• Jamie Dimon — CEO of JP Morgan Chase, the biggest bank in the world — was asked to “explain why crypto is such an attractive financial tool for terrorists, drug traffickers, and rogue nations?” It’s hard to imagine a more loaded question.
    Jamie Dimon — CEO of JP Morgan Chase, the biggest bank in the world — was asked to “explain why crypto is such an attractive financial tool for terrorists, drug traffickers, and rogue nations?” It’s hard to imagine a more loaded question.
    Shocker: World’s Biggest Bank CEO Hates Crypto - Activist Post
    Do criminals use crypto? Of course. Some criminals also use iPhones and fly on Delta. And some criminals have accounts at JPMorgan Chase.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1295 Views
  • ☆Tadabbur Kalamullah 28 Rabiul Akhir 1445H☆

    وَیَدۡعُ ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنُ بِٱلشَّرِّ دُعَاۤءَهُۥ بِٱلۡخَیۡرِۖ وَكَانَ ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنُ عَجُولࣰا

    "Dan manusia berdoa dengan (memohon supaya ia ditimpa) kejahatan sebagaimana ia berdoa dengan memohon kebaikan, dan sememangnya manusia itu (bertabiat) terburu-buru" [Surah al-Israʾ 11]

    #Imam Ibnu Athaillah menerangkan dalam kitab Al-Hikam:

    "Keterlambatan datangnya pemberian (Allah), meskipun sudah dimohonkan berulang kali, janganlah membuatmu patah harapan. Kerana Dia (Allah) telah menjamin untuk mengabulkan permintaanmu sesuai dengan apa yang Dia pilihkan untukmu, bukan menurut keinginan engkau sendiri. Juga dalam waktu yang Dia kehendaki, bukan pada waktu yang engkau inginkan".

    #Beruntunglah bagi orang-orang yang bersabar, menanti penuh harap bahawa janji Allah akan datang sambil terus memperbaiki diri menjadi hamba Allah lebih baik.

    #Menyedari bahawa penangguhan Allah adalah lebih baik dari kehendaknya yang boleh jadi buruk akibatnya, buruk untuk agama dan akhiratnya.

    #Allah, jika hendak memberi untuk kekasihNya, pasti kekasihNya akan diuji sejauh mana yakin padanya. Allah, jika hendak memberi untuk kekasihNya, pasti Dia memberi yang jauh lebih baik dari yang difikirkan kekasihnya. Apa salahnya, kita meletakkan diri kita di posisi 'kekasih Allah'. Bersangka baik kepada Allah swt.

    #Begitulah juga perjuangan dan jihad yang Lalah tangguhkan kemenangan. Antara hikmah tertangguhnya kemenangan Islam adalah untuk penapisan, siapa yang benar-benar beriman dan siapa yang tidak. Hal ini disebut oleh as-Syahid Syed Qutb rahimahullah:

    "Allah akan beri ujian yang besar, kemudian Allah akan lambatkan kemenangan, kemudian Allah akan sikitkan bilangan, kemudian Allah akan lambatkan penerimaan orang, sehingga terbukti mereka sabar, thabat dan bersedia, sehingga mereka layak menjadi Qaedah Sulbah (anggota teras), kemudian mereka akan bergerak ke hadapan”.

    ♡Kemenangan, kebahagiaan dan juga kenikmatan yang dirindukan pasti akan datang. Asal kita mahu menjadi hamba Allah yang yakin, bersyukur, sabar dan terus istiqamah dalam ketaatan. Namun, itulah sifat manusia, segalanya mahu segera dan mereka bersifat tergesa-gesa♡

    🐊Ust naim
    Klik link ini untuk    

    ☆Tadabbur Kalamullah 28 Rabiul Akhir 1445H☆ وَیَدۡعُ ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنُ بِٱلشَّرِّ دُعَاۤءَهُۥ بِٱلۡخَیۡرِۖ وَكَانَ ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنُ عَجُولࣰا "Dan manusia berdoa dengan (memohon supaya ia ditimpa) kejahatan sebagaimana ia berdoa dengan memohon kebaikan, dan sememangnya manusia itu (bertabiat) terburu-buru" [Surah al-Israʾ 11] #Imam Ibnu Athaillah menerangkan dalam kitab Al-Hikam: "Keterlambatan datangnya pemberian (Allah), meskipun sudah dimohonkan berulang kali, janganlah membuatmu patah harapan. Kerana Dia (Allah) telah menjamin untuk mengabulkan permintaanmu sesuai dengan apa yang Dia pilihkan untukmu, bukan menurut keinginan engkau sendiri. Juga dalam waktu yang Dia kehendaki, bukan pada waktu yang engkau inginkan". #Beruntunglah bagi orang-orang yang bersabar, menanti penuh harap bahawa janji Allah akan datang sambil terus memperbaiki diri menjadi hamba Allah lebih baik. #Menyedari bahawa penangguhan Allah adalah lebih baik dari kehendaknya yang boleh jadi buruk akibatnya, buruk untuk agama dan akhiratnya. #Allah, jika hendak memberi untuk kekasihNya, pasti kekasihNya akan diuji sejauh mana yakin padanya. Allah, jika hendak memberi untuk kekasihNya, pasti Dia memberi yang jauh lebih baik dari yang difikirkan kekasihnya. Apa salahnya, kita meletakkan diri kita di posisi 'kekasih Allah'. Bersangka baik kepada Allah swt. #Begitulah juga perjuangan dan jihad yang Lalah tangguhkan kemenangan. Antara hikmah tertangguhnya kemenangan Islam adalah untuk penapisan, siapa yang benar-benar beriman dan siapa yang tidak. Hal ini disebut oleh as-Syahid Syed Qutb rahimahullah: "Allah akan beri ujian yang besar, kemudian Allah akan lambatkan kemenangan, kemudian Allah akan sikitkan bilangan, kemudian Allah akan lambatkan penerimaan orang, sehingga terbukti mereka sabar, thabat dan bersedia, sehingga mereka layak menjadi Qaedah Sulbah (anggota teras), kemudian mereka akan bergerak ke hadapan”. ♡Kemenangan, kebahagiaan dan juga kenikmatan yang dirindukan pasti akan datang. Asal kita mahu menjadi hamba Allah yang yakin, bersyukur, sabar dan terus istiqamah dalam ketaatan. Namun, itulah sifat manusia, segalanya mahu segera dan mereka bersifat tergesa-gesa♡ 🐊Ust naim Klik link ini untuk     http://bit.ly/tadabburkalamullah Facebook:    https://m.facebook.com/tadabburkalamullah
    Tadabbur Kalamullah
    Oleh Ustaz Muhamad Naim Haji Hashim
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 3286 Views
  • Ganacsade Axmed Baabaraqiis ayaa hadhimo sharafeed ugu sameeyey Jedah Islaan Bashiir Islaan Cabdulle oo Sucuudiga u joogay bishii Ramadaan cumro iyo cibaado.

    Masuuliyiinta qunsuliyada Soomaaliya ee Jedah, saraakiil ka tirsan maamulka Puntland, ganacsato iyo xubno kale ayaa ka soo qaybgalay hadimo sharafeedaa.

    Islaan Bashiir oo ka mid ah Isimada soo jireenka ah ee umadda Soomaaliyeed dhexdeeda sida weyn looga tixgeliyo ayaa halkaa uga duceeyey dalka, dadka iyo ganacsade Axmed.
    Ganacsade Axmed Baabaraqiis ayaa hadhimo sharafeed ugu sameeyey Jedah Islaan Bashiir Islaan Cabdulle oo Sucuudiga u joogay bishii Ramadaan cumro iyo cibaado. Masuuliyiinta qunsuliyada Soomaaliya ee Jedah, saraakiil ka tirsan maamulka Puntland, ganacsato iyo xubno kale ayaa ka soo qaybgalay hadimo sharafeedaa. Islaan Bashiir oo ka mid ah Isimada soo jireenka ah ee umadda Soomaaliyeed dhexdeeda sida weyn looga tixgeliyo ayaa halkaa uga duceeyey dalka, dadka iyo ganacsade Axmed.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1908 Views
  • Sexual dimorphism of the human pelvis illustrated.

    The balls represent the size of a newborn baby's head, which will pass through the female pelvis fairly easily, but will get stuck in the male pelvis
    Sexual dimorphism of the human pelvis illustrated. The balls represent the size of a newborn baby's head, which will pass through the female pelvis fairly easily, but will get stuck in the male pelvis
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1640 Views 5
  • Earn 100$ a month by connecting your car to #DIMO
    Use my referral code to get an additional 50 $DIMO when connecting your car.
    All EV and ICE with Online Connection can easily be connected by using the DIMO App. Legacy cars can be connected by using their AutoPi Device available in their Online Shop.
    Join me on DIMO! http://onelink.to/dimo
    Use my referral code and we'll both receive 50 $DIMO after you connect your first vehicle: OH1AEZ
    Earn 100$ a month by connecting your car to #DIMO Use my referral code to get an additional 50 $DIMO when connecting your car. All EV and ICE with Online Connection can easily be connected by using the DIMO App. Legacy cars can be connected by using their AutoPi Device available in their Online Shop. #Drive2Earn Join me on DIMO! http://onelink.to/dimo Use my referral code and we'll both receive 50 $DIMO after you connect your first vehicle: OH1AEZ
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2574 Views
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/04/jp-morgans-jamie-dimon-we-may-need-to-evoke-eminent-domain-to-seize-private-property-to-build-wind-and-solar-farms/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1567 Views
  • Watch and see a chinese moon moth emerge.
    Males and female are sexually dimorphic, meaning they look different. This one appears to be a male.
    Their long tails deflect the sound waves bats use to echolocate, or find prey.

    ???? IG insecthaus_adi
    Watch and see a chinese moon moth emerge. Males and female are sexually dimorphic, meaning they look different. This one appears to be a male. Their long tails deflect the sound waves bats use to echolocate, or find prey. ???? IG insecthaus_adi
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1768 Views 53
  • Everything bloody red today in my portfolio except one ???? #Drive2Earn #DIMO #passiveincome
    Everything bloody red today in my portfolio except one ???? #Drive2Earn #DIMO #passiveincome
    3 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2703 Views
  • $DIMO price exploding after this news.
    Already 5x after mainnet start some weeks ago. ????
    Transparency update: Friday, a DIMO Foundation subsidiary completed a token sale agreement with a hardware manufacturer that intends to produce DIMO compatible devices later in 2023.
    833,333.34 tokens were sold for 250,000 USDT, an average price of 0.30 USDT per $DIMO token. The purchaser has an option to purchase up to an additional 833,333.33 tokens at the same price through March. More information will be shared in an upcoming press release.
    $DIMO price exploding after this news. Already 5x after mainnet start some weeks ago. ???? #Drive2Earn Transparency update: Friday, a DIMO Foundation subsidiary completed a token sale agreement with a hardware manufacturer that intends to produce DIMO compatible devices later in 2023. 833,333.34 tokens were sold for 250,000 USDT, an average price of 0.30 USDT per $DIMO token. The purchaser has an option to purchase up to an additional 833,333.33 tokens at the same price through March. More information will be shared in an upcoming press release.
    2 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 4005 Views
  • Added today my second car to the $DIMO Network and earning now around 40 $ per week for just selling my car data. ????????????
    #passiveincome #data #dao
    Added today my second car to the $DIMO Network and earning now around 40 $ per week for just selling my car data. ???????????? #passiveincome #data #dao
    7 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1987 Views
  • Data tokens like $DATA, $DIMO and $SWASH are surging this week.
    If you're in to monetize your private data then these are the projects to join.
    #sme #dao #dataunion
    Data tokens like $DATA, $DIMO and $SWASH are surging this week. If you're in to monetize your private data then these are the projects to join. #sme #dao #dataunion
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2262 Views
  • The Golden Tortoise Beetle (Aspidimorpha sanctaecrucis).
    The Golden Tortoise Beetle (Aspidimorpha sanctaecrucis).
    3 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2215 Views 120
  • Nice green candle again $DIMO
    If you own an EV just download their App and connect. For *normal" cars you can purchase their Dataminer and earn as well.
    #dimo #sme #ev #dataunion
    Nice green candle again $DIMO If you own an EV just download their App and connect. For *normal" cars you can purchase their Dataminer and earn as well. #dimo #sme #ev #dataunion
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2103 Views
  • Elon Musk Orchestrates Takedown of the Most Powerful Club in the World
    The World Economic Forum (WEF) is currently being held in Davos, Switzerland.
    By LUC OLINGA JAN 18, 2023 7:29 PM EST

    Elon Musk wants to replay the biblical fight between David and Goliath.

    In this case he is David, the underdog who takes on the huge and giant favorite Goliath played here by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

    As it has for decades, this circle of economic and political elites and personalities from civil society has been meeting since January 16 in the ski resort of Davos in Switzerland. This 2023 edition is particularly eventful because it takes place in a context of multiple crises, between the war in Ukraine, global warming and the persistent Covid-19 pandemic.

    "The world today is at a critical inflection point," the WEF said on its website. "The twin triggers of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine rattled an already brittle global system. Economic growth in the world’s largest economies is stalling, while navigating headwinds from rising food and energy prices."

    'Master the Future'
    To reflect and discuss all these issues, the WEF welcomes 52 heads of state and government and nearly 600 CEOs, including JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and BlackRock CEO Larry Fink.

    But the problem this year is that Davos is more talked about outside the walls where the Forum is held. Elon Musk, the serial and whimsical entrepreneur has taken the lead of the opponents and critics of this powerful club.

    The Techno king, as he is known at Tesla (TSLA) - Get Free Report, wants to use his growing influence to bring down Davos, condemned by both left and right. He seems to have joined the ranks of the anti-globalists, on the extreme left and extreme right, who in recent years have redoubled their opposition to the forum. They consider it an assembly of elites disconnected from the reality of the world.

    After having declined the invitation of the organizers, he multiplies the attacks against the WEF. He first called the Forum "boring" and then wondered if it was the ideal setting to discuss cooperation between the public and private sectors.

    "I guess there’s value to having a mixed government & commercial forum of some kind," the billionaire said. "WEF does kinda give me the willies though, but I’m sure everything is fine," said on January 15.

    He then ridiculed founder Klaus Schwab's call asking participants to "master the future" in the face of the challenges currently facing the world, a message delivered during his welcome speech.

    "'Master the Future' doesn’t sound ominous at all," the billionaire said sarcastically. "How is WEF/Davos even a thing? Are they trying to be the boss of Earth!?" Musk lambasted on January 17.

    'Unelected' Government People 'Don't Want'

    These criticisms seem to be part of a well-orchestrated strategy by the billionaire to dismantle an icon. Musk has just moved up a gear. He now denounces the WEF and goes so far as to compare it to a sort of unelected and unpopular government.

    "WEF is increasingly becoming an unelected world government that the people never asked for and don’t want," the tech tycoon blasted on January 18.

    Aware that this charge against the WEF will resonate with his more than 126.3 million followers on the social network, he immediately organized a poll whose tendentious question should lead to a broad rejection of Davos.

    "The World Economic Forum should control the world," Musk asked.

    Voters have only two options: YES or NO.

    More than 1.5 million Twitter users had already voted at the time of this writing. Twitter users have until January 19 to vote. The NO was well ahead with more than 86% of the votes cast.

    Musk is not saying what he intends to do with the results of this poll. The SpaceX founder regularly solicits the opinion of Twitter users on important issues such as stepping down as CEO of the social network. He has often pledged to respect the results of these polls.

    The WEF did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Davos has been attracting criticism for many years, but it has only increased of late. Musk may be the spokesperson who can bring about change.

    Although the WEF sees itself as an important forum for addressing the acute problems facing the planet, critics question the solutions the Forum has offered.

    "The World Economic Forum meeting in Davos has become largely irrelevant, little more than an exercise in self-congratulation for the world’s elites to convince themselves that they’re making a difference," blasted Patriotic Millionaires, an association of rich individuals fighting for "equal political representation, a livable minimum wage and a fair tax system."

    Equally scathing criticism of the WEF comes from Greenpeace, which denounces the Forum's so-called fights for the environment.

    Elon Musk Orchestrates Takedown of the Most Powerful Club in the World The World Economic Forum (WEF) is currently being held in Davos, Switzerland. By LUC OLINGA JAN 18, 2023 7:29 PM EST Elon Musk wants to replay the biblical fight between David and Goliath. In this case he is David, the underdog who takes on the huge and giant favorite Goliath played here by the World Economic Forum (WEF). As it has for decades, this circle of economic and political elites and personalities from civil society has been meeting since January 16 in the ski resort of Davos in Switzerland. This 2023 edition is particularly eventful because it takes place in a context of multiple crises, between the war in Ukraine, global warming and the persistent Covid-19 pandemic. "The world today is at a critical inflection point," the WEF said on its website. "The twin triggers of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine rattled an already brittle global system. Economic growth in the world’s largest economies is stalling, while navigating headwinds from rising food and energy prices." 'Master the Future' To reflect and discuss all these issues, the WEF welcomes 52 heads of state and government and nearly 600 CEOs, including JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and BlackRock CEO Larry Fink. But the problem this year is that Davos is more talked about outside the walls where the Forum is held. Elon Musk, the serial and whimsical entrepreneur has taken the lead of the opponents and critics of this powerful club. The Techno king, as he is known at Tesla (TSLA) - Get Free Report, wants to use his growing influence to bring down Davos, condemned by both left and right. He seems to have joined the ranks of the anti-globalists, on the extreme left and extreme right, who in recent years have redoubled their opposition to the forum. They consider it an assembly of elites disconnected from the reality of the world. After having declined the invitation of the organizers, he multiplies the attacks against the WEF. He first called the Forum "boring" and then wondered if it was the ideal setting to discuss cooperation between the public and private sectors. "I guess there’s value to having a mixed government & commercial forum of some kind," the billionaire said. "WEF does kinda give me the willies though, but I’m sure everything is fine," said on January 15. He then ridiculed founder Klaus Schwab's call asking participants to "master the future" in the face of the challenges currently facing the world, a message delivered during his welcome speech. "'Master the Future' doesn’t sound ominous at all," the billionaire said sarcastically. "How is WEF/Davos even a thing? Are they trying to be the boss of Earth!?" Musk lambasted on January 17. 'Unelected' Government People 'Don't Want' These criticisms seem to be part of a well-orchestrated strategy by the billionaire to dismantle an icon. Musk has just moved up a gear. He now denounces the WEF and goes so far as to compare it to a sort of unelected and unpopular government. "WEF is increasingly becoming an unelected world government that the people never asked for and don’t want," the tech tycoon blasted on January 18. Aware that this charge against the WEF will resonate with his more than 126.3 million followers on the social network, he immediately organized a poll whose tendentious question should lead to a broad rejection of Davos. "The World Economic Forum should control the world," Musk asked. Voters have only two options: YES or NO. More than 1.5 million Twitter users had already voted at the time of this writing. Twitter users have until January 19 to vote. The NO was well ahead with more than 86% of the votes cast. Musk is not saying what he intends to do with the results of this poll. The SpaceX founder regularly solicits the opinion of Twitter users on important issues such as stepping down as CEO of the social network. He has often pledged to respect the results of these polls. The WEF did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Davos has been attracting criticism for many years, but it has only increased of late. Musk may be the spokesperson who can bring about change. Although the WEF sees itself as an important forum for addressing the acute problems facing the planet, critics question the solutions the Forum has offered. "The World Economic Forum meeting in Davos has become largely irrelevant, little more than an exercise in self-congratulation for the world’s elites to convince themselves that they’re making a difference," blasted Patriotic Millionaires, an association of rich individuals fighting for "equal political representation, a livable minimum wage and a fair tax system." Equally scathing criticism of the WEF comes from Greenpeace, which denounces the Forum's so-called fights for the environment. https://www.thestreet.com/technology/elon-musk-orchestrates-takedown-of-the-most-powerful-club-in-the-world
    1 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 7422 Views
  • 6% Rates Incoming? Gundlach Spars With Dimon 24 Hours Before Crucial CPI Print

    Stocks rallied kind of hard, but not really hard yesterday. The Dow added 189 pts or 0.6%, the S&P gained 28 or 0.7%, the Nasdaq advanced by 106 pts or 1%, the Russell added 27 pts or 1.5% while the Transports tacked on 37 pts or 0.3%.

    And it’s the “Fed will cave” story all over again. Bloomberg summed up the day best with the headline: “Stocks Bounce Back with Brewing Optimism Over CPI (https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/asia-stocks-set-tepid-opening-230147384.html)”. Meanwhile, two of the biggest names on Wall Street are at odds with one another over where the Federal Reserve is going to head from here.

    After all, brewing optimism is all the smart logic algos needed. Traders and algos raised the temperature in the room yesterday, betting that the forthcoming CPI report will not only weaken, but weaken beyond what the very optimistic estimates already are - thus ‘building a case’ for the Fed to stop the madness and pause further rate hikes beyond March.

    At the end of the day, Doubleline’s CEO Jeffrey Gundlach stood up and said: ‘Don’t be ridiculous, the Fed? Investors need to pay 100% attention to what the bond market is saying rather than what the FED is telling you they are saying.’ In fact, he said it this way: “My 40 plus years of experience in finance strongly recommends that investors should look at what the market says over what the Fed says.”

    This echoes the comments Gundlach (https://twitter.com/TruthGundlach) made on Twitter last week when he said: “There is no way the Fed is going to 5%. The Fed is not in control, the bond market is in control.”

    Meanwhile Yahoo Finance reported yesterday that Wallstreet heavyweight,CEO of JP Morgan, "Jamie Dimon Says Fed 'May Very Well' Raise Interest Rates to 6%"

    (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jamie-dimon-says-fed-may-very-well-raise-interest-rates-to-6-195147027.html)"Jamie Dimon expects the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates higher than most officials and Wall Street strategists have forecast as the U.S. central bank continues its fight against persistent inflation.

    The chief executive officer of JPMorgan (JPM), the largest consumer bank in the U.S. by assets, said Tuesday in an interview with Fox Business Network that the Fed’s terminal rate may hit 6%, a level notably above the 5% many have called for.

    'Whether 5% interest rates are enough to slow inflation to where it needs to be, I don’t know,' Dimon said during the discussion at JPMorgan’s annual health-care investment-banking conference in San Francisco, citing fiscal stimulus that was 'so large and still largely unspent.'

    'Is it 5%? My view is, it may very well be 6%,' he added.

    This time last year, Dimon was among the first voices on Wall Street to predict – correctly – that Federal Reserve officials would deliver as many as six or seven increases to their benchmark policy rate as prices rose at a historic pace. He said the three or four hikes investors were bracing for at the time were a low estimate.

    In 2022, the U.S. central bank lifted rates seven times to a cumulative increase of 4.25% to the highest in 15 years from near-zero levels. At least 75 basis points more of hikes are expected this year."

    :link:Source: Zerohedge (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-01-11/6-rates-incoming),
    Quoth The Raven (https://quoththeraven.substack.com/p/6-rates-incoming-gundlach-spars-with),
    Yahoo Finance (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jamie-dimon-says-fed-may-very-well-raise-interest-rates-to-6-195147027.html),
    Bloomberg (https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/asia-stocks-set-tepid-opening-230147384.html)

    ???? Follow:
    6% Rates Incoming? Gundlach Spars With Dimon 24 Hours Before Crucial CPI Print Stocks rallied kind of hard, but not really hard yesterday. The Dow added 189 pts or 0.6%, the S&P gained 28 or 0.7%, the Nasdaq advanced by 106 pts or 1%, the Russell added 27 pts or 1.5% while the Transports tacked on 37 pts or 0.3%. And it’s the “Fed will cave” story all over again. Bloomberg summed up the day best with the headline: “Stocks Bounce Back with Brewing Optimism Over CPI (https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/asia-stocks-set-tepid-opening-230147384.html)”. Meanwhile, two of the biggest names on Wall Street are at odds with one another over where the Federal Reserve is going to head from here. After all, brewing optimism is all the smart logic algos needed. Traders and algos raised the temperature in the room yesterday, betting that the forthcoming CPI report will not only weaken, but weaken beyond what the very optimistic estimates already are - thus ‘building a case’ for the Fed to stop the madness and pause further rate hikes beyond March. At the end of the day, Doubleline’s CEO Jeffrey Gundlach stood up and said: ‘Don’t be ridiculous, the Fed? Investors need to pay 100% attention to what the bond market is saying rather than what the FED is telling you they are saying.’ In fact, he said it this way: “My 40 plus years of experience in finance strongly recommends that investors should look at what the market says over what the Fed says.” This echoes the comments Gundlach (https://twitter.com/TruthGundlach) made on Twitter last week when he said: “There is no way the Fed is going to 5%. The Fed is not in control, the bond market is in control.” Meanwhile Yahoo Finance reported yesterday that Wallstreet heavyweight,CEO of JP Morgan, "Jamie Dimon Says Fed 'May Very Well' Raise Interest Rates to 6%" (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jamie-dimon-says-fed-may-very-well-raise-interest-rates-to-6-195147027.html)"Jamie Dimon expects the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates higher than most officials and Wall Street strategists have forecast as the U.S. central bank continues its fight against persistent inflation. The chief executive officer of JPMorgan (JPM), the largest consumer bank in the U.S. by assets, said Tuesday in an interview with Fox Business Network that the Fed’s terminal rate may hit 6%, a level notably above the 5% many have called for. 'Whether 5% interest rates are enough to slow inflation to where it needs to be, I don’t know,' Dimon said during the discussion at JPMorgan’s annual health-care investment-banking conference in San Francisco, citing fiscal stimulus that was 'so large and still largely unspent.' 'Is it 5%? My view is, it may very well be 6%,' he added. This time last year, Dimon was among the first voices on Wall Street to predict – correctly – that Federal Reserve officials would deliver as many as six or seven increases to their benchmark policy rate as prices rose at a historic pace. He said the three or four hikes investors were bracing for at the time were a low estimate. In 2022, the U.S. central bank lifted rates seven times to a cumulative increase of 4.25% to the highest in 15 years from near-zero levels. At least 75 basis points more of hikes are expected this year." :link:Source: Zerohedge (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-01-11/6-rates-incoming), Quoth The Raven (https://quoththeraven.substack.com/p/6-rates-incoming-gundlach-spars-with), Yahoo Finance (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jamie-dimon-says-fed-may-very-well-raise-interest-rates-to-6-195147027.html), Bloomberg (https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/asia-stocks-set-tepid-opening-230147384.html) ???? Follow: t.me/g3news
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 3938 Views
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