• The U.S. Army Orchestra accompanied MUCS Colin Wise from the U.S. Navy Band for a performance of Three Muses in Video Game by Tan Dun at The U.S. Army Band 2024 American Trombone Workshop; LTC Randy Bartel, conducting. #MilitaryMusic #NavyBand #NavyMusic #ArmyMusic #ArmyOrchestra #Orchestra #Trombone #ATW2024 #ATW #Music
    The U.S. Army Orchestra accompanied MUCS Colin Wise from the U.S. Navy Band for a performance of Three Muses in Video Game by Tan Dun at The U.S. Army Band 2024 American Trombone Workshop; LTC Randy Bartel, conducting. #MilitaryMusic #NavyBand #NavyMusic #ArmyMusic #ArmyOrchestra #Orchestra #Trombone #ATW2024 #ATW #Music
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1906 Views
  • The Corbett Report unveils the BBC, a coincidence theory broadcaster – Must read!
    Rhoda WilsonOctober 15, 2023
    James Corbett’s hit piece about the BBC in the style of the BBC’s own hit pieces featuring Marianna Spring, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent. As he says – enjoy!

    Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

    The Beeb: Inside the UK’s coincidence theory broadcaster that shares violence and hate

    By James Corbett, The Corbett Report

    Remember ‘Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers? I Will!!!’, where I shone the spotlight of shame on Marianna Spring, the BBC’s “specialist disinformation correspondent” who was recently busted for having lied about her own work history on her CV?

    And remember my recent Solutions Watch episode on ‘The Newspaper Revolution’, wherein I picked apart ‘The Light: Inside the UK’s conspiracy theory newspaper that shares violence and hate’, a Spring-penned hit piece on Darren Nesbit of The Light newspaper?

    And remember when, in the course of dissecting Spring’s article, I mused that I should write a parody of her style, demonstrating how mindless and risible that flavour of establishment hatchet job “journalism” really is?

    Well, this week I present to you exactly that: a hit piece about the BBC in the style of the BBC’s own hit pieces! Enjoy!

    (Note: All ridiculous grammatical constructions, pompous journalistic syntax and awkward, clunky turns of phrase have been copied directly from Spring’s propaganda piece. Blame her, not me!)

    Marianna Spring, BBC disinfo specialist, got her start in the business by lying on her CV
    The Corbett Report anti-disinformation special correspondent

    A UK coincidence theory broadcaster sharing calls for censoring their journalistic competition, debanking their domestic opposition and executing their foreign opposition and even innocent civilians has links with the British government and with intelligence agencies involved in coups and assassination attempts around the world, The Corbett Report can reveal.

    The BBC, which is seen by at least 1,000 octogenarians who never learned how to change the channel on their 1960s television set and which boasts more than 100 followers on its social media site BBC Online, grew to be a focal point of the UK coincidence theory movement with its pro-vaccine, pro-lockdown stance during the scamdemic.

    In its pages and on its corresponding streaming platform, the BBC has shared hateful and violent rhetoric towards journalists, medics and Members of Parliament, as well as platforming hereditary psychopaths accused of participating in The Great Reset.

    The broadcaster is funded by a tax on televisions masquerading as a “TV licence” and would NEVER be promoted by volunteers in dozens of towns across the country, where local leaders rely on it to promote their false and misleading claims about vaccines, the financial system and climate change, amid other more mundane articles on local politics, health and wellness.

    Articles and content shared by the BBC have called for the government, doctors, nurses and journalists to be punished for refusing to participate in the globalists’ crimes against humanity.

    Recent articles declare “The haters and conspiracy theorists [are] back on Twitter” (despite being unable to back up that claim) and fret about how poor (read: rich), beleaguered (read: pampered) Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky is “grappling with Western war fatigue” (read: average people realising that their government is more concerned with keeping the military-industrial gravy train rolling than with keeping their own government functioning).

    Other posts shared by the BBC on Tumblr (WARNING: do NOT search “bbc” on Tumblr!) have featured hard-hitting news about a 700 year-old vampire skeleton on display in Bulgaria and a deep-dive investigation of a 75-year-old grandma bodybuilder. (And who can forget that classic, award-worthy exemplar of journalism, “Woman wan troway poo-poo, come trap for window“?)

    On Twitter, the broadcaster has also shared and endorsed content from utter psychos and nutjobs, gloating about the death of their rivals and making up fake stories about their political enemies, whilst simultaneously deleting tweets from staffers who admitted that scenes of chemical weapons attacks in Syria were staged for Western media.

    It has also consistently harboured, protected and promoted sexual deviants, including one of the most infamous (royally connected) paedophiles and neocrophiles in modern history.

    Marianna Spring, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent, defended her broadcaster’s history of promoting and defending paedophiles before telling The Light newspaper that these matters are “above my pay grade.”

    If the BBC published a paper, how many people do you think would be volunteering to buy them in bulk and hand them out to people on the street?
    Spring says she isn’t in charge of the BBC’s newsroom, although acknowledges that everyone in said newsroom thinks exactly alike and believes themselves to be arbiters of truth who can tell the little people when they are guilty of wrongthink. Posts are sometimes published uncredited and sometimes appear under the author’s byline.

    Ms. Spring acknowledges that BBC Media Action does indeed receive funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but stresses that BBC Media Action is totally separate from BBC News and how dare you conflate the two. She has published content endorsing the Gates Foundation’s aim of combatting vaccine “hesitancy” by deceiving others about how safe and effective they are.

    The British government has boasted about its use of the BBC as a proxy for controlling news and information abroad, noting that its interests are “well served” by its collaboration with the broadcaster.

    Referring to concerns about the wider coincidence theory movement more generally, the UK’s chief forensic researcher of mainstream propaganda narratives, Iain Davis, has written on his Substack that “[t]he narratives she spring has presented to her BBC audience are riddled with inconsistencies and factual errors” and that “she has routinely ignored evidence without justification and has offered risible supposed ‘facts’ to support, what is clearly, propaganda”. [<-Yes, dear grammar Nazis, it’s the BBC that puts the period outside of the quotation marks, not me! Check the original!]

    Set up in 1922 as a government mouthpiece, the BBC is distributed in about 30 places across the UK such as Brighton, Thetford, Stroud, Plymouth, Oxford, Bristol, Manchester and Glastonbury. Local coincidence theory groups gather at the corner pub several nights a week to discuss the most recent propaganda blared at them through the tele.

    In the Devon town of Totnes, a demotivated minority have been leaving the BBC on in the background while they do the washing up for years. Its former town Mayor Ben Piper says he first became a key target of the conspiracy realist movement there because of his role enforcing draconian, anti-human lockdown policies, as dictated by his globalist overlords.

    Former mayor of Totnes Ben Piper says everything bad that happens to him (including when he stubbed his toe yesterday) is probably the result of things that weren’t written about him by those independent journalist meanies.
    He fears that every unpleasant incident that happens in his personal life is now a direct result of the free flow of information enabled by independent media platforms and implies that the world will not be safe until every last citizen journalist has been jailed and news can be delivered only via the mockingbird repeaters of the BBC.

    “There was an aggression that bled through the editorial that was not as innocent as it was making out to be,” he says about an unflattering piece about him that appeared in The Light, apparently unaware that his statement is an admission that the article didn’t actually say anything aggressive in the first place and that he can only construe it as incitement by reading what was not written on the page.

    The BBC’s disinformation specialist, Marianna Spring, comes from a posh London family and claims that her experience watching BBC World News on holiday was what set her on her path to becoming a “brilliant reporter” who can’t even tell the truth about her own work background in a job application. She agreed to speak to Darren Nesbit of The Light, only on the condition that she can ask him questions and record the interview too.

    For her, everything from financial turmoil to climate change and 9/11 terror attacks in the US are random things that happen for absolutely no reason whatsoever and anyone who disbelieves whatever the TV tells them about these issues is a loony who deserve to be denounced, debanked and depersoned. She thinks the scamdemic was just one step towards doing that.

    The BBC has featured multiple radio and television series presented by Jimmy Savile, perhaps the most notorious paedophile of the 20th century. Savile abused his BBC connections to rape children all across Britain for decades with complete impunity, receiving a knighthood from Queen Elizardbeast in the process. Upon his death, the BBC lauded Savile as an “established showbusiness figure” and a “leading charity worker,” praising his “benevolent persona” and gushing over all the money he raised for charity.

    “It’s my job to report on the areas that I do and there are teams at the BBC who specialise in covering health, for example,” Ms. Spring says. She reiterates again and again that “I’m not a health reporter”. (<-Again, that damn period outside the quotation marks. Come on, BBC style guide, you’re killing me here!)

    “I think we have to weaponise those same tactics [of emotional manipulation] in the journalism we do and bring stuff to life so that people understand the impact it has and so that we can engage them in a range of formats.”

    Spring directly defended a comically fake scene known as the BBC Syrian Zombie footage (ref: 34:20 mark), which was staged for the BBC cameras by the terrorists attempting to overthrow the Syrian government.

    BBC Panorama – Saving Syria’s Children: The infamous Panorama documentary broadcast on 30 September 2013 which included faked sequences purporting to show the aftermath of an incendiary bomb attack on a school in Aleppo, Syria, on 26 August 2013. See further information HERE.
    Marianna Spring believes this footage is real. Let that sink in.

    Ms. Spring asserts that “those people are not acting”, maintaining that “it’s actually quite disturbing, if I’m honest”.

    Nesbit asks her whether she thinks BBC censorship of dissenting opinions about the safety of covid vaccines could result in harm.

    She replies, “They’ve covered the vaccine rollout. They’ve covered the side effects. They’ve covered all kinds of things”.

    She tells Nesbit that the BBC doesn’t deny that a teeny-weeny eeny-meenie totally insignificant fraction of a sliver of a percentage point of people might have a slight reaction to (read: die suddenly from) the clot shots. But, Ms. Spring also says, “the number of people that would and could have died of Covid 19 is really, really high”.

    Nesbit directly asks her, “imagine if you found out that everything that you’ve been doing is wrong. Everything that the BBC was doing is wrong. How would that feel?”

    She replies, “I mean, but that’s just not the case”.

    Throughout the interview, Ms. Spring claims to be on the side of truth and accuracy—and then gives cryptic answers, which seem to contradict that.

    YouTube has not responded to the TCR’s request for comment about why it has allowed the BBC and other coincidence theory broadcasters to share violent and hateful rhetoric.

    Research carried out by multiple ratings agencies backs up the idea that calls to action endorsed by coincidence theory media like the BBC are now being ignored by nearly everyone.

    Recent data shows audiences are abandoning the BBC in droves, with every BBC radio station losing audience share last year, its TV news network losing a million viewers this year, and the broadcaster now facing an “existential crisis” over the mass of people who are refusing to pay their TV licence extortion fee. The average Brit is more likely to care what Karl Pilkington thinks about the news of the week than what that sex pest Huw Edwards or any of the other weirdos employed by Auntie Beeb think about it.

    “The BBC is part of a system of thought control complicit in the deaths of millions of people abroad, in severe political oppression at home, and in the possible termination of human life on this planet,” write Media Lens contributors David Edward and David Cromwell, who have studied the BBC.

    “In truth, the BBC’s relationship with the establishment was accurately summarised long ago, in a single diary entry made by the BBC’s own founder, Lord Reith: ‘They know they can trust us not to be really impartial.’”

    Marianna Spring defends the broadcaster’s right to publish opinions associated with the deep state.
    As well as links with the British foreign office and intelligence services (but I repeat myself), the BBC has counterpart government-funded mouthpiece broadcasters in Canada and Australia.

    Many media whistleblowers have spoken about their concerns over how extreme the BBC’s propaganda has become.

    They say some of the BBC’s key trustees and personnel are directly connected to intelligence agencies, government offices and corporate and financial executives.

    One of the whistleblowers, journalist Tony Gosling, who stopped working for the Beeb in 1993, writes, “Today’s broadcasting executives are being drafted in straight from the Temple of Mammon,” citing the BBC’s takeover by banking executives, an apparent reference to their 2014 appointment of former HSBC director Rona Fairhead as chair of the BBC Trust.

    As of press time, Eric Blair was unavailable for comment on how far the BBC has devolved into outright propaganda, warmongering and disinformation, but a strange rolling sound could be heard coming from his grave.

    [Related: James Corbett: The BBC was clearly exposed as part of the propaganda machine in 2013 and BBC wants to be the sole source of truth and it’s getting roasted for it.]

    The Corbett Report: The BBC Exposed (2013), 7 October 2023 (54 mins)
    About the Author

    The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open-source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.

    It is edited, web mastered, written, produced and hosted by award-winning investigative journalist James Corbett. To support The Corbett Report and receive its newsletter, sign up to become a member of the website HERE.

    Featured image: Marianna Spring (left). Book cover for ‘Is That True or Did You Hear It on the BBC?: Disinformation and the BBC’ by David Sedgwick (right).

    The Corbett Report unveils the BBC, a coincidence theory broadcaster – Must read! Rhoda WilsonOctober 15, 2023 James Corbett’s hit piece about the BBC in the style of the BBC’s own hit pieces featuring Marianna Spring, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent. As he says – enjoy! Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… The Beeb: Inside the UK’s coincidence theory broadcaster that shares violence and hate By James Corbett, The Corbett Report Remember ‘Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers? I Will!!!’, where I shone the spotlight of shame on Marianna Spring, the BBC’s “specialist disinformation correspondent” who was recently busted for having lied about her own work history on her CV? And remember my recent Solutions Watch episode on ‘The Newspaper Revolution’, wherein I picked apart ‘The Light: Inside the UK’s conspiracy theory newspaper that shares violence and hate’, a Spring-penned hit piece on Darren Nesbit of The Light newspaper? And remember when, in the course of dissecting Spring’s article, I mused that I should write a parody of her style, demonstrating how mindless and risible that flavour of establishment hatchet job “journalism” really is? Well, this week I present to you exactly that: a hit piece about the BBC in the style of the BBC’s own hit pieces! Enjoy! (Note: All ridiculous grammatical constructions, pompous journalistic syntax and awkward, clunky turns of phrase have been copied directly from Spring’s propaganda piece. Blame her, not me!) Marianna Spring, BBC disinfo specialist, got her start in the business by lying on her CV The Corbett Report anti-disinformation special correspondent A UK coincidence theory broadcaster sharing calls for censoring their journalistic competition, debanking their domestic opposition and executing their foreign opposition and even innocent civilians has links with the British government and with intelligence agencies involved in coups and assassination attempts around the world, The Corbett Report can reveal. The BBC, which is seen by at least 1,000 octogenarians who never learned how to change the channel on their 1960s television set and which boasts more than 100 followers on its social media site BBC Online, grew to be a focal point of the UK coincidence theory movement with its pro-vaccine, pro-lockdown stance during the scamdemic. In its pages and on its corresponding streaming platform, the BBC has shared hateful and violent rhetoric towards journalists, medics and Members of Parliament, as well as platforming hereditary psychopaths accused of participating in The Great Reset. The broadcaster is funded by a tax on televisions masquerading as a “TV licence” and would NEVER be promoted by volunteers in dozens of towns across the country, where local leaders rely on it to promote their false and misleading claims about vaccines, the financial system and climate change, amid other more mundane articles on local politics, health and wellness. Articles and content shared by the BBC have called for the government, doctors, nurses and journalists to be punished for refusing to participate in the globalists’ crimes against humanity. Recent articles declare “The haters and conspiracy theorists [are] back on Twitter” (despite being unable to back up that claim) and fret about how poor (read: rich), beleaguered (read: pampered) Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky is “grappling with Western war fatigue” (read: average people realising that their government is more concerned with keeping the military-industrial gravy train rolling than with keeping their own government functioning). Other posts shared by the BBC on Tumblr (WARNING: do NOT search “bbc” on Tumblr!) have featured hard-hitting news about a 700 year-old vampire skeleton on display in Bulgaria and a deep-dive investigation of a 75-year-old grandma bodybuilder. (And who can forget that classic, award-worthy exemplar of journalism, “Woman wan troway poo-poo, come trap for window“?) On Twitter, the broadcaster has also shared and endorsed content from utter psychos and nutjobs, gloating about the death of their rivals and making up fake stories about their political enemies, whilst simultaneously deleting tweets from staffers who admitted that scenes of chemical weapons attacks in Syria were staged for Western media. It has also consistently harboured, protected and promoted sexual deviants, including one of the most infamous (royally connected) paedophiles and neocrophiles in modern history. Marianna Spring, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent, defended her broadcaster’s history of promoting and defending paedophiles before telling The Light newspaper that these matters are “above my pay grade.” If the BBC published a paper, how many people do you think would be volunteering to buy them in bulk and hand them out to people on the street? Spring says she isn’t in charge of the BBC’s newsroom, although acknowledges that everyone in said newsroom thinks exactly alike and believes themselves to be arbiters of truth who can tell the little people when they are guilty of wrongthink. Posts are sometimes published uncredited and sometimes appear under the author’s byline. Ms. Spring acknowledges that BBC Media Action does indeed receive funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but stresses that BBC Media Action is totally separate from BBC News and how dare you conflate the two. She has published content endorsing the Gates Foundation’s aim of combatting vaccine “hesitancy” by deceiving others about how safe and effective they are. The British government has boasted about its use of the BBC as a proxy for controlling news and information abroad, noting that its interests are “well served” by its collaboration with the broadcaster. Referring to concerns about the wider coincidence theory movement more generally, the UK’s chief forensic researcher of mainstream propaganda narratives, Iain Davis, has written on his Substack that “[t]he narratives she [Spring] has presented to her BBC audience are riddled with inconsistencies and factual errors” and that “she has routinely ignored evidence without justification and has offered risible supposed ‘facts’ to support, what is clearly, propaganda”. [<-Yes, dear grammar Nazis, it’s the BBC that puts the period outside of the quotation marks, not me! Check the original!] Set up in 1922 as a government mouthpiece, the BBC is distributed in about 30 places across the UK such as Brighton, Thetford, Stroud, Plymouth, Oxford, Bristol, Manchester and Glastonbury. Local coincidence theory groups gather at the corner pub several nights a week to discuss the most recent propaganda blared at them through the tele. In the Devon town of Totnes, a demotivated minority have been leaving the BBC on in the background while they do the washing up for years. Its former town Mayor Ben Piper says he first became a key target of the conspiracy realist movement there because of his role enforcing draconian, anti-human lockdown policies, as dictated by his globalist overlords. Former mayor of Totnes Ben Piper says everything bad that happens to him (including when he stubbed his toe yesterday) is probably the result of things that weren’t written about him by those independent journalist meanies. He fears that every unpleasant incident that happens in his personal life is now a direct result of the free flow of information enabled by independent media platforms and implies that the world will not be safe until every last citizen journalist has been jailed and news can be delivered only via the mockingbird repeaters of the BBC. “There was an aggression that bled through the editorial that was not as innocent as it was making out to be,” he says about an unflattering piece about him that appeared in The Light, apparently unaware that his statement is an admission that the article didn’t actually say anything aggressive in the first place and that he can only construe it as incitement by reading what was not written on the page. The BBC’s disinformation specialist, Marianna Spring, comes from a posh London family and claims that her experience watching BBC World News on holiday was what set her on her path to becoming a “brilliant reporter” who can’t even tell the truth about her own work background in a job application. She agreed to speak to Darren Nesbit of The Light, only on the condition that she can ask him questions and record the interview too. For her, everything from financial turmoil to climate change and 9/11 terror attacks in the US are random things that happen for absolutely no reason whatsoever and anyone who disbelieves whatever the TV tells them about these issues is a loony who deserve to be denounced, debanked and depersoned. She thinks the scamdemic was just one step towards doing that. The BBC has featured multiple radio and television series presented by Jimmy Savile, perhaps the most notorious paedophile of the 20th century. Savile abused his BBC connections to rape children all across Britain for decades with complete impunity, receiving a knighthood from Queen Elizardbeast in the process. Upon his death, the BBC lauded Savile as an “established showbusiness figure” and a “leading charity worker,” praising his “benevolent persona” and gushing over all the money he raised for charity. “It’s my job to report on the areas that I do and there are teams at the BBC who specialise in covering health, for example,” Ms. Spring says. She reiterates again and again that “I’m not a health reporter”. (<-Again, that damn period outside the quotation marks. Come on, BBC style guide, you’re killing me here!) “I think we have to weaponise those same tactics [of emotional manipulation] in the journalism we do and bring stuff to life so that people understand the impact it has and so that we can engage them in a range of formats.” Spring directly defended a comically fake scene known as the BBC Syrian Zombie footage (ref: 34:20 mark), which was staged for the BBC cameras by the terrorists attempting to overthrow the Syrian government. BBC Panorama – Saving Syria’s Children: The infamous Panorama documentary broadcast on 30 September 2013 which included faked sequences purporting to show the aftermath of an incendiary bomb attack on a school in Aleppo, Syria, on 26 August 2013. See further information HERE. Marianna Spring believes this footage is real. Let that sink in. Ms. Spring asserts that “those people are not acting”, maintaining that “it’s actually quite disturbing, if I’m honest”. Nesbit asks her whether she thinks BBC censorship of dissenting opinions about the safety of covid vaccines could result in harm. She replies, “They’ve covered the vaccine rollout. They’ve covered the side effects. They’ve covered all kinds of things”. She tells Nesbit that the BBC doesn’t deny that a teeny-weeny eeny-meenie totally insignificant fraction of a sliver of a percentage point of people might have a slight reaction to (read: die suddenly from) the clot shots. But, Ms. Spring also says, “the number of people that would and could have died of Covid 19 is really, really high”. Nesbit directly asks her, “imagine if you found out that everything that you’ve been doing is wrong. Everything that the BBC was doing is wrong. How would that feel?” She replies, “I mean, but that’s just not the case”. Throughout the interview, Ms. Spring claims to be on the side of truth and accuracy—and then gives cryptic answers, which seem to contradict that. YouTube has not responded to the TCR’s request for comment about why it has allowed the BBC and other coincidence theory broadcasters to share violent and hateful rhetoric. Research carried out by multiple ratings agencies backs up the idea that calls to action endorsed by coincidence theory media like the BBC are now being ignored by nearly everyone. Recent data shows audiences are abandoning the BBC in droves, with every BBC radio station losing audience share last year, its TV news network losing a million viewers this year, and the broadcaster now facing an “existential crisis” over the mass of people who are refusing to pay their TV licence extortion fee. The average Brit is more likely to care what Karl Pilkington thinks about the news of the week than what that sex pest Huw Edwards or any of the other weirdos employed by Auntie Beeb think about it. “The BBC is part of a system of thought control complicit in the deaths of millions of people abroad, in severe political oppression at home, and in the possible termination of human life on this planet,” write Media Lens contributors David Edward and David Cromwell, who have studied the BBC. “In truth, the BBC’s relationship with the establishment was accurately summarised long ago, in a single diary entry made by the BBC’s own founder, Lord Reith: ‘They know they can trust us not to be really impartial.’” Marianna Spring defends the broadcaster’s right to publish opinions associated with the deep state. As well as links with the British foreign office and intelligence services (but I repeat myself), the BBC has counterpart government-funded mouthpiece broadcasters in Canada and Australia. Many media whistleblowers have spoken about their concerns over how extreme the BBC’s propaganda has become. They say some of the BBC’s key trustees and personnel are directly connected to intelligence agencies, government offices and corporate and financial executives. One of the whistleblowers, journalist Tony Gosling, who stopped working for the Beeb in 1993, writes, “Today’s broadcasting executives are being drafted in straight from the Temple of Mammon,” citing the BBC’s takeover by banking executives, an apparent reference to their 2014 appointment of former HSBC director Rona Fairhead as chair of the BBC Trust. As of press time, Eric Blair was unavailable for comment on how far the BBC has devolved into outright propaganda, warmongering and disinformation, but a strange rolling sound could be heard coming from his grave. [Related: James Corbett: The BBC was clearly exposed as part of the propaganda machine in 2013 and BBC wants to be the sole source of truth and it’s getting roasted for it.] The Corbett Report: The BBC Exposed (2013), 7 October 2023 (54 mins) About the Author The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open-source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more. It is edited, web mastered, written, produced and hosted by award-winning investigative journalist James Corbett. To support The Corbett Report and receive its newsletter, sign up to become a member of the website HERE. Featured image: Marianna Spring (left). Book cover for ‘Is That True or Did You Hear It on the BBC?: Disinformation and the BBC’ by David Sedgwick (right). https://expose-news.com/2023/10/15/bbc-coincidence-theory-broadcaster/
    The Corbett Report unveils the BBC, a coincidence theory broadcaster – Must read!
    James Corbett’s hit piece about the BBC in the style of the BBC’s own hit pieces featuring Marianna Spring, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent. As he says &#8…
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 23394 Views
  • Israel, Gaza Genocide, Holocaust Hysteria
    And a Grand Unified Theory of wildly esoteric topics

    Kevin Barrett

    Israel’s genocide trial at the ICJ is the big story for tomorrow’s False Flag Weekly News. I’ll also be discussing it with Ron Unz on tonight’s live radio show in the context of his new article “American Pravda: Israel and the Holocaust Hoax.” Ron follows another broadminded physicist, Josh Mitteldorf, who proposes a sort of Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory of esoteric topics (UFOs, ESP, breakaway civilizations, etc.) in his article “Anomalies, mysteries, conspiracies…maybe they are all related.” Listen live, noon to 2 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio.

    New Quora post:

    What would you say to people who argue that the election of Morocco to lead the United Nations Human Rights Council demonstrates the council's lack of credibility?

    Kevin Barrett

    writer (2017–present) 20h

    It is unfortunate that South Africa’s government, whose prosecution of Israel for genocide is a monumental step forward for human rights, is bad-mouthing Morocco out of jealousy.

    There are very few nations on Earth with commendable human rights records. Morocco’s, like almost all other nations’, is a mixed bag. But overall it compares favorably with the competition. Moroccan police, security, soldiers, and government officials are (in general) vastly more decent, humane, and personable in their treatment of ordinary people than are, say, their US equivalents.

    One of the reasons I moved to Morocco is because basic freedoms are no longer respected in the USA. My American academic career was destroyed because certain powerful interest groups didn’t like my research on 9/11. Those same interest groups later rolled back free speech on the internet. They imposed draconian lockdowns, masking, and mandatory vaccinations. And they have terrorized American professors who support Palestine.

    Here in Morocco I can say pretty much whatever I like as long as I don’t insult the King or deny Morocco’s sovereignty over its territory. If there is ever another biowar scamdemic, I know that the enforcement of Orwellian measures will be, at worst, sporadic and desultory.

    Morocco doesn’t send its armed forces all over the world massacring people like the US does. It doesn’t imprison people for questioning World War II propaganda, like Europe does. It generally doesn’t treat political troublemakers with brutality the way many other Arab countries do.

    The worst thing you can say about Morocco is that it is trying to have good relations with the genocidal state of Israel. That’s unfortunate, but doesn’t detract from the fact that Morocco is overall a pretty good country with regard to respect for human rights.

    Finally, Cat McGuire along with her sister and friend visited us in Saidia this week and became the first guests of Al-Khadir International House. After they left I asked them to send a picture of me and Cat. I meant Cat McGuire, of course, but they sent this instead:

    Muse the Cat greets his legion of fans

    Israel, Gaza Genocide, Holocaust Hysteria And a Grand Unified Theory of wildly esoteric topics Kevin Barrett Israel’s genocide trial at the ICJ is the big story for tomorrow’s False Flag Weekly News. I’ll also be discussing it with Ron Unz on tonight’s live radio show in the context of his new article “American Pravda: Israel and the Holocaust Hoax.” Ron follows another broadminded physicist, Josh Mitteldorf, who proposes a sort of Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory of esoteric topics (UFOs, ESP, breakaway civilizations, etc.) in his article “Anomalies, mysteries, conspiracies…maybe they are all related.” Listen live, noon to 2 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio. New Quora post: What would you say to people who argue that the election of Morocco to lead the United Nations Human Rights Council demonstrates the council's lack of credibility? Kevin Barrett writer (2017–present) 20h It is unfortunate that South Africa’s government, whose prosecution of Israel for genocide is a monumental step forward for human rights, is bad-mouthing Morocco out of jealousy. There are very few nations on Earth with commendable human rights records. Morocco’s, like almost all other nations’, is a mixed bag. But overall it compares favorably with the competition. Moroccan police, security, soldiers, and government officials are (in general) vastly more decent, humane, and personable in their treatment of ordinary people than are, say, their US equivalents. One of the reasons I moved to Morocco is because basic freedoms are no longer respected in the USA. My American academic career was destroyed because certain powerful interest groups didn’t like my research on 9/11. Those same interest groups later rolled back free speech on the internet. They imposed draconian lockdowns, masking, and mandatory vaccinations. And they have terrorized American professors who support Palestine. Here in Morocco I can say pretty much whatever I like as long as I don’t insult the King or deny Morocco’s sovereignty over its territory. If there is ever another biowar scamdemic, I know that the enforcement of Orwellian measures will be, at worst, sporadic and desultory. Morocco doesn’t send its armed forces all over the world massacring people like the US does. It doesn’t imprison people for questioning World War II propaganda, like Europe does. It generally doesn’t treat political troublemakers with brutality the way many other Arab countries do. The worst thing you can say about Morocco is that it is trying to have good relations with the genocidal state of Israel. That’s unfortunate, but doesn’t detract from the fact that Morocco is overall a pretty good country with regard to respect for human rights. Finally, Cat McGuire along with her sister and friend visited us in Saidia this week and became the first guests of Al-Khadir International House. After they left I asked them to send a picture of me and Cat. I meant Cat McGuire, of course, but they sent this instead: Muse the Cat greets his legion of fans https://open.substack.com/pub/kevinbarrett/p/israel-gaza-genocide-holocaust-hysteria?r=29hg4d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
    Israel, Gaza Genocide, Holocaust Hysteria
    And a Grand Unified Theory of wildly esoteric topics
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 8406 Views
  • Wikipedia’s Smear Piece on WCH Represents a Badge of Honour
    The World Council for Health's message of health sovereignty is clearly a threat to the establishment.

    World Council for Health
    Written by World Council for Health Correspondent Alice Ashwell, PhD.

    They say that you pick up the most flack when you’re right over the target.

    Since the Covid phenomenon began, the degree of flack has become a navigational aid in the pursuit of Truth. Wikipedia’s hit piece on the World Council for Health (WCH) is evidence that their message of health sovereignty has become a threat to the establishment.

    Brainwashing goes global

    Ever more brazenly over the past four years, members of the ‘Great Reset Establishment’ have been involved in a process of what Psychoanalyst Dr Bruce Scott calls ‘menticide’, or brainwashing on a global scale. Through the unethical use of applied psychology, governments, corporations, and organisations around the world have been manipulating the masses into compliance with their globalist agenda.

    Whether the issue has been Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, economic meltdown, or climate hysteria, the outcome has been an environment of heightened fear and uncertainty. People seeking direction have been subjected to unprecedented levels of propaganda and censorship, which have added to the confusion by creating a ‘through-the-looking-glass’ world in which it feels like truths have become lies, and vice versa.

    If this content is important to you, please share it with your network.


    Wikipedia - no longer reliable

    One of the ‘trusted’ sources we have become accustomed to turning to when seeking information on a host of topics is Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. This online encyclopedia was established in 2001 with the aim of being a free, open, and neutral source of information that anyone could access and edit. The idea was that all sides of controversial issues would be welcomed and readers would be left to make up their own minds. But, as Wikipedia co-founder-turned-critic Larry Sanger complained in an interview with Glenn Greenwald in July 2023, “It didn’t work out that way.”

    Over time, the platform has moved away from its non-negotiable editorial policy that content should strive to reflect a ‘neutral point of view’ (NPOV). As Kristin Heflin described in her PhD thesis in 2010, this means that:

    … all Wikipedia content must represent―fairly, proportionately, and as far as possible without bias, all significant views that have been published by reliable sources. By insisting articles represent [―] all significant views without bias, the policy of striving for NPOV shares similarities with objectivity … (p. 89)

    In 2015, Heather Ford observed in her D. Phil. Thesis that Wikipedia was by that time offering “a skewed representation of the world that favours some groups at the expense of others” (p. 3). She continued:

    Instead of everyone having the same power to represent their views on Wikipedia, those who understand how to perform and speak according to Wikipedia's complex technical, symbolic and policy vocabulary tend to prevail over those who possess disciplinary knowledge about the subject being represented.

    This means that Wikipedia is able to decide which facts are stabilised or destabilised on its platform, according to the ideological positions of its editors. While Wikipedia originally provided the opportunity for people to publish without the need for gatekeepers or mediators, this is no longer the case. Especially since the Covid-19 event boosted the fortunes of the Censorship Industrial Complex, Wikipedians have become foot soldiers in the battle to scrub from the Internet information they consider to be mis-, dis-, or mal-information.

    Larry Sanger, in the interview mentioned above, described how he has watched Wikipedia’s neutrality evaporate over the years, shifting around 2005 to establishment views on topics like global warming and certain drugs, and starting to show bias against holistic medicine in the early 2010s. Its reliable sources of information are now left-of-centre media corporations such as CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times, while in their policies 80% of news sources on the right are deemed unreliable. Independent news outlets and self-published subject experts are also not able to edit a Wikipedia page. Before it is deemed acceptable, information needs to be filtered through a mainstream news source, which in turn is constrained by fact-checking services.

    Misrepresenting Covid dissidents

    The World Council for Health (WCH) is one of many organisations and individuals who have been defamed by Wikipedia since the advent of Covid-19. As discussed at the WCH’s 83rd General Assembly meeting in April 2023, this has been part of a much broader strategy to silence dissent with regard to the so-called pandemic and its protocols.

    WCH was established to challenge the official Covid response and its Wikipedia article was created in September 2022. The current Wikipedia entry is fairly close to the original version, although it has been edited a number of times. However, a number of Wikipedia pages created prior to Covid-19 have been completely amended since 2020, resulting in a ‘hero-to-zero’ fall from grace for people such as the author Dr Vernon Coleman (compare his October 2019 entry with the current article), and the early developer of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr Robert Malone, whose role in this invention has been deleted from the page on mRNA vaccines.

    Who’s fact-checking the fact-checkers? A trio of independent media creators—Derrick Broze, Jason Bassler & Joe Martino—reveal their eye-opening shared experience in dealing with fact-checkers and censorship dating back years before Covid-19 emerged.

    Scarcely worth commenting on … but we shall!

    Let’s take a look at the WCH Wikipedia article (accessed 18 December 2023) to see just how deeply flawed and factually incorrect it is.

    Firstly, the content – comprising just eight paragraphs – is entirely inadequate. Other than stating that the organisation “appears to have been formed in September 2021” [emphasis mine], and that it was “founded by Jennifer A. Hibberd and Tess Lawrie”, nothing substantive is mentioned about what WCH is or what it does, despite its goals, values, and initiatives being clearly represented on its website and social media channels.

    Secondly, most of the article attempts to smear WCH by association. The bulk of the content refers to people or organisations who are part of the broader health freedom network but neither WCH staff nor council members, including Robert F Kennedy Jr of Children’s Health Defense and esteemed cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra. Wikipedia maligns these experts for their efforts to cancel the rollout of the experimental Covid-19 gene therapies which, contrary to the protestations of the fact-checkers, have caused millions of deaths worldwide. Ironically, Wikipedia accuses Dr Malhotra of “cherry-picking” sources to substantiate his concerns about the jab, yet they themselves cherry-pick tangential content and questionable opinions from, with only two exceptions, rather dubious sources.

    So, thirdly, let’s have a look at the references Wikipedia uses to back up its potentially libelous statements.

    The reference to Kerr et. al (March 2022) is simply a brief Erratum, noting that some of the authors of the paper quoted were using ivermectin to treat patients, which one would expect as they were reporting on its efficacy.

    The flawed Cochrane Review by Popp et. al (2022) that criticised a systematic review by Bryant et. al (2021) on the use of ivermectin to prevent and treat Covid-19 was thoroughly debunked in a letter sent to them by Fordham and colleagues in September 2021, but this has not been acknowledged on Wikipedia. The Bryant et al review remains in the top 10 most read out of 23 million tracked scientific papers.

    Three references are to fact-checking sites: AAP FactCheck (Australia), AFP Fact Check (France), and Health Feedback (USA), which employ teams of people to prevent the dissemination of information that is not in line with the menticidal narratives of the Great Reset Establishment.

    Four of the nine sources come from two Vice magazine journalists, Anna Merlan and Tim Hume. Their articles are replete with worn-out terms such as right-wing, conspiracy theorist, Covid-denier, anti-vaxxer, and mis-/disinformation-peddler. They also predictably take issue with ivermectin, common law, and even the notion of sovereign citizens! The tone of the articles ranges from wryly dismissive to scathingly scornful, with words such as discredited, nonsense, completely false, misleading, and fringe peppering the text. They also delight in reporting cases of doctors and scientists who have been barred from their professions for refusing to deny their professional oaths and personal principles. Underlying the supercilious slurs, however, runs a definite current of concern that these ‘discredited conspiracy theorists’ who are promoting health, freedom, and human rights may actually be gaining traction.

    Larry Sanger reflects on how far Wikipedia has departed from its original commitment to neutrality by pointing out the features of biased reporting, all of which apply to the Wikipedia article on WCH:

    negative information is so predominant that readers can infer that the authors harbor great hatred, resentment, or strong disapproval of the subject (especially when the target has a popular following among many ordinary people);

    dismissive epithets and judgments are used in Wikipedia’s own voice; or

    what a person is legitimately famous for is omitted, dismissed, or misrepresented

    While WCH might wish to create a more accurate Wikipedia entry, this is not possible. According to the view source button, only registered users are allowed to edit this article. In other words, WCH has no right of reply.

    Wikipedia, like a child having a tantrum, refuses point-blank to engage with those people and ideas it just WILL NOT acknowledge.
    Is there a future for Wikipedia?

    Why anyone would bother to search Wikipedia for information about WCH, which has a perfectly informative website and Substack, is anyone’s guess. But the more Wikipedia produces atrocious articles like the one on WCH, the faster they will lose credibility among those who simply want information and do not have an ideological axe to grind.

    In fact, it is worth subjecting this article to a well-known credibility test developed by California State University, and appropriately named the CRAAP test!

    Its five components (plus comments on the WCH article) include:

    Currency: Is the source up-to-date? – No, for one thing, it does not mention WCH’s second conference in 2023. Although editing of the Wikipedia article continues, no up-to-date information has been added.

    Relevance: Is the source relevant to your research? – Not if one wants to know anything about WCH. But it has been very relevant to an investigation into the decline and fall of Wikipedia.

    Authority: Where is the source published? Who is the author? Are they considered reputable and trustworthy in their field? – Absolutely not. Wikipedia’s policy on Reliable Sources specifically discounts independent experts in favour of large news corporations, which are committed to promoting Establishment narratives.

    Accuracy: Is the source supported by evidence? Are the claims cited correctly? – Not at all. Please visit the WCH website to confirm this.

    Purpose: What was the motive behind publishing this source? – The only purpose appears to be to discredit WCH.

    At least in the case of the WCH article, Wikipedia’s credibility is clearly questionable. More broadly, Wikipedia co-founder, Larry Sanger, believes that the platform can no longer be trusted. Observing that it has become a useful propaganda mouthpiece for the Establishment, he mused: “If only one version of the facts is allowed, then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power.”

    Indeed, in recent years, Google has invested substantially in the Wikipedia Foundation, paying them to provide the “most accurate and up-to-date information” for its search engine. Google is now elevating Wikipedia articles in Internet searches, using their content to populate their ‘knowledge panels’, and inserting their articles under videos on YouTube (its subsidiary) in an effort “to fight misinformation and conspiracy theories.” In this way, the actual spreaders of misinformation flood the Internet with their post-truth propaganda, causing those who value Truth, Beauty, and Goodness to look elsewhere for information.

    What is particularly interesting, though, is that the Wikipedia edifice may be crumbling from within. Thanks to the transparency of the Wikimedia system, one is able to peer behind the curtain into the online discussions of the various editors working on a particular article. And here we discover dissention in the ranks. Recent discussions between Wikipedia editors working on the WCH article reveal anything but agreement regarding this flimsy hit-piece. For example, one editor asks why the article on WCH focuses on Dr Lawrie. The person then asks why Dr Lawrie’s qualifications, directorship, publication record, and over 4,000 citations are not mentioned (actually Dr Lawrie has over 5,000 citations and is ranked among the top 5% of Researchgate scientists), but only her prior role as an obstetrician. It is encouraging to read the following comment:

    Science is research and debate, not dogma; even in the case Lawrie could be wrong on some things, that doesnt's [sic.] make her a conspiracy theorist, but a good researcher. Suppression of scientific debate is not scientific method.

    Later, and for good reason, concerns are expressed about the use of Vice magazine as a ‘reliable source’ (RS).

    Anna Merlan, author of three of the Vice articles.

    WCH’s Wikipedia experience is the tip of a very large iceberg of censorship and suppression (Shi-Raz et al. 2023) that, especially over the past four years, has been threatening to sink those opposing Establishment narratives. Media and tech companies, including Wikipedia, Google, and the fact-checkers mentioned in this article, have played a central role in stifling debate and attempting to constrain narratives and minds. But, as Larry Sanger puts it, “people have natural BS detectors” and are not satisfied with condescending journalists or one flavour of opinion.

    Instead, as described by Shi-Raz et al., many people who are concerned about public health and committed to freedom of speech have not been deterred by the efforts of the Establishment. Instead, they have been motivated to create a world in parallel to the mainstream, using alternative channels of communication, establishing multi-disciplinary support networks, and developing alternative medical and health information systems such as, of course, the World Council for Health.

    And, recognising the decline of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger is in the process of creating what he calls the ‘Encyclosphere’, a massive network of online encyclopaedias covering a plethora of specialist and generalist areas of knowledge, that is set to literally put Wikipedia in its place as an equal among many others.

    So, while Wikipedia spends an inordinate amount of time, energy, and money on a business that not only lacks substance but is also mean-spirited and divisive, initiatives like WCH and the Encyclosphere shine like candles in the dark, illuminating a better way.


    If you find value in this Substack and have the means, please consider making a contribution to support the World Council for Health. Thank you.

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    Give Direct to WCH

    Wikipedia’s Smear Piece on WCH Represents a Badge of Honour The World Council for Health's message of health sovereignty is clearly a threat to the establishment. World Council for Health Written by World Council for Health Correspondent Alice Ashwell, PhD. They say that you pick up the most flack when you’re right over the target. Since the Covid phenomenon began, the degree of flack has become a navigational aid in the pursuit of Truth. Wikipedia’s hit piece on the World Council for Health (WCH) is evidence that their message of health sovereignty has become a threat to the establishment. Brainwashing goes global Ever more brazenly over the past four years, members of the ‘Great Reset Establishment’ have been involved in a process of what Psychoanalyst Dr Bruce Scott calls ‘menticide’, or brainwashing on a global scale. Through the unethical use of applied psychology, governments, corporations, and organisations around the world have been manipulating the masses into compliance with their globalist agenda. Whether the issue has been Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, economic meltdown, or climate hysteria, the outcome has been an environment of heightened fear and uncertainty. People seeking direction have been subjected to unprecedented levels of propaganda and censorship, which have added to the confusion by creating a ‘through-the-looking-glass’ world in which it feels like truths have become lies, and vice versa. If this content is important to you, please share it with your network. Share Wikipedia - no longer reliable One of the ‘trusted’ sources we have become accustomed to turning to when seeking information on a host of topics is Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. This online encyclopedia was established in 2001 with the aim of being a free, open, and neutral source of information that anyone could access and edit. The idea was that all sides of controversial issues would be welcomed and readers would be left to make up their own minds. But, as Wikipedia co-founder-turned-critic Larry Sanger complained in an interview with Glenn Greenwald in July 2023, “It didn’t work out that way.” Over time, the platform has moved away from its non-negotiable editorial policy that content should strive to reflect a ‘neutral point of view’ (NPOV). As Kristin Heflin described in her PhD thesis in 2010, this means that: … all Wikipedia content must represent―fairly, proportionately, and as far as possible without bias, all significant views that have been published by reliable sources. By insisting articles represent [―] all significant views without bias, the policy of striving for NPOV shares similarities with objectivity … (p. 89) In 2015, Heather Ford observed in her D. Phil. Thesis that Wikipedia was by that time offering “a skewed representation of the world that favours some groups at the expense of others” (p. 3). She continued: Instead of everyone having the same power to represent their views on Wikipedia, those who understand how to perform and speak according to Wikipedia's complex technical, symbolic and policy vocabulary tend to prevail over those who possess disciplinary knowledge about the subject being represented. This means that Wikipedia is able to decide which facts are stabilised or destabilised on its platform, according to the ideological positions of its editors. While Wikipedia originally provided the opportunity for people to publish without the need for gatekeepers or mediators, this is no longer the case. Especially since the Covid-19 event boosted the fortunes of the Censorship Industrial Complex, Wikipedians have become foot soldiers in the battle to scrub from the Internet information they consider to be mis-, dis-, or mal-information. Larry Sanger, in the interview mentioned above, described how he has watched Wikipedia’s neutrality evaporate over the years, shifting around 2005 to establishment views on topics like global warming and certain drugs, and starting to show bias against holistic medicine in the early 2010s. Its reliable sources of information are now left-of-centre media corporations such as CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times, while in their policies 80% of news sources on the right are deemed unreliable. Independent news outlets and self-published subject experts are also not able to edit a Wikipedia page. Before it is deemed acceptable, information needs to be filtered through a mainstream news source, which in turn is constrained by fact-checking services. Misrepresenting Covid dissidents The World Council for Health (WCH) is one of many organisations and individuals who have been defamed by Wikipedia since the advent of Covid-19. As discussed at the WCH’s 83rd General Assembly meeting in April 2023, this has been part of a much broader strategy to silence dissent with regard to the so-called pandemic and its protocols. WCH was established to challenge the official Covid response and its Wikipedia article was created in September 2022. The current Wikipedia entry is fairly close to the original version, although it has been edited a number of times. However, a number of Wikipedia pages created prior to Covid-19 have been completely amended since 2020, resulting in a ‘hero-to-zero’ fall from grace for people such as the author Dr Vernon Coleman (compare his October 2019 entry with the current article), and the early developer of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr Robert Malone, whose role in this invention has been deleted from the page on mRNA vaccines. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/fact-checkers-independent-media/ Who’s fact-checking the fact-checkers? A trio of independent media creators—Derrick Broze, Jason Bassler & Joe Martino—reveal their eye-opening shared experience in dealing with fact-checkers and censorship dating back years before Covid-19 emerged. Scarcely worth commenting on … but we shall! Let’s take a look at the WCH Wikipedia article (accessed 18 December 2023) to see just how deeply flawed and factually incorrect it is. Firstly, the content – comprising just eight paragraphs – is entirely inadequate. Other than stating that the organisation “appears to have been formed in September 2021” [emphasis mine], and that it was “founded by Jennifer A. Hibberd and Tess Lawrie”, nothing substantive is mentioned about what WCH is or what it does, despite its goals, values, and initiatives being clearly represented on its website and social media channels. Secondly, most of the article attempts to smear WCH by association. The bulk of the content refers to people or organisations who are part of the broader health freedom network but neither WCH staff nor council members, including Robert F Kennedy Jr of Children’s Health Defense and esteemed cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra. Wikipedia maligns these experts for their efforts to cancel the rollout of the experimental Covid-19 gene therapies which, contrary to the protestations of the fact-checkers, have caused millions of deaths worldwide. Ironically, Wikipedia accuses Dr Malhotra of “cherry-picking” sources to substantiate his concerns about the jab, yet they themselves cherry-pick tangential content and questionable opinions from, with only two exceptions, rather dubious sources. So, thirdly, let’s have a look at the references Wikipedia uses to back up its potentially libelous statements. The reference to Kerr et. al (March 2022) is simply a brief Erratum, noting that some of the authors of the paper quoted were using ivermectin to treat patients, which one would expect as they were reporting on its efficacy. The flawed Cochrane Review by Popp et. al (2022) that criticised a systematic review by Bryant et. al (2021) on the use of ivermectin to prevent and treat Covid-19 was thoroughly debunked in a letter sent to them by Fordham and colleagues in September 2021, but this has not been acknowledged on Wikipedia. The Bryant et al review remains in the top 10 most read out of 23 million tracked scientific papers. Three references are to fact-checking sites: AAP FactCheck (Australia), AFP Fact Check (France), and Health Feedback (USA), which employ teams of people to prevent the dissemination of information that is not in line with the menticidal narratives of the Great Reset Establishment. Four of the nine sources come from two Vice magazine journalists, Anna Merlan and Tim Hume. Their articles are replete with worn-out terms such as right-wing, conspiracy theorist, Covid-denier, anti-vaxxer, and mis-/disinformation-peddler. They also predictably take issue with ivermectin, common law, and even the notion of sovereign citizens! The tone of the articles ranges from wryly dismissive to scathingly scornful, with words such as discredited, nonsense, completely false, misleading, and fringe peppering the text. They also delight in reporting cases of doctors and scientists who have been barred from their professions for refusing to deny their professional oaths and personal principles. Underlying the supercilious slurs, however, runs a definite current of concern that these ‘discredited conspiracy theorists’ who are promoting health, freedom, and human rights may actually be gaining traction. Larry Sanger reflects on how far Wikipedia has departed from its original commitment to neutrality by pointing out the features of biased reporting, all of which apply to the Wikipedia article on WCH: negative information is so predominant that readers can infer that the authors harbor great hatred, resentment, or strong disapproval of the subject (especially when the target has a popular following among many ordinary people); dismissive epithets and judgments are used in Wikipedia’s own voice; or what a person is legitimately famous for is omitted, dismissed, or misrepresented While WCH might wish to create a more accurate Wikipedia entry, this is not possible. According to the view source button, only registered users are allowed to edit this article. In other words, WCH has no right of reply. Wikipedia, like a child having a tantrum, refuses point-blank to engage with those people and ideas it just WILL NOT acknowledge. Is there a future for Wikipedia? Why anyone would bother to search Wikipedia for information about WCH, which has a perfectly informative website and Substack, is anyone’s guess. But the more Wikipedia produces atrocious articles like the one on WCH, the faster they will lose credibility among those who simply want information and do not have an ideological axe to grind. In fact, it is worth subjecting this article to a well-known credibility test developed by California State University, and appropriately named the CRAAP test! Its five components (plus comments on the WCH article) include: Currency: Is the source up-to-date? – No, for one thing, it does not mention WCH’s second conference in 2023. Although editing of the Wikipedia article continues, no up-to-date information has been added. Relevance: Is the source relevant to your research? – Not if one wants to know anything about WCH. But it has been very relevant to an investigation into the decline and fall of Wikipedia. Authority: Where is the source published? Who is the author? Are they considered reputable and trustworthy in their field? – Absolutely not. Wikipedia’s policy on Reliable Sources specifically discounts independent experts in favour of large news corporations, which are committed to promoting Establishment narratives. Accuracy: Is the source supported by evidence? Are the claims cited correctly? – Not at all. Please visit the WCH website to confirm this. Purpose: What was the motive behind publishing this source? – The only purpose appears to be to discredit WCH. At least in the case of the WCH article, Wikipedia’s credibility is clearly questionable. More broadly, Wikipedia co-founder, Larry Sanger, believes that the platform can no longer be trusted. Observing that it has become a useful propaganda mouthpiece for the Establishment, he mused: “If only one version of the facts is allowed, then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power.” Indeed, in recent years, Google has invested substantially in the Wikipedia Foundation, paying them to provide the “most accurate and up-to-date information” for its search engine. Google is now elevating Wikipedia articles in Internet searches, using their content to populate their ‘knowledge panels’, and inserting their articles under videos on YouTube (its subsidiary) in an effort “to fight misinformation and conspiracy theories.” In this way, the actual spreaders of misinformation flood the Internet with their post-truth propaganda, causing those who value Truth, Beauty, and Goodness to look elsewhere for information. What is particularly interesting, though, is that the Wikipedia edifice may be crumbling from within. Thanks to the transparency of the Wikimedia system, one is able to peer behind the curtain into the online discussions of the various editors working on a particular article. And here we discover dissention in the ranks. Recent discussions between Wikipedia editors working on the WCH article reveal anything but agreement regarding this flimsy hit-piece. For example, one editor asks why the article on WCH focuses on Dr Lawrie. The person then asks why Dr Lawrie’s qualifications, directorship, publication record, and over 4,000 citations are not mentioned (actually Dr Lawrie has over 5,000 citations and is ranked among the top 5% of Researchgate scientists), but only her prior role as an obstetrician. It is encouraging to read the following comment: Science is research and debate, not dogma; even in the case Lawrie could be wrong on some things, that doesnt's [sic.] make her a conspiracy theorist, but a good researcher. Suppression of scientific debate is not scientific method. Later, and for good reason, concerns are expressed about the use of Vice magazine as a ‘reliable source’ (RS). Anna Merlan, author of three of the Vice articles. Conclusion WCH’s Wikipedia experience is the tip of a very large iceberg of censorship and suppression (Shi-Raz et al. 2023) that, especially over the past four years, has been threatening to sink those opposing Establishment narratives. Media and tech companies, including Wikipedia, Google, and the fact-checkers mentioned in this article, have played a central role in stifling debate and attempting to constrain narratives and minds. But, as Larry Sanger puts it, “people have natural BS detectors” and are not satisfied with condescending journalists or one flavour of opinion. Instead, as described by Shi-Raz et al., many people who are concerned about public health and committed to freedom of speech have not been deterred by the efforts of the Establishment. Instead, they have been motivated to create a world in parallel to the mainstream, using alternative channels of communication, establishing multi-disciplinary support networks, and developing alternative medical and health information systems such as, of course, the World Council for Health. And, recognising the decline of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger is in the process of creating what he calls the ‘Encyclosphere’, a massive network of online encyclopaedias covering a plethora of specialist and generalist areas of knowledge, that is set to literally put Wikipedia in its place as an equal among many others. So, while Wikipedia spends an inordinate amount of time, energy, and money on a business that not only lacks substance but is also mean-spirited and divisive, initiatives like WCH and the Encyclosphere shine like candles in the dark, illuminating a better way. Share If you find value in this Substack and have the means, please consider making a contribution to support the World Council for Health. Thank you. Upgrade to Paid Subscription Refer a friend Donate Subscriptions Give Direct to WCH https://worldcouncilforhealth.substack.com/p/wikipedia-smear-piece-wch?utm_medium=ios
    Wikipedia’s Smear Piece on WCH Represents a Badge of Honour
    The World Council for Health's message of health sovereignty is clearly a threat to the establishment.
    1 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 18961 Views

  • BOMBSHELL! Inside mRNA Vaccines a Human Molecule Diabolically Altered | VT Foreign Policy
    BOMBSHELL! Inside mRNA Vaccines a Human Molecule Diabolically Altered | VT Foreign Policy

    January 6, 2024

    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts

    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    In the cover image, the Canadian researcher Jessica Rose, author of an excellent biochemical analysis of an article from the University of Cambridge commenting a study by some of its researchers on the toxicity of manipulated human nucleoside in mRNA genetic sera

    by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


    «Well of course! Now that we know that billions of people’s cells might be making aberrant proteins, for unknown periods of time, we can simply sweep these people under the rug, ‘fix’ the product, and keep on makin’ money. Let’s go slidin’ down the slippery sequence slope of gene therapy straight to the Gates of hell».

    With this phrase to be engraved in the history of the massive Covid vaccination campaign, the esteemed Canadian researcher, biochemist, immunologist and molecular biologist Jessica Rose (Source 1), author of multiple fundamental discoveries on the contamination of mRNA genetic sera, best describes the disturbing importance of an article published by University of Cambridge in relation to an enlightening scientific research which confirmed to the global scientific community the dangerous experimental use in the Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna mRNA vaccines of what we do not hesitate to define as the “Diabolical Molecule” because it is a biological human component modified twice in the laboratory. (Source 1).

    UPDATE! Florida State Surgeon General Calls for Halt of mRNA Vaccines due to Dangerous, Oncogenes DNA Fragments
    Author of multiple fundamental discoveries on the contamination of mRNA genetic sera, best describes the disturbing importance of an article published by University of Cambridgein relation to an enlightening scientific research which confirmed to the global scientific community the dangerous experimental use in the Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna mRNA vaccines of what we do not hesitate to define as the “Diabolical Molecule”because it is a biological human component modified twice in the laboratory.

    Billions of Dangerous Spike DNA’s Molecules inside Covid mRNA Vaccines. They can Reproduce the Toxic Protein in Human Cells for a Long Time
    This is the double alteration of Uridinetransformed into Pseudourine with the first synthetic biochemical alteration and then into N1-methylpseudouridine initialed “m1Ψ” as an acronym for N1-methyl-Ψ in which the Greek letter “Psi” was used to name Psueudoridine .

    Uridine is an organic compound, nucleoside,made up of the coupling of a molecule of ribose and one of uracil. Uracil is one of the two pyrimidine nitrogenous bases that form the nucleotides of RNA nucleic acid.

    This manipulation was designed by the Hungarian biochemist Katalin Karikó,awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize for Medicine precisely for having laid the foundations of mRNA vaccines, in order to “deceive” human cells into recognizing the synthetic mRNA as harmless human RNA …

    I apologize to the biochemistry experts for any transcription mistakes I may make trying to translate from a difficult chemical language the portentous scientific essence of the abundant technical quotations in the article published by Rose on her Substack, from which we will only extrapolate its introduction.

    Bombshell from US! FDA “Hides” Toxicity on DNA Fragments inside mRNA Vaccines despite Danger of Cancer Highlighted in its Guidance too
    Martin: “Pseudouridine Killer in the Vaccines for Depopulation”
    This analysis comes surprisingly providential as on Gospa News International we have just reported the summary of a conference by the famous patent expert David E. Martin in which he narrated in recent weeks the story of SARS-Cov-2 as a bacteriological weapon built in 58 years of military research on coronaviruses and that of mRNA vaccines, in his opinion, knowingly spread in a mass experiment for the search for vaccines against HIV-AIDS and cancer but also aimed at global depopulation.

    WUHAN-GATES – 73. Half of Century of Covert Bioweapon Development Leading to Fauci’s SARS-Cov-2 and to mRNA Lethal Vaccines
    In a very detailed article the American osteopath doctor Joseph Mercola wrote that «Martin points out that even if they don’t unleash any other bioweapons, the desired death toll may still be achieved, because they used pseudouridine in the mRNA shots, which is causing “turbo cancers”».

    Because: «Pseudouridine suppresses cancer-controlling agents and promotes oncogenic activity in the body, and this has been known since 2018, so its inclusion was hardly an accident. It’s a conspiracy, alright. But not a conspiracy theory in the dismissive sense. It’s a global conspiracy by identifiable agents who have, for nearly 60 years, plotted to commit, and profit from, the greatest genocide the world has ever seen, while hiding behind the false veneer of “public health.”».
    Well today, both the University of Cambridge and other authoritative scientists from around the world implicitly confirm that all those vaccinated with Covid mRNA with Moderna’s Spikevax and Pfizer-Biontech’s Comirnaty have been and continue to be unpaid and, above all, unaware human guinea pigs.

    Precisely because of this altered nucleoside…

    The Disturbing Article from Cambridge University
    The comment by the researcher Rose that we reported in the incipit of the article referred to the text of the University of Cambridge(Source 2) in relation to the study “N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting” by Mulroney et al.published on December 6, 2023 by Nature after more than a month of review.

    «Researchers redesign future mRNA therapeutics to prevent potentially harmful immune responses» is the eloquent title of the scientific text published by the British university.

    «The latest developments, led by biochemist Professor Anne Willis and immunologist Dr James Thaventhiran from the MRC Toxicology Unit at the University of Cambridge, build upon previous advances to ensure the prevention of any safety issues linked with future mRNA-based therapeutics. Their report is published today in the journal Nature» we read in the unsigned article.

    «The researchers identified that bases with a chemical modification called N1-methylpseudouridine – which are currently contained in mRNA therapies – are responsible for the ‘slips’ along the mRNA sequence» adds the university website.
    In collaboration with researchers at the Universities of Kent, Oxford and Liverpool, the MRC Toxicology Unit team«tested for evidence of the production of ‘off-target’ proteins in people who received the mRNA Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19. They found an unintended immune response occurred in one third of the 21 patients in the study who were vaccinated – but with no ill-effects, in keeping with the extensive safety data available on these COVID-19 vaccines».

    SCIENCE Magazine Finally Admitted the mRNA Vaccines Dangerous Side Effects! Shots linked to Long Covid, Neurologic Damages and POTS
    Despite disturbing the article already appears biased as it is aimed at “minimizing” the adverse reactions, even lethal one, that are accumulating in pharmacovigilance systems around the world, which have been confirmed by an alarming article in the journal Science, by the regulatory bodies from all over the world (EMA, FDA, etc.) and which led Moderna and Pfizer-Biontech to include the risk of lethal myocarditis in the information leaflets of their genetic drugs…

    7 EURODEPUTATI CHIEDONO IL RITIRO DEI VACCINI COVID. Per Miocarditi Letali, Malori Improvvisi e Sicurezza Incerta nei Fragili
    British Study: “Incorrect mRNA Translation may Increase Toxicity”
    But it is the same authors of the study whose first signatory is Thomas E. Mulroney (Source 3), associate researcher of the Toxicology Unit of the MRC in Cambridge, who wrote the shocking considerations from a biochemical point of view in the conclusions.

    «We show that 1-methylΨ is a modified ribonucleotide that significantly increases +1 ribosomal frameshifting during mRNA translation and that cellular immunity to +1 frameshifted products can occur following vaccination with mRNA containing 1-methylΨ. To our knowledge, this is the first report that mRNA modification affects ribosomal frameshifting. Alongside this impact on host T cell immunity, the off-target effects of ribosomal frameshifting could include increased production of new B cell antigens».

    And they further add:

    «These findings are of particular importance to our fundamental understanding of how ribonucleotide modification affects mRNA translation, and for designing and optimizing future mRNA-based therapeutics to avoid mistranslation events that may decrease efficacy or increase toxicity».
    We will not delve further into the technical references but return to the analysis published by Jessica Rose in her Substack, making an extreme summary of it and advising professionals to read the text full of important images.

    Billions of DNA Fragments of Toxic Spike Protein and SV40 gene in the mRNA Vaccines. New Study: “They may Cause Turbo-Cancer”
    Let’s start with the comment added under the research published by Nature by her together with David Wiseman, L. Maria Gutschi, David J. Speicher, Kevin McKernan.

    Alongside the Canadian biologist they were already co-authors of the study “DNA fragments detected in the monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: exploratory dose-response relationship with serious adverse events” which induced the EMA to confess that Pfizer hid the use of the very dangerous SV40 gene in its vaccine, which can cause tumors.

    The same research encouraged the bioimmunologist Robert Malone to denounce the presence of the antibiotic resistance gene in the Moderna one, pointing out also that the pharmaceutical company was aware of the tumor risks of mRNA biotechnology as reported in its own patent.

    Bomba Mondiale! “NEI VACCINI COVID GENE DI RESISTENZA AGLI ANTIBIOTICI”. Studio Spagnolo lo Conferma. Ministro Schillaci lo CELA nell’Allarme Morti AMR
    We have written extensively about these topics in three investigations, one of which – on antibiotic resistance gene – is a world exclusive.

    Alarm of American Scientists for the New Research
    Let us therefore see the content of the comment by Rose and colleagues (Source 1)on Cambridge’s research:

    The paper provides evidence for the formation “off-target” or unintended proteins following vaccination with BNT162b2 due to frameshifting. Given the proposed mechanism, a similar problem is likely to exist for the Moderna product.
    While the authors have not isolated samples of these proteins from vaccinated patients or animals, their existence is evidenced by the specific cellular immune responses elicited to frameshifted proteins the authors synthesized. It is not clear why B cell – antibody responses were not studied.
    The authors state that “Although there is no evidence that frameshifted products in humans generated from BNT162b2 vaccination are associated with adverse outcomes.”
    BOMBSHELL: mRNA COVID jabs can Damage Children’s Immune Response to OTHER Viruses as well, Study finds
    It is unclear how it is possible to make this statement, given:
    • The small number of vaccinated subjects (n=21) providing samples.
    • This was not a controlled trial.
    • None of these subjects had reported undue effects of vaccination. Accordingly, the sample is subject to selection bias.
    • The toxicology of these unintended proteins must be studied.
    • The authors acknowledge the misdirected immunity “has huge potential to be harmful.”
    Translated into simpler words, no one has verified the selection methods of the samples which may have been chosen precisely because they did not have serious adverse reactions.

    SPIKE-DEMIC among Vaccinated: 83 % hit by PCVS Syndrome. Indian Study confirmed Gates, Big Pharma’s Health Disaster
    Furthermore, in the interests of expertise we read that the two Cambridge scientists Thomas E. Mulroney and Anne E. Willis «are inventors of a pending patent application (2305297.0) relating to mRNA technology» while in the information on the authors it is discovered that Alexander J Mentzer works at the Wellcome Center for Human Genetics, University of Oxford.

    Wellcome, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum, is among the founders of the Ngo CEPI(Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) which has already launched the SKYCovion vaccine together with the London-based GSK, managed by CEO Emma Walmsley who is also director of Microsoft, and SK Bioscience.

    WUHAN-GATES – 73. BILL III A CACCIA DI CAVIE UMANE PER VACCINO COVID COREANO. “Genotossicità non Studiata” ma OMS & UK danno OK a SkyCovione con Spike Tossica e Adiuvante GSK da Pericoloso Squalene
    But let’s go back to the analysis made by Jessica Rose on the Cambridge researchers’ study: «The authors write that N1-methylpseudouridine affects the fidelity of mRNA translation via ribosome stalling that induces frameshifting. Frameshifting results in the production multiple, unique and potentially aberrant proteins».

    «The modified mRNAs for use in the COVID-19 products were codon-optimized for maximal protein expression in humans. Codon optimization, or synonymous codon replacement, rests on the idea that one can induce mutations throughout a gene of interest (like spike) based on an organism’s (like humans) codon usage bias, to increase translational efficiency and protein expression without altering the sequence of the protein. But, it is well-known that codon-optimization can lead to protein conformation, folding and stability problems».
    COVID: SCOPERTA LA PROTEINA CHE RIVELA I LETALI COAGULI DI SANGUE. Ma Nessuno Indaga sulla Correlazione coi Vaccini
    The Canadian immunologist further notes:

    «Codon optimization could affect protein conformation, folding and stability, change post-translational modification sites and even affect protein function.Different rates of translation by different tRNAs, including those that exhibit wobble base-pairing (a tRNA that can recognize multiple synonymous codons) may actually be critical for determining the rate of translation. The ribosome may slow and pause during elongation which may actually be necessary for proper protein folding. Therefore, codon optimization may disrupt the fine-tuned timing of translation and ultimately protein function».
    The Prophetic Seneff Study on Autoimmune and Neurocerebral Damage
    He then refers to other studies that had reported the dangers of this biochemical manipulation (Source 1):

    «Codon optimization can also lead to misfolding of mRNAs due to increased Guanine/Cytosine (GC content). Please read McKernan et al.’s preprint, Xia et al.’s paper and Seneff et al.’s paper to learn more about potential problems relating to codon optimization and GC content changes. The latter group write: Synonymous codon replacement also results in a change in the multifunctional regulatory and structural roles of resulting proteins».
    ONE in THREE Covid Vaccinated with Neurological Complications. Alarming Study from Italian National Research Council
    The risks to the human organism are clearly highlighted:

    «There is, in fact, a significant enrichment of GC content (17% and 25% enrichments as per Pfizer and Moderna, respectively, as compared to SARS-CoV-2) as a result of the codon optimization that was done, and this can lead to “dysregulation of the G4-RNA-protein binding system and a wide range of potential disease-associated cellular pathologies including suppression of innate immunity, neurodegeneration, and malignant transformation”. Increased GC content significantly alters mRNA secondary structure as well, and this can also lead to ribosomal pausing or stalling».
    These considerations were expressed in a study published by illustrious scientists such as Stephanie Seneff, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, Greg Nigh, Immersion Health, Portland, OR, USA, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, Nasco AD Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Research and Development, Piraeus, Greece and Peter A. McCullough, for Health Foundation, Tucson, AZ, USA, which was the subject of enormous censorship by specialized medical journals but we published in Gospa News thanks to an excellent summary by Dr. Mercola.

    Dangerous RNA Manipulation with N1-methyl-Ψ
    Below are the quotes from Seneff et al.(Source 4) useful for understanding the connection with uridine modified in N1-methyl-Ψ: «The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease has no precedent. The many alterations in the vaccine mRNA hide the mRNA from cellular defenses and promote a longer biological half-life and high production of spike protein».

    «However, the immune response to the vaccine is very different from that to a SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance».
    The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury: Sudden Death, Blood Cloths, Human Mad Cow and Autoimmune Diseases
    In the study entitled “Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs” the scientists added:

    «These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health».
    The late biologist Luc Montagnier, in a study published posthumously by his research friends Jean-Claude Perez and Claire Moret-Chalmin with a review contribution from Seneff biophysics, proved without a shadow of a doubt the correlation between killer prions caused by vaccines and rapid deaths for neurocerebral Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, human mad cow disease.

    PRIONS as KILLERS: 25 Deaths due to a New Mad-Cow from Covid Vaccines. Shocking Research by Montagnier (RIP), Perez & Moret-Chalmin on CJD Brain Damages
    In detail Seneff and the other scientists also refer to specific alterations:

    «Impaired type I IFN signaling is linked to many disease risks, most notably cancer, as type I IFN signaling suppresses proliferation of both viruses and cancer cells by arresting the cell cycle, in part through upregulation of p53, a tumor suppressor gene, and various cyclin- dependent kinase inhibitors (Musella et al., 2017; Matsuoka et al., 1998). IFNα also induces major histocompatibility (MHC) class 1 antigen presentation by tumor cells, causing them to be more readily recognized by the cancer surveillance system (Heise et al., 2016)».
    They then delve into the problem of the uridine molecule.

    To understand its importance we report a note from Rose: «Pseudouridines (Ψs) are a normal and essential part of our biology. They have been called the 5th nucleotide, in fact, and “are a ubiquitous constituent of structural RNA (transfer, ribosomal, small nuclear (snRNA) and small nucleolar), and present in coding RNA, across the three phylogenetic domains of life”and “accounts for about 1.4% of all bases in human rRNAs”».

    “mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines are Like Gene Therapy Products” French Study highlighted Omitted Controls on Genotoxicity
    Here’s what Seneff and his colleagues wrote about vaccines:

    «A breakthrough came when it was discovered experimentally that the mRNA coding for the spike protein could be modified in specific ways that would essentially fool the human cells into recognizing it as harmless human RNA. A seminal paper by Karikó et al. (2005) demonstrated through a series of in vitro experiments that a simple modification to the mRNA such that all uridines were replaced with pseudouridine could dramatically reduce innate immune activation against exogenous mRNA».

    Cancer Risk pointed out by the Nobel Inventor of mRNA Vaccines
    Precisely for this discovery, Hungarian researcher Katalin Karikó, long-time at Biontech, recently received the Nobel Prize for Medicine together with her American colleague Drew Weissman, although both warned of the dangers of the new mRNA biotechnology.

    Medicine Nobel to mRNA Covid Vaccines’ Scientists, both Sponsored by Gates, Fauci and Zuckerberg
    In particular, on January 6, Karikó declared to the German newspaper Welt (Source 5):

    «Every day I receive many emails from people who write to me about their experiences. One woman wrote to me that two days after the vaccination she developed a large lump in her breast. Vaccination caused cancer, it was her conclusion. But the cancer was already there, only vaccination gave an extra boost to the immune system, so that the immune defense cells rushed in large numbers towards the enemy».

    The Gospa News investigations on Turbo-Cancer based now on seven published scientific studies have highlighted a very strong correlation between mRNA gene sera and the appearance or reactivation of tumor phenomena with abnormal degeneration resulting in lethal outcomes.

    TURBO-CANCER – 2. Many Lethal/Serious Cases and New Researches on Covid mRNA Vaccines Risks. Melatonin Hope…
    Karikó herself adds: «Vaccination provides a strong boost to the immune system. It can happen that a dormant infection breaks out in people with an already weakened immune system. The extent to which this is the case for shingles will need to be examined more closely».

    Gospa News did so by discovering 27 thousand cases of Herpes Zoster, in the European Union only, as adverse reactions to vaccines reported by EMA pharmacovigilance database even in children, who are more exposed to damage to the natural immune system as confirmed by recent research.

    Esclusivo! EPIDEMIA DI HERPES DOPO I VACCINI COVID. 27mila Casi nell’UE: 31 Morti da Zoster. Lo Studio: “Per danni al Sistema Immunitario”
    Let’s go back to Seneff’s conclusions:

    «Andries et al. (2015) later discovered that 1-methylpseudouridine as a replacement for uridine was even more effective than pseudouridine and could essentially abolish the TLR response to the mRNA, preventing the activation of blood-derived dendritic cells. This modification is applied in both the mRNA vaccines on the market (Park et al., 2021)».
    To put it simply, the dendritic cell plays the role of sentinel and if it senses the presence of a pathogen in the body, it stimulates the immune response of B and T lymphocytes, specific against that antigen. If its action is limited or suppressed, it may become incapable of dealing with viral or bacterial enemies but also tumor dangers.

    Critical Role of Pseudouridine in mRNA Vaccines
    A study published by Pedro Morais, Director (Pseudouridylation Technology) ProQR Therapeutics, Leiden, Netherlands, and by Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Center for RNA Biology, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, US, entitled “The Critical Contribution of Pseudouridine to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” highlighted the fundamental role of the laboratory alteration of this protein in the Comirnaty and Spikevax genetic sera (source 6).

    «Both consisted of N1-methyl-pseudouridine-modified mRNA encoding the SARS-COVID-19 Spike protein and were delivered with a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulation. Because the delivery problem of ribonucleic acids had been known for decades, the success of LNPs was quickly hailed by many as the unsung hero of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines».
    “European Medicines Agency Knew Toxicity of Pfizer Covid Vaccine”. Bombshell Study Published in US by an Italian BioChemist on Dangers mRNA-LNPs
    But the scholars, one of whom has a clear conflict of interest because he is director of the Pseudouridylation Technology project, have highlighted another very interesting fact:

    «However, the clinical trial efficacy results of the Curevac mRNA vaccine (CVnCoV) suggested that the delivery system was not the only key to the success. CVnCoV consisted of an unmodified mRNA (encoding the same spike protein as Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech’s mRNA vaccines) and was formulated with the same LNP as Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine (Acuitas ALC-0315).However, its efficacy was only 48%. This striking difference in efficacy could be attributed to the presence of a critical RNA modification (N1-methyl-pseudouridine) in the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines (but not in CVnCoV)».
    “Toxic Nanoforms inside Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine”. Vital Study by Italian Biochemist on US Journal of Virology highlights an Alleged Crime
    However, the same researchers highlight a significant note:

    «The intrinsic immunogenicity of non-modified mRNA was once considered a potential advantage for its use in vaccines(Ishii and Akira, 2005) as it would encode the antigen and concomitantly serve as an adjuvant while permitting a low dose. In fact, the unmodified COVID-19 mRNA vaccine candidate in late-stage clinical trials (CVnCoV, developed by Curevac) had a maximum dose of 12 µg».
    Curevac was developed by Curevac NV of Tubingen, together with the Ngo CEPI founded by Bill Gates with Wellcome and WEF, which initiated an authorization process before the CHMP committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) but withdrew it due to its low efficacy on October 12, 2021 (source 7) in view of the arrival of a new pharmacological product developed with GSK financed by Gates himself.

    MINISTRO SCHILLACI SPECULA SU BIG PHARMA FINANZIATA DA GATES. €700mila Investiti in Biomediche USA che Testano anche Vaccini DNA Covid
    Here is another cryptic phrase in which we talk about the “safety” of vaccines, implicitly implying that it is not clear in the current vaccines which therefore make all those who take them into “human guinea pigs”from the laboratory as the immunologist Rose clearly highlights in her final bioethical considerations.

    Rose: “Unpredictable Health Effects of Manipulated Codons”
    «Ehden Biber also wrote a great article about the pitfalls of codon optimization that you can read here. In a Nature article published in 2011 entitled: “Breaking the silence”, the author writes on the potential danger of fiddling with codons in therapeutic proteins whereby it “could have unpredictable effects on people’s health”»

    Rose wrote in her comment on the Cambridge research quoting many sentences by scientific journalist Alla Katsnelson which we report below.

    Bombshell! Texas Attorney General sues Pfizer on Covid Vaccine Efficacy and Conspiring
    In detail, the Canadian researcher adds:

    «She points to a study where the authors show that a synonymous codon change found in the most common form of cystic fibrosis results in mRNA misfolding. (Keep this in mind.) She also points out that in the context of the multi-drug resistance 1 gene (MDR1) (the gene that encodes P-glycoprotein), that a codon change may interfere with the pauses that characterize RNA passing through the ribosome, thereby changing how the growing amino acid chain folds».

    «But perhaps the most timely and spine-tingly relevant statement in this article is found at the end, and I quote: “At the moment, companies developing recombinant therapies must verify that the DNA sequence designed by their scientists is the one that’s producing their proteins, but they aren’t required to note how different that is from the native genetic code”».
    European Regulator: Pfizer Hid Dangerous Cancer Gene! It Kept Secret the SV40 DNA Sequence In COVID-19 Vaccine
    We do not have any guidance with regard to the [DNA] sequence,” Kimchi-Sarfaty notes.

    While it was the Italian bioimmunologist Mauro Mantovani who demonstrated how the “double Proline” inserted in mRNA vaccines makes the toxic Spike protein dangerously persistent in the human body.

    «That’s one piece of data that could be tracked by the system she is proposing. Such knowledge, in turn, could ultimately help define better strategies for optimization and possibly even make biologic drugs safer for people» adds Alla Katsnelson while the immunologist asks herself a question:

    «I wonder if the FDA ever took her advice to track the differences in codons and the resulting potential adverse effects?»
    Covid Vaccines Killer Pathologies in a Name Only: Spikeopathy! Huge, Chilling Study on mRNA Genic Serums’ Serious Adverse Reactions
    Therefore Rose quoted the article which we analyzed before:

    «In addition to our comment on the Nature paper, a University of Cambridge write-up entitled: Researchers redesign future mRNA therapeutics to prevent potentially harmful immune responses was penned. They make it clear that the most relevant conclusion from the Nature paper is that we can make more products similarly insanely dangerous as the ones pumped into billions of bodies because we can simply ‘reduce the production of frameshifted products’ by ‘synonymous targeting of slippery sequences’».

    So she wrote her milestone sentence:

    «Well of course! Now that we know that billions of people’s cells might be making aberrant proteins, for unknown periods of time, we can simply sweep these people under the rug, ‘fix’ the product, and keep on makin’ money. Let’s go slidin’ down the slippery sequence slope of gene therapy straight to the Gates of hell».
    Moderna AWARE that mRNA Jabs cause CANCER due to DNA Fragments. Malone Unveils Patent
    The Canadian molecular biologist concludes before going into detail about a biochemical analysis that is too technical for non-experts:

    «The manufacturers might have thought to explore options to prevent potentially harmful responses from their products prior to injecting billions of people with them. It is criminal that these products continue to be forced onto newborns and infants by mandate, to this day».
    And then she report an emblematic quote about the risks of “Fooling with Mother Nature” by an evolutionary cell biologist at the University of Chicago: “Please do not monkey with these sites; they are optimized for some reason”, in reference to codon bias in mammals.

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


    prohibition of reproduction without authorization

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    SOURCE 1 – JESSICA ROSE – That Substack about N1-methylpseudouridines and frameshifting

    SOURCE 2 – UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE – Researchers redesign future mRNA therapeutics to prevent potentially harmful immune responses

    SOURCE 3 – NATURE – N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting

    SOURCE 4– PUBMED – Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs

    SOURCE 5 – WELT – “Das ist der wirkliche Grund, warum man unter neuen Varianten nicht mehr so krank wird“

    SOURCE 6 – FRONTIERS IN – The Critical Contribution of Pseudouridine to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

    SOURCE 7 – EMA ends rolling review of CVnCoV COVID-19 vaccine following withdrawal by CureVac AG

    Fabio G. C. Carisio

    Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal.

    His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more…

    Most popolar investigation on VT is:

    Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting.

    For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime.

    With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians.

    In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence.

    In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates

    His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others

    He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator.



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    BOMBSHELL! Inside mRNA Vaccines a Human Molecule Diabolically Altered | VT Foreign Policy donshafi911 BOMBSHELL! Inside mRNA Vaccines a Human Molecule Diabolically Altered | VT Foreign Policy January 6, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. In the cover image, the Canadian researcher Jessica Rose, author of an excellent biochemical analysis of an article from the University of Cambridge commenting a study by some of its researchers on the toxicity of manipulated human nucleoside in mRNA genetic sera by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO «Well of course! Now that we know that billions of people’s cells might be making aberrant proteins, for unknown periods of time, we can simply sweep these people under the rug, ‘fix’ the product, and keep on makin’ money. Let’s go slidin’ down the slippery sequence slope of gene therapy straight to the Gates of hell». With this phrase to be engraved in the history of the massive Covid vaccination campaign, the esteemed Canadian researcher, biochemist, immunologist and molecular biologist Jessica Rose (Source 1), author of multiple fundamental discoveries on the contamination of mRNA genetic sera, best describes the disturbing importance of an article published by University of Cambridge in relation to an enlightening scientific research which confirmed to the global scientific community the dangerous experimental use in the Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna mRNA vaccines of what we do not hesitate to define as the “Diabolical Molecule” because it is a biological human component modified twice in the laboratory. (Source 1). UPDATE! Florida State Surgeon General Calls for Halt of mRNA Vaccines due to Dangerous, Oncogenes DNA Fragments Author of multiple fundamental discoveries on the contamination of mRNA genetic sera, best describes the disturbing importance of an article published by University of Cambridgein relation to an enlightening scientific research which confirmed to the global scientific community the dangerous experimental use in the Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna mRNA vaccines of what we do not hesitate to define as the “Diabolical Molecule”because it is a biological human component modified twice in the laboratory. Billions of Dangerous Spike DNA’s Molecules inside Covid mRNA Vaccines. They can Reproduce the Toxic Protein in Human Cells for a Long Time This is the double alteration of Uridinetransformed into Pseudourine with the first synthetic biochemical alteration and then into N1-methylpseudouridine initialed “m1Ψ” as an acronym for N1-methyl-Ψ in which the Greek letter “Psi” was used to name Psueudoridine . Uridine is an organic compound, nucleoside,made up of the coupling of a molecule of ribose and one of uracil. Uracil is one of the two pyrimidine nitrogenous bases that form the nucleotides of RNA nucleic acid. This manipulation was designed by the Hungarian biochemist Katalin Karikó,awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize for Medicine precisely for having laid the foundations of mRNA vaccines, in order to “deceive” human cells into recognizing the synthetic mRNA as harmless human RNA … I apologize to the biochemistry experts for any transcription mistakes I may make trying to translate from a difficult chemical language the portentous scientific essence of the abundant technical quotations in the article published by Rose on her Substack, from which we will only extrapolate its introduction. Bombshell from US! FDA “Hides” Toxicity on DNA Fragments inside mRNA Vaccines despite Danger of Cancer Highlighted in its Guidance too Martin: “Pseudouridine Killer in the Vaccines for Depopulation” This analysis comes surprisingly providential as on Gospa News International we have just reported the summary of a conference by the famous patent expert David E. Martin in which he narrated in recent weeks the story of SARS-Cov-2 as a bacteriological weapon built in 58 years of military research on coronaviruses and that of mRNA vaccines, in his opinion, knowingly spread in a mass experiment for the search for vaccines against HIV-AIDS and cancer but also aimed at global depopulation. WUHAN-GATES – 73. Half of Century of Covert Bioweapon Development Leading to Fauci’s SARS-Cov-2 and to mRNA Lethal Vaccines In a very detailed article the American osteopath doctor Joseph Mercola wrote that «Martin points out that even if they don’t unleash any other bioweapons, the desired death toll may still be achieved, because they used pseudouridine in the mRNA shots, which is causing “turbo cancers”». Because: «Pseudouridine suppresses cancer-controlling agents and promotes oncogenic activity in the body, and this has been known since 2018, so its inclusion was hardly an accident. It’s a conspiracy, alright. But not a conspiracy theory in the dismissive sense. It’s a global conspiracy by identifiable agents who have, for nearly 60 years, plotted to commit, and profit from, the greatest genocide the world has ever seen, while hiding behind the false veneer of “public health.”». Well today, both the University of Cambridge and other authoritative scientists from around the world implicitly confirm that all those vaccinated with Covid mRNA with Moderna’s Spikevax and Pfizer-Biontech’s Comirnaty have been and continue to be unpaid and, above all, unaware human guinea pigs. Precisely because of this altered nucleoside… The Disturbing Article from Cambridge University The comment by the researcher Rose that we reported in the incipit of the article referred to the text of the University of Cambridge(Source 2) in relation to the study “N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting” by Mulroney et al.published on December 6, 2023 by Nature after more than a month of review. «Researchers redesign future mRNA therapeutics to prevent potentially harmful immune responses» is the eloquent title of the scientific text published by the British university. «The latest developments, led by biochemist Professor Anne Willis and immunologist Dr James Thaventhiran from the MRC Toxicology Unit at the University of Cambridge, build upon previous advances to ensure the prevention of any safety issues linked with future mRNA-based therapeutics. Their report is published today in the journal Nature» we read in the unsigned article. «The researchers identified that bases with a chemical modification called N1-methylpseudouridine – which are currently contained in mRNA therapies – are responsible for the ‘slips’ along the mRNA sequence» adds the university website. In collaboration with researchers at the Universities of Kent, Oxford and Liverpool, the MRC Toxicology Unit team«tested for evidence of the production of ‘off-target’ proteins in people who received the mRNA Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19. They found an unintended immune response occurred in one third of the 21 patients in the study who were vaccinated – but with no ill-effects, in keeping with the extensive safety data available on these COVID-19 vaccines». SCIENCE Magazine Finally Admitted the mRNA Vaccines Dangerous Side Effects! Shots linked to Long Covid, Neurologic Damages and POTS Despite disturbing the article already appears biased as it is aimed at “minimizing” the adverse reactions, even lethal one, that are accumulating in pharmacovigilance systems around the world, which have been confirmed by an alarming article in the journal Science, by the regulatory bodies from all over the world (EMA, FDA, etc.) and which led Moderna and Pfizer-Biontech to include the risk of lethal myocarditis in the information leaflets of their genetic drugs… 7 EURODEPUTATI CHIEDONO IL RITIRO DEI VACCINI COVID. Per Miocarditi Letali, Malori Improvvisi e Sicurezza Incerta nei Fragili British Study: “Incorrect mRNA Translation may Increase Toxicity” But it is the same authors of the study whose first signatory is Thomas E. Mulroney (Source 3), associate researcher of the Toxicology Unit of the MRC in Cambridge, who wrote the shocking considerations from a biochemical point of view in the conclusions. «We show that 1-methylΨ is a modified ribonucleotide that significantly increases +1 ribosomal frameshifting during mRNA translation and that cellular immunity to +1 frameshifted products can occur following vaccination with mRNA containing 1-methylΨ. To our knowledge, this is the first report that mRNA modification affects ribosomal frameshifting. Alongside this impact on host T cell immunity, the off-target effects of ribosomal frameshifting could include increased production of new B cell antigens». And they further add: «These findings are of particular importance to our fundamental understanding of how ribonucleotide modification affects mRNA translation, and for designing and optimizing future mRNA-based therapeutics to avoid mistranslation events that may decrease efficacy or increase toxicity». We will not delve further into the technical references but return to the analysis published by Jessica Rose in her Substack, making an extreme summary of it and advising professionals to read the text full of important images. Billions of DNA Fragments of Toxic Spike Protein and SV40 gene in the mRNA Vaccines. New Study: “They may Cause Turbo-Cancer” Let’s start with the comment added under the research published by Nature by her together with David Wiseman, L. Maria Gutschi, David J. Speicher, Kevin McKernan. Alongside the Canadian biologist they were already co-authors of the study “DNA fragments detected in the monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: exploratory dose-response relationship with serious adverse events” which induced the EMA to confess that Pfizer hid the use of the very dangerous SV40 gene in its vaccine, which can cause tumors. The same research encouraged the bioimmunologist Robert Malone to denounce the presence of the antibiotic resistance gene in the Moderna one, pointing out also that the pharmaceutical company was aware of the tumor risks of mRNA biotechnology as reported in its own patent. Bomba Mondiale! “NEI VACCINI COVID GENE DI RESISTENZA AGLI ANTIBIOTICI”. Studio Spagnolo lo Conferma. Ministro Schillaci lo CELA nell’Allarme Morti AMR We have written extensively about these topics in three investigations, one of which – on antibiotic resistance gene – is a world exclusive. Alarm of American Scientists for the New Research Let us therefore see the content of the comment by Rose and colleagues (Source 1)on Cambridge’s research: The paper provides evidence for the formation “off-target” or unintended proteins following vaccination with BNT162b2 due to frameshifting. Given the proposed mechanism, a similar problem is likely to exist for the Moderna product. While the authors have not isolated samples of these proteins from vaccinated patients or animals, their existence is evidenced by the specific cellular immune responses elicited to frameshifted proteins the authors synthesized. It is not clear why B cell – antibody responses were not studied. The authors state that “Although there is no evidence that frameshifted products in humans generated from BNT162b2 vaccination are associated with adverse outcomes.” BOMBSHELL: mRNA COVID jabs can Damage Children’s Immune Response to OTHER Viruses as well, Study finds It is unclear how it is possible to make this statement, given: • The small number of vaccinated subjects (n=21) providing samples. • This was not a controlled trial. • None of these subjects had reported undue effects of vaccination. Accordingly, the sample is subject to selection bias. • The toxicology of these unintended proteins must be studied. • The authors acknowledge the misdirected immunity “has huge potential to be harmful.” Translated into simpler words, no one has verified the selection methods of the samples which may have been chosen precisely because they did not have serious adverse reactions. SPIKE-DEMIC among Vaccinated: 83 % hit by PCVS Syndrome. Indian Study confirmed Gates, Big Pharma’s Health Disaster Furthermore, in the interests of expertise we read that the two Cambridge scientists Thomas E. Mulroney and Anne E. Willis «are inventors of a pending patent application (2305297.0) relating to mRNA technology» while in the information on the authors it is discovered that Alexander J Mentzer works at the Wellcome Center for Human Genetics, University of Oxford. Wellcome, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum, is among the founders of the Ngo CEPI(Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) which has already launched the SKYCovion vaccine together with the London-based GSK, managed by CEO Emma Walmsley who is also director of Microsoft, and SK Bioscience. WUHAN-GATES – 73. BILL III A CACCIA DI CAVIE UMANE PER VACCINO COVID COREANO. “Genotossicità non Studiata” ma OMS & UK danno OK a SkyCovione con Spike Tossica e Adiuvante GSK da Pericoloso Squalene But let’s go back to the analysis made by Jessica Rose on the Cambridge researchers’ study: «The authors write that N1-methylpseudouridine affects the fidelity of mRNA translation via ribosome stalling that induces frameshifting. Frameshifting results in the production multiple, unique and potentially aberrant proteins». «The modified mRNAs for use in the COVID-19 products were codon-optimized for maximal protein expression in humans. Codon optimization, or synonymous codon replacement, rests on the idea that one can induce mutations throughout a gene of interest (like spike) based on an organism’s (like humans) codon usage bias, to increase translational efficiency and protein expression without altering the sequence of the protein. But, it is well-known that codon-optimization can lead to protein conformation, folding and stability problems». COVID: SCOPERTA LA PROTEINA CHE RIVELA I LETALI COAGULI DI SANGUE. Ma Nessuno Indaga sulla Correlazione coi Vaccini The Canadian immunologist further notes: «Codon optimization could affect protein conformation, folding and stability, change post-translational modification sites and even affect protein function.Different rates of translation by different tRNAs, including those that exhibit wobble base-pairing (a tRNA that can recognize multiple synonymous codons) may actually be critical for determining the rate of translation. The ribosome may slow and pause during elongation which may actually be necessary for proper protein folding. Therefore, codon optimization may disrupt the fine-tuned timing of translation and ultimately protein function». The Prophetic Seneff Study on Autoimmune and Neurocerebral Damage He then refers to other studies that had reported the dangers of this biochemical manipulation (Source 1): «Codon optimization can also lead to misfolding of mRNAs due to increased Guanine/Cytosine (GC content). Please read McKernan et al.’s preprint, Xia et al.’s paper and Seneff et al.’s paper to learn more about potential problems relating to codon optimization and GC content changes. The latter group write: Synonymous codon replacement also results in a change in the multifunctional regulatory and structural roles of resulting proteins». ONE in THREE Covid Vaccinated with Neurological Complications. Alarming Study from Italian National Research Council The risks to the human organism are clearly highlighted: «There is, in fact, a significant enrichment of GC content (17% and 25% enrichments as per Pfizer and Moderna, respectively, as compared to SARS-CoV-2) as a result of the codon optimization that was done, and this can lead to “dysregulation of the G4-RNA-protein binding system and a wide range of potential disease-associated cellular pathologies including suppression of innate immunity, neurodegeneration, and malignant transformation”. Increased GC content significantly alters mRNA secondary structure as well, and this can also lead to ribosomal pausing or stalling». These considerations were expressed in a study published by illustrious scientists such as Stephanie Seneff, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, Greg Nigh, Immersion Health, Portland, OR, USA, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, Nasco AD Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Research and Development, Piraeus, Greece and Peter A. McCullough, for Health Foundation, Tucson, AZ, USA, which was the subject of enormous censorship by specialized medical journals but we published in Gospa News thanks to an excellent summary by Dr. Mercola. Dangerous RNA Manipulation with N1-methyl-Ψ Below are the quotes from Seneff et al.(Source 4) useful for understanding the connection with uridine modified in N1-methyl-Ψ: «The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease has no precedent. The many alterations in the vaccine mRNA hide the mRNA from cellular defenses and promote a longer biological half-life and high production of spike protein». «However, the immune response to the vaccine is very different from that to a SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance». The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury: Sudden Death, Blood Cloths, Human Mad Cow and Autoimmune Diseases In the study entitled “Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs” the scientists added: «These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health». The late biologist Luc Montagnier, in a study published posthumously by his research friends Jean-Claude Perez and Claire Moret-Chalmin with a review contribution from Seneff biophysics, proved without a shadow of a doubt the correlation between killer prions caused by vaccines and rapid deaths for neurocerebral Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, human mad cow disease. PRIONS as KILLERS: 25 Deaths due to a New Mad-Cow from Covid Vaccines. Shocking Research by Montagnier (RIP), Perez & Moret-Chalmin on CJD Brain Damages In detail Seneff and the other scientists also refer to specific alterations: «Impaired type I IFN signaling is linked to many disease risks, most notably cancer, as type I IFN signaling suppresses proliferation of both viruses and cancer cells by arresting the cell cycle, in part through upregulation of p53, a tumor suppressor gene, and various cyclin- dependent kinase inhibitors (Musella et al., 2017; Matsuoka et al., 1998). IFNα also induces major histocompatibility (MHC) class 1 antigen presentation by tumor cells, causing them to be more readily recognized by the cancer surveillance system (Heise et al., 2016)». They then delve into the problem of the uridine molecule. To understand its importance we report a note from Rose: «Pseudouridines (Ψs) are a normal and essential part of our biology. They have been called the 5th nucleotide, in fact, and “are a ubiquitous constituent of structural RNA (transfer, ribosomal, small nuclear (snRNA) and small nucleolar), and present in coding RNA, across the three phylogenetic domains of life”and “accounts for about 1.4% of all bases in human rRNAs”». “mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines are Like Gene Therapy Products” French Study highlighted Omitted Controls on Genotoxicity Here’s what Seneff and his colleagues wrote about vaccines: «A breakthrough came when it was discovered experimentally that the mRNA coding for the spike protein could be modified in specific ways that would essentially fool the human cells into recognizing it as harmless human RNA. A seminal paper by Karikó et al. (2005) demonstrated through a series of in vitro experiments that a simple modification to the mRNA such that all uridines were replaced with pseudouridine could dramatically reduce innate immune activation against exogenous mRNA». Cancer Risk pointed out by the Nobel Inventor of mRNA Vaccines Precisely for this discovery, Hungarian researcher Katalin Karikó, long-time at Biontech, recently received the Nobel Prize for Medicine together with her American colleague Drew Weissman, although both warned of the dangers of the new mRNA biotechnology. Medicine Nobel to mRNA Covid Vaccines’ Scientists, both Sponsored by Gates, Fauci and Zuckerberg In particular, on January 6, Karikó declared to the German newspaper Welt (Source 5): «Every day I receive many emails from people who write to me about their experiences. One woman wrote to me that two days after the vaccination she developed a large lump in her breast. Vaccination caused cancer, it was her conclusion. But the cancer was already there, only vaccination gave an extra boost to the immune system, so that the immune defense cells rushed in large numbers towards the enemy». The Gospa News investigations on Turbo-Cancer based now on seven published scientific studies have highlighted a very strong correlation between mRNA gene sera and the appearance or reactivation of tumor phenomena with abnormal degeneration resulting in lethal outcomes. TURBO-CANCER – 2. Many Lethal/Serious Cases and New Researches on Covid mRNA Vaccines Risks. Melatonin Hope… Karikó herself adds: «Vaccination provides a strong boost to the immune system. It can happen that a dormant infection breaks out in people with an already weakened immune system. The extent to which this is the case for shingles will need to be examined more closely». Gospa News did so by discovering 27 thousand cases of Herpes Zoster, in the European Union only, as adverse reactions to vaccines reported by EMA pharmacovigilance database even in children, who are more exposed to damage to the natural immune system as confirmed by recent research. Esclusivo! EPIDEMIA DI HERPES DOPO I VACCINI COVID. 27mila Casi nell’UE: 31 Morti da Zoster. Lo Studio: “Per danni al Sistema Immunitario” Let’s go back to Seneff’s conclusions: «Andries et al. (2015) later discovered that 1-methylpseudouridine as a replacement for uridine was even more effective than pseudouridine and could essentially abolish the TLR response to the mRNA, preventing the activation of blood-derived dendritic cells. This modification is applied in both the mRNA vaccines on the market (Park et al., 2021)». To put it simply, the dendritic cell plays the role of sentinel and if it senses the presence of a pathogen in the body, it stimulates the immune response of B and T lymphocytes, specific against that antigen. If its action is limited or suppressed, it may become incapable of dealing with viral or bacterial enemies but also tumor dangers. Critical Role of Pseudouridine in mRNA Vaccines A study published by Pedro Morais, Director (Pseudouridylation Technology) ProQR Therapeutics, Leiden, Netherlands, and by Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Center for RNA Biology, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, US, entitled “The Critical Contribution of Pseudouridine to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” highlighted the fundamental role of the laboratory alteration of this protein in the Comirnaty and Spikevax genetic sera (source 6). «Both consisted of N1-methyl-pseudouridine-modified mRNA encoding the SARS-COVID-19 Spike protein and were delivered with a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulation. Because the delivery problem of ribonucleic acids had been known for decades, the success of LNPs was quickly hailed by many as the unsung hero of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines». “European Medicines Agency Knew Toxicity of Pfizer Covid Vaccine”. Bombshell Study Published in US by an Italian BioChemist on Dangers mRNA-LNPs But the scholars, one of whom has a clear conflict of interest because he is director of the Pseudouridylation Technology project, have highlighted another very interesting fact: «However, the clinical trial efficacy results of the Curevac mRNA vaccine (CVnCoV) suggested that the delivery system was not the only key to the success. CVnCoV consisted of an unmodified mRNA (encoding the same spike protein as Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech’s mRNA vaccines) and was formulated with the same LNP as Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine (Acuitas ALC-0315).However, its efficacy was only 48%. This striking difference in efficacy could be attributed to the presence of a critical RNA modification (N1-methyl-pseudouridine) in the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines (but not in CVnCoV)». “Toxic Nanoforms inside Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine”. Vital Study by Italian Biochemist on US Journal of Virology highlights an Alleged Crime However, the same researchers highlight a significant note: «The intrinsic immunogenicity of non-modified mRNA was once considered a potential advantage for its use in vaccines(Ishii and Akira, 2005) as it would encode the antigen and concomitantly serve as an adjuvant while permitting a low dose. In fact, the unmodified COVID-19 mRNA vaccine candidate in late-stage clinical trials (CVnCoV, developed by Curevac) had a maximum dose of 12 µg». Curevac was developed by Curevac NV of Tubingen, together with the Ngo CEPI founded by Bill Gates with Wellcome and WEF, which initiated an authorization process before the CHMP committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) but withdrew it due to its low efficacy on October 12, 2021 (source 7) in view of the arrival of a new pharmacological product developed with GSK financed by Gates himself. MINISTRO SCHILLACI SPECULA SU BIG PHARMA FINANZIATA DA GATES. €700mila Investiti in Biomediche USA che Testano anche Vaccini DNA Covid Here is another cryptic phrase in which we talk about the “safety” of vaccines, implicitly implying that it is not clear in the current vaccines which therefore make all those who take them into “human guinea pigs”from the laboratory as the immunologist Rose clearly highlights in her final bioethical considerations. Rose: “Unpredictable Health Effects of Manipulated Codons” «Ehden Biber also wrote a great article about the pitfalls of codon optimization that you can read here. In a Nature article published in 2011 entitled: “Breaking the silence”, the author writes on the potential danger of fiddling with codons in therapeutic proteins whereby it “could have unpredictable effects on people’s health”» Rose wrote in her comment on the Cambridge research quoting many sentences by scientific journalist Alla Katsnelson which we report below. Bombshell! Texas Attorney General sues Pfizer on Covid Vaccine Efficacy and Conspiring In detail, the Canadian researcher adds: «She points to a study where the authors show that a synonymous codon change found in the most common form of cystic fibrosis results in mRNA misfolding. (Keep this in mind.) She also points out that in the context of the multi-drug resistance 1 gene (MDR1) (the gene that encodes P-glycoprotein), that a codon change may interfere with the pauses that characterize RNA passing through the ribosome, thereby changing how the growing amino acid chain folds». «But perhaps the most timely and spine-tingly relevant statement in this article is found at the end, and I quote: “At the moment, companies developing recombinant therapies must verify that the DNA sequence designed by their scientists is the one that’s producing their proteins, but they aren’t required to note how different that is from the native genetic code”». European Regulator: Pfizer Hid Dangerous Cancer Gene! It Kept Secret the SV40 DNA Sequence In COVID-19 Vaccine We do not have any guidance with regard to the [DNA] sequence,” Kimchi-Sarfaty notes. While it was the Italian bioimmunologist Mauro Mantovani who demonstrated how the “double Proline” inserted in mRNA vaccines makes the toxic Spike protein dangerously persistent in the human body. «That’s one piece of data that could be tracked by the system she is proposing. Such knowledge, in turn, could ultimately help define better strategies for optimization and possibly even make biologic drugs safer for people» adds Alla Katsnelson while the immunologist asks herself a question: «I wonder if the FDA ever took her advice to track the differences in codons and the resulting potential adverse effects?» Covid Vaccines Killer Pathologies in a Name Only: Spikeopathy! Huge, Chilling Study on mRNA Genic Serums’ Serious Adverse Reactions Therefore Rose quoted the article which we analyzed before: «In addition to our comment on the Nature paper, a University of Cambridge write-up entitled: Researchers redesign future mRNA therapeutics to prevent potentially harmful immune responses was penned. They make it clear that the most relevant conclusion from the Nature paper is that we can make more products similarly insanely dangerous as the ones pumped into billions of bodies because we can simply ‘reduce the production of frameshifted products’ by ‘synonymous targeting of slippery sequences’». So she wrote her milestone sentence: «Well of course! Now that we know that billions of people’s cells might be making aberrant proteins, for unknown periods of time, we can simply sweep these people under the rug, ‘fix’ the product, and keep on makin’ money. Let’s go slidin’ down the slippery sequence slope of gene therapy straight to the Gates of hell». Moderna AWARE that mRNA Jabs cause CANCER due to DNA Fragments. Malone Unveils Patent The Canadian molecular biologist concludes before going into detail about a biochemical analysis that is too technical for non-experts: «The manufacturers might have thought to explore options to prevent potentially harmful responses from their products prior to injecting billions of people with them. It is criminal that these products continue to be forced onto newborns and infants by mandate, to this day». And then she report an emblematic quote about the risks of “Fooling with Mother Nature” by an evolutionary cell biologist at the University of Chicago: “Please do not monkey with these sites; they are optimized for some reason”, in reference to codon bias in mammals. Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio © COPYRIGHT GOSPA NEWS prohibition of reproduction without authorization follow Fabio Carisio Gospa News director on Twitter follow Gospa News on Telegram MAIN SOURCES SOURCE 1 – JESSICA ROSE – That Substack about N1-methylpseudouridines and frameshifting SOURCE 2 – UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE – Researchers redesign future mRNA therapeutics to prevent potentially harmful immune responses SOURCE 3 – NATURE – N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting SOURCE 4– PUBMED – Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs SOURCE 5 – WELT – “Das ist der wirkliche Grund, warum man unter neuen Varianten nicht mehr so krank wird“ SOURCE 6 – FRONTIERS IN – The Critical Contribution of Pseudouridine to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines SOURCE 7 – EMA ends rolling review of CVnCoV COVID-19 vaccine following withdrawal by CureVac AG Fabio G. C. Carisio Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal. His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more… Most popolar investigation on VT is: Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting. For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime. With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians. In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence. In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator. VETERANS TODAY OLD POSTS www.gospanews.net/ ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/01/bombshell-inside-mrna-vaccines-a-human-molecule-diabolically-altered/
    BOMBSHELL! Inside mRNA Vaccines a Human Molecule Diabolically Altered
    In the cover image, the Canadian researcher Jessica Rose, author of an excellent biochemical analysis of an article from the University of Cambridge commenting a study by some of its researchers on the toxicity of manipulated human nucleoside in mRNA genetic sera by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO «Well of course! Now that we know that...
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  • Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust
    By obscuring and falsifying the lessons of the Holocaust we perpetuate the evil that defined it.

    Chris Hedges

    Never Again and Again and Again - by Mr. Fish

    Israel’s lebensraum master plan for Gaza, borrowed from the Nazi’s depopulation of Jewish ghettos, is clear. Destroy infrastrutrue, medical facilities and sanitation, including access to clean water. Block shipments of food and fuel. Unleash indiscriminate industrial violence to kill and wound hundreds a day. Let starvation — the U.N. estimates that more than half a million people are already starving — and epidemics of infectious diseases, along with the daily massacres and the displacement of Palestinians from their homes, turn Gaza into a mortuary. The Palestinians are being forced to choose between death from bombs, disease, exposure or starvation or being driven from their homeland.

    There will soon reach a point where death will be so ubiquitous that deportation - for those who want to live - will be the only option.

    Danny Danon, Israel's former Ambassador to the U.N. and a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Israel’s Kan Bet radio that he has been contacted by “countries in Latin America and Africa that are willing to absorb refugees from the Gaza Strip.” “We have to make it easier for Gazans to leave for other countries,” he said. “I'm talking about voluntary migration by Palestinians who want to leave.”

    The problem for now “is countries that are willing to absorb them, and we're working on this,” Netanyahu told Likud Knesset members.

    In the Warsaw Ghetto, the Germans handed out three kilograms of bread and one kilogram of marmalade to anyone who “voluntarily” registered for deportation. “There were times when hundreds of people had to wait in line for several hours to be ‘deported,’” Marek Edelman, one of the commanders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, writes in “The Ghetto Fights.” “The number of people anxious to obtain three kilograms of bread was such that the transports, now leaving twice daily with 12,000 people, could not accommodate them all.”

    The Nazis shipped their victims to death camps. The Israelis will ship their victims to squalid refugee camps in countries outside of Israel. Israeli leaders are also cynically advertising the proposed ethnic cleansing as voluntary and a humanitarian gesture to solve the catastrophe they created.

    This is the plan. No one, especially the Biden administration, intends to stop it.

    The most disturbing lesson I learned while covering armed conflicts for two decades is that we all have the capacity, with little prodding, to become willing executioners. The line between the victim and the victimizer is razor thin. The dark lusts of racial and ethnic supremacy, of vengeance and hate, of the eradication of those we condemn as embodying evil, are poisons that are not circumscribed by race, nationality, ethnicity or religion. We can all become Nazis. It takes very little. And if we do not stand in eternal vigilance over evil — our evil — we become, like those carrying out the mass killing in Gaza, monsters.

    The cries of those expiring under the rubble in Gaza are the cries of the boys and men executed by the Bosnian Serbs at Srebrenica, the over 1.5 million Cambodians killed by the Khmer Rouge, the thousands of Tutsi families burned alive in churches and the tens of thousands of Jews executed by the Einsatzgruppen at Babi Yar in Ukraine. The Holocaust is not an historical relic. It lives, lurking in the shadows, waiting to ignite its vicious contagion.

    We were warned. Raul Hilberg. Primo Levi. Bruno Bettelheim. Hannah Arendt. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They understood the dark recesses of the human spirit. But this truth is bitter and hard to confront. We prefer the myth. We prefer to see in our own kind, our own race, our own ethnicity, our own nation, our own religion, superior virtues. We prefer to sanctify our hatred. Some of those who bore witness to this awful truth, including Levi, Bettelheim, Jean Améry, the author of “At the Mind's Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and Its Realities,” and Tadeusz Borowski, who wrote “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen,” committed suicide. The German playwright and revolutionary Ernst Toller, unable to rouse an indifferent world to assist victims and refugees from the Spanish Civil War, hanged himself in 1939 in a room at the Mayflower Hotel in New York City. On his hotel desk were photos of dead Spanish children.

    “Most people have no imagination,” Toller writes. “If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so. What separated a German mother from a French mother? Slogans which deafened us so that we could not hear the truth.”

    Primo Levi railed against the false, morally uplifting narrative of the Holocaust that culminates in the creation of the state of Israel — a narrative embraced by the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. The contemporary history of the Third Reich, he writes, could be “reread as a war against memory, an Orwellian falsification of memory, falsification of reality, negation of reality.” He wonders if “we who have returned” have “been able to understand and make others understand our experience.”

    Levi saw us reflected in Chaim Rumkowski, the Nazi collaborator and tyrannical leader of the Łódź Ghetto. Rumkowski sold out his fellow Jews for privilege and power, although he was sent to Auschwitz on the final transport where Jewish Sonderkommando — prisoners forced to help herd victims into the gas chambers and dispose of their bodies — in an act of vengeance reportedly beat him to death outside a crematorium.

    “We are all mirrored in Rumkowski,” Levi reminds us. “His ambiguity is ours, it is our second nature, we hybrids molded from clay and spirit. His fever is ours, the fever of Western civilization, that ‘descends into hell with trumpets and drums,’ and its miserable adornments are the distorting image of our symbols of social prestige.” We, like Rumkowski, “are so dazzled by power and prestige as to forget our essential fragility. Willingly or not we come to terms with power, forgetting that we are all in the ghetto, that the ghetto is walled in, that outside the ghetto reign the lords of death, and that close by the train is waiting.”

    Levi insists that the camps “could not be reduced to the two blocks of victims and persecutors.” He argues, “It is naive, absurd, and historically false to believe that an infernal system such as National Socialism sanctifies its victims; on the contrary; it degrades them, it makes them resemble itself.” He chronicles what he called the “gray zone” between corruption and collaboration. The world, he writes, is not black and white, “but a vast zone of gray consciences that stands between the great men of evil and the pure victims.” We all inhabit this gray zone. We all can be induced to become part of the apparatus of death for trivial reasons and paltry rewards. This is the terrifying truth of the Holocaust.

    It is hard not to be cynical about the plethora of university courses about the Holocaust given the censorship and banning of groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, imposed by university administrations. What is the point of studying the Holocaust if not to understand its fundamental lesson — when you have the capacity to stop genocide and you do not, you are culpable? It is hard not to be cynical about the “humanitarian interventionists” — Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Samantha Power — who talk in sanctimonious rhymes about the “Responsibility to Protect” but are silent about war crimes when speaking out would threaten their status and careers. None of the “humanitarian interventions” they championed, from Bosnia to Libya, come close to replicating the suffering and slaughter in Gaza. But there is a cost to defending Palestinians, a cost they do not intend to pay. There is nothing moral about denouncing slavery, the Holocaust or dictatorial regimes that oppose the United States. All it means is you champion the dominant narrative.

    The moral universe has been turned upside down. Those who oppose genocide are accused of advocating it. Those who carry out genocide are said to have the right to “defend” themselves. Vetoing ceasefires and providing 2,000-pound bombs to Israel that throw out metal fragments for thousands of feet is the road to peace. Refusing to negotiate with Hamas will free the hostages. Bombing hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, ambulances and refugee camps, along with killing three former Israeli hostages, stripped to the waist, waving an improvised white flag and calling out for help in Hebrew, are routine acts of war. Killing over 21,300 people, including more than 7,700 children, injuring over 55,000 and rendering nearly all of the 2.3 million people in Gaza homeless, is a way to “deradicalize” Palestinians. None of this makes sense, as protesters around the world realize.

    A new world is being born. It is a world where the old rules, more often honored in the breach than the observance, no longer matter. It is a world where vast bureaucratic structures and technologically advanced systems carry out in public view vast killing projects. The industrialized nations, weakened, fearful of global chaos, are sending an ominous message to the Global South and anyone who might think of revolt — we will kill you without restraint.

    One day, we will all be Palestinians.

    “I fear that we live in a world in which war and racism are ubiquitous, in which the powers of government mobilization and legitimization are powerful and increasing, in which a sense of personal responsibility is increasingly attenuated by specialization and bureaucratization, and in which the peer group exerts tremendous pressures on behavior and sets moral norms,” Christopher R. Browning writes in Ordinary Men, about a German reserve police battalion in World War Two that was ultimately responsible for the murder of 83,000 Jews. “In such a world, I fear, modern governments that wish to commit mass murder will seldom fail in their efforts for being unable to induce ‘ordinary men’ to become their ‘willing executioners.’”

    Evil is protean. It mutates. It finds new forms and new expressions. Germany orchestrated the murder of six million Jews, as well as over six million Gypsies, Poles, homosexuals, communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Freemasons, artists, journalists, Soviet prisoners of war, people with physical and intellectual disabilities and political opponents. It immediately set out after the war to expiate itself for its crimes. It deftly transferred its racism and demonization to Muslims, with racial supremacy remaining firmly rooted in the German psyche. At the same time, Germany and the U.S. rehabilitated thousands of former Nazis, especially from the intelligence services and the scientific community, and did little to prosecute those who directed Nazi war crimes. Germany today is Israel’s second largest arms supplier following the U.S.

    The supposed campaign against anti-Semitism, interpreted as any statement that is critical of the State of Israel or denounces the genocide, is in fact the championing of White Power. It is why the German state, which has effectively criminalized support for the Palestinians, and the most retrograde white supremists in the United States, justify the carnage. Germany’s long relationship with Israel, including paying over $90 billion since 1945 in reparations to Holocaust survivors and their heirs, is not about atonement, as the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé writes, but blackmail.

    “The argument for a Jewish state as compensation for the Holocaust was a powerful argument, so powerful that nobody listened to the outright rejection of the U.N. solution by the overwhelming majority of the people of Palestine,” Pappé writes. “What comes out clearly is a European wish to atone. The basic and natural rights of the Palestinians should be sidelined, dwarfed and forgotten altogether for the sake of the forgiveness that Europe was seeking from the newly formed Jewish state. It was much easier to rectify the Nazi evil vis-à -vis a Zionist movement than facing the Jews of the world in general. It was less complex and, more importantly, it did not involve facing the victims of the Holocaust themselves, but rather a state that claimed to represent them. The price for this more convenient atonement was robbing the Palestinians of every basic and natural right they had and allowing the Zionist movement to ethnically cleanse them without fear of any rebuke or condemnation.”

    The Holocaust was weaponized from almost the moment Israel was founded. It was bastardized to serve the apartheid state. If we forget the lessons of the Holocaust, we forget who we are and what we are capable of becoming. We seek our moral worth in the past, rather than the present. We condemn others, including the Palestinians, to an endless cycle of slaughter. We become the evil we abhor. We consecrate the horror.


    Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust By obscuring and falsifying the lessons of the Holocaust we perpetuate the evil that defined it. Chris Hedges Never Again and Again and Again - by Mr. Fish Israel’s lebensraum master plan for Gaza, borrowed from the Nazi’s depopulation of Jewish ghettos, is clear. Destroy infrastrutrue, medical facilities and sanitation, including access to clean water. Block shipments of food and fuel. Unleash indiscriminate industrial violence to kill and wound hundreds a day. Let starvation — the U.N. estimates that more than half a million people are already starving — and epidemics of infectious diseases, along with the daily massacres and the displacement of Palestinians from their homes, turn Gaza into a mortuary. The Palestinians are being forced to choose between death from bombs, disease, exposure or starvation or being driven from their homeland. There will soon reach a point where death will be so ubiquitous that deportation - for those who want to live - will be the only option. Danny Danon, Israel's former Ambassador to the U.N. and a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Israel’s Kan Bet radio that he has been contacted by “countries in Latin America and Africa that are willing to absorb refugees from the Gaza Strip.” “We have to make it easier for Gazans to leave for other countries,” he said. “I'm talking about voluntary migration by Palestinians who want to leave.” The problem for now “is countries that are willing to absorb them, and we're working on this,” Netanyahu told Likud Knesset members. In the Warsaw Ghetto, the Germans handed out three kilograms of bread and one kilogram of marmalade to anyone who “voluntarily” registered for deportation. “There were times when hundreds of people had to wait in line for several hours to be ‘deported,’” Marek Edelman, one of the commanders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, writes in “The Ghetto Fights.” “The number of people anxious to obtain three kilograms of bread was such that the transports, now leaving twice daily with 12,000 people, could not accommodate them all.” The Nazis shipped their victims to death camps. The Israelis will ship their victims to squalid refugee camps in countries outside of Israel. Israeli leaders are also cynically advertising the proposed ethnic cleansing as voluntary and a humanitarian gesture to solve the catastrophe they created. This is the plan. No one, especially the Biden administration, intends to stop it. The most disturbing lesson I learned while covering armed conflicts for two decades is that we all have the capacity, with little prodding, to become willing executioners. The line between the victim and the victimizer is razor thin. The dark lusts of racial and ethnic supremacy, of vengeance and hate, of the eradication of those we condemn as embodying evil, are poisons that are not circumscribed by race, nationality, ethnicity or religion. We can all become Nazis. It takes very little. And if we do not stand in eternal vigilance over evil — our evil — we become, like those carrying out the mass killing in Gaza, monsters. The cries of those expiring under the rubble in Gaza are the cries of the boys and men executed by the Bosnian Serbs at Srebrenica, the over 1.5 million Cambodians killed by the Khmer Rouge, the thousands of Tutsi families burned alive in churches and the tens of thousands of Jews executed by the Einsatzgruppen at Babi Yar in Ukraine. The Holocaust is not an historical relic. It lives, lurking in the shadows, waiting to ignite its vicious contagion. We were warned. Raul Hilberg. Primo Levi. Bruno Bettelheim. Hannah Arendt. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They understood the dark recesses of the human spirit. But this truth is bitter and hard to confront. We prefer the myth. We prefer to see in our own kind, our own race, our own ethnicity, our own nation, our own religion, superior virtues. We prefer to sanctify our hatred. Some of those who bore witness to this awful truth, including Levi, Bettelheim, Jean Améry, the author of “At the Mind's Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and Its Realities,” and Tadeusz Borowski, who wrote “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen,” committed suicide. The German playwright and revolutionary Ernst Toller, unable to rouse an indifferent world to assist victims and refugees from the Spanish Civil War, hanged himself in 1939 in a room at the Mayflower Hotel in New York City. On his hotel desk were photos of dead Spanish children. “Most people have no imagination,” Toller writes. “If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so. What separated a German mother from a French mother? Slogans which deafened us so that we could not hear the truth.” Primo Levi railed against the false, morally uplifting narrative of the Holocaust that culminates in the creation of the state of Israel — a narrative embraced by the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. The contemporary history of the Third Reich, he writes, could be “reread as a war against memory, an Orwellian falsification of memory, falsification of reality, negation of reality.” He wonders if “we who have returned” have “been able to understand and make others understand our experience.” Levi saw us reflected in Chaim Rumkowski, the Nazi collaborator and tyrannical leader of the Łódź Ghetto. Rumkowski sold out his fellow Jews for privilege and power, although he was sent to Auschwitz on the final transport where Jewish Sonderkommando — prisoners forced to help herd victims into the gas chambers and dispose of their bodies — in an act of vengeance reportedly beat him to death outside a crematorium. “We are all mirrored in Rumkowski,” Levi reminds us. “His ambiguity is ours, it is our second nature, we hybrids molded from clay and spirit. His fever is ours, the fever of Western civilization, that ‘descends into hell with trumpets and drums,’ and its miserable adornments are the distorting image of our symbols of social prestige.” We, like Rumkowski, “are so dazzled by power and prestige as to forget our essential fragility. Willingly or not we come to terms with power, forgetting that we are all in the ghetto, that the ghetto is walled in, that outside the ghetto reign the lords of death, and that close by the train is waiting.” Levi insists that the camps “could not be reduced to the two blocks of victims and persecutors.” He argues, “It is naive, absurd, and historically false to believe that an infernal system such as National Socialism sanctifies its victims; on the contrary; it degrades them, it makes them resemble itself.” He chronicles what he called the “gray zone” between corruption and collaboration. The world, he writes, is not black and white, “but a vast zone of gray consciences that stands between the great men of evil and the pure victims.” We all inhabit this gray zone. We all can be induced to become part of the apparatus of death for trivial reasons and paltry rewards. This is the terrifying truth of the Holocaust. It is hard not to be cynical about the plethora of university courses about the Holocaust given the censorship and banning of groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, imposed by university administrations. What is the point of studying the Holocaust if not to understand its fundamental lesson — when you have the capacity to stop genocide and you do not, you are culpable? It is hard not to be cynical about the “humanitarian interventionists” — Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Samantha Power — who talk in sanctimonious rhymes about the “Responsibility to Protect” but are silent about war crimes when speaking out would threaten their status and careers. None of the “humanitarian interventions” they championed, from Bosnia to Libya, come close to replicating the suffering and slaughter in Gaza. But there is a cost to defending Palestinians, a cost they do not intend to pay. There is nothing moral about denouncing slavery, the Holocaust or dictatorial regimes that oppose the United States. All it means is you champion the dominant narrative. The moral universe has been turned upside down. Those who oppose genocide are accused of advocating it. Those who carry out genocide are said to have the right to “defend” themselves. Vetoing ceasefires and providing 2,000-pound bombs to Israel that throw out metal fragments for thousands of feet is the road to peace. Refusing to negotiate with Hamas will free the hostages. Bombing hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, ambulances and refugee camps, along with killing three former Israeli hostages, stripped to the waist, waving an improvised white flag and calling out for help in Hebrew, are routine acts of war. Killing over 21,300 people, including more than 7,700 children, injuring over 55,000 and rendering nearly all of the 2.3 million people in Gaza homeless, is a way to “deradicalize” Palestinians. None of this makes sense, as protesters around the world realize. A new world is being born. It is a world where the old rules, more often honored in the breach than the observance, no longer matter. It is a world where vast bureaucratic structures and technologically advanced systems carry out in public view vast killing projects. The industrialized nations, weakened, fearful of global chaos, are sending an ominous message to the Global South and anyone who might think of revolt — we will kill you without restraint. One day, we will all be Palestinians. “I fear that we live in a world in which war and racism are ubiquitous, in which the powers of government mobilization and legitimization are powerful and increasing, in which a sense of personal responsibility is increasingly attenuated by specialization and bureaucratization, and in which the peer group exerts tremendous pressures on behavior and sets moral norms,” Christopher R. Browning writes in Ordinary Men, about a German reserve police battalion in World War Two that was ultimately responsible for the murder of 83,000 Jews. “In such a world, I fear, modern governments that wish to commit mass murder will seldom fail in their efforts for being unable to induce ‘ordinary men’ to become their ‘willing executioners.’” Evil is protean. It mutates. It finds new forms and new expressions. Germany orchestrated the murder of six million Jews, as well as over six million Gypsies, Poles, homosexuals, communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Freemasons, artists, journalists, Soviet prisoners of war, people with physical and intellectual disabilities and political opponents. It immediately set out after the war to expiate itself for its crimes. It deftly transferred its racism and demonization to Muslims, with racial supremacy remaining firmly rooted in the German psyche. At the same time, Germany and the U.S. rehabilitated thousands of former Nazis, especially from the intelligence services and the scientific community, and did little to prosecute those who directed Nazi war crimes. Germany today is Israel’s second largest arms supplier following the U.S. The supposed campaign against anti-Semitism, interpreted as any statement that is critical of the State of Israel or denounces the genocide, is in fact the championing of White Power. It is why the German state, which has effectively criminalized support for the Palestinians, and the most retrograde white supremists in the United States, justify the carnage. Germany’s long relationship with Israel, including paying over $90 billion since 1945 in reparations to Holocaust survivors and their heirs, is not about atonement, as the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé writes, but blackmail. “The argument for a Jewish state as compensation for the Holocaust was a powerful argument, so powerful that nobody listened to the outright rejection of the U.N. solution by the overwhelming majority of the people of Palestine,” Pappé writes. “What comes out clearly is a European wish to atone. The basic and natural rights of the Palestinians should be sidelined, dwarfed and forgotten altogether for the sake of the forgiveness that Europe was seeking from the newly formed Jewish state. It was much easier to rectify the Nazi evil vis-à -vis a Zionist movement than facing the Jews of the world in general. It was less complex and, more importantly, it did not involve facing the victims of the Holocaust themselves, but rather a state that claimed to represent them. The price for this more convenient atonement was robbing the Palestinians of every basic and natural right they had and allowing the Zionist movement to ethnically cleanse them without fear of any rebuke or condemnation.” The Holocaust was weaponized from almost the moment Israel was founded. It was bastardized to serve the apartheid state. If we forget the lessons of the Holocaust, we forget who we are and what we are capable of becoming. We seek our moral worth in the past, rather than the present. We condemn others, including the Palestinians, to an endless cycle of slaughter. We become the evil we abhor. We consecrate the horror. Share https://open.substack.com/pub/chrishedges/p/israels-genocide-betrays-the-holocaust?r=29hg4d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
    Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust
    By obscuring and falsifying the lessons of the Holocaust we perpetuate the evil that defined it.
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    https://cutt.ly/dwO0fSi0 With millions of homes owning at least one cat friend, kitties make up some of the most frequently owned animals in the US. The largest pedigreed cat registry in the world, the Cat Fancier's Association (CFA), states that there are over 40 recognized cat breeds in the United States, ranging from the hairless Sphynx to the fluffy Persian. Certain breeds, including the American shorthair, American curl, and Bengal, are native to the United States, while others, like the Siamese, Himalayan, and Ragdoll, are imported from other countries. In addition to being elegant and multifaceted, cats are also smart and lovable. Numerous cat owners value the relationship and camaraderie they have with their pets, who can offer solace, amusement, and even health advantages. According to studies, having a cat can enhance immunity, lessen stress, increase mood, and lower blood pressure. Additionally, especially in the midst of the epidemic when social alienation and isolation have become more prevalent, cats can aid people in overcoming feelings of loneliness, despair, and anxiety. But having a cat also means having obstacles and obligations. Cats require regular veterinary care, immunizations, grooming, food, and upkeep of their litter boxes, among other necessities. In addition, cats require toys, cat trees, scratching posts, and human connection for stimulation, enrichment, and socializing. Certain cats may require more care and resources due to their unique needs, which could include food restrictions, behavioral problems, or medical disorders. Furthermore, certain cats could not get along with kids or other pets, or they might not be a good fit for certain types of homes, including apartments or bustling neighborhoods. https://cutt.ly/dwO0fSi0 As a result, it's crucial to conduct research and take into account a number of variables before adopting a cat, including the animal's personality, temperament, activity level, coat type, size, age, and health. A respectable breeder, shelter, or rescue is another place to go, and there you should inquire about the needs, history, and background of the cat. You may make sure that you and your feline friend have a pleasant and harmonious relationship by selecting a cat that fits your expectations, preferences, and lifestyle. https://cutt.ly/dwO0fSi0
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  • Meditação com Mhanoel Mendes - Meditantes PodCast #15

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  • Os Médicos estão receitando Meditação - Meditantes PodCast #15

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    Os Médicos estão receitando Meditação - Meditantes PodCast #15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQCrjGmcLuU&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtoRMyOSzPht2WwEuV37RbvJ 🎧 Playlist do episódio👇 meditantes.com.br/playlist/15 Assista, Ouça, Aproveite! #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditar #meditativo #meditantespodcast #meditantes #podcast #shantirham #muse #nachdenken #méditer #meditazione
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  • Travelers are likely to be among the first to experience the mass worldwide commercial deployment of facial recognition, with a steady stream of new adoptions at airports, cruise lines and amusement parks, despite lingering concerns around #privacy.
    Travelers are likely to be among the first to experience the mass worldwide commercial deployment of facial recognition, with a steady stream of new adoptions at airports, cruise lines and amusement parks, despite lingering concerns around #privacy.
    Travel Industry Adoption of Facial Recognition Grows - Activist Post
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    Within the confines of the Ayala Museum, Juan Luna's masterpiece 'Hymen oh Hymenee' skillfully encapsulates the very essence of love and unity in matrimony. The canvas itself becomes a vibrant testament to the sacred connection shared by two souls.
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