• Food is Not What You Think
    And quantum computers have existed for billions of years.

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Why meals are movie magic: The best food scenes in film history | Salon.com
    1. “You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.” 2. Ignorance is only bliss until it gets you killed.
    People think they need food for energy, but they don’t.

    You may have heard of “Breatharians”, a movement that believes humans can live on air and sunlight, or prana, and either very little food or water, or even none at all. Nicolas Pilartz, a prominent breatharian, claims he only needs sunlight, water, and one meal per week. Other breatharians, like Akahi Ricardo and Camila Castello, believe that food and water are not necessary at all and that humans can be sustained solely by the energy of the universe.

    Story of a Breatharian- Elitom El-Amin
    This may sound like a flight of fancy, but sometimes reality turns out to be stranger than any fiction.

    We now know for a scientific fact that humans can make energy from just light and water (I’ll explain how shortly so hang in there).

    Admittedly food is still necessary (as far as we know!) for building materials like amino acids and carbon. But you don’t need nearly as much of these building blocks as you think you do (our bodies are masterful at maintenance and recycling).

    This is not to say you can’t use food for energy. You can, and do, especially if you don’t get enough sunlight. But when you do get enough sunlight your body appropriately inhibits your appetite to the point where you’re using food as it’s meant to be used. Not so much as energy, but as information and raw material.

    To best harness as much energy as you can from sunlight and water you need a tan, i.e. you need melanin in your skin.

    Cute Tan Babies For Sale OFF 62%, 51% OFF
    Now an important caveat. Every locale provides what humans need for optimal health. If you live in Northern Europe you don’t need as much sun as someone who lives in Africa. It’s not complicated, you just need to get yourself outside as often as possible, expose yourself to the seasonal variations in temperature, e.g. get cold adapted in the winters and heat adapted in the summers, eat local and seasonal, wake and sleep with the sun. But if you’re of Northern European descent in the tropics, you’re not going to be optimally healthy without getting yourself a tan.

    Safely Getting Tan

    I know some people think they can’t get tan. They’re wrong. They just aren’t doing it right. Even for Fitzpatrick I skin types who have been told from the time they were toddlers that they had to lather on three layers of sunscreen every time they stepped outside.

    How to Grow and Care for Easter Lilies
    White Lilies of course
    First of all if you’re lily white and burn when you even think of the sun, you will have to work up to it. Second of all you can’t just get UV-B midday. What you’ve been told ad nauseum has an element of truth in it. UV-B will burn you. What they don’t tell you is that the other “photobiomodulating” anti-inflammatory wavelengths of light (UV-A, NIR and IR) that are more concentrated in the early morning and late afternoon sun will both protect from damage and heal any that occurs.

    Exposing skin and unshielded eyes (no glasses or contacts) to morning sunlight, which is rich in UV-A, IR, and NIR and lacks significant amounts of UV-B light, helps build what’s been termed a “solar callus” that helps the skin resist the harm of tanning UV-B rays later in the day (don’t worry it does not resemble an actual callus, it’s an invisible change).

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Aside from non specific anti-inflammatory effects, the IR-A light also stimulates the production of filaggrin, a protein in the skin that enhances its protective barrier and ability to handle subsequent UV exposure. Filaggrin breakdown products, such as urocanic acid, also play a role in protecting the skin from UV damage by acting as a natural sunscreen by absorbing UV radiation and reducing harmful ROS (reactive oxygen species) formation.

    Any time you get sunlight it’s important to expose not just the non-visual photoreceptors in your skin to the full spectrum, but also the visual and non-visual photoreceptors in your eyes too (no sunglasses, or contacts, and if there are intra-ocular lens implants that block UV, I would replace them with ones that don’t block anything if possible). That’s because your brain may be involved in the feedback loops that protect your skin from burning.

    Midday, during high UV-B times, when you get to the point where you need to go inside your skin will release histidine and create some redness and flushing as a warning that you’re exceeding your threshold of resistance to the damaging effects of UV-B. Theoretically this warning sign may not occur if there are micmatching signals on your skin and in your brain, because the brain detects it has not yet received sufficient UV-B to stimulate it’s own critical processes that depend on that wavelength including wakefulness, mood regulation, emotional processing, and memory consolidation.

    Nutritional Support for White Lilies

    Avoid high PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) vegetable seed oils completely. You need saturated fat. PUFAs from seed oils are already oxidized (essentially rancid) to begin with due to their heavy processing. This makes them highly inflammatory and they will make you less resilient to UV-B exposure than if you have a good amount of saturated fats in your cell walls and the right amount of safe PUFAs from eating fatty fish that make it into your body undamaged (fish oils can also be damaged and become inflammatory during extraction).

    Chitin, Iodine, and Carotenoids: The exoskeleton of shellfish is rich in chitin, iodine, and carotenoids. These compounds help build a solar callus by improving the skin’s ability to assimilate light and protect against blue light and UV damage. Carotenoids, such as astaxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin, are particularly important for their antioxidant properties and ability to quench inflammatory ROS.

    Astaxanthin: This carotenoid acts as an "edible sunscreen" not only for the skin but also for the eyes (which are also protected by UV-A, IR and NIR) because of its antioxidant properties and ability to penetrate the blood-retinal barrier.

    Even before you’ve got your nutrition squared away you can begin getting early morning and late afternoon sun. Aim for 30 minutes each. Then you can start slowly working on your midday sun exposure and a healthy tan.

    Ditch the Sunscreen and Sunglasses

    tanned-and-blonde | Future baby, Kids, Cute kids
    Get the photop then toss those glasses back in the junk drawer
    Finally in case you’re wondering, sunglasses and sunscreen that block UV-B are not safe. The underlying assumption behind the belief that they are necessary is that either evolution did a poor job, or God did. Without that basic assumption of error, scientists and doctors would look at fatally flawed research suggesting UV-B is harmful with a much more critical eye.

    Nature isn’t so error prone. In fact it doesn’t make mistakes at all. Everything that’s there is there for good reason. What this means is that far from being harmful the sun and all of it’s wavelengths are necessary nutrients, signals and energies, both on your eyes and your skin.

    POMC is an absolutely crucial precursor for the production of 12 hormones that regulate human immunity, metabolism, light seeking behavior, stress responses, pain tolerance, and melanocyte functions. Production of POMC requires the very same UV-B radiation from sunlight that dermatologists and PCPs love to hate.

    So How Do You Make Energy From Water?

    Fraud and conspiracy theory or something more sinister? Be careful what you discover, you may not live to tell the tale.
    Once you have a tan, sunlight hits the melanin and the melanin, just like the chlorophyll in a plant, can separate water into hydrogen, oxygen and electrons. These are the essential fuels used by your mitochondria to produce the chemical energy in your body called ATP. You can get just the hydrogen and electrons from food, the electrons alone from grounding, and the oxygen alone from air, or you can get all 3 at once from sun and water by using the not so simple pigment melanin.

    Sunlight also adds energy and efficiencies in other ways by structuring water and giving it quantum coherent domains, which store electromagnetic energy like biological batteries and allow quantum effects to persist at biological temperatures.

    Both “4th-phase” structuring and quantum coherent domains (water molecules vibrating in unison) are necessary for ATP synthesis, protein synthesis and conformation, metabolic processes and enzyme activity, as well as blood flow, which happens spontaneously within the natural electromagnetic field of the planet due to these effects on water, even without the pumping activity of the heart (as shown in embryos with blood circulation before the heart begins pumping).

    The Second Law of thermodynamics isn’t broken by anyone except those who assume the only calories you need are the ones you eat.

    In fact you can’t eat enough calories to replace light.

    The Unrealistic Energy Requirements of Life

    “The energy provided by ATP hydrolysis is far less than what is required to maintain the myriad of cellular activities. This discrepancy suggests that there must be another source of energy or an overlooked mechanism that facilitates cellular functions” (Ling, G.N. A Revolution in the Physiology of the Living Cell).

    If you don’t get enough light you just slowly start to whither away, things that should happen just don’t happen because there is not the energy or information or structure necessary to make them happen.

    Seven of the Deadliest Infrastructure Failures Throughout History - The New York Times
    Trying to live without sunlight is like trying to live in a country that doesn’t invest in rehabbing its roads, bridges and other public infrastructure. Things don’t grind to a halt on day one, but I wouldn’t want to be using those bridges 50 years later.

    To explain why we have to explore just a tiny bit more about quantum mechanics, light and water.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Light is Life

    Quantum tunneling of protons is an effect used by your mitochondria to produce the chemical energy molecule ATP. Quantum tunneling means the proton can pass through an otherwise impenetrable barrier. It’s like throwing a ball at a solid brick wall and somehow the ball magically passes through it without breaking the wall.

    Quantum effects like this are only seen in life at normal temperatures, they are not present at everyday temperatures in any inanimate object. They can be induced in non-living materials at extremely low temperatures and otherwise very highly controlled environments. Living systems have been shown to somehow maintain a highly controlled and coherent environment conducive to maintaining these miraculous-seeming quantum effects and utilizing them to do things that would otherwise be energetically and physically impossible.

    Living systems are unbelievably advanced quantum biological information processors that take instructions from the internal and external environment and produce the appropriate effects to sustain life.

    One crucial way living systems maintain coherent structure is by the effect of natural light on water. Light energy structures water and therefore all tissues, which are 50-70% water depending on age, in such a way as to allow quantum effects to occur.

    The Unsolved Travelling salesmen problem | by Harinath Selvaraj | coding&stuff | Medium
    Another truly incredible example of this in biology relates in a way to the traveling salesman problem of computer science: what is the most efficient route for a salesman to take between multiple stops? As the number of stops increases the problem becomes exponentially more difficult as the square of the number of cities, eventually becoming too difficult to be certain of the solution using normal methods. The best way to solve it rigorously would be with some kind of quantum computer that can travel all possible paths simultaneously and report back the best answer in one go.

    Incredibly such a computer exists and it has existed for a couple billion years now. It’s called chlorophyll. The chlorophyll molecule is almost exactly the same as our own hemoglobin (which also absorbs light), the primary difference being the atom at it’s core is magnesium and our hemoglobin holds iron.

    Hemoglobin vs Chlorophyll | Cascade, GA Patch
    What chlorophyll does with electrons is more like solving a constantly changing maze than solving the traveling salesman problem, but the way in which it solves the maze on the first try every time would be capable of solving the traveling salesman problem if we could generalize the process.

    Chlorophyll (quantum) magically allows light to travel every possible path simultaneously during photosynthesis, and then the one that goes fastest is what actually happens. It sounds bizarre and it is. Quantum effects don’t make sense to us, but they form the foundation of life. Meaning life itself is utterly miraculous at it’s very core compared to the way we conceive of reality.

    The Miracle of Photosynthesis

    What is photosynthesis?
    The details of photosynthesis are worth briefly exploring. Chlorophyll molecules in plants absorb photons (light particles), which excite electrons to higher energy states. This energy needs to be transferred to a reaction center where it can be used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (the plant starches we eat) and oxygen that we breathe.

    Quantum coherence here refers to the phenomenon where particles such as electrons or photons exist in a superposition of states, allowing them to take multiple paths simultaneously. In the context of photosynthesis, it means that the excited electrons can explore all possible pathways through the chlorophyll network at once. This means that the energy transfer process can dynamically find the most efficient route at any given moment.

    Solving Biology's Mysteries Using Quantum Mechanics | Discover Magazine
    The cellular environment is subject to constant fluctuations in temperature, pH, and other factors. These changes can influence the most efficient pathway that energy takes through the chlorophyll network (think of a traveling salesman faced with constantly varying traffic, breakdowns, and road closures complicating the situation).

    Because of the dynamic nature of the environment, the most efficient pathway for energy transfer is constantly changing. The quantum computing chlorophyll system continuously adapts to find the most efficient route in response to these changes.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Food is Information

    A digital, stylized image of an array of foods (fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood) outlined in green code, similar to the visual style of 'The Matrix.' The foods should appear as though they are part of a computer simulation, with green code symbols cascading over and around them. The entire scene should be predominantly green, with the foods and background blending seamlessly into the iconic digital aesthetic of 'The Matrix.'
    Neo’s feeling hungry
    Food is also information. It helps tell your body what to do (along with day/night and seasonal temperature cycles) and gives it the appropriate building blocks it needs to do it.

    If it grows in the summer it contains information and molecules help you store more energy for the lean winter months, work harder during the longer days and sleep less during the short summer nights.

    If it grows in the winter it helps you burn more energy to create more heat and sleep longer during the long winter nights.

    Free: Calendar of seasonal vegetables and fruits Free Vector - nohat.cc
    Summer Foods: Foods that grow in summer, such as fruits and vegetables, are typically high in carbohydrates and water content. These foods provide quick energy and hydration, supporting higher activity levels and longer days. The increased carbohydrate intake can lead to increased insulin production, promoting the storage of energy in the forms of glycogen and fat. This storage is essential for preparing the body for the leaner winter months (in a natural context).

    Winter Foods: Winter foods, like root vegetables and animal products, are often higher in fats and proteins. These nutrients support a higher metabolic rate necessary for generating body heat. They also promote longer sleep cycles, aligning with the longer nights of winter. The increased fat intake can enhance thermogenesis, helping the body maintain its temperature in colder climates.

    Natural systems work optimally when they aren’t perturbed. Follow the rhythms of mother nature and you’l be healthy. Another way of looking at it if you believe God created the universe and everything in it is that He creates signs for you to tell you what to do.

    Some of the signs are so obvious no one could miss them, and yet they do. For example a truly gigantic flaming ball of fire rising in the morning and filling the entire world with bright light is a pretty unmistakable sign that it’s time to rise and shine.

    Other signs are more subtle at least for modern people who are so thoroughly disconnected from their natural environments. These include seasonal variations in foods.

    But it pays to seek out the signs in Nature, because they tell you what you need to do if you want to survive and thrive.

    Food is Not What You Think And quantum computers have existed for billions of years. Dr. Syed Haider Why meals are movie magic: The best food scenes in film history | Salon.com 1. “You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.” 2. Ignorance is only bliss until it gets you killed. People think they need food for energy, but they don’t. You may have heard of “Breatharians”, a movement that believes humans can live on air and sunlight, or prana, and either very little food or water, or even none at all. Nicolas Pilartz, a prominent breatharian, claims he only needs sunlight, water, and one meal per week. Other breatharians, like Akahi Ricardo and Camila Castello, believe that food and water are not necessary at all and that humans can be sustained solely by the energy of the universe. Story of a Breatharian- Elitom El-Amin This may sound like a flight of fancy, but sometimes reality turns out to be stranger than any fiction. We now know for a scientific fact that humans can make energy from just light and water (I’ll explain how shortly so hang in there). Admittedly food is still necessary (as far as we know!) for building materials like amino acids and carbon. But you don’t need nearly as much of these building blocks as you think you do (our bodies are masterful at maintenance and recycling). This is not to say you can’t use food for energy. You can, and do, especially if you don’t get enough sunlight. But when you do get enough sunlight your body appropriately inhibits your appetite to the point where you’re using food as it’s meant to be used. Not so much as energy, but as information and raw material. To best harness as much energy as you can from sunlight and water you need a tan, i.e. you need melanin in your skin. Cute Tan Babies For Sale OFF 62%, 51% OFF Now an important caveat. Every locale provides what humans need for optimal health. If you live in Northern Europe you don’t need as much sun as someone who lives in Africa. It’s not complicated, you just need to get yourself outside as often as possible, expose yourself to the seasonal variations in temperature, e.g. get cold adapted in the winters and heat adapted in the summers, eat local and seasonal, wake and sleep with the sun. But if you’re of Northern European descent in the tropics, you’re not going to be optimally healthy without getting yourself a tan. Safely Getting Tan I know some people think they can’t get tan. They’re wrong. They just aren’t doing it right. Even for Fitzpatrick I skin types who have been told from the time they were toddlers that they had to lather on three layers of sunscreen every time they stepped outside. How to Grow and Care for Easter Lilies White Lilies of course First of all if you’re lily white and burn when you even think of the sun, you will have to work up to it. Second of all you can’t just get UV-B midday. What you’ve been told ad nauseum has an element of truth in it. UV-B will burn you. What they don’t tell you is that the other “photobiomodulating” anti-inflammatory wavelengths of light (UV-A, NIR and IR) that are more concentrated in the early morning and late afternoon sun will both protect from damage and heal any that occurs. Exposing skin and unshielded eyes (no glasses or contacts) to morning sunlight, which is rich in UV-A, IR, and NIR and lacks significant amounts of UV-B light, helps build what’s been termed a “solar callus” that helps the skin resist the harm of tanning UV-B rays later in the day (don’t worry it does not resemble an actual callus, it’s an invisible change). Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Aside from non specific anti-inflammatory effects, the IR-A light also stimulates the production of filaggrin, a protein in the skin that enhances its protective barrier and ability to handle subsequent UV exposure. Filaggrin breakdown products, such as urocanic acid, also play a role in protecting the skin from UV damage by acting as a natural sunscreen by absorbing UV radiation and reducing harmful ROS (reactive oxygen species) formation. Any time you get sunlight it’s important to expose not just the non-visual photoreceptors in your skin to the full spectrum, but also the visual and non-visual photoreceptors in your eyes too (no sunglasses, or contacts, and if there are intra-ocular lens implants that block UV, I would replace them with ones that don’t block anything if possible). That’s because your brain may be involved in the feedback loops that protect your skin from burning. Midday, during high UV-B times, when you get to the point where you need to go inside your skin will release histidine and create some redness and flushing as a warning that you’re exceeding your threshold of resistance to the damaging effects of UV-B. Theoretically this warning sign may not occur if there are micmatching signals on your skin and in your brain, because the brain detects it has not yet received sufficient UV-B to stimulate it’s own critical processes that depend on that wavelength including wakefulness, mood regulation, emotional processing, and memory consolidation. Nutritional Support for White Lilies Avoid high PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) vegetable seed oils completely. You need saturated fat. PUFAs from seed oils are already oxidized (essentially rancid) to begin with due to their heavy processing. This makes them highly inflammatory and they will make you less resilient to UV-B exposure than if you have a good amount of saturated fats in your cell walls and the right amount of safe PUFAs from eating fatty fish that make it into your body undamaged (fish oils can also be damaged and become inflammatory during extraction). Chitin, Iodine, and Carotenoids: The exoskeleton of shellfish is rich in chitin, iodine, and carotenoids. These compounds help build a solar callus by improving the skin’s ability to assimilate light and protect against blue light and UV damage. Carotenoids, such as astaxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin, are particularly important for their antioxidant properties and ability to quench inflammatory ROS. Astaxanthin: This carotenoid acts as an "edible sunscreen" not only for the skin but also for the eyes (which are also protected by UV-A, IR and NIR) because of its antioxidant properties and ability to penetrate the blood-retinal barrier. Even before you’ve got your nutrition squared away you can begin getting early morning and late afternoon sun. Aim for 30 minutes each. Then you can start slowly working on your midday sun exposure and a healthy tan. Ditch the Sunscreen and Sunglasses tanned-and-blonde | Future baby, Kids, Cute kids Get the photop then toss those glasses back in the junk drawer Finally in case you’re wondering, sunglasses and sunscreen that block UV-B are not safe. The underlying assumption behind the belief that they are necessary is that either evolution did a poor job, or God did. Without that basic assumption of error, scientists and doctors would look at fatally flawed research suggesting UV-B is harmful with a much more critical eye. Nature isn’t so error prone. In fact it doesn’t make mistakes at all. Everything that’s there is there for good reason. What this means is that far from being harmful the sun and all of it’s wavelengths are necessary nutrients, signals and energies, both on your eyes and your skin. POMC is an absolutely crucial precursor for the production of 12 hormones that regulate human immunity, metabolism, light seeking behavior, stress responses, pain tolerance, and melanocyte functions. Production of POMC requires the very same UV-B radiation from sunlight that dermatologists and PCPs love to hate. So How Do You Make Energy From Water? Fraud and conspiracy theory or something more sinister? Be careful what you discover, you may not live to tell the tale. Once you have a tan, sunlight hits the melanin and the melanin, just like the chlorophyll in a plant, can separate water into hydrogen, oxygen and electrons. These are the essential fuels used by your mitochondria to produce the chemical energy in your body called ATP. You can get just the hydrogen and electrons from food, the electrons alone from grounding, and the oxygen alone from air, or you can get all 3 at once from sun and water by using the not so simple pigment melanin. Sunlight also adds energy and efficiencies in other ways by structuring water and giving it quantum coherent domains, which store electromagnetic energy like biological batteries and allow quantum effects to persist at biological temperatures. Both “4th-phase” structuring and quantum coherent domains (water molecules vibrating in unison) are necessary for ATP synthesis, protein synthesis and conformation, metabolic processes and enzyme activity, as well as blood flow, which happens spontaneously within the natural electromagnetic field of the planet due to these effects on water, even without the pumping activity of the heart (as shown in embryos with blood circulation before the heart begins pumping). The Second Law of thermodynamics isn’t broken by anyone except those who assume the only calories you need are the ones you eat. In fact you can’t eat enough calories to replace light. The Unrealistic Energy Requirements of Life “The energy provided by ATP hydrolysis is far less than what is required to maintain the myriad of cellular activities. This discrepancy suggests that there must be another source of energy or an overlooked mechanism that facilitates cellular functions” (Ling, G.N. A Revolution in the Physiology of the Living Cell). If you don’t get enough light you just slowly start to whither away, things that should happen just don’t happen because there is not the energy or information or structure necessary to make them happen. Seven of the Deadliest Infrastructure Failures Throughout History - The New York Times Trying to live without sunlight is like trying to live in a country that doesn’t invest in rehabbing its roads, bridges and other public infrastructure. Things don’t grind to a halt on day one, but I wouldn’t want to be using those bridges 50 years later. To explain why we have to explore just a tiny bit more about quantum mechanics, light and water. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Light is Life Quantum tunneling of protons is an effect used by your mitochondria to produce the chemical energy molecule ATP. Quantum tunneling means the proton can pass through an otherwise impenetrable barrier. It’s like throwing a ball at a solid brick wall and somehow the ball magically passes through it without breaking the wall. Quantum effects like this are only seen in life at normal temperatures, they are not present at everyday temperatures in any inanimate object. They can be induced in non-living materials at extremely low temperatures and otherwise very highly controlled environments. Living systems have been shown to somehow maintain a highly controlled and coherent environment conducive to maintaining these miraculous-seeming quantum effects and utilizing them to do things that would otherwise be energetically and physically impossible. Living systems are unbelievably advanced quantum biological information processors that take instructions from the internal and external environment and produce the appropriate effects to sustain life. One crucial way living systems maintain coherent structure is by the effect of natural light on water. Light energy structures water and therefore all tissues, which are 50-70% water depending on age, in such a way as to allow quantum effects to occur. The Unsolved Travelling salesmen problem | by Harinath Selvaraj | coding&stuff | Medium Another truly incredible example of this in biology relates in a way to the traveling salesman problem of computer science: what is the most efficient route for a salesman to take between multiple stops? As the number of stops increases the problem becomes exponentially more difficult as the square of the number of cities, eventually becoming too difficult to be certain of the solution using normal methods. The best way to solve it rigorously would be with some kind of quantum computer that can travel all possible paths simultaneously and report back the best answer in one go. Incredibly such a computer exists and it has existed for a couple billion years now. It’s called chlorophyll. The chlorophyll molecule is almost exactly the same as our own hemoglobin (which also absorbs light), the primary difference being the atom at it’s core is magnesium and our hemoglobin holds iron. Hemoglobin vs Chlorophyll | Cascade, GA Patch What chlorophyll does with electrons is more like solving a constantly changing maze than solving the traveling salesman problem, but the way in which it solves the maze on the first try every time would be capable of solving the traveling salesman problem if we could generalize the process. Chlorophyll (quantum) magically allows light to travel every possible path simultaneously during photosynthesis, and then the one that goes fastest is what actually happens. It sounds bizarre and it is. Quantum effects don’t make sense to us, but they form the foundation of life. Meaning life itself is utterly miraculous at it’s very core compared to the way we conceive of reality. The Miracle of Photosynthesis What is photosynthesis? The details of photosynthesis are worth briefly exploring. Chlorophyll molecules in plants absorb photons (light particles), which excite electrons to higher energy states. This energy needs to be transferred to a reaction center where it can be used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (the plant starches we eat) and oxygen that we breathe. Quantum coherence here refers to the phenomenon where particles such as electrons or photons exist in a superposition of states, allowing them to take multiple paths simultaneously. In the context of photosynthesis, it means that the excited electrons can explore all possible pathways through the chlorophyll network at once. This means that the energy transfer process can dynamically find the most efficient route at any given moment. Solving Biology's Mysteries Using Quantum Mechanics | Discover Magazine The cellular environment is subject to constant fluctuations in temperature, pH, and other factors. These changes can influence the most efficient pathway that energy takes through the chlorophyll network (think of a traveling salesman faced with constantly varying traffic, breakdowns, and road closures complicating the situation). Because of the dynamic nature of the environment, the most efficient pathway for energy transfer is constantly changing. The quantum computing chlorophyll system continuously adapts to find the most efficient route in response to these changes. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Food is Information A digital, stylized image of an array of foods (fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood) outlined in green code, similar to the visual style of 'The Matrix.' The foods should appear as though they are part of a computer simulation, with green code symbols cascading over and around them. The entire scene should be predominantly green, with the foods and background blending seamlessly into the iconic digital aesthetic of 'The Matrix.' Neo’s feeling hungry Food is also information. It helps tell your body what to do (along with day/night and seasonal temperature cycles) and gives it the appropriate building blocks it needs to do it. If it grows in the summer it contains information and molecules help you store more energy for the lean winter months, work harder during the longer days and sleep less during the short summer nights. If it grows in the winter it helps you burn more energy to create more heat and sleep longer during the long winter nights. Free: Calendar of seasonal vegetables and fruits Free Vector - nohat.cc Summer Foods: Foods that grow in summer, such as fruits and vegetables, are typically high in carbohydrates and water content. These foods provide quick energy and hydration, supporting higher activity levels and longer days. The increased carbohydrate intake can lead to increased insulin production, promoting the storage of energy in the forms of glycogen and fat. This storage is essential for preparing the body for the leaner winter months (in a natural context). Winter Foods: Winter foods, like root vegetables and animal products, are often higher in fats and proteins. These nutrients support a higher metabolic rate necessary for generating body heat. They also promote longer sleep cycles, aligning with the longer nights of winter. The increased fat intake can enhance thermogenesis, helping the body maintain its temperature in colder climates. Natural systems work optimally when they aren’t perturbed. Follow the rhythms of mother nature and you’l be healthy. Another way of looking at it if you believe God created the universe and everything in it is that He creates signs for you to tell you what to do. Some of the signs are so obvious no one could miss them, and yet they do. For example a truly gigantic flaming ball of fire rising in the morning and filling the entire world with bright light is a pretty unmistakable sign that it’s time to rise and shine. Other signs are more subtle at least for modern people who are so thoroughly disconnected from their natural environments. These include seasonal variations in foods. But it pays to seek out the signs in Nature, because they tell you what you need to do if you want to survive and thrive. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/food-is-not-what-you-think
    Food is Not What You Think
    And quantum computers have existed for billions of years.
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  • Nailing Lockjaw Without a Tetanus Shot
    Funny cartoons, incidence (zero), risks (many), benefits (none), & the actual treatment of Tetanus.

    Dr. Syed Haider

    At this point I’m not an expert on every vaccine, but I inherently distrust all of them. Every time I go deep on any of them the data for efficacy is very poor, obviously biased, and of course there is no good safety data.

    Additionally, most of the diseases we have vaccines for are extremely unlikely to affect the people getting vaccinated (the quintessential example being the Hep B shot, to prevent the STD, given to newborns).

    Questionable if any efficacy, no safety data, full of toxins like aluminum, animal virus components that can trigger cancer genes in humans, cultured in animal cells or aborted fetal tissues, correlated with autism and every other chronic disease - there’s a laundry list of reasons to automatically avoid them.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    But there are always the really scary ones…

    What if you get bit by a rabid dog?

    Well the vaccine isn’t going to take effect fast enough to help you anyway. The rabies immune globulin might (premade antibodies to rabies). That’s the actual treatment we have for Rabies.

    And what if you step on a rusty nail and immediately start imaging you’re coming down with Lockjaw?

    5 Common Lockjaw Symptoms You Need To Know - Head Pain Institute
    Well that’s the main topic of this post.

    I just stepped on a rusty nail. Badly gouged the sole of my foot. Didn’t worry about getting a tetanus shot.

    First of all what are the chances of getting Tetanus? In 2018 and 2019 throughout the entire US there was not a single case of tetanus.

    There are plenty of rusty nails puncturing plenty of feet, but just as in the case of the rabies shot, the tetanus booster would have zero effect on an acute case of Tetanus, because it wouldn’t have time to trigger the immunity you would need. It’s meant for future prevention. The actual acute treatment is antibiotics (flagyl AKA metronidazole), tetanus immune globulin and supportive care.

    So what that means is even though almost everyone stepping on rusty nails (and more) is getting the Tetanus shot, that doesn’t explain why nearly no one’s getting Tetanus.

    In 2017 there were reported Tetanus cases, and some of them were vaccinated. Studies also show that tetanus antibodies do not confer immunity to tetanus. There is no data that proves tetanus antibodies confer immunity, it is an unfounded assumption.

    But the real reason almost no one’s coming down with Tetanus in the US is that it’s carried in the guts of farm animals, so it’s just not present in the urban and suburban environments where nearly everyone lives. If you have farm animals defecating all over the place maybe you have some dirty rusty nails in your immediate vicinity that harbor tetanus (it’s not the rusty nail but the dirt carrying the spores from the excrement of those animals).

    If you have a deep puncture wound it’s more likely to get infected with Tetanus which needs an anaerobic environment to multiply (i.e. no oxygen). If its a more open wound thats bleeding well there’s both oxygen present and the blood naturally helps sweep out any pathogens you were exposed to. In either case your immune system is mobilized immediately to the area and your cellular immunity which is dependent on cytotoxic T cells, macrophages and cytokines helps clean things up and eliminate any pathogens (including Tetanus) and infected cells. Antibody dependent immunity develops, but is only (somtimes) helpful for future exposures to the same organisms. Again there isn’t any proof that antibody dependent immunity has any efficacy for Tetanus, whether it’s naturally developed or via vaccination.

    Whether or not you’re concerned about Tetanus, those with good immunity can get cut and heal without problem. Those with poor immunity and/or peripheral blood flow get cut and invariably get infected, usually not with Tetanus, but with one of the skin microbes like Staph - especially those with diabetes or those on immunosuppressive medications.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    So the general care for an open wound is to let it bleed liberally before trying to staunch the blood flow. Then as an extra precaution you can also flush it out with clean water, preferably salt water or saline (in the ER they will usually run at least a liter through the wound. Then you can do what mothers have been doing for generations now: dump some hydrogen peroxide in there - though colloidal silver may be as effective and gentler on the tissues. You can also use iodine.

    Then apply a bandaid and let it heal.

    So what would I do if I was on a farm and got stuck with a rusty nail?

    I’d treat it with something like colloidal silver or CDS and call it a day. There are many ways to boost your immune system to take out Tetanus or any other pathogen.

    One respondent on Twitter did have the early typical symptoms suggesting developing Tetanus and this is what he did:

    Still there will be people who remain unconvinced of the unnecessary nature of tetanus boosters. For them I have one last bit of information that may help save them from a bad vaccine reaction like these ones (or worse):

    If you already had the primary series of tetanus shots research shows that you sustain “adequate” antibody levels for life. So even if it did work you don’t need that 10 yearly booster, it’s just a money grab.

    Stop worrying about tetanus. You’re more likely to die from a lightning strike and no one really worries about those, unless their on the beach and a thunder storm kicks up, and in that case you just get off the beach, right?

    Nailing Lockjaw Without a Tetanus Shot Funny cartoons, incidence (zero), risks (many), benefits (none), & the actual treatment of Tetanus. Dr. Syed Haider At this point I’m not an expert on every vaccine, but I inherently distrust all of them. Every time I go deep on any of them the data for efficacy is very poor, obviously biased, and of course there is no good safety data. Additionally, most of the diseases we have vaccines for are extremely unlikely to affect the people getting vaccinated (the quintessential example being the Hep B shot, to prevent the STD, given to newborns). Questionable if any efficacy, no safety data, full of toxins like aluminum, animal virus components that can trigger cancer genes in humans, cultured in animal cells or aborted fetal tissues, correlated with autism and every other chronic disease - there’s a laundry list of reasons to automatically avoid them. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share But there are always the really scary ones… What if you get bit by a rabid dog? Well the vaccine isn’t going to take effect fast enough to help you anyway. The rabies immune globulin might (premade antibodies to rabies). That’s the actual treatment we have for Rabies. And what if you step on a rusty nail and immediately start imaging you’re coming down with Lockjaw? 5 Common Lockjaw Symptoms You Need To Know - Head Pain Institute Well that’s the main topic of this post. I just stepped on a rusty nail. Badly gouged the sole of my foot. Didn’t worry about getting a tetanus shot. First of all what are the chances of getting Tetanus? In 2018 and 2019 throughout the entire US there was not a single case of tetanus. There are plenty of rusty nails puncturing plenty of feet, but just as in the case of the rabies shot, the tetanus booster would have zero effect on an acute case of Tetanus, because it wouldn’t have time to trigger the immunity you would need. It’s meant for future prevention. The actual acute treatment is antibiotics (flagyl AKA metronidazole), tetanus immune globulin and supportive care. So what that means is even though almost everyone stepping on rusty nails (and more) is getting the Tetanus shot, that doesn’t explain why nearly no one’s getting Tetanus. In 2017 there were reported Tetanus cases, and some of them were vaccinated. Studies also show that tetanus antibodies do not confer immunity to tetanus. There is no data that proves tetanus antibodies confer immunity, it is an unfounded assumption. But the real reason almost no one’s coming down with Tetanus in the US is that it’s carried in the guts of farm animals, so it’s just not present in the urban and suburban environments where nearly everyone lives. If you have farm animals defecating all over the place maybe you have some dirty rusty nails in your immediate vicinity that harbor tetanus (it’s not the rusty nail but the dirt carrying the spores from the excrement of those animals). If you have a deep puncture wound it’s more likely to get infected with Tetanus which needs an anaerobic environment to multiply (i.e. no oxygen). If its a more open wound thats bleeding well there’s both oxygen present and the blood naturally helps sweep out any pathogens you were exposed to. In either case your immune system is mobilized immediately to the area and your cellular immunity which is dependent on cytotoxic T cells, macrophages and cytokines helps clean things up and eliminate any pathogens (including Tetanus) and infected cells. Antibody dependent immunity develops, but is only (somtimes) helpful for future exposures to the same organisms. Again there isn’t any proof that antibody dependent immunity has any efficacy for Tetanus, whether it’s naturally developed or via vaccination. Whether or not you’re concerned about Tetanus, those with good immunity can get cut and heal without problem. Those with poor immunity and/or peripheral blood flow get cut and invariably get infected, usually not with Tetanus, but with one of the skin microbes like Staph - especially those with diabetes or those on immunosuppressive medications. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share So the general care for an open wound is to let it bleed liberally before trying to staunch the blood flow. Then as an extra precaution you can also flush it out with clean water, preferably salt water or saline (in the ER they will usually run at least a liter through the wound. Then you can do what mothers have been doing for generations now: dump some hydrogen peroxide in there - though colloidal silver may be as effective and gentler on the tissues. You can also use iodine. Then apply a bandaid and let it heal. So what would I do if I was on a farm and got stuck with a rusty nail? I’d treat it with something like colloidal silver or CDS and call it a day. There are many ways to boost your immune system to take out Tetanus or any other pathogen. One respondent on Twitter did have the early typical symptoms suggesting developing Tetanus and this is what he did: Still there will be people who remain unconvinced of the unnecessary nature of tetanus boosters. For them I have one last bit of information that may help save them from a bad vaccine reaction like these ones (or worse): If you already had the primary series of tetanus shots research shows that you sustain “adequate” antibody levels for life. So even if it did work you don’t need that 10 yearly booster, it’s just a money grab. Stop worrying about tetanus. You’re more likely to die from a lightning strike and no one really worries about those, unless their on the beach and a thunder storm kicks up, and in that case you just get off the beach, right? https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/stepped-on-a-nail-no-tetanus-shot
    Nailing Lockjaw Without a Tetanus Shot
    Funny cartoons, incidence (zero), risks (many), benefits (none), & the actual treatment of Tetanus.
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  • Why Sherpas & Billionaires Don't Get Jet Lag Can Fix Chronic Disease
    Synchronizing biological clocks, GIGO vs QIQO, implications for modern environmental mismatches and healing chronic disease.

    Dr. Syed Haider

    There is no sleep as delicious as jet-lagged sleep.

    But it’s also inconvenient, especially if you need to get back to work, or make the most of precious vacation time.

    Like many living in modern industrialized societies today I have a lot of experience with globe trotting jet lag. I always get constipated for a few days (not the first thing you think of with jet lag, but it happens), and of course suffer through the usual daytime fatigue lulling me to sleep in the afternoon only to wake up again at 2 - 4am.

    Jet lag can also cause a lot of other symptoms in susceptible people:

    Digestive upset including the aforementioned constipation, but also nausea, bloating, and changes in appetite

    Headaches, trouble concentrating, impaired judgment and decision making, memory lapses.

    Irritability, apathy, anxiety, and depression.

    Recovery times vary person to person, but can take as long as a day for each time zone crossed, especially if you don’t make much effort to resist the enticing daytime sleep.

    The advice I’ve gotten over the years to minimize jet lag from hard charging, Type-A acquaintances who can’t suffer the downtime:

    once travel begins, eat on the destination schedule (so decline all the weirdly timed airline food)

    spend a couple hours in the noon-time sun for a couple days on arrival

    get grounded at the destination

    take melatonin

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Numbers 1 and 2 help to get your body on the correct circadian rhythm, though I’ve since learned early morning sun is even more important than afternoon sun for this purpose.

    Grounding is a source of free electrons that are required to run your body's DC bio-electrical currents, and they also have powerful antioxidant effects. Free electrons can bypass inflammatory tissue barriers that can keep out chemical antioxidants.

    Melatonin is thought of as the sleep hormone, though it has many other effects on our biology including immune regulation, direct and indirect antioxidant effects, hormonal regulation, blood pressure lowering, and anti-cancer properties. The melatonin released by the pineal gland at night puts us to sleep, but 95% of the melatonin in our bodies resides within our mitochondria which are the energy powerhouses within every cell.

    Melatonin is only released by the pineal gland in response to darkness. It’s commonly used by shift workers, and globetrotters alike to re-set their circadian rhythms quickly. There are documented side effects of melatonin use including headaches, nausea, dizziness and agitation, which suggest that it may not be as benign as many people make it out to be.

    Generally speaking it’s best not to try to hack biology by exogenous administration of endogenously created substances: if you make it, don’t take it, because there may be unpredictable butterfly effects that are impossible to trace back.

    An apt metaphor for this kind of biohacking is attempting to code a computer in the base machine language of 1s and 0s which is basically impossible for humans to understand. Where the metaphor breaks down is that at least we know how to perfectly map human interpretable languages to machine language (using compilers), but we don’t know all the rules of our own biochemistry, there are missing pieces and the interrelationships in living systems are too unpredictable and complex to model in each patient. It is probable impossible to ever sort it out because humans are not simple automatons. Everything we think, feel and believe affects our biology and biochemistry. How can you model all of that without a direct interface into a person’s mind and heart?

    Organization of Computer Systems: ISA, Machine Language, Number Systems
    All of melatonin’s effects sound great in theory, but you can have too much of a good thing, especially when that thing is part of an intricate network of feedback loops, where exogenous administration artificially affects many other things that suddenly react to greater than expected melatonin levels at the “wrong” time according to the body’s own biological clocks.

    Exogenous melatonin can lower cortisol (pro-inflammatory), suppress fertility, raise growth hormone, cause relative insulin resistance and relative hypothyroid effects. Melatonin is the body’s strongest antioxidant, but we know that antioxidants in excess can exhibit pro-oxidant effects. This might be helpful for cancer since that can kill cancer cells, but it might be harmful as well to regular cells and their mitochondria.

    Excess melatonin will also disrupt serotonin metabolism because Serotonin is the precursor used to make melatonin. If the body gets melatonin from outside then there will be excess serotonin, which wasn’t needed to make melatonin. This is why melatonin is relatively contraindicated in those taking SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) which also increase serotonin levels. Elevated levels of serotonin can cause insomnia, anxiety, irritability and gut upset among other things, perhaps helping explain why chronic melatonin use so often doesn’t help patients with refractory insomnia (more on chronic effects of melatonin use towards the end).

    Even short term some of these might help explain negative side effects experienced by some when taking melatonin, and there might be mid term effects that aren’t connected back to the melatonin administration - hypothetically speaking, if you come down with something 2 weeks after taking melatonin how likely are you to make the connection?

    I acknowledge that many people will use melatonin anyway (I used it too in the past), it just goes against my c current understanding of the principles of health.

    But no worries, theres much more interesting stuff below: what private jets can teach us about jet lag and how to prevent it!

    Not All Jets Lag

    A little known and almost universally inaccessible approach to preventing jet lag is worth examining anyway because of what it might teach us about jet lag and what we can do about it (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure).

    I learned from a famous private jet salesman on Youtube (to be clear I wasn’t in the market for a private jet) that flying at lower altitudes with better cabin pressure prevents jet lag because oxygen tension remains higher throughout the flight - if this personal observation is true, it would explain why super-billionaires don’t all fly in Airbus size jumbo jets, but tend to prefer the Gulfstream, which has the highest cabin pressure of any private jet. The Gulfstream G600 can maintain an effective cabin “altitude” of 3,800 feet even at a cruising altitude of 45,000 feet.

    Steve Varsano : The Jet Business - Ultimate Jet | The Voice of Business Aviation since 2008
    Jet salesman Steve Varsano’s jet-interior-shaped office space
    On the other hand commercial airlines usually maintain a cabin pressure equivalent to an altitude of 6,000 to 8,000 feet. So flying in a Gulfstream is easier than staying in Denver Colorado (elevation 5000 ft), while flying commercial is the equivalent of rapidly ascending a tall mountain within a matter of minutes, a feat that can lead to high altitude sickness (HAS) in 25% of those who sleep above 8000 feet, and can cause symptoms in more sensitive people at much lower elevations.

    So maybe jet lag is a subset of mild high altitude sickness (i.e. oxygen/energy deprivation) that makes it harder to adjust to a new time zone.

    That would suggest that treatments for high altitude sickness, or mimicking the physiological changes that occur when someone acclimates to higher altitudes over time might help with jet lag (and be much more accessible than flying private).

    Acclimatization to high altitudes involves several physiological changes that help the body cope with lower oxygen levels. Key mechanisms include:

    Increased Ventilation: Breathing rate and depth increase to intake more oxygen.

    Red Blood Cell Production: The body produces more red blood cells to enhance oxygen transport.

    Hemoglobin Affinity: Hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen adjusts to release oxygen more efficiently to tissues.

    Capillary Density: Capillaries may increase in number, improving oxygen delivery to tissues.

    Mitochondrial Efficiency: Cellular adaptations enhance energy production efficiency under low oxygen conditions.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    The top of the list of treatments for high altitude sickness is obviously just to go back down to a lower altitude and/or get more oxygen (mimicking number 1 - 4 above). Equally obviously in an airplane you’re not going to be able to go back down for the duration, but you could super-oxygenate yourself using a portable oxygen concentrator (available via prescription. details on flying with one here). It’s not safe to use 100% oxygen for prolonged periods, but you could titrate the device to deliver just enough oxygen to counteract the effects of the lower oxygen tension on flights that cruise at effective altitudes of 6-8000 feet.

    Traveling with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (Tips) | 2024
    Running the calculations on a typical flight with cabin pressure set to the equivalent of 6000 feet above sea level we find that you only need about half a liter per minute from the oxygen concentrator in the average person to raise inspired oxygen concentration enough to counteract the effects of altitude and give you the same amount of oxygen delivery you would expect at sea level.

    A more convenient and cheaper alternative to lugging around a portable oxygen concentrator is prescription acetazolamide (diamox) carried by many hikers who’ve had experience with altitude sickness before. Acetazolamide works primarily by removing bicarbonate (baking soda is sodium bicarbonate) from your bloodstream into your urine and therefore causing metabolic acidosis in your body, which stimulates your brain to increase your breathing rate, which then increases your blood oxygen levels.

    There is another little known possibility for the treatment and prevention of acute mountain sickness which is the simple, cheap and readily available chemical ammonium chloride. Its chemical decomposition in the bloodstream leads to the creation of hydrogen ions and CO2. Hydrogen ions bind and neutralize bicarb lower the pH by a different avenue than diamox, but having the same effect to stimulate respiration. Increased CO2 levels will also stimulate increased respiration. So both would tend to raise oxygen levels as a result.

    Apparently useful for a number of indications including kidney stones, digestive trouble, preventing metabolic diseases and to give goats a beautiful sheen on their coat for shows.
    There was one small study published in 1937 where a dozen volunteers took 5 grams of ammonium chloride three times a day with meals (much higher than normal dosing ranges for its one remaining medical indication, severe metabolic alkalosis) while ascending to altitude. Unfortunately the results were weirdly completely the opposite of what you might expect, which raises the possibility that pharmaceutical industry bias creot in as it usually does when any simple non-prescription therapy threatens the status quo. That paper also referenced a few other preliminary research findings that had seemed promising at 1/10th the dose. Given the mechanisms at play it would be interesting if someone revisited this research.

    Traditional herbal remedies for high altitude sickness might be helpful as well, and I suspect gentler and safer than acetazolamide (though none that we know of work exactly the same way it does):

    Sea Buckthorn ("Shan-Ji" in TCM)

    Mechanism: Sea buckthorn is rich in antioxidants, vitamins (especially vitamin C), and fatty acids, which can enhance oxygen utilization and reduce oxidative stress at high altitudes.

    Studies: Research has shown that sea buckthorn can improve high-altitude polycythemia (an increase in red blood cells due to low oxygen levels), which helps in better oxygen transport and utilization in the body.

    Rhodiola algida ("Hong Jing Tian" in TCM)

    Mechanism: Rhodiola algida contains active compounds like salidroside and rosavin, which are known to enhance physical performance, reduce fatigue, and increase resistance to stress. These properties can be beneficial in preventing AMS by improving the body's ability to cope with hypoxia (low oxygen levels).

    Studies: It is traditionally used by Tibetan people to prevent AMS. Experimental studies suggest that Rhodiola spp. can improve acclimatization and reduce symptoms of AMS by enhancing oxygen efficiency and reducing oxidative stress.

    Zuo-Mu-A decoction (no English name found)

    Mechanism: This traditional Tibetan medicine contains various herbs that are believed to work synergistically to enhance acclimatization to high altitudes. The exact mechanism is not fully understood, but it is thought to improve blood oxygenation and reduce oxidative stress.

    Studies: Experimental studies in rats have demonstrated its efficacy in preventing high-altitude polycythemia, indicating a potential benefit in improving oxygen delivery and reducing AMS symptoms.

    Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

    Mechanism: Ginkgo biloba is known for its vasodilatory properties, which can improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues. It also has strong antioxidant effects, which can protect cells from oxidative damage caused by hypoxia.

    Studies: Clinical studies have shown that Ginkgo biloba can reduce symptoms of AMS, such as headache and dizziness, by improving microcirculation and reducing oxidative stress.

    Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea)

    Rhodiola: Mental Health Benefits, Side Effects, and More
    If there are no side effects it’s probably not medicinal
    Mechanism: Similar to Rhodiola algida, Rhodiola rosea contains adaptogenic compounds like rosavin and salidroside, which help the body adapt to stress and improve physical performance. It also has antioxidant properties that protect against hypoxia-induced damage.

    Studies: Studies have demonstrated that Rhodiola rosea can enhance endurance, reduce fatigue, and improve the body's resistance to hypoxia, making it effective in preventing and reducing symptoms of AMS.

    Coca (Erythroxylum coca)

    Mechanism: Coca leaves contain alkaloids such as cocaine (so good luck sourcing these, only included here in the interests of being comprehensive, although millions in the Andes regular chew them without adverse effects), which can stimulate the central nervous system, increase oxygen intake, and improve overall physical performance. These effects can help counteract the symptoms of AMS.

    Studies: Indigenous populations in the Andes have used coca leaves for centuries to prevent and treat AMS. Scientific studies support its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of AMS, such as headache, nausea, and fatigue, by enhancing oxygen utilization and reducing oxidative stress.

    These herbs work through a combination of improving oxygen delivery, enhancing physical performance, reducing oxidative stress, and promoting acclimatization to high altitudes, thereby helping to prevent and mitigate the symptoms of acute mountain sickness.

    Along the same lines methylene blue (may need to avoid with SSRIs, severe kidney disease, G6PD deficiency) may attenuate jet lag and is used by biohackers and Long COVID/Vax injury sufferers nowadays because it increases mitochondrial oxygen production (other of the natural acclimatizing adjustments the body eventually makes to prolonged stays at altitude) without the addition of more oxygen. Basically it improves your ability to create energy and that’s really what we need oxygen for in the first place.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    There are other ways to improve mitochondrial energy production, most importantly for this purpose via plenty of direct sunlight before the flight. One way this works is that the key to mitochondrial energy production is proton tunneling, which is required for functioning of the ATPase enzyme in the inner mitochondrial membrane that produces ATP, the chemical energy currency of cells. Proton tunneling is a quantum effect that depends on the existence of coherent quantum domains in water as well as 4th phase structured water.

    Coherent domains are masses of water molecules vibrating at the same frequency, and structured water is a gel like water that forms next to liphophilic (water loving) surfaces in cells and leads to charge separation with one area of water having a negative charge next to the surface and another area having a positive charge. Both of these effects in water are increased by exposure to natural sunlight and the earth’s natural electromagnetic fields, e.g. the Schumann resonances - both of which are missing in flight.

    So another cause of jet lag on the flight is likely missing sun and natural EMFs, while being exposed instead to blue spectrum light and non-native electromagnetic fields instead (as well as increased exposure to cosmic radiation?). It’s usually impossible to get into natural sunlight for the duration of your trip, unless you have longer layovers (sunlight that filters through clear window glass is deficient in balancing UV-A, UV-B and infrared wavelengths that help to counteract the stressful nature of visible blue light).

    The best way to mitigate this may be to have a good tan (melanin in the skin can absorb any wavelength of radiation) and plenty of exposure to sun and natural outdoor electromagnetic fields in the days and weeks leading up to the flight, and after arrival, so as to have a strong reserve of coherent, structured biological water (some people also advocate structuring your drinking water by exposing it to light and spinning it in a vortex prior to consumption) and then replenish it after the flight.

    There is also an herbal cream we’ve found to be helpful for mitigating the effects of EMF on children and others who are particularly sensitive to it that could be used in this situation.

    EMF Mitigating Cream:

    10 parts Castor oil

    6 parts Hemp seed oil

    1 part bee propolis

    1 part neem oil

    1 part rosemary extract

    1 part coriander extract

    I was personally surprised to discover that there was data on EMF protective effects of Rosemary (eg here and here) and bee propolis (eg here). There are energetic reasons to include the other ingredients, but I’m not aware of studies having been done on them. If anyone has EMF sensitivity they should try this cream all over the body and report back any effects. It’s also important to note that many people with chronic diseaes (and jet lag) likely have EMF sensitivity they just aren’t aware of it. See Robert O Becker’s books and The Invisible Rainbow if you remain unconvinced of the thoroughly documented negative biological effects of most man-made non-ionizing radiation.

    Finally dehydration (airplane air is very dry), alcohol, caffeine, stress and advanced age can all play a role in triggering and prolonging jet lag, though older age is probably mostly a marker for more time spent living sub-optimaly, destroying organ reserve and resilience (both of which can be reversed).

    Usually when I take a long flight east my schedule will lag the final time zone I end up in by a few hours. So it’s not like my body thinks its all the way back home, it seems to think its a few time zones over. For example I’ll usually get tired in the afternoon say 3-4 pm and crash, and then wake up at 1-3 am unable to sleep any more. In terms of my origin time zone that translates to falling asleep at 8am and waking at 6pm (to be clear I don’t sleep all day at home, but have a normal schedule). So it would seem that my body thinks I’m a few time zones West of where I actually am.

    On my last 9-time-zone trip halfway around the globe I lost a lot of sleep for a couple days during the flights since I find it hard to sleep sitting up, but had great success preventing significant jet lag on arrival with a few simple interventions.

    I only ate during daytime wherever I was in my travels, and once I arrived I made sure to eat a good breakfast early every morning and didn’t consume anything at the destination after sunset - including food, information, light (i.e. no room lights or screens). I wore a pair of wraparound blue blocker sunglasses throughout the trip to block excess blue light (the darker the better, since light intensity is also important, especially at night). I made sure to get morning and afternoon sun both for 1-2 hours each at the destination.

    I arrived at my destination at 2am and the first day got my morning sun and then fell asleep for a couple hours until the afternoon, then got some more sun, and then slept normally that night until the next morning, which was a first for me after such a long trip and really surprising. The next day I got morning sun, afternoon sun and then took a nap again for a couple hours in the afternoon and again slept normally through the night.

    I was constipated on the flight, but it was less severe than usual, resolving within 24 hours once I landed.

    So basically I had some sleep to catch up on since I slept very poorly on the planes and missed a lot of sleep during the prolonged travel (there were two long layovers), but other than that I had very minimal jet lag without nighttime insomnia or excessive daytime fatigue the first couple days.

    After that I found that I could sleep longer in the afternoon if I let myself, but it wasn’t the usual overpowering, siren-song type of jet lag sleep I’m accustomed to. It was optional. Maybe next time I’ll try changing it up some more with some herbs and/or the EMF skin cream.

    Recent research by Huang et al also confirms that the best cure for jet lag is a big breakfast in the early morning at the destination and plenty of morning sunlight. These two signals help to synchronize central and distal body clocks to the new time zone and eliminate jet lag fast.

    They are also probably the two most important signals to help cure a normal case of insomnia.

    By the way, many people who are trying to fix chronic illness nowadays will try intermittent fasting, and it’s easiest to implement that by skipping breakfast, but this is the worst way to do it because it sends your body the wrong signals.

    The old wisdom that taught us to breakfast breakfast like a King and dinner like a pauper is correct, but I would go further and say skip dinner (perhaps that’s what the saying actually means anyway). Most people throughout human history counted themselves lucky to eat twice a day, let alone thrice.

    You often hear that breakfast was invented by cereal companies, but it was just coopted by them. A healthy breakfast for most people probably looks more like steak and eggs (and some healthy carbs) than an all-out refined sugar bomb and sets you up calorically and hormonally for an active day.

    Steak and Eggs Skillet with Chimichurri and Sweet Potatoes
    The Inputs Dictate the Output, i.e. Garbage In Garbage Out, illustrated via Light, Quantum Coherence, Structured Water, Cold, Seasonal Variations, Deuterium, etc

    Garbage in garbage out refers to the computer science truism that poor quality input, for example when trying to model the likelihood of some outcome, will produce poor quality output, i.e. you’ll probably get the answer wrong.

    The alternative is Quality in Quality Out or QIQO.

    The same aphorism applies to jet lag. If you provide the right inputs at the right times you won’t have jet lag. Jet lag is really a function of decreased resilience due to suboptimal environmental inputs.

    This is the essential truth about all chronic disease that we ignore to our own detriment because it’s easy to just go with the flow. Unfortunately that flow is like a riptide that will carry you out to sea and to your early demise unless you act fast and swim out of it, parallel to the shore. The good news is that once you make the effort and build new habits, they stick with you and it’s a lot easier to continue.

    So the basic prevention and cure for jet lag and insomnia is the same basic prevention and cure for any chronic health dysfunction in the modern world, because our dysfunctions are fundamentally caused by living out of sync with our environments, both external and internal (e.g. physiologically harmful thoughts, beliefs, emotions).

    Our external environments are tailor made for us, or we’re tailor made for them, depending on your perspective and Nature never makes mistakes, though we often misinterpret her perfection.

    On the other hand you could take the lesson that supplemental oxygen cures jet lag and extend that to chronic disease. Supplemental oxygen may also help allay the symptoms of chronic diseases, and be even more effective when taken inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Both in or out of the chamber it works the same way by increasing stem cell production.

    But the easy way out will always come back to bite you in the end. There isn’t really an easy way. It’s an illusion. You can use various means to take the edge off, but ultimately you have to address root causes, because if you don’t the underlying problem will only worsen and eventually overcome the simple fix you found. The easy way is a temporary bandaid.

    Whereas going down a mountain to an altitude you’re more accustomed to makes sense physiologically speaking, using a hyperbaric chamber is the equivalent of going underwater where the partial pressure of oxygen is much higher. Even if you plan to live in a submarine it’s certainly not a natural signal to give your body. We aren’t designed for such high pressures.

    Health is a function of irreducibly complex inputs - i.e. you can’t mimic the sun by taking vitamin D, or even with a sunlamp. Understanding more about the ways this works for external inputs will help us respect Nature and submit to her dictates. In order to do that we’ll consider some fascinating, but little known facts about human biology and the central roles that light and water play in it.

    We already discussed the effect of light on quantum coherence and structuring of water and how that improves the energy production of mitochondria.

    EZ Water: The Fourth Phase Of Water (Part 3) - Live Vitae
    Structured water due to it’s thicker gel like consistency excludes particulate matter and cells, thereby protecting the walls of the blood vessels from damage and inflammation.
    The structuring of water is also the reason blood flows, and blood is what delivers oxygen and nutrients.

    When you have a hydrophilic (water attracting, not repelling) tube, like an artery or vein and you place it in a bucket of water, the water structures itself by charge separating as described above and starts flowing through the tube spontaneously, and so does blood, which is primarily made up of water. Blood circulation in an embryo begins even before the heart forms and starts pumping, i.e. it is not the pumping that moves blood, rather the heart acts more like a conductor, synchronizing the organs of the body (more on this in an upcoming post on the heart).

    Now, both quantum coherent domains and structured water form more easily in cold temperatures, which means you need less light energy to produce them. This means that near the equator where it’s warm all year round you need more light energy absorbed by your body water, and conveniently there is more light available during the year with 12 hour days throughout. Whereas up north you need less light in the winters when it is cold and the days are much shorter. In both of these situations our physiology if it is in sync with the natural environment will get just what it needs.

    Seasonal variations in light also affect weight gain because when temperatures are warmer and days are longer and food is plentiful, the body gets the message that it’s time to store up fat for the coming winter (remember blue light triggers cortisol, appetite, hyperglycemia and elevated insulin). When winter comes the days are short and food is naturally scarcer, and in the cold our bodies are stimulated to produce more heat, and use stored energy to do so.

    The Endless Summer (Remastered) - Official Trailer
    If you want an endless summer, head south.
    However nowadays winter never comes in industrialized societies, even up north, at least the signals that indicate it’s winter never arrive: we don’t change what we eat in the winter, because we don’t eat seasonally, and we don’t change our light environment either, because we spend all day and night indoors in temperature controlled environments with the lights on until all hours - our circadian biology gets the message that it’s always summer, the days are always long, the food always plentiful (you can eat more because you keep the lights on so long) and it’s never too cold.

    Our mitochondria naturally deplete water of deuterium, which is a heavy isotope of hydrogen. Water in the south has higher deuterium content while water up north is already deuterium depleted so our mitochondria may work more efficiently when exposed to it, with less need of the red and NIR spectrums to help boost their functioning, if we are living within a natural environment and drinking the local water up north (while being exposed to the natural temperature variations and seasonal foodstuffs).

    Not much is known about bioenergetics, since there is insufficient funding, but it has been shown that a weak DC electrical current flows in the Qi energy pathways mapped out by the Ancient Chinese 1000s of years ago (it was shown that grounding primarily enters free electrons into the meridians of the Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidneys, and Urinary Bladder). The energy flows because we are made up of biological semiconductors. Semiconductors hold electrons, and when they are excited by enough outside energy those electrons start to flow as electricity.

    Our biological semiconductors like collagen need to be charged with electrons from food and grounding (more grounding means you need less food), and “turned on” by incident light energy from the sun. Just like mitochondria they work better in the cold, and so need less energy from sunlight in northern winters, when there is naturally less sun available.

    The concentrated blue light we’re exposed to is meant to be stimulatory - it’s the component of natural sunlight that triggers wakefulness, and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to release catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine, which raise alertness, focus, motivation, BP and HR (which is why blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictive nature of much of the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and anyway your eyes and brain will benefit from it).

    Since blue light triggers dopamine, blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictiveness programmed into the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and either way your eyes and brain will benefit from it, since blue light without balancing infrared and UV-A kills retinal cells.
    The other wavelengths of natural sunlight have a balancing effect physiologically: UV-A stimulates nitric oxide which helps relax us and elevate our mood by increasing the levels of beta endorphins, as well as lowering blood pressure. It also affects hormonal and neurotransmitter levels. Red and near infrared wavelengths have healing and anti-inflammatory effects commonly leveraged by photo-biomodulation devices. Blue light is known to be toxic to cells in the eye, but the UV-A, red and NIR wavelengths protect against that by stimulating nitric oxide production, increasing antioxidants, suppressing inflammation and increasing mitochondrial energy production and mitochondrial numbers.

    Excess blue light, unmitigated by the other balancing wavelengths, raises cortisol levels, which lead to elevated blood sugar and insulin. When this becomes chronic it leads to decreased production of serotonin and melatonin, insulin resistance and leptin resistance (leptin is a natural appetite suppressant). The other wavelengths in light help to reduce stress, cortisol, blood sugar and insulin levels.

    Full Spectrum Light Bulb | SAD Lamp for Depression | BlockBlueLight
    However the answer is not to simply outfit all our homes with full spectrum bulbs, or even fancy red lights at night like they hang on the roads near certain beaches to prevent circadian disruption in spawning turtles. The photoperiod, i.e. the length of the day is also important (if you really can’t avoid night time lights then dim red bulbs are the least suppressive of melatonin production, try to keep the lux between 50-100 for the best effects). We need to balance light with dark every day and throughout the year depending on where we are on the earth.

    The natural spectrum of sunlight changes throughout the day. UV-A, red and NIR are most prevalent in the early morning and late afternoon, while UV-B, which stimulates vitamin D production is most prevalent in midday.

    comparing natural light and artificial light - Sunlight Inside
    UV-B is important for stimulating vitamin D production which can increase insulin secretion, inhibit the renin-angiotensin system of the kidney to help lower blood pressure, influence the production of sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, modulate the immune system, and directly affects the expression of over 900 genes.

    UV-B can damage skin, but the effect is mitigated by preconditioning your skin with the protective wavelengths in morning sunlight, and further decreased by getting healing late afternoon sun. These daily variations in light characteristics highlight the importance of getting regular sun exposure throughout the day, whether direct or indirect from reflected light even while in the shade outdoors.

    Knock-on Effects

    Serotonin production is stimulated by UV-A light in the morning, and as mentioned above, it is the precursor to melatonin, production of which is stimulated by darkness. If we don’t get enough light we don’t make enough serotonin, which means we won’t make as much melatonin later on even if we don’t turn on the lights.

    And simply taking melatonin on a chronic basis to fix the sleep problem will lead to other problems as mentioned briefly earlier, most obviously too much serotonin (also seen with SSRI use) since it’s no longer being converted to melatonin.

    Acute symptoms of higher serotonin include restlessness, agitation, confusion, hallucinations, tachycardia and arrhythmias, high blood pressure. tremors, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Chronically elevated serotonin will lead to increased cortisol production, prolactin excess, and altered levels of thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, oxytocin, and insulin.

    Let’s trace out the further implications of just the first of those effects of higher serotonin: chronically elevated cortisol will lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, hypertension, heart disease, low immune function, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, mood disorders, cognitive impairment, reproductive hormone imbalances, skin and hair problems, and digestive upset. It does this by affecting the levels of insulin, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, growth hormone, prolactin, adrenaline, leptin and ghrelin.

    And we could keep going down each of these pathways documenting how each disruption spreads outward in every widening concentric circles over time from any unnatural tweak that is made to our physiology.

    This is why we can only effectively speak to our bodies using the natural signals they’ve been designed to understand.

    Health is a function of an irreducibly complex system of environmental inputs. You can never put an irreducibly complex environment in a simple pill.

    Hormonal Rhythms

    All our hormones are also on circadian rhythms.

    So if you get too much light throughout the year (by turning the lights on at sunset) you’re going to burn out your thyroid, adrenals, ovaries/testes, and everything else that is stimulated by light. Just like overeating refined carbs may help precipitate pancreatic exhaustion and diabetes, consuming too much light and the wrong kind of light (especially blue without the rest) will necessarily lead to exhaustion of all the hormonal systems that help you function during the day light hours (and disrupt nighttime-peaking hormones like melatonin, growth hormone, prolactin, and leptin). This will lead to the typical diseases we see all the time in the modern world: insulin resistance and diabetes (via stress, cortisol and glucose), cancer (via the last), hypothyroidism, heart disease (via stress and sympathetic overactivity), “adrenal fatigue,” chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, autoimmune diseases (disrupted POMC), hypertension, etc.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.



    So if you’re struggling with jet lag or insomnia, try eating early and getting your morning sun (and if its a bad case then consider some of the other things above) and let me know what happens.

    And if you’re struggling with chronic disease, try aligning yourself with your natural environment in order to optimize your hormonal cycles and other bodily functions that are designed for the natural environment.

    Finally to close the loop on the title re: Sherpas.

    Why don’t they get jet lag?

    Because they only fly up and down Mt Everest.

    Ha ha.

    Seriously though, there is no research I could find on jet lag differentials by population or background, but it would make sense that if jet lag is in part due to a form of high altitude sickness and is more likely in those living out of sync with their natural environments, then a Sherpa would be less prone to it since they are acclimated to high altitudes and live in touch with their natural surroundings.

    Let me know in the comments what you think!

    Why Sherpas & Billionaires Don't Get Jet Lag Can Fix Chronic Disease Synchronizing biological clocks, GIGO vs QIQO, implications for modern environmental mismatches and healing chronic disease. Dr. Syed Haider There is no sleep as delicious as jet-lagged sleep. But it’s also inconvenient, especially if you need to get back to work, or make the most of precious vacation time. Like many living in modern industrialized societies today I have a lot of experience with globe trotting jet lag. I always get constipated for a few days (not the first thing you think of with jet lag, but it happens), and of course suffer through the usual daytime fatigue lulling me to sleep in the afternoon only to wake up again at 2 - 4am. Jet lag can also cause a lot of other symptoms in susceptible people: Digestive upset including the aforementioned constipation, but also nausea, bloating, and changes in appetite Headaches, trouble concentrating, impaired judgment and decision making, memory lapses. Irritability, apathy, anxiety, and depression. Recovery times vary person to person, but can take as long as a day for each time zone crossed, especially if you don’t make much effort to resist the enticing daytime sleep. The advice I’ve gotten over the years to minimize jet lag from hard charging, Type-A acquaintances who can’t suffer the downtime: once travel begins, eat on the destination schedule (so decline all the weirdly timed airline food) spend a couple hours in the noon-time sun for a couple days on arrival get grounded at the destination take melatonin Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Numbers 1 and 2 help to get your body on the correct circadian rhythm, though I’ve since learned early morning sun is even more important than afternoon sun for this purpose. Grounding is a source of free electrons that are required to run your body's DC bio-electrical currents, and they also have powerful antioxidant effects. Free electrons can bypass inflammatory tissue barriers that can keep out chemical antioxidants. Melatonin is thought of as the sleep hormone, though it has many other effects on our biology including immune regulation, direct and indirect antioxidant effects, hormonal regulation, blood pressure lowering, and anti-cancer properties. The melatonin released by the pineal gland at night puts us to sleep, but 95% of the melatonin in our bodies resides within our mitochondria which are the energy powerhouses within every cell. Melatonin is only released by the pineal gland in response to darkness. It’s commonly used by shift workers, and globetrotters alike to re-set their circadian rhythms quickly. There are documented side effects of melatonin use including headaches, nausea, dizziness and agitation, which suggest that it may not be as benign as many people make it out to be. Generally speaking it’s best not to try to hack biology by exogenous administration of endogenously created substances: if you make it, don’t take it, because there may be unpredictable butterfly effects that are impossible to trace back. An apt metaphor for this kind of biohacking is attempting to code a computer in the base machine language of 1s and 0s which is basically impossible for humans to understand. Where the metaphor breaks down is that at least we know how to perfectly map human interpretable languages to machine language (using compilers), but we don’t know all the rules of our own biochemistry, there are missing pieces and the interrelationships in living systems are too unpredictable and complex to model in each patient. It is probable impossible to ever sort it out because humans are not simple automatons. Everything we think, feel and believe affects our biology and biochemistry. How can you model all of that without a direct interface into a person’s mind and heart? Organization of Computer Systems: ISA, Machine Language, Number Systems All of melatonin’s effects sound great in theory, but you can have too much of a good thing, especially when that thing is part of an intricate network of feedback loops, where exogenous administration artificially affects many other things that suddenly react to greater than expected melatonin levels at the “wrong” time according to the body’s own biological clocks. Exogenous melatonin can lower cortisol (pro-inflammatory), suppress fertility, raise growth hormone, cause relative insulin resistance and relative hypothyroid effects. Melatonin is the body’s strongest antioxidant, but we know that antioxidants in excess can exhibit pro-oxidant effects. This might be helpful for cancer since that can kill cancer cells, but it might be harmful as well to regular cells and their mitochondria. Excess melatonin will also disrupt serotonin metabolism because Serotonin is the precursor used to make melatonin. If the body gets melatonin from outside then there will be excess serotonin, which wasn’t needed to make melatonin. This is why melatonin is relatively contraindicated in those taking SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) which also increase serotonin levels. Elevated levels of serotonin can cause insomnia, anxiety, irritability and gut upset among other things, perhaps helping explain why chronic melatonin use so often doesn’t help patients with refractory insomnia (more on chronic effects of melatonin use towards the end). Even short term some of these might help explain negative side effects experienced by some when taking melatonin, and there might be mid term effects that aren’t connected back to the melatonin administration - hypothetically speaking, if you come down with something 2 weeks after taking melatonin how likely are you to make the connection? I acknowledge that many people will use melatonin anyway (I used it too in the past), it just goes against my c current understanding of the principles of health. But no worries, theres much more interesting stuff below: what private jets can teach us about jet lag and how to prevent it! Not All Jets Lag A little known and almost universally inaccessible approach to preventing jet lag is worth examining anyway because of what it might teach us about jet lag and what we can do about it (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure). I learned from a famous private jet salesman on Youtube (to be clear I wasn’t in the market for a private jet) that flying at lower altitudes with better cabin pressure prevents jet lag because oxygen tension remains higher throughout the flight - if this personal observation is true, it would explain why super-billionaires don’t all fly in Airbus size jumbo jets, but tend to prefer the Gulfstream, which has the highest cabin pressure of any private jet. The Gulfstream G600 can maintain an effective cabin “altitude” of 3,800 feet even at a cruising altitude of 45,000 feet. Steve Varsano : The Jet Business - Ultimate Jet | The Voice of Business Aviation since 2008 Jet salesman Steve Varsano’s jet-interior-shaped office space On the other hand commercial airlines usually maintain a cabin pressure equivalent to an altitude of 6,000 to 8,000 feet. So flying in a Gulfstream is easier than staying in Denver Colorado (elevation 5000 ft), while flying commercial is the equivalent of rapidly ascending a tall mountain within a matter of minutes, a feat that can lead to high altitude sickness (HAS) in 25% of those who sleep above 8000 feet, and can cause symptoms in more sensitive people at much lower elevations. So maybe jet lag is a subset of mild high altitude sickness (i.e. oxygen/energy deprivation) that makes it harder to adjust to a new time zone. That would suggest that treatments for high altitude sickness, or mimicking the physiological changes that occur when someone acclimates to higher altitudes over time might help with jet lag (and be much more accessible than flying private). Acclimatization to high altitudes involves several physiological changes that help the body cope with lower oxygen levels. Key mechanisms include: Increased Ventilation: Breathing rate and depth increase to intake more oxygen. Red Blood Cell Production: The body produces more red blood cells to enhance oxygen transport. Hemoglobin Affinity: Hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen adjusts to release oxygen more efficiently to tissues. Capillary Density: Capillaries may increase in number, improving oxygen delivery to tissues. Mitochondrial Efficiency: Cellular adaptations enhance energy production efficiency under low oxygen conditions. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share The top of the list of treatments for high altitude sickness is obviously just to go back down to a lower altitude and/or get more oxygen (mimicking number 1 - 4 above). Equally obviously in an airplane you’re not going to be able to go back down for the duration, but you could super-oxygenate yourself using a portable oxygen concentrator (available via prescription. details on flying with one here). It’s not safe to use 100% oxygen for prolonged periods, but you could titrate the device to deliver just enough oxygen to counteract the effects of the lower oxygen tension on flights that cruise at effective altitudes of 6-8000 feet. Traveling with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (Tips) | 2024 Running the calculations on a typical flight with cabin pressure set to the equivalent of 6000 feet above sea level we find that you only need about half a liter per minute from the oxygen concentrator in the average person to raise inspired oxygen concentration enough to counteract the effects of altitude and give you the same amount of oxygen delivery you would expect at sea level. A more convenient and cheaper alternative to lugging around a portable oxygen concentrator is prescription acetazolamide (diamox) carried by many hikers who’ve had experience with altitude sickness before. Acetazolamide works primarily by removing bicarbonate (baking soda is sodium bicarbonate) from your bloodstream into your urine and therefore causing metabolic acidosis in your body, which stimulates your brain to increase your breathing rate, which then increases your blood oxygen levels. There is another little known possibility for the treatment and prevention of acute mountain sickness which is the simple, cheap and readily available chemical ammonium chloride. Its chemical decomposition in the bloodstream leads to the creation of hydrogen ions and CO2. Hydrogen ions bind and neutralize bicarb lower the pH by a different avenue than diamox, but having the same effect to stimulate respiration. Increased CO2 levels will also stimulate increased respiration. So both would tend to raise oxygen levels as a result. Apparently useful for a number of indications including kidney stones, digestive trouble, preventing metabolic diseases and to give goats a beautiful sheen on their coat for shows. There was one small study published in 1937 where a dozen volunteers took 5 grams of ammonium chloride three times a day with meals (much higher than normal dosing ranges for its one remaining medical indication, severe metabolic alkalosis) while ascending to altitude. Unfortunately the results were weirdly completely the opposite of what you might expect, which raises the possibility that pharmaceutical industry bias creot in as it usually does when any simple non-prescription therapy threatens the status quo. That paper also referenced a few other preliminary research findings that had seemed promising at 1/10th the dose. Given the mechanisms at play it would be interesting if someone revisited this research. Traditional herbal remedies for high altitude sickness might be helpful as well, and I suspect gentler and safer than acetazolamide (though none that we know of work exactly the same way it does): Sea Buckthorn ("Shan-Ji" in TCM) Mechanism: Sea buckthorn is rich in antioxidants, vitamins (especially vitamin C), and fatty acids, which can enhance oxygen utilization and reduce oxidative stress at high altitudes. Studies: Research has shown that sea buckthorn can improve high-altitude polycythemia (an increase in red blood cells due to low oxygen levels), which helps in better oxygen transport and utilization in the body. Rhodiola algida ("Hong Jing Tian" in TCM) Mechanism: Rhodiola algida contains active compounds like salidroside and rosavin, which are known to enhance physical performance, reduce fatigue, and increase resistance to stress. These properties can be beneficial in preventing AMS by improving the body's ability to cope with hypoxia (low oxygen levels). Studies: It is traditionally used by Tibetan people to prevent AMS. Experimental studies suggest that Rhodiola spp. can improve acclimatization and reduce symptoms of AMS by enhancing oxygen efficiency and reducing oxidative stress. Zuo-Mu-A decoction (no English name found) Mechanism: This traditional Tibetan medicine contains various herbs that are believed to work synergistically to enhance acclimatization to high altitudes. The exact mechanism is not fully understood, but it is thought to improve blood oxygenation and reduce oxidative stress. Studies: Experimental studies in rats have demonstrated its efficacy in preventing high-altitude polycythemia, indicating a potential benefit in improving oxygen delivery and reducing AMS symptoms. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) Mechanism: Ginkgo biloba is known for its vasodilatory properties, which can improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues. It also has strong antioxidant effects, which can protect cells from oxidative damage caused by hypoxia. Studies: Clinical studies have shown that Ginkgo biloba can reduce symptoms of AMS, such as headache and dizziness, by improving microcirculation and reducing oxidative stress. Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) Rhodiola: Mental Health Benefits, Side Effects, and More If there are no side effects it’s probably not medicinal Mechanism: Similar to Rhodiola algida, Rhodiola rosea contains adaptogenic compounds like rosavin and salidroside, which help the body adapt to stress and improve physical performance. It also has antioxidant properties that protect against hypoxia-induced damage. Studies: Studies have demonstrated that Rhodiola rosea can enhance endurance, reduce fatigue, and improve the body's resistance to hypoxia, making it effective in preventing and reducing symptoms of AMS. Coca (Erythroxylum coca) Mechanism: Coca leaves contain alkaloids such as cocaine (so good luck sourcing these, only included here in the interests of being comprehensive, although millions in the Andes regular chew them without adverse effects), which can stimulate the central nervous system, increase oxygen intake, and improve overall physical performance. These effects can help counteract the symptoms of AMS. Studies: Indigenous populations in the Andes have used coca leaves for centuries to prevent and treat AMS. Scientific studies support its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of AMS, such as headache, nausea, and fatigue, by enhancing oxygen utilization and reducing oxidative stress. These herbs work through a combination of improving oxygen delivery, enhancing physical performance, reducing oxidative stress, and promoting acclimatization to high altitudes, thereby helping to prevent and mitigate the symptoms of acute mountain sickness. Along the same lines methylene blue (may need to avoid with SSRIs, severe kidney disease, G6PD deficiency) may attenuate jet lag and is used by biohackers and Long COVID/Vax injury sufferers nowadays because it increases mitochondrial oxygen production (other of the natural acclimatizing adjustments the body eventually makes to prolonged stays at altitude) without the addition of more oxygen. Basically it improves your ability to create energy and that’s really what we need oxygen for in the first place. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share There are other ways to improve mitochondrial energy production, most importantly for this purpose via plenty of direct sunlight before the flight. One way this works is that the key to mitochondrial energy production is proton tunneling, which is required for functioning of the ATPase enzyme in the inner mitochondrial membrane that produces ATP, the chemical energy currency of cells. Proton tunneling is a quantum effect that depends on the existence of coherent quantum domains in water as well as 4th phase structured water. Coherent domains are masses of water molecules vibrating at the same frequency, and structured water is a gel like water that forms next to liphophilic (water loving) surfaces in cells and leads to charge separation with one area of water having a negative charge next to the surface and another area having a positive charge. Both of these effects in water are increased by exposure to natural sunlight and the earth’s natural electromagnetic fields, e.g. the Schumann resonances - both of which are missing in flight. So another cause of jet lag on the flight is likely missing sun and natural EMFs, while being exposed instead to blue spectrum light and non-native electromagnetic fields instead (as well as increased exposure to cosmic radiation?). It’s usually impossible to get into natural sunlight for the duration of your trip, unless you have longer layovers (sunlight that filters through clear window glass is deficient in balancing UV-A, UV-B and infrared wavelengths that help to counteract the stressful nature of visible blue light). The best way to mitigate this may be to have a good tan (melanin in the skin can absorb any wavelength of radiation) and plenty of exposure to sun and natural outdoor electromagnetic fields in the days and weeks leading up to the flight, and after arrival, so as to have a strong reserve of coherent, structured biological water (some people also advocate structuring your drinking water by exposing it to light and spinning it in a vortex prior to consumption) and then replenish it after the flight. There is also an herbal cream we’ve found to be helpful for mitigating the effects of EMF on children and others who are particularly sensitive to it that could be used in this situation. EMF Mitigating Cream: 10 parts Castor oil 6 parts Hemp seed oil 1 part bee propolis 1 part neem oil 1 part rosemary extract 1 part coriander extract I was personally surprised to discover that there was data on EMF protective effects of Rosemary (eg here and here) and bee propolis (eg here). There are energetic reasons to include the other ingredients, but I’m not aware of studies having been done on them. If anyone has EMF sensitivity they should try this cream all over the body and report back any effects. It’s also important to note that many people with chronic diseaes (and jet lag) likely have EMF sensitivity they just aren’t aware of it. See Robert O Becker’s books and The Invisible Rainbow if you remain unconvinced of the thoroughly documented negative biological effects of most man-made non-ionizing radiation. Finally dehydration (airplane air is very dry), alcohol, caffeine, stress and advanced age can all play a role in triggering and prolonging jet lag, though older age is probably mostly a marker for more time spent living sub-optimaly, destroying organ reserve and resilience (both of which can be reversed). Usually when I take a long flight east my schedule will lag the final time zone I end up in by a few hours. So it’s not like my body thinks its all the way back home, it seems to think its a few time zones over. For example I’ll usually get tired in the afternoon say 3-4 pm and crash, and then wake up at 1-3 am unable to sleep any more. In terms of my origin time zone that translates to falling asleep at 8am and waking at 6pm (to be clear I don’t sleep all day at home, but have a normal schedule). So it would seem that my body thinks I’m a few time zones West of where I actually am. On my last 9-time-zone trip halfway around the globe I lost a lot of sleep for a couple days during the flights since I find it hard to sleep sitting up, but had great success preventing significant jet lag on arrival with a few simple interventions. I only ate during daytime wherever I was in my travels, and once I arrived I made sure to eat a good breakfast early every morning and didn’t consume anything at the destination after sunset - including food, information, light (i.e. no room lights or screens). I wore a pair of wraparound blue blocker sunglasses throughout the trip to block excess blue light (the darker the better, since light intensity is also important, especially at night). I made sure to get morning and afternoon sun both for 1-2 hours each at the destination. I arrived at my destination at 2am and the first day got my morning sun and then fell asleep for a couple hours until the afternoon, then got some more sun, and then slept normally that night until the next morning, which was a first for me after such a long trip and really surprising. The next day I got morning sun, afternoon sun and then took a nap again for a couple hours in the afternoon and again slept normally through the night. I was constipated on the flight, but it was less severe than usual, resolving within 24 hours once I landed. So basically I had some sleep to catch up on since I slept very poorly on the planes and missed a lot of sleep during the prolonged travel (there were two long layovers), but other than that I had very minimal jet lag without nighttime insomnia or excessive daytime fatigue the first couple days. After that I found that I could sleep longer in the afternoon if I let myself, but it wasn’t the usual overpowering, siren-song type of jet lag sleep I’m accustomed to. It was optional. Maybe next time I’ll try changing it up some more with some herbs and/or the EMF skin cream. Recent research by Huang et al also confirms that the best cure for jet lag is a big breakfast in the early morning at the destination and plenty of morning sunlight. These two signals help to synchronize central and distal body clocks to the new time zone and eliminate jet lag fast. They are also probably the two most important signals to help cure a normal case of insomnia. By the way, many people who are trying to fix chronic illness nowadays will try intermittent fasting, and it’s easiest to implement that by skipping breakfast, but this is the worst way to do it because it sends your body the wrong signals. LATELIFE MUSINGS...: EAT LIKE A KING The old wisdom that taught us to breakfast breakfast like a King and dinner like a pauper is correct, but I would go further and say skip dinner (perhaps that’s what the saying actually means anyway). Most people throughout human history counted themselves lucky to eat twice a day, let alone thrice. You often hear that breakfast was invented by cereal companies, but it was just coopted by them. A healthy breakfast for most people probably looks more like steak and eggs (and some healthy carbs) than an all-out refined sugar bomb and sets you up calorically and hormonally for an active day. Steak and Eggs Skillet with Chimichurri and Sweet Potatoes The Inputs Dictate the Output, i.e. Garbage In Garbage Out, illustrated via Light, Quantum Coherence, Structured Water, Cold, Seasonal Variations, Deuterium, etc Garbage in garbage out refers to the computer science truism that poor quality input, for example when trying to model the likelihood of some outcome, will produce poor quality output, i.e. you’ll probably get the answer wrong. The alternative is Quality in Quality Out or QIQO. The same aphorism applies to jet lag. If you provide the right inputs at the right times you won’t have jet lag. Jet lag is really a function of decreased resilience due to suboptimal environmental inputs. This is the essential truth about all chronic disease that we ignore to our own detriment because it’s easy to just go with the flow. Unfortunately that flow is like a riptide that will carry you out to sea and to your early demise unless you act fast and swim out of it, parallel to the shore. The good news is that once you make the effort and build new habits, they stick with you and it’s a lot easier to continue. So the basic prevention and cure for jet lag and insomnia is the same basic prevention and cure for any chronic health dysfunction in the modern world, because our dysfunctions are fundamentally caused by living out of sync with our environments, both external and internal (e.g. physiologically harmful thoughts, beliefs, emotions). Our external environments are tailor made for us, or we’re tailor made for them, depending on your perspective and Nature never makes mistakes, though we often misinterpret her perfection. On the other hand you could take the lesson that supplemental oxygen cures jet lag and extend that to chronic disease. Supplemental oxygen may also help allay the symptoms of chronic diseases, and be even more effective when taken inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Both in or out of the chamber it works the same way by increasing stem cell production. But the easy way out will always come back to bite you in the end. There isn’t really an easy way. It’s an illusion. You can use various means to take the edge off, but ultimately you have to address root causes, because if you don’t the underlying problem will only worsen and eventually overcome the simple fix you found. The easy way is a temporary bandaid. Whereas going down a mountain to an altitude you’re more accustomed to makes sense physiologically speaking, using a hyperbaric chamber is the equivalent of going underwater where the partial pressure of oxygen is much higher. Even if you plan to live in a submarine it’s certainly not a natural signal to give your body. We aren’t designed for such high pressures. Health is a function of irreducibly complex inputs - i.e. you can’t mimic the sun by taking vitamin D, or even with a sunlamp. Understanding more about the ways this works for external inputs will help us respect Nature and submit to her dictates. In order to do that we’ll consider some fascinating, but little known facts about human biology and the central roles that light and water play in it. We already discussed the effect of light on quantum coherence and structuring of water and how that improves the energy production of mitochondria. EZ Water: The Fourth Phase Of Water (Part 3) - Live Vitae Structured water due to it’s thicker gel like consistency excludes particulate matter and cells, thereby protecting the walls of the blood vessels from damage and inflammation. The structuring of water is also the reason blood flows, and blood is what delivers oxygen and nutrients. When you have a hydrophilic (water attracting, not repelling) tube, like an artery or vein and you place it in a bucket of water, the water structures itself by charge separating as described above and starts flowing through the tube spontaneously, and so does blood, which is primarily made up of water. Blood circulation in an embryo begins even before the heart forms and starts pumping, i.e. it is not the pumping that moves blood, rather the heart acts more like a conductor, synchronizing the organs of the body (more on this in an upcoming post on the heart). Now, both quantum coherent domains and structured water form more easily in cold temperatures, which means you need less light energy to produce them. This means that near the equator where it’s warm all year round you need more light energy absorbed by your body water, and conveniently there is more light available during the year with 12 hour days throughout. Whereas up north you need less light in the winters when it is cold and the days are much shorter. In both of these situations our physiology if it is in sync with the natural environment will get just what it needs. Seasonal variations in light also affect weight gain because when temperatures are warmer and days are longer and food is plentiful, the body gets the message that it’s time to store up fat for the coming winter (remember blue light triggers cortisol, appetite, hyperglycemia and elevated insulin). When winter comes the days are short and food is naturally scarcer, and in the cold our bodies are stimulated to produce more heat, and use stored energy to do so. The Endless Summer (Remastered) - Official Trailer If you want an endless summer, head south. However nowadays winter never comes in industrialized societies, even up north, at least the signals that indicate it’s winter never arrive: we don’t change what we eat in the winter, because we don’t eat seasonally, and we don’t change our light environment either, because we spend all day and night indoors in temperature controlled environments with the lights on until all hours - our circadian biology gets the message that it’s always summer, the days are always long, the food always plentiful (you can eat more because you keep the lights on so long) and it’s never too cold. Our mitochondria naturally deplete water of deuterium, which is a heavy isotope of hydrogen. Water in the south has higher deuterium content while water up north is already deuterium depleted so our mitochondria may work more efficiently when exposed to it, with less need of the red and NIR spectrums to help boost their functioning, if we are living within a natural environment and drinking the local water up north (while being exposed to the natural temperature variations and seasonal foodstuffs). Not much is known about bioenergetics, since there is insufficient funding, but it has been shown that a weak DC electrical current flows in the Qi energy pathways mapped out by the Ancient Chinese 1000s of years ago (it was shown that grounding primarily enters free electrons into the meridians of the Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidneys, and Urinary Bladder). The energy flows because we are made up of biological semiconductors. Semiconductors hold electrons, and when they are excited by enough outside energy those electrons start to flow as electricity. Our biological semiconductors like collagen need to be charged with electrons from food and grounding (more grounding means you need less food), and “turned on” by incident light energy from the sun. Just like mitochondria they work better in the cold, and so need less energy from sunlight in northern winters, when there is naturally less sun available. https://robertobecker.net/research/bone-bioelectricity/ The concentrated blue light we’re exposed to is meant to be stimulatory - it’s the component of natural sunlight that triggers wakefulness, and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to release catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine, which raise alertness, focus, motivation, BP and HR (which is why blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictive nature of much of the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and anyway your eyes and brain will benefit from it). Since blue light triggers dopamine, blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictiveness programmed into the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and either way your eyes and brain will benefit from it, since blue light without balancing infrared and UV-A kills retinal cells. The other wavelengths of natural sunlight have a balancing effect physiologically: UV-A stimulates nitric oxide which helps relax us and elevate our mood by increasing the levels of beta endorphins, as well as lowering blood pressure. It also affects hormonal and neurotransmitter levels. Red and near infrared wavelengths have healing and anti-inflammatory effects commonly leveraged by photo-biomodulation devices. Blue light is known to be toxic to cells in the eye, but the UV-A, red and NIR wavelengths protect against that by stimulating nitric oxide production, increasing antioxidants, suppressing inflammation and increasing mitochondrial energy production and mitochondrial numbers. Excess blue light, unmitigated by the other balancing wavelengths, raises cortisol levels, which lead to elevated blood sugar and insulin. When this becomes chronic it leads to decreased production of serotonin and melatonin, insulin resistance and leptin resistance (leptin is a natural appetite suppressant). The other wavelengths in light help to reduce stress, cortisol, blood sugar and insulin levels. Full Spectrum Light Bulb | SAD Lamp for Depression | BlockBlueLight However the answer is not to simply outfit all our homes with full spectrum bulbs, or even fancy red lights at night like they hang on the roads near certain beaches to prevent circadian disruption in spawning turtles. The photoperiod, i.e. the length of the day is also important (if you really can’t avoid night time lights then dim red bulbs are the least suppressive of melatonin production, try to keep the lux between 50-100 for the best effects). We need to balance light with dark every day and throughout the year depending on where we are on the earth. The natural spectrum of sunlight changes throughout the day. UV-A, red and NIR are most prevalent in the early morning and late afternoon, while UV-B, which stimulates vitamin D production is most prevalent in midday. comparing natural light and artificial light - Sunlight Inside UV-B is important for stimulating vitamin D production which can increase insulin secretion, inhibit the renin-angiotensin system of the kidney to help lower blood pressure, influence the production of sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, modulate the immune system, and directly affects the expression of over 900 genes. UV-B can damage skin, but the effect is mitigated by preconditioning your skin with the protective wavelengths in morning sunlight, and further decreased by getting healing late afternoon sun. These daily variations in light characteristics highlight the importance of getting regular sun exposure throughout the day, whether direct or indirect from reflected light even while in the shade outdoors. Knock-on Effects Serotonin production is stimulated by UV-A light in the morning, and as mentioned above, it is the precursor to melatonin, production of which is stimulated by darkness. If we don’t get enough light we don’t make enough serotonin, which means we won’t make as much melatonin later on even if we don’t turn on the lights. And simply taking melatonin on a chronic basis to fix the sleep problem will lead to other problems as mentioned briefly earlier, most obviously too much serotonin (also seen with SSRI use) since it’s no longer being converted to melatonin. Acute symptoms of higher serotonin include restlessness, agitation, confusion, hallucinations, tachycardia and arrhythmias, high blood pressure. tremors, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Chronically elevated serotonin will lead to increased cortisol production, prolactin excess, and altered levels of thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, oxytocin, and insulin. Let’s trace out the further implications of just the first of those effects of higher serotonin: chronically elevated cortisol will lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, hypertension, heart disease, low immune function, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, mood disorders, cognitive impairment, reproductive hormone imbalances, skin and hair problems, and digestive upset. It does this by affecting the levels of insulin, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, growth hormone, prolactin, adrenaline, leptin and ghrelin. And we could keep going down each of these pathways documenting how each disruption spreads outward in every widening concentric circles over time from any unnatural tweak that is made to our physiology. This is why we can only effectively speak to our bodies using the natural signals they’ve been designed to understand. Health is a function of an irreducibly complex system of environmental inputs. You can never put an irreducibly complex environment in a simple pill. Hormonal Rhythms All our hormones are also on circadian rhythms. So if you get too much light throughout the year (by turning the lights on at sunset) you’re going to burn out your thyroid, adrenals, ovaries/testes, and everything else that is stimulated by light. Just like overeating refined carbs may help precipitate pancreatic exhaustion and diabetes, consuming too much light and the wrong kind of light (especially blue without the rest) will necessarily lead to exhaustion of all the hormonal systems that help you function during the day light hours (and disrupt nighttime-peaking hormones like melatonin, growth hormone, prolactin, and leptin). This will lead to the typical diseases we see all the time in the modern world: insulin resistance and diabetes (via stress, cortisol and glucose), cancer (via the last), hypothyroidism, heart disease (via stress and sympathetic overactivity), “adrenal fatigue,” chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, autoimmune diseases (disrupted POMC), hypertension, etc. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Conclusion So if you’re struggling with jet lag or insomnia, try eating early and getting your morning sun (and if its a bad case then consider some of the other things above) and let me know what happens. And if you’re struggling with chronic disease, try aligning yourself with your natural environment in order to optimize your hormonal cycles and other bodily functions that are designed for the natural environment. Finally to close the loop on the title re: Sherpas. Why don’t they get jet lag? Because they only fly up and down Mt Everest. Ha ha. Seriously though, there is no research I could find on jet lag differentials by population or background, but it would make sense that if jet lag is in part due to a form of high altitude sickness and is more likely in those living out of sync with their natural environments, then a Sherpa would be less prone to it since they are acclimated to high altitudes and live in touch with their natural surroundings. Let me know in the comments what you think! https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/knowing-why-sherpas-and-billionaires
    Why Sherpas & Billionaires Don't Get Jet Lag Can Fix Chronic Disease
    Synchronizing biological clocks, GIGO vs QIQO, implications for modern environmental mismatches and healing chronic disease.
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  • Why the Official AIDS Story is a Complete Crock
    The Great Rebranding, 1980s-Style: HIV Was a Sham, Just Like Sars-Cov-2

    Anthony Colpo

    All you youngsters born after the Glomesh era have surely heard of AIDS, but probably have no idea of just how big a deal it was when it burst onto the scene in the early 1980s.

    It was the biggest show in town. Sure, it wasn't as big a deal as what COVID would later be. It wasn't accompanied by 'vaccine' mandates, lockdowns or heavily-armed goons bashing people for sitting peacefully in the park. Instead of masks, there were condoms and paper toilet seat covers. There was no social distancing, only admonitions to avoid unprotected sex and not share needles when shooting up.

    Fauci was there, front and center, but he wasn't telling us to wear two condoms at once. Instead, he was pimping a toxic concoction known as AZT.

    Right off the bat, nothing made sense about the AIDs charade. It does make sense in hindsight if you view it as a giant test run, an exercise in spreading 'virus' hysteria. The HIV/AIDS charade confirmed most people don't ask questions, and those who do can be quickly shouted over and marginalized as "deniers," "conspiracists" and menaces to society. It also confirmed that not only could people be convinced to take toxic drugs in response to an overblown 'pandemic' scare, but they could be manipulated into rabidly demanding their expedited release.

    It was an exercise whose lessons would prove valuable come December 2019.

    AIDS stands for "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome." In other words, you somehow "acquired" an immune system that, like a tired car engine with 300,000 km on the clock, was about to blow its last gasket.

    It was first identified in 1981 in Los Angeles when the CDC reported on five young homosexual men suffering pneumonia caused by a protozoon known as Pneumocystis carinii.

    This microbe is ordinarily innocuous and, in fact, found in nearly all healthy persons. For reasons unknown it had suddenly become lethal - an outcome previously seen only in persons whose immune systems were being undermined by immunosuppressant therapy, cancer, or severe malnourishment.

    This same pneumonia promptly appeared in New York, together with several dozen cases of an unusual skin cancer called Kaposi's Sarcoma which had previously been almost unknown in the US.

    Eventually Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi's Sarcoma were interpreted as secondary manifestations of an underlying immune-system deficiency of unknown origin which was eventually dubbed "acquired immunodeficiency disease syndrome" or AIDS.

    The bodies of AIDS patients seemed to have just given up. Patients suffered severe weight loss and lethargy and were so immune deficient that even a minor infection threatened to kill them.

    The first few thousand cases were found mostly in homosexual males, and the media bombarded us with images of emaciated gay blokes on the verge of death and barely able to sit upright. Initially, the condition was referred to as GRID (gay-related immune deficiency). Outside of scientific circles, it came to be known as the "gay plague" and religious fundamentalists trumpeted the phenomenon as God's revenge on evil sodomites.

    That began to change in 1983, when AIDS was found to affect heterosexual women, which caused the fear porn to increase by an order of magnitude. As with COVID, health authorities treated us to an orgy of fearmongering and doomsday predictions - and the sheeple lapped it up.

    In 1986, Dr. Donald Ian Macdonald, then Acting Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, described "the escalating AIDS epidemic" as "staggering," "devastating" and a "huge problem."

    Dr. Halfdan Mahler, Danish physician and head of the World Health Organization, called AIDS "a health disaster of pandemic proportions" and said he could "not imagine a worse health problem in this century."

    "We stand nakedly in front of a very serious pandemic as mortal as any pandemic there ever has been," Mahler bizarrely quipped. Why he would don his birthday suit instead of a Hazmat one in the face of such a mortal pandemic was never explained, but that's globalist bureaucrats for you.

    "I don't know of any greater killer than AIDS, not to speak of its psychological, social and economic maiming," continued Mahler, who after leaving WHO became director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation.

    Not to be outdone, in 1987 Harvard biology professor Stephen Jay Gould, said AIDS was "potentially, the greatest natural tragedy in human history." He warned "AIDS may run through the entire population, and may carry off a quarter or more of us" (in 1987, the world population was just over 5 billion; it now stands at over 8 billion).

    That same year, Gallup asked an open-ended question about what Americans saw as the most urgent health problem facing the US. Despite the fact AIDS has never even come close to being the leading cause of death in the US, more than two-thirds of Americans said AIDS. The disease continued as the top pick until 2000.

    According to Gallop polls conducted in 1987, most Americans (60%) agreed people with AIDS should be made to carry a card noting they had the disease, and one in three (33%) agreed employers should be allowed to fire employees who had AIDS. Twenty-one percent of Americans said people with AIDS should be isolated from the rest of society.

    An earlier LA Times poll from 1985 found more than half of US adults supported quarantining AIDS patients, nearly half would approve of ID cards for those testing positive for "AIDS antibodies," and one in seven favored tattooing those with the disease.

    People never learn.

    A Disease Looking For a Cause

    Authorities had presented us with a new public health scare, but no causal agent. No-one knew what caused the immune systems of AIDS patients to become so deficient.

    Was it a new microbe? A new drug scourge? God's revenge for Abba and Disco Duck?

    No-one knew.

    At least officially.

    In reality, authorities knew damn well what was going on.

    But they didn’t tell us. Instead, they eventually claimed AIDS was the result of a 'novel virus' that, in 1986, was named "human immunodeficiency virus,” or HIV.

    The 'novel virus' paradigm holds that a 'zoonotic' virus wakes up one day, and decides to "jump" from apes/bats/pangolins/garden gnomes to humans. This novel virus then acts like a seventeen year old that has been given the keys to an alcohol-filled mansion while mom and dad head off for a weekend vacation. However, the virus has no friends to party with. So he first has to convert to a 'human' form of the virus, then he has to begin self-replicating in order to build a social circle. Once this is done, the virions party so hard that the host becomes sick. The virions conclude their current host is no fun, so they go looking for a new host to party inside. The process repeats itself, and before you know it, there's a 'pandemic' going on with squillions of little virions pogo-dancing in global synchrony and chanting "the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!!" while trashing everything in sight.

    Viruses these days, sheesh.

    Setting aside the glaring fallacies of the virus 'isolation' charade, the 'novel virus = pandemic’ theory is an inherent load of cobblers.

    Outbreaks of what look to be infectious illnesses don't just happen for no reason. There has to be some facilitating factor.

    AIDS became a big thing in the early 1980s, and we know that initially, the majority of patients were gay males. African-Americans were also known to be at increased risk.

    Even if butt sex is an especially efficient method of transmitting STDs, it doesn't explain why AIDS became a phenomenon in the 1980s. After all, both sodomy and homosexuality have been around as long as humans have. Heck, even apes have been observed taking rides on the Hershey Highway.

    Which begs the question: What other events with the potential for dire impact on health occurred around the same time as the AIDS outbreak?

    The Other Crack Rears Its Ugly Head

    Thanks in no small part to Uncle Sam and his ability to conveniently look the other way when it suits his financial and geopolitical interests*, the early 1980s saw a massive flood of cocaine into the US, with urban black neighborhoods the worst afflicted.

    So plentiful was the supply of cocaine, drug dealers came up with a way to make it even cheaper and more addictive in order to expand their customer base.

    Freebase is the name given to the original form of smokable coke, which resulted in a more intense high than snorting. While this constituted an obvious selling point, the process for making freebase required ether, making it notoriously volatile and dangerous to produce. In a famed 1980 incident, comedian Richard Pryor suffered severe and life-threatening burns after mixing cocaine with ether at his home; the mixture promptly exploded in his face.

    Freebase cocaine seems to have first surfaced in the US in the mid-1970s. Around 1980, a less volatile but similar process was developed by dealers in which cocaine was dissolved in a solution of water and baking soda and then dried out into "crack rocks." As the rocks are heated, it makes a crackling sound, hence the name.

    As early as 1981, reports of crack appeared in Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston, and in the Caribbean. Its use quickly spread to other major US cities, and by 1987, crack was reportedly available in DC and all but four states in the Union.

    "In some major cities, such as New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia, one dosage unit of crack could be obtained for as little as $2.50," writes the US DEA. "Never before had any form of cocaine been available at such low prices and at such high purity."

    The crack epidemic dramatically increased the number of Americans addicted to cocaine, as well as the number of cocaine-related hospital emergencies. In 1985, cocaine-related hospital emergencies rose by 12 percent, from 23,500 to 26,300. In 1986, these incidents increased 110 percent, from 26,300 to 55,200.

    The crack cocaine explosion, you'll notice, overlaps neatly with the AIDS "explosion."

    The House of Representatives Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control held cocaine hearings in July, October, and November 1980. Dr. Robert Byck, who along with his colleagues conducted the first scientific studies of cocaine plasma levels after coca paste smoking, testified at the hearings. He warned that the heavy use of smokable freebase cocaine, employed by an estimated 10 percent of cocaine users, was about to change. He warned Congress that the US was about to experience the worst epidemic of drug abuse the country had ever seen. Byck predicted the use of smoked cocaine in the 1980s would match the widespread use of "speed" (methamphetamine) in the 1960s. He urged Congress and the National Institute on Drug Abuse to mount an education and prevention campaign to avert this impending epidemic.

    No such campaign was undertaken.

    "The emergence of crack cocaine use in the United States during the mid-1980s was one of the most significant public health problems of that era," note Watkins et al in a 1998 paper. "Crack use contributed to a series of sexually transmitted disease epidemics, to epidemic increases in violent injuries and homicides, and to significant increases in the incidence and prevalence of cocaine addiction. Despite these threats to health and safety, a national public health campaign to counter crack-related morbidity and mortality was never mounted."

    Is that because authorities were already committed to carrying out a manufactured 'HIV' crisis?

    Crack, Risky Sex, and 'HIV'

    A 1994 NEJM article reported an analysis of 1,967 people recruited from inner-city neighborhoods in New York, Miami, and San Francisco. All respondents reported never having injected drugs, however 1,137 were regular smokers of crack. The remaining 830 people reported never having smoked crack.

    The results for crack users weren't pretty.

    Female crack users were 4.1 times more likely to have been raped, and 1.6 times more likely to have had their first vaginal or anal sex encounter before 13 years of age.

    Both male and female crack users reported a higher number of sexual partners than non-users; in the case of women, crack users were 11 times more likely to have had 50 or more sexual partners.

    Crack-smoking women were 13.5 times more likely than nonsmoking women to have engaged in sexual work at any time, and 28.8 times more likely to have engaged in recent, unprotected sex work.

    Male crack smokers, meanwhile, were 3.4 times more likely to report ever having homosexual anal sex, and 23 times more likely to have had 50 or more male anal sex partners.

    Clearly, crack users were significantly more likely to engage in prostitution and risky sexual practices.

    Not surprising then, that female and male crack users had higher historical rates of syphilis (3.5 and 2.2, respectively) and gonorrhea (1.8 and 1.6, respectively).

    When the researchers ran blood tests for current infection, female and male crack users were significantly more likely to test positive for syphilis (2.8 and 1.6, respectively).

    Among the participants in New York and Miami, HIV 'infection' was 2.3 times more prevalent among crack smokers than among nonsmokers (prevalence of HIV antibodies among participants recruited in San Francisco was low).

    Testing positive for ‘HIV antibodies’ was strongly associated with previous or current infection with other STDs.

    A positive reactive syphilis test (adjusted odds ratio, 2.3) and a history of herpes (adjusted odds ratio, 3.6) remained significantly associated with HIV infection after adjustment for high-risk sexual practices and African-American race.

    Other studies found similar results.

    Chiasson and colleagues at the New York City Department of Health examined the link between HIV infection and crack use. Examining patients at an STD clinic in the South Bronx, they found that, among women with no other identified risk (i.e., no injectible drug use), crack use, prostitution, crack-using prostitution and history of syphilis were all found to be risk factors for HIV infection. Among men with no other risk behavior, a history of syphilis was in fact the strongest predictor of HIV infection - greater than crack use and contact with prostitutes.

    In a 1990 paper, Greenspan and Castro note "between 1981 and 1983, the incidence of primary and secondary syphilis in the United States increased 34%, reaching a rate in 1989 (18.4 cases per 100,000 persons) that was higher than at any time since 1949. Between 1985 and 1989, incidence among blacks more than doubled, from 52.5 to 121.8 cases per 100,000; the increase was greater for black women than for black men (176% versus 106%). These trends are markers for the same high-risk sexual practices that promote transmission of HIV."

    So crack, syphilis and ‘HIV’ are closely related. Now let's look at another class of drugs showing a close correlation with pre-existing STDs and ‘HIV.’

    The Popper Phenomenon

    “Poppers” is a slang term for nitrite inhalant drugs (when they were first manufactured, they came in small ampoules that were 'popped' to release fumes). Amyl nitrite was originally developed to treat angina pectoris by dilating blood vessels, allowing the heart to get more oxygen and thereby relieving the pain.

    Arteries are not the only thing poppers help to dilate. Inhaling nitrites relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body - including the sphincter muscles, making it particularly helpful to gay posteriors. Along with facilitating anal sex, the blood vessel-dilating effects of poppers can produce a brief but intense sensation of heat and euphoria lasting 1 or 2 minutes.

    The story of poppers is an interesting one, involving US Vietnam vets, a profiteering Big Pharma and an enabling FDA, a gay medical student and organized criminals.

    The latter two entities sidestepped an eventual prescription requirement for amyl nitrite by creating butyl and isobutyl nitrite - less pure, more toxic, and even faster-acting versions than the original. Further restrictions were averted thanks to an unwritten agreement between producers and the FDA that poppers were only to be advertised in gay-oriented publications, as 'room deodorizers.'

    During the 1970s and early 80s, poppers were advertised heavily in the gay press, and the drugs became an integral part of gay culture. Not only was it routine for patrons at gay nightclubs to freely pass the vials around, some "disco clubs would even add to the general euphoria by occasionally spraying the dance floor with poppers fumes."

    "The miasma of nitrite fumes was taken for granted at gay gathering places: bars, baths, leather clubs," writes John Lauritsen in a 1994 New York Native article. "Some gay men were never without their little bottle, from which they snorted fumes around the clock."

    Throwing caution to the wind when it comes to drugs never ends well. Amyl nitrite was developed for occasional use by angina patients, not as a party drug to be snorted every time one hit the dance floor or engaged in a bout of Jolly Rogering.

    Apart from causing localized damage to nasal membranes, poppers have been linked to anemia, strokes, heart, lung, and brain damage, cardiovascular collapse, and, tellingly, the blood de-oxygenation, thymus atrophy, chronic depletion of T-cell ratio's associated with severe immune dysfunction. The drugs have also been linked to the development of Kaposi's Sarcoma.

    Sounds a lot like AIDS, doesn't it?

    While researchers and the more level-headed of gay advocates warned of the dangers, the FDA continued to look the other way. The gay press, whose advertising revenue relied heavily on popper ads, also willfully turned a blind eye to the dangers.

    In the 1980s, in a lukewarm attempt to be seen to be doing something about the problem, US health officials banned the use of poppers in public places and required merchants to post warnings about their dangers. "The warnings about their use disappeared sometime in the late '80s to early '90s," reports SFGATE, "and no one seems to know why."

    "During the first few years of the AIDS epidemic," writes Ian Young at VirusMyth.org, "poppers came under suspicion as a possible contributing factor. But after 1984, when the Reagan administration pronounced a single retrovirus to be the only cause of the growing list of AIDS illnesses, the health hazards of poppers were dismissed. All attention and funding was directed to HIV."

    Fun fact: Burroughs Wellcome, the original manufacturers of poppers, went on to profit handsomely from the subsequent AIDS hysteria with its highly-toxic 'anti-AIDS' drug AZT.

    History is Made (Up)

    There were major drug scourges afflicting the high-risk gay and African-American communities, drugs whose chronologies overlapped neatly with the AIDS outbreak. Use and abuse of these drugs was well established to cause severe illness, immune dysfunction and was also strongly correlated with pre-existing STDs like syphilis.

    The powers-that-be, however, had already decided the sole cause of AIDs was a 'novel virus.' They just needed to come up with one.

    And so along came the virologists to save the day. Not just any old bunch of virologists, but virologists with friends in high places. In France, this meant Luc Montagnier and his team at the Pasteur Institute, which advises the French government and the World Health Organization (WHO), and maintains a close collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    In the US, it meant sci-bureaucrats from the government's behemoth National Institutes of Health (NIH). One of the key figures was the caustic Robert S Gallo, a researcher at the NIH's National Cancer Institute, where he worked for 30 years mainly as head of the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology. Gallo’s career would be dogged by controversy and misconduct allegations, but that’s a whole other article (stay tuned).

    The other career bureaucrat that would play a key role on the US side was none other than Anthony S Fauci, who recently completed a ridiculous 38-year reign as unelected head of the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

    If you've surmised that, with names like the above, the HIV story must be a real shite show, you are absolutely correct.

    HIV is Invented 'Discovered'

    In 1983, the Pasteur Institute researchers declared they had 'isolated' a 'retrovirus' belonging to the family of T-cell leukemia viruses (HTLV), and concluded it "may be involved in several pathological syndromes, including AIDS." (Bold emphasis added)

    Their isolate came from a promiscuous 33-year-old Caucasian homosexual male referred to as "BRU", who indicated he'd had more than 50 sexual partners per year. Nasty. According to the authors, he displayed "signs and symptoms that often precede the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)." However, the only symptoms reported for the patient were multiple lymphadenopathies (swollen lymph glands) and asthenia (weakness), which are evident in many conditions aside from AIDS. Neither fever nor recent loss of weight were noted.

    In other words, the patient from whom the alleged AIDS-causing virus was first 'isolated' from did not have an AIDS diagnosis.

    Tellingly, the patient did have a history of several episodes of gonorrhea and had been treated for syphilis in September 1982. Lymphadenopathy is one of the symptoms of both the aforementioned infections.

    The study's lead author was Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, although the finding is routinely credited to the paper's last listed author, the late Montagnier.

    The French study was marred by two key problems. It did not isolate any virus, and it did not show AIDS was caused by any HTLV offshoot.

    Forty years later, little has changed. The terminology and rationalizations have indeed become increasingly complex (as is the case with most elaborate lies), but there is no physical isolate of 'HIV.'

    Virologists and their sycophants, of course, insist this doesn't matter and that their non-purified mixtures are indeed isolates.

    While they condescendingly sneer and dismiss anyone who disputes this as a silly little dumb-dumb that doesn't 'understand' virology, they tend to remain rather quiet on another highly inconvenient observation.

    Namely, there is no proof that whatever is in their ‘isolates’ actually causes AIDS.

    HIV and Sars-Cov-2: The 'Deadly' Viruses That Aren't Deadly

    In the early days of 'COVID', testing positive for the mythical Sars-Cov-2 was considered a death sentence. So much so, that some folks didn't even bother getting their affairs in order; they instead killed themselves.

    Such is the power of all this heinous "deadly virus" bullshit.

    It was the same in the 'HIV' Dark Ages - testing positive was considered a death sentence. When a famous basketballer by the name of Erving “Magic” Johnson announced he was HIV positive in 1991, everyone was shocked. "Now we all know someone with HIV," said someone I can't recall in what was supposed to be a profound, insight-triggering moment.

    Johnson, everyone assumed, was now living on borrowed time.

    Thirty-three years later, Johnson is still alive and wealthy. He attributes his survival to antiretroviral cocktails that have never been shown in clinical studies to benefit survival: GlaxoSmithKline's Trizivir and Abbott's Kaletra. These cocktails are comprised of drugs like AZT which increase the risk of side effects but have never been shown to exert a mortality benefit.

    Johnson, it should be noted, has featured in ads for both products. In 2009, the FDA issued a warning letter to Abbott Laboratories regarding a promotional DVD in which Johnson discussed his experiences with Kaletra. The letter stated the violations were of public health concern "because they suggest that Kaletra is safer and more effective than has been demonstrated by substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience, and encourage use in circumstances other than those for which the drug has been shown to be safe and effective."

    "FDA is not aware of substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience to support effectiveness for five or more years of treatment with Kaletra in treatment-experienced adults. The personal experience of Kaletra patients, such as Magic Johnson, does not constitute such evidence."

    So if overpriced drug cocktails aren't keeping Johnson alive, what explains his survival?

    It's explained by the fact that HIV is a load of bollocks. A shady test that claims you are ‘HIV positive’ does not mean you are in fact harboring a deadly 'virus.'

    If ‘HIV’ was so deadly, then lab animals infected with it would get sick and die.

    But guess what? Administering a so-called isolate of uber-deadly HIV to animals results in ... nothing.


    That's right - directly administering the Virus That Causes AIDS™ to animals does not cause AIDS.

    "The only animals susceptible to experimental HIV-1** infection are the chimpanzee, gibbon ape, and rabbit but AIDS-like disease has not yet been reported in these species," lamented the authors of a 1989 FASEB paper.


    I'm guessing those chimps, gibbons and wascawwy wabbits didn't have a history of syphilis, smoking crack or inhaling poppers.

    Experiments in which human volunteers are deliberately 'infected' with the 'HIV isolate' would never get past the ethics committees of most research institutions.

    We do, however, have numerous instances of involuntary infection to give us a guide as to what happens when otherwise low-risk individuals are exposed to 'HIV.'

    In a 1984 NEJM letter, before 'HIV' testing became available, Sloan Kettering researchers reported there had been 27 parenteral exposures by 25 staff to the blood of AIDS patients since August 1982 (24 exposures were via needlestick).

    "All the involved staff are in their usual (generally excellent) state of health," including those who were exposed more than 12 months ago. Blood work was available for 12 staff with exposure more than 6 months prior, and no abnormalities were evident, reported the researchers.

    During 1985–2013, 58 confirmed and 150 possible cases of occupationally acquired HIV infection among healthcare workers were reported to the CDC. Since 1999, only one confirmed case (a laboratory technician sustaining a needle puncture while working with a live HIV culture in 2008) has been reported. There is no mention of subsequent AIDS, something the fear-porn agents at the CDC would surely have mentioned had it occurred.

    Some of you have probably heard of Dr Robert Willner, who twice deliberately pricked himself on TV with blood from 'HIV-positive' men (in Spain 1993, and USA 1994). Willner was an outspoken critic of the HIV hypothesis, having authored a book titled Deadly Deception: The Proof that Sex and HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS. Depending on who you listen to, Willner died 3 months after his 1994 TV appearance in a car crash, or the following year from a heart attack. Neither outcome is consistent with the oft-cited sequelae of AIDS.

    Jump, Jump, Jump Around

    Despite the fact that it is scientifically untenable, the HIV theory of AIDS still reigns supreme. Which brings us back to the key question: Why did 'HIV' wait until Wham! and Devine hit the charts before it started striking down gay blokes en mass?

    Enter the apes.

    According to Wikipedia, "HIV made the jump from other primates to humans in west-central Africa in the early-to-mid-20th century." (Bold emphasis added)

    Just like Sars-Cov-2 was purported to have kicked off when the allegedly zoonotic virus "jumped" to humans from a bat or pangolin at a Wuhan wet market that did not sell any bats or pangolins.

    Says Wikipedia, "Scientists generally accept that the known strains (or groups) of HIV-1 are most closely related to the simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) endemic in wild ape populations of West Central African forests." (Bold emphasis added).

    "Generally accept" is code for "Scientists have no proof of this, but pretend it's true anyway."

    This brings us to an oft-cited 2011 paper titled "Origins of HIV and the AIDS Pandemic" which repeats the claim that "simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) ... crossed from monkeys to apes and from apes to humans." The paper was authored by Paul Sharp and Beatrice Hahn, the latter a member of Gallo's NCI lab team which she joined in 1982.

    A chimpanzee minding his own business while a Gallo associate who blames apes for spreading HIV to humans (Beatrice Hahn) stares at him from a distance.
    In their paper, the researchers provide a graphic claiming SIV resulting in HIV-1 has been transmitted to humans via chimpanzees and gorillas.

    Hold that thought.

    According to the official narrative, the primary routes of 'HIV' transmission in humans are sexual intercourse with an infected individual, sharing needles with an infected person while taking drugs, transfusions of infected blood, or transmission from an infected pregnant mother to fetus.

    Sharp and Hahn speculate that SIVs first developed in chimpanzees, and were spread among the chimpanzee community primarily through sexual activity, from infected mothers to infants, and "in rare cases, possibly by aggression."

    But how did the disease "jump" from apes to humans? Researchers can't claim humans and apes were shooting up drugs together and sharing needles while doing so, or that apes were administering blood transfusions to humans, because that would be patently absurd.

    Ditto for suggesting apes were passing SIV to humans via birth, because apes don't give birth to humans.

    Claiming that apes transmitted SIV to humans because they were having cross-species sexual encounters would also be a hard sell. Humans are capable of some pretty weird and degenerate behaviour, but good luck pinning down a chimp or gorilla while you attempt to get jiggy with it.

    Meet Bruce. Can bench press you and your extended family with one arm. Incursions into his personal space not advised.
    "How humans acquired the ape precursors of HIV-1 groups M, N, O, and P is not known," write Sharp and Hahn, "however, based on the biology of these viruses, transmission must have occurred through cutaneous or mucous membrane exposure to infected ape blood and/or body fluids. Such exposures occur most commonly in the context of bushmeat hunting." (Bold emphasis added).

    Researchers can't explain exactly how immunodeficiency viruses pole-vaulted from apes to human, so they simply assume it must have happened during hunting expeditions.

    Virologists do a lot of assuming.

    Sharp and Hahn write that the first clue to HIV-1's "sudden emergence, epidemic spread, and unique pathogenicity" came in 1986 when a “morphologically similar but anti-genically distinct” virus was allegedly found to cause AIDS in patients in western Africa.

    Well riddle me this, Batman: Humans have been around for 2.5 million years, and the earliest Homo sapiens were getting around some 300,000 years ago.

    We've been hunting that whole time.

    Furthermore, the advance of agriculture and the steadily declining numbers of hunter-gatherers in modern times would have meant a greatly reduced opportunity for SIV to jump aboard the H-train via scratchy-bitey-fluid-exchangey hunting confrontations.

    Yet immunodeficiency viruses waited until the latter half of the Twentieth Century to successfully make the big cross-species jump?

    What an utter crock.

    Wikipedia admits "How the SIV virus would have transformed into HIV after infection of the hunter or bushmeat handler from the ape/monkey is still a matter of debate."

    Translated: There is no actual scientific evidence to support the claim that, after allegedly entering the human body, ‘SIV’ magically transformed into ‘HIV.’

    The Sodomy Paradox

    There's another problem with the official AIDS narrative which holds that, after catching SIV from apes during hunting mishaps in Africa, it "transformed" into HIV, which hunter-gatherers then spread by doing the backdoor boogie with gay abandon.

    That story further holds that, somewhere along the way, one of these HIV-carrying ape-hunters nailed a gay airline steward from America. Patient Zero then flew back to the US, and began having lots of AIDS-causing unprotected sex in the saunas of San Francisco. Or the gay bars of New York. Or the wet markets of Wisconsin, I'm not sure, all this virus BS gets a bit hard to keep track of after a while.

    It doesn't really matter, because like the rest of the AIDS tale, the gay airline steward story was nonsense. Gaetan Dugas, the French-Canadian flight attendant posthumously labelled 'Patient Zero' and accused of single-handedly igniting the spread of HIV/AIDS across North America, was later exonerated.

    Thanks to the determined sleuthing of Pullitzer Prize-winning reporter John Crewdson, it was known by 1988 that what we now call AIDS was in fact present in America in the 1960s. While the rest of the media was tripping over itself to blame Dugas (“THE MAN WHO GAVE US AIDS” blared the New York Post’s October 6, 1987 headline; “Canadian Said to Have Had Key Role in Spread of AIDS,” wrote the New York Times, while the National Review nicknamed Dugas “the Columbus of AIDS"), Crewdson had discovered a 1973 case report that showed the official Patient Zero story was bollocks.

    That 1973 case report described Robert Rayford, a 15-year-old black lad from St. Louis who had died of AIDS in 1969 - more than a decade before anyone knew what AIDS was. The impoverished teen had presented to hospital in the spring of 1968 with swollen loins covered with open, infected sores. He struggled while breathing, was razor thin and pale as a ghost. Doctors initially suspected cancer, but subsequent tests revealed herpes, genital warts, and a severe case of chlamydia. The infection spread, in the form of purple colored lesions, to his legs, causing a misdiagnosis of lymphedema. He eventually succumbed to his condition in May 1969, leaving doctors baffled.

    The teen, who doctors described as mildly intellectually impaired, said he'd suffered the symptoms for around two years prior to seeking medical help. He denied injury or animal bites, had not travelled outside the midwestern United States, but admitted to "frequent" heterosexual intercourse. His family consented to an autopsy, which revealed "widespread Kaposi's sarcoma of the aggressive, disseminated type." The autopsy also found evidence of anal scarring and a particular kind of lesion no one had identified when Rayford was alive. Some doctors thought the scarring indicated Rayford was gay; others pointed out he may have been sexually abused.

    Struck by how closely Rayford's symptoms resembled those of AIDS, Crewdson flew to St. Louis and found a pathologist willing to dig through laboratory freezers in search of the youth's tissue samples. By using the test 'co-developed' by Gallo and the French, researchers were able to determine that the boy, incredibly, had been infected with 'HIV.'

    The finding was published in JAMA in 1988. However, it was not until 2016 that the fake Dugas tale was officially revoked.

    Had the Rayford story been more widely known, it wouldn’t have been good for HIV business.

    Not to worry, the out-of-Africa hypothesis was salvaged in 1998 when researchers claimed they had detected HIV - by a PCR process involving two rounds of amplification for a combined total of 69 cycles - in a plasma sample obtained in early 1959 from an adult Bantu male, with a sickle-cell trait and a glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency, living in the Belgian Congo. Two of the researchers announcing this narrative-saving discovery hailed from the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, at Rockefeller University in New York.

    So just like the COVID charade, we have a shamdemic for which the original Patient Zero story was shown to be a bunch of cobblers. Just like the COVID sham, few people noticed or cared and the rest of the AIDS tale continued its relentless march and took on a life of its own.

    Despite more holes than a ... wait, that's dangerous pun territory ... I mean, despite a plethora of discrepancies, the official Fauci-endorsed tale still has HIV migrating from Africa to the US and spread in the early 1980s by blokes bumping uglies in big city gay bars and saunas.

    And Fauci should know, because he went to gay saunas and gay bars himself in the “early stages” of the AIDS “explosion” to get a “feel” for the situation.

    Purely for ‘research’ purposes, of course (wink, wink).

    It's okay Tony, it's 2024, you don't have to cover for your sexuality anymore.

    A young Anthony Fauci displaying his "I've just been to the saunas!" smile. Your tax money at work.
    You could literally fill a book with all the discrepancies contained within the official AIDS story; several authors have already done just that. What I wanted to highlight here are the commonalities between the AIDS and COVID sagas.

    Both featured never-isolated 'viruses' with nonsensical 'Patient Zero' stories.

    ‘Isolates’ of both these ‘deadly’ and ‘novel’ viruses do a whole lot of nothing when administered to our primate cousins.

    Both sagas featured Anthony Fauci, showing up on cue touting the most toxic drug he could get away with recommending.

    Both featured doomsday, end-of-times hyperbole in which testing 'positive' was initially considered a death sentence.

    Both were remarkable demonstrations of how the media and masses could be easily manipulated into accepting a pandemic scare that, upon the most cursory examination, simply didn't add up.

    *During the presidency of former actor Ronald Reagan, senior administration officials secretly — and illegally — arranged for the sale of arms to Iran in return for Iran’s promise to help secure the release of a group of Americans being held hostage in Lebanon.

    Suspiciously, the hostages were formally released into US custody just minutes after Reagan was sworn into office.

    Proceeds from the arms sales were then secretly, and again illegally, funneled to the Contras, a group of rebels fighting the Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua.

    Is if that wasn't bad enough, the CIA looked the other way while the Contras trafficked cocaine into the US to help finance their fight to oust the communist Sandinistas. The scandal was exposed in 1996 by the brilliant, Pullitzer Prize-winning journalist Gary Webb while writing for the San Jose Mercury News. His series described a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring that sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles, funelling millions in drug profits to the CIA-assisted Contras. This drug ring "opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles" and, as a result, "helped spark a crack explosion in urban America."

    His articles caused a proverbial shit-storm, prompting the government to conduct several investigations into itself and declaring itself innocent of all charges. We were supposed to believe it was all just an accidental oversight when even the Kerry report acknowledged "the Contra drug links included", among other connections, "... payments to drug traffickers by the U.S. State Department of funds authorized by the Congress for humanitarian assistance to the Contras, in some cases after the traffickers had been indicted by federal law enforcement agencies on drug charges, in others while traffickers were under active investigation by these same agencies." (Bold emphasis added).

    The Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and Washington Post launched their own 'investigations' (read: hatchet jobs) and rejected Webb's allegations, instead siding with the government - a practice they uphold to this day.

    However, an internal CIA report released in 1998 admitted the CIA ‘overlooked’ or ‘ignored’ reports that the Nicaragua Contra rebels financed their fight to oust the communist Sandinistas through the sale of drugs in the United States.

    **‘HIV-1’ is the form of ‘HIV’ allegedly most common and threatening to humans. According to the official tale, ‘HIV-2’ is rare and of little threat.


    Why the Official AIDS Story is a Complete Crock The Great Rebranding, 1980s-Style: HIV Was a Sham, Just Like Sars-Cov-2 Anthony Colpo All you youngsters born after the Glomesh era have surely heard of AIDS, but probably have no idea of just how big a deal it was when it burst onto the scene in the early 1980s. It was the biggest show in town. Sure, it wasn't as big a deal as what COVID would later be. It wasn't accompanied by 'vaccine' mandates, lockdowns or heavily-armed goons bashing people for sitting peacefully in the park. Instead of masks, there were condoms and paper toilet seat covers. There was no social distancing, only admonitions to avoid unprotected sex and not share needles when shooting up. Fauci was there, front and center, but he wasn't telling us to wear two condoms at once. Instead, he was pimping a toxic concoction known as AZT. Right off the bat, nothing made sense about the AIDs charade. It does make sense in hindsight if you view it as a giant test run, an exercise in spreading 'virus' hysteria. The HIV/AIDS charade confirmed most people don't ask questions, and those who do can be quickly shouted over and marginalized as "deniers," "conspiracists" and menaces to society. It also confirmed that not only could people be convinced to take toxic drugs in response to an overblown 'pandemic' scare, but they could be manipulated into rabidly demanding their expedited release. It was an exercise whose lessons would prove valuable come December 2019. AIDS stands for "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome." In other words, you somehow "acquired" an immune system that, like a tired car engine with 300,000 km on the clock, was about to blow its last gasket. It was first identified in 1981 in Los Angeles when the CDC reported on five young homosexual men suffering pneumonia caused by a protozoon known as Pneumocystis carinii. This microbe is ordinarily innocuous and, in fact, found in nearly all healthy persons. For reasons unknown it had suddenly become lethal - an outcome previously seen only in persons whose immune systems were being undermined by immunosuppressant therapy, cancer, or severe malnourishment. This same pneumonia promptly appeared in New York, together with several dozen cases of an unusual skin cancer called Kaposi's Sarcoma which had previously been almost unknown in the US. Eventually Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi's Sarcoma were interpreted as secondary manifestations of an underlying immune-system deficiency of unknown origin which was eventually dubbed "acquired immunodeficiency disease syndrome" or AIDS. The bodies of AIDS patients seemed to have just given up. Patients suffered severe weight loss and lethargy and were so immune deficient that even a minor infection threatened to kill them. The first few thousand cases were found mostly in homosexual males, and the media bombarded us with images of emaciated gay blokes on the verge of death and barely able to sit upright. Initially, the condition was referred to as GRID (gay-related immune deficiency). Outside of scientific circles, it came to be known as the "gay plague" and religious fundamentalists trumpeted the phenomenon as God's revenge on evil sodomites. That began to change in 1983, when AIDS was found to affect heterosexual women, which caused the fear porn to increase by an order of magnitude. As with COVID, health authorities treated us to an orgy of fearmongering and doomsday predictions - and the sheeple lapped it up. In 1986, Dr. Donald Ian Macdonald, then Acting Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, described "the escalating AIDS epidemic" as "staggering," "devastating" and a "huge problem." Dr. Halfdan Mahler, Danish physician and head of the World Health Organization, called AIDS "a health disaster of pandemic proportions" and said he could "not imagine a worse health problem in this century." "We stand nakedly in front of a very serious pandemic as mortal as any pandemic there ever has been," Mahler bizarrely quipped. Why he would don his birthday suit instead of a Hazmat one in the face of such a mortal pandemic was never explained, but that's globalist bureaucrats for you. "I don't know of any greater killer than AIDS, not to speak of its psychological, social and economic maiming," continued Mahler, who after leaving WHO became director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Not to be outdone, in 1987 Harvard biology professor Stephen Jay Gould, said AIDS was "potentially, the greatest natural tragedy in human history." He warned "AIDS may run through the entire population, and may carry off a quarter or more of us" (in 1987, the world population was just over 5 billion; it now stands at over 8 billion). That same year, Gallup asked an open-ended question about what Americans saw as the most urgent health problem facing the US. Despite the fact AIDS has never even come close to being the leading cause of death in the US, more than two-thirds of Americans said AIDS. The disease continued as the top pick until 2000. According to Gallop polls conducted in 1987, most Americans (60%) agreed people with AIDS should be made to carry a card noting they had the disease, and one in three (33%) agreed employers should be allowed to fire employees who had AIDS. Twenty-one percent of Americans said people with AIDS should be isolated from the rest of society. An earlier LA Times poll from 1985 found more than half of US adults supported quarantining AIDS patients, nearly half would approve of ID cards for those testing positive for "AIDS antibodies," and one in seven favored tattooing those with the disease. People never learn. A Disease Looking For a Cause Authorities had presented us with a new public health scare, but no causal agent. No-one knew what caused the immune systems of AIDS patients to become so deficient. Was it a new microbe? A new drug scourge? God's revenge for Abba and Disco Duck? No-one knew. At least officially. In reality, authorities knew damn well what was going on. But they didn’t tell us. Instead, they eventually claimed AIDS was the result of a 'novel virus' that, in 1986, was named "human immunodeficiency virus,” or HIV. The 'novel virus' paradigm holds that a 'zoonotic' virus wakes up one day, and decides to "jump" from apes/bats/pangolins/garden gnomes to humans. This novel virus then acts like a seventeen year old that has been given the keys to an alcohol-filled mansion while mom and dad head off for a weekend vacation. However, the virus has no friends to party with. So he first has to convert to a 'human' form of the virus, then he has to begin self-replicating in order to build a social circle. Once this is done, the virions party so hard that the host becomes sick. The virions conclude their current host is no fun, so they go looking for a new host to party inside. The process repeats itself, and before you know it, there's a 'pandemic' going on with squillions of little virions pogo-dancing in global synchrony and chanting "the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!!" while trashing everything in sight. Viruses these days, sheesh. Setting aside the glaring fallacies of the virus 'isolation' charade, the 'novel virus = pandemic’ theory is an inherent load of cobblers. Outbreaks of what look to be infectious illnesses don't just happen for no reason. There has to be some facilitating factor. AIDS became a big thing in the early 1980s, and we know that initially, the majority of patients were gay males. African-Americans were also known to be at increased risk. Even if butt sex is an especially efficient method of transmitting STDs, it doesn't explain why AIDS became a phenomenon in the 1980s. After all, both sodomy and homosexuality have been around as long as humans have. Heck, even apes have been observed taking rides on the Hershey Highway. Which begs the question: What other events with the potential for dire impact on health occurred around the same time as the AIDS outbreak? The Other Crack Rears Its Ugly Head Thanks in no small part to Uncle Sam and his ability to conveniently look the other way when it suits his financial and geopolitical interests*, the early 1980s saw a massive flood of cocaine into the US, with urban black neighborhoods the worst afflicted. So plentiful was the supply of cocaine, drug dealers came up with a way to make it even cheaper and more addictive in order to expand their customer base. Freebase is the name given to the original form of smokable coke, which resulted in a more intense high than snorting. While this constituted an obvious selling point, the process for making freebase required ether, making it notoriously volatile and dangerous to produce. In a famed 1980 incident, comedian Richard Pryor suffered severe and life-threatening burns after mixing cocaine with ether at his home; the mixture promptly exploded in his face. Freebase cocaine seems to have first surfaced in the US in the mid-1970s. Around 1980, a less volatile but similar process was developed by dealers in which cocaine was dissolved in a solution of water and baking soda and then dried out into "crack rocks." As the rocks are heated, it makes a crackling sound, hence the name. As early as 1981, reports of crack appeared in Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston, and in the Caribbean. Its use quickly spread to other major US cities, and by 1987, crack was reportedly available in DC and all but four states in the Union. "In some major cities, such as New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia, one dosage unit of crack could be obtained for as little as $2.50," writes the US DEA. "Never before had any form of cocaine been available at such low prices and at such high purity." The crack epidemic dramatically increased the number of Americans addicted to cocaine, as well as the number of cocaine-related hospital emergencies. In 1985, cocaine-related hospital emergencies rose by 12 percent, from 23,500 to 26,300. In 1986, these incidents increased 110 percent, from 26,300 to 55,200. The crack cocaine explosion, you'll notice, overlaps neatly with the AIDS "explosion." The House of Representatives Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control held cocaine hearings in July, October, and November 1980. Dr. Robert Byck, who along with his colleagues conducted the first scientific studies of cocaine plasma levels after coca paste smoking, testified at the hearings. He warned that the heavy use of smokable freebase cocaine, employed by an estimated 10 percent of cocaine users, was about to change. He warned Congress that the US was about to experience the worst epidemic of drug abuse the country had ever seen. Byck predicted the use of smoked cocaine in the 1980s would match the widespread use of "speed" (methamphetamine) in the 1960s. He urged Congress and the National Institute on Drug Abuse to mount an education and prevention campaign to avert this impending epidemic. No such campaign was undertaken. "The emergence of crack cocaine use in the United States during the mid-1980s was one of the most significant public health problems of that era," note Watkins et al in a 1998 paper. "Crack use contributed to a series of sexually transmitted disease epidemics, to epidemic increases in violent injuries and homicides, and to significant increases in the incidence and prevalence of cocaine addiction. Despite these threats to health and safety, a national public health campaign to counter crack-related morbidity and mortality was never mounted." Is that because authorities were already committed to carrying out a manufactured 'HIV' crisis? Crack, Risky Sex, and 'HIV' A 1994 NEJM article reported an analysis of 1,967 people recruited from inner-city neighborhoods in New York, Miami, and San Francisco. All respondents reported never having injected drugs, however 1,137 were regular smokers of crack. The remaining 830 people reported never having smoked crack. The results for crack users weren't pretty. Female crack users were 4.1 times more likely to have been raped, and 1.6 times more likely to have had their first vaginal or anal sex encounter before 13 years of age. Both male and female crack users reported a higher number of sexual partners than non-users; in the case of women, crack users were 11 times more likely to have had 50 or more sexual partners. Crack-smoking women were 13.5 times more likely than nonsmoking women to have engaged in sexual work at any time, and 28.8 times more likely to have engaged in recent, unprotected sex work. Male crack smokers, meanwhile, were 3.4 times more likely to report ever having homosexual anal sex, and 23 times more likely to have had 50 or more male anal sex partners. Clearly, crack users were significantly more likely to engage in prostitution and risky sexual practices. Not surprising then, that female and male crack users had higher historical rates of syphilis (3.5 and 2.2, respectively) and gonorrhea (1.8 and 1.6, respectively). When the researchers ran blood tests for current infection, female and male crack users were significantly more likely to test positive for syphilis (2.8 and 1.6, respectively). Among the participants in New York and Miami, HIV 'infection' was 2.3 times more prevalent among crack smokers than among nonsmokers (prevalence of HIV antibodies among participants recruited in San Francisco was low). Testing positive for ‘HIV antibodies’ was strongly associated with previous or current infection with other STDs. A positive reactive syphilis test (adjusted odds ratio, 2.3) and a history of herpes (adjusted odds ratio, 3.6) remained significantly associated with HIV infection after adjustment for high-risk sexual practices and African-American race. Other studies found similar results. Chiasson and colleagues at the New York City Department of Health examined the link between HIV infection and crack use. Examining patients at an STD clinic in the South Bronx, they found that, among women with no other identified risk (i.e., no injectible drug use), crack use, prostitution, crack-using prostitution and history of syphilis were all found to be risk factors for HIV infection. Among men with no other risk behavior, a history of syphilis was in fact the strongest predictor of HIV infection - greater than crack use and contact with prostitutes. In a 1990 paper, Greenspan and Castro note "between 1981 and 1983, the incidence of primary and secondary syphilis in the United States increased 34%, reaching a rate in 1989 (18.4 cases per 100,000 persons) that was higher than at any time since 1949. Between 1985 and 1989, incidence among blacks more than doubled, from 52.5 to 121.8 cases per 100,000; the increase was greater for black women than for black men (176% versus 106%). These trends are markers for the same high-risk sexual practices that promote transmission of HIV." So crack, syphilis and ‘HIV’ are closely related. Now let's look at another class of drugs showing a close correlation with pre-existing STDs and ‘HIV.’ The Popper Phenomenon “Poppers” is a slang term for nitrite inhalant drugs (when they were first manufactured, they came in small ampoules that were 'popped' to release fumes). Amyl nitrite was originally developed to treat angina pectoris by dilating blood vessels, allowing the heart to get more oxygen and thereby relieving the pain. Arteries are not the only thing poppers help to dilate. Inhaling nitrites relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body - including the sphincter muscles, making it particularly helpful to gay posteriors. Along with facilitating anal sex, the blood vessel-dilating effects of poppers can produce a brief but intense sensation of heat and euphoria lasting 1 or 2 minutes. The story of poppers is an interesting one, involving US Vietnam vets, a profiteering Big Pharma and an enabling FDA, a gay medical student and organized criminals. The latter two entities sidestepped an eventual prescription requirement for amyl nitrite by creating butyl and isobutyl nitrite - less pure, more toxic, and even faster-acting versions than the original. Further restrictions were averted thanks to an unwritten agreement between producers and the FDA that poppers were only to be advertised in gay-oriented publications, as 'room deodorizers.' During the 1970s and early 80s, poppers were advertised heavily in the gay press, and the drugs became an integral part of gay culture. Not only was it routine for patrons at gay nightclubs to freely pass the vials around, some "disco clubs would even add to the general euphoria by occasionally spraying the dance floor with poppers fumes." "The miasma of nitrite fumes was taken for granted at gay gathering places: bars, baths, leather clubs," writes John Lauritsen in a 1994 New York Native article. "Some gay men were never without their little bottle, from which they snorted fumes around the clock." Throwing caution to the wind when it comes to drugs never ends well. Amyl nitrite was developed for occasional use by angina patients, not as a party drug to be snorted every time one hit the dance floor or engaged in a bout of Jolly Rogering. Apart from causing localized damage to nasal membranes, poppers have been linked to anemia, strokes, heart, lung, and brain damage, cardiovascular collapse, and, tellingly, the blood de-oxygenation, thymus atrophy, chronic depletion of T-cell ratio's associated with severe immune dysfunction. The drugs have also been linked to the development of Kaposi's Sarcoma. Sounds a lot like AIDS, doesn't it? While researchers and the more level-headed of gay advocates warned of the dangers, the FDA continued to look the other way. The gay press, whose advertising revenue relied heavily on popper ads, also willfully turned a blind eye to the dangers. In the 1980s, in a lukewarm attempt to be seen to be doing something about the problem, US health officials banned the use of poppers in public places and required merchants to post warnings about their dangers. "The warnings about their use disappeared sometime in the late '80s to early '90s," reports SFGATE, "and no one seems to know why." "During the first few years of the AIDS epidemic," writes Ian Young at VirusMyth.org, "poppers came under suspicion as a possible contributing factor. But after 1984, when the Reagan administration pronounced a single retrovirus to be the only cause of the growing list of AIDS illnesses, the health hazards of poppers were dismissed. All attention and funding was directed to HIV." Fun fact: Burroughs Wellcome, the original manufacturers of poppers, went on to profit handsomely from the subsequent AIDS hysteria with its highly-toxic 'anti-AIDS' drug AZT. History is Made (Up) There were major drug scourges afflicting the high-risk gay and African-American communities, drugs whose chronologies overlapped neatly with the AIDS outbreak. Use and abuse of these drugs was well established to cause severe illness, immune dysfunction and was also strongly correlated with pre-existing STDs like syphilis. The powers-that-be, however, had already decided the sole cause of AIDs was a 'novel virus.' They just needed to come up with one. And so along came the virologists to save the day. Not just any old bunch of virologists, but virologists with friends in high places. In France, this meant Luc Montagnier and his team at the Pasteur Institute, which advises the French government and the World Health Organization (WHO), and maintains a close collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In the US, it meant sci-bureaucrats from the government's behemoth National Institutes of Health (NIH). One of the key figures was the caustic Robert S Gallo, a researcher at the NIH's National Cancer Institute, where he worked for 30 years mainly as head of the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology. Gallo’s career would be dogged by controversy and misconduct allegations, but that’s a whole other article (stay tuned). The other career bureaucrat that would play a key role on the US side was none other than Anthony S Fauci, who recently completed a ridiculous 38-year reign as unelected head of the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). If you've surmised that, with names like the above, the HIV story must be a real shite show, you are absolutely correct. HIV is Invented 'Discovered' In 1983, the Pasteur Institute researchers declared they had 'isolated' a 'retrovirus' belonging to the family of T-cell leukemia viruses (HTLV), and concluded it "may be involved in several pathological syndromes, including AIDS." (Bold emphasis added) Their isolate came from a promiscuous 33-year-old Caucasian homosexual male referred to as "BRU", who indicated he'd had more than 50 sexual partners per year. Nasty. According to the authors, he displayed "signs and symptoms that often precede the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)." However, the only symptoms reported for the patient were multiple lymphadenopathies (swollen lymph glands) and asthenia (weakness), which are evident in many conditions aside from AIDS. Neither fever nor recent loss of weight were noted. In other words, the patient from whom the alleged AIDS-causing virus was first 'isolated' from did not have an AIDS diagnosis. Tellingly, the patient did have a history of several episodes of gonorrhea and had been treated for syphilis in September 1982. Lymphadenopathy is one of the symptoms of both the aforementioned infections. The study's lead author was Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, although the finding is routinely credited to the paper's last listed author, the late Montagnier. The French study was marred by two key problems. It did not isolate any virus, and it did not show AIDS was caused by any HTLV offshoot. Forty years later, little has changed. The terminology and rationalizations have indeed become increasingly complex (as is the case with most elaborate lies), but there is no physical isolate of 'HIV.' Virologists and their sycophants, of course, insist this doesn't matter and that their non-purified mixtures are indeed isolates. While they condescendingly sneer and dismiss anyone who disputes this as a silly little dumb-dumb that doesn't 'understand' virology, they tend to remain rather quiet on another highly inconvenient observation. Namely, there is no proof that whatever is in their ‘isolates’ actually causes AIDS. HIV and Sars-Cov-2: The 'Deadly' Viruses That Aren't Deadly In the early days of 'COVID', testing positive for the mythical Sars-Cov-2 was considered a death sentence. So much so, that some folks didn't even bother getting their affairs in order; they instead killed themselves. Such is the power of all this heinous "deadly virus" bullshit. It was the same in the 'HIV' Dark Ages - testing positive was considered a death sentence. When a famous basketballer by the name of Erving “Magic” Johnson announced he was HIV positive in 1991, everyone was shocked. "Now we all know someone with HIV," said someone I can't recall in what was supposed to be a profound, insight-triggering moment. Johnson, everyone assumed, was now living on borrowed time. Thirty-three years later, Johnson is still alive and wealthy. He attributes his survival to antiretroviral cocktails that have never been shown in clinical studies to benefit survival: GlaxoSmithKline's Trizivir and Abbott's Kaletra. These cocktails are comprised of drugs like AZT which increase the risk of side effects but have never been shown to exert a mortality benefit. Johnson, it should be noted, has featured in ads for both products. In 2009, the FDA issued a warning letter to Abbott Laboratories regarding a promotional DVD in which Johnson discussed his experiences with Kaletra. The letter stated the violations were of public health concern "because they suggest that Kaletra is safer and more effective than has been demonstrated by substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience, and encourage use in circumstances other than those for which the drug has been shown to be safe and effective." "FDA is not aware of substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience to support effectiveness for five or more years of treatment with Kaletra in treatment-experienced adults. The personal experience of Kaletra patients, such as Magic Johnson, does not constitute such evidence." So if overpriced drug cocktails aren't keeping Johnson alive, what explains his survival? It's explained by the fact that HIV is a load of bollocks. A shady test that claims you are ‘HIV positive’ does not mean you are in fact harboring a deadly 'virus.' If ‘HIV’ was so deadly, then lab animals infected with it would get sick and die. But guess what? Administering a so-called isolate of uber-deadly HIV to animals results in ... nothing. Stugatz. That's right - directly administering the Virus That Causes AIDS™ to animals does not cause AIDS. "The only animals susceptible to experimental HIV-1** infection are the chimpanzee, gibbon ape, and rabbit but AIDS-like disease has not yet been reported in these species," lamented the authors of a 1989 FASEB paper. Oops. I'm guessing those chimps, gibbons and wascawwy wabbits didn't have a history of syphilis, smoking crack or inhaling poppers. Experiments in which human volunteers are deliberately 'infected' with the 'HIV isolate' would never get past the ethics committees of most research institutions. We do, however, have numerous instances of involuntary infection to give us a guide as to what happens when otherwise low-risk individuals are exposed to 'HIV.' In a 1984 NEJM letter, before 'HIV' testing became available, Sloan Kettering researchers reported there had been 27 parenteral exposures by 25 staff to the blood of AIDS patients since August 1982 (24 exposures were via needlestick). "All the involved staff are in their usual (generally excellent) state of health," including those who were exposed more than 12 months ago. Blood work was available for 12 staff with exposure more than 6 months prior, and no abnormalities were evident, reported the researchers. During 1985–2013, 58 confirmed and 150 possible cases of occupationally acquired HIV infection among healthcare workers were reported to the CDC. Since 1999, only one confirmed case (a laboratory technician sustaining a needle puncture while working with a live HIV culture in 2008) has been reported. There is no mention of subsequent AIDS, something the fear-porn agents at the CDC would surely have mentioned had it occurred. Some of you have probably heard of Dr Robert Willner, who twice deliberately pricked himself on TV with blood from 'HIV-positive' men (in Spain 1993, and USA 1994). Willner was an outspoken critic of the HIV hypothesis, having authored a book titled Deadly Deception: The Proof that Sex and HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS. Depending on who you listen to, Willner died 3 months after his 1994 TV appearance in a car crash, or the following year from a heart attack. Neither outcome is consistent with the oft-cited sequelae of AIDS. Jump, Jump, Jump Around Despite the fact that it is scientifically untenable, the HIV theory of AIDS still reigns supreme. Which brings us back to the key question: Why did 'HIV' wait until Wham! and Devine hit the charts before it started striking down gay blokes en mass? Enter the apes. According to Wikipedia, "HIV made the jump from other primates to humans in west-central Africa in the early-to-mid-20th century." (Bold emphasis added) Just like Sars-Cov-2 was purported to have kicked off when the allegedly zoonotic virus "jumped" to humans from a bat or pangolin at a Wuhan wet market that did not sell any bats or pangolins. Says Wikipedia, "Scientists generally accept that the known strains (or groups) of HIV-1 are most closely related to the simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) endemic in wild ape populations of West Central African forests." (Bold emphasis added). "Generally accept" is code for "Scientists have no proof of this, but pretend it's true anyway." This brings us to an oft-cited 2011 paper titled "Origins of HIV and the AIDS Pandemic" which repeats the claim that "simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) ... crossed from monkeys to apes and from apes to humans." The paper was authored by Paul Sharp and Beatrice Hahn, the latter a member of Gallo's NCI lab team which she joined in 1982. A chimpanzee minding his own business while a Gallo associate who blames apes for spreading HIV to humans (Beatrice Hahn) stares at him from a distance. In their paper, the researchers provide a graphic claiming SIV resulting in HIV-1 has been transmitted to humans via chimpanzees and gorillas. Hold that thought. According to the official narrative, the primary routes of 'HIV' transmission in humans are sexual intercourse with an infected individual, sharing needles with an infected person while taking drugs, transfusions of infected blood, or transmission from an infected pregnant mother to fetus. Sharp and Hahn speculate that SIVs first developed in chimpanzees, and were spread among the chimpanzee community primarily through sexual activity, from infected mothers to infants, and "in rare cases, possibly by aggression." But how did the disease "jump" from apes to humans? Researchers can't claim humans and apes were shooting up drugs together and sharing needles while doing so, or that apes were administering blood transfusions to humans, because that would be patently absurd. Ditto for suggesting apes were passing SIV to humans via birth, because apes don't give birth to humans. Claiming that apes transmitted SIV to humans because they were having cross-species sexual encounters would also be a hard sell. Humans are capable of some pretty weird and degenerate behaviour, but good luck pinning down a chimp or gorilla while you attempt to get jiggy with it. Meet Bruce. Can bench press you and your extended family with one arm. Incursions into his personal space not advised. "How humans acquired the ape precursors of HIV-1 groups M, N, O, and P is not known," write Sharp and Hahn, "however, based on the biology of these viruses, transmission must have occurred through cutaneous or mucous membrane exposure to infected ape blood and/or body fluids. Such exposures occur most commonly in the context of bushmeat hunting." (Bold emphasis added). Researchers can't explain exactly how immunodeficiency viruses pole-vaulted from apes to human, so they simply assume it must have happened during hunting expeditions. Virologists do a lot of assuming. Sharp and Hahn write that the first clue to HIV-1's "sudden emergence, epidemic spread, and unique pathogenicity" came in 1986 when a “morphologically similar but anti-genically distinct” virus was allegedly found to cause AIDS in patients in western Africa. Well riddle me this, Batman: Humans have been around for 2.5 million years, and the earliest Homo sapiens were getting around some 300,000 years ago. We've been hunting that whole time. Furthermore, the advance of agriculture and the steadily declining numbers of hunter-gatherers in modern times would have meant a greatly reduced opportunity for SIV to jump aboard the H-train via scratchy-bitey-fluid-exchangey hunting confrontations. Yet immunodeficiency viruses waited until the latter half of the Twentieth Century to successfully make the big cross-species jump? What an utter crock. Wikipedia admits "How the SIV virus would have transformed into HIV after infection of the hunter or bushmeat handler from the ape/monkey is still a matter of debate." Translated: There is no actual scientific evidence to support the claim that, after allegedly entering the human body, ‘SIV’ magically transformed into ‘HIV.’ The Sodomy Paradox There's another problem with the official AIDS narrative which holds that, after catching SIV from apes during hunting mishaps in Africa, it "transformed" into HIV, which hunter-gatherers then spread by doing the backdoor boogie with gay abandon. That story further holds that, somewhere along the way, one of these HIV-carrying ape-hunters nailed a gay airline steward from America. Patient Zero then flew back to the US, and began having lots of AIDS-causing unprotected sex in the saunas of San Francisco. Or the gay bars of New York. Or the wet markets of Wisconsin, I'm not sure, all this virus BS gets a bit hard to keep track of after a while. It doesn't really matter, because like the rest of the AIDS tale, the gay airline steward story was nonsense. Gaetan Dugas, the French-Canadian flight attendant posthumously labelled 'Patient Zero' and accused of single-handedly igniting the spread of HIV/AIDS across North America, was later exonerated. Thanks to the determined sleuthing of Pullitzer Prize-winning reporter John Crewdson, it was known by 1988 that what we now call AIDS was in fact present in America in the 1960s. While the rest of the media was tripping over itself to blame Dugas (“THE MAN WHO GAVE US AIDS” blared the New York Post’s October 6, 1987 headline; “Canadian Said to Have Had Key Role in Spread of AIDS,” wrote the New York Times, while the National Review nicknamed Dugas “the Columbus of AIDS"), Crewdson had discovered a 1973 case report that showed the official Patient Zero story was bollocks. That 1973 case report described Robert Rayford, a 15-year-old black lad from St. Louis who had died of AIDS in 1969 - more than a decade before anyone knew what AIDS was. The impoverished teen had presented to hospital in the spring of 1968 with swollen loins covered with open, infected sores. He struggled while breathing, was razor thin and pale as a ghost. Doctors initially suspected cancer, but subsequent tests revealed herpes, genital warts, and a severe case of chlamydia. The infection spread, in the form of purple colored lesions, to his legs, causing a misdiagnosis of lymphedema. He eventually succumbed to his condition in May 1969, leaving doctors baffled. The teen, who doctors described as mildly intellectually impaired, said he'd suffered the symptoms for around two years prior to seeking medical help. He denied injury or animal bites, had not travelled outside the midwestern United States, but admitted to "frequent" heterosexual intercourse. His family consented to an autopsy, which revealed "widespread Kaposi's sarcoma of the aggressive, disseminated type." The autopsy also found evidence of anal scarring and a particular kind of lesion no one had identified when Rayford was alive. Some doctors thought the scarring indicated Rayford was gay; others pointed out he may have been sexually abused. Struck by how closely Rayford's symptoms resembled those of AIDS, Crewdson flew to St. Louis and found a pathologist willing to dig through laboratory freezers in search of the youth's tissue samples. By using the test 'co-developed' by Gallo and the French, researchers were able to determine that the boy, incredibly, had been infected with 'HIV.' The finding was published in JAMA in 1988. However, it was not until 2016 that the fake Dugas tale was officially revoked. Had the Rayford story been more widely known, it wouldn’t have been good for HIV business. Not to worry, the out-of-Africa hypothesis was salvaged in 1998 when researchers claimed they had detected HIV - by a PCR process involving two rounds of amplification for a combined total of 69 cycles - in a plasma sample obtained in early 1959 from an adult Bantu male, with a sickle-cell trait and a glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency, living in the Belgian Congo. Two of the researchers announcing this narrative-saving discovery hailed from the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, at Rockefeller University in New York. So just like the COVID charade, we have a shamdemic for which the original Patient Zero story was shown to be a bunch of cobblers. Just like the COVID sham, few people noticed or cared and the rest of the AIDS tale continued its relentless march and took on a life of its own. Despite more holes than a ... wait, that's dangerous pun territory ... I mean, despite a plethora of discrepancies, the official Fauci-endorsed tale still has HIV migrating from Africa to the US and spread in the early 1980s by blokes bumping uglies in big city gay bars and saunas. And Fauci should know, because he went to gay saunas and gay bars himself in the “early stages” of the AIDS “explosion” to get a “feel” for the situation. Purely for ‘research’ purposes, of course (wink, wink). It's okay Tony, it's 2024, you don't have to cover for your sexuality anymore. A young Anthony Fauci displaying his "I've just been to the saunas!" smile. Your tax money at work. You could literally fill a book with all the discrepancies contained within the official AIDS story; several authors have already done just that. What I wanted to highlight here are the commonalities between the AIDS and COVID sagas. Both featured never-isolated 'viruses' with nonsensical 'Patient Zero' stories. ‘Isolates’ of both these ‘deadly’ and ‘novel’ viruses do a whole lot of nothing when administered to our primate cousins. Both sagas featured Anthony Fauci, showing up on cue touting the most toxic drug he could get away with recommending. Both featured doomsday, end-of-times hyperbole in which testing 'positive' was initially considered a death sentence. Both were remarkable demonstrations of how the media and masses could be easily manipulated into accepting a pandemic scare that, upon the most cursory examination, simply didn't add up. *During the presidency of former actor Ronald Reagan, senior administration officials secretly — and illegally — arranged for the sale of arms to Iran in return for Iran’s promise to help secure the release of a group of Americans being held hostage in Lebanon. Suspiciously, the hostages were formally released into US custody just minutes after Reagan was sworn into office. Proceeds from the arms sales were then secretly, and again illegally, funneled to the Contras, a group of rebels fighting the Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua. Is if that wasn't bad enough, the CIA looked the other way while the Contras trafficked cocaine into the US to help finance their fight to oust the communist Sandinistas. The scandal was exposed in 1996 by the brilliant, Pullitzer Prize-winning journalist Gary Webb while writing for the San Jose Mercury News. His series described a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring that sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles, funelling millions in drug profits to the CIA-assisted Contras. This drug ring "opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles" and, as a result, "helped spark a crack explosion in urban America." His articles caused a proverbial shit-storm, prompting the government to conduct several investigations into itself and declaring itself innocent of all charges. We were supposed to believe it was all just an accidental oversight when even the Kerry report acknowledged "the Contra drug links included", among other connections, "... payments to drug traffickers by the U.S. State Department of funds authorized by the Congress for humanitarian assistance to the Contras, in some cases after the traffickers had been indicted by federal law enforcement agencies on drug charges, in others while traffickers were under active investigation by these same agencies." (Bold emphasis added). The Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and Washington Post launched their own 'investigations' (read: hatchet jobs) and rejected Webb's allegations, instead siding with the government - a practice they uphold to this day. However, an internal CIA report released in 1998 admitted the CIA ‘overlooked’ or ‘ignored’ reports that the Nicaragua Contra rebels financed their fight to oust the communist Sandinistas through the sale of drugs in the United States. **‘HIV-1’ is the form of ‘HIV’ allegedly most common and threatening to humans. According to the official tale, ‘HIV-2’ is rare and of little threat. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-146567752
    Why the Official AIDS Story is a Complete Crock
    The Great Rebranding, 1980s-Style: HIV Was a Sham, Just Like Sars-Cov-2
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  • Reasons why Egypt is not a friend of Palestine Part 1 - the economic trap
    Egypt has long been responsible for the collective punishment of Palestinians while feigning sympathy.

    vanessa beeley

    Our path to Palestine will not be covered with a red carpet or with yellow sand. Our path to Palestine will be covered with blood... In order that we may liberate Palestine, the Arab nation must unite, the Arab armies must unite, and a unified plan of action must be established. Gamal Abdul Nasser 1965

    Egypt’s pivotal role as an ally and supporter of the Palestinian cause degraded dramatically after the suspected assassination of President Gamal Abdul Nasser in 1967 when Nasser was only 52 and known to be in excellent health.

    Nasser was succeeded by Anwar Sadat who deceived and betrayed Syria during the 1973 October war or the Yom Kippur war as Zionists have named it. Sadat developed a close relationship with war criminal Henry Kissinger which proved deadly for the nationalist movements in the region who opposed normalisation with the genocidal Zionist entity and supported the central Palestinian cause.

    Kissinger astutely perceived Sadat as someone who could be persuaded to capitulate to Israeli ‘peace’ demands which he did in 1979 with the Camp David agreement.

    Camp David was considered a betrayal of the Palestinian Resistance liberation movement and of the legitimate claims of neighbouring states to their land and sovereignty.

    In May 2000 Kissinger wrote about Sadat:

    He did me the honor of inviting me to fly with him to New York from Washington--we had concluded his trip. And he said to me, "you know, next March the Sinai is coming back to us. It's going to be a big celebration. And since you and I started this, you should come to Egypt and celebrate with us."

    Then he thought for a moment and he said "no, you're Jewish. It is very painful for the Israelis to give up this territory. And if they see you in Cairo celebrating with us, they'll be very hurt and we mustn't do this to them. I have a better idea," he said. "Let the territory come back. And then, a month later, you and I alone will take a trip through the Sinai and we'll go to the top of Mt. Sinai where I intend to build a synagogue, a mosque, and a church. And this will be a more meaningful celebration of the peace process than if you come to Cairo."

    In 1973 Kissinger and President Hafez Al Assad met - the first high level meeting between the US and Syria for years. After Kissinger had been speaking for just under and hour, Assad interrupted him and asked if it was his turn to speak.

    As a professor you have spoken for fifty minutes. The President was an officer and officers are brief. As a military man, I take the place of politicians; professors take the place of politicians.

    Assad continued:

    First, we are not or never have been against the people of the United States. I have said this many times and in many places. There is much convincing evidence that we have to be against U.S. policy because it is against Syrian interests and Syrian just aspirations. Had it not been for U.S. assistance in support of Israel, Israel could not remain in occupation and forced out the Palestinians from their lands since 1948 but we are not against the United States as a country or a people.

    Secondly, our policy is decided in light of our national interests. We want to build our line in a completely independent way. Syria is non-aligned. It is an effective member of the non-aligned group and a member of the Bureau. It cannot be diverted, because it has deep convictions.


    …there can be no peace with justice unless the Arab Palestinian question is settled. The Arab people of Palestine were driven out by force and are now living in camps. How can there be peace without settling their problem?

    On the Zionist occupation of Syrian Golan, Assad said:

    If we are to suppose there are such secure borders, history shows we are in the need of secure borders if anyone. Why should secure borders be at the expense of Syria? Let secure borders be at Galilee if anywhere. Under what logic should secure borders be at the expense of the population of Golan? Why should the line of danger be closer to Damascus than Tel Aviv? The distance from the ‘67 border to Damascus is 80 kilometers; the distance from the ‘67 border to Tel Aviv is 135 kilometers. So why should they want secure borders? If the idea behind it is to keep danger away from both capitals, why not?

    Syria and Egypt depend upon unity for their national security. Presidents Nasser and Hafez Al Assad understood this concept. It is no coincidence that Britain created the settler state of Israel in Palestine to drive these two countries apart geographically, politically, economically and ultimately ideologically.

    My dream was realised in the Orient as it almost turned into a nightmare in the Occident. I have spent the best years of my life in Egypt. In Europe the clouds do not allow you to think of the projects that change the course of history whereas in Egypt, whoever rules it is capable of changing history. If I were not ruler of Egypt, I would not have become Emperor of France. (Attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte)

    Fast forward to 2024 and Egypt’s state-role in the humanitarian blockade and Zionist genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied territories.

    I have collated the following reasons why and how Egypt has relinquished its role as a principal loyalist to the Palestinian national liberation movements.

    1: Egypt is on economic life-support provided by the US, EU, IMF, Saudi Arabia and UAE and is reliant on good relations with Israel

    For decades Egypt has been kept afloat economically with multi-billion loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and US allies among the Gulf States.

    At the end of March 2024 the IMF approved Egypt’s loan program which was duly expanded to $ 8 billion. Concurrently the EU has approved a Euros 7.4 billion “assistance” package to revive Egypt’s flatlined economy. Analysts have linked Egypt’s loan packages to the Zionist ongoing genocide in Palestine.

    Egypt is adamant that they are opposed to a Palestinian exodus from Gaza into the Sinai but IMF messaging suggests otherwise:

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says there is “excellent progress” in talks with Egypt over a loan program that seeks to “support” the country in weathering its financial woes and handling a potential deluge of Palestinian refugees that Israel seeks to ethnically cleanse from Gaza.

    Reports of Egypt constructing an enclosure for Palestinian refugees have been circulating since October 7th, gathering traction in February 2024 when satellite images showed an area of land just the other side of the Egyptian Rafah crossing being cleared for construction. Egypt denied any such intentions, claiming that they were preparing an area for the storage of humanitarian aid - aid that has not entered Gaza since 7th October.

    However according to IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva in November 2023:

    “The loan could reach up to $10 billion to help the Egyptian economy survive amid local and external factors, including the Israeli onslaught on the neighboring Gaza Strip and tensions in the Red Sea…

    This coincided with the start of construction work on an “isolated security zone” in the eastern Sinai Desert on the border with the Gaza Strip, which many expect will serve as a buffer zone for displaced Palestinians.

    “The construction work seen in Sinai along the border with Gaza – the establishment of a reinforced security perimeter around a specific, open area of land – are serious signs that Egypt may be preparing to accept and allow the displacement of Gazans to Sinai, in coordination with Israel and the United States.”

    In October 2023 - as Israel's brutal military assault on Gaza continued unabated, reports continued to swirl about a big Egyptian trade-off in the works: the absorption of large numbers of displaced Palestinians from the Strip in exchange for easing Cairo's massive debt load – which surpasses $160 billion.

    Since these rumours of Egypt providing a secondary open air compound for forcibly displaced Palestinians, there have been recent reports of the US “humanitarian” pier being used to ferry Palestinian from Gaza to northern Lebanon, Cyprus and other destinations. Sources within the Resistance in Gaza told Mondoweiss:

    “The floating pier project is an American solution to the displacement dilemma in Gaza,” the source said. “It goes beyond both the Israeli solution of displacing Gazans into Sinai…and the Egyptian suggestion of displacing [Gazans] into the Naqab [desert].”

    This should not detract from Egypt being mired in debt to the friends of Israel and enemies of Palestine nor from its role in blockading Gaza and tacitly collaborating with Israel in the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

    In March the European Union also pledged 7.4 billion Euros to the economically floundering Egyptian regime. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni travelled to Cairo alongside EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the Greek, Austrian and Belgian prime ministers, and the Cypriot president. All these countries have a vested interest in getting someone else to take on the potential tsunami of a Palestinian refugee crisis.

    Ostensibly the investment and concessional loans are designed to boost cooperation in areas including renewable energy, trade and security, while delivering grants, loans and other funding over the next three years to support Egypt's faltering economy.

    The proposed funding includes 5 billion euros in concessional loans and 1.8 billion euros of investments, according to a summary published by the EU. Another 600 million euros would be provided in grants, including 200 million euros for managing migration. (Reuters)

    The United Arab Emirates, a former British protectorate, normalised relations with Israel in 2020 under the Abraham Accords concocted by the Trump administration to bring Arab states into the Greater Israel/Clean Break plan.

    In early May, Egypt received the second installment of funding, worth $ 20 billion, from the Ras Al Hekma deal with the UAE intended to develop the luxury Ras Al Hekma resort on the Mediterranean Sea.

    Cairo had already received $ 5 billion from the UAE deal.

    Egypt is also looking to close a similar deal with Saudi Arabian investors to enable elite coastal developments on the Red Sea coast near Sharm El Sheikh, including the Ras Ghamila resort. This is in combination with the Saudi futuristic Neom project that is seeking to expand into the Egyptian Sinai.

    In 2018 - Saudi Arabia signed an investment agreement with Egypt to develop Egyptian lands in south Sinai to become part of a planned mega-city and business zone unveiled by Saudi Arabia last October. The two countries established a $ 10 billion joint investment fund.

    Reuters reported a Saudi official as saying that Egypt has committed more than 1,000 square kilometers of land in the southern Sinai Peninsula to the NEOM project.

    Saudi Arabia is in negotiations with the US over bilateral defence pacts while allegedly delaying normalisation with Israel dependent on the establishment of a Palestinian state on the scraps of land and rubble left intact in the ever-dwindling Palestinian zones in the Occupied Territories and Gaza.

    Concurrently the Saudi regime is cracking down on pro-Palestine protests in the ‘kingdom’ and has allegedly begun removing negative portrayal of Israel from its school curriculum, as has the UAE.

    In October 2023 journalist Mohamad Hasan Sweidan noted:

    It seems clear that Riyadh decided, from the beginning of the Gaza war, to prepare the internal environment for the post-Gaza phase, that is, the phase of normalization and settlement. Saudi Arabia insisted on not postponing any festival or celebration, prevented participating artists from showing sympathy for the Palestinians, punished those who sympathized with the martyrs of Gaza from a Saudi platform, and even banned the wearing of the Palestinian Kufiyyeh at Mawsim al-Riyadh, a state-funded annual festival.

    Bahrain has been actively investing in Egypt, driven by a mutual need for economic cooperation and diversification. The country has been seeking to revive its fortunes through a recently discovered oilfield and plans to become a regional financial hub. Bahrain normalised with Israel in December 2020.

    UAE and Bahrain were involved in providing a land bridge for Israel during the Zionist genocide in Gaza and West Bank and to counter the Yemeni blockade of the Red Sea shipping routes.

    Egypt leveraged the perceived threat of an overwhelming refugee crisis as a result of the Zionist genocide to secure the IMF and EU loans and to float the faltering economy. Egypt is now in bed with Gulf States, Jordan and even Israel at the expense of the Palestinian cause - Egypt’s impotence has been further demonstrated by the lack of any military deterrence when faced with the Zionist invasion of Rafah and the shooting of an Egyptian soldier at the border.

    Journalist Mohamad Sweidan points out:

    Closing the file on the Palestinian cause and forging ties with Tel Aviv is an ambition the Saudis share with the UAE in pursuit of economic and political gains. Despite official Arab declarations rebuffing displacement plans, behind-the-scenes maneuvers suggest a different reality, one that veers towards the gradual dissolution of the Palestinian cause.

    Egypt’s sovereignty is in question when one considers the following information:

    Riyadh's sudden eagerness to bolster economic ties with Cairo is palpable. With unprecedented directives from both governments, mutual investments are set to soar, with Saudi Arabia aiming to ramp up trade to $100 billion.

    Recent collaborations include a $4 billion deal with Saudi-listed ACWA Power for the Green Hydrogen project. Moreover, strategic initiatives like the memorandum of understanding between the Egyptian Ministry of Military Production and the Saudi General Authority for Military Industries and agreements in petroleum and mineral resources signal deepening economic integration.

    Ongoing negotiations between Cairo and Abu Dhabi to develop a substantial tract of land along Egypt's Mediterranean coast, potentially valued at $22 billion, could be a game-changer for Egypt's beleaguered economy.

    According to the CBE report, the proposed contract's value encompasses a significant portion of the Egyptian government's external debt due in 2024, totaling $29.229 billion. This includes interest payments totaling $6.312 billion and debt installments amounting to $22.917 billion.

    History repeats itself - in 1991, Washington forgave Egypt's debt in return for its support of the US-led coalition against Iraq.

    Only the NATO-proxy failed state of Ukraine has a debt higher than Egypt’s national debt. Let that sink in.

    It is difficult to consider Egypt an honest broker in the Hamas-Israel negotiations. The fate of Palestinians is effectively (from a Western perspective) in the hands of nations that have already acquiesced to recognition and approval of the Zionist entity. Egypt is indebted to every single one of those countries and to their controlling interests in the UK, EU and US. Extrication from such a position is virtually impossible.

    In part 2 I will look at Egypt’s covert cooperation and collaboration with Israel via non-state actors with close ties to the Sisi regime. I will also cover the decades-long Egyptian blockade of Gaza and the treatment of Palestinians in the enclave by Egyptian security forces - something I have personally witnessed when trying to cross into Gaza via the Rafah border crossing.


    Please do consider subscribing to my Substack. Thank you to all those who already do.

    Reasons why Egypt is not a friend of Palestine Part 1 - the economic trap Egypt has long been responsible for the collective punishment of Palestinians while feigning sympathy. vanessa beeley Our path to Palestine will not be covered with a red carpet or with yellow sand. Our path to Palestine will be covered with blood... In order that we may liberate Palestine, the Arab nation must unite, the Arab armies must unite, and a unified plan of action must be established. Gamal Abdul Nasser 1965 Egypt’s pivotal role as an ally and supporter of the Palestinian cause degraded dramatically after the suspected assassination of President Gamal Abdul Nasser in 1967 when Nasser was only 52 and known to be in excellent health. Nasser was succeeded by Anwar Sadat who deceived and betrayed Syria during the 1973 October war or the Yom Kippur war as Zionists have named it. Sadat developed a close relationship with war criminal Henry Kissinger which proved deadly for the nationalist movements in the region who opposed normalisation with the genocidal Zionist entity and supported the central Palestinian cause. Kissinger astutely perceived Sadat as someone who could be persuaded to capitulate to Israeli ‘peace’ demands which he did in 1979 with the Camp David agreement. Camp David was considered a betrayal of the Palestinian Resistance liberation movement and of the legitimate claims of neighbouring states to their land and sovereignty. In May 2000 Kissinger wrote about Sadat: He did me the honor of inviting me to fly with him to New York from Washington--we had concluded his trip. And he said to me, "you know, next March the Sinai is coming back to us. It's going to be a big celebration. And since you and I started this, you should come to Egypt and celebrate with us." Then he thought for a moment and he said "no, you're Jewish. It is very painful for the Israelis to give up this territory. And if they see you in Cairo celebrating with us, they'll be very hurt and we mustn't do this to them. I have a better idea," he said. "Let the territory come back. And then, a month later, you and I alone will take a trip through the Sinai and we'll go to the top of Mt. Sinai where I intend to build a synagogue, a mosque, and a church. And this will be a more meaningful celebration of the peace process than if you come to Cairo." In 1973 Kissinger and President Hafez Al Assad met - the first high level meeting between the US and Syria for years. After Kissinger had been speaking for just under and hour, Assad interrupted him and asked if it was his turn to speak. As a professor you have spoken for fifty minutes. The President was an officer and officers are brief. As a military man, I take the place of politicians; professors take the place of politicians. Assad continued: First, we are not or never have been against the people of the United States. I have said this many times and in many places. There is much convincing evidence that we have to be against U.S. policy because it is against Syrian interests and Syrian just aspirations. Had it not been for U.S. assistance in support of Israel, Israel could not remain in occupation and forced out the Palestinians from their lands since 1948 but we are not against the United States as a country or a people. Secondly, our policy is decided in light of our national interests. We want to build our line in a completely independent way. Syria is non-aligned. It is an effective member of the non-aligned group and a member of the Bureau. It cannot be diverted, because it has deep convictions. […] …there can be no peace with justice unless the Arab Palestinian question is settled. The Arab people of Palestine were driven out by force and are now living in camps. How can there be peace without settling their problem? On the Zionist occupation of Syrian Golan, Assad said: If we are to suppose there are such secure borders, history shows we are in the need of secure borders if anyone. Why should secure borders be at the expense of Syria? Let secure borders be at Galilee if anywhere. Under what logic should secure borders be at the expense of the population of Golan? Why should the line of danger be closer to Damascus than Tel Aviv? The distance from the ‘67 border to Damascus is 80 kilometers; the distance from the ‘67 border to Tel Aviv is 135 kilometers. So why should they want secure borders? If the idea behind it is to keep danger away from both capitals, why not? Syria and Egypt depend upon unity for their national security. Presidents Nasser and Hafez Al Assad understood this concept. It is no coincidence that Britain created the settler state of Israel in Palestine to drive these two countries apart geographically, politically, economically and ultimately ideologically. My dream was realised in the Orient as it almost turned into a nightmare in the Occident. I have spent the best years of my life in Egypt. In Europe the clouds do not allow you to think of the projects that change the course of history whereas in Egypt, whoever rules it is capable of changing history. If I were not ruler of Egypt, I would not have become Emperor of France. (Attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte) Fast forward to 2024 and Egypt’s state-role in the humanitarian blockade and Zionist genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied territories. I have collated the following reasons why and how Egypt has relinquished its role as a principal loyalist to the Palestinian national liberation movements. 1: Egypt is on economic life-support provided by the US, EU, IMF, Saudi Arabia and UAE and is reliant on good relations with Israel For decades Egypt has been kept afloat economically with multi-billion loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and US allies among the Gulf States. At the end of March 2024 the IMF approved Egypt’s loan program which was duly expanded to $ 8 billion. Concurrently the EU has approved a Euros 7.4 billion “assistance” package to revive Egypt’s flatlined economy. Analysts have linked Egypt’s loan packages to the Zionist ongoing genocide in Palestine. Egypt is adamant that they are opposed to a Palestinian exodus from Gaza into the Sinai but IMF messaging suggests otherwise: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says there is “excellent progress” in talks with Egypt over a loan program that seeks to “support” the country in weathering its financial woes and handling a potential deluge of Palestinian refugees that Israel seeks to ethnically cleanse from Gaza. Reports of Egypt constructing an enclosure for Palestinian refugees have been circulating since October 7th, gathering traction in February 2024 when satellite images showed an area of land just the other side of the Egyptian Rafah crossing being cleared for construction. Egypt denied any such intentions, claiming that they were preparing an area for the storage of humanitarian aid - aid that has not entered Gaza since 7th October. However according to IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva in November 2023: “The loan could reach up to $10 billion to help the Egyptian economy survive amid local and external factors, including the Israeli onslaught on the neighboring Gaza Strip and tensions in the Red Sea… This coincided with the start of construction work on an “isolated security zone” in the eastern Sinai Desert on the border with the Gaza Strip, which many expect will serve as a buffer zone for displaced Palestinians. “The construction work seen in Sinai along the border with Gaza – the establishment of a reinforced security perimeter around a specific, open area of land – are serious signs that Egypt may be preparing to accept and allow the displacement of Gazans to Sinai, in coordination with Israel and the United States.” In October 2023 - as Israel's brutal military assault on Gaza continued unabated, reports continued to swirl about a big Egyptian trade-off in the works: the absorption of large numbers of displaced Palestinians from the Strip in exchange for easing Cairo's massive debt load – which surpasses $160 billion. Since these rumours of Egypt providing a secondary open air compound for forcibly displaced Palestinians, there have been recent reports of the US “humanitarian” pier being used to ferry Palestinian from Gaza to northern Lebanon, Cyprus and other destinations. Sources within the Resistance in Gaza told Mondoweiss: “The floating pier project is an American solution to the displacement dilemma in Gaza,” the source said. “It goes beyond both the Israeli solution of displacing Gazans into Sinai…and the Egyptian suggestion of displacing [Gazans] into the Naqab [desert].” This should not detract from Egypt being mired in debt to the friends of Israel and enemies of Palestine nor from its role in blockading Gaza and tacitly collaborating with Israel in the collective punishment of the Palestinian people. In March the European Union also pledged 7.4 billion Euros to the economically floundering Egyptian regime. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni travelled to Cairo alongside EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the Greek, Austrian and Belgian prime ministers, and the Cypriot president. All these countries have a vested interest in getting someone else to take on the potential tsunami of a Palestinian refugee crisis. Ostensibly the investment and concessional loans are designed to boost cooperation in areas including renewable energy, trade and security, while delivering grants, loans and other funding over the next three years to support Egypt's faltering economy. The proposed funding includes 5 billion euros in concessional loans and 1.8 billion euros of investments, according to a summary published by the EU. Another 600 million euros would be provided in grants, including 200 million euros for managing migration. (Reuters) The United Arab Emirates, a former British protectorate, normalised relations with Israel in 2020 under the Abraham Accords concocted by the Trump administration to bring Arab states into the Greater Israel/Clean Break plan. In early May, Egypt received the second installment of funding, worth $ 20 billion, from the Ras Al Hekma deal with the UAE intended to develop the luxury Ras Al Hekma resort on the Mediterranean Sea. Cairo had already received $ 5 billion from the UAE deal. Egypt is also looking to close a similar deal with Saudi Arabian investors to enable elite coastal developments on the Red Sea coast near Sharm El Sheikh, including the Ras Ghamila resort. This is in combination with the Saudi futuristic Neom project that is seeking to expand into the Egyptian Sinai. In 2018 - Saudi Arabia signed an investment agreement with Egypt to develop Egyptian lands in south Sinai to become part of a planned mega-city and business zone unveiled by Saudi Arabia last October. The two countries established a $ 10 billion joint investment fund. Reuters reported a Saudi official as saying that Egypt has committed more than 1,000 square kilometers of land in the southern Sinai Peninsula to the NEOM project. Saudi Arabia is in negotiations with the US over bilateral defence pacts while allegedly delaying normalisation with Israel dependent on the establishment of a Palestinian state on the scraps of land and rubble left intact in the ever-dwindling Palestinian zones in the Occupied Territories and Gaza. Concurrently the Saudi regime is cracking down on pro-Palestine protests in the ‘kingdom’ and has allegedly begun removing negative portrayal of Israel from its school curriculum, as has the UAE. In October 2023 journalist Mohamad Hasan Sweidan noted: It seems clear that Riyadh decided, from the beginning of the Gaza war, to prepare the internal environment for the post-Gaza phase, that is, the phase of normalization and settlement. Saudi Arabia insisted on not postponing any festival or celebration, prevented participating artists from showing sympathy for the Palestinians, punished those who sympathized with the martyrs of Gaza from a Saudi platform, and even banned the wearing of the Palestinian Kufiyyeh at Mawsim al-Riyadh, a state-funded annual festival. Bahrain has been actively investing in Egypt, driven by a mutual need for economic cooperation and diversification. The country has been seeking to revive its fortunes through a recently discovered oilfield and plans to become a regional financial hub. Bahrain normalised with Israel in December 2020. UAE and Bahrain were involved in providing a land bridge for Israel during the Zionist genocide in Gaza and West Bank and to counter the Yemeni blockade of the Red Sea shipping routes. Egypt leveraged the perceived threat of an overwhelming refugee crisis as a result of the Zionist genocide to secure the IMF and EU loans and to float the faltering economy. Egypt is now in bed with Gulf States, Jordan and even Israel at the expense of the Palestinian cause - Egypt’s impotence has been further demonstrated by the lack of any military deterrence when faced with the Zionist invasion of Rafah and the shooting of an Egyptian soldier at the border. Journalist Mohamad Sweidan points out: Closing the file on the Palestinian cause and forging ties with Tel Aviv is an ambition the Saudis share with the UAE in pursuit of economic and political gains. Despite official Arab declarations rebuffing displacement plans, behind-the-scenes maneuvers suggest a different reality, one that veers towards the gradual dissolution of the Palestinian cause. Egypt’s sovereignty is in question when one considers the following information: Riyadh's sudden eagerness to bolster economic ties with Cairo is palpable. With unprecedented directives from both governments, mutual investments are set to soar, with Saudi Arabia aiming to ramp up trade to $100 billion. Recent collaborations include a $4 billion deal with Saudi-listed ACWA Power for the Green Hydrogen project. Moreover, strategic initiatives like the memorandum of understanding between the Egyptian Ministry of Military Production and the Saudi General Authority for Military Industries and agreements in petroleum and mineral resources signal deepening economic integration. Ongoing negotiations between Cairo and Abu Dhabi to develop a substantial tract of land along Egypt's Mediterranean coast, potentially valued at $22 billion, could be a game-changer for Egypt's beleaguered economy. According to the CBE report, the proposed contract's value encompasses a significant portion of the Egyptian government's external debt due in 2024, totaling $29.229 billion. This includes interest payments totaling $6.312 billion and debt installments amounting to $22.917 billion. History repeats itself - in 1991, Washington forgave Egypt's debt in return for its support of the US-led coalition against Iraq. Only the NATO-proxy failed state of Ukraine has a debt higher than Egypt’s national debt. Let that sink in. It is difficult to consider Egypt an honest broker in the Hamas-Israel negotiations. The fate of Palestinians is effectively (from a Western perspective) in the hands of nations that have already acquiesced to recognition and approval of the Zionist entity. Egypt is indebted to every single one of those countries and to their controlling interests in the UK, EU and US. Extrication from such a position is virtually impossible. In part 2 I will look at Egypt’s covert cooperation and collaboration with Israel via non-state actors with close ties to the Sisi regime. I will also cover the decades-long Egyptian blockade of Gaza and the treatment of Palestinians in the enclave by Egyptian security forces - something I have personally witnessed when trying to cross into Gaza via the Rafah border crossing. **** Please do consider subscribing to my Substack. Thank you to all those who already do. https://substack.com/home/post/p-145438393
    Reasons why Egypt is not a friend of Palestine Part 1 - the economic trap
    Egypt has long been responsible for the collective punishment of Palestinians while feigning sympathy.
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  • The Sisi-linked cartel boss in charge of Gaza "file" - Why Egypt is not a friend of Palestine Part 3
    The Sinai Mafia boss and powerbroker linked to the Sisi regime and military

    vanessa beeley

    Ibrahim Al-Arjani (Organi) the Sinai cartel chief in charge of Gaza. Image from FT.

    Ibrahim Al Arjani rose to prominence during the alleged Egyptian war on terror in the Sinai as head of the Sinai Tribal Union. His rise was meteoric and his Empire established almost overnight as the Al Organi group that dominates construction and trade in the Sinai Peninsula. Al Arjani was a smuggler during the Mubarak era but became one of the most powerful men in Egypt under the Sisi regime. According to a 2023 article in Egypt Watch:

    The man whose name was associated with the president’s son, who helps him control the General Intelligence, suddenly seemed to have an empire or, as it is called, the Al-Arjani group, which is a partner of the regime internally and externally and is considered as an ambassador of the “Decent Life” initiative, and one of the warlords who will help the Armed forces in the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip.

    Timothy Kaldas, deputy director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, said the nature of the political economy under Sisi “means almost nobody can be a big player in business without co-ordination and some kind of dependence on the regime”. Financial Times

    14 years ago Al Arjani was in prison as a Bedouin tribal leader targeted in the crack down on Bedouin protests against the destruction of their environment as mentioned in Part Two of this series.

    Today Al Arjani is one of Egypt’s most influential warlords with shared business interests and close ties to the son of the Egyptian president, Mahmoud Al Sisi.

    Arjani, who owns some of the largest construction firms in Egypt, takes his orders from Egyptian intelligence – and also a big cut of Egypt's aid to Gaza, and from the movement of goods from Egypt into Gaza, mostly those that pass through the Saladin checkpoint in Rafah.

    Al Arjani has a de facto monopoly in the Sinai development project:

    Al-Arjani is a member of the board of directors of the National Agency for the Development of the Sinai Peninsula, a public economic agency affiliated with the Egyptian Ministry of Defence, which is responsible for granting the right for Egyptians and foreigners to own or use land, as well as managing and investing in land in Sinai.

    Please refer to Part One for information on the international (majority Gulf State) investment in the Sinai. The Sisi regime claims that it has spent $ 12.8 billion since Sisi took power in 2013 on the Sinai development project - headed up by Al Arjani.

    The Treasure Plane scandal

    In August 2023, 2 months before the Israeli genocide was launched, scandal rocked the Sisi strong-arm regime. While the majority of Egypt suffers power cuts, gas shortages, economic uncertainty and corruption a plane carrying millions of dollars, gold and weapons left Cairo and landed in Zambia where it was promptly seized by the authorities. According to a report in Middle East Monitor:

    Such speculation is reinforced by reports of links between the aircraft and Sinai businessman Ibrahim Al-Arjani, who is close to Mahmoud Al-Sisi, the son of the Egyptian president. Al-Arjani is suspected of being involved in the attack on the National Security headquarters in El-Arish last month in an attempt to release detainees belonging to his Tarabin tribe. Some say that those behind the attack were paid back in Zambia.

    This incident exposed the deep corruption within the Sisi regime’s close circle. Millions of dollars being smuggled during a time of severe dollar hard currency shortages in the country and while the regime was requesting yet another loan from the International Monetary Fund point to insider dealing.

    The plane was reported to have carried out multiple mysterious missions over the years. There is potential that scrutiny of these missions will highlight the involvement of regional and even international partners. Political opponents have claimed that the plane is affiliated to the General Intelligence Services and to Mahmoud Al Sisi. Middle East Monitor reported:

    Pictures being circulated show that the location of the aircraft often coincided with the presence of Egyptian intelligence and security delegations. These include officials from the Egyptian intelligence service accompanied by Al-Arjani in Libya, as well as Interior Minister Mahmoud Tawfiq at the head of an Egyptian security delegation participating in the 40th session of the Arab Interior Ministers’ Council in Tunisia in February.

    Al Arjani’s Gaza Monopoly

    Al Arjani’s monopoly extends into the Rafah border and Gaza itself. In 2021 Egypt was given the exclusive contract to rebuild Gaza after the May 2021 Zionist aggression against the besieged enclave that left thousands of Palestinians injured and killed an estimated 250 (probably a much higher number)

    Post-Zionist-aggression billboards were erected along the coastal road in Gaza emblazoned with Sisi’s image. Egyptian bulldozers rolled into the enclave along with construction workers and engineers - their mission to “rebuild Gaza”. Egypt pledged $500 million to reconstruct and to build new roads inside Gaza. An article in Haaretz at the time reported:

    The main beneficiary of the reconstruction plan is the company Beni Sinai, owned by Bedouin businessman Ibrahim al-Arjani, who also heads the Tarabin Bedouin tribe and the association of the tribe's leaders in northern Sinai – which are cooperating with Egyptian intelligence in its war against the terrorist groups in the Sinai Peninsula. Arjani, who owns some of the largest construction firms in Egypt, takes his orders from Egyptian intelligence – and also a big cut of Egypt's aid to Gaza, and from the movement of goods from Egypt into Gaza, mostly those that pass through the Saladin checkpoint in Rafah.

    Egypt was awarded a monopoly over more than just the initial rebuilding efforts. With the consent of Israel, the United States and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar agreed to a new arrangement for transferring its aid: Qatar would pay Egypt for oil and gasoline that Egypt would supply to Gaza where Hamas would have control over the sale of the resources.

    The pretext given by Israel for this change was that it no longer wanted Qatar-managed suitcases of cash being brought into Gaza. Israel has always claimed that Hamas has used a percentage of this cash to fortify the Resistance infrastructure and to buy weapons.

    Egypt would therefore take charge of the indirect distribution of $ 30 million per month. In the past this sum was divided three ways. One part was paid out directly to poor families, another was for buying diesel fuel for the Gaza power plant, and the third was for projects to create jobs and reduce unemployment that has now topped 60 percent.

    The irony is that the Sisi regime benefits from the sale of gas and oil to the Gaza strip while 1. the Egyptian people endure power outages and gas shortages 2. There are 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas sitting 20 nautical miles off the Gaza coastline that Palestinians have never been given access to by the Zionist regime and its allies in the UK and US.

    Please refer to Part Two for Sisi’s deepening ties with Israel.

    The Rafah Border provides blood money for the Sisi regime

    The Rafah border crossing is the only crossing allegedly not controlled by Israel. The reality is a little different, Israel controls Egyptian policy at the Rafah crossing without a doubt.

    In his November 2023 CNN interview, Egyptian Health Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar addresses the challenging situation regarding the transfer of infants from Gaza’s Al Shifa Hospital to Egypt. Despite Egypt’s preparedness, boasting 37 hospitals and over 11,000 beds, the transfer process is stalled due to required clearances from an unspecified authority. When probed about Israel’s potential role in controlling border access, Ghaffar, while non-committal, acknowledges the influence of an external decision-maker. Israel. Watch:

    A young Iranian team of journalists and researchers put together this short report on the intricacies of the 2005 Philadelphi Accords, perceived by Israel as an extension of the 1979 Camp David agreement:

    Al Arjani has control over trade and construction at the Rafah border. That trade extends to the millions extorted from Palestinian refugees, many children, who have fled to Egypt. An adult is charged $ 5000 and a child $ 2,500. An average family of two parents and three children will be forced to pay $ 17,500 to enter Egypt where they are given only a three month visa which does not include a work permit. After three months they are effectively illegal aliens and face expulsion back to Gaza.

    Palestinians desperate to leave Gaza are paying bribes to brokers of up to $10,000 (£7,850) to help them exit the territory through Egypt, according to a Guardian investigation. [..] Belal, a US citizen from Gaza, was told he would need to raise $85,000 to get 11 family members out of the territory, including five children under three.

    Before the genocide, the cost was $ 500. This is a shocking exploitation of human suffering to profit from their bloodshed by Al Arjani and the Sisi regime - while Egypt is portrayed as a peace broker and mediator, it is taking blood money from the most vulnerable Palestinians without remorse.

    When Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry was asked in March whether the government condoned Hala now charging $5,000 for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip, he said: “Absolutely not.”

    “We will take whatever measures we need so as to . . . eliminate it totally,” Shoukry told Sky News.

    Yet weeks later Hala was still providing the service. Financial Times

    Where next for Al Arjani and the Sisi regime?

    A recent report in the Financial Times has detailed the “shuttering” of the Rafah Crossing. The Zionist military occupation of the crossing has dealt a blow to the Egyptian regime’s economic stake in Gaza, controlled by Al Arjani.

    The FT reports that Al Arjani’s response to the crisis was to create the “Union of Arab Tribes” to “work side by side with the Egyptian state” on security.

    In a sign of Cairo’s concerns, Organi, a leader of the Tarabin, Sinai’s largest tribe, last month announced the formation [already formed, perhaps mothballed and revived - my note] of an “Union of Arab Tribes” to “work side by side with the Egyptian state” on security.

    There have been recent reports on social media that Egypt is increasing its military presence in Sinai close to the Rafah border. According to Zionist media, at least 160 armoured vehicles and 140 other vehicles have been deployed to the area. It is wishful thinking to assume that this may be a reaction to halt the genocide that Israel has been conducting since October 7th.

    Instead I believe that this is linked to Al Arjani’s “security” project which is designed to PREVENT the exodus of exhausted, starved and hunted Palestinians from Gaza.

    Experts viewed the move as a sign of an anxious government seeking the support of the Bedouin — once nomadic tribes that inhabit the Sinai — amid concerns that Israel’s offensive could eventually drive Palestinians into Egypt. “It is with one eye towards Rafah and long-standing fears about displacement [of Gazans],” said Michael Hanna, an expert at Crisis Group. FT

    With the effective occupation of the Rafah border by Israel, with very little concrete protest by Egypt - Al Arjani will instead assume the role of policing the Egyptian side of the border with the tribal alliance.

    Sabry said he saw no signs that militias were being re-established, but added that the military was likely to be “trying to organise a locally grown, broad network of spies and informants” to monitor events on the Sinai side of Gaza’s border. FT

    A spokesperson for the alliance made it even clearer:

    Mostafa Bakry, spokesman for the union, has said the alliance would not be armed, adding that weapons were collected from the previous tribal union three years ago.

    But he told a Saudi television channel that the alliance “comes at a very important moment”.

    “We are surrounded by a ring of fire,” Bakry said. “We are facing a displacement plot and the president has been very clear from the start. We will not allow displacement [of Gazans].” FT

    During a televised address on Sunday 30th June, Sisi made the following statement:

    The region is going through serious changes recently amid intense Israeli war in the Gaza Strip and attempts to impose forced displacement towards Egyptian territories.

    The conscience of humanity was absent in this war. The international community remained silent, turning its face away from tens of thousands of innocent victims. (Emphasis added)

    I don’t think I need to spell out the rank and criminal hypocrisy of such a statement in the context of this article and Part One and Two.

    Von Der Leyen and President Sisi in Cairo. Body language says it all.

    Meanwhile European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announces the signing of more than 20 memorandums of understanding between European companies and Egyptian companies worth more than 40 billion euros, covering the fields of hydrogen, water, construction, chemicals, shipping, aviation, and automobiles.

    Egypt is the Ukraine of West Asia.


    Please do consider subscribing to my Substack. My work is entirely dependent upon public donations and I would like to thank everyone who already contributes xxx

    The Sisi-linked cartel boss in charge of Gaza "file" - Why Egypt is not a friend of Palestine Part 3 The Sinai Mafia boss and powerbroker linked to the Sisi regime and military vanessa beeley Ibrahim Al-Arjani (Organi) the Sinai cartel chief in charge of Gaza. Image from FT. Ibrahim Al Arjani rose to prominence during the alleged Egyptian war on terror in the Sinai as head of the Sinai Tribal Union. His rise was meteoric and his Empire established almost overnight as the Al Organi group that dominates construction and trade in the Sinai Peninsula. Al Arjani was a smuggler during the Mubarak era but became one of the most powerful men in Egypt under the Sisi regime. According to a 2023 article in Egypt Watch: The man whose name was associated with the president’s son, who helps him control the General Intelligence, suddenly seemed to have an empire or, as it is called, the Al-Arjani group, which is a partner of the regime internally and externally and is considered as an ambassador of the “Decent Life” initiative, and one of the warlords who will help the Armed forces in the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip. Timothy Kaldas, deputy director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, said the nature of the political economy under Sisi “means almost nobody can be a big player in business without co-ordination and some kind of dependence on the regime”. Financial Times 14 years ago Al Arjani was in prison as a Bedouin tribal leader targeted in the crack down on Bedouin protests against the destruction of their environment as mentioned in Part Two of this series. Today Al Arjani is one of Egypt’s most influential warlords with shared business interests and close ties to the son of the Egyptian president, Mahmoud Al Sisi. Arjani, who owns some of the largest construction firms in Egypt, takes his orders from Egyptian intelligence – and also a big cut of Egypt's aid to Gaza, and from the movement of goods from Egypt into Gaza, mostly those that pass through the Saladin checkpoint in Rafah. Al Arjani has a de facto monopoly in the Sinai development project: Al-Arjani is a member of the board of directors of the National Agency for the Development of the Sinai Peninsula, a public economic agency affiliated with the Egyptian Ministry of Defence, which is responsible for granting the right for Egyptians and foreigners to own or use land, as well as managing and investing in land in Sinai. Please refer to Part One for information on the international (majority Gulf State) investment in the Sinai. The Sisi regime claims that it has spent $ 12.8 billion since Sisi took power in 2013 on the Sinai development project - headed up by Al Arjani. The Treasure Plane scandal In August 2023, 2 months before the Israeli genocide was launched, scandal rocked the Sisi strong-arm regime. While the majority of Egypt suffers power cuts, gas shortages, economic uncertainty and corruption a plane carrying millions of dollars, gold and weapons left Cairo and landed in Zambia where it was promptly seized by the authorities. According to a report in Middle East Monitor: Such speculation is reinforced by reports of links between the aircraft and Sinai businessman Ibrahim Al-Arjani, who is close to Mahmoud Al-Sisi, the son of the Egyptian president. Al-Arjani is suspected of being involved in the attack on the National Security headquarters in El-Arish last month in an attempt to release detainees belonging to his Tarabin tribe. Some say that those behind the attack were paid back in Zambia. This incident exposed the deep corruption within the Sisi regime’s close circle. Millions of dollars being smuggled during a time of severe dollar hard currency shortages in the country and while the regime was requesting yet another loan from the International Monetary Fund point to insider dealing. The plane was reported to have carried out multiple mysterious missions over the years. There is potential that scrutiny of these missions will highlight the involvement of regional and even international partners. Political opponents have claimed that the plane is affiliated to the General Intelligence Services and to Mahmoud Al Sisi. Middle East Monitor reported: Pictures being circulated show that the location of the aircraft often coincided with the presence of Egyptian intelligence and security delegations. These include officials from the Egyptian intelligence service accompanied by Al-Arjani in Libya, as well as Interior Minister Mahmoud Tawfiq at the head of an Egyptian security delegation participating in the 40th session of the Arab Interior Ministers’ Council in Tunisia in February. Al Arjani’s Gaza Monopoly Al Arjani’s monopoly extends into the Rafah border and Gaza itself. In 2021 Egypt was given the exclusive contract to rebuild Gaza after the May 2021 Zionist aggression against the besieged enclave that left thousands of Palestinians injured and killed an estimated 250 (probably a much higher number) Post-Zionist-aggression billboards were erected along the coastal road in Gaza emblazoned with Sisi’s image. Egyptian bulldozers rolled into the enclave along with construction workers and engineers - their mission to “rebuild Gaza”. Egypt pledged $500 million to reconstruct and to build new roads inside Gaza. An article in Haaretz at the time reported: The main beneficiary of the reconstruction plan is the company Beni Sinai, owned by Bedouin businessman Ibrahim al-Arjani, who also heads the Tarabin Bedouin tribe and the association of the tribe's leaders in northern Sinai – which are cooperating with Egyptian intelligence in its war against the terrorist groups in the Sinai Peninsula. Arjani, who owns some of the largest construction firms in Egypt, takes his orders from Egyptian intelligence – and also a big cut of Egypt's aid to Gaza, and from the movement of goods from Egypt into Gaza, mostly those that pass through the Saladin checkpoint in Rafah. Egypt was awarded a monopoly over more than just the initial rebuilding efforts. With the consent of Israel, the United States and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar agreed to a new arrangement for transferring its aid: Qatar would pay Egypt for oil and gasoline that Egypt would supply to Gaza where Hamas would have control over the sale of the resources. The pretext given by Israel for this change was that it no longer wanted Qatar-managed suitcases of cash being brought into Gaza. Israel has always claimed that Hamas has used a percentage of this cash to fortify the Resistance infrastructure and to buy weapons. Egypt would therefore take charge of the indirect distribution of $ 30 million per month. In the past this sum was divided three ways. One part was paid out directly to poor families, another was for buying diesel fuel for the Gaza power plant, and the third was for projects to create jobs and reduce unemployment that has now topped 60 percent. The irony is that the Sisi regime benefits from the sale of gas and oil to the Gaza strip while 1. the Egyptian people endure power outages and gas shortages 2. There are 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas sitting 20 nautical miles off the Gaza coastline that Palestinians have never been given access to by the Zionist regime and its allies in the UK and US. Please refer to Part Two for Sisi’s deepening ties with Israel. The Rafah Border provides blood money for the Sisi regime The Rafah border crossing is the only crossing allegedly not controlled by Israel. The reality is a little different, Israel controls Egyptian policy at the Rafah crossing without a doubt. In his November 2023 CNN interview, Egyptian Health Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar addresses the challenging situation regarding the transfer of infants from Gaza’s Al Shifa Hospital to Egypt. Despite Egypt’s preparedness, boasting 37 hospitals and over 11,000 beds, the transfer process is stalled due to required clearances from an unspecified authority. When probed about Israel’s potential role in controlling border access, Ghaffar, while non-committal, acknowledges the influence of an external decision-maker. Israel. Watch: A young Iranian team of journalists and researchers put together this short report on the intricacies of the 2005 Philadelphi Accords, perceived by Israel as an extension of the 1979 Camp David agreement: Al Arjani has control over trade and construction at the Rafah border. That trade extends to the millions extorted from Palestinian refugees, many children, who have fled to Egypt. An adult is charged $ 5000 and a child $ 2,500. An average family of two parents and three children will be forced to pay $ 17,500 to enter Egypt where they are given only a three month visa which does not include a work permit. After three months they are effectively illegal aliens and face expulsion back to Gaza. Palestinians desperate to leave Gaza are paying bribes to brokers of up to $10,000 (£7,850) to help them exit the territory through Egypt, according to a Guardian investigation. [..] Belal, a US citizen from Gaza, was told he would need to raise $85,000 to get 11 family members out of the territory, including five children under three. Before the genocide, the cost was $ 500. This is a shocking exploitation of human suffering to profit from their bloodshed by Al Arjani and the Sisi regime - while Egypt is portrayed as a peace broker and mediator, it is taking blood money from the most vulnerable Palestinians without remorse. When Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry was asked in March whether the government condoned Hala now charging $5,000 for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip, he said: “Absolutely not.” “We will take whatever measures we need so as to . . . eliminate it totally,” Shoukry told Sky News. Yet weeks later Hala was still providing the service. Financial Times Where next for Al Arjani and the Sisi regime? A recent report in the Financial Times has detailed the “shuttering” of the Rafah Crossing. The Zionist military occupation of the crossing has dealt a blow to the Egyptian regime’s economic stake in Gaza, controlled by Al Arjani. The FT reports that Al Arjani’s response to the crisis was to create the “Union of Arab Tribes” to “work side by side with the Egyptian state” on security. In a sign of Cairo’s concerns, Organi, a leader of the Tarabin, Sinai’s largest tribe, last month announced the formation [already formed, perhaps mothballed and revived - my note] of an “Union of Arab Tribes” to “work side by side with the Egyptian state” on security. There have been recent reports on social media that Egypt is increasing its military presence in Sinai close to the Rafah border. According to Zionist media, at least 160 armoured vehicles and 140 other vehicles have been deployed to the area. It is wishful thinking to assume that this may be a reaction to halt the genocide that Israel has been conducting since October 7th. Instead I believe that this is linked to Al Arjani’s “security” project which is designed to PREVENT the exodus of exhausted, starved and hunted Palestinians from Gaza. Experts viewed the move as a sign of an anxious government seeking the support of the Bedouin — once nomadic tribes that inhabit the Sinai — amid concerns that Israel’s offensive could eventually drive Palestinians into Egypt. “It is with one eye towards Rafah and long-standing fears about displacement [of Gazans],” said Michael Hanna, an expert at Crisis Group. FT With the effective occupation of the Rafah border by Israel, with very little concrete protest by Egypt - Al Arjani will instead assume the role of policing the Egyptian side of the border with the tribal alliance. Sabry said he saw no signs that militias were being re-established, but added that the military was likely to be “trying to organise a locally grown, broad network of spies and informants” to monitor events on the Sinai side of Gaza’s border. FT A spokesperson for the alliance made it even clearer: Mostafa Bakry, spokesman for the union, has said the alliance would not be armed, adding that weapons were collected from the previous tribal union three years ago. But he told a Saudi television channel that the alliance “comes at a very important moment”. “We are surrounded by a ring of fire,” Bakry said. “We are facing a displacement plot and the president has been very clear from the start. We will not allow displacement [of Gazans].” FT During a televised address on Sunday 30th June, Sisi made the following statement: The region is going through serious changes recently amid intense Israeli war in the Gaza Strip and attempts to impose forced displacement towards Egyptian territories. The conscience of humanity was absent in this war. The international community remained silent, turning its face away from tens of thousands of innocent victims. (Emphasis added) I don’t think I need to spell out the rank and criminal hypocrisy of such a statement in the context of this article and Part One and Two. Von Der Leyen and President Sisi in Cairo. Body language says it all. Meanwhile European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announces the signing of more than 20 memorandums of understanding between European companies and Egyptian companies worth more than 40 billion euros, covering the fields of hydrogen, water, construction, chemicals, shipping, aviation, and automobiles. Egypt is the Ukraine of West Asia. **** Please do consider subscribing to my Substack. My work is entirely dependent upon public donations and I would like to thank everyone who already contributes xxx https://substack.com/home/post/p-146102703
    The Sisi-linked cartel boss in charge of Gaza "file" - Why Egypt is not a friend of Palestine Part 3
    The Sinai Mafia boss and powerbroker linked to the Sisi regime and military
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    With full Royal approval, of course!

    Frances Leader
    The issue of rapidly depleting our finite resources is often mentioned as the Club of Rome’s motive for depopulation. Back in 1972 they were convincing the United Nations with their book “Limits to Growth”. You can read my previous post about them and their ideas here:


    Note that the Club of Rome appears in the section marked THINK TANKS. It is one of many which work directly for the Black Nobility (symbolised by the All-Seeing-Eye above the Guelph Queen Elizabeth in this image) Thanks for reading Uncensored! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

    Read full story

    Back in 2022 I chose to write my most controversial research into a fiction novel.

    I literally concealed my greatest and most powerful 'finds' in a story about a rich young woman who was taking her first journey down the rabbit holes of conspiracy reality.

    In one particular chapter I introduced the Fusion Torch of infinitely recyclable matter:


    “Lymp’s had a personality-ectomy!” stated Tarky to his friends who were remarking how remote, even depressed she seemed since she returned from being lost overboard. “She keeps sliding off to the bloody library!” he complained “I mean, here we are on the most luxurious superyacht in the world and what does she want to do? Update her effin Tiktok and Ins…

    Read full story

    I quoted the inventors of the Fusion Torch verbatim in that chapter.

    In the comments I was able to emphasise the information hidden in my fictional novel:

    "For materials processing and natural resources, the plasma torch, operating at temperatures below that required for fusion, can break down and separate many materials into their constituent elements and isotopes, meaning that chemical and nuclear “waste” can be processed into valuable resources. Such plasma torches can be a driver towards the higher densities of power achievable with a self-sustaining fusion reaction, at which point we could theoretically extract many times the current annual production of iron, copper, aluminium, and many other resources from virtually any cubic mile of dirt, and reprocess the valuable concentrations of materials in landfills."


    I knew ‘they’ were working on Fusion Energy.... King Charles III gave hints to it in his write-up in the Carta Terra document. It seems to me that this phenomenally powerful technology has been carefully concealed but continued with considerable financial investment from private/public partnerships.

    COLD FUSION (revolution finally under way!)

    COLD FUSION (revolution finally under way!)
    Listen closely to this» https://www.brighteon.com/19322dd0-bbe6-4b08-b3a4-a24a6a8e6336 0:00 Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough - The real reason why HOT fusion breakthroughs are now allowed to be announced - COLD fusion (LENR) is about to explode with investment and product offerings

    Read full story

    Now, finally in 2024, we can view explanations. Well, as much as ‘they’ want us to know, that is….



    Do you think that these projects are bringing us closer to the dream of virtually limitless, clean energy?
    Will it be FREE?

    “Fusion has potential to deliver safe, sustainable, low carbon energy for generations to come. It is based on the same processes that power the sun and stars.

    When a mix of two forms of hydrogen are heated to extreme temperatures – 10 times hotter than the core of the sun – they fuse together to create helium and release huge amounts of energy.

    Fusion energy has the potential to provide ‘baseload’ power, complementing renewable and other low carbon energy sources as a share of many countries’ energy portfolios. Achieving this involves working at the forefront of science, engineering, and technology.” ~ UK Gov press release Oct 2023 https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ceo-appointed-to-deliver-uk-prototype-fusion-energy-plant

    Are we closer to the limitless RECYCLING of resources as promised by the Fusion Torch?

    Illustration by Robert Bourdeaux
    Further reading:

    Gateway to the Fusion Economy - LaRouchePAC

    Nuclear Fusion, the Holy Grail of Energy





    Buy me a coffee? https://buymeacoffee.com/francesleader


    FUSION ENERGY + THE PROMISE OF THE FUSION TORCH With full Royal approval, of course! Frances Leader The issue of rapidly depleting our finite resources is often mentioned as the Club of Rome’s motive for depopulation. Back in 1972 they were convincing the United Nations with their book “Limits to Growth”. You can read my previous post about them and their ideas here: THE CLUB OF ROME THE CLUB OF ROME Note that the Club of Rome appears in the section marked THINK TANKS. It is one of many which work directly for the Black Nobility (symbolised by the All-Seeing-Eye above the Guelph Queen Elizabeth in this image) Thanks for reading Uncensored! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Read full story Back in 2022 I chose to write my most controversial research into a fiction novel. I literally concealed my greatest and most powerful 'finds' in a story about a rich young woman who was taking her first journey down the rabbit holes of conspiracy reality. In one particular chapter I introduced the Fusion Torch of infinitely recyclable matter: LYMP GOES DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE LYMP GOES DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE “Lymp’s had a personality-ectomy!” stated Tarky to his friends who were remarking how remote, even depressed she seemed since she returned from being lost overboard. “She keeps sliding off to the bloody library!” he complained “I mean, here we are on the most luxurious superyacht in the world and what does she want to do? Update her effin Tiktok and Ins… Read full story I quoted the inventors of the Fusion Torch verbatim in that chapter. In the comments I was able to emphasise the information hidden in my fictional novel: "For materials processing and natural resources, the plasma torch, operating at temperatures below that required for fusion, can break down and separate many materials into their constituent elements and isotopes, meaning that chemical and nuclear “waste” can be processed into valuable resources. Such plasma torches can be a driver towards the higher densities of power achievable with a self-sustaining fusion reaction, at which point we could theoretically extract many times the current annual production of iron, copper, aluminium, and many other resources from virtually any cubic mile of dirt, and reprocess the valuable concentrations of materials in landfills." BUT THOSE WORDS WERE NOT FICTION. I knew ‘they’ were working on Fusion Energy.... King Charles III gave hints to it in his write-up in the Carta Terra document. It seems to me that this phenomenally powerful technology has been carefully concealed but continued with considerable financial investment from private/public partnerships. COLD FUSION (revolution finally under way!) COLD FUSION (revolution finally under way!) Listen closely to this» https://www.brighteon.com/19322dd0-bbe6-4b08-b3a4-a24a6a8e6336 0:00 Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough - The real reason why HOT fusion breakthroughs are now allowed to be announced - COLD fusion (LENR) is about to explode with investment and product offerings Read full story Now, finally in 2024, we can view explanations. Well, as much as ‘they’ want us to know, that is…. From THE ROYAL INSTITUTION we hear: https://youtu.be/jI5K7PCiW3Y?si=9FjLqmKuOetXaxXn Do you think that these projects are bringing us closer to the dream of virtually limitless, clean energy? Will it be FREE? “Fusion has potential to deliver safe, sustainable, low carbon energy for generations to come. It is based on the same processes that power the sun and stars. When a mix of two forms of hydrogen are heated to extreme temperatures – 10 times hotter than the core of the sun – they fuse together to create helium and release huge amounts of energy. Fusion energy has the potential to provide ‘baseload’ power, complementing renewable and other low carbon energy sources as a share of many countries’ energy portfolios. Achieving this involves working at the forefront of science, engineering, and technology.” ~ UK Gov press release Oct 2023 https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ceo-appointed-to-deliver-uk-prototype-fusion-energy-plant Are we closer to the limitless RECYCLING of resources as promised by the Fusion Torch? Illustration by Robert Bourdeaux Further reading: Gateway to the Fusion Economy - LaRouchePAC Nuclear Fusion, the Holy Grail of Energy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Eastlund https://www.nytimes.com/1970/01/22/archives/nuclear-disposal-of-waste-studied-scientists-predict-reuse-of.html https://fusiontorch.com/papers ONWARDS! xx Buy me a coffee? https://buymeacoffee.com/francesleader https://substack.com/home/post/p-145973576 https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/07/fusion-energy-promise-of-fusion-torch.html
    0 Comments 1 Shares 6567 Views
  • Update – Russian MOD VIDEO on First UKRAINIAN CHEMICAL LAB for TOXIC WEAPONS found during Special Operation
    Fabio G. C. CarisioJuly 9, 2024


    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    Watch Official VIDEO released by Russia Ministry of Defense

    The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage of military personnel inspecting what it says is a Ukrainian makeshift laboratory used to produce dangerous substances that can potentially be used as chemical weapons. Moscow previously insisted that it found evidence of Kiev violating the Chemical Weapons Convention.

    On Monday, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, who leads Russia’s chemical and biological defense forces, said that the facility was discovered near the town of Avdeevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The town was liberated by the Russian forces in February.

    According to Kirillov, traces of sulfuric acid and sodium cyanide as well as cyanide anions – poisonous chemical compounds of the cyano group – were found at the site. Sulfuric acid and sodium cyanide can be used to produce hydrogen cyanide – a highly toxic agent that was used as a chemical weapon during World War I.

    Footage released by the military shows a serviceman wearing a hazmat suit and a gas mask collecting samples from various pieces of equipment and containers. He examines a glass jar containing what looks like a yellowish solid substance. A large piece of equipment that appears to be a chemical reactor is also seen in the video.

    Click on the image to watch video
    The Russian serviceman in the video is using a portable chemical analyzer. The clip goes on to show the collected samples arriving at a Russian military site.According to the Defense Ministry, the laboratory was located in a partially destroyed building filled with debris, and had a large number of empty containers inside.

    In recent days the head of the Russian radiation, chemical and biological agent protection troops, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, spoke before the 106th session of the OPCW Executive Council to report on this discovered Ukrainian army chemical weapons laboratory near Avdeyevka and numerous cases of chloropicrin use from Ukraine near Donetsk, Gorlovka and Artyomovsk.

    Gospa News Internastional has released the complete text of Kirillov’s briefing who previously denounced the discovery of the 12 laboratories created by the US Pentagon in Ukraine for the testing of very dangerous bacteriological weapons. Including Covid-19, studied 3 months before the first outbreak was discovered in Wuhan…


    «A laboratory with chemical equipment was detected in an industrial zone on the ground floor of a destroyed building in one of the settlements near Avdeyevka during engineering reconnaissance. A mobile diagnostic team of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was sent to inspect the premises and conduct a rapid analysis» reported the official stament.

    Chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov
    According to Kirillov, they found a semi-industrial rotary evaporator, a filtering exhaust system, chemical reactors, carbon dioxide bottles, and shelving systems with laboratory dishes and reagents in the laboratory. Also found were personal respiratory and skin protection kits: gas masks, including US-made ones and a Polish-made protective suit.

    An analysis of the lab’s containers showed the presence of sulphuric acid and sodium cyanide, suggesting that the found equipment was used for the production of toxic substances. Afterward, wipe sampling from the laboratory equipment and exhaust system was made in accordance with the requirements of the OPCW and the samples were delivered to the chemical analysis laboratory of the Russian Defense Ministry for in-depth analysis.

    Analytical studies in the laboratory showed the presence of sodium cyanide, sulphuric acid, and trace amounts of cyanide anions in the samples. The presence of these chemicals clearly indicates that the found laboratory was producing systemic toxic agents.

    During the special military operation, there were multiples cases of use by Ukraine of improvised munitions that were loaded with said substance and dropped from UAVs. The use of toxic chemicals, including prussic acid, by the Kiev regime is confirmed by numerous accounts of witnesses: civilians and Russian servicemen.

    We have already drawn your attention to a statement by representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that they have such compounds in their possession, including the analogues of the Tabun, or GA, warfare agent, which is included in Schedule 1 of the Convention and was used by fascist invaders during the Second World War.

    Ukrainian military units use toxic compounds not only in the course of combat operations, but also to carry out terrorist attacks in liberated territories against some Russian political figures.


    Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal.

    His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more…

    Most popolar investigation on VT is:

    Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting.

    For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime.

    With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians.

    In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence.

    In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates

    His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others

    He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator.




    We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed
    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

    About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy
    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.

    Update – Russian MOD VIDEO on First UKRAINIAN CHEMICAL LAB for TOXIC WEAPONS found during Special Operation Fabio G. C. CarisioJuly 9, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Watch Official VIDEO released by Russia Ministry of Defense The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage of military personnel inspecting what it says is a Ukrainian makeshift laboratory used to produce dangerous substances that can potentially be used as chemical weapons. Moscow previously insisted that it found evidence of Kiev violating the Chemical Weapons Convention. On Monday, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, who leads Russia’s chemical and biological defense forces, said that the facility was discovered near the town of Avdeevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The town was liberated by the Russian forces in February. According to Kirillov, traces of sulfuric acid and sodium cyanide as well as cyanide anions – poisonous chemical compounds of the cyano group – were found at the site. Sulfuric acid and sodium cyanide can be used to produce hydrogen cyanide – a highly toxic agent that was used as a chemical weapon during World War I. Footage released by the military shows a serviceman wearing a hazmat suit and a gas mask collecting samples from various pieces of equipment and containers. He examines a glass jar containing what looks like a yellowish solid substance. A large piece of equipment that appears to be a chemical reactor is also seen in the video. Click on the image to watch video The Russian serviceman in the video is using a portable chemical analyzer. The clip goes on to show the collected samples arriving at a Russian military site.According to the Defense Ministry, the laboratory was located in a partially destroyed building filled with debris, and had a large number of empty containers inside. In recent days the head of the Russian radiation, chemical and biological agent protection troops, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, spoke before the 106th session of the OPCW Executive Council to report on this discovered Ukrainian army chemical weapons laboratory near Avdeyevka and numerous cases of chloropicrin use from Ukraine near Donetsk, Gorlovka and Artyomovsk. Gospa News Internastional has released the complete text of Kirillov’s briefing who previously denounced the discovery of the 12 laboratories created by the US Pentagon in Ukraine for the testing of very dangerous bacteriological weapons. Including Covid-19, studied 3 months before the first outbreak was discovered in Wuhan… ABSTRACT OF KIRILLOV BRIEFING «A laboratory with chemical equipment was detected in an industrial zone on the ground floor of a destroyed building in one of the settlements near Avdeyevka during engineering reconnaissance. A mobile diagnostic team of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was sent to inspect the premises and conduct a rapid analysis» reported the official stament. Chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov According to Kirillov, they found a semi-industrial rotary evaporator, a filtering exhaust system, chemical reactors, carbon dioxide bottles, and shelving systems with laboratory dishes and reagents in the laboratory. Also found were personal respiratory and skin protection kits: gas masks, including US-made ones and a Polish-made protective suit. An analysis of the lab’s containers showed the presence of sulphuric acid and sodium cyanide, suggesting that the found equipment was used for the production of toxic substances. Afterward, wipe sampling from the laboratory equipment and exhaust system was made in accordance with the requirements of the OPCW and the samples were delivered to the chemical analysis laboratory of the Russian Defense Ministry for in-depth analysis. Analytical studies in the laboratory showed the presence of sodium cyanide, sulphuric acid, and trace amounts of cyanide anions in the samples. The presence of these chemicals clearly indicates that the found laboratory was producing systemic toxic agents. During the special military operation, there were multiples cases of use by Ukraine of improvised munitions that were loaded with said substance and dropped from UAVs. The use of toxic chemicals, including prussic acid, by the Kiev regime is confirmed by numerous accounts of witnesses: civilians and Russian servicemen. We have already drawn your attention to a statement by representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that they have such compounds in their possession, including the analogues of the Tabun, or GA, warfare agent, which is included in Schedule 1 of the Convention and was used by fascist invaders during the Second World War. Ukrainian military units use toxic compounds not only in the course of combat operations, but also to carry out terrorist attacks in liberated territories against some Russian political figures. FULL VERSION OF KIRILLOV BRIEFING Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal. His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more… Most popolar investigation on VT is: Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting. For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime. With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians. In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence. In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator. VETERANS TODAY OLD POSTS www.gospanews.net/ ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/07/723988/
    Update – Russian MOD VIDEO on First UKRAINIAN CHEMICAL LAB for TOXIC WEAPONS found during Special Operation
    Watch Official VIDEO released by Russia Ministry of Defense The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage of military personnel inspecting what it says is a Ukrainian makeshift laboratory used to produce dangerous substances that can potentially be used as chemical weapons. Moscow previously insisted that it found evidence of Kiev violating the Chemical Weapons Convention.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 7324 Views
  • CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads
    Greg Hunter
    On March 24, 2024 In Market Analysis 180 Comments


    CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads

    By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)

    Dr. Betsy Eads warned about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax since the beginning of Covid from infection to injection. She warned about AIDS, infertility, turbo cancers, heart disease, blood clots and many other problems caused by the CV19 bioweapon injection. Dr. Eads was right every single time. Now, Dr. Eads is saying everyone needs treatment whether you are CV19 vaxed or unvaxed. Dr. Eads explains, “We are getting transmission from the vaxed to the unvaxed. We are getting chemtrails. They are putting the mRNA in our food. People have to understand, people need to detox and protect yourself whether you are vaxed or not. I contend everybody should be taking some Ivermectin.”

    What about the so-called “Long Covid” that people are experiencing in the last few years? Dr. Eads says, “My definition of ‘Long Covid’ is vax injury and/or transmission from the spike protein . . . injured. I think that term has evolved, and Dr. Kory is also including that definition with his vaccine injured patients. He is treating not only vaccine injured patients but patients that have been injured by transmission from the CV19 vaxed. We know transmission (from the CV19 vaxed) is a real thing.”

    A little more than a year ago on USAWatchdog.com, Dr. Eads predicted “At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon.” We have already eclipsed that number, and there is no end in sight with new and skyrocketing death and injury numbers. Dr. Eads says, “Ed Dowd’s numbers, actuary numbers and looking at UK numbers finds 2.2 billion people permanently injured or killed by the CV19 vax. If you look at the Deagel Report, we may see some huge population losses by 2025. The Deagel predictions show the US falling from 330 million to 89 million people. In the UK, Deagel predicts population will fall from 67 million to 15 million people as a direct result of the Covid 19 bioweapons.”

    When does the death and disability peak? Dr. Eads says, “On a previous interview here, I said we would get our peak in five years. We are seeing huge numbers in the DMED data. That’s the military data, and it is more accurate than VAERS data. 97% of our military was CV19 vaxed. In that data, which is very accurate, cancers have increased across the board 1,000%. We do have some treatments to handle the spike protein from the CV19 shots. . . . but we don’t have any treatment to shut down the mRNA that produces the spike protein. . . .So, these numbers may go up exponentially until we have treatments.”

    One way to lessen the disabilities and deaths from the CV19 vax is to use Ivermectin. Dr. Eads says it is one of the best and safest treatments out there now to treat CV19 for the vaxed or unvaxed being shed on by the vaxed. The FDA just settled a lawsuit from Dr. Pierre Kory and other doctors. Dr. Eads says, “Breaking news that has just come out is the FDA loses the war on Ivermectin. The FDA has to retract . . . anything that was negative about Ivermectin.”

    So, it looks like Ivermectin will be getting easier to get a prescription with the FDA doing an about face on Ivermectin, which is arguably the safest and most effective drug ever invented.

    There is much more cutting edge, frontline medical information in the nearly 44-minute interview.

    Join Greg Hunter as he talks to 25-year veteran Dr. Elizabeth Eads, DO, exposing the lies that Big Pharma, CDC, FDA and NIH are telling the public. Dr. Eads continues to highlight the real unreported effects of the CV19 bioweapons..

    (To Donate to USAWatchdog.com Click Here)

    After the Interview:

    You can follow Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Eads on Twitter, Telegram and Truth Social Dr Betsy and CloutHub DrEads

    Dr. Eads has a new website called HealingHumanityWorldwide.com.

    Dr. Eads also recommends FLCCC.net and the “I-RECOVER: post vaccine treatment.”

    You can help Dr. Eads continue her mission to get the truth out about everything CV19 vax by donating here: Pay $Docbetsy55 on Cash App, or you can use Dr. Betsy’s Venmo account to donate.

    (Please support the truth tellers!!)

    You can support Dr. Betsy Eads by snail mail below:

    124 N. Nova Road


    Ormond Beach, FL 32174


    FLCCC.NET : I-RECOVER: post vaccine treatment

    therealdrjudy.com: Recovery Protocol bundle
    Detox Bundle- Ener DMG liquid 60 (dimethylglycine)

    Dr Eads protocols:

    Acute Symtoms: Ivermectin/HCQ
    Humic/fulvic minerals
    Bioactive immune support
    Vitamin D3
    Vitamin C
    Budesonide inhaler
    Hydrogen peroxide nasal wash or
    Nanonist nasal/mouth spray

    Detox Bioweapon: HCQ/IVM- ivermectin.com
    Interferon spray- rupharma.com
    Iodine 12.5 mg
    Chlorine dioxide- kvlabs.com
    Ener [email protected]
    Humic/fulvic minerals
    IV chelation therapy
    Zeolite- www.life-enthusiast.com
    Infrared sauna
    Suramin- mahoneylive.com
    Turn off 5G/block – bodyalign.com
    Clean nutrition
    Clean water, no GMO
    Do not treat fever with advil/tylenol

    Stay Connected
    Related Posts:

    CV19 Vaxed are Sick Superspreaders - Dr. Betsy Eads
    Cancer is Exploding because of CV19 Vax – Dr. Betsy Eads
    CV19 Vax Humanitarian Catastrophe being Turbocharged without Treatment – Dr. Pierre Kory
    CV19 Vax is a Crime & Coverup – Ed Dowd
    Iran War, Border War, CV19 Vax War, Economic War

    CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads Greg Hunter On March 24, 2024 In Market Analysis 180 Comments » » CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Dr. Betsy Eads warned about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax since the beginning of Covid from infection to injection. She warned about AIDS, infertility, turbo cancers, heart disease, blood clots and many other problems caused by the CV19 bioweapon injection. Dr. Eads was right every single time. Now, Dr. Eads is saying everyone needs treatment whether you are CV19 vaxed or unvaxed. Dr. Eads explains, “We are getting transmission from the vaxed to the unvaxed. We are getting chemtrails. They are putting the mRNA in our food. People have to understand, people need to detox and protect yourself whether you are vaxed or not. I contend everybody should be taking some Ivermectin.” What about the so-called “Long Covid” that people are experiencing in the last few years? Dr. Eads says, “My definition of ‘Long Covid’ is vax injury and/or transmission from the spike protein . . . injured. I think that term has evolved, and Dr. Kory is also including that definition with his vaccine injured patients. He is treating not only vaccine injured patients but patients that have been injured by transmission from the CV19 vaxed. We know transmission (from the CV19 vaxed) is a real thing.” A little more than a year ago on USAWatchdog.com, Dr. Eads predicted “At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon.” We have already eclipsed that number, and there is no end in sight with new and skyrocketing death and injury numbers. Dr. Eads says, “Ed Dowd’s numbers, actuary numbers and looking at UK numbers finds 2.2 billion people permanently injured or killed by the CV19 vax. If you look at the Deagel Report, we may see some huge population losses by 2025. The Deagel predictions show the US falling from 330 million to 89 million people. In the UK, Deagel predicts population will fall from 67 million to 15 million people as a direct result of the Covid 19 bioweapons.” When does the death and disability peak? Dr. Eads says, “On a previous interview here, I said we would get our peak in five years. We are seeing huge numbers in the DMED data. That’s the military data, and it is more accurate than VAERS data. 97% of our military was CV19 vaxed. In that data, which is very accurate, cancers have increased across the board 1,000%. We do have some treatments to handle the spike protein from the CV19 shots. . . . but we don’t have any treatment to shut down the mRNA that produces the spike protein. . . .So, these numbers may go up exponentially until we have treatments.” One way to lessen the disabilities and deaths from the CV19 vax is to use Ivermectin. Dr. Eads says it is one of the best and safest treatments out there now to treat CV19 for the vaxed or unvaxed being shed on by the vaxed. The FDA just settled a lawsuit from Dr. Pierre Kory and other doctors. Dr. Eads says, “Breaking news that has just come out is the FDA loses the war on Ivermectin. The FDA has to retract . . . anything that was negative about Ivermectin.” So, it looks like Ivermectin will be getting easier to get a prescription with the FDA doing an about face on Ivermectin, which is arguably the safest and most effective drug ever invented. There is much more cutting edge, frontline medical information in the nearly 44-minute interview. Join Greg Hunter as he talks to 25-year veteran Dr. Elizabeth Eads, DO, exposing the lies that Big Pharma, CDC, FDA and NIH are telling the public. Dr. Eads continues to highlight the real unreported effects of the CV19 bioweapons.. (To Donate to USAWatchdog.com Click Here) After the Interview: You can follow Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Eads on Twitter, Telegram and Truth Social Dr Betsy and CloutHub DrEads Dr. Eads has a new website called HealingHumanityWorldwide.com. Dr. Eads also recommends FLCCC.net and the “I-RECOVER: post vaccine treatment.” You can help Dr. Eads continue her mission to get the truth out about everything CV19 vax by donating here: Pay $Docbetsy55 on Cash App, or you can use Dr. Betsy’s Venmo account to donate. (Please support the truth tellers!!) You can support Dr. Betsy Eads by snail mail below: 124 N. Nova Road #105 Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Protocols FLCCC.NET : I-RECOVER: post vaccine treatment therealdrjudy.com: Recovery Protocol bundle Detox Bundle- Ener DMG liquid 60 (dimethylglycine) Dr Eads protocols: Acute Symtoms: Ivermectin/HCQ NAC/Glutathione Humic/fulvic minerals Bioactive immune support Quercetin Melatonin Zinc Copper Vitamin D3 Vitamin C Selenium Budesonide inhaler nattokinase Hydrogen peroxide nasal wash or Nanonist nasal/mouth spray Zithromax/Doxycycline Detox Bioweapon: HCQ/IVM- ivermectin.com Interferon spray- rupharma.com Iodine 12.5 mg Chlorine dioxide- kvlabs.com NAC/Glutathione Quercetin Selenium Copper Chromium/Berberine Cardiocleans Ener [email protected] Humic/fulvic minerals Nanomist IV chelation therapy Zeolite- www.life-enthusiast.com Fenebendazole Infrared sauna Suramin- mahoneylive.com nattokinase Turn off 5G/block – bodyalign.com Clean nutrition Clean water, no GMO Do not treat fever with advil/tylenol Stay Connected Advertise Related Posts: CV19 Vaxed are Sick Superspreaders - Dr. Betsy Eads Cancer is Exploding because of CV19 Vax – Dr. Betsy Eads CV19 Vax Humanitarian Catastrophe being Turbocharged without Treatment – Dr. Pierre Kory CV19 Vax is a Crime & Coverup – Ed Dowd Iran War, Border War, CV19 Vax War, Economic War https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vaxed-and-unvaxed-need-treatment-now-dr-betsy-eads/
    CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads
    By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Dr. Betsy Eads warned about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax since the beginning of Covid from infection to injection. She warned about AIDS, infertility, turbo cancers, heart disease, blood clots and many other problems caused by the CV19 bioweapon injection. Dr. Eads was
    0 Comments 0 Shares 24805 Views
  • Destroying Super Immunity & Getting Rid of That Annoying Cough
    Dr. Syed Haider

    I made it through multiple upper respiratory illnesses affecting my wife and kids over the last year without getting sick myself.

    The biggest difference maker seemed to be spending a lot of time outdoors in sunny Puerto Rico.

    It’s not just about the vitamin D that you get in the afternoons, it’s also about the lack of blue light toxicity you get the rest of the day from glass filtered indoor sunlight (or artificial lights).

    Blue light in the visible spectrum needs to be balanced by the naturally present infrared and UV spectrum in natural sunlight. Unfortunately both are blocked by typical window glass.

    Anyway, my long run of seemingly bulletproof immunity came to an inglorious end when I finally succumbed to what had been plaguing my nuclear family for a couple weeks: it began with a tickle in my throat, then progressed to a mild sore throat, stuffy and runny nose, bad a cough, and fatigue. It was rough going for a day or two. Hard to sleep with all the coughing.

    My post mortem analysis of what went wrong: I visited family overseas, where they live in an apartment full of artificial light and not much direct sun. I did my best to get outside, but couldnt do it anywhere near as much as I used to at home. Then (perhaps more or less important?) I started including once a week “stress test days” (nee cheat days) on my carnivore diet. That turned into a general laxity during my regular carnivore diet days, including eating out and being exposed to ubiquitous seed oils.

    Then one day I was enjoying my meat dish at a local restaurant and decided spur of the moment (always a mistake) to try the side dish I would have normally skipped. Unfortunately it was probably the worst possible side I could have indulged in: a nightshade veggie bomb comprising tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and various kinds of peppers.

    Nightshade vegetables are notoriously toxic (despite mainstream claims that the toxins are neutralized by cooking), especially for those with a history of autoimmune disease, or leaky gut. They are also problematic for anyone with a history of allergic disorders or MCAS. It doesn’t help that traditional methods of picking and preparation that minimized the toxicity for otherwise healthy people are no longer followed.

    Pin on Hold the tomato
    Almost immediately after consuming this side dish I started to feel that first tickle in my throat and it was a slow downhill roll from there. Took 2-3 days, during which I had enough of a chance to head it off with some high dose vitamin C, but I’m one of those people who usually prefers to let nature take its course (maybe don’t do this in our current environment of repeated COVID infections, with all the problems they can bring).

    Once the illness got started I began to notice very clearly that what I ate had an almost immediate impact on how I felt. I think it probably required the sensitization of having been strictly carnivore for weeks beforehand.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    I could tell when I ate high histamine fruits or vegetables that my symptoms would worsen significantly, I might get an instant headache, stuffy nose, worsening cough, fatigue, dizziness, and even occasional anger outbursts that had plagued me before the carnivore experiment.

    All these can be due to histamine intolerance. When you’re sick or already exposed to something that lowers your histamine tolerance, adding histamine-containing foods or those that tend to liberate histamine is just added fuel for the fire.

    Histamine Intolerance Doctor Gilbert AZ
    Anyway this has been going around (not surprising since it is winter). Some people get bad diarrhea, for others it’s the cough that’s the worst.

    If you treat this early in the first day or two you can usually cut it short within the first week. If not then many people end up being somewhat under the weather for a couple weeks and the unlucky ones have lingering symptoms for many weeks. It’s not necessarily anything new, it happened before COVID too. Now people are hyperaware of it, and for good reason, because the current iterations are often due to the COVID bioweapon which damages every organ system.

    Whether or not COVID was diagnosed you can usually treat a cough heavy post viral syndrome with key lifestyle changes like avoiding airway irritants (eg use an air filter) low or even no carb (but first try a good quality medicinal honey 1-3 teaspoons dissolved in warm water 1-3 times a day), avoiding trigger foods, plenty of direct sunlight, good sleep; supplements from mygotostack.com like vitamin C, D, zinc, quercetin, turmeric, nigella sativa; and prescription meds from mygotodoc.com like: ivermectin and LDN (we can’t prescribe codeine for cough online since its a controlled substance).

    Other effective treatments include IV vitamin C, IV ozone, HBOT, or what’s easier and nearly as effective: a home oxygen concentrator a couple hours a day,

    However one of the best and most underappreciated ways to get rid of a lingering non productive (dry) cough is simple breathwork.

    That’s because it’s not always just a persistent infection or inflammation that leads to a persistent cough, it may be that, but it is also often a disordered breathing pattern that can develop after just a couple days of illness. This pattern becomes imprinted on the nervous system and can be hard to shake. The longer you leave it unaddressed the longer it may continue. The more you cough the more likely you are to keep coughing, and the less you cough the more likely you are to stop coughing.

    Now, when most people think of breathwork they think of deep breathing exercises. But deep breathing is usually a trigger for a coughing fit rather than any kind of solution (during my long COVID illness I also found it can also worsen anxiety).

    The real fix for a persistent cough (and anxiety) due to a disordered nervous system is often in breathing less, while becoming aware of the impending urge to cough and trying to head it off and suppress it.

    Practitioners of the Buteyko breathing method have a great exercise for stopping a persistent dry cough.


    When you feel the urge to cough you press your hand over your mouth, swallow and hold your breath for 5 seconds while telling yourself you don’t need to cough. Then start breathing slow and shallow through the nose, keeping your hand over your mouth. Imagine the air going in one nostril and out the other in a circle (obviously this is not actually happening it just helps keep the breathing light and not irritating to the throat, partly a psychological phenomenon).

    Do this whenever you feel the urge to cough during the day, and you’ll see that it often works rather well and makes you more aware of what triggers the coughing. Unless there is something more serious going on (don’t nocebo yourself, just assume there is not) it usually only takes 1-3 days of this to retrain your nervous system and end the cough for good.

    You can also check out other Buteyko and pranayama yoga breathing methods (like alternate nostril breathing) for stopping a cough on YouTube:

    If there is residual inflammation, often manifested by a post nasal drip irritating the throat leading to coughing fits (easy to test if you have this, just lie down flat and see if you start coughing, or get worse, within a minute or so), it’s also important to avoid trigger foods that raise histamine or lead your own body to release histamine.

    Some common ones include: the nightshades I mentioned (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, all peppers), bananas, strawberries, mangoes, citrus fruits, avocado, chocolate, dairy, preserved or canned meats and fish, leftover meat and fish, lentils, beans, alcohol, tea, coffee and there may be some that are individual specific (think of any foods that in small or large quantities have caused you problems in the past).

    If you don’t go low or no carb, then also avoid grains until better as they tend to be pro inflammatory.

    Fish oil supplements have a short term anti-inflammatory effect that may lead to a longer term proinflammatory outcome. I’m not clear on all the science and implications here, but you can check out Chris Masterjohn’s work on the topic. Generally speaking it seems to be fine to eat fatty fish for the Omega 3s, but most people should probably avoid the high dose supplementation currently recommended by some groups.

    Another key lifestyle measure that works great for the post nasal drip is lifting your head at night using 2-3 pillows (or a wedge pillow - also helps with chronic reflux), and even propping yourself up against the headboard or wall behind your bed. Might be uncomfortable at first, but it’s better than a night of hacking up your lungs.

    Manage Acid Reflux & more: EZsleep Wedge| EQUANIMO
    I’ve also used pieces of chewed and softened licorice root to help cover up the irritating sensation of a post nasal drip while sleeping.

    Using a neti pot a few times a day may also help with this, and you can add things like turmeric, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, or just go with the usual salt water flush.

    If there is a persistent infection then more drastic measures will be needed including the IV methods mentioned above, and you can consider nebulization of peroxide.

    Promising studies have been done on more exotic methods of relieving a cough such as nebulizing honey, drinking a mixture of honey and coffee syrup dissolved in water, and inhaling a very dilute mixture of capsaicin (from cayenne peppers - which can help with both cough and post nasal drop, and other than snorting or otherwise breathing it in, you can also mix it with honey or water and take it orally as an antihistamine).

    Finally, the most powerful herb I know of for insomnia and anxiety is the sedative-hypnotic mulungu bark, and it is also effective in treating various kinds of coughs.

    Let me know below if you’ve gotten sick this winter, and what you swear by to get better, especially what works for a prolonged dry nagging cough.


    Destroying Super Immunity & Getting Rid of That Annoying Cough Dr. Syed Haider I made it through multiple upper respiratory illnesses affecting my wife and kids over the last year without getting sick myself. The biggest difference maker seemed to be spending a lot of time outdoors in sunny Puerto Rico. It’s not just about the vitamin D that you get in the afternoons, it’s also about the lack of blue light toxicity you get the rest of the day from glass filtered indoor sunlight (or artificial lights). Blue light in the visible spectrum needs to be balanced by the naturally present infrared and UV spectrum in natural sunlight. Unfortunately both are blocked by typical window glass. Anyway, my long run of seemingly bulletproof immunity came to an inglorious end when I finally succumbed to what had been plaguing my nuclear family for a couple weeks: it began with a tickle in my throat, then progressed to a mild sore throat, stuffy and runny nose, bad a cough, and fatigue. It was rough going for a day or two. Hard to sleep with all the coughing. My post mortem analysis of what went wrong: I visited family overseas, where they live in an apartment full of artificial light and not much direct sun. I did my best to get outside, but couldnt do it anywhere near as much as I used to at home. Then (perhaps more or less important?) I started including once a week “stress test days” (nee cheat days) on my carnivore diet. That turned into a general laxity during my regular carnivore diet days, including eating out and being exposed to ubiquitous seed oils. Then one day I was enjoying my meat dish at a local restaurant and decided spur of the moment (always a mistake) to try the side dish I would have normally skipped. Unfortunately it was probably the worst possible side I could have indulged in: a nightshade veggie bomb comprising tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and various kinds of peppers. Nightshade vegetables are notoriously toxic (despite mainstream claims that the toxins are neutralized by cooking), especially for those with a history of autoimmune disease, or leaky gut. They are also problematic for anyone with a history of allergic disorders or MCAS. It doesn’t help that traditional methods of picking and preparation that minimized the toxicity for otherwise healthy people are no longer followed. Pin on Hold the tomato Almost immediately after consuming this side dish I started to feel that first tickle in my throat and it was a slow downhill roll from there. Took 2-3 days, during which I had enough of a chance to head it off with some high dose vitamin C, but I’m one of those people who usually prefers to let nature take its course (maybe don’t do this in our current environment of repeated COVID infections, with all the problems they can bring). Once the illness got started I began to notice very clearly that what I ate had an almost immediate impact on how I felt. I think it probably required the sensitization of having been strictly carnivore for weeks beforehand. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share I could tell when I ate high histamine fruits or vegetables that my symptoms would worsen significantly, I might get an instant headache, stuffy nose, worsening cough, fatigue, dizziness, and even occasional anger outbursts that had plagued me before the carnivore experiment. All these can be due to histamine intolerance. When you’re sick or already exposed to something that lowers your histamine tolerance, adding histamine-containing foods or those that tend to liberate histamine is just added fuel for the fire. Histamine Intolerance Doctor Gilbert AZ Anyway this has been going around (not surprising since it is winter). Some people get bad diarrhea, for others it’s the cough that’s the worst. If you treat this early in the first day or two you can usually cut it short within the first week. If not then many people end up being somewhat under the weather for a couple weeks and the unlucky ones have lingering symptoms for many weeks. It’s not necessarily anything new, it happened before COVID too. Now people are hyperaware of it, and for good reason, because the current iterations are often due to the COVID bioweapon which damages every organ system. Whether or not COVID was diagnosed you can usually treat a cough heavy post viral syndrome with key lifestyle changes like avoiding airway irritants (eg use an air filter) low or even no carb (but first try a good quality medicinal honey 1-3 teaspoons dissolved in warm water 1-3 times a day), avoiding trigger foods, plenty of direct sunlight, good sleep; supplements from mygotostack.com like vitamin C, D, zinc, quercetin, turmeric, nigella sativa; and prescription meds from mygotodoc.com like: ivermectin and LDN (we can’t prescribe codeine for cough online since its a controlled substance). Other effective treatments include IV vitamin C, IV ozone, HBOT, or what’s easier and nearly as effective: a home oxygen concentrator a couple hours a day, However one of the best and most underappreciated ways to get rid of a lingering non productive (dry) cough is simple breathwork. That’s because it’s not always just a persistent infection or inflammation that leads to a persistent cough, it may be that, but it is also often a disordered breathing pattern that can develop after just a couple days of illness. This pattern becomes imprinted on the nervous system and can be hard to shake. The longer you leave it unaddressed the longer it may continue. The more you cough the more likely you are to keep coughing, and the less you cough the more likely you are to stop coughing. Now, when most people think of breathwork they think of deep breathing exercises. But deep breathing is usually a trigger for a coughing fit rather than any kind of solution (during my long COVID illness I also found it can also worsen anxiety). The real fix for a persistent cough (and anxiety) due to a disordered nervous system is often in breathing less, while becoming aware of the impending urge to cough and trying to head it off and suppress it. Practitioners of the Buteyko breathing method have a great exercise for stopping a persistent dry cough. Share When you feel the urge to cough you press your hand over your mouth, swallow and hold your breath for 5 seconds while telling yourself you don’t need to cough. Then start breathing slow and shallow through the nose, keeping your hand over your mouth. Imagine the air going in one nostril and out the other in a circle (obviously this is not actually happening it just helps keep the breathing light and not irritating to the throat, partly a psychological phenomenon). Do this whenever you feel the urge to cough during the day, and you’ll see that it often works rather well and makes you more aware of what triggers the coughing. Unless there is something more serious going on (don’t nocebo yourself, just assume there is not) it usually only takes 1-3 days of this to retrain your nervous system and end the cough for good. You can also check out other Buteyko and pranayama yoga breathing methods (like alternate nostril breathing) for stopping a cough on YouTube: If there is residual inflammation, often manifested by a post nasal drip irritating the throat leading to coughing fits (easy to test if you have this, just lie down flat and see if you start coughing, or get worse, within a minute or so), it’s also important to avoid trigger foods that raise histamine or lead your own body to release histamine. Some common ones include: the nightshades I mentioned (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, all peppers), bananas, strawberries, mangoes, citrus fruits, avocado, chocolate, dairy, preserved or canned meats and fish, leftover meat and fish, lentils, beans, alcohol, tea, coffee and there may be some that are individual specific (think of any foods that in small or large quantities have caused you problems in the past). If you don’t go low or no carb, then also avoid grains until better as they tend to be pro inflammatory. Fish oil supplements have a short term anti-inflammatory effect that may lead to a longer term proinflammatory outcome. I’m not clear on all the science and implications here, but you can check out Chris Masterjohn’s work on the topic. Generally speaking it seems to be fine to eat fatty fish for the Omega 3s, but most people should probably avoid the high dose supplementation currently recommended by some groups. Another key lifestyle measure that works great for the post nasal drip is lifting your head at night using 2-3 pillows (or a wedge pillow - also helps with chronic reflux), and even propping yourself up against the headboard or wall behind your bed. Might be uncomfortable at first, but it’s better than a night of hacking up your lungs. Manage Acid Reflux & more: EZsleep Wedge| EQUANIMO I’ve also used pieces of chewed and softened licorice root to help cover up the irritating sensation of a post nasal drip while sleeping. Using a neti pot a few times a day may also help with this, and you can add things like turmeric, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, or just go with the usual salt water flush. If there is a persistent infection then more drastic measures will be needed including the IV methods mentioned above, and you can consider nebulization of peroxide. Promising studies have been done on more exotic methods of relieving a cough such as nebulizing honey, drinking a mixture of honey and coffee syrup dissolved in water, and inhaling a very dilute mixture of capsaicin (from cayenne peppers - which can help with both cough and post nasal drop, and other than snorting or otherwise breathing it in, you can also mix it with honey or water and take it orally as an antihistamine). Finally, the most powerful herb I know of for insomnia and anxiety is the sedative-hypnotic mulungu bark, and it is also effective in treating various kinds of coughs. Let me know below if you’ve gotten sick this winter, and what you swear by to get better, especially what works for a prolonged dry nagging cough. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/destroying-super-immunity-and-getting 👉https://telegra.ph/Destroying-Super-Immunity--Getting-Rid-of-That-Annoying-Cough-03-20
    Destroying Super Immunity & Getting Rid of That Annoying Cough
    I made it through multiple upper respiratory illnesses affecting my wife and kids over the last year without getting sick myself. The biggest difference maker seemed to be spending a lot of time outdoors in sunny Puerto Rico. It’s not just about the vitamin D that you get in the afternoons, it’s also about the lack of blue light toxicity you get the rest of the day from glass filtered indoor sunlight (or artificial lights).
    1 Comments 0 Shares 32960 Views

    Hydrogen is potent detox medicine. It works even better when used together with oxygen, as therapy.

    “The extra electron means that H- is not an oxidant or free radical but is an antioxidant or chelator of protons or acids. H- or reduced hydrogen is the spark of life and a strong chelator of metabolic, respiratory, dietary and/or environmental acids and thus protects the alkaline design of the body. In other words, this form of hydrogen gives life energy and protects the human body from sickness and disease.” -Dr. Robert Young

    HYDROGEN Hydrogen is potent detox medicine. It works even better when used together with oxygen, as therapy. “The extra electron means that H- is not an oxidant or free radical but is an antioxidant or chelator of protons or acids. H- or reduced hydrogen is the spark of life and a strong chelator of metabolic, respiratory, dietary and/or environmental acids and thus protects the alkaline design of the body. In other words, this form of hydrogen gives life energy and protects the human body from sickness and disease.” -Dr. Robert Young https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/hydrogen-what-are-the-differences-between-h-h2-h-and-oh
    Hydrogen: What Are the differences between H+, H2, H- and OH-?
    Distinguishing between these different forms of Hydrogen can be confusing to those of you who do not understand chemistry. Here is brief clarification. H+ = Atomic Hydrogen: Atomic hydrogen is number 1 on the Periodic Table of Elements. It consists of a single proton and is an oxidant or acid. However an atom of hydrogen rarely exists on its own because its unpaired proton eagerly seeks to join up with an electron stealing life-force energy from the body. The H+ hydrogen ion is the basis of the
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  • ‘A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that using 0.9 milliliters of castor oil capsules three times a day had similar effects for knee arthritis as 50 milligrams of diclofenac sodium (5).’

    Castor Oil: Key Health Benefits and How to Use It
    by Dr. Jockers
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    castor oilCastor Oil: Key Health Benefits and How to Use It

    Castor oil is a fatty oil that is made from the castor seeds of the castor bean plant. Castor oil has many potential health benefits, including relieving constipation, supporting liver health, improving skin health, reducing inflammation, and more.

    In this article, you will learn what castor oil is. You will learn about the health benefits, and I will discuss how to use castor oil. You will learn about the potential risks and how to pick and purchase castor oil. Finally, I will explain how to make a castor oil pack to help improve your health.

    castor oil

    What Is Castor Oil

    Castor seed oil, also known as castor oil or Ricinus Communis, is made by pressing the seeds of the plant to be used for a variety of conventional purposes. It is part of the Eurphorbiaceae plant family, which is a flowering spurge family, mostly cultivated in India, South America, and Africa. Out of these places, India is responsible for about 90 percent of the castor oil global exports.

    It is also among the oldest cultivated crops in the world, making up about 0.15 percent of the world’s vegetable oils. Castor oil has an amber to green color. It has a mild scent and taste. It may be used both topically and orally as a natural remedy for various ailments. It is also used in many cosmetic products sold.

    Castor oil is made up of phytochemicals, including:

    Undecylenic acid
    Ricinoleic acid
    Rincinoleic acid is responsible for about 90 percent of the chemical structure of castor oil. It is a fatty acid that may be responsible for the numerous health properties castor oil is used for in natural and alternative medicine. When ricinoleic acid is released in the intestines, it may bind with receptors that line the intestinal tract and the smooth-muscle cells in the uterus, which may help to promote natural healing abilities (1).

    According to a 2017 review published in the Pakistani Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, castor oil may have many phytochemistry, biological and pharmacological activities, offering natural medicinal benefits (2). It may offer anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, liver-protective, free radical-scavenging, and wound-healing benefits.

    Health Benefits of Castor Oil

    Castor oil has many potential health benefits. Let’s look at each of these one by one.

    Promotes Lymphatic Drainage

    Castor oil may help to support lymphatic drainage and may help to remove the build-up of toxins and debris in the body. If your body is overloaded with environmental toxins, microbes, and debris, they may accumulate within the lymphatic system, which is responsible for filtering bacteria. This may cause lymphatic stagnation.

    2007 research published in the International Journal of Toxicology has found that injecting rats with castor oil helped to suppress tumors that developed as the result of liver damage. (3). As castor oil gets absorbed through the skin, it may increase blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and lymphocyte production, which may boost immune health and benefit those with a compromised immune system.


    Anti-Microbial and Anti-Inflammatory

    Castor oil may also offer anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory benefits. It may be a great massage oil for sore muscles, joints, and tissues. According to a 2000 study published in Mediators of Inflammation, ricinoleic acid in castor oil may offer anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits (4).

    A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that using 0.9 milliliters of castor oil capsules three times a day had similar effects for knee arthritis as 50 milligrams of diclofenac sodium (5).

    Moreover, castor oil may have immune health-boosting effects by fighting microbes. According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6). When used internally, it may help to relieve constipation, thus elimination, and as a result, the removal of microbes and toxins in the gut.

    Thins Bile and Dilates the Bile Ducts

    Bile is a greenish-brown liquid or digestive juice that emulsifies fats for your small intestine to absorb. It moves from your liver to the gallbladder, and then your body stores it until it needs it for the digestion of food. Bile is essential for digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Problems with bile production, bile flow, and bile acid malabsorption may lead to abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and other digestive issues.

    Using castor oil packs over the abdomen and liver area may not only help liver detoxification but may also help to thin the bile, dilate bile ducts, and improve bile flow. It may also help to relieve painful spasms and cramps of the bile ducts and gallbladder.

    With that said, though anecdotal and personal evidence seems to support that castor oil may benefit bile health, we need more research evidence to back this up.

    castor oil

    Supports Liver Detoxification

    Your liver serves vital functions in the body and is critical for the process of detoxification. The liver helps circulate fluid in the body and transforms toxins into a substance which then can be dissolved, flushed down the bile ducts, relocated into the small intestine, or eliminated through stool.

    Using castor oil packs over the liver area may help to support liver detoxification and liver health and reduce related health symptoms. According to a 2012 systematic review published in the International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, using castor oil topically may help to support liver function and cholesterol levels (7).

    weaken immunity

    Improves Bowel Motility

    Supporting digestion may be one of the main potential health benefits of castor oil. Castor oil packs may help to improve bowel motility, which means a decreased risk of constipation and fewer digestive issues. According to a 2012 systematic review published in the International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, using castor oil topically may help to reduce constipation (7).

    According to a 2011 clinical trial published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, castor oil packs may help to reduce constipation, straining during bowel movements, and the risk of incomplete bowel movements (8). According to a 2021 pilot study published in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics, it may help to cleanse the colon before a colonoscopy (9).

    poop, 16 Ways to Achieve Healthy Poop

    Reduces Pain, Swelling and Edema

    Castor oil may also help to reduce pain, swelling, and edema. According to a 2018 study published in Polymers in Advanced Technology, castor oil may help to reduce inflammation pain and support wound healing (10). According to a 2000 study published in Mediators of Inflammation, ricinoleic acid in castor oil may offer anti-inflammatory effects, which may help to decrease pain and swelling (4).

    A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that castor oil may help to reduce symptoms of knee arthritis (5). Thus, it may help to lower pain and swelling linked to this condition.

    Moreover, poor circulation and poor lymphatic flow may increase swelling and edema. Because castor oil may help to support the lymphatic system and circulation, it may also reduce the risk of edema.


    Improves Circulation and Tissue Oxygenation

    Using castor oil may also help to improve circulation and tissue oxygenation. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the lymphatic system may influence the heart, lung, brain, and other organs health (11). By supporting lymphatic circulation, castor oil may help to support the cardiovascular circulatory system and tissue oxygenation too and reduce fluid retention and edema (3).

    Castor oil is also commonly used in wound healing (10). Its wound-healing effects may partly lie in supporting circulation, tissue oxygenation, and blood flow. However, we still need more research on the potential circulatory and tissue-oxygenating benefits of castor oil.

    castor oil

    Supports Healthy Immune Function

    Castor oil may support healthy immune function in a variety of ways. As we already discussed, it may help lymphatic function, which spreads across your entire body and helps to remove excess fluid, protein, and waste (11).

    Castor oil may support lymphatic drainage and blood flow. It may support the production of the lymphocyte white blood cells that fight bacteria, which may assist the health of the thymus gland, which is responsible for creating T cells for the immune system.

    It may also also help to fight and remove microbes from your body. According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6).

    weaken immunity

    Moisturizes Skin

    Castor oil also offers skin-protecting benefits. 100 percent pure castor oil is natural and free of synthetic chemicals. It is rich in healthy fatty acids that may boost skin health. Using it topically may help moisturize your skin, prevent water loss from the skin, reduce dry skin, and improve irritated skin.

    According to 2005 research published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, it may help the recovery of pressure ulcers and wound healing thanks to its moisturizing and antimicrobial benefits (12). Castor oil may also mix well with coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil, which are also beneficial for your skin health.

    Supports Wound Healing

    Moisturizing the skin is not the only skin-related potential benefit of castor oil. It has been used to improve wound healing as a natural remedy for a long time. A 2018 study published in Polymers in Advanced Technology has found that it may help to reduce inflammation pain and support wound healing (10). According to a 2005 research published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, it may help wound and pressure ulcer recovery (12).

    According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6). This may help to reduce infections of the skin, reduce the risk of a staph infection, and support wound healing.

    castor oil

    How to Use Castor Oil

    If you are interested in the potential benefits of castor oil, you may wonder how to use castor oil. Here are some potential options for using castor oil, both topically and orally.

    As a Laxative for Constipation Relief

    You may try castor oil as a laxative for constipation relief, taken orally. The common oral dose to treat constipation is between 15 to 60 mL, as a single dose. This is between one and four tablespoons, taken once a day. For children between 2 and 12, the dose is generally 5 to 15 mL once a day, and for babies under age 2, it’s 5 mL once a day.

    You may mix it in water before drinking it. Always read the directions carefully. Ideally, start on the low end of the dosage and see how your body handles it. Don’t take castor oil internally for more than seven days. And always consult your healthcare practitioner before using it orally. Stop using it if you experience any side effects.

    castor oil

    Support Hair and Eyebrow Growth

    Castor oil may support hair growth and eyebrow growth. For hair growth, you may massage a few tablespoons of castor oil into your scalp and hair, then spread it all over your hair. You may leave it on overnight and wash it out in the morning.

    For your eyebrows, use a cotton swab or a clean mascara and apply a small amount of castor oil over your clean brows for about 20 minutes or longer. You may even apply it before sleep and sleep in it. Clean it with the help of a cotton swab and be careful it doesn’t get into your eyes.

    Reduce Bags Under Eyes

    Castor oil may help to reduce under-eye bags, dark circles, and hyperpigmentation. First, wash your face. Then massage 3 to 4 drops of the oil under your eyes. You may try a carrier oil, such as jojoba, almond, or coconut oil, to dilute it.

    Using your fingertips for massaging works just fine, but you may also use a jade roller. You may leave it on overnight and clean it in the morning gently. Be careful that it doesn’t get into your eyes.

    Improve Skin Health and Dandruff

    Castor oil may offer numerous skin health benefits. For acne, you may apply the oil with a clean cotton swab. You may also mix it with apple cider vinegar, frankincense essential oil, or other essential oils to reduce swelling, inflammation, pain, and scarring. To reduce breakout, you can massage some of the oil into your skin and leave it on for the night, then cleanse it off in the morning.

    For hydration, mix ¼ cup of castor oil and ¾ cup of virgin coconut or olive oil, and apply it on your face or elsewhere on your body. For moisturizing, mix ¼ cup of castor oil with olive oil, coconut oil or jojoba oil. Massage it on your skin, leave it on overnight, then rinse. You may mix one teaspoon of castor oil with one egg yolk for a 10 to 20-minute face mask.

    For sunburns, mix coconut oil and castor oil at a 1 to 1 ratio and apply it on the affected area to reduce inflammation, redness, and pain. For dandruff and scalp issues, massage castor oil into your scalp and leave it on overnight.

    Reduce Joint or Menstrual Pain

    To reduce joint pain, you may massage castor oil into your skin on the affected area as you would with any other pain-relieving cream. About a dime-sized amount, every 3 hours or so may be helpful. Try it for three days for symptom relief.

    For menstrual cramps, you may either massage it on your lower abdomen area or use a castor oil pack. At the end of this article, you will learn about how to make and use a castor oil pack.

    castor oil packs

    Improve Bile Flow and Liver Detoxification

    We know that healthy bile flow is key for eliminating toxins from the liver, digesting and absorbing fats and fat-soluble nutrients and improving the microbial balance in the gut microbiome.

    Castor oil is great for improving bile flow, liver detoxification, and liver function. For this, I recommend using a castor oil pack, which I will explain in more detail at the end of this article.

    castor oil packs

    Contraindications to Using Castor Oil

    Castrol oil is generally recognized as safe. It can also be found in high concentrations in some cosmetics, including lipstick. However, according to 2007 research published in the International Journal of Toxicology, there may be some toxic effects when consumed orally, thus using it orally may not be recommended (3).

    There are currently not enough studies and clinical trials on the benefits and safety of castor oil, thus many doctors are unaware of the potential health benefits and physiological effects. Limited studies and tales of midwifery, including a 2012 report published in PNAS, have reported symptoms of nausea, cramps, and loss of fluid and electrolytes when ingesting the oil (13).

    If you ingest castor oil, it gets broken down by your small intestine into ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid acts as an irritant, which may help to relieve constipation. While this may be good news if you have constipation, this same effect may cause digestive discomfort, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal side effects in others.

    However, if you have constipation, it may be beneficial, generally by starting with 1 teaspoon in the morning and seeing if you get the relief you need. If not, you can try 2 teaspoons the following morning. This is generally safe. If you notice any pain, discomfort, or side effects, back off.

    Sometimes castor oil is also used by some midwives to help induce labor. However, it is important that you don’t try this at home by yourself, only by the recommendation and with the support of your midwife or healthcare professional.

    However, castor oil is not for everyone. People who should avoid it may include:

    Women who are Pregnant: As I mentioned, sometimes castor oil is actually used to induce labor, and limited research evidence backs this up. This may happen because ricinoleic acid contained in the oil may signal a response from the lining of the uterus. Therefore, castor oil is not recommended for women who are pregnant unless recommended by a doctor to stimulate labor (13).
    Women Experiencing Heavy Menstrual Flow: Women experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding should also avoid the use of castor oil packs during menstruation. Otherwise, these packs may possibly help to ease cramping and regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle.
    Individuals with Gastrointestinal Problems: The ricinoleic acid has been found to interact with the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and can worsen gastrointestinal conditions and increase symptoms or the risk of complications. Individuals experiencing ulcers, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, and colitis should avoid castor oil packs unless otherwise recommended by a doctor. Other more minor and general gastrointestinal issues such as gas, bloating, cramping, and constipation, generally respond very well to the use of castor oil packs and may be beneficial.
    Individuals with Extreme Skin Sensitivities: Castor oil packs should also not be used by anyone who has any chronic skin conditions with increased skin sensitivities. Individuals with these issues may be at an increased risk of developing a reaction from the topical application of castor oil packs (3).
    castor oil packs

    How to Purchase Castor Oil

    Whether you are looking to buy only castor oil itself or an entire kit for a castor oil pack, you need to look for a high-quality product. I highly recommend and personally use Queen of Thrones castor oil. Dr. Marisol is an expert in castor oil therapy, and she has made it much easier to use this oil with her high-quality products.

    Queen of Thrones offers quality castor oil products, including organic castor oil in a glass jar, which is what I personally use at home. Getting organic castor oil in a glass jar is important because if there is any pesticide residue contained in the oil or plastic residue (phthalates) from the bottle, it can be absorbed through the skin.

    Using high-quality products, like Queen of Thrones may help to prevent this. Use the coupon code DRJOCKERS10 at checkout with Queen of Thrones to save 10%.

    castor oil packs

    How to Make a Castor Oil Pack

    So, how do you make your own castor oil pack? Start by getting some Queen of Thrones, then follow these instructions:

    Before applying a castor oil pack to the skin’s surface, test for skin sensitivity. Rub a small amount of the oil directly onto a limited area of skin to determine if a reaction develops.
    Avoid using electric heat pads without an automatic shut-off following a period of time. According to testimonials, some people had issues falling asleep with ease during castor oil pack treatments. If you choose to get the pieces separately (as opposed to the Queen of Thrones castor oil pack), then here are instructions on how to do them correctly:
    Choose a place where you can lie down comfortably. Cover it with an old towel to avoid damage from dripping oil.
    Use a large enough flannel that’s enough to cover the area you use it on.
    Saturate the flannel with enough oil to make it wet but not dripping.
    Lie down and cover your entire abdomen area with flannel or the specific area, for example, your liver area, you are using it on.
    Cover the flannel with some plastic.
    Put some heating source on top, such as a heating pad, hot water bottle, or hot towel.
    Relax for 45 minutes to 2 hours with the castor oil pack there. Using this time for meditation or breathwork is a great idea, but you may listen to music, read, or watch your favorite show.
    When finished, wash it off with soapy water or a solution of 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a quart of water.
    You can store your pack in the fridge and reuse it later. It’s safe to use until you see a visible change in color.
    Repeat this process at least three times per week for a month for optimal results or as recommended by your health practitioner.
    You will see that it can be a lot of work, and that is why I believe the Queen of Thrones pack makes it much easier to do as it provides the flannel with ties on it, so you don’t need to wrap yourself in plastic! Use the coupon code DRJOCKERS10 at checkout with Queen of Thrones to save 10%.

    Final Thoughts

    Castor oil is a fatty oil that is made from the castor seeds of the castor bean plant. It has many potential health benefits, including relieving constipation, supporting live health, improving skin health, reducing inflammation, and more. I recommend that you follow my tips in this article on how to use this great natural product for your health.

    If you want to work with a functional health coach, I recommend this article with tips on how to find a great coach. Our website offers long-distance functional health coaching programs. For further support with your health goals, just reach out and our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey.

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    As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

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    Sources In This Article Include:

    1. Tunaru S, et al. Castor_oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. PNAS 2012;109(23):9179-9184. DOI: 1073/pnas.1201627109

    2. Marwat SK, Rehman F, Khan EA, Baloch MS, Sadiq M, Ullah I, Javaria S, Shaheen S. Review – Ricinus cmmunis – Ethnomedicinal uses and pharmacological activities. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2017 Sep;30(5):1815-1827. PMID: 29084706

    3. Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Glyceryl Ricinoleate, Glyceryl Ricinoleate SE, Ricinoleic Acid, Potassium Ricinoleate, Sodium Ricinoleate, Zinc Ricinoleate, Cetyl Ricinoleate, Ethyl Ricinoleate, Glycol Ricinoleate, Isopropyl Ricinoleate, Methyl Ricinoleate, and Octyldodecyl Ricinoleate. International Journal of Toxiciology. May 2007;26:31-77. DOI: 1080/10915810701663150

    4. Vieira C, Evangelista S, Cirillo R, Lippi A, Maggi CA, Manzini S. Effect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators Inflamm. 2000;9(5):223-8. doi: 10.1080/09629350020025737. PMID: 11200362

    5. Medhi B, Kishore K, Singh U, Seth SD. Comparative clinical trial of castor_oil and diclofenac sodium in patients with osteoarthritis. Phytother Res. 2009 Oct;23(10):1469-73. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2804. PMID: 1928853

    6. Al-Mamun MA, Akter Z, Uddin MJ, Ferdaus KM, Hoque KM, Ferdousi Z, Reza MA. Characterization and evaluation of antibacterial and antiproliferative activities of crude protein extracts isolated from the seed of Ricinus communis in Bangladesh. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2016 Jul 12;16:211. doi: 10.1186/s12906-016-1185-y. PMID: 27405609

    7. Evidence for the Topical Application of Castor_Oil.International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine 2012. Link Here

    8. Arslan GG, Eşer I. An examination of the effect of castor_oil packs on constipation in the elderly. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb;17(1):58-62. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2010.04.004. Epub 2010 May 18. PMID: 21168117

    9. Takashima K, Komeda Y, Sakurai T, Masaki S, Nagai T, Matsui S, Hagiwara S, Takenaka M, Nishida N, Kashida H, Nakaji K, Watanabe T, Kudo M. Castor_oil as booster for colon capsule endoscopy preparation reduction: A prospective pilot study and patient questionnaire. World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. 2021 Jul 5;12(4):79-89. doi: 10.4292/wjgpt.v12.i4.79. PMID: 34316385

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    11. Scientists Seek to Understand Lymphatic System’s Impact on Other Organ SystemsLink Here

    12. Narayanan S, Van Vleet J, Strunk B, Ross RN, Gray M. Comparison of pressure ulcer treatments in long-term care facilities: clinical outcomes and impact on cost. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2005 May-Jun;32(3):163-70. doi: 10.1097/00152192-200505000-00004. PMID: 15931146

    13. Tunaru S, et al. Castor oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. PNAS 2012;109(23):9179-9184. DOI: 1073/pnas.120162710

    colon cancer, Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Support Strategies

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    ‘A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that using 0.9 milliliters of castor oil capsules three times a day had similar effects for knee arthritis as 50 milligrams of diclofenac sodium (5).’ Castor Oil: Key Health Benefits and How to Use It by Dr. Jockers FDA Disclaimer Affliliate Disclosure Privacy Policy castor oilCastor Oil: Key Health Benefits and How to Use It Castor oil is a fatty oil that is made from the castor seeds of the castor bean plant. Castor oil has many potential health benefits, including relieving constipation, supporting liver health, improving skin health, reducing inflammation, and more. In this article, you will learn what castor oil is. You will learn about the health benefits, and I will discuss how to use castor oil. You will learn about the potential risks and how to pick and purchase castor oil. Finally, I will explain how to make a castor oil pack to help improve your health. castor oil What Is Castor Oil Castor seed oil, also known as castor oil or Ricinus Communis, is made by pressing the seeds of the plant to be used for a variety of conventional purposes. It is part of the Eurphorbiaceae plant family, which is a flowering spurge family, mostly cultivated in India, South America, and Africa. Out of these places, India is responsible for about 90 percent of the castor oil global exports. It is also among the oldest cultivated crops in the world, making up about 0.15 percent of the world’s vegetable oils. Castor oil has an amber to green color. It has a mild scent and taste. It may be used both topically and orally as a natural remedy for various ailments. It is also used in many cosmetic products sold. Castor oil is made up of phytochemicals, including: Undecylenic acid Ricinoleic acid Rincinoleic acid is responsible for about 90 percent of the chemical structure of castor oil. It is a fatty acid that may be responsible for the numerous health properties castor oil is used for in natural and alternative medicine. When ricinoleic acid is released in the intestines, it may bind with receptors that line the intestinal tract and the smooth-muscle cells in the uterus, which may help to promote natural healing abilities (1). According to a 2017 review published in the Pakistani Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, castor oil may have many phytochemistry, biological and pharmacological activities, offering natural medicinal benefits (2). It may offer anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, liver-protective, free radical-scavenging, and wound-healing benefits. Health Benefits of Castor Oil Castor oil has many potential health benefits. Let’s look at each of these one by one. Promotes Lymphatic Drainage Castor oil may help to support lymphatic drainage and may help to remove the build-up of toxins and debris in the body. If your body is overloaded with environmental toxins, microbes, and debris, they may accumulate within the lymphatic system, which is responsible for filtering bacteria. This may cause lymphatic stagnation. 2007 research published in the International Journal of Toxicology has found that injecting rats with castor oil helped to suppress tumors that developed as the result of liver damage. (3). As castor oil gets absorbed through the skin, it may increase blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and lymphocyte production, which may boost immune health and benefit those with a compromised immune system. lymphatic Anti-Microbial and Anti-Inflammatory Castor oil may also offer anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory benefits. It may be a great massage oil for sore muscles, joints, and tissues. According to a 2000 study published in Mediators of Inflammation, ricinoleic acid in castor oil may offer anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits (4). A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that using 0.9 milliliters of castor oil capsules three times a day had similar effects for knee arthritis as 50 milligrams of diclofenac sodium (5). Moreover, castor oil may have immune health-boosting effects by fighting microbes. According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6). When used internally, it may help to relieve constipation, thus elimination, and as a result, the removal of microbes and toxins in the gut. Thins Bile and Dilates the Bile Ducts Bile is a greenish-brown liquid or digestive juice that emulsifies fats for your small intestine to absorb. It moves from your liver to the gallbladder, and then your body stores it until it needs it for the digestion of food. Bile is essential for digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Problems with bile production, bile flow, and bile acid malabsorption may lead to abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and other digestive issues. Using castor oil packs over the abdomen and liver area may not only help liver detoxification but may also help to thin the bile, dilate bile ducts, and improve bile flow. It may also help to relieve painful spasms and cramps of the bile ducts and gallbladder. With that said, though anecdotal and personal evidence seems to support that castor oil may benefit bile health, we need more research evidence to back this up. castor oil Supports Liver Detoxification Your liver serves vital functions in the body and is critical for the process of detoxification. The liver helps circulate fluid in the body and transforms toxins into a substance which then can be dissolved, flushed down the bile ducts, relocated into the small intestine, or eliminated through stool. Using castor oil packs over the liver area may help to support liver detoxification and liver health and reduce related health symptoms. According to a 2012 systematic review published in the International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, using castor oil topically may help to support liver function and cholesterol levels (7). weaken immunity Improves Bowel Motility Supporting digestion may be one of the main potential health benefits of castor oil. Castor oil packs may help to improve bowel motility, which means a decreased risk of constipation and fewer digestive issues. According to a 2012 systematic review published in the International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, using castor oil topically may help to reduce constipation (7). According to a 2011 clinical trial published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, castor oil packs may help to reduce constipation, straining during bowel movements, and the risk of incomplete bowel movements (8). According to a 2021 pilot study published in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics, it may help to cleanse the colon before a colonoscopy (9). poop, 16 Ways to Achieve Healthy Poop Reduces Pain, Swelling and Edema Castor oil may also help to reduce pain, swelling, and edema. According to a 2018 study published in Polymers in Advanced Technology, castor oil may help to reduce inflammation pain and support wound healing (10). According to a 2000 study published in Mediators of Inflammation, ricinoleic acid in castor oil may offer anti-inflammatory effects, which may help to decrease pain and swelling (4). A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that castor oil may help to reduce symptoms of knee arthritis (5). Thus, it may help to lower pain and swelling linked to this condition. Moreover, poor circulation and poor lymphatic flow may increase swelling and edema. Because castor oil may help to support the lymphatic system and circulation, it may also reduce the risk of edema. edema Improves Circulation and Tissue Oxygenation Using castor oil may also help to improve circulation and tissue oxygenation. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the lymphatic system may influence the heart, lung, brain, and other organs health (11). By supporting lymphatic circulation, castor oil may help to support the cardiovascular circulatory system and tissue oxygenation too and reduce fluid retention and edema (3). Castor oil is also commonly used in wound healing (10). Its wound-healing effects may partly lie in supporting circulation, tissue oxygenation, and blood flow. However, we still need more research on the potential circulatory and tissue-oxygenating benefits of castor oil. castor oil Supports Healthy Immune Function Castor oil may support healthy immune function in a variety of ways. As we already discussed, it may help lymphatic function, which spreads across your entire body and helps to remove excess fluid, protein, and waste (11). Castor oil may support lymphatic drainage and blood flow. It may support the production of the lymphocyte white blood cells that fight bacteria, which may assist the health of the thymus gland, which is responsible for creating T cells for the immune system. It may also also help to fight and remove microbes from your body. According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6). weaken immunity Moisturizes Skin Castor oil also offers skin-protecting benefits. 100 percent pure castor oil is natural and free of synthetic chemicals. It is rich in healthy fatty acids that may boost skin health. Using it topically may help moisturize your skin, prevent water loss from the skin, reduce dry skin, and improve irritated skin. According to 2005 research published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, it may help the recovery of pressure ulcers and wound healing thanks to its moisturizing and antimicrobial benefits (12). Castor oil may also mix well with coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil, which are also beneficial for your skin health. Supports Wound Healing Moisturizing the skin is not the only skin-related potential benefit of castor oil. It has been used to improve wound healing as a natural remedy for a long time. A 2018 study published in Polymers in Advanced Technology has found that it may help to reduce inflammation pain and support wound healing (10). According to a 2005 research published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, it may help wound and pressure ulcer recovery (12). According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6). This may help to reduce infections of the skin, reduce the risk of a staph infection, and support wound healing. castor oil How to Use Castor Oil If you are interested in the potential benefits of castor oil, you may wonder how to use castor oil. Here are some potential options for using castor oil, both topically and orally. As a Laxative for Constipation Relief You may try castor oil as a laxative for constipation relief, taken orally. The common oral dose to treat constipation is between 15 to 60 mL, as a single dose. This is between one and four tablespoons, taken once a day. For children between 2 and 12, the dose is generally 5 to 15 mL once a day, and for babies under age 2, it’s 5 mL once a day. You may mix it in water before drinking it. Always read the directions carefully. Ideally, start on the low end of the dosage and see how your body handles it. Don’t take castor oil internally for more than seven days. And always consult your healthcare practitioner before using it orally. Stop using it if you experience any side effects. castor oil Support Hair and Eyebrow Growth Castor oil may support hair growth and eyebrow growth. For hair growth, you may massage a few tablespoons of castor oil into your scalp and hair, then spread it all over your hair. You may leave it on overnight and wash it out in the morning. For your eyebrows, use a cotton swab or a clean mascara and apply a small amount of castor oil over your clean brows for about 20 minutes or longer. You may even apply it before sleep and sleep in it. Clean it with the help of a cotton swab and be careful it doesn’t get into your eyes. Reduce Bags Under Eyes Castor oil may help to reduce under-eye bags, dark circles, and hyperpigmentation. First, wash your face. Then massage 3 to 4 drops of the oil under your eyes. You may try a carrier oil, such as jojoba, almond, or coconut oil, to dilute it. Using your fingertips for massaging works just fine, but you may also use a jade roller. You may leave it on overnight and clean it in the morning gently. Be careful that it doesn’t get into your eyes. Improve Skin Health and Dandruff Castor oil may offer numerous skin health benefits. For acne, you may apply the oil with a clean cotton swab. You may also mix it with apple cider vinegar, frankincense essential oil, or other essential oils to reduce swelling, inflammation, pain, and scarring. To reduce breakout, you can massage some of the oil into your skin and leave it on for the night, then cleanse it off in the morning. For hydration, mix ¼ cup of castor oil and ¾ cup of virgin coconut or olive oil, and apply it on your face or elsewhere on your body. For moisturizing, mix ¼ cup of castor oil with olive oil, coconut oil or jojoba oil. Massage it on your skin, leave it on overnight, then rinse. You may mix one teaspoon of castor oil with one egg yolk for a 10 to 20-minute face mask. For sunburns, mix coconut oil and castor oil at a 1 to 1 ratio and apply it on the affected area to reduce inflammation, redness, and pain. For dandruff and scalp issues, massage castor oil into your scalp and leave it on overnight. Reduce Joint or Menstrual Pain To reduce joint pain, you may massage castor oil into your skin on the affected area as you would with any other pain-relieving cream. About a dime-sized amount, every 3 hours or so may be helpful. Try it for three days for symptom relief. For menstrual cramps, you may either massage it on your lower abdomen area or use a castor oil pack. At the end of this article, you will learn about how to make and use a castor oil pack. castor oil packs Improve Bile Flow and Liver Detoxification We know that healthy bile flow is key for eliminating toxins from the liver, digesting and absorbing fats and fat-soluble nutrients and improving the microbial balance in the gut microbiome. Castor oil is great for improving bile flow, liver detoxification, and liver function. For this, I recommend using a castor oil pack, which I will explain in more detail at the end of this article. castor oil packs Contraindications to Using Castor Oil Castrol oil is generally recognized as safe. It can also be found in high concentrations in some cosmetics, including lipstick. However, according to 2007 research published in the International Journal of Toxicology, there may be some toxic effects when consumed orally, thus using it orally may not be recommended (3). There are currently not enough studies and clinical trials on the benefits and safety of castor oil, thus many doctors are unaware of the potential health benefits and physiological effects. Limited studies and tales of midwifery, including a 2012 report published in PNAS, have reported symptoms of nausea, cramps, and loss of fluid and electrolytes when ingesting the oil (13). If you ingest castor oil, it gets broken down by your small intestine into ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid acts as an irritant, which may help to relieve constipation. While this may be good news if you have constipation, this same effect may cause digestive discomfort, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal side effects in others. However, if you have constipation, it may be beneficial, generally by starting with 1 teaspoon in the morning and seeing if you get the relief you need. If not, you can try 2 teaspoons the following morning. This is generally safe. If you notice any pain, discomfort, or side effects, back off. Sometimes castor oil is also used by some midwives to help induce labor. However, it is important that you don’t try this at home by yourself, only by the recommendation and with the support of your midwife or healthcare professional. However, castor oil is not for everyone. People who should avoid it may include: Women who are Pregnant: As I mentioned, sometimes castor oil is actually used to induce labor, and limited research evidence backs this up. This may happen because ricinoleic acid contained in the oil may signal a response from the lining of the uterus. Therefore, castor oil is not recommended for women who are pregnant unless recommended by a doctor to stimulate labor (13). Women Experiencing Heavy Menstrual Flow: Women experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding should also avoid the use of castor oil packs during menstruation. Otherwise, these packs may possibly help to ease cramping and regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle. Individuals with Gastrointestinal Problems: The ricinoleic acid has been found to interact with the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and can worsen gastrointestinal conditions and increase symptoms or the risk of complications. Individuals experiencing ulcers, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, and colitis should avoid castor oil packs unless otherwise recommended by a doctor. Other more minor and general gastrointestinal issues such as gas, bloating, cramping, and constipation, generally respond very well to the use of castor oil packs and may be beneficial. Individuals with Extreme Skin Sensitivities: Castor oil packs should also not be used by anyone who has any chronic skin conditions with increased skin sensitivities. Individuals with these issues may be at an increased risk of developing a reaction from the topical application of castor oil packs (3). castor oil packs How to Purchase Castor Oil Whether you are looking to buy only castor oil itself or an entire kit for a castor oil pack, you need to look for a high-quality product. I highly recommend and personally use Queen of Thrones castor oil. Dr. Marisol is an expert in castor oil therapy, and she has made it much easier to use this oil with her high-quality products. Queen of Thrones offers quality castor oil products, including organic castor oil in a glass jar, which is what I personally use at home. Getting organic castor oil in a glass jar is important because if there is any pesticide residue contained in the oil or plastic residue (phthalates) from the bottle, it can be absorbed through the skin. Using high-quality products, like Queen of Thrones may help to prevent this. Use the coupon code DRJOCKERS10 at checkout with Queen of Thrones to save 10%. castor oil packs How to Make a Castor Oil Pack So, how do you make your own castor oil pack? Start by getting some Queen of Thrones, then follow these instructions: Before applying a castor oil pack to the skin’s surface, test for skin sensitivity. Rub a small amount of the oil directly onto a limited area of skin to determine if a reaction develops. Avoid using electric heat pads without an automatic shut-off following a period of time. According to testimonials, some people had issues falling asleep with ease during castor oil pack treatments. If you choose to get the pieces separately (as opposed to the Queen of Thrones castor oil pack), then here are instructions on how to do them correctly: Choose a place where you can lie down comfortably. Cover it with an old towel to avoid damage from dripping oil. Use a large enough flannel that’s enough to cover the area you use it on. Saturate the flannel with enough oil to make it wet but not dripping. Lie down and cover your entire abdomen area with flannel or the specific area, for example, your liver area, you are using it on. Cover the flannel with some plastic. Put some heating source on top, such as a heating pad, hot water bottle, or hot towel. Relax for 45 minutes to 2 hours with the castor oil pack there. Using this time for meditation or breathwork is a great idea, but you may listen to music, read, or watch your favorite show. When finished, wash it off with soapy water or a solution of 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a quart of water. You can store your pack in the fridge and reuse it later. It’s safe to use until you see a visible change in color. Repeat this process at least three times per week for a month for optimal results or as recommended by your health practitioner. You will see that it can be a lot of work, and that is why I believe the Queen of Thrones pack makes it much easier to do as it provides the flannel with ties on it, so you don’t need to wrap yourself in plastic! Use the coupon code DRJOCKERS10 at checkout with Queen of Thrones to save 10%. Final Thoughts Castor oil is a fatty oil that is made from the castor seeds of the castor bean plant. It has many potential health benefits, including relieving constipation, supporting live health, improving skin health, reducing inflammation, and more. I recommend that you follow my tips in this article on how to use this great natural product for your health. If you want to work with a functional health coach, I recommend this article with tips on how to find a great coach. Our website offers long-distance functional health coaching programs. For further support with your health goals, just reach out and our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey. Inflammation Crushing Ebundle The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life! As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health. In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential. Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below! autoimmune conditions Sources In This Article Include: 1. Tunaru S, et al. Castor_oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. PNAS 2012;109(23):9179-9184. DOI: 1073/pnas.1201627109 2. Marwat SK, Rehman F, Khan EA, Baloch MS, Sadiq M, Ullah I, Javaria S, Shaheen S. Review – Ricinus cmmunis – Ethnomedicinal uses and pharmacological activities. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2017 Sep;30(5):1815-1827. PMID: 29084706 3. Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Glyceryl Ricinoleate, Glyceryl Ricinoleate SE, Ricinoleic Acid, Potassium Ricinoleate, Sodium Ricinoleate, Zinc Ricinoleate, Cetyl Ricinoleate, Ethyl Ricinoleate, Glycol Ricinoleate, Isopropyl Ricinoleate, Methyl Ricinoleate, and Octyldodecyl Ricinoleate. International Journal of Toxiciology. May 2007;26:31-77. DOI: 1080/10915810701663150 4. Vieira C, Evangelista S, Cirillo R, Lippi A, Maggi CA, Manzini S. Effect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators Inflamm. 2000;9(5):223-8. doi: 10.1080/09629350020025737. PMID: 11200362 5. Medhi B, Kishore K, Singh U, Seth SD. Comparative clinical trial of castor_oil and diclofenac sodium in patients with osteoarthritis. Phytother Res. 2009 Oct;23(10):1469-73. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2804. PMID: 1928853 6. Al-Mamun MA, Akter Z, Uddin MJ, Ferdaus KM, Hoque KM, Ferdousi Z, Reza MA. Characterization and evaluation of antibacterial and antiproliferative activities of crude protein extracts isolated from the seed of Ricinus communis in Bangladesh. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2016 Jul 12;16:211. doi: 10.1186/s12906-016-1185-y. PMID: 27405609 7. Evidence for the Topical Application of Castor_Oil.International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine 2012. Link Here 8. Arslan GG, Eşer I. An examination of the effect of castor_oil packs on constipation in the elderly. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb;17(1):58-62. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2010.04.004. Epub 2010 May 18. PMID: 21168117 9. Takashima K, Komeda Y, Sakurai T, Masaki S, Nagai T, Matsui S, Hagiwara S, Takenaka M, Nishida N, Kashida H, Nakaji K, Watanabe T, Kudo M. Castor_oil as booster for colon capsule endoscopy preparation reduction: A prospective pilot study and patient questionnaire. World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. 2021 Jul 5;12(4):79-89. doi: 10.4292/wjgpt.v12.i4.79. PMID: 34316385 10. Nada AA, Arul MR, Ramos DM, Kroneková Z, Mosnáček J, Rudraiah S, Kumbar SG. Bioactive polymeric formulations for wound healing. Polym Adv Technol. 2018 Jun;29(6):1815-1825. doi: 10.1002/pat.4288. Epub 2018 Mar 27. PMID: 30923437 11. Scientists Seek to Understand Lymphatic System’s Impact on Other Organ SystemsLink Here 12. Narayanan S, Van Vleet J, Strunk B, Ross RN, Gray M. Comparison of pressure ulcer treatments in long-term care facilities: clinical outcomes and impact on cost. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2005 May-Jun;32(3):163-70. doi: 10.1097/00152192-200505000-00004. PMID: 15931146 13. Tunaru S, et al. Castor oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. PNAS 2012;109(23):9179-9184. DOI: 1073/pnas.120162710 colon cancer, Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Support Strategies Was this article helpful? YesNo https://drjockers.com/castor-oil-key-health-benefits/
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