• }
    Graphic source: https://scontent.fceb1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/

    ----------- REFERENT URL ---------------
    } Graphic source: https://scontent.fceb1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/ ----------- REFERENT URL --------------- https://scontent.fceb1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/347098931_3239514642974988_8108640989816032345_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=T077UbPlIkUAX-2IYKL&_nc_ht=scontent.fceb1-2.fna&oh=00_AfBfNi50CS1D5SBtmkOi8kpPR4nKjmwW-KC7mx6CGBpIYw&oe=646A1297
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2031 Ansichten
  • New #somee proposal to enable additional pool for SME token on TribalDex between SWAP.ETH this pool will enable ethereum holders on hive engine to swap $ETH for $SME by providing more liquidity pool.

    So far votes have been in favour for the liquidity to continue the proposal is open from 15th may to 31 may here is the link to read more about the new proposal.


    #awesme #proposal #pool #liquidity
    New #somee proposal to enable additional pool for SME token on TribalDex between SWAP.ETH this pool will enable ethereum holders on hive engine to swap $ETH for $SME by providing more liquidity pool. So far votes have been in favour for the liquidity to continue the proposal is open from 15th may to 31 may here is the link to read more about the new proposal. https://snapshot.org/#/someeofficial.eth/proposal/0xfe2225172247802c6687d664d21b04f139bfa93aaf76b8ab42ff2f10db5fbf15 #awesme #proposal #pool #liquidity
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 6669 Ansichten
  • The Revolutionary Treatment for Sleep Apnea: The Oral Appliance Therapy
    The Revolutionary Treatment for Sleep Apnea: The Oral Appliance Therapy https://medium.com/@advancedsleepandtmjsolutions/the-revolutionary-treatment-for-sleep-apnea-the-oral-appliance-therapy-8b2cfbfe2d2e?postPublishedType=initial
    The Revolutionary Treatment for Sleep Apnea: The Oral Appliance Therapy
    Sleep apnea disorder is characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep, which can lead to various health issues such as high blood…
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 451 Ansichten
  • Kuwabunga, Dudes‼️
    Most of you know that I ❤️ Spider-Man, Batman, Doc Savage and many other comicbook superheroes. However, when it comes to the awesome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Leo is my favorite hero in a ½ shell. Who's your fav. superhero?

    #NationalSuperheroDay #TMNT #JeanClaudeVanDamme #VanDamme #JCVD#FBF #JCVDFBF #Superhero #Comics
    Kuwabunga, Dudes‼️ Most of you know that I ❤️ Spider-Man, Batman, Doc Savage and many other comicbook superheroes. However, when it comes to the awesome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Leo is my favorite hero in a ½ shell. Who's your fav. superhero? #NationalSuperheroDay #TMNT #JeanClaudeVanDamme #VanDamme #JCVD™ #FBF #JCVDFBF #Superhero #Comics
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 7090 Ansichten
  • ![Source: www.investopedia.com/thmb/](https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/QevGgMmA0-_FKaWllqCk1-o48WM=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/lt-5bfd74bb46e0fb0083fbff2d)
    Like Bitcoin, Litecoin uses a proof-of-work consensus algorithm to validate transactions and create new coins.
    Litecoin has several features that make it attractive to users and investors. First, its faster block time means that transactions can be confirmed more quickly, making it more practical for everyday use. Second, Litecoin has a larger supply cap than Bitcoin, with 84 million coins compared to Bitcoin's 21 million. This means that Litecoin is less likely to experience the same kind of supply scarcity that Bitcoin may face in the future. Third, Litecoin has lower transaction fees than Bitcoin, making it a more cost-effective option for sending and receiving payments.
    However, like all cryptocurrencies, Litecoin is subject to market volatility and is not backed by any government or central authority. Its value can fluctuate greatly based on market demand and supply, which can be influenced by factors such as regulatory changes, adoption rates, and overall market sentiment. Additionally, as a decentralized currency, Litecoin is not insured or protected by any financial institution, which means that users must take responsibility for securing their own coins.
    In summary, Litecoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency with several attractive features that make it a popular option for users and investors. However, like all cryptocurrencies, it is subject to market volatility and is not backed by any central authority or government. As with any investment, it's important to do your own research and make an informed decision based on your own risk tolerance and financial goals.
    ![Source: www.investopedia.com/thmb/](https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/QevGgMmA0-_FKaWllqCk1-o48WM=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/lt-5bfd74bb46e0fb0083fbff2d) Like Bitcoin, Litecoin uses a proof-of-work consensus algorithm to validate transactions and create new coins. Litecoin has several features that make it attractive to users and investors. First, its faster block time means that transactions can be confirmed more quickly, making it more practical for everyday use. Second, Litecoin has a larger supply cap than Bitcoin, with 84 million coins compared to Bitcoin's 21 million. This means that Litecoin is less likely to experience the same kind of supply scarcity that Bitcoin may face in the future. Third, Litecoin has lower transaction fees than Bitcoin, making it a more cost-effective option for sending and receiving payments. However, like all cryptocurrencies, Litecoin is subject to market volatility and is not backed by any government or central authority. Its value can fluctuate greatly based on market demand and supply, which can be influenced by factors such as regulatory changes, adoption rates, and overall market sentiment. Additionally, as a decentralized currency, Litecoin is not insured or protected by any financial institution, which means that users must take responsibility for securing their own coins. In summary, Litecoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency with several attractive features that make it a popular option for users and investors. However, like all cryptocurrencies, it is subject to market volatility and is not backed by any central authority or government. As with any investment, it's important to do your own research and make an informed decision based on your own risk tolerance and financial goals.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2184 Ansichten

  • ![7258xSVeJbKkzXhyseBP4PYz11eBDT8sW2oR1a4vfVFS6Hz1DxBjnDFrirCNcW9rryyYcNgVaWXd7AjmyzxEui86eNX41gjsCWfvq4YDQ1oNBXDwtBpjLE6uXBDMcmLFeurfkfmKcfqwC.jpeg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmRGJdjkvRTDX1mTTESvNSCHm2ZHZwai6isma92T1diUsh/7258xSVeJbKkzXhyseBP4PYz11eBDT8sW2oR1a4vfVFS6Hz1DxBjnDFrirCNcW9rryyYcNgVaWXd7AjmyzxEui86eNX41gjsCWfvq4YDQ1oNBXDwtBpjLE6uXBDMcmLFeurfkfmKcfqwC.jpeg)

    Lately I've been trying out different figures and seeing how well I can represent them. I started this because I noticed my portraits were looking typical. After seeing the first few turnouts, I decided to make more.
    I made this one of a young lad after seeing the reference on my brother's phone. I would've or rather should've pieced the whole body together but the sun wasn't on my side so I left it this way.
    I hope I was able to balance the tones ....


    These are the outlines..
    **Thanks for the visit friends.**
    ![7258xSVeJbKkzXhyseBP4PYz11eBDT8sW2oR1a4vfVFS6Hz1DxBjnDFrirCNcW9rryyYcNgVaWXd7AjmyzxEui86eNX41gjsCWfvq4YDQ1oNBXDwtBpjLE6uXBDMcmLFeurfkfmKcfqwC.jpeg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmRGJdjkvRTDX1mTTESvNSCHm2ZHZwai6isma92T1diUsh/7258xSVeJbKkzXhyseBP4PYz11eBDT8sW2oR1a4vfVFS6Hz1DxBjnDFrirCNcW9rryyYcNgVaWXd7AjmyzxEui86eNX41gjsCWfvq4YDQ1oNBXDwtBpjLE6uXBDMcmLFeurfkfmKcfqwC.jpeg) ___ ___ Lately I've been trying out different figures and seeing how well I can represent them. I started this because I noticed my portraits were looking typical. After seeing the first few turnouts, I decided to make more. ___ I made this one of a young lad after seeing the reference on my brother's phone. I would've or rather should've pieced the whole body together but the sun wasn't on my side so I left it this way. ___ I hope I was able to balance the tones .... ___ ___ ![7258xSVeJbKkzXhyseBP4PYz11eBDT8sW2oR1a4vfVFS6Hz1DxBjnDFrirCNcW9rryyYcNgVaWXd7AjmyzxEui86eNX41gjsCWfvq4YDQ1oNBXDwtBpjLE6uXBDMcmLFeurfkfmKcfqwC.jpeg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmRGJdjkvRTDX1mTTESvNSCHm2ZHZwai6isma92T1diUsh/7258xSVeJbKkzXhyseBP4PYz11eBDT8sW2oR1a4vfVFS6Hz1DxBjnDFrirCNcW9rryyYcNgVaWXd7AjmyzxEui86eNX41gjsCWfvq4YDQ1oNBXDwtBpjLE6uXBDMcmLFeurfkfmKcfqwC.jpeg) ___ ___ ___ ___ These are the outlines.. ![IMG_20230323_103335~2.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmTH8sXSJeA3FmWNg2kSjJ5wnzz4TjyGSA7aVNAzwb2fEm/IMG_20230323_103335~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230323_104351~2.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmVzWz6DXujSc3cJouVMwdUVPxsNzcu4bHvHJsL1mpa5U8/IMG_20230323_104351~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230323_105146~2.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmTHKqHsQSqMysh1CiZMdshXSEXXLbqTn4ZwBw3yKDpwdY/IMG_20230323_105146~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230323_111751~2.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmQX2d8qnP8xjZfCgwBRbDRR8QyErunRi1hCubRZ8fbfgj/IMG_20230323_111751~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230323_113635~2.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmTmBT9tBCC7ToxCGeW6WdS8Xnn4R2bKr7KCK1FQgSi6ti/IMG_20230323_113635~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230323_113720~2.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZWfTZ2sMwpyEAcuZ2FVrUUtLoE4NmSB6ZYa13bnKQJ96/IMG_20230323_113720~2.jpg) ___ ___ **Thanks for the visit friends.**
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2303 Ansichten
  • We have a buy Contest going on at https://surgeburn.com and https://t.me/surgeburnchat if u need help dm me @ccck78 telegram. Details below
    ???? Raffle Buy Contest RUNNING! ✅

    ???? Token Ticker: SBURN
    ???? Contract Address:

    ???? Current wallet(s) w/ most tickets:
    ???? 0x9c9Fd.. ???? 23,346.22 SRG ???? 23
    ???? 0xA7120.. ???? 7,000.00 SRG ???? 7
    ???? 0x1550f.. ???? 2,749.04 SRG ???? 2
    ???? 0x12B84.. ???? 1,552.60 SRG ???? 1
    ???? 0x30328.. ???? 1,221.18 SRG ???? 1

    ???? Total tickets so far: 34

    ???? Prize: 500000.0 SBURN
    ⏱ Remaining time: 1283m 32s
    ???? You have to spend at least 1000.0 SRG to collect tickets. Each 1000.0 SRG amount you spend during the runtime of 1440 minutes equals to 1 ticket you receive.
    #surgeburn #crypto #buycontest #somee #awesme #sme
    We have a buy Contest going on at https://surgeburn.com and https://t.me/surgeburnchat if u need help dm me @ccck78 telegram. Details below ???? Raffle Buy Contest RUNNING! ✅ ???? Token Ticker: SBURN ???? Contract Address: 0x6892a9E3b48c02D2b36fE9B8fBF44678b1391BdC ???? Current wallet(s) w/ most tickets: ???? 0x9c9Fd.. ???? 23,346.22 SRG ???? 23 ???? 0xA7120.. ???? 7,000.00 SRG ???? 7 ???? 0x1550f.. ???? 2,749.04 SRG ???? 2 ???? 0x12B84.. ???? 1,552.60 SRG ???? 1 ???? 0x30328.. ???? 1,221.18 SRG ???? 1 ???? Total tickets so far: 34 ???? Prize: 500000.0 SBURN ⏱ Remaining time: 1283m 32s ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ???? You have to spend at least 1000.0 SRG to collect tickets. Each 1000.0 SRG amount you spend during the runtime of 1440 minutes equals to 1 ticket you receive. #surgeburn #crypto #buycontest #somee #awesme #sme
    The only burn and reward token for the SURGE Protocol (SRG20). We are a support token with huge rewards and burns thus increasing the value of the Surge Protocol and holders of both SurgeBurn and Surge.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2454 Ansichten
  • Finally some sensability again! For the uninitiated Jordan is now beeing forced to be socially “reprogrammed” as the communists in Ontario University calls it, otherwise he will loose his license. Several online sueing him for picking on NZ Jacinda Adern and saying “a fat model is not beautiful”. Beyond that , there are some truthbombs about the climate and the tyranni the WEF pushes and Jordan tells how it looked like in Europe how serious it is with around 135000 extra dead in the UK only for lowering the temperature 3 degrees indoors for saving money to pay the electrical bill. He says “they can’t even defend their behavior and showing it gives let’s say , cleaner air” . Listen to this https://open.spotify.com/episode/4GJZmmvdh4NFbFqdqp9ovm?si=335hMESKQJ-YQl_XGtMR2A&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk
    Finally some sensability again! For the uninitiated Jordan is now beeing forced to be socially “reprogrammed” as the communists in Ontario University calls it, otherwise he will loose his license. Several online sueing him for picking on NZ Jacinda Adern and saying “a fat model is not beautiful”. Beyond that , there are some truthbombs about the climate and the tyranni the WEF pushes and Jordan tells how it looked like in Europe how serious it is with around 135000 extra dead in the UK only for lowering the temperature 3 degrees indoors for saving money to pay the electrical bill. He says “they can’t even defend their behavior and showing it gives let’s say , cleaner air” . Listen to this https://open.spotify.com/episode/4GJZmmvdh4NFbFqdqp9ovm?si=335hMESKQJ-YQl_XGtMR2A&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1827 Ansichten
  • I recontributed to Efinity's cowdloan today. Efinity (EFI) was not able to win a parachain slot on the first batch but I think that the second batch is the right time for it. Built with Polkadot, Efinity will serve as the infrastructure for the decentralized, cross-chain Metaverse.
    If you are planning to join the crowdloan and contribute some DOT, feel free to use the code below to earn more EFI and additional PARA (Parallel Finance). DOT contributed to the crownloan will have Liquid DOT which will give users liquidity if they want to exit.
    I recontributed to Efinity's cowdloan today. Efinity (EFI) was not able to win a parachain slot on the first batch but I think that the second batch is the right time for it. Built with Polkadot, Efinity will serve as the infrastructure for the decentralized, cross-chain Metaverse. If you are planning to join the crowdloan and contribute some DOT, feel free to use the code below to earn more EFI and additional PARA (Parallel Finance). DOT contributed to the crownloan will have Liquid DOT which will give users liquidity if they want to exit. https://crowdloan.parallel.fi/#/auction/polkadot?referral=0x3f2a20d5b8af8b475779cfd9ea5f5d7ca048fa389a4ebac1664c1eeb11fbf982
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 472 Ansichten
  • Strange but true. Did you know that there are twelve times more trees on our planet than the stars in the Milky Way?

    The cool thing here is scientists estimate there are about 200 to 400 billion stars in the galaxy, while there are an estimated one trillion trees on Earth! Trees also live a long time, like the stars, and are truly essential for life!

    Don't forget to like and follow for AweSomee facts on a daily basis!

    Strange but true. Did you know that there are twelve times more trees on our planet than the stars in the Milky Way? The cool thing here is scientists estimate there are about 200 to 400 billion stars in the galaxy, while there are an estimated one trillion trees on Earth! Trees also live a long time, like the stars, and are truly essential for life! #Awesomee #Facts Don't forget to like and follow for AweSomee facts on a daily basis! Source: https://www.plant-for-the-planet.org/media/files/press/27fbf376-nydailynews-there-are-more-trees-on-earth-than-anyone-thought.pdf
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2193 Ansichten