• This World Rwanda's Untold Story BBC Documentary 2014

    Twenty years on from the Rwandan genocide, This World reveals evidence that challenges the accepted story of one of the most horrifying events of the late 20th century. The current president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, has long been portrayed as the man who brought an end to the killing and rescued his country from oblivion. Now there are increasing questions about the role of Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front forces in the dark days of 1994 and in the 20 years since.

    The film investigates evidence of Kagame's role in the shooting down of the presidential plane that sparked the killings in 1994 and questions his claims to have ended the genocide. It also examines claims of war crimes committed by Kagame's forces and their allies in the wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo and allegations of human rights abuses in today's Rwanda.

    Former close associates from within Kagame's inner circle and government speak out from hiding abroad. They present a very different portrait of a man who is often hailed as presiding over a model African state. Rwanda's economic miracle and apparent ethnic harmony has led to the country being one of the biggest recipients of aid from the UK. Former prime minister Tony Blair is an unpaid adviser to Kagame, but some now question the closeness of Mr Blair and other western leaders to Rwanda's president.

    This World Rwanda's Untold Story BBC Documentary 2014 Twenty years on from the Rwandan genocide, This World reveals evidence that challenges the accepted story of one of the most horrifying events of the late 20th century. The current president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, has long been portrayed as the man who brought an end to the killing and rescued his country from oblivion. Now there are increasing questions about the role of Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front forces in the dark days of 1994 and in the 20 years since. The film investigates evidence of Kagame's role in the shooting down of the presidential plane that sparked the killings in 1994 and questions his claims to have ended the genocide. It also examines claims of war crimes committed by Kagame's forces and their allies in the wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo and allegations of human rights abuses in today's Rwanda. Former close associates from within Kagame's inner circle and government speak out from hiding abroad. They present a very different portrait of a man who is often hailed as presiding over a model African state. Rwanda's economic miracle and apparent ethnic harmony has led to the country being one of the biggest recipients of aid from the UK. Former prime minister Tony Blair is an unpaid adviser to Kagame, but some now question the closeness of Mr Blair and other western leaders to Rwanda's president. https://vimeo.com/107867605
    0 Σχόλια 1 Μοιράστηκε 6476 Views
  • Ron Unz is fast becoming one of my favourite commentators on geopolitics. Here, he talks about how his view of the Rwandan genocide (1994, death toll: 5million), which he held for some years, was diametrically altered - basically, the heroes and villains were flipped.

    Quote: "We naively tend to assume that our media accurately reflects the events of our world and its history, but instead what we all too often see are only the tremendously distorted images of a circus fun-house mirror, with small items sometimes transformed into large ones, and large ones into small."

    Article worth reading in its entirety, IMO, so some snippets:

    (1) on Samantha Powers (anyone heard of her? ) and how she transformed the world (international law) through her promulgation of the "right to protect" creed (funny how it didn't apply to Russia "protecting ethnic Russian speaking Ukrainians, and is completely ignored re:Gaza).
    (2) Wikipedia has a long article on the event, but doesn't even mention strongly contrasting views (sounds familiar?)
    (3) In Samantha Power's "very comprehensive" account of genocide, she does not cover Indonesia's 30 September event (1965+, death toll: 2 million) - mostly, because this was a US interested event (this was covered in Vincent Bevins' "The Jakarta Method").

    All in all, a fascinating read, a bit like questioning the 6million Jews Holocaust narrative.

    Ron Unz is fast becoming one of my favourite commentators on geopolitics. Here, he talks about how his view of the Rwandan genocide (1994, death toll: 5million), which he held for some years, was diametrically altered - basically, the heroes and villains were flipped. Quote: "We naively tend to assume that our media accurately reflects the events of our world and its history, but instead what we all too often see are only the tremendously distorted images of a circus fun-house mirror, with small items sometimes transformed into large ones, and large ones into small." Article worth reading in its entirety, IMO, so some snippets: (1) on Samantha Powers (anyone heard of her? 🤓) and how she transformed the world (international law) through her promulgation of the "right to protect" creed (funny how it didn't apply to Russia "protecting ethnic Russian speaking Ukrainians, and is completely ignored re:Gaza). (2) Wikipedia has a long article on the event, but doesn't even mention strongly contrasting views (sounds familiar?) (3) In Samantha Power's "very comprehensive" account of genocide, she does not cover Indonesia's 30 September event (1965+, death toll: 2 million) - mostly, because this was a US interested event (this was covered in Vincent Bevins' "The Jakarta Method"). All in all, a fascinating read, a bit like questioning the 6million Jews Holocaust narrative.😈 https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-samantha-power-r2p-and-the-politics-of-genocide/
    American Pravda: Samantha Power, R2P, and the Politics of Genocide
    Earlier this month I published a long article on the notorious 1994 genocide in Rwanda, explaining that the actual facts may have been very different than what I'd always assumed. As reported by the Western media, Hutu extremists assassinated the country's moderate Hutu president by shooting his plane out of the sky and then immediately unleashed a campaign of mass slaughter against Rwanda's Tutsis, seeking to completely exterminate that 15% minority population. Inflamed by genocidal radio broadcasts, Hutu mobs often armed merely with simple machetes soon killed many hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus. That rampage was only
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 6202 Views
  • Professor of African history calls for an inquiry into African governments’ responses to covid
    Rhoda WilsonFebruary 1, 2024
    The assumption that covid would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere was wrong.

    An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept response driven by wealthy nations and foisted onto Africa never takes place again.

    The first mistake was lockdowns, writes Toby Green, a British professor of West African history and global inequality. Lockdowns had already been trialled in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and Monrovia, Liberia, during the Ebola epidemic. Esteemed groups such as Doctors Without Borders had counselled against lockdowns and subsequent academic research deemed them to have been ineffective.

    (Related: Covid Lockdowns Caused Chronic Poverty and Starvation in Zimbabwe and South Africa)

    Although the following article refers to covid “mistakes” we know that mistakes were not made. The Great Democide of 2020 was not a mistake.

    Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

    Africa Needs an Inquiry into Covid-19 Mistakes

    The following was authored by Professor Toby Green and was published by TRT Afrika on 29 January 2024.

    It has been four years since the WHO declared covid-19 as an epidemic outbreak of international concern.

    The end of January also marks four years since the African continent first began taking measures against the novel coronavirus: Rwanda closed its borders to flights from China on 31 January 2020.

    In the initial panic over the new virus, many commentators pointed to the experience of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone with Ebola in 2014-15 as a good indicator of how to manage a serious epidemic outbreak.

    However, as time has gone on, it has become all too clear that the international global health industry drew the wrong lessons from that experience. In fact, the covid-19 pandemic response was a disaster in Africa.

    As a covid inquiry gathers pace in the UK, something like this is urgent in Africa. An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept response driven by wealthy nations and foisted onto Africa never takes place again.

    Some commentators point to the extremely low death rates of covid-19 in Africa as an indication of Africa’s success in handling the pandemic. However, this is to look at things the wrong way around.

    Ebola Lessons

    With a median age of lower than 20, Africa was always likely to have a low death rate from covid. This is not an indication of success, but instead of the catastrophe that took place when assuming that covid-19 would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere.

    The first mistake came with lockdowns. These were pushed by the WHO, who in their report on their fact-finding mission to Wuhan on 25 February 2020 recommended that all countries with cases of covid-19 follow the Chinese model of lockdowns.

    However, lockdowns had been trialled in Freetown and Monrovia during the Ebola epidemic.

    Esteemed groups such as Doctors Without Borders had counselled against this move then, and subsequent academic research deemed that they had been ineffective – as impossible to maintain in environments where the informal economy is so important.

    Such research must surely have been known to WHO, who nevertheless advised these measures in all cases, regardless of socioeconomic infrastructure.

    A second grave mistake was in ignoring basic demographics. By the end of March, commentators were noting that Africa’s low median age meant covid might well not be too serious there.

    Cramped Spaces

    This research was ignored, in favour of an eradication strategy that could never have succeeded in countries where informal settlements mean disease spread of a respiratory virus is impossible to eradicate.

    Thus, the third mistake came with curfews. Confining people at certain times of day in the cramped accommodation of informal settlements – in Nairobi, Lagos and Kinshasa – had no discernible epidemiological rationale.

    This was a disease which spread more indoors, and by forcing people to share cramped spaces the outcome was certain to be increased virus spread. These can all be deemed scientific errors.

    They stemmed from the fact that scientists with decision-making influence at WHO and other supranational organisations all lived in “wealthy nations.” Apparently, they did not understand the demographic characteristics of social life in urban settings on the African continent.

    This was, in effect, a colonial policy, shaped by the financial dependence of African institutions on so-called foreign donors both in the West and in China. A full covid inquiry in Africa must however not be limited to scientific matters.

    A fourth mistake came in ignoring the social determinants of public health – the social context in which science and medicine takes place.

    Devastated Health Systems

    Social scientists have long known that wealth and health are closely connected. In poorer countries, the relationship between GDP and life expectancy has been clear for decades, elucidated in the “Prescott curve”.

    Effectively, just as increases in GDP raise life expectancy, so reductions lower it. In Africa, the closure of informal markets, transport shutdowns, and curfews, were all policies ensuring increases in poverty. They were policies which could only reduce wealth, health and life expectancy.

    With the World Food Programme now saying that more than half of those experiencing acute hunger entered this condition since 2020, and the United Nations Development Programme (“UNDP”) that 50 million Africans entered extreme poverty during covid, it’s clear that the policies driven by the WHO and powerful supranational organisations in the global health industry devastated public health in Africa.

    Beyond this, there are many themes that must be considered. First, there is the closure of schools and the impact on and child labour. Second, there are the impacts of movement restrictions on harvests and crop-growing cycles.

    Third, there is the “shadow pandemic” of gender-based violence prompted by the measures. Fourth, there is the impact of global transport shutdowns and reorientations of priorities on supply chains of vital medicines including malaria rapid tests, which are still in short supply.

    No doubt that an African covid inquiry will have its work cut out. One thing alone is clear: whoever runs it, it cannot be the WHO or any other supranational institution which cheerleads the imposition of such ruinous policies on the continent.

    Featured image: South African National Defence Forces patrolling in Johannesburg to enforce the lockdown (left). Coronavirus lockdown costs South Africa millions of jobs (right).


    Professor of African history calls for an inquiry into African governments’ responses to covid Rhoda WilsonFebruary 1, 2024 The assumption that covid would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere was wrong. An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept response driven by wealthy nations and foisted onto Africa never takes place again. The first mistake was lockdowns, writes Toby Green, a British professor of West African history and global inequality. Lockdowns had already been trialled in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and Monrovia, Liberia, during the Ebola epidemic. Esteemed groups such as Doctors Without Borders had counselled against lockdowns and subsequent academic research deemed them to have been ineffective. (Related: Covid Lockdowns Caused Chronic Poverty and Starvation in Zimbabwe and South Africa) Although the following article refers to covid “mistakes” we know that mistakes were not made. The Great Democide of 2020 was not a mistake. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… Africa Needs an Inquiry into Covid-19 Mistakes The following was authored by Professor Toby Green and was published by TRT Afrika on 29 January 2024. It has been four years since the WHO declared covid-19 as an epidemic outbreak of international concern. The end of January also marks four years since the African continent first began taking measures against the novel coronavirus: Rwanda closed its borders to flights from China on 31 January 2020. In the initial panic over the new virus, many commentators pointed to the experience of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone with Ebola in 2014-15 as a good indicator of how to manage a serious epidemic outbreak. However, as time has gone on, it has become all too clear that the international global health industry drew the wrong lessons from that experience. In fact, the covid-19 pandemic response was a disaster in Africa. As a covid inquiry gathers pace in the UK, something like this is urgent in Africa. An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept response driven by wealthy nations and foisted onto Africa never takes place again. Some commentators point to the extremely low death rates of covid-19 in Africa as an indication of Africa’s success in handling the pandemic. However, this is to look at things the wrong way around. Ebola Lessons With a median age of lower than 20, Africa was always likely to have a low death rate from covid. This is not an indication of success, but instead of the catastrophe that took place when assuming that covid-19 would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere. The first mistake came with lockdowns. These were pushed by the WHO, who in their report on their fact-finding mission to Wuhan on 25 February 2020 recommended that all countries with cases of covid-19 follow the Chinese model of lockdowns. However, lockdowns had been trialled in Freetown and Monrovia during the Ebola epidemic. Esteemed groups such as Doctors Without Borders had counselled against this move then, and subsequent academic research deemed that they had been ineffective – as impossible to maintain in environments where the informal economy is so important. Such research must surely have been known to WHO, who nevertheless advised these measures in all cases, regardless of socioeconomic infrastructure. A second grave mistake was in ignoring basic demographics. By the end of March, commentators were noting that Africa’s low median age meant covid might well not be too serious there. Cramped Spaces This research was ignored, in favour of an eradication strategy that could never have succeeded in countries where informal settlements mean disease spread of a respiratory virus is impossible to eradicate. Thus, the third mistake came with curfews. Confining people at certain times of day in the cramped accommodation of informal settlements – in Nairobi, Lagos and Kinshasa – had no discernible epidemiological rationale. This was a disease which spread more indoors, and by forcing people to share cramped spaces the outcome was certain to be increased virus spread. These can all be deemed scientific errors. They stemmed from the fact that scientists with decision-making influence at WHO and other supranational organisations all lived in “wealthy nations.” Apparently, they did not understand the demographic characteristics of social life in urban settings on the African continent. This was, in effect, a colonial policy, shaped by the financial dependence of African institutions on so-called foreign donors both in the West and in China. A full covid inquiry in Africa must however not be limited to scientific matters. A fourth mistake came in ignoring the social determinants of public health – the social context in which science and medicine takes place. Devastated Health Systems Social scientists have long known that wealth and health are closely connected. In poorer countries, the relationship between GDP and life expectancy has been clear for decades, elucidated in the “Prescott curve”. Effectively, just as increases in GDP raise life expectancy, so reductions lower it. In Africa, the closure of informal markets, transport shutdowns, and curfews, were all policies ensuring increases in poverty. They were policies which could only reduce wealth, health and life expectancy. With the World Food Programme now saying that more than half of those experiencing acute hunger entered this condition since 2020, and the United Nations Development Programme (“UNDP”) that 50 million Africans entered extreme poverty during covid, it’s clear that the policies driven by the WHO and powerful supranational organisations in the global health industry devastated public health in Africa. Beyond this, there are many themes that must be considered. First, there is the closure of schools and the impact on and child labour. Second, there are the impacts of movement restrictions on harvests and crop-growing cycles. Third, there is the “shadow pandemic” of gender-based violence prompted by the measures. Fourth, there is the impact of global transport shutdowns and reorientations of priorities on supply chains of vital medicines including malaria rapid tests, which are still in short supply. No doubt that an African covid inquiry will have its work cut out. One thing alone is clear: whoever runs it, it cannot be the WHO or any other supranational institution which cheerleads the imposition of such ruinous policies on the continent. Featured image: South African National Defence Forces patrolling in Johannesburg to enforce the lockdown (left). Coronavirus lockdown costs South Africa millions of jobs (right). https://expose-news.com/2024/02/01/calls-for-inquiry-into-african-governments-responses/ https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/professor-of-african-history-calls-for.html
    Professor of African history calls for an inquiry into African governments’ responses to covid
    The assumption that covid would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere was wrong. An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept response driven by wealthy nat…
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 15572 Views
  • ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 92: International community rejects Israeli calls for Gaza ethnic cleansing as assault nears three-month mark
    Bombardment, death, and starvation continue to take their toll on Gaza, as the international community denounces Israeli ministers’ calls for the ethnic cleansing of the devastated Palestinian territory.

    Mondoweiss Palestine BureauJanuary 6, 2024
    People look on as the Jordanian army carries an airdrop of medicines and supplies at the Jordanian field hospital in Khan Younis, January 4, 2024. (Photo: © Haitham Imad/EFE via ZUMA Press/APA Images)
    Palestinians look on as the Jordanian army carries out an airdrop of medicines and supplies at the Jordanian field hospital in Khan Younis, January 4, 2024. (Photo: © Haitham Imad/EFE via ZUMA Press/APA Images)

    22,722 killed* and at least 58,166 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
    322 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
    *This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on January 6. Due to breakdowns in communication networks within the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health in Gaza has been unable to regularly and accurately update its tolls since mid-November. Some rights groups say the death toll is higher than 30,000 when accounting for those presumed dead.

    Key Developments

    Israel continues to bombard Gaza relentlessly, killing 122 Palestinians and injuring 256 more in the span of 24 hours.
    Gaza’s government media office reports allegations that Israeli forces desecrated graves, seized bodies in al-Tuffah cemetery.
    The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor estimated that 4% of Gaza’s population is either dead, wounded, or missing, as UNICEF warns that 90 percent of children under the age of two are subjected to ‘severe food poverty.’
    World Health Organization records almost 600 attacks on Gaza’s healthcare sector since October 7.
    UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths: “We continue to demand an immediate end to the war, not just for the people of Gaza and its threatened neighbors, but for the generations to come who will never forget these 90 days of hell and of assaults on the most basic precepts of humanity.”
    Meanwhile, Israel’s Knesset hosts calls for UNRWA, the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, to be shuttered.
    The international community reacts strongly to Israeli ministers’ calls for Palestinians to be expelled from Gaza, with Scotland’s first minister saying: “That is the textbook definition of ethnic cleansing.”
    Congo, Rwanda, and Chad deny reports that their governments have been in talks with Israel to host thousands of Palestinian refugees.
    Hezbollah fires dozens of rockets toward northern Israel and occupied Lebanese territories, calling it “the first response” to the assassination of Hamas senior leader Saleh al-Aruri, while Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warns that time is running out to de-escalate hostilities with Lebanon.
    “Destruction” is one of the three pillars of peace, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu writes in a Jerusalem Post Op-Ed.
    Turkey formally arrests 15 people suspected of having ties with Israel’s Mossad.
    Palestinians mourn as bodies of deceased loved one are taken out of the mortuary of Al-Aqsa Hospital for burial in Deir El-Balah, Gaza on January 05, 2024. (Photo: Ali Hamad/APA Images)
    Palestinians mourn as bodies of deceased loved one are taken out of the mortuary of Al-Aqsa Hospital for burial in Deir El-Balah, Gaza on January 05, 2024. (Photo: Ali Hamad/APA Images)
    Gaza: The war must end, aid groups implore

    As the three-month mark since October 7 nears, humanitarian and rights groups are ramping up their pleas for the war to come to an end, as Israeli-inflicted bombardments, death, injury, sickness, and famine plague the entire population of Gaza.

    According to WAFA news agency, Israeli airstrikes hit the areas of al-Zawaida, al-Maghazi, Khuza’a, Beit Lahia, and Khan Younis since Friday, adding that Israeli snipers were targeting civilians trying to flee in central Gaza.


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    Israeli forces reportedly targeted the vicinity of a number of medical centers, including the European, Al-Amal, and Nasser hospitals in Khan Younis, and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Hospital in Deir al-Balah. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “hospitals in Gaza and other vital medical infrastructure have been attacked nearly 600 times” since October 7 – averaging more than six attacks per day on Gaza’s strained healthcare system.

    According to the Gaza Ministry of Health on Saturday, Israeli forces killed at least 122 Palestinians and injured 256 more in the span of 24 hours, raising the total toll to 22,722 killed and 58,166 wounded since October 7. Thousands more are believed to be either missing or stuck under the rubble.

    According to the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, 4 percent of the Gaza Strip’s 2.3 million inhabitants – or around 90,000 people – “are now dead, wounded, or missing,” noting that the onslaught has been a “mass-disabling event.”

    Meanwhile, Palestinian resistance groups reported ongoing fighting with Israeli ground forces in the areas of Gaza City, Khan Younis, Bani Suheila, and al-Maghazi.

    The Government Media Office reported on Saturday that Israeli bulldozers had flattened through a cemetery in the eastern Gaza City neighborhood of al-Tuffah, destroying graves, running over corpses, and allegedly seizing the bodies of 150 recently deceased Palestinians. “This raises suspicions of another crime, namely the theft of organs of the martyrs,” the office said in a statement. Palestinians have long accused Israel of harvesting the organs of dead Palestinians without their families’ consent, claims that have been corroborated in the past by Israeli doctors.

    Almost exactly three months to the day since October 7, humanitarian and human rights groups are multiplying desperate calls for an end to the multifaceted and relentless devastation in Gaza caused by Israel’s merciless pummelling of the small occupied territory.

    The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), Al Mezan, and Al-Haq denounced in a statement on Friday Israel’s deliberate attacks on internally displaced people in Gaza.

    “The plight of 1.9 million displaced Palestinians, with hundreds of thousands subjected to repeated evacuations amid continuous Israeli bombing, has reached an intolerable level, leaving an indelible mark of shame on the world. Many in Gaza have been compelled to move multiple times, in harsh cold weather, leaving behind all their belongings. They are crammed into limited geographical areas without healthcare and at a time when communicable diseases and epidemics are spreading. People endure starvation and thirst, while Israeli relentless attacks persist,” the rights groups said.

    French President Emmanuel Macron said on X that France and Jordan had airdropped aid into Gaza, while British Foreign Secretary David Cameron reiterated on Friday his calls for the entry of more humanitarian aid.

    According to UNICEF, 90 percent of children under two in Gaza are now subject to “severe food poverty,” while cases of diarrhea in children under the age of 5 have skyrocketed to 3,200 new cases per day, compared to an average of 2,000 per month prior to October, due to the absence of sufficient hygiene facilities and products and Israel’s destruction of critical infrastructure in Gaza.

    The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) meanwhile reported that Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza was “severely flooded with water and waste […] the consequence of damage to the Abu Rasheed reservoir pumping station and infiltration from the lagoon in Jabalia.” “This poses life-threatening risks of contamination and outbreak of communicable diseases among already vulnerable communities residing in overcrowded conditions,” OCHA wrote.

    OCHA Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths delivered an impassioned plea on Friday calling for the international community to bring the deadly conflict to an end.

    “We continue to demand an immediate end to the war, not just for the people of Gaza and its threatened neighbors, but for the generations to come who will never forget these 90 days of hell and of assaults on the most basic precepts of humanity,” Griffiths wrote.

    “This war should never have started. But it’s long past time for it to end.”

    Palestinian children collect firewood at the destroyed Hamad Town residential complex in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, on January 06, 2024. (Photo: Bashar Taleb/APA Images)
    Palestinian children collect firewood at the destroyed Hamad Town residential complex in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, on January 06, 2024. (Photo: Bashar Taleb/APA Images)
    Hezbollah fires rockets, as Israeli forces injure dozens in the West Bank

    One day after a much anticipated speech by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in the wake of Israel’s assassination of Hamas senior leader Saleh al-Aruri in the suburbs of Beirut, the Lebanese resistance movement fired a volley of rockets towards northern Israel and the occupied Shebaa Farms on Saturday.

    Hezbollah said it had launched more than 60 rockets early on Saturday, calling it “the first response to the crime of assassinating the great leader Saleh al-Aruri.” Israeli media reported that rocket sirens were continuing to sound across northern Israel throughout the morning.

    Lebanese media meanwhile reported that the Israeli army had carried out a number of strikes in southern Lebanon, injuring at least one person.

    Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant meanwhile warned on Friday that time was running out to de-escalate tensions with Hezbollah and prevent the outbreak of a full-blown war on the northern front.

    “We prefer the path of an agreed-upon diplomatic settlement, but we are getting close to the point where the hourglass will turn over,” the Times of Israel quoted him as saying.

    Hezbollah is only one of several non-state actors in the region to have taken up arms in support of Palestinians in recent months. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq group claimed on Friday to have launched yet another rocket attack on a U.S. military base in Erbil, while a “maritime security event” was reported on Saturday in the Red Sea, where the Yemeni Houthi group has been launching a series of attacks on commercial vessels in solidarity with Gaza, disrupting a major global trade route.

    In the occupied West Bank, local Palestinian resistance groups reported armed confrontations with Israeli forces in Balata refugee camp, Qalqilya, Nablus, Ya’bad, and Tulkarem.

    WAFA news agency reported that Israeli soldiers and settlers injured several Palestinians, including a 12-year-old boy, in Tulkarem, Anabta, Shweika, Ya’bad, Tura, Surif, Qabatiya, Madama, and Qatana. Israeli forces reportedly detained two women in Shweika, both wives of Palestinians currently or formerly imprisoned by Israel.

    International community rejects Israeli ministers’ calls for Gaza ethnic cleansing

    Meanwhile, the international community has been slamming calls by far-right Israeli ministers to expel the majority of Gaza’s population to other countries.

    Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh has reportedly been in contact with senior European Union officials expressing fears that Israel may take advantage of the international community’s humanitarian initiative, such as the transfer of wounded Palestinians for treatment abroad, to permanently displace large swathes of the population.

    French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna was quoted by WAFA as saying that the calls by Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir were “irresponsible and keep us away from a solution.”

    “Gaza is a Palestinian land that wants to become part of the future Palestinian state,” she said, seemingly in response to high-level, unilateral discussions within Israeli leadership about the future of Gaza.

    While states such as Bahrain and Japan also expressed concern, Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf strongly condemned any plans for Israel to expel Palestinians from Gaza. “That is the textbook definition of ethnic cleansing and must be called out,” he said.

    Meanwhile, the governments of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Chad have publicly denied Israeli media reports alleging that the three countries were in talks with Israel to take in thousands of Palestinians.

    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Turkey on Saturday on the first leg of his latest Mideast tour, where he met President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and reportedly discussed the situation in Gaza.

    In a statement on Saturday, Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh said the Palestinian group hoped “that Mr. Blinken has drawn lessons from the past three months and realized the magnitude of the mistakes made by the United States in its blind support of the Zionist occupation […] We also hope that his focus this time will be on ending the aggression as a step towards ending the occupation of all Palestinian land.”

    Yet former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, who was visiting Israel on Friday, said it was “so important that the U.S. makes it clear that we are with Israel today, we will be with Israel tomorrow and we will be with Israel every day until the threat of Hamas is eliminated.”

    Both Donald Trump, under whom Pence served, and current U.S. President Joe Biden have been staunch supporters of Israel.

    Israel’s politicians remain divided on the details

    Cracks within the Israeli leadership are becoming more and more apparent after reports emerged this week of shouting matches between the country’s military leadership and the most far-right elements of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government.

    Retired army general and former Netanyahu political rival Benny Gantz – who became a war cabinet minister after October 7 – warned the premier that it was his “responsibility to fix this, and to choose between unity and security, or politics.”

    As Israeli outlets like Haaretz predict that the opposition against Netanyahu, which had been put on the back burner for the past three months, could once again come to the fore, the embattled prime minister stood his ground in an Op-Ed published by the Jerusalem Post.

    “Peace rests upon the three pillars of destruction, demilitarization, and deradicalization,” he wrote, adding that Hamas’ “destruction is the only proportional response to prevent the repeat of such horrific atrocities” committed on October 7.

    In his own Op-Ed in the same newspaper, Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid criticized Netanyahu and his government’s continued refusal for the P.A. to be involved in the administration of the Gaza Strip after the war, while noting that none of his opponents within Israel have advocated for this option.

    “Netanyahu has fabricated a fictional adversary that he pledges to subdue. Let’s hope that at least in this regard, he will do a better job than he has against the real enemies we’ve been fighting in Gaza and on Israel’s northern border,” Lapid wrote.

    “What is good for the State of Israel is bad for the maintenance of his government,” he added. “You cannot shape reality when you are dependent on a group of people who deny the existence of that reality.”

    As various Israeli political factions debate the finer points of a “day after” plan for which they refuse to involve Palestinians themselves, the families of six Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza landed in Qatar on Friday in hopes of reviving talks for another hostage swap deal, amid growing fears that more of their loved ones could die amid continued Israeli bombardment and starvation of the Gaza Strip.

    BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever.

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    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 92: International community rejects Israeli calls for Gaza ethnic cleansing as assault nears three-month mark Bombardment, death, and starvation continue to take their toll on Gaza, as the international community denounces Israeli ministers’ calls for the ethnic cleansing of the devastated Palestinian territory. Mondoweiss Palestine BureauJanuary 6, 2024 People look on as the Jordanian army carries an airdrop of medicines and supplies at the Jordanian field hospital in Khan Younis, January 4, 2024. (Photo: © Haitham Imad/EFE via ZUMA Press/APA Images) Palestinians look on as the Jordanian army carries out an airdrop of medicines and supplies at the Jordanian field hospital in Khan Younis, January 4, 2024. (Photo: © Haitham Imad/EFE via ZUMA Press/APA Images) Casualties: 22,722 killed* and at least 58,166 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 322 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem *This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on January 6. Due to breakdowns in communication networks within the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health in Gaza has been unable to regularly and accurately update its tolls since mid-November. Some rights groups say the death toll is higher than 30,000 when accounting for those presumed dead. Key Developments Israel continues to bombard Gaza relentlessly, killing 122 Palestinians and injuring 256 more in the span of 24 hours. Gaza’s government media office reports allegations that Israeli forces desecrated graves, seized bodies in al-Tuffah cemetery. The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor estimated that 4% of Gaza’s population is either dead, wounded, or missing, as UNICEF warns that 90 percent of children under the age of two are subjected to ‘severe food poverty.’ World Health Organization records almost 600 attacks on Gaza’s healthcare sector since October 7. UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths: “We continue to demand an immediate end to the war, not just for the people of Gaza and its threatened neighbors, but for the generations to come who will never forget these 90 days of hell and of assaults on the most basic precepts of humanity.” Meanwhile, Israel’s Knesset hosts calls for UNRWA, the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, to be shuttered. The international community reacts strongly to Israeli ministers’ calls for Palestinians to be expelled from Gaza, with Scotland’s first minister saying: “That is the textbook definition of ethnic cleansing.” Congo, Rwanda, and Chad deny reports that their governments have been in talks with Israel to host thousands of Palestinian refugees. Hezbollah fires dozens of rockets toward northern Israel and occupied Lebanese territories, calling it “the first response” to the assassination of Hamas senior leader Saleh al-Aruri, while Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warns that time is running out to de-escalate hostilities with Lebanon. “Destruction” is one of the three pillars of peace, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu writes in a Jerusalem Post Op-Ed. Turkey formally arrests 15 people suspected of having ties with Israel’s Mossad. Palestinians mourn as bodies of deceased loved one are taken out of the mortuary of Al-Aqsa Hospital for burial in Deir El-Balah, Gaza on January 05, 2024. (Photo: Ali Hamad/APA Images) Palestinians mourn as bodies of deceased loved one are taken out of the mortuary of Al-Aqsa Hospital for burial in Deir El-Balah, Gaza on January 05, 2024. (Photo: Ali Hamad/APA Images) Gaza: The war must end, aid groups implore As the three-month mark since October 7 nears, humanitarian and rights groups are ramping up their pleas for the war to come to an end, as Israeli-inflicted bombardments, death, injury, sickness, and famine plague the entire population of Gaza. According to WAFA news agency, Israeli airstrikes hit the areas of al-Zawaida, al-Maghazi, Khuza’a, Beit Lahia, and Khan Younis since Friday, adding that Israeli snipers were targeting civilians trying to flee in central Gaza. Advertisement Are you tired of Twitter? Follow Mondoweiss on the Mastodon social network. Israeli forces reportedly targeted the vicinity of a number of medical centers, including the European, Al-Amal, and Nasser hospitals in Khan Younis, and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Hospital in Deir al-Balah. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “hospitals in Gaza and other vital medical infrastructure have been attacked nearly 600 times” since October 7 – averaging more than six attacks per day on Gaza’s strained healthcare system. According to the Gaza Ministry of Health on Saturday, Israeli forces killed at least 122 Palestinians and injured 256 more in the span of 24 hours, raising the total toll to 22,722 killed and 58,166 wounded since October 7. Thousands more are believed to be either missing or stuck under the rubble. According to the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, 4 percent of the Gaza Strip’s 2.3 million inhabitants – or around 90,000 people – “are now dead, wounded, or missing,” noting that the onslaught has been a “mass-disabling event.” Meanwhile, Palestinian resistance groups reported ongoing fighting with Israeli ground forces in the areas of Gaza City, Khan Younis, Bani Suheila, and al-Maghazi. The Government Media Office reported on Saturday that Israeli bulldozers had flattened through a cemetery in the eastern Gaza City neighborhood of al-Tuffah, destroying graves, running over corpses, and allegedly seizing the bodies of 150 recently deceased Palestinians. “This raises suspicions of another crime, namely the theft of organs of the martyrs,” the office said in a statement. Palestinians have long accused Israel of harvesting the organs of dead Palestinians without their families’ consent, claims that have been corroborated in the past by Israeli doctors. Almost exactly three months to the day since October 7, humanitarian and human rights groups are multiplying desperate calls for an end to the multifaceted and relentless devastation in Gaza caused by Israel’s merciless pummelling of the small occupied territory. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), Al Mezan, and Al-Haq denounced in a statement on Friday Israel’s deliberate attacks on internally displaced people in Gaza. “The plight of 1.9 million displaced Palestinians, with hundreds of thousands subjected to repeated evacuations amid continuous Israeli bombing, has reached an intolerable level, leaving an indelible mark of shame on the world. Many in Gaza have been compelled to move multiple times, in harsh cold weather, leaving behind all their belongings. They are crammed into limited geographical areas without healthcare and at a time when communicable diseases and epidemics are spreading. People endure starvation and thirst, while Israeli relentless attacks persist,” the rights groups said. French President Emmanuel Macron said on X that France and Jordan had airdropped aid into Gaza, while British Foreign Secretary David Cameron reiterated on Friday his calls for the entry of more humanitarian aid. According to UNICEF, 90 percent of children under two in Gaza are now subject to “severe food poverty,” while cases of diarrhea in children under the age of 5 have skyrocketed to 3,200 new cases per day, compared to an average of 2,000 per month prior to October, due to the absence of sufficient hygiene facilities and products and Israel’s destruction of critical infrastructure in Gaza. The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) meanwhile reported that Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza was “severely flooded with water and waste […] the consequence of damage to the Abu Rasheed reservoir pumping station and infiltration from the lagoon in Jabalia.” “This poses life-threatening risks of contamination and outbreak of communicable diseases among already vulnerable communities residing in overcrowded conditions,” OCHA wrote. OCHA Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths delivered an impassioned plea on Friday calling for the international community to bring the deadly conflict to an end. “We continue to demand an immediate end to the war, not just for the people of Gaza and its threatened neighbors, but for the generations to come who will never forget these 90 days of hell and of assaults on the most basic precepts of humanity,” Griffiths wrote. “This war should never have started. But it’s long past time for it to end.” Palestinian children collect firewood at the destroyed Hamad Town residential complex in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, on January 06, 2024. (Photo: Bashar Taleb/APA Images) Palestinian children collect firewood at the destroyed Hamad Town residential complex in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, on January 06, 2024. (Photo: Bashar Taleb/APA Images) Hezbollah fires rockets, as Israeli forces injure dozens in the West Bank One day after a much anticipated speech by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in the wake of Israel’s assassination of Hamas senior leader Saleh al-Aruri in the suburbs of Beirut, the Lebanese resistance movement fired a volley of rockets towards northern Israel and the occupied Shebaa Farms on Saturday. Hezbollah said it had launched more than 60 rockets early on Saturday, calling it “the first response to the crime of assassinating the great leader Saleh al-Aruri.” Israeli media reported that rocket sirens were continuing to sound across northern Israel throughout the morning. Lebanese media meanwhile reported that the Israeli army had carried out a number of strikes in southern Lebanon, injuring at least one person. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant meanwhile warned on Friday that time was running out to de-escalate tensions with Hezbollah and prevent the outbreak of a full-blown war on the northern front. “We prefer the path of an agreed-upon diplomatic settlement, but we are getting close to the point where the hourglass will turn over,” the Times of Israel quoted him as saying. Hezbollah is only one of several non-state actors in the region to have taken up arms in support of Palestinians in recent months. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq group claimed on Friday to have launched yet another rocket attack on a U.S. military base in Erbil, while a “maritime security event” was reported on Saturday in the Red Sea, where the Yemeni Houthi group has been launching a series of attacks on commercial vessels in solidarity with Gaza, disrupting a major global trade route. In the occupied West Bank, local Palestinian resistance groups reported armed confrontations with Israeli forces in Balata refugee camp, Qalqilya, Nablus, Ya’bad, and Tulkarem. WAFA news agency reported that Israeli soldiers and settlers injured several Palestinians, including a 12-year-old boy, in Tulkarem, Anabta, Shweika, Ya’bad, Tura, Surif, Qabatiya, Madama, and Qatana. Israeli forces reportedly detained two women in Shweika, both wives of Palestinians currently or formerly imprisoned by Israel. International community rejects Israeli ministers’ calls for Gaza ethnic cleansing Meanwhile, the international community has been slamming calls by far-right Israeli ministers to expel the majority of Gaza’s population to other countries. Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh has reportedly been in contact with senior European Union officials expressing fears that Israel may take advantage of the international community’s humanitarian initiative, such as the transfer of wounded Palestinians for treatment abroad, to permanently displace large swathes of the population. French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna was quoted by WAFA as saying that the calls by Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir were “irresponsible and keep us away from a solution.” “Gaza is a Palestinian land that wants to become part of the future Palestinian state,” she said, seemingly in response to high-level, unilateral discussions within Israeli leadership about the future of Gaza. While states such as Bahrain and Japan also expressed concern, Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf strongly condemned any plans for Israel to expel Palestinians from Gaza. “That is the textbook definition of ethnic cleansing and must be called out,” he said. Meanwhile, the governments of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Chad have publicly denied Israeli media reports alleging that the three countries were in talks with Israel to take in thousands of Palestinians. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Turkey on Saturday on the first leg of his latest Mideast tour, where he met President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and reportedly discussed the situation in Gaza. In a statement on Saturday, Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh said the Palestinian group hoped “that Mr. Blinken has drawn lessons from the past three months and realized the magnitude of the mistakes made by the United States in its blind support of the Zionist occupation […] We also hope that his focus this time will be on ending the aggression as a step towards ending the occupation of all Palestinian land.” Yet former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, who was visiting Israel on Friday, said it was “so important that the U.S. makes it clear that we are with Israel today, we will be with Israel tomorrow and we will be with Israel every day until the threat of Hamas is eliminated.” Both Donald Trump, under whom Pence served, and current U.S. President Joe Biden have been staunch supporters of Israel. Israel’s politicians remain divided on the details Cracks within the Israeli leadership are becoming more and more apparent after reports emerged this week of shouting matches between the country’s military leadership and the most far-right elements of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government. Retired army general and former Netanyahu political rival Benny Gantz – who became a war cabinet minister after October 7 – warned the premier that it was his “responsibility to fix this, and to choose between unity and security, or politics.” As Israeli outlets like Haaretz predict that the opposition against Netanyahu, which had been put on the back burner for the past three months, could once again come to the fore, the embattled prime minister stood his ground in an Op-Ed published by the Jerusalem Post. “Peace rests upon the three pillars of destruction, demilitarization, and deradicalization,” he wrote, adding that Hamas’ “destruction is the only proportional response to prevent the repeat of such horrific atrocities” committed on October 7. In his own Op-Ed in the same newspaper, Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid criticized Netanyahu and his government’s continued refusal for the P.A. to be involved in the administration of the Gaza Strip after the war, while noting that none of his opponents within Israel have advocated for this option. “Netanyahu has fabricated a fictional adversary that he pledges to subdue. Let’s hope that at least in this regard, he will do a better job than he has against the real enemies we’ve been fighting in Gaza and on Israel’s northern border,” Lapid wrote. “What is good for the State of Israel is bad for the maintenance of his government,” he added. “You cannot shape reality when you are dependent on a group of people who deny the existence of that reality.” As various Israeli political factions debate the finer points of a “day after” plan for which they refuse to involve Palestinians themselves, the families of six Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza landed in Qatar on Friday in hopes of reviving talks for another hostage swap deal, amid growing fears that more of their loved ones could die amid continued Israeli bombardment and starvation of the Gaza Strip. BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever. Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses. Support our journalists with a donation today. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/01/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-92-international-community-rejects-israeli-calls-for-gaza-ethnic-cleansing-as-assault-nears-three-month-mark/
    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 92: International community rejects Israeli calls for Gaza ethnic cleansing as assault nears three-month mark
    Bombardment, death, and starvation continue to take their toll on Gaza, as the international community denounces Israeli ministers’ calls for the ethnic cleansing of the devastated Palestinian territory.
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    1. Modern Humans are believed to have originated in Botswana????????, within the past 200, 000 years ago, solidifying the "Out of Africa Theory.

    2. Equatorial Guinea ???????? is Africa’s only spanish speaking country.

    3. Morocco ???????? is the most visited African country.

    4. Nigeria ???????? has the richest Black person in Africa, Aliko Dangote.

    5. Samuel Eto’o ???????? was formerly the highest paid Footballer in the world, he received about £350,000 weekly in Russia in 2011.

    6. The nothern most part of Africa is Cape Angela in Tunisia ????????.

    7. Lesotho???????? is the only independent state in the world that lies entirely above 1,000 metres (3,281 ft) in elevation.

    8. There was a dinosaur discovered in Niger ????????, believed to have been there around 115 to 105 million years ago. It was named Nigersaurus.

    8. Burkina Faso ???????? is a leader in African art and culture and hosts the largest craft market in Africa.

    9. Nigeria ???????? has won more football cups than England.

    10. Zimbabwe’s ???????? former President, Robert Gabriel Mugabe was the world’s most educated President with 7 University degrees, two of them are Masters.

    11. Al-Ahly of Egypt ???????? is the richest football club in Africa.

    12. Didier Drogba ???????? is Chelsea’s highest goalscorer in European competition.

    13. Johannesburg, South Africa ???????? is the most richest city in Africa.

    14. Zinedine Zidane wanted to play for Algeria ????????, but the selector rejected him, saying they are already many players like him in the team.

    15. President Nelson Mandela ???????? is regarded as the well known person in the world.

    16. President Robert Mugabe ???????? was jailed for 11 years for fighting for freedom.

    17. Egypt ???????? was the first inventer of Paper and Ink.

    18. Equatorial guinea ???????? has the highest literacy rate in Africa, 95% (2020).

    19. In Rwanda ???????? There is a better gender equality than England ???????? and USA ????????.

    20. Somalia ???????? got its first ATM on October 7, 2014.

    21. South Africa ???????? has the most Grammy award winners in Africa.

    22. Ethiopia ???????? has the most airports in Africa.

    23. Ethiopia’s ???????? economy is growing faster than China’s.

    24. Eritrea’s ???????? President, Isaias Afwerki is the least richest President in Africa.

    25. Ethiopia ???????? is Africa’s oldest independent country, it has existed for over 3,000 years without being colonised.

    26. Haile Selassie 1 was the 225th and last Emperor of Ethiopia ????????.

    27. Nigeria ???????? has the most monarchs in the world.

    28. Angola ???????? has more Portuguese
    speakers than Portugal ????????.

    29. President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos has ruled Angola ???????? since 1979.

    30. President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is Africa’s longest serving Head of State. He has ruled Equatorial Guinea since August 3, 1979 when he overthrew his uncle, Francisco Nguema. His son,Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue is his Vice President and will succeed him if he resigns.

    31. George Weah of Liberia ???????? is the first man to win World, European and African footballer of the year in the same year.

    32. Eswatini ???????? is the only remaining absolute monach in the world.

    33. The Gambia ???????? is the smallest country in Africa followed by Eswatini ????????.

    34. The first black African Gold medalist is Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia ????????, who won in 1960 after running barefooted.

    34.1. King Sobhuza II of eSwatini ????????, married 70 wives, who gave him 210 children between 1920 and 1970.

    35. Zimbabwe ???????? is the only country in the world where almost everyone was a billionaire at one point due hyperinflation.

    36. Kenya ???????? has the highest paid members of parliament. They are paid more than those even in oil rich countries.

    37. Botswana ???????? has the most valuable Diamonds and the richest diamond mine in the World, The Jwaneng diamond mine.

    38. Ghana ???????? was the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to gain independence post-colonialism.

    39. Ghana ???????? was ranked as Africa's most peaceful country by the Global Peace Index. Lake Volta, in the Volta region of the country, is the world's largest man-made lake.

    40. Ugandans ???????? were ranked as the best English speakers in Africa (2017).

    41. Tanzania ???????? is the largest country in East Africa and includes the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia.

    42. Nigeria ???????? is the most populous country in Africa, with over +200 million population.

    43. Rwanda ???????? is now the largest producer of Coltan, mineral used to make tantalum using in mobile phones, camera etc.

    44. In 2009, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) ???????? had an estimated $24 trillion in untapped mineral deposits, including the world's largest reserves of coltan and significant quantities of the world's cobalt reserves.

    45. Malawi ???????? is home to the third largest lake in Africa, Lake Malawi.

    46. Malawi ???????? is the first tea producer in Africa at a commercial scale.

    47. Zambia ???????? relies on copper as one of its biggest exports.

    48. Zambia’s ???????? South Luangwa National Park has one of Africa's highest densities of big game.

    49. Kenya ???????? is the first and only African country to produce USA president, Barrack Hussein Obama

    50. South Africa ???????? has the highest number of super-rich residents in Africa, with 38,400 dollar millionaires.

    51. Gambia ???????? produced the highest judge on the international court of justice fatou Bensouda.

    52. The highest mountain in Africa is the Kilimanjaro found in Tanzania ???????? and second highest in the world.

    53. The longest river in the world, the Nile starts from Uganda ???????? but it is controlled by Egyptian ???????? Government.

    54. South Sudan is the Youngest country after it was declared free and independent in July 2011 ????????. She is rich in mineral resources and agricultural products, Petroleum among Others yet her citizens are poor.

    55. Cape Town???????? has been voted the best city in the world 7 times, On the Telegraph Travel Award.

    56. Liberia ???????? was the first African country to gain independence 1847.

    57. Cameroon ???????? is the first country in Africa to reach the quater finals.

    58. Environmentalist Wangare wa maathai of Kenya ???????? was the first woman to win Nobel prize.

    59. Lesotho ???????? is land locked country inside south Africa.

    60. Sierra Leone ???????? is the country with oldest university with western style and also the oldest church in in western Sahara.

    61. Seychelles ???????? is the most developed country in Africa

    62. Madagascar ???????? is the wordl's largest producer of Vanilla.

    63. Mozambique ???????? is the only one-word country name to feature all 5 vowels.

    64. Namibia ???????? is home to the world's oldest desert, Namib desert, dating back to 55 mya.

    65. eSwatini ???????? has the world's oldest mine, Ngwenya mine.

    69. Liberia is the first African country to have a female African president
    SOME FACTS ABOUT AFRICA???? ???? 1. Modern Humans are believed to have originated in Botswana????????, within the past 200, 000 years ago, solidifying the "Out of Africa Theory. 2. Equatorial Guinea ???????? is Africa’s only spanish speaking country. 3. Morocco ???????? is the most visited African country. 4. Nigeria ???????? has the richest Black person in Africa, Aliko Dangote. 5. Samuel Eto’o ???????? was formerly the highest paid Footballer in the world, he received about £350,000 weekly in Russia in 2011. 6. The nothern most part of Africa is Cape Angela in Tunisia ????????. 7. Lesotho???????? is the only independent state in the world that lies entirely above 1,000 metres (3,281 ft) in elevation. 8. There was a dinosaur discovered in Niger ????????, believed to have been there around 115 to 105 million years ago. It was named Nigersaurus. 8. Burkina Faso ???????? is a leader in African art and culture and hosts the largest craft market in Africa. 9. Nigeria ???????? has won more football cups than England. 10. Zimbabwe’s ???????? former President, Robert Gabriel Mugabe was the world’s most educated President with 7 University degrees, two of them are Masters. 11. Al-Ahly of Egypt ???????? is the richest football club in Africa. 12. Didier Drogba ???????? is Chelsea’s highest goalscorer in European competition. 13. Johannesburg, South Africa ???????? is the most richest city in Africa. 14. Zinedine Zidane wanted to play for Algeria ????????, but the selector rejected him, saying they are already many players like him in the team. 15. President Nelson Mandela ???????? is regarded as the well known person in the world. 16. President Robert Mugabe ???????? was jailed for 11 years for fighting for freedom. 17. Egypt ???????? was the first inventer of Paper and Ink. 18. Equatorial guinea ???????? has the highest literacy rate in Africa, 95% (2020). 19. In Rwanda ???????? There is a better gender equality than England ???????? and USA ????????. 20. Somalia ???????? got its first ATM on October 7, 2014. 21. South Africa ???????? has the most Grammy award winners in Africa. 22. Ethiopia ???????? has the most airports in Africa. 23. Ethiopia’s ???????? economy is growing faster than China’s. 24. Eritrea’s ???????? President, Isaias Afwerki is the least richest President in Africa. 25. Ethiopia ???????? is Africa’s oldest independent country, it has existed for over 3,000 years without being colonised. 26. Haile Selassie 1 was the 225th and last Emperor of Ethiopia ????????. 27. Nigeria ???????? has the most monarchs in the world. 28. Angola ???????? has more Portuguese speakers than Portugal ????????. 29. President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos has ruled Angola ???????? since 1979. 30. President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is Africa’s longest serving Head of State. He has ruled Equatorial Guinea since August 3, 1979 when he overthrew his uncle, Francisco Nguema. His son,Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue is his Vice President and will succeed him if he resigns. 31. George Weah of Liberia ???????? is the first man to win World, European and African footballer of the year in the same year. 32. Eswatini ???????? is the only remaining absolute monach in the world. 33. The Gambia ???????? is the smallest country in Africa followed by Eswatini ????????. 34. The first black African Gold medalist is Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia ????????, who won in 1960 after running barefooted. 34.1. King Sobhuza II of eSwatini ????????, married 70 wives, who gave him 210 children between 1920 and 1970. 35. Zimbabwe ???????? is the only country in the world where almost everyone was a billionaire at one point due hyperinflation. 36. Kenya ???????? has the highest paid members of parliament. They are paid more than those even in oil rich countries. 37. Botswana ???????? has the most valuable Diamonds and the richest diamond mine in the World, The Jwaneng diamond mine. 38. Ghana ???????? was the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to gain independence post-colonialism. 39. Ghana ???????? was ranked as Africa's most peaceful country by the Global Peace Index. Lake Volta, in the Volta region of the country, is the world's largest man-made lake. 40. Ugandans ???????? were ranked as the best English speakers in Africa (2017). 41. Tanzania ???????? is the largest country in East Africa and includes the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia. 42. Nigeria ???????? is the most populous country in Africa, with over +200 million population. 43. Rwanda ???????? is now the largest producer of Coltan, mineral used to make tantalum using in mobile phones, camera etc. 44. In 2009, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) ???????? had an estimated $24 trillion in untapped mineral deposits, including the world's largest reserves of coltan and significant quantities of the world's cobalt reserves. 45. Malawi ???????? is home to the third largest lake in Africa, Lake Malawi. 46. Malawi ???????? is the first tea producer in Africa at a commercial scale. 47. Zambia ???????? relies on copper as one of its biggest exports. 48. Zambia’s ???????? South Luangwa National Park has one of Africa's highest densities of big game. 49. Kenya ???????? is the first and only African country to produce USA president, Barrack Hussein Obama 50. South Africa ???????? has the highest number of super-rich residents in Africa, with 38,400 dollar millionaires. 51. Gambia ???????? produced the highest judge on the international court of justice fatou Bensouda. 52. The highest mountain in Africa is the Kilimanjaro found in Tanzania ???????? and second highest in the world. 53. The longest river in the world, the Nile starts from Uganda ???????? but it is controlled by Egyptian ???????? Government. 54. South Sudan is the Youngest country after it was declared free and independent in July 2011 ????????. She is rich in mineral resources and agricultural products, Petroleum among Others yet her citizens are poor. 55. Cape Town???????? has been voted the best city in the world 7 times, On the Telegraph Travel Award. 56. Liberia ???????? was the first African country to gain independence 1847. 57. Cameroon ???????? is the first country in Africa to reach the quater finals. 58. Environmentalist Wangare wa maathai of Kenya ???????? was the first woman to win Nobel prize. 59. Lesotho ???????? is land locked country inside south Africa. 60. Sierra Leone ???????? is the country with oldest university with western style and also the oldest church in in western Sahara. 61. Seychelles ???????? is the most developed country in Africa 62. Madagascar ???????? is the wordl's largest producer of Vanilla. 63. Mozambique ???????? is the only one-word country name to feature all 5 vowels. 64. Namibia ???????? is home to the world's oldest desert, Namib desert, dating back to 55 mya. 65. eSwatini ???????? has the world's oldest mine, Ngwenya mine. 69. Liberia is the first African country to have a female African president
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 13025 Views
  • Presenting @tinah_bae7 ???? #RwandanBeautyturns5
    Follow our second account @instgram_rwanda
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    Presenting @tinah_bae7 ???? #RwandanBeautyturns5 . . . Follow our second account @instgram_rwanda . . . #VisitRwanda  #beautifulwomen #rwandanwomen #africanwomen #blackisbeautiful #beautiful #rwandanbeauty #beautifulcountry #250 #Rwanda #visitrwanda #beauty #lifestyle #fashion #Rwandaupdates #kigali #africa #beautifulpeople #heartofafrica #d’impies #dimplegirl #africanbeauty #travel #travelafrica #travelworld #love #tourism #beautifulafrica #visitrwanda_now
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  • Presenting @didianewase ???? #RwandanBeautyturns5
    Follow our second account @africana girls
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    Presenting @didianewase ???? #RwandanBeautyturns5 . . . Follow our second account @africana girls . .@someeafricanagirls . #VisitRwanda  #beautifulwomen #rwandanwomen #africanwomen #blackisbeautiful #beautiful #rwandanbeauty #beautifulcountry #250 #Rwanda #visitrwanda #beauty #lifestyle #fashion #Rwandaupdates #kigali #africa #beautifulpeople #heartofafrica #d’impies #dimplegirl #africanbeauty #travel #travelafrica #travelworld #love #tourism #beautifulafrica #visitrwanda_now
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  • Top 10 most Pan-African nations in Africa.

    1) Ghana ????????
    2) Ethiopia ????????
    3) Tanzania ????????
    4) Zambia ????????
    5) Kenya ????????
    6)Nigeria ????????
    7) Morocco ????????
    8)Rwanda ????????
    9) Senegal ????????
    10) Uganda ????????

    These countries embrace true Pan Africanism. They welcome Music, film, art from other African nations.They are not known to discriminate other African migrants in their country. They hug one another during competitions even if they lose,They defend Africans both at home and in the diaspora. They carry Africa along.

    Please follow somee yared nagu post like
    Top 10 most Pan-African nations in Africa. 1) Ghana ???????? 2) Ethiopia ???????? 3) Tanzania ???????? 4) Zambia ???????? 5) Kenya ???????? 6)Nigeria ???????? 7) Morocco ???????? 8)Rwanda ???????? 9) Senegal ???????? 10) Uganda ???????? These countries embrace true Pan Africanism. They welcome Music, film, art from other African nations.They are not known to discriminate other African migrants in their country. They hug one another during competitions even if they lose,They defend Africans both at home and in the diaspora. They carry Africa along. Please follow somee yared nagu post like
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2353 Views
  • Dear somee people, Today I get a call from my Somee Friend in Nigeria, currently helping me trying to bring in some of my new freinds in Rwanda, the hiccup i am facing with is i dunno how to register people on hive, @[[57154][user]] helped me with mine and i have been trying to register again by myself and its been hard. We still dont have a place that shows newcomers how to do this right ?
    Dear somee people, Today I get a call from my Somee Friend in Nigeria, currently helping me trying to bring in some of my new freinds in Rwanda, the hiccup i am facing with is i dunno how to register people on hive, @[[57154][user]] helped me with mine and i have been trying to register again by myself and its been hard. We still dont have a place that shows newcomers how to do this right ?
    2 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1464 Views
  • Am back online after a while. My relocation to Rwanda for my new school was succesfull already fully settled and hopefully I am back on somee for good! ONE LOVE
    Am back online after a while. My relocation to Rwanda for my new school was succesfull already fully settled and hopefully I am back on somee for good! ONE LOVE https://media4.giphy.com/media/KQZn0FvNyB88rE8WXs/giphy.gif
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1178 Views
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