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  • FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines.
    FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines.

    10 Gennaio 2024



    “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan”.

    Saint John Apostle and Evangelist – Book of the Revelation (Rev. 2, 8-10)

    In the cover image the prime minister of the Israeli Zionist Regime Benjamin Nethanyau and the “Pope of Freemasonry” Albert PikeNB – some quotes of American persons have been translated from sources in Italian so forgive any stylistic errors or differences with the original ones

    By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


    «The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near».

    This Prologue to the Book of the Revelation (Apocalypse) of Saint John the Evangelist, the only Apostle who died without martyrdom as a reward for his loyalty to Jesus under the cross of Golgotha, reread in recent days, after almost a million deaths caused in recent years by the wars in Ukraine, Syria. Iraq and Libya (to name the best known) and after the genocide of the Israeli army in Palestine in which over 8 thousand children were massacred by bombs in a few weeks together with around 22 thousand adults, we should be inspired by a profound spiritual reflection also by virtue of the prophecy on Armageddon, the final battle of the armies foretold in the Holy Land in the same text on the Apocalypse which in Greek, it is good to remember it only means “revelation”, “prophecy” and not “catastrophe”.

    Terrifying VIDEO from GENOCIDE in Palestine! Barrage of Complaints vs Zionist Regime before International Courts
    They take on an equally tragic meaning if we think of the holocaust of millions of victims caused both by the pandemic triggered by a SARS-Cov-2 built in the laboratory and by the killer vaccines with which unscrupulous Big Pharma is testing the world population like a massive human guinea-pig to reach the transhumanist goal of eugenic health culture: denial of Nature and the Almighty God of the Judeo-Christian tradition, which has survived 7 thousand years of attempts at annihilation.

    Faced with this extraordinary “pande-medic holocaust” made invisible by the denialism of those who govern politics and science in obedience to the powers of the New World Order clearly theorized as an evolution of NATO by the Hungarian-American plutarch George Soros in 1993, the Palestinian victims , Ukrainian, Syrian conflicts caused precisely by military conflicts plotted by the Atlantic Alliance and by Anglo-Saxon intelligence appear as the ordinary, inevitable consequence of the hatred and ferocity that has plagued human history since the time of Cain. This name will come back later…

    US-Israel Affairs: Bombs for $735mln & Pfizer’s Vaccines for $2,1bn. That’s why Biden protects Bibi’s War
    Therefore, the biblical reference in the Book of Revelation to “those who proclaim themselves Jews and are not, but belong to the synagogue of Satan” does not appear in vain in the case of the Zionist leader Netanyahu who is carrying out a genocide of Palestinians after having mass vaccinated his fellow Israelis for a gigantic transversal business between the Weapons Lobby and Big Pharma with American President Joesph Biden.

    WUHAN-GATES – 73. Half of Century of Covert Bioweapon Development Leading to Fauci’s SARS-Cov-2 and to mRNA Lethal Vaccines
    Modern telecommunications means – where not blocked as in Gaza to prevent reckless reporters from documenting the war crimes ordered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu already renamed “the Hitler of the 21st Century” by Turkish lawyers who demand his indictment – have made the bloody genocide tacitly legalized by the West and carried out in the churches and hospitals of Palestine terrifying, bringing before the eyes and ears cries that implore revenge and make the sense of forgiveness waver even in Christians, all this satanic torment appears comparable screams from the silence imploded in the hearts of children torn by lethal myocarditis or in the brains devoured by turbo-cancer of the victims of adverse reactions to the mRNA Covid vaccines.

    Devastating Raid in GAZA Hospital. Turkish Lawyers blames of “genocide” Netanyahu: “the 21st century Hitler”
    Precisely because their roar against death is silent, broken in the throat by a sudden illness of which political, health and judicial authorities too often do not want to detect and reveal traces of the FAILURE OF A SYSTEM. Precisely that of the New World Order which is seeking God’s mercy with the merciless human reason capable of killing an 8-month-old baby girl, Indi Gregory, although she had a concrete hope of being assisted.

    If all this happening is not a coincidence but appears to be an international and historical conspiracy foreseen in very remote times by the American “Pope of Freemasonry”

    , a Southern general, about whom we have already written, who was among the Confederate supporters of the Civil War but also among the founders of the KuKluxKlan and among the followers of satanic rites: Albert Pike.

    Gaza: SATAN’S HOLOCAUST. No More Words, Images are Enough! A Minute of Silence to Pray. WARNING! Chilling Video
    We have already mentioned his extensive correspondence with the 33rd degree Freemason of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Giuseppe Mazzini who, thanks to the financing of the hooded friends of the London lodges ready to host him even though he was a fugitive terrorist in Europe, planned the Expedition of the Thousand of Masonic guerrilla Giuseppe Garibaldi with whom the Kingdom of Italy wrested a part of Rome from the Papal State in the gigantic and crude plot against Christianity and the Catholic Church, partly attenuated only by the faith of the Ruling Savoy Dynasty.

    But we had missed some passages which in the light of today’s events take on monstrous relevance, furthermore proving the imprint of Freemasonry, like a Mark of the Beast, in every religious and political conflictual drift, prodigiously foreseen in detail by General Pike.

    FREEMASONRY and SATANISM. Albert Pike’s Story. Southern General, Grand Master of Charleston’s Lodge, Ku Klux Klan co-Founder
    In these first episodes we will analyze the conspiratorial complicity of Freemasonry with Zionism. In the next one with Nazism and Jihadist Islamism, where in a previous investigation we have analyzed the role of hooded men between Capitalism and Communism.

    «The Third World War will have to be fomented by taking advantage of the differences stirred up by the agents of the Illuminati between political Zionism and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war will have to be oriented so that Islam (including the State of Israel) destroy each other, while at the same time the remaining nations, once again divided and opposed to each other, will then be forced to fight each other until to complete physical, mental, spiritual and economic exhaustion».
    This is what Pike wrote to Mazzini on 15 August 1871 in a letter according to the revelations made by the commodore of the Canadian navy William Guy Carr which he later reported in his famous 1954 book Pawns in the Game. He stated that he learned about the letter from the anti-Mason, Cardinal José María Caro Rodríguez of Santiago, Chile, the author of The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled(Hawthorne, California, Christian Book Club of America, 1971).

    LA GRANDE GUERRA VOLUTA DAI MASSONI ANGLO-ITALIANI. 4 Novembre: Onoriamo i Caduti, Non la Vittoria dei Mandanti!
    The Navy official can be considered very reliable as worked also for the Canadian Intelligence Service during World War II, and in 1944 he published Checkmate in the North, a book about an invasion by the Axis forces to take place in the area of the CFB Goose Bay(Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay).

    Carr’s books often discuss a Luciferian conspiracy by what he called the “World Revolutionary Movement,” but he later attributed the conspiracy more specifically to the “Synagogue of Satan.”

    The term was not a reference to Judaism as he wrote: “I wish to make it clearly and emphatically known that I do not believe the Synagogue of Satan (S.O.S.) is Jewish, but, as Christ told us for a definite purpose, it is comprised of ‘I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.’ (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9)

    The Canadian commodore reported what we had already mentioned in the previous investigation on Pike and which we will try to contextualize both in the biblical, esoteric and historical context in the following lines.

    «The First World War had to be fought to allow the “Illuminati” to overthrow the power of the czars in Russia and transform this country into the fortress of atheist communism. The differences stirred up by “Illuminati” agents between the British and German Empires were used to foment this war. After the war was over, communism had to be built and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions».
    Final Countdown to Complete 1948’s Nakba. Israeli Govt admits the ZioNazi Genocide’s Goal: Depopulate Gaza Strip
    Citing Confederate General Pike who was Grand Master of the Mother Lodge of Charleston (but also, in all probability, the only Southerner to have had, until recently, a statue in his memory in the USA sculpted by an Italian but recently destroyed by vandals), the commodore added:

    «The Second World War had to be fomented by taking advantage of the difference between fascists and political Zionists. The war had to be fought in order to destroy Nazism and increase the power of political Zionism, in order to allow the establishment of the sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, a Communist International had to be established as strong as the whole of Christianity. At this point the latter had to be contained and kept under control until required for the final social cataclysm».
    Rereading these sentences after having published an investigation into the recent Israeli military plan for the genocide and forced exodus of Palestinians in Egypt and Europe represents a disturbing and burning confirmation but is not enough to understand the deepest motivations of the diabolical NWO conspiracy.

    Why Rockefeller’s Standard Oil was Axis Ally of Hitler & Nazis
    On 15 August 1871, as revealed by Carr, the Pope of American Freemasonry Pike revealed to Mazzini that at the end of the Third World War those who aspire to World Government would cause the greatest social cataclysm ever seen.

    «We will unleash the nihilists and atheists and provoke a formidable social cataclysm which will clearly show, in all its horror, to the nations, the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of barbarism and bloody subversion».
    And then again:

    «Then everywhere citizens, forced to defend themselves against a world minority of revolutionaries, these destroyers of civilization, and the multitude disillusioned by Christianity, whose worshipers will be devoid of orientation in search of an ideal, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of pure doctrine of Lucifer finally revealed to the public eye, a manifestation which will be followed by the destruction of Christianity and atheism conquered and crushed at the same time».
    Zelensky Servant of NATO and Satan! Not of Ukrainian People. Orthodox Bishop arrested before Easter. Another Esplosive Attack planned by Kiev
    If we carefully analyze what has happened in the last twenty years, rereading them with the lens of a geopolitical intelligence analysis, we can put together these dramatic events that prove the gradual increase of the Third World War “in a patchy pattern, in fragments, or in small pieces” as defined several times by Pope Francis.

    September 11, 2001 – From the World Trade Center to the War in Afghanistan
    Avoidable massacre of the attacks on the Twin Towers facilitated by the obstacles posed by the American counter-espionage of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to the investigations of the director of anti-terrorism of the FBI John O’Neill (who died in the World Trade Center where he was hired after being fired following sabotage of his professional activity). The hidden role of the Israeli counter-intelligence Mossad came to light immediately, recently with the disconcerting confirmation that two of the hijackers were collaborating with the CIA.

    9/11 – The Avoidable Massacre Allowed by CIA. Helped Al Qaeda in Balkans, Obstructed FBI Investigations. Tribute to John O’Neill Killed in the Towers
    Thanks to that event, the USA, led by the Weapons Lobby controlled by investment fundsof Zionist financiers such as Larry Fink, began the terrible and unsuccessful war in Afghanistan

    July 18, 2007 – Hamas conquers Gaza
    Palestinian President Abbas issued a decree outlawing the Hamas militias who defeated Fatah (a Palestinian political and paramilitary organization, part of the PLO, of which Yasser Arafat was leader) and therefore removed the Gaza Strip from the control of the Authority Palestinian national authority.

    Update – INTEL DROP by CIA ex Agent: Hamas-Israel Fighting, likelihood “False Flag” to Wipe Gaza Off the Map. Warnings by Egypt Ignored
    According to various intelligence experts including a former CIA director, Hamas, linked to the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood (sons of another Masonic history…), was financed by the USA and Israel precisely to lead to the Palestinian exodus plan that was configured in recent days after the attacks of 7 October which took the highly expert Israeli secret services (Shin Bet, Mossad and the military Aman) by surprise.

    March 15, 2011 – Civil War in Syria
    The Syrian Civil War begins thanks to the Color Revolution financed by Soros and armed by the CIA’s MOM operation with the supply of TOW anti-tank missiles to extremist jihadist factions related to Al Qaeda.

    Turkish papers: 21 Erdogan’s jihadist militias supported by Cia, Pentagon and armed with TOW missiles
    In 2014, ISIS founded by Caliph Al Baghdadientered the war shortly after his liberation from Camp Bucca where he was detained by the US Army for terrorist activity in Iraq. He was believed to be a Mossad and CIA agent

    February 20, 2014 – Start of the War in Ukraine
    The second Orange Revolution financed by the Zionist Soros in Kiev explodes in all its violence due to the shooting of mysterious mercenary snipers on Ukrainian policemen and the crowd. It seems like a repeat of what the CIA hatched in 2002 in Caracas. The coup financed by NATO countries materializes with the escape of the legitimately elected president Viktor Fedorovyč Yanukovych to friendly Russia.

    NATO’s COUP IN UKRAINE: THE GENESIS – 3. Kiev Court sentenced Four Cops, ignoring the Plot of Shady Snipers
    From there begins the Donbass Civil War which became a Global Conflict after the start of Moscow’s military operation to protect the pro-Russian victims of genocide by the neo-Nazi guerrillas of the Azov Battalion led by the Kiev Regime and also armed by Israel in an apparent, crazy paradox …

    April 2014 – “Sabotaged” elections in Palestine
    Fatah and Hamas sign agreements in Gaza

    for the return to voting in all PNA territories, foreseeing elections for the following October.

    HAMAS VIOLENCE vs ISRAELI WAR CRIMES. Partisan-Terrorists Loved by Gaza, Zionists Shielded by Hague ICC & US
    In July, however, the Israelis launched Operation Protective Edge to destroy clandestine tunnels into their country, triggering a resurgence of military clashes. Only on 28 August was a ceasefire declared by both sides but the electoral consultations were postponed and never agreed upon again.

    October 2023 – Genocide Planned and Legalized in Gaza
    Hamas captures hostages from an Israeli Rave Party and several kibbutz settlers in the illegally occupied territories. Israel responds disproportionately by bombing everyone, women, children, hospitals, churches, UN officials. Few Western politicians denounce aGENOCIDE which instead appears LEGALIZEDby almost all NATO countries.

    The Plotted GENOCIDE: Leaked Israeli Plan to Ethnically cleanse Gaza
    If we correlate the recurring subjects of these events it is easy to deduce that the Third World War in fragments has already been implemented for at least two decades with an enormous occult direction of that NATO evoked by Soros to embody the New World Order.

    Let’s go back to the tired “forecasts” of the Freemason Albert Pike and reread a significant phrase:

    «We will unleash the nihilists and atheists and provoke a formidable social cataclysm which will clearly show, in all its horror, to the nations, the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of barbarism and bloody subversion».
    Since 2001, the American virologist Anthony Fauci began playing with dangerous viruses manipulated in the laboratory as biological weapons thanks to enormous funding provided by both the Department of Health and Defense, including through Pentagon agencies such as DARPA.


    In 2004 the European Commission chaired by Romano Prodi, a Soros associate, financed the Wuhan Institute of Virology strengthened by the son of President Jiang Zemin, the Executioner of Tiananmen, also in light of an agreement on collaborations for research in the bacteriological field signed with the American president Bill Clinton in 1999.

    In December 2019 the first outbreak of SARS-Cov-2 was discovered in Wuhan and for over 2 years the USA blamed the Chinese while the scientific community of Fauci & Co. tried to cover up the artificial orgone ascertained by the Senate Health Commission and the House Investigation Committee of the US Congress only in 2023.

    WUHAN-GATES – 69. How and Why the Spy of Biden & Gates Hid ManMade SARS-Cov-2 in US Intelligence Dossier
    Now even many US politicians admit their nation’s role in building the laboratory virus. This is denied by the National Intelligence Directorate led by Avril Haines who was deputy CIA director expert in bio-weapons when Fauci was carrying out experiments on Coronaviruses on behalf of the Obama-Biden administration together in Wuhan.

    European Union politicians continue to ignore or deny the artificial origin of the virus. While almost everyone has welcomed, so much so as to impose them as mandatory even for many professional categories, the experimental mRNA genetic serums based on the toxic Spike protein and promoted by a swirl of billionaire interests of Big Pharma with governments and the usual Zionist lobbies who also invest in Warlord corporations.

    VITAL! Integration of Pfizer Vaccines Toxic Spike inside Human DNA. Protein Fragments found in White Blood Cells by Italian Study
    Even the Catholic Church genuflects to the Vaccine GOD.

    Let’s reread Pike’s prophecy again, a truly disturbing name when associated with the almost homonymous Covid-19 protein.

    «Then everywhere citizens, forced to defend themselves against a world minority of revolutionaries, these destroyers of civilization, and the multitude disillusioned by Christianity, whose worshipers will be devoid of orientation in search of an ideal, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of pure doctrine of Lucifer finally revealed to the public eye, a manifestation which will be followed by the destruction of Christianity and atheism conquered and crushed at the same Time»
    The detractors of the military geopolitical analyst and writer William Guy Carr who refers to the diabolical plan of the Pope of American Freemasonry are based on the fact that Albert Pike in 1871 could not have known about the birth of Communism, nor of Nazism, nor of Zionism.

    PAPA LEONE XIII, IL GRANDE ALFIERE CRISTIANO CHE SCOMUNICO’ LA MASSONERIA. Attualità della Visione del Pontefice a 120 anni dalla Morte
    Nor even knowing about the two world wars. Unless you were among those who designed them.

    This observation can easily be refuted by citing some historical references already mentioned and which we will highlight.

    «In July 1782 the Order of the Illuminati allied itself with Freemasonry during the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, which the historian Freemason Albert Mackey defined as ‘the most important Masonic Congress of the eighteenth century’ – we read on the website Freemasonry Unmasked, full of anecdotes and authoritative historical sources – The participants in that Congress had to swear not to reveal the decisions they had made to anyone (see Nesta H. Webster, World Revolution, 1921, page 31)».
    Wilhelmsbad Castle was owned by the Ashkenazi Jewish banker (of Khazar-European origins) Mayer Amschel Rothschild who, according to various historians, in 1777 brought together twelve of his most influential friends and convinced them that if they pooled their resources they could dominate the world:this is how the Bavarian Illuminati was born.

    L’OLOCAUSTO ROSSO COMUNISTA COSPIRATO DA ROTHSCHILD & MASSONI. Contro i Regni Cristiani di Francia, Russia e Italia
    The French Revolution confirms their success with the annihilation of the first important Catholic Monarchy. It will be the experience of the Paris Commune of 1871, the regurgitation of the regime of terror, that will inspire Lenin in his plan for the subsequent Bolshevik and Communist revolution.

    So Pike was not only still alive at the time but knew the details.

    The Independent Order B’nai B’rith or Bené Berith (Hebrew: בני ברית, “sons of the covenant”) is a Jewish lodge founded in 1843 during the presidency of John Tyler and still existing and active. It was founded at the Sinsheimer Café, in the Wall Street neighborhood of New York, by Henry Jones and eleven other people on October 13, 1843. The original name was in German “Bundes-Brueder” (which means “League of Brothers”), in the current one which retains the initials (“BB”).

    To Understand Israeli LGBTQ Propaganda we have to Learn Difference between Masonic-Zionism and Judaism
    Most of the founders were German-Jews: that is, Ashkenazi like Mayer Amschel Rothschild but also like his descendant Walter Rothschild, eldest son and heir of the banker Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the first Jewish baron of England.

    Walter Rothschild was among the promoters of the declaration for the formation of the Jewish state in Palestine, later earning the merit of becoming president of the Council of Deputies of British Jews from 1925 to 1926.

    From these seeds we arrived at 1917 when a letter from the British Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour, addressed to the “Dear Lord Rothschild”, sanctioned Balfour’s declaration which committed the British government to supporting the creation in Palestine of a home for the Jews in respect for the rights of other resident minorities.

    Masonic Funds for Garibaldi’s Expedition, British Legion with Times’ Reporters & Mobsters Allied in Sicily
    How did Albert Pike know all these things before they happened?

    Very simple because he was among those who concerted them in 1860 when the Southern general through Young America planned the American Civil War to defend the right to slavery, Mazzini with Young Italy committed himself to the Expedition of the Thousand and Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount of Palmerston, British Secretary of State and exponent of the Grand Lodge of England guaranteed all financial and political support.

    The first expressions of proto-Zionism took shape, for example, in the foundation of the Universal Israelite Alliance in 1860, an organization aimed at the emancipation of the Jewish communities in the Middle East and North Africa, and in the publication of various works, including Rome and Jerusalem, written in 1862 by the German Jewish philosopher Moses Hess, Derishat Zion by the Polish-Prussian rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, and the hymn Hatikvah, whose lyrics were written by Naftali Herz Imber and which later became the anthem of the State of Israel.

    Zionist Lobby – 1. Singer (Elliott) & Fink (BlackRock) within Gates-Soros in Covid Big Pharma’s Business(GSK & Gilead)
    Zionism draws its roots from the new cultural environment generated in the context of the emancipation of European Jews starting from the French Revolution and throughout the 19th century and from the Haskalah.

    The haskalah, with a small delay compared to other Enlightenment movements, arose in Germany and then spread throughout much of Europe and to a small extent also across the Atlantic. The father and inspirer of the movement was Moses Mendelssohn, close to Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, a free thinker of Protestant extraction and an energetic defender of the Jews in Germany. The latter introduced Mendelssohn into the world of Berlin intellectuals where he dedicated himself to the composition of philosophical essays and dissertations.

    The Conflation of Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism Is a Propagandistic Lie
    A varied and open movement, the haskalah probably did not close its doors even to exponents of the Frankist heresy, a sort of tail of the messianic movement of Shabatai Zevi which had long been in opposition to official Judaism, perhaps linked to lodges of freemasonry, another force of the times, definitely in relation to the Enlightenment philosophy.

    Many Jews influenced by the haskalah and the closeness it brought with European culture were seduced by the possibility of assimilation by embracing Christianity. Just think of the family of Karl Marx, descended from rabbis who converted to Protestantism, as did Mendelssohn’s own daughters. Others, however, laid the foundations of the new science of Judaism, the Wissenschaft des Judentums.

    In the previous investigation we highlighted how Marx received the task of writing Capital from British Freemasonry. In other reports we have highlighted the fundamental role played by the Protestants in the birth of the Grand Lodge of London on 24 June 1717.

    Today we add another detail by recalling the figure of John Theophilus Desaguliers (La Rochelle, 12 March 1683 – Covent Garden, 29 February 1744) who was an English scientist, religious and Freemason of French origins.

    Desaguliers emigrated to England in 1694, due to the Edict of Fontainebleau, which revoked the freedom of worship of Protestants. He approached Freemasonry, becoming Grand Master of the First Grand Lodge of England in 1718, and Deputy Grand Master in 1723 and 1725. Under his leadership, the Grand Lodge of London and Freemasonry developed in an “astonishing” way in the islands British, to the point that «in 1740 there were already more than 180 lodges».

    SUMMIT DI MASSONI IN SFREGIO AL PAPA. Per Celare i Complotti da Mazzini in poi. Breve Storia della Massoneria e di Letali Cospirazioni
    Each of the earliest Masonic texts contains some sort of history of the craft, or guild, of Freemasonry. The oldest work of this type, the Royal Manuscript, dating from 1390 to 1425, has a brief history in the introduction, which states that the “craft of Freemasonry” began with Euclid in Egypt, and arrived in England during the reign of ruler Æðelstan.

    A little later, the Cooke Manuscript traces Freemasonry to Jabal, son of Lamech (Genesis 4, 20-22), and tells how this knowledge reached Euclid, from him to the children of Israel when they were in Egypt, and so on for an elaborate route to Æðelstan. This myth formed the basis for later manuscript foundations, all of which claim that Freemasonry dates back to Biblical times, and pegs its institutional consolidation in England during the reign of Æðelstan (927-939).

    Shortly after the formation of the first Grand Lodge of England, James Anderson was commissioned to summarize these “Gothic constitutions” into a pleasing modern form. The constitutions produced by his work have a more widespread historical introduction than any previous one, and once again connect the history of what Freemasonry had become to its biblical roots, always inserting Euclid into the chain of narrative.

    The first question that a connoisseur of Judeo-Christian history should ask is almost banal.

    Why do the Freemasons, due to fabulous legendary and historical beliefs, trace Freemasonry to one of the descendants of the murderer Cain and not to the third son of Adam named Set from whom the Semitic culture was born?

    In this, the manipulation carried out over the centuries by Rabbinic Taldumist Judaism, well described by the Judaism expert Professor Paola Persichetti in the previous investigations in which she highlights the correlations of this Jewish regurgitation following the Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, seems evident.

    In France, Chevalier (Knight) Ramsay’s 1737 conference added Crusader Freemasons to the family tree claiming that they had revived the craft with secrets recovered in the Holy Land, under the patronage of the Knights Hospitaller. At this point, the “history” of the profession of continental Freemasonry separated from that of Freemasonry in England which in the meantime had published its “charter”.

    The Constitutions of the Free-Masons, “for the use of the lodges” in London and Westminster, was published in 1723. It was edited by the Presbyterian clergyman James Anderson, by order of John Theophilus Desaguliers, and approved by a committee of the grand lodge under its control. The work was reprinted in Philadelphia in 1734 by Benjamin Franklin, who in that year became Grand Master of the Pennsylvania Freemasons. It was also translated into Dutch (1736), German (1741) and French (1745).

    Anderson was minister of the Presbyterian church in Swallow Street, London, which had formerly been a Huguenot church, and whose pastor in the 1690s was Desaguliers’ father. At the time of his meeting with Desaguliers, he appears to have presented himself as a Talmudic scholar.

    Kissinger’s Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna: A Master Key into Universal History
    In various historical testimonies that we summarize for brevity, Anderson himself seems to imply the existence of an Italian Grand Lodge.

    In Naples in 1728 he saw the light of the first regular Masonic lodge established in Italy, La Perfetta Unione. Raised by the will of the Prince of San Severo, it had Egyptian symbols such as the pyramid, the Sphinx and the radiant sun in its emblem. Subsequently, the English lodge (“La Loggia degli Inglesi”) was established in Florence, founded in 1731 and Freemasonry spread rapidly, despite a series of papal prohibitions.

    But already ahead the so-called Great Schism occurred. According to a widespread opinion, the schism between French and English Freemasonry originates from the general assembly of the Grand Orient of France in September 1877. Accepting the recommendation contained in a report by the Protestant pastor (and Freemason) Frédéric Desmons, the assembly decided by a majority of amend its constitutions by inserting the formula “its principles are absolute freedom of conscience and human solidarity”. This replaced the previous statement “its principles are the existence of God, the immortality of the soul and human solidarity”.

    FREEMASONRY & VATICAN – 1. From the Alta Vendita Plot to the Pecorelli’s List with Notable Cardinals Inside
    The reaction of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) was the resolution of March 1878 which reiterated “That the Grand Lodge, while anxious to welcome in the most fraternal spirit the Brethren of any foreign Grand Lodge whose proceedings are conducted according to the Ancient cornerstones of the Order, among which the first and most important is the faith in T. G. A. O. T. U. [“the great Architect of the universe”, in English acronym], cannot recognize as ‘true and genuine’ Brothers all those who have been initiated in lodges that deny or ignore that faith.”

    Having concluded this long but necessary historical digression on Freemasonry implemented with various Wikipedia sources, let’s return to the beginning. To the book of the Apocalypse of Saint John and the disturbing esoteric symbolisms.

    If we summarize the historical notes above we can easily conclude that the first promoters of Zionism in the USA were the founders of the B’nai B’rith Lodge composed of Ashkenazi Jews (as Adolph Hitler is also believed to be) that the historians of Jewish culture they define the “13th Tribe of Israel” as they derive from the diaspora of the Khazars who had converted to Judaism for purely political reasons.

    THE ASHKENAZI ORIGINS OF HITLER. A Journalistic Scoop becomes a Fake-News if relaunched by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs
    While in Europe it spread thanks to the Rothschild Dynasty (Red Shield) which was the first to weave subversive plots with an anti-Catholic vocation from the birth of the Bavarian Illuminati up to the pact of terror for the French Revolution from which the liberation of the proto- Zionism together with that Masonic concept of “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” imposed by guillotining even the elderly nobles of the Catholic Vendée French region.

    In light of all this, the words of the Satanist Albert Pike, Pope of American Freemasonry, take on an iconic relevance in the common project between Masonic and Zionist Lodges for the New World Order:

    «Then everywhere citizens, forced to defend themselves against a world minority of revolutionaries, these destroyers of civilization, and the multitude disillusioned by Christianity, whose worshipers will be devoid of orientation in search of an ideal, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of pure doctrine of Lucifer finally revealed to the public eye, a manifestation which will be followed by the destruction of Christianity and atheism conquered and crushed at the same time».
    NWO Zionist Lobby to Persecute Christians: Netanyahu in Jerusalem like Zelensky in Kiev
    But following this hermeneutical path to the Book of the Apocalypse, one of the most important allegories comes to mind with disconcerting and terrifying impetus:

    «The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?» (Rev. 13, 1-4)
    ZioNazi Gift for Pope’s Birthday! Netanyahu’s Sniper Murdered Christian Women in Gaza Latin Parish. Rockets on the Monastery
    The prophet Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist delves into the concept with an aura vision

    «Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed» (Rev. 13, 11-12)
    It is not really scary to note how traditional esoteric Freemasonry became manifest thanks to the Anglican political schism of the Protestants and allowed Pharisaic Judaism, defeated by the Diaspora after the Crucifixion of the Messiah awaited by the Jews, to be reborn in its Talmudic form with Judaism then became with Zionism the most powerful component of the New World Order?

    King Charles III Proclamation in Violation of UN Resolution: Royal Legacy to Protestants in Discrimination of Catholics, Jews or Muslims
    We have historical clues that help identify Freemasonry as one of the two apocalyptic Beasts. But this theme will be explored in greater depth if and when we receive from the Holy Spirit the gift of the wisdom necessary to interpret it. Therefore today we cannot help but insinuate doubt…

    But it is precisely Chapter 12 of the Book of the Apocalypse (Rev. 12, 7-12) which comes to illuminate with a radiant dawn of hope the dangers of all of us Christians who strive to be among those “who listen to the words of this prophecy and put into practice the things that are written in it”:

    «Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him».

    SAN MICHELE E GLI ARCANGELI PROTETTORI DA EPIDEMIE E GRAVI MALI. Scudi Cristiani contro la Scienza Massonica dei Virus Diabolici
    Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

    “Now have come the salvation and the power

    and the kingdom of our God,

    and the authority of his Messiah.

    For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,

    who accuses them before our God day and night,

    has been hurled down.

    They triumphed over him

    by the blood of the Lamb

    and by the word of their testimony;

    they did not love their lives so much

    as to shrink from death.

    Therefore rejoice, you heavens

    and you who dwell in them!

    But woe to the earth and the sea,

    because the devil has gone down to you!

    He is filled with fury,

    because he knows that his time is short.”

    British Baby Indi becomes Italian. So she can Hope in further Treatment in Italy Denied by a Judge in UK
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    FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines. donshafi911 FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines. 10 Gennaio 2024 FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailLinkedInTelegramCondividi 1.138.638 Views “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan”. Saint John Apostle and Evangelist – Book of the Revelation (Rev. 2, 8-10) In the cover image the prime minister of the Israeli Zionist Regime Benjamin Nethanyau and the “Pope of Freemasonry” Albert PikeNB – some quotes of American persons have been translated from sources in Italian so forgive any stylistic errors or differences with the original ones By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITAIANO «The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near». This Prologue to the Book of the Revelation (Apocalypse) of Saint John the Evangelist, the only Apostle who died without martyrdom as a reward for his loyalty to Jesus under the cross of Golgotha, reread in recent days, after almost a million deaths caused in recent years by the wars in Ukraine, Syria. Iraq and Libya (to name the best known) and after the genocide of the Israeli army in Palestine in which over 8 thousand children were massacred by bombs in a few weeks together with around 22 thousand adults, we should be inspired by a profound spiritual reflection also by virtue of the prophecy on Armageddon, the final battle of the armies foretold in the Holy Land in the same text on the Apocalypse which in Greek, it is good to remember it only means “revelation”, “prophecy” and not “catastrophe”. Terrifying VIDEO from GENOCIDE in Palestine! Barrage of Complaints vs Zionist Regime before International Courts They take on an equally tragic meaning if we think of the holocaust of millions of victims caused both by the pandemic triggered by a SARS-Cov-2 built in the laboratory and by the killer vaccines with which unscrupulous Big Pharma is testing the world population like a massive human guinea-pig to reach the transhumanist goal of eugenic health culture: denial of Nature and the Almighty God of the Judeo-Christian tradition, which has survived 7 thousand years of attempts at annihilation. THE GENOCIDE OF THE PALESTINIANS AND THE HOLOCAUST OF THE VACCINATED Faced with this extraordinary “pande-medic holocaust” made invisible by the denialism of those who govern politics and science in obedience to the powers of the New World Order clearly theorized as an evolution of NATO by the Hungarian-American plutarch George Soros in 1993, the Palestinian victims , Ukrainian, Syrian conflicts caused precisely by military conflicts plotted by the Atlantic Alliance and by Anglo-Saxon intelligence appear as the ordinary, inevitable consequence of the hatred and ferocity that has plagued human history since the time of Cain. This name will come back later… US-Israel Affairs: Bombs for $735mln & Pfizer’s Vaccines for $2,1bn. That’s why Biden protects Bibi’s War Therefore, the biblical reference in the Book of Revelation to “those who proclaim themselves Jews and are not, but belong to the synagogue of Satan” does not appear in vain in the case of the Zionist leader Netanyahu who is carrying out a genocide of Palestinians after having mass vaccinated his fellow Israelis for a gigantic transversal business between the Weapons Lobby and Big Pharma with American President Joesph Biden. WUHAN-GATES – 73. Half of Century of Covert Bioweapon Development Leading to Fauci’s SARS-Cov-2 and to mRNA Lethal Vaccines Modern telecommunications means – where not blocked as in Gaza to prevent reckless reporters from documenting the war crimes ordered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu already renamed “the Hitler of the 21st Century” by Turkish lawyers who demand his indictment – have made the bloody genocide tacitly legalized by the West and carried out in the churches and hospitals of Palestine terrifying, bringing before the eyes and ears cries that implore revenge and make the sense of forgiveness waver even in Christians, all this satanic torment appears comparable screams from the silence imploded in the hearts of children torn by lethal myocarditis or in the brains devoured by turbo-cancer of the victims of adverse reactions to the mRNA Covid vaccines. Devastating Raid in GAZA Hospital. Turkish Lawyers blames of “genocide” Netanyahu: “the 21st century Hitler” Precisely because their roar against death is silent, broken in the throat by a sudden illness of which political, health and judicial authorities too often do not want to detect and reveal traces of the FAILURE OF A SYSTEM. Precisely that of the New World Order which is seeking God’s mercy with the merciless human reason capable of killing an 8-month-old baby girl, Indi Gregory, although she had a concrete hope of being assisted. THE CATACLYSM FORECAST BY THE “POPE” OF AMERICAN FREEMASONRY If all this happening is not a coincidence but appears to be an international and historical conspiracy foreseen in very remote times by the American “Pope of Freemasonry” , a Southern general, about whom we have already written, who was among the Confederate supporters of the Civil War but also among the founders of the KuKluxKlan and among the followers of satanic rites: Albert Pike. Gaza: SATAN’S HOLOCAUST. No More Words, Images are Enough! A Minute of Silence to Pray. WARNING! Chilling Video We have already mentioned his extensive correspondence with the 33rd degree Freemason of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Giuseppe Mazzini who, thanks to the financing of the hooded friends of the London lodges ready to host him even though he was a fugitive terrorist in Europe, planned the Expedition of the Thousand of Masonic guerrilla Giuseppe Garibaldi with whom the Kingdom of Italy wrested a part of Rome from the Papal State in the gigantic and crude plot against Christianity and the Catholic Church, partly attenuated only by the faith of the Ruling Savoy Dynasty. But we had missed some passages which in the light of today’s events take on monstrous relevance, furthermore proving the imprint of Freemasonry, like a Mark of the Beast, in every religious and political conflictual drift, prodigiously foreseen in detail by General Pike. FREEMASONRY and SATANISM. Albert Pike’s Story. Southern General, Grand Master of Charleston’s Lodge, Ku Klux Klan co-Founder In these first episodes we will analyze the conspiratorial complicity of Freemasonry with Zionism. In the next one with Nazism and Jihadist Islamism, where in a previous investigation we have analyzed the role of hooded men between Capitalism and Communism. «The Third World War will have to be fomented by taking advantage of the differences stirred up by the agents of the Illuminati between political Zionism and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war will have to be oriented so that Islam (including the State of Israel) destroy each other, while at the same time the remaining nations, once again divided and opposed to each other, will then be forced to fight each other until to complete physical, mental, spiritual and economic exhaustion». This is what Pike wrote to Mazzini on 15 August 1871 in a letter according to the revelations made by the commodore of the Canadian navy William Guy Carr which he later reported in his famous 1954 book Pawns in the Game. He stated that he learned about the letter from the anti-Mason, Cardinal José María Caro Rodríguez of Santiago, Chile, the author of The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled(Hawthorne, California, Christian Book Club of America, 1971). LA GRANDE GUERRA VOLUTA DAI MASSONI ANGLO-ITALIANI. 4 Novembre: Onoriamo i Caduti, Non la Vittoria dei Mandanti! The Navy official can be considered very reliable as worked also for the Canadian Intelligence Service during World War II, and in 1944 he published Checkmate in the North, a book about an invasion by the Axis forces to take place in the area of the CFB Goose Bay(Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay). Carr’s books often discuss a Luciferian conspiracy by what he called the “World Revolutionary Movement,” but he later attributed the conspiracy more specifically to the “Synagogue of Satan.” The term was not a reference to Judaism as he wrote: “I wish to make it clearly and emphatically known that I do not believe the Synagogue of Satan (S.O.S.) is Jewish, but, as Christ told us for a definite purpose, it is comprised of ‘I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.’ (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9) The Canadian commodore reported what we had already mentioned in the previous investigation on Pike and which we will try to contextualize both in the biblical, esoteric and historical context in the following lines. «The First World War had to be fought to allow the “Illuminati” to overthrow the power of the czars in Russia and transform this country into the fortress of atheist communism. The differences stirred up by “Illuminati” agents between the British and German Empires were used to foment this war. After the war was over, communism had to be built and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions». Final Countdown to Complete 1948’s Nakba. Israeli Govt admits the ZioNazi Genocide’s Goal: Depopulate Gaza Strip Citing Confederate General Pike who was Grand Master of the Mother Lodge of Charleston (but also, in all probability, the only Southerner to have had, until recently, a statue in his memory in the USA sculpted by an Italian but recently destroyed by vandals), the commodore added: «The Second World War had to be fomented by taking advantage of the difference between fascists and political Zionists. The war had to be fought in order to destroy Nazism and increase the power of political Zionism, in order to allow the establishment of the sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, a Communist International had to be established as strong as the whole of Christianity. At this point the latter had to be contained and kept under control until required for the final social cataclysm». Rereading these sentences after having published an investigation into the recent Israeli military plan for the genocide and forced exodus of Palestinians in Egypt and Europe represents a disturbing and burning confirmation but is not enough to understand the deepest motivations of the diabolical NWO conspiracy. Why Rockefeller’s Standard Oil was Axis Ally of Hitler & Nazis On 15 August 1871, as revealed by Carr, the Pope of American Freemasonry Pike revealed to Mazzini that at the end of the Third World War those who aspire to World Government would cause the greatest social cataclysm ever seen. «We will unleash the nihilists and atheists and provoke a formidable social cataclysm which will clearly show, in all its horror, to the nations, the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of barbarism and bloody subversion». And then again: «Then everywhere citizens, forced to defend themselves against a world minority of revolutionaries, these destroyers of civilization, and the multitude disillusioned by Christianity, whose worshipers will be devoid of orientation in search of an ideal, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of pure doctrine of Lucifer finally revealed to the public eye, a manifestation which will be followed by the destruction of Christianity and atheism conquered and crushed at the same time». Zelensky Servant of NATO and Satan! Not of Ukrainian People. Orthodox Bishop arrested before Easter. Another Esplosive Attack planned by Kiev GEOPOLITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE THIRD WORLD WAR IN FRAGMENTS If we carefully analyze what has happened in the last twenty years, rereading them with the lens of a geopolitical intelligence analysis, we can put together these dramatic events that prove the gradual increase of the Third World War “in a patchy pattern, in fragments, or in small pieces” as defined several times by Pope Francis. September 11, 2001 – From the World Trade Center to the War in Afghanistan Avoidable massacre of the attacks on the Twin Towers facilitated by the obstacles posed by the American counter-espionage of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to the investigations of the director of anti-terrorism of the FBI John O’Neill (who died in the World Trade Center where he was hired after being fired following sabotage of his professional activity). The hidden role of the Israeli counter-intelligence Mossad came to light immediately, recently with the disconcerting confirmation that two of the hijackers were collaborating with the CIA. 9/11 – The Avoidable Massacre Allowed by CIA. Helped Al Qaeda in Balkans, Obstructed FBI Investigations. Tribute to John O’Neill Killed in the Towers Thanks to that event, the USA, led by the Weapons Lobby controlled by investment fundsof Zionist financiers such as Larry Fink, began the terrible and unsuccessful war in Afghanistan July 18, 2007 – Hamas conquers Gaza Palestinian President Abbas issued a decree outlawing the Hamas militias who defeated Fatah (a Palestinian political and paramilitary organization, part of the PLO, of which Yasser Arafat was leader) and therefore removed the Gaza Strip from the control of the Authority Palestinian national authority. Update – INTEL DROP by CIA ex Agent: Hamas-Israel Fighting, likelihood “False Flag” to Wipe Gaza Off the Map. Warnings by Egypt Ignored According to various intelligence experts including a former CIA director, Hamas, linked to the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood (sons of another Masonic history…), was financed by the USA and Israel precisely to lead to the Palestinian exodus plan that was configured in recent days after the attacks of 7 October which took the highly expert Israeli secret services (Shin Bet, Mossad and the military Aman) by surprise. March 15, 2011 – Civil War in Syria The Syrian Civil War begins thanks to the Color Revolution financed by Soros and armed by the CIA’s MOM operation with the supply of TOW anti-tank missiles to extremist jihadist factions related to Al Qaeda. Turkish papers: 21 Erdogan’s jihadist militias supported by Cia, Pentagon and armed with TOW missiles In 2014, ISIS founded by Caliph Al Baghdadientered the war shortly after his liberation from Camp Bucca where he was detained by the US Army for terrorist activity in Iraq. He was believed to be a Mossad and CIA agent February 20, 2014 – Start of the War in Ukraine The second Orange Revolution financed by the Zionist Soros in Kiev explodes in all its violence due to the shooting of mysterious mercenary snipers on Ukrainian policemen and the crowd. It seems like a repeat of what the CIA hatched in 2002 in Caracas. The coup financed by NATO countries materializes with the escape of the legitimately elected president Viktor Fedorovyč Yanukovych to friendly Russia. NATO’s COUP IN UKRAINE: THE GENESIS – 3. Kiev Court sentenced Four Cops, ignoring the Plot of Shady Snipers From there begins the Donbass Civil War which became a Global Conflict after the start of Moscow’s military operation to protect the pro-Russian victims of genocide by the neo-Nazi guerrillas of the Azov Battalion led by the Kiev Regime and also armed by Israel in an apparent, crazy paradox … April 2014 – “Sabotaged” elections in Palestine Fatah and Hamas sign agreements in Gaza for the return to voting in all PNA territories, foreseeing elections for the following October. HAMAS VIOLENCE vs ISRAELI WAR CRIMES. Partisan-Terrorists Loved by Gaza, Zionists Shielded by Hague ICC & US In July, however, the Israelis launched Operation Protective Edge to destroy clandestine tunnels into their country, triggering a resurgence of military clashes. Only on 28 August was a ceasefire declared by both sides but the electoral consultations were postponed and never agreed upon again. October 2023 – Genocide Planned and Legalized in Gaza Hamas captures hostages from an Israeli Rave Party and several kibbutz settlers in the illegally occupied territories. Israel responds disproportionately by bombing everyone, women, children, hospitals, churches, UN officials. Few Western politicians denounce aGENOCIDE which instead appears LEGALIZEDby almost all NATO countries. The Plotted GENOCIDE: Leaked Israeli Plan to Ethnically cleanse Gaza If we correlate the recurring subjects of these events it is easy to deduce that the Third World War in fragments has already been implemented for at least two decades with an enormous occult direction of that NATO evoked by Soros to embody the New World Order. ANALYSIS OF THE SOCIAL CATALYSM: MANMADE VIRUS PANDEMIC Let’s go back to the tired “forecasts” of the Freemason Albert Pike and reread a significant phrase: «We will unleash the nihilists and atheists and provoke a formidable social cataclysm which will clearly show, in all its horror, to the nations, the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of barbarism and bloody subversion». Since 2001, the American virologist Anthony Fauci began playing with dangerous viruses manipulated in the laboratory as biological weapons thanks to enormous funding provided by both the Department of Health and Defense, including through Pentagon agencies such as DARPA. https://www.gospanews.net/en/2024/01/09/faucis-testimony-before-us-congress-uncovered-drastic-failures-in-public-health-systems-and-pandemic-origin/ In 2004 the European Commission chaired by Romano Prodi, a Soros associate, financed the Wuhan Institute of Virology strengthened by the son of President Jiang Zemin, the Executioner of Tiananmen, also in light of an agreement on collaborations for research in the bacteriological field signed with the American president Bill Clinton in 1999. In December 2019 the first outbreak of SARS-Cov-2 was discovered in Wuhan and for over 2 years the USA blamed the Chinese while the scientific community of Fauci & Co. tried to cover up the artificial orgone ascertained by the Senate Health Commission and the House Investigation Committee of the US Congress only in 2023. WUHAN-GATES – 69. How and Why the Spy of Biden & Gates Hid ManMade SARS-Cov-2 in US Intelligence Dossier Now even many US politicians admit their nation’s role in building the laboratory virus. This is denied by the National Intelligence Directorate led by Avril Haines who was deputy CIA director expert in bio-weapons when Fauci was carrying out experiments on Coronaviruses on behalf of the Obama-Biden administration together in Wuhan. European Union politicians continue to ignore or deny the artificial origin of the virus. While almost everyone has welcomed, so much so as to impose them as mandatory even for many professional categories, the experimental mRNA genetic serums based on the toxic Spike protein and promoted by a swirl of billionaire interests of Big Pharma with governments and the usual Zionist lobbies who also invest in Warlord corporations. VITAL! Integration of Pfizer Vaccines Toxic Spike inside Human DNA. Protein Fragments found in White Blood Cells by Italian Study Even the Catholic Church genuflects to the Vaccine GOD. Let’s reread Pike’s prophecy again, a truly disturbing name when associated with the almost homonymous Covid-19 protein. «Then everywhere citizens, forced to defend themselves against a world minority of revolutionaries, these destroyers of civilization, and the multitude disillusioned by Christianity, whose worshipers will be devoid of orientation in search of an ideal, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of pure doctrine of Lucifer finally revealed to the public eye, a manifestation which will be followed by the destruction of Christianity and atheism conquered and crushed at the same Time» HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FREEMASONRY AND ZIONISM The detractors of the military geopolitical analyst and writer William Guy Carr who refers to the diabolical plan of the Pope of American Freemasonry are based on the fact that Albert Pike in 1871 could not have known about the birth of Communism, nor of Nazism, nor of Zionism. PAPA LEONE XIII, IL GRANDE ALFIERE CRISTIANO CHE SCOMUNICO’ LA MASSONERIA. Attualità della Visione del Pontefice a 120 anni dalla Morte Nor even knowing about the two world wars. Unless you were among those who designed them. This observation can easily be refuted by citing some historical references already mentioned and which we will highlight. «In July 1782 the Order of the Illuminati allied itself with Freemasonry during the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, which the historian Freemason Albert Mackey defined as ‘the most important Masonic Congress of the eighteenth century’ – we read on the website Freemasonry Unmasked, full of anecdotes and authoritative historical sources – The participants in that Congress had to swear not to reveal the decisions they had made to anyone (see Nesta H. Webster, World Revolution, 1921, page 31)». Wilhelmsbad Castle was owned by the Ashkenazi Jewish banker (of Khazar-European origins) Mayer Amschel Rothschild who, according to various historians, in 1777 brought together twelve of his most influential friends and convinced them that if they pooled their resources they could dominate the world:this is how the Bavarian Illuminati was born. L’OLOCAUSTO ROSSO COMUNISTA COSPIRATO DA ROTHSCHILD & MASSONI. Contro i Regni Cristiani di Francia, Russia e Italia The French Revolution confirms their success with the annihilation of the first important Catholic Monarchy. It will be the experience of the Paris Commune of 1871, the regurgitation of the regime of terror, that will inspire Lenin in his plan for the subsequent Bolshevik and Communist revolution. So Pike was not only still alive at the time but knew the details. The Independent Order B’nai B’rith or Bené Berith (Hebrew: בני ברית, “sons of the covenant”) is a Jewish lodge founded in 1843 during the presidency of John Tyler and still existing and active. It was founded at the Sinsheimer Café, in the Wall Street neighborhood of New York, by Henry Jones and eleven other people on October 13, 1843. The original name was in German “Bundes-Brueder” (which means “League of Brothers”), in the current one which retains the initials (“BB”). To Understand Israeli LGBTQ Propaganda we have to Learn Difference between Masonic-Zionism and Judaism Most of the founders were German-Jews: that is, Ashkenazi like Mayer Amschel Rothschild but also like his descendant Walter Rothschild, eldest son and heir of the banker Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the first Jewish baron of England. Walter Rothschild was among the promoters of the declaration for the formation of the Jewish state in Palestine, later earning the merit of becoming president of the Council of Deputies of British Jews from 1925 to 1926. From these seeds we arrived at 1917 when a letter from the British Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour, addressed to the “Dear Lord Rothschild”, sanctioned Balfour’s declaration which committed the British government to supporting the creation in Palestine of a home for the Jews in respect for the rights of other resident minorities. Masonic Funds for Garibaldi’s Expedition, British Legion with Times’ Reporters & Mobsters Allied in Sicily How did Albert Pike know all these things before they happened? Very simple because he was among those who concerted them in 1860 when the Southern general through Young America planned the American Civil War to defend the right to slavery, Mazzini with Young Italy committed himself to the Expedition of the Thousand and Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount of Palmerston, British Secretary of State and exponent of the Grand Lodge of England guaranteed all financial and political support. The first expressions of proto-Zionism took shape, for example, in the foundation of the Universal Israelite Alliance in 1860, an organization aimed at the emancipation of the Jewish communities in the Middle East and North Africa, and in the publication of various works, including Rome and Jerusalem, written in 1862 by the German Jewish philosopher Moses Hess, Derishat Zion by the Polish-Prussian rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, and the hymn Hatikvah, whose lyrics were written by Naftali Herz Imber and which later became the anthem of the State of Israel. Zionist Lobby – 1. Singer (Elliott) & Fink (BlackRock) within Gates-Soros in Covid Big Pharma’s Business(GSK & Gilead) Zionism draws its roots from the new cultural environment generated in the context of the emancipation of European Jews starting from the French Revolution and throughout the 19th century and from the Haskalah. The haskalah, with a small delay compared to other Enlightenment movements, arose in Germany and then spread throughout much of Europe and to a small extent also across the Atlantic. The father and inspirer of the movement was Moses Mendelssohn, close to Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, a free thinker of Protestant extraction and an energetic defender of the Jews in Germany. The latter introduced Mendelssohn into the world of Berlin intellectuals where he dedicated himself to the composition of philosophical essays and dissertations. The Conflation of Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism Is a Propagandistic Lie A varied and open movement, the haskalah probably did not close its doors even to exponents of the Frankist heresy, a sort of tail of the messianic movement of Shabatai Zevi which had long been in opposition to official Judaism, perhaps linked to lodges of freemasonry, another force of the times, definitely in relation to the Enlightenment philosophy. Many Jews influenced by the haskalah and the closeness it brought with European culture were seduced by the possibility of assimilation by embracing Christianity. Just think of the family of Karl Marx, descended from rabbis who converted to Protestantism, as did Mendelssohn’s own daughters. Others, however, laid the foundations of the new science of Judaism, the Wissenschaft des Judentums. THE LODGES INSPIRED BY THE SON OF THE BIBLICAL MURDERER CAIN In the previous investigation we highlighted how Marx received the task of writing Capital from British Freemasonry. In other reports we have highlighted the fundamental role played by the Protestants in the birth of the Grand Lodge of London on 24 June 1717. Today we add another detail by recalling the figure of John Theophilus Desaguliers (La Rochelle, 12 March 1683 – Covent Garden, 29 February 1744) who was an English scientist, religious and Freemason of French origins. Desaguliers emigrated to England in 1694, due to the Edict of Fontainebleau, which revoked the freedom of worship of Protestants. He approached Freemasonry, becoming Grand Master of the First Grand Lodge of England in 1718, and Deputy Grand Master in 1723 and 1725. Under his leadership, the Grand Lodge of London and Freemasonry developed in an “astonishing” way in the islands British, to the point that «in 1740 there were already more than 180 lodges». SUMMIT DI MASSONI IN SFREGIO AL PAPA. Per Celare i Complotti da Mazzini in poi. Breve Storia della Massoneria e di Letali Cospirazioni Each of the earliest Masonic texts contains some sort of history of the craft, or guild, of Freemasonry. The oldest work of this type, the Royal Manuscript, dating from 1390 to 1425, has a brief history in the introduction, which states that the “craft of Freemasonry” began with Euclid in Egypt, and arrived in England during the reign of ruler Æðelstan. A little later, the Cooke Manuscript traces Freemasonry to Jabal, son of Lamech (Genesis 4, 20-22), and tells how this knowledge reached Euclid, from him to the children of Israel when they were in Egypt, and so on for an elaborate route to Æðelstan. This myth formed the basis for later manuscript foundations, all of which claim that Freemasonry dates back to Biblical times, and pegs its institutional consolidation in England during the reign of Æðelstan (927-939). Shortly after the formation of the first Grand Lodge of England, James Anderson was commissioned to summarize these “Gothic constitutions” into a pleasing modern form. The constitutions produced by his work have a more widespread historical introduction than any previous one, and once again connect the history of what Freemasonry had become to its biblical roots, always inserting Euclid into the chain of narrative. The first question that a connoisseur of Judeo-Christian history should ask is almost banal. Why do the Freemasons, due to fabulous legendary and historical beliefs, trace Freemasonry to one of the descendants of the murderer Cain and not to the third son of Adam named Set from whom the Semitic culture was born? DALLA DISTRUZIONE DEL TEMPIO DI GERUSALEMME AL GENOCIDIO IN PALESTINA. Analisi delle Origini del Giudaismo In this, the manipulation carried out over the centuries by Rabbinic Taldumist Judaism, well described by the Judaism expert Professor Paola Persichetti in the previous investigations in which she highlights the correlations of this Jewish regurgitation following the Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, seems evident. In France, Chevalier (Knight) Ramsay’s 1737 conference added Crusader Freemasons to the family tree claiming that they had revived the craft with secrets recovered in the Holy Land, under the patronage of the Knights Hospitaller. At this point, the “history” of the profession of continental Freemasonry separated from that of Freemasonry in England which in the meantime had published its “charter”. THE SCHSM ON THE GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE The Constitutions of the Free-Masons, “for the use of the lodges” in London and Westminster, was published in 1723. It was edited by the Presbyterian clergyman James Anderson, by order of John Theophilus Desaguliers, and approved by a committee of the grand lodge under its control. The work was reprinted in Philadelphia in 1734 by Benjamin Franklin, who in that year became Grand Master of the Pennsylvania Freemasons. It was also translated into Dutch (1736), German (1741) and French (1745). Anderson was minister of the Presbyterian church in Swallow Street, London, which had formerly been a Huguenot church, and whose pastor in the 1690s was Desaguliers’ father. At the time of his meeting with Desaguliers, he appears to have presented himself as a Talmudic scholar. Kissinger’s Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna: A Master Key into Universal History In various historical testimonies that we summarize for brevity, Anderson himself seems to imply the existence of an Italian Grand Lodge. In Naples in 1728 he saw the light of the first regular Masonic lodge established in Italy, La Perfetta Unione. Raised by the will of the Prince of San Severo, it had Egyptian symbols such as the pyramid, the Sphinx and the radiant sun in its emblem. Subsequently, the English lodge (“La Loggia degli Inglesi”) was established in Florence, founded in 1731 and Freemasonry spread rapidly, despite a series of papal prohibitions. But already ahead the so-called Great Schism occurred. According to a widespread opinion, the schism between French and English Freemasonry originates from the general assembly of the Grand Orient of France in September 1877. Accepting the recommendation contained in a report by the Protestant pastor (and Freemason) Frédéric Desmons, the assembly decided by a majority of amend its constitutions by inserting the formula “its principles are absolute freedom of conscience and human solidarity”. This replaced the previous statement “its principles are the existence of God, the immortality of the soul and human solidarity”. FREEMASONRY & VATICAN – 1. From the Alta Vendita Plot to the Pecorelli’s List with Notable Cardinals Inside The reaction of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) was the resolution of March 1878 which reiterated “That the Grand Lodge, while anxious to welcome in the most fraternal spirit the Brethren of any foreign Grand Lodge whose proceedings are conducted according to the Ancient cornerstones of the Order, among which the first and most important is the faith in T. G. A. O. T. U. [“the great Architect of the universe”, in English acronym], cannot recognize as ‘true and genuine’ Brothers all those who have been initiated in lodges that deny or ignore that faith.” FREEMASONRY SIMILAR TO THE BEAST OF THE APOCALYPSE Having concluded this long but necessary historical digression on Freemasonry implemented with various Wikipedia sources, let’s return to the beginning. To the book of the Apocalypse of Saint John and the disturbing esoteric symbolisms. If we summarize the historical notes above we can easily conclude that the first promoters of Zionism in the USA were the founders of the B’nai B’rith Lodge composed of Ashkenazi Jews (as Adolph Hitler is also believed to be) that the historians of Jewish culture they define the “13th Tribe of Israel” as they derive from the diaspora of the Khazars who had converted to Judaism for purely political reasons. THE ASHKENAZI ORIGINS OF HITLER. A Journalistic Scoop becomes a Fake-News if relaunched by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs While in Europe it spread thanks to the Rothschild Dynasty (Red Shield) which was the first to weave subversive plots with an anti-Catholic vocation from the birth of the Bavarian Illuminati up to the pact of terror for the French Revolution from which the liberation of the proto- Zionism together with that Masonic concept of “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” imposed by guillotining even the elderly nobles of the Catholic Vendée French region. In light of all this, the words of the Satanist Albert Pike, Pope of American Freemasonry, take on an iconic relevance in the common project between Masonic and Zionist Lodges for the New World Order: «Then everywhere citizens, forced to defend themselves against a world minority of revolutionaries, these destroyers of civilization, and the multitude disillusioned by Christianity, whose worshipers will be devoid of orientation in search of an ideal, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of pure doctrine of Lucifer finally revealed to the public eye, a manifestation which will be followed by the destruction of Christianity and atheism conquered and crushed at the same time». NWO Zionist Lobby to Persecute Christians: Netanyahu in Jerusalem like Zelensky in Kiev But following this hermeneutical path to the Book of the Apocalypse, one of the most important allegories comes to mind with disconcerting and terrifying impetus: «The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?» (Rev. 13, 1-4) ZioNazi Gift for Pope’s Birthday! Netanyahu’s Sniper Murdered Christian Women in Gaza Latin Parish. Rockets on the Monastery The prophet Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist delves into the concept with an aura vision «Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed» (Rev. 13, 11-12) It is not really scary to note how traditional esoteric Freemasonry became manifest thanks to the Anglican political schism of the Protestants and allowed Pharisaic Judaism, defeated by the Diaspora after the Crucifixion of the Messiah awaited by the Jews, to be reborn in its Talmudic form with Judaism then became with Zionism the most powerful component of the New World Order? King Charles III Proclamation in Violation of UN Resolution: Royal Legacy to Protestants in Discrimination of Catholics, Jews or Muslims We have historical clues that help identify Freemasonry as one of the two apocalyptic Beasts. But this theme will be explored in greater depth if and when we receive from the Holy Spirit the gift of the wisdom necessary to interpret it. Therefore today we cannot help but insinuate doubt… POWER OF CHRIST IN THE PROPHECY OF SAINT JOHN THE APOSTLE But it is precisely Chapter 12 of the Book of the Apocalypse (Rev. 12, 7-12) which comes to illuminate with a radiant dawn of hope the dangers of all of us Christians who strive to be among those “who listen to the words of this prophecy and put into practice the things that are written in it”: «Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him». SAN MICHELE E GLI ARCANGELI PROTETTORI DA EPIDEMIE E GRAVI MALI. Scudi Cristiani contro la Scienza Massonica dei Virus Diabolici Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” British Baby Indi becomes Italian. So she can Hope in further Treatment in Italy Denied by a Judge in UK (Visited 3.902 times, 1 visits today) FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailLinkedInTelegramCondividi https://telegra.ph/FREEMASONRY--ZIONISM--1-Apocalyptic-Cataclysms-by-Synagogue-of-Satan-Genocides-in-Palestine--Plotted-Pandemic-for-Lethal-Vaccine-09-12
    FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal…
    FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines. 10 Gennaio 2024 FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailLinkedInTelegramCondividi 1.138.638 Views “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan”.…
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  • Zika Virus or Roundup Herbicide The Cause of Microcephaly?
    Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure Causing Microcephaly

    Originally published on jeffreydachmd.com.

    What's causing microcephaly? It might not be what the media is telling you...

    Is It Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure ?

    The news media has been reporting the Zika virus as the cause of microcephaly. The story originated in a Monsanto chemical industry press release dated Feb 17, 2016 which was then copied over the news media. The Zika virus was discovered in Uganda in 1947, and there have been no reports of microcephaly in Uganda. A US news article says, according to Associated Press journalists who visited the Zika Forest in Uganda on Feb 1, 2016, local officials have no concern about the Zika virus.(24)

    New England Journal Reports

    A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported Zika Virus surveillance in Colombia.(80-81) Of 50 babies reported with microcephaly, only four (8 %) had laboratory evidence of congenital Zika virus infection on RT-PCR. The other 46 cases (92 %) were due to other causes.

    Of 1850 pregnant women reported infected with Zika virus, no babies were born with microcephaly. The authors state: (80-81)

    “maternal infection with the Zika virus during the third trimester of pregnancy is not linked to structural abnormalities in the fetus.”

    Since 92% of microcephaly babies are not caused by maternal Zika virus, perhaps we should be looking for other preventable causes.

    Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam reviewed this same data from the Colombia surveillance study After reviewing this data, Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam concluded in his own report entitled: “Is Zika the cause of Microcephaly?”that there is no direct link between zika virus and microcephaly, and he proposed pesticide exposure (pyriproxyfen) in the drinking water as an alternative explanation(99):

    “This (data) would seem to rule out Zika as a cause of microcephaly. This gives a consistent interpretation that there is no direct link between Zika and microcephaly except for random co-occurrence.”….”An alternative cause of microcephaly in Brazil could be the pesticide pyriproxyfen, which is cross-reactive with retinoic acid, which causes microcephaly, and is being used in drinking water.”(99)

    Dr Tiago Baptista Questions Zika as Sole Cause of Microcephaly

    Maternal viral infection with rubella or cytomegalovirus have been known to cause fetal malformation and fetal demise. There is no doubt that viral illness during pregnancy is best avoided.(47-55) However, Dr Tiago Baptista in a 2016 BMJ article questions “whether the surge in reported cases of microcephaly is entirely due to Zika virus infection“(55) He says:

    “The risk of microcephaly after maternal infection is estimated at roughly one in 100 women… This is a relatively low risk compared with other causal infections such as cytomegalovirus.”(55)

    A Distraction From the Real Cause- Exposure to Glyphosate Causes Microcephaly and other Congenital Anomalies

    I suggest that the Zika virus is merely a distraction away from the real cause, agrichemical exposure from Monsanto’s Round-Up Herbicide, glyphosate, (1-4)

    Dr Alejandra Paganelli reported in 2010 that “Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by impairing retinoic acid signaling.” (8)

    Dr Paganelli concludes: “(congenital malformations) “produced by Glyphosate Based Herbicides are mainly a consequence of the increase of endogenous retinoid activity. ” (8)

    Dr Sylvia Lopez

    In 2012, Dr Silvia L. Lopez reviewed the effects of agricultural chemicals, glyphosate based herbicides, in human and animal models.(9) She says:

    “It is very well known that acute or chronic increase of retinoic acid (RA) levels leads to teratogenic effects during human pregnancy and in experimental models. The characteristic features displayed by Retinoic Acid embryopathy in humans include brain abnormalities such as microcephaly, microphtalmia, and impairment of hindbrain development; abnormal external and middle ears (microtia or anotia), mandibular and midfacial underdevelopment, and cleft palate.” (9) Note: Retinoic Acid is Vitamin A Derivative.

    Dr Benitez-Leite

    Dr Benitez-Leite reported 52 cases of malformations in babies born of women exposed to agricultural chemicals. The congenital malformations observed include anencephaly, microcephaly, facial defects, myelomeningocele, cleft palate, ear malformations, polydactily, syndactily all consistent with the well-known and expected syndrome caused by upregulation of the Retinoic Acid pathway.(10) Left image Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide contains glyphosate.

    Upregulation of Retinoic Acid Pathway

    A number of reports have linked arial spraying with the mosquito larvicide pyriproxyfen to birth defects such as microcephaly in the crop sprayed towns of Northeast Brazil.(106-108) Pyriproxyfen disrupts retinoic acid (vitramin A) signalling, a known mechanism for microcephaly (106-108) In 1995, Dr Kenneth Rothman reported in NEJM that High Vitamin A Intake causes birth defects. (109)

    Increasing Anencephaly in Yakima Valley in Washington State

    Another mechanism is glyphosate disruption of folate metabolsm as discussed below in the Yakima Washington State case. (35-37)

    Over three years from 2010 to 2013, the Washington State Department of Health reported an unusual increase in anencephalic babies born in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties, four times higher than the national average. (33-34)

    Anencephaply, microcephaly and spina bifida are all related disorders of neural tube closure associated with maternal folate deficiency. Maternal folate supplementation is preventive. Maternal folate supplementation in Yakima was not at issue, as this was similar to the national average. Barbara Peterson, in Farm Wars, makes a compelling case for glyphosate exposure as the cause, since the Yakima river running through the affected counties had been heavily treated with glyphosate for weed control during that time period.(29) Left image Yakima River Washington State.

    Glyphosate Disrupts Folate Metabolism

    Glyphosate disruption of folate metabolism is discussed by Stephanie Seneff in her May 2016 article on Weston Price.(35) Glyphosate acts as an antibiotic, killing friendly bacteria by blocking the Shikimate pathway. These friendly bacterial are also involved in bacterial conversion of folic acid to methyl folate, its active form. Maternal methylfolate deficiency is associated with neural tube defects in the developing embryo.(85-87)

    Glyphosate Disrupts Glycine Metabolism

    Stephanie Seneff’s article then discusses how glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase metabolism, known to cause neural tube defects in animal studies and humans.(36-37)

    Glyphosate is the amino acid glycine with an added phosphate group, so glyphosate may readily displace glycine in various biochemical reactions. Glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase by displacing glycine as a substrate. In addition, glyphosate replaces glycine at insertion sites in amino acid chains during protein synthesis, producing defective enzymes (35). Glyphosate is basically the amino acid, glycine with a phosphate group added on to it.

    Glyphosate is a Patented Antimicrobial, Anti-Folate Drug

    Glyphosate is actually patented as an anti-microbial drug. (83,84) Glyphosate serves as an anti-folate agent working in synergy with other anti-folate drugs.(58,61) Other anti-folate drugs in common use include the urinary tract antibiotic, Bactrim (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) the rheumatology drug, methotrexate, and the anti-seizure drug Dilantin (phentoin). Maternal exposure to anti-folate drugs such as methotrexate Bactrim and Dilantin increase risk of neural tube defects in the fetus up to six-fold. (85-87) Maternal folate supplementation has been shown to reduce incidence of fetal neural tube defects (NTD), and folic acid fortification in food supply was mandated in 1998. (85-87)(100-103)

    Glyphosate Inhibits the Shikimate Pathway

    Glyphosate’s known mode of action is inhibition of the shikimate pathway in plants, fungi, bacteria and parasites.(58) Glyphosate blocks the pathway which produces Folate, Ubiquinone (Co-Q10), Vitamin K, and the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine.

    Government Regulators Deemed Glyphosate Safe for Humans

    Government regulators deemed glyphosate safe for us humans because we lack the shikimate pathway. They forgot to consider that we humans depend on the shikimate pathway in plants and gut bacteria for our folate (vitamin B9), to prevents neural tube defects. If your lunch salad comes from an agricultural field treated with glyphosate which blocks the plant’s ability to synthesize folate, how much folate are you getting in your meal ? If you are ingesting glyphosate in your food, blocking your gut bacteria from synthesing folate, how soon will you be rendered folate deficient? Dr Bekaert says in 2008,

    “Humans cannot synthesize folates (vitamin B9) and thus have to rely on plant food supplying these essential vitamins.“(104)

    Dr Craig Roberts suggests that Glyphosate may serve as anti-folate, anti-parasitic drug ,He says:(58)

    ” it is likely that the shikimate pathway is important for supply of folate precursors in this parasite….inhibitors of EPSP synthase (such as glyphosate) can act in synergy with conventional antifolates and may be a useful addition to the agents used against apicomplexan parasites.”(58)

    A quote from a University of Chicago Press Release 1998 (61) explains that Glyphosate blocks production of folate:

    “Effective new ways to inhibit parasites that cause malaria, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis” June 25, 1998.(61)

    “Dr. McLeod’s team showed that glyphosate, …could block the production of folate, inhibiting parasite growth and survival. Glyphosate proved effective against malaria strains that were resistant to an anti-malarial medicine, pyrimethamine, which interrupts folate processing at a different point. To confirm the finding, they demonstrated that these folate-starved parasites could be rescued, in the test tube, by giving them folate.”(61)

    Brazil Annual Pesticide Sales Surpasses the US

    Left Image courtesy of Reuters. Brazil sales of herbicide (glyphosate) exceeds that of US.(81)

    According to Paulo Prada in her 2015 article, Brazil has a huge appetite for pesticides and herbicides, surpassing annual sales in the US.(81)

    Poalo Prado explains that in Northeast Brazil, irrigation canals were built, transforming previously arid land into fertile farm land. These open air irrigation canals are heavily contaminated with herbicides and pesticides liberally applied to the crop fields. Life is primitive for the agricultural workers who live without piped in water for their dwellings. The local workers use the open air irrigation canals for their drinking water, thus are heavily exposed to herbicide and pesticide runoff.

    House Passes 1.1 Billion Zika Virus Bill. Methyl-Folate is Cheaper.

    Instead of spending 1.1 Billion dollars on a “controversial” Zika Virus Bill, I have a better idea for prevention of microcephaly and neural tube defects. (90) Suppose we instead allocate 100 million dollars to give out free methyl-folate tablets to all pregnant women exposed to glyphosate here in the US, and in Brazil. That would solve the problem at a fraction of the cost, saving a Billion Dollars.(90)

    53 Countries Have Mandatory Flour Fortification with Folate

    Folate fortification of flour for prevention of neural tube defects (anencephaly, microcephaly, spina bifida etc.) is mandated in 53 countries. Fortification of flour with folic acid was mandated in the US in 1998, the most successful public health measure in history, with reduction of neural tube defects by 36%.(100-103) In 2009, Dr Oakley declared this success story a “modern miracle of epidemiology”.(103)

    Study Blood Folate Levels in North East Brazil

    Why not allocate research funds to study blood folate levels in women in Northeast Brazil at high risk for having babies with neural tube defects? This was done here in the US before and after starting folate fortification in 1998, showing reduction incidence of neural tube defects by 36%.(101) Folate deficiency (blood folate levels less than 3 ng/ml)) decreased from 21% to less than 1% of the population. (101)

    In Australia, mandatory fortification of bread with folate and iodine was introduced in 2009, resulting in a 50-80 per cent reduction in neural tube defects in at-risk indigenous women and teenagers.(100-112)

    Reducing Microcephaly in Brazil with Folate Fortification

    Studies done in Brazil shows folate deficiency is severe, affecting 94% among the poor.(113) Folate fortification of flour in three south American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile) resulted in significant reduction in 52 different fetal anomalies including reduction in microcephaly and anencephaly.(114) Currently all South American countries except Venezuala have mandatory folate fortification legislation.(115) In populations using folate fortification there have been decreases in neural tube defects from 30-50%.(115)

    How is Such an Error Possible ?

    You might ask the obvious question, “how is such an error in thinking possible” that the government would waste a billion dollars on Zika instead of Folate Fortification? This is called CrimeStop or “Protective Stupidity“, aptly described in 1984 by George Orwell (91):

    “The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself….Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak….the Party says the earth is flat’, ‘the party says that ice is heavier than water’—and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.”

    “Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…”…”Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”(91)

    Using Fear and Smear Tactics to Distract Attention from Monsanto

    This article in the Huffington Post Feb 16 is typical of the Monsanto tactics to distract attention away from Roundup glyphosate as the cause of the birth defects in agricultural workers in Brazil; A Viral Story Links The Zika Crisis To Monsanto. Don’t Believe It. by Anna Almendrala Senior Healthy Living Editor Huffington Post. Anna’s piece is pure Monsanto propaganda masquerading as journalism, don’t believe a word of it. If you trust anything Monsanto says, then I have a bridge to sell you.

    Monsanto has known for decades that Glyphosate causes birth defects, see this report: Roundup and birth defects. Is the public being kept in the dark ? by Michael Antoniou Earth Open Source June 2011

    Search Google Scholar for articles with key words “microcephaly pesticide“ : you will see 2160 articles pop up.

    Glyphosate is “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans”

    A number of studies show glyphosate exposure doubles the incidence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.(92) As reported in Lancet Oncology by Dr Kathryn Guyton, on March, 2015, 17 experts from 11 countries met in Lyon France and classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (89)

    Zika Distraction from Glyphosate – The Elephant in the Room

    Certainly, maternal viral illness with Rubella, (CMV) cytomegalovirus and Zika are all risk factors for fetal demise, and fetal malformations, and are best avoided.(93-95) However, the Zika Virus is a distraction from the real cause of the problem, massive glyphosate exposure to pregnant agricultural workers in Brazil. Glyphosate is a patented anti-folate drug, Anti-folate drugs are known to cause microcephaly and neural tube defects in animals and humans.

    Professor Don Huber, GMO Food and Glyphosate

    Increased incidence of birth defects in the population caused by exposure to the anti-folate agent, glyphosate is only the “tip of the iceberg”. The adverse health consequences of GMO food and glyphosate contamination of our food and water supply are much more extensive as outlined in a series of articles posted on the Stephanie Seneff home page. Here is a quote from Professor Don M. Huber:(88) from his document GMO Failed Promises Flawed Science Serious Health Safety Issue

    ” Future historians may well look back upon our time and write, not about how many pounds of pesticides we did or did not apply, but about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for this massive experiment we call genetic engineering that is based on failed promises and flawed science, just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.” Dr. Don M. Huber

    Link to this article: http://wp.me/p3gFbV-3En

    Jeffrey Dach MD
    7450 Griffin Road Suite 190
    Davie, Fl 33314

    Articles with related interest:

    Dont Ask for HIV Test Ask For Glyphosate Test

    Curing Autism with Antibiotics

    Berberine Antdote for an Epidemic


    For references, please view original publication.
    Zika Virus or Roundup Herbicide The Cause of Microcephaly? Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure Causing Microcephaly Originally published on jeffreydachmd.com. What's causing microcephaly? It might not be what the media is telling you... Is It Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure ? The news media has been reporting the Zika virus as the cause of microcephaly. The story originated in a Monsanto chemical industry press release dated Feb 17, 2016 which was then copied over the news media. The Zika virus was discovered in Uganda in 1947, and there have been no reports of microcephaly in Uganda. A US news article says, according to Associated Press journalists who visited the Zika Forest in Uganda on Feb 1, 2016, local officials have no concern about the Zika virus.(24) New England Journal Reports A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported Zika Virus surveillance in Colombia.(80-81) Of 50 babies reported with microcephaly, only four (8 %) had laboratory evidence of congenital Zika virus infection on RT-PCR. The other 46 cases (92 %) were due to other causes. Of 1850 pregnant women reported infected with Zika virus, no babies were born with microcephaly. The authors state: (80-81) “maternal infection with the Zika virus during the third trimester of pregnancy is not linked to structural abnormalities in the fetus.” Since 92% of microcephaly babies are not caused by maternal Zika virus, perhaps we should be looking for other preventable causes. Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam reviewed this same data from the Colombia surveillance study After reviewing this data, Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam concluded in his own report entitled: “Is Zika the cause of Microcephaly?”that there is no direct link between zika virus and microcephaly, and he proposed pesticide exposure (pyriproxyfen) in the drinking water as an alternative explanation(99): “This (data) would seem to rule out Zika as a cause of microcephaly. This gives a consistent interpretation that there is no direct link between Zika and microcephaly except for random co-occurrence.”….”An alternative cause of microcephaly in Brazil could be the pesticide pyriproxyfen, which is cross-reactive with retinoic acid, which causes microcephaly, and is being used in drinking water.”(99) Dr Tiago Baptista Questions Zika as Sole Cause of Microcephaly Maternal viral infection with rubella or cytomegalovirus have been known to cause fetal malformation and fetal demise. There is no doubt that viral illness during pregnancy is best avoided.(47-55) However, Dr Tiago Baptista in a 2016 BMJ article questions “whether the surge in reported cases of microcephaly is entirely due to Zika virus infection“(55) He says: “The risk of microcephaly after maternal infection is estimated at roughly one in 100 women… This is a relatively low risk compared with other causal infections such as cytomegalovirus.”(55) A Distraction From the Real Cause- Exposure to Glyphosate Causes Microcephaly and other Congenital Anomalies I suggest that the Zika virus is merely a distraction away from the real cause, agrichemical exposure from Monsanto’s Round-Up Herbicide, glyphosate, (1-4) Dr Alejandra Paganelli reported in 2010 that “Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by impairing retinoic acid signaling.” (8) Dr Paganelli concludes: “(congenital malformations) “produced by Glyphosate Based Herbicides are mainly a consequence of the increase of endogenous retinoid activity. ” (8) Dr Sylvia Lopez In 2012, Dr Silvia L. Lopez reviewed the effects of agricultural chemicals, glyphosate based herbicides, in human and animal models.(9) She says: “It is very well known that acute or chronic increase of retinoic acid (RA) levels leads to teratogenic effects during human pregnancy and in experimental models. The characteristic features displayed by Retinoic Acid embryopathy in humans include brain abnormalities such as microcephaly, microphtalmia, and impairment of hindbrain development; abnormal external and middle ears (microtia or anotia), mandibular and midfacial underdevelopment, and cleft palate.” (9) Note: Retinoic Acid is Vitamin A Derivative. Dr Benitez-Leite Dr Benitez-Leite reported 52 cases of malformations in babies born of women exposed to agricultural chemicals. The congenital malformations observed include anencephaly, microcephaly, facial defects, myelomeningocele, cleft palate, ear malformations, polydactily, syndactily all consistent with the well-known and expected syndrome caused by upregulation of the Retinoic Acid pathway.(10) Left image Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide contains glyphosate. Upregulation of Retinoic Acid Pathway A number of reports have linked arial spraying with the mosquito larvicide pyriproxyfen to birth defects such as microcephaly in the crop sprayed towns of Northeast Brazil.(106-108) Pyriproxyfen disrupts retinoic acid (vitramin A) signalling, a known mechanism for microcephaly (106-108) In 1995, Dr Kenneth Rothman reported in NEJM that High Vitamin A Intake causes birth defects. (109) Increasing Anencephaly in Yakima Valley in Washington State Another mechanism is glyphosate disruption of folate metabolsm as discussed below in the Yakima Washington State case. (35-37) Over three years from 2010 to 2013, the Washington State Department of Health reported an unusual increase in anencephalic babies born in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties, four times higher than the national average. (33-34) Anencephaply, microcephaly and spina bifida are all related disorders of neural tube closure associated with maternal folate deficiency. Maternal folate supplementation is preventive. Maternal folate supplementation in Yakima was not at issue, as this was similar to the national average. Barbara Peterson, in Farm Wars, makes a compelling case for glyphosate exposure as the cause, since the Yakima river running through the affected counties had been heavily treated with glyphosate for weed control during that time period.(29) Left image Yakima River Washington State. Glyphosate Disrupts Folate Metabolism Glyphosate disruption of folate metabolism is discussed by Stephanie Seneff in her May 2016 article on Weston Price.(35) Glyphosate acts as an antibiotic, killing friendly bacteria by blocking the Shikimate pathway. These friendly bacterial are also involved in bacterial conversion of folic acid to methyl folate, its active form. Maternal methylfolate deficiency is associated with neural tube defects in the developing embryo.(85-87) Glyphosate Disrupts Glycine Metabolism Stephanie Seneff’s article then discusses how glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase metabolism, known to cause neural tube defects in animal studies and humans.(36-37) Glyphosate is the amino acid glycine with an added phosphate group, so glyphosate may readily displace glycine in various biochemical reactions. Glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase by displacing glycine as a substrate. In addition, glyphosate replaces glycine at insertion sites in amino acid chains during protein synthesis, producing defective enzymes (35). Glyphosate is basically the amino acid, glycine with a phosphate group added on to it. Glyphosate is a Patented Antimicrobial, Anti-Folate Drug Glyphosate is actually patented as an anti-microbial drug. (83,84) Glyphosate serves as an anti-folate agent working in synergy with other anti-folate drugs.(58,61) Other anti-folate drugs in common use include the urinary tract antibiotic, Bactrim (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) the rheumatology drug, methotrexate, and the anti-seizure drug Dilantin (phentoin). Maternal exposure to anti-folate drugs such as methotrexate Bactrim and Dilantin increase risk of neural tube defects in the fetus up to six-fold. (85-87) Maternal folate supplementation has been shown to reduce incidence of fetal neural tube defects (NTD), and folic acid fortification in food supply was mandated in 1998. (85-87)(100-103) Glyphosate Inhibits the Shikimate Pathway Glyphosate’s known mode of action is inhibition of the shikimate pathway in plants, fungi, bacteria and parasites.(58) Glyphosate blocks the pathway which produces Folate, Ubiquinone (Co-Q10), Vitamin K, and the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine. Government Regulators Deemed Glyphosate Safe for Humans Government regulators deemed glyphosate safe for us humans because we lack the shikimate pathway. They forgot to consider that we humans depend on the shikimate pathway in plants and gut bacteria for our folate (vitamin B9), to prevents neural tube defects. If your lunch salad comes from an agricultural field treated with glyphosate which blocks the plant’s ability to synthesize folate, how much folate are you getting in your meal ? If you are ingesting glyphosate in your food, blocking your gut bacteria from synthesing folate, how soon will you be rendered folate deficient? Dr Bekaert says in 2008, “Humans cannot synthesize folates (vitamin B9) and thus have to rely on plant food supplying these essential vitamins.“(104) Dr Craig Roberts suggests that Glyphosate may serve as anti-folate, anti-parasitic drug ,He says:(58) ” it is likely that the shikimate pathway is important for supply of folate precursors in this parasite….inhibitors of EPSP synthase (such as glyphosate) can act in synergy with conventional antifolates and may be a useful addition to the agents used against apicomplexan parasites.”(58) A quote from a University of Chicago Press Release 1998 (61) explains that Glyphosate blocks production of folate: “Effective new ways to inhibit parasites that cause malaria, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis” June 25, 1998.(61) “Dr. McLeod’s team showed that glyphosate, …could block the production of folate, inhibiting parasite growth and survival. Glyphosate proved effective against malaria strains that were resistant to an anti-malarial medicine, pyrimethamine, which interrupts folate processing at a different point. To confirm the finding, they demonstrated that these folate-starved parasites could be rescued, in the test tube, by giving them folate.”(61) Brazil Annual Pesticide Sales Surpasses the US Left Image courtesy of Reuters. Brazil sales of herbicide (glyphosate) exceeds that of US.(81) According to Paulo Prada in her 2015 article, Brazil has a huge appetite for pesticides and herbicides, surpassing annual sales in the US.(81) Poalo Prado explains that in Northeast Brazil, irrigation canals were built, transforming previously arid land into fertile farm land. These open air irrigation canals are heavily contaminated with herbicides and pesticides liberally applied to the crop fields. Life is primitive for the agricultural workers who live without piped in water for their dwellings. The local workers use the open air irrigation canals for their drinking water, thus are heavily exposed to herbicide and pesticide runoff. House Passes 1.1 Billion Zika Virus Bill. Methyl-Folate is Cheaper. Instead of spending 1.1 Billion dollars on a “controversial” Zika Virus Bill, I have a better idea for prevention of microcephaly and neural tube defects. (90) Suppose we instead allocate 100 million dollars to give out free methyl-folate tablets to all pregnant women exposed to glyphosate here in the US, and in Brazil. That would solve the problem at a fraction of the cost, saving a Billion Dollars.(90) 53 Countries Have Mandatory Flour Fortification with Folate Folate fortification of flour for prevention of neural tube defects (anencephaly, microcephaly, spina bifida etc.) is mandated in 53 countries. Fortification of flour with folic acid was mandated in the US in 1998, the most successful public health measure in history, with reduction of neural tube defects by 36%.(100-103) In 2009, Dr Oakley declared this success story a “modern miracle of epidemiology”.(103) Study Blood Folate Levels in North East Brazil Why not allocate research funds to study blood folate levels in women in Northeast Brazil at high risk for having babies with neural tube defects? This was done here in the US before and after starting folate fortification in 1998, showing reduction incidence of neural tube defects by 36%.(101) Folate deficiency (blood folate levels less than 3 ng/ml)) decreased from 21% to less than 1% of the population. (101) In Australia, mandatory fortification of bread with folate and iodine was introduced in 2009, resulting in a 50-80 per cent reduction in neural tube defects in at-risk indigenous women and teenagers.(100-112) Reducing Microcephaly in Brazil with Folate Fortification Studies done in Brazil shows folate deficiency is severe, affecting 94% among the poor.(113) Folate fortification of flour in three south American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile) resulted in significant reduction in 52 different fetal anomalies including reduction in microcephaly and anencephaly.(114) Currently all South American countries except Venezuala have mandatory folate fortification legislation.(115) In populations using folate fortification there have been decreases in neural tube defects from 30-50%.(115) How is Such an Error Possible ? You might ask the obvious question, “how is such an error in thinking possible” that the government would waste a billion dollars on Zika instead of Folate Fortification? This is called CrimeStop or “Protective Stupidity“, aptly described in 1984 by George Orwell (91): “The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself….Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak….the Party says the earth is flat’, ‘the party says that ice is heavier than water’—and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.” “Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…”…”Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”(91) Using Fear and Smear Tactics to Distract Attention from Monsanto This article in the Huffington Post Feb 16 is typical of the Monsanto tactics to distract attention away from Roundup glyphosate as the cause of the birth defects in agricultural workers in Brazil; A Viral Story Links The Zika Crisis To Monsanto. Don’t Believe It. by Anna Almendrala Senior Healthy Living Editor Huffington Post. Anna’s piece is pure Monsanto propaganda masquerading as journalism, don’t believe a word of it. If you trust anything Monsanto says, then I have a bridge to sell you. Monsanto has known for decades that Glyphosate causes birth defects, see this report: Roundup and birth defects. Is the public being kept in the dark ? by Michael Antoniou Earth Open Source June 2011 Search Google Scholar for articles with key words “microcephaly pesticide“ : you will see 2160 articles pop up. Glyphosate is “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans” A number of studies show glyphosate exposure doubles the incidence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.(92) As reported in Lancet Oncology by Dr Kathryn Guyton, on March, 2015, 17 experts from 11 countries met in Lyon France and classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (89) Zika Distraction from Glyphosate – The Elephant in the Room Certainly, maternal viral illness with Rubella, (CMV) cytomegalovirus and Zika are all risk factors for fetal demise, and fetal malformations, and are best avoided.(93-95) However, the Zika Virus is a distraction from the real cause of the problem, massive glyphosate exposure to pregnant agricultural workers in Brazil. Glyphosate is a patented anti-folate drug, Anti-folate drugs are known to cause microcephaly and neural tube defects in animals and humans. Professor Don Huber, GMO Food and Glyphosate Increased incidence of birth defects in the population caused by exposure to the anti-folate agent, glyphosate is only the “tip of the iceberg”. The adverse health consequences of GMO food and glyphosate contamination of our food and water supply are much more extensive as outlined in a series of articles posted on the Stephanie Seneff home page. Here is a quote from Professor Don M. Huber:(88) from his document GMO Failed Promises Flawed Science Serious Health Safety Issue ” Future historians may well look back upon our time and write, not about how many pounds of pesticides we did or did not apply, but about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for this massive experiment we call genetic engineering that is based on failed promises and flawed science, just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.” Dr. Don M. Huber Link to this article: http://wp.me/p3gFbV-3En Jeffrey Dach MD 7450 Griffin Road Suite 190 Davie, Fl 33314 954-792-4663 Articles with related interest: Dont Ask for HIV Test Ask For Glyphosate Test Curing Autism with Antibiotics Berberine Antdote for an Epidemic References For references, please view original publication.
    Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure Causing Microcephaly
    ZIka Virus or Glyphosate Causing Microcephaly and Birth Defects in NE Brazil?
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  • Zika Virus or Roundup Herbicide The Cause of Microcephaly?
    Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure Causing Microcephaly

    Originally published on jeffreydachmd.com.

    What's causing microcephaly? It might not be what the media is telling you...

    Is It Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure ?

    The news media has been reporting the Zika virus as the cause of microcephaly. The story originated in a Monsanto chemical industry press release dated Feb 17, 2016 which was then copied over the news media. The Zika virus was discovered in Uganda in 1947, and there have been no reports of microcephaly in Uganda. A US news article says, according to Associated Press journalists who visited the Zika Forest in Uganda on Feb 1, 2016, local officials have no concern about the Zika virus.(24)

    New England Journal Reports

    A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported Zika Virus surveillance in Colombia.(80-81) Of 50 babies reported with microcephaly, only four (8 %) had laboratory evidence of congenital Zika virus infection on RT-PCR. The other 46 cases (92 %) were due to other causes.

    Of 1850 pregnant women reported infected with Zika virus, no babies were born with microcephaly. The authors state: (80-81)

    “maternal infection with the Zika virus during the third trimester of pregnancy is not linked to structural abnormalities in the fetus.”

    Since 92% of microcephaly babies are not caused by maternal Zika virus, perhaps we should be looking for other preventable causes.

    Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam reviewed this same data from the Colombia surveillance study After reviewing this data, Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam concluded in his own report entitled: “Is Zika the cause of Microcephaly?”that there is no direct link between zika virus and microcephaly, and he proposed pesticide exposure (pyriproxyfen) in the drinking water as an alternative explanation(99):

    “This (data) would seem to rule out Zika as a cause of microcephaly. This gives a consistent interpretation that there is no direct link between Zika and microcephaly except for random co-occurrence.”….”An alternative cause of microcephaly in Brazil could be the pesticide pyriproxyfen, which is cross-reactive with retinoic acid, which causes microcephaly, and is being used in drinking water.”(99)

    Dr Tiago Baptista Questions Zika as Sole Cause of Microcephaly

    Maternal viral infection with rubella or cytomegalovirus have been known to cause fetal malformation and fetal demise. There is no doubt that viral illness during pregnancy is best avoided.(47-55) However, Dr Tiago Baptista in a 2016 BMJ article questions “whether the surge in reported cases of microcephaly is entirely due to Zika virus infection“(55) He says:

    “The risk of microcephaly after maternal infection is estimated at roughly one in 100 women… This is a relatively low risk compared with other causal infections such as cytomegalovirus.”(55)

    A Distraction From the Real Cause- Exposure to Glyphosate Causes Microcephaly and other Congenital Anomalies

    I suggest that the Zika virus is merely a distraction away from the real cause, agrichemical exposure from Monsanto’s Round-Up Herbicide, glyphosate, (1-4)

    Dr Alejandra Paganelli reported in 2010 that “Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by impairing retinoic acid signaling.” (8)

    Dr Paganelli concludes: “(congenital malformations) “produced by Glyphosate Based Herbicides are mainly a consequence of the increase of endogenous retinoid activity. ” (8)

    Dr Sylvia Lopez

    In 2012, Dr Silvia L. Lopez reviewed the effects of agricultural chemicals, glyphosate based herbicides, in human and animal models.(9) She says:

    “It is very well known that acute or chronic increase of retinoic acid (RA) levels leads to teratogenic effects during human pregnancy and in experimental models. The characteristic features displayed by Retinoic Acid embryopathy in humans include brain abnormalities such as microcephaly, microphtalmia, and impairment of hindbrain development; abnormal external and middle ears (microtia or anotia), mandibular and midfacial underdevelopment, and cleft palate.” (9) Note: Retinoic Acid is Vitamin A Derivative.

    Dr Benitez-Leite

    Dr Benitez-Leite reported 52 cases of malformations in babies born of women exposed to agricultural chemicals. The congenital malformations observed include anencephaly, microcephaly, facial defects, myelomeningocele, cleft palate, ear malformations, polydactily, syndactily all consistent with the well-known and expected syndrome caused by upregulation of the Retinoic Acid pathway.(10) Left image Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide contains glyphosate.

    Upregulation of Retinoic Acid Pathway

    A number of reports have linked arial spraying with the mosquito larvicide pyriproxyfen to birth defects such as microcephaly in the crop sprayed towns of Northeast Brazil.(106-108) Pyriproxyfen disrupts retinoic acid (vitramin A) signalling, a known mechanism for microcephaly (106-108) In 1995, Dr Kenneth Rothman reported in NEJM that High Vitamin A Intake causes birth defects. (109)

    Increasing Anencephaly in Yakima Valley in Washington State

    Another mechanism is glyphosate disruption of folate metabolsm as discussed below in the Yakima Washington State case. (35-37)

    Over three years from 2010 to 2013, the Washington State Department of Health reported an unusual increase in anencephalic babies born in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties, four times higher than the national average. (33-34)

    Anencephaply, microcephaly and spina bifida are all related disorders of neural tube closure associated with maternal folate deficiency. Maternal folate supplementation is preventive. Maternal folate supplementation in Yakima was not at issue, as this was similar to the national average. Barbara Peterson, in Farm Wars, makes a compelling case for glyphosate exposure as the cause, since the Yakima river running through the affected counties had been heavily treated with glyphosate for weed control during that time period.(29) Left image Yakima River Washington State.

    Glyphosate Disrupts Folate Metabolism

    Glyphosate disruption of folate metabolism is discussed by Stephanie Seneff in her May 2016 article on Weston Price.(35) Glyphosate acts as an antibiotic, killing friendly bacteria by blocking the Shikimate pathway. These friendly bacterial are also involved in bacterial conversion of folic acid to methyl folate, its active form. Maternal methylfolate deficiency is associated with neural tube defects in the developing embryo.(85-87)

    Glyphosate Disrupts Glycine Metabolism

    Stephanie Seneff’s article then discusses how glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase metabolism, known to cause neural tube defects in animal studies and humans.(36-37)

    Glyphosate is the amino acid glycine with an added phosphate group, so glyphosate may readily displace glycine in various biochemical reactions. Glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase by displacing glycine as a substrate. In addition, glyphosate replaces glycine at insertion sites in amino acid chains during protein synthesis, producing defective enzymes (35). Glyphosate is basically the amino acid, glycine with a phosphate group added on to it.

    Glyphosate is a Patented Antimicrobial, Anti-Folate Drug

    Glyphosate is actually patented as an anti-microbial drug. (83,84) Glyphosate serves as an anti-folate agent working in synergy with other anti-folate drugs.(58,61) Other anti-folate drugs in common use include the urinary tract antibiotic, Bactrim (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) the rheumatology drug, methotrexate, and the anti-seizure drug Dilantin (phentoin). Maternal exposure to anti-folate drugs such as methotrexate Bactrim and Dilantin increase risk of neural tube defects in the fetus up to six-fold. (85-87) Maternal folate supplementation has been shown to reduce incidence of fetal neural tube defects (NTD), and folic acid fortification in food supply was mandated in 1998. (85-87)(100-103)

    Glyphosate Inhibits the Shikimate Pathway

    Glyphosate’s known mode of action is inhibition of the shikimate pathway in plants, fungi, bacteria and parasites.(58) Glyphosate blocks the pathway which produces Folate, Ubiquinone (Co-Q10), Vitamin K, and the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine.

    Government Regulators Deemed Glyphosate Safe for Humans

    Government regulators deemed glyphosate safe for us humans because we lack the shikimate pathway. They forgot to consider that we humans depend on the shikimate pathway in plants and gut bacteria for our folate (vitamin B9), to prevents neural tube defects. If your lunch salad comes from an agricultural field treated with glyphosate which blocks the plant’s ability to synthesize folate, how much folate are you getting in your meal ? If you are ingesting glyphosate in your food, blocking your gut bacteria from synthesing folate, how soon will you be rendered folate deficient? Dr Bekaert says in 2008,

    “Humans cannot synthesize folates (vitamin B9) and thus have to rely on plant food supplying these essential vitamins.“(104)

    Dr Craig Roberts suggests that Glyphosate may serve as anti-folate, anti-parasitic drug ,He says:(58)

    ” it is likely that the shikimate pathway is important for supply of folate precursors in this parasite….inhibitors of EPSP synthase (such as glyphosate) can act in synergy with conventional antifolates and may be a useful addition to the agents used against apicomplexan parasites.”(58)

    A quote from a University of Chicago Press Release 1998 (61) explains that Glyphosate blocks production of folate:

    “Effective new ways to inhibit parasites that cause malaria, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis” June 25, 1998.(61)

    “Dr. McLeod’s team showed that glyphosate, …could block the production of folate, inhibiting parasite growth and survival. Glyphosate proved effective against malaria strains that were resistant to an anti-malarial medicine, pyrimethamine, which interrupts folate processing at a different point. To confirm the finding, they demonstrated that these folate-starved parasites could be rescued, in the test tube, by giving them folate.”(61)

    Brazil Annual Pesticide Sales Surpasses the US

    Left Image courtesy of Reuters. Brazil sales of herbicide (glyphosate) exceeds that of US.(81)

    According to Paulo Prada in her 2015 article, Brazil has a huge appetite for pesticides and herbicides, surpassing annual sales in the US.(81)

    Poalo Prado explains that in Northeast Brazil, irrigation canals were built, transforming previously arid land into fertile farm land. These open air irrigation canals are heavily contaminated with herbicides and pesticides liberally applied to the crop fields. Life is primitive for the agricultural workers who live without piped in water for their dwellings. The local workers use the open air irrigation canals for their drinking water, thus are heavily exposed to herbicide and pesticide runoff.

    House Passes 1.1 Billion Zika Virus Bill. Methyl-Folate is Cheaper.

    Instead of spending 1.1 Billion dollars on a “controversial” Zika Virus Bill, I have a better idea for prevention of microcephaly and neural tube defects. (90) Suppose we instead allocate 100 million dollars to give out free methyl-folate tablets to all pregnant women exposed to glyphosate here in the US, and in Brazil. That would solve the problem at a fraction of the cost, saving a Billion Dollars.(90)

    53 Countries Have Mandatory Flour Fortification with Folate

    Folate fortification of flour for prevention of neural tube defects (anencephaly, microcephaly, spina bifida etc.) is mandated in 53 countries. Fortification of flour with folic acid was mandated in the US in 1998, the most successful public health measure in history, with reduction of neural tube defects by 36%.(100-103) In 2009, Dr Oakley declared this success story a “modern miracle of epidemiology”.(103)

    Study Blood Folate Levels in North East Brazil

    Why not allocate research funds to study blood folate levels in women in Northeast Brazil at high risk for having babies with neural tube defects? This was done here in the US before and after starting folate fortification in 1998, showing reduction incidence of neural tube defects by 36%.(101) Folate deficiency (blood folate levels less than 3 ng/ml)) decreased from 21% to less than 1% of the population. (101)

    In Australia, mandatory fortification of bread with folate and iodine was introduced in 2009, resulting in a 50-80 per cent reduction in neural tube defects in at-risk indigenous women and teenagers.(100-112)

    Reducing Microcephaly in Brazil with Folate Fortification

    Studies done in Brazil shows folate deficiency is severe, affecting 94% among the poor.(113) Folate fortification of flour in three south American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile) resulted in significant reduction in 52 different fetal anomalies including reduction in microcephaly and anencephaly.(114) Currently all South American countries except Venezuala have mandatory folate fortification legislation.(115) In populations using folate fortification there have been decreases in neural tube defects from 30-50%.(115)

    How is Such an Error Possible ?

    You might ask the obvious question, “how is such an error in thinking possible” that the government would waste a billion dollars on Zika instead of Folate Fortification? This is called CrimeStop or “Protective Stupidity“, aptly described in 1984 by George Orwell (91):

    “The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself….Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak….the Party says the earth is flat’, ‘the party says that ice is heavier than water’—and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.”

    “Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…”…”Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”(91)

    Using Fear and Smear Tactics to Distract Attention from Monsanto

    This article in the Huffington Post Feb 16 is typical of the Monsanto tactics to distract attention away from Roundup glyphosate as the cause of the birth defects in agricultural workers in Brazil; A Viral Story Links The Zika Crisis To Monsanto. Don’t Believe It. by Anna Almendrala Senior Healthy Living Editor Huffington Post. Anna’s piece is pure Monsanto propaganda masquerading as journalism, don’t believe a word of it. If you trust anything Monsanto says, then I have a bridge to sell you.

    Monsanto has known for decades that Glyphosate causes birth defects, see this report: Roundup and birth defects. Is the public being kept in the dark ? by Michael Antoniou Earth Open Source June 2011

    Search Google Scholar for articles with key words “microcephaly pesticide“ : you will see 2160 articles pop up.

    Glyphosate is “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans”

    A number of studies show glyphosate exposure doubles the incidence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.(92) As reported in Lancet Oncology by Dr Kathryn Guyton, on March, 2015, 17 experts from 11 countries met in Lyon France and classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (89)

    Zika Distraction from Glyphosate – The Elephant in the Room

    Certainly, maternal viral illness with Rubella, (CMV) cytomegalovirus and Zika are all risk factors for fetal demise, and fetal malformations, and are best avoided.(93-95) However, the Zika Virus is a distraction from the real cause of the problem, massive glyphosate exposure to pregnant agricultural workers in Brazil. Glyphosate is a patented anti-folate drug, Anti-folate drugs are known to cause microcephaly and neural tube defects in animals and humans.

    Professor Don Huber, GMO Food and Glyphosate

    Increased incidence of birth defects in the population caused by exposure to the anti-folate agent, glyphosate is only the “tip of the iceberg”. The adverse health consequences of GMO food and glyphosate contamination of our food and water supply are much more extensive as outlined in a series of articles posted on the Stephanie Seneff home page. Here is a quote from Professor Don M. Huber:(88) from his document GMO Failed Promises Flawed Science Serious Health Safety Issue

    ” Future historians may well look back upon our time and write, not about how many pounds of pesticides we did or did not apply, but about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for this massive experiment we call genetic engineering that is based on failed promises and flawed science, just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.” Dr. Don M. Huber

    Link to this article: http://wp.me/p3gFbV-3En

    Jeffrey Dach MD
    7450 Griffin Road Suite 190
    Davie, Fl 33314

    Articles with related interest:

    Dont Ask for HIV Test Ask For Glyphosate Test

    Curing Autism with Antibiotics

    Berberine Antdote for an Epidemic


    For references, please view original publication.

    Zika Virus or Roundup Herbicide The Cause of Microcephaly? Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure Causing Microcephaly Originally published on jeffreydachmd.com. What's causing microcephaly? It might not be what the media is telling you... Is It Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure ? The news media has been reporting the Zika virus as the cause of microcephaly. The story originated in a Monsanto chemical industry press release dated Feb 17, 2016 which was then copied over the news media. The Zika virus was discovered in Uganda in 1947, and there have been no reports of microcephaly in Uganda. A US news article says, according to Associated Press journalists who visited the Zika Forest in Uganda on Feb 1, 2016, local officials have no concern about the Zika virus.(24) New England Journal Reports A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported Zika Virus surveillance in Colombia.(80-81) Of 50 babies reported with microcephaly, only four (8 %) had laboratory evidence of congenital Zika virus infection on RT-PCR. The other 46 cases (92 %) were due to other causes. Of 1850 pregnant women reported infected with Zika virus, no babies were born with microcephaly. The authors state: (80-81) “maternal infection with the Zika virus during the third trimester of pregnancy is not linked to structural abnormalities in the fetus.” Since 92% of microcephaly babies are not caused by maternal Zika virus, perhaps we should be looking for other preventable causes. Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam reviewed this same data from the Colombia surveillance study After reviewing this data, Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam concluded in his own report entitled: “Is Zika the cause of Microcephaly?”that there is no direct link between zika virus and microcephaly, and he proposed pesticide exposure (pyriproxyfen) in the drinking water as an alternative explanation(99): “This (data) would seem to rule out Zika as a cause of microcephaly. This gives a consistent interpretation that there is no direct link between Zika and microcephaly except for random co-occurrence.”….”An alternative cause of microcephaly in Brazil could be the pesticide pyriproxyfen, which is cross-reactive with retinoic acid, which causes microcephaly, and is being used in drinking water.”(99) Dr Tiago Baptista Questions Zika as Sole Cause of Microcephaly Maternal viral infection with rubella or cytomegalovirus have been known to cause fetal malformation and fetal demise. There is no doubt that viral illness during pregnancy is best avoided.(47-55) However, Dr Tiago Baptista in a 2016 BMJ article questions “whether the surge in reported cases of microcephaly is entirely due to Zika virus infection“(55) He says: “The risk of microcephaly after maternal infection is estimated at roughly one in 100 women… This is a relatively low risk compared with other causal infections such as cytomegalovirus.”(55) A Distraction From the Real Cause- Exposure to Glyphosate Causes Microcephaly and other Congenital Anomalies I suggest that the Zika virus is merely a distraction away from the real cause, agrichemical exposure from Monsanto’s Round-Up Herbicide, glyphosate, (1-4) Dr Alejandra Paganelli reported in 2010 that “Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by impairing retinoic acid signaling.” (8) Dr Paganelli concludes: “(congenital malformations) “produced by Glyphosate Based Herbicides are mainly a consequence of the increase of endogenous retinoid activity. ” (8) Dr Sylvia Lopez In 2012, Dr Silvia L. Lopez reviewed the effects of agricultural chemicals, glyphosate based herbicides, in human and animal models.(9) She says: “It is very well known that acute or chronic increase of retinoic acid (RA) levels leads to teratogenic effects during human pregnancy and in experimental models. The characteristic features displayed by Retinoic Acid embryopathy in humans include brain abnormalities such as microcephaly, microphtalmia, and impairment of hindbrain development; abnormal external and middle ears (microtia or anotia), mandibular and midfacial underdevelopment, and cleft palate.” (9) Note: Retinoic Acid is Vitamin A Derivative. Dr Benitez-Leite Dr Benitez-Leite reported 52 cases of malformations in babies born of women exposed to agricultural chemicals. The congenital malformations observed include anencephaly, microcephaly, facial defects, myelomeningocele, cleft palate, ear malformations, polydactily, syndactily all consistent with the well-known and expected syndrome caused by upregulation of the Retinoic Acid pathway.(10) Left image Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide contains glyphosate. Upregulation of Retinoic Acid Pathway A number of reports have linked arial spraying with the mosquito larvicide pyriproxyfen to birth defects such as microcephaly in the crop sprayed towns of Northeast Brazil.(106-108) Pyriproxyfen disrupts retinoic acid (vitramin A) signalling, a known mechanism for microcephaly (106-108) In 1995, Dr Kenneth Rothman reported in NEJM that High Vitamin A Intake causes birth defects. (109) Increasing Anencephaly in Yakima Valley in Washington State Another mechanism is glyphosate disruption of folate metabolsm as discussed below in the Yakima Washington State case. (35-37) Over three years from 2010 to 2013, the Washington State Department of Health reported an unusual increase in anencephalic babies born in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties, four times higher than the national average. (33-34) Anencephaply, microcephaly and spina bifida are all related disorders of neural tube closure associated with maternal folate deficiency. Maternal folate supplementation is preventive. Maternal folate supplementation in Yakima was not at issue, as this was similar to the national average. Barbara Peterson, in Farm Wars, makes a compelling case for glyphosate exposure as the cause, since the Yakima river running through the affected counties had been heavily treated with glyphosate for weed control during that time period.(29) Left image Yakima River Washington State. Glyphosate Disrupts Folate Metabolism Glyphosate disruption of folate metabolism is discussed by Stephanie Seneff in her May 2016 article on Weston Price.(35) Glyphosate acts as an antibiotic, killing friendly bacteria by blocking the Shikimate pathway. These friendly bacterial are also involved in bacterial conversion of folic acid to methyl folate, its active form. Maternal methylfolate deficiency is associated with neural tube defects in the developing embryo.(85-87) Glyphosate Disrupts Glycine Metabolism Stephanie Seneff’s article then discusses how glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase metabolism, known to cause neural tube defects in animal studies and humans.(36-37) Glyphosate is the amino acid glycine with an added phosphate group, so glyphosate may readily displace glycine in various biochemical reactions. Glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase by displacing glycine as a substrate. In addition, glyphosate replaces glycine at insertion sites in amino acid chains during protein synthesis, producing defective enzymes (35). Glyphosate is basically the amino acid, glycine with a phosphate group added on to it. Glyphosate is a Patented Antimicrobial, Anti-Folate Drug Glyphosate is actually patented as an anti-microbial drug. (83,84) Glyphosate serves as an anti-folate agent working in synergy with other anti-folate drugs.(58,61) Other anti-folate drugs in common use include the urinary tract antibiotic, Bactrim (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) the rheumatology drug, methotrexate, and the anti-seizure drug Dilantin (phentoin). Maternal exposure to anti-folate drugs such as methotrexate Bactrim and Dilantin increase risk of neural tube defects in the fetus up to six-fold. (85-87) Maternal folate supplementation has been shown to reduce incidence of fetal neural tube defects (NTD), and folic acid fortification in food supply was mandated in 1998. (85-87)(100-103) Glyphosate Inhibits the Shikimate Pathway Glyphosate’s known mode of action is inhibition of the shikimate pathway in plants, fungi, bacteria and parasites.(58) Glyphosate blocks the pathway which produces Folate, Ubiquinone (Co-Q10), Vitamin K, and the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine. Government Regulators Deemed Glyphosate Safe for Humans Government regulators deemed glyphosate safe for us humans because we lack the shikimate pathway. They forgot to consider that we humans depend on the shikimate pathway in plants and gut bacteria for our folate (vitamin B9), to prevents neural tube defects. If your lunch salad comes from an agricultural field treated with glyphosate which blocks the plant’s ability to synthesize folate, how much folate are you getting in your meal ? If you are ingesting glyphosate in your food, blocking your gut bacteria from synthesing folate, how soon will you be rendered folate deficient? Dr Bekaert says in 2008, “Humans cannot synthesize folates (vitamin B9) and thus have to rely on plant food supplying these essential vitamins.“(104) Dr Craig Roberts suggests that Glyphosate may serve as anti-folate, anti-parasitic drug ,He says:(58) ” it is likely that the shikimate pathway is important for supply of folate precursors in this parasite….inhibitors of EPSP synthase (such as glyphosate) can act in synergy with conventional antifolates and may be a useful addition to the agents used against apicomplexan parasites.”(58) A quote from a University of Chicago Press Release 1998 (61) explains that Glyphosate blocks production of folate: “Effective new ways to inhibit parasites that cause malaria, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis” June 25, 1998.(61) “Dr. McLeod’s team showed that glyphosate, …could block the production of folate, inhibiting parasite growth and survival. Glyphosate proved effective against malaria strains that were resistant to an anti-malarial medicine, pyrimethamine, which interrupts folate processing at a different point. To confirm the finding, they demonstrated that these folate-starved parasites could be rescued, in the test tube, by giving them folate.”(61) Brazil Annual Pesticide Sales Surpasses the US Left Image courtesy of Reuters. Brazil sales of herbicide (glyphosate) exceeds that of US.(81) According to Paulo Prada in her 2015 article, Brazil has a huge appetite for pesticides and herbicides, surpassing annual sales in the US.(81) Poalo Prado explains that in Northeast Brazil, irrigation canals were built, transforming previously arid land into fertile farm land. These open air irrigation canals are heavily contaminated with herbicides and pesticides liberally applied to the crop fields. Life is primitive for the agricultural workers who live without piped in water for their dwellings. The local workers use the open air irrigation canals for their drinking water, thus are heavily exposed to herbicide and pesticide runoff. House Passes 1.1 Billion Zika Virus Bill. Methyl-Folate is Cheaper. Instead of spending 1.1 Billion dollars on a “controversial” Zika Virus Bill, I have a better idea for prevention of microcephaly and neural tube defects. (90) Suppose we instead allocate 100 million dollars to give out free methyl-folate tablets to all pregnant women exposed to glyphosate here in the US, and in Brazil. That would solve the problem at a fraction of the cost, saving a Billion Dollars.(90) 53 Countries Have Mandatory Flour Fortification with Folate Folate fortification of flour for prevention of neural tube defects (anencephaly, microcephaly, spina bifida etc.) is mandated in 53 countries. Fortification of flour with folic acid was mandated in the US in 1998, the most successful public health measure in history, with reduction of neural tube defects by 36%.(100-103) In 2009, Dr Oakley declared this success story a “modern miracle of epidemiology”.(103) Study Blood Folate Levels in North East Brazil Why not allocate research funds to study blood folate levels in women in Northeast Brazil at high risk for having babies with neural tube defects? This was done here in the US before and after starting folate fortification in 1998, showing reduction incidence of neural tube defects by 36%.(101) Folate deficiency (blood folate levels less than 3 ng/ml)) decreased from 21% to less than 1% of the population. (101) In Australia, mandatory fortification of bread with folate and iodine was introduced in 2009, resulting in a 50-80 per cent reduction in neural tube defects in at-risk indigenous women and teenagers.(100-112) Reducing Microcephaly in Brazil with Folate Fortification Studies done in Brazil shows folate deficiency is severe, affecting 94% among the poor.(113) Folate fortification of flour in three south American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile) resulted in significant reduction in 52 different fetal anomalies including reduction in microcephaly and anencephaly.(114) Currently all South American countries except Venezuala have mandatory folate fortification legislation.(115) In populations using folate fortification there have been decreases in neural tube defects from 30-50%.(115) How is Such an Error Possible ? You might ask the obvious question, “how is such an error in thinking possible” that the government would waste a billion dollars on Zika instead of Folate Fortification? This is called CrimeStop or “Protective Stupidity“, aptly described in 1984 by George Orwell (91): “The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself….Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak….the Party says the earth is flat’, ‘the party says that ice is heavier than water’—and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.” “Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…”…”Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”(91) Using Fear and Smear Tactics to Distract Attention from Monsanto This article in the Huffington Post Feb 16 is typical of the Monsanto tactics to distract attention away from Roundup glyphosate as the cause of the birth defects in agricultural workers in Brazil; A Viral Story Links The Zika Crisis To Monsanto. Don’t Believe It. by Anna Almendrala Senior Healthy Living Editor Huffington Post. Anna’s piece is pure Monsanto propaganda masquerading as journalism, don’t believe a word of it. If you trust anything Monsanto says, then I have a bridge to sell you. Monsanto has known for decades that Glyphosate causes birth defects, see this report: Roundup and birth defects. Is the public being kept in the dark ? by Michael Antoniou Earth Open Source June 2011 Search Google Scholar for articles with key words “microcephaly pesticide“ : you will see 2160 articles pop up. Glyphosate is “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans” A number of studies show glyphosate exposure doubles the incidence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.(92) As reported in Lancet Oncology by Dr Kathryn Guyton, on March, 2015, 17 experts from 11 countries met in Lyon France and classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (89) Zika Distraction from Glyphosate – The Elephant in the Room Certainly, maternal viral illness with Rubella, (CMV) cytomegalovirus and Zika are all risk factors for fetal demise, and fetal malformations, and are best avoided.(93-95) However, the Zika Virus is a distraction from the real cause of the problem, massive glyphosate exposure to pregnant agricultural workers in Brazil. Glyphosate is a patented anti-folate drug, Anti-folate drugs are known to cause microcephaly and neural tube defects in animals and humans. Professor Don Huber, GMO Food and Glyphosate Increased incidence of birth defects in the population caused by exposure to the anti-folate agent, glyphosate is only the “tip of the iceberg”. The adverse health consequences of GMO food and glyphosate contamination of our food and water supply are much more extensive as outlined in a series of articles posted on the Stephanie Seneff home page. Here is a quote from Professor Don M. Huber:(88) from his document GMO Failed Promises Flawed Science Serious Health Safety Issue ” Future historians may well look back upon our time and write, not about how many pounds of pesticides we did or did not apply, but about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for this massive experiment we call genetic engineering that is based on failed promises and flawed science, just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.” Dr. Don M. Huber Link to this article: http://wp.me/p3gFbV-3En Jeffrey Dach MD 7450 Griffin Road Suite 190 Davie, Fl 33314 954-792-4663 Articles with related interest: Dont Ask for HIV Test Ask For Glyphosate Test Curing Autism with Antibiotics Berberine Antdote for an Epidemic References For references, please view original publication. https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/zika-virus-or-roundup-herbicide-cause-microcephaly
    Zika Virus or Roundup Herbicide The Cause of Microcephaly?
    What's causing microcephaly? It might not be what the media is telling you...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 15242 Views
  • Dr. Leong Hoe Nam on Monkeypox transmission. Touching not Breathing. Please someone tell him that it's a STD?

    Dr. Leong Hoe Nam on Monkeypox transmission. Touching not Breathing. Please someone tell him that it's a STD? https://www.tiktok.com/@mothershipsg/video/7408910159621213448

    people whose love language is physical touch 👀 #mpox #sgnews #tiktoksg #fyp

    ♬ original sound - Mothership - Mothership
    0 Comments 0 Shares 550 Views
  • Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:

    In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists.

    The identified scientists include:

    1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology.

    2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop).

    3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel.

    4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education.

    5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering.

    6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus.

    These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference

    [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…)

    [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…)

    [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…)

    [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…)

    [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…).


    Additional information:

    Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

    The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

    The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.

    Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.


    Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about:

    New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol

    Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

    Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

    Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).

    CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.

    Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram

    Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day

    VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)

    And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself…

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

    Shop 2SG merch

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit: In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists. The identified scientists include: 1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology. 2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop). 3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel. 4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education. 5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering. 6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus. These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…) [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…) [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…) [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…) [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…). Source Additional information: Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead. The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board. The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today. Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth. Source Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about: New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great. Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable. Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week). CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving. Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day) And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself… They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/doctors-killed-in-plane-crash-vowed
    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6295 Views
  • Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…

    …what we are now seeing is the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon VAIDS coverup, with “vaccine” refuseniks and genetically modified humans alike in the crosshairs of the WHO — which is nothing more than the “health” depopulation node of the United Nations and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime — and that means total global surveillance and contact tracing ahead of their attempted followup planetary “pandemic” lockdown…

    They are already seeding and normalizing said lockdowns in various captured nations like Canada…

    Just in time for the possible total destruction of America if the deranged Marxist puppet Kamala Cloward-Piven Harris “wins” the upcoming presidential shit show, which is why they are considering outright cancelling the elections due to a “pandemic,” or whichever psyop they believe will be most effective.

    Which is why the CDC is also at it, issuing a “health alert” over Parvovirus; in other words, another angle to the VAIDS epidemic coverup as the genetically modified humans and their devastated immune systems are presenting with all kinds of adverse events, not just limited to the inability to fend off viruses, STDs, or even the common cold.

    Two years ago a most prescient article was written warning of this MonkeyPox scam which today is particularly worth revisiting:

    by The Exposé

    Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization?

    If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.


    Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system.

    Here’s a map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 –

    Only joking. The above is actually a map showing the main distributions of the Pfizer vaccine.

    Here’s the actual map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 –

    Here’s both maps together so you can play a game of spot the difference with them –

    Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection.

    Now, this could of course just be another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since early 2020. But unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise.

    Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States.

    According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo).

    The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following –

    The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’

    In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus.

    The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body.

    And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash.

    Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system.

    This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people.

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

    But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

    Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022.

    One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections.

    According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.

    Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a systemic, dysfunctional inflammatory response that requires long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. It is characterized with a high mortality rate depending on the number of organs involved. It can be caused by herpes infection as this scientific study found here proves.

    Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection.

    The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

    Source Data
    The following chart shows adverse events to the Covid-19 injections reported to the CDC relating to herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome up to 13th May 2022.

    It also shows the number of adverse events reported against the Flu Vaccines, all vaccines combined (excluding Covid-19 injections) and the HPV/Smallpox vaccines between 2008 and 2020 –

    Source Data
    As you can see the Covid-19 injections have caused the most herpes related infections, and this is within 17 months. When comparing these to the number of flareups reported against the HPV/Smallpox vaccines in 13 years, these numbers are extremely concerning.

    This isn’t because so many people have been given a Covid-19 injection either. Official CDC numbers actually show 1.7 billion doses of influenza vaccine alone were administered between 2008 and 2020. Whereas, as of 6th May 2022, 580 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine had been administered in the USA.

    The following chart shows the rate per 1 million doses administered of adverse events related to herpes, shingles and multiple organ syndrome –

    The rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Flu jabs is 0.75 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. But the rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections is 31.31 adverse events per 1 million doses administered.

    That’s a 4,075% difference, and indicative of a very serious problem. A serious problem that is being caused by the fact the Covid-19 injections decimate the immune system.

    The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 –

    Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3.

    But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3.

    A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

    The Covid-19 injection specifically instructs cells to produce the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. The immune system is supposed to take care of the rest and then remember to do it again if it ever encounters the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

    The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA –

    As you can see, most vaccinated age groups have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the unvaccinated age groups. That’s not indicative of an effective vaccine, it’s indicative of damage done to the immune system by having the Covid vaccine. How else can you explain the fact the vaccinated are more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated?

    We’re also seeing the same when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths, and data suggests it takes approximately five months for enough damage to be done to the immune system by the Covid-19 injection for a recipient to be more likely to die.

    On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings.

    Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months –

    The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April.

    But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards –

    All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first, with people in England vaccinated by order of age.

    The ONS data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude.

    So by now, you must be up to speed with the fact that the Covid-19 injections most definitely damage the natural immune system. In which case it’s perfectly plausible that dormant herpes and varicella-zoster viruses are being reactivated resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of herpes and shingles infections.

    But there’s another condition that authorities could be falsely claiming is monkeypox, and we need to return to the confidential Pfizer documents to find it.

    The condition is hidden within the 9-page long list of adverse events of special interest at the end of Pfizer’s reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document.

    Autoimmune blistering disease.

    Autoimmune blistering disease causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body. It can affect the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals.

    It is not fully understood but “experts” believe that it is triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger. This might be a chemical or a medicine. Such as the Pfizer Covid-19 injection?

    So there you have it, a whole host of evidence that suggests authorities could quite easily be covering up the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination with a fake monkeypox pandemic. But if our display of evidence isn’t enough to convince you of this then perhaps this scientific study published in October 2021 is –

    But even though the whole monkeypox drama might be another charade, don’t be fooled into thinking authorities aren’t willing to take this as far or even further than the miserable two years they have forced the world to suffer in the name of Covid-19.

    In the UK, the UK Health Security Agency has just made monkeypox a notifiable disease, meaning all doctors and GP’s must report any cases they uncover to the UKHSA. This decision comes on top of the previous advice to isolate at home for three weeks if a close contact of anyone with suspected monkeypox.

    Meanwhile in the USA the CDC has just announced that the wearing of face masks is now recommended again to “prevent transmission of monkeypox in the community”.

    We doubt the CDC will ever get the memo that masks simply do not work, but let’s pretend they do and that there really is a monkeypox outbreak. Is the CDC not aware the monkeypox virus is not airborne and only transmitted by physical, and usually intimate contact?

    And now we have Dr Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization warning that monkeypox is now a real risk, and the WHO is extremely concerned for the safety of children and pregnant women. In a new statement, he finished by stating the WHO will publish a set of guidelines and advice for countries to follow forthwith…

    You can see where this is going, can’t you?

    It’s rather obvious where this went, and where it will keep going unless arrests are finally made.

    Also, today is the last day of the FLASH SALE…

    VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical

    VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical
    The new and improved VIR-X formulation offers the most potent synergistic antiviral and anti-Spike Protein (SP1 and SP2) formulation possible. This product also ensures overall wellness, is anti-cancer, and offers powerful antioxidant support. It is manufactured in the best American cGMP facility using the finest ingredients that are rigorously tested …

    Read full story

    …so take this opportunity to stock up on lifesaving products like VIR-X, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycyline and organic full spectrum CBD oil by using code VIRX20.

    Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code VIRX20 in the Use Coupon Code field.

    This flash sale ends this evening, August 20th, 2024.

    Please contact the company directly with any product questions: [email protected]

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

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    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off VIR-X

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    Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection 2nd Smartest Guy in the World As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization… …what we are now seeing is the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon VAIDS coverup, with “vaccine” refuseniks and genetically modified humans alike in the crosshairs of the WHO — which is nothing more than the “health” depopulation node of the United Nations and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime — and that means total global surveillance and contact tracing ahead of their attempted followup planetary “pandemic” lockdown… They are already seeding and normalizing said lockdowns in various captured nations like Canada… Image Just in time for the possible total destruction of America if the deranged Marxist puppet Kamala Cloward-Piven Harris “wins” the upcoming presidential shit show, which is why they are considering outright cancelling the elections due to a “pandemic,” or whichever psyop they believe will be most effective. Which is why the CDC is also at it, issuing a “health alert” over Parvovirus; in other words, another angle to the VAIDS epidemic coverup as the genetically modified humans and their devastated immune systems are presenting with all kinds of adverse events, not just limited to the inability to fend off viruses, STDs, or even the common cold. Two years ago a most prescient article was written warning of this MonkeyPox scam which today is particularly worth revisiting: by The Exposé Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization? If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme. How? Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system. Here’s a map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 – Only joking. The above is actually a map showing the main distributions of the Pfizer vaccine. Here’s the actual map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 – Source Here’s both maps together so you can play a game of spot the difference with them – Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection. Now, this could of course just be another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since early 2020. But unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise. Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States. According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo). The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following – The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’ In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus. The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body. And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash. Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system. This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020. But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January. Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022. One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections. Source According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a systemic, dysfunctional inflammatory response that requires long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. It is characterized with a high mortality rate depending on the number of organs involved. It can be caused by herpes infection as this scientific study found here proves. Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection. The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported – Source Data The following chart shows adverse events to the Covid-19 injections reported to the CDC relating to herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome up to 13th May 2022. It also shows the number of adverse events reported against the Flu Vaccines, all vaccines combined (excluding Covid-19 injections) and the HPV/Smallpox vaccines between 2008 and 2020 – Source Data As you can see the Covid-19 injections have caused the most herpes related infections, and this is within 17 months. When comparing these to the number of flareups reported against the HPV/Smallpox vaccines in 13 years, these numbers are extremely concerning. This isn’t because so many people have been given a Covid-19 injection either. Official CDC numbers actually show 1.7 billion doses of influenza vaccine alone were administered between 2008 and 2020. Whereas, as of 6th May 2022, 580 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine had been administered in the USA. The following chart shows the rate per 1 million doses administered of adverse events related to herpes, shingles and multiple organ syndrome – The rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Flu jabs is 0.75 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. But the rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections is 31.31 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. That’s a 4,075% difference, and indicative of a very serious problem. A serious problem that is being caused by the fact the Covid-19 injections decimate the immune system. The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 – Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3. But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3. A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person. The Covid-19 injection specifically instructs cells to produce the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. The immune system is supposed to take care of the rest and then remember to do it again if it ever encounters the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time. The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA – As you can see, most vaccinated age groups have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the unvaccinated age groups. That’s not indicative of an effective vaccine, it’s indicative of damage done to the immune system by having the Covid vaccine. How else can you explain the fact the vaccinated are more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated? We’re also seeing the same when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths, and data suggests it takes approximately five months for enough damage to be done to the immune system by the Covid-19 injection for a recipient to be more likely to die. On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings. Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months – The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April. But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards – All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first, with people in England vaccinated by order of age. The ONS data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude. So by now, you must be up to speed with the fact that the Covid-19 injections most definitely damage the natural immune system. In which case it’s perfectly plausible that dormant herpes and varicella-zoster viruses are being reactivated resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of herpes and shingles infections. But there’s another condition that authorities could be falsely claiming is monkeypox, and we need to return to the confidential Pfizer documents to find it. The condition is hidden within the 9-page long list of adverse events of special interest at the end of Pfizer’s reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document. Source Autoimmune blistering disease. Autoimmune blistering disease causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body. It can affect the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals. It is not fully understood but “experts” believe that it is triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger. This might be a chemical or a medicine. Such as the Pfizer Covid-19 injection? So there you have it, a whole host of evidence that suggests authorities could quite easily be covering up the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination with a fake monkeypox pandemic. But if our display of evidence isn’t enough to convince you of this then perhaps this scientific study published in October 2021 is – Source But even though the whole monkeypox drama might be another charade, don’t be fooled into thinking authorities aren’t willing to take this as far or even further than the miserable two years they have forced the world to suffer in the name of Covid-19. In the UK, the UK Health Security Agency has just made monkeypox a notifiable disease, meaning all doctors and GP’s must report any cases they uncover to the UKHSA. This decision comes on top of the previous advice to isolate at home for three weeks if a close contact of anyone with suspected monkeypox. Meanwhile in the USA the CDC has just announced that the wearing of face masks is now recommended again to “prevent transmission of monkeypox in the community”. We doubt the CDC will ever get the memo that masks simply do not work, but let’s pretend they do and that there really is a monkeypox outbreak. Is the CDC not aware the monkeypox virus is not airborne and only transmitted by physical, and usually intimate contact? And now we have Dr Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization warning that monkeypox is now a real risk, and the WHO is extremely concerned for the safety of children and pregnant women. In a new statement, he finished by stating the WHO will publish a set of guidelines and advice for countries to follow forthwith… You can see where this is going, can’t you? It’s rather obvious where this went, and where it will keep going unless arrests are finally made. Also, today is the last day of the FLASH SALE… VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical The new and improved VIR-X formulation offers the most potent synergistic antiviral and anti-Spike Protein (SP1 and SP2) formulation possible. This product also ensures overall wellness, is anti-cancer, and offers powerful antioxidant support. It is manufactured in the best American cGMP facility using the finest ingredients that are rigorously tested … Read full story …so take this opportunity to stock up on lifesaving products like VIR-X, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycyline and organic full spectrum CBD oil by using code VIRX20. Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code VIRX20 in the Use Coupon Code field. This flash sale ends this evening, August 20th, 2024. Please contact the company directly with any product questions: [email protected] They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off VIR-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/monkeypox-is-a-coverup-for-damage
    Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
    As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 11705 Views
  • Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…

    …what we are now seeing is the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon VAIDS coverup, with “vaccine” refuseniks and genetically modified humans alike in the crosshairs of the WHO — which is nothing more than the “health” depopulation node of the United Nations and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime — and that means total global surveillance and contact tracing ahead of their attempted followup planetary “pandemic” lockdown…

    They are already seeding and normalizing said lockdowns in various captured nations like Canada…

    Just in time for the possible total destruction of America if the deranged Marxist puppet Kamala Cloward-Piven Harris “wins” the upcoming presidential shit show, which is why they are considering outright cancelling the elections due to a “pandemic,” or whichever psyop they believe will be most effective.

    Which is why the CDC is also at it, issuing a “health alert” over Parvovirus; in other words, another angle to the VAIDS epidemic coverup as the genetically modified humans and their devastated immune systems are presenting with all kinds of adverse events, not just limited to the inability to fend off viruses, STDs, or even the common cold.

    Two years ago a most prescient article was written warning of this MonkeyPox scam which today is particularly worth revisiting:

    by The Exposé

    Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization?

    If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.


    Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system.

    Here’s a map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 –

    Only joking. The above is actually a map showing the main distributions of the Pfizer vaccine.

    Here’s the actual map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 –

    Here’s both maps together so you can play a game of spot the difference with them –

    Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection.

    Now, this could of course just be another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since early 2020. But unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise.

    Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States.

    According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo).

    The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following –

    The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’

    In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus.

    The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body.

    And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash.

    Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system.

    This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people.

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

    But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

    Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022.

    One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections.

    According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.

    Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a systemic, dysfunctional inflammatory response that requires long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. It is characterized with a high mortality rate depending on the number of organs involved. It can be caused by herpes infection as this scientific study found here proves.

    Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection.

    The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

    Source Data
    The following chart shows adverse events to the Covid-19 injections reported to the CDC relating to herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome up to 13th May 2022.

    It also shows the number of adverse events reported against the Flu Vaccines, all vaccines combined (excluding Covid-19 injections) and the HPV/Smallpox vaccines between 2008 and 2020 –

    Source Data
    As you can see the Covid-19 injections have caused the most herpes related infections, and this is within 17 months. When comparing these to the number of flareups reported against the HPV/Smallpox vaccines in 13 years, these numbers are extremely concerning.

    This isn’t because so many people have been given a Covid-19 injection either. Official CDC numbers actually show 1.7 billion doses of influenza vaccine alone were administered between 2008 and 2020. Whereas, as of 6th May 2022, 580 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine had been administered in the USA.

    The following chart shows the rate per 1 million doses administered of adverse events related to herpes, shingles and multiple organ syndrome –

    The rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Flu jabs is 0.75 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. But the rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections is 31.31 adverse events per 1 million doses administered.

    That’s a 4,075% difference, and indicative of a very serious problem. A serious problem that is being caused by the fact the Covid-19 injections decimate the immune system.

    The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 –

    Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3.

    But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3.

    A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

    The Covid-19 injection specifically instructs cells to produce the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. The immune system is supposed to take care of the rest and then remember to do it again if it ever encounters the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

    The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA –

    As you can see, most vaccinated age groups have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the unvaccinated age groups. That’s not indicative of an effective vaccine, it’s indicative of damage done to the immune system by having the Covid vaccine. How else can you explain the fact the vaccinated are more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated?

    We’re also seeing the same when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths, and data suggests it takes approximately five months for enough damage to be done to the immune system by the Covid-19 injection for a recipient to be more likely to die.

    On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings.

    Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months –

    The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April.

    But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards –

    All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first, with people in England vaccinated by order of age.

    The ONS data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude.

    So by now, you must be up to speed with the fact that the Covid-19 injections most definitely damage the natural immune system. In which case it’s perfectly plausible that dormant herpes and varicella-zoster viruses are being reactivated resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of herpes and shingles infections.

    But there’s another condition that authorities could be falsely claiming is monkeypox, and we need to return to the confidential Pfizer documents to find it.

    The condition is hidden within the 9-page long list of adverse events of special interest at the end of Pfizer’s reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document.

    Autoimmune blistering disease.

    Autoimmune blistering disease causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body. It can affect the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals.

    It is not fully understood but “experts” believe that it is triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger. This might be a chemical or a medicine. Such as the Pfizer Covid-19 injection?

    So there you have it, a whole host of evidence that suggests authorities could quite easily be covering up the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination with a fake monkeypox pandemic. But if our display of evidence isn’t enough to convince you of this then perhaps this scientific study published in October 2021 is –

    But even though the whole monkeypox drama might be another charade, don’t be fooled into thinking authorities aren’t willing to take this as far or even further than the miserable two years they have forced the world to suffer in the name of Covid-19.

    In the UK, the UK Health Security Agency has just made monkeypox a notifiable disease, meaning all doctors and GP’s must report any cases they uncover to the UKHSA. This decision comes on top of the previous advice to isolate at home for three weeks if a close contact of anyone with suspected monkeypox.

    Meanwhile in the USA the CDC has just announced that the wearing of face masks is now recommended again to “prevent transmission of monkeypox in the community”.

    We doubt the CDC will ever get the memo that masks simply do not work, but let’s pretend they do and that there really is a monkeypox outbreak. Is the CDC not aware the monkeypox virus is not airborne and only transmitted by physical, and usually intimate contact?

    And now we have Dr Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization warning that monkeypox is now a real risk, and the WHO is extremely concerned for the safety of children and pregnant women. In a new statement, he finished by stating the WHO will publish a set of guidelines and advice for countries to follow forthwith…

    You can see where this is going, can’t you?

    It’s rather obvious where this went, and where it will keep going unless arrests are finally made.

    Also, today is the last day of the FLASH SALE…

    VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical

    VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical
    The new and improved VIR-X formulation offers the most potent synergistic antiviral and anti-Spike Protein (SP1 and SP2) formulation possible. This product also ensures overall wellness, is anti-cancer, and offers powerful antioxidant support. It is manufactured in the best American cGMP facility using the finest ingredients that are rigorously tested …

    Read full story

    …so take this opportunity to stock up on lifesaving products like VIR-X, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycyline and organic full spectrum CBD oil by using code VIRX20.

    Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code VIRX20 in the Use Coupon Code field.

    This flash sale ends this evening, August 20th, 2024.

    Please contact the company directly with any product questions: [email protected]

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

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    Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection 2nd Smartest Guy in the World As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization… …what we are now seeing is the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon VAIDS coverup, with “vaccine” refuseniks and genetically modified humans alike in the crosshairs of the WHO — which is nothing more than the “health” depopulation node of the United Nations and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime — and that means total global surveillance and contact tracing ahead of their attempted followup planetary “pandemic” lockdown… They are already seeding and normalizing said lockdowns in various captured nations like Canada… Image Just in time for the possible total destruction of America if the deranged Marxist puppet Kamala Cloward-Piven Harris “wins” the upcoming presidential shit show, which is why they are considering outright cancelling the elections due to a “pandemic,” or whichever psyop they believe will be most effective. Which is why the CDC is also at it, issuing a “health alert” over Parvovirus; in other words, another angle to the VAIDS epidemic coverup as the genetically modified humans and their devastated immune systems are presenting with all kinds of adverse events, not just limited to the inability to fend off viruses, STDs, or even the common cold. Two years ago a most prescient article was written warning of this MonkeyPox scam which today is particularly worth revisiting: by The Exposé Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization? If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme. How? Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system. Here’s a map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 – Only joking. The above is actually a map showing the main distributions of the Pfizer vaccine. Here’s the actual map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 – Source Here’s both maps together so you can play a game of spot the difference with them – Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection. Now, this could of course just be another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since early 2020. But unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise. Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States. According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo). The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following – The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’ In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus. The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body. And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash. Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system. This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020. But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January. Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022. One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections. Source According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a systemic, dysfunctional inflammatory response that requires long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. It is characterized with a high mortality rate depending on the number of organs involved. It can be caused by herpes infection as this scientific study found here proves. Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection. The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported – Source Data The following chart shows adverse events to the Covid-19 injections reported to the CDC relating to herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome up to 13th May 2022. It also shows the number of adverse events reported against the Flu Vaccines, all vaccines combined (excluding Covid-19 injections) and the HPV/Smallpox vaccines between 2008 and 2020 – Source Data As you can see the Covid-19 injections have caused the most herpes related infections, and this is within 17 months. When comparing these to the number of flareups reported against the HPV/Smallpox vaccines in 13 years, these numbers are extremely concerning. This isn’t because so many people have been given a Covid-19 injection either. Official CDC numbers actually show 1.7 billion doses of influenza vaccine alone were administered between 2008 and 2020. Whereas, as of 6th May 2022, 580 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine had been administered in the USA. The following chart shows the rate per 1 million doses administered of adverse events related to herpes, shingles and multiple organ syndrome – The rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Flu jabs is 0.75 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. But the rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections is 31.31 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. That’s a 4,075% difference, and indicative of a very serious problem. A serious problem that is being caused by the fact the Covid-19 injections decimate the immune system. The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 – Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3. But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3. A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person. The Covid-19 injection specifically instructs cells to produce the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. The immune system is supposed to take care of the rest and then remember to do it again if it ever encounters the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time. The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA – As you can see, most vaccinated age groups have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the unvaccinated age groups. That’s not indicative of an effective vaccine, it’s indicative of damage done to the immune system by having the Covid vaccine. How else can you explain the fact the vaccinated are more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated? We’re also seeing the same when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths, and data suggests it takes approximately five months for enough damage to be done to the immune system by the Covid-19 injection for a recipient to be more likely to die. On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings. Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months – The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April. But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards – All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first, with people in England vaccinated by order of age. The ONS data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude. So by now, you must be up to speed with the fact that the Covid-19 injections most definitely damage the natural immune system. In which case it’s perfectly plausible that dormant herpes and varicella-zoster viruses are being reactivated resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of herpes and shingles infections. But there’s another condition that authorities could be falsely claiming is monkeypox, and we need to return to the confidential Pfizer documents to find it. The condition is hidden within the 9-page long list of adverse events of special interest at the end of Pfizer’s reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document. Source Autoimmune blistering disease. Autoimmune blistering disease causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body. It can affect the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals. It is not fully understood but “experts” believe that it is triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger. This might be a chemical or a medicine. Such as the Pfizer Covid-19 injection? So there you have it, a whole host of evidence that suggests authorities could quite easily be covering up the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination with a fake monkeypox pandemic. But if our display of evidence isn’t enough to convince you of this then perhaps this scientific study published in October 2021 is – Source But even though the whole monkeypox drama might be another charade, don’t be fooled into thinking authorities aren’t willing to take this as far or even further than the miserable two years they have forced the world to suffer in the name of Covid-19. In the UK, the UK Health Security Agency has just made monkeypox a notifiable disease, meaning all doctors and GP’s must report any cases they uncover to the UKHSA. This decision comes on top of the previous advice to isolate at home for three weeks if a close contact of anyone with suspected monkeypox. Meanwhile in the USA the CDC has just announced that the wearing of face masks is now recommended again to “prevent transmission of monkeypox in the community”. We doubt the CDC will ever get the memo that masks simply do not work, but let’s pretend they do and that there really is a monkeypox outbreak. Is the CDC not aware the monkeypox virus is not airborne and only transmitted by physical, and usually intimate contact? And now we have Dr Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization warning that monkeypox is now a real risk, and the WHO is extremely concerned for the safety of children and pregnant women. In a new statement, he finished by stating the WHO will publish a set of guidelines and advice for countries to follow forthwith… You can see where this is going, can’t you? It’s rather obvious where this went, and where it will keep going unless arrests are finally made. Also, today is the last day of the FLASH SALE… VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical The new and improved VIR-X formulation offers the most potent synergistic antiviral and anti-Spike Protein (SP1 and SP2) formulation possible. This product also ensures overall wellness, is anti-cancer, and offers powerful antioxidant support. It is manufactured in the best American cGMP facility using the finest ingredients that are rigorously tested … Read full story …so take this opportunity to stock up on lifesaving products like VIR-X, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycyline and organic full spectrum CBD oil by using code VIRX20. Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code VIRX20 in the Use Coupon Code field. This flash sale ends this evening, August 20th, 2024. Please contact the company directly with any product questions: [email protected] They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off VIR-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/monkeypox-is-a-coverup-for-damage
    Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
    As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…
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  • Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:

    In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists.

    The identified scientists include:

    1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology.

    2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop).

    3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel.

    4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education.

    5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering.

    6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus.

    These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference

    [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…)

    [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…)

    [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…)

    [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…)

    [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…).


    Additional information:

    Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

    The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

    The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.

    Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.


    Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about:

    New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol

    Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

    Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

    Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).

    CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.

    Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram

    Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day

    VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)

    And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself…

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

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    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit: In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists. The identified scientists include: 1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology. 2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop). 3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel. 4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education. 5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering. 6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus. These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…) [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…) [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…) [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…) [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…). Source Additional information: Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead. The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board. The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today. Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth. Source Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about: New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great. Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable. Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week). CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving. Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day) And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself… They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://open.substack.com/pub/2ndsmartestguyintheworld/p/doctors-killed-in-plane-crash-vowed
    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:
    0 Comments 1 Shares 5414 Views
  • Kim Dotcom: I think you are a liar and a fraud Mr. Macron


    Telegram founder Pavel Durov has bee jailed for nothing…
    I don’t use Telegram but this is an attack against everyone… Stalin Starmer does the same as little Napoleon as little Hitler and the Bitch Ursula von der Hitler-Leyen.

    This has been going on for far too long.

    So I repost this from Kim Dotcom because he tells it like it is.
    And he speaks from my heart.

    I think you are a liar and a fraud Mr. Macron. The plan to destroy Telegram and arrest Pavel Durov was hedged by the US Govt years ago. You have given him citizenship for the purpose of trapping him in your jurisdiction to persecute him. This entire operation is driven and coordinated by your masters in the US.

    You are a puppet committing treason against your own people and the people of the European Union. The nature of the charges against Pavel gave it all away. Only the unhinged Biden DOJ would come up with such dirty lawfare against a well respected tech innovator and entrepreneur. You are just following orders.

    The US Govt declared war on those parts of the Internet that are not under its control. Anything that is not subject to the US deep state mass surveillance dragnet like its Silicon Valley big tech hostages must be assimilated or destroyed. Megaupload was the beginning, then TikTok, now Telegram and we know who’s next.

    The US Govt is manipulating the western media and user generated platforms to control the narrative in an effort to brainwash the masses.

    Only with mass propaganda could the US Govt execute its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and paint China as a supervillain. All in an effort to stop the expansion of BRICS, the multipolar powerhouse that is crushing the West.

    How inconvenient that Telegram was the major source of truth about what’s really going on in Ukraine, unmasking the evil face of the US proxy war against Russia. Don’t blame Pavel Durov for your own mistakes.

    You and your co-conspirators have failed. It’s over. The multipolar order is winning. US empire is doomed. You partnered with bankrupt fools instead of sophisticated chess players. You must know this by now.

    You turned against your own people. You bet your country on a failing and bankrupt system with an expiry date long overdue. You lost your gamble.

    You have abused your power. That is how you will be remembered when this house of cards comes crashing down on top of you, your co-puppets and your criminal puppeteers. That is your destiny. You should be ashamed.

    If you have any regrets let Pavel go.

    #Free Pavel Durov

    I thank my Friend Jao for this…

    Pavel Durov YGL 2017

    All information is vital.

    Thank you my friend.

    The one reason I never used telegram is because they use your telephone number and as such can triangulate your position.
    Same for Signal.

    What most people do not understand is this:

    Isreal and Unit 8200 create a lot of “Honeypots” which serve two things:

    A) Shield the criminal Jews from prosecution.

    B) Get others alike to be contained and arrested and / or Blackmailed.

    Perfect example the ANOM phone which was sold to criminals but it was a Honeypot.

    “Enter Anom ID” and a password, the screen reads. Hidden in the calculator is a concealed messaging app called Anom, which last month we learned was an FBI honeypot. On Anom, criminals believed they could communicate securely, with the app encrypting their messages. They were wrong: an international group of law enforcement agencies including the FBI were monitoring their messages and announced hundreds of arrests last month. International authorities have held press conferences to tout the operation’s success, but have provided few details on how the phones actually functioned.


    Speak Truth to Power!

    Please share far and wide


    Kim Dotcom: I think you are a liar and a fraud Mr. Macron Note: Telegram founder Pavel Durov has bee jailed for nothing… I don’t use Telegram but this is an attack against everyone… Stalin Starmer does the same as little Napoleon as little Hitler and the Bitch Ursula von der Hitler-Leyen. This has been going on for far too long. So I repost this from Kim Dotcom because he tells it like it is. And he speaks from my heart. I think you are a liar and a fraud Mr. Macron. The plan to destroy Telegram and arrest Pavel Durov was hedged by the US Govt years ago. You have given him citizenship for the purpose of trapping him in your jurisdiction to persecute him. This entire operation is driven and coordinated by your masters in the US. You are a puppet committing treason against your own people and the people of the European Union. The nature of the charges against Pavel gave it all away. Only the unhinged Biden DOJ would come up with such dirty lawfare against a well respected tech innovator and entrepreneur. You are just following orders. The US Govt declared war on those parts of the Internet that are not under its control. Anything that is not subject to the US deep state mass surveillance dragnet like its Silicon Valley big tech hostages must be assimilated or destroyed. Megaupload was the beginning, then TikTok, now Telegram and we know who’s next. The US Govt is manipulating the western media and user generated platforms to control the narrative in an effort to brainwash the masses. Only with mass propaganda could the US Govt execute its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and paint China as a supervillain. All in an effort to stop the expansion of BRICS, the multipolar powerhouse that is crushing the West. How inconvenient that Telegram was the major source of truth about what’s really going on in Ukraine, unmasking the evil face of the US proxy war against Russia. Don’t blame Pavel Durov for your own mistakes. You and your co-conspirators have failed. It’s over. The multipolar order is winning. US empire is doomed. You partnered with bankrupt fools instead of sophisticated chess players. You must know this by now. You turned against your own people. You bet your country on a failing and bankrupt system with an expiry date long overdue. You lost your gamble. You have abused your power. That is how you will be remembered when this house of cards comes crashing down on top of you, your co-puppets and your criminal puppeteers. That is your destiny. You should be ashamed. If you have any regrets let Pavel go. #Free Pavel Durov I thank my Friend Jao for this… Pavel Durov YGL 2017 All information is vital. Thank you my friend. The one reason I never used telegram is because they use your telephone number and as such can triangulate your position. Same for Signal. What most people do not understand is this: Isreal and Unit 8200 create a lot of “Honeypots” which serve two things: A) Shield the criminal Jews from prosecution. B) Get others alike to be contained and arrested and / or Blackmailed. Perfect example the ANOM phone which was sold to criminals but it was a Honeypot. “Enter Anom ID” and a password, the screen reads. Hidden in the calculator is a concealed messaging app called Anom, which last month we learned was an FBI honeypot. On Anom, criminals believed they could communicate securely, with the app encrypting their messages. They were wrong: an international group of law enforcement agencies including the FBI were monitoring their messages and announced hundreds of arrests last month. International authorities have held press conferences to tout the operation’s success, but have provided few details on how the phones actually functioned. https://www.vice.com/en/article/anom-phone-arcaneos-fbi-backdoor/ Speak Truth to Power! Please share far and wide Share https://substack.com/@fritzfreud/p-148241430
    Fritz Freud | Substack
    Drifter Musician Inventor Rebel Revolutionary. The "Hyperloop" is based on my Patent CPME0840812.080424. https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2009135389A1/en Please support me here: https://buymeacoffee.com/fritzfreud
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5617 Views
  • Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
    The ExposéJune 10, 2022
    Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization?

    If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.


    Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system.

    Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

    Here’s a map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 –

    Only joking. The above is actually a map showing the main distributions of the Pfizer vaccine.

    Here’s the actual map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 –

    Here’s both maps together so you can play a game of spot the difference with them –

    Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection.

    Now, this could of course just be another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since early 2020. But unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise.

    Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States.

    According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo).

    The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following –

    The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’

    In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus.

    The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body.

    And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash.

    Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system.

    This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people.

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

    But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

    Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022.

    One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections.

    According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.

    Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a systemic, dysfunctional inflammatory response that requires long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. It is characterized with a high mortality rate depending on the number of organs involved. It can be caused by herpes infection as this scientific study found here proves.

    Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection.

    The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

    Source Data
    The following chart shows adverse events to the Covid-19 injections reported to the CDC relating to herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome up to 13th May 2022.

    It also shows the number of adverse events reported against the Flu Vaccines, all vaccines combined (excluding Covid-19 injections) and the HPV/Smallpox vaccines between 2008 and 2020 –

    Source Data
    As you can see the Covid-19 injections have caused the most herpes related infections, and this is within 17 months. When comparing these to the number of flareups reported against the HPV/Smallpox vaccines in 13 years, these numbers are extremely concerning.

    This isn’t because so many people have been given a Covid-19 injection either. Official CDC numbers actually show 1.7 billion doses of influenza vaccine alone were administered between 2008 and 2020. Whereas, as of 6th May 2022, 580 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine had been administered in the USA.

    The following chart shows the rate per 1 million doses administered of adverse events related to herpes, shingles and multiple organ syndrome –

    The rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Flu jabs is 0.75 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. But the rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections is 31.31 adverse events per 1 million doses administered.

    That’s a 4,075% difference, and indicative of a very serious problem. A serious problem that is being caused by the fact the Covid-19 injections decimate the immune system.

    The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 –

    Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3.

    But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3.

    A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

    The Covid-19 injection specifically instructs cells to produce the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. The immune system is supposed to take care of the rest and then remember to do it again if it ever encounters the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

    The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA –

    As you can see, most vaccinated age groups have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the unvaccinated age groups. That’s not indicative of an effective vaccine, it’s indicative of damage done to the immune system by having the Covid vaccine. How else can you explain the fact the vaccinated are more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated?

    We’re also seeing the same when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths, and data suggests it takes approximately five months for enough damage to be done to the immune system by the Covid-19 injection for a recipient to be more likely to die.

    On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings.

    Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months –

    The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April.

    But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards –

    All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first, with people in England vaccinated by order of age.

    The ONS data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude.

    So by now, you must be up to speed with the fact that the Covid-19 injections most definitely damage the natural immune system. In which case it’s perfectly plausible that dormant herpes and varicella-zoster viruses are being reactivated resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of herpes and shingles infections.

    But there’s another condition that authorities could be falsely claiming is monkeypox, and we need to return to the confidential Pfizer documents to find it.

    The condition is hidden within the 9-page long list of adverse events of special interest at the end of Pfizer’s reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document.

    Autoimmune blistering disease.

    Autoimmune blistering disease causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body. It can affect the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals.

    It is not fully understood but “experts” believe that it is triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger. This might be a chemical or a medicine. Such as the Pfizer Covid-19 injection?

    So there you have it, a whole host of evidence that suggests authorities could quite easily be covering up the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination with a fake monkeypox pandemic. But if our display of evidence isn’t enough to convince you of this then perhaps this scientific study published in October 2021 is –

    But even though the whole monkeypox drama might be another charade, don’t be fooled into thinking authorities aren’t willing to take this as far or even further than the miserable two years they have forced the world to suffer in the name of Covid-19.

    In the UK, the UK Health Security Agency has just made monkeypox a notifiable disease, meaning all doctors and GP’s must report any cases they uncover to the UKHSA. This decision comes on top of the previous advice to isolate at home for three weeks if a close contact of anyone with suspected monkeypox.

    Meanwhile in the USA the CDC has just announced that the wearing of face masks is now recommended again to “prevent transmission of monkeypox in the community”.

    We doubt the CDC will ever get the memo that masks simply do not work, but let’s pretend they do and that there really is a monkeypox outbreak. Is the CDC not aware the monkeypox virus is not airborne and only transmitted by physical, and usually intimate contact?

    And now we have Dr Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization warning that monkeypox is now a real risk, and the WHO is extremely concerned for the safety of children and pregnant women. In a new statement, he finished by stating the WHO will publish a set of guidelines and advice for countries to follow forthwith…

    You can see where this is going, can’t you?

    Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection The ExposéJune 10, 2022 Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization? If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme. How? Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… Here’s a map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 – Only joking. The above is actually a map showing the main distributions of the Pfizer vaccine. Here’s the actual map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 – Source Here’s both maps together so you can play a game of spot the difference with them – Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection. Now, this could of course just be another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since early 2020. But unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise. Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States. According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo). The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following – The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’ In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus. The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body. And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash. Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system. This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020. But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January. Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022. One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections. Source According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a systemic, dysfunctional inflammatory response that requires long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. It is characterized with a high mortality rate depending on the number of organs involved. It can be caused by herpes infection as this scientific study found here proves. Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection. The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported – Source Data The following chart shows adverse events to the Covid-19 injections reported to the CDC relating to herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome up to 13th May 2022. It also shows the number of adverse events reported against the Flu Vaccines, all vaccines combined (excluding Covid-19 injections) and the HPV/Smallpox vaccines between 2008 and 2020 – Source Data As you can see the Covid-19 injections have caused the most herpes related infections, and this is within 17 months. When comparing these to the number of flareups reported against the HPV/Smallpox vaccines in 13 years, these numbers are extremely concerning. This isn’t because so many people have been given a Covid-19 injection either. Official CDC numbers actually show 1.7 billion doses of influenza vaccine alone were administered between 2008 and 2020. Whereas, as of 6th May 2022, 580 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine had been administered in the USA. The following chart shows the rate per 1 million doses administered of adverse events related to herpes, shingles and multiple organ syndrome – The rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Flu jabs is 0.75 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. But the rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections is 31.31 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. That’s a 4,075% difference, and indicative of a very serious problem. A serious problem that is being caused by the fact the Covid-19 injections decimate the immune system. The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 – Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3. But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3. A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person. The Covid-19 injection specifically instructs cells to produce the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. The immune system is supposed to take care of the rest and then remember to do it again if it ever encounters the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time. The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA – As you can see, most vaccinated age groups have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the unvaccinated age groups. That’s not indicative of an effective vaccine, it’s indicative of damage done to the immune system by having the Covid vaccine. How else can you explain the fact the vaccinated are more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated? We’re also seeing the same when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths, and data suggests it takes approximately five months for enough damage to be done to the immune system by the Covid-19 injection for a recipient to be more likely to die. On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings. Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months – The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April. But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards – All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first, with people in England vaccinated by order of age. The ONS data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude. So by now, you must be up to speed with the fact that the Covid-19 injections most definitely damage the natural immune system. In which case it’s perfectly plausible that dormant herpes and varicella-zoster viruses are being reactivated resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of herpes and shingles infections. But there’s another condition that authorities could be falsely claiming is monkeypox, and we need to return to the confidential Pfizer documents to find it. The condition is hidden within the 9-page long list of adverse events of special interest at the end of Pfizer’s reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document. Source Autoimmune blistering disease. Autoimmune blistering disease causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body. It can affect the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals. It is not fully understood but “experts” believe that it is triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger. This might be a chemical or a medicine. Such as the Pfizer Covid-19 injection? So there you have it, a whole host of evidence that suggests authorities could quite easily be covering up the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination with a fake monkeypox pandemic. But if our display of evidence isn’t enough to convince you of this then perhaps this scientific study published in October 2021 is – Source But even though the whole monkeypox drama might be another charade, don’t be fooled into thinking authorities aren’t willing to take this as far or even further than the miserable two years they have forced the world to suffer in the name of Covid-19. In the UK, the UK Health Security Agency has just made monkeypox a notifiable disease, meaning all doctors and GP’s must report any cases they uncover to the UKHSA. This decision comes on top of the previous advice to isolate at home for three weeks if a close contact of anyone with suspected monkeypox. Meanwhile in the USA the CDC has just announced that the wearing of face masks is now recommended again to “prevent transmission of monkeypox in the community”. We doubt the CDC will ever get the memo that masks simply do not work, but let’s pretend they do and that there really is a monkeypox outbreak. Is the CDC not aware the monkeypox virus is not airborne and only transmitted by physical, and usually intimate contact? And now we have Dr Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization warning that monkeypox is now a real risk, and the WHO is extremely concerned for the safety of children and pregnant women. In a new statement, he finished by stating the WHO will publish a set of guidelines and advice for countries to follow forthwith… You can see where this is going, can’t you? https://expose-news.com/2022/06/10/consequences-covid-vaccination-monkeypox-coverup/
    Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
    Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emerge…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9700 Views
  • Eight cancer doctors 'who dedicated their lives to saving others' among the 62 passengers and crew dead on doomed Brazil flight that plunged from the sky and exploded in a fireball when they were on their way to conference
    20:55 BST 10 Aug 2024, updated 21:31 BST 10 Aug 2024 By Caroline Graham In Los Angeles

    Eight cancer doctors were among the 62 passengers and crew who died when a Brazilian airliner plunged dramatically from the sky and exploded in a fireball.

    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 VoePass Airline flight crashed into a gated community killing all on board on Friday.

    Eduardo Baptistella of the Regional Medical Council said: 'Unfortunately we received very sad news and were able to confirm the death of eight doctors. The doctors were going to an oncology conference. These were people who dedicated their lives to saving others.'

    Some of the doctors' names began to emerge last night including radiologist Leonel Ferreira, pediatric cancer expert Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki.

    Mr Baptistella said 15 doctors had been scheduled to take the two-hour doomed flight but seven had taken an earlier plane.

    This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024
    This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed

    Moment plane FALLS from the sky and crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo

    The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday
    The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday
    A spokesman for Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel confirmed two final-year resident oncology doctors, Arianne Risso, 28, and Mariana Belim, 29, had perished, adding: 'It is with immense pain we can confirm the death of the clinical oncology residents.

    Read More

    Top aviation expert reveals likely cause of 'death spiral' that brought down Brazil plane

    article image
    'There are no words to express the sadness we feel in the face of this great tragedy.'

    VoePass flight 2283 crashed 50 miles north-west of Sao Paulo en route to the city's Guarulhos International Airport.

    The plane was at an altitude of 16,000ft when it went into a 'death spiral' and plummeted to the ground in fifty seconds.

    Eyewitnesses who videoed the crash said it appeared to stall before circling to the ground and bursting into flames at around 1.30pm local time (5.30pm BST).

    Last night the airline confirmed ten people who were waiting at the wrong boarding gate in Cascavel miraculously missed the flight.

    The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent
    The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent

    Eyewitness video shows destruction at plane crash site in Brazil

    Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil
    Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil

    Aerial view of the crash site of plane that fell in Brazil

    Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday
    Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday
    A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke
    A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke
    Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo
    Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo
    Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows
    Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows
    One man, who did not give his name, told news channel CNN: 'The monitor was showing the wrong gate and there were ten of us sitting there and we realised we were in the wrong place.

    Read More

    Pictured: Experienced pilot killed in Brazilian plane crash which left 61 others dead

    article image
    'We ran to the right gate and I asked one of the agents, "Girl, put me on this plane, I have to go, I have to go", but she said: "No, you are too late and I can only reschedule your flight".'

    Friends of the pilot Danilo Romano, 35, who had ten years flying experience, described him as 'an amazing professional' who was 'always smiling and willing to help'.

    While the pilot made no mayday call, aviation experts say the plane may have experienced sudden icing on its wings.

    The flight's black box has been recovered in good condition.


    Eight cancer doctors 'who dedicated their lives to saving others' among the 62 passengers and crew dead on doomed Brazil flight that plunged from the sky and exploded in a fireball when they were on their way to conference 20:55 BST 10 Aug 2024, updated 21:31 BST 10 Aug 2024 By Caroline Graham In Los Angeles Eight cancer doctors were among the 62 passengers and crew who died when a Brazilian airliner plunged dramatically from the sky and exploded in a fireball. Advertisement Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 VoePass Airline flight crashed into a gated community killing all on board on Friday. Eduardo Baptistella of the Regional Medical Council said: 'Unfortunately we received very sad news and were able to confirm the death of eight doctors. The doctors were going to an oncology conference. These were people who dedicated their lives to saving others.' Some of the doctors' names began to emerge last night including radiologist Leonel Ferreira, pediatric cancer expert Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki. Mr Baptistella said 15 doctors had been scheduled to take the two-hour doomed flight but seven had taken an earlier plane. This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024 This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024 Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed Moment plane FALLS from the sky and crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday A spokesman for Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel confirmed two final-year resident oncology doctors, Arianne Risso, 28, and Mariana Belim, 29, had perished, adding: 'It is with immense pain we can confirm the death of the clinical oncology residents. Read More Top aviation expert reveals likely cause of 'death spiral' that brought down Brazil plane article image 'There are no words to express the sadness we feel in the face of this great tragedy.' VoePass flight 2283 crashed 50 miles north-west of Sao Paulo en route to the city's Guarulhos International Airport. The plane was at an altitude of 16,000ft when it went into a 'death spiral' and plummeted to the ground in fifty seconds. Eyewitnesses who videoed the crash said it appeared to stall before circling to the ground and bursting into flames at around 1.30pm local time (5.30pm BST). Last night the airline confirmed ten people who were waiting at the wrong boarding gate in Cascavel miraculously missed the flight. The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent Eyewitness video shows destruction at plane crash site in Brazil Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil Aerial view of the crash site of plane that fell in Brazil Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows One man, who did not give his name, told news channel CNN: 'The monitor was showing the wrong gate and there were ten of us sitting there and we realised we were in the wrong place. Read More Pictured: Experienced pilot killed in Brazilian plane crash which left 61 others dead article image 'We ran to the right gate and I asked one of the agents, "Girl, put me on this plane, I have to go, I have to go", but she said: "No, you are too late and I can only reschedule your flight".' Advertisement Friends of the pilot Danilo Romano, 35, who had ten years flying experience, described him as 'an amazing professional' who was 'always smiling and willing to help'. While the pilot made no mayday call, aviation experts say the plane may have experienced sudden icing on its wings. The flight's black box has been recovered in good condition. Brazil https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13731431/Eight-cancer-doctors-dedicated-lives-passengers-crew-dead-doomed-Brazil-flight-plunged-sky-exploded.html
    Eight cancer doctors among the 62 dead on doomed Brazil flight
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the crash happened.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4844 Views
  • Eight cancer doctors 'who dedicated their lives to saving others' among the 62 passengers and crew dead on doomed Brazil flight that plunged from the sky and exploded in a fireball when they were on their way to conference
    20:55 BST 10 Aug 2024, updated 21:31 BST 10 Aug 2024 By Caroline Graham In Los Angeles
    Eight cancer doctors were among the 62 passengers and crew who died when a Brazilian airliner plunged dramatically from the sky and exploded in a fireball.
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 VoePass Airline flight crashed into a gated community killing all on board on Friday.
    Eduardo Baptistella of the Regional Medical Council said: 'Unfortunately we received very sad news and were able to confirm the death of eight doctors. The doctors were going to an oncology conference. These were people who dedicated their lives to saving others.'
    Some of the doctors' names began to emerge last night including radiologist Leonel Ferreira, pediatric cancer expert Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki.
    Mr Baptistella said 15 doctors had been scheduled to take the two-hour doomed flight but seven had taken an earlier plane.
    This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024
    This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed
    Moment plane FALLS from the sky and crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo
    The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday
    The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday
    A spokesman for Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel confirmed two final-year resident oncology doctors, Arianne Risso, 28, and Mariana Belim, 29, had perished, adding: 'It is with immense pain we can confirm the death of the clinical oncology residents.
    Read More
    Top aviation expert reveals likely cause of 'death spiral' that brought down Brazil plane
    article image
    'There are no words to express the sadness we feel in the face of this great tragedy.'
    VoePass flight 2283 crashed 50 miles north-west of Sao Paulo en route to the city's Guarulhos International Airport.
    The plane was at an altitude of 16,000ft when it went into a 'death spiral' and plummeted to the ground in fifty seconds.
    Eyewitnesses who videoed the crash said it appeared to stall before circling to the ground and bursting into flames at around 1.30pm local time (5.30pm BST).
    Last night the airline confirmed ten people who were waiting at the wrong boarding gate in Cascavel miraculously missed the flight.
    The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent
    The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent
    Eyewitness video shows destruction at plane crash site in Brazil
    Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil
    Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil
    Aerial view of the crash site of plane that fell in Brazil
    Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday
    Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday
    A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke
    A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke
    Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo
    Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo
    Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows
    Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows
    One man, who did not give his name, told news channel CNN: 'The monitor was showing the wrong gate and there were ten of us sitting there and we realised we were in the wrong place.
    Read More
    Pictured: Experienced pilot killed in Brazilian plane crash which left 61 others dead
    article image
    'We ran to the right gate and I asked one of the agents, "Girl, put me on this plane, I have to go, I have to go", but she said: "No, you are too late and I can only reschedule your flight".'
    Friends of the pilot Danilo Romano, 35, who had ten years flying experience, described him as 'an amazing professional' who was 'always smiling and willing to help'.
    While the pilot made no mayday call, aviation experts say the plane may have experienced sudden icing on its wings.
    The flight's black box has been recovered in good condition.
    Eight cancer doctors 'who dedicated their lives to saving others' among the 62 passengers and crew dead on doomed Brazil flight that plunged from the sky and exploded in a fireball when they were on their way to conference 20:55 BST 10 Aug 2024, updated 21:31 BST 10 Aug 2024 By Caroline Graham In Los Angeles Eight cancer doctors were among the 62 passengers and crew who died when a Brazilian airliner plunged dramatically from the sky and exploded in a fireball. Advertisement Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 VoePass Airline flight crashed into a gated community killing all on board on Friday. Eduardo Baptistella of the Regional Medical Council said: 'Unfortunately we received very sad news and were able to confirm the death of eight doctors. The doctors were going to an oncology conference. These were people who dedicated their lives to saving others.' Some of the doctors' names began to emerge last night including radiologist Leonel Ferreira, pediatric cancer expert Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki. Mr Baptistella said 15 doctors had been scheduled to take the two-hour doomed flight but seven had taken an earlier plane. This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024 This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024 Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed Moment plane FALLS from the sky and crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday A spokesman for Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel confirmed two final-year resident oncology doctors, Arianne Risso, 28, and Mariana Belim, 29, had perished, adding: 'It is with immense pain we can confirm the death of the clinical oncology residents. Read More Top aviation expert reveals likely cause of 'death spiral' that brought down Brazil plane article image 'There are no words to express the sadness we feel in the face of this great tragedy.' VoePass flight 2283 crashed 50 miles north-west of Sao Paulo en route to the city's Guarulhos International Airport. The plane was at an altitude of 16,000ft when it went into a 'death spiral' and plummeted to the ground in fifty seconds. Eyewitnesses who videoed the crash said it appeared to stall before circling to the ground and bursting into flames at around 1.30pm local time (5.30pm BST). Last night the airline confirmed ten people who were waiting at the wrong boarding gate in Cascavel miraculously missed the flight. The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent Eyewitness video shows destruction at plane crash site in Brazil Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil Aerial view of the crash site of plane that fell in Brazil Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows One man, who did not give his name, told news channel CNN: 'The monitor was showing the wrong gate and there were ten of us sitting there and we realised we were in the wrong place. Read More Pictured: Experienced pilot killed in Brazilian plane crash which left 61 others dead article image 'We ran to the right gate and I asked one of the agents, "Girl, put me on this plane, I have to go, I have to go", but she said: "No, you are too late and I can only reschedule your flight".' Advertisement Friends of the pilot Danilo Romano, 35, who had ten years flying experience, described him as 'an amazing professional' who was 'always smiling and willing to help'. While the pilot made no mayday call, aviation experts say the plane may have experienced sudden icing on its wings. The flight's black box has been recovered in good condition. Brazil https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13731431/Eight-cancer-doctors-dedicated-lives-passengers-crew-dead-doomed-Brazil-flight-plunged-sky-exploded.html
    0 Comments 1 Shares 4728 Views
  • Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government
    May 22, 2013

    Andrew Gavin Marshall, New Dawn
    Waking Times

    So, who runs the world? It’s a question that people have struggled with since people began to struggle. It’s certainly a question with many interpretations, and incites answers of many varied perspectives.

    Often, it is relegated to the realm of “conspiracy theory,” in that, those who discuss this question or propose answers to it, are purveyors of a conspiratorial view of the world. However, it is my intention to discard the labels, which seek to disprove a position without actually proving anything to the contrary. One of these labels – “conspiracy theorist” – does just that: it’s very application to a particular perspective or viewpoint has the intention of “disproving without proof;” all that is needed is to simply apply the label.

    What I intend to do is analyse the social structure of the transnational ruling class, the international elite, who together run the world. This is not a conspiratorial opinion piece, but is an examination of the socially constructed elite class of people; what is the nature of power, how does it get used, and who holds it?

    A Historical Understanding of Power

    In answering the question “Who Runs the World?” we must understand what positions within society hold the most power, and thus, the answer becomes clear. If we simply understand this as heads of state, the answer will be flawed and inaccurate. We must examine the globe as a whole, and the power structures of the global political economy.

    The greatest position of power within the global capitalist system lies in the authority of money-creation: the central banking system. The central banking system, originating in 1694 in England, consists of an international network of central banks that are privately owned by wealthy shareholders and are granted governmental authority to print and issue a nation’s currency, and set interest rates, collecting revenue and making profit through the interest charged. Central banks give loans to both governments and industries, controlling both simultaneously. The ultimate centre of power in the central banking system is at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in Basle, Switzerland; which is the central bank to the world’s central banks, and is also a private bank owned by the world’s central banks.
    As Georgetown University history professor Carroll Quigley wrote:

    [T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.1

    The central banks, and thus the central banking system as a whole, is a privately owned system in which the major shareholders are powerful international banking houses. These international banking houses emerged in tandem with the evolution of the central banking system. The central banking system first emerged in London, and expanded across Europe with time. With that expansion, the European banking houses also rose and expanded across the continent.

    The French Revolution resulted with Napoleon coming to power, who granted the French bankers a central bank of France, which they privately controlled.2 It was also out of the French Revolution that one of the major banking houses of the world emerged, the Rothschilds. Emerging out of a European Jewish ghetto, the Rothschilds quickly rose to the forefront in banking, and established banking houses in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna and Naples, allowing them to profit off of all sides in the Napoleonic wars.3

    As Carroll Quigley wrote in his monumental Tragedy and Hope, “The merchant bankers of London had already at hand in 1810-1850 the Stock Exchange, the Bank of England, and the London money market,” and that:

    In time they brought into their financial network the provincial banking centres, organised as commercial banks and savings banks, as well as insurance companies, to form all of these into a single financial system on an international scale which manipulated the quantity and flow of money so that they were able to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other.4

    At the same time, in the United States, we saw the emergence of a powerful group of bankers and industrialists, such as the Morgans, Astors, Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, and Carnegies, and they created massive industrial monopolies and oligopolies throughout the 19th century.5 These banking interests were very close to and allied with the powerful European banking houses.

    The European, and particularly the British elites of the time, were beginning to organise their power in an effort to properly exert their influence internationally. At this time, European empires were engaging in the Scramble for Africa, in which nearly the entire continent of Africa, save Ethiopia, was colonised and carved up by European nations. One notable imperialist was Cecil Rhodes who made his fortune from diamond and gold mining in Africa with financial support from the Rothschilds,6 and “at that time [had] the biggest concentration of financial capital in the world.”7

    Cecil Rhodes was also known for his radical views regarding America, particularly in that he would “talk with total seriousness of ‘the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire’.”8 Rhodes saw himself not simply as a moneymaker, but primarily as an “empire builder.”

    As Carroll Quigley explained, in 1891 three British elites met with the intent to create a secret society. The three men were Cecil Rhodes, William T. Stead, a prominent journalist of the day, and Reginald Baliol Brett, a “friend and confidant of Queen Victoria, and later to be the most influential adviser of King Edward VII and King George V.” Within this secret society, “real power was to be exercised by the leader, and a ‘Junta of Three.’ The leader was to be Rhodes, and the Junta was to be Stead, Brett, and Alfred Milner.”9

    The purpose of this secret society, which was later headed by Alfred Milner, was: “The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonisation by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour, and enterprise… [with] the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of a British Empire.” [Emphasis added]10 Essentially, it outlined a British-led cosmopolitical world order, one global system of governance under British hegemony. Among key players within this group were the Rothschilds and other banking interests.11

    After the 1907 banking panic in the US, instigated by JP Morgan, pressure was placed upon the American political establishment to create a “stable” banking system. In 1910, a secret meeting of financiers was held on Jekyll Island, where they planned for the “creation of a National Reserve Association with fifteen major regions, controlled by a board of commercial bankers but empowered by the federal government to act like a central bank – creating money and lending reserves to private banks.”12

    It was largely Paul M. Warburg, a Wall Street investment banker, who “had come up with a design for a single central bank [in 1910]. He called it the United Reserve Bank. From this and his later service on the first Federal Reserve Board, Warburg has, with some justice, been called the father of the System.”13President Woodrow Wilson followed the plan almost exactly as outlined by the Wall Street financiers, and added to it the creation of a Federal Reserve Board in Washington, which the President would appoint.14

    Thus, true power in the world order was held by international banking houses, which privately owned the global central banking system, allowing them to control the credit of nations, and finance and control governments and industry.

    However, though the economic system was firmly in their control, allowing them to establish influence over finance, they needed to shape elite ideology accordingly. In effect, what was required was to socially construct a ruling class, internationally, which would serve their interests. To do this, these bankers set out to undertake a project of establishing think tanks to organise elites from politics, economics, academia, media, and the military into a generally cohesive and controllable ideology.

    Constructing a Ruling Class: Rise of the Think Tanks

    During World War I, a group of American scholars were tasked with briefing “Woodrow Wilson about options for the postwar world once the Kaiser and imperial Germany fell to defeat.” This group was called, “The Inquiry.” The group advised Wilson mostly through his trusted aide, Col. Edward M. House, who was Wilson’s “unofficial envoy to Europe during the period between the outbreak of World War I in 1914 and the intervention by the United States in 1917,” and was the prime driving force in the Wilson administration behind the establishment of the Federal Reserve System.15

    “The Inquiry” laid the foundations for the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the most powerful think tank in the US and, “The scholars of the Inquiry helped draw the borders of post World War I central Europe.” On May 30, 1919, a group of scholars and diplomats from Britain and the US met at the Hotel Majestic, where they “proposed a permanent Anglo-American Institute of International Affairs, with one branch in London, the other in New York.” When the scholars returned from Paris, they were met with open arms by New York lawyers and financiers, and together they formed the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921. The “British diplomats returning from Paris had made great headway in founding their Royal Institute of International Affairs.” The Anglo-American Institute envisioned in Paris, with two branches and combined membership was not feasible, so both the British and American branches retained national membership, however, they would cooperate closely with one another.16 They were referred to, and still are, as “Sister Institutes.”17

    The Milner Group, the secret society formed by Cecil Rhodes, “dominated the British delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919; it had a great deal to do with the formation and management of the League of Nations and of the system of mandates; it founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919 and still controls it.”18

    There were other groups founded in many countries representing the same interests of the secret Milner Group, and they came to be known as the Round Table Groups, preeminent among them were the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, and parallel groups were set up in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India.19

    These were, in effect, the first international think tanks, which remain today, and are in their respective nations, among the top, if not the most prominent think tanks.

    In 2008, a major study was done by the University of Philadelphia’s International Relations Program – the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program – which sought to analyse and examine the most powerful and influential think tanks in the world. While it is a useful resource to understanding the influence of think tanks, there is a flaw in its analysis. It failed to take into account the international origins of the Round Table Group think tanks, particularly the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States; Chatham House or the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London; the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, now renamed the Canadian International Council; and their respective sister organisations in India, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Further nations have since added to this group of related think tanks, including Germany, and a recently established European Council on Foreign Relations. The report, while putting focus on the international nature of think tanks, analysed these ones as separate institutions without being related or affiliated. This has, in effect, skewed the results of the study. However, it is still useful to examine.

    The top think tanks in the United States include the Council on Foreign Relations, (which was put at number 2, however, should be placed at the number 1 spot), the Brookings Institution, (which was inaccurately given the position of number one), the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, RAND Corporation, Heritage Foundation, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the American Enterprise Institute, among others.

    The top think tanks in the world, outside of the United States, are Chatham House (sitting at number one), the International Institute for Strategic Studies in the UK, the German Council on Foreign Relations, the French Institute of International Relations, the Adam Smith Institute in the UK, the Fraser Institute in Canada, the European Council on Foreign Relations, the International Crisis Group in Belgium, and the Canadian Institute of International Affairs.20

    In 1954, the Bilderberg Group was founded in the Netherlands. Every year since then the group holds a secretive meeting, drawing roughly 130 of the political-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America and Western Europe as “an informal network of influential people who could consult each other privately and confidentially.”21

    Regular participants include the CEOs or Chairmen of some of the largest corporations in the world, oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Total SA, as well as various European monarchs, international bankers such as David Rockefeller, major politicians, presidents, prime ministers, and central bankers of the world.22 The Bilderberg Group acts as a “secretive global think-tank,” with an original intent “to link governments and economies in Europe and North America amid the Cold War.”23

    In 1970, David Rockefeller became Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, while also being Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan. In 1970, an academic who joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1965 wrote a book called Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. The author, Zbigniew Brzezinski, called for the formation of “A Community of the Developed Nations,” consisting of Western Europe, the United States and Japan. Brzezinski wrote about how “the traditional sovereignty of nation states is becoming increasingly unglued as transnational forces such as multinational corporations, banks, and international organisations play a larger and larger role in shaping global politics.”

    So, in 1972, David Rockefeller and Brzezinski “presented the idea of a trilateral grouping at the annual Bilderberg meeting.” In July of 1972, seventeen powerful people met at David Rockefeller’s estate in New York to plan for the creation of another grouping. Also at the meeting was Brzezinski, McGeorge Bundy, the President of the Ford Foundation, (brother of William Bundy, editor of Foreign Affairs) and Bayless Manning, President of the Council on Foreign Relations.24 In 1973, these people formed the Trilateral Commission, which acted as a sister organisation to Bilderberg, linking the elites of Western Europe, North America, and Japan into a transnational ruling class.

    These think tanks have effectively socially constructed an ideologically cohesive ruling class in each nation and fostered the expansion of international ideological alignment among national elites, allowing for the development of a transnational ruling class sharing a dominant ideology.

    These same interests, controlled by the international banking houses, had to socially construct society itself. To do this, they created a massive network of tax-exempt foundations and non-profit organisations, which shaped civil society according to their designs. Among the most prominent of these are the Carnegie Corporation, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

    The “Foundations” of Civil Society

    These foundations shaped civil society by financing research projects and initiatives into major social projects, creating both a dominant world-view for the elite classes, as well as managing the other classes.

    These foundations, since their establishment, played a large part in the funding and organising of the eugenics movement, which helped facilitate this racist, elitist ideology to having enormous growth and influence, ultimately culminating in the Nazi Holocaust. From then, the word “eugenics” had to be dropped from the ideology and philanthropy of elites, and was replaced with new forms of eugenics policies and concepts. Among them, genetics, population control and environmentalism.

    These foundations also funded seemingly progressive and alternative media sources in an effort to control the opposition, and manage the resistance to their world order, essentially making it ineffective and misguided.

    The Rockefeller Foundation was established in 1912, and immediately began giving money to eugenics research organisations.25 Eugenics was a pseudo-scientific and social science movement that emerged in the late 19th century, and gained significant traction in the first half of the 20th century. One of the founding ideologues of eugenics, Sir Francis Galton, an anthropologist and cousin to Charles Darwin, wrote that eugenics “is the study of all agencies under social control which can improve or impair the racial quality of future generations.”26 Ultimately, it was about the “sound” breeding of people and maintaining “purity” and “superiority” of the blood. It was an inherently racist ideology, which saw all non-white racial categories of people as inherently and naturally inferior, and sought to ground these racist theories in “science.”

    The vast wealth and fortunes of the major industrialists and bankers in the United States flowed heavily into the eugenics organisations, promoting and expanding this racist and elitist ideology. Money from the Harriman railroad fortune, with millions given by the Rockefeller and Carnegie family fortunes were subsequently “devoted to sterilisation of several hundred thousands of American ‘defectives’ annually, as a matter of eugenics.”27

    In the United States, 27 states passed eugenics based sterilisation laws of the “unfit,” which ultimately led to the sterilisation of over 60,000 people. Throughout the 1920s and 30s, the Carnegie and especially the Rockefeller Foundation, funded eugenics research in Germany, directly financing the Nazi scientists who perpetrated some of the greatest crimes of the Holocaust.28

    Following the Holocaust, the word “eugenics” was highly discredited. Thus, these elites who wanted to continue with the implementation of their racist and elitist ideology desperately needed a new name for it. In 1939, the Eugenics Records Office became known as the Genetics Record Office.29 However, tens of thousands of Americans continued to be sterilised throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s, the majority of which were women.30

    Edwin Black analysed how the pseudoscience of eugenics transformed into what we know as the science of genetics. In a 1943 edition of Eugenical News, an article titled “Eugenics After the War,” cited Charles Davenport, a major founder of eugenics, in his vision of “a new mankind of biological castes with master races in control and slave races serving them.”31

    A 1946 article in Eugenical News stated that, “Population, genetics, [and] psychology, are the three sciences to which the eugenicist must look for the factual material on which to build an acceptable philosophy of eugenics and to develop and defend practical eugenics proposals.” As Black explained, “the incremental effort to transform eugenics into human genetics forged an entire worldwide infrastructure,” with the founding of the Institute for Human Genetics in Copenhagen in 1938, led by Tage Kemp, a Rockefeller Foundation eugenicist, and was financed with money from the Rockefeller Foundation.32

    Today, much of civil society and major social projects are a product of these foundations, and align with various new forms of eugenics. The areas of population control and environmentalism are closely aligned and span a broad range of intellectual avenues. The major population control organisations emerged with funding from these various foundations, particularly the Rockefeller foundations and philanthropies.

    These organisations, such as the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, funded major civil society movements, such as the Civil Rights movement, in an effort to “create a wedge between social movement activists and their unpaid grassroots constituents, thereby facilitating professionalisation and institutionalisation within the movement,” ultimately facilitating a “narrowing and taming of the potential for broad dissent,” with an aim of limiting goals to “ameliorative rather than radical change.”33

    Two major organisations in the development of the environmental movement were the Conservation Foundation and Resources for the Future, which were founded and funded with money from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and helped “launch an explicitly pro-corporate approach to resource conservation.”34 Even the World Wildlife Fund was founded in the early 1960s by the former president of the British Eugenics Society, and its first President was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a founding member of the Bilderberg Group.

    While the environmental movement positions people as the major problem for the earth, relating humanity to a cancer, population control becomes a significant factor in proposing environmental solutions.

    In May of 2009, a secret meeting of billionaire philanthropists took place in which they sought to coordinate how to “address” the world’s environmental, social, and industrial threats. Each billionaire at the meeting was given 15 minutes to discuss their “preferred” cause, and then they deliberated to create an “umbrella” cause to harness all their interests. The end result was that the umbrella cause for which the billionaires would aim to “give to” was population control, which “would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat.” Among those present at the meeting were David Rockefeller, Jr., George Soros, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and even Oprah Winfrey.35


    At the top of the list of those who run the world, we have the major international banking houses, which control the global central banking system. From there, these dynastic banking families created an international network of think tanks, which socialised the ruling elites of each nation and the international community as a whole, into a cohesive transnational elite class. The foundations they established helped shape civil society both nationally and internationally, playing a major part in the funding – and thus coordinating and co-opting – of major social-political movements.

    An excellent example of one member of the top of the hierarchy of the global elite is David Rockefeller, patriarch of the Rockefeller family. Long serving as Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan bank, he revolutionised the notion of building a truly global bank. He was also Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, a founding member of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, heavily involved in the family philanthropies, and sits atop a vast number of boards and foundations. Even Alan Greenspan, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, said that David Rockefeller and the CFR have, “in many respects, formulated the foreign policy of this country.”36

    In another speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, then World Bank President James Wolfesohn, said in 2005, in honour of David Rockefeller’s 90th birthday, that, “the person who had perhaps the greatest influence on my life professionally in this country, and I’m very happy to say personally there afterwards, is David Rockefeller.” He then said, “In fact, it’s fair to say that there has been no other single family influence greater than the Rockefeller’s in the whole issue of globalisation and in the whole issue of addressing the questions which, in some ways, are still before us today. And for that David, we’re deeply grateful to you and for your own contribution in carrying these forward in the way that you did.”37

    David Rockefeller, himself, wrote, “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicised incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”38

    About the Author

    ANDREW G. MARSHALL is a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization based out of Montreal, Canada (www.globalresearch.ca). He has written extensively on issues imperialism in the Middle East and Africa, the environment, Homeland Security, war, terrorism and the global economy. He is currently studying Global Political Economy and the History of the Middle East and Africa at Simon Fraser University (Canada).


    1. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, New York: Macmillan Company, 1966, 324

    2. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 515; Robert Elgie and Helen Thompson, ed., The Politics of Central Banks, New York: Routledge, 1998, 97-98

    3. Sylvia Nasar, ‘Masters of the Universe’, The New York Times: January 23, 2000; ‘The Family That Bankrolled Europe’, BBC News: July 9, 1999, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/389053.stm

    4. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 51

    5. Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States, Harper Perennial: New York, 2003, 323

    6. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 130

    7. Niall Ferguson, Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power, New York: Basic Books, 2004, 186

    8. Ibid, 190

    9. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, GSG & Associates, 1981, 3

    10. Ibid, 33

    11. Ibid, 34

    12. William Greider, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987, 276

    13. John Kenneth Galbraith, Money: Whence it Came, Where it Went, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1975, 121-122

    14. William Greider, op.cit., 277

    15. H.W. Brands, ‘He Is My Independent Self’, The Washington Post: June 11, 2006:www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/08/AR2006060801104.html

    16. CFR, ‘Continuing the Inquiry. History of CFR’: www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/inquiry.html

    17. Chatham House, ‘CHATHAM HOUSE (The Royal Institute of International Affairs): Background’, Chatham House History: www.chathamhouse.org.uk/about/history/

    18. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, op.cit., 5

    19. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, op.cit., 132-133

    20. James G. McGann, Ph.D., The Global “Go-To Think Tanks”: The Leading Public Policy Research Organizations In The World, The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program: University of Pennsylvania, International Relations Program, 2008, 26-28

    21. CBC, ‘Informal forum or global conspiracy?’, CBC News Online: June 13, 2006:www.cbc.ca/news/background/bilderberg-group/

    22. Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management, South End Press: 1980, 161-171

    23. Glen McGregor, ‘Secretive power brokers meeting coming to Ottawa?’, Ottawa Citizen: May 24, 2006

    24. Holly Sklar, ed., op.cit., 76-78

    25. Edwin Black, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, New York: Thunders’s Mouth Press, 2004, 93

    26. Ibid, 18

    27. Ibid, 101-102

    28. Edwin Black, ‘Eugenics and the Nazis – the California connection’, The San Francisco Chronicle: November 9, 2003

    29. Edwin Black, War Against the Weak, op.cit., 396

    30. Ibid, 398

    31. Ibid, 416

    32. Ibid, 418

    33. Michael Barker, The Liberal Foundations of Environmentalism: Revisiting the Rockefeller-Ford Connection, Capitalism Nature Socialism: 19, (2), June 2008, 18

    34. Ibid, 19-20

    35. John Harlow, ‘Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation’, Times Online: May 24, 2009

    36. CFR, Remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations Annual Corporate Conference, Transcripts: March 10, 2005:www.cfr.org/publication/7908/remarks_at_the_council_on_foreign_relations_annual_corporate_conference.html

    37. CFR, Council on Foreign Relations Special Symposium in honor of David Rockefeller’s 90th Birthday, Transcript: May 23, 2005:www.cfr.org/publication/8133/council_on_foreign_relations_special_symposium_in_honor_of_david_rockefellers_90th_birthday.html

    38. David Rockefeller, Memoirs, New York: Random House: 2002, 405

    The above article appeared in New Dawn No. 118 (Jan-Feb 2010).

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    Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government May 22, 2013 Andrew Gavin Marshall, New Dawn Waking Times So, who runs the world? It’s a question that people have struggled with since people began to struggle. It’s certainly a question with many interpretations, and incites answers of many varied perspectives. Often, it is relegated to the realm of “conspiracy theory,” in that, those who discuss this question or propose answers to it, are purveyors of a conspiratorial view of the world. However, it is my intention to discard the labels, which seek to disprove a position without actually proving anything to the contrary. One of these labels – “conspiracy theorist” – does just that: it’s very application to a particular perspective or viewpoint has the intention of “disproving without proof;” all that is needed is to simply apply the label. What I intend to do is analyse the social structure of the transnational ruling class, the international elite, who together run the world. This is not a conspiratorial opinion piece, but is an examination of the socially constructed elite class of people; what is the nature of power, how does it get used, and who holds it? A Historical Understanding of Power In answering the question “Who Runs the World?” we must understand what positions within society hold the most power, and thus, the answer becomes clear. If we simply understand this as heads of state, the answer will be flawed and inaccurate. We must examine the globe as a whole, and the power structures of the global political economy. The greatest position of power within the global capitalist system lies in the authority of money-creation: the central banking system. The central banking system, originating in 1694 in England, consists of an international network of central banks that are privately owned by wealthy shareholders and are granted governmental authority to print and issue a nation’s currency, and set interest rates, collecting revenue and making profit through the interest charged. Central banks give loans to both governments and industries, controlling both simultaneously. The ultimate centre of power in the central banking system is at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in Basle, Switzerland; which is the central bank to the world’s central banks, and is also a private bank owned by the world’s central banks. As Georgetown University history professor Carroll Quigley wrote: [T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.1 The central banks, and thus the central banking system as a whole, is a privately owned system in which the major shareholders are powerful international banking houses. These international banking houses emerged in tandem with the evolution of the central banking system. The central banking system first emerged in London, and expanded across Europe with time. With that expansion, the European banking houses also rose and expanded across the continent. The French Revolution resulted with Napoleon coming to power, who granted the French bankers a central bank of France, which they privately controlled.2 It was also out of the French Revolution that one of the major banking houses of the world emerged, the Rothschilds. Emerging out of a European Jewish ghetto, the Rothschilds quickly rose to the forefront in banking, and established banking houses in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna and Naples, allowing them to profit off of all sides in the Napoleonic wars.3 As Carroll Quigley wrote in his monumental Tragedy and Hope, “The merchant bankers of London had already at hand in 1810-1850 the Stock Exchange, the Bank of England, and the London money market,” and that: In time they brought into their financial network the provincial banking centres, organised as commercial banks and savings banks, as well as insurance companies, to form all of these into a single financial system on an international scale which manipulated the quantity and flow of money so that they were able to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other.4 At the same time, in the United States, we saw the emergence of a powerful group of bankers and industrialists, such as the Morgans, Astors, Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, and Carnegies, and they created massive industrial monopolies and oligopolies throughout the 19th century.5 These banking interests were very close to and allied with the powerful European banking houses. The European, and particularly the British elites of the time, were beginning to organise their power in an effort to properly exert their influence internationally. At this time, European empires were engaging in the Scramble for Africa, in which nearly the entire continent of Africa, save Ethiopia, was colonised and carved up by European nations. One notable imperialist was Cecil Rhodes who made his fortune from diamond and gold mining in Africa with financial support from the Rothschilds,6 and “at that time [had] the biggest concentration of financial capital in the world.”7 Cecil Rhodes was also known for his radical views regarding America, particularly in that he would “talk with total seriousness of ‘the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire’.”8 Rhodes saw himself not simply as a moneymaker, but primarily as an “empire builder.” As Carroll Quigley explained, in 1891 three British elites met with the intent to create a secret society. The three men were Cecil Rhodes, William T. Stead, a prominent journalist of the day, and Reginald Baliol Brett, a “friend and confidant of Queen Victoria, and later to be the most influential adviser of King Edward VII and King George V.” Within this secret society, “real power was to be exercised by the leader, and a ‘Junta of Three.’ The leader was to be Rhodes, and the Junta was to be Stead, Brett, and Alfred Milner.”9 The purpose of this secret society, which was later headed by Alfred Milner, was: “The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonisation by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour, and enterprise… [with] the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of a British Empire.” [Emphasis added]10 Essentially, it outlined a British-led cosmopolitical world order, one global system of governance under British hegemony. Among key players within this group were the Rothschilds and other banking interests.11 After the 1907 banking panic in the US, instigated by JP Morgan, pressure was placed upon the American political establishment to create a “stable” banking system. In 1910, a secret meeting of financiers was held on Jekyll Island, where they planned for the “creation of a National Reserve Association with fifteen major regions, controlled by a board of commercial bankers but empowered by the federal government to act like a central bank – creating money and lending reserves to private banks.”12 It was largely Paul M. Warburg, a Wall Street investment banker, who “had come up with a design for a single central bank [in 1910]. He called it the United Reserve Bank. From this and his later service on the first Federal Reserve Board, Warburg has, with some justice, been called the father of the System.”13President Woodrow Wilson followed the plan almost exactly as outlined by the Wall Street financiers, and added to it the creation of a Federal Reserve Board in Washington, which the President would appoint.14 Thus, true power in the world order was held by international banking houses, which privately owned the global central banking system, allowing them to control the credit of nations, and finance and control governments and industry. However, though the economic system was firmly in their control, allowing them to establish influence over finance, they needed to shape elite ideology accordingly. In effect, what was required was to socially construct a ruling class, internationally, which would serve their interests. To do this, these bankers set out to undertake a project of establishing think tanks to organise elites from politics, economics, academia, media, and the military into a generally cohesive and controllable ideology. Constructing a Ruling Class: Rise of the Think Tanks During World War I, a group of American scholars were tasked with briefing “Woodrow Wilson about options for the postwar world once the Kaiser and imperial Germany fell to defeat.” This group was called, “The Inquiry.” The group advised Wilson mostly through his trusted aide, Col. Edward M. House, who was Wilson’s “unofficial envoy to Europe during the period between the outbreak of World War I in 1914 and the intervention by the United States in 1917,” and was the prime driving force in the Wilson administration behind the establishment of the Federal Reserve System.15 “The Inquiry” laid the foundations for the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the most powerful think tank in the US and, “The scholars of the Inquiry helped draw the borders of post World War I central Europe.” On May 30, 1919, a group of scholars and diplomats from Britain and the US met at the Hotel Majestic, where they “proposed a permanent Anglo-American Institute of International Affairs, with one branch in London, the other in New York.” When the scholars returned from Paris, they were met with open arms by New York lawyers and financiers, and together they formed the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921. The “British diplomats returning from Paris had made great headway in founding their Royal Institute of International Affairs.” The Anglo-American Institute envisioned in Paris, with two branches and combined membership was not feasible, so both the British and American branches retained national membership, however, they would cooperate closely with one another.16 They were referred to, and still are, as “Sister Institutes.”17 The Milner Group, the secret society formed by Cecil Rhodes, “dominated the British delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919; it had a great deal to do with the formation and management of the League of Nations and of the system of mandates; it founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919 and still controls it.”18 There were other groups founded in many countries representing the same interests of the secret Milner Group, and they came to be known as the Round Table Groups, preeminent among them were the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, and parallel groups were set up in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India.19 These were, in effect, the first international think tanks, which remain today, and are in their respective nations, among the top, if not the most prominent think tanks. In 2008, a major study was done by the University of Philadelphia’s International Relations Program – the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program – which sought to analyse and examine the most powerful and influential think tanks in the world. While it is a useful resource to understanding the influence of think tanks, there is a flaw in its analysis. It failed to take into account the international origins of the Round Table Group think tanks, particularly the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States; Chatham House or the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London; the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, now renamed the Canadian International Council; and their respective sister organisations in India, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Further nations have since added to this group of related think tanks, including Germany, and a recently established European Council on Foreign Relations. The report, while putting focus on the international nature of think tanks, analysed these ones as separate institutions without being related or affiliated. This has, in effect, skewed the results of the study. However, it is still useful to examine. The top think tanks in the United States include the Council on Foreign Relations, (which was put at number 2, however, should be placed at the number 1 spot), the Brookings Institution, (which was inaccurately given the position of number one), the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, RAND Corporation, Heritage Foundation, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the American Enterprise Institute, among others. The top think tanks in the world, outside of the United States, are Chatham House (sitting at number one), the International Institute for Strategic Studies in the UK, the German Council on Foreign Relations, the French Institute of International Relations, the Adam Smith Institute in the UK, the Fraser Institute in Canada, the European Council on Foreign Relations, the International Crisis Group in Belgium, and the Canadian Institute of International Affairs.20 In 1954, the Bilderberg Group was founded in the Netherlands. Every year since then the group holds a secretive meeting, drawing roughly 130 of the political-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America and Western Europe as “an informal network of influential people who could consult each other privately and confidentially.”21 Regular participants include the CEOs or Chairmen of some of the largest corporations in the world, oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Total SA, as well as various European monarchs, international bankers such as David Rockefeller, major politicians, presidents, prime ministers, and central bankers of the world.22 The Bilderberg Group acts as a “secretive global think-tank,” with an original intent “to link governments and economies in Europe and North America amid the Cold War.”23 In 1970, David Rockefeller became Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, while also being Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan. In 1970, an academic who joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1965 wrote a book called Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. The author, Zbigniew Brzezinski, called for the formation of “A Community of the Developed Nations,” consisting of Western Europe, the United States and Japan. Brzezinski wrote about how “the traditional sovereignty of nation states is becoming increasingly unglued as transnational forces such as multinational corporations, banks, and international organisations play a larger and larger role in shaping global politics.” So, in 1972, David Rockefeller and Brzezinski “presented the idea of a trilateral grouping at the annual Bilderberg meeting.” In July of 1972, seventeen powerful people met at David Rockefeller’s estate in New York to plan for the creation of another grouping. Also at the meeting was Brzezinski, McGeorge Bundy, the President of the Ford Foundation, (brother of William Bundy, editor of Foreign Affairs) and Bayless Manning, President of the Council on Foreign Relations.24 In 1973, these people formed the Trilateral Commission, which acted as a sister organisation to Bilderberg, linking the elites of Western Europe, North America, and Japan into a transnational ruling class. These think tanks have effectively socially constructed an ideologically cohesive ruling class in each nation and fostered the expansion of international ideological alignment among national elites, allowing for the development of a transnational ruling class sharing a dominant ideology. These same interests, controlled by the international banking houses, had to socially construct society itself. To do this, they created a massive network of tax-exempt foundations and non-profit organisations, which shaped civil society according to their designs. Among the most prominent of these are the Carnegie Corporation, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The “Foundations” of Civil Society These foundations shaped civil society by financing research projects and initiatives into major social projects, creating both a dominant world-view for the elite classes, as well as managing the other classes. These foundations, since their establishment, played a large part in the funding and organising of the eugenics movement, which helped facilitate this racist, elitist ideology to having enormous growth and influence, ultimately culminating in the Nazi Holocaust. From then, the word “eugenics” had to be dropped from the ideology and philanthropy of elites, and was replaced with new forms of eugenics policies and concepts. Among them, genetics, population control and environmentalism. These foundations also funded seemingly progressive and alternative media sources in an effort to control the opposition, and manage the resistance to their world order, essentially making it ineffective and misguided. The Rockefeller Foundation was established in 1912, and immediately began giving money to eugenics research organisations.25 Eugenics was a pseudo-scientific and social science movement that emerged in the late 19th century, and gained significant traction in the first half of the 20th century. One of the founding ideologues of eugenics, Sir Francis Galton, an anthropologist and cousin to Charles Darwin, wrote that eugenics “is the study of all agencies under social control which can improve or impair the racial quality of future generations.”26 Ultimately, it was about the “sound” breeding of people and maintaining “purity” and “superiority” of the blood. It was an inherently racist ideology, which saw all non-white racial categories of people as inherently and naturally inferior, and sought to ground these racist theories in “science.” The vast wealth and fortunes of the major industrialists and bankers in the United States flowed heavily into the eugenics organisations, promoting and expanding this racist and elitist ideology. Money from the Harriman railroad fortune, with millions given by the Rockefeller and Carnegie family fortunes were subsequently “devoted to sterilisation of several hundred thousands of American ‘defectives’ annually, as a matter of eugenics.”27 In the United States, 27 states passed eugenics based sterilisation laws of the “unfit,” which ultimately led to the sterilisation of over 60,000 people. Throughout the 1920s and 30s, the Carnegie and especially the Rockefeller Foundation, funded eugenics research in Germany, directly financing the Nazi scientists who perpetrated some of the greatest crimes of the Holocaust.28 Following the Holocaust, the word “eugenics” was highly discredited. Thus, these elites who wanted to continue with the implementation of their racist and elitist ideology desperately needed a new name for it. In 1939, the Eugenics Records Office became known as the Genetics Record Office.29 However, tens of thousands of Americans continued to be sterilised throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s, the majority of which were women.30 Edwin Black analysed how the pseudoscience of eugenics transformed into what we know as the science of genetics. In a 1943 edition of Eugenical News, an article titled “Eugenics After the War,” cited Charles Davenport, a major founder of eugenics, in his vision of “a new mankind of biological castes with master races in control and slave races serving them.”31 A 1946 article in Eugenical News stated that, “Population, genetics, [and] psychology, are the three sciences to which the eugenicist must look for the factual material on which to build an acceptable philosophy of eugenics and to develop and defend practical eugenics proposals.” As Black explained, “the incremental effort to transform eugenics into human genetics forged an entire worldwide infrastructure,” with the founding of the Institute for Human Genetics in Copenhagen in 1938, led by Tage Kemp, a Rockefeller Foundation eugenicist, and was financed with money from the Rockefeller Foundation.32 Today, much of civil society and major social projects are a product of these foundations, and align with various new forms of eugenics. The areas of population control and environmentalism are closely aligned and span a broad range of intellectual avenues. The major population control organisations emerged with funding from these various foundations, particularly the Rockefeller foundations and philanthropies. These organisations, such as the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, funded major civil society movements, such as the Civil Rights movement, in an effort to “create a wedge between social movement activists and their unpaid grassroots constituents, thereby facilitating professionalisation and institutionalisation within the movement,” ultimately facilitating a “narrowing and taming of the potential for broad dissent,” with an aim of limiting goals to “ameliorative rather than radical change.”33 Two major organisations in the development of the environmental movement were the Conservation Foundation and Resources for the Future, which were founded and funded with money from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and helped “launch an explicitly pro-corporate approach to resource conservation.”34 Even the World Wildlife Fund was founded in the early 1960s by the former president of the British Eugenics Society, and its first President was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a founding member of the Bilderberg Group. While the environmental movement positions people as the major problem for the earth, relating humanity to a cancer, population control becomes a significant factor in proposing environmental solutions. In May of 2009, a secret meeting of billionaire philanthropists took place in which they sought to coordinate how to “address” the world’s environmental, social, and industrial threats. Each billionaire at the meeting was given 15 minutes to discuss their “preferred” cause, and then they deliberated to create an “umbrella” cause to harness all their interests. The end result was that the umbrella cause for which the billionaires would aim to “give to” was population control, which “would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat.” Among those present at the meeting were David Rockefeller, Jr., George Soros, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and even Oprah Winfrey.35 Conclusion At the top of the list of those who run the world, we have the major international banking houses, which control the global central banking system. From there, these dynastic banking families created an international network of think tanks, which socialised the ruling elites of each nation and the international community as a whole, into a cohesive transnational elite class. The foundations they established helped shape civil society both nationally and internationally, playing a major part in the funding – and thus coordinating and co-opting – of major social-political movements. An excellent example of one member of the top of the hierarchy of the global elite is David Rockefeller, patriarch of the Rockefeller family. Long serving as Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan bank, he revolutionised the notion of building a truly global bank. He was also Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, a founding member of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, heavily involved in the family philanthropies, and sits atop a vast number of boards and foundations. Even Alan Greenspan, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, said that David Rockefeller and the CFR have, “in many respects, formulated the foreign policy of this country.”36 In another speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, then World Bank President James Wolfesohn, said in 2005, in honour of David Rockefeller’s 90th birthday, that, “the person who had perhaps the greatest influence on my life professionally in this country, and I’m very happy to say personally there afterwards, is David Rockefeller.” He then said, “In fact, it’s fair to say that there has been no other single family influence greater than the Rockefeller’s in the whole issue of globalisation and in the whole issue of addressing the questions which, in some ways, are still before us today. And for that David, we’re deeply grateful to you and for your own contribution in carrying these forward in the way that you did.”37 David Rockefeller, himself, wrote, “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicised incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”38 About the Author ANDREW G. MARSHALL is a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization based out of Montreal, Canada (www.globalresearch.ca). He has written extensively on issues imperialism in the Middle East and Africa, the environment, Homeland Security, war, terrorism and the global economy. He is currently studying Global Political Economy and the History of the Middle East and Africa at Simon Fraser University (Canada). Footnotes: 1. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, New York: Macmillan Company, 1966, 324 2. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 515; Robert Elgie and Helen Thompson, ed., The Politics of Central Banks, New York: Routledge, 1998, 97-98 3. Sylvia Nasar, ‘Masters of the Universe’, The New York Times: January 23, 2000; ‘The Family That Bankrolled Europe’, BBC News: July 9, 1999, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/389053.stm 4. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 51 5. Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States, Harper Perennial: New York, 2003, 323 6. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 130 7. Niall Ferguson, Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power, New York: Basic Books, 2004, 186 8. Ibid, 190 9. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, GSG & Associates, 1981, 3 10. Ibid, 33 11. Ibid, 34 12. William Greider, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987, 276 13. John Kenneth Galbraith, Money: Whence it Came, Where it Went, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1975, 121-122 14. William Greider, op.cit., 277 15. H.W. Brands, ‘He Is My Independent Self’, The Washington Post: June 11, 2006:www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/08/AR2006060801104.html 16. CFR, ‘Continuing the Inquiry. History of CFR’: www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/inquiry.html 17. Chatham House, ‘CHATHAM HOUSE (The Royal Institute of International Affairs): Background’, Chatham House History: www.chathamhouse.org.uk/about/history/ 18. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, op.cit., 5 19. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, op.cit., 132-133 20. James G. McGann, Ph.D., The Global “Go-To Think Tanks”: The Leading Public Policy Research Organizations In The World, The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program: University of Pennsylvania, International Relations Program, 2008, 26-28 21. CBC, ‘Informal forum or global conspiracy?’, CBC News Online: June 13, 2006:www.cbc.ca/news/background/bilderberg-group/ 22. Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management, South End Press: 1980, 161-171 23. Glen McGregor, ‘Secretive power brokers meeting coming to Ottawa?’, Ottawa Citizen: May 24, 2006 24. Holly Sklar, ed., op.cit., 76-78 25. Edwin Black, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, New York: Thunders’s Mouth Press, 2004, 93 26. Ibid, 18 27. Ibid, 101-102 28. Edwin Black, ‘Eugenics and the Nazis – the California connection’, The San Francisco Chronicle: November 9, 2003 29. Edwin Black, War Against the Weak, op.cit., 396 30. Ibid, 398 31. Ibid, 416 32. Ibid, 418 33. Michael Barker, The Liberal Foundations of Environmentalism: Revisiting the Rockefeller-Ford Connection, Capitalism Nature Socialism: 19, (2), June 2008, 18 34. Ibid, 19-20 35. John Harlow, ‘Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation’, Times Online: May 24, 2009 36. CFR, Remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations Annual Corporate Conference, Transcripts: March 10, 2005:www.cfr.org/publication/7908/remarks_at_the_council_on_foreign_relations_annual_corporate_conference.html 37. CFR, Council on Foreign Relations Special Symposium in honor of David Rockefeller’s 90th Birthday, Transcript: May 23, 2005:www.cfr.org/publication/8133/council_on_foreign_relations_special_symposium_in_honor_of_david_rockefellers_90th_birthday.html 38. David Rockefeller, Memoirs, New York: Random House: 2002, 405 The above article appeared in New Dawn No. 118 (Jan-Feb 2010). If you appreciated this article, please consider a digital subscription to New Dawn. © New Dawn Magazine and the respective author. © Copyright New Dawn Magazine, http://www.newdawnmagazine.com. Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice. © Copyright New Dawn Magazine, http://www.newdawnmagazine.com. Permission to re-send, post and place on web sites for non-commercial purposes, and if shown only in its entirety with no changes or additions. This notice must accompany all re-posting. ~~ Help Waking Times to raise the vibration by sharing this article with the buttons below… https://www.wakingtimes.com/who-really-runs-the-world-conspiracies-hidden-agendas-the-plan-for-world-government/
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