• Why Are Arab Regimes So Impotent in the Face of Zionist Barbarism?
    Kevin Barrett, Senior EditorMarch 9, 2024

    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    By Kevin Barrett, for Crescent international

    As I write this in late February 2024 CE (mid-Sha‘ban 1445 Hijri) the official number of Palestinians murdered by zionist aggression in the al-Aqsa Storm war has risen to nearly 30,000. The real number is considerably higher, since many victims are still buried beneath layers of rubble. Nearly 70,000 have been injured. Most of those killed and maimed have been women and children.

    The martyrs dispatched quickly to paradise are luckier than the survivors, who are forced to endure almost unimaginable horrors. The zionists have blockaded food in a deliberate attempt to slowly starve Gazans to death. Social media videos abound showing crying mothers unable to find so much as a crumb for their famished children. Surviving families, many of whom have lost loved ones, lack housing, heat, and warm clothing in the midst of the cold, rainy winter.

    The demonic zionists have deliberately bombed water, sewage, electrical, fuel, and health care infrastructure. They have destroyed the majority of Gaza’s housing, in an effort to mass-murder Gazans and expel the survivors. The destruction of Palestinian homes and life support has forced 1.4 million people to take shelter in Rafah on the Egyptian border. Now the zionists are intensifying their bombing of Rafah in the latest episode of their “final solution to the Palestinian problem.”

    On January 26, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) agreed with South Africa’s contention that there is probable cause to believe that Israel is committing genocide (see also here). Any nation on earth could invoke the made-in-USA “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) doctrine and use military force in an effort to stop the #GazaHolocaust. The very first nations that might be expected to act are those that share Palestine’s Arabic language and culture. And yet only two relatively small and weak Arab nations have tried: Lebanon and Yemen. The larger, richer, and more powerful states, beginning with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, have been missing in action.

    What explains this bizarre situation, in which the weak show courage while the strong reek of abject cowardice? Let’s begin with the cowardice. Egypt has basically been a zionist colony ever since the traitor Anwar Sadat “abnormalized” with Israel in 1979. Since then, the Egyptian military has been awash in American funding, with nearly $100 billion in bribes convincing junta leaders to continue betraying their Palestinian brothers and sisters.

    Today, Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi finds himself in a tight spot, as Israel pushes him to endorse genocide and open the border to Palestinian refugees, which would enable the complete erasure of the people of Gaza. To his credit, el-Sisi has thus far refused, saying that any expulsion of Palestinians to Egypt would cause Cairo to break off relations and return to an anti-Israel war footing. But ominously, Egypt is building a gigantic human cattle pen on the Gaza border, “just in case” or so el-Sisi says.

    Saudi Arabia, historically a source of both lip service and a degree of real support for Palestine, has gradually followed Egypt’s path of abject surrender. The current de facto ruler, Mohammad Bin Salman, implicitly endorsed zionist claims to al-Quds (Jerusalem) by acquiescing to Donald Trump’s “Abraham Accords” fiasco, setting the stage for the current catastrophe. Today, the Saudis are trying to make amends for that mistake by insisting on “no normalization without a Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders” and strengthening the Kingdom’s peace deal with Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, even in the face of US pressure to join Washington’s anti-Yemen “Operation Prosperity Guardian,” better known as “Operation Genocide Guardian.”

    It is ironic that Saudi Arabia is tacitly (though not actively) supporting Ansarullah’s blockade of Israeli-bound shipping. After all, it was the Saudis themselves who originally dragged the US into their war on Ansarullah in 2015. Now the tables are turned, and the Americans are trying to drag the Saudis into an anti-Yemen war, so far without success.

    Saudi Arabia has a nearly two-trillion-dollar adjusted GDP, while Yemen’s is a mere $0.2 trillion. By that measure, Yemen’s economy is one-hundredth the size of the Saudi economy. But despite its apparent weakness, Yemen was not only able to defeat the Saudis and their western backers in a nine-year war, but is now taking military action to try to stop the genocide of Gaza.

    Lebanon, too, boasts a mere $0.2 trillion GDP, one percent of Saudi Arabia’s and one-twentieth the size of Egypt’s. But like Yemen, Lebanon has distinguished itself by taking military action in support of Palestine. Throughout Israel’s genocide of Gaza, the Lebanese resistance group Hizbullah, the de facto main branch of the Lebanese military, has been pounding the zionists nonstop, puncturing Israel’s “Iron dome,” forcing 200,000 zionist settlers to flee the northern strip of Occupied Palestine, and diverting Israel’s forces from the Gaza genocide campaign.

    So why are mice like Yemen and Lebanon roaring, while lions like Saudi Arabia and Egypt whimper? There are two categorically different kinds of answers: political (dunyawi) and theological-spiritual (rouhani).

    Politically, most leaders feel constrained by circumstance; their choices are dictated by the limits of the possible. Caught between a proverbial rock (zionist power) and a hard place (their own people’s support for Palestine) they try to walk a fine line, careful not to anger the zionists too much lest they become targets, while offering sufficient lip service to the Palestinian cause to at least minimally placate their subjects.

    That balancing act has become more difficult since October 7. Any Arab leader who takes active steps to support Palestine will be painting a target on his back—and the stronger the steps, the bigger the target. Yet any Arab leader who is seen as complicit in the genocide risks being overthrown by his own people.

    The leaders of Hizbullah and Ansarullah already have zio-American targets painted on their backs. They have less to lose, are principled rather than merely pragmatic, and therefore are free to seek Allah’s good pleasure doing the right thing: actively resisting the zionist genocide of Gaza. Whereas leaders like Bin Salman and el-Sisi, presiding over states whose economies and militaries are intertwined with American and hence zionist money and power, would have to take huge risks in order to return their countries to forthrightly anti-zionist positions. And even if they did, and survived, there is no guarantee that, given the current balance of power, they would have much of a chance of succeeding in saving Gazans, much less fully defeating the zionist genocidaires.

    So, from a worldly political viewpoint, the situation is bleak. Arab leaders are simply acting within constraints imposed by the power of circumstance.

    But how did they, and their regimes, arrive in such circumstances? By way of a long process of cultural decline. Whole peoples, led by their elites, have repeatedly chosen expediency over ethics, laziness over diligence, egotism over islam (submission of the self to God).

    According to well-known ahadith, one of the signs of Yawm al-Qiyyama is that “the lowest and the worst man in the nation will become its leader.” The world may not quite have reached that point yet, but it isn’t far off. Today, leaders who represent the best of their nation, like those of Hizbullah and Ansarullah, are the exceptions. Most leaders are neither pious nor courageous nor brilliant. When an uncommonly good leader arises, like Imran Khan in Pakistan, he risks being assassinated or imprisoned.

    So, the deeper reason the Arab nation is so helpless today is that it, like much of the rest of the world, has declined in spiritual quality, allowing itself to be divided and conquered by the forces of evil. The mediocre-at-best leaders that predominate in today’s Arab lands, like the shattered and corrupted societies they preside over, are simply not a match for demonic energy of the zionist shayateen.

    But the seeds of better leadership, planted in places like Yemen and Lebanon and Iran and (insha’Allah) Pakistan, are beginning to sprout. As the secular-materialist west declines, and Zio-American power with it, the circumstances constraining Arab leadership will change, and the possibility of good leadership reviving united Arab and Islamic lands (rather like Putin’s leadership reviving Russia) will become manifest.

    Whatever worldly conquests the zionist dajjal acquires will be only temporary, and will bring the Occupation demons no real happiness nor any respite from their self-inflicted torment of hatred, greed, and cruelty. In the end, it will be seen that they were only digging their own graves—all the way to hell. For as the Qur’an tells us, “They plot and Allah plans; and Allah is the best of planners.” (Surat al-Anfal, 30).

    Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.

    He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN).

    He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.

    Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.

    Archived Articles (2004-2016)



    We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed
    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

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    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.


    Why Are Arab Regimes So Impotent in the Face of Zionist Barbarism? Kevin Barrett, Senior EditorMarch 9, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. By Kevin Barrett, for Crescent international As I write this in late February 2024 CE (mid-Sha‘ban 1445 Hijri) the official number of Palestinians murdered by zionist aggression in the al-Aqsa Storm war has risen to nearly 30,000. The real number is considerably higher, since many victims are still buried beneath layers of rubble. Nearly 70,000 have been injured. Most of those killed and maimed have been women and children. The martyrs dispatched quickly to paradise are luckier than the survivors, who are forced to endure almost unimaginable horrors. The zionists have blockaded food in a deliberate attempt to slowly starve Gazans to death. Social media videos abound showing crying mothers unable to find so much as a crumb for their famished children. Surviving families, many of whom have lost loved ones, lack housing, heat, and warm clothing in the midst of the cold, rainy winter. The demonic zionists have deliberately bombed water, sewage, electrical, fuel, and health care infrastructure. They have destroyed the majority of Gaza’s housing, in an effort to mass-murder Gazans and expel the survivors. The destruction of Palestinian homes and life support has forced 1.4 million people to take shelter in Rafah on the Egyptian border. Now the zionists are intensifying their bombing of Rafah in the latest episode of their “final solution to the Palestinian problem.” On January 26, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) agreed with South Africa’s contention that there is probable cause to believe that Israel is committing genocide (see also here). Any nation on earth could invoke the made-in-USA “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) doctrine and use military force in an effort to stop the #GazaHolocaust. The very first nations that might be expected to act are those that share Palestine’s Arabic language and culture. And yet only two relatively small and weak Arab nations have tried: Lebanon and Yemen. The larger, richer, and more powerful states, beginning with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, have been missing in action. What explains this bizarre situation, in which the weak show courage while the strong reek of abject cowardice? Let’s begin with the cowardice. Egypt has basically been a zionist colony ever since the traitor Anwar Sadat “abnormalized” with Israel in 1979. Since then, the Egyptian military has been awash in American funding, with nearly $100 billion in bribes convincing junta leaders to continue betraying their Palestinian brothers and sisters. Today, Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi finds himself in a tight spot, as Israel pushes him to endorse genocide and open the border to Palestinian refugees, which would enable the complete erasure of the people of Gaza. To his credit, el-Sisi has thus far refused, saying that any expulsion of Palestinians to Egypt would cause Cairo to break off relations and return to an anti-Israel war footing. But ominously, Egypt is building a gigantic human cattle pen on the Gaza border, “just in case” or so el-Sisi says. Saudi Arabia, historically a source of both lip service and a degree of real support for Palestine, has gradually followed Egypt’s path of abject surrender. The current de facto ruler, Mohammad Bin Salman, implicitly endorsed zionist claims to al-Quds (Jerusalem) by acquiescing to Donald Trump’s “Abraham Accords” fiasco, setting the stage for the current catastrophe. Today, the Saudis are trying to make amends for that mistake by insisting on “no normalization without a Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders” and strengthening the Kingdom’s peace deal with Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, even in the face of US pressure to join Washington’s anti-Yemen “Operation Prosperity Guardian,” better known as “Operation Genocide Guardian.” It is ironic that Saudi Arabia is tacitly (though not actively) supporting Ansarullah’s blockade of Israeli-bound shipping. After all, it was the Saudis themselves who originally dragged the US into their war on Ansarullah in 2015. Now the tables are turned, and the Americans are trying to drag the Saudis into an anti-Yemen war, so far without success. Saudi Arabia has a nearly two-trillion-dollar adjusted GDP, while Yemen’s is a mere $0.2 trillion. By that measure, Yemen’s economy is one-hundredth the size of the Saudi economy. But despite its apparent weakness, Yemen was not only able to defeat the Saudis and their western backers in a nine-year war, but is now taking military action to try to stop the genocide of Gaza. Lebanon, too, boasts a mere $0.2 trillion GDP, one percent of Saudi Arabia’s and one-twentieth the size of Egypt’s. But like Yemen, Lebanon has distinguished itself by taking military action in support of Palestine. Throughout Israel’s genocide of Gaza, the Lebanese resistance group Hizbullah, the de facto main branch of the Lebanese military, has been pounding the zionists nonstop, puncturing Israel’s “Iron dome,” forcing 200,000 zionist settlers to flee the northern strip of Occupied Palestine, and diverting Israel’s forces from the Gaza genocide campaign. So why are mice like Yemen and Lebanon roaring, while lions like Saudi Arabia and Egypt whimper? There are two categorically different kinds of answers: political (dunyawi) and theological-spiritual (rouhani). Politically, most leaders feel constrained by circumstance; their choices are dictated by the limits of the possible. Caught between a proverbial rock (zionist power) and a hard place (their own people’s support for Palestine) they try to walk a fine line, careful not to anger the zionists too much lest they become targets, while offering sufficient lip service to the Palestinian cause to at least minimally placate their subjects. That balancing act has become more difficult since October 7. Any Arab leader who takes active steps to support Palestine will be painting a target on his back—and the stronger the steps, the bigger the target. Yet any Arab leader who is seen as complicit in the genocide risks being overthrown by his own people. The leaders of Hizbullah and Ansarullah already have zio-American targets painted on their backs. They have less to lose, are principled rather than merely pragmatic, and therefore are free to seek Allah’s good pleasure doing the right thing: actively resisting the zionist genocide of Gaza. Whereas leaders like Bin Salman and el-Sisi, presiding over states whose economies and militaries are intertwined with American and hence zionist money and power, would have to take huge risks in order to return their countries to forthrightly anti-zionist positions. And even if they did, and survived, there is no guarantee that, given the current balance of power, they would have much of a chance of succeeding in saving Gazans, much less fully defeating the zionist genocidaires. So, from a worldly political viewpoint, the situation is bleak. Arab leaders are simply acting within constraints imposed by the power of circumstance. But how did they, and their regimes, arrive in such circumstances? By way of a long process of cultural decline. Whole peoples, led by their elites, have repeatedly chosen expediency over ethics, laziness over diligence, egotism over islam (submission of the self to God). According to well-known ahadith, one of the signs of Yawm al-Qiyyama is that “the lowest and the worst man in the nation will become its leader.” The world may not quite have reached that point yet, but it isn’t far off. Today, leaders who represent the best of their nation, like those of Hizbullah and Ansarullah, are the exceptions. Most leaders are neither pious nor courageous nor brilliant. When an uncommonly good leader arises, like Imran Khan in Pakistan, he risks being assassinated or imprisoned. So, the deeper reason the Arab nation is so helpless today is that it, like much of the rest of the world, has declined in spiritual quality, allowing itself to be divided and conquered by the forces of evil. The mediocre-at-best leaders that predominate in today’s Arab lands, like the shattered and corrupted societies they preside over, are simply not a match for demonic energy of the zionist shayateen. But the seeds of better leadership, planted in places like Yemen and Lebanon and Iran and (insha’Allah) Pakistan, are beginning to sprout. As the secular-materialist west declines, and Zio-American power with it, the circumstances constraining Arab leadership will change, and the possibility of good leadership reviving united Arab and Islamic lands (rather like Putin’s leadership reviving Russia) will become manifest. Whatever worldly conquests the zionist dajjal acquires will be only temporary, and will bring the Occupation demons no real happiness nor any respite from their self-inflicted torment of hatred, greed, and cruelty. In the end, it will be seen that they were only digging their own graves—all the way to hell. For as the Qur’an tells us, “They plot and Allah plans; and Allah is the best of planners.” (Surat al-Anfal, 30). Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN). He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host. Archived Articles (2004-2016) www.truthjihad.com ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/03/why-are-arab-regimes-so-impotent-in-the-face-of-zionist-barbarism/ https://telegra.ph/Why-Are-Arab-Regimes-So-Impotent-in-the-Face-of-Zionist-Barbarism-03-09
    Why Are Arab Regimes So Impotent in the Face of Zionist Barbarism?
    So why are mice like Yemen and Lebanon roaring, while lions like Saudi Arabia and Egypt whimper?
    1 Reacties 1 aandelen 21069 Views

    The forced release of EPSTEIN LIST is much more than a list. IT'S A DATA DUMP with thousands of pages that will be released.
    MSM is reporting 800 pages, conservative news is reporting over 1500 pages and alternative media is reporting over 3000 pages of data and information from the court report, logs, police reports and witnesses full testimony......> And MORE IS COMING<

    BEHIND THE SCENES>]; White Hats are painting a picture for the American people and world that the [ EPSTEIN] CORRUPTION is connected to a world pedophile, human trafficking extortion ring and even greater is the connection that WILL lead to world money laundering system through [ EPSTEIN] Israel, cia.mi6 , EU & U.S. military intelligence agencies.

    > This is just the beginning of the and is opening the doors to the CIA Pentagon Corruption system. > This was always the *PLAN ... And the growing EPSTEIN SAGA WILL GROW INTO MAJOR WHISTLEBLOWERS COMING FORWARD AND LEAKS OF VIDEOS AND AUDIO FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES >>> INCLUDING EPSTEIN HIMSELF TALKING<<<<<


    White Hats are painting a picture for the world. .. And the continuing EXPOSURE is going to lead and EXPOSE a controlled Military COUP over the U.S. government and elections. Including several countries across the world.

    >I have been telling you for a long time these events were coming and was going to happen . /// Well it's happening and growing///

    You think it's coincidence that Q military intelligence operations was the first to bring EPSTEIN into the> Exposure on a world scale with hundreds of millions of ANONS and World Partiots searching for data on EPSTEIN

    RIGHT NOW_The CIA. Pentagon is in major panic as their corrupt system and institution is inside a collapse and more data is coming and going to be dumped.

    As the world gave up on EPSTEIN i have been telling what was going to happen and how it was going to connect to all branches of the government, Hollywood. Entertainment Industry.

    Do you think it was coincidence that i told you the black community was being guided to expose the music and entertainment industry?
    Do you think it was coincidence that i told you P Diddy was connected to massive pedo ring, sex extortion ring ? I gave you this information long ago and told you this would connect to the killings of Tupac and planned Black on Black hate/wars created through the music industry controlled by the CIA and Elites.
    >_NOW you have MAJOR celebrities, musicians exposing P Diddy for sex extortion, pedophilia and sexual assault. The truth is getting stronger as major forces come together and start to EXPOSE WILL SMITH having sex with men and being part of a male prostitution Elite ring ( more is going to drop on Smith)
    _Sean p Diddy Combs killed his childs mother Kim Potter , she had evidence P Diddy was part of a satanic cult and she had found him having sex with young boys and she knew about the killings at these elite parties. She wanted to come forward but she was killed. ... But new evidence will emerge in the year of P Diddy connection to sex extortion ring and the CIA and to [EPSTEIN]
    _RIGHT NOW... White Hats operations have given the green light to Hollywood White Hats to go after OPRAH WINFREY>≥> her connection to the CIA, Harvey Weinstein ,[ Epstein] financial ring and the Clintons human trafficking ring will be EXPOSED in the next months...
    Right now in Hollywood and on the Internet celebrities are attacking Oprah and exposing her control over the black actors and black entertainment community.
    (Oprah was PLANTED by the CIA and Hollywood elites to take control of the black communities and unite them under the DNC and liberal agendas ) ..... In the next coming Months White Hats are going to connect JP MORGAN. Goldman Sachs Wells Fargo Blackstone BLACKROCK to A FULL CORRUPTION SCANDLR that is connected the Pentagon the CIA ( Rockerfellers+ ELITES)
    CIA & PENTAGON IN PANIC 🔥 AS JUSTICE IS MOVING FORWARD AND> COMING<< *NCSWIC The forced release of EPSTEIN LIST is much more than a list. IT'S A DATA DUMP with thousands of pages that will be released. MSM is reporting 800 pages, conservative news is reporting over 1500 pages and alternative media is reporting over 3000 pages of data and information from the court report, logs, police reports and witnesses full testimony......> And MORE IS COMING< BEHIND THE SCENES>]; White Hats are painting a picture for the American people and world that the [ EPSTEIN] CORRUPTION is connected to a world pedophile, human trafficking extortion ring and even greater is the connection that WILL lead to world money laundering system through [ EPSTEIN] Israel, cia.mi6 , EU & U.S. military intelligence agencies. > This is just the beginning of the 🔥 and is opening the doors to the CIA Pentagon Corruption system. > This was always the *PLAN ... And the growing EPSTEIN SAGA WILL GROW INTO MAJOR WHISTLEBLOWERS COMING FORWARD AND LEAKS OF VIDEOS AND AUDIO FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES >>> INCLUDING EPSTEIN HIMSELF TALKING<<<<< _The EPSTEIN SAGA IS GOING TO EXPLODE BY SUMMER TIME INTO THE FULL INVOLVEMENT OF THE CIA. PENTAGON. ISRAELI INTEL WITH MI6 OPERATIONS.. White Hats are painting a picture for the world. .. And the continuing EXPOSURE is going to lead and EXPOSE a controlled Military COUP over the U.S. government and elections. Including several countries across the world. >I have been telling you for a long time these events were coming and was going to happen . /// Well it's happening and growing/// You think it's coincidence that Q military intelligence operations was the first to bring EPSTEIN into the> Exposure on a world scale with hundreds of millions of ANONS and World Partiots searching for data on EPSTEIN RIGHT NOW_The CIA. Pentagon is in major panic as their corrupt system and institution is inside a collapse and more data is coming and going to be dumped. As the world gave up on EPSTEIN i have been telling what was going to happen and how it was going to connect to all branches of the government, Hollywood. Entertainment Industry. Do you think it was coincidence that i told you the black community was being guided to expose the music and entertainment industry? Do you think it was coincidence that i told you P Diddy was connected to massive pedo ring, sex extortion ring ? I gave you this information long ago and told you this would connect to the killings of Tupac and planned Black on Black hate/wars created through the music industry controlled by the CIA and Elites. > >_NOW you have MAJOR celebrities, musicians exposing P Diddy for sex extortion, pedophilia and sexual assault. The truth is getting stronger as major forces come together and start to EXPOSE WILL SMITH having sex with men and being part of a male prostitution Elite ring ( more is going to drop on Smith) _ _Sean p Diddy Combs killed his childs mother Kim Potter , she had evidence P Diddy was part of a satanic cult and she had found him having sex with young boys and she knew about the killings at these elite parties. She wanted to come forward but she was killed. ... But new evidence will emerge in the year of P Diddy connection to sex extortion ring and the CIA and to [EPSTEIN] _ _ _RIGHT NOW... White Hats operations have given the green light to Hollywood White Hats to go after OPRAH WINFREY>≥> her connection to the CIA, Harvey Weinstein ,[ Epstein] financial ring and the Clintons human trafficking ring will be EXPOSED in the next months... Right now in Hollywood and on the Internet celebrities are attacking Oprah and exposing her control over the black actors and black entertainment community. (Oprah was PLANTED by the CIA and Hollywood elites to take control of the black communities and unite them under the DNC and liberal agendas ) ..... In the next coming Months White Hats are going to connect JP MORGAN. Goldman Sachs Wells Fargo Blackstone BLACKROCK to A FULL CORRUPTION SCANDLR that is connected the Pentagon the CIA ( Rockerfellers+ ELITES)
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 9796 Views
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    The allure of Diu lies in its pristine beaches, historical forts, and a laid-back atmosphere. Choosing the best hotel in Diu ensures that your experience of this coastal haven is nothing short of extraordinary. Imagine waking up to the gentle sound of waves, with the sun painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. This hotel offers not just accommodation but an immersive coastal retreat, where every room provides a stunning view of the sea. https://apanahoteldiu.in/
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  • Blueprints Possessed by Israel Year Before Attack - MORE Evidence Oct. 7th Was an Intelligence Stand-Down / Inside Job / False Flag

    NYT: Israel had detailed blueprints of the Hamas Attack A YEAR BEFORE, Now Israeli Officials Claim Footage From Border Wall Has Mysteriously Been Deleted...


    (Featured excerpts below) click link above to read full article and find all sources

    Look no farther than Gaza for a visual representation of what is happening to Israel’s official narrative of October 7th. As Israel demolishes Gaza, their narrative has faced a series of implosions following bombshell revelations.

    As the events of October 7th look increasingly suspicious for Israeli leadership, with it becoming more and more clear that Israel knew about the forthcoming attack and ignored it, Israeli officials are now coming on record and saying that video tapes of the border wall sought in an investigation have mysterious disappeared, or at least they have been denied authorization and unable to view the evidence.

    On November 14th I published my first piece of this now 3 part series: "Oct. 7 is to Radical Zionists As Covid was to Davos Elite: Convenient to a Pre-Existing Depopulation Agenda "

    My 2nd article, “More Israeli Military Personnel, Witnesses Speak Out, Substantiating Oct. 7 "Conspiracy Theories" That IDF Killed Israeli Civilians and Israeli Leadership Ignored Intelligence Prior to Attack", was written in the wake of additional Israeli military personnel and October 7th witnesses speaking out...The big one being Col. Nof Erez, a veteran pilot who went on record to say that the Israeli military likely massacred its own civilians, referencing a policy of Israel, notoriously known as the Hannibal Directive

    ...Two days following the publication of my second article. The New York Times published the headline: “Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago ”, subtitled, “A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings.”

    Also published on Nov. 30th, “Israeli drone pilots Targeted Own Settlements, Bases, Civilians on 7 October: Report ”

    On the 27th, Netanyahu was reported to tell a Likud legislators, “I am the only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza and [the West Bank] after the war”. I feel the need to reemphasize the thesis built in my first article: That Israel funded Hamas for years to explicitly prevent a Palestinian state and that the failure of intelligence is suspicious with the clear motive of an intentional stand-down to provide Israel a pretext for driving the Palestinians out and expanding illegal settlements to take over all of Palestine(and get closer to Greater Israel Project). My last article, published at the end of the truce, concluded by painting the likely future for Gaza as the truce ends...

    On Dec. 1st Israel published a map (https://t.me/PsyopDaily/807), which did not leave many areas for the 2 million Gazans to go to not be victims of war crimes.....

    ...Today, Lindsey Graham was the subject (https://t.me/PsyopDaily/842) of discussion after he was asked about massive Palestinian civilian casualties during a CNN appearance.

    "Did the American people worry about how many people died when we destroyed Tokyo and Berlin?"

    When I found out he recently just said he is “only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza “, I joked, (https://t.me/PsyopDaily/762) “Whats he going to do? Keep begging the Qataris to keep funneling money to Hamas?”

    ...Netanyahu’s goal isn’t to stop Hamas, it is to prevent Palestinian statehood, that is why he funded Hamas. And the reason for preventing Palestinian statehood is to fulfill the greater Israel project

    Why did Israel leadership ignore solid intelligence of a Hamas attack? Was Oct. 7th allowed to happen? How many Israelis were killed by the IDF rather than Hamas on October 7th? What is the boarder wall footage hiding? Why is there a struggle within Israeli defense forces over access to evidence? When it is made accessible to Israeli officers investigating the attack, what will be found?

    Blueprints Possessed by Israel Year Before Attack - MORE Evidence Oct. 7th Was an Intelligence Stand-Down / Inside Job / False Flag NYT: Israel had detailed blueprints of the Hamas Attack A YEAR BEFORE, Now Israeli Officials Claim Footage From Border Wall Has Mysteriously Been Deleted... https://themcgwire.substack.com/p/border-wall-footage-missing-detailed (Featured excerpts below) click link above to read full article and find all sources Look no farther than Gaza for a visual representation of what is happening to Israel’s official narrative of October 7th. As Israel demolishes Gaza, their narrative has faced a series of implosions following bombshell revelations. As the events of October 7th look increasingly suspicious for Israeli leadership, with it becoming more and more clear that Israel knew about the forthcoming attack and ignored it, Israeli officials are now coming on record and saying that video tapes of the border wall sought in an investigation have mysterious disappeared, or at least they have been denied authorization and unable to view the evidence. On November 14th I published my first piece of this now 3 part series: "Oct. 7 is to Radical Zionists As Covid was to Davos Elite: Convenient to a Pre-Existing Depopulation Agenda " My 2nd article, “More Israeli Military Personnel, Witnesses Speak Out, Substantiating Oct. 7 "Conspiracy Theories" That IDF Killed Israeli Civilians and Israeli Leadership Ignored Intelligence Prior to Attack", was written in the wake of additional Israeli military personnel and October 7th witnesses speaking out...The big one being Col. Nof Erez, a veteran pilot who went on record to say that the Israeli military likely massacred its own civilians, referencing a policy of Israel, notoriously known as the Hannibal Directive ...Two days following the publication of my second article. The New York Times published the headline: “Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago ”, subtitled, “A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings.” Also published on Nov. 30th, “Israeli drone pilots Targeted Own Settlements, Bases, Civilians on 7 October: Report ” On the 27th, Netanyahu was reported to tell a Likud legislators, “I am the only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza and [the West Bank] after the war”. I feel the need to reemphasize the thesis built in my first article: That Israel funded Hamas for years to explicitly prevent a Palestinian state and that the failure of intelligence is suspicious with the clear motive of an intentional stand-down to provide Israel a pretext for driving the Palestinians out and expanding illegal settlements to take over all of Palestine(and get closer to Greater Israel Project). My last article, published at the end of the truce, concluded by painting the likely future for Gaza as the truce ends... On Dec. 1st Israel published a map (https://t.me/PsyopDaily/807), which did not leave many areas for the 2 million Gazans to go to not be victims of war crimes..... ...Today, Lindsey Graham was the subject (https://t.me/PsyopDaily/842) of discussion after he was asked about massive Palestinian civilian casualties during a CNN appearance. "Did the American people worry about how many people died when we destroyed Tokyo and Berlin?" When I found out he recently just said he is “only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza “, I joked, (https://t.me/PsyopDaily/762) “Whats he going to do? Keep begging the Qataris to keep funneling money to Hamas?” ...Netanyahu’s goal isn’t to stop Hamas, it is to prevent Palestinian statehood, that is why he funded Hamas. And the reason for preventing Palestinian statehood is to fulfill the greater Israel project Why did Israel leadership ignore solid intelligence of a Hamas attack? Was Oct. 7th allowed to happen? How many Israelis were killed by the IDF rather than Hamas on October 7th? What is the boarder wall footage hiding? Why is there a struggle within Israeli defense forces over access to evidence? When it is made accessible to Israeli officers investigating the attack, what will be found? https://themcgwire.substack.com/p/border-wall-footage-missing-detailed
    BORDER WALL FOOTAGE MISSING, Detailed Oct 7. Attack Blueprints Possessed by Israel Year Before Attack - MORE Evidence Oct. 7th Was an Intelligence Stand-Down / Inside Job / False Flag
    NYT: Israel had detailed blueprints of the Hamas Attack A YEAR BEFORE, Now Israeli Officials Claim Footage From Border Wall Has Mysteriously Been Deleted...
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  • Flame comes alive NFT.


    #flame #fire #sol #solana #solananft #nft #nfts #art #artwork #painting #drawing #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #animation #animatednft
    Flame comes alive NFT. https://bit.ly/40UMUIq #flame #fire #sol #solana #solananft #nft #nfts #art #artwork #painting #drawing #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #animation #animatednft
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 4926 Views
  • Waterfall painting comes alive NFT (to see the animation just follow the link).


    #waterfall #sol #solana #solananft #nft #nfts #art #artwork #painting #drawing #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #animation #animatednft
    Waterfall painting comes alive NFT (to see the animation just follow the link). https://bit.ly/3Re5VSW #waterfall #sol #solana #solananft #nft #nfts #art #artwork #painting #drawing #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #animation #animatednft
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  • New Painting - "Blood On Our Hands"
    Caitlin Johnstone

    I’ve got a new oil painting I’m titling “Blood On Our Hands”, based on the demonstration at Tony Blinken’s Senate testimony last month where protesters painted their hands red and called for a ceasefire in Gaza:


    My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece here are some options where you can toss some money into my tip jar if you want to. Go here to buy paperback editions of my writings from month to month. All my work is free to bootleg and use in any way, shape or form; republish it, translate it, use it on merchandise; whatever you want. The best way to make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. All works co-authored with my husband Tim Foley.

    Bitcoin donations: 1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2

    New Painting - "Blood On Our Hands" Caitlin Johnstone I’ve got a new oil painting I’m titling “Blood On Our Hands”, based on the demonstration at Tony Blinken’s Senate testimony last month where protesters painted their hands red and called for a ceasefire in Gaza: ____________ My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece here are some options where you can toss some money into my tip jar if you want to. Go here to buy paperback editions of my writings from month to month. All my work is free to bootleg and use in any way, shape or form; republish it, translate it, use it on merchandise; whatever you want. The best way to make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. All works co-authored with my husband Tim Foley. Bitcoin donations: 1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2 https://open.substack.com/pub/caitlinjohnstone/p/new-painting-blood-on-our-hands?r=1tqe1i&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
    New Painting - "Blood On Our Hands"
    I’ve got a new oil painting I’m titling “Blood On Our Hands”, based on the demonstration at Tony Blinken’s Senate testimony last month where protesters painted their hands red and called for a ceasefire in Gaza: ____________Caitlin’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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  • French senators propose CRIMINALIZING anyone who criticizes Israel

    Sixteen French senators submitted a bill last week, aiming to penalize anti-Zionism in France. For analysts, this is a seemingly suppressive move in cracking down on pro-Palestinian protests.
    Article 25 of the bill specified that those who contest the existence of the State of Israel by one of the means set out in Article 23 shall be punished by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros. "Insult committed against the State of Israel, by any of the means set out in Article 23, shall be punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. Those who, by the same means, have directly provoked hatred or violence against the State of Israel shall be punished by five years imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 euros," the bill stated.

    Moreover, Article 23 of the bill covered the transmission of offensive words as follows: by speeches, shouts, or threats made in public places or meetings, or by writings, prints, drawings, engravings, paintings, emblems, images, or any other written medium, speech or image, sold or distributed, offered for sale or exhibited in public places or meetings.

    Senator Stephane Le Rudulier of the LR party (the Republicans) announced via a series of posts on X, formerly known as Twitter, that he had submitted the text with 15 other politicians. The bill represents "anti-Zionism as prohibited and condemned as anti-Semitism," the politician said. He also likened anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism, arguing that "the rise of anti-Semitism is fueled by the hatred of Israel, a disguised form of hatred towards Jews."

    In a letter addressed to France's Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne last month, he deplored the "existence of a fifth column of Palestinian terrorism in France" and called for the dissolution of pro-Palestine parties such as La France Insoumise (LFI), the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) and the Jeune Garde, which he alleged are promoting terrorism.


    Earlier in October France's interior minister ordered local authorities to ban all pro-Palestinian demonstrations. French President Emmanuel Macron urged French people not to allow the war in the Mideast to erupt into tensions at home. Right after Macron spoke on TV about the Mideast conflict, Paris police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse pro-Palestinian protesters who had defied a ban and demonstrated Thursday against the Israeli government. "Let us not bring ideological adventures here (to France) by imitation or by projection. Let us not add national fractures ... to international fractures," Macron said. "Let us stay united."

    France's Jewish population, estimated at more than half a million, is the largest in Europe and the third-biggest in the world, after Israel and the United States.

    Paris protesters chant: "Israel, assassin," "Macron, accomplice"

    Thousands of protesters marched through the rain-dampened streets of Paris on November 4, with some shouting "Israel, assassin."

    They were loudly denouncing Macron, chanting "Macron, accomplice" and showing support for Palestine while shouting "Palestine will live, Palestine will win," as they carried Palestinian flags. Some had placards that read "Immediate ceasefire," a cry also recited repeatedly by the crowd. Banners on a sound system truck at the center of the march read "Stop the massacre in Gaza."

    Paris’s police chief authorized the march, which ran between two large public squares in eastern Paris, Republique and Nation, but vowed that any behavior deemed "antisemitic or sympathetic toward terrorism will not be tolerated by police officers mobilized to keep order." It was one of the first, big gatherings in support of Palestinians to be legally allowed in Paris since the Hamas attack on October 7.

    Ultimately, the rallyists are calling for peace between the two conflicting nations. "We came here today to show the people of France's solidarity with the Palestinian people and our support for peace, for a peace solution with two states, an Israeli state and a Palestinian state," said Antoine Guerreiro, a 30-year-old civil servant. Meanwhile, Wahid Barek, a 66-year-old retiree, lamented the deaths of both Israeli and Palestinian civilians. "I deplore civilian deaths on both sides. Civilians have nothing to do with these actions. It really is shameful," he said. (Related: Days after saying 'every Jewish person is a Zionist,' ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt says anti-Zionist Jews are a 'hate group.')

    Catch the latest news about the Israel-Gaza conflict on WWIII.news.

    Sources for this article include:






    French senators propose CRIMINALIZING anyone who criticizes Israel Sixteen French senators submitted a bill last week, aiming to penalize anti-Zionism in France. For analysts, this is a seemingly suppressive move in cracking down on pro-Palestinian protests. Article 25 of the bill specified that those who contest the existence of the State of Israel by one of the means set out in Article 23 shall be punished by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros. "Insult committed against the State of Israel, by any of the means set out in Article 23, shall be punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. Those who, by the same means, have directly provoked hatred or violence against the State of Israel shall be punished by five years imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 euros," the bill stated. Moreover, Article 23 of the bill covered the transmission of offensive words as follows: by speeches, shouts, or threats made in public places or meetings, or by writings, prints, drawings, engravings, paintings, emblems, images, or any other written medium, speech or image, sold or distributed, offered for sale or exhibited in public places or meetings. Senator Stephane Le Rudulier of the LR party (the Republicans) announced via a series of posts on X, formerly known as Twitter, that he had submitted the text with 15 other politicians. The bill represents "anti-Zionism as prohibited and condemned as anti-Semitism," the politician said. He also likened anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism, arguing that "the rise of anti-Semitism is fueled by the hatred of Israel, a disguised form of hatred towards Jews." In a letter addressed to France's Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne last month, he deplored the "existence of a fifth column of Palestinian terrorism in France" and called for the dissolution of pro-Palestine parties such as La France Insoumise (LFI), the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) and the Jeune Garde, which he alleged are promoting terrorism. Brighteon.TV Earlier in October France's interior minister ordered local authorities to ban all pro-Palestinian demonstrations. French President Emmanuel Macron urged French people not to allow the war in the Mideast to erupt into tensions at home. Right after Macron spoke on TV about the Mideast conflict, Paris police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse pro-Palestinian protesters who had defied a ban and demonstrated Thursday against the Israeli government. "Let us not bring ideological adventures here (to France) by imitation or by projection. Let us not add national fractures ... to international fractures," Macron said. "Let us stay united." France's Jewish population, estimated at more than half a million, is the largest in Europe and the third-biggest in the world, after Israel and the United States. Paris protesters chant: "Israel, assassin," "Macron, accomplice" Thousands of protesters marched through the rain-dampened streets of Paris on November 4, with some shouting "Israel, assassin." They were loudly denouncing Macron, chanting "Macron, accomplice" and showing support for Palestine while shouting "Palestine will live, Palestine will win," as they carried Palestinian flags. Some had placards that read "Immediate ceasefire," a cry also recited repeatedly by the crowd. Banners on a sound system truck at the center of the march read "Stop the massacre in Gaza." Paris’s police chief authorized the march, which ran between two large public squares in eastern Paris, Republique and Nation, but vowed that any behavior deemed "antisemitic or sympathetic toward terrorism will not be tolerated by police officers mobilized to keep order." It was one of the first, big gatherings in support of Palestinians to be legally allowed in Paris since the Hamas attack on October 7. Ultimately, the rallyists are calling for peace between the two conflicting nations. "We came here today to show the people of France's solidarity with the Palestinian people and our support for peace, for a peace solution with two states, an Israeli state and a Palestinian state," said Antoine Guerreiro, a 30-year-old civil servant. Meanwhile, Wahid Barek, a 66-year-old retiree, lamented the deaths of both Israeli and Palestinian civilians. "I deplore civilian deaths on both sides. Civilians have nothing to do with these actions. It really is shameful," he said. (Related: Days after saying 'every Jewish person is a Zionist,' ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt says anti-Zionist Jews are a 'hate group.') Catch the latest news about the Israel-Gaza conflict on WWIII.news. Sources for this article include: HarapanDaily.com MoroccoWorldNews.com APNews.com TimesOfIsrael.com VOANews.com https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-11-14-french-senators-propose-to-criminalize-israel-critics.html
    French senators propose CRIMINALIZING anyone who criticizes Israel – NaturalNews.com
    Sixteen French senators submitted a bill last week, aiming to penalize anti-Zionism in France. For analysts, this is a seemingly suppressive move in cracking down on pro-Palestinian protests. Article 25 of the bill specified that those who contest the existence of the State of Israel by one of the means set out in Article 23 […]
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