• Report: Israeli forces strip, rape pregnant Gazan woman in public
    Palestinian women have frequently reported being raped or threatened with rape by Israeli soldiers. This incident is particularly horrific.

    [email protected] March 24, 2024
    Israel's claim of having "the most moral army in the world" is not borne out by the facts (PHOTO)
    By Kathryn Shihadah

    Gazan journalist Hossam Shabat reports a testimony from al Shifa Hospital:

    “A husband and wife, along with their young children who were displaced, sought shelter at Al Shifa Hospital.

    “The pregnant wife was forcibly undressed by Israeli forces despite informing them of her pregnancy; they continued to kick her.

    “Then, they assaulted and raped her in front of her family and other men, threatening to shoot her husband and the other men if they closed their eyes.

    The Watan news site adds that the woman was 5 months pregnant.

    In another incident, Middle East Monitor reports, a Canadian physician was informed that a woman had been raped for two days until she lost her ability to speak.

    Another woman at the Nasr Hospital was stripped of her clothing by Israeli soldiers in front of her husband and brother, and when one of them took their clothes off to cover her the Israeli soldiers killed both her brother and husband.

    Middle East Eye reports: “Eyewitness says Israeli forces raped and killed women at al-Shifa hospital.”

    “They raped women, kidnapped women, executed women, and pulled dead bodies from under the rubble to unleash their dogs on them.”

    Jamila al-Hissi, a Palestinian woman who was besieged for six days in a building in the vicinity of al-Shifa hospital, told Al Jazeera that Israeli forces raped, tortured and executed women inside the hospital.

    In January, the ICJ ordered Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention and ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts against Palestinians in Gaza.

    Israel, however, described the allegations as baseless, maintaining its mantra that it has the “most moral army in the world”.

    Kathryn Shihadah is an editor and staff writer for If Americans Knew. She also blogs occasionally at Palestine Home.and has a column called Grace-Colored Glasses on Patheos.


    Israeli rapes of Palestinian women and children, past & present
    Raped, abused, exploited: Ukrainian women seeking refuge in Israel find no haven
    UN experts condemn ‘credible’ reports of executions, sexual assault by Israeli soldiers

    Report: Israeli forces strip, rape pregnant Gazan woman in public Palestinian women have frequently reported being raped or threatened with rape by Israeli soldiers. This incident is particularly horrific. [email protected] March 24, 2024 Israel's claim of having "the most moral army in the world" is not borne out by the facts (PHOTO) By Kathryn Shihadah Gazan journalist Hossam Shabat reports a testimony from al Shifa Hospital: “A husband and wife, along with their young children who were displaced, sought shelter at Al Shifa Hospital. “The pregnant wife was forcibly undressed by Israeli forces despite informing them of her pregnancy; they continued to kick her. “Then, they assaulted and raped her in front of her family and other men, threatening to shoot her husband and the other men if they closed their eyes. The Watan news site adds that the woman was 5 months pregnant. In another incident, Middle East Monitor reports, a Canadian physician was informed that a woman had been raped for two days until she lost her ability to speak. Another woman at the Nasr Hospital was stripped of her clothing by Israeli soldiers in front of her husband and brother, and when one of them took their clothes off to cover her the Israeli soldiers killed both her brother and husband. Middle East Eye reports: “Eyewitness says Israeli forces raped and killed women at al-Shifa hospital.” “They raped women, kidnapped women, executed women, and pulled dead bodies from under the rubble to unleash their dogs on them.” Jamila al-Hissi, a Palestinian woman who was besieged for six days in a building in the vicinity of al-Shifa hospital, told Al Jazeera that Israeli forces raped, tortured and executed women inside the hospital. In January, the ICJ ordered Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention and ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts against Palestinians in Gaza. Israel, however, described the allegations as baseless, maintaining its mantra that it has the “most moral army in the world”. Kathryn Shihadah is an editor and staff writer for If Americans Knew. She also blogs occasionally at Palestine Home.and has a column called Grace-Colored Glasses on Patheos. RELATED: Israeli rapes of Palestinian women and children, past & present Raped, abused, exploited: Ukrainian women seeking refuge in Israel find no haven UN experts condemn ‘credible’ reports of executions, sexual assault by Israeli soldiers https://israelpalestinenews.org/report-israeli-forces-strip-rape-pregnant-gazan-woman-in-public/
    Report: Israeli forces strip, rape pregnant Gazan woman in public
    Palestinian women have frequently reported being raped or threatened with rape by Israeli soldiers. This incident is particularly horrific.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 6333 Vue
  • Chimaeras and interspecies hybrids; the sinister agenda hiding behind covid
    Rhoda WilsonMarch 20, 2024
    There is something that has quietly slipped through the din of the murderously phoney episode called covid-19, Dr. Mathew Maavak writes. “If the covid-19 vaccines were ‘experimental gene therapies’, what other genetic experimentations continue unhindered out there?” he asks.

    In May 2020, Dr. Maavak wrote an article about how SARS-CoV-2 was not germinated in a vacuum. The Wuhan Institute of Virology conducted research with alarming global parallels including the pursuit of superintelligence and the development of chimaeras, or interspecies hybrids.

    What he wrote in May 2020 is still relevant today, he says. So yesterday, Dr. Maavak reposted his now four-year-old article.

    Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

    Coronavirus in a Time of Chimaeras and Beyond

    By Dr. Mathew Maavak

    In May 2020, just as the coronavirus made hourly headlines, I had suspected that the virus was part of a much more sinister agenda. What I wrote back then remains just as relevant today. Here it is.

    Genetically-Enhanced Competitiveness

    The Sars-Cov-2 virus, which allegedly causes covid-19, was not germinated in a vacuum. The type of research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had ominous analogues worldwide. These included the quest for super intelligence and the development of interspecies hybrids or chimaeras.

    What began as a scientific mission to remedy congenital defects has rapidly morphed into a global race to create designer babies, super soldiers and transhumans through the aid of biotechnology, artificial intelligence and/or machine-neuralinking. 21st century eugenics is tacitly justified by the need to boost “national competitiveness.”

    China leads the way here. In one revealing episode, genome sequencing giant BGI Shenzhen had procured and sequenced the DNA of more than 2,000 people – mostly Americans – with IQ scores of at least 160. According to Stephen Hsu, a theoretical physicist from Michigan State University and scientific adviser to BGI:

    An exceptional person gets you an order of magnitude more statistical power than if you took random people from the population …

    BGI Shenzhen intends to become a “bio-Google” that will collate the “world’s biological information and make it universally accessible and useful.” From 2012 onwards, it began collaborating with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (“BMGF”). No surprises there.

    Scientific endeavours like these are based on the assumption that an assemblage of smart samples can help in the identification and transplantation of optimal bits of genetic material into future generations.

    Can a virus or vaccine perform this transplantation? Or will such agencies be used to cull the majority of the human population before a “genetic antidote” emerges to reverse their lethal effects? It will be too late for the vast majority of mankind by then. artificial selection, backed by artificial intelligence, may decide who gets this new booster. But is such a hypothetical scenario even realistic? There are too many imponderables here but viruses, nasal swabs and “vaccines” will surely deliver vital data for the “New Human Genome Project.”

    New Eugenics Zeitgeist

    The science of eugenics is not dissuaded by the nurture over nature debate, even after exhaustive studies had failed to establish genetic variants associated with intelligence. For example, a 2010 study led by Robert Plomin, a behavioural geneticist at King’s College London, had probed over 350,000 variations in single DNA letters across the genomes of 7,900 children but found no prized variant. Curiously, most of the smart samples procured by BGI Shenzhen were sourced from Plomin’s research activities.

    Periodic setbacks did not deter the proponents of “procreative beneficence” who argue that it is a human duty to augment the genetic codes of future generations. Failure to do so is couched in terms of “genetic neglect” and even child abuse. If this sounds eerily familiar, look no further than the worldview which once animated the Western world before the Nazis elevated it to a whole new level altogether.

    The eugenics zeitgeist has gripped China in a big way. Under its Maternal and Infant Health Care Law (1994), foetuses with potential hereditary diseases or deformities are recommended for abortion. At the rate Beijing is building its eugenics utopia, the definition of deformity may ultimately include a genetically pre-diagnosed average IQ.

    Instead of inciting public outrage, the law precipitated a headlong rush to select “intelligent” babies through methods like preimplantation genetic diagnosis (“PGD”). The idea behind PGD is to screen and identify the most promising embryos for implantation and birth. Combined with CRISPR gene-editing tools, next-generation Chinese citizens are expected to exhibit remarkably higher IQs – at least according to bioethicists who fret over a future marked by the “genetic haves” and “genetic have-nots.” China already has three CRISPR-edited babies whose current fate remains unknown.

    In the aftermath of the corona psychosis, the availability of “smart samples” would have increased exponentially and may dovetail nicely with the eugenics agenda of the Rockefeller Foundation and BMGF. Incidentally, Bill Gates grew up in a household that was heavily invested in population control and eugenics.

    Our smart societies may inevitably face the existential question of “live-lets” and “live-nots” down the line. The orchestrated rebellion towards selective extinction, if it occurs, has a tragicomical public face: An autistic Swede who parrots the “listen to the science” and “listen to the experts” mantra.

    How will future designer babies contribute to society? For one thing, we will be missing individuals like Beethoven (deaf); Albert Einstein (learning disability/late development); John Nash (schizophrenia); Andrea Boccelli (congenital glaucoma) and Vincent van Gogh (chronic depression/anxiety) and a host of others like them. A future Stephen Hawking (motor neurone disease) and Greta Thunberg (Asperger’s Syndrome – allegedly) will be genetically disqualified before birth.

    It is now inconvenient to consider intelligence as a result of peer interactions, human environment and ingenious reactions to adversity. (I personally define intelligence as an ability to nip the bullsh*t in its foetid bud).

    Mapping out the complex and sometimes unpredictable interplay between 100 trillion synaptic connections in a human brain may take centuries to accomplish but that does not deter the utopians of today.

    After all, genetic manipulation is the eugenic wormhole that promises to accelerate the emergence of a super society at warp speed. The late billionaire paedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, was a prominent proponent of this philosophy. Epstein intended to breed a “super race of humans with his DNA by impregnating women at his New Mexico ranch, genetic engineering and artificial intelligence.” Welcome to Lebensborn 2.0!

    Prominent scientists linked to Epstein’s transhumanist fantasies included “molecular engineer George Church; Murray Gell-Mann, the discoverer of the quark; the evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould; the neurologist and author Oliver Sacks; and the theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek.” The late Stephen Hawking – who will ironically flunk the genetic pre-screenings of tomorrow – was another Epstein associate.

    Forget about Mars missions; major powers see eugenics as the next great frontier. Its hyper-materialistic focus is encapsulated by the following analogy from Russian scientist Denis Rebrikov:

    It currently costs about a million roubles (US$15,500 at that time) to genetically change an embryo – more than a lot of cars – but prices will fall with greater use … I can see the billboard now: “You Choose: a Hyundai Solaris or a Super-Child?”

    You are comparing a child, super or not, with a Hyundai? I mean a Hyundai, really? Sometimes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions but most of the time, it begins with a diabolically silly proposition.

    But why stop at children? From genetically engineered horses in Argentina that are supposedly faster, stronger and better jumpers to super-dogs in China that are comprehensively superior to the average mutt, the DNA of the entire natural world is being slated for a revolutionary redesign.

    Crouching Chimaeras, Hideous Hybrids

    The masters of our universe however cannot create future generations of superhumans without being adept at recombining genetic sequences across species. That is the logic guiding eugenicists. As a result, a slew of chimaeras or interspecies hybrids have been spawned with the aid of CRISPR technology. These include ghastly human-monkey hybrids, monkey-pig hybrids, human-rabbit hybrids and a host of other lab-manufactured monstrosities.

    Chimaeras are created when human embryonic stem cells are injected into embryos of other species. The goal, for the time being, is to induce growth of targeted human organs. Those facing terminal illnesses will no longer have to worry about long organ waiting lists. Chinese scientists have just transplanted a modified pig liver into a brain-dead human and it seems to have worked.

    A less controversial approach to human organ replacement is 3D bioprinting or its 4D bioprinting iteration. These techniques involve the “printing” of a replacement organ from the stem cells of a transplant recipient, thereby eliminating the odds of organ rejection.

    But why stop at replacement organs when we can have “replacement humans” altogether? Future generations must think like Einsteins, be as nimble as leopards and possess owl-like night visions. And, of course, be virus-resistant as well!

    The manipulation of the human genome is the new “grand response” to the venerable set of “grand challenges” for 2030 and beyond. China is the go-to place for such genetic tinkering as some of these undertakings are technically illegal in the West. And this is where the utility of covid-19 comes into the picture. It provides the perfect pretext to remove such ethical constraints. After all, “Disease X” is just waiting to escape from the belly of some bat or pangolin …

    Since 2014, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been the recipient of a two-stage grant worth $7.2 million from the United States government for gain-of-function research into bat coronaviruses. According to a Newsweek report in April 2020:

    Many scientists have criticised gain of function research, which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans because it creates a risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release.

    Such caution has not deterred a flurry of research into microbial gene manipulation. The Wuhan experiments may have either spawned the Sars-Cov-2 virus or it may have provided a fraudulent context for future tyrannical mandates.

    But to solely blame China for the coronavirus “pandemic” is a tad unfair. Just as China is the factory of the world for foreign corporations, it is also the genetic incubator for a variety of viruses and chimaeras for foreign governments and foundations. Even so, the human-pig chimaera was the creation of the Salk Institute in California. Research into the world’s first human-mouse hybrid was largely a Japanese affair. The Portuguese in the meantime had created a virus chimaera.

    The United Kingdom, on their end, had spawned a human-cow hybrid embryo in 2008 – perhaps in keeping with the bovine disposition of those glued to the BBC. It was in Britain where the game-changing Dolly the Sheep was cloned in 1996.

    The transition from sheep to sheeple may turn out to be a short 21st century Jurassic Park ride.

    Coincidences and Consequences

    Before the advent of gene-editing tools and supercomputing, it would have been impossible to create a viable chimaera. The Biotech-Industrial Complex and contact tracing-type panopticons constitute a new growth area for Tech Titans that were once facing bankruptcy.

    The dangers of genome editing were in fact included in the Worldwide Threat Assessment reports submitted to the United States Congress in 2016 and 2017. These risks were either omitted or glossed over in the 2018 and 2019 reports – just as such risks gravitated to the high impact-high likelihood quadrant.

    Is it a coincidence that the nations most affected by covid-19 – at least during the first two years of its alleged spread – were the very ones that had either promoted or encouraged a variety of genetic experimentations that are contrary to nature? If – and that is a big “if” – these nations succeed in their quest for “designer babies” and “superhumans,” the rest of mankind will be rendered redundant. Some mass extermination event may transpire under the guise of World War III, food shortages, Disease X or a combination thereof.

    If everything goes according to plan, however, there will be 500 million potential specimens left for The Great Reset. The Third World, whose leaders are being monetarily incentivised to focus on unattainable Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”), will be consigned to the ash heaps of history.

    It is quite ironic that a new generation of cerebrally deficient “thought leaders” and “experts” are being groomed to promote the demises of their societies and themselves.

    About the Author

    Mathew Maavak, with a PhD in Policy Studies, specialises in systems science, global risks, strategic foresight, geopolitics and governance. He is a Malaysian expert on risk foresight and governance.

    Dr. Maavak has published numerous op-eds on a variety of eclectic subjects for over 20 years – by ‘connecting the dots’ in a disjointed world. He is the author of a Substack page titled ‘The Eye Opener’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

    Chimaeras and interspecies hybrids; the sinister agenda hiding behind covid Rhoda WilsonMarch 20, 2024 There is something that has quietly slipped through the din of the murderously phoney episode called covid-19, Dr. Mathew Maavak writes. “If the covid-19 vaccines were ‘experimental gene therapies’, what other genetic experimentations continue unhindered out there?” he asks. In May 2020, Dr. Maavak wrote an article about how SARS-CoV-2 was not germinated in a vacuum. The Wuhan Institute of Virology conducted research with alarming global parallels including the pursuit of superintelligence and the development of chimaeras, or interspecies hybrids. What he wrote in May 2020 is still relevant today, he says. So yesterday, Dr. Maavak reposted his now four-year-old article. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… Coronavirus in a Time of Chimaeras and Beyond By Dr. Mathew Maavak In May 2020, just as the coronavirus made hourly headlines, I had suspected that the virus was part of a much more sinister agenda. What I wrote back then remains just as relevant today. Here it is. Genetically-Enhanced Competitiveness The Sars-Cov-2 virus, which allegedly causes covid-19, was not germinated in a vacuum. The type of research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had ominous analogues worldwide. These included the quest for super intelligence and the development of interspecies hybrids or chimaeras. What began as a scientific mission to remedy congenital defects has rapidly morphed into a global race to create designer babies, super soldiers and transhumans through the aid of biotechnology, artificial intelligence and/or machine-neuralinking. 21st century eugenics is tacitly justified by the need to boost “national competitiveness.” China leads the way here. In one revealing episode, genome sequencing giant BGI Shenzhen had procured and sequenced the DNA of more than 2,000 people – mostly Americans – with IQ scores of at least 160. According to Stephen Hsu, a theoretical physicist from Michigan State University and scientific adviser to BGI: An exceptional person gets you an order of magnitude more statistical power than if you took random people from the population … BGI Shenzhen intends to become a “bio-Google” that will collate the “world’s biological information and make it universally accessible and useful.” From 2012 onwards, it began collaborating with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (“BMGF”). No surprises there. Scientific endeavours like these are based on the assumption that an assemblage of smart samples can help in the identification and transplantation of optimal bits of genetic material into future generations. Can a virus or vaccine perform this transplantation? Or will such agencies be used to cull the majority of the human population before a “genetic antidote” emerges to reverse their lethal effects? It will be too late for the vast majority of mankind by then. artificial selection, backed by artificial intelligence, may decide who gets this new booster. But is such a hypothetical scenario even realistic? There are too many imponderables here but viruses, nasal swabs and “vaccines” will surely deliver vital data for the “New Human Genome Project.” New Eugenics Zeitgeist The science of eugenics is not dissuaded by the nurture over nature debate, even after exhaustive studies had failed to establish genetic variants associated with intelligence. For example, a 2010 study led by Robert Plomin, a behavioural geneticist at King’s College London, had probed over 350,000 variations in single DNA letters across the genomes of 7,900 children but found no prized variant. Curiously, most of the smart samples procured by BGI Shenzhen were sourced from Plomin’s research activities. Periodic setbacks did not deter the proponents of “procreative beneficence” who argue that it is a human duty to augment the genetic codes of future generations. Failure to do so is couched in terms of “genetic neglect” and even child abuse. If this sounds eerily familiar, look no further than the worldview which once animated the Western world before the Nazis elevated it to a whole new level altogether. The eugenics zeitgeist has gripped China in a big way. Under its Maternal and Infant Health Care Law (1994), foetuses with potential hereditary diseases or deformities are recommended for abortion. At the rate Beijing is building its eugenics utopia, the definition of deformity may ultimately include a genetically pre-diagnosed average IQ. Instead of inciting public outrage, the law precipitated a headlong rush to select “intelligent” babies through methods like preimplantation genetic diagnosis (“PGD”). The idea behind PGD is to screen and identify the most promising embryos for implantation and birth. Combined with CRISPR gene-editing tools, next-generation Chinese citizens are expected to exhibit remarkably higher IQs – at least according to bioethicists who fret over a future marked by the “genetic haves” and “genetic have-nots.” China already has three CRISPR-edited babies whose current fate remains unknown. In the aftermath of the corona psychosis, the availability of “smart samples” would have increased exponentially and may dovetail nicely with the eugenics agenda of the Rockefeller Foundation and BMGF. Incidentally, Bill Gates grew up in a household that was heavily invested in population control and eugenics. Our smart societies may inevitably face the existential question of “live-lets” and “live-nots” down the line. The orchestrated rebellion towards selective extinction, if it occurs, has a tragicomical public face: An autistic Swede who parrots the “listen to the science” and “listen to the experts” mantra. How will future designer babies contribute to society? For one thing, we will be missing individuals like Beethoven (deaf); Albert Einstein (learning disability/late development); John Nash (schizophrenia); Andrea Boccelli (congenital glaucoma) and Vincent van Gogh (chronic depression/anxiety) and a host of others like them. A future Stephen Hawking (motor neurone disease) and Greta Thunberg (Asperger’s Syndrome – allegedly) will be genetically disqualified before birth. It is now inconvenient to consider intelligence as a result of peer interactions, human environment and ingenious reactions to adversity. (I personally define intelligence as an ability to nip the bullsh*t in its foetid bud). Mapping out the complex and sometimes unpredictable interplay between 100 trillion synaptic connections in a human brain may take centuries to accomplish but that does not deter the utopians of today. After all, genetic manipulation is the eugenic wormhole that promises to accelerate the emergence of a super society at warp speed. The late billionaire paedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, was a prominent proponent of this philosophy. Epstein intended to breed a “super race of humans with his DNA by impregnating women at his New Mexico ranch, genetic engineering and artificial intelligence.” Welcome to Lebensborn 2.0! Prominent scientists linked to Epstein’s transhumanist fantasies included “molecular engineer George Church; Murray Gell-Mann, the discoverer of the quark; the evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould; the neurologist and author Oliver Sacks; and the theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek.” The late Stephen Hawking – who will ironically flunk the genetic pre-screenings of tomorrow – was another Epstein associate. Forget about Mars missions; major powers see eugenics as the next great frontier. Its hyper-materialistic focus is encapsulated by the following analogy from Russian scientist Denis Rebrikov: It currently costs about a million roubles (US$15,500 at that time) to genetically change an embryo – more than a lot of cars – but prices will fall with greater use … I can see the billboard now: “You Choose: a Hyundai Solaris or a Super-Child?” You are comparing a child, super or not, with a Hyundai? I mean a Hyundai, really? Sometimes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions but most of the time, it begins with a diabolically silly proposition. But why stop at children? From genetically engineered horses in Argentina that are supposedly faster, stronger and better jumpers to super-dogs in China that are comprehensively superior to the average mutt, the DNA of the entire natural world is being slated for a revolutionary redesign. Crouching Chimaeras, Hideous Hybrids The masters of our universe however cannot create future generations of superhumans without being adept at recombining genetic sequences across species. That is the logic guiding eugenicists. As a result, a slew of chimaeras or interspecies hybrids have been spawned with the aid of CRISPR technology. These include ghastly human-monkey hybrids, monkey-pig hybrids, human-rabbit hybrids and a host of other lab-manufactured monstrosities. Chimaeras are created when human embryonic stem cells are injected into embryos of other species. The goal, for the time being, is to induce growth of targeted human organs. Those facing terminal illnesses will no longer have to worry about long organ waiting lists. Chinese scientists have just transplanted a modified pig liver into a brain-dead human and it seems to have worked. A less controversial approach to human organ replacement is 3D bioprinting or its 4D bioprinting iteration. These techniques involve the “printing” of a replacement organ from the stem cells of a transplant recipient, thereby eliminating the odds of organ rejection. But why stop at replacement organs when we can have “replacement humans” altogether? Future generations must think like Einsteins, be as nimble as leopards and possess owl-like night visions. And, of course, be virus-resistant as well! The manipulation of the human genome is the new “grand response” to the venerable set of “grand challenges” for 2030 and beyond. China is the go-to place for such genetic tinkering as some of these undertakings are technically illegal in the West. And this is where the utility of covid-19 comes into the picture. It provides the perfect pretext to remove such ethical constraints. After all, “Disease X” is just waiting to escape from the belly of some bat or pangolin … Since 2014, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been the recipient of a two-stage grant worth $7.2 million from the United States government for gain-of-function research into bat coronaviruses. According to a Newsweek report in April 2020: Many scientists have criticised gain of function research, which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans because it creates a risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release. Such caution has not deterred a flurry of research into microbial gene manipulation. The Wuhan experiments may have either spawned the Sars-Cov-2 virus or it may have provided a fraudulent context for future tyrannical mandates. But to solely blame China for the coronavirus “pandemic” is a tad unfair. Just as China is the factory of the world for foreign corporations, it is also the genetic incubator for a variety of viruses and chimaeras for foreign governments and foundations. Even so, the human-pig chimaera was the creation of the Salk Institute in California. Research into the world’s first human-mouse hybrid was largely a Japanese affair. The Portuguese in the meantime had created a virus chimaera. The United Kingdom, on their end, had spawned a human-cow hybrid embryo in 2008 – perhaps in keeping with the bovine disposition of those glued to the BBC. It was in Britain where the game-changing Dolly the Sheep was cloned in 1996. The transition from sheep to sheeple may turn out to be a short 21st century Jurassic Park ride. Coincidences and Consequences Before the advent of gene-editing tools and supercomputing, it would have been impossible to create a viable chimaera. The Biotech-Industrial Complex and contact tracing-type panopticons constitute a new growth area for Tech Titans that were once facing bankruptcy. The dangers of genome editing were in fact included in the Worldwide Threat Assessment reports submitted to the United States Congress in 2016 and 2017. These risks were either omitted or glossed over in the 2018 and 2019 reports – just as such risks gravitated to the high impact-high likelihood quadrant. Is it a coincidence that the nations most affected by covid-19 – at least during the first two years of its alleged spread – were the very ones that had either promoted or encouraged a variety of genetic experimentations that are contrary to nature? If – and that is a big “if” – these nations succeed in their quest for “designer babies” and “superhumans,” the rest of mankind will be rendered redundant. Some mass extermination event may transpire under the guise of World War III, food shortages, Disease X or a combination thereof. If everything goes according to plan, however, there will be 500 million potential specimens left for The Great Reset. The Third World, whose leaders are being monetarily incentivised to focus on unattainable Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”), will be consigned to the ash heaps of history. It is quite ironic that a new generation of cerebrally deficient “thought leaders” and “experts” are being groomed to promote the demises of their societies and themselves. About the Author Mathew Maavak, with a PhD in Policy Studies, specialises in systems science, global risks, strategic foresight, geopolitics and governance. He is a Malaysian expert on risk foresight and governance. Dr. Maavak has published numerous op-eds on a variety of eclectic subjects for over 20 years – by ‘connecting the dots’ in a disjointed world. He is the author of a Substack page titled ‘The Eye Opener’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE. https://expose-news.com/2024/03/20/chimaeras-and-interspecies-hybrids/
    Chimaeras and interspecies hybrids; the sinister agenda hiding behind covid
    There is something that has quietly slipped through the din of the murderously phoney episode called covid-19, Dr. Mathew Maavak writes. “If the covid-19 vaccines were ‘experimental gene therapies…
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 26857 Vue
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    MANTRA (OM) EXPLODES 100% in a Week | MANTRA (OM) CRUSHES Market with 25% Jump | MANTRA (OM) News | #mantra #altcoinalert #mantraom #CryptoNews #CryptoMashNews https://youtu.be/4IWGHyPDyBc
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  • Meditação com Mantra “OM” com Professor DeRose - Meditantes PodCast #36

    Playlist do Episodio:

    Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite!

    #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
    Meditação com Mantra “OM” com Professor DeRose - Meditantes PodCast #36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IICDPztHWhY&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtoZ-PbW3eWZgiFi4M995oiF Playlist do Episodio: 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/playlist/36 Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite! #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • Chris Hedges: The Enemy From Within
    April 30, 2023

    You Are What They Eat – by Mr. Fish
    By Chris Hedges / Original to ScheerPost

    America is a stratocracy, a form of government dominated by the military. It is axiomatic among the two ruling parties that there must be a constant preparation for war. The war machine’s massive budgets are sacrosanct. Its billions of dollars in waste and fraud are ignored. Its military fiascos in Southeast Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East have disappeared into the vast cavern of historical amnesia. This amnesia, which means there is never accountability, licenses the war machine to economically disembowel the country and drive the Empire into one self-defeating conflict after another. The militarists win every election. They cannot lose. It is impossible to vote against them. The war state is a Götterdämmerung, as Dwight Macdonald writes, “without the gods.”

    Since the end of the Second World War, the federal government has spent more than half its tax dollars on past, current and future military operations. It is the largest single sustaining activity of the government. Military systems are sold before they are produced with guarantees that huge cost overruns will be covered. Foreign aid is contingent on buying U.S. weapons. Egypt, which receives some $1.3 billion in foreign military financing, is required to devote it to buying and maintaining U.S. weapons systems. Israel has received $158 billion in bilateral assistance from the U.S. since 1949, almost all of it since 1971 in the form of military aid, with most of it going towards arms purchases from U.S. weapons manufacturers. The American public funds the research, development and building of weapons systems and then buys these same weapons systems on behalf of foreign governments. It is a circular system of corporate welfare.

    Between October 2021 and September 2022, the U.S. spent $877 billion on the military, that’s more than the next 10 countries, including China, Russia, Germany, France and the United Kingdom combined. These huge military expenditures, along with the rising costs of a for-profit healthcare system, have driven the U.S. national debt to over $31 trillion, nearly $5 trillion more than the U.S.’s entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This imbalance is not sustainable, especially once the dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency. As of January 2023, the U.S. spent a record $213 billion servicing the interest on its national debt.

    The public, bombarded with war propaganda, cheers on their self-immolation. It revels in the despicable beauty of our military prowess. It speaks in the thought-terminating clichés spewed out by mass culture and mass media. It imbibes the illusion of omnipotence and wallows in self-adulation.

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    The intoxication of war is a plague. It imparts an emotional high that is impervious to logic, reason or fact. No nation is immune. The gravest mistake made by European socialists on the eve of the First World War was the belief that the working classes of France, Germany, Italy, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Russia and Great Britain would not be divided into antagonistic tribes because of disputes between imperialist governments. They would not, the socialists assured themselves, sign on for the suicidal slaughter of millions of working men in the trenches. Instead, nearly every socialist leader walked away from their anti-war platform to back their nation’s entry into the war. The handful who did not, such as Rosa Luxemburg, were sent to prison.

    A society dominated by militarists distorts its social, cultural, economic and political institutions to serve the interests of the war industry. The essence of the military is masked with subterfuges — using the military to carry out humanitarian relief missions, evacuating civilians in danger, as we see in the Sudan, defining military aggression as “humanitarian intervention” or a way to protect democracy and liberty, or lauding the military as carrying out a vital civic function by teaching leadership, responsibility, ethics and skills to young recruits. The true face of the military — industrial slaughter — is hidden.

    The mantra of the militarized state is national security. If every discussion begins with a question of national security, every answer includes force or the threat of force. The preoccupation with internal and external threats divides the world into friend and foe, good and evil. Militarized societies are fertile ground for demagogues. Militarists, like demagogues, see other nations and cultures in their own image – threatening and aggressive. They seek only domination.

    It was not in our national interest to wage war for two decades across the Middle East. It is not in our national interest to go to war with Russia or China. But militarists need war the way a vampire needs blood.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev and later Vladimir Putin lobbied to be integrated into western economic and military alliances. An alliance that included Russia would have nullified the calls to expand NATO — which the U.S. had promised it would not do beyond the borders of a unified Germany — and have made it impossible to convince countries in eastern and central Europe to spend billions on U.S. military hardware. Moscow’s requests were rebuffed. Russia was made the enemy, whether it wanted to be or not. None of this made us more secure. Washington’s decision to interfere in Ukraine’s domestic affairs by backing a coup in 2014 triggered a civil war and Russia’s subsequent invasion.

    But for those who profit from war, antagonizing Russia, like antagonizing China, is a good business model. Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin saw their stock prices increase by 40 percent and 37 percent respectively as a result of the Ukraine conflict.

    A war with China, now an industrial giant, would disrupt the global supply chain with devastating effects on the U.S. and global economy. Apple produces 90 percent of its products in China. U.S. trade with China was $690.6 billion last year. In 2004, U.S. manufacturing output was more than twice China’s. China’s output is now nearly double that of the United States. China produces the largest number of ships, steel and smartphones in the world. It dominates the global production of chemicals, metals, heavy industrial equipment and electronics. It is the world’s largest rare earth mineral exporter, its greatest reserve holder and is responsible for 80 percent of its refining worldwide. Rare earth minerals are essential to the manufacture of computer chips, smartphones, television screens, medical equipment, fluorescent light bulbs, cars, wind turbines, smart bombs, fighter jets and satellite communications.

    War with China would result in massive shortages of a variety of goods and resources, some vital to the war industry, paralyzing U.S. businesses. Inflation and unemployment would rocket upwards. Rationing would be implemented. The global stock exchanges, at least in the short term, would be shut down. It would trigger a global depression. If the U.S. Navy was able to block oil shipments to China and disrupt its sea lanes, the conflict could potentially become nuclear.

    In “NATO 2030: Unified for a New Era,” the military alliance sees the future as a battle for hegemony with rival states, especially China. It calls for the preparation of prolonged global conflict. In October 2022, Air Force General Mike Minihan, head of Air Mobility Command, presented his “Mobility Manifesto” to a packed military conference. During this unhinged fearmongering diatribe, Minihan argued that if the U.S. does not dramatically escalate its preparations for a war with China, America’s children will find themselves “subservient to a rules based order that benefits only one country [China].”

    According to the New York Times, the Marine Corps is training units for beach assaults, where the Pentagon believes the first battles with China may occur, across “the first island chain” that includes, “Okinawa and Taiwan down to Malaysia as well as the South China Sea and disputed islands in the Spratlys and the Paracels.”.

    Militarists drain funds from social and infrastructure programs. They pour money into research and development of weapons systems and neglect renewable energy technologies. Bridges, roads, electrical grids and levees collapse. Schools decay. Domestic manufacturing declines. The public is impoverished. The harsh forms of control the militarists test and perfect abroad migrate back to the homeland. Militarized Police. Militarized drones. Surveillance. Vast prison complexes. Suspension of basic civil liberties. Censorship.

    Those such as Julian Assange, who challenge the stratocracy, who expose its crimes and suicidal folly, are ruthlessly persecuted. But the war state harbors within it the seeds of its own destruction. It will cannibalize the nation until it collapses. Before then, it will lash out, like a blinded cyclops, seeking to restore its diminishing power through indiscriminate violence. The tragedy is not that the U.S. war state will self-destruct. The tragedy is that we will take down so many innocents with us.

    NOTE TO SCHEERPOST READERS FROM CHRIS HEDGES: There is now no way left for me to continue to write a weekly column for ScheerPost and produce my weekly television show without your help. The walls are closing in, with startling rapidity, on independent journalism, with the elites, including the Democratic Party elites, clamoring for more and more censorship. Bob Scheer, who runs ScheerPost on a shoestring budget, and I will not waver in our commitment to independent and honest journalism, and we will never put ScheerPost behind a paywall, charge a subscription for it, sell your data or accept advertising. Please, if you can, sign up at chrishedges.substack.com so I can continue to post my now weekly Monday column on ScheerPost and produce my weekly television show, The Chris Hedges Report.

    Chris Hedges

    Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East Bureau Chief and Balkan Bureau Chief for the paper. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. He is the host of show The Chris Hedges Report.

    He was a member of the team that won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting for The New York Times coverage of global terrorism, and he received the 2002 Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism. Hedges, who holds a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School, is the author of the bestsellers American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America, Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle and was a National Book Critics Circle finalist for his book War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning. He writes an online column for the website ScheerPost. He has taught at Columbia University, New York University, Princeton University and the University of Toronto.

    Chris Hedges: The Enemy From Within April 30, 2023 You Are What They Eat – by Mr. Fish By Chris Hedges / Original to ScheerPost America is a stratocracy, a form of government dominated by the military. It is axiomatic among the two ruling parties that there must be a constant preparation for war. The war machine’s massive budgets are sacrosanct. Its billions of dollars in waste and fraud are ignored. Its military fiascos in Southeast Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East have disappeared into the vast cavern of historical amnesia. This amnesia, which means there is never accountability, licenses the war machine to economically disembowel the country and drive the Empire into one self-defeating conflict after another. The militarists win every election. They cannot lose. It is impossible to vote against them. The war state is a Götterdämmerung, as Dwight Macdonald writes, “without the gods.” Since the end of the Second World War, the federal government has spent more than half its tax dollars on past, current and future military operations. It is the largest single sustaining activity of the government. Military systems are sold before they are produced with guarantees that huge cost overruns will be covered. Foreign aid is contingent on buying U.S. weapons. Egypt, which receives some $1.3 billion in foreign military financing, is required to devote it to buying and maintaining U.S. weapons systems. Israel has received $158 billion in bilateral assistance from the U.S. since 1949, almost all of it since 1971 in the form of military aid, with most of it going towards arms purchases from U.S. weapons manufacturers. The American public funds the research, development and building of weapons systems and then buys these same weapons systems on behalf of foreign governments. It is a circular system of corporate welfare. Between October 2021 and September 2022, the U.S. spent $877 billion on the military, that’s more than the next 10 countries, including China, Russia, Germany, France and the United Kingdom combined. These huge military expenditures, along with the rising costs of a for-profit healthcare system, have driven the U.S. national debt to over $31 trillion, nearly $5 trillion more than the U.S.’s entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This imbalance is not sustainable, especially once the dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency. As of January 2023, the U.S. spent a record $213 billion servicing the interest on its national debt. The public, bombarded with war propaganda, cheers on their self-immolation. It revels in the despicable beauty of our military prowess. It speaks in the thought-terminating clichés spewed out by mass culture and mass media. It imbibes the illusion of omnipotence and wallows in self-adulation. Support our Independent Journalism — Donate Today! The intoxication of war is a plague. It imparts an emotional high that is impervious to logic, reason or fact. No nation is immune. The gravest mistake made by European socialists on the eve of the First World War was the belief that the working classes of France, Germany, Italy, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Russia and Great Britain would not be divided into antagonistic tribes because of disputes between imperialist governments. They would not, the socialists assured themselves, sign on for the suicidal slaughter of millions of working men in the trenches. Instead, nearly every socialist leader walked away from their anti-war platform to back their nation’s entry into the war. The handful who did not, such as Rosa Luxemburg, were sent to prison. A society dominated by militarists distorts its social, cultural, economic and political institutions to serve the interests of the war industry. The essence of the military is masked with subterfuges — using the military to carry out humanitarian relief missions, evacuating civilians in danger, as we see in the Sudan, defining military aggression as “humanitarian intervention” or a way to protect democracy and liberty, or lauding the military as carrying out a vital civic function by teaching leadership, responsibility, ethics and skills to young recruits. The true face of the military — industrial slaughter — is hidden. The mantra of the militarized state is national security. If every discussion begins with a question of national security, every answer includes force or the threat of force. The preoccupation with internal and external threats divides the world into friend and foe, good and evil. Militarized societies are fertile ground for demagogues. Militarists, like demagogues, see other nations and cultures in their own image – threatening and aggressive. They seek only domination. It was not in our national interest to wage war for two decades across the Middle East. It is not in our national interest to go to war with Russia or China. But militarists need war the way a vampire needs blood. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev and later Vladimir Putin lobbied to be integrated into western economic and military alliances. An alliance that included Russia would have nullified the calls to expand NATO — which the U.S. had promised it would not do beyond the borders of a unified Germany — and have made it impossible to convince countries in eastern and central Europe to spend billions on U.S. military hardware. Moscow’s requests were rebuffed. Russia was made the enemy, whether it wanted to be or not. None of this made us more secure. Washington’s decision to interfere in Ukraine’s domestic affairs by backing a coup in 2014 triggered a civil war and Russia’s subsequent invasion. But for those who profit from war, antagonizing Russia, like antagonizing China, is a good business model. Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin saw their stock prices increase by 40 percent and 37 percent respectively as a result of the Ukraine conflict. A war with China, now an industrial giant, would disrupt the global supply chain with devastating effects on the U.S. and global economy. Apple produces 90 percent of its products in China. U.S. trade with China was $690.6 billion last year. In 2004, U.S. manufacturing output was more than twice China’s. China’s output is now nearly double that of the United States. China produces the largest number of ships, steel and smartphones in the world. It dominates the global production of chemicals, metals, heavy industrial equipment and electronics. It is the world’s largest rare earth mineral exporter, its greatest reserve holder and is responsible for 80 percent of its refining worldwide. Rare earth minerals are essential to the manufacture of computer chips, smartphones, television screens, medical equipment, fluorescent light bulbs, cars, wind turbines, smart bombs, fighter jets and satellite communications. War with China would result in massive shortages of a variety of goods and resources, some vital to the war industry, paralyzing U.S. businesses. Inflation and unemployment would rocket upwards. Rationing would be implemented. The global stock exchanges, at least in the short term, would be shut down. It would trigger a global depression. If the U.S. Navy was able to block oil shipments to China and disrupt its sea lanes, the conflict could potentially become nuclear. In “NATO 2030: Unified for a New Era,” the military alliance sees the future as a battle for hegemony with rival states, especially China. It calls for the preparation of prolonged global conflict. In October 2022, Air Force General Mike Minihan, head of Air Mobility Command, presented his “Mobility Manifesto” to a packed military conference. During this unhinged fearmongering diatribe, Minihan argued that if the U.S. does not dramatically escalate its preparations for a war with China, America’s children will find themselves “subservient to a rules based order that benefits only one country [China].” According to the New York Times, the Marine Corps is training units for beach assaults, where the Pentagon believes the first battles with China may occur, across “the first island chain” that includes, “Okinawa and Taiwan down to Malaysia as well as the South China Sea and disputed islands in the Spratlys and the Paracels.”. Militarists drain funds from social and infrastructure programs. They pour money into research and development of weapons systems and neglect renewable energy technologies. Bridges, roads, electrical grids and levees collapse. Schools decay. Domestic manufacturing declines. The public is impoverished. The harsh forms of control the militarists test and perfect abroad migrate back to the homeland. Militarized Police. Militarized drones. Surveillance. Vast prison complexes. Suspension of basic civil liberties. Censorship. Those such as Julian Assange, who challenge the stratocracy, who expose its crimes and suicidal folly, are ruthlessly persecuted. But the war state harbors within it the seeds of its own destruction. It will cannibalize the nation until it collapses. Before then, it will lash out, like a blinded cyclops, seeking to restore its diminishing power through indiscriminate violence. The tragedy is not that the U.S. war state will self-destruct. The tragedy is that we will take down so many innocents with us. NOTE TO SCHEERPOST READERS FROM CHRIS HEDGES: There is now no way left for me to continue to write a weekly column for ScheerPost and produce my weekly television show without your help. The walls are closing in, with startling rapidity, on independent journalism, with the elites, including the Democratic Party elites, clamoring for more and more censorship. Bob Scheer, who runs ScheerPost on a shoestring budget, and I will not waver in our commitment to independent and honest journalism, and we will never put ScheerPost behind a paywall, charge a subscription for it, sell your data or accept advertising. Please, if you can, sign up at chrishedges.substack.com so I can continue to post my now weekly Monday column on ScheerPost and produce my weekly television show, The Chris Hedges Report. Chris Hedges Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East Bureau Chief and Balkan Bureau Chief for the paper. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. He is the host of show The Chris Hedges Report. He was a member of the team that won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting for The New York Times coverage of global terrorism, and he received the 2002 Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism. Hedges, who holds a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School, is the author of the bestsellers American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America, Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle and was a National Book Critics Circle finalist for his book War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning. He writes an online column for the website ScheerPost. He has taught at Columbia University, New York University, Princeton University and the University of Toronto. https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/30/chris-hedges-the-enemy-from-within/
    Chris Hedges: The Enemy From Within
    The war industry, a state within a state, disembowels the nation, stumbles from one military fiasco to the next, strips us of civil liberties and pushes us towards suicidal wars with Russia and Chi…
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  • Sri Ram (Historical Story)
    It is a long time ago that according to the Hindu calendar, about 9 lakh years ago in Tretayuga, there used to be a very majestic Suryavanshi king Dasharatha. The name of their capital was Ayodhya. King Dasharatha was a very just and righteous king. All the subjects used to live their life happily under his rule. The great majestic Satyawadi king Harishchandra and the successful king Bhagirathi were one of the ancestors of King Dasharatha. Like his ancestors, King Dasharatha was very involved in religious work. King Dasharatha had no children. Due to which he was often sad. King Dasharatha had three queens. The name of the first queen was Kausalya, the name of the second queen was Sumitra and the name of the third queen was Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha was a great archer. He was adept at playing slang. He could penetrate the target without seeing the target just by hearing the sound of the word, always in the mind of King Dasharatha. One day Rajguru Vashistha, who was immersed in this concern, suggested Dasharatha to perform Putreshti Yagya. He performed this yagya under the supervision of Shringi Rishi. A lot of donations and donations were made in this yagya. After this yajna, kheer in the form of Prasad was fed to the three queens. After several months, the three queens had four sons. The eldest queen was Rama of Kausalya, Bharata of Kaikeyi and Lakshmana and Shatrudhan of Sumitra. The four brothers were very beautiful and stunning. Maharaj Dasaratha was very happy to see his four sons. King Dasaratha was not happy when he got the happiness of children. After some time, the four brothers went to the forest with Rajguru Vashistha to receive education, Vashistha was a very learned guru. At that time, the sage Vashistha was highly respected. All the brothers were very unique talents. While Lakshman ji was a little accommodating. Shri Ram was calm and serious in nature. The four brothers were also very smart in reading and writing. Soon he learned martial arts like shooting arrows, etc. The people of Ayodhya were enchanted by his form and qualities King Dasharatha never wanted to keep them away from his eyes. One day a very learned and learned Maharishi Vishwamitra came to King Dasharatha. He was a great and ascetic sage of his time. Many sinners and tyrants used to create obstacles in his yajna. When he heard about Rama and his brothers, he went to Dasharatha. He asked Dasaratha to kill the sinners and tyrants and Rama and Lakshmana to protect the yajna. King Dasharatha with folded hands said to sage Vishwamitra- 'O sage! Both Rama and Lakshmana are still children. Don't take them to war with so many sinful and tyrannical people. I will move my whole army and myself and will fight with them and will also protect your sacrifice. King Dasharatha at first did not want to send his sons with him, then on the persuasion of Rajguru Vashistha, he agreed to send. Both Rama and Lakshmana left with sage Vishwamitra. On the way, the sage taught them two mantras. After learning these mantras, both the princes became more powerful. While going to the sage's ashram, he killed a sinful and tyrannical woman named Tadka. Reaching there, while protecting the yagna, one of his sons Maricha and the other son Subahu were also killed with an arrow. Now Vishwamitra's Yagya was completed very well and very peacefully. After this Maharishi Vishwamitra reached Mithilapuri with both the princes Rama and Lakshmana. King Janak of Mithila was a great scholar and sage. He created the swayamvara of his daughter Sita. There was a lot of pomp and show coming to the King- Maharaj Swayamvar from far and wide. When Vishwamitra reached there, the king gave him a big welcome. King Janak had a bow. This bow belonged to Shiva, with this bow he killed Tripasura. No one could lift it except Sitaji. Because it was very heavy and hard. King Janak had made a promise that anyone who lifts this bow will tie its rope. With that Sitaji will be married. Organized swayamvar for the marriage of Mata Sita ji. The great brave warriors of the entire Aryavrata were called. Ravana also participated in that event. All the kings tried hard, but no one could lift it and tie the rope. All the kings had given up. King Janak started worrying that now where should I find the worthy groom of my daughter. Then Maharishi Vishwamitra ordered Rama to lift the bow and put a string on him. Rama reached near the bow after getting the Guru's orders and he easily lifted the bow and started plucking it. While tying the bow, that bow broke at the hands of Shri Ram. The old bow belonged to Shiva, at that time Parashuram ji, the supreme devotee of Shiva, was also there. Hearing the sound of bow breaking, Parashurama reached there. He was very angry. He started searching for the one who broke this bow. Seeing the anger of Parashurama, there was silence in the whole assembly. No one was speaking out of fear. But Lakshman ji was not afraid, he started arguing with Parashuram ji, due to which Parashuram's anger started increasing. But Shri Ram politely folded his hands and requested Parshuram ji to accidentally break the bow and asked for forgiveness from him. Seeing the simple calm nature of Rama, Parashurama's anger was pacified and he left from there. Immediately after his departure, everyone in the meeting heaved a sigh of relief. After the departure of Parashurama, King Janak went to Maharishi Vishwamitra and asked him- 'O sage: Who are these two young men, the kings of this form, please tell them about them." Sage Vishwamitra told King Janak-these two brothers are Rama and Lakshman, both of them are the sons of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya. Among the four sons of King Dasharatha, Rama is the eldest who broke the bow. After hearing the introduction of Shri Ram by the sage, his happiness knew no bounds, he happily decided to marry his four daughters including Sita to the four sons of King Dasharatha. King Janak requested Maharishi for the marriage of all four, Maharishi gladly accepted. After that, celebrations started in the court of King Janak, sweets were distributed, drums started playing. The sage sent this auspicious message to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, King Dasharatha, on hearing the news, ordered to decorate the entire Ayodhya and distribute gifts to the people. The whole of Ayodhya started celebrating the marriage of its princes. King Dasharatha started preparing for the procession of his sons. Many thousand elephants were decorated, hundreds of chariots were made. The entire Ayodhya city reached Mithilapur in a procession. There was no shortage of preparations for the procession of Mithilapur King Janak. He went ahead and welcomed the procession, hugged King Dasharatha and gave him a lot of respect. In the marriage of Shri Ram, all the people of Ayodhya were dancing and singing. There was an atmosphere of celebration throughout Aryavrata. The marriage of the four brothers took place with great pomp. Shri Ramchandra ji got married with Mata Sita, Lakshman ji got married with Mata Urmila, Bharat ji got married with Mata Mandy and Shatrudhan ji got married with Mata Shrutikirti. After marriage, King Dasharatha came back to Ayodhya with everyone. The king now started ruling happily. Time passed and King Dasharatha was now getting old. He wanted to do penance himself by giving royal work to Ramchandra ji. At the behest of Guru Vashistha, an auspicious day was fixed for the coronation of Shri Ram. When all the subjects got the news that Shri Ram was going to become their king, then all the subjects were not happy. There was a lot of joy being celebrated. There was an atmosphere of happiness everywhere. Laughter was scattered on everyone's face, everyone was busy in decorating the palace and preparing for the coronation. Among all these faces there was such a face on which the feeling of sorrow and revenge was clearly visible. That face was none other than that of Queen Kaikeyi's maid Manthara. Manthara did not like being the king of Shri Ram ji, she wanted to see Bharat ji as the king. She was sad and went to Queen Kaikeyi Maharani Kaikeyi was overjoyed with the decision of Sri Rama's coronation and was taking stock of the preparations for the festival. Seeing Manthara's hanging face, he got angry at first but Manthara acted very cleverly. He said that I am a little sad for myself, I am sad for the concern of your son Prince Bharat. Hearing the name of Bharat, the queen said, what is the concern, speak clearly. Manthara took Queen Kaikey) in private and taught her many unconventional things. He cleverly awakened the son's attachment in Kaikey's mind and persuaded Bharata to demand the kingship, reminding King Dasharatha of accepting any two demands before marriage. During a battle before the marriage of King Dasharatha and Queen Kaikeyi, Kaikeyi saved the life of King Dasharatha. Princess Kaikeyi was beautiful, King Dasharatha requested her to marry, Queen Kaikey) asked for two promises, King Dasharatha agreed and both were married. Coming to Manthara's words, the queen made her face sad, untied her hair and slept in Kop Bhavan crying. This matter reached to King Dasharatha, the king immediately reached the queen's palace. He was very sad to see such condition. He loved Kaikeyi very much He asked. "O cakey! Why are you sad, everyone look how happy you are after all, tell me what you need. I will bring the sari after searching the world, don't you feel sad, tell me what do you want? Queen Kaikeyi reminded her of the two promises given by the king before the marriage and she demanded 12 years of exile to Shri Ram as the first demand and Bharata as the king in the second demand. On hearing the demand of Queen Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha's heart sat down. He started getting disturbed by sorrow, somehow managing himself, he said to Kaikeyi - O Kaikeyi, how can you be so cruel? Don't ask my dear son to go to the forest, I am ready to give whatever you ask in return. I cannot live even a moment without seeing Rama, it is time to rule, why are you giving terrible tortures of the forest King Dasharatha tried to persuade Kaikeyi a lot but Kaikeyi remained adamant on his demand. 'Raghukul's ritual has always gone, but the word does not go'. Shri Ram never violated the dignity of the clan, he came to know about his father's promise. Along with this, two demands of Mata Kaikeyi were also reported. He soon decided that his father's promise could not be broken because of him and he decided to go to the forest. Shri Ram went to Mata Kaikeyi in his palace and pleaded with folded hands. O mother! You should not feel sad at all, I will soon leave for exile. If my younger brother Bharata becomes the king, then I will also be very happy, you give up your sorrow. Saying this, Shri Ramchandra along with Mata Sita and Lakshman ji went on exile for 12 years. King Dasharatha was weeping bitterly in the separation of Rama. His heart became very sad. With King Dasharatha, there was mourning in the entire city of Ayodhya. On hearing about the exile of their beloved prince and his wife, the people also started crying, as if calamity had broken out in the whole of Ayodhya, the birds twitter and the flowers stopped blooming. The people of Ayodhya also started going after the exile, dear prince, Shri Ram explained a lot to them but no one listened, then Ram left everyone sleeping alone and crossed the Sarayu river with Lakshmana and Sita, Bharat ji was not in Ayodhya when he went to the forest, he had gone to his maternal grandfather's house. Here Dashrath Maharaj's condition was deteriorating, his life was blown away by crying in his son's fascination. When King Dasharatha died, he did not have any sons with him. Later, the curse given by the parents of Shravan Kumar to King Dasharatha came to fruition. After the departure of Ramchandra ji, Bharat ji was called from his maternal grandfather's house. Till then King Dasharatha's body was kept safe in some oil by scientific method. Bharat ji returned to Ayodhya. When he came to know about the whole story, he was sad and also called his mother Kaikeyi very badly. After the death of King Dasharatha, the queen also repented a lot on her demand. Bharat ji soon performed the proper cremation of his father Dasharatha. After this Bharat ji went to the forest to bring back Ramchandra ji. Bharat ji had also taken the army of Ayodhya with him to the forest, due to which doubts arose in Lakshman j's mind that he was coming to fight with Bhaiya Shri so that he would kill Shri Ram and take the kingdom of Ayodhya forever, and remain king for life. Lakshman ji took up his bow and arrow and started preparing to fight with India and started asking Shri Ram to prepare as well. Lakshman ji became very angry, he was going to take the vow to kill Bharat, when Shri Ram explained to Lakshman ji and said that Bharat is not like that, if I make a gesture now, he can give you the whole kingdom. Then he withheld his promise. Shri Ram was right, Bharat had come to call them back not to fight, but Shri Ram refused to go back. Even after many requests of Bharat ji, Ram ji did not agree. In the end, Bharata came back to Ayodhya with his foot-padukas and started running the kingdom by placing these padukas on the throne. After some time, Shri Ram, along with Lakshmana and Sita reached the forest named Dandakaranya. There the great mighty Ravana, Shurpanakha was fascinated by the form of Shri Ram. She wanted to get married with Shri Ram. He proposed her marriage in front of Shri Ram. Shri Ram said-'I am married, see that my younger brother is Lakshman, he is also very beautiful, why don't you go to him. Saying so, Shri Ram sent him to Lakshman ji. She went to Lakshman ji. He got very angry at Sarpanakha, far from getting married, Lakshman ji cut off his nose. His face became very ugly. His entire nose was cut off. With such courage, she went to her brother and narrated the whole story. Telling about the beauty of Sita, Shurpanakha awakened the infatuation in the heart of Ravana. Ravana started making preparations to get the beautiful woman by force. He found out the whereabouts of Rama and Lakshmana. He had a pet deer named Marich. Which was more beautiful than other deer Left that deer near his hermitage. The deer started roaming around Shri Ram's ashram. Sita ji was fascinated by seeing the gold-coloured deer and started urging Shri Ram to get hold of that golden deer Ramji could not refuse Mata Sita. Shri Ram asked Mata Sita to stay inside the hut and be alert and followed the deer with Lakshmana and went in search of him. In the end, on the day of Dussehra in the month of Kuwar, Shri Ramchandraji killed Ravana, Sitaji came back. Shri Ram became very happy to meet Sita, along with him the whole army started celebrating. Now fourteen years were about to end. Ram Chandra ji gave the kingdom of Lanka to Vibhishana, after that he returned to Ayodhya. Hanuman ji, Sugriva ji etc. had also come with him. Even today this day is celebrated as Diwali festival. Now the coronation of Lord Shri Ram took place with full pomp. Once again, the preparations for the coronation of Shri Ram started going on in full swing in the whole of India. Everyone wanted to see their favorite prince becoming the king soon. He wanted to fulfill his unfinished dream. After all, that auspicious moment has come and the historic coronation of Shri Ram took place, Shri Ram sat on the throne with Mata Sita and started performing his religion with great skill and serving the people. In his kingdom, human beings are human beings, all living beings, animals, birds, trees and plants were all ecstatic. all used to live happily. In the Ram Charit Manas, Tulsi Das Maharajji, while describing the kingdom of Rama, says that in the kingdom of Rama, the sun used to give as much heat as the body could easily bear The rain was only as much as the crops and animals could bear. The trees were laden with fruits. Many different types of flowers were spreading different fragrances. One day Shri Ram decided to go among the public to understand the well being of his subjects closely. No one should recognize him, so he changed his disguise. While roaming in Shri Ram Nagar, under a tree where some people were already there, they stopped near them. There, the words of a washerman made Shri Ram very sad and forced him to take a tough decision again. That washerman questioned Mother Sita, which made Shri Ram sad. He came back to the palace and took a tough decision to send Mother Sita to Valmiki's ashram for the satisfaction of his subjects. Mother Sita ji had to stay in Valmiki Ashram due to public shame. In this ashram, Mother Sita gave birth to two stunning sons, whose names were Lav and Kush. Both of them were disciples of Maharishi Valmiki and became proficient and brave in knowledge of Vedas and war. Ramchandra performed the Ashwamedha Yajna. At this time Sitaji was called back and again on the demand of the subjects, she was asked to give a test of fire, due to this Mother Sita was again very sad and, taking an oath of her purity, pleaded with God in her mind to burst the earth and in the event of an earthquake Because the earth was torn apart proving Mother Sita the most holy and Mother Sita got absorbed in the earth forever and ever. Lord Shri Ram was very sad, he became alone forever, after some time Shri Ram also left his body in Saryu and took water samadhi. Luv and Kush were very brave, later they became kings and started ruling.
    Sri Ram (Historical Story) It is a long time ago that according to the Hindu calendar, about 9 lakh years ago in Tretayuga, there used to be a very majestic Suryavanshi king Dasharatha. The name of their capital was Ayodhya. King Dasharatha was a very just and righteous king. All the subjects used to live their life happily under his rule. The great majestic Satyawadi king Harishchandra and the successful king Bhagirathi were one of the ancestors of King Dasharatha. Like his ancestors, King Dasharatha was very involved in religious work. King Dasharatha had no children. Due to which he was often sad. King Dasharatha had three queens. The name of the first queen was Kausalya, the name of the second queen was Sumitra and the name of the third queen was Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha was a great archer. He was adept at playing slang. He could penetrate the target without seeing the target just by hearing the sound of the word, always in the mind of King Dasharatha. One day Rajguru Vashistha, who was immersed in this concern, suggested Dasharatha to perform Putreshti Yagya. He performed this yagya under the supervision of Shringi Rishi. A lot of donations and donations were made in this yagya. After this yajna, kheer in the form of Prasad was fed to the three queens. After several months, the three queens had four sons. The eldest queen was Rama of Kausalya, Bharata of Kaikeyi and Lakshmana and Shatrudhan of Sumitra. The four brothers were very beautiful and stunning. Maharaj Dasaratha was very happy to see his four sons. King Dasaratha was not happy when he got the happiness of children. After some time, the four brothers went to the forest with Rajguru Vashistha to receive education, Vashistha was a very learned guru. At that time, the sage Vashistha was highly respected. All the brothers were very unique talents. While Lakshman ji was a little accommodating. Shri Ram was calm and serious in nature. The four brothers were also very smart in reading and writing. Soon he learned martial arts like shooting arrows, etc. The people of Ayodhya were enchanted by his form and qualities King Dasharatha never wanted to keep them away from his eyes. One day a very learned and learned Maharishi Vishwamitra came to King Dasharatha. He was a great and ascetic sage of his time. Many sinners and tyrants used to create obstacles in his yajna. When he heard about Rama and his brothers, he went to Dasharatha. He asked Dasaratha to kill the sinners and tyrants and Rama and Lakshmana to protect the yajna. King Dasharatha with folded hands said to sage Vishwamitra- 'O sage! Both Rama and Lakshmana are still children. Don't take them to war with so many sinful and tyrannical people. I will move my whole army and myself and will fight with them and will also protect your sacrifice. King Dasharatha at first did not want to send his sons with him, then on the persuasion of Rajguru Vashistha, he agreed to send. Both Rama and Lakshmana left with sage Vishwamitra. On the way, the sage taught them two mantras. After learning these mantras, both the princes became more powerful. While going to the sage's ashram, he killed a sinful and tyrannical woman named Tadka. Reaching there, while protecting the yagna, one of his sons Maricha and the other son Subahu were also killed with an arrow. Now Vishwamitra's Yagya was completed very well and very peacefully. After this Maharishi Vishwamitra reached Mithilapuri with both the princes Rama and Lakshmana. King Janak of Mithila was a great scholar and sage. He created the swayamvara of his daughter Sita. There was a lot of pomp and show coming to the King- Maharaj Swayamvar from far and wide. When Vishwamitra reached there, the king gave him a big welcome. King Janak had a bow. This bow belonged to Shiva, with this bow he killed Tripasura. No one could lift it except Sitaji. Because it was very heavy and hard. King Janak had made a promise that anyone who lifts this bow will tie its rope. With that Sitaji will be married. Organized swayamvar for the marriage of Mata Sita ji. The great brave warriors of the entire Aryavrata were called. Ravana also participated in that event. All the kings tried hard, but no one could lift it and tie the rope. All the kings had given up. King Janak started worrying that now where should I find the worthy groom of my daughter. Then Maharishi Vishwamitra ordered Rama to lift the bow and put a string on him. Rama reached near the bow after getting the Guru's orders and he easily lifted the bow and started plucking it. While tying the bow, that bow broke at the hands of Shri Ram. The old bow belonged to Shiva, at that time Parashuram ji, the supreme devotee of Shiva, was also there. Hearing the sound of bow breaking, Parashurama reached there. He was very angry. He started searching for the one who broke this bow. Seeing the anger of Parashurama, there was silence in the whole assembly. No one was speaking out of fear. But Lakshman ji was not afraid, he started arguing with Parashuram ji, due to which Parashuram's anger started increasing. But Shri Ram politely folded his hands and requested Parshuram ji to accidentally break the bow and asked for forgiveness from him. Seeing the simple calm nature of Rama, Parashurama's anger was pacified and he left from there. Immediately after his departure, everyone in the meeting heaved a sigh of relief. After the departure of Parashurama, King Janak went to Maharishi Vishwamitra and asked him- 'O sage: Who are these two young men, the kings of this form, please tell them about them." Sage Vishwamitra told King Janak-these two brothers are Rama and Lakshman, both of them are the sons of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya. Among the four sons of King Dasharatha, Rama is the eldest who broke the bow. After hearing the introduction of Shri Ram by the sage, his happiness knew no bounds, he happily decided to marry his four daughters including Sita to the four sons of King Dasharatha. King Janak requested Maharishi for the marriage of all four, Maharishi gladly accepted. After that, celebrations started in the court of King Janak, sweets were distributed, drums started playing. The sage sent this auspicious message to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, King Dasharatha, on hearing the news, ordered to decorate the entire Ayodhya and distribute gifts to the people. The whole of Ayodhya started celebrating the marriage of its princes. King Dasharatha started preparing for the procession of his sons. Many thousand elephants were decorated, hundreds of chariots were made. The entire Ayodhya city reached Mithilapur in a procession. There was no shortage of preparations for the procession of Mithilapur King Janak. He went ahead and welcomed the procession, hugged King Dasharatha and gave him a lot of respect. In the marriage of Shri Ram, all the people of Ayodhya were dancing and singing. There was an atmosphere of celebration throughout Aryavrata. The marriage of the four brothers took place with great pomp. Shri Ramchandra ji got married with Mata Sita, Lakshman ji got married with Mata Urmila, Bharat ji got married with Mata Mandy and Shatrudhan ji got married with Mata Shrutikirti. After marriage, King Dasharatha came back to Ayodhya with everyone. The king now started ruling happily. Time passed and King Dasharatha was now getting old. He wanted to do penance himself by giving royal work to Ramchandra ji. At the behest of Guru Vashistha, an auspicious day was fixed for the coronation of Shri Ram. When all the subjects got the news that Shri Ram was going to become their king, then all the subjects were not happy. There was a lot of joy being celebrated. There was an atmosphere of happiness everywhere. Laughter was scattered on everyone's face, everyone was busy in decorating the palace and preparing for the coronation. Among all these faces there was such a face on which the feeling of sorrow and revenge was clearly visible. That face was none other than that of Queen Kaikeyi's maid Manthara. Manthara did not like being the king of Shri Ram ji, she wanted to see Bharat ji as the king. She was sad and went to Queen Kaikeyi Maharani Kaikeyi was overjoyed with the decision of Sri Rama's coronation and was taking stock of the preparations for the festival. Seeing Manthara's hanging face, he got angry at first but Manthara acted very cleverly. He said that I am a little sad for myself, I am sad for the concern of your son Prince Bharat. Hearing the name of Bharat, the queen said, what is the concern, speak clearly. Manthara took Queen Kaikey) in private and taught her many unconventional things. He cleverly awakened the son's attachment in Kaikey's mind and persuaded Bharata to demand the kingship, reminding King Dasharatha of accepting any two demands before marriage. During a battle before the marriage of King Dasharatha and Queen Kaikeyi, Kaikeyi saved the life of King Dasharatha. Princess Kaikeyi was beautiful, King Dasharatha requested her to marry, Queen Kaikey) asked for two promises, King Dasharatha agreed and both were married. Coming to Manthara's words, the queen made her face sad, untied her hair and slept in Kop Bhavan crying. This matter reached to King Dasharatha, the king immediately reached the queen's palace. He was very sad to see such condition. He loved Kaikeyi very much He asked. "O cakey! Why are you sad, everyone look how happy you are after all, tell me what you need. I will bring the sari after searching the world, don't you feel sad, tell me what do you want? Queen Kaikeyi reminded her of the two promises given by the king before the marriage and she demanded 12 years of exile to Shri Ram as the first demand and Bharata as the king in the second demand. On hearing the demand of Queen Kaikeyi, King Dasharatha's heart sat down. He started getting disturbed by sorrow, somehow managing himself, he said to Kaikeyi - O Kaikeyi, how can you be so cruel? Don't ask my dear son to go to the forest, I am ready to give whatever you ask in return. I cannot live even a moment without seeing Rama, it is time to rule, why are you giving terrible tortures of the forest King Dasharatha tried to persuade Kaikeyi a lot but Kaikeyi remained adamant on his demand. 'Raghukul's ritual has always gone, but the word does not go'. Shri Ram never violated the dignity of the clan, he came to know about his father's promise. Along with this, two demands of Mata Kaikeyi were also reported. He soon decided that his father's promise could not be broken because of him and he decided to go to the forest. Shri Ram went to Mata Kaikeyi in his palace and pleaded with folded hands. O mother! You should not feel sad at all, I will soon leave for exile. If my younger brother Bharata becomes the king, then I will also be very happy, you give up your sorrow. Saying this, Shri Ramchandra along with Mata Sita and Lakshman ji went on exile for 12 years. King Dasharatha was weeping bitterly in the separation of Rama. His heart became very sad. With King Dasharatha, there was mourning in the entire city of Ayodhya. On hearing about the exile of their beloved prince and his wife, the people also started crying, as if calamity had broken out in the whole of Ayodhya, the birds twitter and the flowers stopped blooming. The people of Ayodhya also started going after the exile, dear prince, Shri Ram explained a lot to them but no one listened, then Ram left everyone sleeping alone and crossed the Sarayu river with Lakshmana and Sita, Bharat ji was not in Ayodhya when he went to the forest, he had gone to his maternal grandfather's house. Here Dashrath Maharaj's condition was deteriorating, his life was blown away by crying in his son's fascination. When King Dasharatha died, he did not have any sons with him. Later, the curse given by the parents of Shravan Kumar to King Dasharatha came to fruition. After the departure of Ramchandra ji, Bharat ji was called from his maternal grandfather's house. Till then King Dasharatha's body was kept safe in some oil by scientific method. Bharat ji returned to Ayodhya. When he came to know about the whole story, he was sad and also called his mother Kaikeyi very badly. After the death of King Dasharatha, the queen also repented a lot on her demand. Bharat ji soon performed the proper cremation of his father Dasharatha. After this Bharat ji went to the forest to bring back Ramchandra ji. Bharat ji had also taken the army of Ayodhya with him to the forest, due to which doubts arose in Lakshman j's mind that he was coming to fight with Bhaiya Shri so that he would kill Shri Ram and take the kingdom of Ayodhya forever, and remain king for life. Lakshman ji took up his bow and arrow and started preparing to fight with India and started asking Shri Ram to prepare as well. Lakshman ji became very angry, he was going to take the vow to kill Bharat, when Shri Ram explained to Lakshman ji and said that Bharat is not like that, if I make a gesture now, he can give you the whole kingdom. Then he withheld his promise. Shri Ram was right, Bharat had come to call them back not to fight, but Shri Ram refused to go back. Even after many requests of Bharat ji, Ram ji did not agree. In the end, Bharata came back to Ayodhya with his foot-padukas and started running the kingdom by placing these padukas on the throne. After some time, Shri Ram, along with Lakshmana and Sita reached the forest named Dandakaranya. There the great mighty Ravana, Shurpanakha was fascinated by the form of Shri Ram. She wanted to get married with Shri Ram. He proposed her marriage in front of Shri Ram. Shri Ram said-'I am married, see that my younger brother is Lakshman, he is also very beautiful, why don't you go to him. Saying so, Shri Ram sent him to Lakshman ji. She went to Lakshman ji. He got very angry at Sarpanakha, far from getting married, Lakshman ji cut off his nose. His face became very ugly. His entire nose was cut off. With such courage, she went to her brother and narrated the whole story. Telling about the beauty of Sita, Shurpanakha awakened the infatuation in the heart of Ravana. Ravana started making preparations to get the beautiful woman by force. He found out the whereabouts of Rama and Lakshmana. He had a pet deer named Marich. Which was more beautiful than other deer Left that deer near his hermitage. The deer started roaming around Shri Ram's ashram. Sita ji was fascinated by seeing the gold-coloured deer and started urging Shri Ram to get hold of that golden deer Ramji could not refuse Mata Sita. Shri Ram asked Mata Sita to stay inside the hut and be alert and followed the deer with Lakshmana and went in search of him. In the end, on the day of Dussehra in the month of Kuwar, Shri Ramchandraji killed Ravana, Sitaji came back. Shri Ram became very happy to meet Sita, along with him the whole army started celebrating. Now fourteen years were about to end. Ram Chandra ji gave the kingdom of Lanka to Vibhishana, after that he returned to Ayodhya. Hanuman ji, Sugriva ji etc. had also come with him. Even today this day is celebrated as Diwali festival. Now the coronation of Lord Shri Ram took place with full pomp. Once again, the preparations for the coronation of Shri Ram started going on in full swing in the whole of India. Everyone wanted to see their favorite prince becoming the king soon. He wanted to fulfill his unfinished dream. After all, that auspicious moment has come and the historic coronation of Shri Ram took place, Shri Ram sat on the throne with Mata Sita and started performing his religion with great skill and serving the people. In his kingdom, human beings are human beings, all living beings, animals, birds, trees and plants were all ecstatic. all used to live happily. In the Ram Charit Manas, Tulsi Das Maharajji, while describing the kingdom of Rama, says that in the kingdom of Rama, the sun used to give as much heat as the body could easily bear The rain was only as much as the crops and animals could bear. The trees were laden with fruits. Many different types of flowers were spreading different fragrances. One day Shri Ram decided to go among the public to understand the well being of his subjects closely. No one should recognize him, so he changed his disguise. While roaming in Shri Ram Nagar, under a tree where some people were already there, they stopped near them. There, the words of a washerman made Shri Ram very sad and forced him to take a tough decision again. That washerman questioned Mother Sita, which made Shri Ram sad. He came back to the palace and took a tough decision to send Mother Sita to Valmiki's ashram for the satisfaction of his subjects. Mother Sita ji had to stay in Valmiki Ashram due to public shame. In this ashram, Mother Sita gave birth to two stunning sons, whose names were Lav and Kush. Both of them were disciples of Maharishi Valmiki and became proficient and brave in knowledge of Vedas and war. Ramchandra performed the Ashwamedha Yajna. At this time Sitaji was called back and again on the demand of the subjects, she was asked to give a test of fire, due to this Mother Sita was again very sad and, taking an oath of her purity, pleaded with God in her mind to burst the earth and in the event of an earthquake Because the earth was torn apart proving Mother Sita the most holy and Mother Sita got absorbed in the earth forever and ever. Lord Shri Ram was very sad, he became alone forever, after some time Shri Ram also left his body in Saryu and took water samadhi. Luv and Kush were very brave, later they became kings and started ruling.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 11851 Vue
  • This is a great mantra to start everyday with....
    This is a great mantra to start everyday with....
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 463 Vue
  • If “End the Fed” is to be anything more than a mantra, then we must have a plan in place for how to actually end the Fed and what we do after it’s gone.
    If “End the Fed” is to be anything more than a mantra, then we must have a plan in place for how to actually end the Fed and what we do after it’s gone.
    FLASHBACK: Take the #FedChallenge - Activist Post
    James Corbett responds to Jerry Day's Federal Reserve challenge in this video.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 408 Vue
  • I look back 5 years, and I can see how much I've grown because of this. Finding one's true inner strength that doesn't worry about what others (and often YourSelf) define you as is both hard, rewarding and ESSENTIAL to healthy maturity and emotional wellbeing. It's easy to start telling yourself, in your own words like a "Mantra" whatever you feel like that asserts inner self worth. But you have to actually start believing it for the changes to come. "I am whole, I am free, I am and always will be me"! is one of my faves. Have a great weekend and here's to personal expansion and sovereignty.

    I look back 5 years, and I can see how much I've grown because of this. Finding one's true inner strength that doesn't worry about what others (and often YourSelf) define you as is both hard, rewarding and ESSENTIAL to healthy maturity and emotional wellbeing. It's easy to start telling yourself, in your own words like a "Mantra" whatever you feel like that asserts inner self worth. But you have to actually start believing it for the changes to come. "I am whole, I am free, I am and always will be me"! is one of my faves. Have a great weekend and here's to personal expansion and sovereignty.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 368 Vue
  • Opposing woke nation, playing off ,Grey Warden's, Trump Rino hunt cartoon.
    Cartoon Source: Ben Garrison / Grrrgraphics.com
    (Sorry, long, a different perspective, but maybe worth a read)
    Trump hunting Rino's: A United States History teacher's perspective
    What, somebody, (Grey), had the guts to say something positive about former President Trump? The audacity of such a person!
    Trump is a tough, vulgar, guy; a tough guy who was thrown into a viper den. Venom was spit at him from pre-election to present. He spit venom back at the vipers', and his opponents didn't like it. President Trump was wlling to get into the mud, the vipers' own real estae, their place of comfort! How dare a Republican get into the mud! The vipers' went into a frenzy!
    Elderly, moderate-Republicans did not like Trump's demeanor either, un-Presidential they would chime. They were not used to Presidents' acting un-Presidential. The problem for these folks, the world had changed. With a 24 hour news cycle, and bomb throwing leftists; a Trump type persoality was needed to put the vipers in check.
    Ironically, after eight years of President Obama, the left was terribly overly confident. Naively, they had over-played their hand. In the election of 2016, the Progressives, need not look further than the mirror to find the reason Mr. Trump was elected into the Oval Office. Due to misuse of federal agencies, federal government overreach, and weak foreign policies, a populist movement elected Mr. Trump. Unthinkable and unfathomable to naive progressives across the country, Trump was President!
    (I might add, the day after the election, this teacher had to console many colleagues who moped and wept crocodile tears.)
    Post Trump Presidency, a majority of the brainwashed cannot objectively concede that the world, basically, had world peace under Trump.
    Trump threatened the use of American military power. "Peace through Strength", taking a page from former President Reagan. He unleased the American oil companies, helping to drive world oil prices down to $27 a barrel. World rogues, such as Iran, China, and Putin were put on their heels. OPEC became powerless to a #1 ranked energy producing United States. ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah, basically, disappear. Trump declares Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and gives guidance to the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement. The Middle East has the closest thing to peace since 1967. A majority of Isrealites hail President Trump! Ironically, Jewish Americans stay true blue.
    On other fronts, Trump tries to reel in Kim Jung Un and sells $47 million dollars worth of weapons, Javelin "tank busters” to Ukraine. Ironically, giving them a chance, in their present day war with Russia. Lastly, he begins arranging for U.S. troops to get out of Afghanistan.
    At home the President leads one of the best economies in modern U.S. history. He gives support for traditionally black universities, the police, and border patrol agents. Being a businessman, he supports American business against over regulation, over taxation, and foreign adversaries, (China).
    During his adminstration he manages all of the above while dealing with a covid pandemic. At the same time, at every turn, taking on a wall of defiance and criticism from the viper den. The American media, Hollywood, progressive activist groups, and liberal politicians of every stripe were out to get him. Get him at all costs, even if their wares inhibited the nation, the world. The mantra of the left, destroy the Trump presidency at all costs. Even if you have to plant a lie about Trump in collusion with Russia. Get him, why have a moral compass, get Trump!
    Was he a horrible President? The American media, the Progressives, and the vipers' will state just that! Fortunately, there is more to the story than the hollow but "emphtic" statements of ... "Trump was horrible!"
    Written by Ron Guiles
    Opposing woke nation, playing off ,Grey Warden's, Trump Rino hunt cartoon. Cartoon Source: Ben Garrison / Grrrgraphics.com (Sorry, long, a different perspective, but maybe worth a read) Trump hunting Rino's: A United States History teacher's perspective What, somebody, (Grey), had the guts to say something positive about former President Trump? The audacity of such a person! Trump is a tough, vulgar, guy; a tough guy who was thrown into a viper den. Venom was spit at him from pre-election to present. He spit venom back at the vipers', and his opponents didn't like it. President Trump was wlling to get into the mud, the vipers' own real estae, their place of comfort! How dare a Republican get into the mud! The vipers' went into a frenzy! Elderly, moderate-Republicans did not like Trump's demeanor either, un-Presidential they would chime. They were not used to Presidents' acting un-Presidential. The problem for these folks, the world had changed. With a 24 hour news cycle, and bomb throwing leftists; a Trump type persoality was needed to put the vipers in check. Ironically, after eight years of President Obama, the left was terribly overly confident. Naively, they had over-played their hand. In the election of 2016, the Progressives, need not look further than the mirror to find the reason Mr. Trump was elected into the Oval Office. Due to misuse of federal agencies, federal government overreach, and weak foreign policies, a populist movement elected Mr. Trump. Unthinkable and unfathomable to naive progressives across the country, Trump was President! (I might add, the day after the election, this teacher had to console many colleagues who moped and wept crocodile tears.) Post Trump Presidency, a majority of the brainwashed cannot objectively concede that the world, basically, had world peace under Trump. Trump threatened the use of American military power. "Peace through Strength", taking a page from former President Reagan. He unleased the American oil companies, helping to drive world oil prices down to $27 a barrel. World rogues, such as Iran, China, and Putin were put on their heels. OPEC became powerless to a #1 ranked energy producing United States. ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah, basically, disappear. Trump declares Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and gives guidance to the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement. The Middle East has the closest thing to peace since 1967. A majority of Isrealites hail President Trump! Ironically, Jewish Americans stay true blue. On other fronts, Trump tries to reel in Kim Jung Un and sells $47 million dollars worth of weapons, Javelin "tank busters” to Ukraine. Ironically, giving them a chance, in their present day war with Russia. Lastly, he begins arranging for U.S. troops to get out of Afghanistan. At home the President leads one of the best economies in modern U.S. history. He gives support for traditionally black universities, the police, and border patrol agents. Being a businessman, he supports American business against over regulation, over taxation, and foreign adversaries, (China). During his adminstration he manages all of the above while dealing with a covid pandemic. At the same time, at every turn, taking on a wall of defiance and criticism from the viper den. The American media, Hollywood, progressive activist groups, and liberal politicians of every stripe were out to get him. Get him at all costs, even if their wares inhibited the nation, the world. The mantra of the left, destroy the Trump presidency at all costs. Even if you have to plant a lie about Trump in collusion with Russia. Get him, why have a moral compass, get Trump! Was he a horrible President? The American media, the Progressives, and the vipers' will state just that! Fortunately, there is more to the story than the hollow but "emphtic" statements of ... "Trump was horrible!" Written by Ron Guiles
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