I was reading a message written about 17 years ago,and I came across something that made me wonder if it's true!

    Could it be that when one generation allows God’s house to become empty the next generation pays the price? Could it be that we are in danger of losing our children to the world because we have neglected to show them the power of God at work in and through the Church? These are heavy questions. And I don’t mean to come on too strong this evening, but let us take a good solid look at ourselves.

    The thing is most of us are now into the third generation as Christians. Most of us, my age, can remember our great-grandparents, our grandparents, and our parents. If you are saved and in the church now, it is probably because you had some strong Christian roots that were handed down from your great-grandparents to your grand-parents, to your parents. In other words, you have a background of folk who knew the Lord as their Saviour

    They were people of sacrifice and prayer. They cherished the Touch of God. Many of them blazed the trails. They laid the groundwork for the revival... the fire that consumed both the old and the young of that generation.

    In that sense,we of today, should be weeping, for we owe a great debt to those old soldiers, but the question for us is: “What’s happened to the fire and the sacrifice, and the prayer in us? What will we be leaving for the generation of young men and young women who are coming after us, who are watching what we do and how we act, and what we say, and how we treat one another, and that is if CHRIST JESUS TARRIES?

    Today, we have so allowed the enemy to frustrate the church and individual families that altars that were sacred have been abandoned. Pastors have gone haywire as God's Work became a financial investment. A money making venture. It NEVER was like this, with the likes of the late archbishop Idahosa that championed prosperity teachings. HOLINESS WAS AND SHOULD STILL BE AN UNCOMPROMISED VIRTUE. Holiness shouldn't be relegated to the background because of prosperity. God NEVER said anywhere in His Word that we would be beggars,as long as we maintain our absolute loyalty to Him. And that *loyalty* means obedience.

    Observing our evangelical Zion, I note that we are infected with a debilitating virus that was once confined to those living in the world. Our humour reflects what we watch on television. Consequently, we are growing increasingly coarse and sarcastic in responding to those about us. We defend ourselves in such a way that it appears that we no longer recognise the enemy. We seem to believe that anyone who does not agree with us deserves our scorn, or even our rage. James addresses the tendency of Christians to bring into the new life attitudes which should have been left in the world. We will do well to review his words and learn how to root out rot in our lives;
    19. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
    20. For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
    21. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. (Jas 1: 19-21)

    Holiness is a concept that is seemingly absent from contemporary religious life. The holiness that is accepted among the saints(including pastors)appears artificial...a pale, insipid imitation of the real thing.
    Our piety is outward; we substitute religious observance for true holiness. The great tragedy of contemporary evangelicals is that we have what has been described as peg-leg religion...we have to strap it on every morning. And we do know that the devil is behind all this and making good use of the opportunity too.

    Please allow me to point out some of the observations I make concerning the absence of holiness.

    There was a day(a time)when modesty in dress and demeanour was a mark of a young woman’s or a young man’s Christian walk. I know that our grandmothers were somewhat fanatical about their dress, but somehow young women today, to say nothing of many older women, are indistinguishable from the world in their dress sense,(just to belong)!

    Perhaps we have forgotten the apostolic admonition that declares, “I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarrelling; likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works” [1 Timothy 2:8-10]. The Apostle specifically addresses women’s dress, as that is an apparent problem.

    But today,right from kindergarten, parents now dress their children in skimpy worldly attire,all in the name of modernism. When these kids grow up like this, what do we expect from them? And I am talking specifically about supposedly Christian parents...whom should be role models.

    It doesn't end with dress sense and expression.Neither of these observations immediately addresses the lack of gentleness, the absence of civility, or the apparent delight in harbouring hostility that now appears to mark the lives of many of the professed saints of God. We have seen them fight themselves on the electronic,print and even more on social media. Each with their own group of supporters prepared for any kind of showdown. These supporters/followers worship their pastors and not God. The word of their pastors is usually the truth. God help you if you speak evil of their *daddy* in their presence.

    In part, this condition exists and is tolerated, perhaps even fostered, because churches are run like business and congregants generally have a consumer mentality concerning church. Church leaders are too often selected, not on the basis of godliness, but because of their stature in the community, because of their business acumen, according to the size of their portfolio, or by other such criteria that are valued in the world. Congregants are loath to commit themselves to a congregation, and churches are reluctant to hold members accountable to the standards clearly set forth in the Word of God. Attendance at a service is more highly prized than is commitment and submission to the Body of Christ. As result of substituting our own values for godly values, we seldom witness church bodies that are regenerate. What we do witness are churches that are run like business with application of the latest psychological techniques to continue to “grow” the church.

    Pastors are chosen to be administrators instead of being shepherds charged with the ministry of the Word, protecting the flock, oversight of the church, pastoring the people and providing an example in godliness. Consequently, congregations are often ignorant of the Word and of the will of God, and they are frequently unruly in their deportment and conduct. However, Christians usually feel good about themselves, primarily because they are not held accountable for their behaviour and because they see their own behaviour as good as or better than that of the pastor.

    What a tragedy!!! And the devil is gloating over the disaster...but not for long will he gloat, because IT'S BIBLE PROPHECY PLAYING OUT. The most important thing is to be caught on the right side;
    3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
    4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2Ti 4: 3-4)
    But on which side do we wish to be found...the Lord's side or the devil's side?

    We still have more on this coming by His Grace and Mercy, Amen !
    THAT I MAY KNOW HIM![PHP.3:10] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 MERE CRITICISM CAN'T ROOT OUT THE DECAY FROM THE CHURCH TODAY! 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 I was reading a message written about 17 years ago,and I came across something that made me wonder if it's true! Could it be that when one generation allows God’s house to become empty the next generation pays the price? Could it be that we are in danger of losing our children to the world because we have neglected to show them the power of God at work in and through the Church? These are heavy questions. And I don’t mean to come on too strong this evening, but let us take a good solid look at ourselves. The thing is most of us are now into the third generation as Christians. Most of us, my age, can remember our great-grandparents, our grandparents, and our parents. If you are saved and in the church now, it is probably because you had some strong Christian roots that were handed down from your great-grandparents to your grand-parents, to your parents. In other words, you have a background of folk who knew the Lord as their Saviour They were people of sacrifice and prayer. They cherished the Touch of God. Many of them blazed the trails. They laid the groundwork for the revival... the fire that consumed both the old and the young of that generation. In that sense,we of today, should be weeping, for we owe a great debt to those old soldiers, but the question for us is: “What’s happened to the fire and the sacrifice, and the prayer in us? What will we be leaving for the generation of young men and young women who are coming after us, who are watching what we do and how we act, and what we say, and how we treat one another, and that is if CHRIST JESUS TARRIES? Today, we have so allowed the enemy to frustrate the church and individual families that altars that were sacred have been abandoned. Pastors have gone haywire as God's Work became a financial investment. A money making venture. It NEVER was like this, with the likes of the late archbishop Idahosa that championed prosperity teachings. HOLINESS WAS AND SHOULD STILL BE AN UNCOMPROMISED VIRTUE. Holiness shouldn't be relegated to the background because of prosperity. God NEVER said anywhere in His Word that we would be beggars,as long as we maintain our absolute loyalty to Him. And that *loyalty* means obedience. Observing our evangelical Zion, I note that we are infected with a debilitating virus that was once confined to those living in the world. Our humour reflects what we watch on television. Consequently, we are growing increasingly coarse and sarcastic in responding to those about us. We defend ourselves in such a way that it appears that we no longer recognise the enemy. We seem to believe that anyone who does not agree with us deserves our scorn, or even our rage. James addresses the tendency of Christians to bring into the new life attitudes which should have been left in the world. We will do well to review his words and learn how to root out rot in our lives; 19. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 20. For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. 21. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. (Jas 1: 19-21) Holiness is a concept that is seemingly absent from contemporary religious life. The holiness that is accepted among the saints(including pastors)appears artificial...a pale, insipid imitation of the real thing. Our piety is outward; we substitute religious observance for true holiness. The great tragedy of contemporary evangelicals is that we have what has been described as peg-leg religion...we have to strap it on every morning. And we do know that the devil is behind all this and making good use of the opportunity too. Please allow me to point out some of the observations I make concerning the absence of holiness. There was a day(a time)when modesty in dress and demeanour was a mark of a young woman’s or a young man’s Christian walk. I know that our grandmothers were somewhat fanatical about their dress, but somehow young women today, to say nothing of many older women, are indistinguishable from the world in their dress sense,(just to belong)! Perhaps we have forgotten the apostolic admonition that declares, “I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarrelling; likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works” [1 Timothy 2:8-10]. The Apostle specifically addresses women’s dress, as that is an apparent problem. But today,right from kindergarten, parents now dress their children in skimpy worldly attire,all in the name of modernism. When these kids grow up like this, what do we expect from them? And I am talking specifically about supposedly Christian parents...whom should be role models. It doesn't end with dress sense and expression.Neither of these observations immediately addresses the lack of gentleness, the absence of civility, or the apparent delight in harbouring hostility that now appears to mark the lives of many of the professed saints of God. We have seen them fight themselves on the electronic,print and even more on social media. Each with their own group of supporters prepared for any kind of showdown. These supporters/followers worship their pastors and not God. The word of their pastors is usually the truth. God help you if you speak evil of their *daddy* in their presence. In part, this condition exists and is tolerated, perhaps even fostered, because churches are run like business and congregants generally have a consumer mentality concerning church. Church leaders are too often selected, not on the basis of godliness, but because of their stature in the community, because of their business acumen, according to the size of their portfolio, or by other such criteria that are valued in the world. Congregants are loath to commit themselves to a congregation, and churches are reluctant to hold members accountable to the standards clearly set forth in the Word of God. Attendance at a service is more highly prized than is commitment and submission to the Body of Christ. As result of substituting our own values for godly values, we seldom witness church bodies that are regenerate. What we do witness are churches that are run like business with application of the latest psychological techniques to continue to “grow” the church. Pastors are chosen to be administrators instead of being shepherds charged with the ministry of the Word, protecting the flock, oversight of the church, pastoring the people and providing an example in godliness. Consequently, congregations are often ignorant of the Word and of the will of God, and they are frequently unruly in their deportment and conduct. However, Christians usually feel good about themselves, primarily because they are not held accountable for their behaviour and because they see their own behaviour as good as or better than that of the pastor. What a tragedy!!! And the devil is gloating over the disaster...but not for long will he gloat, because IT'S BIBLE PROPHECY PLAYING OUT. The most important thing is to be caught on the right side; 3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2Ti 4: 3-4) But on which side do we wish to be found...the Lord's side or the devil's side? We still have more on this coming by His Grace and Mercy, Amen 🙇🙏!
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    We're not here to exonerate pastors from the rot in the church of God today,after all,if truly called,we know what we're in for.

    Have you ever wondered why people change churches like underwears? It's because they feel their needs weren't met in a particular church. Yes, it's saddening to see seemingly fervent members disappear into a life of complancency and apathy.
    It’s one of the saddest parts of being a pastor.

    The problem came as a result of misplaced expectations. In other words, they expected something from the church that the church promised,but couldn't fulfill. Here, you see them going to a particular church because of what I can call disinformation by a pastor...a man like them. Remember God has no grandchild.

    Most of us go to church not really knowing why we are there. Others have promises made to them by overzealous pastors who play God. These are mostly those hunting for a child or a spouse ,others for quick prosperity,others for protection from probably imaginary enemies and a host of other reasons space and time won't permit. AND TRULY,MANY OF US UNSCRUPULOUS PREY ON THIS VULNERABLE GROUP.


    A church is a place to gather weekly for worship, but it’s up to me whether I will experience the presence of God;
    God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (Joh 4: 24)

    One of the biggest misconceptions people have is to mistake music for worship.
    Music is not worship. Organs, pianos, keyboards, drums, choirs, guitars, lights, speakers, hymnals, screens, projectors, and soundboards,etc, are not instruments of worship. They are accessories for music.

    Nor is Worship singing. Worship is surrendering. If you attend a large group gathering of Christians committed to honoring Christ Jesus and walk away without having worshiped, the fault is yours, not theirs.(Genuine pastors)

    A church is a family I can belong to, but it’s up to me to develop friendships;
    A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (Pro 18: 24)

    So many people join our churches but never invest in relationships. These are they which I said don't know the actual purpose of being there. They simply attend services. They treat the church like a fast-food restaurant – get my food and get out quickly and with as little interaction as possible. But sooner or later life happens, and when their world starts coming apart they have no relational safety net. They suddenly expect “the pastor” to “be there for them,” like he’s a spiritual Genie. Just rub the lamp and *poof*, there he is! But that’s not even the biblical calling of pastors.

    According to Ephesians 4:12, pastors are called to equip the members to be the hands and feet of Jesus. God designed the church to be a community of connected Christians, not a collection of customers waiting to be served. In such scenarios, pastors come under severe criticism when it isn't their fault.

    A church is a place where gifted teachers will explain the Bible and how I can apply it to my life, but it’s up to me to align my life with God’s truth;
    But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. (Jas 1: 22)

    Sadly,many wave off the "doing" aspects,yet expect God to meet our needs. And again,the blame is on pastors,when there's no spiritual alignment with Christ Jesus;
    17. I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.
    18. Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. (Pro 8: 17-18)
    That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures. (Pro 8: 21)

    If ye love me, keep my commandments. (Joh 14: 15)

    Thus,if our expectations aren't met in a particular church,it isn't because the Word of God wasn't taught,but it's because WE WANT THE PASTORS TO DO THE*OBEDIENCE* SIDE FOR US.
    And yes,but unfortunately,some not fully yielded pastors in a bid to keep these members have committed themselves to unholy practices, damaging their calling (if it was genuine in the first place)!

    As a starter, we are taught on personal evangelism,(saved to save others). So just out of curiosity, how many people have we personally shared our faith with in the last 3 months? 6 months? Year? These things we see as trivial matter so much to God.
    How many unchurched people have we invited to church recently? Can we name at least one person, who is far from God, that has come to church because of our invitation within the last year?” Every Christian believer is an evangelist (ordained or not)

    A church is a place where I can use my gifts, passion, skills, personality, and life experiences to serve, but it’s up to me to become a servant;
    Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Mat 20: 28)

    It’s been my experience that some of the most vocal critics in the church are often the least engaged. They have a lot of suggestions, but no involvement.
    It’s a lot easier to criticize from the pews. People who aren’t serving in the church are often one change away from becoming disgruntled.
    There are two kinds of church members. Those that are serving and those that believe they are deserving.Only one of those will make you like Christ Jesus.

    This is personal. But I believe that the metric for maturity is ministry. I am never impressed by someone’s Bible knowledge, but I am always impressed by unselfish service. Serving in a ministry that delivers hope and healing to hearts and homes immunizes us from apathy and keeps us trapped into the mission.

    A church is a place where I have the chance to change the world by fulfilling the Great Commission, but it’s up to me to actually become a person of impact;
    How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? (Rom 10: 14)

    Finally, perhaps the greatest misconception of all is when we think that the church’s primary mission is to meet our needs.

    Churches exist primarily for their non-members. They exist to bring hope and healing to a broken and hurting world.
    This is why I said earlier that there is no perfect church because there are no perfect people.

    There are only imperfect churches filled with imperfect people striving to make an impact on this broken world.

    Whenever we forget the critical nature of that mission and begin to focus on pettiness and preferences, we grieve the heart of God and we fail the mission of the Master.

    As a pastor, I’ve heard plenty of those who have let me know how the church has let them down, but I’ve rarely heard from those who have realized how they’ve let the church down.

    The needs of a lost world are too critical for us to waste time. So, let's get busy being the Hands and Feet of Christ Jesus.

    May God help us to fulfill our mandate in Christ Jesus' Name,Amen!TOWARDS THE PERFECT MAN![JAMES 1:4]


    We're not here to exonerate pastors from the rot in the church of God today,after all,if truly called,we know what we're in for.

    Have you ever wondered why people change churches like underwears? It's because they feel their needs weren't met in a particular church. Yes, it's saddening to see seemingly fervent members disappear into a life of complancency and apathy.
    It’s one of the saddest parts of being a pastor.

    The problem came as a result of misplaced expectations. In other words, they expected something from the church that the church promised,but couldn't fulfill. Here, you see them going to a particular church because of what I can call disinformation by a pastor...a man like them. Remember God has no grandchild.

    Most of us go to church not really knowing why we are there. Others have promises made to them by overzealous pastors who play God. These are mostly those hunting for a child or a spouse ,others for quick prosperity,others for protection from probably imaginary enemies and a host of other reasons space and time won't permit. AND TRULY,MANY OF US UNSCRUPULOUS PREY ON THIS VULNERABLE GROUP.


    A church is a place to gather weekly for worship, but it’s up to me whether I will experience the presence of God;
    God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (Joh 4: 24)

    One of the biggest misconceptions people have is to mistake music for worship.
    Music is not worship. Organs, pianos, keyboards, drums, choirs, guitars, lights, speakers, hymnals, screens, projectors, and soundboards,etc, are not instruments of worship. They are accessories for music.

    Nor is Worship singing. Worship is surrendering. If you attend a large group gathering of Christians committed to honoring Christ Jesus and walk away without having worshiped, the fault is yours, not theirs.(Genuine pastors)

    A church is a family I can belong to, but it’s up to me to develop friendships;
    A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (Pro 18: 24)

    So many people join our churches but never invest in relationships. These are they which I said don't know the actual purpose of being there. They simply attend services. They treat the church like a fast-food restaurant – get my food and get out quickly and with as little interaction as possible. But sooner or later life happens, and when their world starts coming apart they have no relational safety net. They suddenly expect “the pastor” to “be there for them,” like he’s a spiritual Genie. Just rub the lamp and *poof*, there he is! But that’s not even the biblical calling of pastors.

    According to Ephesians 4:12, pastors are called to equip the members to be the hands and feet of Jesus. God designed the church to be a community of connected Christians, not a collection of customers waiting to be served. In such scenarios, pastors come under severe criticism when it isn't their fault.

    A church is a place where gifted teachers will explain the Bible and how I can apply it to my life, but it’s up to me to align my life with God’s truth;
    But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. (Jas 1: 22)

    Sadly,many wave off the "doing" aspects,yet expect God to meet our needs. And again,the blame is on pastors,when there's no spiritual alignment with Christ Jesus;
    17. I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.
    18. Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. (Pro 8: 17-18)
    That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures. (Pro 8: 21)

    If ye love me, keep my commandments. (Joh 14: 15)

    Thus,if our expectations aren't met in a particular church,it isn't because the Word of God wasn't taught,but it's because WE WANT THE PASTORS TO DO THE*OBEDIENCE* SIDE FOR US.
    And yes,but unfortunately,some not fully yielded pastors in a bid to keep these members have committed themselves to unholy practices, damaging their calling (if it was genuine in the first place)!

    As a starter, we are taught on personal evangelism,(saved to save others). So just out of curiosity, how many people have we personally shared our faith with in the last 3 months? 6 months? Year? These things we see as trivial matter so much to God.
    How many unchurched people have we invited to church recently? Can we name at least one person, who is far from God, that has come to church because of our invitation within the last year?” Every Christian believer is an evangelist (ordained or not)

    A church is a place where I can use my gifts, passion, skills, personality, and life experiences to serve, but it’s up to me to become a servant;
    Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Mat 20: 28)

    It’s been my experience that some of the most vocal critics in the church are often the least engaged. They have a lot of suggestions, but no involvement.
    It’s a lot easier to criticize from the pews. People who aren’t serving in the church are often one change away from becoming disgruntled.
    There are two kinds of church members. Those that are serving and those that believe they are deserving.Only one of those will make you like Christ Jesus.

    This is personal. But I believe that the metric for maturity is ministry. I am never impressed by someone’s Bible knowledge, but I am always impressed by unselfish service. Serving in a ministry that delivers hope and healing to hearts and homes immunizes us from apathy and keeps us trapped into the mission.

    A church is a place where I have the chance to change the world by fulfilling the Great Commission, but it’s up to me to actually become a person of impact;
    How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? (Rom 10: 14)

    Finally, perhaps the greatest misconception of all is when we think that the church’s primary mission is to meet our needs.

    Churches exist primarily for their non-members. They exist to bring hope and healing to a broken and hurting world.
    This is why I said earlier that there is no perfect church because there are no perfect people.

    There are only imperfect churches filled with imperfect people striving to make an impact on this broken world.

    Whenever we forget the critical nature of that mission and begin to focus on pettiness and preferences, we grieve the heart of God and we fail the mission of the Master.

    As a pastor, I’ve heard plenty of those who have let me know how the church has let them down, but I’ve rarely heard from those who have realized how they’ve let the church down.

    The needs of a lost world are too critical for us to waste time. So, let's get busy being the Hands and Feet of Christ Jesus.

    May God help us to fulfill our mandate in Christ Jesus' Name,Amen!
    TOWARDS THE PERFECT MAN![JAMES 1:4] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 THERE'S NO PERFECT CHURCH, BECAUSE THERE ARE NO PERFECT PEOPLE!(ROM.3:10) 🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️ We're not here to exonerate pastors from the rot in the church of God today,after all,if truly called,we know what we're in for. BUT THE TRUTH WE OFTEN OVERLOOK IS THAT MEMBERS GET AT LEAST 70-80% OF THE BLAME. Have you ever wondered why people change churches like underwears? It's because they feel their needs weren't met in a particular church. Yes, it's saddening to see seemingly fervent members disappear into a life of complancency and apathy. It’s one of the saddest parts of being a pastor. The problem came as a result of misplaced expectations. In other words, they expected something from the church that the church promised,but couldn't fulfill. Here, you see them going to a particular church because of what I can call disinformation by a pastor...a man like them. Remember God has no grandchild. Most of us go to church not really knowing why we are there. Others have promises made to them by overzealous pastors who play God. These are mostly those hunting for a child or a spouse ,others for quick prosperity,others for protection from probably imaginary enemies and a host of other reasons space and time won't permit. AND TRULY,MANY OF US UNSCRUPULOUS PREY ON THIS VULNERABLE GROUP. WHAT WE SHOULD KNOW! 👉A church is a place to gather weekly for worship, but it’s up to me whether I will experience the presence of God; God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (Joh 4: 24) One of the biggest misconceptions people have is to mistake music for worship. Music is not worship. Organs, pianos, keyboards, drums, choirs, guitars, lights, speakers, hymnals, screens, projectors, and soundboards,etc, are not instruments of worship. They are accessories for music. Nor is Worship singing. Worship is surrendering. If you attend a large group gathering of Christians committed to honoring Christ Jesus and walk away without having worshiped, the fault is yours, not theirs.(Genuine pastors) 👉A church is a family I can belong to, but it’s up to me to develop friendships; A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (Pro 18: 24) So many people join our churches but never invest in relationships. These are they which I said don't know the actual purpose of being there. They simply attend services. They treat the church like a fast-food restaurant – get my food and get out quickly and with as little interaction as possible. But sooner or later life happens, and when their world starts coming apart they have no relational safety net. They suddenly expect “the pastor” to “be there for them,” like he’s a spiritual Genie. Just rub the lamp and *poof*, there he is! But that’s not even the biblical calling of pastors. According to Ephesians 4:12, pastors are called to equip the members to be the hands and feet of Jesus. God designed the church to be a community of connected Christians, not a collection of customers waiting to be served. In such scenarios, pastors come under severe criticism when it isn't their fault. 👉A church is a place where gifted teachers will explain the Bible and how I can apply it to my life, but it’s up to me to align my life with God’s truth; But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. (Jas 1: 22) Sadly,many wave off the "doing" aspects,yet expect God to meet our needs. And again,the blame is on pastors,when there's no spiritual alignment with Christ Jesus; 17. I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. 18. Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. (Pro 8: 17-18) That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures. (Pro 8: 21) If ye love me, keep my commandments. (Joh 14: 15) Thus,if our expectations aren't met in a particular church,it isn't because the Word of God wasn't taught,but it's because WE WANT THE PASTORS TO DO THE*OBEDIENCE* SIDE FOR US. And yes,but unfortunately,some not fully yielded pastors in a bid to keep these members have committed themselves to unholy practices, damaging their calling (if it was genuine in the first place)! As a starter, we are taught on personal evangelism,(saved to save others). So just out of curiosity, how many people have we personally shared our faith with in the last 3 months? 6 months? Year? These things we see as trivial matter so much to God. How many unchurched people have we invited to church recently? Can we name at least one person, who is far from God, that has come to church because of our invitation within the last year?” Every Christian believer is an evangelist (ordained or not) 👉A church is a place where I can use my gifts, passion, skills, personality, and life experiences to serve, but it’s up to me to become a servant; Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Mat 20: 28) It’s been my experience that some of the most vocal critics in the church are often the least engaged. They have a lot of suggestions, but no involvement. It’s a lot easier to criticize from the pews. People who aren’t serving in the church are often one change away from becoming disgruntled. There are two kinds of church members. Those that are serving and those that believe they are deserving.Only one of those will make you like Christ Jesus. This is personal. But I believe that the metric for maturity is ministry. I am never impressed by someone’s Bible knowledge, but I am always impressed by unselfish service. Serving in a ministry that delivers hope and healing to hearts and homes immunizes us from apathy and keeps us trapped into the mission. 👉A church is a place where I have the chance to change the world by fulfilling the Great Commission, but it’s up to me to actually become a person of impact; How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? (Rom 10: 14) Finally, perhaps the greatest misconception of all is when we think that the church’s primary mission is to meet our needs. Churches exist primarily for their non-members. They exist to bring hope and healing to a broken and hurting world. This is why I said earlier that there is no perfect church because there are no perfect people. There are only imperfect churches filled with imperfect people striving to make an impact on this broken world. Whenever we forget the critical nature of that mission and begin to focus on pettiness and preferences, we grieve the heart of God and we fail the mission of the Master. As a pastor, I’ve heard plenty of those who have let me know how the church has let them down, but I’ve rarely heard from those who have realized how they’ve let the church down. The needs of a lost world are too critical for us to waste time. So, let's get busy being the Hands and Feet of Christ Jesus. May God help us to fulfill our mandate in Christ Jesus' Name,Amen🙇🙏!TOWARDS THE PERFECT MAN![JAMES 1:4] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 THERE'S NO PERFECT CHURCH, BECAUSE THERE ARE NO PERFECT PEOPLE!(ROM.3:10) 🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️ We're not here to exonerate pastors from the rot in the church of God today,after all,if truly called,we know what we're in for. BUT THE TRUTH WE OFTEN OVERLOOK IS THAT MEMBERS GET AT LEAST 70-80% OF THE BLAME. Have you ever wondered why people change churches like underwears? It's because they feel their needs weren't met in a particular church. Yes, it's saddening to see seemingly fervent members disappear into a life of complancency and apathy. It’s one of the saddest parts of being a pastor. The problem came as a result of misplaced expectations. In other words, they expected something from the church that the church promised,but couldn't fulfill. Here, you see them going to a particular church because of what I can call disinformation by a pastor...a man like them. Remember God has no grandchild. Most of us go to church not really knowing why we are there. Others have promises made to them by overzealous pastors who play God. These are mostly those hunting for a child or a spouse ,others for quick prosperity,others for protection from probably imaginary enemies and a host of other reasons space and time won't permit. AND TRULY,MANY OF US UNSCRUPULOUS PREY ON THIS VULNERABLE GROUP. WHAT WE SHOULD KNOW! 👉A church is a place to gather weekly for worship, but it’s up to me whether I will experience the presence of God; God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (Joh 4: 24) One of the biggest misconceptions people have is to mistake music for worship. Music is not worship. Organs, pianos, keyboards, drums, choirs, guitars, lights, speakers, hymnals, screens, projectors, and soundboards,etc, are not instruments of worship. They are accessories for music. Nor is Worship singing. Worship is surrendering. If you attend a large group gathering of Christians committed to honoring Christ Jesus and walk away without having worshiped, the fault is yours, not theirs.(Genuine pastors) 👉A church is a family I can belong to, but it’s up to me to develop friendships; A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (Pro 18: 24) So many people join our churches but never invest in relationships. These are they which I said don't know the actual purpose of being there. They simply attend services. They treat the church like a fast-food restaurant – get my food and get out quickly and with as little interaction as possible. But sooner or later life happens, and when their world starts coming apart they have no relational safety net. They suddenly expect “the pastor” to “be there for them,” like he’s a spiritual Genie. Just rub the lamp and *poof*, there he is! But that’s not even the biblical calling of pastors. According to Ephesians 4:12, pastors are called to equip the members to be the hands and feet of Jesus. God designed the church to be a community of connected Christians, not a collection of customers waiting to be served. In such scenarios, pastors come under severe criticism when it isn't their fault. 👉A church is a place where gifted teachers will explain the Bible and how I can apply it to my life, but it’s up to me to align my life with God’s truth; But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. (Jas 1: 22) Sadly,many wave off the "doing" aspects,yet expect God to meet our needs. And again,the blame is on pastors,when there's no spiritual alignment with Christ Jesus; 17. I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. 18. Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. (Pro 8: 17-18) That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures. (Pro 8: 21) If ye love me, keep my commandments. (Joh 14: 15) Thus,if our expectations aren't met in a particular church,it isn't because the Word of God wasn't taught,but it's because WE WANT THE PASTORS TO DO THE*OBEDIENCE* SIDE FOR US. And yes,but unfortunately,some not fully yielded pastors in a bid to keep these members have committed themselves to unholy practices, damaging their calling (if it was genuine in the first place)! As a starter, we are taught on personal evangelism,(saved to save others). So just out of curiosity, how many people have we personally shared our faith with in the last 3 months? 6 months? Year? These things we see as trivial matter so much to God. How many unchurched people have we invited to church recently? Can we name at least one person, who is far from God, that has come to church because of our invitation within the last year?” Every Christian believer is an evangelist (ordained or not) 👉A church is a place where I can use my gifts, passion, skills, personality, and life experiences to serve, but it’s up to me to become a servant; Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Mat 20: 28) It’s been my experience that some of the most vocal critics in the church are often the least engaged. They have a lot of suggestions, but no involvement. It’s a lot easier to criticize from the pews. People who aren’t serving in the church are often one change away from becoming disgruntled. There are two kinds of church members. Those that are serving and those that believe they are deserving.Only one of those will make you like Christ Jesus. This is personal. But I believe that the metric for maturity is ministry. I am never impressed by someone’s Bible knowledge, but I am always impressed by unselfish service. Serving in a ministry that delivers hope and healing to hearts and homes immunizes us from apathy and keeps us trapped into the mission. 👉A church is a place where I have the chance to change the world by fulfilling the Great Commission, but it’s up to me to actually become a person of impact; How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? (Rom 10: 14) Finally, perhaps the greatest misconception of all is when we think that the church’s primary mission is to meet our needs. Churches exist primarily for their non-members. They exist to bring hope and healing to a broken and hurting world. This is why I said earlier that there is no perfect church because there are no perfect people. There are only imperfect churches filled with imperfect people striving to make an impact on this broken world. Whenever we forget the critical nature of that mission and begin to focus on pettiness and preferences, we grieve the heart of God and we fail the mission of the Master. As a pastor, I’ve heard plenty of those who have let me know how the church has let them down, but I’ve rarely heard from those who have realized how they’ve let the church down. The needs of a lost world are too critical for us to waste time. So, let's get busy being the Hands and Feet of Christ Jesus. May God help us to fulfill our mandate in Christ Jesus' Name,Amen🙇🙏!
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    Remember I told us yesterday that we aren't through with the RAPTURE subject because of the imminence of its approach going by global trends.
    And remember,I am not a theologian nor desires to be one, but certain wrongs needs to be corrected. Peter was a professional fisherman,not a theological professor, and he said ;
    20. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
    21. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2Pe 1: 20-21)

    In essence,we can notice errors as laymen and have God's approval to correct them by His Word. Such is the subject of RAPTURE. Many of don't believe it,and even mock the idea it exists.

    I am NOT a theologian, but if you happen to read from a Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible and come to 1 Thessalonians 4:17, you would find the word “raptus” or “rapture,” which means “to be caught up” or “to be taken up by force.” So , for true believers and those seeking for God's Undiluted Word,, it is a WORD to EXPRESS the CONCEPT that CHRIST JESUS is GOING to “SNATCH US UP "or we “shall be caught up…to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”

    Many argue that the early church fathers did not believe in or preach or teach the rapture of the church. One of the apostate teachers devilishly sponsored to take our minds off the truthfulness of the Rapture is a man called *John Darby* who insisted that the Rapture is a modern doctrine that was started by the dispensationalists and really isn’t taught in the Bible and wasn’t taught by the church fathers either.

    Yet, it’s interesting to realize that if you read all the writings of the church fathers, they wrote about the imminent return of Christ Jesus. They weren’t looking for the Antichrist, they weren’t looking for the signs of His Second Coming; Rather, they were looking for an imminent return of Christ Jesus at any moment. That doctrine of imminency supports the doctrine of the rapture, because nothing has to happen before the Lord raptures His church to heaven. So the fact that the early church fathers did not specifically use or teach the term “rapture” is not necessarily an issue.

    Remember what we agreed upon, that the Bible is the authority, not church history. Church history is important to consult to see the doctrines of the church, but the authority lies in the Scriptures, not in the early church fathers, in modern preachers or in church trends throughout history. That’s very important to realize.

    The doctrine of the rapture is described in 1 Corinthians 15 by Paul. And in verse 51, it is known as “a mystery.” Then in Ephesians, he describes what this mystery is. It was something that was hidden in ages past or concealed but now has been revealed to the people of God. Given that truth, I don’t believe the rapture is in the Old Testament; it’s a New Testament mystery. Also the church, the body of Christ, is referred as “a great mystery.” In Ephesians 5:32, Paul said, “This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ Jesus and the church.”

    So the church and the rapture are hidden in the Old Testament, but the rapture is clearly revealed in the New Testament by our Lord and by Paul the Apostle.

    The Rapture is true,and Its imminence should be a source of concern for sitting Christians to jump up and reinforce our relationship with Christ Jesus.

    It isn't over yet...we still have a thing or two to learn about the certainty of the RAPTURE. GOD BLESS US ALL,AMEN
    THAT I MAY KNOW HIM![PHP.3:10] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 DISBELIEVING THE RAPTURE IS AKIN TO CALLING GOD'S WORD UNTRUE. PT.2 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 Remember I told us yesterday that we aren't through with the RAPTURE subject because of the imminence of its approach going by global trends. And remember,I am not a theologian nor desires to be one, but certain wrongs needs to be corrected. Peter was a professional fisherman,not a theological professor, and he said ; 20. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2Pe 1: 20-21) In essence,we can notice errors as laymen and have God's approval to correct them by His Word. Such is the subject of RAPTURE. Many of don't believe it,and even mock the idea it exists. I am NOT a theologian, but if you happen to read from a Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible and come to 1 Thessalonians 4:17, you would find the word “raptus” or “rapture,” which means “to be caught up” or “to be taken up by force.” So , for true believers and those seeking for God's Undiluted Word,, it is a WORD to EXPRESS the CONCEPT that CHRIST JESUS is GOING to “SNATCH US UP "or we “shall be caught up…to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” Many argue that the early church fathers did not believe in or preach or teach the rapture of the church. One of the apostate teachers devilishly sponsored to take our minds off the truthfulness of the Rapture is a man called *John Darby* who insisted that the Rapture is a modern doctrine that was started by the dispensationalists and really isn’t taught in the Bible and wasn’t taught by the church fathers either. Yet, it’s interesting to realize that if you read all the writings of the church fathers, they wrote about the imminent return of Christ Jesus. They weren’t looking for the Antichrist, they weren’t looking for the signs of His Second Coming; Rather, they were looking for an imminent return of Christ Jesus at any moment. That doctrine of imminency supports the doctrine of the rapture, because nothing has to happen before the Lord raptures His church to heaven. So the fact that the early church fathers did not specifically use or teach the term “rapture” is not necessarily an issue. Remember what we agreed upon, that the Bible is the authority, not church history. Church history is important to consult to see the doctrines of the church, but the authority lies in the Scriptures, not in the early church fathers, in modern preachers or in church trends throughout history. That’s very important to realize. The doctrine of the rapture is described in 1 Corinthians 15 by Paul. And in verse 51, it is known as “a mystery.” Then in Ephesians, he describes what this mystery is. It was something that was hidden in ages past or concealed but now has been revealed to the people of God. Given that truth, I don’t believe the rapture is in the Old Testament; it’s a New Testament mystery. Also the church, the body of Christ, is referred as “a great mystery.” In Ephesians 5:32, Paul said, “This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ Jesus and the church.” So the church and the rapture are hidden in the Old Testament, but the rapture is clearly revealed in the New Testament by our Lord and by Paul the Apostle. The Rapture is true,and Its imminence should be a source of concern for sitting Christians to jump up and reinforce our relationship with Christ Jesus. It isn't over yet...we still have a thing or two to learn about the certainty of the RAPTURE. GOD BLESS US ALL,AMEN🙏🙇🙏
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  • The most famous broadcaster in America is Oprah Winfrey. She announced her retirement, and they held a festival honoring her in a football stadium, but the surprise was to discover that she had sponsored 65,000 poor people for a quarter of a century without anyone knowing...

    Many of them attended the stadium and 450 people came out with candles... !
    Five of them were professors at Harvard University who gave a short sermon summarizing it: “If it were not for Oprah, we would now be in a different place than this...”!!!

    One person changes the lives of 65,000 people? And in secret?

    Humanity is not a religion, but rather a rank that some people reach.

    Over to Nigerian millionaires and billionaires. Build human capacities instead of competing in building castles and buying exotic vehicles which will become old models in a few years.
    Be an epitome of humanity. Sponsor children of the poor to school
    The most famous broadcaster in America is Oprah Winfrey. She announced her retirement, and they held a festival honoring her in a football stadium, but the surprise was to discover that she had sponsored 65,000 poor people for a quarter of a century without anyone knowing... Many of them attended the stadium and 450 people came out with candles... ! Five of them were professors at Harvard University who gave a short sermon summarizing it: “If it were not for Oprah, we would now be in a different place than this...”!!! One person changes the lives of 65,000 people? And in secret? Humanity is not a religion, but rather a rank that some people reach. "Socrates". Over to Nigerian millionaires and billionaires. Build human capacities instead of competing in building castles and buying exotic vehicles which will become old models in a few years. Be an epitome of humanity. Sponsor children of the poor to school
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4093 Views


    I can't explain why before I complete a series,I am burdened to go fishing elsewhere.

    40. And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
    41. And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.
    42. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed. (Mar 1: 40-42)

    A leper came to Christ Jesus ,knelt and bowed before Him,and beseeched and implored Him, I KNOW YOU HAVE THE POWER TO HEAL ME, IF YOU WANT TO.

    You might not know the absolute hopelessness that led the leper. It was a daring move... either healed by Christ Jesus or lynched the mob. You need to know that the leprous had their own colony(separated from human beings.)

    It's an incurable disease, probably till today. But the leper came with the notion that Christ Jesus,who is God who came to save us is NOT PARTIAL, unlike man. AND CHRIST JESUS HAD COMPASSION ON HIM AND SAID *1 WILL BE THOUGH CLEAN*

    Now, the story of the LEPROUS man is a representation of the SIN IN OUR LIVES.
    Sin is a leprous situation that only salvation through Christ Jesus can heal us from.
    The corruption of leprosy skin begins from the inside, until it eventually breaks out on the outside. And once you're discovered,you are separated from man and (God then)

    It's the same for the sinner...sin separates you from man and God.
    But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. (Isa 64: 6)

    We all are leprous in one way or other... we become so accustomed to LEPROSY.
    For a real PHYSICAL LEPER, a time comes when they become insensitive to pain on their skin. If you prick them with a sharp object,they will not feel any pain.

    At this point,they see nothing wrong in sin anymore...the fornication, the lies,the. cheatings, and all the other evils seem normal to us...we mock those who preach the truth to us...AT
    18. Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:
    19. Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. (Eph 4: 18-19)
    In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. (2Co 4: 4)


    But the LEPROUS man realized that he cannot afford to be ALIENATED FROM GOD and man. He realized no recommended soap can heal him but Christ Jesus.

    So, he thought to himself,it must only be through Christ Jesus alone. And Christ Jesus has COMPASSION and healed him.

    That's why God says ;
    18. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
    19. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
    20. But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. (Isa 1: 18-20)

    He wants us to come to Him like the LEPROUS man came to Him. THE COMPASSION OF CHRIST JESUS HAS NOT CHANGED.

    I pray for us that we shall not be found in the list of rebellion, but that every one of us tonight SHOULD EXPERIENCE THE CLEANSING OF EVERY LEPROUS SITUATION IN OUR LIVES IN CHRIST JESUS NAME AMEN !
    HIS WORD ABOVE HIS NAME [PS.138:2] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 THE LEPROSY IN OUR LIVES!(MK.1:40-42) 🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️ I can't explain why before I complete a series,I am burdened to go fishing elsewhere. BASED ON MY OWN PERSONAL EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT, THE SERVANT OF GOD I WILL ALWAYS RESPECT MOST AT ALL TIMES,*W.F.KUMUYI, PREACHED A MESSAGE,AND IN ALL SINCERITY,I CRIED MY EYES OUT. 40. And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 41. And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean. 42. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed. (Mar 1: 40-42) A leper came to Christ Jesus ,knelt and bowed before Him,and beseeched and implored Him, I KNOW YOU HAVE THE POWER TO HEAL ME, IF YOU WANT TO. You might not know the absolute hopelessness that led the leper. It was a daring move... either healed by Christ Jesus or lynched the mob. You need to know that the leprous had their own colony(separated from human beings.) It's an incurable disease, probably till today. But the leper came with the notion that Christ Jesus,who is God who came to save us is NOT PARTIAL, unlike man. AND CHRIST JESUS HAD COMPASSION ON HIM AND SAID *1 WILL BE THOUGH CLEAN* Now, the story of the LEPROUS man is a representation of the SIN IN OUR LIVES. Sin is a leprous situation that only salvation through Christ Jesus can heal us from. The corruption of leprosy skin begins from the inside, until it eventually breaks out on the outside. And once you're discovered,you are separated from man and (God then) It's the same for the sinner...sin separates you from man and God. But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. (Isa 64: 6) We all are leprous in one way or other... we become so accustomed to LEPROSY. For a real PHYSICAL LEPER, a time comes when they become insensitive to pain on their skin. If you prick them with a sharp object,they will not feel any pain. At this point,they see nothing wrong in sin anymore...the fornication, the lies,the. cheatings, and all the other evils seem normal to us...we mock those who preach the truth to us...AT THIS POINT WE ARE SIN LEPROUS ...WE CALL SIN ENJOYMENT ; 18. Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: 19. Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. (Eph 4: 18-19) In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. (2Co 4: 4) WE ARE SO MANY LEPROUS IN THE WORLD TODAY... WITH CHRISTIAN IDENTITY AND SO MANY TITLES...NOT KNOWING WE ARE LEPROUS IN VARIOUS AREAS OF OUR LIVES. PHYSICAL LEPROSY EATING DEEP INTO OUR SO CALLED LONG YEARS OF SALVATION MEDALS. But the LEPROUS man realized that he cannot afford to be ALIENATED FROM GOD and man. He realized no recommended soap can heal him but Christ Jesus. So, he thought to himself,it must only be through Christ Jesus alone. And Christ Jesus has COMPASSION and healed him. That's why God says ; 18. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: 20. But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. (Isa 1: 18-20) He wants us to come to Him like the LEPROUS man came to Him. THE COMPASSION OF CHRIST JESUS HAS NOT CHANGED. But know ye that REFUSAL TO COME TO GOD IS REBELLION. I pray for us that we shall not be found in the list of rebellion, but that every one of us tonight SHOULD EXPERIENCE THE CLEANSING OF EVERY LEPROUS SITUATION IN OUR LIVES IN CHRIST JESUS NAME AMEN 🙏🙇 !
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  • I found an ant colony that was tending to some eggs under a flowerpot. Some of the eggs were curling as if wanting to walk by themselves. The ants started moving out when the sunlight appeared, lifting the eggs gently with their mandibles and carrying them to a nearby wooden shelter. I replaced their roof with the flowerpot to deflect the incoming rain, and left their new home undisturbed. The ants are still happy with their digs tonight, and have been taking chunks of suet dropped by the birds. Ants can be very smart, notably their communicative methods for assigning tasks and gathering information about their environment.

    #AntColony #AntEggs #Ant #Formicidae #Biodiversity #Entomology #Zoology #Biology
    I found an ant colony that was tending to some eggs under a flowerpot. Some of the eggs were curling as if wanting to walk by themselves. The ants started moving out when the sunlight appeared, lifting the eggs gently with their mandibles and carrying them to a nearby wooden shelter. I replaced their roof with the flowerpot to deflect the incoming rain, and left their new home undisturbed. The ants are still happy with their digs tonight, and have been taking chunks of suet dropped by the birds. Ants can be very smart, notably their communicative methods for assigning tasks and gathering information about their environment. #AntColony #AntEggs #Ant #Formicidae #Biodiversity #Entomology #Zoology #Biology
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