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    Techugo: Sky's the Limit Innovate with the Leading Drone App Development Company Techugo: Sky's the Limit! As a premier drone app development company in Canada, we push the boundaries of aerial technology. Our team delivers innovative, tailor-made solutions that transform your vision into reality. With expertise in cutting-edge drone applications, we help you navigate new heights and drive success. Partner with us to elevate your tech and soar ahead. For more info visit: https://www.techugo.ca/drone-app-development #droneappdevelopmentcompany #appdevelopmentcompany #Canada
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  • Transverse sinus thrombosis of the brain is now being seen after vaccination; In 30 years of neurosurgery I have only seen 2 or 3 cases.

    Dr. Russell Blaylock; These shots have proven to cause blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, lost limbs

    2 cardiologists studied all of their vaccinated patients and found that over 80% had sky high D-Dimer tests indicating they had micro emboli/clots

    When you have a micro emboli in your brain, your heart, kidney, those organs are going progressively fail over time and you are susceptible to every disease.

    Join: @RevealedEye
    Transverse sinus thrombosis of the brain is now being seen after vaccination; In 30 years of neurosurgery I have only seen 2 or 3 cases. Dr. Russell Blaylock; These shots have proven to cause blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, lost limbs 2 cardiologists studied all of their vaccinated patients and found that over 80% had sky high D-Dimer tests indicating they had micro emboli/clots When you have a micro emboli in your brain, your heart, kidney, those organs are going progressively fail over time and you are susceptible to every disease. Join: @RevealedEye
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  • Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, pediatrician on healing the vaccine injured.

    This was recorded 11 years ago.

    One of the most courageous and knowledgeable pediatricians on vaccines.

    Join: @RevealedEye
    Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, pediatrician on healing the vaccine injured. This was recorded 11 years ago. One of the most courageous and knowledgeable pediatricians on vaccines. Join: @RevealedEye
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  • “Stargazing Dreams: A Journey Beyond the Horizon”

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    - Shameem Reza
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  • The second shot, or what do vaccinators and sewer rats have in common?
    This article is too long for email. Please read in Substack app.

    Remember this quote? Credit Sage Hana:

    The 2nd shot, 21 days apart. Why the 2nd shot and why 21 days, exactly? Let’s take a look.

    The anaphylaxis research history.

    Charles Richet

    Charles Robert Richet (25 August 1850 – 4 December 1935) was a French physiologist at the Collège de France and immunology pioneer. In 1913, he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "in recognition of his work on anaphylaxis". Richet devoted many years to the study of paranormal and spiritualist phenomena, coining the term "ectoplasm". He believed in the inferiority of black people, was a proponent of eugenics, and presided over the French Eugenics Society towards the end of his life.

    I would like to acknowledge that I knew not much about anaphylaxis other than it is a dangerous, life threatening allergic reaction. I witnessed it in a local grocery store pharmacy that administered covid vaccines. A young apparently healthy man (in his 30s) dropped on the floor immediately after the injection and was lying there when I walked in. Everyone was behaving like it wasn’t a big deal. I wanted to be let off this planet.

    While working on this article, I ran a quick CDC VAERS query. All vaccines for all time in VAERS (about 30 years) produced 12,200+ anaphylactic reactions and 2200+ shocks. Covid-19 vaccines produced 9,000+ anaphylactic reactions and 1000+ anaphylactic shocks. mRNA injections are responsible for 11k of the total 12k reported anaphylactic reactions. However, that’s not the entire story of anaphylaxis.

    Katherine Watt pointed me to Charles Richet’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech and to a couple of articles by this author (Northern Tracey). I suggest you read them. The author was way ahead of all of us on this topic.

    Katherine published on our email exchange at the time:

    Intentional elusivity of definitions for virus and vaccine.

    Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law…

    Read more

    12 days ago · 146 likes · Katherine Watt

    As I mentioned in my email exchange with Katherine, Richet’s own work clearly referred to the poison he made from tentacles of Actinaria (sea anemone) as the “virus of Actinaria”. This confirmed one more time what we already knew: viruses are not some sort of natural “seeds” of disease, randomly flying around and jumping strangers. They are poisons - either natural toxins excreted by plants, bacteria and animals, or poisons made by people like Richet and now CDC/pharma. They do not transmit by air or casual contact.

    What becomes apparent from reviewing Richet’s 100+ year old research - the only thing you really need to worry about with respect to “viruses/poisons” is an injection of biologics (proteins) for the 2nd time within the anaphylaxis window that starts typically after 20 days and lasting anywhere from months to years to the lifetime. This can happen in nature from the 2nd bite of an animal/insect carrying same biological toxin (a very low probability event nowadays), or from what is now forced by the government policy - from the needle wielded by a brainless money whore masquerading as a healthcare provider who is doing it for the 90th time in your or your child’s life “because science”.

    The original biologics regulation law in 1902 was called the virus-toxin act. Early on, virus, toxin, antitoxin, serum and vaccine were used interchangeably, because the vaccinators knew what they were propagating in the labs and licensed establishments - biological poisons.

    This lead me to become intensely interested in Richet’s work. I found his book describing the work on anaphylaxis published in 1913. I am including several screenshots from it, so you can read for yourself.

    Richet alluded to vaccination being a failure from the first attempts, because, instead of producing expected immunity it produced violent reactions or even death from minute (not considered dangerous) amounts of the toxin at the 2nd exposure. This happened in a random % of the population. One example quoted anaphylaxis rates from injecting cattle with anthrax serum: approximately 10% became violently ill and many died. The population who would react anaphylactically is a-priory not distinguishable from others, because it is not known who is already sensitized to which biological substances.

    This is still the case. There is no way to determine upfront who will be anaphylactically sensitized by an injection of a biologic (a protein). The establishment healthcare denies this, proclaiming all vaccines “very safe”. This is categorically not true, as becomes very apparent once you read Richet’s work related to injecting biological substances, even benign ones like milk or albumins (derived from wheat and other cereals). Digesting a protein and injecting it directly into the blood stream are two entirely different things! For example, it is safe to ingest snake venom for most people (provided no sores or abrasions in the mouth). I am not advising you try this, but sucking the venom out immediately post bite has been used as a bush medicine method. However, a snake bite delivering the same venom directly into the blood stream is an entirely different story.

    You notice that Richet talks about the “second injection”. This refers to the nature of anaphylaxis: the first interaction with an injected toxin may be not even noticed, be well tolerated or may be at worst mildly irritating. After a period of 2-3 weeks, the second exposure, however, may become very dangerous or fatal. The second exposure in most of Richet’s experiments was by injection. However, with high enough sensitization by the first injection, the anaphylaxis could also result from environmental exposure or ingestion, depending on the degree of sensitization to the “allergen”, or “toxigen” as he termed it. Do you understand peanut allergy, gluten allergy, soy allergy, etc. now? The things that didn’t exist before peanut oil, wheat albumins and other common food proteins became widely used in vaccines (and were proclaimed “generally safe” because it’s just food).

    Importantly, Richet has demonstrated that anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and the variety of allergic reactions are all the same phenomenon, stemming from the same thing - a sensitizing exposure by proteins reaching the blood stream and bypassing normal digestion.

    Richet provided principles of anaphylaxis in his book:

    He also summarized findings from other researchers working on anaphylaxis at the time. Notice especially points 8 and 10 - this describes anaphylaxis from “vaccination” and subsequent allergic reactions, even to non-proteins (crystalloids):

    Richet found that the state of anaphylaxis sets in after a period of 2-3 weeks (it can vary), and depending on the initial toxin/protein, the sensitization state may last from weeks to years, and possibly be permanent. At the time that he wrote the book, he mentioned that in people anaphylactic/allergenic state was observed up to 6 years, but it may be permanent. Do you see now, why most vaccines are delivered in at least 2 doses, and they are separated by at least 21 days? They want to see if they induce severe anaphylaxis (i.e. life threatening kind). Here’s Pfizer’s “postmarketing experience” document, compiling adverse events as of Feb 2021 (first 2 months of vaccine rollout):

    This table is is not all cases of anaphylaxis, of course, but only the most severe form - the shock.

    Anaphylaxis is all allergic reactions and autoimmune disease, but these things are very easy to deny as they take a while to manifest and are not immediately deadly. The industry has developed perfect gaslighting strategies: “genetic mutations”, “toxic food”, “stress”, “novel syndromes”, and even better - glorification of chronic illness via movies, advertising, non-profits and other economic activity feeding off vaccine-induced destruction of natural health. In case of mRNA vaccines, they absolutely knew that they are killing people with anaphylaxis, but since that was the goal of the military weapon, the shots have not been removed and continue being pushed on the public.

    Another interesting observation made by Richet is that white mice and some of the breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis. No wonder these animals are now the staple of pharmaceutical research!

    While Richet himself seemed to be very much pro-vaccination, his main conclusions about anaphylaxis speak soundly against it. It is impossible to design a safe vaccine, because it is impossible to predict anaphylactic reactions. Each individual is unique, a product of heredity and interactions with environment. Introduction of foreign, non-self proteins is an assault on this natural equilibrium and can only result in a disaster.

    That vaccination in people induces anaphylaxis was known early on:

    And was given the name “allergy”, possibly to hide the fact that it’s vaccine-induced anaphylaxis:

    These psychos would even kill themselves, and still not get the message:

    Substances that induce anaphylaxis - colloids.

    Difference between Crystalloids and Colloids
    Colloids vs crystalloids

    Colloids and crystalloids are two types of fluid solutions used for intravenous (IV) infusion in medicine. The primary distinction between them lies in their particle size, composition, and behavior in the body.


    Consist of large particles (0.5-100 nm) that do not pass through semi-permeable membranes, such as capillary walls

    Examples: gelatin, albumin, hetastarch, dextran

    Act as plasma volume expanders, maintaining blood volume and pressure

    Have a high oncotic pressure, which helps to draw fluid into the vascular compartment

    May cause anaphylaxis in some patients

    More expensive than crystalloids

    Suitable for patients with severe fluid loss, trauma, burns, or sepsis


    Consist of small particles (less than 0.5 nm) that can pass through semi-permeable membranes

    Examples: normal saline (0.9% NaCl), lactated Ringer’s solution, 5% dextrose in water

    Act as isotonic or hypertonic solutions, expanding extracellular fluid volume

    Have a lower oncotic pressure, which can lead to fluid accumulation in tissues

    Less likely to cause anaphylaxis

    Generally less expensive than colloids

    Suitable for patients with mild to moderate fluid loss, dehydration, or electrolyte imbalance

    In general, small molecule drugs do not cause anaphylaxis.

    Vaccines are, of course, colloids as they contain a mixture of proteins and lipids in suspension.

    Properly matched blood transfusions do not generally produce anaphylaxis. However, since all blood banks are now contaminated with mRNA-injected blood, it is not possible to say that they are safe. I personally would not accept blood, except from a known donor.

    Richet proposed that a “toxigen” which developed after the initial sensitizing injection in the blood was responsible for subsequent state of anaphylaxis:

    “Infectious disease” explained by anaphylaxis:

    The phenomenon of anaphylaxis may help explain both, the natural outbreaks of what appears as “contagious illness” in human history and the skyrocketing chronic illness in the modern western populations. It is known that the bacteria implicated in diseases like cholera or the plague are commonly present in the intestinal tracts of many people and do not seem to cause any issues. Then, how does an epidemic of the plague or cholera occur? Imagine living in a crowded, rapidly growing European city around 15th - 17th century:

    This is one of the main streets in Amsterdam, with raw sewage flowing in the middle, domestic animals sharing lower floors of the buildings, no plumbing, sanitation or refrigeration of food. The rats are very common. They bite and the bites carry common proteins found in that area’s sewage. Once enough people in the same area have been bitten for the first time, some weeks go by, anaphylactic state develops, and then the rats bite some of the same people again. If enough of these events occur, an “epidemic” of the plague/smallpox/cholera starts in this community.

    Hygiene, plumbing, water sanitation, refrigeration and air conditioning were the most significant technological innovations that defeated epidemics by removing the chances of injection of anaphylactizing toxigens by common pests. So, instead, we now have the establishment “healthcare” assaulting the society like the medieval sewer rats with poisoned needles. All vaccines contain two main sources of injury - the proteins that are used to formulate them, including the toxins (“viruses”) and the vehicle which frequently contains other common proteins like albumins (gluten allergy), egg proteins, soy, corn, casein (milk intolerance), etc. There are also “contaminants” and “adjuvants” such as toxic metals, and more recently with introduction recombinant vaccines - DNA plasmids that transfect cells. The mRNA shots are even worse as they contain numerous toxic vectors. Now imagine a baby getting 70+ different shots, most in several doses. It is guaranteed that the baby will get anaphylactized to many commonly encountered proteins, and that a chronic inflammation/allergy will result. Anaphylaxis, being an intestinal reaction, is also tied to destruction of microbiome, which I will address in later articles. Practically all chronic conditions, especially in children, can be tied back to vaccine-induced anaphylaxis.

    Many people state that food that we eat and the environment are full of toxins. While this may be true, especially for some locations and some socioeconomic groups, the food and environmental toxicity pales in comparison to what happens when the toxins, especially proteins are injected directly into the blood stream. I am in full support of improving the quality of food and cleaning up the environmental pollution, but if we need a policy to combat the chronic disease epidemic, there is one straightforward answer that all politicians and most experts today soundly ignore - the catastrophic damage to health induced by vaccines.

    I would like to end with the quote from Richet:

    Richet: "We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction [forcible entry; injection], the organism suffers and becomes resistant.

    This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection [outside the intestines; intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous] which would be fatal.

    At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defences and answers by the anaphylactic shock. Seen in these terms, anaphylaxis is an universal defence mechanism against the penetration of heterogenous substances in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated."

    For further reading:

    How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society?

    BS”D I’m absolutely blown away by what I found in this article…

    Read more

    11 days ago · 6 likes · 2 comments · Brucha Weisberger

    Art for today: Angels and Demons series, oil on linen. NFS.

    The second shot, or what do vaccinators and sewer rats have in common? This article is too long for email. Please read in Substack app. Remember this quote? Credit Sage Hana: The 2nd shot, 21 days apart. Why the 2nd shot and why 21 days, exactly? Let’s take a look. The anaphylaxis research history. Charles Richet Charles Robert Richet (25 August 1850 – 4 December 1935) was a French physiologist at the Collège de France and immunology pioneer. In 1913, he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "in recognition of his work on anaphylaxis". Richet devoted many years to the study of paranormal and spiritualist phenomena, coining the term "ectoplasm". He believed in the inferiority of black people, was a proponent of eugenics, and presided over the French Eugenics Society towards the end of his life. I would like to acknowledge that I knew not much about anaphylaxis other than it is a dangerous, life threatening allergic reaction. I witnessed it in a local grocery store pharmacy that administered covid vaccines. A young apparently healthy man (in his 30s) dropped on the floor immediately after the injection and was lying there when I walked in. Everyone was behaving like it wasn’t a big deal. I wanted to be let off this planet. While working on this article, I ran a quick CDC VAERS query. All vaccines for all time in VAERS (about 30 years) produced 12,200+ anaphylactic reactions and 2200+ shocks. Covid-19 vaccines produced 9,000+ anaphylactic reactions and 1000+ anaphylactic shocks. mRNA injections are responsible for 11k of the total 12k reported anaphylactic reactions. However, that’s not the entire story of anaphylaxis. Katherine Watt pointed me to Charles Richet’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech and to a couple of articles by this author (Northern Tracey). I suggest you read them. The author was way ahead of all of us on this topic. Katherine published on our email exchange at the time: Intentional elusivity of definitions for virus and vaccine. Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law… Read more 12 days ago · 146 likes · Katherine Watt As I mentioned in my email exchange with Katherine, Richet’s own work clearly referred to the poison he made from tentacles of Actinaria (sea anemone) as the “virus of Actinaria”. This confirmed one more time what we already knew: viruses are not some sort of natural “seeds” of disease, randomly flying around and jumping strangers. They are poisons - either natural toxins excreted by plants, bacteria and animals, or poisons made by people like Richet and now CDC/pharma. They do not transmit by air or casual contact. What becomes apparent from reviewing Richet’s 100+ year old research - the only thing you really need to worry about with respect to “viruses/poisons” is an injection of biologics (proteins) for the 2nd time within the anaphylaxis window that starts typically after 20 days and lasting anywhere from months to years to the lifetime. This can happen in nature from the 2nd bite of an animal/insect carrying same biological toxin (a very low probability event nowadays), or from what is now forced by the government policy - from the needle wielded by a brainless money whore masquerading as a healthcare provider who is doing it for the 90th time in your or your child’s life “because science”. The original biologics regulation law in 1902 was called the virus-toxin act. Early on, virus, toxin, antitoxin, serum and vaccine were used interchangeably, because the vaccinators knew what they were propagating in the labs and licensed establishments - biological poisons. This lead me to become intensely interested in Richet’s work. I found his book describing the work on anaphylaxis published in 1913. I am including several screenshots from it, so you can read for yourself. Richet alluded to vaccination being a failure from the first attempts, because, instead of producing expected immunity it produced violent reactions or even death from minute (not considered dangerous) amounts of the toxin at the 2nd exposure. This happened in a random % of the population. One example quoted anaphylaxis rates from injecting cattle with anthrax serum: approximately 10% became violently ill and many died. The population who would react anaphylactically is a-priory not distinguishable from others, because it is not known who is already sensitized to which biological substances. This is still the case. There is no way to determine upfront who will be anaphylactically sensitized by an injection of a biologic (a protein). The establishment healthcare denies this, proclaiming all vaccines “very safe”. This is categorically not true, as becomes very apparent once you read Richet’s work related to injecting biological substances, even benign ones like milk or albumins (derived from wheat and other cereals). Digesting a protein and injecting it directly into the blood stream are two entirely different things! For example, it is safe to ingest snake venom for most people (provided no sores or abrasions in the mouth). I am not advising you try this, but sucking the venom out immediately post bite has been used as a bush medicine method. However, a snake bite delivering the same venom directly into the blood stream is an entirely different story. You notice that Richet talks about the “second injection”. This refers to the nature of anaphylaxis: the first interaction with an injected toxin may be not even noticed, be well tolerated or may be at worst mildly irritating. After a period of 2-3 weeks, the second exposure, however, may become very dangerous or fatal. The second exposure in most of Richet’s experiments was by injection. However, with high enough sensitization by the first injection, the anaphylaxis could also result from environmental exposure or ingestion, depending on the degree of sensitization to the “allergen”, or “toxigen” as he termed it. Do you understand peanut allergy, gluten allergy, soy allergy, etc. now? The things that didn’t exist before peanut oil, wheat albumins and other common food proteins became widely used in vaccines (and were proclaimed “generally safe” because it’s just food). Importantly, Richet has demonstrated that anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and the variety of allergic reactions are all the same phenomenon, stemming from the same thing - a sensitizing exposure by proteins reaching the blood stream and bypassing normal digestion. Richet provided principles of anaphylaxis in his book: He also summarized findings from other researchers working on anaphylaxis at the time. Notice especially points 8 and 10 - this describes anaphylaxis from “vaccination” and subsequent allergic reactions, even to non-proteins (crystalloids): Richet found that the state of anaphylaxis sets in after a period of 2-3 weeks (it can vary), and depending on the initial toxin/protein, the sensitization state may last from weeks to years, and possibly be permanent. At the time that he wrote the book, he mentioned that in people anaphylactic/allergenic state was observed up to 6 years, but it may be permanent. Do you see now, why most vaccines are delivered in at least 2 doses, and they are separated by at least 21 days? They want to see if they induce severe anaphylaxis (i.e. life threatening kind). Here’s Pfizer’s “postmarketing experience” document, compiling adverse events as of Feb 2021 (first 2 months of vaccine rollout): This table is is not all cases of anaphylaxis, of course, but only the most severe form - the shock. Anaphylaxis is all allergic reactions and autoimmune disease, but these things are very easy to deny as they take a while to manifest and are not immediately deadly. The industry has developed perfect gaslighting strategies: “genetic mutations”, “toxic food”, “stress”, “novel syndromes”, and even better - glorification of chronic illness via movies, advertising, non-profits and other economic activity feeding off vaccine-induced destruction of natural health. In case of mRNA vaccines, they absolutely knew that they are killing people with anaphylaxis, but since that was the goal of the military weapon, the shots have not been removed and continue being pushed on the public. Another interesting observation made by Richet is that white mice and some of the breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis. No wonder these animals are now the staple of pharmaceutical research! While Richet himself seemed to be very much pro-vaccination, his main conclusions about anaphylaxis speak soundly against it. It is impossible to design a safe vaccine, because it is impossible to predict anaphylactic reactions. Each individual is unique, a product of heredity and interactions with environment. Introduction of foreign, non-self proteins is an assault on this natural equilibrium and can only result in a disaster. That vaccination in people induces anaphylaxis was known early on: And was given the name “allergy”, possibly to hide the fact that it’s vaccine-induced anaphylaxis: These psychos would even kill themselves, and still not get the message: Substances that induce anaphylaxis - colloids. Difference between Crystalloids and Colloids Colloids vs crystalloids Colloids and crystalloids are two types of fluid solutions used for intravenous (IV) infusion in medicine. The primary distinction between them lies in their particle size, composition, and behavior in the body. Colloids Consist of large particles (0.5-100 nm) that do not pass through semi-permeable membranes, such as capillary walls Examples: gelatin, albumin, hetastarch, dextran Act as plasma volume expanders, maintaining blood volume and pressure Have a high oncotic pressure, which helps to draw fluid into the vascular compartment May cause anaphylaxis in some patients More expensive than crystalloids Suitable for patients with severe fluid loss, trauma, burns, or sepsis Crystalloids Consist of small particles (less than 0.5 nm) that can pass through semi-permeable membranes Examples: normal saline (0.9% NaCl), lactated Ringer’s solution, 5% dextrose in water Act as isotonic or hypertonic solutions, expanding extracellular fluid volume Have a lower oncotic pressure, which can lead to fluid accumulation in tissues Less likely to cause anaphylaxis Generally less expensive than colloids Suitable for patients with mild to moderate fluid loss, dehydration, or electrolyte imbalance In general, small molecule drugs do not cause anaphylaxis. Vaccines are, of course, colloids as they contain a mixture of proteins and lipids in suspension. Properly matched blood transfusions do not generally produce anaphylaxis. However, since all blood banks are now contaminated with mRNA-injected blood, it is not possible to say that they are safe. I personally would not accept blood, except from a known donor. Richet proposed that a “toxigen” which developed after the initial sensitizing injection in the blood was responsible for subsequent state of anaphylaxis: “Infectious disease” explained by anaphylaxis: The phenomenon of anaphylaxis may help explain both, the natural outbreaks of what appears as “contagious illness” in human history and the skyrocketing chronic illness in the modern western populations. It is known that the bacteria implicated in diseases like cholera or the plague are commonly present in the intestinal tracts of many people and do not seem to cause any issues. Then, how does an epidemic of the plague or cholera occur? Imagine living in a crowded, rapidly growing European city around 15th - 17th century: This is one of the main streets in Amsterdam, with raw sewage flowing in the middle, domestic animals sharing lower floors of the buildings, no plumbing, sanitation or refrigeration of food. The rats are very common. They bite and the bites carry common proteins found in that area’s sewage. Once enough people in the same area have been bitten for the first time, some weeks go by, anaphylactic state develops, and then the rats bite some of the same people again. If enough of these events occur, an “epidemic” of the plague/smallpox/cholera starts in this community. Hygiene, plumbing, water sanitation, refrigeration and air conditioning were the most significant technological innovations that defeated epidemics by removing the chances of injection of anaphylactizing toxigens by common pests. So, instead, we now have the establishment “healthcare” assaulting the society like the medieval sewer rats with poisoned needles. All vaccines contain two main sources of injury - the proteins that are used to formulate them, including the toxins (“viruses”) and the vehicle which frequently contains other common proteins like albumins (gluten allergy), egg proteins, soy, corn, casein (milk intolerance), etc. There are also “contaminants” and “adjuvants” such as toxic metals, and more recently with introduction recombinant vaccines - DNA plasmids that transfect cells. The mRNA shots are even worse as they contain numerous toxic vectors. Now imagine a baby getting 70+ different shots, most in several doses. It is guaranteed that the baby will get anaphylactized to many commonly encountered proteins, and that a chronic inflammation/allergy will result. Anaphylaxis, being an intestinal reaction, is also tied to destruction of microbiome, which I will address in later articles. Practically all chronic conditions, especially in children, can be tied back to vaccine-induced anaphylaxis. Many people state that food that we eat and the environment are full of toxins. While this may be true, especially for some locations and some socioeconomic groups, the food and environmental toxicity pales in comparison to what happens when the toxins, especially proteins are injected directly into the blood stream. I am in full support of improving the quality of food and cleaning up the environmental pollution, but if we need a policy to combat the chronic disease epidemic, there is one straightforward answer that all politicians and most experts today soundly ignore - the catastrophic damage to health induced by vaccines. I would like to end with the quote from Richet: Richet: "We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction [forcible entry; injection], the organism suffers and becomes resistant. This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection [outside the intestines; intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous] which would be fatal. At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defences and answers by the anaphylactic shock. Seen in these terms, anaphylaxis is an universal defence mechanism against the penetration of heterogenous substances in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated." For further reading: How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society? BS”D I’m absolutely blown away by what I found in this article… Read more 11 days ago · 6 likes · 2 comments · Brucha Weisberger Art for today: Angels and Demons series, oil on linen. NFS. https://substack.com/@sashalatypova/p-148130497
    Sasha Latypova | Substack
    I could not become a professional artist, so I became a pharma and medical device R&D executive. If you are interested in my art, visit sashalatypova.com
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9969 Views
  • Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:

    In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists.

    The identified scientists include:

    1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology.

    2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop).

    3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel.

    4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education.

    5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering.

    6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus.

    These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference

    [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…)

    [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…)

    [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…)

    [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…)

    [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…).


    Additional information:

    Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

    The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

    The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.

    Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.


    Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about:

    New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol

    Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

    Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

    Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).

    CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.

    Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram

    Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day

    VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)

    And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself…

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

    Shop 2SG merch

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit: In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists. The identified scientists include: 1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology. 2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop). 3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel. 4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education. 5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering. 6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus. These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…) [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…) [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…) [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…) [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…). Source Additional information: Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead. The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board. The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today. Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth. Source Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about: New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great. Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable. Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week). CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving. Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day) And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself… They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/doctors-killed-in-plane-crash-vowed
    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4399 Views
  • Multi-Mineral SHILAJIT BENEFITS you NEED to know!!!

    𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙙, a powerful compound with antioxidant properties. It gives a boost to your energy factories called mitochondria, helping them work their magic. By enhancing energy production, shilajit can leave you feeling invigorated and full of vitality!

    𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒋𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒖: It helps your body soak up and use all the good stuff, like vitamins and minerals. When your body can put those nutrients to good use, your energy levels can skyrocket, and fatigue can take a hike.

    𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙣, 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 - 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙥: It helps your body deal with stress like a pro, which is super important because chronic stress can totally drain your energy. By lending a hand to your stress response, shilajit can give fatigue the boot and leave you feeling energized.

    𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙭𝙮𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙞𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. It helps get that good stuff flowing through your body, bringing more oxygen to your cells. And when your cells get the oxygen they need, energy production kicks into high gear, and fatigue doesn't stand a chance.

    Get your Shilajit now
    🌿 Multi-Mineral SHILAJIT BENEFITS you NEED to know!!! 1️⃣ 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙙, a powerful compound with antioxidant properties. It gives a boost to your energy factories called mitochondria, helping them work their magic. By enhancing energy production, shilajit can leave you feeling invigorated and full of vitality! 2️⃣ 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒋𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒖: It helps your body soak up and use all the good stuff, like vitamins and minerals. When your body can put those nutrients to good use, your energy levels can skyrocket, and fatigue can take a hike. 3️⃣ 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙣, 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 - 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙥: It helps your body deal with stress like a pro, which is super important because chronic stress can totally drain your energy. By lending a hand to your stress response, shilajit can give fatigue the boot and leave you feeling energized. 4️⃣ 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙭𝙮𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙞𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. It helps get that good stuff flowing through your body, bringing more oxygen to your cells. And when your cells get the oxygen they need, energy production kicks into high gear, and fatigue doesn't stand a chance. Get your Shilajit now 👇 http://bit.ly/GLC-SHILAJIT
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1330 Views 0
  • Multi-Mineral SHILAJIT BENEFITS you NEED to know!!!

    𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙙, a powerful compound with antioxidant properties. It gives a boost to your energy factories called mitochondria, helping them work their magic. By enhancing energy production, shilajit can leave you feeling invigorated and full of vitality!

    𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒋𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒖: It helps your body soak up and use all the good stuff, like vitamins and minerals. When your body can put those nutrients to good use, your energy levels can skyrocket, and fatigue can take a hike.

    𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙣, 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 - 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙥: It helps your body deal with stress like a pro, which is super important because chronic stress can totally drain your energy. By lending a hand to your stress response, shilajit can give fatigue the boot and leave you feeling energized.

    𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙭𝙮𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙞𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. It helps get that good stuff flowing through your body, bringing more oxygen to your cells. And when your cells get the oxygen they need, energy production kicks into high gear, and fatigue doesn't stand a chance.

    Get your Shilajit now
    🌿 Multi-Mineral SHILAJIT BENEFITS you NEED to know!!! 1️⃣ 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙙, a powerful compound with antioxidant properties. It gives a boost to your energy factories called mitochondria, helping them work their magic. By enhancing energy production, shilajit can leave you feeling invigorated and full of vitality! 2️⃣ 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒋𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒖: It helps your body soak up and use all the good stuff, like vitamins and minerals. When your body can put those nutrients to good use, your energy levels can skyrocket, and fatigue can take a hike. 3️⃣ 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙣, 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 - 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙥: It helps your body deal with stress like a pro, which is super important because chronic stress can totally drain your energy. By lending a hand to your stress response, shilajit can give fatigue the boot and leave you feeling energized. 4️⃣ 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙟𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙭𝙮𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙞𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. It helps get that good stuff flowing through your body, bringing more oxygen to your cells. And when your cells get the oxygen they need, energy production kicks into high gear, and fatigue doesn't stand a chance. Get your Shilajit now 👇 http://bit.ly/GLC-SHILAJIT
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1171 Views 0
  • Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:

    In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists.

    The identified scientists include:

    1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology.

    2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop).

    3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel.

    4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education.

    5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering.

    6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus.

    These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference

    [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…)

    [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…)

    [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…)

    [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…)

    [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…).


    Additional information:

    Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

    The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

    The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.

    Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.


    Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about:

    New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol

    Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

    Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

    Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).

    CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.

    Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram

    Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day

    VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)

    And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself…

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

    Shop 2SG merch

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit: In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists. The identified scientists include: 1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology. 2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop). 3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel. 4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education. 5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering. 6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus. These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…) [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…) [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…) [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…) [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…). Source Additional information: Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead. The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board. The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today. Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth. Source Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about: New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great. Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable. Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week). CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving. Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day) And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself… They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://open.substack.com/pub/2ndsmartestguyintheworld/p/doctors-killed-in-plane-crash-vowed
    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:
    0 Comments 1 Shares 4242 Views
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  • Turbo Cancers Skyrocketing in Younger People at Alarming Rate
    Frank BergmanAugust 16, 2024 - 12:54 pm

    Experts are demanding answers as aggressive turbo cancers continue to surge to unprecedented levels in young people.

    Two shocking new reports from the American Cancer Society have revealed that various forms of the deadly disease surging among younger citizens.

    In response to the reports, the corporate media is promoting several narratives to explain away the rapidly developing and spreading cancers.

    However, several doctors have spoken out to warn that Covid mRNA shots are causing the recent emergence of aggressive cancers.

    The disease has been found to form and spread so rapidly among vaccinated people that doctors have dubbed the phenomenon “turbo cancer.”

    Doctors have revealed that some “turbo cancers” spread so quickly that seemingly healthy patients can die within a week of being diagnosed.

    Oncologists are also warning that these aggressive cancers don’t respond to conventional treatments.

    A study published in the August edition of The Lancet Public Health revealed that the incidence rates for 17 of 34 cancer types were increasing in progressively younger people in the U.S.

    Lead author Ahmedin Jemal, DVM, Ph.D., from the American Cancer Society (ACS) told The Washington Post that if current trends in cancer and mortality rates among Gen X and millennials continue, it “may halt or even reverse the progress that we have made in reducing cancer mortality over the past several decades.”

    More recent data from the ACS’s “Cancer Statistics 2024” report shows the trend of cancer rates and related mortality continuing to rise.

    The data shows cancer cases spiked dramatically in 2021, shortly after the Covid shots were released for public use.

    The cases have continued to surge at alarming rates since then.

    As of 2021, among adults under 50, colorectal cancer has become the leading cause of cancer death in men and the second-leading cause in women

    This is despite colorectal cancer ranking fourth for both sexes in the late 1990s.

    Corporate media outlets insist that lifestyle, poverty, and environmental factors as potential causes for the uptick in cancers.

    Some reports have even argued that “climate change” is causing cancer to surge.

    However, many other leading experts assert that the Covid mRNA injections are to blame for the rise in “turbo cancers.”

    Conveniently, the surge comes as the pharmaceutical companies that make Covid mRNA shots prepare to make huge profits from treating cancer.

    In December 2023, Pfizer spent $43 billion to purchase the “cancer care” biotech company for Seagan.

    At the time of the sale, Seagan had only recorded $2.2 billion in sales.

    Seagan’s already-approved drugs include those for bladder cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, and Hodgkin lymphoma.

    The acquisition expands Pfizer’s oncology portfolio to 25 approved drugs.

    By the second quarter of this year, Pfizer’s cancer drugs helped the company recover from last year’s massive drop in Covid shot sales.

    Pfizer’s stock lost half of its value over the plummeting Covid shots sales.

    The cancer trend has also caught the attention of health organizations worldwide, including the World Health Organization (WHO).

    In February, the WHO predicted a 77% rise in new cancer cases — from 20 million cases in 2022 to over 35 million cases by 2050.

    Meanwhile, the Lancet study revealed disturbing trends in cancer rates for people born between 1920 and 1990.

    The study found that incidence rates for 17 of 34 cancer types analyzed were increasing in progressively younger birth cohorts.

    For some cancers, the incidence rate was approximately 1 to 3 times higher in the 1990 birth cohort (people in their late 20s at the time of the study) compared to the 1955 birth cohort (people in their mid-60s at the time of the study).

    Particularly concerning were the increases in cancers of the small intestine (256% higher), kidney and renal pelvis (192% higher), and pancreas in both males and females (161% higher).

    For women, liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer rates also saw a significant uptick (105% higher).

    In younger cohorts, cancer incidence also increased for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, uterine corpus (endometrial) cancer, colorectal cancer, non-cardia gastric (stomach) cancer, gallbladder, and other biliary cancer, ovarian cancer, testicular cancer, anal cancer, and Kaposi sarcoma in males.

    Cancer rates increased an average of 12% across all cancer types for those around 30 years old.

    The study also noted that mortality rates mirrored incidence trends for several cancers.

    Cancer-related deaths are surging due to liver cancer in females, uterine corpus, gallbladder, and other biliary, testicular, and colorectal cancers.

    This suggests that the increase in incidence is substantial enough to outweigh improvements in cancer survival rates.

    The findings from the ACS’s cancer statistics report, which contains data through 2021, provide additional context to the rising cancer rates in younger generations, particularly for colorectal cancer in both sexes and breast, cervical, uterine, and liver cancers in women.

    More recent cancer mortality data was recently published in X by a well-regarded statistician known as The Ethical Skeptic.

    The data was obtained from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) WONDER online databases.

    The following graph shows excess mortality from malignant neoplasms (spreading tumors) “elevated 29% and still rising” for ages 0-54 through week 22 of 2024:

    During an interview on the “America Out Loud PULSE” podcast on July 6, renowned Canadian board-certified nuclear medicine radiologist and oncologist Dr. William Makis raised the alarm over surging turbo cancers.

    Mais says he has seen “just an explosion of extremely aggressive cancers in very young individuals” since the Covid mRNA injections were pushed onto the public in 2021.

    Cancers Makis identified that are particularly affecting younger populations include breast cancer, colon cancer, bile duct cancer, pancreatic cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma.

    Makis emphasized that these cancers are being discovered at advanced stages (3 or 4).

    He notes that they are behaving “very aggressively” and are often resistant to conventional treatments.

    He referred to these as “turbo cancers” due to their rapid growth and spread.

    Meanwhile, a renowned oncologist and professor at St. George’s University of London, Dr. Angus Dalgleish, is reporting rapidly progressing cancers in patients receiving Covid mRNA “booster” shots.

    However, he did not specify the ages affected, suggesting that it is impacting all age groups among his patients.

    In particular, melanoma patients who had been in remission in his practice experienced sudden relapses.

    Cancer doctors around the world told him about rapidly accelerating cancers, including lymphomas, leukemia, kidney and colorectal cancer, and “multiple metastatic spread” of cancers throughout the body.

    A Japanese study published in April in the journal Cureus reported post-COVID-19-vaccination increases in mortality for most age groups.

    Cases are specifically surging in those under 50 years old, the study found.

    Cancers with the highest excess mortality rates included ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

    Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, warns that cancers are now being diagnosed in patients who normally wouldn’t be considered a risk.

    “Clinicians have been seeing very strange things, for example, 25-year-olds with colon cancer who don’t have family histories of the disease,” Risch warns.

    As Slay News reported, cases of turbo colon cancer have surged by 500% among the Covid-vaxxed.

    Risch stressed that this cancer typically takes decades to develop and that its appearance in younger people is “basically impossible along the known paradigm for how colon cancer works.”

    On the podcast with Makis, world-renowned cardiologist and researcher Dr. Peter McCullough also noted the typically longer lead time for cancers to develop.

    “Is what we’re seeing now — are these just individuals who have cancers at the time they take the Covid vaccines or are these brand new cancers caused by the vaccines?” he asked.

    Makis hypothesized that the mRNA vaccines could be accelerating already existing cancers and are likely responsible for the recent rise in aggressive cancers.

    “These lipid nanoparticles [LNPs] — one of the key features is that they don’t stay in the arm,” Makis said.

    “They end up in the systemic circulation.”

    He suggested that about 75% of the injection ends up in the bloodstream within a few hours, potentially depositing “pseudouridine, modified mRNA and DNA” throughout the body.

    He listed the brain, bone marrow, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, spleen, testes, ovaries, liver, colon, and breast milk as among the locations where these components have been found.

    “We are seeing cancers where there is deposition of these vaccine particles,” he said, noting that bone marrow deposition could be causing the increased incidence of leukemia.

    Risch, while cautioning that long-term data is still lacking, pointed out potential mechanisms by which vaccines might affect cancer risk.

    “The spike protein is toxic,” he stated.

    “The LNP itself is toxic.

    “The biological manufacturing process involving inadequate filtration of possible harmful components can be toxic.”

    READ MORE – Moderna Admits Covid mRNA Shots Cause Cancer

    Turbo Cancers Skyrocketing in Younger People at Alarming Rate Frank BergmanAugust 16, 2024 - 12:54 pm Experts are demanding answers as aggressive turbo cancers continue to surge to unprecedented levels in young people. Two shocking new reports from the American Cancer Society have revealed that various forms of the deadly disease surging among younger citizens. In response to the reports, the corporate media is promoting several narratives to explain away the rapidly developing and spreading cancers. However, several doctors have spoken out to warn that Covid mRNA shots are causing the recent emergence of aggressive cancers. The disease has been found to form and spread so rapidly among vaccinated people that doctors have dubbed the phenomenon “turbo cancer.” Doctors have revealed that some “turbo cancers” spread so quickly that seemingly healthy patients can die within a week of being diagnosed. Oncologists are also warning that these aggressive cancers don’t respond to conventional treatments. A study published in the August edition of The Lancet Public Health revealed that the incidence rates for 17 of 34 cancer types were increasing in progressively younger people in the U.S. Lead author Ahmedin Jemal, DVM, Ph.D., from the American Cancer Society (ACS) told The Washington Post that if current trends in cancer and mortality rates among Gen X and millennials continue, it “may halt or even reverse the progress that we have made in reducing cancer mortality over the past several decades.” More recent data from the ACS’s “Cancer Statistics 2024” report shows the trend of cancer rates and related mortality continuing to rise. The data shows cancer cases spiked dramatically in 2021, shortly after the Covid shots were released for public use. The cases have continued to surge at alarming rates since then. As of 2021, among adults under 50, colorectal cancer has become the leading cause of cancer death in men and the second-leading cause in women This is despite colorectal cancer ranking fourth for both sexes in the late 1990s. Corporate media outlets insist that lifestyle, poverty, and environmental factors as potential causes for the uptick in cancers. Some reports have even argued that “climate change” is causing cancer to surge. However, many other leading experts assert that the Covid mRNA injections are to blame for the rise in “turbo cancers.” Conveniently, the surge comes as the pharmaceutical companies that make Covid mRNA shots prepare to make huge profits from treating cancer. In December 2023, Pfizer spent $43 billion to purchase the “cancer care” biotech company for Seagan. At the time of the sale, Seagan had only recorded $2.2 billion in sales. Seagan’s already-approved drugs include those for bladder cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, and Hodgkin lymphoma. The acquisition expands Pfizer’s oncology portfolio to 25 approved drugs. By the second quarter of this year, Pfizer’s cancer drugs helped the company recover from last year’s massive drop in Covid shot sales. Pfizer’s stock lost half of its value over the plummeting Covid shots sales. The cancer trend has also caught the attention of health organizations worldwide, including the World Health Organization (WHO). In February, the WHO predicted a 77% rise in new cancer cases — from 20 million cases in 2022 to over 35 million cases by 2050. Meanwhile, the Lancet study revealed disturbing trends in cancer rates for people born between 1920 and 1990. The study found that incidence rates for 17 of 34 cancer types analyzed were increasing in progressively younger birth cohorts. For some cancers, the incidence rate was approximately 1 to 3 times higher in the 1990 birth cohort (people in their late 20s at the time of the study) compared to the 1955 birth cohort (people in their mid-60s at the time of the study). Particularly concerning were the increases in cancers of the small intestine (256% higher), kidney and renal pelvis (192% higher), and pancreas in both males and females (161% higher). For women, liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer rates also saw a significant uptick (105% higher). In younger cohorts, cancer incidence also increased for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, uterine corpus (endometrial) cancer, colorectal cancer, non-cardia gastric (stomach) cancer, gallbladder, and other biliary cancer, ovarian cancer, testicular cancer, anal cancer, and Kaposi sarcoma in males. Cancer rates increased an average of 12% across all cancer types for those around 30 years old. The study also noted that mortality rates mirrored incidence trends for several cancers. Cancer-related deaths are surging due to liver cancer in females, uterine corpus, gallbladder, and other biliary, testicular, and colorectal cancers. This suggests that the increase in incidence is substantial enough to outweigh improvements in cancer survival rates. The findings from the ACS’s cancer statistics report, which contains data through 2021, provide additional context to the rising cancer rates in younger generations, particularly for colorectal cancer in both sexes and breast, cervical, uterine, and liver cancers in women. More recent cancer mortality data was recently published in X by a well-regarded statistician known as The Ethical Skeptic. The data was obtained from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) WONDER online databases. The following graph shows excess mortality from malignant neoplasms (spreading tumors) “elevated 29% and still rising” for ages 0-54 through week 22 of 2024: During an interview on the “America Out Loud PULSE” podcast on July 6, renowned Canadian board-certified nuclear medicine radiologist and oncologist Dr. William Makis raised the alarm over surging turbo cancers. Mais says he has seen “just an explosion of extremely aggressive cancers in very young individuals” since the Covid mRNA injections were pushed onto the public in 2021. Cancers Makis identified that are particularly affecting younger populations include breast cancer, colon cancer, bile duct cancer, pancreatic cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma. Makis emphasized that these cancers are being discovered at advanced stages (3 or 4). He notes that they are behaving “very aggressively” and are often resistant to conventional treatments. He referred to these as “turbo cancers” due to their rapid growth and spread. Meanwhile, a renowned oncologist and professor at St. George’s University of London, Dr. Angus Dalgleish, is reporting rapidly progressing cancers in patients receiving Covid mRNA “booster” shots. However, he did not specify the ages affected, suggesting that it is impacting all age groups among his patients. In particular, melanoma patients who had been in remission in his practice experienced sudden relapses. Cancer doctors around the world told him about rapidly accelerating cancers, including lymphomas, leukemia, kidney and colorectal cancer, and “multiple metastatic spread” of cancers throughout the body. A Japanese study published in April in the journal Cureus reported post-COVID-19-vaccination increases in mortality for most age groups. Cases are specifically surging in those under 50 years old, the study found. Cancers with the highest excess mortality rates included ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, warns that cancers are now being diagnosed in patients who normally wouldn’t be considered a risk. “Clinicians have been seeing very strange things, for example, 25-year-olds with colon cancer who don’t have family histories of the disease,” Risch warns. As Slay News reported, cases of turbo colon cancer have surged by 500% among the Covid-vaxxed. Risch stressed that this cancer typically takes decades to develop and that its appearance in younger people is “basically impossible along the known paradigm for how colon cancer works.” On the podcast with Makis, world-renowned cardiologist and researcher Dr. Peter McCullough also noted the typically longer lead time for cancers to develop. “Is what we’re seeing now — are these just individuals who have cancers at the time they take the Covid vaccines or are these brand new cancers caused by the vaccines?” he asked. Makis hypothesized that the mRNA vaccines could be accelerating already existing cancers and are likely responsible for the recent rise in aggressive cancers. “These lipid nanoparticles [LNPs] — one of the key features is that they don’t stay in the arm,” Makis said. “They end up in the systemic circulation.” He suggested that about 75% of the injection ends up in the bloodstream within a few hours, potentially depositing “pseudouridine, modified mRNA and DNA” throughout the body. He listed the brain, bone marrow, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, spleen, testes, ovaries, liver, colon, and breast milk as among the locations where these components have been found. “We are seeing cancers where there is deposition of these vaccine particles,” he said, noting that bone marrow deposition could be causing the increased incidence of leukemia. Risch, while cautioning that long-term data is still lacking, pointed out potential mechanisms by which vaccines might affect cancer risk. “The spike protein is toxic,” he stated. “The LNP itself is toxic. “The biological manufacturing process involving inadequate filtration of possible harmful components can be toxic.” READ MORE – Moderna Admits Covid mRNA Shots Cause Cancer https://slaynews.com/news/turbo-cancers-skyrocketing-younger-people-alarming-rate/
    Turbo Cancers Skyrocketing in Younger People at Alarming Rate - Slay News
    Experts are demanding answers as aggressive turbo cancers continue to surge to unprecedented levels in young people.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 6781 Views
  • Major Study: Covid Shots Are SOLE Cause of Child Heart Failure Surge
    Frank BergmanAugust 18, 2024 - 12:54 pm

    An explosive study has finally confirmed that Covid mRNA shots are the sole cause of an unprecedented global surge of heart failure among children.

    The study shuts down previous claims from the corporate media and so-called experts who have tried to blame the phenomenon on COVID-19 and other factors such as sugar intake, video games, and even so-called “climate change.”

    As Slay News has been reporting, cases of cardiac-related deaths and heart failure such as myocarditis and pericarditis have been soaring around the world since the Covid injections were rolled out to the public in early 2021.

    Myocarditis and pericarditis are inflammatory conditions of the heart and are generally considered to be rare, especially among children.

    Severe cases can lead to serious complications and even sudden death.

    Both conditions are known side effects of the Covid mRNA shots.

    In response, health officials and the corporate media have been pushing the claim that the COVID-19 virus, and not the shots, is behind the phenomenon.

    However, a new large-scale study from renowned scientists at the prestigious University of Oxford has just confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents after Covid vaccination and not after infection from the virus.

    The new study looked at the official government data of more than 1 million English children and adolescents aged between five and 11 and 12 and 15.

    The study compared vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects.

    The researchers also took into account the number of doses of vaccine received.

    In detailing their findings, the researchers wrote:

    “All myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals.”

    The study also noted that hospitalization related to COVID-19 was extremely rare among children and adolescents.

    Additionally, there were no deaths from the virus recorded among the entire subject population.

    The English data show that myocarditis and pericarditis were only recorded in vaccinated children and adolescents.

    Other studies have claimed that myocarditis risk is higher after infection with the virus.

    Adolescents had a significantly higher risk of contracting the conditions than children.

    The vast majority of myocarditis and pericarditis cases occurred after the first dose of the vaccine, the study found.

    Over half of the adolescents who suffered from the conditions visited the hospital as a result.

    This news follows another recent study, from some of America’s most well-respected researchers, that found that Covid shots were responsible for soaring sudden deaths around the world.

    As Slay News reported, the case study was conducted by Harvard Medical School and chronicled soaring cases of fatal cerebral ischemia over the past three years.

    Cerebral ischemia is a form of deadly brain damage triggered by insufficient blood flow to the brain.

    The Harvard researchers found that Moderna’s Covid mRNA injections specifically caused the recent spike in the fatal disorder.

    Leading experts have been responding to the explosive study by raising the alarm about the mRNA vaccines.

    The Harvard study is the latest in a long line of studies linking the shots to sudden death and potentially fatal side effects.

    In response to the Harvard study, Dr. John Campbell published a video breaking down the results.

    “This could not be a more serious report,” Campbell warns.

    Dr. Peter McCullough also discussed this case study on his Substack.

    “We are becoming accustomed to unexpected death after COVID-19 among young persons who have taken one or more injections of the COVID-19 vaccine,” McCullough said.

    “It is important to realize that not all deaths after vaccination are cardiac.”

    Slay News recently reported on the bombshell admission from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the Covid mRNA sots have killed hundreds of thousands of American children and young people.

    The explosive admission was uncovered in a secret CDC report showing that a staggering half a million American children and young adults have been killed by Covid shots.

    The CDC report has revealed that almost 500,000 Americans aged between 0 and 44 years old died from the dangerous side effects of the Covid mRNA injections.

    The recorded deaths occurred between the start of the public rollout of the shots in early 2021 and October 9, 2022.

    However, due to the timeline of the data, the already shocking figures do not include deaths recorded over the past year and a half.

    READ MORE – Turbo Cancers Skyrocketing in Younger People at Alarming Rate

    Major Study: Covid Shots Are SOLE Cause of Child Heart Failure Surge Frank BergmanAugust 18, 2024 - 12:54 pm An explosive study has finally confirmed that Covid mRNA shots are the sole cause of an unprecedented global surge of heart failure among children. The study shuts down previous claims from the corporate media and so-called experts who have tried to blame the phenomenon on COVID-19 and other factors such as sugar intake, video games, and even so-called “climate change.” As Slay News has been reporting, cases of cardiac-related deaths and heart failure such as myocarditis and pericarditis have been soaring around the world since the Covid injections were rolled out to the public in early 2021. Myocarditis and pericarditis are inflammatory conditions of the heart and are generally considered to be rare, especially among children. Severe cases can lead to serious complications and even sudden death. Both conditions are known side effects of the Covid mRNA shots. In response, health officials and the corporate media have been pushing the claim that the COVID-19 virus, and not the shots, is behind the phenomenon. However, a new large-scale study from renowned scientists at the prestigious University of Oxford has just confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents after Covid vaccination and not after infection from the virus. The new study looked at the official government data of more than 1 million English children and adolescents aged between five and 11 and 12 and 15. The study compared vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects. The researchers also took into account the number of doses of vaccine received. In detailing their findings, the researchers wrote: “All myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals.” The study also noted that hospitalization related to COVID-19 was extremely rare among children and adolescents. Additionally, there were no deaths from the virus recorded among the entire subject population. The English data show that myocarditis and pericarditis were only recorded in vaccinated children and adolescents. Other studies have claimed that myocarditis risk is higher after infection with the virus. Adolescents had a significantly higher risk of contracting the conditions than children. The vast majority of myocarditis and pericarditis cases occurred after the first dose of the vaccine, the study found. Over half of the adolescents who suffered from the conditions visited the hospital as a result. This news follows another recent study, from some of America’s most well-respected researchers, that found that Covid shots were responsible for soaring sudden deaths around the world. As Slay News reported, the case study was conducted by Harvard Medical School and chronicled soaring cases of fatal cerebral ischemia over the past three years. Cerebral ischemia is a form of deadly brain damage triggered by insufficient blood flow to the brain. The Harvard researchers found that Moderna’s Covid mRNA injections specifically caused the recent spike in the fatal disorder. Leading experts have been responding to the explosive study by raising the alarm about the mRNA vaccines. The Harvard study is the latest in a long line of studies linking the shots to sudden death and potentially fatal side effects. In response to the Harvard study, Dr. John Campbell published a video breaking down the results. “This could not be a more serious report,” Campbell warns. Dr. Peter McCullough also discussed this case study on his Substack. “We are becoming accustomed to unexpected death after COVID-19 among young persons who have taken one or more injections of the COVID-19 vaccine,” McCullough said. “It is important to realize that not all deaths after vaccination are cardiac.” Slay News recently reported on the bombshell admission from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the Covid mRNA sots have killed hundreds of thousands of American children and young people. The explosive admission was uncovered in a secret CDC report showing that a staggering half a million American children and young adults have been killed by Covid shots. The CDC report has revealed that almost 500,000 Americans aged between 0 and 44 years old died from the dangerous side effects of the Covid mRNA injections. The recorded deaths occurred between the start of the public rollout of the shots in early 2021 and October 9, 2022. However, due to the timeline of the data, the already shocking figures do not include deaths recorded over the past year and a half. READ MORE – Turbo Cancers Skyrocketing in Younger People at Alarming Rate https://slaynews.com/news/major-study-covid-shots-sole-cause-child-heart-failure-surge/
    Major Study: Covid Shots Are SOLE Cause of Child Heart Failure Surge - Slay News
    An explosive study has finally confirmed that Covid mRNA shots are the sole cause of an unprecedented global surge of heart failure among children.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 3564 Views
  • Similarities between "spike protein" and synthetic anthrax toxin.
    PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028.

    There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008.

    Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity.

    Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons.

    Users of the second countermeasures being the pharmacists, nurses, doctors, midwives, etc who did/do the injections falsely advertised as treatments for the first set of countermeasures.

    This prompted me into looking at the literature and trying to see any patterns that would indicate that some of the toxins being covered under PREP Act declarations can be used to simulate “viral pandemics”.

    I will briefly address the nerve agents first and then write more about interesting parallels between anthrax toxin and so-called “spike protein” purported to be the agent of both, covid illness and covid vaccine injury.

    Insecticides and nerve agents.

    This PREP Act declaration was originally issued in April 2017. Poisoning via chemical agents is a very plausible explanation of historical “pandemics” or “epidemics”. For example, there is a lot of evidence that “polio epidemic” that spiked in the US in 1943 was due to the USDA’s mass deployment of DDT in agriculture, then touted as a miracle Nobel-prize winning product. It was later banned in all developed world for causing neurotoxicity and paralysis very much like polio, but the Nobel prize remains. In the US, there are over 18,000 licenses pesticides. Organophosphates and carbamates are some of the more toxic and dangerous ones. Acute poisoning includes flaccid paralysis (polio “outbreaks” explained!) Here is a link with a number of articles on these compounds. The reason these are grouped with nerve agents is because they are the same chemical class, organophosphorus agents. G-class of nerve agents includes Tabun, sarin, soman, VX and Novichok. More recent versions of these nerve agents are so-called “binary” - they are mixed from two chemicals that are legal and can be produced and stored easily.

    I do not believe these types of agents were used for simulating covid outbreak. I also don’t believe that there was no unique covid illness. More details on how to think about covid illness and deaths statistics here. The most commonly reported symptoms unique to covid illness appear to be quite different from those described in the literature for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning. Since I can’t review all 18,000 approved pesticides, there are still plenty of options for “legal” chemicals to be deployed in illegal ways to fake “viral epidemics”.

    PREP Act declaration for anthrax.

    PREP Act declarations are a key part of the “pandemic preparedness” racket run by the military-industrial mafia (International Medical Countermeasures Consortium) and propagandized on all sides of freedom by characters like Robert Malone:

    We, the taxpayers pay for the production of chemical/biological brews manufactured to poison us and our children, while the biodefense mafia uses PREP Act to shield themselves from pesky people who refuse to be poisoned. For example the beloved baby of the CIA, DARPA and Robert Kadlec - Emergent Biosolutions is the exclusive maker of the 6-dose (!!!) healthful anthrax “vaccine” which was used to poison hundreds of thousands of US military servicemembers during the Gulf War, aka the “Gulf Syndrome”. Emergent’s contract with the DOD states that if there is NO current PREP Act declaration, then whatever Emergent has shipped to the government is “not for human use”.

    What needs to be understood about anthrax: it is different from anthrax. I know this is confusing, but that’s how biodefense mafia operates, on word confusion. Naturally occurring anthrax (Bacillus anthracis, b.anthracis) is a soil bacterium, which exists as a spore, typically not dangerous and not transmissible. In a period of about 10 years of targeted effort, there were 68 patients with b.anthracis infection found in China. The Chinese authors of this paper claim this proves anthrax is super dangerous and all cattle must be vaccinated, because 7 human cases/year in a country of 1.3 billion people! Mind you, nobody died. You need a substantial exposure to the spores to cause a significant risk. In addition, it is treatable by antibiotics. Even if you are a superstitious savage committed to vaccines, there is no need for vaccination at all! Anthrax vaccine manufactured by Emergent is much more poisonous than b.anthracis itself can ever be.

    Large scale bioterrorist attacks are not really possible with b.anthracis - you can’t collect or grow enough of this stuff reliably to cause any large scale damage.

    For background information I recommend watching this video by Sam Bailey on the historical fear mongering about anthrax. Note that I do not endorse her views 100%, but I think she did a very good job tracing the history of this particular fake existential crisis narrative:

    Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax

    As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting…

    3 months ago · 263 likes · 47 comments · Dr Sam Bailey

    Now, let’s look at the synthetic anthrax. First thing you need to remember, it is not a live organism and has little-to-nothing related to it, other than the historical research experiments and confusing names derived from it. As I repeat frequently, nobody can make any natural living thing in a lab, because the current “science” claiming to do so relies on the Newtonian/standard model - utterly incapable of explaining anything alive. So, let me assure you, that what is made in a lab is not the bacillus anthracis. It is a synthetic chemical allegedly resembling a small part of the b.anthracis believed to be responsible for the nasty business - a toxin. Importantly, it is a chemical substance that can be manufactured in quantity.

    An analogy for synthetic toxins would be making artificial quills of a porcupine or teeth of a shark. You don’t need to have the whole porcupine or a shark attached to them, and you can make them sharper, longer, wider, double-edged, etc. to fashion them into a weapon. You can also devise ways of making the manufacturing process efficient, scalable and cost-effective. That’s your “gain-of-function” in a nutshell. However, since the porcupine/shark is no longer part of the picture, the weapon doesn’t walk out of the lab, and does not go into a bar to find a mate and make babies. I.e., it doesn’t spread. Even when the biodefense mafia advertises “chimeric” viruses that they made, those are also synthetic chemicals which do not reproduce or spread or “leak” by themselves. Here JD Vance’s AmplifyBio was involved in making a super dangerous chimeric Nipah-Ebola virus in a standard non-secure commercial biolab. Whatever the biodefense mafia produces needs to be deployed somehow, e.g. in aerosols, water/food, etc. The best way known to produce mass illness is by injections under pretenses of “vaccination”, just like they did with the Gulf troops.

    Part of the anthrax bacillus, a 3-protein peptide, has been identified as its nasty business end: “anthrax toxin”. This 3-component protein is an exotoxin, i.e. bacterial excrement. It consists of three factors - Lethal Factor (LF), Edema Factor (EF), and Protective Antigen (PA). The Lethal or Edema factors are benign by themselves, but in combination with the PA, the LF causes death and the EF causes edema, at least in a substantial % of experimental animals. Since these peptides are relatively small (each is about 90kDA), they are relatively stable for storage and safe when manufactured separately. So, synthetic anthrax is a chemical weapon that can be assembled from manufacturable “legal” components. This is similar to making Novichok from legal pesticides discussed above. When anthrax toxin components are assembled, it is a poison that still needs to be deployed somehow. It may have been inspired by nature, but it has nothing to do with nature. By the way, you can buy the Lethal Factor from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

    Animal studies in monkeys showed that PA+LF were lethal to monkeys above certain dosage of exposure, however, PA+EF did not kill any monkeys, but produced a “mild clinical disease”:

    Although the animals challenged with the LF and PA deletion mutants survived the challenge, they developed mild clinical disease, characterized by decreased appetite and activity level and development of a mild, dry cough during the first week to 10 days after challenge. Elevations in C-reactive protein and peripheral blood neutrophil counts were detected during a 2- to 3-week period of observation, indicating the development of an inflammatory response to the LF and PA deletion mutants. A low-level transient bacteremia was detected in a few animals during the first 7 days after challenge

    Decreased appetite, huh? You don’t say… Maybe they couldn’t smell or taste for a couple of weeks? By the way, this symptom as well as an extremely rapid weight loss are the most characteristic of the “real” illness associated with covid poisoning. Same loss of appetite and weight was reported for rats in both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vax studies. As you know, the rat is the most ravenous rodent, so to get it to stop eating… hm...

    The anthrax toxin study in monkeys quoted above was conducted at the U of New Mexico in 2014 and used both, the synthetic anthrax toxins (PA, LF, EF and their combinations), and a strain of allegedly naturally collected b.anthacis: Ames strain, aka “A.Br.Ames lineage” (huh). This strain was obtained - you guessed it! from the US Army, Ft. Detrick. This strain originates predominantly from China.

    Here are the modeled structures of the 3 components of anthrax toxin - don’t they look similar to the “spike protein”? That’s because they are also spike proteins. Left to right, Protective Antigen, Edema Factor and Lethal Factor:

    “Wuhan” spike protein is imaged by Pfizer below. I believe it is possible to synthesize proteins approximately folded in these triangle-shaped chunks in a careful lab setting, but protein folding is a whole different matter of the fake science which I will delve into at some point. What these things look like at mass production volumes in the vials or once in the body … nobody knows.

    Another crazy thing about this is that “Wuhan spike protein” is supposedly 141 kDa, while Pfizer’s faked Western blot images from their regulatory approval dossier were strangely showing heavier ~180 kDa expressed by their original “Wuhan” mRNA shot, with even heavier and some lighter pieces observed, too.

    What do I know, but the weight of the anthrax factors:

    LF (90 kDa) + EF (89 kDa) = 179 kDa.

    LF (90 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 173 kDa.

    EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 172 kDa.

    EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) + LF (90 kDa) = 262 kDa.

    As with all synthetic proteins, they will often break off smaller pieces, and can also agglomerate. However, if the declared goal is around 140 kDa then having consistently produced average around 180 kDa and a second band around 230kDa is very strange indeed. While if your goal is to make something in 179-262 kDa range, we are getting much closer.

    As we know, Pfizer never complied with the regulatory requirement that the protein allegedly induced by their injection in the human body be fully characterized.

    Other similarities with covid spike protein include the furin cleavage site on anthrax PA:

    Non-biological materials (chemical synthetics) can be used to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit.

    Non-deadly bio-mimetics fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning and then a lot of fakery to induce panic, i.e. the “element of excitement” that Rick Bright (head of BARDA) and Anthony Fauci were salivating over on the eve of faking the covid pandemic in October 2019.

    We need to understand what each poison might involve, what symptoms of poisoning may look like, and how to potentially provide first aid. Importantly, when people are aware that chemical poisoning can be used to mimic and fake “infectious outbreaks” they are less likely to fall for the stupid propaganda of “lab created viruses” or even stupider propaganda of “zoonotic jump”. I believe poisoning agents may be used to create panic, fear, claim more novel viruses, and to drive the public to yet another cycle of self destruction. I encourage all those working in the alternative health support networks to review this info and research literature on common poisons, including agricultural pesticides. I can’t do all research myself, so you will have to read and prepare your own strategies.

    Buy me a Ko-fi

    Art for today: At the Club, watercolor, 12x16 in.

    Similarities between "spike protein" and synthetic anthrax toxin. PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028. There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008. Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity. Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons. Users of the second countermeasures being the pharmacists, nurses, doctors, midwives, etc who did/do the injections falsely advertised as treatments for the first set of countermeasures. This prompted me into looking at the literature and trying to see any patterns that would indicate that some of the toxins being covered under PREP Act declarations can be used to simulate “viral pandemics”. I will briefly address the nerve agents first and then write more about interesting parallels between anthrax toxin and so-called “spike protein” purported to be the agent of both, covid illness and covid vaccine injury. Insecticides and nerve agents. This PREP Act declaration was originally issued in April 2017. Poisoning via chemical agents is a very plausible explanation of historical “pandemics” or “epidemics”. For example, there is a lot of evidence that “polio epidemic” that spiked in the US in 1943 was due to the USDA’s mass deployment of DDT in agriculture, then touted as a miracle Nobel-prize winning product. It was later banned in all developed world for causing neurotoxicity and paralysis very much like polio, but the Nobel prize remains. In the US, there are over 18,000 licenses pesticides. Organophosphates and carbamates are some of the more toxic and dangerous ones. Acute poisoning includes flaccid paralysis (polio “outbreaks” explained!) Here is a link with a number of articles on these compounds. The reason these are grouped with nerve agents is because they are the same chemical class, organophosphorus agents. G-class of nerve agents includes Tabun, sarin, soman, VX and Novichok. More recent versions of these nerve agents are so-called “binary” - they are mixed from two chemicals that are legal and can be produced and stored easily. I do not believe these types of agents were used for simulating covid outbreak. I also don’t believe that there was no unique covid illness. More details on how to think about covid illness and deaths statistics here. The most commonly reported symptoms unique to covid illness appear to be quite different from those described in the literature for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning. Since I can’t review all 18,000 approved pesticides, there are still plenty of options for “legal” chemicals to be deployed in illegal ways to fake “viral epidemics”. PREP Act declaration for anthrax. PREP Act declarations are a key part of the “pandemic preparedness” racket run by the military-industrial mafia (International Medical Countermeasures Consortium) and propagandized on all sides of freedom by characters like Robert Malone: We, the taxpayers pay for the production of chemical/biological brews manufactured to poison us and our children, while the biodefense mafia uses PREP Act to shield themselves from pesky people who refuse to be poisoned. For example the beloved baby of the CIA, DARPA and Robert Kadlec - Emergent Biosolutions is the exclusive maker of the 6-dose (!!!) healthful anthrax “vaccine” which was used to poison hundreds of thousands of US military servicemembers during the Gulf War, aka the “Gulf Syndrome”. Emergent’s contract with the DOD states that if there is NO current PREP Act declaration, then whatever Emergent has shipped to the government is “not for human use”. What needs to be understood about anthrax: it is different from anthrax. I know this is confusing, but that’s how biodefense mafia operates, on word confusion. Naturally occurring anthrax (Bacillus anthracis, b.anthracis) is a soil bacterium, which exists as a spore, typically not dangerous and not transmissible. In a period of about 10 years of targeted effort, there were 68 patients with b.anthracis infection found in China. The Chinese authors of this paper claim this proves anthrax is super dangerous and all cattle must be vaccinated, because 7 human cases/year in a country of 1.3 billion people! Mind you, nobody died. You need a substantial exposure to the spores to cause a significant risk. In addition, it is treatable by antibiotics. Even if you are a superstitious savage committed to vaccines, there is no need for vaccination at all! Anthrax vaccine manufactured by Emergent is much more poisonous than b.anthracis itself can ever be. Large scale bioterrorist attacks are not really possible with b.anthracis - you can’t collect or grow enough of this stuff reliably to cause any large scale damage. For background information I recommend watching this video by Sam Bailey on the historical fear mongering about anthrax. Note that I do not endorse her views 100%, but I think she did a very good job tracing the history of this particular fake existential crisis narrative: Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting… 3 months ago · 263 likes · 47 comments · Dr Sam Bailey Now, let’s look at the synthetic anthrax. First thing you need to remember, it is not a live organism and has little-to-nothing related to it, other than the historical research experiments and confusing names derived from it. As I repeat frequently, nobody can make any natural living thing in a lab, because the current “science” claiming to do so relies on the Newtonian/standard model - utterly incapable of explaining anything alive. So, let me assure you, that what is made in a lab is not the bacillus anthracis. It is a synthetic chemical allegedly resembling a small part of the b.anthracis believed to be responsible for the nasty business - a toxin. Importantly, it is a chemical substance that can be manufactured in quantity. An analogy for synthetic toxins would be making artificial quills of a porcupine or teeth of a shark. You don’t need to have the whole porcupine or a shark attached to them, and you can make them sharper, longer, wider, double-edged, etc. to fashion them into a weapon. You can also devise ways of making the manufacturing process efficient, scalable and cost-effective. That’s your “gain-of-function” in a nutshell. However, since the porcupine/shark is no longer part of the picture, the weapon doesn’t walk out of the lab, and does not go into a bar to find a mate and make babies. I.e., it doesn’t spread. Even when the biodefense mafia advertises “chimeric” viruses that they made, those are also synthetic chemicals which do not reproduce or spread or “leak” by themselves. Here JD Vance’s AmplifyBio was involved in making a super dangerous chimeric Nipah-Ebola virus in a standard non-secure commercial biolab. Whatever the biodefense mafia produces needs to be deployed somehow, e.g. in aerosols, water/food, etc. The best way known to produce mass illness is by injections under pretenses of “vaccination”, just like they did with the Gulf troops. Part of the anthrax bacillus, a 3-protein peptide, has been identified as its nasty business end: “anthrax toxin”. This 3-component protein is an exotoxin, i.e. bacterial excrement. It consists of three factors - Lethal Factor (LF), Edema Factor (EF), and Protective Antigen (PA). The Lethal or Edema factors are benign by themselves, but in combination with the PA, the LF causes death and the EF causes edema, at least in a substantial % of experimental animals. Since these peptides are relatively small (each is about 90kDA), they are relatively stable for storage and safe when manufactured separately. So, synthetic anthrax is a chemical weapon that can be assembled from manufacturable “legal” components. This is similar to making Novichok from legal pesticides discussed above. When anthrax toxin components are assembled, it is a poison that still needs to be deployed somehow. It may have been inspired by nature, but it has nothing to do with nature. By the way, you can buy the Lethal Factor from Thermo Fisher Scientific. Animal studies in monkeys showed that PA+LF were lethal to monkeys above certain dosage of exposure, however, PA+EF did not kill any monkeys, but produced a “mild clinical disease”: Although the animals challenged with the LF and PA deletion mutants survived the challenge, they developed mild clinical disease, characterized by decreased appetite and activity level and development of a mild, dry cough during the first week to 10 days after challenge. Elevations in C-reactive protein and peripheral blood neutrophil counts were detected during a 2- to 3-week period of observation, indicating the development of an inflammatory response to the LF and PA deletion mutants. A low-level transient bacteremia was detected in a few animals during the first 7 days after challenge Decreased appetite, huh? You don’t say… Maybe they couldn’t smell or taste for a couple of weeks? By the way, this symptom as well as an extremely rapid weight loss are the most characteristic of the “real” illness associated with covid poisoning. Same loss of appetite and weight was reported for rats in both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vax studies. As you know, the rat is the most ravenous rodent, so to get it to stop eating… hm... The anthrax toxin study in monkeys quoted above was conducted at the U of New Mexico in 2014 and used both, the synthetic anthrax toxins (PA, LF, EF and their combinations), and a strain of allegedly naturally collected b.anthacis: Ames strain, aka “A.Br.Ames lineage” (huh). This strain was obtained - you guessed it! from the US Army, Ft. Detrick. This strain originates predominantly from China. Here are the modeled structures of the 3 components of anthrax toxin - don’t they look similar to the “spike protein”? That’s because they are also spike proteins. Left to right, Protective Antigen, Edema Factor and Lethal Factor: “Wuhan” spike protein is imaged by Pfizer below. I believe it is possible to synthesize proteins approximately folded in these triangle-shaped chunks in a careful lab setting, but protein folding is a whole different matter of the fake science which I will delve into at some point. What these things look like at mass production volumes in the vials or once in the body … nobody knows. Another crazy thing about this is that “Wuhan spike protein” is supposedly 141 kDa, while Pfizer’s faked Western blot images from their regulatory approval dossier were strangely showing heavier ~180 kDa expressed by their original “Wuhan” mRNA shot, with even heavier and some lighter pieces observed, too. What do I know, but the weight of the anthrax factors: LF (90 kDa) + EF (89 kDa) = 179 kDa. LF (90 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 173 kDa. EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 172 kDa. EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) + LF (90 kDa) = 262 kDa. As with all synthetic proteins, they will often break off smaller pieces, and can also agglomerate. However, if the declared goal is around 140 kDa then having consistently produced average around 180 kDa and a second band around 230kDa is very strange indeed. While if your goal is to make something in 179-262 kDa range, we are getting much closer. As we know, Pfizer never complied with the regulatory requirement that the protein allegedly induced by their injection in the human body be fully characterized. Other similarities with covid spike protein include the furin cleavage site on anthrax PA: Non-biological materials (chemical synthetics) can be used to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit. Non-deadly bio-mimetics fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning and then a lot of fakery to induce panic, i.e. the “element of excitement” that Rick Bright (head of BARDA) and Anthony Fauci were salivating over on the eve of faking the covid pandemic in October 2019. We need to understand what each poison might involve, what symptoms of poisoning may look like, and how to potentially provide first aid. Importantly, when people are aware that chemical poisoning can be used to mimic and fake “infectious outbreaks” they are less likely to fall for the stupid propaganda of “lab created viruses” or even stupider propaganda of “zoonotic jump”. I believe poisoning agents may be used to create panic, fear, claim more novel viruses, and to drive the public to yet another cycle of self destruction. I encourage all those working in the alternative health support networks to review this info and research literature on common poisons, including agricultural pesticides. I can’t do all research myself, so you will have to read and prepare your own strategies. Buy me a Ko-fi Art for today: At the Club, watercolor, 12x16 in. https://substack.com/@sashalatypova/p-143321979
    Sasha Latypova | Substack
    I could not become a professional artist, so I became a pharma and medical device R&D executive. If you are interested in my art, visit sashalatypova.com
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