ardis is a tireless researcher, seeking to weed out deception in health and medicine and provide truth through his personal research,“The Dr. Ardis” Podcast and his product formulations. In May of 2020, Dr. Ardis blew the whistle on the deadly, toxic and experimental drug, Remdesivir. Dr Ardis has been featured in many documentaries including, “Antidote” with Jason Shurka, “Watch the Water” and “Watch the Water 2”, with Stew Peters, “COVENOM-19” with Jonathan Otto, and “Propaganda Exposed” with the Bollinger’s. The Dr. Ardis Show has a mission statement which is, “Creating Doubt in Big Pharma, and Restoring Faith in Nature!” During the intentionally created supply chain issues of the fraudulent COVID pandemic, Dr. Ardis launched his own brand of all natural supplements called ArdisLabs.com. Whether by media interviews, speaking on stages, or testifying in state capital buildings, Dr. Ardis is on a mission to protect the health of innocent human beings worldwide, and help them make sense of their symptoms Dr. Robert O. Young has been recognized as one of the top clinical scientists in the world specializing in cellular nutrition, biochemistry and microbiology. Dr. Young has devoted his life to researching the true causes of "disease," subsequently developing "The New Biology™" to help people balance their life. He is the author of over 100 published peer-reviewed articles and author and co-author of many books. The pH Miracle series of books have sold over 10 million copies and are gaining a widespread following in over 159 countries. He is best known for his four book series, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and The pH Miracle for Cancer. Last year Dr. Young and his co-author Tom Ballantyne, Jr. published 3 new books, “Truth vs Deception – Liberty vs. Tyranny - Facts vs, Fiction - Science vs, Scientism, Part 1, 2 and 3 based on the premise that if we are to remain free, we must learn the truth on what is going on around us, and not just from the media, government, etc. While author's Dr. Robert Young and T. M. Ballantyne, Jr. (the "Truth Author," so-named by Dr. Young) will discuss the facts surrounding what Sasha Stone has called "Covidiocy," and its attendant "vaccines," along with the third book in the series, 'Let Freedom Ring', about child trafficking and its attendant evils, released in late October of 2023 (3 1/2 months ago), the underlying theme of the series is exactly what the title indicates: How to discern truth and avoid deception. As the goal of the conference is "to create a new world based on new paradigms in various areas of life," we will address how truth liberates us from the captivity of deception." "Given that the key to both health and happiness is right-thinking, we posit that only by recognizing and embracing actual truth can our thoughts achieve those ends. We maintain that the ultimate aim of our existence, both now and hereafter, is that we "might have joy." Authors Young and Ballantyne T. M. Ballantyne, Jr. https://consciouslifeexpo.com/dr-robert-young-2024/... PRESS CONTACT: Dawna Shuman, Lighthouse Public Relations [email protected]/Cell: 818-632-3297 I wonder why I'm never invited to panels? https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-medical-freedom-symposiumpost-conference-at-the-conscious-life-expo
    Monday, Feb.12 - 2pm-4:30pm FORGING THE FUTURE TERRAIN OF WELLNESS Join us for a riveting, powerful, inspiring exchange of motivational insights that will stir you to support and create the changes we need for our Medical Freedom! Together We Stand! The Supreme Court has long recognized a person's constitutionally protected liberty interest in his or her own medical autonomy, especially when those interests are secured by state laws. Kelly Gallagher Kelly Gallagher is an Award-winning filmmaker,
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  • Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
    Dr. Syed Haider
    Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital
    This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol.
    There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success.
    In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks).
    Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing.
    This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants.
    The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic).
    But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul.
    People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs.
    Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic.
    We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit.
    Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons
    In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones.
    The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep.
    Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force.
    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.
    Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out.
    And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface.
    This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness.
    You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward.
    To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction.
    Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge.
    If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it.
    This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity.
    And these are the tests we have available to screen for it:
    The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test.
    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more.
    The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more.
    Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work.
    A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis.
    The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive.
    Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question.
    In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion.
    It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below.
    If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed.
    If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back.
    Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment.
    The Microclot Test
    figure 3
    Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes.
    Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity.
    The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all.
    This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity.
    D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream.
    Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest.
    For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting.
    figure 4
    The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients.
    The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements.
    Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration.
    So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment.
    If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available.
    DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023.
    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel
    This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more.
    Tests Included in the Panel:
    Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time.
    Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury.
    Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP:
    The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol.
    Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment.
    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from …
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    Complete Blood Count (CBC)
    Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized.
    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
    Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising.
    Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP.
    D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this.
    Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
    Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog
    Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding.
    hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis.
    Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis.
    Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure.
    Electrocardiogram (EKG)
    EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation
    Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed.
    Echocardiogram (ECHO)
    Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart.
    Chest X-ray
    Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc.
    Whole Body MRI
    The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI
    Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm).
    Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel.
    And that’s a wrap!
    Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes.

    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms. Dr. Syed Haider Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol. There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success. In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks). Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing. This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants. The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic). But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul. People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs. Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic. We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit. Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons source In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones. The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep. Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out. And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface. This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness. You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward. To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction. Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge. If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it. This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity. And these are the tests we have available to screen for it: The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more. The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more. Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work. source A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis. The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive. Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question. In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion. It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below. If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed. If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back. Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment. Share The Microclot Test figure 3 source Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes. Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity. The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all. This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity. D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream. Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest. For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting. figure 4 source The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients. The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements. Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration. So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment. If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available. DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more. Tests Included in the Panel: Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time. Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury. Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP: The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol. Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment. Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from … Read full story Complete Blood Count (CBC) Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising. Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP. D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding. hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis. Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis. Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure. Electrocardiogram (EKG) EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed. Echocardiogram (ECHO) Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart. Chest X-ray source Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc. Whole Body MRI The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm). Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel. And that’s a wrap! Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/01/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity.html
    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 24074 Visualizações
  • Experience the epitome of cannabis culture at our DC #WeedDispensary. Whether you're a connoisseur or new to the scene, our welcoming atmosphere and diverse offerings ensure a tailored and enjoyable visit.
    Source - https://teezdc.com/
    Experience the epitome of cannabis culture at our DC #WeedDispensary. Whether you're a connoisseur or new to the scene, our welcoming atmosphere and diverse offerings ensure a tailored and enjoyable visit. Source - https://teezdc.com/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1390 Visualizações
  • Future Headline: COP33 Climate Conference Urges Americans to Stop Eating
    December 7, 2023
    By Simon Black, Sovereign Man

    In a world full of unimaginable absurdity, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future… and to where all of this insanity leads.

    “Future Headline Friday” is our satirical take of where the world is going if it remains on its current path. While our satire may be humorous and exaggerated, rest assured that everything we write is based on actual events, news stories, personalities, and pending legislation.

    December 1, 2028: COP33 Climate Conference Urges Americans to Stop Eating

    As world leaders gather for the 33rd COP Climate Summit, the theme of this year’s event is “Just Stop Eating.”

    The United Nations, which hosts the conference, said that with extremely high oil and coal prices significantly reducing demand for fossil fuels, it is time to turn the focus on reducing the climate change affects of agriculture.

    “Farming, especially the production of meat animals, is contributing to the warming of the globe at an unprecedented rate,” said Secretary-General of the United Nations Justin Trudeau as he opened the conference.

    “And to tackle the root cause, we have to tackle demand— that is, people eating food.”

    He said that as the fattest nation, the United States is the main problem when it comes to agricultural emissions.

    “For the United States, this is not just an issue of climate change,” Trudeau continued, “This is a matter of public health. And as we learned from successfully combating Covid-19 with lockdowns and other restrictions, public health issues need the heavy hand of government to be solved.”

    Since the 2023 COP28 agreement, the US has annually sent hundreds of billions of dollars in reparations payments to developing nations, compensating for its industrialization-driven greenhouse gas emissions that have disproportionately impacted these countries with natural disasters.

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    But experts say this is not enough.

    Therefore, much of the COP33 agenda this year is focused on how to make Americans stop eating.

    Some critics have noted the odd use of language which consistently uses the phrase, “just stop eating,” as opposed to “reduce food intake.”

    “Of course, we don’t mean Americans should starve to death,” Trudeau said, glancing suspiciously side to side. “But it’s pretty clear a little climate change diet wouldn’t hurt.”

    One breakout session will “explore the use of public health mandates to force Americans to stop eating.”

    “Anything based on science can be justified as a public health mandate,” Trudeau said. “The scientific health benefits of fasting and calorie restriction are clear. And therefore these could, and should, be mandated on the American public.”

    But mandates are not the only avenue that will be discussed to drastically curb Americans’ calorie intake.

    Another session is called, “Appealing to Catholics with Biblical justifications to stop eating meat.”

    The discussion will surround how a coordinated media effort might revive the Catholic tradition of fasting from meat on Fridays and during lent.

    “If Catholics are willing to walk the walk, they would extend those traditions year round.” Trudeau said. “I think the Pope agrees, and we are working closely with him to add this to the next Papal Bull.”

    But just in case traditional religion isn’t enough, COP33 will host spiritual guru Charlotte Tan who promotes the practice of sun gazing to replace meals.

    “When you commune with nature, you realize the abundance around you. Gazing at the setting or rising sun can provide enough nutrients to your body to replace about half of your calories.”

    Tan says that her “Nature’s Bounty” walks have also been popular among spiritually in-touch Americans.

    “What we do is take a quick walk around a yard or a city block and find all the unused food resources just there for the taking. By eating edible weeds like dandelion or chickweed, people can save money, which gives them more time for meditation and activism.”

    “But we don’t stop there,” Charlotte Tan continued, “Crickets, grubs, maggots— these might seem disgusting at first glance. But enlightened people realize these are just parts of nature. They are wholesome, fulfilling, and rich in high calorie lean protein. And best of all, they don’t add to a human’s carbon footprint. In fact, by eating them, we reduce it.”

    Tan said that scorpions were especially popular food last year at her tent at Burning Man.

    While promoting the replacement of meat like beef and chicken with protein sourced from bugs is nothing new for COP, this does represent a more creative approach.

    “In the past, we have focused on data and logic to try to convince people to eat bugs,” Secretary-General Trudeau said before the conference’s first night meal of filet mignon. “This approach tackles the emotional side. Tapping into the spiritual awakening happening around the world is a great way to advance our collective mission.”

    FREE 5-day series of UNCENSORED interviews with over 25 natural health experts
    “We’re in this together,” he added, chewing his steak.

    PS: If you can see what is happening, and where this is all going, you understand why it is so important to have a Plan B. That’s why we published our 31-page, fully updated Perfect Plan B Guide, which you can download here.

    Inside you’ll discover…

    No-Brainer Strategies to Ensure You Thrive
    No Matter What Happens Next.

    Learn how to:

    Legally slash your tax bill by up to $1.2 million each year
    Obtain a valuable second passport… potentially for free
    Invest outside the mainstream and generate strong returns with minimal risk
    Protect your assets and become invincible to financial crises and frivolous lawsuits
    Grab Your Free Download: Sovereign Man’s Perfect PLAN B GUIDE – This vital 31-page report is absolutely free.

    Simon Black, as James Hickman is more commonly known, is the Founder of Sovereign Man.

    He is an international investor, entrepreneur, and a free man. His daily e-letter, Sovereign Letters, draws on his life, business and travel experiences to help readers gain more freedom, more opportunity, and more prosperity.

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    Subscribe to Activist Post for truth, peace, and freedom news. Follow us on SoMee, Telegram, HIVE, Minds, MeWe, Twitter – X, Gab, and What Really Happened.

    Provide, Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today.

    Future Headline: COP33 Climate Conference Urges Americans to Stop Eating December 7, 2023 By Simon Black, Sovereign Man In a world full of unimaginable absurdity, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future… and to where all of this insanity leads. “Future Headline Friday” is our satirical take of where the world is going if it remains on its current path. While our satire may be humorous and exaggerated, rest assured that everything we write is based on actual events, news stories, personalities, and pending legislation. December 1, 2028: COP33 Climate Conference Urges Americans to Stop Eating As world leaders gather for the 33rd COP Climate Summit, the theme of this year’s event is “Just Stop Eating.” The United Nations, which hosts the conference, said that with extremely high oil and coal prices significantly reducing demand for fossil fuels, it is time to turn the focus on reducing the climate change affects of agriculture. “Farming, especially the production of meat animals, is contributing to the warming of the globe at an unprecedented rate,” said Secretary-General of the United Nations Justin Trudeau as he opened the conference. “And to tackle the root cause, we have to tackle demand— that is, people eating food.” He said that as the fattest nation, the United States is the main problem when it comes to agricultural emissions. “For the United States, this is not just an issue of climate change,” Trudeau continued, “This is a matter of public health. And as we learned from successfully combating Covid-19 with lockdowns and other restrictions, public health issues need the heavy hand of government to be solved.” Since the 2023 COP28 agreement, the US has annually sent hundreds of billions of dollars in reparations payments to developing nations, compensating for its industrialization-driven greenhouse gas emissions that have disproportionately impacted these countries with natural disasters. Activist Post is Google-Free — We Need Your Support Contribute Just $1 Per Month at Patreon or SubscribeStar But experts say this is not enough. Therefore, much of the COP33 agenda this year is focused on how to make Americans stop eating. Some critics have noted the odd use of language which consistently uses the phrase, “just stop eating,” as opposed to “reduce food intake.” “Of course, we don’t mean Americans should starve to death,” Trudeau said, glancing suspiciously side to side. “But it’s pretty clear a little climate change diet wouldn’t hurt.” One breakout session will “explore the use of public health mandates to force Americans to stop eating.” “Anything based on science can be justified as a public health mandate,” Trudeau said. “The scientific health benefits of fasting and calorie restriction are clear. And therefore these could, and should, be mandated on the American public.” But mandates are not the only avenue that will be discussed to drastically curb Americans’ calorie intake. Another session is called, “Appealing to Catholics with Biblical justifications to stop eating meat.” The discussion will surround how a coordinated media effort might revive the Catholic tradition of fasting from meat on Fridays and during lent. “If Catholics are willing to walk the walk, they would extend those traditions year round.” Trudeau said. “I think the Pope agrees, and we are working closely with him to add this to the next Papal Bull.” But just in case traditional religion isn’t enough, COP33 will host spiritual guru Charlotte Tan who promotes the practice of sun gazing to replace meals. “When you commune with nature, you realize the abundance around you. Gazing at the setting or rising sun can provide enough nutrients to your body to replace about half of your calories.” Tan says that her “Nature’s Bounty” walks have also been popular among spiritually in-touch Americans. “What we do is take a quick walk around a yard or a city block and find all the unused food resources just there for the taking. By eating edible weeds like dandelion or chickweed, people can save money, which gives them more time for meditation and activism.” “But we don’t stop there,” Charlotte Tan continued, “Crickets, grubs, maggots— these might seem disgusting at first glance. But enlightened people realize these are just parts of nature. They are wholesome, fulfilling, and rich in high calorie lean protein. And best of all, they don’t add to a human’s carbon footprint. In fact, by eating them, we reduce it.” Tan said that scorpions were especially popular food last year at her tent at Burning Man. While promoting the replacement of meat like beef and chicken with protein sourced from bugs is nothing new for COP, this does represent a more creative approach. “In the past, we have focused on data and logic to try to convince people to eat bugs,” Secretary-General Trudeau said before the conference’s first night meal of filet mignon. “This approach tackles the emotional side. Tapping into the spiritual awakening happening around the world is a great way to advance our collective mission.” FREE 5-day series of UNCENSORED interviews with over 25 natural health experts “We’re in this together,” he added, chewing his steak. PS: If you can see what is happening, and where this is all going, you understand why it is so important to have a Plan B. That’s why we published our 31-page, fully updated Perfect Plan B Guide, which you can download here. Inside you’ll discover… No-Brainer Strategies to Ensure You Thrive No Matter What Happens Next. Learn how to: Legally slash your tax bill by up to $1.2 million each year Obtain a valuable second passport… potentially for free Invest outside the mainstream and generate strong returns with minimal risk Protect your assets and become invincible to financial crises and frivolous lawsuits Grab Your Free Download: Sovereign Man’s Perfect PLAN B GUIDE – This vital 31-page report is absolutely free. Simon Black, as James Hickman is more commonly known, is the Founder of Sovereign Man. He is an international investor, entrepreneur, and a free man. His daily e-letter, Sovereign Letters, draws on his life, business and travel experiences to help readers gain more freedom, more opportunity, and more prosperity. Or support us at SubscribeStar Donate cryptocurrency HERE Subscribe to Activist Post for truth, peace, and freedom news. Follow us on SoMee, Telegram, HIVE, Minds, MeWe, Twitter – X, Gab, and What Really Happened. Provide, Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today. https://www.activistpost.com/2023/12/future-headline-cop33-climate-conference-urges-americans-to-stop-eating.html
    Future Headline: COP33 Climate Conference Urges Americans to Stop Eating - Activist Post
    As world leaders gather for the 33rd COP Climate Summit, the theme of this year’s event is “Just Stop Eating.”
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 20545 Visualizações
  • Bayer’s shares drop 20% to lowest level since 2009 due to drug development and Roundup trial setback
    yeeloon22 November 2023

    UNITED STATES: Bayer AG (ETR:BAYGN), a prominent German company in the pharmaceutical and agriculture sectors, experienced its largest-ever drop in market value, a staggering loss of approximately €7.6 billion (US$8.3 billion).

    This downturn follows substantial legal issues and setbacks in drug development, intensifying the pressure on the company’s new leadership to articulate a comprehensive turnaround strategy.

    The company’s shares, traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, plummeted by 20%, reaching their lowest point since 2009.

    This decline marks a 30% decrease in share value over the course of this year.

    One of the setbacks occurred when Bayer announced on Sunday (19 Nov) that the late-stage testing of a drug named asundexian, intended for heart disease treatment, would be halted due to its apparent lack of effectiveness.

    Initially projected in January to potentially yield sales surpassing US$5 billion, asundexian was anticipated to be a cornerstone in Bayer’s pharmaceutical portfolio for driving growth.

    Bayer’s Monsanto faces second wave of lawsuit

    Simultaneously, a significant legal blow struck Bayer when a Missouri Circuit Court, in a landmark ruling late on a Friday, mandated that Bayer AG’s subsidiary, Monsanto, must pay a combined sum exceeding US$1.5 billion to three former users of the company’s weed killing product, Roundup.

    These individuals attributed their cancers to the controversial product in what became one of the company’s most substantial trial losses related to the herbicide.

    This verdict adds to a series of recent legal challenges against Monsanto, citing carcinogenic properties in Roundup.

    Notably, the sum of over US$1.5 billion stands as one of the largest damage awards imposed on a US corporate defendant this year.

    Bayer has indicated its intention to contest the verdicts and maintains its stance that the product, Roundup, is safe.

    According to Fortune, these recent developments intensify the challenges for Bill Anderson, who assumed the role of chief executive in June.

    Anderson revealed this month that he’s considering a potential split of the conglomerate into separate entities focused on pharmaceuticals and agriculture.

    Anderson steps into leadership at Bayer during a period fraught with difficulties, particularly stemming from the US$63 billion acquisition of Monsanto, which has soured.

    Additionally, the pharmaceutical unit grapples with patent expirations affecting critical treatments.

    Currently, Bayer is embroiled in another Roundup trial, this time before a state court jury in Philadelphia, involving a plaintiff attributing his cancer to the weed killer.

    The trial is ongoing, and closing arguments are anticipated later this month or in early December, as per lawyers involved in the case.

    Furthermore, another case is scheduled to commence in California in December, while at least three additional cases are slated to begin in Philadelphia in the upcoming months.

    Singapore sovereign fund Temasek invested in Bayer in 2018

    In April 2018, Singapore’s sovereign fund Temasek Holdings decided to invest in Bayer. It bought 3.6 per cent stake for 3 billion euros at 96.77 euros per share at the time.

    The money is used as part of Bayer’s plan to takeover Monsanto. Together with its existing holding in Bayer, Temasek would then own about 4 per cent in Bayer after the transaction.

    By June 2018, with Temasek’s help, Bayer successfully acquired Monsanto to become the biggest seed and agricultural chemical maker in the world.

    However, since the acquisition, lawsuits have been mounting in the US whether Monsanto’s “Roundup” causes cancer.

    Two months after Temasek helped Bayer to acquire Monsanto, in a landmark verdict in August 2018, Monsanto was ordered by a San Francisco court to pay US$289 million in punitive damages and compensatory damages. Bayer’s subsidiary, Monsanto, appealed several times, but lost.

    So far, since the acquisition of Monsanto 5 years ago, Bayer agreed to settle much of that litigation for US$10.9 billion in 2020. As of February this year, about 100,000 claims had been settled or deemed ineligible. Nevertheless, some 40,000 cases are still pending.

    In June, Bayer’s share price was around 52.33 euros, but now it plummetted to merely 33.99 euros as of Wednesday (22 Nov).

    A quick check online shows Temasek is still largely holding on to Bayer’s share. It is the largest shareholder of Bayer with 3.5% of holdings.

    Since Temasek bought 3 billion euros worth of shares at 96.77 euros in 2018, five years ago, that means it has lost 62.78 euros per share or approximately 64% of the original 3 billion euros investment.

    This amounts to about 1.9 billion euros or approximately S$2.7 billion of losses.

    Bayer’s shares drop 20% to lowest level since 2009 due to drug development and Roundup trial setback yeeloon22 November 2023 UNITED STATES: Bayer AG (ETR:BAYGN), a prominent German company in the pharmaceutical and agriculture sectors, experienced its largest-ever drop in market value, a staggering loss of approximately €7.6 billion (US$8.3 billion). This downturn follows substantial legal issues and setbacks in drug development, intensifying the pressure on the company’s new leadership to articulate a comprehensive turnaround strategy. The company’s shares, traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, plummeted by 20%, reaching their lowest point since 2009. This decline marks a 30% decrease in share value over the course of this year. One of the setbacks occurred when Bayer announced on Sunday (19 Nov) that the late-stage testing of a drug named asundexian, intended for heart disease treatment, would be halted due to its apparent lack of effectiveness. Initially projected in January to potentially yield sales surpassing US$5 billion, asundexian was anticipated to be a cornerstone in Bayer’s pharmaceutical portfolio for driving growth. Bayer’s Monsanto faces second wave of lawsuit Simultaneously, a significant legal blow struck Bayer when a Missouri Circuit Court, in a landmark ruling late on a Friday, mandated that Bayer AG’s subsidiary, Monsanto, must pay a combined sum exceeding US$1.5 billion to three former users of the company’s weed killing product, Roundup. These individuals attributed their cancers to the controversial product in what became one of the company’s most substantial trial losses related to the herbicide. This verdict adds to a series of recent legal challenges against Monsanto, citing carcinogenic properties in Roundup. Notably, the sum of over US$1.5 billion stands as one of the largest damage awards imposed on a US corporate defendant this year. Bayer has indicated its intention to contest the verdicts and maintains its stance that the product, Roundup, is safe. According to Fortune, these recent developments intensify the challenges for Bill Anderson, who assumed the role of chief executive in June. Anderson revealed this month that he’s considering a potential split of the conglomerate into separate entities focused on pharmaceuticals and agriculture. Anderson steps into leadership at Bayer during a period fraught with difficulties, particularly stemming from the US$63 billion acquisition of Monsanto, which has soured. Additionally, the pharmaceutical unit grapples with patent expirations affecting critical treatments. Currently, Bayer is embroiled in another Roundup trial, this time before a state court jury in Philadelphia, involving a plaintiff attributing his cancer to the weed killer. The trial is ongoing, and closing arguments are anticipated later this month or in early December, as per lawyers involved in the case. Furthermore, another case is scheduled to commence in California in December, while at least three additional cases are slated to begin in Philadelphia in the upcoming months. Singapore sovereign fund Temasek invested in Bayer in 2018 In April 2018, Singapore’s sovereign fund Temasek Holdings decided to invest in Bayer. It bought 3.6 per cent stake for 3 billion euros at 96.77 euros per share at the time. The money is used as part of Bayer’s plan to takeover Monsanto. Together with its existing holding in Bayer, Temasek would then own about 4 per cent in Bayer after the transaction. By June 2018, with Temasek’s help, Bayer successfully acquired Monsanto to become the biggest seed and agricultural chemical maker in the world. However, since the acquisition, lawsuits have been mounting in the US whether Monsanto’s “Roundup” causes cancer. Two months after Temasek helped Bayer to acquire Monsanto, in a landmark verdict in August 2018, Monsanto was ordered by a San Francisco court to pay US$289 million in punitive damages and compensatory damages. Bayer’s subsidiary, Monsanto, appealed several times, but lost. So far, since the acquisition of Monsanto 5 years ago, Bayer agreed to settle much of that litigation for US$10.9 billion in 2020. As of February this year, about 100,000 claims had been settled or deemed ineligible. Nevertheless, some 40,000 cases are still pending. In June, Bayer’s share price was around 52.33 euros, but now it plummetted to merely 33.99 euros as of Wednesday (22 Nov). A quick check online shows Temasek is still largely holding on to Bayer’s share. It is the largest shareholder of Bayer with 3.5% of holdings. Since Temasek bought 3 billion euros worth of shares at 96.77 euros in 2018, five years ago, that means it has lost 62.78 euros per share or approximately 64% of the original 3 billion euros investment. This amounts to about 1.9 billion euros or approximately S$2.7 billion of losses. https://gutzy.asia/2023/11/22/bayers-shares-drop-20-to-lowest-level-since-2009-due-to-drug-development-and-roundup-trial-setback
    Bayer's shares drop 20% to lowest level since 2009 due to drug development and Roundup trial setback
    In a severe blow, Bayer AG suffered its largest market value drop due to setbacks with a new anti-clotting drug and a hefty $1.5 billion fine against its subsidiary, Monsanto, in a recent Roundup trial. Bayer's shares plunged by 20%, reaching their lowest point since 2009. Singapore's Temasek Holdings, which invested 3 billion euros in Bayer in 2018, is now facing a significant 64% loss per share.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 10960 Visualizações
  • In a landmark decision, a Missouri jury has ordered Bayer AG's Monsanto unit to pay more than $1.5 billion in damages to three former users of its Roundup weedkiller.
    In a landmark decision, a Missouri jury has ordered Bayer AG's Monsanto unit to pay more than $1.5 billion in damages to three former users of its Roundup weedkiller.
    Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case - Activist Post
    It's one of Monsanto's largest losses in the 5-year litigation, raising new questions about the safety of the controversial product.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1853 Visualizações

  • Shop Urban Revivo for this season's latest and hottest runway inspired fashion trends, including must-have sweaters, cardigans, dresses, tweed
    Click the link 🔗 for best shopping
    Shop Urban Revivo for this season's latest and hottest runway inspired fashion trends, including must-have sweaters, cardigans, dresses, tweed Click the link 🔗 for best shopping suitshttps://yazing.com/deals/urbanrevivo/Khannetwork
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2024 Visualizações
  • Essential facts about the Hamas-Gaza-Israel war
    [email protected] October 26, 2023 Gaza, hamas, justice, occupation, resistance, terrorist, zionism
    Essential facts about the Hamas-Gaza-Israel war
    One of thousands of buildings in Gaza that were destroyed by Israeli airstrikes in the last two weeks. (photo)
    The current situation in Gaza and Israel did not come out of the blue. Read critical background left out of breaking news alerts…

    by Kathryn Shihadah

    On Oct 7, the resistance group Hamas did not invade a peace-loving country. To Israelis, it may have felt tranquil and carefree – they were dancing, raising families on tree-lined streets, planning vacations abroad. Palestinians are pretty much invisible, locked as they are behind high concrete walls and electrified, fortified, barbed wire barriers.

    Israelis have never experienced the kind of invasion they got that day. The roles are usually reversed. This time some Palestinians were killing, kidnapping, and causing panic, trauma, and unconscionable violence. Usually it is some Israeli soldiers and settlers that perpetrate such acts.

    The Israelis’ experience – and that of their loved ones – is real and significant.

    But many of us are dismissing Gazans’ experience out of hand.

    If we believe in equality, in the presence of the imago dei in everyone, we ought to be troubled by this. Are Israeli sins forgivable, but Palestinian sins somehow unforgivable?

    We ought to make sure we have true and accurate information, and are responding to it responsibly. If we detect any bigotry in our perspective, we must work diligently to weed it out.

    What you didn’t know you didn’t know

    History did not begin on October 7, 2023. If it had, Hamas militants would have no pertinent reason for the rage they displayed. Their only excuse would be hatred for Jews.

    We must acknowledge that each of the young Gazan fighters has experienced a lifetime under a brutal Israeli blockade and multiple major Israeli operations – it’s a stretch to call them “wars,” as the weaponry and the casualty figures were so lopsided (for example, in the 2008-2009 hostilities, 9 Israelis were killed, vs 1,400 Gazans; in 2012, 6 Israelis vs 174 Gazans; in 2014, 72 Israelis vs 2,200 Gazans). These experiences shaped every Gazan (Israeli journalists Amira Hass and Gideon Levy recognize the significance of this fact).

    Each fighter in Gaza likely grew up not just fearful and angry, but hungry, malnourished, growth-stunted, and anxious. He has likely seen dead bodies, amputated limbs, and blood. He has likely lost loved ones and played in the shells of bombed-out houses.

    The violence against him has not stopped long enough for him to get PTSD. There has been no “post” to his trauma.

    (We must also recognize that the United States and Israel helped create and sustain Hamas, and one day decided that Hamas was now the enemy.)

    Hamas fighters, like all young people in Gaza, struggle to hold onto hope for the future. Israel’s brutal blockade, plus its destruction of factories, shops, and other businesses, has left an unemployment rate hovering around 45%.

    How to restore hope? Not by committing murder, but by winning freedom. That is what every Palestinian wants. Not revenge, not the eradication of Jews. Freedom and hope.

    How to achieve freedom?

    Obviously, killing hundreds of Israelis is not moral or productive, and will not lead to freedom – at least, not directly.

    Similarly, bombing Gaza to rubble is not the way for Israel to gain security. That has been proven again and again, at great cost to Palestinians.

    These are irrational actions on both sides, horrible acts.

    For years, Palestinians have tried rational, peaceful methods of achieving justice: they have petitioned the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice. They have held thousands of peaceful protests. In the ICC and ICJ, the United States always exercises veto power in Israel’s favor. When it comes to peaceful protests, Israeli soldiers shoot to kill.

    (The UN Security Council voted on a resolution Wednesday, October 18, merely calling for Israel to pause its bombing to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza – the United States vetoed it. That is not contributing to anything but carnage.)

    When Palestinians are quiet, the world forgets them, leaving them to Israel’s whims; when they protest peacefully, they are killed. Only when they make a lot of noise does the world finally wake up. October 7th was about as noisy as it gets – and millions are now rallying for a ceasefire and Palestinian rights. The international community carries some of the blame for allowing Israel to oppress Palestinians to the breaking point.

    That is to say that while each individual member of Hamas is responsible for his own actions – and some or many may have committed atrocities – Israel’s policies of brutal starvation, suffocation, and airstrikes, pushed them into a corner. Israel must own up to that. American foreign policy allowed it, and we must own up to that. The current situation is by no stretch of the imagination all Hamas’ fault.

    In every war, individuals commit atrocities that are inexcusable. The members of Hamas had just broken out of the world’s largest prison, where they had been brutalized every day by Israel. Violent retribution on the part of some should not surprise us.

    It is also worth noting that at least some of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas were treated well and with respect – so well that some Israelis wished the truth hadn’t been made public. It is understood that they were not captured to be killed, but to be bargaining chips for the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners wrongly held by Israel.

    One possible culpability loophole for us everyday folks: if you are one of the millions who know nothing about Palestinians except the October 7 massacre, realize this: our mainstream media has for years been working to keep you in the dark (see this, this, and this, for example).


    So. Why did they do it? Do Hamas militants have a deep, inbred hatred of Jews?

    The one thing most Palestinians know for sure about Jews is that they come in two types: those who embrace Zionism and those who don’t.

    The people who took over the Palestinian homeland in 1948 and sent 700,000 Palestinians to refugee camps – those were Zionists. The people who, ever since, have dropped bombs, withheld human rights, and stripped Palestinians of their humanity – those are Zionists. Palestinians hate Zionism. Not Judaism. Not Jews (in fact, in the decades before Israel was born, the majority of Jews were against the very idea of a Jewish state; many were anti-Zionist).

    Palestinians are highly intelligent, highly educated – and their education did not include being “taught to hate Jews.” They didn’t need to be taught to hate their occupier – each boy and girl from Gaza to the West Bank, from East Jerusalem to Israel, figured out all by themselves that the ones shooting their family members and withholding blankets and baby food are despicable.

    Nor is the distinction between “Jew” and “Zionist” too hard for Palestinians to comprehend.

    (For some Israel apologists, including but not limited to Jonathan Greenblatt, the distinction between Jew and Zionist is lost. Wait…does that mean Palestinians are smarter than Zionists?)

    October Seventh

    The whole world is aware of Hamas’ October 7th attack – its brutality is already legendary. People who should know better are publicly calling them “animals” and “barbarians.” “These are not human beings! They killed babies, raped women.”

    Look, several thousand militants entered Israel that day. If they were all animals, killing babies and raping women, there would have been a lot more victims (I have yet to see actual evidence of a rapes of Israeli women that day – if you have, please share it with me). Governments lie during wars, and this appears to be one of those times (that said, there is documentation of Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian women (and men, and children) that stretch from Israel’s founding to the present).

    Members of Hamas and other resistance groups in Gaza absolutely have a cruel streak. Would anyone expect them not to?

    Israel and its self-proclaimed “most moral army in the world” reinforce their cruel streak with one of the most powerful militaries in the world and (apparently) complete exemption from international law.

    Key questions

    Palestinians really have two choices: resist and be labeled “terrorist/subhuman,” or sit quietly and let Israel starve and shoot and humiliate them. There are no good options. (Most can not afford to emigrate, nor do they want to leave their homeland.)

    Here are the questions we must grapple with.

    Do Palestinians have the right to be free of Israeli occupation?

    Do they have the right to self-determination?

    Do they have the right to a dignified life?

    These are yes/no questions. They are unrelated to Hamas. Do Palestinians have these rights?

    If you are grieved by the loss of Israeli life – in spite of Israel’s many sins – but Palestinian casualties still do not move you, what you are feeling is probably not righteous anger, but prejudice.

    Cleanse your palette of judgmentalism toward two million people for the faults of a few, for being born Palestinian, for desiring a better life.

    Understand that legitimate grievances, left to fester, will beget hostility and violence.

    Discern the difference between recognizing these grievances and approving the violence.

    Acknowledge that America has been complicit in the carnage we’ve witnessed in the past weeks.

    As long as we cheer for Israel – or stay silent about the slaughter of Palestinians – we are part of the problem.

    Palestinians are people, and that’s the bottom line.

    Kathryn Shihadah is an editor and staff writer for If Americans Knew. This is reposted from Patheos – Grace Colored Glasses – Kathy’s blog on Patheos, an online destination to engage in the global dialogue about religion and spirituality. She also occasionally blogs at Palestine Home.


    Gaza-Israel: Latest news and statistics (ongoing updates)
    Sec’y Blinken (indirectly) calls Israel’s treatment of Gazans “barbaric”
    It’s not just Gaza – Israel is also killing scores in the West Bank
    Palestinian-American child killed in Illinois: this is what media reports left out
    In Gaza, she now inhabits a solitary space between life and death

    WATCH: What was happening in Gaza BEFORE the Hamas attack that the media didn’t tell you
    Congress gives 29 standing ovations for president of foreign nation that harms the US
    Joe Biden: Career Defender of Israel’s Crimes and Impunity
    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org

    Essential facts about the Hamas-Gaza-Israel war [email protected] October 26, 2023 Gaza, hamas, justice, occupation, resistance, terrorist, zionism Essential facts about the Hamas-Gaza-Israel war One of thousands of buildings in Gaza that were destroyed by Israeli airstrikes in the last two weeks. (photo) The current situation in Gaza and Israel did not come out of the blue. Read critical background left out of breaking news alerts… by Kathryn Shihadah On Oct 7, the resistance group Hamas did not invade a peace-loving country. To Israelis, it may have felt tranquil and carefree – they were dancing, raising families on tree-lined streets, planning vacations abroad. Palestinians are pretty much invisible, locked as they are behind high concrete walls and electrified, fortified, barbed wire barriers. Israelis have never experienced the kind of invasion they got that day. The roles are usually reversed. This time some Palestinians were killing, kidnapping, and causing panic, trauma, and unconscionable violence. Usually it is some Israeli soldiers and settlers that perpetrate such acts. The Israelis’ experience – and that of their loved ones – is real and significant. But many of us are dismissing Gazans’ experience out of hand. If we believe in equality, in the presence of the imago dei in everyone, we ought to be troubled by this. Are Israeli sins forgivable, but Palestinian sins somehow unforgivable? We ought to make sure we have true and accurate information, and are responding to it responsibly. If we detect any bigotry in our perspective, we must work diligently to weed it out. What you didn’t know you didn’t know History did not begin on October 7, 2023. If it had, Hamas militants would have no pertinent reason for the rage they displayed. Their only excuse would be hatred for Jews. We must acknowledge that each of the young Gazan fighters has experienced a lifetime under a brutal Israeli blockade and multiple major Israeli operations – it’s a stretch to call them “wars,” as the weaponry and the casualty figures were so lopsided (for example, in the 2008-2009 hostilities, 9 Israelis were killed, vs 1,400 Gazans; in 2012, 6 Israelis vs 174 Gazans; in 2014, 72 Israelis vs 2,200 Gazans). These experiences shaped every Gazan (Israeli journalists Amira Hass and Gideon Levy recognize the significance of this fact). Each fighter in Gaza likely grew up not just fearful and angry, but hungry, malnourished, growth-stunted, and anxious. He has likely seen dead bodies, amputated limbs, and blood. He has likely lost loved ones and played in the shells of bombed-out houses. The violence against him has not stopped long enough for him to get PTSD. There has been no “post” to his trauma. (We must also recognize that the United States and Israel helped create and sustain Hamas, and one day decided that Hamas was now the enemy.) Hamas fighters, like all young people in Gaza, struggle to hold onto hope for the future. Israel’s brutal blockade, plus its destruction of factories, shops, and other businesses, has left an unemployment rate hovering around 45%. How to restore hope? Not by committing murder, but by winning freedom. That is what every Palestinian wants. Not revenge, not the eradication of Jews. Freedom and hope. How to achieve freedom? Obviously, killing hundreds of Israelis is not moral or productive, and will not lead to freedom – at least, not directly. Similarly, bombing Gaza to rubble is not the way for Israel to gain security. That has been proven again and again, at great cost to Palestinians. These are irrational actions on both sides, horrible acts. For years, Palestinians have tried rational, peaceful methods of achieving justice: they have petitioned the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice. They have held thousands of peaceful protests. In the ICC and ICJ, the United States always exercises veto power in Israel’s favor. When it comes to peaceful protests, Israeli soldiers shoot to kill. (The UN Security Council voted on a resolution Wednesday, October 18, merely calling for Israel to pause its bombing to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza – the United States vetoed it. That is not contributing to anything but carnage.) When Palestinians are quiet, the world forgets them, leaving them to Israel’s whims; when they protest peacefully, they are killed. Only when they make a lot of noise does the world finally wake up. October 7th was about as noisy as it gets – and millions are now rallying for a ceasefire and Palestinian rights. The international community carries some of the blame for allowing Israel to oppress Palestinians to the breaking point. That is to say that while each individual member of Hamas is responsible for his own actions – and some or many may have committed atrocities – Israel’s policies of brutal starvation, suffocation, and airstrikes, pushed them into a corner. Israel must own up to that. American foreign policy allowed it, and we must own up to that. The current situation is by no stretch of the imagination all Hamas’ fault. In every war, individuals commit atrocities that are inexcusable. The members of Hamas had just broken out of the world’s largest prison, where they had been brutalized every day by Israel. Violent retribution on the part of some should not surprise us. It is also worth noting that at least some of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas were treated well and with respect – so well that some Israelis wished the truth hadn’t been made public. It is understood that they were not captured to be killed, but to be bargaining chips for the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners wrongly held by Israel. One possible culpability loophole for us everyday folks: if you are one of the millions who know nothing about Palestinians except the October 7 massacre, realize this: our mainstream media has for years been working to keep you in the dark (see this, this, and this, for example). Zionism So. Why did they do it? Do Hamas militants have a deep, inbred hatred of Jews? The one thing most Palestinians know for sure about Jews is that they come in two types: those who embrace Zionism and those who don’t. The people who took over the Palestinian homeland in 1948 and sent 700,000 Palestinians to refugee camps – those were Zionists. The people who, ever since, have dropped bombs, withheld human rights, and stripped Palestinians of their humanity – those are Zionists. Palestinians hate Zionism. Not Judaism. Not Jews (in fact, in the decades before Israel was born, the majority of Jews were against the very idea of a Jewish state; many were anti-Zionist). Palestinians are highly intelligent, highly educated – and their education did not include being “taught to hate Jews.” They didn’t need to be taught to hate their occupier – each boy and girl from Gaza to the West Bank, from East Jerusalem to Israel, figured out all by themselves that the ones shooting their family members and withholding blankets and baby food are despicable. Nor is the distinction between “Jew” and “Zionist” too hard for Palestinians to comprehend. (For some Israel apologists, including but not limited to Jonathan Greenblatt, the distinction between Jew and Zionist is lost. Wait…does that mean Palestinians are smarter than Zionists?) October Seventh The whole world is aware of Hamas’ October 7th attack – its brutality is already legendary. People who should know better are publicly calling them “animals” and “barbarians.” “These are not human beings! They killed babies, raped women.” Look, several thousand militants entered Israel that day. If they were all animals, killing babies and raping women, there would have been a lot more victims (I have yet to see actual evidence of a rapes of Israeli women that day – if you have, please share it with me). Governments lie during wars, and this appears to be one of those times (that said, there is documentation of Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian women (and men, and children) that stretch from Israel’s founding to the present). Members of Hamas and other resistance groups in Gaza absolutely have a cruel streak. Would anyone expect them not to? Israel and its self-proclaimed “most moral army in the world” reinforce their cruel streak with one of the most powerful militaries in the world and (apparently) complete exemption from international law. Key questions Palestinians really have two choices: resist and be labeled “terrorist/subhuman,” or sit quietly and let Israel starve and shoot and humiliate them. There are no good options. (Most can not afford to emigrate, nor do they want to leave their homeland.) Here are the questions we must grapple with. Do Palestinians have the right to be free of Israeli occupation? Do they have the right to self-determination? Do they have the right to a dignified life? These are yes/no questions. They are unrelated to Hamas. Do Palestinians have these rights? If you are grieved by the loss of Israeli life – in spite of Israel’s many sins – but Palestinian casualties still do not move you, what you are feeling is probably not righteous anger, but prejudice. Cleanse your palette of judgmentalism toward two million people for the faults of a few, for being born Palestinian, for desiring a better life. Understand that legitimate grievances, left to fester, will beget hostility and violence. Discern the difference between recognizing these grievances and approving the violence. Acknowledge that America has been complicit in the carnage we’ve witnessed in the past weeks. As long as we cheer for Israel – or stay silent about the slaughter of Palestinians – we are part of the problem. Palestinians are people, and that’s the bottom line. Kathryn Shihadah is an editor and staff writer for If Americans Knew. This is reposted from Patheos – Grace Colored Glasses – Kathy’s blog on Patheos, an online destination to engage in the global dialogue about religion and spirituality. She also occasionally blogs at Palestine Home. RELATED READING: Gaza-Israel: Latest news and statistics (ongoing updates) Sec’y Blinken (indirectly) calls Israel’s treatment of Gazans “barbaric” It’s not just Gaza – Israel is also killing scores in the West Bank Palestinian-American child killed in Illinois: this is what media reports left out In Gaza, she now inhabits a solitary space between life and death VIDEOS: WATCH: What was happening in Gaza BEFORE the Hamas attack that the media didn’t tell you Congress gives 29 standing ovations for president of foreign nation that harms the US Joe Biden: Career Defender of Israel’s Crimes and Impunity Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org https://israelpalestinenews.org/how-to-make-sense-of-the-palestinian-call-for-freedom-and-justice-gaza/
    Essential facts about the Hamas-Gaza-Israel war
    The current situation in Gaza and Israel did not come out of the blue. Read critical background left out of breaking news alerts...
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