• EVERGREEN & The Black Budget Operation (PART 1)
    It all began with the firefighting planes that don't fight fires, leading one to ask, "then what exactly are all of those chemical tanks for?"...

    This crazy story began back in 2002. It was fire season in the United States and the media reported a fatal crash of two air tankers, a Lockheed C-130A Hercules and a Consolidated PB4Y-2. This crash lead to the US Department of Interior issuing an official request for an investigation into the development of next-generation air tankers; larger firefighting planes, which would mean less planes would be needed in the smoke-filled skies, which would mean safer airways for everyone.

    A company called Evergreen Aviation said with a smile, “Hey! We could convert some of our Boeing 747-200 freighters into blaze fighters!” and the government was like, “Ok, you do that and we will take a look at what you make.”.

    Shortly thereafter, in 2004, the Evergreen Supertanker was born from a Boeing 747 (N470EV) and, like a toddler taking his first steps, the modified plane took its first test flight.

    747 Supertanker, Marana
    Come summer 2006, Evergreen had invested $40 million into the project. All they needed now was FAA certification and an evaluation from the US Forest Service. Once complete those big, beautiful planes could officially be put into production and one day, God willing, they would all lift into the sky, carrying tens-of-thousands of gallons of fire-extinguishing water.

    In fall of the same year, the FAA came through for Evergreen and issued the necessary documents which would officially allow them to gut and modify a fleet of planes. Evergreen now had permission to install the support structure needed for aerial dispersion of liquids - but this time around, it would not be water going in the tanks, it would be chemicals… to save America from fire season.

    Thankfully, the fleet of modified aircrafts, which can hold as much as 18 pallets worth of world-saving chemicals, were quickly completed and ready to take flight at the first signs of fire.

    This project could not have been ready at a better time because, on May 29th of 2011, disaster struck the home state of the Supertankers, Arizona.

    Map of Wallow fire, data 2350 6-8-2011
    Residents were evacuated as the the Wallow Fire burned the Copper State.

    An evacuation sign asks residents to leave June 9, 2011 in Eagar, Arizona.
    And the fleet of incredible modified Boeings heroically took flight that day, quickly putting out the blaze - well, not really. Evergreen’s firefighting planes were not in the sky the first day of the fire. Nor were they in the air the next day, or the day after. Instead, smaller DC-10s were deployed. The problem was, these planes, the DC-10s, had a payload of only 13,000 gallons of fire retardant whereas the largest Supertankers had a payload of 86,000 gallons…

    But those shiny, new large-payload planes stayed grounded while little DCs and other small planes battled the growing inferno.

    Wallow Fire in photos... a photo gallery | Multimedia | wmicentral.com
    Try as they might, as the days passed, AZ continued to burn, and on June 11th the the fire advanced into Catron County, New Mexico.

    Wallow Fire rages across Arizona - The Hindu
    Eventually, without the help of a single Evergreen Supertanker, the little planes and firefighters got the fire under control.

    When all said and done, record books would report the Wallow Fire as being the worst in Arizona history as of the time, over 800 square miles had been scorched. Extensive damage was caused to the forest ecosystem, wildlife habitats, recreational areas and homes. This lead many to ask, “Where were those incredible Supertankers?”. Answer: In their home, Pinal Airpark. In fact, as of 2013, Evergreen’s Supertankers had yet to fight a single fire anywhere in the US, ever. So who is this company? Deeper research was required…

    The story of Evergreen’s firefighting planes that don’t fight fires actually began back in the 1960s with a little company called Evergreen Helicopters. That small helicopter business did whatever small helicopter businesses do, until the 1970s, when it merged with Intermountain Airlines. After the merger was complete, Evergreen International Airlines came to be. It was owned by Evergreen International Aviation. Once formed, Evergreen Aviation quickly purchased the assets of Air America and began using Pinal Park in Arizona as a storage facility.

    You’re probably thinking, “So Evergreen Airlines was just some guy with a dollar and a dream who worked his way up from choppers to planes and got lucky with a merger?” - not so much. You see, Intermountain Airlines (the company Evergreen helicopters merged with) was part of Pacific Corporation. Pacific Corp was nothing more than a holding company. What is a holding company? It’s a business that doesn’t offer a service because it doesn’t actually do anything. Its only purpose is to own and control other companies.

    In addition to Intermountain Airlines, Pacific Corp (acting as a holding company) oversaw numerous other aviation companies, including Air America and Southern Air Transport, to name a few. And what did these airlines do? Let me show you:


    Wait a second, you’re telling me the huge firefighting planes, the 86,000 gallon payload planes that never fought a raging US fire, belonged to the flippin’ CIA?! - We will get to that in a moment, but first:

    Back when Evergreen was a helicopter business and the CIA was operating front aviation companies, the Intelligence Agency contracted Skunk Works to build special planes for them. Who was Skunk Works? Here you go:

    It turns out, Skunk Works wasn’t just Lockheed Martin, it was actually the branch for Lockheed’s secret weapons development program. Through this program, the defense contractor was building everything the CIA and government claimed to need. From spy planes to $96 million worth of A-12s to the first 400-mph fighter jet in the world, and who knows what else because it was a covert operation (for our safety, of course).

    So, when the merger happened, Evergreen International was born and it acquired the assets of the helicopter company and the CIA front aviation companies which had the Skunk Works contracts and aircraft resulting from them. Evergreen, which we should rename Ever-CIA, then made Pinal Airpark in Arizona one of its homes.

    The airpark was perfect due to its fairly remote location.

    Now we are in the 1980s and the CIA has its newest airline and freedom in the skies. It used these tax-funded gifts to best serve the American people, and by that I mean by doing things like transporting Salvadoran military personnel and equipment, running covert operations to support the Contras, operating mysterious missions to El Salvador and Nicaragua, loaning helicopters to El Salvador’s President Duarte, and even acting as a personal air taxi for the Shah of Iran, and more… lots more… lots, lots more.

    It was right around this time that news began breaking, exposing Southern Air as being a CIA operation. In fact, even the holding company, Pacific Corp, was outted as being a CIA operated entity.

    (This likely explains why the CIA needed to merge with Evergreen - they knew the Southern Air cover was blown and, by taking over an existing company, they could continue to operate without suspicion.)

    Throughout the 1990s, goo fell from the sky (yes, you read that correctly). It’s still an “unsolved mystery” because nobody has any idea how such a thing could have possibly happened, let alone so frequently… (2 minute video)

    Then, it was in 2001 that something never before seen appeared in the sky over the Northeastern Seaboard of the United States, but this time it wasn’t gelatinous material: (2 minute video)

    The following year was the (alleged) plane crash due to the smoky air which lead to Evergreen offering to modify their Boeings to save the good people of America during fire season…

    In 2004, a patent was filed called Aerial Delivery System. This patent was for modifying planes with a special nozzle system attached at the wing box.

    Guess who filed this patent?

    Yep, Evergreen International Aviation. Details are made more clear in a second filing under the same name:

    The same year, an interesting patent called PROCEDURE FOR AIR RELEASE OF MATERIAL was filed. The reason this is interesting is because this patent was not filed in the US, it was filed by Evergreen Aviation in Spain. Whether they planned to help the Spaniards fight their fires or whether they were just protecting their technology is as much of a mystery as the goo.

    In 2007, another patent was filed, Enhanced aerial delivery system. The description reads “…large quantities of fluids, powders, and other agent materials are to be transported in and aerially dispersed by aircraft”

    Simultaneously, the sky was being filled with lines - but don’t worry folks, these are just contrails and there is absolutely nothing to fear, they say…

    Sky grids? Oh, those are just from an increase in air traffic, nothing is being sprayed, don’t be a silly conspiracy theorist.

    Despite being repeatedly told the sky-spam is 100% normal and that the atmosphere has always looked like this, many in the public weren’t buying the story. Concerned citizens, determined to figure out who these harmless-contrail-planes belonged to, began tracking them - and they happened to track them to some interesting places….

    When citizens attempted to visit the Arizona airpark, which was being advertised as a public place, they discovered that not only was it not public, but it was patrolled by all-black helicopters and featured armed security that would not allow anyone inside.

    At the time, one citizen journalist reported the sky above the airpark had strange “dripping lines”.

    Like My Research? Buy Me a Coffee

    On Google Earth, armchair detectives noticed a massive pile of a black substance that seemed like an odd thing to have at an airpark.

    Coincidentally, people were filming planes releasing a strange black substance, but this is just exhaust, we are told.

    Yes, it’s exhaust.

    And this is also exhaust. And if you don’t believe that, then it’s a fuel dump.

    …and if you don’t believe any of that, you’re not an aviation expert so you wouldn’t understand.

    Researchers also learned that this exact location, the storage facility for an airline that owns firefighting planes that don’t fight fires, was also the training grounds for both National Guard and the CIA.

    Then, when outraged members of the public began looking deeper into these planes, they discovered that the planes leaving contrail grids and performing lengthy fuel dumps directly over populated areas, were not only unmarked, (meaning they didn’t have any kind of insignia or numbers on them) but additionally, they were not appearing on radar; they were flying without transponders.

    Not being on radar is a very serious issue, nearly causing a FedEx plane to crash… three times in one flight…

    If you’re not familiar with transponders, with very few exceptions, aircraft above 10,000 feet must have their tracking system turned on - but one of those exceptions is if they are military (or involved in a military operation).

    “It is preposterous to think these planes are being used to modify the weather! They are for fighting fires!”, they tell me. To which I reply, on Evergreen Aviation’s website (which they have updated since I got these screenshots), they showed the Supertanker…

    …and raved about its firefighting capacity…

    … but if you scrolled down the page, you discovered it has other purposes… such as Weather Modification…

    “Cloud seeding!”, they scream. To which I respond, cloud seeders are tiny planes, often Beechcrafts:

    Close-up of a turboprop plane sprinkling chemicals into clouds in a blue sky.
    Cloud seeding typically takes under 30 minutes total and is performed using flares…

    This photo shows flares fixed on the aircraft's wing that house the silver iodide used for cloud seeding.
    …or canisters…

    A silver canister hanging from the wing of a plane.
    …or a tank connected to a nozzle or two:

    Mexico is seeding clouds to make rain — scientists aren't sure it works
    Meanwhile, this is the inside of an Evergreen Supertanker… the planes that hold 18 pallets worth of chemicals and have patents for exterior nozzles that release other materials into the sky…

    So, what exactly are these planes doing to modify the weather using chemical tanks and nozzles? Only one thing fits all of the evidence…

    But, according to Wikipedia, in June 2014, Evergreen declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the company died off, got rid of all of its assets and that was the end of the story. Originally, I was going to end the article on a decide for yourself cliff-hanger, but after finishing writing, I kept thinking it wouldn’t hurt to spend 10 minutes tracking down where those assets went. I would soon discover that wanting answers to such a simple question would quickly turns into a nightmare, both on and off the internet. Little did I know, the innocent question about the assets was never meant to be answered… NEXT READ: EVERGREEN PART 2: Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun - An Introduction to the Research that is Currently Destroying My Life

    Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation

    Like My Work? Buy Me a Coffee



    Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun: EVERGREEN (PART 2)
    In Part 1 of this series we discussed the crazy history of how Evergreen Airlines came to be. If you didn’t read Part 1, you really should start there because it’s a wild true story of a helicopter company, CIA front organizations, a Lockheed Martin secret weapons development program, and firefighting airplanes that don’t fight fires. It’s also a tale…
    Read full story

    1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust?

    1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust?
    Let me introduce you to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, NASEM, for short (we all know the only thing worse than a dreaded 5-letter abbreviation is a wretched 6-letter). In 1992, only a few years before the soft launch of the “

    Read full story

    Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF

    Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF
    They tell us these are normal clouds that have been around forever and we are just too stupid to remember them:

    Read full story

    Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON

    Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON
    Well, let’s start here: Listen to these four meteorologists explain chaff on television (and do their best to minimize it):

    Read full story

    MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More

    MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More
    “…the state is merely trying to deceive a population into believing the propaganda”…”In order to accomplish this, the state must engage in a highly competent deception campaign.”… “Since we seek to deceive the population in order to achieve reflexive control through environmental manipulation, we would replace “enemy,” with “population.”

    Read full story

    Spray the Sky with Piss New Chemtrail Patent (Yes, Seriously)

    Spray the Sky with Piss New Chemtrail Patent (Yes, Seriously)
    Believe it or not, this actually isn’t Bill Gates idea, but I agree, it sure does sound like it.

    Read full story

    Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide?

    Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide?
    I haven’t been on Twitter much these days. After hitting 20,000 followers I became so shadow-banned that the purpose of it has become pointless. With that being said, on April 8th, 2024, the day of the Eclipse, I shared some photos of my Michigan sky, which started off as beautiful blue then, only two hours before the eclipse, filled the infamous

    Read full story


    When I’m researching, I throw links to almost everything I look at down here. I don’t use all of this stuff, but I leave it here for anyone who wants so continue researching the same topic. Sharing a link here does not mean I agree with the content, it means it’s something I came across.




    https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg09719.html


    CFR controls EVA https://www.bitchute.com/video/MUdPb77v4kos


    “Anti Static Dispersants” Fuel Additives - Apollo DD3? Oxtail (?) Steron (?) “Status 450”

    Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon

    need way back, unmanned planes https://web.archive.org/web/20081113160231/https://evergreenaviation.com/EUS/dl.html







    Jet Midwest



    biker https://www.bitchute.com/video/GrgwyTUe1Inl/

    new https://www.bitchute.com/video/rGEslYAtxmCF/


    Air Park on Google Earth https://earth.google.com/web/search/Pinal+Airpark,+East+Pinal+Airpark+Road,+Marana,+AZ/@32.51066376,-111.32603775,589.96314913a,26817.20873689d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=Cp0BGnMSbQolMHg4NmQ1ZjBmOTA1NmFmNDU3OjB4NjRhMjdhNDg0YzYwZDI0OBmyFY_mI0FAQCHIbrCBvtRbwCoyUGluYWwgQWlycGFyaywgRWFzdCBQaW5hbCBBaXJwYXJrIFJvYWQsIE1hcmFuYSwgQVoYAiABIiYKJAnx7rqc-I5AQBGlLeJc9RlAQBnU-RZgtpZbwCHKBMeXgihcwDIpCicKJQohMXpHWFo2R08tUnBrZjhsWFI4THlHQWJpd2l1QTg3M3RvIAE6AwoBMA









    1957 phased array antenna








    EVERGREEN & The Black Budget Operation (PART 1) It all began with the firefighting planes that don't fight fires, leading one to ask, "then what exactly are all of those chemical tanks for?"... Agent131711 This crazy story began back in 2002. It was fire season in the United States and the media reported a fatal crash of two air tankers, a Lockheed C-130A Hercules and a Consolidated PB4Y-2. This crash lead to the US Department of Interior issuing an official request for an investigation into the development of next-generation air tankers; larger firefighting planes, which would mean less planes would be needed in the smoke-filled skies, which would mean safer airways for everyone. A company called Evergreen Aviation said with a smile, “Hey! We could convert some of our Boeing 747-200 freighters into blaze fighters!” and the government was like, “Ok, you do that and we will take a look at what you make.”. Shortly thereafter, in 2004, the Evergreen Supertanker was born from a Boeing 747 (N470EV) and, like a toddler taking his first steps, the modified plane took its first test flight. 747 Supertanker, Marana Come summer 2006, Evergreen had invested $40 million into the project. All they needed now was FAA certification and an evaluation from the US Forest Service. Once complete those big, beautiful planes could officially be put into production and one day, God willing, they would all lift into the sky, carrying tens-of-thousands of gallons of fire-extinguishing water. In fall of the same year, the FAA came through for Evergreen and issued the necessary documents which would officially allow them to gut and modify a fleet of planes. Evergreen now had permission to install the support structure needed for aerial dispersion of liquids - but this time around, it would not be water going in the tanks, it would be chemicals… to save America from fire season. Thankfully, the fleet of modified aircrafts, which can hold as much as 18 pallets worth of world-saving chemicals, were quickly completed and ready to take flight at the first signs of fire. This project could not have been ready at a better time because, on May 29th of 2011, disaster struck the home state of the Supertankers, Arizona. Map of Wallow fire, data 2350 6-8-2011 Residents were evacuated as the the Wallow Fire burned the Copper State. An evacuation sign asks residents to leave June 9, 2011 in Eagar, Arizona. And the fleet of incredible modified Boeings heroically took flight that day, quickly putting out the blaze - well, not really. Evergreen’s firefighting planes were not in the sky the first day of the fire. Nor were they in the air the next day, or the day after. Instead, smaller DC-10s were deployed. The problem was, these planes, the DC-10s, had a payload of only 13,000 gallons of fire retardant whereas the largest Supertankers had a payload of 86,000 gallons… But those shiny, new large-payload planes stayed grounded while little DCs and other small planes battled the growing inferno. Wallow Fire in photos... a photo gallery | Multimedia | wmicentral.com Try as they might, as the days passed, AZ continued to burn, and on June 11th the the fire advanced into Catron County, New Mexico. Wallow Fire rages across Arizona - The Hindu Eventually, without the help of a single Evergreen Supertanker, the little planes and firefighters got the fire under control. When all said and done, record books would report the Wallow Fire as being the worst in Arizona history as of the time, over 800 square miles had been scorched. Extensive damage was caused to the forest ecosystem, wildlife habitats, recreational areas and homes. This lead many to ask, “Where were those incredible Supertankers?”. Answer: In their home, Pinal Airpark. In fact, as of 2013, Evergreen’s Supertankers had yet to fight a single fire anywhere in the US, ever. So who is this company? Deeper research was required… The story of Evergreen’s firefighting planes that don’t fight fires actually began back in the 1960s with a little company called Evergreen Helicopters. That small helicopter business did whatever small helicopter businesses do, until the 1970s, when it merged with Intermountain Airlines. After the merger was complete, Evergreen International Airlines came to be. It was owned by Evergreen International Aviation. Once formed, Evergreen Aviation quickly purchased the assets of Air America and began using Pinal Park in Arizona as a storage facility. Image You’re probably thinking, “So Evergreen Airlines was just some guy with a dollar and a dream who worked his way up from choppers to planes and got lucky with a merger?” - not so much. You see, Intermountain Airlines (the company Evergreen helicopters merged with) was part of Pacific Corporation. Pacific Corp was nothing more than a holding company. What is a holding company? It’s a business that doesn’t offer a service because it doesn’t actually do anything. Its only purpose is to own and control other companies. In addition to Intermountain Airlines, Pacific Corp (acting as a holding company) oversaw numerous other aviation companies, including Air America and Southern Air Transport, to name a few. And what did these airlines do? Let me show you: And: Wait a second, you’re telling me the huge firefighting planes, the 86,000 gallon payload planes that never fought a raging US fire, belonged to the flippin’ CIA?! - We will get to that in a moment, but first: Back when Evergreen was a helicopter business and the CIA was operating front aviation companies, the Intelligence Agency contracted Skunk Works to build special planes for them. Who was Skunk Works? Here you go: Image It turns out, Skunk Works wasn’t just Lockheed Martin, it was actually the branch for Lockheed’s secret weapons development program. Through this program, the defense contractor was building everything the CIA and government claimed to need. From spy planes to $96 million worth of A-12s to the first 400-mph fighter jet in the world, and who knows what else because it was a covert operation (for our safety, of course). So, when the merger happened, Evergreen International was born and it acquired the assets of the helicopter company and the CIA front aviation companies which had the Skunk Works contracts and aircraft resulting from them. Evergreen, which we should rename Ever-CIA, then made Pinal Airpark in Arizona one of its homes. Image The airpark was perfect due to its fairly remote location. Now we are in the 1980s and the CIA has its newest airline and freedom in the skies. It used these tax-funded gifts to best serve the American people, and by that I mean by doing things like transporting Salvadoran military personnel and equipment, running covert operations to support the Contras, operating mysterious missions to El Salvador and Nicaragua, loaning helicopters to El Salvador’s President Duarte, and even acting as a personal air taxi for the Shah of Iran, and more… lots more… lots, lots more. It was right around this time that news began breaking, exposing Southern Air as being a CIA operation. In fact, even the holding company, Pacific Corp, was outted as being a CIA operated entity. (This likely explains why the CIA needed to merge with Evergreen - they knew the Southern Air cover was blown and, by taking over an existing company, they could continue to operate without suspicion.) Throughout the 1990s, goo fell from the sky (yes, you read that correctly). It’s still an “unsolved mystery” because nobody has any idea how such a thing could have possibly happened, let alone so frequently… (2 minute video) Then, it was in 2001 that something never before seen appeared in the sky over the Northeastern Seaboard of the United States, but this time it wasn’t gelatinous material: (2 minute video) The following year was the (alleged) plane crash due to the smoky air which lead to Evergreen offering to modify their Boeings to save the good people of America during fire season… In 2004, a patent was filed called Aerial Delivery System. This patent was for modifying planes with a special nozzle system attached at the wing box. Guess who filed this patent? Yep, Evergreen International Aviation. Details are made more clear in a second filing under the same name: The same year, an interesting patent called PROCEDURE FOR AIR RELEASE OF MATERIAL was filed. The reason this is interesting is because this patent was not filed in the US, it was filed by Evergreen Aviation in Spain. Whether they planned to help the Spaniards fight their fires or whether they were just protecting their technology is as much of a mystery as the goo. In 2007, another patent was filed, Enhanced aerial delivery system. The description reads “…large quantities of fluids, powders, and other agent materials are to be transported in and aerially dispersed by aircraft” Simultaneously, the sky was being filled with lines - but don’t worry folks, these are just contrails and there is absolutely nothing to fear, they say… Sky grids? Oh, those are just from an increase in air traffic, nothing is being sprayed, don’t be a silly conspiracy theorist. Despite being repeatedly told the sky-spam is 100% normal and that the atmosphere has always looked like this, many in the public weren’t buying the story. Concerned citizens, determined to figure out who these harmless-contrail-planes belonged to, began tracking them - and they happened to track them to some interesting places…. When citizens attempted to visit the Arizona airpark, which was being advertised as a public place, they discovered that not only was it not public, but it was patrolled by all-black helicopters and featured armed security that would not allow anyone inside. At the time, one citizen journalist reported the sky above the airpark had strange “dripping lines”. Like My Research? Buy Me a Coffee On Google Earth, armchair detectives noticed a massive pile of a black substance that seemed like an odd thing to have at an airpark. Coincidentally, people were filming planes releasing a strange black substance, but this is just exhaust, we are told. Yes, it’s exhaust. And this is also exhaust. And if you don’t believe that, then it’s a fuel dump. …and if you don’t believe any of that, you’re not an aviation expert so you wouldn’t understand. Researchers also learned that this exact location, the storage facility for an airline that owns firefighting planes that don’t fight fires, was also the training grounds for both National Guard and the CIA. Then, when outraged members of the public began looking deeper into these planes, they discovered that the planes leaving contrail grids and performing lengthy fuel dumps directly over populated areas, were not only unmarked, (meaning they didn’t have any kind of insignia or numbers on them) but additionally, they were not appearing on radar; they were flying without transponders. Not being on radar is a very serious issue, nearly causing a FedEx plane to crash… three times in one flight… If you’re not familiar with transponders, with very few exceptions, aircraft above 10,000 feet must have their tracking system turned on - but one of those exceptions is if they are military (or involved in a military operation). “It is preposterous to think these planes are being used to modify the weather! They are for fighting fires!”, they tell me. To which I reply, on Evergreen Aviation’s website (which they have updated since I got these screenshots), they showed the Supertanker… Image …and raved about its firefighting capacity… Image … but if you scrolled down the page, you discovered it has other purposes… such as Weather Modification… Image “Cloud seeding!”, they scream. To which I respond, cloud seeders are tiny planes, often Beechcrafts: Close-up of a turboprop plane sprinkling chemicals into clouds in a blue sky. Cloud seeding typically takes under 30 minutes total and is performed using flares… This photo shows flares fixed on the aircraft's wing that house the silver iodide used for cloud seeding. …or canisters… A silver canister hanging from the wing of a plane. …or a tank connected to a nozzle or two: Mexico is seeding clouds to make rain — scientists aren't sure it works Meanwhile, this is the inside of an Evergreen Supertanker… the planes that hold 18 pallets worth of chemicals and have patents for exterior nozzles that release other materials into the sky… So, what exactly are these planes doing to modify the weather using chemical tanks and nozzles? Only one thing fits all of the evidence… But, according to Wikipedia, in June 2014, Evergreen declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the company died off, got rid of all of its assets and that was the end of the story. Originally, I was going to end the article on a decide for yourself cliff-hanger, but after finishing writing, I kept thinking it wouldn’t hurt to spend 10 minutes tracking down where those assets went. I would soon discover that wanting answers to such a simple question would quickly turns into a nightmare, both on and off the internet. Little did I know, the innocent question about the assets was never meant to be answered… NEXT READ: EVERGREEN PART 2: Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun - An Introduction to the Research that is Currently Destroying My Life Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation Like My Work? Buy Me a Coffee Share NEXT READ: Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun: EVERGREEN (PART 2) In Part 1 of this series we discussed the crazy history of how Evergreen Airlines came to be. If you didn’t read Part 1, you really should start there because it’s a wild true story of a helicopter company, CIA front organizations, a Lockheed Martin secret weapons development program, and firefighting airplanes that don’t fight fires. It’s also a tale… Read full story 1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust? 1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust? Let me introduce you to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, NASEM, for short (we all know the only thing worse than a dreaded 5-letter abbreviation is a wretched 6-letter). In 1992, only a few years before the soft launch of the “ Read full story Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF They tell us these are normal clouds that have been around forever and we are just too stupid to remember them: Read full story Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON Well, let’s start here: Listen to these four meteorologists explain chaff on television (and do their best to minimize it): Read full story MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More “…the state is merely trying to deceive a population into believing the propaganda”…”In order to accomplish this, the state must engage in a highly competent deception campaign.”… “Since we seek to deceive the population in order to achieve reflexive control through environmental manipulation, we would replace “enemy,” with “population.” Read full story Spray the Sky with Piss 🚽 New Chemtrail Patent ✈️ (Yes, Seriously) Spray the Sky with Piss 🚽 New Chemtrail Patent ✈️ (Yes, Seriously) Believe it or not, this actually isn’t Bill Gates idea, but I agree, it sure does sound like it. Read full story Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide? Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide? I haven’t been on Twitter much these days. After hitting 20,000 followers I became so shadow-banned that the purpose of it has become pointless. With that being said, on April 8th, 2024, the day of the Eclipse, I shared some photos of my Michigan sky, which started off as beautiful blue then, only two hours before the eclipse, filled the infamous Read full story SOURCES, NOTES & OTHER STUFF When I’m researching, I throw links to almost everything I look at down here. I don’t use all of this stuff, but I leave it here for anyone who wants so continue researching the same topic. Sharing a link here does not mean I agree with the content, it means it’s something I came across. https://web.archive.org/web/20210730180650/https://usahitman.com/egascf/ https://web.archive.org/web/20160525115957/http://www.skychemtrail.com/evergreen-contract-spread-chemtrails/ http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2013/04/28/evergreen-breaches-covenant-with-pinal-county-arizona-part-1/ https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg09719.html 1978 CFR controls EVA https://www.bitchute.com/video/MUdPb77v4kos https://evergreenaviation.com “Anti Static Dispersants” Fuel Additives - Apollo DD3? Oxtail (?) Steron (?) “Status 450” Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon need way back, unmanned planes https://web.archive.org/web/20081113160231/https://evergreenaviation.com/EUS/dl.html https://www.wired.com/2011/06/legendary-cia-airline-in-danger-of-crashing/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evergreen_International_Aviation https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/05/02/the-contract-airlines-that-quietly-move-u-s-troops-and-spies-around-the-globe/ https://www.eyeopeningtruth.com/evergreen-crisis/ https://joepayne.org/outerbank/evergreen.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20171223170522/https://newsregister.com/article?articleTitle=evergreen-sale-heads-to-arbitration--1449192839--20280--1home-news Jet Midwest https://archive.org/details/youtube-ipEhI8pgo3A https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_chemtrails18.htm biker https://www.bitchute.com/video/GrgwyTUe1Inl/ new https://www.bitchute.com/video/rGEslYAtxmCF/ https://dprogram.wordpress.com/2010/06/07/video-evergreen-air-and-a-secret-chemtrail-facility/ Air Park on Google Earth https://earth.google.com/web/search/Pinal+Airpark,+East+Pinal+Airpark+Road,+Marana,+AZ/@32.51066376,-111.32603775,589.96314913a,26817.20873689d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=Cp0BGnMSbQolMHg4NmQ1ZjBmOTA1NmFmNDU3OjB4NjRhMjdhNDg0YzYwZDI0OBmyFY_mI0FAQCHIbrCBvtRbwCoyUGluYWwgQWlycGFyaywgRWFzdCBQaW5hbCBBaXJwYXJrIFJvYWQsIE1hcmFuYSwgQVoYAiABIiYKJAnx7rqc-I5AQBGlLeJc9RlAQBnU-RZgtpZbwCHKBMeXgihcwDIpCicKJQohMXpHWFo2R08tUnBrZjhsWFI4THlHQWJpd2l1QTg3M3RvIAE6AwoBMA https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2013/12/troubled_evergreen_internation.html https://rumble.com/vo3r32-the-cia-controls-evergreen-air-death-dumps-anthony-j-hilder.html https://www.bitchute.com/video/zKLxfRrJgkP9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evergreen_International_Airlinesgiven/ https://greydynamics.com/air-america-the-history-of-the-cias-covert-airline/ https://greydynamics.com/air-america-the-history-of-the-cias-covert-airline/ https://arizonaskywatch.com/article/articles/Evergreen%20and%20Chemtrails%20with%20USAF.htm http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2013/04/28/evergreen-breaches-covenant-with-pinal-county-arizona-part-1/ 1957 phased array antenna https://www.youtube.com/@Thetruthdenied/search?query=evergreen%20air https://search.brave.com/search?q=%22the+truth+denied%22+evergreen+air&source=web https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900022-2.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20220120194401/http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2013/04/28/evergreen-breaches-covenant-with-pinal-county-arizona-part-1/ https://skybrary.aero/articles/aircraft-without-transponder-guidance-controllers https://archive.org/details/cia-readingroom-document-cia-rdp88-01315r000300120008-1 https://rumble.com/v26y5q4-dr.-john-coleman-committee-of-300-club-of-rome-and-royal-institute-of-int.-.html https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/evergreen-and-the-black-budget-operation
    EVERGREEN & The Black Budget Operation (PART 1)
    It all began with the firefighting planes that don't fight fires, leading one to ask, "then what exactly are all of those chemical tanks for?"...
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  • The Super Beaver Moon has risen! The Pleiades (Messier 45) and Uranus are below the Moon as the final supermoon of 2024 begins crossing the night sky in the constellation Taurus; Jupiter and Orion are rising behind the spectacle. The Moon will eclipse the Pleiades star cluster when it reaches the zenith at approximately 0600 GMT tonight. #SuperBeaverMoon #BeaverMoon #FrostyMoon #Supermoon2024 #Supermoon #Moon #Pleiades #NightSky #Zenith #Perigee #Astronomy
    The Super Beaver Moon has risen! The Pleiades (Messier 45) and Uranus are below the Moon as the final supermoon of 2024 begins crossing the night sky in the constellation Taurus; Jupiter and Orion are rising behind the spectacle. The Moon will eclipse the Pleiades star cluster when it reaches the zenith at approximately 0600 GMT tonight. #SuperBeaverMoon #BeaverMoon #FrostyMoon #Supermoon2024 #Supermoon #Moon #Pleiades #NightSky #Zenith #Perigee #Astronomy
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  • The Moon becomes a Super Beaver Moon on Friday evening, the fourth and final supermoon of 2024 that is joined by Uranus and Jupiter in the constellation Taurus. The full moon will eclipse the Pleiades cluster at the zenith on November 16th at approximately 0600 GMT. #SuperBeaverMoon #BeaverMoon #FrostyMoon #Supermoon2024 #Supermoon #Moon #Pleiades #NightSky #Zenith #Perigee #Astronomy

    The Moon becomes a Super Beaver Moon on Friday evening, the fourth and final supermoon of 2024 that is joined by Uranus and Jupiter in the constellation Taurus. The full moon will eclipse the Pleiades cluster at the zenith on November 16th at approximately 0600 GMT. #SuperBeaverMoon #BeaverMoon #FrostyMoon #Supermoon2024 #Supermoon #Moon #Pleiades #NightSky #Zenith #Perigee #Astronomy https://earthsky.org/moon-phases/november-full-moon/
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  • EXPOSED – Klaus Schwab’s NAZI Roots: Anyone Shocked?
    On July 17, 2021 By Geri Ungurean
    From adarapress.com

    Klaus Schwab and wife portrait
    Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler.

    Schwab’s hometown—Ravensburg, Germany—was the first German city to practice eugenics (killing “useless eaters”)

    Ravensburg was a transport hub for stolen Nazi gold to the Swiss Bank for International Settlements run by Pilgrims Society spies Allan W. Dulles (later C.I.A. director, 1953-61), Edwin W. Pauley (Allied reparations) and William J. Donovan, director of the OSS (MI6-controlled precursor to the C.I.A.—Dulles’ boss)

    Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler and South Africa, sold Swiss flame throwers to the Nazis, and was named a National Socialist Model Company by Adolf Hitler

    Schwab’s Escher Wyss company was protected not only by Hitler, but by Switzerland, Britain and America—making Schwab a criminal foreign meddler in every sense


    Klaus’ mainstream media and academia propagandists have hidden his Nazi past in a blizzard of awards, WEF programs, ghost-written books, speeches, interviews, honorary professorships and doctorates from all over the world.

    AFI researchers have dubbed Klaus “old sourpuss” because he almost never smiles. Now we know why. He knows he is a fraud—a circus barker who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth whose heart has nothing good to share with the world.

    C.I.A. archive documents show that Escher-Wyss and Sulzer were being directed by the U.S. Department of Energy and the State Department. This would logically mean that Klaus Schwab was a triple-agent, working simultaneously for: (1) the CIA-MI6-UN British-Americans Pilgrims Society, (2) Nazis (now Germany) and (3) Switzerland.

    Do we really want a triple-agent lying spy running the “Great Reset” and “Build Back Better?”

    Third, Escher-Wyss was one of the largest employers in Ravensburg, Germany.

    Fourth, Escher-Wyss was the first city in Nazi German to practice eugenics principles to murder “useless eaters” emerging from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (something like the National Institute of Health in the US, or Tavistock Institute in the UK).

    Fifth, contrary to the propaganda stories about Ravensburg’s lack of war-making industries (as the reason why the Allies did not bomb the city and its Escher-Wyss industry), we discovered many Ravensburg unconfessed sins surrounding the Schwab’s and Escher-Wyss.

    Besides parts for ships, airplanes, submarines and power plants, Escher-Wyss brokered flame throwers built in their Zurich plant and sold to the Nazis. This information comes from the U.S. Archives. This would have been handled by Eugen Schwab with a then about 5-year old Klaus at his side. They also supplied turbines, compressors and propellers for Nazi ships and submarines, as well as gas turbines for powering the war machine, in addition to their nuclear technology.

    Escher-Wyss exploited slave labor (Jewish, Russian, Gypsy, homosexual, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish ), as well as Allied POWs. Being a National Socialists Model Company, this would certainly have included Dr. Josef Mengele’s biological war crimes (“The Angel of Death”).


    Escher Wyss today operates under numerous re branded names including Andritz AG and Sulzer AG. These companies are poised to profit enormously from the priorities reflected in Klaus Schwab’s so-called “Great Reset,” including hydropower, plasma turbines, nuclear power, materials science, nuclear weapons, oil and gas, coal, bio fuel, paper, food, robotics, artificial intelligence, financing, patents, pharmaceuticals and more.

    Historically, the first (IBM) punch card machine readers, sometimes called Hollerith machines, were first manufactured by companies like Escher-Wyss and Sulzer who specialized in textile machines in the 1880s. Punched cards were used to created different patters on textile machines, as well as in player pianos. Other names in this business were Semyon Korsakov (ca. 1805); Charles Babbage (ca. 1855); Herman Hollerith (ca. 1880); The Tabulating Machine Company (ca. 1910), including Dehomag (Deutsche Hollerith-Maschinen GmbH, IBM Germany); and Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (1911, renamed IBM).

    Note: IBM International president Jacques G. Maisongroung was a feature speaker at Klaus M. Schwab’s first European Management Forum on Feb. 04-07, 1971, along with the black monarch and Fourth Reich heir apparent Otto von Habsburg.

    Klaus’s married Hilde Stoll in the weeks following the first Forum in 1971. This was an evident corporate marriage. Hilde’s family, to this day, owns an engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence and process controls manufacturer name FESTO with over 20,000 employees.

    It should be noted that the Escher and Sulzer families are interlocked with the Stolls, Schwabs and Bodmar families. The Bodmar family property in Cologny, Geneva Canton, Switzerland is the current site of The World Economic Forum headquarters as well as the Schwab residence—like a ritzy WACO-like compound.

    The Bodmar family is a 15th-century silk manufacturing family who purchased the WEF land from Fanny Moser-Sulzer (Sulzer AG). Hans von Schulthess-Bodmar was a director of Escher-Wyss & Co. and those interlocked engineering firms and exclusive private banks are still in operation today (Escher & Rahn renamed Rahn Bodmer).

    Indeed, none of these family businesses have lack funding. Given their close proximity to untold amounts of stolen Nazi-Japanese gold at the Bank for International Settlements, their “success” comes into focus. In fact, it was during the Marshall Plan that the British Pilgrims Society took control of these Second-Reich family corporate empires to serve their secular new world order scheme.

    Martin Bodmar was born the same year as Klaus’ father Eugen (1899). Martin was a vice-president of the International Red Cross (1940-71). Klaus is believed to have attended grade school in the Au suburb of Zurich (1945-47, ages 7-9) and lived in Bodmar castle during that posh primary schooling.


    Klaus had all of his schooling bankrolled by Escher-Wyss financiers in Zurich just as his father Eugen Schwab, as managing director of Escher-Wyss & Cie. (Co.) in Ravensburg was forming the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry as vice-president (1945-46).

    Eugen formed the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce at the behest of Sir Winthrop W. Aldrich (Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger’s and Paul Volcker’s boss), Allan W. Dulles (OSS/CIA Bern, Switzerland), and the Bank for International Settlements set up by MI6 and the CIA.

    The British Pilgrims Society had already begun to funnel dirty Marshall Plan funds to insider companies like Escher-Wyss and Festo and their interlocked private Swiss banking family companies, even before the war ended, in exchange for Ravensburg’s help in transporting the Nazi gold to Bill J. Donovan, Allan W. Dulles and Edwin Pauley (OSS cum MI6—the rogue C.I.A.), the British Pilgrims Society required Schwab fealty to the new world order being fronted by their newly-forming United Nations.

    Note: Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the current Pilgrims Society chairman of SGO Smartmatic (with its masked OpTech ballot scanning software running in Dominion, ES&S, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Diebold, Premier), has served in almost every senior post at the United Nations: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Thailand, Africa, Central America and Geneva; Reform of UN communications; UN Development Program (UNDP); London International Model UN; UN Millennium Summit; and Deputy Secretary-General.

    Note also: Sir Nigel Graham Knowles is Malloch-Brown’s fellow Pilgrim in SGO Smartmatic where he is director, chief trustee of Prince’s Trust America, and employed Kamala Harris newly-minted husband Doug Emhoff at DLA Piper LLP law.

    Starting even before the Germans surrendered on May 07, 1945—just two weeks after the famous “Link-Up” (Apr. 25, 1945) of the American 69th Infantry Division with the Soviet 58th Guards in Torgau—Ravensburg was a staging ground for shipping stolen Nazi gold to Switzerland. It has also been a processing hub for Allied POWs as evident cover for Ravensburg duplicities discussed herein.

    The looted Nazi gold was routed through Ravensburg, near the Swiss-Lichtenstein border, and sent to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Bern and Zurich. Allen W. Dulles was the OSS spy director in Bern in charge of the Nazi gold for the Allies (Read: Pilgrims Society).

    After the war, Dulles became the first director of the C.I.A. and was the man who later covered up the Kennedy Assassination in the Warren Commission, after, many believe, he ordered President Kennedy’s assassination to protect his emerging Pilgrims Society global enterprise founded on the stolen Nazi and Japanese gold—the banking system that operates today, still named the Bank for International Settlements, Zurich that handles inter banking special drawing rights.

    President Kennedy was assassinated not long after he told a colleague: “I will splinter the CIA [Dulles’ creature] into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” (New York Times, Apr. 25, 1966).


    President Kennedy, as did President Eisenhower, surely knew about the criminal Pilgrims Society banking of fascist industries paying their tribute behind the smokescreen of the Marshall Plan “helping” Europe recover… from a war that these bâtards just funded! (Please excuse the French.)

    Escher-Wyss hosted numerous Sir Winthrop’s Chamber meetings in Zurich and Ravensburg sponsored by their father-son city fathers team of Eugen and Klaus Schwab.

    As the Escher-Wyss managing director, Eugen was a man whose favor was sought in both Germany, Switzerland, and the Pilgrims Society, and who was grooming son Klaus to take over their Escher-Wyss dynasty, now 216 years old.


    Today, Klaus Schwab’s Andritz AG auditor is KPMG who also audits SERCO (controlled by the British Crown) and SGO Smartmatic (aka Dominion etc.) Voting Systems (controlled by Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Sir Nigel Knowles, Kamala Harris’ British handler.

    Klaus received a bachelor and PhD in engineering from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, co-founded by Alfred Escher (1855).

    Klaus also received overlapping masters and PhD degrees from the Jesuit University of Fribourg, Switzerland (1962-67). […]

    In 1966-67, Klaus was shuffled off to Boston for his Harvard grooming. He received a master’s in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. There he admits collaborating with Pilgrims Society inner circle gadabouts Henry Kissinger and John K. Galbraith. Galbraith and Kissinger came to play leading rolls in the World Economic Forum strategies and tactics.

    On the wings of Kissinger’s Pilgrims Society instructions, Klaus Schwab was assigned to organize the Europe Management Forum starting in 1971.

    Starting in 1965, the U.S. Department of Energy began funding the development of nuclear weapons capability in apartheid South Africa (read: British-controlled).

    Newly-discovered information for this most top secret program reveal that Sulzer-Escher-Wyss supplied critical components to the enrichment of triggering of a nuclear bomb, ostensibly for the South Africans. Apparently their prized elephant herds needed protecting.


    Klaus’s first job after university was managing a 10,000-employee merger of Escher-Wyss AG and Sulzer AG. Now we know that these companies and their families were interlocked and this was merely window dressing. This occurred just as Sulzer was shipping specialize compressor and turbine seals to South Africa. Later, Swiss fugitive Marc Rich ran sanctions against South Africa for this secret Pilgrims Society nuclear cabal.


    Nuclear sanctions-buster Marc Rich was pardoned by Bill Clinton as he left office on Jan. 20, 2001. Notably, at the same time, Clinton pardoned his former C.I.A. Director John M. Deutch (1995-96), and appointed Leader Technologies’ patent attorney Professor James P. Chandler, III and Microsoft’s Bill Gates to an organization euphemistically named “National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC)” that still exists to this day and is overseeing the weaponization of patents for the DoD Office of Net Assessment.

    For those of you who follow this blog, Leader Technologies, Inc. is the patent holder of the invention of social networking. James P. Chandler, III was their patent attorney who secreted a copy of Leader’s invaluable source code and gave it to a newly-forming IBM Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001, just after the 9/11 false flag diversion that drove Congress to approve sweeping sacrifices of liberty, privacy and security, ironically in the name of security. Leader Technologies has filed a lien on the U.S. Government and wants its shareholders paid for the risks they took and the government stole.

    Bono obsequiously promotes the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and George Soros. Evidently acting on insider tips in 2009, he “invested” $56 million in Facebook private stock sold corruptly by Goldman Sachs.* Those shares rose to $1 billion at the Facebook IPO on May 18, 2012, along with other Pilgrims/WEF insiders, including James W. Breyer, Accel Partners, Peter A. Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Yuri Milner, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft and Meritech Management (Ann Huntress Lamont) who cashed in $13.26 billion on Day 3, much to the outrage of CNBC’s Jim Cramer.

    * Bono corruptly invested in Facebook during the Leader v. Facebook social networking patent infringement trial 2008-2010. He invested concurrently with Hillary Clinton’s secret State Department contract with Facebook to build “an election winning template” to rig elections. Hillary’s contract was blatant obstruction of justice, not to mention criminal conspiracy, espionage, treason and sedition.

    And yet, she walks free.

    For now.


    Sir Klaus Martin Schwab, KCMG, and Sir Bono, KBE (Paul David Hewson) relish the psycophantic adulation of their self-anointed fellow insider trading criminals at the 2016 World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. Photo: World Economic Forum.

    There is a reason that Klaus Schwab has been the only leader of the World Economic Forum since 1971—50 years.

    He is doing the bidding of his masters at the British Pilgrims Society. His children Nicole and Olivier have joined him and Hilde to carry on the fascist thefts into the next generation of their carefully crafted criminal enterprise.

    Klaus Schwab’s perfidy demands that he and the World Economic Forum cease operations.

    WEF is nothing more than a organized crime guild for the Pilgrims Society. They have co opted the deposed monarchies of Europe to support the “Great Reset.” In return, those deposed monarchs get insider financial trading information so that they can continue to fund their lavish lifestyles.

    Klaus uses Jesuit tactics of secrecy, just like Cecil J. Rhodes dictated some 118 years earlier, to keep the average citizen ignorant of their criminal doings.

    They use the media to tell lies to fool and pacify the public, as well as haughtily “create public opinion.”

    Klaus’s Fourth Reich will invigorate many of the deposed royal families with new life.

    The difference this time is that they will be taking orders from the corporate and banking criminals of the British Pilgrims Society, while the Pilgrims in turn hide their organized crime behind the fascination of a naive public with royalty, while these bureaucrats interlock into the closed loop of a 1%-ers club, like Escher-Wyss’ closed-cycle gas turbines that can run on any kind of fuel, including nuclear.

    The insider trading of the WEF members, including his Escher-Wyss-Sulzer-Andritz-Stoll-Festo interlocking criminal enterprises, must be dismantled so that a free market can emerge, for the first time in human history.

    The “Great Reset” insider trading criminal syndicate that is the World Economic Forum must be dismantled and their conspirators prosecuted worldwide for the great harm they have done to human civilization.





    Brethren, this is all part of these End Times. Our omniscient God knew that these times would befall us – even before the foundations of the earth were laid!

    Trust in HIM Always!


    EXPOSED – Klaus Schwab’s NAZI Roots: Anyone Shocked? On July 17, 2021 By Geri Ungurean From adarapress.com Klaus Schwab and wife portrait Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler. Schwab’s hometown—Ravensburg, Germany—was the first German city to practice eugenics (killing “useless eaters”) Ravensburg was a transport hub for stolen Nazi gold to the Swiss Bank for International Settlements run by Pilgrims Society spies Allan W. Dulles (later C.I.A. director, 1953-61), Edwin W. Pauley (Allied reparations) and William J. Donovan, director of the OSS (MI6-controlled precursor to the C.I.A.—Dulles’ boss) Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler and South Africa, sold Swiss flame throwers to the Nazis, and was named a National Socialist Model Company by Adolf Hitler Schwab’s Escher Wyss company was protected not only by Hitler, but by Switzerland, Britain and America—making Schwab a criminal foreign meddler in every sense KLAUS’ HIDDEN NAZI PAST Klaus’ mainstream media and academia propagandists have hidden his Nazi past in a blizzard of awards, WEF programs, ghost-written books, speeches, interviews, honorary professorships and doctorates from all over the world. AFI researchers have dubbed Klaus “old sourpuss” because he almost never smiles. Now we know why. He knows he is a fraud—a circus barker who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth whose heart has nothing good to share with the world. C.I.A. archive documents show that Escher-Wyss and Sulzer were being directed by the U.S. Department of Energy and the State Department. This would logically mean that Klaus Schwab was a triple-agent, working simultaneously for: (1) the CIA-MI6-UN British-Americans Pilgrims Society, (2) Nazis (now Germany) and (3) Switzerland. Do we really want a triple-agent lying spy running the “Great Reset” and “Build Back Better?” Third, Escher-Wyss was one of the largest employers in Ravensburg, Germany. Fourth, Escher-Wyss was the first city in Nazi German to practice eugenics principles to murder “useless eaters” emerging from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (something like the National Institute of Health in the US, or Tavistock Institute in the UK). Fifth, contrary to the propaganda stories about Ravensburg’s lack of war-making industries (as the reason why the Allies did not bomb the city and its Escher-Wyss industry), we discovered many Ravensburg unconfessed sins surrounding the Schwab’s and Escher-Wyss. Besides parts for ships, airplanes, submarines and power plants, Escher-Wyss brokered flame throwers built in their Zurich plant and sold to the Nazis. This information comes from the U.S. Archives. This would have been handled by Eugen Schwab with a then about 5-year old Klaus at his side. They also supplied turbines, compressors and propellers for Nazi ships and submarines, as well as gas turbines for powering the war machine, in addition to their nuclear technology. Escher-Wyss exploited slave labor (Jewish, Russian, Gypsy, homosexual, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish ), as well as Allied POWs. Being a National Socialists Model Company, this would certainly have included Dr. Josef Mengele’s biological war crimes (“The Angel of Death”). KLAUS & HILDE’S INTERLOCKING COMPANIES EMPLOY OVER 50,000 TODAY—ALL FED BY WEF INSIDER TRADING Escher Wyss today operates under numerous re branded names including Andritz AG and Sulzer AG. These companies are poised to profit enormously from the priorities reflected in Klaus Schwab’s so-called “Great Reset,” including hydropower, plasma turbines, nuclear power, materials science, nuclear weapons, oil and gas, coal, bio fuel, paper, food, robotics, artificial intelligence, financing, patents, pharmaceuticals and more. Historically, the first (IBM) punch card machine readers, sometimes called Hollerith machines, were first manufactured by companies like Escher-Wyss and Sulzer who specialized in textile machines in the 1880s. Punched cards were used to created different patters on textile machines, as well as in player pianos. Other names in this business were Semyon Korsakov (ca. 1805); Charles Babbage (ca. 1855); Herman Hollerith (ca. 1880); The Tabulating Machine Company (ca. 1910), including Dehomag (Deutsche Hollerith-Maschinen GmbH, IBM Germany); and Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (1911, renamed IBM). Note: IBM International president Jacques G. Maisongroung was a feature speaker at Klaus M. Schwab’s first European Management Forum on Feb. 04-07, 1971, along with the black monarch and Fourth Reich heir apparent Otto von Habsburg. Klaus’s married Hilde Stoll in the weeks following the first Forum in 1971. This was an evident corporate marriage. Hilde’s family, to this day, owns an engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence and process controls manufacturer name FESTO with over 20,000 employees. It should be noted that the Escher and Sulzer families are interlocked with the Stolls, Schwabs and Bodmar families. The Bodmar family property in Cologny, Geneva Canton, Switzerland is the current site of The World Economic Forum headquarters as well as the Schwab residence—like a ritzy WACO-like compound. The Bodmar family is a 15th-century silk manufacturing family who purchased the WEF land from Fanny Moser-Sulzer (Sulzer AG). Hans von Schulthess-Bodmar was a director of Escher-Wyss & Co. and those interlocked engineering firms and exclusive private banks are still in operation today (Escher & Rahn renamed Rahn Bodmer). Indeed, none of these family businesses have lack funding. Given their close proximity to untold amounts of stolen Nazi-Japanese gold at the Bank for International Settlements, their “success” comes into focus. In fact, it was during the Marshall Plan that the British Pilgrims Society took control of these Second-Reich family corporate empires to serve their secular new world order scheme. Martin Bodmar was born the same year as Klaus’ father Eugen (1899). Martin was a vice-president of the International Red Cross (1940-71). Klaus is believed to have attended grade school in the Au suburb of Zurich (1945-47, ages 7-9) and lived in Bodmar castle during that posh primary schooling. PILGRIMS INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CREATED A GOLD-LAUNDERING BEACHHEAD IN RAVENSBURG & FUNDED ESCHER-WYSS, SULZER, STOLL AND FESTO PERPETUALLY Klaus had all of his schooling bankrolled by Escher-Wyss financiers in Zurich just as his father Eugen Schwab, as managing director of Escher-Wyss & Cie. (Co.) in Ravensburg was forming the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry as vice-president (1945-46). Eugen formed the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce at the behest of Sir Winthrop W. Aldrich (Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger’s and Paul Volcker’s boss), Allan W. Dulles (OSS/CIA Bern, Switzerland), and the Bank for International Settlements set up by MI6 and the CIA. The British Pilgrims Society had already begun to funnel dirty Marshall Plan funds to insider companies like Escher-Wyss and Festo and their interlocked private Swiss banking family companies, even before the war ended, in exchange for Ravensburg’s help in transporting the Nazi gold to Bill J. Donovan, Allan W. Dulles and Edwin Pauley (OSS cum MI6—the rogue C.I.A.), the British Pilgrims Society required Schwab fealty to the new world order being fronted by their newly-forming United Nations. Note: Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the current Pilgrims Society chairman of SGO Smartmatic (with its masked OpTech ballot scanning software running in Dominion, ES&S, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Diebold, Premier), has served in almost every senior post at the United Nations: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Thailand, Africa, Central America and Geneva; Reform of UN communications; UN Development Program (UNDP); London International Model UN; UN Millennium Summit; and Deputy Secretary-General. Note also: Sir Nigel Graham Knowles is Malloch-Brown’s fellow Pilgrim in SGO Smartmatic where he is director, chief trustee of Prince’s Trust America, and employed Kamala Harris newly-minted husband Doug Emhoff at DLA Piper LLP law. Starting even before the Germans surrendered on May 07, 1945—just two weeks after the famous “Link-Up” (Apr. 25, 1945) of the American 69th Infantry Division with the Soviet 58th Guards in Torgau—Ravensburg was a staging ground for shipping stolen Nazi gold to Switzerland. It has also been a processing hub for Allied POWs as evident cover for Ravensburg duplicities discussed herein. The looted Nazi gold was routed through Ravensburg, near the Swiss-Lichtenstein border, and sent to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Bern and Zurich. Allen W. Dulles was the OSS spy director in Bern in charge of the Nazi gold for the Allies (Read: Pilgrims Society). After the war, Dulles became the first director of the C.I.A. and was the man who later covered up the Kennedy Assassination in the Warren Commission, after, many believe, he ordered President Kennedy’s assassination to protect his emerging Pilgrims Society global enterprise founded on the stolen Nazi and Japanese gold—the banking system that operates today, still named the Bank for International Settlements, Zurich that handles inter banking special drawing rights. President Kennedy was assassinated not long after he told a colleague: “I will splinter the CIA [Dulles’ creature] into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” (New York Times, Apr. 25, 1966). THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY EVIL OF THE MARSHALL PLAN President Kennedy, as did President Eisenhower, surely knew about the criminal Pilgrims Society banking of fascist industries paying their tribute behind the smokescreen of the Marshall Plan “helping” Europe recover… from a war that these bâtards just funded! (Please excuse the French.) Escher-Wyss hosted numerous Sir Winthrop’s Chamber meetings in Zurich and Ravensburg sponsored by their father-son city fathers team of Eugen and Klaus Schwab. As the Escher-Wyss managing director, Eugen was a man whose favor was sought in both Germany, Switzerland, and the Pilgrims Society, and who was grooming son Klaus to take over their Escher-Wyss dynasty, now 216 years old. ELECTION RIGGING LEADERSHIP EMERGES FROM WEF & THEIR PILGRIMS SOCIETY OVERLORDS Today, Klaus Schwab’s Andritz AG auditor is KPMG who also audits SERCO (controlled by the British Crown) and SGO Smartmatic (aka Dominion etc.) Voting Systems (controlled by Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Sir Nigel Knowles, Kamala Harris’ British handler. Klaus received a bachelor and PhD in engineering from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, co-founded by Alfred Escher (1855). Klaus also received overlapping masters and PhD degrees from the Jesuit University of Fribourg, Switzerland (1962-67). […] In 1966-67, Klaus was shuffled off to Boston for his Harvard grooming. He received a master’s in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. There he admits collaborating with Pilgrims Society inner circle gadabouts Henry Kissinger and John K. Galbraith. Galbraith and Kissinger came to play leading rolls in the World Economic Forum strategies and tactics. On the wings of Kissinger’s Pilgrims Society instructions, Klaus Schwab was assigned to organize the Europe Management Forum starting in 1971. Starting in 1965, the U.S. Department of Energy began funding the development of nuclear weapons capability in apartheid South Africa (read: British-controlled). Newly-discovered information for this most top secret program reveal that Sulzer-Escher-Wyss supplied critical components to the enrichment of triggering of a nuclear bomb, ostensibly for the South Africans. Apparently their prized elephant herds needed protecting. NUCLEAR WARMONGERS (KLAUS SCHWAB & HIS GOLD-DIGGING INTERLOCKED FAMILIES) ARE RUNNING THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM Klaus’s first job after university was managing a 10,000-employee merger of Escher-Wyss AG and Sulzer AG. Now we know that these companies and their families were interlocked and this was merely window dressing. This occurred just as Sulzer was shipping specialize compressor and turbine seals to South Africa. Later, Swiss fugitive Marc Rich ran sanctions against South Africa for this secret Pilgrims Society nuclear cabal. SOCIAL NETWORKING WAS STOLEN TO HELP WEF INSIDERS COORDINATE GLOBALLY Nuclear sanctions-buster Marc Rich was pardoned by Bill Clinton as he left office on Jan. 20, 2001. Notably, at the same time, Clinton pardoned his former C.I.A. Director John M. Deutch (1995-96), and appointed Leader Technologies’ patent attorney Professor James P. Chandler, III and Microsoft’s Bill Gates to an organization euphemistically named “National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC)” that still exists to this day and is overseeing the weaponization of patents for the DoD Office of Net Assessment. For those of you who follow this blog, Leader Technologies, Inc. is the patent holder of the invention of social networking. James P. Chandler, III was their patent attorney who secreted a copy of Leader’s invaluable source code and gave it to a newly-forming IBM Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001, just after the 9/11 false flag diversion that drove Congress to approve sweeping sacrifices of liberty, privacy and security, ironically in the name of security. Leader Technologies has filed a lien on the U.S. Government and wants its shareholders paid for the risks they took and the government stole. Bono obsequiously promotes the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and George Soros. Evidently acting on insider tips in 2009, he “invested” $56 million in Facebook private stock sold corruptly by Goldman Sachs.* Those shares rose to $1 billion at the Facebook IPO on May 18, 2012, along with other Pilgrims/WEF insiders, including James W. Breyer, Accel Partners, Peter A. Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Yuri Milner, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft and Meritech Management (Ann Huntress Lamont) who cashed in $13.26 billion on Day 3, much to the outrage of CNBC’s Jim Cramer. * Bono corruptly invested in Facebook during the Leader v. Facebook social networking patent infringement trial 2008-2010. He invested concurrently with Hillary Clinton’s secret State Department contract with Facebook to build “an election winning template” to rig elections. Hillary’s contract was blatant obstruction of justice, not to mention criminal conspiracy, espionage, treason and sedition. And yet, she walks free. For now. CRIMINAL WEF SYCHOPANT SIRS—DO YOU THINK BONO KNOWS KLAUS IS A NUCLEAR NAZI WHOSE COMPANIES CAN MAKE A CINDER OUT OF PLANET EARTH? Sir Klaus Martin Schwab, KCMG, and Sir Bono, KBE (Paul David Hewson) relish the psycophantic adulation of their self-anointed fellow insider trading criminals at the 2016 World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. Photo: World Economic Forum. CONCLUSION There is a reason that Klaus Schwab has been the only leader of the World Economic Forum since 1971—50 years. He is doing the bidding of his masters at the British Pilgrims Society. His children Nicole and Olivier have joined him and Hilde to carry on the fascist thefts into the next generation of their carefully crafted criminal enterprise. Klaus Schwab’s perfidy demands that he and the World Economic Forum cease operations. WEF is nothing more than a organized crime guild for the Pilgrims Society. They have co opted the deposed monarchies of Europe to support the “Great Reset.” In return, those deposed monarchs get insider financial trading information so that they can continue to fund their lavish lifestyles. Klaus uses Jesuit tactics of secrecy, just like Cecil J. Rhodes dictated some 118 years earlier, to keep the average citizen ignorant of their criminal doings. They use the media to tell lies to fool and pacify the public, as well as haughtily “create public opinion.” Klaus’s Fourth Reich will invigorate many of the deposed royal families with new life. The difference this time is that they will be taking orders from the corporate and banking criminals of the British Pilgrims Society, while the Pilgrims in turn hide their organized crime behind the fascination of a naive public with royalty, while these bureaucrats interlock into the closed loop of a 1%-ers club, like Escher-Wyss’ closed-cycle gas turbines that can run on any kind of fuel, including nuclear. The insider trading of the WEF members, including his Escher-Wyss-Sulzer-Andritz-Stoll-Festo interlocking criminal enterprises, must be dismantled so that a free market can emerge, for the first time in human history. The “Great Reset” insider trading criminal syndicate that is the World Economic Forum must be dismantled and their conspirators prosecuted worldwide for the great harm they have done to human civilization. SHUT DOWN THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM DEFUND THE INSIDER TRADERS SHIP THEM TO GITMO & PROSECUTE THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY SOURCE Brethren, this is all part of these End Times. Our omniscient God knew that these times would befall us – even before the foundations of the earth were laid! Trust in HIM Always! MARANATHA!! https://grandmageri422.me/2021/07/17/exposed-klaus-schwabs-nazi-roots-anyone-shocked/
    EXPOSED – Klaus Schwab’s NAZI Roots: Anyone Shocked?
    From adarapress.com Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler. Schwab’s hometown—Ravensburg, Ge…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 17269 Views
  • Bob King - Harvest Moon Takes a Quick Dip in Earth's Shadow:


    #HarvestMoon #Moon #PartialLunarEclipse #Eclipse #Obscuration #Astronomy
    Bob King - Harvest Moon Takes a Quick Dip in Earth's Shadow: https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/harvest-moon-takes-a-quick-dip-in-earths-shadow/ #HarvestMoon #Moon #PartialLunarEclipse #Eclipse #Obscuration #Astronomy
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2394 Views
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3130 Views
  • I experienced the Great American Eclipse under some clouds that rolled in, as is typical for astronomical events, during the moment of maximum eclipse. The birds stopped singing except for one squawking bird in a tall tree, the squirrels went home, the color of the ambient light changed from orange to blue as it would in the evening, the shadows on the ground became softer, the wind speed increased and the temperature cooled. It was eerily quiet for a few minutes before the normal activity returned with the unveiled sunlight; several sunspots were visible during this April 8th solar eclipse.

    #Supermoon #Moon #Shadow #PacMan #Crescent #SunSpots #Sun #SolarEclipse2024 #SolarEclipse #Eclipse #Astronomy
    I experienced the Great American Eclipse under some clouds that rolled in, as is typical for astronomical events, during the moment of maximum eclipse. The birds stopped singing except for one squawking bird in a tall tree, the squirrels went home, the color of the ambient light changed from orange to blue as it would in the evening, the shadows on the ground became softer, the wind speed increased and the temperature cooled. It was eerily quiet for a few minutes before the normal activity returned with the unveiled sunlight; several sunspots were visible during this April 8th solar eclipse. #Supermoon #Moon #Shadow #PacMan #Crescent #SunSpots #Sun #SolarEclipse2024 #SolarEclipse #Eclipse #Astronomy
    0 Comments 0 Shares 14459 Views
  • CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads
    Greg Hunter
    On March 24, 2024 In Market Analysis 180 Comments


    CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads

    By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)

    Dr. Betsy Eads warned about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax since the beginning of Covid from infection to injection. She warned about AIDS, infertility, turbo cancers, heart disease, blood clots and many other problems caused by the CV19 bioweapon injection. Dr. Eads was right every single time. Now, Dr. Eads is saying everyone needs treatment whether you are CV19 vaxed or unvaxed. Dr. Eads explains, “We are getting transmission from the vaxed to the unvaxed. We are getting chemtrails. They are putting the mRNA in our food. People have to understand, people need to detox and protect yourself whether you are vaxed or not. I contend everybody should be taking some Ivermectin.”

    What about the so-called “Long Covid” that people are experiencing in the last few years? Dr. Eads says, “My definition of ‘Long Covid’ is vax injury and/or transmission from the spike protein . . . injured. I think that term has evolved, and Dr. Kory is also including that definition with his vaccine injured patients. He is treating not only vaccine injured patients but patients that have been injured by transmission from the CV19 vaxed. We know transmission (from the CV19 vaxed) is a real thing.”

    A little more than a year ago on USAWatchdog.com, Dr. Eads predicted “At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon.” We have already eclipsed that number, and there is no end in sight with new and skyrocketing death and injury numbers. Dr. Eads says, “Ed Dowd’s numbers, actuary numbers and looking at UK numbers finds 2.2 billion people permanently injured or killed by the CV19 vax. If you look at the Deagel Report, we may see some huge population losses by 2025. The Deagel predictions show the US falling from 330 million to 89 million people. In the UK, Deagel predicts population will fall from 67 million to 15 million people as a direct result of the Covid 19 bioweapons.”

    When does the death and disability peak? Dr. Eads says, “On a previous interview here, I said we would get our peak in five years. We are seeing huge numbers in the DMED data. That’s the military data, and it is more accurate than VAERS data. 97% of our military was CV19 vaxed. In that data, which is very accurate, cancers have increased across the board 1,000%. We do have some treatments to handle the spike protein from the CV19 shots. . . . but we don’t have any treatment to shut down the mRNA that produces the spike protein. . . .So, these numbers may go up exponentially until we have treatments.”

    One way to lessen the disabilities and deaths from the CV19 vax is to use Ivermectin. Dr. Eads says it is one of the best and safest treatments out there now to treat CV19 for the vaxed or unvaxed being shed on by the vaxed. The FDA just settled a lawsuit from Dr. Pierre Kory and other doctors. Dr. Eads says, “Breaking news that has just come out is the FDA loses the war on Ivermectin. The FDA has to retract . . . anything that was negative about Ivermectin.”

    So, it looks like Ivermectin will be getting easier to get a prescription with the FDA doing an about face on Ivermectin, which is arguably the safest and most effective drug ever invented.

    There is much more cutting edge, frontline medical information in the nearly 44-minute interview.

    Join Greg Hunter as he talks to 25-year veteran Dr. Elizabeth Eads, DO, exposing the lies that Big Pharma, CDC, FDA and NIH are telling the public. Dr. Eads continues to highlight the real unreported effects of the CV19 bioweapons..

    (To Donate to USAWatchdog.com Click Here)

    After the Interview:

    You can follow Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Eads on Twitter, Telegram and Truth Social Dr Betsy and CloutHub DrEads

    Dr. Eads has a new website called HealingHumanityWorldwide.com.

    Dr. Eads also recommends FLCCC.net and the “I-RECOVER: post vaccine treatment.”

    You can help Dr. Eads continue her mission to get the truth out about everything CV19 vax by donating here: Pay $Docbetsy55 on Cash App, or you can use Dr. Betsy’s Venmo account to donate.

    (Please support the truth tellers!!)

    You can support Dr. Betsy Eads by snail mail below:

    124 N. Nova Road


    Ormond Beach, FL 32174


    FLCCC.NET : I-RECOVER: post vaccine treatment

    therealdrjudy.com: Recovery Protocol bundle
    Detox Bundle- Ener DMG liquid 60 (dimethylglycine)

    Dr Eads protocols:

    Acute Symtoms: Ivermectin/HCQ
    Humic/fulvic minerals
    Bioactive immune support
    Vitamin D3
    Vitamin C
    Budesonide inhaler
    Hydrogen peroxide nasal wash or
    Nanonist nasal/mouth spray

    Detox Bioweapon: HCQ/IVM- ivermectin.com
    Interferon spray- rupharma.com
    Iodine 12.5 mg
    Chlorine dioxide- kvlabs.com
    Ener [email protected]
    Humic/fulvic minerals
    IV chelation therapy
    Zeolite- www.life-enthusiast.com
    Infrared sauna
    Suramin- mahoneylive.com
    Turn off 5G/block – bodyalign.com
    Clean nutrition
    Clean water, no GMO
    Do not treat fever with advil/tylenol

    Stay Connected
    Related Posts:

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    Cancer is Exploding because of CV19 Vax – Dr. Betsy Eads
    CV19 Vax Humanitarian Catastrophe being Turbocharged without Treatment – Dr. Pierre Kory
    CV19 Vax is a Crime & Coverup – Ed Dowd
    Iran War, Border War, CV19 Vax War, Economic War

    CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads Greg Hunter On March 24, 2024 In Market Analysis 180 Comments » » CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Dr. Betsy Eads warned about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax since the beginning of Covid from infection to injection. She warned about AIDS, infertility, turbo cancers, heart disease, blood clots and many other problems caused by the CV19 bioweapon injection. Dr. Eads was right every single time. Now, Dr. Eads is saying everyone needs treatment whether you are CV19 vaxed or unvaxed. Dr. Eads explains, “We are getting transmission from the vaxed to the unvaxed. We are getting chemtrails. They are putting the mRNA in our food. People have to understand, people need to detox and protect yourself whether you are vaxed or not. I contend everybody should be taking some Ivermectin.” What about the so-called “Long Covid” that people are experiencing in the last few years? Dr. Eads says, “My definition of ‘Long Covid’ is vax injury and/or transmission from the spike protein . . . injured. I think that term has evolved, and Dr. Kory is also including that definition with his vaccine injured patients. He is treating not only vaccine injured patients but patients that have been injured by transmission from the CV19 vaxed. We know transmission (from the CV19 vaxed) is a real thing.” A little more than a year ago on USAWatchdog.com, Dr. Eads predicted “At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon.” We have already eclipsed that number, and there is no end in sight with new and skyrocketing death and injury numbers. Dr. Eads says, “Ed Dowd’s numbers, actuary numbers and looking at UK numbers finds 2.2 billion people permanently injured or killed by the CV19 vax. If you look at the Deagel Report, we may see some huge population losses by 2025. The Deagel predictions show the US falling from 330 million to 89 million people. In the UK, Deagel predicts population will fall from 67 million to 15 million people as a direct result of the Covid 19 bioweapons.” When does the death and disability peak? Dr. Eads says, “On a previous interview here, I said we would get our peak in five years. We are seeing huge numbers in the DMED data. That’s the military data, and it is more accurate than VAERS data. 97% of our military was CV19 vaxed. In that data, which is very accurate, cancers have increased across the board 1,000%. We do have some treatments to handle the spike protein from the CV19 shots. . . . but we don’t have any treatment to shut down the mRNA that produces the spike protein. . . .So, these numbers may go up exponentially until we have treatments.” One way to lessen the disabilities and deaths from the CV19 vax is to use Ivermectin. Dr. Eads says it is one of the best and safest treatments out there now to treat CV19 for the vaxed or unvaxed being shed on by the vaxed. The FDA just settled a lawsuit from Dr. Pierre Kory and other doctors. Dr. Eads says, “Breaking news that has just come out is the FDA loses the war on Ivermectin. The FDA has to retract . . . anything that was negative about Ivermectin.” So, it looks like Ivermectin will be getting easier to get a prescription with the FDA doing an about face on Ivermectin, which is arguably the safest and most effective drug ever invented. There is much more cutting edge, frontline medical information in the nearly 44-minute interview. Join Greg Hunter as he talks to 25-year veteran Dr. Elizabeth Eads, DO, exposing the lies that Big Pharma, CDC, FDA and NIH are telling the public. Dr. Eads continues to highlight the real unreported effects of the CV19 bioweapons.. (To Donate to USAWatchdog.com Click Here) After the Interview: You can follow Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Eads on Twitter, Telegram and Truth Social Dr Betsy and CloutHub DrEads Dr. Eads has a new website called HealingHumanityWorldwide.com. Dr. Eads also recommends FLCCC.net and the “I-RECOVER: post vaccine treatment.” You can help Dr. Eads continue her mission to get the truth out about everything CV19 vax by donating here: Pay $Docbetsy55 on Cash App, or you can use Dr. Betsy’s Venmo account to donate. (Please support the truth tellers!!) You can support Dr. Betsy Eads by snail mail below: 124 N. Nova Road #105 Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Protocols FLCCC.NET : I-RECOVER: post vaccine treatment therealdrjudy.com: Recovery Protocol bundle Detox Bundle- Ener DMG liquid 60 (dimethylglycine) Dr Eads protocols: Acute Symtoms: Ivermectin/HCQ NAC/Glutathione Humic/fulvic minerals Bioactive immune support Quercetin Melatonin Zinc Copper Vitamin D3 Vitamin C Selenium Budesonide inhaler nattokinase Hydrogen peroxide nasal wash or Nanonist nasal/mouth spray Zithromax/Doxycycline Detox Bioweapon: HCQ/IVM- ivermectin.com Interferon spray- rupharma.com Iodine 12.5 mg Chlorine dioxide- kvlabs.com NAC/Glutathione Quercetin Selenium Copper Chromium/Berberine Cardiocleans Ener [email protected] Humic/fulvic minerals Nanomist IV chelation therapy Zeolite- www.life-enthusiast.com Fenebendazole Infrared sauna Suramin- mahoneylive.com nattokinase Turn off 5G/block – bodyalign.com Clean nutrition Clean water, no GMO Do not treat fever with advil/tylenol Stay Connected Advertise Related Posts: CV19 Vaxed are Sick Superspreaders - Dr. Betsy Eads Cancer is Exploding because of CV19 Vax – Dr. Betsy Eads CV19 Vax Humanitarian Catastrophe being Turbocharged without Treatment – Dr. Pierre Kory CV19 Vax is a Crime & Coverup – Ed Dowd Iran War, Border War, CV19 Vax War, Economic War https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vaxed-and-unvaxed-need-treatment-now-dr-betsy-eads/
    CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads
    By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Dr. Betsy Eads warned about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax since the beginning of Covid from infection to injection. She warned about AIDS, infertility, turbo cancers, heart disease, blood clots and many other problems caused by the CV19 bioweapon injection. Dr. Eads was
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    Get Free $100 Walmart Gift Card !👇👇👇 https://sites.google.com/view/wamaart/ #IslamForU #powerpointpresentation #powerpointtemplates #ppt #Presentation #Animes #Gymgir #Altgirls #Baddies #Brooke #Pineville #Eclipse #Memes #Armybts #Fashion #Photooftheday #Photography #Art
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    We are just a little bit more than three months away from what many believe will be the most dramatic total solar eclipse in U.S. history. It is being called “the Great American Eclipse of 2024.”
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  • Julius Caesar's assassination (March 15, 44 BCE): A lunar eclipse occurred on March 13, 44 BCE, two days before the assassination, which Romans believed was a bad omen.

    Battle of Hastings (October 14, 1066): This decisive battle happened one day after a lunar eclipse on October 13, 1066, and was considered an omen by astrologers.

    Battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815): A lunar eclipse took place two days before this battle on June 16, 1815, which marked the end of the Napoleonic Wars.

    California Gold Rush (January 24, 1848): A lunar eclipse occurred on January 27, 1848, three days after the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill, sparking the Gold Rush.

    U.S. Civil War begins (April 12, 1861): A lunar eclipse happened two days prior, on April 10, 1861, before the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter.

    Abraham Lincoln's assassination (April 14, 1865): Lincoln was assassinated three days before a lunar eclipse on April 17, 1865.

    Titanic sinking (April 15, 1912): The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg, and a lunar eclipse occurred three days prior, on April 12, 1912.

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination (June 28, 1914): This event triggered World War I, and a lunar eclipse occurred three days before, on June 25, 1914.

    Atomic bombing of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945): The U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, with a lunar eclipse taking place two days prior, on August 4, 1945.

    Apollo 11 Moon Landing (July 20, 1969): The lunar eclipse on July 18, 1969, preceded the successful moon landing by two days.

    Fall of the Berlin Wall (November 9, 1989): A lunar eclipse occurred on November 7, 1989, two days before the fall of the wall.

    9/11 Terrorist Attacks (September 11, 2001): A lunar eclipse took place three days prior, on September 8, 2001.

    COVID-19 Pandemic (declared on March 11, 2020): A lunar eclipse occurred three days after the pandemic declaration, on March 14, 2020.

    original post from @wstickevers, twitter
    Julius Caesar's assassination (March 15, 44 BCE): A lunar eclipse occurred on March 13, 44 BCE, two days before the assassination, which Romans believed was a bad omen. Battle of Hastings (October 14, 1066): This decisive battle happened one day after a lunar eclipse on October 13, 1066, and was considered an omen by astrologers. Battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815): A lunar eclipse took place two days before this battle on June 16, 1815, which marked the end of the Napoleonic Wars. California Gold Rush (January 24, 1848): A lunar eclipse occurred on January 27, 1848, three days after the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill, sparking the Gold Rush. U.S. Civil War begins (April 12, 1861): A lunar eclipse happened two days prior, on April 10, 1861, before the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter. Abraham Lincoln's assassination (April 14, 1865): Lincoln was assassinated three days before a lunar eclipse on April 17, 1865. Titanic sinking (April 15, 1912): The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg, and a lunar eclipse occurred three days prior, on April 12, 1912. Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination (June 28, 1914): This event triggered World War I, and a lunar eclipse occurred three days before, on June 25, 1914. Atomic bombing of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945): The U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, with a lunar eclipse taking place two days prior, on August 4, 1945. Apollo 11 Moon Landing (July 20, 1969): The lunar eclipse on July 18, 1969, preceded the successful moon landing by two days. Fall of the Berlin Wall (November 9, 1989): A lunar eclipse occurred on November 7, 1989, two days before the fall of the wall. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks (September 11, 2001): A lunar eclipse took place three days prior, on September 8, 2001. COVID-19 Pandemic (declared on March 11, 2020): A lunar eclipse occurred three days after the pandemic declaration, on March 14, 2020. original post from @wstickevers, twitter
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  • Nancy Atkinson - Hakuto-R Spacecraft Just Captured its Own Stunning Version of ‘Earthrise’


    #Earthrise #Ispace #LunarLander #HakutoR #Moon #SolarEclipse #Astrophotography #Astronomy
    Nancy Atkinson - Hakuto-R Spacecraft Just Captured its Own Stunning Version of ‘Earthrise’ https://www.universetoday.com/161051/hakuto-r-spacecraft-just-captured-its-own-stunning-version-of-earthrise/ #Earthrise #Ispace #LunarLander #HakutoR #Moon #SolarEclipse #Astrophotography #Astronomy
    Hakuto-R Spacecraft Just Captured its Own Stunning Version of 'Earthrise'
    The Hakuto-R lunar lander, currently in orbit around the Moon, just captured a beautiful “Earthrise”-like image, and one with an interesting side note. The Mission 1 lander, from the Tokyo-based commercial company ispace, took the image during the time of the April 20 solar eclipse, where totality was visible in Australia; and so the photo … Continue reading ""
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    Be prepared for an unusual astronomical event on April 20 - a rare hybrid solar eclipse. During this event, the moon will pass between the Earth and the Sun, blocking out some or all of the Sun's light depending on your location. @Nfthere
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