• The Jewish Right to Rape... Children
    Disgusting isn't even touching the Grass

    Fritz Freud

    There is so much information... one more disgusting than the other that I must put this out into a post.
    My aim isn't calling out one group and I am usually more concerned with the Future and how to solve problems.
    However the Propaganda we are witnessing has reached new levels of insincerity insanity outright lies and outright fascism.
    Zionist Fascism in a Zionist takeover of this world
    This propaganda must be countered with truth.
    We are all victims here.

    First of all... you must see this video from Richard Medhurst someone I highly respect and salute for his work.

    Richard Medhurst - The Israelis have entered a civil war over the IDF's "right" to rape Palestinian hostages

    The Israelis have entered a civil war over the IDF's "right" to rape Palestinian hostages. The Israeli mob defending the rapists just overran a 2nd military base. The IDF has had to pause talks on bombing Lebanon and divert combat units away from Gaza. You can't make this up


    What is telling is the clip of discussion inside the Knesset where Jewish Lawmaker absolutists defend the Jewish right to rape.
    If you ever thought the Nazis were bad... the Jews now are by far worse.
    And that I put mildly.
    Here is the same story by Clayton Morris from Redacted:

    And if this is bad... watch what will happen when these fanatics take over the Temple mount and build the 3rd Temple of Solomon.
    By design!

    I am German.
    For all my life I tried to find out what really happened in Nazi Germany.
    The result of my research is a very sophisticated form of Mind Control.
    Torture pain and victimization are very much part of this then and now.
    What happens today in Israel is a carbon copy of what happened in Germany 100 years ago... in Venezuela... and in the world.
    Induced Mass Madness by the Occult which are the so called leaders.
    Adolf Hitler introduced the "Volksempfänger" a simple Radio on which he could reach the public.
    What happens is Israel today is exactly what happened in Germany to bring the Nazis to power using Occult methods... Jewish Occult that is... mass induced insanity through sophisticated Mind Control.


    Speaking of Nazis... here is Analena Baerbock the German Minister for existential stupidity and lies of the Ministry of untruth... a walking abortion telling lies and being confronted about it.

    The UN team headed by Pramila Patten, the secretary-general’s special representative on sexual violence in armed conflict, concluded in its report published in March that “in the medicolegal assessment of available photos and videos, no tangible indications of rape could be identified.”

    The following month the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that “From inquiries put to three bodies in the defense establishment by Haaretz, it emerges that the intelligence material collected by the police and the intelligence bodies, including footage from terrorists’ body cameras, does not contain visual documentation of any acts of rape themselves.”


    Analena Baerbock is the dumbest whore of misinformation a stern Zionist Nazi of the worst kind in the dumbest most Fascist German Government that ever existed... and the most Jewish one.
    These Jewish Nazis have destroyed Germany and they are worse than the Nazis ever were.
    Angela Merkel was a STASI whore... IM ERIKA... Analena Baerbock is dumb as fuck... and they all support war in Ukraine and they are all Nazis...PERIOD!
    And they are all Jewish Zionists who support Genocide and war with Russia...
    War with Russia!
    Napoleon tried this... little Napoleon i.e. Macron is pushing it...
    Hitler tried it... little Hitler i.e. Scholz is pushing it...
    Yet Russia is impossible to invade... and they know it...

    Here is Merkel with a poster stating:

    We don't have a Past.
    But we create a secure Future.

    Yep... sounds communist to me.
    Sounds like Camel Harris to me...

    Anette Kahane is Jewish and the master censor of Germany.
    She also was a STASI agent.
    So if you wonder why Germany now is descending... again... into fascism... just like Israel... look no further than the leaders who pushing us into it using every available tool from censorship to drugs in the food... all part of this sophisticated mind control apparatus.
    Then connect the Dots to the Rothschilds... and there you have it!

    That coincides with my research that the German Government and the EU scum Ursula Albrecht are stern Nazis... even worse than the Nazis and the German Media are complicit in Genocide and are worse than Nazis.

    Ursula von der Leyen: A Female Adolf worse than Hitler

    Ursula von der Leyen: A Female Adolf worse than Hitler
    Let me get this straight: Ursula von der Leyen is a failure... a walking Abortion.

    Read full story

    The German propaganda media is totally controlled by Zionists.
    And the Zionists pushing us into WW3.

    German Media is solely owned by these Families:
    Mohn (Time Warner, Bertelsmann,Random House and News Corporation)

    The German politicians are controlled by the WEF and the Atlantik Brücke (Atlantic Bridge) who also control the German media.
    Politicians are raised through the Hitler Youth programs of the WEF and the Atlantik Brücke... most famously Angela Merkel who also was a STASI Agent.
    Atlantik Brücke just like the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and the Millennium Century Cooperation (MCC) are think tanks...as in Tank... as in a tool of war in this spiritual war.
    The aim is to steer Humanity into WW3 as in mutual assured self destruction.

    Atlantik-Brücke is a German-American organization that promotes dialogue and cooperation between the two countries on various topics. Learn about their events, programs, and insights on economy, finance, markets, and democracy.


    And the Atlantik Brücke is a forefront of the CIA Zionist takeover of this world promoting WW3 with Russia and China.
    It was founded by no one else but Eric M. Warburg long time associate of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
    Rothschild Warburg Schiff drafted the treaty of Versailles.
    There they dissected Europe between them.
    Blaming Germany for the war they created.
    Paul Moritz Warburg was the founder of the United States Federal Reserve Bank.
    So you see how this all works together.
    This is also the reason the Jews hate Germany because they use Germany as the basis for their evilness blaming it on the Germans... see how that works?
    This is why you have scum like Analena Baerbock and Angela Merkel and Ursula von der Leyen... because the real power behind them are the Jews...

    The name Paul Moritz Warburg is synonymous with the founding of the Federal Reserve System. Warburg’s impact on American banking is a parallel to his family’s impact on European banking. The epic story of the Warburg family of European bankers can be traced back to the early 1500s when Simon von Cassel settled in the German Westphalia town of Warburg (originally founded by Charlemagne in 778 and was then known as Warburgum) and began the family’s quest for money and financial power.


    And history is repeating itself because of the Federal Reserve Money system which gives them Jewish Bankers 10 times the money by default of all of the rest of the world combined.
    Basically it is privatized legal Jewish Slavery.
    And they finance war terror and diseases promoting Trans and LBGTQFU+++
    See the extinction Olympics.

    Stockholm Syndrome Extinction Olympics

    Stockholm Syndrome Extinction Olympics
    A Message / Question to all Christians:

    Read full story

    And now they push for WW3 with Russia through the CFR Atlantik Brücke and other political Institutions such as the Round Table Club of Rome and WEF which are all controlled by these Families.

    Just read a few sentence of their blatant lies and propaganda which would see a Joseph Göbbels blush.

    The US and Europe have to further increase pressure on Russia – and China

    Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at Atlantik Brücke and the Transatlantic Business Initiative Event

    I’ve come to Berlin on the back of a trip to Kyiv, where I had a chance to meet my counterparts and brave Ukrainians who have been resilient in the face of unyielding war. I was reminded that Ukraine remains a democratic country today because its people are willing to fight for freedom.

    Over two years ago, when Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin expected to be in control of Kyiv within days and the entire country within weeks. But Ukraine stood up, and our coalition stood beside them, denying the Kremlin the quick victory it expected. And as the Ukrainian people fought off advancing Russian troops, we put in place unprecedented sanctions that cut off Russia’s largest banks from our financial systems and shackled the Kremlin’s war chest by immobilizing its sovereign assets held abroad.

    In response to its strategic failure, the Kremlin has now committed nearly half a million troops to this unprovoked invasion and imposed a set of draconian capital controls to prevent money from escaping from Russia. As Russia’s strategy evolved, so did our approach.

    On one end, the United States, Germany, and our coalition provided Ukraine with weapons to defend against Russia’s aggression on the frontlines and economic support to bolster its resilience on the home front.


    All of the Media gets their Information from Reuters and the Associated Press (AP).
    Reuters and the Associated Press (AP) is owned and controlled by the Rothschild Family.
    The Rothschild Family control Zionism.
    The Rothschild Family is the Family of Adolf Hitler.

    About Adolf Rothschild Hiedler Schickelgruber

    About Adolf Rothschild Hiedler Schickelgruber
    NOTE: I despise anyone who has anything good to say about Adolf Hitler.

    Read full story

    Kuhn, Loeb, Bernard Baruch, J.P. Morgan, Eugene Meyer; Paul Warburg, Max Warburg, Jacob Schiff, Louis Brandeis, Alfred Rothschild

    Their involvement in the wars and financing Hitler cannot be denied.
    As their involvement in the Opium trade.
    Skull & Bones and the Bullington Club.
    And through that the Bush Family Prescott Bush Boris Johnson the push for war through the ages using always the same methods.
    The Bush Family is associated with Aleistar Crowley who sunk the Lusitania to get the USA into WW1.

    Here is the biggest war criminal Arsehole Satan the Yahoo telling Hamas raped children.
    When at the same time the Jews protect rapists... can't make this shit up.

    Israeli PM Netanyahu Visits Majdal Shams After Hezbollah Attack Kills 12 Children

    An attack Hezbollah denies

    Lebanon demands int’l probe as Hezbollah denies involvement in deadly Golan Heights strike


    The Jews do anything to get their WW3.
    And they even kill their own to do so!

    Hannibal Directive October 7 | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

    And they rape children in Gaza

    Israeli soldiers accused of raping Palestinian women and children

    Credible reports have emerged of Israeli soldiers raping and sexually abusing Palestinian women and children. UN experts found credible cases of rape and sexual assault in Israeli prisons, and women who were threatened by sexual violence and rape. Many Palestinian women reported that they had been humiliated, stripped naked, and assaulted at an Israeli checkpoint that had been established between the north and the south of Gaza.


    The fact that they protect rapist as they do is a fact of confession that they rape children as they do.

    Josh Paul resigned from the State Dept over sending arms to Israel. “I have heard from actually so many hundreds of colleagues at this point who support what I did,” he says. “They are finding what is happening both a moral disaster and a policy disaster for the United States.”


    Then there is the profound fact that they push cannibalism upon us.

    Aborted Fetus Tissue Used by Food Industry — Proof Revealed in OK Senate Bill From 2012


    Kraft, Pepsi, and Nestle Using Aborted Babies For Flavor Additives


    Rabbi Finklestein - Human meat in McDonalds

    ...those are pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger and that's why we made those the most popular things sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch and so all the Goyim out here are really eating their children and uh even when we say this outright and tell you people you don't believe it so that's that's your problem.

    In 2012 there was an outrage in Chine when it was revealed they use aborted cells in Baby Formula...

    Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Headquarters in NY City has Underground Tunnels with several Baby Chairs!


    So the Jews claim a right to rape children...
    Feed us Human Body Parts...
    And have tunnels underneath the Organization behind Milei the Argentinean PM... Netanyahoo and more...
    See the connection?

    And they feed us lab grown meat from Human Stem cells.

    A group of American scientists and designers have developed a concept for a grow-your-own steak kit using human cells and blood to question the ethics of the cultured meat industry.


    The Fact that nobody can determine which cells are used in Lab grown meat and as such the possibility for nefarious use of Human Stem Cells remains always a possibility can never be denied is the single reason for outright prohibition of Lab grown meat.

    Add to this the fact that Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab... two of the most evil shitfaces that ever existed... pushing this shit upon us... knowing they hate humanity.

    The CIA since Operation Paperclip is operated by Nazis.
    The CIA and Nazis are funded by Warburg Rockefeller Rothschild.
    Jewish Supremacy = Jewish Fascism = Jewish Nazis.

    Albert Pike: The 3rd World War.

    “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

    Agentur is the German word for Agency.
    The K in MK Ultra is the German word "Kontrolle" meaning control.
    The Illuminati was founded in Germany in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt.
    Germany is ruled by Jewish Freemasonry forever... as is the USA.
    Hitler was a Rothschild and a Freemasons... all the Nazis were Freemasons.
    The Jews / Freemasons always use a decoy in order to hide their evil Intentions and blame someone else... playing victim when they are not.

    So we know the outcome of their plan... everything else is just the execution of this plan.
    Rigging selections... creating pandemics... poisoning people... indoctrination education... Religion... mind control... war...everything goes to make their plans come true... and they use the Occult to do it.
    Aleistar Crowley sunk the Lusitania so the Rothschilds could steal the land of Palestine.

    The Memory of War II: The sinking of the Lusitania

    The Memory of War II: The sinking of the Lusitania
    From the DAILY MAIL, 20 December 2008

    Read full story

    The Rothschilds then installed Adolf Hitler into Germany in order to force the Jews to the new found holy land.

    About Adolf Rothschild Hiedler Schickelgruber

    About Adolf Rothschild Hiedler Schickelgruber
    NOTE: I despise anyone who has anything good to say about Adolf Hitler.

    Read full story

    Part 3 of this Biblical Muppet show is their holy Grail of WW3.

    Civil War... Viva La Muerte
    The 3rd World War starts as a Civil War

    Civil War... Viva La Muerte

    Civil War... Viva La Muerte
    It's an 800 years never ending war

    Read full story

    In short... we are witnessing the destruction of Humanity by the Jewish Bankers who are not Human... they are Draco... Anunaki... Children of the Sun.
    An Alien Race of energy beings that want this world for their own .
    A self fulfilling Prophecy they have written thousands of years ago... coming to a climax now.
    Don't you get it?

    Then there is Venezuela…
    It is the same as Israel… mas induced anger and uproar.
    My best guess is that they use STARLINK in both Israel and Venezuela to induce mass anger.

    STARLINK: Brainwave Attack

    STARLINK: Brainwave Attack
    The Schumann Resonance is a low-frequency electromagnetic wave of up to 7.83 Hz that occurs between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. It is related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and can affect human behavior, mood, and health.

    Read full story

    STARLINK is controlled by T-Mobile which is controlled by Ori Cohen which is IDF Unit 8200 Alumini.
    So Israel controls STARLINK.
    Get it?

    Israel today is Nazi Germany 1933 using the same Mind control techniques to induce mass insanity.
    When people protect rapists... the Idea alone is insane.
    And insane they are.
    To be sacrificed on the Altar of Globalism.
    Because WW3 is all they want and all they ever wanted.
    The sacrifice of all of Humanity in a Global Holocaust.


    Fritz Freud

    If you can...

    are well off enough...

    and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...

    There is a lot of work going into this.

    Thank you.

    Buy me a Coffee

    Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.



    The Jewish Right to Rape... Children Disgusting isn't even touching the Grass Fritz Freud There is so much information... one more disgusting than the other that I must put this out into a post. My aim isn't calling out one group and I am usually more concerned with the Future and how to solve problems. However the Propaganda we are witnessing has reached new levels of insincerity insanity outright lies and outright fascism. Zionist Fascism in a Zionist takeover of this world This propaganda must be countered with truth. We are all victims here. First of all... you must see this video from Richard Medhurst someone I highly respect and salute for his work. Richard Medhurst - The Israelis have entered a civil war over the IDF's "right" to rape Palestinian hostages The Israelis have entered a civil war over the IDF's "right" to rape Palestinian hostages. The Israeli mob defending the rapists just overran a 2nd military base. The IDF has had to pause talks on bombing Lebanon and divert combat units away from Gaza. You can't make this up https://odysee.com/@TheAgeofAquariusPI4PSI:a/RichardMedhurst-Palestinianhostages:5 What is telling is the clip of discussion inside the Knesset where Jewish Lawmaker absolutists defend the Jewish right to rape. If you ever thought the Nazis were bad... the Jews now are by far worse. And that I put mildly. Here is the same story by Clayton Morris from Redacted: And if this is bad... watch what will happen when these fanatics take over the Temple mount and build the 3rd Temple of Solomon. WW3. By design! Note: I am German. For all my life I tried to find out what really happened in Nazi Germany. The result of my research is a very sophisticated form of Mind Control. Torture pain and victimization are very much part of this then and now. What happens today in Israel is a carbon copy of what happened in Germany 100 years ago... in Venezuela... and in the world. Induced Mass Madness by the Occult which are the so called leaders. Adolf Hitler introduced the "Volksempfänger" a simple Radio on which he could reach the public. What happens is Israel today is exactly what happened in Germany to bring the Nazis to power using Occult methods... Jewish Occult that is... mass induced insanity through sophisticated Mind Control. Volksempfänger Speaking of Nazis... here is Analena Baerbock the German Minister for existential stupidity and lies of the Ministry of untruth... a walking abortion telling lies and being confronted about it. The UN team headed by Pramila Patten, the secretary-general’s special representative on sexual violence in armed conflict, concluded in its report published in March that “in the medicolegal assessment of available photos and videos, no tangible indications of rape could be identified.” The following month the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that “From inquiries put to three bodies in the defense establishment by Haaretz, it emerges that the intelligence material collected by the police and the intelligence bodies, including footage from terrorists’ body cameras, does not contain visual documentation of any acts of rape themselves.” https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/germany-smears-journalist-challenging-baerbocks-7-oct-rape-video-lie Analena Baerbock is the dumbest whore of misinformation a stern Zionist Nazi of the worst kind in the dumbest most Fascist German Government that ever existed... and the most Jewish one. These Jewish Nazis have destroyed Germany and they are worse than the Nazis ever were. Angela Merkel was a STASI whore... IM ERIKA... Analena Baerbock is dumb as fuck... and they all support war in Ukraine and they are all Nazis...PERIOD! And they are all Jewish Zionists who support Genocide and war with Russia... War with Russia! Napoleon tried this... little Napoleon i.e. Macron is pushing it... Hitler tried it... little Hitler i.e. Scholz is pushing it... Yet Russia is impossible to invade... and they know it... Here is Merkel with a poster stating: We don't have a Past. But we create a secure Future. Yep... sounds communist to me. Sounds like Camel Harris to me... Anette Kahane is Jewish and the master censor of Germany. She also was a STASI agent. So if you wonder why Germany now is descending... again... into fascism... just like Israel... look no further than the leaders who pushing us into it using every available tool from censorship to drugs in the food... all part of this sophisticated mind control apparatus. Then connect the Dots to the Rothschilds... and there you have it! That coincides with my research that the German Government and the EU scum Ursula Albrecht are stern Nazis... even worse than the Nazis and the German Media are complicit in Genocide and are worse than Nazis. Ursula von der Leyen: A Female Adolf worse than Hitler Ursula von der Leyen: A Female Adolf worse than Hitler Let me get this straight: Ursula von der Leyen is a failure... a walking Abortion. Read full story The German propaganda media is totally controlled by Zionists. And the Zionists pushing us into WW3. German Media is solely owned by these Families: Springer Mohn (Time Warner, Bertelsmann,Random House and News Corporation) Burda Mattsack DuMont Schaub Funke The German politicians are controlled by the WEF and the Atlantik Brücke (Atlantic Bridge) who also control the German media. Politicians are raised through the Hitler Youth programs of the WEF and the Atlantik Brücke... most famously Angela Merkel who also was a STASI Agent. Atlantik Brücke just like the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and the Millennium Century Cooperation (MCC) are think tanks...as in Tank... as in a tool of war in this spiritual war. The aim is to steer Humanity into WW3 as in mutual assured self destruction. Atlantik-Brücke is a German-American organization that promotes dialogue and cooperation between the two countries on various topics. Learn about their events, programs, and insights on economy, finance, markets, and democracy. https://www.atlantik-bruecke.org/en/ And the Atlantik Brücke is a forefront of the CIA Zionist takeover of this world promoting WW3 with Russia and China. It was founded by no one else but Eric M. Warburg long time associate of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Rothschild Warburg Schiff drafted the treaty of Versailles. There they dissected Europe between them. Blaming Germany for the war they created. Paul Moritz Warburg was the founder of the United States Federal Reserve Bank. So you see how this all works together. This is also the reason the Jews hate Germany because they use Germany as the basis for their evilness blaming it on the Germans... see how that works? This is why you have scum like Analena Baerbock and Angela Merkel and Ursula von der Leyen... because the real power behind them are the Jews... The name Paul Moritz Warburg is synonymous with the founding of the Federal Reserve System. Warburg’s impact on American banking is a parallel to his family’s impact on European banking. The epic story of the Warburg family of European bankers can be traced back to the early 1500s when Simon von Cassel settled in the German Westphalia town of Warburg (originally founded by Charlemagne in 778 and was then known as Warburgum) and began the family’s quest for money and financial power. https://digitalcommons.sacredheart.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1110&context=his_fac And history is repeating itself because of the Federal Reserve Money system which gives them Jewish Bankers 10 times the money by default of all of the rest of the world combined. Basically it is privatized legal Jewish Slavery. And they finance war terror and diseases promoting Trans and LBGTQFU+++ See the extinction Olympics. Stockholm Syndrome Extinction Olympics Stockholm Syndrome Extinction Olympics A Message / Question to all Christians: Read full story And now they push for WW3 with Russia through the CFR Atlantik Brücke and other political Institutions such as the Round Table Club of Rome and WEF which are all controlled by these Families. Just read a few sentence of their blatant lies and propaganda which would see a Joseph Göbbels blush. The US and Europe have to further increase pressure on Russia – and China Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at Atlantik Brücke and the Transatlantic Business Initiative Event I’ve come to Berlin on the back of a trip to Kyiv, where I had a chance to meet my counterparts and brave Ukrainians who have been resilient in the face of unyielding war. I was reminded that Ukraine remains a democratic country today because its people are willing to fight for freedom. Over two years ago, when Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin expected to be in control of Kyiv within days and the entire country within weeks. But Ukraine stood up, and our coalition stood beside them, denying the Kremlin the quick victory it expected. And as the Ukrainian people fought off advancing Russian troops, we put in place unprecedented sanctions that cut off Russia’s largest banks from our financial systems and shackled the Kremlin’s war chest by immobilizing its sovereign assets held abroad. In response to its strategic failure, the Kremlin has now committed nearly half a million troops to this unprovoked invasion and imposed a set of draconian capital controls to prevent money from escaping from Russia. As Russia’s strategy evolved, so did our approach. On one end, the United States, Germany, and our coalition provided Ukraine with weapons to defend against Russia’s aggression on the frontlines and economic support to bolster its resilience on the home front. https://www.atlantik-bruecke.org/en/the-us-and-europe-have-to-further-increase-pressure-on-russia-and-china/ All of the Media gets their Information from Reuters and the Associated Press (AP). Reuters and the Associated Press (AP) is owned and controlled by the Rothschild Family. The Rothschild Family control Zionism. The Rothschild Family is the Family of Adolf Hitler. About Adolf Rothschild Hiedler Schickelgruber About Adolf Rothschild Hiedler Schickelgruber NOTE: I despise anyone who has anything good to say about Adolf Hitler. Read full story Kuhn, Loeb, Bernard Baruch, J.P. Morgan, Eugene Meyer; Paul Warburg, Max Warburg, Jacob Schiff, Louis Brandeis, Alfred Rothschild Their involvement in the wars and financing Hitler cannot be denied. As their involvement in the Opium trade. Skull & Bones and the Bullington Club. And through that the Bush Family Prescott Bush Boris Johnson the push for war through the ages using always the same methods. The Bush Family is associated with Aleistar Crowley who sunk the Lusitania to get the USA into WW1. Here is the biggest war criminal Arsehole Satan the Yahoo telling Hamas raped children. When at the same time the Jews protect rapists... can't make this shit up. Israeli PM Netanyahu Visits Majdal Shams After Hezbollah Attack Kills 12 Children An attack Hezbollah denies Lebanon demands int’l probe as Hezbollah denies involvement in deadly Golan Heights strike https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240729-lebanon-demands-intl-probe-as-hezbollah-denies-involvement-in-deadly-golan-heights-strike/ Note: The Jews do anything to get their WW3. And they even kill their own to do so! Hannibal Directive October 7 | Al Jazeera Newsfeed And they rape children in Gaza Israeli soldiers accused of raping Palestinian women and children Credible reports have emerged of Israeli soldiers raping and sexually abusing Palestinian women and children. UN experts found credible cases of rape and sexual assault in Israeli prisons, and women who were threatened by sexual violence and rape. Many Palestinian women reported that they had been humiliated, stripped naked, and assaulted at an Israeli checkpoint that had been established between the north and the south of Gaza. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240327-israeli-soldiers-accused-of-raping-palestinian-women-and-children/ Note: The fact that they protect rapist as they do is a fact of confession that they rape children as they do. Josh Paul resigned from the State Dept over sending arms to Israel. “I have heard from actually so many hundreds of colleagues at this point who support what I did,” he says. “They are finding what is happening both a moral disaster and a policy disaster for the United States.” https://x.com/amanpour/status/1731745533474074663 Then there is the profound fact that they push cannibalism upon us. Aborted Fetus Tissue Used by Food Industry — Proof Revealed in OK Senate Bill From 2012 https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2019/03/05/aborted-fetus-tissue-used-by-food-industry-proof-revealed-in-ok-senate-bill-from-2012/19/33/51/71738/uncategorized/justin/ Kraft, Pepsi, and Nestle Using Aborted Babies For Flavor Additives https://drrichswier.com/2015/07/19/kraft-pepsi-and-nestle-the-using-aborted-babies-for-flavor-additives/ Rabbi Finklestein - Human meat in McDonalds ...those are pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger and that's why we made those the most popular things sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch and so all the Goyim out here are really eating their children and uh even when we say this outright and tell you people you don't believe it so that's that's your problem. Note: In 2012 there was an outrage in Chine when it was revealed they use aborted cells in Baby Formula... Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Headquarters in NY City has Underground Tunnels with several Baby Chairs! https://www.bitchute.com/video/HSdP0cjGKhx2 Note: So the Jews claim a right to rape children... Feed us Human Body Parts... And have tunnels underneath the Organization behind Milei the Argentinean PM... Netanyahoo and more... See the connection? And they feed us lab grown meat from Human Stem cells. A group of American scientists and designers have developed a concept for a grow-your-own steak kit using human cells and blood to question the ethics of the cultured meat industry. https://www.dezeen.com/2020/11/13/ouroboros-steak-meal-kit-andrew-pelling-grace-knight-orkan-telhan/ Note: The Fact that nobody can determine which cells are used in Lab grown meat and as such the possibility for nefarious use of Human Stem Cells remains always a possibility can never be denied is the single reason for outright prohibition of Lab grown meat. Add to this the fact that Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab... two of the most evil shitfaces that ever existed... pushing this shit upon us... knowing they hate humanity. The CIA since Operation Paperclip is operated by Nazis. The CIA and Nazis are funded by Warburg Rockefeller Rothschild. Jewish Supremacy = Jewish Fascism = Jewish Nazis. Albert Pike: The 3rd World War. “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” Note: Agentur is the German word for Agency. The K in MK Ultra is the German word "Kontrolle" meaning control. The Illuminati was founded in Germany in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt. Germany is ruled by Jewish Freemasonry forever... as is the USA. Hitler was a Rothschild and a Freemasons... all the Nazis were Freemasons. The Jews / Freemasons always use a decoy in order to hide their evil Intentions and blame someone else... playing victim when they are not. So we know the outcome of their plan... everything else is just the execution of this plan. Rigging selections... creating pandemics... poisoning people... indoctrination education... Religion... mind control... war...everything goes to make their plans come true... and they use the Occult to do it. Aleistar Crowley sunk the Lusitania so the Rothschilds could steal the land of Palestine. The Memory of War II: The sinking of the Lusitania The Memory of War II: The sinking of the Lusitania From the DAILY MAIL, 20 December 2008 Read full story The Rothschilds then installed Adolf Hitler into Germany in order to force the Jews to the new found holy land. About Adolf Rothschild Hiedler Schickelgruber About Adolf Rothschild Hiedler Schickelgruber NOTE: I despise anyone who has anything good to say about Adolf Hitler. Read full story Part 3 of this Biblical Muppet show is their holy Grail of WW3. Civil War... Viva La Muerte The 3rd World War starts as a Civil War Civil War... Viva La Muerte Civil War... Viva La Muerte It's an 800 years never ending war Read full story In short... we are witnessing the destruction of Humanity by the Jewish Bankers who are not Human... they are Draco... Anunaki... Children of the Sun. An Alien Race of energy beings that want this world for their own . A self fulfilling Prophecy they have written thousands of years ago... coming to a climax now. NOT HUMAN! Don't you get it? Then there is Venezuela… It is the same as Israel… mas induced anger and uproar. My best guess is that they use STARLINK in both Israel and Venezuela to induce mass anger. STARLINK: Brainwave Attack STARLINK: Brainwave Attack The Schumann Resonance is a low-frequency electromagnetic wave of up to 7.83 Hz that occurs between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. It is related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and can affect human behavior, mood, and health. Read full story Note: STARLINK is controlled by T-Mobile which is controlled by Ori Cohen which is IDF Unit 8200 Alumini. So Israel controls STARLINK. Get it? Israel today is Nazi Germany 1933 using the same Mind control techniques to induce mass insanity. When people protect rapists... the Idea alone is insane. And insane they are. To be sacrificed on the Altar of Globalism. Because WW3 is all they want and all they ever wanted. The sacrifice of all of Humanity in a Global Holocaust. Godspeed Fritz Freud If you can... are well off enough... and like my work please consider buying me a coffee... There is a lot of work going into this. Thank you. Buy me a Coffee Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-147192452 https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/08/the-jewish-right-to-rape.html
    The Jewish Right to Rape... Children
    Disgusting isn't even touching the Grass
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  • Netanyahu Pretends to be Dumb. The IDF’s “Spotters” in the Forefront? Why Are So Many of Them Dead or Taken Hostage in Gaza?
    Part II. What Happened to the Evidence They Brought Forward of an Imminent Invasion of Israel by Hamas?

    Read Part I:

    Netanyahu Pretends to be Dumb. He’s Not

    By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, July 31, 2024

    In recent weeks calls for a proper investigation have risen yet another notch in intensity. This development has resulted from reports of a meeting between Netanyahu and the parents of so-called spotters. The spotters are coming to be seen as primary eye witnesses who fed vital information to Israeli Military Intelligence over a prolonged period leading up to October 7.

    The core aspect of that vital information is that Hamas officials were training for many weeks for their breaches of the Gaza Wall and their military actions that followed throughout Southern Israel.

    The spotters came to the conclusion that Hamas were conducting themselves in ways that pretty much anticipated what was about to happen on Oct. 7. Israeli security services must have the digital evidence of what the spotters observed. If that digital evidence has been made to disappear, some officials will have a lot of explaining to do.

    The spotters themselves had memories to call upon, a fact that might help explain why so many of them are now dead or held hostage in Gaza. No doubt there is also a large body of written evidence produced by the spotters describing exactly what they saw. As reported,

    “In November [of 2023], female spotters from Nahal Oz and the neighboring Kissufim revealed to Haaretz that their numerous attempts to warn the army about unusual activity along the border fence were largely ignored in the days and weeks before Hamas’ infiltration. These included reports about Hamas’ preparations near the fence, its drone activity, its efforts to knock out cameras, the extensive use of vans and motorcycles, and even rehearsals for the shelling of tanks.”

    The spotters were uniformly young women in the IDF, all aged in the 18-25 range. Their job was to watch computer screens linked to cameras recording everything that happened in the area of the Gaza Wall. Many of the young women were posted outside the Wall in the military base beside the Nahal Oz Kibbutz.

    Many of the women who worked on this base were killed on October 7. An official of the IDF later acknowledged this suspicious outcome. While 15 spotters are reported as having been killed by Hamas fighters, another six are now reportedly being held by Hamas as Israeli hostages in Gaza.

    Is it possible that Netanyahu has been resisting the return of the hostages because the surviving spotters are eye witnesses to very damning evidence with major implications for the future of his government and of himself?

    That evidence, which has been kept on the sidelines until recently, suggests that the elements of the Israeli government may have been involved with elements of Hamas in mutual preparations for the events of October 7. Constant references to “intelligence failures” has diverted attention from this kind of possibility.

    It is perfectly possible that the events of October 7 as they unfolded involved complex networks of collusion. Those networks of collusion might have intertwined some elements of the Netanyahu government with parts of the deeply-involved intelligence agencies, and with factions within Hamas, but especially those factions residing in Doha under the protection of Emir Al-Thani.

    See this.

    Haaretz reported that Daniel Hagari on behalf of the IDF acknowledged that Israeli soldiers failed to protect their colleagues at the Nahal Oz military base on Oct. 7. Might that failure of protection been purposeful rather than inadvertent?

    The parents of the spotters have become organized and they are bringing their views to the Israeli Prime Minister. From a Haaretz report we learn,

    “At the meeting, the parents told Netanyahu about how their daughters had warned repeatedly of a Hamas invasion. The mother of one of the soldiers said that her daughter, who had just finished her training and had only served at the Nahal Oz base for a week, predicted what was about to happen.

    “She came home to us and said: There’s going to be an invasion,” the mother said. “When did she tell you that?” Netanyahu asked, and the mother replied: “During the time she was there. She said it several times, in fact.”

    Another woman at the meeting said, “For a month, they were telling us every day: ‘It’s trouble, they [Hamas] keep training.'” The prime minister asked her: “They told you that?” And another participant answered: “They told us, and we demand answers about this, immediately, not when the war ends.”

    Netanyahu made sure to “play dumb.” He distanced himself from the damning information by pretending that the whole matter was all previously unknown to him. How convenient!

    Netanyahu is reported to have said in response to the parents,

    “All of this information, I’m stunned by what I’m hearing. I didn’t know they told you these things,” the prime minister said. “All of this material was supposed to have reached someplace that operates the systems, and it didn’t happen.”

    It seems that many in government studiously avoided any exchanges at all with the families of the spotters. Haaretz reports

    “The families went on to tell Netanyahu about how hurt they are because the government has ignored them. “I’ve been sitting at home for nine months,” said one person there. “No one has come to us – no one for the government, or from the Knesset. Nobody has come to ask forgiveness, to say, ‘We’re thinking of you, we’re aware of your existence.'”

    Another person added: “Not one person can come see us at home? For nine months, not one person can come and knock on the door and say: ‘We erred, we’re sorry’? Where’s the respect?”

    Through yet another failed vote on the subject in the Knesset, Netanyahu narrowly escaped the calling of a Commission of Investigations into the Events of October 7. As Allison Kaplan Sommer reported,

    “The vote came a day after reports that Netanyahu claimed he was “stunned” by accounts from bereaved family members that their relatives – women IDF soldiers surveying the Gaza border – had warned repeatedly of a Hamas invasion and were ignored. The parents, like the rest of the country, urged their leader that a full and complete investigation take place now – and not in another 20 years. One parent confronted Netanyahu on his avoidance, saying: “You’re the head. You are responsible. You command the army. You command the defense minister. The responsibility is on you. Accept responsibility.”

    How Extensive Are the Lies and Crimes of the Israeli Prime Minister? How Can He Get Away with Such Monumental Violations of International Law?

    The evidence strongly suggests the existence of some measure of collusion between elements of the Netanyahu government and elements of Hamas in the run up to October 7. This evidence was of course mostly ignored by the media and the well-bribed politicians when the Israeli Prime Minister visited the US capital.

    It would be naive at best to think that episode involving the neglect of the spotters and their role in the run up to October 7 was inadvertent rather than deliberate.

    There are especially significant questions yet to be answered about the disappearance of the spotters themselves. Given the importance of these matters at the very core of what has been referred to as “the most severe disaster in the history of the Israeli state,” the obsessive avoidance by officials of anything to do with prior knowledge of the events of October 7 has become very conspicuous.

    To some very serious Israel watchers like Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, former CIA official Philip Giraldi, and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, it has become pretty clear that October 7 was a planned false flag with the object of creating the pretext for the elaborate and prolonged genocide which continues to this day. With the the weight of much evidence behind him, Prof. Chossudovsky has asserted

    Everything Points to Massive Fraud and Criminality by Netanhayu and his IDF-Mossad apparatus. [Oct. 7] is a criminal “False Flag” operation against Israeli civilians engineered by the Netanyahu government, which controls Hamas.

    See also this and this.

    Well documented is the deep and elaborate history of close relations between Hamas and Prime Minister Netanyahu. The same is true of the relationship between Hamas and the whole line of Likudnik leaders from Menachem Begin, to Yitzhak Shamir, to Ariel Sharon, to Netanyahu. A small inkling of the extent of this collaboration was put on record by Netanyahu in the following comment he made in 2019 to the Likud caucus,

    “Whoever opposes a Palestinian state must support delivery of funds to Gaza because maintaining separation between the PA in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza will prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

    Netanyahu is cited in Haaretz on 20 Oct. 2023.

    Who benefits? Netanyahu is a major beneficiary of the Oct. 7 debacle. The so-called “war” has enabled him to avoid further criminal charges and convictions within Israel. The conflict enables Netanyahu to retain his job of Prime Minister with all the added emergency measure powers connected to his wartime tenure in office. As Israel’s top General, Netanyahu has pushed forward the genocidal objectives he shares with many of his cabinet ministers including prominently Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich.

    The good work of several news groups on the web including Grayzone, Electronic Intifada and Mondoweiss, has exposed much of the fraud connected to how the events of October 7 were initially reported. The journalists at these sites exposed much of the false reporting on allegations of mass Hamas rapes as well as of the supposedly roasted and beheaded Israeli babies.

    The journalists have helped bring out how many of the supposed murders of Israeli citizens, especially at the Nova Music Festival, were actually carried out by the IDF. The journalist have been less enthusiastic when it comes to exploring the complexities of prior knowledge of October 7. I have explored key aspect of this issue but it is a huge topic that should be carefully investigated if and when the Commission of Inquiry takes place.

    A group of conscientious Israeli citizens have described as follows the importance of some fundamental reckoning with what rally happened on Oct. 7, 2023.

    “Make no mistake, what Israel is doing in Gaza now will haunt Israelis for decades. Now is the time to make sure all Israelis understand this. And this understanding should start with full disclosure about the events of October 7, 2023.”

    See this video:

    Tragically it has become basically self-evident that we can never expect honest explanations from official sources about almost everything and anything of consequence when the issues at stake involve powerful lobbies with major interest in blocking the truth.

    This understanding is especially relevant when we are dealing with issues that have a direct bearing on the political career of Benjamin Netanyahu, one of the notorious bare-faced liars in elected office.

    Most of Netanyahu’s AIPAC-financed audience in Congress shared many lucrative incentives to go along with the lies giving cover to the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. The only individual who was visibly not going along with the war crimes was Rashida Tlaib, the sole Palestinian member of the House of Representatives.

    Especially on the part of the International Criminal Court, its proceedings to date on the Gaza-Israel fiasco take the events of October 7 at face value in ways that may obstruct a proper and thorough investigation into the hidden aspects of the larger topic. Chief Prosector Karim Khan posits that Hamas officials and Israeli government officials share roughly equal amounts of criminal responsibility. The former is said to bear full responsibility for what transpired in Israel on October 7 and the latter as assigned responsibility for what transpired in Gaza after October 7.

    What if it was demonstrated that Netanyahu or others around him have been instrumental in the genesis of the war crimes faced by Israeli citizens on October 7 as well as causing the ongoing genocide in Gaza underway since October 7? Could it be that Netanyahu is facing double jeopardy as a major culprit in intertwined aspects of the war crimes infolding in the Middle East?

    Related Videos

    See this and this.


    Click the share button below to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.

    Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research

    This article was originally published on Looking out at the World from Canada.

    Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

    He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

    Featured image source


    Netanyahu Pretends to be Dumb. The IDF’s “Spotters” in the Forefront? Why Are So Many of Them Dead or Taken Hostage in Gaza? Part II. What Happened to the Evidence They Brought Forward of an Imminent Invasion of Israel by Hamas? Read Part I: Netanyahu Pretends to be Dumb. He’s Not By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, July 31, 2024 In recent weeks calls for a proper investigation have risen yet another notch in intensity. This development has resulted from reports of a meeting between Netanyahu and the parents of so-called spotters. The spotters are coming to be seen as primary eye witnesses who fed vital information to Israeli Military Intelligence over a prolonged period leading up to October 7. The core aspect of that vital information is that Hamas officials were training for many weeks for their breaches of the Gaza Wall and their military actions that followed throughout Southern Israel. The spotters came to the conclusion that Hamas were conducting themselves in ways that pretty much anticipated what was about to happen on Oct. 7. Israeli security services must have the digital evidence of what the spotters observed. If that digital evidence has been made to disappear, some officials will have a lot of explaining to do. The spotters themselves had memories to call upon, a fact that might help explain why so many of them are now dead or held hostage in Gaza. No doubt there is also a large body of written evidence produced by the spotters describing exactly what they saw. As reported, “In November [of 2023], female spotters from Nahal Oz and the neighboring Kissufim revealed to Haaretz that their numerous attempts to warn the army about unusual activity along the border fence were largely ignored in the days and weeks before Hamas’ infiltration. These included reports about Hamas’ preparations near the fence, its drone activity, its efforts to knock out cameras, the extensive use of vans and motorcycles, and even rehearsals for the shelling of tanks.” The spotters were uniformly young women in the IDF, all aged in the 18-25 range. Their job was to watch computer screens linked to cameras recording everything that happened in the area of the Gaza Wall. Many of the young women were posted outside the Wall in the military base beside the Nahal Oz Kibbutz. Many of the women who worked on this base were killed on October 7. An official of the IDF later acknowledged this suspicious outcome. While 15 spotters are reported as having been killed by Hamas fighters, another six are now reportedly being held by Hamas as Israeli hostages in Gaza. Is it possible that Netanyahu has been resisting the return of the hostages because the surviving spotters are eye witnesses to very damning evidence with major implications for the future of his government and of himself? That evidence, which has been kept on the sidelines until recently, suggests that the elements of the Israeli government may have been involved with elements of Hamas in mutual preparations for the events of October 7. Constant references to “intelligence failures” has diverted attention from this kind of possibility. It is perfectly possible that the events of October 7 as they unfolded involved complex networks of collusion. Those networks of collusion might have intertwined some elements of the Netanyahu government with parts of the deeply-involved intelligence agencies, and with factions within Hamas, but especially those factions residing in Doha under the protection of Emir Al-Thani. See this. Haaretz reported that Daniel Hagari on behalf of the IDF acknowledged that Israeli soldiers failed to protect their colleagues at the Nahal Oz military base on Oct. 7. Might that failure of protection been purposeful rather than inadvertent? The parents of the spotters have become organized and they are bringing their views to the Israeli Prime Minister. From a Haaretz report we learn, “At the meeting, the parents told Netanyahu about how their daughters had warned repeatedly of a Hamas invasion. The mother of one of the soldiers said that her daughter, who had just finished her training and had only served at the Nahal Oz base for a week, predicted what was about to happen. “She came home to us and said: There’s going to be an invasion,” the mother said. “When did she tell you that?” Netanyahu asked, and the mother replied: “During the time she was there. She said it several times, in fact.” Another woman at the meeting said, “For a month, they were telling us every day: ‘It’s trouble, they [Hamas] keep training.'” The prime minister asked her: “They told you that?” And another participant answered: “They told us, and we demand answers about this, immediately, not when the war ends.” Netanyahu made sure to “play dumb.” He distanced himself from the damning information by pretending that the whole matter was all previously unknown to him. How convenient! Netanyahu is reported to have said in response to the parents, “All of this information, I’m stunned by what I’m hearing. I didn’t know they told you these things,” the prime minister said. “All of this material was supposed to have reached someplace that operates the systems, and it didn’t happen.” It seems that many in government studiously avoided any exchanges at all with the families of the spotters. Haaretz reports “The families went on to tell Netanyahu about how hurt they are because the government has ignored them. “I’ve been sitting at home for nine months,” said one person there. “No one has come to us – no one for the government, or from the Knesset. Nobody has come to ask forgiveness, to say, ‘We’re thinking of you, we’re aware of your existence.'” Another person added: “Not one person can come see us at home? For nine months, not one person can come and knock on the door and say: ‘We erred, we’re sorry’? Where’s the respect?” Through yet another failed vote on the subject in the Knesset, Netanyahu narrowly escaped the calling of a Commission of Investigations into the Events of October 7. As Allison Kaplan Sommer reported, “The vote came a day after reports that Netanyahu claimed he was “stunned” by accounts from bereaved family members that their relatives – women IDF soldiers surveying the Gaza border – had warned repeatedly of a Hamas invasion and were ignored. The parents, like the rest of the country, urged their leader that a full and complete investigation take place now – and not in another 20 years. One parent confronted Netanyahu on his avoidance, saying: “You’re the head. You are responsible. You command the army. You command the defense minister. The responsibility is on you. Accept responsibility.” How Extensive Are the Lies and Crimes of the Israeli Prime Minister? How Can He Get Away with Such Monumental Violations of International Law? The evidence strongly suggests the existence of some measure of collusion between elements of the Netanyahu government and elements of Hamas in the run up to October 7. This evidence was of course mostly ignored by the media and the well-bribed politicians when the Israeli Prime Minister visited the US capital. It would be naive at best to think that episode involving the neglect of the spotters and their role in the run up to October 7 was inadvertent rather than deliberate. There are especially significant questions yet to be answered about the disappearance of the spotters themselves. Given the importance of these matters at the very core of what has been referred to as “the most severe disaster in the history of the Israeli state,” the obsessive avoidance by officials of anything to do with prior knowledge of the events of October 7 has become very conspicuous. To some very serious Israel watchers like Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, former CIA official Philip Giraldi, and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, it has become pretty clear that October 7 was a planned false flag with the object of creating the pretext for the elaborate and prolonged genocide which continues to this day. With the the weight of much evidence behind him, Prof. Chossudovsky has asserted Everything Points to Massive Fraud and Criminality by Netanhayu and his IDF-Mossad apparatus. [Oct. 7] is a criminal “False Flag” operation against Israeli civilians engineered by the Netanyahu government, which controls Hamas. See also this and this. Well documented is the deep and elaborate history of close relations between Hamas and Prime Minister Netanyahu. The same is true of the relationship between Hamas and the whole line of Likudnik leaders from Menachem Begin, to Yitzhak Shamir, to Ariel Sharon, to Netanyahu. A small inkling of the extent of this collaboration was put on record by Netanyahu in the following comment he made in 2019 to the Likud caucus, “Whoever opposes a Palestinian state must support delivery of funds to Gaza because maintaining separation between the PA in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza will prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. Netanyahu is cited in Haaretz on 20 Oct. 2023. Who benefits? Netanyahu is a major beneficiary of the Oct. 7 debacle. The so-called “war” has enabled him to avoid further criminal charges and convictions within Israel. The conflict enables Netanyahu to retain his job of Prime Minister with all the added emergency measure powers connected to his wartime tenure in office. As Israel’s top General, Netanyahu has pushed forward the genocidal objectives he shares with many of his cabinet ministers including prominently Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich. The good work of several news groups on the web including Grayzone, Electronic Intifada and Mondoweiss, has exposed much of the fraud connected to how the events of October 7 were initially reported. The journalists at these sites exposed much of the false reporting on allegations of mass Hamas rapes as well as of the supposedly roasted and beheaded Israeli babies. The journalists have helped bring out how many of the supposed murders of Israeli citizens, especially at the Nova Music Festival, were actually carried out by the IDF. The journalist have been less enthusiastic when it comes to exploring the complexities of prior knowledge of October 7. I have explored key aspect of this issue but it is a huge topic that should be carefully investigated if and when the Commission of Inquiry takes place. A group of conscientious Israeli citizens have described as follows the importance of some fundamental reckoning with what rally happened on Oct. 7, 2023. “Make no mistake, what Israel is doing in Gaza now will haunt Israelis for decades. Now is the time to make sure all Israelis understand this. And this understanding should start with full disclosure about the events of October 7, 2023.” See this video: Tragically it has become basically self-evident that we can never expect honest explanations from official sources about almost everything and anything of consequence when the issues at stake involve powerful lobbies with major interest in blocking the truth. This understanding is especially relevant when we are dealing with issues that have a direct bearing on the political career of Benjamin Netanyahu, one of the notorious bare-faced liars in elected office. Most of Netanyahu’s AIPAC-financed audience in Congress shared many lucrative incentives to go along with the lies giving cover to the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. The only individual who was visibly not going along with the war crimes was Rashida Tlaib, the sole Palestinian member of the House of Representatives. Especially on the part of the International Criminal Court, its proceedings to date on the Gaza-Israel fiasco take the events of October 7 at face value in ways that may obstruct a proper and thorough investigation into the hidden aspects of the larger topic. Chief Prosector Karim Khan posits that Hamas officials and Israeli government officials share roughly equal amounts of criminal responsibility. The former is said to bear full responsibility for what transpired in Israel on October 7 and the latter as assigned responsibility for what transpired in Gaza after October 7. What if it was demonstrated that Netanyahu or others around him have been instrumental in the genesis of the war crimes faced by Israeli citizens on October 7 as well as causing the ongoing genocide in Gaza underway since October 7? Could it be that Netanyahu is facing double jeopardy as a major culprit in intertwined aspects of the war crimes infolding in the Middle East? Related Videos See this and this. * Click the share button below to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research This article was originally published on Looking out at the World from Canada. Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Featured image source https://www.globalresearch.ca/netanyahu-pretends-idf-spotters-forefront/5864134 https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/08/netanyahu-pretends-to-be-dumb.html
    Netanyahu Pretends to be Dumb. The IDF’s "Spotters" in the Forefront? Why Are So Many of Them Dead or Taken Hostage in Gaza?
    Read Part I: Netanyahu Pretends to be Dumb. He’s Not By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, July 31, 2024 In recent weeks calls for a proper investigation have risen yet another notch in intensity. This development has resulted from reports of a meeting between Netanyahu and the parents of so-called spotters. The spotters are coming …
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  • It Is Time for Freedom of Speech in the Freedom Movement
    We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day with each other~

    Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
    There, in my inbox, was another substack essay on nanotechnology….a thoughtful, serious piece discussing why we should not fall for the concept that nanotechnology can actually control human behavior and thought or the way that human beings conduct themselves.

    The discussion made a lot of sense. And so do the microscopists — those scientists, including chemists, pathologists, engineers, and others examining the “COVID vaccines,” the nanotechnology, the quantum dots, the “white clots,” the graphene oxide, and all else being found in human blood and various matter present in human injectables, ingestables, and breathables.

    [continue reading below]

    The dissenting author I read mentioned one of our other colleagues (colleagues being those fighters for freedom, liberty, biological integrity, health, science, and community). The dispute centered around the ability of any science to actually technologically control human thought. I winced as I read this.

    Not because I fully agreed or disagreed with either person, but because I knew human feelings would be stirred up, maybe hurt, maybe angered. Those feelings would swirl around the concepts of the debate, but also generally through the readers of each person and their colleagues. And those feelings can get in the way. Because the discussions, the disagreements, and the differences of view about the details and degrees of dangers are critical conversations.

    We should be having these conversations all the time.

    I am not going to parse that science debate in this essay in detail — that is for another time. I will say that the desire to control the thoughts and actions of others is a hallmark of dark “science” used by the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense divisions as well as some aspects of medicine and psychology. From the early psychiatric ice pick lobotomies in the 1950s to the psychosurgery experiments at some of the highest academic centers in medicine, including Harvard, Brown, Tulane, McGill, University of Mississippi, Wayne State, and many more, there have been attempts to modulate, deter, and control behavior. Dr. Breggin devoted several years of his life to putting a stop to the psychosurgery resurgence that began in the late 1960s into the 1970s.

    The Desire to Control is not the Same as Being Able to Control Human Thoughts

    The desire to control human thoughts and actions is not the same as being able to control human thoughts and actions. At this point, “what science can do is damage the human brain through various means — surgical, electrical, energy wave frequencies, blunt force trauma, and drugs,” according to psychiatrist Peter Breggin MD. He explains that a human being can be stopped, subdued, or deterred, just as the furious bull was stopped in its tracks in the arena by psychosurgeon Delgado, through electrical shocks in 1963. It came to a dead stop, shaking its head. The brain-damaging effect of the shock had paralyzed the beast momentarily without actually changing or averting his desire to charge. The shock was the equivalent of being stunned by a blow to the head. Dr. Breggin has examined this issue further in his new essay “The Elite Strategy to Physically Ruin Our Brains, Minds and Willpower.”

    The Desire to Control May Lead to Attempts to Control

    We know the dark sciences and the deep state want to control people, populations, and “targeted audiences.” Whether or not they are successful, there appears to be little preventing them from attempting to establish control of people by inserting technology into their bodies, especially since there is such a delicious opportunity to experiment with inserting nanotech during the Great World Vaccination Drive of the COVID era.

    Why not drive the technology “forward” by seeing what human bodies can tolerate or survive in the way of foreign objects and substances? Who knows? If the objects and substances are small enough, maybe we can slip them by the body’s defenses? And who is to say no? The ethics division at the National Institute of Health is manned by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s wife. So it behooves us to ask questions, lots of questions.

    However, we must not succumb to the fear and terror propaganda that is certainly being salted into the mix of information we are consuming about possible mind manipulation. Those who wish to control us are using fear, promotion of false abilities, misdirection, and any other lies they can dream up to keep us frightened, intimidated, distracted, confused, and ineffective.

    So, what can we do?

    Team Freedom Needs to Speak Openly and Freely

    We, those of us who are on Team Freedom, need to be able to speak freely. To exchange ideas, data, and perspectives.

    We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day.

    We are on the cutting edge of politics, science, liberty, medicine, public health, sociology, psychology, public relations, and civics. We are all looking around corners, into back rooms, and examining issues, practices, and technologies that are being shepherded into our cultures, our bodies, and our environment over which we have had no say.

    We Have Had No Choice

    We have had no choice about whatever is in the injectable liquids that are contaminating various medicines, including what is coyly called the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

    We have had no choice about the substances put in our foods or our environments through geoengineering pollution or other forms of manipulations. We have had no choice about the use of energy frequencies like the 5G being launched. No choice about the littered landscape of Level 4 biolabs around the world. No choice about the engineered pathogens that definitely escape those labs from time to time, and no choice about whether they should be released upon the world for one reason or another.

    We have no choice about being a member of the United Nations or a member of the World Health Organization, and of sustaining them through our tax dollars.

    We aren’t being given any of these choices. Those topics are off the table, ‘Top Secret,’ ‘proprietary information,’ under “NDA” (non-disclosure agreement) or simply ‘embarrassing’ or a ‘distraction’ or a ‘trade secret.’

    We have certainly had no choice about the manipulations of information that are being disseminated throughout our societies every day via the controlled media except to turn that media on, or off but much of it is impossible to avoid.

    We have had no choice about the Department of Defense (DOD), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other alphabet agencies using psychological manipulation and propaganda to “win the hearts and minds” and if that fails, to control opinion and actions with foreign nations and foreign nationals. In reality, most of what goes on in the arena of experimentation on physical control of the mind is hidden behind the opaque Deep State curtain. Does the Deep State want to control? You betcha. Look back at the last four years. In country after country, especially the USA, all we see is control being exerted upon citizens, against tradition and constitutions.

    We have no say in whether the DOD and the CIA, the CDC, and the alphabets are directing their propaganda machines upon U.S. citizens. Are their propaganda activities in the U.S. ‘biting the hand that feeds them?’ NO? Then what hand is feeding them?

    Tell us, please.

    Are We Free Without Debate and the Free Exchange of Ideas?

    Push back. We must open our minds. Have lots of conversations, and lots of exchange of ideas, through essays, columns, via videos, zoom meetings, documentaries, debates, books, and live gatherings.

    We know personally that there are those among us who have been very engaged in trying to steer and stifle the debate. The thought-terminating concept is ‘do NOT speak about that subject — it will discredit you and ‘the movement,’ and you will look like a fool.’ Another deterrent that stifles debate is ‘don’t disagree — we need unity in the freedom movement.’

    A very big threat that has thrown a terrifying poisonous cloud over all of us is the dread of getting sued for $25 million dollars.

    That is not freedom. That is control.

    You Will Look Like a Fool….

    There is disagreement about whether censorship occurred in Stockholm during the “Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences” conference held January 21-22, 2023. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger was the last presenter for this conference, after which there was a closing panel made up of the afternoon group of speakers. That last panel included Astrid Stuckelberger, Geert Vanden Bossche, John Steppling (playwright), Pierre Kory, Richard Urso, Jessica Rose, and Philipp Kruse.

    Dr. Stuckelberger’s talk was titled “From Biology to Population: Evidence-Based Public Health Situations: Analysis, Lessons and Next Steps.” “Censorship occurred at point C when I presented the results of nanotech and oxide graphene in the vials,” she told SGT Report. Her slide asked, “Is the content [of the vials] biological or not?” It is reproduced below.

    Her primary point, as I understand it, is that the materials being found in the ‘COVID vaccines’ are non-biological in nature — they are synthetic biological matter. Therefore physicians examining and testing blood who are trained to view biological matter are going to miss the synthetic materials, both due to the small size and due to the compositions of the materials.

    Dr. Stuckelberger posted a video clip later sent to her by an attendee that shows Dr. Cole up on the stage after Dr. Stuckelberger’s presentation. Though not listed on the final panel, Dr. Cole took the stage, gestured for, and was given a microphone by event organizers and then made “a real quick comment.” This was allowed even though Dr. Stuckelberger’s presentation was cut short by the organizers (they say because they were out of time).

    “From what we’ve looked at, there are no nano chips. There is absolutely no graphene oxide in the hundreds of vials we’ve looked at,” declared Dr. Cole. Turning to Dr. Stuckelberger, he declared, “I respect that you did a beautiful presentation,” which appeared patronizing or at least awkward.

    Dr. Cole said, “At the end of the day, to focus on freedom and focus on the wonderful freedom fight that we all have together is what matters. Other things are red herrings, and it’s not relevant, and it’s a distraction to our cause… Scientifically based on the analysis done, we respectfully disagree, having looked at what we’ve looked at as a group from Austria, as a group from the United States, and if we focus on freedom together, that’s what matters… but the rest of it makes us look a little like we are out there.”

    Dr. Richard Urso added, “The lipid nanoparticle messenger RNA is so dangerous itself – It’s the number one thing right now that we know, the data is there….it’s affecting DNA damage repair, its affecting toll-like receptors and viral immune surveillance, it’s doing the blood clotting, it’s doing a lot of the things we already know, we have the data on it…” (At 3:15 on the video)

    Doctors Cole and Urso both claimed “it’s not useful to our cause to put red herrings out there.”

    The shortened last panel gave each speaker three minutes to summarize their views, and then the organizers said Dr. Stuckelberger and another presenter could not present as they were out of time. She was handed the mic anyway, and she said “they are afraid of what I am going to say.” Then she said that we are living in an apocalyptic time. “Corruption is not new, it has been there for ages, and it is time that we see it. We must all strive to become autonomous again and create autonomous communities. I wish you will build happiness and find ways to heal yourselves with natural remedies, and there are some. Try to build community with others who have the same spirit and heart as you,” she concluded.

    Watch the videos. Look at the body language. Dr. Stuckelberger was body blocked by one of the local organizers, John Steppling, who loomed over her during Dr. Cole’s ‘explanation’ about why she should not present her data on the presence of nanotechnology in the blood. Dr. Kory came on stage and added his on-stage presence to the discussion. Doctors Kory, Cole, and Urso are among the pillars of Dr. Robert Malone’s medical juggernaut.

    The upshot is that Dr. Astrid Stucklberger was interrupted, distracted, or body-checked by at least four men, including Dr. Cole, Dr. Vanden Bossche, John Steppling, and Dr. Kory, who also made his presence known when joining the others on stage.

    The entire event was professionally filmed and posted online by conference organizers, the Swedish organization called The Doctors’ Appeal. The conference organizers also posted a two-page non-attributed paper titled “What happened at the conference.” The organizers assert that there was “no intent to censor Dr. Stuckelberger, nor place her in an awkward position at the end of her talk,” and they apologized “unreservedly for any animosity she may have experienced during the closing moments of the conference…”

    But key moments of the controversy are missing from the official recordings documenting the period directly after Dr. Stuckelberger’s speech was abruptly ended and the final panel was convened. Another video emerged and is available, memorializing some of the missing minutes where Dr. Cole took the stage to dismiss Dr. Stuckelberger’s comments.

    Sage Hana provides a good condensed version of one of the first post-conference interviews done with Astrid Stuckelberger by Dr. Jane Ruby, and offers some interesting observations in his “Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, Dr. Jane Ruby Highlights #1–Details of her Stockholm presentation subject matter” substack published February 4, 2023. We first learned of the incident from happening upon Dr. Ruby’s interview of Dr. Stuckelberger.

    Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Daniel Nagase

    Suppression of ideas also occurred during a November 3, 2021, Zoom call between a number of Canadian medical colleagues, including Emergency Room physician Dr. Daniel Nagase. Dr. Robert Malone, from the US, was also invited to participate in that group Zoom meeting.

    Here are [Dr. Nagase] timestamps for interesting segments.

    40:30 Dr. Nagase: Backstory.

    45:30 Dr. Nagase: Cancer and reverse transcriptase.

    47:03 Dr. Malone: drops off call.

    57.53 Dr. Malone: comes back cautioning against speculating about reverse transcriptase.

    58:30 Dr. Malone: “We’re under intense pressure… we have to be super careful about our messaging and what we’re stating…not useful to speculate about things like integration [of DNA from reverse transcribed RNA]

    Dr. Malone was telling Daniel Nagase, MD, in effect, don’t talk about reverse transcription and DNA integration in that 2021 Zoom meeting. Dr. Malone interrupted and said, “We’re under intense pressure… we have to be super careful about our messaging and what we’re stating…[it’s] not useful to speculate about things like integration” [of DNA from reverse transcribed RNA].

    Imagine. If scientists, analysts, and the public had been able to speak, discuss, and argue, about these dangers, questioning which contents might be in the COVID ‘vaccines’ without being interrupted and silenced by others purporting to be on the side of freedom, what might we have accomplished at that time in convincing others to NOT submit to the toxic ‘COVID vaccines?’

    Trash-Talking on Twitter

    Former Vice President of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, has been especially eloquent and outspoken about the elite’s global takeover via the World Economic Forum (WEF) and World Health Organization (WHO).

    Wide Awake Media reported:

    Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The so-called “pandemic” was planned and coordinated in advance, by unelected globalist bodies like the WHO and WEF, as a pretext to deliberately depopulate the planet via lethal mRNA injections:

    “We’re facing something much worse than an alleged virus. The injuries to people from these so-called vaccines… I wish I could tell you that it was accidental, but it wasn’t accidental. I’m convinced that these injections have been made to injure people, to maim and kill deliberately.”

    Source: TRUTH BE TOLD RALLY | London | March 25 | 1pm CET | 8am EST | Parliament Square | Childrens Health Defense

    In his comment, Dr. Yeadon echoed what many others have been saying and offering evidence about for some time.

    Dr. Malone tweeted back:

    “Show me the receipts or go home. Yeadon can talk like that all day long and get lots of clicks and likes. Preaching to the choir. But all it does is delegitimizes him with the persuadable middle. Do we want to win this, or are we just playing tiddlywinks? Proof or shut up.”

    Dr. Malone’s insults toward Dr. Yeadon should be no surprise, given that he has so often attempted to silence or sully other freedom fighters, including Peter Breggin, MD, Ginger Breggin, Dr. Jane Ruby, Peter McCullough, MD, Harvey Risch, MD, Dr. Paul Alexander, The Wellness Company, Red State Media, America Out Loud, other independent journalists, Dr. Brian Ardis, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Foster Colson, Clay Clark, Alex Berenson and others.

    Since 2022, Dr. Malone has increased his attacks involving much of The Wellness Company, Dr. Alexander, additional independent journalists, and reformers. Dr. Alexander himself has exposed two key instances where Dr. Malone maligned and discouraged others from having relationships with Dr. Peter Breggin – once when standing in the halls of the U.S. Senate prior to testimony, and once in a Brownstone email list among Brownstone members.

    Epidemiologist Paul Alias Alexander, Ph.D., is a Former Senior Advisor to Trump’s COVID Task Force and Former Advisor to WHO. He has courageously revealed in a recent substack column that during the Senate hearing that brought some of the top COVID critical scientists together, Dr. Malone was denigrating Dr. Peter Breggin, who was not present. Dr. Alexander reported:

    “I personally heard him, Malone, at a Senate meeting in Washington D.C. verbally ridiculing and smearing the Breggins to other scientists present. They were not there to defend themselves as he bragged about his lawsuit of $25 million against Dr. Peter Breggin and what he was doing against them. We run in similar circles. I was surprised he would do that in the Senate building (we were called there by Senator Johnson to discuss COVID and issues), and he was talking about his lawsuit on [the] Breggins as if it were a joke and a game, a sport, with listeners standing around enjoying a laugh. He poisoned the well, so to speak. He was trying to get the listeners to agree with him, yet they had no idea about the minutia. He was bragging, and it repulsed me. A joke on Dr. Breggin, who has done more for America and this movement than Malone could ever do?” [italics added.]

    The Biggest “Don’t Talk About That” Action

    The biggest “Don’t talk about that” action to date has been the $25 million dollar lawsuit against Peter R. Breggin MD, Ginger Ross Breggin, and Dr. Jane Ruby. The threats of a lawsuit and the official demand letter centered around an intellectual sociological/psychological debate of the validity of the so-called ‘Mass Formation’ or Mass Formation Psychosis concept, which we will be revisiting again in a separate column. The lawsuit complaint itself morphed into a litany of false allegations of defamatory statements. Some of the statements Malone attributed to Dr. Breggin were never uttered by Dr. Breggin. And none of the statements were defamatory. See our legal response and our amended response.

    We should all be aware at this time, four years into the takeover of the world, that those of us opposing the takeover are on the ‘outside.’ We are not part of the Good Club — the elite collection of billionaires and other entities who are implementing plans for controlling the world.

    We Can Do Science, Civics, Politics, Community, and Medicine the FREEDOM Way

    Whether you discuss nanotechnology or some other aspect critical of the official narrative, you are on the ‘outside.’ To those who are thinking about toeing the line set by the authorities, if you oppose masks, if you oppose lockdowns, if you mention ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, you are on the outside. You are on the outside if you are opposing the so-called COVID vaccines.

    So let’s embrace freedom. We can do science, civics, politics, community, medicine the FREEDOM way. Through debate, disagreement, challenging, arguing, and discussing. Be very suspicious of anybody trying to steer the conversation….of anybody trying to shut the discussion down, of anybody trying to grab the microphone when it is not their turn.

    Humanity is at risk. Be bold, be courageous, speak up…and listen to each other.

    We are not free, if we cannot speak freely.

    Find us at Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD

    Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com

    Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com

    Find us on Substack at: Peter and Ginger Breggin Exposing the Global Predators

    Find our legal defense fund here: GiveSendGo - Dr Peter and Ginger Breggin Legal Defense

    It Is Time for Freedom of Speech in the Freedom Movement We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day with each other~ Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin There, in my inbox, was another substack essay on nanotechnology….a thoughtful, serious piece discussing why we should not fall for the concept that nanotechnology can actually control human behavior and thought or the way that human beings conduct themselves. The discussion made a lot of sense. And so do the microscopists — those scientists, including chemists, pathologists, engineers, and others examining the “COVID vaccines,” the nanotechnology, the quantum dots, the “white clots,” the graphene oxide, and all else being found in human blood and various matter present in human injectables, ingestables, and breathables. [continue reading below] The dissenting author I read mentioned one of our other colleagues (colleagues being those fighters for freedom, liberty, biological integrity, health, science, and community). The dispute centered around the ability of any science to actually technologically control human thought. I winced as I read this. Not because I fully agreed or disagreed with either person, but because I knew human feelings would be stirred up, maybe hurt, maybe angered. Those feelings would swirl around the concepts of the debate, but also generally through the readers of each person and their colleagues. And those feelings can get in the way. Because the discussions, the disagreements, and the differences of view about the details and degrees of dangers are critical conversations. We should be having these conversations all the time. I am not going to parse that science debate in this essay in detail — that is for another time. I will say that the desire to control the thoughts and actions of others is a hallmark of dark “science” used by the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense divisions as well as some aspects of medicine and psychology. From the early psychiatric ice pick lobotomies in the 1950s to the psychosurgery experiments at some of the highest academic centers in medicine, including Harvard, Brown, Tulane, McGill, University of Mississippi, Wayne State, and many more, there have been attempts to modulate, deter, and control behavior. Dr. Breggin devoted several years of his life to putting a stop to the psychosurgery resurgence that began in the late 1960s into the 1970s. The Desire to Control is not the Same as Being Able to Control Human Thoughts The desire to control human thoughts and actions is not the same as being able to control human thoughts and actions. At this point, “what science can do is damage the human brain through various means — surgical, electrical, energy wave frequencies, blunt force trauma, and drugs,” according to psychiatrist Peter Breggin MD. He explains that a human being can be stopped, subdued, or deterred, just as the furious bull was stopped in its tracks in the arena by psychosurgeon Delgado, through electrical shocks in 1963. It came to a dead stop, shaking its head. The brain-damaging effect of the shock had paralyzed the beast momentarily without actually changing or averting his desire to charge. The shock was the equivalent of being stunned by a blow to the head. Dr. Breggin has examined this issue further in his new essay “The Elite Strategy to Physically Ruin Our Brains, Minds and Willpower.” The Desire to Control May Lead to Attempts to Control We know the dark sciences and the deep state want to control people, populations, and “targeted audiences.” Whether or not they are successful, there appears to be little preventing them from attempting to establish control of people by inserting technology into their bodies, especially since there is such a delicious opportunity to experiment with inserting nanotech during the Great World Vaccination Drive of the COVID era. Why not drive the technology “forward” by seeing what human bodies can tolerate or survive in the way of foreign objects and substances? Who knows? If the objects and substances are small enough, maybe we can slip them by the body’s defenses? And who is to say no? The ethics division at the National Institute of Health is manned by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s wife. So it behooves us to ask questions, lots of questions. However, we must not succumb to the fear and terror propaganda that is certainly being salted into the mix of information we are consuming about possible mind manipulation. Those who wish to control us are using fear, promotion of false abilities, misdirection, and any other lies they can dream up to keep us frightened, intimidated, distracted, confused, and ineffective. So, what can we do? Team Freedom Needs to Speak Openly and Freely We, those of us who are on Team Freedom, need to be able to speak freely. To exchange ideas, data, and perspectives. We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day. We are on the cutting edge of politics, science, liberty, medicine, public health, sociology, psychology, public relations, and civics. We are all looking around corners, into back rooms, and examining issues, practices, and technologies that are being shepherded into our cultures, our bodies, and our environment over which we have had no say. We Have Had No Choice We have had no choice about whatever is in the injectable liquids that are contaminating various medicines, including what is coyly called the COVID-19 “vaccines.” We have had no choice about the substances put in our foods or our environments through geoengineering pollution or other forms of manipulations. We have had no choice about the use of energy frequencies like the 5G being launched. No choice about the littered landscape of Level 4 biolabs around the world. No choice about the engineered pathogens that definitely escape those labs from time to time, and no choice about whether they should be released upon the world for one reason or another. We have no choice about being a member of the United Nations or a member of the World Health Organization, and of sustaining them through our tax dollars. We aren’t being given any of these choices. Those topics are off the table, ‘Top Secret,’ ‘proprietary information,’ under “NDA” (non-disclosure agreement) or simply ‘embarrassing’ or a ‘distraction’ or a ‘trade secret.’ We have certainly had no choice about the manipulations of information that are being disseminated throughout our societies every day via the controlled media except to turn that media on, or off but much of it is impossible to avoid. We have had no choice about the Department of Defense (DOD), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other alphabet agencies using psychological manipulation and propaganda to “win the hearts and minds” and if that fails, to control opinion and actions with foreign nations and foreign nationals. In reality, most of what goes on in the arena of experimentation on physical control of the mind is hidden behind the opaque Deep State curtain. Does the Deep State want to control? You betcha. Look back at the last four years. In country after country, especially the USA, all we see is control being exerted upon citizens, against tradition and constitutions. We have no say in whether the DOD and the CIA, the CDC, and the alphabets are directing their propaganda machines upon U.S. citizens. Are their propaganda activities in the U.S. ‘biting the hand that feeds them?’ NO? Then what hand is feeding them? Tell us, please. Are We Free Without Debate and the Free Exchange of Ideas? Push back. We must open our minds. Have lots of conversations, and lots of exchange of ideas, through essays, columns, via videos, zoom meetings, documentaries, debates, books, and live gatherings. We know personally that there are those among us who have been very engaged in trying to steer and stifle the debate. The thought-terminating concept is ‘do NOT speak about that subject — it will discredit you and ‘the movement,’ and you will look like a fool.’ Another deterrent that stifles debate is ‘don’t disagree — we need unity in the freedom movement.’ A very big threat that has thrown a terrifying poisonous cloud over all of us is the dread of getting sued for $25 million dollars. That is not freedom. That is control. You Will Look Like a Fool…. There is disagreement about whether censorship occurred in Stockholm during the “Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences” conference held January 21-22, 2023. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger was the last presenter for this conference, after which there was a closing panel made up of the afternoon group of speakers. That last panel included Astrid Stuckelberger, Geert Vanden Bossche, John Steppling (playwright), Pierre Kory, Richard Urso, Jessica Rose, and Philipp Kruse. Dr. Stuckelberger’s talk was titled “From Biology to Population: Evidence-Based Public Health Situations: Analysis, Lessons and Next Steps.” “Censorship occurred at point C when I presented the results of nanotech and oxide graphene in the vials,” she told SGT Report. Her slide asked, “Is the content [of the vials] biological or not?” It is reproduced below. Her primary point, as I understand it, is that the materials being found in the ‘COVID vaccines’ are non-biological in nature — they are synthetic biological matter. Therefore physicians examining and testing blood who are trained to view biological matter are going to miss the synthetic materials, both due to the small size and due to the compositions of the materials. Dr. Stuckelberger posted a video clip later sent to her by an attendee that shows Dr. Cole up on the stage after Dr. Stuckelberger’s presentation. Though not listed on the final panel, Dr. Cole took the stage, gestured for, and was given a microphone by event organizers and then made “a real quick comment.” This was allowed even though Dr. Stuckelberger’s presentation was cut short by the organizers (they say because they were out of time). “From what we’ve looked at, there are no nano chips. There is absolutely no graphene oxide in the hundreds of vials we’ve looked at,” declared Dr. Cole. Turning to Dr. Stuckelberger, he declared, “I respect that you did a beautiful presentation,” which appeared patronizing or at least awkward. Dr. Cole said, “At the end of the day, to focus on freedom and focus on the wonderful freedom fight that we all have together is what matters. Other things are red herrings, and it’s not relevant, and it’s a distraction to our cause… Scientifically based on the analysis done, we respectfully disagree, having looked at what we’ve looked at as a group from Austria, as a group from the United States, and if we focus on freedom together, that’s what matters… but the rest of it makes us look a little like we are out there.” Dr. Richard Urso added, “The lipid nanoparticle messenger RNA is so dangerous itself – It’s the number one thing right now that we know, the data is there….it’s affecting DNA damage repair, its affecting toll-like receptors and viral immune surveillance, it’s doing the blood clotting, it’s doing a lot of the things we already know, we have the data on it…” (At 3:15 on the video) Doctors Cole and Urso both claimed “it’s not useful to our cause to put red herrings out there.” The shortened last panel gave each speaker three minutes to summarize their views, and then the organizers said Dr. Stuckelberger and another presenter could not present as they were out of time. She was handed the mic anyway, and she said “they are afraid of what I am going to say.” Then she said that we are living in an apocalyptic time. “Corruption is not new, it has been there for ages, and it is time that we see it. We must all strive to become autonomous again and create autonomous communities. I wish you will build happiness and find ways to heal yourselves with natural remedies, and there are some. Try to build community with others who have the same spirit and heart as you,” she concluded. Watch the videos. Look at the body language. Dr. Stuckelberger was body blocked by one of the local organizers, John Steppling, who loomed over her during Dr. Cole’s ‘explanation’ about why she should not present her data on the presence of nanotechnology in the blood. Dr. Kory came on stage and added his on-stage presence to the discussion. Doctors Kory, Cole, and Urso are among the pillars of Dr. Robert Malone’s medical juggernaut. The upshot is that Dr. Astrid Stucklberger was interrupted, distracted, or body-checked by at least four men, including Dr. Cole, Dr. Vanden Bossche, John Steppling, and Dr. Kory, who also made his presence known when joining the others on stage. The entire event was professionally filmed and posted online by conference organizers, the Swedish organization called The Doctors’ Appeal. The conference organizers also posted a two-page non-attributed paper titled “What happened at the conference.” The organizers assert that there was “no intent to censor Dr. Stuckelberger, nor place her in an awkward position at the end of her talk,” and they apologized “unreservedly for any animosity she may have experienced during the closing moments of the conference…” But key moments of the controversy are missing from the official recordings documenting the period directly after Dr. Stuckelberger’s speech was abruptly ended and the final panel was convened. Another video emerged and is available, memorializing some of the missing minutes where Dr. Cole took the stage to dismiss Dr. Stuckelberger’s comments. Sage Hana provides a good condensed version of one of the first post-conference interviews done with Astrid Stuckelberger by Dr. Jane Ruby, and offers some interesting observations in his “Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, Dr. Jane Ruby Highlights #1–Details of her Stockholm presentation subject matter” substack published February 4, 2023. We first learned of the incident from happening upon Dr. Ruby’s interview of Dr. Stuckelberger. Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Daniel Nagase Suppression of ideas also occurred during a November 3, 2021, Zoom call between a number of Canadian medical colleagues, including Emergency Room physician Dr. Daniel Nagase. Dr. Robert Malone, from the US, was also invited to participate in that group Zoom meeting. Here are [Dr. Nagase] timestamps for interesting segments. 40:30 Dr. Nagase: Backstory. 45:30 Dr. Nagase: Cancer and reverse transcriptase. 47:03 Dr. Malone: drops off call. 57.53 Dr. Malone: comes back cautioning against speculating about reverse transcriptase. 58:30 Dr. Malone: “We’re under intense pressure… we have to be super careful about our messaging and what we’re stating…not useful to speculate about things like integration [of DNA from reverse transcribed RNA] Dr. Malone was telling Daniel Nagase, MD, in effect, don’t talk about reverse transcription and DNA integration in that 2021 Zoom meeting. Dr. Malone interrupted and said, “We’re under intense pressure… we have to be super careful about our messaging and what we’re stating…[it’s] not useful to speculate about things like integration” [of DNA from reverse transcribed RNA]. Imagine. If scientists, analysts, and the public had been able to speak, discuss, and argue, about these dangers, questioning which contents might be in the COVID ‘vaccines’ without being interrupted and silenced by others purporting to be on the side of freedom, what might we have accomplished at that time in convincing others to NOT submit to the toxic ‘COVID vaccines?’ Trash-Talking on Twitter Former Vice President of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, has been especially eloquent and outspoken about the elite’s global takeover via the World Economic Forum (WEF) and World Health Organization (WHO). Wide Awake Media reported: Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The so-called “pandemic” was planned and coordinated in advance, by unelected globalist bodies like the WHO and WEF, as a pretext to deliberately depopulate the planet via lethal mRNA injections: “We’re facing something much worse than an alleged virus. The injuries to people from these so-called vaccines… I wish I could tell you that it was accidental, but it wasn’t accidental. I’m convinced that these injections have been made to injure people, to maim and kill deliberately.” Source: TRUTH BE TOLD RALLY | London | March 25 | 1pm CET | 8am EST | Parliament Square | Childrens Health Defense In his comment, Dr. Yeadon echoed what many others have been saying and offering evidence about for some time. Dr. Malone tweeted back: “Show me the receipts or go home. Yeadon can talk like that all day long and get lots of clicks and likes. Preaching to the choir. But all it does is delegitimizes him with the persuadable middle. Do we want to win this, or are we just playing tiddlywinks? Proof or shut up.” Dr. Malone’s insults toward Dr. Yeadon should be no surprise, given that he has so often attempted to silence or sully other freedom fighters, including Peter Breggin, MD, Ginger Breggin, Dr. Jane Ruby, Peter McCullough, MD, Harvey Risch, MD, Dr. Paul Alexander, The Wellness Company, Red State Media, America Out Loud, other independent journalists, Dr. Brian Ardis, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Foster Colson, Clay Clark, Alex Berenson and others. Since 2022, Dr. Malone has increased his attacks involving much of The Wellness Company, Dr. Alexander, additional independent journalists, and reformers. Dr. Alexander himself has exposed two key instances where Dr. Malone maligned and discouraged others from having relationships with Dr. Peter Breggin – once when standing in the halls of the U.S. Senate prior to testimony, and once in a Brownstone email list among Brownstone members. Epidemiologist Paul Alias Alexander, Ph.D., is a Former Senior Advisor to Trump’s COVID Task Force and Former Advisor to WHO. He has courageously revealed in a recent substack column that during the Senate hearing that brought some of the top COVID critical scientists together, Dr. Malone was denigrating Dr. Peter Breggin, who was not present. Dr. Alexander reported: “I personally heard him, Malone, at a Senate meeting in Washington D.C. verbally ridiculing and smearing the Breggins to other scientists present. They were not there to defend themselves as he bragged about his lawsuit of $25 million against Dr. Peter Breggin and what he was doing against them. We run in similar circles. I was surprised he would do that in the Senate building (we were called there by Senator Johnson to discuss COVID and issues), and he was talking about his lawsuit on [the] Breggins as if it were a joke and a game, a sport, with listeners standing around enjoying a laugh. He poisoned the well, so to speak. He was trying to get the listeners to agree with him, yet they had no idea about the minutia. He was bragging, and it repulsed me. A joke on Dr. Breggin, who has done more for America and this movement than Malone could ever do?” [italics added.] The Biggest “Don’t Talk About That” Action The biggest “Don’t talk about that” action to date has been the $25 million dollar lawsuit against Peter R. Breggin MD, Ginger Ross Breggin, and Dr. Jane Ruby. The threats of a lawsuit and the official demand letter centered around an intellectual sociological/psychological debate of the validity of the so-called ‘Mass Formation’ or Mass Formation Psychosis concept, which we will be revisiting again in a separate column. The lawsuit complaint itself morphed into a litany of false allegations of defamatory statements. Some of the statements Malone attributed to Dr. Breggin were never uttered by Dr. Breggin. And none of the statements were defamatory. See our legal response and our amended response. We should all be aware at this time, four years into the takeover of the world, that those of us opposing the takeover are on the ‘outside.’ We are not part of the Good Club — the elite collection of billionaires and other entities who are implementing plans for controlling the world. We Can Do Science, Civics, Politics, Community, and Medicine the FREEDOM Way Whether you discuss nanotechnology or some other aspect critical of the official narrative, you are on the ‘outside.’ To those who are thinking about toeing the line set by the authorities, if you oppose masks, if you oppose lockdowns, if you mention ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, you are on the outside. You are on the outside if you are opposing the so-called COVID vaccines. So let’s embrace freedom. We can do science, civics, politics, community, medicine the FREEDOM way. Through debate, disagreement, challenging, arguing, and discussing. Be very suspicious of anybody trying to steer the conversation….of anybody trying to shut the discussion down, of anybody trying to grab the microphone when it is not their turn. Humanity is at risk. Be bold, be courageous, speak up…and listen to each other. We are not free, if we cannot speak freely. Find us at Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com Find us on Substack at: Peter and Ginger Breggin Exposing the Global Predators Find our legal defense fund here: GiveSendGo - Dr Peter and Ginger Breggin Legal Defense https://substack.com/home/post/p-138198485
    It Is Time for Freedom of Speech in the Freedom Movement
    We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day with each other~
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  • Behind Vatican Walls Exposed: Black Nobility, White Pope, Grey Pope, Black Pope and Their Secret Societies in the Vatican
    Medeea GreereJuly 21, 2024

    Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!

    Exposed: the hidden world of the Vatican in ‘Behind Vatican Walls.’ Unveil the secrets of the Black Nobility, White Pope, Grey Pope, and Black Pope, and their powerful secret societies. Discover the clandestine hierarchies and their influence within the Holy See!

    Behind the grandeur of the Vatican, lie the secrets of ancient bloodlines that have clandestinely governed the world for centuries. Welcome to the enigmatic realm of the “Black Nobility,” a shadowy group of elite families who have played a pivotal role in shaping history, from the days of the pagan Roman Caesars to the corridors of the Vatican itself. This article delves deep into their web of influence, uncovering the White Pope, Grey Pope, and Black Pope, and their connections to the most secretive societies known to man.

    The Black Nobility’s Legacy: At the heart of this covert cabal’s power lies a lineage that traces back to the dawn of civilization. These ancient bloodlines have orchestrated the rise of empires, the fall of kings, and the establishment of religious institutions. From the Roman Caesars to the Catholic College of Cardinals, their influence has been pervasive, yet shrouded in darkness.

    One might wonder how such a secretive group could have shaped the course of history. The answer lies in their cunning ability to operate in the shadows, pulling the strings of power from behind the scenes. To understand their influence, we must first dissect the triad of power within the Vatican: the White Pope, Grey Pope, and Black Pope.


    The White Pope: The “Christian Pope,” commonly known as the White Pope, is the figurehead of the Catholic Church, a symbol of spiritual leadership to millions around the world. But what if I told you that even within the Vatican, the strings of power are manipulated by an unseen hand? The Black Nobility, with their strategic placement of relatives in positions of influence, have often wielded tremendous power through the White Pope.

    A prime example of this is Pope Paul III, born Alessandro Farnese in 1468. The Farnese family, deeply rooted in the Black Nobility, had strong ties to high priest banking families. Pope Paul III’s papacy was marked by a series of significant events that benefited the Black Nobility’s interests. It is no coincidence that the Farnese family was instrumental in the creation of the Counter-Reformation, a movement aimed at countering the Protestant Reformation, which threatened the Church’s authority.

    But the Black Nobility’s influence extends beyond papal bloodlines. It reaches into the very heart of the Vatican’s hierarchy, where the Grey Pope and the Black Pope hold sway.

    Revealed: The Vatican’s Most Guarded Secret – ‘The Divine Prayer’: A Miraculous One-Minute Prayer from Ancient Scriptures! VIDEO BELOW

    The Grey Pope: The title of Grey Pope is not as well-known as that of the White Pope, but its significance cannot be understated. This figure operates as the power behind the papal throne, the master strategist who ensures the Vatican’s interests align with those of the Black Nobility. While the White Pope is the public face of the Church, the Grey Pope is the puppeteer pulling the strings from the shadows.

    The identity of the Grey Pope is often a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few. They are a master of intrigue, manipulation, and diplomacy, skilled in the art of maintaining the status quo while advancing the interests of the Black Nobility. The Grey Pope’s influence transcends generations, ensuring that the Vatican remains a stronghold of power for the elite few.

    Don’t Miss This:

    Special Report! Judy Byington: CIA Funds Child Sex Trafficking Cult Run Out of the Vatican

    EXPOSED: Pope Francis Executed! Jonathan Pryce’s Hidden Role and Vatican Scandals! YOU ARE ALL IN A MOVIE!

    EXPOSED: Satanic Mass, Demon Possession of Vatican & Pope Francis, Illuminati, Freemasons, Jesuits (video)

    Exposed: The Real Story of Vatican’s Secrets – Delving into the Mysteries of the Vatican’s Secret Archives – Evil Secrets That The Church Kept Hidden For Your Protection

    The Black Pope: If the Grey Pope operates in the shadows, the Black Pope dwells in the deepest abyss of secrecy. Also known as the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the Black Pope is the leader of the Jesuit Order, a powerful and influential organization within the Catholic Church. The Jesuits have been described as the Church’s “secret army,” and their influence extends far beyond religious matters.

    The Black Nobility’s connection to the Jesuits is not a mere coincidence. It is a calculated strategy to consolidate power. The Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius of Loyola, a Basque nobleman, and his companions, with the aim of defending the Catholic Church and countering the influence of the Protestant Reformation. Loyola’s connections to the Black Nobility were instrumental in securing support and protection for the fledgling order.

    Over the centuries, the Jesuits have played a pivotal role in politics, education, and espionage. Their loyalty to the Black Pope and their willingness to go to great lengths to protect the interests of the Vatican and the Black Nobility have made them a formidable force in global affairs.

    Attention!!! What happens when you put the most powerful energy source in the world near your beating heart? You’re about to find out…

    The Secret Societies: To fully grasp the extent of the Black Nobility’s influence, we must examine the secret societies they are credited with founding. These clandestine organizations have operated behind closed doors, wielding power and influence far beyond what their public personas would suggest.

    Freemasonry: The origins of Freemasonry are shrouded in mystery, but one thing is clear: it has been a vehicle for the Black Nobility to further their agenda. Freemasonry’s intricate rituals, symbolism, and hierarchical structure have provided a fertile ground for the dissemination of their ideology and the recruitment of influential members.
    Knights of Columbus: Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in 1882, the Knights of Columbus may seem like a benevolent Catholic fraternal organization. However, its ties to the Black Nobility run deep. The Knights have been known to advance the interests of the Vatican and the elite families behind the scenes, often influencing political and social matters.
    Knights of Malta: The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, commonly known as the Knights of Malta, is a powerful and secretive order within the Catholic Church. With roots dating back to the medieval era, the Knights of Malta have served as protectors of the Church and its interests. The Black Nobility’s involvement in this order has ensured their continued influence.
    Knights Templar: The Knights Templar, a medieval order of warrior monks, have been associated with the Black Nobility due to their immense wealth and influence. The Templars’ financial prowess and connections allowed the Black Nobility to expand their reach into the realms of finance and banking, further solidifying their grip on global affairs.
    Skull & Bones: At Yale University, a secret society known as Skull & Bones has operated for centuries, boasting an elite membership that includes influential politicians, businessmen, and leaders of industry. Its ties to the Black Nobility have been the subject of much speculation, with accusations of dark rituals and clandestine influence over American politics.
    Divine Dialogue: Mysterious Secret Phrase UNLOCKS the Power to Have Every Prayer Answered Instantly!

    The Veil of Secrecy: The power of the Black Nobility lies in their ability to operate in the shadows, pulling the strings of power while remaining hidden from public scrutiny. Their influence spans centuries and continents, shaping the course of history to serve their interests.

    While the White Pope may appear as a symbol of spiritual guidance, and the Vatican a beacon of faith, beneath the surface lies a complex web of intrigue and power. The Grey Pope and the Black Pope ensure that the Vatican remains a fortress of influence for the Black Nobility, while secret societies like Freemasonry, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, and Skull & Bones further their agenda on a global scale.

    SEE ALSO: Wisdom! Health Through God’s Pharmacy: Eight Biblical Herbs, One Supplement, A LifeTime Of Wellness and Grace

    In conclusion, the world we see is not always as it appears. Behind the façade of faith and spirituality, a hidden world of power and influence operates in the shadows. The Black Nobility and their enigmatic triad of power—the White Pope, Grey Pope, and Black Pope—have shaped history in ways we can scarcely imagine. Their legacy endures, a testament to the enduring power of secrets, manipulation, and hidden agendas in the corridors of power.

    Horrifying Vatican Secrets EXPOSED: Vatican Secret Societies: Jesuits and the New World Order – Full Documentary!

    Unraveling the enigma of Vatican secret societies, particularly the Jesuits, reveals a saga woven intricately into the fabric of global politics and the quest for dominance.

    Welcome, intrepid truth-seekers, to a realm where the whispers of conspiracy echo louder than the tolling of church bells. Our odyssey begins with a provocative inquiry into the Vatican secret societies, with a spotlight on the enigmatic Jesuits. Prepare to have your perceptions shattered and your beliefs challenged as we embark on a three-hour odyssey through the annals of history and the murky depths of contemporary geopolitics.

    READ MORE HERE: https://amg-news.com/horrifying-vatican-secrets-exposed-vatican-secret-societies-jesuits-and-the-new-world-order-full-documentary/

    ALSO: The Astonishing 1500-Mile Tunnel: Vatican to Jerusalem Reveals Mind-Boggling Gold Stash! (video) – https://amg-news.com/the-astonishing-1500-mile-tunnel-vatican-to-jerusalem-reveals-mind-boggling-gold-stash-video/

    ALSO: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Vatican Pedophile Network Closed as Gold Repatriated to US Treasury – https://amg-news.com/bombshell-report-judy-byington-vatican-pedophile-network-closed-as-gold-repatriated-to-us-treasury/

    The Astonishing 1500-Mile Tunnel: Vatican to Jerusalem Reveals Mind-Boggling Gold Stash! (video)

    In a shocking revelation that would make even the wildest conspiracy theorists’ jaws drop, an underground tunnel stretching an unbelievable 1500 miles from Vatican City to Jerusalem has been unearthed. But that’s not all! This incredible find also boasts a mind-bending treasure trove of gold, so vast that it required an armada of 650 airplanes to transport it out! Get ready to delve into the mesmerizing depths of this enigmatic and controversial discovery.

    In a world where secrets hide in the shadows, this incredible story will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew. Nestled beneath the hallowed grounds of the Vatican, an inconspicuous tunnel snakes its way beneath oceans, mountains, and lands, connecting two of the most revered cities in the world: Vatican City and Jerusalem. What lies within this labyrinthine marvel is nothing short of astounding!

    READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://amg-news.com/the-astonishing-1500-mile-tunnel-vatican-to-jerusalem-reveals-mind-boggling-gold-stash-video/

    Content Redistribution Policy

    Behind Vatican Walls Exposed: Black Nobility, White Pope, Grey Pope, Black Pope and Their Secret Societies in the Vatican Medeea GreereJuly 21, 2024 Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers! Exposed: the hidden world of the Vatican in ‘Behind Vatican Walls.’ Unveil the secrets of the Black Nobility, White Pope, Grey Pope, and Black Pope, and their powerful secret societies. Discover the clandestine hierarchies and their influence within the Holy See! Behind the grandeur of the Vatican, lie the secrets of ancient bloodlines that have clandestinely governed the world for centuries. Welcome to the enigmatic realm of the “Black Nobility,” a shadowy group of elite families who have played a pivotal role in shaping history, from the days of the pagan Roman Caesars to the corridors of the Vatican itself. This article delves deep into their web of influence, uncovering the White Pope, Grey Pope, and Black Pope, and their connections to the most secretive societies known to man. The Black Nobility’s Legacy: At the heart of this covert cabal’s power lies a lineage that traces back to the dawn of civilization. These ancient bloodlines have orchestrated the rise of empires, the fall of kings, and the establishment of religious institutions. From the Roman Caesars to the Catholic College of Cardinals, their influence has been pervasive, yet shrouded in darkness. One might wonder how such a secretive group could have shaped the course of history. The answer lies in their cunning ability to operate in the shadows, pulling the strings of power from behind the scenes. To understand their influence, we must first dissect the triad of power within the Vatican: the White Pope, Grey Pope, and Black Pope. Viral Content! AN ICON OF BLESSING AND LIBERTY: THE JESUS COIN, MADE WITH AMERICAN SPIRIT! The White Pope: The “Christian Pope,” commonly known as the White Pope, is the figurehead of the Catholic Church, a symbol of spiritual leadership to millions around the world. But what if I told you that even within the Vatican, the strings of power are manipulated by an unseen hand? The Black Nobility, with their strategic placement of relatives in positions of influence, have often wielded tremendous power through the White Pope. A prime example of this is Pope Paul III, born Alessandro Farnese in 1468. The Farnese family, deeply rooted in the Black Nobility, had strong ties to high priest banking families. Pope Paul III’s papacy was marked by a series of significant events that benefited the Black Nobility’s interests. It is no coincidence that the Farnese family was instrumental in the creation of the Counter-Reformation, a movement aimed at countering the Protestant Reformation, which threatened the Church’s authority. But the Black Nobility’s influence extends beyond papal bloodlines. It reaches into the very heart of the Vatican’s hierarchy, where the Grey Pope and the Black Pope hold sway. Revealed: The Vatican’s Most Guarded Secret – ‘The Divine Prayer’: A Miraculous One-Minute Prayer from Ancient Scriptures! VIDEO BELOW The Grey Pope: The title of Grey Pope is not as well-known as that of the White Pope, but its significance cannot be understated. This figure operates as the power behind the papal throne, the master strategist who ensures the Vatican’s interests align with those of the Black Nobility. While the White Pope is the public face of the Church, the Grey Pope is the puppeteer pulling the strings from the shadows. The identity of the Grey Pope is often a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few. They are a master of intrigue, manipulation, and diplomacy, skilled in the art of maintaining the status quo while advancing the interests of the Black Nobility. The Grey Pope’s influence transcends generations, ensuring that the Vatican remains a stronghold of power for the elite few. Don’t Miss This: Special Report! Judy Byington: CIA Funds Child Sex Trafficking Cult Run Out of the Vatican EXPOSED: Pope Francis Executed! Jonathan Pryce’s Hidden Role and Vatican Scandals! YOU ARE ALL IN A MOVIE! EXPOSED: Satanic Mass, Demon Possession of Vatican & Pope Francis, Illuminati, Freemasons, Jesuits (video) Exposed: The Real Story of Vatican’s Secrets – Delving into the Mysteries of the Vatican’s Secret Archives – Evil Secrets That The Church Kept Hidden For Your Protection The Black Pope: If the Grey Pope operates in the shadows, the Black Pope dwells in the deepest abyss of secrecy. Also known as the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the Black Pope is the leader of the Jesuit Order, a powerful and influential organization within the Catholic Church. The Jesuits have been described as the Church’s “secret army,” and their influence extends far beyond religious matters. The Black Nobility’s connection to the Jesuits is not a mere coincidence. It is a calculated strategy to consolidate power. The Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius of Loyola, a Basque nobleman, and his companions, with the aim of defending the Catholic Church and countering the influence of the Protestant Reformation. Loyola’s connections to the Black Nobility were instrumental in securing support and protection for the fledgling order. Over the centuries, the Jesuits have played a pivotal role in politics, education, and espionage. Their loyalty to the Black Pope and their willingness to go to great lengths to protect the interests of the Vatican and the Black Nobility have made them a formidable force in global affairs. Attention!!! What happens when you put the most powerful energy source in the world near your beating heart? You’re about to find out… The Secret Societies: To fully grasp the extent of the Black Nobility’s influence, we must examine the secret societies they are credited with founding. These clandestine organizations have operated behind closed doors, wielding power and influence far beyond what their public personas would suggest. Freemasonry: The origins of Freemasonry are shrouded in mystery, but one thing is clear: it has been a vehicle for the Black Nobility to further their agenda. Freemasonry’s intricate rituals, symbolism, and hierarchical structure have provided a fertile ground for the dissemination of their ideology and the recruitment of influential members. Knights of Columbus: Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in 1882, the Knights of Columbus may seem like a benevolent Catholic fraternal organization. However, its ties to the Black Nobility run deep. The Knights have been known to advance the interests of the Vatican and the elite families behind the scenes, often influencing political and social matters. Knights of Malta: The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, commonly known as the Knights of Malta, is a powerful and secretive order within the Catholic Church. With roots dating back to the medieval era, the Knights of Malta have served as protectors of the Church and its interests. The Black Nobility’s involvement in this order has ensured their continued influence. Knights Templar: The Knights Templar, a medieval order of warrior monks, have been associated with the Black Nobility due to their immense wealth and influence. The Templars’ financial prowess and connections allowed the Black Nobility to expand their reach into the realms of finance and banking, further solidifying their grip on global affairs. Skull & Bones: At Yale University, a secret society known as Skull & Bones has operated for centuries, boasting an elite membership that includes influential politicians, businessmen, and leaders of industry. Its ties to the Black Nobility have been the subject of much speculation, with accusations of dark rituals and clandestine influence over American politics. Divine Dialogue: Mysterious Secret Phrase UNLOCKS the Power to Have Every Prayer Answered Instantly! The Veil of Secrecy: The power of the Black Nobility lies in their ability to operate in the shadows, pulling the strings of power while remaining hidden from public scrutiny. Their influence spans centuries and continents, shaping the course of history to serve their interests. While the White Pope may appear as a symbol of spiritual guidance, and the Vatican a beacon of faith, beneath the surface lies a complex web of intrigue and power. The Grey Pope and the Black Pope ensure that the Vatican remains a fortress of influence for the Black Nobility, while secret societies like Freemasonry, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, and Skull & Bones further their agenda on a global scale. SEE ALSO: Wisdom! Health Through God’s Pharmacy: Eight Biblical Herbs, One Supplement, A LifeTime Of Wellness and Grace In conclusion, the world we see is not always as it appears. Behind the façade of faith and spirituality, a hidden world of power and influence operates in the shadows. The Black Nobility and their enigmatic triad of power—the White Pope, Grey Pope, and Black Pope—have shaped history in ways we can scarcely imagine. Their legacy endures, a testament to the enduring power of secrets, manipulation, and hidden agendas in the corridors of power. Horrifying Vatican Secrets EXPOSED: Vatican Secret Societies: Jesuits and the New World Order – Full Documentary! Unraveling the enigma of Vatican secret societies, particularly the Jesuits, reveals a saga woven intricately into the fabric of global politics and the quest for dominance. Welcome, intrepid truth-seekers, to a realm where the whispers of conspiracy echo louder than the tolling of church bells. Our odyssey begins with a provocative inquiry into the Vatican secret societies, with a spotlight on the enigmatic Jesuits. Prepare to have your perceptions shattered and your beliefs challenged as we embark on a three-hour odyssey through the annals of history and the murky depths of contemporary geopolitics. READ MORE HERE: https://amg-news.com/horrifying-vatican-secrets-exposed-vatican-secret-societies-jesuits-and-the-new-world-order-full-documentary/ ALSO: The Astonishing 1500-Mile Tunnel: Vatican to Jerusalem Reveals Mind-Boggling Gold Stash! (video) – https://amg-news.com/the-astonishing-1500-mile-tunnel-vatican-to-jerusalem-reveals-mind-boggling-gold-stash-video/ ALSO: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Vatican Pedophile Network Closed as Gold Repatriated to US Treasury – https://amg-news.com/bombshell-report-judy-byington-vatican-pedophile-network-closed-as-gold-repatriated-to-us-treasury/ The Astonishing 1500-Mile Tunnel: Vatican to Jerusalem Reveals Mind-Boggling Gold Stash! (video) In a shocking revelation that would make even the wildest conspiracy theorists’ jaws drop, an underground tunnel stretching an unbelievable 1500 miles from Vatican City to Jerusalem has been unearthed. But that’s not all! This incredible find also boasts a mind-bending treasure trove of gold, so vast that it required an armada of 650 airplanes to transport it out! Get ready to delve into the mesmerizing depths of this enigmatic and controversial discovery. In a world where secrets hide in the shadows, this incredible story will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew. Nestled beneath the hallowed grounds of the Vatican, an inconspicuous tunnel snakes its way beneath oceans, mountains, and lands, connecting two of the most revered cities in the world: Vatican City and Jerusalem. What lies within this labyrinthine marvel is nothing short of astounding! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://amg-news.com/the-astonishing-1500-mile-tunnel-vatican-to-jerusalem-reveals-mind-boggling-gold-stash-video/ Content Redistribution Policy https://amg-news.com/behind-vatican-walls-exposed-black-nobility-white-pope-grey-pope-black-pope-and-their-secret-societies-in-the-vatican/
    Behind Vatican Walls Exposed: Black Nobility, White Pope, Grey Pope, Black Pope and Their Secret Societies in the Vatican
    Behind Vatican Walls Exposed: Black Nobility, White Pope, Grey Pope, Black Pope and Their Secret Societies in the Vatican Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers! Exposed: the hidden world of the Vatican in 'Behind Vatican Walls.' Unveil the
    0 Comments 0 Shares 12081 Views
  • Controlled Opposition – David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Darryl Anka (Bashar), Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Trump, Putin – Ufology – Alternative Media
    August 10, 2017

    Controlled Opposition – Corey Goode, Cobra, Bashar (Darryl Anka), David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, David Icke, Edward Snowden, Trump, Putin etc…

    (I used a picture of ‘Ashtar’ from ‘Ashtar Command’ as that is a huge psyop and is associated with Cobra. I am referring to Cobra from the website ‘The Portal’)

    Interestingly, this article leads to Fake Terrorism, North Korea, Zionists and Israel.

    Anyway, here are some of my thoughts on Controlled Opposition in the alternative media (A hint: It’s everywhere!)


    It can be very disheartening when you are awakening to what is happening in the world – as when you really do your research and become informed you realize that most of these prominent ‘players’ in the alternative media are Controlled Opposition. And I have been shocked about the amount of Controlled Opposition operatives and Gatekeepers there are – and how hard people will push unsubstantiated claims. An example for you: Alex Jones and InfoWars is perhaps the most obvious controlled opposition operation going.

    We also have David Icke and Jordan Maxwell who are also Controlled Opposition… ‘what?’ you say … ‘some of their videos woke me up’, etc…. (they initially helped me as well) But, yep, it seems to be the Zionists and Freemasons putting people in place to get you to rely on them – so they give you some truth to draw you in and then some carefully selected disinfo and then also failing to include some pieces of important information. Just like all Controlled Opposition. The alternative media is a minefield. (Both these guys appear on the Richie Allen show – Richie Allen is controlled opposition. And David Icke even appears on the shill Alex Jones’s show!) There are certain things they are not telling us. Particularly about the Real Truth about Fake Terror Events, the Freemasons, Hitler, The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), The Second World War, etc. The Zionists et al like to try and control every stage of awakening – and there are different levels of awakening. David Icke has appeared on mainstream television at least three times in the UK! People who know about the depths of global conspiracy know that the Zionists wont allow someone to appear on mainstream TV if they don’t want them to. I am not saying these people don’t have some legitimate information, but you must research beyond them, they are limited – and they are manipulators and givers of half-truths.

    (David Icke promotes getting rid of racial and cultural identity, as well as getting rid of any religious beliefs – and generally promotes letting go of having a strong identity. This is exactly what these Freemasonic Zionist Talmudic Elites want! We are much easier to control and manipulate when we let go of racial, cultural and religious identity – humans are much more passive when they don’t have these identifications. This is why Icke never exposes ‘The Kalergi Plan’ and certain parts of ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’. He promotes this idea that only way to repel these forces of darkness is to focus on ‘infinite love’, that, ‘everything, everything, everything else is an illusion!’ This is an obvious pacifying psyop and a manipulation. This ‘just focusing on love’ will not save us from the Satanic Zionist New World Order. Knowledge, critical thinking, practical solutions and taking action is what is needed. Icke does twelve hour shows and writes many huge books, but most of it is distraction and deflection – and real practical solutions are not offered by him… and again, just focusing on love is not a solution, it is a pacifying psyop. He is obvious controlled opposition. David Icke subtly promotes Cultural Marxism, which is extremely damaging to Humanity.)

    The UFO community, in particular, can be incredibly naive and get distracted and carried away with the fantastical ET stories that give them some hope. I am not going to say that I haven’t been a little caught up with someone’s information until I realised it to be coming from someone who was clearly Controlled Opposition. But then eventually you see some of the agendas behind the operation – and see the disinfo they put out. When you go far down the rabbit hole it can all get little scary and something within you is looking for some ‘hopium’ ie – ‘there must be some good guys down here fighting back’, then these people come forward and say I have an ‘insider that I know’, or ‘I am an insider’ – and often they come with statements or firm predictions of change – ie: everything will change this year in the fall of 2016, or you will see great changes in this most of this year etc. These people are really just there to disempower you, pacify you, distract you and feed you bits of disinfo.

    I particularly research the extraterrestrial and ‘Milab’ phenomenon because of my various and numerous experiences – i.e ET abductions and memories returning of times spent in some sort of secret otherworldly operations and becoming lucid during some of these missions / abductions. I have an article on this website describing my experiences. But I also research many other facets of the global conspiracy. Particularly all the fake terrorism and fake shootings – all the nonsense that the Freemasons and Zionists set up – the staged drills that are passed of as real. You cannot understand what is going on on this planet if you do not understand that all these terrorism events are Fake and Set Up by the Freemasons and Zionists – as I said earlier, they are usually drills passed off as real using paid crisis actors – and sometimes they even use CGI in them. (I should clarify that when I mention the Freemasons I am mainly taking about the 33rd degree Masons and above, the lower levels are oblivious of the true purpose of Freemasonry.)

    Link to Article: False Flags – Fake Shootings – Fake Terrorism – Psyops – Hoaxes – Freemasons – Zionists

    Anyway, throughout history Controlled Opposition has been used to control the masses. It catches people like a net, holds onto them for a while, distracts then, gives them some truth and also carefully selected pieces of disinfo. The people who are in charge of this planet employ this all the time.

    “A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries.”

    Notably Vladimir Lenin said:
    “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

    Below are my perspectives on various people I have come across in my research – I hope I inspire others to think critically and to question all these so called ‘insiders’ – and for people to get an idea of how Controlled Opposition works.

    Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Cobra, Fulford, Snowden – and others

    Some obvious Controlled Opposition within, or related to, the UFO field of research is: David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Cobra (the portal), Benjamin Fulford, Simon Parkes (Parkes fairly recently appeared on mainstream TV here in England, this should send up red flags for you, you don’t appear on mainstream TV if you are not controlled) etc etc – and there are blogs that promote many of these people that are also Controlled Opposition — these blogs are normally just set up primarily by people, who themselves are controlled, to the promote these other controlled agents. ‘Stillness in the Storm’ is an example of one of these Controlled Opposition blogs which vigorously promotes and defends Wilcock and Goode, as well posting about Fulford and Cobra. And there is also ‘Discerning the Mystery’, which has been obviously set up just to promote Corey Goode, Cobra, and David Wilcock etc. It is very interesting that as soon as the ‘Discerning the Mystery’ website was set up ‘Stillness in the Storm’ started posting ‘Discerning the Mystery’ articles on his blog, promoting him – just as he did with Jordan Sather. As soon as Jordan Sather’s youtube channel was up it was promoted immediately by ‘Stillness in the Storm’, and who does Jordan Sather work with now? Corey Goode! There is a network of Controlled Opposition here people all backing each other. (If you research a great deal and have an excellent memory – you see unusual things in the alternative media and you see networks of controlled opposition) And when Corey Goode started working with Bridget Nielsen ‘Stillness in the Storm’ started posting about her as well. This is the woman who says she has had sex with reptilians and it was great! Seriously, how does that help humanity – articles about this? Again, a network of Controlled Opposition promoting each other.

    We also have Michael Salla – he again – I will use the phrase again: Controlled Opposition – he is connected to all these people I have just mentioned in the above paragraph. He promotes Goode and Wilcock and various others in this group – and Stillness in the Storm promotes Salla. Salla puts out some ridiculous articles, for example: ‘Will Trump release all the advanced technology found in Antarctica if he is elected?’. Trump is working for the Zionists, of course he isn’t just going to release any technology just for the benefit of humanity! And of course we can see that Trump hasn’t released any.

    (I know that some of the ‘intel’ that some of these people put out can be very compelling, I followed some of these people for a while before I worked them out. ‘How can they not be ‘of the light’ when they put out this type of info?’ – read the rest of the article and about how it all works.)

    Within the ‘Secret Space Program’ area of research we also have William Tompkins – who is obviously Controlled Opposition – a limited hangout operation – and is only divulging what he is allowed – and also the same with Randy Cramer. They are told by the people who control the organisations that they are affiliated with, what to divulge and they do as they are told. It is obviously all scripted, to add to the distraction of humanity — and to add to the SSP limited-hangout operation.

    I have written about the Corey Goode ‘Sphere Being’ psyop / cult on this website – it is one of the the most obvious limited hangout and Controlled Opposition operations out there. It seems to be creating a cult, a ufo religion and now trying to capture the minds of the younger generation – again, like a net drawing them in and trying to hold onto people as long as possible. Corey also seems to want to control all the SSP disclosure narrative and also try to sanitize what is going on in them – and there is very obvious saviour programming in there as well – which disempowers and pacifies people. And why does humanity need to hear so much about Corey’s UFO stories, it is beyond me – how does it benefit people to hear so much about unsubstantiated ET stories like these? It is dangerous what he is doing – these SSP projects (if they exist) are not to be taken lightly – they will be ruining lives – and run by incredibly nefarious people.

    People who believe Corey Goode is genuine have still got various levels of awakening to work through. On YouTube peoples channels are being taken down left, right and centre for exposing the fake terrorism and the use of crisis actors, for exposing jewish tyranny and Zionism’s crimes, for exposing the WW2 and Hitler lies we have been told etc etc. Thousands of videos are being censored by Jewish Zionist controlled Youtube – just for people exposing and questioning… whatever happened to free speech!. “The Truth Does Not Fear Investigation”. But here we have someone like Corey, he isn’t being censored and is not going to be censored – because he is Zionist psyop – a controlled opposition agent.

    And this whole ‘raising your vibration’ rhetoric is just there to pacify you – I have been meditating (and eating very healthily) for many years and this ‘raising your vibration’ is not going to sort things out on this planet… and how come so many people are working at this ‘raising your vibration’ but the world is getting worse all the time – more control mechanisms implemented all the time, more censorship, more destabilizing of the middle east, more refugees, more mass immigration (and we potentially have 5G towers coming soon) etc etc. What we need to do is become wise knowledgeable critical thinkers, come up with solutions, stand-up to tyranny and take action! The Corey Goode psyop is there to pacify you and distract you. And I am not saying there isn’t probably some sort of Secret Space Program, but you wont be getting the real truth from these so called ‘whistleblowers’. And, yes, of course, it is good for you to meditate and eat a healthy diet, but it wont sort out the problems on this planet, that’s for sure – it should help you get some clarity of mind – but it wont make you knowledgeable, proactive, solution orientated and capable of critical thinking. I recommend this article below on Corey Goode for some more insights on his particular pysop:

    Link to Article: Cosmic Disclosure – Corey Goode – Controlled Opposition – Secret Space Programs (SSPs)

    This other group of ‘Secret Space Program Whistleblowers’: Penny, Illeana, Tony, Kevan and their disinfo agent associate ‘Peter the Insider’ ( These people are all very clearly creating another limited-hangout, and are just another group of Controlled Opposition ). I discuss this group as well as other SSP whistleblowers in detail in another article of mine: ‘Nazis’ – Secret Space Programs – ‘Dark Fleet’ – Disinfo

    I have also written about Cobra on this website. I have looked through the majority of his interviews and followed his intel for quite some time and I also looked through a website that had collated Cobra’s responses to questions – there is so much disinfo in there and lots of pacifying and disempowering responses – if you research the global conspiracy like I do – you can see the disinfo and the agendas. It also, like Corey Goode’s info, contains saviour programming – here instead of ‘blue avians’ and ‘inner earth’ groups it promotes this totally unsubstantiated idea of a ‘resistance movement’ on ‘planet x’ – and also the unsubstantiated idea that there are some pleiadians that he is working with to help free humanity. These stories are absolutely pacifying and disempowering people – stopping them from coming up with solutions for humanity. He talks about these ‘toplet bombs’??? and other exotic weapons – he says that there are ET groups that are clearing all these bombs that are surrounding us here on Earth. For five years he has been saying this! And he say things like we are close to clearing them all – and then, ‘low and behold’ they have found some more and some more weapons have been found – then the next month – and again, its ‘oh we found some more toplet bombs’ etc – over and over again this goes on! And of course Cobra talks about Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation etc etc – pacifying and disempowering – these are psyops. Cobra has also promoted this book by Ishtar Antares called Aurora 2012, which I have read – that also made some predictions that didn’t come true, and which also contained other disinfo regarding the psyop that is Ashtar Command. And Cobra also promoted this guy Drake in 2012, who was a psyop, who also predicted changes in 2012, as did Wilcock who aligned himself with Drake – why do people forget about all these things? Unfortunately, my fellow humans, we have to sort all this insanity on this planet out ourselves. People need to realise that Cobra has been saying the same things over and over again for over 5 years. And of course Cobra does joint interviews with the obvious psyop Corey Goode – which should send up red flags for you.

    This ‘The Event Is Coming Soon’ rhetoric put forward by Cobra and others is a huge psyop and so pacifying and disempowering. When you are knowledgeable, and know how these Freemasons and Zionists work, you know their tactics and see through their psyops more easily. This so called ‘Event’ is not coming soon my friends, please don’t sit back and wait for this ‘Event’. This ‘Event’ is a made up thing to pacify – the whole ‘solar flash’, ‘spontaneous ascension’ – these terms, are of course, also pacifying psyops. Sorry to tell you this my friends… hard to hear if you bought into these stories, they had me for a little bit, but I know too much about all the other areas of the alternative media and global conspiracy. Educate yourself about the Freemasons and the Jewish Zionists plans and take action.

    Link to Article: Cobra, (The Portal) is Controlled Opposition putting out Disinfo

    David Wilcock continually tells us the ‘End-game’ is near, or words to that effect – how many endgame type articles is he going to write? One each year? One every 6 months? Again, he is disempowering and pacifying us – the endgame is not near. For example – ‘It’s ok, we can relax the ‘Endgame’ is near!’ I do not think it is near. David Wilcock is obvious Controlled Opposition – some truth mixed in with a good amount of disinfo. His so called ‘insiders’, and contacts – people like Pete Peterson for example, are also obvious Controlled opposition, basic stuff from these people who give us little titbits of carefully controlled info. Wilcock also collaborates with Corey Goode, who is also obvious Controlled Opposition, Wilcock also comments on Benjamin Fulford, who again is obvious Controlled Opposition. Wilcock also promotes this idea of a mass spontaneous ‘ascension’ – again, disempowering people, pacifying people – stopping people being proactive and make changes to benefit humanity and detach from the satanic matrix system – we can wait for ‘the resistance movement’ – or the ‘sphere being alliance’ or the ‘inner earth groups’ or the ‘ ascension wave of energy’ or ‘The Event’ – these groups of events will sort all out all our problems apparently. They are disempowering and pacifying the public – over and over! Don’t sit back and wait for any of these things my friends.

    We also have people like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange – totally controlled opposition and limited hangouts. What has Snowden released that people who are knowledge didn’t already know? – nothing – and he even gave out disinfo about 9/11. His is info is basic, and he is obviously controlled and some type of agent. Pretty much the same things can be said for Julian Assange… controlled.

    An article about Snowden the controlled agent: http://www.renegadetribune.com/frosty-edward-snowden/

    And Benjamin Fulford won’t tell you that Snowden and Assange are just Controlled Opposition Limited Hangouts. And Fulford wont tell that all these terror events are fake – he might say some are false flags but that stills perpetuate the myth that people were killed and it perpetuates the fear they create. But they are hoaxes, totally fake – just one example for you: the Russian Ambassador shooting – this is such an obviously fake shooting. Fulford will not tell you that these so called terror events were set up by the Freemasons and Zionists to further their agendas. Benjamin Fulford is obvious Controlled Opposition – a limited hangout operation.

    (Update: This Q Anon rhetoric is an obvious pacifying psyop, there is no purge going on. In fact, people who are moved out are usually people who are not staunch Zionists and don’t support Israel enough – that’s usually why they are moved out. Look how staunch Zionist Warmonger John Bolton got moved into a very prominent position. Q Anon is a psyop to deceive and pacify the naive and less well informed Goyim.)

    People get hooked on what all these people are saying – they sit back and think these guys have it all in control – these so called ‘insiders’ – but they are just telling us stories – but it’s all just carefully controlled commentaries from these people, with some disinfo. Better to spend your time looking to make some practical changes on this planet and learning about the Zionist and Freemason agendas and researching all the fake terror events – so that these fake events have less effect on the collective. We have people saying ‘the cabal’ or ‘the illuminati’ – But I think people should be just saying the Zionists and Freemasons – I think these alternative names are a psyop. Go down the rabbit hole geopolitically and it leads to the Zionists, Freemasons and Israel. Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, it is run by Jews — Freemasonry is being used as a tool by the Zionist Jews to bring about their New World Order. It is related to rebuilding Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem – they want to dominate the world (the ‘Goyim’) from there.

    “The meaning of the history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of (Masonic) Lodges, rule the world.” – Jean Izoulet, prominent member of Jewish Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1931

    “At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.” – Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish, Prime Minister of England

    Anyway, I have an article on this website all about Zionism which will explain all this for you. There is a link at the end of the article.


    (* An update due to a comment received: — Michael Tellinger is 100 percent controlled. He is a controlled limited hangout. I read his Ubuntu book when it first came out – sounded good initially – but I was ill informed and very naive back then. His system is not anti-NWO – it actually plays right into their hands.

    Tellinger is on gaimtv.com / gaia.com – this organisation is a Zionist limited hangout shill operation. So many shills on Gaia.com. Tellinger even did an interview with Goode and Wilcock on Gaia as well! Two of the most obvious shills out there. There is so much about the (((New World Order))) agenda that Tellinger and associates are distracting people from.)


    Fraudulent Predictions and Statements for upcoming change… and channelers — Bashar, Adronis, Abraham Hicks etc

    So we have Wilcock regularly making endgame, or the battle is nearly won, statements in his articles. Wilcock also backed and made predictions in 2012 regarding this fake guy ‘Drake’ – people forget how wrong Wilcock was then, and Cobra was involved with this. Corey Goode said everything will change in in 2016 and it didn’t – now he is pushing a three year disclosure plan – what ridiculousness. More disempowering. Wilcock also wrote an article whereby he perpetuates the idea that people actually died in the Boston Marathon Bombing – when anyone who is a real researcher knows that the boston marathon bombing was another fake hoax event a drill passed of as real. Cobra is also affiliated with the website ‘prepare for change’ change – more disempowering – it should be Create Change! Let’s just sit back and prepare for change, what a disempowering and pacifying slogan – again, it should be Create Change.

    We also get these popular channellers like Bashar and Adronis, for example, making predictions – they were both saying everything will change in the fall of 2016. The SSP ‘whistleblower’ called ‘Illeana’, also joined in with her own ‘channeling’ and also said all will change in the fall of 2016. Bashar is the most obvious psyop – he promotes a type of solipsism for one thing, saying that we create our own reality completely, which is nonsense, as we are in a collective consciousness and we are not in total control of our reality – again, we collectively create what happens here. And those in power and in prominent influential positions in the media, banks and government etc have by far the most control of what we create on this planet. Bashar also constantly distracts people from the global conspiracy, from the Zionists and Satanists etc – suggesting that if you look into that dark information then that is the sort of reality you will manifest – nonsense. We must shine a light on the dark to transform it.

    When these channelers and so called ‘insiders’ make statements on when things will change – be very suspicious. There is also the case of Aug Tellez now, who promotes himself as insider – and has put out lots of interesting information, but it is mostly information that I have heard before. I am wary of him because he has come out with the statement that everything will change in the fall of 2017. Why regularly put out a statement like that? It only pacifies and disempowers humanity. And also because he promotes the disinfo agent Donald Marshall – I am sure cloning does goes on, and we all know some really terrible things go on with the elites, but Donald Marshall is almost certainly controlled opposition with disinfo – some ridiculous things have been said by him, particular the things about Reptilians, such as them having this ‘thing’ come out of their head that goes into your eye and takes you over – obvious disinfo. I will certainly not be holding my breath about this Aug Tellez 2017 prediction! He also has very few details about the time he says he spent in Solar Warden – lots of information is given out which would be complex to many, but no solar warden details of operations he took part in. So I am not totally sure about Aug, I think we will see after this fall 2017. Will he be the first ‘insider’ to actually predict when the beneficial changes will come? Again, I doubt it very much. (Update: Aug Tellez is an obvious Zionist Controlled Opposition agent – it’s so obvious to me – lots of distracting information and some dis-info — distracting people from what is really occurring on this planet. People should research ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ – and no it’s not a hoax, as the Zionist controlled media like to tell you – its a real document that was found – research it.)

    While we are in the subject of channelers: we have people like Bashar and Abraham Hicks putting forward this notion of people just trying to manifest an abundant life for themselves. You don’t need to transform the planet, they suggest – just try to manifest a happy and abundant life for yourself. Nope, actually we should be looking to highlight all the darkness, all the satanic practices – we need to bring it to the light to transform it. We need to work together to create change – helping each other, practical solutions etc – so we need to know where all the problems are and where they originate from. These two channelers are obvious controlled opposition psyops. And there are many other channelers who just go on and on about different ET races. Firstly, do people realize how easy it is for the ‘powers that be’ to manipulate these people – who they are channeling – most are not going to be channelling who they think they are. Anyway, regardless of this, what purpose does it serve to listen to a ‘channeler’ telling you about unsubstantiated info about ‘ET races’ – how does this help humanity evolve and break free from this Satanic Slave System and understand the tactics of the Zionists and Freemasons. Are these ‘channelers’ telling you any useful practical information regarding this planet. Nearly all are just distracting you.

    One more thing related to Bashar, he goes on about hybrid children – not human children, but hybrid children. Our human children are getting poisoned, abused, sacrificed and eaten on this planet! We do not need to worry about hybrid children! And this woman Bridget Nielsen aligns herself with Bashar and promotes making a safe place for the hybrid children to live. She also says that she has had sex with reptilians and it was great. Do you know who aligned themselves with this woman? – Corey Goode did. He is good ‘friends’ with her and does videos with her – it’s networks of Controlled Opposition – psyops linked together.

    Anyway, there is absolutely no benefit to humanity in the people making these statements and predictions with dates about big changes – the only purpose can be to dis-empower and pacify humanity – there is nothing else it can do. I would take them with less than a pinch of salt, and be suspicious of those who are making them – especially as all the statements so far have been wrong. And carry on researching, and carry on trying to make a positive and practical difference to this planet – and carry on learning about all the fake terrorism and fake shootings, the controlled opposition agents, the CIA limited hangouts, the Zionists, the Freemasons. Question everything and don’t stop learning. We need to become informed critical thinkers and then to come together somehow and make changes.

    Early ET abductions, Milabs researchers and whistleblowers

    The whole UFO field has been infiltrated by Controlled Opposition. Some of the first researchers like Barbara Bartholic and Dr Karla Turner appeared to be doing some diligent and credible research and investigations exposing the nefarious ETs – but it looks like they were killed off. It looks like was Phil Schneider as well, who seemed to be exposing some important information – and then the UFO field was then further flooded with agents (it’s always been controlled). We did have some testimonies that felt somewhat credible in the Milab, Secret Space Ops and Black Ops area, years ago – but now, in the two or three years or so, this area of research seems to filled with agents and disinfo. (Update: After completing further research I actually think these people mentioned in this paragraph were also controlled – See my ‘Ufology Explained’ article on this website.)

    Trump and Putin

    As I mentioned earlier one of the areas I spend a lot of time researching is all the fake terrorism. Some questions for people who believe Putin is some kind of savour: Why did Putin play along with, and essentially endorse, at least two fake terrors acts. Firstly the fake shooting of the Russian Ambassador in Berlin – it’s totally fake, research it – watch Ole Dammegard’s video on it, for starters. And Putin also endorses the St Petersburg Metro bombing – again, a staged drill passed of as real – fake. There are videos about these fake events in a playlist on my youtube channel. Why is Putin endorsing these fake deceiving acts, as well as playing along with other fake terrorism from around the world? Truth seekers who go far down the rabbit hole suggest that Putin is just playing a role – that pretty much all these western leaders are just playing their roles. I would also suggest he is just playing a role for the Zionists and their NWO agenda – and I certainly do not trust someone who deceives humanity like this.

    Putin also has a history of Jewish and Zionist connections, he is ex KGB, does huge tech and trade deals with Israel, glorifies the ‘Soviet Union’ and the ‘Red Army’, and he does not come out and condemn Netenyahu and Israel on a great many issues… and he hasn’t ended Debt Slavery/Usury in his country (which leaders who truly want to look after their people will always do).

    A link to an interesting article about Putin, and how he is not the saviour some people think he is:

    Puppet Putin: A collection of doubts around Putin’s credibility as opposition to the JWO agenda

    Putin has also made it illegal for people to question the holocaust in his country! Where’s the Free Speech?! ((The Truth Does Not Fear Investigation)). From my research I have found no evidence that any gas chambers were used or that any Jews died in gas chambers – there is lots of research which point to the fact that the gassing did not occur. Watch some Fred Leuchter (The Leuchter Report), David Irving, Ernst Zundel, David Cole and Dennis Wise videos on this subject for starters. The people you see dead in the videos and photos died from diseases such as Typhus, this was due to the allied bombings towards the end of the war, which took out the supply infrastructures in Germany, which meant medicine and food could not get to the work camps. Diseases spread quickly. The lies surrounding these camps is shocking. Its propaganda by the Zionists to try to gain sympathy for their Zionist agendas. I could go on about this subject and the lies we have been told about Hitler, WW2 and Germany’s National Socialism, but you can research it yourself. I also recommend the video: ‘Adolf Hitler – The Greatest story Never Told’ by Dennis Wise – this can get you started if you don’t know about this subject, you can watch it on YouTube. This link below will take you to a site with comprehensive evidence that the ‘holocaust’ did not occur:

    Holocaust Deprogramming Course

    (Another mention of David Icke and how he is controlled opposition. There is always lots of anti-Nazi rhetoric from Icke. He still perpetuates the total myth that Nazis used fluoride on people on the Jews in the WW2 work camps. Icke also suggests that Hitler and the Germans were involved in creating these poisonous vaccines we are given – which is lies. Icke does not even mention that the ‘Nazis’ never called themselves ‘Nazi’s’, and that they were actually called The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) – the term ‘Nazi’ was actually invented by a jewish man called Konrad Heiden as a slur and disparaging term – and has since been used for the Zionist owned media’s anti-Hitler and anti-National Socialist propaganda. Icke also doesn’t expose the Dresden firebombings and the Rhine Meadows death camps – these horrific war crimes carried out on millions of innocent Germans. He doesn’t highlight how Hitler and The NSDAP miraculously transformed Germany by getting rid of the Jewish bankers influence and by printing their own money. And he doesn’t expose the biggest lie of the them all: The Holocuast Hoax. Again, David Icke is controlled opposition)

    Now to Trump: he is of course endorsed and praised by Putin. And in case anyone does not realize, Trump is exposed as an obvious Zionist. Look at what he has said about Israel… shocking… 100 percent backing for Israel he said… wow… supporting this disgraceful regime that is taking part in the incremental genocide of Palestinians. As well as this, look at Trumps behaviour related to visiting Israel and Netanyahu. (These Zionists have never had any right to Palestine – and The Palestinians are the semites.) And who has Trump surrounded himself with politically? I will tell you who: Loads of confirmed Zionists! Putin is friendly with and has endorsed and praised a very obvious Zionist … hmmm… what does all this suggest to you?

    Concluding Thoughts

    One of the purposes of this article is for people to become aware of what Controlled Opposition and Limited Hangouts Operations are – and to question all those people who suggest that they are insiders. Look for the signs – and one of the signs is that they start making statements of when great change will occur and attempt to pacify and disempower with various articles and statements. There are so many people out there who will try to catch you and distract you, feed you some disinfo.

    The way I see it is that one of the things they are distracting you from is all the fake terrorism: crisis actors are used – they are staged drills passed off as real, CGI is also used – I have been researching these fake events for over two years now. Who owns the media and sets up these events – it’s the Zionists and Freemasons. I have followed a whole community of people who were dismantling all these fake events on Youtube. So many of them have had their channels taken down for questioning these events and explaining to others how they are obviously fake (luckily most of them just make a new channel and come back). No one else I have followed is having their channels taken down – only the people questioning these events and people questioning and exposing the Zionists and Freemasons – as Youtube is owned by the Zionists of course. Far more offensive channels are left up. Anyway… Three of the most obvious phony fake hoax events: the Boston Bombing , Sandy Hook, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting – if you can’t see or work out that these are totally fake events… then… well.. Speechless… And there are just so many more… so many

    Link to Article: False Flags – Fakes Shootings – Fake Terrorism – Psyops – Hoaxes – Freemasons – Zionists

    The fake events are one of their main tools for manipulating humanity. The powers that be (the zionists / jewish supremacists) can’t go around just blowing people up and killing people – you would get hundreds and thousands of very angry family members, large groups of very irate people to deal with, who would certainly question your homeland security – and also, karmically it’s not good for them – so you deceive the public with fake events. These ‘events’ put people in fear and they are also used to attempt to bring forth various agendas – gun control, martial law, armed police, automated travels systems, Islamophobia, World War 3 etc etc – essentially more and more control over us.

    Through all the UFO psyops ‘the powers that be’ are also trying to distract the awakening / alternative media community from the Zionists activities. When you go down the rabbit hole it leads to the Zionists, it just does – I believe there are definitely some ET races that are ultimately in control of this planet and governments – but in dealing with practicalities of day to day on Earth the Zionists tactics and agendas need to be understood… and all the lies they have told..

    Israel / Zionists / the jews, this is where it all leads. They own hollywood, the corporations, the media… they are in charge. And they are trying to create conflict in the middle east – they are trying to destabilize that region, taker it over and essentially try to run this planet from there – from Israel.

    They also want to distract from the fake North Korean threat – that is fake – look at the fake Otto Warmbier case – so fake – and all the North Korean photoshopped pictures, just for starters. And the fake threat from Muslim fundamentalists – that is fake as well, there are not any muslim terrorists running around Europe or the US shouting ‘allahu akbar’ and killing people – again, these events are fake and set up by the Freemasonic and Zionists. I am not saying there aren’t some groups of young Muslim men causing trouble in Europe, after all this mass immigration – as this is the case – but they aren’t running around and blowing things up – they aren’t running people over in cars and shooting people… these ‘terrorist events’ are fake… crisis actors. They also want to distract you from what is going on in Palestine – it is just shocking what has been done to the Palestinian people. And, we of course, know that Israel was the main force behind 9/11.

    I realise that I have gone from the Controlled Opposition in the alternative media to the Zionists – that is how this article evolved – and it is not surprising because all the problems on this planet seem to lead to the Zionists and the jewish supremacists / International Jewry.

    And don’t take my word for it on any of this – research it yourself – I am confident in my conclusions regarding all the players, but you need to come to your own conclusions through investigation, but please always bare in mind that these people who call themselves ‘insiders’ or someone ‘in the know’ could well be Controlled Opposition – and may well be subtly deceiving, manipulating, distracting, pacifying, disempowering you… and have certain other agendas.

    It is scary to think about how much Controlled Opposition is out there.

    Most of these Controlled Opposition operatives are there to keep you distracted, to get hooked on their stories so you don’t work out what the Zionists are trying to do. So I will conclude with an overview of some of the Satanic Freemasonic Jewish Zionist New World Order agendas.

    A brief overview of just some of the Satanic Freemasonic Jewish Zionist New World Order agendas:

    They would like to take away all American citizens guns so they can take over that very significant country. Hence why there are so many fake hoax shootings to try and bring this to fruition. (Sandy Hook, Virginia Reporter, Orlando Pulse Nightclub, Mandalay Las Vegas etc etc)

    They would like to also have automated vehicles, taking away millions of jobs and hugely increasing their control over humanity. They also want more restricted driving in cities, using electronic bollards that they control etc. Again, hence why we have all this fake hoax terrorist acts of people being run down by cars, vans or lorries. (Nice France, Stockholm Sweden, Times Square, Melbourne Australia etc etc)

    They also want to bring in 5G towers which will be so incredibly harmful to all of humanity.

    They want to increase the use of artificial intelligence in all areas of life – which is going to be hugely damaging to humanity in so many ways. People must remember that all this technology is being used against humanity.

    They want genderfluid androgynous type beings ( just like the ‘baphomet’ they worship ) – they want to promote homosexuality and transgender people – and move humanity away from being strong masculine men or nurturing feminine females – as this is a threat to them. They want to destroy Family in the Western Developed Nations (i.e mainly White Nations).

    Through the use of poisons in vaccines, poisons in food, poisons in water, pharmaceutical drugs, chemtrails, EMFs etc they want to make us sick, weak and infertile.

    They want all nations, races and cultures to merge and interbreed. The Zionists/International Jewry create all the immigration on purpose. They particularly want to destroy the White Race – research The Kalergi Plan. White Genocide is one of their biggest agendas. Read my articles on this site: one about (((Multiculturalism))) and one about being Racially Conscious.

    They are hugely threatened by patriotic and nationalistic countries who want independence from the Zionist Bankers. Hence why Gaddafi and Hitler were taken out and so many lies have been spread about them, even though they were looking after the people in their country – and to do this they were breaking away from the jewish banking cartels (Central banks).

    They want to keep us in fear and they want more and more control over us… they have so many more tactics and agendas…

    And of course, the Zionists want to run the world from the Middle East, hence why they go to great lengths to destabilize that region and to eradicate the Palestinians. They want to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and rule over the ‘Goyim’.

    As well as all this, understanding the lies told to us about the Second World War, Hitler and Germany is hugely important. My article below has information in it that will help you to become informed about the Satanic Zionists and the lies we have been told about Hitler, National Socialism and WW2.

    There is a great deal of evidence for all of this, it’s all over the internet now – and many books have been written about it. And again, my article on Zionism contains a lot of information, links, quotes and videos. Humanity needs to come together and rise up against these Zionists. It’s not the Illuminati – it is the Satanic Zionist Jews.

    “And we in the real Truth movement are aware that we are not up against a NWO, or the Illuminati, but a Jew World Order. With International Jewry pulling all the strings.” — https://diggerfortruth.wordpress.com

    This New World Order is absolutely a jewish agenda. This New World Order agenda all comes from the jewish doctrines and scriptures (the Talmud, the Kaballah, the Zohar, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)… it is also written about and spoken about by many jewish scholars … it’s all there… no escaping from it, this is where it originates from… not difficult to work it out really… (If you haven’t, then you have to study the Talmud and learn what it says about non-jews (goyim)… and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion explain the whole NWO agenda and how they are doing it)

    I mean come on, it really is obvious – all the Central Banks are jewish run, Hollywood (Pedophile central degenerate Hollyweird) is totally run by jews – the lying media networks are totally run and owned by jews… anyway various other articles on this website explain all this.

    Zionism is the term we are allowed to use, to some degree, but the reality is that it is International Jewry and Judaism that want this One World Government / New World Order – and International Jewry is very obviously behind the Open Borders and Globalisation. We must stop the Open Borders before many unique races and cultures are destroyed.

    “The “Jewish revolutionary spirit” , as it has been called, operates on an insidious agenda of social overthrow under the false pretences of making a better world. The Jewish ideal of tikkam olam, “fixing the world,” is not the benevolent program it pretends to be. Its actual aim is to enable total Jewish dominance of the Goyim, the non-Jewish nations, and centralization of all wealth and power in the Jewish elite… The trajectory of history over three millennia shows that Jews have been centrally involved in the corruption and destruction of many civiilizations.” – John Lash

    We must all become more conscious and see through all the lies – we must become aware of how this prison/slave planet really works and all the secret societies agendas. In particular we must understand the Jews / Zionists and Freemasons (Masons) agendas – their striving for a ‘New World Order’. We must understand their tactics, such as the their staging of fake terrorist events, divided and conquer psyops, chemtrails, the Kalergi Plan – etc etc… so many other tactics that they use to manipulate humanity and the collective consciousness.

    I recommend researching the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion – there is a summary of what these protocols involve in the article about Zionism below – this Zionism article I keep mentioning is the most important article on this website. Love is important and inspiring – but unfortunately the saying ‘All you need is Love’ is not true – you need knowledge, you need to be informed, you need to know who your oppressors are. Reading the article below and also understanding these Protocols will definitely help you to understand why the world is the way it is.

    The Power-base of the elite Jews / Zionists is Usury – i.e the Central Banks and the debt-slave system. To me it seems like that until we take away their Debt Slavery power-base we are just papering over cracks, nothing will really change – this debt slavery is obscene and totally unnecessary and needs to stop – it is the root cause of humanity’s suffering. People do not seem to realize that countries thrive when they print their own money – when they control their own debt-free currency. It is easy to create an extremely healthy, happy and abundant country when you do this, when you get rid of Usury. Here is a link to a book about this – describing the various leaders and countries that did this. The book also describes who it was that put an end to each countries prosperity – the book clearly demonstrates it was always the Jewish Bankers: A History of Central Banking & The Enslavement of Mankind

    Too many people are getting distracted by Controlled Opposition agents, with their pacifying stories and disinfo. As well as seeing through all the lies and manipulations we must come up with solutions and make changes.

    I hope some of this information may prove useful to you.



    Links to related posts:

    The Controlled Opposition - Disinformation Network is vast - Fulford is part of this campaign

    Controlled Opposition – David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Darryl Anka (Bashar), Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Trump, Putin – Ufology – Alternative Media August 10, 2017 Controlled Opposition – Corey Goode, Cobra, Bashar (Darryl Anka), David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, David Icke, Edward Snowden, Trump, Putin etc… (I used a picture of ‘Ashtar’ from ‘Ashtar Command’ as that is a huge psyop and is associated with Cobra. I am referring to Cobra from the website ‘The Portal’) Interestingly, this article leads to Fake Terrorism, North Korea, Zionists and Israel. Anyway, here are some of my thoughts on Controlled Opposition in the alternative media (A hint: It’s everywhere!) Introduction It can be very disheartening when you are awakening to what is happening in the world – as when you really do your research and become informed you realize that most of these prominent ‘players’ in the alternative media are Controlled Opposition. And I have been shocked about the amount of Controlled Opposition operatives and Gatekeepers there are – and how hard people will push unsubstantiated claims. An example for you: Alex Jones and InfoWars is perhaps the most obvious controlled opposition operation going. We also have David Icke and Jordan Maxwell who are also Controlled Opposition… ‘what?’ you say … ‘some of their videos woke me up’, etc…. (they initially helped me as well) But, yep, it seems to be the Zionists and Freemasons putting people in place to get you to rely on them – so they give you some truth to draw you in and then some carefully selected disinfo and then also failing to include some pieces of important information. Just like all Controlled Opposition. The alternative media is a minefield. (Both these guys appear on the Richie Allen show – Richie Allen is controlled opposition. And David Icke even appears on the shill Alex Jones’s show!) There are certain things they are not telling us. Particularly about the Real Truth about Fake Terror Events, the Freemasons, Hitler, The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), The Second World War, etc. The Zionists et al like to try and control every stage of awakening – and there are different levels of awakening. David Icke has appeared on mainstream television at least three times in the UK! People who know about the depths of global conspiracy know that the Zionists wont allow someone to appear on mainstream TV if they don’t want them to. I am not saying these people don’t have some legitimate information, but you must research beyond them, they are limited – and they are manipulators and givers of half-truths. (David Icke promotes getting rid of racial and cultural identity, as well as getting rid of any religious beliefs – and generally promotes letting go of having a strong identity. This is exactly what these Freemasonic Zionist Talmudic Elites want! We are much easier to control and manipulate when we let go of racial, cultural and religious identity – humans are much more passive when they don’t have these identifications. This is why Icke never exposes ‘The Kalergi Plan’ and certain parts of ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’. He promotes this idea that only way to repel these forces of darkness is to focus on ‘infinite love’, that, ‘everything, everything, everything else is an illusion!’ This is an obvious pacifying psyop and a manipulation. This ‘just focusing on love’ will not save us from the Satanic Zionist New World Order. Knowledge, critical thinking, practical solutions and taking action is what is needed. Icke does twelve hour shows and writes many huge books, but most of it is distraction and deflection – and real practical solutions are not offered by him… and again, just focusing on love is not a solution, it is a pacifying psyop. He is obvious controlled opposition. David Icke subtly promotes Cultural Marxism, which is extremely damaging to Humanity.) The UFO community, in particular, can be incredibly naive and get distracted and carried away with the fantastical ET stories that give them some hope. I am not going to say that I haven’t been a little caught up with someone’s information until I realised it to be coming from someone who was clearly Controlled Opposition. But then eventually you see some of the agendas behind the operation – and see the disinfo they put out. When you go far down the rabbit hole it can all get little scary and something within you is looking for some ‘hopium’ ie – ‘there must be some good guys down here fighting back’, then these people come forward and say I have an ‘insider that I know’, or ‘I am an insider’ – and often they come with statements or firm predictions of change – ie: everything will change this year in the fall of 2016, or you will see great changes in this most of this year etc. These people are really just there to disempower you, pacify you, distract you and feed you bits of disinfo. I particularly research the extraterrestrial and ‘Milab’ phenomenon because of my various and numerous experiences – i.e ET abductions and memories returning of times spent in some sort of secret otherworldly operations and becoming lucid during some of these missions / abductions. I have an article on this website describing my experiences. But I also research many other facets of the global conspiracy. Particularly all the fake terrorism and fake shootings – all the nonsense that the Freemasons and Zionists set up – the staged drills that are passed of as real. You cannot understand what is going on on this planet if you do not understand that all these terrorism events are Fake and Set Up by the Freemasons and Zionists – as I said earlier, they are usually drills passed off as real using paid crisis actors – and sometimes they even use CGI in them. (I should clarify that when I mention the Freemasons I am mainly taking about the 33rd degree Masons and above, the lower levels are oblivious of the true purpose of Freemasonry.) Link to Article: False Flags – Fake Shootings – Fake Terrorism – Psyops – Hoaxes – Freemasons – Zionists Anyway, throughout history Controlled Opposition has been used to control the masses. It catches people like a net, holds onto them for a while, distracts then, gives them some truth and also carefully selected pieces of disinfo. The people who are in charge of this planet employ this all the time. “A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries.” Notably Vladimir Lenin said: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Below are my perspectives on various people I have come across in my research – I hope I inspire others to think critically and to question all these so called ‘insiders’ – and for people to get an idea of how Controlled Opposition works. Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Cobra, Fulford, Snowden – and others Some obvious Controlled Opposition within, or related to, the UFO field of research is: David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Cobra (the portal), Benjamin Fulford, Simon Parkes (Parkes fairly recently appeared on mainstream TV here in England, this should send up red flags for you, you don’t appear on mainstream TV if you are not controlled) etc etc – and there are blogs that promote many of these people that are also Controlled Opposition — these blogs are normally just set up primarily by people, who themselves are controlled, to the promote these other controlled agents. ‘Stillness in the Storm’ is an example of one of these Controlled Opposition blogs which vigorously promotes and defends Wilcock and Goode, as well posting about Fulford and Cobra. And there is also ‘Discerning the Mystery’, which has been obviously set up just to promote Corey Goode, Cobra, and David Wilcock etc. It is very interesting that as soon as the ‘Discerning the Mystery’ website was set up ‘Stillness in the Storm’ started posting ‘Discerning the Mystery’ articles on his blog, promoting him – just as he did with Jordan Sather. As soon as Jordan Sather’s youtube channel was up it was promoted immediately by ‘Stillness in the Storm’, and who does Jordan Sather work with now? Corey Goode! There is a network of Controlled Opposition here people all backing each other. (If you research a great deal and have an excellent memory – you see unusual things in the alternative media and you see networks of controlled opposition) And when Corey Goode started working with Bridget Nielsen ‘Stillness in the Storm’ started posting about her as well. This is the woman who says she has had sex with reptilians and it was great! Seriously, how does that help humanity – articles about this? Again, a network of Controlled Opposition promoting each other. We also have Michael Salla – he again – I will use the phrase again: Controlled Opposition – he is connected to all these people I have just mentioned in the above paragraph. He promotes Goode and Wilcock and various others in this group – and Stillness in the Storm promotes Salla. Salla puts out some ridiculous articles, for example: ‘Will Trump release all the advanced technology found in Antarctica if he is elected?’. Trump is working for the Zionists, of course he isn’t just going to release any technology just for the benefit of humanity! And of course we can see that Trump hasn’t released any. (I know that some of the ‘intel’ that some of these people put out can be very compelling, I followed some of these people for a while before I worked them out. ‘How can they not be ‘of the light’ when they put out this type of info?’ – read the rest of the article and about how it all works.) Within the ‘Secret Space Program’ area of research we also have William Tompkins – who is obviously Controlled Opposition – a limited hangout operation – and is only divulging what he is allowed – and also the same with Randy Cramer. They are told by the people who control the organisations that they are affiliated with, what to divulge and they do as they are told. It is obviously all scripted, to add to the distraction of humanity — and to add to the SSP limited-hangout operation. I have written about the Corey Goode ‘Sphere Being’ psyop / cult on this website – it is one of the the most obvious limited hangout and Controlled Opposition operations out there. It seems to be creating a cult, a ufo religion and now trying to capture the minds of the younger generation – again, like a net drawing them in and trying to hold onto people as long as possible. Corey also seems to want to control all the SSP disclosure narrative and also try to sanitize what is going on in them – and there is very obvious saviour programming in there as well – which disempowers and pacifies people. And why does humanity need to hear so much about Corey’s UFO stories, it is beyond me – how does it benefit people to hear so much about unsubstantiated ET stories like these? It is dangerous what he is doing – these SSP projects (if they exist) are not to be taken lightly – they will be ruining lives – and run by incredibly nefarious people. People who believe Corey Goode is genuine have still got various levels of awakening to work through. On YouTube peoples channels are being taken down left, right and centre for exposing the fake terrorism and the use of crisis actors, for exposing jewish tyranny and Zionism’s crimes, for exposing the WW2 and Hitler lies we have been told etc etc. Thousands of videos are being censored by Jewish Zionist controlled Youtube – just for people exposing and questioning… whatever happened to free speech!. “The Truth Does Not Fear Investigation”. But here we have someone like Corey, he isn’t being censored and is not going to be censored – because he is Zionist psyop – a controlled opposition agent. And this whole ‘raising your vibration’ rhetoric is just there to pacify you – I have been meditating (and eating very healthily) for many years and this ‘raising your vibration’ is not going to sort things out on this planet… and how come so many people are working at this ‘raising your vibration’ but the world is getting worse all the time – more control mechanisms implemented all the time, more censorship, more destabilizing of the middle east, more refugees, more mass immigration (and we potentially have 5G towers coming soon) etc etc. What we need to do is become wise knowledgeable critical thinkers, come up with solutions, stand-up to tyranny and take action! The Corey Goode psyop is there to pacify you and distract you. And I am not saying there isn’t probably some sort of Secret Space Program, but you wont be getting the real truth from these so called ‘whistleblowers’. And, yes, of course, it is good for you to meditate and eat a healthy diet, but it wont sort out the problems on this planet, that’s for sure – it should help you get some clarity of mind – but it wont make you knowledgeable, proactive, solution orientated and capable of critical thinking. I recommend this article below on Corey Goode for some more insights on his particular pysop: Link to Article: Cosmic Disclosure – Corey Goode – Controlled Opposition – Secret Space Programs (SSPs) This other group of ‘Secret Space Program Whistleblowers’: Penny, Illeana, Tony, Kevan and their disinfo agent associate ‘Peter the Insider’ ( These people are all very clearly creating another limited-hangout, and are just another group of Controlled Opposition ). I discuss this group as well as other SSP whistleblowers in detail in another article of mine: ‘Nazis’ – Secret Space Programs – ‘Dark Fleet’ – Disinfo I have also written about Cobra on this website. I have looked through the majority of his interviews and followed his intel for quite some time and I also looked through a website that had collated Cobra’s responses to questions – there is so much disinfo in there and lots of pacifying and disempowering responses – if you research the global conspiracy like I do – you can see the disinfo and the agendas. It also, like Corey Goode’s info, contains saviour programming – here instead of ‘blue avians’ and ‘inner earth’ groups it promotes this totally unsubstantiated idea of a ‘resistance movement’ on ‘planet x’ – and also the unsubstantiated idea that there are some pleiadians that he is working with to help free humanity. These stories are absolutely pacifying and disempowering people – stopping them from coming up with solutions for humanity. He talks about these ‘toplet bombs’??? and other exotic weapons – he says that there are ET groups that are clearing all these bombs that are surrounding us here on Earth. For five years he has been saying this! And he say things like we are close to clearing them all – and then, ‘low and behold’ they have found some more and some more weapons have been found – then the next month – and again, its ‘oh we found some more toplet bombs’ etc – over and over again this goes on! And of course Cobra talks about Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation etc etc – pacifying and disempowering – these are psyops. Cobra has also promoted this book by Ishtar Antares called Aurora 2012, which I have read – that also made some predictions that didn’t come true, and which also contained other disinfo regarding the psyop that is Ashtar Command. And Cobra also promoted this guy Drake in 2012, who was a psyop, who also predicted changes in 2012, as did Wilcock who aligned himself with Drake – why do people forget about all these things? Unfortunately, my fellow humans, we have to sort all this insanity on this planet out ourselves. People need to realise that Cobra has been saying the same things over and over again for over 5 years. And of course Cobra does joint interviews with the obvious psyop Corey Goode – which should send up red flags for you. This ‘The Event Is Coming Soon’ rhetoric put forward by Cobra and others is a huge psyop and so pacifying and disempowering. When you are knowledgeable, and know how these Freemasons and Zionists work, you know their tactics and see through their psyops more easily. This so called ‘Event’ is not coming soon my friends, please don’t sit back and wait for this ‘Event’. This ‘Event’ is a made up thing to pacify – the whole ‘solar flash’, ‘spontaneous ascension’ – these terms, are of course, also pacifying psyops. Sorry to tell you this my friends… hard to hear if you bought into these stories, they had me for a little bit, but I know too much about all the other areas of the alternative media and global conspiracy. Educate yourself about the Freemasons and the Jewish Zionists plans and take action. Link to Article: Cobra, (The Portal) is Controlled Opposition putting out Disinfo David Wilcock continually tells us the ‘End-game’ is near, or words to that effect – how many endgame type articles is he going to write? One each year? One every 6 months? Again, he is disempowering and pacifying us – the endgame is not near. For example – ‘It’s ok, we can relax the ‘Endgame’ is near!’ I do not think it is near. David Wilcock is obvious Controlled Opposition – some truth mixed in with a good amount of disinfo. His so called ‘insiders’, and contacts – people like Pete Peterson for example, are also obvious Controlled opposition, basic stuff from these people who give us little titbits of carefully controlled info. Wilcock also collaborates with Corey Goode, who is also obvious Controlled Opposition, Wilcock also comments on Benjamin Fulford, who again is obvious Controlled Opposition. Wilcock also promotes this idea of a mass spontaneous ‘ascension’ – again, disempowering people, pacifying people – stopping people being proactive and make changes to benefit humanity and detach from the satanic matrix system – we can wait for ‘the resistance movement’ – or the ‘sphere being alliance’ or the ‘inner earth groups’ or the ‘ ascension wave of energy’ or ‘The Event’ – these groups of events will sort all out all our problems apparently. They are disempowering and pacifying the public – over and over! Don’t sit back and wait for any of these things my friends. We also have people like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange – totally controlled opposition and limited hangouts. What has Snowden released that people who are knowledge didn’t already know? – nothing – and he even gave out disinfo about 9/11. His is info is basic, and he is obviously controlled and some type of agent. Pretty much the same things can be said for Julian Assange… controlled. An article about Snowden the controlled agent: http://www.renegadetribune.com/frosty-edward-snowden/ And Benjamin Fulford won’t tell you that Snowden and Assange are just Controlled Opposition Limited Hangouts. And Fulford wont tell that all these terror events are fake – he might say some are false flags but that stills perpetuate the myth that people were killed and it perpetuates the fear they create. But they are hoaxes, totally fake – just one example for you: the Russian Ambassador shooting – this is such an obviously fake shooting. Fulford will not tell you that these so called terror events were set up by the Freemasons and Zionists to further their agendas. Benjamin Fulford is obvious Controlled Opposition – a limited hangout operation. (Update: This Q Anon rhetoric is an obvious pacifying psyop, there is no purge going on. In fact, people who are moved out are usually people who are not staunch Zionists and don’t support Israel enough – that’s usually why they are moved out. Look how staunch Zionist Warmonger John Bolton got moved into a very prominent position. Q Anon is a psyop to deceive and pacify the naive and less well informed Goyim.) People get hooked on what all these people are saying – they sit back and think these guys have it all in control – these so called ‘insiders’ – but they are just telling us stories – but it’s all just carefully controlled commentaries from these people, with some disinfo. Better to spend your time looking to make some practical changes on this planet and learning about the Zionist and Freemason agendas and researching all the fake terror events – so that these fake events have less effect on the collective. We have people saying ‘the cabal’ or ‘the illuminati’ – But I think people should be just saying the Zionists and Freemasons – I think these alternative names are a psyop. Go down the rabbit hole geopolitically and it leads to the Zionists, Freemasons and Israel. Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, it is run by Jews — Freemasonry is being used as a tool by the Zionist Jews to bring about their New World Order. It is related to rebuilding Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem – they want to dominate the world (the ‘Goyim’) from there. “The meaning of the history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of (Masonic) Lodges, rule the world.” – Jean Izoulet, prominent member of Jewish Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1931 “At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.” – Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish, Prime Minister of England Anyway, I have an article on this website all about Zionism which will explain all this for you. There is a link at the end of the article. ********** (* An update due to a comment received: — Michael Tellinger is 100 percent controlled. He is a controlled limited hangout. I read his Ubuntu book when it first came out – sounded good initially – but I was ill informed and very naive back then. His system is not anti-NWO – it actually plays right into their hands. Tellinger is on gaimtv.com / gaia.com – this organisation is a Zionist limited hangout shill operation. So many shills on Gaia.com. Tellinger even did an interview with Goode and Wilcock on Gaia as well! Two of the most obvious shills out there. There is so much about the (((New World Order))) agenda that Tellinger and associates are distracting people from.) ********** Fraudulent Predictions and Statements for upcoming change… and channelers — Bashar, Adronis, Abraham Hicks etc So we have Wilcock regularly making endgame, or the battle is nearly won, statements in his articles. Wilcock also backed and made predictions in 2012 regarding this fake guy ‘Drake’ – people forget how wrong Wilcock was then, and Cobra was involved with this. Corey Goode said everything will change in in 2016 and it didn’t – now he is pushing a three year disclosure plan – what ridiculousness. More disempowering. Wilcock also wrote an article whereby he perpetuates the idea that people actually died in the Boston Marathon Bombing – when anyone who is a real researcher knows that the boston marathon bombing was another fake hoax event a drill passed of as real. Cobra is also affiliated with the website ‘prepare for change’ change – more disempowering – it should be Create Change! Let’s just sit back and prepare for change, what a disempowering and pacifying slogan – again, it should be Create Change. We also get these popular channellers like Bashar and Adronis, for example, making predictions – they were both saying everything will change in the fall of 2016. The SSP ‘whistleblower’ called ‘Illeana’, also joined in with her own ‘channeling’ and also said all will change in the fall of 2016. Bashar is the most obvious psyop – he promotes a type of solipsism for one thing, saying that we create our own reality completely, which is nonsense, as we are in a collective consciousness and we are not in total control of our reality – again, we collectively create what happens here. And those in power and in prominent influential positions in the media, banks and government etc have by far the most control of what we create on this planet. Bashar also constantly distracts people from the global conspiracy, from the Zionists and Satanists etc – suggesting that if you look into that dark information then that is the sort of reality you will manifest – nonsense. We must shine a light on the dark to transform it. When these channelers and so called ‘insiders’ make statements on when things will change – be very suspicious. There is also the case of Aug Tellez now, who promotes himself as insider – and has put out lots of interesting information, but it is mostly information that I have heard before. I am wary of him because he has come out with the statement that everything will change in the fall of 2017. Why regularly put out a statement like that? It only pacifies and disempowers humanity. And also because he promotes the disinfo agent Donald Marshall – I am sure cloning does goes on, and we all know some really terrible things go on with the elites, but Donald Marshall is almost certainly controlled opposition with disinfo – some ridiculous things have been said by him, particular the things about Reptilians, such as them having this ‘thing’ come out of their head that goes into your eye and takes you over – obvious disinfo. I will certainly not be holding my breath about this Aug Tellez 2017 prediction! He also has very few details about the time he says he spent in Solar Warden – lots of information is given out which would be complex to many, but no solar warden details of operations he took part in. So I am not totally sure about Aug, I think we will see after this fall 2017. Will he be the first ‘insider’ to actually predict when the beneficial changes will come? Again, I doubt it very much. (Update: Aug Tellez is an obvious Zionist Controlled Opposition agent – it’s so obvious to me – lots of distracting information and some dis-info — distracting people from what is really occurring on this planet. People should research ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ – and no it’s not a hoax, as the Zionist controlled media like to tell you – its a real document that was found – research it.) While we are in the subject of channelers: we have people like Bashar and Abraham Hicks putting forward this notion of people just trying to manifest an abundant life for themselves. You don’t need to transform the planet, they suggest – just try to manifest a happy and abundant life for yourself. Nope, actually we should be looking to highlight all the darkness, all the satanic practices – we need to bring it to the light to transform it. We need to work together to create change – helping each other, practical solutions etc – so we need to know where all the problems are and where they originate from. These two channelers are obvious controlled opposition psyops. And there are many other channelers who just go on and on about different ET races. Firstly, do people realize how easy it is for the ‘powers that be’ to manipulate these people – who they are channeling – most are not going to be channelling who they think they are. Anyway, regardless of this, what purpose does it serve to listen to a ‘channeler’ telling you about unsubstantiated info about ‘ET races’ – how does this help humanity evolve and break free from this Satanic Slave System and understand the tactics of the Zionists and Freemasons. Are these ‘channelers’ telling you any useful practical information regarding this planet. Nearly all are just distracting you. One more thing related to Bashar, he goes on about hybrid children – not human children, but hybrid children. Our human children are getting poisoned, abused, sacrificed and eaten on this planet! We do not need to worry about hybrid children! And this woman Bridget Nielsen aligns herself with Bashar and promotes making a safe place for the hybrid children to live. She also says that she has had sex with reptilians and it was great. Do you know who aligned themselves with this woman? – Corey Goode did. He is good ‘friends’ with her and does videos with her – it’s networks of Controlled Opposition – psyops linked together. Anyway, there is absolutely no benefit to humanity in the people making these statements and predictions with dates about big changes – the only purpose can be to dis-empower and pacify humanity – there is nothing else it can do. I would take them with less than a pinch of salt, and be suspicious of those who are making them – especially as all the statements so far have been wrong. And carry on researching, and carry on trying to make a positive and practical difference to this planet – and carry on learning about all the fake terrorism and fake shootings, the controlled opposition agents, the CIA limited hangouts, the Zionists, the Freemasons. Question everything and don’t stop learning. We need to become informed critical thinkers and then to come together somehow and make changes. Early ET abductions, Milabs researchers and whistleblowers The whole UFO field has been infiltrated by Controlled Opposition. Some of the first researchers like Barbara Bartholic and Dr Karla Turner appeared to be doing some diligent and credible research and investigations exposing the nefarious ETs – but it looks like they were killed off. It looks like was Phil Schneider as well, who seemed to be exposing some important information – and then the UFO field was then further flooded with agents (it’s always been controlled). We did have some testimonies that felt somewhat credible in the Milab, Secret Space Ops and Black Ops area, years ago – but now, in the two or three years or so, this area of research seems to filled with agents and disinfo. (Update: After completing further research I actually think these people mentioned in this paragraph were also controlled – See my ‘Ufology Explained’ article on this website.) Trump and Putin As I mentioned earlier one of the areas I spend a lot of time researching is all the fake terrorism. Some questions for people who believe Putin is some kind of savour: Why did Putin play along with, and essentially endorse, at least two fake terrors acts. Firstly the fake shooting of the Russian Ambassador in Berlin – it’s totally fake, research it – watch Ole Dammegard’s video on it, for starters. And Putin also endorses the St Petersburg Metro bombing – again, a staged drill passed of as real – fake. There are videos about these fake events in a playlist on my youtube channel. Why is Putin endorsing these fake deceiving acts, as well as playing along with other fake terrorism from around the world? Truth seekers who go far down the rabbit hole suggest that Putin is just playing a role – that pretty much all these western leaders are just playing their roles. I would also suggest he is just playing a role for the Zionists and their NWO agenda – and I certainly do not trust someone who deceives humanity like this. Putin also has a history of Jewish and Zionist connections, he is ex KGB, does huge tech and trade deals with Israel, glorifies the ‘Soviet Union’ and the ‘Red Army’, and he does not come out and condemn Netenyahu and Israel on a great many issues… and he hasn’t ended Debt Slavery/Usury in his country (which leaders who truly want to look after their people will always do). A link to an interesting article about Putin, and how he is not the saviour some people think he is: Puppet Putin: A collection of doubts around Putin’s credibility as opposition to the JWO agenda Putin has also made it illegal for people to question the holocaust in his country! Where’s the Free Speech?! ((The Truth Does Not Fear Investigation)). From my research I have found no evidence that any gas chambers were used or that any Jews died in gas chambers – there is lots of research which point to the fact that the gassing did not occur. Watch some Fred Leuchter (The Leuchter Report), David Irving, Ernst Zundel, David Cole and Dennis Wise videos on this subject for starters. The people you see dead in the videos and photos died from diseases such as Typhus, this was due to the allied bombings towards the end of the war, which took out the supply infrastructures in Germany, which meant medicine and food could not get to the work camps. Diseases spread quickly. The lies surrounding these camps is shocking. Its propaganda by the Zionists to try to gain sympathy for their Zionist agendas. I could go on about this subject and the lies we have been told about Hitler, WW2 and Germany’s National Socialism, but you can research it yourself. I also recommend the video: ‘Adolf Hitler – The Greatest story Never Told’ by Dennis Wise – this can get you started if you don’t know about this subject, you can watch it on YouTube. This link below will take you to a site with comprehensive evidence that the ‘holocaust’ did not occur: Holocaust Deprogramming Course (Another mention of David Icke and how he is controlled opposition. There is always lots of anti-Nazi rhetoric from Icke. He still perpetuates the total myth that Nazis used fluoride on people on the Jews in the WW2 work camps. Icke also suggests that Hitler and the Germans were involved in creating these poisonous vaccines we are given – which is lies. Icke does not even mention that the ‘Nazis’ never called themselves ‘Nazi’s’, and that they were actually called The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) – the term ‘Nazi’ was actually invented by a jewish man called Konrad Heiden as a slur and disparaging term – and has since been used for the Zionist owned media’s anti-Hitler and anti-National Socialist propaganda. Icke also doesn’t expose the Dresden firebombings and the Rhine Meadows death camps – these horrific war crimes carried out on millions of innocent Germans. He doesn’t highlight how Hitler and The NSDAP miraculously transformed Germany by getting rid of the Jewish bankers influence and by printing their own money. And he doesn’t expose the biggest lie of the them all: The Holocuast Hoax. Again, David Icke is controlled opposition) Now to Trump: he is of course endorsed and praised by Putin. And in case anyone does not realize, Trump is exposed as an obvious Zionist. Look at what he has said about Israel… shocking… 100 percent backing for Israel he said… wow… supporting this disgraceful regime that is taking part in the incremental genocide of Palestinians. As well as this, look at Trumps behaviour related to visiting Israel and Netanyahu. (These Zionists have never had any right to Palestine – and The Palestinians are the semites.) And who has Trump surrounded himself with politically? I will tell you who: Loads of confirmed Zionists! Putin is friendly with and has endorsed and praised a very obvious Zionist … hmmm… what does all this suggest to you? Concluding Thoughts One of the purposes of this article is for people to become aware of what Controlled Opposition and Limited Hangouts Operations are – and to question all those people who suggest that they are insiders. Look for the signs – and one of the signs is that they start making statements of when great change will occur and attempt to pacify and disempower with various articles and statements. There are so many people out there who will try to catch you and distract you, feed you some disinfo. The way I see it is that one of the things they are distracting you from is all the fake terrorism: crisis actors are used – they are staged drills passed off as real, CGI is also used – I have been researching these fake events for over two years now. Who owns the media and sets up these events – it’s the Zionists and Freemasons. I have followed a whole community of people who were dismantling all these fake events on Youtube. So many of them have had their channels taken down for questioning these events and explaining to others how they are obviously fake (luckily most of them just make a new channel and come back). No one else I have followed is having their channels taken down – only the people questioning these events and people questioning and exposing the Zionists and Freemasons – as Youtube is owned by the Zionists of course. Far more offensive channels are left up. Anyway… Three of the most obvious phony fake hoax events: the Boston Bombing , Sandy Hook, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting – if you can’t see or work out that these are totally fake events… then… well.. Speechless… And there are just so many more… so many Link to Article: False Flags – Fakes Shootings – Fake Terrorism – Psyops – Hoaxes – Freemasons – Zionists The fake events are one of their main tools for manipulating humanity. The powers that be (the zionists / jewish supremacists) can’t go around just blowing people up and killing people – you would get hundreds and thousands of very angry family members, large groups of very irate people to deal with, who would certainly question your homeland security – and also, karmically it’s not good for them – so you deceive the public with fake events. These ‘events’ put people in fear and they are also used to attempt to bring forth various agendas – gun control, martial law, armed police, automated travels systems, Islamophobia, World War 3 etc etc – essentially more and more control over us. Through all the UFO psyops ‘the powers that be’ are also trying to distract the awakening / alternative media community from the Zionists activities. When you go down the rabbit hole it leads to the Zionists, it just does – I believe there are definitely some ET races that are ultimately in control of this planet and governments – but in dealing with practicalities of day to day on Earth the Zionists tactics and agendas need to be understood… and all the lies they have told.. Israel / Zionists / the jews, this is where it all leads. They own hollywood, the corporations, the media… they are in charge. And they are trying to create conflict in the middle east – they are trying to destabilize that region, taker it over and essentially try to run this planet from there – from Israel. They also want to distract from the fake North Korean threat – that is fake – look at the fake Otto Warmbier case – so fake – and all the North Korean photoshopped pictures, just for starters. And the fake threat from Muslim fundamentalists – that is fake as well, there are not any muslim terrorists running around Europe or the US shouting ‘allahu akbar’ and killing people – again, these events are fake and set up by the Freemasonic and Zionists. I am not saying there aren’t some groups of young Muslim men causing trouble in Europe, after all this mass immigration – as this is the case – but they aren’t running around and blowing things up – they aren’t running people over in cars and shooting people… these ‘terrorist events’ are fake… crisis actors. They also want to distract you from what is going on in Palestine – it is just shocking what has been done to the Palestinian people. And, we of course, know that Israel was the main force behind 9/11. I realise that I have gone from the Controlled Opposition in the alternative media to the Zionists – that is how this article evolved – and it is not surprising because all the problems on this planet seem to lead to the Zionists and the jewish supremacists / International Jewry. And don’t take my word for it on any of this – research it yourself – I am confident in my conclusions regarding all the players, but you need to come to your own conclusions through investigation, but please always bare in mind that these people who call themselves ‘insiders’ or someone ‘in the know’ could well be Controlled Opposition – and may well be subtly deceiving, manipulating, distracting, pacifying, disempowering you… and have certain other agendas. It is scary to think about how much Controlled Opposition is out there. Most of these Controlled Opposition operatives are there to keep you distracted, to get hooked on their stories so you don’t work out what the Zionists are trying to do. So I will conclude with an overview of some of the Satanic Freemasonic Jewish Zionist New World Order agendas. A brief overview of just some of the Satanic Freemasonic Jewish Zionist New World Order agendas: They would like to take away all American citizens guns so they can take over that very significant country. Hence why there are so many fake hoax shootings to try and bring this to fruition. (Sandy Hook, Virginia Reporter, Orlando Pulse Nightclub, Mandalay Las Vegas etc etc) They would like to also have automated vehicles, taking away millions of jobs and hugely increasing their control over humanity. They also want more restricted driving in cities, using electronic bollards that they control etc. Again, hence why we have all this fake hoax terrorist acts of people being run down by cars, vans or lorries. (Nice France, Stockholm Sweden, Times Square, Melbourne Australia etc etc) They also want to bring in 5G towers which will be so incredibly harmful to all of humanity. They want to increase the use of artificial intelligence in all areas of life – which is going to be hugely damaging to humanity in so many ways. People must remember that all this technology is being used against humanity. They want genderfluid androgynous type beings ( just like the ‘baphomet’ they worship ) – they want to promote homosexuality and transgender people – and move humanity away from being strong masculine men or nurturing feminine females – as this is a threat to them. They want to destroy Family in the Western Developed Nations (i.e mainly White Nations). Through the use of poisons in vaccines, poisons in food, poisons in water, pharmaceutical drugs, chemtrails, EMFs etc they want to make us sick, weak and infertile. They want all nations, races and cultures to merge and interbreed. The Zionists/International Jewry create all the immigration on purpose. They particularly want to destroy the White Race – research The Kalergi Plan. White Genocide is one of their biggest agendas. Read my articles on this site: one about (((Multiculturalism))) and one about being Racially Conscious. They are hugely threatened by patriotic and nationalistic countries who want independence from the Zionist Bankers. Hence why Gaddafi and Hitler were taken out and so many lies have been spread about them, even though they were looking after the people in their country – and to do this they were breaking away from the jewish banking cartels (Central banks). They want to keep us in fear and they want more and more control over us… they have so many more tactics and agendas… And of course, the Zionists want to run the world from the Middle East, hence why they go to great lengths to destabilize that region and to eradicate the Palestinians. They want to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and rule over the ‘Goyim’. As well as all this, understanding the lies told to us about the Second World War, Hitler and Germany is hugely important. My article below has information in it that will help you to become informed about the Satanic Zionists and the lies we have been told about Hitler, National Socialism and WW2. There is a great deal of evidence for all of this, it’s all over the internet now – and many books have been written about it. And again, my article on Zionism contains a lot of information, links, quotes and videos. Humanity needs to come together and rise up against these Zionists. It’s not the Illuminati – it is the Satanic Zionist Jews. “And we in the real Truth movement are aware that we are not up against a NWO, or the Illuminati, but a Jew World Order. With International Jewry pulling all the strings.” — https://diggerfortruth.wordpress.com This New World Order is absolutely a jewish agenda. This New World Order agenda all comes from the jewish doctrines and scriptures (the Talmud, the Kaballah, the Zohar, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)… it is also written about and spoken about by many jewish scholars … it’s all there… no escaping from it, this is where it originates from… not difficult to work it out really… (If you haven’t, then you have to study the Talmud and learn what it says about non-jews (goyim)… and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion explain the whole NWO agenda and how they are doing it) I mean come on, it really is obvious – all the Central Banks are jewish run, Hollywood (Pedophile central degenerate Hollyweird) is totally run by jews – the lying media networks are totally run and owned by jews… anyway various other articles on this website explain all this. Zionism is the term we are allowed to use, to some degree, but the reality is that it is International Jewry and Judaism that want this One World Government / New World Order – and International Jewry is very obviously behind the Open Borders and Globalisation. We must stop the Open Borders before many unique races and cultures are destroyed. “The “Jewish revolutionary spirit” , as it has been called, operates on an insidious agenda of social overthrow under the false pretences of making a better world. The Jewish ideal of tikkam olam, “fixing the world,” is not the benevolent program it pretends to be. Its actual aim is to enable total Jewish dominance of the Goyim, the non-Jewish nations, and centralization of all wealth and power in the Jewish elite… The trajectory of history over three millennia shows that Jews have been centrally involved in the corruption and destruction of many civiilizations.” – John Lash We must all become more conscious and see through all the lies – we must become aware of how this prison/slave planet really works and all the secret societies agendas. In particular we must understand the Jews / Zionists and Freemasons (Masons) agendas – their striving for a ‘New World Order’. We must understand their tactics, such as the their staging of fake terrorist events, divided and conquer psyops, chemtrails, the Kalergi Plan – etc etc… so many other tactics that they use to manipulate humanity and the collective consciousness. I recommend researching the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion – there is a summary of what these protocols involve in the article about Zionism below – this Zionism article I keep mentioning is the most important article on this website. Love is important and inspiring – but unfortunately the saying ‘All you need is Love’ is not true – you need knowledge, you need to be informed, you need to know who your oppressors are. Reading the article below and also understanding these Protocols will definitely help you to understand why the world is the way it is. The Power-base of the elite Jews / Zionists is Usury – i.e the Central Banks and the debt-slave system. To me it seems like that until we take away their Debt Slavery power-base we are just papering over cracks, nothing will really change – this debt slavery is obscene and totally unnecessary and needs to stop – it is the root cause of humanity’s suffering. People do not seem to realize that countries thrive when they print their own money – when they control their own debt-free currency. It is easy to create an extremely healthy, happy and abundant country when you do this, when you get rid of Usury. Here is a link to a book about this – describing the various leaders and countries that did this. The book also describes who it was that put an end to each countries prosperity – the book clearly demonstrates it was always the Jewish Bankers: A History of Central Banking & The Enslavement of Mankind Too many people are getting distracted by Controlled Opposition agents, with their pacifying stories and disinfo. As well as seeing through all the lies and manipulations we must come up with solutions and make changes. I hope some of this information may prove useful to you. End. **** Links to related posts: The Controlled Opposition - Disinformation Network is vast - Fulford is part of this campaign http://entityart.co.uk/controlled-opposition-david-wilcock-corey-goode-darryl-anka-bashar-benjamin-fulford-cobra-edward-snowden-julian-assange-trump-putin-ufology-alternative-media-psyop/
    Controlled Opposition – David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Darryl Anka (Bashar), Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Trump, Putin – Ufology – Alternative Media
    Controlled Opposition – Corey Goode, Cobra, Bashar (Darryl Anka), David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, David Icke, Edward Snowden, Trump, Putin etc… (I used a picture of ‘Ashtar&#8217…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 21673 Views
  • Warning about Dr. Peter McCullough
    His post about siRNA

    Daniel Nagase MD
    Recently Dr. Peter McCullough sent out a hope article talking about siRNA and RIBOTAC Therapy as a way to deactivate mRNA from the COVID-19 vaccines.

    Never mind that there are much cheaper ways to inactivate the artificial mRNA in COVID vaccines that Dr.MCullough largely ignores.

    One is Everolimus, a really old out of patent drug that I write about here:

    The other is Intermittent Fasting, that I write about here:

    Why is Dr. McCullough promoting siRNA?

    What is siRNA?

    siRNA is basically miniature mRNA. It is the biological equivalent of mRNA “dust”.

    With my knowledge of Cell Biology having studied it at McGill in the 90’s, my first concern about giving people injections of “Miniature mRNA” fragments is that the small fragments might be small enough to enter the nucleus without Reverse Transcriptase.

    This means that siRNA can alter DNA directly.

    Why is Dr. McCullough promoting siRNA?

    Here’s an article about siRNA:


    Who is Arbutus Biopharma?

    The company that brought lipid nanoparticle technology to the world for mRNA “vaccines”.


    While many of us hope that Dr. Peter McCullough won’t turn into another Dr. Robert Malone":

    Promoting the same company Arbutus that caused DNA damage as a cure for DNA damage is very suspicious.

    There might be very big money behind this controlled opposition.

    The only way any freedom movement is going to win is by thinking a lot deeper into how far the deceptions of today go.

    War, culture, secret societies of "Architects" building religions?

    War, culture, secret societies of "Architects" building religions?
    The primary purpose of my writings is to inspire people to start thinking for themselves instead of having someone or some thing tell them what to think. Every article I’ve written from the first “Logical Surprise”, was supposed to inspire people to think out of the box and start questioning the world around them.

    Read full story

    Warning about Dr. Peter McCullough His post about siRNA Daniel Nagase MD Recently Dr. Peter McCullough sent out a hope article talking about siRNA and RIBOTAC Therapy as a way to deactivate mRNA from the COVID-19 vaccines. Never mind that there are much cheaper ways to inactivate the artificial mRNA in COVID vaccines that Dr.MCullough largely ignores. One is Everolimus, a really old out of patent drug that I write about here: The other is Intermittent Fasting, that I write about here: Why is Dr. McCullough promoting siRNA? What is siRNA? siRNA is basically miniature mRNA. It is the biological equivalent of mRNA “dust”. With my knowledge of Cell Biology having studied it at McGill in the 90’s, my first concern about giving people injections of “Miniature mRNA” fragments is that the small fragments might be small enough to enter the nucleus without Reverse Transcriptase. This means that siRNA can alter DNA directly. Why is Dr. McCullough promoting siRNA? Here’s an article about siRNA: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10725753/ Who is Arbutus Biopharma? The company that brought lipid nanoparticle technology to the world for mRNA “vaccines”. https://investor.arbutusbio.com/news-releases/news-release-details/arbutus-biopharma-and-genevant-sciences-file-patent-0 While many of us hope that Dr. Peter McCullough won’t turn into another Dr. Robert Malone": Promoting the same company Arbutus that caused DNA damage as a cure for DNA damage is very suspicious. There might be very big money behind this controlled opposition. The only way any freedom movement is going to win is by thinking a lot deeper into how far the deceptions of today go. War, culture, secret societies of "Architects" building religions? War, culture, secret societies of "Architects" building religions? The primary purpose of my writings is to inspire people to start thinking for themselves instead of having someone or some thing tell them what to think. Every article I’ve written from the first “Logical Surprise”, was supposed to inspire people to think out of the box and start questioning the world around them. Read full story https://substack.com/home/post/p-146382770
    0 Comments 1 Shares 2814 Views
  • https://onevsp.com/watch/rPXCgiAk8Wt1Eio
    How The Establishment Suppresses The Truth About Prescription Drugs - Onevsp
    Onevsp.com is a Video Sharing Platform. Focusing on news of the world. A platform which wouldn’t suppress your opinions. We will not hide the truth!!
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  • https://futurism.com/neoscope/cgi-transplant-human-head-body
    This Deranged Plan to Transplant a Human Head From One Body to Another Might Be the Dumbest Thing We've Ever Seen
    In a gruesome video, a biologist proposes that doctors can perform head transplants by using advanced robotics and artificial intelligence.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 767 Views
  • The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble featured the works of Jon Oliver, Kevin Day, Rafael Méndez, Dmitri Shostakovich, and euphonium soloist TSgt Chris McGinty at The U.S. Army Band 2024 Tuba-Euphonium Workshop; Dr. Scott Roeder, conducting. #Texas #UTRGVVaqueros #UTRGVSchoolOfMusic #UTRGVMusic #UTRGVFineArts #UTRGV #RioGrandeValley #RGV #RallyTheValley #RiseUp #Euphonium #Tuba #TEW2024 #TEW #Music
    The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble featured the works of Jon Oliver, Kevin Day, Rafael Méndez, Dmitri Shostakovich, and euphonium soloist TSgt Chris McGinty at The U.S. Army Band 2024 Tuba-Euphonium Workshop; Dr. Scott Roeder, conducting. #Texas #UTRGVVaqueros #UTRGVSchoolOfMusic #UTRGVMusic #UTRGVFineArts #UTRGV #RioGrandeValley #RGV #RallyTheValley #RiseUp #Euphonium #Tuba #TEW2024 #TEW #Music
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8067 Views
  • The Leonard Falcone Euphonium and Tuba Festival Winners Recital featured tubist Jorge Gauvin Caraballo and euphoniumist Hunter Bellows performing the works of Anne McGinty, Barbara York, Derek Bourgeois, and Anthony Plog at The U.S. Army Band 2024 Tuba-Euphonium Workshop. #LeonardFalcone #Falcone #Euphonium #Tuba #TEW2024 #TEW #Music
    The Leonard Falcone Euphonium and Tuba Festival Winners Recital featured tubist Jorge Gauvin Caraballo and euphoniumist Hunter Bellows performing the works of Anne McGinty, Barbara York, Derek Bourgeois, and Anthony Plog at The U.S. Army Band 2024 Tuba-Euphonium Workshop. #LeonardFalcone #Falcone #Euphonium #Tuba #TEW2024 #TEW #Music
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  • https://rumble.com/v43xqnx-juan-o-savin-laura-loomer-flynn-patriots-daniel-mcgirr-the-daily-302-12-28-.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1262 Views
  • You were sold snake oil if you fell for this.

    You were sold snake oil if you fell for this. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-critical-thinking-health-and-nutrition/nattokinases-clot-busting-promises-sway-scientists-who-should-know-better
    Nattokinase’s Clot-Busting Promises Sway Scientists Who Should Know Better
    It has been called a “powerful all-natural supplement,” one that shows “exceptionally potent” clot-busting action. This same enthusiastic source even refers to it as a “miracle food.” No, this was not written by a naturopath on Facebook; it comes from a scientific paper, whose authors really ought to be more objective. The “miracle food” in question is nattokinase. A Google search for this supplement returns the kind of vague claims their marketers are legally allowed to make: may thin the blood and help break up blood clots, supports cardiovascular health and normal blood flow, and may reduce blood pressure. You are not told that it has been shown to reduce blood pressure but simply that, unlike a pharmaceutical drug that has proved its mettle, this supplement may lower blood pressure. Nattokinase is another example of how culture can sway researchers, who feel a certain patriotic pride in proving that a local custom holds the power to change global health. And in an era where anti-vaccine activists feel emboldened to yell “fire!” in a crowded theatre, nattokinase has also become an unproven solution to a non-existent problem. From slimy beans to nature’s plumber If you want to consume nattokinase the natural way, I hope you like slime. The interest in nattokinase began in the 1980s when a researcher by the name of Hiroyuki Sumi was studying a Japanese food called nattō (usually spelled without the accent in English). It has been described as vegetable cheese. The way to traditionally make natto is to first cook soybeans, then add to them a bacterium called Bacillus subtilis natto. The mixture is left to ferment at room temperature for at least a day. This results in the beans getting covered in a viscous film that is secreted by the bacteria. Inside this gooey substance is, among other things, an enzyme that was discovered by Sumi in 1987. He already knew that natto could dissolve a clump of proteins called fibrins, which are involved in blood clotting. That special activity to dissolve clots, termed fibrinolytic action, was caused, it turns out, by the enzyme Sumi had isolated from the natto. He called it nattokinase. In retrospect, this name accidentally alludes to the fact that the nattokinase story would be filled with misleading claims. Kinases are a type of enzyme that help move phosphate groups around, a critical function in life forms. But nattokinase is not a kinase. It’s a protease, a type of enzyme that helps break proteins down into smaller parts. Sumi and his team knew it was a protease but, for some reason, they called it “nattokinase.” Natto is not the only food that contains nattokinase. Similar dishes exist in other parts of Asia, like Korea, Indonesia, China, and the Philippines. Likewise, Bacillus subtilis natto is not the sole secretor of nattokinase, and ingredients like chickpeas or brown rice can be substituted for soybeans in order to trigger the release of nattokinase from bacterial fermentation. These days, the gene which codes for nattokinase inside the DNA of Bacillus subtilis has been isolated and the enzyme can be produced industrially. All the better to feed a market hungry for all-natural cures to cardiovascular disease. A look at reviews on Amazon of nattokinase dietary supplements sure makes it sound like this Japanese export is performing miracles. One person’s husband stopped his low-dose aspirin after starting a course of nattokinase and feels much better. Someone else writes that it gives them “tons of energy” and helped them with sinus congestion. In the boldest comment I saw, a reviewer essentially described it as nature’s plumber: “the most powerful non-prescription artery cleaner ever discovered.” The scientific research, however, when stripped of its spin, doesn’t quite stick the landing that keeps this hype plane aloft. Spinning out of control Not all studies are created equal and this dictum is especially relevant to the world of dietary supplements, where tiny, substandard studies are conducted and their milquetoast results are spun into hype to be fulfilled by future studies. There hasn’t been that much research into nattokinase, with most being done in rats or in Petri dishes (often using much higher doses than are recommended for human consumption). Many of the clinical studies, involving actual human participants, lack rigour or their negative results are subject to spin by the authors. A 2015 paper boldly asserts in its title that a single dose of nattokinase helps with clot busting. The study was done in 12 men and all the changes seen were actually “within the normal range.” This is what we could call a creative interpretation of results. Nattokinase is also said to help break down the plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease… at least in laboratory glassware. Whether this can be reproduced inside the human body remains to be seen. Meanwhile, a 2018 review article points out a strange inconsistency. A study published five years prior had found that the amount of nattokinase in the blood of someone who ingested it was at its greatest 13 hours after consumption. This should be when its clot-busting action is at its peak… except that a study measuring this specifically found that the peak was two to four hours after ingestion, not 13. Despite the fact that there are 284 different brands of nattokinase supplements being sold in the United States alone, we have very little data on just what happens to this enzyme when taken by mouth. Is it broken down by the acid in our stomach, as most ingested proteins are? If so, an enteric coating, which protects a pill from this acid until it reaches the intestine, may help. But can it then be absorbed into the blood through the intestinal wall? And is the nattokinase that is detected in the blood still fully functional? Exactly what happens to nattokinase as it travels through the body should be known before it is sold as a health supplement, but the lax regulations surrounding dietary supplements allow salespeople to put the shopping cart before the horse. An appeal to nature and to national pride Papers published on nattokinase often sound like thinly veiled marketing material, which can be explained in two ways. These studies are commonly funded by the makers of nattokinase supplements and the extent of their involvement with the paper is not always made clear. Moreover, the majority of the studies come from Asian countries, where natto or similar dishes are part of the traditional cuisine. As we have seen with acupuncture and the use of supplements based on saffron extracts, national pride can influence scientific rigour. We won’t get good answers from inadequate studies and hype, which is why I was happy to read about the randomized clinical trial run by a team at the University of Southern California. Its 265 healthy participants were randomly assigned to receiving a nattokinase supplement or a placebo, not for a month or two, but for three years. At the end of the trial, the researchers found no difference between the two groups in terms of blood pressure, blood markers of cardiovascular disease, or ultrasound measurements of their carotid arteries. As the authors remark, their participants did not have cardiovascular disease, so it is still possible that nattokinase might help those people in particular. But with roughly a dozen human studies of nattokinase so far, most of dubious quality, this trial shoots to the top of the pile and does not inspire my confidence as to the effectiveness of nattokinase supplements. Yet, reading comments from people who take these supplements, it is impossible to ignore the false narrative they have bought into: drugs are synthetic and bad, whereas supplements can do the same thing but without the side effects. A paper published in 2009 illustrates that this persistent idea can even affect scientists. Taiwanese researchers showed that nattokinase alone does not help people with abnormally high levels of lipids in their blood, but in combination with a thing called red yeast rice, there was an improvement. They argued that the two should be packaged together as a nutraceutical. The twist is that red yeast rice contains varying levels of lovastatin, one of the first statin medications to be approved for sale. No wonder it worked. But the appeal to nature is strong: many people want to treat their cardiovascular disease “the natural way,” so they turn to red yeast rice and to nattokinase. “We actually have a lot of medications that can help treat, stabilize and, in many cases, reverse the process of atherosclerosis [meaning the presence of fatty plaques inside the arteries],” says Dr. Christopher Labos, a cardiologist and an associate with our Office. This was in response to the erroneous claim, found in a scientific paper, that these types of drugs are difficult to come by. Thus, nattokinase, which showed promise in Petri dishes, is said to be a miraculous anomaly. This is not true: the drugs are plentiful. As for patients experiencing side effects from their anticoagulant or anti-platelet medication, Dr. Labos tells me there are many different medications in the same drug class. “Even in a rare situation where somebody had a bad reaction to one, you could always try them on another.” But for some, the hype surrounding an all-natural, clot-busting supplement aligns perfectly with their pseudoscientific panic and their financial interests. “Get back to that pre-COVID feeling” For anti-vaccine influencers, the real harm during the pandemic came not from the virus but from the vaccine, with imagined stories about how vaccinated people were shedding the dreaded spike protein, which would kill people by turning their blood into a clotted mess. It should thus come as no surprise that these same influencers are now endorsing (and sometimes selling) nattokinase as the vaccine clot-buster du jour. The FLCCC Alliance, co-founded by Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory, claims nattokinase helps with the (fictitious) “spike-protein diseases.” Dr. Peter McCullough also endorses nattokinase for “spike detox.” The Wellness Company, for which McCullough is the Chief Scientific Officer, sells a nattokinase-containing Spike Support Formula, which is said to help you “get back to that pre-COVID feeling.” Its price tag? USD 65.99. Meanwhile, David “Avocado” Wolfe, the eccentric conspiracy theorist who weaponized feel-good vibes on Facebook to attract a massive audience of customers for his natural health products, sells VeganZyme, which contains nattokinase. A section of his store is dedicated solely to products that allegedly neutralize the spike protein, a molecule apparently so toxic and difficult to get rid of, Wolfe sells no fewer than 28 different products to get the job done. With all of this noise, hype, and misinformation out there, it’s no wonder the average consumer is confused. So, let’s be abundantly clear. Vaccinated people are not shedding the spike protein. The coronavirus which causes COVID-19 is not benign, and the COVID-19 vaccines are very safe. Nattokinase does seem to have interesting properties when tested in the laboratory, but it has yet to show clear benefits in humans, and the largest and longest clinical trial came up empty-handed on these promises. It is also still not clear what happens to nattokinase when taken by mouth. Nattokinase supplements, if properly manufactured, seem to be safe, although many researchers have pointed out the possibility (if nattokinase does work as promised) of a bleeding risk when combining it with anti-platelet or anti-coagulation medication. A healthy diet helps reduce the risk of disease, yes, but we should always be skeptical when a single food is elevated to the rank of king of the clot-busters. And if you feel like interjecting that Hippocrates, the father of medicine, actually said to let food be thy medicine, you may want to check your sources. It is likely to be a misquotation. Take-home message: - Nattokinase is an enzyme secreted by bacteria when fermenting soybeans during the making of the traditional Japanese food known as natto - Nattokinase dietary supplements are claimed to help prevent and treat cardiovascular disease, although the studies done so far are not rigorous enough to support this claim and we still do not know with certainty what happens to nattokinase in the human body when taken by mouth - Anti-vaccine influencers are selling nattokinase supplements as a way to “detox” from the spike protein contained in the COVID-19 vaccines, which is simply not based on good science @CrackedScience
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  • Nasa and their CGI that has drastically improved over the years, they don't even need to waste money on building the rockets when they can create everything via computer.

    Many people believe that using rockets we are actually able to get to outer space, maybe in CGI, but in reality these rockets are not even able to leave Ionosphere using the fuel as internal combustion is simply not possible.

    The Ionosphere is literally the last barrier and its about 50 miles from Earth. This is not space, this is still in the Earths orbit, this is where the Balloon Satellites with helium are hovering, they are not in space.

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    Nasa and their CGI that has drastically improved over the years, they don't even need to waste money on building the rockets when they can create everything via computer. Many people believe that using rockets we are actually able to get to outer space, maybe in CGI, but in reality these rockets are not even able to leave Ionosphere using the fuel as internal combustion is simply not possible. The Ionosphere is literally the last barrier and its about 50 miles from Earth. This is not space, this is still in the Earths orbit, this is where the Balloon Satellites with helium are hovering, they are not in space. If they really want explore space, other planets/galaxies, they need to completely reinvent this technology using electro magnetic motors, even if they have this tech already, you can be sure it won't be announced. Using this firecracker technology is simply not going to cut it. WATCH and SHARE with everyone you know❗️ 🇺🇸
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