• _É um caminho para percebermos que a verdadeira liberdade está em viver cada momento com presença, consciência e gratidão..._
    *Meditação como principal ferramenta para estar presente.*
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    📝 _É um caminho para percebermos que a verdadeira liberdade está em viver cada momento com presença, consciência e gratidão..._ . 🙏 *Meditação como principal ferramenta para estar presente.* . 🎧 Veja Aqui: 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7iE1oRDvL4&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtrdaXdqIQyzfMIGbvJf80vR . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _Aprender a meditar ao lado de alguém que já trilha esse caminho é uma experiência transformadora, onde o simples estar juntos nos desperta para a profundidade do momento presente, como se respirássemos a essência do silêncio em cada inspiração..._
    *Aprendemos Meditação próximos de alguém que pratica.*
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    📝 _Aprender a meditar ao lado de alguém que já trilha esse caminho é uma experiência transformadora, onde o simples estar juntos nos desperta para a profundidade do momento presente, como se respirássemos a essência do silêncio em cada inspiração..._ . 🙏 *Aprendemos Meditação próximos de alguém que pratica.* . 🎧 Veja Aqui: 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Qr2-8d80Q8&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtpeah1aK6DqzSgbVAJZpflQ . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast
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  • Para quem acredita que não consegue meditar, a chave está em deixar de lado a expectativa de “fazer certo” e, em vez disso, permitir-se apenas estar presente, da forma como é possível neste momento...
    Meditação para quem acha que não consegue Meditar com Sandro Bosco no Meditantes PodCast #86. Apresentação de Domício Shanti-Rham.
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    📝 Para quem acredita que não consegue meditar, a chave está em deixar de lado a expectativa de “fazer certo” e, em vez disso, permitir-se apenas estar presente, da forma como é possível neste momento... . . 🙏 Meditação para quem acha que não consegue Meditar com Sandro Bosco no Meditantes PodCast #86. Apresentação de Domício Shanti-Rham. . 🎧 Veja Aqui: 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywa-Lfjop0s&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtpeah1aK6DqzSgbVAJZpflQ
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  • A meditação transforma a forma de ver o mundo, abrindo os olhos para a beleza do momento presente, guiando a um estado de ser mais autêntico, amoroso e compassivo...
    Antes da Meditação era uma pessoal totalmente diferente.
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    📝A meditação transforma a forma de ver o mundo, abrindo os olhos para a beleza do momento presente, guiando a um estado de ser mais autêntico, amoroso e compassivo... . . 🙏 Antes da Meditação era uma pessoal totalmente diferente. . 🎧 Veja Aqui: 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US5AShMELdQ&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtoAvgAw-H4Isx2-NnSAtlew . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _É o momento de se dar a chance de experimentar a meditação em sua forma mais autêntica e poderosa, e descobrir o potencial infinito que existe dentro de você...
    *Você deveria ouvir essas dicas.*
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    📝_É o momento de se dar a chance de experimentar a meditação em sua forma mais autêntica e poderosa, e descobrir o potencial infinito que existe dentro de você... . 🙏 *Você deveria ouvir essas dicas.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBgHHe_GQxs&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtqxwmmec2GoMKEx-t3H8R1u . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _A Meditação se revela como um caminho iluminado para a liberação do sofrimento, guiando-nos através da neblina da mente até a clareza do ser..._

    _Nesse espaço sagrado de introspecção, aprendemos a observar nossas emoções sem nos deixarmos dominar por elas, transformando dor em compaixão e angústia em serenidade..._

    _Cada momento de presença é um convite para desapegar-se do peso do passado e das ansiedades do futuro, permitindo que a essência do agora floresça..._

    _Ao cultivar a consciência plena, encontramos não apenas a liberdade das correntes internas, mas também a capacidade de abraçar a vida com gratidão e amor, revelando a beleza que reside na jornada de cada um de nós..._
    *Meditação, um Caminho para Liberação do Sofrimento.*
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    📝_A Meditação se revela como um caminho iluminado para a liberação do sofrimento, guiando-nos através da neblina da mente até a clareza do ser..._ 📝_Nesse espaço sagrado de introspecção, aprendemos a observar nossas emoções sem nos deixarmos dominar por elas, transformando dor em compaixão e angústia em serenidade..._ 📝_Cada momento de presença é um convite para desapegar-se do peso do passado e das ansiedades do futuro, permitindo que a essência do agora floresça..._ 📝_Ao cultivar a consciência plena, encontramos não apenas a liberdade das correntes internas, mas também a capacidade de abraçar a vida com gratidão e amor, revelando a beleza que reside na jornada de cada um de nós..._ . 🙏 *Meditação, um Caminho para Liberação do Sofrimento.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NuEjsRshsM&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtrfEDsMfw4hYhk2v1kohauk . 🌏 Meditantes News:👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=3031 . 🎧 Playlist do Episodio: 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/81 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _É na constância do silêncio que a mente encontra sua clareza e o coração desperta para a essência do ser..._

    _Cada momento dedicado à meditação é um passo em direção à própria profundidade, um convite para mergulhar além das distrações e se conectar com o infinito que habita dentro de nós..._

    _É através da prática que o mistério se desvela, que a serenidade se torna um estado natural e que a sabedoria interior floresce..._

    _Na jornada meditativa, a experiência não é algo que se busca, mas algo que, com o tempo, nos encontra..._

    *Somente com a Prática vem a Experiência Meditativa.*
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    📝_É na constância do silêncio que a mente encontra sua clareza e o coração desperta para a essência do ser..._ 📝_Cada momento dedicado à meditação é um passo em direção à própria profundidade, um convite para mergulhar além das distrações e se conectar com o infinito que habita dentro de nós..._ 📝_É através da prática que o mistério se desvela, que a serenidade se torna um estado natural e que a sabedoria interior floresce..._ 📝_Na jornada meditativa, a experiência não é algo que se busca, mas algo que, com o tempo, nos encontra..._ . 🙏 *Somente com a Prática vem a Experiência Meditativa.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOM-dm4n4Ts&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtoAK616R1ErQ_yOmDmNvzk5 . 🌏 Meditantes News:👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=3017 . 🎧 Playlist do Episodio: 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/80 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _Essa é a experiência de fundir-se com o infinito, onde o ego se dissolve e tudo o que resta é a pura essência do ser..._

    _É o momento em que a mente cessa sua busca e o coração encontra seu lar na imensidão do silêncio..._

    _Nesse estado sublime, somos tomados por uma paz que transcende palavras, uma alegria que não depende de circunstâncias, mas que brota da própria fonte da existência..._

    _É a união com o divino dentro de nós, onde cada respiração é um cântico de gratidão e cada batida do coração ecoa a verdade de que somos parte do Todo..._
    *Meditação estudo de Beatitude com Hiago Rodrigues*
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    📝_Essa é a experiência de fundir-se com o infinito, onde o ego se dissolve e tudo o que resta é a pura essência do ser..._ 📝_É o momento em que a mente cessa sua busca e o coração encontra seu lar na imensidão do silêncio..._ 📝_Nesse estado sublime, somos tomados por uma paz que transcende palavras, uma alegria que não depende de circunstâncias, mas que brota da própria fonte da existência..._ 📝_É a união com o divino dentro de nós, onde cada respiração é um cântico de gratidão e cada batida do coração ecoa a verdade de que somos parte do Todo..._ . 🙏 *Meditação estudo de Beatitude com Hiago Rodrigues* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OAPT3rAkXM&list=PLjXLCSmO7rto1TYJ8AAk322WTPSHQ1Kck . 🌏 Meditantes News:👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=3002 . 🎧 Playlist do Episodio: 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/79 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo .
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  • _É o momento em que escolhemos, em meio ao caos do dia a dia, parar e nos reconectar com o presente. É uma breve suspensão do tempo em que a respiração se torna âncora e o silêncio revela a paz que habita em nós. Nesse simples ato de consciência, recarregamos a mente e o coração, realinhando-nos com a serenidade interior e lembrando que a quietude está sempre disponível, mesmo nos momentos mais agitados da vida..._
    *Meditação Pausa consciente com Dr. Gustavo Giovannetti.*
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    📝_É o momento em que escolhemos, em meio ao caos do dia a dia, parar e nos reconectar com o presente. É uma breve suspensão do tempo em que a respiração se torna âncora e o silêncio revela a paz que habita em nós. Nesse simples ato de consciência, recarregamos a mente e o coração, realinhando-nos com a serenidade interior e lembrando que a quietude está sempre disponível, mesmo nos momentos mais agitados da vida..._ . 🙏 *Meditação Pausa consciente com Dr. Gustavo Giovannetti.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmSbe0qX-tg&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtogmiqrzZSC9aR-h8rtW0Wp . 🌏 Meditantes News:👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2943 . 🎧 Playlist do Episodio: 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/78 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _Não é sobre perfeição, mas sobre a qualidade da presença que trazemos ao momento. A meditação melhora quando soltamos a necessidade de "fazer" e nos entregamos ao simples "estar", confiando que, no silêncio, o equilíbrio natural da mente se restabelece..._
    *Dicas para Meditar Melhor*
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    📝_Não é sobre perfeição, mas sobre a qualidade da presença que trazemos ao momento. A meditação melhora quando soltamos a necessidade de "fazer" e nos entregamos ao simples "estar", confiando que, no silêncio, o equilíbrio natural da mente se restabelece..._ . 🙏 *Dicas para Meditar Melhor* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgvSw5o3JV0&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtrDRpcL4K46UC9kGsbjocLF . 🌏 _Meditantes News:_👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2913 . 🎧 _Playlist do Episodio:_ 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/77 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _Quando meditamos, o corpo encontra sua quietude, permitindo que as tensões se dissipem e a vitalidade natural floresça. O coração, então, se abre em compaixão e amor, dissolvendo as barreiras entre nós e os outros. A mente se aquieta, cessando o fluxo incessante de pensamentos, e se torna um espelho claro que reflete a verdade do momento presente. O espírito desperta, revelando sua natureza infinita e conectando-nos ao divino..._
    *Meditação é um Processo de Integração.*
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    📝_Quando meditamos, o corpo encontra sua quietude, permitindo que as tensões se dissipem e a vitalidade natural floresça. O coração, então, se abre em compaixão e amor, dissolvendo as barreiras entre nós e os outros. A mente se aquieta, cessando o fluxo incessante de pensamentos, e se torna um espelho claro que reflete a verdade do momento presente. O espírito desperta, revelando sua natureza infinita e conectando-nos ao divino..._ . 🙏 *Meditação é um Processo de Integração.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCzH3hDTDVo&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtppZn0DLCJgFAYeSIqUEX17 . 🌏 _Meditantes News:_👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2868 . 🎧 _Playlist do Episodio:_ 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/76 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • 42x increase in Excess Deaths among Children in Europe recorded since COVID Jab was “approved” for Children compared to Pre-Jab levels
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    by The Exposé

    Excess deaths among children across Europe, excluding Ukraine have increased by 335% since the European Medicines Agency (EMA) granted Emergency Use Authorisation of the Covid vaccines for use in children in week 21 of 2021 compared to the number of excess deaths recorded during the same time frame prior to EMA granting “authorisation” of the Covid vaccine for children.

    In the scorching summer of 2021, a momentous decision swept across Europe, sparking a whirlwind of emotions among parents, who had fallen for the 24/7 propaganda, eagerly awaiting a ray of hope for their children.

    The European Medicines Agency (EMA) had finally granted emergency use approval for the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 12 to 15.

    Relief and elation surged through the hearts of countless naive parents who saw this as a beacon of protection against the alleged pandemic.

    Yet, the winds of fortune took an unexpected turn as the vaccine rollout for children commenced. Startling reports emerged, revealing a distressing surge in excess deaths among the young ones across the continent. The sense of optimism quickly faded among the thousands of families affected, and was replaced by a grim reality that cast a shadow over the hopes of many.

    Tragically, the statistics paint a haunting picture, with a staggering 362% surge in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 by the thirty-fourth week of 2024. These numbers whisper a chilling tale of consequences that were foreseen by many silenced and heavily censored voices.

    Back in 2020, as the establishment desperately sought to fast track the use of mrna technology disguised as a vaccine against the alleged pandemic, COVID-19 injections were still in the embryonic stages of development, treading a precarious path toward regulatory approval.

    To hasten their availability, regulatory agencies like the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) invoked emergency use authorizations (EUAs), granting a temporary lifeline to these novel and dangerous vaccines.

    These EUAs acted as regulatory mechanisms, permitting the usage of medical products in dire circumstances, such as a pandemic, even before they completed the rigorous journey of full regulatory approval.

    It was an unprecedented measure taken in the face of an unprecedented crisis. But the alleged Covid-19 pandemic had proven to not be a threat to children, making future decisions by these regulatory bodies extremely questionable and possibly criminal.

    One crucial reason why mRNA vaccines had not been widely employed in the general population until December 2020 was the specter of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE).

    This phenomenon haunted the corridors of scientific discourse, raising concerns that vaccination with mRNA vaccines could potentially exacerbate the disease, rendering those inoculated more susceptible to its clutches.

    History had already witnessed a chilling episode of ADE during the development of a dengue fever vaccine. Initial trials indicated promise, displaying protection against the virus for those unscathed by prior infections.

    Sadly, in individuals who had encountered a different strain of the virus before, the vaccine seemed to amplify the risk of severe illness, a grim testament to the treacherous nature of ADE.

    Similar tales emerged from numerous animal studies, where potential “vaccines” instigated lung inflammation and other adverse effects upon subsequent exposure to the virus. The vaccine-induced immune response, rather than neutralizing the virus, wrought havoc on lung tissue, leaving a trail of unintended consequences.

    Additionally, the ominous specter of Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED) loomed large during respiratory virus vaccine trials, including those against coronaviruses.

    For instance, trials for a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine illuminated a disconcerting pattern: vaccinated infants faced an increased risk of hospitalization and more severe respiratory illness upon encountering the virus.

    The immune response triggered by the vaccine, rather than safeguarding against the virus, seemed to trigger an overreaction of the immune system, exacerbating the disease’s symptoms.

    Respiratory viruses, such as coronaviruses and RSV, had long been recognized as grave threats to vulnerable populations, especially infants and the elderly.

    However, the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, supposedly responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, appeared to spare the younger generation, raising perplexing questions about the extension of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Covid-19 vaccinations to children.

    The absence of an imminent threat to children further muddled the decision-making process.

    The ultimate goal couldn’t have been containment, as real-world data revealed an ironic twist: the Covid-19 vaccinated population seemed to exhibit a higher likelihood of infection and transmission compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. The very shield intended to protect against the virus appeared to falter in its mission.

    The eye-opening chart, encompassing the period from January 3rd to March 27th, 2022, unveiled the total number of Covid-19 cases categorized by vaccination status and age group in England. The data, extracted from the the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Week 5, (page 43), Week 9 (page 41) and Week 13 (page 41) Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance reports , painted a vivid picture of the disconcerting reality.

    Click to enlarge
    Similarly, another revealing chart illuminated the case rates per 100,000 people, again segregated by vaccination status and age group in England. The alarming disparity emerged: case rates soared among the triple-vaccinated population in every age group, leaving a gaping chasm between them and the unvaccinated.

    The divide only grew wider as time passed.

    Click to enlarge
    The numbers spoke volumes, revealing that the Covid-19 vaccine recipients faced a higher risk of infection compared to the unvaccinated populace. The evidence begged for a closer examination.

    But that examination has still not happened, and sadly, in a recent analysis, EuroMOMO, an organization entrusted with official statistical data from European countries, published data that revealed a disheartening correlation between the approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children and a surge in excess deaths among the young ones.

    The data, collected from 26 participating countries across Europe (not including Ukraine) paints a grim picture that simply cannot be ignored.

    The chilling figures, extending up to the 34th week of 2024, will most definitely capture the attention of concerned minds.

    It is also worth noting that the data only covers 26 out of the 44 countries in Europe, excluding Ukraine. Meaning any claims attributing the findings to the ongoing war can be dismissed immediately.

    During week 21 of 2021, the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, first to children aged 12 to 15 and later to the age group of 5 to 11.


    However, the weeks following the approval witnessed a shocking rise in excess deaths among children, an upward trend that persisted unabated.

    Between week 21 of 2021 and week 52 of 2021, an alarming tally of 310 excess deaths among 0 to 14-year-old children should have sent shockwaves through the continent. But the data was suppressed.

    The contrast couldn’t have been starker, as the period between week 1 and week 21 of 2021 saw 515 fewer deaths than expected.

    And the fact the surge in excess deaths aligns perfectly with the EMA’s approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 cannot be merely dismissed as coincidence.

    The distressing trend continued throughout 2022, with a total of 1,639 excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 across the 26 European countries, painting a grim reality that cannot be dismissed.

    Thankfully, 2023 was slightly better with 138 excess deaths recorded among children.

    But sadly, we have again seen a huge increase in 2024 with 442 excess deaths recorded among children across Europe as of week 34 of 2024.


    The somber figures speak of an unprecedented 335%/42x surge in excess deaths since the European Medicines Agency extended emergency use authorization of the Covid-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 15.

    The contrast with the previous period couldn’t be starker.

    From week 44 of 2018 to week 21 of 2021, 735 fewer deaths occurred among children aged 0 to 14 than expected.

    Week8 to Week52 of 2018 Source

    2019 Source

    2020 Source

    Week 1 to Week 21 of 2021 Source
    The staggering increase in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 across 26 European countries, including the UK, France, Spain, Italy, and Germany, paints a bleak picture of an astounding 335% surge since the European Medicines Agency extended emergency use authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 15.

    This distressing reality raises serious concerns, considering the experimental nature of the injections and its previous avoidance due to the risks of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED).

    Moreover, administering the vaccine to children, who were not at significant risk from the alleged Covid-19 virus, seems perplexing in light of the 873 fewer deaths recorded among children aged 0 to 14 across Europe in 2020, from the onset of the alleged pandemic to the year’s end.

    2020 Source

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    42x increase in Excess Deaths among Children in Europe recorded since COVID Jab was “approved” for Children compared to Pre-Jab levels 2nd Smartest Guy in the World by The Exposé Excess deaths among children across Europe, excluding Ukraine have increased by 335% since the European Medicines Agency (EMA) granted Emergency Use Authorisation of the Covid vaccines for use in children in week 21 of 2021 compared to the number of excess deaths recorded during the same time frame prior to EMA granting “authorisation” of the Covid vaccine for children. In the scorching summer of 2021, a momentous decision swept across Europe, sparking a whirlwind of emotions among parents, who had fallen for the 24/7 propaganda, eagerly awaiting a ray of hope for their children. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) had finally granted emergency use approval for the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 12 to 15. Relief and elation surged through the hearts of countless naive parents who saw this as a beacon of protection against the alleged pandemic. Yet, the winds of fortune took an unexpected turn as the vaccine rollout for children commenced. Startling reports emerged, revealing a distressing surge in excess deaths among the young ones across the continent. The sense of optimism quickly faded among the thousands of families affected, and was replaced by a grim reality that cast a shadow over the hopes of many. Tragically, the statistics paint a haunting picture, with a staggering 362% surge in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 by the thirty-fourth week of 2024. These numbers whisper a chilling tale of consequences that were foreseen by many silenced and heavily censored voices. Back in 2020, as the establishment desperately sought to fast track the use of mrna technology disguised as a vaccine against the alleged pandemic, COVID-19 injections were still in the embryonic stages of development, treading a precarious path toward regulatory approval. To hasten their availability, regulatory agencies like the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) invoked emergency use authorizations (EUAs), granting a temporary lifeline to these novel and dangerous vaccines. These EUAs acted as regulatory mechanisms, permitting the usage of medical products in dire circumstances, such as a pandemic, even before they completed the rigorous journey of full regulatory approval. It was an unprecedented measure taken in the face of an unprecedented crisis. But the alleged Covid-19 pandemic had proven to not be a threat to children, making future decisions by these regulatory bodies extremely questionable and possibly criminal. One crucial reason why mRNA vaccines had not been widely employed in the general population until December 2020 was the specter of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE). This phenomenon haunted the corridors of scientific discourse, raising concerns that vaccination with mRNA vaccines could potentially exacerbate the disease, rendering those inoculated more susceptible to its clutches. History had already witnessed a chilling episode of ADE during the development of a dengue fever vaccine. Initial trials indicated promise, displaying protection against the virus for those unscathed by prior infections. Sadly, in individuals who had encountered a different strain of the virus before, the vaccine seemed to amplify the risk of severe illness, a grim testament to the treacherous nature of ADE. Similar tales emerged from numerous animal studies, where potential “vaccines” instigated lung inflammation and other adverse effects upon subsequent exposure to the virus. The vaccine-induced immune response, rather than neutralizing the virus, wrought havoc on lung tissue, leaving a trail of unintended consequences. Additionally, the ominous specter of Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED) loomed large during respiratory virus vaccine trials, including those against coronaviruses. For instance, trials for a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine illuminated a disconcerting pattern: vaccinated infants faced an increased risk of hospitalization and more severe respiratory illness upon encountering the virus. The immune response triggered by the vaccine, rather than safeguarding against the virus, seemed to trigger an overreaction of the immune system, exacerbating the disease’s symptoms. Respiratory viruses, such as coronaviruses and RSV, had long been recognized as grave threats to vulnerable populations, especially infants and the elderly. However, the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, supposedly responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, appeared to spare the younger generation, raising perplexing questions about the extension of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Covid-19 vaccinations to children. The absence of an imminent threat to children further muddled the decision-making process. The ultimate goal couldn’t have been containment, as real-world data revealed an ironic twist: the Covid-19 vaccinated population seemed to exhibit a higher likelihood of infection and transmission compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. The very shield intended to protect against the virus appeared to falter in its mission. The eye-opening chart, encompassing the period from January 3rd to March 27th, 2022, unveiled the total number of Covid-19 cases categorized by vaccination status and age group in England. The data, extracted from the the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Week 5, (page 43), Week 9 (page 41) and Week 13 (page 41) Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance reports , painted a vivid picture of the disconcerting reality. Click to enlarge Similarly, another revealing chart illuminated the case rates per 100,000 people, again segregated by vaccination status and age group in England. The alarming disparity emerged: case rates soared among the triple-vaccinated population in every age group, leaving a gaping chasm between them and the unvaccinated. The divide only grew wider as time passed. Click to enlarge The numbers spoke volumes, revealing that the Covid-19 vaccine recipients faced a higher risk of infection compared to the unvaccinated populace. The evidence begged for a closer examination. But that examination has still not happened, and sadly, in a recent analysis, EuroMOMO, an organization entrusted with official statistical data from European countries, published data that revealed a disheartening correlation between the approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children and a surge in excess deaths among the young ones. The data, collected from 26 participating countries across Europe (not including Ukraine) paints a grim picture that simply cannot be ignored. The chilling figures, extending up to the 34th week of 2024, will most definitely capture the attention of concerned minds. It is also worth noting that the data only covers 26 out of the 44 countries in Europe, excluding Ukraine. Meaning any claims attributing the findings to the ongoing war can be dismissed immediately. During week 21 of 2021, the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, first to children aged 12 to 15 and later to the age group of 5 to 11. Source Source However, the weeks following the approval witnessed a shocking rise in excess deaths among children, an upward trend that persisted unabated. Between week 21 of 2021 and week 52 of 2021, an alarming tally of 310 excess deaths among 0 to 14-year-old children should have sent shockwaves through the continent. But the data was suppressed. Source The contrast couldn’t have been starker, as the period between week 1 and week 21 of 2021 saw 515 fewer deaths than expected. Source And the fact the surge in excess deaths aligns perfectly with the EMA’s approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 cannot be merely dismissed as coincidence. The distressing trend continued throughout 2022, with a total of 1,639 excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 across the 26 European countries, painting a grim reality that cannot be dismissed. Source Thankfully, 2023 was slightly better with 138 excess deaths recorded among children. Source But sadly, we have again seen a huge increase in 2024 with 442 excess deaths recorded among children across Europe as of week 34 of 2024. Source Source The somber figures speak of an unprecedented 335%/42x surge in excess deaths since the European Medicines Agency extended emergency use authorization of the Covid-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 15. The contrast with the previous period couldn’t be starker. From week 44 of 2018 to week 21 of 2021, 735 fewer deaths occurred among children aged 0 to 14 than expected. Week8 to Week52 of 2018 Source 2019 Source 2020 Source Week 1 to Week 21 of 2021 Source The staggering increase in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 across 26 European countries, including the UK, France, Spain, Italy, and Germany, paints a bleak picture of an astounding 335% surge since the European Medicines Agency extended emergency use authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 15. This distressing reality raises serious concerns, considering the experimental nature of the injections and its previous avoidance due to the risks of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED). Moreover, administering the vaccine to children, who were not at significant risk from the alleged Covid-19 virus, seems perplexing in light of the 873 fewer deaths recorded among children aged 0 to 14 across Europe in 2020, from the onset of the alleged pandemic to the year’s end. 2020 Source And the slow kill bioweapons will claim far more lives as time goes on… They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off VIR-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/42x-increase-in-excess-deaths-among
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    De Curioso a Praticante de Meditação.
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    📝 A jornada frequentemente começa com uma semente de curiosidade. Pode ser uma recomendação de um amigo, um artigo lido em uma revista, ou mesmo um momento de busca por algo mais significativo na vida. . 🙏 De Curioso a Praticante de Meditação. . 🎧 no Youtube: 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3b6lq0j070&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtrUIweBIpEy_vAzOGWhE8k5& . 🌏 Meditantes News:👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2755 . 🎧 Playlist do Episodio: 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/73 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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    *Nesse dia entendeu que precisava meditar*.
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  • Meditação para Iniciantes com Cesar Di Lascio, no episodio #56 do Meditantes PodCast. Apresentação de Domício Shanti-Rham.
    Episódio Completo


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