• University of Tokyo - Scientists cool positronium to near absolute zero for antimatter research:


    #Positronium #Positron #Antimatter #Spectroscopy #Supercooling #ChirpedLaser #LASER #Cosmology #Physics
    University of Tokyo - Scientists cool positronium to near absolute zero for antimatter research: https://phys.org/news/2024-09-scientists-cool-positronium-absolute-antimatter.html #Positronium #Positron #Antimatter #Spectroscopy #Supercooling #ChirpedLaser #LASER #Cosmology #Physics
    Scientists cool positronium to near absolute zero for antimatter research
    Most atoms are made from positively charged protons, neutral neutrons and negatively charged electrons. Positronium is an exotic atom composed of a single negative electron and a positively charged antimatter positron. It is naturally very short-lived, but researchers including those from the University of Tokyo successfully cooled and slowed down samples of positronium using carefully tuned lasers.
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    The event will span approximately three days, drawing inspiration from the Bay of Pigs incident.

    Following this, there will be a 10-day Earth shutdown and the activation of the Military Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) broadcasted globally on TVs and radios.

    Concurrently, governments worldwide will be temporarily disbanded, accompanied by further arrests.

    Subsequently, the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA/GESARA) Blockchain Elections will be initiated, ushering in governments reduced to 10% of their current size, with entirely new personnel.

    This transformative endeavor, known as Quantum GESARA or TRUMPSARA, encompasses various facets of advancement, including the Quantum Financial System, Quantum Voting System, Quantum Healing, and Quantum Physics.

    The transition extends to the digital realm with the Quantum Internet, symbolizing a comprehensive shift toward quantum technology.

    Under GESARA, currency undergoes a transformation, with Nesara introducing Rainbow "Treasury" Notes backed by precious metals, augmented by the integration of Quantum Starlink and internationally regulated USA Coins adhering to ISO20022 standards, also backed by metals.

    Furthermore, the Quantum Voting System (QVS) revolutionizes blockchain technology, departing from conventional approaches.

    The Quantum Internet overhaul entails a complete reboot, eliminating existing entities such as Microsoft, as the current internet infrastructure is likened to Operation Mockingbird, entailing centralized control and manipulation.

    Media outlets and publications, previously influenced by entities like the Mossad, will undergo restructuring, eliminating ownership ties and biases.

    Private intelligence entities, including those affiliated with UK Royals, will be dissolved, leaving Military Intelligence as the sole intelligence authority.

    Subscribe for more:
    THE BIG BANG The event will span approximately three days, drawing inspiration from the Bay of Pigs incident. Following this, there will be a 10-day Earth shutdown and the activation of the Military Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) broadcasted globally on TVs and radios. Concurrently, governments worldwide will be temporarily disbanded, accompanied by further arrests. Subsequently, the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA/GESARA) Blockchain Elections will be initiated, ushering in governments reduced to 10% of their current size, with entirely new personnel. This transformative endeavor, known as Quantum GESARA or TRUMPSARA, encompasses various facets of advancement, including the Quantum Financial System, Quantum Voting System, Quantum Healing, and Quantum Physics. The transition extends to the digital realm with the Quantum Internet, symbolizing a comprehensive shift toward quantum technology. Under GESARA, currency undergoes a transformation, with Nesara introducing Rainbow "Treasury" Notes backed by precious metals, augmented by the integration of Quantum Starlink and internationally regulated USA Coins adhering to ISO20022 standards, also backed by metals. Furthermore, the Quantum Voting System (QVS) revolutionizes blockchain technology, departing from conventional approaches. The Quantum Internet overhaul entails a complete reboot, eliminating existing entities such as Microsoft, as the current internet infrastructure is likened to Operation Mockingbird, entailing centralized control and manipulation. Media outlets and publications, previously influenced by entities like the Mossad, will undergo restructuring, eliminating ownership ties and biases. Private intelligence entities, including those affiliated with UK Royals, will be dissolved, leaving Military Intelligence as the sole intelligence authority. Subscribe for more: https://t.me/BenjaminFulfordJ ✅️
    Benjamin FuIford
    Website: https://benjaminfulford.net/ Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/BenjaminFuIford
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3932 Views
  • The Invention the Illuminati does not want you to know about
    Absolute Zero Emissions forever combined with theoretical infinite speed

    Fritz Freud

    Absolute Zero Emissions forever

    Before I start this there is something you should know and that is the scam that is net zero!
    Net Zero means nothing it is a Hollywood accounting scam.
    It means that you pay money to offset your emissions against planting trees while the Biofuel scammers burn down the Rainforest to plant GM crops and poison the earth.
    It is the biggest Lie.
    I counter their lies with one of the greatest inventions ever made that will produce an absolute zero emissions forever and as such exposing their scam.

    Theoretical Infinite Speed

    In my patent I describe the working of a linear scramjet that as it moves forward inside a constant environment will always be able to produce more output power than needed to accelerate.
    Therefore it will be able to accelerate consistently between any given point A to B, I call this linear travel because there is no top speed and the speed you can achieve is directly related to the distance you travel.
    The longer the distance the higher the speed you can achieve.
    In fact the acceleration goes up exponentially.
    Therefore if you theoretically make A to B infinite and have an infinite fuel source where you are in an environment such as space where you have no mass, you can theoretically reach infinite speed.
    This is why this invention is so powerful and so important that they cannot afford me to have an open discussion about it.
    And I am willing to discuss this openly, but they don’t.
    Einstein is a scam, I am the truth.
    Also I am willing to cooperate with anyone willing to do so.

    Let us begin

    Everyone should have heard by now about Klaus Schwab. To remind you Klaus Schwab is the founder of the WEF which is a private continuation of the Nazi regime which Klaus Schwab and his Family were model citizens of. It is a conglomerate of Occult Families rich people and useful Idiots lead by Henry Kissinger Klaus Schwab and the Rothschild clan. They control all of the Media to serve their purpose all of the money which is in private Rothschild hands and all of the Government through their Occult networks with bribery pedophilia and corruption. They promise you a “Great Reset” which in short is an AI war through AI policing where the Human race is connected to the Internet via the Neural Lace technology currently deployed through the “Corona” scam and in the Injection shots. This Technology was developed by the Harvard Wyss Foundation of the Escher-Wyss family that connects directly to Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk DARPA and Boston Dynamics. It is part of a bigger plan that includes Neural Link (implant, Mark of the beast) Starlink (SkyNet) Boston Dynamics (Autonomous Robots)and Freescale semiconductor (Jacob Rothschild). When this AI infrastructure is ready (in 2022) it will be the end of the Human Race. This is the meaning of the “Great Reset” an absolute fascist New World Order where there is no escape and the many are controlled by the few (WEF).

    But they promised us also a “Green New Deal” and I want to focus on that. The so called “Green New Deal” is a scam and I shall explain you why. It does not do anything it just promises you “Net Zero” emissions which is nothing but a Hollywood accounting scam where the emissions you create are countered by the promise you plant trees, to offset your emissions you make by some fictional promise and it reduces nothing in fact it accelerates Global warming.

    It is a scam fraud and a lie worth of Joseph Goebbels. It is a scam just like Richard Branson’s scam of the Virgin Earth Challenge.

    From their website:

    The benefits of the European Green Deal. The European Green Deal will improve the well-being and health of citizens and future generations by providing: fresh air, clean water, healthy soil and biodiversity; renovated, energy efficient buildings; healthy and affordable food; more public transport; cleaner energy and cutting-edge clean technological innovation.

    The Green New Deal is “not a detailed plan that gives some specific outcomes, [but] a framework proposal … and is a good idea,” according to Eric Orts, Wharton professor of legal studies and business ethics. Orts is also director of Wharton’s Initiative for Global Environmental Leadership. It promises net zero emissions by 2050.

    Green New Deal vs Absolute Zero Emissions

    Now I am going to destroy those lying fascists with facts. Over 15 years ago I patented the only absolute zero emission transportation system designed to put an end to aviation which doubles as an infrastructure support system and is capable of hypersonic speed. It will produce absolute zero emissions forever, something that can never be bettered. There is no transportation technology faster, safer, cheaper, cleaner than this. And alone aviation is responsible for over 36 million tons of CO² emissions per year. That means that I could have saved you 540 million tons of CO² emissions already. And there is more:

    All cars can run on water so we can eliminate CO² emissions from cars too and still using the car you drive just upgrading it will be fine, no need for the scam that are electric cars, problem solved.

    In fact the electric cars will use up all pure rare earth metals needed for computers so that nobody will be able to afford a computer anymore.
    You are scammed deceived and fooled.
    Also you pay for it making you a slave forever.

    On 9 February 2007, Branson announced the setting up of a new global science and technology prize — The Virgin Earth Challenge — in the belief that history has shown that prizes of this nature encourage technological advancements for the good of mankind. The Virgin Earth Challenge was to award $25 million to the individual or group who are able to demonstrate a commercially viable design that will result in the net removal of anthropogenic, atmospheric greenhouse gases each year for at least ten years without countervailing harmful effects. This removal must have long-term effects and contribute materially to the stability of the Earth’s climate. Branson also announced that he would be joined in the adjudication of the prize by a panel of five judges, all world authorities in their respective fields: Al Gore, Sir Crispin Tickell, Tim Flannery, James E. Hansen, and James Lovelock.

    Richard Branson is Illuminati.
    Richard Branson you owe me $25 million.
    Richard Branson you are using my Technology and as such infringing my patent.
    Same for Elon Musk who is also Illuminati and a Fraud.
    Elon Musk you are a thief who stole my Invention on which the Hyperloop is based.
    I claim the Hyperloop as my Intellectual Property

    Now at that time I was already working on my Invention for some time which not only reduces CO² emissions by not creating it, it is to this day the only technology that creates absolute Zero emissions forever. Not only that, it is the fastest safest cheapest transportation technology that can ever be. And there is so much more to it.

    The Absolute Transportation Technology

    So let us start from the beginning: I sat out to create an absolute in transportation technology with the technology currently available.
    It had to be fast safe cheap and to produce zero emissions. In 2005 I saw the first experimental Hypersonic craft flying from womera Australia the HyShot. It uses an air breathing technology that is called “Scramjet” technology.

    A scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) is a variant of a ramjet air breathing jet engine in which combustion takes place in supersonic airflow. As in ramjets, a scramjet relies on high vehicle speed to compress the incoming air forcefully before combustion (hence scramjet), but whereas a ramjet decelerates the air to subsonic velocities before combustion, the airflow in a scramjet is supersonic.

    The first patent for a scramjet was done in 1908 by René Lorin. René Lorin (24 March 1877– 16 January 1933) was a French aerospace engineer and inventor of the ramjet. In 1908 he patented the first subsonic ramjet design. Lorin published the principles of a ramjet in articles in the journal L’Aérophile from 1908 to 1913, expressing the idea that the exhaust from internal combustion engines could be directed into nozzles to create jet propulsion. He could not build this invention since there was no way at the time for an aircraft to go fast enough for a ramjet to function properly.

    To this day this is one of the most interesting and capable Inventions of all time. It certainly is my favorite and I studied it to the detail, so much that I feel not another person knows this technology as I do.

    But there is a catch. Flying an aircraft at Hypersonic speed is a problem, simply because above a certain speed it will become uncontrollable. Also Hypersonic physics are different and dictate the shape of the aircraft making it commercially insignificant. To go around this problem I put the aircraft on a track so navigation is purposely build into the system and it becomes as save as it can be. Again this isn’t really a new Idea combining train and aviation technology into one. M-497 Black Beetle LIMRV and SVL Turbojet Trains were all build and failed because you cannot just put a rocket engine on a car or a train in the hope it works.

    In 1929 Franz Kruckenberg demonstrated with his “Schienenzeppelin” a combination of aviation and track technology that reached 250kph using lightweight engineering and a 600hp BMW engine. In 1974 the Aérotrain, invented by Jean Bertin in the 1960s, used a single reinforced concrete rail in the shape of an inverted “T”. Prototypes for long-distance travel used gas turbines for propulsion, eventually reaching a peak speed of 430.4 km/h (breaking rail’s record at the time) with the I80-HV.

    Funnily enough there is a tax evasion company in Paris that calls themselves “Spacetrain.fr” which is nothing but exactly Jean Bertin’s Aérotrain sold as their technology, an old hag in a new frog. They have changed nothing but somehow they attracted investment of over 5 mil Euro which I suppose is what fraudsters do. I contacted those criminals, because frauds they are and I promised to expose them as I do. Emeuric Gleizes Thomas Bernin and the others of this money laundering tax evasion criminal enterprise I contacted and offered my technology which let’s face it deserves more the name spacetrain than they do. They called me insane for proposing my technology and I promised to expose their fraud which I do. Emeuric Gleizes in particular has a pocket full of § 1.000 companies meaning he is a fraud and does money laundering for the mafia. So I shall expose them all.

    My technology took all those who came before me into account and analyzed them to create an absolute in transportation technology. It uses Lightweight engineering and a combination of hovercraft, track, jet, ramjet, scramjet and other technologies to be able to basically “fly” over a specially shaped track with absolute zero emissions.

    It is faster than any airplane can ever be safer too and since it is capable to go from city center to city center it shaves at least 2h of any journey that you take to and from the airport. It can carry up to 256 passengers. It has the highest passenger transition rate of any transport technology that increases with the distance you travel. It uses a linear scramjet technology and it’s speed is directly related to the distance you travel. It has the capability to accelerate between any given point A to Be permanently. It does so by enabling all four strokes of a combustion engine permanently at the same time. The air is compressed by forward motion and it is an open system. The meaning of this is that the faster you go the faster you can go without limitations. It uses self levitation by forward motion to keep itself at balance at any given speed. There is no maximum speed because the speed is directly related to the distance you travel; the longer the distance the higher the speed you can achieve. There is no cruising speed, you accelerate, you decelerate and you are there. Every point on this planet can be reached within under one hour. And all that with absolute zero emissions.

    Jules Verne famously wrote a book called “In 80 Days around the world”. With my technology you can travel in 4 h around the world with absolute zero emissions; beat that.

    Now let us have a look at the biggest Illuminati scumbag of all; Elon Musk. Elon Musk copied my whole website back in 2010 / 2011. I traced his IP address to SpaceX and I tried to contact him through Tesla. I stayed in contact with Rick Avalos from Tesla but scumbag Elon never came back to me, now I know why. The Hyperloop is a blatant copy of my technology with the only difference is that it is in a tube which makes no difference it would work but not as efficiently. It actually would slow it down being in a tube.

    Richard Branson the other Illuminati fraud and a fraud he is by all accounts and his Virgin Hyperloop is just another scam just like Elon Musk. In fact everything they promise they have infringed on my patent from the central command center to the design it all came from me and they try to bury me and my invention and have done so over the past decade.

    Remember when Thomas Edison killed an Elephant to demonstrate the dangers of Nikola Tesla’s AC technology? It is just that.

    The Hyperloop is just a diversion a distraction from the fact that we are capable of so much more than we are told we are.

    Elon Musk is Illuminati and so is Richard Branson. Neural Lace (which is in the so called Vax shots) Neural Link Starlink SpaceX Boston Dynamics and Freescale semiconductor, all these combined are one gigantic weapon against mankind. The Boring Company and Hyperloop are designed to build underground cities and connect them. What they plan is the following:

    In 2022 they will start to unleash a war a war which is AI robots against the Human Race. When this happens they will go underground in the cities they build and already have and connect them with my technology deviation the Hyperloop. The Boring Company will help them expand their cities underground and build tunnels for the Hyperloop. Then they will start to poison the Atmosphere so they can kill all the useless eaters (that is you and me). At that stage there is no escape from hell on earth.

    But we have a choice. All energy can be created out of water with absolute zero emissions forever. We can regrow all the deserts in this world and make lush gardens out of it. We can connect every continent every country every city with Hypersonic Zero Emission Trains. All the Airports which will be obsolete can be with little to no costs converted into Cities making room a plenty for people to have space to live. All this with absolute zero emissions. Man can live free and birds can recoup the skies. We can make this world a paradise. And by 2050 we will be able to reach every planet in this solar system based on the technology I propose and that is available to us right here right now.

    It is either that what I propose or slavery forever under the illusion of a Great Reset and a Green new Deal that like always promises you everything and gives you nothing.
    It is Orwell’s 1984 Huxley's Brave new World and Adolf Hitler on steroids.

    The choice is yours and yours alone. Stand up and fight for your freedom. Or perish forever.

    Veni Vidi Veritas

    Fritz Freud

    The Invention the Illuminati does not want you to know about Absolute Zero Emissions forever combined with theoretical infinite speed Fritz Freud Absolute Zero Emissions forever Before I start this there is something you should know and that is the scam that is net zero! Net Zero means nothing it is a Hollywood accounting scam. It means that you pay money to offset your emissions against planting trees while the Biofuel scammers burn down the Rainforest to plant GM crops and poison the earth. It is the biggest Lie. I counter their lies with one of the greatest inventions ever made that will produce an absolute zero emissions forever and as such exposing their scam. Theoretical Infinite Speed In my patent I describe the working of a linear scramjet that as it moves forward inside a constant environment will always be able to produce more output power than needed to accelerate. Therefore it will be able to accelerate consistently between any given point A to B, I call this linear travel because there is no top speed and the speed you can achieve is directly related to the distance you travel. The longer the distance the higher the speed you can achieve. In fact the acceleration goes up exponentially. Therefore if you theoretically make A to B infinite and have an infinite fuel source where you are in an environment such as space where you have no mass, you can theoretically reach infinite speed. This is why this invention is so powerful and so important that they cannot afford me to have an open discussion about it. And I am willing to discuss this openly, but they don’t. Einstein is a scam, I am the truth. Also I am willing to cooperate with anyone willing to do so. Let us begin Everyone should have heard by now about Klaus Schwab. To remind you Klaus Schwab is the founder of the WEF which is a private continuation of the Nazi regime which Klaus Schwab and his Family were model citizens of. It is a conglomerate of Occult Families rich people and useful Idiots lead by Henry Kissinger Klaus Schwab and the Rothschild clan. They control all of the Media to serve their purpose all of the money which is in private Rothschild hands and all of the Government through their Occult networks with bribery pedophilia and corruption. They promise you a “Great Reset” which in short is an AI war through AI policing where the Human race is connected to the Internet via the Neural Lace technology currently deployed through the “Corona” scam and in the Injection shots. This Technology was developed by the Harvard Wyss Foundation of the Escher-Wyss family that connects directly to Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk DARPA and Boston Dynamics. It is part of a bigger plan that includes Neural Link (implant, Mark of the beast) Starlink (SkyNet) Boston Dynamics (Autonomous Robots)and Freescale semiconductor (Jacob Rothschild). When this AI infrastructure is ready (in 2022) it will be the end of the Human Race. This is the meaning of the “Great Reset” an absolute fascist New World Order where there is no escape and the many are controlled by the few (WEF). But they promised us also a “Green New Deal” and I want to focus on that. The so called “Green New Deal” is a scam and I shall explain you why. It does not do anything it just promises you “Net Zero” emissions which is nothing but a Hollywood accounting scam where the emissions you create are countered by the promise you plant trees, to offset your emissions you make by some fictional promise and it reduces nothing in fact it accelerates Global warming. It is a scam fraud and a lie worth of Joseph Goebbels. It is a scam just like Richard Branson’s scam of the Virgin Earth Challenge. From their website: The benefits of the European Green Deal. The European Green Deal will improve the well-being and health of citizens and future generations by providing: fresh air, clean water, healthy soil and biodiversity; renovated, energy efficient buildings; healthy and affordable food; more public transport; cleaner energy and cutting-edge clean technological innovation. The Green New Deal is “not a detailed plan that gives some specific outcomes, [but] a framework proposal … and is a good idea,” according to Eric Orts, Wharton professor of legal studies and business ethics. Orts is also director of Wharton’s Initiative for Global Environmental Leadership. It promises net zero emissions by 2050. Green New Deal vs Absolute Zero Emissions Now I am going to destroy those lying fascists with facts. Over 15 years ago I patented the only absolute zero emission transportation system designed to put an end to aviation which doubles as an infrastructure support system and is capable of hypersonic speed. It will produce absolute zero emissions forever, something that can never be bettered. There is no transportation technology faster, safer, cheaper, cleaner than this. And alone aviation is responsible for over 36 million tons of CO² emissions per year. That means that I could have saved you 540 million tons of CO² emissions already. And there is more: All cars can run on water so we can eliminate CO² emissions from cars too and still using the car you drive just upgrading it will be fine, no need for the scam that are electric cars, problem solved. In fact the electric cars will use up all pure rare earth metals needed for computers so that nobody will be able to afford a computer anymore. You are scammed deceived and fooled. Also you pay for it making you a slave forever. On 9 February 2007, Branson announced the setting up of a new global science and technology prize — The Virgin Earth Challenge — in the belief that history has shown that prizes of this nature encourage technological advancements for the good of mankind. The Virgin Earth Challenge was to award $25 million to the individual or group who are able to demonstrate a commercially viable design that will result in the net removal of anthropogenic, atmospheric greenhouse gases each year for at least ten years without countervailing harmful effects. This removal must have long-term effects and contribute materially to the stability of the Earth’s climate. Branson also announced that he would be joined in the adjudication of the prize by a panel of five judges, all world authorities in their respective fields: Al Gore, Sir Crispin Tickell, Tim Flannery, James E. Hansen, and James Lovelock. Richard Branson is Illuminati. Richard Branson you owe me $25 million. Richard Branson you are using my Technology and as such infringing my patent. Same for Elon Musk who is also Illuminati and a Fraud. Elon Musk you are a thief who stole my Invention on which the Hyperloop is based. I claim the Hyperloop as my Intellectual Property Now at that time I was already working on my Invention for some time which not only reduces CO² emissions by not creating it, it is to this day the only technology that creates absolute Zero emissions forever. Not only that, it is the fastest safest cheapest transportation technology that can ever be. And there is so much more to it. The Absolute Transportation Technology So let us start from the beginning: I sat out to create an absolute in transportation technology with the technology currently available. It had to be fast safe cheap and to produce zero emissions. In 2005 I saw the first experimental Hypersonic craft flying from womera Australia the HyShot. It uses an air breathing technology that is called “Scramjet” technology. A scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) is a variant of a ramjet air breathing jet engine in which combustion takes place in supersonic airflow. As in ramjets, a scramjet relies on high vehicle speed to compress the incoming air forcefully before combustion (hence scramjet), but whereas a ramjet decelerates the air to subsonic velocities before combustion, the airflow in a scramjet is supersonic. The first patent for a scramjet was done in 1908 by René Lorin. René Lorin (24 March 1877– 16 January 1933) was a French aerospace engineer and inventor of the ramjet. In 1908 he patented the first subsonic ramjet design. Lorin published the principles of a ramjet in articles in the journal L’Aérophile from 1908 to 1913, expressing the idea that the exhaust from internal combustion engines could be directed into nozzles to create jet propulsion. He could not build this invention since there was no way at the time for an aircraft to go fast enough for a ramjet to function properly. To this day this is one of the most interesting and capable Inventions of all time. It certainly is my favorite and I studied it to the detail, so much that I feel not another person knows this technology as I do. But there is a catch. Flying an aircraft at Hypersonic speed is a problem, simply because above a certain speed it will become uncontrollable. Also Hypersonic physics are different and dictate the shape of the aircraft making it commercially insignificant. To go around this problem I put the aircraft on a track so navigation is purposely build into the system and it becomes as save as it can be. Again this isn’t really a new Idea combining train and aviation technology into one. M-497 Black Beetle LIMRV and SVL Turbojet Trains were all build and failed because you cannot just put a rocket engine on a car or a train in the hope it works. In 1929 Franz Kruckenberg demonstrated with his “Schienenzeppelin” a combination of aviation and track technology that reached 250kph using lightweight engineering and a 600hp BMW engine. In 1974 the Aérotrain, invented by Jean Bertin in the 1960s, used a single reinforced concrete rail in the shape of an inverted “T”. Prototypes for long-distance travel used gas turbines for propulsion, eventually reaching a peak speed of 430.4 km/h (breaking rail’s record at the time) with the I80-HV. Funnily enough there is a tax evasion company in Paris that calls themselves “Spacetrain.fr” which is nothing but exactly Jean Bertin’s Aérotrain sold as their technology, an old hag in a new frog. They have changed nothing but somehow they attracted investment of over 5 mil Euro which I suppose is what fraudsters do. I contacted those criminals, because frauds they are and I promised to expose them as I do. Emeuric Gleizes Thomas Bernin and the others of this money laundering tax evasion criminal enterprise I contacted and offered my technology which let’s face it deserves more the name spacetrain than they do. They called me insane for proposing my technology and I promised to expose their fraud which I do. Emeuric Gleizes in particular has a pocket full of § 1.000 companies meaning he is a fraud and does money laundering for the mafia. So I shall expose them all. My technology took all those who came before me into account and analyzed them to create an absolute in transportation technology. It uses Lightweight engineering and a combination of hovercraft, track, jet, ramjet, scramjet and other technologies to be able to basically “fly” over a specially shaped track with absolute zero emissions. It is faster than any airplane can ever be safer too and since it is capable to go from city center to city center it shaves at least 2h of any journey that you take to and from the airport. It can carry up to 256 passengers. It has the highest passenger transition rate of any transport technology that increases with the distance you travel. It uses a linear scramjet technology and it’s speed is directly related to the distance you travel. It has the capability to accelerate between any given point A to Be permanently. It does so by enabling all four strokes of a combustion engine permanently at the same time. The air is compressed by forward motion and it is an open system. The meaning of this is that the faster you go the faster you can go without limitations. It uses self levitation by forward motion to keep itself at balance at any given speed. There is no maximum speed because the speed is directly related to the distance you travel; the longer the distance the higher the speed you can achieve. There is no cruising speed, you accelerate, you decelerate and you are there. Every point on this planet can be reached within under one hour. And all that with absolute zero emissions. Jules Verne famously wrote a book called “In 80 Days around the world”. With my technology you can travel in 4 h around the world with absolute zero emissions; beat that. Now let us have a look at the biggest Illuminati scumbag of all; Elon Musk. Elon Musk copied my whole website back in 2010 / 2011. I traced his IP address to SpaceX and I tried to contact him through Tesla. I stayed in contact with Rick Avalos from Tesla but scumbag Elon never came back to me, now I know why. The Hyperloop is a blatant copy of my technology with the only difference is that it is in a tube which makes no difference it would work but not as efficiently. It actually would slow it down being in a tube. Richard Branson the other Illuminati fraud and a fraud he is by all accounts and his Virgin Hyperloop is just another scam just like Elon Musk. In fact everything they promise they have infringed on my patent from the central command center to the design it all came from me and they try to bury me and my invention and have done so over the past decade. Remember when Thomas Edison killed an Elephant to demonstrate the dangers of Nikola Tesla’s AC technology? It is just that. The Hyperloop is just a diversion a distraction from the fact that we are capable of so much more than we are told we are. Elon Musk is Illuminati and so is Richard Branson. Neural Lace (which is in the so called Vax shots) Neural Link Starlink SpaceX Boston Dynamics and Freescale semiconductor, all these combined are one gigantic weapon against mankind. The Boring Company and Hyperloop are designed to build underground cities and connect them. What they plan is the following: In 2022 they will start to unleash a war a war which is AI robots against the Human Race. When this happens they will go underground in the cities they build and already have and connect them with my technology deviation the Hyperloop. The Boring Company will help them expand their cities underground and build tunnels for the Hyperloop. Then they will start to poison the Atmosphere so they can kill all the useless eaters (that is you and me). At that stage there is no escape from hell on earth. But we have a choice. All energy can be created out of water with absolute zero emissions forever. We can regrow all the deserts in this world and make lush gardens out of it. We can connect every continent every country every city with Hypersonic Zero Emission Trains. All the Airports which will be obsolete can be with little to no costs converted into Cities making room a plenty for people to have space to live. All this with absolute zero emissions. Man can live free and birds can recoup the skies. We can make this world a paradise. And by 2050 we will be able to reach every planet in this solar system based on the technology I propose and that is available to us right here right now. It is either that what I propose or slavery forever under the illusion of a Great Reset and a Green new Deal that like always promises you everything and gives you nothing. It is Orwell’s 1984 Huxley's Brave new World and Adolf Hitler on steroids. The choice is yours and yours alone. Stand up and fight for your freedom. Or perish forever. Veni Vidi Veritas Fritz Freud https://substack.com/home/post/p-44098947
    The Invention the Illuminati does not want you to know about
    Absolute Zero Emissions forever combined with theoretical infinite speed
    0 Comments 1 Shares 13303 Views
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    Heavenly Jerusalem (project)

    Heavenly Jerusalem on the basis of five southern regions of Ukraine

    Heavenly Jerusalem (also New Jerusalem, Israel 2.0, New Israel) is a project whose goal is the formation of a Jewish state within Ukraine on the territories of its five southern regions: Odessa , Dnipropetrovsk , Zaporozhye , Kherson and Mykolaiv .

    The project is long-term, its terms are determined by the Board of Benefactors, the time is described until 2049 and even after 2060 [1] .


    [ remove ]

    1 Description of the project
    2 Reforms in Ukraine
    3 Funding
    4 Criticism
    5 Interesting Facts
    6 Notes
    Project description

    According to I. Berkut , the author of the idea and the executive director of the project [2] [3] [4] : the next five years is destruction and fragmentation after 19, and the next five years, after 2024, is reformatting. 2029 is the first step for NI"

    Thus, by the end of 2029, about 5 million Jews are expected to arrive in the New Motherland for the construction of New Jerusalem [5] .

    Prime Minister of Israel B. Netanyahu has already discussed the organization of the resettlement and settlement of Jews, as well as possible economic and political assistance in the implementation of the project, with the current Prime Minister of Ukraine V. Groisman , Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev , senior adviser to US President Donald Trump and a member of the influential Jewish organization Chabad Lubavitch , Jared Kushner .

    The project receives support from well - known public figures , political scientists and analysts [ 6 ] : V. Pozner , Ya .

    It is noteworthy that despite its scale of the project, it is not covered either in the world or even in the local Ukrainian press (meaning the central media channels), with very rare exceptions.

    Almost all information about the project implementation comes from its executive director Igor Berkut . Video interviews of I. Berkut, covering the progress of the project, are posted on the YouTube channel "Rassvet".

    The official announcement of the New Jerusalem project is planned to be made after the adoption of the law on the decentralization of Ukraine in 2021-2022. In July 2019, Switzerland allocated 25 million euros, including for the decentralization of Ukraine [8] [n1].

    The New Jerusalem project started in early 2017 with the landing in the port of Odessa of the first group of immigrants from Israel, headed by I. Berkut [2, 19:40]. This group of 183 Jewish pioneers arrived in Ukraine from Haifa ( Israel ) to lay the first stone in the foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem on the fertile land of southern Ukraine.

    The management of the New Jerusalem will be entrusted to the "Council of Benevolent" consisting of 12 leaders [9] :

    A native of Kiev , Golda Meir, 5th Prime Minister of the State of Israel, was declared Honorary Eternal Head of the Council;
    B. Netanyahuwill become the Chairman-Prime Minister, after the completion of the powers of the Prime Minister in the State of Israel ;
    The former head of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, will manage the finances ;
    Defense issues will be in charge of the current Minister of Defense of Israel, a native of Chisinau, Avigdor Lieberman;
    The secret services will be headed by Yakov Kedmi, former head of the NativBureau for Relations with Jews of the USSR and Eastern Europe, who was born in Moscow ;
    Political scientist and publicist Avigdor Eskin, who was born in Moscow, will be in charge of foreign affairs ;
    Internal affairs will be entrusted to the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the State of Israel, Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky;
    The media will be headed by the famous Russian TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov;
    Questions of justice will be decided by a native of the Crimea, lawyer Tatyana Montyan;
    The speaker of the Council will be the former president of the Russian Jewish Congress Evgeny Satanovsky;
    The chief rabbi is supposed to appoint an ethnic AshkenaziKhazar version of the appearance of this branch of the tree of Israel;
    Hidden Apostle
    It is planned to create two capitals in New Jerusalem [10] : the first, political and business capital, will be located in today's city of Dnepropetrovsk and will be called consonant with the New Jerusalem project, the second, cultural, will be located in Odessa and will be called "Adessa".

    Reforms in Ukraine

    The New Jerusalem project is consulted by the Polish Minister of Finance Leszek Balcerowicz [11] [12] , who, together with I. Berkut and other participants, is the author of economic reforms in Ukraine. According to the authors of the reforms, the depopulation of the population should become the basis for the well-being of the citizens of the future Ukraine: “The main principle of the reform is that the smaller the population, the higher the GDP per capita. Therefore, the main way of reform is a steady gradual decrease in the population of the country,” admits I. Berkut [13] [14] .

    In accordance with these reforms, in 2017 the Minister of Social Affairs politician A. Reva said [15] [16] : "There are not only too many Ukrainians, but they still eat a lot." V. Groysman, in turn, found courage and for the first time in the history of Ukraine said [17] [18] : "Ukrainians study too much." I (I. Berkut) and V. Groysman, we both understand that "for a Ukrainian child, this should be" day of kavun", "day of tsibuli", "day of embroidery"; for a Jewish child, this should be "day of physics", " chemistry day", "programming day"


    As of the end of 2016, I. Berkut cites the following sources of project financing within the framework of economic reforms in Ukraine [19] : $250,000 from one of the IMF tranches ($1 billion), $250,000 from the F4 fund (Ukrainian Economy Modernization Fund, Switzerland , "Friedman, Feldman, Fishman and Firtash"), we hope to receive another $ 450,000 from the George Soros Foundation .

    In another video [20] , the executive director of the project speaks as follows: The foundation (financial) is laid by divine providence. Today, 2-3 billionaires leave for the other world every day. If they leave all the inheritance to their relatives, it will harm them. They can donate money to the project. Assistance is also expected from the billionaires of Kazakhstan, Russia and many other countries. This will be help from Russia, Germany, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the House of Rothschild , the USA, from hundreds of family funds, from Hollywood , from Apple , Facebook , Google .

    In July 2019, Ukraine received funding from Switzerland (€25 million), the EU (€137 + 29.5 million) and technical assistance from the US ($695 million) [21] . We are talking about supporting public administration reforms and qualitative changes in the provision of services, as well as decentralization.


    Despite the scale of the project, its consistency with high-ranking people (B. Netanyahu, D. A. Medvedev, V. Groysman, Jared Kushner, Leszek Balcerowych), it is not covered either in the world or even in the local Ukrainian press (on central channels) . The exception is the Israeli press [22] .

    In his informative videos, I. Berkut speaks more than once about the outstanding figure of our time , Lee Kuan Yew , the creator of the Singaporean “ economic miracle”. I. Berkut cites this statesman as an example, and speaks of Singapore as a possible development model for New Jerusalem. At the same time, the approach of I. Berkut to the financing and development of the project is based, respectively, on the desire to receive money from global corporations [20] and the depopulation of the population of Ukraine [13]. The fact is that from the book of Lee Kuan Yew "Singapore history. From the" third world - to the first "it follows that Lee Kuan Yew has nothing to do with the approach of I. Berkut to the development of the state. He never counted on" other people's "money and dealt with the solution of numerous problems and the development of Singapore, relying only on his exceptional mind and human resource, never resorting to population depopulation.

    Berkut, speaking in a video interview on the YouTube channel "Rassvet" about the New Jerusalem project, makes many shocking statements, which, according to critics, indicate that he suffers from chauvinism. So, at the beginning of the video [23], a picture of the future “New Jerusalem” is presented with an explanation: “the dog in the picture represents all nations except the Jewish and Ukrainian”
    To the question of one of the spectators [24] : “I will not allow a Jewish project to be built on my land,” I. Berkut answers: “dear Petya, there is nothing of yours there and never has been. Petya - you are a disappearing small particle of biomass that the wind of change brought into our objective reality. This was explained to you under Kravchuk, under Yushchenko, etc. Petya, look around and see where you are and remember - there is nothing there, there was not and there will not be anything of yours ”

    Speaking about a possible threat to Israel, I. Berkut reports [25] that in this case, from the territory of Heavenly Jerusalem, nuclear strikes with medium-range missiles with nuclear warheads (prohibited by the INF Treaty, INF Treaty ) will be launched on, possibly, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran. Quote [26] : “Thanks to Crimea, we can bomb with impunity from Heavenly Jerusalem any state that acts from anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli positions ... even if Turkey prohibits the passage of missiles over its territory, then a nuclear strike will also be inflicted on it”

    Interesting Facts

    Answering the question: “Do the Jews plan to leave Israel completely in the future?” I. Berkut spoke as follows: "Jews will not leave Israel until our Sun goes out and turns into a white dwarf, which will happen in about 7 billion years" [27] [28] [29] . The fact is that before the moment of transformation into a white dwarf, the sun will go through a phase of a significant increase in size and increase in its brightness. This will happen in 3.5 billion years. By that time, the water from the surface of the planet will completely disappear, volatilizing into space. This catastrophe will lead to the destruction of all forms of life on Earth. It is very unlikely that the Jews will remain in Israel at that time.

    Reflecting on the future of convenient transport between Israel and New Jerusalem, I. Berkut allows the use of comfortable airships. Interestingly, they will be equipped with everything that the soul of a Jew desires, including swimming pools and playgrounds [30] .

    Two existing nuclear power plants on the territory of the future New Jerusalem are supposed to be used for bitcoin mining [31] . The mining of a cryptocurrency like bitcoin is based on the “ proof of work ” (PoW) method, in which the probability of creating the next block is higher with the owner of more powerful equipment. An alternative to it is the “ proof of ownership ” method (Proof-of-stake, PoS), in which the probability of the participant forming the next block in the blockchainis proportional to the share that the accounting units of this cryptocurrency belong to this participant from their total number. In view of the fact that PoS does not require significant energy costs, cryptocurrencies based on this principle seem to be more promising at the moment.

    Berkut, talking about New Jerusalem, repeatedly refers to chapter 21 of the Revelation of John the Theologian, which deals with the second coming of Christ and the creation (more precisely, the descent from heaven) of Heavenly Jerusalem [32] [33] [34] [35]. Also, based on Revelation, the composition of the council of benefactors of Heavenly Jerusalem is chosen [9] . Moreover, if the Revelation speaks of representatives of the twelve tribes of Israel, then the Jews are elected to the council of benefactors without taking into account belonging to any tribes. This fact may be due to the fact that 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel are considered lost .
    During the implementation of the "Heavenly Jerusalem" project, the conflict between the Galicians and the Jewish community in Ukraine was exposed. In one of the videos [36] , I. Berkut reads out a poem from a certain Jew, Mikhail Fonkin, entitled “To the slanderers of Jerusalem”, which is clearly a parody of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “To the slanderers of Russia” [37] . Moreover, I. Berkut does not give references to A.S. Pushkin, but presents this mix as an insight of this very Fonkin. Two points from “Fonkin’s poem” can be noted: the words of A. S. Pushkin “redeemed with blood” were replaced with “redeemed with money; also the words “you did not read these bloody tablets” were replaced with “you did not read either the Protocols of the Wise Men or the Tablets of Moses ... "Here we are talking about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion , the main document"Judeo-Masonic conspiracy ", as well as the Pentateuch of Moses and the Talmud - the main books of Judaism.


    Go↑ Zelensky - Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Who won Ukraine? 05/23/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Harry Berkut. Ukraine: nothing will return 11/22/2018 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Zelensky - Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Zelensky - Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Zelensky - Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Bortnik Ruslan Olegovich . Archived from the original on August 23, 2017. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
    Go↑ Switzerland allocates 25 million euros for reforms in Ukraine (07/09/2019). Archived from the original on July 10, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
    ↑Jump to:9.0 9.1 Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Zelensky - Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Renaissance of Ukraine. 10/20/2016 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] .
    ↑Jump to:13.0 13.1 Igor Berkut. Renaissance of Ukraine. 10/20/2016 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ A long-term process of cleaning up the territory from the population has been launched in Ukraine(11/02/2016). Archived from the original on April 9, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Minister of Social Policy Reva said that Ukrainians eat too much. What do you think? (08/12/2017). Archivedfrom the original on April 24, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Groysman "inspired" schoolchildren with a speech that not everyone needs a higher education (09/01/2017). Archived from the original on 25 September 2019. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Renaissance of Ukraine. 10/20/2016 [Dawn] .
    ↑Jump to:20.0 20.1 Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ We are talking about supporting the reform of public administration and qualitative changes in the provision of services, as well as decentralization (07/09/2019). Archived from the original on July 10, 2019. Retrieved November 11, 2019.
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Harry Berkut. When will Ukraine rise again? 08/01/2018 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part II. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 03/07/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part II. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 03/07/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Harry Berkut. Ukraine: nothing will return 11/22/2018 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ Igor Berkut. Who won Ukraine? 05/23/2017 [Dawn] .
    Go↑ What are you making noise about, folk vitias? .



    Chabad's Khazarian 'Heavenly Jerusalem" project Please Login or Register to create posts and topics. Heavenly Jerusalem (project) Heavenly Jerusalem on the basis of five southern regions of Ukraine Heavenly Jerusalem (also New Jerusalem, Israel 2.0, New Israel) is a project whose goal is the formation of a Jewish state within Ukraine on the territories of its five southern regions: Odessa , Dnipropetrovsk , Zaporozhye , Kherson and Mykolaiv . The project is long-term, its terms are determined by the Board of Benefactors, the time is described until 2049 and even after 2060 [1] . Content [ remove ] 1 Description of the project 2 Reforms in Ukraine 3 Funding 4 Criticism 5 Interesting Facts 6 Notes Project description According to I. Berkut , the author of the idea and the executive director of the project [2] [3] [4] : the next five years is destruction and fragmentation after 19, and the next five years, after 2024, is reformatting. 2029 is the first step for NI" Thus, by the end of 2029, about 5 million Jews are expected to arrive in the New Motherland for the construction of New Jerusalem [5] . Prime Minister of Israel B. Netanyahu has already discussed the organization of the resettlement and settlement of Jews, as well as possible economic and political assistance in the implementation of the project, with the current Prime Minister of Ukraine V. Groisman , Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev , senior adviser to US President Donald Trump and a member of the influential Jewish organization Chabad Lubavitch , Jared Kushner . The project receives support from well - known public figures , political scientists and analysts [ 6 ] : V. Pozner , Ya . It is noteworthy that despite its scale of the project, it is not covered either in the world or even in the local Ukrainian press (meaning the central media channels), with very rare exceptions. Almost all information about the project implementation comes from its executive director Igor Berkut . Video interviews of I. Berkut, covering the progress of the project, are posted on the YouTube channel "Rassvet". The official announcement of the New Jerusalem project is planned to be made after the adoption of the law on the decentralization of Ukraine in 2021-2022. In July 2019, Switzerland allocated 25 million euros, including for the decentralization of Ukraine [8] [n1]. The New Jerusalem project started in early 2017 with the landing in the port of Odessa of the first group of immigrants from Israel, headed by I. Berkut [2, 19:40]. This group of 183 Jewish pioneers arrived in Ukraine from Haifa ( Israel ) to lay the first stone in the foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem on the fertile land of southern Ukraine. The management of the New Jerusalem will be entrusted to the "Council of Benevolent" consisting of 12 leaders [9] : A native of Kiev , Golda Meir, 5th Prime Minister of the State of Israel, was declared Honorary Eternal Head of the Council; B. Netanyahuwill become the Chairman-Prime Minister, after the completion of the powers of the Prime Minister in the State of Israel ; The former head of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, will manage the finances ; Defense issues will be in charge of the current Minister of Defense of Israel, a native of Chisinau, Avigdor Lieberman; The secret services will be headed by Yakov Kedmi, former head of the NativBureau for Relations with Jews of the USSR and Eastern Europe, who was born in Moscow ; Political scientist and publicist Avigdor Eskin, who was born in Moscow, will be in charge of foreign affairs ; Internal affairs will be entrusted to the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the State of Israel, Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky; The media will be headed by the famous Russian TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov; Questions of justice will be decided by a native of the Crimea, lawyer Tatyana Montyan; The speaker of the Council will be the former president of the Russian Jewish Congress Evgeny Satanovsky; The chief rabbi is supposed to appoint an ethnic AshkenaziKhazar version of the appearance of this branch of the tree of Israel; Hidden Apostle It is planned to create two capitals in New Jerusalem [10] : the first, political and business capital, will be located in today's city of Dnepropetrovsk and will be called consonant with the New Jerusalem project, the second, cultural, will be located in Odessa and will be called "Adessa". Reforms in Ukraine The New Jerusalem project is consulted by the Polish Minister of Finance Leszek Balcerowicz [11] [12] , who, together with I. Berkut and other participants, is the author of economic reforms in Ukraine. According to the authors of the reforms, the depopulation of the population should become the basis for the well-being of the citizens of the future Ukraine: “The main principle of the reform is that the smaller the population, the higher the GDP per capita. Therefore, the main way of reform is a steady gradual decrease in the population of the country,” admits I. Berkut [13] [14] . In accordance with these reforms, in 2017 the Minister of Social Affairs politician A. Reva said [15] [16] : "There are not only too many Ukrainians, but they still eat a lot." V. Groysman, in turn, found courage and for the first time in the history of Ukraine said [17] [18] : "Ukrainians study too much." I (I. Berkut) and V. Groysman, we both understand that "for a Ukrainian child, this should be" day of kavun", "day of tsibuli", "day of embroidery"; for a Jewish child, this should be "day of physics", " chemistry day", "programming day" Financing As of the end of 2016, I. Berkut cites the following sources of project financing within the framework of economic reforms in Ukraine [19] : $250,000 from one of the IMF tranches ($1 billion), $250,000 from the F4 fund (Ukrainian Economy Modernization Fund, Switzerland , "Friedman, Feldman, Fishman and Firtash"), we hope to receive another $ 450,000 from the George Soros Foundation . In another video [20] , the executive director of the project speaks as follows: The foundation (financial) is laid by divine providence. Today, 2-3 billionaires leave for the other world every day. If they leave all the inheritance to their relatives, it will harm them. They can donate money to the project. Assistance is also expected from the billionaires of Kazakhstan, Russia and many other countries. This will be help from Russia, Germany, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the House of Rothschild , the USA, from hundreds of family funds, from Hollywood , from Apple , Facebook , Google . In July 2019, Ukraine received funding from Switzerland (€25 million), the EU (€137 + 29.5 million) and technical assistance from the US ($695 million) [21] . We are talking about supporting public administration reforms and qualitative changes in the provision of services, as well as decentralization. Criticism Despite the scale of the project, its consistency with high-ranking people (B. Netanyahu, D. A. Medvedev, V. Groysman, Jared Kushner, Leszek Balcerowych), it is not covered either in the world or even in the local Ukrainian press (on central channels) . The exception is the Israeli press [22] . In his informative videos, I. Berkut speaks more than once about the outstanding figure of our time , Lee Kuan Yew , the creator of the Singaporean “ economic miracle”. I. Berkut cites this statesman as an example, and speaks of Singapore as a possible development model for New Jerusalem. At the same time, the approach of I. Berkut to the financing and development of the project is based, respectively, on the desire to receive money from global corporations [20] and the depopulation of the population of Ukraine [13]. The fact is that from the book of Lee Kuan Yew "Singapore history. From the" third world - to the first "it follows that Lee Kuan Yew has nothing to do with the approach of I. Berkut to the development of the state. He never counted on" other people's "money and dealt with the solution of numerous problems and the development of Singapore, relying only on his exceptional mind and human resource, never resorting to population depopulation. Berkut, speaking in a video interview on the YouTube channel "Rassvet" about the New Jerusalem project, makes many shocking statements, which, according to critics, indicate that he suffers from chauvinism. So, at the beginning of the video [23], a picture of the future “New Jerusalem” is presented with an explanation: “the dog in the picture represents all nations except the Jewish and Ukrainian” To the question of one of the spectators [24] : “I will not allow a Jewish project to be built on my land,” I. Berkut answers: “dear Petya, there is nothing of yours there and never has been. Petya - you are a disappearing small particle of biomass that the wind of change brought into our objective reality. This was explained to you under Kravchuk, under Yushchenko, etc. Petya, look around and see where you are and remember - there is nothing there, there was not and there will not be anything of yours ” Speaking about a possible threat to Israel, I. Berkut reports [25] that in this case, from the territory of Heavenly Jerusalem, nuclear strikes with medium-range missiles with nuclear warheads (prohibited by the INF Treaty, INF Treaty ) will be launched on, possibly, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran. Quote [26] : “Thanks to Crimea, we can bomb with impunity from Heavenly Jerusalem any state that acts from anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli positions ... even if Turkey prohibits the passage of missiles over its territory, then a nuclear strike will also be inflicted on it” Interesting Facts Answering the question: “Do the Jews plan to leave Israel completely in the future?” I. Berkut spoke as follows: "Jews will not leave Israel until our Sun goes out and turns into a white dwarf, which will happen in about 7 billion years" [27] [28] [29] . The fact is that before the moment of transformation into a white dwarf, the sun will go through a phase of a significant increase in size and increase in its brightness. This will happen in 3.5 billion years. By that time, the water from the surface of the planet will completely disappear, volatilizing into space. This catastrophe will lead to the destruction of all forms of life on Earth. It is very unlikely that the Jews will remain in Israel at that time. Reflecting on the future of convenient transport between Israel and New Jerusalem, I. Berkut allows the use of comfortable airships. Interestingly, they will be equipped with everything that the soul of a Jew desires, including swimming pools and playgrounds [30] . Two existing nuclear power plants on the territory of the future New Jerusalem are supposed to be used for bitcoin mining [31] . The mining of a cryptocurrency like bitcoin is based on the “ proof of work ” (PoW) method, in which the probability of creating the next block is higher with the owner of more powerful equipment. An alternative to it is the “ proof of ownership ” method (Proof-of-stake, PoS), in which the probability of the participant forming the next block in the blockchainis proportional to the share that the accounting units of this cryptocurrency belong to this participant from their total number. In view of the fact that PoS does not require significant energy costs, cryptocurrencies based on this principle seem to be more promising at the moment. Berkut, talking about New Jerusalem, repeatedly refers to chapter 21 of the Revelation of John the Theologian, which deals with the second coming of Christ and the creation (more precisely, the descent from heaven) of Heavenly Jerusalem [32] [33] [34] [35]. Also, based on Revelation, the composition of the council of benefactors of Heavenly Jerusalem is chosen [9] . Moreover, if the Revelation speaks of representatives of the twelve tribes of Israel, then the Jews are elected to the council of benefactors without taking into account belonging to any tribes. This fact may be due to the fact that 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel are considered lost . During the implementation of the "Heavenly Jerusalem" project, the conflict between the Galicians and the Jewish community in Ukraine was exposed. In one of the videos [36] , I. Berkut reads out a poem from a certain Jew, Mikhail Fonkin, entitled “To the slanderers of Jerusalem”, which is clearly a parody of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “To the slanderers of Russia” [37] . Moreover, I. Berkut does not give references to A.S. Pushkin, but presents this mix as an insight of this very Fonkin. Two points from “Fonkin’s poem” can be noted: the words of A. S. Pushkin “redeemed with blood” were replaced with “redeemed with money; also the words “you did not read these bloody tablets” were replaced with “you did not read either the Protocols of the Wise Men or the Tablets of Moses ... "Here we are talking about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion , the main document"Judeo-Masonic conspiracy ", as well as the Pentateuch of Moses and the Talmud - the main books of Judaism. Notes Go↑ Zelensky - Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] . Go↑ Igor Berkut. Who won Ukraine? 05/23/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Harry Berkut. Ukraine: nothing will return 11/22/2018 [Dawn] . Go↑ Zelensky - Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] . Go↑ Zelensky - Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] . Go↑ Zelensky - Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] . Go↑ Bortnik Ruslan Olegovich . Archived from the original on August 23, 2017. Retrieved November 10, 2019. Go↑ Switzerland allocates 25 million euros for reforms in Ukraine (07/09/2019). Archived from the original on July 10, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019. ↑Jump to:9.0 9.1 Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Zelensky - Lion of Jerusalem. Harry Berkut. 05/24/2019 [Dawn] . Go↑ Igor Berkut. Renaissance of Ukraine. 10/20/2016 [Dawn] . Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] . ↑Jump to:13.0 13.1 Igor Berkut. Renaissance of Ukraine. 10/20/2016 [Dawn] . Go↑ A long-term process of cleaning up the territory from the population has been launched in Ukraine(11/02/2016). Archived from the original on April 9, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Minister of Social Policy Reva said that Ukrainians eat too much. What do you think? (08/12/2017). Archivedfrom the original on April 24, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Groysman "inspired" schoolchildren with a speech that not everyone needs a higher education (09/01/2017). Archived from the original on 25 September 2019. Retrieved 11 November 2019. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Renaissance of Ukraine. 10/20/2016 [Dawn] . ↑Jump to:20.0 20.1 Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ We are talking about supporting the reform of public administration and qualitative changes in the provision of services, as well as decentralization (07/09/2019). Archived from the original on July 10, 2019. Retrieved November 11, 2019. Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Harry Berkut. When will Ukraine rise again? 08/01/2018 [Dawn] . Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part II. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 03/07/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] . Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] . Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part II. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 03/07/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] . Go↑ Harry Berkut. Ukraine: nothing will return 11/22/2018 [Dawn] . Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] . Go↑ Harry Berkut. How to equip Israel 2.0 in Ukraine 06/06/2018 [Dawn] . Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Igor Berkut. Part I. Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny. 01/20/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Igor Berkut. Vakarchuk is our president. 10/20/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ Igor Berkut. Who won Ukraine? 05/23/2017 [Dawn] . Go↑ What are you making noise about, folk vitias? . https://fitzinfo.net/forum/ https://telegra.ph/Chabads-Khazarian-Heavenly-Jerusalem-project-07-11 https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/07/chabads-khazarian-heavenly-jerusalem.html
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  • Massimo Luciani - Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter:


    #GreatRedSpot #Jupiter #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope #JWST #Infrared #Spectroscopy #NIRSpec #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #AtmosphericPhysics #Physics #Astronomy
    Massimo Luciani - Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter: https://english.tachyonbeam.com/2024/06/26/structures-found-in-the-great-red-spot-area-on-jupiter/ #GreatRedSpot #Jupiter #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope #JWST #Infrared #Spectroscopy #NIRSpec #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #AtmosphericPhysics #Physics #Astronomy
    Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter
    An article published in the journal 'Nature Astronomy' reports the identification of structures in the planet Jupiter's upper atmosphere above the Great Red...
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  • C. Alex Young, Raúl Cortés, Armando Caussade - Sun news June 15, 2024: Sunspot region growing quickly:


    #SunspotRegion #AR3712 #AuroraForecast #Astrophysics #SpaceWeather #Astronomy
    C. Alex Young, Raúl Cortés, Armando Caussade - Sun news June 15, 2024: Sunspot region growing quickly: https://earthsky.org/sun/sun-news-activity-solar-flare-cme-aurora-updates/ #SunspotRegion #AR3712 #AuroraForecast #Astrophysics #SpaceWeather #Astronomy
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  • Clare Sansom - Probing neptunium's atomic structure with laser spectroscopy:


    #Neptunium237 #Neptunium #Isotope #ActinideMetal #LaserSpectroscopy #Spectroscopy #IonizationPotential #Ionization #RadioactiveWaste #AtomicPhysics #Physics
    Clare Sansom - Probing neptunium's atomic structure with laser spectroscopy: https://phys.org/news/2024-05-probing-neptunium-atomic-laser-spectroscopy.html #Neptunium237 #Neptunium #Isotope #ActinideMetal #LaserSpectroscopy #Spectroscopy #IonizationPotential #Ionization #RadioactiveWaste #AtomicPhysics #Physics
    Probing neptunium's atomic structure with laser spectroscopy
    A new technique developed by researchers in Germany can measure ionization states of this element more precisely than before, with implications for its detection and remediation in radioactive waste.
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  • Science China Press - Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction:


    #Tauonium #Tauon #Tau #Lepton #ElectroweakTheory #StandardModel #AtomicPhysics #ParticlePhysics #Physics
    Science China Press - Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction: https://phys.org/news/2024-05-tauonium-smallest-heaviest-atom-pure.html #Tauonium #Tauon #Tau #Lepton #ElectroweakTheory #StandardModel #AtomicPhysics #ParticlePhysics #Physics
    Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction
    The hydrogen atom was once considered the simplest atom in nature, composed of a structureless electron and a structured proton. However, as research progressed, scientists discovered a simpler type of atom, consisting of structureless electrons, muons, or tauons and their equally structureless antiparticles. These atoms are bound together solely by electromagnetic interactions, with simpler structures than hydrogen atoms, providing a new perspective on scientific problems such as quantum mechanics, fundamental symmetry, and gravity.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4138 Views
  • Editors of EarthSky - Auroras last night wowed millions! Pics here:


    #Aurora #SpaceWeather #GeomagneticStorm #Geomagnetism #CoronalMassEjection #CME #XFlare #Heliophysics #Physics #Photography
    Editors of EarthSky - Auroras last night wowed millions! Pics here: https://earthsky.org/earth/auroras-last-night-extreme-solar-storm-wow-millions-may-10-11-12-2024/ #Aurora #SpaceWeather #GeomagneticStorm #Geomagnetism #CoronalMassEjection #CME #XFlare #Heliophysics #Physics #Photography
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7230 Views
  • Utrecht University - First experimental proof for brain-like computer with water and salt:


    #ArtificialSynapse #Synapse #Iontronic #NeuromorphicComputing #Neurology #Physics
    Utrecht University - First experimental proof for brain-like computer with water and salt: https://phys.org/news/2024-04-experimental-proof-brain-salt.html #ArtificialSynapse #Synapse #Iontronic #NeuromorphicComputing #Neurology #Physics
    First experimental proof for brain-like computer with water and salt
    Theoretical physicists at Utrecht University, together with experimental physicists at Sogang University in South Korea, have succeeded in building an artificial synapse. This synapse works with water and salt and provides the first evidence that a system using the same medium as our brains can process complex information.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3362 Views
  • Celia Luterbacher - Scientists capture X-rays from upward positive lightning:


    #SäntisTower #AppenzellAlps #Plasma #ElectricCurrent #UpwardPositiveLightning #Lightning #XRay #Weather #Physics
    Celia Luterbacher - Scientists capture X-rays from upward positive lightning: https://phys.org/news/2024-04-scientists-capture-rays-upward-positive.html #SäntisTower #AppenzellAlps #Plasma #ElectricCurrent #UpwardPositiveLightning #Lightning #XRay #Weather #Physics
    Scientists capture X-rays from upward positive lightning
    Globally, lightning is responsible for over 4,000 fatalities and billions of dollars in damage every year; Switzerland itself weathers up to 150,000 strikes annually. Understanding exactly how lightning forms is key for reducing risk, but because lightning phenomena occur on sub-millisecond timescales, direct measurements are extremely difficult to obtain.
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  • NOVA - Particles Unknown: Hunting Neutrinos:


    #NeutrinoOscillation #Neutrino #Oscillation #GhostParticle #DarkMatter #DarkEnergy #StandardModel #ParticlePhysics #Physics
    NOVA - Particles Unknown: Hunting Neutrinos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNIkkPdF_P8 #NeutrinoOscillation #Neutrino #Oscillation #GhostParticle #DarkMatter #DarkEnergy #StandardModel #ParticlePhysics #Physics
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  • Ray Villard - Hubble Celebrates 34th Anniversary with a Look at the Little Dumbbell Nebula:


    #Hubble #Telescope #HST #LittleDumbbellNebula #M76 #PlanetaryNebula #WhiteDwarf #Astrophotography #Astrophysics #Astronomy
    Ray Villard - Hubble Celebrates 34th Anniversary with a Look at the Little Dumbbell Nebula: https://hubblesite.org/contents/news-releases/2024/news-2024-013 #Hubble #Telescope #HST #LittleDumbbellNebula #M76 #PlanetaryNebula #WhiteDwarf #Astrophotography #Astrophysics #Astronomy
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  • NIST - Scientists modify common lab refrigerator to cool faster with less energy:


    #Refrigeration #PulseTubeRefrigerator #Refrigerator #PTR #AcousticOptimization #Efficiency #Cryogenics #Physics
    NIST - Scientists modify common lab refrigerator to cool faster with less energy: https://phys.org/news/2024-04-big-quantum-chill-scientists-common.html #Refrigeration #PulseTubeRefrigerator #Refrigerator #PTR #AcousticOptimization #Efficiency #Cryogenics #Physics
    The big quantum chill: Scientists modify common lab refrigerator to cool faster with less energy
    By modifying a refrigerator commonly used in both research and industry, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have drastically reduced the time and energy required to cool materials to within a few degrees above absolute zero.
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