• EDTA Snakeoil! Ana Maria Mihalcea's Medical Malfeasance Exposed
    “I already have had.. uh.. patients die from shedding” - Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D.

    Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)
    “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” ~ Hosea 4:6 KJV

    Rockefeller Medicine

    Around 1900, the science world was getting excited about new “petrochemicals” and the ability to create a variety of new compounds from oil. Some of the first products derived from petrochemicals were plastics.

    In 1908, modern medicine was established by the Rockefeller’s and dubbed “Allopathy”. The Rockefeller’s created the business of modern medicine which has always been about poisoning people, Eustice Mullen explains.

    This is the definition of Allopathic medicine according to the NIH:

    “A system in which medical doctors and other health care professionals (such as nurses, pharmacists, and therapists) treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation, or surgery.”

    The Rockefeller Institute for Medicine, founded in 1908, marked the advent of the re-creation of synthetic versions of natural cures. Prior to 1908, every place of healing in America, Europe and the world, used only ancient traditional natural medicinal cures. Every hospital was a “Homeopathic Hospital”. Most of these magnificent buildings were converted into mental health asylums where a system of torture and electric shock was established to “cure” mental illness.

    John D. Rockefeller created the oil industry and used it to crush traditional medicine in order to enslave people. They also financed the Eugenics movement. One of the perks of modern medicine is depopulation.

    “Everyone knows that the infamous Roe v. Wade opinion legalized abortion, but almost no one knows that legal abortion was a strategy by eugenicists, as early as 1939, to “genetically improve” the population by “reducing” it.”

    In the book, “Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America”, authored by E. Richard Brown, he tells the hidden story of the financial, political, and institutional manipulations whereby a diverse and eclectic range of traditional healing modalities available to the North American public was summarily canceled and pared down to a singular style of medicine that would become the predominant medicine of the Western world and a major force in global medical culture during the 20th century. This was brought about largely by the collaboration of the American Medical Association, the philanthropies of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, and the development of a revolutionary curriculum by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Brown documents the story of how a powerful professional elite gained virtual hegemony in the Western theatre of healing by effectively taking control of the ethos and practice of Western medicine. E. Richard Brown describes how, in 1905, the American Medical Association’s new Council on Medical Education funded by Carnegie and Rockefeller commenced serious activity. They employed the services of Abraham Flexner who proceeded to visit and “assess” every single medical school in the US and Canada. Within a short time of this development, medical schools all around the US began to collapse or consolidate. By 1910, 30 schools had merged, and 21 had closed their doors. Of the 166 medical schools operating in 1904, 133 had survived by 1910, and 104 by 1915. Fifteen years later, only 76 schools of medicine existed in the US and they all followed the same curriculum.

    The 1910 Flexner Report laid the foundations of the modern medical system, dubbed “Rockefeller medicine” (Allopathy). Since 1910, corporate interests have established near total control of the medical field, both though pharmacology and through their impact on medical education.

    In 1935, vitamin C became the first vitamin to be artificially synthesized in Switzerland. Rockefeller saw a big opportunity with the possibility that vitamins and medications could be developed from petroleum. He saw the chance to control and monopolize multiple industries at once: petroleum, chemical and medical. Petrochemicals were ideal from a business perspective because they could be patented, owned and sold for high profits.

    Today, the petrochemicals in plastics are causing a slew of illnesses including neurodevelopmental disorders, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer, which have increased between 28% and 150% between 1990 and 2019. Petrochemicals in microplastics are also rapidly reducing fertility in males in particular, and polluting our environment. Please also read more here, here, and here.

    The first pharmaceutical drug was an arsenic named Salvarsan. That’s right, an ARSENIC!

    DEATH is an all-to-common side effect of pharmaceutical drugs which is only logical when you administer poisons internally. The following pages demonstrate the many deaths of people around the world, most of them children, who were fatally poisoned during the first mass medication experiments with Rockefeller’s Allopathic health. The paper is entitled, Toward Responsibility in International Health: Death following Treatment in Rockefeller Hookworm Campaigns, 1914–1934.

    What is EDTA?

    EDTA is synthesized on an industrial scale using 1, 2-diaminoethane (ethylene diamine), formaldehyde, water and sodium cyanide.

    Ethylene diamine induced acute and subchronic toxicity in lab animals, also allergic hypersensitivity. The liver and kidneys are target organs of ethylenediamine, where they simply stop working.

    Read more: Is C60 And EDTA Safe? Clinical Review

    Absorption of large amounts of formaldehyde via any route can cause severe systemic toxicity, leading to metabolic acidosis, tissue and organ damage, and coma, according to the CDC.

    Exposure to sodium cyanide can be rapidly fatal. It has whole-body (systemic) effects, particularly affecting those organ systems most sensitive to low oxygen levels: the central nervous system (brain), the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels), and the pulmonary system (lungs), according to the CDC.

    EDTA is an industrial poison. The textile industry required a chelating agent to remove calcium during textile processing and this led to the synthesis of polyamino-carboxylic acids, one of which was EDTA. A patent was filed for EDTA in Germany in 1935, for industrial chemical use. EDTA is a synthetic acid effectively used to clean boiler rooms in nuclear power plants. In 1945, Franz Munz obtained a US EDTA patent in 1945. In 1947, EDTA was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a food additive in “low doses” because it’s a forever chemical and a preservative.

    There are two different types of EDTA approved by the U.S. FDA. In 1953, Edetate calcium disodium also known as Calcium EDTA (marketed under the trade name Calcium Disodium Versenate registered ) was approved for the treatment of lead poisoning. Three years later, in 1956, a related EDTA compound, Edetate disodium, was also approved for clinical use. This compound, also known as Disodium EDTA, has been marketed under the trade names Disotate (registered) and Endrate (registered). The essential difference between these two compounds is that Calcium EDTA's structure has an incorporated Ca super(2+) moiety while Disodium EDTA does not. The use of the latter compound, Disodium EDTA, has been associated with life-threatening and fatal hypocalcemia.

    EDTA trial DEATHS

    An EDTA trial (Sloth-Nielsen et al., 1981) on the possible antiatherogenic effect of EDTA with 6 patients, showed clinical signs of potentially lethal hypocalcemia from abnormally low calcium levels caused by EDTA.

    Another EDTA chelation human trial in 2003-2005 resulted in DEATHS due to hypocalcemia.

    A 2006 EDTA chelation trial also resulted in DEATHS due to hypocalcemia.

    There were several DEATHS reported from cardiac arrest due to lethal hypocalcemia in EDTA trials in 2006 and 2008 and (Brown, Willis, Omalu, & Leiker, 2006; Baxter & Krenzelok, 2008), from calcium deficiency inducing alterations in the brain, and osteoporosis, which causes the bones to become brittle.

    In 2008, a clinical trial with EDTA chelation on autistic children also proved fatal, resulting in DEATHS of children.

    A 2007 EDTA chelation study proved KIDNEY FAILURE in humans.

    Decades of clinical studies demonstrate that EDTA treatment is associated with severe, life-threatening adverse effects, as Science Direct explained in 2016.

    “It should be emphasized that EDTA treatment is associated with severe, life-threatening adverse effects.

    EDTA for cardiovascular disease DEBUNKED

    Many Allopathic specialists tried to popularize the use of EDTA for chelation, to no avail. In the 1980s, Richard Casdorph, a practicing cardiologist, claimed improvements in ejection fractions of the heart and in cerebral blood flow with EDTA chelation therapy in several articles. McDonagh, Rudolph, and Cheraskin published about 30 articles documenting various positive effects of EDTA chelation. This group wrote articles showing no problems with kidney function in patients treated with EDTA according to the published protocol. At the same time, conventional cardiologists wrote several editorials against EDTA chelation. So the American Medical Association called for studies to see if chelation worked. The American Board of Chelation Therapy in 1983 was formed to certify doctors who give the therapy. It was later called the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology. ACAM also certified doctors who took its workshop on chelation therapy and passed its written and oral examinations. The Great Lakes College of Clinical Medicine, later called the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM), was formed in 1983 to teach and do research on chelation and other integrative therapies. After complex negotiations, in the late 1980's Walter Reed Army Hospital agreed to do a randomized clinical trial on EDTA chelation therapy, but part way through the study it was suddenly discontinued for unknown reasons.

    However, in a paper by Seely, Wu, and Mills, (2005), a systematic review of published articles in this field was undertaken. The authors concluded that the best current available evidence did not support the therapeutic use of EDTA chelation therapy in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Similar results have been reported in review papers by Shrihari, Roy, Prabhakaran, and Reddy (2006) and Crisponi et al. (2015).

    While a 2002 EDTA large randomized clinical trial “showed benefit”, smaller studies were inconsistent.

    In the 1990s, the Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against ACAM for making a claim in a brochure that chelation was effective for vascular disease. ACAM submitted almost 100 articles in support of the claim, but the FTC insisted that a large randomized trial was required to make that claim. ACAM finally gave up after spending a million dollars in legal fees and signed a consent order saying they would not make such a claim anymore, based on the evidence at that time.

    In conclusion, our study shows that in a population of stable, largely asymptomatic coronary artery disease patients with prior myocardial infarction, use of EDTA chelation therapy did not produce a measurable change in health-related quality of life over 2 years of follow-up.

    A slew of other adverse events such as lacrimation, nasal congestion, mucocutaneous lesions, glycosuria, hypotension, and ECG abnormalities (DISEASE OF THE HEART AND LUNGS) have also been reported as well as allergic reactions (Wax, 2013) to EDTA. Prolonged treatment with calcium EDTA gives rise to depletion of magnesium and trace-metal depletion, the most marked being due to the excretion of zinc. Zinc depletion destroys your cells’ ability to absorb nutrients and leads to diabetes.

    A 2015 study entitled, Quality of Life Outcomes with a Disodium EDTA Chelation Regimen for Coronary Disease: Results from the TACT Randomized Trial concluded with this statement:

    “In conclusion, our study shows that in a population of stable, largely asymptomatic coronary artery disease patients with prior myocardial infarction, use of EDTA chelation therapy did not produce a measurable change in health-related quality of life over 2 years of follow-up.”

    Severe kidney damage from EDTA chelation therapy was reported in a (Nissel 1986) trial. In a very short period of time, EDTA causes kidneys to shut down in complete failure.

    A study from 2015 suggests EDTA chelation for myocardial infarction with “modest” benefits to cardio health. However, I would suggest that the moderate benefits of this study were due to the high doses of vitamin C administered.

    A 2017 study on EDTA chelation for atherosclerosis and Miocardial Infraction concluded:

    “Unsubstantiated claims of chelation therapy as an effective treatment of atherosclerosis should be avoided and patients made aware of the inadequate evidence for efficacy and potential adverse effects, especially the harm that can occur if used as a substitute for proven therapies.”

    In a 2018 EDTA trial it was concluded:

    “These results… are not sufficient to support the routine use of chelation therapy for treatment of patients who have had an MI (Miocardial Infraction)”.

    A study from 2023 entitled, Chelation Therapy Associated with Antioxidant Supplementation Can Decrease Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis: Preliminary Results proved a flop with two participants discontinuing their trial participation.

    EDTA for lead poisoning DEBUNKED

    EDTA has also been touted as a treatment for lead poisoning. Because of its adverse effects, calcium EDTA was replaced by DMSA in the treatment of lead poisoning (Aposhian et al., 1995) in 1995. CaEDTA has also been used for the treatment of cases with manganese toxicity, but the result was neurotoxic symptoms resembling PARKINSONISM (Andersen, 1999).

    A 2004 trial showed that EDTA actually REDISTRIBUTES LEAD TO THE BRAIN after acute or chronic lead exposure (Andersen, 2004).

    Another trial proved adverse effects in 5 patients receiving EDTA at an outpatient chelation clinic in 2002, and all patients experienced gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal symptoms.

    Oral exposure to EDTA (2002) had produced adverse reproductive and developmental effects in animals. EDTA did not make it past the animal or human trials, so why are medical doctors using it in humans?

    A 2002 EDTA trial was performed on humans as a test for “chelation” therapy by a chelation clinic, demonstrating adverse events in 5 out of 5 patients.

    Additionally, EDTA is a persistent organic pollutant (POP). In that case, each intake would only be partially excreted, while the remaining chemicals build up in the body and produce cell death. And long-term exposure to calcium disodium EDTA creates toxicity and kidney damage.

    EDTA Snakeoil Salesmen

    In March 2023, Ana Maria Mihalcea interviewed Dr. Michael Roth who claims that EDTA is a “synthetic amino acid related to vinegar.” Together they make a slew of medical claims that are not scientifically proven, such as that EDTA “detoxifies covid vaccine, heavy metals, graphene oxide, parasites, hydrogels, and nanoparticles”.

    The only scientific tool Ana Maria uses to back her claims is dark field microscopy. You cannot see nanoparticles with a dark field microscope. It takes a spectroscopy microscope to identify nanoparticles. Her medical claims are simply fabricated and unscientific lies.

    Ana Maria and Dr. Ross made additional unproven medical statements that “EDTA removes the effects of a heart attack, can bring back the elderly from senility and Alzheimer’s, reduces blood pressure, detoxifies several snake and spider venoms, lowers insulin, smooths skin and wrinkles, ” and a host of other laughable health claims that aren’t backed by anything.

    Incidentally, Dr. Ross is now dead.

    “Dr. Roth sadly passed away on March 11/2023”

    My sources informed me that Dr. Rashid Buttar was using EDTA. Given that he was already severely poisoned as Stew Peter’s reported, using EDTA Acid would have been enough to tip him over the edge and kill him.

    EDTA is not an approved pharmaceutical drug. It was Covid Emergency approved by the FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), just like the modified RNA (modRNA) Covid-19 vaccine nanotechnology.

    The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (.gov) makes it clear that the use of EDTA chelation for heart disease has not been approved by the FDA.

    Ana Maria has been touting EDTA as an “antioxidant” when it is not. She even published to her Substack that EDTA is an “Antioxidant” when in fact it’s an acid poison and an oxidant. Many people saw it on her Substack before she removed it.

    I’ve had over a dozen clients come to me extremely sick from EDTA pills and EDTA IV infusion. Some told me they thought it was a natural substance due to Ana Maria’s false advertising and medical malfeasance. A Medical Doctor is licensed to know wether EDTA Acid is an oxidant poison or an antioxidant. Not knowing this and inducing the death of a patient is not an acceptable excuse. Ana Maria is criminally liable.

    EDTA is an oxidant when used internally. The studies that refer to EDTA as an “antioxidant” are in vitro lab studies, not in vivo (inside the body).

    EDTA is used to preserve cell specimens for chemistry lab work because it prevents blood coagulation and oxidation of cells in a petri dish where it’s used for diagnostic purposes. This is the kind of “antioxidant” the studies are referring to. But when you infuse EDTA Acid into the human body, it acts as an oxidant poison.

    EDTA also will not decoagulate the blood in vivo (inside the body). But I can see how people who cannot read peer-reviewed literature could be deceived and manipulated by snake oil salesmen.

    For example, a study entitled, “Comparative study of the antioxidant capability of EDTA and Irganox”. EDTA is a preservative used in laboratories to preserve cells for scientific lab research. EDTA prevents the oxidation of cells in a petri dish. Oxygen causes cells to deteriorate, but labs need them to last longer for research purposes. When used inside the human body (in vivo), it’s a different story. Then EDTA acts as an oxidant poison, not an antioxidant. So this has a very different meaning.

    One of the well documented and widely known adverse events from EDTA “chelation” is DEATH, according to Mount Sinai.

    Other serious side effects that have been reported include low blood sugar, diminished calcium levels, headache, nausea, dangerously low blood pressure, kidney failure, organ damage, irregular heartbeat, seizures, or even death.

    I have to wonder if Ana Maria Mihalcea is informing her patients that death is a potential adverse event to EDTA chelation? In a March 24, 2024, broadcast that Ana Maria released, at the 53:24 minute mark, she makes a chilling confession:

    “I already have had… uh… patients die from the shedding”

    How many of Ana Maria Mihalcea’s patients have been killed by her EDTA infusion protocol? I was horrified when I heard Ana Maria’s confession because I haven’t had any clients die from shedding! I’ve treated many people who were extremely sick from shedding, and I helped them all to detox effectively. Some clients came to me after several hospitalizations from extreme shedding but none of them died in my care! Nobody needs to die from shedding if they use an effective detox protocol.

    Between 1-2 years, Ana Maria has been claiming that EDTA detoxes graphene, dissolves graphene and chelates heavy metals, but experts such as Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Judy Mikovitz told me this is impossible.

    Ana Maria has gone so far as to produce a medical study with unscientific claims right in the title, “EDTA Chelation Dissolves the Artificial Intelligence Magnetic Hydrogel Weapon”. The study was also promoted by Health Canada. In her study, Ana Maria claims that EDTA can “detoxify the body even from Graphene”.

    EDTA is not a detox agent! Again, it’s an oxidant that degrades cells whereas genuine antioxidants repair cells.

    Ana Maria does in fact know about oxidant poisons. In an interview from December 2022, she referred to graphene as an oxidant. At least she’s correct about something.

    Saul Green, Ph.D., and Wallace I. Sampson, M.D. wrote in great detail about the Implausibility of EDTA Chelation Therapy, stating:

    “EDTA chelation effectiveness is implausible; (2) the preponderance of evidence shows ineffectiveness; and (3) EDTA augments oxidative reactions involving iron instead of inhibiting them, resulting in increased likelihood of production of oxygen free radicals rather than neutralization of them, as claimed.”

    EDTA a precurser to cellular transfection

    The Rockefeller Institue of Medicine has done clinical research on EDTA. One particular study entitled, Studies of Cell Deformity from 1967, shows that cells will degrade from EDTA exposure, which also induces “deformation” on their surfaces. The trial demonstrated that EDTA stops cellular synthesis of calcium. They learned that calcium is bound to anionic sites at the cell periphery, some of which are located at the cellular electrokinetic surface.

    Due to Rockefeller’s research, EDTA is now used in electrophoresis which is a laboratory technique used to separate DNA, RNA or protein molecules based on their size and electrical charge. An electric current is used to move the molecules through a gel or other matrix, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute.

    In agarose gel electrophoresis, EDTA is added for chelating the magnesium ions which are cofactors for DNA nucleases. Hence, activity of DNA nucleases that may be present is inhibited, and “DNA is protected from degrading”. This is why EDTA is an effective transfection agent because it dissolves parts of your DNA, preserving cells for lab research in vitro.

    Gel electrophoresis using EDTA is routinely used for detection and size analysis of proteins and nucleic acid. DMSO is used with EDTA in this process. This destruction of cells makes transfection (gene editing) of cells easier using CRISPR-Cas9 which splices and dices the genome in vivo, as this study explains entitled, “Inhibition of CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complex assembly by anti-CRISPR AcrIIC2”.

    EDTA was found to be genotoxic in laboratory animals. A study from 1983 demonstrates that EDTA induces gene mutations and chromosomal breakage, meaning that genetic mutations will be passed on your offspring, affecting generations to come, according to this Genetic Toxicology of EDTA study from 1983.

    Calcium chelate of EDTA (CaEDTA) “chelation” has shown teratogenic effects (Catsch & Harmuth-Hoene, 1976), which are central nervous system depression and peripheral neuropathy. EDTA produced abnormalities in pups of rats removed by cesarian section on day 21 of the study. Increases in several abnormalities (cleft palate, adactyly or syndactyly, abnormal rib or abnormal vertebrae) were observed with increased doses of CaEDTA.

    EDTA improves transfection of embryonic stem cells lines (hESC) in cells, according to the NIH.

    According to a peer reviewed paper from the NIH, EDTA is a precursor to cellular transfection.

    “We found that chemically abrading the differentiated CACO-2 human intestinal epithelial cell layer by a trypsin and EDTA pretreatment (before the use of detergent-like transfection reagents) dramatically improved transfection efficiency in this polar, differentiated model. Although this treatment did improve the transfection efficiency, it also induced leakiness in the epithelial barrier by both opening tight junctional complexes and by creating holes in the cell layer because of low-level cell death and detachment. Thus, this approach to enhance the transfection efficiency of polar, differentiated cells will be useful for assessment of the effect of the transfected/expressed protein on (re)formation of an epithelial barrier..."

    Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Fetal Bovine Serum for human transfection also uses EDTA.

    An NIH study entitled, “Kinetic Basis for DNA Target Specificity of CRISPR-Cas12a” reveals that EDTA enables rapid binding to DNA during gene editing (transfection).

    Another study entitled, “Improved genome editing by an engineered CRISPR-Cas12a” explains:

    “CAS12a is an RNA-guided, programmable genome editing enzyme found within bacterial adaptive immune pathways. Unlike CRISPR-Cas9, Cas12a uses only a single catalytic site to both cleave target double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) (cis-activity) and indiscriminately degrade single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) (trans-activity).”

    According to the study, “A DNA loading buffer of 45% formamide and 15 mM EDTA, with a trace amount of xylene cyanol and bromophenol blue…” is used to transfect the human genome.

    So, EDTA is a transfection agent used with CRISPR-Cas9 to edit the human genome. Does EDTA actually dissolve graphene, as Ana Maria claims? The answer is NO! EDTA oxidant is used to reduce graphene to Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) form. Graphene is reduced by oxidation. Rather than dissolving graphene, EDTA reduces it to Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles otherwise known as Quantum Dots.

    Graphene oxide is more toxic than graphene, as I documented in my article entitled, “Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide”.

    I will emphasize again that Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots cannot be seen with a dark field microscope. So Ana Maria’s claims that EDTA is detoxing graphene from the human body is unscientific.

    EDTA chelation for graphene nanocomposites

    EDTA chelation is NOT effective in removing metals from the human body. It's actually a different kind of chelation that’s used to create electrochemical sensors (biosensors) when combined with GRAPHENE!

    EDTA serves as a connecting mediator between NiHCF (Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and Nickle) and graphene nanosheets. EDTA is used with metal nanoparticles, metal oxides, graphene, carbon nanotubes, and quantum dots to stabilize the technology for a more uniform distribution throughout the body.

    A Science Direct paper entitled, “Highly sensitive ascorbid acid sensors from EDTA chelation derived nickel hexacyanoferrate/graphene nanocomposites” reveals that EDTA is used to create Graphene/Nickel, AA sensor nanocomposites.

    “EDTA chelation stragey” is used for the “homogeneously distrubuted" NiHCF” (Nickel hexacyanoferrate composite) on graphene sheets. EDTA residue-supported pyramidal and spherical nanoparticles of NiHCF deposited on graphene sheets is used to create biosensors for the formation of Graphene/Nickel hydrogels.

    The graphene hydrogel nanocomposite sensors (Gr/NiHCF) are used as externally controlled biosensing tools. They tell us it’s used to test for ascorbic acid, but the application of this technology is for “human life” as well as for industrial use. See link here.

    Graphene oxide/Lauric acid nanoparticles are modified using EDTA. Lauric acid nanoparticles is suggested as a “prospective drug carrier” for oral nanoparticle-mediated sustained drug delivery (timed release technology) used for the removal of Pb(II) ions (lead). However, studies show there are cytotoxic results.

    Another study entitled, “Improved genome editing by an engineered CRISPR-Cas12a” demonstrates how EDTA improves transfection and modification of the human genome.

    Once Graphene is reduced to Graphene Oxide, due to its small particulate size, you can no longer identify it using a Dark Field Microscope. Ana Maria is using a dark field scope, not a spectroscopy microscope, which is the only instrument that can measure GON and Quantum Dots.

    So what is Ana Maria doing with EDTA infusions? She’s creating a metal-EDTA complex that stabilizes and strengthens the graphene-based nanotech weapon system and enables it to spread more readily throughout the body, for human transfection. She uses “light and sound healing techniques” to activate the delayed release technology before administering EDTA infusion, as she reveals in an interview here.

    EDTA is a poison acid that dissolves DNA. It's used to prime the cells’ DNA for transfection. EDTA disrupts the surface of skin cells so that other chemicals can penetrate more easily and CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology can work more efficiently.

    The NIH describes EDTA’s enhanced cellular transfection:

    “Flow cytometric analysis using an enhanced green fluorescent protein vector showed a significantly increased transfection efficiency of EDTA method compared to standard enzyme method. In addition, the EDTA approach maintained stable cell viability and recovery rate of hESCs after transfection.”

    Another study published in Research Gate, confirms that EDTA increases cellular transfection, along with using chloroquine.

    Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots (GOQD-HA) nanocomposite use EDTA for tissue-specific delivery of Metformin, an anti-diabetic drug otherwise known as insulin.


    Beware of snakeoil salesmen! Never trust pharmaceuticals! Superior heavy metal chelation supplements exist such as ASEA redox molecules and Master Peace, sign up and order here. Medicines made from nature are always superior to pharmaceutical drugs. Finally, be sure your Naturopathic Doctor is competent!

    Schedule a health consultation with me for a customized detox protocol and complete cellular health restoration.

    EDTA Snakeoil! Ana Maria Mihalcea's Medical Malfeasance Exposed “I already have had.. uh.. patients die from shedding” - Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D. Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” ~ Hosea 4:6 KJV Rockefeller Medicine Around 1900, the science world was getting excited about new “petrochemicals” and the ability to create a variety of new compounds from oil. Some of the first products derived from petrochemicals were plastics. In 1908, modern medicine was established by the Rockefeller’s and dubbed “Allopathy”. The Rockefeller’s created the business of modern medicine which has always been about poisoning people, Eustice Mullen explains. This is the definition of Allopathic medicine according to the NIH: “A system in which medical doctors and other health care professionals (such as nurses, pharmacists, and therapists) treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation, or surgery.” The Rockefeller Institute for Medicine, founded in 1908, marked the advent of the re-creation of synthetic versions of natural cures. Prior to 1908, every place of healing in America, Europe and the world, used only ancient traditional natural medicinal cures. Every hospital was a “Homeopathic Hospital”. Most of these magnificent buildings were converted into mental health asylums where a system of torture and electric shock was established to “cure” mental illness. John D. Rockefeller created the oil industry and used it to crush traditional medicine in order to enslave people. They also financed the Eugenics movement. One of the perks of modern medicine is depopulation. “Everyone knows that the infamous Roe v. Wade opinion legalized abortion, but almost no one knows that legal abortion was a strategy by eugenicists, as early as 1939, to “genetically improve” the population by “reducing” it.” In the book, “Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America”, authored by E. Richard Brown, he tells the hidden story of the financial, political, and institutional manipulations whereby a diverse and eclectic range of traditional healing modalities available to the North American public was summarily canceled and pared down to a singular style of medicine that would become the predominant medicine of the Western world and a major force in global medical culture during the 20th century. This was brought about largely by the collaboration of the American Medical Association, the philanthropies of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, and the development of a revolutionary curriculum by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Brown documents the story of how a powerful professional elite gained virtual hegemony in the Western theatre of healing by effectively taking control of the ethos and practice of Western medicine. E. Richard Brown describes how, in 1905, the American Medical Association’s new Council on Medical Education funded by Carnegie and Rockefeller commenced serious activity. They employed the services of Abraham Flexner who proceeded to visit and “assess” every single medical school in the US and Canada. Within a short time of this development, medical schools all around the US began to collapse or consolidate. By 1910, 30 schools had merged, and 21 had closed their doors. Of the 166 medical schools operating in 1904, 133 had survived by 1910, and 104 by 1915. Fifteen years later, only 76 schools of medicine existed in the US and they all followed the same curriculum. The 1910 Flexner Report laid the foundations of the modern medical system, dubbed “Rockefeller medicine” (Allopathy). Since 1910, corporate interests have established near total control of the medical field, both though pharmacology and through their impact on medical education. In 1935, vitamin C became the first vitamin to be artificially synthesized in Switzerland. Rockefeller saw a big opportunity with the possibility that vitamins and medications could be developed from petroleum. He saw the chance to control and monopolize multiple industries at once: petroleum, chemical and medical. Petrochemicals were ideal from a business perspective because they could be patented, owned and sold for high profits. Today, the petrochemicals in plastics are causing a slew of illnesses including neurodevelopmental disorders, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer, which have increased between 28% and 150% between 1990 and 2019. Petrochemicals in microplastics are also rapidly reducing fertility in males in particular, and polluting our environment. Please also read more here, here, and here. The first pharmaceutical drug was an arsenic named Salvarsan. That’s right, an ARSENIC! DEATH is an all-to-common side effect of pharmaceutical drugs which is only logical when you administer poisons internally. The following pages demonstrate the many deaths of people around the world, most of them children, who were fatally poisoned during the first mass medication experiments with Rockefeller’s Allopathic health. The paper is entitled, Toward Responsibility in International Health: Death following Treatment in Rockefeller Hookworm Campaigns, 1914–1934. What is EDTA? EDTA is synthesized on an industrial scale using 1, 2-diaminoethane (ethylene diamine), formaldehyde, water and sodium cyanide. Ethylene diamine induced acute and subchronic toxicity in lab animals, also allergic hypersensitivity. The liver and kidneys are target organs of ethylenediamine, where they simply stop working. Read more: Is C60 And EDTA Safe? Clinical Review Absorption of large amounts of formaldehyde via any route can cause severe systemic toxicity, leading to metabolic acidosis, tissue and organ damage, and coma, according to the CDC. Exposure to sodium cyanide can be rapidly fatal. It has whole-body (systemic) effects, particularly affecting those organ systems most sensitive to low oxygen levels: the central nervous system (brain), the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels), and the pulmonary system (lungs), according to the CDC. EDTA is an industrial poison. The textile industry required a chelating agent to remove calcium during textile processing and this led to the synthesis of polyamino-carboxylic acids, one of which was EDTA. A patent was filed for EDTA in Germany in 1935, for industrial chemical use. EDTA is a synthetic acid effectively used to clean boiler rooms in nuclear power plants. In 1945, Franz Munz obtained a US EDTA patent in 1945. In 1947, EDTA was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a food additive in “low doses” because it’s a forever chemical and a preservative. There are two different types of EDTA approved by the U.S. FDA. In 1953, Edetate calcium disodium also known as Calcium EDTA (marketed under the trade name Calcium Disodium Versenate registered ) was approved for the treatment of lead poisoning. Three years later, in 1956, a related EDTA compound, Edetate disodium, was also approved for clinical use. This compound, also known as Disodium EDTA, has been marketed under the trade names Disotate (registered) and Endrate (registered). The essential difference between these two compounds is that Calcium EDTA's structure has an incorporated Ca super(2+) moiety while Disodium EDTA does not. The use of the latter compound, Disodium EDTA, has been associated with life-threatening and fatal hypocalcemia. EDTA trial DEATHS An EDTA trial (Sloth-Nielsen et al., 1981) on the possible antiatherogenic effect of EDTA with 6 patients, showed clinical signs of potentially lethal hypocalcemia from abnormally low calcium levels caused by EDTA. Another EDTA chelation human trial in 2003-2005 resulted in DEATHS due to hypocalcemia. A 2006 EDTA chelation trial also resulted in DEATHS due to hypocalcemia. There were several DEATHS reported from cardiac arrest due to lethal hypocalcemia in EDTA trials in 2006 and 2008 and (Brown, Willis, Omalu, & Leiker, 2006; Baxter & Krenzelok, 2008), from calcium deficiency inducing alterations in the brain, and osteoporosis, which causes the bones to become brittle. In 2008, a clinical trial with EDTA chelation on autistic children also proved fatal, resulting in DEATHS of children. A 2007 EDTA chelation study proved KIDNEY FAILURE in humans. Decades of clinical studies demonstrate that EDTA treatment is associated with severe, life-threatening adverse effects, as Science Direct explained in 2016. “It should be emphasized that EDTA treatment is associated with severe, life-threatening adverse effects. EDTA for cardiovascular disease DEBUNKED Many Allopathic specialists tried to popularize the use of EDTA for chelation, to no avail. In the 1980s, Richard Casdorph, a practicing cardiologist, claimed improvements in ejection fractions of the heart and in cerebral blood flow with EDTA chelation therapy in several articles. McDonagh, Rudolph, and Cheraskin published about 30 articles documenting various positive effects of EDTA chelation. This group wrote articles showing no problems with kidney function in patients treated with EDTA according to the published protocol. At the same time, conventional cardiologists wrote several editorials against EDTA chelation. So the American Medical Association called for studies to see if chelation worked. The American Board of Chelation Therapy in 1983 was formed to certify doctors who give the therapy. It was later called the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology. ACAM also certified doctors who took its workshop on chelation therapy and passed its written and oral examinations. The Great Lakes College of Clinical Medicine, later called the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM), was formed in 1983 to teach and do research on chelation and other integrative therapies. After complex negotiations, in the late 1980's Walter Reed Army Hospital agreed to do a randomized clinical trial on EDTA chelation therapy, but part way through the study it was suddenly discontinued for unknown reasons. However, in a paper by Seely, Wu, and Mills, (2005), a systematic review of published articles in this field was undertaken. The authors concluded that the best current available evidence did not support the therapeutic use of EDTA chelation therapy in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Similar results have been reported in review papers by Shrihari, Roy, Prabhakaran, and Reddy (2006) and Crisponi et al. (2015). While a 2002 EDTA large randomized clinical trial “showed benefit”, smaller studies were inconsistent. In the 1990s, the Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against ACAM for making a claim in a brochure that chelation was effective for vascular disease. ACAM submitted almost 100 articles in support of the claim, but the FTC insisted that a large randomized trial was required to make that claim. ACAM finally gave up after spending a million dollars in legal fees and signed a consent order saying they would not make such a claim anymore, based on the evidence at that time. In conclusion, our study shows that in a population of stable, largely asymptomatic coronary artery disease patients with prior myocardial infarction, use of EDTA chelation therapy did not produce a measurable change in health-related quality of life over 2 years of follow-up. A slew of other adverse events such as lacrimation, nasal congestion, mucocutaneous lesions, glycosuria, hypotension, and ECG abnormalities (DISEASE OF THE HEART AND LUNGS) have also been reported as well as allergic reactions (Wax, 2013) to EDTA. Prolonged treatment with calcium EDTA gives rise to depletion of magnesium and trace-metal depletion, the most marked being due to the excretion of zinc. Zinc depletion destroys your cells’ ability to absorb nutrients and leads to diabetes. A 2015 study entitled, Quality of Life Outcomes with a Disodium EDTA Chelation Regimen for Coronary Disease: Results from the TACT Randomized Trial concluded with this statement: “In conclusion, our study shows that in a population of stable, largely asymptomatic coronary artery disease patients with prior myocardial infarction, use of EDTA chelation therapy did not produce a measurable change in health-related quality of life over 2 years of follow-up.” Severe kidney damage from EDTA chelation therapy was reported in a (Nissel 1986) trial. In a very short period of time, EDTA causes kidneys to shut down in complete failure. A study from 2015 suggests EDTA chelation for myocardial infarction with “modest” benefits to cardio health. However, I would suggest that the moderate benefits of this study were due to the high doses of vitamin C administered. A 2017 study on EDTA chelation for atherosclerosis and Miocardial Infraction concluded: “Unsubstantiated claims of chelation therapy as an effective treatment of atherosclerosis should be avoided and patients made aware of the inadequate evidence for efficacy and potential adverse effects, especially the harm that can occur if used as a substitute for proven therapies.” In a 2018 EDTA trial it was concluded: “These results… are not sufficient to support the routine use of chelation therapy for treatment of patients who have had an MI (Miocardial Infraction)”. A study from 2023 entitled, Chelation Therapy Associated with Antioxidant Supplementation Can Decrease Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis: Preliminary Results proved a flop with two participants discontinuing their trial participation. EDTA for lead poisoning DEBUNKED EDTA has also been touted as a treatment for lead poisoning. Because of its adverse effects, calcium EDTA was replaced by DMSA in the treatment of lead poisoning (Aposhian et al., 1995) in 1995. CaEDTA has also been used for the treatment of cases with manganese toxicity, but the result was neurotoxic symptoms resembling PARKINSONISM (Andersen, 1999). A 2004 trial showed that EDTA actually REDISTRIBUTES LEAD TO THE BRAIN after acute or chronic lead exposure (Andersen, 2004). Another trial proved adverse effects in 5 patients receiving EDTA at an outpatient chelation clinic in 2002, and all patients experienced gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal symptoms. Oral exposure to EDTA (2002) had produced adverse reproductive and developmental effects in animals. EDTA did not make it past the animal or human trials, so why are medical doctors using it in humans? A 2002 EDTA trial was performed on humans as a test for “chelation” therapy by a chelation clinic, demonstrating adverse events in 5 out of 5 patients. Additionally, EDTA is a persistent organic pollutant (POP). In that case, each intake would only be partially excreted, while the remaining chemicals build up in the body and produce cell death. And long-term exposure to calcium disodium EDTA creates toxicity and kidney damage. EDTA Snakeoil Salesmen In March 2023, Ana Maria Mihalcea interviewed Dr. Michael Roth who claims that EDTA is a “synthetic amino acid related to vinegar.” Together they make a slew of medical claims that are not scientifically proven, such as that EDTA “detoxifies covid vaccine, heavy metals, graphene oxide, parasites, hydrogels, and nanoparticles”. The only scientific tool Ana Maria uses to back her claims is dark field microscopy. You cannot see nanoparticles with a dark field microscope. It takes a spectroscopy microscope to identify nanoparticles. Her medical claims are simply fabricated and unscientific lies. Ana Maria and Dr. Ross made additional unproven medical statements that “EDTA removes the effects of a heart attack, can bring back the elderly from senility and Alzheimer’s, reduces blood pressure, detoxifies several snake and spider venoms, lowers insulin, smooths skin and wrinkles, ” and a host of other laughable health claims that aren’t backed by anything. Incidentally, Dr. Ross is now dead. “Dr. Roth sadly passed away on March 11/2023” My sources informed me that Dr. Rashid Buttar was using EDTA. Given that he was already severely poisoned as Stew Peter’s reported, using EDTA Acid would have been enough to tip him over the edge and kill him. EDTA is not an approved pharmaceutical drug. It was Covid Emergency approved by the FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), just like the modified RNA (modRNA) Covid-19 vaccine nanotechnology. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (.gov) makes it clear that the use of EDTA chelation for heart disease has not been approved by the FDA. Ana Maria has been touting EDTA as an “antioxidant” when it is not. She even published to her Substack that EDTA is an “Antioxidant” when in fact it’s an acid poison and an oxidant. Many people saw it on her Substack before she removed it. I’ve had over a dozen clients come to me extremely sick from EDTA pills and EDTA IV infusion. Some told me they thought it was a natural substance due to Ana Maria’s false advertising and medical malfeasance. A Medical Doctor is licensed to know wether EDTA Acid is an oxidant poison or an antioxidant. Not knowing this and inducing the death of a patient is not an acceptable excuse. Ana Maria is criminally liable. EDTA is an oxidant when used internally. The studies that refer to EDTA as an “antioxidant” are in vitro lab studies, not in vivo (inside the body). EDTA is used to preserve cell specimens for chemistry lab work because it prevents blood coagulation and oxidation of cells in a petri dish where it’s used for diagnostic purposes. This is the kind of “antioxidant” the studies are referring to. But when you infuse EDTA Acid into the human body, it acts as an oxidant poison. EDTA also will not decoagulate the blood in vivo (inside the body). But I can see how people who cannot read peer-reviewed literature could be deceived and manipulated by snake oil salesmen. For example, a study entitled, “Comparative study of the antioxidant capability of EDTA and Irganox”. EDTA is a preservative used in laboratories to preserve cells for scientific lab research. EDTA prevents the oxidation of cells in a petri dish. Oxygen causes cells to deteriorate, but labs need them to last longer for research purposes. When used inside the human body (in vivo), it’s a different story. Then EDTA acts as an oxidant poison, not an antioxidant. So this has a very different meaning. One of the well documented and widely known adverse events from EDTA “chelation” is DEATH, according to Mount Sinai. Other serious side effects that have been reported include low blood sugar, diminished calcium levels, headache, nausea, dangerously low blood pressure, kidney failure, organ damage, irregular heartbeat, seizures, or even death. I have to wonder if Ana Maria Mihalcea is informing her patients that death is a potential adverse event to EDTA chelation? In a March 24, 2024, broadcast that Ana Maria released, at the 53:24 minute mark, she makes a chilling confession: “I already have had… uh… patients die from the shedding” How many of Ana Maria Mihalcea’s patients have been killed by her EDTA infusion protocol? I was horrified when I heard Ana Maria’s confession because I haven’t had any clients die from shedding! I’ve treated many people who were extremely sick from shedding, and I helped them all to detox effectively. Some clients came to me after several hospitalizations from extreme shedding but none of them died in my care! Nobody needs to die from shedding if they use an effective detox protocol. Between 1-2 years, Ana Maria has been claiming that EDTA detoxes graphene, dissolves graphene and chelates heavy metals, but experts such as Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Judy Mikovitz told me this is impossible. Ana Maria has gone so far as to produce a medical study with unscientific claims right in the title, “EDTA Chelation Dissolves the Artificial Intelligence Magnetic Hydrogel Weapon”. The study was also promoted by Health Canada. In her study, Ana Maria claims that EDTA can “detoxify the body even from Graphene”. EDTA is not a detox agent! Again, it’s an oxidant that degrades cells whereas genuine antioxidants repair cells. Ana Maria does in fact know about oxidant poisons. In an interview from December 2022, she referred to graphene as an oxidant. At least she’s correct about something. Saul Green, Ph.D., and Wallace I. Sampson, M.D. wrote in great detail about the Implausibility of EDTA Chelation Therapy, stating: “EDTA chelation effectiveness is implausible; (2) the preponderance of evidence shows ineffectiveness; and (3) EDTA augments oxidative reactions involving iron instead of inhibiting them, resulting in increased likelihood of production of oxygen free radicals rather than neutralization of them, as claimed.” EDTA a precurser to cellular transfection The Rockefeller Institue of Medicine has done clinical research on EDTA. One particular study entitled, Studies of Cell Deformity from 1967, shows that cells will degrade from EDTA exposure, which also induces “deformation” on their surfaces. The trial demonstrated that EDTA stops cellular synthesis of calcium. They learned that calcium is bound to anionic sites at the cell periphery, some of which are located at the cellular electrokinetic surface. Due to Rockefeller’s research, EDTA is now used in electrophoresis which is a laboratory technique used to separate DNA, RNA or protein molecules based on their size and electrical charge. An electric current is used to move the molecules through a gel or other matrix, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute. In agarose gel electrophoresis, EDTA is added for chelating the magnesium ions which are cofactors for DNA nucleases. Hence, activity of DNA nucleases that may be present is inhibited, and “DNA is protected from degrading”. This is why EDTA is an effective transfection agent because it dissolves parts of your DNA, preserving cells for lab research in vitro. Gel electrophoresis using EDTA is routinely used for detection and size analysis of proteins and nucleic acid. DMSO is used with EDTA in this process. This destruction of cells makes transfection (gene editing) of cells easier using CRISPR-Cas9 which splices and dices the genome in vivo, as this study explains entitled, “Inhibition of CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complex assembly by anti-CRISPR AcrIIC2”. EDTA was found to be genotoxic in laboratory animals. A study from 1983 demonstrates that EDTA induces gene mutations and chromosomal breakage, meaning that genetic mutations will be passed on your offspring, affecting generations to come, according to this Genetic Toxicology of EDTA study from 1983. Calcium chelate of EDTA (CaEDTA) “chelation” has shown teratogenic effects (Catsch & Harmuth-Hoene, 1976), which are central nervous system depression and peripheral neuropathy. EDTA produced abnormalities in pups of rats removed by cesarian section on day 21 of the study. Increases in several abnormalities (cleft palate, adactyly or syndactyly, abnormal rib or abnormal vertebrae) were observed with increased doses of CaEDTA. EDTA improves transfection of embryonic stem cells lines (hESC) in cells, according to the NIH. According to a peer reviewed paper from the NIH, EDTA is a precursor to cellular transfection. “We found that chemically abrading the differentiated CACO-2 human intestinal epithelial cell layer by a trypsin and EDTA pretreatment (before the use of detergent-like transfection reagents) dramatically improved transfection efficiency in this polar, differentiated model. Although this treatment did improve the transfection efficiency, it also induced leakiness in the epithelial barrier by both opening tight junctional complexes and by creating holes in the cell layer because of low-level cell death and detachment. Thus, this approach to enhance the transfection efficiency of polar, differentiated cells will be useful for assessment of the effect of the transfected/expressed protein on (re)formation of an epithelial barrier..." Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Fetal Bovine Serum for human transfection also uses EDTA. An NIH study entitled, “Kinetic Basis for DNA Target Specificity of CRISPR-Cas12a” reveals that EDTA enables rapid binding to DNA during gene editing (transfection). Another study entitled, “Improved genome editing by an engineered CRISPR-Cas12a” explains: “CAS12a is an RNA-guided, programmable genome editing enzyme found within bacterial adaptive immune pathways. Unlike CRISPR-Cas9, Cas12a uses only a single catalytic site to both cleave target double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) (cis-activity) and indiscriminately degrade single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) (trans-activity).” According to the study, “A DNA loading buffer of 45% formamide and 15 mM EDTA, with a trace amount of xylene cyanol and bromophenol blue…” is used to transfect the human genome. So, EDTA is a transfection agent used with CRISPR-Cas9 to edit the human genome. Does EDTA actually dissolve graphene, as Ana Maria claims? The answer is NO! EDTA oxidant is used to reduce graphene to Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) form. Graphene is reduced by oxidation. Rather than dissolving graphene, EDTA reduces it to Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles otherwise known as Quantum Dots. Graphene oxide is more toxic than graphene, as I documented in my article entitled, “Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide”. I will emphasize again that Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots cannot be seen with a dark field microscope. So Ana Maria’s claims that EDTA is detoxing graphene from the human body is unscientific. EDTA chelation for graphene nanocomposites EDTA chelation is NOT effective in removing metals from the human body. It's actually a different kind of chelation that’s used to create electrochemical sensors (biosensors) when combined with GRAPHENE! EDTA serves as a connecting mediator between NiHCF (Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and Nickle) and graphene nanosheets. EDTA is used with metal nanoparticles, metal oxides, graphene, carbon nanotubes, and quantum dots to stabilize the technology for a more uniform distribution throughout the body. A Science Direct paper entitled, “Highly sensitive ascorbid acid sensors from EDTA chelation derived nickel hexacyanoferrate/graphene nanocomposites” reveals that EDTA is used to create Graphene/Nickel, AA sensor nanocomposites. “EDTA chelation stragey” is used for the “homogeneously distrubuted" NiHCF” (Nickel hexacyanoferrate composite) on graphene sheets. EDTA residue-supported pyramidal and spherical nanoparticles of NiHCF deposited on graphene sheets is used to create biosensors for the formation of Graphene/Nickel hydrogels. The graphene hydrogel nanocomposite sensors (Gr/NiHCF) are used as externally controlled biosensing tools. They tell us it’s used to test for ascorbic acid, but the application of this technology is for “human life” as well as for industrial use. See link here. Graphene oxide/Lauric acid nanoparticles are modified using EDTA. Lauric acid nanoparticles is suggested as a “prospective drug carrier” for oral nanoparticle-mediated sustained drug delivery (timed release technology) used for the removal of Pb(II) ions (lead). However, studies show there are cytotoxic results. Another study entitled, “Improved genome editing by an engineered CRISPR-Cas12a” demonstrates how EDTA improves transfection and modification of the human genome. Once Graphene is reduced to Graphene Oxide, due to its small particulate size, you can no longer identify it using a Dark Field Microscope. Ana Maria is using a dark field scope, not a spectroscopy microscope, which is the only instrument that can measure GON and Quantum Dots. So what is Ana Maria doing with EDTA infusions? She’s creating a metal-EDTA complex that stabilizes and strengthens the graphene-based nanotech weapon system and enables it to spread more readily throughout the body, for human transfection. She uses “light and sound healing techniques” to activate the delayed release technology before administering EDTA infusion, as she reveals in an interview here. EDTA is a poison acid that dissolves DNA. It's used to prime the cells’ DNA for transfection. EDTA disrupts the surface of skin cells so that other chemicals can penetrate more easily and CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology can work more efficiently. The NIH describes EDTA’s enhanced cellular transfection: “Flow cytometric analysis using an enhanced green fluorescent protein vector showed a significantly increased transfection efficiency of EDTA method compared to standard enzyme method. In addition, the EDTA approach maintained stable cell viability and recovery rate of hESCs after transfection.” Another study published in Research Gate, confirms that EDTA increases cellular transfection, along with using chloroquine. Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots (GOQD-HA) nanocomposite use EDTA for tissue-specific delivery of Metformin, an anti-diabetic drug otherwise known as insulin. Conclusion Beware of snakeoil salesmen! Never trust pharmaceuticals! Superior heavy metal chelation supplements exist such as ASEA redox molecules and Master Peace, sign up and order here. Medicines made from nature are always superior to pharmaceutical drugs. Finally, be sure your Naturopathic Doctor is competent! Schedule a health consultation with me for a customized detox protocol and complete cellular health restoration. https://substack.com/home/post/p-144979143
    EDTA Snakeoil! Ana Maria Mihalcea's Medical Malfeasance Exposed
    “I already have had.. uh.. patients die from shedding” - Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D.
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  • Lithium Orotate Dietary Supplement Is Pharmaceutical Snakeoil
    Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)
    I was asked by a client to investigate lithium orotate, lithium chloride and sodium citrate as health supplementation, and determine if these substances are safe for human consumption and if they have any medicinal benefits.

    These substances are being promoted by medical doctors, Naturopathic doctors and other health care practitioners as health miracles, but are they?

    Michael Nehls, MD, PHD writes:

    “The key element against brain fog, long-COVID/post-vac syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, Alzheimer's – and even indoctrination?”

    Is Dr. Nehls talking about the organic and naturally occurring trace mineral lithium or is he promoting the synthetic pharmaceutical perversion? It’s difficult to say because he doesn’t actually specify the difference in his Substack article.

    Lithium in its pure form exists as a trace mineral found in nature. Lithium (Li), discovered in 1817, is a naturally occurring metal in the earth’s crust (0.0017%). Naturally occurring lithium in drinking water is beneficial in appropriate quantities and may have the potential to reduce the risk of suicide and may possibly even stabilize your mood.

    Leave it to nature to provide natural remedies to every ailment, but leave it to pharmaceutical companies to pervert nature’s purity, which leads to untold self-harm.

    Pharma would have you believe that moderate amounts of their synthetic lithium poison is therapeutic but “chronic toxicity occurs when you slowly take a little too much of a lithium prescription every day for a while”. Lithium is cumulative poison, meaning the longer you use it, the more damage it causes to your body system.

    The most common pharmaceutical lithium drug is lithium carbonate, which is synthesized by reacting lithium salts with soda or potash, followed by purification of the synthetic salt. It’s used to treat manic and bipolar disorders and has many toxic side effects.

    Lithium toxicity is in fact a life-threatening condition that causes intestinal and neurological symptoms. It can also lead to kidney damage. 75 to 90 percent of patients treated with lithium have signs or symptoms of toxicity at some point during their treatment, according to studies. This is because synthetic lithium is a neurotoxin, which means essentially that no amount is safe.

    Studies like this one make Lithium sound so absolutely amazing and full of wondrous potential, but you can be sure they tested a synthetic “lithium serum”.

    According to the NIH, lithium toxicity leads to a range of gastrointestinal and neurologic signs and symptoms and can ultimately be fatal.

    “…lithium toxicity can lead to coma, brain damage, or even death.”

    Lithium orotate

    Lithium Orotate is available as a synthetic salt of synthetic lithium and synthetic orotic acid, as a monohydrate, LiC5H3N2O4·H2O (Lithium chloride monohydrate). The only source of Lithium Orotate (C5H3LiN2O4) is a synthetic salt of orotic acid and lithium.

    Fischer Science Safety Data Sheet reveals that the target organs of Lithium Orotate are the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

    “May be harmful if swallowed. May cause central nervous system effects. May cause respiratory and digestive tract irritation. Contact with skin causes irritation and possible burns, especially if the skin is wet or moist.”

    Orotic acid in its natural form, is known as vitamin B-13. Orotic acid is found naturally in high quantities in beets. By using organic beet powder supplementation, you can obtain the B-13 that your body needs.

    Naturally occuring orotic acid acts as a transporter that carries magnesium into cells and may reduce the severity of chronic myocardial dysfunction and structural damage in cardiomyopathy. It also helps resolve gut microbiome issues. This will be true in its natural form.

    First patented in the 1990s, synthetic Lithium Orotate has been patented and mainstreamed by pharmaceutical companies as a treatment for mental health conditions. It’s mutagenic in somatic cells, which means it alters the human genome. Lithium Orotate is also mutagenic for bacteria and yeast, which means that it increases the replication of bad bacteria, ultimately disrupting your healthy microbiome balance. This explains the GI issues associated with taking this drug.

    In 1976, Lonza, LTD patented a synthetic version of Orotic Acid made from trichloroacetyl chloride and ketene. Trichloroacetyl chloride is a colorless volatile liquid with a strong odor that’s denser than water. Contact severely irritates skin, eyes and mucous membranes and “may be very toxic by ingestion and inhalation”. Ketene will cause “severe damage to the lungs at the alveolar level and may manifest as long as 24 hours post exposure”.

    High levels of Orotic Acid can be dangerous and, as a synthetic pharmaceutical drug, it can be deadly or induce Orotic Aciduria, which is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by megaloblastic anemia and orotic acid crystalluria that is frequently associated with some degree of physical and mental retardation. Other side effects are heart abnormalities, seizures, coma, and possibly even death.

    A Chinese patent from the Shenghai Institute of Organic Chemistry of CAS to synthesize Orotic Acid uses sodium bromide, chlorine and maleylurea; then, the 5-bromine-2, 6-dioxo-hexahydropyrimidime-4-carboxylic acid and sodium hydroxide. Sodium bromide is a pesticide with reproductive toxicity as demonstrated in rat studies.

    Chlorine is, of course, an extremely dangerous industrial poison. Maleylurea is another toxic substance. 5-bromine-2 induces methemoglobinemia and delayed encephalopathy. 6-dioxo-hexahydropyrimidime-4-carboxylic acid is toxic while sodium hydroxide is corrosive to all body tissues.

    Other processes for producing Orotic Acid use Corynebacterium. This is a lethal exotoxin that induces diphtheria.

    Orotic Acid, a promoter of liver carcinogenesis, induces DNA damage in rat livers. It also induces hypertension associated with impaired endothelial Nitric Oxide synthesis, ultimately disrupting your redox balance.

    There was toxic and vascular nephropathy associated with Orotic Acid administration in laboratory cats. It destroys the liver of rats. In other studies, it induced fatty liver, causing weight gain.

    Please see the toxicity data sheet for Orotic Acid. It’s suggested to “avoid using Lithium Orotate until more is known”.

    Lithium Orotate supplements

    Some synthetic Lithium Orotate supplements boast of being organic or natural. I’ve noticed that Medical Doctors’ definition of organic or natural may vary greatly from the facts.

    Dr. Edward Group, D.C. from Global Healing, advertises a Lithium Orotate supplement as “natural trace minerals” for mood stabilization.

    Dr. Ed was interviewed by Mike Adams of Natural news, where he convincingly boasted about their “all natural” products and heavy metal detox protocols. The company went so far as to register their Lithium Orotate product on Amazon as “organic” and then later removed their false advertising and fake medical claim.

    However, things remain forever on the Internet. Oops!

    I reached out to Global Healing to give them a chance and asked directly if Global Healing is using “all natural” lithium and “all natural” orotic acid in their Lithium Orotate supplement. They responded by telling me that they derive their Lithium Orotate ingredients from all natural sources. When I pressed them for more information, asking what their sources are, they vaguely answered me with “it varies”. Oops, again!

    On their Lithium Orotate label, Global Healing only states that their lithium source comes “from lithium orotate”. Lithium does not naturally contain orotic acid, so this doesn’t make sense if it were “natural”. If it were natural, they would have two sources not one, because lithium and orotic acid are not naturally found together.

    If Global healing’s lithium source is from “lithium orotate”, then this is the patented pharmaceutical Lithium Orotate synthetic salt and this is false advertising.

    Dr. Edward’s Group is also selling and promoting EDTA and C-60 as health supplements. They claim that Calcium Disodium EDTA promotes “cardiovascular and immune health” but there’s no scientific evidence to support this claim.

    Please read: Is C60 And EDTA Safe? Clinical Review

    Lithium chloride

    Lithium chloride metal chloride salt is a toxic, inorganic synthetic compound. Please see the safety data sheet.

    Lithium chloride is produced by treatment of lithium carbonate with hydrochloric acid. A single exposure to hydrochloric acid causes organ toxicity and there are cases of lithium toxicity from Internet dietary supplements. Please avoid this at all costs.

    Sodium Citrate

    Sodium citrate (citric acid) is another toxic preservative. It’s a synthetic chemical that induces symptoms such as paresthesia, hypotension and possible cardiac arrhythmia. It’s being touted as an “anti-coagulant” and prooted on Karl.C’s Substack. But honestly, the blood results are not good.

    Sodium citrate contains propylene glycol which is neurotoxic. Read more here.

    Superior, natural anti-coagulants can be found in my premium detox and repair protocol.

    Please see: Dr. Ariyana Love's Anti-Aging Premium Detox Protocol

    Lithium and Graphene weapon systems

    On a side note, during my research I came across some pertinent information.

    Synthetic graphite is used for lithium-ion batteries. Pharmaceutical lithium is being used with reduced graphene oxide-based electrodes to produce a higher capacity of electrical conductivity. Nanocomposites based on hydroxyapatite/lithium oxide and graphene oxide nanosheets are indeed being used for medical applications. Lithium batteries have served as the predominant power source for implantable medical devices such as nanowires, which are used in tissue scaffolding technology.

    Scientists are using scaffolds made from conductive silicon nanowires to reconstruct artificial heart tissue. Nanowired organoids are used to accelerate the development of stem cells into healthy, well-functioning heart tissue. They create an organoid from a mixture of stem-cell-derived heart cells, stromal connective tissue cells, and endothelial cells – which line the walls of blood vessels.

    Incidentally, Methylene Blue is used to kick-start the growth of the stem cells used in tissue scaffolding.

    Please see: Methylene Blue Is Pharmaceutical Poison

    Polymers-ceramic nonwoven compositions supercapacitors with electrical storage capacity are self-organized and have tinsel strength. They’re not implanted into the body per se, they are grown inside the body using graphene oxide and lithium-fueled nanowires. Highly porous membranes with self-organized Nanopores are used for rapid sequencing of genes.

    The long, white “fibrous clots” that embalmers are finding in the veins of dead vaccinated individuals, is part of this transhumanist agenda to turn people into a new species of super-conducting robots.

    Karen Kingston recently exposed that Moderna is using Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in DARPA’s hydrogel lipid-payloads.

    Please read: The Covid-19 Vaccine “Antigen” is Anthrax

    Graphene oxide–silver Nanowire nanocomposites are being used for enhanced sensing of Hg2+ (mercuric cations). These are energy harvesting devices and hybrid materials using carbon nanotubes (graphene oxide hydrogels) and polyethylene glycol nanocomposites. They’re highly toxic, as a 2019 study demonstrates, but they’re being used none-the-less for internal biosensor and bioimaging. The patent holders can essentially read the internal biometric data of “vaccinated” individuals without their Informed Consent.

    Please read: EDTA Snakeoil! Ana Maria Mihalcea's Medical Malfeasance Exposed


    There’s no reason under the sun to use any experimental pharmaceutical drugs. 100 years ago humanity got along just fine with natural cures. None of the pharmaceuticals mentioned in this article are effective at heavy metal chelation. I have many clients who were very sick after using EDTA especially, along with other experimental drugs that will not achieve detox. It’s simply not logical to treat poisoning with more poison! To achieve an affectiv detox, you must eliminate toxins.

    Superior heavy metal chelators exist, and I help people to learn how to use them. You can schedule a consultation with me here for truly all natural health protocols that contain the greatest breakthroughs in medical science and heavy metal chelation.

    Let’s be Pharma free.

    Lithium Orotate Dietary Supplement Is Pharmaceutical Snakeoil Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) I was asked by a client to investigate lithium orotate, lithium chloride and sodium citrate as health supplementation, and determine if these substances are safe for human consumption and if they have any medicinal benefits. These substances are being promoted by medical doctors, Naturopathic doctors and other health care practitioners as health miracles, but are they? Michael Nehls, MD, PHD writes: “The key element against brain fog, long-COVID/post-vac syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, Alzheimer's – and even indoctrination?” Is Dr. Nehls talking about the organic and naturally occurring trace mineral lithium or is he promoting the synthetic pharmaceutical perversion? It’s difficult to say because he doesn’t actually specify the difference in his Substack article. Lithium in its pure form exists as a trace mineral found in nature. Lithium (Li), discovered in 1817, is a naturally occurring metal in the earth’s crust (0.0017%). Naturally occurring lithium in drinking water is beneficial in appropriate quantities and may have the potential to reduce the risk of suicide and may possibly even stabilize your mood. Leave it to nature to provide natural remedies to every ailment, but leave it to pharmaceutical companies to pervert nature’s purity, which leads to untold self-harm. Pharma would have you believe that moderate amounts of their synthetic lithium poison is therapeutic but “chronic toxicity occurs when you slowly take a little too much of a lithium prescription every day for a while”. Lithium is cumulative poison, meaning the longer you use it, the more damage it causes to your body system. The most common pharmaceutical lithium drug is lithium carbonate, which is synthesized by reacting lithium salts with soda or potash, followed by purification of the synthetic salt. It’s used to treat manic and bipolar disorders and has many toxic side effects. Lithium toxicity is in fact a life-threatening condition that causes intestinal and neurological symptoms. It can also lead to kidney damage. 75 to 90 percent of patients treated with lithium have signs or symptoms of toxicity at some point during their treatment, according to studies. This is because synthetic lithium is a neurotoxin, which means essentially that no amount is safe. Studies like this one make Lithium sound so absolutely amazing and full of wondrous potential, but you can be sure they tested a synthetic “lithium serum”. According to the NIH, lithium toxicity leads to a range of gastrointestinal and neurologic signs and symptoms and can ultimately be fatal. “…lithium toxicity can lead to coma, brain damage, or even death.” Lithium orotate Lithium Orotate is available as a synthetic salt of synthetic lithium and synthetic orotic acid, as a monohydrate, LiC5H3N2O4·H2O (Lithium chloride monohydrate). The only source of Lithium Orotate (C5H3LiN2O4) is a synthetic salt of orotic acid and lithium. Fischer Science Safety Data Sheet reveals that the target organs of Lithium Orotate are the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. “May be harmful if swallowed. May cause central nervous system effects. May cause respiratory and digestive tract irritation. Contact with skin causes irritation and possible burns, especially if the skin is wet or moist.” Orotic acid in its natural form, is known as vitamin B-13. Orotic acid is found naturally in high quantities in beets. By using organic beet powder supplementation, you can obtain the B-13 that your body needs. Naturally occuring orotic acid acts as a transporter that carries magnesium into cells and may reduce the severity of chronic myocardial dysfunction and structural damage in cardiomyopathy. It also helps resolve gut microbiome issues. This will be true in its natural form. First patented in the 1990s, synthetic Lithium Orotate has been patented and mainstreamed by pharmaceutical companies as a treatment for mental health conditions. It’s mutagenic in somatic cells, which means it alters the human genome. Lithium Orotate is also mutagenic for bacteria and yeast, which means that it increases the replication of bad bacteria, ultimately disrupting your healthy microbiome balance. This explains the GI issues associated with taking this drug. In 1976, Lonza, LTD patented a synthetic version of Orotic Acid made from trichloroacetyl chloride and ketene. Trichloroacetyl chloride is a colorless volatile liquid with a strong odor that’s denser than water. Contact severely irritates skin, eyes and mucous membranes and “may be very toxic by ingestion and inhalation”. Ketene will cause “severe damage to the lungs at the alveolar level and may manifest as long as 24 hours post exposure”. High levels of Orotic Acid can be dangerous and, as a synthetic pharmaceutical drug, it can be deadly or induce Orotic Aciduria, which is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by megaloblastic anemia and orotic acid crystalluria that is frequently associated with some degree of physical and mental retardation. Other side effects are heart abnormalities, seizures, coma, and possibly even death. A Chinese patent from the Shenghai Institute of Organic Chemistry of CAS to synthesize Orotic Acid uses sodium bromide, chlorine and maleylurea; then, the 5-bromine-2, 6-dioxo-hexahydropyrimidime-4-carboxylic acid and sodium hydroxide. Sodium bromide is a pesticide with reproductive toxicity as demonstrated in rat studies. Chlorine is, of course, an extremely dangerous industrial poison. Maleylurea is another toxic substance. 5-bromine-2 induces methemoglobinemia and delayed encephalopathy. 6-dioxo-hexahydropyrimidime-4-carboxylic acid is toxic while sodium hydroxide is corrosive to all body tissues. Other processes for producing Orotic Acid use Corynebacterium. This is a lethal exotoxin that induces diphtheria. Orotic Acid, a promoter of liver carcinogenesis, induces DNA damage in rat livers. It also induces hypertension associated with impaired endothelial Nitric Oxide synthesis, ultimately disrupting your redox balance. There was toxic and vascular nephropathy associated with Orotic Acid administration in laboratory cats. It destroys the liver of rats. In other studies, it induced fatty liver, causing weight gain. Please see the toxicity data sheet for Orotic Acid. It’s suggested to “avoid using Lithium Orotate until more is known”. Lithium Orotate supplements Some synthetic Lithium Orotate supplements boast of being organic or natural. I’ve noticed that Medical Doctors’ definition of organic or natural may vary greatly from the facts. Dr. Edward Group, D.C. from Global Healing, advertises a Lithium Orotate supplement as “natural trace minerals” for mood stabilization. Dr. Ed was interviewed by Mike Adams of Natural news, where he convincingly boasted about their “all natural” products and heavy metal detox protocols. The company went so far as to register their Lithium Orotate product on Amazon as “organic” and then later removed their false advertising and fake medical claim. However, things remain forever on the Internet. Oops! I reached out to Global Healing to give them a chance and asked directly if Global Healing is using “all natural” lithium and “all natural” orotic acid in their Lithium Orotate supplement. They responded by telling me that they derive their Lithium Orotate ingredients from all natural sources. When I pressed them for more information, asking what their sources are, they vaguely answered me with “it varies”. Oops, again! On their Lithium Orotate label, Global Healing only states that their lithium source comes “from lithium orotate”. Lithium does not naturally contain orotic acid, so this doesn’t make sense if it were “natural”. If it were natural, they would have two sources not one, because lithium and orotic acid are not naturally found together. If Global healing’s lithium source is from “lithium orotate”, then this is the patented pharmaceutical Lithium Orotate synthetic salt and this is false advertising. Dr. Edward’s Group is also selling and promoting EDTA and C-60 as health supplements. They claim that Calcium Disodium EDTA promotes “cardiovascular and immune health” but there’s no scientific evidence to support this claim. Please read: Is C60 And EDTA Safe? Clinical Review Lithium chloride Lithium chloride metal chloride salt is a toxic, inorganic synthetic compound. Please see the safety data sheet. Lithium chloride is produced by treatment of lithium carbonate with hydrochloric acid. A single exposure to hydrochloric acid causes organ toxicity and there are cases of lithium toxicity from Internet dietary supplements. Please avoid this at all costs. Sodium Citrate Sodium citrate (citric acid) is another toxic preservative. It’s a synthetic chemical that induces symptoms such as paresthesia, hypotension and possible cardiac arrhythmia. It’s being touted as an “anti-coagulant” and prooted on Karl.C’s Substack. But honestly, the blood results are not good. Sodium citrate contains propylene glycol which is neurotoxic. Read more here. Superior, natural anti-coagulants can be found in my premium detox and repair protocol. Please see: Dr. Ariyana Love's Anti-Aging Premium Detox Protocol Lithium and Graphene weapon systems On a side note, during my research I came across some pertinent information. Synthetic graphite is used for lithium-ion batteries. Pharmaceutical lithium is being used with reduced graphene oxide-based electrodes to produce a higher capacity of electrical conductivity. Nanocomposites based on hydroxyapatite/lithium oxide and graphene oxide nanosheets are indeed being used for medical applications. Lithium batteries have served as the predominant power source for implantable medical devices such as nanowires, which are used in tissue scaffolding technology. Scientists are using scaffolds made from conductive silicon nanowires to reconstruct artificial heart tissue. Nanowired organoids are used to accelerate the development of stem cells into healthy, well-functioning heart tissue. They create an organoid from a mixture of stem-cell-derived heart cells, stromal connective tissue cells, and endothelial cells – which line the walls of blood vessels. Incidentally, Methylene Blue is used to kick-start the growth of the stem cells used in tissue scaffolding. Please see: Methylene Blue Is Pharmaceutical Poison Polymers-ceramic nonwoven compositions supercapacitors with electrical storage capacity are self-organized and have tinsel strength. They’re not implanted into the body per se, they are grown inside the body using graphene oxide and lithium-fueled nanowires. Highly porous membranes with self-organized Nanopores are used for rapid sequencing of genes. The long, white “fibrous clots” that embalmers are finding in the veins of dead vaccinated individuals, is part of this transhumanist agenda to turn people into a new species of super-conducting robots. Karen Kingston recently exposed that Moderna is using Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in DARPA’s hydrogel lipid-payloads. Please read: The Covid-19 Vaccine “Antigen” is Anthrax Graphene oxide–silver Nanowire nanocomposites are being used for enhanced sensing of Hg2+ (mercuric cations). These are energy harvesting devices and hybrid materials using carbon nanotubes (graphene oxide hydrogels) and polyethylene glycol nanocomposites. They’re highly toxic, as a 2019 study demonstrates, but they’re being used none-the-less for internal biosensor and bioimaging. The patent holders can essentially read the internal biometric data of “vaccinated” individuals without their Informed Consent. Please read: EDTA Snakeoil! Ana Maria Mihalcea's Medical Malfeasance Exposed Conclusion There’s no reason under the sun to use any experimental pharmaceutical drugs. 100 years ago humanity got along just fine with natural cures. None of the pharmaceuticals mentioned in this article are effective at heavy metal chelation. I have many clients who were very sick after using EDTA especially, along with other experimental drugs that will not achieve detox. It’s simply not logical to treat poisoning with more poison! To achieve an affectiv detox, you must eliminate toxins. Superior heavy metal chelators exist, and I help people to learn how to use them. You can schedule a consultation with me here for truly all natural health protocols that contain the greatest breakthroughs in medical science and heavy metal chelation. Let’s be Pharma free. https://substack.com/home/post/p-145685685
    Lithium Orotate Dietary Supplements Are Pharmaceutical Snakeoil
    I was asked by a client to investigate lithium orotate, lithium chloride and sodium citrate as health supplementation, and determine if these substances are safe for human consumption and if they have any medicinal benefits. These substances are being promoted by medical doctors, Naturopathic doctors and other health care practitioners as health miracles, but are they?
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  • Clarifying Defamation Against Master Peace Zeolites
    Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)
    Defamatory attacks are being waged against Master Peace, a company offering a new and effective zeolite supplement for detox.

    The defamatory content was posted by a woman named “Ria” to a Facebook page called “Ria No Moresilence”. The person running the page is an allopathic practitioner.

    You can see the Facebook page is connected to an online telehealth website called “Long Haulers” which is offering allopathic treatment for vaccine injured and “Covid long haulers”. Ria is a practitioner for Long Haulers.

    The website features Dr. Pierre Kory as the chief Medical Doctor their team is “working in collaboration with”.

    Ria appears to be attacking Master Peace which is a new company offering Clinoptilolite Zeolite infused with Marine Plasma nutrition.

    Ria has claimed that “Master Peace build the graphene oxide filaments".

    Ria goes on to attack the credibility of Master Peace leader, Caroline Mansfield.

    Next, the Long Hauler practitioner further claims that "Master Peace are the building blocks for nanotech and rubbery clots".

    She then references Ana Maria Mihalcea’s article entitled, “Zeolite Use In Nanotechnology Biosensor Applications, Enhancement Of Graphene Quantum Dots Capacity And Increase In Polymer Hydrogel Growth” which reveals a dark underbelly to modern health supplements.

    Ana Maria Mihalcea is not providing her readers with the complete picture of zeolites in her article. She’s using scare tactics to confuse her audience, which serves to deter them from trying more effective natural solutions for detox.

    Zeolites is one of the most effective heavy metal chelator that exist. That is, when this superior natural medicine is pure and unadulterated!

    Zeolites have long been used as a natural treatment to remove heavy radioactive metals from land, water and humans. If you knew that natural zeolites can effectively chelate heavy metals and other toxins, then you might reconsider using Ana Maria’s dangerous pharmaceutical EDTA Acid infusions.

    On the flip side, because natural zeolites are so effective at removing toxic metals from the human body, the market was flooded with contaminated zeolite products leading up to the Covid-19 vaccine democide.

    Already back in 2012, graphene oxide was being attached to the silicalite surface of zeolites, entraping GO nanosheets inside single crystals. In 2015, zeolite nanotechnology was already being tested for drug delivery.

    This patent indicates that aluminum is being mixed into zeolites. Another patent demonstrates that metallic “nanodots” of all kinds can be used in zeolite products.

    But what do these sinister patents have to do with Master Peace zeolites? The answer is absolutely nothing. Master Peace is a natural zeolite supplement that’s sourced from the sea. Master Peace zeolites are volcanic ash harvested from the sea floor bed which is structured and reduced by oxidation to a stabilized nanoparticle size. It’s known as oxygenated clinoptililite. There are no synthetic chemicals used in this process, so essentially, Master Peace is nano minerals, which is not to be confused with harmful nanotechnology.

    A 40-year veteran scientist, Dr. Robert Young, is doing the lab analysis for Master Peace. As the following study shows, the novel oxygenated clinoptilolite efficiently removes aluminum and graphene oxide.

    PLEASE READ: Oxygenated Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) Efficiently Removes Aluminum & Graphene Oxide

    Master Peace zeolites are then infused with sea plasma, which is another essential medicine beneficial for hydration and greater nutrient absorption. It’s a fascinating three-step process worth reading more about.

    So I wonder where Ria the allopathic practitioner got the idea that Master Peace supplement can build graphene oxide filaments and nanotech and promote the growth of rubbery clots? Is Dr. Pierre Kory aware of this defamation? Does Ana Maria have something to do with these false claims, I wonder?

    Listen to Dr. Robert Young on Master Peace and the hexagon via Human Consciousness Support (official channel).

    Follow me on Telegram @drloveariyana.

    Sign up and order Master Peace here

    Clarifying Defamation Against Master Peace Zeolites Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) Defamatory attacks are being waged against Master Peace, a company offering a new and effective zeolite supplement for detox. The defamatory content was posted by a woman named “Ria” to a Facebook page called “Ria No Moresilence”. The person running the page is an allopathic practitioner. You can see the Facebook page is connected to an online telehealth website called “Long Haulers” which is offering allopathic treatment for vaccine injured and “Covid long haulers”. Ria is a practitioner for Long Haulers. The website features Dr. Pierre Kory as the chief Medical Doctor their team is “working in collaboration with”. Ria appears to be attacking Master Peace which is a new company offering Clinoptilolite Zeolite infused with Marine Plasma nutrition. Ria has claimed that “Master Peace build the graphene oxide filaments". Ria goes on to attack the credibility of Master Peace leader, Caroline Mansfield. Next, the Long Hauler practitioner further claims that "Master Peace are the building blocks for nanotech and rubbery clots". She then references Ana Maria Mihalcea’s article entitled, “Zeolite Use In Nanotechnology Biosensor Applications, Enhancement Of Graphene Quantum Dots Capacity And Increase In Polymer Hydrogel Growth” which reveals a dark underbelly to modern health supplements. Ana Maria Mihalcea is not providing her readers with the complete picture of zeolites in her article. She’s using scare tactics to confuse her audience, which serves to deter them from trying more effective natural solutions for detox. Zeolites is one of the most effective heavy metal chelator that exist. That is, when this superior natural medicine is pure and unadulterated! Zeolites have long been used as a natural treatment to remove heavy radioactive metals from land, water and humans. If you knew that natural zeolites can effectively chelate heavy metals and other toxins, then you might reconsider using Ana Maria’s dangerous pharmaceutical EDTA Acid infusions. On the flip side, because natural zeolites are so effective at removing toxic metals from the human body, the market was flooded with contaminated zeolite products leading up to the Covid-19 vaccine democide. Already back in 2012, graphene oxide was being attached to the silicalite surface of zeolites, entraping GO nanosheets inside single crystals. In 2015, zeolite nanotechnology was already being tested for drug delivery. This patent indicates that aluminum is being mixed into zeolites. Another patent demonstrates that metallic “nanodots” of all kinds can be used in zeolite products. But what do these sinister patents have to do with Master Peace zeolites? The answer is absolutely nothing. Master Peace is a natural zeolite supplement that’s sourced from the sea. Master Peace zeolites are volcanic ash harvested from the sea floor bed which is structured and reduced by oxidation to a stabilized nanoparticle size. It’s known as oxygenated clinoptililite. There are no synthetic chemicals used in this process, so essentially, Master Peace is nano minerals, which is not to be confused with harmful nanotechnology. A 40-year veteran scientist, Dr. Robert Young, is doing the lab analysis for Master Peace. As the following study shows, the novel oxygenated clinoptilolite efficiently removes aluminum and graphene oxide. PLEASE READ: Oxygenated Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) Efficiently Removes Aluminum & Graphene Oxide Master Peace zeolites are then infused with sea plasma, which is another essential medicine beneficial for hydration and greater nutrient absorption. It’s a fascinating three-step process worth reading more about. So I wonder where Ria the allopathic practitioner got the idea that Master Peace supplement can build graphene oxide filaments and nanotech and promote the growth of rubbery clots? Is Dr. Pierre Kory aware of this defamation? Does Ana Maria have something to do with these false claims, I wonder? Listen to Dr. Robert Young on Master Peace and the hexagon via Human Consciousness Support (official channel). Follow me on Telegram @drloveariyana. Sign up and order Master Peace here https://open.substack.com/pub/drloveariyana/p/clarifying-defamation-against-master?r=29hg4d&utm_medium=ios
    Clarifying Defamation Against Master Peace Zeolites
    Defamatory attacks are being waged against Master Peace, a company offering a new and effective zeolite supplement for detox. The defamatory content was posted by a woman named “Ria” to a Facebook page called “Ria No Moresilence”. The person running the page is an allopathic practitioner.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 20242 Views
    Posted on January 29, 2024 by State of the Nation
    By Marina Zhang
    The Epoch Times

    It is well-known that dementia is often a result of aging. However, sometimes it can be caused by medications.

    (Life science/Shutterstock)
    Drug-induced dementia, the late neurologist and neurosurgeon K.K. Jain wrote, is a type of reversible dementia different from common neurodegenerative disorders.

    Several drugs increase the risks of dementia, the most prominent being anticholinergic drugs, anti-epileptics, oncology drugs, and sedative-hypnotic drugs. These are all common prescriptions for older people.

    In recent years, antidepressants have also been linked with dementia risks.

    The Link Between Dementia and Common Drugs

    Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, who has published several books on psychopharmacology, told The Epoch Times that most drugs on the market have some degree of neurotoxicity, which can lead to cognitive and neurological side effects.

    Not everyone will be affected by a drug’s neurotoxic effects, though older people and those with brain deficits are more vulnerable.

    With illnesses that surface in old age and the pills prescribed to treat each symptom, older people also tend to be the most likely cohort to be prescribed drugs that damage their cognition.

    For example, many drugs prescribed to treat Parkinson’s disease are linked with dementia risks since they block acetylcholine in the brain as a way of preventing tremors and sudden movements in patients. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that also facilitates cognitive function.

    Proton pump inhibitors, often prescribed to treat heartburn, have also been shown in studies to increase people’s risks of dementia by 44 percent.

    Within the literature, the most well-known class of drugs that can induce dementia are anticholinergic drugs.

    Anticholinergics block the release of acetylcholine. As early as 1977, experiments using the anticholinergic drug scopolamine showed that 40 minutes after drug administration, young medical volunteers in their 20s manifested dementia-like symptoms and had a harder time recalling things they had just learned.

    Anticholinergic drugs block autonomic muscle movements and various bodily functions and are often prescribed for cramping and spasms in various organs. They also function as a sedative.

    Neuroscientist Dayan Goodenowe, who has a doctorate in medicine and psychiatry, explained on Epoch TV’s “Vital Signs” program that the acetylcholine system is the same system that controls cognition and mobility, two major functions impaired in dementia.

    When neurons become unable to release acetylcholine, either due to age or drug effects, their contact with other neurons is reduced. The neurons and brain then start to shrink.

    This has also been observed in research published by Indiana University professor Shannon Risacher, who has a doctorate in medical neuroscience. She found that people taking anticholinergic drugs have greater shrinkage of overall brain volume.

    “Use of medication with significant anticholinergic activity should likely be discouraged in older adults if alternative therapies are available,” Ms. Risacher and her co-authors wrote in a JAMA Neurology study.

    Examples of anticholinergic drugs include diphenhydramine, the active compound in Benadryl, Tylenol PM, and Advil PM. They also include common medications for Parkinson’s disease, such as benztropine, trihexyphenidyl, etc.

    Acetylcholine naturally decreases with aging, so Mr. Goodenowe and his team have been attempting to find therapeutics that increase the brain’s acetylcholine levels without compromising overall brain function.

    Antidepressants, Other Drugs, and Polypharmacy

    Antidepressants, anti-epileptics, hypnotic sedatives, and opioids have also been shown to increase a person’s risk of dementia. These, along with anti-parkinsonian drugs, are all psychoactive.

    The primary function of antidepressants is to block neurotransmitters such as serotonin instead of acetylcholine. However, these drugs still have potent anticholinergic properties and, when taken with other anticholinergics, could add to the overall load, potentially inducing side effects of delirium and dementia.

    Older people with dementia are often prescribed antidepressants, anti-epileptics, and sedative drugs to help manage depression and aggression that can arise.

    However, Dr. Breggin highlighted that an irony is that the drugs prescribed to patients to improve these conditions may very well exacerbate their illness.

    Drugs not prescribed for psychoactive treatment have also been linked to dementia.

    Type 1 histamine (H1) blockers, prescribed to control allergies, have been shown to increase the risk of dementia in some people. Compared to type 2 histamine (H2) blockers, some H1 blockers can cross the blood-brain barrier and prevent acetylcholine release.

    Furthermore, prescribing multiple drugs to a patient—a practice known as polypharmacy—may cause cumulative adverse effects.

    “Whether a patient will develop cognitive impairment or not when prescribed a particular drug with anticholinergic properties is unpredictable and depends on factors such as co-medications which may have anticholinergic effects,” Drs. Alan Moore and Shaun O’Keefe, professors of geriatric medicine, wrote in their paper discussing drug-induced neurological effects.

    “Studies have suggested that it is often the total burden of anticholinergic drugs that determines development of delirium rather than any single agent,” they added.

    The Complex Brain

    While many psychoactive drugs on the market attempt to “fix” the brain, how the organ is supposed to function at baseline largely remains a mystery.

    Psychoactive drugs are often prescribed to correct brain chemical imbalances, but researchers do not know what the brain’s normal state truly looks like, as Yale University professor Avram Holmes illustrated in his 2018 comment about the brain having “no fixed normal” state.

    “There are hundreds of neurotransmitters we don’t know about and maybe thousands of transmitters,” Dr. Breggin said. “We just have a few that are deeply affected by psych drugs, and [those are the ones we] could study because the drug companies in the pharmaceutical industry pay for that.”

    Dr. Breggin argues that psychoactive drugs, which aim to address biochemical imbalances within the brain, actually cause the brain to become further maladapted.

    He gave the example of SSRIs, which increase serotonin levels by blocking serotonin removal.

    He has observed that the brain experiences two changes while on the drug: It reduces serotonin production and reduces the power of the serotonin removal system.



    HUGE CAVEAT TO HABITUAL PILL TAKERS! Posted on January 29, 2024 by State of the Nation By Marina Zhang The Epoch Times It is well-known that dementia is often a result of aging. However, sometimes it can be caused by medications. (Life science/Shutterstock) Drug-induced dementia, the late neurologist and neurosurgeon K.K. Jain wrote, is a type of reversible dementia different from common neurodegenerative disorders. Several drugs increase the risks of dementia, the most prominent being anticholinergic drugs, anti-epileptics, oncology drugs, and sedative-hypnotic drugs. These are all common prescriptions for older people. In recent years, antidepressants have also been linked with dementia risks. The Link Between Dementia and Common Drugs Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, who has published several books on psychopharmacology, told The Epoch Times that most drugs on the market have some degree of neurotoxicity, which can lead to cognitive and neurological side effects. Not everyone will be affected by a drug’s neurotoxic effects, though older people and those with brain deficits are more vulnerable. With illnesses that surface in old age and the pills prescribed to treat each symptom, older people also tend to be the most likely cohort to be prescribed drugs that damage their cognition. For example, many drugs prescribed to treat Parkinson’s disease are linked with dementia risks since they block acetylcholine in the brain as a way of preventing tremors and sudden movements in patients. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that also facilitates cognitive function. Proton pump inhibitors, often prescribed to treat heartburn, have also been shown in studies to increase people’s risks of dementia by 44 percent. Within the literature, the most well-known class of drugs that can induce dementia are anticholinergic drugs. Anticholinergics block the release of acetylcholine. As early as 1977, experiments using the anticholinergic drug scopolamine showed that 40 minutes after drug administration, young medical volunteers in their 20s manifested dementia-like symptoms and had a harder time recalling things they had just learned. Anticholinergic drugs block autonomic muscle movements and various bodily functions and are often prescribed for cramping and spasms in various organs. They also function as a sedative. Neuroscientist Dayan Goodenowe, who has a doctorate in medicine and psychiatry, explained on Epoch TV’s “Vital Signs” program that the acetylcholine system is the same system that controls cognition and mobility, two major functions impaired in dementia. When neurons become unable to release acetylcholine, either due to age or drug effects, their contact with other neurons is reduced. The neurons and brain then start to shrink. This has also been observed in research published by Indiana University professor Shannon Risacher, who has a doctorate in medical neuroscience. She found that people taking anticholinergic drugs have greater shrinkage of overall brain volume. “Use of medication with significant anticholinergic activity should likely be discouraged in older adults if alternative therapies are available,” Ms. Risacher and her co-authors wrote in a JAMA Neurology study. Examples of anticholinergic drugs include diphenhydramine, the active compound in Benadryl, Tylenol PM, and Advil PM. They also include common medications for Parkinson’s disease, such as benztropine, trihexyphenidyl, etc. Acetylcholine naturally decreases with aging, so Mr. Goodenowe and his team have been attempting to find therapeutics that increase the brain’s acetylcholine levels without compromising overall brain function. Antidepressants, Other Drugs, and Polypharmacy Antidepressants, anti-epileptics, hypnotic sedatives, and opioids have also been shown to increase a person’s risk of dementia. These, along with anti-parkinsonian drugs, are all psychoactive. The primary function of antidepressants is to block neurotransmitters such as serotonin instead of acetylcholine. However, these drugs still have potent anticholinergic properties and, when taken with other anticholinergics, could add to the overall load, potentially inducing side effects of delirium and dementia. Older people with dementia are often prescribed antidepressants, anti-epileptics, and sedative drugs to help manage depression and aggression that can arise. However, Dr. Breggin highlighted that an irony is that the drugs prescribed to patients to improve these conditions may very well exacerbate their illness. Drugs not prescribed for psychoactive treatment have also been linked to dementia. Type 1 histamine (H1) blockers, prescribed to control allergies, have been shown to increase the risk of dementia in some people. Compared to type 2 histamine (H2) blockers, some H1 blockers can cross the blood-brain barrier and prevent acetylcholine release. Furthermore, prescribing multiple drugs to a patient—a practice known as polypharmacy—may cause cumulative adverse effects. “Whether a patient will develop cognitive impairment or not when prescribed a particular drug with anticholinergic properties is unpredictable and depends on factors such as co-medications which may have anticholinergic effects,” Drs. Alan Moore and Shaun O’Keefe, professors of geriatric medicine, wrote in their paper discussing drug-induced neurological effects. “Studies have suggested that it is often the total burden of anticholinergic drugs that determines development of delirium rather than any single agent,” they added. The Complex Brain While many psychoactive drugs on the market attempt to “fix” the brain, how the organ is supposed to function at baseline largely remains a mystery. Psychoactive drugs are often prescribed to correct brain chemical imbalances, but researchers do not know what the brain’s normal state truly looks like, as Yale University professor Avram Holmes illustrated in his 2018 comment about the brain having “no fixed normal” state. “There are hundreds of neurotransmitters we don’t know about and maybe thousands of transmitters,” Dr. Breggin said. “We just have a few that are deeply affected by psych drugs, and [those are the ones we] could study because the drug companies in the pharmaceutical industry pay for that.” Dr. Breggin argues that psychoactive drugs, which aim to address biochemical imbalances within the brain, actually cause the brain to become further maladapted. He gave the example of SSRIs, which increase serotonin levels by blocking serotonin removal. He has observed that the brain experiences two changes while on the drug: It reduces serotonin production and reduces the power of the serotonin removal system. ___ https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/several-common-drugs-are-linked-to-dementia-5574311?utm http://stateofthenation.co/?p=207794 https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/01/huge-caveat-to-habitual-pill-takers.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 13191 Views
  • Dr. Robert Young on MasterPeace and the Hexagon

    Tests worldwide confirm the exponential increase in man made pollutants rampant in our ecosystem. Worse, we now live in a world of nanometer sized pollution, capable of intracellular poisoning. Never before have our bodies been host to such bioavailable toxic elements invading us at a molecular level. The biggest player in this assault is heavy metals. These “forever chemicals”, situated, at times, inside the cell cause a displacement of natural minerals mandatory for proper functioning.
    The king of binders is natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite. And while powdered zeolites have been available for years the quality has been sketchy and they usually don’t get past the gut wall due to particle size. Additionally, zeolite must be properly prepared to be effective.

    MasterPeace Nano Zeolite Plus Marine Plasma is a Zeolite and Detox Game-Changer.

    To Purchase MasterPeace or Human Consciousness Support products contact who you heard about us from for their affiliate link!

    MasterPeace Social Media Groups:
    Telegram Link: https://t.me/masterpeacebyhcs
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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masterpeacebyhcs/
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    Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4748258
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7A49FBlzVcnflG4Nn0tfZQ

    Dr. Robert Young on MasterPeace and the Hexagon Tests worldwide confirm the exponential increase in man made pollutants rampant in our ecosystem. Worse, we now live in a world of nanometer sized pollution, capable of intracellular poisoning. Never before have our bodies been host to such bioavailable toxic elements invading us at a molecular level. The biggest player in this assault is heavy metals. These “forever chemicals”, situated, at times, inside the cell cause a displacement of natural minerals mandatory for proper functioning. The king of binders is natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite. And while powdered zeolites have been available for years the quality has been sketchy and they usually don’t get past the gut wall due to particle size. Additionally, zeolite must be properly prepared to be effective. MasterPeace Nano Zeolite Plus Marine Plasma is a Zeolite and Detox Game-Changer. To Purchase MasterPeace or Human Consciousness Support products contact who you heard about us from for their affiliate link! MasterPeace Social Media Groups: Telegram Link: https://t.me/masterpeacebyhcs Facebook Main Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/235836669061851 Facebook Pets Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/784760153290171 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masterpeacebyhcs/ Gab Social: https://gab.com/MasterPeacebyHCS Videos: Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4748258 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7A49FBlzVcnflG4Nn0tfZQ https://rumble.com/v49v4hc-dr.-robert-young-on-masterpeace-and-the-hexagon.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8830 Views
  • Hexbar 9000 Puffs 15ml Rechargeable Disposable Vape Fruit Flavor
    Hexbar disposable vape pen. It has cool graphics each itself. 9000 puffs vaping delicious fruit flavor. 15ml e-liquid by 0.8ohm mesh heating coil. Cheap price!

    #Chinavape #OEMvape #disposablevape #vapefactory #vapepen #rechargeablevape #vapefamily #vapelife #vapenation #vapecommunity #vapedaily #vapeshoponline #stopsmokingstartvaping #eliquiduk #vapeliquid #vapeon #ukvapers #vapefrance #china #vapeitaly #vaperussia #vaperussian #russiavape #russianvape #vapepod #podvape #podvapes #nicotinevape #ecigarette #ecigar
    Hexbar 9000 Puffs 15ml Rechargeable Disposable Vape Fruit Flavor Hexbar disposable vape pen. It has cool graphics each itself. 9000 puffs vaping delicious fruit flavor. 15ml e-liquid by 0.8ohm mesh heating coil. Cheap price! https://www.jsbvape.com/product/hexbar-9000-puffs-15ml-rechargeable-disposable-vape-ske-s5000/ #Chinavape #OEMvape #disposablevape #vapefactory #vapepen #rechargeablevape #vapefamily #vapelife #vapenation #vapecommunity #vapedaily #vapeshoponline #stopsmokingstartvaping #eliquiduk #vapeliquid #vapeon #ukvapers #vapefrance #china #vapeitaly #vaperussia #vaperussian #russiavape #russianvape #vapepod #podvape #podvapes #nicotinevape #ecigarette #ecigar
    Hexbar 9000 Puffs 15ml Rechargeable Disposable Vape Fruit Flavor
    Hexbar disposable vape pen. It has cool graphics each itself. 9000 puffs vaping delicious fruit flavor. 15ml e-liquid by 0.8ohm mesh heating coil. Cheap price!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 19003 Views
  • #pls Pulsechain layer1 will launch now and if one has ETH based coins one can get some PLS airdropped. According to crypto coffe this launch is just as important as the start of crypto. Calling PLS/HEX a scam is like calling Andrew Tate a sex trafficker…
    #pls Pulsechain layer1 will launch now and if one has ETH based coins one can get some PLS airdropped. According to crypto coffe this launch is just as important as the start of crypto. Calling PLS/HEX a scam is like calling Andrew Tate a sex trafficker… https://youtu.be/icYiBcliYlg
    1 Comments 0 Shares 3566 Views
  • I sold my Campervan today so now I grabbed some #HEX after the 44% crash. Weird how timely that was!
    I sold my Campervan today so now I grabbed some #HEX after the 44% crash. Weird how timely that was!
    1 Comments 0 Shares 3162 Views
  • After two years of waiting, Pulsechain has launched!!!
    Pulsechain a fork of Ethereum. ...Pulsechain aims to offer a platform that lowers gas fees to pennies, relieving the Ethereum Network of back log and high fees. ...Congrats to Richard Heart and to both the HEX and Pulsechain Communities.
    After two years of waiting, Pulsechain has launched!!! Pulsechain a fork of Ethereum. ...Pulsechain aims to offer a platform that lowers gas fees to pennies, relieving the Ethereum Network of back log and high fees. ...Congrats to Richard Heart and to both the HEX and Pulsechain Communities.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 2697 Views
  • Hal qof oo Mareexaan ah oo RW Xamse cay la daba taagan arki maysid, Mareexaan waa dad gob ah oo aaminsan inay Daarood meteli karaan iyagana Ogaden meteli karo.

    Waxa la joogaa xiligii Kablalax ka garaabi lahaa oo xaal ka bixin lahaa isbaaradii Ini Deni oo gabaad ka dhiganayey magacooda uu u dhigtay Madaxweyne Farmaajo.

    Shalay hadii ay Deni u shaqaysay inuu kaar Kablalaxnimo kula dagaalamo Farmaajo, siyaasadaas waa la isku fahmay kama aqbali doono kaar Hartinimo inuu Xamse u xoqdo.

    Waxaan doonayaa oo dhexda u xirtay Daarood mid ah, walaalo ah, wax isu ogol oo si siman isu meteli kara, heshiisna la ah Soomaalida kale ee walaalahood ah.

    Shiine Culay
    Madaxweynaha beesha Daarood ee baraha bulshada.
    Hal qof oo Mareexaan ah oo RW Xamse cay la daba taagan arki maysid, Mareexaan waa dad gob ah oo aaminsan inay Daarood meteli karaan iyagana Ogaden meteli karo. Waxa la joogaa xiligii Kablalax ka garaabi lahaa oo xaal ka bixin lahaa isbaaradii Ini Deni oo gabaad ka dhiganayey magacooda uu u dhigtay Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Shalay hadii ay Deni u shaqaysay inuu kaar Kablalaxnimo kula dagaalamo Farmaajo, siyaasadaas waa la isku fahmay kama aqbali doono kaar Hartinimo inuu Xamse u xoqdo. Waxaan doonayaa oo dhexda u xirtay Daarood mid ah, walaalo ah, wax isu ogol oo si siman isu meteli kara, heshiisna la ah Soomaalida kale ee walaalahood ah. Shiine Culay Madaxweynaha beesha Daarood ee baraha bulshada.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3308 Views
  • That was a sharp Green little thing… What is that? The currency that is real decentralized and not even on an exchange, so it can’t crash like ”not your keys, not your coins”.
    #HEX 40% pump
    That was a sharp Green little thing… What is that? The currency that is real decentralized and not even on an exchange, so it can’t crash like ”not your keys, not your coins”. #HEX 40% pump
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1886 Views
  • Waa macalimad Kenyan ah ardaygeeda oo uniformkii ka jeexmay ayey Irbad iyo dun ugu toleysaa classka dhexdiisa iyadoo go’ii garbaha u saarnaana u duubtay ilmahan yar!

    Macalinku waa waalid oo kale waliba markey dumar tahay waa hooyo.
    Waa macalimad Kenyan ah ardaygeeda oo uniformkii ka jeexmay ayey Irbad iyo dun ugu toleysaa classka dhexdiisa iyadoo go’ii garbaha u saarnaana u duubtay ilmahan yar! Macalinku waa waalid oo kale waliba markey dumar tahay waa hooyo.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2270 Views
  • Waxaa ay biyuhu dhex socdaan kaymaha rooban
    #awesome #travel #someeofficial
    Waxaa ay biyuhu dhex socdaan kaymaha rooban #awesome #travel #someeofficial
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3328 Views