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  • ‘A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that using 0.9 milliliters of castor oil capsules three times a day had similar effects for knee arthritis as 50 milligrams of diclofenac sodium (5).’

    Castor Oil: Key Health Benefits and How to Use It
    by Dr. Jockers
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    castor oilCastor Oil: Key Health Benefits and How to Use It

    Castor oil is a fatty oil that is made from the castor seeds of the castor bean plant. Castor oil has many potential health benefits, including relieving constipation, supporting liver health, improving skin health, reducing inflammation, and more.

    In this article, you will learn what castor oil is. You will learn about the health benefits, and I will discuss how to use castor oil. You will learn about the potential risks and how to pick and purchase castor oil. Finally, I will explain how to make a castor oil pack to help improve your health.

    castor oil

    What Is Castor Oil

    Castor seed oil, also known as castor oil or Ricinus Communis, is made by pressing the seeds of the plant to be used for a variety of conventional purposes. It is part of the Eurphorbiaceae plant family, which is a flowering spurge family, mostly cultivated in India, South America, and Africa. Out of these places, India is responsible for about 90 percent of the castor oil global exports.

    It is also among the oldest cultivated crops in the world, making up about 0.15 percent of the world’s vegetable oils. Castor oil has an amber to green color. It has a mild scent and taste. It may be used both topically and orally as a natural remedy for various ailments. It is also used in many cosmetic products sold.

    Castor oil is made up of phytochemicals, including:

    Undecylenic acid
    Ricinoleic acid
    Rincinoleic acid is responsible for about 90 percent of the chemical structure of castor oil. It is a fatty acid that may be responsible for the numerous health properties castor oil is used for in natural and alternative medicine. When ricinoleic acid is released in the intestines, it may bind with receptors that line the intestinal tract and the smooth-muscle cells in the uterus, which may help to promote natural healing abilities (1).

    According to a 2017 review published in the Pakistani Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, castor oil may have many phytochemistry, biological and pharmacological activities, offering natural medicinal benefits (2). It may offer anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, liver-protective, free radical-scavenging, and wound-healing benefits.

    Health Benefits of Castor Oil

    Castor oil has many potential health benefits. Let’s look at each of these one by one.

    Promotes Lymphatic Drainage

    Castor oil may help to support lymphatic drainage and may help to remove the build-up of toxins and debris in the body. If your body is overloaded with environmental toxins, microbes, and debris, they may accumulate within the lymphatic system, which is responsible for filtering bacteria. This may cause lymphatic stagnation.

    2007 research published in the International Journal of Toxicology has found that injecting rats with castor oil helped to suppress tumors that developed as the result of liver damage. (3). As castor oil gets absorbed through the skin, it may increase blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and lymphocyte production, which may boost immune health and benefit those with a compromised immune system.


    Anti-Microbial and Anti-Inflammatory

    Castor oil may also offer anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory benefits. It may be a great massage oil for sore muscles, joints, and tissues. According to a 2000 study published in Mediators of Inflammation, ricinoleic acid in castor oil may offer anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits (4).

    A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that using 0.9 milliliters of castor oil capsules three times a day had similar effects for knee arthritis as 50 milligrams of diclofenac sodium (5).

    Moreover, castor oil may have immune health-boosting effects by fighting microbes. According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6). When used internally, it may help to relieve constipation, thus elimination, and as a result, the removal of microbes and toxins in the gut.

    Thins Bile and Dilates the Bile Ducts

    Bile is a greenish-brown liquid or digestive juice that emulsifies fats for your small intestine to absorb. It moves from your liver to the gallbladder, and then your body stores it until it needs it for the digestion of food. Bile is essential for digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Problems with bile production, bile flow, and bile acid malabsorption may lead to abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and other digestive issues.

    Using castor oil packs over the abdomen and liver area may not only help liver detoxification but may also help to thin the bile, dilate bile ducts, and improve bile flow. It may also help to relieve painful spasms and cramps of the bile ducts and gallbladder.

    With that said, though anecdotal and personal evidence seems to support that castor oil may benefit bile health, we need more research evidence to back this up.

    castor oil

    Supports Liver Detoxification

    Your liver serves vital functions in the body and is critical for the process of detoxification. The liver helps circulate fluid in the body and transforms toxins into a substance which then can be dissolved, flushed down the bile ducts, relocated into the small intestine, or eliminated through stool.

    Using castor oil packs over the liver area may help to support liver detoxification and liver health and reduce related health symptoms. According to a 2012 systematic review published in the International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, using castor oil topically may help to support liver function and cholesterol levels (7).

    weaken immunity

    Improves Bowel Motility

    Supporting digestion may be one of the main potential health benefits of castor oil. Castor oil packs may help to improve bowel motility, which means a decreased risk of constipation and fewer digestive issues. According to a 2012 systematic review published in the International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, using castor oil topically may help to reduce constipation (7).

    According to a 2011 clinical trial published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, castor oil packs may help to reduce constipation, straining during bowel movements, and the risk of incomplete bowel movements (8). According to a 2021 pilot study published in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics, it may help to cleanse the colon before a colonoscopy (9).

    poop, 16 Ways to Achieve Healthy Poop

    Reduces Pain, Swelling and Edema

    Castor oil may also help to reduce pain, swelling, and edema. According to a 2018 study published in Polymers in Advanced Technology, castor oil may help to reduce inflammation pain and support wound healing (10). According to a 2000 study published in Mediators of Inflammation, ricinoleic acid in castor oil may offer anti-inflammatory effects, which may help to decrease pain and swelling (4).

    A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that castor oil may help to reduce symptoms of knee arthritis (5). Thus, it may help to lower pain and swelling linked to this condition.

    Moreover, poor circulation and poor lymphatic flow may increase swelling and edema. Because castor oil may help to support the lymphatic system and circulation, it may also reduce the risk of edema.


    Improves Circulation and Tissue Oxygenation

    Using castor oil may also help to improve circulation and tissue oxygenation. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the lymphatic system may influence the heart, lung, brain, and other organs health (11). By supporting lymphatic circulation, castor oil may help to support the cardiovascular circulatory system and tissue oxygenation too and reduce fluid retention and edema (3).

    Castor oil is also commonly used in wound healing (10). Its wound-healing effects may partly lie in supporting circulation, tissue oxygenation, and blood flow. However, we still need more research on the potential circulatory and tissue-oxygenating benefits of castor oil.

    castor oil

    Supports Healthy Immune Function

    Castor oil may support healthy immune function in a variety of ways. As we already discussed, it may help lymphatic function, which spreads across your entire body and helps to remove excess fluid, protein, and waste (11).

    Castor oil may support lymphatic drainage and blood flow. It may support the production of the lymphocyte white blood cells that fight bacteria, which may assist the health of the thymus gland, which is responsible for creating T cells for the immune system.

    It may also also help to fight and remove microbes from your body. According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6).

    weaken immunity

    Moisturizes Skin

    Castor oil also offers skin-protecting benefits. 100 percent pure castor oil is natural and free of synthetic chemicals. It is rich in healthy fatty acids that may boost skin health. Using it topically may help moisturize your skin, prevent water loss from the skin, reduce dry skin, and improve irritated skin.

    According to 2005 research published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, it may help the recovery of pressure ulcers and wound healing thanks to its moisturizing and antimicrobial benefits (12). Castor oil may also mix well with coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil, which are also beneficial for your skin health.

    Supports Wound Healing

    Moisturizing the skin is not the only skin-related potential benefit of castor oil. It has been used to improve wound healing as a natural remedy for a long time. A 2018 study published in Polymers in Advanced Technology has found that it may help to reduce inflammation pain and support wound healing (10). According to a 2005 research published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, it may help wound and pressure ulcer recovery (12).

    According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6). This may help to reduce infections of the skin, reduce the risk of a staph infection, and support wound healing.

    castor oil

    How to Use Castor Oil

    If you are interested in the potential benefits of castor oil, you may wonder how to use castor oil. Here are some potential options for using castor oil, both topically and orally.

    As a Laxative for Constipation Relief

    You may try castor oil as a laxative for constipation relief, taken orally. The common oral dose to treat constipation is between 15 to 60 mL, as a single dose. This is between one and four tablespoons, taken once a day. For children between 2 and 12, the dose is generally 5 to 15 mL once a day, and for babies under age 2, it’s 5 mL once a day.

    You may mix it in water before drinking it. Always read the directions carefully. Ideally, start on the low end of the dosage and see how your body handles it. Don’t take castor oil internally for more than seven days. And always consult your healthcare practitioner before using it orally. Stop using it if you experience any side effects.

    castor oil

    Support Hair and Eyebrow Growth

    Castor oil may support hair growth and eyebrow growth. For hair growth, you may massage a few tablespoons of castor oil into your scalp and hair, then spread it all over your hair. You may leave it on overnight and wash it out in the morning.

    For your eyebrows, use a cotton swab or a clean mascara and apply a small amount of castor oil over your clean brows for about 20 minutes or longer. You may even apply it before sleep and sleep in it. Clean it with the help of a cotton swab and be careful it doesn’t get into your eyes.

    Reduce Bags Under Eyes

    Castor oil may help to reduce under-eye bags, dark circles, and hyperpigmentation. First, wash your face. Then massage 3 to 4 drops of the oil under your eyes. You may try a carrier oil, such as jojoba, almond, or coconut oil, to dilute it.

    Using your fingertips for massaging works just fine, but you may also use a jade roller. You may leave it on overnight and clean it in the morning gently. Be careful that it doesn’t get into your eyes.

    Improve Skin Health and Dandruff

    Castor oil may offer numerous skin health benefits. For acne, you may apply the oil with a clean cotton swab. You may also mix it with apple cider vinegar, frankincense essential oil, or other essential oils to reduce swelling, inflammation, pain, and scarring. To reduce breakout, you can massage some of the oil into your skin and leave it on for the night, then cleanse it off in the morning.

    For hydration, mix ¼ cup of castor oil and ¾ cup of virgin coconut or olive oil, and apply it on your face or elsewhere on your body. For moisturizing, mix ¼ cup of castor oil with olive oil, coconut oil or jojoba oil. Massage it on your skin, leave it on overnight, then rinse. You may mix one teaspoon of castor oil with one egg yolk for a 10 to 20-minute face mask.

    For sunburns, mix coconut oil and castor oil at a 1 to 1 ratio and apply it on the affected area to reduce inflammation, redness, and pain. For dandruff and scalp issues, massage castor oil into your scalp and leave it on overnight.

    Reduce Joint or Menstrual Pain

    To reduce joint pain, you may massage castor oil into your skin on the affected area as you would with any other pain-relieving cream. About a dime-sized amount, every 3 hours or so may be helpful. Try it for three days for symptom relief.

    For menstrual cramps, you may either massage it on your lower abdomen area or use a castor oil pack. At the end of this article, you will learn about how to make and use a castor oil pack.

    castor oil packs

    Improve Bile Flow and Liver Detoxification

    We know that healthy bile flow is key for eliminating toxins from the liver, digesting and absorbing fats and fat-soluble nutrients and improving the microbial balance in the gut microbiome.

    Castor oil is great for improving bile flow, liver detoxification, and liver function. For this, I recommend using a castor oil pack, which I will explain in more detail at the end of this article.

    castor oil packs

    Contraindications to Using Castor Oil

    Castrol oil is generally recognized as safe. It can also be found in high concentrations in some cosmetics, including lipstick. However, according to 2007 research published in the International Journal of Toxicology, there may be some toxic effects when consumed orally, thus using it orally may not be recommended (3).

    There are currently not enough studies and clinical trials on the benefits and safety of castor oil, thus many doctors are unaware of the potential health benefits and physiological effects. Limited studies and tales of midwifery, including a 2012 report published in PNAS, have reported symptoms of nausea, cramps, and loss of fluid and electrolytes when ingesting the oil (13).

    If you ingest castor oil, it gets broken down by your small intestine into ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid acts as an irritant, which may help to relieve constipation. While this may be good news if you have constipation, this same effect may cause digestive discomfort, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal side effects in others.

    However, if you have constipation, it may be beneficial, generally by starting with 1 teaspoon in the morning and seeing if you get the relief you need. If not, you can try 2 teaspoons the following morning. This is generally safe. If you notice any pain, discomfort, or side effects, back off.

    Sometimes castor oil is also used by some midwives to help induce labor. However, it is important that you don’t try this at home by yourself, only by the recommendation and with the support of your midwife or healthcare professional.

    However, castor oil is not for everyone. People who should avoid it may include:

    Women who are Pregnant: As I mentioned, sometimes castor oil is actually used to induce labor, and limited research evidence backs this up. This may happen because ricinoleic acid contained in the oil may signal a response from the lining of the uterus. Therefore, castor oil is not recommended for women who are pregnant unless recommended by a doctor to stimulate labor (13).
    Women Experiencing Heavy Menstrual Flow: Women experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding should also avoid the use of castor oil packs during menstruation. Otherwise, these packs may possibly help to ease cramping and regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle.
    Individuals with Gastrointestinal Problems: The ricinoleic acid has been found to interact with the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and can worsen gastrointestinal conditions and increase symptoms or the risk of complications. Individuals experiencing ulcers, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, and colitis should avoid castor oil packs unless otherwise recommended by a doctor. Other more minor and general gastrointestinal issues such as gas, bloating, cramping, and constipation, generally respond very well to the use of castor oil packs and may be beneficial.
    Individuals with Extreme Skin Sensitivities: Castor oil packs should also not be used by anyone who has any chronic skin conditions with increased skin sensitivities. Individuals with these issues may be at an increased risk of developing a reaction from the topical application of castor oil packs (3).
    castor oil packs

    How to Purchase Castor Oil

    Whether you are looking to buy only castor oil itself or an entire kit for a castor oil pack, you need to look for a high-quality product. I highly recommend and personally use Queen of Thrones castor oil. Dr. Marisol is an expert in castor oil therapy, and she has made it much easier to use this oil with her high-quality products.

    Queen of Thrones offers quality castor oil products, including organic castor oil in a glass jar, which is what I personally use at home. Getting organic castor oil in a glass jar is important because if there is any pesticide residue contained in the oil or plastic residue (phthalates) from the bottle, it can be absorbed through the skin.

    Using high-quality products, like Queen of Thrones may help to prevent this. Use the coupon code DRJOCKERS10 at checkout with Queen of Thrones to save 10%.

    castor oil packs

    How to Make a Castor Oil Pack

    So, how do you make your own castor oil pack? Start by getting some Queen of Thrones, then follow these instructions:

    Before applying a castor oil pack to the skin’s surface, test for skin sensitivity. Rub a small amount of the oil directly onto a limited area of skin to determine if a reaction develops.
    Avoid using electric heat pads without an automatic shut-off following a period of time. According to testimonials, some people had issues falling asleep with ease during castor oil pack treatments. If you choose to get the pieces separately (as opposed to the Queen of Thrones castor oil pack), then here are instructions on how to do them correctly:
    Choose a place where you can lie down comfortably. Cover it with an old towel to avoid damage from dripping oil.
    Use a large enough flannel that’s enough to cover the area you use it on.
    Saturate the flannel with enough oil to make it wet but not dripping.
    Lie down and cover your entire abdomen area with flannel or the specific area, for example, your liver area, you are using it on.
    Cover the flannel with some plastic.
    Put some heating source on top, such as a heating pad, hot water bottle, or hot towel.
    Relax for 45 minutes to 2 hours with the castor oil pack there. Using this time for meditation or breathwork is a great idea, but you may listen to music, read, or watch your favorite show.
    When finished, wash it off with soapy water or a solution of 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a quart of water.
    You can store your pack in the fridge and reuse it later. It’s safe to use until you see a visible change in color.
    Repeat this process at least three times per week for a month for optimal results or as recommended by your health practitioner.
    You will see that it can be a lot of work, and that is why I believe the Queen of Thrones pack makes it much easier to do as it provides the flannel with ties on it, so you don’t need to wrap yourself in plastic! Use the coupon code DRJOCKERS10 at checkout with Queen of Thrones to save 10%.

    Final Thoughts

    Castor oil is a fatty oil that is made from the castor seeds of the castor bean plant. It has many potential health benefits, including relieving constipation, supporting live health, improving skin health, reducing inflammation, and more. I recommend that you follow my tips in this article on how to use this great natural product for your health.

    If you want to work with a functional health coach, I recommend this article with tips on how to find a great coach. Our website offers long-distance functional health coaching programs. For further support with your health goals, just reach out and our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey.

    Inflammation Crushing Ebundle

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    As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

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    Sources In This Article Include:

    1. Tunaru S, et al. Castor_oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. PNAS 2012;109(23):9179-9184. DOI: 1073/pnas.1201627109

    2. Marwat SK, Rehman F, Khan EA, Baloch MS, Sadiq M, Ullah I, Javaria S, Shaheen S. Review – Ricinus cmmunis – Ethnomedicinal uses and pharmacological activities. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2017 Sep;30(5):1815-1827. PMID: 29084706

    3. Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Glyceryl Ricinoleate, Glyceryl Ricinoleate SE, Ricinoleic Acid, Potassium Ricinoleate, Sodium Ricinoleate, Zinc Ricinoleate, Cetyl Ricinoleate, Ethyl Ricinoleate, Glycol Ricinoleate, Isopropyl Ricinoleate, Methyl Ricinoleate, and Octyldodecyl Ricinoleate. International Journal of Toxiciology. May 2007;26:31-77. DOI: 1080/10915810701663150

    4. Vieira C, Evangelista S, Cirillo R, Lippi A, Maggi CA, Manzini S. Effect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators Inflamm. 2000;9(5):223-8. doi: 10.1080/09629350020025737. PMID: 11200362

    5. Medhi B, Kishore K, Singh U, Seth SD. Comparative clinical trial of castor_oil and diclofenac sodium in patients with osteoarthritis. Phytother Res. 2009 Oct;23(10):1469-73. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2804. PMID: 1928853

    6. Al-Mamun MA, Akter Z, Uddin MJ, Ferdaus KM, Hoque KM, Ferdousi Z, Reza MA. Characterization and evaluation of antibacterial and antiproliferative activities of crude protein extracts isolated from the seed of Ricinus communis in Bangladesh. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2016 Jul 12;16:211. doi: 10.1186/s12906-016-1185-y. PMID: 27405609

    7. Evidence for the Topical Application of Castor_Oil.International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine 2012. Link Here

    8. Arslan GG, Eşer I. An examination of the effect of castor_oil packs on constipation in the elderly. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb;17(1):58-62. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2010.04.004. Epub 2010 May 18. PMID: 21168117

    9. Takashima K, Komeda Y, Sakurai T, Masaki S, Nagai T, Matsui S, Hagiwara S, Takenaka M, Nishida N, Kashida H, Nakaji K, Watanabe T, Kudo M. Castor_oil as booster for colon capsule endoscopy preparation reduction: A prospective pilot study and patient questionnaire. World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. 2021 Jul 5;12(4):79-89. doi: 10.4292/wjgpt.v12.i4.79. PMID: 34316385

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    11. Scientists Seek to Understand Lymphatic System’s Impact on Other Organ SystemsLink Here

    12. Narayanan S, Van Vleet J, Strunk B, Ross RN, Gray M. Comparison of pressure ulcer treatments in long-term care facilities: clinical outcomes and impact on cost. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2005 May-Jun;32(3):163-70. doi: 10.1097/00152192-200505000-00004. PMID: 15931146

    13. Tunaru S, et al. Castor oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. PNAS 2012;109(23):9179-9184. DOI: 1073/pnas.120162710

    colon cancer, Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Support Strategies

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    ‘A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that using 0.9 milliliters of castor oil capsules three times a day had similar effects for knee arthritis as 50 milligrams of diclofenac sodium (5).’ Castor Oil: Key Health Benefits and How to Use It by Dr. Jockers FDA Disclaimer Affliliate Disclosure Privacy Policy castor oilCastor Oil: Key Health Benefits and How to Use It Castor oil is a fatty oil that is made from the castor seeds of the castor bean plant. Castor oil has many potential health benefits, including relieving constipation, supporting liver health, improving skin health, reducing inflammation, and more. In this article, you will learn what castor oil is. You will learn about the health benefits, and I will discuss how to use castor oil. You will learn about the potential risks and how to pick and purchase castor oil. Finally, I will explain how to make a castor oil pack to help improve your health. castor oil What Is Castor Oil Castor seed oil, also known as castor oil or Ricinus Communis, is made by pressing the seeds of the plant to be used for a variety of conventional purposes. It is part of the Eurphorbiaceae plant family, which is a flowering spurge family, mostly cultivated in India, South America, and Africa. Out of these places, India is responsible for about 90 percent of the castor oil global exports. It is also among the oldest cultivated crops in the world, making up about 0.15 percent of the world’s vegetable oils. Castor oil has an amber to green color. It has a mild scent and taste. It may be used both topically and orally as a natural remedy for various ailments. It is also used in many cosmetic products sold. Castor oil is made up of phytochemicals, including: Undecylenic acid Ricinoleic acid Rincinoleic acid is responsible for about 90 percent of the chemical structure of castor oil. It is a fatty acid that may be responsible for the numerous health properties castor oil is used for in natural and alternative medicine. When ricinoleic acid is released in the intestines, it may bind with receptors that line the intestinal tract and the smooth-muscle cells in the uterus, which may help to promote natural healing abilities (1). According to a 2017 review published in the Pakistani Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, castor oil may have many phytochemistry, biological and pharmacological activities, offering natural medicinal benefits (2). It may offer anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, liver-protective, free radical-scavenging, and wound-healing benefits. Health Benefits of Castor Oil Castor oil has many potential health benefits. Let’s look at each of these one by one. Promotes Lymphatic Drainage Castor oil may help to support lymphatic drainage and may help to remove the build-up of toxins and debris in the body. If your body is overloaded with environmental toxins, microbes, and debris, they may accumulate within the lymphatic system, which is responsible for filtering bacteria. This may cause lymphatic stagnation. 2007 research published in the International Journal of Toxicology has found that injecting rats with castor oil helped to suppress tumors that developed as the result of liver damage. (3). As castor oil gets absorbed through the skin, it may increase blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and lymphocyte production, which may boost immune health and benefit those with a compromised immune system. lymphatic Anti-Microbial and Anti-Inflammatory Castor oil may also offer anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory benefits. It may be a great massage oil for sore muscles, joints, and tissues. According to a 2000 study published in Mediators of Inflammation, ricinoleic acid in castor oil may offer anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits (4). A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that using 0.9 milliliters of castor oil capsules three times a day had similar effects for knee arthritis as 50 milligrams of diclofenac sodium (5). Moreover, castor oil may have immune health-boosting effects by fighting microbes. According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6). When used internally, it may help to relieve constipation, thus elimination, and as a result, the removal of microbes and toxins in the gut. Thins Bile and Dilates the Bile Ducts Bile is a greenish-brown liquid or digestive juice that emulsifies fats for your small intestine to absorb. It moves from your liver to the gallbladder, and then your body stores it until it needs it for the digestion of food. Bile is essential for digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Problems with bile production, bile flow, and bile acid malabsorption may lead to abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and other digestive issues. Using castor oil packs over the abdomen and liver area may not only help liver detoxification but may also help to thin the bile, dilate bile ducts, and improve bile flow. It may also help to relieve painful spasms and cramps of the bile ducts and gallbladder. With that said, though anecdotal and personal evidence seems to support that castor oil may benefit bile health, we need more research evidence to back this up. castor oil Supports Liver Detoxification Your liver serves vital functions in the body and is critical for the process of detoxification. The liver helps circulate fluid in the body and transforms toxins into a substance which then can be dissolved, flushed down the bile ducts, relocated into the small intestine, or eliminated through stool. Using castor oil packs over the liver area may help to support liver detoxification and liver health and reduce related health symptoms. According to a 2012 systematic review published in the International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, using castor oil topically may help to support liver function and cholesterol levels (7). weaken immunity Improves Bowel Motility Supporting digestion may be one of the main potential health benefits of castor oil. Castor oil packs may help to improve bowel motility, which means a decreased risk of constipation and fewer digestive issues. According to a 2012 systematic review published in the International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, using castor oil topically may help to reduce constipation (7). According to a 2011 clinical trial published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, castor oil packs may help to reduce constipation, straining during bowel movements, and the risk of incomplete bowel movements (8). According to a 2021 pilot study published in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics, it may help to cleanse the colon before a colonoscopy (9). poop, 16 Ways to Achieve Healthy Poop Reduces Pain, Swelling and Edema Castor oil may also help to reduce pain, swelling, and edema. According to a 2018 study published in Polymers in Advanced Technology, castor oil may help to reduce inflammation pain and support wound healing (10). According to a 2000 study published in Mediators of Inflammation, ricinoleic acid in castor oil may offer anti-inflammatory effects, which may help to decrease pain and swelling (4). A 2009 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research has found that castor oil may help to reduce symptoms of knee arthritis (5). Thus, it may help to lower pain and swelling linked to this condition. Moreover, poor circulation and poor lymphatic flow may increase swelling and edema. Because castor oil may help to support the lymphatic system and circulation, it may also reduce the risk of edema. edema Improves Circulation and Tissue Oxygenation Using castor oil may also help to improve circulation and tissue oxygenation. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the lymphatic system may influence the heart, lung, brain, and other organs health (11). By supporting lymphatic circulation, castor oil may help to support the cardiovascular circulatory system and tissue oxygenation too and reduce fluid retention and edema (3). Castor oil is also commonly used in wound healing (10). Its wound-healing effects may partly lie in supporting circulation, tissue oxygenation, and blood flow. However, we still need more research on the potential circulatory and tissue-oxygenating benefits of castor oil. castor oil Supports Healthy Immune Function Castor oil may support healthy immune function in a variety of ways. As we already discussed, it may help lymphatic function, which spreads across your entire body and helps to remove excess fluid, protein, and waste (11). Castor oil may support lymphatic drainage and blood flow. It may support the production of the lymphocyte white blood cells that fight bacteria, which may assist the health of the thymus gland, which is responsible for creating T cells for the immune system. It may also also help to fight and remove microbes from your body. According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6). weaken immunity Moisturizes Skin Castor oil also offers skin-protecting benefits. 100 percent pure castor oil is natural and free of synthetic chemicals. It is rich in healthy fatty acids that may boost skin health. Using it topically may help moisturize your skin, prevent water loss from the skin, reduce dry skin, and improve irritated skin. According to 2005 research published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, it may help the recovery of pressure ulcers and wound healing thanks to its moisturizing and antimicrobial benefits (12). Castor oil may also mix well with coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil, which are also beneficial for your skin health. Supports Wound Healing Moisturizing the skin is not the only skin-related potential benefit of castor oil. It has been used to improve wound healing as a natural remedy for a long time. A 2018 study published in Polymers in Advanced Technology has found that it may help to reduce inflammation pain and support wound healing (10). According to a 2005 research published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, it may help wound and pressure ulcer recovery (12). According to a 2016 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it may help to fight a variety of different types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6). This may help to reduce infections of the skin, reduce the risk of a staph infection, and support wound healing. castor oil How to Use Castor Oil If you are interested in the potential benefits of castor oil, you may wonder how to use castor oil. Here are some potential options for using castor oil, both topically and orally. As a Laxative for Constipation Relief You may try castor oil as a laxative for constipation relief, taken orally. The common oral dose to treat constipation is between 15 to 60 mL, as a single dose. This is between one and four tablespoons, taken once a day. For children between 2 and 12, the dose is generally 5 to 15 mL once a day, and for babies under age 2, it’s 5 mL once a day. You may mix it in water before drinking it. Always read the directions carefully. Ideally, start on the low end of the dosage and see how your body handles it. Don’t take castor oil internally for more than seven days. And always consult your healthcare practitioner before using it orally. Stop using it if you experience any side effects. castor oil Support Hair and Eyebrow Growth Castor oil may support hair growth and eyebrow growth. For hair growth, you may massage a few tablespoons of castor oil into your scalp and hair, then spread it all over your hair. You may leave it on overnight and wash it out in the morning. For your eyebrows, use a cotton swab or a clean mascara and apply a small amount of castor oil over your clean brows for about 20 minutes or longer. You may even apply it before sleep and sleep in it. Clean it with the help of a cotton swab and be careful it doesn’t get into your eyes. Reduce Bags Under Eyes Castor oil may help to reduce under-eye bags, dark circles, and hyperpigmentation. First, wash your face. Then massage 3 to 4 drops of the oil under your eyes. You may try a carrier oil, such as jojoba, almond, or coconut oil, to dilute it. Using your fingertips for massaging works just fine, but you may also use a jade roller. You may leave it on overnight and clean it in the morning gently. Be careful that it doesn’t get into your eyes. Improve Skin Health and Dandruff Castor oil may offer numerous skin health benefits. For acne, you may apply the oil with a clean cotton swab. You may also mix it with apple cider vinegar, frankincense essential oil, or other essential oils to reduce swelling, inflammation, pain, and scarring. To reduce breakout, you can massage some of the oil into your skin and leave it on for the night, then cleanse it off in the morning. For hydration, mix ¼ cup of castor oil and ¾ cup of virgin coconut or olive oil, and apply it on your face or elsewhere on your body. For moisturizing, mix ¼ cup of castor oil with olive oil, coconut oil or jojoba oil. Massage it on your skin, leave it on overnight, then rinse. You may mix one teaspoon of castor oil with one egg yolk for a 10 to 20-minute face mask. For sunburns, mix coconut oil and castor oil at a 1 to 1 ratio and apply it on the affected area to reduce inflammation, redness, and pain. For dandruff and scalp issues, massage castor oil into your scalp and leave it on overnight. Reduce Joint or Menstrual Pain To reduce joint pain, you may massage castor oil into your skin on the affected area as you would with any other pain-relieving cream. About a dime-sized amount, every 3 hours or so may be helpful. Try it for three days for symptom relief. For menstrual cramps, you may either massage it on your lower abdomen area or use a castor oil pack. At the end of this article, you will learn about how to make and use a castor oil pack. castor oil packs Improve Bile Flow and Liver Detoxification We know that healthy bile flow is key for eliminating toxins from the liver, digesting and absorbing fats and fat-soluble nutrients and improving the microbial balance in the gut microbiome. Castor oil is great for improving bile flow, liver detoxification, and liver function. For this, I recommend using a castor oil pack, which I will explain in more detail at the end of this article. castor oil packs Contraindications to Using Castor Oil Castrol oil is generally recognized as safe. It can also be found in high concentrations in some cosmetics, including lipstick. However, according to 2007 research published in the International Journal of Toxicology, there may be some toxic effects when consumed orally, thus using it orally may not be recommended (3). There are currently not enough studies and clinical trials on the benefits and safety of castor oil, thus many doctors are unaware of the potential health benefits and physiological effects. Limited studies and tales of midwifery, including a 2012 report published in PNAS, have reported symptoms of nausea, cramps, and loss of fluid and electrolytes when ingesting the oil (13). If you ingest castor oil, it gets broken down by your small intestine into ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid acts as an irritant, which may help to relieve constipation. While this may be good news if you have constipation, this same effect may cause digestive discomfort, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal side effects in others. However, if you have constipation, it may be beneficial, generally by starting with 1 teaspoon in the morning and seeing if you get the relief you need. If not, you can try 2 teaspoons the following morning. This is generally safe. If you notice any pain, discomfort, or side effects, back off. Sometimes castor oil is also used by some midwives to help induce labor. However, it is important that you don’t try this at home by yourself, only by the recommendation and with the support of your midwife or healthcare professional. However, castor oil is not for everyone. People who should avoid it may include: Women who are Pregnant: As I mentioned, sometimes castor oil is actually used to induce labor, and limited research evidence backs this up. This may happen because ricinoleic acid contained in the oil may signal a response from the lining of the uterus. Therefore, castor oil is not recommended for women who are pregnant unless recommended by a doctor to stimulate labor (13). Women Experiencing Heavy Menstrual Flow: Women experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding should also avoid the use of castor oil packs during menstruation. Otherwise, these packs may possibly help to ease cramping and regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle. Individuals with Gastrointestinal Problems: The ricinoleic acid has been found to interact with the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and can worsen gastrointestinal conditions and increase symptoms or the risk of complications. Individuals experiencing ulcers, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, and colitis should avoid castor oil packs unless otherwise recommended by a doctor. Other more minor and general gastrointestinal issues such as gas, bloating, cramping, and constipation, generally respond very well to the use of castor oil packs and may be beneficial. Individuals with Extreme Skin Sensitivities: Castor oil packs should also not be used by anyone who has any chronic skin conditions with increased skin sensitivities. Individuals with these issues may be at an increased risk of developing a reaction from the topical application of castor oil packs (3). castor oil packs How to Purchase Castor Oil Whether you are looking to buy only castor oil itself or an entire kit for a castor oil pack, you need to look for a high-quality product. I highly recommend and personally use Queen of Thrones castor oil. Dr. Marisol is an expert in castor oil therapy, and she has made it much easier to use this oil with her high-quality products. Queen of Thrones offers quality castor oil products, including organic castor oil in a glass jar, which is what I personally use at home. Getting organic castor oil in a glass jar is important because if there is any pesticide residue contained in the oil or plastic residue (phthalates) from the bottle, it can be absorbed through the skin. Using high-quality products, like Queen of Thrones may help to prevent this. Use the coupon code DRJOCKERS10 at checkout with Queen of Thrones to save 10%. castor oil packs How to Make a Castor Oil Pack So, how do you make your own castor oil pack? Start by getting some Queen of Thrones, then follow these instructions: Before applying a castor oil pack to the skin’s surface, test for skin sensitivity. Rub a small amount of the oil directly onto a limited area of skin to determine if a reaction develops. Avoid using electric heat pads without an automatic shut-off following a period of time. According to testimonials, some people had issues falling asleep with ease during castor oil pack treatments. If you choose to get the pieces separately (as opposed to the Queen of Thrones castor oil pack), then here are instructions on how to do them correctly: Choose a place where you can lie down comfortably. Cover it with an old towel to avoid damage from dripping oil. Use a large enough flannel that’s enough to cover the area you use it on. Saturate the flannel with enough oil to make it wet but not dripping. Lie down and cover your entire abdomen area with flannel or the specific area, for example, your liver area, you are using it on. Cover the flannel with some plastic. Put some heating source on top, such as a heating pad, hot water bottle, or hot towel. Relax for 45 minutes to 2 hours with the castor oil pack there. Using this time for meditation or breathwork is a great idea, but you may listen to music, read, or watch your favorite show. When finished, wash it off with soapy water or a solution of 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a quart of water. You can store your pack in the fridge and reuse it later. It’s safe to use until you see a visible change in color. Repeat this process at least three times per week for a month for optimal results or as recommended by your health practitioner. You will see that it can be a lot of work, and that is why I believe the Queen of Thrones pack makes it much easier to do as it provides the flannel with ties on it, so you don’t need to wrap yourself in plastic! Use the coupon code DRJOCKERS10 at checkout with Queen of Thrones to save 10%. Final Thoughts Castor oil is a fatty oil that is made from the castor seeds of the castor bean plant. It has many potential health benefits, including relieving constipation, supporting live health, improving skin health, reducing inflammation, and more. I recommend that you follow my tips in this article on how to use this great natural product for your health. If you want to work with a functional health coach, I recommend this article with tips on how to find a great coach. Our website offers long-distance functional health coaching programs. For further support with your health goals, just reach out and our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey. Inflammation Crushing Ebundle The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life! As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health. In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential. Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below! autoimmune conditions Sources In This Article Include: 1. Tunaru S, et al. Castor_oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. PNAS 2012;109(23):9179-9184. DOI: 1073/pnas.1201627109 2. Marwat SK, Rehman F, Khan EA, Baloch MS, Sadiq M, Ullah I, Javaria S, Shaheen S. Review – Ricinus cmmunis – Ethnomedicinal uses and pharmacological activities. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2017 Sep;30(5):1815-1827. PMID: 29084706 3. Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Glyceryl Ricinoleate, Glyceryl Ricinoleate SE, Ricinoleic Acid, Potassium Ricinoleate, Sodium Ricinoleate, Zinc Ricinoleate, Cetyl Ricinoleate, Ethyl Ricinoleate, Glycol Ricinoleate, Isopropyl Ricinoleate, Methyl Ricinoleate, and Octyldodecyl Ricinoleate. International Journal of Toxiciology. May 2007;26:31-77. DOI: 1080/10915810701663150 4. Vieira C, Evangelista S, Cirillo R, Lippi A, Maggi CA, Manzini S. Effect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators Inflamm. 2000;9(5):223-8. doi: 10.1080/09629350020025737. PMID: 11200362 5. Medhi B, Kishore K, Singh U, Seth SD. Comparative clinical trial of castor_oil and diclofenac sodium in patients with osteoarthritis. Phytother Res. 2009 Oct;23(10):1469-73. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2804. PMID: 1928853 6. Al-Mamun MA, Akter Z, Uddin MJ, Ferdaus KM, Hoque KM, Ferdousi Z, Reza MA. Characterization and evaluation of antibacterial and antiproliferative activities of crude protein extracts isolated from the seed of Ricinus communis in Bangladesh. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2016 Jul 12;16:211. doi: 10.1186/s12906-016-1185-y. PMID: 27405609 7. Evidence for the Topical Application of Castor_Oil.International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine 2012. Link Here 8. Arslan GG, Eşer I. An examination of the effect of castor_oil packs on constipation in the elderly. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb;17(1):58-62. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2010.04.004. Epub 2010 May 18. PMID: 21168117 9. Takashima K, Komeda Y, Sakurai T, Masaki S, Nagai T, Matsui S, Hagiwara S, Takenaka M, Nishida N, Kashida H, Nakaji K, Watanabe T, Kudo M. Castor_oil as booster for colon capsule endoscopy preparation reduction: A prospective pilot study and patient questionnaire. World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. 2021 Jul 5;12(4):79-89. doi: 10.4292/wjgpt.v12.i4.79. PMID: 34316385 10. Nada AA, Arul MR, Ramos DM, Kroneková Z, Mosnáček J, Rudraiah S, Kumbar SG. Bioactive polymeric formulations for wound healing. Polym Adv Technol. 2018 Jun;29(6):1815-1825. doi: 10.1002/pat.4288. Epub 2018 Mar 27. PMID: 30923437 11. Scientists Seek to Understand Lymphatic System’s Impact on Other Organ SystemsLink Here 12. Narayanan S, Van Vleet J, Strunk B, Ross RN, Gray M. Comparison of pressure ulcer treatments in long-term care facilities: clinical outcomes and impact on cost. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2005 May-Jun;32(3):163-70. doi: 10.1097/00152192-200505000-00004. PMID: 15931146 13. Tunaru S, et al. Castor oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. PNAS 2012;109(23):9179-9184. DOI: 1073/pnas.120162710 colon cancer, Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Support Strategies Was this article helpful? YesNo https://drjockers.com/castor-oil-key-health-benefits/
    Castor Oil: Key Health Benefits and How to Use It
    Castor oil has many potential health benefits, including relieving constipation, supporting liver and skin health and much more.
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  • 12 Israeli sensor technologies that will rock your world
    No more canaries in mines: Today’s sensors provide key information on everything from digital health to airport safety.

    By Brian Blum
    Sensors translate physical phenomena to a measurable signal. Photo courtesy of Consumer Physics/SCiO
    Sensors are the hidden brain in everything from precision agriculture to connected cars, home appliances to security systems, smart cities to digital health.

    “A sensor is anything that translates a physical phenomenon to a measurable signal or other information. For example, in the past they used canaries as sensors for poisonous gas in mines,” explains Amichai Yifrach, an Israeli expert in military and civilian sensor development and currently the CTO of ag-tech startup Flux.

    “Using that definition, Israel is on the cutting edge of technology in all aspects of sensors,” he tells ISRAEL21c. “A lot of it is related to our capabilities in sensing things that others cannot, especially in relation to border security and airport control.”

    Historically, Israel’s edge in sensor technology comes from defense needs and much of the sector is still focused on military applications, with companies such as Elbit Systems, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Seraphim Optronics in the lead.


    But as in many other fields, knowhow from the military gave a huge boost to Israel’s civilian sensor industry. “On the consumer side, we’re strong in image processing and algorithms. We have very good chemists, too,” says Yifrach.

    “Sensors will be more and more important in water quality, air quality and even food quality, like for makers of wine, beer or balsamic vinegar,” Yifrach predicts. “Processes that follow chemical or physical properties need sensing to deduct valuable information for future quality or efficiency of the process. It all comes down to monitoring and controlling processes for quality.”

    ISRAEL21c chose a dozen Israeli sensor pioneers to illustrate the country’s strength in this powerful sector.

    Sensifree specializes in low-power, contact-free, electromagnetic sensors that accurately collect a range of continuous biometric data without the need to touch the human body. Its first product, a contactless heartrate sensor for wearable devices such as watches, fitness trackers and smart clothing, will be followed by a cuff-free blood-pressure sensor.

    Based in California with R&D in Petah Tikva, Sensifree recently won $5 million in Series A financing, bringing its total funding since launching its revolutionary RF-based biometric sensor technology to $7 million.

    MS Technologies
    Based in Herzliya Pituah, MS Tech designs and manufactures nanotechnology detection and diagnostic sensors. Major airlines use its hand-held, non-radioactive explosives and narcotics detectors for carry-on baggage inspection, air-cargo screening and passenger security checks in several airports. Other industries that use MS Tech sensor technologies include food safety and product inspection, biomedical diagnostics, fire and smoke detection, water and air monitoring and aerospace.


    ContinUse Biometrics
    ContinUse of Tel Aviv received a strategic investment from the multinational corporation Tyco to develop nanotechnology sensors that will be embedded into a range of construction and smart-home solutions.

    ContinUse Biometrics’ biometric no-contact sensor — based on technology developed over a decade by Bar-Ilan and Valencia universities — can detect heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing pace, glucose level, oxygen saturation and alcohol levels in the blood of a fully dressed person without touching the person. This data can be used to authenticate identity and manage access for security and smart-home applications, workplaces and sensitive facilities.

    Vayyar sensors could make every cellphone or tablet a full 3D imaging system. Based in Yehud, Vayyar uses low-power radio transmissions to scan objects in a fraction of a second and create an enhanced imaging experience. One of the applications is better detection of irregularities in an object being examined, for example to detect tumors on mammograms or bacteria in milk bottling. The company recently won the Fast Pitch Contest sponsored by the Global Electronics Industry Association in Tel Aviv.


    Elfi-Tech of Rehovot has introduced several sensor products for noninvasive measurements of physiological and blood parameters for use in fitness, wellness and first-line diagnostics apps. Its proprietary mDLS sensor module was integrated into Samsung’s Simband wearable open platform, and now the company is collaborating with pharma and medical-device industry to integrate mDLS into patient-monitoring devices. Elfi-Tech also is working with companies in the big-data analytics space on its new Data Logger device, which collects and analyzes mass amounts of cardiovascular health data from a single wearable.

    Accurate Sensors Technologies
    Started in 1994 as 3T, Accurate Sensors Technologies manufactures no-contact temperature-measurement solutions for extreme conditions, such as digital infrared thermometers. Headquartered in Misgav, the company also makes plug-and-play pyrometers — instruments for measuring high temperatures in furnaces and kilns – for the aluminum industry.

    Neteera Technologies
    Founded in January 2015 in partnership with Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Neteera is developing novel Terahertz imaging and sensing devices, of unprecedented resolution, size, cost-effectiveness and reliability.

    Neteera’s technology is revolutionary as it allows for multiple applications such as all-weather and night imaging for automotive and surveillance applications; weapons, explosives and contraband detection; medical imaging; manufacturing and quality control; monitoring of human physiological and biometric indicators and more.

    Occipital’s Structure Sensor is touted as the world’s first 3D sensor for mobile devices, adding 3D scanning, large-scale reconstruction and augmented-reality (AR) capabilities to new or existing iOS devices.

    Named a Popular Science “Best of What’s New” gadget for 2013, and recognized with a 2014 CES Innovations award, the Structure Sensor hardware platform gives developers the ability to easily create applications such as 3D mapping of indoor spaces, AR games, body scanning for fitness tracking and virtual clothes fitting, and 3D object scanning for easy 3D content creation.

    Occipital’s Structure Sensor can be used for object and body scans. Photo: courtesy
    Occipital’s Structure Sensor can be used for object and body scans. Photo: courtesy
    Consumer Physics
    Consumer Physics’ soon-to-be-released SCiO device uses optical sensors to read the chemical makeup of just about anything without touching it: for example, the fat in a piece of cake, the ripeness of fruit, the ingredients in medicines, the properties of cosmetics and precious stones.

    Ramat Gan-based Nexense makes a sensor system worn as a chest strap or wristwatch to monitor various physical parameters during sleep for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. The product, already approved in Europe and Israel, counts GE Healthcare among its investors and is expected to go public in 2017.

    EarlySense uses an under-bed sensor system for continuous monitoring of patient vital signs and movement in hospitals and other healthcare settings. Without ever touching the patient, EarlySense helps the clinical team manage early detection of patient deterioration, fall prevention and prevention of bedsores.

    EarlySense goes under the patient’s bed. Photo: courtesy
    EarlySense goes under the patient’s bed. Photo: courtesy
    Saturas, founded in 2013 in the Trendlines incubator program, has developed a system of miniature implanted sensors and wireless transponders for determining the water status of fruit trees easily and inexpensively. According to CEO Anat Halgoa Solomon, the system (to be available in 2018) could save farmers up to 20 percent on water usage.

    Among many other sensor-based ag-tech companies in Israel are Phytech, AutoAgronom, CropX, GreenIQ and Flux.


    "Sensors are the hidden brain in everything from precision agriculture to connected cars, home appliances to security systems, smart cities to digital health."

    “Sensors will be more and more important in water quality, air quality and even food quality, like for makers of wine, beer or balsamic vinegar"


    12 Israeli sensor technologies that will rock your world No more canaries in mines: Today’s sensors provide key information on everything from digital health to airport safety. By Brian Blum Sensors translate physical phenomena to a measurable signal. Photo courtesy of Consumer Physics/SCiO Sensors are the hidden brain in everything from precision agriculture to connected cars, home appliances to security systems, smart cities to digital health. “A sensor is anything that translates a physical phenomenon to a measurable signal or other information. For example, in the past they used canaries as sensors for poisonous gas in mines,” explains Amichai Yifrach, an Israeli expert in military and civilian sensor development and currently the CTO of ag-tech startup Flux. “Using that definition, Israel is on the cutting edge of technology in all aspects of sensors,” he tells ISRAEL21c. “A lot of it is related to our capabilities in sensing things that others cannot, especially in relation to border security and airport control.” Historically, Israel’s edge in sensor technology comes from defense needs and much of the sector is still focused on military applications, with companies such as Elbit Systems, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Seraphim Optronics in the lead. YOU CAN GET ISRAEL21c NEWS DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX. But as in many other fields, knowhow from the military gave a huge boost to Israel’s civilian sensor industry. “On the consumer side, we’re strong in image processing and algorithms. We have very good chemists, too,” says Yifrach. “Sensors will be more and more important in water quality, air quality and even food quality, like for makers of wine, beer or balsamic vinegar,” Yifrach predicts. “Processes that follow chemical or physical properties need sensing to deduct valuable information for future quality or efficiency of the process. It all comes down to monitoring and controlling processes for quality.” ISRAEL21c chose a dozen Israeli sensor pioneers to illustrate the country’s strength in this powerful sector. Sensifree Sensifree specializes in low-power, contact-free, electromagnetic sensors that accurately collect a range of continuous biometric data without the need to touch the human body. Its first product, a contactless heartrate sensor for wearable devices such as watches, fitness trackers and smart clothing, will be followed by a cuff-free blood-pressure sensor. Based in California with R&D in Petah Tikva, Sensifree recently won $5 million in Series A financing, bringing its total funding since launching its revolutionary RF-based biometric sensor technology to $7 million. MS Technologies Based in Herzliya Pituah, MS Tech designs and manufactures nanotechnology detection and diagnostic sensors. Major airlines use its hand-held, non-radioactive explosives and narcotics detectors for carry-on baggage inspection, air-cargo screening and passenger security checks in several airports. Other industries that use MS Tech sensor technologies include food safety and product inspection, biomedical diagnostics, fire and smoke detection, water and air monitoring and aerospace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id4Q4SIYmRs ContinUse Biometrics ContinUse of Tel Aviv received a strategic investment from the multinational corporation Tyco to develop nanotechnology sensors that will be embedded into a range of construction and smart-home solutions. ContinUse Biometrics’ biometric no-contact sensor — based on technology developed over a decade by Bar-Ilan and Valencia universities — can detect heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing pace, glucose level, oxygen saturation and alcohol levels in the blood of a fully dressed person without touching the person. This data can be used to authenticate identity and manage access for security and smart-home applications, workplaces and sensitive facilities. Vayyar Vayyar sensors could make every cellphone or tablet a full 3D imaging system. Based in Yehud, Vayyar uses low-power radio transmissions to scan objects in a fraction of a second and create an enhanced imaging experience. One of the applications is better detection of irregularities in an object being examined, for example to detect tumors on mammograms or bacteria in milk bottling. The company recently won the Fast Pitch Contest sponsored by the Global Electronics Industry Association in Tel Aviv. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLjUK-teB8o Elfi-Tech Elfi-Tech of Rehovot has introduced several sensor products for noninvasive measurements of physiological and blood parameters for use in fitness, wellness and first-line diagnostics apps. Its proprietary mDLS sensor module was integrated into Samsung’s Simband wearable open platform, and now the company is collaborating with pharma and medical-device industry to integrate mDLS into patient-monitoring devices. Elfi-Tech also is working with companies in the big-data analytics space on its new Data Logger device, which collects and analyzes mass amounts of cardiovascular health data from a single wearable. Accurate Sensors Technologies Started in 1994 as 3T, Accurate Sensors Technologies manufactures no-contact temperature-measurement solutions for extreme conditions, such as digital infrared thermometers. Headquartered in Misgav, the company also makes plug-and-play pyrometers — instruments for measuring high temperatures in furnaces and kilns – for the aluminum industry. Neteera Technologies Founded in January 2015 in partnership with Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Neteera is developing novel Terahertz imaging and sensing devices, of unprecedented resolution, size, cost-effectiveness and reliability. Neteera’s technology is revolutionary as it allows for multiple applications such as all-weather and night imaging for automotive and surveillance applications; weapons, explosives and contraband detection; medical imaging; manufacturing and quality control; monitoring of human physiological and biometric indicators and more. Occipital Occipital’s Structure Sensor is touted as the world’s first 3D sensor for mobile devices, adding 3D scanning, large-scale reconstruction and augmented-reality (AR) capabilities to new or existing iOS devices. Named a Popular Science “Best of What’s New” gadget for 2013, and recognized with a 2014 CES Innovations award, the Structure Sensor hardware platform gives developers the ability to easily create applications such as 3D mapping of indoor spaces, AR games, body scanning for fitness tracking and virtual clothes fitting, and 3D object scanning for easy 3D content creation. Occipital’s Structure Sensor can be used for object and body scans. Photo: courtesy Occipital’s Structure Sensor can be used for object and body scans. Photo: courtesy Consumer Physics Consumer Physics’ soon-to-be-released SCiO device uses optical sensors to read the chemical makeup of just about anything without touching it: for example, the fat in a piece of cake, the ripeness of fruit, the ingredients in medicines, the properties of cosmetics and precious stones. Nexense Ramat Gan-based Nexense makes a sensor system worn as a chest strap or wristwatch to monitor various physical parameters during sleep for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. The product, already approved in Europe and Israel, counts GE Healthcare among its investors and is expected to go public in 2017. EarlySense EarlySense uses an under-bed sensor system for continuous monitoring of patient vital signs and movement in hospitals and other healthcare settings. Without ever touching the patient, EarlySense helps the clinical team manage early detection of patient deterioration, fall prevention and prevention of bedsores. EarlySense goes under the patient’s bed. Photo: courtesy EarlySense goes under the patient’s bed. Photo: courtesy Saturas Saturas, founded in 2013 in the Trendlines incubator program, has developed a system of miniature implanted sensors and wireless transponders for determining the water status of fruit trees easily and inexpensively. According to CEO Anat Halgoa Solomon, the system (to be available in 2018) could save farmers up to 20 percent on water usage. Among many other sensor-based ag-tech companies in Israel are Phytech, AutoAgronom, CropX, GreenIQ and Flux. ISRAEL'S CIVILIAN BIOSENSOR INDUSTRY "Sensors are the hidden brain in everything from precision agriculture to connected cars, home appliances to security systems, smart cities to digital health." “Sensors will be more and more important in water quality, air quality and even food quality, like for makers of wine, beer or balsamic vinegar" https://www.israel21c.org/12-israeli-sensor-technologies-that-will-rock-your-world/ https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/12-israeli-sensor-technologies-that.html
    12 Israeli sensor technologies that will rock your world - ISRAEL21c
    No more canaries in mines: Today's sensors provide key information on everything from digital health to airport safety.
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  • To Save Gaza, Invoke the Genocide Convention
    The ICC is a "puppet institution". What's needed is a country to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Here's how, with argument, phone numbers, addresses and emails.

    Sam Husseini

    [Addendum: RootsAction and World Beyond War have put out the action alert “It’s Time to Invoke the Genocide Convention”. This full piece has been posted on X/Twitter with thread containing handles for various national leaders who can be petitioned.]

    Some of the greatest successes in recent human history have combined protest movements with strong diplomatic moves.

    In February 1998, the Clinton administration seemed poised to inflict a massive attack on Iraq, but vocal opposition from the US public, especially at a CNN town hall meeting in Ohio, combined by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan going to Iraq, repelled the US government attack.

    The following year, in the Battle of Seattle, combined protests in the streets and delegations from the global south finding their backbone resulted in the World Trade Organization’s plans collapsing. This was a major setback for global corporate interests.

    There is now effectively a global movement, largely based around mass protests, to stop Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

    Several countries, including South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, Djibouti as well as Colombia and Algeria and Turkey have moved for the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israeli officials.

    The problem is that ICC has been dragging its heels for years on prosecuting Israelis. It has been called a “white man’s court” after only going after Africans, and, after letting Israel off the hook during an earlier assault on Gaza, “a hoax”. Some of these nations have called Israel’s war crimes “genocide”. They should act on their words and invoke the relevant treaty. Other nations that have been especially critical of Israel are Pakistan, Brazil, Chile, Belize, Jordan, Chad, Honduras, Bahrain, Venezuela, Iran, and Cuba.

    The International Court of Justice, also called the World Court, in contrast has ruled against Israel. But so far these rulings have been advisory opinions. It ruled against Israel in a case regarding its wall in 2004. In another case before it, is expected to rule against Israel’s long term policies.

    But what can be done now, Prof. Francis Boyle, who successfully represented the Bosnians before the World Court, argues is to use emergency processes to give more teeth to the World Court. This can be done by invoking the Genocide Convention. This is outlined by Boyle, noted by UN whistleblower Craig Mokhiber, backed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire, and written about by myself. And most recently by Craig Murray, now a human rights activist who was the British ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee.

    Murray just wrote the piece “Activating the Genocide Convention” which states: “There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide — and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party — then the International Court of Justice [also called the World Court] is required to adjudicate on ‘the responsibility of a State for genocide.'”

    Murray quotes from the Genocide Convention and cites evidence that Israel is conducting genocide and that the US and British governments are at minimum complicit in that. He then states: “The International Court of Justice is the most respected of international institutions; while the United States has repudiated its compulsory jurisdiction, the United Kingdom has not and the EU positively accepts it.

    “If the International Court of Justice makes a determination of genocide, then the International Criminal Court does not have to determine that genocide has happened. This is important because unlike the august and independent ICJ, the ICC is very much a western government puppet institution which will wiggle out of action if it can. But a determination of the ICJ of genocide and of complicity in genocide would reduce the ICC’s task to determining which individuals bear the responsibility. That is a prospect which can indeed alter the calculations of politicians.

    “It is also the fact that a reference for genocide would force the western media to address the issue and use the term, rather than just pump out propaganda about Hamas fighting bases in hospitals. …

    “I am afraid the question of why Palestine has not invoked the Genocide Convention takes us somewhere very dark. … It is Fatah who occupy the Palestinian seat at the United Nations, and the decision for Palestine to call into play the Genocide Convention lies with Mahmoud Abbas. It is more and more difficult daily to support Abbas. He seems extraordinarily passive, and the suspicion that he is more concerned with refighting the Palestinian civil war than with resisting the genocide is impossible to shake. By invoking the Genocide Convention he could put himself and Fatah back at the centre of the narrative. But he does nothing. I do not want to believe that corruption and a Blinken promise of inheriting Gaza are Mahmoud’s motivators. But at the moment, I cannot grab on to any other explanation to believe in.”

    Thus speeches from Abbas and allied Palestinians figures should be viewed extremely skeptically. It is also very odd, to say the very least, that Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, and other officials put out a statement “Gaza: UN experts call on international community to prevent genocide against the Palestinian people” — but make no mention whatever of the Genocide Convention.

    As Murray writes: “Any one of the 139 states party could invoke the Genocide Convention against Israel and its co-conspirators. Those states include Iran, Russia, Libya, Malaysia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Afghanistan, Cuba, Ireland, Iceland, Jordan, South Africa, Turkey and Qatar. But not one of these states has called out the genocide [by invoking the Convention]. Why?

    “It is not because the Genocide Convention is a dead letter. It is not. It was invoked against Serbia by Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ICJ ruled against Serbia with regard to the massacre at Srebrenica.” Murray notes that this helped lead to prosecutions.

    He adds: “Some states may simply not have thought of it. For Arab states in particular, the fact that Palestine itself has not invoked the Genocide Convention may provide an excuse. EU states can hide behind bloc unanimity.

    “But I am afraid that the truth is that no state cares sufficiently about the thousands of Palestinian children already killed and thousands more who will shortly be killed, to introduce another factor of hostility in their relationship with the United States. Just as at [the recent] summit in Saudi Arabia, where Islamic countries could not agree [on] an oil and gas boycott of Israel, the truth is that those in power really do not care about a genocide in Gaza. They care about their own interests.

    “It just needs one state to invoke the Genocide Convention and change the narrative and the international dynamic. That will only happen through the power of the people in pressing the idea on their governments. This is where everybody can do a little something to add to the pressure. Please do what you can.”

    What can you do? Urge countries which have been critical of Israel to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Get groups and influential people to make this a primary ask.

    Protests in NYC should include visits and vigils to the missions of those countries. Activists who have been arrested for protesting against Israel’s slaughter can ask UN officials from countries critical of Israel to invoke the Genocide Convention.

    Palestinians in Ramallah may be able to directly contact the representatives of various countries to Palestine.

    This can be done anywhere. Protests in London can respectfully appeal to the embassies of various countries critical of Israel.

    We need to keep pressing directly against the US and Israeli governments, but their hearts are like stone. If we reach other states to invoke the Genocide Convention, it may be a key stop in curtailing the slaughter.

    Moreover, it could be a turning point in global relations. Should a positive emergency ruling by the International Court of Justice be forthcoming, it would dramatically isolate the US and Israel at the UN. The US would of course try to block anything at the UN Security Council. But with a World Court ruling, Boyle argues, the stage would be set for the General Assembly to assert itself using the Uniting for Peace procedure. Combined with sustained protests, like the WTO and other critical confrontations, the costs of continuing the slaughter could become unsustainable. Moreover, a World Court ruling could facilitate other legal efforts, like universal jurisdiction.

    For all that to happen, a country needs to step forward and invoke the Genocide Convention.

    Make no mistake; any nation that does this may well be targeted in insidious ways by the US and by Israel. Any such nation should be afforded every bit of support people of goodwill can muster.

    Here's a website that seems to list all the embassies and other diplomatic missions around the world. People from anywhere can be emailing, calling and going to these embassies and missions, urging these countries to use every legal mechanism to pressure Israel to stop, including invoking the Genocide Convention: embassy-worldwide.com.

    A friend extracted emails of missions to the UN:

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    Emails of embassies to and from Palestine via this page.

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    To Save Gaza, Invoke the Genocide Convention The ICC is a "puppet institution". What's needed is a country to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Here's how, with argument, phone numbers, addresses and emails. Sam Husseini [Addendum: RootsAction and World Beyond War have put out the action alert “It’s Time to Invoke the Genocide Convention”. This full piece has been posted on X/Twitter with thread containing handles for various national leaders who can be petitioned.] Some of the greatest successes in recent human history have combined protest movements with strong diplomatic moves. In February 1998, the Clinton administration seemed poised to inflict a massive attack on Iraq, but vocal opposition from the US public, especially at a CNN town hall meeting in Ohio, combined by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan going to Iraq, repelled the US government attack. The following year, in the Battle of Seattle, combined protests in the streets and delegations from the global south finding their backbone resulted in the World Trade Organization’s plans collapsing. This was a major setback for global corporate interests. There is now effectively a global movement, largely based around mass protests, to stop Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Several countries, including South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, Djibouti as well as Colombia and Algeria and Turkey have moved for the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israeli officials. The problem is that ICC has been dragging its heels for years on prosecuting Israelis. It has been called a “white man’s court” after only going after Africans, and, after letting Israel off the hook during an earlier assault on Gaza, “a hoax”. Some of these nations have called Israel’s war crimes “genocide”. They should act on their words and invoke the relevant treaty. Other nations that have been especially critical of Israel are Pakistan, Brazil, Chile, Belize, Jordan, Chad, Honduras, Bahrain, Venezuela, Iran, and Cuba. The International Court of Justice, also called the World Court, in contrast has ruled against Israel. But so far these rulings have been advisory opinions. It ruled against Israel in a case regarding its wall in 2004. In another case before it, is expected to rule against Israel’s long term policies. But what can be done now, Prof. Francis Boyle, who successfully represented the Bosnians before the World Court, argues is to use emergency processes to give more teeth to the World Court. This can be done by invoking the Genocide Convention. This is outlined by Boyle, noted by UN whistleblower Craig Mokhiber, backed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire, and written about by myself. And most recently by Craig Murray, now a human rights activist who was the British ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee. Murray just wrote the piece “Activating the Genocide Convention” which states: “There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide — and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party — then the International Court of Justice [also called the World Court] is required to adjudicate on ‘the responsibility of a State for genocide.'” Murray quotes from the Genocide Convention and cites evidence that Israel is conducting genocide and that the US and British governments are at minimum complicit in that. He then states: “The International Court of Justice is the most respected of international institutions; while the United States has repudiated its compulsory jurisdiction, the United Kingdom has not and the EU positively accepts it. “If the International Court of Justice makes a determination of genocide, then the International Criminal Court does not have to determine that genocide has happened. This is important because unlike the august and independent ICJ, the ICC is very much a western government puppet institution which will wiggle out of action if it can. But a determination of the ICJ of genocide and of complicity in genocide would reduce the ICC’s task to determining which individuals bear the responsibility. That is a prospect which can indeed alter the calculations of politicians. “It is also the fact that a reference for genocide would force the western media to address the issue and use the term, rather than just pump out propaganda about Hamas fighting bases in hospitals. … “I am afraid the question of why Palestine has not invoked the Genocide Convention takes us somewhere very dark. … It is Fatah who occupy the Palestinian seat at the United Nations, and the decision for Palestine to call into play the Genocide Convention lies with Mahmoud Abbas. It is more and more difficult daily to support Abbas. He seems extraordinarily passive, and the suspicion that he is more concerned with refighting the Palestinian civil war than with resisting the genocide is impossible to shake. By invoking the Genocide Convention he could put himself and Fatah back at the centre of the narrative. But he does nothing. I do not want to believe that corruption and a Blinken promise of inheriting Gaza are Mahmoud’s motivators. But at the moment, I cannot grab on to any other explanation to believe in.” Thus speeches from Abbas and allied Palestinians figures should be viewed extremely skeptically. It is also very odd, to say the very least, that Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, and other officials put out a statement “Gaza: UN experts call on international community to prevent genocide against the Palestinian people” — but make no mention whatever of the Genocide Convention. As Murray writes: “Any one of the 139 states party could invoke the Genocide Convention against Israel and its co-conspirators. Those states include Iran, Russia, Libya, Malaysia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Afghanistan, Cuba, Ireland, Iceland, Jordan, South Africa, Turkey and Qatar. But not one of these states has called out the genocide [by invoking the Convention]. Why? “It is not because the Genocide Convention is a dead letter. It is not. It was invoked against Serbia by Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ICJ ruled against Serbia with regard to the massacre at Srebrenica.” Murray notes that this helped lead to prosecutions. He adds: “Some states may simply not have thought of it. For Arab states in particular, the fact that Palestine itself has not invoked the Genocide Convention may provide an excuse. EU states can hide behind bloc unanimity. “But I am afraid that the truth is that no state cares sufficiently about the thousands of Palestinian children already killed and thousands more who will shortly be killed, to introduce another factor of hostility in their relationship with the United States. Just as at [the recent] summit in Saudi Arabia, where Islamic countries could not agree [on] an oil and gas boycott of Israel, the truth is that those in power really do not care about a genocide in Gaza. They care about their own interests. “It just needs one state to invoke the Genocide Convention and change the narrative and the international dynamic. That will only happen through the power of the people in pressing the idea on their governments. This is where everybody can do a little something to add to the pressure. Please do what you can.” What can you do? Urge countries which have been critical of Israel to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Get groups and influential people to make this a primary ask. Protests in NYC should include visits and vigils to the missions of those countries. Activists who have been arrested for protesting against Israel’s slaughter can ask UN officials from countries critical of Israel to invoke the Genocide Convention. Palestinians in Ramallah may be able to directly contact the representatives of various countries to Palestine. This can be done anywhere. Protests in London can respectfully appeal to the embassies of various countries critical of Israel. We need to keep pressing directly against the US and Israeli governments, but their hearts are like stone. If we reach other states to invoke the Genocide Convention, it may be a key stop in curtailing the slaughter. Moreover, it could be a turning point in global relations. Should a positive emergency ruling by the International Court of Justice be forthcoming, it would dramatically isolate the US and Israel at the UN. The US would of course try to block anything at the UN Security Council. But with a World Court ruling, Boyle argues, the stage would be set for the General Assembly to assert itself using the Uniting for Peace procedure. Combined with sustained protests, like the WTO and other critical confrontations, the costs of continuing the slaughter could become unsustainable. Moreover, a World Court ruling could facilitate other legal efforts, like universal jurisdiction. For all that to happen, a country needs to step forward and invoke the Genocide Convention. Make no mistake; any nation that does this may well be targeted in insidious ways by the US and by Israel. Any such nation should be afforded every bit of support people of goodwill can muster. Here's a website that seems to list all the embassies and other diplomatic missions around the world. People from anywhere can be emailing, calling and going to these embassies and missions, urging these countries to use every legal mechanism to pressure Israel to stop, including invoking the Genocide Convention: embassy-worldwide.com. A friend extracted emails of missions to the UN: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Emails of embassies to and from Palestine via this page. 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    To Save Gaza, Invoke the Genocide Convention
    The ICC is a "puppet institution". What's needed is a country to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Here's how, with argument, phone numbers, addresses and emails.
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  • To Save Gaza, Invoke the Genocide Convention

    The ICC is a "puppet institution". What's needed is a country to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Here's how, with argument, phone numbers, addresses and emails.
    Sam Husseini

    [Addendum: RootsAction and World Beyond War have put out the action alert “It’s Time to Invoke the Genocide Convention”. This full piece has been posted on X/Twitter with threadcontaining handles for various national leaders who can be petitioned.]

    Some of the greatest successes in recent human history have combined protest movements with strong diplomatic moves.

    In February 1998, the Clinton administration seemed poised to inflict a massive attack on Iraq, but vocal opposition from the US public, especially at a CNN town hall meeting in Ohio, combined by UN Secretary General Kofi Annangoing to Iraq, repelled the US government attack.

    The following year, in the Battle of Seattle, combined protests in the streets and delegations from the global south finding their backbone resulted in the World Trade Organization’s plans collapsing. This was a major setback for global corporate interests.

    There is now effectively a global movement, largely based around mass protests, to stop Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

    Several countries, including South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, Djibouti as well as Colombia and Algeria and Turkey have moved for the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israeli officials.

    The problem is that ICC has been dragging its heels for years on prosecuting Israelis. It has been called a “white man’s court” after only going after Africans, and, after letting Israel off the hook during an earlier assault on Gaza, “a hoax”. Some of these nations have called Israel’s war crimes “genocide”. They should act on their words and invoke the relevant treaty. Other nations that have been especially critical of Israel are Pakistan, Brazil, Chile, Belize, Jordan, Chad, Honduras, Bahrain, Venezuela, Iran, and Cuba.

    The International Court of Justice, also called the World Court, in contrast has ruled against Israel. But so far these rulings have been advisory opinions. It ruled against Israel in a case regarding its wall in 2004. In another case before it, is expected to rule against Israel’s long term policies.

    But what can be done now, Prof. Francis Boyle, who successfully represented the Bosnians before the World Court, argues is to use emergency processes to give more teeth to the World Court. This can be done by invoking the Genocide Convention. This is outlined by Boyle, noted by UN whistleblower Craig Mokhiber, backed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire, and written about by myself. And most recently by Craig Murray, now a human rights activist who was the British ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee.

    Murray just wrote the piece “Activating the Genocide Convention” which states: “There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide — and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party — then the International Court of Justice [also called the World Court] is required to adjudicate on ‘the responsibility of a State for genocide.'”

    Murray quotes from the Genocide Convention and cites evidence that Israel is conducting genocide and that the US and British governments are at minimum complicit in that. He then states: “The International Court of Justice is the most respected of international institutions; while the United States has repudiated its compulsory jurisdiction, the United Kingdom has not and the EU positively accepts it.

    “If the International Court of Justice makes a determination of genocide, then the International Criminal Court does not have to determine that genocide has happened. This is important because unlike the august and independent ICJ, the ICC is very much a western government puppet institution which will wiggle out of action if it can. But a determination of the ICJ of genocide and of complicity in genocide would reduce the ICC’s task to determining which individuals bear the responsibility. That is a prospect which can indeed alter the calculations of politicians.

    “It is also the fact that a reference for genocide would force the western media to address the issue and use the term, rather than just pump out propaganda about Hamas fighting bases in hospitals. …

    “I am afraid the question of why Palestine has not invoked the Genocide Convention takes us somewhere very dark. … It is Fatah who occupy the Palestinian seat at the United Nations, and the decision for Palestine to call into play the Genocide Convention lies with Mahmoud Abbas. It is more and more difficult daily to support Abbas. He seems extraordinarily passive, and the suspicion that he is more concerned with refighting the Palestinian civil war than with resisting the genocide is impossible to shake. By invoking the Genocide Convention he could put himself and Fatah back at the centre of the narrative. But he does nothing. I do not want to believe that corruption and a Blinken promise of inheriting Gaza are Mahmoud’s motivators. But at the moment, I cannot grab on to any other explanation to believe in.”

    Thus speeches from Abbas and allied Palestinians figures should be viewed extremely skeptically. It is also very odd, to say the very least, that Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, and other officials put out a statement “Gaza: UN experts call on international community to prevent genocide against the Palestinian people” — but make no mention whatever of the Genocide Convention.

    As Murray writes: “Any one of the 139 states party could invoke the Genocide Convention against Israel and its co-conspirators. Those states include Iran, Russia, Libya, Malaysia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Afghanistan, Cuba, Ireland, Iceland, Jordan, South Africa, Turkey and Qatar. But not one of these states has called out the genocide [by invoking the Convention]. Why?

    “It is not because the Genocide Convention is a dead letter. It is not. It was invoked against Serbia by Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ICJ ruled against Serbia with regard to the massacre at Srebrenica.” Murray notes that this helped lead to prosecutions.

    He adds: “Some states may simply not have thought of it. For Arab states in particular, the fact that Palestine itself has not invoked the Genocide Convention may provide an excuse. EU states can hide behind bloc unanimity.

    “But I am afraid that the truth is that no state cares sufficiently about the thousands of Palestinian children already killed and thousands more who will shortly be killed, to introduce another factor of hostility in their relationship with the United States. Just as at [the recent] summit in Saudi Arabia, where Islamic countries could not agree [on] an oil and gas boycott of Israel, the truth is that those in power really do not care about a genocide in Gaza. They care about their own interests.

    “It just needs one state to invoke the Genocide Convention and change the narrative and the international dynamic. That will only happen through the power of the people in pressing the idea on their governments. This is where everybody can do a little something to add to the pressure. Please do what you can.”

    What can you do? Urge countries which have been critical of Israel to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Get groups and influential people to make this a primary ask.

    Protests in NYC should include visits and vigils to the missions of those countries. Activists who have been arrested for protesting against Israel’s slaughter can ask UN officials from countries critical of Israel to invoke the Genocide Convention.

    Palestinians in Ramallah may be able to directly contact the representatives of various countries to Palestine.

    This can be done anywhere. Protests in London can respectfully appeal to the embassies of various countries critical of Israel.

    We need to keep pressing directly against the US and Israeli governments, but their hearts are like stone. If we reach other states to invoke the Genocide Convention, it may be a key stop in curtailing the slaughter.

    Moreover, it could be a turning point in global relations. Should a positive emergency ruling by the International Court of Justice be forthcoming, it would dramatically isolate the US and Israel at the UN. The US would of course try to block anything at the UN Security Council. But with a World Court ruling, Boyle argues, the stage would be set for the General Assembly to assert itself using the Uniting for Peace procedure. Combined with sustained protests, like the WTO and other critical confrontations, the costs of continuing the slaughter could become unsustainable. Moreover, a World Court ruling could facilitate other legal efforts, like universal jurisdiction.

    For all that to happen, a country needs to step forward and invoke the Genocide Convention.

    Make no mistake; any nation that does this may well be targeted in insidious ways by the US and by Israel. Any such nation should be afforded every bit of support people of goodwill can muster.

    Here's a website that seems to list all the embassies and other diplomatic missions around the world. People from anywhere can be emailing, calling and going to these embassies and missions, urging these countries to use every legal mechanism to pressure Israel to stop, including invoking the Genocide Convention: embassy-worldwide.com.

    A friend extracted emails of missions to the UN:

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    Emails of embassies to and from Palestine via this page.

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    Urge Governments to Invoke the Genocide Convention to Stop the War on Gaza

    To Save Gaza, Invoke the Genocide Convention The ICC is a "puppet institution". What's needed is a country to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Here's how, with argument, phone numbers, addresses and emails. Sam Husseini [Addendum: RootsAction and World Beyond War have put out the action alert “It’s Time to Invoke the Genocide Convention”. This full piece has been posted on X/Twitter with threadcontaining handles for various national leaders who can be petitioned.] Some of the greatest successes in recent human history have combined protest movements with strong diplomatic moves. In February 1998, the Clinton administration seemed poised to inflict a massive attack on Iraq, but vocal opposition from the US public, especially at a CNN town hall meeting in Ohio, combined by UN Secretary General Kofi Annangoing to Iraq, repelled the US government attack. The following year, in the Battle of Seattle, combined protests in the streets and delegations from the global south finding their backbone resulted in the World Trade Organization’s plans collapsing. This was a major setback for global corporate interests. There is now effectively a global movement, largely based around mass protests, to stop Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Several countries, including South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, Djibouti as well as Colombia and Algeria and Turkey have moved for the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israeli officials. The problem is that ICC has been dragging its heels for years on prosecuting Israelis. It has been called a “white man’s court” after only going after Africans, and, after letting Israel off the hook during an earlier assault on Gaza, “a hoax”. Some of these nations have called Israel’s war crimes “genocide”. They should act on their words and invoke the relevant treaty. Other nations that have been especially critical of Israel are Pakistan, Brazil, Chile, Belize, Jordan, Chad, Honduras, Bahrain, Venezuela, Iran, and Cuba. The International Court of Justice, also called the World Court, in contrast has ruled against Israel. But so far these rulings have been advisory opinions. It ruled against Israel in a case regarding its wall in 2004. In another case before it, is expected to rule against Israel’s long term policies. But what can be done now, Prof. Francis Boyle, who successfully represented the Bosnians before the World Court, argues is to use emergency processes to give more teeth to the World Court. This can be done by invoking the Genocide Convention. This is outlined by Boyle, noted by UN whistleblower Craig Mokhiber, backed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire, and written about by myself. And most recently by Craig Murray, now a human rights activist who was the British ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee. Murray just wrote the piece “Activating the Genocide Convention” which states: “There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide — and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party — then the International Court of Justice [also called the World Court] is required to adjudicate on ‘the responsibility of a State for genocide.'” Murray quotes from the Genocide Convention and cites evidence that Israel is conducting genocide and that the US and British governments are at minimum complicit in that. He then states: “The International Court of Justice is the most respected of international institutions; while the United States has repudiated its compulsory jurisdiction, the United Kingdom has not and the EU positively accepts it. “If the International Court of Justice makes a determination of genocide, then the International Criminal Court does not have to determine that genocide has happened. This is important because unlike the august and independent ICJ, the ICC is very much a western government puppet institution which will wiggle out of action if it can. But a determination of the ICJ of genocide and of complicity in genocide would reduce the ICC’s task to determining which individuals bear the responsibility. That is a prospect which can indeed alter the calculations of politicians. “It is also the fact that a reference for genocide would force the western media to address the issue and use the term, rather than just pump out propaganda about Hamas fighting bases in hospitals. … “I am afraid the question of why Palestine has not invoked the Genocide Convention takes us somewhere very dark. … It is Fatah who occupy the Palestinian seat at the United Nations, and the decision for Palestine to call into play the Genocide Convention lies with Mahmoud Abbas. It is more and more difficult daily to support Abbas. He seems extraordinarily passive, and the suspicion that he is more concerned with refighting the Palestinian civil war than with resisting the genocide is impossible to shake. By invoking the Genocide Convention he could put himself and Fatah back at the centre of the narrative. But he does nothing. I do not want to believe that corruption and a Blinken promise of inheriting Gaza are Mahmoud’s motivators. But at the moment, I cannot grab on to any other explanation to believe in.” Thus speeches from Abbas and allied Palestinians figures should be viewed extremely skeptically. It is also very odd, to say the very least, that Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, and other officials put out a statement “Gaza: UN experts call on international community to prevent genocide against the Palestinian people” — but make no mention whatever of the Genocide Convention. As Murray writes: “Any one of the 139 states party could invoke the Genocide Convention against Israel and its co-conspirators. Those states include Iran, Russia, Libya, Malaysia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Afghanistan, Cuba, Ireland, Iceland, Jordan, South Africa, Turkey and Qatar. But not one of these states has called out the genocide [by invoking the Convention]. Why? “It is not because the Genocide Convention is a dead letter. It is not. It was invoked against Serbia by Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ICJ ruled against Serbia with regard to the massacre at Srebrenica.” Murray notes that this helped lead to prosecutions. He adds: “Some states may simply not have thought of it. For Arab states in particular, the fact that Palestine itself has not invoked the Genocide Convention may provide an excuse. EU states can hide behind bloc unanimity. “But I am afraid that the truth is that no state cares sufficiently about the thousands of Palestinian children already killed and thousands more who will shortly be killed, to introduce another factor of hostility in their relationship with the United States. Just as at [the recent] summit in Saudi Arabia, where Islamic countries could not agree [on] an oil and gas boycott of Israel, the truth is that those in power really do not care about a genocide in Gaza. They care about their own interests. “It just needs one state to invoke the Genocide Convention and change the narrative and the international dynamic. That will only happen through the power of the people in pressing the idea on their governments. This is where everybody can do a little something to add to the pressure. Please do what you can.” What can you do? Urge countries which have been critical of Israel to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Get groups and influential people to make this a primary ask. Protests in NYC should include visits and vigils to the missions of those countries. Activists who have been arrested for protesting against Israel’s slaughter can ask UN officials from countries critical of Israel to invoke the Genocide Convention. Palestinians in Ramallah may be able to directly contact the representatives of various countries to Palestine. This can be done anywhere. Protests in London can respectfully appeal to the embassies of various countries critical of Israel. We need to keep pressing directly against the US and Israeli governments, but their hearts are like stone. If we reach other states to invoke the Genocide Convention, it may be a key stop in curtailing the slaughter. Moreover, it could be a turning point in global relations. Should a positive emergency ruling by the International Court of Justice be forthcoming, it would dramatically isolate the US and Israel at the UN. The US would of course try to block anything at the UN Security Council. But with a World Court ruling, Boyle argues, the stage would be set for the General Assembly to assert itself using the Uniting for Peace procedure. Combined with sustained protests, like the WTO and other critical confrontations, the costs of continuing the slaughter could become unsustainable. Moreover, a World Court ruling could facilitate other legal efforts, like universal jurisdiction. For all that to happen, a country needs to step forward and invoke the Genocide Convention. Make no mistake; any nation that does this may well be targeted in insidious ways by the US and by Israel. Any such nation should be afforded every bit of support people of goodwill can muster. Here's a website that seems to list all the embassies and other diplomatic missions around the world. People from anywhere can be emailing, calling and going to these embassies and missions, urging these countries to use every legal mechanism to pressure Israel to stop, including invoking the Genocide Convention: embassy-worldwide.com. A friend extracted emails of missions to the UN: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Emails of embassies to and from Palestine via this page. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Urge Governments to Invoke the Genocide Convention to Stop the War on Gaza https://worldbeyondwar.org/gaza-genocide/
    Let's use the law to stop the killing in Gaza. #WorldBEYONDWar
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  • 64 US Bank Branches File To Shut Down In A Single Week; Are You Affected?
    November 27, 2023
    By Naveen Athrappully

    Big banks such as PNC Bank and JPMorgan Chase have filed to close several branch offices in multiple states amid a troubling pattern of rising branch shutdowns in recent years.

    Between Nov. 12 and 18, several banks filed to close branch locations, with PNC Bank with the most filings, according to data from the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Pittsburgh-based PNC Bank filed for 19 branch closures—five in Pennsylvania, four in Illinois, three in Texas, two each in Alabama and New Jersey, and one each in Indiana, Ohio, and Florida.

    JPMorgan Chase followed closely with 18 filings—three in Ohio, two each in Connecticut and South Carolina, and one each in 11 states, including New York, Illinois, Florida, and Massachusetts.

    Citizens Bank came in third with eight branch closure filings—six in New York, and one each in Massachusetts and Delaware. Minneapolis-based U.S. Bank filed for seven closures—three in Tennessee and one each in Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Illinois.

    Bank of America made five filings—two in New York and one each in Texas, Massachusetts, and California.

    Citibank filed for two branch closures, and Sterling, Bremer, First National Bank of Hughes Springs, Windsor FS&LA, and Aroostook County FS&LA made one filing each.

    Altogether, banks filed to shut down 64 branches.

    The recent closures are part of a long-term branch shutdown trend that has been ongoing over the past several years. A report from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition shows that between 2017 and 2021, 9 percent of all bank branches shut down. The closure rate doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    According to data from S&P, there were 3,012 branch closures last year and 958 branch openings, leading to a net closure of 2,054 branches. This was the third consecutive year that net closings exceeded 2,000.

    One major factor that led to a surge in branch closures is the rise of digital banking, a trend that accelerated during the pandemic when people were stuck at their homes.

    A survey by the American Banking Association (ABA) conducted in September showed that 8 in 10 Americans used a mobile device to manage their bank accounts at least once in the previous month.

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    “Digital banking tools have made it more convenient and more secure than ever for consumers to manage their finances,” Brooke Ybarra, ABA’s senior vice president of innovation strategy, said, according to a Nov. 3 statement.

    Cost Saving, Negative Effects

    Going digital rather than expanding physical branch locations is also part of a cost-saving strategy for banking institutions. Opening a new site costs millions of dollars and several hundreds of thousands in annual recurring costs.

    Most of the operations done via a physical bank can now be done online. Digital transactions are cheaper than the costs incurred in transacting via bank tellers.

    On the flip side, the shutdown of bank branches can negatively affect customers, especially in small towns. Due to such closures, many towns have become “bank deserts,” where the nearest bank is more than 10 miles away.

    “When bank branches close, there are several adverse effects on the surrounding community. Small business lending and activity in the area declines. More people use alternative financial services that open them to unregulated and predatory financial practices. An important commercial tenant and employer are lost,” the National Community Reinvestment Coalition report said.

    “While consumers have embraced mobile and internet banking to one degree or another, they clarify that branches matter to them as well, and without branches nearby, they are more likely to be un- or under-banked.”

    A recent survey by Daily Mail found that 51 percent of Americans were either “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about the closure of bank branches.

    PNC Bank Closure

    PNC Bank registered the largest number of closure filings amid its heightened focus on cost-saving measures. During its second-quarter earnings call, CEO William S. Demchak said the bank is “going to have to take a hard look” at where it can “generate savings … without cutting the potential for growth.”

    At the time, Chief Financial Officer Robert Q. Reilly revealed that the institution was boosting the target of an expense reduction program by $50 million to $450 million. For next year, PNC Bank is targeting $725 million in expense cuts.

    PNC is the sixth-largest U.S. bank. The 19 branches that will be shut down are:

    202 N. Walnut St., Bath, Pennsylvania
    301 W. Trenton Ave., Morrisville, Pennsylvania
    14 N. Main St., Plains, Pennsylvania
    1969 E. 3rd St., Williamsport, Pennsylvania
    2 N. Mill St., New Castle, Pennsylvania
    321 Bel Air Blvd., Mobile, Alabama
    2811 Eastern Blvd., Montgomery, Alabama
    5650 S. Brainard Avenue, Countryside, Illinois
    2217 W. Market St., Bloomington, Illinois
    1949 E. Sangamon Ave., Springfield, Illinois
    505 West Liberty Street, Wauconda, Illinois
    8733 U.S. Highway 31 South, Indianapolis, Indiana
    528 Station Ave., Hadden Heights, New Jersey
    410 Main St., Orange, New Jersey
    115 E. Van Buren Ave., Harlingen, Texas
    407 S. Commerce St., Harlingen, Texas
    801 W. Kearney St., Mesquite, Texas
    1040 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, Ohio
    1140 N. Main St., Gainesville, Florida
    In June, PNC shut 47 branches, followed by 29 closures in August. A spokesperson told The U.S. Sun at the time that the bank intends to shut down 147 locations as it focuses more on online banking. The closures were expected to make 60 percent of PNC’s banking business exclusively online.

    A spokesperson from the bank told the Philadelphia Business Journal that the 19 bank closures will take place on Feb. 16.

    Last month, the bank reported a drop in third-quarter profits and declared cutting roughly 4 percent of its workforce. The layoffs, which began on Oct. 6, will be completed by the end of the fourth quarter. The job cuts are expected to bring down the bank’s yearly personnel expenses by roughly $325 million or 5 percent.

    Above Phone De-Googled Private Communications: SHOP
    The bank also forecasts that its net interest income—the difference between the interest it receives on loans and the interest it pays on deposits—will shrink by 1 to 2 percent from current levels in quarter four. During the third quarter, net interest income had declined by 3 percent.

    “They (PNC Bank) recognize that there is definitely a headwind to the growth and their net interest income, mainly due to the higher deposit rates and higher funding costs,” Timothy Coffey, an analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott, told Reuters.

    “And so they’re trying to alleviate some of that headwind by doing what they can to cut their own non-interest expenses as a way to maintain their earnings.”

    Source: The Epoch Times via ZeroHedge

    Naveen Athrappully is a news reporter covering business and world events at The Epoch Times.

    Image: Pixabay

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    Provide, Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today.

    64 US Bank Branches File To Shut Down In A Single Week; Are You Affected? November 27, 2023 By Naveen Athrappully Big banks such as PNC Bank and JPMorgan Chase have filed to close several branch offices in multiple states amid a troubling pattern of rising branch shutdowns in recent years. Between Nov. 12 and 18, several banks filed to close branch locations, with PNC Bank with the most filings, according to data from the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Pittsburgh-based PNC Bank filed for 19 branch closures—five in Pennsylvania, four in Illinois, three in Texas, two each in Alabama and New Jersey, and one each in Indiana, Ohio, and Florida. JPMorgan Chase followed closely with 18 filings—three in Ohio, two each in Connecticut and South Carolina, and one each in 11 states, including New York, Illinois, Florida, and Massachusetts. Citizens Bank came in third with eight branch closure filings—six in New York, and one each in Massachusetts and Delaware. Minneapolis-based U.S. Bank filed for seven closures—three in Tennessee and one each in Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Illinois. Bank of America made five filings—two in New York and one each in Texas, Massachusetts, and California. Citibank filed for two branch closures, and Sterling, Bremer, First National Bank of Hughes Springs, Windsor FS&LA, and Aroostook County FS&LA made one filing each. Altogether, banks filed to shut down 64 branches. The recent closures are part of a long-term branch shutdown trend that has been ongoing over the past several years. A report from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition shows that between 2017 and 2021, 9 percent of all bank branches shut down. The closure rate doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to data from S&P, there were 3,012 branch closures last year and 958 branch openings, leading to a net closure of 2,054 branches. This was the third consecutive year that net closings exceeded 2,000. One major factor that led to a surge in branch closures is the rise of digital banking, a trend that accelerated during the pandemic when people were stuck at their homes. A survey by the American Banking Association (ABA) conducted in September showed that 8 in 10 Americans used a mobile device to manage their bank accounts at least once in the previous month. Activist Post is Google-Free — We Need Your Support Contribute Just $1 Per Month at Patreon or SubscribeStar “Digital banking tools have made it more convenient and more secure than ever for consumers to manage their finances,” Brooke Ybarra, ABA’s senior vice president of innovation strategy, said, according to a Nov. 3 statement. Cost Saving, Negative Effects Going digital rather than expanding physical branch locations is also part of a cost-saving strategy for banking institutions. Opening a new site costs millions of dollars and several hundreds of thousands in annual recurring costs. Most of the operations done via a physical bank can now be done online. Digital transactions are cheaper than the costs incurred in transacting via bank tellers. On the flip side, the shutdown of bank branches can negatively affect customers, especially in small towns. Due to such closures, many towns have become “bank deserts,” where the nearest bank is more than 10 miles away. “When bank branches close, there are several adverse effects on the surrounding community. Small business lending and activity in the area declines. More people use alternative financial services that open them to unregulated and predatory financial practices. An important commercial tenant and employer are lost,” the National Community Reinvestment Coalition report said. “While consumers have embraced mobile and internet banking to one degree or another, they clarify that branches matter to them as well, and without branches nearby, they are more likely to be un- or under-banked.” A recent survey by Daily Mail found that 51 percent of Americans were either “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about the closure of bank branches. PNC Bank Closure PNC Bank registered the largest number of closure filings amid its heightened focus on cost-saving measures. During its second-quarter earnings call, CEO William S. Demchak said the bank is “going to have to take a hard look” at where it can “generate savings … without cutting the potential for growth.” At the time, Chief Financial Officer Robert Q. Reilly revealed that the institution was boosting the target of an expense reduction program by $50 million to $450 million. For next year, PNC Bank is targeting $725 million in expense cuts. PNC is the sixth-largest U.S. bank. The 19 branches that will be shut down are: 202 N. Walnut St., Bath, Pennsylvania 301 W. Trenton Ave., Morrisville, Pennsylvania 14 N. Main St., Plains, Pennsylvania 1969 E. 3rd St., Williamsport, Pennsylvania 2 N. Mill St., New Castle, Pennsylvania 321 Bel Air Blvd., Mobile, Alabama 2811 Eastern Blvd., Montgomery, Alabama 5650 S. Brainard Avenue, Countryside, Illinois 2217 W. Market St., Bloomington, Illinois 1949 E. Sangamon Ave., Springfield, Illinois 505 West Liberty Street, Wauconda, Illinois 8733 U.S. Highway 31 South, Indianapolis, Indiana 528 Station Ave., Hadden Heights, New Jersey 410 Main St., Orange, New Jersey 115 E. Van Buren Ave., Harlingen, Texas 407 S. Commerce St., Harlingen, Texas 801 W. Kearney St., Mesquite, Texas 1040 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, Ohio 1140 N. Main St., Gainesville, Florida In June, PNC shut 47 branches, followed by 29 closures in August. A spokesperson told The U.S. Sun at the time that the bank intends to shut down 147 locations as it focuses more on online banking. The closures were expected to make 60 percent of PNC’s banking business exclusively online. A spokesperson from the bank told the Philadelphia Business Journal that the 19 bank closures will take place on Feb. 16. Last month, the bank reported a drop in third-quarter profits and declared cutting roughly 4 percent of its workforce. The layoffs, which began on Oct. 6, will be completed by the end of the fourth quarter. The job cuts are expected to bring down the bank’s yearly personnel expenses by roughly $325 million or 5 percent. Above Phone De-Googled Private Communications: SHOP The bank also forecasts that its net interest income—the difference between the interest it receives on loans and the interest it pays on deposits—will shrink by 1 to 2 percent from current levels in quarter four. During the third quarter, net interest income had declined by 3 percent. “They (PNC Bank) recognize that there is definitely a headwind to the growth and their net interest income, mainly due to the higher deposit rates and higher funding costs,” Timothy Coffey, an analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott, told Reuters. “And so they’re trying to alleviate some of that headwind by doing what they can to cut their own non-interest expenses as a way to maintain their earnings.” Source: The Epoch Times via ZeroHedge Naveen Athrappully is a news reporter covering business and world events at The Epoch Times. Image: Pixabay Or support us at SubscribeStar Donate cryptocurrency HERE Subscribe to Activist Post for truth, peace, and freedom news. Follow us on SoMee, Telegram, HIVE, Minds, MeWe, Twitter – X, Gab, and What Really Happened. Provide, Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today. https://www.activistpost.com/2023/11/64-us-bank-branches-file-to-shut-down-in-a-single-week-are-you-affected.html
    64 US Bank Branches File To Shut Down In A Single Week; Are You Affected? - Activist Post
    Multiple states continue a troubling pattern of rising branch shutdowns in recent years.
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  • Biden and Western Media Telling Outrageous Lies… This Is U.S. Nuclear-Powered Genocide
    The Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse, Finian Cunningham writes.

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    In the Western media, we are told the Israeli regime is giving short shrift to calls from the Biden administration for “humanitarian pauses” in its “war on Hamas” – which in reality is not a war but a mass slaughter of Palestinians.

    The U.S. and Western media report that American President Joe Biden is “concerned” about the mounting civilian death toll after more than four weeks of Israel’s siege and non-stop aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip, a coastal enclave equivalent to the area of Detroit.

    Biden sent his top diplomat Antony Blinken on a tour of the Middle East apparently in a bid to persuade Israel to allow “humanitarian pauses” in its offensive against a largely civilian population. Israel’s premier Benjamin Netanyahu is having none of that as his military forces proceed with a ground invasion.

    The charade being presented here by the Western media is that Washington is somehow acting as a restraining influence. And not a very successful one. A sort of well-meaning hapless foreign power trying to help an ally but also apprehensive about humanitarian suffering.

    That’s just utter claptrap. First off, Israel is conducting a genocide against a population of 2.3 million people, in which resides a militant group, Hamas, that comprises 1 per cent of that population. This is like blowing up a lake to kill the fish.

    Hamas’s murderous attacks on October 7 against Israel which resulted in 1,400 dead Israelis (many of whom were apparently killed by Israeli security forces using excessive force) are no justification whatsoever for the subsequent annihilation of more than 10,000 Palestinians in Gaza, as well as over 130 Palestinians in the West Bank. Nearly 70 per cent of the casualties are women and children.

    This is not a right to self-defense as the Biden administration and other Western governments keep repeating and thereby affording Israel a semblance of political cover. It is a license for mass murder.

    This is genocide.

    The notion that the United States is somehow concerned about the civilian deaths of Palestinians and is acting to restrain Israel is belied by the following:

    The Biden administration has signed off on the supply of $320 million worth of precision-guided bombs for Israel. This is in addition to the bigger military aid package of $14 billion that the U.S. Congress is currently voting on.

    But more than this green light largesse is the nuclear-powered military support that the United States has rushed to assemble in the region. The positioning of this fearsome power parked only a few miles away from the coastal area where Israel is carrying out a murderous blitzkrieg speaks volumes. Only the Western media are distorting the obvious monstrous criminality of what’s really going on.

    U.S. Central Command which covers the Middle East region has announced the arrival of a nuclear-powered submarine. The vessel will join two nuclear-capable aircraft carrier battle groups already dispatched to the East Mediterranean.

    The Pentagon also published a photo of nuclear-capable B-1 Lancer bombers newly deployed to the Middle East.

    The very public announcements of these “strategic weapons” by the United States – usually locations of such assets are not disclosed – are viewed as delivering a calculated, provocative and dire threat to Iran and other Middle Eastern parties, such as Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

    Lloyd Austin, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, voiced the threat in a phone call with Israeli counterpart Yoav “Palestinians-are-human-animals” Gallant at the weekend. Austin “reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to deter any state or non-state actor seeking to escalate this conflict.”

    CIA director William Burns is also visiting Israel this week issuing the same message of support for Tel Aviv and warning other states and parties to back off from any idea of intervening to stop the murderous offensive in Gaza.

    Antony Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State, issued a similarly stark warning to Iran and others during his latest Mideast tour while allegedly seeking “humanitarian pauses”. Blinken said, “Don’t even think about” attacking American forces in the region or otherwise face overwhelming retaliation.

    When Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah gave a much-anticipated speech last week, he surprised many observers by refraining from declaring open war against Israel in support of the Palestinians. It seems Nasrallah is taking heed of the threats assembled by Israel and its U.S. patron. (And who could blame him!)

    Israel’s Netanyahu warned Hezbollah that any widening of war would result in a military response that “could not be imagined”. That formulation of words can only mean a threat to use nuclear weapons.

    Such crazed talk about using nuclear weapons was openly articulated by one of Netanyahu’s cabinet ministers, Amichai Eliyahu, at the weekend during a radio interview. Netanyahu later reprimanded his minister but the rebuke seemed to be for public relations show, nothing else.

    The drastic positioning of U.S. nuclear weapons in the East Mediterranean and the issuing of unprecedented threats to Iran, Hezbollah and others has nothing to do with American concern to prevent escalation of war in the region. That’s how the Biden administration and the Western media are portraying it.

    How preposterous to even consider that notion. No, the blunt truth is that the U.S. is weaponizing the Israeli fascist regime to carry out its genocide against Palestinians with as little opposition as possible. The threats – including the use of nuclear weapons – are to ensure that the genocide is not impeded in any way by nations and parties that might legally assist the Palestinians.

    Like the rhetoric about self-defense, humanitarian pauses, and so on, the Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse. It’s not about stopping a wider conflict. It’s a grotesque verbal cover for nuclear-powered genocide.
    Biden and Western Media Telling Outrageous Lies… This Is U.S. Nuclear-Powered Genocide The Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse, Finian Cunningham writes. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK. Contact us: [email protected] In the Western media, we are told the Israeli regime is giving short shrift to calls from the Biden administration for “humanitarian pauses” in its “war on Hamas” – which in reality is not a war but a mass slaughter of Palestinians. The U.S. and Western media report that American President Joe Biden is “concerned” about the mounting civilian death toll after more than four weeks of Israel’s siege and non-stop aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip, a coastal enclave equivalent to the area of Detroit. Biden sent his top diplomat Antony Blinken on a tour of the Middle East apparently in a bid to persuade Israel to allow “humanitarian pauses” in its offensive against a largely civilian population. Israel’s premier Benjamin Netanyahu is having none of that as his military forces proceed with a ground invasion. The charade being presented here by the Western media is that Washington is somehow acting as a restraining influence. And not a very successful one. A sort of well-meaning hapless foreign power trying to help an ally but also apprehensive about humanitarian suffering. That’s just utter claptrap. First off, Israel is conducting a genocide against a population of 2.3 million people, in which resides a militant group, Hamas, that comprises 1 per cent of that population. This is like blowing up a lake to kill the fish. Hamas’s murderous attacks on October 7 against Israel which resulted in 1,400 dead Israelis (many of whom were apparently killed by Israeli security forces using excessive force) are no justification whatsoever for the subsequent annihilation of more than 10,000 Palestinians in Gaza, as well as over 130 Palestinians in the West Bank. Nearly 70 per cent of the casualties are women and children. This is not a right to self-defense as the Biden administration and other Western governments keep repeating and thereby affording Israel a semblance of political cover. It is a license for mass murder. This is genocide. The notion that the United States is somehow concerned about the civilian deaths of Palestinians and is acting to restrain Israel is belied by the following: The Biden administration has signed off on the supply of $320 million worth of precision-guided bombs for Israel. This is in addition to the bigger military aid package of $14 billion that the U.S. Congress is currently voting on. But more than this green light largesse is the nuclear-powered military support that the United States has rushed to assemble in the region. The positioning of this fearsome power parked only a few miles away from the coastal area where Israel is carrying out a murderous blitzkrieg speaks volumes. Only the Western media are distorting the obvious monstrous criminality of what’s really going on. U.S. Central Command which covers the Middle East region has announced the arrival of a nuclear-powered submarine. The vessel will join two nuclear-capable aircraft carrier battle groups already dispatched to the East Mediterranean. The Pentagon also published a photo of nuclear-capable B-1 Lancer bombers newly deployed to the Middle East. The very public announcements of these “strategic weapons” by the United States – usually locations of such assets are not disclosed – are viewed as delivering a calculated, provocative and dire threat to Iran and other Middle Eastern parties, such as Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Lloyd Austin, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, voiced the threat in a phone call with Israeli counterpart Yoav “Palestinians-are-human-animals” Gallant at the weekend. Austin “reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to deter any state or non-state actor seeking to escalate this conflict.” CIA director William Burns is also visiting Israel this week issuing the same message of support for Tel Aviv and warning other states and parties to back off from any idea of intervening to stop the murderous offensive in Gaza. Antony Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State, issued a similarly stark warning to Iran and others during his latest Mideast tour while allegedly seeking “humanitarian pauses”. Blinken said, “Don’t even think about” attacking American forces in the region or otherwise face overwhelming retaliation. When Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah gave a much-anticipated speech last week, he surprised many observers by refraining from declaring open war against Israel in support of the Palestinians. It seems Nasrallah is taking heed of the threats assembled by Israel and its U.S. patron. (And who could blame him!) Israel’s Netanyahu warned Hezbollah that any widening of war would result in a military response that “could not be imagined”. That formulation of words can only mean a threat to use nuclear weapons. Such crazed talk about using nuclear weapons was openly articulated by one of Netanyahu’s cabinet ministers, Amichai Eliyahu, at the weekend during a radio interview. Netanyahu later reprimanded his minister but the rebuke seemed to be for public relations show, nothing else. The drastic positioning of U.S. nuclear weapons in the East Mediterranean and the issuing of unprecedented threats to Iran, Hezbollah and others has nothing to do with American concern to prevent escalation of war in the region. That’s how the Biden administration and the Western media are portraying it. How preposterous to even consider that notion. No, the blunt truth is that the U.S. is weaponizing the Israeli fascist regime to carry out its genocide against Palestinians with as little opposition as possible. The threats – including the use of nuclear weapons – are to ensure that the genocide is not impeded in any way by nations and parties that might legally assist the Palestinians. Like the rhetoric about self-defense, humanitarian pauses, and so on, the Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse. It’s not about stopping a wider conflict. It’s a grotesque verbal cover for nuclear-powered genocide.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 5333 Views
  • Biden and Western Media Telling Outrageous Lies… This Is U.S. Nuclear-Powered Genocide — Strategic Culture

    Biden and Western Media Telling Outrageous Lies… This Is U.S. Nuclear-Powered Genocide
    The Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse, Finian Cunningham writes.

    ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK.

    Contact us: [email protected]

    In the Western media, we are told the Israeli regime is giving short shrift to calls from the Biden administration for “humanitarian pauses” in its “war on Hamas” – which in reality is not a war but a mass slaughter of Palestinians.

    The U.S. and Western media report that American President Joe Biden is “concerned” about the mounting civilian death toll after more than four weeks of Israel’s siege and non-stop aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip, a coastal enclave equivalent to the area of Detroit.

    Biden sent his top diplomat Antony Blinken on a tour of the Middle East apparently in a bid to persuade Israel to allow “humanitarian pauses” in its offensive against a largely civilian population. Israel’s premier Benjamin Netanyahu is having none of that as his military forces proceed with a ground invasion.

    The charade being presented here by the Western media is that Washington is somehow acting as a restraining influence. And not a very successful one. A sort of well-meaning hapless foreign power trying to help an ally but also apprehensive about humanitarian suffering.

    That’s just utter claptrap. First off, Israel is conducting a genocide against a population of 2.3 million people, in which resides a militant group, Hamas, that comprises 1 per cent of that population. This is like blowing up a lake to kill the fish.

    Hamas’s murderous attacks on October 7 against Israel which resulted in 1,400 dead Israelis (many of whom were apparently killed by Israeli security forces using excessive force) are no justification whatsoever for the subsequent annihilation of more than 10,000 Palestinians in Gaza, as well as over 130 Palestinians in the West Bank. Nearly 70 per cent of the casualties are women and children.

    This is not a right to self-defense as the Biden administration and other Western governments keep repeating and thereby affording Israel a semblance of political cover. It is a license for mass murder.

    This is genocide.

    The notion that the United States is somehow concerned about the civilian deaths of Palestinians and is acting to restrain Israel is belied by the following:

    The Biden administration has signed off on the supply of $320 million worth of precision-guided bombs for Israel. This is in addition to the bigger military aid package of $14 billion that the U.S. Congress is currently voting on.

    But more than this green light largesse is the nuclear-powered military support that the United States has rushed to assemble in the region. The positioning of this fearsome power parked only a few miles away from the coastal area where Israel is carrying out a murderous blitzkrieg speaks volumes. Only the Western media are distorting the obvious monstrous criminality of what’s really going on.

    U.S. Central Command which covers the Middle East region has announced the arrival of a nuclear-powered submarine. The vessel will join two nuclear-capable aircraft carrier battle groups already dispatched to the East Mediterranean.

    The Pentagon also published a photo of nuclear-capable B-1 Lancer bombers newly deployed to the Middle East.

    The very public announcements of these “strategic weapons” by the United States – usually locations of such assets are not disclosed – are viewed as delivering a calculated, provocative and dire threat to Iran and other Middle Eastern parties, such as Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

    Lloyd Austin, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, voiced the threat in a phone call with Israeli counterpart Yoav “Palestinians-are-human-animals” Gallant at the weekend. Austin “reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to deter any state or non-state actor seeking to escalate this conflict.”

    CIA director William Burns is also visiting Israel this week issuing the same message of support for Tel Aviv and warning other states and parties to back off from any idea of intervening to stop the murderous offensive in Gaza.

    Antony Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State, issued a similarly stark warning to Iran and others during his latest Mideast tour while allegedly seeking “humanitarian pauses”. Blinken said, “Don’t even think about” attacking American forces in the region or otherwise face overwhelming retaliation.

    When Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah gave a much-anticipated speech last week, he surprised many observers by refraining from declaring open war against Israel in support of the Palestinians. It seems Nasrallah is taking heed of the threats assembled by Israel and its U.S. patron. (And who could blame him!)

    Israel’s Netanyahu warned Hezbollah that any widening of war would result in a military response that “could not be imagined”. That formulation of words can only mean a threat to use nuclear weapons.

    Such crazed talk about using nuclear weapons was openly articulated by one of Netanyahu’s cabinet ministers, Amichai Eliyahu, at the weekend during a radio interview. Netanyahu later reprimanded his minister but the rebuke seemed to be for public relations show, nothing else.

    The drastic positioning of U.S. nuclear weapons in the East Mediterranean and the issuing of unprecedented threats to Iran, Hezbollah and others has nothing to do with American concern to prevent escalation of war in the region. That’s how the Biden administration and the Western media are portraying it.

    How preposterous to even consider that notion. No, the blunt truth is that the U.S. is weaponizing the Israeli fascist regime to carry out its genocide against Palestinians with as little opposition as possible. The threats – including the use of nuclear weapons – are to ensure that the genocide is not impeded in any way by nations and parties that might legally assist the Palestinians.

    Like the rhetoric about self-defense, humanitarian pauses, and so on, the Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse. It’s not about stopping a wider conflict. It’s a grotesque verbal cover for nuclear-powered genocide.
    Biden and Western Media Telling Outrageous Lies… This Is U.S. Nuclear-Powered Genocide — Strategic Culture https://strategic-culture.su/news/2023/11/08/biden-and-western-media-telling-outrageous-lies-this-us-nuclear-powered-genocide/ Biden and Western Media Telling Outrageous Lies… This Is U.S. Nuclear-Powered Genocide The Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse, Finian Cunningham writes. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK. Contact us: [email protected] In the Western media, we are told the Israeli regime is giving short shrift to calls from the Biden administration for “humanitarian pauses” in its “war on Hamas” – which in reality is not a war but a mass slaughter of Palestinians. The U.S. and Western media report that American President Joe Biden is “concerned” about the mounting civilian death toll after more than four weeks of Israel’s siege and non-stop aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip, a coastal enclave equivalent to the area of Detroit. Biden sent his top diplomat Antony Blinken on a tour of the Middle East apparently in a bid to persuade Israel to allow “humanitarian pauses” in its offensive against a largely civilian population. Israel’s premier Benjamin Netanyahu is having none of that as his military forces proceed with a ground invasion. The charade being presented here by the Western media is that Washington is somehow acting as a restraining influence. And not a very successful one. A sort of well-meaning hapless foreign power trying to help an ally but also apprehensive about humanitarian suffering. That’s just utter claptrap. First off, Israel is conducting a genocide against a population of 2.3 million people, in which resides a militant group, Hamas, that comprises 1 per cent of that population. This is like blowing up a lake to kill the fish. Hamas’s murderous attacks on October 7 against Israel which resulted in 1,400 dead Israelis (many of whom were apparently killed by Israeli security forces using excessive force) are no justification whatsoever for the subsequent annihilation of more than 10,000 Palestinians in Gaza, as well as over 130 Palestinians in the West Bank. Nearly 70 per cent of the casualties are women and children. This is not a right to self-defense as the Biden administration and other Western governments keep repeating and thereby affording Israel a semblance of political cover. It is a license for mass murder. This is genocide. The notion that the United States is somehow concerned about the civilian deaths of Palestinians and is acting to restrain Israel is belied by the following: The Biden administration has signed off on the supply of $320 million worth of precision-guided bombs for Israel. This is in addition to the bigger military aid package of $14 billion that the U.S. Congress is currently voting on. But more than this green light largesse is the nuclear-powered military support that the United States has rushed to assemble in the region. The positioning of this fearsome power parked only a few miles away from the coastal area where Israel is carrying out a murderous blitzkrieg speaks volumes. Only the Western media are distorting the obvious monstrous criminality of what’s really going on. U.S. Central Command which covers the Middle East region has announced the arrival of a nuclear-powered submarine. The vessel will join two nuclear-capable aircraft carrier battle groups already dispatched to the East Mediterranean. The Pentagon also published a photo of nuclear-capable B-1 Lancer bombers newly deployed to the Middle East. The very public announcements of these “strategic weapons” by the United States – usually locations of such assets are not disclosed – are viewed as delivering a calculated, provocative and dire threat to Iran and other Middle Eastern parties, such as Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Lloyd Austin, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, voiced the threat in a phone call with Israeli counterpart Yoav “Palestinians-are-human-animals” Gallant at the weekend. Austin “reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to deter any state or non-state actor seeking to escalate this conflict.” CIA director William Burns is also visiting Israel this week issuing the same message of support for Tel Aviv and warning other states and parties to back off from any idea of intervening to stop the murderous offensive in Gaza. Antony Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State, issued a similarly stark warning to Iran and others during his latest Mideast tour while allegedly seeking “humanitarian pauses”. Blinken said, “Don’t even think about” attacking American forces in the region or otherwise face overwhelming retaliation. When Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah gave a much-anticipated speech last week, he surprised many observers by refraining from declaring open war against Israel in support of the Palestinians. It seems Nasrallah is taking heed of the threats assembled by Israel and its U.S. patron. (And who could blame him!) Israel’s Netanyahu warned Hezbollah that any widening of war would result in a military response that “could not be imagined”. That formulation of words can only mean a threat to use nuclear weapons. Such crazed talk about using nuclear weapons was openly articulated by one of Netanyahu’s cabinet ministers, Amichai Eliyahu, at the weekend during a radio interview. Netanyahu later reprimanded his minister but the rebuke seemed to be for public relations show, nothing else. The drastic positioning of U.S. nuclear weapons in the East Mediterranean and the issuing of unprecedented threats to Iran, Hezbollah and others has nothing to do with American concern to prevent escalation of war in the region. That’s how the Biden administration and the Western media are portraying it. How preposterous to even consider that notion. No, the blunt truth is that the U.S. is weaponizing the Israeli fascist regime to carry out its genocide against Palestinians with as little opposition as possible. The threats – including the use of nuclear weapons – are to ensure that the genocide is not impeded in any way by nations and parties that might legally assist the Palestinians. Like the rhetoric about self-defense, humanitarian pauses, and so on, the Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse. It’s not about stopping a wider conflict. It’s a grotesque verbal cover for nuclear-powered genocide.
    Biden and Western Media Telling Outrageous Lies… This Is U.S. Nuclear-Powered Genocide
    The Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse, Finian Cunningham writes. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK. Contact us: [email protected] In…
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 4779 Views
  • ![IMG_20230506_152537~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmeaVw5HPGpgTbCpvDtPyRc7EDAS5mFG7irEip2xucz1uE/IMG_20230506_152537~2.jpg)
    I shared a portrait of Steve Jobs some four months back. It looked very much like Ashton Kutcher. This particular drawing was something I started last July but abandoned and luckily saw again two days ago. So upon rediscovery, I tried completing it and ended up with this.
    These are the outlines....
    **Thanks for paying me a visit, trust you had a great read.**
    ![IMG_20230506_152537~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmeaVw5HPGpgTbCpvDtPyRc7EDAS5mFG7irEip2xucz1uE/IMG_20230506_152537~2.jpg) ___ ___ I shared a portrait of Steve Jobs some four months back. It looked very much like Ashton Kutcher. This particular drawing was something I started last July but abandoned and luckily saw again two days ago. So upon rediscovery, I tried completing it and ended up with this. ___ ___ ![IMG_20230506_152537~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmeaVw5HPGpgTbCpvDtPyRc7EDAS5mFG7irEip2xucz1uE/IMG_20230506_152537~2.jpg) ___ ___ ___ ___ These are the outlines.... ![IMG_20220707_102722~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmc3cZnVVM8ZusDK4bGtzJVcJQWTSt2rbMZnD3WerhjmfH/IMG_20220707_102722~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20220707_103517~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmbmrj6bn8DvbH4LNVzCSd9HPymueVCAc52WP91r7fR1AB/IMG_20220707_103517~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20220707_104325~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmfCXkvwhTZmfufdqPcP9xghpT2thSJyEYSPXBAR2MriYd/IMG_20220707_104325~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20220707_104803~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmTzN3msziSaXPjcsCoECAGcyHGNZVnujhYSXS9rfgKjdx/IMG_20220707_104803~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230506_145139~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmcjzenaYo4runerbBtvx92UL6ZhhhDqL6a8YD8eS61Juv/IMG_20230506_145139~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230506_145814~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQme1SiLLM3Rhv9VjULxhPn74cet9qsvd1UpYttK4bG1XbX/IMG_20230506_145814~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230506_150431~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmRcfDbuJ4RLQciWcLkCTR6RKBABcAHPW6VrQTKbnexaqr/IMG_20230506_150431~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230506_151025~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmZm6qT3hK5EHPTR8idNpMmRexY3aMHjzYu4bTEBaCWTfX/IMG_20230506_151025~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230506_151643~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmR9YgvpLesxBwSVgLBFVW4eMjunQ228awvDbbHcPfoxTm/IMG_20230506_151643~2.jpg) ___ ___ ![IMG_20230506_152537~2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmeaVw5HPGpgTbCpvDtPyRc7EDAS5mFG7irEip2xucz1uE/IMG_20230506_152537~2.jpg) ___ ___ **Thanks for paying me a visit, trust you had a great read.**
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2584 Views
  • Visiting both the charts of BTC and HIVE reminds me of three articles I wrote. I published the first one in June of last year. I told there that I refused to join the choir of pessimistic outlooks about the trends in crypto simply because the chart tells me otherwise.
    And then on 16 November last year, I based my analysis on BTC’s 78.6% Fibonacci Retracement and argued that instead of following the advice of one influencer to leave cryptocurrency for fear of deeper downside, we were actually witnessing Bitcoin’s floor price.
    Of course, at that time, I was not confident with the result of my analysis. But seeing what actually happened since then, somehow I feel happy to see that though technical analysis is a game of probability, it provides a certain degree of direction when it comes to market trends.
    I wrote the third and last article on the 20th of March this year. I argued in that article that simply basing our conclusion on reading the chart, one can say that though the bulls remain cautious and silent, they are already here.
    This time, simply revisiting the BTC’s chart, you can observe that after a short rally that started in November of last year, the price of Bitcoin consolidated for almost a month between the second week of March and last week. After taking a brief rest and profit-taking, the bulls seem to regain again the upper hand and are now ready for another run.
    Providing the background of the current uptrend, allow me to quote what I wrote in my June 2022 article:

    . . . considering the length of time, the five waves that started in 2017 are classified as Intermediate and that peak price in November last year is considered the Primary Wave 1. What followed next is Primary Wave 2, a retracement wave composed of three Intermediate waves (A to C).

    In my analysis, the last Intermediate Wave, which is Wave C, to complete Primary Wave 2 is a retracement of the Wave 1 rally that started in 2017. And this corrected wave is already done last November. In my wild guess, what we are about to witness in the coming months and years is the formation of Primary Wave 3. In my books, Wave 3 is a wonder to behold for this is the strongest motive wave in Elliot Wave Theory. If the first wave lasts for more or less four to five years, this uptrend will be longer than that.
    ![Bitcoin 15 April 2023.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23wCbJXKVeeCmVh6yW3tftqgJuCjUNdA4nx6QwQQsrxKeLYjeasGFNP1cqNr1hceBiS5E.png)
    [Photo Credit](https://www.investagrams.com/Chart/)
    As you can see in the chart above, the resistance in the 27,000 area has already been broken. What we are witnessing now is a formation of small waves within the larger wave, or in the language of EWT, the formation of Intermediate Waves within the Primary Wave.
    Moreover, even the moving averages that indicate both short-term and long-term trends indicate a bullish sentiment. 20 MA is about to cross both 50 MA and 200 MA. Only 100 MA remains above the market price of Bitcoin.
    What is the implication of this for HIVE?
    If it is really true that Bitcoin dictates the overall movement in cryptocurrency, such price action should be considered positive for the space particularly those blockchain networks and crypto projects that focus on development and usefulness.
    Looking at HIVE’s chart, though the price action of the token seems different from BTC, I see that the moving averages tell us a different story.
    ![Hive 15 April 2023.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23tcNngg4ASew18Y6i6KUwZrimoPZhXduQ5w34XFzRThLnXjBFyETDbPod2rhBCVVLtcd.png)
    [Photo Credit](https://www.investagrams.com/Chart/)
    If you will just carefully observe the four moving averages, you can see that the 100 MA has just crossed the 200 MA around the 11th of April whereas the 20 MA crossed the 50 MA two days after. In my reading, the first one indicates a change in long-term trends while the second shows a change in direction in short-term trends.
    Grace and peace!
    What is Hive?
    What is LeoFinance?
    Visiting both the charts of BTC and HIVE reminds me of three articles I wrote. I published the first one in June of last year. I told there that I refused to join the choir of pessimistic outlooks about the trends in crypto simply because the chart tells me otherwise. And then on 16 November last year, I based my analysis on BTC’s 78.6% Fibonacci Retracement and argued that instead of following the advice of one influencer to leave cryptocurrency for fear of deeper downside, we were actually witnessing Bitcoin’s floor price. Of course, at that time, I was not confident with the result of my analysis. But seeing what actually happened since then, somehow I feel happy to see that though technical analysis is a game of probability, it provides a certain degree of direction when it comes to market trends. I wrote the third and last article on the 20th of March this year. I argued in that article that simply basing our conclusion on reading the chart, one can say that though the bulls remain cautious and silent, they are already here. This time, simply revisiting the BTC’s chart, you can observe that after a short rally that started in November of last year, the price of Bitcoin consolidated for almost a month between the second week of March and last week. After taking a brief rest and profit-taking, the bulls seem to regain again the upper hand and are now ready for another run. Providing the background of the current uptrend, allow me to quote what I wrote in my June 2022 article: . . . considering the length of time, the five waves that started in 2017 are classified as Intermediate and that peak price in November last year is considered the Primary Wave 1. What followed next is Primary Wave 2, a retracement wave composed of three Intermediate waves (A to C). In my analysis, the last Intermediate Wave, which is Wave C, to complete Primary Wave 2 is a retracement of the Wave 1 rally that started in 2017. And this corrected wave is already done last November. In my wild guess, what we are about to witness in the coming months and years is the formation of Primary Wave 3. In my books, Wave 3 is a wonder to behold for this is the strongest motive wave in Elliot Wave Theory. If the first wave lasts for more or less four to five years, this uptrend will be longer than that. ![Bitcoin 15 April 2023.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23wCbJXKVeeCmVh6yW3tftqgJuCjUNdA4nx6QwQQsrxKeLYjeasGFNP1cqNr1hceBiS5E.png) [Photo Credit](https://www.investagrams.com/Chart/) As you can see in the chart above, the resistance in the 27,000 area has already been broken. What we are witnessing now is a formation of small waves within the larger wave, or in the language of EWT, the formation of Intermediate Waves within the Primary Wave. Moreover, even the moving averages that indicate both short-term and long-term trends indicate a bullish sentiment. 20 MA is about to cross both 50 MA and 200 MA. Only 100 MA remains above the market price of Bitcoin. What is the implication of this for HIVE? If it is really true that Bitcoin dictates the overall movement in cryptocurrency, such price action should be considered positive for the space particularly those blockchain networks and crypto projects that focus on development and usefulness. Looking at HIVE’s chart, though the price action of the token seems different from BTC, I see that the moving averages tell us a different story. ![Hive 15 April 2023.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23tcNngg4ASew18Y6i6KUwZrimoPZhXduQ5w34XFzRThLnXjBFyETDbPod2rhBCVVLtcd.png) [Photo Credit](https://www.investagrams.com/Chart/) If you will just carefully observe the four moving averages, you can see that the 100 MA has just crossed the 200 MA around the 11th of April whereas the 20 MA crossed the 50 MA two days after. In my reading, the first one indicates a change in long-term trends while the second shows a change in direction in short-term trends. Grace and peace! What is Hive? What is LeoFinance?
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