My being imperfect like most other people doesn't give us an impetus to toy with God's Word. God alone gives us knowledge to understand the part of His Word He desires us to understand on this side of eternity. I beseech us not to take the RAPTURE LIGHTLY, just like every other of God's Word that must always comes to pass,so long He said It.

    I'm not a theologian nor desires to be one,so I'm having no business here with pre tribulation or after, but strictly the RAPTURE,though they are tied together.

    In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Paul says, “But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede…”—or “go before”—“…those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we…”—Paul includes himself—“…who are alive and remain shall be caught up…”—there’s our word “harpodzo” or “raptured”—“…together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” Then Paul closes with, “Therefore comfort one another with these words.”

    But,a lot of us don't believe as the word,*Rapture* doesn't appear directly in the Bible. As a result,even apostle Peter was compelled to WARNED us;

    In 2 Peter 3:3-4, Peter says, “Scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep…”—or literally “died”—“…all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.’”

    In other words, they were saying, “There’s no ‘coming again’( which in effect is the RAPTURE) of the Lord! It hasn’t happened yet. It won’t happen in the future.”
    They were mocking the concept or the doctrine of the return Christ Jesus. And as far as we can see and decipher, the scorners and mockers which Peter spoke about has arrived. Yet,Peter made it clear that our ever Compassionate God wants to save as many He can;

    8. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
    9. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; BUT IS LONG-SUFFERING TO us-ward, NOT WILLING that ANY should PERISH, but that ALL SHOULD come to REPENTANCE. (2Pe 3: 8-9)

    As Christians, we believe in the Incarnation, that God became a man in Christ; we believe in the Crucifixion, that Christ Jesus died on the Cross for our sins; we believe in the Resurrection, that Christ Jesus rose victoriously and bodily from the grave; we believe in the Ascension, that Christ Jesus ascended back into heaven; and we believe in the exaltation, that Christ Jesus is seated at the right hand of God the Father.

    But that’s not the end of the story; as some or all the mockers would have us believe. WE ALSO BELIEVE IN THE RETURN OF CHRIST JESUS. He is coming again. We focus so much on His BIRTH and on His DEATH and on His RESURRECTION, but we forget that He is ASCENDED, EXALTED AND WILL COME AGAIN.

    And of course the main architect of these schemes to make us disbelieve the coming back of our LORD AND SAVIOUR,is the devil,(Jn.8:44),whom has released his agents, comprising of his demons,and willing human agents,because he is the father of lies,and is seriously threatened because he knows his time is but a little while away, though we can't know the actual date or time. Seekers can only guess.


    Christ Jesus promised to come again. In John 14:2-3, ChryJesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”

    I believe His promise. Christ Jesus always keeps His promises. If He promised He is preparing a place and He promised that He would come to “receive” us, I believe that’s a revelation of the rapture of the church. He said that He will take us to His “Father’s house,” and I believe His promise will be fulfilled.

    This is what we call “the rapture of the church.” It was first revealed in John 14 by our Lord Himself. Then it was revealed by Paul the Apostle as the “mystery” of the body of Christ being “caught up to meet the Lord in the air.”
    But there are some who say that the word “rapture” is not in the Bible, so they therefore argue that the doctrine of the rapture is not Biblical. I would also argue that the Bible does not have the word “Trinity” in it, but we believe in the Trinity. The word “providence” does not appear in the Bible, but we believe in the providence of God. So the fact that the word “rapture” does not appear in the Bible doesn’t mean it’s not a doctrine found in the Bible.


    We aren't done yet on this, I believe the Lord Himself will pilot us to it's conclusion, because many are being deceived... remember ;
    9. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; BUT IS LONG-SUFFERING TO us-ward, NOT WILLING that ANY should PERISH, but that ALL SHOULD come to REPENTANCE. (2Pe 3: 8-9)
    May His Grace and Mercy speak for us until then,Amen!
    THAT I MAY KNOW HIM![PHP.3:10] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 DISBELIEVING THE RAPTURE IS AKIN TO CALLING GOD'S WORD UNTRUE. (PART ONE) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 My being imperfect like most other people doesn't give us an impetus to toy with God's Word. God alone gives us knowledge to understand the part of His Word He desires us to understand on this side of eternity. I beseech us not to take the RAPTURE LIGHTLY, just like every other of God's Word that must always comes to pass,so long He said It. I'm not a theologian nor desires to be one,so I'm having no business here with pre tribulation or after, but strictly the RAPTURE,though they are tied together. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Paul says, “But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede…”—or “go before”—“…those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we…”—Paul includes himself—“…who are alive and remain shall be caught up…”—there’s our word “harpodzo” or “raptured”—“…together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” Then Paul closes with, “Therefore comfort one another with these words.” But,a lot of us don't believe as the word,*Rapture* doesn't appear directly in the Bible. As a result,even apostle Peter was compelled to WARNED us; In 2 Peter 3:3-4, Peter says, “Scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep…”—or literally “died”—“…all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.’” In other words, they were saying, “There’s no ‘coming again’( which in effect is the RAPTURE) of the Lord! It hasn’t happened yet. It won’t happen in the future.” They were mocking the concept or the doctrine of the return Christ Jesus. And as far as we can see and decipher, the scorners and mockers which Peter spoke about has arrived. Yet,Peter made it clear that our ever Compassionate God wants to save as many He can; 8. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; BUT IS LONG-SUFFERING TO us-ward, NOT WILLING that ANY should PERISH, but that ALL SHOULD come to REPENTANCE. (2Pe 3: 8-9) As Christians, we believe in the Incarnation, that God became a man in Christ; we believe in the Crucifixion, that Christ Jesus died on the Cross for our sins; we believe in the Resurrection, that Christ Jesus rose victoriously and bodily from the grave; we believe in the Ascension, that Christ Jesus ascended back into heaven; and we believe in the exaltation, that Christ Jesus is seated at the right hand of God the Father. But that’s not the end of the story; as some or all the mockers would have us believe. WE ALSO BELIEVE IN THE RETURN OF CHRIST JESUS. He is coming again. We focus so much on His BIRTH and on His DEATH and on His RESURRECTION, but we forget that He is ASCENDED, EXALTED AND WILL COME AGAIN. And of course the main architect of these schemes to make us disbelieve the coming back of our LORD AND SAVIOUR,is the devil,(Jn.8:44),whom has released his agents, comprising of his demons,and willing human agents,because he is the father of lies,and is seriously threatened because he knows his time is but a little while away, though we can't know the actual date or time. Seekers can only guess. IT'S THE ONLY TRUE EXPLANATION FOR THE INCREASE OF *SUPPOSED KNOWLEDGE,* ALL IN THE DEVIL'S BID TO DISTRACT US FROM THE GLORY THAT AWAITS TRUE BELIEVERS AND WRECK AS MUCH HAVOC IN THE LIVES OF MEN AS HE CAN BEFORE THE FINAL MOMENT...THE SOUNDING OF THE TRUMPET. Christ Jesus promised to come again. In John 14:2-3, ChryJesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” I believe His promise. Christ Jesus always keeps His promises. If He promised He is preparing a place and He promised that He would come to “receive” us, I believe that’s a revelation of the rapture of the church. He said that He will take us to His “Father’s house,” and I believe His promise will be fulfilled. This is what we call “the rapture of the church.” It was first revealed in John 14 by our Lord Himself. Then it was revealed by Paul the Apostle as the “mystery” of the body of Christ being “caught up to meet the Lord in the air.” But there are some who say that the word “rapture” is not in the Bible, so they therefore argue that the doctrine of the rapture is not Biblical. I would also argue that the Bible does not have the word “Trinity” in it, but we believe in the Trinity. The word “providence” does not appear in the Bible, but we believe in the providence of God. So the fact that the word “rapture” does not appear in the Bible doesn’t mean it’s not a doctrine found in the Bible. Like I began with, I'm not a theologian nor desires to be one... BECAUSE,THE WORD OF GOD SUPERSEDES CHURCH HISTORY (EVEN THOUGH CHURCH HISTORY IS IMPORTANT) BUT, IT'S GOD'S WORD FIRST. We aren't done yet on this, I believe the Lord Himself will pilot us to it's conclusion, because many are being deceived... remember ; 9. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; BUT IS LONG-SUFFERING TO us-ward, NOT WILLING that ANY should PERISH, but that ALL SHOULD come to REPENTANCE. (2Pe 3: 8-9) May His Grace and Mercy speak for us until then,Amen🙇🙏!
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  • DNA contamination in Covid vaccines DOES get into human cells, new evidence shows
    It also appears that the contamination enters the cell nucleus and integrates with human DNA

    Rebekah Barnett
    Regulators and fact checkers claim that plasmid DNA contamination in the mRNA Covid vaccines can’t change your genomic DNA, but new evidence suggests that it actually can.

    The fact checkers assert that DNA contamination poses no risk to your genomic DNA because your body will naturally destroy any contaminant DNA before it even gets into the cells.

    Even if the contaminant DNA could get into cells, there’s no way it can enter the cell nucleus, where genomic integration events occur, they say.

    And even if the contaminant DNA could enter the nucleus, which it can’t, it still couldn’t genomically integrate unless specific enzymes are present, they say.

    However, results from independent lab testing conducted on ovarian cancer cell lines show that contaminant DNA from Pfizer’s Covid vaccine not only crossed into the cells, but that it survived multiple cell divisions. This is suggestive that the contaminant DNA is able to transfect (enter) the cell nucleus, and that it integrated with the human cell DNA.


    1. Scientists claim that Pfizer vaccine contaminant DNA has been detected in ovarian cancer cell line DNA, but they do not yet know if it’s chromosomal (heritable) or extra-chromosomal DNA (not heritable)

    2. This is an in vitro (in a lab dish) finding, and needs to be replicated in vivo (in a human patient)

    3. As the finding is specific to cancer cell lines, it is not generalisable, but scientists say it may give an indication of what cancer patients in remission could experience after mRNA Covid vaccination

    4. This finding calls into question fact checker claims that mRNA Covid vaccine DNA contamination can't enter cells, can't enter the nucleus, and cannot integrate with human DNA.
    Last year, Boston-based genomics scientist Kevin McKernan made the shocking discovery that the mRNA Covid vaccines are contaminated with excessive levels of plasmid DNA, an artefact of the vaccine production process.

    McKernan’s findings were soon confirmed by multiple independent labs around the world for both the Pfizer and Moderna mono- and bi-valent vaccines, including lots approved for children, with one Canadian study led by Dr David Speicher concluding that there are “billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose.”

    Scientists including McKernan, University of South Carolina cancer genomics scientist Dr Phillip Buckhaults, and Dr Wafik El-Diery, head of the Cancer Centre at Brown University, expressed concerns that fragments of plasmid DNA contamination could cause adverse events, autoimmune problems and cancers in some patients.

    But perhaps most significantly, there is also a theoretical risk of the contaminant DNA integrating with patients’ chromosomal DNA and modifying the human genome. This is of particular concern with the Pfizer vaccine, which contains an SV40 enhancer sequence, used in gene therapies “to drive DNA into the nucleus,” explains McKernan.

    While regulators have taken a ‘wait and see’ approach, independent scientists, including McKernan, have been more proactive, initiating experiments testing for evidence of genomic integration.

    Now, the first results are in.

    In an experiment conducted together with German molecular biologist Dr Ulrike Kämmerer, McKernan has detected vaccine contaminant DNA in ovarian cancer cell lines treated with Pfizer’s Covid vaccine.

    The scientists found a chimeric combination of human ovarian cell line DNA and spike sequence DNA derived from the contaminating plasmid at at least one, and possibly two sites.

    “If anything, this work has put to bed the question regarding if this contaminant DNA gets into the cell, and the chimeric human and contaminant spike DNA sequences imply it has entered the nucleus,” McKernan says.

    “The PCR and sequencing data both demonstrate the vaccine is getting into the cell and surviving cell passaging. It is likely bioactive and being partially replicated.”

    To reach this finding, Dr Kämmerer first treated ovarian cancer cell lines with mRNA Covid vaccines, using cells treated with AstraZeneca and Janssen vaccines as controls.

    The cells were then ‘passaged’, meaning they were left to divide and replicate numerous times. This has the effect of “rinsing away residual vaccine,” explains McKernan.

    Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was then performed, a staining process that Dr Kämmerer used to detect levels of spike protein expression produced by the vaccine modified-RNA.

    This was to confirm that the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) carrying mod-RNA and plasmid DNA contamination “did their job and delivered the payload,” says McKernan. Measuring how many cells expressed spike protein also allowed the scientists to determine how much of the vaccine to treat the cells with.

    Immunohistochemistry performed with Pfizer top left, AstraZeneca top right as a control. Source: Kevin McKernan’s Substack
    Cell lines were then sent in cold storage to McKernan’s Boston lab, where his team used qPCR to screen which samples to sequence the cell line DNA.

    “What we found is, [contaminant] DNA that is getting transfected into ovarian cancer cell lines is replicating in the cells,” says McKernan, noting that the ratio of vaccine contaminant DNA to human cell DNA was “higher than we expected.”

    Chimeric sequences of human and vaccine contaminant DNA were detected at two sites: chromosomes 9 and 12, with the evidence for the latter being the strongest. “But we don't know if it's extra-chromosomal or whether it's chromosomal because of the Illumina (short read) method we used to sequence,” explains McKernan.

    Source: Kevin McKernan’s Substack
    Extra-chromosomal DNA is not part of the chromosome, and is therefore less likely to replicate and to be heritable. Chromosomal DNA, on the other hand, is heritable and more likely to be replicated. A third category, mitochondrial DNA, is heritable, but only from the maternal line.

    You can read a detailed account of methods and findings via McKernan’s Substack article, ‘Vaccine targeted qPCR of Cancer Cell Lines treated with BNT162b2.’

    ‘Major advance,’ but clinical implications are limited

    McKernan emphasises that these findings cannot be generalised, stating that “it is too early to make comments on the clinical implications.”

    “The study is performed in ovarian cancer cell lines. It is not performed in patient cells, but this is a proxy for what might happen in an ovarian cancer patient who's in remission,” says McKernan, especially as there is evidence that the LNPs go to the ovaries.

    The risk for patients in this scenario is that integration events with contaminant DNA might cause aberrant cell growth, which poses a risk to immune suppression of new cancer cells.

    McKernan notes that his experiment only picked up on putative integration events that persisted after multiple cell replications. That is to say, the scientists were not able to detect integration events that may have occurred, but then died off immediately.

    At the moment, no one knows how many integration events might be occurring, or what effect that would have on patients. “The unknowns are just exponential,” says McKernan.

    The cancer cell line experiment can be said to be “a microcosm of genome integration of contaminated DNA,” said Japanese molecular oncology scientist Hiroshi Arakawa, in his own analysis of McKernan and Dr Kämmerer’s experiment, published to his popular science blog on which he shares critical views on Covid vaccine safety.

    Akira calls the two possible integrations observed in Dr Kämmerer’s experiment a “major advance” laying the ground for further experimentation. “What happens in cultured cells can also occur in normal cells, and a wide variety of abnormalities can occur depending on the site of genome integration,” such as “the induction of cancer or malignant transformation,” he wrote (translated from Japanese to English).

    LNPs deliver contaminant DNA straight to the cells

    A key assumption underlying claims that mRNA Covid vaccine contamination cannot enter the cell nucleus, and cannot genomically integrate with host DNA, is that the contamination will never make it into dividing cells, which would be required for integration to occur.

    This is based on the assumption that the LNPs containing both mod-RNA and contaminant DNA mostly stay in the muscle at the injection site. As muscle cells do not divide, there’s no problem, the logic goes.

    This is misleading, however, as Pfizer’s own biodistribution data shows that the LNPs enter the blood and every major organ system, including the ovaries, as mentioned above. While it is true that muscle cells don’t divide, LNPs distributed around the body can transfect any number of dividing cells in various organ systems.

    Table 4-2. shows biodistribution of LNPs, Pfizer Nonclinical Evaluation Report, 2021
    From there, it’s only a matter of time before the LNP contents get into the cell nucleus, says McKernan. “In any dividing cell, the nucleus dissolves. So, when people say the DNA can get into the cytoplasm [inside the cell membrane] but won't get into the nucleus, well, in any dividing cell, it will end up getting into the nucleus.”

    It is possible that the dissolution of the cell nucleus during division is the mechanism underlying McKernan and Dr Kämmerer’s observed passaging of contaminant DNA, but further research will be required to confirm or disprove this hypothesis.

    Because of the effectiveness of LNPs in delivering their contents into cells, McKernan, Dr Buckhaults and Dr Speicher have questioned the suitability of the current regulatory limits on contaminant DNA in vaccines, which were set prior to the introduction of LNP technology in vaccines.

    Regulators unconcerned

    I sent McKernan’s Substack article documenting the new DNA integration findings to Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, for comment.

    The TGA did not address the new findings, but a spokesperson from the TGA responded,

    “The Department of Health and Aged Care has every confidence in the safety, quality and efficacy of the various approved COVID-19 vaccines for use in Australia. The TGA’s assessment of all vaccines is based upon high quality evidence, including studies and reviews published in peer-reviewed scientific and clinical journals.”

    However, when asked previously to provide evidence for its position that Covid vaccines pose no risk of DNA integration, the TGA provided no peer-reviewed scientific evidence to support its claims.

    Instead, the TGA provided links to a Mayo Clinic fact page with no scientific citations, an article by the discredited RMIT FactLab, and a scientific commentary article suggesting that in vitro findings cannot be generalised.

    Furthermore, TGA has not been forthcoming with the evidence it does hold. When asked to release Covid vaccine batch testing results under Freedom of Information, the regulator provided all 74 pages - fully redacted.

    In the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denied that contaminant DNA in the mRNA vaccines can enter the nucleus or pose any threat to patients’ genomic DNA, in a response to concerns raised by Florida Surgeon General, Dr Joseph A. Ladapo in December of last year.

    Additionally, the FDA misleadingly refuted the presence of SV40 proteins in the vaccines, when in fact Dr Ladapo raised concerns over the presence of an SV40 enchancer sequence in the Pfizer vaccine, as confirmed by Health Canada and numerous independent laboratories.

    Such ham-fisted mischaracterisation of a gene therapy sequence by the FDA is suggestive of either gross incompetence, or a disinformation play. Both are concerning.

    Science journalist Maryanne Demasi reported, in November last year, that the FDA shut down her enquiries into the DNA contamination matter, refusing to confirm if it found levels of DNA that exceeded acceptable levels, or if it was investigating further.

    The presence of contamination has been officially acknowledged by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Health Canada, with the latter also acknowledging the presence of the SV40 enhancer sequence, though both regulators deny that the amounts exceed regulatory limits, or that the DNA contamination poses any risk.

    ‘No excuse’ for ignoring ‘screaming hot signal’

    Instead of denying excessive DNA levels and deferring to manufacturers’ reported test results, regulators should run their own qPCR testing on batch lots, says McKernan.

    Then, “they would see what everyone else is seeing, which is that sometimes the CT scores come out as low as 13… that’s a screaming hot signal.”

    “As a reference, the Covid test would call people positive at 33-35,” McKernan explains. “That’s a million-fold difference (20 CTs). A million-fold less Covid RNA and you're positive and quarantined. But you can inject a million-fold more past your mucosa?”

    There’s “no excuse” for regulators to not sequence every vaccine lot, says McKernan, when the costs for doing so have dropped dramatically in recent years.

    “DNA sequencing costs have dropped 100,000 fold in the last decade. They have relaxed the DNA contamination limits 1000-fold in this time frame. It likely only costs $1,000 in reagents for millions-to-billions of dollars worth of product.”

    Source: National Human Genome Research Institute
    DNA sequencing by regulatory agencies is important not just for measuring quantities, says McKernan, but also for determining the type of DNA contamination.

    “Not all DNA is created equal. Some is designed to replicate - when it gets into a cell, it can make more of itself. It's a massive loophole in the regulations that they don't do sequencing. But it's never been cheaper. You can precisely know the nature of the DNA in every single vial.”

    Scientists pick up regulators’ slack

    In the absence of any regulatory appetite for investigating the risks of DNA contamination in the mRNA Covid shots, and particularly the risk of genomic integration, independent scientists have taken the baton.

    “We are writing up our findings and will publish a preprint soon,” says McKernan, who is planning further testing in partnership with Dr Kämmerer. “We’re doing more experiments first. We need to sequence deeper to find out if the integration events are in chromosomal or extra-chromosomal DNA.”

    Dr Buckhaults is also running his own experiment, calling for de-identified samples of tumours or fresh blood from pathology and hematology labs. These samples will be tested for the presence of plasmid DNA contamination, with whole genome sequencing to then be carried out on positive samples to identify genomic integration sites.

    In an email outlining his experiment, Dr Buckhaults told me that he intends to report his findings in a peer-reviewed publication, predicting that the work could take “a few months to a year,” depending on how fast samples come in.

    “I am hopeful to prove my concerns are unwarranted by accumulating a lot of negative data, and of course negative data takes the most time to collect,” he said.

    McKernan says he is aware of other labs running tests for contaminant plasmid DNA integration, but cannot disclose the details at present.

    Decentralisation the future of science?

    McKernan says he has experienced some pushback for publishing his methods and findings in real time via Substack, X, and preprints. But, he believes that making his data available as quickly as possible is a way for the field of science to regain public trust.

    “Many will criticize our disclosure of preliminary findings but we feel this is an insult to the intelligence of the average person,” says McKernan.

    “It's a form of scientific elitism that implies people can't handle the truth and will be scared like sheep if given a glimpse of how the true scientific process is performed. Scientists are 90% of the time wrong but only publish the times when they are right. There is no journal of negative results.“

    In light of the prospect that most published research findings are false (as famously asserted in a 2005 article by Professor John Ioannidis), McKernan questions the value of peer-review, instead favouring replication or refutation in the real world.

    Source: X
    For this reason, McKernan says he has not prioritised peer-reviewed publication for his DNA contamination findings, but is rather focusing on conducting more experiments and releasing the data as he goes - even when it’s incomplete, or requires further experimentation.

    “We were not expecting to find any integration events at this depth of coverage, but they are evident to anyone who downloads our public reads. To not speak to obvious evidence in such data would be irresponsible even when such evidence doesn't 100% answer a given question,” says McKernan.

    Dr Buckhaults takes a somewhat different view. After sharing his initial plasmid DNA contamination findings in a South Carolina Senate hearing in September last year, the video recording broke the internet.

    Believing the hearing to have been private, Dr Buckhaults was alarmed that the widespread distribution of his testimony may have caused “unintended, harmful side effects.” He requested that YouTube take down his testimony video, which is now defunct.

    Source: X
    In our correspondence, Dr Buckhaults stressed that while more research is warranted, he is of the opinion that the public “should not overreact to the news of the plasmid DNA contamination. It's serious enough that scientists need to hustle and figure out if it's causing any health problems now or down the road, but it's not cause for the general public to be alarmed.”

    But, “The reality is that`transfection experiments with contaminated DNA' have been carried out on vast numbers of people around the world in the name of vaccination,” writes Arakawa.

    Perhaps the experiment participants will be the ones to decide if they should be alarmed, or not.

    The FDA was contacted for comment about Dr Kämmerer and McKernan’s new findings, but they did not respond by publication deadline. This article will be updated if comment is received.

    View Kevin McKernan’s write up of his DNA integration experiment (in partnership with Dr Kämmerer) here. Scroll down for links to sequencing data files.

    Pathology and hematology labs wishing to send samples to Dr Buckhaults are invited to contact him at the University of South Carolina.

    Update 23 March 2024: This article was edited to add mention of the Dr David Speicher et al. finding of “billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose” of the mRNA vaccines, and the scientists’ concerns that regulatory limits on DNA contamination have not taken LNP transfection into account.

    To support my work, make a one-off contribution to DDU via my Kofi account and/or subscribe. Thanks!

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    From an article I wrote for Umbrella News on this topic last year:

    The TGA maintains that allegations put forward in the case about the potential for mRNA vaccines to alter the recipient’s DNA are unfounded. A spokesperson for the TGA told Umbrella News,

    “COVID-19 vaccines do not alter a person’s DNA. The mRNA in the vaccines does not enter the nucleus of cells and is not integrated into the human genome. Thus, the mRNA does not cause genetic damage or affect the offspring of vaccinated individuals.”

    “The TGA continues to monitor the scientific literature associated with the SARS – CoV-2 virus and the various COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in Australia.”

    With reference to the specific studies cited in the case materials, the TGA pointed Umbrella News to an RMIT ABC Fact Check post from 2022 purporting to ‘debunk’ claims that mRNA jabs are genotoxic. This is the same site that ‘debunked’ claims that COVID vaccines can cause menstrual disruption, before peer-reviewed scientific studies proved that they can and do (the post has not been corrected).

    As evidence that it is “well established” that vaccine mRNA and protein do not enter the nucleus, the TGA provided a link to a Mayo Clinic fact page which provides no studies or scientific evidence in support of its claims.

    The TGA did provide one commentary article published in a scientific journal which pointed out that the in vitro liver cell line study cannot be extrapolated to generalise about in vivo findings (in a human, not a dish) without further research being undertaken.

    Additionally, RMIT FactLab was suspended by Facebook in August 2023 after an uproar over its blatantly biased and factually dubious ‘fact checking’ of media articles relating to the Voice referendum campaign. It also transpired that RMIT FactLab had falsely represented its accreditation with the International Fact-Checking Network as current, when it had in fact lapsed.

    DNA contamination in Covid vaccines DOES get into human cells, new evidence shows It also appears that the contamination enters the cell nucleus and integrates with human DNA Rebekah Barnett Regulators and fact checkers claim that plasmid DNA contamination in the mRNA Covid vaccines can’t change your genomic DNA, but new evidence suggests that it actually can. The fact checkers assert that DNA contamination poses no risk to your genomic DNA because your body will naturally destroy any contaminant DNA before it even gets into the cells. Even if the contaminant DNA could get into cells, there’s no way it can enter the cell nucleus, where genomic integration events occur, they say. And even if the contaminant DNA could enter the nucleus, which it can’t, it still couldn’t genomically integrate unless specific enzymes are present, they say. However, results from independent lab testing conducted on ovarian cancer cell lines show that contaminant DNA from Pfizer’s Covid vaccine not only crossed into the cells, but that it survived multiple cell divisions. This is suggestive that the contaminant DNA is able to transfect (enter) the cell nucleus, and that it integrated with the human cell DNA. TLDR 1. Scientists claim that Pfizer vaccine contaminant DNA has been detected in ovarian cancer cell line DNA, but they do not yet know if it’s chromosomal (heritable) or extra-chromosomal DNA (not heritable) 2. This is an in vitro (in a lab dish) finding, and needs to be replicated in vivo (in a human patient) 3. As the finding is specific to cancer cell lines, it is not generalisable, but scientists say it may give an indication of what cancer patients in remission could experience after mRNA Covid vaccination 4. This finding calls into question fact checker claims that mRNA Covid vaccine DNA contamination can't enter cells, can't enter the nucleus, and cannot integrate with human DNA. Last year, Boston-based genomics scientist Kevin McKernan made the shocking discovery that the mRNA Covid vaccines are contaminated with excessive levels of plasmid DNA, an artefact of the vaccine production process. McKernan’s findings were soon confirmed by multiple independent labs around the world for both the Pfizer and Moderna mono- and bi-valent vaccines, including lots approved for children, with one Canadian study led by Dr David Speicher concluding that there are “billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose.” Scientists including McKernan, University of South Carolina cancer genomics scientist Dr Phillip Buckhaults, and Dr Wafik El-Diery, head of the Cancer Centre at Brown University, expressed concerns that fragments of plasmid DNA contamination could cause adverse events, autoimmune problems and cancers in some patients. But perhaps most significantly, there is also a theoretical risk of the contaminant DNA integrating with patients’ chromosomal DNA and modifying the human genome. This is of particular concern with the Pfizer vaccine, which contains an SV40 enhancer sequence, used in gene therapies “to drive DNA into the nucleus,” explains McKernan. While regulators have taken a ‘wait and see’ approach, independent scientists, including McKernan, have been more proactive, initiating experiments testing for evidence of genomic integration. Now, the first results are in. In an experiment conducted together with German molecular biologist Dr Ulrike Kämmerer, McKernan has detected vaccine contaminant DNA in ovarian cancer cell lines treated with Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. The scientists found a chimeric combination of human ovarian cell line DNA and spike sequence DNA derived from the contaminating plasmid at at least one, and possibly two sites. “If anything, this work has put to bed the question regarding if this contaminant DNA gets into the cell, and the chimeric human and contaminant spike DNA sequences imply it has entered the nucleus,” McKernan says. “The PCR and sequencing data both demonstrate the vaccine is getting into the cell and surviving cell passaging. It is likely bioactive and being partially replicated.” To reach this finding, Dr Kämmerer first treated ovarian cancer cell lines with mRNA Covid vaccines, using cells treated with AstraZeneca and Janssen vaccines as controls. The cells were then ‘passaged’, meaning they were left to divide and replicate numerous times. This has the effect of “rinsing away residual vaccine,” explains McKernan. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was then performed, a staining process that Dr Kämmerer used to detect levels of spike protein expression produced by the vaccine modified-RNA. This was to confirm that the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) carrying mod-RNA and plasmid DNA contamination “did their job and delivered the payload,” says McKernan. Measuring how many cells expressed spike protein also allowed the scientists to determine how much of the vaccine to treat the cells with. Immunohistochemistry performed with Pfizer top left, AstraZeneca top right as a control. Source: Kevin McKernan’s Substack Cell lines were then sent in cold storage to McKernan’s Boston lab, where his team used qPCR to screen which samples to sequence the cell line DNA. “What we found is, [contaminant] DNA that is getting transfected into ovarian cancer cell lines is replicating in the cells,” says McKernan, noting that the ratio of vaccine contaminant DNA to human cell DNA was “higher than we expected.” Chimeric sequences of human and vaccine contaminant DNA were detected at two sites: chromosomes 9 and 12, with the evidence for the latter being the strongest. “But we don't know if it's extra-chromosomal or whether it's chromosomal because of the Illumina (short read) method we used to sequence,” explains McKernan. Source: Kevin McKernan’s Substack Extra-chromosomal DNA is not part of the chromosome, and is therefore less likely to replicate and to be heritable. Chromosomal DNA, on the other hand, is heritable and more likely to be replicated. A third category, mitochondrial DNA, is heritable, but only from the maternal line. You can read a detailed account of methods and findings via McKernan’s Substack article, ‘Vaccine targeted qPCR of Cancer Cell Lines treated with BNT162b2.’ ‘Major advance,’ but clinical implications are limited McKernan emphasises that these findings cannot be generalised, stating that “it is too early to make comments on the clinical implications.” “The study is performed in ovarian cancer cell lines. It is not performed in patient cells, but this is a proxy for what might happen in an ovarian cancer patient who's in remission,” says McKernan, especially as there is evidence that the LNPs go to the ovaries. The risk for patients in this scenario is that integration events with contaminant DNA might cause aberrant cell growth, which poses a risk to immune suppression of new cancer cells. McKernan notes that his experiment only picked up on putative integration events that persisted after multiple cell replications. That is to say, the scientists were not able to detect integration events that may have occurred, but then died off immediately. At the moment, no one knows how many integration events might be occurring, or what effect that would have on patients. “The unknowns are just exponential,” says McKernan. The cancer cell line experiment can be said to be “a microcosm of genome integration of contaminated DNA,” said Japanese molecular oncology scientist Hiroshi Arakawa, in his own analysis of McKernan and Dr Kämmerer’s experiment, published to his popular science blog on which he shares critical views on Covid vaccine safety. Akira calls the two possible integrations observed in Dr Kämmerer’s experiment a “major advance” laying the ground for further experimentation. “What happens in cultured cells can also occur in normal cells, and a wide variety of abnormalities can occur depending on the site of genome integration,” such as “the induction of cancer or malignant transformation,” he wrote (translated from Japanese to English). LNPs deliver contaminant DNA straight to the cells A key assumption underlying claims that mRNA Covid vaccine contamination cannot enter the cell nucleus, and cannot genomically integrate with host DNA, is that the contamination will never make it into dividing cells, which would be required for integration to occur. This is based on the assumption that the LNPs containing both mod-RNA and contaminant DNA mostly stay in the muscle at the injection site. As muscle cells do not divide, there’s no problem, the logic goes. This is misleading, however, as Pfizer’s own biodistribution data shows that the LNPs enter the blood and every major organ system, including the ovaries, as mentioned above. While it is true that muscle cells don’t divide, LNPs distributed around the body can transfect any number of dividing cells in various organ systems. Table 4-2. shows biodistribution of LNPs, Pfizer Nonclinical Evaluation Report, 2021 From there, it’s only a matter of time before the LNP contents get into the cell nucleus, says McKernan. “In any dividing cell, the nucleus dissolves. So, when people say the DNA can get into the cytoplasm [inside the cell membrane] but won't get into the nucleus, well, in any dividing cell, it will end up getting into the nucleus.” It is possible that the dissolution of the cell nucleus during division is the mechanism underlying McKernan and Dr Kämmerer’s observed passaging of contaminant DNA, but further research will be required to confirm or disprove this hypothesis. Because of the effectiveness of LNPs in delivering their contents into cells, McKernan, Dr Buckhaults and Dr Speicher have questioned the suitability of the current regulatory limits on contaminant DNA in vaccines, which were set prior to the introduction of LNP technology in vaccines. Regulators unconcerned I sent McKernan’s Substack article documenting the new DNA integration findings to Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, for comment. The TGA did not address the new findings, but a spokesperson from the TGA responded, “The Department of Health and Aged Care has every confidence in the safety, quality and efficacy of the various approved COVID-19 vaccines for use in Australia. The TGA’s assessment of all vaccines is based upon high quality evidence, including studies and reviews published in peer-reviewed scientific and clinical journals.” However, when asked previously to provide evidence for its position that Covid vaccines pose no risk of DNA integration, the TGA provided no peer-reviewed scientific evidence to support its claims. Instead, the TGA provided links to a Mayo Clinic fact page with no scientific citations, an article by the discredited RMIT FactLab, and a scientific commentary article suggesting that in vitro findings cannot be generalised. Furthermore, TGA has not been forthcoming with the evidence it does hold. When asked to release Covid vaccine batch testing results under Freedom of Information, the regulator provided all 74 pages - fully redacted. In the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denied that contaminant DNA in the mRNA vaccines can enter the nucleus or pose any threat to patients’ genomic DNA, in a response to concerns raised by Florida Surgeon General, Dr Joseph A. Ladapo in December of last year. Additionally, the FDA misleadingly refuted the presence of SV40 proteins in the vaccines, when in fact Dr Ladapo raised concerns over the presence of an SV40 enchancer sequence in the Pfizer vaccine, as confirmed by Health Canada and numerous independent laboratories. Such ham-fisted mischaracterisation of a gene therapy sequence by the FDA is suggestive of either gross incompetence, or a disinformation play. Both are concerning. Science journalist Maryanne Demasi reported, in November last year, that the FDA shut down her enquiries into the DNA contamination matter, refusing to confirm if it found levels of DNA that exceeded acceptable levels, or if it was investigating further. The presence of contamination has been officially acknowledged by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Health Canada, with the latter also acknowledging the presence of the SV40 enhancer sequence, though both regulators deny that the amounts exceed regulatory limits, or that the DNA contamination poses any risk. ‘No excuse’ for ignoring ‘screaming hot signal’ Instead of denying excessive DNA levels and deferring to manufacturers’ reported test results, regulators should run their own qPCR testing on batch lots, says McKernan. Then, “they would see what everyone else is seeing, which is that sometimes the CT scores come out as low as 13… that’s a screaming hot signal.” “As a reference, the Covid test would call people positive at 33-35,” McKernan explains. “That’s a million-fold difference (20 CTs). A million-fold less Covid RNA and you're positive and quarantined. But you can inject a million-fold more past your mucosa?” There’s “no excuse” for regulators to not sequence every vaccine lot, says McKernan, when the costs for doing so have dropped dramatically in recent years. “DNA sequencing costs have dropped 100,000 fold in the last decade. They have relaxed the DNA contamination limits 1000-fold in this time frame. It likely only costs $1,000 in reagents for millions-to-billions of dollars worth of product.” Source: National Human Genome Research Institute DNA sequencing by regulatory agencies is important not just for measuring quantities, says McKernan, but also for determining the type of DNA contamination. “Not all DNA is created equal. Some is designed to replicate - when it gets into a cell, it can make more of itself. It's a massive loophole in the regulations that they don't do sequencing. But it's never been cheaper. You can precisely know the nature of the DNA in every single vial.” Scientists pick up regulators’ slack In the absence of any regulatory appetite for investigating the risks of DNA contamination in the mRNA Covid shots, and particularly the risk of genomic integration, independent scientists have taken the baton. “We are writing up our findings and will publish a preprint soon,” says McKernan, who is planning further testing in partnership with Dr Kämmerer. “We’re doing more experiments first. We need to sequence deeper to find out if the integration events are in chromosomal or extra-chromosomal DNA.” Dr Buckhaults is also running his own experiment, calling for de-identified samples of tumours or fresh blood from pathology and hematology labs. These samples will be tested for the presence of plasmid DNA contamination, with whole genome sequencing to then be carried out on positive samples to identify genomic integration sites. In an email outlining his experiment, Dr Buckhaults told me that he intends to report his findings in a peer-reviewed publication, predicting that the work could take “a few months to a year,” depending on how fast samples come in. “I am hopeful to prove my concerns are unwarranted by accumulating a lot of negative data, and of course negative data takes the most time to collect,” he said. McKernan says he is aware of other labs running tests for contaminant plasmid DNA integration, but cannot disclose the details at present. Decentralisation the future of science? McKernan says he has experienced some pushback for publishing his methods and findings in real time via Substack, X, and preprints. But, he believes that making his data available as quickly as possible is a way for the field of science to regain public trust. “Many will criticize our disclosure of preliminary findings but we feel this is an insult to the intelligence of the average person,” says McKernan. “It's a form of scientific elitism that implies people can't handle the truth and will be scared like sheep if given a glimpse of how the true scientific process is performed. Scientists are 90% of the time wrong but only publish the times when they are right. There is no journal of negative results.“ In light of the prospect that most published research findings are false (as famously asserted in a 2005 article by Professor John Ioannidis), McKernan questions the value of peer-review, instead favouring replication or refutation in the real world. Source: X For this reason, McKernan says he has not prioritised peer-reviewed publication for his DNA contamination findings, but is rather focusing on conducting more experiments and releasing the data as he goes - even when it’s incomplete, or requires further experimentation. “We were not expecting to find any integration events at this depth of coverage, but they are evident to anyone who downloads our public reads. To not speak to obvious evidence in such data would be irresponsible even when such evidence doesn't 100% answer a given question,” says McKernan. Dr Buckhaults takes a somewhat different view. After sharing his initial plasmid DNA contamination findings in a South Carolina Senate hearing in September last year, the video recording broke the internet. Believing the hearing to have been private, Dr Buckhaults was alarmed that the widespread distribution of his testimony may have caused “unintended, harmful side effects.” He requested that YouTube take down his testimony video, which is now defunct. Source: X In our correspondence, Dr Buckhaults stressed that while more research is warranted, he is of the opinion that the public “should not overreact to the news of the plasmid DNA contamination. It's serious enough that scientists need to hustle and figure out if it's causing any health problems now or down the road, but it's not cause for the general public to be alarmed.” But, “The reality is that`transfection experiments with contaminated DNA' have been carried out on vast numbers of people around the world in the name of vaccination,” writes Arakawa. Perhaps the experiment participants will be the ones to decide if they should be alarmed, or not. The FDA was contacted for comment about Dr Kämmerer and McKernan’s new findings, but they did not respond by publication deadline. This article will be updated if comment is received. View Kevin McKernan’s write up of his DNA integration experiment (in partnership with Dr Kämmerer) here. Scroll down for links to sequencing data files. Pathology and hematology labs wishing to send samples to Dr Buckhaults are invited to contact him at the University of South Carolina. Update 23 March 2024: This article was edited to add mention of the Dr David Speicher et al. finding of “billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose” of the mRNA vaccines, and the scientists’ concerns that regulatory limits on DNA contamination have not taken LNP transfection into account. To support my work, make a one-off contribution to DDU via my Kofi account and/or subscribe. Thanks! Follow me on X Follow me on Instagram 1 From an article I wrote for Umbrella News on this topic last year: The TGA maintains that allegations put forward in the case about the potential for mRNA vaccines to alter the recipient’s DNA are unfounded. A spokesperson for the TGA told Umbrella News, “COVID-19 vaccines do not alter a person’s DNA. The mRNA in the vaccines does not enter the nucleus of cells and is not integrated into the human genome. Thus, the mRNA does not cause genetic damage or affect the offspring of vaccinated individuals.” “The TGA continues to monitor the scientific literature associated with the SARS – CoV-2 virus and the various COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in Australia.” With reference to the specific studies cited in the case materials, the TGA pointed Umbrella News to an RMIT ABC Fact Check post from 2022 purporting to ‘debunk’ claims that mRNA jabs are genotoxic. This is the same site that ‘debunked’ claims that COVID vaccines can cause menstrual disruption, before peer-reviewed scientific studies proved that they can and do (the post has not been corrected). As evidence that it is “well established” that vaccine mRNA and protein do not enter the nucleus, the TGA provided a link to a Mayo Clinic fact page which provides no studies or scientific evidence in support of its claims. The TGA did provide one commentary article published in a scientific journal which pointed out that the in vitro liver cell line study cannot be extrapolated to generalise about in vivo findings (in a human, not a dish) without further research being undertaken. Additionally, RMIT FactLab was suspended by Facebook in August 2023 after an uproar over its blatantly biased and factually dubious ‘fact checking’ of media articles relating to the Voice referendum campaign. It also transpired that RMIT FactLab had falsely represented its accreditation with the International Fact-Checking Network as current, when it had in fact lapsed. https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/dna-contamination-in-covid-vaccines
    DNA contamination in Covid vaccines DOES get into human cells, new evidence shows
    It also appears that the contamination enters the cell nucleus and integrates with human DNA
    0 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 29749 Views
  • The Lion Diet Reset for Jumpstarting Your Healing Journey
    Just red meat, salt and mineral water to wash it down.

    Dr. Syed Haider
    What do Lions Eat? - Discovery UK
    I gained about 40 - 50 pounds during the pandemic primarily due to stress, poor sleep and too much sugar, then I lost it all by eating whole foods, sleeping well and walking 10,000-15,000 steps a day, then I gained some of it back by eating sugar again and slacking on sleep hygiene, though I mostly kept up the walking, which had become a morning habit (I was actually pleasantly surprised to see that for over 18 months now I’ve always averaged close to 10,000 steps a day over any 6 month period (the health app in my phone)).

    Meanwhile a friend of mine who had benefited greatly from the carnivore diet in the past, but fell off the wagon and had been trying to get back on for awhile had been encouraging me for some time to be his accountability partner on a diet change journey so finally I decided to take the plunge.

    From personal experience I know very well that the hardest hill to climb is that initial decision to make a change for the better. After you’ve truly made a commitment to change, sustaining it is not nearly as hard.

    You also find many complementary healthy changes suddenly become easier to implement. It feels like there is a “good boy” template in the subconscious and an opposing “bad boy” one, though that term carries other perhaps conflicting (perhaps not) connotations.

    What I mean is that all the things I’ve collected throughout my life that I consider good healthy behaviors tend to creep back sooner or later once I decided to get healthier and take the first steps towards better health.

    Similarly if I cheat unexpectedly, that single “bad” choice has usually led to most of the good I was doing falling apart and me going back to all the old bad ways.

    In order to circumvent this tendency I’m planning to build in some flexibility in the form of “cheat” days, but I don’t think it’s helpful to think of them as cheat days, in fact I think it only serves to make it likely that your subconscious considers them a “bad” thing.

    The key to success and sustainability is to consider them a good thing instead, think of them more as health/metabolic/recovery hormetic stress tests, that are preplanned and executed as a key part of a healthy lifestyle protocol (hormesis: low dose stressor is beneficial, high dose is harmful. Applies to exercise, sunlight, water, food, homeopathy, pharmacology, herbology, even many so called chemical toxins - the dose makes the poison and all).

    The goal is not only to regain good health but to regain maximal resilience and ability to sustain that good health in the face of challenging situations where you can’t sleep properly, or eat properly or exercise the way you usually do, or you’re exposed to toxic blue light for prolonged periods, or someone close to you passes away, or you lose a job, etc.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    I’m one of those people who can eat a dozen cupcakes if I’m feeling stressed out, but if I stop eating sugar entirely I don’t have any cravings for it. Moderation is impossible, but abstinence is easy. So maybe I’m addicted, or maybe I’m just populated by microbes that depend on sugar.

    I did a 5 day carnivore reset before my initial weight loss journey started perhaps 18 months ago now, and I was amazed to see that I had no sugar cravings for a couple of months afterwards. Literally for the first time in my life sugar bombs survived in my house for over 48 hours. We had a tub of ice cream that was not finished for a month, which would have been as likely as a pig flying before that.

    But after that period of a couple months I gradually lost my indifference to sweets and then eventually went back to full on sweet-tooth, cookie-monster mode, which was a big part of my eventual downfall later.

    My weight loss also stalled out before I got really lean, I felt way better, looked away better, at least in clothes, but I was probably still carrying an extra 30 pounds of fat internally - the visceral fat - which, though invisible to the naked eye, is the worst kind for your health.

    Carnivore seems to most people to be like an extreme overreaction to the vegan movement, and perhaps it is culturally an immune reaction of sorts, but it pays to consider what the proponents of the diet say.

    One of the most telling arguments in favor is that plants are trying to kill you.

    Losing my finger to a 'meat eating' plant? - YouTube
    Plants like all living things, would prefer to stay alive, and are in a life or death struggle with those who would kill them.

    Since they can’t run away or fight off their predators, they primarily rely on poisoning them, and animals have developed finely tuned senses that let them know if there is a poison present - it tastes bad, usually very bitter, and the usual reaction is to spit it out (and wash your mouth out), the way a baby will when you try to feed them broccoli or Brussel sprouts.

    Most non-human mammals that are herbivores or omnivores are only evolutionarily optimized to digest a small selection of plants in their environment.

    Human civilizations first of all domesticated and bred plants to make them more palatable, and then developed intricate methods of neutralizing and predigesting plants via soaking, sprouting, culturing and cooking plant foods to make them less toxic, though we can’t entirely eliminate all toxins even with these complicated traditional procedures (hormesis argues the remaining toxins are probably beneficial stressors, and there are other beneficial phytonutrients too).

    Modern manufacturing eschews all that traditional wisdom for quick production methods that leave the lectins, oxalates, phtyates, tannins, hormone disruptors, and nutrient blockers intact.

    But even if someone took appropriate care to use traditional methods of food preparation, and also made sure to use seasonal ingredients, and combined them in the traditional recipes that made use of various complementary ingredients, they would still be left with some degree of plant poisons in their diet.

    I was shocked to learn that every plant in the grocery store has dozens of known carcinogens, and plants produce phytotoxins that total 10,000 times the amount of pesticides sprayed on them (the primary concern with meat is improper handling leading to microorganisms polluting it, and improper cooking methods leading to char - i.e. you don’t want to burn it).

    As far as we know all human societies in every age throughout history ate as much meat as they could get their hands on, and supplemented with plants only when necessary to avert calorie restriction, treat/prevent illness, and as a garnish, or side dish to their meat. The farther back we go the less palatable the plants were and they required even more processing to make them edible.

    Agrarian societies were always, and still are, less healthy than their hunter gatherer counterparts.

    Now, to be clear, I’m not arguing for a forever meat diet.

    The Lion diet refers to eating just ruminant red meat garnished with salt and washed down with mineral rich water.

    The way I see it, this is an elimination diet, of which there are many.

    Some popular ones include AIP, Carnivore and Vegan.

    AIP is the autoimmune paleo diet and advises removing grains, sugars, eggs, dairy, soy, and nightshade vegetables.

    Carnivore allows all meat, fish, dairy and eggs.

    Vegan allows only plant products.

    The idea behind elimination diets, which were a mainstay of pre-modern medical systems, and still used heavily in functional and alternative medicine today, is that something you are eating is preventing your body from recovering from chronic illness, perhaps due to a “leaky gut”, i.e. your gut lining has become damaged and permeable by some toxic insult (like viral/vax entry into the bloodstream and subsequent transfection of key cells) to partially digested food particles which trigger immune reactions that can cross react with your own tissues or simply create inflammation that keeps you sick, and keeps the gut lining from healing.

    Eliminate the foods and eliminate your symptoms, heal the gut, then reintroduce the foods one at a time, carefully watching for reactions.

    It can get complicated because the reactions can take weeks to wear off, and days to recur upon reexposure. So the reintroduction phase is usually done by consuming the test food for 3 days then waiting another 4 days for a reaction.

    Tracking gut permeability tests (lactulose-mannitol ratio, zonulin level, antibodies to zonulin, actin, and lipopolysaccharide) can help determine when to begin the reintroduction phase.

    Given the inherent toxicity of plants, which has developed as an evolutionary defense mechanism against being eaten, and the relatively benign nature of animal meat the safest elimination diets either limit the most toxic plant foods, or eliminate plant foods altogether.


    In my case I know I have an autoimmune issue with mild psoriasis, which is likely related to leaky gut, I also have had chronic constipation, occasional reflux, occasional headaches, occasional stuffy nose, a tendency towards insomnia, and relatively rapid aging in the last few years with significant weight gain.

    So my plan is to try to reverse all of these naturally and I’ll likely be checking micronutrient levels and genetics at some point to fine tune things using protocols developed by Chris Masterjohn.

    Diet over the longer term will likely trend towards lower in carbs, higher in meat/seafood, dairy, and eggs, but this will depend on my carb tolerance in the future as evidenced by markers like body fat and fasting insulin levels. Will eat shortly after waking to help strengthen the circadian rhythm further.

    Exercise will start with mobility drills, walks, sprints (because no other exercise naturally stimulates muscle gain and fat loss better - just look at an olympic sprinter - the message to your body is either: something’s about to kill us, or we’re about to starve and need to catch some food fast, so shape up ASAP and help me out here), body weight exercises, maybe kettlebell swings.

    Skin and hair care will include traditional topical treatments like egg whites, egg yolks, tallow, and essential oils.

    Sleep will be as much as needed and regular hours.

    Light environment: aim to minimize blue light toxicity from sunlight filtered through window glass, and indoor bulbs by spending as much time outdoors as possible. Sun exposure in the mornings and around sunset especially with some midday sun.

    Also need to work on emotional and spiritual growth and interpersonal relationships, but those are higher hanging fruit.

    Anyway let me know if you’ve tried an elimination diet in the past and how it went for you.

    The Lion Diet Reset for Jumpstarting Your Healing Journey Just red meat, salt and mineral water to wash it down. Dr. Syed Haider What do Lions Eat? - Discovery UK I gained about 40 - 50 pounds during the pandemic primarily due to stress, poor sleep and too much sugar, then I lost it all by eating whole foods, sleeping well and walking 10,000-15,000 steps a day, then I gained some of it back by eating sugar again and slacking on sleep hygiene, though I mostly kept up the walking, which had become a morning habit (I was actually pleasantly surprised to see that for over 18 months now I’ve always averaged close to 10,000 steps a day over any 6 month period (the health app in my phone)). Meanwhile a friend of mine who had benefited greatly from the carnivore diet in the past, but fell off the wagon and had been trying to get back on for awhile had been encouraging me for some time to be his accountability partner on a diet change journey so finally I decided to take the plunge. From personal experience I know very well that the hardest hill to climb is that initial decision to make a change for the better. After you’ve truly made a commitment to change, sustaining it is not nearly as hard. You also find many complementary healthy changes suddenly become easier to implement. It feels like there is a “good boy” template in the subconscious and an opposing “bad boy” one, though that term carries other perhaps conflicting (perhaps not) connotations. What I mean is that all the things I’ve collected throughout my life that I consider good healthy behaviors tend to creep back sooner or later once I decided to get healthier and take the first steps towards better health. Similarly if I cheat unexpectedly, that single “bad” choice has usually led to most of the good I was doing falling apart and me going back to all the old bad ways. In order to circumvent this tendency I’m planning to build in some flexibility in the form of “cheat” days, but I don’t think it’s helpful to think of them as cheat days, in fact I think it only serves to make it likely that your subconscious considers them a “bad” thing. The key to success and sustainability is to consider them a good thing instead, think of them more as health/metabolic/recovery hormetic stress tests, that are preplanned and executed as a key part of a healthy lifestyle protocol (hormesis: low dose stressor is beneficial, high dose is harmful. Applies to exercise, sunlight, water, food, homeopathy, pharmacology, herbology, even many so called chemical toxins - the dose makes the poison and all). The goal is not only to regain good health but to regain maximal resilience and ability to sustain that good health in the face of challenging situations where you can’t sleep properly, or eat properly or exercise the way you usually do, or you’re exposed to toxic blue light for prolonged periods, or someone close to you passes away, or you lose a job, etc. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share I’m one of those people who can eat a dozen cupcakes if I’m feeling stressed out, but if I stop eating sugar entirely I don’t have any cravings for it. Moderation is impossible, but abstinence is easy. So maybe I’m addicted, or maybe I’m just populated by microbes that depend on sugar. I did a 5 day carnivore reset before my initial weight loss journey started perhaps 18 months ago now, and I was amazed to see that I had no sugar cravings for a couple of months afterwards. Literally for the first time in my life sugar bombs survived in my house for over 48 hours. We had a tub of ice cream that was not finished for a month, which would have been as likely as a pig flying before that. But after that period of a couple months I gradually lost my indifference to sweets and then eventually went back to full on sweet-tooth, cookie-monster mode, which was a big part of my eventual downfall later. My weight loss also stalled out before I got really lean, I felt way better, looked away better, at least in clothes, but I was probably still carrying an extra 30 pounds of fat internally - the visceral fat - which, though invisible to the naked eye, is the worst kind for your health. Carnivore seems to most people to be like an extreme overreaction to the vegan movement, and perhaps it is culturally an immune reaction of sorts, but it pays to consider what the proponents of the diet say. One of the most telling arguments in favor is that plants are trying to kill you. Losing my finger to a 'meat eating' plant? - YouTube Plants like all living things, would prefer to stay alive, and are in a life or death struggle with those who would kill them. Since they can’t run away or fight off their predators, they primarily rely on poisoning them, and animals have developed finely tuned senses that let them know if there is a poison present - it tastes bad, usually very bitter, and the usual reaction is to spit it out (and wash your mouth out), the way a baby will when you try to feed them broccoli or Brussel sprouts. Most non-human mammals that are herbivores or omnivores are only evolutionarily optimized to digest a small selection of plants in their environment. Human civilizations first of all domesticated and bred plants to make them more palatable, and then developed intricate methods of neutralizing and predigesting plants via soaking, sprouting, culturing and cooking plant foods to make them less toxic, though we can’t entirely eliminate all toxins even with these complicated traditional procedures (hormesis argues the remaining toxins are probably beneficial stressors, and there are other beneficial phytonutrients too). Modern manufacturing eschews all that traditional wisdom for quick production methods that leave the lectins, oxalates, phtyates, tannins, hormone disruptors, and nutrient blockers intact. But even if someone took appropriate care to use traditional methods of food preparation, and also made sure to use seasonal ingredients, and combined them in the traditional recipes that made use of various complementary ingredients, they would still be left with some degree of plant poisons in their diet. I was shocked to learn that every plant in the grocery store has dozens of known carcinogens, and plants produce phytotoxins that total 10,000 times the amount of pesticides sprayed on them (the primary concern with meat is improper handling leading to microorganisms polluting it, and improper cooking methods leading to char - i.e. you don’t want to burn it). As far as we know all human societies in every age throughout history ate as much meat as they could get their hands on, and supplemented with plants only when necessary to avert calorie restriction, treat/prevent illness, and as a garnish, or side dish to their meat. The farther back we go the less palatable the plants were and they required even more processing to make them edible. Agrarian societies were always, and still are, less healthy than their hunter gatherer counterparts. Now, to be clear, I’m not arguing for a forever meat diet. The Lion diet refers to eating just ruminant red meat garnished with salt and washed down with mineral rich water. The way I see it, this is an elimination diet, of which there are many. Some popular ones include AIP, Carnivore and Vegan. AIP is the autoimmune paleo diet and advises removing grains, sugars, eggs, dairy, soy, and nightshade vegetables. Carnivore allows all meat, fish, dairy and eggs. Vegan allows only plant products. The idea behind elimination diets, which were a mainstay of pre-modern medical systems, and still used heavily in functional and alternative medicine today, is that something you are eating is preventing your body from recovering from chronic illness, perhaps due to a “leaky gut”, i.e. your gut lining has become damaged and permeable by some toxic insult (like viral/vax entry into the bloodstream and subsequent transfection of key cells) to partially digested food particles which trigger immune reactions that can cross react with your own tissues or simply create inflammation that keeps you sick, and keeps the gut lining from healing. Eliminate the foods and eliminate your symptoms, heal the gut, then reintroduce the foods one at a time, carefully watching for reactions. It can get complicated because the reactions can take weeks to wear off, and days to recur upon reexposure. So the reintroduction phase is usually done by consuming the test food for 3 days then waiting another 4 days for a reaction. Tracking gut permeability tests (lactulose-mannitol ratio, zonulin level, antibodies to zonulin, actin, and lipopolysaccharide) can help determine when to begin the reintroduction phase. Given the inherent toxicity of plants, which has developed as an evolutionary defense mechanism against being eaten, and the relatively benign nature of animal meat the safest elimination diets either limit the most toxic plant foods, or eliminate plant foods altogether. Share In my case I know I have an autoimmune issue with mild psoriasis, which is likely related to leaky gut, I also have had chronic constipation, occasional reflux, occasional headaches, occasional stuffy nose, a tendency towards insomnia, and relatively rapid aging in the last few years with significant weight gain. So my plan is to try to reverse all of these naturally and I’ll likely be checking micronutrient levels and genetics at some point to fine tune things using protocols developed by Chris Masterjohn. Diet over the longer term will likely trend towards lower in carbs, higher in meat/seafood, dairy, and eggs, but this will depend on my carb tolerance in the future as evidenced by markers like body fat and fasting insulin levels. Will eat shortly after waking to help strengthen the circadian rhythm further. Exercise will start with mobility drills, walks, sprints (because no other exercise naturally stimulates muscle gain and fat loss better - just look at an olympic sprinter - the message to your body is either: something’s about to kill us, or we’re about to starve and need to catch some food fast, so shape up ASAP and help me out here), body weight exercises, maybe kettlebell swings. Skin and hair care will include traditional topical treatments like egg whites, egg yolks, tallow, and essential oils. Sleep will be as much as needed and regular hours. Light environment: aim to minimize blue light toxicity from sunlight filtered through window glass, and indoor bulbs by spending as much time outdoors as possible. Sun exposure in the mornings and around sunset especially with some midday sun. Also need to work on emotional and spiritual growth and interpersonal relationships, but those are higher hanging fruit. Anyway let me know if you’ve tried an elimination diet in the past and how it went for you. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/the-lion-diet-reset-for-jumpstarting
    The Lion Diet Reset for Jumpstarting Your Healing Journey
    Just red meat, salt and mineral water to wash it down.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 25946 Views
  • ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 107: Israel bombs two more hospitals in Gaza as official death toll crosses 25,000
    Gaza’s Heath Ministry announced that Israeli attacks have killed at least 25,105 Palestinians, and injured 62,681, since October 7 as Israeli forces continue to target Al-Amal and Al-Nasser hospitals in the southern Gaza Strip.

    Mustafa Abu SneinehJanuary 21, 2024
    Palestinians bury the bodies of 110 people killed by Israeli attacks in a mass grave in the Khan Younis cemetery, November 22, 2023. (Photo: © Mohammed Talatene/dpa via ZUMA Press APA Images)
    Palestinians bury the bodies of 110 people killed by Israeli attacks in a mass grave in the Khan Younis cemetery, November 22, 2023. (Photo: © Mohammed Talatene/dpa via ZUMA Press APA Images)

    25,105+ killed* and at least 62,681 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
    387+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
    Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147.
    531 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.**
    *This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on January 16. Some rights groups put the death toll number higher than 32,000 when accounting for those presumed dead.

    ** The Israeli military dropped the number of casualties to 531 soldiers from 547 after January 17.

    Key Developments

    Gaza’s health spokesperson says, “medical crews can’t respond to the high number and types of injuries on a daily basis. The piling up of cases and lack of capabilities to treat them in hospitals is causing the loss of lives”.
    Israeli forces bomb vicinity of Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis with series of air strikes and artillery shelling.
    Palestine Red Crescent Society says, “humanitarian conditions in the Gaza and northern governorates are tragic… as 800,000 Palestinians there suffer from a great scarcity of basic materials.”
    Al-Jazeera Arabic reports homes left intact in Gaza are now becoming shelters while Israel keeps targeting Al-Nasser Hospital, which has “the highest number of beds, doctors, operation rooms” in all of Gaza Strip.
    Israel’s Netanyahu doubles down on refusal for two-state solution, says “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over the entire area in the west of Jordan.”
    UK’s Minister of Defence says “Palestinians deserve a sovereign state, Israel deserves to have the full ability to defend itself, its own security.”
    Mustafa al-Barghouti, head of National Initiative Movement, says Biden’s statement about supporting two-state solution was “nonsense”.
    Thousands of Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv calling for release of Israeli captives held by Hamas, the resignation of Netanyahu, and for an early election.
    Wall Street Journal reports Hamas fighters remain resilient and have enough ammunition to fight for months.
    Israel approves the transfer of Palestinian Authority tax revenues through Norway, first time since October.
    Israeli forces demolish Nasr and Abdul Qadir al-Qawasmi’s apartments in Hebron.
    Gaza’s Ministry of Health says Israel “intentionally suffocating health institutions”

    Israel has killed more than 25,000 Palestinian martyrs in the Gaza Strip since October.


    Follow Mondoweiss on WhatsApp on our official channel!
    Gaza’s Ministry of Health announced on Sunday that 25,105 Palestinians were killed and 62,681 injured in the Israeli aggression.

    In the past 24 hours, Israel committed 15 massacres in various areas of the Gaza Strip, according to the ministry, killing at least 178 Palestinian martyrs and injuring 293 people.

    “The Israeli occupation is intentionally suffocating and destroying the health institutions and prolonging its devastation.” Dr. Ashraf Al-Qudra, the ministry spokesperson, said on Sunday.

    “Medical crews can’t respond to the high number and types of injuries on a daily basis. The piling up of cases and lack of capabilities to treat them in hospitals is causing the loss of lives,” he added, drawing a bleak picture of Gaza’s health sector, which has been under systemic Israeli targeting.

    Since October, Israeli forces have killed 337 Palestinian medical staff and arrested 99 others, bombed 203 medical centers and clinics, destroyed 121 ambulances, and damaged 30 hospitals, forcing them to stop operating completely.

    Israeli forces target Al-Amal and Al-Nasser hospitals in Khan Younis

    Wafa news agency reported that an Israeli airstrike on a vehicle killed three Palestinians traveling in the Souq Al-Yarmouk area in Gaza City on Saturday evening. Another Israeli airstrike on a house in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza killed and injured several Palestinians.

    Israeli attacks and bombardment of north Gaza have been intense, killing and injuring dozens of Palestinians, despite Israel’s claim last week of “scaling back” and ending the “intense stage” in the area.

    On Saturday afternoon, Israeli attacks on Jabalia refugee camp killed five Palestinians and wounded others when a house was bombed in the Al-Sika area.

    Israeli attacks killed another five Palestinians in the southern town of Rafah and the central town of Al-Bureij, when four people were killed in an airstrike on a vehicle in Rafah, and the fifth was killed in an attack in the Al-Bureij refugee camp.

    An Israeli airstrike on an apartment in Al-Nuseirat refugee camp killed at least four Palestinians, while three Palestinians were killed in the Al-Sultan area, west and north of Beit Lahia refugee camp, Wafa reported.

    For the past several days, Israeli forces have been targeting the Al-Amal and Al-Nasser, two hospitals that are lifelines for thousands of Palestinians, not just to receive treatment but to shelter from the Israeli indiscriminate bombing of Gaza.

    Overnight, Israeli forces bombed the vicinity of Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis with a series of air strikes and artillery shelling.

    The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), which runs Al-Amal Hospital, said that the “humanitarian conditions in the Gaza and northern governorates are tragic as a result of the continued Israeli blockade that prevents the delivery of aid, as 800,000 Palestinians there suffer from a great scarcity of basic materials.”

    Wafa reported that medical crews recovered the bodies of three Palestinians from under the rubble in Abasan Al-Kabira village, east of Khan Younis, following an Israeli bombardment. At least 7,000 Palestinians are missing or buried under the rubble in all areas of Gaza.

    Israeli artillery also shelled for several hours in the vicinity of Al-Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, according to Wafa. Occupation forces bombed Al-Manara neighborhood in Khan Younis, Al-Shati camp, west of Gaza City, and the seaside of Deir al-Balah.

    Hisham Zaqout, Al-Jazeera Arabic correspondent, said on Sunday morning that Israeli bombardment has not stopped in the Gaza Strip for the past 24 hours.

    “The only time that Israeli forces did not bomb Gaza was during the [10 days] truce,” Zaqout said.

    He added that the Israeli bombardment on Gaza since October left few Palestinian houses intact, which now became overcrowded shelters for displaced Palestinians, but remain at risk of being bombed.

    “Al-Nasser Hospital is the most important hospital in the whole of Gaza Strip, following the destruction and damaging of hospitals in north and central Gaza,” Zaqout said.

    “Al-Nasser is currently the biggest hospital and has the highest number of beds, doctors, operation rooms… Patients from Rafah, Deir Al-Balah, and refugee camps in central Gaza [rely on Al-Nasser for treatment],” he added.

    “I do deny a Palestinian state. Always!”

    Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had doubled down on his refusal for the establishment of a Palestinian state in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

    His government minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, was even more curt, writing on the X platform: “I do deny a Palestinian state. Always!”

    Netanyahu wrote on X on Saturday: “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over the entire area in the west of Jordan – and this is contrary to a Palestinian state.”

    His comment came following a phone call with U.S. President Joe Biden, the first in nearly a month. Biden confirmed the unwavering U.S. support for Israel, and said that Netanyahu “didn’t say” that he opposed a two-state solution during their phone call.

    Netanyahu has always been clear about his rejection of the establishment of a Palestinian state, which many Western leaders and officials are now seeing as the only hope to dampen conflicts in the Middle East and West Asia region.

    The UK Minister of Defence, Grant Shapps, told the BBC on Sunday morning “Unless you pursue a two-state solution, I really don’t see that there is another solution.”

    Shapps added that Netanyahu’s opposition was “very disappointing.” but “it’s not in some senses a surprise, [Netanyahu] spent his entire political career against a two-state solution.”

    “Palestinians deserve a sovereign state, Israel deserves to have the full ability to defend itself, its own security,” he added.

    “The Palestinian state is not just a name without content”

    The UK, U.S., and EU are still refusing to call for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Some Palestinian officials view such comments about the two-state solution as similar lip service as it has been since 1993 when the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) signed a peace deal with Israel.

    The Palestinian head of the National Initiative Movement, Mustafa al-Barghouti, said that Biden’s statement about supporting a two-state solution was “nonsense.”

    “The Palestinian state is not just a name without content, borders, sovereignty, and control over land, water, airspace, and borders,” Barghouti said.

    “It cannot be achieved without removing the occupation and the settlements and settlers,” he added.

    U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders said that “despite the illegal and inhumane actions of Netanyahu’s government, President Biden has thus far offered unconditional support to Israel. That must change.”

    France’s Foreign Minister also expressed support for the establishment of a Palestinian state, while the UN chief, Antonio Guterres said that “the right of the Palestinian people to build their own state must be recognised by all.

    “The refusal to accept the two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians, and the denial of the right to statehood for the Palestinian people, are unacceptable,” Guterres said on Saturday.

    In the UN General Assembly, there are currently 139 out of the 193 member states recognizing Palestine as an observer member.

    WSJ reports Hamas fighters are resilient and have ammunition to fight for months

    Thousands of Israelis demonstrated on Saturday in Tel Aviv calling for the release of Israeli captives held by Hamas in Gaza, the resignation of Netanyahu’s government, and for an early election.

    Yair Lapid, the opposition leader, said Israel’s priority should be getting the captives back from Gaza, and then eradicating Hamas.

    “If you want to eradicate Hamas, you must first take out the abductees,” he said.

    Lapid, who served for a short stint as prime minister in 2022, said there was “full backing for any deal, no matter how painful it may be. And if the price is a cessation of hostilities, let that be the price.”

    Aside from the sheer destruction and devastation of the Gaza Strip and the killing of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians, Israel has yet to achieve its goals in Gaza.

    The U.S. intelligence agencies estimated that the goal to destroy Hamas will be hard to achieve, according to The Wall Street Journal report.

    Israel killed around 20 to 30 percent of Hamas fighters, according to WSJ, however, the resistance movement remains resilient and has enough munitions to fight for months.

    U.S. military analysts told WSJ that Hamas “fighters have adjusted their tactics, operating in smaller groups and hiding between ambushes on Israeli troops, while individual fighters are likely taking on more tasks to pick up the slack from their dead comrades.”

    Israeli forces demolish homes of two Palestinians in Hebron

    Israel approved on Sunday the transfer of Palestinian Authority (PA) tax revenues through Norway, the first such transfer since October.

    Israel’s Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, had rejected U.S. calls to unfreeze PA funds that are essential for paying public sector salaries and those who work in the security services in the occupied West Bank.

    According to agreements with the PA, Israel is in charge of collecting taxes on behalf of Ramallah, and it transfers the monthly sum of around $190 million, almost $75 million, which goes to paying salaries and public electricity bills in the Gaza Strip.

    Israel withheld the PA tax revenue on several occasions, such as when it froze the funds during the Trump administration as a way to pressure the PA to accept the U.S. peace initiative, dubbed the Abraham Accords.

    Ben-Gvir opposed the tax revenues transfer on Sunday as he argued that there were no assurances that the money deposited in Norway would not be transferred to Gaza.

    Overnight, Israeli forces arrested dozens of Palestinians from several towns in the West Bank, including Arura, Bethlehem, Shufa’at and Qalandia refugee camps, and Maithalun village south of Jenin.

    On Sunday morning, Israeli forces demolished the apartments of Nasr and Abdul Qadir al-Qawasmi in Hebron.

    Wafa reported that Israeli forces stormed ​​Ras al-Jura and Bir al-Mahjar neighborhoods.

    In November, Nasr, 18, and Abdul Qadir, 26 al-Qawasmi, along with Hassan Mamoun Qafisha, 28, targeted an Israeli military checkpoint south of occupied Jerusalem, killing one soldier and injuring seven others. The three Palestinians were killed in the attack by Israeli forces.

    BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever.

    Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses.

    Support our journalists with a donation today.

    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 107: Israel bombs two more hospitals in Gaza as official death toll crosses 25,000 Gaza’s Heath Ministry announced that Israeli attacks have killed at least 25,105 Palestinians, and injured 62,681, since October 7 as Israeli forces continue to target Al-Amal and Al-Nasser hospitals in the southern Gaza Strip. Mustafa Abu SneinehJanuary 21, 2024 Palestinians bury the bodies of 110 people killed by Israeli attacks in a mass grave in the Khan Younis cemetery, November 22, 2023. (Photo: © Mohammed Talatene/dpa via ZUMA Press APA Images) Palestinians bury the bodies of 110 people killed by Israeli attacks in a mass grave in the Khan Younis cemetery, November 22, 2023. (Photo: © Mohammed Talatene/dpa via ZUMA Press APA Images) Casualties 25,105+ killed* and at least 62,681 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 387+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147. 531 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.** *This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on January 16. Some rights groups put the death toll number higher than 32,000 when accounting for those presumed dead. ** The Israeli military dropped the number of casualties to 531 soldiers from 547 after January 17. Key Developments Gaza’s health spokesperson says, “medical crews can’t respond to the high number and types of injuries on a daily basis. The piling up of cases and lack of capabilities to treat them in hospitals is causing the loss of lives”. Israeli forces bomb vicinity of Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis with series of air strikes and artillery shelling. Palestine Red Crescent Society says, “humanitarian conditions in the Gaza and northern governorates are tragic… as 800,000 Palestinians there suffer from a great scarcity of basic materials.” Al-Jazeera Arabic reports homes left intact in Gaza are now becoming shelters while Israel keeps targeting Al-Nasser Hospital, which has “the highest number of beds, doctors, operation rooms” in all of Gaza Strip. Israel’s Netanyahu doubles down on refusal for two-state solution, says “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over the entire area in the west of Jordan.” UK’s Minister of Defence says “Palestinians deserve a sovereign state, Israel deserves to have the full ability to defend itself, its own security.” Mustafa al-Barghouti, head of National Initiative Movement, says Biden’s statement about supporting two-state solution was “nonsense”. Thousands of Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv calling for release of Israeli captives held by Hamas, the resignation of Netanyahu, and for an early election. Wall Street Journal reports Hamas fighters remain resilient and have enough ammunition to fight for months. Israel approves the transfer of Palestinian Authority tax revenues through Norway, first time since October. Israeli forces demolish Nasr and Abdul Qadir al-Qawasmi’s apartments in Hebron. Gaza’s Ministry of Health says Israel “intentionally suffocating health institutions” Israel has killed more than 25,000 Palestinian martyrs in the Gaza Strip since October. Advertisement Follow Mondoweiss on WhatsApp on our official channel! Gaza’s Ministry of Health announced on Sunday that 25,105 Palestinians were killed and 62,681 injured in the Israeli aggression. In the past 24 hours, Israel committed 15 massacres in various areas of the Gaza Strip, according to the ministry, killing at least 178 Palestinian martyrs and injuring 293 people. “The Israeli occupation is intentionally suffocating and destroying the health institutions and prolonging its devastation.” Dr. Ashraf Al-Qudra, the ministry spokesperson, said on Sunday. “Medical crews can’t respond to the high number and types of injuries on a daily basis. The piling up of cases and lack of capabilities to treat them in hospitals is causing the loss of lives,” he added, drawing a bleak picture of Gaza’s health sector, which has been under systemic Israeli targeting. Since October, Israeli forces have killed 337 Palestinian medical staff and arrested 99 others, bombed 203 medical centers and clinics, destroyed 121 ambulances, and damaged 30 hospitals, forcing them to stop operating completely. Israeli forces target Al-Amal and Al-Nasser hospitals in Khan Younis Wafa news agency reported that an Israeli airstrike on a vehicle killed three Palestinians traveling in the Souq Al-Yarmouk area in Gaza City on Saturday evening. Another Israeli airstrike on a house in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza killed and injured several Palestinians. Israeli attacks and bombardment of north Gaza have been intense, killing and injuring dozens of Palestinians, despite Israel’s claim last week of “scaling back” and ending the “intense stage” in the area. On Saturday afternoon, Israeli attacks on Jabalia refugee camp killed five Palestinians and wounded others when a house was bombed in the Al-Sika area. Israeli attacks killed another five Palestinians in the southern town of Rafah and the central town of Al-Bureij, when four people were killed in an airstrike on a vehicle in Rafah, and the fifth was killed in an attack in the Al-Bureij refugee camp. An Israeli airstrike on an apartment in Al-Nuseirat refugee camp killed at least four Palestinians, while three Palestinians were killed in the Al-Sultan area, west and north of Beit Lahia refugee camp, Wafa reported. For the past several days, Israeli forces have been targeting the Al-Amal and Al-Nasser, two hospitals that are lifelines for thousands of Palestinians, not just to receive treatment but to shelter from the Israeli indiscriminate bombing of Gaza. Overnight, Israeli forces bombed the vicinity of Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis with a series of air strikes and artillery shelling. The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), which runs Al-Amal Hospital, said that the “humanitarian conditions in the Gaza and northern governorates are tragic as a result of the continued Israeli blockade that prevents the delivery of aid, as 800,000 Palestinians there suffer from a great scarcity of basic materials.” Wafa reported that medical crews recovered the bodies of three Palestinians from under the rubble in Abasan Al-Kabira village, east of Khan Younis, following an Israeli bombardment. At least 7,000 Palestinians are missing or buried under the rubble in all areas of Gaza. Israeli artillery also shelled for several hours in the vicinity of Al-Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, according to Wafa. Occupation forces bombed Al-Manara neighborhood in Khan Younis, Al-Shati camp, west of Gaza City, and the seaside of Deir al-Balah. Hisham Zaqout, Al-Jazeera Arabic correspondent, said on Sunday morning that Israeli bombardment has not stopped in the Gaza Strip for the past 24 hours. “The only time that Israeli forces did not bomb Gaza was during the [10 days] truce,” Zaqout said. He added that the Israeli bombardment on Gaza since October left few Palestinian houses intact, which now became overcrowded shelters for displaced Palestinians, but remain at risk of being bombed. “Al-Nasser Hospital is the most important hospital in the whole of Gaza Strip, following the destruction and damaging of hospitals in north and central Gaza,” Zaqout said. “Al-Nasser is currently the biggest hospital and has the highest number of beds, doctors, operation rooms… Patients from Rafah, Deir Al-Balah, and refugee camps in central Gaza [rely on Al-Nasser for treatment],” he added. “I do deny a Palestinian state. Always!” Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had doubled down on his refusal for the establishment of a Palestinian state in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. His government minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, was even more curt, writing on the X platform: “I do deny a Palestinian state. Always!” Netanyahu wrote on X on Saturday: “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over the entire area in the west of Jordan – and this is contrary to a Palestinian state.” His comment came following a phone call with U.S. President Joe Biden, the first in nearly a month. Biden confirmed the unwavering U.S. support for Israel, and said that Netanyahu “didn’t say” that he opposed a two-state solution during their phone call. Netanyahu has always been clear about his rejection of the establishment of a Palestinian state, which many Western leaders and officials are now seeing as the only hope to dampen conflicts in the Middle East and West Asia region. The UK Minister of Defence, Grant Shapps, told the BBC on Sunday morning “Unless you pursue a two-state solution, I really don’t see that there is another solution.” Shapps added that Netanyahu’s opposition was “very disappointing.” but “it’s not in some senses a surprise, [Netanyahu] spent his entire political career against a two-state solution.” “Palestinians deserve a sovereign state, Israel deserves to have the full ability to defend itself, its own security,” he added. “The Palestinian state is not just a name without content” The UK, U.S., and EU are still refusing to call for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Some Palestinian officials view such comments about the two-state solution as similar lip service as it has been since 1993 when the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) signed a peace deal with Israel. The Palestinian head of the National Initiative Movement, Mustafa al-Barghouti, said that Biden’s statement about supporting a two-state solution was “nonsense.” “The Palestinian state is not just a name without content, borders, sovereignty, and control over land, water, airspace, and borders,” Barghouti said. “It cannot be achieved without removing the occupation and the settlements and settlers,” he added. U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders said that “despite the illegal and inhumane actions of Netanyahu’s government, President Biden has thus far offered unconditional support to Israel. That must change.” France’s Foreign Minister also expressed support for the establishment of a Palestinian state, while the UN chief, Antonio Guterres said that “the right of the Palestinian people to build their own state must be recognised by all. “The refusal to accept the two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians, and the denial of the right to statehood for the Palestinian people, are unacceptable,” Guterres said on Saturday. In the UN General Assembly, there are currently 139 out of the 193 member states recognizing Palestine as an observer member. WSJ reports Hamas fighters are resilient and have ammunition to fight for months Thousands of Israelis demonstrated on Saturday in Tel Aviv calling for the release of Israeli captives held by Hamas in Gaza, the resignation of Netanyahu’s government, and for an early election. Yair Lapid, the opposition leader, said Israel’s priority should be getting the captives back from Gaza, and then eradicating Hamas. “If you want to eradicate Hamas, you must first take out the abductees,” he said. Lapid, who served for a short stint as prime minister in 2022, said there was “full backing for any deal, no matter how painful it may be. And if the price is a cessation of hostilities, let that be the price.” Aside from the sheer destruction and devastation of the Gaza Strip and the killing of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians, Israel has yet to achieve its goals in Gaza. The U.S. intelligence agencies estimated that the goal to destroy Hamas will be hard to achieve, according to The Wall Street Journal report. Israel killed around 20 to 30 percent of Hamas fighters, according to WSJ, however, the resistance movement remains resilient and has enough munitions to fight for months. U.S. military analysts told WSJ that Hamas “fighters have adjusted their tactics, operating in smaller groups and hiding between ambushes on Israeli troops, while individual fighters are likely taking on more tasks to pick up the slack from their dead comrades.” Israeli forces demolish homes of two Palestinians in Hebron Israel approved on Sunday the transfer of Palestinian Authority (PA) tax revenues through Norway, the first such transfer since October. Israel’s Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, had rejected U.S. calls to unfreeze PA funds that are essential for paying public sector salaries and those who work in the security services in the occupied West Bank. According to agreements with the PA, Israel is in charge of collecting taxes on behalf of Ramallah, and it transfers the monthly sum of around $190 million, almost $75 million, which goes to paying salaries and public electricity bills in the Gaza Strip. Israel withheld the PA tax revenue on several occasions, such as when it froze the funds during the Trump administration as a way to pressure the PA to accept the U.S. peace initiative, dubbed the Abraham Accords. Ben-Gvir opposed the tax revenues transfer on Sunday as he argued that there were no assurances that the money deposited in Norway would not be transferred to Gaza. Overnight, Israeli forces arrested dozens of Palestinians from several towns in the West Bank, including Arura, Bethlehem, Shufa’at and Qalandia refugee camps, and Maithalun village south of Jenin. On Sunday morning, Israeli forces demolished the apartments of Nasr and Abdul Qadir al-Qawasmi in Hebron. Wafa reported that Israeli forces stormed ​​Ras al-Jura and Bir al-Mahjar neighborhoods. In November, Nasr, 18, and Abdul Qadir, 26 al-Qawasmi, along with Hassan Mamoun Qafisha, 28, targeted an Israeli military checkpoint south of occupied Jerusalem, killing one soldier and injuring seven others. The three Palestinians were killed in the attack by Israeli forces. BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever. Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses. Support our journalists with a donation today. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/01/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-107-israel-bombs-two-more-hospitals-in-gaza-as-official-death-toll-crosses-25000/
    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 107: Israel bombs two more hospitals in Gaza as official death toll crosses 25,000
    Gaza’s Heath Ministry announced that Israeli attacks have killed at least 25,105 Palestinians, and injured 62,681, since October 7 as Israeli forces continue to target Al-Amal and Al-Nasser hospitals in the southern Gaza Strip.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 11118 Views
  • Worried about what people think of me
    That's what I used to feel and think
    But that is no longer a part of my nature
    So cut me some slack and give this to me
    I know the secrets of life and its contents
    But I am too mortal to keep them forever
    My true art is within every word I write
    So I can prove to myself I'm my own God

    All that I know is I am worthy of my desires
    Far more than a while to prove my worth
    Even if I prove my worth I won't really care
    All that matters is that I don't give a damn
    I've been called a monster just for being me
    Even if what I choose to be hurts no one
    I will live my life the way I want it
    And no one in my life will stop me from it

    Consider my wish fulfilled
    Or consider something better
    Whatever God has planned for me
    So be it in our path of life

    Yes I do fear some things in this life
    But I will always come back to conquer them
    I have seen all the fears in my head
    But if I have enough confidence in myself
    All my fears will stay in my head and mind
    Eventually they will dissolve away from me
    So I can live the life without the fears
    Worried about what people think of me That's what I used to feel and think But that is no longer a part of my nature So cut me some slack and give this to me I know the secrets of life and its contents But I am too mortal to keep them forever My true art is within every word I write So I can prove to myself I'm my own God All that I know is I am worthy of my desires Far more than a while to prove my worth Even if I prove my worth I won't really care All that matters is that I don't give a damn I've been called a monster just for being me Even if what I choose to be hurts no one I will live my life the way I want it And no one in my life will stop me from it Consider my wish fulfilled Or consider something better Whatever God has planned for me So be it in our path of life Yes I do fear some things in this life But I will always come back to conquer them I have seen all the fears in my head But if I have enough confidence in myself All my fears will stay in my head and mind Eventually they will dissolve away from me So I can live the life without the fears
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 2848 Views
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    Unite and Empower Your Community with Our Community Builder! It might be difficult to create and sustain a healthy community, but with our Community Builder, it has never been simpler. Our platform is designed to bring people together and help you connect with like-minded individuals, no matter where you are in the world. Our Community Builder includes everything you need, whether you're creating a new community through telegram, whatsapp, discord, kakaotalk, slacks, etc. or trying to expand and involve members of an existing one. You can easily develop and manage online communities, hold events, and foster meaningful connections. Additionally, you may customize our platform in a variety of ways to create a community that meets your unique requirements. Our Community Builder makes it possible to create social networks, support groups, and platforms for collaboration and learning. Join us right away to join a community of people who are building communities just like you. You'll have all the tools you need to create a flourishing, connected community that empowers and inspires with our assistance and resources. Let's elevate your business https://blockchainnetworkph.com/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1544 Views
  • Hey SoMeeians, I’ve been slacking on my posting and voting these past couple day. Time to step my game back up. Hope everyone has an Awesome day. And I just realized I was wearing the same shirt in my last post LOL.
    Hey SoMeeians, I’ve been slacking on my posting and voting these past couple day. Time to step my game back up. Hope everyone has an Awesome day. And I just realized I was wearing the same shirt in my last post LOL.
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 178 Views
  • This is very worrying... this page is translated from Swe-Eng https://samnytt-se.translate.goog/svenska-marinen-patrullerade-omradet-dar-gaslackorna-uppstod/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
    This is very worrying... this page is translated from Swe-Eng https://samnytt-se.translate.goog/svenska-marinen-patrullerade-omradet-dar-gaslackorna-uppstod/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 194 Views
  • Good morning SoMeeians.. I've been slacking again... however, what are you all more excited about, the Vasil upgrade or the Merge?
    Good morning SoMeeians.. I've been slacking again... however, what are you all more excited about, the Vasil upgrade or the Merge?
    2 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 193 Views
  • Good morning SoMeeians... I've been slacking horribly on my morning before work posts...I promise to get better. I hope everyone has a good day and a good weekend.
    Good morning SoMeeians... I've been slacking horribly on my morning before work posts...I promise to get better. I hope everyone has a good day and a good weekend.
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 174 Views
  • The impression that corrupt and power-hungry elites who love power do not want more of it, is a wild conspiracy theory. Nearly everything the elite performs is to bestow themselves extra unchecked power.
    The continuous oppression and disturbing acts of the corrupt Regime are intended to deeply disturb us and have a vexing effect. It's also designed to wind up those on the edge and push them over the edge of the cliff.
    If this system continues without any form of intervention, I see that there is a great awakening underway and enlightenment would hinder their agenda.
    Did you know that 40% of worker ants are slackers and do nothing? But there's a good reason. They're the reserve army who are called on when other ants are removed. Some of these lazy ants do brood care while being bored. We're not all called to the front lines but we can encourage those who are.
    The time is almost at hand, to choose whether to continue to bend over and be fu..ed from the rear or manufacture the courage to stand and let the chips fall where they would
    The impression that corrupt and power-hungry elites who love power do not want more of it, is a wild conspiracy theory. Nearly everything the elite performs is to bestow themselves extra unchecked power. The continuous oppression and disturbing acts of the corrupt Regime are intended to deeply disturb us and have a vexing effect. It's also designed to wind up those on the edge and push them over the edge of the cliff. If this system continues without any form of intervention, I see that there is a great awakening underway and enlightenment would hinder their agenda. Did you know that 40% of worker ants are slackers and do nothing? But there's a good reason. They're the reserve army who are called on when other ants are removed. Some of these lazy ants do brood care while being bored. We're not all called to the front lines but we can encourage those who are. The time is almost at hand, to choose whether to continue to bend over and be fu..ed from the rear or manufacture the courage to stand and let the chips fall where they would
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 223 Views
  • I've been slacking on my daily morning posts so... Good morning SoMeeians... IT'S FRIDAY
    I've been slacking on my daily morning posts so... Good morning SoMeeians... IT'S FRIDAY
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 168 Views
  • Good morning SoMeeians.... I have to admit I've been slacking on my SoMee posts... need to fix that. Hope everyone has an awesome day today.
    Good morning SoMeeians.... I have to admit I've been slacking on my SoMee posts... need to fix that. Hope everyone has an awesome day today.
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 172 Views